In this Issue - Mad Beach Events | Madeira Beach Florida


In this Issue - Mad Beach Events | Madeira Beach Florida
2014 - Volume 2 • Issue 2
In this Issue ....
• Greetings from the Mayor
• Community News
• Marina News
• Events and Happenings
- King of the Beach
- John LeVique Pirate Days
Squid Ink Productions
7600 131st Street
Seminole, FL 33776
The Madeira Beach WAVE is published 4 times a
year for the benefit of the Madeira Beach residents,
businesses and visitors. This newsletter is a
co-promotion of Squid Ink Productions and the City of
Madeira Beach. We will attempt to provide information
that is important and interesting to the residents and
businesses of Madeira Beach. The content of this
publication does not necessarily reflect the views,
opinions or policies of the City of Madeira Beach.
Squid Ink Productions
Editor & Art Director
Amy Verdensky
[email protected]
Jill Foraker (727) 422-6420
[email protected]
Contact Info
7600 131st Street • Seminole, FL 33776
(727) 216-6599 • Fax (727) 216-6602
[email protected]
Publication Dates
January • May • July • October
Is there something you would like to
see included in this newsletter?
Please send all comments
and suggestions to
[email protected]
City of Officials
Mayor Travis Palladeno...... (727) 394-8338
Dist. 1 Commissioner / Vice Mayor
Terry Lister ................... (727) 399-3624
[email protected]
Dist. 2 Commissioner
Nancy Hodges ............ (727) 393-6138
[email protected]
Dist. 3 Commissioner
Elaine Poe .................... (727) 368-7033
[email protected]
Dist. 4 Commissioner
Pat Shontz .................... (727) 392-2823
[email protected]
City Numbers
City Hall.........................................(727) 391-9951
300 Municipal Drive •
Mayor/City Commission
MAYOR - Travis Palladeno............................... (727) 394-8338
Terry Lister - D1................................................ (727) 399-3624
Nancy Hodges - D2.......................................... (727) 393-6138
Elaine Poe - D3................................................ (727) 368-7033
Pat Shontz - D4................................................ (727) 392-2823
City Manager - Shane Crawford............(727) 391-9951 ext 228
City Clerk Pro Tem - Aimee Servedio......(727) 391-9951 ext 249
Finance Director - Vincent Tenaglia......(727) 391-9951 ext 230
Community Development - Lynn Rosetti.. (727) 391-9951 ext 255
Fire Dept. - Derryl O’Neal, Fire Chief............... (727) 391-3400
Director of Central Services - Dave Mariscano...... (727) 399-2631
Recreation Department (200 Rex Place)........... (727) 392-0665
Little League..................................................... (727) 753-8616
Gulf Beaches Public Library............................. (727) 391-2828
Madeira Beach Marina..................................... (727) 399-2631
John’s Pass Village Association HOTLINE.......... (727)-394-0756
Emergencies..................................................................... 9-1-1
Sheriff’s Office.................................................. (727) 582-6200
Dispatch........................................................... (727) 582-6177
Post Office........................................................ (727) 394-2736
Electricity......................................................... (727) 443-2641
Water & Sewer................................................. (727) 464-4000
Trash / Pick up......................................(727) 391-9951 ext 229
Cable (Brighthouse).......................................... (727) 329-5020
Other Important Numbers
American Legion Post 273................................ (727) 391-3670
Gulf Beaches Kiwanis....................................... (727) 398-1360
Gulf Beaches Rotary Club................................. (727) 369-9886
VFW Post Holiday Isles..................................... (727) 397-3767
Mason Lodge.................................................... (727) 391-8073
Madeira Beach Social Club.............................. (727) 397-3434
Elks Lodge, Holiday Isles.................................. (727) 393-1545
Chamber of Commerce
Gulf Beaches................................................. (727) 360-6957
Clearwater Beach.......................................... (727) 447-7600
Treasure Island............................................... (727) 360-4121
County Information.......................................... (727) 464-3000
County Commission Offices............................. (727) 464-3377
John Morroni, Commissioner Dist 6.............. (727) 464-3614
State Senator Jeff Brandes................................. (727) 288-4727
P.O. Box 76276, St. Petersburg, FL 33734
State Representative Kathleen Peters................. (727) 656-3821
6860 Gulfport Blvd. #331 • South Pasadena, FL 33707
[email protected]
Governor Rick Scott.......................... [email protected]
First, I would like to thank all the citizens of Madeira Beach for
giving me the opportunity to continue to serve the community
as your Mayor.
