houston bowling
houston bowling
VOLUME 22, NUMBER 34 OCTOBER 25 - 31, 1996 16 VIEWPOINT 20 ~",Ing Catttor/~~1 BestOveml1 Best Group Best Individual Most Original Why Gay Voters Should Stick with the Democrats FRESH BEATS INTERVIEW by Tom Henderson Dance Music Star France Joli Makes Comeback by Jimmy Smith 35 BACKSTAGE Dallas'TlTAS Presents "Virtual Reality" Show Grand Hotel des Etrangers 38 SNAPSHOTS NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Photos by Perrie Do/ph 51 CURRENT EVENTS 58 ON OUR COVER Halloween Quilt in Washington, in Texas with Morgan Adams 63 STARSCOPE The Saturn/Pluto 75 SPORTS Lambda 76 TEXAS NEWS Houstonian 81 TEXAS TEA Texans Take Top Honors at Miss Gay America Miss Gay USofA At-Large 91 CLASSIFIEDS Rollerskating D.C. Photos by James Franklin "Trine" Means Success in Our Endeavors in Houston Holds Halloween Chosen Head of National Skate Oct. 30 NAMES Project Foundation and 100 OBITUARIES 101 GUIDE TWT(This Week In Texas) is published by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co .. at 3300 Reagan Street In Dallas, Texas 75219 and 811 Westhelmer In Houston, Texas 770CJ6. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWTor of Its staff. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization in articles or advertising In TWTIs not to be construed as any Indication of the sexual orientation of said person or organization. Subscription rates: $79 per year, $40 per half year. Back Issues available at 52 each. Payment must accompany all orders. Copyright © 1996 by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, article or feature, copy or photograph from TWTIsspecifically prohibited by federal statute. THIS WEEK IN TEXAS MAGAZINE Texas' Leading Gay & Lesbian Publication Since 1975 • Weekly Circulation: 20,000 DALLAS OFFICE 3300 Reagan Street Dallas, Texas 75219 Dallas Fax (214) 520-8948 (214) 521-0622 . E-mail: twtmagliklol.com PUBLISHER ALAN GELLMAN EDITOR RICHARD HEBERT COMPTROLLER STEVEMILES HOUSTON OFFICE 811 Westheimer, Suite 111 Houston. Texas 77006 Houston Fax (713) 527-8948 (713) 527-9111 E-mail: [email protected] ART DEPARTMENTRichard Bang, Gil Marquez. Victor Perea CONTRIBUTINGWRITERSDonnie Angelle, Don Baker, Robert Bois,Mark Deaton, Phil Johnson. Gary Laird, C. Lichtenstein, Steven C. Lindsey, Susan McDonald. David Parnell. Jimmy Smith, Bruce Williams STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERSJames Franklin, Robert Miller, Jerry Stevens, Tlo. Albert Tovar NATIONAL SALESDIRECTOR. Steve Miles. (214)521-0622 • FAX 520-TWIT Advertising rates are available on request from the salesperson in your nearest city. Austin - Bruce Williams (512) 473-7180 • Dallas / Fort Worth - Steve Miles (214) 521-0622 Houston / Galveston - Steve Nally (713) 527-9111 • San Antonio / Corpus Christi - Jimmy Smith (210) 754-5837 CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING • Dallas Chase Gutierrez. Houston David Parnell/Brian Keever '''''8 TWT© 1996 Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Company SHANE RUFF,PRESIDENT/ CEO / DIRECTOR ROY KLAUS/ CO-DIRECTOR (214) 520-MOBY Represented Nationally by Rivendell Marketing, Inc. lID .A IL IL 1\ Earty Contestant sign-lip is available starting at Bpm. 4011 CedarSprlngsRd. tmospheres --",r In Entertainme io and South MS ILVER DOLLAR S*A*L*O*O*N COUNTRY & WESTERN BAR YOUR mvoRITE C&W TUNES PLAYED BY SAN ANTONlO'S FINEST DJS NIGHTLY FROM 9PM TO 2AM 1402 N. MAIN • 210-227-2623 1402 N.MAIN 210-299-4222 SAN ANTONIO'S HOTTEST CRUISE BARAN» DANCERS NIGHTLY! ALWAYS THE BEST IN ILLUSION. DRINK SPECIALS & DANCE MUSIC 1430 N. MAIN • 210-225-7330 OR DIAL OUR HOTLINE 227-2468 OR 22-SAINT 21~ HALLOWEEN WILL .~ ;t NEVER BE THE SAME! () r Oct.;5th~ .., ~'l!l '\1/ Fri. Ig . tf[lA\$H~tJ"\(;M tfRlJDI! Vi ~ Tune In,Turn On & Trip Out! NO COVER 7-9! at. Oct. 26th: 9pm iEIi01fDCv i:lI 01fDCv ~ J.?5)Y CCiiEDiErLDCi Leather, Levi, Tie Dye & Flesh! un. Oct 27th: 9 pm Di!(;~DiE$ OLf DiC(;.A\D A\L\I(;iEi Our Shadow Dancers Return! NO COVER 7-9! aa'. i:$(;A\~?iCi I IIi IIi IIi II§lII III I~II II II Ii IiI i il§ ~Lb11I i I I I ! I ! COSII/DleCOlllesl T/J/Jrsda.~ Oet. 3110PDI lilla/s -J1idDiK~I at IlJe filiate StatioD 17m 39!3CetlarSprinli Dallas Texas (911)380-3808 eoJlen@airmai/'net Mon. Oct 28th: 9pm Non Stop Boogie! NO COVER till 11! [LiCDS:;UfiiES:.atJ~rlfi ues. Oct 29th: 9pm The Office Alternative! NO COVER with Personal Business Card! ed. Oct. 30th: 9 pm. "'rOit DViED WiCDL'JiC51)~Vi NO COVER in Tie Dyed Apparel! hur. Oct. 31 st: ~?S:;V ftN£Di:[lgtt;~lt~~[lOS~Ofl\ii Prepare Yourself for the Ultimate Trip! Doors open at 9 pm! 710 Pacific Street Houston, Tx. 713/523-0213 ~~ ~' ~ ~~~ .. [ill (£ IL[ 1902 McCullough m (J) ODill ITill aill 3 illIL (J) (J) ill Avenue> San Antonio, TX 78212 • 210-733-1516 STILL FEATURING YOUR FAVORITE DRINK SPECIALS PLUS A HALLOWEEN NIGHT EXTRAVAGANZA MON -+ $1.00 WELLSILONGNECKS all day/night! TUES -+ $1.75 WELLSILONGNECKS all day/night! WED -+ .75¢ WELLS & $1.75 LONGNECKS all day/night! ,A SUPERSTAR ENTERTAINMENT ~~j)JABEL '~/'SPECIAl GUEST OJ _ SUSAN MORABITO (NYC) in associa1ion with SAMUAl NUNEZ PtDliurn.:;.. THURS -+ $1.75 WELLSILONGNECKS all day/night! BAR SPONSORS: FRI & SAT -+ $1.00 WELLS all day/night!! SUNDAY -+ $1.00 LONGNECKS all day/night! THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31st, HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL SPONSORED BY THE FIREDANCERS FOLLOWED BY OUR MIDNIGHT HALLOWEEN COSTUME CONTEST WITH CASH PRIZES FOR :1.ST,2ND & 3RD PLACE WINNERS ·IILL=.=.. I,;; ==================================~II TWr OCTOBER 25 - OCTOBER31 1996 PAGE 15 TALK THE TALK /lND WALK THE WALK BY TOM HENDERSON F inally, some in the Republican Party have begun to understand that most Americans do not believe that hate is a family value. They have learned to at least profess their opposition to "discrimination of any kind," but carefully avoid specific support for equal rights for gay Americans. Unlike the clarion call to cultural war sounded by Patrick Buchanan and Pat Robertson in Houston in 1992, a kinder, gentler version of the Republican Party was on full display in San Diego this summer. Republican Vice Presidential candidate Jack Kemp, in his call for a "big tent party," asked for the "support of every single American" and promised that "we're not going to leave anybody out." Those words must have provided great comfort to the three (yes, as in 1-2-3!) openly gay Republican convention delegates. But has the Republican Party really changed its past views on gay and lesbian Americans? Hardly! Republican Presidential candidate Bob Dole was the lead co-sponsor of the anti-gay "Defense of Marriage Act" [DOMA], and told the rightwing Washington Times that he opposes ''the special interest gay agenda ... from gays in the military ... [to] special status for sexual orientation under federal civil rights statutes." In his most recent debate with President Bill Clinton, Dole again voiced his opposition to "special rights" for those living a particular "lifestyle." On May 25, Jack Kemp criticized the U.S. Supreme Court's decision striking down Colorado's initiative to deny specific civil rights protections for homosexuals, saying, "I think Justice [Anthony] Kennedy was wrong in suggesting that the people of Colorado had an animosity toward gay people. What they were basically saying was, they shouldn't get special rights." As PAGE 16 Why Gay Voters Should Stick with the Democrats Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, that same Mr. Kemp opposed a contract with a federal employees union because he said it was viewed as extending domestic partner benefits to gay and lesbian HUD workers; said that firing gay teachers was acceptable because "I think a school board should have the right to choose what type of example we have for our children in public schools"; and backed efforts to require mandatory reporting of those who test HIV-positive. What about the Republican Senate majority? Last month, not one single Republican Senator voted against Mr. Dole's DOMA, and despite rhetoric about inclusiveness and "equal rights, not special rights," only eight of the 53 Senate Republicans found it within themselves to support the Employment Non-Discrimination Act [ENDA], which failed 50-49. That means the other 45 Republican Senators (including Texas Senators Phil Gramm and Kay Bailey Hutchison) believe someone should be able to be fired from his or her job simply because he or she is gay or lesbian! One could go on and on about the hatefilled, homophobic rhetoric of the Republican platform and the continuing gaybashing antics of Republicans like Jesse Helms, Phil Gramm and Bob Dornan. But are the Democrats any better? Contrast the two conventions. In Chicago, the 150-plus gay and lesbian delegates were welcomed with open arms, and in our daily caucus, we heard from prominent members of the U.S. Senate and House, as well as the White House and party leaders at all levels. We also adopted a platform which fully embraces our struggle for civil rights. In his acceptance speech, President Clinton pledged his continued support for TWT OCTOBER 25 - OCTOBER 31 1996 West Hollywood's only ... GAY Bed & Breakfast Winners of "Out & About" Editor', Choice Award '95 & '96 San Vicente 845 Inn Resort San Vicente Blvd., West Hollywood, CA 90069 (310) 854-6915 Office Hours 9 om - 10 pm .•. Accomodations: Garden Cottages, Pcclside Suited, Bedroom/Bathroom & Shared Bathroom Units, A/C, phone, TV w/ccble, Daily Service, Answering Machine & Fridge. .•. Rates: $59·$149 year round .•. Solar Heated Pool, Spo Both, Cloth;ng Optional Tropical Sundecks. HIV/AIDS research, prevention and treatment efforts, and specifically included gay Americans in his call for unity - a first for any American president. In the second debate between the two major presidential candidates, he again voiced his support for ENDA and made an eloquent plea for inclusiveness and unity . Are the Democrats perfect? Hell, no! Does much remain to be done? Hell, yes! But there is a huge difference between openness to such progress and support from a majority of Democratic Party rnern- Officeholders of both parties must be courted and cajoled to do the right thing. But our chances of success are dearly greater with Democrats as a whole than with Republicans. bers, and open hostility from the Republican faithful. What about DOMA and ENDA? Sadly, only 14 Democrats had the courage to vote against DOMA. But 41 of 47 Democratic Senators voted for ENDA, and three who voted against us (including lead bigot Sam Nunn) are retiring this year. The partisan differences are clear and stark. However, progress toward gay civil rights still must be led by our community, and in the most important cases, affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court. It should be noted that the next president could appoint as many as three members to that court. Officeholders of both parties must be courted and cajoled to do the right thing. But our chances of success are clearly greater with Democrats as a whole than with Republicans. Republicans may be beginning to learn how to talk the talk, but they have a long way to go before they learn how to walk the walk! Tom Henderson serves as co-chair of the Texas Lesbian/Gay Leadership Council for Clinton/Gore. Next week: Why gay and lesbian voters should consider Republican alternative. ~ PAGE 18 TWl COTOBER 25· OCTOBER 31 1996 Riding the Wave of a New Single and Upcoming Album, FRANCE JOLI Finds Herself Back Where She Belongs lit I hen for 1'1' revolves 20 years your entire life around music, rarely does one song have such an impact that you forever remember exactly where you were and what you were doing the very first time you heard it I was 19; it was the summer of '82, a Sunday night in Dal/as, and we had just come in from the "tea dance." The time? Well, drag time, of course, and front and center we sat About four songs into the show, the emcee introduced the next queen. It was Lindsy Love and the number she /ip-synched was "Come to Me" by France Joli. The song was so overwhelmingly gorgeous from start to finish, one of those that just pull on your heartstrings. Not only did I rush out the next day and buy the record, I was so inspired that I also decided it was time for my first wig and pair of high heels (but that's another story). A few months ago, I was told by Harry Towers of Popular Records that they had signed France Joli. In July, I saw her perform her new single, "Touch," at the BiI/board Dance Music Summit in Chicago. It was a performance that literally brought tears to many eyes; she looked and sounded fabulous! Last week I was able to hear some of the other songs on her forthcoming debut album on Popular, and they are absolutely amazing. After speaking with France recently, I can say with utmost certainty that she is definitely back where she belongs. TWT: Success came for you at a very early age. How does a 16-year-old come to be such a huge star overnight like that? You weren't even old enough to get into most of the places where you were performing! France Joli: That's very young. But I knew at a very young age that I was going to be a singer. I had no doubt, so I started working towards my career very early. I had the support of my family, so that helped a lot. At PAGE 20 the age of 11, I left public school for private school so I could devote more time to piano classes, ballet classes, drama and singing classes. So in the morning I would go to regular classes and in the afternoon I went to school for my career. By the time I was 15, I had met up with Tony Greene, whO wrote and produced "Come to Me." How did you manage to balance being, basically, a child with being a star? I didn't balance anything. Ijust went for success and in a way I stopped being a kid. It all happened so fast and it was so big that there was no time to play anymore. Everything that I had worked for was happening, and I was so happy that not being able to be a kid didn't matter to me. Why the move from Prelude to Epic? It was time for me to move on to a bigger label. I was feeling that "Gonna Get Over You" was a big record for me, but it didn't cross over. So I figured that maybe if I was at a bigger label, L might be able to reach more of a pop audience. Not that I didn't like dance music or wanted to stay away from it; I just wanted to expand and maybe have the pop chart on my side. So after I left Prelude Records I was shopping around for a major label and ended up with EpiC, where I did one album with Giorgio Moroder and another one with George Duke. After the two albums with Epic, I had a very hard time getting some material and producers together and finding another label. Do you regret making the move? So TWT OCTOBER 25· OCTOBER 311996 many times when an artist goes to a major, the label will try to change them or compromise their sound. Was this the case for you? Well, I'll tell you something. I think there was a lot of confusion back then, where dance music was not the dance music that I've known. After my last record with Prelude, it seemed that dance music was changing. It didn't seem that the good 01' songs I was doing were in style anymore. It was very, very hard for me to find my niche. I took some chances and I didn't know exactly where to go at that time. Sometimes you just try things. [The producers) had their own sound and they had their own ideas as to what I should be doing, of course. It was a combination of them wanting something different, me wanting something different, the label wanting something different. There were also some different writers .. .it's hard to explain. There are so many people involved in putting together an album, and you're pulled in so many directions. You sometimes get pushed by the company and the producers that you should "do this song because it's a hit record," even if you don't like it. You just keep your fingers crossed for something to happen, and we did that for two albums. Once again we find you reunited with Tony Greene for the new album on Popular. The two of you obviously have this sort of magical way of putting out such wonderful music. How did this happen? Well, for years we didn't speak because he had his thing to do and I had my thing to do. About three or four years ago we started connecting again. And then, I guess about two and a half years ago, he said he had a song for me and he played it for me. It made me feel as good as when he first offered me "Come to Me." So we decided that maybe it was time to work on an album again. Tony knows what I want to do as an artist and as a vocalist and he seems to be able to create that. I'm really happy to be working with him again. When we put our talents together, there are sparks. Good things happen. Were there any artists who inspired you growing up? Barbra Streisand was my idol and so I was learning every song of hers. She was basically my singing teacher. I was singing over and auditioning with her records. She was just everything to me; such a great singer, great actress, great artist, great everything! I'm just a big fan! So I learned singing songs, ballads, with her. Can we expect some ballads, then, on PAGE 22 the new album, especially now that you've developed your songwriting abilities? Yes, right now there are three and we're looking at maybe a fourth one. For me, songwriting is very simple. I didn't say, "Oh my God, I'm going to write a song." I started off just by having fun and every three or four days I would come up with something new, until now I have a huge catalogue at home. You know, some of them are not good and some of them are quite good, actually. And, of course, my writing has evolved now and I'm a grown-up woman, so I write differently now than I did then. But there's a song called "Brother" that's going to be on the album. It's about my brother that died several years ago. It's one of the first songs I wrote, and it's on the album as like a prayer; an honor to him. I just felt that it should be on this album. Now that your career has come full circle, you're all grown up, your songwriting abilities are there, etc., what is the moment during a project where you can sit back and say, "Yeah, this is it; this is right; this is what it's all about"? Actually, there are two things and they are totally opposite, but together they are the peak of it for me. One is in the performance when everyone is singing along with you and they're going through all sorts of emotions. It's an automatic high for me. You don't need drugs ... The tons of applause is the high for me. On the other side, the part of the studio - or the creation - is as rewarding, I find, because there's nothing to tell you or no fans to tell you it's great. But when you're creating it, it's actually finished. You know? You say, "Wow, I've also done my work." In the studio, when you're performing a song and you just give it all you've got and you listen back and you can actually say, "Wow, this part's giving me goose bumps." II'S like, I hope they're gonna get the goose bumps as much as I do. The closing night of Studio 54, France Joli performed "Touch" for the first time, before a capacity crowd of screaming fans, all of them sporting goose bumps. Studio 54's closing marked the end of an era for many, but for France it marked a new beginning, a triumphant return. For her many fans, it was as though she'd never left. "Touch" is now available on 12-inch and CD5. Be on the lookout for France Jolt's album, due out January '97. ~ TWT OCTOBER 25· OCTOBER 31 1996 ,·.;J.'