tenoroctrail - City of Lakeland
tenoroctrail - City of Lakeland
TENOROC TRAIL MA S T E R P LA N S T UD Y JU L Y 2014 TENOROC TRAIL M A S T E R P L A N PRE PAR E D FOR : T HE CIT Y OF LAK E LAND, LAK E L AND F L PRE PAR E D BY: LIT T LE JOHN, OR LANDO FL City of Lakeland COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Charles Barmby, AICP CTP Celeste Deardorff, AICP PARKS AND RECREATION Pamela Page PUBLIC WORKS Robert Chen, P.E. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission MANAGER, TENOROC FISH MANAGEMENT AREA Danon Moxley Charrette Participants Britt Watson, Williams Company David Waldrop, FTA Heartland Chapter Monika Hoerl, FTA Heartland Chapter Jerre Wilson, Florida Sport Horse Club Dave Butler, Florida Forest Services Amee Bailey, Polk County Parks and Natural Resources Jesse Pearson, City of Auburndale Ken Williams, FTA Heartland Chapter David Uria, City of Lakeland Public Works Engineer Wayne Dobson, FTA Heartland Chapter Ryan Kordek, Polk County TPO ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Trae Holland, ECON Travis Haas, FWC Providance Nagy, FDOT D1 Steve McConn, Chastain Skillman Dave Butcher, FFS Consultants LITTLEJOHN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES Jay R. Hood, ASLA Bruce C. Hall, ASLA Jessica L. Sheng Christopher R. Dougherty, AICP Appendix SUPPLIMENTAL MATE RIALS Implementation PHASING SCHEDUL E Wayfinding & Outreach MARKERS AND WA YFINDIN G Alignments & Vignette Studies CONCEPTS AND OPTIONS Tenoroc Trail Master Plan & Alternatives PROPOSED MASTER PL AN Charrette Summary BRAINSTORMING AN D INFORMATION GATHERIN G Introduction & Overview TENOROC, LAKELAND’S HIDDEN GEM CONTENTS Introduction In 2013, the City of Lakeland commissioned Littlejohn Engineering Associates (LEA) to prepare a master plan for a regional multi-use trail connection between its Laketo-Lake Bikeway Network, the TECO-Auburndale and General Van Fleet State Trails in the vicinity of Auburndale and Polk City. The trail that is incorporated into the Braddock Road bridge crossing of the of SR 570/Polk Parkway near the TECOAuburndale Trail has been identified as the Tenoroc Trail’s desired eastern terminus. The Tenoroc Trail is a Priority Pathway Corridor identified in the Citywide Pathways Plan portion of the Lakeland Comprehensive Plan 2010-2020. The Tenoroc Trail is also a high-priority multi-use trail contained in the 2035 Mobility Vision Plan (Long-Range Transportation Plan) adopted by the Polk Transportation Planning Organization and is a component of a Priority Land Trail in the Florida Office of Greenways and Trails Systems Plan. In addition to connecting Polk County’s urbanized areas with the larger regional trail network, the Tenoroc Trail will provide needed connectivity to premier area recreation facilities such as Polk County’s Lake Myrtle Sports Complex and Lakeland’s Lake Crago Park. The Tenoroc Trail is an important component of an overall trail network that will ultimately connect to the 12th State University in Florida, Florida Polytechnic University, the Williams Development of Regional Impact, Polk County’s Saddle Creek Park and the planned Coast-to-Coast Connector extending from Pinellas County to Brevard County. TENOROC TRAIL M A S T E R P L A N The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) maintains a network of unpaved hiking and equestrian trails throughout the Tenoroc Fish Management Area and provides a direct trail connection to Saddle Creek Park. This trail network is ONE INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW maintained by dedicated volunteers generally referred to as the “Friends of Tenoroc”. To the north of the master plan area, multiuse trails have been constructed by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and Polk County as part of the recentlycompleted University Boulevard, Research Way, Pace Road and Polk Parkway/Pace Road interchange improvement projects. FDOT is incorporating a 12-foot wide pathway in the future four-lane cross-section for S.R. 33 improvements between Old Combee Road/Deeson Pointe Boulevard and University Boulevard through the Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study that is scheduled for completion in 2014. PA GE | 1 Overview The Tenoroc Fish Management Area (FMA) is located two miles northeast of the City of Lakeland, in Polk County. Managed by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), Tenoroc is an 8,300 acre site that offers pristine fishing, birding, shooting, hiking and equestrian activities. Prior to phosphate mining operations between the 1940s and 1970s, Tenoroc was part of a large wetland system that discharged into Saddle Creek, headwaters for the Peace River basin. To the west, another wetland system associated with Lake Parker also contributed water to Saddle Creek. Phosphate mining operations, which primarily took place before 1970, significantly disrupted natural drainage patterns by eliminating original wetlands and impounding water in retention areas. On the eastern portion of Tenoroc, a system of ditches carries water through and around mined areas, including a series of mine-created lakes. The western portion of Tenoroc consists of a series of pits/lakes which flow to Lake Parker and Lake Crago through control structures during high water periods. To the north, the Williams Company added 750 acres for inclusion into the Tenoroc FMA. Mining operations by the Coronet Mining Company led to the name “Tenoroc”, or Coronet spelled backwards. The property ownership subsequently transferred to the TENOROC TRAIL M A S T E R P L A N Smith-Douglass Company and then Borden, Inc. In September of 1982, Borden donated the 6,030-acre property to the State of Florida. Two additional tracts of land were acquired through purchase: 341 acres with the funds from the Non-Mandatory Reclamation Trust Fund and Preservation 2000 in 1998, and 986 ONE INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW acres through the Preservation 2000 Inholdings and Additions program in 2000. Additional lands were acquired through a series of land swaps with the City of Lakeland and through a 750-acre donation from the Williams Company. Today, Tenoroc covers approximately 8,300 acres. The Tenoroc FMA is a managed landscape of lakes, marshes, open grasslands, and wooded hills between the Green Swamp and Peace River and is a vital component of a “greenbelt” that has been identified in the City’s Comprehensive Plan. The result of FWC management activities has transformed the site into well maintained fishing lakes and quality hiking and horseback riding trails. PA GE | 2 Littlejohn Engineering Associates (LEA), City of Lakeland Staff from numerous departments and various stakeholders of the Tenoroc property met for a two-day long planning session (known as a “charrette”) from October 22, 2013 to October 23, 2013. During the charrette, the City stated that the purpose of the proposed trail network is to: “Create a paved trail connection between the City’s planned Lake Crago Park through the Tenoroc Preserve to the Van Fleet/TECO-Auburndale Trail.” This improved trail network could, via the Van Fleet Trail, link the surrounding network of trails with the ability to travel from the Lakeland area north to Lake County and on into Volusia County’s growing network reaching the Atlantic Ocean. Charrette participants developed a list of key goals to minimize financial costs of the Tenoroc Trail Project in order to achieve more “bang for the buck” in trail length and connections: 1. The trail will likely be divided into phases/segments 2. Limit ditch crossings 3. Limit the number of bridge connections 4. Limit road crossings and address crossing of S.R. 659 (Combee Rd) 5. Spend savings from the above to develop and pave segments of the actual trail itself with appropriate trail heads, signage and amenities. Through the charrette process, the following discussion topics were developed: Lakeland’s planned Lake Crago Park The City of Lakeland has a master plan for Lake Crago Park which is located at 525 Lake Crago Drive. The site is accessed from Lakeland Hills Boulevard (S.R. 33) via a paved road with a 10’ trail on the south side of the road. The park site, a 119 acre tract of land, is bounded by Lake Parker, Lake Crago and the Crago Canal. Construction on Phase I of the park began in 2013 and includes earth moving, drainage, utilities work, road and trail stabilization, a dog park and a boat ramp, funding permitting. Phase 1 includes partial road paving from the existing bridge road to the dog park and boat ramp. Additional site access will be provided as a stabilized unpaved road base. Subsequent capital improvement funding for this project is anticipated in FY 2021. Future phases of the park will provide three multi-purpose fields, walking paths, restrooms, concession stand, baseball fields, kayak/canoe/sailing opportunities and a programmable education center for water based activities. This site will provide an opportunity for a western trailhead for the Tenoroc Trail. Use of existing trails, loop trails, multi-use and walkable trails, and TENOROC TRAIL M A S T E R P L A N shade Currently, the Tenoroc FMA provides a number of hiking/ walking trails as well as equestrian trails. Many of these trails are aligned along the top of existing dikes, berms and spurs left from phosphate mining use in the past and utilize shaded areas TWO CHARRETTE SUMMARY when available. Existing trees for shade were also identified as an important element to Stakeholders participating in the charrette and therefore some portion of the unimproved hiking trails/equestrian trails will be developed into the paved trail network. Paved and unpaved areas The majority of the regional portion