Application for Grant: The Los Angeles Academy of Vocal
Application for Grant: The Los Angeles Academy of Vocal
University of Central Florida Harrison "Buzz" Price Papers Report Application for Grant: The Los Angeles Academy of Vocal Arts 6-7-1982 Harrison Price Company Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries Part of the Tourism and Travel Commons Recommended Citation Harrison Price Company, "Application for Grant: The Los Angeles Academy of Vocal Arts" (1982). Harrison "Buzz" Price Papers. Paper 121. This Report is brought to you for free and open access by the Digital Collections at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Harrison "Buzz" Price Papers by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l APPLICATION FOR GRANT Prepared fo r : · Th e Los An gele s Academy of Vocal Arts June 7 , 1982 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HARRISON P RI CE COMPANY June 7, 1982 Mr. Daniel Selznick Louis B. Mayer Foundation 9441 Wilshire Boulevard Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Dear Mr . Selznick: The purpose of this letter is to submit to the Louis B. Mayer Fo undation an application for a planning grant for and on behalf of the Los Angeles Academy of Vocal Arts. The Lo s Angeles Academy of Vocal Arts is a proposed teaching institution formed under the leadership and direction of Mr. Seth Rigg s. Its program will offer a comprehensive and int ensive instruction for a full time enrollment of 20 singe rs with recognized talent and professional potential . They will receive intensive instruction in vocal technique, repit o ire , site singing and ear training, audition preparati on , mov ement, dance, pantomime , fencing, acting, language and o ther skills and techniques essential to the preparation of t he aspiring vocal artist. The teaching approach and the vo c al t ec hniques espoused will be those developed by the dir ec tor of the institution, Mr. Seth Riggs, whose pupils have demonstrated an uncommon ability and preparation for professional advance (see attachment A). Mr. Riggs' pupils complete ly dominated this year's western regional audition awards for the Metropolitan Opera Association (first and second pl a c e) . At . th i s stag e of its development, the institution needs fundin g f o r the planning and feasibility study which will guid e and launch its formation. Topics to be covered includ e: Legal structure and non-profit incorporation Trustee selection Statement of purpose and philosophy Curriculum and instruction plans Space requirements Site alternatives Proposed operating Budget including revenues, expenses, a nd development needs Consid e r able progress has been achieved in all of these areas --in particular a prominent list of interested citizens-- voc al performe rs, business people, entertainers, producer s, medical docto rs and the like have expressed willingn e ss to serve in a trustee role . .... I' I ... tl I I ,,,., f}t • I I ' t) 1-. '-1') I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HARRISON PRICE COMPANY Mr. Daniel Selznick June 7, 1982 Page 2 Among those who have expressed such receptivity and interest in trustee ship are Ms. Jean Dalrymple, Mr. Thomas Hayward, Mr. Georgi Tozzi, Mr. Frank Guerra, Ms . Carol Burnett, Mr. Hal Prince, Mr. Stevie Wonder, Dr . Lillian Glass, Dr . Edward Cantor, Dr. Henry Rubin, and Mr. Daniel Wolfus. Tentative curriculum plans and programs have been developed and investors identified . A first year operating budget of $320,000 is estimated and initial space requirements on the order of 4,000 to 5,000 square feet are indicated. Tuition of $4,000 is pr oposed which is 25 percent of the per student cost of the proposed educational service. A need for endowment and scholarship support on the order of 50 percent of cost is indicated and a student teaching support program equivalent to 25 percent of cost is planned. Students in the Academy will teach affiliated apprentice students to earn thes e funds. Degree programs are proposed. The Academy objective as to