Quarterly - Spokane Guilds School
Quarterly - Spokane Guilds School
Spok ane Guilds’ School & Neuromuscul ar Center A n d Th e S p o k a n e G u i l d s ’ S c h o o l F o u n d a t i o n Volume 11, Issue 2 May 2008 V I S IQOuarterNly Working together to make a difference Shock the Fox was a big hit with the children and families volunteering at the 2008 Community Penny Drive Inside VISION: Executive Director’s Message SGS Calendar of Events 2 2 All-Star Staff profiles Janet Cook 3 Wilde Flowers 5 The More You Know… Prenatal drug exposure 6 Of Special Interest 6 12th Annual Penny Drive 7 Contributors to the SCHOOL Contributors to the FOUNDATION Leaving a Legacy 8 12 15 Volunteers sorted through five tons of pennies during the 12th annual Guilds’ School Foundation Penny Drive. The “Shock” of my Life The “Love” of my Life We’d like you to meet one of the inspirational children currently receiving services at the Spokane Guilds’ School and Neuromuscular Center. Her name is Piper, and this is her story, as told by her mom, Carolee. away. We were never disappointed, just more fearful of her future. She stayed in the NICU for 12 days. The hydrocephalus had the shock of my life in January of 2006, when was minor, just little a pregnancy test came back positive. Jason and I blood clots that cleared in had given up years ago after several failed attempts a few days, but the echo with fertility treatment. We were pretty satisfied spot in her heart turned with our life. We sea kayaked on the weekends, out to be a hole or a played computer games and had four dog kids, Ventricular Septal Defect though we would have given it all up for a little (VSD). She also had a one. It took a total of 12 years for our precious gift Patent Ductus Artriosus from God to come to us. This little one was an (PDA), a blood vessel in Piper and her dog Muttley answered prayer. the heart that usually We had a few ultrasounds in the first few closes during the first few breaths after birth. The weeks and everything was normal. Then, at the cardiologist decided to just watch and wait for her 16th week ultrasound, things went differently. They heart to heal. In January 2008, we had our annual saw an echo spot on her heart and she also had appointment and found out the hole did not close hydrocephalus or “water on the brain.” We were on its own and they were going to close the PDA by scared, but I just knew this little one was going to catheter. We’ve had several other minor surgeries, be okay. That year, 2006, was quite stressful for including ear tubes, tear duct probe, exotropia of us! The US Air Force moved us from Virginia her eyes, (outward movement of the eye, which isn’t to Washington, we bought our first home here very common with children with Down syndrome). in Spokane, and we had a high risk pregnancy. I would consider her pretty healthy. She is a happy, I also had ultrasounds done every few weeks to teething, stubborn, goofy, babbling, getting into monitor the hydrocephalus. At every everything little girl, just like any other ultrasound they would find other other typical child. She just happens markers for Down syndrome. Though to have Down syndrome. We have no one ever gave a diagnosis of Down dreams for her just as other parents syndrome, I had a feeling she would have for their children. It is amazing have it. I was becoming a “googlehow families and their children are ologist,” looking up everything the thriving. Each generation becomes technician noticed, not a good idea for a more and more able to deal with these pregnant lady. I would worry, and Jason difficulties that life throws their way, would calm my fears. but it’s the early intervention and Piper came to us on September 4, medical advances that are making the 2006. I knew she had Down syndrome difference. when I saw her across the room. At around 10 weeks of age Piper Her beautiful almond eyes gave her started at the Spokane Guilds’ School Piper and her pony I (continued on page 2) Page 2 VISION May 2008 Executive Director’s Message T his school year has been action packed. So much good work has been accomplished for the children, families, staff and the organization by so many different people and organizations. The school is truly blessed. A big thank you to all of you who have been helping us achieve our mission. I hope you are enjoying the new DVD, website and brochures developed by Gibby Media Group. Lon and his staff are so talented, and Lon and his wife Marianne are such great supporters of the Spokane Guilds’ School & Neuromuscular Center (SGS&NMC). As alumni parents they know the value of our program. Thanks to all of the staff at the School and to the people appearing in the new DVD. Please visit our website at www.guildschool.org to see all of the things happening at the school. The Benefit Breakfast, Wendy’s Classic Golf Tournament, the Annual Auction, and the Kids for Kids Penny Drive were all so successful again this year. Kudos to Faris Charboneau the founder of our Penny Drive. Faris’ vision has resulted in a wonderful program for our community and the SGS&NMC. The awareness and understanding that is created about the SGS&NMC through the school presentations is some of the most meaningful work we do each year. We are creating a more welcoming path for our students as they leave the SGS&NMC to go into the public schools. The local school boards and their superintendents and staff deserve great credit too, as they have supported this program at the highest level. The SGS&NMC and Dr. Betty Williams, of Whitworth University, are continuing to make plans for a different SGS&NMC that would provide more for children and families. This new plan would provide greater capacity for early intervention services, train more professionals with our higher education partners, and seek to become a research center so that public policy can more accurately be determined through evidence based research. The greatest part of my job is my ability to witness the magic of the SGS&NMC and its staff each day. The magic is based on the staff’s knowledge and experience, the parents’ engagement in their child’s program and the children’s inherent capacity to grow and develop. A big part of the magic is based on hard work and the belief that there is reason for hope and the knowledge that all of the children are positively moving ahead. The SGS&NMC is Spokane’s program. Due to the help of thousands of volunteers and donors, we are able to make a difference. Thank you for KEEPING THE DREAM ALIVE! The “Shock” of my Life, The “Love” of my Life (continued) & Neuromuscular Center (SGS&NMC). She began with speech and physical therapy. It was overwhelming at first, but Nikie Noldin and Shirley Carlson, our therapists, were so helpful in teaching us how to motivate Piper. They taught us how to get Piper to reach, watch and hold objects. We also learned exercises to help her hold her head, sit up, crawl and now she walking. Piper has also started “signing,” telling us when she needs a drink, which is a lot. She knows signs for dog and eat, which is pretty cool. She is not saying full words yet, so we’re able to communicate with her by signing words and by reading her body language. We learned all this through the SGS&NMC. It has been so amazing watching Piper develop. Sometimes I sit at the play area in the mall and watch the other kids just “do” these milestones naturally: clapping, crawling, rolling, and walking. Meanwhile, Piper has worked so hard for each milestone and more. It puts tears in my eyes when I see this child we love so much accomplish a goal. It is the most amazing feeling to see your child achieve something that seemed so impossible. Piper would not be where she is now if it wasn’t for the SGS&NMC . We look forward to going there every week and we always receive smiles and praise. It is such a great place for Piper to start her life. We’ll never forget our experience at the