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New Summit Covers_2011 Q8_Program 11/9/11 3:27 PM Page 1
National Summit of
Hispanic State Legislators
Strengthening Our Future,
Strengthening Our Legacy
Fajardo, Puerto Rico
November 17-20, 2011
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Copyright: © 2011 The National Hispanic Caucus of
State Legislators
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| November 17-20, 2011
National Summit of
Hispanic State Legislators
Strengthening Our Future
Strengthening Our Legacy
November 17-20 | Fajardo, Puerto Rico
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Strengthening Our Future
Strengthening Our Legacy
Table of Contents
Mission/Goals .......................................................... 3
Welcome Letters .................................................. 4-5
2011 NHCSL Executive Committee Members ....... 6
2011 NHCSL Business Board of Advisors .............. 8
Agenda at a Glance ............................................... 12
Detailed Agenda:
Wednesday ........................................... 15
Thursday ............................................... 15
Friday .................................................... 17
Saturday ................................................ 20
Speaker Biographies ............................................. 22
Special Recognition Award .................................. 38
John S. Martinez Excellence in Leadership Award... 39
9th National Summit of Hispanic State Legislators
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Fajardo, Puerto Rico
Mission Statement
The National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators (NHCSL)
was founded in 1989 as a nonpartisan, nonprofit 501(c)3. The
mission of the NHCSL is to be the foremost organization serving
and representing the interests of Hispanic state legislators from
all states, commonwealths and territories of the United States.
The NHCSL meets its mission by serving as a catalyst for joint
action on issues of common concern, such as housing, immigration, education, energy and healthcare, to all segments of
the Hispanic community. In addition, NHCSL provides a forum
for information exchange and member networking; supports
leadership training; acts as a liaison with sister U.S. Hispanic
organizations; promotes public and private partnerships with
business and labor; and partners with Hispanic state or provincial legislators and their associations represented throughout
the world. For more information visit
Goals and Objectives
To improve the effectiveness of Hispanic legislators to
positively impact public policy and the quality of life for
all segments of the Hispanic community.
To inform and educate legislators, the government and
the public on topics and issues affecting the Hispanic
community including, but not limited to, educational programs
and initiatives, conferences, workshops, symposiums,
newsletters, research studies, and personal contacts.
To propose model legislation and administrative actions
to reduce and eliminate obstacles to the achievement of
a better quality of life and advancements in education,
health care, housing, economic development and reciprocity, criminal justice, employment and job training,
and other critical issues facing the Hispanic community.
To advocate for the appointment of Hispanics to positions
of influence in all levels and branches of government that
will positively impact public policy for Hispanics.
To advocate the hiring and promotion of Hispanics to positions of influence in the private sector.
To inform, educate, and promote the active participation
of Hispanics in the political and electoral process within
their communities and the promotion of their diverse and
rich cultures, heritages, and languages.
To work toward the achievement of the above goals
through NHCSL initiatives and in cooperation with participating and supportive corporations and businesses,
government agencies, labor and civic organizations and
associations, individuals and other active entities.
November 17-20, 2011
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Strengthening Our Future
Strengthening Our Legacy
Welcome to Fajardo, Puerto Rico and
NHCSL’s Ninth National Summit of Hispanic State Legislators!
The 2011 Summit theme of “Strengthening
Our Future, Strengthening our Legacy” reflects our mission as Hispanic state legislators in developing ideas and creating
policy that will fortify our heritage for generations to come. NHCSL continues to be the forum for developing policies that strengthen individual states as well as the country
as a whole.
Our states continue to suffer with an unstable economy, high unemployment and hurdles in implementing health reform. Latino
communities everywhere are struggling through the toughest
economic environment we have seen in decades. In the midst
of the 2012 Presidential Election, our voice as Hispanic legislators
is even more important to address these issues to strengthen our
future. We will use this summit to share ideas, formulate policy
solutions and empower our communities.
Our Summit sessions will address issues in patient protections;
including a lunch plenary discussion on the future of employment
and economic opportunity and its impact on states; we will explore barriers in broadband adoption; we will feature a town hall
discussion on disenfranchised voters; and we will closely examine
the impact that domestic violence has on our communities. At this
year’s Summit, we will also elect a new leadership to guide NHCSL
into the future. We are joined by notable state and national elected
officials for robust discussions. I have no doubt this summit will
prove to be a memorable one.
I would also like to extend my gratitude and many thanks to our
hosts, the Puerto Rico Legislative Assembly, Senate President
Thomas Rivera Schatz and Speaker of the House of Representatives Jenniffer González Colón and the Governor of Puerto Rico,
Luis Fortuño, for welcoming our membership with open arms. I
am positive that our membership will find the true meaning of
“La Isla del Encanto” during the next couple of days. In the same
manner, I would like to recognize our corporate partners, whose
commitment makes this Summit and so much of NHCSL’s work
possible. Your participation is greatly appreciated and deserving
of recognition.
While this Summit will be my last as President, I look forward to
continuing to work with all of you and helping NHCSL continue to grow. With your support, I know that NHCSL will have
a broader impact in the future of Strengthening Hispanic America.
Senator Iris Y. Martinez (IL)
NHCSL President
9th National Summit of Hispanic State Legislators
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Fajardo, Puerto Rico
November 17-20, 2011
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Strengthening Our Future
Strengthening Our Legacy
Senator Iris Y. Martinez
First Vice President
Representative Minnie Gonzalez
Majority Whip-At Large
Vice President for Public Policy
Representative Mario Goico
Vice President for Membership
Representative Pedro Marin
Representative Mara Candelaria Reardon
Senator Juan M. Pichardo
President Pro-Tempore
Rhode Island
Senator Ross Romero
Senate Minority Leader
Immediate Past President
Representative Joseph E. Miró
Representative Michel Consejo
Representative Angel Cruz
Senator Mo Denis
Representative Nora Espinoza
New Mexico
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Fajardo, Puerto Rico
Senator Floyd Esquibel
Senator Rene Garcia
Representative Jenniffer González Colón
Speaker of the House
Puerto Rico
Representative Ben Lujan
Speaker of the House
New Mexico
Assemblymember Tony Mendoza
Representative Catherine Miranda
Representative Richard Miranda
Senator Antonio Muñoz
Assemblymember Felix Ortiz
New York
Senator Thomas Rivera Schatz
Senate President
Puerto Rico
Representative Louis Ruiz
Senator Leticia Van de Putte
Representative Mark Archuleta Wheatley
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Strengthening Our Future
Strengthening Our Legacy
2011 NHCSL Business
Emilio González
Vice President, Strategic Alliances
Verizon Communications
Vice Chairman
Sara Johnson Davis
Associate Director
State Government Affairs
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation
Vice President for Corporate Policy
Jerry Fuentes
President, Arizona - New Mexico
AT&T Services, Inc.
Vice President for Membership
Jamie J. Oldani
Director of State Government Affairs
Nilda Gumbs
Senior Director, State & Local Government
National Cable & Telecommunications Association
Strategic Advisor to the BBA
Juan Otero
Senior Director, Government Affairs
Full Members
David Anderson
Director of State Government Affairs
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals
Melissa Bishop-Murphy
Senior Director, National Government Relations & Multicultural
Pfizer Inc.
9th National Summit of Hispanic State Legislators
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Fajardo, Puerto Rico
Board of Advisors
Neftali Garcia
Director of Governmental Affairs
McLane Company, Inc.
Denise M. Harrod
Vice President, Government Affairs
Compu Credit Corporation
Holly Jacques Turner
Director, State Government Affairs
Merck & Co., Inc.
Sarah Magruder Lyle
Vice President of External Affairs
America’s Natural Gas Alliance
Larry Lucas
Shawn A. Miles
Senior Vice President, Group Head
MasterCard Worldwide
Marco Paredes
Senior Manager for State Government Affairs
Tony Reinhart
Regional Manager of Government Affairs
Ford Motor Company Fund
Jose Luis Rodriguez
Chief Executive Officer
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Strengthening Our Future
Strengthening Our Legacy
Associate Business Members
Rudy Beserra
Vice President of Latin Affairs
The Coca-Cola Company
Catherine A. Caponi
Vice-President, Government Relations
Flora M. Castillo
Vice President Corporate Marketing
AmeriHealth Mercy
Marshall Cohen
Senior Director, State and Local Government
Nuclear Energy Institute
Rafael Fernandez, Jr.
Senior Vice President, State Government Relations
Recording Industry Association of America
Alex Franco
Regional State Government Relations Manager –
Western & Southern States
Mead Johnson Nutrition
Susan M. Hess
Director, PR and External Communications
Shaylah Nunn
Government Affairs & Multicultural Advocacy
Novo Nordisk Inc.
