MAIMONIDES Staff members and their families got to enjoy hot dogs
MAIMONIDES Staff members and their families got to enjoy hot dogs
M A I M O N I D E S Barbecue Fun Summer 2009 • For the staff of Maimonides Geriatric Centre Staff members and their families got to enjoy hot dogs, hamburgers, popcorn and other goodies at the annual Centre-Wide BBQ on July 8th. A good time was had by all! A McGill University affiliated Centre Un Centre affilié à l’Université McGill Retirement & Long-Service Award Ceremony any Maimonides staff members have reached milestones in their careers at the Centre. These are people whose energy and passion for geriatric care has not gone unnoticed. Our Retirement and Long-Service award ceremony took place on June 10th, 2009 in the synagogue. M Congratulations to our fellow employees for their years of service to Maimonides. Retirement RETIREMENT Sylvester Latouche, Elisa Manuel, Yolanda Padua, Maimonides Executive Director Barbra Gold, Estelita Galang, Martina Berish, Christiane Belair. 30+ YEARS Alice Schwarcz, Sonia Beltran, Maimonides Executive Director Barbra Gold, Brenda Moldowan, Roger Villareal. 30+ Years 18 Years 18 YEARS Back row (left to right): Michael Lewis, Nicole Allain, Espedito Alvaro, Maimonides Executive Director Barbra Gold, Shirley Jacob, Maurice Lee. Front row (left to right): Greta Watt, Cordelia Jordan, Jennifer Andrews, Mellie Smith. Page 2 • Maimonides Geriatric Centre • News & Views • Summer 2009 Retirement & Long-Service Award Ceremony 25 Years 25 YEARS Back row (left to right): Ioannis Angelopoulos, François Lavergne, Pamela Wilson, Duane Perrin, Richard Smith, Diane Neveu, Daniel Duc, Maimonides Executive Director Barbra Gold, Sylvester Latouche, Leon Mayers, Melanie Schwartz, Chris Glykis, Efrem Orsmon Moses. Front row (left to right): Lilian Gonzales, Lynette Reid, Marjorie Bandele, Teresita Tupaz, Estelita Galang, Elisa Manuel, Martina Berish. 10 Years 10 YEARS Back row (left to right): Michael Connelly, Lucie Tremblay, Elena Fornade-Mane, Renaud Cesar, Maimonides Executive Director Barbra Gold, Paul Wallace, Rodolfo Garcia, Renel Noel, Rabbi Michael Wolff, Kwazi Claude Songui. Front row (left to right): Pauline Virgo Young, Marjorie Phillips, Gabriella-Eugenia Damaroiu, Lynn Waxman, Norman Clark. Maimonides Geriatric Centre • News & Views • Summer 2009 • Page 3 PLANETREE MONTH A HUGE SUCCESS! bout 700 staff, residents, families, companions and students attended activities organized during ‘Planetree Month’. Activities included skills-sharing sessions such as Israeli Folk-dancing, Salsa, Everything you wanted to know about CARRA, knitting and beading. There were also guest speakers discussing topics as diverse as Doing the Impossible, Laughersize and Effective Workplace Communication. All disciplines had a day set aside to honour them with a lunch and interactive comedy troupe “Without Annette Improv.” Evening and Night Staff also participated in an activity with Montreal Playback Theatre and received some tasty goodies. A Page 4 • Maimonides Geriatric Centre • News & Views • Summer 2009 A huge thank you to the Planetree Month taskforce committee for organizing an outstanding Planetree month: Lisa Blobstein, Lucy Bridgeman, Ida Caputo, Lucie Charland, Christiane Duchene, Sondra Goldman, Cheryl Lawlor, Olympia Moran, Tony Pacheco, Frances Pellatt and Jocelyne Samson. Support Staff RNs RNAs MDC PABs Maimonides Geriatric Centre • News & Views • Summer 2009 • Page 5 Bursary Reception Planetree Month May 2009 On May 28, as part of Planetree Month, the Maimonides Geriatric Centre Foundation presented $25,000 in bursaries to Maimonides staff in all disciplines who are furthering their education or upgrading their skills. Congratulations to all bursary recipients Geneviève Angers Paul Brisson Ida Caputo Michael Connelly Sherry-Ann George Nadine Gore Heidi Lainez Vicky Lyroudias Edom Berhane Negussie Tram Hai Yen Nguyen Janel Nicholas Angela Palmer Samimi Rad Saba Arlyne Marie Silverio Joy Theodore Daniel Yeboah Page 6 • Maimonides Geriatric Centre • News & Views • Summer 2009 Planetree surveyors Kathleen K. Alff and Denise Scott met with the Maimonides community in the middle of June to assess the progress we made in implementing the Planetree philosophy. The surveyors met with focus groups made up of family members, residents, staff, the board of directors, volunteers and others. A report will be prepared and presented to Maimonides in the near future. FYI: 363 Maimonides staff have already attended the Planetree retreats which will resume in the