March 31-April 1, 2005 Sea Turtle Inn
March 31-April 1, 2005 Sea Turtle Inn
March 31-April 1, 2005 Sea Turtle Inn Atlantic Beach, FL The 18th Annual Nurses Caring for Nurses Conference March 31- April 1, 2005 Sea Turtle Inn, Atlantic Beach, FL This two-day conference is designed to address the needs, interests, and concerns of nurses and those who care for them. Specific sessions will be geared toward nurse administrators, educators, and recovering nurses. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to select from topics related to employment, treatment, and recovery. Conference Objectives 1. Identify the purpose(s) and structure of the Intervention Project for Nurses (IPN) and how to interface with it. 2. Discuss the dynamics of the chemically dependent professional and student, and the challenges facing healthcare professionals. 3. Identify issues that the recovering nurse may face upon returning to work. Conference Location The Sea Turtle Inn is located at One Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Beach, FL. From Interstate 10: East to I-95 South, on exit 106 take Beach Blvd. East for one mile to Atlantic Blvd., stay on Atlantic Blvd. East to the Atlantic Ocean, Sea Turtle Inn is on your left. From I-95 South: South to 9A. Exit left to Atlantic Blvd. Head East to the Atlantic Ocean and Sea Turtle Inn. From I-95 North: North to J. Turner Butler (exit 101). Right on J.Turner Butler to A1A. North on A1A to Atlantic Blvd. Right on Atlantic Blvd. to the Atlantic Ocean and the Sea Turtle Inn. Reduced room rates of $124.00 are available to all participants. Deadline to make a reservation with this rate is March 18, 2005. Call (904)249-7402 to make reservations. Be sure to tell them you are attending the Florida Nurses Association Conference. About this year’s Keynote Speaker… Rokelle Lerner, MA is a psychotherapist, international consultant & lecturer on women’s issues, family systems and chemical dependency. She is co-founder of Children Are People Inc., a national organization dealing with high-risk children from chemically dependent families. Ms Lerner is one of the creators and facilitator of the InnerPath Relationship and Women’s Programs for Cottonwood de Tucson in Tucson, Arizona. Ms Lerner holds a B.S. degree from the University of Minnesota. She has completed post-graduate certification in Counseling the Chemically Dependent Family through the Department of Family Social Science at the University of Minnesota. Her graduate work is with the Adler Institute and the University of Minnesota in the Department of Family Social Science. For the past thirty years, Ms Lerner has pioneered the development of prevention and treatment programs for children and adults from chemically dependent families. Her program development and trainings have focused specifically on treatment concerns for women, children, and families affected by alcoholism and drug abuse. Her efforts on behalf of children and families have engendered innovative programs in schools, mental health centers, hospitals, and treatment centers throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and South Africa. AGENDA Thursday, March 31, 2005 8:00am Exhibits Open 8:00am-9:00am Registration/Continental Breakfast 9:00am-9:15am Greetings Jean D’Aprix, IPN Executive Director/DOH-Consultant Paula Massey, FNA Executive Director 9:15am-10:45am Keynote Speaker - Rokelle Lerner, MA “Empathy, Stress and Compassion Fatigue” 10:45am-11:00am BREAK 11:00am-12:00am Rokelle Lerner, MA “Empathy, Stress and Compassion Fatigue” (continued) 12:00pm-1:15pm Lunch / Louise Floyd, DSN, RN “Changing Women’s Drinking Patterns in the U.S.: Are We Gaining or Losing Ground?” 1:15pm-2:15pm Linda Smith, ARNP, MN, MDiv, CAP, CEAP “Spirituality in Healthcare – Reflection and Stories” 2:15pm-2:30pm BREAK 2:30pm-4:00pm Alice H. Cash, PhD, LCSW “Toning and Chanting as Tools in Recovery” 5:00pm-6:00pm Open Support Group Meeting (Lead by INA) 7:00pm-8:30pm Participant Reception – Make your own sundae -Raffle & Ask It Basket Friday April 1, 2005 7:30am-8:15am Registration/Continental Breakfast 8:15am-9:45am Mike Zalewa, LMHC, CAP Interacting with Personalities…”Why We Can’t Get Along” 9:45am-10:00am BREAK 10:00am-11:30am Mark Masters, PhD Introduction of the Peoplemap System 11:30pm-1:00pm Lunch (Outside Picnic) 1:00pm—2:00pm Panel – Pam Chally, PhD Dan Coble, RN PhD, CNAA C, BC Julie Meadows, PA Jean D’Aprix, BA, RN, CARN 2:00pm-2:15pm BREAK 2:15pm-3:30pm Daniel Warner, MD HIV/AIDS 3:30pm-4:30pm Closing (Cookies to Go) This conference is provided by the Florida Nurses Association and the Intervention Project for Nurses and is approved for 11.25 hours under Florida Nurses Association FBN #50-3103. Contact FNA at 407-896-3261 or IPN at 904-270-1620 ext. 116 with any questions. A Little Bit About the Other Presenters… Jean D’Aprix, BA, RN, CARN, is the Executive Director/DOH - Consultant of the Intervention Program for Nurses and has been with IPN since 2001. She was the Director of the Nurse Recovery Program at Talbott Recovery Campus in Atlanta, GA, prior to joining IPN. Paula Massey, RN, MN is Executive Director of the Florida Nurses Association in Florida. She often speaks on bereavement issues among nurses. Louise Floyd, DSN, RN, has a Doctorate of Science in Nursing from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Currently she works as Team Leader/Behavioral Scientist for the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Prevention Team, National Center on Birth Defects and Development Disabilities at the Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia. She