.'~.'.:.'.O ...UST~N BL~CK T.IE DlN~E~ • SATURDAY, ~OVEMBER , .::\;~. First City Bank BUlldmg • 1021 Mam Street "I,... .."'>~ \ For ticket information, call (713)523·9611 - 2ND Married Men ~ with Men on the Side ~_ J Something for Everyone! , ",,-~J ! Come Check us Out!! . -J;--J,~*.~ A..~~ ... ~ *+~ •. i Saturday, October 26th Halloween Costume Contest Midnight Cash Prizes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd 1430 SAN 210-225-7330 210-227-2468 OR Open 1 Hour Later for Daylight Savings Time "Don't put your drag away yet ... " 2nd Annual Miss lexoma Trailer Park Trash Pageant 9 pm • Cash Prizes Texas-size Hair Contest 8 pm Halloween Party Thursday, October J1 :.~. Only 1Hour North of Dallas Near Lake Texoma 2520 N. Hwy. 91 Denison, Texas (903) 463·9944 Hours: 6 PM - 2 AM MontJay - Saturday 2 PM - 2 AM Sundays PAGE 28 N. ANTONIO 507 .Jefferson at 5th • Waco (817) 753·9189 1WT OCTOBER 25 - OCTOBER 31 1 22-SAINT MAIN WITCHING .. - H :{~!: U R .. ·.·'.· ' L.·r.·.····.1..... H ".; •. -c,,, 1 i r' .'A~ ff ,I .········A·····'············:· "'_"~ -·.x-·.... ,,~ I l' ··,·,··,··,,······:4 ., ....,.,..,..•• , N ..•• 1/,. ~ BUY 1 GET 1 F/lIII SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26 You'll have easy access to: KxE..··· CO' N"T'··E,.•.•.......... · ST'. ' ' L.V~ . / .....•. ' COS' TU' ."•....' • • • • • • • • • ..•........ At Midnight • $200 in Cash 8.. Prizes ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27 Candidate lor Emperor XII' Jerel McNeil Presents CHILL.S AND CYBEX HAMMER STRENGTH CARDIO GLIDES NORDIC TRACKS WOLFE TANNING BODY FlIT ANALYSIS PERSONAL TRAINING FREE PARKING MEMBER IHRSA. Ai)mrrnesJS THRILLS ~XOH~ Showtime at f)pm A NEIGHBORHOOD 1""'0" ~. ,-"B'L" :-',:... -P' 3930 Kirby Dr. #300 at Hwy 59 • Houston I"N":'S' MONDAY -FRIDAY I •••••• GYM (713) 524-9932 COSTUME CONTEST AT IO:30PM C' c::r • • • • • • • • • $AlII SAUl SAUl SAUl A HALLOWEEN NIOHTMARE GRB KXL' I"N' 'S' ,_.",', -,-~., :., ..LV.1 ,'". , " NAUTILUS FREE WEIGHTS AEROBICS LIFE CYCLES RECUMBENTS LIFEROWERS LIFESTEPS TREADMILLS 2700 CLUBS NOW OPEN SAM-lOPM " SA TURDA Y & SUNDA Y 8AM·8PM MALE STRIP CONTEST AT I.PM ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31 COSTU~E In Memoriam CONTEST At II pm • $150 in Cash 8.. Prizes Of Our Founders, David Scott Reed (1946·1996) and Cecil Ray deLoach (1952·1991) Livi n9 with HIV? The Medical Escrow Society can help you ... ...make the most of your life insurance today. ~ We create competition among the 12 most reputable funding sources to make sure you receive the highest cash settlement. ~ Absolutely no cost or obligation at any time and we qualify anyone up to 1,000 T-cells. - 1-800-422-1314 BAD BOYS DANCE EVERY NIOHT www.med-escrow.com Founding Member of fhe ViaticaI Association of America © The Medical Escrow Society t 996 PAGE 33 MORGfUARGf UN MAlJLB Halloween Cost1llllle Contest SATURDAY. OCTOBER 26 MC China JUDGING BEGINS BI1llle 11:30PM EARLY SIGN-UP AVAILABLE STARTING AT 10PM. 4 WINNING CATEGORIES BEST OVERALL BEST INDIVIDUAL he Rites of Eleusis, seven planetary plays written by Aleister Crowley, starts at 8 p.m. this Saturday, Oct. 26, with a new performance every five days at Bohdi Yoga & Massage Center, 1710 Houston in Austin. The first show is "Saturn," a traditional; the second, on Thursday, Oct. 31, will be "Jupiter," a Renaissance-themed piece for which the audience is encouraged to wear costumes. Tickets are $5, or $31 for a season pass. For more info, call (512)467-8703. A fullmoon,drumming also will be held after the opening-night show. The Spiral Dance, a ritual for the feast of Samhain, will be put on at 8 p.m. this Saturday, Oct. 26, in The Yard at Planet Theatre, 2307 Manor Rd. in Austin. The Tejas Web, a magical community, is presenting this audience-participation event; a $5 donation at the gate is requested in lieu of tickets. For more info, call (512)478-LAVA. Planet Theatre also is planning a treeplanting in honor and memory of T.J. Gaudette at 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 31; Gaudette was a member of the Austin Circle of Theatres and Vortex Repertory Company until his death one year ago. ProArts Collective, a new African-American arts organization in Austin, presents its first annual Halloween Eve Hot House Revue at 10 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 30, at Victory Grill, 1104 E. 11th St. The show will feature some of Austin's most talented illusionists, dancers and entertainers, portraying the likes of Cher, Diana Ross, Grace Jones and others. For more info, call (512)474-4494. ProArts also hosts a "Big Foot" Shoe Sale from 11 a.m.-6 p.m. this Saturday, Oct. 26, at Victory Grill. From the composer of Sunset Boulevard and the lyricist of The Lion King comes Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat to Fort Worth's Casa Manana Theatre, 3401 W. Lancaster. Shows are at 8 p.m. this evening, 2 and 8 p.m. Saturday and 2 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Tickets ($15-$40) can be purchased at the box office or by calling (817)332-2272. The International Theatrical Arts Society of Dallas presents its first special show of he 1996-97 season, the virtual reality theJncal experience of Grand Hotel des IEtrangers (Grand Hotel of Strangers), in hich live actors interact with three-dimenional computer-generated images. Perormances are Thursday, Oct. 31, at 6:30 no 9:30 p.m., Friday, Nov. 1, at 7:30 and o p.rn, and Saturday, Nov. 2, at 7:30 and T BEST GROUP MOST ORIGINAL DANCE EXTRA LATE AFTERoHOURS! OCTOBER 25.- OCTOBER 31 1995 10 p.m. at SMU's McFarlin Auditorium. Tickets ($14-$30) are available at the box office or by calling (214)528-5576. The Fine Arts Chamber Players open their new season of 4th Saturday performances this Saturday, Oct. 26 at 3 p.m. in the Horchow Auditorium at the Dallas Museum of Art, 1717 N. Harwood, with a concert for harp, flute and viola, featuring harpist Ellen Ritscher. Admission is free. Call (214) 520-2219 for more information. Direct from a sold-out New York cabaret run, Steven Brinberg brings Simply Barbra to Theater LaB Houston this weekend. Brinberg himself conceived and stars in this tribute to the incomparable Ms. Streisand. Performances are this evening and Saturday (Oct. 25 and 26) at 8:30 and 10:30 p.m. Seating is very limited; for tickets ($25), call (713)227-ARTS. Theater LaB Houston is located at 1706 Alamo. Slawomir Mrozek's political satire Tango was part of the absurdist theatre which swept over communist Eastern Europe during the 1960s. Arthur, a young man living in an eccentric household with his bohemian parents, stages an elaborate "coup d'etat" out of a desire for order and a return to tradition - only to realize that his impulse will lead to a restriction of freedom than the celebration of it. Stages Repertory, 3201 Allen Pkwy in Houston, presents Tango at 8 p.m. Wednesdays-Saturdays and at 5 p.m. Sundays. For tickets ($10-$25), call (713)527-8243. "'" PAGE 35 Saturaay, October 26 The pirates of Magnolia Get ready to have your swash buc~ed. Halloween Night Thursday, October 31 --" ..... h~ Come Glow For Us 600 W. Magnolia 817·332·0415 Fort Worth :I: P-. Z- ~ 0° E--<Q o ZU4 •.........• ::r:::>-< (f)~ ...::G~ ~U4 • c, The Loving Arm-y invites you to /GIANT~ HALLOWEEN PARTIES CASINO NIGHT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26 AND THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31 Prizes, Surprises and Specials BENEFITING THE lOVING ARMS FOUNDATION OF HOUSfQN November I, I 996 Crowne Plaza Hotel 2222 West Loop South ~~~!i-::-; \ Hors d' oeuvres - 7pm Gaming - 8pm $30/person $50/couple \ 1.t1IIIII!t.. / \\/.! , !!/ ----.!0 $3000 gaming money per ticket ! Grand Prize -- trip for two to Las Vegas! Additional prizes awarded throughout the night! - PAGE 40 FRIDAY & SATURDAY ·TOP DEEJAYS & MALE DANCERS 9PM·2AM EVERY SUNDAY ·12:00 BRUNCH 2 DART GAMES· 2 POOL TABLES BIG SCREEN TV FOR MONDAY FOOTBALL If you are coping with financial pressures, you know best what you need: the highest amount for your life Insurance... Our name says it all. We care about the individual. As an independent resource, we charge no fees while we negotiate for you the greatest possible benefits. Since 1992, we've helped hundreds of people realize the value from their life insurance, including FEGLI. Viatical Association of America member PAGE 43 Now, more than ever, surviving with AIDS requires sound choices and aggressive financial planning. You'll be happy to know that when it comes to choices, thousands of people have trusted us to help them make the right ones. By offering one of the best creative financial alternatives available, we help you help yourself ... Your NEEDS must De meLIIIIIIIIII,II,IIII"II,II,NOW, Your DREAMS must De fulfilleoll II II 1111 II II 1111 II When you choose us to sell a life insurance policy, you'll be amazed at how different we truly are. Our company tries to work with everyone, even if you're healthy. And, you'll be relieved to know that unlike some of our competition, we don't call to bother you after the sale. NOW, HW-Challenged With our program, you'll also get something no other viatica I company can give you: a free membership in A Better Benetit tor Lite'"-a comprehensive medical advisory network that offers assistance in obtaining valuable information and discounts on medical services. Call for FREE Brochure ana Viaeo We want you to make the right choice. Survival. ~~~~~~~JJJ 1-800-572-4346 http://www.theliteline.com Viatical Settlements, Inc. f 1:4 "Indeed. altruism rather than profit has been the catalyst for at least one company, Page & Associates, Inc." Liz Harmon-San Diego Business Journal, April, 1994 "The final months or years ofa person :S' life are lived with the dignity of not going broke ... " houndingMember N~ Phil Donahue-The Member NAPWA Donahue Show, December, 1992 "".they'rejust as likely to give a terminally ill person a second lease on life." William Hoffman-Small PAGE 44 TWT OCTOBER 25 - OCTOBER 31 Business News, April, 1994 lrrrcOi(C:iiToOBiR~~Di:?~";-:(,,5(""5Trc~>EniEi"~R3'1' ]<' -x-i6.----------------- --,,-,-=,-., PAGE 45 Serving the Community with Over 15 Years Experience In: • HIV/Immune Diseases • Sexually transmitted ~ Diseases ~ General Medicine j W· W Answered 24 Hours Visa, MasterCard and Most Personal Insurance Accepted WEARE HERE WHEN YOU NEED US! HONESTLY. RELIABLY. DISCRETELY • QUICKLY We convert your Life Insurance Policy into funds available for use now. 24hr: Toll Dedicated Resources has been converting LIFE INSURANCE INTO CASH for people living with HIV/AIDS since 1989. As an experienced, fully funded, viatica I settlement company, we understand your need for respect, honesty, and professional seNice. For a confidential evaluation of your life insurance policy, CALL TODAY. ". ". ". ". Free 1-888-488-8500 HABLAMOS ESPANOL - Life expectancies up to 4 years Up to 85% cash settlement Quick 48 hour turn around time Never a fee DEDICATED ~ RESOURCES A NATIONAL VIATICAL SETTLEMENT COMPANY 1.800.677.5026 hftp://www.dedicatedresources.com PAGE 46 1WT OCTOBER 25 - OCTOBER 31 1 PAGE 47 OCCASIONALLY, NATIONWIDE * SERVICE MEMBERS AND VETERANS: CALL US REGARDING NEW CONVERSION OPTIONS ON YOUR SGLI AND VGLI POLICIES. Out and In: Information for Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Law School Applicants, a new brochure put out by the Law School Admission Council that provides advice on the application process, is available by writing to the LSAC Gay and Lesbian Issues Work Group; PO. Box 40; Newtown, PA 18940, or bye-mail at Isacinfo@/sac.org. PEOPLE NEED LIFE BENEFACTORS. We can turn your life insurance policy into very real, ~~Iyspendable cash. And ue'oe made the application process easier, with a full-time regional representative ill your area. To learn more, ill SOli them Texas, jus: call janet Cohen. In Northern Texas, call john Lochner. 77Jeycall send you information including a free video. But more, they are available to help YOIl personally. We're predictable uiben life isn't, AUSTIN A book launch party will be held at 7 p.m. today (Oct. 25) for Between Us: A Legacy of Lesbian Love Letters, edited by Kay Turner of Girls in the Nose fame. Turner will sign books and refreshments will be served at Book Woman, 918 W. 12th St. For more info, call (512)472-2785. ------- Lif~ ,~~~~,~~,~~~~~,,,~.P. A "Men's Weekend" is being held today through Sunday (Oct. 25-27) at Recreation Plantation near Dripping Springs outside Austin. The price is $5 per person per day, and groups helping with the event inclUde the Heart of Texas Bears, Adventuring Outdoors and others. For more info (or directions, call (512)707-3737. fanet Coben: 800.330.5281 }olm Lochner: 800.330.5286 1-;'<I/("'I"/tl'/l.,Il"(I/lmp Llu'lIwd ill C(III/orlllll • ,,/I·II·"fi",,'m'./tIOfll"lom .I".",I/I'/". I'illlintl f'ulll"I/II~ 0/.'1"","'«(1 A.,.~"(imio,, Nicholaos Boord Certified Specializing in Drug C. in Infectious Infectious Diseases, Studies Associates Disease Infectious Southwest + Anonymous 8e1105, + l n t e r n c l Medicine Disease Tropical HIV M.D. Medicine + HIV Illnesses Testing/Counseling 214.890.7943 Phone Insurance Filed Answered 24 + Most Insurance 82" 0, •• 1,. A","" Hours + House Accepted s .•• a i : "' Calls + • Visa, Available Mastercard, Amex 0,,,,.. T.", 752" L-----------------------====::::~rathering The Waterloo Counseling Center's annual Halloween Costume Ball is from 9 p.m.-1 a.m.this Saturday, Oct. 26, at the Radisson Hotel on Town Lake, 111 E. Cesar Chavez St. Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 at the door, and the evening will include door prizes, costume contests, snack buffet, cash bar and more. For more info, call (512)329-9922. The Buckaroos & Cowgals Ball, benefiting the HIV Wellness Center, runs from 8 P.m. to midnight this Saturday, Oct. 26, in the 17th floor ballroom of the Hyatt Regency Austin, 208 Barton Springs Rd. The evening includes community service awards, exotic game barbecue, door prizes, music and dancing and more. For reservations or more info, call (512) 467-0088. AIDS Walk '96 begins at 3 p.m. this SUnday, Oct. 27, at Waterloo Park, 12th andTrinity streets. The event benefits AIDS S."',e"fA","""nd other area agenles In,ol""d In the fight agaInst AIDS. and registration starts at noon, 'B with entertainment both before and after the five-kilometer walk. For more info, call (512)452-WALK. DALLAS Big 0 Longhorns Gay & Lesbian Square Dance Club meets this evening (Oct. 25) from 7-9 p.m. at the Gay and Lesbian Community Center, 2701 Reagan at Brown. For more info, call (214)528-9254. Respect All Youth (RALLY), a SUpport group for gay and lesbian teens, meets on Monday, Oct. 28 from 6:30-8 p.m. at the GLCC, 2701 Reagan at Brown. For more info, call (214)528-9254. The Oak Lawn Soccer Club will hold a reception and registration on Wednesday, Oct. 30 from 5-10 p.m. at the GLCC, 2701 Reagan at Brown. For more info, call (214) 528-9254. The Dallas Gay and Lesbian Alliance Marriage Project will hold a meeting on Thursday, Oct. 31 from 7-9 p.m. at the GLCC, 2701 Reagan at Brown. For more info, call (214)528-4233. Dallas/Fort Worth Prime Timers, a support group for mature gay men, will be throwing a Newsletter Party this Sunday, Oct. 27 from 2-4 p.rn. For location or more info, call (214)235-6273. Lambda Weekly, a gay and lesbian radio program, is broadcast every Sunday at 8 p.m. on KNON 89.3 FM. HOUSTON The AIDS Housinq Coalltton Houston, 117 Tuarn A""., holds Its 1996 Fall RummageA-Rama sale on Saturday, Nov. 2 from 8 PAGE 50 TWT OCTOBER 25 - OCTOBER 31 1 OCTOBER 25 - OCTOBER 31 1996 PAGE 51 Bill Sanders, D.V.M. a.m.-2 p.m. Donations (tax-deductible) are being sought, including (but not limited to) operable and usable TVs, radios, kitchen appliances, bathroom items, lamps, tables, chairs, art and other small furniture as well as jewelry, Clocks and antiques of any kind. AHCH also seeks donation of a van or pickuP in good condition for program usage. All proceeds benefit the TLC House emergency PWA shelter program. For more info, call (713)521-1613. 2525 WycliH. Suite 103 Dallas. Texas 75219 (214)520·8835 Veterinary Hospital & Grooming Salon at (713)869-4543. The fourth Tuesday of every month, The Center for AIDS: Hope and Remembrance Project presents an "HIV/AIDS Treatment Mixer:' an informal treatment discussion and opportunity to ask questions, share information and compare notes, from 7-9 p.m. at 2700 Albany, Suite 205. For more info, call (713)527-8219. ' THE NEWEST "ADVANTAGETM" IN FLEA CONTROL Iri1 Eli' $249;er IiII mo .• 4 Door, Auto, Pwr. Windows, Pwr. Locks, Tilt, Cruise, Cassette& More! $329 per 1997 Dodge Caravan SAN ANTONIO MINING CO. 800 E. San Antonio EI Paso, Texas 79901 (915)533-9516 Vanity Mirrors 4 Door, Auto.NC. mo. $369per 1997 Chevy Suburban $449per 1997 Lexus ES300 539 per 1997 Volvo 850 4 Door. Auto. Pwr. Windows.Pwr, Locks. Tilt. Cruise, Cassette& More. mo. Auto. Front & Rear A/C. Cruise. Tilt. Alloy Wheels & More. mo. Moonroof, Windows. Pwr. Lock. Leather. Alloy Wheels & More. Next year's Texas Lesbian Conference will be held May 16-18 in Houston, and planning for the event has already begun. For more info, call (713)867-3934. Pwr. $ mo. • 1997 Accord LX. 36 mo. closed end lease. lst mo. refundable security deposit +TI&Ldue at lease inception totaling $1.777.05 35 additional mo. pyrms. at $249 Residual Value $13.569.50. 12Jx)(} miles/yr. IO¢ per excess mile. Option to purchase at end of lease. WAC ANTONIO TRY US...WE LEASE The Unity Foundation presents two new discussion groupS - a free spirituality group (not conventionally religious) that meets at the San Antonio AIDS Foundation, 818 Grayson, and "Alpha Lambda Omega:' a study and discussion group for Christians who want to apply Christian and biblical principles to their lives, which meets in the Pioneer Room of St. John's Lutheran Church, 502 E. Nueva. For on times and dates, call (210)734-UNITY. - PAGE 52 COMPARE OUR PRICES! 