Program - International Society for New Institutional Economics
Program - International Society for New Institutional Economics
20TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE SOCIETY FOR INSTITUTIONAL & ORGANIZATIONAL ECONOMICS June 15-17th 2016 Paris Dear Fellow SIOE Members: Welcome to Sciences Po and the 20th Annual Meeting of the Society for Institutional and Organizational Economics (known as the International Society for New Institutional Economics until last year). It is reassuring that the change of the Society’s name did not break our annual conference’s tradition to attract high quality papers from an international community of scholars in many disciplines including economics, political science, sociology, management, history, and law. I would like to thank my fellow members of the Program Committee who have worked hard to select 251 papers that will be presented in 76 parallel sessions. We are happy and excited to have Philippe Aghion and Alberto Alesina to deliver keynote talks on their recent research in the interaction of social mobility, inequality, redistribution and political and economic institutions. Both Philippe and Alberto have made seminal contributions to institutional and organizational economics and continue producing groundbreaking research that is relevant for all SIOE members. I would like to thank Sciences Po’s Department of Economics and the Laboratory for the Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policy (LIEPP) at Sciences Po for financial and organizational support for our conference. I am looking forward to seeing you in SIOE 2016! Sergei Guriev Chair, Program Committee, SIOE 2016 and President-Elect, SIOE Professor of Economics Sciences Po, Paris Organised and supported by: Department of Economics, Sciences Po Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policies (LIEPP), Sciences Po About SIOE SIOE Mission Statement The Society for Institutional and Organizational Economics (formerly known as the International Society for the New Institutional Economics) promotes rigorous theoretical and empirical investigation of the nature, behavior, and governance of organizations and institutions using approaches drawn from economics, organization theory, law, political science, and other social sciences. The Society makes a special effort to encourage participation from scholars from around the world. Current Officers: Past Presidents: President: Henry Smith (Harvard) President-Elect: Sergei Guriev (Sciences Po) 1st Vice-President: Bentley MacLeod (Columbia) 2nd Vice-President: Francine Lafontaine (Michigan) Secretary: Giorgio Zanarone (CUNEF) Treasurer: Janet Bercovitz (University of Illinois) Web Editor: Jens Prüfer (Tilburg University) Coordinator and Webmaster: Bruno Chaves (Paris Dauphine) John de Figueiredo, 2014-2015 Eric Brousseau, 2013-2014 Lee Epstein, 2012-2013 Barry Weingast, 2011-2012 Frank Stephen, 2010-2011 Pablo Spiller, 2009-2010 Scott Masten, 2008-2009 Thrainn Eggertsson, 2007-2008 Lee Alston, 2006-2007 Benito Arruñada, 2005-2006 Gary D. Libecap, 2004-2005 Mary M. Shirley, 2003-2004 Paul L. Joskow, 2002-2003 Claude Ménard, 2001-2002 Oliver E. Williamson, 1999-2001 Douglass C. North, 1997-1999 Ronald Coase, 1996-1997 Current Board Members: Lisa Bernstein (University of Chicago Law School) Robert Gibbons (MIT) Nan Jia (USC Marshall School of Business) David Levine (Washington University and EUI) Joanne Oxley (University of Toronto) Roberta Romano (Yale University) Stéphane Saussier (Sorbonne Business School) John Wallis (University of Maryland) Patrick Warren (Clemson University) SIOE 2016 Program Committee Members Sergei Guriev, Sciences Po, Paris (chair) David Abrams, University of Pennsylvania Chongen Bai, Tsinghua University Daniel Berkowitz, University of Pittsbourg Lisa Bernstein, University of Chicago Serguey Braguinsky, Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton Ralph de Haas, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Quoc-Anh Do, LIEPP, Sciences Po Ruben Enikolopov, IPEG, Barcelona Guido Friebel, Goethe University, Frankfurt Timothy Frye, Columbia University Roberto Galbiati, LIEPP, Sciences Po Scott Gehlbach, University Wisconsin at Madison Andrew Hanssen, Clemson University Ruixue Jia, University of California at San Diego Daniel Kelly, University of Notre Dame Rachel Kranton, Duke University Bill Megginson, University of Okhlahoma Marian Moszoro, University of California at Berkeley Anthony Niblett, University of Toronto Maria Petrova, IPEG, Barcelona Eugenio Proto, University of Warwick Stéphane Saussier, Sorbonne Business School Brian Silverman, University of Toronto Alexander Stremitzer, University of California at Los Angeles Joshua Tucker, New York University Richard Vanden Bergh, University of Vermont Ekaterina Zhuravskaya, Paris School of Economics Local Organizing Committee Sergei Guriev, Department of Economics, Sciences Po, Paris Leila Brunoir, Department of Economics, Sciences Po, Paris Andreana Khristova, LIEPP, Sciences Po, Paris Keynote Speakers Philippe Aghion is a Professor at the College de France and at the London School of Economics, and a fellow of the Econometric Society and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. His research focuses on the economics of growth. With Peter Howitt, he pioneered the so-called Schumpeterian Growth paradigm which was subsequently used to analyze the design of growth policies and the role of the state in the growth process. Much of this work is summarized in their joint book Endogenous Growth Theory (MIT Press, 1998) and The Economics of Growth (MIT Press, 2009), in his book with Rachel Griffith on Competition and Growth (MIT Press, 2006), and in his survey “What Do We Learn from Schumpeterian Growth Theory” (joint with U. Akcigit and P. Howitt). In 2001, Philippe Aghion received the Yrjo Jahnsson Award of the best European economist under age 45, and in 2009 he received the John Von Neumann Award. Alberto Alesina is the Nathaniel Ropes Professor of Political Economy at Harvard University. He obtained his Ph.D. from Harvard in 1986. He served as Chairman of the Department of Economics from 2003 - 2006. He is a member of the National Bureau of Economic Research and the Center for Economic Policy Research. He is a member of the Econometric Society and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is the director of the political economy program of the NBER since 2006. He has published extensively in all major academic journals in economics. He has published five books. Amongst those are: The Future of Europe: Reform or Decline, published by MIT Press, with Francesco Giavazzi and Fighting Poverty in the US and Europe: A World of Difference, published by Oxford University Press, with Edward Glaeser. He has been a Co-editor of the Quarterly Journal of Economics for six years and Associate Editor of many academic journals. He has published columns in many leading newspapers around the world and has visited several institutions including MIT, Tel Aviv University, University of Stockholm, The World Bank, and the IMF. He holds a visiting position with IGIER Bocconi. His work has covered a variety of topics: political business cycles, the political economy of fiscal policy and budget deficits, the process of European integration, stabilization policies in high inflation countries, the determination of the size of countries, currency unions, the political economic determinants of redistributive policies, differences in the welfare state in the US and Europe and, more generally, differences in the economic system in the US and Europe, the effect of alternative electoral systems on economic policies, and the determination of the choice of different electoral systems, culture and economics, ethnic conflict, inequality and redistributive policies, and the macroeconomic effects of fiscal policy. Keynote Speakers 4 Program at a glance June 15 Noon-4pm: Registration at Sciences Po (28 rue des Saints Peres) 5pm-6pm: Registration at ICP (ICP, 21 rue d’Assas) 6pm-7pm: Keynote speech by Philippe Aghion “The Social Mobility of Inventors” (ICP, 21 rue d’Assas) 7pm-9pm: Reception (ICP, 21 rue d’Assas) June 16 9am-5pm: Registration at Sciences Po (28 rue des Saints Peres) 9am-10.30am: Parallel Sessions 1.1-1.11 (28 rue des Saints Peres) 10.30am-11am: Coffee-break (28 rue des Saints Peres) 11am-12.30pm: Parallel Sessions 2.1-2.11 (28 rue des Saints Peres) 12.30pm-2pm: Lunch (28 rue des Saints Peres) 2pm-4pm: Parallel Sessions 3.1-3.11 (28 rue des Saints Peres) 4pm-4.30pm: Coffee-break (28 rue des Saints Peres) 4pm-5pm: Poster Session (28 rue des Saints Peres) 5.30pm-6.30pm: Keynote speech by Alberto Alesina “Social Mobility and Preferences for Redistribution” (ICP, 21 rue d’Assas) 6.30pm-9pm: Reception (ICP, 21 rue d’Assas) Program at a Glance 5 June 17 9am-5pm: Registration at Sciences Po (28 rue des Saints Peres) 9am-10.30am: Parallel Sessions 4.1-4.11 (28 rue des Saints Peres) 10.30am-11am: Coffee-break (28 rue des Saints Peres) 11am-12.30pm: Parallel Sessions 5.1-5.11 (28 rue des Saints Peres) 12.30pm-2pm: Lunch (28 rue des Saints Peres) 1pm-2pm: SIOE Business Meeting (Amphi Caquot, 28 rue des Saints Peres) 2pm-4pm: Parallel Sessions 6.1-6.10 (28 rue des Saints Peres) 4pm-4.30pm: Coffee-break (28 rue des Saints Peres) 4.30pm-6.30pm: Parallel Sessions 7.1-7.11 (28 rue des Saints Peres) 7pm-8pm: Reception (Cercle National des Armées, Place Saint Augustin) 8pm: Gala Dinner and Presidential Address (Cercle National des Armées, Place Saint Augustin) Program at a Glance 6 Timing and venues of parallel sessions Each parallel session’s number consists of two numbers (e.g. Session 2-3). The first number indicates the time slot, the second number indicates the room within the 28 rue des Saints Peres building. Time slots Session’s first digit Time slot 1 June 16 9.00-10.30 2 June 16 11.00-12.30 3 June 16 14.00-16.00 4 June 17 9.00-10.30 5 June 17 11.00-12.30 6 June 17 14.00-16.00 7 June 17 16.30-18.30 Poster session June 16 16.00-17.00 Venues Session’s second digit Room 1 Amphi Caquot 2 H101 3 H401 4 S2 5 H201 6 H402 7 H202A 8 H007 9 H202B 10 H102 11 H103 Timing and Venues of Parallel Sessions 7 Parallel sessions Session 1-1 Consequences of Migration and Emigration (Amphi Caquot) LIEPP sponsored session Exit, Voice and Political Change: Evidence from Swedish Mass Migration to the United States Mounir Karadja (IIES, Stockholm University) Erik Prawitz (IIES, Stockholm University) Emigration As a Pacifying Force? Veronica Preotu (University of Geneva) Mass Refugee Inflow and Human Capital Investments: Evidence from Greek Refugees in Greece Seyhun Orcan Sakalli (University of Lausanne) Elie Murard (IZA) Session 1-2 How to deal with big data? Institutional responses to economic, political, and social questions (Room H101) Big Data in the Lab – How Do Consumers Fare when Predictive Algorithms Work Against Them? Sebastian Dengler (Tilburg University) Competition and Welfare Consequences of Information Aggregators Amedeo Piolatto (Barcelona Economics Institute) Competing with Big Data Jens Prüfer (Tilburg University) Christoph Schottmüller (University of Copenhagen) Session 1-3 Law and Economics of Crime I: The Institutional ABC's of Criminal Justice: Crime, Detection and Punishment (Room H401) To Plea or Not to Plea: Evidence from North Carolina David