Blow-off valves test
Blow-off valves test
1|ltID(: Ct|MPRESStlR varve BYPASS BL0W0UT-ry:,ffi':l,*t,l*-?,' Inturbocharged andcentrifugalty supercharged engines, thecompressor often (or triesto flowmoreairthantheengine closed throttteplate)will accept. Every time youshifta turbocar,forexampte, theturbo ptate. hasto pumpagainst a closed throttle pitesupinthepipeandpushes Pressure backward through thecompressor. This causes atlsortsof badstuffto happen; compressor wheelblades resonate, thrust bearings fail. Settting intomyzeroperiod mathclass, Ball-bearing turboscanhandle this oftendemands moreairthana [aggy turbo "What's thevoluptuous Virginia asked, surge, butconventionaI pumping, bearing turboscan is making thecompressor littte wrongwithyourcar?lt sounds likeyou bekittedquickly. ThereaIbummer with morethana restriction. yourgears ground coming intotheparking eitherkindof turboisthisbackoressure Compressor bypass vatves canatteviate [ot."Asmyprideevaporated, I tried slowstheturbo,increasing lagthenext bothprobtems. Blow-off vatves ventthe desperately to explainthatit wasactuatly timepoweris demanded. pressure totheatmosphere, whilediverter thesound of myshinynewHKScompressor Centrifugatly supercharged carshave valves recircutate theairbackinfrontofthe "hybrid" problems, bypass valve, which... Theblankstaretotd simitar butsince thecompressors compressor. 5o-ca[[ed vatves are just menotto bother. always spinwiththecrank, evenhigh-rpm a mixofthetwo,recirculating airat I reatized twothingsthatday.Virginia cruisecanmakethecompressor fightthe tighttoad, andventing someat hightoad. doesn't careaboutbypass valves, andmany throttle. Sincesuperchargers won'tslow Selecting thecorrect valvetypeis key. ofthosewhododon'tunderstand them. theywaste[argeamounts of horsepower lf yourengine management isspeedCompressor bypass vatves, commonly fighting thepressure buitdup. densitybased, bothstylesof valvewil[work. probtem knownasblow-off valves(BOV] or diverter Theopposite atsooccurs. At low Massairftow(MAF) vehictes require a DV valves(DV),area solution to a reaIproblem. rpmandhighthrottte angles, theengine setupto ensure correct fueling, otherwise I first became awareof the problemnearlya decade ago. Thatday,[ikemost,I triedto finishmydriveto schoolwith a glorious, ass-out stideintothe parkinglot.Deepdown,I alwayshopedto impress the chicks. lt neverseemed to work. | 1229 - turbotech I COTIPRESSOR BYPASSBU'W{ruT >{-- compromise a[[ows somesurge, but according to itsdatagathering, maintaining about4 psiin thepipeduring a shiftmakes themfaster. Thisshould onlybeconsidered witha ballbearing turbo, of course. 3 E TEST I1{ G Always theinquisitive bunch, we gathered everycompressor bypass valvein arm'sreach for a littlereal-world testing. = Ourgoatwasto geta feelingfor how 6 different valves wouldoerform under simi[ar conditions, on a relatively E common vehicle. of Diamond Star Ilrylcallayoutof Intercooler andplumblng In a FWDtu6o appllcatlon, lasonGardner NoUce thecomprcssor bypass valve locatlon, anddlrcctplumblng backto thetulboInlet. (DSS) Specialties in SanLuis0bispo, Catif., thesuckerthat heis,offered uphis1993 paralte[, theair blownouttheblow-off valvewitl be thenetlossis lowerthaneither Mitsubishi Eclipse GSXfortesting. measured bytheMAF, andfuelwitlbe individuaI avenue. Throttle response at Modifications to theEclipse wereminor; delivered, butthatair wit[neverreach the theselowloadsimproves, asdoesturbo anAFC-MASC withconefilterreolaced the cylinders. Thiscanprofoundty affect spoolandeconomy. stock airboxandMAFassembly, 2.5-inch driveabitity. Diverter valves canbeusedas Howimportant is it thatMAFcarshave D55upperintercooler