The Trans-Siberian Railway by Private Train
The Trans-Siberian Railway by Private Train
001 002 003 The Trans-Siberian Railway by Private Train From Vladivostok to Moscow aboard the Golden Eagle Trans-Siberian Express June 17-July 3, 2016 Program Highlights &HOHEUDWHWKHFHQWHQQLDORIWKHRIÀFLDOFRPSOHWLRQRI the Trans-Siberian Railway through Russia. The TransSiberian was built in stages, and the last link—the 8,500-foot Amur River Bridge in Khabarovsk—opened in October 1916. Hear the powerful songs of exiled Old Believers— included on UNESCO’s List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity—in one of their Siberian villages. Ride around the tip of Lake Baikal on the fantastically scenic Old Railway, the original alternative to ferrying train cars and passengers across the lake. Stop for a barbecue on the lakeshore, and sample smoked omul, a ÀVKIRXQGRQO\LQ%DLNDO Enjoy onboard educational lectures from study leader duo Serguei Oushakine and Kim Lane Scheppele. Experience three UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Lake Baikal, the oldest and deepest lake on earth; the Kazan Kremlin, the only surviving Tatar fortress in Russia; and Red Square and the Moscow Kremlin, the beating heart of Russia since the 13th century. Study Leaders: Serguei Oushakine and Kim Lane Scheppele Serguei Oushakine, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Slavic Languages and Literatures and Director of the Program in Russian and Eurasian Studies, and Kim Lane Scheppele, the Laurance S. Rockefeller Professor of Sociology and International Affairs in the Woodrow Wilson School and the University Center for Human Values and the Director of the Program in Law and Public Affairs, will serve as Princeton Study Leaders for this Journey. 2XVKDNLQHKDVFRQGXFWHGÀHOGZRUNLQWKH6LEHULDQSDUWRI5XVVLDKLVQDWLYH land, as well as in Belarus and Kyrgyzstan. His research is concerned with transitional processes and situations: from the formation of newly independent national cultures after the collapse of the Soviet Union to posttraumatic identities and hybrid cultural forms. Scheppele joined the Princeton faculty in 2005 after nearly a decade on the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania School of Law. Scheppele’s work focuses on the intersection of constitutional and international law, particularly in constitutional systems under stress. Both scholars alighted the Golden Eagle nearly a decade ago RQ3ULQFHWRQ-RXUQH\V·ÀUVWH[SHULHQFHDFURVV6LEHULDDQGPRVWUHFHQWO\OHG a group of intrepid Princetonians along the great Silk Road through CenWUDO$VLD·VÀYH¶VWDQV³7XUNPHQLVWDQ8]EHNLVWDQ7DMLNLVWDQ.\UJ\]VWDQDQG Kazakhstan. Silver Class, double occupancy .........................$17,595 Silver Class, single supplement ..........................$6,595 Gold Class, double occupancy ......................... $20,595 Gold Class, single supplement ...........................$8,595 (All twin share prices are per person land tour based on double occupancy) Included: $OODFFRPPRGDWLRQVEDVHGRQGRXEOHRFFXSDQF\0HDOV SHULWLQHUDU\% EUHDNIDVW/ OXQFK' GLQQHU$UULYDOWUDQVIHUVIRU ÁLJKWVDUULYLQJWR9ODGLYRVWRNRQ-XQHDQGGHSDUWXUHWUDQVIHUVIRU ÁLJKWVGHSDUWLQJIURP0RVFRZRQ-XO\$OOUDLOWUDQVSRUWDtion on the Golden Eagle Trans-Siberian Express6SHFLDOFXOWXUDOHYHQWV DQGH[WHQVLYHVLJKWVHHLQJLQFOXGLQJHQWUDQFHIHHV:HOFRPHDQGIDUHZHOOUHFHSWLRQV6HUYLFHVRID WRXUPDQDJHUWKURXJKRXWWKHODQGSURJUDP*UDWXLWLHVWRWRXUPDQDJHUJXLGHVDQGGULYHUV%DJJDJH KDQGOLQJDWKRWHOVDQGUDLOZD\VWDWLRQV/HFWXUHVHULHV&RPSUHKHQVLYHSUHGHSDUWXUHSDFNHW Not Included: 7ULSFDQFHOODWLRQLQWHUUXSWLRQEDJJDJHLQVXUDQFH5RXQGWULSDLUIDUHIURPWR\RXU