9th National Summit of Hispanic State Legislators
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Fajardo, Puerto Rico
Jamie Hastings
Vice President, External & State Affairs
CTIA - The Wireless Association
Business Contributing Members
Suzanne Hutchinson
Executive Vice President
Mortgage Insurance Companies of America
Howie Hodges
Vice President, External Affairs
Government Relations Division
Time Warner Cable
Karla M. Kiriako
Senior Manager, State Government Affairs
U.S Corporate Affairs
Sanofi Aventis
Jenny Perez
Director of Community Relations
Select Management Corp. LLC
November 17-20, 2011
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Strengthening Our Future
Strengthening Our Legacy
Agenda at a Glance
(3:00 pm – 4:30 pm)
Meet and Greet
Magnolia Ballroom
(4:00 pm)
Hotel Check in Begins
(5:30 pm – 9:00 pm)
NHCSL Leadership Dinner
Reception Location: La Fortaleza San Juan, PR
(Invite only - Legislative/BBA Leadership Members)
(7:00 am – 2:00 pm)
John S. Martinez 5th Annual Golf Scholarship Fundraiser
(8:00 am Tee-off)
Arthur Hills Golf Course
El Conquistador Resort (Meet at lobby 7:15am)
(1:00 pm – 5:00 pm)
Summit Registration
Atrium Desks 1 & 4
(1:00 pm – 2:00 pm)
Welcome Lounge
Hotel Lobby
(2:00 pm – 5:00 pm)
Lilly Insulin Manufacturing Facility Tour
Carolina, PR
Transportation departs from lobby at 1:40pm
(2:00 pm – 3:00 pm)
Connecting the Dots in the Digital Age: Policy, Social
Capital and Advocacy
(3:00 pm – 4:00 pm)
Broadband En Acción Meeting (Closed Meeting)
(4:15 pm – 5:30 pm)
BBA Meeting (BBA members only)
9th National Summit of Hispanic State Legislators
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Fajardo, Puerto Rico
(6:30 pm – 9:30 pm)
Pirates of the Caribbean Reception
Reception Location: Palomino Island
(White Attire Preferred)
Transportation departs from lobby at 6:30pm
(7:30 am – 3:00 pm)
Summit Registration
Atrium Desk 1
(8:00 am – 9:00 am)
Opening Plenary Breakfast – A Year in Review
Grand Caribbean Salon 6-8
(9:30 am – 11:30 am)
State Patient Protections: Access to Medicines Under
Medicaid and Managed Care Following the Affordable
Care Act of 2010
(11:45 am – 1:15 pm)
Summit Luncheon
Latino Jobs: The Future of Employment and Economic
Opportunity For America’s Fastest-Growing Community
Grand Caribbean Salon 6-8
(1:20 pm – 2:20 pm)
Empowering the Latino Voter Town Hall
(2:30 pm – 4:00 pm)
Concurrent Task Force Meetings
Business & Economic Development (BBTF)
Grand Caribbean Salon 3
Education & Civil Rights
Health Care
International Relations, Trade & Immigration
Labor & Workforce Development
Grand Caribbean Salon 1-2
(4:15 pm – 5:15 pm)
Leadership Meeting (NHCSL officers only)
Siete Mares A
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Strengthening Our Future
Strengthening Our Legacy
(4:15 pm – 5:15 pm)
Nominations Committee Meeting (Closed Meeting)
(5:30 pm – 6:00 pm)
Leadership De-Brief
(BBA and Executive Committee Leadership only)
Siete Mares A
(7:00 pm – 10:00 pm)
Just Think: Puerto Rico!
Reception Location: El Faro
Transportation departs from lobby at 6:50pm
(7:30 am – 12:00 pm)
Summit Registration
Atrium Desk 1
(8:00 am – 9:45 am)
Telling Amy’s Story – Addressing Domestic Violence
Grand Caribbean Salon 6-8
(10:00 am – 1:00 pm)
NHCSL Annual Executive Committee & BBA Meeting (Legislators and BBA only)
Pablo Casalas Ballroom
(6:30 pm – 7:00 pm)
“Noche de Celebración”
Reception Location: Castillo de San Cristóbal, Old San Juan
(Cocktail Attire)
Transportation departs from lobby at 5:40pm
(7:00 pm – 10:30 pm)
“Noche de Celebración Awards Banquet”
*All events will be held at the El Conquistador Resort unless
otherwise noted.
**All events are Business Attire unless otherwise noted.
9th National Summit of Hispanic State Legislators
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Fajardo, Puerto Rico
Detailed Agenda
(3:00 pm – 4:30 pm)
Meet and Greet
Magnolia Ballroom
(4:00 pm)
Hotel Check in Begins
(5:30 pm – 9:00 pm)
NHCSL Leadership Dinner
Reception Location: La Fortaleza San Juan, PR
(Invite only - Legislative/BBA Leadership Members)
(7:00 am – 2:00 pm)
John S. Martinez 5th Annual Golf Scholarship Fundraiser
(8:00 am Tee-off)
Arthur Hills Golf Course
El Conquistador Resort (Meet at lobby 7:15am)
Legislators and guest will participate in the Fifth Annual
John S. Martinez Golf Outing hosted by NHCSL and the
Legislative Assembly of Puerto Rico. Join golf legend
Chichi Rodriguez and other sport celebrities including
boxing champ Felix “Tito” Trinidad, baseball greats Ivan
“Pudge” Rodriguez and Carlos Baerga for Tee-off under
the breathtaking Atlantic Ocean backdrop during and
early game. It will be a star-studded event to remember in
one of Puerto Rico’s most spectacular courses to complete to help raise money to support the John S. Martinez
scholarship effort.
Support Provided By:
Primo Energy Group Inc.
Professional Market Research
(1:00 pm – 5:00 pm)
Summit Registration
Atrium Desks 1 & 4
**Please visit our Exhibit Booths**
(1:00 pm – 2:00 pm)
Welcome Lounge Open
Hotel Lobby
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Strengthening Our Future
Strengthening Our Legacy
(2:00 pm – 5:00 pm)
Lilly Insulin Manufacturing Facility Tour Carolina, PR
(Registration Closed)
Transportation departs from lobby at 1:50pm
This activity is supported by a contribution from
Lilly USA, LLC.
(2:00 pm – 3:00 pm)
Connecting the Dots in the Digital Age: Policy, Social
Capital and Advocacy
This session hosted by NHCSL’s Broadband En Acción Taskforce has two interrelated goals, which are policy exploration
and practical skills development. The first half will feature a
policy discussion focused on broadband access, digital literacy and the policies that facilitate those goals for a Latino
community that is both adept at adopting technology and
facing barriers to full participation in the global, digital economy. The second half will feature a practical, hands-on skills
training that will enhance legislators’ skills in connecting,
communicating and advocating via social media tools, including Twitter, Facebook, and other social media.
Henry Rivera Esq., Partner, Wiley Rein LLP
Kristin Brown, Account Director, Racepoint
Group, LLC
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm)
Broadband En Acción Meeting (Closed Meeting)
(4:15 pm – 5:30 pm)
BBA Meeting (BBA members only)
(6:30 pm – 9:30 pm)
Pirates of the Caribbean Reception
(Palomino Island, White Attire Preferred)
Transportation departs from lobby at 6:30pm
Just a short boat ride from El Conquistador Resort,
Palomino Island is home to “pirates” of all kinds whom
will be waiting to greet our Summit participants. There
will be live salsa music and dancing, fantastic Caribbean
food, torch-lit walkways, Puerto Rican rum and treasures
to be discovered on the sand.
Come join the fun at our Welcome Reception to start off
our 2011 NHCSL Summit in Puerto Rico.
Adrian Pacheco
9th National Summit of Hispanic State Legislators
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Fajardo, Puerto Rico
Jerry Fuentes, AT&T
Senator Thomas Rivera Schatz, Senate President of Puerto Rico
Representative Jenniffer González Colón, Speaker of the
House of Representatives of Puerto Rico
Support Provided By:
Legislative Assembly of Puerto Rico
(7:30 am – 3:00 pm)
Summit Registration
Atrium Desk 1
**Please visit our Exhibit Booths**
(8:00 am – 9:00 am)
Opening Plenary Breakfast – A Year in Review
Grand Caribbean Salon 6-8
This session will reflect on the advancement and accomplishments during two years of service under our current
leadership. Task Force members will discuss the progress
over the past year in several policy areas such as broadband
accessibility, energy and the implementation of healthcare
reform within our states.
Senator Iris Y. Martinez (IL), President, NHCSL
Senator Juan M. Pichardo, Co-chair, Broadband
En Acción Task Force
Senator Sammuel Sanes (USVI), Energy Task Force
Representative Jeffrey Sánchez (MA), Healthcare
Task Force
Support Provided By:
Novartis Pharmaceuticals
(9:30 am – 11:30 am)
State Patient Protections: Access to Medicines Under
Medicaid and Managed Care Following the Affordable
Care Act of 2010
The states remain at the forefront of the fight to close health
disparities ensuring accessible, affordable and culturally
competent care. Among the many changes instituted by the
sweeping Affordable Care Act signed by President Obama in
2010 is a significant change to the Medicaid prescription
drug program, extending manufacturers rebates to drugs delivered to enrollees of Medicaid managed care organizations
(MCOs). Under this new environment, where states are
November 17-20, 2011
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Strengthening Our Future
Strengthening Our Legacy
shifting the pharmacy benefit from state-run fee for service
(FFS) to MCO models, patients will likely face greater challenges in accessing medications. As states shift the pharmacy benefits it is important that states ensure that the
MCOs maintain the same patient protections, transparency
and access to prescriber recommended medications that
FFS systems have provided to date. At stake is the Latino
community’s access to potentially life-saving medicines and
the efficacy of state systems.
