Dick Gregory


Dick Gregory
Academic Affairs Council
proposes permanent senate
By Dave Yates
DICK GREGORY DISPLAYS the news article that reported ldi Amin's police department did its
helicopter training in Ft. Worth, Texas.
[FN/Roger Swanson)
Dick Gregory
Former comedian views American crises
Bv Jackie Benner
"You got a big job, and you
haven't got much time ," said
Dick Gregory, a human rights
activist and form er comedian,
during his three hour speech
Monday night in the Fieldhouse.
Gregory's lecture, which was
sponsored by the Center for AfroAmerican Affairs at UD and the
Bolinga Center at Wright State
University, was given with
humor and wit, but his message
was a serious one not without
Gregory said the American
population is being taken
advantage of by the few who
control the country.
variety of subjects including the
current situation in Iran where 60
Americans are being held
hostage by Iranian students.
He said Amer; ,ns are not
aware of the hatred the Iranian
people have for Shah Mohammad
Reza Pahlavi. "Iranians feel the
same way about the shah that the
Jews and decent people feel
about Hitler,'' he said.
Gregory said he resents the
president telling Americans not
to demonstrate. He believes Carter's d ision to deport Iranian
students who are violating the
terms of their visas back to Iran
was uncalled for.
"Only a fool would do that " he
• aid. ''Iran would pay to 'have
them back," because they are
ALSO, HE SAID, Carter "killed" Americans when he cut off oil
imports from Iran. " What the
President did today gives oil companies another reason to rip us
off this winter," he said.
"( We are) the mightiest nation
on the planet, we're paralyzed,
and the whole world is standing in
awe because some students have
messed up, " he said. " The most
powerful students should be
Another relevant area Gregory
said students do not pay enough
attention to is nutrition. " I
believe that somewhere down the
line you all should start taking
care of your body," he said. "Eat
for nutrition, not taste."
GREGORY IS A fruitatarian
who believes in fasting for health.
In 1967 he jogged from Los Angeles to New York, to dramatize
world hunger.
"You all got big jobs," he said,
and the number one problem with
America is not racism, sexism or
the gap between the rich and the
poor. The number one problem,
he said, is that America is
" morally and spiritually bankrupt.
"You got to keep your eyes open
24 hours a day," he said, because
Americans are led to believe
things that are not true.
did not die until 1971 on Aristotle
Onassis' island in Greece, and
Secret Service men were responsible for turning him into a
vegetable before he died.
Three Mile Island nuclear accident was not an accident, according to Gregory. "The same
money that was used to put up the
mo\'ie China Syndrome) was
used to run the nuclear plant." he
He said the movie, ··Capricorn
One." i true in that Americans
h..we ne\'er been on the moon.
Since the moon landing was
staged, he asked what happened
to the $30 billion that was supposedly spent on the program.
THE JONESTOWN disaster, he
said, was the largest heroin
transport the world has ever
seen. Heroin was sewn inside the
Jonestown corpses and sent to the
U.S. " Wasn't it strange," he said,
" that 500 more bodies were found
underneath the 400 already discovered? Doesn't it seem odd?
" (But) I do not believe we've
gone beyond the point of no return," he said. " We can turn this
thing around."
The Academic Affairs Council, a group of advisors to Bro. Joseph
Stander, vice president for Acadenuc Affairs, is working on a formal
document to establish a representative "body" that will have a voice
in major academic decisions.
The Council described it as "a permanent body with delineated
powers and responsibility in consultation with other members of this
DA VE CANALE, STUDENT Association (SA) director of academic
affairs, and member of the Council is seeking assistance from
interested students to contact faculty members about student representation on the proposed body, to be called the Academic Senate.
The University Academic Affairs Council which is comprised of
faculty, students and administrators is presently discussing the
formation of, and writing a constitution for, the new Academic Senate.
When this task is completed, the Council's proposal will be put before the 348 faculty members for a ratification vote.
IN RECENT WEEKS, the Council has been discussing faculty,
administrative and student representation on the Senate. To aid the
Council in determining an adequate representation formula, Council
faculty members informally surveyed their colleagues.
From this informal poll, the members reported back to the Council a
wide variety of recommendations. These recommendations ranged
from ideas of no student representation on the Senate to suggestions
for 10 student representatives.
Council faculty members generally agreed six student Senate
members would be most acceptable to the faculty as a whole.
CANALE, HOWEVER, has proposed nine student representatives
on the Senate. Proposed faculty membership is 20 and proposed administrative representation is six.
Canale said the six student limit would not be representative of the
8,000 students at UD. "Nine students will give a greater variety of
perspectives to the Senate," he said.
Nine student representatives would provide more "varied student
feedback" than six would, he said. The student membership breaks
down into three arts and sciences representatives, one each from
humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and one from each of the
other schools in the University.
THE SIX STUDENT version would give the College of Arts and
Sciences one representative instead of three and eliminate the one
engineering technology representative.
Canale has asked each SA seleCtperson to talk to 10 faculty members
and encourage the faculty to look at the advantages of having nine
student members on the senate. Canale said he needs as many students as possible to talk to faculty members about the representation
[Continued on page SJ
Accreditation expires in 1981
Engineering review slated
By Dave Sullivan
The School of Engineering will have its
accreditation reviewed. The technology division
will be reviewed Monday and Tuesday, and the
rest of the school will be reviewed next fall .
The Engineering Council for Professional
Development (ECPD) usually conducts accreditation reviews.
The review of UD's program will be done by the
American Institute of Chemical Engineering
under the guidance of ECPD.
ACCREDITATION IS granted for a maximum
of five years. UD's present ECPD accreditation
expires in 1981. It was granted for five years in
1976, said Russel Primrose, dean of the school of
A bachelor's degree from an accredited university if often a requirement for admission into
graduate school. Also, a degree from an
accredited university is required for qualification
as a professional engineer in most states.
Primrose said the accreditation is not
automatic. The reviewing boards will include a
member from each of the four areas of engineering (chemical , civil, electrical and mechanical .