fall. The first-ever Maimonides Spirit of Planetree Awards were handed out. They were created by the Planetree Organization, to promote client-centered care by publicly recognizing individuals who have demonstrated extraordinary achievement in client-centered care. Congratulations to physician champion Dr. Jack Gaiptman and the caregiver champion Lolita John. The Maimonides Faculty of Trainers was also acknowledged for sharing their skills with other staff. The Faculty of Trainers is made up of 27 of our very own staff, who teach their fellow co-workers programs such as PDSB, Relation Centered Care, Hearing Aids Program, Fall Prevention Program and Planetree, to name a few. Staff get gifts for a job well-done aimonides managers recently received a special goodie basket called a “Tool Box” which contains gifts to give out to their staff when they go above and beyond the call of duty. Items include everything from chocolate and candy to picture frames and notepads. The goal of this Planetree initiative is to acknowledge the staff for a job well-done and to recognize their accomplishments. A special thank you to Henry Grover for decorating the boxes and to Miriam Friedman and Rhonda Sheiner for assembling the boxes. M Maimonides Geriatric Centre • News & Views • Summer 2009 • Page 7 Thank you to our staff volunteers taff who volunteered at different Maimonides events including the Battle of the Bands and the Volunteer Appreciation Party were recognized with a party of their own for committing their time to Maimonides outside of working hours. Volunteer Department staff Rena Halickman, Patti Derstenfeld and Roz Friend even sang a little tune to express their appreciation!!! S An exciting new opportunity for staff volunteers is now available. Come spend a meal or two with the residents and participate in the highly-successful eating assistance program. Training is provided. For more information, contact Patti Derstenfeld at local 2213. Maimonides is using Wash your needles that are safer hands! Infection Control ast year, nine staff members had needle-stick injuries which comes with the fear of infection and harm. Safety needles have been designated to eliminate or minimize needle injury to nursing staff and others. No more needle injuries- that is the main goal of using safer needles that are retractable or where the needle is hidden in the device once used. Lyne Dery, Nurse Specialist, has provided training to Maimonides staff on all shifts about the proper way to use these new needles which also have disposable covers which lowers the risk of cross-contamination. Lyne stresses, however, that the new needles still need to be disposed of properly in the sharp container. She urges staff to use the new safer needles even if they may be more comfortable with the other models. For those of you who haven’t had the session, you can refer to the poster explaining the procedure located in the dressing cart room. In November, during Health and Safety week, Lyne will be going on the floors to sensitize staff about the efficient use of the new needles and to educate the entire Maimonides community about them. It is ultimately for everyone’s safety. L Please be vigilant in order to protect the health of Maimonides residents as well as your own health. Frequent hand washing is the most important way to prevent the spread of infection. There are hand sanitizers by every elevator. PLEASE USE THEM. Page 8 • Maimonides Geriatric Centre • News & Views • Summer 2009 Update from the Multidisciplinary Council Greetings to all MDC council members! Our next General Assembly- Café Rencontre Style is scheduled for Wednesday, September 9th. We encourage you to attend! Did you know? There are currently 59 MDC members! MDC membership = all persons holding a college or university diploma who perform functions for MGC. These functions are specific to the field of activity in which their diploma was granted and directly related to health or social services, research or teaching. Although Nursing, Medicine and Pharmacy are not members of our council, we promote ongoing collaboration and links with these professionals. Our 3 year mandate will be coming to an end this spring 2010. We encourage you to get involved. You can make a difference! Through outreach to members, the sharing of ideas, collaboration with other councils, etc… you could carry the flame and continue building a caring community. It truly is a great opportunity! Submit your candidature early spring 2010. The executive council is comprised of 5 elected members, our