8 Cupholders, & More. Houston Gay & Lesbian Pride Week holds an executive meeting open to the public from 7-9 p.m. at the Metropolitan Multi-Service Center, 1475 W. Gray. For more info, call (713)529-6979 or access e-mail [email protected]://WWw. pridehouston.org/-pridehou. TWl OCTOBER 25 - OCTOBER 31 Your Auto Lease Professionals 1997 Honda Accord LX The Houston Professional Men's Association (formed to promote and expand the personal, business and social growth and opportunities of members) meets Friday, Nov. 1 at 7 p.m. at Saba Yega, 2607 Grant. The after-dinner guest speaker will be Doug Hord, who will speak on consumer debt counseling. Cost to attend is $20 per person; RSVP to Mike O'Donnell SAN PROLEASE i9¢ ALL MAKES • ALL MODELS U-GOT-IT Call Victor Lee Borba 216 S. Ochoa 713-290-1000 EI Paso, Texas 79901 (915)533-9510 1Wf OCTOBER 25 - OCTOBER 31 1996 1050 N. Post Oak Suite 240 Houston, Texas 1-800-498-7959 PAGE 53 TUX~()() t3ALL~I2~ Sales and Rentals Attend the Houston Black Tie Dinner, in style. / Free vest and shoe rental with designer tuxedo '/ Rentals as low as $39.95 '/ Gay owned, of course! It seemed like a good idea at the time. Alcohol. .. drugs ... depression ... a lot of people have problems. And we have the solutions. Pride Institute at Solutions was founded 10 years and 4,000 graduates ago. Today we are the nation's leader in providing mental health and addictions treatment to the gay, lesbian and bisexual communities. At Pride Institute at Solutions, you can comfortably deal with the most intimate issues affecting your life. And we also treat HIV/AIDSrelated stress and grief. A Man's Resort. Pools. Jacuzzi • • Gymnasium. "ling Mist. '. /replace. hing Always Qptional. S4S Warm Sa -~ 619/J'22-7993 if #' 550 800/732-7555 http://www.irt 619/327-6413 800 RESORT: Welcoming Men Be Bears, C/othflig Always Optio Warm Sands Drive, 619/320-7144 800/669-0?50 ':M:~i r ~;.X:"«:: PAGE 60 PAGE 61 BY C. LICHTENSTEIN OCTOBER25 • 31, 1996 SPECIAL "LIVE" CD TAPItooI'" ~·W'·'·']" X Tickets: $12 Advance/$15 Day Of show Advance Ticket purchase Recommended ~. capitol City (512)467 -2333 8120 Research Blvd. (At Anderson) AUSTltooI (FOrmallyThe La« stopl special Engagement For live CD Recording ELSA LANCHESTER BORN OCTOBER28,1902 If life seems a little more conquereble, give a great thank-you to Saturn and Pluto. These two movers and shakers "trine" to make all of our best efforts victorious. Strike while the planets are hot, kids; this type of magic doesn't come around too often. SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Even the most menial task will have a profitable payoff when Saturn trines Pluto. Queer Scorps should use their considerable strategic insights to plot and plan a financial attack from the deep trenches. I also advise a clear, sensible look at exercise and diet. Long-term profitability is in the stars now and you want to be able to celebrate in those tight leather chaps. SAGITIARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 22) Pastimes or side businesses may be the yellow brick road leading to Oz. Queer Sagsshould pursue any creative enterprise with mucho gusto during the Saturn/Pluto trine; I can almost guarantee that it'll lead to a new circle of influential acquaintances, momentous new beginnings and a new gay you. Drop those drab togs, darling; your entrance needs to be flashy and fabulous. CAPRICORN (Dec. 23 - Jan. 20) Gay Goats may feel like the sanitation workers of the zodiac as they haul all that psychic garbage out of their closets and dump it where it belongs. Liberation abounds! Even nasty home-related projects will meet with closure and success during the Saturn/Pluto trine. All your struggles have not been in vain, dear, queer Cap; get ready for a true sense of affirmation and personal satisfaction. AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19) The Saturn/ Pluto trine has an interesting effect on Aqueerians and their long-term goals. Prepare for an abrupt change in your life's patterns and a transformation of all you hold near and dear. New friends beat a path to your door, but avoid the lunatics; you are far too susceptible to powerfully delivered messages no matter how crazy. No, no, no; the Christian Coalition is not for you! PISCES (Feb. 20 - March 20) Pink Fish may feel swimmingly at home on their chosen career paths, but the Pluto/Saturn trine has a way of changing all best-laid plans for the better. This is a crucial time, friend; the planets prepare to pour the concrete foundation for your professional mansion. Make sure it has the best location with the best view. Examine your value system to make sure you'll be the true lavender you. ARIES (March 21 - April 20) Even the proudest of Rambos may have felt the tinge of self-doubt with dour Saturn casting an unflattering light on their self-images. Hunker in the shadows no more, cousin; Pluto-trine-Saturn pumps up your self-confidence, hands you a personal victory or two or three and brings the adoring world to your door in a big way. Thank goodness gay Ramswould never let all this adulation go to their heads .... TAURUS (April 21 - May 21) The most interesting aspect of the Pluto/Saturn trine is how you'll be able to blend the mystical, higher karma of service and devotion with down-to-earth sexual interaction. Maybe it PAGE 63 EXPLOSIVE EROTIC FANTASIESI 1-900I-GfT- HIM L.A.M.B.D.A. BOWLING DALLAS - Jello Shots, Daddy's Girls and Dynamic Duos hold the top three spots in the latest standings reported by L.A.M.B.DA Bowling. For the men, Paul Hollis bowled high scratch game of 237 and high scratch series of 645 and Dan Lynn bowled handicap game of 272 and handicap series of 705. For the women, Stacy Kimball bowled high scratch game of 222, handicap game of 282 and handicap series of 656, while Kelly Nolan bowled high scratch series of 508. For more info, call Keith at (Metro) (817) 267-9055. HOUSTON BILLIARDS HOUSTON - After 14 weeks of play, the top five teams in the Independent Billiard League Houston are Si Como No (Pastime), Yo Mama's (Outpost), Hot Pockets (VentureN), Nellie Times 3 (Cousins) and Bad Boys (Outpost). The top five players are Richard Chew (Montrose Mining Company), Billy Lea (OutposVYo Mama's), Carlos Romero (Pastime), Bob James (EJ's) and Joel Reyes (Outpost). HALLOWEEN SKATE HOUSTON - The Lambda Rollerskating Club holds its Halloween Skate/Heil on Wheels IVan Wednesday, Oct. 30, from 8-10 p.m. at Starlite Skating Academy, 8075 Cook Rd. Cash prizes will be awarded for the best costumes. Admission is $5, plus $1.50 for skates. For more info, call Keith at (713) 933-5818, or visit http://members.aol.com/ gayskate 1Ilambda.htm. LONGHORN BOWLING FORT WORTH - Where Is Uranus, Little Devils and Betty & the Boops are first, second and third in the latest standings reported by Longhorn Bowling. HOUSTON BOWLING HOUSTON - We Go There, The Eclectic Twits and Dog Tired hold the top three slots in Division 1 in the Montrose Monday Night Men's League, while in Division 2 it's Pearlized Sisters, Not So Easy Pickups and Coming Attractions. High scratch game of 247 Was bowled by both Chris Bennett and Steve Schoendienst. Dwayne Pavelka bowled high handicap game and Don Hausen high handicap series. For more info, call Tom at (713) 522-9612. The reports Place, Please game of 268 was bowled by Bob Roberts and series of 742 by Brian Elley. Randy Stanger bowled high handicap game and series for the men. For the women, Nancy Wintle bowled high scratch game of 212 and high handicap game and series and Peri Cain bowled high scratch series of 541. For more info, call Tom at (713)522-9612. Gutter Bumper has moved into first place in The Wednesday Night Mixers, followed by Party Line and We Come When You Call. For the men, high scratch game of 222 was bowled by Don Burken and series of 549 by Tom O'Dell. Steve Yarbrough bowled high handicap game and Ray High handicap series. For the women, Marla Aizenshtat bowled high scratch game of 193 and Terry Shannon series of 541. Nancy Wintle bowled both high handicap game and series. For more info, call Tom at (713)522-9612. TAZ Club is in first place in the Monday Night Women's League, followed by Lesboraces, Sappho Strikers and Marks A Lot. For more info, call Pat at (713)437-6218. For more info, call Tony at (817)283-8295. RAINBOWLERS DALLAS - After six weeks of play, Slip-ItIn, Li'l Rascals and Balls.Com hold the top three spots in the Rainbowlers bowling league. Jack Swartz bowled high scratch game of 215 and high scratch series of 599 for the men, while Judy Baker bowled both high scratch game of 145 and high scratch series of 411 for the women. Inner Loop Sunday Evening League that Macarena & Cheese is in first followed by We Go There Too and Don't Eat the Daisy. High scratch The Rainbowlers bowl on Tuesday nights at 8:30 at Bronco Bowl, 2600 Ft. Worth Ave. For more info, call Paul at (214)528-5813. -----------------------------------------------r~WTOOCCTcTO~B~ER~25~-~OXC:rTOO~BE~R~3~1 ~I%To~TnRcD0~_~~T~ccno' ,~, PAGE 74 ~ PAGE 75 EIGHTH BLACK TIE DINNER PART OF BUSY WEEKEND IN SAN ANTONIO Is There a Difference Between Democrats e and Republicans? PRESIDENT CLINTON'S RECORD BOB DOLE's REcORD »Endotsed ENDA: The Employment NonDiscrimination Act >Appointed over 100 openly gay and lesbian officials to Administration >Appointed 2 openly gay Cabinet Assistant Secretaries requiring Senate confirmation >Appointed 1st openly lesbian federal judge >Appointed 2 Supreme Court Justices that provided crucial votes against Colorado's anti-gay Amendment Two »Inuuued sexual orientation non-discrimination policies in all non-military agenCIes > Lifted the ban on security clearances based on sexual orientation > Increased funding for HlV / AIDS by 56% and increased Ryan White funding 186% >Fought to protect Medicaid and Medicare as federal entitlement programs > Initiated reasearch on teen suicide and sexual orientation >Opposes the inclusion of sexual orientation in federal civil rights statutes > Voted against the confirmation of openly lesbian Roberta Achtenberg as Ass't HUD Secretary > Voted against lifting the ban on gays in the military > Votedfor Sen. Jesse Helms amendment to the Ryan White Care Act to cut off funding to gay community health organizations > Voted to freeze Ryan White spending at 1995 levels despite increasing caseloads of people with HlV / AIDS > Vowed to end Medicaid as an entitlement program and turn control over to the states without federal guarantees or oversight > Votedfor Helms amendment to cut off federal funds to local schools with programs aimed at preventing anti-gay violence, HlV transmission, and gay teen suicide , • PAGE 76 Col. Margarethe Cammermeyer To Speak at Benefit for HRC, Other Charities. I SAN ANTONIO - A record turnout is antiCipated for the eighth annual San Antonio Black Tie Dinner, which will be held Saturday, Nov. 2, at the Marriott RiverCenter Hotel and which benefits the Human Rights Campaign and a number of participating organizations. Col. Margarethe Cammermeyer, whose story was depicted in the film Serving in Silence after she was forced out of the military because of her sexual orientation and was then reinstated by a judge, will be the featured speaker at the dinner. The evening starts with cocktails at 6 p.m., followed by dinner and later dancing with music provided by a deejay. Local jazz singer Ken Slavin, who has performed with Helen Reddy, also will perform. Jeff Sachse of Chicago, who is the CoDirector of the board of governors of the Human Rights Campaign, also will speak at the San Antonio dinner. The list of special guests also includes Tom Gaynor, HRC staff member for the Southern Region. The emcee will be Maria Elena Toralvo-Alonso, who works for the Hearst Corporation and is a potential San Antonio mayoral candidate. Individual tickets for this year's event are $145 now, and a crowd of 550-650 people is anticipated. Last year's event, the first held at the Marriott RiverCenter, drew a record 525 and raised nearly $50,000. In addition to its primary beneficiary, the Human Rights Campaign, this year's dinner will also help participating organizations such as the Alamo City Men's Chorale, the Esperanza Peace and Justice Center, the Lesbian/Gay Rights Lobby of Iexas the San Antonio AIDS Fo"ndatlon, the Texas Human Right, Fo"ndatlon, the Unity Foundation, the Wellness Connection and the San Antonio Equal Rights Political Caucus. The eighth annual dlnne, marks the flrst time corporate sponsors have come on board; they are the Gay & Lesbian Yellow . And the Gay & Lesbian V 5 k h LOU vote can ma e t e .. . Texas Nov. 5. You difference in whether Bill Clmton carnes. Vi' h Nov 1 Make your vmce heard: ote. can vote early now t ru .. Bet There ·' . A tinTX 78711 Pol.Ad.Pd by Tom Henderson & Chris Luna, P.O. Box 13083, us I TWT OCTOBER 25 - OCTOBER 31 1996 lWT OCTOBER 25 - OCTOBER 31 1996 II1II Pages and Zazu. Table captain Sponsors include the Hearst Corporation, the Bexar County Democratic Party and Constant Cravings. Letters of congratulations, welcome and support have been received from a variety of political officials, ranging from President Clinton to Bob BUllOCk, Gary Mauro, Dan Morales, John Sharp and Henry B. Gonzales. CO-Chairs of this year's dinner are Rick Martinez and Liz Flores. For tickets or more information, call (210)824-5178. The Black Tie Dinner will be part of a busy fund-raising weekend in San Antonio. The Walk for Life, sponsored by the San Antonio AIDS Foundation, takes place on Sunday, Nov. 3, starting and ending at Market Square. For more information on the Walk, call (210)225-4715. HOUSTONIAN CHOSEN PRESIDENT OF NAT'L NAMES PROJECT . Local Chapter Also Receives 'Friends of the Quilt' Award. WASHINGTON, DC _ A bit of history was made recently when a Houstonian was chosen to head the NAMES Project Foundation, which sponsors and coordinates displays of the AIDS Memorial Quilt. The Board of Directors of the organization, which is headquartered in San Francisco, elected Jackson Hicks as their new President at the Boa"", recent annual meeting, held d"clng the Oct. 11-13 display of the entire Quilt in WaShington, DC. Hicks' appointment marked the first time someone other than a resident of San Francisco has been chosen to head the national organization. "Jackson is well known for his generosPAGE 77 11111 ity and philanthropy, but has particularly embraced the Quilt," Perrie Dolph, who served as Volunteer Chair of the Hirshorn Museum (Central U.S.) Area of the Quilt display, said last week. "He will surely bring his trademark elegance and efficiency to the new job as National NAMES Foundation President." Hicks founded Jackson & Company Caterers, a special events production and catering firm, in 1981. He served as Chairperson of the NAMES Project Houston for two terms and as Display Chair for the 1990 Houston Quilt Display, has been a member of the National Board since 1992, is immediate past National Vice President and was Chair of "A Night to Remember," a black tie gala held Oct. 11 in Washington that raised over $1,000,000. Houston also found itself in the spotlight when the city's NAMES Project group was honored as Chapter of the Year by the national organization. The "Friends of the Quilt" Award was presented to David Jackson, Chairman of the Houston chapter, at "A Night to Remember." Dolph said the award was made "in recognition of the chapter's diligence in leading the way for its fight against AIDS." Six members of the Houston chapter had served as host chairmen for the Central Hirshorn Region. information, call (713)523-9611. The Black Tie Committee has announced that the 1996 Humanitarian Award will go to Frank Campisi (a former co-chair of the group) in recognition of his outstanding fund-raising efforts in the fight against HIV and AIDS. The 1996 Hollyfield Political Service Award will go to state Rep. Glen Maxey, recognized throughout Texas for his support of equal rights, environmental issues and consumer affairs. The Houston Black Tie Dinner emphasizes community needs and local beneficiaries. This year's event benefits 12 local and statewide organizations as well as one national group, the Victory Fund. The other beneficiaries are the Allan Calkin Fund, The Assistance Fund, The Bering Community Service Foundation, Body Positive/ Houston, the Lesbian Health Initiative, the Montrose Clinic, the Montrose Counseling Center, the NAMES Project Houston, Omega House, the People With AI DS Coalition Houston, PFLAG Houston and the Texas Human Rights Foundation. Last year, the Dinner netted over $100,000 for its beneficiaries. This year, the Committee anticipates even greater grants with an expected 1,1OO-plussell-out crowd in attendance. The evening will consist of a silent auction, cocktail hour, seated dinner, dancing and entertainment. VICTORY FUND HEAD KEYNOTES BLACK TIE DINNER IN HOUSTON Nov. 2 CHEER DALLAS SCHEDULES TRYOUTS FOR Nov. 10 State Rep. Glen Maxey, Former Event Co-Chair Frank Campisi to Be Honored. HOUSTON - As the 1996 Houston Black Tie Dinner Committee finalizes the details of its Nov. 2 gala, organizers say the event is shaping up to be the biggest and best the city has seen. Jonathan Wilson, Executive Director of The Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, has been announced as the keynote speaker, with New Orleans cabaret singer Mary Griffin and the Ed Gerlach Orchestra with Sharon Montgomery providing the evening's entertainment. The Dinner begins at 7 p.m. next Saturday in the former banking lobby of the First City Main Building, 1021 Main. There are still a few tickets available; for more PAGE 78 Year's Eve event." Since performances at the Alan Ross Texas Freedom Parade, AIDS LifeWalk, and the Texas/OU Street Party, Cheer Dallas has been overwhelmed with people interested in joining the squad, so attending one of the practice sessions could give a prospective member an edge over the competition. In addition to tryouts for the regular squad on Nov. 10, Cheer Dallas will also have official tryouts for people who want to be on the competition squad. "The competition squad will be participating in the NCA (National Cheerleaders Association) All-Star competition which will be held in February in Dallas," Jorns said. "We're espeCially looking for people with previous cheerleading or gymnastic experience." Participants in the tryouts will be judged on motion, technique, gymnastic capabilities and overall appearance as a performing cheer squad member. All practice sessions and tryouts will be held at Dallas Gymnastics. For more information, Cheer Dallas can be contacted at (214)922-9229. ROUND-UP FOR AIDS HANDS OUT CHECKS To '96 CHARITIES Christopher House, Pediatric AIDS League Share in Over $6,000 Raised at Sept. 21 Event. AUSTIN - The three groups that make up Round-Up