Tulare-Kings Dental Society Images
Tulare-Kings Dental Society Images
PLEASE NOTE: TKDS HAS A NEW WEBSITE AND WEB ADDRESS: www.tularekingsds.com Mission: The Mission of Tulare Kings Dental Society is to further professionalism and success of dentists in our region with a commitment to excellence and high ethical standards. We will perform this mission through p ro g ra ms wh ic h p ro mo te leadership, continuing education, mentoring, networking, and membership involvement in the community. In This Issue… Important Phone Numbers…..2 2014 C.E. Line-up…………......3 Installation Dinner..………...4-5 TDIC……………………………...6 Your Commitment…...….…….7 New Members…….……..……..8 Our Sponsors…..……………...9 RM Matters.........................10-11 Fourth Quarter 2013 Volume 18 Issue 4 Component of California Dental Association Tulare-Kings Dental Society Images President’s Message By Robert Bell, DDS This year has been a great experience serving as the President of the Tulare-Kings Dental Society. I’d like to thank Elaine and our outstanding Board who have made it a successful year. Three particular goals of mine this past year were to encourage more member participation in the dental society, more member involvement with the CalD-PAC and the ADPAC, and to facilitate volunteerism. Thanks to Elaine’s energetic efforts, dental society membership, which was already high, continued to grow. Participation in CalD-PAC and ADPAC was also high. This is so important during this time of change in medicine and dentistry. Only by standing together can we have an influence in the critical decisions happening in Sacramento and Washington. Approximately 80 percent of the dentists in our community belong to the TKDS, the CDA, and ADA. Policymakers listen to unified voices. CDA this year has represented our interests by working with Sacramento to restore adult Denti-Cal. In addition CDA has been litigating with Delta Dental in an effort to avoid a fee decrease; and CDA has fought the trial lawyers’ attempt to change MICRA, which keeps all our malpractice rates lower. It has been exciting the last two years to attend the CDA House of Delegates and personally see the CDA working for our benefit. In addition we accomplished facilitating volunteerism. I would like to thank all of you who took time out of your busy schedules to volunteer and give service in projects like The Samaritan Center, Give-Kids-aSmile, CDA Cares, and many other charitable activities. During this past year, unfortunately, several of our members had serious illnesses and injuries. I was so impressed by the outpouring of the members of our society who helped care for practices and patients during these difficult times. It was a powerful example of the great strength and friendship which exists among us. I have always said that Tulare and Kings counties have an abundance of kind, friendly, and outstanding dentists. This year as President has given me a peek at the truly great service you provide your patients, your colleagues, and your community. Thank you for a great year, Robert Bell, DDS 2013 Tulare-Kings Dental Society Board of Directors President— Robert Bell, DDS President-Elect—Paul Ayson, DDS Vice President—Darren Rich, DDS Secretary/Treasurer—Karthik Raghuraman, DDS Past President —J. Stephen Supancic, Jr., DDS MD CDA Trustee —Richard Barnes, DDS IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS ADA CDA Practice Support Center CDA Resource Center TDIC TDIC Insurance Solutions Denti-Cal (Patient #) Dental Board of California Tulare Kings Dental Society TKDS Fax 800.621.8099 866.232.6362 800.232.7645 800.733.0634 800.733.0633 800.322.6384 916.263.2300 559.625.9333 559.625.9690 HAVING TROUBLE WITH DRUG OR ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE, OR DEPRESSION? CONFIDENTIAL HELP AVAILABLE TO MEMBERS & THEIR STAFF BY CALLING: J. Steven Supancic, Jr., DDS, MD ~ CDA Well Being Program Representative Area Representatives ~ Office Phone: 559.625-9770 ~ Cell Phone: 559.901.7470 Feras Al Rezk, DDS Web Sites: Amy Coeler, DDS Richard Dunn, DDS, MS Shawn Fox, DDS Jocelyn Iverson, DDS M. Reva Malli, DDS Dallen Phillips, DDS Alma Sanchez, DDS Todd Wesslen, DDS Delegates Robert Bell, DDS Paul Ayson, DDS American Dental Association ADA Catalog California Dental Association Dental Board of California HIPAA Advisory Stop Solicitors The