of the trail network will be a twelve foot (12’) asphalt paved trail meandering through the Tenoroc property. Different options have been discussed such as leaving some unpaved trail areas for those seeking a more natural experience. One area in particular that has been targeted for an unpaved trail is along the “Northern Alternate”, south of Long Lake. The natural beauty of the site would be preserved, and a paved route along S.R. 33 as identified in the PD&E study would be the primary trail route. Participants in the charrette pointed out the benefits of PA GE | 3 a short paved exercise loop that utilizes the southern edge of Long Lake. The loop, if implemented, would introduce nearby residents to the rest of the trail system and connect Old Combee Road and S.R. 33. Additionally, benefits of the exercise loop near residential properties as a means of general public safety keep eyes on the trail and reduce the opportunity for crime. Management and Operation of Tenoroc Currently, the management and daily operations of Tenoroc is provided by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC). It is important to the FWC that the trail users stay on the designated trails. Wandering off the trails could pose safety hazards given the steep grade of mine pits and the unstable nature of some mined soils. Wildlife in Tenoroc includes common species such as coyotes, raccoons, ospreys and bobcats. Much of the site and boundary is not known to the general public and the current website was observed to have only a basic map of the facility with very little detail. This issue led to a discussion of creating a mobile website or app for the facility that would be operated and maintained by a third party partner, such as a local college/university or a local service organization. Collaboration of adjacent property owners There was extensive discussion of different property owners adjacent to the Tenoroc property and the integration of their properties into the trail routing. The Polk County School Board was identified as having a designated elementary school site at the intersection of S.R. 659/Combee Rd and Old Combee Rd. Access on the School Board site would provide a convenient and safe route to school for children and parents. Shared use of adjacent properties for trail routing can reduce cost, provide access and an amenity for all properties and potentially increase property values. Another property is an adjacent tract owned by the Williams Company, whose representatives have expressed concern about trail users sharing their access road extending east from S.R. 659 (Combee Road) since it is used for industrial and mining purposes. The Williams Company would prefer that the trail be positioned on the southern ditch edge and along the north edge of a potential business park area. Public and private owners abutting the east edge of the Tenoroc and Braddock Road were identified as potential trail development partners with which the City and/or Tenoroc FMA planned to meet. These properties offer alternative routes to provide a direct connection to Braddock Road and the Van Fleet/TECO-Auburndale Trail corridor. The trail sections on these properties can be implemented through stand-alone projects or incorporated into development plans that are prepared in the future. The eastern portion of the Williams Company’s holdings are located within a “Development of Regional Impact” (DRI) that include specific on-site transportation TENOROC TRAIL M A S T E R P L A N requirements to encourage bicycle, pedestrian and transit circulation. The current DRI conditions require the development of a trail network that links the Tenoroc Trail corridor with the development’s town center component and the new Florida Polytechnic University campus. It should be noted that University TWO CHARRETTE SUMMARY Boulevard, Research Way and Pace Road within the Williams DRI include 12-foot wide multi-use trail facilities to provide direct connections to future residential, commercial and employment center components. Roads that are currently being evaluated in the adjacent Polk Commerce Center DRI in unincorporated Polk County also include trail facilities as part of their recommended cross-sections to improve access and circulation via non-motorized modes of travel. Toward the western end of Segment 1, it appears that a connection between Tenoroc Trail and the Villages of Noah’s Landing development will also be feasible, providing an amenity for its residents. The Villages of Noah’s Landing already has an easement agreement with the Tenoroc FMA for its main access road extending south from Melody Lane. The zoning ordinance covering the Villages of Noah’s Landing project requires the access road to accommodate a future connection to the Tenoroc Trail. PA GE | 4 Attracting visitors to Tenoroc/Tenoroc’s Marketability With the thoughtful placement of strategic trailheads and markers along major roadways, public awareness and recognition of the Tenoroc FMA will be enhanced. Interpretive centers for visitors/users of the Tenoroc Trail would serve as amenities to attract and educate visitors as well. The development of the trail network will be implemented in a series of phases so repeat visitation may occur as each phase is implemented. There will also be an opportunity to develop a “neighborhood” pedestrian and bicycle access point at the S.R. 33 and Old Combee intersection and an interim vehicular trailhead at the end of each phase. Existing restroom facilities at Lake Myrtle Park and within the Tenoroc FMA at Derby Lake or Picnic Lake will serve trail users as the central trailhead while the Lake Crago Park design will serve trail users, once constructed, as the western trailhead. Charrette participants identified opportunities and benefits of short loops that could be developed between Long Lake and Lake Crago Park. If implemented, The loops will provide added incentive for nearby residents seeking shorter routes for regular biking and walking exercise activities that can be accomplished before or after work or school and be directly accessed from communities such as Landings at Long Lake and Spanish Oaks. Additionally, benefits of the exercise loop near residential properties as a means of general public safety keep eyes on the trail and reduce the opportunity for crime. The public’s level of awareness of Tenoroc’s attractiveness as a destination will be largely influenced by its natural beauty as well as existing and future amenities that it will provide. A list of possible future assets identified for the facility could include: • Adventure Course • Mountain Biking Issues and Concerns • Blue Course/Water Trails • Youth Conservation Center Charrette participants identified the following issues that will • Kayak, Running, Cross County, Biking Races need to be addressed in the design of the trail and following its • Mini Loops/Tike Trails for Kids construction: • Ecological Tours/Geocaching Opportunities • Safety of users near lakes with quick drop offs/steep grades • Vendor Opportunities • Policing and maintenance of trails • Exercise Stations • Possible conflicts with the gun range & archery ranges • Gun Range Expansion/Rifle and Arrow Shooting Facility (existing) • Hikers and bikers going off-trail TENOROC TRAIL M A S T E R P L A N • Unpredictable soils and sink pockets • Funding for trail and trailhead Maintenance • Daily user fee of $3.00 (annually earns $30-$50k). Waiving fee for trail users would require an administrative approval from the Florida Fish and TWO CHARRETTE SUMMARY Wildlife Conservation Commission; potentially legislative approval. • Kiosks to collect fees at parking areas • Partnerships with Polk County and surrounding cities to make small annual contributions in lieu of user fees to ensure resident access to well-maintained trails • Crossings of S.R. 659 (Combee Road), including an over/underpass or an at-grade crossing. • Connectivity to S.R. 33 and the entrance to the Villages at Bridgewater • Consolidation of S.R. 659/Old Combee Road and S.R. 659/Tenoroc Mine Road intersections to one location to improve possibility of signalized intersection with trail crossing. This option would require cooperation from the Polk County School Board, owner of tract on PA GE | 5 east side of S.R. 659. Regional Trail Segment 1 The Proposed Segment 1 and 1A trail network begins at the City’s proposed Lake Crago Park. Utilizing the park’s proposed pathway system, the trail traverses the park and enters the Tenoroc property. The trail then aligns with an existing hiking trail south of the vehicular access road and meanders south of Legs Lake. At the southwest corner of Butterfly Lake, Segment 1 splits to head north towards S.R. 33. Following a meandering route along the western edge of Butterfly Lake, Segment 1 provides a link to S.R. 33 creating the western edge of a loop trail. Construction of these portions of the trail provides additional access to area residents along or near S.R. 33. Regional Trail Segment 1A Segment 1A continues east, south of Butterfly Lake. Crossing Old Combee Road at East Lake Parker Drive, the trail turns northward following the Lakeland Gas and Lakeland Electric Easement. This route creates the eastern edge of the loop. Both trails connect to the proposed PD&E S.R. 33 Path, creating the northern portion of the trail loop. Regional Trail From the proposed Segment 1 trail at the southwest corner of Fishhook Lake, the Regional trail continues east, crossing East Lake Parker at the gated entrance to the Tenoroc FMA. The trail follows the western edge of a large wetland then travels north up toward Old Combee Road. The trail then winds eastward towards TENOROC TRAIL M A S T E R P L A N a crossing of