I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the residents and
City Commissioners during the last three years and I look forward
to keeping our City moving in the right direction for years to come.
As the season of spring arrives, some of the projects underway
are: the ongoing stormwater repairs; City street repaving; and
continuing the beautification of our parks. The next phase
of planned projects includes: undergrounding the east- west
power lines on Gulf Boulevard; the re-paving of Gulf Boulevard by the Florida Department
of Transportation; completing our crosswalk islands; and installing new and decorative (and
straight☺) streetlight poles on Gulf Boulevard. Imagine the fresh look our beautiful City will
have when these projects are completed.
With the completion of the Archibald Park project and the reopening of the Snack Shack, this
will bring added revenue to our City and attract new and repeat visitors and residents. I am
delighted with the way the Park is progressing and it will give all of us a great place to enjoy
our pristine beaches and sunsets with our families.
As the City Hall Complex continues to rise from the ground we have already had contract
offers from the Pinellas County Sports Commission for a college team tournament series to
take place on our new softball fields starting in February 2015. The economic impact for our
City for this event will be considerable. This first series will boast 6 teams and will fill several
hundred hotel rooms along with filling our restaurants and businesses during a typical slow
tourist month.
As always, I am available to you and am happy to discuss the progress and issues in our City.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, and suggestions.
Travis Palladeno
Mayor of Madeira Beach
Greetings from the MAYOR .... Travis Palladeno
Hello Madeira Beach!
Travis Palladeno, Mayor
The Old Snack Shack
at Archibald Park
Here is a quick before and after shot
of the progress being made on the
Snack Shack.
We all can’t wait until
it re-opens!
Stormwater Reminder
12800 Village Drive - John’s Pass
Eat In - Take Out - Delivery
7 Days - 11am - 2am
$2 OFF
Any Large Pizza
We would like to remind you, that the catch
basins and grates you see on the sides of your
streets convey the stormwater runoff directly
into Boca Ciega Bay. Please do not put anything
into these drains that could harm the waters or
wildlife that depends on these waters. If you ever
see anyone introducing something suspect into
this system, please call our Code Compliance
Department at (727)391-9951 ext. 235 and
inform them.
It is illegal to dump toxic chemicals or waste into
storm drains or anywhere else that may expose
waste in the environment. To report illegal
dumping, call the City’s Stormwater department
at (727)399-2631 or the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection’s Division of Waste
Management at (813)632-7600 (Tampa).
Madeira Beach
Resident Discount
Take Out - Delivery Only
*Must Present this Ad
The Pizza
That Made
John’s Pass Famous
“Always ahead of the Pack
- Your Realtor for the Long Run”
Dana Allen, LLC
Realtor®, EPro
Direct: 813-495-1116
[email protected]
8424 4th Street N., Suite H • St. Petersburg, FL 33702
Please remember that your yard trimmings
should not be blown into the streets and
consequently down the stormdrains. Sometimes
your yard maintenance people overlook this in
an effort to ‘speed’ their jobs up. Do not let
them get you into trouble over this. Make sure
they sweep or vacuum up their debris.
Let’s coordinate all our activities in an effort to
keep our City a beautiful place to live.