Dentists Insurance Co. TDIC Insurance Solutions Tulare-Kings Dental Society www.ada.org www.adacatalog.org www.cda.org www.dbc.ca.gov www.hipaadvisory.com www.donotcall.gov www.thedentists.com www.tdicsolutions.com www.tularekingsds.com 2013 CDA HOUSE OF DELEGATES: Dr. Paul Ayson, Dr. Richard Barnes, Dr. Robert Bell Editor ~ Richard Dunn, DDS Exec. Dir./Managing Editor ~ Elaine Carrasco The opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the author and are not regarded as expressing the view of the Tulare-Kings Dental Society unless such statement or opinions have otherwise been decided upon by special resolution by the Board of Directors. The TKDS editor reserves the right to edit materials submitted for publication. TKDS Membership Status Report: (As of November 30, 2013) 214 total members 2 Retired members 2 Disabled members Page 2 Fourth Quarter 2013. . IMAGES TULARE-KINGS DENTAL SOCIETY 2014 C.E. COURSES: New Dentists: (Ten years or less) watch for your invitations to attend additional event(s) dedicated for you! All Members: Notice the new events for 2014 in red! February 21: Fri. CE pass eligible “Endodontic-Periodontal Problems: Should We Extract or Treat?” by Todd Yamada, DDS and Bernice Ko, DDS 7 C.E. Units, CORE 8:00 am—4:00 pm, Lamp Liter Inn, Visalia March 20: Thurs CE pass eligible “OSHA: Do You Think Your Office Will Pass an OSHA Inspection, Or Do You Know it?” by Leslie Canham, RDA, CDA Speaker’s Bureau This course required annually by CAL-OSHA 2 C.E. Units, CORE 7:00 pm—9:00 pm, Lamp Liter Inn, Visalia April 8: Tues April 25: Fri CE pass eligible May 20: Tues August 1: Fri CE pass eligible MEMBERS & MEMBERS’ STAFF ONLY EVENT: “Health Care Reform: What Every Dental Professional Should Know” 6:30 pm—8:30 pm 2 CEU 20% Location TBA “The Art of Endodontics & The Use of the Microscope in Surgical Endodonitcs” by Anthony Tran, DDS 7 C.E. Units, CORE 8:00 am—4:00 pm, Lamp Liter Inn, Visalia MEMBERS & MEMBERS’ STAFF ONLY EVENT: Dinner Meeting: Vijay Sikka ~ New Date! 5/20/14: “Key Lessons: How to Thrive During an Economic Downturn” (Insurance & Fee Schedule Secrets) Potential new members may be invited by current members. 6:30pmregistration, Speaker 7 pm— 9:30 pm Location TBA 2.5 CEU 20% “Infection Control, CA Dental Practice Act & HIPAA* This yearly event will include CE hour(s) dedicated to HIPAA *We cannot offer separately—all three courses (2014 only) must be taken to receive C.E. certificate by Leslie Canham, RDA, CDA Speakers Bureau Mandatory C.E. courses include IC & CDPA for license renewal 6 C.E. Units, CORE 8:00 am—3 pm, Lamp Liter Inn, Visalia August 15: Fri CE pass eligible “Cutting Edge Techniques & Materials to Maximize Success of Posterior Composite Resin Restorations & Anterior Aesthetics as an Art Form, Treatment Planning for Aesthetic Dentistry Marc Geissberger, DDS 7 C.E. Units, CORE 8:00 am—4:00 pm, Lamp Liter Inn, Visalia 2014 CE Passes: 2014 Active (full-dues) members are eligible for 6 free local CE courses. 2014 Life Active members (1/2 dues) are eligible for 3 free local CE courses. The courses outlined above indicate which courses you may register with a pass! TULARE-KINGS DENTAL SOCIETY 2014 Installation Dinner & General Membership Meeting The Vintage Press Restaurant Thursday, January 23, 2014 Starting at 6:00 p.m. Cost: $61 per person (Includes Appetizers, Soup, Salad, Entrée, and Dessert) 5 Course Meal! Members: You and your spouse, staff, family & guests are invited to the Installation Dinner of Dr. Paul Ayson, your 2014 TKDS President! Dr. Robert Bell will be honored as Immediate Past-President. Dr. Henry Cisneros will officiate. PLEASE RETURN THE ENCLOSED REGISTRATION FORM BY JANUARY 20, 2014 Please Consider Purchasing Raffle Tickets to Benefit the TKDS Building Fund! (See Flyer) We want to thank the following businesses for partially sponsoring this evening’s festivities! The AR Group Milan Institute TDIC Insurance Solutions San Joaquin Valley College The Vintage Press Restaurant Hayes Handpiece Dental Repair Rita Richmond, Accounting & Tax Services Page 4 Fourth Quarter 2013. . IMAGES Registration Form Yes! I (We) plan to attend the Installation Dinner/General Membership Meeting on January 23, 2014 Name(s) : _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____ YES! I also want to pre-buy raffle tickets! _____ I am