S.R. 659/Combee Road. Once across S.R. 659/ Combee Road at the Old Combee Road intersection, the trail would be located on Polk County School Board (PCSB) property before arriving back on the Tenoroc Property. At this point, the Regional Trail and the Regional Trail North Alternate merge into THREE TENOROC TRAIL MASTER PLAN AND ALTERNATIVES one trail. The trail could then meander towards Tenoroc Mine Road and follow it in a parallel fashion towards Picnic Lake. The proposed Regional Trail continues east to the eastern boundary of the Tenoroc FMA; at this point, there are numerous alternatives both on private or public lands, for the trail to link with Braddock Road and ultimately the TECO-Auburndale Trail. Regional Trail Alternate The Regional Trail Alternate proposes a southern connection from the Regional Trail with an at-grade crossing at S.R. 659/Combee Road/Old Combee Road intersection. This alternate meanders along the southern edge of the School Board property and follows Tenoroc Mine Road back onto the Tenoroc FMA, where it PA GE | 6 connects back to the Regional Trail at Derby Lake. Regional Trail North Alternate (RTNA) The Regional Trail North Alternate connects to the Proposed Segment 1A trail north of Old Combee Road in the utility easement and travels east along the southern edge of Long Lake, offering pristine views as the trail meanders through native vegetation. The Regional Trail North Alternate proposes an at grade intersection of S.R. 33/S.R. 659 (Combee Road) or a pedestrian bridge that would span S.R. 659/ Combee Road and connect to the Williams Property directly to the east of S.R. 659/ Combee Road. The North Alternate proceeds east along the northern boundary of the potential Williams business park (land use shown on Lakeland’s Future Land Use Map) property on the north side of the canal bank. The trail then runs south, where it joins the route of the Regional Trail. While the RTNA is not part of the Regional Trail, alternative segmentation and phasing should be identified to allow for short-term implementation of a primitive trail on the south side of Long Lake. East End Trail Alternatives The East End Tenoroc Trail alternatives have a variety of different opportunities to connect to the TECO-Auburndale Trail system near the Polk Parkway. Utilizing different property rights-of-way from adjacent owners, there are four routes being considered. The northernmost alternative follows “Road G” and intersects at Braddock Road; the preceding two alternatives follow the property line of parcels immediately to the South of “Road G” and intersect at the collector road portion of “Road G”. The Southernmost trail alignment follows Braddock Road. TENOROC TRAIL M A S T E R P L A N PD&E SR 33 Path (Complementary Pathway) The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has conducted a Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study for the four-laning of S.R. 33 from the Old Combee Road/Deeson Pointe Boulevard intersection to a point north of Tomkow Road and THREE TENOROC TRAIL MASTER PLAN AND ALTERNATIVES Interstate 4. The roadway cross-section that was developed as part of this PD&E Study includes a 12-foot wide path that will be constructed on the south side of S.R. 33 within the FDOT right-of way; it will stretch from Old Combee Road to University Boulevard to connect with another 12-foot wide asphalt path that was constructed as part of the University Boulevard and Research Way road projects that opened to traffic in 2012. A construction commencement date has not been determined; the construction phase is currently unfunded in the FDOT Five Year Work Program. Existing Trails, Equestrian and Hiking The Tenoroc FMA hiking network is approximately 12 miles long, consisting of loops PA GE | 7 and a main connector trail. There are currently two entrances to the trail network; Picnic Lake Recreational Facility and Polk County’s Saddle Creek Park. The trails pass over both reclaimed and unreclaimed mining property and the majority of trails follow existing berms along the edge of mined areas. Western segments of the trail are mostly flat, open, and dry. The eastern loop of the Orange Trail is shaded with oaks. Trails along Rattlesnake Ridge on the southern portion of the Blue Loop Trail are steep and narrow but offer pleasant vistas of lakes and forests. Tenoroc’s central trail, approximately five miles long, links these trails to the two loop trails on the Saddle Creek Tract of Tenoroc, south of the main section of Tenoroc. Two main loop trails in Tenoroc are available for horseback riding. The 3.5-mile North Trail and the 4.4-mile South Trail are accessible from the Tenoroc Office and parking area and are shared with hikers. These trails expand the routes, distances and experiences pedestrian trail users may have and provide connectivity to Polk County’s Saddle Creek Park, located between CR 546 and US 92. Neighborhood/Pedestrian Trailhead A trailhead on the right-of-way located at the southwest corner of the S.R. 33/Old Combee Road-Deeson Pointe Boulevard intersection is proposed to provide an important access point and gateway feature for residents in nearby neighborhoods such as Lakeland Harbor, Parke 33 Apartments, Arbor Glen Apartments, Lake Deeson and Paddock Club Apartments. The trailhead would feature an information kiosk as well as entry marker/monument at the intersection designed consistent with the overall Tenoroc Trail theme. In addition to serving users of the Tenoroc Trail, this trailhead would also offer an amenity for users of the PD&E S.R. 33 Path TENOROC TRAIL M A S T E R P L A N and recently-constructed sidewalks and bicycle lanes on S.R. 33 to the south of this location. This trailhead is not proposed to include automobile parking to minimize impacts to the adjacent neighborhood south of Joyce Drive. THREE TENOROC TRAIL MASTER PLAN AND ALTERNATIVES Vehicular Trailhead Four vehicular trailheads have been identified for the project and can be considered as planned or existing, since they are located at: Lakeland’s Northeast Recreation Park, Tenoroc FMA’s Picnic Lake Recreation Facility, Derby Lake Recreational Facility and the Lake Myrtle Sports Complex that is operated by Polk County and the City of Auburndale. Interim Trailhead Two interim vehicular trailhead opportunities appear to exist along the regional trail route. These trailheads occur at or near where segment termini of the trail may be located, specifically near East Lake Parker Drive and the S.R. 659 (Combee Road)/ PA GE | 8 Old Combee Road intersection. Old Combee Road and Lake Parker Drive Intersection TENOROC FMA TRAIL TO LAKELAND HILLS BOULEVARD In order to provide a safe crossing for trail users crossing Old Combee Road at the intersection of East Lake Parker Drive, an “oval-about” is proposed for implementation. The oval-about is intended to calm traffic shortcutting between S.R. 33 and S.R. 659/Combee Road and to provide a gateway/monument for the Tenoroc FMA on Old Combee Road. The oval-about, measuring approximately 40’ long and 25’ wide allows trail users the opportunity to look in only one direction when crossing travel lanes and to have a refuge space within the oval-about to accommodate traffic. The interior of the oval-about provides ample space for UNDERGROUND UTILITY native landscaping and signage for the Tenoroc FMA. This type of treatment would be subject to a future engineering analysis and permitting by Polk County, which POND & EXISTING WETLAND maintains Old Combee Road and East Lake Parker Drive. It is noted that Lakeland Electric has expressed concerns regarding the location and ultimate design of the FIRE HYDRANT TENOROC SIGN oval-about due to its potential impacts on a major gas transmission line serving the McIntosh Power Plant (south of Tenoroc Trail corridor); this issue would then be taken into consideration during the future design phase. OLD COMBEE RD NATIVE LANDSCAPE BIKE LANE TENOROC & TRAIL SIGNS TENOROC TRAIL M A OVERHEAD POWER POLES (TYP) TRAIL SOUTH TO EAST/ WEST TRAIL CORRIDOR PA GE | 9 T E R P L A FOUR ALIGNMENTS AND ELEVATION STUDIES LAKE PARKER DRIVE TENOROC FMA S TENOROC FMA N S.R. 33 and Old Combee Road Neighborhood/Pedestrian Trailhead The area north of existing neighborhoods at S.R. 33 and Old Combee Road .R. 33 presents an opportunity for a neighborhood/pedestrian trailhead for the Tenoroc TENOROC TRAIL MARKER S Trail, as the trail will intersect the S.R. 33 PD&E Study 12’ pathway along the southern right-of-way line at S.R. 33. This trailhead will serve as a pedestrian and bicycle TRAIL INFORMATION KIOSK DRY STORMWATER facility intersection for area residents heading toward the new campus of Florida Polytechnic University, Tenoroc FMA and Lake Crago Park. The high visibility of the site from S.R. 33 provides the opportunity for the trailhead to serve as a gateway to the Tenoroc FMA and to provide an awareness of the O LD DRY STORMWATER DRY STORMWATER JOYCE DRIVE C O Tenoroc Trail to passersby. The site plan takes advantage of the existing oak trees M and features a proposed shade structure/information kiosk, drinking fountain BE DRY STORMWATER E and site furnishings. The plan also includes a pathway routing from the Ron Circle RD intersection to the shade structure through the existing stormwater ponds which will receive additional landscaping to achieve a park-like character. A rail fence with Florida Fieldstone columns is also shown paralleling Old Combee Road south NEIGHBORHOOD CONNECTION to the northwest corner of the Tenoroc FMA and will help to establish the edge of the Tenoroc property. At this time, no parking has been shown since this is a RON CIRCLE DRIVE FENCE WITH STONE COLUMNS TENOROC FMA neighborhood trailhead intended