Holox - Oxygen
Holox - Oxygen
G'holcx Holox, Ltd. 15fi) Indian Tlail Road Norcross,Georgia30093 (770) 92s-4640 G-la ,ATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page: I Rev. Dare 5100 .GEN of an oxygen-enrichedatmos@c (ova 23%). Orygen rnay fcur explosive compunds when exposedto combustible metedelsor 6il grease,ald other hydrocarboonutcrials. TelephoneNumber:('770\ 9254640 FmergeDcyContact: CTIEMTREC EmergencyPhoneNumber; (800) 42+9300 SECTION #l - CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPAT\rYIDENTIFICATION Upon exposurcto intensc hear or flem, cylinder will vent mpidly a.odor ruFurc violcntly. Most cylirdc are dcsigned to veD! coteDts wben expocedto elevaredemperarures. PRODUCT NAME: Oxygen, compressed Pressureil a contaiaer can build up due to heat and it may ruptue if pressurerelief devices should fail to function. CIIEMICALNAME: Oxygen CIIEMI CAI FAMILY: Oxidizer IIAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS: None [SENSITIVffY TO STATIC DISCHARGEI: Nonc FORMULA: Q SYNONYMS: Oxygen USP,Aviators BreathingOxygen (ABO) [USE]: Medical,welding ISENSITTVTTY TO MECIIANICAL INGREDIENT NAJV{E /CAS NUMBER PERCENTAGE OSTIA PEL ACGIH TLV >99% Nooc Noa Applicable oxYGENnTS2-44-7 [LD5g]: None.[LC5g]: None. SECTION #3. TIAZARDS IDENTMCATION EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: WARNINC! POTENTIAL O<iorless, colorlesshigh pressureoxidizing gu. Mgorously acelcrates combustion. TIEALTH ETTECTS INFORJ\TATION : ROUTES OFE)fOSURE: INIIALATION: Brcathing 8O9oor mse oxygeDal atnrcsphuic gressurefor more drana few hours [uly qluse nasalshrf6r\s, coug\ sore fuoat, cbest pai! and breathingdiffrcrrlry. Breathing oxygen u higlrr presure increasesthe liLFlibood of arlverseefftxu yirhin a sbqner drrr period. Breathing purc oxygen under pressure uuy causelung darnageand also cenrral nervous systemelfec$ rcsulring itr 'lizzimss, poor coordinarion, tingling sensation,visual ad hearing disuubancesr .nuscularrwirching, uncorsciousnessand conwlsions. Brsarhing oxygen undr Ftissm nuy caur poloogauoo of alapali<n todarkrns andruhre pripbs-al visiql EYE CONTACT: Not applicable. SKIN CONTACI: Not applic:rblc. ISKIN ABSORPTIONI: Nor applicable. IINGLSTIONI: Not applicable. CHROMC EFFECTS: None established. IIIEDICAL CONDHONS AGGRAVATED BY OVEREXPOSURE: pariens with cbronic obstructive pulnronary diseas retain carbon dioxide abnornrally. lf oxygen is adrninlsersd.ro thero,.raising rhe oxygen concentratioo in tbe blood depressesrheir breathi-ogand raises their reaincd carbon dioxidc to a dangerouslevel. OTIIER EFTECTS OFOYER-EXPOSURE: SeeSection ll '.Ioxiurlogiel lnfamatim" CARCINOGENICIT\': Oxygen is Dorlisrcd by NTP, OSHA or IARC. SECTiOI{ t4 - FIRST AID ivIEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IF MATERIAL tS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Evacuue all pcrsonrl from r.beaflected 8r€a-Sbut oII sourceof oxyge+ if pcsiblc. Remove sources of heat ignir.ionand if possible scparalecombustiblesfrom tbe leak Ventilate enclosedarea or move leaking cont"iner to a weLl-ventilatedarea. lf leaking