Revista March/April 2013 1 City + Guilds Joiner 25 yrs experience Doors, Windows, Persianas, Kitchen, Timber Flooring, Pools Painting etc. For free estimate Tel: 618515753 972250318 Email: [email protected] “All aspects of building work undertaken” 2 Dear Members, Spring seems to be a long time coming this year. We have had loads of Tramuntanas and recently the temperature has dropped dramatically. Don and I decided to try and find some winter sunshine and went to Fuerteventura in The Canaries. On Page 34, I have written a short article about our experiences in particular the very good park and fly deal at a hotel in Barcelona. We had major changes to the first 2 events of the year. Due to the Spanish Regulations regarding associations we changed our financial year to run January—December. This meant delaying the AGM until January. We had our meeting in the downstairs part of The Sotavent. 11 members attended and there were a wide range of discussions the minutes will be published on the web site shortly. The second event of the year was our Valentines Day Dinner. There is a full report of the event on page 16 together with lots of photos. I am pleased to say that both events went very well. Yet another change will happen on 1st April. Instead of our normal Easter Bonnet lunch, we (in fact it will be me) will be organising a picnic at Els Angels near Girona. Details are being finalised but you can contact me if you are interested in joining us for a fun day out Our “Cancer Awareness” activities are now starting to take off, see pages 46/4. More activities are being planned so we should be able to raise a significant amount of money. We will be talking to cancer based organisations both in L’Escala and Girona to establish whether there are any specific needs. Clearly this year we are focusing a lot of work for “Cancer Awareness” but we do have funds available for other causes. If you know of any specific needs in the Emporda region do please contact a committee member. Best Wishes, Mary 3 Editorial Firstly I would like to thank everybody for their kind concern over Gail. We have had lots of cards, flowers and phone calls. We now have to trek to Figueres hospital 4 times a week for physiotherapy which is slowly helping. We have a varied group of articles in this issue of The Revista. We seem to be living in strange political times. Apart from the numerous scandals in various countries in Europe. I feel that all the current politicians have lost touch with the day to day reality that many people are currently facing. Nuria Heras from The Yes Language School has written a thought provoking piece on page 12. The situation with satellite TV is still ongoing. Geoff Martin has written a short article on his experiences of using internet based TV/ Radio. It is nice to see Jacqy Harding is back with her recipes using Tarragon. I have bought some Russian Tarragon seed which I have not grown before. According to all my books Russian Tarragon is not as good as French so I will try and get some French Tarragon and do a comparison later on in the year. The changes in taxation reporting of assets is getting a great deal of attention from financial advisers. Obviously they are trying to sell their services but I do believe that you ignore this legislation at your peril. The fines for not complying are punitive. The message appears to be “If you are a Spanish Resident with assets abroad worth more than 50,000 Euros then you must declare the to the Spanish taxation authorities. There are a number of sales type seminars being organised so if you think you may be affected it might be worth attending. ……… And just to add to our woes there is an article regarding the renewal of our residency permits on page 8. My thanks to Judy and Des Sherriff for highlighting this article for us. Do please contact me regarding anything concerning the magazine at:- [email protected]. John Sienczak DISCLAIMER The British Society of Catalunya can not be held responsible for the legality, accuracy or quality of the services offered by the advertisers in the publicity of The Revista . Whoever engages any of the advertised services does so at their own cost and risk. British Society of Catalunya no se hace responsable de la legalidad, exactitud o cualidad de los servicios ofrecidos por los anunciantes en la publicidad de la Revista. Quienquiera que contrate alguno de los servicios anunciados4lo hace por su cuenta y riesgo. Baskerville Advisers S.L. Paseo de Gracia 63, Principal, 2ª, 08008 Barcelona, España Tel : +34 93 665 8596 – Fax : +34 93 487 6054 Resident in Spain? Worried about new asset reporting regulations? In respect of the new obligations regarding declaring Income Tax, that must be adhered to by the 30th April 2013, Christopher Burke (The Spectrum IFA Group) and Núria Clavera (Abogada) are holding an informative coffee morning in Hotel Llevant in Llafranc, on Tuesday 12th March at 11am to explain your requirements and the submission process. Due to the severity of the potential penalties, Christopher and Nuria will be available to answer any questions after a short presentation on the facts. Assets to be declared include: • Accounts held with financial institutions • All types of immovable property (real estate) and rights over such property • Shares and securities • Life insurance policies • Temporary or lifetime income generated from the lending of money, rights or other assets (including immovables) to foreign entities. All are welcome to attend, though to ensure sufficient refreshments please RSVP to Michael Thomas on the following details: Office; +34 936652828 Mobile; +34 655432574 [email protected] Amsterdam Luxembourg Lausanne Paris Côte d’Azur Barcelona Costa Blanca Costa del Sol Madrid Algarve « The Spectrum IFA Group » is a registered trademark, exclusive rights to use in Spain granted to Baskerville Advisers S.L. CIF B-63/137.020., Domiciliación: Paseo de Gracia 63, Principal, 2ª, 08008 Barcelona Registro Mercantil de Barcelona, Tomo 35489, Folio 170, Sección 8, Hoja B-269534 5 Correduría de Seguros No de registro RDGS J2306; Seguro responsabilidad civil AIG Europe No 0131900503.1330 By bye BeebCould this be the end of life here as we know it? Geoff Martin I was at a party several months ago chatting to a (normally) jovial Andrew Taylor….he casually introduced the sentence “What are you going to do when the BBC disappears..” into an otherwise innocuous conversation. As this seemed just a throwaway comment-at the time I did not take this too seriously-he is a well-known serial joker (ask his wife Lynn!) so it wasn’t until a few days later that I investigated his warning and found to my horror that