S. Abrams (University of Pennsylvania) Ryan Fackler (University of Pennsylvania) The Effect of Police on Crime: Evidence from 10,000 Discontinuities Jordi Blanes i Vidal (London School of Economics) Giovanni Mastrobuoni (University of Essex) Transactions Costs in the Underground Gun Market Philip Cook (Duke University) Jens Ludwig (University of Chicago) Parallel Sessions: June 16, 9.00-10.30 8 Session 1-4 State-Business Relationships (Room S2) What Undermines Market Discipline in Russian Regions: Regionalism or Trust to Local Authorities? Koen Schoors (Ghent University) Maria Semenova (CInSt, HSE, Moscow) Andrey Zubanov (University of Wisconsin Madison) A Positive Theory of the Predatory State Mehrdad Vahabi (University Paris 8) Private and Public Firms in the Shadow of Coercive Power Gani Aldashev (ECARES, ULB) Giorgio Zanarone (CUNEF) Session 1-5 Social Preferences (Room H201) Difference of Civicness and Relative Efficiency of the Public and Private Sectors for Public Service Delivery: Self-selection and Sorting Laure Athias (University of Lausanne) Pascal Wicht (University of Lausanne) Voting and Contributing when the Group is Watching Emeric Henry (Sciences Po) Charles Louis-Sidois (Sciences Po) Social Network, Gift Exchanging and Inequality in China Fanghua Li (University of California, Los Angeles) Yuan Tian (University of California, Los Angeles) Session 1-6 Empirical Contract Theory (Room H402) Incentives and Ratcheting in a Multiproduct Firm: A Field Experiment Francisco Brahm (University of Cambridge) Joaquin Poblete (Catholic University of Chile) The Strategic Use of Early Bird Discounts for Dealers Desmond Lo (Santa Clara University) Stephen Salant (University of Maryland & University of Michigan) The Trade-Off between Risk and Royalties in Franchise Contracting Muriel Fadairo (GATE L-SE, UMR CNRS 5824) Cintya Lanchimba (National Polytechnic School, Quito, Ecuador) Josef Windsperger (University of Vienna, Austria) Parallel Sessions: June 16, 9.00-10.30 9 Session 1-7 Employment Protection (Room H202A) LIEPP sponsored session Employee Representation Legislations and Innovation: Evidence from Manufacturing Sectors Filippo Belloc (University of Chieti-Pescara) Employee Representation and Flexible Working Time: Identification Through a Sizecontingent European Directive Gabriel Burdin (Leeds University Business School & IZA) Virginie Pérotin (Leeds University Business School) Litigants' Strategies in Elected Courts: Evidence from French Labor Court Claudine Desrieux (University Paris 2) Romain Espinosa (University Paris 2) Session 1-8 Causes and Consequences of Financial Development (Room H007) Growing Up Without Finance James R. Brown (Iowa State University) J. Anthony Cookson (University of Colorado-Boulder) Rawley Heimer (Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland) Current Institutional Determinants of Financial System Depth and Breadth in Africa: Similar or Different? Chukwunonye O. Emenalo (Lagos Business School, Pan-Atlantic University) Francesca Gagliardi (Hertfordshire Business School, U of Hertfordshire) Geoffrey M. Hodgson (Hertfordshire Business School, U of Hertfordshire) Political Economy of Pension Reform: An Empirical Investigation Rok Spruk (Utrecht University) Miroslav Verbic (University of Ljubljana - Laibach) Session 1-9 Analysis of Institutions (Room H202B) Institutional and Organizational Analysis: Concepts and Applications Eric Alston (Comparative Constitutions Project) Lee J. Alston (Indiana University) Bernardo Mueller (University of Brasilia) Tomas Nonnenmacher (Allegheny College) When Order Affects Performance: Institutional Sequencing, Cultural Sway, and Behavioral Path Dependence Jenna Bednar (University of Michigan) Scott E Page (University of Michigan) Why All Policy Analysis Needs Institutional Economics, and Why This Economics Needs to Admit Unequally Rational Individuals and Comprehend Economic Change Pavel Pelikan (University of Economics, Prague) Parallel Sessions: June 16, 9.00-10.30 10 Session 1-10 Transaction Costs and Firm Boundaries (Room H102) Frictions and Competitive Positioning: How Transaction Costs Influence Bargaining and Market Power Christian Geisler Asmussen (Copenhagen Business School) Kirsten Foss (Norwegian School of Economics) Nicolai J. Foss (Copenhagen Business School) Peter G. Klein (Baylor University) A Formal Haggling Theory of Firm Boundaries: A Tradeoff Between Bargaining Costs and Too Much Intervention Yusuke Mori (Tokyo International University) Contractual Adaptation and the Evolutionary Perspective of Contracting Strategy Juilin Teng (HEC Paris) Session 1-11 Corruption and Lobbying (Room H103) The Determinants of Cross-Border Corruption Laarni Escresa (School of Economics, University of the Philippines) Lucio Picci (Department of Economics, University of Bologna) Elections and Embezzlement Malte Lierl (Yale University) Disguised Contributions to Political Campaigns: the Long Shadow of Corporate-linked Spending Adam Fremeth (University of Western Ontario) Brian Richter (University of Texas at Austin) Brandon Schaufele (University of Western Ontario) Parallel Sessions: June 16, 9.00-10.30 11 Session 2-1 Determinants and Consequences of Inter-Ethnic Tensions and Conflict in Africa (Amphi Caquot) One Team, One Nation: Football, Ethnic Identity, and Conflict in Africa Ruben Durante (Sciences Po) Emilio Depetris Chauvín (Universidad Católica de Chile) Ethnic Politics and Job Performance in the Kenyan Police Oliver Vanden Eynde (Paris School of Economics) Session 2-2 Contract Theory (Room H101) Relational Contracts and Social Comparison Costs in Organizations Oscar F Contreras (CUNEF) Giorgio Zanarone (CUNEF) Optimal Contracting with Subjective Evaluation: The Effects of Timing, Malfeasance and Guile W Bentley MacLeod (Columbia University) Teck Yong Tan (Columbia University) Session 2-3 Firm Boundaries in a Globalized World (Room H401) Managing Export Complexity: the Role of Service Outsourcing Giuseppe Berlingieri (ESSEC, OECD, CEP) The Impact of Contract Enforcement Costs on Outsourcing and Aggregate Productivity Johannes Boehm (Sciences Po) Relational Contracts and Supplier Turnover in the Global Economy Fabrice Defever (University of Nottingham) Christian Fischer (University of Düsseldorf) Jens Südekum (University of Düsseldorf) Session 2-4 Historical Determinants of Institutions and Culture (Room S2) Labor Scarcity, Land Tenure, and Historical Legacy: Evidence from Mexico Emily A. Sellars (University of Chicago) Jennifer Alix-Garcia (University of Wisconsin, Madison) Cultural Persistence? Evidence from an Administrative Reform on Borders of Southern Italy Adele Grompone (Banca d'Italia) Luca Sessa (Banca d'Italia) Development, Segregation and Nationalism Marvin Suesse (New York University - Abu Dhabi) Nikolaus Wolf (Humboldt University of Berlin) Parallel Sessions: June 16, 11.00-12.30 12 Session 2-5 Finance and Relational Contracts (Room H201) Financial Constraints, Investment, and Relational Contracts Daniel Barron (Northwestern) Jin Li (Northwestern) Size Matters - "Over"investments in a Relational Contracting Setting Florian Englmaier (LMU Munich) Matthias Fahn (LMU Munich) Capital Structure Choice and the Cost of Enforcing Contracts - Theory and Evidence Matthias Fahn (University of Munich) Valeria Merlo (University of Tuebingen) Wamser Georg (University of Tuebingen) Session 2-6 Conflict and Violence (Room H402) Violence and the Geographic Concentration of Political Power Jordan Adamson (Clemson University) Moving from Conflict to Post-conflict: Changes in the Organization of Production and Distribution in Rural Colombia Clemente Forero-Pineda (Universidad de los Andes School of Management) Luz Elena Orozco (Universidad de los Andes School of Management) Eduardo Wills (Universidad de los Andes School of Management) Manuel Moscoso (Departamento Nacional de Planeación Colombia) Group Violence, Ethnic Diversity and Citizen Participation: Evidence from Indonesia Christophe Muller (Aix-Marseille University) Marc Vothknecht (European Commission) Session 2-7 Innovation (Room H202A) A Theory of Sequential Innovation Christopher Buccafusco (Cardozo Law School) Stefan Bechtold (ETH Zurich) Christopher Sprigman (NYU Law School) Self-regulation of Degree of Openness in Cumulative Innovation Salavat Gabdrakhmanov (CEFIR, Moscow) Modeling Production in the Creative Commons Massimiliano Gambardella (M5S, Legislative Office, Chamber of deputies (Italy)) Matthijs den Besten (Montpellier Business School) Parallel Sessions: June 16, 11.00-12.30 13 Session 2-8 Preferences and Public Goods (Room H007) Do Policies Affect Preferences? Evidence from Random Variation in Abortion Jurisprudence Daniel Chen (Toulouse) Vardges Levonyan (ETH Zurich) Susan Yeh (George Mason University) Lotteries As a Mean of Financing Public Goods Daniil Shvets (Queen Mary University of London) Changing Social Norms Zaki Wahhaj (University of Kent) Session 2-9 Private Ordering and Forum Shopping (Room H202B) Delaware's Profits Minor Myers (Brooklyn Law School) Equity-Based Governance Structures: Private Constitutions for Private Orders Claude Ménard (Centre d'économie de la Sorbonne) Emmanuel Raynaud (INRA SADAPT) The Private Ordering Solution to Multiforum Shareholder Litigation Roberta Romano (Yale Law School) Sarath Sanga (University of California, Berkeley Law School) Session 2-10 Self-Governance in Family and Prisons (Room H102) The Family Business and the Law: How Does the Family Law Affect Family Business ? Céline Barredy (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense) Massimiliano Vatiero (Université de Lugano) Gianluca Colombo (Université de Lugano) A Rationale for Marriage and Its Infidelity Implications Yoram Barzel (University of Washington) Aurora Stephany (University of Washington) Covenants Without the Sword? Comparing Prison Self-Governance Globally David Skarbek (King's College London) Session 2-11 Preferences and Rules (Room H103) Social Preferences or Sacred Values? Theory and Evidence of Deontological Motivations Daniel L. Chen (The Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse/TSE) Martin Schonger (ETH Zurich) Pervasive Spurious Normativity, Or: The Case for Lots of Silly Rules Gillian K. Hadfield (University of Southern California) Dylan Hadfield-Menell (University of California, Berkeley) Constructed Preferences, Consumer Welfare, and Antitrust Law Avishalom Tor (Notre Dame Law School) Parallel Sessions: June 16, 11.00-12.30 14 Session 3-1 Social Media and Politics (Amphi Caquot) Politics 2.0: The Multifaceted Effect of Broadband Internet on Political Participation Ruben Durante (Sciences Po) Filipe Campante (Harvard Kennedy School) Francesco Sobbrio (LUISS) Social Media and Protest Participation: Evidence from Russia Ruben Enikolopov (Barcelona IPEG, UPF, BGSE, NES) Alexey Makarin (Northwestern University) Maria Petrova (Barcelona IPEG, UPF, BGSE, NES) The Political Economy of Social Media in China Bei Qin (University of Hong Kong) David Strömberg (IIES, Stockholm university) Yanhui Wu (University of Southern California) The Impact of Social Media Use on Voter Knowledge and Behavior in the 2015 UK Election: Evidence from a Panel Survey Kevin Munger (NYU - SMaPP Lab) Patrick Egan (NYU) Jonathan Nagler (NYU - SMaPP Lab) Jonathan Ronen (Berlin Institite for Medical Systems Biology) Joshua Tucker (NYU - SMaPP