to serve area residents as they pass through on the trail and pathway. SEGMENT 1 TRAIL TENOROC TRAIL M A S T E R P L A FOUR ALIGNMENTS AND ELEVATION STUDIES PA GE | 10 N CO MBE E RD COMBEE RD/CR 33A OLD CONVENIENCE STORE S.R. 659/Combee Road and Old Combee Road Intersection The intersection of S.R. 659/Combee Road and Old Combee Road is currently an unsignalized, high use intersection; it is recommended that this intersection be slightly realigned and improved to better serve both the drivers and Tenoroc Trail users. The sketch plan suggests that Old Combee Road intersect S.R. 659/Combee Road at a more perpendicular angle allowing for better visibility of drivers coming south on S.R. 659/Combee Road. In addition, longer storage lanes have been added for left turn movements which allow a reduced queue for those desiring to make a right turn. To be signalized, this intersection would have to meet established criteria known as “warrants” and be approved by the Florida Department of Transportation and Polk County. The addition of a signal to the intersection would enable a safer trail crossing for trail users and may be warranted if the planned Polk County School Board site on the east side of S.R. 659/Combee Road is developed or if Tenoroc DRY STORMWATER BIKE LANE Mine Road is ever realigned to create a standard four point intersection with S.R. 659/Combee and Old Combee Roads. NORTHERN TRAIL ROUTE TO TENOROC MINE ROAD SIGN The southwest quadrant of the intersection presents an opportunity of Tenoroc FMA signage/monument marker and rail fencing with columns identifying the edge of the property. The realignment of Old Combee Road must also accommodate increased stormwater capacity necessitated by the intersection improvements. In the northwest quadrant, compensation will be needed for the convenience store’s PEDESTRIAN CROSSING TO CONVENIENCE STORE TENOROC MONUMENT SIGN FENCE WITH STONE COLUMNS PA GE | 11 DRY STORMWATER SOUTHERN TRAIL ROUTE TO TENOROC MINE ROAD WETLAND stormwater pond since it will likely be impacted by this modification. A sidewalk TENOROC TRAIL M A S T E R P L A FOUR ALIGNMENTS AND ELEVATION STUDIES POLK COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD SITE (PLANNED ELEMENTARY SCHOOL) N would be constructed along the west side of S.R. 659/Combee Road between the trail and convenience store to provide a safe and convenient route for patrons. Long Lake South Alternate Trail Route The north alternate route of the trail through the Tenoroc FMA affords a series of beautiful views across Long Lake. As shown, a 12’ trail would meander along the wooded south shore of Long Lake, providing a natural/shaded experience for users and provide a loop for area residents with the construction of the PD&E S.R. 33 Path. In lieu of a paved trail, maintaining unpaved trails through this area may be more appropriate and function as a spur coming off of the primary trail route. Fishing Platform and Lake Overlook Along the trail corridor in the Tenoroc FMA, there are several opportunities to provide fishing platforms and/or lake overlooks for trail users. These shaded rest stops will need to be carefully located as fishing in the lakes is closely monitored and restricted by the FWC at Tenoroc. Tenoroc Wayfinding Kiosk TENOROC TRAIL M A S T E R P L A N Wayfinding kiosks will be located at strategic intersections along the Tenoroc Trail network. Each information kiosk will provide directional information in the form of an overall map, amenities provided, site information, updates on events and signs informing users of the animals that call Tenoroc FMA home. FOUR ALIGNMENTS AND ELEVATION STUDIES PA GE | 12 Each wayfinding kiosk will be designed to follow the architectural character established by the Tenoroc FMA so as to create a cohesive character for the management area. Entry/Monument Marker Primary entry/monument markers serve as locational and gateway features for the Tenoroc FMA and trail network. Monuments would be located at key roadway intersections and be made of materials indigenous to the Tenoroc area, to add an additional visual connection to the site. Kiosk Kiosks are a popular wayfinding technique for users along the trail as they will provide an overall location map, location of amenities, and general information regarding the trail. There is an opportunity to create seating areas with bike racks and litter receptacles at each location, as well as a shade structure which serves as protection from both sun and rain. Wayfinding kiosks will be located at strategic intersections along the Tenoroc Trail network. Each information kiosk will provide directional and distance information on an areawide map, amenities provided, site information, updates on events and signs informing users of the animals that call Tenoroc FMA home. Each wayfinding kiosk will be designed to follow the architectural character established by the Tenoroc FMA so as to create a cohesive character for the management area. Trail Markers Trail markers along the trailway can be used to provide users a visual verification that they are following the intended path, provide distances or locations for EMS. There are many different applications to trail markers. Some markers are nailed to trees along the trail, others have small pillars carved with directions or written on rocks. Directional medallions may also be placed into the pavement of the trail for a low maintenance approach to trail marking. Trail markers under consideration for the Tenoroc FMA and Trail Network will be consistent with those of adjacent trail systems. Another important role of the trail markers is to denote which trails are appropriate for what users. Tenoroc will provide visitors with a number of trails, and it will be important that different applications are properly distinguished. TENOROC TRAIL M A S T E R P L A N Directional Signage Directional signage applications are typically used at the intersection of multiple trailways, providing users the option to stay on their original trail or explore another path. Their uses can be either vertical or low to the ground, the main FIVE WAYFINDING AND OUTREACH importance being informative directional assistance and include distances for trail users. Mobile Devices As smartphones have become more popular, it would be a strategic investment for Tenoroc to launch both a website and mobile website for the facility. This interactive feature would allow users to pull up maps on their mobile devices to pinpoint their exact location, geolocate points of interest, and locate the nearest amenity area. If the mobile app becomes a popular feature with users of the Tenoroc FMA, looking into the possibility of creating a mobile app for streamlined access may be an opportunity for additional marketing. This marketing effort could be expanded through the inclusion of web links on sites operated by Lakeland, Auburndale, Polk County, Florida Office of Greenways and Trails and the Florida Trails Association. PA GE | 13 Partnership Opportunities Tenoroc has a multitude of opportunities for partnerships to ensure the success of the trail network. The following are some partnership opportunities that stakeholder participants listed: •Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission •Polk Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) •City of Lakeland •Polk Museum of Art •Polk County •City of Auburndale •FDOT •Central Florida Development •Florida Trails Association •Youth Conservation Corps •Boy Scouts of America Council (CFDC) •Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) •Equestrian Groups •Mosaic •Tampa Electric Company •Florida Industrial and Phosphate (TECO) Research Institute •Lakeland Electric •Mulberry Phosphate Museum •Polk County School Board •Florida Youth Conservation Centers Network In addition to assisting with potential funding for capital components of the Tenoroc Trail, these entities will be crucial partners in the maintenance of the trail and its components. Volunteers with the Florida Trails Association currently conduct maintenance and litter control activities on the existing Tenoroc TENOROC TRAIL M A S T E R P L A N FMA trail network; however, FTA will need to be engaged to determine if it is willing and has the resources to participate in these same activities along the entire Tenoroc Trail route, including paved segments. FIVE WAYFINDING AND OUTREACH Potential Programming Potential programming opportunities were also discussed to ensure the success and longevity of the Tenoroc trail network. The following are some programming opportunities that stakeholder participants listed: • Educational Programming via City of Lakeland Parks/Saddle Creek • Summer Day Camps • Equestrian Opportunities • Cycling • Expansion of Fishing Program • Kayak and Canoe (blue trails) • Adventure Courses (ziplines, ropes courses, leadership) • Interpretative Signage PA GE | 14 • Wildlife/Nature Overlooks Implementation After consideration from key stakeholders and charrette participants, a preferred trail alllignment was developed. The destinations, roadway crossing and planned improvements to S.R. 33 provide a series of natural phasing segments for the Tenoroc Trail over its 14 mile length. Each segment will provide a meaningful experience for trail users and be anchored by planned or existing trailheads and in some cases, interm trailheads. TENOROC TRAIL M A S T E R P L SIX IMPLEMENTATION PA GE | 15 A N Segment 1 – Northeast Recreation Park to S.R. 33 at Old Combee Road This initial 2.2 mile segment begins within Lake Crago Park and travels east and north between Legs Lake and Fish Hook Lake, predominately in planted pines, and follows some of the existing hiking trail alignments. The trail