Senator Rene Garcia (FL)
Assemblymember Peter M. Rivera (NY)
Representative Naomi González (TX)
Guillermo Chacón, Latino Commission on AIDS
Marthel E. Parsons-Ruiz, M.D., ABPN,
Design Your Life Center
Support Provided By:
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals
(11:45 am – 1:15 pm)
Summit Luncheon
Latino Jobs: The Future of Employment and Economic
For America's Fastest-Growing Community
Grand Caribbean Salon 6-8
The post-recession economy is increasingly digital, racing
more quickly toward the long-anticipated “jobs of the future”
as manufacturing and the blue-collar economy dwindles.
Latinos continue to experience a jobless rate that was, most
recently, around 11.3 percent, which is 43 percent higher
than the 7.9 percent unemployment rate for whites and higher
than the national average. Latinos also lost almost twothirds of overall household wealth by the end of the recession.
So where are the jobs and wealth-building opportunities of
the future for this community – green, entrepreneurial,
global, digital, service-sector, and/or otherwise?
Hector Sánchez, Executive Director, LCLAA
Gabriela Lemus, Ph.D., Senior Advisor
and Director, Office of Public Engagement, U.S.
Department of Labor (Invited)
Alejandra Castillo, National Deputy Director
of the Minority Business Development Agency
(MBDA), Department of Commerce (Invited)
(1:20 pm – 2:20 pm)
Empowering the Latino Voter Town Hall
9th National Summit of Hispanic State Legislators
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Fajardo, Puerto Rico
The Latino vote is a powerful national swing vote, Presidential
election determinant, and perhaps most importantly, it is positioned in key states across the country. Candidates and parties
want and need to reach out to Latinos to ensure political
longevity. Despite this, barriers to Latino political power and
civic participation are numerous. The Latino vote and civic participation can be harmed by sometimes illegal state and local activity, as well as state redistricting processes that require advocacy
to empower voters and their representatives. This session will explore the barriers and legal/policy frameworks for action.
Senator Carmelo Ríos Santiago (PR)
Geraldo Alicea (MA), Former State Representative
Representative Angel Cruz (PA)
Representative Roberto Alonzo (TX)
(2:30 pm – 4:00 pm)
Concurrent Task Force Meetings
Business & Economic Development (BBTF)
Grand Caribbean Salon 3
Maria del Pilar Avila, Chief Executive Officer,
New America Alliance
Andres Castillo, Senior Advisor for Education and
Outreach, AARP
Anna Cabral, Former U.S. Treasurer, Family Finance
Ambassador, AARP
Education & Civil Rights
Health Care
International Relations, Trade & Immigration
Labor & Workforce Development
Grand Caribbean Salon 1-2
Todd C. Landfried, Partner, Southwest Policy
Advisors, LLC
(4:15 pm – 5:15 pm)
Leadership Meeting (NHCSL officers only)
Siete Mares A
(4:15pm – 5:15pm)
Nominations Committee Meeting (Closed Meeting)
(5:30 pm – 6:00 pm)
Leadership De-Brief (BBA and Executive Committee
Leadership only)
Siete Mares A
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Strengthening Our Future
Strengthening Our Legacy
(7:00 pm – 10:00 pm)
Just Think: Puerto Rico!
Reception Location: El Faro Lighthouse
Transportation departs from lobby at 6:50pm
Enjoy the romance and mystique of the El Faro Lighthouse,
situated on the highest point of the Fajardo cape. This was
the second lighthouse erected in Puerto Rico by the
Spaniards and its central lantern was officially lit on May
2, 1882. Amazingly, the lighthouse has been operating uninterrupted ever since.
Excite your senses with the beautiful views of the lighthouse, the smell and taste of the delightful dinner of highend fusion cuisine and listen to music in a breathtaking
outdoor setting full of history.
Special Hosts:
Legislative Assembly of Puerto Rico
(7:30 am – 12:00 pm)
Summit Registration
Atrium Desk 1
(8:00 am – 9:45 am)
Telling Amy’s Story – Addressing Domestic Violence
Grand Caribbean Salon 6-8
Domestic violence impacts many communities and families
throughout the country. Prevalence seems to be greater
when there is poverty. For the Hispanic community, the
machismo that sometimes exists allows for a higher incidence. Members will be reminded of the impact domestic
violence has and will take a pledge to stop domestic violence and shine a light on survivors.
Senator Iris Y. Martinez (IL), President, NHCSL
Albert Browne, National Program Director and Vice President of Education and Technology, Verizon Foundation
Hon. Carmen Lopez (Ret.), Judge, Connecticut Superior Court
Jacqueline Padilla, Auxiliary of the Advocate, Women’s
Advocacy Office, Puerto Rico
(10:00 am – 1:00 pm)
NHCSL Annual Executive Committee & BBA Meeting
(Legislators and BBA only, Resolutions Adopted/Ratified
and Leadership Elections)
Pablo Casalas Ballroom
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Fajardo, Puerto Rico
(6:00 pm – 11:00 pm)
Noche de Celebración Awards Banquet
(New Leadership welcome, Awards presentation)
Reception Location: Castillo de San Cristóbal, Old San
(Cocktail Attire)
Transportation departs from lobby at 5:40pm
Noche de Celebración is not just a night for us to remember
everything that NHCSL has accomplished and to thank and
recognize everyone that has helped us accomplish it. This is
also a night to look ahead at everything we would like to
achieve and the new leadership that is going to help lead us
there. We will be thanking the past leadership for the service and welcoming the injection of life that the new leadership will bring.
This celebration will be held at Castillo de San Cristóbal,
which is not just the largest fort in Puerto Rico, but it is the
largest Spanish built fortification in the Western hemisphere.
The breathtaking views from the Castillo will provide all of
those in attendance with the perfect opportunity to celebrate
the past and look ahead to the future.
Emcee: Jose Tañon
Presentation of Colors: The National Guard
National Anthem:
Puerto Rico Symphonic Orchesta
Senator Luz Z. Arce Ferrer (PR)
Award Presentations:
Special Recognition Award
John S. Martinez Excellence in Leadership Award
Sen. Luz Z. Arce Ferrer (PR)
Sen. Ross I. Romero (UT)
Special Invited performers:
Tenor Carlos Aponte and the Puerto Rico
Symphonic Orchesta
Support Provided By:
Puerto Rico Tourism
Rums of Puerto Rico
Legislative Assembly of Puerto Rico
*All events will be held at the El Conquistador Resort unless
otherwise noted.
**All events are Business Attire unless otherwise noted.
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Strengthening Our Future
Strengthening Our Legacy
Speaker Biographies
Senator Iris Y. Martinez (IL)
President, NHCSL
Honorable Iris Y. Martinez was sworn into
her first term in the Illinois State Senate on
January 8, 2003, to represent the people of
Illinois’ 20th Legislative District. Located on
Chicago’s north side, the 20th District includes some of Chicago’s most diverse
neighborhoods including Albany Park, Avondale, Belmont, Cragin, Hermosa, Humboldt
Park, Logan Square, and Portage Park.
Senator Martinez is a trailblazer in
many respects. Upon her election in 2002, Senator Martinez became
the first Hispanic woman in Illinois to be elected to the State Senate.
In January 2007 she made history once again when Senate President
Emil Jones, Jr. named her Assistant Majority Leader, a position never
before held by a Latina. As one of the Illinois Senate’s top legislators,
Senator Martinez currently serves as Chair of the Senate Licensed Activities Committee and Vice-Chair of the Senate Pensions and Investments Committee. Senator Martinez is also a member of the Illinois
Senate’s Commerce, Education, Energy and Redistricting Committees.
Senator Martinez is also very significantly involved in the national political arena. In September of 2009 she was elected Chairman of the Democratic National Committee Hispanic Caucus and
in November of 2009 she was elected President of the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators. She is also a member of President
Obama’s Change Commission.
Throughout her years in the General Assembly, Senator Martinez
has worked diligently to protect working families and their communities. Senator Martinez secured much needed funding for community
agencies such as the Children’s Place, an agency that works with children and families affected by HIV and AIDS, and Concordia Avondale
Community Center, which provides daycare, after-school programs and
a center for seniors. Martinez also has fought for funding for the Gilead
Outreach & Referral Center, which connects uninsured families of metropolitan Chicago with affordable healthcare programs for which they
are eligible. She has consistently sponsored and passed legislation to
improve the health and welfare of the neediest residents of her district
and throughout the state, focusing mainly on women’s health issues.
