Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 DR 2411 (08/99) APPLICATION FOR TITLE
Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 DR 2411 (08/99) APPLICATION FOR TITLE
.- refI1CiE INSPECTION REPORT VEHICLE HISTORY RECORD FLEET UNIT NUMBER .,""'" ••••••• DATE MOTOR CARRIER W ADDRESS /'d 11 VEHle TYPE INSPE OPERATOR Ct:7 f?b 7.2t:" 0 TRACTOR 0 TRAILER RUCK 0 BUS o (OTHER) Exhaust system leaking forward of or directly below the driver/sleeper compartment. b. Bus exhaust system leaking or discharging in violation of standard. c. Exhaust system likely to bum, char, or damage the electrical wiring, fuel supply, or any combustible part of the motor vehicle. List any other condition(s) which may prevent safe operation of this vehicle. Any U-bolt(s), spring hanger(s), or other axle positioning part(s) cracked, broken. loose or missing resulting in shifting of an axle from its normal position. b. Spring Assembly c. Torque, Radius or Tracking Com onents Frame Members nre and Wheel Clearance c. Adjustable Axle Assemblies (Sliding Subframes) All lighting devices and reflectors required by Part 393 shall be operable. INSTRUCTIONS: MARK COLUMN ENTRIES TO VERIFY INSPECTION: CERTIFICATION: THIS VEHICLE HAS PASSED ACCORDANCE WITH 49 CFR PART 396. -.L OK, _X_ ITEMS ~ IF ITEMS DO NOT APPLY, __ FOR THE ANNUAL VEHICLE REPAIRED DATE INSPECTION 2OC).FS-e3 o Copyrighl 2010 J. J. KELLER & ASSOCIATES,INC.Neenah, WI. USA. (800) 327-6868 • PrinTed in !he United 51316$ NEEDS REPAIR. ALL THE INSPECTION IN 22" 1 Rev. 6110 DUPLICATE KEN'S REPAIR Invoice 831 E. RAILROAD AKRON, CO 80720 Date Invoice # 1/7/2013 2502 970-345-6665 Bill To YW ELECTRIC #28 250 MAIN AKRON, CO 80720 Vehicle Mileage / Hours Terms 2001 F350 FORD #28 155184 Due on receipt Quantity Item Code 1 DOT Description Price Each DOT INSPECTION: PASS BUT HAS TRANSFER CASE LEAK AND LEFT FRONT AXLE LEAK. Sales Tax Amount 120.00 120.00 6.90% 0.00 Vi ~ Total $120.00 South Fork Automotive Repair 2443 HWY 385 Burlington, CO 80807 RECEIVED JAN 30 2013 Date Invoice # 1/22/2013 857 Y-W ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION BOXY AKRON, CO 80720 Vehicle Terms c;8-DA;) Ship Date 1/22/2013 Net 30 GLOW PLUG (LEFT AND RIGHT) STARTER STARTER (1 HR) + GLOWPLUGS (3.6 HRS) 12.71, 245.93 i 5000 , '. .,~ :. 1 9703547599 ! South Fork Automotive Repair 2443 HWY 385 Burlington, CO 80807 RECEIVED FEB 15 2013 Date Invoice # 2/13/2013 887 Y-W ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION BOXY AKRON, CO 80720 Vehicle__ Ship Date Due Date • _\i.RUC~DAN) Terms Net 30 I ALTERNATOR I 7796AN I I 3/15/2013 50.00 jLABOR I 2/13/2013 ..~ 247.79T 50.00 .,' i 1 I I I i I . I Ii l-------------------J---------------------------------------.--------------------.---------------------------------------------.------------------------ I $7.43 i I _____ $297.79 $305.22 ~ ~_ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ H ._ _ _ __ H H ••••••• •••••• H ••••• H.H •• __ • __ • H •• _ •••••••••••• 9703547599 South Fork Automotive Repair 2443 HWY 385 Burlington, ,CO 80807 RECEIVED MAR 15. 1613 Date Invoice #' iy-w ELECTRIC lsoXY I AKRON, 3/11/2013 906" ASSOCIATION CO 80720 I. , i........ ................ -•..•...... ' Vehicle TRUC!<28-DAN, Terms NET 10th 156-2426 11111 I LABOR F81Z 16757 i Ship Date Due Date iGLOW PLUG RELAY IGLOW PLUG , i 1 (GLOW PLUG RELAY) + 3.2 (GLOW PLUG R&R) lOlL INDICATOR-(DIPSTIK) INDICATOR TUBE 1 I GLOW 8 1 PLUG I TO R&R GLOW PLUGS IWIRE 11111 1LABOR IpW18G 13050 R31 L1... IMISC I MISCELLANEOUS 1 4.7 1 1 3/11/2013 4/10/2013 75.10T! 101.68TI 210.00 i 45.58T! 58.82T I 75.10 i 12.71 i 50.00 I 45.581 58.821 I 12.71, I 50.00 ! 6.92j 101.68TI 235.00 I 6.92Ti 8.35TI 5.00 [ 8.351 5.00! SHOP SUPPLIES I I II I j , I i ...........1 """",'"., .. --, ....,... """'! . $848.13 1PLEASE SEE SECOND PAGE ........... .. -1. _ _ - , ,-~. __ ! I ) .._._._ -.