will link to a neighborhood trailhead at the intersection of S.R. 33 and Old Combee Road. Public outreach will be necessary for this phase as the route is behind existing homes. In order to minimize resident concerns, the route should be as close to Butterfly Lake as possible. A potential connection to the Village of Noah’s Landing development could also be accommodated during implementation of this segment Segment 1 By the Numbers: •Trail: 12’ wide, 2.2 miles •Intersections/Roadway Crossings: • 2 Interior Unpaved Roads •Trailhead •Benches and Concrete Pads: 6 •Information Kiosk: 2 •Bike Racks: 6 •Litter Receptacles: 4 •Monument Sign: 1 TENOROC TRAIL M A S T E R P L SIX IMPLEMENTATION N SEGMENT 1 KEYMAP 0 PA GE | 16 1000 A N Segment 1A – Segment 1 to S.R. 33 near Landings at Long Lake This segment is 1.3 miles in length and could be implemented in connection with the remainder of Segment 1, depending on funding availability. From Segment 1, Segment 1A continues east toward East Lake Parker Drive, where it crosses Old Combee Road. At the Old Combee Road/East Lake Parker Drive intersection, the trail will cross Old Combee Road and continue north in a powerline and gasline easement where it will intersect with the 12’ wide PD&E S.R. 33 Path between the Spanish Oaks neighborhood and Landings at Long Lake apartment community. At this point, multiple neighborhoods will have direct access to Tenoroc FMA and Northeast Recreation Park. Segment 1A By the Numbers: •Trail: 12’ wide, 1.3 miles •Intersections/Roadway Crossings: • 2 Interior Unpaved Roads • 1 Old Combee Road •Benches and Concrete Pads: 3 •Litter Receptacles: 3 •Bike Racks: 3 •Information Kiosk: 2 TENOROC TRAIL M A S T E R P L SIX IMPLEMENTATION N SEGMENT 1A KEYMAP 0 PA GE | 17 1000 A N Segment 2 – Lake Parker Drive Segment Segment 2 serves as the first segment of the primary Tenoroc Trail alignment beginning near Northeast Recreation Park and continuing east to Lake Parker Drive. If desired, a small, interim trailhead/parking area can be added at the existing entrance on the west side of Lake Parker Drive or, as with many other trail projects, it could temporarily end at the edge of right away. Along the route, the 12’ trail will utilize the existing mature tree cover and as it makes its easterly turn. A small boardwalk will be required to cross a wetland pond alongside the interior roadway. Segment 2 By the Numbers: •Trail: 12’ wide, 1.2 miles •Information Kiosk: 1 •Benches and Concrete Pads: 3 •Bike Racks: 3 •Litter Receptacles: 3 •Boardwalk: 80’ TENOROC TRAIL M A S T E R P L SIX IMPLEMENTATION N SEGMENT 2 KEYMAP 0 PA GE | 18 1000 A N Segment 3 – Lake Parker Drive to Combee Road This 1.7 mile trail segment begins with a crossing of East Lake Parker Drive, passes eastward beneath the overhead power lines, across wetlands necessitating a boardwalk of approximately 530’ to the upland edge of a series of lakes. At this point, it continues north toward Old Combee Road through a planted pine area and then east toward Tenoroc’s Old Combee Road boat ramp entry drive. Upon crossing the entry drive, the trail parallels the right of way of Old Combee Road through an upland mix of canopy trees, moving to and from the right of way as necessary to avoid wetlands. It is anticipated that 1,200’ of boardwalk may be necessary at the tightest of points just south of the Ruthven Business Park. A sidewalk can be added along S.R. 659/Combee Road north to an existing convenience store which can provide trail users with access to food, drinks and restrooms. Tenoroc’s Old Combee Road boat ramp parking area has an entry drive of sufficient length to allow a small, interim parking area to be implemented at the eastern terminus until the trail is extended east to Tenoroc’s Picnic Lake or Derby Lake Recreational Facilities. Also, the southwest corner of the intersection affords an opportunity for gateway/monument markers addressing the trail and Tenoroc FMA to passersby. Segment 3 By the Numbers: TENOROC TRAIL M A S T E R P L A N •Trail: 12’ wide, 1.7 miles •Intersections/Roadway Crossings: • Roadway - Lake Parker Drive •Information Kiosk: 2 SIX IMPLEMENTATION N SEGMENT 3 KEYMAP 0 PA GE | 19 •Benches and Concrete Pads: 3 •Litter Receptacles: 3 •Bike Racks: 6 •Boardwalks: 530’ (east of powerlines and along Old Combee Road) 1000 Segment 4 – S.R. 659/Combee Road to Derby Lake Recreational Facility Trail crossing improvements will be required for the crossing of S.R. 659/Combee Road as a part of the Segment 4 implementation of the trail. A signalized intersection would be preferable for trail users and vehicles at the intersection of Old Combee Road and S.R. 659/Combee Road but may not be warranted at this time. However, the development of a new school on the Polk County School Board site, east of the intersection may provide the necessary support for a signalized intersection. Another option would involve the realignment of Tenoroc Mine Road to align with Old Combee Road, thereby creating a standard four-approach intersection. Once across S.R. 659/Combee Road, the 3.1 miles section of trail is planned to continue north along S.R. 659/Combee Road but within the school board site and turn east upon reaching the northern boundary of the site. Placing the trail along the edge of the property line will permit trail access from future development on the adjacent Williams Property. At the east end of the common property line, the trail re-enters the Tenoroc FMA and travels along the top of a canal bank on an existing horseback riding trail (1.4 miles) toward Tenoroc Mine Road. The trail spurs down to Derby Lake Recreational Facility (DLRF), one of the potential permanent trailheads being considered, . The DLRF is considered as one of two potential permanent trailheads within Tenoroc along the route between Northeast Recreation Park and Auburndale’s Lake Myrtle Sports Complex. Parking, restrooms, shade and picnic facilities are present and could provide the trail with a readymade trailhead. From this point TENOROC TRAIL M A S T E R P L A N east, the existing Tenoroc Mine Road can be temporarily or permanently signed with shared-pavement markings (known as “sharrows”) providing trail users a paved surface to the second trailhead under consideration within the Tenoroc FMA at Picnic Lake Recreational Facility (PLRF). The distance from DLRF to the SIX IMPLEMENTATION N SEGMENT 4 0 PLRF along Tenoroc Mine Road is 0.9 miles. Segment 4 By the Numbers: •Trail: 12’ wide, 3.1 miles •Intersections/Roadway Crossings: 1000 • 2 Roadway (Combee Road & Tenoroc Mine Road) •Information Kiosk: 1 •Benches and Concrete Pads: 3 KEYMAP •Litter Receptacles: 3 PA GE | 20 •Bike Racks: 3 Segment 5 – Derby Lake to Picnic Lake Utilizing 1.3 miles of existing horseback trails, the Tenoroc Trail will reach to Picnic Lake which will serve as another trailhead with amenities similar to Derby Lake. The trail route will be remote from Tenoroc Mine Road along the edge of wetlands and lakes in open and shaded environments. Segment 5 by the Numbers: •Trail: 12’ wide, 1.3 miles •Intersections/Roadway Crossings: • 1 Interior Unpaved Road (Picnic Lake Entry Drive) •Information Kiosk: 1 •Benches and Concrete Pads: 3 •Litter Receptacles: 3 TENOROC TRAIL M A S T E R P L SIX IMPLEMENTATION N SEGMENT 5 KEYMAP 0 PA GE | 21 1000 A N Segment 6 – Picnic Lake Recreational Facility to Braddock Road Segment 6 of the trail begins at the PLRF and continues eastward 2.5 miles along the north shoulder of Tenoroc Mine Road toward the Auburndale Wastewater Treatment Plant in a relatively open environment with little shade. Prior to reaching the plant, the trail turns south and crosses a wetland as it approaches the eastern boundary of the Tenoroc FMA. At this point, several viable alignment options are available to complete the trail connection to Braddock Road with the northernmost route traversing the east side of the Auburndale Wastewater Treatment Plant and the southernmost route following the Tenoroc FMA fence line through an upland scrub environment, past adjacent active and inactive citrus groves until it reaches a powerline easement extending from the terminus of Braddock Road. Each of these alternative alignments would require more detailed engineering analyses and agreements, easements or property acquisition from public or private property owners. Segment 6 By the Numbers: •Trail: 12’ wide, 2.5 miles •Information Kiosk: 1 •Benches and Concrete Pads: 2 •Litter Receptacles: 2 TENOROC TRAIL M A S T E R P L SIX IMPLEMENTATION N SEGMENT 6 KEYMAP 0 PA GE | 22 1000 A N Segment 7 – Braddock Road to TECO-Auburndale Trail The final phase of the Tenoroc Trail within Segment 7 offers a variety of extension opportunities from approximately Road G, parcel rights-of-way south of Road G and along the collectior road portion of Road G, east to the TECO-Auburndale Trail. Ample shoulder is available along the north side of Braddock Road to accommodate a trail connecting to the existing trail section on the S.R. 570/Polk Parkway overpass bridge structure. About 1 mile south of the Tenoroc Trail and the TECO-Auburndale Trail intersection, Auburndale’s Lake Myrtle Sports Complex will serve as the eastern trailhead. Segment 7 By the Numbers: •Trail: 12’ wide, approximately 1 mile •Intersections/Roadway Crossings: • 2 Roadway & Road G •Information Kiosk: 1 •Benches: 2 •Litter Receptacles: 2 TENOROC TRAIL M A S T E R P L SIX IMPLEMENTATION N SEGMENT 7 KEYMAP 0 PA GE | 23 1000 A N One to Five Years : routes. This implementation/phasing plan would include potential State and Federal funding sources and funding match needs. •Continued implementation of trail segments/amenities and implementation •Development of Tenoroc Trail Web page with master