pipe,ported zG(or blow-off valvesbysimptynotrecirculating recirculating diverter valves ratherthan generation) second exhaust manifold, t6G thedischarge, butbesureto puta filteron open-air blow-offvalves? Tomakea BOV turbo,ported 0, housing, andWalbro fuel theendif thevalveopens undervacuum. worksuccessfully involves pump.Thewastegate a [ongstringof wasptumbed directly Bypass valves shouldbeplaced asclose compromises. TokeeptheBOVfromleaking to manifold pressure to eliminate any to thethrottlebodyaspossible. Since at idte,whichwouldintroduce unmeasured variation induced byanaftermarket boost pressure surges beginhere,it'sthebest air,thespringhasto beexcessively tight. controller. 0urtestswererunat a relatively placeto stopthem.Theexception to therule Thisslowsthevalve's response, anda[[ows mitd9 psiof boost. Someof thevalves witl isthatanyadditional fue[injectors or briefperiods of surge. Inaddition, anytime respond differently at higherpressures. nitrousoxidenozzles shouldbeplaced after thevalveopens, airislostandthevehicle Atlthebypass valves weremounted to a thevalves. Theroutingof air backfroma DV runstoorich.Thisusually shows asa plateonthesamesection common adaptor to thecompressor inletis important, too.Try hesitation orflatspotin throttleresponse. of intercooler pipe,andusedthesame to keepthepathsmooth andstraight, but Recirculating thedischarged airdoesn't pressure dedicated manifold hose. mostof all,besureto directtheair backinto necessarily eliminate all thecoolblow-off Adiustabte valves weresetto thelightest thecompressor. Sending airbackwards out valvesounds, either. Anyopen-element air setting. A[[thediverter valves were theMAFwittgiveit a falsesignal and filterwittletyouhearit lustaswellasif it ptumbed to recirculate, withtheexception justasmuchasventing vented degrade driveability to theopenair. of theSubaru andVortech. These twohave theair.A bonus forrecirculating theairisan It should bestated thatcompressor goofy passages somewhat discharge that increase justweren't in pumping efficiency, asthe bypass valves arenotdesigned to timit goingto workwithoursetup. compressor doesn't needto drawadditionat boostundernormal conditions. Pop-off Fora baseline, andto seewhat airthrough thefilter.Thiskeeps compressor vatves, [ikethoseusedin CARILeMans, compressor surge isrea[[y a[[about, the speedup,furtherreducing [ag. andprofessional motorsports, area stockbypass valvedischarge wasplugged, Vehicles withlong,complex inletand separate animalentirely. These valves are rendering it useless. Using an Edelbrock plumbing intercooler witlbenefit fromDVs designed to [imitboost andpower, as datalogger, we Quickdata logged throttle thatooenundervacuum (TPS) conditions. For mandated byregulations, position andareof noreal andpressure inthe manyyears, 0EMshavedesigned these usefor streetcars. compressor pipeduringa one-t,.r/o discharge vatves to openunderlighttoad,allowing the lnterestingly, wehaveseensomerally gearchange. engine to drawairdirectly through them cars,specificalty Subaru's ProDrive-prepped Fromthegraph,it'sclearto seethe fromtheMAF/filter, bypassing anidting Open-class U.5.rallycars,running very compressor pressure discharge riseasthe turboandtherestricting intercooler smallvalvesin aneffortto keepsome throttleisclosed. Thisisto beexpected and ptumbing. pressure Muchliketworesistors in inthepipeduringshifts. This realtyisn'tatlthatbadsincethecompressor e turbotech I COiIPRESSOR BYPASSBU'WOUT is designed to compress air.Astheflow through thecompressor sta[[s (remember thethrottle isclosed), and pressure discharge increases, the compressor enterssurge. Muchlikea prop, spinning