2015 annual report - Auto Workers Community Credit Union
2015 annual report - Auto Workers Community Credit Union
Auto Workers Community Credit Union 2015 ANNUAL REPORT Built by the community, For the community. TABLE OF CONTENTS AGENDA & RULES OF ORDER.................................. 4 VISION, MISSION AND VALUES. . .............................. 5 CHAIRS REPORT.................................................... 6 REPORT OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE.. ..................... 7 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT........................ 9 2015 CONDENSED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS.......... 10 CREDIT COMMITTEE REPORT................................ 12 BOARD OF DIRECTORS . . ....................................... 13 COMMUNITY.......................................................14 LOCATIONS.. ........................................................ 15 AGENDA AND RULES OF ORDER FOR AGM 2016 AGENDA Call to Order Welcome & Introductions Minute of Silence for Deceased Members Approval of Minutes of the 78th Annual Meeting Reporting Reports presented at the meeting are for information only and do not require a motion. Report of the Chair Report of the Audit Committee Where a report contains a recommendation for the AGM to consider, a motion to act on the recommendation will be presented, seconded and debated and voted on. Condensed Report of the External Auditor Appointment of the External Auditor Credit Committee Report Elections, Old Business, New Business Oath of Office Adjournment RULES OF ORDER FOR AWCCU AGM Debate Speaker must approach a microphone and wait to be recognized by the chair before speaking. Upon recognition by the chair, the speaker will state his or her name. Only members of Auto Workers Community Credit Union in good standing will be entitled to the floor. No member may speak longer than two (2) minutes at a time or more than twice on the same question without permission from the assembly. A member who wishes to speak a second time on the same issue or ask more than one follow up question at a time must wait until other members who wish to speak on the issue for the for the first time have spoken. 4 Voting Only a member in good standing under the rules of Auto Workers Community Credit Union may vote, and is entitled to one vote. Voting shall be by show of hands. If the result is inconclusive, the chair may appoint scrutineers to assist in the counting of the votes. Time Management The chair may propose time limits on agenda items and may propose that these time limits be extended. The meeting is scheduled to adjourn no later than 8:30PM. An extension of the meeting beyond this time will require approval by the assembly by a 2/3 vote. General Rules The current edition of Roberts Rules of Order, newly revised, shall govern the meeting in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the rules of Auto Workers Community Credit Union or with any applicable legislation. With the exception of motions that fit within the jurisdiction of the AGM, motions from the floor are generally considered advisory to the board. To be considered, such motions must first be presented to the chair in writing. www.awccu.com AWCCU VISION The vision of the Auto Workers Community Credit Union is to be the primary Financial Institution for our members by building lifelong relationships one member at a time. The mission of Auto Workers Community Credit Union is to earn our members trust and confidence by providing quality products and services in an efficient and professional manner by motivated employees who share our organizational success. Our focus is to exceed our members’ expectations in our commitment to their financial success while operating in an ethical and financially sound matter. The Corporate Values of the Auto Workers Community Credit Union are the same today as they were since our founding on April 2, 1938, the well-being of our members, employee’s and the communities we serve. The Auto Workers Community Credit Union is a financial service co-operative, therefore our values are still centered on our belief in “People helping People”. www.awccu.com 5 AWCCU BOARD CHAIR REPORT 2015 2015 BOARD CHAIR ANNUAL REPORT This year your credit union has experienced both the ups and downs, with changing conditions in both our management team working leaner, as both board and staff await the return of our CEO Beverly Hume. The Credit Union staff in all our locations have been outstanding in providing the service and generosity that you come to expect from our organization. This year also marks our 79th year and we had some changes throughout the organization. We worked with our COPE 343 employees during the bargaining process to find effective and responsible ways to ease impacts of future pension liabilities, resulting in prosperity for both the workers and our members. These factors have had impacts to our capital, however AWCCU continues to meet our required regulatory capital ratios. As we get started into 2016, our board is focused on providing a strong future for the credit union both in Bowmanville and in Oshawa. Our mortgage lines are competitive, our term deposits are quite active, and the board continues to deepen our knowledge and industry outlooks to provide a bright, strong future. We still struggle as all credit unions do, in attracting more members into our branches, with your help, we can reverse this trend and expand the membership, building on our successes of the past and equipping ourselves for the road before us in the coming years. Our board is very grateful to our unionized and management team’s commitment and leadership they show day in and day out towards our organization. Our staff have always displayed