Through her leadership, several important pieces of legislation signed into law recently have made a direct impact on the people of Illinois. Senate Bill 220 which focuses on affordable housing
development, House Bill 1744 which seeks reform of Employment
Eligibility Verification Systems, and Senate Bill 1162 which tackles
consumer fraud include a few of the issues Senator Martinez has
addressed. Senator Martinez remains committed to creating a better Illinois through fair and equitable legislation.
Senator Thomas Rivera Schatz (PR), Senate
President, NHCSL Executive Committee Member
The honorable Thomas Rivera-Schatz is the
current President of the Puerto Rico Senate. He
was born on June 10, 1966 in the Bronx, New
York City. His father, José A. “Nía” Rivera, former mayor of Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico, inspired
his vocation for public service, while his mother,
Christina Rivera, instilled in him his integrity and moral values.
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Fajardo, Puerto Rico
He attended high school at Colegio Santa Cruz in Trujillo Alto,
and later earned a BA degree (Magna Cum Laude) in Political Science from the Inter American University in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico.
Soon afterwards, he was accepted at the Inter American University
Law School, where he graduated with honors in 1992. A year later
he passed the local bar exam with one of the highest grades ever
obtained in the Island.
Rivera-Schatz began his legal career as Chief Advisor to the
Senate and House of Representatives of Puerto Rico. In 1996, then former Governor Pedro Rosselló appointed him as Prosecutor at the Department of Justice. After finishing his service as a prosecutor, he returned
to private practice, tending both criminal and civil cases.
Early in 2000, he entered another stage of his professional career when he was appointed Electoral Commissioner for the prostatehood New Progressive Party (NPP). Four years later, then party
president Pedro Rossello also appointed Rivera-Schatz as Secretary
General of the NPP. He held both positions simultaneously until
August 1, 2007, when he decided to run for public office by announcing his candidacy as Senator-at large.
In the November 2008 election, he won his Senate seat by a
landslide, and his fellow senators elected him as President of Puerto
Rico’s Upper Chamber. He was sworn into his current leadership
position on January 12, 2009.
Throughout his career, Rivera-Schatz has participated in numerous public opinion forums as a political analyst, especially in
top radio news programs, including his own. Likewise, he has
served as an international guest observer in the electoral processes
of various Caribbean and Latin American nations.
Representative Jenniffer A. González-Colón
(PR), Speaker of the House, NHCSL Executive
Committee Member
Jenniffer A. González-Colón became a member of the Puerto Rico legislature in February
of 2002, when she was chosen in a special
election to fill the vacancy of Representative
for district number 4. In the 2004 elections,
she sought and obtained the post of At-large
Representative for the New Progressive Party (NPP) and also became
the Vice Chairwoman of the US Republican Party in Puerto Rico.
In the 2005-2008 term she chaired the House Government,
Federal Affairs and Veterans Services Committee. Given that one of
the great motivations of her political life is resolving the colonial situation of Puerto Rico, she assumed that role with great passion and
commitment, initiating conversations towards consensus legislation.
As committee chairwoman she was the author of bills to adopt the
new Bill of Rights of Puerto Rican Veterans, the Law Regulating use of Social Security Numbers, the Law for Database Security Disclosure, among
others. Her legislation on noise abatement earned her the recognition of
the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board.
The people rewarded these efforts and in the 2008 general election she was the highest vote-getter for her party in the House. Having
been instrumental in the landslide victory in the 2008 general election,
she was selected by her peers as Speaker of the House, and became
Vice Chairwoman of the NPP. From this position, González Colón has
dedicated all her efforts to approve legislation in areas such as
women’s rights, adoption and the economy. More recently, she has
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become the leader in the public discussion of the economic impact
of the cost of energy to consumers and has presented important legislation to that effect.
Speaker González-Colón holds a BA in Political Science from
the University of Puerto Rico and a Law degree from Inter American
University of Puerto Rico Law School. She is also a Robert Thompson Leadership Academy Graduate and Henry Toll Fellow of the
Council of State Governments.
Hon. Geraldo Alicea (MA), Former State
Former State Representative Geraldo Alicea
was elected to the Massachusetts House of
Representatives on November 7, 2006 to represent the 6th Worcester District. The district
includes his hometown of Charlton, his
childhood home of Southbridge, and the
towns of East Brookfield, Spencer and Oxford. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree from Westfield State University and a Master’s Degree from Anna Maria College.
As a member of the state legislature, Representative Alicea
served on the Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security,
Committee on Health Care Finance, Committee on Education and the
Committee of Veterans and Federal Affairs. He was the Vice-Chair of
the Massachusetts Black / Latino Caucus. He is currently on the Board
of Directors for Aspira, Massachusetts Chapter and a former Executive
Board member of the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators.
As a member of the Joint Committee on Education, he played a pivotal
role in crafting the Education Reform Bill – Massachusetts’ largest and
most comprehensive piece of education reform legislation since 1993.
Geraldo also filed a bill during his tenure prohibiting all junior operators from using any type of cell phone or texting messaging device
while driving, which was included in “An Act Relative to Safe Driving”
signed into law last year.
Representative Roberto R. Alonzo (TX)
NHCSL Task Force Chair, International
Relations, Trade & Immigration
Roberto R. Alonzo is currently serving his sixth
term as a Texas State Representative in the 81st
Texas Legislature (2009-2011), having been
elected in November 1992 and started his first
term during the 73rd Regular Session in 1993.
State Representative Alonzo serves House District 104 in the Legislature, which is in southwest Dallas including primarily the communities of Oak Cliff, Cockrell Hill, northeast Grand
Prairie, North Oak Cliff, and Arcadia Park. When he was first elected,
Rep. Alonzo made history by becoming the first Mexican American
from North Texas elected to the Legislature, outdistancing his opponent
by a 2 to 1 margin with over 66% percent of the vote.
On July 7, 1993, Rep. Alonzo once again made Texas history
when Governor Ann Richards signed HB 1261 into law - the first piece
of legislation authored by the Dallas freshman representative, creating
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the Texas Partnership and Scholarship Program (TPSP). Gov.
Richards' signature of HB 1261 at the time made the TPSP the first
program of its kind in the country modeled after the "I Have A
Dream" Foundation of New York to be attempted on a statewide
scale. The TPSP is a cooperative partnership effort between business, schools, and communities working together to provide mentoring/counseling programs and college scholarships for
financially-needy students.
Alonzo currently serves on the House Committees on Higher
Education and Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence. During the 2009 interim, he was also appointed by House Speaker Joe Straus to serve on
the Texas Judicial Council, the Indigent Defense Task Force, as well as the
Select Committee on Transportation Funding. Additionally, he serves as
Chairman of the International Relations, Trade & Immigration Task Force
of the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators (NHCSL), to which
he was appointed by Illinois State Senator Iris Y. Martinez who serves as
the current NHCSL President (2010).
Maria de Pilar Avila, Chief Executive Officer,
New America Alliance
Ms. Avila rejoined New America Alliance (NAA)
in May 2010 as Chief Executive Officer. As NAA’s
Founding Executive Director from 1999-2005,
Pilar applied her leadership and management skills
in carrying out the vision of the NAA Board of Directors, turning the vision into a reality, and a startup into a viable, well-established and highly respected national
American Latino business initiative. She brings a deep understanding of
the organization’s advocacy goals and shares the objective of leveraging
and accelerating the economic, political and human capital development of the American Latino community.
Over her career, Pilar has earned a strong reputation as a business
and civic leader, most recently at Palladium Equity Partners as Vice President and part of the investment team from 2005-2010. Before joining
the NAA as Founding Executive Director, from 1996-1999, Pilar was
Vice President of Marketing & Events at the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of
Commerce where she developed strong relationships with Latino entrepreneurs in key U.S. markets, Mexico and Puerto Rico, and dealt with
the complex intersection of Latino business progress, political advocacy
and corporate America.
In 2010, Pilar was recognized by Hispanic Business Magazine as
one of the “100 Influentials”. In 2006, she was recognized as one of the
“20 Most Influential and Outstanding Hispanic Women in Business” by
Hispanic Trends Magazine (now PODER Enterprise). She received the
New America Alliance Chairmen’s Leadership Award in 2004. Pilar
earned a Bachelor of Science in Business and Hospitality Management
from the University of Central Florida.
Kristin Brown, Account Director, Racepoint
Group, LLC
Kristin Brown is an Account Director on the
Racepoint Group Corporate and Advocacy teams
and has vast experience achieving strategic results
in traditional and social media.
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Kristin successfully utilizes the media to help accomplish
goals on the Hill, within states and federal agencies, surrounding
litigation, mitigating other crises and promoting reputations. She
has had proven success managing media relations campaigns
within various industries and addressing a wide variety of communications challenges – advancing an issue, garnering publicity, managing negative press and negotiating crowded message
In her role at Racepoint, Kristin provides guidance and oversight to clients seeking to expand their strategic corporate and
global communications and advance advocacy and issue agendas.
