Annual Report 2013 - Trinity College
Annual Report 2013 - Trinity College
Trinity College Annual Report 2013 2014© Trinity College, Royal Parade, Parkville, Victoria 3052 Photography: Kit Haselden, Mark Chew. CONTENTS Overview02 Warden’s Report03 Residential College06 Trinity College Foundation Studies 07 Trinity College Theological School 08 Trinity Institute 9 Advancement 10 Other College-wide Departments 11 Appendix 13 This report has been offset printed by an ISO14001 Environmental Management System accredited printer. All emissions associated with the production through to disposal of 350gsm & 200gsm Pacesetter Coated has been negated through the purchase of carbon offsets. OVERVIEW Founded in 1872 as the first college of the University of Melbourne, Trinity College is a unique tertiary institution that provides a diverse range of academic programs to talented students from across Australia and around the world. Trinity College programs include: • the Residential College for undergraduate and postgraduate students of the University of Melbourne and of the Trinity College Theological School, both resident and non-resident • Trinity College Theological School (TCTS), a centre for Anglican theology and ministry that educates people, lay and ordained, to work for the transformation of church and society • Trinity College Foundation Studies (TCFS), which offers a range of one-year courses that prepare able overseas students for undergraduate entry to the University of Melbourne and other leading Australian universities • the Trinity Institute, which offers inspirational leadership programs for high school students, innovative professional development, and thought-provoking open learning opportunities for all. Trinity College actively contributes to the life of the wider University and its main campus is located adjacent to the University grounds. An Anglican institution, Trinity welcomes people of all faiths and none. The College celebrates, and is enriched by, the diversity of backgrounds of its staff and students. Trinity student numbers in all parts of the College in 2013 were: Residential College Resident students Non-resident students 325 26 351 Theological School Ministry Formation Online Certificate of Theology 49 150 619 818 International Programs August/September Extended 2012 February Main 119 349 July Fast Track 72 August Main 84 August Comprehensive & Extended October Fast Track 2013 321 53 998 Trinity Institute Young Leaders Winter School (July) 137 Juilliard Winter Jazz School 42 Yalari Year 10 Orientation 37 Young Leaders Summer School (December) 96 312 STUDENT COHORT DURING 2013 2 2479 WARDEN’S REPORT Trinity College has always sought to provide its students in all programs with educational experiences of outstanding quality. In recent years we have increasingly become aware that students and their families and other supporters are making choices based on a wider, and indeed global, set of possibilities. Trinity’s Foundation Studies program has been drawing students from around Asia and across the world for over 24 years now, providing us all with a very concrete reminder of that shrinking educational globe. Resident students too are increasingly considering Trinity not only as one among the options available in Melbourne, but as a means of obtaining a world-class educational experience at the University of Melbourne. This is reflected particularly in the growing number of interstate applications we receive. Through 2012 and 2013 the Board of the College and others involved in our leadership and governance worked to develop a strategic plan that reflected our aspirations and addressed these challenges. It has three key elements: • Access: We are committed to providing access to Trinity and to our University partners’ programs to students from diverse backgrounds, offering them transformative opportunities regardless of their means. • Experience: We seek to provide educational and other experiences that reflect cutting-edge ideas, outstanding quality of facilities and services, and otherwise match our global competitors – except where we surpass them! • Opportunity: We intend the Trinity experience to be the beginning of a lifetime of engagement, supported by our alumni network and new programs for existing and past students that will assist them to pursue their ambitions. Concretely, this led us to plan in 2013 for a number of significant initiatives to be implemented as the 2014 year unfolds. We have created a Careers and Further Studies office to assist with the ‘Opportunity’ strand. We have created a Centre for Advanced Studies to build our visiting scholars program as a resource for the ‘Experience’ we aspire to for all students, in residence, Foundation Studies and Theology. Our ‘Access’ emphasis is embodied in the restructuring of our Foundation Studies and related programs such as Summer Schools into a new Pathways School that will seek new means of engaging Australian as well as international students. And we are planning a new ‘Gateway’ building that will serve all these purposes. This will be my last full year as Warden; so it gives me pleasure to report that during 2013, as always, Trinity was building on its much-valued traditions with energy, discipline and faith. 3 COUNCIL As the peak governance body of the College, the Council’s role is to ensure observance of the Trinity Constitution and to provide advice to the Board, the Warden and the other senior officers of the College. The 40-member Council consists of representatives of all major sectors of the Trinity College community, including students, staff, alumni, donors, the Church and the University, presided over by the Archbishop of Melbourne. The Council meets twice each year. In May, it approved the 2012 Annual Report of the College. Council also appointed Mr Jim Craig as the new Chair of the Board from July, and re-appointed Professor David Studdert for a further two-year term. In November the Council elected Mr Richard Tudor to the Board, and re-elected Professor Pip Pattison and elected Ms Kathleen Bailey-Lord and the Revd Lynda McMinn to the Council. After re-electing Bishop Grant, Associated Professor Tony Buzzard and Mr Bill Cowan as members of the Fellows Committee, the Council heard presentations from Mr Peter Elliott regarding the College’s Master Plan, and from Mr J Craig Brown on progress with design of a new education building proposed for the southeastern precinct of the main campus. BOARD The 12 members of the Board focus on strategic and governance matters related to the future position of the College in the sector and in the community. Regular presentations are made to the Board by the various teaching and support divisions of the College, as well as by external consultants as required. The Board monitors the College’s performance by way of a set of more than 40 Key Performance Indicators that assess the College’s financial and administrative operations, risk mitigation and management strategies. An annual selfevaluation survey is also undertaken by each member of the Board. The Board has committees that oversee Buildings and Grounds, Education Strategy, Finance, Fundraising, Governance, Investment Management, Risk Management including OH&S and the Theological School. Committee prepares a written annual report for the Board. During 2013, the Board held eight meetings. Key discussions included International Strategy, the Southern Gateway project, the Strategic Plan, the Annual Risk Review, Operating and Capital Budgets, Fundraising, future arrangements with the University of Melbourne related to Foundation Studies, and the Student and Staff Codes of Conduct. The Board also approved a range of major infrastructure projects including the landscaping works for the Sharwood Court and Wynne Cottage/Kitchens North, the Jeopardy Stage 2 and Behan Stage 1 Renovation, and a new telephony contract. Mr Jim Craig took up the role of Chairman of the Board in July, following the retirement of Mr Bill Cowan after eight years as Chair. The Board re-appointed Ms Kathleen Bailey-Lord and Mr Charles Sitch, but farewelled Ms Jodi Fullarton-Healey and Professor David Studdert in October. Ms Anna Traill followed Mr Matthew Hargreaves as Senior Student of the College, an ex officio position on the Board. The Board held a Retreat in October, and refined the Vision and Strategic Plan for the College. Progress on each of the Strategic Plan objectives was also reviewed. In particular, the Board endorsed the use of the name ‘Pathways School’ rather than ‘International Programs’. The Board further endorsed the concept of a Centre for Advanced Studies and a Careers and Further Studies Office, as well as the progress and direction of the scholarships strategic plan. FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE The College performed considerably better than budget in 2013 due in large part to Foundation Studies’ enrolments exceeding expectations. The international student market for Foundation Studies showed a strong upswing and continues to show signs of growth. This is driven, among other things, by the University of Melbourne’s strong global and regional ranking and Foundation Studies being a premier pathway program. The charts below show a breakdown of the sources of College income and areas of College expenditure. Fee income is clearly the main source of income, representing three quarters of all income, while Investment Income is 7%, and donations, 5%. Salaries and staff related costs represented half of College expenditure in 2013. Donations to Trinity College and to the Foundation were again strong, with funds donated for scholarships, teaching 4 and lectureships, educational programs, and for the Warden’s and Dean’s discretionary funds. The College spent some $3 million on capital works to improve infrastructure and operations. Major projects included refurbishment of Jeopardy and Behan student rooms, the remaining landscaping works for the Vatican Lawn, Sharwood Court and Kitchens, the completion of the desktop/laptop replacement project, and the deposit on the purchase of 73 Royal Parade. The performance of investment funds was 2% higher than the benchmark portfolio’s performance of +21%. These investment funds support the College through the funding of scholarships and studentships, and contributing to teaching, building projects and other activities. The Board, through the Finance and Investment Management Committees, regularly reviews the College’s investment performance and fund drawdowns to ensure that programs and activities are supported adequately while also endeavoring to ensure endowed funds are maintained in real terms for the long term. 2013 Income 2013 Expenditure Other Revenue 9.0% Administration and other expenditure 18.7% Conference and Events 2.0% Investment Income 7.5% Interest 0.0% Catering 3.7% Donations 4.9% Depreciation 8.9% Marketing and Promotions 9.7% Fee income, 76.5% Buildings and Property 9.0% Salaries and On Costs 50.0% INDIGENOUS EDUCATION Trinity continued to pursue important Indigenous initiatives and programs. There were 20 Indigenous students in residence and many school students spent time living on campus for Trinity Young Leaders Programs, the University of Melbourne RISE camp for Science, a Yalari orientation camp, and individual periods of work experience in the city. Important partnerships were maintained with Yalari, the Smith Family, Ganbina in Shepparton and the Aurora Foundation. The College played a pivotal role in the Bachelor of Arts (Extended) degree through teaching transition subjects and meeting funding needs for teaching. Support for the University saw success in establishing a new funding partnership with Investec Bank and the beginning of a valuable link with the Sydney-based Australian Indigenous Education Foundation led by Andrew Penfold. There was also important engagement in the development of the Bachelor of Science Extended, and the support of the Leith Foundation in funding curriculum development is acknowledged with thanks. The Trinity Young Indigenous Writers Prize for Poetry and Short Fiction, the inspiration of alumnus Peter Gebhardt, was launched in October. The annual prize, open to Indigenous writers under 30, will offer a cash prize and a period as writer in residence at Trinity. The annual student trip to Minyerri and Darwin was complemented by a new expedition into Yolngu country in North East Arnhem Land. Five students and a staff member spent ten remarkable days with the Lirrwi Yolngu Tourism Aboriginal Corporation, and the support and encouragement of alumnus Mark Carnegie was central to the expedition. SUSTAINABILITY The 2013 Sustainability Interns, Hanna McCreath and Sam Hartley, played an important role in delivering the College’s Sustainability strategy. The 2013 initatives included distributing keep-cups and water bottles to students; placing recycling bins in student rooms; hosting ‘Clean Up Australia Day’; establishing a partnership with Ormond College and engaging with inter-collegiate working committees on sustainability; distributing information and showcasing sustainability at Trinity; and ‘re-launching’ the Trinity College Sustainability’ Facebook page as a tool for communication and participating in the reactivation of the ‘Theme 1’ strategies. The installation of double-glazing and hydronic heating to all student and tutor rooms as part of the Jeopardy building refurbishment has resulted in a significant drop in Jeopardy’s electricity consumption of around 54% (85,000 kwh) compared to 2012. A progress report was prepared on the achievement of the targets set in the Sustainability Strategy (2010) for achievement by 2022. The College is ahead in areas of water, waste and gas, but is behind target for electricity usage, travel and ‘carbon-neutral events’. A new Theme 1 working group was set up in 2013 comprising students, staff and some service providers to set a path to get those areas on track for 2022 targets. Work will continue on this in the first half of 2014. 