__.__._..~___..! - 9703547599 $11 ;94 _ ;-_ $860.07 _ , i When truck 28 returned, the alternator was overcharging and burnt itself out. High voltage was assumed on the alternator, therefore causing the glow plugs to burn out a second time. R&R was completed on the alternator and glow plugs; all was well,at the time. When the truck returned two weeks later, the glow plugs had yet again burnt. All glow plug components were in good working order and operational, no obvious indicator to what was causing the problems with the glow plugs. After extensive research and testing, it was found there was a short in the ground side control for the glow plug solenoid, grounding against the frame of the vehicle. The issue would only arrive when the truck was being driven. A new wire from the ECM to the glow plug solenoid was installed, as well as 8 new glow plugs to replace the ones that had burnt. If there are any questions about this, please call Eric at 970-354-7599. Thank you! Stratton Equity CoEOperative Coロ RECEIVED JUN 0 4 STATEMENT RO.Box 25 0 Stratton,Coiorado 80836‐ 0025 0 719‐ 348‐ 5326 s/3:-/13 ?013 Regular Y― 6/■ 5/■ 3 P.〇 L DAY OESCRIPIION Chg KIRK ELEV. ' Tot― 407872 24 ■―■/2 PVC CLS■ ■―■/4 PVC CLS■ PLASTIC PLASTIC PLASTIC PLASTIC 3 S2′ 4■ 3.47 AMOUNT I 1 DETACH AND PCrcilenrxsonlenLANce UNffS ■′66■ 6 3■ .■ 'CARDTROL TAX DIESEL 05/23 15:21 Crd-0004033 ' Tot― Chg KIRK STAT. 408325 4■ 3.47 REMITTED 80720 」 ■CKET 52′ l 6/■ 5/■ . BOX Y AKRON CO BY I NET OUE F PAD鮮 W ELECTRIC ASSN. INC. 4 ACcouNT TO私 LAMOUNTDUE ¬ 「 17436 090 879000 ■20 ■20 6.0000 6.0000 2.0000 ■ .0000 ■ .0000 1.0000 60-200 60-200 FITTINGS FITTINGS FITTINGS FITTINGS .490000 .370000 7.990000 3.990000 ■ .790000 .990000 .79 67 ■′782.46 2.94 2.22 ■5.98 8.99 ■ .79 .99 ' Pick99 ,p ゃy ANDY HASE 32.9■ .95 ' Sub Tota■ = Sales Tax ' Tot― Chg KIネ K EI軍 V. ■′8■ 6.32 4可I M最 K 2767 33.86 )08 FORD F-550 TIT 8 :LES ■74075 )URS ■339 SERVICE 」OB MAXTRON ■5-40 2.5 MAXTRON 15-40 1CF1 843■ 2 01L FILTER CF1 83886 AIR FILTER ■ .0000 2.5000 5.0000 ■ .0000 ■ .0000 .5000 ■.0000 25_000000 ■5.350000 4.340000 30,990000 9■ .990000 3.750000 ■ .000000 25.00 38.38 2■ .70 30.99 9■ .99 ■ _38 ■ .00 0.94 5.36 2■ 6.30 2■ 22.4050 34■ 0820 3.879000 032.62 2′ 1■ 86.9■ 86.9■ ■2 2′ 9.53 ―F550 1リ 閂yt 釜 qTTpFpT.TTRF TMs CASH SALES PREPAY BALANCt STRATTON EQUITY CO― ■ .0000 CHAR3E SALES PAYMENIS BECINN!NG BALANCE OV=R90 OPERATiVE C0 , 0000 40 GAl 1馬 61・ 90 31・ 60 25_000000 ■3 770000 ADJuSIMENIS 25.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE BY: CURRE‖ T continued 98 COLORADO AVE l'7436 Y-W ELECTRIC ASSN. INC- Regular PO BOX25 STRATTON,COLORAD0 80836-0025 719-348‐ 5326 RECEIvEo JUti 14 South Fork Automolve Repair 2443 HllVY 385 201J Date 3 0 2 7 槻9 6 Bur‖ ngton,C080807 lnvoice # Ship To VV ELECTRIC ASSOCIAT10N 80X Y Y― ︱︱︱ ︱︱︱︱ ︱ ´ NET 10th 一 Ship Date Due Date 一 e TRUCK 28 一 1L s m me r T │ 一 一 │ 一 ‘ ︱ ︱ ,1 1 1 1 AKRON,C080720 6/12/2013 7/10/2013 Description F」 738 LABOR ECTOR R&RINJECTOR 40843T 13500 FUELIN」 ー ト │ │ __ $1225 S55568 9703547599 South Fork Automotive Repalr 2443 HWY 385 Burlington,C080807 Date 7/3/2013 !nvoice# 1018 RECEIVED JuL 0 8 2045 B‖ lTo Y W ELECTRIC ASSOCIAT10N BOX Y AKRON,C080720 │ │ ― │ │ _________」 ― Vehicle Terms 2001F250 Ship Date 7/3/2013 NET 10th Due Date 7/10/2013 腱em 1 5 1CP SENSOR LABOR MISC 1 AIR FILTER OIL FILTER 1 88728 85734 5 BELT MOTOR OIL 1 ■ 15VV40 Price 1 K081223HD Qty Description MISCELLANEOUS SHOP SUPPLIES 7578 452 4025 2436 19530 5000 500 Amount 7578T 6780T 4025T 2436T 19530T 7500 500 S1210 1 一 9703547599 イ′ζ PM 9/262013 2:16 Stde: salos Rocslpt #13783 1 Outback Fuol and F€ed 27035 H\vY 36 ldalia, CO 80735 970-354-7260 otltback@Plainstel com Blll To: Y-W Electric Po Box Y Akron. CO 8072G0570 Cashierl justin cry Namo iiiiiiou'i*' iiri o" r,rro 26 lu^0,s. ""n" 3 $24 s6 $74 68 T g! s2o oo I -Subiotai: -q2o $162.13 ,"o,.i"i oi :'r-ct '-": Local Sales Pr!99 El! Pfl!: _ $25eer i1 s2sss $41'26 $41 r lu6m I 0,6 Tax + $4'12 RECEIPT ToTAL: it66 25 Tal 2 Accounl: $166.25 耐 I脚 ‖ ‖ 鰤Ⅶ 10′ 22/2013 414 PM Stα ● Sa:eS Rec● 1 lpt 15601 “ 。