Astrodienst Horoscopes
Astrodienst Horoscopes
Astrodienst Horoscopes Readings by Liz Greene, Robert Hand and Mona Riegger Horoscope by Liz Greene Psychological Horoscope Analysis “Astrology as an Art” Learn more about your true personality! by Liz Greene Astrology is an art, rather than a science or a system of religious beliefs. But what, then, is art? The artist mediates between different dimensions of life. The images, sounds, words and forms which the artist utilises are languages which can communicate the meaningful patterns of levels of reality which would otherwise be incomprehensible or incommunicable to the rational mind. When we are affected by art, it is because the work speaks to us on many levels: intellectual, intuitive, emotional, visceral. The symbols of astrology touch chords in us on so many different levels that it is not possible to ever exhaust its mystery. This is the nature of symbols, and astrology is a symbolic language. So the astrologer can, in viewing one person‘s horoscope, see Mars as a symbol of unexpressed and unconscious aggression and rage; in another person‘s horoscope, as a symbol of motivating power, courage and initiative; in another person‘s horoscope, as an expression of headaches, rashes and other somatised signals of internal tension, anger and stress which are not being dealt with; and in yet another person‘s horoscope, as a symbol of a particular kind of person or event that the individual is likely to meet in the outside world. All these are „true“ interpretations, and the ability to discern how this symbol is most likely to be expressed in any individual at any particular time relies on faculties other than those involved in empiric testing. The art of astrology does indeed require intellectual clarity; but equally, it requires empathy, intuition, imagination, perspective, and experience. Even then, an interpretation may not hit the mark, because art has never guaranteed precision. At best, it can guarantee meaning and insight. Many people take up astrology in the hope that simple answers will be offered to complex questions about major life issues. But if the person looks more deeply, it becomes apparent that such simple answers are not what astrology is about. Ultimately, those who make a lifelong study of astrology do so not because it offers the reassurance of science, but because they love it. And a large part of that love is invoked because astrology never fails to offer yet another set of mysteries to explore, and yet another set of unanswered questions to stretch our minds and transform our views of reality. Perhaps that is a good definition of art. Liz Greene, October 2004 2/3 The Psychological Horoscope Analysis is a remarkable achievement within comtemporary astrology. Combining the use of astrological insight with modern psychology, it can give you a detailed portrait of your personality. This text, which is individually tailored to your personal astrological profile, describes your talents as well as those aspects which are more challenging to help you learn more about the structure of your personality. It is a step towards integration and development and a valuable tool for all those interested in understanding and realising their potential. The text by Liz Greene is lively and thought provoking. It does not contain any astrological jargon and explores your personality on a profound psychological level. The text is centered around the following topics: • Your basic psychological type strengths and weaknesses • The main character traits within your psyche - both the conscious and unconscious ones • The psychological atmosphere during your childhood and within your family • Typical patterns in your relationships • Your path towards integration and development. Psychological Horoscope Analysis Author: Liz Greene Type: PHE 18-25 pages US$ 46.95 / EUR 46.95 Available languages: Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese A customer writes: „...I had a Psychological Horoscope done that was the most insightful and illuminating chart I have ever had. It is extremely helpful to myself in charting my life progress in the areas of emotional, mental, spiritual and career. Every aspect charted was spot on accurate with the inner insights resonating with my own introspections of my life to date...“ Horoscopes by Liz Greene Relationship Horoscope The Child’s Horoscope Do you understand the basic patterns of your relationship? Our relationships provide us with some of the deepest and most mysterious experiences of our lives. Why do we feel attracted to some people but not to others? Why does love fade away in some cases and continue in others? Relationship Horoscope Author: Liz Greene 40-45 pages Type: TPE US$ 49.95 / EUR 49.95 Which emotions are intrinsically “yours”, and which are fuelled by the characteristics and dynamics of this particular relationship? What are the mechanisms at play in this relationship? The Relationship Horoscope offers answers. Available languages: Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. Understanding the basic patterns of your relationship will help you to see the ups and downs from a much wider perspective. Topics covered in the different chapters: • What brings you together - the essential energies at work between you and your partner • What the two of you create - your relationship as an independent entity Also available: Set of corresponding chart drawings (both birth charts and a composite chart on one page) Type: +671 Listen to your child! Children experience life through play. They have to experiment with all sorts of things, before their future paths, with all their possibilities, can become visible or even imaginable. However, certain basic inclinations and talents can be recognised in the natal chart. The Child’s Horoscope describes basic tendencies, hints at potential fields of development and points out natural spheres of interest - before the environment, social restrictions or other influences start to push or pull the child into a different direction. The