ALL mE COURSES Primrose said, will ha,re
to be documented b\'
ten used and ade
thema .
and science requirements will also be looked at.
Lab equipment and maintenance will be
examined as well as the classrooms and class lze,
he said. The review board w!ll also look at
computer support and accessibility, and which
books are in the library.
Student performance in the job market and in
graduate school will be examined , he said. Som
students will probably be interviewed.
THE FACULTY WILL be examined and the
board will look at how many faculty m mbers
have terminal degrees Ill their field and how many
have been granted tenure.
What research is being done and hat the
professors are publishlng will be looked at,
Primrose said.
Primrose said the technology division Ls in ood
shape for the revi . Some of the faculty hav
been on accredita on boards before, he id.
PRIMR E BELIEVES the faculty of
school of engineering are
of the
fled in the country.
" Accredita on is f a erl!1caUon of the fort
put in," he
id... 8 t ~OU
breath; ~
to be
accredita on board a
-, -
• • _..,
Grok This - - - - - - - - - -
Senate Needs Student Input
The Academic Affairs Council is establishing
the Academic Senate which will have a voice in
major academic decisions. According to
proposals, it will represent faculty, administration
and students ... or will it?
It seems unlikely the proposed six-student
membership in the Senate would be representative of UD's students. Therefore, the proposal to
add three more students to the Senate is the logical
one to choose.
Not only would a nine-student member Senate
make student representation more proportional,
but also add a variety of input from different
academic departments.
More student input in academic decisions is
possible and desirable. One way of making this
possibility a reality is for students to support the
idea by suggesting it to the faculty and urging
them to suggest it to the colleagues who will vote
on the proposal.
The Academic Senate with greater student
membership will yield results that students want.
But student support of the proposal is needed first.
Gregory misleads
I attended Mr. Dick Gregory's
performance at the Fieldhouse
and subsequent reception at the
Kennedy Union building on Nov.
12, 1979. Mr. Gregory, while at
the reception, made the statement: "The only American
winners of the Nobel Peace Prize
were black."
When I asked, "What about
Henry Kissinger?" Mr. Gregory
answered me with a mixture of
obscenities and ~ claim that Kissinger had never won the Nobel
Prize for Peace. Martin Luther
King, Jr. and Ralph Bunche, according to Mr. Gregory, were the
only American recipients of the
By checking the Hanunond
Almanac I found that not only did
Henry Kissinger win the Nobel
Peace Prize in 1973, but throughout history the Peace Prize has
been won by no fewer than 13
white Americans, including two
Mr. Gregory made several other
such misleading statements
dunng the course of the night, all
without sufficient evidence to
support !us statements. I hope the
UD students attending were wise
enough to realize this.
Doug Cox
Noise distressinf.{
Jack Dolan's column "Be quiet,
or ~o to the library," in the Nov. 9
issue of the Flyer News, humorously calls attention to a very
serious problem which, unfortunat('ly, is hardly funny at all.
Many UD students eem to have
for.:otten or chosen to ignore the
fa t that the library is a place for
studying, not ocializmg. The
nois level in the library seems to
meres e
the seme ter wears
Thi' fact IS very di tre ing to
th e students - e pecially dorm
,·tudent - who ha\·e no alternatl\' to the library when trying to
fmd a quiet pl
to tudy Of
course, every floor f the libran
IS not loud every rught, but it is
terribly m nveruent to have to
gath r up n · books and ride
the elevators in search of a quiet
One can only hope that the
situation might solve itself, that
as the "Oh, my God, I have five
finals next week" panic takes
hold, everyone might find it in his
best interest to tone the noise
down a bit.
If this change in volume doesn't
occur, it seems we all may just as
well take the lead from the study
group Mr. Dolan observed and
lug our books to the KU bowling
Mark Pottorff
Time for reason
"We hold these truths to be self.
evident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by
their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among
these are Life, Liberty and the
pursuit of Happiness." - Declaration of Independence.
These words that Thomas Jefferson wrote over two centuries
ago are the fundamental principles on which our society is
based. We guarantee to all that
reside within our borders that
their unalienable rights will be
upheld regardless of their heritage. The crimes that have been
conunitted against the Lebanese
and Iranian students are a betrayal of our most sacred convictions.
To many, a show of strength is
the necessary response to the
seizure of the U.S. Embassv in
Tehran. To some, violence, such
as smashing windows, is a show
of strength.
Violence is not a show of
strength, but a sign of weakness.
Violence is an emotionally
charged act that insures or
abuses; it shows an inability to
deal rationally with a problem.
Violence does not solve problems
but only aggravates them.
What 1s needed in these troubled
times is a show of inner strength,
a show of moral courage, fortitude and integrity. Reason and
just consideration must rule over
passion and hasty action. Inner
trength is no easy goal, but to
achle\'e it is to achieve greatness.
Roger Smith
Immature acts
Isn't it great to live among poets
who express their thoughts on
bathroom walls?
I must admit, the recent literary
genius indiscriminately (and
unfairly) expressing hostility
toward Iranians is, perhaps,
most appropriate in the "john," a
place where waste products are
disposed of.
But let's not stop here. Congratulations! You have graduated from the toilet and are on the
deans list at the School of Inunaturity.
Defacing Kennedy Union and
spray-painting the sidewalk in
front of St. Joseph's Hall with the
words "Bomb Iran" reflects a
vast wealth of political understanding. The bedsheet banner of
four-letter favorites displayed
such creativity - truly a Rembrandt.
I'm so glad this is a Catholic
University where "Christians"
are able to love their neighbors as
themselves, and where those who
[ Continued on page 6]
The new study syn<J.rome
By Jack Dolan
Preparation is the key to good study habits. Just ask an.\· t:D
The UD routine goes something like this:
After your final class of the day, you decide you will dedicate
rest of the day to homework and studying.
3 p.m. "I'll catch a little nap before studying," you say to yourself.