for AIDS held an Appreciation Party for those who worked the daylong event at Dry Creek Equestrian Center, and also presented checks totaling over $6,000 to the primary AIDS/HIV-related charities for whom the benefit was held. Round-Up at the Ranch, Southern Country Austin and the United Court of Austin worked together for the first time on the event, held Sept. 21. They announced that $6,326.50 was raised, and presented Pediatric AIDS League and Christopher House with checks for $3,163.45 each during festivities last Sunday at 5th Street Station. Pep Squad Also Holds Practice Sessions This Sunday, Nov. 3. DALLAS - Dallas area gymnasts and cheerleaders will have an opportunity on Nov. 10 to join the nationally prominent Cheer Dallas gay and lesbian cheerleading squad. Interested participants are encouraged to attend one or both of the squad's practice sessions at 6:30 p.m. this Sunday, Oct. 27, and on Sunday, Nov. 3, at Dallas Gymnastics, 2620 Willowbrook. "The next two Sundays, we are inviting anyone interested in being a part of Cheer Dallas to come work out with us. They will see how we work out and how we do our "A lot of people put a lot of effort into this stunts," said founder Ken Jorns. "We also event, and we're grateful for everyone's want them to get an idea of what we do help and support," said Joanna JOhnson, besides the cheerleading. We also do President of Southern Country Austin. "We fund-raising events like Colossus, our NeW hope to make next year's event even bigger." Certificates of appreciation were presented to corporate sponsors such as 5th Street Station, Proteus, Rainbow Cattle Company, Charlie's, ROiling Rock Beer, Labnet and others; to entertainers Such as Murrah and Miss Xanna Don't and the Wanted; and to individual supporters like Colonel Bob. The checks were accepted by Bob Edelstein, board president of the Pediatric AIDS League, and by Don Massa of Christopher House. LOG CABIN HOUSTON ENDORSES Two IN LOCAL RACES Jeff Pynes, Sergio Trevino Supported in Runs for Constable, Justice of the Peace. HOUSTON - The local chapter of the Log Cabin Republicans has given its support to two GOP candidates in the general election. The candidates are Sergio Trevino, running for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1, Place 1, and Jeff Pynes, who is running for Constable in Precinct 1. "Both candidates showed us a commitment to equality under the law, regardless of sexual orientation, and that's what we are looking for in judges and in law enforcement," Gary Van Ooteghem, president of the Houston Log Cabin Hepubhcans, said last week. "We don't want any 'special rights,' just equal rights." Trevino and Pynes had screened with Log Cabin and appeared before the group to ask for its support on Nov. 5. Trevino told the group that he Opposes discrimination against gay and lesbian people and that he Proudly lists his gay SUpport along with that of others. Pynes pledged that he would institute a formal, written nondiscrimination policy protecting gays from discrimination in his office. He also promised to begin sensitivity training for officers under his command to encourage them to treat gay people with civility and respect - a procedure Van Ooteghem said the incumbent Constable, Jack Abercia, has failed to institute. A motion to endorse presidential candidate Bob Dole caused extensive debate within the group, but eventually failed by a two-to-one margin . .-" I ::-.... TWf OCTOBER 25 - OCTOBER 31 1996 1WTOCTOBER ?Ii _ ()rT(")RorJ , 1 HY>< -.. PAGE 79 HOUSTON TEA - Everyone is gearing up for Halloween, especially the family of clubs at 800 Pacific. Their "Curse of Ancient Egypt" block party features street parade costume contests tomorrow and next Thursday at 9:45 p.m. The outrageous Randall [obe [above, r], caught camping it up with JR'sdeejay Doug Barnes [I], will emcee these outdoor competitions. They'll be giving away over $10,000 in cash, prizes, tickets and trophies. Just follow the searchlights .... At Heaven, "The Pharaoh's Afterlife" brings you Saturday and Thursday costume contests at 11:30 p.m. In addition to all these holiday festivities, Heaven continues to bring you five nights of exciting entertainment with Video Rewind Wednesdays, Boy Bar Thursdays featuring amateur strip competition, Fierce Fridays, International Underground Saturdays and Super Show Sundays. Recently, hostesses Across the street, the Montrose Mining Company invites you to witness "The Revenge of The Sphinx." Costume contests on Saturday and Thursday at 11:30 p.m. offer more cash and prizes to the winners. Every Sunday, Brian Smith, Michael Draemer and Joey Reid [below, I-r], along with all the other men of the Mine, serve up reduced price longnecks and well drinks, as well as that delightful draft beer and frozen margarita Double Bust.. .. Tomorrow night, The Club presents the return ofThe Fog Party.A delicious catered buffet will sustain you as you feel your way through an evening of steamy excitement. The fun begins at 11 p.m .... Sunday, '70s Escape on Monday, Leisure Suit Tuesday,Tie-Dyed Wednesday and Psychedelic Explosion on Thursday. Of course, shameless Caged Heat dancers like Maverick [left] will be strutting their stuff all week long .... The BRB wants you to come down and experience "Horror On Brazos Street" at their preHalloween party tomorrow night and at their costume contest on Thursday. This Sunday, Lady Victoria Lust celebrates her birthday with a extra special benefit for the Colt 45's Stone Soup Fund. Special guests for the evening will be the one and only Right Sisters of Austin .... Imagine being surrounded by hundreds of good-looking men and suddenly, the lights go out. This fantasy can become a reality at the Midtowne Spa's "Dim All The Lights" flashlight party next Friday, Nov. 1. Midtowne also offers half-price rooms every Monday and Wednesday.... ,. l'""""""" Kofi [above, c] and Kourtney Van Wales [I], along with club manager Jerry Resseque [r], welcomed crowd-pleasers Whitney Paige and Jennifer St. John [back, I-r] .... JR's "Museum of Frightening Artifacts" will also have Saturday and Thursday costume contests at 11 p.m. This Sunday, the party continues with The Mummy's Karaoke at 6 p.m. and a swimsuit male strip contest at 11 p.m. The highlight of the weekend will be at 9 p.m. Sunday when The Houston Black Tie Dinner Committee announces the lucky winner of their Ford Mustang giveaway. Time is running out, so get your raffle tickets now .... PAGE 80 Rascals is having three days of traditional Halloween revelry. Tomorrow at midnight and next Thursday at 10:30 p.m., their costume contests offer big cash prizes. This Sunday, the Mr. and Miss Halloween contest will crown the sexiest man and the most beautiful drag queen. Don't forget about the club's exciting Wednesday night Lil' Rascal male strip contest. Last week, we found pageant promoter Craig Henderson [above, r] getti ng cozy with rowdy rascal Victor [I] .... The 611 is hosting two giant Halloween parties filled with prizes and surprises tomorrow and Thursday. The club's weekly schedule features Sunday brunch, Hamburger Thursdays, Pizza Fridays and male dancers on Fridays and Saturdays.... Are you ready for the ultimate trip? Pacific Street's Halloween extravaganza is a six-day journey that includes Flashback Friday tonight, Erotic, Exotic & Psychedelic tomorrow, Decades of Decadance on ii6 TWT OCTOBER 25 - OCTOBER 31 1 As predicted, thousands of people converged upon Montrose for the Fall Westheimer Street Festival. Between performances at Mary's Rooftop Revue, we snapped this photo of the newly-crowned Miss Central TexasWorld Roxanne Lee Love and the ever-popular Lee Chardon [above, i-r]. It was so much fun, we can hardly wait for the next one.... Starting tonight, The Ripcord transforms itself into "The Haunted Gay Bar On . Fairview." This spooky spectacle culminates with a costume contest next Thursday at midnight. We don't think butch men in black leather are frightening, do you? .. Gentry promises to be your Halloween headquarters with costume contests on Saturday at midnight, Sunday at 10:30 lWr OCTOBER p.m. and Thursday at 11 p.m. as well as a "Chills and Thrills" holiday show, hosted by Emperor XIII candidate Jerel McNeil, and a Gremlins & Goblins male strip contest this Sunday. Fall has descended upon us, but Gentry continues to sizzle with male strip contests every Wednesday and Bad Boy dancers all week long .... The Outrage "Disco de los Muertos" party tomorrow night at Rich's is definitely one of the most highly anticipated events of the Halloween season. Their costume contest features $500 in prizes. Party proceeds will benefit the PWA Coalition and the Pet Patrol.... Next Friday, Nov. 1, The Loving Arm-y presents a Casino Night benefit for the Loving Arms Foundation Day Care Center at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, 2222 West Loop South. Gaming begins at 8 p.m. The high roller of the evening will receive a grand prize trip for two to LasVegas. For more info, call (713)849-5558. SAN ANTONIO TEA - Hopefully, by the time you read this, Wild Club will have reopened and promises to be better than ever! Owner Jimmy Lee frightl took HOT TEA on a tour of the club and we assure you, it will definitely be worth the wait. Make your plans to be at the Wild on Halloween night for their huge blowout featuring free well drinks all night long, huge cash prizes and a balloon drop. By the way, TWT needs to clarify an error in last week's magazine. The drink specials advertised for Woody's actually should have applied to Wild Club, which was not yet opened. We regret the error and any inconvenience it may have caused. Upstairs at ReBar, you are invited to experience San Antonio's hottest 25 - OCTOBER 31 1996 PAGE 81 II, I. levi/leather cruise spot. There's nothing else like the Wild Corner anywhere in Texas.... The Saint is known far and wide as the home of some of the most beautiful female impersonators in Texas, but the men are ~<cll@@ U IfU©o Open 10 am . 10 pm Mon .. Sat .• Noon- 9 pm Sun. 8546 BROADWAY AT CHEEVER (210)821.5345 • SAN ANTONIO 50% OFF Second Item! See Store For Details equally as hot, as evidenced by our CRUISE CAMERA photo of sexy dancer Adrian and Atlanta mogul Lou Haskell [above, I-rl. Saint's Halloween line up includes the return of deejay Oscar Reyna and giveaways all night for VCRs and TV sets. Speaking of TVs, the club's show that night features Victoria West, Erica Andrews, Melissa Crawford and Layla LaRue. Coming up at the club: The Baton Showbar of Chicago presents a huge benefit for the Tandi Andrews Benevolent Fund on Tuesday, Nov. 12. Then, on Nov. 17 David Alvarado and New Generation Productions present Miss Tri-States.. " Eagle Mountain Saloon's Halloween activities include an Oct. 31 carnival sponsored by The Firedancers and a costume contest at midnight. Add all of this to their weekly lineup of drink specials and you have a combination that can't be beat. It's no wonder that EMS is one of San Antonio's favorite nightspots, both with locals and those traveling Texas.. " Make it a point to stop by Silver Dollar next Friday night and wish owner Joe Ganey a happy birthday. Joe'sone of our favorite people and does an awful lot for the gay community of San Antonio. The club's happy hour from 2-9 p.m. daily is extremely popular as is their Trash Disco with deejay Ron every Sunday beginning at 4 p.m .... Be sure and be at the Pegasusthis Sunday, Oct. 27. That's when Miss TGRA candidate Destiny Harper hosts the first annual Princess of the Pegasus,a benefit for the Bullfrog Benevolence Fund, beginning at 9 p.m. While you're there, ask about the changes that are planned for the bar in the coming weeks, including renovations to the back bar.... "!.i!~D AT LOCUST (210)472.2800 • SAN ANTONIO www.zebraz.com THAT'S WHAT FRIENDS ARE FOR A Benefit in Loving Memory of Chuck Rogers Friday, October 18 IMPERIAL COURT DE FORT WORTH/ARLINGTON SHOW with emcee Caress Riata Saturday, October 26 DALLAS TGRA SHOW with emcee Kris Hamby Thursday, October 31 STELLA & HER GHOULS St'"e11a's Star Searclc.::. Costume Contest at M~ight MONDAYS • Poo' Tournament TUESDAYS • f~Ilebox T(1aOke , \\I~ WEDNESOAYS Over the Edge with Bob THURSDAYS Stella's Star Search with emcee Stella Welfelt FRIDAYS • Caress & Friends with emcee Caress Riata SATURDAYS Welfelt Productions Super Show with emcees Stella Welfelt & Caress Riata 1851 W. DIVISION ARLINGTON, TEXAS (817)275-9651 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26 lO:30PM-CLOSE Hosted by Kris Hamby, Danny Nugent & the Staff of the 651 Arlington ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT ARLINGTON A.O.C. HOUSING Featuring performances by Stuart Michaels Tiffane Rene, Kris Hamby Danny Nugent, CiCi Reese Brianna Allan, Nikki The Lady Hawk, Taylor Vaughn Reuben Robles, Eartha Quake Bruce McDonald, Wade LaTasha LaMore Tim Davenport, Lloyd Mistrot Kevin and many, many more special entep,;;J:f ·"1' Joey [below] looks proud of Zebra'z beautiful new mural, as well he should be. Iii Ii San Antonio is indeed fortunate to have stores of the caliber of Zebra's and Encore Video serving the needs of our community. This is your last week to take advantage of their special discount of 25% off all magazines in stock. Next month that same special applies to all lubes - see store for details .... Dick Kader and the staff of the 2015 welcome the TGRA in a special benefit show on Thursday, Oct. 31. Make sure you're there to see this one on Halloween night. ... EI Jardin bartender Billy Walker wants everyone to come out and compete in three categories on Halloween in their annual contest. He'll be serving up the wickedest witches' brew in town. That will definitely put the spirit into your party. .. t ~ ,. ~\,, 1"" : ~ " .". • c· '~E/~~j " ( ....V,J.. ., 1.,. '" :.~: ..::~~ ~~;~<~~,5d.':~" . '~':;\*'.. -4\', .•••• ~·~~,f ..•• to .~;~'(( ·~~~;·~t:Q?~;~,. , :''~ '-' Flawlessness was the word of the evening as 5th Street Station hosted the Miss Austin World 1996 Pageant Oct. 15. Sharing the spotlight were [above, clockwise from back left] Miss Texas World at Large Jill Jordan, Miss Texas World Yolanda, first runner-up and Miss Travis County World Kelly Kline, this year's winner [arne Perry and second runner-up and Miss Central Texas World Roxanne Lee Love. We hope you're getting ready for the Karaoke Fiends of the Night party Oct. 31; so many prizes and contests, with proceeds from the tip bucket going to Christopher House. Karl Thomas was his usual flawless self in last Sunday's Showcase; this Sunday's special guest is Jordan Scott.... AUSTINteaCIOUS This Saturday, Oct. 26, is going to be a big day at Chain Drive, our favorite leatherman's library. It's the Black Hole Underwear Party,with doors opening at 4 p.m, and free flashlights and glow necklaces to the first 150 people after 8. There also will be another Full Moon Contest tomorrow night at 11, with prizes and surprises. We plan to check our clothes at the door and have a huge time! Dynamic Dave the manager also has big plans for the patio's facelift; go see how far they've gone at Sunday's cookout.. .. We meet so many fun-loving new faces at Charlie's that we just never can keep them all straight (so to speak). Meanwhile, we're looking forward to the huge homecoming party this Sunday night for Austin's own Lauren Taylor, the new Miss Gay America 1997, who won the title last week in North Carolina. We are so proud of you, girl! Pauletta Leigh and Sabrina Ross sparkled in last week's Showtime; and now the Queen returns! Charlie's also has big plans for its X-Files Halloween, with costume contests at midnight Thursday the 31st and again Friday the 1st - along with cash prizes! And there are dancers 10:30 p.m.-2 a.m. every Wednesday .... They're also celebrating Halloween in a big way up at 'Bout Time, beginning with the Monster Mash preview show at 10:30 p.m, this Saturday. The annual Haunted House creaks opens from 9 p.m.midnight Monday, Oct. 28, and the fun continues the next three nights as well with all proceeds to Project Transitions .... - The Friday Night Happy Hour male dancers and drag show at Blue Flamingo have become a huge success in a very short time. This place really lives up to its reputation for the best "live music and livelier people," as we found out when we went bonkers with [above, I-r] Ken, John, Jeremy, Deanna and Stan. Miss Laura is already making huge plans for her two-day TWT OCTOBER 25 - OCTOBER 31 PAGE 84 i9Q6 ;Jffi Birthday Blowout Nov. 13-14. There's a spooky benefit show/party coming up Tuesday the 29th; check it out.... The hunks down at Rainbow Cattle Company are getting ready for Nashville country and western recording artist Jeff Miller's shows at 9 and 11 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 3; no cover, y'all! Meanwhile, the fun continues with nearly nonstop happy hour specials, football and more on their big screen, Margie's Famous Steak Night from 7-9 p.m. Thursdays and the Chuck Wagon Buffet from 4-9 p.m. Sundays.... If you haven't met new Oilcan Harry's happy hour bartenders David and J.D., you're missing something special. We were sorry to see Kelly and Ed go, but these new bar gods helped ease the pain. Secretive Freeman is keeping the Halloween Party plans on the hush-hush, but you can bet the 31st will be a night to remember.... FOOT-LONG NOTEBOOK: General Manager Kevin Campbell [below, I] and owner Doug Foreman [r) threw a third anniversary party for their club Proteus that we'll never forget; way to go, guys, and many more!. ..We also had a grand time as Phobia (formerly Ohms) officially opened its doors with nonstop fun thanks to Miss Topaz and company .... The Midtowne Spa Austin is holding a Flashlight Party at 9 p.m. this Sunday, Oct. 27, featuring the Demon Dancers. And there's a Halloween Party at 9 p.m. Friday, Nov. 1. There are also dancers Friday through Sunday starting at 9 p.m., and amateur contests with cash prizes at 9 p.m. every Monday. Now those are our kind of workouts!. ..The United Court of Austin threw an elegant little masked party called "A Big Piece of Love" last Sunday at Kansas, raising about $400 for the Christopher House Wings Project and Breast Cancer Research.The busy, busy Court has the Trudy and Topaz Show scheduled for Wednesday the 30th at 'Bout Time; for a fuller event rundown, call their hotline at (512)292-9495. DALLAS TEA - Still don't have a costume? Then you might want to hurry in to Union Jack because Juicy's got her own designs on sale. Her sewing machine has been wheezing and smoking from all the extra use it's gotten to get costumes ready for the Halloween street party. Stop by and pick something out to wear. You'll be glad you did .... Caven Enterprises' Tx/OU Street Party