SGS&NMC. Dick Boysen SGS Calendar of Events (all activities May 20 — September 30, 2008) May 20 –Board of Directors Meeting 26 – Memorial Day (School Closed) 28 –Foundation Trustee Meeting June 18 –Appreciation Night August 18-29 –School Break (School Closed) September 1 – Labor Day (School Closed) 15 – Wendy’s Classic Golf Tournament 16 –Board of Directors Meeting 24 –Foundation Trustee Meeting 28 – Foundation Trustee Meeting We are beginning to build an e-mail information board. If you would like to receive information via e-mail please e-mail Julie at [email protected] to have your e-mail address added. Page 3 All-Star VISION Staff We’d like to introduce you to the special people who devote themselves to the daily operation of SGS&NMC – the therapists, teachers, management and staff. All-Star Staff will appear in each issue of VISION and will profile a different member of our team every quarterly. I had a very refreshing visit with Janet Cook, our Special Education teacher for team two. One cannot help but feel her energy and enthusiasm for all she does here at the Spokane Guilds’ School & Neuromuscular Center (SGS&NMC). Janet is such an enjoyable and pleasant individual, it is easy to understand why so many of the families and children are drawn to her. Janet’s kind and warm manner makes people feel at ease the moment they encounter her. I discovered that underneath this mild mannered individual is a person that possesses an extremely high work ethic with high expectations for the children she serves. Janet shared that she was raised in New Mexico, in a family of six children that had many dogs. As the third child in a large family, she learned early on what it takes to be successful when working with others and getting things done. Janet told me that her brothers and sisters were her very best friends, plus having many siblings naturally increased her circle of friends. At the conclusion of high school, Janet was not exactly sure what direction her life would take, so she began working and saving her money, which eventually would go towards paying for her college education. Once in college she decided to double major in Elementary and Special Education with a minor in Sociology. She obtained her Bachelor of Science degree from Eastern New Mexico University and continued on to earn a Master of Science degree in Special Education. After graduation, she moved to Ashland, Oregon where she began teaching for the Medford School District. In 1980, Janet moved to Spokane. She worked as a substitute teacher in the Spokane Valley for one year before being hired as a Preschool Special Education May 2008 A Passion for Learning and Teaching By Ken Daniel Teacher at the SGS&NMC. Janet told me how much she loves the learning process. She so enjoys her job at the SGS&NMC because it places her in such a collaborative position with the other teachers and therapists. “I love it here!” she shared, “Working with the children and their families has taught me so much.” Janet believes that the team room setting is where the real learning takes place, for her. “Being with these little ones and watching them grow and change is just amazing. The “Being with these little ones and watching them grow and change is just amazing.” children learn the most from play activities. It is my job to help find new ways of playing that will benefit the children the most.” Janet’s most satisfying moments come in watching the children attempt new tasks and see the delight on their faces when they succeed. Throughout the years, Janet has observed that the children’s development is more typical than atypical. “As teachers and therapists, we have to think outside of the box to find a workable solution for challenges the children and their families face. The children have kept me young and make me laugh with their antics.” Janet has found true happiness from doing what brings her the most satisfaction. Working with the little ones at the SGS&NMC fulfills part of this for Janet. Janet and her husband John enjoy many wonderful activities such as, hiking, camping, biking, ballroom dancing and traveling. Janet loves making jewelry and her new found interest is in acting and producing plays. She believes that life is a learning process. “We are in charge of our own destiny, with the choices we make each day dictating the way we live our life.” She is proud of her two step children, Katherine, age 25, a graduate student at the University of Washington working on her PhD in mathematics, and Nathan, age 26, who is a computer specialist with Mountain Gear focusing on web design. Janet loves having a close family, good friends, and a Janet Cook, Preschool Special Education Teacher great place to work. She feels that all of these things provide her with a full and well balanced life. The SGS&NMC has been so fortunate to have Janet as one of our dedicated staff members providing outstanding professional service to the children and families we serve. Have a story you’d like to share about either a current Spokane Guilds’ School & Neuromuscular Center student or one of our alumni? We’d love to print it in the Vision. Stories and photos may be emailed to: [email protected] or mailed to: Ken Daniel Spokane Guilds’ School & Neuromuscular Center 2118 W. Garland Ave. Spokane, WA 99205. All photos will be returned. Page 4 VISION May 2008 Thank you to all of our sponsors, donors, volunteers and guests for helping to make this such a successful event! Major Underwriters Doubletree Hotel Spokane City Center PEMCO Insurance Company Sterling Savings Bank WSIADA Platinum Corporate Sponsors American Iron Works & Erectors Bank of America Banner Bank Itron Kalispel Tribe of Indians Northwest Farm Credit Services State Bank Northwest Tomlinson Real Estate Group Travis Pattern & Foundry Witherspoon, Kelley, Davenport & Toole Scholarship Fund Underwriters M.T.M. Contractors Randy & Kathy Maurer Stephen & Linda McIntosh Mary Sherwood Washington Trust Bank Ventilation Power Cleaning, Inc. Spokane East Rotary Club Tom and Joyce Williams WSIADA Gold Corporate Sponsors Air Electric Equipment & Tools Cedar Property Management Garland Vision Source Horizon Credit Union Spokane House of Hose Spokane North Lions Spokane North Rotary Spokane Pro-Care Spokane Restaurant Equipment Washington Trust Bank White Elephant Auction Underwriters A&L Compressed Gases, Inc. Burke’s Distributing Gregory Johnson Lawton Printing Wm. Winkler Co. Special Thanks Mark Peterson, Master of Ceremonies Stuart Lee, Auctioneer Auction Steering Committee: Steve White—Chairperson Patti Alder, Sandy Alderman, Phyllis Bill, Helen Black, Bette Blair, Jennifer Blair, T.J. Brill, Judith Crosby, Ashley Goodman, Janet Guest, Brett & Lisa Hagen, Charlie & Dolores Hinton, Stuart Lee, Christine Johnston, Cyndi Lucke, Karen Miller, Marcie Rae O’Connor, Connie Powers, Klaire Powers, Gregg & Barbara Pryde, Bill Ryan, Trina Schmid, Mike Schneider, Beth Seely, Tracey St. Onge, Jayme Toth, Jamison Wagner and Karla White. Page 5 VISION Wilde Fl wers: Stories from the Guilds’ School Garden G and by the time Ben got there she had abe...who passed out. The baby boys were delivered by doesn’t love that name? It’s c-section while Ben waited for 45 minutes, both strong and which seemed like an eternity. Tyler was sweet. The name the first born, weighing 1 lb. 5 oz., and a Debra Wilde makes me smile, minute later Gabe came into the world at and so did his parents, Alisha Blimka and 1 lb. 3 oz. Alicia’s first reaction when she Ben Cockburn. They are very proud of their saw Gabe was that he wasn’t going to make son. I never tire of being around Spokane it. Both babies were immediately put on Guilds’ School & Neuromuscular Center ventilators. The babies’ health issues were (SGS&NMC) parents. They are as special as serious. Both Tyler and Gabe had heart their children. surgery at three weeks old. The next surgery After being together for five