Jinryo-mura (now Kamiyama-cho), Prefecture
Jinryo-mura (now Kamiyama-cho), Prefecture
Odonalologica 13 (4): 597-602 December I, 1984 OBITUARY Isamu Hiura biography A short Pref., Japan; Osaka of I. deceased: Museum H1URA Oct. of Natural Oct. (born: is followed History) Tokushima 24, 1932, Kamiyama-cho, Nara 18, 1983, Kashiwara, by his Pref., Chief Curator at the odonatological bibliography (1957-1984). Before Hiura passed in hand, pen his of dawn away October suddenly preparing his was the author of History, entomological numerous a of one of Chief Curator the Osaka Museum of Natural at with home, manuscript the papers. He entomological 1983, Isamu 18, at and (incl. odonatological) publications. ISAMU HIURA on October 24, home were interested in Once he Kohne a and from his he told This him dragonflies. Kyushu classification of it senior was In him Hiura’s Gradually history, of the the and according to Hemiptera where under the he working was guidance OSAMU damselflies, the recent stimulated his future greatly 1951 Hiura commenced his studies University, late Japanese rarest hiraoi, race at on the Faculty biology he became of and of the late Professor TEIZO Euspudaeus beneficus (Anthocoridae), species. Upon returning home, two the entomology, of enormously, ESAKI. His M. Sc. thesis dealt with school for Mt at in one (Shikoku pleased Agriculture, a new became early boyhood. His home. aculeata Rhipidolestes classification). Prefecture, large-sized coenagrionid his M1ZOGUCH1, interest in itself, nature near Jinryo-mura Tokushima 1932. The environments of his insects caught born in was (now Kamiyama-cho), a teacher at a local senior then high years. work in the Osaka Museum of Natural his interest has been directed which led Japanese to his at principal theme, Islands”. Here the insect "Studies extent History taxonomy, on the inventory origin is started in 1957. evolution and faunal of the insect fauna analyzed with special 598 K. reference the to for was in Hiura and centered primarily of was the a ERIC and rich a with the help without Hiura’s City could of ture seum. ned is of the late library upon the advice of Dr S. ASAHINA purchased strategies, Dr SHIGERU the TSUDA though, limitations of the Osaka budget and identification summer’s every students, and senior attended always and the nisms taught study the of the biolo- of to amateur for the study groups was Hiura’s example Group initiated in published problems of of Hiura 18, in set of Mnais up of a (left) with Professor Museum of Natural 1979; photo M. B. Kiauta, in History in the Kiauta). by initially Hiura one pruinosa on of the more the men persons, by him, which, dragonflies, carabids, in its turn, or a less informal orthopterans, most and was etc. The active local groups in in this way. considerable. As effects work under his motto, ’’Let’s numerous course, number of Odonatology, 1962 opus is Quaternary due have been attracted old, Hiura Kansai Research I. pursuing entomological Consequently, young and late but pleasure together!”. The Park, with the Osaka background, (May stimulation for Japan, 2. Nagai orga- concerned, women, not names Fig. interesting them the to beginners only details gical He kind He did entomology. teach them citi- them. very newcomers the good systematic Countless amateurs, zens and a The latter includes the odonate was Nagai Park, present today fea- regularly plan- housewives. in the Museum has Mu- meetings children, was efforts, museum special Hiura at Hiura’s interest construction, operation in the museum of K1YOSHI INDUE and field classes his to built newly library. Osaka organized end. Coleoptera, exceptional- a the the geological period have been broad scope of activities