Lab) Session 3-2 Bank-Firm Relationships in Developing Countries (Room H101) Foreign Bank Entry and Entrepreneurship Thorsten Beck (Cass Business School) Laura Alfaro (Harvard Business School) Charles Calomiris (Columbia Business School) Show Me Yours and I’ll Show You Mine: Sharing Borrower Information in a Competitive Credit Market Jaap Bos (Maastricht University) Ralph De Haas (EBRD) Matteo Millone (Free University Amsterdam) Politics and Banking in Russia: The Rise of Putin Koen Schoors (Ghent University and HSE) Laurent Weill (EM Strasbourg Business School, University of Stras) Forgive but Not Forget: The Behavior of Relationship Banks when Firms Are in Distress Larissa Schäfer (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management) Parallel Sessions: June 16, 14.00-16.00 15 Session 3-3 Bosses: Who They Are, What They Do and Why It Matters (Room H401) Empowering Bosses to Lead: an Experiment in a Large Retail Chain Guido Friebel (Goethe U, Frankfurt) Matthias Heinz (Cologne) Nick Zubanov (Goethe U, Frankfurt) Born to Lead? The Effect of Birth Order on Non-Cognitive Abilities Sandra Black (University of Texas at Austin) Erik Grönqvist (Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Educ) Björn Öckert (Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Educ) CEO Behavior and Firm Performance Bandiera Oriana (LSE) Stephen Hansen (Pompeu Fabra) Andrea Prat (Columbia) Raffaella Sadun (Harvard) Session 3-4 In Honor of Douglass North: Violence and Politics (Room S2) Session organized by Ronald Coase Institute Accountability in Autocracies with Multidimensional Policies Mario Gilli (University of Milan-Bicocca) Yuan Li (University of Duisburg-Essen) More Money, Less Violence? The Effects of a Natural Resource Boom on Local Electoral Violence in Peru Stanislao Maldonado (Universidad del Rosario) Juan Vargas (Universidad del Rosario) Ben Crost (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Binding Ties, Binding Commitments: Evidence from Public-Private Partnerships in Vocational Education Israel Marques II (Higher School of Economics) Violent Pressure on Business and the Size of the Informal Economy: Evidence from Russian Regions Michael Rochlitz (Higher School of Economics) Discussant: Thrainn Eggertsson (University of Iceland) Parallel Sessions: June 16, 14.00-16.00 16 Session 3-5 Language Economics (Room H201) Transparency and Deliberation Within the FOMC: a Computational Linguistics Approach Stephen Hansen (UPF) Michael McMahon (Warwick) Andrea Prat (Columbia) Religion, Division of Labor and Conflict: Evidence from Germany over Seven Centuries Luigi Pascali (Warwick) Historical Analysis of National Subjective Wellbeing Using Millions of Digitized Books Eugenio Proto (University of Warwick, Economics) Thomas Hills (University of Warwick, Psychology) Danie Sgroi (University of Warwick, Economics) Mirrors for Princes and Sultans: Advice on the Art of Governance in the Medieval Christian and Islamic Worlds Lisa Blaydes (Stanford University) Justin Grimmer (Stanford University) Alison McQueen (Stanford University) Session 3-6 Financing and Risk Allocation in Public-Private Partnerships (Room H402) Do More Accountable Governments Resort More to Public Private Partnerships? Laure Athias (University of Lausanne) Julie Le Gallo (Agrosup Dijon) Thierry Madiès (University of Fribourg) The Joy of Flying: Efficient Airport PPP Contracts Eduardo Engel (Universidad de Chile) Ronald Fischer (Universidad de Chile) Alexander Galetovic (Universidad de los Andes) A Comparison and Analysis of Methodologies for Conducting Value for Money Appraisals Anthony Boardman (Sauder School of Business) Mark Hellowell (University of Edinburgh) Public Versus Private Cost of Capital with State-Contingent Terminal Value Marian Moszoro (UC Berkeley & Harvard Law School) Parallel Sessions: June 16, 14.00-16.00 17 Session 3-7 Long-Term Determinants of Gender Equality, Fertility and Crime (Room H202A) LIEPP sponsored session On the Historical Roots of Women’s Empowerment Across Italian Provinces: Religion or Family Culture? Monica Bozzano (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia) Impact of Family Planning Policy on Gender Inequality: Evidence from China Yining Geng (University Pompeu Fabra) The Long-Term Effect of Slavery on Violent Crime: Evidence from US Counties Moamen Gouda (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) Anouk S. Rigterink (London School of Economics and Political Science) The Cultural Diffusion of the Fertility Transition: Evidence from Internal Migration in 19th Century France Guillaume Daudin (University Paris-Dauphine) Raphael Franck (Bar-Ilan University) Hillel Rapoport (Paris School of Economics) Session 3-8 History of Institutions (Room H007) 'The Lesser of Two Weevils': British Victual Organization During the Long Eighteenth Century Douglas Allen (Simon Fraser University) Precolonial Centralization, Foreign Aid and Modern State Capacity in Africa Tobias Broich (Maastricht University) Adam Szirmai (Maastricht University) Kaj Thomsson (Maastricht University) How Do Political Institutions Affect Fiscal Capacity? Explaining Taxation in Developing Economies Roberto Ricciuti (Università di Verona) Antonio Savoia (University of Manchester) Kunal Sen (University of Manchester) The Long-Run Influence of Institutions Governing Trade: The Case of Colonial and Pirates' Ports in Mexico Daphne Alvarez Villa (University of Oxford) Jenny Guardado (Georgetown University) Parallel Sessions: June 16, 14.00-16.00 18 Session 3-9 International Economic Integration (Room H202B) Development Through International Economic Integration: Institutional Change to Accommodate Foreign Direct Investment in Brazil and China Henrique E. Delgado (Universidade Santa Ursula) Institutions and Visa Regimes Camila Gracheva (Higher School of Economics) Leonid Polishchuk (Higher School of Economics) Koen Schoors (Ghent University) Alexander Yarkin (Higher School of Economics) Export costs of visa restrictions Natalia Volchkova (New Economic School) Session 3-10 Regulation and Procurement (Room H102) Does E-government Improve Government Capacity? Evidence from Tax Administration and Public Procurement Anna Kochanova (Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Go) Zahid Hasnain (World Bank) Bradley Larson (World Bank) Favoritism in Public Procurement Auctions: Model of Endogenous Entry Maria Ostrovnaya (Center for Institutional Studies, NRU HSE) Elena Podkolzina (Center for Institutional Studies, NRU HSE) The Political Determinants of Regulation: Data over One Century from the Swiss Cantons Simon Luechinger (University of Lucerne) Mark Schelker (University of Fribourg) Enforcement Discretion At The SEC David Zaring (Wharton) Session 3-11 Property Rights for Land (Room H103) Are Free Loans of Land Really Free? An Exploratory Analysis of Risk-coping Motives in Land Arrangements in the Northeast of Thailand Gwendoline Promsopha (Aix Marseille Université, CNRS, LEST UMR 7317) Economic Analysis of Property Rights: First Possession of Water in the American West Bryan Leonard (Arizona State University) Gary Libecap (UCSB and NBER) Growth Under the Shadow of Expropriation: The Economic Impacts of Eminent Domain Daniel L. Chen (The Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse/TSE) Susan Yeh (George Mason University School of Law) Land, capital, and the emergence of public protection of property rights Mauricio Rodriguez Acosta (Tilburg) Parallel Sessions: June 16, 14.00-16.00 19 Session 4-1 Non-Democratic Politics (Amphi Caquot) Strategic Taxation in Autocracies Marina Dodlova (University of Passau) Viola Lucas (University of Konstanz & GIGA) Institutions, Repression and the Spread of Protest Mehdi Shadmehr (University of Miami) Raphael Boleslavsky (University of Miami) What Makes Governments Popular? Sergei Guriev (Sciences Po) Daniel Treisman (UCLA) Session 4-2 Long-Term Relationships Between Organizations (Room H101) Vertical Integration and Relational Contracts: Evidence from Costa Rica’s Coffee Chain Rocco Macchiavello (University of Warwick) Pepita Miquel-Florensa (TSE) How 'Relational' is a Relational Contract? Governance Issues in Strategic Airline Alliances Claude Menard (University of Paris (Pantheon-Sorbonne)) Adaptation and Relational Contracting in the Airline Industry Ricard Gil (Johns Hopkins University) Myongjin Kim (University of Oklahoma) Giorgio Zanarone (CUNEF) Session 4-3 Incentives in Intellectual Property (Room H401) Designing an Inventive Contribution System Michael Abramowicz (George Washington University) The Patent Troll: Benign Middleman or Stick-Up Artist? David S. Abrams (University of Pennsylvania) Ufuk Akcigit (University of Chicago) Gokhan Oz (University of Pennsylvania) Are We Running Out of Trademarks? Evidence of Trademark Depletion at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Barton Beebe (New York University School of Law) Jeanne Fromer (New York University School of Law) Parallel Sessions: June 17, 9.00-10.30 20 Session 4-4 Courts and Economic Performance (Room S2) LIEPP sponsored session Justice Delayed is Growth Denied: The Effect of Slow Courts on Relationship-Specific Industries in India Amrit Amirapu (University of Kent) What Do the Decisions of the European Court of Human Rights Tell About Property Rights Across Europe? David Gomtsyan (University of Turin) Suren Gomtsyan (Tilburg University) Institutions and Firms’ Adjustments: Measuring the Impact of Courts’ Delays on Job Flows and Productivity Giovanna Vallanti (Luiss "Guido Carli") Giuseppina Gianfreda (Università della Tuscia) Session 4-5 Utilities (Room H201) Utility Governance and Why Consolidations May Not Deliver: Lessons from Central and Eastern Europe Michael Klien (Austrian Institute of Economic Research) Which Electricity Market Design to Encourage the Development of Demand Response? Vincent Rious (Microeconomics) Yannick Perez (CentraleSupélec) Fabien Roques (Compass) It’s Politics, Stupid! Drivers of and Obstacles to Urban Wastewater Treatment in Brazil Katharina Stepping (German Development Institute (DIE)) Session 4-6 Human Capital and Lobbying (Room H402) Firm Boundaries and Knowledge: the Lobbyists' Case. Miguel Espinosa (London School of Economics) A Sociopolitical View of the “Make And/or Buy” Decisions in Corporate Political Lobbying Nan Jia (University of Southern California) Learnability Confidence and Human Capital Acquisition Kimiyuki Morita (Osaka University of Economics) Parallel Sessions: June 17, 9.00-10.30 21 Session 4-7 Innovation (Room H202A) How the Innovation-competition Link is Shaped by Technology Distance in High Barrier Catch-up Economy Evguenia Bessonova (CEFIR and HSE) Ksenia Gonchar (HSE) Ownership and Innovation: Evidence from Swiss Listed Firms Marcello Puca (Università della Svizzera italiana) Massimiliano Vatiero (Università della Svizzera italiana) Patents: A Means to Innovation or Strategic Ends? Jiri Schwarz (Charles University, Prague) Martin Stepanek (Charles University, Prague) Session 4-8 Legal Institutions (Room H007) Causation Actually J. Shahar Dillbary (Alabama University) The Death of Rules and Standards Anthony Casey (Univ. of Chicago Law School) Anthony Niblett (Univ. of Toronto Faculty of Law) Quotas Shay Lavie (Tel Aviv) Session 4-9 Stereotypes and Decision-Making (Room H202B) Do Lawyers Know Uncertainty when They