was a huge success again this year. Fansof both teams (and even some nonpartisan partiers) filled the streets for a night of pep and spirit [above). This weekend, Caven's pulling out all the stops for Halloween Street Party '96. Once again, the street will be closed off for your roaming pleasure. Donna Day will be on hand to host the costume parade as well as a live performance by the popular "Naked Barbi." It's all happening tomorrow night, so do whatever it takes to get there .... Buddies II is celebrating their 12th anniversary tonight. Make sure you go by and congratulate Sandy and her staff. Tomorrow night you could be a winner in their Halloween costume contest, with random judging throughout the evening. Photography by Sundie Evanswill be available for portraits to capture your costume. Check it all out starting tonight at Buddies 11.... Halloween hauntings are happening this week at the Mortuary On Maple when the Ice Factory presents their bone chilling costume contest this Saturday, Oct. 26 with emcee China Blue as judging begins at 11:30 p.m. You can compete for over $500 in cash prizes in your choice of four frightening categories. Then dance the night away with extra-long after hours.... Ida Poppter's Gay Singled Out at Moby Dick [right) has set the dating world on fire. Happy couples have been brought together thanks to the awesome Sunday night event. Every week there are new guests performing and making appearances. You missed out if you didn't see Mr. Gay Dallas All-American Louis Bradford come down the stairs in drag. Talk about a show-stopper! Don't forget to cruise by this weekend and see your Moby favorites in their Halloween best and Wayne Smith coordinating costumed contestants competing for $500 in four categories on Saturday starting at 10 p.m. Sign up early at 8 p.m. Moby's Brett Hunter will be around, but look carefully - he might be disguised as his alter ego Dewanna Bea Star. As always, the balcony's a frightfully great place to catch all the action .... The Halloween festivities at Village Station won't end when this weekend is over. Your share of $600 in prizes is just waiting for you if you've got the best costume around on Thursday night. The preliminaries begin at 10:30 p.m. with a ghoulish midnight showdown between the winners of the contests at the other Caven bars. It'll be truly spooktacular. Speaking of great, check out Rich Rangnow, Chuck Edwards and Derrick Nix [above, l-rJ. They've already got their costumes ready to be the "Three Hunketeers." ... Throckmorton Mining Company is getting ready for a wild Halloween weekend and you won't want to miss a moment. Stop in and show off your costume while enjoying one of their many "witch's brews;" they've got 16 of 'em on tap. If you've seen Twister, you have an idea of what they have planned for you at TMC this week. The men at the Mine are going to really blow you away.... Hidden Door's Halloween costume contest, beginning at midnight tomorrow, features cash prizes in three categories. Tony and guys give you a great time all the time anyway; but this week should be extra special, with all those hunks running around in disguise. Who knows what you might find when things go bump in the night! Don't you dare miss it.. .. • • - Always cheerful, always fun, always camera shy. Yes, those are good ways to describe Chili Pepper [left], one of the fine group of guys at the RoundUp. Love the mum, Chili! Don't forget to stop in this weekend and show off your Halloween spirit. Thanks to the time change, you can stay even longer than usual this Saturday night. Join the Round-Up for a great Halloween Costume Contest Thursday night at 10 p.m. with Michael Lee.... The Dallas Eagle gang will be partying hard this Saturday with their costume contest in full swing at midnight. Stop in and see what leather fantasy you might like to receive in your Halloween bag this year. The selection of tricks and treats should be quite scrumptious, from what we know about Matt and his friendly staff. Make Dallas Eagle your halloweekend destination .... JR's is gearing up for Halloween, as well. On Halloween night, Oct. 31 there'll be an invasion out-of-this-world "H31 "costume contest at 10 p.m. The winner of that contest will then proceed to the grand finals at Village Station at midnight. If you win, it'll be something to sing about, which is just what Richard Tamez [rightJ would probably do. He recently serenaded the crowd at one of JR'sfamous Sunday Karaoke nights. Wanda's Wednesday Pool tournament has not only moved to 8:30 p.m., but the format is also changing. Wanda tells us that from now on "Anything Goes;" it'll add more variety to the weekly action .... Bamboleo's becomes BamBOOleo's this weekend with Halloween fun Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. Come dressed to thrill all weekend long for three nights of mayhem. Enjoy the best Spanish disco on Sunday night, too. Then head back on PAGE 89 Halloween night for an exciting costume contest with $500 in prizes to the winners in four different categories. It all starts at 11 p.m .... Crews Inn dancer Laron [right] recently showed off his "Hunky God" costume, receiving no complaints from anyone at the bar. Your chances to show off your best costume are coming up Saturday night and Halloween night. Just wear the spookiest, kookiest, grooviest thing you can find and join hostess Deva Sanchez for a wild night of masquerade madness. The judging begins at midnight. ... It's official. "The Club Formerly Known As... " is once again Starck and to celebrate, they're hosting their Masquerade Ball this Sunday, Oct. 27 beginning at 10 p.m. Deejays Freeze and Mary XTC will be on hand along with hosts Ang and Licorice Girl, who encourage everyone to come in costume and their most flamboyant attire. There's no cover all night.. .. The Metro welcomes the 18 and over crowds to the club every night. This Saturday, Ray and the Metro crew present Nightmare on Elm Street II with lots of scary surprises pulsing all night long. Catch the hottest ticket in town during Monday Madness talent night with the incomparable Deva Sanchez and some incredible talent.. .. Alternatives of New Fine Arts always has more than a handful of great gay videos in stock, calendars, cards, gifts, clothing, the latest magazines and so much more. In fact, they have Texas' largest selection of videos for sale and rental. Just ask manager Mark Lock [above] for your favorite title and he'll do his best to get you fixed up .... TEXAS TERROR-TELETYPE - Goodtime Lounge just North of Big D in Dennison has a Halloween party planned for PAGE 90 Saturday, but you'll want to make your way back next Saturday for their annual Miss Texoma Trailer ParkTrash Pageant and Texas-size hair contest starting at 8 p.m. Don't miss it. ... David's in Waco will be the place for costumed contestants from around central Texas to congregate on Halloween night to try for cash prizes. The club opens at 8 p.m. and Mario will be spinning his haunting web of hit music at 9 p.m. Go see what the lucky pumpkins have in store for you. PAGEANT TEA - If there's any doubt in your mind that Texas is home to the nation's top female impersonators, take note of what occurred last Sunday night: superstars from the Lone Star State took top honors in two national pageants, both held Oct. 20. In Charlotte, North Carolina, gorgeous and talented Lauren Taylor of Austin won the twenty-fifth annual Miss Gay America title. First runner-up honors went to Laken Edwards of Dallas, while Kofi of Houston was named Miss Congeniality. We'll have lots of MGA pageant photos next week. In San Antonio, Stacey Holliday of Midland [below, cl Dallas. HONDO PARK 2544 Hondo Avenue (214)522-8436 1-1 studios, lofts, flats, bills paid, controlled access, skyline views, pool, spa, quiet lifestyle complex and caring management. ~ OAK LAWN $475 (214)526-3387 Large deluxe 1 bedroom/2 bedrooms, new decor. All bills paid. 2707 Shelby. FOR RENT Dallas. THE ESTABLISHMENT APTS. "Quiet Courtyard Living" • Unique floor plans • Individual heaVair conditioning • 2 swimming pools • On-site managemenVmaintenance • Oak Lawn (214)528-3531 Austin. Carlton Properties. Live where your lifestyle is appreciated. Two apartment communities in Austin. (512)444-1229 Dallas. Downtown professionals: upscale t-oedroom condo. All amenities, including washer/dryer, microwave, fireplace, pool. Quiet on-site management, $450/month. Call John (214)824-1520 Dallas. Thunderbird Residences 4701 Cedar Springs (214)528-7202 Quality Apartment Homes with Great Service. Now Leasing Dallas. 2/1 in Parkdale at 6222 Belgrade Ave. $450/mo. (972)980-0060, (214)275-5571, Loretta. Dallas. OAK LAWN $500+ (214)528-7993 Large, deluxe, 1 & 2 bedrooms. Small gated complex with pool in prestigious Oak Lawn neighborhood. 4335 Cedar Springs #109. Dallas. OAK LAWN $475+ (214)522-8693 Beautiful older stately bUilding. Deluxe 1 & 2 bedrooms, newly decorated. 2817 Shelby. Dallas. OAK LAWN $425 (214)559-4999 Large deluxe efficiency 1 bedroom, 2 bedrooms, and some townhouses and hardwood. 2610 Knight St., #102. Dallas/Houston. FREE SERVICE Dallas: Leasing or buying-we do both. We have two-bedrooms, $600 and up; one-bedrooms, $430; efficiency, $325. Houston: We have two-bedroom studios, $500 bills paid; one-bedrooms, $400; effiCiency, $300; some with washer/dryer, alarms, pool, microwave. FIND IT Dallas. OAK LAWN $475+ (214)599-9234 Small, quiet complexes, north of Lemmon. NeWly decorated one bedrooms. 4227 Bowser #104. Dallas. OAK LAWN $475+ (214)522-9957 Newly decorated, large deluxe 1 & 2 bedrooms. Established Oak Lawn neighborhood. 2606 Shelby #116. swept the field of big and beautiful entertainers and won the Miss Gay USofA at-Large Pageant, held at the Saint. First runner-up was multitalented Chevelle Brooks of Houston [I], while Dena Cass lrl Dallas. OAK LAWN $395 (214)559-4119 Large deluxe 1 bedroom flat & townhouses, some with fireplaces and 600 + large deluxe 2 bedroom. All central air. Large renovated 1 bedroom-2 bedroom, secure parking. 2612 Throckmorton (214) 559-4119. Dallas. OAK LAWN $395 (214)528-5056 Large deluxe efficiency, 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom immaculate, new decor. 4301 Hartford #124. Dallas. THE TECALI 4533 Cedar Springs (214)521-3674 In the heart of Oak Lawn. Offering 24 unique floorplans. Unusual landscaping with towering trees. Equal Housing Opportunity. Dallas. Munger Historic District, 1940s, hardwood floors, alarm, 1/1, dishwasher, tile, sublet. References required. $700/mo. (214)823-3046. placed as second runner-up. Stacey is also pictured above with Miss Gay USofA Natasha Richards [I] and last year's winner Chelsea Pearl [rl. Congratulations from all of us at HOTTEA. TWT OCTOBER 25 - OCTOBER 31 1996 I TWr OCTOBER 25 - OCTOBER 31 1996 FIND IT APARTMENT LOCATORS-REALTY DALLAS CALL HOUSTON CALL (214)520-2300 (713)266-1460 (800)947-7086 (800)259-8558 Dallas. THE CONSTANTINE 3210 Carlisle (214)651-0666 One and two bedroom residences in prestigious Turtle Creek. A community where your lifestyle is appreciated. Equal Housing Opportunitv. Fort ,•. vvortn. GO WEST-LIVE THE GOOD LIFE WITH US!! AT WESTRIDGE APARTMENTS. Live in park-like setting, Beach Volleyball, Pool and beautiful Clubhouse. 1BR/l BA Eff, from $285, 1BR/l BA from $330, 1BR/l BA Loft from $375, 2BR/2BA from $480. FP, vaulted ceilings, some WID connections. WESTRIDGE APARTMENTS, 8841 Avril Court (off Portales), (817)244-3680. Houston. Small complex near downtown/Med Center. EffiCiency, plus dining area, hardwoods, spacious rooms. $325. Special: First two weeks rent free! Olympus/Nelson Property Management. (713) 622-4805. Houston. Highrise, $500 (713)523-3100. Agent. move-in. Eckman Houston. River Oaks 1/1, $440. Eckman (713) 523-3100. Agent. Houston. Townhomes $800-$1,000, wid, ca/h. Eckman (713)523-3100. Agent. Houston. Free locating. (713)523-3100. Agent. Houston. 3/3/2 townhouse, $1,500. Eckman (713)523-3100 Agent. PAGE 91 Houston.Westbury Square, 11540 Chimney Rock, 1/1 downstairs condo, over 800 s/f, gray carpeting, cable TV, covered parking, gates, more. $475 bills paid. $475 deposit. Aqent (713)729-7077. Houston. Montrose 2-story townhome, 212'/" central a/h, wId connections. Secured courtyard with pool. Undercover parking. $850 month. (713) 526-2450. Houston. Heights. Spacious 2-bd. newly refurbished duplex. All amenities, WID connection plus utilities. (713)862-2205. Houston. WestburySq~iownhomes: Rentals from $450, sale from $16,000. Some owner financing. Call Jack (713)729-1599. Agent. Houston. Montrose 1-1-1, LR and den, overlooking courtyard. Very large upper duplex, newly renovated, hardwood floors and more. $595. (713) 521-1762 Houston. Montrose 1-1 in small complex. Ca/h, dishwasher, off-street parking. Cute garden setting. $425. Olympus/Nelson Property Management. (713)622-4805. Houston. Apartment Locator: blympus/Nelson offers fast, free, friendly service. (713)622-4805 or (800)677-8690. Houston. Montrose efficiency in great complex. Pool, gated and covered parking. Only $350. Olympus/Nelson Property Management. (713)622-4805. Houston. Midtown/Med. Center, 2/1 loftltownhome. High ceilings, lots of windows, garage parking, onsite laundry, fireplace and dishwasher. $650. (713) 622-4805. Houston. River Oaks/Montrose. Spacious 2 br., updated, new kitchen and appliances w/icemaker. Small pet okay. Small complex w/pool. $575/mo., 1 br. $425/mo. Now available. (713)521-3624. Houston. Great deal! 2 bedroom, all bills paid unit, WID in quiet complex. (713)688-8845 or pgr. (713)762-7343. Houston. Montrose: One bedroom apartment, $400. Central air, ceiling fans, cable, locked gates, covered parking. Small, quiet complex. (713) 999-9991, (713)864-6450. Houston. Westbury Square, 11550 Chimney Rock, 2/1'/, townhome, approximately 1,280 s/f, wId included. Free cable TV, covered parking, gates, more. $725 bills paid. $725 deposit. Pets case basis. Agent (713)729-7077. Houston. Gay Montrose - Upscale 2/2 with new high-efficiency appliances, central a/c, wId and icemaker. Small pet okay. Covered parking, immediate move-in. $850/mo. (713)521-3624. Houston. Woodland Heights, near Downtown: Two bedrooms, $525. One bedroom, $425. Efficiency, $300. Central air/heat, pool, sauna, ceiling fans, cable, laundry. (713)999-9991, (713)864-6450. FOR SALE Dallas. For Sale/Lease ($1,200): 2150 sf Townhouse, 3/3, MSTR STE, 2 WBFP, Hot Tub, Security, Covered Parking, all appliances, immed. avail. (214)363-6670. Abrams/LBJ. Houston. Westbury Square, 11540 Chimney Rock Rd. Owner financing available, 1/1 downstairs condo, over 1,800 s/f, fresh paint and new carpeting. $18,500 firm. 10% down, 10% interest, 20-year note. Agent (713)729-7077. Houston. LOCATION, SETIING, EASY FINANCING. 2'/, Condo, 1-10/Chimney Rock; appliance upgrades, creek and pool view beyond large deck. (409)927-1159 for details. PAGE 92 WestDury Square, 11550" Chimney Rock Rd., owner financing available, 2M townhouse, approximately 1,280 s/f, fresh paint, new tan carpeting, appliances included. $37,500, 10% down, 10% interest. Agent (713)729-7077. Houston. Dallas-Fort Worth. Published photographer seeks in shape guys for B&W nude poses/color magazine work. You: 18+/great shape. No experience necessary but it helps. Fee or prints. (972)293-5311. Dallas. ROOMMATES Oak Lawn. Roommate wanted. 2/1 Y, townhouse, $350. All bills paid. (214)522-1501. Houston. Roommate wanted: Southwest home, 2 bath, pool, $275 plus 'I, utilities. GWM, Bill, (713)773-1873. Daytime. Houston. Share Heights house, $250 & Y, bills. 2 bedroom,1 bath. (713)861-2697. Houston. Eastwood. To share 2/1 duplex. $325. All bills paid. Randy (713)228-5506. Houston. GWM couple seeks roommate to share large 3-bedroom home with den. Just outside 610 Loop, Oak Forest area. Furnished bedroom with cable. Must like dogs, nice neighborhood. HIV OK. $375 a month including all utilities. Call (713) 681-6292. Houston. Share 3/2 S.w. home. Male preferred, references, $275 deposit, $275 month+'13 utilities (713)879-8573. Houston. Roommate to share large home. $400 includes shared utilities. Gary, (713)524-4343. Houston. Male sharing 4-2 house, on-street parking, near 1-45 between Almeda/Baybrook malls. $225 bills paid, including maid! No smoking, drugs, pets. Little alcohol. Larry, (713)922-9222.5-9 p.m. Irving. Come join us! Spacious 6 bedroom house with pool! $350. -electrlc, Dennis (214)399-0041. EARN UP TO $1,000+ PER WEEK! By working a few hours a couple nights part time. This is FUN work and no experience is necessary. Call Don Dallas. HELP WANTED Hiring experienced floral designer for fast-paced shops. FIT, good benefits. (817)277-8166. Brian. Arlington. Bartenders, doorpersons & Bar Backs. Apply with recent photo to manager Arlington 651. 1851 West Division. (817)275-9651. Dallas. THE MARKET ANTIQUES AND HOME FURNISHINGS Corporate Office has an entry level position available in accounts payable. 1-2 years office experience a plus. Call (214)748-0472. Dallas. ARTISTIC VISIONS by GREG seeking attractive models, under 30, for Classic Erotic Male Photography and/or free Video Screen Test. (214) 522-8700. Dallas. MOVing Co. drlversihelpers needed. (214)314-8535 (pager) Arlington/Fort Worth. Dallas. ROUND-UP SALOON Accepting Applications FULL-TIME DOORMAN and WEEKEND BUSSER Pick up application and return with recent photo Wednesday through Sunday after 8PM 3912 Cedar Springs Road Dallas. Nightclub personnel. Join the winning team ...Applications for Moby Dick and Ice Factory now being accepted THURSDAY ONLY at 2429 Reagan #110. Call Laurie at (214)520-2497 for appointment. Recent photo required. Dallas. Bartenders wanted for Crews Inn and Zippers. Call David Moore at (214)824-4749. TWT OCTOBER 25 - OCTOBER 31 1996 Dallas. 1-800-919-2200 Male dancers. Oklahoma City engagements. Randall (817)320-1442. Dallas. MANAGERS, ASS'T. MANAGERS FOR OAK LAWN APARTMENT BUILDINGS. 2612 THROCKMORTON #124 (214)528-7992 Dallas. ESTABLISHED SPECIALIZED MOVING AND STORAGE COMPANY IS NOW INTERVIEWING FOR FULL-TIME MOVING AND WAREHOUSE PERSONNEL. We are looking for people who are: • Friendly/outgoing and responsible, professional appearance • Valid Texas driver's license/clear driving record • Heavy lifting involved • Background in moving, storage and packing preferred but not necessary. Employee benefits include: • Good starting pay • Lots of opportunity for advancement • Medical and dental insurance package available • Paid holidays and vacation Apply in person 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Mon.