the BBC website was indeed forecasting the disappearance of our favourite “Auntie Beeb”. It seems all our UK favourite channels (radio and TV) are migrating to a new satellite which boasts an improved footprint over Blighty but deleterious to all of us ex-pat Brits in Europe. I don’t know about other BSC members/residents/ casual visitors/holidaymakers-but if the BBC goes –I feel that a slice of life here will vanish too! How else can we sit here gloating in the glorious Spanish sunshine while we watch cold British weather on BBC news Catching up on Corrie/Strictly/BBC Brekky and others will be impossible The thought of having to watch Spanish (or worse still) Catalan TV fills me with dread! “The Good Life” whether it be a repeat program or our ex-pat existence will both disappear 6 Possible solutions What is the answer then I hear you cry? On your behalf I have questioned those” in the know”- Clive Shaddick and Andrew Goldcrown-our two resident satellite tv experts –they might perhaps be termed the two dishiest men on the Costa Brava!? Their consensus seems to be that at the present time there is no way of knowing what the ramifications of the new satellite will be. Current equipment might be ok –or a weaker signal may need a larger dish. An alternative I am experimenting with is internet TV. Clive has kindly recommended a free internet site: which is excellent-it offers all the channels that may disappear plus many other channels such as Bikini TV or Brain Damage TV! Also I have just changed my telephone and internet provider and for around 18 € we get British-operated broadband; cheaper telephone calls; cheap calls from the UK to us here and internet TV-viewable on a laptop. Also for 160€ they will supply a set-top box to view UK channels on our main telly. If you want details of this please contact me. Please note that to stream TV over the net your download speed needs to be 2.2 Mbps minimum. If you do not know your download speed-log in here to test it: . My speed in L’Escala is just about OK at 2.6 Mbps-which is fairly pathetic as we have 70 Mbps in the UK! Happy viewing! 7 RESIDENCE PERMIT (RESIDENCIA) The latest Taken from Prestige magazine issued by Bank Sabadell Do I have to renew my certificate of registration? We have received a number of letters from European Union citizens residing in Spain who have the same complaint and ask the same basic question. “With reference to your article in the Autumn issue of Prestige about the new requirements for European Citizens who want to reside in Spain, you stated that persons who already hold the certificate of Registration would not be affected. You pointed out that the certificate has no expiry date and would not have to be renewed. Now the National Police office here says the certificate expires after five years and must be renewed. Even worse, they say that we must meet the new requirements to show proof of sufficient income and a private medical insurance if we are not entitled to the Spanish Social Security. Can this be correct? (Various Letters) UNFORTUNATELY it is correct. After five years you must renew your certificate and meet the new requirements. Yes, we said in the Autumn article that persons who already hold the Certificate of Registration would not be affected. We were wrong. When the new requirements came into effect in July by Ministry Order 1490 0f9 July 2012, the authorities themselves said that present holders of the certificate would not be affected because the certificate does not expire. Then they changed their minds and declared that it must be renewed after five years. Some annoyed EU residents have already asked the information service of the European Commission about the demand. They replied that the certificatehas no expiry date and does not need renewing. Their answer goes on to say that, if the Spanish authorities are requiring EU citizens to renew their registration certificates, “This would appear to be incompatible with both the Directive and the Spanish transposition measure (RD 240/07).” Here they are referring to European Union Directive 2004/38 which abolishes residence “permits” for EU citizens, and to the Spanish Royal Decree 240/2007, which transposes the Directive into Spanish law. RESIDENTS IN SPAIN MUST OBEY SPANISH RULES If you wish to continue residing legally in Spain, you must follow the Spanish regulations, even if they are in conflict with EU rulings. So you should renew your certificate after five years and meet the new requirements. You have the right to protest to the European Commission. Answer provided by David Searl, author of ‘You and the Law in Spain’ Many thanks to Des and Judy Sherriff who highlighted this article for The 8 Revista Looking for insurance for your English or Spanish Car? ! Don’t look any further! Apart form insuring your Spanish vehicles, we can also insure cars from England, Holland & Denmark with their original number plates. We maintain your no claims bonus up to 65% with a certificate from your old insurance company. Policy’s can be printed out in English, so you have no problems understanding the small print. We look for the best price & cover within a big range of insurance company’s we work with. Tired of not being able to communicate with your actual insurance agent, broker, or company? So get insured with Sammy Thomas S.L.U Insurance Brokers. Sammy is originally from Doncaster, England based in Girona since 1990 and has a Master in General Insurance & Administration of Business. We also insure: Businesses, Home, Life, Civil & Public Liability, Health, Accidents, Boat, Savings policies, Community blocs, Cars, Bikes etc… CALL US ON 972-221639 AND ASK FOR SAMMY THOMAS Sammy Thomas S.L.U Plaza Marqués de Camps 9-10 Entlo 1ª, 17001 Girona Spain Fax: 972-204038 Email: [email protected] Sammy Thomas SLU Núm. registre DGPFA J387GC Col·legiat Núm. 68554 Concertada Pòlissa RC Professional segons l’article 27.1 e) i acreditada la capacitat financera segons l’article 27.1 f) (Llei 26/2006, de 17 de juliol, de mediació d’assegurances i reassegurances 9 Garden Notes John Sienczak January and February are usually quiet times in the garden. Here in L’Escala we certainly had some wild tramuntanas and the end of February has been absolutely freezing. Nevertheless, I have managed to sow some seeds and most of them have come up. I like to sow and grow on seedlings in trays/pots before planting them out. My cold frame is full of Peas, Carrots, Onions and Leeks. I have also made use of my heated propagator to raise some Chillies, Peppers and Tomatoes. The only issue now is how to keep them warm during this cold snap. Last year I invited people to grow sweet