utbaCk Fuel atid Feeti 27035 Hwy 36 dし .a c0 80735 970-354‐ 7260 ∞ lback@口 函nStd Cm Blll'0: Y W EloCtnc P03oX Y n C0 807200570 Ak・ い Cashicr iuslin 機跳ごll曇計 罵 曇l L∝ d SdeS b REC日 み ACCOtlnti$95268 ltti t:翌 1: P O Box l134,Sterlin9,C0 80751 970‐ 520-2525o「 888-32NOVUS Invoice: 5000 Date:10/29/2013 Scheduled: Sold To: YW ELECTRIC PO BOX Y AKRON C0 80720 Ph:(97 O)3 45 -229 I F ax:(97 0)345 -215 4 PO (2リ Tech: TeHlls: NET 30 Vchiclc2001 FORD F SERIES F250 2 D00R STANDARD CAB Vnヾ :lFTNF21F61EC01912 Unit:28 Lic Plate#:092-PRB CO List Pncc 韓 1 0000 Windshleld Repair … Material O.00 Tax lnfo: AKRON CITY TAX 0_00 ltem Total 5000 O llll WASHNCrTON CO TAX STATE TAX Labor 5000 0 00 0 00 WARRANTY FOR WINDSHIELD REPAIR Novus guarantees its windshield repair will not crack further and will pass vehicle inspection in all states, for as long as you own your vehicle, or we will refund the price of the original repair. Or, a complete refund will be given as credit toward the purchase of a new windshield from the Nolus facility that repaired the windshield. In the event that a Novus facility is not able to replace the windshield, the price ofthe original repair will be refuded. to allow you to give us your opinion. Signing this invoice serves as conseot for Novus Auto Glass to call you and customer satisfactio[ survey. Thank you in advsnce for your time. Thrnks Again! Kent & Judy MateJhl Labor 000 5000 Tax Total 0_00 5000 Deductiblc 0.00 vers:8.0.71 Pagc:1 0fl South Fork Automotive Repair 2443 HWY 385 Burlington, CO 80807 RECEIVED NOV 2110T5 Date 1111812013 lnvoice # 1133 Ship To Y-W ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION 2001 FORD F25o BOX Y AKRON, CO 80720 Vehicle Terms Item 6ilD),o* NET l Oth Description Ship Date 11t18t2013 Due Date 12t10t2013 1 I 1.4 :MISC IV]ISCELLANEOUS SHOP SI,PPI IFS Amount Price Qty 203.78 75.84 50.00 ?fiiar 75.84r 70.00 5.00 970 354 7599 RD 5.00 l South Fork Automotive Repair 2443 HWY 385 Burlington, CO 80807 RECEIVED NOV2O2013 Date 1111812013 lnvoice # 1116 Ship To Bill To Y-W FI EC I RIC ASSOCIA I ION BOX Y AKRON CO 80720 Vehicle Terms Item PD14E DS246 LABOR @oo* Ship Date Due Date NET lOth Qty r Description WIRE SWITCH REWIRE GLOW PLUGS TO MANULA, INSTALL BUTTON MISCELLANEOUS SHOP SUPPLIES I 11t18t2013 12t10t2013 Price 11 .40 2 21.03 50.00 1 5.00 1 11 .407 21 .037 1 00.00 5.00 $137 43 $0 97 $138.40 970 354 7599 1219/2013 3 33 Stcre: PM Sales Roc6lpt #18747 '1 outback Fuel and Feed 27035 HwY 36 ldalia, CO 80735 s7 0-354'7 260 lainstel con) Blll To: Y-W Eleclric PO BOX Y Akron, Co 80720-0570 CBa,hier iustin oty Itom Namo 911 Diesel Treatmen PS Diesel SUPP 80o Oil Change 6728 Air Frltet Motorcrat 15/40 (5 85734 Prlce Ext Prlcs $7.40 s12.69 T $2o.oo $20.00 $ $12 69 r $36.10 $24.96 $25.99 $36.10 T $74.88 T $25.99 T subtdal: $177.06 I $4 55 2.9 o/o ( O fiter lax Local SEles Tar RECEIPTTOTALi Account: $181 61 $'I81,6'1 ANNUAL VEHICLE IITSPECNON REPOBT VEHICLE HISTORY RECORD FLEET UNIT NUMBEB 7 - l? DATE MOTOA CABBIER OPEHATOFI Ii(SPECTOB'S XAME (PRINI OB TYPq AOORESS rlrs [{spEcroR lEErs rHE ouAUFtcATto aEoolREMENTs lr{ sE€noN as.lg. EFYES ctry, vEHrcLE TDENnFlc nON STATE. ZtP COOE (/ ANo COMPLETE) fl LtC. PLATE NO. O VIN tr OTHER ( VEHICLE TVPE D TRACToB fl f] TBAILER E TRUCK trruS htsPEcTroNAGEircY @ATTON (orHER) VEHICLE COMPONENTS INSPECTED ffi;l ITEM 1. BRAKE t. oilgsl ;;;l nEM 