and developed relationships with members, and members remind us of this every day. Our board is very grateful to our unionized and management team’s commitment and leadership they show day in and day out towards our organization. We look forward to building a strong, vibrant credit union with our cooperative principals as we meet the challenges we face this coming year. Through our heritage, compassion and strengths we will pursue both economic viability and social responsibility. We look forward to strengthening our commitment to you. John MacDonald Chair Board of Directors 6 www.awccu.com REPORT OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE 2015 2015 AUDIT REPORT The Audit/Risk Committee of Auto Workers Community Credit Union is a committee of the Board of Directors and operates under Section 125 of the Credit Unions and Caisse Populaires Act of 2007. The committee is elected annually and consists of: Doug Sanders–Chair Person, John MacDonald–Chair of the Board, Irene Babin, John Roberts and Adam King (Advisor). Also in attendance at our monthly meetings are our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer. This has been a very challenging year for all Managers & staff, they have stepped up to make tough decisions for the future of the Credit Union. I personally want to say thank you. The increase Residential Mortgage loans have risen from $223,447,985 to $288,644,910 in 2015. Personal loans have decreased and Commercial Loans have increased with many safe guards in place to protect the Credit Union. The amount of total member’s loans as of December 31, 2015 was $322,646,133 in 2014, $259,863,197. The Committee’s Terms of Reference are defined by the duties of the Audit/Risk Committee specified in the Regulations Credit Union Caisse Populaires Act and our Ontario Government Regulators. Based upon our duties the Committee is pleased to report the following activities for 2015. Reviewed the monthly Internal Financial Statements of the Credit Union and the associated notes and schedule monitoring the results of compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), capital reserve requirements, liquidity and interest rate risk requirements as outlined by the Credit Union Caisse Populaire Act, Regulations and our Government Regulators. The Committee held eleven (11) regular meetings during the year; the Committee also met quarterly with the internal auditor to discuss audit findings and recommendations as well as reviewing all material internal control issues. The committee reviewed management’s response to all internal audit recommendations. Reviewed all of the Policies and Procedures and controls of the Credit Union which relate to legislative compliance with a particular focus on Credit Management, ERM Risks, Investments, Interest Rate Risk Management, Liquidity Management, Corporate Governance, Conflict of Interest and Capital Management as these Policies are specified in the Act or by the Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario (DICO). The Committee reviewed and understands the status and quality of our commercial loan portfolio as we moved to a more security based approach. www.awccu.com 7 REPORT OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE 2015 cont… The Committee served as the principle communication link between the External Auditor and the Board of Directors and, in particular, reviewed the terms of engagement, the scope of the annual audit, the Auditors Management Letter and the Credit Union’s Financial Statements. In addition, we hosted a meeting with the whole committee and our External Auditor, at which the Board of Directors were present to review the year-end Financial Statements. Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) was a focus by both the Audit Committee and Management and how ERM would integrate into the management organization processes. The committee focused on the top 24 risks as identified by the board and management. Discussions throughout the year were impactful in reducing and eliminating many of the risks to ensure the continued success of credit union. Based on its findings, the Audit/Risk Committee reports and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors with respect to the matters outlined above regarding; policy, internal controls, legal actions, compliance with the Credit Union Caisse Populaires Act and Regulations, and DICO’s By-Law #5. The committee follows up on all issues ensuring all of our recommendations are implemented. The Audit Committee is pleased to report to the Membership that all aspects of the Committee’s annual mandate have been achieved and that all significant recommendations of the Committee have either been implemented or are in the process of being implemented. There are no matters that the Audit Committee believes should be reported to the Membership and there are no issues that are required to be disclosed pursuant to the Credit Union Caisse Populaires Act or the Regulations. The Committee is pleased with the co-operation from Management and both External and Internal Auditors in completing all of the required activities in an efficient timeframe during the 2015 fiscal year. The Audit Committee is pleased to report to the Membership that all aspects of the Committee’s annual mandate have been achieved and that all significant recommendations of the Committee have either been implemented or are in the process of being implemented. Respectfully Submitted, Doug Sanders Irene Babin John Roberts John MacDonald Adam King (Advisor) 8 www.awccu.com www.awccu.com 9 10 www.awccu.com www.awccu.com 11 CREDIT COMMITTEE REPORT 2015 CREDIT STATISTICS FROM JANUARY 1ST, 2015- DECEMBER 31ST, 2015 NUMBERS ARE ALL IN MILLIONS (with the exception of LOC it is thousands) TOTAL REJECTED