peas in a competitive way. Only John Sturgeon and Roger Arndell responded so instead we are just comparing notes with each other. I have to say John and Roger are doing much better than me. They both tell me that they have had very successful germination and the plants are doing well. I have had a disastrous year. Very few seeds have germinated for me. I plan to take some photographs of all our plants and will publish them in the next issue of The Revista. I enjoy trying to germinate seed from vegetables that we have bought. Recently, I was preparing a meal using some of those large block red 10 peppers. Rather than throw the seeds away, I decided to try and sow them. I am not quite sure why, but I decided to sow a whole tray full of seeds probably thinking that most of them will not germinate. Lo and behold they all seem to have germinated! See picture. I also am trying to germinate some Avocado stones. I think this will be a long term project as nothing much seems to be happening yet. The raised “Square Foot” vegetable beds are still empty apart from the garlic which is doing very well ,despite the weather. I have put some fleece down to try and warm the soil up a bit but I feel it is still too cold to plant out or direct sow any seeds. Hopefully March will warm up and I can really get going. In the last issue of The Revista I was musing on whether the many bulbs I had planted in 2011 would re-appear. I was clearly far too impatient and the daffodils are all pushing up bravely as you can see from the picture. No sign of many tulips yet, but again I am probably being far too impatient. 11 JOBS, STATUS AND LOSING EVERYTHING Nuria Heras—Yes Language School Our country is going through hard times: the unemployment rate soaring, mortgages cannot be faced, corruption is everywhere; and all these leading to no perspectives of growth in the near future, despair, frustration and unnecessary suicides. After more than 20 years of porno stars and mafia insiders in the Parliament, Italians are excited about the new face appeared to battle over Berlusconi and Monti’s years of corruption and technocracy: Beppe Grillo, a former comedian! And I wonder: do we need our national Mr. Bean to face all this nonsense happening nowadays? Do we need to clean up all this political class and start from scratch? Spain was banned from democracy for 39 years. Most of us do not appreciate how hard it might have been not to be able to fight against something which cannot be changed, that has already been decided or has no turning back. Our grandparents still remember it and cannot believe we can be sitting on a sofa watching the news, and not jumping out and camping in front of the parliament to show our total disagreement with the incidents which have been happening in the last months. Betrayal, greed, bribery or illicit enrichment… seem to be the most fashionable activities our politicians or some members of the monarchy are taking up: people with a recognized status or prestige, people with no need to be in the front pages for this reason. All these while other people are struggling to pay for their home, people who do not see the light at the end of the tunnel, people who could do with some help and understanding. Yet none of these politicians have even thought that they can resign, …………………………..yes, they can! 12 Home Insurance policies in English Home insurance is the type of policy one sometimes takes granted for, but your home is where you have placed all of your personal belongings and money over the years. Here in Spain everybody sells insurance! But does your house have the policy you deserve or really want o need? Our aim is to find for you the policy to cover every important detail possible. From Robbery, water damage, electrical induct, etc.. We guarantee to look for the best price & cover within a big range of insurance company’s we work with. Tired of not being able to communicate with your actual insurance agent, broker or company? Trust in us you won’t be disappointed. Sammy is from Doncaster, England based in Girona since 1990 and has a Master in Life & General Insurance. We also insure: Business, Life, Civil & Public Liability, Health Care, Accidents, Boat, Investment plans, Community blocs, Cars, Bikes etc… CALL US ON 972-221639 AND ASK FOR SAMMY THOMAS Sammy Thomas S.L.U Plaza Marqués de Camps 9-10 Entlo 1ª, 17001 Girona Spain Fax: 972-204038 Email: [email protected] Sammy Thomas SLU Núm. registre DGPFA J387GC Col·legiat Núm. 68554 Concertada Pòlissa RC Professional segons l’article 27.1 e) i acreditada la capacitat financera segons l’article 27.1 f) (Llei 26/2006, de 17 de juliol, de mediació d’assegurances i reassegurances 13 Albert Iglesias Sale and repair of personal computers ADSL, Virus, Upgrades We speak English Call 600 66 10 67 (l’Escala) or C/ MORENETA, 4 17130 L'ESCALA, 14 15 Here we are again 14th February and it is time for the BSCE Valentines Dinner/ Dance……………………………. WHAT HAPPENED NO DINNER/DANCE!!!!!!! AN EVENING MEAL AT LA GRUTA!!!!! HAS THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT ENDED???? WHO KNOWS IF THE MEMBERS WILL SURVIVE THIS CHANGE Well, we need not have worried. 48 of us arrived at the restaurant La Gruta in L’Escala. June had organised the tables beautifully. A long stemmed red rose for every lady and a neat little red parcel containing 2 heart shaped chocolates. The staff at La Gruta managed to get pre-dinner drinks served and eventually we sat down. As usual we had an excellent meal. The wine flowed along with the conversation and judging by the clean plates everyone enjoyed their meals. Pat Sturgeon and Lynn Taylor organised the usual raffle and I think every table managed to have at least one winner. John Sturgeon had organised a quiz sheet for each table. The questions certainly generated a lot of discussions on our table but it did not improve our scores very much. Table 3 won. You can view the quiz questions at Mary Clark thanked the restaurant and the chef was given a well deserved round of applause. Mary also summarised the up-coming events from BSCE. Overall another excellent BSCE event that I am sure will be repeated in future years. We managed to raise 277 Euros. Many thanks to the organisers and everybody who attended John Sienczak 16 17 18 …. 