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hodag n your Marketplace connection n www.rhinelanderinFo.coM ™ ™ ® 3680291-04 Close-up Business Your Northwoods LARGEST RV Dealer! Your Northwoods Ranger Dealer! RV & MARINE FREE 715.369.3331 wednesday, May 7, 2014 n voluMe 58 n issue 34 n rhinelander, wi Mother’s Day is Here! Senior Center rummage sale this week By Mary Ann Doyle Associate Editor There’s no better way to start off the rummage sale season than by attending the annual Senior Center Rummage Sale that will be held this Thursday May 8 through Saturday May 10. This year the event will be bigger and better than ever thanks to a new location. Organizers have been busy collecting many donated items and setting them up in the former Hancock Fabrics location within Trig’s Riverwalk. “We are so grateful to Steve Heise, manager of Trig’s in Rhinelander and to Trig Solberg for letting us use this space,” said Dianne Jacobson, senior center director. “We have had plenty of time to get set up this week and we have lots of space for all the donated items that have been pouring in.” Early last week many of these items were being set out and priced and there is something for everyone. One interesting section is called the “man cave” where tools, helmets, gardening items and much more is available. There are also several racks of gently worn clothing. Kids clothes are available as well adults, even a full rack with many different varieties of coats. For those looking for books there are plenty including kids books, cookbooks and popular fiction novels. Games are also available including those for kids of all ages, as well as a good selection of toys. Unique and useful household items are also abundant. There are select pieces of furniture including everything from cushy sofas to lamps. There is also plenty of art- Stk# RG1225 loaded... $25,995 2013 Keystone sprinter 252 5th Wheel, Loaded, Fiberglass Was $32,617 100’S of RV’s & Boats to choose from! now $22,450 2013 premier solaris 235, w/60 ELPT BF, 4 Stroke Was $31,800 now $28,550 2013 misty Harbor biscayne bay 2285 RL w/ 60 ELPT BF Was - $26,495 now $20,995 see rUMMAGE sALE, page 2 2013 Crestliner 16’ Kodiak Evinrude 40HP etec. Stk# CL1417 282 BHSSR, Loaded Was $27,643 now $19,495 $14,595 • Aldi • Culver’s • Kohls 2012 MERCURY CSI AWARD WINNER 2230 N. Stevens St. • Highway 17N Rhinelander, WI 54501 • across from Menards 715-365-7722 • Toll Free 888-311-1534 www.shoedersmarine.com RANGER • STRATOS • CRESTLINER • MISTY HARBOR • ULTRACRAFT • JAYCO • KEYSTONE • RV’S & RENTALS 05055233 2013 Keystone springdale INSERTS Not all iNserts available iN all areas • Sears • Shopko To place an advertisement or contribute editorial materials, contact the Hodag Buyers’ Guide, 24 W. Rives Street, Rhinelander, WI 54501 Phone: 715-369-3331 05054774 ranger 175t etec 75HP Tiller Page 2 • Hodag Buyers’ Guide • Wednesday, May 7, 2014 Social Security Income Optimizing Your Retirement Benefits Course Description: A comprehensive course intended to educate the community on making smart and effective financial decisions. As one of the largest sources of income for most retirees, Social Security plays a critical role in securing a stream of income for years to come. This course addresses common Social Regist Security questions such as what to consider before you apply for Online er by benefits and why the Social Security office can’t recommend the best option for maximizing your lifetime benefit. a MAY 1 nd SAV 0 $10 .0 E 0! WHERE: Nicolet College 5364 College Drive, Rhinelander, WI 54501 WHEN: Tuesday: MAY 13, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm — OR — Thursday: MAY 15, 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm COST: Tuition is $29.00 (Couples may attend for the price of one) Rummage Sale continued from page 1 work, most of which is already framed. Kitchen gadgets abound including some small appliances like toasters and blenders. There is also a good selection of bedding and blankets including some handmade crocheted afghans and blankets. Jewelry is always a favorite and there is plenty to choose from at this sale; everything from flashy earrings to broaches to bracelets. And for easy shopping each piece has been individually packaged. There is even a good selection of items for those with mobility issues, including wheeled walkers with seats and walking canes. And while there are sure to be some very good bargains here, shoppers can feel good about making a purchase as all proceeds go toward the Oneida County Department on Aging to maintain important programs for area senior citizens. “With funding cuts and tight budgets it’s more important than ever that we have these fundraising events so we can continue to provide important programs for our senior citizen’s,” said Dianne. “This sale is our biggest fundraiser all year so we try and make it as successful as possible.” Doors to the sale will open Thursday, May 8 at 8 a.m. and there will be no early sales. The sale continues on Friday at 8 a.m. Doors close at 4 p.m. both days. On Saturday, the sale continues with a $2 bag sale opening at 8 a.m. and closing at 3 p.m. For more information call the senior center at 715-369-6170. To Register, visit: www.RichnessofLife.org/WI Questions? Call: 855-703-7654 This course is being presented by David Schmitz of Northland Insurance Agency, Inc. David is an authorized Richness of Life course presenter. Courses provided to presenters by the Richness of Life Institute are for educational purposes only. Northland Insurance Agency, Inc., Richness of Life Institute and Nicolet Area Technical College are not affiliated entities. SPRING INTO ACTION BX25D B2650HSD • 23 Gross HP HP, 3-Cylinder Kubota Diesel Engine • 26 Gross HP, 4-Cylinder Kubota Diesel Engine Hodag Buyers’ Guide photo by Mary Ann Doyle Shoppers will have plenty to choose from at the annual Oneida County Senior Center annual rummage sale, which will be held this Thursday, Friday and Saturday in Trig’s Riverwalk Center. Liquor For Less EVERYDAY! L6060HST L3800HST • 62 Gross HP, 4-Cylinder, TTurbocharged Kubota Diesel Engine • 37.4 Gross HP, 3-Cylinder Kubota Diesel Engine $0 DOWN, 0% A.P.R. FINANCING FOR UP TO 60 MONTHS ON SELECT NEW KUBOTAS!* $ 9.99 1.0L Regular or Flavored QUALITY EQUIPMENT 1.0L 517 First Ave • Woodruff, WI 715-356-5156 • www.qualityequipmentinc.com Buy 1 Save $5.00 MIR Buy 2 Save $12.00 MIR Buy 3 Save $21.00 MIR K1227-01-113312-3 $ 9.99 Canadian Whisky 1.75L Now Available Reg. - Light - Ice 30pk. Cans $10.99 Mamertino White Wine Beer, Shortys Chocolate Cake - Cake 24/7oz N.R. Cherry - Salty Watermelon NEW Blue - Candy Bar 05054211 * $0 down, 0% A.P.R. financing for up to 60 months on purchases of new Kubota BX, B, L, M (excluding M108S/M96S), K008, KX, U, R, S, TLB, ZP, DM, RA and TE Series equipment is available to qualified purchasers from participating dealers’ in-stock inventory through 6/30/2014. Example: A 60-month monthly installment repayment term at 0% A.P.R. requires 60 payments of $16.67 per $1,000 financed. 0% A.P.R. interest is available to customers if no dealer documentation preparation fee is charged. Dealer charge for document preparation fee shall be in accordance with state laws. Inclusion of ineligible equipment may result in a higher blended A.P.R. Not available for Rental, National Accounts or Governmental customers. 0% A.P.R. and low rate financing may not be available with customer instant rebate offers. Financing is available through Kubota Credit Corporation, U.S.A., 3401 Del Amo Blvd., Torrance, CA 90503; subject to credit approval. Some exceptions apply. Offer expires 6/30/2014. See us for details on these and other low-rate options or go to www.kubota.com for more information. $12.99 - $3.00 MIR $13.99 - $4.00 MIR Reg. $9.99 $9.99 $7.99 750ML 2 for $12.001.0L - $12.00 MIR Vodka FREE 2 Free 1.0L After Rebate House of spirits All Wines Domestic or Import Mix or Match Buy 3 bottles Get 10% off 69 N BrowN St • rhiNelaNder 715.362.4412 MoN-Sat. 8:30-9 • SuN. NooN-6 Wednesday, May 7, 2014 • Hodag Buyers’ Guide • Page 3 Animal of the week This male Yellow-bellied Sapsucker was admitted April 22 after hitting a window. Unlike most woodpecker species, sapsuckers don’t rely on dead trees for feeding, although they do search for trees with decayed heartwood or dead limbs for their cavity nests. As the name indicates, sapsuckers rely on sap as a main food source. Just like people who tap maple trees to make maple syrup, these birds drill their wells in early spring to feed on sap moving up to the branches. After the tree leafs out, the sapsucker begins making shallower, rectangular wells in the part of the trunk that carries sap down from the leaves. They also eat insects and spiders, gleaning them from beneath a tree’s bark like other woodpeckers. The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker frequently uses humanproduced materials to help in its territorial drumming and will return to a favorite sign day after day to pound out its Morse code-like message. The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker is the only woodpecker in eastern North America that is completely migratory. Wild Instincts may be reached for injured and orphaned wildlife emergencies 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 715-362-WILD (9453). Wausau Harn’s Furniture TRUCKLOAD SALE In-Stock Custom Made Mattresses to Fit Waterbeds: Super Single $200 •Queen $360 • King $550 570 $ lanG DraWer UnitS 495 $ Full or Queen 735 Full or Queen $ (Mattress not included) (Mattress not included) (Mattress not included) Best Value! Best Comfort! Twice the Life! Finished White Cedar Bed Frame E-Z Lounger Queen Sofa Twin ............................... 390 Queen & Full .............. $440 King ................................ $460 $ ContaCt us: 715-369-3331 24 West Rives St., Rhinelander, WI 54501 2,100 classified advertising: [email protected] 715-369-3331 1,690 $ King Size Extra VintaGe Dresser, 3 wing mirror, 5 drawer chest & bookcase headboard. King Size Extra RuSTIC Dresser, 3 wing mirror, 5 drawer chest & bookcase headboard. air BeDS on DiSplaY Lay on one today and feel the Difference! Full, Queen & King sizes. Also Queen & King to fit in waterbeds. circulation: Cathy Oelrich, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Queen Starting At $ advertising: Randy Gilson Eileen Persike Ellen Azzarello [email protected] Office Hours: Lifetime Warranty • 180 Fabrics to Choose from • 10 Year Warranty • Many Stain & Hardware Choices • 12 Groups on Display Associate Editor Hodag Buyers’ Guide/ star journal Log Futon Amish & Mennonite Made Oak Bedroom Sets Made In Wisconsin [email protected] verification Experience the comfort, the support made possible by bringing the finest materials and technology together. Made In Wisconsin 495 Editorial: Bryan Rose, Editor Mary Ann Doyle, c o u n c i l At $675 $ Multi Media Channels, LLC, c i r c u l at i o n 795 7” Pillow Top Mattress Only Patrick J. Wood Certified circulation audited by Comfort SAle Twin set $595 $695 Special! Full set Queen set $795 King set $1,150 Starting Animal Scene Publisher: [email protected] ANY model “Also Available…” with General Manager: Pete Daniels [email protected] Circulation Supervisor 15 Year Guarantee $ exclusive marvelous middle construction In stock for immediate delivery. Queen Size starting at $ 1,495 795.00 $ FLIppABLE pLUSH MATTRESSES & BOx Twin Set ....................................... $300 Full Set .......................................... $375 Queen Set.................................... $415 King Set ........................................ $580 Pillow Top Twin Set ....................................... $335 Full Set .......................................... $430 Queen Set.................................... $500 King Set ........................................ $695 We’ve taken care of you, our customers for 40 years by standing behind everything we sell. You can count on us for another 40 years of great service. Locally Owned and Operated for Over 40 Years! Wausau harn’s furniture 1227 N. Merrill Ave., Wausau • 675-6991 #1 In Quality #1 In Service #1 In Standing Behind Guarantees www.wausauharns.com be We Refuse to! Undersold 05054781 W. Zane Holewinski, 27, passed away unexpectedly Thursday, May 1, 2014 at his home in Mead, Neb. A memorial service will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, May 10, 2014 at Worzella Pines Park at Lake Pacawa, 1831 Maple Drive, Plover with the Rev. Rebecca Iverson officiating. Friends may call Saturday starting at noon until the time of services at the park. A private family burial will take place in Rhinelander at a later date. Fine Handcrafted Furniture ™ mattress collection Pillow Top Firmer Queen Set made in escanaba, mich. Made in Wisconsin Made in Wisconsin 05027154 Joyce Hauser, 80, of Rhinelander, passed away May 1, 2014, at Ministry St. Mary’s Hospital in Rhinelander surrounded by her loving family. A memorial service was held for Joyce Tuesday, May 6, 2014, at the Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church with the Rev. Matthew Schoell officiating. (Carlson Funeral Home) MaDe in WiSConSin Set seven-time Winner of the consumers digest best buy aWard double sided flippable This male Yellow-bellied Sapsucker was admitted after hitting a window. (Complete obituaries will appear in the Sunday, May 11 issue of the Star Journal.) 125 $ Buy a mattress, Get a second side Free! King or Queen 4 Drawer submitted photo Obituaries TWIN Mattresses & Box Spring Mon. - Fri 9-8, Sat. 9-5 Open Sundays 12-4 pm 1/2 mile from Fleet Farm across from Kannenberg Plaza Page 4 • Hodag Buyers’ Guide • Wednesday, May 7, 2014 Walking: the old way to get fit is new again With so many fitness trends, many people might not think of walking as good exercise. Someone who isn’t thrusting a kettle bell over her head, pushing a tractor trailer tire or shaking her hips to a Top 40 dance beat in a scheduled group class isn’t cutting it, right? Well, not so fast. Walking is actually a great way to get in shape. In fact, if a person walks often enough and fast enough, the simple act of putting one foot in front of the other can satisfy the body’s daily requirement for aerobic activity. Walking may just seem like an old method of exercise; it certainly is tried and true. But quite the opposite of outdated, it seems to be making a resurgence in the health, fitness and medical worlds as a low-cost solution to the nation’s ongoing health care crisis. Renowned medical expert Dr. Andrew Weil is an advocate of walking as a crucial method of preventive care. He advocates walking as a low-risk means to optimum health. “With a consistent, brisk walking routine, you can boost your immune system, help manage weight, improve your mood and help ease depression, as well as improve cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure and prevent osteoporosis,” says Weil. “The additional benefits may be endless.” The walking movement is growing. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that between 2005 and 2010, the number of adults who walked for 10 minutes or more at least once a week rose from 56 to 62 percent – an increase of almost 20 million people. Need more convincing reasons to walk onto the bandwagon? Here’s why walking for exercise is so ideal: • Walking is what the body is designed to do. • Among all forms of aerobic exercise, walking carries the least risk of injury. • A person can walk almost anywhere, any time. • For most people, walking can be done throughout one’s life. • It’s free. • There’s no special skill, training, or equipment needed – all that’s needed is the right footwear. The buzz about walking has even reached the stars. Fitness trainer to celebrities such as Kate Walsh, Pink and Stacey Kiebler, Juliet Kaska has been known to start many of her high-profile clientele with a consistent walking routine. Kaska recommends walking as a great baseline for any fitness program, but reminds her followers to “invest in a good pair of walking shoes. They will do wonders for your posture and joints, minimizing the impact of each step. Look for lightweight flexible shoes and be sure to replace them often, especially if you’re walking every day.” A person who develops her own walking program should set her own pace. As a general rule, taking 10,000 steps a day is a great goal for improving overall physical, emotional and mental fitness. But the journey, as they say, begins with a single step. There’s no better time than now to begin. (Courtesy of Brandpoint) Should women worry about osteoporosis? The “silent thief,” more commonly known as osteoporosis, impacts 10 million Americans, with millions more suffering from low bone density. Osteoporosis is a progressive, degenerative disease that occurs when bone loss outpaces the growth of new bone, weakening the bone and increasing the risk of sudden and unexpected fractures. In fact, up to one in four men and one in two women over the age of 50 will break a bone due to osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is primarily the result of the body breaking down more bone than the amount of new bones being formed. Drop Up to 25 Pounds in 40 Days! our Space at our next • no HCG/Hormones • No Starving Yourself • 100% Natural Women’s Health Savings Evening Primrose Oil 1300mg (100 soft gels) .... $10.00 Cal. Herb-Mag (700 tab) ...................................... $8.00 Fem Reg (100 cap)............................................... $4.00 Raspberry Ketone (100 cap)............................ $14.00 & Green Coffee ext. FREE INTRO CLASS MAY 21st! Call Register! or email for Call ASAP To Iron Aspartate (100 tab)...................................... $4.00 “If you’re serious about losing weight this year, we CAN help you!” Mega Multi Complete (180 ct) ......................... $13.00 (Prices good till 5/31/14) - Dr. Ida Allen, DC - Dr. Jerod Bergman, DC Advanced Health 401 S. Pelham • Rhinelander 715-362-2300 05054655 by Eversco LTD 166 S. Stevens Street | Rhinelander, WI 54501 715-362-7044 • Open Mon-Fri 8:30 – 5:00 05054310 Carol 67 years old Lost 74 pounds! Being female is the second most significant uncontrollable risk factor for the disease, with age being the first. In fact, 80 percent of osteoporosis sufferers are women due to their lighter and thinner bone structure. Additionally, following menopause, a woman could lose up to 20 percent of her bone density. Bisphosphonates are among the most commonly used medications to treat osteoporosis. The medication works to restore the body’s balance of bone development by decreasing the action of bad cells (osteoclasts) that cause bones to break down, and increasing the production of good cells (os- teoblasts), which build bones. As with all medications, there are risks. Below are tips and information to ensure the best possible outcomes for osteoporosis patients. • Take with water: Bisphosphonates help slow the process that dissolves bone tissue, but they sometimes cause stomach irritation. Because of this, oral forms of the medication should be taken first thing in the morning with a full glass of water. Try to avoid taking food, drink or other medications for 30 to 60 minutes afterward. • Know the side-effects: Although rare, bisphosphonates can cause osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ). People with compromised immune systems – such as those on chemotherapy or HIV patients – are at the greatest risk for ONJ. Poor oral hygiene and those undergoing invasive dental procedures can also increase the potential for ONJ. As a result, medication should be stopped three months prior to a dental procedure. Those who have questions about ONJ should talk to a doctor or pharmacist. • Keep moving: An active lifestyle, including weightbearing and muscle-strengthening exercises, can help counteract the risks for, and slow down the progression of, osteoporosis. • Healthy eating: Follow a healthy, balanced diet that includes eating foods high in calcium, vitamin D and lean protein. Eating fresh fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products is also critical for promoting bone health. • Call a doctor: Individuals know their bodies best. If something seems wrong, reach out to a health care professional. If experiencing new or worsening symptoms, con(Courtesy of Brandpoint) tact a doctor immediately. Wednesday, May 7, 2014 • Hodag Buyers’ Guide • Page 5 Treat your mom for Mother’s Day! Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 11th ONE DAY SALE! Thursday, May 8th, 2014er the grow Arriving fresh from . Thursday morning . Sale starts at 8 am No early sales. All Your Favorites! Hanging Baskets 10 99 Many grea t gift idea s! Inclu ding: scarv es, jewelry, and purses . Let us pu t together a personal gift basket for your mom! while supplies last rs calenda r u o y Mark he Annual for t lant Sale! gP Beddin and Wausau r, Point Stevens th. Rhinelande 7 r 1 e y iv a R M on agle a and E u q c o in . M th May 30 trigsfloral.com Visit our website or call the number listed below for more great Mother’s Day specials and delivery options! Sensational Bouquet Dozen Rose Bouquet 999 Sweetshop Gourmet Truffles Azalea 4.5 inch 1399 899 249 or 899 4/$ GLUTEN FREE refrigerated. Trig’s Smokehouse Certified Angus Beef® Cold Water Center-Cut Sirloin Fillets 5 Cooked Shrimp 99 99 6 A Blend of Wine & Cream Watermelon 59 ¢ lb. 9 5.5 oz. lb. Wineheart Wine & Flavored Cream Liqueurs 750 ml 9 99 Chicken Cheddar Fajita Brats Large Lobster Tails 99 Cut Seedless (1 LB 8 OZ) MSG FREE 26/30 ct. ea. Relax Riesling, Cool Red, Pinot Grigio or Rose German Wines 750 ml 5 99* *After $6 mail in rebate on 3 bottles 5 24 oz. pkg. 99 lb. Risato Moscato D’Asti or Pink Moscato Moscattoos for Moms! in the Blue & Pink Bottles 750 ml 1188 EAGLE RIVER 925 E Wall St. MINOCQUA 70 West Center RHINELANDER 232 S Courtney St. STEVENS POINT 1600 Academy Ave. Open 24 hours WAUSAU 110 S 17th Ave. ea. Luccio Moscato D’Asti or Pink Moscato 750 ml 15 2/$ Page 6 • Hodag Buyers’ Guide • Wednesday, May 7, 2014 Questionable? Will the Second Story store be open this year at the Oneida County Landfill? Robert, Rhinelander We asked Freeman Bennet, Oneida County Landfill supervisor, this question. “Yes, we will have the second story open this year as we feel this is a good program and worked very well last year. It seems to help a lot of people as well as keeping things out of the landfill. The only problem we have at this time is no volunteers to run it. The people we had last year have moved on to other ventures so we are looking for more to help out. With that being said we would be happy to work around their schedule.” Fit & Fab age at any Save your eyesight By Dr. Ida Allen-Bergman Rhinelander-based chiropractor, nutritional counselor, personal trainer and pro fitness competitor I was in San Francisco for a wellness expo the other day and had a cab pick me up from the expo to take me to my hotel. He asked what the expo was about and as I began excitedly explaining all the amaz- Genuine RhinelandeR MIKE CHESLOCK Community Education Coordinator School District of Rhinelander Real life, Real people, Real results. “As a fourth generation citizen of Rhinelander, I love living here because the people are very friendly, and they will always reach out to help a fellow Hodag. I like the Star Journal and Hodag Buyers’ Guide because they are easy to work with and they create quality advertisements for Community Education programs and events.” ing things about great health and wellness and how lives can change so quickly, blah blah blah, he stopped me and said, “Being healthy is way too hard”. Whoa. I stopped myself for a second. Being healthy is my life. It’s what I live for, it’s what I teach, it’s everything to me. But sometimes I forget to take a step back and realize, that’s not the same for everyone. Maybe it does look like an insurmountable task for some of you. Maybe it feels hopeless or like a huge chore that never gets done. I want you to stop getting overwhelmed with all of the info out there. Just look at you. Make one single choice for today. Only one. And then feel good about yourself for making that one choice to catalyze change. Stop feeling guilty for not making the million other changes you want to make in one instant, but can’t. If your eyes are an issue, and you want to change that for yourself, read on and then before you go on with your day, make just one step in the right direction. Is it possible to save your eyesight? Yes, it’s possible. We’ll get to the “studies” that prove it in a minute. I have been listening to a couple of my aging relatives moan and complain lately about how horrible it is to lose their sight. I can’t even imagine. Neither my husband or I (or any of our kids) wear or need glasses and we don’t intend to-ever. The reason I am so confident about that is the countless number of patients of ours who are continually having to change their lens prescription to a lesser and lesser degree, until they no longer need them at all. That’s right, its all about ‘youngevity’ and how you treat your body on a daily basis. If you can show the body how to get younger, you win-in so many ways. I want you to know exactly how to accomplish this, but first, for you scientific evidence based people, let’s talk studies. For the past eight years, a Chinese scientist named Chung Jung Chiu has been proving his theory that may change your mind about aging and eye health. As the lead scientist at the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, his research shows that diminishing eyesight, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, cataracts and even macular degeneration, all have to do with what we are eating. The stellar news is that with just a few easy changes in your lifestyle, you can prevent the dreaded sight decline and even reverse the damage you’ve already done. Guess what? It all comes down to the sugar-and processed foods-again. In the ongoing Nurses’ Health Study, the main eye related problems have a single thing in common: a diet high in processed sugar. Eating more than 200g of carbohydrates daily makes you two and a half times more likely to develop visionary issues. In a related Australian study, those eating the highest glycemic index foods and the poorest quality carbs had a 77 percent greater risk of developing cataracts than those who ate the lower GI foods. They went on to additional studies that showed the type of fat consumed is also a factor. Processed vegetable fats eaten often may quadruple your risk, while eating deep sea fish high in omega 3’s dropped the age related macular degeneration incident by 75 percent. That’s huge. The best eye health diet is the following: eat like the mediterraneans, think pink with seafood, get lots of dark see Eyesight, page 8 05026318 TM Wednesday, May 7, 2014 • Hodag Buyers’ Guide • Page 7 replacement is imminent.” It is estimated that RIA will need approximately $80,000 to $100,000 to replace the arena’s existing cooling tower. Each year, approximately 100 youth hockey players, 40 youth figure skaters, and 65 “Learn-toSkate” participants rely on the Rhinelander Ice Arena to provide a venue in which to play, train, compete, and have fun in a healthy, athletic, and social environment. In addition, the arena offers “open skate” sessions to the general community, provides a home to the Rhinelander High School hockey team, and opens its doors to local schools for student field trips. RIA also has a significant impact on the local economy. Invitational tournaments typically generate $90,000 to $100,000 in local hotel room revenue each winter season and boost business at local restaurants, gas stations and other stores. For more information or to register a team, contact the Rhinelander Country Club at 715-365-3201 or Tim Kulhanek at 715-4019912. The cost per player is $95 (or $65 for RCC members). Non-players can also attend the live auction and cocktail hour with a $10 dinner-only ticket. The 1st Annual RIA Golf Tournament is sponsored by Printpack, Inc. Other major donors include Rhinelander Honda, Shoeder’s Marine and Jon’s Pro Shop. 51 y. 3780572-01 Rhinelander Ice Association’s first ever golf tournament will be held Sunday, May 18, 2014 at the Rhinelander Country Club. Registration is at 11 a.m. with a shotgun start at noon. The top three teams placing in each flight will receive a 75 percent prize payout. The tournament will also include: a “hockeystyle” putting contest for a chance to win $5,000 cash sponsored by Huntington Bank; a hole-in-one contest for a pontoon boat from Shoeder’s Marine; and plenty of great raffle prizes. A live auction and cocktail hour will follow the tournament, where players will have a chance to bid on a hockey jersey autographed by “The Great One” Wayne Gretzky. All proceeds from the four-person select golf scramble will go towards replacing the ice arena’s cooling tower, a critical piece of equipment that dissipates heat and helps keep ice on the rink. “The cooling tower is on its proverbial last legs,” Mike French, President of the RIA Facilities Board of Directors said. “We have been advised by our maintenance company that its ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥ Minocqua ♥ ♥ DARLING’S GIFTS ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ YOUR ADULT PARTY STORE ♥ Darling’s OPEN: Mon.-Sat. 10 am-Midnight; Sun. 10 am-11 pm ♥ ♥ 7015 Hwy. 51 S., Hazelhurst • 715-358-5683 (LOVE) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Hazelhurst “Where you get more for your $$$ ♥ ♥ E ♥ and much, much more for your HONEY!” Steldorados ♥ vens P Wausau ♥ ♥ 715-343 oint -9877 ♥ ♥ Specializing in Videos & DVDs (6,000+) ♥ Books & Magazines ♥ ♥ ♥ Bachelor/Bachelorette Items ♥ Gag Gifts ♥ Toys ♥ ♥ Greeting Cards ♥ Massage Oils & Personal Moisturizers ♥ ♥ Elegant Evening Dresses ♥ Lingerie ♥ Shoes ♥ Perfumes Darling ♥ ’s ♥ ♥ Body Jewelry ♥ Full Tobacco Shop ♥ Collector’s Swords & Knives Also ♥ Osseo (Eau Cla ♥ ♥ Alternate Lifestyle Products ♥ 25% Off Leather Jackets & Vests visit our♥ ir 715-59 e area) Super ♥ ♥ ♥ Full Hookah and Flavored Tobacco Sales 7-LOV E Stores! ♥ Remember, Always Practice Safe Love! ♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Hw Rhinelander Ice Association will host first ever golf tournament AdvertisE The Where • When • How Magazine for Outdoor Aerobic Sports in the Upper Midwest ™ Magazine 24 $ Only Engman wins April I Buy Local promotion Jim Engman has won the April prize in the I Buy Local Consumer Punch Card Promotion. Engman has won two gift certificates for membership at the Tone Zone. The Consumer Punch Cards are available at any of the participating I Buy Local Businesses. For $2, a card can be purchased, 50 percent of the proceeds from the cards are going to local non-profit organizations. Each card has a place for 10 punches. When making a purchase at a participating I Buy Local business, they will punch the card. Once the consumer reaches 10 punches,the card can be turned in to any participating business to be entered to win the monthly prize drawings. There are 25 businesses participating in I Buy Local, look for the logo at participating businesses. The goal of the program is to help show support to small and locally owned business community. These businesses help keep Rhinelander strong. For more information about the program or the Consumer Punch cards, call the Chamber at 715-365-7464 or Downtown Rhinelander at 715-362-7374. Call 715-369-3331 TODAY! 95 per year! 3 COnvenienT WAyS TO SUbSCribe! 