from cylinler or its valvq cootacl,your sugpli"-r. SECTION f7 - IIANDLING AND STORAGB PRECALIIIONS TO BE TAICEN IN STORAGE: Stae and use with adequatcventilation. Cylindcrs should be scpor"atcdfrom flammabl,esby a minim'm distarre of 20 fu r by a barrier of non-combusriblesuterisl ar least 5 fL high having a ltre r€sistanc€rating of at least l/2 hour. Cylinders sbould b€ sored upright with valve pmtection cap in place and 6mrly secursl to preveDtfalling c being hctsJ over. Proect cylinders from physical darnagc:do not drag, roll sli& or drop. Do not allow storage:ust lenpenture to excexd 125"F(52t). Full ald errpty cytin&rs sbould be sgregaed Use a flust-i& lntout ilventry systemlo prcventfull contaims from being stonxlfor long periuis of tinr. PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN IIANDLING: Use a suitablehand ruck for cylinder movemenl Never anempt to lift a cylinder by its valve protectioncap. Kcep cylin&n and their valves free from oil md Fease. Opcn valve slowly. lf uer experiencesdilficulty operating cylin&r valve, discontinue use and contact supplier. Never iuen an object (e.g., wrench, scrcw&iver, pry bar, etc.) ino valve cap openings. Doirg so may damagevalve, causing a leal to acur. Never strile an arc on a comprcssedgas cylbder or make a cylinder a part of an electrical circuit" Use an adjustable str-ap wrench to remove over-tight or rusted caps. For additiona.lprecautions in usilg oxygen srx Section 16 - Other InformationWhen used ia ygl.ling ud cutting: Read and understandthc manufacurer's instuction-s and tbe precaurionarylabel on tbe producb. SecA.crican Nationd Standardslrrsdrur (ANSD 249.1 Saferyin Welding and Cuing published by the Arncrican Welding Sociery,P.OBox 35104O,Miami" Florida 33135 and National Firc Protection Assmiadon (NFPA) 5l Orygen Fuel Gas Wcding ard Cuuing. SECTION #8 . EXPOSTJRE CONTROT-S/PERSONAL PR,OTTCTION ENGINEERINC CONTROIS: VENTILATION: Natural or mccbmical to prevcntoxygcn+uic-hedaunospheres above23% oxygen. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION (SPECIFY TYPE): General L.ix: Not uluiral. INIIALATION: Move vicrim ro frcsh air or if in elevared pressures rerluce oxygen pressures to I atmosphere- CaIl a physicim. The physicialshould bc aclvised ih-at the victim has been exposed to a high concenuatioa of oxygen. Rccue prsomel should bc awue of tbe cxrcnr enriched ruDosphercs. None SECTION#6 - ACCIDENTAL R,ELEASEMEASUR.ES ON INGREDIENIS SECTION #2 - COMFOSITION/INFORI}HTION IMPACTI: lre hazards usociatr:d wit-b oxygcn- EYE CONTACT: None. SKIN CONTACT: None. lN ( i E S T I O N: N o n c'. NOTES TO PIIYSICIAN: Supponivc r.reauncnt sbould irclucle iurmediate sedatron' anti-convulsive drcrapy if needed, and rest More deailcrl infomation can be tound u Secdoo ll "Toxicolosical Information". SECTION f5. FIRE FIGIITING IVIEASURtsS FLASII POINT: Nor applicable. AUTOIGNITION: Nor applicable. FLAI!T}I,{BLE LI]\IITS IN AtR BY VOLUME: LOWER: Nor applicabte.UPPER: Nor applicablc. TINGUISIIING MEDIA: oxygen is nonJlmable will accelerarccombusrion. rguishing medra appropriate for surrouniling fire. L F-IR-EF]GIITING INSTRUCTIONS: Evac'uareall pcrsonnelfronr tre dang.. .ru. tf possiblc,sbur olf flow. of oxygen which is supportingrhc lrrc. Iruncrliately cml cootaincrswith watcr sproy liorn stuimum distancc.Whcn cml rnovc conraincis frorn hrc uca. il wirhout risk. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION IIAZARDS: Oxiclizingagcnt,vigortxsll,acr:cleratesconrbusdonSonr nutcrials which m noruorubusribleil iir wrtt bu; in d,; Drcscnc Emergency Use: Not required. PROTECTM GLOVES: Work gloves are recomrnended when handling cylirden. lf ued, glovesmust be clm and free of oi.l md greaseEYE PROTECTION: Safety glassesare reconunendedwhen handlirg cylinders. OTHER PROTECTM handlilg cylinden. EQUIPMENT: SECTION #9. PHYSICALAND Safety sboesare recomen&d when CHEMICAL PROPERTIFS MOLECULAR WEIGHT: 32.0O BOILING POINT (l AI}O: -29?.3'F(-l83.rC) SPECItrlC GRAVITY (Air =l): -Ar ?OF (?l.lqc) and I aun: l.l0 FREEZING POINT/MEIiIING PTOINT:Ar I arm: -36t.8'F (-218.8'C) VAPOR PRESSURE (AT 20'C): Not applicable GAS DENSITY: At 70'F (2I.t"C) md I arm:0.O83lbVcu fi (t.326 kymr) EVAPORATION RATE (Butyl Aetsae=l): c6, not applicable. SOLIjBILITY IN WATER: Voyvol at 3yts (OC):0.Ol9l EXPANSION RATIO: Not applieble. IpIl]: Not applicable APPEARANCE, ODOR AND STATE: Colorlcss,slorless, and tastclcssgu at ronnal tcmperarureand pressurc. ICOE!'l-ICIENT OF WATERiOIL DISTRIRUTIONI: Not available IODOR TIIRLS]IOLl)]: Not applicablc G-la MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHBET Page: 2 Rev. Date OXYGEN 5/00 SECTIONS 31U312: Rcquire submission of mc.ial safery dtra sbects(MSDSs' and chcmical invetrtory repating with idcntifigdion of EPA d€fi!€d hazard cla"" (4O CFR Part 370). The hazard classes for this product are: SECTION#I(). STABILITY AND RBACTTVTTY STABILITY: Srable CONDffiONS TOAVOID: None INCOMPATIBILITY (Matcriels to Avoid): Flammable mareriars,hydrocarbons sucb as oils and grease,asphalt, erhers, alcohols, acids and aldehvdes. IMMEDIAIE: No PRESSURE: Yes DELAYED: No REACTTVTIY: No FIRE: Yes REACTTVITY: SECTIONS 313: Rquires submissionof annualrcportsof releaseof toxic chcmicals *tat appesr il .lr0CFR Pan 372. A) HAZARDOUS DECOMFOSflON PRODUCTS: None B) HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will Dor occur. SECTION f II - TO}OCOLOGICAL Oxygen doesnot requirereporting under Section313 INFORMATION At arrnspbericconcenn-ation ard pressrre,oxygenposesm nxicity bazards. heman.ueinfans exposedn high oxygenoolcenradom may srllo delayedretinal drmege wtucncan prcgessto rcunal duachnEnt aDdblifrk*ss. Rednaldarnagemay atsooccur in adulu exposedn l0O% oxygeu for exendedpu.iuts (24 b 4g hr). At rwo or nnrc armsphens ceao:alncrvousryscm (G.