As such, she has provided strategic counsel and management and
top-notch media relations to countries’ governments and major corporate and trade association clients that represent a cross-section of
industries, including energy, healthcare, international trade, environmental technology, transportation and consumer products.
Prior to joining Racepoint Group, Kristin was a director at
Prism Public Affairs, where she provided crisis and litigation communications and public affairs counsel. Her experience includes
strategic communications campaigns surrounding debates on Capitol
Hill, potential Congressional investigations, maintenance of a firm’s
reputation surrounding a possible Federal Corrupt Practices Act indictment, negative attention surrounding allegations of misuse of a
government contract and civil, criminal and multi-state litigation.
Albert J. Browne, National Program Director
and Vice President of Education and Technology, Verizon Foundation
At Verizon, Mr. Browne is responsible for
building the foundation’s initiatives in the Education and Technology space and most recently charged with the organization’s
Diversity Initiatives and Strategic Partnerships,
where he is now also responsible for catalyzing ideas with partners such as the National Urban League (NUL)
and National Council of La Raza (NCLR) to use technology and our
philanthropy to solve critical problems in our communities. With
an annual budget of $35 million he is also laser focused on how
technology and effective partnerships can advance education and
reduce disparities in America. This includes leading the effort to
expand the foundation’s flagship and signature program –The
Thinkfinity Community. The Thinkfinity Community is the dynamic online community of tens of thousands of educators and
parents all discussing and exchanging ideas in education. Thinkfinity is the Verizon Foundation’s digital platform that provides
over 55,000 standards-based educational resources free to educators and is developed in partnership with ten of the nation’s
leading education organizations. Verizon Foundation is the philanthropic arm of Verizon.
Mr. Browne’s visionary leadership is transforming Thinkfinity
to better serve the needs of teachers, parents and students in today’s
global society by providing advanced and accessible technology
content. This web-based program infuses 21st century skills resources into education that helps students, parents and caregivers
extend learning beyond the classroom.
Prior to joining Verizon, Mr. Browne was Vice President of
Community Preservation and Development Corporation (CPDC),
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where he led the startup of three successful business divisions, built
fifteen Technology Community Centers and raised more than $50
million for education and economic programs.
At CPDC, Mr. Browne was the chief socio-economic architect
behind a “number of firsts,” including the idea to integrate broadband technology into affordable housing communities as a community empowerment tool – a model which led to the economic
revitalization of the Edgewood Terrace community in Northeast
Washington, DC, and the creation of the U.S. Department of Commerce sponsored In-Home Healthcare Technology Initiative. During his tenure, Mr. Browne directed CPDC’s strategic partnerships
along with workforce, education, technology, and resource development. He is credited with making CPDC an acclaimed community development corporation.
Mr. Browne has advanced degrees in Forensics, Psychology
and Business Administration, certificates in leadership and served
for over 12 years as an adjunct university professor at Washington Adventist University and Catholic University of America in
Washington, DC.
Anna Cabral, Former U.S. Treasurer, Family
Finance Ambassador, AARP
Anna Escobedo Cabral was nominated on July
22, 2004, by President Bush to serve as Treasurer
of the United States. She was confirmed by the
United States Senate on November 20, 2004.
Immediately prior to taking this office,
Ms. Cabral served as Director of the Smithsonian Institution's Center for Latino Initiatives,
where she led a pan-institutional effort to improve Latino representation
in exhibits, and public programming among the Institution's 19 museums, five research centers, and the National Zoo. From 1999 to 2003,
Ms. Cabral served as President and CEO of the Hispanic Association on
Corporate Responsibility, a non-profit organization headquartered in
Washington, DC, which partners with Fortune 500 companies to increase Hispanic representation in employment, procurement, philanthropy and governance. Under her leadership, the organization
published a best practices series, and instituted a partnership with Harvard Business School to provide executive training programs in Corporate Governance Best Practices to community leaders.
From 1993 to 1999, Ms. Cabral served as Deputy Staff Director for the United States Senate Judiciary Committee under Chairman
Orrin G. Hatch. The Committee's jurisdiction ranges from oversight
of the Department of Justice and our nation's criminal and drug enforcement laws to approving federal judicial nominations, and it includes review of immigration, antitrust, patents and trademark, and
technology-related legislation. In addition, she simultaneously served
as Executive Staff Director of the U.S. Senate Republican Conference
Task Force on Hispanic Affairs, a position she held since 1991. Ms.
Cabral managed this task force of 25 senators dedicated to ensuring that
the concerns and needs of the Hispanic community are addressed by
Congress through legislation.
A native of California, Ms. Cabral majored in Political Science
from the University of California, Davis, and earned a Master's degree
in Public Administration with an emphasis in international trade
and finance from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at
Harvard University.
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Alejandra Castillo, National Deputy Director
of the Minority Business Development
Agency (MBDA), Department of Commerce
Ms. Alejandra Castillo has recently been appointed to serve as National Deputy Director
of the Minority Business Development Agency
(MBDA). In this role, Ms. Castillo will serve as
the principal advisor to the MBDA National Director and will assist in managing the day-today activities of the Agency. Prior to her appointment with MBDA,
Ms. Castillo served as Special Advisor to the Under Secretary for the
U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration
(ITA) where she was responsible for business outreach and development of policy initiatives geared at trade promotion and enforcement
of U.S. trade laws. Ms. Castillo’s experience will also be valuable to
MBDA as she will play an integral role in developing and implementing MBDA’s Global Export Initiative for the minority business community as part of President Obama’s National Export Initiative.
A practicing attorney for several years, Ms. Castillo has worked
in the private, government and non-profit sector. Prior to joining the
Obama Administration, Ms. Castillo served as the Interim Executive
Director of the Hispanic National Bar Association headquartered in
Washington D.C. During her tenure at HNBA, she was instrumental in working with the White House as well as non-profit organization, such as the Latinos for a Fair Judiciary, in support of the
nomination and confirmation process to the Supreme Court of Justice Sonia Sotomayor.
Ms. Castillo served in the Clinton Administration as a Senior
Policy Analyst to the Deputy Director at the White House Office of
National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP). In her position, Ms. Castillo
was responsible for developing and analyzing White House initiatives on drug control policies in areas of drug trafficking interdiction,
anti-money laundering, as well as drug prevention and treatment
programs. Before joining the White House, Ms. Castillo served as
key staff for the Democratic National Committee Chairman, Don
Fowler, and then joined the Clinton Gore Re-election campaign as
Deputy Director for Special Projects.
A native of New York, Ms. Castillo holds a Bachelor Degree of
Arts from the State University of New York at Stony Brook in economics and political science. Ms. Castillo holds a Master’s degree in
Public Policy from the Lyndon Baines Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin and has a Juris Doctorate degree
from American University (AU)-Washington College of Law.
Andres Castillo, Senior Advisor for Education
and Outreach, AARP
Andrés Castillo of AARP's Education and Outreach department is experienced in developing and executing national and state level
consumer education campaigns. His area of
expertise is financial security and he currently
spearheads the team’s work in multicultural
outreach. He joined the Financial Security team in 2004 after beginning his AARP career in the NY state office. Prior to joining AARP,
he worked for Chase Manhattan Bank as a financial analyst. He
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Fajardo, Puerto Rico
holds an MBA from Thunderbird, The Graduate School of Global
Management, and a BS from Binghamton University.
Guillermo Chacon, Latino Commission on AIDS
President of the Latino Commission on AIDS,
Guillermo Chacón is recognized for his great
ability to build networks, coalitions and mobilize Latino/Hispanic communities on the policy
and program levels. Among many other achievements he has pioneered the First National
Latino/Hispanic AIDS Leadership Summit,
among national partners, in the United States in
January 2008 – a national agenda setting process that shaped a comprehensive response to the AIDS crisis among Hispanic communities.
Mr. Chacón also played a key role in launching, in 2003, the
National Latino AIDS Awareness Day– a nationwide community mobilization, public health marketing campaign to promote HIV testing
and education in Latino/Hispanic communities. As founder of a Latino
Religious Leadership Program that has been running for the past 14year, Mr. Chacon initiated the Commission’s New York Citywide initiative to build health ministries at churches/congregations in
low-income Latino communities that provide much needed HIV prevention and health promotion.
Mr. Chacón serves as the principal media spokesperson for the
Commission. In November 2010 Guillermo Chacón was appointed
by Governor Elect Andrew Cuomo to serve in his transition team in the
area of Education & Health. In December 2010, he was re-elected to
the leadership of the Federal AIDS Policy Partnership, FAPP- a national
coordinating body that facilitated a better national respond to the
HIV/AIDS pandemic in the United States. Mr. Chacón also serves as
a community adviser to the National Alliance of Latin-Americans,
Caribbean Communities, NALACC, and serves as board member for
The Salvadorean American National Network, Salud Latina/Latino
Health in Chicago, Solidaridad Humana in Long Island and the New
York Immigration Coalition in New York.