19 Cancer Walk 23rd March 2013 Walk from L’Estartit to L’Escala This is the 3rd year of running this successful event. We need people who are prepared to walk and who can give support on the day. Please contact June Joyce at 972 77 2585 or email [email protected] GARAGING & STORAGE INSPECTION PIT FOR HIRE HOURLY, DAILY & LONG TERM RATES Office hours: 10.00hrs to 18.00hrs TEL: 972488749 & 972772746 MOB: 627014357 & 617918523 [email protected] 20 COSTA BRAVA LADIES Wednesday 8th May 2013 Robert’s Restaurant l’Estartit Coffee Morning 10.00 until 13.30 You buy the coffee and the cake is free Clothes and Cake Sale Cakes Jewellery Make-up Fashion accessories Shoes, handbags etc. Raffle Prizes 10% of takings will go to “Cancer Awareness”. If you have a nice outfit you no longer like, wear or need (must be clean) bring it along with your name and price. If possible please bring hangers & clothes rail Call Mary Hepworth on 972 66 78 56 21 March, Gemstone : Bloodstone Flower : Jomquil The name of March comes from ancient Rome, when March was the first month of the year and named Martius after Mars or Ares, the Greek god of war. In Rome, March was the first month of spring, a logical point for the beginning of the year as well as the start of the military campaign season. January became the first month of the calendar year either under King Numa Pompilius (c. 713 BC) or under the Decemvirs about 450 BC (Roman writers differ). The numbered year began on March 1 in Russia until the end of the 15th century. Great Britain and its colonies continued to use March 25 until 1752, when they ultimately adopted the Gregorian calendar. Many other cultures and religions still celebrate the beginning of the New Year in March. The Anglo-Saxons called the month Hlyd monath which means Stormy month, or Hraed monath which means rugged month. All through Lent the traditional games played are marbles and skipping. The games were stopped on the stroke of twelve noon on Good Friday, which in some places was called Marble Day or Long Rope Day. The game of marbles has been played for hundreds of years and some historians say that it might have been started by rolling eggs. In the past, round stones, hazelnuts, round balls of baked clay and even cherry stones have been used. One of the flowers most associated with March is the narcissus (Wild daffodil). Named after the boy in Greek mythology, who was changed into a flower. Narciccus is also known as Lent Lily because it blooms in early spring and the blooms usually dropping before Easter. It is the main daffodil species of Britain. March weather lore has many old sayings 'When March comes in like a lion it goes out like a lamb.' 'A dry March and a wet May Fill barns and bays with corn and hay.' 'As it rains in March so it rains in June.' 'March winds and April showers Bring forth May flowers.' Editors Note: The most important thing about March is that it is my Birthday along with one of my grandsons and my second cousin in Poland. In fact we all share the same 22 birthday. April, Gemstone: Diamond Flower: Daisy or Sweet Pea April was the second month of the Roman calendar, before January and February were added by KingNuma Pompilius about 700 BC. It became the fourth month of the calendar year (the year when twelve months are displayed in order) during the time of the decemvirs about 450 BC, when it also was given 29 days. The derivation of the name (Latin Aprilis) is uncertain. The traditional etymology is from the Latin aperire, "to open," in allusion to its being the season when trees and flowers begin to "open," which is supported by comparison with the modern Greek use of ἁνοιξις (anoixis) (opening) for spring. Since some of the Roman months were named in honor of divinities, and as April was sacred to the goddess Venus, the Festum Veneris et Fortunae Virilis being held on the first day, it has been suggested that Aprilis was originally her month Aphrilis, from her equivalent Greek goddess name Aphrodite (Aphros), or from the Etruscan name Apru. The Anglo-Saxons called April Oster-monath or Eostur-monath. The Venerable Bede says in The Reckoning of Time that this monthEostur is the root of the word Easter. He further states that the month was named after a goddess Eostre whose feast was in that month. St George's day is the twenty-third of the month; and St Mark's Eve, with its superstition that the ghosts of those who are doomed to die within the year will be seen to pass into the church, falls on the twenty-fourth April begins with a day of fun and jokes - April Fool's Day. No one really knows when this custom began but it has been kept for hundreds of years. The First of April, some do say Is set apart for All Fools Day; But why the people call it so, Not I, nor they themselves do know. Various April dates are called 'Cuckoo Day ' and some places hold 'Cuckoo Fairs'. Marsden Cuckoo Day in West Yorkshire is an annual traditional festival that celebrates the arrival of spring. According to a local legend, Marsdeners used to try to prolong the cuckoo's stay by building a wall around its nest. Heathfield Cuckoo Fair in East Sussex is an annual tradition of releasing a cuckoo to mark the beginning of summer. A tale of Heathfield Fair depicts an Old Woman releasing the Cuckoo from her basket, whereupon he "flies up England carrying warmer days with him". Downton Cuckoo Fair is an annual traditional event held on the greens of 23 the picturesque village of Downton, south of Salisbury, Wiltshire. The fair marks "opening the gate" to let the cuckoo through. “Close up and Personal” Roger Arndell COMMON WALL LIZARD. This is a very active lizard that is seen in local gardens for most of the year. They can be seen in the winter months during spells of warm sunny weather. It is up to 8cm long with a tail over twice the length of the body. In southern Europe it has an extremely varied pattern. It is basically brown or grey with thin stripes on the back. It likes dry rocky places, especially sunny banks. It runs on walls, rocks and tree trunks and is the most common lizard around houses. 24 GREEN LIZARD . The photographs of the Green Lizard were taken in Central France. It is up to 13cm long with a tail twice its body length. It likes dense vegetation especially with bushes which it often climbs. Eats some fruit and even birds eggs as well as insects. 