See It? Oliver Belitz (University of Mannheim) Andreas Engert (University of Mannheim) Andreas Michl (University of Mannheim) Do CEOs Differ From Others in Strategic Decision-Making? Hakan Holm (Lund University) Victor Nee (Cornell University) Sonja Opper (Lund University) Partisan Stereotypes Pierre-Guillaume Méon (Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)) Carmelo Licata (Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)) Parallel Sessions: June 17, 9.00-10.30 22 Session 4-10 Law Enforcement (Room H102) Public Law Enforcers and Political Competition Eric Langlais (EconomiX CNRS University Paris Ouest Nanterre) Marie Obidzinski (Université Paris II, CRED) The Political Economy of Rule of Law Enforcement: Interdependence Between Political and Economic Choices Under Imperfect Information Randolph Bruno (University College London) Session 4-11 Ownership and Corporate Performance (Room H103) Privatisation Prices: The Role of Prior Restructuring and Emerging Private Ownership Structure. José Eusébio Santos (University of Madeira) Political Connections and Ownership Concentration: Evidence from Chinese Privately Owned Enterprises Jingjing Wang (University of Missouri) Peter G. Klein (Baylor University) Is There a Relationship Between Shareholder Protection and Stock Market Development? Prabirjit Sarkar ([email protected]) Simon Deakin ([email protected]) Mathias Siems ([email protected]) Parallel Sessions: June 17, 9.00-10.30 23 Session 5-1 Law, Equity, and Opportunism (Amphi Caquot) The System of Equitable Remedies Samuel Bray (UCLA) Remedies for Breach of Fiduciary Duties: An Economic Analysis of Trusts Daniel B. Kelly (University of Notre Dame) Fusing the Equitable Function in Private Law Henry E. Smith (Harvard Law School) Session 5-2 Strategy Beyond Markets: Influencing Regulatory Environments (Room H101) Corporate Political Strategy in Contested Regulatory Environments Adam Fremeth (University of Western Ontario) Guy Holburn (University of Western Ontario) Rick Vanden Bergh (University of Vermont) Formal Versus Informal Channels: How Firm Size Affects Corporate Political Activities Jeffrey T. Macher (Georgetown University (McDonough)) John W. Mayo (Georgetown University (McDonough)) Stephen Weymouth (Georgetown University (McDonough)) Self-Regulation and Regulatory Discretion: Why Firms May Be Reluctant to Signal Green John W. Maxwell (IU Kelley School of Business) Session 5-3 The Legacy of the Past for Current Development: Empirical Analyses with Disaggregated Historical Data (Room H401) The Bounty of the Sea and Long-Run Development Carl-Johan Dalgaard (University of Copenhagen and CEPR) Anne Sofie Knudsen (University of Copenhagen) Pablo Selaya (University of Copenhagen) The Legacy of Historical Political Institutions on Individual Attitudes: Evidence for Italy 1000-1800 Paolo Buonanno (University of Bergamo) Matteo Cervellati (University of Bologna) Sara Lazzaroni (University of Bologna) Giovanni Prarolo (University of Bologna) Religions and Inventions: Long-run Evidence for Spain Francesco Cinnirella (Ifo Institute) Alireza Naghavi (University of Bologna) Giovanni Prarolo (University of Bologna) Parallel Sessions: June 17, 11.00-12.30 24 Session 5-4 Obstacles to Cooperation and Optimal Responses to Organizational Inefficiencies (Room S2) Sticking Points: Common-Agency Problems and Contracting in the U.S. Healthcare System Brigham Frandsen (Brigham Young University) Michael Powell (Northwestern University) James B. Rebitzer (Boston University) Are Preferences for Reciprocity Irrelevant in Situations of Repeated Interaction? Matthias Fahn (University of Munich) Anne Schade (University of Munich) Katharina Schuessler (University of Munich) The Role of Relational Contracts in Interfirm Relationships: Theory and Evidence on Multiunit Franchising Nicholas Argyres (University of Washington in St. Louis) Janet Bercovitz (University of Illinois) Giorgio Zanarone (CUNEF) Session 5-5 Social Preferences in Firms (Room H201) CEO's Morality and Incentives Pierre Fleckinger (MINES ParisTech & Paris School of Economics) Thierry Lafay (University of Paris 1) Constance Monnier (University of Paris 1) How Effective Are Relational Incentive Contracts? Evidence from Foreign Entrepreneurs in Russia Elena Kulchina (Duke University) Joanne Oxley (University of Toronto) Dancing with Strangers? Initial Trust and the Formation of Initial Collaborations Between New Ventures and Corporate Venture Capitals. Massimo Colombo (Politecnico di Milano) Kourosh Shafi (Politecnico di Milano) Session 5-6 Contracting with Other-Regarding Preferences (Room H402) Wage Bargaining when Workers Have Fairness Concerns Martina N. Gogova (EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht) Jenny Kragl (EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht) Delegation with a Reciprocal Agent Ester Manna (Universitat de Barcelona) Alessandro De Chiara (Central European University Budapest) Reforming an Institutional Culture of Corruption: A Model of Motivated Agents and Collective Reputation Justin Valasek (WZB Berlin) Parallel Sessions: June 17, 11.00-12.30 25 Session 5-7 Cooperation and Collective Action (Room H202A) When Civil Society Uses an Iron Fist: The Role of Private Associations in Social Control Robert C. Ellickson (Yale Law School) The Comparative Governance of Collective Action Aseem Kaul (University of Minnesota) Jiao Luo (University of Minnesota) Cooperation and Internet Quality of Service Maria Amparo Lourdes Montenegro (National University of Singapore) Araral Eduardo (National University of Singapore) Session 5-8 Empirical and Experimental Evidence on Cooperation (Room H007) Signaling Cooperation Matthias Heinz (University of Cologne) Heiner Schumacher (KU Leuven) An Autopsy of Cooperation: Diamond Dealers and the Limits of Trust-Based Exchange Barak Richman (Duke University) Trust, Competition and Innovation: Theory and Evidence from German Car Manufacturing Giacomo Calzolari (Bologna) Leonardo Felli (LSE) Johannes Koenen (CESifo Munchen) Konrad Stahl (Mannheim) Giancarlo Spagnolo (Tor Vergata, SITE) Session 5-9 Religion (Room H202B) Gender Equality in Muslim-Majority Countries Moamen Gouda (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) Niklas Potrafke (Ifo Institute - Munich University) Religion, Moral Attitudes & Economic Behavior Isadora Kirchmaier (University of Heidelberg) Jens Prüfer (Tilburg University) Stefan T. Trautmann (University of Heidelberg) Religion in the Context of Constitution: A Comparative Study of Egypt, Iran and Turkey Hossein Radmard (American University of Beirut/Columbia University) Parallel Sessions: June 17, 11.00-12.30 26 Session 5-10 Decentralization and Regional Integration (Room H102) Optimal Territorial Design and Decentralization Jean-Marc Bourgeon (INRA) Marie Breuillé (INRA) The Limits to Partial Banking Unions: A Political Economy Approach Dana Foarta (Stanford GSB) Norwegian Rhapsody: The Political Economy Benefits of Regional Integration Nauro F. Campos (Brunel University London, ETH-Zurich and IZA-Bonn) Fabrizio Coricelli (Paris School of Economics and CEPR-London) Luigi Moretti (University of Bologna) Session 5-11 Legal Rules (Room H103) Should Failure to Defend Imply Forfeiture of Coverage Defenses? Tom Baker (University of Pennsylvania) Ezra Friedman (Northwestern University) Kyle Logue (University of Michigan) Judgment Contingent Settlements Shay Lavie (Tel Aviv University) Avraham Tabbach (Tel Aviv University) Parallel Sessions: June 17, 11.00-12.30 27 Session 6-1 The Political Economy of Autocracy: Evidence from Russia (Amphi Caquot) Hitting Them with Carrots: Voter Intimidation and Vote Buying In Russia Timothy Frye (Columbia University) Ora John Reuter (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) David Szakonyi (Columbia University) Democracy, Income and Health: Evidence from Sub-National Comparative Method Dina Balalaeva (NRU Higher School of Economics) Vladimir Kozlov (NRU Higher School of Economics) Alexander Libman (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik) Vote Brokers, Clientelist Appeals, and Voter Turnout in Russia Ora John Reuter (UW-Milwaukee) Timothy Frye (Columbia) David Szakonyi (Columbia) Professional Organizations As Drivers of Social Changes in Developing Countries: Some Implications from Russian ‘limited Access Order’ Andrei Yakovlev (University - Higher School of Economics) Anton Kazun (University - Higher School of Economics) Daniil Sitkevich (Moscow State Lomonosow-University) Session 6-2 Intra-Firm Resource Allocation (Room H101) Retained Earnings and Membership Stability in Cooperatives, A Relational Contracting Perspective Anna Petruchenya (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University) George Hendrikse (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University) The Case for Tipping and Unrestricted Tip-Pooling: Promoting Intrafirm Cooperation Samuel Estreicher (New York University School of Law) Jonathan Nash (Emory University School of Law) Managing Shared Understandings in Teams Patrick Warren (Clemson Universtiy) Tom Wilkening (University of Melbourne) Product-Market Competition and the Redistribution of Resources in the Multi-Business Firm Raffaele Morandi Stagni (IE Business School) Juan Santaló Mediavilla (IE Business School) Parallel Sessions: June 17, 14.00-16.00 28 Session 6-3 The Rule of Law: Lessons from Ancient Greece (Room H401) Institutional Change and the Roots of the Athenian Rule of Law Federica Carugati (Indiana University) Ancient and Modern Conceptions of the Rule of Law Sara Forsdyke (University of Michigan) Engineering the Rule of Law in Ancient Athens Robert K. Fleck (Clemson University) F. Andrew Hanssen (Clemson University) The Sparta Game: Violence, Proportionality, Austerity, Collapse Josiah Ober (Stanford University) Barry R. Weingast (Stanford University) Session 6-4 Law and Economics of Crime II: Drivers of Recidivism (Room S2) LIEPP sponsored session Jobs, News and Re-offending After Incarceration Roberto Galbiati (OSC-CNRS and Sciences Po) Aurélie Ouss (University of Chicago Crime Lab) Arnaud Philippe (CREST and University of Paris 1) Harsh or Humane? Detention Conditions and Recidivism Daniele Terlizzese (EIEF) Giovanni Mastrobuoni (University of Essex) Does Prison Privatization Distort Justice? Evidence on Time Served and Recidivism Anita Mukherjee (University of Wisconsin-Madison) The Effect of Prison Sentence Length on Recidivism: Evidence from Random Judicial Assignment Max Schanzenbach (Northwestern) Michael Roach (Northwestern) Session 6-5 Public and Private Order in Historical and Comparative Perspective: Panel Discussion (Room H201) Benito Arruñada (Pompeu Fabra University) Lisa Bernstein (University of Chicago) Emily Kadens (Northwestern University) Scott Masten (University of Michigan) Parallel Sessions: June 17, 14.00-16.00 29 Session 6-6 Political Economy (Room H402) Elections, Exchange Rates, and Foreign Currency Debt: Swiss Francs and the 2015 Polish Elections John Ahlquist (UC San Diego) Mark Copelovitch (University of Wisconsin) Stefanie Walter (University of Zurich) Social Transfers and Political Participation: Evidence from Mali and Ghana Marina Dodlova (Aix-Marseille, Passau University, GIGA Hamburg) Valuing Peace: The Effects of Financial Market Exposure on Votes and Political Attitudes Saumitra Jha (Stanford