KRPHFLW\RXUWRXURSHUDWRU0,5&RUSRUDWLRQFDQDVVLVWZLWKUHVHUYDWLRQV3DVVSRUWDQGYLVDIHHV 3HUVRQDOLWHPVVXFKDVWHOHSKRQHFDOOVDOFRKROODXQGU\H[FHVVEDJJDJHIHHVDQGLWHPVQRWVSHFLÀFDOO\ noted as included Air Arrangements: Program rates do not include international airfare. Because there are a number RIÁLJKWRSWLRQVDYDLODEOHWKHUHLVQRJURXSÁLJKWIRUWKLVSURJUDP5HFRPPHQGHGÁLJKWLWLQHUDULHV ZLOOEHVHQWE\0,5&RUSRUDWLRQXSRQFRQÀUPDWLRQ What to Expect: This trip is moderately active due to the substantial distances covered and the extensive walking and stair climbing required; the tour will not always be wheelchair accessible. To reap the full rewards of this adventure, travelers must be able to walk at least a mile a day and stand for an extended period of time during walking tours and museum visits. Flexibility and a willingness to accept local standards of amenities and services are highly recommended. Reservations and Payments: Mail the completed registration form with a check (payable to MIR &RUSRUDWLRQ7UXVWRUFUHGLWFDUGLQIRUPDWLRQWR3ULQFHWRQ-RXUQH\V2IÀFHRIWKH$OXPQL$IIDLUV of Princeton University, John Maclean House, P.O. Box 291, Princeton, NJ 08542 or fax to (609) 258-5561. The balance of payment for all land and air costs is due by April 18, 2016, 60 days prior to GHSDUWXUH7KHÀQDOEDODQFHLVSD\DEOHE\FKHFNRQO\6SDFHLVOLPLWHG5HVHUYDWLRQVZLOOEHSURFHVVHG in order of receipt, subject to availability. Cancellations and Refunds: All cancellations must be made in writing to Princeton Journeys subject to the following cancellation charges: Cancellations received 91 or more days before departure, deposits paid or due in full of $2,500 per person; those received 61 days to 90 days before departure, 50% of land tour cost per person; those received 60 or fewer days before departure, no refund. Refunds cannot be made to passengers who do not complete the full tour for any reason at all. Princeton Journeys and MIR Corporation reserve the right, without penalty, to withdraw the tour announced (i.e., cancel a tour). MIR Corporation reserves the right to decline to accept any person as a participant in a tour, or to require any participant to withdraw from a tour at any time at his/her own expense, when such action is determined by tour staff to be in the best interest of the health, safety, or general welfare of the tour group or of the individual participant, and subject only to the requirement that the recoverable cost of unused services and accommodations be refunded, if any. Note: Neither Princeton Journeys nor MIR Corporation accepts liability for any airline cancellation penalty incurred by the purchase of a non-refundable ticket in connection with this tour. It is recommended that \RXQRWSXUFKDVHLQWHUQDWLRQDOÁLJKWVXQWLOLQVWUXFWHGE\0,5&RUSRUDWLRQ. Single Travelers: We make every effort to match single travelers who request a roommate. If a match cannot be arranged, the single supplement rate will apply. Insurance: $VDVHUYLFHWRLWVWUDYHOHUVWKH2IÀFHRIWKH$OXPQL$IIDLUVRI3ULQFHWRQ8QLYHUVLW\DXWRmatically provides its travelers basic medical coverage under a group travel insurance policy. It is highly recommended that you supplement this basic insurance with your own additional coverage, as well as trip cancellation/interruption or baggage coverage. Information on additional insurance will be mailed upon receipt of your reservation. Responsibility: Please see for the University Disclaimer and other terms and conditions of travel with Princeton Journeys. A detailed statement of limitations and exclusions of liability of Princeton Journeys and the Tour Operator for loss of property, injury, illness