1. PHONE: 1-888-706-4045 2. ONLINE: www.silentsports.net - click Subscribe 3. MAIL: Complete form below and mail with check or money order to: Silent Sports, 24 W. Rives Street, Rhinelander, WI 54501 1-year subscription for $24.95 2-year subscription for $41.95 3-year subscription for $54.95 Name: ____________________________________ Phone: __________________ Address: ______________________________ Email: _______________________ City: _________________________________ State: _____ Zip: ______________ CREDIT CARD INFORMATION CARD NO. EXP. DATE 3-digit sec. Authorization Signature ______________________________ OFFER CODE: PAPR SSAP *Upon renewal, regular subscription rates will apply. Silent Sports is published 12 times per year. First issue will mail within 4 weeks. Offer expires 5/31/14. ™ 05049033 Page 8 • Hodag Buyers’ Guide • Wednesday, May 7, 2014 Eyesight continued from page 6 Calendar Wednesday, May 7 Saturday, May 10 Alive to Life Conference: from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Rouman Cinema Theatre in Rhinelander. The program starts with keynote speaker, Geri Heppe. Participants will choose from a wide variety of workshops such as; Aging with Pizazz, Bale Gardening, ProActive Aging, Birds in the Bush, RV Living, Information and Anxiety Digital Overload, There’s Poison in Your Pocket, the CCC Camps and Birds of Prey. Registration fee is $17 for persons age 60 or better and $20 for anyone under age 60. Contact the Oneida County Department on Aging at 715-369-6170 or toll-free at 800-379-7499 for a registration brochure or help locating transportation or financial assistance. Registration is limited. Silent Meditation and Mindfulness: from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Treehaven. Learn the art of silent meditation, walking meditation and Qigong at Treehaven, W2540 Pickerel Creek Road, Tomahawk. A healthy lunch will be provided. Register by May 2 online at www. uwsp.edu/treehaven or call 715-453-4106. Hodag BMX Club New Riders Clinic: at 9 a.m. At 10:30 a.m. registration will be open for a free race for local racers. Registration closes at 11:30 a.m. with races to start shortly after. At 1:30 p.m. there will be a potluck picnic held at the track. For more information, visit www.hodagbmx.com or e-mail us at [email protected]. Three Lakes April Students of the Month submitted photo CLIP AND SAVE CLIP AND SAVE (Island Resort) Sunday & Monday, May 18 & 19, 2014 Cost $80 PP B & D TRAVEL CALL 715-574-3887 CLIP AND SAVE CLIP AND SAVE CLIP AND SAVE 05054919 Leave Wausau 9:30am • Merrill 10am • Rhinelander 10:30am CLIP AND SAVE CLIP AND SAVE CLIP AND SAVE Overnight-Chip inn Only CLIP AND SAVE CLIP AND SAVE The Three Lakes junior high school and high school April 2014 Students of the Month were, from left, Brianna Sanderfoot, Kali Oettinger, Michael, Jacob Ribbe, Zoe Bonack, Kyle Hoban and Director of Guidance Mr. Welhoefer. Monday, May 12 Thursday, May 15 Personal Essentials Pantry (PEP): from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. The PEP is located in the First United Methodist Church at 724 Arbutus Street, Rhinelander. The PEP supplies personal items to people who show documentation that they are currently using any food pantry, WIC, Badger Care or Food Share program. Annual Salad Luncheon: at noon at St. Anthony Catholic Church in Lac du Flambea. Hosted by the church’s Women’s Club. Cost is $10. Tickets available at door. Funds raised used to fund a scholarship at Lakeland Union High School. Tuesday, May 13 Rhinelander Women’s Club Luncheon Meeting: at noon at the Claridge. HUHS student Erin Tenderholt will speak on her Club sponsored experiences at the Wisconsin Leadership Seminar. Everyone invited. For reservations, call 715-3699180. Wednesday, May 14 Mickey Mouse Monopoly-Disney, Childhood and Corporate Power: at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. at Saint Augustine’s Guild Hall, Rhinelander. Mickey Mouse Monopoly discusses assumptions about an American institution that is synonymous with childhood pleasure. Hosted by Saint Augustine’s Episcopal Church Women. Open House Christ Lutheran School: from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. at Christ Lutheran School in Eagle River. An open house for families interested in enrolling at the school. Christ Lutheran School educates children in kindergarten through grade eight. For more information call the school at 715-479-8284 or visit www.ChristEagleRiver. org. Woodland Strings of the North Concert and Dinner: Cash bar opens at 5 p.m.; Dinner begins at 6 p.m.; Concert starts at 7:15 p.m. at Treehaven. Seating is limited. Register by May 8 online at www. uwsp.edu/treehaven or call 715-453-4106. Saturday, May 17 Shiitake Mushroom Workshop: at 10 a.m. at Kemp Station in Woodruff. Dr. Scott Bowe and Dr. Glen Stanosz (UWMadison Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology) will offer an introduction to Shiitake mushroom cultivation. Registration is required and limited to 15. There is no fee for this session. For more information or to register, contact Karla at [email protected] or 715-358-5667. Flatwater Canoeing for Beginners: from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Treehaven. Learn the basics of canoeing. This program is ideal for families and kids age 10 and older. Equipment and guided instruction is provided. Register by May 9 online at www. uwsp.edu/treehaven or call 715-453-4106. Syttende Mai (Norway’s Constitution Day) Frokost: at 11 a.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, Rhinelander. The Sons of Norway present a traditional brunch with an array of Scandinavian specialties will be featured. The cost will be $10 for adults and $4 for children under 12. Anyone interested in Scandinavian culture is welcome to attend. Reservations must be made by May 14 by calling Charlotte Schowalter at 715-487-5773. Sunday, May 18 Town of Pelican Community Club–Pancake Breakfast: from 9 to 11 a.m, at the town of Pelican town hall located at 4093 Highway P, east of Rhinelander. Pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, hash browns, toast, beverages and raffles will be offered. All are welcome. For more information, call 715-362-6824. Monday, May 19 Northwoods Knitters and Purlers Meeting: at 12:30 p.m, at the Woodruff Town Hall off Hwy 47 in Woodruff. This meeting is open to all who have an interest in knitting and offers something for everyone from beginner to advanced. For more information, call Heather at 715-356-6232. Tuesday, May 20 Clean Boats Clean Waters Workshop: from 1 to 3:30 p.m. in Minocqua, 415 Menominee St., 2nd Floor, Boardroom (above library). Held by the Oneida County Land and Water Department. Workshops will introduce volunteers to a new form and a new approach toboaters, and will include a local DNR warden on hand to answer any AIS law enforcement questions. Reserve a spot by emailing msadauskas@ co.oneida.wi.us or calling 715-369-7835. leafy greens and antioxidant filled berries (gogi, blue, and blackberries) and add turmeric as a spice daily. Not that hard, right? Notice though that there are zero processed carbohydrates, process oils or processed sugars involved. Of course there are supplements that can help once your diet is going in the right direction, but understand that you’re wasting your time and money if you’re taking any herbs or supplements without changing your foundational health with your diet. It still amazes me when a patient comes into my office and wants to just ‘take something’ to fix what ails them. Sillyness. The top of the list for great eyes for life include: A, C, E, Omega 3s, B complex, folate, alpha-lipoic acid, zinc, bilberry, ginkgo biloba, chromium and magnesium. Make sure they’re a whole food source and do not contain exipients like magnesium stearate. Of course getting your rear end moving is also a factor. Sweat and movement are nearly as important as good food and clean water. But it doesn’t have to be hard. I’m in love with my 10 minute workouts right now. Easy, fun and get the job done. At the end of the day, you’re the only one who can make the changes needed to create youngevity for yourself. Pick one change you can make today, and stick with it. You’re worth it. The information provided by Dr. Allen-Bergman in this column or by any of her businesses, agents or employees, is for educational purposes only and should not be interpreted as recommendations for a specific treatment plan, product, course of action or medical treatment/advice. If you would like further information on this or any other articles, visit EducatingWellness.com. Send questions to [email protected] or mail to Fit & Fab, Star Journal, 24 W. Rives St., Rhinelander, WI 54501. All submissions will be treated in a confidential manner. Wednesday, May 7, 2014 • Hodag Buyers’ Guide • Page 9 Celebrate Mother’s Day 8 $ 95 13 Brunch 10 - 2pm per person 5 $ 95 7 05055472 23 50 The Eric Schneider Quartet Give Mom Her Favorite Things Friday & Saturday May 9 & 10 Forth’s Spring Vase for Mom 49 Cocktails, Dinner or “Just Listening” Casual seating in the Three Coins Dining Room 95 05054494 Gift Certificates! OPEN Mother’s Day 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. 410 N. Brown St., Rhinelander Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-5:30; Sat. 8-4 • www.forthfloral.com Sunday, May 11th - Celebrate Mother’s Day with an elegant Brunch Buffet 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Chef Tom’s Evening Specials 5-8:30 p.m. -Reservations Requested- 800.261.1500 715.369.1500 05054012 362-7600 • 1-800-382-4942 Tickets $20 Music begins at 7:30 p.m. $2 off Sweet! any 8” Cake $4 off any 10” or Sheet Cake 05054016 z z Ja $ Mother’s Day $3 off Mother’s Day Weekend of A big selection of large, lush hanging baskets grown in our greenhouse. Make Her any Log Cake Mon.-Fri. 10-6 Sat. by appt. only Forth’s Hanging Baskets $ Reservations Appreciated 362-2230 715-362-2400 Dining Room and Bar will be closed Sunday evening from 1395 $ ½ mile east of Wal-Mart, just off Cty. Hwy. P, Rhinelander Gift Certificates Available! Don’t Forget Mom! Reservations Appreciated 70 N. Stevens Street, Rhinelander 1295 New customers get 2 FREE sessions with purchase of tanning package. Plus Dessert Table Featuring Homemade Creations in the Days Inn and Suites Chef-Carved Old Fashioned Ham, ChefCarved Slow Roasted Roast Beef, Burgundy Tenderloin Beef Tips, Broasted Chicken, Garlic and Chive Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Green Bean Almondine, Corn, Full Salad Bar with Chef-Tossed Greens, Potato Salad, Coleslaw, Dinner Rolls $ Jump Start your Tan NOW! children under 9 715-362-7100 Dinner Buffet 4 to 8 pm Sorry, regular dinner menu not available Mother’s Day • Cruisin’ Fried Chicken • Ham • Beef Medallions w/ Bourbon Sauce • Shrimp • Broiled Fish • Bacon & Sausage • Home Fries • Scrambled Eggs • Fresh Fruit • Pasta Salad • Tossed Salad • Mashed Potatoes • Dressing • Gravy • Vegetable Restaurant Brunch Buffet 9 am to 2 pm Fresh Scrambled Eggs, Center-Cut Bacon, Sausage, Chef-Carved Old Fashioned Ham, Corned Beef Hash, French Toast with Maple Syrup,American Fries with Green Peppers and Onions,Toast, Broasted Chicken, Garlic and Chive Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Full Salad Bar with Chef-Tossed Greens, Potato Salad, Coleslaw, Dinner Rolls Tired of Waiting for Warmer Weather to get tan? Full Breakfast Buffet $ 95per person $ 95children under 9 8 - 9:45 am Join Us Must present ad at time of purchase. Expires 5/11/14 818 Lincoln, Rhinelander 715-369-3663 05054254 We’re Cleaning House! 