was when Tyler had six years, Ben and Alisha were thrilled inches of his intestines to find out they were pregnant. taken out. Three weeks At 13 weeks their excitement later another inch was doubled when they were told removed. Tyler’s skin was “its twins!” Unfortunately, that so thin that Mom had to excitement turned to worry as complications came at them fast wear gloves to hold him. and furious. At 18 weeks, Alisha’s Imagine not being able contractions were so strong that at to have skin on skin with one point, she stood up and fell to your baby, who was also Ben Cockburn, Alisha the ground in pain. Ultrasounds and wearing a colostomy bag. Blimka, and Gabe hemorrhaging took over her life. She While we were visiting, Cockburn told me her physician’s main advice tears swelled in Mom’s was bed rest. eyes remembering how sick their son was. I Five months into the pregnancy she could see it in Ben’s face too. had only gained 13 pounds, not nearly Tyler went on life support after his enough. Her severe contractions continued intestinal surgery, which was December into her 23rd week. Another visit to the 9th. A brain scan showed no activity and hospital revealed her cervix was dilated chances of him recovering were very slim. I to two. As she often did, she went to her don’t know if any of us can say what we parents home to lie down and rest, but the would do under those circumstances. They contractions continued. Her Mom took chose to hope and pray there would be some her back to the hospital to hopefully stop progress. Alisha told me she would have the contractions. After being there for four quit her job to care for him, no matter how days, her doctor wanted to send her home. developmentally delayed he might be. That’s when her Mom stepped in and said In the meantime, Gabe was getting “No, she’s not going home, she needs to better, and by February 6th, his parents be in the hospital.” But Alisha’s doctor were told he could come home! He weighed disagreed and replied “I’ll be the judge 5 lbs. 10 oz. and was 17” long. Imagine the of that.” Unfortunately, Mom was right. mixed emotions of bringing one child home Three hours after being told to go home, and leaving another on life support. Unless her contractions were coming at 4 minutes you’ve walked in those shoes, I don’t think apart. She told me she was scared out of her we can. mind. She was in labor and it was too soon. The same day Gabe came home, they It was October 21, 2006, when Ben got received a call from the hospital requesting the call that Alisha was in labor. He told me a meeting to talk about taking Tyler off he was so nervous and scared for his family life support. They went to the meeting and that his Mom drove him. In the meantime, finally realized it was time to let go. Hearing Alisha was being prepped for a spinal tap any parent re-live that moment is very May 2008 emotional. Both sets of grandparents stood by his side when Mom and Dad were caring for their other son. Tyler lived for two weeks before passing away on February 24th. His grandfather was Gabe Cockburn holding him. Alisha and Ben hurried to the hospital, but he was gone by the time they got there. Alisha held her son for two hours, and told me how peaceful he looked, and that his hands were crossed. They met a lot of people at the hospital over the months, and so Alisha and Ben recommended Gabe be evaluated at the SGS&NMC. They made an appointment and at 6 months of age Gabe was accepted in the program! Alisha remembers someone saying to her, “Why don’t you just let him grow at his own pace?” Why!, was Alisha’s response, when we can have the best care in the world? Both parents were on board; in fact, Ben went to part time so he could be as involved as possible with his son. His employer, Wilbert Precast, Inc. told him to do what he had to do. How great is that? This comes as no surprise; both Alisha and Ben say they don’t know what they would do without the support, education and compassion they find in that unassuming brick building. Gabe goes two days a week, and Mom takes him one day and Dad the other. Gabe has come so far, and therapists tell them he’s now about 3 months behind, that’s all! And, he is catching up day by day. He now walks, and is so close to running, Alisha tells me, as she laughs. Gabe can eat, is talking and his body isn’t so stiff. I understand he has quite a crush on not just one of his therapists, but all three, Joy Eastgate, Maureen Rager-McKinnon and Jan Young. They know that no child can be replaced, but did admit they would love to have one more. In the meantime, as Alisha says, Gabe keeps on trucking! Each quarter Debra Wilde takes the time to get to know one our SGS&NMC families to share their story with our readership. Debra has been involved with the School for many years, and served on the SGS&NMC board of directors. Page 6 VISION May 2008 ou Know… The More YPrenatal Drug Exposure By Ashley Goodman E very child deserves to have the best start in life. Unfortunately, drug use around the country has drastically increased during the last 20 years. It is now estimated that between 550,000 and 750,000 children are born each year exposed to drugs and/or alcohol. A government survey on National Drug Use and Health published in 2005 estimated that nearly 4 percent of pregnant women use illegal drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy, amphetamines (including methamphetamine), and heroin. These and other drugs may cause adverse effects on an unborn child. Although doctors know that use of these substances puts the baby and mother both at risk for difficulties, many women who use drugs also use alcohol and tobacco, making it difficult to determine which effects are from the drugs. What are the risks associated with drug use during pregnancy? Babies exposed to drugs are at risk of numerous health problems, including premature birth (birth before 37 weeks gestation), low birth weight (under 5 ½ pounds), failure to thrive (loss of weight or slowing of weight gain and failure to reach developmental milestones), neurobehavioral problems, infectious diseases, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Babies born prematurely are more likely to be born at a low birth weight. Both premature birth and low birth weight are associated with poor overall health and development. Children who weigh under 5 ½ pounds at birth are more likely to have health problems and exhibit developmental delays. Neurobehavioral problems may occur including symptoms of withdrawal such as tremors, irritability, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, and seizures. However, these symptoms usually decrease over time; the effects of the drug use may be permanent. How does prenatal drug exposure affect a child developmentally? Children who were exposed to drugs may be more hyperactive than unexposed children, have short attention spans, mood swings, and problems moving from one activity to another. What can parents/caretakers do to alleviate the difficulties associated with prenatal drug exposure? Early intervention is essential to help give babies exposed to drugs inutero the best opportunity to overcome the difficulties with which they are born. Doctors recommend that all children with a history of prenatal drug exposure receive developmental evaluations at 6 months, 12 months, and at least every year thereafter until they are in school. Early intervention will help the child develop fine motor skills, social skills, and also help the child learn what behaviors are appropriate for his/her age. However, it is also up to the parents and caretakers to work with the child at home in order to help the child’s development. How can these difficulties be prevented? The good news is that difficulties associated with prenatal drug exposure can be prevented very easily! Women who are pregnant or could become pregnant are encouraged to refrain from drug, alcohol, and