5 RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE The residential College year ended on a bright note: in the second semester the students attained the best academic results of the past decade. The resident community was a harmonious one, well led by the senior students and supported effectively by the staff. Students embraced the more flexible tutoring offered in the form of individual consultations, or small group teaching for 2 or 3 students, and results continued to be very good. Extracurricular tutorials in music were well attended, as were the innovative 3D printing workshops.The Fireside Chat series proved popular. Highlights included evenings with Professor Marcia Langton, Mr Adam Bandt, MP,and Miegunyah Fellow and eminent historian Professor Richard Immerman. The non-resident program was boosted in the first semester by the admission of 15 students who elected to wait until July for the opportunity to enter the residential College. The program has been consolidated as a purely academic one based on tutorial support, and numbers are expected to remain low in the immediate future. An important initiative in 2013 was engagement with all second year students in a more focussed professional mentoring program. Half of the second year students took up the opportunity to participate in an individual ‘life review’ with the Dean and Head of Academic Programs. A second initiative concerned student wellbeing and mental health in particular. The College employed a nurse from Semester Two, as a point of assessment and management of chronic conditions; and engaged with professional organisations to develop health and wellbeing programs and a pool of appropriate resources. The chaplain played a central role in identifying resources and building new programs. Student life was rich and varied. The play Cosi, and the musical, A Chorus Line, were excellent and demanding productions that were enjoyed greatly. The College again flourished in a range of artistic and cultural pursuits, and the students are commended on retaining the Intercollegiate Shield for the Arts. 6 Other highlights included public concerts for the a capella groups the Candystripes and the Trinity Tiger Tones; a cultural exchange visit from College House, New Zealand; and a now ‘traditional’ celebration of student music at the Big Day In festival. The Trinity College Orchestra grew happily under the leadership of conductor Patrick Miller, and the concert held in November was excellent. Tutoring services with the River Nile and Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience continued, while individuals contributed strongly to tutoring with the Smith Family. The drive for blood donations was also well supported. The combined efforts of the women and men in intercollegiate sports saw Trinity finish a very close second in the overall competition. Of particular note was the women’s success in the 1st VIII rowing, and an inaugural win for the women in football. The two Senior Students, Mr Matthew Hargreaves (2012–13) and Ms Anna Traill (2013–14), and the two committees of the student leadership group, the Trinity College Associated Clubs, were instrumental in building a strong sense of community. Dr Sally Dalton-Brown, Mr Jeff Richardson, Ms Toni Roberts and the Revd Lynda McMinn, our new Chaplain, worked tirelessly to lead, organise and manage student life, and it was a delight to welcome Ms Andrea Ball as College Nurse. Mr Paul Broussard, Mr Ben Carson, Dr Alyce Lim, Mr Jason Quin and Ms Kellie Mathers finished their terms as resident tutors in 2013, and left with sincere thanks for their important roles in College life. We also farewelled spouses and occasional tutors and student mentors Ms Diana Carson and Mr Nathan Jessup, both great enthusiasts for collegiate education and Trinity. TRINITY COLLEGE FOUNDATION STUDIES Trinity College Foundation Studies (TCFS) is an award-winning, one-year course that annually prepares up to 900 overseas students for undergraduate entry to the University of Melbourne and other leading Australian universities. The high academic standards of TCFS students are reflected in the table below, giving statistics from the 2012– 2013 intakes. Following the introduction of iPad technology in the classroom in 2011, and the ensuing 2012 improvement in average student performance, 2013 has confirmed that upward trend. Teaching methods and student learning have both improved through the renewal program that accompanied the new technology. All Main and Fast Track intakes have delivered strong results. A greater proportion than usual received offers of places at the University of Melbourne. In 2013, TCFS outstripped all competitors, with an almost 20% increase in enrolments over 2012, itself 14% above the preceding year. This produced a record number of new enrolments in 2013 of 933, a testimony to the quality and good reputation of the program. Such rapid growth has generated some challenges in JULY FAST TRACK 2012 –2013 JULY MAIN 2012–2013 91 146 Students qualifying from the program 91 (100%) 145 (99.3%) Students with an average of, or above, 95% 6 (6.6%) 11 (7.5%) Students with an average of 90–100% for their top four subjects 45 (49.5%) 50 (34.2%) TCFS graduates who applied to the University of Melbourne offered a place 84 (92.3%) 119 (81.5%) ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS Number of final examinees terms of finding the additional teaching facilities in which to operate. This work will continue into 2014, as enrolment growth is likely to continue. The College Board remains committed to ‘future-proofing’ the College’s sources of extra revenue from its educational initiatives, and the opportunities to create new, additional and more diversified program offerings were actively pursued in 2013. This has also laid the groundwork for the new Pathways School organisational entity, to commence in January 2014. Consolidation of the existing pre-university and preparatory programs of the College – the Young Leaders Programs, the Bachelor of Arts (Extended) and the Trinity Institute bespoke programs – has been a major part of the strategic work of 2013. In August, the College signed an Agreement regarding the TCFS program with the University of Melbourne, the outcome of many months of negotiation. This is the first formal, mutually binding agreement between the College and the University regarding TCFS in its OCTOBER FEBRUARY 24-year history. It will serve to FAST TRACK MAIN enhance the collaboration and 2012–2013 2013 strategic planning for TCFS and 69 469 afford the program a greater certainty and security. 69 464 In September, a party of around (100%) (98.9%) 50 TCFS students and staff 8 44 headed to Central Australia, (11.6%) (9.4%) a wonderful opportunity for international students to see 42 181 more of the country and to (60.9%) (38.6%) better understand the world of Indigenous Australians and the 65 396 unique Australian landscape. The (94.2%) (84.4%) tour was resoundingly successful. 7 TRINITY COLLEGE THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL The Theological School at Trinity College has had a successful year in 2013. Student numbers were high, and the School continues its tradition of providing in-depth and relevant programs for students studying theology and ministery formation, whether for lay or ordained ministries. In November, nine students were ordained Priest in the Diocese of Melbourne, as well as others ordained as Deacon across the Province of Victoria. Sadly, the Revd Soraya Christie, newly-ordained Deacon from the Maori community, passed away in February. She had attended the Theological School in 2012. Visitors to the School included Archbishop Philip Freier, who addressed our students on critical issues concerning mission, evangelism and ministry. Negotiations with the United Faculty of Theology (UFT) continued this year, and also with the University of Divinity. Next year, 2014, will be something of a transition year for the School, when it will develop new models of partnership with the UFT and the University. Faculty members had a fruitful year lecturing, engaging in research and undertaking speaking engagements across the Church. They attended international conferences, in places as far afield as North America, Sweden and England. In August, Professor Frank Brennan SJ AO gave the 43rd Barry Marshall Memorial Lecture at Trinity College, 8 speaking on the theme “The Public, the Church and Asylum Seekers;’ his paper was well received. The College Retreat was held at Pallotti College in August. The retreat conductor, Fr John Stewart from the Living Well Centre, spoke on the story of the Road to Emmaus. New Adjunct Faculty members have included the Very Revd Dr Andreas Loewe, the Revd Dr Hugh Kempster, Dr Katherine Firth, the Revd Dr Richard Treloar, and the Revd Dr Don Saines. The Revd Dr Craig D’Alton has contributed significantly to the life of the School and the Faculty as the St Mary’s Lecturer in Anglican Studies. The Revd Jasmine Dow became the second Morna Sturrock Fellow in the Theological School. Dr Megan Warner was farewelled in November and has left for London. We were sorry to see her go, as she had contributed much to the life of the School. Finance is never an easy issue in the Theological School, but we were blessed to receive the Geoff and Edith Pitcher Fund for $100,000 for each of five years. This has enabled us, among other things, to offer scholarships to students to study full-time in the School. TRINITY INSTITUTE The Trinity Institute includes the Young Leaders Program, Conferences and Events, and various short courses offered with strategic partners. Overall, this has been the most successful year to date for all areas of the Institute. Before 2013, the Young Leaders Program (YLP) was offered only in July and December. This year, however, brought much innovation and partnerships to run hybrid models of YLP with various strategic partners, including: • a leadership weekend with 30 outstanding Year 10 indigenous students from all over Australia with Yalari Foundation • a new YLP offering in partnership with Engage Education Foundation, a youth organisation founded by Trinity College alumni where 25 low socioeconomic students were fully funded to participate • a ‘Doing Business in the Asia Pacific Region’ program for masters-level prospective international students visiting the Business and Commerce faculty • a science exposure program called RISE for Year 9–10 Indigenous Victorian students in partnership with the University of Melbourne • the Juilliard Jazz School, which brought 40 outstanding high-school musicians in contact with Juilliard’s finest jazz musicians for one week in July. These programs were in addition to our regular YLP, which broke records for numbers in July, with 216 program enrolments. Over half of these students were from Australia. As the July 2009 program had only 12 students, and each was international, this is a significant achievement. In April, Dr Brenda Holt had the opportunity to present the YLP to the Ministry of Education in Malaysia, which resulted in endorsment of the program for outstanding Malaysian students; this will bring significant new funding and students. In August, we launched a promotional video about the YLP. The University of Melbourne Marketing and Admissions teams have embraced the video as it talks explicitly about the University becoming a pathway for students after attending a YLP program. Using the University of Melbourne brand and ranking has been strategic in allowing us into a greater number of schools in South-East Asia. The Conference and Events programs have also had a good year, not only financially, but also through the strategic partnerships established, nurtured or maintained. The College owes an enormous amount to Mark Gordon, who is leaving the College after eight years as the Manager of Conferences. Mark has done an outstanding job building this business into what it is today. A full list of conference groups for 2013 is given in the Appendix. 9 ADVANCEMENT On numerous fronts, Trinity enjoyed a successful year in its Advancement activities. This was strengthened by a supportive and engaged College community, who believe in enhancing the educational experience we provide. We remain deeply appreciative of the generous support of our many donors, and acknowledge the ways in which their generosity supports the College’s continued success. In 2013, our Annual Giving program raised close to $550K, a 45% increase on 2012. We received $1.4 million in Major Gifts – 20% more than the previous year. During the year the Advancement team also secured over $900,000 in pledges, which will convert to cash donations in the coming years. A further $100,000 was pledged to the Theology School, being the first installment of a $500,000 pledge over five years. The work of the Revd Canon Dr Ray Cleary, the Revd Professor Dorothy Lee and Bishop Grant to secure this gift was much appreciated. Thanks to the many College supporters, we now can award over $1 million a year in scholarships, which makes up almost 15% of total residential fees. Donors also made significant contributions to the Choir, our Indigenous programs, our Young Leaders programs, and to buildings and grounds, which included the renovation of the Behan Building (pictured). Fundraising figures alone do not reveal the investment in future potential giving. In 2013 we had 600 individual donors, which was a 13% increase on 2012. More importantly, 120 of these were new donors to the College. The fundraising efforts were supported by numerous alumni-engagement activities. During the year 1,800 people attended a range of events. Of them, 600 attended on multiple occasions. We were excited to see some 500 people attend our events for the first time in five years. 10 Strong attention was also placed in connecting with our Foundation Studies alumni. We ran reunions in Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong and Melbourne. Some 200 people attended these events, and we now have over 500 correct email addresses for our Foundation Studies alumni. The year also saw its share of staff change. In January Mr Scott Charles, the Director of Advancement, commenced, as did Ms Kate Stewart, our Events Coordinator, and Ms Mia Yourn, the Advancement Team Administrator. Ms Jennifer Wraight, who works in the Major Gifts area, joined us for the last four months of the year; and in December we recruited a new Communications Manager, Mr Ben Zipper. Also joining the team were Ms Deirdre Sheehan as the graphic designer, and Ms Dawn Leicester as special projects officer. The team has not grown in size; these people have either taken up roles that were already vacant or replaced the two staff members who moved to other organisations during the year: Ms Penny Harth and Ms Nicole Crook. Looking forward, the Advancement team has been busy developing a fundraising strategy for the new Southern Gateway Building. We are excited to note that the building is currently going through the town planning process. With the Southern Gateway Building forming a key aspect of the College’s strategic objective of providing a transformational education experience for students, the new building signifies a new and exciting chapter for the College. OTHER COLLEGE-WIDE DEPARTMENTS ART AND ARCHIVES This year saw the College’s two major cultural collections come under the responsibility of a single role in the Rusden Curator, with concentrated efforts made to strengthen the archival holdings and promote both collections. Two new portrait commissions commenced during 2013, scheduled for completion in early 2014. Since the re-opening of the renovated Dining Hall in late 2012, the portrait hang has been refreshed and accompanied by an updated edition of the successful room brochure, ‘A Quick Guide to the Portrait Collection in the Dining Hall’. At the beginning of 2013, the Dean, Mr Campbell Bairstow, and his wife Ms Jill Gregory, generously loaned a series of works on paper to the College for display in the new reception foyer. Djalkiri: The Blue Mud Bay series is a body of collaborative works on paper by Indigenous and nonindigenous artists. The series of eight works has been incredible well received, and the College has been fortunate to acquire the last remaining folio of this series to augment its existing art holdings. Adding a new dimension to the portrait collection was the completion of the College’s first major photographic portrait of inaugural Indigenous scholarship recipients, Sana Nakata (TC 2001) and Lilly Brown née Brophy (TC 2001), by photographic artist Hayden Golder. A series of temporary exhibitions have been held across the College, including works by Melbourne print artist John Shirlow, recent State Library of Victoria Creative Fellow Nicholas Jones, as well as digital student works on the Dining Hall café screen. A central priority during 2013 has been to strengthen the documentation of the archival holdings and foster a greater engagement with the College’s significant heritage. In September, a new Facebook page for the collections was launched, which has been enthusiastically received. As in past years, the collections have benefitted through the generosity of people who have either lent or given art works and material documenting the College’s heritage. CHAPLAINCY The Chaplaincy team offers regular worship opportunities, pastoral support and advice to all members of Trinity, be they students, staff, parents, friends, alumni or members of the wider university and Parkville communities. During 2013, the team included the Revd Lynda McMinn as joint College Chaplain, with a responsibility to the Residential College, the Revd Christopher Carolane, joint College Chaplain with responsibility for Foundation Studies, and the Revd Jasmine Dow as Associate Chaplain. Choral Evensong, with the Trinity Choir, was sung every Sunday evening during term time, and occasionally featured professorial lectures. Chaplaincy to the Residential College included a strengthened pastoral-care program. Lynda has worked with the residential team to develop a program that will grow resilient students. Chris has worked closely with other members of the Foundation Studies student welfare team and the counsellor throughout 2013. Both students and staff have sought his counsel for personal and/or professional matters. A weekly Bible Study has been held throughout the year in the Prayer Space at Swanston Street. Chris conducted the first Trinity College and Friends Cambodian Service Project in January. Student clubs run through Chaplaincy included a knitting club and singing club. The third Central Australia Adventure trip was highly successful in the September/ October holiday period, with 49 students attending. In December, the Chaplains, Music and Advancement staff again produced two well-attended and beautifully sung services of lessons and carols, where funds were raised for the Brotherhood of St Laurence and the Christmas bowl. The program differed slightly from previous years, with the Trinity Choir presenting a Sunday Live broadcast from Melbourne’s ABC studios. 