6. SYSTEM Part(s) oI vehicle or Lorv Pressure Waming b. condition ol loading such that th€ spare tire or any part ol the load or dunnage can fall onto the roadway. Protection againsl shitting Device €rgo. c- Coniainersecurement i.) g. Tractor Protection Valve h. Air Compressor i. j. Electric Brakes Hydraulic Brakes b. Steering Column c- Front Axle Beam and All 2. COUPLING DEVICES a. Fifth Wheels b. Pintle Hooks Sleering Components Other Than Sleering Column d. Steering Gear Box e. Pitman Arm f. Povver Steering g. Ball and Socket Joints h. Tie Rods and Drag Links i. Nuts c. Drawbar/Towbar Eye d. Drawbar/Towbar Tongue e. Safety Devices 3. EXHAUST SYSTEM a. Exhaust system leaking loMard oI or direcily below v the driver/sleeper compartment. exhaust system leaking or discharging in violation of standard. c. Exhaust syslem likely to bum, char, or damage the electrical wiring, luel supply or any combustible part of the motor vehicle. 4. FUEL SYSTEM a. Visible leakb. Fuel tank filler cap missing. b. 8us U 5. LIGHTING u DEVICES All lighting devices and rellectors required by Part 393 10. T|RES L a. Tires on any steering axle of a power unit. 12 I1. WHEELS AND RIMS a. Lock or Side Ring b. wheels and Rims t devices on intermodal 7. STEERING MECHANISM a. Steering Wheel Free Play ITEM I oKl SAFE LOADING a. a. Service Brakes b. Parking Brake System c. Brake Drums or Rotors d. Brake Hose e. Brake Tubing l/ (OPTIONAL) L/ c. Fasteners d. Welds 12. WINDSHIELD GLAZING Requirements and excePtions as stated pertaining to any crack, discoloration or vision reducing matter (relerence 13. wlNDSHIELD WIPERS Any power unit that has an inoperative wiper, or missing or damaged parts thal render 14. OTHEB List any other condition(s) which may prevent sale operation ol this vehicle. rN 8. a. Any U-bolt(s), spnng hanger(s), or other axle positioning part(s) cracked, broken, loose or missing resulting in shifting oI an axle frcm its nomal b- Spnng Assembly Radius or Tracking c. Torque, 9. FRAME a. Frame Members b. llre and Wheel Clearance c. Adjustable Axle Assemblies (Sliding lNSTRUcTloNS:MABKCoLUMNENTRlE9ToVERlFYlNSPEcTlo INSPECTION IN CERTIFICATION: THIS VEHICLE HAS PASSED ALL THE INSPECTION ITEMS FOR THE ANNUAL VEHICLE ACCORDANCE WITH 49 CFR PART 396. @Copynghl201O J. J. KELLEB & ASSOCIATES.INC! Neenah. wt . usA. (80o) 3276868 . Pnnted in the uniled slalos aDFS:C3 DUPLICATE 2241 KEN'S REPAIR !nvoice 831 E. RAILROAD AKRON, CO 80720 Date lnvoice # 1t12t2014 2900 970-3456665 Bill To YW ELECTRIC #28 250 MAIN AKRON, CO 80720 Vehicle Mileage / Hours Terms 2001 F250 40561 Due on receipt Quantity Item Code 1 DOT Description 130.00 Amount 130.00 6.90% 0.00 Price Each DOT INSPECTION PASS Sales Tax $7 Total $130.00 Sales Recoipl #2. 2t4n014 917 AM Stcae 1 Outback Fuel and Feed ,\ 27035 Hwy 36 ldalra CO 80735 970.454-7260 outback@Plarnslel conl Blll To: Y W Electr,c PO 8ox Y Akron CO 80720 0570 Cashier llcm Katie Namo Tire Specral Order' Ne'iv Trre Fee'Llghl Local Sales -lI C[y Prlc€ Ext Prlco 1 S17i 12 $177 12 f 1 51.50 51 50 Sublotal I n/o Tax RECEIPT TOTAL: fa) Accolnt $183 2 S178 62 + $5 14 $183.76 76 Signature I agree to rssuer agreemenl (nlerchant if credrt voucner) Thanr you for yor.rr bus ness ilrilillllru|[,llffiilrl[/0 RECEIVED FEB 13 2014 South Fork Automotive Repair 2443 HWY 385 Burlington, CO 80807 Date lnvoice # Ship To Y-W ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION BOX Y AKRON, CO 80720 Ship Date Due Date Vehicle Terms Description Item :NEW REAR RIM 970 354 7599 2t812014 3110t2014 21812014 1196 RECEIVEDMA(i?7T14 South Fork Automotive Repair 2443 HWY 385 Burlington, CO 80807 Date # lnvoice 311412014 1220 Y-W ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION BOX Y AKRON, CO 80720 Vehicle Terms DAN