25 MOORISH GECKO. This local Gecko is mainly nocturnal but active by day in cooler months. likes rocks, walls and in buildings. Will often be seen lurking near lights to capture insects. It is up to 7cm with tail about the same length with pads extending all along the toes. From Wikipedia, “Tarentola mauritanica is a species of gecko (Gekkonidae) native to the Western Mediterranean region of Europe and North Africa and widely introduced to North America and Asia. It is commonly observed on walls in urban environments, mainly in warm coastal areas, though it can spread inland - especially in Spain. A robust species, up to 150 millimeters long, its tubercles are enlarged and give the species a spiny armored appearance “ 26 Catalan News Taken from The Catalan News Agency Cowboys, criminals and superheroes: the main attractions at the 31st edition of the Barcelona International Comic Fair This year’s edition of the Catalan comic exhibition has chosen Westerns as one of its main themes but also includes retrospective exhibitions of superheroes like 'Superman', 'The Avengers' and the 'X-Men'. Another focus of the Comic Fair is the presence of authors and cartoonists from last year’s edition along with different types of conferences and cultural and artistic activities. International artists such as Manu Lacernet, Guy Delisle, Liniers and Lorena Canottiere have confirmed their participation at the event which will be held from the 11th to the 14th of April. __________________________________________________ _Works begin at Tarragona’s Paleochristian Necropolis, the most important one of the Western Mediterranean Tarragona (ACN).- Restoration work at the Paleochristian Necropolis of Tarragona, declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 2000, started at the end of January and are expected to end by May. The Early Christian cemetery of Tarragona is mostly a third century funerary site, although it also contains ruins dating between the first (Roman times) and seventh century (Visigoth period). It is located in the city’s suburbs, near the Francolí River. It is the most important cemetery of the Western Mediterranean and due to its importance and uniqueness, the City Hall has decided to make it accessible to the public again. The space has remained closed since 1992. ______________________________________________ Continued at page 29/….. 27 28 …./from page 27 The Mediterranean diet reduces by 6% the risk of developing breast cancer CNA / Elise Griset Barcelona (CNA) - Researchers at the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) have led the largest epidemiological study conducted in the world about breast cancer and nutrition. The study has taken samples from 1992 to 2000, including 335,062 women between 35 and 70 years old. Findings show that the Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of breast cancer by 6% among women and by 7% among post-menopausal women. Furthermore, for tumours with negative hormone receptors of oestrogen and progesterone, the risk drops by 20%. The study has involved 23 centres in 10 European countries and it has been published in the ‘International Journal of Cancer’. —————————————————————————————— The Mobile World Hub is to open its doors in June in Barcelona’s technological district 22@ The platform, which is aiming to become one of the world’s main hubs for companies working within the mobile and cell phone-related industry, will start its activities in the Catalan capital in June. The Mobile World Hub aims “to transform Barcelona and Catalonia into the best mobile framework” to enhance entrepreneurship, develop business projects, attract talent, create knowledge and become one of the main world centres of the mobile industry. In addition, it will also work to make of Barcelona an international lighthouse hosting the regulation and standardization bodies for the mobile industry. The Mobile World Hub will be located in the MediaTIC Building, a high-tech venue in the Catalan capital’s Poblenou neighbourhood. The announcement comes five days before the Mobile World Con29 gress kicks off. October 3rd 2012 Treasure Hunt/Car Rally and Ten pin bowling tournament November. We somehow managed not to report on the treasure hunt and the bowling tournament held last year. It was a beautiful day when we all congregated in the Carrefour car park in L’Escala. With his usual efficiency Andrew sent us off at intervals so that we did not just follow each other around. Armed with our clue sheets we set off and toured the lovely countryside in The Emporda. How Andrew managed to find some of the routes is hard to imagine. We went through lovely villages looking at bus timetables, trying to find the names of businesses and services that were on offer in various buildings and locations. etc The journey took us about 3 hours. We were all amazed at how quickly the time went. We were met in the car park at St Feliu de Boada by our 2 Mexican? event organisers pictured above. Not satisfied with making us look for clues, when we arrived at the restaurant there was a further quiz to be answered! 30 Nevertheless, we all had a very enjoyable day and finished up with an excellent menu del dia in St Feliu de Boada. A truly excellent day out and many thanks to Lynn and Andrew for their hard work in organising the day. After much nagging from both Andrew and Lynn, I was persuaded to attend the Bowling Evening. We all had to change into “Bowling Shoes" and a range of Cold Meats, Cheeses and Olives were served together with drinks from the bar. We were all put into teams and the bowling commenced. In my case the ball seemed to have a mind of its own and very few pins were actually knocked over. The games were split over 2 sessions and in the interval we were served an excellent hot meal. At the end of the first session I was last. Clearly my fingers had developed a knack and at the end of the second session I was second to last! . Phil Hodgson then presented the various prizes. Whilst I am clearly never going to be a bowling expert I thoroughly enjoyed the evening. From the very bad memory of John Sienczak 31 The Revista Recipe THE USE OF TARRAGON Hello everyone. I hope you enjoyed the festive season. Now I wish you all a Happy New Year and hope that it will be a good one. For this issue I would like to give you a few tips on the usage of TARRAGON / ESTRAGON Like basil and dill, tarragon has an addictive flavour – meaning that once used it is hard to imagine life without. Tarragon is an essential ingredient in the French fine herbs mixture added to egg dishes, chicken, fish and shellfish. The best way to preserve is to pick the leaves and let them dry naturally on a rack. Then store when completely dry in an airtight container. Of course dried tarragon can be purchased in any supermarket. Tarragon vinegar makes an excellent mayonnaise for potato salad and of course is an essential ingredient to a béarnaise sauce. Just to whet your appetite I will give you a couple of recipes using Tarragon. STEWED BROAD BEANS WITH TARRAGON Serves 4 The ideal time to make this simple dish is when the broad beans are young and tender but today there are a variety of beautiful frozen beans which can be found in the freezer section at the supermarket. You will need: 450 grams shelled broad beans 85g / 3oz butter 3 strips of lemon zest Garlic +love – bruised and finely chopped Leaves from 