11 THE CHOIR OF TRINITY COLLEGE Another very busy year started for the Choir with the traditional Workshop Week on 17 February. A busy schedule of concerts included the visit of Eric Whitacre, well-known American composer and conductor, in April. He worked with the choir for three days, culminating in a concert at Monash University on 13 April. Australian composer Nigel Westlake asked the choir to be part of the ‘Happiness and its Causes’ Conference in Melbourne in June, where they sang an a cappella work excerpted from Nigel’s Missa Solis – Requiem for Eli. The choir was also invited to present a lunchtime concert as part of the entertainment program for the quadrennial International Congress of Voice Teachers in Brisbane. In August the choir again participated in the Melbourne University Anatomy Department’s Service of Thanksgiving for those who have donated their bodies for medical research and anatomy. The Anglican aged-care provider Benetas celebrated 65 years at the end of October in St Paul’s Cathedral. Michael Leighton Jones was commissioned to write a festal setting of the Mass. The Choir premiered the ‘Nostalgic Mass’ for the occasion, along with two anthems by Philip Matthias. The year ended with further recording sessions in the week leading up to the Carol Services, and the choir sang for the Sunday Live broadcast on ABC Classic FM, with Marshall McGuire (harp). This program included two first broadcast performances: ‘I Saw Three Ships’ by Stuart Greenbaum, and Triptych by Michael Leighton Jones. Dr Joshua van Konkelenberg was appointed College Organist on his return from studies in the UK, and we began the year with two Junior Organ Scholars, Myfanwy Macindoe and Thomas Baldwin. Hugh Fullarton (Organ Scholar 1995-1998) became College Organist on Dr van Konkelenberg’s resignation in May, while Myfanwy also left to pursue further organ studies in Germany. Michael Leighton Jones announced his retirement, to occur at Easter 2014, after 17 years as the Director of Music. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES Information Technology Services (ITS) developed a five-year IT & AV Strategic Plan, conducted a security audit and continued work on the network improvement project, audio visual facilities and web applications. ITS consulted with divisions across the College to develop a 2013–2017 IT & AV Strategic Plan, which underpins the overall College strategy. A cornerstone of the new strategy is to fully deliver an enhanced data and voice network, a major multi-year undertaking that began in 2012. Among the 43 projects that ITS delivered in 2013 were improvements to audio in the Chapel, and installation of an audio system and special lectern in the Old Warden’s Lodge space. In response to the increasing use of tablets and smart phones for website access, and in line with the external website usability improvements made in 2012, the Trinity College Portal underwent a responsive design makeover to make the site more mobile device-friendly. Major benefits have been realised through the Foundation Studies online enquiries and applications system, allowing prospective students to submit applications via the Trinity website, ready for processing by Admissions staff. A consulting firm was appointed to review aspects of the College’s IT security arrangements, as well as making attempts to compromise security. The result was a favourable report, with recommendations to enhance IT security at the College. LIBRARY The year was characterised by new technology, significant bequests, intriguing art and extensive use by students. The entire year saw the library filled to capacity with students from Professor Robin Sharwood, Dr Barbara Cargill and from across the College, using the space for study or to Professor Miles Nicholls. request resources for their various programs. Over 100,000 The Library hosted an intriguing exhibition of book users passed through our doors this year. sculptures called ‘Unpacking the Library’ by sculptor Major achievements for the Library include the successful Nicholas Jones. The exhibit featured old books that had been installation of the new RFID (Radio Frequency ID) technology, carved into interesting contours, characters and forms. a new state of the art security system to track library We have also been exploring the new world of eResources resources; the addition of Portfolio to the library’s suite and online teaching with the College. We have increased of software, a module that will allow digital resources to our eBook collection as we take steps to becoming a be added and searched via the online catalogue; and the modern digital library. The Deputy Librarian and Library effective handling of the myriad requests from students Technician carried out a successful program of information and researchers. literacy training with Foundation Studies students. Library We received a significant bequest of books from the estate orientation tours were conducted by all members of staff for of Professor A G L Shaw, and other significant donations over 1,000 students during the year. 12 APPENDIX STAFF LIST WARDEN’S OFFICE Professor Andrew McGowan, BA(Hons) UWA, BD(Hons) MelbCollDiv, MA, PhD NotreDame Warden and President of Trinity College Principal Research Fellow, School of Historical Studies, University of Melbourne Dr Brenda Holt, BA Baylor, DipEd Monash, MA Fuller, PhD Melb Chief of Staff Honorary Fellow, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne Dr Peter Campbell, JP, BEc, BA, MMus ANU, GradDipLib&InfoMgt Canberra, PhD Melb, AALIA Executive Officer Honorary Fellow, Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, University of Melbourne Mr Skip Horne, BSFS Georgetown, MBA Virginia Careers Consultant (from September) RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE Mr Campbell Bairstow, BA UWA, BEd Murdoch Dean of the College and Deputy to the Warden Ms Andrea Ball, BNurs LaTrobe Nurse (from September) RESIDENT TUTORS Mr Paul Broussard, BA(Hons) Melb (German) Mr Benedict Carson, BSc(Hons) Melb (Physics) Mr Jackson Clarke BSc, BMath UNewcastle, MS Melb (Mathematics/Physics) Ms Kate Crowhurst, BA UWA, MEd Melb (History/ Political Science) Dr Emma Henderson, BA, LLB(Hons) Canter, LLM BritCol, PhD Melb (Law) Ms Kellie Mathers, BPhysEd, GradDipEd UWA, (Wellbeing) Mr Justin McNamara, BAppSc, PsyD Deakin (Psychology) Mr Jason Qin, BE(Hons) Melb (Biology) Ms Sarah Ward, GradDipAppSc, BPhysio, BSc Auck (Physiotherapy) Ms Alyce Lim (née Wilson), BHlthSc(Hons) Deakin (Medicine) NON-RESIDENT TUTORS Ms Michelle Anson, BCom(Hons) Melb (Marketing) Dr Sally Dalton-Brown, BA(Hons) Wits, BA(Hons) UNISA, MA Wits, PhD Cantab, PhD CLanc Head of Academic Programs Ms Meleesha Bardolia, BA Melb (Literature) Mr Jeff Richardson, BA, DipEd Melb, GradDipLang Deakin, MEd Monash Head of Student Services Dr Jon Barlow, BA(Hons) Syd, MA Monash, PhD Syd (Classics) Ms Kristie Nevill, BA(Hons) LaTrobe, PGDipTeach(Sec) Melb Admissions Officer (to March) Ms Toni Roberts, BA, BTeach Melb, GradDipPsy Monash Registrar (from February) Mr Elliott Bannan, BA Melb (History) Ms Melanie Birkbeck, BCS JCU (IT) Ms Tania Bonetto, DipInterp&Trans RMIT (Italian) Mr Angus Cameron, BA Melb (Media) Ms Holly Cao, (Tennis) Ms Diana Carson, BSc Melb, MClinPsy RMIT (Psychology) Ms Laura Chalk, BA Melb (Indigenous Politics) Mr Sandeep Kirpalani, BCom SymbiosisColl Mr David Chan, BCom Melb (Finance/Economics) Mr Daniel Ko, BBiomed Melb (Biomedicine) Ms Joanne Chew, BEng (Melb) (Mathematics/ Statistics) Professor Joe Klewicki, BSc Michigan, MSc GeorgiaIT, PhD Michigan (Fluid Dynamics) Ms Sarah Ch’ng, BBiomed Melb (Neuroscience) Mr Timothy Lim, BCom Melb (Accounting) Mr Andrew Chong, BBiomed (Melb) (Biomedical Science) Mr Hok Lim, BPharm Otago Mr Kyle Conrau-Lewis, BA(Hons) Melb (Latin) Mr Stephen Lonsdale, BSc, DipMathSc, MSc Melb (Mathematics) Dr Sally Dalton-Brown, BA(Hons) Wits, BA(Hons) UNISA, MA Wits, PhD Cantab, PhD UCLanc (Russian/Philosophy) Mr Scott Limbrick, BA(Hons) Melb (Politics) Ms Harriet Dashnow, BA, BSc Melb (Genetics) Ms Sarah Mann, BSc Melb (Chemistry) Ms Chantal Donovan, BSc(Hons) Melb (Pharmacology) Mr Bevan Main, BSc(Hons) Melb (Pharmacology) Mr Diego Mendez, Cert IV, BA (Criminology) Ms Hélène Duchamp, BCom Melb (French) Mr Patrick Miller, BMus, MMus Melb (Orchestra) Ms Rita Ekberg, BA Melb, MSocSc(IntlDev) RMIT Mr Caleb Morrill-Winter, BSc, MSc NewHamp (Fluid Mechanics) Ms Astrid Fulton, BSc Melb (Engineering) Mr Sean Griffiths, BVSc(Hons) Melb Dr Sanzhuan Sandra Guo, LLM Northwestern, PhD Peking, JD Melb (Business Law) Mr Todd Morris, BCom Melb (Economics) Ms Antonia Morris, BCom, ME Melb (Engineering) Mr Liam Mulvey, BA UWA (French) Ms Charlotte Guy, BEnv Melb (Environments) Mr Benjamin Murphy, BA Melb (Politics) Mr Timothy Hamilton, BA Melb (Criminology) Ms Alanna Myers, BA(Media&Comms)(Hons) Melb (Media) Ms Irene Han, BA Melb (Quantitative Methods) Mr Matthew Harper-Schmid, BA, BCom Melb (Accounting) Mr Andrew Hebbard, BBiomed Melb (Biomedicine) Mr Sean Hewteson, BSc Melb (Physiology) Mr William Leaf, BPD, BArch, BPC(Hons) Melb (Architecture) Ms Joy Liu, BBiomed Melb (Immunology) Ms Clare O’Donoghue, BA(Hons) Melb (Art History) Ms Chiemi Parker, BA Melb (Japanese) Ms Kelly Roberts, BA Melb (Law) Professor Roger Scott, BA Melb, MA Cantab (Classics) Mr John Ryan, BCom Melb (Commerce) Mr Tristam Shepherd, BSc(Hons), MSc Canter (Climate Science) 13 Mr Prasanna Sritharan, BEng(Mechatronics), BCompSc Melb (Engineering) Ms Lucie Gavanon, BA Adel (Philosophy/Spanish) Ms Kathryn St John, BCom Melb (Economics) Ms Natasha Giles, BEnvDes UWA (Architecture) Mr Jack Tan, BA Singapore (Literature) Dr Shu Tan, MBBS, PGradDipSurgAnat Melb (Medicine) Ms Wai Ying Tham, BSc(Hons) Melb (Yoga) Mr Douglas Tjandra, BBiomed Melb (Biomedicine) Mr Joshua Van Konkelenberg, AMusA, BMus Adel, GradDipScreenMus AFTRS (Music) Dr Tamara Vu, BA, LLB(Hons), MBBS Melb (Medicine) Mr Yi Jzen Goh (Economics) Ms Suzie Gomm (Management) Ms Miranda Gronow (Classics) Mr Sam Hartley (Piano) Mr Andrew Hearl, BA Melb (Gender Studies) Ms Katie Hewitt (Piano) Mr Robert Holt (Mathematics) Ms Selvi Jegatheeson, BSc(Hons) Auck (Veterinary Science/Zoology) Mr Rocky Liang, BE(Hons) Melb (Engineering) Mr Simon Matthews (Quantitative Methods/Economics) Mr David Wakeham, BA(Hons) Monash, BSc Melb (Mathematics) Mr Damian Morton (Guitar) Dr Michael Walker, BSc(Hons) Monash, MASt Cantab, PhD ANU (Mathematics) Mr James Roberts (Finance) Mr David Wilson, BCom(Hons) Melb (Finance) Ms Sissi (Xi) Wang, BCom Melb (Accounting/Chinese) Ms Alice Warren, BA(Hons) Canter (Linguistics) Ms Amelia Watson, BA Melb (Psychology) Mr Harrison Wraight, BArchSt Melb (Design) Dr Hee-Jeong Silvia Yang, PhD Hanbuk, DipTheol MelbCollDiv (Spanish) Mr Alex Zarebski, BSc Melb (Mathematics) Ms Lucy Zhang, BCom(Hons) Melb (Marketing) Ms Ying Zhong, BBiomed Melb (Immunology) STUDENT TUTORS Mr Jason Chiang (Violin) Mr Ben Clark (Guitar) Mr Joe Constable (Latin) Mr Mathew Crane, BA ACU (Arts) Mr Tom Crowhurst (Mathematics) Ms Stephanie Forrest (Classics) 14 Mr Matt Geleta (Chemistry) Mr Luke Patterson, GradDipLing Melb (Aboriginalities) Ms Natasha Robbins (Criminology) Mr Santo Tripodi (Italian) Mr Rukman Vijayakumar, BBiomed Melb (Anatomy) Ms Eliza Wallace, BCom Melb (Economics) Mr Ruaridh Williamson (Mathematics) Mr James Wolfe, BSc(Hons) Syd (Anatomy) Mr Peter Wu (Piano/Medicine) THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL Dr David Gormley O’Brien, BSc, BComEng LaTrobe, MA, MATS GordonConwellTS, MPhil, DPhil Oxon McMullin Lecturer and Coordinator of Theology Online The Revd Cecilia Francis, LicACST LincolnIHS, BTheol MelbCollDiv Coordinator, Supervised Theological Field Education Program and Certificate in Theology and Ministry The Revd Professor Andrew McGowan, BA(Hons) UWA, BD(Hons) MelbCollDiv, MA, PhD NotreDame Joan F W Munro Professor of Historical Theology Dr Megan Warner, BJuris, LLB, LLM UWA, LLM Bristol, BTheol MelbCollDiv, DTheol MCDU Bromby Lecturer in Biblical Studies (to December) Mr David Barmby, BMus Syd, MMus UNSW Administrator (to April) Ms Lek Koswig Administrator (from June) ADJUNCT FACULTY The Revd Canon Dr Stephen Ames, BSc, PhD Melb, BD, BA, HD EpiscDivSch, PhD Melb The Venerable Dr Brad Billings, BTheol TaborColl, BMin MelbCollDiv, MA Melb, ThD AustCollTheol The Revd Professor Dorothy Lee, BA(Hons), DipEd Newc, BD(Hons), PhD Syd Dean of the Theological School Frank Woods Professor of New Testament The Revd Professor Gary D Bouma, BA Calvin, MDiv PrincetonThSem, MA, PhD Cornell The Revd Canon Dr Ray Cleary AM, BEcon, DipEd Monash, BSocWk Melb, BTheol, MMin, DMinStuds MelbCollDiv Sambell Lecturer in Pastoral and Public Theology Director of Ministry Formation The Revd Dr John Capper, BEng UNSW, BTheol, DipMin Ridley, DipSocSc UNE, PhD Cantab The Revd Dr Craig D’Alton, BA, PhD Melb, BTheol, MA MelbCollDiv St Mary’s Lecturer in Anglican Studies The Revd Dr Lynne Broughton, BA, PhD Melb The Revd Dr David Cole, DMin SanFran, PhD Newc The Venerable Dr John Davis, BA Adel, DipEd, MA McMaster, BD, DTheol MelbCollDiv The Revd Dr Ron Dowling, BA Melb, MA CathUAmerica, DMin ChrchDivSchPac, ThL (to July) Dr Anne Elvey, BSc, PhD Monash, GradDipEd MercyColl, BTheol, TheolM MelbCollDiv Dr