Child’s Horoscope is especially written for parents who want to enable their child to find and follow his or her own path right from the start. The following topics are discussed: • Your child’s psychological type • Important personality traits • Emotional needs • Your relationship and yourself • The relationship with the parents • Your relationship and your partner • Fears • Deeper issues set in motion • Perspectives of development The Child‘s Horoscope is very careful to avoid rigid astrological structures or concepts that could be detrimental to your child. It gives you many clear hints, designed to help you to understand the behaviour of your child, especially in those awkward situations in which many parents just give up because they feel they cannot get behind what is really going on. Child’s Horoscope Author: Liz Greene 20-25 pages Type: TKE US$ 46.95 / EUR 46.95 Available languages: Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish Liz Greene, astrologer and psychologist Liz Greene (PhD) is a qualified Jungian analyst and has a doctorate in psychology. She runs a psychological and astrological practice and holds seminars in various countries. Liz Greene has written many groundbreaking astrology books as well as some historical novels. She is the director of the London „Centre for Psychological Astrology“ and lives in England. 4/5 Horoscopes by Liz Greene Career and Vocation The Meaning of the Time Give a fresh impulse to your career! Vocation is one of the big topics in everyone‘s life. Without astrological jargon, but on a profound psychological level, the astrologer and psychologist Liz Greene shows the way to a more fulfilled professional life. In times of threatening unemployment and fast changes we need to be flexible. This requires that we know more about our inner vocation, about our strengths and limitations. Understanding ourselves allows us to achieve a state of inner balance, giving us the courage to use our potential. The „Career and Vocation“ horoscope explores the tension between this inner vocation and everyday work, between the daily „service“ Yearly Horoscope Analysis and the existential necessity to do something meaningful. It describes the complex processes which can be triggered by inner and outer duties. It examines your strengths, talents, and personal limitations, together with your attitude towards success as well as working with others. The chapters in Career and Vocation: • How you see the world • Your aptitudes and strengths • Know your limits • Working with others • What success really means to you Career and Vocation Author: Liz Greene Type: TVE 18-25 pages US$ 46.95 / EUR 46.95 Available languages: Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish 6/7 Every outer event has its meaning and is connected with an inner issue we are required to deal with. In this sense, there are no lucky or unlucky events, but only that which the Greeks called Kairos – the right moment. Liz Greene looks at the individual birth chart in the context of a twelve month period, using transits and progressions. She is concerned with the unfolding of an inner path, and with those individual inner situations that are often mysteriously connected with corresponding events in the outer world. From Liz Greene’s point of view, every individual is a complex psychological entity with various personality aspects. These are often in conflict, often some aspects are suppressed and then remain unconscious over longer periods of time. When their time is due, these aspects will strive towards expression. Then we seek and create situations in life that allow them to take shape – and make us aware of what we were unable to perceive before. The Meaning of the Time Yearly Horoscope Analysis by Liz Greene Type: JAE For 12 months, approx. 40 pages US$ 46.95 / EUR 46.95 Available languages: English, Dutch, French, German and Spanish. Optional colour chart, especially designed for the Yearly Horoscope Analysis. Type: +2GS US$ 9.95 / EUR 9.95 Alois Treindl, founder and director of Astrodienst Alois Treindl did his PhD in physics at the „Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule“ (ETH) in Zürich. Information technology and philosophy complemented his education. He studied astrology with the German astrologer Thomas Ring. Alois Treindl developed the outstanding computational technology of the Astro*Intelligence horoscopes and is the webmaster of Horoscope by Liz Greene Long-Term Perspectives Horoscope by Robert Hand Personal Horoscope Calendar Your personal outlook for six years Astrological cycles do not take human calendars into account, the movements of the planets have their own logic and timing. The Long-Term Horoscope for six years allows you to look into the long-ranging and complex processes of your psyche. Your inner development, which is reflected by transits of the slow-moving planets and progressions, is usually not in a hurry and gives your personality time to integrate new things. It is helpful, though, to know these new things in advance - Liz Greene provides some insights. Beside your own personal themes, Liz Greene analyses the collective constellations of the new millenium, and how they influence your individual horoscope. She explains how your generation can be affected, as well as influences on the country you live in. Long-Term Perspectives for 6 Years Author: Liz Greene 45-50 pages Type: HME US$ 46.95 / EUR 46.95 Available languages: English, Dutch, French, German and Spanish Your daily dose of astrology Some days simply seem to be jinxed and everything goes wrong - then there are days on which things seem to work out fine for you. On others you feel sad and depressed for no obvious reason; at times you long for human contact, and at other times you just want to hide ... also be wrong to concentrate exclusively on the long-lasting transits. Everyday matters are just as important to our daily lives as are the longranging tendencies. The Personal Horoscope Calendar tells you about the current movements of planets over your