So you set the alarm for 5 p.m., turn on WVUD and immediate!, i
· •
5 p.m. The buzzer sounds off. Just five more minutes vou sa,· ,
yourself. So you awake at 6 p.m. for dinner.
· '
DURING DINNER you get interested in the movie on televisi
you_ reason that t~e movie "Dracula Goes Surfing" has red
social value and IS worth watching instead of doing homework
studying for awhile.
8 p.m. The movie has ended and your roonunate asks you if vou
to go to the PAC. You reply "no" because you have work to do. y
roonunate laughs, then asks you again if you want to go to the PAC
For some reason, you understand your roommate's twisted I
and cancel homework and studying longer. Off to the PAC vou
You play a few games, lose, and then after 50 "one-more'' shots 1
AT HOME YOU SHOWER and finally you are ready to
~owev~r, outside your room your housemates are discussing exist
tia_l philosophy. You ha:'en't the slightest idea what existen ·
philosophy is, so you decide to learn something instead of stud,
After.the talk, the topic of Monday Night Football arises and 1-00 try
to convmce your roonunates that the Cleveland Browns are th~ team
to watch in the NFL.
"~t's not talk about the theatre of the absurd," your roommatt
11 :30 p.m. Johnny Carson comes on television, and who can walk
on him? The monologue carries into the show and soon it's Ol'er. Tbt
lady with the talking bra was certainly worth waiting for, you re
1 a.m. "God darn it," you say. "How did the day go by so fast
out doing any homework? At least I feel guilty.
"Tomorrow I'll make sure I'll do work and prepare myself befort 1
And the life of a UD student goes on normally.
FN editorial hoard position open
Applications are being ac-·
cepted through Nov. 30 for the
Flyer News editorial board positions of assistant news
editor, copy editor, assistant
copy editor and a -ociatc
editor. Letters of apphcat1
should be brought to the f1) er
News co-editors in KU 232.
Quote of the Issue
A Dayton city ordinance says the $15 parking fee charged
by the University is illegal, but the Student Handbook sa) tht
requires this fee. "I think the issue is, 'Who is Housing to put
in the Student Handbook?' It's a blatant lie to students," Bill
Student Association president, said.
Friday,, 'ovember 1&. 19i'9
SA reviews parking law
Lebanese reject stereot.Ype
By Dave Saras
By Mary Brucken
Student Association (SA) President Bill Stankey said he sees the
enforcement of parking laws as
the city's responsibility.
If the city does not enforce
ordinance, which makes the $15
parking fee charged by the University illegal, it is the students
responsibility, using SA as a vehicle, to cause the ordinance to be
enforced, he said.
ALTHOUGH IT has not received
any formal complaints, SA has
asked a lawyer to research the
violated city code.
" If this suit does come about,
what we will ask for is a retroactive reimbursement, at least for
the students this year," Stankey
" Before we press a suit we have
to take into account all the legal
and financial ramifications for
students," he said.
STANKEY SAID SA would also
request an injunction against the
possibility of -the University
raising students' rent a disproportionate amount as a "retaliatory action."
"After all the research is done
and all the evidence is weighed,
unless the action would benefit
the students we wouldn't press
charges," Stankey said.
He believes the parking situation is not a major problem.
"I THINK THE issue is, 'Who is
Housing to put the line in the Student Handbook?' It's a blatant lie
to the students," Stankey said.
The Student Handbook says a
city ordinance requires students
who live in University owned offcampus housing to lease parking
space if they have cars. The city
ordinance prohibits this.
"You can't write your own laws,
and I think that's what Housing is
trying to do," Stankey said.
Options suggested
for parking issue
Jerry Hogan of the UD Law Clinic said UD is violating a city ordi-
nance when it charges for parking permits.
But he said the violation of the
law does not result in practical
parking problems.
Hogan said in a Universityzoned district parking must be
provided in accordance with sul:r
section 150.346 of the Dayton Code
of Ordinances. The ordinance
prohibits the $15 parking fee UD
charges residents of University
owned off-campus housing.
According to Hogan, three
avenues of legal action are available to students affected by violation of the law.
Each individual could file a suit
in small claims court. This would
involve a $5 filing fee.
Secondly, a class action suit
could be brought against the University for a refund of the fee .
This would necessitate hiring an
attorney , Hogan said.
And thirdly, a " writ of mandamus, " a- request that a legal officer fulfill his duty, could be
brought against city zoning if
they do not enforce the ordinance.
Hogan said a thorough investigation is necessary before any
legal action is taken.
Now hiring 18 and over. If you
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• FAMILIES in the Dayton and students tonight at 8:30 p.m .
community have indicated a in Campus South 9C.
desire to have one or two interna• MONK'S INN will present
tional students in their homes for Joe Paulus, Cindy Bell and Tom
Thanksgiving dinner. Students Keaveny at 9:30 p.m. tonight folseeking further information may • lowed by Earth Rise at 11 p.m.
call Marie Milord at 229-3321.
Tomorrow Jim Morman will play
• THOSE INTERESTED in at 9: 30 p.m., followed by Jim Horswimming may join a synchro- vath at 11 p.m.
nized swimming group at the
• THE UD FRENCH Club will
PAC pool Wednesdays from 6:15 celebrate a Mass for Unity Nov.
to 7:30 p.m. and Thursdays from 29 at 7 p.m. All are invited.
6 to 7: 30 p.m. Anyone is welcome.
• THE UD BIOLOGY Club is SDX meeting, Monday at 7:30
sponsoring a party for faculty p.m. in KU.
Lebanese students at UD want to be differentiated from Iranians.
Arabs, the Palestine Liberation Organiz.ation 1PLO ) and terrorists
according to officers of the Lebanese Club.
George Arida, publicity director for the club, said there han• bttn
" a few incidents" where Lebanese students have been harassed r
have been mistaken for Iranians, especially since the recent ru s m
" We'd like the American students to make a distinction bet een th
Iranians and the Lebanese," Arida said. "We're not Arabs nd "
don't have oil."