-Fri. at 1110 Inwood Rd., #101, Dallas, TX • EOE Dallas. Male dancers needed 7 nights a week at Crews Inn. Call David Moore at (214)824-4749 for appointment. Dallas. If you are a male stripper or want to be one, contact Jay at Another Bar, (214)520-1366. Dallas. Crews Inn and Zippers have immediate openings for BARBACKS. Call David at (214) 824-4749 for information. Dallas. WANTED Quality, good-looking, personable escorts needed by reputable agency. Best percentage around. Call (214)528-0269. Fort Worth/Dallas. Adventurous collegiates! (817)475-8820. Houston. AIDS Foundation Houston is hiring FT/PT Outreach, Educators Degree Preferred; Computer a plus. Fax resume to Director of Education, (713)623-4029. THE CLUB HOUSTON is now interviewing for all positions. Must apply in person, NO PHONE CALLS. Apply: Monday thru Friday 10 a.m.-2 p.m. A recent photo is required. 2205 Fannin St. Houston. Houston. Retail position available in Montrose clothing store. Computer knowledge a plus. Varied hours inclluding some nights and weekends. Apply in person only. Basic Brothers, 1232 Westheimer. Houston. Help needed - general labor - (713) 942-8600. Houston. LOOking for a few good men! The BRB is looking for bartenders, barbacks, door persons, security and deejays. Apply in person 9 a.m.-4p.m. at 2400 Brazos. No phone calls Houston. Commercial Christmas design and installation. Full time through December. (713)868-5159. Houston. Male Dancers wanted for Houston's favorite hot spot, The Midtowne Spa. Apply in person at 3100 Fannin between 12 noon and 3 p.m. or call (713)618-5386. Houston. AMERICAN MALE companions/escorts. Mascuuno, cute and friendly. Now hiring. Call (713)940-9317. San Antonio. Cook & Housekeeper/personal assistant. Hiring Immediately. Call (210)545-2916, ask for Debbie. San Antonio. Eagle Mountain Saloon is accepting applications for all positions. Please apply in person ONLY at 1902 McCullough Ave. No phone calls, please. LICENSED MASSEURS STATE CERTIFICATION POLICY [fexas law clearly requires that only bona fide, statecertified masseurs can be listed in this category. herefore, TWT policy requires that all masseurs iust publish their state-certification number within their advertisements and that a photocopy of their state masseur's license be on file at TWT. Arlington/Forth Worth/Dallas. Massages by Micheal Full body Swedish massage Total relaxation Metro (817)261-9737 (MT# 3241) 1WT OCTOBER 25 - OCTOBER 31 1996 PAGE 93 TUARIES Houston. Serious About Making Country Music? Singer/Songwriter with dedication to a country music career is seeking a gay musician-comrade to work with in one of the most closeted industries. Looking for a country guitarist and lor keyboard player with serious ambition and integrity. Songwriting, lyricist or back up singing ability a plus. Please send demo tape (amateur quality okay). With letter of intent and qualifications to: GAY GROUP CRUISE Carnival's Fascination S. Caribbean January 11, 1997, Ocean View Cabins $949. C/O Call Joe Anywhere Travel, [email protected]. 1-800352-8947. CARIBBEAN ESCAPE Discover the Wonderful Gay Resort on Beautiful St. Croix. Summer Packages Including Car $595 for Two Persons. Free Brochure (800)524-2018. National. !Texas. SEAHORSE INN Your Semi-Tropical Island Retreat In the wild dunes of Mustang Island beside the Gulf of Mexico secluded European Charm & Atmosphere Raul Paul Magallanez Aug. 18,1962Sept. 3,1996 Our beloved Raul Paul Magallanez, age 34, resident of Austin, died suddenly of a heart attack on Tuesday,Sept. 3, 1996. He leaves behind his mother, Elida; his companion of seven and a half years, Danny Cardiel; his sisters and brothers and numerous family members and friends. "I am Joy. I am every1hing.I can do all things but two: 1) forget that I love you; 2) forget that you no longer love me. We will always miss you and love you:' Love, Danny and friends Jeff Mark Overly Jeff Overly, 37, of Dallas died Sunday, Oct. 13, 1996. Originally from Washington Court House, Ohio. He is survived by parents, numerous relatives and close friends Pam, Kevin and James. A memorial service was held Oct. 16 at the Cathedral of Hope. Donations may be made to the AIDS charity of your choice. * Affordable Rates' Kitchens * Cable TV • • Private Pool' Trained Pets Welcome' Port Aransas, Texas (512)749-5221 Houston. ADVANCE DAMRON VACATIONS Your Travel is Our Specialty Where's the hottest spot in the Caribbean? Aboard Advance Damron's Yankee Clipper. October 26 - November 2, 1996 Hurry, call today - Space is limited! (713)682-2650 (800)695-0880 Houston. RAINBOW RANCH GAY/ LESBIAN CAMPGROUND FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL TOLL FREE 1-888-875-7596 New Orleans. B&W Courtyards Bed & Breakfast Private entrances and baths. Lush courtyards. (800)585-5731 San Diego. KASA KORBET - SAN DIEGO Rooms, Suites, Continental Breakfast, Spa "Where A Guest Is At Home" (619)291-3962. (800)757-KASA PAGE 100 Norman Dell Brown Those of us who knew and loved him know that a genuinely kind and thoughtful person has left us. Norman was born in Dallas on Aug. 2, 1963 and passed away on Oct. 13,1996 due to liver failure. He is survived by his mother, Mary Lee Brown, and sister, Terri Lee Brown, of Flower Mound; sister and brother-in-law, Priscilla Jeanne and Phil Kindred of Carrollton; and father, Delose H. Brown of Dallas. In addition to his family, Norman is survived by special friends BeverlyWhetstone and Roxanne Eaton, who helped his mother care for him until his death at his home in Flower Mound. He worked for Gabberts and Southwest Airlines. He recently graduated from the Ogle School of Cosmetology. Norman's natural flair for shopping and interior design relieved many of his friends of those often dreaded and burdensome tasks. He never tired of doing things for his friends and family and was a great motivator. Norman also loved gardening and won local "Yard of the Month" awards as a result of his green thumb. Norman actively sup' ported the AIDS Lifewalk benefit by serving as a team captain since its inception. A celebration of his life was held in his home. Donations may be made in his name to any AIDS charity. A WEEKLY CITY-BY-CITY LISTING OF TWT"S SUPPORTERS AND ADVERTISERS ACROSS TEXAS TEXAS ORGANIZATIONS Ace Social Group 01 Mineral Wells (817)325,0325 Byzantine Catholic Church 01 America (210)521).8213 State TGRA In~. . PO. 1801731Austin .................. 78718·0173 (512)835-5314 THRF AIDS legal Resource Project '.' ····· 815 Brazos 1801178701. 1.8OQ.828.6417 Viatical Assistance Corp I.8OQ.892.1282 TEXAS GROUPS BASED IN AUSTIN (AC: 512) Amty Inri Mbrs lor UG Concerns ... 837·159611ax 836-9715 B.O.A.I PO. 1357178767 472.3333 Ecumen~ Catholic Church (Texas Deanery) .. .............. P.O. 91597178709·1597 292.8085 Gay Service NetworkIRoommate Service . ................. PO. 2585178768 445.7270 lesbian/Gay Rights lobby P.O. 2579178768 .. 474·5475 . P.O. 50484178763 467·9797 Positive Threads NeWSletter 478.9218 Texas AIDS Net PO. 2395178768 447.8887 Texas Freedom Network P.O. 1624178767 .. 322·0545 Texas Human Rights Foundation .. 815 Brazos #801178701 ·············· 479·647311·800-828·6417 TEXAS GROUPS BASED IN DALLAS (AC: 214) AIDS Mastery PO. 36125175235 526.lIFE lambda Amateur Radio Club P.O. 35343175235 ···························· 522·1458 lesbian/Gay Democrats 01 Texas PO. 224424 . 521'5342, ext 229 Texas Repu~icans lor Equality & Privacy. .................. PO. 191033 521).6855 TEXAS GROUPS BASED IN FORT WORTH (AC:817) Texas Gay Veterans do TClGA · 3327 Winthrop, Suite 243176116 .. 763-5544 TEXAS GROUP BASED IN SAN ANTONIO (AC: 210) Texas Gay Rodeo Inlo 735.4108 COMPUTER BUllETIN BOARDS (modem) The Apollo Zone 512.322.9391 At Miswi!"s End (lesbian BBS) 512.442.1565 Bare Facts (11 linesl14.4) 8171284.25511214.673-6164 The Bear's Den 713.550.9243 Coyote's Den 214.351.1829 DABBS - HIV/AIDS Inlo Service. .214.351.0007 First Time (42 lines) 214.231.5250 First TIme (DIFW Metro) 214.697.3565 Fluorescent Igloo 713-524.7342 Gay Matchmaker (chaU20 lines) (Metro)817'355'60oo Houston FirstTrme (16 lines) 713-522.1170 Inner City Community (32linesichaUI4.4) 214.351).6658 JAXBBS··········· 214•823-1579 last Call 713-523-8366 lost boys 713-975.7943 Male 2 Male '" 512.389.2487 Mandate········· 214·528·1816 Man's Country ..............•.•....... 214.520.8599 Momma's Place.... . 214.339.7450 The Old Poop's World ...........•...... 214.613.6900 The Park (Waco) 817.752.1939 The Pink Flamingo 214.559.3994 Pokey's Place. . 214.317.7695 Rainbow Room (line 1) [HS)817.649.1207 Rainbow Room (line 2) [HS)81 7.649-8560 Sanctuary· 713-802·9106 San Antonio Matchmaker 211).224-6966 St"';e Ray's Place 817.831-1011 Talyn's lair (adults) 214.352.2464 Terminus (14.4) . . . . . . . . .• . (Metro)817·54J.lI I 1 The Watering H~e .. .. 71 3-895-8356 Xenoo Cale 512.708-0044 log Cabin Republicans 01 TX .. . TWr OCTOBER 25 - OCTOBER 31 1996 SI. Andrew's Presbyterian Ch ..... 14311 Wells PorV/8728 ABILENE CHURCHES (AC: 915) . 251·0698 Covenant of Hope Community Church . Sl.luke·s United Methodist Church l:ro6 W.lynn ................. 142 Grape SI. 677.7654 ······························· 476·8t64 Exodus·MCC PO. 2473179604 672.7922 Texas Regiooal AIDS Intertaith Nel. (TRAIN) 451'099t ABILENE CLUB (AC: 915) Trinity United Methodist Church 600 Eest5th Just Friends 201 S. 14th 672.9318 ···························· 459-5835 ABILENE ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 915) AUSTtN CLUBS (AC: 512) Big Coontry AIDS Resources 3909 S. 7th Stn9605 Blue F~mingc 6t7 Red River 469.(t()14 ·························· 690-9559 'Bout TIme 9601 N. 1·35 832.5339 AIDS HoWne (M-F, 4-1Op) 667.A1DS Chain Drive 504 Willow 481).90t7 IC.H.D. STOIAIDS Clinic 317 Pecan SI. Chanie's l:rollavaca 474.6481 ························· 676·7825 5th Street Staton 505 E. 5th 478.6065 AMARILLO ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 606) Kansas 213 W. 4th 480.TOTO Amarillo lesbian/Gay Alliance PO. 9361179105 Oilcan Harry's 21t W. 4th 321).8823 .................................. 373-5725 Proteus 6tl E. 6th 472.8922 MCC 01 Amarillo 372.4557 Rainbow Callie Co :ro5 w. 5th SI. 472.5288 Panhandle AIDS Support Organization 372.1050 AUSTIN ORGANIZATIONSiHELPLINES (AC: 512) Texas AIDS Proiecl. .. 711 S. Virginia 371.9110 AA Austin (live and let live) . Texas Gay Rodeo Association 355.2666 .......... 2700 W. Anderson In 14t2l78757 .. 327.3688 ANGLETON ORGANIZATION (AC: 409) Adventuring Outdoors P.O. 2332178768 Gull Coast Center (HIV case manage.) ... 2512 N. Velasco · .. ·· .. ·· .. ··· .. ··· .. ··· 452·5658 ··· 649·23111(713)489·0545 AIDS DealHY. 459-DEAF ARLINGTON CHURCHES (AC: 817) AIDS legal Resource Project 815 Brazos 11000178701 Christian Gays in FeliowshipiEC P.O. 120611176012 .. 479-6473 ······ 448-1555 AIDS Services 01 Austin .. . P.O. 4874178765 lutherens Concerned·Fort WortlVArlingioo .. ........... 451·2273 ................. 2600 W. Boyce 924.3960 Amty Inl'l Mbrs lor UG Concerns 837·159611 ax 836.9715 Trinity MCC 609 Truman (Metro)265-5454 AusUn lesbian/Gay Politic~ Caucus PO. 822 ARLINGTON CLUB (AC: 817) ·························· 474.()75O Artinglon 651 1851 W. Division 275-9651 Austin latincla les. & Gay Organ 472.2001 ARLINGTON ORGAN./HELPLINES (AC: 817) ASA Inlormat~ line 458.AIDS AIDS Outreach Center 401 W. Sanlord, Suite 1100 Austin BabtistWomen 442.64t5 ... 275·3311 Austin Gay Nudists PO. 684tOlI78768.4tOI Alpha House, Inc .. . P.O. 2031176004·2031 NAMES Project PO. t4178767 385.3094 Crossdressers (TVs) Helpline . Austin Radicat Faeries (voice mail)703.8952 ...... do Della Omega, P.O. 1021 264.7103 Austin Stonewall Chamber 01 Commerce 707.3794 Tarrant County Gay Pride Week Assoc.. . PO. 3459 Austin VD Clinic 15 Waller 469.2070 . Fort Worth, TX 76113 Bisexual Network PO. 8439178713 370.9573 Tarrant County lesbian/Gay Alliance .. Bound by Desire (women's S&M support group) .. 473.7104 ..... 3327 Winthrop, Suite 2431761 16 .. 763.5544 Capital City Men's Chorus P.O. 50082 UT Gay/les. Assoc .. P.O. 19348·77 794.5140 ...................................... 477·7464 ATHENS ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 903) . CARE Free HIV fest .. 1633 E. 2nd 473.CARE Parents. Families & Friends 01 les. & Gays 675.8326 ··················· ~476·02t7 AUSTIN ADULT THEATER (AC: 512) Centex Rainbow Society 01 Deal P.O. 2555178768 Cinema Wesl. 21:ro S. Congress 442.5719 Christopher Hoose (Intermediate Care) 479.0257 AUSTIN BUSINESSES (AC: 512) Classic Chassis Car Club po. 12553178711 Brown Distributing Co. (BudW~ser) 4 I I Chioonl78702 Cornerstone (lesbiarVgaylbi. community center) . ··························· 478·9353 .............. 1117 Red River178701 708.1515 leather Chest 504 Willow 478.2261 Cooples·AusUn-Texas PO. 684413178768 N8. . . 1014·B N.lamarI78703 478-3446 .. 991).0182 38th Street Pharmacy 711 39th Stn8705 E.C. Wood Rlundation . . PO. 608178767-0608 ........................... 458·3764 ......... 451·9807 AUSTIN CHURCHES & RELIG. ORDAN. (AC: 512) From All Walks 01 lile 452.WAlK Affirmatioo (Methodist) 451.2329 FrontRunners., , , 473-8334 All Saints Ecumenical Catholic Church. Gamblers (bowling) 345.7311 . P.O. 91597178709·1597 292.8085 Gay Fathers 01 Austin 451.5835 AIDS Intertaith Alliance 444.0767 Gay, lesbian, Straighl Teachers Network .. P.O. 3803178764 Dignity/Austin. . . P.O. 2666 467.7908 .323·2329 First Unitarian Church. . 452.6168 Heart of Texas Bears .. . P.O. 684391178768 Grace United Methodist Church ..... 205 E. Monroof78704 ................. 707·3737 .442·5944 Helping Hands lor lile, Inc 478-1210 Integrity (Episc.) PO. 4327 . HIV Dental ProjecUSansing Clinic. . . . 479.6833 ··· 445-6164/478·2494(TTY) HIV Study Group 450.1866 Intertailh AIDS Care Teams (InterACT) 472.4934 HIV Wellness Ctr do SI. George's Epis. Church The Kingdom Seekers (charismatic) 443-5940 ................ 4301 IH·35178722 467·0068 Uve Oak Unitarian Universalist Church. In~rme SIDA (inlormaci6n de AIDS en espanot) . 472·2001 ............ 13276 Research Blvd. 1109 219-9008 KO.OP Rad~ P.O. 49340178765 472.1369 MCCA 425 Woodward 708-6002 lesbian/Gay Pride Commission of Austin. Mishpachat Am Echad (Jewsh) PO. 9591 ................ P.O. 402064178704 479·9431 .451·7018 lCiACHutherans Coocerned (David Austin) . PAGE 101 .832-4159 P.O. 2585178768-2585 .. 916-3236 Men 01 All Colors Together. P.O. 7161ne713 ...... 928-2590 Nal. teamer Assoc .. PO. 49801178765 703-8927 Oet Youlh (gay.les. and bi. teens) ... 1117 Red River178701 ............ 708-1 234lHelpline 477-HElP Parents, Families & Friends of les. & Gays .. ... PO. 9151178766 302-FLAG People's Cornmuni~ Clinic. . . .. 478-8924 Pride HeaHh Fest Club 4805 A Teri Rd. ............. 707-9070 Prime Timers P.O. 14892178761-4892 Project Transitions, Inc. . . . P.O. 4826178765 .. 454-8646 David Powell HIV Assessment & treat Clinic. . 479-6121 Band-Up at Ihe Ranch. .. ... 11900 FM 812 ................. DeIVallel78617.. . .... 243-2608 Sex and love Addicts Anonymous. . .. 440-1494 Southern Country.. P.O. 13151178711 . .243-1578 Team Austin.. . P.O. 161701178716 ........ 447-64081450-0230 Texas Gay Rodeo Association. . ..... PO. 1511178767 ........ 837-8732 United Court of Austin, Inc.. . PO. 43255178745 Watenoo Counseling Cenler . . . 2525 Wallingwood ... B~g.15, Suite 1500178746 .... 329-9922 BASTROP ORGANIZATION (AC: 512) Bural AIDS Serv. Pro .. 1002 Chestnul 303-1403 BEAUMONT CHURCH (AC: 409) Spin~etop Unitarian Church. . . 1575 SpindielOfl Rd. ...... m05lO136 . . ..... 833-6883 BEAUMONT CLUBS (AC: 409) Copa . .. 304 Orleans. .. 832-4206 Sundowner . . .. 497 Crockett 833-3989 BEAUMONT ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 409) Lambda Group AA .... 6300 College. . . ... 835-1508 Triangle AIDS Network 2544 Broadway177702 ............. 832-8336 BROWNSVILLE ORGANIZATION (AC: 210) AIDS Inlormalion Une . . 1-800-333-7432 BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION CLUB (AC: 409) The Club. . . 308 N. Bryan Ave 823-6767 BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION ORGAN. (AC: 409) AIDS Services 01 Brazos Valley . . 1702-B S. Texas Ave. ............ Suite 202lBryan 260-AIDS Gay, lesbian and Bisexual Agg~s . . 847-0321 Lambda AA.. .. MHMR Coffeehouse .... (S. Bryan and Sims) 846-3390 Parenls, Families & Friends olles. & Gays 694-2617 Planned Paren~ (HIV testill!l'STD screening). ............. 4001 E. 29th II0000ryan 260-1061 Speakers Bureau. . . 847-0321 CARROLLTON CHURCHES & RELIG. ORGAN, (AC:214) Cathedral 01 Ughl ... 2040 N. Denlon. . . . 245-6520 Sevenlh·Day Adventist Kinship.. .. PO. 110116175011 .......................... 416-1358 COMMERCE ORGANIZATION (AC: 903) ANGlSlAssociation lor the Needs 01 Gay and lesbian Stu. at EastTexas State Univ.. .. 886-5205 CORPUS CHRISTI BUSINESSES (AC: 512) Pure Prde Bookstore .4445 Gollihar 814-HOMO CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCHES (AC: 512) Melropolitan Commu,;1y Church of Corpus Christi . ............... 1315 Craig SIfl8404.. .882-8255 Soc~~ 01 Friands (Quakers) PO. 3296178463 ....................... 993-1207 CORPUS CHRISTI ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 512) Coastal Bend AIDS Foundation . . 527 Gordon ...................................... 814-2001 Gays Gelling Togelher . . .. PO. 331394178463-1394 ............................ 882-6550 lo"ng Spoonlul P.O. 3534178404 883-7763 The Passage (AIDS care residence). . . PO. 1454178403 .. . .. .. . .. 887-7042 DALLAS ACCOMMODATIONS (AC: 214) Comlort Inn 14975 Landma~ Blvd 701-0881 DALLAS ADULT THEATER (AC: 214) Alernat.es 1720 W. Mockingbird 630-7071 DALLAS APARTMENT COMMUNITY (AC: 214) Planlation House 2625 Hudnall 522-0060 DALLAS A"ORNEYS (AC: 214) ~ski, John 3210 Oak Lawn 526-9699 Oak Lawn Bar Association (relerrals) 523-9023 Stewart, Charles L. 3500 Oak Lawn 1400 ... ············· 521-3604 DALLAS BUSINESSES/SERVICES (AC: 214) log Cabin RepuWicans 01 Austin .... PAGE 102 Aardvark, Etc.. . veterinary services/grooming ..... 2525 Wyctiff, Suite 103 .. . .. 520-8835 Apolhecary Shop II . . . 3434 Swiss Ave175024 .......... 823-4520 Apothecary Shop 12 . . .... Aston Center-Uf Med. Clr. .. 5303 Harry Hinesl75235 . . 688-2422 Crossroads Markel. . . ..... 3930 CeKlar Sprngs ........ ...521-8919 Eagle Honda (Jack Averitt) 5311 lemmon Ave. ...................... 904-3324 Ewing & Assoc. (insurance) . . 886-8445 Iron Press Cleaners 3818 Cedar Springs .......................... 443-9936 lambda Pages. . .. 3100 Carlisle 880-7577 lealher by Boots. 2525 Wycliff, Suite 124 528-3665 Ule Benefactors (John Lochner) 254-1603 Mardi Gras Male Dancers 839-3993 .................................. 691-8300 Rice, Keith L., CPA 16051 Addison #216 ....................... 387-5533 Simple Elegance Florist 4028 Cedar Springs ......................... 559-6171 Sir Tuxedo 3400 Oak Lawn 520·TUXS Stat Script Pharmaees 1-800-829-3044 .3818 Cedar Springs 1106 ..... 522-4006 ... 8226 Douglas 1331 . .. 373-3494 Union Jack 3920 Cedar Springs 528-9600 Uptown Realtors 979-0007 Zebra Printing & Grapllics . . 