REQUESTS CANCELLED FUNDED $32.4 $139.6 $151.5 BREAKDOWN FOR FUNDED ARE LOANS BRIDGE LOC MERITLINES MORTGAGES TOTAL TOTAL OF ALL CREDIT REQUESTS $1.8 $2.2 $632 $11.3 $135.5 $151.5 $323,564,677.00 The Credit Committee meets with management twice a year at which time we review loans that have been charged off; all within the recommended guidelines of our policies. The Committee is proud to report this was another great year in the recovery of charge-offs; a testament yet again to the hard work and diligent efforts of the staff in this department. Collections was able to recoup a total amount of $102,285.00. Our hats off to the department for their concerted effort & success! The Credit Committee is pleased to report to the membership our duties have been fulfilled as required under the Act; we have reviewed established policies, monitored guidelines and systems to ensure credit, investment and structural risks are at acceptable levels. On behalf of the Credit Committee, I would like to thank them for their dedication and thank the staff for the quality service they continuously provide to our membership. Co-operatively submitted, Terri Rice, Chairperson John Roberts Adriana Grande John MacDonald Doug Sanders 12 www.awccu.com AWCCU BOARD OF DIRECTORS DOUG SANDERS............................................... 2019 JOHN MACDONALD. . ........................................ 2018 JOHN ROBERTS................................................ 2018 IRENE BABIN.....................................................2017 TERRI RICE........................................................2017 www.awccu.com 13 AWCCU ‐IN THE COMMUNITY AWCCU Financial was involved in our community with staff getting in on the fun! Our members & staff were instrumental in ensuring that many families had a wonderful Christmas this year. AWCCU became a pipeline partner by donating to the Community Innovation Lab- Neet Youth Incubator and staff had the opportunity to be panel participants in a Pitch Competition. We love hearing from you! Email [email protected] for community suggestions! below SALVATION ARMY ANGEL TREE AWCCU families bring Christmas to the Community. above CANADA DAY 2015 Staff of AWCCU tower over Canada Day! right Community Innovation Lab –Our Entrepreneurial Youth AWCCU assists in building Durham Youth Entrepreneurs' businesses of tomorrow… 14 www.awccu.com AWCCU ‐IN THE COMMUNITY below AWCCU staff having a good time at a SPARTAN RACE! left Celebrating AWCCU Member Albert Bracey's 100 Birtday! Left & Below SUNRISE GROUP BBQ Every year AWCCU and Sunrise Youth group get together for a BBQ, this year, like the past, was a successful event with everyone partaking in the fundraising and food. Sunrise Youth Group benefits young people with special needs get an opportunity to participate in activities most young people take for granted. Thank you SYG! www.awccu.com 15 AWCCU FINANCIAL BRANCH LOCATIONS Main Branch Oshawa Address 322 King Street West L1H7L1 Phone 905-728-5187 or Toll-free 1-800-2688771 Fax 905-728-8727 (main floor) 905-728-9725 (loan dept.) 905-728-4441 (main floor) Bowmanville Branch Address 221 King Street East L1C1P7 Phone 905-728-5187 or Toll-free 1-800-2688771 Fax 905-623-4821 BUILT BY THE COMMUNITY, FOR THE COMMUNITY. 16 www.awccu.com FREE ACCESS TO THOUSANDS OF ATMS ACROSS CANADA DOWNLOAD Look for the logo! AWCCU’s APP! ACCESS YOUR BANKING ZERO NETWORK FEES Manage your money wherever you are. Available in the iTunes & Google Play stores. Download our mobile app! DID YOU KNOW? AWCCU has many convenient channels to help you conduct your banking needs. AWCCU’s free ATMs have increased to THOUSANDS of locations all across Canada! AWCCU has partnered with The Exchange Network to offer members free access to thousands of ATMs across Canada! AWCCU is removing ATMs outside branches effective June 2016. Please use any of the alternatives listed to conveniently access your AWCCU account. Visit our FAQ page to learn more www.awccu.com/abmfaq 322 King Street West, Oshawa | 221 King Street East, Bowmanville MOBILE APP easy and secure way to do your banking anywhere, anytime. FREE 24/7. Download our app today! DEPOSIT ANYWHERE take a picture of your cheque to deposit directly to your account. ONLINE BANKING secure, user friendly website www.awccu.com CASH BACK available in most stores at NO CHARGE. INTERAC & E-TRANSFER gives you access to your money, straight from your account. Send your own money directly to another person using online or mobile banking. A surcharge-free ATM is always nearby No matter where you’re heading, you don’t have to go out of your way for surchargefree ATMs. Whether you’re commuting to work or travelling Canada, coast to coast... we’re on your way! THE EXCHANGE® Network has hundreds of credit unions and banks with thousands of ATMs. That means surcharge-free withdrawals, deposits, PIN changes and more, Canada-wide! Download THE EXCHANGE® ATM Locator App on your Smartphone or Tablet and you can start finding ATMs you never knew you had! Scan for Free ATM Locator App! TheExchangeNetwork.ca 18 www.awccu.com WE'RE MOBILE. BANK ANYWHERE with AWCCU's App CONVENIENT AND SECURE MOBILE BANKING Features include: View acount activity + balance ARE YOU? View and Pay Bills Stay up to date with AWCCU's latest products and services promotions Import your contacts on your smartphoneto easily add an INTERAC® e-Transfer recipient. AUTO WORKERS COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION AWCCU App now available for download. GROW YO UR WEA LTH OPEN YOUR AWCCU TFSA TODAY HIGH INTEREST TFSA 1.70% Fully open, not locked in. Two FREE withdrawals per month. Learn more online at www.awccu.com MAIN BRANCH OSHAWA 322 King Street West, Oshawa L1H7L1 BOWMANVILLE BRANCH 221 King Street East, Bowmanville L1C1P7