unable to attend, but I would like to purchase raffle tickets! (See enclosed flyer) Amount enclosed for raffle tickets $ ___________ Please make check payable to TKDS for $61 per person and return with this form by January 20, 2014 Please mail to TKDS, 218 N. Conyer, Suite E, Visalia, CA 93291 Questions? Call 559.625.9333 Fax: 625.9690 I prefer to pay with Visa or MC # ____________________________________________ Expiration Date: _________ Name as it appears on card: _________________________________________ Amount: ____________ Billing Address (if different than practice address): ______________________________________________________________________________________ FIRST COURSE SELECTION (choose one per person, indicate quantity) ____Fresh Gazpacho w/ Mexican Prawns OR _____ Red Potato & Onion Soup SECOND COURSE INCLUDES Includes Caesar Salad Crisp Romaine, Garlic Croutons, Parmesan and Vintage Press Bread with Sweet Butter ENTRÉE SELECTION (Choose one per person, indicate quantity on line) _____ Sirloin Steak & Roasted Green Chile Relleno & Grilled Scallion _____ Roasted Vegetable Platter with Garlic Mashed Potatoes Page 5 Fourth Quarter 2013..IMAGES You are also not a sales goal or a policy number. You are a dentist. One who deserves superior protection, exceptional service and a fair price. That’s something we understand at TDIC. Case in point, the Optimum Bundle. Good TDIC Optimum Bundle 10% Professional Liability discount on Professional Liability when combined with Workers’ Compensation Commercial Property Better Workers’ Compensation Discounts apply to individual policies and are 10% discount on both Professional Liability + Commercial Property when combined not cumulative. To obtain the Professional Optimum Liability premium five (5) percent, two-year discount, California dentists must complete the current TDIC Risk Management seminar. Call 800.733.0634 for current deadlines and seminar details. 20% discount on Professional Liability 10% discount on Commercial Property 5% discount on Workers’ Compensation Bonus Additional 5% discount on Professional Liability when you take the current TDIC Risk Management seminar. Endorsed by the Tulare-Kings Dental Society Protecting dentists. It’s all we do.® 800.733.0633 | tdicsolutions.com | CA Insurance Lic. #0652783 Page 6 Fourth Quarter 2013. . IMAGES Thank you for your commitment to the values of organized dentistry. By Elaine Carrasco Executive Director, TKDS A look at the numbers: As I looked at a trend report from CDA, with a start date of 2000, I noticed how membership numbers grew throughout the state each year, and then began to dip in 2010. Thereafter, the numbers remained flat. One might think, when doctors’ practice numbers dipped, some doctors chose not to renew. Another explanation, I believe, is that our baby boomers continue to retire, and they have for years (and still continue) to make up a large number of our practicing members. “The current workforce of dentists is aging, with 37 percent of dentists over 55 years of age, and an additional 27 percent between 45 and 55 years. As the economy improves, it is anticipated that more dentists will retire and need to be replaced by new practitioners” (Diringer, Phipps, Carsel, May, 2013). CDA and ADA certainly recognize they must respond to the changing landscape of dentistry. Much talk at the state level has been on focusing on emerging trends and changing demographics. As an example, with regard to the Affordable Care Act, CDA continues to push for adult dental benefits as part of a required insurance package. As most policymakers fall short of recognizing the importance of including dental and vision insurance for adults, the rules are different for children under the age of 19. AND, in late November, the state Department of Health Care Services announced that pediatric dental surgery centers should be exempt from a 10% cut in Medi-Cal reimbursements. This announcement is certainly a victory for valley member dentists who own a majority of children's surgery centers in California! With the help of your dues going towards advocacy, and the determination of some of your local members, policy makers listened! (The initial proposal to make sweeping cuts could have put surgery centers out of business because of the 10% “claw back,” or repayment, of fees). TKDS is