NEON_ NEFI Energy Online News
NEON_ NEFI Energy Online News
NEON: NEFI Energy Online News 12/5/11 12:21 PM Having trouble viewing this email? Click here to view in html. Your company can sponsor weekly NEON editions. Learn how. A Service of New England Fuel Institute Please Note: green text items in this newsletter are clickable links for more information on a subject. March 6, 2009 Volume 4 • Issue 9 NEW FEDERAL TAX CREDITS AND ELIGIBLE HEATING EQUIPMENT Congress Debates $410 Billion Package to Keep Gov’t. Operational In recent issues of NEON, we have covered passage of the economic stimulus bill, providing an overview of some of the provisions important to NEFI members. One of the most important is the expanded home efficiency tax credit. Members will recall the credit was renewed for 2009 and 2010, is now for 30 percent of the cost and the "byimprovement type" caps were eliminated and replaced with an across-the-board $1,500 aggregate cap on all improvements to the home. NEFI Fights to Maintain Important and Hard Won Flexibility In SPCC Regulations NEFI Seeks Extension of Fast Approaching SPCC Deadline NEFI Webinar March 18: "Employers & The Law" NORA Energy Conservation Seminar: April 7 in VT, April 16 in Mass. Cap & Trade Webinar April 16: NEFI/Robinson & Cole NORA Board Meeting, May 6 at AREE Donate a Generator to Help Sick Children Alert: Phone Calls About NEFI Hotel Rooms Are a Scam NEFI Seeks Professional Engineer for Panel Presentation at Expo That means the entirety of the $1,500 aggregate cap may be used for one specific type of eligible home efficiency improvement, including a home heating system upgrade. But there two catches. First, the $1,500 limit is an aggregate cap so any and all energy efficient improvements including storm doors, insulation, windows, etc. would count toward the aggregate, so various industries promoting home efficiency upgrades like these will be competing for the same credit. Essentially, the first company to market the availability of the credit may be able to gain the advantage of the credit before their competitors. Second, the bill outlines new efficiency standards that all home improvements and HVAC equipment must meet in order to be eligible for the credit. The government's Energy Star website has been updated to list these requirements. Page 1 of 14 NEON: NEFI Energy Online News NEFI School Help Wanted: Basic Oilheat Technician Instructor, Contract Educators New Upcoming Regulatory Deadlines New Fuel Events Calendar Thank You NEFI Action Center Contributors Expo '09 Exhibitors Industry News News From NEFI News from NORA U.S. & Regional Fuel Stocks Link to N.E. State News Visit the NEON Archive 12/5/11 12:21 PM When filing a return for these credits, IRS Form 5695 is used. See a form from 2008, which will have to be updated by IRS to reflect changes in the tax code for these revised and expanded credits. According to the National Oilheat Research Alliance (NORA), taxpayer/homeowner should have a manufacturer certification in his records to validate the efficiency level and whether the tax credit is correct. NORA is consulting with manufacturers regarding the need to produce certification and other considerations regarding the tax credit. It is also important to always recommend that customers consult with qualified tax professionals as well. NORA has done a preliminary study of equipment that may be eligible for the credit: Oil-fired Boilers Buderus GB125BE-22 Burnham Opus Monitor FCX Oil Boiler Peerless Pinnacle Oil-fired Furnaces Adams Spartan Unit Thermopride Oilpak (may qualify as an air-conditioner since at lower tons, it appears to meet the SEER requirement) Oil-fired Water Heater None were identified Advanced Main Air Circulating Fan If the electricity used by the furnace is less than two percent of the energy, the fan may qualify. Many branded furnaces appear to meet this requirement. List of furnaces available. There is no clear explanation of how much of the unit will be subject to the credit, unless the furnace manufacturer certifies the equipment and provides an explanation of the cost of the fan in the unit. In determining how best to serve the customer, dealer-provided installation of all home efficiency upgrades, whether heating equipment upgrades, new air conditioning, or even insulation, roofing, etc. must be weighed as a matter of business, customer service, credit availability and because of the aggregated nature of the tax credit. Thank you to John Huber of NORA for his vital contributions to this article. -TOP- 33rd North American Heating & Energy Exposition June 9 & 10, 2009 John B. Hynes Center, Boston MA Nearly 8,000 attendees in 2007 326 booth spaces sold in 2007 302 unique exhibitors