tobacco use. Women who do use drugs are encouraged to stop using before they become pregnant. By avoiding drugs and alcohol, a woman is taking the first step to guarantee her child the best start in life. With so many developmental disabilities, delays, and rare syndromes, it’s not surprising that many people are overwhelmed. For that very reason, we have created “The More You Know”, a column that focuses on a different diagnosis in every issue of Vision to aid understanding and address the basic questions many have never had the opportunity to ask. Of Special Interest… •Our continued thanks to JOHN TIFFANY of DIRECT MAIL ENTERPRISES for providing his mailing service for the quarterly distribution of the Vision free of charge. •A very special thank you to the Downtown Rotary 21 Club for providing over $3,400 in funding to allow the SGS to purchase desperately needed therapeutic equipment which will include: Feeder Seats, Platform Swing, Tripp Trapp Chair, Cloud Nine Positioning Chair, Snoezelen Satchel, and a Advanced Steamroller. Again, thank you Rotary 21 for your continued generous support. •Special thanks to Inland Northwest Dairies for their generous $14,000 Matching Gift Sponsorship supporting our Phon-a-thon. In addition to the thousands of containers that Inland Northwest Dairies provides for our Penny Drive each year, we are overwhelmed by your generosity! On behalf of all the children and families that will benefit from your support…thank you! •Three cheers for the Boy Scouts who volunteered their time at our annual Dinner Auction on March 8, 2008. Not only did they serve guests at the coat check, but they donated back their $50 in tips… to benefit our little ones here at SGS. What a kind and honorable act…and an example to us all! •Special thanks to Century 21 Beutler & Associates for allowing us to use their beautiful downtown office for this year’s Phon-a-Thon on March 25th, 2008. Over $60,000 was raised as part of our 12th annual Foundation Penny Drive. Thank you for your help and hospitality! •Thanks to Cleon Folkins of CPF, Inc. Money Processing Systems, sorting this year’s silver change from our penny drive was a snap! He donated a Mach 7 coin sorter that cut our time by 75%! Now that just makes “cents!” Thanks CPF, Inc. What a wonderful gift…thank you! Page 7 VISION May 2008 12th Annual Penny Drive another success! And we’re still counting… A big thank you to everyone who volunteered and donated to our 12th annual Penny Drive. Our volunteers hand-sorted over seven tons of pennies alone! Donations from the community and local schools continue to come in, and we’re expecting a very successful penny drive by it’s culmination at the end of June. This success could not be realized without the invaluable support of so many dedicated volunteers and donors. From all of the little ones at the Spokane Guilds’ School & Neuromuscular Center who will benefit from this generosity, thank you!!! Watch for our grand total in the next VISION. Special thanks to: PennyDrive DriveCommunity CommunityPartners: Partners: Penny Inland Northwest Dairies Inland Northwest Dairies Lawton Printing Lawton Printing Washington Trust Bank Washington Trust Bank Windermere Real Estate Windermere Real Estate SmilesProgram ProgramDentists Dentistsand andSponsors: Sponsors: Smiles James Hoppe Dr.Dr. James Hoppe Dr. Creigh House Dr. Creigh House Jeffrey Marshall Dr.Dr. Jeffrey Marshall James Mengert Dr.Dr. James Mengert Miller Dental Labs Miller Dental Labs Patterson Dental Supply Patterson Dental Supply Dave Petersen Dr.Dr. Dave Petersen Saffer Dr.Dr. EdEd Saffer Cynthia Thiel Dr.Dr. Cynthia Thiel ...and their staff ...and allall of of their staff Phon-A-ThonMatching Matching Sponsors: Phon-A-Thon GiftGift Sponsors: Inland Northwest Dairies Inland Northwest Dairies Pacific Northwest Title Pacific Northwest Title PEMCO Insurance Company PEMCO Insurance Company Sterling Savings Bank Sterling Savings Bank Schools: Schools: Approximately schools, both public Approximately 6060 schools, both public and private, participated Penny Drive and private, participated in in thethe Penny Drive this year, raising over $25,000 children this year, raising over $25,000 forfor children Spokane Guilds’ School. at at thethe Spokane Guilds’ School and Thank you all! Center. Thank you all! Neuromuscular CommunityDay DaySponsors Sponsors& &Supporters: Supporters: Community Freedom Riders Motorcycle Club Freedom Riders Motorcycle Club Inland Northwest Car Club Council Inland Northwest Car Club Council KGA 1510 AM KGA 1510 AM KHQ-TV KHQ-TV KREM KREM 22 KXLY Broadcasting KXLY Broadcasting Live 104.5 / 107.1 Live 104.5 / 107.1 FMFM Loomis Fargo Co. Loomis Fargo && Co. Smith Barney Smith Barney Spokane Association Realtors Spokane Association of of Realtors Spokane Chiefs (Boomer) Spokane Chiefs (Boomer) Spokane Indians (Otto) Spokane Indians (Otto) Spokane Shocks (the Fox) Spokane Shocks (the Fox) Spokesman Review Spokesman Review Success Success byby SixSix Wendy’s Old Fashioned Hamburgers Wendy’s Old Fashioned Hamburgers Zip’s Drive-In Restaurants Zip’s Drive-In Restaurants CommunityDay DaySites: Sites: Community Bain Agency Farmers Insurance Bain Agency Farmers Insurance Century Beutler Assoc. - Downtown Century 2121 Beutler && Assoc. - Downtown Cheney Masonic Lodge Cheney Masonic Lodge Inland Northwest Bank - South Inland Northwest Bank - South Jump Grind Coffee Co. Jump && Grind Coffee Co. Rogers High School Rogers High School Spokane Guilds' School Spokane Guilds' School and Neuromuscular Center Sterling Savings Bank - Mullan Sterling Savings Bank - Mullan Unitarian Universalist Church Unitarian Universalist Church Wheatland Bank - Hwy. Wheatland Bank - Hwy. 22 Windermere Real Estate - Manito Windermere Real Estate - Manito Windermere Real Estate - North Windermere Real Estate - North Windermere Real Estate - Valley Windermere Real Estate - Valley Page 8 VISION May 2008 Honor Roll of Donors January 1—April 15, 2008 Contributors to the Tom & Mary Brown Donald & Joanne Baird Bruchi’s Cheesesteaks & Subs Banner Bank SCHOOL Budget Rent a Car of Seattle Brent & Connie Barratt Build-a-Bear Workshop Dr. Mike & Ann Barsotti Anonymous (28) Dale & Marilyn Burgeson Tom & Sandy Bassett 5 Mile Famous Nails Congratulations Jan Burkart Stan & Lynn Baycroft A & L Compressed Gases, Inc. Margaret Burke Myrle Bean Helle Aaes-Jorgensen Graduates Rodney Burke Jadda & Molly Beason John & Shannon Abernathy Burke’s Distributing Doug & Sarah Bennyhoff Ace Hardware Congratulations and Happy Birthday to our most Patricia Burns Winston & Judy Bentley Advanced Medicalrecent Massage graduates. Many of you celebrated your President George W. Bush Theresa Bettale Advantage I.Q. - Team Paradise third birthdays, and others were no longer in Chadwick & Camilla Byrd Jerry & Phyllis Bill Bill Akers need of SGS services. Our hope is that you will Cabela’s Bin 98 Twenty Restaurant Mark & Rhea Albert each go on to accomplish, achieve, triumph and & Wine Bar Brian & Laura Caler Sandy Alderman fulfill your every dream. Bistro on Spruce Carl Carbon Charitable Trust Jim & Patty Allen February March April Steve Holderbee & Stacy Bjordahl Heather Carling-Smith Allied Security, Fire David James D. Black Aiden Anthony Jimmy Carter Products & Systems Kaden Hailey Donald & Helen BlackLogan Casa de Oro Chris & Pam Altig Cole Samuel Blades Design Group William Castaway Fly Shop Jerry & Judy Altig Tyler Jacke & Bette Blair Tayton Catch a Ray Tanning Co. Alton’s Tire & Automotive Ella Jennifer Blair The Cathay Inn Centers, Inc. Andre’ Steve & April Boharski Catholic Daughters of American Iron Works Avery America #2556 Denise Borchert & Erectors Inc. Ckayden Cedar Property Mgmt. Julius B. Bosold American West Bank Lillian Century Marketing, Inc. Norella B. Bosold Matt & Eleanor Andersen Chocolate Apothecary, LLC Vern & Kathy Bott Kay Anderson Churchill’s Steak House Steve & Christina Botter Kathy