or death will be provided to passengers upon enrollment and is available to prospective travelers upon request. A signed release of liability/assumption of risk agreement is required for trip participation. MIR Corporation: CST #2082306-40. WST #601-099-932. ©2015 MIR Corporation, all rights reserved. Photos: Helge Pedersen, MIR Corporation Itinerary June 17-18 Depart USAArrive Vladivokstok, Russia Depart the U.S. and travel to Vladivostok, Russia. Meet fellow travelers at a welcome dinner. Hotel Hyundai (1D) org et P V M G June 19 Vladivostok Board the Golden Eagle Trans-Siberian Express Explore Russia’s Pacific Rim port city, including visits to the Fortress Museum and the Eagle’s Nest observation platform. This evening, board the luxury Golden Eagle Trans-Siberian Express and settle into your comfortable compartment. Aboard the train (B, L, D) U A in ta sa June 20-22 Khabarovsk Aboard the train Built on three hills overlooking the Amur River, Khabarovsk is where the final link of the Trans-Siberian Railway was completed in 1916. Stroll the shops, restaurants and 19th-century buildings of central Khabarovsk. Then, spend two days onboard the train attending lectures, socializing and relaxing. Aboard the train (3B, 3L, 3D) June 23 UlaanBaatar, Mongolia In Mongolia’s capital, visit the Gandan Monastery and the National History Museum, and drive out into the sweeping alpine vistas in Terelj National Park. Attend a performance of traditional Mongolian throat singing. Aboard the train (B, L, D) June 24 Ulan Ude, Russia Admire one of Ulan Ude’s claims to fame, the largest Lenin’s head in the world. Pay a visit to a village of Old Believers—a Christian sect that rebelled against Patriarch Nikon’s reforms long ago—and enjoy a concert of their 17th-century songs. Aboard the train (B, L, D) June 25 Lake Baikal Wind through tunnels and around cliffs along the shoreline of Lake Baikal, stopping for a barbecue at the water’s edge. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Lake Baikal is the most ancient lake in the world. Explore the village of Listvyanka, a small lakeside settlement. Aboard the train (B, L, D) June 26 Irkutsk Wander through a neighborhood of carved and filigreed wooden buildings, a feature of old Siberian architecture. Visit the 19th-century Decembrist House Museum, where the wife of an exiled Russian officer created a meeting place for her fellow exiles. Enjoy a concert and in the drawing room. Aboard the train (B, L, D) June 27-28 Aboard the train Novosibirsk Stop in Siberia’s largest city, Novosibirsk. Explore the central area, including Lenin Square, home to Russia’s largest Opera House, and walk among some 100 engines and rail cars in the open-air Trans-Siberian Museum. Aboard the train (2B, 2L, 2D) June 29 Ekaterinburg Cross from Asia into Europe at Ekaterinburg, where Nicholas II and his family endured house arrest for months before the Bolsheviks executed them in July 1918. Visit the Church on the Blood, standing over the spot where they were killed. Aboard the train (B, L, D) June 30 Kazan The final stop is in Kazan, the beautiful capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, and the medieval khanate of the Golden Horde. Discover the UNESCO-listed Kazan Kremlin, with its Annunciation Cathedral and turquoise Qol Sharif Mosque. Aboard the train (B, L, D) (609) 258-8686 [email protected] Yakutsk Syktyvkar Petrozavodsk g St. Petersburg ts Vologda Pushkin Kirov Perm Novgorod Yaroslavl Kostroma Pereslavl-Zalessky Rostov Ivanovo Yoshkar-Ola Izhevsk Sergiev Posad Velikiye Luki Nizhni Novgorod Klin