Bulletin for June 5th, 2016
Bulletin for June 5th, 2016
Divine Mercy Parish 312 Davis St., Scranton, PA 18505 / 570-344-1724 / www.divinemercyparish.us Worship Schedule Saturday……..5:00PM Sunday………….8:00AM, 11:00AM & 5:00PM Monday - Friday…………..12:10PM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 11:00AM - 11:45AM or anytime by appointment Eucharistic Holy Hour Wednesday 6:00PM Sunday Evening Prayer First Sunday of the Month 6:00PM Office Hours 9:00AM - 5:00PM Monday - Thursday 9:00AM - 3:00PM Friday Religious Education Office 5:00PM - 9:00PM Tuesday & Thursday 9:00AM - 11:00AM Sunday Fax Number: 570-344-4120 School Information All Saints Academy 570-343-8114 Holy Cross High School 570-346-7541 Office Staff Rev. Francis L. Pauselli Pastor [email protected] William Drazdowski Parish Consultant [email protected] Brittain Banull Director of Religious Education [email protected] Nicholas Katchur Director of Music [email protected] Jessica Fazzi Parish and Family Life Coordinator [email protected] Brandon Musso, William McGowan, Michael Boyko, Shaemus Lunney Michele Manzo Office Assistant [email protected] Sacristans Parish Council Assistant Groundskeepers John Segilia, Edward Fortuna, Tony DeFrancesco, Patrick Burke, Jeffery Manzo, John Rushefski, Anthony Karpinski Grounds keeping by Image One Frank Alu Ann Marie Cawley Lois Fuller Germaine Helcoski Ariel Kavulich Margaret MacArt Kathryn Moceyunas Mary Theresa Montoro Christopher Musso The Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Weekend of June 4 & 5, 2016 Page 2 THE WORD IS THE PRESENCE OF OUR LORD THROUGH SCRIPTURE, THE FOUNDATION UPON WHICH WE CAN CONTINUE TO BUILD OUR FAITH. Religious Education / Life Long Faith Formation (Advent and Lent Bible Study) / Vacation Bible School / RCIA / Children’s Liturgy of the Word ...Brittain Banull DRE Confirmation Meeting Packets Attention Confirmation Parents if you were unable to attend the meeting, on Thursday, May 19th, your Confirmation packet can be picked up in the Parish Office. 2015 Confirmation Photos Group Confirmation Photos from the 2015 Confirmation Class are available for purchase. The price per photo will be $13.00. Please contact Brittain Banull at 570-344-1724 to make arraignments to purchase a photo. First Communion Photos First Communion Photos are still available to be ordered. The final date for picture orders will be on June 5th. Please stop by the Parish Office or contact Brittain Banull at 570-344-1724 to make arraignments to purchase a photo. Vacation Bible School Information Vacation Bible School is scheduled for Monday, July 11th through July 15th. Registration will begin in the next couple of weeks. Erin Burke will again be leading our VBS team. We are seeking new volunteers and inviting back everyone who did such a great job last year. Even if you can only help one or two days please volunteer to help. The success of this parish program depends on you. If you would like to volunteer, please call Erin at 941-0703. From the Desk of Father Pauselli Congratulations to Molly Grace and Timothy Michael Gilliland who will be baptized this weekend at Divine Mercy. Molly and Timothy are the children of Steven Gilliland and Colleen Perry Gilliland. Molly Grace was born on April 6, 2014 and Timothy Michael was born on November 18, 2015. May the Lord bless Molly and Timothy on this most special occasion. Next weekend Father Ghenghan B. Mbinkar will be visiting our parish representing the Diocese of Kumbo, Cameroon for a mission cooperation Appeal. Each year a representative from a missionary group visits each parish in the diocese as part of what is called the Missionary Cooperative Plan. It is an opportunity to hear what the Church is doing in other parts of the world and to be of some help to their efforts to evangelize and bring the Gospel message to their people. George Fricovsky, a member of our parish and a highly decorated veteran now has a video you can watch on You Tube entitled “Kavulich Honors World War II Veteran”. Congratulations, George on this accomplishment. If you have not yet bought