in 2007 94 Days Until Expo! Sign up today to get your space at the industry's LARGEST heating & energy exposition. For a complete list of exhibitors, click on the following link See for more information. NEFI CONTACT: Jim Collura, NEFI VP for Government Affairs ([email protected]) CONGRESS DEBATES $410 BILLION PACKAGE TO KEEP GOV’T OPERATIONAL Due to last year’s contentious national election, Congress passed a "continuing resolution" (CR) in September to fund the federal government through March 6, 2009--today. Congress is now debating a $410 billion funding measure that would complete outstanding appropriations bills for the current Fiscal Year (FY09), known as an "omnibus" bill, to fund government for the remainder of the fiscal year. Omnibus bills often become vehicles for new spending, programs and policies (and, just as often, the target of criticism by the minority party). Last week, the House of Representatives passed an "Omnibus" by a vote of 245- Page 2 of 14 NEON: NEFI Energy Online News more information. Contact [email protected] for exhibit space, registration and sponsorship information. Tracy Goodwin, VP for Events, [email protected] New England Fuel Institute (, 617-923-5015 direct dial. 12/5/11 12:21 PM Last week, the House of Representatives passed an "Omnibus" by a vote of 245178 See how your member voted. The bill has stalled in the Senate due to criticism over earmarks and other controversial measures. A group of Senators led by John McCain (R-AZ) tried to strip these elements from the bill by simply funding the government at last year’s levels through the remainder of the fiscal year, or September 31, 2009. His efforts failed, 32-63 See how your Senators voted. As this issue of NEON went to press, there were still not enough votes to pass the measure. Congress has resorted to consideration of a short-term CR (expiring sometime next week) and the Senate is expected to take up the funding measure again on Monday. Some areas of interest to NEFI members, should the bill pass: Upcoming Courses at NEFI Training Center 2009 NEFI Education Calendar New! Hazmat Evening Course April 29, 6-9pm Course Info Electrical Procedures for Heating Techs. March 30-April 29, 6-10pm Course Info Rhode Island Basic Oilheat Course Tues. Evenings, Saturdays March 24-August 15, Tuesdays 6-10pm, Saturdays 8am - 12 noon Warwick, Rhode Island email [email protected] for more info Advanced Common Sense Troubleshooting April 14-15, 7am-3:30pm Course Info NORA Energy Conservation Seminar: April 16, NEFI Technical Training Center, Watertown, MA. Phone: 617-924-1000 Course Info Credit & Collections Seminar April 17, Friday, 9am-3pm Course Info Management Seminar: How Fuel Dealers Can Survive and Thrive in These Difficult Times March 27, Friday, 9am-3pm Course Info George Lanthier Courses: Riello Troubleshooters Workshop HVAC System Design Residential Steam School Advanced Electrical Troubleshooting Wiring Hydronic Systems Tune-up Done Right/Troubleshooting HW Advanced Fuel Systems Applied Service Management North American Oilburner Workshop Advanced Common Sense Troubleshooting • Federal LIHEAP: Congress already fully funded LIHEAP with $5.1 billion for FY09 in September’s continuing resolution. NEFI has advocated for full funding for years, so this was a major win. • Futures Oversight: $146 million for the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), $34.7 million above 2008 to aid in stepped-up oversight of futures trading and help address personnel shortfalls. NEFI and its coalition allies continue to call for at least $160 million. • Northeast Home Heating Oil Reserve: $9.8 million, essentially doubling its annual funding. NEFI recommended to Congress that funding for the reserve be at least doubled due to increases in the cost of product and storage since establishing the program in 2000, but even this amount may not be sufficient to keep the reserves full and ready in case of emergency. NEFI is currently conducting a full review of this issue. • Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR): $205 million funding cut, freezing a plan begun under Bush that would have doubled the SPR. • Grants for Retrofitting Diesel Vehicles: $60 million for grants under the Diesel Emission Reduction Act or DERA to retrofit diesel engine vehicles and equipment for cleaner emissions, an $11 million increase over last year and on top of the $300 million provided in the stimulus (EPA recommends preparing now if you plan on applying for these funds, which are available through EPA's Clean Diesel Campaign). • Biofuels: $217 million for grants to improve production of alternative fuels, including cellulosic biofuels and biodiesel. • Building Efficiency: An additional $200 million for the Federal Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) over and above the $5 billion provided in the stimulus. $140 million for research into building conservation technologies. • Small Business Programs: $110 million for Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs), an increase of $13 million; and a 25 percent increase for the SBA microloan program (these provisions over and above the provisions provided in the stimulus). • Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Program: $112.5 million, including $77 million state LUST funding (over the $200 million provided in the stimulus), and $35.5 in State and Tribal Assistance Grants (STAG). Complete list of summaries and bill text available at House Appropriations Committee website. -TOP- EPA Section 608 Training/Certification Course Info Refrigerant Training R-410A Course Info Mass. Oil Burner Code 527 CMR 4.00 Course Info Page 3 of 14 NEON: NEFI Energy Online News 12/5/11 12:21 PM Course Info Basic Oilburner Course March 23-April 17 4 weeks, Mon.-Fri., 7am-3:30pm Course Info Email [email protected] to register. JOIN NEON MAILING LIST NEFI EDUCATION CALENDAR CLICK HERE FOR THE LATEST SCHEDULES FOR OIL, AC, GAS HEAT FOR OIL TECHS and more Click here to receive NEFI class announcements via e-mail. State News News From Your State Association To Reach NEFI Staff and All Departments Click Here Contact: Mark Morgan, Esq. NEFI Regulatory Counsel ([email protected]) NEFI FIGHTS TO MAINTAIN IMPORTANT AND HARD WON FLEXIBILTY IN SPCC REGULATIONS NEFI's Regulatory Counsel Mark S. Morgan, Esq., submitted comments this week to the U.S. EPA on the regulatory review of key SPCC amendments that are vital to heating oil dealers and petroleum marketers who operate bulk plants. The SPCC amendments were finalized in December and set to take effect on February 3, 2009 but got derailed by an across the board review of all pending final regulations ordered by the Obama administration on January 20. The SPCC amendments important to heating oil dealers and petroleum marketers include a provision that NEFI fought hard to win--an exemption from the sized exemption from sized secondary containment requirements for cargo tank vehicles containing product that are parked overnight at bulk plants. This has become an increasingly important issue since EPA Region I recently decided for the first time to enforce sized secondary containment requirements for parked cargo tank vehicles. Without the amendment, heating oil dealers would be forced to build secondary containment structures for trucks sufficient to hold the contents of the single largest compartment--a costly and unnecessary measure given there is no incident on record of a catastrophic release from parked cargo tank vehicle. NEFI has met with the EPA on the issue several times over the past six weeks and received assurances that the parked cargo tank vehicle amendment is relatively safe. Instead, the EPA is focusing the regulatory review on two SPCC provisions unrelated to the heating oil industry because they were not part of the proposed rule but simply appeared in the final version of the rule without the opportunity for public notice and comment. Other amendments in the rule that are also at risk but likely safe; streamlined SPCC plans for small bulk plants; flexibility on bulk plant security measures; exemption from SPCC secondary containment requirements for loading racks for underground storage tanks; flexibility on defining the geographic limits of facilities and flexibility for tank inspection and integrity testing requirements. If all goes well, as expected, all of these SPCC amendments will be available by April 4, 2009. NEFI will report on this issue as developments occur. NEFI SEEKS EXTENSION OF FAST APPROACHING SPCC DEADLINE The deadline for SPCC plan revision and implementation is July 1, 2009. Bulk plant operators should now be in the final stages of their SPCC compliance efforts. While the SPCC deadline is fast approaching, NEFI is urging the EPA for a compliance extension due to the uncertainty caused by the delay in giving the "green light" to important SPCC amendments finalized last December. The amendments, which provide flexibility and cost savings for bulk plant operators, were set to go into effect on 2/3/09 but have been delayed to 4/4/09 and may be subject to change or elimination pursuant to a recent regulatory review ordered by the Obama administration. NEFI is urging the EPA to provide a six month extension of the SPCC compliance deadline in order to give bulk plant operators the opportunity to utilize these vital amendments in their SPCC plan revisions and implementation efforts. The EPA was set to issue