75% OFF Great Selection of Winter Apparel & Accessories Jag Jeans/Cords Were $69 - $89 Now $35 75% OFF Girl’s Winter Apparel Come See Our Fresh, New Summer Arrivals www.HolidayAcres.com 4060 S. Shore Drive | 3 miles east of Rhinelander Take Hwys. 8 & P | Follow the signs to holiday Acres “Like” Us 61 N. Brown St. • Downtown Rhinelander • 715-369-2111 • Open Mon-Sat 05054484 other’s Day M Sunday, May 11, 2014 As seen in the New York Times 05053888 Sunday, May 11 Rob & Amy Welcome you to SWEARINGEN’S Page 10 • Hodag Buyers’ Guide • Wednesday, May 7, 2014 Business Opportunities Help Wanted Dave’s County Market has an opening for a Full-Time Night Supervisor. Must be self-motivated, customer service driven, with the ability to manage other employees. The position requires the ability to work 2nd shift hours and weekends. Experience is preferred. General Employment (No phoNE callS plEaSE) 05024060 E.o.E Part-time HousekeePers/ Dietary aiDe Part-time Housekeepers/ Dietary Aide: Variable shifts, every other weekend Call 715-356-6016, or send resume to: OTR & REGIONAL DRIVERS NEEDED .44 Base Pay + Mileage & Safety Bonus. PC Miler Practical Miles, Home Weekly, No Forced Dispatch, No Hazmat. 401K. Kohel Interstate Transport Corp 1425 E. Ramsdell St., Marion, WI 54950. For more Info Call: Steve at 800-290-4440 Ext 9 DRIVERS – OTR Midwest Regional runs, Home weekends. Insurance, Vacation, 401K. Midwest Express, Inc. 800-2362621 General Employment 7110 BRIAR HOUSE seeking year 'round, hard working, friendly sales associate/espresso barista. Involves some lifting. Must be able to work Saturdays. 15-20 hours/week. Apply in person, 634 Keenan St., Rhldr. or call 715-369-2498. WCAN (Wisconsin Community Ad Network) and/or the member publications review ads to the best of their ability. Unfortunately, many unscrupulous people are ready to take your money! PLEASE BE CAREFUL AN SWERING ANY AD THAT SOUNDS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE! For more information, or to file a complaint regarding an ad, please contact The Department of Trade, Agriculture & Consumer Protection 1-800-4227128 (wcan) ARE YOU a licensed Stylist or Nail Technician looking to set your own hours? Booth rental now available at high traffic location. Call 715-362-2400. Work at Home 7130 $1000 WEEKLY PAID IN ADVANCE!!! MAILING BROCHURES or TYPING ADS for our company. FREE Supplies! PT/FT. No Experience Needed! www.HelpMailingBrochures.com Professional & Technical Cleary has been building solid relationships for over 36 years for good reason — we treat our Clients like family. MAKE A DIFFERENCE Personals 7025 7135 OTR DRIVERS WANTED Above Average Mileage Pay Including Performance and Safety Bonuses. Health/Dental/ Vision/HSA/ Matching 401K/Vacation Pay & Holiday Pay. *Avg 2500-3500 Miles/Wk *100% No Touch *12 Mo CDL/A Exp Preferred 1-888-545-9351 EXT 13 Jackson WI www.doublejtransport.com (wcan) CALL US FOR A FREE CONSULTATION! MINOCQUA / WOODRUFF, WI 715-358-2510 BUILDING SALE! FEATURING: 7005 PREGNANCY HELP-LINE, Northwoods Life at 715-361-2533. Building pictured is not priced in ad. Crew travel required over 50 miles. Local building code modifications extra. Price subject to change without notice. 40 PSF Roof Snow Load. E.O.E. Announcements LEAD CARPENTER Wantedmust have valid driver's license and tools. Call for more info, 715367-4711. Drivers: Growing Company! Midwest Weekly and Bi-weekly schedules available, 100% Employer PAID Group Health Coverage! All Terminals have driver facilities. Class-A w/OTR Exp. www.FortuneTransportation.com Call Tony: 1-800-999-6188 Diane Pieniazek or Lynn Kolling: [email protected] - [email protected] or 9969 Old Hwy 70 Road, Minocqua, WI 54548 05050461 7110 SMALL COMPANY ATMOSPHERE BIG COMPANY BENEFITS! Run Midwest/Southeast. Guaranteed Hometime! Avg. up to .43 cpm. Apply Today 800-2270020 Drop off resume’ at our Service Desk or mail to: 300 E. 1st Street, Merrill WI 54452 7105 HELP WANTED Make $1000 a week mailing brochures from home. Helping Home Workers since 2001. Genuine Opportunity! No experience required! Start Imm e d i a t e l y ! www.hiringmailers.com (wcan) 30'x45'x13' • $13,630 42'x72'x15' • $24,961 60'x112'x17' • $53,810 800-373-5550 I ClearyBuilding.com UNIQUE WISCONSIN COOKBOOK Over 800 recipes from Wisconsin's great Northwoods. Published by the Star Journal Newspaper. Hardcover, spiral bound. Special price $21.95 plus tax & shipping. 715-369-3331 Entertainment Craft Sales 7204 MOTHER’S DAY CRAFT & VENDOR EVENT Sat. May 10th 9am-2pm Over 30 Craft & Vendors to shop from Sabre Lanes, 1330 Midway Rd., Menasha Flea Markets 7210 FLEA MARKET SUNDAY SHAWANO (Fairgrounds) 7am4pm 715-526-9769 zurkopromotions.com HATFIELD FUN FLEA MARKET & CRAFT SHOW May 10th & 11th Info: 608-989-2275 Computers & Electronics 7216 My Computer Works - Computer Problems? Viruses, Spyware, Email, Printer Issues, Bad Internet Connections - FIX IT NOW! Professional, US Based Technicians. $25 off Service. Call for Immediate Help. 888-885-794 4 (wcan) Appliances 7234 APPLIANCE REPAIR We fix it no matter who you bought it from! 800-624-0719 (wcan) Carpeting & Flooring 7238 7035 Meet singles right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 800-387-3590 (wcan) Rummage Sales This Week 7200 ANNUAL ONEIDA COUNTY Senior Center GIANT Rummage Sale at Trig's Riverwalk Centre (old Hancock Fabrics store), 232 S. Courtney St., Rhinelander. Thurs. & Fri., May 8 & 9, 8-4 and Sat., May 10, 8-3. Clothes, furniture, books, small appliances, knick-knacks, toys and much more. Bag sale Sat. 8-3. RH- 4788 Hilltop Rd. Multi-family sale Fri., May 9, 4:30-7 & Sat., May 10, 7:30-12. Any weather! Clothes: baby boy, girl's 2T-3T, 4T-5, 12-16. Ballet shoes, toys, kid's tool bench, scrapbooking, household, Tupperware, misc. tools, building supplies, speakers, antique cook stove. 1.5 mi. from Nicolet College, left on Hilltop. INSTALLING And Refinishing HARDWOOD FLOORING Beautiful & Durable Free Estimates 715-848-2700 or 715-253-2525 Lumber 7242 HISTORIC PHOTOS NORTHERN WISCONSIN Hardcover, glossy book includes over 300 photos from Northern Wisconsin's glorious past. Fishing, hunting, commerce, events, families and much more. Presented by the Star Journal Rhinelander, WI Special price Only $39.95 plus tax & shipping. 715-369-3331 Credit Card Orders Accepted Executive Administrative Assistant Rhinelander OPENING SUMMER 2014 Now hiring for the following part-time positions: Cooks, Waiters, Host/Bartenders, Bussers, Dishwashers and Maintenance Apply at trigs.com 05055350 Immediate opportunity – If you have a passion for communication then we have a full time position for you. Duties include: provide professional administrative support to executive team and board of directors, website maintenance, social media, and brochure layout and design. Develop marketing communication and publications for membership and media. Must be able to prioritize and work without close supervision. Proficient with Dreamweaver, InDesign, Microsoft Office, and database software. Handle sensitive information with integrity and confidentiality. Research grants and support grant application submission. Qualifications include education or prior experience at executive level administration. Ability to write, speak and interact clearly and professionally. Competitive salary and benefits with generous PTO and pension plan. Submit via mail or email cover letter and resume with salary history to: [email protected] YMCA of the Northwoods 2003 E. Winnebago St. Rhinelander, WI 54501 Wednesday, May 7, 2014 • Hodag Buyers’ Guide • Page 11 FORKLIFT OF THE WEEK 04 Hyundai HBF25-II Low Hours ! All Forklifts 60 Days Drive Train Warranty For Detailed Information please go to www.forkliftmgmt.com or call 715-843-LIFT(5438) PARTS* SERVICE * SALES Authorized Hyundai Dealer Serving Wisc. & Upper MI. Tools & Equipment 7254 FOR SALE- Steel Tracks for New Holland Skid Steer LX565; DR Power Wagon, elec. start, hydraulic lift & access., like new cond. 715-277-3698. Sporting Goods 7260 FISH STOCKING: Brook & Rainbow Trout all sizes! Perch-Hybrid Bluegills-Crappies-BassMinnows. 715-882-8176 Misc. Merchandise 7266 3’-12’ Evergreen & Shade Trees. Pick Up or Delivery! Planting available! DETLOR TREE FARMS 715-335-4444 (wcan) BLUE INDIA PEAFOWL Cocks & Hens Also- Canery Hens. Barron WI 715-205-0357 BUYING BUYING BUYING Household estates Jewelry, coins, collections, antiques, art, pottery, tools, fishing equip., entire estates 715-8035104 1995 DODGE 2500 Diesel, $5,000 OBO; US Foster pellet stove, $300. Call 715-362-4735. ENJOY 100% guaranteed, delivered to the door Omaha Steaks! SAVE 74% PLUS 4 FREE Burgers - The Family Value Combo Only $39.99. ORDER today 800931-1898. Use code 49381GVT or www.OmahaSteaks.com/ sp25 (wcan) HOT DOG Cart for sale. Many extras. Call 715-401-2789 or 715420-0735. Leave message. KILL BED BUGS! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killer Complete Treatment Program or Kit. Available: Hardware Stores. Buy Online: homedepot.com KING SIZE pillow top box spring & mattress, $150; queen size pillow top box spring & mattress, $100. 715-356-3717. NORTHERN OVERHEAD Rhinelander's only locally owned & operated GARAGE DOOR SERVICE for over 10 years. Installations & repairs. Fully insured. Sr. Citizen discount. Call now for preventative maintenance. Thank you for your continued support. (715)369-5576 PROM DRESS SALE! Hundreds Of Dresses. Save $50 to 50% OFF. Edith’s Fond du Lac & Princess Prom, Fox River Mall, Appleton. www.ediths.com (wcan) SHARI’S BERRIES - Order Delicious Strawberries for Mother’s Day! SAVE 20% on qualifying orders over $29! Fresh Dipped Berries starting at $19.99! Visit www.berries.com/happy or Call 800-975-3296 (wcan) Merch. Wanted to Buy 7268 Cash for unexpired DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! Free Shipping, Best Prices & 24 hr payment! Call 1-855-440-4001 English & Spanish www.TestStripSearch.com TOP CASH PAID FOR OLD GUITARS! 1920's thru 1980's. Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, D'Angelico, Stromberg, and Gibson Mandolins/Banjos. 1-800-401-0440 WANTED TO BUY! ANTLERS, HEAD MOUNTS and any other taxidermy work! 920-731-9616 Horses 7274 HORSE AUCTION! Friday MAY 9TH @ 6:30pm. Coggins Required. WILLOW SPRINGS Nichols, WI 920-525-2662 Miscellaneous Pets 7278 KEEP YOUR PET HAPPY, Healthy, and Protected. Call 800403-7195 Now and get a free Pet Insurance Quote for your Dog or Cat. Choose Up to 90% Reimbursement. Get Special Multiple Pet Discounts (wcan) Auctions 7282 Farm Equipment 7286 Farmall A, very good cond., Volt wide belt pully, firewood buzz saw, $1200. Egg incubator table models, 40 egg cap., $100 each, 1000 egg cap., $500 each. 715-6753758, email [email protected] TYM COMPACT TRACTORS *0% Interest Financing *5 Yr Power Train Wrnty *Mitsubishi Diesel Engine *Rugged 4 Wheel Drive *Avail Loader/Backhoes *Trades Always Welcome BADGER MARINE 715-886-3308 www.BadgerMarine.com STOP RE-ROOFING AND SIDING YOUR HOME FOREVER!!!!! SEAMLESS STEEL HAS A LIFE TIME WARRANTY ABC SEAMLESS IS YOUR SOLUTION TO MAINTENANCE FREE ROOFING AND SIDING NO ✘ Painting ✘ Scraping ✘ Sanding ✘ Staining JUST ✔ Fishing ✔ Golfing ✔ Biking ✔ Traveling ✔ Vacationing ✔ Boating ✔ Water Skiing ✔ Shopping ✔ Camping ✔ Hiking Schedule a no-cost, accurate quote from an ABC Seamless Professional today and ask about our Financing Program! Just Call The Duck 715-384-4726 05054047 7248 WILL BUY Standing Timber/ Wooded 40 acres or more. Northern WI or Upper MI. Highest prices paid. Close in 30 days. Send to: PO BOX 544, Rhinelander, WI, 54501. (wcan) Dogs 7272 AUS TERRIER PUPS 4mo Blue/Tan M/F’s, 1-F Red $350. [email protected] 715-822-8872 DO YOU HAVE ITEMS TO SELL? .... GET RESULTS! Affordable advertising that fits your budget! Reach OVER 300,000 homes! Place your ad in MANY weekly Wisconsin Shoppers & Buyers’ Guide papers for as low as $36.00 Call today! Publishers Development Service, Inc. (PDS, Inc.) 18 0 0 - 2 3 6 - 0 7 3 7 w w w . p d s a d n e t . c o m GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS AKC OFA. Exc Temperament. Import Stock. Guar’d. 715-537-5413 www.jerland.com #268001-DS (wcan) Golden Doodles & small nonshed breeds. $350-$500 920693-8635/920-905-4718 Lic#267255-DS Yorkshire Terrier puppies for sale. 1 male, 1 female. Dew claws removed, tail's docked. If interested call (715)432-2190 NORTH CENTRAL SALES AUCTIONS ANNUAL SPRING CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Saturday, May 10, 2014 at 9:00 AM. U.S Hwy 45, Aniwa, WI. 54408 Auctioneers Note: We will be accepting items up until Friday 9th. Cut off is by 7:00 pm. MANY ITEMS ALREADY CONSIGNED FROM THESE CATEGORIES: EQUIPMENT, TRACTORS & MACHINERY, FARM RELATED ITEMS, TRUCKS, UTV`S & ATV`S, BUILDING MATERIALS, TOOLS, SPORTING GOODS, LAWN MOWERS, LAWN & GARDEN ITEMS, SMALL & LARGE ANIMALS, NEW & USED HORSE TACK, Details at www.northcentralsales.com or call 715-610-7999 Farm Equipment 7286 8' IH grain drill; 8' Brillion seeder; 12' field cultivator; 10' AC disc, needs work; 12' light drag; 1085 M.F. tractor, w/cab, 80 hp. Call 715-362-5905. 05050713 Still Available on 1st and 2nd Shift! Full and Part-Time Positions Drs. Foster & Smith, is seeking qualified candidates for positions currently available in their Call Center, Fulfillment and Warehouse departments. • Order Pickers & Stockers while performing the duties employees are regularly required to stand, bend, walk and include repeated lifting & pushing/pulling of up to 50 lbs. They should also have good mathematical skills and will also have the ability to work safely and efficiently in a fast paced, high volume environment. • Stocker Drivers use an order picker or other powered industrial equipment to put away mixed pallets of products and supplies. Stock shelves, records product movements, face shelves, and maintains a clean and safe work area. Experience preferred but not necessary, heavy lifting, accuracy, and dependability required. Ability to perform the physical and environmental demands of the job, including repeated lifting of up to 50 lbs. Must have strong mathematical skills for counting, adding, multiplying, and dividing and have the ability to work safely and efficiently in a fast paced, high volume environment. • Call Center Agents possess friendly and courteous communication skills, a desire to provide quality customer service in a call center environment, accurate typing ability, computer experience, and the flexibility to work rotational weekends. • Fulfillment Supervisor (1st shift) responsibilities include maintaining order quality and production standards, employee development, and safety compliance/policies. Applicants must have three or more years experience as a supervisor or a minimum 2 year degree in a related field. Applicant must have strong leadership, communication, and problem solving skills with a commitment to excellent customer service. Training will be provided for all positions. Fulltime benefits include Health, Dental, Vision, and Life Insurance, 401K, Paid Breaks and a generous Employee Discount just to name a few. Pick up an application or send your resume to: 05051180 Comm. & Industrial Attn: Human Resources • 2253 Air Park Rd. • PO Box 100 • Rhinelander, WI 54501-0100 [email protected] EOE Page 12 • Hodag Buyers’ Guide • Wednesday, May 7, 2014 7300 Do you owe over $10,000 to the IRS or State in back taxes? Get tax relief now! Call BlueTax, the nation’s full service tax solution firm. 800-671-9189 (wcan) REDUCE Your Past Tax Bill by as much as 75%. Stop Levies, Leins, and Wage Garnishments. Call The Tax DR. Now to see if you qualify. 800-819-0736 (wcan) Heath Care Services 7310 Medical Guardian - Top-rated medical alarm & 24/7 medical alert monitoring. For a limited time, get free equipment, no activation fees, no commitment, a 2nd waterproof alert button for free & more! Only $29.95 per month. 800-281-6138 (wcan) Child Care Offered 7311 LICENSED FAMILY Daycare has two openings age 6 weeks & up. I offer a safe, loving, caring environment with 21 yrs. exp. Preschool curriculum, country atmosphere, food program & large playground. Daily activities incl. learning experiences with developmentally appropriate goals for each child's individual development. Check out m y w e b s i t e a t kountrykidsdaycare.com. Call today! 715-369-8999. AUCTION SOURCE To have your auction appear in this section, call 715-369-3331 Another Auction with Col. René Brass WEB: www.colrene.net 05053760 Another Auction with Col. René Brass WEB: www.colrene.net Lovely country home near Lake Metonga to be sold RegaRdLess of pRice! Sun. May 25 (10:30) Crandon, WI (Forest Co.) 1 mile south on HWY 55 to 700 Zinzer Rd. 3 bedroom home within walking distance of Lake Metonga features log siding, metal roof, wood tongue + groove interior + a 2 car garage. ALL BEING SOLD REGARDLESS OF PRICE/ NO RESERVE. Showings by appointments. Order Dish Network Satellite TV and Internet Starting at $19.99! Free Installation, Hopper DVR and 5 Free Premium Movie Channels! Call 800-597-2464 REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL! Get a whole-home Satellite system installed at NO COST and programming starting at $19.99/mo. FREE HD/ DVR Upgrade to new callers, SO CALL NOW! 888-544-0273 (wcan) Landscaping & Lawn upon paper completion. (10% buyer’s fee). Bidders must request bid form by calling St. Louis Auctions, LLC. 715-367-1668. (6728 Whitefish Lk. Rd., Three Lakes,WI 54562). R.W.a.’s: Col. René Brass (#424), Col. Robert St. Louis (#450) sT. LoUis aUcTioNs, LLc 715-367-1668 05054545 7326 SPRING SALE LANDSCAPE TREES & SHRUBS 20% Off Maples, Oaks, Crabapples, Willows. Great Selection at Low Prices. For Details Call TOLL FREE 888-803-TREE (8733) or Write: WOODSTOCK NURSERY, N1831 Hwy. 95, Neillsville, WI 54456 7328 For your forestry needs, helping create a better tomorrow - TODAY! - M.F.L. Harvesting - Selective Harvesting - Wildlife Management - Forest Health Improvement - Certified Foresters/ Licensed Realtor Grezenski Forest Products 3158 County Rd. X North Stevens Point, WI 54481 Misc. Services Offered 7334 DIRECTV, Internet, & Phone From $69.99/mo + Free 3 Months: HBO® Starz® SHOWTIME® CINEMAX®+ FREE GENIE 4 Room Upgrade + NFL SUNDAY TICKET! Limited offer. Call Now 888-248-5961 DO YOU NEED TO ADVERTISE? Make ONE call to affordably advertise in 79 Wisconsin Shoppers & Buyers’ Guides! Reach nearly 1.6 MILLION households! As low as $2.27 per paper! Call us today! Publishers Development Service, Inc. (PDS, Inc.) 1-800-2360737 www.pdsadnet.com (wcan) IS YOUR IDENTITY PROTECTED? It is our promise to provide the most comprehensive identity theft prevention and response products available! Call Today for 30-Day FREE TRIAL. 800-6325317 (wcan) ROTARY INTERNATIONAL – A worldwide network of inspired individuals who improve communities. Find information or locate your local club at www.rotary.org. Brought to you by your free community paper and PaperChain. Safe Step Walk-In Tub Alert for Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. AntiSlip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 888-9604522 for $750 Off. (wcan) Meet singles now! No paid operators, just people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages, connect live. FREE trial. Call 1-877-737-9447 ProFlowers- Enjoy 33% off our Mother’s Day Spectacular Bouquet with FREE Chocolates! $19.99 plus s/h. Plus, as a special bonus take 20% off all products over $29! Go to www.Proflowers.com/ActNow or call 800315-9042 (wcan) Basement Services 7340 Email: [email protected] COMPLETE BASEMENT & Crawl Space Repairs & Replacement; Leveling & Raising of buildings; House Moving & Underpinning. Complete Mason Contracting. Your Trusted Local Choice for Over 80 Years. Lassig Brothers Construction (715)362-4175 Web: grezenskiforestproducts.com Electricians 715-344-0878 1-866-344-0878 Fax: 715-344-1470 Misc. Services Offered 7334 10% of Americans have a drug/ alcohol addiction. YOU can’t fight it alone! Start your recovery now. Most insurance accepted. Call 800-849-0986 (wcan) AIRLINES ARE HIRING – Train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid for qualified students – Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888-686-1704 Quality Materials Quality Craftsmanship 7350 HEXT ELECTRIC Over 25 years experience. Reasonable. Free Estimates. 24 Hour Service. Call (715)282-5947 Home Building Supply 7358 SPECIAL pricing on Interior Liner Panel! Savings on exterior Metal roofing panels. Trim Manufacturing in house. Screws & accessories in stock. SQUARE DEAL METAL SALES Athens WI 715-257-1004 MEYER Quality Service Terms: $5,000 down payment non-refundable cashier’s check. Closing 7324 DISH TV Retailer. Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where available). SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 800-3743940 (wcan) Tree Services Ike Korst passed away. (Most items excellent!) Sat., May 10 Starts 10:30 AM (View 9:30) (Lunch) 11 miles West of Tomahawk, WI on Hwy. 8 to Honey Rd., left 2 miles to Forrester Rd. #W8880 (Tripoli, WI.) ‘47 Ford Coupe, a like new antique Ford flathead motor, like new ‘09 Pontiac G6 car w/many extras & great mileage! Tools, lawn tractor, guns, new 40 gun fireproof safe, like new Kawasaki (KLR250) on-off road dual sport bike, regulation slate top pool table, like new Persian rug (pd. $10,000.00), antique Pepsi machine, player piano, old glass & dishes, other antiques, home furnishings, & more! See website for full list! Terms: Cash or good check. Credit cards w/4% convenience fee. Sales tax charged. Auction conducted by St. Louis Auctions LLC, 6728 Whitefish Lk. Rd., Three Lakes, WI 54562. PH: 715-367-1668. R.W.A. Col. Rene’ Brass #424,Col. Robert St. Louis #450. ST. LOUIS AUCTIONS, LLC • 715-367-1668 Satellites & Antennas DirecTV - 2 Year Savings Event! Over 140 channels only $29.99 a month. Only DirecTV gives your 2 YEARS of savings & a FREE Genie upgrade! Call 800-3202429 (wcan) INC. Money to Lend ARE YOU in BIG trouble with the IRS? Stop wage & bank levies, liens & audits, unfiled tax returns, payroll issues, & resolve tax debt FAST. Seen on CNN. A BBB. Call 800-601-2165. (wcan) Heating & Cooling 7362 Misc. Real Estate for Rent 7442 DIRTY DUCTS? Don't forget your ducts Call Refined Duct Cleaning Free Estimates, Reasonable Rates. 715-218-5164 PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: Misc. Home Improvement 7374 All Things Basementy! Basement Systems Inc. Call us for all of your basement needs! Waterproofing, Finishing, Structural Repairs, Humidity and Mold Control. FREE ESTIMATES! Call 888-9298307 (wcan) ONE CALL DOES IT ALL! Fast and Reliable Handyman Services. Call ServiceLive and get referred to a pro today: Call 800-604-2193 (wcan) Apartments for Rent 7400 HISTORIC WEST ElementaryBeautiful 2 bdrm., 1300 sq. ft. unit w/laundry hook-up & garage. 55+, smoke-free. Avail. May 1. Must be at or below 50% of Oneida County median income currently $18,400 for singles & $21,040 for couples. Call 715-365-7979 for application or more information. Rhinelander Housing Authority. Equal Housing Opportunity. RETIREMENT APARTMENTS, ALL INCLUSIVE. Meals, transportation, activities daily. Short Leases. Monthly specials! Call (877) 210-4130 Homes for Rent 7409 FOR RENT: Sugar Camp- 1 bdrm. furnished year 'round cabin. $500/mo., heat & electric incl. Sec. deposit & lease required. No pets. Avail. Now. 715-272-1666 after 12 noon. Manufactured Homes 7412 2013 CLOSEOUT MODELS Don’t Wait!!! One of a Kind - Starting at $46,000 Base Price. 866-4331442 PerretHomesInc.com Commercial For Rent 7430 All real estate advertised here-in is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violations of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. Homes For Sale 7454 NEGOTIABLE PRICE for quick sale- structure to be moved. Small 800 sq. ft. 2BD/1BA house. Would very much like to have it sold & moved by Oct. 1st. If this is of any interest to you, please call 715-499-4776, evenings or weekends. Manufactured Homes 7460 NEW 1 Bedroom $25,984 New 2 Bedroom $29,984 New 3 Bedroom $31,984 Price Includes Delivery Quality Homes, Tomahawk 715-453-6613. Website: qualitymh.com WANTED TO Buy: Used mobile homes in good condition. Quality Homes 715-453-6613 NEW LISTING- nice 14x70 mobile home, 2 BD, 2 full BA, nice kitchen w/skylight, laundry rm. w/W&D, recent siding & roof, thermal pane windows, 1.5 car garage, yard backs into wooded area. 347 Woodland Terrace Hts, Rhldr. $15,000. Move-in ready! Call 262-960-2590 for appt. TWO MOBILE homes set up in Birchwood Hills Estates in Eagle River- 16x80 2 bdrm., 2 bath, $16,000; a 26x38 2 bdrm., never occupied, $37,500. Land contracts avail. Call Jerry to view, 715-617-1471. SPACE FOR Rent @ Sugar Camp Business Plaza, great Hwy 17 Frontage, storefront space or workshop w/office, affordable pricing. Call 715-272-1060. USED MOBILES WANTED Any size 1990 or newer. Single or Double wides. Fair prices & fast closings. Call today 715-7587500. North Country Homes, 110 Brooke Ct., Bonduel, WI 54107 Rentals Wanted Business/Commercial 7436 WANTED: ROOM to rent or efficiency/1 brm. apt. by male. Within city limits, Rhldr. 715-369-2116, lv. msg. 7475 Small town grocery store near Wausau. Owner will train. WILICHOWSKI REALTY, 715-4433171, WWW.1-BID-2.COM Whether you need farm equipment, land to rent or farm help Find just what you’re looking for in the Hodag Buyers’ Guide Classifieds! Quality Experience A family owned and operated business, serving our customers for over 50 years! Visit our website to get ideas for your next Meyer Building. (715) 369-3331 Wednesday, May 7, 2014 • Hodag Buyers’ Guide • Page 13 7487 PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: Equal Housing Opportunity All Real Estate advertised in this newspaper is subject to Federal and State Fair Housing Laws, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of color, religion, national original, ancestry, sex, age, handicap, lawful source of income, or marital status of the person maintaining the household, and sexual orientation. We will not accept advertising indicating an intention to discriminate. Our readers are informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. If you think you have been discrminated against, call the Fair Housing Council of the Fox Valley at 414-734-9641 or HUD toll-free at 800-424-8590. 7500 Shop at Home with the Classifieds. 7502 Boats - Fishing 7508 Boats - Pontoon 7510 ON SALE NOW: 14-26’ PONTOON TRAILERS. 800-HOTBOAT, ribmountainmarine.com Health Reason, must sell 1995 ATV, Polaris Explorer 4x4, $1,500. 2 00 5 H.D. Sp o rts te r 883 XL , $3,700. 1995 Harley Davidson Road King, 1340cc, $7,000. Cash only. 715-539-3110 Boats - Sport & Jet Ski WANTED JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES 1967-1982 ONLY KAWASAKI Z1-900, KZ900, KZ1000, Z1R, KZ1000MKII, W1650, H1-500, H2-750, S1-250, S2350, S3-400 Suzuki, GS400, GT380, Honda CB750 (19691976) CASH. 1-800-772-1142, 1-310-721-0726 [email protected] Sports Trailers 7506 TRAILERS @ LIQUIDATION PRICING. FOR BOAT, ATV, SLED OR PONTOONS. 2 OR 4 PLACE/OPEN OR ENCLOSED. AMERICAN MARINE, SHAWANO. 866-955-2628 www.americanmarina.com (wcan) FIND in the classifiIT eds! Search our classifieds for anything you need. Automotive • Real Estate • Employment Merchandise • Services • Recreation Business Directory • Much More TRACKER 2008 Targa V165, 90 hp Mercury, Minnkota trolling motor, two Sonar units, battery charger, four seats, two batteries, two livewells, travel cover, Tracker trailer, $10,500 OBO. 715-3628721. Boats - Pontoon 7510 BOAT WORLD OVER 700 NEW & USED PONTOONS, FISHING BOATS, DECK BOATS, SKIBOATS, BASS & WALLEYE BOATS, CUDDYS, CRUISERS UP TO 35 FEET & OUTBOARDS @ THE GUARANTEED BEST P R I C E ! ! CROWNLINE/AXIS/MALIBU/ TRITON/ALUMACRAFT/MIRROCRAFT/MISTY HARBOR & CREST PONTOONS. AMERICAN MARINE & MOTORSPORTS SUPER CENTER, SHAWANO. WHERE DREAMS COME TRUE 866-955-2628 WWW.AMERICANMARINA.COM (wcan) BOATING SEASON OpportunityEdgewater Homes (Rhinelander) on Boom/Thunder Lake connecting to the WI River has pontoon slips for rent this year, $350 annually. See website www.edgewater.copsop.com or call 715-362-8588. Spring is Here 715-536-1900 • 400 E. 2nd St Merrill WI 54452 7512 RENTAL CARS NOW AVAILABLE! BADGER MARINE for all your summer fun! PLEASURE, FISHING, PONTOON and MORE! Trade-ins welcome. Nekoosa 7158 8 6 3 3 0 8 [email protected] www.badgermarine.com Boat Docks Pre-Owned Sale! 7516 Dvorak's Docks "just docks and lifts" *BOAT LIFTS *DOCKS & PIERS *TRACK SYSTEMS *SHORELINE RAMPS 715-275-DOCK(3625) Hwy. 45, Elcho, WI www.DvoraksDocks.com SHOREMASTER DOCK & LIFT HEADQUARTERS! NEW & USED. WE DO IT ALL. DELIVERY/ASSEMBLY/INSTALL & REMOVALS. AMERICAN MARINE & MOTORSPORTS, SHAWANO = SAVE 866-955-2628 (wcan) Wanted to Buy Daily, Weekly & Monthly Rates! For Reservations Please Call 715-536-1900 See Pics at www.autojockeys.com ‘12 Honda Accord LX Carfax 1 Owner! NewTires! FREE Oil Changes, Only 32K................................ $15,925 ‘09 Chevy Impala LT 3.5L, Alloys, Leather, Bose Sound, Like New, Only 48K............................. $12,927 ‘09 Nissan Altima 2.5S NewTires, New Brakes, Power Seat, Sporty, 102K......................................... $11,475 ‘07 Volvo S40 2.4i NewTires, Stylish & Economical, Sunroof, Alloys, 99K............................................... $10,335 ‘98 Mercedes Benz SL500 Conv. AZ Car, Black On Black, Sharp.................................................... $7,995 ‘97 Toyota Corolla DX Auto, NiceTires,Very Clean, Runs Great, 133K ...................................$3,725 CAR OF THE WEEK! ‘03 Audi A4 3.0 Quattro AWD Loaded, Leather, Sunroof, Alloys, New T-Belt, Only 82K Special $9,475 7524 WE BUY-BOATS/RV/PONTOONS/SLED/ATVs & MOTORCYCLES! "CASH PAID" NOW. AMERICAN MARINE & MOTORSPORTS SUPER CENTER, SHAWANO 866-955-2628 www.americanmarina.com (wcan) SALES • SERVICE • DETAILINg Financing Available Your Direct Line To Classified Success! 715-369-3331 Phone in your Classified Ad BOTA At Our KU And So Are The New Floor Plans e s U O H n Ope Stop in.. Campers Are Open Antigo - Friday May 16th 8am - 5pm Birnamwood - Saturday May 17th 8am - 3pm Your new Kubota is waiting - and we can’t wait to help you find it with low-rate, long-term Kubota financing too! Refreshm ents Raffles rive Ride & D ls cia e p S Parts • Travel Trailers • Micro Lites • V Nose Want to Sell Your Camper? We Buy & Consign YOU CAN COUNT ON US Home of the $99/Month Camper 123 E HWY 64 • ANTIGO, WI 715-623-3935 OR 1-877-292-1752 www.bricknersofantigorvcenter.com N2960 Hwy 45 N • 715-627-7124 • Antigo, WI 54499 N9705 Nwy 45 N • 715-449-2524 • Birnamwood, WI 54414 www.rewmotorsinc.com 05052038 • Tent Campers • Toy Haulers • 5th Wheels www.kubota.com 05054596 ATV’s ATV’S, SCOOTERS & GOKARTS. YOUTH ATV’S & SCOOTERS (80 MPG) @ $49/ MO. SPORT & 4X4 ATV’S @ $69/MO. AMERICAN MARINE & MOTORSPORTS, SHAWANO = SAVE= 866-955-2628 www.americanmarina.com (wcan) Motorcycles 2007 HONDA VLX600, LOW MILES, saddle bags, windshield & cover, 8,375 miles, $3,800. Call 715-661-0031. 