Suzdal Vladimir Vitebsk Kazan Ufa Mogilev Orel Gomel Orenburg Kursk Voronezh Saratov RUSSIA Ekaterinburg Chelyabinsk Moscow Kiev Krivoy Rog nau Odessa Tbilisi ARMENIA AZERBAIJAN Ankara Yerevan TURKEY ea Trabzon Batumi an S GEORGIA Zonguldak Ordzhonikidze spi a Aral Sea Sochi Adler Biysk Pavlodar Altai Semipalatinsk Baku TURKMENISTAN Almaty Chimkent Bishkek UZBEKISTAN Tashkent KYRGYZSTAN Bukhara Samarkand hk b d Lake Baikal Ulgii Hovd Lake Hovsgol Rinchinlhumbe Ulaangom Tosontsengel Altay Kzyl Orda Nukus Khiva Dushanbe Osh Severobaikalsk Nizhneangarsk Kashgar Yining Shihezi Korla Ust Barguzin Chita Ulan Ude Irkutsk a Tuv Kyzyl Aralsk Astrakhan Krasnodar Black Sea Astana Bratsk Krasnoyarsk Komsomolsk Abakan K A Z A K H S TA N Volgograd Donetsk Zaporozhye Simferopol Yalta Atbasar Ca anta Rudnyy Aktyubinsk Kharkov UKRAINE Dnepropetrovsk Novosibirsk Omsk Muron Kyakhta Sukhbaatar Naushki Bulgan Kara Korum Bayanhongor Bayandun UlaanBaatar Komsomolsk Hailar Khabarovsk Choybalsan Harbin MONGOLIA Urumqi Turpan Hami Changchun Dalanzadgad Gob Nakhodka i Desert Hohhot Dunhuang Shenyang Beijing Vladivostok Dalian Moscow Arriving in Moscow, set out to explore Russia’s capital. Tour the UNESCO-listed Kremlin, with its gilded cathedrals and palaces, and enter the Armory Museum, where Russia’s treasures are guarded. Visit the renowned Tretyakov Gallery, where the history and trajectory of Russian art are displayed. Toast the journey at a festive farewell dinner. Hotel Lotte or similar (3B, 3L, 3D) July 1-3 On this trip you have your choice of two accommodation levels - Silver Class (above left) and Gold Class (above right). For more information, contact Princeton Journeys by phone at (609) 258-8686 or by email at [email protected] Please send me a recommended air itinerary and fare estimate between _________________ and Vladivostok/Moscow in: Business class Economy class International and U.S. domestic airfare is not included in the tour price. Gold Class Please note preferences: Silver Class I am traveling alone and prefer a single room wherever available at the single class rate. I will share accommodations with ______________________________________________________________ I would like to share with a Non-smoker Smoker (shares are not guaranteed) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone (Home) (Work) Email ___________________________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing address (no PO boxes please) __________________________________________________________________________________________ Full name #2 (as listed in passport) Date of birth ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Full name #1 (as listed in passport) Date of birth ______________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of cardholder ________________________________________________________________________________________ Credit card number Exp date CCV The enclosed non-refundable deposit of $ _________ ($2,500 per person) to hold ______ place(s). Enclosed check, payable to MIR Corporation-Trust Visa Mastercard American Express Discover Please mail the completed registration form with check (payable to MIR Corporation-Trust) or credit card information to Princeton Journeys, John Maclean House, P.O. Box 291, Princeton, NJ 08542 or by fax at (609) 258-5561. The balance for all land and air costs is due by April 18, 2016, 60 days prior to departure. Final payment is by check only. Space is limited. Reservations will be processed in order of receipt, subject to availability. Princeton Journeys John Maclean House P.O. Box 291 Princeton, NJ 08542