positioned to respond with changing trends. As an employee, one of my philosophies has always been, work smarter, not harder. I know that I am part of Generation X, and according to statistics, people like myself in Generation X make up only 22% of the entire workforce. Additionally, Baby Boomers (older than me) are currently 76 million strong, and Generation Y (younger than me) are 80 million strong! So what does all this gibberish mean? I believe the emerging young dentists and patient base will expect different outcomes. For example, one emerging trend is more female dentists. It is my guess that these female doctors might look for a practice model that might allow a flexible schedule (as I did in child-bearing years). In addition, Generation Y are highly tech-savvy. Patients will emerge as “health care consumers,” who will use technology to make informed decisions, while the Baby Boomers will prefer personal experiences with providers (Diringer, Phipps, Carsel, May, 2013). And as for us strong-willed, determined (latch-key kids) in Generation X, we will continue to feel like we can accomplish anything, and have the time of our life getting there! Hmmm, sounds just like how I have helped change the local dental society landscape………..Plus, I enjoy being able to speak Spanish with those dentists and patients who speak Spanish (another trend). Your president, Dr. Bell, has echoed the importance of remaining a unified voice through Tripartite Membership, as policymakers attempt to change the scope of dental practices and legislators respond to access issues. As for any member who may be thinking they do not want to budget in the tripartite dues again, just think of how many other members across the state might make that same decision— thereby causing yet another dip that could lead to associations scrambling on how to allocate monies to still be able to respond to insurance issues, access issues, MICRA and the trial lawyers, .....just to name a few….. Your dues put people on the front lines to protect your chosen profession— a profession that so many of us as employees and patients value and appreciate. To see an independent study performed by Dringer and Associates, visit http://www.ada.org/sections/professionalResources/pdfs/ Escan2013_Diringer_Full.pdf MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL MADE EASY NEW OR TRANSFER MEMBERS If you happened to overlook the Electronic Dues Payment (EDP) for your dues, (which allows distributing your annual tripartite dues payment equally over 12 months, effortlessly and interest-free) you can enroll in the EDP program for your 2014 dues. Tsu Ping Chen, DDS 5141 W Goshen Ave Visalia, CA 93291 2014 renewal statements have been mailed to you by CDA. Online membership renewal, dues payment, and/or enrollment in EDP is available at www.cda.org/member. The enrollment deadline is January 5th for the full 12-month EDP program. Please avoid the last minute rush and avoid the $100 reinstatement fee in March! RENEW TODAY! Please remember that 2013 EDP does NOT automatically renew. You may re-enroll in the program any time prior to March, 2014. Going forward in 2014, EDP will automatically renew in 2015. Andrew Cheong, DDS 620 Adelaid Way Dinuba, CA 93618 Hamed Firoozi, DDS 501 N Bridge St Visalia, CA 93291 (Recruited by Dr. Cecille Tafalla) Joanne Ngo, DDS 501 N Bridge St Visalia, CA 93291 (Recruited by Dr. Cecille Tafalla) Raymond Rust, Jr., DDS 12586 Avenue 408 Orosi, CA 93647 (Recruited by Dr. Alma Sanchez) Shahram “Sean” Shidmand, DDS 353 C Street Lemoore, CA 93245 (Recruited by Dr. Karmell Rafisolyman) Nahideh Shojaei, DDS 235 W Noble Ave Visalia, CA 93277 (Recruited by Dr. Heather Edwards) Christopher Wood, DDS 1549 W Main Street Visalia, CA 93291 Cheolho Yu, DDS 1930 S Giddings St Visalia, CA 93277 25 YEARS HAYES HANDPIECE REPAIR David and Judy (800) 900-1507 or (661) 589-9703 Free Pickup & Delivery 8415 Rollingbay Drive Bakersfield, CA 93312 Email: [email protected] www.hayeshandpiece.com We welcome our other members who joined our society earlier in the year and whose names were not announced (in error) …...Please welcome: Jennifer Elmer, DDS 31180 Road 72 Visalia, CA 93291 Brian Bell, DDS 2626 S Mooney Blvd Visalia, CA 932777 The AR Group is current with the HIPAA regulations and provides a HIPAA Business Associate Agreement