4 – 5 sprigs of fresh tarragon – chopped Salt and freshly ground pepper This is what you do: Bring a pan of slightly salted water to the boil and drop in the broad beans. When the water is just about to boil again, drain the beans in a colander and refresh under running cold water (blanching) Gently melt the butter in a saucepan and add the garlic and lemon zest. Stir in the broad beans and tarragon. Season with salt and pepper – warm through and serve. NB This dish is particularly good with spring lamb or boiled gammon 32 POACHED CHICKEN WITH LEMON AND TARRAGON SAUCE Serves 4 You will need: 300ml dry white wine 1 small fennel- sliced or 2 sticks of celery – sliced 1 large carrot – cut into batons 2 sprigs each of thyme, rosemary and tarragon 2 - 3 bay leaves 100g / 4oz smoked bacon lardons Freshly grated black pepper to taste 1 tbsp bouillon powder or 2 chicken stock cubes 2kg / 4 ½ lb whole chicken 1 onion – skinned and quartered For the Sauce: 2 egg yolks 142ml pot double cream Handful fresh tarragon – chopped 1 tsp corn flour Juice of a lemon This is what you do: Put the wine, vegetables, herb sprigs, bay leaves, bacon, peppercorns and stock powder or cubes in a large pan. Bring to the boil, then simmer for 10 minutes. Remove any excess fat from the chicken and push it into the liquor. Return the liquor to the boil, then turn heat down. Cover and cook for 1 ¼ hours until chicken legs feel tender when pierced. Remove from the heat, stand for 15 minutes, then lift onto a plate. Strain the liquor into a bowl and pour 500ml into a pan. Boil to reduce by half. Pull and cut the bird into neat portions, discarding the skin, wings and backbone. Put onto a plate and cover. Beat together the yolks, cream and tarragon in a jug. Ladle in a quarter of the liquor, mix, then pour back into the stock and turn the heat down. Mix the corn flour with a little water and add. With a wooden spoon, stir for 3 – 5 minutes until it begins to thicken. Remove from the heat, then stir in the lemon juice to taste. Pour sauce over the chicken and put the rest in a jug. Serve with boiled long grain rice and a selection of green vegetables. 33 Jacqy Harding SKY, FREEVIEW OR SUBSCRIPTION PACKAGE: INCLUDES 95CM-1 METER DISH RECEIVER BRACKETS AND INSTALLATION FROM 450.00€ NOW IN STOCK THE NEW GI MULTI SATELLITE RECEIVER FOR BOTH SKY & FREEVIEW WORKS WITH NEW WHITE SKY CARD AND VIEW ALL CHANNELS INCLUDING SPORTS & MOVIES WITH YOUR UK CARD. RECIEVE ALL SKY CHANNELS WITH THE ABOVE RECEIVER INCLUDING ESPN SPORTS &THE ADULT CHANNELS FOR JUST 140€ A YEAR INTERNET SKY PLUS HD WITH 500GBS HARD DISC OF MEMORY, ALL THE BONUSES AS SKY+, BUT IN HIGH-DEFINITION CALL FOR FURTHER INFO FREESAT HD NO SUBSCRIPTION WITH HARD DRIVE AND ALL RECORDING FACILITIES WE ALSO HAVE FLAT SCREEN HD TV’S AT VERY COMPETATIVE PRICES CALL US FOR A QUOTE FOR A QUICK RELIABLE AND FRIENDLY SERVICE TELEPHONE 616 757 336 0R 972 30 42 82 Or Email: [email protected] 34 CHEAP PARKING FOR BARCELONA AIRPORT. Mary Clark Don and I decided to spend a week in Fuerteventura during February and the only direct flight was from Barcelona. Hence we surfed the NET and came up with a good deal for Sleep and Park in Barcelona. As we had an early flight this was ideal. I would certainly recommend this if you can get the same deal. We paid 89€ for Bed and Breakfast and a weeks covered parking and free hospitality bus to and fro the Airport, at the Hotel Ciutat del Prat, part of the Sallés Hotel Group, in Avda Remolar 46, 0882 Prat de Llobregat 08820 near the Airport. This was a 4* Hotel with a lovely bar and restaurant area , very friendly staff, the guy at reception was a friend of John and Cathy at La Clota. We had a lovely week at the very luxurious Hotel Sheraton which was a special deal we also found on the net via Tripadvisor However the weather was always windy, the restaurants were mostly English with English staff advertising football matches apart from a couple of lovely fish restaurants we found by the sea. It is not an island I would recommend for a holiday although we enjoyed the pampering and the Spa. 35 Residency Issues And The New Reporting Law By Bill Blevins, Financial Correspondent, Blevins Franks Spain’s new asset reporting law, with the first deadline of 30th April this year, applies to anyone who is resident in Spain and who owns assets outside the country worth €50,000 or more in a category. There are many questions about who needs to file a report, what assets to declare, what values to use, how to report jointly owned assets etc. Residency is an important starting point. The new reporting obligation is only imposed on Spanish residents. If you own property but are not resident, it does not apply to you if you are sure you do not fulfil any of the residency criteria. Tax residency in Spain can be more complex than people realise. Many people believe they are not resident but actually are, and so should be paying tax. This issue becomes even more critical with the new reporting law, since the consequences for failing to report are much higher than ever before – you can lose more than the value of the asset. If you were resident in Spain in 2012, you need to file your report by 30th April this year (in future years it will be 31st March). You need to report the value of your assets as at 31st December 2012. With bank accounts you also include the average balance over the last three months of 2012, and with property the acquisition value. If you were not resident in Spain in 2012, but become resident this year, you will need to report assets as at 31st December 2013 by 31st March 2014. 36 Tax residency in Spain You are resident for tax purposes if any of the following apply to you. 1. You spend more than 183 days here in one calendar year 2. Your “centre of economic interests” is in Spain 3. Your “centre of vital interests” is in Spain – i.e. your spouse and/or your dependent minor children live here. There is no split year treatment; you are either resident or not resident for the whole tax year. If you arrive during the first six months, you are likely to be regarded as resident in Spain for the full calendar year. If you moved directly from the UK you would also be regarded as UK resident up to your leaving date, so you need to look at the UK/Spain Tax Treaty rules. If you move to Spain in the latter half of the year you will probably be regarded as non-Spanish resident that year, depending on what previous visits you made to Spain that year. The only way to be certain that you understand all the implications of the new asset reporting law, as well as the residency issues and how to legitimately structure your assets tax efficiently, is