Club President Tony Antoun said, " It's illogical for us to be
considered pro-Iranian or Arab or PLO. None of the international :tudents here represent their go\'ernments. We are the wronJ pe-ople t
harass, the wrong targets."
Antoun said there have been seYeral incidents at the 13 Lawn\'ie\\
Ave. apartment building where some of the Lehane .tud nts h\'( ,
including graffiti and drawings painted on the walls nd rocks ~1ni,:
thrown through windows. American students have sh uted :I
and obscenities late at night, Antoun said, and there wru me in ·id(nt
in which a garbage can was thrown through a window.
Jacques Gemayel, vice president of the Lehane e C'lub.• 1d the
Lawnview incidents began last July. "We'd like to find a solull1 n. "
Gemayel said. " We want to know what the e people ha\' i,:. 1ru·t u: .
It's confusing and it's sad."
" We never had any other problems but Lawrwie\\," Antoun, dd, I.
" I think it's mostly a mistake. Most people have a i,:ood 1mpn: ion If
us on campus."
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4 Friday, November 16, 1979
Food Service explains food
prices at Parent's Weekend
Panel investigates food use
By Kevin Aprile
A recipe contest and a survey
concerning food waste and nutritional awareness are projects
currently being conducted by the
Student Food Service Panel
The SFSP is a recognized
campus organization, consisting
of eight students and their adviser, Mary Jo Berry, a ~
trative dietician.
weeks to discuss such factors of
food service as cafeteria menus,
food quality, services and nutritional balance. The goal of the
panel is to serve as a means of
communication between the students and the Food Service management staff, Berry said.
Anyone who owns a meal ticket,
lunch ticket or eats in the KU
snackbar may join the panel.
There are four student representatives from KU and Marycrest
cafeterias and four represen-
tatives from those students who
use the snackbar. At the present
time, Berry said, the panel has
openings for four more students.
All but one member of the group
left after last year and the reorganization and recruiting of new
members resulted in a delay in
the workings of the panel, Berry
said. The panel did not begin
meeting until the middle of October, Berry said, and is just beginning to get started for this semester.
underway are a survey and a
recipe contest. The survey is an
attempt to increase the nutritional awareness of students, she
There are also questions
concerning food waste, what type
of food one prefers and how
courteous the cafeteria employees are. Berry said the panel
usually has about one survey a
The recipe contest is something
By Kathy Bertelsman
new, Berry said. It is officially
titled, "My Mother's Favorite
Recipe Contest." Any student
with a five-day, seven-day or
lunch meal ticket is eligible to
enter. Recipes must be turned in
by Nov. 28.
main dish that can be served at
either lunch or dinner. The five
best recipes in each cafeteria will
be announced on Dec. 3, with the
winners to be announced Dec. 6.
The judges will be members of
the SFSP and the Food Service
The winner from each cafeteria
and one guest of the winner's
choice will be able to choose a
steak dinner with special service
in the cafeteria or a certificate
for two steak dinners at the Cork
and Cleaver restaurant.
Berry said an attempt will be
made to work the recipes into the
cafeteria menus, if the recipes
are adaptable.
"GET UP" And Throw A Party With
Take Stock
in America
Buy U.S.
Savings Bonds
Parents of UD students were not
charged higher prices for food,
beer and mixers at the Parents'
Weekend events than any one
else attending any other UD special event, according to Mary Jo
Berry, administrative dietician
of KU Food Service.
"I think ' if you compare the
prices charged at the Parents'
Weekend banquet and dance with
any area restaurant, bar or catering service, you'll find prices
competitive if not lower," Berry
food for the El Granada cafeteria
and snack bar as well as any special event held in KU. The term
"special event" incorporates
campus-wide functions such as
the experimental campus pub
nights, the Parents' Weekend
dinner-dance and all private club
Berry said the prices charged at
a KU special event include not
only the wholesale cost of the
food, but also the cost of labor
provided by Food Service employees and charges for the use of
electricity, water and depreciation on the building.
"Food Service is a self-sustaining area of the University, mean-
from Tobe Hooper, creator of the
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ing that we operate on our own
funds," she said. "We didn't take
any University money away from
other departments or organitations."
BERRY SAID THE price of the
student meal ticket is kept at the
minimum needed to meet food
and labor expenses for the cafeteria!. Any extra money ma~
through a special event must be
used to cover overhead costs
including utility charges and
of the KU building.
"We're not out to make a profit
from a special event," she said.
"There is a set price list for ban,
quet and bar items, so that
everyone knows what the prices
will be before coming into a Kl'
However, any group who finds
the Food Service prices too
expensive may consult Berry "to
change the desired menu or plans
to better fit their budget," slit
Pot luck dinner
The International Club is
sponsoring its first annual
"Pot Luck" Dinner which will
include an evening of dirung,
dancing and music on Sunday
at 4:30 p.m. in O'Reilly Hall.
Contributions are required in
the form of a main dish, preferably an ethnic one.
Reservations may be obtained by calling Marie Milord, International Club adviser, 111
8240 Springboro Pike
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Friday, November 16, 1979
... student representation
on Senate undecided
(~_ _Se_c_un_·t_y_R_e_p_o_rt___
them. The incident occurred on
Stuart Hall one north.
Early Sunday morning, a
smoked glass window at the liIn two separate incidents Friday room.
[Continued from page 1)
night, six males were given tresIn the other incident, five brary was shattered with a rock.
This student "lobbying" will demonstrate to the faculty that stu- passing warnings by Campus students from Miami University The value of the window was
dents are interested in their input to the University, Canale said. Security in Marycrest middle who appeared to be heavy intoxi- placed at $1,000.
cated, according to Director of
Dayton police are continuing
"We've got to prove that we are responsible students who are complex.
The first occured on the first Campus Security Gary Scheckel- their investigation of the Oct. 28
interested in not only ourselves, but also the University."
CANALE BELIEVES FACULTY members, who have constitutional floor and involved a student from hoff, shouted obscenities out of Garden Apartment shootings. At
voting powers to approve the senate, will be more inclined to agree to Bowling Green State University fifth floor windows and in the the same time, Campus Security
have nine student members on the senate if contacted a number of who was found in the women's hall.
is still investigating the Oct. 20
Late Saturday night, a window KU safe break-in. There have
restroom. When asked what he
times by concerned students.