Mr. Chacón was born and raised in El Salvador, Central America. He has studied teaching at the National University of El Salvador
and is an undergraduate student at Fordham University in the Organizational Leadership Program.
Representative Angel Cruz (PA), NHCSL
Executive Committee Member
Representative Angel Cruz is in his seventh
term in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. During his tenure, Representative Cruz
obtained and enacted several important pieces
of legislation. He obtained grants for numerous nonprofit organizations in the district, and
played the lead role in investigating the kidnapping and release of Delamar Vera, who
made international news. Representative Cruz focused on seeking
ways to support communities in securing a better quality of life. He
has filed many bills, opposing firearms, against registration of votes,
and allowing for the study of diabetes in children. Representative
Cruz was the first and only member to support the education of
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Latino children in Philadelphia’s district 180. He is the only member
in the Pennsylvania Legislature of Puerto Rican descent.
Cruz was also recognized for his leadership during Hispanic
Month in 2011, by the Philadelphia Eagles. Representative Cruz has
received awards from various community organizations for his efforts.
He has held various leadership positions including precinct leader for
over 16 years, and Assistant Secretary of the Democratic Party, the only
Hispanic to reach that position. Representative Angel Cruz is the highest-ranking Latino in the state of Pennsylvania, holding the longest term.
Senator Rene Garcia (FL), NHCSL Member,
Health Task Force
Senator Rene Garcia was born and raised in the
city of Hialeah, to working class Cuban American parents. In 1997, at the age of 23, Rene
Garcia was elected to a two-year term on the
Hialeah City Council. He was re-elected, to a
four-year term in November 1999. While serving as a city Councilman Rene Garcia graduated with a bachelor's degree in Political Science
from Florida International University. In December of 2004 Rene graduated from the University of Miami with a Master’s in Business Administration, specializing in Health Administration and Policy.
Garcia was elected to the Florida House of Representatives in
November of 2000. He was re-elected consecutively in 2002, 2004
and 2006 and has proven to be a dedicated community leader. Furthermore, he served as Chair of the Miami Dade Legislative Delegation, Chair of the Health Services Sub-Committee, Chairman of
Health Innovation Committee, Chair of the Florida Hispanic Caucus, and was named Deputy Whip for the House of Representatives.
Garcia's passion for health care and his constituents is something that he works very hard to defend and take care of. He has championed numerous causes for health care ensuring that everyone has
rights and access to health care and are provided quality service.
Representative Naomi González (TX)
State Representative Naomi Gonzalez was
born and raised in South Central El Paso, Texas.
She was captain of her High-Q team and was a
JROTC Battalion Commander at Jefferson High
School. She graduated with honors from Our
Lady of the Lake University with a Bachelor’s
Degree in Business Administration. In 2003,
Naomi received her Doctor of Jurisprudence
from St. Mary’s University.
While attending law school, she served as a staff writer on The
Scholar, a law review discussing minority issues and concerns. She was
also founding member and Vice-President of the Employment and Labor
Law Association and is licensed to practice law in Texas and New Mexico. In 2004, she returned to El Paso to practice law where she worked
in the domestic violence unit of the County Attorney’s Office, where she
served until being elected as State Representative of District 76.
The El Paso Times featured Naomi in a column titled “52 Under
40” where she was recognized for her community service efforts. She
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Fajardo, Puerto Rico
has also received the Mexican-American Bar Association’s Outstanding Member of the Year Award.
Representative Gonzalez is currently serving her first term in
the Texas House of Representatives. She was the youngest female
and the only Hispanic female of the incoming 2011 freshman class.
She served as Deputy Floor Leader for the House Democratic Caucus, and also successfully passed 23 bills, one of the highest bill
passing ratio in the House of Representatives.
Todd C. Landfried, Partner, Southwest Policy
Advisors, LLC
Over the past 25 years, Todd Landfried
has been at the forefront of fresh thinking and
innovation in both the public and private sectors. As an education policy analyst in the late
80’s he helped create the state-by-state education assessment standards that are still in use
today. While at USDA, Todd helped pioneer
the use of the World Wide Web as an economic development and
communications tool. As a corporate CEO in the mid-1990’s he
helped launch the industry that now provides Internet access services in thousands of hotels around the globe.
Since 2004, Todd has been a leader in pushing for the development and passage of sensible federal immigration reform and fighting against ill-conceived state legislative efforts. In 2005, he created
Arizona’s first immigration training programs for elected officials and
candidates to educate them as to the realities of this important issue.
Using the latest in academic and social research, he developed a series of specific talking points to challenge the anti-immigration rhetoric and worked with local and regional business leaders to create
recommendations for solving the problem at the national level that
minimized the negative social, economic and legal impacts.
Todd became the voice of the business group “Arizona Employers for Immigration Reform” in November 2008. He helped
lead AZEIR’s opposition to SB1070 and was instrumental in educating the media, elected officials, business leaders and the public
about the negative consequences of all of Arizona’s anti-immigration bills. He has testified before legislative committees and caucuses and addressed business groups, colleges and universities in
Arizona, Kansas, Utah, Louisiana and Texas. His expertise and research is credited with helping stop SB1070 copycat bills in those
states and elsewhere.
He holds a B.S. in Political Science from Cleveland State University and an M.P.A. in Public Administration from The George
Washington University. He resides in Phoenix, Arizona.
Gabriela Lemus, Ph.D., Senior Advisor and
Director, Office of Public Engagement, U.S.
Department of Labor
Dr. Gabriela D. Lemus was appointed Senior
Advisor and Director of the Office of Public
Engagement at the Department of Labor in July
2009. Prior to her appointment, she was the
first woman to hold the position of Executive
Director at the Labor Council for Latin American
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Advancement (LCLAA) from 2007-2009, as well as the first woman to
chair the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda (NHLA) from 20082009. During her tenure at LCLAA, she helped co-found the National
Latino Coalition on Climate Change (NLCCC) and was a Commissioner for the Commission to Engage African-Americans on Climate
Change (CEAAC). She served 3-year terms on the advisory boards of
both the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) from 20052008 and the United States Labor Education in the Americas Project
(USLEAP) from 2006-2009.
From 2000-2007, she was Director of Policy and Legislation at
the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) where she
launched the LULAC Democracy Initiative, a national Hispanic civic participation campaign and founded Latinos for a Secure Retirement - a national campaign to fight against the privatization of Social Security.
Under both the Clinton and Bush administrations, she was invited by the State Department to travel to Latin America to lecture on
democracy and civil society participation. Dr. Lemus was an adjunct
professor of international relations and border policy at the University of Memphis, San Diego State University, and the University of San
Diego; as well as a Guest Scholar at the University of California, San
Diego — Center for U.S.-Mexico Studies. She received her doctorate
in International Relations from the University of Miami in 1998.
Hon. Carmen Lopez (Ret.), Judge, Connecticut
Superior Court
Carmen L. Lopez served twelve years as a judge of
the Connecticut Superior Court, having been appointed to the position in 1996 and retiring in 2008.
During her appointment to the Bench, Judge Lopez
presided over criminal, civil and juvenile matters.
Judge Lopez’s tenure on the bench was
marked by leadership of initiatives aimed at enhancing the judicial system’s ability to address and prevent problems affecting families and
youth. While assigned to the criminal division of the Waterbury Judicial
District, she helped establish a special domestic violence docket that
utilized a multi-disciplinary team oriented approach emphasizing counseling, as well as accountability in the disposition of these cases. Judge
Lopez also coordinated the Connecticut judicial system’s participation in
a federal program designed to improve its ability to serve court-involved
girls and young women.
During her time on the Court, Judge Lopez was committed to using
the judicial system to address the needs of court-involved children and
youth. This commitment provided the impetus to organize the first Juvenile Court Law Day event, which brought together numerous community
and national leaders. As a member of the National Council of Family and
Juvenile Court Judges, she participated in organizing its first National Summit on Child Maltreatment and Domestic Violence. In 2001, Judge Lopez
was invited to participate in the “Reclaiming Futures Judicial Leadership
Summit, a national program sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. In 2003, Judge Lopez was elected to the Board of Directors of the
National Council of Family and Juvenile Court Judges, a position she held
until 2006. Judge Lopez was also a member of the planning committee for
the Children’s Defense Fund’s “Cradle to Prison” Initiative.
She is currently a member of the Amigos de Clemente, an organization of Roberto Clemente fans. In 2000, Judge Lopez received the Judge John T. Downey Award given by the Connecticut
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Court-Appointed Special Advocate Organization. She is also the
recipient of the Greater Bridgeport Bar Association’s Certificate of
Merit, presented on Law Day 2001.
A native of Puerto Rico, Judge Lopez has had a long-standing involvement with the Latino community throughout the State of Connecticut.