for each of their clients. RM MATTERS By TDIC Risk Management Staff Emergency Kit Basics for Dental Practices What must a dental office emergency kit contain? The answer varies depending on individual state dental board requirements. There are basic necessities dentists are required to include in emergency kits, according to the American Dental Association Council on Scientific Affairs. Some states may have more rigorous emergency kit requirements, and The Dentists Insurance Company advises dentists to check with their state board or dental association for specifics on what to include beyond ADA recommendations. Practices administering oral conscious sedation are required to meet additional emergency standards, as outlined by state dental boards. Further, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires emergency supplies to be available in case of an employee injury. TDIC advises dentists to maintain an emergency kit for employee use and a separate emergency kit for patients. Practitioners can assemble emergency kits themselves or purchase them already assembled. Commercial emergency drug kits for dentistry can provide consistent drug availability along with a service to update drugs on a regular basis. Dentists must document that all emergency equipment and drug expiration dates are checked on a regularly scheduled basis. TDIC advises all dentists to know when, how and in what dosages to administer drugs included in their emergency kits. Stocking emergency medications but lacking the training to administer them appropriately can be a liability. Best practice calls for continuing education in emergency protocol for dentists, for the office to be prepared with an established emergency plan and a team approach by the dentist and staff who are certified in basic life support. TDIC outlines dental office emergency protocol in its Risk Management Reference Guide, which is available online at thedentists.com. The ADA Council on Scientific Affairs, in its 2002 report in the Journal of the American Dental Association, “Office Emergencies and Emergency Kits,” recommends the following drugs be included as a minimum. This essential list remains the standard: Epinephrine 1:1,000 (injectable) Histamine-blocker (injectable) Oxygen with positive-pressure administration capability Nitroglycerin (sublingual tablet or aerosol spray; be aware of contraindications) Bronchodilator (asthma inhaler) Sugar (a quick source of glucose such as orange juice) Aspirin Continued on page 11 Page 10 Fourth Quarter 2013. . IMAGES (continued from page 10) Additional items to include in a patient emergency kit: Aromatic ammonia Blood pressure monitoring equipment CPR pocket mask Syringes Tourniquets High-volume suction and aspiration tips or tonsillar suction OSHA requires employers to have emergency kits for employees and lists the following supplies as adequate for small work sites, consisting of approximately two to three employees. Larger practices should provide additional supplies or emergency kits. While federal law does not require that a physician approve emergency kits, some states such as California do require physician sign off. Here are OSHA’s recommendations: Directions for requesting emergency assistance Gauze pads (at least 4 x 4 inches) Two large gauze pads (at least 8 x 10 inches) One box of adhesive bandages One package gauze roller bandage (at least 2 inches wide) Two triangular bandages Wound cleaning agent (such as sealed moistened towelettes) Scissors At least one blanket Tweezers Adhesive tape Latex gloves Resuscitation equipment (such as resuscitation bag, airway or pocket mask) Two elastic wraps Splint For more information or if you have questions regarding this topic, contact the TDIC Risk Management Advice Line at 800.733.0634. Page 11 Fourth Quarter 2013. . IMAGES Tulare-Kings Dental Society Phone: 559.625.9333 Fax: 559.625.9690 Email: [email protected] www.tularekingsds.com A proud component of the California Dental Association SAVE THE DATE! S A V E T H E D A T E Tulare-Kings Dental Society Invitation to all members, staff, spouses, and guests Installation Dinner and General Membership Meeting Thursday, January 23, 2014 The Vintage Press Restaurant 6 pm Installation of Dr. Paul Ayson, TKDS President See Inside for details……….. Page 12 Fourth Quarter 2013. . IMAGES