accreditation is not yet determined. What is now needed is a presentation which communicates all of the planning done to date in a format which aids its implementation. The non-profit corporation needs to be incorporated and a board of trustees put in place . A calendar for implementation needs to be established which would include a statement of Academy programs and curriculum, staffing, budgetary and operating requirements, alternative sites and space availabilities and other aspects of planned operations. The magnitude of the grant requested for these purposes is $7,500. The largest part of that amount would be used to fund the costs of preparing the required planning documents identified above. This statement will be prepared under my direction and its costs are estimated at two thirds to three quarters of the stipend requested. My qualific a tions in preparing planning materials of this kind are known to you and include extensive feasibility planning for CalArts, Orang e County Music Center, and other cultural in s titutions shown in the attached brochure. Please let me know if additional data is required . .~·att2o Harrison A. Price President cc : Seth Riggs I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I SETH RIGGS VOCAL THERA PY AND TECHNIQUE STUDENTS' ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND AWA KD S National Metropolitan Auditi o ns, N.Y.C. 1971: 1974: Th oma s McKinney, $6,000 co-winner J ames Wagner, $6,000, 4th Pla c e Metropoli ta n Opera Western Regiona l Auditions 1970: 1971: 1972: 1973: 1974: 1977: 1981: 20% of the fina lists Judy Kling e r, $300, 2nd Place Mar ve l ee Ca riaga , runn e r-up 96 Entrants 20 % o f the 1/4 fina l ists 25% o f the l/2 finali st s 25% of the final i st s Th omas McKinney , $1, 000, co-winne r 1 6 0 Entr a nt s 17% o f t he 1/4 finalists 20% o f t h e l/2 finalis ts . 27% of the finalists Lynn Co l e Ad coc k, finalist Jame s wa gner , $1 , 35 0, l s t place (Lo ca l) Kathl ee n Riggs , $300 , l s t pla c e (L.A. Regi o na l) Ang e la Blasi , $800 , 4th P l ace (L.A. Regi o na l) Metropo li an As sista n c e 1972: l11uma s Mc Kinney, $300 ( g i v e n b y Mr. Ge nte le) Nati una l Opeld Awdr d 1972 = First Ye ar Awa rd Th o mas Mc Kinney, $ 10, 000 ( fr o m Geo rge Lond o n) Rockefeller Founda tion Grant 1977: 1978: Kathl e e n Riggs , $3,000 Linda And e rs , $3 , 5 00 Unit e d States Fulbright Eur o p ea n Scholarship 1971: 1972: 1973: J a mes \>J ag n e r, $5 ,000 ; first year a t the Vi e n na Aca demy o f Mu s ic James \vagn e r , $5 , 000; se c o nd year at the Vi e nna Ac ademy o f Music J ames \vagne r , $5,000; Rome & Lo ndon I I I I S ETH RIGGS VOCAL THERAPY AND TEC HNIQUE STUD ENTS' ACCOMPLI SHMENTS AND AWARDS PAG E TWO Sa l zburg F est i val - International Mozart Compe tition fo r Singe rs 1 978 : J a me s Wagn e r , $2,500 , 1st place Seattle Opera Compa ny - Deb u t 1 1970: I I I I I I I Among 1 2 Ariel Bybee , o ne o f two e ntr a nts sponsor e d by Metropolitan Opera National Co uncil fo r Madame Butterf ly i n Tokyo, Japa n . Sa n Francis co Opera Compa n y - Debut 1970: 1 9 71: 197 2: 1973: 1974 : 1 9 75: Ariel Bybee Ariel Bybe e Arie l Bybee Marve l e e Cariaga Nolan Van Way Ariel Bybee Marve l e e Cariaga Thomas McKin n e y J ohn F e rrante . Marian Ander s o n Co mEetition , PhiladelEhia I 1 970: J ame s Wa gne r , $6 00 , 2nd pla c e 115 Entrants Il linois 0E e ra Gu ild (WGN ) 19 74: Lynn Cole Ad cock, $2 , 000 , 2nd place Only representa tive fr o m Wester n States ' among 2 4 Nationa l finali s ts. San Franci sco 0Eera Auditi o ns 1 ·1970 : I I I I I Elle n de Groat , $11, 500 Grant ; Res i de nt Sop r a no. finalists of the 56 world e ntrant s. 19 71: 1972 : 1973 : 1976 : 25% o f the finalist s Mar ve l ee Cariaga a nd Judy Klinger, runners-up Za ve n Tashjian, $2 , 500 , ru nner- up No Entrants Ju dy Kl inge r , $30 0, winner , Mero la Award , $2 , 50 0 Kar e n Yamatt , $150 , 3rd place , Mero la Award , $ 1, 500 Fr ede rick Obrycki , $600 , 1 s t pl ac e I .. S ETH RIGGS VOCAL THERAPY AND TECHNIQUE