a final rule on an extension but withdrew it temporarily. NEFI is urging the agency to act quickly to clear up the uncertainty surrounding the SPCC amendments and compliance date. -TOP- NEFI SEEKS PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER FOR SPCC PRESENTATION AT EXPO The New England Fuel Institute is looking for a professional engineer to help present information on Spill Prevention, Control & Countermeasure at the NEFI's trade show, the 33rd North American Heating & Energy Expo "EXPO" (June 9 & 10). Ideally, we would like an engineer who is well versed in SPCC, the latest amendments and has familiarity with certifying plans. This individual will speak alongside NEFI's regulatory counsel, Mark S. Morgan, Esq., (this will be a panel format). If you are interested, please contact Dave Rocco at 617-923-5022 or [email protected]. Page 4 of 14 NEON: NEFI Energy Online News 12/5/11 12:21 PM [email protected]. -TOP- Exhibitor Package, Click Here General News PLEASE NOTE: Reporting to members on legislative and regulatory developments or providing pertinent compliance information does not constitute NEFI’s support for that particular issue, unless otherwise stated. NEFI only takes positions on public policy issues after consulting its Officers, chairs and receiving consensus from the members of relevant committees. NEFI’s Government Affairs Committee assembles on a monthly basis to review positions and strategy on timely public policy issues. Feedback from members is always welcome and appreciated! • THERE ARE FOUR CLIMATE CHANGE LOBBYISTS FOR EVERY MEMBER OF CONGRESS The size of the climate change lobby has grown by 300 percent in five years, according to a new Center for Public Integrity analysis. Read more. • CAP & TRADE BILL MIGHT BE FORCED THROUGH BY CONTROVERSIAL MANEUVER Senator Barbara Boxer has confirmed with The Hill that she may resort to a controversial procedural maneuver in order to avoid a filibuster on a forthcoming cap & trade bill, which has drawn fire from some democratic colleagues. Read more. • U.S. OIL FUND UNDER INVESTIGATION FOR SUSPICIOUS TRADES The Commodity Futures Trading Commission is investigating exchange-traded fund U.S. Oil Fund LP and other investors for suspicious trading that may have affected the price of oil on February 6th. Read more. • MICHAEL MASTERS JOINS NEFI IN ENDORSING GENSLER Michael Masters, who has become well known in the industry as a “whistle blower” on the role of index speculation in the futures markets, has joined NEFI (see last issue) in supporting Gary Genlser for CFTC Chairman. Masters had been skeptical of Gensler’s background and willingness to “get tough” on excessive speculation and market oversight. Gensler awaits a confirmation vote in the Senate. Read more. • MAJOR OIL URGES CONGRESS FOR MORE OFF-SHORE DRILLING During one in a series of hearings before the House Natural Resources Committee, with BP Chairman McKay advocating an “all of the above” approach to energy. Read more. • PMAA SELECTS NY MARKETER FOR AWARD AFTER CONGRESSIONAL RUN PMAA has selected NY fuel dealer Jim Buhrmaster, who recently made a great attempt at a Congressional seat this last election cycle, for PMAA’s Distinguished Service Award. Read more. Heating Fuels • CITIZENS NO LONGER ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS From their website: “The Citizens Energy Oil Heat Program has come to an end for the 2009 winter season and is no longer accepting new applications. Learn about other assistance organizations and programs in your area.” • NATURAL GAS’ QUESTIONABLE ROLE IN ENERGY INDEPENDENCE Brings into question natural gas as a solution for energy independence, considering the 60 years of available global supply and geopolitical concerns with Russia and the Middle East. Read more. • STATE OFFICIALS DENY "TREND" AFTER GAS EXPLOSIONS IN MA, NH Recent gas explosions of homes and neighborhoods throughout New England have state officials and gas companies trying to find an answer. Read more. See the industry's most comprehensive events • EPA SHOULD REGULATE BURNING OF WOOD? A group of environmentalists and health officials, including the American Lung Association, recently criticized the EPA for not regulating wood burning, believing it to be a significant source of carbon and particulate emissions. Page 5 of 14 NEON: NEFI Energy Online News comprehensive events calendar NEFI Industry Events Calendar 12/5/11 12:21 PM • DOE INVESTS $84M IN GEOTHERMAL ENERGY To expand academic and geothermal industry research, as well as demonstration projects. Read more. Motor Fuels • MA GAS TAX INCREASE COULD SEND MOTORISTS TO NH According to this Union Leader Article. • EXXONMOBIL PLANS ON CLOSING SPRINGFIELD, MASS., TERMINAL