EDF`s Travel Sector Exper se


EDF`s Travel Sector Exper se
EDF’s Travel Sector Exper3se Case Study – Media Rela)ons Objec3ve + 
Provide Delta with a “one-­‐stop shop” streamlining the management of all communica;on ini;a;ves across mul;ple countries (+15) in La;n America and also with targeted U.S. Hispanic media Leverage global, as well as local stories to generate posi;ve media exposure in target travel trade media and business publica;ons Manage PR efforts to func;on as an extension of global Communica;ons team in Atlanta ile
Noticias, Ch
Las Ultimas
El Universal, Mexico
Approach + 
Ensure all local PR efforts are clearly aligned with corporate communica;ons strategy Ac;vi;es conducted regionally/locally included: +  Develop and place local news stories +  Secure media interviews for key execu;ves +  Manage local events/projects +  Monitor industry issues that could impact Delta’s brand; provide recommenda;ons +  Leverage EDF’s rela;onship with ALTA to posi;on Delta execu;ves at industry events +  Maximize Delta’s key partnerships (e.g. GOL and Aeromexico) to obtain posi;ve media coverage Valor, Br
nómica, Peru
Semana Eco
1 of 2 EDF’s Travel Sector Exper3se Case Study – Media Rela)ons Results – Regional +  Successfully implemented system to priori;ze/manage news across the region +  Effec;vely rolled out and implemented the “Somos Delta” La;niza;on Program +  Generated extensive media coverage in La;n America: +  55% increase in media coverage YOY (2011 vs. 2014) +  60% of generated coverage was in Top Tier media +  Posi;oned as the best U.S. airline in La;n America +  Best proof of success, client’s tes;monial: “There are many reasons why EDF is a great communica6ons partner to Delta Air Lines. EDF has truly invested 6me and resources in assembling a team commi?ed to understand the airline industry with the same depth and passion as Delta. It is not enough to win an account and show crea6vity in the RFP process; it is the day-­‐to-­‐day dedica6on to our needs and staying in touch with industry trends where EDF has shown its sincere desire to be our partner.” Sarah Lora General Manager Corporate Communica)ons tina
Clarín, Argen
Avião R
evue, B
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