STUD ENTS ' ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND AWARDS PAGE TH REE I Young Music i ans Foundation 11 9 71 : 19 74: 1975 : 11976: 1977: 19 78: 1 1 979: 1980: James Wa g ner, $1 , 000 Grant Joan Zajac , $500 Kathl een Brown, $400 Roger Love , $5 00 Roger Love , $5 00 Debor ah Gou r man , $500 Jubi lant Sykes, $500 Cheryl Woods, $400 Cheryl Woods, $400 Che ry l \'loads , $400 Chris t ian Education for the Blind Com eti tion Lynda Anders, $2 , 000 , lst place Stephan ie Mille r, $ 7 50 , 3rd place Turk Foundation 11970: 1971: 1 97 2 : 1 I I I Ellen de Groat, $500 Beryl Streeter, $75 0 ~aRi ss a Randolph, $1,000 J anis Eckhart , $2 , 250 Geraldine Za nvettor , $2,250 Rabbi J ense n, $2,200 El len de Groat, $1 , 000 Zaven Tashjian , $2 , 400 . Leslie Easterbrook , $2,000 Lynn Cole Adcock, $2 , 200 Donna Baccala, $1 , 000 Sharo n Keyes, $500 J udy Klinger, $650 Edith Di a z , $500 Margaret Immerma n , $750 I Frank Sinatra Award - UCLA Po p Di v ision 19 70: Michael Sugtich , $2 , 000 1972: Chip Hand, $500 197 3: . Jerome Broomfield, $ 500 197 6: Chip Hand $500 1 I I I I 19 7 3: 1974 : 19 7 5 : Roge r Love , $600 Rolinda Walk , $60 0 Thea Bold , $600 Laurie Rimland , $600 JoAnne Purtle , $1 , 000 Kitty Berci , $600 Chip Hand , $2 , 500 Rosema ry Scott , $1 , 500 Kathleen Brown , $2 , 000 Mary Grover , $2 , 000 Laurel Barnett , $900 Marilyn O ' Leary, $900 Janis Eckhart , $900 Les li e Easterbrook , $500 Debo rah Gourma n, $400 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SETH RI GGS VOCAL THERAPY AND TECHNIQUE STUDENTS' ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND AWARDS PAGE FOU R Los Angeles Civic Ligh t Ope ra Worksh o p S ch olarshi p 1970: 19711 1972: 1973: Rich ard Leon, $300 Carol St r omme, $300 De an Rh odus, $300 Ka thy Dough e r, $350 Nin a Shi l l e r, $350 Lesl i e Easterbr ook, $35 0 Thoma s Mc Kinney, $350 Scott, Stevens, $ 3 50 John Pu lcife r, $ 350 Ja n is Eckh a rt , $ 3 50 Zave n Ta s hji a n, $350 J os eph Daniel , $ 3 50 Den n is Hea t h , $350 Kim Cha l ukian , $350 ~ ~ n n is Ba c igalupe , $350 To ny Sil va , $350 Gordon deVol, $350 1973: 1974: 197 5: 1976: (Cont'd) Anne Sullivan, $350 Judy Thompso n, $350 Peggy Wilms, $350 Jerry Fre e, $350 Lynn Cole Adcock, $350 Linda Mile s, $350 St e ve Ward, $3 50 J e r ome Broomfi eld, $ 350 Patr i c ia Mu l le n, $ 350 Cathe r ine Ha n se n, $ 350 Br i a n She ll, $ 350 Arth u r Bergren, $3 50 Kr is Terma n, $3 50 Will iam Kni ght, $250 J a mes Cadd e ll, $250 Kath i Le nch, $2 50 Vi nc e nt Pir il l o , $250 Bu r t Rey no l d s Ta l e nt Awa r d 1 974: Fi r s t Ye ar Je rome Broomf i e ld , $3 0 0 Etu Je Mu a i c Cl ub Awa r d 1 9 70: 1971: 1972: 6 6% o f the finalis ts Arie l Bybe e , $25 0 33 % o f . the fi nalist s 50% o f the finalist s Ly n n Co l e Ad c o ck, $ 50 0 19 73 : 19 74: 50% o f th e fina l ists J a nis Eckh a rt, $600 Instrume n t al winne rs Euterpe Opera Cl ub Awar d s 19 70: 70 % of th e a wa rd s De a n Rh odus , $700 Marve ll e Car i aga , $ 300 Ar i e l Bybee , $3 0 0 Roge r Audr e y, $20 0 Lloyd Bu n ne ll , $100 Lo r en Zach ery Awa rd 1977 : Kathl ee n Ri g gs , $ 300 19 71 : 19 72 : J o an Za j ac , $25 0 Dea n Rhod u s , $250 Janis Eck h a rt, $250 I. I I 1 I I SETH RIGGS VOCAL THERAPY AND TECHNIQUE STUDENTS' ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND AWARDS PAGE FIVE Victor Fuchs Awa rd 1970: 1972 = 198la Joan Zaj a c, $ 100, 3rd pla ce Kathleen O'Brian, $200, 2nd p l ace Angela Blasi, $800, 1st place Cynthia Blough, $400, 3rd place William Mathews Sullivan Award 1973a Zaven Tashjia n, $500 Music Teachers Association of Califo rnia Award Aria Concerti Co n te st I I 1970: 1971: 1972: 1973: 1974: Judy Klin ge r Lois Va c cari e llo Janis Eckh a rt Leslie Easte rbrook Zaven 'rashji a n Kathle e n Brown I voc"Ef- 1 1 I I I I I I I I (Music Teachers Associ at ion of California Award Aria Conc e rti Co nt e st - 1972: 1973a 1974: 1975a 1976a First Yea r Jos e ph Go l e , $1 0 0 Second Ye ar Lynn Cole Adcock, $150 'T"hi.rd Ye ar f-( " r')re.t~ I mme r