Development could disrupt fuel distribution in parts of Central and Western New England. • PMAA: HOUSE COMMITTEE OK’S FDA REGULATION OF TOBACCO House Energy & Commerce Committee approved 39-13 a bill that would “OK” FDA regulation of tobacco products. PMAA opposes the bill because it may punish retailers if packaging, labeling or advertising is out of compliance with future FDA regulations, and the bill does not prohibit states or localities from enacting additional measures on the sale, distribution, possession, exposure, and access to these products. It is likely to pass if brought to the floor and President Obama is likely to support the measure. For more information, • DONATE A GENERATOR TO HELP SICK CHILDREN: NEFI was contacted by Bob Garside of the Oil Heat Council of New Hampshire with regard to low-income families with sick children. There are about a dozen families in the Granite State that have children on a variety of life-supporting systems that do not have electric generators. Needless to say, when power is lost (as it was recently) this poses a life-threatening crisis for these New Hampshire families. If you donate a generator, NEFI will list your company and logo in our weekly newsletter. Contact Bob Garside at 603895-3808 or [email protected]. -TOP- Regulatory Compliance & Legal Support • CAP & TRADE WEBINAR: The attorneys of Robinson & Cole along with NEFI are planning a webinar to educate members on cap & trade programs and what a new federal program will mean for them. It is scheduled for April 16 at 2pm EST – SAVE THE DATE! An application will be circulated in the coming weeks. • EMPLOYMENT WEBINAR: On March 18 @ 2pm EST, NEFI will be holding a webinar in conjunction with Robinson & Cole (a law firm and NEFI-member). Among the many important topics to be discussed include: Overtime lawsuits, payment for all hours worked and incentive pay. If you are interested in attending, contact: Dave Rocco at [email protected] or visit and click the link entitled: “Employers & The Law.” • IRS GUIDANCE ON COBRA COVERAGE: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (a.k.a. the “economic stimulus bill”) established an employer-provided COBRA subsidy for employees who involuntarily lose their jobs. Employers can claim credit for the COBRA medical premiums they pay for their former employees. The IRS had published guidance for employers and employees online. • AMERICAN DISABILITIES ACT DECAL: The Legislative & Regulatory Action Center has recently been asked the question: Does the ADA decal apply regardless of what fuel is being dispensed? The answer is: YES. The ADA decal is to notify consumers how they can obtain fueling assistance. The specific type of fuel product does not matter. Also, the laws pertaining to this decal are ALREADY in Page 6 of 14 NEON: NEFI Energy Online News 12/5/11 12:21 PM product does not matter. Also, the laws pertaining to this decal are ALREADY in effect. To order these decals, visit: or contact Dave Rocco at [email protected] or (617) 923-5022. • PHONE CALLS ABOUT NEFI HOTEL ROOMS ARE A SCAM In the past few days, you may have received a phone call from someone claiming to be with “Convention Travel Office” or “Convention Expo Travel”. The call originates from a toll-free number, and the caller may have even identified himself as “Shane”. He then may have proceeded to warn you that hotel rooms for the upcoming NEFI Show in June are going fast and that you need to book now, through him. The caller is not Tracy Goodwin, NEFI Vice President and Director of Events, Shane Sweet, NEFI President and CEO or any other member of NEFI staff. After investigation, we have discovered this is a common scam. Scam Info. / Convention Scam Info. NEFI has informed the authorities of the scam. We have not sent out exhibitor kits or hotel information yet, although it will be coming soon and will come by email and/or regular mail. Phone calls will not be made. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO BOOK HOTEL SPACE FOR THE NEFI SHOW over the phone with anyone. If you are unsure of have additional questions, contact Tracy Goodwin, [email protected] or 617-923-5015. Meeting and Event Updates • PMAA DAY ON THE HILL: The Petroleum Marketers Association of America will be holding its annual Day on the Hill and Washington Conference on May 13-15, 2009 in Washington, DC. Contact your state association about participation or click here for more information. • NEFI EXPO AND BUSINESS CONFERENCE PLANNING UNDERWAY: The NEFI Expo Planning Committee, co-chaired by Don Craft, Gulf Oil LP, and Craig Snyder, Wesson Energy has begun work on the Business and Technical Programs to be held during the 33rd North American Heating & Energy Expo. View a briefing of the Expo. Contact Tracy Goodwin, Expo Manager for more information at 617-923-5015 or [email protected] • The 2009 North American Heating and Energy Expo is scheduled for June 9-10, 2009 at the Hynes Convention Center, Boston. 