executive director and a management representative. Your executive at present is: • Georgia Graphos Clinical Nutrition, President • Silvana Mauro Occupational Therapy, Vice President • Sondra Goldman Art Therapy, Information Officer • Lucy Bridgeman Therapeutic Recreation, Secretary • Susan Cliff Social Service, Committee Coordinator • Linda August Assistant to the Director of Nursing and Clinical Services • Barbra Gold Executive Director Accreditation is months away! or the past year Maimonides Geriatric Centre has been gearing up for Accreditation… Now this quality assurance process is just months away!!! F Ms. Gayle Campbell from Ontario and Mr. Steven Campbell from New Brunswick will visit Maimonides to evaluate the programs and services that we provide. They will assess our compliance to national standards and recommend improvements as necessary. A General Staff Information Meeting will take place prior to the Accreditation Canada visit on Wednesday, September 30, 2009 in the synagogue. Time TBC. The Survey Visit will take place October 25 through October 29, 2009. Following the Visit, a debriefing session will take place on Thursday, October 29, 2009 from 11:00 am -12:00 pm in the synagogue where the surveyors will present a preliminary report. Everyone is invited to attend. For more information, check the Information Board near the main elevators or contact Rena Halickman, Quality improvement coordinator at local 2223 or Stefania Iapaolo, Risk Manager at local 2253. Maimonides Geriatric Centre • News & Views • Summer 2009 • Page 9 Congratulations to Maimonides Nurses!!! Tribute to Jerilyn Aqui Second floor Head Nurse Fruan Tabamo was a finalist of the 3M Nurse Appreciation Award which recognizes exceptional nurses who go above and beyond the call of duty. Fourth floor Head Nurse Dindo Miras was recognized with the Prix Relève from the OIIQ. The award recognizes the exceptional contribution of a young nurse with less than ten years of experience, who has demonstrated a positive influence and incredible leadership in his studies, his work and his community involvement. The importance of Skin and Wound Care une was skin and wound care month at Maimonides. Members of the Skin and Wound Care committee gave staff from all shifts training about the 4 educational modules of wound care. The Modules were divided by week: J Week Week Week Week 1 2 3 4 Braden Scale /Prevention Skin Tears/Trauma Preventative Strategies Communication Members of the Skin and Wound Care committee are hard at work preparing an outline for the Skin and Wound Care Program at Maimonides. This incorporates current practices that are not yet standardized, but will be integrated into the Program. The goal is to create a program that focuses on prevention of pressure ulcers that is sustainable throughout the year, as well as best practice treatment outcomes. Page 10 • Maimonides Geriatric Centre • News & Views • Summer 2009 aimonides nurse Jerilyn Aqui, who recently passed away after a battle with cancer, was honoured posthumously with the Mireille Ducros award. There was not a dry eye in the house as Head Nurse Dindo Miras sang Hindi Kita Malilimutan which means “We will never forget you” accompanied by Edith Fedalizo on the piano. Below is an excerpt from the speech given by Nurse Angela Palmer in recognition of Jerilyn. M In reflecting upon Jeri’s influence and impact on her peers, we all stand in admiration of her many achievements. Jeri stood out amongst the crowd because of her gentle, warm caring approach. Jeri, though soft spoken, always wore a smile and possessed an uncanny knack for making others feel comfortable in her presence. Her quiet, calm approach belied her tenacious spirit. Jerilyn was a dedicated, knowledgeable nurse who worked her way up through the ranks, having, started as a PAB, here at Maimonides in 1986. She moved up to RNA in 1997, and graduated as an RN in 2004. She furthered her education at the University of Ottawa in pursuit of a Bachelor of Nursing Science degree. Jerilyn was also a recipient of three bursaries. Her commitment, dedication to increasing her knowledge in the field of nursing made her a role model for all. Preventing Falls, Preventing Injury pril was Fall Prevention Month. A number of activities took place including a jellybean count of how many falls occurred at Maimonides this year, the Room of Horrors to see how many hazards people could find that affect resident safety, a safety alarm walkabout to collect feedback from staff regarding the effectiveness of safety alarm