plan and steps as necessary and outlined above. implementation updates. Web links would be made available to the •Identification of Tenoroc Trail, trail segments and associated crossing Tenoroc FMA, Polk TPO, Polk County and City of Auburndale. improvements for inclusion in the Polk TPO 2040 Long-Range Transportation Plan •Submittal of “Recreational Trails Program” application package update and associated Congestion Management Plan as stand-alone future to FDEP Office of Greenways and Trails; Submittal of Regional Multi- project needs. Use Trail funding request through the Polk TPO and FDOT. •Coordination with FDOT, Polk County and Polk County School District •Development of a mobile app with trail information, specifically regarding necessary operational analyses for S.R. 659/Old Combee Road-Tenoroc focused on segments that have been completed or opened to public Mine Road intersection improvements, including recommended improvement use. alternatives and identification of project/project phases to be funded in City, •On-going coordination with adjacent property owners within alignment alternative routes. County and State five-year Work Programs, where appropriate. The project could Coordination includes drafting/ also be identified as a Congestion Management Program need and project adoption of development conditions where appropriate. Preparation Regardless of which trail segments are constructed first, numerous steps must be of an easement agreement with Lakeland Electric for Segment 1A taken in the implementation of the overall Tenoroc Trail Master Plan in addition improvements within electric/gas line corridors along East Lake Parker to standard design, right-of-way acquisition and construction production phases. Drive and between Old Combee Road and State Road 33. through the Polk TPO. •Funding request to Polk TPO and FDOT for PD&E Study for grade-separation of S.R. 659/Combee Road in area between Old Combee Road and S.R. 33. •Development of design options for Old Combee Road/East Lake Parker For example, it will be important to engage the FDOT staff early to ensure that •Neighborhood meetings regarding Segment 1 improvements the alignment and trail project complies with all Local Agency Program (LAP) to obtain feedback regarding proposed trail alignment and amenity concept, if entertained by Polk County, would have to be subject of an operational requirements for Federal funding. options. Feedback would be used to make requested adjustments in analysis and also a design review by Lakeland Electric to confirm that impact advance of formal design process. on gas transmission line is not significant or cost-prohibitive. Implementation of These actions and decisions may apply to the entire Tenoroc Trail corridor or a single segment—some are engineering or budgetary decisions that will affect how the trail is designed while others are policy decisions that affect how the trail will operate following construction. intersection/trail-crossing measure may occur within five years depending on through Lake Crago Park by Florida Department of Transportation alternative that is selected and associated costs. All treatments at this location what process must be followed to obtain such a •Participation users and process for formal waiver of this fee by the FWC. TENOROC TRAIL M variance? •Determination regarding applicability of $3.00 user fee for Tenoroc Trail in design of S.R. A S T E R P L 33 Tenoroc Trail and alternate regional routes identified in the master plan. If easements Deeson Pointe Boulevard intersection, are required, then process and timeline for funding and implementation of survey particularly in design of multi-use path to be work will need to be established with concurrence from FWC and Tenoroc FMA. included in roadway construction. Permitting of A N must be approved by Polk County. Five to Ten Years : •Continued implementation of Tenoroc Trail segments. improvements north of Old Combee Road/ •Determination on level of formal approval and rights (easements, etc.) for The oval-about •Review and acceptance of proposed Segment 1 route staff. Will design variances be needed and if so, Within One Year : Drive intersection, including review of oval-about concept. •Implementation of acceptable improvement alternatives for S.R. 659 (Combee Road)/Old Combee Road six intersection, including potential re-alignment of Tenoroc Mine STEPS TO IMPLEMENTATION Road if approved by Polk County and Polk County School •Establishment of costs and responsibilities for trail maintenance and Segment 1 and 1A connections to S.R. 33 should operations. Will the Youth Conservation Corps be a potential trail maintenance be addressed as part of road design to maximize partner? Costs and responsibilities should be applied to each segment, including efficiency of public expenditures and to reduce additional step in trailhead amenities and hardscape components (monument markers, wayfinding permitting of Segment 1 and 1A. Participation in S.R. 33 design will also signage, fencing, etc.). Formal agreements should be executed to provide address bicycle and pedestrian improvement needs at S.R. 33/S.R. •Development of PD&E Study for S.R. 659/Combee Road grade-separation greater assurances to State and Federal funding agencies that will be reviewing 659 (Combee Road) intersection, thereby improving connectivity and construction of recommended “build” alternative(s) if determined to be future funding requests. between Villages at Bridgewater and PD&E S.R. 33 Path as well as feasible. Tenoroc Trail North Regional Trail Alternate. •Development of trail implementation/phasing plan, including interim or permanent primitive trail sections along the Regional Trail or Regional Trail Alternate PA GE | 24 Board and able to be incorporated in land development on east side of S.R. 659/Combee Road. •Implementation of Old Combee Road/East Lake Parker Drive oval-about if determined to be feasible. TENOROC TRAIL M A S T E R P L sEVEN APPENDIX PA GE | 25 A N TENOROC CONNECTOR TRAIL – MASTER PLANNING SESSION October 22 -23, 2013 (8 am to 5 pm on both days) To SR 33 & Interstate 4 LAKELAND POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAINING FACILITY 3131 Centurion Drive (Intersects with Combee Road just south of rail crossing) To US 92 & US 98 Tenoroc Connector Trail Conceptual Alignment Study and Master Plan – Design Charrette October 22nd and 23rd Design Charrette Agenda Day One - October 22nd A. Project Orientation 8:30 AM – 10 AM (For Project Staff Only) B. Stakeholder Input 10 AM – 11:30 PM (Stakeholders Join Session) 1) Stakeholder Input a) Introductions b) Project Overview c) Overview of Corridor d) Stakeholder Input i) Property Owners ii) Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission iii) FDOT/Central Polk Parkway iv) Lakeland Electric v) Other City Invited Stakeholders e) Alignment Alternatives f) Partnerships g) Area Development Activities h) Issues and Opportunities 2) Lunch (11:30 – 12:00) C. Corridor Tour 12 PM – 4 PM Break at Tenoroc FMA Restroom Area (Stakeholders, Staff & LEA) Site walking/driving tour Identification of wetlands and wildlife Identification of potential trailhead locations Identification of off-site connection opportunities Identification of special/unique areas for overlooks and rest areas Identification of constrained/challenging alignment areas where bridges or boardwalks may be required D. Debrief - Corridor Review and Observations 4 PM – 5 PM 1615 EDGEWATER DRIVE, STE. 180 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32804 T 407.975.1273 F 407.975.1278 Nashville | Chattanooga | Decatur | Huntsville | Knoxville | Orlando | Phoenix | Tri-Cities www.leainc.com Engineering Planning Landscape Architecture Land Surveying Environmental Services Health and Safety Economic Development Day Two – October 23rd A. Design Session 8 AM – 12 PM (Project Staff Only) B. Lunch & Pin-UP Presentation 12 PM – 2 PM (Stakeholders Join Session) Identification of preferred routes Corridor “walkthrough” with design elements o Sections and elevations o Amenities o Comparable imagery Phasing/Implementation Strategy C. Design Revision Session 2 PM – 4 PM D. Pin Up Presentation & Consensus Signoff 4 PM – 5 PM Attachment A Owner ADDIE L L C ALLEN GROVE PARTNERSHIP AUBURNDALE CITY OF BRIDGEWATER MINIWAREHOUSES LLC COOPERATIVE VENTURES LLC DUNSON LESLIE W JR FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP FORK CREEK LLC GRADE A WAY INC GSELLMAN JOHN J EVERETT ALLEN & SONS INC LAKELAND CITY OF LONG LAKE VENTURE LLC NOEL GARY POLK COUNTY REDDEN WILLIAM KYLE ROSSETTER JERRY TAMPA ELECTRIC COMPANY TIITF / STATE OF FLORIDA TIITF/DEP TIITF/FISH & WILDLIFE TIITF/FWCC TIITF/GFWFC TENEROC ST RESERVE TIITF/GFWFC TENOROC ST RESERVE TIITF/ST OF FL TITUS JOSEPH M TURLINGTON GLENDA MARIE FAMILY TRUST WILLIAMS ACQUISITION HOLDING CO INC Parcels Acres 1 2 8 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 12 1 1 1 1 5 9 1 2 2 1 1 1 8 4.00004268401 43.66220174290 164.76278894900 6.43892993269 38.12626072210 11.54028824450 31.48829730530 4.63810496773 3.00751500657 72.73366897500 109.14861237200 58.34721163960 0.96294715476 36.96172219640 0.99295354461 0.94934490664 9.10819355859 15.33144320600 769.34437064400 1140.49012042000 3.14831001890 766.86650299900 763.27841676300 217.06363105800 0.51516623284 10.00637661200 1914.95442169000 WILLIAMS ACQUISITION HOLDING CO INC TIITF/DEP WILLIAMS ACQUISITION HOLDING CO INC TIITF/DEP WILLIAMS ACQUISITION HOLDING CO INC FORK CREEK LLC FORK CREEK LLC J EVERETT ALLEN & SONS INC TIITF/FWCC WILLIAMS ACQUISITION HOLDING CO INC LONG LAKE VENTURE LLCADDIE L L C WILLIAMS ACQUISITION HOLDING CO INC TIITF/FISH & WILDLIFE FORK CREEK LLC TIITF/GFWFC TENEROC ST RESERVE GSELLMAN