Graduate School of Business) Moses Shayo (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) The Foundations of Social Policy Support: Experimental Evidence on How Institutional Quality Affects Redistributive Preferences Israel Marques (Higher School of Economics, Moscow) Sarah Wilson Sokhey (University of Colorado, Boulder) Session 6-7 Entrepreneurs, Information Diffusion, and Markets (Room H202A) Firm Heterogeneity and Growth Through Product Variety and Upgrading Choices Serguey Braguinsky (University of Maryland and NBER) Atsushi Ohyama (Hitotsubashi University) Tetsuji Okazaki (Tokyo University) Chad Syverson (University of Chicago and NBER) Anatomy of a Bank Run in Opaque Banking Sector: Who Sees What Why Lucy Chernykh (Clemson University) Sergey Mityakov (Clemson University) Spinoffs, Mergers and Industry Growth Atsushi Ohyama (Hitotsubashi University) Entrepreneurship, Mobility and Knowledge of Noncompete Laws Evan Starr (University of Maryland) Benjamin King (University of Maryland) Rajshree Agarwal (University of Maryland) Session 6-8 Experimental Evidence on Learning and Public Goods (Room H007) LIEPP sponsored session How Legal Spillovers Interact with Learning: Theoretical and Experimental Evidence Roberto Galbiati (Sciences Po) Emeric Henry (Sciences Po) Nicolas Jacquemet (PSE) Cooperation Under the Risk of Capture Malte Lierl (Yale University) Voter Understanding of Policy Incidence – Experimental Evidence Florian H. Schneider (University of Zurich) Martin Schonger (ETH Zurich) Parallel Sessions: June 17, 14.00-16.00 30 Session 6-9 Corporate Governance and Non-Market Strategy (Room H202B) Corporate Governance Regulation Through Non-Prosecution Jennifer Arlen (New York University School of Law) Marcel Kahan (New York University School of Law) Non-Market Strategy: An Integrative Review and Future Directions Sinziana Dorobantu (New York University) Aseem Kaul (University of Minnesota) Bennet Zelner (University of Maryland) The Organizational Atmosphere Hypothesis Reconsidered in a Productive Efficiency Perspective: Theoretical Proposition and Empirical Analysis Virgile Chassagnon (Grenoble Alpes University – CREG Research Centre) Naciba Haned (ESDES Catholic University of Lyon) Session 6-10 Empirical Analysis of Regulation (Room H102) Patient Portals in Primary Care: Impacts on Patient Health and Physician Productivity Hessam Bavafa (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Lorin Hitt (The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania) Christian Terwiesch (The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania) On the Surprising Use of Unenforceable Clauses in Consumer Contracts: Evidence from the Residential Rental Market Meirav Furth-Matzkin (Harvard University) Influence of Governance Structure on the Effectiveness of Quality Standards: The Case of Geographical Indications Susana López-Bayón (University of Oviedo) Manuel González-Díaz (University of Oviedo) Vanesa Solís-Rodríguez (University of Oviedo) Marta Fernández-Barcala (University of Oviedo) Strategic Patient Discharge Ryan McDevitt (Duke) Paul Eliason (Duke) Paul Grieco (Penn State) Jimmy Roberts (Duke) Parallel Sessions: June 17, 14.00-16.00 31 Session 7-1 “Backwardness” of Imperial Agrarian Institutions and Russia's Economic Development (Amphi Caquot) Long-Run Consequences of Labor Coercion: Evidence from Russian Serfdom Johannes C. Buggle (University of Lausanne) Steven Nafziger (Williams College) The Stolypin Reform and Agricultural Productivity in Late Imperial Russia Paul Castaneda Dower (Florida International University) Andrei Markevich (New Economic School) The Economic Effects of the Abolition of Serfdom: Evidence from the Russian Empire Andrei Markevich (New Economic School) Ekaterina Zhuravskaya (Paris School of Economics) Collective Action and Representation in Autocracies: Evidence from Russia's Great Reforms Paul Dower (Florida International University) Evgeny Finkel (George Washington University) Scott Gehlbach (University of Wisconsin–Madison) Steven Nafziger (Williams College) Session 7-2 Institutions of the New Economy (Room H101) The Role of Legitimacy in the Design and Competition Between Institutions: the Case of Internet Governance Eric Brousseau (Paris-Dauphine, PSL Research University) Data Regulation and Its Effect on Business Models & Corporate Organization in the New Economy Geoffrey A. Manne (International Center for Law & Economics) A Crime 2.0 – Cybercrime, E-Talent, and Institutions Seo-Young Cho (University of Marburg) Emergence and Performance of Internet Exchange Points: The Role of Network Asymmetry Maria Amparo Lourdes Montenegro (National University of Singapore) Eduardo Araral (National University of Singapore) Parallel Sessions: June 17, 16.30-18.30 32 Session 7-3 Personnel Economics (Room H401) Grade Inflation or Human Capital: Why Have Federal Wages Risen Rapidly? Alexander Bolton (Duke University) John de Figueiredo (Duke University) The Determinants of Managerial Productivity Around the World Mitchell Hoffman (University of Toronto) Matthew Bidwell (University of Pennsylvania) John McCarthy (Cornell University) Michael Housman (HiQ Labs) Paying for Creativity: The Effect of Piece-Rate Vs. Time-Rate Compensation on Quality of Work Walid Hejazi (University of Toronto) Brian S. Silverman (University of Toronto) Brent Perekoppi (University of Toronto) A Positive Theory of Retirement Plan Design Ryan Bubb (NYU Law) Patrick Warren (Clemson University) Session 7-4 Environment (Room S2) Whose Law Is It? Network Analysis of the Evolution of U.S. Environmental Law, 19732013 Marion Dumas (Santa Fe Institute) The Microfoundations of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change Stefanos Mouzas (Lancaster University) The Production Function of Environmental Quality Jonathan Nash (Emory University School of Law) J.B. Ruhl (Vanderbilt Law School) James Salzman (UCLA Law School; UC-Santa Barbara) Investment in Natural Capital: Organizational Form and Consequences on the Characteristics of Biodiversity Restoration Projects Pierre Scemama (IFREMER) Harold Levrel (AgroParisTech) Parallel Sessions: June 17, 16.30-18.30 33 Session 7-5 Communication and Incentives (Room H201) Communication in a Complicated World Steve Callander (Stanford University) Nicolas Lambert (Stanford University) Coordination of Humanitarian Aid by Mediated Communication Maija Halonen-Akatwijuka (University of Bristol) In-Uck Park (University of Bristol) Collective Choice in Dynamic Public Good Provision Renee Bowen (Stanford University) George Georgiadis (Northwestern University) Nicolas Lambert (Stanford University) Monitoring, Transparency and Accountability Pierre Fleckinger (Mines Paristech, CERNA) Nicolas Roux (Max Planck Institute) Session 7-6 Emergence of Property Rights (Room H402) Private and Public Ordering in Property Benito Arruñada (Pompeu Fabra University) Is Rule of Law an Equilibrium Without Private Ordering? Gillian K. Hadfield (University of Southern California) Barry R. Weingast (Stanford University) The Economics of Sequential Exchange Benito Arruñada (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) Giorgio Zanarone (CUNEF) Nuno Garoupa (Texas A&M University) Being Bourgeois. The Emergence of Private Property in the Lab Marco Fabbri (University of Rotterdam) Matteo Rizzolli (LUMSA Universty) Session 7-7 Political Change (Room H202A) A Time to Throw Stones, a Time to Reap: How Long Does It Take for Democratic Transitions to Improve Institutional Outcomes? Pierre-Guillaume Méon (Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)) Khalid Sekkat (Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)) Democracy Versus Dictatorship: The Political Determinants of Growth Episodes Kunal Sen (University of Manchester) Sabyasachi Kar (Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi) Lant Pritchett (Harvard University) Selim Raihan (University of Dhaka) Holding On? Ethnic Divisions, Political Institutions and the Duration of Economic Declines Richard Bluhm (Leibniz University Hanover) Kaj Thomsson (Maastricht University) Parallel Sessions: June 17, 16.30-18.30 34 Session 7-8 Political and Economic Transition (Room H007) Globalization and Democracy in the Presence of Threshold Effects Houda Haffoudhi (FSEGN-University of Carthage) Rihab Bellakhal (Tunis Graduate School of Business) Regime Stability and Persistence of Traditional Practices Michael Poyker (University of California at Los Angeles) Loss of Human Capital and Development: Evidence from Russian Germans Repatriation Ekaterina Borisova (NRU Higher School of Economics) Denis Ivanov (NRU Higher School of Economics) Minds for the Market: Non-Cognitive Skills in Post-Soviet Countries Maryam Naghsh Nejad (IZA) Anna Kochanova (Max Planck) Session 7-9 Political Institutions (Room H202B) One Tick and You're Out: The Effects of the Master Lever on Senator Positions Olga Gorelkina (MPI) Ioanna Grypari (MPI) Ulysses' Bonds: Are Constitution-makers Constrained by Mandatory Referendums Stephan Michel (Universität Hamburg) Geopolitics and Culture in the United Nations Human Rights Committee Vera Shikhelman (Chicago Law School) Session 7-10 Corporate Governance and Takeovers (Room H102) Taking a Financial Position in Your Opponent in Litigation Albert H. Choi (University of Virginia School of Law) Kathryn E. Spier (Harvard Law School) Defensive Tactics and Optimal Search: A Simulation Approach Ronald J. Gilson (Columbia University) Alan Schwartz (Yale University) The Case for Managerial Signaling in Adjudicating Hostile Takeovers Nitzan Shilon (Peking University) Impact of Institutional Framework on Economic Growth through Venture Capital in Emerging Markets Guldem Gokcek (New York University) Parallel Sessions: June 17, 16.30-18.30 35 Session 7-11 Law and Innovation (Room H103) "Troll" Check? A Proposal for Administrative Review of Patent Litigation Lauren H. Cohen (Harvard Business School) John M. Golden (University of Texas School of Law) Umit Gurun (University of Texas at Dallas School of Management) Scott Duke Kominers (Harvard Society of Fellows) When Settlements Increase Competition: Reverse Payment Settlements and Market Entry Benjamin G. Ogden (Texas A&M University/ULB) Keith N. Hylton (Boston University School of Law) Boycott, Stigmatisation and Law Enforcement Clemens Buchen (EBS Universität, Wiesbaden) Bruno Deffains (Paris 2) Alberto Palermo (EBS Universität, Wiesbaden) Theorizing Tax Incentives for Innovation Anat Sorek (Bar-Ilan University) Parallel Sessions: June 17, 16.30-18.30 36 Poster Session Does Biological Endowment Matter for Demand for Financial Services? Evidence from Russia Irina Andrievskaya (None) Maria Semenova (CInSt, HSE, Moscow) The Composite Model of Russian Social Structure Based on Personal Incomes Kristina Butaeva (Lomonosov Moscow State University) The Procyclicality of Political Trust in Spain Gonzalo Caballero (University of Vigo) Marcos Álvarez-Díaz (University of Vigo) Hard Labour in the Lab: Are Monetary and Non-monetary Sanctions Really Substitutable? James Tremewan (University of Vienna) Matteo Rizzolli (LUMSA University) Inefficient Growth Tobias Hlobil (University of Hamburg) Mitja Kovac (Universty of Ljubljana) Rok Spruk (Utrecht University) The Problem of Reputation Emily Kadens (Northwestern University) Institutional Roots of State Failure Ekaterina