S TRUCK Ship Date Due Date NET lOth Oty ltem 7565 LABOR MISC 2 05 BATTERY TO R&R BATTERIES MISCELLANEOUS SHOP SUPPLIES 3t14t2014 4t10t2014 Price Amount 145.60 50 00 5.00 291 .20r 25 00 5.00 $321 .20 $8.74 $329.94 970 354 7599 *lp Outback Fuel and Feed, LLC Po Box 113 RECEIVED MAy o 5 Statement 2011 27035 US Hwy 36 Idalia, CO 80735 Date 4130/2014 To: Due Date Y-W Electric PO Box Y Akron. CO 80720-0570 5/10/2014 Amount Due Amount Enc. $1,21',7.59 Date Amount Transaction 03/31/2014 Bala[ce forward 04/02/20t4 INV #97735. Balance |,625.63 109.63 1,735.26 116.17 1.E81.4.1 t02.'71 1.98,1.1,1 POS Receipt# 25767 unit 06 01t02i20t1 --- ROAD DIESEL - Cash./Outback #104, 27.762 @$3.949 = 109.63 -- Tax: POS Sales Tax A.0.Oo/o- O.O0 rNV?in:-< POS Receipt4 25903 Unit 28 Mileage 174229 -- Oil Change # 145, I @ $20.00 \ 20.00 \ 74.88 I -- 6728 Air Filter #'101. | @$29.73333 - 29.'73 I --- 1734Oil Filler164l. I @$18.00= 18.00 / -- Tax: [email protected]/o= 3.56 -/ -- Tax: POS Sales Tax @ 0.0o'o 0.00 H -----."' --- Motorcraff l5/40 (5 Qt Jug #351. 3 @524.96 = 04/07 t2014 POS Receipt# 2621I Unit 28 --- ROAD DIESEL - Cash/Outback #104, 26.009 @$3.949 = 102.71 04/08/2014 -- Tax: POS Sales Tax @ 0.0o/"= 0.00 2,t t1.91 INV #98125, POS Receipt# 26258 Unit 0006 --- ROAD DIESEL - Cash./Outback # 104, 33.129 @ $3.949 = 130.83 -- Tax: POS Sales Tax @0.0o/.= 0.00 CURRENT 1-30 DAYS PAST DUE 31.60 DAYS PAST 6,1.90 DAYS PAST DUE DUE OVER 90 DAYS PAST DUE Amount Due 1.217.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $t.271.59 A finaflce charge of l.75yo per month (an annual p€rcentage rate of2l%) will be charged on the amount ofthis invoice remaining unpaid one day from the date on which the same becomes due. Page 1 P. O. Bor h I134, Stedinq, (O 80751 D /, a, o&r96t 97O-520-2525 or 888 32NOVUs Invoice: 5516 Date:0413012014 Scheduled: 0413012014 10:10 Sold To: YWELECTRIC POBOXY AKRON CO 80720 Ph:(970)345-2291 Fax:(970)345-2 154 PO 28 Terms: NET 30 Vehicle200l FORD F SERIES F250 2 DOOR STANDARD CAB VIN:1FTNF21F61EC019l2 Unit:28 Lic. Plate#:092-PRB CO Otv Part / Descriplia! 1.0000 DW0I505GBY - Windshield Green Tint/Blue 1.0000 HAH000004 - Adhesive(Nags)... List Price Material Labor 226.60 200.00 60.00 260.00 25.00 0.00 25.00 WARRANITY FOR REPLq,CENIENT Your replacement glass is warranted against defects in mat€rial and llorkmar:ship as long as the original customer owns the vehicle. This warranty expires when you sell your vehicle. The sealing of any unit is guaranteed with the exception of leakmg due to body deterioration. Warr-anty work can be completed only with this invoice. e1, /\ Signature We appreciate the opportunity to work with you. Keep us in mind for all your auto glass needs. Novus Auto Glass values your opinion- We may attempt to call you on any of the telephone numbers listed on this invoice, to allorv you to give us your opinion. Signing tbis invoice serves &s consent for Norars Auto Glass to call you and conduct a customer satisfaction suryey, Thank you in advance for your time. Thanks Again! Kent & Judy Material 225.00 Labor 60.00 Tax 6.53 Total 291.53 Deductible 0.00 Parrments 0.00 vcrc:8.0.74 291.53 Pagel 1 RECEIVED JUt-::?fil South Fork Automotive Repair 2443 HWY 385 Burlington, CO 80807 Date # lnvoice 711412014 1311 Ship To Y-W ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION BOX Y AKRON, CO 80720 Vehicle Terms Date Due Date 200'l F250 Ship NET l Oth Oty Description 1 15 98273/BN LABOR LINE N4ISC MISCELLANEOUS SHOP SUPPLIES 7t14t2014 811012014 Price 75.90 60.00 5.00 Amount 75.907 90.00 5.00 628 Rt $170.90 970 354 7599 RECEIVED .,1011 South Fork Automotive Repair 2443 HWY 385 Burlington, CO 80807 Date lnvoice # 711412014 1324 Ship To Y-W ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION BOX