Monthly Meeting Schedule
Florida Navtive,
Madeira Beach Resident
Commissioners Agenda
Setting Meeting ............................ 2nd Tuesday; 5:30pm
Board of Commissioners
Regular Meeting ................................ 2nd Tuesday; 6pm
Commission Meeting......................... 2nd Monday; 7pm
Special Magistrate
Code Enforcement........................ 2nd Wednesday; 2pm
Special Magistrate - Variance................. 4th Monday; 2pm
Library Board (at Library)....................... 4th Monday; 4pm
Board of Commissioners Workshop........ 4th Tuesday; 2pm
Civil Service Commission......................... Meets Quarterly
From the desk of the City Manager
Shane B. Crawford • City Manager 727-391-9951 ext. 228
[email protected]
Hello Citizens and Visitors of Madeira Beach!
We sure have had a flurry of activity in our great City lately! I hope you’re enjoying the
progress even though it can be loud and inconvenient at times! To everyone out there,
please be safe. Pedestrians, please look out for cars and to our motoring public, please
be aware of our pedestrians!
As you can see, our Marriott Hotel is progressing, our Publix grocery store has disappeared and preparation work has
already commenced for building the new one in its place. We also have seen an abundance of activity along Gulf
Boulevard with the Beach Club of Madeira being constructed, which is a condo club of 12 units with 3,000 square
feet per unit, and the Shoreline is constructing a substantial remodel and there are even more developments pending!
Also I’m happy to report that Archibald Park is nearing its final completion stages with the Snack Shack scheduled to
open up in the May/June timeframe.
Recently, we held a groundbreaking ceremony for the new City
Centre. The new City Centre will include a new City Hall, Fire
Station, small fitness center and banquet facility, Recreation Center,
large and small dog parks, and 3 college caliber softball diamonds.
In fact, the City was recently propositioned to host its first
tournament by the County Sports Commission! This tournament
is a NCAA Division 1 women’s softball tournament and will host
6 teams from all over the country! These teams arrive in the area
3-5 days prior to the tournament and each team alone will book
20 rooms not to mention family members and fans that follow
the teams. A conservative estimate is that 160 hotel rooms will be booked in Madeira Beach and our
surrounding area for just this one tournament. And although hotel room rentals are a major issue in regards to bed
tax, the impending economic impact includes these teams visiting Johns Pass and eating at our local restaurants and
visiting our local small businesses and yes, even parking in our parking lots. Also, these teams will be visiting from
the Midwest and Upper East Coast so not only do they arrive 3-5 days before the tournament but they also are in no
hurry to get home. Some teams linger behind to recreate and some schedule additional games with area colleges
because outdoor softball at that time of year back home is impossible. Please congratulate your City Commissioner
next time you see them on their vision to revitalize the existing fields into something that can host such an event and
have such a positive impact on your community.
That being said, during the construction of the new City Centre, we’ll have to cease normal activity on the softball
fields for the following year. Adult softball leagues have been relocated, little league practice will be at the Middle
School field and their games relocated to other area fields, and even our large fishing tournaments have had to be
displaced to a location east of the City Marina. No one likes change or transition but this is a necessary evil to get
to where we want to be with this project. As we’re sad to see everyone go, in a year it’ll be fantastic to see everyone
return. As always, if you have any questions or concerns in this regard, please contact me at my office.
The City seems in a flamboyant stage of development. However, some of the lesser flamboyant projects seem to get
forgotten. For the City of Madeira Beach, this is not the case. The City is in its final stages of evaluating its stormwater
fee based on the condition of the existing stormwater system. When this assessment/study is complete, we’ll be
able to put together a progressive and aggressive stormwater and road replacement/rehabilitation schedule based on
the City’s needs. The City recently applied and it appears that the City will be granted 50% funding for stormwater
projects in one significant quadrant of the City courtesy of the Southwest Florida Water Management District
(SFWMD). This means over a million dollars the City won’t have to levy for to get these projects completed. City
staff is working with our engineers to phase in our approach so we can apply for these dollars every funding cycle
and take advantage of those available grant dollars.