Felicity Harley-McGowan, BA, PhD Adel The Revd Dr Ron Noone, BA Melb, PhD NYU, BTheol MelbCollDiv The Revd Canon Dr Colleen O’Reilly, GradDipEdAdmin Melb, ThA AustCollTheol, BTheol SydCollDiv, MTheol USyd, DMinStud SanFranThSem The Rt Revd John Parkes, AM, KStJ, LLB(Hons) Sheff, BTh(Hons) ACT, MTh MelbCollDiv The Revd Dr Brian Porter, MA Cantab, MLitt UNE, BA Monash, ThD AustCollTheol Dr Muriel Porter, OAM, BA UNE, BLitt ANU, DPhil Melb, MA ACU The Revd Canon Dr Charles Sherlock, BA(Hons) Syd, ThL AustCollTheol, MA ANU, BD Lond, ThD AustCollTheol INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS Dr Barbara Cargill, BA, MEd Melb, DBA Swinburne, MAHRI Dean of International Programs Mr Glen Jennings, BA(Hons), MA LaTrobe Associate Dean (Academic Operations) Dr Bernard Leigh, BSc(Hons), GradDipEd, PhD Monash, MEd Melb Timetable Coordinator & Special Projects Coordinator Ms Alison Menzies, BA, BSW, GradDip(Mgt) Melb Associate Dean (Marketing and Admissions) FOUNDATION STUDIES ADMINISTRATION Dr Tan Hooi Cheng, BSc(Hons), PhD Monash Associate Director, Academic Administration Ms Alexandra Dahlsen Manager, Student Administration Ms Sonam Agarwal, BCom, BMBus(Bank&Fin) Monash Administration and Budget Officer (on leave from April) Ms Claire Baxter, BA(Hons), BSc Melb Deputy Head of Residence (to February) Ms Tess Morriss Deputy Head of Residence (from February) Ms Christy Capper, BA Macq, GradDipArts, MAVocPrac Tabor Deputy Head of Residence (from August) Ms Victoria Gregory, BA, BCom Monash Administration and Budget Officer (from September) Ms Sravanthi Bondugulapati Residential Assistant Ms Kirstie Robertson, Administration and Budget Officer (from April to September) Ms Caitlin Jennings Residential Assistant (from August) Mr Trevor Bradley Administrative Assistant MARKETING & ADMISSIONS Ms Mina Corbino, BA, BBus VUT Examinations Coordinator Ms Kiki Citra Horas, BA(Media&Comms), DipModLang(Jap) Melb Administrative Assistant Ms Alpna Tankha, BComm Dehli, MBus(ERPs) VicU Administration Coordinator (to June) Ms Annie Rapoport, BA(Hons), PostGradCertEd Bristol Administration Coordinator (from June to December) ACCOMMODATION Ms Linda Olivieri Accommodation Coordinator Ms Jillian Huang, BA Guandong, Med Monash, AdvDipTrans AustInstTrans&Interp Student Support Officer (to August) Ms Piumali Jayasuriya, BIT CSU Student Support Services Officer (from September) EDITH HEAD HALL Ms Cassie Wilson, BA, BEd Monash Head of Residence (to August) Ms Sae Ikenishi Residential Assistant Ms Alison Menzies, BA, BSW, GradDip(Mgt) Melb Associate Dean (Marketing and Admissions) Mr Ben Waymire, BA LaTrobe Senior Marketing & Admissions Manager Ms Lesley Allen, DipKTC Melb Admissions Manager Ms Vivian Chan, BCom, GradDipIS Melb Marketing & Admissions Manager Ms Cindy Chandra, BA(Media&Comms), DipModLang(Indon) Melb Marketing & Admissions Manager Mr James Kerley, BA(Hons), GradDipEd LaTrobe Marketing & Admissions Manager Ms Jaime Winchester, BA, GradDipComms VicU Admissions Officer Ms Kirsten Fawcett-Le Rossignol, BA VUT Marketing & Admissions Officer REGISTRATIONS Ms Christine Alexiou, BA Monash Director of Registrations Ms Ting Dong, BBus(HospMgt) VicU Registrations Officer STUDENT COUNSELLING Ms Anita Krautschneider, BA Deakin, GradDipAppPsych VUT, MEd(Psych) Melb, MAPS Counsellor Mr Noam Perl-Gurovich, BA(Dist) HUJI, BSW(Dist), GCertFamSensPract&FamThpy LaTrobe, MAASW Counsellor (from October) STUDENT SERVICES Ms Kelly Owen, DipEventMgt FitzwilliamInst Manager, Student Services Ms Su Li Yeoh, BSc Melb Student Experience Coordinator Ms Stephanie Wilson, Administrative Assistant (to April) Mr Janaka Wijesekera, BEng(Hons) RMIT Administrative Assistant (from April) STUDENT WELFARE Ms Say Chin Lim, BA Deakin, DipAdvert LimkokwingICT Manager Student Welfare Ms Jillian Huang, BA Guandong, Med Monash, AdvDipTrans AustInstTrans&Interp Student Support Officer (to August) Ms Piumali Jayasuriya, BIT CSU Student Support Services Officer (from September) Ms Ann Wang, BA(IntStud) RMIT Administration Officer TEACHING STAFF ACCOUNTING Ms Mary Zafirakis, BEc, PostGradDip(Acc) Monash Subject Leader Mr Ian Beck, BBus, MBA RMIT, MEdAdmin, DipTertEd UNE, DipEd StateCollVic, FRMIT (to July) Mr Felipe Casasayas, BEd Melb, GradDipCompSc, GradDipAdvCompSc, GradDipAcc LaTrobe Mr Tee Keat (Danny) Tan, BCom, LLB Melb, GradDipLegPrac LeoCussen (from August) Ms Sharyn Yeats, BBus(Acc), GradDipEd(Sec) QUT, CELTA Cambr (from April) BA EXTENDED Mr David Collis, BSc(Hons), BA(Hons) Monash, GradDipTheol, MA(BibStud) MelbCollDiv Program Leader (from December) BIOLOGY Dr Kerry Higgins, BSc(Hons), PhD Melb Subject Leader Ms Madeline Papandreou, BSc LaTrobe, DipEd(Sec) CSU Dr Catherine Symington, BAgrSc(Hons), PhD LaTrobe, Med(EdMgt) Melb Ms Victoria Guggenheimer, BSc RMIT CHEMISTRY Dr Patricia Jackson, BSc(Hons) Melb, PhD Cantab Subject Leader (to May) Dr Kerry Higgins, BSc(Hons), PhD Melb Subject Leader (from June) Ms Catherine Elsworth, BSc(Hons) Melb, GradDip(FinPlan) SecInst Dr Mei Fong, BSc Deakin, PhD Melb, GradDipEd ACU Mr Steven Ng, BE, BSc Melb, MBIT RMIT (from July) Dr Abilio (Bill) Ten, BSc(Hons), PhD Melb Dr Lucia Jurdana, BSc RMIT, PhD Melb Laboratory Technician & Demonstrator DRAMA Mr Danny Fahey, BEd VicColl Subject Leader Dr Rosemary Blight, BA, DipEd, MEd, PhD Melb 15 Mr Stephan Faubel, BEd MelbStateCol, PostGradDip(Act) East15ActSch Mr Ernie Gray, BEd Rusden, BA(DramArts) NIDA Ms Sara Cameron, TTC, GradDipTESL Well, BEd LaTrobe, GradDipHRM Deakin Ms Gillian McInnes, HDipTeachSec Deakin, BEd LaTrobe (from August) Ms Poi Chey Chan, BA(Hons) Sussex, MA(TESOL) Nottingham Dr Jack Migdalek, BEd Deakin, DipTEFL/TESL ELC, MEd, PhD Deakin Ms Mary Ferguson, BA, PGradCertEd Portsmouth, MAEd UniSA, CELTA IHL Ms Vanessa O’Neill, BA, MTeach(Sec) Melb (to May) Ms Johanna Fletcher, BA, PGradDipSW Otago, GradCertTESOL Holmesglen, CertTESOL Edenz, Cert IV WTA VicColl Mr Roger Selleck, GradDipHist LaTrobe, DipDramArt VCA Ms Jacqualine Vandersluys, BA Deakin, PGradDipEd, MTeach Melb (from August) Ms Joanne Wilson, BEd Rusden ECONOMICS Ms Vandana Wadhwa, BA(Hons) JMCDU, MA(Eco) Delhi, GradDipEd(Sec) Monash, MEd Melb Subject Leader Dr G H Dinusha Dharmaratna, BSc(Hons) Peradeniya, PhD Monash (from August) Dr Troy Lynch, BEc Monash, MLitt UNE, GradDipAppFin&Invt FINSIA, PhD LaTrobe Ms Ecaterine (Ketty) Philips, DipTESOL VUW, DipTeach ChristchCOE, BSc Canterbury ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES Mrs Peetra Lechte, BA Hull, CertTESL Exeter, MA(TESOL) Wollongong, Cert IV Train&Asses Syd Subject Leader Ms Luisa Abelardo, BA LaTrobe, DipEd, MA(TESOL) ACU (from July) Mr Robin Baker, BA(Ed) Melb, Cert III Jap Fukushima Dr Amanda Bayliss, BA Syd, DipEd, GradDipHum UNE, MA Bond, PhD Melb (from August) 16 Ms Susan Bendall, BA(Hons), DipEd LaTrobe Ms Jane Garton, BEd, GradDipTESL StateCollVic, MEdSt UniSA Mr Chris Heath, BA Bristol, TESOL TCL Mr Marco Hermann, BA LaTrobe, DipEd Monash, BEd, GradDipTESL Deakin, MA(AppLing) Melb Ms Neralie Hoadley, BA(Hons), GradDipEd, MA Melb Ms Susan Jobst, BA, DipEd LaTrobe, GradDipEd(MulticultStud) ACU, DipVisArts BoxHillTAFE Ms Esther Krause, BA, Dip Ed Monash, GradDipEdTESOL Deakin Ms Dale Shapter Lau, BA, DipEd Monash, CertTESL, MA(AppLing) Melb Ms Pam Lawrence, DipEd, PGradESL, MA(AppLing) Melb Ms Julie Levine, BEd, MEd Melb, GradDipTESOL Monash, Cert IV Train&Ass GippsIAE Mr Gary Lichtenstein, BA, DipEd Monash Ms Julie-Ann Mackell, BA UWA, CELTA Cambr (from August to December) Mr Andrew McIntyre, BA(Hons) Monash, DipEd, BLit, GradDipTESOL Melb, DipMus Paris (to February; from July) Ms Priti Mukherjee, BA, DipEd(TESL), BEd(TESOL) LaTrobe Mr John Buttrose, DipTeach(Primary) TorrensCAE, BA(Hons) LaTrobe Dr Puvenesvary Muthiah, BA Malaya, MA(AppLing) Leic, PhD Melb Dr Roderick Foster, BA(Hons), MA, PhD Melb Ms Melanie Platt, BA (Hons), MA (Hons) Exeter, PGDipEd Birm, CELTA LaTrobe Ms Ruth Pritchard, BA Syd, BEd (TESOL), DipEd LaTrobe, MA(AppLing) Melb Mr Frank Sanders, BS, MA BUP, MA Melb, CertEFLA HolmesColl, GradCertTESOL Wollongong Ms Selvarani Suppiah, BA(Hons), DipEd, MA(AppLing) Nanyang (from July) Mr Rhys Tyers, BA, MA LaTrobe, MEd Deakin (from July) Ms Patrizia Valastro, MEd Monash, DipEd ACU, BA LaTrobe ENVIRONMENT & DEVELOPMENT Ms Jane Sykes, BA, DipEd, GradDipEd(Pol&Admin), MEd Monash Subject Leader Ms Judith McPherson, BA, DipEd, GradDipEval Melb (from April) Dr Catherine Symington, BAgrSc(Hons), PhD LaTrobe, MEd(EdMgt) Melb HISTORY OF IDEAS Dr Tamar Lewit, BA(Hons) Melb, PhD Lond, FSA Subject Leader Mr Richard Finch, BA(Hons), BCom Melb Associate Subject Leader Dr Janusz Sysak, BA, DipEd Qld, MLitt ParisIII, PhD Melb Associate Subject Leader Dr Frazer Andrewes, BA, MA(Hons) Auck, PhD Melb Dr Jonathan Barlow, MA Monash, PhD Syd Ms Jane Neild, BA UNSW Michael Pickering, BA(Hons) Qld (from August) William Purchase, BA, MA, BA(Hons) Melb (from August) Dr Justin Tighe, BA(Hons), MA LaTrobe, PhD Monash LITERATURE Dr Michael Heald, BA(Hons), DipEd, PhD UWA, CertTEFL MilnerICE Subject Leader Ms Gayle Allan, BA(Hons) Deakin, GradCertArts(CinStud) Melb, MA LaTrobe Mr Glen Jennings, BA(Hons), MA LaTrobe Ms Katerina Kasapidis, BA(Hons) LaTrobe (from August) Dr Sally Dalton-Brown, BA(Hons) Wits, BA(Hons) UNISA, MA Wits, PhD Cantab Ms Rosalie Ham, BEd VicColl, MA RMIT Ms Neralie Hoadley, BA(Hons), GradDipEd, MA Melb Dr Rebecca Garcia Lucas, BA(Hons), PhD Monash (to June) Dr Mercedeh Makoui, BA Shahid Beheshti, MA Tehran, PhD Deakin (from July) Ms Gayle McIntyre, BA Laval, CertAdLit Conestoga, MA Manitoba Dr Jennifer Mitchell, BSocSc RMIT, GradDipArts, MA, PhD Monash Mrs Sameen Motahhir, MA Pubjab, PGradDipArts. MA(TESOL) Melb (from July) Dr Mark Nixon, BCom, BA(Hons), PhD Melb Ms Jolanta Nowak, BA Flinders, PGradDipArts, MA, PhD Melb Dr Alexandra Williams, BA Otago, DipT ChristchTC, DipTESL VUW, BMus(Hons), PhD Melb, LTCL MATHEMATICS Dr Raymond Broeksteeg, BSc(Hons) Otago, PhD Monash Subject Leader (Mathematics 1) Dr Sasha Cyganowski, BSc(Hons), PhD Deakin Subject Leader (Mathematics 2) Dr Jose Ayala Hoffman, BMath UCdelNorte, MSc Iowa, PhD Melb (from October) Dr Monica Broeksteeg, BSc(Hons), PhD Monash Mr David Collis, BSc(Hons), BA(Hons) Monash, GradDipTheol, MA(BibStud) MelbCollDiv Dr Cheryl Filippe, BSc(Hons), PhD Monash Ms Alison Fisher, CertEd Leics, BSc RMIT, PGDipEdStud, Med Melb, PGCertOnlineEd&Train Lond Dr Bell Foozwell, BSc(Hons) LaTrobe, PhD Melb Mr Peter Hird, BEd(Sc) Melb Mr Leigh Humphries, BSc, PGraDCertSc Melb (from January) Dr Anthony Klemm, BSc(Hons) Adel, PhD Flinders, FAustMS Dr Bernard Leigh, BSc(Hons), GradDipEd, PhD Monash, MEd Melb Mr Philip Mannes, BA(Hons) Monash Ms Elspeth McCracken-Hewson, BSc, DipEd Melb, CertEd(FE), GradDipMgtStud Middlesex Mr Andrew Oppenheim, BA, BSc, MSc, DipEd Melb Mrs Barbara Trauer, BSc, DipEd Melb MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS Dr David Neo, BA Calgary, MA Concordia, PhD LaTrobe Subject Leader (to February) Ms Loretta Duffy, BA Deakin, GradDipArts RMIT, MA(Comm&MediaStud) Monash, MA(AppLing) Melb Subject Leader (from February) Ms Rose Bisignano, BA Monash, GradDipEd Melb PHYSICS Dr Frederick Robilliard, BSc(Hons), MSc LaTrobe, PhD Monash Subject Leader (to April) Dr Fun Lai, BSc, MSc RMIT, PhD Melb Subject Leader (from April) Mr Geoffrey Adam, BSc(Hons) JCU Ms Farah Ajoudani, BSc(Hons) Mashad, MSc Melb Ms Astghik (Esther) Tamanyan, BSc, MSc Yerevan Lab Demonstrator (from October) Dr Leonie Tewierik, BSc(Hons), PhD Melb Lab Demonstrator (from September) PSYCHOLOGY Dr Maureen Vincent, BA Monash, BSW Melb, GradDipEd(Sec) ACU, GradDipPsy Monash, MClinPsy, PhD Deakin, MAPS, MACPA, MCCP Subject Leader Mr Ian Wei Yuan Teo, BSc Melb, GradDipPsych Deakin TRINITY INSTITUTE Ms Sue Karzis, BA, DipEd, MYouthHealth&EdMgt Melb Director, Young Leaders Program Mr Mark Gordon, BA(Hons) LSBF General Manager Ms Riannah Heath Administrative Assistant (from February to July) Ms Rebecca McLennan Administrative Assistant (to February) Mr Pierre Houeix Administrative Assistant (to July) Ms Denise Gladwyn Conference & Events Coordinator (from August) COLLEGE-WIDE DEPARTMENTS ADVANCEMENT Mr Scott Charles, BPD, BBldg Melb, ME RMIT Director of Advancement Ms Kay Attali, BA Monash, MA Lond Advancement Associate, Special Projects Ms Nicole Crook, AssocDip(Bus) Deakin, Cert IV Arts(IntDes) RMIT Associate Director, Alumni Relations (to December) Ms Talitha Fraser Advancement Administrator (to February) The Rt Revd James Grant, AM, BA(Hons) Melb, ThL, AustCollTheol, BD MelbCollDiv Bequest Officer Ms Dawn Leicester, BA Melb Special Projects (from November) Ms Essie Marendy, BA(Hons) Qld, MA Melb, GradDipArtsEd PhillipIT, GradDipEd&Pub RMIT, GradCertMktg Holmesglen Research Officer Ms Toni Roberts, BA, BTeach Melb, GradDipPsy Monash Advancement Administrator (to February) Ms Kathryn Stewart, BA(Hons) Gloucester Events Manager (from January) Ms Jennifer Wraight, DipEd BallaratTC, GradDipTeachLib BallaratCAE, Cert II IT EastGippsTAFE Associate Director, Major Gifts (from July) Ms Mia Yourn, DipGovt NMIT, DipBisStud VicUni Advancement Administrator (from January) ART AND ARCHIVES Dr Benjamin Thomas, BA(Hons), MArtCur, PhD Melb Rusden Curator of Art & Archives CHAPLAINCY The Revd Chris Carolane, BSc(Hons) LaTrobe, DipEd Melb, ThL AustCollTheol, GradDipTheol MODU Chaplain to Foundation Studies Joint College Chaplain ( from February) The Revd Lynda McMinn, BA(Hons) UWS, BTheol CSU Chaplain to the Residential College Joint College Chaplain (from February) The Revd Jasmine Dow, BTheol, MTheol CSU Associate Chaplain (from February) Chaplain to the Canterbury Fellowship (from February to September) COMMUNICATIONS Ms Penny Appleby, BBus Qld Manager, Communications (to November) Mr Ben Zipper, BA(Hons) Swinburne, DipArts RMIT Manager, Communications (from November) Ms Deirdre Sheehan, Cert IV GraphicDes Shillington Graphic Designer (from September) Ms Imogen Smith-Waters Communications Intern FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION Mr Gary Norman, BBus RMIT, GradCertBus(Mktg) PhillipIT, CPA Chief Financial Officer Director, planitgreen, Trinity’s Sustainability Projects Mrs Beverley Roberts, Executive Assistant to the Chief Financial Officer Miss Judith Breheny, BBus SIT, CPA Associate Director, Finance & Administration Mr Dean Berry, Accounts Receivable Officer Ms Philippa Smith, BA, BCom Melb Payroll and Administration Officer 17 Ms Nhi Tran, BEc HoChiMinhCityU, BCom Well, CPA Assistant Accountant HUMAN RESOURCES Ms Kim Hubery, BAppSc CSU Human Resources Advisor Manager OH&S INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES Mr Greg Chenhall, BSc Melb Director of Information Technology Services Mr Trent Anderson, BSc(ComTech) Melb IT Client Services Officer Mr Timothy Bell, BSc(Hons) Melb Systems Administrator Mr Geoffrey Crompton, BComms, BEng, BAppSci RMIT Systems Administrator Mr Stanley Despotellis, Audio Visual and Administrative Assistant Mr Matt Howard, BTeach Melb, AdvDipMus Box Hill, MA Monash IT Client Services Officer Mr Hermann Koppenwallner, DipIT Holmesglen IT Client Services Officer Mr Waye-Wynn Lee, Business Applications Support Officer Mr Martin Steers, AdvCertDigElec Barton, DipIT Holmesglen Manager of IT Client Services Ms Joslyn Tait, BA, DipSLT Waikato, MA Melb, CertTEFLA UCLES Website and Portal Administrator LIBRARY Ms Gale Watt, Licence ès Lettres Paris IV, BA Rutgers, MBIT, GradDipInfoMgt RMIT Leeper Librarian Ms Catharina (Kitty) Vroomen, DipLib, GradDipAppInfoSys RMIT Deputy Librarian 18 