Y AKRON. CO 80720 Vehicle Terms 200't F250 Ship Date Due Date NET l Oth Description 253565 OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTH ER OTHER OTHER LABOR MISC otv WIRING HARNESS 7 t14t2014 8t10t2014 Price 1 475.00 83 73 63.47 1 89.42 63.47r 89.42r 1 172.67 172.677 5.01 47 .97 47 .977 1 TRANS RANGE SENSOR SHIFT CABLE BELT TENSIONER STEERING BUSHING SHIFT TUBE SHIF TUBE PLUNGER 1 1 1 1 8 MISCELLANEOUS SHOP SUPPLIES 20.30 60.00 5.00 475.007 83.737 5.0'l T 20.307 480.00 5.00 fN K1/ Subtotal Sales Tax (3.0%) Total 970 354 7599 $1,442.57 $28.73 $1,471 .30 8/29D014 Stcre. I34 Salos R6colpl #37720 AM 1 Outback Fuel and Feed 27035 Hwy 36 ldalra CO 80735 .9701354-7260 outback@plainstel corn Blll To: Y-w Electflc Po Bor Y Arroh CO 80720-0570 Cashrer jusln olv llem l{amo 6728 Arr Frlter Prlc. Exl Prlce 73 S29 73 T 00 $18 00 T 00 $20 00 s2s 55 $76 66 T Subtotal $144 39 2 9okfax + $3 6'l $29 s1E $20 '1734 Orl Filter Od Change Mdorcralt 15/40 (5 ( Local Sales Ta) RECEIPT TOTAL: 1148.00 Account $148 00 rssuer agreemenl (merchanl agreement if credit voucher) Thank you for your businessl I lilll lllll lllll,l,ll,l.ll!il llt Ill w South Fork Automolve Repair 2443 HVVY 385 RECEiVED ttЮ Y2 6 mt4 Burlington,C080807 Date 1nvoice# l1/3/2014 1407 VV ELECTRIC ASSOCIAT10N BOX Y AKRON C0 80720 Y― Vehic!e Terms 2001F250 NET 10th ship Date Due Date l1/3/2014 llノ 10/2014 7 9 9 0 0 0 5 0 0 3 6 e 2 C P 的 m “ R 6OC 3BS 2A︲ 2﹂M FUEL PUMP FOR FUEL PUMP MISCELLANEOUS SHOP SUPPLIES Amount 23799T 6000 500 Subtotal Saies Tax(30%) Total 9703547599 S714 S31013 lnvoice Ken's Repair 831 E Railroad Ave Akron, CO 80720 Date lnvoice # 01n4t20ts 285 Bill To YW Elecfric #28 250 Main Ave Akron, CO 80720 Mileage /Hours Vehicle 2001 Ford F250 Item Due on receipt 186601 Description DOT Inspec... DOT Inspection - FAIL Sway bar links, front brakes, tag lights Sales Tax Thank you for your business. Terms Quantity Rate 130.00 6.90Yo Total Amount 130.00 0.00 $130.00 RECEIYED JAN 1g 20fr THIRD STREET AUTO REPAIR 129 East 3rd Street Wray CO 80758 97 0-3324649 YOUR NAPA AUTOCARE CENTER M-F 7:00-5:00 SAT BY APPOINTMENT 111412015 4:32 PM Y.W ELECTRIC ASSOC. INC, BOX Y AKRON CO 80720 Day Phone 18006602291 Eve Phone 630-3932DOUG -fold here - Truck F250 Super Duty 3t4fon - pickup 7.3 :1FTNF21F61EC01912 Created : th4l20't5 10.27.29 AM Complete : 111412015 2:16:22 PM lnvoiced : 111412015 2'.16:22 PM Vehicle : 2001 Ford L VIN 2222' 2222. GUIDE Tag/State Color ln :092PRB/CO : White : 187093 Odometer Odometer Out i 187093 R&R STABILIZER BAR CONTROL LINK. M SWAY BAR LINK New $145.99 PCH545-1423 SWAY BAR LINK $148.99 PCH550-1534 SWAY BAR BUSHING New $25.49 GUTOE BRAKE SHOES 8,,/OR PADS M lncludes: Repack wheel bearings on fullfloating rear axies with drum brakes. Clean lube and/or replace brake hardware as necessary. Adjust brakes where applicable. 1 ,| 1 2 . PCI.i54*1422 R&R DOES NOT include refinishing. PMD824H POPPMDTsTH . . - WBHH5643O WBHH5060 New New New New BMKE PAD SET FRONT REAR BRAKE PADS BMKE HARDWARE KIT BMKE CALIPER BOLT PIN Note: M - Labor Database, Copyright, Mitchell lnternationat, A SubleUMisc. 2222 $145.99 $148.99 $25.49 $'t60.00 $80.99 $80.99 $83.99 $83.99 $20.94 $6.87 $20.94 $'13.74 Rights Reserved Labor Parts Shop Supplies Charges Sales Tax sr20.00 Tax@$529.93-5.4000% $280.00 $520.13 $0.00 $9.80 $0.00 $28.62 ASE-18696608 #-;lu_r- [ilt ANNUAL VEHICLE INSPECTION REPORT VEHICLE HISTORY RECORD FLEET UNIT NUMBER DArE MOTOB CAFIRIER OPERATOR AOORESS U r-,1 /a 6 /.. /. A<n J*1.n o rBAcroR ft TRATLEB (orHEB) {-ves vEHrcLL TDENTIFTCAIoN ) f,rnucr neus a. Service Brakes b. Parking Brake System c. d. e. L f. Brake Drums or Botors Brake Hose rNgFEcTroN u Low Pressure Waming u 1I 1 Electric Brakes Hydraulic Brakes k. Vacuum Systems 2. COUPLING DEVICES a. Fifth Wheels b. Pintle Hooks c. Drawbar/ToMar Eye d. Drawbar/Towbar Tongue e. Safety Devices f. Saddle-Mounts 3. EXHAUST SYSTEM a. Exhaust system leaking fonrard of or directly below the driver/sleeper compartment. b. Bus exhaust system leaking or discharging in violation of standard. c. Exhaust system likely to bum, char, or damage the electrical rviring, fuel supply, or any combustible part of the motor vehicle. 