It will be difficult to change the faculty members' positions on the was doing there the student said and screen were destroyed after been no new developments in
issue, Canale said. "We've got to work for it. We can change the he thought it was his girlfriend's someone threw a rock through either case.
situation, but it's not easy." he said. "Nothing will be handed to us."
Harry Murphy of the marketing department and member of the
Council said he saw no reason to have more than six student representatives on the senate. Murphy said he wanted to stay away from the
"numbers game" and stress thorough representation of all academic
JERRY STRANGE, a member of the Council from the school of engineering said most faculty members he talked to seemed "more
content with six student representatives.
"Six student representatives allows for one representative from each
of the major academic branches," Strange said. "this tends to go
along with the Council's original idea of one-third student representation on the Senate.
"We hope to pass a document that gives fair student representation
Before you graduate·from college! Becau~e now, you can comand is acceptable to the faculty as a whole," Strange said.
bine service in the Army Reserve or National Guard with Arn1y
Council member Roberta Alexander of the history department has
ROTC. It's called the Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP).
"no fear" of broad-based student representation on the Senate.
Alexander said she has no problem with nine students on the Senate.
And, depending on your academic year when you ent r, MP
ALEXANDER, CHAffiMAN of the College of Arts and Sciences
cademic Affairs Committee, which has eight student representaives, said based on her experiences on that committee, she has found
tudent input to be "valuable and thoughtful."
Helen Frye, a Council member from the school of education said of
e 19 surveyed members of the school of education, no one had a
'major disagreement" with nine student representatives.
"Four of the 19 thought the number might be a little high, yet they
'dn't feel all that strongly," Frye said.
Council member Bro. Don Geiger of the biology department said of
e science and math faculty he polled informally four favored 10
udent representation, 22 favored six student representation, and 12
vored zero student representation on the Senate.
Geiger said he personally "does not have too much trouble with nine
dent representatives." But, he added many faculty members would
l react favorably to a large number of student representatives.
iger sees six student representatives as a sort of compromise
can help you earn over $6,500.
Here's how it works. If you qualify and a vacancy is available,
you become a member of an Arn1y Reserve or National Guard unit
as an officer trainee and, at the ame time, enroll .in the Anny
ROTC advanced course at your college. Your Reserve or Guard
membership will pay you at the minimum level of Sergeant E-5, and
you'll receive $100 a month during the regular school year as an
Army ROTC advanced course cadet.
At the end of your second year of advanced ROTC, you'll be
commissioned a second lieutenant and, assuming there's a vacancy.
serve with a Guard or Reserve unit while you complete the requirements for your colleg_e degree. Upon graduation, you may continue service with a Guard or Reserve unit while pursuing your
civilian career, or you can, if you prefer, compete for active cluty as
an Army officer.
So if you'd like to earn over $6,500 while you'n.• '->till in collegt',
get into SMP. Becau e SMP can h Ip you do it. You can bank on it!
For further information, contact the Professor of lilitc1ry
Science at your school.
t I I
-· ~~--.)
Thur,do i,;
fl,, r
Co m
,n a nd
, t
Friday, November 16, 1979
'Nothing is free'
[Continued from page 21
do not profess to be Christian
have such a good answer to the
question, " Why?"
Why care about your neighbor,
whether he is Iranian or the guy
across the street? Why not do
unto others as they have done
unto you?
And why strive to promote
growth, love and relationships
when it's so much easier not to?
After all, we're " only" human.
Now that Issue One, which
would have instituted a 10 cent
deposit on all bottles and cans
sold in this state, has been defeated, it is up to us to implement
.an...alternative solution. - - Personally, I supported Issue
One on the basis that we must
start somewhere to solve the litter problem. Opponents of the bill
argued that it would reduce only
10 to 20 percent of the trash.
This is a realistic beginning to
such a major task. These same
opponents were crying, "wait for
a practical litter law!" Are we
supposed to wait until we can
clean the land totally in one big
sweep before we can start at all?
In all of the criticism of Issue
One, no other "practical litter
law" was suggested. The same
goals were restated, minus the
new solutions.
The extra money we would have
had to spend for a six-pack would
have been worth it. Nothing is
free in this world and this would
Phil DeFusco
Positions for Bar, Counter,
& Delivery.
All areas need help.
For Appointment.
8911 Kings Ridge Dr.
Behind Dayton Mall
have been a small price to pa,
Our environment should mea
more to us than a few cents d,
It is doubtful that any solution 1
possible that would not cost th
consumer anything. Increasin
law enforcement, increasin
pick-ups and _prov.!_ding ident:
fiable public fitter receplacles a.
cost money. It just isn't paid righ
at the counter.
We must sacrifice one thing ii
order to receive another. If any
one can think of a way in whicl
we can get around this, speak up.
Otherwise, we must start to fight
the problem by the means we now
have available.
Dan Roche
COULD TIIIS BE "Willard" or "Ben"? It appears this beast I
slightly easier to handle than the "killer rats" of motion plcturt
[FN / Ooug Lew,sl
Classified Ads
Classified Ads: 6 cents per word, 60 cent minimum. Mail prepaid to :
Flyer News Classifieds, University of Dayton, P.O. Box 737, Dayton,
Ohio 4S469. DEADLINE FOR AD COPY: Tuesday at 12:00 noon for
the Friday edition, and Friday at 12:00 noon for the Tuesday edition.
Who ,s the ugliest man you know???
S,qn him up Nov . 8, 9.
SA' s Dynamic Duo ..
Ombudsman: Paul Schumacher
Quest ion . What do a Doc, a Dego, a Academic Affairs: Dave Canale
Digby, a Deviant. A Drugs Duo, and a Kristin: To someone I will always love
Doonesbury have in common?
and respect, Happy Birthday.
Answ er Doubl e Dueces.