ma n, $150 Fourth Ye ar No Entra nt Fifth y c~ r No Entrant 1977: 1978: 1979: 1980: Sixt h year No Entrant Seve nth year Ch e ryl \'loo ds, $300 Ei ghth Year Kathy Van Kamp a m, $300 Cynt hia Blo ugh, $300 National Fede r a ti o n o f Music Club Schola r s hips to Academy of t he We st 197la 1972a 1973 = Lois Vacc ari e llo, $400 Joseph Go le, $400 Dennis Heath, $400 Zaven Tashj ia n, $400 Dennis Hea t h, $400 Hollywood Wome n's Club Co n test s 1970: 1971: 1972: 1973: 1974: 1975: 198 0: Judy Kl ing e r, $100 Joan Za j a c, $100 Janis Eckh a rt, $2 0 0 No Entra nt ?W zC7 . , • - pC-n£ fiZD ME :? • -• r;znz= Ka thl e en Brown, $50, 2nd place Kathl e en Bro wn, $100, . 1st place J en ny Rae, $ 50, 2nd place ~Ftm I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SETH RIGGS VOCAL THERAPY AND TECHNIQUE STUDENTS' ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND AWARDS PAGE SIX Seconda ry Teachers Association of California Award 1971: 1972: 1973: 1974: 1975: 1976: Chris O'Meara, age 16, $400 Linda Taylor, age 18, $100 No Entrant Roger Love, age 15, $100 Roger Love, age 16, $100 Deborah Gourman , age 17, $100 Roger Love, age 17, $100 Deborah Gourman, age 17, $100 Matin ee Music Club Award 1970: 1971: 1972: 1974: 1975: J oa n Zajac, $300 , 1st place Mar ji Tucker , $300, 1st place Gale Land Hart, $300, 1st place To ny Silva, $100, 2nd place Geri Zanvettor, $50 , 3rd place M ~r gret Immerma n, $200, 2nd place I<ath l ee n Drown , $100, 2nd place Bureau of Mu sic - Voices of Tomorrow 1970: 1971: 1972: 1973: 1974: 1976: 1977: 1978: 1979: J oan Zajac, $250 , 2nd place Mich ae l Sugitch , $75, 3rd place Cathy Dougher , $250, 2nd place 30% of the finalists Dennis Heath , $250 , 2nd place No Entrants No Entrants Roge r Love , $75, 3rd place Jubilant Sykes, $600 , 1st place Roger Love, $300, · 2nd place Cheryl Woods , $300 , 2nd place Western Regional National Association Teachers of Singing 1970: 1971: 1972: 1973: J a mes Wagner , winner; also local NATS winner, $300 30% of the finalists 50% of the finalists Lynn Cole Adcock, winner , was disqualified I I I I I I I I I I I SETH RIGGS VOCAL THERAPY AND TECHNIQUE STUDENTS' ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND AWARDS PAGE SEVEN Opera Reading Cl ub 1971: Joseph Da n i el, $200 Diana Rivero, $2 00 Judy Klinger, $200 Janis Eckhart, $100 Diana Riv e ro , $200 Zave n Ta shjian , $100 Zaven Ta shjian , $200 Toni Silva, $200 Janis Eckhart, $200 Lynn Co le Adcock, $100 Steve Covingto n, $100 Judy Kling e r, $100 Geraldine Za nve ttor , $100 1972s 1973: 1974: 1975: 1976: 1978: 1980: Lynn Cole Adcock, $250 Roger Love, $100 Roger Love, $100 Roger Love, $400 Kathleen O'Sulli van, $400 Cynthia Blough, $300 Jennie Brown, $300 San _§abriel Symph o ny, Co nt e st a nd Appea rance Kathl ee n Brown, $100 Lauris J o n e s, Conductor 1974: Rrentwoon/\.J e stwood Sy mphony, r. o nt PS t Conductor} . 1974: 1977: a nd Appea rance (Alvin Mill s , Marg ret I mmerma n Dianne Pikh e r . r.h eryl \'loods Music T each e rs Associa t ion o f Ca liforn i a , We st Lo s Angeles Branch, Yo ung I Artist's Co n t est I 1974: Margret I mmerma n, $100 National As sociat i o n o f Ne g ro Musician s 1 1974: 1977: I Joyce Hodg es , $1 , 000, 1st place Jubil a nt Sykes , $300, 2nd place M TN A 1975: Ka thl een Br ow n, Nati o na l Fina list I Nationa l Maso nic Coll e g e Auditi o ns 1975 J 1980: 1 I I Joyce Hodge s, $2, 500 Wilshi re Masonic Europea n To ur, $10 , 000 Cheryl Woods I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SETH RIGGS VOCAL THERAPY AND TEC HNIQUE STUDENTS' ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND AWARDS Ca l ifo rn ia Assoc iat i o n o f Profess i o na l Mu s ic Teach e rs 1976 : Roge r Love, $ 50 0 Nati o na l Opera Awar d 19 78 : Ch eryl Woods, $ 2 , 000 Cantorial S tu d e nt s Samuel Brown Ja c ob Erbli ch Yuri Frenke l Jos e ph Germa n Benjamin Gli ckma n Jos e ph Go le David Ka ne Yehu da Kel l e r Na tha ni e l L a m Rog e r Lo ve Frede ri ck Obryck i Linda Ri c h Robe r t Sch er r David Serkin Ste ve Sherry Mosh e