{S) oxiciry occun. Synpoms inclu& nausa, vomiring,rlizrirressor vertigo, muscletvirching, visim c}ranges,and losi of conscicusnes-surd gercralizedseizres. At tlre€ abspberes, cNS toriciry m in ls than two bou, and at six armspheresin only a few minutcs. ADDnONAL NorEs ro PITYSICIAN: Animal snrd.ies zuggesrrharrbeadminisr-ati<xof certarndrugs,uluding ptrenothrezirrdrugsandcNoroquirc, ifrease ttr susceptibiliryro bxiciry from oxygm a higb pressues.Animl sMies alsoindicatetnr viramin..n" Oencl'en"y rDaytrrcn:asesuscepubilityto oxygeo toriciry. Airuay obstrucumjuring high oxygeo rTsion may causealneolarcollapsefollowing absorp oon ol the oxvgen.Similarly, occl'sion of 6e Eusrachianb,besrnaycausercrraction6f rtre ' eardrumuxl obstructionof tlr paroal sinues my prodre ..vaiuum-rype"beadacbe. N_._!i,r1dd: .n d for ]<pS.Ur.rodsto oxygeoar higb prcssue andwho exhibir overr oxygm orucl(y sboutdhaveophthalrnologic examinadons. IIRR-ITANCI'OF MATERIALI: None. TSENSIIZATION TO MATERIALI: Nrxr. IREPRODUCTIVE EFFXCTSI: None. [IERATOGENICIIY-I: Norc. ISYIYERGISTICI\{ATERIAISI: [MIIIAGENICII]'I: Norc. Norc. SECTION f 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION The lrnspbcrc contiins approxhtarcly 2l% oxygen- No adverse ccological effecs arc exnecr_ Ates not conrain any Class I or Class II ozone depleting cbeioic.ls (4O CFR pan f|. $VSco 6r). trx),go rs mr lrsbd as a nurine pollutanr by DOT(49 CFR pafl 17l). SECTION #13 - DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS WASTE DISPOSAL METIIOD; Do nor auempr!o disposeof resirhnl or uousedquanrides. Rerumcyhndcrro supplier. rh cTlindrr urJ slowly dischuge gasLorheampspberein a P^1,".111q,1l:t ftp"d,y* welJvutrlat€d area or outdoon away ftom alJsourcesof igrutiou SECTION f I.I - TRANSFORT INFORMATION .10CFT, PART 6E: Risk Managemetrl for Cbemica.lAccidcnral Relcase. Rccuiru rhc developrnent aad implercnuriSn of risk manapemenlDrosnuns at fac.ilids har manulacuxr, use, store, or otberwise bandle re-gu.laedtublt.rces ia qua.otitiestbar exceed soecified t-bftsbblds. O*yg"n is not listed as a regulared subsunce. TSCA: Toxic SubsranceConrol Act: Oxygen is listed on rbe TSCA inventory. OSIIA . OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTII ADMINISTRATION: 29 CFR 1910.119:ProcessSaferyMmagemenr of Highly HazardousChemicats. Requires facitties m develop a proc€ss safery nranagenrnt prognm basedon Tlreshold Qumdries (TQ) of highly ha*ryl6gr chem.icalsas listed in Appendi: A. Oxygeu is not lisred in Appendix A as a highty hazardouscbemical. FDA. FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION Oxygeo USP is rcgulatedby the FDA as a prescripriondrug. TCANA-DIAN REGULATIONS :l Hazad Cl*. S A g. This MSDS has been preparedin compliance IqgJFgll{ trSdrcr wru! uonuoiled ttoduct RecuLauons. I SECTION #16 - OTI{ER INFORMATION SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS: All gauges,valves,regulators,piping and er;uipmenrro be uscdin oxygen seruicemust bc clealed for oxygenscryice G accordan&ivith CGA pamphletC-4. I Use-pipmg a"d equipment adequatelydesignedro wirhsr.and pressucs to be encounered.Oxygen is not to be usedas a substitutefor compressedair. Nevcr usean oxygen j9r for cleaning purposes of any sorr"especialy clot6ing, as it ilcrcases the lilelihood of an engulfug fire. Use a check valve or othei protecti-vcappararusir any line or piping from the cylinder to prevenl r€vcrse flow. Pemornel-whohave ben exposedto high conccntratioDs of oxygen