4. FUEL SYSTEM a. Visible leak. b. Fueltank filler cap missing. c. Fuellank 5. securely attached. LIGHTING DEVICES All lighling devices and refleclors required by Part 393 shall be operable. INSTRUCTIONS: MARK COLUMN ENTBIESTO VERIFY ". corlPrrliF) trUC. PLATE NO_ L , L z,/ Column z. d. Steering Gear Box e. Pitman Arm L // Power Steering s. Ball and Socket Joints h. Tie Flods and Drag Links i. j All other tires. 11. WHEELS AND RIMS a. Lock or Side Bing b. Wheels and Rims c. Fasteners d. Welds 12. WNDSHIELD GLAZING Flequiremenls and exceptions as staled pertaining to any crack, discoloration or vision reducing matter (ref erence 393.60 lor exceotions). lE llltlllEli!3.llrutl3its:r l. u 2 Z, Steering Components Other Than Steering L 10. TIRES a. Tires on aoy steering axle o, a power unit. b. equiDment. - OOTHER ITEM 7. STEERING MECHANISM a. Steering Wheel Free Play b. Steering Column c. Front A(le Beam and All ly 2IVtN r C/Z /a ///2 aGENcy @ATtoN (opTroNAL) Coniainer securement devices on intermodal i. j. L Zt cargo. g. Tractor Protection Valve h. Air Compressor , ANo Part(s) of vehicle or condition of loading such that the spare tire or any part of the load or dunnage can ,all onto the roadway. Protection against shifting Brake Tubing Device , r 7./,8 t/ ffi OK L 1, C n THIS INSPECTOF MEETSTHE qUALIFICATION FEQI'FEMENTS IN SECTION g'6,19. 4 //rzrz (a 8a 72o rYpE o 2-/l-)s INSPECTOF'S N'II'E IPFIMI OR TYPEI ctTY_ STATE_ ZIP COOE vEHrcLE 2r Nuts Steerinq Svstem Any power unit that has an inoperative wiper, or missing or damaged pans that render it ineffective. 14. OTHER List any other condition(s) which may prevent sare operation ol this vehicle. tEEEUSIEUSUa. l, Any U-bolt(s), spring hanger(s), or other axle positioning part(s) cracked, broken, loose or missing resulting in shifting of an axle from its normal position. / , 2 , INSPECTION: b. Spring Assembly c. 9. !/ Torque, Radius or Tracking Comoonents FRAME a. Frame Members b. Tire and Wheel Clearance c. Adjustable Axle Assemblies (Sliding Sublrames) OK. X NEEDS REPAIB, NA IF ITEMS DO 'IOTAPPLY, BEPAIREDDATE CERTIFICATION: THIS VEHICLE HAS PASSEO ALL THE INSPECTION ITEMS FOR THE ANNUAL VEHICLE INSPECTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH 49 CFR PART 396. g CopyrDhl 2O12 J. J. KELLEB A ASSOCIATES, INC tl6er'ah. wl . USA. (8O0) 3275868 tjk6rror com. Pnnred in tr; unne<, srares . 2241 DU PLICATE (Rev.'1lfl2) RECEIVED AI'G 17 N6 THIRD STREET AUTO REPAIR 129 East 3rd Street Wray CO 80758 970-332-4649 YOUR NAPA AUTOCARE CENTER M-F 7:00-5:00 SAT BY APPOINTMENT page 8t1212015 10:23 AM 1 lnvoice #38591 Y.W ELECTRIC ASSOC, INC, BOX Y AKRoN Co Day Phone 18006602291 Eve Phone 630-3932DOUG 80720 -foldiere - Vehicle : 200'l Ford Truck F250 Super VIN Duty 3/4 Ton - Pickup 7.3 :1FTNF21F61ECO19'12 Created : 8/7/2015 3:34:33 PM Complete . 