tireorcavitating the compressor spinsbutnoairmoves, thenit does,thenit doesn't, overand over. Theeventisaudibte, andhasa warblingsound. Not"Wooo, wooo," rather"Wuh,wuh,wuh,wuh."lt'sthe soundof badnews. Moreidealthanthisdramatic fluctuation wouldbea smooth reduction in pressure asairisvented fromthe compressor. Lotsoftimecouldbespent analyzing andspeculating theslopeofthe peakpressure boostcurve, rise,total pressure loss, andmyinconsistent shifting. Having drivena[[thevalves, however, thosewiththeleastsurge andmost gradual pressure lossdrove thesmoothest Maintaining compressor speed and pressure, discharge a seemingly contradictory endeavor, isapparentty the keyto seamless throttleresponse. illT s u B r sDHvtrn 0 itl GD si l It'snotallthatsurprising thatMitsubishi dida goodjobspecifying theDVforthe first-generation'sbeendoingturbocarsforsometime,andhassomedeep pockets. A popetvalvedesignis used,whichisverysimilarto anexternal wastegate. These valves openunder vacuum andarecapabte of hotding significant boost. A common modification isto "crush" thetopof thecapassembly downa few millimeters to raisetheinternal springrate.Thisatlowshigherboost to berunpriortoleakage. lf you're anxious aboutcrushing yourownvalve,Diamond Star Specialties offersthesevalvesboth stockandpre-crushed. ilt T s u Bt sDHt F |t n o il 2GD si l The2GDSMbypass valveis anexcetlent performer at towboost.Likeitsolder brother, it'sa popetvatvedesign, though it'smanufactured in ptastic ratherthan aluminum. Therubisthatit leaksbadly beyond 15psiof boost,degrading intoa pop-offvalve.lf you'renevergoingto run morethanr5 psi,chances areyoucanpick upa usedonefora song. Mostpeople, however, wantmoreboost,andshould juststayaway. -i232 | :ulr zoosr wnrysporrcompacrcrffi.cou I gfflaH FDd-rc-l :E!]m I ! " o ; 3 turbotech r COMPRESSORBYPASS BU'W{,UT S U B I RIU TRX Dtl The0EMsknowa goodthingwhen theyseeit. Despite thedifferent intetflange anddischarge fitting, theWRXDVappears to bethe sameoneusedbyMitsubishi onits lG DSM. We'renotawareof anybody crushing theirtopcaps yet,buttheresurearea lotof DSM purchasing owners WRXs... Source: Edelbrock Quickdata MAZDA DUTR(IIII FD (3RD G r i l .R ) X-7 It'stikethelittlevalvethatalmost could. Nearty theentirevalvecould fit in theGReddy TypeRdischarge passage. Thevalvehasa Nippon partnumber, Denso whichwethink isverysimitar to theunitusedon thetwin-turbo Supra. Since RX-7 andSupra owners tendto makea goodbit morepowerthanourtest Source: Edelbrock Quickdata car,at significantly higherboost tevets, it'sprobabty a goodideato upgrade. In addition to a[[theaftermarket offerings, running twoofthesestockunitsin parallel wouldbea validoption. iltssAlt R32 st(Yil1{t Dt, GT-R Wehadit,sowe testedit.Nissan used twoofthesein parallel onitstwinturboterror. Two generations later,on theR34, Nissan began usin5 surprise, surprise-a valvemuch[ikethe 16DsM. ttr.o strt&taE2 W ,I I /\ / I n 2 \ rcF / Y_____J\/ Source: Edelbrcck Quickdata turbotech I COMPRESSORBYPASSBU'WOUT Grutchfield's B ( ) S CD l | t ,F R ( I M A U D [I 4 I . 8 T Variations onthisbasic Bosch valveareusedin a[[manner ofAudi,Porsche andVW.The design usesa simple diaphragm pressure. to control Whitethedesign istightandfast-acting, thediaphragms areknown to tear,causing boostleaks andperformance [oss. These valves do openundervacuum andarequiteinexpensive. TheA4r.8Tmodel wastested here, though it seems theunitfromtheTTis more desirable. Available through A Audi/VW dealers, theTTpart number iso6A-145-no-N. s@h rydd Mg lffl JA^ ""-1y\ & * I \ / Y / ttt Soume Edelbrcck Quickdata A'PEXt TtilltCItAMBtR B[0lY-0tt uAtllt APEX| delivers a greatunit,atbeitit'sa somewhat