Shulh o f Irving Zane PAGE EIGHT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SETH RI GGS VOCAL THERAPY AND TECHNIQUE STAGE, SCREEN, AND TELEVISION PERSONALITIES * Edward Albert Mohammed Ali Peter Allen Loni Anderson Edward Andrews Susan Anspach Desi Arnaz , Jr. Luci Arnaz * * * * * Jim Bailey Phil Railey Scott Baio r.. ucille Bal l Anne Bancr oft Alan Bate s Brian Bedford Dirk Benedict George Benson Jane t Blair * Cher Bono * Sonny Bono * Debbie Boone * Pat Boone Eilee n Brennan * Didi Bridgewater Georgia Browne Jack son Browne Carol Burnett Leva r Burt.on Ru th Buzz i Judy Ca nova Judy Carne * Vi cki Car r * Di aha n Carroll Lynda Carte r Ralph Carte r * David Cass i dy George Chakiri s Richard Chamber lain St o ckard Channing * Stanley Cla rk Gary Collins William Conrad Gr etchen Cryer Tim Curry Tony Bill Daniels John Davidson Altovise Davis Billy Davis, Jr . Pamela Dawber Don Defore Tony DeFranco Susan Dey Susan Dubois Patty Duke Sandy Duncan Nancy Dussault Richard Eastham Lis a Eichorn Ron Ely * Lola Falana Patri c ia Finley George Firth Jane Fonda Steve Forrest Arlene Francis * * * * Peter Gallagher Terry Garr Hiromi Go Le slie Gore Theresa Graves Kathryn Grayson Julie Gregg Gene Hackman Joh n Hall Monty Hall Ge orge Hamilton John Hancock Barbara Harris Greg Harr iso n Goldie Hawn Rita Hayworth Linda Kaye Henning Jennie Holiday Linda Hopkin s Tab Hunter Ron Husma n I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SE"'H RI GGS VOCAL THERAPY AND TECHNIQUE STAGE, SCREEN, AND TELEVISI ON PERSONALITIES * Paul J a bara * * * * * * * * * * * Michael Jack s on Son ny James Anne Je ffries Lynn Kellog Paula Kelly Florence La Rue Ronnie Laws Kay L e nz Eloise Laws Anne Lockhart Tina Louise Barbara Luna Cheryl Lynn Robert. a Lynn Geor ge Maharis Nancy Halone Steven Torme March Ann-M ar gret Steve Martin L es McCann Geraldine Mc Ewan Shirley Md .. aine Ed McMahon Barbara McNair Bette Midler Liza Minelli Mary Anne Mobley ·rerry Moore Don Murray Leslie Nielson Maxine Nightingale * Janis Paige Bernadette P et ers JoAnn Pflug Mackenzie Phillips Jane Powell Dick Powell (J r .) Pamela Powell Anthony Qui nn * Bonnie Rai t t L eno Renaud Madlyn Rhue Chita Rivera • Jimmy Rodgers John Rub e nstein * David Ruf f in * * * * * * PAGE TWO Telly Savalas John Saxon William Shallert Ray Sharkey Talia Shire Renee Simard Lizabeth Scott Sybil Shephard Ann Sothern David Soul Dusty Springfield Bernadette Stanis Connie Stevens Marti Stevens Bo Svenson Lili Tomlin Liz Torres Tina Turner * Frankie Valli * * * Joan Van Ark Sylvie Vartan Ben Vereen Lyle Wagonner Jessica Walters Leslie Anne Warren Patrick Wayne Raquel Welch * Maurice White * Vedeen White * Denise Williams * Lenny Williams * Paul Williams Fred Williamson Paul Winfield * Stevie Wonder * Syreeta Wright * Ken Woods I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SETH RIGGS VOCAL THERAPY AND TECHNIQUE GROUPS Stevie Wo nder Paul Jabara Bi:m Bridges Greg Phillinganes Ray Pound Hank Redd Mike Sembella Nathan Watts Peter Allen Bob Dylan Carolyn Dennis Helena Springs JoAnne Harriss Lou Rawls Robert Goulet Show Judy Jones Yvonne Wright Earth, Wind & Fire Leslie Eri n Josie James Beth Robbins Lori Tritel Phil Bailey Verdine White Maurice White Ann-Margret Show Wonder love Peter Larry Larry Steve Shirley Bre wer Carolyn Po und Mary Le e Whitney Barton Ro man Ros e nberg Ward So nny & Cher Captain & Tenille Bruce Tuthill Andrew Boettner Melissa Boettner Jubilant Sykes Joyce Hodges Supremes Love Ma chine Cathy Bradley Sheila De an Rene Gentry Paulette Gibs o n Bernice Give ns Mary Hopkins Sandra Sully Cindy Birdson g Linda Laurence Joanne Turrell Mary Wilson Andrew Gold Marvin Gaye Johnny Simon Florence Lyle Ray Charle s Neil Sedaka Diane Bellis Madeline Quebec 1·. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SETH RIGGS VOCAL THERAPY AND TECHNIQUE GROUPS PAGE TWO Emotions Sheila Hutchinson Pamela Hutchinson Jeanette Hutchinson Wanda Hutchinson Joey Hutchinson Manhattan Transfer Tim Hauser Laurel Masse Janis Siegal All a n Paul .. I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I SETH RIGGS VOCAL THERAPY AND TECHNIQUE BROADWAY SHOWS Rothchilds, 1972 King and I, 1974 Joel Parks Richard Balin Leslie Easterbrook Eric Silyu Steve Ward No, No, Nanette, 1972 Fiddler on the Roof, 1974 Bill Biskup Dennis Atkesson Michael Mitchell Jason Holt Jeannie Moore Lynn Cole Adcock Michael Kermoyan Peter Kavoian Aleko Korallis Sound of Music, 19 72 Macbeth , 1974 Janis Eckhard Steve Ward Don Shrump Karen Yarmet Marvelee Caria ga Patricia Wynant Leslie East e rbrook Camelot, 1975 Cyrano de Berge r a c Leslie Eas terbro ok Cha rl e s Be rgman Ro n Hu sma n Richard Chambe rl ai n (Cyrano) Leslie Easte rbrook Odyssey, 1975 Leslie Anne Wa rr e n (S ca rle tt) Udana Powers (M e l a nie) Larrie Miles Martin Vidno vic Linda Vidnovic Bob Slater Suzanne Sponsler Gerron Douglas Gigi, 1973 Wond e rful Town, 1975 Gordon de Vol Udana Powers Janis Eckhard Leslie Eas t e rbrook Gone With the Wind How To Succ e ed In Bus ine ss ..• 1975 Oliver, 1973 Charles Bergman Cherie Davis Le slie Ea s t e rbrook ( Pur lie, 197 5 He l e n Ge lz e r De nnis Williams I I I I I I I SETH RIGGS VOCAL THERAPY AND TECHNIQUE BROADWAY SHOWS The Wiz, 1976 Carolyn Dennis I<utee Charles Harris Marcie Thomas PAGE rwo Let's Call The Whole Thing Gershwin, 1980 Jubilant Sykes Larry Ceder Barnum, National Company, 1981 Festival, 1978 Stacy Keach (Barnum) Gregg Harrison Leslie Easterbrook Pamela Cordova Roger Case Georgia Brown & Fri ends , 1981 Georgia Brown . Timbuktu, 1979 Evita, New York Company Priscilla Baskerville Derren Altay Little Johnny Jones 1 I David Cassidy Robert Vega Michael Kermoyan Cho Yung Kim Lauretta Giles Pirates of Penzance, Los Angeles Company Tempest, 1979 Pam Dawber (Mabel) Priscilla Baskerville They're Playing Our Song New York Company Evita, 1980- 81 I I I I I I I cynthia Hunt Angela Bla si Sharon Scott Harold Cla using Derrin Otay Vincent Pirillo Dina Sue Gillmore Evan Rich ards Bruce Senesak Julia Ha nnibal Ted. Wass Diana Canova Can Can, New York Company, 1981 Ro n Husmann I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SETH RIGGS - LECTURES, AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Retained in New York by the . following& Ri cha rd Ro g e rs Al a n Jay L e rner Jules Styne David Merrick President and Chairman of the Board of the Camerata Foundation (California State Charter, tax-exempt ) (9rants for vocal" technique study to a ny supreme vocal tal e nt without financial mea ns) Staff teacher o n Vocal Staff: Cal. Sta te Fulle rton, Full e rton, Ca li for n i a, und e r Dr . Roge r Au drey, De par tme nt He ad Ac tors Studio West ' j, Lo s Angel e s City College, Los Ang e les, California California Ins titute of Pe rforming Arts Ba nff Ce ntre, La ke L o ui s e, Ca na da ( o p e ra voc al t echnique) I mmacula te Hea rt Coll e ge , Hollywood, Ca. Sist e r Th e r e sa de Ro cco , Music Dept. He ad Mt. St. Mary's College , Brentwood Postope rative Therapy and Restoration: Lecture: Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Richard Barton, UCLA Medical Staff Edward Kantor , Beverly Hills Hans von Led e n, We stwood , Ca. He nry Rubin, Beverly Hills, Ca . Rob e rt F e d e r, Be verly Hills, Ca. Voca l Te ch n ique and Master Classe s : L. A.C.C. Occi de n ta l Co ll ege Pi erce Coll e ge Ventura Co lle ge . Univ e r s i t y o f Califo rnia a~ Full e rto n South er n Me tho dist Univ ersity, Dall a s , Texa s Uni ve r s ity of So u t h e rn Califor nia Univer sity of Calga ry , Ca lgary , Ca na d a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SPEEX::H & SINSIN3 !'DR1AL & POST OPERATIVE 460 South las Pal.Iras IDs Angeles I california 90020 938-4780 PROFESSIONAL THEATRE EXPERIEN:E UNIONS: 1\El\ I AGJA I AFTRA I AQ12\ SAG, N:.FA (canada) HEIGH!': 6 I 1" WEIGHT: 190 B~Y: Bill Starbuck - 1100 IN THE SHADE - opposite Inga SWenson John Henry ~7heeler - ro RE MI - opposite Nancy Dussault and Phil Silvers Lun Tha - :I<IN3 & I - opposite Barbara Cook (Revival) Harry Easter - STREET SCENE - New York City Center Opera CRADLE WILL R:CK - oppos~te Barbara Harris oonducted by Leonard Bernstein DIRECTED BY: Joseph Anthony, Abe Burrows, HONard DaSilva, Eddie Dc1.Yling, John Fearnley, Garson Kanin, Herbert Machez, George Schaeffer, Frank Silvera, Alex Segal, Frank Shaffner . CliOREXXiRAPHED BY : Gene Baylos , Danny Daniels, Gemze OeLaP9, Agnes CeMille, Peter Gennaro, Carol Haney, Joan Mann, Matt Mattox, · Herb Ross, Jimny Russel, Anna Sokolow, Frank \-Jagner, Frank ~7estbrook, Ona White, Yuriko , J.imny Starbuck roiDUCTED BY: IN LCS AN:;ELES: CMen Brady 1 Ken Darby 1 Lennie Hayton, Ray Heindorf 1 Michelle Parrier I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEI'H RIGGS ProFESSIONAL THFATRE EXPERIENCE Page 2 CDNDUCI'ED BY: IN NEW YORK, BALT!M)RE AND WAS~ D.C. Franz Allers , Alfredo Antoninni , George Bassman , Leonard Bernstein, Jay Blackton, Einerson Buckl ey , Crane Cal der , Paul CallONay, Anton CopfX)la, r:::cn Craig, Pembroke DavenfX)rt, Buster Davis , Robert Emrett r:::clan , Frederic Dvonch , Lehman Engel , Nicholas Fla gel lo, Herbert Green, Paul Hindemith , George Hurst, Ifor Jones, Leo Kopp, Oscar Kosarin , Sarm.1el Krachrralnick 1 Maurice Lev ine , P.ugh Martin , Glenn Osser , Felix Popper , r:::cn P ippen , Ted Royal, Jul i us Rudel, Sol SchectnE.n, Reginald Stewart , Fred Waring 1 Victor Young , Ixm Walker PERFOR1ED PRI"OCIPAL OR SUPPORI'ING ROLES WITH : Ethel Mennan 1 Fernando Lamas , Alfrei Drake , D:>retta !vbrra,.; , Henry Fonda I Tamny Grimes' walter Pi dgeon' Myrna loy I Jeanne Crain , Tab Hunter 1 Farl ey Granger , J ane Powell , Magda Gabor, Reith Andes, Barbara Cook, Nels on Eddy , Wal ter casse l, Robert Weede , Phil Silvers, Peggy Lee, Mel Tonre, Earl wrightson , Buddy Hackett, Patrice Munsel , Ray Bolger , Carol Bruce, Bob Fosse, Katherine Sergeva, David Brooks , Carol Lawrence, Greta Thyssen , June Carol, Lucille Ball , Mort Sahl, Stephen D:mglass , Inga SWenson , Andy Devine , Keely Smith PERFORMED MALE LFAD I N: Music t-lan , Carousel, Pajama Garre, Dalm Yankees, Oklahare , Brigadoon , Finians Rain.l::x::M , Shc:Meoat , Paint Your Wagon, The King and I , South Pacific , Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Lady in the Dark, Lil Abner, Blcx::m:.rgirl, Call Me Madam, High Button Shoes, Guys and r:::clls , Eest Foot Forward , sOng of Norway , Plain and Fancy , Traviata , Paglia cci , Old Maid and the Thief , Cradle Wi ll Rock , Street Scene , Caine Mutiny , Coxre Back Little Sheba , Mr. Roberts , Anastasia , Horre of the Brave, Much Ado AOOut Nothing, Electra (Giraudoux Adap tation) , Ra.i.nmaker , SWeet Bird of Youth , 110° in the Shade STUDIED ACTir-K; ~VITH : Bobby Lewi s, Lee Strasberg , Al l an Flet cher, Bill Ball , Frank Silvera , Sandy Meisner (currently) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SETH RIGGS ProFESSIONAL 'lliEATRE EXPERIEN:E Paoe 3 TELEVISION: Tonight Show Bell Telephone Hour The Good Years Meet Me in St . Louis Gold Rush Bloaner Girl Sgt. Bil.ko Revlon Revi€1N OPERA: Baritone - N . Y . City Center 1959 - 1960, 1962, 1963 , 1964, 1966 INI'ERNATIONAL Aura SHa\15: Industrials (29) Cadillac ( 2) Chevrolet (2) Ford-Edsel Pontiac (2) Carrier Air Conch tioner Old&rObile American r-otors General Electric Westinghouse Rhe.ingold ( 2) M:>torarna Amxx:> RADIO: The Right to Happiness (3 rronths) tbxzerra, Brylcrearn, Filter Kcols (v . o.) Schaefer, Carling's Black Label Waldorf, Astor, Ccmrodore (N .Y. ); Bradford, Statler-Hilton (Boston); Shamrock (Houston); Roosevelt (N . Orleans); Mayflower , Statler (~'lash.ington D.C .); r-oulin Rouge, Coednut Grove (L.A.