Col lC'en more cookies . Benhy
J. B. & S. B. ·It' s our turn for the room. (78)
FC'l1z Cumpleanos Happy Girl
Love C.
D.D., D. B., oops-Ebb-stains happy
Even A mazons can 't back up tinker birthday!
t)('II SI
Does FM stand for Flyer Mania? Find
Ann Mari e Welch · How many lassies out Saturday night, Wohlleben: 4, 6, 8
& 10.
wpr e th er e?
T,1m, W Russian History was fun, Pinball Rally . . . Pinball Rally
lpt's do it ,1qain sometime. Better yet , Bonnie : You ' re the only person I know
coulcl we qo furthr?' A secret (?) whose " tastelessness" is actually
savory .
HAPPY 21st Birthday JIM. Celebrate Ger~er and Wetimore ·· Let's go to
,11 thl' Moonlite?
To th!' clumbells of 38 . You' re keeping Hey Deckeration don't poke her too
U!, ,1Wilke at night 20 .
hard . (Slow and Steady pace.)
SKELLY , Happy Birthday Brother. Dear Skerl rod : Apology for interupt·
You 're qt'ffinq old daisy! Little Skelly . ing hell night. Skeet
C.1pta,n K,rk · Love long and prosper. Chevy Chase and Goldy Hawn in
The Marycrest Trekkiers.
"Foul Play" Friday, 4:30, 7, 9: 15 and
S,11 ,ih. K,1thy , Claire, and Judy
11 :30 pm in Wohlleben
Th,rnks for the hospitality and a fun Dollar Rent A Car. Pfen 2185
four days
Fire Chief,
BYt' Bye Debbie. Ad staff says "snitt"
Thanks for the wonderful ti me! !
Short stuff, Happy 11th. One more to
ilnnual Can' t wait Love Richard
To the Phi Sigma Kappa Little sister
Ll!> K Les K .• Les K .• Les K .• Is there pledge Mistress' Joann and Kim:
<;Ol'Tl('thinq you're not sure of? The
Thanks for everything. We couldn't
,m!,1,1, 'r ,s in your favor! One who
have done it without you.
Love, The Little Sister Pledge
Call of Fall '79
317 l<.rt'faber Thanks again for the
U"-1.' ot your potty. KM and ML
Mary Lou,
Welcome back! !
\N , What is the real story behind all
them fish sulcldt.'5? I demand an in Michael, Michael,
v,'stiq,,tion !
Hagar The Horrible
Have a great 8 -day !
The Straw Club.
•\nncttc, thl' French Maid please call
1,6 1-09.
Lets go Toots!!
Wolfman .
Hope you have a vicious 19th! Roll'
Was that really
Uncle Marty .
throbe last Saturday em!
Upper Lowes
St 3 bedrooms. 1' , baths. 2 car
Pltm D s In garage . , ew plumbing . Ava il able
Janua r 1st . Rent i s S325 per month
plus utilities. Ca ll 83,-()6.!Q after 5.
\ I
Denise -·
Did it excite you holding the hand of
the man of steel?
It's a bird, it's a plane.no it's Jaws. I
mean Superman.
GBGG, Your thoughts are appreci·
ated. Gunak is doing well. We need
more money, though.
Love, Inga & Spen
Coming Soon: "The save the Mets
They're talking about the D,
They're talking about the 0 ,
And they're raving about the suicide
SA is collecting information for the
off -campus telephone directory. Commuters and off -campus students
sign -up by Dec. 7, in the SA office in
Hey guys, have you been thinking
about the girlfriend you left at home?
Why not rent a car from National Car
Rental and spend the weekend with
that special girl! Call 223-3242.
Singing the Academic Blues? SA's
Dave Canale knows the tune·- Let him
help you out. 229·4444.
See Jimmy Buttet & Linda Rondstadt
in Concert at Wohlleben Hall Saturday
night. Hl, 6-$1, 8 & 10- $1.50.
Pinball Rally Saturday, November
17th in K .U. Gameroom. Prizes,
Foosball tournament, fun.
GTE : It's your primetime.
MSF - how are your chapped lips?
What goes, Pizza -nose? Sorry I hung
your jacket in the freezer. I promise
not to shove pizza crusts into the iced
tea jar, if you promise not to smash
pizza in my phone directory!
Love, Pizza-eye
FOUL PLAY -- Tonight ! 4:30, 7, 9: 15,
and 11 : 30 pm . Sponsored by Tri
Lambda Soror ity.
Dr ive a Trans Am home for Turkey
Day. Call M i e 2185.
To J.
rea ll y
Cha oagne Jam at 1A on Saturday !
. actually you guvs o,cn · m iss any·
: ,rig t>u twec ,c ..
So<eeter&Ju les
;::reoare e t~e wa v a t ne Lore !
House for rent. 2nd semester. Lowes
St 228-0930.
you make a realistic career choice.
KU 319 or phone 229-3035.
Brandywine Ski Resort has full time
jobs -- inside or outside -- for r:ien or
gals who can drop out winter quarter.
Pay starts at $3.50 per hour; can earn
$2500.00 before Spring and same most
of it. Free sleeping quarters provided.
Write to Box 343, Northfield, Ohio
44067 and tel I us about yourself.
Have we got your number?
Looking for a way home? Let National
Car Rental help you find the way!
J.B. & S.B.,
One year anniversary: XA is the
couch open?
Need wheels for Thanksgiving? Low
Rates. Call Mike Pfennig 2185.
What's an OMBUDSMAN? He can
help if you have a non-academic com·
plaint. Call SA, 229·4444.
Perri: Congratulations! Your talk
was splendid! So splendid, in fact,
that I may even "Splurge." Do you
like champagne?
The MVP for the National League
was named. Do you know that one of
them was on the Pirates?!? You're
not getting out of this one!!
Siobhan, Lyle, Una, Janet and Kathy:
Thanks for listening to me last Satur·
day afternoon. I guess I'm not such a
despicable fellow after all.