Kruglova (Lomonosov Moscow State University) Lilia Valitova (Lomonosov Moscow State University) Daniel Shestakov (Bank of Russia) Organization of Decision-Making at the Firm: Just Cost-Benefit Optimization or Something More? Irina Levina (Higher School of Economics) Decentralized Aid and Democracy Joaquin Morales Belpaire (Universidad Privada Boliviana) Electoral Laws, Political Institutions and Long-Run Development: Evidence from Latin America, 1800-2012 Rok Spruk (Utrecht University) Energy Intensity of Production in World Economies: Role of Institutional Environment Nikita Suslov (Novosibirsk State University) Ekaterina Meltenisova (Novosibirsk State University) Do Majoritarian Electoral Rules Favour Larger Industries in the Economy? Timothy Yu-Cheong Yeung (Toulouse School of Economics) Izaskun Zuazu (University of the Basque Country) Poster Session: June 16, 16.00-17.00 37 Participants’ contact details Michael Abramowicz George Washington University 2000 H St NW Washington, Washington D.C. 20052 United States [email protected] David S Abrams University of Pennsylvania 3501 Sansom Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 United States [email protected] Jordan Adamson Clemson University 609 Smoke Rise Drive Apartment A Central, South Carolina 29630 United States [email protected] John Ahlquist University of California San Diego 9500 Gilman Drive MC 0519 La Jolla, California 92093-0519 United States [email protected] Gani Aldashev ECARES, Université libre de Bruxelles Avenue Roosevelt 50 CP 114/04 Bruxelles, 1050 Belgium [email protected] Doug Allen Simon Fraser University 8888 Universtiy Drive Burnaby, British Columbia V5A 1S6 Canada [email protected] Lee Alston Indiana University 513 N. Park Ave. Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana 47408 - 3829 United States [email protected] Daphne Alvarez Villa University of Oxford 77 Venneit Close Oxford, OX11HY United Kingdom [email protected] Participants’ Contact Details Amrit Amirapu Keynes College University of Kent Canterbury, CT27NP United Kingdom [email protected] Eduardo Araral Associate Professor and Vice-Dean, Research 469C Bukit Timah Road Oei Tiong Ham Building Singapore, 259771 Singapore [email protected] Yoam Barzel and Aurora Stephany UW Savery Hall 353330 Seattle, Washington 98195 United States [email protected] Hessam Bavafa University of Wisconsin-Madison 975 University Ave 4284C Grainger Hall Madison, Wisconsin 53706 United States [email protected] Jennifer Arlen New York University Law School 40 Washington Square South Room 411D New York, New York 10012 United States [email protected] Thorsten Beck Cass Business School 106 Bunhill Row London, EC1Y 8TZ United Kingdom [email protected] Benito Arruñada Pompeu Fabra University Trias Fargas 25 Barcelona, 08005 Spain [email protected] Jenna Bednar University of Michigan 505 S. State St Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 United States [email protected] Laure Athias University of Lausanne Quartier UNIL Mouline Lausanne, 1015 Switzerland [email protected] Barton Beebe New York University School of Law 40 Washington Square South New York, New York 10025 United States [email protected] Surya prakash Bala Rai Legislature Parliament Government of Nepal New-Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal Kathmandu, 44600 Nepal [email protected] Rihab Bellakhal Tunis Graduate School of Business Tunis, Tunisia Tunis, 2083 Tunisia [email protected] Céline BARREDY CEROS - Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense 200 avenue de la République NANTERRE, 92001 France [email protected] Dan Barron Northwestern 1769 W Ainslie St Chicago, Illinois 60640 United States [email protected] Jan Bellgardt GIGA Hamburg Weißenfelser Str. 12 Leipzig, 04229 Germany [email protected] Filippo Belloc University of Pescara Department of Economic Studies Viale Pindaro 42 Pescara, 65127 Italy [email protected] 38 Alexandra Benham The Ronald Coase Institute 6346 Waterman Avenue St. Louis, Missouri 63130 United States [email protected] Lee Benham The Ronald Coase Institute 6346 Waterman Avenue St. Louis, Missouri 63130 United States [email protected] Janet Bercovitz University of Illinois 1206 South Sixth Street Champaign, Illinois 61820 United States [email protected] Giuseppe Berlingieri ESSEC, OECD and CEP ESSEC Business School 3 Avenue Bernard Hirsch Cergy, 95021 France [email protected] Lisa Bernstein Univ of Chicago Law School, Oxford Ctr Corp Reputation 1111 e 60th street Chicago, Illinois 60637 United States [email protected] Evguenia Bessonova CEFIR and HSE 47 Nakhimovsky prospect, office 720 Moscow, 117418 Russian Federation [email protected] Jordi Blanes i Vidal London School of Economics Houghton Street London, WC2A 2AE United Kingdom [email protected] Lisa Blaydes Stanford University 616 Serra St. Encina Hall West Room 100 Department of Political Science Stanford, California 94305-6044 United States [email protected] Richard Bluhm Leibniz University Hanover Königsworther Platz 1 Hannover, 30167 Germany [email protected] Participants’ Contact Details Johannes Boehm Sciences Po Departement d'Economie 28 Rue des Saints Peres Paris, 75007 France [email protected] Ekaterina Borisova National Research University Higher School of Economics Myasnitskaya St., 20 Moscow, 101000 Russian Federation [email protected] Monica Bozzano University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Via Berengario, 51 Modena, 41121 Italy [email protected] Serguey Braguinsky University of Maryland 4558 Van Munching Hall College Park, Maryland 20742 United States [email protected] Francisco Brahm University of Cambridge Trumpington Street Cambridge, CB2 1AG United Kingdom [email protected] Samuel Bray UCLA Law 385 Charles E. Young Drive East 1242 Law Building Los Angeles, California 90095 United States [email protected] Marie Breuillé INRA, CESAER 26 bd du docteur Petitjean Dijon, 21079 France [email protected] Tobias Broich UNU-MERIT Boschstraat 24 Maastricht, 6211 AX Maastricht Netherlands [email protected] Eric Brousseau Paris-Dauphine PSL Research University Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny Paris, 75775 France [email protected] James R. Brown Iowa State University College of Business 3331 Gerdin Business Building Ames, Iowa 50011 United States [email protected] Randolph L Bruno University College London 16 Taviton Street London, WC1H 0BW United Kingdom [email protected] Christopher Buccafusco Cardozo Law School Yeshiva University 55 Fifth Ave. New York, New York 10003 United States [email protected] Clemens Buchen EBS Universität, Wiesbaden Gustav-Stressmann-Ring 3 Wiesbaden, 65189 Germany [email protected] Johannes Buggle University of Lausanne Quartier Dorigny Batiment Internef Lausanne, 1004 Switzerland [email protected] Gabriel Burdin Leeds University Business School & IZA Maurice Keyworth Building Leeds, LS2 9JT United Kingdom [email protected] Kristina Butaeva Moscow State University GSP-1, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation Moscow, 119991 Russian Federation [email protected] 39 Gonzalo Caballero University of Vigo Faculty of Economics Campus As Lagoas, Marcosende Vigo, 36310 Spain [email protected] Steve Callander Stanford University Knight Management Center 655 Knight Way Stanford, California 94305 United States [email protected] Federica Carugati Indiana University 1822 E. 2nd St Bloomington, Indiana 47401 United States [email protected] Prof Virgile Chassagnon CREG Research Centre Grenoble Alpes University 1221 rue de l’université Grenoble, 38040 France [email protected] Daniel L. Chen Toulouse School of Economics / The Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse 21 allée de Brienne Toulouse, 31015 France [email protected] Lucy Chernykh Clemson University 324-C Sirrine Hall Clemson, South Carolina 29630 United States [email protected] Seo-Young Cho University of Marburg Barfuessortor 2 Marburg, 35037 Germany [email protected] Oscar F Contreras CUNEF C/Leonardo Prieto Castro 2 Madrid, 28040 Spain [email protected] Participants’ Contact Details Philip Cook Duke University PO Box 90245 Durham, North Carolina 27708 United States [email protected] John N. Drobak Washington University Campus Box 1120 One Brookings Drive St. Louis, Missouri 63132 United States [email protected] Carl-Johan Dalgaard University of Copenhagen Øster Farimagsgade 5 bygning 26 Copenhagen, 1353 Denmark [email protected] Bertrand du Marais Conseil d'Etat - France Palais Royal Paris, 75001 France [email protected] John de Figueiredo Duke University 210 Science Drive Durham, North Carolina 27708-0360 United States [email protected] Marion Dumas Santa Fe Institute 762 1/2 Manhattan avenue Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 United States [email protected] Ralph De Haas EBRD One Exchange Square London, E8 1AG United Kingdom [email protected] Ruben Durante Sciences Po 28 rue des Saints Pères Paris, 75007 France [email protected] Henrique Estides Delgado Universidade Santa Ursula Rua Farani, 3, apto 308, Botafogo Rio de Janeiro, 22231020 Brazil [email protected] Thrainn Eggertsson University of Iceland Gimli Reykjavik, 101 Iceland [email protected] Sebastian Dengler Tilburg University PO Box 90153 Tilburg, 5000 LE Netherlands [email protected] Bob Ellickson Yale Law School 127 Wall St New Haven, Connecticut 06520 United States [email protected] Claudine Desrieux University Paris II Panthéon Assas CRED PARIS, 75005 France [email protected] Chukwunonye Emenalo Lagos Business School, Pan-Atlantic University Km 22, Lekki-Epe Expressway, Ajah Lagos, 101245 Nigeria [email protected] Shahar Dillbary University of Alabama School of Law 101 Paul Bryant Drive Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487 United States [email protected] Marina Dodlova Aix-Marseille, Passau University/ GIGA Hamburg 21 neuer jungfernstieg Hamburg, 20354 Germany [email protected] Andreas Engert University of Mannheim Schloss Westflügel Mannheim, 68131 Germany [email protected] Florian Englmaier LMU Munich Kaulbachstr. 45 Munich, 80539 Germany [email protected] 40 Ruben Enikolopov Barcelona IPEG, UPF, NES Ramon Trias Fargas 25 24.309 Barcelona, 08005 Spain [email protected] Pierre Fleckinger MINES ParisTech & Paris School of Economics 60 boulevard Saint Michel PARIS, 75006 France [email protected] Salavat Gabdrakhmanov CEFIR- Moscow Nakhimovsky prospekt 47 Ofice 720 Moscow, 117418 Russian Federation [email protected] Laarni Escresa School of Economics University of the Philippines Diliman Quezon City, 1101 Philippines [email protected] Dana Foarta Stanford Graduate School of Business 655 Knight Way Stanford, California 94305 United States [email protected] Roberto Galbiati Sciences Po Department of Econmics 28 Rue des Saints Peres Paris, 75007 France [email protected] Miguel Espinosa London School of Economics 27 Tudor Way, Jowitt Court London, N14 6 PS United Kingdom [email protected] Clemente Forero Uniandes Bogota Colombia Calle 21 # 1-20 Of 924 Facultad Administracion Bogota, 110111 Colombia [email protected] Alexander Galetovic Universidad de los Andes San Carlos de Apoquindo 2200 Santiago, 7620001 Chile [email protected] José Eusébio Santos University of Madeira Conj Hab Penteada, Bl C, 1ºAE, Entrada do Olival, Nº3 Funchal, 9020-132 FUNCHAL Portugal [email protected] Muriel Fadairo GATE L-SE UMR CNRS 5824 Université de Lyon Campus Tréfilerie 2 rue Tréfilerie 42023 Saint-Etienne cedex 2 France [email protected] Matthias Fahn University of Munich Kaulbachstr. 