JOHNBRIDGEWATER MINIWAREHOUSES LLC TIITF / STATE OF FLORIDA TIITF/FISH & WILDLIFE GRADE A WAY INC TITUS JOSEPH M TIITF/FISH & WILDLIFE TIITF/FISH & WILDLIFE WILLIAMS ACQUISITION HOLDING CO INC AUBURNDALE CITY OF TURLINGTON GLENDA MARIE FAMILY TRUST WILLIAMS ACQUISITION HOLDING CO INC TIITF/DEP AUBURNDALE CITY OF TIITF/DEP AUBURNDALE CITY OF DUNSON LESLIE W JR FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP WILLIAMS ACQUISITION HOLDING CO INC ALLEN GROVE PARTNERSHIP TAMPA ELECTRIC COMPANY TIITF/GFWFC TENOROC ST RESERVE POLK COUNTY ALLEN GROVE PARTNERSHIP TIITF/DEP AUBURNDALE CITY OF TIITF/GFWFC TENOROC ST RESERVE TIITF/GFWFC TENEROC ST RESERVE TIITF/FISH & WILDLIFE TIITF/FISH & WILDLIFE COOPERATIVE VENTURES LLC COOPERATIVE VENTURES LLCAUBURNDALE CITY OF AUBURNDALE CITY OF NOEL GARY POLK COUNTY POLK COUNTY POLK COUNTY POLK COUNTY POLK COUNTY POLK COUNTY TIITF/FISH & WILDLIFE TIITF/FISH & WILDLIFE LAKELAND CITY OF TIITF/ST OF FL LAKELAND CITY OF TIITF/FISH & WILDLIFE Legend Preliminary Trail Alignment ´ 0 2,000 4,000 100 Foot Trail Buffer Feet 8,000 Impacted Parcels Parcels ITY PACE RD ® BL D3 3 MAGGIORE BL HURON WY LAKE LUTHER RD 33 RON CR AK SKIFF AV LN YACHT AV MELODY LN EV AD RIO S R R RD R OLD COMBEE RD E LAKE PARKER DR SM AL LO LN N RD O DR TAH OE D E UP NR ASHBURY DR LN D OO Lake Deeson GE N LEILA PL EW LA K CRANE DR WALT LOOP RD D DR MALLA R ODOM RD N SOCRUM LOOP RD ST GIBSON DR N DR SEBAG I-4 PO Lake Gibson CASPIA WALT WILLIAMS RD I-4 RS PY ODOM LN EGRET DR AR TP S FIR IVE K POL ODOM LN O'DONIEL LP W OLD POLK CITY RD LEXI LN UN L KB Lake Crago TENOROC MINE RD GRIMES RD O DR LAKE CRAG LAKELAND HILLS BL Lake Myrtle Fish Lake AV SOURCE: LAKELAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, 2013 WILLISTON DR MINEOLA DR ISLAND OAKS W RALPH RD FISH HATCHERY RD DELROSE DR E DELROSE DR W Lake Parker R DR ST JAMES GILMORE AV RKE A KE P W LA GRANADA ST N COMBEE RD CENTURION DR STATE PARK RD SADDLE CREEK RD Tenoroc Trail (proposed) Wetlands DEVERLY DR DELMAR DR SHIRAH RD LN HURON WY ER DR EV AD TAH OE D P SU D3 3 LEILA PL D IOR R R DR OLD COMBEE RD N RD E LAKE PARKER DR 33 GE N NR N DR SEBAG O OO LA K N RD RON CR SM AL LO LN AK SKIFF AV LN YACHT AV MELODY LN ST 33 CASPIA MAGGIORE BL CROMWELL RD CRANE DR WALT LOOP RD MALLA R D DR N SOCRUM LOOP RD ODOM RD ODOM LN PO GIBSON DR S FIR I-4 Lake Deeson RD PY N DAUGHTERY RD I-4 PACE BL K POL ODOM LN EGRET DR Lake Gibson ASHBURY DR WALT WILLIAMS RD LEXI LN ® UNIVERSITY BL K AR TP LAKE LUTHER RD JANET LN SIR HENRY'S TR EW MARTIN DR ADE DR O'DONIEL LP W OLD POLK CITY RD K SH HAMMOC MCCRANIE RD KENT RD Lake Crago TENOROC MINE RD LAKELAND HILLS BL GRIMES RD Lake Myrtle Fish Lake BUENA DR SOURCE: LAKELAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, 2013 JUNGLE ST STRAWBERRY LN DEVERLY DR N DR ISLAND OAKS W MORGAN COMBEE RD SADDLE CREEK RD OLD DIXIE HY (AU) EL PASEO BUENA VISTA MINEOLA DR STATE PARK RD CHAMPIO AV IDLEWILD ST PARKVIEW PL RALPH RD WOODLAND AV Lake Parker N COMBEE RD R DR ST JAMES GILMORE AV RKE A KE P WILSON BL FISH HATCHERY RD BOB RAWLS RD W LA GRANADA ST DELROSE DR E CENTURION DR LONG ST DEPOT AV O DR LAKE CRAG Tenoroc Trail (proposed) Conservation / Perservation LN HURON WY ER DR EV AD TAH OE D P SU D3 3 LEILA PL D IOR R R DR OLD COMBEE RD N RD E LAKE PARKER DR 33 GE N NR N DR SEBAG O OO LA K N RD RON CR SM AL LO LN AK SKIFF AV LN YACHT AV MELODY LN ST 33 CASPIA MAGGIORE BL CROMWELL RD CRANE DR WALT LOOP RD MALLA R D DR N SOCRUM LOOP RD ODOM RD ODOM LN PO GIBSON DR S FIR I-4 Lake Deeson RD PY N DAUGHTERY RD I-4 PACE BL K POL ODOM LN EGRET DR Lake Gibson ASHBURY DR WALT WILLIAMS RD LEXI LN ® UNIVERSITY BL K AR TP LAKE LUTHER RD JANET LN SIR HENRY'S TR EW MARTIN DR ADE DR O'DONIEL LP W OLD POLK CITY RD K SH HAMMOC MCCRANIE RD KENT RD Lake Crago TENOROC MINE RD LAKELAND HILLS BL GRIMES RD Lake Myrtle Fish Lake BUENA DR SOURCE: LAKELAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, 2013 JUNGLE ST STRAWBERRY LN DEVERLY DR N DR ISLAND OAKS W MORGAN COMBEE RD SADDLE CREEK RD OLD DIXIE HY (AU) EL PASEO BUENA VISTA MINEOLA DR STATE PARK RD CHAMPIO AV IDLEWILD ST PARKVIEW PL RALPH RD WOODLAND AV Lake Parker N COMBEE RD R DR ST JAMES GILMORE AV RKE A KE P WILSON BL FISH HATCHERY RD BOB RAWLS RD W LA GRANADA ST DELROSE DR E CENTURION DR LONG ST DEPOT AV O DR LAKE CRAG Tenoroc Trail (proposed) Flood Plain DOT/ STATE O F F L OR IDA S LTD TRIPL E S H O LD ING D3 NR BL ES EL AK WIL L IAMS AC QU ISITIO N H O LD ING CO INC W AT ER PE EL L AK RS AN D D WIL L IAMS AC QU ISITIO N H O LD ING CO INC C EV O EL PE RS LL C AL LE N GR OV E PA RT N ER SH IP NO DON L EY BETTY J FO RK CREEK LL C LL WC C O EL TIITF /DEP AUBU RN DAL E CITY OF GE D R EV J EVER ETT AL LEN & SO N S INC J EVER ETT AL LEN & SO N S INC 2 TIITF /F AN D DR TIITF /DEP WIL L IAMS AC QU ISITIO N H O LD ING CO INC TIITF /DEP AUBU RN DAL E CITY OF LA KEL POL K C OU NTY LA ID IO TIITF /DEP AN D BR AL LEN GR OVE PARTN ERSH IP NO 2 LO NG LA KE V ENTU RE L LC AUBU RN DAL E CITY OF L O N MEL TON AUBU RN DAL E CITY OF PEARS RUTH VEN JO E P TIITF /F ISH & W IL DL IFE SCHO O L B OAR D OF PO LK CO UN TY E VEN TURES OLD COMBEE RD AUBU RN DAL E CITY OF COO PERATIV TIITF /G FW F C TENER OC ST R ESERVE LLC TIITF /DEP TIITF /G FW F C TENO RO C ST RESERV E COO PERATIV E VEN TURES L L C IAL PA RK L LC TIITF /G FW F C TENO RO C ST RESERV E TIITF /G FW F C TENER OC ST R ESERVE CO MMERC AL LEN GR OVE PARTN ERSH IP TIITF /G FW F C TENER OC ST R ESERVE L TD KE LA NG LO AT S I NG ND LA LA KEL AN D CITY OF FO RK CREEK LL C TIITF /F ISH & W IL DL IFE BRID GEW ATER GSEL L MAN JO HN SKIPPER R ON N IE PAC E D ON L WY CH AR RE SE C LL IAL TR US IND DN I L AN KE ER POL K C OU NTY D L ALVA REZ JO SE O AUBU RN DAL E CITY OF R ON AL AUBU RN DAL E CITY OF FO STER R C BRIA N J UD ITH M LL C MIL LER R ON AL D L DEV ELO PME NT TIITF /L EASED TO POL K C OU NTY MIL LER R ON AL D L MIL LER KRO N TZ L AR RY L RAIN ES PATTY C J N TIM OTH Y THO MPSO N MA RVIN TENOROC MINE RD R AX IF E L D IL W & H IS /F F T II T JE TIITF /F ISH & W IL DL IFE TIITF /F ISH & W IL DL IFE AUBU RN DAL E CITY OF MILT E LAKE PARKER DR N TR CE OF IN C N RIDA DICK ASO C IN DA AL FL O RI TIITF /G FW F C TENER OC ST R ESERVE TIITF /F ISH & W IL DL IFE LL LP UF F IZZI LL C D R TIITF /G FW F C TENER OC ST R ESERVE TIITF /G FW F C TENO RO C ST RESERV E FAR G ROW ERS LA KEL AN D CITY OF L IE CAR L GRI MES WIL SADDL E CR EEK CO RPO RATIO N VE C IN PAN TER J ERRY D WH ITTEN ER LEN E D OSPREY LIN K S LL C DIVOT PL ENTS L LC OSPREY LIN K S GO LF CO U RSE LL C SPEARS J OSH IE SU E H IL L BAK ER EL IZABETH W POL K C OU NTY DOD D JA MES D SIMS LA RRY W AYN E PIERCE CO RA E SMITH R EX SMITH D USTIN R BOL ES VAL O NA M PRICE TH OM AS A SUE N EIL O R STAR FIV E BAK ER EL IZABETH W FIV E STA R FAM IL Y G ROW ERS -7 LL C LEIG H F RED W BENTO N EU N ICE L ROYO TO WER L TD MOC K B C ESTATE OF JO HN SO N K ATHRY N A MF PARTN ERS L LC MF PARTN ERS L LC IN C FAVE AU TO GERSTM AN B OB BY J AL L PRO USED AUTO PAR TS L L C PATE HA ZEL W BUR NS DER EK J H ODO MARK ET WO RL D REA LTY L L C HAM PTO N S PAR K L LC TREE & W IL DL IF E PRESERVE L L C Tenoroc Trail (proposed) MF PARTN ERS L LC AL L PRO USED AUTO PAR TS L L C CHERI DR CRO FT C ALV IN D J R WISE SAB RA EVI M K MARK ET WO RL D REA LTY L L C BRO WN JOYC E IN C OL DCA STLE SO U THERN G ROU P FU NG L IN NASH J EFF REY L TEAL K EN NETH RAY ALPINE DR HTH DEVEL OPM ENT L LC POL K C OU NTY J AN POL K C OU NTY TER NTY POL K C OU LES RD N J HO GA N ETH IE B DELMAR DR DUBL IN PL POL K C OU NTY L DR M SCHO O L B OAR D OF PO LK CO UN TY OSPREY LIN K S GO LF CO U RSE LL C HAN D SH IRL EY M FISH HATCHERY RD KOW AL IREN E STRAWBERRY LN IA ENN IS DARR ELL M 9 LLC GIL MO RE EDW AR D IRREV OC ABL E TRU ST A GR EEMENT ISLAND OAKS W TIMBERCREEK LP W SADDL E CR EEK # 6 A & G IN VESTMEN T GR OU PIN C CO RP RITTER J ESSE V L E CR EEK SADD RITTER J ESSE V SCHO O L B OAR D OF PO LK CO UN TY SCHA LL ER G ARY TIITF /F ISH & W IL DL IFE C ON S COM BEE AL VIS ES PLEASANT PL SCHA LL ER G ARY A TRUST 1 4 37 W JO HN SO N AN DR EW DIXIE I LL W HAR T OL AN RON AL D J R D HAL PERN RO BERT COM BEE DO ROTH Y TI LONG ST TIITF /F ISH & W IL DL IFE WAL K ER IRM A DR ROWLAND LN TERRY RD WAL K ER IRM A OAKLAND RD N OAKLAND RD S ER IN VESTM E PIERCE CO RA E SADDLE CREEK RD N OP CANA HO LL ER BE POPE BER NIC E M POW ERS RO GER O PI PR MORGAN COMBEE RD M CO GU LL EY EA RL B CARR OL L BIL L AM ED JUNGLE ST KELLY LN E SCHA LL ER G ARY A CH LI DR SOURCE: LAKELAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, 2013 TANGLEWOOD ST UNITED DR TIMB TH R PA DEVERLY DR MINEOLA DR AL RKER EVERGR EEN DR GREENV IEW DR BUENA DR HUGHES ST STATE PARK RD WIL L IS JO H N T E KN AAC K J ANI CE MCARTHUR ST IDLEWILD ST SADDL E CR EEK CO RPO RATIO N Y N COMBEE RD LL GILMORE AV BI D ER GR RALPH RD DY WYDINE DR WEBB JESSE ADA M KE PA EL PASEO BUENA VISTA E GARDEN ST TIITF /STATE O F FL O RIDA SO VEREIG N L A NDS MCCL EL LA ND DAVID L EE W LA PARKVIEW PL BAXL A RO N AL D W ROG ERS TH OM AS W J R SADDL E CR EEK CO RPO RATIO N ORCHID LN BANYAN LN LA KEL AN D CITY OF AS ROG ERS TH OM LA KEL AN D CITY OF CHA NNIN FIV E STAR FAMIL Y G ROW ERS-FAR M 4 L L C HU DDL ESTON CA RL O SUE N EIL LA KEL AN D CITY OF OCONEE ST Lake Parker KIR KL AN D FAYE M SHEF F IELD FR ED SCHO O L B OAR D OF PO LK CO UN TY OF DELROSE DR N LA KEL AN D CITY OF E VALENCIA ST GAI THER R OY H POL K C OU NTY MIN IX L INDA BOU N TIF UL LA ND S I NC TIITF /G FW F C TENER OC ST R ESERVE WOODCREST LN WILSON BL E LOWELL ST LAKEHURST ST KIR KL AN D FAYE M MCN EIL A LF RED W J R TY LA KEL AN D CITY OF MATHESO N TR I GA S I NC LA KEL AN D CITY OF E BELLA VISTA ST FR EEMON RAY POL L ARD J AN E HAL L FR ED D KIR KL AN D BIL LY J TRU ST LA KEL AN D CITY OF MIAMI ST PITTS BRAN DO N M TIITF /G FW F C TENER OC ST