"FM" "FM" "FM" "FM" Saturday
night/Saturday Night, 4-6-8· 10.
Pinball ... Pinball ... Pinball
Bob: Many of the "good things" come
unexpectedly, like our conversation
last Sunday night. I thought it almost
providential. Thanks, Larry
House for rent for second semester.
1·4 males_ S320 per semester 1 bed
available for December. Call 223 9955
credit for your work . See SELF 01
RECTED .. EARN •NG, KU 319 or
phone 229 3035 See Sar
. e L 've ·s Chevy Chase ,n
Fou l Play " •on,oht
Join the T. B. Hopkins Mug Clubevfl'•
Tuesday night and get 50c M,c~
draft. T. B. Hopkins, 419 E F '
Oregon District.
Tammy .. the Mu pledge: THA~•
YOU for being the foxiest le, l<ldv
1614 Alberta nas ever seen Ltt
know if we c.in ever do anyth,ng
I will do alterations for ~
reasonable price. Any typt' of 5t'A 1
Cpl I Donna, 3572.
LOST: 19::.7:...:9=.:..:C::.la_s_s-::-R,-ing~l:'.'.rtd
Totenko's, inscribed to M. 8
Reward, 461 -2875
LEARN I NG offers you Inf oppor'i
ity to bui Id courses around vr:»r
and interests SEE SOL, KU l
phone 229 3035.
Been thinking about 90,ng llOfTW
Thanksgiving but ca11·t ,flO 1
For only $1300/daY vou can
1980 Cit at ion.
FM Saturday night, Wollllebel\H
$1, $1, $1..50 & Sl .SO
How would you like to scort en
day ! ? ! come to Ku Gamt roc,!l"FM" "FM" "FM" "FM
night/ Saturday night HI
stems: HowhighareyOII? Wild Jim and Uncle J«f
my turn to get high? KC
Masked Man,
Thanks for lea11,ng ~
See you at the ntxt Wl'f!S ""
Bring your "ShOI G(ln.
Girl in the PicMP p
FM Saturda( n,~·
Sl.00, and 8 & 10 51
Good LlKk XEA 1
about the (lefeflSt I
Ncnda f n,gn• c ~
tier 19th Bee ~
8 · oo o bOl}Yor.S or
Does F • s•ano •r,, "
out Sat1,rd,H
Friday, November 16, 1979
Soccer wrap-up
Injuries mar 6-12 season
By Carmine Angioli
If you tried to describe UD's soccer season in just a few words, you
probably couldn't. On the other hand, if you tried to pin UD's problems
this season on just one thing, you probably could. Sound confusing?
Well, so was UD's soccer season.
UD FINISHED the season with a 6-12 record. Not so great, you say?
Okay, fine. Consider though, that more than half of UD's first-game
starters were out for at least two or three games apiece.
All three of UD's captains - Doug Ashe, Joe Sullivan and Steve
Kalinoski - sat out due to injury. Ashe, a senior fullback who was the
heart of UD's defense, did not even dress after the season's fourth
Also injured for extended periods of time were halfback Dave
Wetmore and forward Dan Gerker. Herein lies the root of UD's
problems. Our old friend, the Grim Reaper wasn't on vacation. He just
hung out with the soccer team this fall.
Flyer of the Year Woody
collects 3 awards at banquet
For the second year in a ro_w,
one player walked home with
every major individual award
from the soccer team's annual
banquet Wednesday. That player
was defender Kevin"Al" Woody.
Woody, a 6-1 sophomore from
Lockport, N.Y .• was selected as
Most Valuabl~ Player and won
the Ken Keck Dedication Award
named for the UD equipment and
business manager. In addition,
Woody was named the Flyer
News Flyer of the Year.
THE GAME IS played on the field, however, not in the trainer's
room. And when the Flyers were on the field, their problems tripled.
UD's major weakness this year, quite simply, was no offense.
Soccer is a simple game. Score goals and you win. The Flyers scored
26 goals in 18 games. This should tell you that sustaining an attack for
90 minutes was not a Flyer strength.
Now think hard and try to guess why UD's offense coughed and
wheezed for much of the season. You got it. Injuries.
always 110 percent," were the
words Coach Bob Richardson
used to describe Woody.
WITHOUT KALINOSKI and Wetmore to run the show from midfield, the Flyer attack never got off the ground. The midfield is
essential in any soccer team, but especially to Coach Bob
Richardson's 4-2-4 formation where the midfielders must play both
ways effectively.
Because the offense was so inconsistent, the defense had that much
more heat on it. The Flyers gave up three goals a game. The injury to
Ashe forced Richardson to switch freshman forward Tom
onFahnestock to Ashe's sweeper spot.
VonFahnestock adjusted well and, along with MVP Al Woody, kept
he defense from folding altogether.
VonFahnestock was one of seven freshmen who saw extensive
ction due to the injuries to the front-liners.
In all, 19 Flyers were letter winners, including seniors Phil
VonderBrink, John Flood, Ricardo Rojas and captains Doug
Ashe and Joe Sullivan. Team
managers Kurt Steiger and Cullen Killian were also honored
with letters.
FRESHMEN LIKE Peter Beaudet, Dave Conway, Colin Kinsella,
ike Eilerman, VonFahnestock, Jacques Hidalgo and Mike Daley
ypified the Flyers this year. Young and hungry. They were green
hind the ears and it showed. Yet they never rolled over and died.
Richardson was proud of his charges and rightfully so. They took it
n the chin a few times, but responded admirably.
On the rare occasions when more than halt ot me regulars were
althy, the team showed signs of a bright future. The Wittenberg and
darville games were good examples of that.
"We took a step forward this year," Richardson said. "Last year,
e took a step back."
THIS SEASON was a step forward. Don't let the record decieve you.
c nucleus is there for a successful season next year. With a couple of
o<l breaks, the Flyers could make even more progress.
They especially need healthy bodies on the field. So listen, Grim
aper and otht!r bearers of bad tidings - when you get near Baujan
xt year, keep walking.
