Media Appearances Michael's compelling story of fame,, prestige, love and fear has been featured throughout the country on high profile media. Most recently, he was featured on the following networks: x CNN x Nat Geo x Geraldo x Laura Ingram x Fox News x 48 Hours x Sean Hannity's Great American Panel x The Today Show x Nightline x ABC Primetime x NBC Nightly News To view links please copy and paste into your favorite browser. History Channel H2 - ³7KH'HILQLWLYH*XLGHWRWKH0RE´$SULO The New Ricki Lake Show - ³0\/LIH,Q7KH0RE´)HEUXDU\ CBN The 700 Club - ³&DPP\)UDQ]HVH7KLV7KLQJ2I2XUV´-DQXDU\ CBN News. ³7KHµ6LOHQW¶$GGLFWLRQ$PRQJ7HHQV´'HFHPEHU CBN 700 Club Interactive - ³*DPEOLQJ$GGLFWLRQ´-XQH Fox Business - ³0REVWHUV7DNHD7XUQIRUWKH:RUVH´0D\ ABC Nightline - ³(VFDSH)URP7KH0RE´6HSW CBN News - ³([-0REVWHU6KDUHV$PD]LQJ7HVWLPRQ\´ CBN The 700 Club - ³0LFKDHO)UDQ]HVH+RZWR5XQ$%XVLQHVV/LNHD7UXH%RVV´-XQH Fox And Friends -‐ Dzǣ ǫdzǤ ʹʹͲͲͻǤ Th Jim Rome Show (radio) -‐ Dz dzǤʹͷʹͲͲǡʹʹͲͲǡͳͶ 2009. Discovery -‐ DzͳͲdzǤʹͲͲͺǤ ESPN -‐ Dz-‐ dzǤʹ͵ʹͲͲǤ MSNBC Live -‐ DzdzǤʹ͵ʹͲͲʹ4 2007. and NBC Today -‐ DzdzǤ ͳ͵ʹͲͲǤ NatGeo - ³,QVLGHWKH0DILD7KH*RGIDWKHUV´ ͲͲǤDzdzǤ NPR Weekend Edition -‐ Dz-‐Mobster ǮǯdzǤͳͻʹͲͲ͵Ǥ HBO -‐ Dz dzǤʹ͵ʹͲͲʹǤ ESPN -‐ Dz dzǤʹ͵ʹͲͲͳǤ MICHAEL'S LATEST PROJECTS x Inside the American Mob | National Geographic Channel Michael Franzese helps chronicle a 6 part series of the deadliest and secret underworld of the mob x The 10 Commandments of the Mafia The Mafia's 10 Commandments aim to protect the clan from outsiders. What are the rules? Michael Franzese speaks out on codes which govern members of "La Cosa Nostra", This Thing of Ours. x Definitive Guide to the Mob Michael Franzese a Made Man in the Mafia says" From now on 24 hours a day you are on call to serve this family." What is America's fascination with the "La Cosa Nostra"? Michael reveals the hard core realities and false romanticism of the most powerful mob families. Definitive Guide to the Mob on H2 - Teaser Trailer x "GOD THE FATHER" "God the Father", a Doc/Feature, to be released in 2014, is based on the book "The Good, the Bad, and the Forgiven"' written by Michael Franzese, former Capo of the Colombo Crime Family. It is produced by award winning producer, Moshe Diamont, (Black Dahlia) Directed by Simon Fellows, Director of Photography is academy award winner and 4 time nominee Vilmos Zsigmond, Screenplay by Jonas McCord and Music by award winner John Debney. Unlike films of this genre, the screenplay questions power, violence and revenge, yet brings uplifting meaning to love and redemption. "Ya live by the sword, you die by the sword" says the character Cordero about to die with a .38 with a silencer aimed at his eyes. But can someone live by the sword, abandon the sword and make a difference? "God the Father" has it all with a compelling love story between Michael and Camille Franzese, the true heroine. Her loyalty to the vows of marriage, her belief in the Christian Faith and personal fortitude brings solidarity to their family. Some of the scenes may have you at the edge of your seat, but the last 15 minutes may have some fall to their knees. The true meaning of a "Man's Man" is revealed and how a "Made Man" of crime is completely transformed by the endless love of a woman.‐0f2TxrPgyWjVHd3M5Z3hIcXM/edit?pli=1 For further information or to schedule Michael to speak at your event, please contact: Joe Silva Manager [email protected] Marianne Acosta Executive Assistant [email protected]