4054 McKinney, 1103 ............................... 599-9264 DALLAS CHURCHES & RELlG, ORGAN. (AC: 214) Affirmalion (Melhodist) 528-4913 Cathedral 01 Hope MCC 5910 Cedar Springs Legacy Counseling Center. .. 4054 McKinney, Suite 212175204 .. 520-6308 Oak lawn Commun~ Services. . ..... 4300 MacArthur ...... 520-8108 DALLAS DOCTORS (AC: 214) Bellos, Nicholaos C., M.D .... 8226 Dou~as Ave., Suite 311 .... (24 hours) 891l-7943 Coats, Andrew Gordon (chiro.) . .. 3303 lee Pa~, Suite 350 ... 528-6292 Comprehensive Care Center. . . 2708 Inwood .351-3936 Diamond, Susan M., M.D .. .8226 Douglas #311 891l-7943 Nalson-Tehedc Communi~ Clinic ..... 4012 Cedar Springs .. P.O. 190869175219-0869 ..... 528-2336 Swanson, Jan, 0.0.. . .. 1244 S. Ridge C1.1103, Hurst .......... (817)285-0800 Watson, Terry R., D.O. . ..3618 Fairmounl ................ 520-7200 DALLAS FITNESS CENTERS (AC: 214) The Club 2616 Swiss 821-1990 Mirllowne Spa 2509 Pacif •.......... 821-8989 DALLAS ORGANIZATIONS/HELPLINES (AC: 214) ACT·UPlDalias. . . 521-5342, e~. 224 Addicare Alcohol & Drug Crisis Une 824-6503 Alrican-American HIV/AIDS Support Group 941-7696 African-American Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Coalition. ..... 521-5342, ext. 828 AIDS ARMS ... 4300 MacArthur 1160, lB5 .... 521-5191 AIDS ClinK:lPar~and Hospit~ .. ...... 5201 Harry Hines BWd.16B. . 590-5632 AIDS Funding Association. . 522-3722 AIDS Hotline. . . ..... 5591243711-800-924-AIDS AIDS Info Line (24 hrs). . . 1-800-299-2437 AIDS Inlertaith Netwo~ (Oak Cliff) 941-7696 AIDS Mastery .. .. 521-5342, ext, 325 AIDS Prevention Project (Iree and anon.) 905-2190 AIDS Programs/OlCS . . .. 2017 Cedar Springs .................. 520-8108 AIDS Resource Cenier/FHU . . .2701 Reagan SI. .... P.O. 190869175219-0869 ..... 521-5124 AIDS Services 01 DallaS/PWACD . . .. P.O. 4336 ............... 941-0523 AIDS Update (ARC newsletter) 521-5342, e~.220 Alliance for Progress. .3102 Oak Lawn, Suite 700 ..... 520-2205l1-800-521l-4AFP Alliance of Design Professionals. . P.O. 565112 ................. 526-2085 ARC Client Services. .. 521-5444 ARC fax line.. .. 522-4804 Asians & Friends .... PO. 9142175209. . . .. 480-5906 Asian Gay Males: Dragon Flies P.O. 190869175219 . 521-5342, ext. 852 Assoc. for Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Educators .. 824-5924 Big 0 longhorns Square Dance Club . PO. 190869175219 ...... 521-5342, e~. 272 Bryan's House. . .. 559-3946 Buddy Projecl . .. 520-8108 Cheer Dallas ... 3027 Routh SI., Suite 200 922-9229 Classic Chassis Car Club . . P.O. 7703175209 Client Services lax line 521-3859 Codependents Anonymousllambda.. . 520-8108 CoupleslMelro Dallas. . . P.O. 803156175360 .521-5342, ext. 464 Crossdressers (TVs) Hel~ine 264-7103 DlFW Big Man's Club. . . .264-2449 DlFW MAN. (Metro Area Nudisls) .... PO. 612813175261 ................... 933-4334 DlFW Young Natur.ts Club. . PO. 802815175380 Daire Cenler (adult day care for PWAs) 522-4365 Dal. Co. Deal AIDS Task Force.. .. P.O. 835546 . Richardsonl75083 . ....... 516-54421516-5443(TDD) Dallas Bears . c/o FHU, P.O. 190869 .75219-0869. ....... (hotline)521-5342, e~. 880 Dallas Gay & lesbian Alliance P.O. 190712 ..... 528-4233 DIVA (volleyball).. . P.O. 190869175219-0869 ............ 521-5342, exl. 804 DJ.C.D.I (Dal.lnvil. Columbus Day Tm. Bowling Org.) . .......... 240-8351 D~las legal Hospice .. 370 W. 7th 941-2800 Dallas NAMES Project. .. .. 823-3699 Dsjas Si.er Sabres. . . .. 3230 Adbritain Dr175211 ...................... 467-3474 Dallas Tavem Gui~ 3303 Reagan SI175219 ....................... 521-0638 Deal Action Center.. . .... 521-0407 ............................... ~~m Congregalion Beth EI Binah P.O. 191186175219 .............................. 497-1591 Belhany Presbyterian Church 528-4084 Communi~ Church 01 Relig. Science 2829 W. N.w. Hwy ............ 358-3992 Dign~/Dalias (Catholic gaySl1esbians) . PO. 190133175219 .... 521-5342, ext. 832 Disciples 01 Christ gay~esbian support (GLAD) .. ........... P.O. 190181175219 946-2184 Firsl Unitarian Church of D~las 4015 Normandy ... 528-3990 Friends Full Gospel. . 5427 Phillip Ave 821-4332 Gay People in Chrisl~n Science . . .. PO. 2878 ................ 522-3086 Grace Fellowship .. 5029 lemmon Ave. . . 528-2811 Holy Trini~ Commun~ Church. . 4402 Roseland .......................... 827-5088 Hones~ (Baptists). . .... P.O. 190869175219 .................. 521-5342, ext 233 Dallas Center lor A Course in Miracles 943-6298 SI. Thomas the Aposlle Episcopal Church .. ............ 6525 Inwood Rd... .. 352-0410 Sevenlh·Day Adventist Kinship P.O. 38454 ... 416-1358 Universal Creator's Community Church 690-0883 White Rock Communi~ Church . ............ 722 Tenison Memorial Rd ..... 320-0043 White Rock Friends HIV Support. . . 320-0106 DALLAS CLUBS (AC: 214) Anchor Inn. . . . 4024 Cedar Springs 526-4098 Anether Bar 4020 Maple Ave... .. 520-1366 Bamboleo's. . . . 5027Lemmon Ave 520-1124 Big Daddy's 4024 Cedar Springs. . 528-4098 Budcles It 4025 Maple Ave 526-0887 Crews Inn. . . 3215 N. Rtzhugh . . .. 526-9510 Dallas Eag~ 2515 Inwood Rd. 1107 357-4375 Hidden Door . . . 5025 Bowser 526-0620 Hideaway 4144 Buena Vista. . 559-2966 Ice Factory 4117 Maple Ave 521-2024 JR's . . 3923 Cedar Springs. . 36Il-3608 Jugs 3610 Congress 521-3474 The Melro . .. 2204 Elm 742-2101 Moby Dick 4011 Cedar Springs. . . 520-MOBY Numbers 4024 Cedar Springs. . .. 559-4098 Bound-Up Saloon .. 3912 Cedar Springs 522-9611 Starck 703 McKinney . .. . 922-9677 Sue Ellen's 3903 Cedar Springs 380-3808 TMC 3014 Throckmorton. .380-3608 Treslle 412 S. Haskell 826-9988 2525 2525 Wycliff 520-2525 Village Station 3911 Cedar Springs. . . 360-3808 ~ppers 3333 N. Fitzhugh 526-9519 DALLAS COUNSELING (AC: 214) Bedrick, Dianna M. Ph.D., L.PC 223 S. Mootc.ir Ave. . 75208 948-5557 ii6 TWT OCTOBER 25 - OCTOBER 31 1 DIFFA 748.8580 Pentamidine Mist Treatments 528-23361521.5124 Eastlield Lambda Siudent Alliance 324.7185 D.J:s. . . 1308 SI. louis 927.7321 People Uke Us [PlUS+[ 521.5444 Federal Club PO. 191153175219. . ..699.5889 Magnolia Sialion 600 W. Magn~ia 332.0415 Phil Johnson AIDS Research Library 521.5124 Federal GLOBE 01 Texas, Inc P.O. 50961175250 The 651 Club 651 S. Jennings 332.0745 Phil Johnson Gay & lesbian Library 528.9254 · ·· .. ·· .. ··· .. ·· .. ·· 264-2800 Square Room 2308 W. 7th St 336-1410 PWA Coalition 01 Dallas . PO. 4336 941-0523 Firedancers (leathern,.; club) .... PO. 190869175219.0869 FORT WORTH DOCTORS (AC: 817) Police Harassment Reporting 528.4233 Firsl Gay & lesbian Credil Union P.O. 191324 Swanson, Jan, 0.0 1244 S. Ridge C1.1103, Hurst Positive+Person~s 521-5342, ext. 250 .................. 2701 Reagan 599-0802 ······························· 285-0800 Presbylerians lor lesbiarVGay Concems 823-2317 Food Panlry 521.3390 FORT WORTH ORGAN,/HELPLINES (AC: 817) Prime Timers P.O. 191101175219 504.8866 Foundalioo for Human Understanding 528-0144 AIDS Awareness Clin~ 2825 E. ROSedale Queer Nation/Dallas PO. 64091175206 Friends Associating & Relating 328-6749 · ··· ··· .. ·· .. ··· 534-CARE · ··· .. ·· .. · 504-8720 Gay and lesbian Gardeners P.O. 190552175219 AIDS Helpline. .. 870-7346 Rainbow F~ers Pilots Assoc.. . PO. 190990175219 ···························· 557-2188 AIDS Information Une 336.0066 .................. 521,5342, e~. 840 Gay and lesbian Communi~ Center 2701 Reagan SI. .............. (outside Tarrant Co.) .. 1.800-836.0066 Rainbowlers (Tues. at 8:30) 528.5813 ................................ 528-9254 AIDS Inlerlaith Network .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .... .. Rainbow Skydiving Club 357.9880 Gay and lesbian Parents Coalition International .. .......... 603 W. MagnOlia Ave., Suite 207 " 927.2437 Respect All YOulh (gNb youth) 521-5342, e~. 288 .......... P.O. 1540321, Irvingl75015-4031 .. 259.9862 AIDS Outreach Cenler 1125 W. Peler Smith Rice Gay & Lesbian Alumni Assoc.lDFW Chapter .. Gay & lesbian Switchboard 528.0022 ································ 335-1994 ........ 834 S. Montclair Ave.175208.5856 . Gay/lesbian Inlo. Line (OlCS) P.O. 191069 Alliance News (TClGA) . . 877.5544 . (Michael) 942.9537 Assoc. 01 Gayr1.eslBi. Educators. . 329.3415 .520-8781 Sin Fronteras (radio program) P.O. 190922175219 GaYr1.esbian Young Adults. .. 2701 Reagan SI. Bridgethe Gap, Inc (HIVIAIDS lesting, educ.) · .. · .. ·· .. ·· 826-8869 ............................... 521,5342, ext. 260 ·· 2825 E. Rosedale176105 531.0223 Stonewall (Narc. Anon.) 5415 Maple, Suile 120175235 Gay Married Men's Support Group 558.1696 Co-Dependenls Anonymous 517.5847 Sionewall Dive Club PO. 227031175222 Gaymsters Bridge Club PO. 190856175219.0856 Couples w/gay or bisexual partner 336.4551 Stonewall Professional and Business Associatioo . ............... 526-8376 Cowtown leathermen 536-8051 ................ PO. 191343175219 526.6216 GLAAD/Dallas .. '" P.O. 190889175219-0869 CrisislSwcide Inlervenlion (24-hr. help) 927.5544 Suiode & Crisis Cenler 828.1000 ............................... 521,5342, ext. 280 Diversi~ 689-7925 TGRNOalias '" PO. 191166175219-8168 528-1115 HIV Anon. Testing & Couns~ing 921l-7916 Fami~ Vi~ence Couns~ing 282.2211 Team Dallas PO. 190869175219-0869 HIV Testing (AIDS Resource Cenler) 528-2336 Fori Worth Formal 877,5544 ............................... 521,5342, e~. 800 HIVTesting&Counseling 819-1980 Fori W~ Gay Pride Week Assoc PO. 3459176113 Team Dallas Aquatics 941.0831 Hands to Hearts (sociaVsingles) 699.5763 Fort Worth Men's Chorus.. PO. 101464 Texas Falhers lor Equal Rights PO. 50052 Housing Opportunities for PWAs (HOPWA) 819.1828 . .. 731-0122 ... One Main PI. Sial 741.4800 ImmunOOse (aerobics) 522.0850 Fulure Fori Worth-Arlinglon . .. 5736 Pe~hing The Texas Motorcycle Club. . PO. 9188175209 Imperial Sovereign R"Ial Court de Dallas .. · .. · .. ··· .. · .. ·· .. ··· .. · · 323-9031 .. ··· 528-5692 ................ PO. 190464175219 521.8446 GALNGay and lesbian Assoc. 01TCJC . IR.U.S.T. (adolescenl children 01 gays and lesbians) . Kyro Proj.lnc. (KYRO News) . . .. P.O. 214223 .............. TCJC Siudent Act. Bldg 828 Harwooc ...................... 528-9191 ................................ 526-KYRO (5976) .................. HursV76054. . 788.6644 Turtle Creek Chorale 526.3214 lambda Amaleur Radio Club PO. 35343175235 Gayr1.esbian Youlh. . .338.4551 Umoja Hermanas (lesbians of color) .. 943.8750/946.7108 ··························· 522-1458 Heallh Depl. STD Info 871.7357 Uniled Courl 01 the lone Slar Empire P.O. 190865 lambda Bowling (men and women) .. (Metrol817)267.9055 Health Education learning Projecl 332.7722 .. 522-28231559-2806 lambda Car Club .. P.O. 710271175371.. . 521.7309 HIV Anonymous Group 292.9494 Women's Health Project. . .4012 Cedar Springs Lambda Codependents Anonymous 520.8108 Imperial Court de Fori WorlWArlington 654.9114 ...... 521-5131 Lambda MeetinglSex & love Addicts Anon 241.5442 Imperial Privy Council PO. 365176101 Women's Spirituality Group .. . 5008 Homer SI. Lambda Overeaters Anenymous 488-3301 Inslitute for Teen AIDS Prevention P.O. 136116176136 ·········· 826-9213 lambda Wee~y (radio program) P.O. 35031175235 ····························· 237-0230 DENISON CLUB (AC: 903) ·· .. · · · · 823-8930 Lambda AA 1700 81h Ave176110 921.2871 Good Time lounge .. 2520 Hwy 91 N. . 463-9844 lambda AA 2727 Oak lawn 522.6259 Lambda Alanon 737.7681 DENTON CLUB (AC: 817) leadership lambda Inc PO. 190228175219 leadership luncheon Forum 877.5544 Bedo's 1215 E. Univers~ 586-9910 lesbiarVGay Political Coalition .......• . 370-0480 ················· .. ······· 712-6430 DENTON ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 817) A league 01 Our Own (bowIing)(Sleve) 372.5337 looe Slar Bowling league 338-0706 AIDS Services of Denton 361.1501 lealher Knighls PO. 190111175219 521.3239 lone Star Chari~ Rodeo Assoc. . 336,7927 Courage!UNT Studenl Group 585-6110 les~an BooIr Club 331.5513 longhorn Bowling Assoc. (Tony) 283.8295 Harvest Melropolitan Communi~ Church . lesbiarVGay PoIit.al Coalition 01 Dallas. P.O.227273175222 NAMES Projecl. 33.NAMES ............. 1-35 at Exit 460 321.2332 ·· .. · .. ·· .. ·· .. ·· · ·· 504-6724 Over the Hill, Inc. (HIVIAIDS lesting cenler) . Parents, Families & Friends of Les. & Gays 387.1491 lesbian Morns and Gay Dads 526'5088 .. 2001 S. Frwy176104 922.9955 EL PASO CLUBS (AC: 915) Lesbian Resource Center , 821-3999 Parents, Families & Friends 01 les. & Gays 498.5607 Old Plantation 219 S. Ochoa 533.6055 lesbian Visionaries ... P.O. 190712 '" 521-5342, e~. 844 Respecl·TCJC NE Campus 281.7860 San Antonio Mining Company 800 E. San Antonio Lile Walk . .. 443.WAlK Ribbons of Hope 763.8168 · .. ·· .. ·· 533-9516 Men 01 All Colors Together PO. 190611175219 Ryan Avenue AA . .. 3144 Ryan Ave. U·GoHI 216 S. Ochoa 533.9310 Samarilan House 2200 Ephriham 626.9398 ··························· 521-4765 EL PASO ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 915) log CabinlMelroplex Republicans PO. 191033 . lax 626-8289 AIDS Inlo. . . . Eng.-543-3574 Span.-543.3575 .. ··· .. · .. ·· .. ··· .. ··· .. ·· 520-6655 Second Salurday (gay male socials) 795.1376 HIV & STD lesting 222 S. Campbell 543.3560 NAMES Projecl. PO. 190869175219 520.SEWS Second Tuesday (lesbian soci~s) 795.1376 lambda Une (helplinelswitchboarrl'24 hrs.) 562.GAYS Narcotics Anonymous (24 hrs.) 699.9306 Sex Addicts Anonymous 347-4711 lambda Services PO. 31321179931.0321 Nelson· Tebedo Communi~ Clinic 4012 Cedar Springs Sexuali~ Education Cenler 338-4551 MCC EI Paso 916 E. Yandell 591.4155 · 528-2336 Spiritual AIDS Ministry 535-5002 Parents, Families & Friends 01 les. & Gays 591.4S64 Nal. lealher Assoc PO. 7597175209 Survivors oflncest 335.4330 SOulhwesl AIDS Comm 1505 M~ero · 521-5342, ext. 820 Tarranl Coun~ lesb~rVGay Alliance .. 1219 61h Ave176104 · .. ·· · · .. · 772-3366 Nonh Texas Assoc. of Phys.ians lor Human R~hts . ............................ 877-5544nax 877-1626 FORT WORTH BUSINESSES (AC: 817) · 12222 Coit Rd 233-3100 Tarranl Coon~ Tavern Gui~. . ... 877.4419 Casa M~na Theatre 3101 lancaster Northern Lighls Alternatives 871.1611 IC.MER.F. Drug Trealmenl Clr 900 Soulhland Ave. .................. 332-CASA Oak lawn Band Sammons Center for Ihe Arts TCU Triangle Siudeni Group. . 921.7160 D.J:s Restaurant 1308 SI. louis 927.7321 .................. P.O. 27175219 972.497.1458 ............... 336-54541336-1978 .. Deblmaster, Inc.. . .. (888)678.3328 Oak lawn Bowling Association 871-0809 .............. HIV clinic 534-2273 .............. (Melro)498-3864 Oak lawn Community Services P.O. 191069175219 Teen Project Hotline 332.8382 Hayes Discount Pharmacy 426 S. Hendersonl76104 ·· 4300 MacArthur 1200 520.8108 Texas AIDS Network (Thomas B.) '" 335.1994 .......... 336-7281 Oak lawn Soccer Club. . .. 834 S. Monlclair Ave175208 Texas Gay Rodeo Assoc P.O. 786176101 FORT WORTH CHURCHES & RELIG. ORGAN, ...................................... 942-9537 731-2143 (AC:817) Oak lawn Tennis Assoc PO. 224605175222.4605 Texas Gay Velerans 877.5544 Agape MCC 4615 SE loop 820 535.5002 TVITS Support Group (214)264.7103 .. ·· .. · ··· .. ··· 739-2726 Celebralion Communi~ Church 1959 Sandy In. Oak lawn Wr,ers Workshop 522.2148 Wornen's Singles. .. 249.1622 · .. · · .. ·· 469-8995 OASIS Recovery Program/OlCS 4300 MacArthur GALVESTON BUSINESS (AC: 409) Fellowship 01 love .. 711 Gambrell SI. 921.5683 Ule Benefactors 744.3200 ·························· 520-8108 Hones~ (Baptisls) 924-4159 O.U.T. (Over & Under Thirty) ... c/o Gay & les. Comm. CIr. GALVESTON CLUBS (AC: 409) lulherans ConcernedlForl WortWArlingion . Kon·Tiki 315 23rd (Tremonl) 763-6264 ........................... P.O. 190869175219-0869 ................. 2800 W. Boyce 924-3966 longfelioWs 2405 Postoffice 763-8800 Parenls, Families & Friends 01 les. & Gays 348-1704 Specialln"lation Ministries 1520 Hemphill GALVESTON ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 409) Parents Supporl Group (PWA) 262.84791248-2721 FORT WORTH CLUBS (AC: 817) AIDS Coalit~n 01 Coastal Texas, Inc 1419 Tremoot Pegasus Softball Assoc P.O. 191075 Copa Cebana 1002 S. Main 336.8911 .763-AIDS .358-8002 Corral Club 621 Hemphill 335-0196 Galveslon Tennis Netwo~ (Jerry) .. .765-5071 1Wr OCTOBER 25 - OCTOBER 31 1996 PAGE 103 Garden Party. . . P.O. P.O. 66693177266-6693 SI. Stephen's E~scop~ Church. . . . 1805 W. Alabama Gay FathersiFalhers Rrst of Houston (John) ... P.O. 981053 Gun Coast Center (HtV case management) .. Unitarian Men's Group. . 526·5200 .. 861-6181 ... 1721 Tremont(23rd). . . . 762-5935 HOUSTON CLUBS (AC: 713) Gay & Lesbian People in Medicine. . . .523-4700 Lambda AA . .684-21401(713)489-1573 Brazos River Bottom .. 2400 Brazos. . . .. 528-9192 Gay & Lesbian Switchboard. . PO. 88469177266-6469 Sitk Slocking Ball . Briar Patch .. 2294 W. Holcombe at Greenbriar .. 665-9678 .529-3211 ... David Bump, P.O. 5295177554. .737-3122 E/J's.. . 2517 R~ph SI. . .. .527·907t GaysiLesbians of Rice. . . 527-8101 HARLINGEN CLUB (AC: 210) Gentry.. .2303 Richmond.. .. 520·1861 Gay Men's Chorus. . P.O. 541004177254-1004 Colors . .. 703 Ed Carey Dr 440-8663 Heaven. . Pac ~c at Grant.. .. 521-9123 Gay Men's Network. . .. 529-3211 HOUSTON ACCOMMODATIONS (AC: 713) The Hill. .12726 N. Frwy .. .873-8810 Gay, Lesbian & Biserual Alliance at U of H . The Lovett Inn 501 Lovett.. . . 522-5224 Incognito. . . .2524 McKinney. . . . .. 237-9431 .. P.O. 314177204-3650.. . .743-5180 The Montrose Inn. ..408 Avondale 520-0206 Inergy .. .5750 Chimney Rock .. .. . 666-7310 Gay, Lesbian & Bi, Veterans 01 AmenceiHou. . . 951-9925 HOUSTON ADULT BOOKSTORES (AC: 713) JR's. .808Pacific..· 521-2519 Good Sports (",lege lootbaillbaskelball fans) ... 523-9000 After Dart< News.. ...1431 W.181h Lazy J .. . .312 Tuam . .. . 528-9343 Greater Houston Gay & lesbian Chamber of Commerce . Big City News & Video. . . . .. 10105 Gull Frwy Mary's. . 1022 Westheimer . .527-9669 ... 1109 Hyde Par1<l77006. . . 523-7576 Gas U!jlt News . . . 3519 Bellaire Montrose Mining Co.. .805 Pacific. . . .. 529-7488 Grealer Houston Pocket Billiards League (PJ). .863-8482 Richmond News & Video (24 hrs.) . .4330 Richmond Outpost.. .. 1419 Richmond.. .520-8446 Grey Party.. .. .. . P.O. 130773177219 HOUSTON ADULT THEATER (AC: 713) Pacific Streel. . . . 710 Pacific. . . .. 523-0213 Gulf Coast Transgender Community .... P.O. 66643177266 French Quarter 3201 Louisiana 527·0782 Qrs . . . .. 534 Westheimer. . .529-8813 ... 780-4282 HOUSTON APARTMENT COMMUNITY (AC: 713) Rascals. .1318 Westheimer . . .. 942-CLUB Hate Cnmes Hotline. . . P.O. 86469177266-8469 Chaleaux Dijon ... 5331 BeveRy HiIIl11.. . . 626-3660 Rich's. . . . .. 2401 San Jacinto. .759-9606 .529-9615 HOUSTON ATTORNEYS (AC: 713) Ripcord. . .. 715 Fairview. . .. 521-2792 Health Dept. AIDS Hotline. . . . 794-9020 Archer, Danna K.. . 524-1273 Santa Fe Bar & Patio ... 804 Pacific. . . . 521-2519 Heartsong (women's chorus). . .. P.O. 980243177098-0243 Green, Bill (24 hrs.) .. .. 266-1004 611 Club.. .. 