Mrs Marina Comport, AssocDipSocSci Swinburne Library Technician Ms Karyn Yapp Library Technician MUSIC Mr Michael Leighton Jones, BA Well, MA Cantab, MMus Qld Director of Music Mr Joshua Van Konkelenberg, AMusA, BMus Adel, GradDipScreenMus AFTRS College Organist (to May) Mr Hugh Fullarton, BMus, MMus, DipEd Melb, ARCM College Organist (from May) PROPERTY & FACILITIES SERVICES Mr Alan Datt Manager, Buildings & Grounds (from February to December) Mr Scott Fennell Operations Coordinator Mr Ian McLay Maintenance Officer Mr Gregory Sullivan Facilities Assistant (to April) Mr Derek McMillan Facilities Assistant (from May) Ms Heidi Macklin, BSc Macq, BSc(Hons) LaTrobe Administrative Assistant Mr Malcolm Fraser, DipNurs Melb Gardener Mr John Fyffe Gardener/Maintenance Mr Paul McGrath Caretaker & Security Officer Mr Paul Camilleri Caretaker & Security Officer COLLEGE RECEPTION Mrs Yvonne Diamond Receptionist & Administrative Officer Ms Cathy Cipriani, House Manager Ms Lorraine Ferrari, Receptionist (from September) Mr Frank Henagan College Porter STAFF ACHIEVEMENTS Gayle Allan contributed an article entitled ‘Home Sweet Home: Representation of Domestic Spaces in Macbeth’ to the journal Shakespeare on Screen: Macbeth Edition, Dec. 2013 (Universités de Rouen et du Havre). Gayle was the technical and research assistant on a digital humanities project, which this year won the Society for the Study of Early Modern Women award for the best art and media project. The website is entitled Mary Wroth’s Poetry, An Electronic Edition ( Rosemary Blight graduated with a PhD from the University of Melbourne in March with a thesis titled ‘Creating Indigenous Futures: Using Applied Theatre to Construct a Participatory Creative Space for Indigenous Australian Young People’. She gave a paper titled ‘Privileging Aboriginal Voices: Applied Theatre as Transformative Process’ and presented a workshop at the International Drama, Theatre and Education Congress in Paris in July. The workshop was called ‘Transformative Experiences for Aboriginal Australian Youth’ and included a short film called ‘Claiming Spaces’, made with the involvement of first-year Bachelor of Arts (Extended) students. Rosemary also facilitated a two-day leadership program at Mt Macedon for the Indigenous Australian Entry Level Development Employment Program called ‘Ready Set Go’ on behalf of Murrup Barak, Melbourne Institute for Indigenous Development, the University of Melbourne. Peter Campbell, JP, is an Honorary Research Fellow in the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, the University of Melbourne. He continued as a member of the editorial committee for Context: A Journal of Music Research and on the organising committee for the ‘Wagner and Us’ symposium held in December. He is Treasurer of the Victorian Chapter of the Musicological Society of Australia, Archivist for the Australian Intervarsity Choral Societies Association, and Treasurer of Ensemble Gombert Inc. His motet ‘Thanks be to Thee’ was sung by the Canberra Choral Society in Canberra in September. Peter sang concerts with the Choir of Trinity College in Melbourne in September and in Sydney in October, and for an ABC Classic FM ‘Sunday Live’ broadcast in December. During November he sang services at St Paul’s Cathedral, Melbourne, and Advent services with the Choir of the Canterbury Fellowship. He also performed as a soloist in a concert in Canberra in December to celebrate 50 years of musicmaking by the composer Judith Clingan. Barbara Cargill was appointed to the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) Register of External Experts, having for some years been an honorary member of their interim experts register. She conducted a number of audit and advisory activities for TEQSA within the higher education and foundation studies sectors in 2013. She also undertook a special review/audit for the Victorian Registrations and Qualifications Authority relating to aspects of independent secondary school provision and regulation. Christopher Carolane completed a Graduate Diploma in Theology from the MCD University of Divinity in March. In January he led the Trinity College and Friends Cambodian Service Project based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. During the year he preached at ‘The Holy Church’ in Phnom Penh, St Matthias’ Anglican Church, Richmond, and at St Paul’s Cathedral, Melbourne, where he is an honorary member of the Cathedral clergy. Chris continued in his role as an examining chaplain for the Archbishop of Melbourne until June. He is also a member of the Board of the Council for Chaplains in Tertiary Institutions (Victoria). In June Chris attended the conference of European University Chaplains in Sigtuna, Sweden. During the year he received an Outstanding Contribution to Service award from the College. Greg Chenhall attended the Higher Education Technology Agenda conference in Hobart in April. Jackson Clarke has an article in pre-print titled ‘Phenomenology of a Very Light Scalar (100 MeV < mh < 10 GeV) with SM Higgs Mixing’ ( He attended the annual ARC Centre of Excellence for Particle Physics at the Terascale Conference in Cairns in July. David Collis presented ‘Of Google, Algorithms, and the Rise of the Savant Garde’ at the Australian Sociological Association (TASA) National Conference in November. Sally Dalton-Brown was awarded a PhD from the University of Central Lancashire in November. Sally’s work was undertaken in the Centre for Professional Ethics on a thesis titled ‘Towards a Global Ethics: The Debate on Nanotechnology in the European Union and China’. She published ‘Looking for the Creator: Pelevin and the Impotent Writer in T (2009) and Ananasnaia voda dlia prekrasnoi damy (2011), Modern Language Review 108.4 (Oct. 2013): 1217–49, and presented a paper on Habermas and ethics at the Cambridge Bioethics Quarterly Retreat, Paris, 20–24 June 2013. Anne Elvey was co-editor of, Reinterpreting the Eucharist: Explorations in Feminist Theology and Ethics (Sheffield: Equinox, 2013) with Carol Hogan, Kim Power and Claire Renkin; and Climate Change—Cultural Change: Religious Responses and Responsibilities (Preston: Mosaic Press, 2013) with David Gormley O’Brien. She published ‘Rethinking Neighbour Love: A Conversation between Political Theology and Ecological Ethics’, ‘Where the Wild Ox Roams’: Biblical Essays in Honour of Norman C Habel, ed. Alan H Cadwallader and Peter L Trudinger (Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix, 2013), 58–75; ‘Interpreting the Time: Climate Change and the Climate in/ of the Gospel of Luke’, Climate Change—Cultural Change, 78–91; and ‘Living One for the Other: Eucharistic Hospitality as Ecological Hospitality’, Reinterpreting the Eucharist, 186–205. Anne is editor of Colloquium: The Australian and New Zealand Theological Review, managing editor of Plumwood Mountain: An Australian Journal of Ecopoetry and Ecopoetics, and an editor for the Union Poet Series Chapbooks for Melbourne Poets Union. Anne’s poem ‘To Drag the Saints back from Heaven’ appeared in Meanjin 72.2 (Winter 2013) and in The Best Australian Poems 2013, ed. Lisa Gorton (Collingwood: Black Inc, 2013). Other poems appeared in Rabbit 7 (Summer 2013), otoliths (May 2013), Eureka Street (3 Sep 2013), Australian Love Poems 2013 (ed. Mark Tredinnick; Inkerman and Blunt), and Overland 213 (Summer 2013). Anne gave papers at the ANZATS Conference (Auckland, June 30–July 2); The Sacred in Literature and the Arts (Sydney, August 2–3); and the Society of Biblical Literature (Baltimore, MD, November 22-26). To attend SBL, Anne received a conference travel grant from MCD University of Divinity. She was a guest speaker at the Texts and Traditions conference on 4 March 2013, to the religious studies group at the Lyceum Club on 24 May 2013, to the Jewish Christian Muslim Association on 16 June 2013, and in the Poetry and the Soul series at the Carmelite Centre on 19 June 2013. Katherine Firth became a member of the Adjunct Faculty of the Trinity College Theological School. At the University of Melbourne, she received the Norman Curry Award for Innovation and Excellence in Teaching. Katherine published ‘Judith Wright’, British Writers: Supplement, vol. 20, ed. Jay Parini (New York: Scribner, 2013), 273–91, and acted as a peer reviewer for the Journal of Academic Language and Learning. Katherine presented ‘Hyper-anxiety about Research Integrity among Library Staff and RHD Students’ at the Office of Research Ethics and Integrity’s ‘Tuesdays with OREI Seminars’, and ‘The “Aura” of Authenticity in the Age of Digital Lecture Theatres’ at the Australian Association of Language and Learning Biennial Conference in Melbourne. Katherine continues as a Director of the Acorn Press, and as an Examining Chaplain of the Diocese of Melbourne. Bell Foozwell presented the research paper ‘Four Dimensional Haken Cobordisms’ at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society in Sydney in October. David Gormley-O’Brien presented a paper titled ‘Reclaiming and Rehumanising Home-making as a Theologically Valid Form of Work’ at the Nature, Technology and Religion Conference (European Forum for the Study of Religion and the Environment) in Sigtuna, Sweden, 22–25 May. At Trinity College in September, David and Dr Anne Elvey conducted a follow-up symposium on religious responses to Climate Change, which was also the occasion for the launch of their book, Climate Change—Cultural Change: Religious Responses and Responsibilities (Preston: Mosaic Press, 2013). Clare Harding was Chair, Social Firms Australia, Treasurer of the Australian Rhodes Scholars Association, and a member of the Rhodes Scholars Selection Committee (Victoria). Matthew Harding published ‘Trust and Fiduciary Law’, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 33 (2013): 81–102; ‘Constructive Trusts and Distributive Justice’, The Principles of Proprietary Remedies, ed. Elise Bant and Michael Bryan (Sydney: Thomson, 2013), 19–36; and ‘What is the Point of Charity Law?’ Private Law: Key Encounters with Public Law, ed. Darryn Jensen and Kit Barker (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013), 147–70. Skip Horne was invited to join the University of Melbourne Career Services Network. He attended the National Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services conference in December. Glen Jennings presented a series of lectures during the year in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore and Myanmar, and published an article on the Gillard government’s Asian Century White Paper entitled ‘Asian Ties: Better, Faster Stronger’, Arena Magazine 122 (Feb.–Mar. 2013): 18–21. Anita Krautschneider attended a master class in Advanced Techniques of Therapy with Dr Jeffrey K Zeig, founder and director of the Erikson Foundation; the Australian Psychological Society Counselling Psychology Conference entitled ‘Evidencebased Approaches to Practice’; ‘Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with Adolescents and Youth’, Part 2, with Dr Louise Hayes; and ‘Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5: What you need to know’ by Professor David Castle. Anita herself presented a workshop for the Mental Health Practitioners Network, Southern Region, entitled ‘A Case Presentation and Discussion using “The Bells that Ring” Supervision Method’. 19 Michael Leighton Jones Michael Leighton Jones was Acting Director of Cathedral Musi at St Paul’s in November. Tamar Lewit published ‘The Mysterious Case of La Graufesenque? Stimuli to Large-scale Fine Pottery Production and Trade in the Roman Empire’, Seeing Red: New Economic and Social Perspectives on terra sigillata, ed. M Fulford and E Durham (The Institute of Classical Studies, London), 111–20; ‘The Lessons of Gaulish Fineware’ Local Economies? Production and Exchange of Inland Regions, Late Antique Archaeology 10, ed. Luke Lavan and Michael Mulryan (Leiden: Brill, 2013), 213–43; and a review of Michael Decker, Tilling the Hateful Earth: Agricultural Production and Trade in the Late Antique East in Ancient West & East 12 (2013): 368–69. During the year she delivered an advanced seminar on archaeological methods and evidence at the Research School of the Humanities at the Australian National University, and her Honorary Fellowship at the University of Melbourne was renewed until 2014. Tamar also serves on the editorial board of the journal Post Classical Archaeologies. Andreas Loewe is a member of Council of the MCD University of Divinity, of the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne and of Melbourne Girls Grammar School, and is a Director of the Melbourne Anglican Foundation. He gave an address at the Australian Deans Conference on the role of music in worship, and lectured at the Peter Corney Institute on the theology of music. He was guest preacher at St David’s Cathedral, Hobart, St Paul’s Cathedral and Westminster Abbey in London, and St John’s Cathedral, Hong Kong. He published ‘Why do Lutherans sing? Lutherans, Music, and the Gospel in the First Century of the Reformation’ in 20 Church History, and ‘Musica est optimum: Martin Luther’s Theory of Music’ in Music and Letters. Andrew McGowan presented ‘Feast as Fast: Asceticism and Christian Meal Practice’ at a symposium on Sacred Meals at Metochi, Lesbos, Greece, in September, ‘From Tabernacle to Table: How Early Christians Read Leviticus’ at a symposium on Sacrificial traditions in antiquity at the University of Münster, Germany, also in September, ‘Making Sacrifices: Early Christianity, Ritual Meals, and Cultic Tradition’ at the Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting in Baltimore, USA, in November, and published the book chapter titled ‘God in Christ: Tertullian, Paul, and Christology’, in Tertullian and Paul, Pauline and Patristic Scholars in Debate 1 (London: Bloomsbury T & T Clark, 2013), 1–15. Jack Migdalek presented the paper ‘Dance and Scholarship: Discursive Positioning and Performative Repertoires’ at the Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois, May 2013, and published ‘Dance Instruction—Dance Induction: Aesthetics, Gender Performance, and the Dancing Male’, Performance Paradigm [online] 9 (2013). Cathy Symington presented a workshop titled ‘”Choose Your Own Adventure”: The Adventurers’ Guide to the Future, Now!’ at the Australian Council for Educational Leaders annual conference, Canberra, 2–4 October. She was also invited to become a member of the Advisory Board of the international, non-government environmental organisation WeForest ( Justin Tighe presented ‘Banner, School and Party: Tümed Banner Political Elites in Early 20thcentury Inner Mongolia’ at the 9th International Conference on Afro-Eurasian Inner Dryland Civilisations, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University, Japan, 13–14 December. Benjamin Thomas presented ‘New Futures: Stories from Frontline Emerging Practitioners—Practice, Issues and Change’ at the Museums Australian National Conference, Canberra, in May, ‘The Gentle Art of Deaccessioning: The NGV Sales under Daryl Lindsay’s Directorship’ at the Fine Art of Collecting: A Matter of Taste Study Day in October at the Johnston Collection, East Melbourne, and ‘All the World’s a Stage: The Curious Collecting of John Twycross’, Art History Seminar Series, School of Culture and Communication, University of Melbourne in October. Kitty Vroomen sang in “The Choir”, directed by Dr Jonathan Welch, performing in ‘Opera at the Bowl’ with Opera