3 W. Fifth St.
Dayton, Ohio
Tel. 222-1764
18 or over
NOV . 16, 17
Katie Laur
NOV. 23, 24
The Bull To rou
'l'lw Hull i~ ll<>U' arailable in Keas
f'R.1':f Delfren·
Last year's multiple winner was
Steve Kalinoski, who lettered for
the third time this year.
Football banquet
UD SOCCER COACH Bob Richardson congratulates Kevin "Al"
Woody while presenting him with the Most Valuable Player
award. Besides being named MVP, Woody was also given the
Ken Keck and Flyer of the Year awards.
[FN/Rusty Nelson)
The UD gridders want to end the season with a
''Football Finale''
Sat. Nite November 17th
9:00 - 1:00 in the Fieldhouse
Live Music, Busch Beer, and good
times to boot. So come party with
the gridiron boys.
.\1 o a,:ailable in Ke&fs
Hd llil" aukee
Schlitz Light
ehlitz Dark
in on11uriou Co// Gary [Lumpy] Lombard Carma1 Garufy
The annual Flyers Club Football
Awards Banquet will be held
Nov. 26 at the Arena Associates
Lounge. Cocktail hour will start
at 6 p.m., with dinner at 7: 15 p.m.
Admission to the dinner is $7 per
person; and $2 for the cocktail
Tickets are available at the
Arena Ticket Office or from Bob
Askins at Kettering Labs 162,
3.00 GUYS
. 2.00 GIRLS
Friday, November 16, 1979
Flyers best regional team 'on paper'
By Thom F1adung
Asst . Sports Editor
When the UD women's volleyball team took the court Thursday to begin the Division II regional tournament at the Fieldhouse, it was, according to Head
Coach Elaine Dreidame, the best
team on paper.
However, as the coach pointed
out, " They play tournaments on a
court, not on paper."
TIIE REGIONAL tournament is
scheduled to run through tomorrow and, going in, it would appear the Flyers are a solid bet to
win it all.
They return the same team that
won the regionals last year. That
team includes All-State Tournament Team members Linda Sargent and Anne Meyers, who was
also MVP of the state tourney.
Dreidame says she has more confidence in this squad than last
year's fifth place national finishers.
And, most importantly, this
team has been through the
tourney grind before. It is this attribute that Dreidame says is
LAST YEAR the Flyers fielded
three freshmen regulars. Those
freshmen - Sandy Gindling, Sue
Cla rk and Julie Johnson - are
now sophomores and " have exp rienced the pressure of tourna-
ment play," Dreidame said.
Additionally, the spikers have
the advantage of playing at
home. Dreidame said this is a
rather double-edged benefit
" It's an advantage for the players and a disadvantage for the
coach (who has to arrange everything)," she laughed.
STILL, ALL THESE positive aspects do not put points on the
scoreboard. And there will be
seven other teams in the tourney,
each with their own set of positives.
Foremost among these is Lewis
University, from Joliet, Ill. Lewis
is seeded second behind the
The two teams should be fairly
familiar with each other. Lewis,
which enters regionals with a
42-12 record, lost to UD in
year's regionals.
DAYTON A~O beat Lewis
the national tournament last
year, where, once again LU fin.
ished directly behind th~ Flrus
in sixth place.
· ·
From slump to triumph
Ruggers enjoy late season success
By John Podczerwinski
Confuscious once said that if you never
expect much to begin with, you'll never be
disappointed with the results. Early this fall,
the UD Rugby Club subscribed to this theory.
"I'd say that the main goal of the team at
the beginning of the year was just to try tp put
a presentable team on the field," UD rugger
Chris Ogburn. said.
"We didn't really expect too much. In fact,
if anyone would have asked me back then how
I thought we'd do in the Ohio 15 Tournament, I
would have predicted a first round loss."
BUT TWO and a half months later, as the
fall season ended, the team changed its tune.
Its new song is filled with confidence, thanks
to a second-place finish in the Ohio tourney
and a 6-5 record. The ruggers are also expected to receive a bid for the first time ever to the
Mid American Cup Tournament in April.
However, the regular season started as
badly as expected for the ruggers. Dayton
dropped three of its first four contests.
"We were very inexperienced at the beginning of the year," Club President Pete
Pugnale said. "We had two or three new guys
in key positions, and nothing seemed to go
Starting with the Buffalo State game,
though, UD put everything together. And for
no reason in particular, the Flyers started
"We just started playing like a team.
Rugby is team-oriented; individual stars
aren't too important. And when we started
playing like a team, we started winning,"
Pugnale said.
THE CLUB marched through a four-game
winning streak and grabberl a place in the
Ohio 15 Tournament finals.
Many of the Flyers attribute this success to
the club's closeness. Since rugby is not NCAAregulated, the University does not subsidize
the team.
Therefore, the ruggers are forced to raise
their own money. They depend on Michel
Heidelberg for funds. This helps keep the club
"We sort of like raising our own dollars for
the team because it keeps getting us togetb,
er," Ogburn said.
DESITE THE closeness, the ruggers' Slit'
cess this season was also dependent on se\'eral players. Leading scorer Mark Morabito.
Dan Collins, Most Valuable Player Bob Staci·
house, Pat Mulroy, Pugnale and Ogbwu
turned the early slump into a winning seaa
Coaches Rod Grubb and Jay Lee, who do,
nated their time to the team, also contribuud
to the success.
The ruggers hope that this success will con,
tinue when the team starts up again for tht
spring season. And judging from recent sue,
cesses, the players seem to have good ream
for their optimism.
"If anyone asked me now, Ogburn said, ''I
would say that we'll impress a lot of peoplt ID
the spring.
It's Here ...
Budweiser Super Sports Competitio
November 30th thru December 1st followed up by a Fieldhouse Celebration PstJ.
- Entry of 8 persons per team (4 guys and 4 girls)
- T-shirt and hat given to each team member plus other "awards"
- Entries due Nov. 21st (before Thanksgiving)
- Call the intramural office for details
t 64 teams to sign up will be lowed to participate