Andrews Cinema Vehicle Services Jacci Bottler Appraisal Services of Spokane Julie Clarke John & Catherine Bovey Arby’s Dennis Clinton Richard Mark Boysen Brian & Frances Arden Sean Clyburn Joe & Rachel Brabeck Associates In Hair Design Coastal Community Bank Jim & Christy Branson Auntie’s Bookstore Cobra Roofing Services, Inc. T.J. & Kris Brill Kristy Ausdemore Coca Cola Distributing Tim & Megan Brinson Avista Utilities Thomas & Barbara Cochran Larry & Jan Brown Joan Baez Mary Coerver Lee & Sue Brown Pauline Bafaro Lisawho Cole ongratulations to the following members of the SGS staff Scott & Denise Brown Julie Bailey Clarence & Virginia Collins celebrated anniversaries during the months of February, March, and Concrete Congratulations to the following members of the SGS&NMC April. Your commitment to the Guilds’ School children and their Works Statuary, Inc. Richard & Mary Conley staff who celebrated anniversaries during the months of families is inspirational. February, March, and April. Your commitment to the Costco Wholesale #66 SGS&NMC children and their families is inspirational. Costco Wholesale #670 1 Yates, Kathy 19 years Father Bernard Coughlin S.J. Feb. 1 Feb. Kathy BillingYates, AgentBilling Agent 19 years Feb. 4 Chrys Metts, Staff Nurse 5 years Bryan & Gerrie Craig Feb. 4 Chrys Metts, Staff Nurse 5 years Cravens Coffee Company Feb. 14 Liz McAndrews, Family / Staff Liaison 16 years Feb. 14 Liz McAndrews, Family / Staff Liaison 16 years Creative Music Learning Center 23 Eliason, Barbara Eliason, Secretary 10 years Feb. 23Feb. Barbara Secretary 10 years Kathryn Croff Carol Hendershot, Physical Therapist 18 years Mar. 1 Mar. Carol1Hendershot, Physical Therapist 18 years Judith Ann Crosby 7 Henderson, Marilyn Program Henderson, Program Coordinator years Mar. 7 Mar. Marilyn Coordinator 31 years Ron31Crosby Mar. 10Mar. Roseann Driver Coach Driver 13 years 10 Tschabold, RoseannCoach Tschabold, 13 years Crosby’s Painting Gerald Cullen Mar. 16Mar. Cheryl Physical Therapist 16Morgan, Cheryl Morgan, Physical Therapist16 years 16 years Michael & Linda Cunningham Mar. 22Mar. Bobbie Planned Giving Officer Giving 4 years 22League, Bobbie League, Planned Officer 4 years Bruce Curran Apr. 1 Apr. Sallie1 Hamilton, / Language Pathologist 22 years SallieSpeech Hamilton, Speech / Language PathologistTammy 22 years Dahl Apr. 10Apr. Robert Piston, M.D., Medical Director 12 years 10 Robert Piston, M.D., Medical Director 12 years Gordon & Trudie Damskov Apr. 10Apr. Ginette Therapist 2 years 10 Kerkering, GinettePhysical Kerkering, Physical Therapist 2 years Kenneth & Kristi Daniel The Davenport Hotel C Rosauers employees, Shirley Whittaker and Theresa Young presented the SGS&NMC with a $2,500 donation from wine sales in their March “Power Buys” book. Thanks Rosauers! Davidson Companies Angela Davis Bill & Mary Sue Davis Mary DeGuire Kurt & Marie Dehmer Denny & Genia Denholm Frank & Wendy DeSantis Beth deViveiros Didier’s Yogurt & More Phyllis Diller Direct Mail Enterprises, Inc. Diane Donahue Bryan & Vicki Dornbos Doubletree Hotel Spokane City Center Dover Bay Marina Downriver Grill Tim & Marie Draper Pat & Karen Driscoll Duane’s Automotive Plus Maria Dunkin Christy Durgin Alvin & Marsha Easter Clint Eastwood Greater Spokane Elks Lodge #228 Rich & Katie Engel Exercise Solutions Express Personnel Services Fidelitas Winery Patricia Fields Dan Finney Fi’s Body Shop Five Mile Heights Pizza Shaun & Sascha Flanigan Jane Fonda Bob & Barbara Forth Foster Wine Estates Fred Meyer Dean & Carol Freeman Jeanne Galford E. & Maureen Ganley Page 9 VISION May 2008 Honor Roll of Donors January 1—April 15, 2008 Garco Construction, Inc. Nancy Gardner Garland Vision Source, Inc. Ed & Helen Gately Lonna Gately Linda Geier Charles & Terry George Michael & Linda Geraghty Thelma Giampietri Mary Giannini Larry & Mary Jo Gilbert Edward Gilmore Stephanie Giordano Jim & Carol Glenn Golf Cars, Etc. Connie Graham Great Harvest Bread Co. Jim & Betty Green Rebecca Greene Robert & Dolores Griffith John Griffiths Group Health Options, Inc. Phil & Tammie Guidice Joyce Gunning Dorothy Haenle, O.T.R. Dr. Brett & Lisa Hagen Elisabeth Hairston William & Edith Hale Marc & Sallie Hamilton Dick Hanson Rich & Karen Hanson Jeremy & Stephanie Hare Harmon Glass Doctor Pat & Kathy Harper Cmsgt. David & Bonita Hartman Sharol Harwood John & Nadine Hawley Rich & Carol Hendershot Don & Marilyn Henderson Richard & Anita Herdener Robert & Barbara Higgins Ted & Carol Hilderman SGS Foundation trustee Jeff Gately, and SGS&NMC employee Bob Edens team up each year to run the penny sort like a well-oiled machine! Alfred Hill Hoffman Music Art & Lorrie Hoffmeister Corinne Hogan Steve Holderby & Stacy Bjordahl Coltan Hoppe Horizon Credit Union Lori Houck Mat & Shelly Houn Dr. Creigh & Janice House Steve Howard Donald & Kristine Howell Jonathan & Mary Hurst Inland Empire Tours Intermountain Community Bank Itron Cherae Monique Jenkins Jewelry Design Center Bruce & Maxine Johnson Gregory Johnson Jim & Bev Johnson Matt Jones William Jones Dorothy Juhlin Just Roses Kelly Kampmann Craig & Janine Kardokus John & DeDe Keating Dennis & Donna Kelly Laura Kern Dawn Kight Don & Margreta Kilgore Ilse Kilian-Tan Lisa King Mike & Debbie Kirwin Peter & Joann Klager Lance & Lynn Kliewer Richard & Lauralee Klingler Matt & Erin Kloes Bill Knight & Dorothy Graham Mike & Virginia Knight Jessica Knudsen Dennis & Nola Koesel Kokanee Springs Golf Resort Curtis & Loretta Kracher La Quinta Inn and Suites Ladies of FREON Guild LandAmerica Financial Group, Inc. Lois Larsen Darrell & Christine Larson Leonard & Jean Larson Latah Creek Wine Cellars James F. LaVigne Eleanor Law Law & Order Tim & Mary Lawlor Guilds’ School Wishes… We are in need of the following items: Body Pillows Weighted Blankets Construction paper Powdered, washable tempera paints Oversized, washable bibs Baby blankets Costco gift cards Wal-Mart gift cards Enough resources to help all children who need us… If you are able to help with these items please contact the Development Office at 509-326-1651 Lawton Printing, Inc. La-Z-Boy Galleries, High Mountain Sales, Inc. Richard & Bobbie League Learning Is Fun David & Susan Leavenworth Stuart & Kelly Lee Henry & Barbara Lewis Paul & Linda Lewis Michael Link Linoleum & Carpet City, Inc. Spokane North Lions Club Spokane Hillyard Lions Club Southeast Lions Club Karen Lipton Local Union No. 73 Intnl. Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Barbara Lockard Joyce Lockard Wendy Lohman Wendy Lombardo Robert & Patricia Loomis Bill & Margaret Lubke Dave & Cyndi Lucke Jan Lydig Mae’s Massage Bob & Elinor Magnuson John Doerschlag & Kammy Magnuson Pat & Donna Maguire Mama Mia’s Kathy Marshall Mark Martin W. Scott & Kristin Mason Randy & Kathy Maurer Alicia McAllister Dennis & Carolyn McCanna Doris McCroskey McDonald’s Restaurants Denny & Joy McDougall Dr. Michael R. McGarvey Pat & Carol McGurk Stephen & Linda McIntosh Brian & Carolynn McNaughton Clara McNaughton McNaughton & Nate Insurance Group Sue Melcher John Mellencamp Mel’s Nursery Floral & Gifts Mercedes Benz of Spokane Merck Employee Giving Campaign Andrew & Chrys Metts We apologize if your name is missing from the Honor Roll. Please call the SGS&NMC Development Office to report any errors or omissions. Page 10 VISION May 2008 Honor Roll of Donors January 1—April 15, 2008 Windermere Real Estate is a proud supporter of the “Kids for Kids Penny Drive”throughout their offices. The SGS&NMC is honored to have you as a Community Partner. Linda Meyer Miami Dolphins, Ltd. Timothy & Michelle Middlebrook Wes & Karen Miller Margaret Miller Maureen Moehle Kenneth & Anita Mohr Jerry & Clara Monks Roger & Nancy Moore Dennis Morissey & Dolores Wilber Sue Morris Clarence & Ethel Moser Mt. Spokane Ski & Snowboard Park MTM Contractors, Inc Mary Mueller Nick & Jody Murto Dave & Debbie Navin Roger & Mary Ann Naylor Terry & Terry Neal Frank & Jeanine Neeri Mark & Julie Nevdahl Bob Newhart Kilmer & Kim Nichols Bob & Shelly Niehenke Dan Niehenke Niko’s Michael & Carol Lynn Nissley Jim & Nikie Noldin Steven Nordeen & Amy Beert Jim & Lisa Norfolk Greg Norman North Division Bicycle Shop Northern Quest Casino Northwest Baseball Academy Northwest Farm Credit Services Northwest Tai Chi Mike & Cindy Noyes NW Golf Pass Ryan & Jennifer Oberst Thomas & Barbara O’Brien Eric & Teri Ochs Patrick & Marcie Rae O’Connor O’Doherty’s Irish Pub & BBQ Rick & Debby Ogan Chris & Jean Olney Leon Olney Loren Olson Robert & Frances Olson John & Kathy Olsufka Gary & Toni Orness Jennifer Ostby Earl & Bonnie Overlie Katie Owens Pacific Northwest Title David & Cece Padon Bill & Cheryl Papesh Lori Pass Elsie Patterson Nicole Patton Vada Paulson Liz Pechous Marie Pechous Rachelle Pederson Bitsy Peffer PEMCO Insurance Company Jeff & Tracy Penna Brent & Terry Perry Peters & Sons Flowers & Gifts Kevin & Tammi Peterson Lisa Peterson Travis & Heidi Peterson Peterson Properties Petty Enterprises, Inc. Paul & Kandee Pierce Dr. Robert & Jane Piston Pitney Bowes Employee Involvement Fund The Pizza Pipeline Ken & Jeannine Plank Maxine Polich C.J. Pounder, Jr. Suzette Powell Jim & Klaire Powers Charley Pride Prospectors Restaurant Barbara L. Pryde L.M.P. Gregg & Barb Pryde Kelly & Patti Pryor Kimberly Puckett Lillian Quaid Quality Inn Oakwood Quality Inn Valley Suites Adelaide & Red Quebodeaux Anthony, Adelaide, Keith & Catherine Quebodeaux Mary Quinn-Hurst Dave & Shelbie Rabe Edgar & Alissa Raczykowski Radiant Touch Massage Therapy Rahal Racing Team Marlene & Butch Reagan Jack & Linda Reber Red Lion & West Coast Hotels J.E. & M.J. Redinger Mary Redman-Hill Joel Reed Rick &Lisa Repp Maureen Rettmann Jason & Jill Reuter Chris & Nikki Riley Leonard & Evelyn Riley John Riley & Shirley Hart Riley River Bank River Ridge Hardware Christopher & Laurel Roberg Robert Karl Cellars Robbie & Kinsey Robinson Jeannie Rocco Rock City Grill Charles Romanick Rosauers Supermarkets, Inc. Michael & Dolores Rosman Spokane East Rotary Martha Rough Round Table Pizza Nancy Royse Nehemiah & Shersten Rudolph Dr. Robert & Diane Rutherford William Ryan Safeco Insurance Companies Ken & Vicki Sax Mike & Christine Schardt Karl & Trina Schmid Mike Schneider Dan & Sherry Schnell Dale & Barbara Schultz Ken & Linda Schwartz Dennis Trainor & Karla Sconiers June Scott Scout Troop 117 Screen Tek, Inc. Donna Scripture Penny Sczenski Seattle Mariners Ken & Mary Secrest Beth Seely See’s Candies Hal & Juney Seim Friends of the SGS Sharp Shooting Indoor Range & Gun Shop Dr. Robert Shaw Garry & Mary Jane Shea Pam Sheldon Mary Sherwood Paul Shields Allen & Donna Shilliam Jerry & Juli Shogan Shirley Sides Silver Linings Jennifer Simmons Margaret Simpson Bernadette Sipple Barbara Slaughter Alex Slawter Nancilee Sloan Scott & Delena Smith Philip & Nikki Smith Shelly Smith-Houn Dr. Jeff & Julie Snow Ken Spilker Eddie Spitzer Spokane Eye Clinic - South Spokane House of Hose Spokane Restaurant Equipment Starbucks Coffee Company - Shadle State Bank Northwest Sterling Savings Bank Dennis & Karen Sterner Phill & Cathy Stohs Sheilah Stone-Dorame Stoneridge Resort Tom & Kathy Stuart Tim & Debbie Stulc Carl & Mary Sturm 2001 SGS&NMC poster child, Dillon Williams, and his mom Theresa came from Vancouver to support our 12th annual penny drive. Once told he would never walk, Dylan, 15, is active and has lettered in wrestling. Page 11 VISION May 2008 Honor Roll of Donors January 1—April 15, 2008 Sun Mountain Lodge, Inc. Paul & Gina Sundberg Susan Surby Mark & Marsha Swenson The Swinging Doors Gregory Sypolt Robert Tallan & Bo Smith Target Doug & Stacy Tatko Shirley Taylor TGI Friday’s Shelley Thams The Cabin Suites Bed & Breakfast The Creek at Qualchan Golf Course The White House Grill Adele S. Thomas Mary Jane Thompson Mike & Jeanette Thompson Billy S. Thornton Tim & Candi Todd Tomlinson Black Affiliate Services, Inc. Tomlinson Black North Daria Toth Jayme Toth Paul Town Leslie & Jill Townsend Travis Pattern & Foundry Lee Trevino Tune Tech Lisa Tupling Pat & Mary Tyrie Bob Uecker Unitarian Universalist Church of Spokane G. Scott & Marcy Upham Robert & Mary Urbaniak URM Utopia Home Accents Dee Dee Van Cleef Debra Van Tine Mark Vandine Leslie Vanhoff Serina Varallo Joan Versteeg John & Erna Vinje Ann Vogrig WA State Independent Auto Dealers Assoc. Jamison & Jennifer Wagner Steve & Jan Waite Amber Walker Joy Lynn & Jack Walker Chuck & Marilyn Wallace Rusty Wallace Steve & Sue Walther Wandermere Golf Course Wandermere Salon Washington State University - Marketing & Promotions Washington Trust Bank Susan Weber Debbie Weiler Wendle Ford Wendy’s Old Fashioned Hamburgers HJ & Kristina Whapeles Wheel of Fortune Wheel Sport East Steve & Karla White White Elephant Kathy Wilcox Debra Wilde William Grant Gallery & Framing Drs. Randy & Betty Williams Jeremy Williams Dr. Michael & Nancy Williams David & Hildred Winchester Phillip Winter Witherspoon, Kelley, Davenport & Toole, P.S. Tyler & Sharon Withrow Wolf Lodge Inn & Steakhouse Karla Womack Wonderland Family Fun Center Jim & Karen Woodworth Dick Boysen, SGS&NMC Executive Director, with 8-year old alumni, Dominic PLEASE HELP US CLEAN UP OUR MAILING LIST If the name and address on this issue of VISION is incorrect, if you are receiving multiple issues of VISION, or if you prefer to be removed from our mailing list, please let us know. Please call Julie at 509-326-1651 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Thank you for your assistance. Debra Yates Bill & Carole Zuppe HONORARIUM Violet Abernathy Charles & Sydne Abernathy All Children Mary Jane Thompson Jerry Altig United Galaxy Associates, LLC Savannah Beason Glenn & Glenda Reed Olivia Beert-Nordeen Mary Ann Otte Richard Mark Boysen Mary Anne Dobbs Bunny Brooks Jeff & Karen Wiley Joseph R. Doerschlag Richard & Alice Gingrich Alexia Duckett Ken & Diane Karg Shannon Dyer Robin Isherwood Molly Engh Jim & Sharon Engh Aiden Fitzgerald Dan & Darleen Fitzgerald Kenneth Fry Robert & Sherrie Ann Stradley Cleo Furney Eric & Ann Pirttima Brian Gately Jeff & Lonna Gately Noah M. Hoppe Anonymous Dana Hydzik Jim Hydzik & Simmi Bath-Hydzik Makenna S. Johnson Sheila Lozano Riley Kibbe Inland Northwest Fords Unlimited Lisa King Mike & Kim McKenna Terry & Ruth Nelson Patrick & Marcie Rae O’Connor Bill & Denise Peters Christopher & Catherine Spargo Jeffrey & Christine Welch Thomas S. LaLone Heather Shea Cole McMorris-Rodgers Corene McMorris John Roskelley Dawn Roskelley Joey Seefried Jess & Ruth Sexson SGS&NMC Management & Staff Anonymous SGS&NMC speech and language pathologists, Marie Pechous and Lisa Norfolk, helped gather change during our community penny drive. Pat Showman Charles & Terry George Mark O. Sonnenberg Stephanie Lidstone Pitney Bowes Timothy Stulc Brian & Carolynn McNaughton Michael C. Van Gordon Paul & Sarah Van Gordon Joyce M. White David & Mavis Dittberner Gregg & Barb Pryde Joan Williams Dale & Kathryn Larsen Amber J. Woodworth Dominic Frucci Stephanie Zobrist Patrick & Barbara Lorang Bill Zobrist III MEMORIAL Gerald A. Anderson Lorraine Anderson Charles L. Bailey Jerry & Susan Bolles Ron & Billie Carter Jon & Barbara Eliason Everett & Mary Knox Carl & Hazel Kuney Sandra Nowack Mike & Cindy Noyes Warren & Martha Pavlat Dr. Jeff & Julie Snow Anonymous Doreen Whitney John Benner Karen Elmendorf Cleo Brock Lois Larsen Berna J. Brooks Jeff & Karen Wiley Georgia Rae Camp Squaw Peak Anesthesia, Inc. Page 12 VISION May 2008 Honor Roll of Donors January 1—April 15, 2008 Freedom Riders’ President, Dennis Allure, with his wife Renee and grandchild. Hundreds of riders joined them supporting their annual motorcycle ride to benefit the Guilds’ School. Mary Boysen Carey Dr. Tom & Wendy Boysen Steve Ciezadlo Squaw Peak Anesthesia, Inc. Phyllis Coats Sandy Alderman Joe Coccia Mary Lee Gaston Louis Curtis Chris & Kris Mikkelsen Mae Fay Anonymous Theodore Fournier IBM Employee