80 percent of booth spaces are sold and the most prominent spaces are going fast. Associate members and past exhibitors have priority, so make sure to reserve your booth space now! For information and to reserve online go to See the Exhibitors for EXPO '09 Go Now • PMAA PAC SILENT AUCTION TO BE HELD AT EXPO After a successful silent auction fundraiser at VISIONS 2008 that raised over $5,000 for the Petroleum Marketers Association of America's Small Business Political Action Committee (PAC) fund, NEFI will hold another silent auction fundraiser at next year's EXPO, to be held on June 9-10 at the Boston Hynes Convention Center. Proceeds will again benefit the PMAA Small Business PAC, which supports candidates for public office that share our industry's national goals. Past donations have included a variety of items ranging from sports memorabilia to power tools and much more! If you would like to contribute an item for the silent auction, contact Jim Collura at [email protected] or call (617) 923-5016. For more information on the EXPO and reserving a booth click here, or contact Tracy Goodwin at [email protected] or (617) 923-5015. • NEFI TO SOUTHERN ITALY: SORRENTO & SARDINIA! NEFI’s Spring Energy Conference goes where it’s never gone before--to the beautiful southern coast of Italy, and the spectacular Mediterranean isle of Sardinia! Breathtaking coastal vistas, the Isle of Capri, Positano, Pompeii, Mt. Vesuvius, the Amalfi Coast. Need we say more? Departure date is June 11, 2009 and for those who choose to take the complete trip, return will be June 22nd. If you wish, there are sponsorship opportunities for fantastic exposure for your company! To sponsor a hospitality Page 7 of 14 NEON: NEFI Energy Online News 12/5/11 12:21 PM opportunities for fantastic exposure for your company! To sponsor a hospitality suite, reception, tour, etc. or to request a full package or trip details, contact Tracy at 617-923-5015 or [email protected]. You may even tie your sponsorship to NEFI’s Expo for maximum exposure. Inquire with Tracy if interested. NEFI Seeks: • NEFI SEEKS PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER FOR SPCC PRESENTATION AT EXPO The New England Fuel Institute is looking for a professional engineer to help present information on Spill Prevention, Control & Countermeasure at the NEFI's trade show, the 33rd North American Heating & Energy Expo "EXPO" (June 9 & 10). Ideally, we would like an engineer who is well versed in SPCC, the latest amendments and has familiarity with certifying plans. This individual will speak alongside NEFI's regulatory counsel, Mark S. Morgan, Esq., (this will be a panel format). If you are interested, please contact Dave Rocco at 617-923-5022 or [email protected] or mail Attn: Dave Huffman, New England Fuel Institute, PO Box 9137 Watertown, MA. 02471-9137. • BASIC OILHEAT TECHNICIAN INSTRUCTOR The New England Fuel Institute ( seeks a qualified individual to teach its 160 hour basic Oilheat technician and installation course. This course entails both classroom and hands-on heating instruction using live heating equipment and follows an industry-standard curriculum. NEFI is looking to fill a year round position teaching adult students from around the region. Full time and part time candidates are urged to apply. All classes are taught in both the classroom and in NEFI's state-of-the-art lab in Watertown, Massachusetts. Candidates must have a valid Massachusetts oil burner license. Send resume and letter of interest to Bob Messia, Principal Instructor, [email protected], or: Bob Messia, Principal Instructor New England Fuel Institute 20 Summer St. Watertown, MA 02472 • EDUCATORS, SEMINAR OFFERINGS The NEFI Technical Training Center seeks contract educators with training content ready for presentation to fuel marketers and the HVAC sector. NEFI is looking for fuel-related and general business curriculum for integration into our on-going technical and non-technical offerings. Our Education & Training offerings are presented in traditional classroom and laboratory formats as well as Webinar and Webcast formats. Interested parties are urged to contact Shane Sweet, CEO, New England Fuel Institute, at [email protected] or phone 617-923-5011 with proposals or questions. Mail Attn: Shane Sweet, CEO, New England Fuel Institute, PO Box 9137 Watertown, MA. 02471-9137 • VIEW THE LATEST EDITION OF OIL & ENERGY MAGAZINE ONLINE. • UPCOMING REGULATORY DEADLINES February 1: Annual OSHA