Supersedes Villages Truck Tonnage and Parking
Supersedes Villages Truck Tonnage and Parking
GRRYROBINSON N0u-48-2665 13:54 321. 984 4122 P,As r30!863 REcoRDED HAsEEEN 'iili-oocur'aeNT OF RECORDE INTHEPUBLIC FL RII'ERC(ruNTY NTTAN Prplrcd byrnd rthmtor Pdti.LF- Hcefil,E*g GnyRoblncogP-L l&0 W.I{llircu Blf,'d, SlS. llB Mdbourec Florld. St lll bkr 19,rSPG:910,Pagelot 2 rt00;at AM. :0/1312006 JEFFREYK BARTON.CLERI( OF COIJRT SECONDAII{ENDMNNTTO THE DECLARATION OF COYENAI\TTS, AND RESIRICTIONS FOR CITRUS THIS SECOND AI{E}IDMEI\r TO T}IE COVENANTS,CONDITIONSA},ID RESTRICTIONSFOR the t'Second Amendment') is made tbis 13 day of ( PARTNERS"a Florida generalparmershiplrhe Devctbpo). DECLARATION OF SPRINGS(hereina$er 2005, by the SUNTREE NECTTALS ADevehper is tb Declarat under th conditiom and Restristionsfrr citrrs sprbge darcnNIay 21, RecordsBook I4o1, d pge 0770of the Rrblic Rocordsbrn "Declaration'); B. hrsuanf to Arricl€ 12,5of the Doclaatio4 for mcoberst{p voting rights,tb Dcclam{t may amendtbe Ds Owrers. C. Developer is the bHar of all Class B Declarationand saidtights havenot yet convertedto class A D. Derreloper desires to amendArticle 10.4.27.jof Declacationof Coverunts, md recordedin Ofrcial Riv€r Cormy, Florida(the long astbere renlainsClos$B ion nriftont approrralof the rights as defined h tbe ngbts. 'ip Deolaratioa A}IENDMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in accordancewith the Declars incorporatedials this Ameudmeqtandthe Declarationis hersbv l. Sectiron rc.4.27.9oftbe Declaration in its entirety readasbllows: Trucksafid ryp,n-Passengqr.-Vans, Trucksrated without any advertisingor logos used as tbe rcsi tramportationg no{Fassangervan witbut aay pormifted in Cikus Spniry pUD ard snoud driveuiays. Tnrcks of nore tlan tbnee-quarter palrsengervaoe with any advertisirg or logos, Qon oivod the foregoing Recitals are asfollows: Tim o hlnv A , ' / r DM Tuafier(3/4) ton or lessn rcgular or usoal form of or logosshallbe parknd il grages or on ) toq or tnrcks ad nontrucks uftich afe rrc,t the N0u-aB-2sas 13;54 3'21 GRRY ROBINSON to bGpadrcdat Citrus resident'su$al form of fansportationarc not SpringsPLJDunlessparkedsoletyfor the resid€nce,hrt in m eventshallEnysuchtnrcks SpringsPUDfor morethanthirty (30) days. All otbr terms, covenants,corrditionsand provisions ampndedand modified bercundershall remainin ftIl force Dectaration. lf there is aoy conflict bdryeen this Anedment sball govern and conhol P,A6 9A4 4L22 ard codinrous repair of a vansremsinparkedin Citrus the Declarationnot eryressly effect as set forth in the and tb Declaration this IN WITNESSWHEREOF,the Dweloporbasexecrrted SecondAmendmeil to tbe Ida$€r Declarationof Covenants, ConditiomandResftiabns CitrusSpingson tbe dayand yearfrst indicstcdabove. SIGNED,SEAI.EDAND DELII'ERED N TTIEPRESENCE OF: T}IE a Florida Br IIMIvI, PARTNER.S, Parmrship a Florida corpordion Partner MyraIL (CorporareSeal) STATEOF'FLORIDA COUNTYOF BREVARD The fmegoingirstnrm€d was aokoowledged beforome this Myra K. Haloy, on betralf of IIhdIrA INC., a Florida oorporatiorgas Gqr PARTNEFS, a Florida GeneralPartncrship,M who is personallyknown tn lA as id€ntificatioq andwho did take an oa$. n tn - ,WTFT Re cei v ed Ti meN ov ,B , 2:42 p M day of October,2A05,by Parlnerof TIIE STINTREE me, or [ ] who hasproduced NotaryPublic PriotNotary My CommisrionExpires TNTT1I D AC