Services Center Seth Frye Molly Riggs Nina Furlong Selma Sonntag L. F. Furney Eric & Ann Pirttima Lillian Grandinetti Chris & Kris Mikkelsen Lois L. Gronning David & Mavis Dittberner Josiah Hansen Della Stevens & Eva Vantella Collin Hart John & Beth Hart Linda M. Hendershott Anonymous Ashlyn James Walter & Marilyn Highberg Red & Sandie James Congratulations Graduates Congratulations and Happy Birthday to our most recent graduates. Many of you celebrated your third birthdays, and others were no longer in need of SGS&NMC services. Our hope is that you will each go on to accomplish, achieve, triumph and fulfill your every dream. February David Kaden Cole March James Hailey Samuel Tyler Ella Andre’ Avery Ckayden Lillian April Aiden Logan William Tayton Orville Jones Beverly Canfield Terry Kelly Joe & Maureen Shogan Michael Kulzer Squaw Peak Anesthesia, Inc. Kevin Lewis John & Carole Oliveri Robert Linsday Bill & Nell McIntosh Joseph Lorusso Paul & Sarah Van Gordon Carrie McNaughton Paul McNaughton Lou Morken Bill & Nell McIntosh Evelyn Nealey Walter & Cynda Adams William & Brenda Bacon Garco Construction, Inc. Ellsworth Moland Wayne & Mary Paupst South Side Newcomers John R. Nevers Squaw Peak Anesthesia, Inc. Shereen Paff Linda Geier Lloyd & LaVerne Paff Jean Reeves Earl Reeves Mary Jane Richardson Squaw Peak Anesthesia, Inc. John M. Riley Tim & Theresa Sturm Pat Robeson Verizon Foundation Marion Roski David & Mavis Dittberner Georgia Rupert Dale Harris Jerry Sides Shirley Sides Kate Elizabeth Staunton Squaw Peak Anesthesia, Inc. Billy Stevens Ted & Marilyn Stevens Pat Torgerson Richard Mark Boysen Fern Van Gordon Paul & Sarah Van Gordon We apologize if your name is missing from the Honor Roll. Please call the SGS&NMC Development Office to report any errors or omissions. Contributors to the FOUNDATION Anonymous (8) Adams Elementary Albertson’s Community Partner Program Mary Alexieve Kathleen Allen Art Anderson Tom Anderson Arlington Elementary Austin’s Jewelry Automated Accounts, Inc. Kevin & Kris Bacon Ralph Baker Balboa Elementary Bancroft Center Ned & Linda Barnes Tom & Sandy Bassett Todd & Rebecca Bauernfeind Ruth Beach Bob & Renee Beal Gary Bellinger Bemiss Elementary Greg Benner Linda Birchard Mark Bitz Bruce & Kathy Bixler Deanna Blair Tony & Mary Lou Bonanzino Gary & Julie Boop Mike & Kelly Bowie Jeff & Diane Boysen Richard Mark Boysen Jerry Breeden Dale & Deanna Bright Jim Brown Robert & Pamela Brown Tony & D’lyn Bruce Ronald Bruce Bruchi’s Cheesesteaks & Subs Eric & Lisa Brulotte Adam Burton George Cain Chris & Janet Carney Kevin Carroll Catholic Daughters of America #2556 Harley & Marsha Chamberlain Chase Middle School Julie Cherry Deborah Chilling Bruce Clark George & Evelyn Clough Thomas & Cindy Cochrane Alicia Cole Page 13 VISION May 2008 Honor Roll of Donors January 1—April 15, 2008 Contract Design Association Cooper Elementary Robin Corkery Roger & Roxie Cramer Christi Culp Johnnee & Kelly Curtiss Dan Sherfey Construction Kenneth & Kristi Daniel Dyer Davis Mike & Jeanne DeBardi Cathy Dernbach Lisa Dickinson Discovery School Randy Dollar Don Douglass Don & Sue Downing Tim & Marie Draper Pat & Karen Driscoll Brad & Julie Duncan Brooke Eaton Todd & Kay Edmonds Dennis & Penny Elder Evans, Craven & Lackie, P.S. Evergreen Elementary Express Personnel Services Fairmont Memorial Association Bill & Harriet Fix Marian Flahavin Tom & Colleen Flanigan Randy & Christy Folkins Foothills Lincoln Mercury Forza Coffee Foundation Northwest SGS Fund Robert & Nancy Frankovic Tom & Renae Frantz Mark & Tanya Frost Garfield Elementary Global Impact Gonzaga Preparatory School Grant Elementary Jerry & Charlotte Graves Harold & Sharon Greene Lynette Destefano presented SGS&NMC Foundation Trustee Jim O’Connell with a $2,847.87 donation from generous staff at the WA State Unemployment Claims Telecenter. Thank you all! Jim & Jennifer Gumm William Guttromson H & R Complete Hamblen Elementary Rich & Suzette Hamm Timothy & Patricia Harkins Lorraine Harris Cmsgt. David & Bonita Hartman Haskins Properties Melannye Hay Dr. Robb Heinrich Rich & Carol Hendershot Don & Marilyn Henderson Dean & Donna Hepper History to You Karl Hoffmann Areta Holms Paul & Maureen Horn Larry & Lois Howes Human Resource Management Consulting Lesley Hutson Richard & Nancy Hydzik Bill & Deborah Hyslop Indian Trail Elementary Inland Northwest Dairies Jean Jarvis Jefferson Elementary Robert Johnson Nancy Jones George & Shari Kain Jim & Trac Kalamon Rick & Tris Kellogg Nancy Ross Kennedy Ronald & Wendy Kennedy Bryce Kerr Larry Kessler Jim & Carol Killingsworth Jerry Kostelecky Joe Kramer Dick & Mary Lee Kunze Tom & Terry LaLone Gary Larson Dave & Denise Lawless Richard & Bobbie League Alan & Susan Lesher Lewis & Clark High School Logan Elementary Longfellow Elementary Lynn & Marilyn Lund Jackie Lynn William & Gail Madison Madison Elementary Bob & Elinor Magnuson Kim Malone Mark Martin Bob & Karen McBride Bing & Betty McClelland Rob Steiner (3rd from left) and dedicated volunteers from the Cheney Masonic Lodge with big smiles, and big hearts! Thanks for your help gentlemen! Angela McDonald Dorothy McDonald McDonald Elementary Donald McKinnon Doranne McMahon Clara McNaughton Stanley & Kathy McNaughton Ed & Betty McWilliams The Melanson Family James & Marie Meredith Steve & Lauri Meredith Jerry & Judy Mertens John & Betty Mertens Mike Meyer Dave Michaud Gary & Sandra Miller Margaret A. Miller Margaret Miller Ted & Lisa Miller Brad & Jenny Moeller Monsanto Fund Matching Gift Center Mike Moore Moose Lodge & Club Room Jennifer Morasch Nancy Morbey Kevin Morrison Jack Morse Mother’s Cupboard, Inc. Dennis Murphy Ben & Judy Naccarato Brian Nate Charles & Joan Nealey Curtis & Liz Nelson Kris & Michele Nilsson Jim & Lisa Norfolk Mike & Cindy Noyes Bonnie Nussbaum Cars for Charity offers a win-win Cars for Charity is an easy way for you to help the SGS&NMC kids. Donating an unneeded vehicle creates cash to help fund the operation of the School, thereby helping local kids with developmental disabilities and their families. Thanks to the many generous donors who designate the SGS when donating vehicles. The following individuals made donations during the months of January through April: Michael Bogulaski Lisa Nelson Ernest and Jennifer Olvera Wanda Dieterich Laurel Roberg Dennis Little Jon Strain Joel Maine Anton Wurtz Page 14 VISION May 2008 Honor Roll of Donors January 1—April 15, 2008 Chris & Jean Olney Allison Ouellette Ernie & Dee Paez Ross & Tomeline Palm Mike & Kelly Pankey Lynda Parry Daniel Pasby Alma Pearson Marie Pechous PEMCO Foundation Frances Petefish Don & Sandie Peterson Sam & Tanya Picicci Bernadette Pillar Debra Piper William & Wanda Podobnik Ponderosa Elementary Tom, Lonna & Kellie Power Mike & Maria Pursel Dr. Jim Quigley Paul Rayburn C.A. Reid Robert & Lucille Reimer Gene & Janet Ressa Jim Rhoades Ridgeview Elementary Rings & Things River Ridge Hardware Ken & Sharon Roberts Robbie & Kinsey Robinson Rockwood Retirement Community at Hawthorne Jerry & Bernadette Rohner Doug & Darci Ross J. Stacy & Sharie Ruegsegger Lowell Ruen Ned & Nancy Rumpeltes Dennis Ryan Sacajawea Middle School Mike Sackett Safeco Insurance Companies Saint George’s Lower School Michael & Margaret Sandusky Dave Sather Karl & Trina Schmid June Scott Ben & Ericka Sharpe Trevert Shelley Mary Sherwood Richard & Darci Shodel Ron & Teresa Simon Dr. Daniel Skinner Russell & Connie Slackman Sondern Packaging Dr. John Sonneland Fred & Monica Spicker Richard Splichal Insurance Agency Jerry & Cary Sprecher Bob St. Clair Tana St. Marie Larry Stanley Step & Stretch Ron & Diane Sterling Sterling Savings Bank Stevens Elementary Bob Streich Jay & Stephanie Suko Sunrise Elementary Gregory & Janet Tenold Gayle Terry Tony & Jill Thelen Sam Thompson Paul & Cathy Thorvaldsen Tim & Kelly Throckmorton Bill Tibbits Dan & Sandy Tocher Don & Sis Tocher Tim & Candi Todd Tom Patrick Accounting Bob Tomlinson Tomlinson