Australia and the MSO, and in a gala Christmas concert at the Melbourne Town Hall that raised funds for the Choir of Hope and Inspiration (formerly the Choir of Hard Knocks). Sarah Ward competed at the Head of Yarra rowing event, and coxed the Trinity College Women’s 1st Eight, who won their event at the annual intercollegiate regatta. Gale Watt attended the annual Customers of SirsiDynix Australasia User Conference 2013 and is the current Secretary of SirsiDynix User Association of Victoria. She also attended meetings of Libraries Associated with the MCD University. Gale is a member of the Chorale Française de Melbourne. COLLEGE COUNCIL The Most Revd Philip Freier Archbishop of Melbourne President Mr Paul Andrews President of the Senior Common Room (to February) Ms Kathleen Bailey-Lord Current Parent (from November) Mr Campbell Bairstow Dean of the College Dr Graeme Blackman Diocese of Melbourne Dr Andrew Bunting Theological Student Representative Associate Professor Tony Buzzard Fellow of the College Associate Professor Marion Campbell University of Melbourne Dr Barbara Cargill Dean of International Programs The Revd Christopher Carolane Joint College Chaplain (from May) Ms Vivian Chan TCFS alumnus Mr Scott Charles Executive Director of the Trinity College Foundation (from August) Mr Robert Clemente Fellow of the College Mr Bill Cowan Chairman of the Board (to June) Mr Jim Craig Chairman of the Board (from July) The Revd John Davis Diocese of Wangaratta Ms Margot Foster President of the Union of the Fleur-de-Lys Ms Louise Gourlay Fellow of the College Mr Matthew Hargreaves Senior Student of the College (to August) Professor Kenneth Hinchcliff University of Melbourne Ms Neralie Hoadley Staff Representative Mr Oliver Hodson Alumnus Dr Brenda Holt Chief of Staff Ms Elizabeth Kelly Alumna Ms Alice Knight Diocese of Ballarat The Revd Professor Dorothy Lee Dean of the Theological School Dr Bernard Leigh Staff Representative Mr Mark Leslie Trinity College Foundation The Revd Lynda McMinn Joint College Chaplain (from November) Mr Simon Matthews Residential Student Representative (from October) Professor Andrew McGowan Warden Mr Gary Norman Chief Financial Officer Ms Katherine Parrott Residential Student Representative (from October) Professor Pip Pattison University of Melbourne Minutes Secretary Dr Peter Campbell COMMITTEE OF THE COUNCIL Fellows Committee Professor Andrew McGowan Warden (Chair) Mr William Cowan Fellow of the College COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD Investment Management Sub-Committee A committee reporting to the Finance Committee Mr Philip Holberton Chair Ms Louise Gourlay Fellow of the College Mr Jim Craig Chair (to June) Mr William Cowan The Rt Revd James Grant Senior Fellow of the College Ms Kathleen Bailey-Lord Chair (from July) Mr Stuart Gooley Chair of the Finance Committee BOARD Mr Campbell Bairstow Dean of the College Mr Jono Gourlay Mr Bill Cowan BEng(Elect), BCom Melb, MBA Harvard Chairman of the Board (to June) Mr Jim Craig BEc, LLB(Hons) Adel, LLM Melb Chairman of the Board (from July) Mr Jeff Richardson President of the Senior Common Room (from March) Mr Campbell Bairstow BA UWA, BEd Murdoch Dean of the College Dr Harold Riggall Alumnus Ms Kathleen Bailey-Lord BA(Hons) Melb Ms Natasha Robbins Residential Student Representative (to October) Ms Oshana De Silva BSc(Hons) UCL, MBA Melb The Revd Dr Donald Saines Diocese of Gippsland (from May) Ms Jodi Fullarton-Healey BCom, LLB(Hons) Melb, AICD (to October) Mr Donald Speagle Alumnus Mr Stuart Gooley BCom Melb, FICA, CPA Ms Robbie-Lee Stephen Residential Student Representative (to October) Mr Matthew Hargreaves Senior Student of the College (from August) Ms Anna Traill Senior Student of the College (from August) The Rt Revd (Anthony) John Parkes, AM, KStJ LLB(Hons) Sheffield, BTH(Hons) AustCollTh, MTh MelbCollDiv Secretary to the Council The Warden Minutes Secretary Dr Peter Campbell Mr Gary Norman Chief Financial Officer Mr Tony Buzzard Fellow of the College Ms Kate Reid Alumna The Revd Tony White Diocese of Bendigo Secretary to the Board Mr Gary Norman Professor Andrew McGowan Warden Buildings and Grounds Committee Professor Andrew McGowan BA(Hons) UWA, BD(Hons) MelbCollDiv, MA, PhD NotreDame Warden Dr Alan Watkinson Trinity College Foundation Ms Anna Traill Senior Student of the College (from August) Mr Richard Barley Ms Jennifer Calzini (to August) Mr Syd Bone Ms Sue Dahn Mr Peter Hodgson Professor Andrew McGowan Warden Mr Will Leaf Mr Gary Norman Chief Financial Officer Professor Andrew McGowan Warden Mr Ian Ward-Ambler (from October) Ms Laura Mumaw Mr Gary Norman Chief Financial Officer Ms Rachel Peck Education Strategy Committee Professor David Studdert Chair (to October) Governance & Nominations Committee Mr William Cowan Chair (to June) Mr Jim Craig Chair (from July) The Rt Revd James Grant Mr Campbell Bairstow Dean of the College Professor Andrew McGowan Warden Dr Barbara Cargill Dean of International Programs Risk Management & Audit Committee Mr Charles (Sandy) Clark Ms Oshana de Silva Chair Professor Simon Evans Dr Brenda Holt Chief of Staff Mrs Elizabeth Kelly The Revd Professor Dorothy Lee Dean of the Theological School Professor Andrew McGowan Warden Mr Rick Tudor Finance Committee Mr Charles Sitch BCom, LLB Melb, MBA Columbia Mr Stuart Gooley Chair Professor David Studdert BA(Hons), LLB Melb, MPubHlth, ScD Harvard (to October) Mr William Cowan Mr Philip Holberton Ms Galina Kraeva Mr Gordon Lefevre Associate Professor Tony Buzzard Ms Kim Hubery HR Advisor and OH&S Manager Professor Andrew McGowan Warden Mr Gary Norman Chief Financial Officer Mr Tony Pititto Ms Aarti Sharma Occupational Health & Safety Sub-Committee A committee reporting to the Risk Management & Audit Committee Ms Kim Hubery HR Advisor, Chair 21 Mr Gary Norman Director Finance & Administration (to February) Mr Alan Datt Property & Facilities Services Manager (from February to November) Dr Roger Riordan, AM Mr Ian Solomon Mr Clive Smith Mr Phillip Cohen Art Advisory Committee Ms Diana Smith Dr Bob Nicholls (to November) Sir Andrew Grimwade Chair Dr Mechai Viravaidya, AO Mr Campbell Bairstow Dean of the College Mr Richard Woolcott, AC Mr Simon Bell Mr Scott Charles Director of Advancment Mr Scott Fennell Acting Property & Facilities Services Manager (from December) Ms Louise Pennell (from November) Dr Kerry Higgins Foundation Studies Nominee Mr Bill Webb (to November) Mr Jeff Richardson Residential College Nominee Ms Cate Elsworth Dr Maureen Vincent Mr Danny Fahey Mr Roger Selleck Mr Ken Shaw (from November) The Rt Revd Andrew St John Ms Jennifer Wraight Major Gifts (from November) Committee of the Union of the Fleur-de-Lys Ms Margot Foster, TC 1976 President Ms Georgina Barraclough Dr Kate Challis Ms Alice Coates President of the ER White Club & Art Studio Professor Richard Smallwood, AO Dr Denis White Senior Fellows Sir Roderick Carnegie, AC Mr Robert Cripps, AM Mr Alan Cuthbertson The Rt Revd James Grant, AM Mr Fred Grimwade Mr James Guest, AM, OBE, VRD Dr Alison Inglis Sir Brian Inglis, AC Professor Andrew McGowan Warden Mr Brian Loton, AC Mrs Lara Nicholls (to July) Professor Robin Sharwood, AM Professor John Poynter, AO, OBE Mr Ian McLay Mrs Carole Hinchcliff, TC 1978 Secretary Mr David Barmby (to April) Mr Paul Andrews, TC 2006 Ms Lek Koswig (from July) Mr Ralph Ashton, TC 1991 Mr Greg Sullivan (to May) Mr David Berry, TC 1971 Mr Waye-Wynn Lee Mr Paul Elliot, TC 1968 Mr Mark Gordon Mr Jono Gourlay, TC 1991 Dr Benjamin Thomas Rusden Curator of Art Mr Pierre Houeix (to July) The Rt Revd James Grant, TC 1950 FELLOWS OF THE COLLEGE Mr Tim Hamilton, TC 2008 Honorary Fellows Mr Oliver Hodson, TC 2002 (to March) The Hon. Austin Asche, AC, KStJ, QC Mr Harold Riggall, TC 1960 (to March) Mr David Brownbill, AM Mr Tim Roberts, TC 1981 Mr W B ‘Barry’ Capp, AM Ms Irini Vazanellis, TC 2009 (from March) The Most Revd Dr Peter Carnley, AC Executive Committee of the Foundation Mr Robert Champion de Crespigny, AC Mr Charles Sitch Chair Mr Robert Clemente Sir Joseph Burke, KBE (†1992) Mr Bill Cowan Ms Kathleen Bailey-Lord Professor Derek Denton, AC Professor Manning Clark, AC (†1991) Ms Robin Campbell Professor C Ian Donaldson Mr Scott Charles Executive Director of the Foundation Mrs Louise Gourlay, OAM The Revd Lynda McMinn (from July) Ms Cassie Wilson (to August) Theological School Committee The Rt Revd John Parkes, AM, KStJ Bishop of Wangaratta, Chair Dr Graeme Blackman The Rt Revd Andrew Curnow Diocese of Bendigo The Venerable Dr John Davis Diocese of Wangaratta The Revd Professor Dorothy Lee Dean of the Theological School Professor Andrew McGowan Warden Mr Gary Norman Chief Financial Officer Mr Gary Norman Chief Financial Officer Ms Kat Droppert TCA Arts Representative Mr Anthony Buzzard The Rt Revd Dr Peter Hollingworth, AC, OBE The Revd Canon Colleen O’Reilly Diocese of Melbourne Mr William Cowan Mr Jono Gourlay Dr Michael ‘Taffy’ Jones, AM, PSM COMMITTEES OF ASSOCIATED ORGANISATIONS The Rt Revd James Grant Professor Marcia Langton, AM Mr Mark Leslie Professor Richard Larkins, AO Professor Andrew McGowan Warden Dr Susan Lim American Friends of Trinity The Revd Peter French Chair 22 Mr Gary Norman Honorary Treasurer of the Foundation Mr Jon Adler Mr Michael Munckton Ms Fay Marles, AM Dr N. Bruce Munro The Hon. Clive Tadgell, AO, QC Academic and Teaching Fellows Professor Harold W Attridge (Lowther Clarke Fellow) The Revd Jasmine Dow (Morna Sturrock Postgraduate Research Fellow) The Revd Emily Fraser (Lady Rosa Turner Postgraduate Research Fellow) Professor Fiona Stanley, AC (Lilian Alexander Fellow) Former Fellows Dame Margaret Blackwood, DBE (†1986) Sir John Bunting, KBE (†1995) The Revd Dr Evan Burge (†2003) Sir Rupert Clarke, AM, MBE (†2005) The Rt Revd Robert Dann (†2008) Professor Peter Dennison (†1989) Sir Clive Fitts (†1984) Mr John Gourlay, AM (†2007) The Hon Sir Rupert Hamer, AC, KCMG, ED (†2004) Sir Edmund Herring, QC, KCMG, KBE, DSO, MC, ED (†1982) Dr John Hueston (†1993) Dr Peter Jones (†1995) Miss Valentine Leeper (†2001) Dame Elisabeth Murdoch, AC, DBE (†2012) Mr James Perry (†2007) Mr Robert Sanderson, DFC (†2008) The Hon. Sir Reginald Sholl (†1988) Mr Michael Thwaites, AO (†2005) Sir Lance Townsend (†1983) Professor Kevin Westfold (†2001) The Most Revd Sir Frank Woods, KBE (†1992) Former Senior Fellows Professor Alan Shaw, AO (†2012) HONOURS Mr Warren John Blomeley (TC 1980) Mr William Gore Brett (TC 1941) The Revd Anderson Douglas (Doug) Dargaville (TC 1956) The Revd Dr Ronald Lindsay Dowling — Theology adjunct faculty Dr Stephen Graeme Larkins (TC 1963) Brother Bruce-Paul 3–24 March Mr Hubert Henry Maudsley Miller, OAM (TC 1950) Dr Brent Nongbri Macquarie University 9–12 April Professor John Deathridge King’s College, London 3–6 December Dr William Andrew Distin Morgan (TC 1945) Mr George Myers (TC 1965) The Rt Revd Andrew William Curnow, AM (TC 1968) Dr (Robert) Peter Campbell Pockley (TC 1954) Mr John Aubrey Gibson, AM (TC 1969) The Revd James Lawrence Reeve (TC 1947) Friends of the College Mr William Stuart Royston (TC 1950) The Hon. Clive Fordham, AM Professor Bruce William Robinson, AM – Visiting Scholar Dr Jon David RosenthaL, OAM – Past Parent Associate Professor Jitendra Kantilal Vohra, AM Mr David Willmer Wright, OAM Queen’s Birthday Member of the College The Honourable Justice David John Ashley, AM (non-resident 1960) The Revd Rosemary Young (TC 2004) SENIOR COMMON ROOM Executive 2012–13 Mr Paul Andrews President Ms Nicole Crook Treasurer Ms Kellie Mathers Secretary Ms Kirstie Robertson Steward Executive 2013–14 Mr Jeff Richardson President Ms Nicole Crook Treasurer Friend of the College Edward Richard Tudor, OAM – member of the Education Strategy Committee Ms Kellie Mathers Secretary BEREAVEMENTS VISITING SCHOLARS Mr John Tuson Bennett (TC 1954) Mr (John) Niel Black (TC 1954) Associate Professor Papaarangi Reid University of Auckland 1–4 October Dr Patrick Carnegie Royal Opera House, Convent Garden 2–10 December Members of the College Mr Graeme David Fair, AM – Past Parent Sir Robin Jacob University College, London 17–22 February Dr Geoffrey Noel Howsam (TC 1951) Professor William Samuel Calhoun (Bill) Hare, AO (TC 1942) Australia Day Professor Stephen Misha Davis, AM Dr Stephen Mills University of Sydney 29–30 September Professor Richard Immerman Edward J. Buthusiem Family Distinguished Faculty Fellow in History, Temple University and Miegunyah Fellow, University of Melbourne 1–31 March Dame Elisabeth Joy Murdoch, AC, DBE — Fellow of the College The Revd Emeritus Professor Gary Donald Bouma, AM Professor Harold Attridge Yale School of Divinity 24 January–18 June Ms Kate Stewart Steward Professor Joe Klewicki University of New Hampshire 10 January–29 July Mary-Jane Cuyler University of Sydney/OSMAP Field Director, Synagogue at Ostia 9–12 April Professor Jeremy Moon University of Nottingham Gourlay Visiting Professor of Ethics in Business 20 April–16 May & 14 November–13 December Associate Professor Elena Asparouhova University of Utah 4–25 May Dr Peter Bossaerts Caltech Laboratory for Experimental Finance 4–25 May Professor Larry Gostin Georgetown University; WHO 6–13 May and 2–7 October Canon Bruce Maugham King’s College, London 19–24 June Professor Bert Harrill Ohio State University 29–31 July Dr Patrick Kelly Moscow Economics School 28 July–24 August Dr Petra Goedde Temple University 28 July–10 August The Venerable Dr Jane Hedges Westminster Abbey 10–14 August Associate Professor Grede Moore University of Sydney 3-6 October CHOIR OF TRINITY COLLEGE Gabrielle Aescht Leonie Axford Georgia Bentley Freemantle Choral Scholar Chelsea Brite Georgina Davie Ken Horn Choral Scholar Toby Graham Lyndon Green Hannah Grigg NHM Forsyth Choral Scholar Miranda Gronow Robert W H Cripps Choral Scholar Andrew Hamilton Eleanor Hanscombe N H M Forsyth Choral Scholar Conrad Heald Gabrielle Lefevre Peter Godfrey Choral Scholar William Lennie * Katherine Lieschke * Joshua McLeod * Timothy Newton * Annie Rapoport Aaron Teh Phoebe Thomson Peter Dennison Choral Scholar Bradley Tjandra Helen Macpherson Smith Trust Choral Scholar Stephen Treloar A J Herd Choral Scholar 23 Emma Williams N H M Forsyth Senior Choral Scholar * Senior Choral Scholars Emeritus Choral Scholars Jack DALY Fiona GUNN Annina BREIDAHL Christopher DAVEY Andrew GUNN Maia BRENT Samantha DAVIDSON Jing Jing GUO Chelsea BRITE Fiona DAVIDSON Phillip HALL Ashley BROADWAY Georgina DAVIE Anthony HALL Mr David Barmby Alena BROESDER Bradley DEN HEIJER Samuel HALLETT Ms Kirsty Biber Freya BROLSMA Oscar DIXON Brooks HALLIN Dr Peter Campbell Jacqueline BROOKES Annabel DIXON Alexander HAMER Mr Thomas Drent Amy BUCKERFIELD Cale DOBROSAK Lachlan HAMILTON Dr Benjamin Namdarian Rory BURNHAM Renrui DONG Timothy HANNAH Mr Philip Nicholls Nicholas CALDWELL Sarah DONKERSLEY Eleanor HANSCOMBE Mr Timothy Reynolds Taylor CALLAGHAN Darcie DOUGLAS-SCARFE Laura HANSON Ms Suzanne Shakespeare Kirsten CALLANDER Ali DOUVARTZIDIS Nicola HARD Ms Siobhán Stagg Anna CAMERON Kathryn DROPPERT Joshua Robert HARDY Dr Megan Warner Holly CAO Edgar DRUCE William HARGREAVES RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE Christy CAPPER Luis DUHART GONZALEZ Matthew HARGREAVES Isabella CARNEGIE Winston DZAU Oliver HARLEY Joseph CAVANAGH Hugh EDWARDS Samuel HARTLEY Frederick CHAN Georgina EDWARDS Alistair HASKETT Breanna CHAPMAN Jakamarra EGGER Lucy HAWKER Lily CHEN Victoria EMERSON Gretel HAYDEN Dean CHEN Cameron ENGLMAN Robert HAYWARD Jason CHIANG Rachael