Jacqueline Padilla, Auxiliary of the Advocate,
Women’s Advocacy Office
Ms. Padilla has been a Social Worker for the
last 16 years, a defender for human rights for
her entire career and a fighter for a better system as a life time commitment. She began her
journey and dedicated the first six years of her
career to the protection of deaf children’s
rights. Since 2002, as a chief social worker
in the Women's Advocacy Office through the 24-hour hotline, she is
devoting most of her time to the victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, dating violence, and gender discrimination.
Today, as an Auxiliary to the Advocate, she is responsible for
the supervision of the Hotline, oversees the immediate response and
coordination of the support toward victims, ensures the rightful actions and amends the omissions which ever may impact and deprive
women's rights, benefits and opportunities to which female victims
are entitled by law. Furthermore, as a continuing and overall support to the rebuilding of a new life for women's victims, she develops and coordinates the efforts for community education on
women's rights and related matters and, as a veteran with many years
of experience in the field, advises and assists the Advocate in programs that promote improvements on the eradication of discrimination and inequality. As a loyal advocate and crusader for and
women's rights, she represents the Advocate as a direct link with private women's entities and nongovernmental organizations, state and
municipal offices of the Island, that are engaged in the development
and promotion of women's rights, proposing legislation that is pertinent to the establishment of the effective development of public policy.
Marthel Parsons Gonzalez-Ruiz, M.D., ABPN,
Design Your Life Center
Dr. Marthel Parsons Gonzalez-Ruiz, M.D. is a
Hispanic physician Board Certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. She is
and has been an educator, a public figure, a
physician, a business woman and a social activist. Her grassroots community activities emphasize two areas. Education and change in
Mental Illness Stigma and the strengthening of the Latino/Hispanic
self-esteem that will translate into a bottom up force for change and
She was born in Guadalajara, Mexico. She obtained a Bachelors’ Degree in Science. She taught high school physics, chemistry
and biology while attending her first two years of medical school.
She obtained her Medical Degree at the Universidad Autonoma de
Baja California School of Medicine in 1982. While awaiting to enter
a specialty residency program in Surgery, her life took a radical
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change when a magnitude 8.1 earthquake struck Mexico City on
September 19, 1985 causing the deaths of over 10,000 people, and
injuring over 30,000 people, flattening over 6,000 buildings including many hospitals and over half a million people losing their
homes. That was the beginning of a deep understanding and interest in Psychiatry and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Dr. Parsons graduated from a medical postgraduate four year
Residency program in the specialty of Psychiatry at UMKC Kansas
City at Western Missouri Mental Health Center. She also completed
two years of Psychoanalytic Training at the KC Psychoanalytic Institute. As a physician her positions have included UMKC Assistant
Professor of Psychiatry, psychiatrist at Osawatomie State Hospital,
Rainbow Mental Health Facility, Kansas Department of Health,
Shawnee Mission Hospital and Western Missouri Mental Health
Center - Emergency Room Services.
She is a frequent Mental Health guest speaker at the local Hispanic radio stations, the “Dias de la Salud” and health fairs at the
Kansas City Mexican Consulate, while participating in many prestigious Medical Associations.
Senator Juan M. Pichardo (RI), NHCSL Task
Force Chair, Business & Economic Development
Senator Juan M. Pichardo (RI) arrived to the
United States from Jicome-Santiago, Dominican Republic in 1975 at the age of nine,
and lived in New York City, NY with his
mother and two sisters prior to moving to
Providence, RI in 1979. Since then, Senator
Pichardo has lived in Providence, RI and has
been actively involved in the community throughout different
stages of his life.
Senator Pichardo joined the 143rd Military Security Force as
a Security Police Specialist. He quickly succeeded in obtaining rank
and within three years obtained the rank of Staff Sergeant. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from Rhode
Island College.
Senator Pichardo had a 17-year career at the largest health
care facility in Rhode Island, RI Hospital/Lifespan, where he held
several positions. While at RI Hospital, he became a Patient Financial Advocate where he assisted and provided personal guidance to
patients and families and helped them obtain Medicaid, Social Security Insurance benefits, and community free care services.
On January 7, 2003, Juan M. Pichardo was sworn in as a State
Senator representing the 2nd Senatorial District in the State of Rhode
Island. Located in Providence, RI, Senate District Two encompasses
the neighborhoods of Elmwood, Reservoir Triangle and the West
End. Senator Pichardo has the distinction of being named the first
Latino elected to a RI Senate seat and the first Dominican American
elected to a State Senate seat in the United States.
In the General Assembly, he serves as Senate Deputy Majority Leader and as a member of the Senate Committee on Finance,
where he serves as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Human Services and Transportation. In addition, Senator Pichardo also serves
as Secretary of the Health and Human Services Committee.
By co-founding a non-profit organization, Quisqueya In Action, Senator Pichardo remains extremely active in the community.
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Fajardo, Puerto Rico
The organization works to maintain the Dominican-American
cultural relationship and assists and promotes the pursuit of
higher education among young people and families in the city
of Providence, RI. Senator Pichardo also co-founded the
Rhode Island Latino Political Action Committee (RILPAC), of
which he is the former Vice President.
Senator Carmelo Rios Santiago (PR),
NHCSL Task Force Co-Chair, Labor &
Workforce Development
Born May 21, 1973 in Santurce, Puerto
Rico, eldest son of Don Carmelo Ríos
Nazario and Mrs. Lydia Santiago Estrella.
In 1991, he attended Florida Air
Academy in United States, where he
graduated as a Lieutenant Colonel and
was selected as one of the top ten baseball players in the state
of Florida. In 1993 he moved to Bethune Cookman College in
Daytona Beach, Florida, where he earned a Bachelor's Degree
in Political Science and Economics.
In 1998 he obtained the degree of Juris Doctor. He exercised his profession as lawyer and notary, as legal advisor to
the Office of the Commissioner of Municipal Affairs and Director of the Division of litigation of State Insurance Corporation of Puerto Rico. In 2001 he started his own legal firm
specialized in Administrative Law, Civil and Criminal. Among
his clients were The International Longshoremen Association
(ILA), and many municipalities.
Enter for the first time in the political field of Puerto Rico
as a candidate for the Municipal Legislature of Guaynabo in
1999; he was elected Majority Whip. In November 2004 he was
elected as Senator for the Bayamón District, where he chaired
the Senate Committee of Financial and Municipal Affairs.
In November 2008 is re-elected for a second term a
Senator for the District of Bayamón. He is currently President of the Government Affairs Commission; Vice-President
for the Municipal Affairs; Secretary of Public Safety Commissions and Judicial Affairs, Member of the Civil and Banking Law, Consumer Affairs and Public Corporations
Commission, Member of The Judiciary Committee and Member of the Committee of the Self Determination Rights for the
People of Puerto Rico.
Henry Rivera Esq., Partner, Wiley Rein LLP
A partner with Wiley Rein, LLP, specializes
in representing companies before the Federal Communications Commission, Congress, the Commerce Department and the
White House. Appointed by President
Ronald Reagan, he is the first Hispanic FCC
Commissioner. He serves as Strategic
Counsel at the Internet Innovation Alliance
and has served as a chair and member of FCC and State Department advisory committees, of U.S. delegations to international
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telecommunications conferences and as president of the Federal Communications Bar Association. He has been named to the International
Who’s Who of Regulatory Communications Lawyers, one of the top 12
telecom experts in the U.S. by Legal Media Group's “Best of the Best,”
in “Super Lawyers” of Washington, DC, in "The Best Lawyers in America," in "Chambers USA: America's Leading Lawyers for Business" and
been recognized as a “Leading Individual” in the field of Communications & IT law. He is a frequent speaker, author and conference leader and
serves on the board of many charitable organizations. He is a Vietnam veteran and Bronze Star recipient. He holds J.D., B.A. and B.S.B.A. degrees.
Assemblymember Peter M. Rivera (NY)
Peter Manuel Rivera was born in Ponce, Puerto
Rico. He migrated to New York City at an early
age along with his mother, Candita; his father,
Victor Manuel; and his sister, Lucy. A graduate of
New York City public schools, Peter was awarded
a Baccalaureate degree in Business Administration from Pace College and was conferred a Juris
Doctor from St. John’s Law School.
His career in public service began as a police officer in the South
Bronx. He became a Federal Agent with the Drug Enforcement Agency
(D.E.A.), where he distinguished himself in Operation Eagle, at the time
the largest federal narcotics operation in the United States. Shortly thereafter, upon graduating from law school, he joined the Bronx District Attorney’s Office working as an Assistant District Attorney in the Homicide
Bureau. While in the Homicide Bureau, he tried the first Co-Op City
homicide. He has since been in private law practice, where he has handled several highly publicized cases.
Elected to serve as a member of the New York State Assembly
in November of 1992, Peter M. Rivera represents the areas more
popularly known in Bronx County as Van Nest, West Farms, Parkchester and Castle Hill.
He is presently the Speaker Pro Tempore of the Assembly and
presides over the chamber. He is also a member of the Governor’s Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Review Team. Assemblyman Rivera is a member of the following standing committees:
Agriculture; Consumer Affairs and Protection; Judiciary; and Rules.