Black Valley Travis Pattern & Foundry Jon & Diana Tutt Julie J. Tyner U.S. Healthworks Medical Clinic Matthew & Mary Veeder John & Erna Vinje Josh Wade Steve & Jan Waite Dr. Jim & Lynn Watts Jacob & Joan Wendel Jeff & Robin Wendel Dick & Carol Wendle Wendy’s Old Fashioned Hamburgers Noel & Cathie Wescombe Charles & Judith Wetzel Whitman Elementary Joan Williams Wilson Elementary Windermere Real Estate - North Larry & Dian Wiwatowski Jack & Phyllis Worden Joe & Julie Ann Young Zip’s Drive-In Bill Zobrist III Bill Zobrist Dan & Joann Zyph Wendy’s Classic Golf Tournament Monday,September15,2008 SpokaneCountryClub BenefitingtheSpokaneGuilds’School Formoreinformation,contactTrinaat326Ͳ1651 orvisitwww.barnzinc.com. HONORARIUM Our Rainbows Brian & Heather Ahlquist Therese Beuhl Anonymous Richard Mark Boysen Anonymous Brian Gately Jeff & Lonna Gately Marilyn Henderson Anonymous Noah M. Hoppe Fatima Locke SGS Management & Staff Anonymous Dr. Betty Fry Williams Anonymous MEMORIAL Anthony H. Anderson Kay Anderson Charles L. Bailey Karen Elmendorf Robert John Boysen Richard Mark Boysen Polly Burke Kevin Burke & Susan Mossuto Grace Dixon Hal & Vicki Dixon Mia Oliverez Jason & Alicia Green Rudy Polich Maureen Moehle Make a Difference… Leave a Legacy Are you interested in leaving a legacy for the lives that follow yours? There are so many simple things you can do now to ensure that the SGS&NMC continues to exist and provide critical services to the children and families of the future. Please consider: •Listing the SGS&NMC in your will •Naming the SGS&NMC as a beneficiary in a life insurance policy or IRA •Leaving a gift of real estate •Giving gifts of stocks, mutual funds or appreciated securities •Setting up a Charitable Lead Trust or a Remainder Trust L Page 15 VISION eaving a Legacy: May 2008 Building a solid future For the kids of tomorrow By Bobbie League S pring has been long coming to Spokane this year; however, I believe it has finally arrived. As I pass a lovely golf course on my daily commute, which has laid under two feet of snow all winter, I’ve thought often Dan Nagy of our Spokane Guilds’ School & Neuromuscular Center (SGS&NMC) golfers. They must have been anxiously waiting for the sun to shine so they could get out their golf clubs and begin a new season with great expectations for their game. I would like to share two stories with you about our wonderful golfer friends who have taken their love of the game to a new level of caring and sharing with the children we serve. Eight years ago, the School was approached by Dan Nagy, owner of Wendy’s Old Fashioned Hamburgers, about being the recipient of their annual Wendy’s Classic Golf Tournament. I would imagine that the buzz about the office that day, as it is often, was one of excitement, appreciation and renewed respect for the giving hearts of others. I have come to know that just as soon as one program funding source unexpectedly disappears, another one miraculously appears. The Wendy’s story is no different. When Wendy’s was looking for an organization to share their resources with, our SGS&NMC friend Jim O’Connell, Trustee, introduced Dan to the School and shared our story. Another friend of Dan’s, Debbie Leslie of Media Specialists, visited many organizations before suggesting the SGS&NMC to be the beneficiary of the golf tournament. Yes, on that day we were sent many new SGS&NMC angels to help us continue the important work of changing the lives of the smallest in our community. The amazing thing about the “Wendy’s Classic Golf Tournament” to the School is the fact that Dan Nagy and his friends, Debbie Leslie, and Mark DeGon of Merrill Lynch, along with Trina Schmid, Events Manager for the School, organize all facets of this large event. Those of us in the Development Office arrive on tournament day to help with the set up and golfer registration. Being a (Left to Right) Dave Padon, Dick Boysen, part of this event is a source of energy like Brian McNaughton and Bruce Medeiros no other I have ever experienced. The Ladies and their guests met for a catered support you feel from Dan, Debbie, Mark, lunch at Pavilion Park. Every aspect of their the underwriters, sponsors, and participants “Back to School” decorations, lunch and is one of enjoyed confidence for the success program had been planned with meticulous of the event and the eventual outcome detail. As I stood on the sidelines before of funding for the SGS&NMC ’s early my presentation, I could not help but be intervention program. This popular amazed at the hard work that had gone event is a tremendous resource to the into this event for the good of others. Each School. We will always be indebted to the child and family at the SGS&NMC would continued support of the Wendy’s Classic benefit from this day without the knowledge for their time, talent, and generosity. of what others had done for them. The Our upcoming “Wendy’s Classic Golf Trailhead Ladies insisted that I bring all of Tournament” is scheduled for Monday, the school supplies that had decorated the September 15, 2008. tables, back to School to share with the My second golf story begins in June families. Those decorations were gifts that of last year when we received a concept kept on giving for many days. The entire proposal from the Trailhead Ladies day had been a smashing success with a feel Golf Club, in Liberty Lake, WA. The of joyful caring for all. SGS&NMC was selected as the recipient We are most grateful and deeply of their summer invitational fundraising appreciative to both of these groups of event. Little did I know what an exciting individuals that have gone to such great experience this would turn out to be. I lengths to make a substantial difference arrived at the Trailhead Golf Course a little in the lives of others. On behalf of all the before 7:00 a.m. on August 18th to a well children and families at the SGS&NMC organized group of enthusiastic ladies that thank you for Keeping the Dream Alive. were ready to work, have fun, and play a little golf. Everyone I met was so gracious and kind. It was a perfect golfing day, blue skies and just a little chill in the air as the ladies headed in many directions of the course. After a morning Trailhead Ladies Golf Club, Liberty Lake, WA of golf, the Trailhead Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Spokane, WA Permit #410 2118 W. Garland Avenue Spokane, WA 99205-2598 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED A United Way Member Agency Child Profile By Julie Bailey Visit us on-line www.guildschool.org This bright eyed cutie was born with Spina Bifida, but that hasn’t slowed her down! Before Brooklyn’s birth, her parents were told their daughter would have learning disabilities and would probably never walk. This sweet girl has proved the doctors wrong! Brooklyn’s Spina Bifida lesion is very low on her back, affecting her trunk control, lower leg movement, and sensory impairment in her feet. Despite these challenges, Brooklyn started walking at 15½ months of age, and is now starting to run. She also deals daily with bladder and bowel issues related to her Spina Bifida, and has a condition called hydrocephalus (fluid on the brain). A shunt has been surgically placed in her brain to help drain this extra fluid. Physical Therapist, Cheryl Morgan, has had the pleasure of orking with Brooklyn since September 2007. Cheryl, who travels to Brooklyn’s home twice a month to provide therapy, is always impressed with Brooklyn’s progress. “She is so sweet and always happy to see me, her face just lights up!” shares Cheryl. Brooklyn has two older sisters and very supportive parents, who all love to help with her therapy by playing games suggested by Cheryl. This darling little girl will definitely succeed at all she aspires to do, and will continue to amaze everyone with the love and support of her incredible family.
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