a 2016 Parish Raffle ticket associated with our picnic may I encourage you to do so now. The success of this raffle is important to the overall success of our picnic. The goal is to sell all 400 tickets. The earky bird prize will be given away on Sunday, June 12. Have a great week! St. Mary’s Villa Residence is holding an Intergenerational Villa Camp! Youth of all ages are welcome to attend a time of fellowship and fun on both Thursdays, June 16 and 30, 2016 from 2PM-3:30PM. Crafts and activities as well as snacks will be provided. To register, please call Addie Rocco at (570)795-2808. Page 3 WORSHIP IS THE TANGIBLE EXPRESSION OF OUR LORD’S LOVE FOR US AND OUR RESPONSE TO HIM IN A CONCRETE AND LOVING EXPRESSION OF FAITH. Liturgy Committee / Art and Environment / Holy Hour Eucharistic Adoration / Evening Prayer / Music Ministry / Eucharistic Ministers / Lectors / Altar Servers / Choirs / Cantors / Musicians / Ushers and Sacristans / Hospitality Mass Intentions Tuesday—6/7/2016 12:10PM Russell Albrecht Wednesday—6/8/2016 12:10PM John, Grace, and Billy Padden Requested by his mother Requested by Kathy Abdalla Requested by their family Thursday—6/9/2016 12:10PM Loretta Gibbons Friday—6/10/2016 12:10PM Joseph and Anna Kozubski Saturday—6/11/2016 5:00PM Lucille Cusick Requested by Gloria and Noel Vaughan Requested by Mimi Gajkowski Requested by Ron and Ann Talerico Sunday—6/12/2016 8:00AM Barbara Fricovsky Sunday—6/12/2016 11:00AM Daniel Donovan Sunday—6/12/2016 5:00PM Florence C. Powell Requested by her family Requested by his family Monday—6/6/2016 12:10PM James Keppick Cantor Lector Lector EM EM EM EM AS 5:00PM SAT Janet Lewis Beth DeFrancesco Dorothy Bouselli Lisa Minnichbach Gerald Phillips Patrick Tobin Carol Trapper Kate DeFrancesco Requested by her family Liturgical Minister Schedule for June 11/12 8:00AM SUN 11:00AM SUN Michael Tedesco Maria Castaldi Roseann Tedesco Loriann Pajalich Karen May Nora Phillips Mary Tigue Mary Ann Cloruri Rose Marie Kloss Ann Marie Charnogursky -----Karin Conway -----Alice DeCarlo Jack Patterson Timothy Phillips 5:00PM SUN Christina Mecca Thomas Conway Kevin Grebas Michael Abdalla Kathy Boyle ----------Michael Kovalski St. John’s Cemetery The Altar from St. John the Baptist Church has now become a permanent addition to St. John the Baptist Cemetery. We are grateful to all who were involved in moving the altar! The Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet every Monday from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the parish center. New members are always welcome. Page 4 WE ARE THE PEOPLE OF GOD. WE STRIVE TO BE THE FACE OF GOD FOR OTHERS IN OUR PARISH AND THE PEOPLE WE MEET DAILY IN OUR COMMUNITY. Parish Breakfast / Craft Fair / Calendar Party / Parish Picnic / Movie Night / Doughnut Sunday / First Friday and Lenten Friday Luncheons / Clothes Shed and Coat Drive / Easter Egg Hunt / Breakfast with Santa / Concerts Coordinating Team Members: Mary Theresa Montoro, Chris Musso, Karen Grzyboski, Jen Roever, Jessica Fazzi, Marge MacArt, Colleen Musso, and Dina Castaldi The Minooka Lions are having a raffle Saturday, July 16th, to raise funds to be able to install a gazebo in the Billy Barrett playground on Colliery Ave, in memory of Attorney Mark Walsh, who passed away 3 years ago. This project will also commemorate the Lions Centennial Celebration. Tickets are $20. There will be cash prizes of $1,000, $500, and 2- $250 prizes. Tickets are available from any Lions member or by calling Betsy Walsh, President of the Minooka Lions at 570-591-4537. Divine Mercy Parish Picnic Raffle We have moved the Early Bird Drawing to June 12 to give everyone more time to purchase a ticket! Get your ticket at the Parish Office during regular business hours or after Masses on the weekends! Parish Pastoral Council Transition Meeting The Parish Pastoral Council will be having a transitional meeting on Wednesday June 8, 2016 at 7:00 pm. Kathy Moceyunas, Lois Fuller, Marge MacArt and Ann Marie Cawley will be concluding their service in this leadership ministry. New members that will be joining the