For those of you who haven’t seen, our new city website has been launched. See it at
You’ll note new features such as contacting code enforcement or filing a complaint or making a request of a certain
department. We’re always looking to improve so if you have any suggestions or questions, please contact us.
Please enjoy your spring season and we’ll talk to you again in the summertime.
Crabby’s Fishing Corner ....
Offshore: Spring and early Summer
will bring plenty of seasonal
opportunities for all anglers venturing
out into the gulf. For starters we will
have our usual run of pelagic species
starting when the water temperature reaches 68 degrees.
Large schools of bait like threadfins, sardines, cigar minnows
and blue runners will start showing up along the beaches and
artificial reefs. Where there is bait, there will be fish. Spanish
Mackerel usually show up first followed by Kingfish, Cobia,
Bonito and Barracuda. Artificial reefs are almost a guarantee
to find all of these species. Starting with the near shore reefs
such as Madeira, T.I., St. Pete and Indian Shores; then deeper
reefs like South County, Rube Allen, and T.I. 2. The key when
fishing these areas is to make sure you have decent water
clarity and schools of bait hanging around the structures.
Sabiki baits up and then put them back out using stinger rigs
attached to high line capacity reels with loose drags; the drag
should be set at no more than a few pounds. Let the fish run
to tire themselves out and be cautious of those toothy critters
while handling them. When fishing artificial reefs you must
realize how they are laid out. The G.P.S. number for the reef
is actually the center point of a rectangular shaped reef site
that has structure spread all around it. To get a better idea of
how the reef is shaped and where the large areas of structure
are at, you can go online and search Pinellas County Reefs
and even print out the reef sight to keep in your number book.
There are also waterproof charts available at the Madeira
Beach Marina for $16 that lists all the reefs and the structures
around them. This is a great time of year to get out on calm
days and find nonstop action.
Inshore: As the water temperatures rise, Snook will come
out of the creeks and canals where they spend the winter and
move toward the passes. They will be hungry and need to
fatten up for the summer spawn. The majority of the Snook
will start leaving the back waters when water temps reach the
high 60’s. Good areas to intercept these fish are around Bay
Pines,. from the mangroves and flats around the Veterans Park
to back in the bayou around the trail overpass and the K.O.A.
camp ground. These are great areas to explore in a canoe
or kayak. Live finger mullet are the top bait but in a kayak,
live baits can be a hassle. Artificials are much easier to use
and you can cover much more ground. Top waters, jigs and
shallow swimming plugs in either gold and black or red head
with white body are great colors in this tannic water.
More important than the color is the size of the lure. Try
whatever you have that is closest to the size of the finger
mullet in the area because snook can be very picky. For your
terminal, tackle 30lb fluorocarbon leader attached to 20lb
braid on a 4000 style spinner and 7’ medium heavy rod. Focus
your casts around structures such as fallen trees, oyster bars,
points, coves, drop offs and current rips. I like fishing these
areas on an incoming tide and make sure to keep checking
your bearings and locating some landmarks, things can start
looking very similar back in there.
If you have any fishing or boating questions feel free
to call or stop by the marina and we will be glad to help you
out. Thanks again for reading and a special thanks to all those
who participated in our 3rd Annual Great American Grunt
Hunt it was a great time for all. Now get out there and make
some fishing stories of your own!
Thank You,
Brian Crabtree
ALL YOU NEED for heading out...
LATITUDE: N 27 º 4 8 ’ 2 9 ” • LONGITUDE: W 82º 47’ 93”
FUEL *Non-Ethanol
Diesel, Unleaded, and Propane
WET SLIPS - Per month
Trailer and Boat Storage
Free Pump Out, 30 & 50 amp
Restrooms, Showers,
Coin-operated laundry
Monthly • Weekly • Daily
I.C.W. from John’s Pass,
one half mile north from
Green Marker # 9
I.C.W., on the south side of the
Tom Stuart Causeway, S.R. 666.
Under bridge, veer west.