611 Hyde ParI<.. .... 526-7070 Herpes H.E.L.P. Hotline. . . 879-1142 Hurder, Richard. ....... .871-0731 Steam (after hours) ... 402 Lovett.. .. 521-1450 HIV Counseling .' . 701 Richmond. . . 529-0037 Milledge, Samuel L. . . 465-3385 Venture-N . . .. 2923 S. Main. . . . ... 522-0000 Houston Area Bears. PO. 68443177226 . . . . 867-9123 Ritchie & Glass (24 hrs.) . .. 521-9216 HOUSTON COUNSELING (AC: 713) Houston Area Teen Coalitioo of Homosexuals .. 942·7002 Roll, Raoornph Earl. . . . 869-7933 Edd, Nicholas, Dr., Psy.D.. . ... 493-9984 Houston Black Tie Dinner. . . .. 523-9611 ~mon & Knesek . . 524-6000 Montrose Coonseting Center . . . . 701 Richmond Houston Gay & Lesbian Parents. . . . . 284-4939 Walker, Jim 552-1117 .529-0037 Houston Gay & Lesbian Poln<ai Ceucus . PO. 66884/77266 HOUSTON BUSINESSESISERVICES (AC: 713) Dstrin, Olivia, M.Ed., L.P.C. .. . .. 493-9984 .. 521-1000 AdvancelDamron Vacations . HOUSTON DOCTORSIDENTISTS (AC: 713) Houston Lesbian/Gay POOe Week '96 .. . Ooe Greenway Plaza, Suite 890 . 888-1023 OnCoI Medical Group. . . ... 961-7100 .. PO. 98071177266-6071 . . . 529-6979 Bask Brothers. .. 1232Westheimer. .522-1626 Smith, Bruce W., D.D.S. . . . 529-4384 Houston lesbian and Gay Community Center .. CfeADlive.. . .. 2014 Sui Ross .. .. 526-5190 HOUSTON FITNESS CENTERS (AC: 713) .. P.O. 2304177252. . . . 867-7904 Crossroads Mart<et.. 1111 Westheimer .. .942-0147 The Ctub . . . 2205 Fannin. . . . 659-4998 Houston Metropolitan Billiards League. . 299-8969 Dramatika .. 3804 S. Shepherd. . . . . 528-5457 Midtowne Spa. . .3100 Fannin. . . .522-2379 Houston Outdoor Group. . KAMP-OUT Exposure Prints by lio.. . 619-1968 HOUSTON HEALTH CLUB (AC: 713) Houston Prkie Band .. 309 Stratford 14. . . .524-0218 Houston GayiLesbian Yellow Pages. . . 942-0084 Fnness Exchange ... 3930 Kirby 1300 . . 524-9932 Houston Professional Men's Association. . . . . 866-4079 Jack Roach Ford .... 2727 S.w. Frwy. . . .525-7400 HOUSTON ORGANIZATIONS/HELPLlNES (AC: 713) Houston Professionals. . . P.O. 38401Hum~e Lealher by Boots. . .. 807 Fairview. . . . 526-2666 Atrican-Amencan Lesbian/Gay Alliance. P.O. 130818177219 .. 821-7126 Leather by Boots .. 715 FairviewiRipcord. . . . 526-0444 .... 884-2242 Houslon Tennis Club. . . ... 875-2891 ute Benelactors.. ... Janel Cohen. .. 800-330-5281 AIDS Alliance ot the Bay Area . .. 409-744-3200 Houston Triangle Scuba Divers . . . . 10727 Hazenl77072 . 17511 EI Camine Real #159 .... 488-4492 ... 530-7822 Life Today .. . . 892-5433 AIDS Foundation Houston. . . . 3202 Weslayan Houston Wednesday Night Mixers Bowling. . . . 522-9612 Muscles In Action (C.J. Harringlon). . .965-9917 ... 623-6796 Houston Women's Softball League. . . P.O. 70668177270 PostNet . . 2620-B S. Shepherd. . . . 528-7678 AIDSIHIV Inlo. Une (referrals). . . 902-2231 .. 721-8854 R<e Pharmacy .. .527-8339 AIDS Hotline (9a-9p) . . . .. 524-AIDS Houslon Wreslling Club. . .. . .. P.O. 131134177219-1134 Stal Script Pharmacy. . . . .. 4101 Greenbriar 1235 AIDS Intertaith Council of Houston. . . 882-5995 .. 453-7408 .1_800-829-3044.521-17001521-5855 AIDS Legal Hotline... . .. 528-7702 Impertal Court of the Single Star . P.O. 980444177098-0444 Suzanne Anderson Properties. . . . . 529-8484 AtDS Mastery .. . 524-AIDS .. 587-5428 TWT Graphics (art, design, typesetting). .527-9111 American Civil Uberties Union. . . .. 942-8146 Inner Loop Sundey Bowling. . ... 522-9612 Tuxedo G~lery . .1214 W. 43 . .. 888-3199 Asians & Friends ... P.O. 740348177274.. .772-3757 Jewisil Fami~ Services.. .4131 S. Braeswood ... S. Cherry Park. . . 345-8959 The Assistance Fund. .. 1116 Jackson Blvd. . ... 667-9338 USA Pageanlry . . . . 523-5293 ... 7700611210.. .529-4788 Jusl for Us (teens with gayiles. parenls) . . . 888-8260 HOUSTON CHURCHES & RELIG. ORGAN. (AC: 713) Astro Rainbow Alliance of the Oeaf, tnc ... Krewe of OlympuSfexas . . . ... P.O. 920794177292 Bering Memonal Uniled Methodist Church .... 1440 Harold .. P.O. 66138177266-6136 .526-1017 KPFT Radio... .419 Lovett.. .. 526-4000 AVES, Inc. .. . 4126 S.w. Frwy, Sune 1717 .... 626-2837 Lambda Cenler AA. . 1201 W. Clay. . (office) 521-1243 Community Gospel .... 4305 Lillian . . .. 880-9235 Bayou C'" Ilo\'s Club . . P.O. 131284177219 ... (lobby) 528-9772 Commun", 01 the Reoonciling Servant . Bering Care Center ... 1440 Harold. . .. 520-7070 Lambda R~~rskaling Club.. . 7414 Puerto Vallartal77083 ... (PresbyierianiRetormed). ..462-7154 Bering Community Service Foundation. Larry Garrett Found., Inc. (10a-6p) .... 11525 Burdine 1421 Covenant Baptist Church. .6610 Alder St. .. P.O. 540517177254... .. 529-6071 .. 888-8830 .1303177035 . . .. 729-7077 Bering Dental Clinic ... 1440 Harold . .524-7933 LesblGay StudentS/UH Clear Lake .. 2700 Bay Aleam058 Dawn of Failh Chnslian Church. .. 8405-K Almeda-Genoa BiNet Houston. .467-4380 .. 991-6766 LIB... . .. 529-0077 Body PositiveIHou .. 1475 W. Gray 1176. . ... 524-2374 Lesb~ns Over Age 50 . P.0.980601 . .. .. 661-1432 Dign", (gay Calhrnics) . . 1307Yale, Suite H Brazoria County Fr~nds . P.O. 1596lBeitaire 77402 .. 880-2872 Log Cabin Houslon. . PO. 131104177219-1104 Brotherhood of Pain .... PO. 66524177266-6524 .... 529-9100 First Unilanan Church . 5200 Fannin. . .. 526-5200 .942-8402 Lone Star Nudisl Group.. .. PO. 66621177266 Grace Lutheran Church.. . ... 2515 Waugh Bumies on the Bayou, Inc. . . .. PO. 68832177266 ... 866-8847 ... 526-7708 Chain Gang Bicycling Club.. . .... 863-1860 Lone Slar V<>leybail Association. . . . 878-4629 Hou. Mission Church .. 1505 Nevada. . .529-8225 Ctassic Chassis Car Club . .. P.O. 9811 02177098 MCC Library (Gay & Lesbian Archives). . . . 861-9149 Integr", (Episcopalians and friends) . Codependents Anonymous. .. . 529-3211 Miss Camp America Fotmdation. . P.O. 742iBe11aire 774ft!. ... PO. 66008177266-6008. . . 432-0414 Colt 45's, Inc.lAIDS Troubte Fund. . . . PO. 66604177266 .940-STAR Jewish Family Services.. ,4131 S. Braeswood .. 526-6077 .... 667-9338 Monday Night Women's Bowling. . . 437-62181862-3630 Crisis Hotline. .228-1505 Monlrose Clinic ..... 215 Westheimer.. . ... 520-2000 Kingdom Community Church . . ... 4404 Blossom Diana Foundation ... P.O. 66523177266. .639-2000 ..... 862-7533 Montrose Counseling Center . . 701 Richmond DlFFAlHouston. . . .5120 WoOOIiay, Suite 279 ... 529-0037 Krnbe House .. .. 1509 Fairview . . PO. 131605177219-1605 .. .. P.O. 66669177266-6669.. . .. 522-8182 Monlrose Ice Pk:ks .. P.O. 66450177266 . . 522-3687 .552-94451 fax 552-1671 Montrose Monday Nighl Men's Bowling 641-5424 Lutherans ConcemedlHouston. . . . 869-4218 Discrimination-Free Zone Project. . . P.O. 66664177266 MCCR.. . 1919 Decatur. 861-9149 Montiose Softball League.. . .. P.O. 541954177254-1954 .861-8238 .867-3913 Maranatha Fellowship MCC 3400 Monlrose, 1800 Dizinger Foundation. . .. 3701 Montrosel77oo6 . PO. 667032177266-7032 ..... 528-6756 The Movie Club. . 867-9454 ... 522-8660 Mishpachat Alizim (gay and lesbian Jews) .. ' NAMES Project .. 4617 Montrose IC-140 52-NAMES Drug Abuse Hotline. . . .. 1-8oo-662-HELP ... P.0.980138177298-0136. ..748-7079 Narcotics Anonymous (24-hr. helpline) 661-42011 Executive and Professional Association of Houston .. Pentecostal Family of Montrose. . . 4305 Lillian Nat. Leather Assoc P.O. 66553177266-6553 ... P.O. 130227177219-{)227 ... 880-9235 ............. 527-9666 FIST. [Females In Search ofTrou~e) . .772-5826 Presbytery of New Covenant. . . 41 Oakdale Neartown Assodalion . . 1413 Westheimerl77()116 FrontRunners (runners, joggers). . .522·8021 .. .. .. . .. 526-2585 North Monlrose Civic Assoc P.O. 130184177219-0184 Fundaci6n Latine Americana Conlra el SIDA, Inc.... Rothko Chapel. .. . 1409 SUI Ross. .. .. 524-9389 Omega House, Inc .... 602 Branard... .. 523-1139 . P.O. 773305177215-3305 . .995-6862 Saventh-Day Adventist Kinship P.O. 301047177230 lWT OCTOBER 25 - OCTOBER PAGE 104 311996 Outrage, Inc.... 1436 W. Gray 1279177019 706-2508 Parents, Families & Friends of les. & Gays 867-9020 Pet Patrol.. .. 522-1954 Presidents Club (HGLPC past. pres}, . PO. 66844 Prime Timers ... PO.980612177098-0612 .' .. 867-3903 PWA Coalitioo .. 3400 Mootrose, Suite 106 ..... 522-5428 Q Patrol. . . . . 528-SAFE (7233) Rainbow Ran~ers Dance Club .. 3115 Hou~on AvemOO9 ...................................... 880-0670 Rice U. Gay and Lesbian Alumni Assoc. (Rice GALA) .. .......................... (Ne~ Tannahill) 526-6718 Saler Sex House Parties (AFH) 623-6796 Soiree Aubergine. . 524-9304 SoutheaslTexas Legal Clinic ..... (HIVfterm. ill. legal clinic) . . 3400 Montrose, Suite 203177006 .. 523-7852 Soulhern Country Houston. . .. P.O. 1502177252 ................. 848-9340 St. Michael's AIDS Support Group. . 1801 Sage ... 621-4370 Sleven's House. .. 522-5757 Stone Soup (AFH). . .. 623-6796 Team Houslon.. PO. 68405177266-6405 935-1060 Texas Gay Rodeo Association ... P.O. 130585177219-0585 ......................... 777-1444 Texas Invitational Bowling Tournament .. ................ (Andrea) 447-8133 ... (Tom) 522-9612 Texas Riders-Houston. . PO. 66545177266-6545 That's What Friends Are For! P.O. 35786177235 .. (10a-6p) 729-7077 TLC House (HIV-positive shener) . . 902-2231 TV-TG-TS Helpline 780-4282 Unned States Mission (res. shelter program) .. 810 Branard ...................................... 942-0355 Visiting Nurse Association. . . 520·8115 Wednesday Nighl Mixers Bowling (Tom) 522-9612 Women's Info. and Referral. . . . 528-2121 Women for Sobrie~ (Pat) 520-1501 Women's Center .. .. . 528-6798 HOUSTON RESTAURANTS (AC: 713) Jack Laurenzo's 5589 Richmond... . .. 266-4191 Mauvoleum Cafe 411 Weslheimer 526-4648 HUNTSVILLE ORGANIZATION (AC: 409) Planned Parenlhood (HIV counseling) 2405-C Ave. I .. 295-6396 IRVING ATTORNEY (AC: 214) Kowalski, John. .. (Metroi214)445-4149 LAKE CHARLES, LA_ CLUB (AC: 318) The Ryan SI. Pub .... 723 Ryan SI.. . . 436-9524 LAREDO ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 210) AIDS Gateway Community He~th Canter ..... 200 W. Lyon ...................................... 718-5780 C", Health Oepl. HIV Project. . . . 722-2437 LONGVIEW CHURCH (AC: 903) Church With A Vision. . 420 E. Conon SI. ........... 753-1501 LONGVIEW CLUBS (AC: 903) Dedsions . . .. 2103 E. Marsilal. 757-4884 Ufestyles 446 N. Eastman 758-8082 LONGVIEW ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 903) Special He~th Resources/Serv. & Test .... 1-800-526-0669 American Red Cross/AIDS support group. . . . 753-2091 LambdaAA 906 Padon 753-4167 LUBBOCK CHURCH (AC: 806) MCC Lubbock 5501 34lh SI.. 792-5562 LUBBOCK ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 806) GayiLesbian Siudeni Assoc P.O. 4310, SOS office #8 ...................................... 745-9207 lambda AA . . . 828-3316 LUG.A.. . P.O. 4310179464 766-7184 Oulreach ANAlanon . 102 N. Ave. S.. .. 866-4380 PFLAG . . PO. 94493179413-4493 799-5466 South Plains AIDS Resource Canter. . . P.O. 6949179413 .. 796-70881hotline 792-7783 LUFKIN ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 409) East Texas AIDS Project. . . 569-8240 Planned Parenlhood (HIV counseling) 1404 Frank .634-8446 McALLEN CLUBS (AC: 210) PB.D:s Lounge Ware Rd. at Daffodil. . .682-8019 10th Avenue 1820 N.1Oth 682-7131 McALLEN ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 210) Casa de la Merced (HIV supporVservices) 886-6047 Comfort House (AIDS hospice) . .687-7367 Corazones Unidos (HIV care/services) .. . 668-1155 Gay & Lesbian Bowling League. . 971-8894 Nombres de la Frontera (AIDS Quin) . . 565-5437 Proyecto Salud (HIV educalion) . . 830-4309 MIDLAND/ODESSA CHURCHES (AC: 915) Ho~ Tnn", Comm. Church. . . . 402 E. Gist TWT OCTOBER 25 - OCTOBER 31 1996 . 570-HTCC(4822) Prodigal Ministries Community Church (Odessa) .. ................. 1500 E. Murphy.. .. 580-7328 MINERAL WELLS ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 817) Ace Social Group. ...325-03251328-1799 Fr~nds of Jesus (Quakers) 1404 SE 131h St.l78067 ........................ 325-0325 NACOGDOCHES ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 409) East Texas AIDS Project P.O. 631346 .569-8240. . .lesting/569-2021 Gay & Lesbian Student AssocIStephen F. Austin. .............. SFA Sialion 7121175962 ..... 569-2413 ODESSA/MIDLANDoI'ERMIAN BASIN ORGAN. (AC:915) Free and Clean Lambda AA (Odessa) 580-7328 West Texas Gay Alliance. . .. 1500 E. MurphylOdessa ...................................... 580-7328 PORT ARANSAS ACCOMMODATIONS (AC: 512) Sea Horse Inn 1423 ll1h SI.. 749-5221 RIO GRANDE VALLEY ORGANIZATIONS GayiLesbian Alliance of the Rio Grende Valley. ............................ (210)428-6800 Rio Grande V~ley Gay & Lesbian Bowling League. .................................. (210)971-8894 UT at Pan American Gay and Les. Siudent Organ .. ........................... (210)381-2260 ROSENBERG ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 713) Country Cousins P.O. 94177471 Out in Fori Bend . . 344-0638 SAN ANGELO CLUB (AC: 915) Silenl Parlners ..... 1819 S. Harrison. ..949-9041 SAN ANGELO ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 915) Lambda AA 1121 S. Bryan!. .949-0662 San Angelo AIDS Foundation P.O. 62474176906 .658-3634 SAN ANTONIO ACCOMMODATIONS (AC: 210) Elmira Motor Inn 1126 E. Elmira. .222-9463 Painted Lady 620 Broadway 220-1092 SAN ANTONIO BUSINESSES (AC: 210) Encore Video.. .8546 Broadway.. . 821-5345 Encore Video Too 1216 E. Euclid 472-3004 Our Travel. 15800 San Pedro. .. 496-1776 Shocking Gray 1216 E. EucM 472-2800 Zebra'z (gifts).. 1216 E. Euclid. .472-2800 SAN ANTONIO CHURCHES & RELlG_ ORGAN_ (AC: 210) Dignity (gay CatholiCS) .. P.O. 12484 558-3287 First Unitarian Church. 7150 IH 10 W. . .. 844-4695 Infanl Jesus of Prague Chapel .. 3442 W. Woodlawnl78228 ... 432-2510 MCCSA. .. 1136 W. Woodlawn 734-0048 Nativity of Jesus Byzantine Cath. Ch. of Amer. Calhedral ... 9539 Bowen Dr.l78250 520-8213 River City Living Church. . . 202 Holland ......... 822-1121 SI. Serglos & SI. Bacchos Orthodox Mission .. . P.O. 17232178217 697-3264 SAN ANTONIO CLUBS (AC: 210) Bonham Exchange 411 Bonham 271-3811 Cowboys 622 Rooseven Ave 532-9194 Eagle Mountain .. 1902 McCullough Ave. .. .733-1516 EI Jardin 106 Navarro 223-7177 Mick's Hideaway .. 5307 McCullough Ave.. . 828-4222 The Pegasus 1402 N. Main 299-4222 ReBar 826 San Pedro . . 271-8663 The Saint. .. 1430 N. Main 225-7330 Silver Dollar 1418 N. Main.. ..227-2623 Sparks. . 8011 Webbles 599-3225 2015 2015 San Pedro. . . .. 733-3365 Wi~ Club. . . 820 San Pedro 226-2620 Woody's 826 San Pedro at W. Laurel. . 271-9663 SAN ANTONIO DOCTOR (AC: 210) Douglas, Albert H., M.D. . . ... 5018 San Pedro .... 826-2311 SAN ANTONIO FITNESS CENTERS (AC: 210) All. Clubs, AC.1. . .827 E. Elmira 223-2177 Executive Spa 703 Ave. B.. .225-8807 SAN ANTONIO ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 210) AIDS Informalion . . 225-4715 AIDS Resource Clr ... 800 Lexington .. . 222-2437 Alamo Business Coundl (proflsocial) PO. 15481178212 Alamo C", Men's Chorale P.O. 120243178212 ................. 979-7308 Bexar Co. Bears. P.O. 17232178217-0232 377-7308 Bexar Men (gay nudi~) PO. 12342178212-{)342 Casa Martin.. . 132 W. Grayson S1.I78212 ..... 227-5968 Chain 01 Command . . 2807 WesMew Dr. . Canyon Lake, TXI78133-4418 .. .733-64751899-7879 RSI Court of the Alamo Empire PO. 120123178212 ................ . 735-9657 Crisis Helpline (24 hours) 227-4357 Gay & lesbian Community CenterlUnity Foundation .. . P.O. 15857178212 734-UNITY Gay Switchboard (bar "to). . . 734-2633 Happy Foundation 411 Bonham 227-6451 Hispar~ AIDS Committee 132 W. Grayson St.l78212 ·········· 224-7330 Lambda AA .... 8546 Broadway, Suite 255 824-2027 Les~an InIoIS.A P.O. 12327 828-LlSA MCCSA.. . . 611 E. Myrtle 472-3597 MHMR 402 Austin 225-4227 NAMES Project. .818 E. Grayson.. .. 225-4715 Parents, Families & Friends of lesb. & Gays .. ...... 121 W. Woodlawnl78212 822-4135 River City Pool League 734-3630 Ryan White Oental Clin~ . . .. 818 E. Graysonl78208 .... 224-8950 San Anlonio AIDS Foundation 818 E. Graysonl78208 . 225-4715 San Antonio Equal Rights Political Caucus .. . P.O. 12571178212 828-2723 San Antonio Gay, lesbian and Bisexual Vets of America . ...... PO. 83397178265-3397 554-9918 San Antonio Gay Switchboard PO. 120402 ................................ 733-7300 San Antonio Lambda Studenls Alliance .. PO. 12715178212 .................................. 736-4329 San Antonio Men's Chorus. . .. . 102 Wickes SI. .................................. 226-2324 San Antonio NOW .. PO. 12874178212 . . ... 673-8600 San Anlonio Tavern Guild PO. 12712178212 South Texas Outreach Program for AIDSiUT Health ScL em. ................. 301 S. Frio #278 270-4621 Tejas Motorcycle Club 917 Brooldyn Ave. ................ 223-6620 Texas Gay Rodeo Associalion . . P.O. 12651 ........... 349-8478 Unned Stales Mission ofTx. (res. shelter program). · 626 E. Quincy178215 299-1318 WellnessConnection .. 106Warren 732-3111 Young Men's Heanh Project (YMHP} .. .. 104 Babcock Rd.l78201 736-2244 SAN MARCOS ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 512) Lambda/Gay, Lesbian Bi Student Assoc. (SWTU). 396-4317 GLSA of GLSA.. .. 754-0948 Rural AIDS Service Program 142 Jackson Ln. · PO. 748178667-0748.. . .. 754-6628 SHERMAN CLUB (AC: 903) Good Time Lounge .. 2520 Hwy 91 N.. . . 4639944 SHERMAN ORGANIZATION (AC: 903) A.R.C.OT. PO. 367175091. .813-1272 S_ PADRE ISLAND ACCOMMODATIONS (AC: 210) Upper Deck HotellCrews Quarters Bar PD. 2309178597 . 761-5953 TEXARKANA ORGANIZATION (AC: SOl) Texarkana AIDS Project. . . 773-1994 TEXAS CITY ORGANIZATION (AC: 409) Gun Coasl Cenler (HIV case manage.) .... 6510 Memorial .. 935-0506 TYLER CHURCH (AC: 903) SI. Gabriel Community Church ..... 13904 Cr. 1193175703 ................... 581-6923 TYLERJSMITH CO_ MEDICAL (AC: 903) Planned Parenthood .. 3500 E. South Broadway .581-6923 WACO CHURCH (AC: 817) MCC. . 1601 Clay.. .. 752-5331 WACO CLUB (AC:817) David's 507 Jefferson al5lh 753-9189 WACO ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 817) Court of the Central Texas Empire . · PO. 20761176702 . . .. 754-2060 GLACT P.O. 9081176714...... .741-1428 Parenls, Families & Friendsof Lesb. & Gays ..... 750-7211 WEATHERFORDoI'ARKER CO_ ORGAN. (AC: 817) Parker County HIVIAIDS Support Group .. . P.O. !683N/ealhertord . . . 596-3022 WICHITA FALLS CHURCH (AC: 817) MCC. . .. . .. . 1014 Wichita. .. 322-4100 WICHITA FALLS ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 817) AIDS Supporl Center. . . 405 Galveston, Suite 10 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .322-9122 Diversity (gayAesb. students at Midwestern Stale Univ... .... 3410TaftBlvd.l12806 .... 692-4968 WOODLANDS ORGANIZATION (AC: 713) Northwoods HIVIAIDS Support Group. .367-4083 PAGE 105 LIVE LOCAL ; TALK LINE , "rELL ME ABOIft' YOURnRsr riME" FOR LOCAL NAMES AND NUMBERS IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD, CAll: 1-900-CUTE BOYS S2lMIN.
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