to take professional advice from an established tax and wealth management firm like Blevins Franks. With specialist advice you could structure your assets to be tax efficient in Spain. Summarised tax information is based upon our understanding of current laws and practices which may change. Individuals should take personalised advice. To keep in touch with the latest developments in the offshore world, check out the latest news on our website 37 38 39 Through the Lens David Brown Generally speaking we want our photographs to be well focussed and pin sharp. In this article I want to think about the things we can do to try to achieve that aim. We must consider the depth of field. If you recall a wide aperture will give a smaller depth of field and a narrow aperture, with a large ‘f’ number, will give a wider depth of field (dof). So once we have determined what aperture to use what are the factors that will affect the sharpness of the picture. The real killer is camera shake. It can be difficult to hold the camera rock steady in your hand at slower shutter speeds. A general rule is that you can hand hold the camera if the reciprocal of the speed is no greater than the focal length that the lens is set to. For example if the focal length is set to 50mm then the speed should not be less than 1/50 second or if the focal length is 100mm then the speed should not be less than 1/100 seconds. If it seems likely that you cannot hold the camera steady then a tripod or monopod can help overcome camera shake. Of course it is necessary to ensure that the tripod or monopod is on firm ground to start with. If you use a tripod extend the legs as little as needed and if possible use only the thickest part of the legs. Also if you can, try not to raise the camera using the centre extension as this will lead to the possibility of movement particularly if there is any wind. A remote trigger device will lead to better results as there is less likelihood of camera movement as you press the shutter. Incidentally you may have on your camera a speed setting called ‘B’. This will give you an exposure for as long as you need. To use it you must use a remote shutter release and the first press opens the shutter and when you press again it will close the shutter so there could, for instance be 20 minutes between presses. (Continued on page 41) 40 (Continued from page 40) Why ‘B’. This comes from the old style releases with film cameras that had a rubber bulb that sent air down a tube to release the shutter, so ‘B’ for bulb. If you must hand hold then look for some support such as a wall, a car roof or even your camera bag. Make sure that you are standing with legs slightly apart and your left hand holding the underside of the lens and the right hand the camera body. It’s the other way round for left-handers of course. It may also help to wrap the camera neckstrap around your arm to give extra support. Also keep the elbows into your body and try to roll your finger onto the shutter release rather than a push on the button. You may also have a ‘mirror up’ feature. This will on the first press raise the mirror and the second press will release the shutter. Raising the mirror first will allow any vibrations to die away. Many lenses today use vibration reduction technology to try to overcome camera shake and generally these work very well. So in summary the secret to sharp photographs is stability. Keep the camera as still as possible and use a tripod or monopod when necessary. Source Metro News Bungling council workers have been left embarrassed after misspelling the word Welsh on a road sign in Shropshire. The amusing blunder was spotted by motorists in Shrewsbury after the sign was erected by workers at the weekend. It was put by the roadside to advise drivers that the town’s Grade II listed Welsh Bridge was closed on Sunday for road works. Editors note: I know how easy it 41 is to make these kind of mistakes! GOLF PLATJA de PALS CANCER AWARENESS CHALLENGE TUESDAY 9th APRIL 2013 ENTRY FORM NAME CLUB HANDICAP PLAYER A PLAYER B ADDRESS...................................................... Tel no: ..................................... Mobile no: ................................ e-mail................................................ ENTRY FEE Members of Pals Visitors 10€ Donation to Charity 40€ (30€ Green Fee + 10€ Donation to Charity) ENCLOSED ENTRY FEES ............€ Menu del dia ....... places at 15€ ............€ TOTAL PAYABLE ............€ Cheques payable to British Society of Catalunya c/o John Sienczak C/VALL d’ARAN, 36 L’Escala 17130 e-mail: [email protected] Tel42no: 972 774626 GOLF PLATJA de PALS CANCER AWARENESS CHALLENGE TUESDAY 9th APRIL 2013 COMPETITION: THE CANCER AWARENESS CHALLENGE START TIME: 08.30 SHOTGUN START NO. OF HOLES: 18 ELIGIBILITY: ALL GOLF PLAYERS WITH HANDICAP CERTIFICATES – TO BE PRODUCED HANDICAP LIMIT: GENTS – 28 LADIES – 36 PLAYERS WITH HIGHER HANDICAPS ARE WELCOME TO PLAY OFF THESE LIMITS HANDICAP ALLOWANCE: FULL HANDICAP WITHOUT SLOPE TEES: GENTS – YELLOW LADIES – RED STROKE INDEX: GENTS OFF YELLOW INDEX LADIES OFF RED INDEX FORMAT: PAIRS STABLEFORD - BETTERBALL MAX. NO. OF ENTRANTS: 100 ENTRY FEE: MEMBERS OF PALS 10 € PER PLAYER NON MEMBERS 40 € PER PLAYER MENU DEL DIA: 15 € PER PERSON IF REQUIRED PRIZES: PRIZES FOR WINNING TEAM AND RUNNERS UP TO BE AWARDED AFTER THE GAME COMMENTS / NOTES : (1) EACH JUNIOR / PAIR OF JUNIORS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT PLAYER (2) THE DECISION OF THE ORGANISERS WILL BE FINAL (3) IF THE EVENT IS CANCELLED DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER ANY GREEN FEES PAID WILL BE REFUNDED Cheques payable to British Society of Catalunya c/o John Sienczak C/VALL d’ARAN, 36 L’Escala 17130 e-mail: [email protected] Tel no: 972 774626 Full Details At: 43 Health Insurance policies in ENGLISH HEALTH insurance is probably the most important policy a family can have. You may have money & belongings, but if you don’t have a good health what use are they to us. Get your health policy from as little as 35,41€ per month. We’ll find you the best healthcare plan that adapts to you from a wide range of insurance companies we work with. So get insured with Sammy Thomas S.L.U Insurance Brokers. Sammy is originally from Doncaster, England based in Girona since 1990 and has a Master in General Insurance & Administration of Business. We also insure: Home, Business, Life, Civil & Public Liability, Accidents, Boat, Investment plans, Community blocs, English & Spanish Cars, Motor Bikes etc… CALL US ON 972-221639 AND ASK FOR SAMMY THOMAS Sammy Thomas S.L.U Plaza Marqués de Camps 9-10 Entlo 1ª, 17001 Girona Spain Fax: 972-204038 / Email: [email protected] Sammy Thomas SLU Núm. registre DGPFA J387GC Col·legiat Núm. 68554 Concertada Pòlissa RC Professional segons l’article 27.1 e) i acreditada la capacitat financera segons l’article 27.1 f) (Llei 26/2006, de 17 de juliol, de44 mediació d’assegurances i reassegurances V.S CAR HIRE S.L. EMPRESSA DE SERVEIS IMMOBILIARIS [email protected] Tel. (+34) 972 77 02 62 Fax (+34) 972 77 26 51 NIF: B-17343609 B.P. 40 Av. Montgo,10 17139 L’ESCALA (Girona) Spain Established in L’Escala since 1986 Holiday rentals of quality Villas & Apartments with full back up from experienced staff Supply of sheets, towels, cot, high chairs and anything required for a successful holiday. Car rentals, modern air conditioned Fords, Pick up at airport, L’Escala, bus and train stations. Villa & Apartment Sales Villa & Apartment management for owners, regular security checks on your properties. 