}; to!ulebach (Kansas City); Mark Hopkins (San Francisoo); Multnanah, Benson (Portland) ; ChalfonteHaddon (Atlantic City) OPERA HOUSES: Boston Opera House, SyrrphOny Hall, Chicago Lyric , Baltirrore Lyric, Constitution Hall (washington), St. Louis Aud . , Masonic Terple, (Detroit) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SETH RIGGS BIOGRAPHY First professional job in 1938 - Singing Bach and Handel as a boy-soprano at the Washington National Cathedral in Washington D.C. Graduate John Hopkins Unive rs i t y with a Voice Diploma from the Peabody Conservatory of Music . Master's Degree in Opera Theater from Manhattan School of Music. Join ed first professional union, Actors' Equity, two y ear s before completing undergraduate degree. Since then became member in all performing unions: AFTRA, SAG, AGVA , AGMA , and also Association of Canadian Radio Artists. Spent 10 years in New York City. Studied acting with Sandy Meisner, Bobby Lewis, Lee Strasberg, and Frank Silvera. Studied dance with Peter Genn a ro, Matt Ma t t ox, a nd Luigi. Studied voice with John Charles Thomas, Keit~ Davi s, Robert Weede, and Tito Schipa. Repertoire coaching with Pierre Bernac, Leo Taubman, Charles Wadsworth, Martial Singher, John Brownlee, Hans Heintz , and,Louis Graveure. Of th e 10 years in ~ew York, three years were on * I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SETH RIGGS Broadway, with six seasons as guest-artist with the New York City Opera, and on their tours . Basic premise of teaching is that "if you can't sing your own English language with an 'even registration' it is not going to sound better in a foreign langu age ... Loves foreign languages and loves all of foreign repe r toire but he ' s not so impractical as to believe that it is the "end all of singing." "In the U. S. , unfortunately for a young singer, state r equirements for accreditation are foreign languages a n d foreign repe r toi re, which brings about a s ad opportu nity to sing poorly through bad instruction . English l angu age can be unintelligible because of the ignorance of the foreign language, i.e., when the singer uses English , both teacher and student have to ' bite the bullet ' as poor vocal technique is exposed ... Pet Peeve : "That musical theater , which is a truly American form , and opera , which is p r imarily an European form , are made to look down on each other through the ignorance of a workable vocal technique which can support both forms, and enable the singer to earn a decent living in this country . " He suspects that "it is the t eachers ' ignorance of such techni~Me which makes them fear such a concept ... .. This is understandable because many of the teachers - 2 - • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SETH RIGGS were 'brought u p ' in a c a d emi a and have never done professional wor k in this country, and, therefo r e, have no direct knowledge of the v ocal requisites . And , even though they may be members of an opera union, they don't have the experience of working as an actor on stage, or as a dancer that can move." Mr. Riggs, himself, has been used in four productions by Agnes de Mi lle, as 'an actor-singer who can mov e well.' Mr . . Riggs will show bari tones vocalizing through Hi c, without stra in , without pulling "bottom," or going into "falsetto," heavy soprano voices, up throug h coloratu ra range, and show vocal s i milarities between pop , musical comedy, and ope ra . Last summer, ~r. Riggs replaced three international voice t ec hni q ue teachers at Banff, (in Lake Louis e , Canada,) wh e re he was in charge of 33 opera singers for the Canadian government. He was asked, and consented, to wo r k with 20 young actors from Strat ford. This, aga~n, is an i ndic a tion of the practicabi l ity of his vocal appreac h t o a workabl e technique . He also does vocal t he rapy , that is , elimination o f vocal no dul es , p ol y p s , and various conditio n s of fibrosi s for Dr. Hans Vo n Leden, Pr e sident of the L.A . Medical Association, Dr. Edward Kantor, Dr. Henry Rub in, and Dr . I I Robert Fed der . - 3 - * I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SETH RIGGS Mr. Riggs ' students h ave won over $250,000 in prizes, grants, and fellowships over the last 10 years including Metropolitan National Awards; Chicago's WGN; Rockefeller Grants; Young Musicians' Awards, Saltzburg Festival Award; and Fullbright and Rotary Scholarships to Europe . He draws an average of 600 new voice students per year; 40% opera, and 60% musical theater. ******* I I - 4 - *