811212015 10:22:56 AM lnvoiced : 811212015 10:22:56 AM Srv Writer: MGR 1- MGR' Tag/State Color ln : 092PRB / CO :White Odometer :0 Odometer Out : 195941 sciz4A376D onlw snnrr GEN R&R ORIVE SHAFT FRONT LBR L New $503 09 Labor Parts $80.00 $503.09 $0.00 $0 00 $0 00 SubleUMisc. Shop Supplies Charges Sales Tax Tax@$503.09.5.4000% Total MGR - $503 09 s80 00 $27 17 Due -561026 eSe,ZSZS-regO I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE REPAIR WORK HEREIN SET FORTH TO BE DONE ALONG WITH THE NECESSARY MATERIAL AND AGREE THAT YOU ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE TO VEHICLE OR ARTICLES LEFT IN VEHICLE IN CASE OF FIRE. THEFT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE BEYOND YOUR CONTROL. I HEREBY GRANT YOU AND/OR YOUR EMPLOYEES PERMISSION TO OPERATE THE VEHICLE HEREIN DESCRIBED ON STREETS, HIGHWAYS OR ELSWHERE FOR THE PURPOSE OF TESTING AND/OR INSPECTION. AN EXPRESS GARAGEKEEPER'S LIEN IS HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGRD ON ABOVE VEHICLE TO SECURE THE AMOUNT OR REPAIRS THERETO. l2MONTH OR 12,OOO MILE WARRANTY'A "'.OA'*" /D 6n32015 Stdo Sales Recelpt #61423 4 03 PM 'l Outback Fuel and Foed 27035 Hwy 36 rdalia, - co 80735 9VO-3d-7260 outback@plainstel corn BlllTo: Y'W Electric PO BOX Y Akron. CO 80720-0570 Cashier tustin qy 1 3 Mdo(cralt 15/40 (5 ( 1 5728 Arr Frller 1 1734 Oil Fill€r 1 Wrndo, Washer Flu Name ChEnge llem Oil Prlco Ext Prlco $20 00 $76 66 T S31 73 T $19 00 T $2 79 T Sublotal $'1 50 18 2.g'Afax + $3 78 Local Sales Tar RECEIPT TOTAL: 3153.96 Accornl $153 00 S25 55 $31 73 $19 00 $2 79 $20 96 SlOnatu,6 laoree issuer agreemenl (merchani agreement rfcredit voucher) Thank you for your busrnessl .SECTION 30-20.1403 COLORADO REVISED STATUTES REOUIRES RETAILERS TO COLLECT A WASTE TIRE FEE SET BY THE SOLID AND HMARDOUS WASTE COMMISSION ON THE SALE OF EACH NEW MOTOR VEHICLE TIRE AND EACH NEW TRAILER TIRE" riilil llfllillilllllllliltllL " ^ *t (l'U 8/18/2015 4 09 Stoe Salos R€colpt #61809 Pt\4 1 Outback Fual and Foed 27035 Hwy 36 ldalra CO 80735 .t970-3517260 outb6ck@plainstel corn Blll To: Y-W Elecinc PO 8or Y Akrori CO 80720-0570 Cashrer justn Itom Namo Trre Specral Order - New Tire Fee"Lighi L ocal Sales I 1 Cly Prlco Ext Prlc. 4 $238.14 $952 56 T $6 00 Subtot6l $958 56 + $27 62 2I o/u RECEIPT TOTALi 1986 18 4 $1 Tax Accornt $986 50 lax 18 Slgnaturo .!L= lagree lo pay rgsuer aoreement (merchant agreement rf credrt vouchert Thank yor for Yo!r buslnessl .SECTION 30.20.1403 COLORADO REVISED STATUTES REOUIRES RETAILERS TO COLLEC I A WASTE TIRE FEE SET 8Y THE SOLID AND HMARDOUS WASTE COMI\4ISSION ON THE SALE OF EACH NEW MOTOR VEHICLE TIRE AND EACH NEW IRAILER TIRE' | ffilltillrillr |lilfllllil 61609 ll] I {ffiv Lr23s,8sR16 G@drarffiEtlvenrure(4) RECEIYED SEP O4 ?06 THIRD STREET AUTO REPAIR 129 East 3rd Street Wray CO 80758 97 0-3324649 YOUR NAPA AUTOCARE CENTER M-F 7:00-5:00 SAT BY APPOINTMENT lnvoice Page #38769 1 Y-W ELECTRIC ASSOC, INC, BOX Y AKRON CO 80720 Day Phone 18006602291 Eve Phone 630-3932DOUG -fold here - Vehicle VIN : 2001 Ford Truck F250 Super Duty 3/4 Ton - pickup 7.3 L Tag/State Color 1FTNF21F61ECo1912 Created : 8/31/2015 2:10:56 PM Complete: 9/2/2015 10:00:18 AM lnvoiced 9/2/20'15 10:00:18 AM Srv Writer: 2222 : .092PRB/CO :White Odometer ln : '197309 Odometer Out : 197309 kr( : 2222- GUIDE STEERING GEAR (COMPLETE) - R&I OR R&R lncludes: Adjust toe-in on Rack & Pinion type gears.DOES NOT include transfer parts or alignment. F7UZ35O4FBRM STEERING GEAR $427,11 TIE ROD &/OR ENDS M lncludes: Adjust toe-in on all models. DOES NOT include R&l rack & pinion gear. NOTE: Manufaclurer recommends removal of rack & pinion steering gear when replacing inner tie rod ends on some models. lf removal of rack & pinion gear is ne@ssary use Steeri NCP Tie Rod End - tnner $103 14 Tie Rod End - tnner $233 04 TWO WHEEL ALIGNMENT M Cancel check operation if alignment is made. Note: M - Labor Oatabase, Copyright, l\ritche tnternational, Rights Reserved 1 2222" NCP 2222' Box R&R GUIDE New 2693081 2696087 GUIDE CHECK $192.00- $427.11 $80.00 $103.14 s233.04 $40.00 A Labor Parts $31 2.00 $763.29 $0 00 $10 92 $0.00 SubleUMisc. Shop Supplies Charges Sales Tax ,uu, 2222 ar,r,-,,u., ASE-1869-5608 rax@$774.2't'5.4000% 'ot"' o'" ...W $41.81 ffiB