45 Things Are Moving Forward We now have a number of events planned and we are still talking to more organisations. April 9th—The Cancer Awareness Golf Challenge Many thanks to Phil Hodgson and Maite at the Playa de Pals Golf Club for organising this tournament. You can find details and an entry form on Pages 42/43 May 8th Costa Brava Ladies Clothes Sale Mary Hepworth is organising the event and 10% of sales made will be donated to Cancer Awareness. Full details on page 21. This is your opportunity to clear some space in those wardrobes! June 9th Queens Birthday Mary Clark is organising a Wine and Cheese party. There will be the usual games and fun. June 11 Tuesday Club Lunch The Tuesday club have kndly arranged to donaye the proceeds of their raffle to be held at The Costa Brava Hotel in Playa D’Aro. If you would like to attend the lunch please contact Elain Kilvington [email protected] 972 62 2940 June 13 Golf Tournament at Mas Pages We are in the final stages of organising this event. June 21st Summer Ball Set in the magnificent gardens and marquee at The Lo Mirador Hotel in Torroella de Montgris. Contact Pat Sturgeon at: [email protected] 972 77 2324 or Barbara Hanson at: [email protected] 972 77 16 79 46 Some Market Research The Yes Language School has very kindly offered to hold some Spanish and Catalan Conversation Classes during June. There would be 4 hours tuition in either Spanish or Catalan spread over 4 weeks in June. The cost will be 10 Euros per language. The tutors will be providing their services free of charge so all 10 Euros will be donated to The Cancer Awareness Project. The courses will be held in The Yes Language School classrooms in the centre of L’Escala. In order to gauge the amount of interest please email us at [email protected] indicating whether you would be interested in Spanish or Catalan. We are also looking at the possibility of holding a Catalan Cookery Demonstration in L’Escala during June. This would cost in the region of 12 Euros and would involve about 2-3 hours of cookery presentations and would include sampling some of the food being presented. There may also be some wine tasting. Before making commitments to premises etc we would to gauge the interest level. So, if your are interested in the Cookery Demonstration please send us an email to [email protected] If you would like to volunteer your services at one of The Cancer Awareness Events or of you would like to organise an event do please contact us at [email protected] 47 Your professionals for the purchase and sale of property We speak your language We have been in l’Escala for 14 years We have more than 100 properties for sale We have experience with everything concerning your property Purchase and sale at the best price Free valuation when you use our services Planning and control of your renovation or your new construction We are an agent of one of the largest banks We can offer you New mortgages or re-mortgages Property insurance etc. Visit us in our office Passeig del Mar 19 Telephone 972 77 35 97 or 666 760 227 48 Your Officers and Committee Chairperson Mary Clark 972 77 05 17 [email protected] Vice chairperson & Event Organiser Pat Sturgeon 972 77 23 24 [email protected] Treasurer John Sienczak 972 77 46 26 [email protected] Secretary Roger Arndell 972 77 01 30 [email protected] Membership Secretary Barbara Hanson 972 62 35 25 e-mail [email protected] Revista Layout/production John Sienczak 92 77 46 26 and advertising [email protected] The Revista Distribution Barbara Hanson 972 77 16 79 [email protected] Event Organisers Andrea & Roy Speakman 972 77 42 63 [email protected] Event Organiser Alice Debbage 972 77 33 72 [email protected] Event Organiser June Joyce 972 77 25 85 [email protected] Event Organiser Lynn Taylor 972 77 68 89 [email protected] BSCE Web Site Des Sherriff 972 77 68 89 [email protected] Cancer Awareness Organiser Maggie Watson [email protected] Welfare Organiser Norma Trueman 972 77 49 03 Thanks to all our contributors Thanks also to DIGITAL copisteria, Torroella, who take great care to ensure that your copy of The Revista is crisp and clear 49 British Society of Catalunya Empordà Branch MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM to December 2013 Name --------------------------------------- First name(s) NIE/NIF/Passport No. --------------------------------------—————————————-- Name of spouse/partner --------------------------------------Address: Street --------------------------------------- Town Province/County ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postcode --------------------------------------- Telephone/Fax --------------------------------------- E-Mail --------------------------------------Any other relevant details-------------------------------------(Next of kin in case of --------------------------------------- Emergencies?) --------------------------------------- Currently membership always runs from 1st January—31st December Cheques, in Euros, drawn on a Spanish bank please, payable to British Society of Catalunya or transfer the money from your bank directly to Bank Sabadell l’Escala account British Society of Catalunya ES74 0081 0237 6800 0111 2415 50 Nik is a skilled tree surgeon College trained in England. Being a tree specialist, his work consists of pruning, dismantling and giving advice on trees. The pruning of the trees is done always respecting the biology and architecture of the tree. He has a “Stump grinder” that is the only one in Catalunya and there is only another one like it in the whole of Spain. It has the advantage that can take stumps out of the most difficult places where other bigger machinery cannot get to. If you want to contact Nik call 616 400 184 or 616 400 173. 51 52
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