the administrative never An overcome. of this these orders. which GARDNER, ”Butterflies migrating across importance Civil Servant and the initiator of capable displays of collection and the Odonata and Lepidoptera, on in 1979. Due completed emphasized of the present fauna. Since the information in this field is understanding particularly adequate ly he (1973, Soju-shobo), our In his book, Quaternary history. " sea Inoue far as the Odonata evolution seemed speciation. He to are represent published two concerned, a classical papers on this Obituary 1972 subject (1972 f, Japan. The migratory Sympetrum frequens 1979c, are probably public, widely most 599 known and it is 1974e, 1976b, 1972e, 1973, Hiura’s identification guides the highly appreciated by most because of his clear illustrations so in calopterygids and Pantalaflavescens also received 1968b, 1969b, 1972d, 1984a). However, the least not (1967c, 1983a, Hiura stimulated interest in these g), they greatly much of his attention 1976c, Isamu that general 1961a, 1961b, (1958a, 1964a, 1977a). He been was a with if I had in net a Once he said splendid painter. a painter hand. This his wife YOSHIKO ”1 would have to boyhood my painting who visited my youth a Mizoguchi, Mr was His talent for entomologist”. in not met who led to me enabled him to draw excellent village become an pictures for insect identification. Hiura was the on boards of various Society of Japan, Lepidopterological Society of Japan, He etc. of the Odonatology, was Internationalis Odonatologica Hiura’s sudden death came 17,1983, he was engaged returned home in the day’s was by pen in hand — Obituaries professional isue (1)). An a He passed published obituary appeared memorial number in from Prof. Once a articles by Dr M.J. little April an & by a was brought and is the father of Such students nature a loving child by and in etc.) now. gone, but persons affected for a numerous (29 (12)) January Gracile 19(2). 11 members be he a to as Mr Hiura in the teacher of biology we can at a with 14 isstle (30 published well as a three find left many enthusiastic deeply by now as HIURA studying dragonflies). Nature Study 3(7-8): 8-9. (Jap ). his high school many nature odonatologists him. OF I. museum at senior (1957-1984) [A guide he letter of condolence to Mrs Hiura ODONATOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 1957a Suddenly, the desk, with President of S.I.O. boy to Hiura is He Kongo. notice in its November another in the Insects mother’s hand. He has grown up researchers. Societas insufficiency. Asahi obituary on commemorative issue followed Mr Hiura. It included school cardiac (e.g. press Nature of Group the beginning. manuscript by 1984 with obituaries Westfall, primary were in of another article. on the a.m. wrote special a Research and write after dinner. The results of the to over daily Study which Kansai Entomological Quatemarological everyone who knew him. On October he started 3:30 at in the local by colleagues, posthumous first; then away the survey of danaid butterflies in Mt. and started Nature journals. and field to the as Tokyo from the very shock stroke and fell down appeared (29 (11)) obituaries a written up were survey attacked in evening, such Japan, Odonatology, (S.I.O.) as a of member of the a of Society societies, Society and 600 K. in 1957b [Dragonflies 1958a [Red dragonflies 1958b [Rhyothemis variegata imperatrix]. 1960 [Dragonflies 1961a [Collection and observation and observation of Osaka and and 1961 b [Collection 1961c [Dragonflies], 1963a [Platycnemis Nature summer]. Nature foliacea sasakii "Shigi Nature Ikoma 11. shizen”): 2-3. Study 6(8): of coenagrionids, Part I]. Nature Study 7(4): of coenagrionids. Part 2]. Nature Study 7(5): shizen. no and salamanders Nature of 20. (Jap.). 