devices, and a week dedicated to the challenges of osteoporosis. The month was capped off with the “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” game-showfall prevention-style, as well as the Fall Prevention Oscars. A The winners for Fall Prevention Month announced during the Fall Prevention Oscars News from the Pharmacy Department Medication Safety Have you ever thought of what happens to a resident’s medication once he arrives at Maimonides? Well, we are taking charge of it in order to ensure the best medical care and the safest one. Jelly Bean Count: Day (tie) Rena Halickman and Nicole Johnson Jelly Bean Count, Evening & Night: Christina Kennedy Room of Horrors: Ahn Nguyen Who wants to be a millionaire AM Madeleine Senosier Who wants to be a millionaire PM Sabrina Udden Floor with the greatest reduction of falls this year: 5th floor Floor with the greatest reduction in the severity of falls this year: 3rd floor Floor with the highest percentage of analysis forms completed this year: 6th floor How do we do it? During counseling sessions with either the resident, either his/her family we gather all needed information regarding the names of currently taken drugs, the way are taken, how often they are taken. Even the over-thecounters, vitamins and herbal products are important since they can influence the medical treatment. Why do we do it? Because at Maimonides our chief concern is to constantly improve our residents’ quality of life. So, by means of Medication reconciliation we are making sure the resident is receiving the recommended drug at good dose at adequate time. For instance, one resident may have at home two blood pressure pills, one prescribed by his family doctor, another prescribed by the specialist, in which situation adverse effects can appear. Therefore, while gathering the information we can detect these kinds of medication duplications and individualize the respective treatment. Maimonides Geriatric Centre • News & Views • Summer 2009 • Page 11 The Council of Nurses alutations to all Maimonides nurses. During our mandate, we the council have accomplished many of our goals. Of special interest, is the development of a preceptorship/mentorship program. Through this effort, we hope to attract and retain nurses. Likewise, we reviewed and approved collective orders. The first of these involved the restructuring of the narcotic sheets. Second, we reviewed narcotic administration by RNAs. Additionally, we examined the six rights pertaining to administration of medications, Port-A-Cath protocol and modified the Mirelle Ducros award nomination form. In an effort to improve our working environment, we collaborated with the multidisciplinary council on a variety of projects. As you can see, the nursing council at Maimonides is both an active and productive body, which welcomes participation from all its members. Those of you wishing to make a difference are encouraged to attend our fall assembly. Your input would be much appreciated. S Your executive council members: President CII: Vice President CII: Secretary CII: Communication/ Liaison CII: President CIIA: Active Members: Christiane Duchene Angela Palmer Cheryl Lawlor Lyne Dery Marjorie Phillips Henry Salvara Helene Watson Letter of thanks donation was recently made to the Maimonides Foundation by a family member in honour of Therapeutic Recreation staff Allison Friedman, Ariane Telefoglou and Lucy Bridgeman. The card reads “In appreciation and admiration of the beautiful, poignant and uplifting Adult Ed grad and Prom- A true tribute to the human spirit.” A If you or your staff have received a nice letter that you would like to share in News and Views with the Maimonides community, please send a copy to Lisa Blobstein, Communications Officer, at [email protected]. Congratulations to the following lucky prize winners!!! 1 DAY OFF (ENTRAIDE) Cheryl Lawlor, Nursing 1 DAY OFF (FLU VACCINE) Vivienne Zhao, Rehab Leon Mayers, Nursing François Lavergne, Maintenance Marc Réjouis, Nursing A booklet on safety will be published in the next month or so. It will give you an overview of some situations you may encounter and what the proper procedure is to ensure a safe environment for everyone. Look for the new booklet at reception and other areas of distribution. Page 12 • Maimonides Geriatric Centre • News & Views • Summer 2009 CD- EDWIN ORION CLASSICS Christina Kennedy, Nursing Joe Bailey, Nursing Jacqueline Brown, Nursing Jeanette Tordjman, Nursing CALENDAR Maria Villapez, Nursing
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