727.399.2631• 503 150th Ave • Madeira Beach, FL 33708
We are just so amazed at the local
community and bond we have over fishing.
This event is so fun for the whole family. We
had a record breaking 284 anglers fishing
this year and the weather was beautiful.
The results as you can see were close! We
weighed in a total of 338 grunt this year. A
BIG Congrats goes out to Makenna Hunter –
it was her first tournament and she not only
took 1st in Youth, but also took 8th place
overall! What a way to start tournament
Next… we added a new division:
HOGFISH. We had just over under 50
anglers add this optional entry fee on to fish
for Hogfish. We had 15 show back up to the
scales to weigh in and Shelby Ladd took 1st
place with a 5.32 lb fish. Congratulations
Now… if you weren’t out there you missed
one of the best OLD SCHOOL fresh fish
frys! Madeira Beach Marina put on this
awesome event. Only $7 a plate and they
were filleting the fish as fast as everyone
was eating it. A special THANK you goes
out to Brian Crabtree who relentlessly
filleted fish for hours. Everyone worked
together to put on a great family day!
Thank you to our fine sponsors that helped
make all this possible:
PRO Marine USA, Old Salt Fishing
Foundation, Sweetwater Brewing Co,
Delosa’s Pizza, Southern Nights Seafood,
Fisherman’s Ideal Supply House, Snappers
Sea Grill, Aylesworth Fish & Bait, Bett’s
Fishing Center, Dogfish Tackle and
See all the event photos and info on our
facebook page: /greatamericangrunthunt
Madeira Beach MARINA ....... Events and Fishing
The 3rd Annual Great American
Grunt Hunt was a HUGE SUCCESS!
Parking Permits
Residents of the City will be permitted to park in City-owned parking
facilites without charge, subject to
the following limitations:
Travis Palladeno
Commissioner of District 2
Nancy Hodges
To the Residents of Madeira Beach:
A heartfelt THANK YOU for your support
and confidence in re-electing us to serve as
your Commissioner and Mayor
in the upcoming years. We pledge to
continue our hard work in keeping the
City of Madeira Beach on course.
Political advertisement paid for and approved by Travis Palladeno, for Mayor
of Madeira Beach and Political advertisement paid for and approved by Nancy
Hodges for Commissioner District 2 Madeira Beach
• Residents will be issued annual decals by the City upon
showing proof of residency and vehicle ownership.
• Decals will be issued free of charge.
• Decals will only be valid in City-owned parking lots
and beach access lots during posted hours of operation
(6:00AM until Midnight, except Kitty Stuart Park which
closes at 10:00PM)
• Decals are nontransferable and cannot be placed on any
other vehicle.
• Decals are not valid at the Pinellas County Park, located
at Gulf Boulevard and 145th Avenue
Drivers License with Madeira Beach Street Address; Voters
Registration Card; Real Estate Tax Bill; Lease Agreement of
6 months or longer.
Please Call Gwen Sinkfield at 727-391-9951 ext 244 for
information on how to obtain a Public Parking Permit
July 4 event
returns to
Archibald Park
Newly renovated
Archibald Park will
once again be the site
of the city of Madeira
Beach’s Fourth of July celebration. City Manager
Shane Crawford announced at the March 4 city
commission workshop that a much-touted plan to
move the event to John’s Pass is off.
Same Day Service / Open Sat.
24 hr. Emergency Service
All major credit cards accepted
A/C Service Inc.
The COOL Choice Since 1986
Lic# CAC055503
Boating Safety Course
The 1st Saturday of the Month the US
Coast Guard Auxillary Flotilla 11-3 offer
a Safety course.
To sign up or get info to online here: or email:
[email protected]
*Completetion of this safety course may qualitfy you
for a discount on boating insurance.
Fire Department Programs
holds classes or gives lectures to the public concerning fire prevention and
disaster (hurricane) planning. A great amount of time goes to educating
our school children each year.
prepares, publishes, and updates the City’s Emergency Management Plan,
which includes all City departments, re-entry, and recovery. The Fire
Department coordinates the evacuation of special-needs citizens.