birth chart, and how these transits affect your daily life. You can read about them in advance, or, after a day which makes you wonder what on earth was going on, in retrospect. Personal Horoscope Calendar Author: Robert Hand Type: HKE 214 pages, spiral binding, for 12 months The underlying mood of any longer period of your life can be inferred from the transits of the slow-moving planets - their effects are often noticeable for several months or even years. But just as it would be boring to read the same important news in the paper every day, it would Available languages: Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish US$ 59.95 / EUR 59.95 Single month edition US$ 7.50 / EUR 7.50 A customer says: „I‘d like to take the opportunity today to thank you for the Long-Term Horoscope by Liz Greene. I was already deeply impressed with the Psychological Horoscope Analysis I had done a few years ago, and now the expressiveness of the Long-Term Horoscope has overwhelmed me completely. At present, it also proves to be a source of support in a difficult career crisis.“ The pictures in this brochure were painted by the Swiss artist Elisabeth Walder. We would like to thank her for her generous permission to publish them. 8/9 Robert Hand, Astrologer and Philosopher Robert Hand is one of the leading astrologers in the USA. His books reflect his interest in the philosopical dimension of astrology, and „Planets in Transit“ is considered as a milestone in the art of astrological interpretation. He is also deeply dedicated to the exploration of historical astrological sources. Horoscope by Robert Hand Horoscope by Mona Riegger Horoscope for Two Transits of the Year How do you relate? What will the next year bring? What would be appropriate in your life just now? What will the next year bring? The Transits of the Year shed light upon the mysterious meaning of time. Transits of the Year is based on the movements of the actual planets in the sky over the different points in your natal chart, pointing out how these transits influence you personally and which themes and topics will be most important for you during any given year. Knowing about your transits can help you to cope better with crises and difficulties and to make the best of opportunities coming your way. Transits of the Year does not deal with all the transits occurring during one year. Instead, the most important ones - depending on the respective natal chart - are chosen and interpreted. The interpretation of certain transits may vary according to the age of the person in question and the presence or absence of certain factors in the natal chart. The interpretation may also be influenced by other transits taking place at the same time. Transits of the Year Author: Robert Hand Report based on your personal transits 25-28 pages Type: TRE US$ 43.95 / EUR 43.95 Available languages: Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. The Horoscope for Two gives valuable insightes into all kinds of relationships between two people - between family members, work colleagues, friends and competitors. Of course it also works very well for a love relationship. This horoscope reading is based on the Davison Relationship Chart, known as the Combine Horoscope in Europe. The interpretations are compact, clear and impressively accurate. You will be surprised! Even for a pair of twins the interpretation is sophisticated and illuminating. Horoscope for Two Author: Mona Riegger Type: HTE 14-18 pages US$ 29.95 / EUR 29.95 Topics dealt with in the different chapters: Available languages: English and German • Role assignment • Core issue the relationship revolves around Optional: Colour drawing of the Davison Relationship Chart Type: +65HZ US$ 9.95 / EUR 9.95 • Characteristics of this relationship • Mental and emotional levels of interaction Mona Riegger, Astrologer Mona Riegger is the author of the „Handbuch der Combin- und CompositDeutung“. The method described in this book was used in the development of the „Horoscope for Two“ at Astrodienst. Mona Riegger has work as a counselling and teaching astrologer since 1980. She is a co-founder of the „Astrologie-Zentrum“ in Berlin. 10/11 AstroText Horoscopes By Robert Pelletier, John Townley, Robert Hand ASTROTEXT Portrait ASTROTEXT Forecast Planets in House, Sign and Aspect, by Robert Pelletier Transits of the Outer Planets, by Robert Hand How well do you know yourself? ASTROTEXT Portrait is an analysis of your character and personality, based on the delineation of the planets by sign, house and aspects. It starts with an interpretation of your Sun and Moon combination, followed by a reading of your Ascendant or rising sign and the house position of its ruling planet. After a brief introduction to the meaning of each house, the computer prints an interpretation of every planet located in that house and the aspects from that planet to others in your chart. ASTROTEXT Forecast interprets all transits of the slower-moving planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) to all your natal planets, and indicates the exact time period in which they occur. These are the transits that are of longest duration and greatest importance. Many of these transits occur no more than once in a lifetime, and the same combination of transits can never occur twice in a lifetime. Thus each moment of your life is unique. Type: APE, 20-30 pages, English and German Type: ATE, 20-30 pages, English, French, German and Spanish US$ 19.95 / EUR 19.95 US$ 19.95 / EUR 19.95 ASTROTEXT Love ASTROTEXT Partner Horoscope about Love, Flirtation and Sex, by John Townley Planets in Composite, by Robert Hand ASTROTEXT Love examines the different factors within your birth chart in terms of how they influence your love life and how you express yourself sexually. The horoscope addresses issues such as your need for control in love, how your fantasy life affects you and those around you, how easily you move from one relationship to another, and how you deal with disappointment. As the text was written in the early