05055228 Misc. Real Estate Page 14 • Hodag Buyers’ Guide • Wednesday, May 7, 2014 It’s Easier Than You Think! Make/Model 2013 Chevrolet Cruze 1LT Auto 2013 Ford Escape S 2013 Ford Escape SE 2013 Ford Explorer XLT 2013 Ford Flex SE 2013 Ford Focus S 2013 Ford Focus SE 2013 Ford Fusion SE 2013 Ford Mustang V6 2013 Ford Taurus Limited 2013 Ford Taurus SEL 2012 Ford Escape Limited 2012 Ford Escape Limited 2012 Ford Escape Limited 2012 Ford Escape XLT 2012 Ford Fiesta SE 2012 Ford Focus SE 2012 Ford Focus SE 2012 Ford Focus SEL 2012 Ford Fusion SE 2012 Ford Fusion SE 2012 Ford Fusion SEL 2012 Ford Fusion SEL 2012 Ford Fusion SEL 2012 Ford Fusion SEL 2011 Dodge Grand Caravan Mainstreet 2011 Ford Edge SEL 2011 Ford Escape XLT 2011 Ford F-150 XLT 2011 Ford F-150 XLT 2011 Ford F-150 XLT 2011 Ford F-150 XLT 2011 Ford Fusion SE 2011 Ford Fusion SE 2011 Ford Fusion SEL 2011 Hyundai Sonata GLS 2011 Mercury Mariner I4 2011 Toyota Corolla LE 2010 Ford Escape XLT 2010 Ford Fusion SE 2009 Chevrolet Colorado 2009 Ford Escape XLT 2009 Ford Focus SES 2009 Mercury Grand Marquis LS 2009 Toyota Corolla S 2008 Chevrolet Malibu LT 2008 Dodge Dakota Big Horn 2008 Ford F-150 XLT 2008 Ford Focus S 2008 Mazda Tribute S 2008 Mercury Sable Premier 2007 Chevrolet Cobalt LT 2007 Ford F-150 XLT 2004 Ford F-150 FX4 2004 Ford F-250 Super Duty XLT 2004 Ford Mustang Deluxe 2000 Mercury Grand Marquis LS Stock # UC2233 DE150A UT2811 UT2806 UT2723 UC2244 UC2230 UC2240 UC2260 UC2237 UC2216 UT2750 UT2785 UT2789 UT2813 UC2246 UC2250 UC2263 UC2163 UC2249 SE107A UC2247 UC2251 UC2252 UC2255 UT2737 UT2812 UT2749 UT2819 UT2818 UT2825 UT2824 UC2223 UC2256 UC2184 UT2767A UT2791 UC2171 UT2778 UC2224 UT2822 UT2713A UT2685A LE118A UT2751B UC2172 UT2816A UT2776 UC2222 UT2771 JE106A UT2775A UT2800 UT2699 UT2585 UC2174 BC2234 Color Silver Ice Metallic Kodiak Brown Metallic Sterling Gray Metallic Ingot Silver Metallic Ingot Silver Metallic Ingot Silver Metallic Ruby Red Metallic Tinted Bordeaux Reserve Metallic Sterling Gray Metallic Ginger Ale Metallic Tuxedo Black Metallic Steel Blue Metallic Black White Suede Toreador Red Metallic Blue Candy Metallic Sterling Gray Metallic Tuxedo Black Metallic Ingot Silver Metallic Bordeaux Reserve Metallic Sterling Gray Metallic Cinnamon Metallic Sterling Gray Metallic Black Red Candy Metallic Tinted Brilliant Black Crystal Pearl Earth Metallic Blue Flame Metallic Blue Flame Metallic Red Candy Metallic Tinted Sterling Gray Metallic Golden Bronze Metallic Tuxedo Black Metallic Blue Flame Metallic Tuxedo Black Metallic Indigo Blue Pearl Ingot Silver Metallic Barcelona Red Metallic Sterling Gray Metallic Smokestone Metallic Victory Red Redfire Clearcoat Metallic Ebony Clearcoat Dark Toreador Red Clearcoat Super White Amber Bronze Metallic Flame Red Clear Coat Silver Clearcoat Metallic Silver Frost Redfire Metallic Light Ice Blue Clearcoat Metallic Ultra Silver Metallic Black Clearcoat Blazing Yellow Clearcoat Arizona Beige Clearcoat Metallic Torch Red Clearcoat Harvest Gold Clearcoat Metallic Miles 2,801 49,801 33,088 28,523 13,246 17,507 17,410 8,740 5,446 18,076 29,652 26,594 30,128 28,028 28,299 33,993 25,190 12,656 32,404 40,591 18,105 26,429 23,457 35,626 22,929 41,948 22,191 45,228 30,377 29,077 34,550 35,469 57,496 47,778 26,255 93,787 38,299 41,501 72,436 68,643 51,295 82,565 91,636 24,788 123,153 44,195 42,083 65,637 73,369 87,447 80,660 42,257 62,926 133,948 95,686 58,437 64,063 Price $17,588 $17,988 $20,988 $30,488 $21,988 $14,688 $18,398 $22,888 $21,788 $24,884 $20,995 $22,988 $21,488 $23,895 $21,998 $12,488 $14,888 $15,998 $14,998 $16,488 $17,996 $18,488 $18,988 $18,788 $17,898 $17,388 $27,498 $18,895 $30,688 $29,888 $28,495 $28,996 $13,986 $18,495 $18,388 $12,976 $17,884 $12,998 $13,998 $12,498 $12,776 $13,995 $10,495 $16,495 $10,685 $11,988 $19,986 $17,498 $8,998 $12,488 $11,388 $10,888 $20,488 $12,845 $15,998 $9,999 $6,995 1301 N. Center Ave., Merrill, WI 54452 (Hwy 51, Exit 211 then south 1.5 miles) 715-536-4542 www.breamanmerrillford.com 05054703 Campers & Motorhomes 7526 Passenger Cars 7538 Vans - Full Size & Mini 7542 '97 DUTCHMAN Tent Camper, 12' box, shower, good shape, $1,700 negotiable. 715-362-0561. SPORTSMAN 2000 slide-in camper, 9', w/full bath, frig/stove, like new condition, $2,700. Call 715-784-0773. Collector & Antique Cars 7534 1978 Pontiac Trans AM, TAGG auto, T tops, red, build sheet, 2nd owner, 95,878 miles, $9,500. 715218-0479, 715-453-2867 Passenger Cars 2005 Chevy Cobalt LT Sedan 2.2L-4 Cyl, Automatic, AC, Alloys, CD, Cruise, Htd Seats, Keyless, PL, PM. Leather, Steering Audio & More. $4,500 E & H Auto 866-546-8057 Hwy 51; Exit 205-Merrill www.ehauto.com Budget Sales & Service SUVs 7538 1999 Saturn SL Base 1.9L-4 Cyl, Manual Transmission, AC, Stereo, Cruise, Tilt, Rear Defrost. (Not as shown) $2,900 E & H Auto 866-546-8057 Hwy 51; Exit 205-Merrill www.ehauto.com Budget Sales & Service 2002 BUICK REGAL LS 3.8L-V6; AC; Cruise; Pwr Seat; Keyless Entry; P.L.; P.M.; P.W.; Dual Climate; Traction Control. $5,500 E & H Auto 866-546-8057 Hwy 51; Exit 205-Merrill www.ehauto.com Budget Sales & Service 2006 Chevy Uplander Est LS 3.5L-V6, Auto, AC, CD, PL, PW, PM, Voice Activated Phone, TV/DVD, Rear Sound Controls, Anti Lock Brks & More $6500 E & H Auto 866-546-8057 Hwy 51; Exit 205-Merrill www.ehauto.com Budget Sales & Service 2006 Chevy Impala LT 3.5L-V6, Auto, AC, CD, Cruise, Pwr Seat, Keyless, PW, PL, PM, Remote Start, Dual Climate, Voice Activated Phone & More. $7,900 E & H Auto 866-546-8057 Hwy 51; Exit 205-Merrill www.ehauto.com Budget Sales & Service Station Wagons 7540 1997 SUBARU LEGACY OUTBACK LIMITED 2.5L-4 Cyl.; AWD; Wagon; AC; Stereo; Leather; Cruise; P.L.; P.W.; Tilt & More! $3,500 E & H Auto 866-546-8057 Hwy 51; Exit 205-Merrill www.ehauto.com Budget Sales & Service 7544 2002 GMC Envoy SLT 4x4 4.2L-6 Cyl, Auto, AC, CD, Leather, Pwr Front Seats, Tow, Steering Audio Controls, PL, PM, PW, Cruise & More. Nicely Loaded. #5,900 E & H Auto 866-546-8057 Hwy 51; Exit 205-Merrill www.ehauto.com Budget Sales & Service 2004 CHEVY TAHOE 4WD 5.3L-V8; Auto; 4X4; Adj. Pedals; Dual/Auto Climate Controls; CD; HTD Seats; Pwr Seats Plus More. Very well Equipped. $7,800 E & H Auto 866-546-8057 Hwy 51; Exit 205-Merrill www.ehauto.com Budget Sales & Service Here today. Gone tomorrow. That is how quick the classifieds can work for you. click: www.rhinelanderinfo.com call: 715.369.3331 Need a new Vehicle? FRESH START PROGRAM WE FINANCE YOUR FUTURE NOT YOUR PAST. NEW CAR BUYER? FIRST TIME BUYER? BAD CREDIT? MARGINAL CREDIT? BANKRUPTCY? CREDIT DIFFICULTIES IN THE PAST? NO PROBLEM! For the past 16 years, Fresh Start has been the leader in providing Special Financing Opportunities to those who have had credit problems. THIS IS WHAT WE SPECIALIZE IN! Helping People Who Need Help • Current pay-stub with earnings of at least $1,500 per month • A current phone or utility bill • A valid drivers license • Title of trade, if applicable • Discharged bankruptcy papers, if applicable • We sell and service all makes and models CALL 715-6 23-7314 123 E HWY 64 ANTIGO, WI 54409 GET PRE-APPROVED REGARDLESS OF PAST CREDIT 05047125 7550 Vehicles Wanted 7554 ALL CARS & Trucks Wanted, running or not, $325 minimum for mid size cars or larger, picked up. Buying scrap, auto cores, motorhomes, school busses, dump trucks, farm equip (920)470-9413 CARS/TRUCKS WANTED! Top $$$$$ PAID! Running or Not, All Years, Makes, Models. Free Towing! We?re Local! 7 Days/Week. Call Toll Free: 1-888-416-2330 GET CASH TODAY for any car/truck. I will buy your car today. Any Condition. Call 1-800-8645796 or www.carbuyguy.com NOW PAYING CASH. Buying junk vehicles. Call for price quote. Bring in or we can pick up. Oak Leaf Auto Salvage, (715)3629445. Parts & Accessories 7562 CHARLIES AUTOMOTIVE Ask About Our FREE Towing Automotive Transmissions, 4-Wheel Drive Repair. All transmissions dyno tested for top quality performance & long life. All transmissions backed by 12 month, 12,000 mile warranty. Satisfaction guaranteed. Delivery available. Antigo - (715)623-7756 Parts & Accessories 7562 COUSINEAU AUTO PARTS Always paying top $ for damaged or disabled and end of life vehicles. Responsibly recycling with prompt and courteous service. (800)642-2550 COUSINEAU AUTO PARTS Always paying top $ for damaged or disabled and end of life vehicles. Responsibly recycling with prompt and courteous service. (800)642-2550 Misc. Transportation 7574 CASH FOR CARS: All Cars/Trucks Wanted. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Any Make/Model. Call For Instant Offer: 1-800-864-5960 Business 3760261-01 Roofing DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK, OR BOAT, to HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3-Day Vacation. Tax Deductible. Free Towing. All paperwork taken care of! 800856-5491 (wcan) Our Customers are Our Best References! Shingled Roofs, Tear Offs, Fascia & Soffit, Rubber Roofs • Free Prompt Estimates • Service Within 150 Miles • Fully Insured Fully Insured • Free Estimates • State Certified Tomahawk • Tree & Shrub Trimming Removal • Lot & Driveway Clearing • Emergency Storm Damage • Portable Stump Grinder Visit Our Website! www.toddstiptop.com 715-224-2375 CHECK US OUT! SAVE MONEY! Affordable advertising in MANY papers! WISCONSIN COMMUNITY PAPERS (WCP) and the WISCONSIN CLASSIFIED AD NETWORK (WCAN) Call toll-free 1-800-727-8745 or visit our website: www.wisad.com (wcan) DONATE A CAR - HELP CHILDREN FIGHTING DIABETES. Fast, Free Towing. Call 7 days/week. Non-runners OK. Tax Deductible. Call Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation 1-800-578-0408 DIRECTORY 4038285-01 Repairables PETERSEN'S HYDRAULIC Jack & Repair. 19 Theiler Dr., Tomahawk, WI 54487. (800)262-5225. We repair all hydraulic cylinders, log splitters, power trim on boat motors, jack hammers, geared pumps, air wrenches, motorhome rams. We buy used jacks. Email: [email protected] Website: www.phjjacks.com Wednesday, May 7, 2014 • Hodag Buyers’ Guide • Page 15 715-282-5858 • 800-816-5619 • Rhinelander, WI LOAN RALLY THREE DAYS ONLY! Thursday, May 8: 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Friday, May 9: 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturday, May 10: 9 a.m.- 2 p.m. Special Prices! Special Rates! On-the-Spot Financing! Free Refreshments! 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All prices plus tax, title, license and service fee. *1.37% APR (annual percentage rate) is: 1) for a 24 month term; 2) based on financing 50% or less of value, and 3) available for borrowers with credit scores of 683 and greater. Estimated payment per thousand is $42.27. Special Loan Rally APRs only available for items purchased from participating dealers during sale event, May 8-10, 2014. Other special rates and terms available. These rates may not be combined with any other discounts or rebates. 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