Illness and Injury Postings March 1: EPCRA reports due July 1: EPA SPCC plan and implementation deadline July 1: US DOT HAZMAT registration renewals • FUEL EVENTS CALENDAR March 10-12: Northeast Sustainable Energy Association's Building Energy '09 Conference, Seaport World Trade Center, Boston, Massachusetts. Phone: 413-774-6051 March 27: NEFI Seminar "How Fuel Dealers Can Survive and Thrive in These Difficult Times, Friday, 9am - 3pm, NEFI Technical Training Center, Watertown, Mass. Phone: 617-924-1000 Application March 31: MOC's Massachusetts Oilheat Dealer Meeting on Legislative Issues and Industry Activities in Massachusetts, 9am - 12 noon, open to Page 8 of 14 NEON: NEFI Energy Online News 12/5/11 12:21 PM Issues and Industry Activities in Massachusetts, 9am - 12 noon, open to members and non-members, breakfast wil be served. Sturbridge Host Hotel, Sturbridge, Mass. Phone: 800-722-0623 April 1: MOC's Massachusetts Oilheat Dealer Meeting on Legislative Issues and Industry Activities in Massachusetts, 9am - 12 noon, open to members and non-members, breakfast wil be served. Marriott, Peabody, Mass. Phone: 800722-0623 April 6: MOC's Massachusetts Oilheat Dealer Meeting on Legislative Issues and Industry Activities in Massachusetts, 9am - 12 noon, open to members and non-members, breakfast wil be served. Four Points Hotel, Leominster, Mass. Phone: 800-722-0623 April 7: MOC's Massachusetts Oilheat Dealer Meeting on Legislative Issues and Industry Activities in Massachusetts, 9am - 12 noon, open to members and non-members, breakfast wil be served. Marriott, Quincy, Mass. Phone: 800722-0623 April 7: Vermont - NORA Energy Conservation Seminar, Vermont Fuel Dealers Association sponsored seminar, FW Webb, Williston, Vermont. Phone: 802-223-7750 Registration April 8: MOC's Massachusetts Oilheat Dealer Meeting on Legislative Issues and Industry Activities in Massachusetts, 9am - 12 noon, open to members and non-members, breakfast wil be served. Radisson Hotel, Hyannis, Mass. Phone: 800-722-0623 April 9: Maine Oil Dealers Association Spring Conference, Augusta Civic Center, Augusta, Maine. Phone: 207-729-5298 April 14: MOC's Massachusetts Oilheat Dealer Meeting on Legislative Issues and Industry Activities in Massachusetts, 9am - 12 noon, open to members and non-members, breakfast wil be served. Crowne Plaza, Pittsfield, Mass. Phone: 800-722-0623 April 14-16: NAOHSM's Train the Trainer Seminar, ICPA's Technical Education Center, Cromwell, CT. Phone: 888-552-0900 April 15-16: Propane Gas Association of New England Spring Meeting, The Renaissance Hotel, Providence, Rhode Island. Phone: 603-544-2226 April 16: NEFI/Robinson & Cole Cap & Trade Webinar, 2pm. 617-924-1000 [email protected] April 16: Massachusetts - NORA Energy Conservation Seminar, NEFI Technical Training Center, Watertown, MA. Phone: 617-924-1000 Application April 17: NEFI Seminar "Creative Credit & Collections for Oilheat & Propane Companies," Friday, 9am - 3pm, NEFI Technical Training Center, Watertown, Massachusetts. Phone: 617-924-1000 Application April 22: NORA Gold Seminar and Exam, FW Webb, Williston, Vermont. Presented by Vermont Fuel Dealers Asociation Phone: 802-223-7750 Registration May 5-7: Atlantic Region Energy Expo AREE09, Atlantic City Convention Center, Atlantic City, New Jersey. Phone: 973-467-1400 May 6: NORA Board Meeting, in conjunction with AREE, Atlantic City, NJ. [email protected] May 11: Independent Connecticut Petroleum Assn. (ICPA) Golf Classic, Wallingford Country Club, Wallingford, CT. Phone: 860-613-2041 May 13-15: PMAA Washington Conference and Day on the Hill, Washington, DC. Phone: 703-351-8000 May 17-21: National Association of Oil Heating Service Managers 56th Annual Convention, Hershey, PA. Phone: 888-552-0900 May 28-29: Vermont Fuel Dealers Association's Annual Conference, Stratton Mountain Resort, Stratton Mountain, Vermont. Phone: 802-223-7750 Page 9 of 14 NEON: NEFI Energy Online News 12/5/11 12:21 PM Stratton Mountain Resort, Stratton Mountain, Vermont. Phone: 802-223-7750 June 9-10: NEFI Expo and Business Convention, Boston, Massachusetts -TOP- NEFI Member Benefit Spotlight NO RATE INCREASE!! NEFI GROUP RATED DELTA DENTAL OF MASSACHUSETTS RENEWAL EFFECTIVE 3/1/09 New England Fuel Institute is pleased to announce the group rated Delta Dental of Massachusetts renewal effective 3/1/09 will reflect no increase in rates. In partnership with Delta Dental of Massachusetts, NEFI is pleased to be able to offer a choice of two comprehensive dental benefit plans to our valued members. Delta Dental plan summaries/group rates for both options can be viewed on or please contact Donna Carcerano, Benefits Administrator for information pertaining to this very competitively