largepackage. Thepopet-style BOVoffers preload adiustable anddischarge flow.Restricting thedischarge flowcouldachieve theraltystylesemi-surge wementioned earlier. lt alsochanges theaudible tone,whichisprobabty why it''stheontyvalveinthetestto comesetupto usea push-putt-styte actuation where (BoththeGReddy bothmanifotd vacuum andboostpressure areusedforactuation. valves can beconfigured thisway,butweren't forthetest.)Application-specific installkitsandinstructions areavaitable formanylapanese vehicles. Btanksteelftanges are available forcustom insta[[s. Listprice, APEX $219. Integration, Inc. l7t4l 685-5700, wwwapexr-usa.c0m. Slammin'tracks r Hlgh-energy muslc tracks youraudio showcase system's caoabilities. r Theuailegof stylesgives your system a workout across the your sonic spectrum, helping system sound itsbest. . Deep basstonesprove how lowyoursubwoofers canplay. GalltodayforyourFREE CD! Sourcer Edelbrock Quickdata B A I T E iYI ( ) T ( l R S P ( l RATtS I . ( l YD l , Bailey Motorsports devetoped thisdirectreplacement fortheBosch-style valves common to European vehicles. A high-temperature pistonis usedto control composite airftow. Thisalternate to hetpit respond fasterandholdmoreboostthantheOEMpart.Bothstraight 0rvisitwww.crutchfl pressure andangled manifold fittings Hurry, supplies arelimited. areavaitable. Thecomoact sizeand lifetime warranty arereaIpluses, asare thedetaited instructions forVWand thebestselectlon andservlce fol 29 yean Audiowners. Avaitabte in potished silveror anodized btack. Listprice, $tlg.gS. (888) AWETuning, www.awe565-22j7, 1-800,555.8307 CRUICHFIETD Sourcei Edelbroct ouickdata $ :. turhotech r GOMPRESSORBYPASS BLOWOUT BIITZ S U P ESR( ) U I I D B r . 0 w - 0 tvtA t l l tD D Btitzoffersitstrick,piston-style Super SoundBOVDD.Twodischarge flanges areincluded, onewith a couoteof whistle-[ike featuresmachined intothe body,the otherwith a mini-integrated air filter.Sincethe springtensionon the modelwe testedwaslightenoughto leakat idle,the filteredflangecould workwe[[for some.0f course, the preloadadjustment cankeepthe valve sealed, too.Whyit doesn't offera fittingto a[[owrecirculation isa mystery to us,though there's no youcan'tmakeyourown. reason Apptications-specific instatI kits andinstructions areavailable for mostJapanese vehicles. Blank aluminum andsteelftanges are availabte forcustom instalts, asisa heavy spring forthoserunning big boost. Listprice,$235. Btitz (7141 NorthAmerica, m -1508, nrsesd@D l:;Gdl V\ I ) So!rce:Edelbrock 0uickdala Hr(s ssQll 80l/ (stJPtR srQUEilTtAr Bt0fy-0Ft vArvr) lf altwecared aboutwerelooks, HKS woutdstealtheshowwithitsSuperSequentiaI BOV(SSQV]. lt'sa darn handsome piece of potished bittet aluminum. A[as, function isthecruxofthis study, andonourtestcar,theadjustabte valvewasa bitslowto respond. Whenthe valvedidopen, it emitted a souno reminiscent ofa seatbeingbeaten to death. Fun,kindofexciting, andbound to getyouthelooks. 0f a[tthevatves tested, thisoneisthecatca[t. Other inserts areavaitable to raiseor lowerthetone,asisa fittingro provide forrecirculation. TheHKS SSQV isavailable asa universaI 3 unitwithatuminum orsteelflanges forcustom apptications andalsoas vehicle-specific kitsforbolt-on applications. Listprice, $zlo.HKS HsWS#EW l-;iG /\,t v\n / "\/\ / o ; / \_/ ,/ \__/\/ USA(310) 763-9600, Source: Edelbrock 0uickdata turbotech T COMPRESSORBYPASS BLOWOUT dT BEST U L{HEEI (lSPIIERE STRAT]t| I|YPERB(l(lST Dtl TheHyperboost isdesigned asa drop-in E ( 3 O s ) 8 2 4- ! www,Bestwhe 7" w/Tires 8" w/Tires 17" w/TiresS59? 