He is a past chairman of the Assembly Standing Committee on
Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities. As
the committee chairman, Assemblyman Rivera convened the Mental
Hygiene Work Group to reorganize the Mental Health System in New
York State. He also sits on the powerful New York State Assembly Committee on Rules and was the most recent past Chairman of the New York
State Assembly Committee on Cities and before that Chairman of the
New York State Assembly Committee on Real Property Taxation.
Hector Sánchez, Executive Director, LCLAA
Hector E. Sanchez is the Executive Director of
LCLAA (Labor Council for Latin American Advancement). He has worked in Labor, education and non-profit organizations, and has over
10 years of policy, advocacy research and community outreach experience. He has become
an indefatigable voice, highlighting systematic
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Fajardo, Puerto Rico
injustices against Latinos. Prior to coming to LCLAA, Sanchez was the
DC-Mexico Policy Education Director at Global Exchange and he
served as the Policy and Community Liaison for the Education Trust. He
was also a professor of US-Mexico Relations at the Autonomous University of the City of Juarez, Mexico.
Sanchez plays a central role in the national Latino leadership: he
was elected to the executive committee of the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda (NHLA), which is comprised of the 30 leading national
Latino organizations. He is also the Vice-Chair of the National Latino
Coalition on Climate Change (NLCCC) and sits on the board of directors of the U.S. Labor Education in the Americas Project (USLEAP).
He frequently debates Latino issues on national and international media networks including NPR, CNN, CNN Español, Univision,
NBC-Telemundo, TeleSur, Radio France International and Azteca
America, among others. His opinions and letters have been published
by NPR, The Washington Post, The Economist, Huffington Post, Common Dreams, Open Left and several Spanish-language media outlets.
Sanchez holds a Bachelors and Master’s degree in Political Science from the University of Texas.
Representative Jeffrey Sánchez (MA)
Chairman Jeffrey Sánchez serves as Massachusetts State Representative for the 15th Suffolk/Norfolk District, which includes the
Boston communities of Mission Hill, Jamaica
Plain, and Roslindale, along with Precinct 5 of
the Town of Brookline, MA.
On February 12, 2009 Speaker of the
House Robert DeLeo named Representative
Sanchez as the new Chairman of the Joint Committee on Public
Heath, the committee charged with reviewing a broad spectrum
health policy issues, including health care quality, safety, and transparency; health care technology; professional scope of practice and
workforce issues, chronic conditions and disease treatment and prevention; food and drug safety; and environmental health. Under his
leadership, the Joint Committee on Public Health is committed to
seeking the nexus of health care in the traditional setting and the promotion of public health in the community setting with the goal of
improving overall wellness and achieving sustainable reductions in
health care spending.
In addition to his committee duties and responsibilities, Chairman Sánchez’s overall legislative agenda emphasizes initiatives that
address access and retention in education, public infrastructure
development, workforce development, public health and affordable housing.
Prior to his appointment to the Committee on Public Health,
Chairman Sánchez served as the Vice-Chair of the Joint Committee
on Economic Development where he helped usher through the
Commonwealth’s life sciences commitment. He also sponsored
and promoted an Act Relative to Biomedical Research that clarifies
the type of research permissible under state law in respect to
He earned his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Legal Education
from the University of Massachusetts, Boston, and a Masters of
Public Administration from John F. Kennedy School of Government
at Harvard University, where he is honored to have been a Rappaport Urban Scholar.
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Senator Sammuel Sanes (USVI), NHCSL Task
Force Member, Broadband En Acción and Energy
Sammuel Sanes was born in Brooklyn, New York
on January 10, 1964 and was raised in St. Croix.
After High School, Sammuel Sanes joined the
United States Navy, and after serving five years,
he received an Honorable Discharge. He then
returned to St. Croix where he worked for the
Navel Underwater Tracking Site which is located in Frederiksted. Sammuel Sanes then decided to further his education and moved to Florida
where he received his Bachelor’s degree in Public Administration from
Florida Memorial University. Sammuel Sanes eventually returned to his
home where he earned his Master’s degree in Educational Counseling
from the University of the Virgin Islands in June of 2009.
Sammuel Sanes is now serving in the 29th Legislature of the Virgin Islands. Sanes serves as Secretary and Chairs the Committee on
Public Safety, Homeland Security and Justice and Co-chairs the Committee on Rules and Judiciary. In addition, Senator Sanes serves as a
member of the Committee on Finance, the Committee on Education,
Youth and Culture and the Committee on Health and Hospitals.
On November 2, 2010 Sammuel Sanes was re-elected to serve in
the 29th Legislature of the Virgin Islands and resumed his responsibilities on January 10, 2011.
Special Recognition Award
Senator Luz Z. Arce Ferrer (PR), NHCSL Task
Force Chair, Healthcare
Senator Luz Z. Arce Ferrer was born in Barrio
Caimital Bajo of Aguadilla. She graduated
(Cum Laude) with a concentration in English
from Agriculture and Mechanical Arts Campus (CAAM) in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico. Later
she received a certificate in Public Housing
Administration from Temple University in Pennsylvania.
She started her political career working with the young statehood voters in Aguadilla. Now she is in her fourth term as Senator
at Large and she is always present helping the community with their
needs and problems. She is co-founder of the Coalition Against
Family Violence. Senator Arce created an assessment committee to
study the Mental Health Law and an assessment committee for the
development of the public policy for early childhood.
Senator Arce has held many leadership positions, in the Legislative Assembly as the second woman vice president of the Senate
of Puerto Rico and Majority Whip, President of the Caucus of
Women Legislators. She is President of the Labor, Veterans Affairs
and Human Resources Committee, Vice president of the Government Committee, Secretary of the Health, the West Region Development of Puerto Rico and the Women Affairs Committees. She is
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Fajardo, Puerto Rico
also a member of the Special Committee of Self Determination of the
People of Puerto Rico in regard to the status of the Island.
In addition, Euroamericana International University recognized her with a Doctor Honoris Causa tittle in recognition of her
outstanding job in a cultural strengthening and academic exaltation
of the education in the countries in America and Europe.
She was appointed by the Governor of Puerto Rico as a member of the Council for Workforce Development, who administrate the
W.I.A. funds and to the State Advisory Group on Juvenile Justice. She
also is a member of the Council of State Governments, Eastern Region, member of the Steering Committee of the Education Commission of the States and NCSL. Just recently, Senator Arce was
appointed to represent the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators in the State Legislators for Health Reform that works closely
with the Obama Administration.
John S. Martinez Leadership
Award Recipient
Senator Ross Romero (UT), NHCSL
Senator Ross I. Romero was born in Pueblo,
Colorado on November 13, 1970. He soon
moved to Utah with his parents, who pursued
graduate degrees at the University of Utah.
Ross grew up in Salt Lake City, UT.
Ross graduated from Highland High
School, Salt Lake City (1989). He attended the
University of Utah where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in
Political Science (1993), and then graduated from the University of
Michigan Law School (1996). Ross practiced law in Salt Lake City
for ten years. In 2003, Ross became a shareholder with the law firm
Jones, Waldo, Holbrook and McDonough, P.C. In 2007, Ross went
to work for his current employer Zions Bank as a Vice President in the
Specialty Banking Group.
In 2004, Ross was elected to the Utah State House of Representatives. In 2006, he was elected to the Utah State Senate. He was
elected as the Senate Minority Whip in 2008 and in 2010 was
elected by his fellow Senators the Senate Minority Leader.
Ross has been active in many National Hispanic organizations
such as the Hispanic National Bar Association, the National Hispanic
Caucus of State Legislators, and the National Association of Latino
Elected and Appointed Officials.
Locally Ross serves on the Board of the Utah Advisory Board
of the Sundance Institute, which hosts the Sundance Film Festival
and serves on the Board of Salt Lake Regional Medical Center.
He has also served on the Board of the Young Alumni Association for the University of Utah and served on the Salt Lake City
Board of Adjustment.
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9th National Summit of Hispanic State Legislators
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The National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators (NHCSL)
is the preeminent organization representing the interests
of 300 Hispanic state legislators from all states, commonwealths, and territories of the United States. Founded in
1989 as a nonpartisan, nonprofit 501(c)3, NHCSL is a
catalyst and advocate for joint action on issues of
common concern, such as health, education, immigration,
homeownership, energy and economic development to all
segments of the Hispanic community. NHCSL also works to
design and implement policies and procedures that will
impact the quality of life for Hispanic communities;
serves as a forum for information exchange and member
networking; an institute for leadership training; a liaison
with sister U.S. Hispanic organizations; a promoter of
public/private partnerships with business and labor; and a
partner with Hispanic state and provincial legislators and
their associations representing Central and South America.
444 North Capitol Street, NW
Suite 404
Washington, DC 20001
Tel: 202-434-8070
Fax: 202-434-8072
Copyright: © 2011 The National Hispanic Caucus of
State Legislators
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