R ESERVE LA KEL AN D CITY OF TIITF /F ISH & W IL DL IFE TARAWA ST SCHA LL ER G ARY A TIITF /F ISH & W IL DL IFE LA KEL AN D CITY OF TIITF / STATE O F F L OR IDA LA KEL AN D CITY OF WATSO N CL IN IC SCHA LL ER G ARY A TIITF /G FW F C TENER OC ST R ESERVE EZELL GA RY L ER INTER NATIO NA L M ARK ET WO RL D IN C ES KEEN CAR ROL L E R FIV E STAR FAMIL Y G ROW ERS-FAR ST MARK ET WO RL D REA LTY & DEV ELO PMEN T INC FW OC OLD DIXIE HY (AU) N MARTHA AV KATHRYN AV /G R FO SKEY STEVEN O SR N LL C CTIO J UN AN D LA KEL F NE LE L LC IT TE NDA OF AU BUR TI C BERK LEY CENTURION DR F CI LA KEL AN D CITY OF POL K C OU NTY POL K C OU NTY PATE DAR LEN E LA KEL AN D CITY OF D LA KEL AN D CITY OF LA KEL AN D CITY OF FAM IL Y TIITF /F ISH & W IL DL IFE AUBU RN DAL E CITY OF LA KEL AN D CITY OF PLATT MA RY RU TH RICH AR DSON L AVERN E E CITY OF LA KEL AN D CITY OF COSTI NE EAR LO W LA KEL AN D CITY OF EL LE STEPHEN S MICH PAC KETT TH REE L LC DAVIDSO N B OB BY G FIV E STAR FAMIL Y G ROW ERS FAR M 2 L L C N NY E LU SBY J OH Fish Lake AUBU RN DAL E CITY OF Lake Myrtle AUBU RN DAL TIITF /F ISH & W IL DL IFE J EVER ETT AL LEN & SO N S INC AN D LA KEL CRO SBY G REG ORY L LA KEL AN D CITY OF LA KEL AN D CITY OF LA KEL AN D CITY OF TIITF /F ISH & W IL DL IFE GRI MES CH ARL ES DAVID A G AIL TIITF /ST O F F L LA KEL AN D CITY OF HIR AH L L C TIITF /G FW F C TENER OC ST R ESERVE TIITF /G FW F C TENO RO C STATE R ESERVE VOSSL ER AN N A OF SADDL E CR EEK CO RPO RATIO N TY KPG INV ESTMEN TS I NC CI OF D CITY L AN TO N SHEIL KE THO RN LAK LA TIITF /F ISH & W IL DL IFE M 1 LLC LL C GRIMES RD CRAN O R RAN DY L DR E CRAG O SADDL E CR EEK CO RPO RATIO N BO TIITF /G FW F C TENER OC ST R ESERVE AL TIITF /G FW F C TENO RO C ST RESERV E D ON TIITF / STATE O F F L OR IDA DY AR AW RH IL LS DR CO MB EE R OAD 40 0 0 N OR TH Lake Crago ANTILLA ST WATSO N CL IN IC WIL L IAMS AC QU ISITIO N H O LD ING CO INC LA TIITF /DO T/STATE OF F LO RIDA N IN C GRI MES HA ZEL AN N N IO IO CT CT AU AU TO AU TO L AN L AN D D AU HURON WY AT CITY OF TYL ER DO NN IE L W WIL L IAMS AC QU ISITIO N H O LD ING CO INC WIL L IAMS AC QU ISITIO N H O LD ING CO INC VIL LAG CT ALT AT S ORL AN DO & OR LA NDO U TILI TIES CO MM CITY GRE GRA HA M MICH AEL M KOOTER RD OAKWAY DR LAKE LUTHER RD GE EL L AK C TIITF / STATE O F F L OR IDA TIITF /F ISH & W IL DL IFE A RK AH S NO IN C N SA KE KE DR ON GT RIN FA R ED FR DO R LA CASPIAN DR K AR M I CK SW BE DWI GH T HA ROL D D O O HAR MEL ING RIC HA RD J 3 SCHO O L B OAR D OF PO LK CO UN TY FI COMO PL HAI R LA UREN G AND ERSO N N OR MAN G BOZEM AN K IN NA RD R LN DR USE EW GRO LA K SAUN DERS J O E L RON CR JOYCE DR KANOY DR MELODY LN YACHT AV STRICK L AN D KAY MALLA UCC II IN C O TW E AS PH ASHBURY DR CANBURY DR MARLYN DR CRANE DR EGRET DR RD DR G OL F INC SAND PIPER G OL F INC WALT LOOP RD N SOCRUM LOOP RD SAND PIPER WEBER PL PUBL IX SU PER MA RK ETS INC ND EL A L AK B LU C CK DO D PA ND EL A L AK B LU C CK DO D PA 33 33 IS ID ER J EVER ETT AL LEN & SO N S INC WIL L IAMS AC QU ISITIO N H O LD ING CO INC INC & SO N S N DR P SU BR S L L C AL LEN NS NS PER LL ETT J EVER KI LA WALT WILLIAMS RD OLD POLK CITY RD BROMPTON DR SCHO O L B OAR D OF PO LK CO UN TY ODOM LN ODOM RD EL DORADO AV NIP EG DR TAHO E DR LO RS H IP KIN G C HA RL ES M PE TN ERS RD EL O PAR N EV GR OVE BEAN DO ROTH Y E D AL LEN GIBSON DR ND PARK DR D P LAKELA AN JO E LAKELAND HILLS BL M H H RE DD EVE L AK EL L AN MHC ET D J K EIT N EN L IAR K TO R L AN ER INC RL AKE AT WIL L IAMS AC QU ISITIO N H O LD ING CO INC KE PC 80 L LC ME SING L ETA RY JA CK B WIL L IAMS AC QU ISITIO N H O LD ING CO INC PRICE L ARR Y GREER CAL VIN L WEST LN WEST LN MORRELL DR EAST LN O TRIPL E S H O LD ING S LTD MHC LA KEL AN D H ARBO R L L C GRANADA ST LA KEL AN D CITY OF KR HIL HEN DERSO N PAC E L L C WIL L IAMS AC QU ISITIO N H O LD ING CO INC S LA OF HEL MS JA NI CE W ROW E BERN ON V PY ATE WIN LA KEL AN D CITY OF Y OF TY JO HN SO N L EON W HEN DERSO N PAC E L L C TUCK ER B OBB IE W S & SO N PEARCE RD WIL L IAMS AC QU ISITIO N H O LD ING CO INC LEN ETT AL D GEW W H VEN SHIN SUN K BL UN IVER SITY OF SO UTH FL O RIDA B OAR D OF TRU STEES UN IVER SITY OF SO UTH FL O RIDA B OAR D OF TRU STEES PO LK BRI GE D CIT CI TRIPL E S H O LD ING S LTD PACE RD GO LF CL UB AT B RIDG EW ATER LL C GO D R GE NE TAR V IO W A DR Y ID AN D JO HN SO N DEN N IS K J EVER BR E P RUTH VEN JO LLC WIL L IAMS AC QU ISITIO N H O LD ING CO INC KEL 80 L AN L LC ® WO ODA RD DAVI D H LD R BOTTS H ARO WIL L IAMS AC QU ISITIO N H O LD ING CO INC LA PC KE TYSON CL AYTON WIL L IAMS AC QU ISITIO N H O LD ING CO INC P UNIVERSITY BL UN IVER SITA L L C OF L II RUT DR E ROBSON ST LA FU SSEL L L AW REN CE P WO ODA RD DAVI D H AE WY IT RK FU SSEL L L AW REN CE P CH D SON AN STINE TRU ST AG REEMEN T DAVIS AU GU STUS Z MI II ER WIL L IAMS AC QU ISITIO N H O LD ING CO INC BB L AN TY STAR R RIC HA RD B WE KE CI SING H H AM ERAJ UN IVER SITY OF SO UTH FL O RIDA B OAR D OF TRU STEES INC ING CO TPA IT YS RE LC ENT C IN LD N HO AL IO NA CO ISITIO RI PRO F ESS G IN AC QU ST D PA RK LD IAMS DU AN HO OF SHIN SUN K N CITY LA KEL IO AN D MERRI LN IT RE L LC P TR TIITF /F ISH & W IL DL IFE OF D CITY OL IS BDG POL K I -4 L LC LA KEL V AA QU C RID CAR AC L O L FL MS L TRA IA RS CEN LL PE OF WI O EL LO RE EV A RK L D NO AHS RIA D H ST AN D N RD HA RL ES SMITH C MAS DU EL AK AN 33 TH O TIITF /F ISH & W IL DL IFE LA KEL AN NF EL BO N RD OF F IN L K LA KH AN SAQIB B AR LP BL FIR S ER DD/ LA KEL AN D L LC R KE L L C L LC RK AT L AC T PA W PA R IRS LF GE C /CA ID LL D DU JERRY RD SEBA ON L EB II IOR E F ON LEILA PL GREENWAY CR AS I-4 WIL L IAMS AC QU ISITIO N H O LD ING CO INC I 43 3 V ENTU RE L LC FR /CA L F IRST PARK L LC US UN KN OW N PETC E L LC PH D OF F RA K N V IL LAG 33 AR AZ N LA KE DEESO R KE RTY KIN G M ITCHEL L H EXIT 3 8 PRO PERTIES L LC HEIN EN J O HN P TR GG F INC PA COU DI LAKE DEESON POINTE NH C F L 1 0 3 L LC 3 3 L LC LC K I -4 L BDG POL HO LZ C ARL MA G OL TIITF /STATE O F FL O RIDA SO VEREIG N L A NDS G ER LN ST PO Lake Gibson Lake Deeson HY DE DAN IEL PIP BDG POL K L AK E GI BSO N L LC WEBB ND SANDSTONE ST E DAUGHTERY RD DWI GH T HA ROL D LAKEWOOD RD JANET DR ENTU I 43 3 V BR YD F INC SA JU DD TH O MAS D CHA RAC TER EMMET O JR K F LO G OL AN D DAVIS J ERRY T AN D I NC WIL L IAMS AC QU ISITIO N H O LD ING CO INC FR STO L L MA NO R MH C L LC I-4 CM OF LA L MI CH AEL DAVIS MAR GA RET AN N HIDDEN DR MAGPIE DR CITY & LIPH AM B REN DA SUTTO N MAR ER RUN DR EN 'S RAV PIPER D L LN SAN GUL SEA D PIP SAN AT L AK EL O F G OD J TAR BU NAS C HAR L ES J J R S DURHAM DR CHU RC H ER SON ROG LEELON RD L DR LP OK S C VA RPS IN NTY POL K C OU RAU LER VINEYARD DR ARBOR WY EL BRO O'DONIE O'D I ON AN D LA KEL KD BRID GEW ATER I 4 L L C BRASW EL IN LEXI LN RHO ADES M ATH A PATRIC IA MEADE J O HN V BAIL EY N AN CY S SIR HENRY'S TR SIR GEORGE'S TR US MOO RE APR IL D AWN O'DONIEL LP N HU NTER S MEADO W L L C LAMP POST LN J W T EXIT 3 8 PRO PERTIES L LC RT BD O F PU BL IC IN ST LK GI BSO N J R & SR POINTER LN HN LA KEL SHERW OO D F O REST PA RTNER SHI P SHERWOO D LAKES BL AGA NA H IL ARY A BUSH W D WIG HT TR UST R DIN LA KEL AN D CITY OF VE HA STO N EHEDG E O F F LO RI DA LL C JO T HN WIL L GAM BREL L JO HN R HAYMARKET DR HA JO INC ING CO STO N EHEDG E O F F LO RI DA LL C FU LW OO D R DIN KIM E J EF FR EY G LA KEL AN D CITY OF LD N HO MEADOWOOD DR PORR IDG E INV ESTMEN TS L L C LA KEL AN D CITY OF ISITIO BRAN CH J OETH A L PEEPLES RU BY S MARTIN DR HA Y AC QU STEWAR T L OY D A HAYNES RD NT SHERW OO D F O REST PA RTNER SHI P TR ROU SE CO RY BUR NETT STEVEN W TRU ST MCMU L LEN GEO RG E JR C OU RE MCCRANIE RD PO LK SHERW OO D F O REST PA RTNER SHI P IAMS ROU SE CO RY TIMBERIDGE LP S RIDGEGREEN LP N TU NA KENT RD TIMBERGREEN DR HAMMOCK SHADE DR WIL L GLENRIDGE LP S BURRISRIDGE DR MAN LY J OH N W DOL L DUA NE C WAL L ACE J OH N A FL OYD CARL O S R WINIFRED WY HAR RIS DAVI D WAL L ACE YO N CH A N J FL OYD J T TO LI N THO RN TO N MICH AEL SHA NE NP DEV ELO PMEN T LL C ASHBURY DR WALT WILLIAMS RD COSTINE DR EW OO LA K RON CR R S FIR SEBA GE N GO D EVA TAH OE D RIO E UP S Lake Crago R TENOROC MINE RD GRIMES RD Lake Myrtle Fish Lake E ROBSON ST Tenoroc Trail (proposed) CENTURION DR BOB RAWLS RD WILSON BL GILMORE AV E 1ST ST BUENA DR EM E PARKER ST EM OR IAL JUNGLE ST BL HOLLY RD SOURCE: LAKELAND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, 2013 BROADWAY ST LAKEVIEW ST BURNS ST 10" Down SADDLE CREEK RD 12" TO 24" >24" HUGHES ST FISH HATCHERY RD E GARDEN ST MINEOLA DR RAWLS DR PARKVIEW PL EL PASEO N COMBEE RD ER DR Lake Parker LONG ST WOODLAND AV 98 E VALENCIA ST DRUID ST STACY DR N RD RALPH RD E BELLA VISTA ST Active DEVERLY MORGAN COMBEE RD DR SHIRAH RD OLD DIXIE HY (AU) GRANADA ST ISLAND OAKS W Forcemain, Wastewater W LAKE PARK N FLORIDA AV R DR R RD O DR LAKE CRAG N FLORIDA AV NR D3 3 DR E LAKE PARKER DR SKIFF AV N LD ® RD OLD COMBEE RD RD 33 GIBSON DR LN RO MELODY LN ST CA IAN SP CA Lake Deeson PO Lake Gibson AR TP PACE L KB POLK PY R D I-4 Lake Tennessee WY UNIVERSITY BL MAGGIORE BL N SOCRUM LOOP RD SAN D PIPER 'S DR W AL T LO O P RD ODOM RD RUN BAMBI DR PEARCE RD EN N DAUGHTERY RD CRANE D RAV ODOM LN EGRET DR LAKE LUTHER RD LEXI LN CROMWELL RD LN JANET LN O'DONIEL LP W OLD POLK CITY RD MARTIN DR I-4 MA R KENT RD RESEARCH GA TE WY TOM COSTINE RD E CARROLL RD Gravity Main, Wastewater Active 4" TO 6" 8" TO 12" 14" TO 24" >24" W RD 92 (AU ) TENOROC FISH MANAGEMENT AREA Polk Parkway I-4 SR 33 OFFICE Butterfly Lake Legs Lake Cemetery Lake Picnic Lake Lake 5 Horseshoe Lake Fish Hook Lake Lake A ! ( ! ( ! Lake B Shop Lake Half-Moon Lake Lake F Tern Lake ^ ^ Derby Lake Lake 2 Lake 3 Lake 4 Gun Range Lake G Lake C Hydrilla Lake Saddle Creek Road Lost Lake West Lost Lake East Lake Parker Boundary Combee Road Roads Horseback Trails Saddle Creek Park US 92 Hiking Trails