20-22. (Jap.). (Jap.). (Jap.). shizen. Nature no no Study 4(10); Study 4(11); in: Iwawaki-san Inunaki Katsuragi issue; Study (special surroundings]. pentatomids], in: Inoue 20-21. Study 7(8); Tenno, Nose-cho]. 2-6. (Jap.). 4-5. (Jap.). (Jap.). Study 9(10): Nature 7. (Jap.). 1963b of [Two species the identification Sympetrum brought to class]. Nature 4. Study 9(11): (Jap.). 1964a [How 1964b [Trigomphus ogumai]. 1964c [Rare dragonflies brought 1965a (OBANA, S„ 1965b [Postscript], 1966a [A identify gomphids]. to fauna of Osaka list of [Red 1966c 1: 14, Osaka Mus. In: Rokugatsu-sha. [Riverine dragonflies]. 177-178. pp, (Jap.). [Calopterygids]. 1966e [Aeshnids 1967a [Pentatomids in in K. (Jap., indicated with with (Jap., Takarazuka of Osaka], of Shizenkagaku Kenkyukai, [Eds], [Nature Osaka. pp. Osaka], (Jap.). 1-2. Study 12(5): Nature Insectarium Engl, title). (Jap.). Osaka (Jap.). Engl, title). Shizenkagaku Kenkyukai, [Eds], [Nature In: 13. —) Dragonfly ”H”]. as of the collection 53-58. INDUE & Osaka. (Jap.). 2-7. Study 12(7); dragonflies brought and 1; 3-10. Study 10(11): Nature Osaka Nature Osaka]. class]. ROKUYAMA, the 19; (Jap.). (Jap.). [Authorship Hist. nat. Rokugatsu-sha, 1966d M. Gracile — dragonfly specimens Bull. 11, identification TSUDA, Honshu. Prefecture, dragonflies]. 67-68. S. 7-10. Study 10(4): Study 10(4): to the K1MURA, Gracile the (Odonata). 1966b T. Nature Nature to the (Jap.). identification class]. Nature Study 13(2): 8. (Jap). 1967b ( & — S. Gracile 1967c 1-4. 7-8. [Anax species in red ["Mammy, Osaka observed question]. dragonflies Museum [Report 1969b [Record 1970a [Emerging 1970b [On 1970c [Dragonfly of striolatum Sympetrum Tannowa, Misaki-cho, at of the stage chilly, History]. survey migration 12(7): aral of the Kansai of 2-7. imitoides]. Nature Sennan-gun]. (Jap.). X A. they?” Nature Study — a on June record Group of Shimoyama first report on the Gracile Gracile 9: Odonatology], of J.N.R. meeting of the (Jap.). 15, 1969]. quadrimaculata asahinai]. from Goma to [The of the field 12. Sympetrum frequens]. Research — nigrofasciatus]. n. Study 14(12): Area at Kohoku survey the distribution of Libellula survey Study parthenope Julius are of Natural dragonfly on Nature males Anax . 1969a distribution (Jap.). supposed hybrid 1968b and (Jap.). [Sympetrum species 13(12); 1968a OBANA) [Life history 5: Nature San’in 9: 6-9. 10-12. Gracile 10: 1-2. (Jap.). 10. (Jap.). 11: 14-15. Study 16(7); Line]. (Jap.). (Jap.). Gracile (Jap.). 1971a [A temale Sujiboso Gin’yamma found]. is the 1971b [Records 1972a [Dragonfly 1972b [Report 1972c [Spring 19-21. I972d of on supposed hybrid dragonflies in Osaka], survey of the dragonfly observations on of Study 17(11): Gracile Shigaraki], dragonflies at Study 17(6): parthenope Julius Nature Awaji island]. survey Nature Anax 12: 4, Gracile Toyooka, 12: 5. 8-9. X A. (Jap.). n, — ["Sujiboso nigrofasciatus]. (Jap.). 15-16. (Jap.). 17-18. Kumihama (Jap.). and Kinosaki]. Gracile 12; (Jap.). [Dragonflies migrating Osaka. (Jap.). over the sea]. [Able Nature Series No. 18], pp. 1-29. Senshu-kai, Obituary 1972e [Observation of Natural 1972f [Contribution -dokokaiho 1973 issue, [Reports of knowledge got the Mnais Konchu-dokokaiho in strigata Kodomo home], of biology 23rd 12-14. Kumamoto [/ Kyushu]. Kumamoto [Children and Konchu- shizen to nature], Septem- aculeata Rhipidolestes Shikoku District Research Group Gracile race]. 