EMERGENCY MEDICAL CALLS: Pinellas County Emergency Medical
Services has a consolidated, county-wide training program. Through this
continuing-education training program, our paramedics and emergency
medical technicians get up-to-date training to make all personnel more
efficient and knowledgeable.
Madeira Beach Rec. Summer Camp 2014
Summer Camp begins Monday June 9th and Ends Friday August 15th.
Registration Begins April 1st $25.00 Registration fee due upon sign-up.
Resident of Madeira Beach: $75/week, additional siblings $65/week
Non-Residents of Madeira Beach: $100/week, additional siblings $90/week
The 1st Annual
Madeira Beach and Mangrove Clean-up
Hosted by
US Coast Guard Auxiliary Madeira Beach Flotilla 11-3
The City of Madeira Beach
Saturday May 17, 2014
Meet at the
Madeira Beach Municipal Marina
9:00 am-1:00 pm
Bring your Hats, Gloves & Suntan Lotion
Help us keep our beaches and mangroves beautiful!
Mobile Grooming
Serving The Beach Area For Over 16 Years
Professional, Convenient And Reliable Service
Fully Insured Self Contained Van
Owner Operated No Hidden Fees
Curbside Service At Your Home Or Office
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ple and
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a special
Jennifer has
with my Tiff
ls her van into
When she pul any’s tail
my driveway
r is a
g. Jen
starts waggin
dog’s best frie
- Ma
$5 Off
Jennifer Hoffer
May 1st - 2nd - 3rd
Held at 565 150th Ave • Madeira Beach
(Next to Tom Stewart Causeway)
Kingfish Tournament & Weigh-In
Live Concert Friday Night - 8pm
Eagles Tribute Band
Boat Showcase, Marine Vendors, Arts & Crafts
Over 12 Local Food vendors
Kids Zone & Kid’s Fishing Rodeo
Calendar of Local Events
Purple Haze Customer Party (Madeira Way) ............................................................................. 12th
Wild West Kingfish Tournament Leg 2 (John’s Pass)..................................................................... 26th
more info at
Old Salts KING of the BEACH (565 150th Ave - Madeira) ...................................................... 1-3rd
Fishing Tournament and Food Festival; go to for more info
12th Annual John LeVique Pirate Days (John’s Pass)................................................................9-11th
A pirate’s ball, a sea battle and boat parade, a walking parade, a family treasure hunt,
costume contests, a pub crawl and
Beach & Mangrove Clean Up (Marina)......................................................................................17th
Old Salts & 102.5 Bone Fishing Slam (200 Rex Place - Madeira)) .........................................12-14th
Fishing Tournament and Food Festival; go to for more info
Mad Beach Car Show (Madeira Way)......................................................................................... 21st
Classic Car Show, Live Music, Food and Drink
$5 Lunch
MonDay thru Friday (11am-3pm)
Daily happy hour
(11am-7pm) Mon-Fri
$1.75 Drafts • $2.75 wells • $3.75 House Wines
All Direct TV Sports
book your private parties
Live Music Daily
Pool Tables
Flat Screen TVs
Open-Air Outdoor Dining
Select Pay-Per-View Packages!
Live Music
Direct TV Sports
Tampa Bay’s premiere sports pub & grille
now servicing Countryside, Clearwater Beach and Madeira Beach
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Three Great Locations!
Madeira Beach
15000 Madeira Way
Madeira Beach, FL
11am - 12am (Sun. - Thurs.)
11am - 1am (Fri. & Sat.)
Clearwater Beach
483 Mandalay Ave.
Clearwater Beach, FL
11am - 3am
7 Days a Week
26111 US HWY 19 N
Clearwater, FL
11am - 1am (Sun. - Thurs.)
11am - 3am (Fri. & Sat.)