45 Munich, 81541 Germany [email protected] Sara Forsdyke University of Michigan 2160 Angell Hall 435 S.State St Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 United States [email protected] Guido Friebel Goethe University, Frankfurt Theodor W Adorno Platz 1 Frankfurt, 60323 Germany [email protected] Ezra Friedman Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law 375 E. Chicago Ave Chicago, Illinois 60647 United States [email protected] Christian Fischer Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE) Universitätsstr. 1 Düsseldorf, 40225 Germany [email protected] Jeanne Fromer NYU School of Law 40 Washington Square South New York, New York 10012 United States [email protected] Rob Fleck Clemson University Sirrine Hall 228 Clemson, South Carolina 29634 United States [email protected] Tim Frye Columbia University 420 W. 118th Street New York, New York 10027 United States [email protected] Meirav Furth-Matzkin Harvard University 25 Hammonrd Street Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 United States [email protected] Participants’ Contact Details Massimiliano Gambardella M5S, Legislative Office, Chamber of Deputies via uffici del vicario 21 Rome, 00186 Italy [email protected] Scott Gehlbach UW Madison 110 North Hall, 1050 Bascom Mall Madison, Wisconsin 53706 United States [email protected] Yining Geng University Pompeu Fabra Carrer de Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27 Barcelona, 08005 Spain [email protected] Guldem Gokcek New York University, USA 32 West 42nd St Rm 400 New York, New York 10036 United States [email protected] John Golden University of Texas School of Law 727 E. Dean Keeton St. Austin, Texas 78705 United States [email protected] Suren Gomtsian Tilburg University Korvelplein 177 Tilburg, 5025 JX Netherlands [email protected] 41 Olga Gorelkina Max Planck Institute Kurt Schumacher Str. 10 Bonn, 53113 Germany [email protected] Naciba Haned ESDES, Business school of UCLy 10 place des archives, Lyon, 69002 France [email protected] Nicolas Jacquemet Paris School of Economics 106 Bd de l'hopital Paris, 75013 France [email protected] Moamen Gouda Hankuk University of Foreign Studies 107, Imun-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, 130-791 Republic of Korea [email protected] Stephen Hansen UPF Ramon Trias Fargas 25-27 Barcelona, 08005 Spain [email protected] Saumitra Jha Stanford GSB 655 Knight Way Stanford, California 94305 United States [email protected] Andy Hanssen Clemson University Clemson, South Carolina 29634 United States [email protected] Nan Jia Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California BRI 306, 3670 Trousdale Parkway Los Angeles, California 90089-0808 United States [email protected] Erik Grönqvist Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy Kyrkogårdsgatan 6 Uppsala, S-752 20 Sweden [email protected] Sergei Guriev Sciences Po 28 rue des Saints Peres Paris, 75007 France [email protected] Gillian K. Hadfield University of Southern Califiornia 699 Exposition Boulevard Law 436 Los Angeles, California 90089 United States [email protected] Dylan Hadfield-Menell UC Berkeley, EECS 1849 Arch St #1 Berkeley, California 94709-130 United States [email protected] Haffoudhi Houda Faculty of Economic and Management of Nabeul Résidence de la Méditerranée, apt. R21 Ezzahra, 2034 Tunisia [email protected] Maija Halonen-Akatwijuka University of Bristol 8 Woodland Road Bristol, BS8 1TN United Kingdom [email protected] Participants’ Contact Details Matthias Heinz University of Cologne Albertus Magnus Platz Cologne, 50923 Germany [email protected] Dr. Mark Hellowell University of Edinburgh 15 George Square Edinburgh, EH8 9LD United Kingdom [email protected] George Hendrikse Rotterdam School of Management Erasmus University PO Box 1738, Office T7-04 Rotterdam, 3000 DR Netherlands [email protected] Mitchell Hoffman University of Toronto 105 St. George St. Toronto, Ontario M5S 3E6 Canada [email protected] Guy Holburn University of Western Ontario 1255 Western Road London, Ontario N6G 0N1 Canada [email protected] Hakan Holm Lund University Box 7082 Lund, 22007 Sweden [email protected] Emily Kadens Northwestern University School of Law 375 E Chicago Ave Chicago, Illinois 60611 United States [email protected] Mounir Karadja IIES, Stockholm University IIES, Stockholm University Stockholm, SE-106 91 Sweden [email protected] Elira Karaja World Bank / Columbia University International Affairs Building, MC3345 New York, New York 10027 United States [email protected] Aseem Kaul University of Minnesota 321, 19th Avenue S 3-412 Carlson School of Management Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 United States [email protected] Dan Kelly Notre Dame Law School P.O. Box 780 Notre Dame, Indiana 46556 United States [email protected] Peter G. Klein Baylor University One Bear Place #98011 Waco, Texas 76798-8011 United States [email protected] 42 Michael Klien Austrian Institute of Economic Research Arsenal, Objekt 20 Vienna, 1030 Austria [email protected] Bryan Leonard University of California, Santa Barbara 221 W Micheltorena St Apt 9 Santa Barbara, California 93101 United States [email protected] Susana López-Bayón University of Oviedo Avda. del Cristo s/n Facultad de Economía y Empresa Oviedo, 33071 Spain [email protected] Anna Kochanova Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn, Germany Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 10 Bonn, 53113 Germany [email protected] Irina Levina Higher School of Economics 20 Myasnitskaya Ulitsa Moscow, 101000 Russian Federation [email protected] Charles Louis-Sidois Sciences Po 28 rue des Saints-Pères Paris, 75007 France [email protected] Vardges Levonyan ETH Zurich Haldeneggsteig 4 Zurich, 8092 Switzerland [email protected] Viola Lucas University of Konstanz & GIGA Neuer Jungfernstieg 21 Hamburg, 20354 Germany [email protected] Fanghua Li University of California, Los Angeles 10967 Palms Blvd, Apt 3 Los Angeles, California 90034 United States [email protected] Jiao Luo University of Minnesota 321 19th Ave South CSOM 3-360 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 United States [email protected] Yuan Li University of Duisburg-Essen LE 738, Forsthausweg 2, University of Duisburg-Essen Duisburg, 47057 Germany [email protected] Hoang Luong The University of Greenwich Old Royal Naval College, 30 Park Row London, SE10 9LS United Kingdom [email protected] Gary Libecap UCSB 4412 Bren Hall Santa Barbara, California 93106 United States [email protected] Rocco Macchiavello University of Warwick CV47AL Coventry, CV47AL United Kingdom [email protected] Alexander Libman German Institute for International and Security Affairs Ludwigkirchplatz 3-4 Berlin, 10719 Germany [email protected] Jeff Macher Georgetown University 335 Rafik B. Hariri Building 37th and O Streets, NW Washington, Washington D.C. 20057 United States [email protected] Johannes Koenen CESifo Munich Poschingerstraße 5 81679 München Germany [email protected] Mitja Kovac Faculty of Economics University of Ljubljana Kardeljeva ploscad 17 Ljubljana, 1000 Slovenia [email protected] Jenny Kragl EBS University of Business & Law Rheingaustr. 1 Oestrich-Winkel, 65375 Germany [email protected] Ekaterina Kruglova Lomonosov MSU GSP-1, Leninskie Gori, MGU im. M.V.Lomonosova 3d new academic building, Faculty of Economics Moscow, 119991 Russian Federation [email protected] Nicolas Lambert Stanford University 655 Knight Way Stanford, California 94305 United States [email protected] Shay Lavie Tel Aviv University 6 Haamoraim st. Apt. #22 Tel Aviv, 6920724 Israel [email protected] Participants’ Contact Details Malte Lierl Yale University P.O. Box 208206 New Haven, Connecticut 06520 United States [email protected] Desmond Lo Santa Clara University 500 El Camino Real Lucas Hall 221K Santa Clara, California 95053 United States [email protected] Bentley MacLeod Columbia University 420 West 118th Street, MC 3308 New York, New York 10027 United States [email protected] Stanislao Maldonado Universidad del Rosario Calle 24 No 5-63 Apto. 1308 Bogota, 110311 Colombia [email protected] 43 Ester Manna Universitat de Barcelona Avda Diagonal, 696 Barcelona, 08034 Spain [email protected] Bill Megginson University of Oklahoma 208 Olde Brook Court Norman, Oklahoma 73072 United States [email protected] Geoffrey Manne Int'l Center for Law & Economics 3333 NE Sandy Blvd Suite 207 Portland, Oregon 97232 United States [email protected] Claude Menard University of Paris (Pantheon-Sorbonne) 106 Bd de l'Hopital 2 rue Jules Breton Paris, 75013-Paris France [email protected] Behrang M Rotterdam School Of Management Oudelaan 25 Rotterdam, 3062PA Netherlands [email protected] Andrei Markevich New Economic School 100A Novaya Street, Skolkovo Moscow, 143026 Russian Federation [email protected] Israel Marques National Research University Higher School of Economics 4365 Garst Mill Rd. B Roanoke, Virginia 24018 United States [email protected] Scott Masten University of Michigan 701 Tappan St.. Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1234 United States [email protected] Giovanni Mastrobuoni University of Essex 12a Headgate Colchester, CO33BT United Kingdom [email protected] John W Maxwell IU Kelley School of Business 1309 E 10th St. Bloomington, Indiana 47405 United States [email protected] Ryan McDevitt Duke 100 Fuqua Drive Durham, North Carolina 27708 United States [email protected] Participants’ Contact Details Pierre-Guillaume Méon Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) CP-114/03 Avenue Roosevelt, 50 Bruxelles, 1050 Belgium [email protected] Stephan Michel Universität Hamburg Johnsallee 35 Hamburg, 20148 Germany [email protected] Lourdes Montenegro National University of Singapore 469C Bukit Timah Rd Singapore, 259772 Philippines [email protected] Joaquin Morales Universidad Privada Boliviana Camino Achocalla km 3.5 z. Kañuma La Paz, LPZ Bolivia [email protected] Raffaele Morandi Stagni IE Business School Calle Maria de Molina 12 Bajo Madrid, 28006 Spain [email protected] Luigi Moretti University of Bologna via Romagnosi 28 Firenze, 50134 Italy [email protected] Yusuke Mori Tokyo International University 1-24-6 Miyoshi-cho, Fuchu-shi Tokyo, 183-0045 Japan [email protected] Kimiyuki Morita Hitotsubashi University miyakojima-ku uchindai-chou 1-213 park hills miyakojima en 701 Osaka-shi, 534-0013 Japan [email protected] Marian Moszoro Harvard Law School F402 Institute for Business Innovation Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, California 94720 United States [email protected] Professor Stefanos Mouzas Lancaster University Charles Carter D37 Lancaster, LA15LN United Kingdom [email protected] Anita Mukherjee University of Wisconsin-Madison 975 University Avenue Madison, Wisconsin 53706 United States [email protected] Christophe Muller Aix-Marseille University Château La Farge Route des Milles Les Milles, 13290 France [email protected] Murard IZA Schaumburg-Lippe-Straße 5-9 Bonn, 53111 Germany [email protected] Minor Myers Brooklyn Law School 250 Joralemon Street Brooklyn, New York 11201 United States [email protected] Maryam Naghsh Nejad IZA Schaumburg-Lippe-Strasse 5-9 Bonn, 53111 Germany [email protected] Jonathan R. Nash Emory U. School of Law 1301 Clifton