18" w/tires $849 7" w llies 5599 I 7" w/Tires 9" w/Tires S129918" w/Tires replacement for Bosch-style valves. lt'sreally unique in thatthevalvecanbedisassembled andserviced without tools.Simply unscrew the cap,liftoutthe[arge Teflon-coated aluminum piston, cleanandregrease the0-ring, andslide it backtogether. Whitethevalveis apart,it's curious to notethefundamental similarities between the Stratmosphere andForge units. Pretoad adjustment isanoption thatcanbeupgraded downthe road.Finish options arenickelplated sitver oranodized btack. Lifetime warranty. Listprice,$139, modet. $t79fortheadjustable Sratmosphere, Inc.(888)Bj-1m, 7" w/Tires U ( l R T ERCI C ]| E BYPASS UATtlE 17"w llire 8" w/Tires5849 l 8 " w / T i r e l9"w/Tire Source: Edelbrocl Quickdata ,49 ,949 8" w/Tires51,34919" w/tiresSl ?" w/Tires51,94? 8" w/Tires S84?18" w/Tires$2, 0" w/Tires51,69919" w/Tires$3, Vortech sentusits"smal["bypass valvefortesting. lt'sthesecond largest wereceived. Coming from a company witha history primarily i nvolving supercharged V8s,it makes sense. Thepopet valvedesign isverysimilar to GReddy's. Spring tension is adlustable fromthe[id.Like GReddy, too,puttingpressure to thebottom ofthediaphragm can bea chore. Vortech instatls a porous metalfilterto keepdebris out,though reptacing it witha nippleshouldn't betootough. We'dfigureperformance would benefitsignificantly. Theoval discharge isa bigoneandcanbe toughto mateto commonly avaitable materia[s. Mounting is prettysimple, amazingly. lt usesa GReddy compatibte ftange. Numerous finishchoices are availabte, asarealuminum and stee[-mounting f langes. Listprice, Vortech Engi neering, $2t0.55. (805], 247-0226, www.vortechsu I I / t f\ VIA s 6 Sourcer Edelbrock Quickdata :.i''; llfQQ[ r COMPRESSOR BYPASSBLOWOUT F ( ) R GM E( ) T O R S P O TR AS I T R()AD D l l & P I S T OR I IA MB ( ) l / Theterm"forge" usually implies strength, and,boy,isthatthecasehere. These vatves arebeefy. Forge Motorsport quitea fewdifferent makes bypass vatves for a number of applications. Thetwoherearesuitabte asdrop-in replacements forthe 2GDSM. TheFastRoadDVusesa [arge self-aligning floating piston forpositive closure. Evenmoreinteresting istheduat-piston arrangement onthePiston Ram pressure BOV. Manifotd actsontheouterpiston, eitheropening or ctosing it d e p e n d ionngc o n d i t i oAns. m a li[n n epr i s t oinsi n d e p e n d e n t lryu nagn do p p o s e d sp on[ybyboostpressure piping. intheintercooter Thisdesign guarantees noidle teakage whitestil[allowing theuseof a reasonab[y softprimary spring. Al[Forge ffi I L-*s I A ; v\n, 3 \ il / / \ - - / / X / products areuserserviceable and covered by its lifetimewarranty. Listprice,$t35.Forge (321) Motorsport 689-0982, l www.forgemoto ll / t I 3 6 So!rce:Edelbrock Qurckdata tech r COMPRESSORBYPASSBTOWOUT T Y PR ED V S G R T O IDYYP ES A I { O product. Both atwaysseemsto comethroughwith a prettywe[[-engineered GReddy TheTypeS andTypeR altowfor valvesusea popetdesignmuchlikeAPEXi's. recircutation, however, anddespitethe hugediameterof theTypeR'sdischarge, to adaptto neartyanyhosesize.Spring areavai[ab[e handythreadedreducers . f, t\ I / | f-EGll F--.. 1 I I Vl,lu t e n s i o n i s a d j u s t a b t e o n b o t h , i n a d d i t i o n t o a s t i f f e r s p r i n g o p t i o n fA ortheTypeR. LikethatfromAPEXi,these captive0-ringin the valvefaceensurespositiveclosure. I va[ves, thoughneitheronewassetup to seems arebothpush-pult thoughthe resulting fromthe boostassist, bothvalvescoutdhavebenefited part-throttle maynot beworthit. GReddy offersinsta[[kitsfor most boostleakage turbocharged vehicles, as lapanese wel asflanges forcustom insta[[s. List price:TypeS,$zzZ. TypeR,$254.55. (949) Products GReddy Performance 588-8300, F-Ps(i) I' l ! , t'\.. ri | t / So!rce:Edelbrock Quckdata