seventies, it reflects the spirit of the time, when sexual freedom was still great news. We have kept the horoscope in its original form because it is so much fun to read - and after all, fun is what love should be about. Love is not all it takes to make a relationship work. It requires an understanding of yourself and your partner, and you can find a source of such insight in ASTROTEXT Partner. Here, Robert Hand interprets the components of the composite chart, which is the horoscope of the relationship, calculated from both sets of birth data. His book "Planets in Compsite" from which the interpretations are taken is a classic in the field. This reading will prove useful for understanding not only love affairs, but other types of partnerships as well - friendships, family bonds and work or business relations. Type: ALE, 20-30 pages, English and German Type: ACE, 20-30 pages, English, French, German and Spanish US$ 19.95 / EUR 19.95 ASTROTEXT Youth US$ 19.95 / EUR 19.95 ASTROTEXT- Good reports at an attractive price! The Horoscope for Younger People, by Robert Hand ASTROTEXT Youth helps you to understand your children, and how you can support them in dealing with the problems they face in growing up. ASTROTEXT Youth focuses on the child or adolescent whose world-view, while broadly mapped by the birth horoscope, is more fluid and still being formed. It describes the planetary influences at birth with an emphasis on children's concerns, such as family and peer relationships, independence and responsibility, values and decision-making. Type: AKE, 20-30 pages, English, German and Spanish 12/13 US$ 19.95 / EUR 19.95 Astrotext horoscope readings are an interesting low-price alternative to the profound, extensive readings in the Astro*Intelligence line. Even though they were written in the 1970s, the quality of the Astrotext interpretations is still very good, and we can justly say: They offer great value for money! A chart drawing to go with your interpretation Luxury Hardcover Edition An understanding of astrological symbolism enables us to read a chart as a „map“ of the personality. Reading our introduction to astrology will help you to take first steps towards interpreting your own birth chart. For a small surcharge the astrological report is also available in hardcover edition, making it an ideal gift for a birthday, a wedding or for Christmas. Colour chart drawing, ordered with a report, Type: +2AT, US$ 9.95 / EUR 9.95 Drawing without a report, Type: 2AT, US$ 12.- / EUR 12.- 14/15 Phone during working hours:.................................................................................................... E-mail: ............................................................................................................................................ Signature:........................................................................................................................................ Date:................................................................................................................................................ 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Subscription for 12 months: US$ 31.95 / EUR 31.95 (Orders only online in the AstroShop at First Name:.................................................................................................................................... The extended online Daily Horoscope is based on Robert Hand‘s texts in the Personal Horoscope Calendar. It provides access to your free choice of date for a time span of 36 months before and 12 after the current date. Moreover, it offers all transit interpretations and some important longterm influences of any day within that period. For Data No.: ............................................................Language:................................................. The Extended Daily Horoscope, online at Name :............................................................................................................................................ Other Articles at Astrodienst This catalogue covers only the most important articles we have to offer. There are many more, such as biorhythms, different types of charts, software, books, etc. You can find the complete range at If you would like to order something and have no internet acces, please do not hesitate to call us - we are happy to help. Horoscope, Type: .................................................................................................................. Surcharge for hardcover edition, Type: -LX, US$ 12.95 / EUR 12.95 Address for invoicing and delivery: Drawings & Hardcover I am ordering the following Horoscope Reading: " Additional Items – Astrology on the Internet With, Astrodienst runs one of the most extensive and most popular astrological websites on the Internet. More than 3 million visitors per month use and appreciate the large selection of free horoscopes. is now available in eight languages. Astrodienst‘s excellent reputation on the Internet is based on the free horoscope calculation, its large variety of different astrological methods and chart styles as well as its extensive birth place and time zone database. However, the website does not only address those who specialise in astrology: It offers an extensive Personal Daily Horoscope, many short interpretations, such as the Personal Portrait, Love and Partner reports, and a six-month Forecast, as well as interactive AstroClick horoscopes. High-quality text and exact horoscope calculation with birth time and place make this a unique offer. Those who want to delve more deeply into the fascinating world of astrology can find profound astrologcial knowledge in the section „Understanding Astrology“: introductions for beginners, advanced astrology articles and specialised articles by Liz Greene and other authors. Astrodienst AG Dammstrasse 23 8702 Zollikon/Zürich, Switzerland Internet: Email: [email protected] Phone: +41-44-392 1818 Fax: +41-44-391 7574 Phone times: 9 am - 12 noon, 2 pm - 5 pm Monday - Friday, Swiss time