priced Dental Insurance Plans [email protected], (617) 923-5020 direct line or (617) 924-1000 ext.220. DRUG/ALCOHOL TESTING & EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM OFFER The New England Fuel Institute, in partnership with the Newport Alliance, has created a drug and alcohol testing consortium that meets federal requirements. • Company Policy/Certificate of Compliance • Reporting and Recordkeeping • Collection Site and Testing Laboratories • Medical Review Officer (MRO) Services • Notification of Selection for Random Testing • Required Testing: Pre-employment drug tests and random, post accident, reasonable cause, return-to-duty and follow-up drug and alcohol testing in accordance with federal regulations at no additional cost • Supervisor/Employee Training Program In addition to the Drug/Alcohol Testing Program offered there is an optional Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to provide your staff with a 24-hour, 7 days a week counseling and referral service to help employees deal with personal issues before they become work performance issues. Counselors are available to deal with substance abuse, marital and family issues, personal crises, etc. The Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) is REQUIRED when any employee tests positive for drugs and/or alcohol. An SAP is a licensed physician or a licensed/certified psychologist, social worker, employee assistance professional, or addiction counselor with knowledge of and clinical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of alcohol and controlled substance related disorders. An evaluation by an SAP is included with the Employee Assistance Program. If chosen as an option, the EAP will be available to your employees, their dependents, and to your management and supervisory staff to assist in job performance concerns. The NEFI-Newport Alliance Consortium is the only NEFI-endorsed Drug /Alcohol Testing and Employee Assistance Program. To compare your current costs or obtain further information on the program please contact Donna Carcerano, NEFI Benefits Administrator at (617) 923-5020 direct line, (617) 924-1000 ext. 220 or [email protected] Join or renew membership with NEFI today! Click here, or contact Joanne Sharkey, NEFI Membership Coordinator at (617) 924-1000 or [email protected]. View NEFI Membership Information -TOP Page 10 of 14 NEON: NEFI Energy Online News 12/5/11 12:21 PM -TOP- May 6: NORA Board Meeting in Conjunction with AREE, 12:00 noon, Atlantic City, New Jersey. Phone: 703-340-1660 Vermont: NORA Energy Conservation Seminar: April 7, Vermont Fuel Dealers Asssociation sponsored course at FW Webb, Williston, Vermont. Registration Massachusetts: NORA Energy Conservation Seminar: April 16, NEFI Technical Training Center, Watertown, MA. Phone: 617-924-1000 NEW NORA RADIO ADVERTISEMENTS COMING SOON The National Oilheat Research Alliance (NORA) intends to revive the Oilheat industry through consumer education and product branding. NORA's Consumer Education Committee will be releasing new radio ads focus on heating oil and why it is the best choice for heating your home. The NEW radio ads were created by our innovative marketing agency, The Bubble Group. The ads are based around how Oilheat is reliable, safe, and reasonably priced for today’s family and how the industry has been working hard to get lower prices. NORA’s goal for the Oilheat industry is to help consumers reach a better understanding of heating oil, improve the product and to educate consumers. For information on NORA please contact Traci Ross at [email protected] See the latest NORA news at -TOP- Thank You NEFI Action Center Contributors: Thank you to 2008 and 2009 NEFI Action Center contributors to date. Please support the NEFI Action Center efforts by downloading and acting upon this pledge form or by contacting NEFI at (617) 924-1000. You may also donate online! -TOP- Page 11 of 14 NEON: NEFI Energy Online News 12/5/11 12:21 PM U.S. & Regional Fuel Inventories News from the Dept. of Energy Energy Information Administration "This Week In Petroleum" Data as of March 4, 2009 Page 12 of 14 NEON: NEFI Energy Online News 12/5/11 12:21 PM Page 13 of 14 NEON: NEFI Energy Online News 12/5/11 12:21 PM -TOP- ICPA Newsletter E-Marketer Report February 27 ICPA Technical Education Center Newsletter March 3 ICPA Technical Education Center Website NAOHSM's Train the Trainer Seminar: April 14-16, ICPA's Technical Education Center, Cromwell, CT. Phone: 888-552-0900 MOC Newsletter OHC-NH Website OHI-RI Website View VFDA Fuel Lines: February 27, 2009 or February 20, 2009 Education & Training New Courses Announced Read more at -TOP- Page 14 of 14
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