FARQUHAR Andrew HEARL Jia Xiong CHOO Elizabeth FARRELLY Tennessee HEWETSON Tat Tsun CHU Nicole FEAST Katherine HEWITT Jocelyn Wai-Ling CHU Eleanora FIGUEROA-STEINER Alexandra HINCHCLIFF Paul CHYNOWETH Olivia FISH Baden HITCHCOCK Thomas CLARK Stephany FORMAN Lok Yan HO Emma CLARK Stephanie FORREST Tyson Kane HOLLOWAY-CLARKE Benjamin CLARK Stephanie FOSTER Robert HOLT Stephanie CLARKE Molly FOWLER Alara HOOD Jack CLARKE Emily FRASER Miles HORTON Alice COATES Andrew FREEMAN Alexander HORTON Nicholas COLE Nichol FYFE Jeanine HOURANI Jordonne COLLEY Alexander GALLIGAN Senhao HUANG Jamie COLLINS Harrison GATES Dougal HURLEY Joseph CONSTABLE Lucie GAVANON Avnish JAIN Campbell COOKE Miranda GAZE Selvi JEGATHEESON Alexandria COPPE Matthew GELETA Wing Yan KAN Asha CORNISH Natasha GILES Georgina KELLY Imogen COWAN Yi Jzen GOH Charles KEMP Harriet CRAIG Jie Lin Claire Marie GOH Patrick KENNEDY Mathew CRANE Susannah GOMM Thomas KICKETT Thomas CROWHURST Samuel GOOLEY Jay KIM Matthew CUBIS Rohan GORDON Brittany KING Hamish CURRAN Hannah GRIGG Philippa KIRBY Jack CUTHBERTSON Miranda GRONOW Lachlan KIRWAN Resident students Emily ADAMSON Annie AITKEN James ALCORN James ALLEN Jacqueline ALLEN Dzifa AMENUVEGBE Juliet ARCHIBALD Avinash Nair ATCHU Lucinda ATKINSON Amba-Rose ATKINSON Tyson AUSTIN Olivia BAENZIGER Dougal BAILEY Jacob BAJADA Georgina BAKER Julia BATTERHAM Helena BEAN Ella BECKINGSALE William BENNETT Georgia BENTLEY Eloise BENTLEY Tonya BERNARDO Georgia BETTENS Andrew BEYER Renee BLACK Ngaree BLOW James BOUNDS David BOYD-LAW Jessica BRADFORD Rebecca BREADMORE 24 Harald BREIDAHL Jacqueline KIRWAN Blake MOONEY Anna SLOAN Isabella WOODHOUSE Dong-Kyoon KO Audrey MOORE Imogen SMITH-WATERS Joshua WRIGHT Rachel Li Tzu KOH Giovanna MORRIS Wenlai SONG Peter WU Nicholas LANGFORD Tiernan MORRISON Shae STABRYLA Mengjie WU Jonathan LAU John MORRISON Max STAUB Michael WYLES Lucienne LE MIERE Damian MORTON Rhori STEIN Charlotte WYLES Robert LEAN Bhagya MUDUNNA Robbie-Lee STEPHEN Han XUE Yi Lin LEE Morgan MULLER David STERN Eugene YANG Gabrielle LEFEVRE Simone NATHAN Bianca STRUGNELL Bohao YAO Emily LEWIS Jake NAUGHTON Thomas SZOKA Dannel YEO Thomas LI Vincent NGUYEN Hannah SZTO David YOUL Jiatian LIANG Eleanor NICKLASON Zhi Liang TAN Jack YOUNG Marcus Farn-Jie LIM Aoife NICKLASON Vicky Wen Ting TAN Jean ZHANG Shu LIN Blake NIELSEN Heather Liying TAN Non-resident students An Chieh LIN Camille NOCK Naoya TASHIRO Gabrielle AESCHT Libby LITTLEYUILE Iona NORTON Alexandra THEILE Jacquie ALLEN Steve LIU Liam NUTTALL Phoebe THOMSON Leonie AXFORD Kane LO Chiemi PARKER Bradley TJANDRA Thomas BALDWIN Jordan LO PICCOLO Katherine PARROTT Anna TRAILL Adam CAMPLI Hinyaw LOH Luke PATTERSON Stephen TRELOAR Lucilla COLMAN Georgina LONG Claire PETERSON Santo TRIPODI Jack DALY Anthony LONG Ewen PICKLES Hugo TROTTER Georgina EDWARDS Jessica LORD Samantha PIENAAR Sai Yee TSE Madeline FOSTER Indi LOWE Aiden POTTS Lucinda TURNBULL Allanah FREDDI John LUCAS Claire PRESTON Rudi VAN BREDA Toby GRAHAM Scotch MACDONALD Shanley PRICE Henri VAN BREDA Lyndon GREEN Campbell MACGILLIVRAY Ailish PUREN Hilary VAN LEEUWEN Andrew HAMILTON Benjamin MAHONEY Heny PURNAMASARI Rachel VAN SANTEN Conrad HEALD Alexander MARSHALL Anuja RATWATTE Rukman VIJAYAKUMAR Daniel Dong-Kyoon KO Charles MARTIN Emmett RICHARDSON Arielle VOCALE Joshua LA’BROOY Ainara MARTINEZ-MIRANDA Natasha ROBBINS Fraser WALLACE William LENNIE Simon MATTHEWS Chantelle ROBBINS Eliza WALLACE Katherine LIESCHKE Hanna MCCREATH Joanna ROBERTS Anna WALLACE Natasha MACKENZIE Rachael MCCULLOUGH James ROBERTS Joanna WALLIS Joshua McLEOD Georgina MCKAY Lily ROBINSON Chudi WANG Benjamin MURPHY Lauren MCKENZIE Katharine ROBINSON Laura WARD Timothy NEWTON Daniel MCKENZIE Claire ROBINSON Grantley WARD Rahul RATWATTE Levi MCKENZIE-KIRKBRIGHT Amelia ROGERS Emily WARD-AMBLER Emily-Jane RECNY James MCMAHON Alethea ROSE Stuart WATSON Vicky TAN John MCMENIMAN Sara RUSDIAH Claudia WEATHERALL Aaron TEH Nora MERRALLS Callum RUSSELL Alexandra WEISENBERGER Joseph MERRION Sarah RYAN Vanessa WEST Katherine MILLS Liam RYAN Olivia WHITAKER Alexander MITCHELL Namrata SATISH Emma WILLIAMS William MONOTTI Elizabeth SCHUDA Ruaridh WILLIAMSON Nicholas MONTGOMERY Evangeline SHAW Luke WILSON Natasha MONTGOMERY-HRIBAR Mathuranthakan SINNATHAMBY Cameron WILSON CRIPPS MIDDLE COMMON ROOM Georgina McKay President Christy Capper Secretary Blake Mooney Treasurer 25 Holly Cao Steve Liu Committee Anna Traill Women’s Sport Representative Billiards Room Stuart Watson President TCAC Committee 2013–14 Kane Lo Secretary Bradley Tjandra Anna Traill Senior Student Alena Broesder Treasurer Ella Hanscombe Baldricks Cale Dobrosak Social Secretary Miranda Gronow RESIDENT STUDENT COORDINATORS Ruaridh Williamson Treasurer Ewen Pickles Miranda Gronow Senior Baldrick Liam Ryan Alena Broesder Kirsten Callander Emma Clark Nicole Feast Alex Galligan Andrew Gunn Miranda Gronow Philip Hall Charles Kemp Charles Kemp Arts Representative Miranda Gronow Community Representative Andrew Gunn Indoor Representative Alexander Marshall Men’s Sport Representative Alexandra Hinchcliff Women’s Sport Representative Alex Hinchcliff Cooking Society Anna Wallace President Lily Robinson Secretary David Youl Treasurer Nick Caldwell Evie Shaw Bianca Strugnell Emily Lewis Art Studio Dance Society Georgi Long Alice Coates President Georgia Bettens President Fi Davidson Secretary Anna Wallace Secretary Alex Mitchell Treasurer Lily Robinson Treasurer Milly Adamson Campbell Cooke Anna Wallace Taylor Callaghan Sandy Marshall Simon Matthews Levi Mckenzie-Kirkbright Blake Mooney Robbie-Lee Stephen Hugo Trotter Aley Weisenberger BURSARY COORDINATORS Claire Robinson Robbie-Lee Stephen Bianca Strugnell Laura Ward Beer Brewing Society Andrew Gunn President Rohan Gordon Secretary Kip Davey Treasurer Dan Loudon Dialectic Society Robert Holt Secretary Naoya Tashiro Treasurer Jay Kim Ewen Pickles Evie Shaw Fitzstaneith Polling Society Robert Holt President Ella Beckingsale Secretary Rohan Gordon Treasurer Jay Kim Kane Lo James McMahon Games Society James McMahon President Jake Naughton Secretary Taylor Callaghan Treasurer Jia Xiong Choo Jack Clarke Georgia Bettens Informal Dining Society Alena Broesder President Claire Robinson Secretary David Youl Treasurer Evie Shaw Miranda Gronow Matt Geleta Charles Kemp Laura Ward E R White Society Trinity College Dramatic Society Alice Coates President Anna Wallace Producer TRINITY COLLEGE ASSOCIATED CLUBS (TCAC) Sandy Marshall TCAC Committee 2012–13 Laura Ward Matthew Hargreaves Senior Student Beer Budlay Charles Kemp Secretary Ruaridh Williamson Treasurer Ruaridh Williamson President George Edwards Treasurer Trinity College Music Society Lottie Wyles Secretary Lucy Hawker Campbell Cooke Treasurer Chantelle Robbins Althea Rose Social Secretary James Roberts Treasurer Kat Droppert Arts Representative Joseph Constable Community Representative Daniel McKenzie Indoor Representative 26 Ben Clark Men’s Sport Representative Jake Naughton Ella Beckingsale Alex Hinchcliff Joe Merrion Camille Nock Film Society Kane Lo President Juliet Archibald Secretary Alex Galligan President Alex Galligan Secretary Nick Montgomery Treasurer Juliet Archibald Luis Duhart Audrey Moore Trinity College Music Theatre Society Cameron Englman Treasurer Alice Coates Tom Szoka Susie Gomm Laura Ward Gaby Lefevre Artistic Director Jack Clarke Ruaridh Williamson Susie Gomm Miranda Gronow Committee Camille Nock Assistant Artistic Director Lottie Wyles Hannah McCreath David Youl Wine Cellar Sam Harltey Sustainability Interns Trinity Photographers Aley Weisenberger Marketing Director Emily Lewis Brad Den Heijer Fundraising Alena Broesder Treasurer Anna Wallace Assistant Director Claire Robinson Stage Manager Audrey Moore Orchestra Manager Tom Li Charles Kemp President Hannah Szto Secretary Andrew Gunn Treasurer Kirstie Callander Miranda Gronow Lachlan Hamilton RESIDENT COMMITTEES Ball Committee Ella Beckingsale Fleur-de-Lys (yearbook) Eleanora Steiner Cale Dobrosak Ewen Pickles Male Spirit-Leader Imogen Smith-Waters Ella Beckingsale Female Spirit-Leader Grace Mollard (TC 2007) Donald Speagle (TC 1986) Charles Sitch (TC 1980) Kane Lo Outreach Simon Matthews Treasurer Imogen Smith-Waters Phyllis Ho David Youl Beer Garden (newspaper) Andrew Gunn Jay Kim Alice Coats Custodians Rachel Koh Bulpadok (literary journal) Campbell MacGillivray Emily Lewis Shu Lin Eleanora Steiner Editors Trinity Racquets Society Cameron Englman President Kirstie Callander Secretary Buttery Lachlan Hamilton Keeper of the Kegs Georgi Long Secretary Alena Broesder Treasurer Emily Lewis Miranda Gronow Student IT/AV Committee Robert Holt Chair Dean Chen Hugh Edwards Liam Nuttall Wenlai (William) Song Tom Szoka Jack Clarke Susie Gomm Treasurer Trinity Leadership Challenge (Kokoda) Campbell Cooke President Naoya Tashiro Secretary Scott Charles (TC 1986) Bryan Grills (TC 1998) Sally Glen (TC 1992) Emma Welsh (TC 1984) TCAC AWARDS Jonothan Lau Bar Managers Trinity Recreational Alpine Club Clare Scott (TC 1983) Fresher Artsperson of the Year Ben Mahoney David Youl Treasurer Ewen Pickles Max Esser (TC 1974) Emma Clark Tech (DJ) Committee Charles Kemp Alex Alsop (TC 1995) Luis Duhart Josh Hardy Tom Crowhurst Speakers Georgi Long President Emily Lewis Anna Wallace Tom Szoka Curators Northern Territory Trip Trinity International Social Committee Jean Zhang Secretary OAK PROGRAM Jester Committee Alena Broesder Treasurer Claire Robinson Hannah Szto Tom Crowhurst Emma Clark Camille Nock Kane Lo Emily Lewis Editors Tony Hall Luis Duhart Gonzalez President Alyce Wilson Jay Kim Alex Hinchcliff Andrew Gunn Secretary Environment Committee Cale Dobrosak Hanna McCreath Secretary Nora Merralls Iona Norton Treasurer Elle Steiner Imogen Smith-Waters Outstanding Contribution to College Infrastructure Andy Beyer Most Successful College Prank Liam Nuttall Outstanding Contribution to College Life Aley Weisenberger Fresher Sportswoman of the Year Ailish Puren Outstanding Contribution to College Spirit Ella Beckingsale Ewen Pickles Fresher Sportsman of the Year Alex Horton Distinguished Contribution to Community Service Emily Lewis 27 Alice Backwell Sebastian Strugnell Fraser Wallace Amy Buckerfield Thomas Szoka Grantley Ward Jia-Xiong Choo Douglas Tjandra Emma Williams Benjamin Clark Anna Traill Luke Wilson William Clark Lacey Verley Maggie Wu Jordonne Colley Xi Wang Eugene Yang Joseph Constable Greta Williams Bohao Yao Thomas Crowhurst Luke Wilson Jack Young Student of the Year Kat Droppert Caroline Edwards Christopher Wood Nicole Feast Dannel Yeo Outstanding Contribution to the Arts Simone Nathan Stephanie Forrest Awarded in August Miranda Gaze For results Semester 1, 2013 Matthew Geleta Georgia Bettens Hui Pin Goh Harald Breidahl Yi Jzen Goh Alena Broesder Robert Graham Jacqueline Brookes Miranda Gronow Amy Buckerfield Outstanding Contribution to the College Tom Clark Lachlan Hamilton Nicholas Caldwell Robert Hansen Joseph Cavanagh Samuel Hartley Philip Hall Benjamin Clark Andrew Hebbard Tom Szoka Jordonne Colley Morgan Hepburn-Brown Aley Weisenberger Luis Duhart Lok Yan Ho Sportswoman of the Year Jacqui Brooks Hugh Edwards Poh Hui Ho Nicole Feast Sportsman of the Year Ben Clark Hannah Hornsby Matthew Geleta Andrew Justo Yi Jzen Goh Dong-Kyoon Ko Susie Gomm Eva Lambert Miranda Gronow Franc Carse Essay Prize Ben Mahony Jonathan Lau Samuel Hartley Lucienne Le Miere Phyllis Ho C L H Pullar Prize for Best Contribution to Bulpadok [not awarded] Tomos Lelong Senhao Huang Amy Smith Scholarship (1985) Damian Morton Indi Lowe Patrick Kennedy Santo Tripodi Sarah Mann Philippa Kirby Simon Matthews Simon Matthews Nicholas Montgomery Nicholas Montgomery Dr Andrew Fraser Medical Scholarship (2009) Olivia Baenziger Todd Morris Simone Nathan Emma Muir-Smith Jake Naughton Benjamin Murphy Eleanor Nicklason Eleanor Nicklason Blake Nielsen Iona Norton Iona Norton Emily Recny Katie Parrott Natasha Robbins James Roberts James Roberts Sara Rusdiah Sara Dee Rusdiah ACDEMIC CERTIFICATES Evangeline Shaw Benjamin Russell Thomas Szoka Awarded in March Erika Stanford Bradley Tjandra For results in Semester 2, 2012 Hayley Stratton Eliza Wallace Distinguished Contribution to Sustainability Hanna McCreath Outstanding Contribution to College Life Robert Holt Georgie McKay RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE AWARDS Outstanding Contribution to Community Service Emma Clark Senhao Huang Emily Lewis Rohan Humberstone Cup Matthew Gelata Philip Sargeant Poetry Prize Luke Patterson Herschel Visual Arts Prize Natasha Giles Dialectic Society President’s Medal for Oratory [not awarded] Leeper Prize for Oratory [not awarded] Wigram Allen Essay Prize [not awarded] 28 RESIDENTIAL SCHOLARSHIPS A C Thompson Scholarship (1940) Jake Naughton A G Miller Scholarship (1933) Damian Morton A J Herd Choral Scholarship (1996) Stephen Treloar A M White Scholarship (1918) Kathryn Droppert Agnes Robertson Choral Scholarship (1999) Emily Fraser Agnes Tait Robertson Scholarship for the Creative Arts (2006) Jordonne Colley Alan and Peggy Shaw Scholarship (2012) Robbie-Lee Stephen Alan Patterson International Scholarship (2002) Maggie Wu Cale Dobrosak Daniel Ko Evangeline Shaw Peter Wu Dannel Yeo Andrew Sprague Bursary for Photography and Archives (1989) Kane Lo Arthur Hills Scholarship (1987) Yi Jzen Goh Barry and Margot Capp Scholarship (2005) [not awarded] Bill Brockholt Scholarship (1978) Robert Lean F F Knight Scholarship (1993) Georgina McKay Bruce McComish Scholarship (2004) Audrey Moore F L Armytage Scholarship (1883) Rebecca Breadmore Campbell Scholarship (2007) Rory Burnham Felicity Anne Curry Choral Scholarship (2006) Stephen Treloar Charles Abbott Scholarship (1986) Blake Nielsen Frank Henagan Scholarship (1997) Jonathan Lau Charles Hebden Memorial Scholarship (1919) Nicholas Langford Freemantle Choral Scholarship (2011) Georgia Bentley Cheong Yu-Lin Endowment Fund (2008) Sara Dee Rusdiah Helen Macpherson Smith Trust Choral Scholarship (1990) Bradley Tjandra Clarke Scholarship (1880) Miranda Gaze Helen Macpherson Smith Trust Scholarship (1985) Will Bennett Clive Smith and Friends Recurrent Scholarship (2010) Kirsten Callender Nicholas Langford Natasha Robbins Cybec IT Endowed Scholarship (1994) Avnish Jain Cybec Recurrent Scholarship (2005) Hamish Curran Phillip Hall Samuel Hartley Jordan Lopicollo Simon Matthews Chantelle Robbins Luke Wilson David Jackson Scholarship (1999) Dean Chen David Wells Law Scholarship (1997) Holly Cao Eliza Wallace Dessewffy Family Bursary (2005) [not awarded] Elizabeth Hebden Scholarship (1942) John Lucas Ethel and Edwin Cooper Scholarship (1978) John Lucas Evan Burge Entrance Scholarship (1995) Robert Lean Jack McMeniman Jamie Collins Henry Berthon Scholarship (1886) Benjamin Clarke Ian Home MacKenzie Medical Scholarship (2001) Samuel Gooley Le Souef Medical Scholarship (1999) Zhi Liang Tan Rukman Vijayakumar Leith Hancock Scholarship (1992) Shanley Price Lilian Alexander Medical Scholarship (1999) Andrew Lin Zhi Liang Tan Maurice Hurry Law Scholarship (1983) Georgina McKay Merlyn Myer Scholarship (2007) Evangeline Shaw Miltiades and Alkestis Chryssavgis Scholarship (1995) Stephanie Forrest N Bruce Munro Senior Scholarship (1984) Alistair Haskett Andrew Hearl Georgina McKay William Monotti Eliza Wallace Indigenous Education Recurrent Fund Scholarship (1978) Amba Rose Atkinson N H M Forsyth Choral Scholarship (1997) Hannah Grigg Louis Egger Ella Hanscombe Tyson Holloway-Clarke Joshua McLeod Mathew Crane Timothy