shouldstay well-ventilatedor open areafor 30 minuies beforegoing into a'confinedspace, m lgrutroD souc€, Shipmentof compressedgascylinders which havenor been filled witl rhe ownersconsent is a violation of Federa.llaw (49 CFR Pan l73.3Ol(b)). M-D(TURES: Wbeu two or more gases or liquefied gasesarc mixed, 6eir hr""'rl6* erties rnay combine ro crc:rreadditional, urexpecreatrazaras.obtain and evatuatethe iaferv "* infornration for each comlnmnt before yrxr producetle mixture. Consult an Indudal Hygfunisl c otber u-aupdpers<mwben you mtc yorr sfery evaludon of tln end prulucl Rcrcmber, gasesand liguids have propertbs whidr can'causeseriousinjury or ilear!OTIIER INFORMATION: NFPA RATINGS: DOT/Ii\|O SHIPPING NAME: OxySeq comprcssed IIAZAR-D CLASS; 2.2 (Nonflmble Gm) IDENTIFICATION NUMBER; UN l0?2 PRODIJCTIIQ: Not applicablc =0 HEALIH: FT.AMMABILITY:= [PIN]: I072 ,*Ttlt:t; CyF* Ar oxyga_labcluy be usedfor doretic shiprrenrin rbe :,T,y.-i$-" uruteo5ulEstrrl Lmda rn placeof thc astrflammeilgandoxidizerlabcls.(.19 iFR pm I72) PLACAR-D(\Yhen required): Nonllamble gasor oxygcr SPECIAL SHIPPING INFORMATION:. Cllinders slrouldbc ransponedrrr a secue posrion, u a well veotilaredvehicre.The uarsporrarid of co*p.rsu.a g* .yrird"N ;;rdiil;;' closed-bodyvehjclescan prcseatsenoussareryrnzar(s ard sboull be discouraeed. SECTION #15 - REGULATORY INFORMATION The followng infomution conccflls relecterlrcgulatory requremcnts potenually applic. able ro rhls prulucr. Nor all such requirenlcn* ;e ide;rifieb. ti;;r-;i;;-;;,".i"d" for rlrcir own rcprl:uory'comptianceon a t"A".l .t"i" lpio;;;ii;*ffifili:i: U.S, F-EDER L REGULATIONS: fPA - ENVIRON]VTENTAL PROTECTION ACENCY Rcsgnnse.Compensatron,an<lLiability 9ER9ll., Clt"lrehersive.Enviromnral Acr ol l9li0 (+OCFR parusl17 md 302.r: ReponablcQuandrl,(Re): None SARA: SuJxrllnd Amendrneu(and ReaurhorizationAcr ,10230.1: Requuu crrergcncyplulrug on r.lueshold pluninu uuanlrrics ;:SftOf *ryl^,n!-Sll on_rcponabtc qumdtics (Re) of EpA.i exrrcrncty l.l.:-v1*u subsurnccs 1.j"T. nr?1ru()us (^l{)CFR p3rt 355). Ilxtremclv Hazrdous Subslances:None TluesholdPlanrungeuanriry (l'pe): None HMIS RATINGS: REACTTVITY: O =O HEALTII: =0 FLAMMABILITY:= O REACTIVIfi: =O TIIREA,DED: 0-30fi) psig 3t)01-.10fi)psig 4001-5500psig CGA 540 CGA 577 CGA 701 (MedicalUsc) PIN.INDEXEDYOKE: G.3000psig C GA 875 ULTRA HIGH INTEGRITY: G3000 psis c GA 714 Use the pmper CGA connections, DO NOT USE ADAPTERS Funher infomariou abour Oxygen caa be found m tbe following purphles publishul by: Compressed Cas Assmiadon Inc- (CGA), l?25 Jefferson Datis ltigbway, Suire I OO,l,Arlingron" Y A 2?202-4 | O?. Teleptrone: (703)4 I 2-0900. G-4 C-.f .1 9-1.3 P- I P- I { SB-2 SB-8 AV- l AV-8 Otygen Cleaning Equipment lor Otltgen Scn,icc Commditl,Specifcarion lor O.g.gtn Sole Handling of Compressed Gucs in Containers Accide n, P rocnr ion in Oxy1en-Ric h, O.rygc n- D<fi,cient Armsphc rr t Oxr-gen-Defctent ArmspEres Use of Oxt,-Futl Gas t|elding ontl Cuttinp Appararus Sale Handling and Storage oj Co^pressc7 Giscs Charrcteristics and Safe Hudling oi Cnogeruc Liquid ud Gueor Onsel