15; and 24th K. & fauna and [Survey —) [Report of the Kinki the on dragonfly survey History], Nature fauna of central In: T. [Odonata]. Japan. of the Part 1-27. nat. 12. Odonatology], Yodogawa River]. Gracile 1: Epiophlebiidae, Petaluridae (Jap., with Engl, title). —[Joint [Joint 3, central Spec. author and Hist. 67-68, pis pp. Kinki (Jap., Part Japan. Pubis 2: Cordulegasteridae, Osaka Mus. nat. of insects for books Hist. 7; 28-53. — junior and senior high Gakken, Tokyo. (Jap.). central with of general Editor], 74-102. District, 8: 55-82. of the Osaka Museum meeting (Jap.). District, and Corduliidae. — of the fauna Osaka Mus. Kinki of the field record a Ishihara, [Ed.], [Illustrated Vol. students], — Study 20(12); the Engl, title). Dragonfly District, Osaka Mus. nat. Hist. 6: Sympetrum species on with school of general Editor], Dragonfly (Jap., of the Kansai meetings (Jap.). Aeschnidae, Macromiidae 1976a Kumamoto (Jap.). Gomphidae. Spec.Pubis Natural 1975b of the Osaka Museum (Jap.). Dragonfly author 1975a meeting (Jap.). (Jap.). having on (WAK1SAKA, and I974e strigata]. 11. (Jap.). the on 15; 15; 9-10. 1974d record of the field a (Jap.). Gracile 1974c the 17-24. 19. p [Observations 1-6. 1974b to 40: — Study 18(2): Mnais 1-16. 40: [Red dragonflies ber 1974a Nature [Problems concerning Entomologists] 1972g Sympetrum species on History]. 601 Isamu Hiura Part 3; Japan, 1976b [A large-scale migration of Sympetrum frequens in Osaka], 1976c [A large-scale migration of Sympetrum frequens in Osaka, Libellulidae. author and Engl, title). —[Joint Nature Part Spec. Pubis general Editor], Study 22(8): 3-6. (Jap.). Nature 2], Study 22(9): 2-4. (Jap.). I976d A contribution and Odonata Soc., 1977a to the insect orthopteroids. Nagasaki. (Jap., fauna Dragonfly with of the fauna of Tsushima In: Life Island of the Tsushima lying Island, between Japan 511-530. pp. nat. Hist. insects 1977c [A of survey Nara 1979a 9: 83-153. [Dragonflies]. and [Report In: S. Kinki Japan], (Jap.). Itoh, Vol. 2, — T. central District, on prefectures]. the distribution Gracile 24: 28-30. [Joint author Okutani & Japan. of Mnais Gracile survey and I. Part 4: Libellulidae Biol. Osaka. Hoikusha, pruinosa 21: 19-22. (continued), Pubis Osaka Mus. general Editor]. Hiura, [Eds], [Coloured 3-15. 11-40, pis pp. of the distribution Mie Korea: Engl, title). Lestidae, Platycnemididae, Coenagrionidae and Calopterygidae. Spec. 1977b and Nagasaki at Mt Takami illustrations of the (Jap.). and its surroundings, the (Jap.). of the Mnais species in Yoshino-gun, Nara Prefecture]. (Jap.). 1979b [Dragonflies 1979c [Dragonflies migrating of Mitsue-mura and over the Muroo-mura, Nara Prefecture]. Gracile 24: 34-35. sea], Popura-sha, Tokyo. (Jap.). — [Second (Jap.). edition of 1972d], 1981a (— 1981b [Revised & K. 1983a On the TANI). edition phenology Kashiwara, Nara 1983b [Insects brought 11984a On the In memoriam of 1977 b; — of Pantala Prefecture. to the phenology of M. Iwasaki. all Gracile 28: 1-2. with (Jap., Engl, title). bibliographic data identic]. flavescens Gracile identification and observations and the 31: 13-15. class]. on flight migration (Jap., Nature with of Parnara guttata observed at Engl, title). Study 29(11): II. (Jap.). of Pantala flavescens in 1983. Gracile 32:22- 602 K.lnoue -24. (Jap., with 11984b Sympetnim with 11984c ( — I984d & H. ICH1I) Platycnemis (Jap., Miyatake of the late on an Portrait 5-9. on p. with Prefecture. Gracile 32: 25. (Jap., & T. 1. H 597 dated Fuminosalo dragonflies]. In: T. Hidaka,M. Hotta, Nasu, [Eds], [Butterflies, iura], unfinished foliacea sasakii inhabiting Hokusetsu Mountains. Gracile 32; Engl title). of riverine [Ecology Y. caught in Ibaragi, Osaka Engl, title). 25-27. t Engl, title). striolatum imitoides pp. 9-34. M. their distribution Soju-shobo, Tokyo. (Jap.). — Chiji, and [The Y, Shibata, T. Seto, system: paper is selected papers incomplete, based manuscript] July, 4-chome Abeno-ku, Osaka, 545, Japan 1977 K. Inoue