has published extensively on topics of prenatal and neonatal medicine in nursing and health journals. Linda Smith, ARNP, MN, M.Div, CAP, CEAP has been the Executive Director of Florida’s Intervention Project for Nurses (IPN) since 1988. With the restructuring of IPN’s Administrative Goals in September 2003, Linda has assumed the position of IPN Program Consultant. Linda is an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner, Certified Employee Assistance Program Professional, and Certified Addictions Professional. Alice H. Cash, PhD, LCSW is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a PhD in Musicology, specializing in the therapeutic use of music as tools for recovery. Dr. Cash has researched extensively on music/medicine and has published numerous articles in medical and academic journals. Dr Cash is currently adjunct faculty at the Kent School of Social Work and lectures in expressive therapies, psychiatry and behavior sciences. Michael Zalewa, LMHC, CAP is a licensed psychotherapist and certified addictions professional in the State of Florida. He currently holds the position of President Elect of the Florida Mental Counselors Association. He has an interest in the treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder and how that affects drug and alcohol treatment results. He is currently studying the role interpersonal stress plays on disruptive behavior in the professional milieu. He and his wife Debby have twin two and half year old boys, Andrew and Ian. Mark Masters, PhD, is Director of Baptist Behavioral Health Outpatient Services in Jacksonville, Florida and Vice President of Peoplemap Training. Dr Masters has practiced over 20 years as a Clinical Social Worker, Marriage & Family Therapist, and a Licensed Psychologist. Dr Masters has taught as an Adjunct faculty member at Oklahoma State University and the University of North Florida. In addition, Dr Masters has published articles on issues such as family background, supervision, anxiety/modeling behavior, gender differences and understanding anger. Julie K. Meadows, PA, is the Assistant General Counsel at the Department of Health, Tallahassee. She received her JD degree from Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida. She has published many health and government articles and is a member of the Florida State University Law Review. Pam Chally, PhD, is Dean, College of Health, and Professor of Nursing at University of North Florida, Jacksonville. Dr Chally has published numerous articles on recovery issues ranging from eating disorders, morality and ethics in nursing, binge drinking among college students and empowerment through teaching. Dan Coble, RN, PhD, CNAA C, BC, is Executive Director of the Florida Board of Nursing since January 2002. He was the Assistant Professor at University of Tampa, Department of Nursing since August 1996. Daniel Warner, MD is an accomplished Board Certified Internal Medicine Physician, HIV/AIDS Specialist with special interests in the advances of HIV & Hep-C medicine. Dr Warner is a national lecturer and has published many medical journal articles. In addition to his consultive practice, Dr Warner is the President of the American Academy of HIV Medicine-Florida chapter and the Medical Education Director for Positive Health Care-Florida. Platinum Sponsor Healthcare Connection of Tampa, Inc. Gold Sponsor Turning Point of Tampa Silver Sponsor Ten Broeck Healthcare Bronze Sponsor Florida Recovery Center /Shands at Vista Advertisers Perspectives Stony Brook Counseling Center Aldo Morales, MD, PA Break The Cycle Inc Zona Mengel, LMHC, RN, CD Registration Form 18th Annual Nurses Caring for Nurses Conference March 31-April 1, 2005 Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________________________ City:__________________________________________State:________Zip:_________________ Phone: _________________________________________________________________________ Email: __________________________________________________________________________ Full Conference Package- Includes conference sessions, material, two lunches, and all refreshment breaks for both days, plus complimentary cassette tape of one of the sessions. Before March 15 FNA Member $165______ Non Member $190______ Full Time Student $130______ (or current IPN participant) Retired Member $140______ After March 15 $175______ $200______ $140______ $150______ One Day Registration- Includes conferences sessions, materials, lunch, and refreshment breaks scheduled for that day. Check which day you will be attending Thursday Registration ______ Before March 15 FNA Member $100 ______ Non Member $110______ Full Time Student $90______ (or current IPN participant) Retired Member $90 ______ Friday Registration ______ After March 15 $110______ $120______ $100 ______ $100 ______ *All refunds for registration must be requested by March 15, 2005. Please indicate any special needs, physical or dietary________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ I would like to donate $_______ towards a conference scholarship. *We have been able to assist several people because of attendee donors! Please mark method of payment. Visa_______ MasterCard _______ Discover _______ AmEx _______ Check_______ Credit Card #: ________________________________ Exp: __________Security Code_________ Signature: ________________________________________________________________________ Please mail this form with payment to Florida Nurses Association, P.O. Box 536985, Orlando, FL 32853, or fax to 407-896-9042. You can call Lael at 407-896-3261 or email [email protected] with questions.