Road NE Atlanta, Georgia 30322 United States [email protected] 44 Anthony Niblett Univ. of Toronto 84 Queens Park Cres. W. Toronto, Ontario M5XX2C5 Canada [email protected] Maria Petrova Barcelona IPEG, UPF, NES Ramon Trias Fargas 25-27, 23.105 Barcelona, 08005 Spain [email protected] Josiah Ober Stanford West Encina 100 Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 United States [email protected] Anna Petruchenya Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Burgemeester Oudlaan 50 T7-08 Rotterdam, 3062 PA Netherlands [email protected] Obidzinski Marie Université Paris II 12 place du Panthéon Paris, 75005 France [email protected] Benjamin G. Ogden Texas A&M University & ECARES 24 Fairbanks St Apt 1b Brookline, Massachusetts 02446 United States [email protected] Atsushi Ohyama Hitotsubashi University Naka 2-1 Kunitachi, 186-8603 Japan [email protected] Maria Ostrovnaya Center for Institutional Studies, HSE Myasnitskaya st., 24 k. 3, room 422 Moscow, 101000 Russian Federation [email protected] Joanne Oxley University of Toronto 105 St. George Street Toronto, Ontario M5S 3E6 Canada [email protected] Pavel Pelikan University of Economics, Prague nam. W. Churchilla 4 Prague, 13067 Czech Republic [email protected] Yannick Perez CentraleSupélec 3 Rue Joliot Curie Gif-sur-Yvette, F91192 France [email protected] Participants’ Contact Details Amedeo Piolatto Barcelona Econ. Institute (IEB) C/ J.M. Keynes 1 Barcelona, 08034 Spain [email protected] Leonid Polishchuk Higher School of Economics; Moscow Miasnitskaya St., 20 Moscow, 101000 Russian Federation [email protected] Michael Powell Northwestern University 2001 Sheridan Road, Ste 607 Evanston, Illinois 60208-2001 United States [email protected] Michael Poyker UCLA Anderson School of Management 10644 Eastborne Ave Apt105B Los Angeles, California 90024 United States [email protected] Gwendoline Promsopha Aix-Marseille University 35 avenue Jules Ferry Aix en Provence Cedex 01, 13626 France [email protected] Eugenio Proto University of Warwick, Department of Economics Universty of Warwick Department of Economics Coventry, CV47AL United Kingdom [email protected] Jens Prüfer Tilburg University P.O. Box 90153 Tilburg, 5000 LE Netherlands [email protected] Marcello Puca Università della Svizzera italiana Via Buffi 13 Lugano, 6900 Switzerland [email protected] Bertrand V. Quelin HEC Paris 1 rue de la Liberation Jouy-en-Josas, 78351 France [email protected] Hossein Radmard American University of Beirut/Columbia Universtiy PO BOX 11-0236, Riad El Solh Beirut, 1107 2020 Lebanon [email protected] Giovanni Prarolo University of Bologna piazza Scaravilli 2 bologna, 40125 Italy [email protected] Hillel Rapoport Paris School of Economics 116 bd de l'hôpital MSE Paris, 75013 France [email protected] Andrea Prat Columbia 3022 Broadway New York, New York 10027 United States [email protected] Emmanuel Raynaud INRA SADAPT 16 rue claude bernard Paris, 75231 Paris cedex 05 France [email protected] Veronica Preotu University of Geneva Chemin de Beau-Rivage 10 Lausanne, 1006 Switzerland [email protected] 45 Michael Reiertsen Department of Public and International Law University of Oslo Karl Johans Gate 47, Domus Bib Oslo, 0652 Norway [email protected] Ora John Reuter University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee P.O. Box 413, NWQ B, Room 5450 2025 E. Newport Ave, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201 United States [email protected] Barak Richman Duke University PO Box 90360 Durham, North Carolina 27708-0360 United States [email protected] Brian Kelleher Richter McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin 2110 The Speedway B6500, CBA 5.250 Austin, Texas 78712-0117 United States [email protected] Anouk S. Rigterink London School of Economics and Political Science Houghton Street London, WC2A 2AE United Kingdom [email protected] Matteo Rizzolli LUMSA University via Pompeo Magno 22 Rome, 00193 Italy [email protected] Michael Rochlitz Higher School of Economics Ilyinka 13 Moscow, 103070 Russian Federation [email protected] Thorsten Rogall University of British Columbia 1444 Welligton Drive Vancouver, British Columbia V7K1L7 Canada [email protected] Participants’ Contact Details Roberta Romano Yale Law School P. O. Box 208215 New Haven, Connecticut 065208215 United States [email protected] Nicolas Roux Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods Kölnstraße 131 Bonn, 53111 Germany [email protected] Pierre Scemama IFREMER CS 10070 PLOUZANE, 29280 France [email protected] Larissa Schäfer Frankfurt School Sonnemannstr. 9-11 Frankfurt, 60314 Germany [email protected] Raffaella Sadun Harvard Business School Soldiers Field Boston, Massachusetts 02163 United States [email protected] Max Schanzenbach Northwestern University 375 East Chicago Aveneu Chicago, Illinois 60611 United States [email protected] u Seyhun Orcan Sakalli University of Lausanne Quartier UNIL-Dorigny Bâtiment Internef Bureau NEF 501.1 Lausanne, 1015 Switzerland [email protected] Mark Schelker University of Fribourg Chair of Public Finance Bd. de Perolles 90 Fribourg, 1700 Switzerland [email protected] Juan Santaló IE Business School Alvarez de Baena 4 madrid, 28006 Spain [email protected] Martin Schonger ETH Zurich Haldeneggsteig 4 Zürich, 8092 Switzerland [email protected] Professor P Sarkar Jadavpur University, India Economics Department, Jadavpur University Kolkata/Calcutta, 700032 India [email protected] Koen Schoors Ghent University and Higher School of Economics Tweekerkenstraat 2 Gent, 9000 Belgium [email protected] Stéphane Saussier Sorbonne Business School 8 bis rue de la Croix Jarry Paris, 75013 France [email protected] Katharina Schuessler LMU Munich Kaulbachstr. 45 Munich, 80539 Germany [email protected] Antonio Savoia University of Manchester - Global Development Institute GDI, Arthur Lewis Building, Oxford Road Manchester, M13 9PL United Kingdom [email protected] Alan Schwartz Yale Law School P.O. Box 208215 New Haven, Connecticut 065208215 United States [email protected] Jiri Schwarz Charles University, Prague Opletalova 26 Praha 1, 11000 Czech Republic [email protected] 46 Emily A. Sellars University of Chicago 1155 East 60th Street Chicago, Illinois 60637 United States [email protected] Maria Semenova Center for Institutional Studies, HSE, Moscow 24-3 Myasnitskaya str Moscow, 101000 Russian Federation [email protected] Kunal Sen University of Manchester Oxford Road Arthur Lewis Bldg, 2nd Floor Manchester, M139PL United Kingdom [email protected] Luca Sessa Banca d'Italia via Cervantes 71 Napoli, 80133 Italy [email protected] Mehdi Shadmehr University of Miami 5250 University Dr., 517-J Jenkins Bldg. Dep. of Economics, School of Business, University of Miami Coral Gables, Florida 33146 United States [email protected] Kourosh Shafi Politecnico di Milano Via Lambruschini 4b Milan, 20158 Italy [email protected] Moses Shayo The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Mt Scopus Jerusalem, 91905 Israel [email protected] Vera Shikhelman Chicago Law School HaBanim 21/12 Rehovot, 7620411 Israel [email protected] Nitzan Shilon Peking University 30a Omri street Tel Aviv, 69016 Israel [email protected] Participants’ Contact Details Mary Shirley Ronald Coase Institute 5610 Wisconsin Ave. Suite 1602 Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815 United States [email protected] Rok Spruk Department of Economic and Social History, Utrecht University Drift 6 Utrecht, 3512 BS Netherlands [email protected] Daniil Shvets Queen Mary University of London 15 Craven Terrace, Flat 2 London, W2 3QD United Kingdom [email protected] Evan Starr University of Maryland Smith School of Business 7621 Mowatt Ln College Park, Maryland 20742 United States [email protected] Brian S. Silverman University of Toronto 105 St. George Street Toronto, Ontario M5S 3E6 Canada [email protected] David Skarbek King's College London Strand Building, Second Floor London, WC2R 2LS United Kingdom [email protected] Katharina Stepping German Development Institute Tulpenfeld 6 Bonn, 53113 Germany [email protected] David Stromberg IIES, Stockholm University Universitetsvagen 10A Stockholm, 12838 Sweden [email protected] Henry Smith Harvard Law School Hauser 320 1575 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 United States [email protected] Marvin Suesse New York University - Abu Dhabi Saadiyat Island Abu Dhabi, x United Arab Emirates [email protected] Steven M. Smith Haverford College 370 Lancaster Ave. Haverford, Pennsylvania 19041 United States [email protected] Nikita Susov IEIE SB RAS Novosibirsk Russia ul. Pirogova, 2 Novosibirsk, 630090 Russian Federation [email protected] Anat Sorek s. Horowitz & co, Law Offices 9 Hasigaliot st Rehovot, 7660509 Israel [email protected] Jiulin Teng HEC Paris 1 rue de la Liberation Jouy-en-Josas, 78350 France [email protected] Giancarlo Spagnolo University of Rome Tor Vergata and SITE - Stockholm School of Economics Via Orazio Raimondo,18 Roma, 00173 Italy [email protected] Kaj Thomsson Maastricht University PO Box 616 Maastricht, 6200 MD Netherlands [email protected] Kathryn Spier Harvard Law School Hauser 302 1575 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 United States [email protected] Avishalom Tor Notre Dame Law School and University of Haifa Faculty of Law 3163 Eck Hall of Law Notre Dame, Indiana 46556 [email protected] 47 Daniel Treisman UCLA 4289 Bunche Hall UCLA Los Angeles, California 90095 United States [email protected] Sarah Wilson Sokhey University of Colorado, Boulder UCB 333 Boulder, Colorado 80309 United States [email protected] Joshua A. Tucker New York University 19 West 4th Street New York, New York 10012 United States [email protected] Wenji Xu University of Chicago 5455 S Blackstone Ave Apt 4F Chicago, Illinois 60615 United States [email protected] Mehrdad Vahabi University Paris 8 2 rue de la Liberté Saint Denis, 93200 France [email protected] Andrei Yakovlev Higher School of Economics Myasnitskaya 20 Moscow, 101000 Russian Federation [email protected] Justin Valasek WZB Berlin Reichpietschufer 50 Berlin, 10119 Germany [email protected] Giorgio Zanarone CUNEF C/ Leonardo Prieto Castro 2 Madrid, 28040 Spain [email protected] Giovanna Vallanti Luiss "Guido Carli" Viale Romania 32 Roma, 00197 Italy [email protected] David Zaring Wharton 3730 Walnut #600 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 United States [email protected] Rick Vanden Bergh University of Vermont 55 Colchester Avenue 304 Kalkin Hall Burlington, Vermont 05405 United States [email protected] David Zetland Leiden University College Wilheminastraat 171-II Amsterdam, 1054WD Netherlands [email protected] Oliver Vanden Eynde Paris School of Economics 48 Boulevard Jourdan Paris School of Economics (bureau A210) Paris, 75014 France [email protected] Zaki Wahhaj University of Kent Keynes College Canterbury, CT2 7NP United Kingdom [email protected] Ekaterina Zhuravskaya Paris School of Economics 48 Bd Jourdan office A104 PARIS, 75014 France [email protected] Izaskun Zuazu University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU Calle Fuente de la Teja, nº 14, 2º A Pamplona, 31006 Spain [email protected] Patrick L Warren Clemson University 228 Sirrine Hall Clemson, South Carolina 29634 United States [email protected] Participants’ Contact Details 48
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