council will be Brian Price, Don Trapper, Betty Wheeler and Beth DeFrancesco. We welcome the new members and thank those who are leaving and have served for the past four years. Thank you also to those parishioners who nominated someone for consideration in the discernment process. We are hopeful that many who were involved in the process will consider sharing their time and talents in other ministries of service to our parish. The new council will be deciding on a “Listening Process” for the fall. They will seek to discover the hopes, dreams and what matters most to our parish members so that they can create a plan and action steps … as we continue to make our good parish even better. Page 5 THROUGH SCRIPTURE WE KNOW GOD CALLS US TO SERVE OTHERS. Eucharistic Outreach / Divine Mercy Table / Social Concerns Committee / Food Pantry Support / Blood Drive / Holiday Donations / Souper Bowl of Caring Coordinating Team Members: Mike Abdalla, Marguerite Coyle, Joanne Corbett, Cathy Genovese, Rose Marie Kloss, Sr. Janet Jeffers, Jessica Fazzi, and Michele Manzo The Yoga for Peace, Relaxation and Renewal Series at Divine Mercy Parish Please bring a yoga mat, a full body blanket and water. Dress comfortably in clothing that allows freedom of movement. Classes run approximately 75-minutes and are supported by use of Essential Oils and the very best in Sound Therapy. Classes are instructed by Dr. Christine E. Kiesinger. Dr. Kiesinger has been teaching yoga to all levels for nearly two decades. Her classes are comprehensive peaceinducing experiences rooted in safe, sound instruction and informed by best practices. Cost is $12 per class payable at the door. Classes are held in the Parish Center. You must RSVP to participate by calling: 570-430-3185 or 570-344-1724 as spaces are limited. Next class is: RESTORATIVE YOGA FOR DEEP REST – Tuesday June 28, 7:00PM Little Sisters of the Poor to host Tenth Annual Golf Tournament on Saturday, June 11 The Little Sisters of the Poor will host their tenth annual golf tournament Saturday, June 11, at the Scranton Municipal Golf Course, Lake Ariel. Golf tournament registration begins at noon with a shotgun start at 1 p.m. The format is captain and crew. Singles will be placed on a team. The cost is $100 per golfer which includes green fees, use of a cart, an official tournament shirt, a gift bag, a pre-tournament refreshment reception, a light meal during the tournament and a post-tournament dinner at the course clubhouse. Golfers will also have a chance to win prizes based on their performance in the tournament including a new car courtesy of Matt Burne Honda, Scranton. Several types of golf and sponsorship packages, which are great advertising vehicles, are also available including hole signs for $100 and sponsorships of $250, $500, $750 and $1,000. There will also be a grand raffle of the Sisters’ famous gift baskets as well as prizes valued at over $100. For more information, please contact Mrs. Jackie Galvin, M.S., director of development and communications, at (570) 343-4065 ext. 3144 or [email protected]. Golf registration is also available at www.littlesistersofthepoorscranton.org. Important June Dates June 8 - Parish Pastoral Council Meeting - 7:00 PM Monday • June 6 Weekday 1 Kgs 17:1-6; Mt 5:1-12 Tuesday • June 7 Weekday 1 Kgs 17:7-16; Mt 5:13-16 Wednesday • June 8 Weekday 1 Kgs 18:20-39; Mt 5:17-19 Thursday • June 9 Weekday 1 Kgs 18:41-46; Mt 5:20-26 Friday • June 10 Weekday 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-16; Mt 5:27-32 Saturday • June 11 Weekday Acts 11:21b-26, 13:1-3; Mt 5:33-37 Sunday • June 12 The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 2 Sm 12:7-10, 13; Gal 2:16, 19-21; Lk 7:36—8:3 or 7:36-50 Mass Attendance May 28 & 29 Saturday 5:00PM 246 Sunday 8:00AM 11:00AM 177 2171 5:00PM 105 Gift Bearers If you would like to bring up the gifts at the weekend Masses, please inform the usher before Mass begins. Lector Workbooks Lector workbooks can be picked up in the Parish Office during normal business hours.
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