Newton Thomas Kickett Stephen Treloar Blake Mooney N H M Forsyth Senior Choral Scholarship (2001) Emma Williams J H Sutton Scholarship (1925) Stephanie Forrest James A Grant Entrance Scholarship (2001) Dean Chen James Guest Science Scholarship (2007) Racheal McCullough John Ross-Perrier Bursary (2005) Rachel Van Santen John T Reid Scholarship (2009) Tyson Austin Ken Horn Choral Scholarship (2002) Georgina Davie Kenneth Moore Music Scholarship (2008) Katherine Hewitt Stephanie Forrest Peter Godfrey Choral Scholarship (2002) Gabrielle Lefevre Peter Dennison Choral Scholarship (2002) Phoebe Thomson R A Must Scholarship (2000) [not awarded] R F Stuart-Burnett Scholarship (1994) Selvi Jegatheeson Elizabeth Scuda Randal and Louisa Alcock Scholarship (1927) Matthew Galeta Randolph Creswell Engineering Scholarship (2004) [not awarded] Reginald M V Blakemore Scholarship (1991) Benjamin Clarke Robert B Lewis Scholarship (1989) Thomas Crowhurst Robert W H Cripps Choral Scholarship (1994) Miranda Gronow Ronald Cowan Scholarship (2008) Shanley Price Rosemary and Bryan Cutter Foundation Scholarship (2008) Ngaree Blow Luke Patterson S A F Pond Scholarship (1980) Harald Breidahl Nancy Curry Choral Scholarship (1997) Brittany King Thomas Crowhurst Nigel and Margery Herring Studentship (2011) Mathew Crane Philippa Kirby Nerida Wylie Scholarship (2001) Rachel Van Santen Oatley Family Scholarship (2007) Nicole Feast Hugh Edwards Miles Horton Robert Lean Jack McMeniman Eleanor Nichlason Fraser Wallace Georgina Long S A F Pond Non-Resident Choral Scholarship (1980) Breanna Chapman Leonie Axford Oodgeroo Endowed Scholarship (2000) Jamie Collins Toby Graham Perry Scholarship (1873) Thomas Crowhurst Lyndon Green Andrew Hamilton Conrad Heald William Lennie 29 Katherine Lieschke Imogen Smith-Waters Claire PRESTON HARYANTO Frans Aaron Teh Shae Stabryla Fiona RAIKE HARYANTO Steve S R Stoneman Scholarship (2010) Rebecca Breadmore Fraser Wallace John RAIKE HENDRA Stella Joanna Wallace Sharne ROLFE HIRATA Roi Joanna Wallis Maggie Wu Kuncoro RUSMAN HUI Howard Simon Fraser Scholarship (1920) Jia Xiong Choo Hai Kun Zhan Brenda SANG JONGKAMATO Aljerru Trinity Theological Scholarship Christy Capper Adriaan SIERSEMA KAN Christy Jacqueline SMITH KARTASASMUTA Williem Galdwyn Hughes Lachlan THOMPSON KHIN Smantha Claire Preston Suzannah WALSH KOK Felicia Janet WINFIELD KOKADA Micha Sir George Turner Endowed Fellowship (1958) Emily Fraser Dr Susan Lim Medical Scholarship (2010) [not awarded] Alumni Scholarship FOUNDATION STUDIES Alan and Peggy Shaw Oxford Scholarship (2012) Nicholas Fenech February Extended 2012 THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL DAI Daisy Lay Ka BAW DASHDAVAA El Theodore BYARD DING Zillion Christy CAPPER HE Sweet Jonathan CHAMBERLAIN JIN Yaya Melissa CLARK XU Ying Mathe CRANE XUE Vivian Kieran CRICHTON July Fast Track 2012 Michae DANAHER ADISUDJANA Elsa Magdalena Paul ETHERINGTON AMORNCHAITKUN Pete Kaylea FEARN ANNEKE Christine Jacob GARANG AKECH BASKORO Reinaldy Cahyo Peter GUY BOEDIMAN Reissa Cheryl Kasey HOLYMAN CHEE Daryl Valerie JOHNSON CHEN Kenny Patricia KENNEDY CHEN Yue Paul KRUSE CHIA Xin Yu Valerie Hay Day Ta Tha KUNOO CHO Jaenee Trinity Dean’s Scholarship Taylor Callahan Hei Ler KYI SHWE DIONISIO-SEE Karen Angela Louise LANG DYER BRAY Esmeralda Dean Chen Graeme LEGGE EDWIN Marvin Adriano Jamie Collins Andrew LOCKWOOD-PENNEY FABIAN Stanislaus Glenndy Matthew Cubis Trent LOSONN-WILKINS FOO Miao Yun Yi Jzen Goh Manoli MAGER FRANK Daniel Selvi Jegatheeson David MANYOK GOH Bridget Nicholas Langford Catherine McGOVERN GOH Jolene Emily Lewis Danny McROBERTS GUANDINATA Angelica John Lucas Edward MERITO GUNUAWAN Stefanny Gabriella Gerogina McKay David MILFORD HA Dinh Viet Jake Naughton Elizabeth MURRAY HA Nhu The Vy Shanley Price Emily PAYNE HAN ChengChen Sydney Wynne Scholarship (1970) Kathryn Droppert Trinity General Scholarship Kathryn Droppert Matthew Galeta Lucy Gavanon Miranda Gaze Philippa Kirby Jonathan Lau William Monotti Iona Norton Trinity International Scholarship (2000) Taylor Callaghan Yi Jzen Goh Phyllis Ho Miles Horton Senhao Huang Jay Kim Rocly Liang Claire Peterson Sara Dee Rusdiah Han Xue 30 Yorta Yorta Scholarship (2004) Tyson Austin CHAN Weng CHEN Eric KUSUMA Edwin KWOK Sean Justin LEE Jun Yan LEGOH Cellyn LEONG Michel Danelle LEUNG Isabella LI Jia Wei LI Jiayun LI Renkun LIM Gunawan LIMANTO Meta LIN Qingping LIN Sarag LIN Ting-Yu LITVINENKO Vlad LOY Jia Min Jelly LUHUR Edward Ignazio MAYLINGA Ayu MUFTI Wilson Nugraha MULYONO Hermawan NGUYEN Thi Thai An PANDHIKA Wilta Clarissa PHAM Ngoc Minh An PRABAHA Ashwini PURWANDINI Farahditya Putri RAMBITAN Widya Wati RENALDO Aloysius SANTOSA Agatha SAPUTRA Adela Risha SAPUTRA Ayleen Ginny SATYAWIRAWAN Syane Agacy SIAN Evelyn SIRICHALERMRAK Gift SOESANTO Erica SOETJIPTO Kevin Alexander SUSANTO Reagan SUATNAHADI Adrian HO Tommy SENDJAJA Jonathan FANG Lanzhu TAMSIL Antonius Jason HO Xing Yi SINURAYA Putera Perkasa GAO Yuyang TIONARDI Edbert HOU Eddy SOU Gabriel GUO Zihao TJANDRA Stephen Alexandro HUA Mengmeng SU Stella HAN Gaolie TJIUPEK Ineke KAM Melanie SUTRISNA Friska HE Haozhou TJIUPEK Jessica KANNAN Ashwini TAN Dy;an HE Yueyang TOYAD Clarissa KHAW Pi Sheng TAN Zhen Yi Rachel HENDRAWAN Johan Andrew VALERIE Valerie KHIN Twinkle TANG Edwin HU Haojie WANG Xinya KOSASIH Astrid Leoni TEOH Erica Tze Huey HU Ting WIBOWO Ricky KRAISATHIANPAISAL Wittawin TERIANTO Melisa HU Mingjie WIDJAJA Andy LAZUARDI Felicia Levina TRUONG Daniel JIANG Lanxu WIDANARKO Ria Edra LEE Elsha TURMUNKH Turbold JIAO Hang WIRAYADI Ryan Kristianto LI Alfred WANG Ivy LI Yanfeng WONG Justin Dixuen LI Jiayi WANG Mengjia LI Ke WU Maggie LI Qiziao WARDANI Chindera Mukti LI Jianjun XIA Meitifani LIE Richy WIBOWO Valent Wiharja LI Muxuan XUE Qimeng LIEW Ryan Wenhaw WIDJAJA Yuliana Kusuma LI Xu YANG Wenyi LIM Amber WIN MYAT THU Match LI Chunxu YAP Teng Jing Rebecca LIM Sherwynn WINATA Jeffry LIAO Jiangling YPSWARA Aimee Margaretha LIN Fan WONGSODIRDJO Cheryl Mei LIAO Ding YUWONO Celvin Prasetya LING Cheng WU Amy LIN Weiwei July Main 2012–2013 LING Mellony WU Mengnan LIU Yiding LIU Jing WUN Yin LIU Yilin LIU Sherry YANG Chloris LIU Jiajun LO Kathy YANG Sunny LIU Qianlong LOH Hui Lian YANG Xiao Yu LIU Xin LOH Jia Hui YAO Linhan LO Chi Pui LU Shan YAO Meng LOU Minyue LUO Nahui TUAN Chengji LU Danjie MA Wei Ya ZHANG Fiona MAO Dingding MENG Melody ZHANG Guangyu MAO Zemin MIAO Yutong ZHANG Harry MUGHAL Muhammad Waleed ZHANG Yan MUHAMMAD Rahmatya Siti Ishahni MUHAMMAD Arif ZHANG Yoyo MUSTAPA Mohd Amar Nazrin Bin ZHAO Yu MYINT THEIN Steven ZHU Yuyun NAN MAUK KHAM HEIN Michelle August Extended 2012 NGUYEN Huynh Phoung Thoa ANDERSON Breggy NGUYEN Tong Dung BAI Jingnan OSMENA Sheen Abigail BI Xuechun PAKPAHAN Timothy CHAI Xiaojuan PEK Philomena Yan Yun CHEN Yuhan QIU Andreas CHEN Xinyi ROMPIS Calvin Patrick CHEN Haiyuan RUSLAN Afif Ridhwan CHI Didi SASAI Kana DAI Ao SELEZNEVA Ekaterina DENG Yaxin ASGARI Medina BAI Jindi BUDIYANTO Astrid Anindita CHEN Chen CHEN Guanda CHEN Junsong CHIN Jadmine CHONNG Kok Fai CHONG Mervin CHU Ming DAMITRIAS Theofilius Danu DENG Rui DING Jing Jing DJAJAWI Indra DON Stephanie EFFENDY Jimmy FAN Kenny FENG Angela FLORENCIA Jessica FOO Dylan Meng Shen FRIESS Marc Charles GAU Jiasheng GUO Theresa GUO Yixing HE Hao NGO Tran Tri Nha NGUYEN Thi Quynh Vuong NGUYEN Thanh Tu NGUYEN Thi Mai Khanh PAN Fan PANG Bo QI Siyuan QI Bin QIAN Yining QIAN Kuan RONG Yi SHI Wenchang SUGIANTO Randy Pratama SUN Chongzhi 31 TAN Hui HUANG Guan MANDLEBE Batsho CHEN Munika TAN Amanda LI Xiangkui MANOROTKUL Karnpicha CHENG Feng Guang TANG Zhen LI Pengfei NDABA Unaswi Tlamelo Kaone CHENG Zhi Xuan TRAN Thien Phuc LOU Shengyu ONG Shea Shen CHEOK Rachel Sue Lynn TRAN Thuy Trang LUO Heng ONG Yi Ren Braden CHEONG Tara Eu Li TRINH Pham Xuan Hai LUO Sen ONG Veronica Xing Xian CHEONG Alyssa Li-Lynn WAN Biwen MA Lishan OUEMPHANCHAROEN Parichat CHEUNG Yi Ting WANG Muhong SHEN Hejun RAJA Ahmed Kamal CHI Chen WEN Chenguang SHI Lidong RAMETSANA Precious Peolwane CHIANG Jacqueline Sy Yiing XUE Haoyan TIAN Qiuyi RODRIGO W. Sanduni Kaushalya CHIEW Kok Weng YAN Yuqing WONG Chun Fai SAPARI Ardyanto Lukman CHIN Pei Wen YANG Han WU Yun SUN Jie-Sheng Jason CHIN Jia Wei YANG Yunhao XIONG Chujun TANG Yunhua Queenie Vanessa CHNG Dicklin YANG Han XU Yiyun TEH Stephanie CHONG Anabelle Jin Han YANG Liu Fu Ran ZHANG Yinli TIO Richard CHONG Kimberley Ling Zhen YANG Yingyi ZHANG Kexin TRIHARDJO Felix Otto CHOO Kai Lin YANG Yingdie ZHAO Zihao WANG Yingyi CHOW Tsz Wan YAO Xiaojun ZHU Shijun WONG Adrian Chung Heng CHUA Sabrina Beiyu YE Yingxin January Main Plus 2013 WU Boyou CHUA Chun Li Kevin YE Lingling ALVAREZ GAVILANES Guillermo Rafael XI Hengzhe CHUA Adina Jia Rong YU Jiayi ZHONG Sophia Hanru CHUNG Jared Kian Sheng YU Ping CHAN Suet Ying Sharina ZHOU Lingshan CHUO Chung Yee YU Yicheng CHEUNG Bryan February Main 2013 CO Janel Nathalie Ang YU Qiao CHICO URBINA Diana Esther DON MANUWELGE DON Niroga Mindula ABDUL JABBAR Saburah Nazreen CONG Taoran YUAN Zian CUACA Cleveland ZHANG Zhenyu ZHANG Yunming ZHANG Wang ZHANG Wenhai ZHANG Shiyu ZHANG Zhuoyi ZHANG Mingqi ZHANG Pei ZHANG Yan ZHANG Zengyuan ZHANG Juexuan ZHANG Shiyao ZHAO Tianyu ZHENG Shiqi ZHENG Di ZHOU Chen ZOU Jingwen September Extended 2012 CAI Liting CUI Yujia DU Zichun HO Tsz Ying 32 ANG Justin Zhie Hung CUI Wensi ERAZO CEDENO Rosario Andrea ANG Teng Wei DARMAWIJAYA Alvin Susanto FOO Ren Hao ANG Stephanie Hui Sian DENG Jinming FOONG Christine Hui Li ANGGAWIDJAJA Natasha Marissa DEVAMANY Yoginna FU Qiang FUJIMURA Arisa BAEK Sunmu DING Yixin GHULAM ABAS Mariam BEK Shuang Pheng DUAN Sainan GOUTAMA Canny BORGHEI Hamidreza EMAMGHOLIPOUR Benyamin HO Sum Yee Renee BU Nanxiang ENG Vik Ven KHOO Matthew Theng Yen CAI Yunqi FOO Qi Hsin KOAY Xue Jan CAI Weibin FOO Dora Xinyi KONG E Shuen CHAI Wern Han FOONG Shin Ying KWANG Diannita Ayu CHAN Ka Yan FUNG Wing Lun Ellena KWEK Yi Sheng CHAN Hoi Yan GAN Xin Yi LAM Tak Fai CHAN Shian Siang GIAM Pei Shuen Trudy LANG Tze Yen CHANG Song GOH Wen Xin Carolyn LAU Wai Kwan CHEAH Ann Yee GOH Yong Shin LEE Aaron Han Sol CHEANG Kin Ieng GOH Su-Jeing Laura LEONG Ren Yuan Eliot CHEN Jiawei GOH Dickson Wooi Khai LIANTO Sharron Octaviani CHEN Shih-Feng GOH Beatrice Shiqi LUCAS Resego Mmaabo CHEN Yuzhu GONG Yingying MAK Chun Yin CHEN Shuwan GUAN Zhun DING Siyu GUAN Tze Ying LEONG Zhi Wei MOHAMED ZAINI Nor Aliah TAN Qian Ying GUNAWAN Amelia Putri LEONG Weng Sum MOHD KHIR Muhammad Hafiz TAN Li-Qing Victoria HAN Yinong LEONG Mei Yee Melissa MOU Yik Ming TAN Shi Min Sara HAN Tianyang LEOW Hwei Fung TAN Lydia Hui Theng HAO Siming LEUNG De Tian MUHAMMAD ARIF STEPHEN Emilia HASHKAVAEI Armity LI Yuwei NG Yi Ching TAN Ze Lynn HAU Kai Men Carmen LI Zhihan NG Stephanie Zi Xin TANG Joseph Jia Chieh HEW Ee Ling LI Peixin NG Joshua Yong Chieh TANG Tung Jen Jenny HII Connie LI Yee Sum NG David Ming Yew TAO Yu Hang Vivian HO Melissa Yi Shien LI Luheng NG Shi Rou TAY Xin ni HOH Jason Wai Yin LI Xinying NGO Hoang Nam Phuong THAMRIN Valerie Ratnasari HOW Vi Vian LI Xuefei NGUYEN Canh Toan THIAGARAJAH Natasha HUANG Szu-En LI Zhuoer NGUYEN Thuc Quynh Anh THNG Yu Hong IDROSE Nur Sabrina LI Chao OH San Dat TIRTANA Theodore JEONG Imhye LIAN Jocelyn Wan Hui OKOKO Sherryl Jovial Apondi TO Tran Nhan Hau JIANG Yixuan LIANG Shenyuan ONG Su Zen TO Tran Chan Nhu JIANG Na LIM Jia Cherng ONG Sarah Jia Min TOUCH Chandaro JIN Yiyao LIM Yu Wen ONG Jonathan Ming Hao TUSCANO Paulina Bulseco JURADO MURILLO Marco Vinicio LIM Yih Jye Bernard PHUNG Dickson Yih Sheng UDDIN Fahim K CHANTHIRA MORGAN Pooranee LIM Wai Leng POEDJI Cindy Harianto VICTORIA Jocelyn POH Zi Yun VOO Veronica Tsin Fong PORNSIRIANANT Anantaya VU Ngoc Tram Anh PURWOWILIANTO Ritchie VUONG Anh Thu QIU Zhouhang WANG Yingmin SAY Joseph Gui-Chang WANG Haoxin SEOW Andrew Li Chwen WANG Yongli SETJOADINATA Fredricia Abigail WANG Baiyang SHEN Yanlin WANG Yueer SHEN Ran WANG Xiyue SHEN YiYing WANG Aochen SIADJA Gede Agung Nugraha WANG Yishi SIM Kwan Ting WANG Qixuan SIM Ting Ling WANG Pinxi SIM Bryan Yik Wey WANG Choon Leo SO Cheuk Lam WEE Peng Da SOO Xiao Hui WIBISONO Arief Nugroho SU Qi WONG Jin Wei SUBRAMANIAM Sivanandihini WONG Fanny Fang Qi SUHAILI Sara Nurashekeen WONG Vyvien SUSANTO Jimmy WONG Gladys Kai Xin TAKEI Shuntaro WONG Jing Qiau TAN Christine WU Chin Hei TAN Chu Sheen Benedict WU Yida TAN Chi Keong WU Jiaxin TAN Tze Tung WU Jianhua TAN Vera Pei Bing WU Wing Shan TAN Hui Xin WUN Yang Quan LIM Sandra Yen Zi KANADI Tania Putri LIM Zhi Xuan Kimberly KANG Rong Ye LIN Yao-Chen KE Jingwei Darren LIN Chenxin KHIN THU ZAR AUNG LIN Shuyue KHO Jia Her LIN Li KHO David LIU Jingyan KHUHAN SAMIDURAI Shawn LIU Jiali KIM Jeongeon LIU Zheping KIM Junhyun LIU Ruiqi KONG Weiyu LIU Haixing KONG Karmen Jia Wen LIU Jun Haw LAM King Ngo LO Yan Yan LAU Wee Keng Edwin LOW Kok Tong LAW Sharon Hui Yuen LOW Julian Jun-Liang LE Xuan An LOW Boon Kiat LEE Soong Teck LU Dan LEE Kuan Kheng LU Yi LEE Jo Jin LU Eugene Soon Ren LEE Sherwyn Wei Hao LUO Mengjun LEE Xie Min LUO Wenlu LEE Chee Ming LUONG Thanh Phuoc LEE Xin Yi MARGARETH LEE Rachael Jet Lyn MARNE Avinder Singh LEE Ziao Cinch MIN Zihan LEI Ka Leng MOHAMED HARUN Ilsa Ameera LEONG Yun King MOHAMED ROZHAN Mia Zafirah TAN Han Gene 33 March Specialised Extended 2013 BI Minghao SY Martin Harley CHAN Lee Huang TAN Ming Huei DU Peng CHANDRA Regina TANCHAROEN Nattakarn HE Siyao CHEN Yilin TEDJOWARSITO Gabriele Ellora JOO Ji Chan CHEN Yudong TRINH Nguyen Hong Nhu Y VALENTINO Julio CHEONG Sio Ian TRINITA Elisya Mutiara YANG Haoyi WANG Yi CHUNG Wing Yee VENISHA Venisha YANG Jia Yi June Main Plus 2013 DARMALI Adrian YAO Chuhan ANG Brenwin Lien Jie DEVINA Theresia VINUEZA BRAVO Katherine Lisbeth YE Zi ANG Brendi Lien Jun DJONNATHA Roberto YE Hemu ARNINDYA Nadira DUAN Jiaxin YE LWIN OO Danny Wang ASLAN Natalia Kartika EUGENIA Joscelind YEAK Dilys Sue May CHU Wern Teeng GEMA Ferdian Aristyo YEAP Shona Le Yu DECKER GABELA Maria Antonieta GO Antonio Geoffrey GARCIA JIMENEZ Daniel Fernando HANDA Sagarika WUTAMI Ilycia Kasih Indah XU Cai XU Yi YAM Yee Wah YAMAGUCHI Shiori YAN Se YEO Xin Yu YEOH Ben Jia Wei YEOW Shangmian YIN Siyue YU Xiaoqian YUN Jee Sun ZHANG Daozhen ZHANG Huilan ZHANG Yidi ZHANG Bingqing ZHANG Minghao ZHANG Yue ZHAO Ruodi ZHENG Siqiong ZHENG Haoran ZHENG Tongpeng ZHOU Xiaohan ZHU Chen March Accelerated 2013 CHAN Yu-Ying Lesley -Ann CHIA Gabriel Weng Keat GOH Miron Jie Hao GOH Ashley Sio Wui GUO Mudi NEO Yuan Zhang SEAH Kah Howe SOMASUNDRAM Juliette Mae TAN Dicksonn Seng Fang TEO Wen Ji Deon TIONG Aaron Zhe Hao TONG Jialing YUWONO Megasari ZHANG Yan 34 HALIM Darren HALIM Claudia Christinia HUANG WeiJian HUTAMA Intan Permata LEE Lok Yiu LIM Yew Wen LIU Yifei MO Jiaqi NG Adriana Chia Yee PATNI Ida Ayu Widja PHAN Muykim PHUA Zhi Jing ROWHANI TAZANGI Armin SIM Yu Jing SIY CHA Matthew Philip STEPHANNIE Stephannie SUPRAPTO Glenn Engelbert TEN Michael TIAN Mingyu VANDOTHRA Ananth Krishna WEI Xiaocheng GUNADI Arga Pradipta HU Chi-Cheng HU Zhexin INDRAWAN Christian JOENOES Josephine KOAY Teng Bin KOK Jessica KOSMAN Claudia Jasmine KUSUMA Michelle LASE Felicia Melina LEE Sherry Xue Li LEE Stefanie Huiping LEONG Janelle Eleanor Li Yi LI Wenni LIU Yangyang LO Annabel MO Shutong NAGARAJAN Arvind NGUYEN Minh Trang OLIVIA AAA POON Sean Jun Yue PRANANTA Phillip Ray WANGDRA Kevin Yulius WIGUNO Glory WIRIASUGATA Bernardus Billy WONG Hoi Ying WONG Lok Io XU Chenshun YAO Liyang YAP Priscilla Li-Ting YUNITANTRIA Vena ZAW BA OO Zaw ZHOU Yuening ZHU Binwei August Main 2013 ATIP-ANAN Tarnsuda BARTLETT Brittanie Rei BUDIHARDJO Annette Andiani BUDIMAN Stephanus CHANG Dawn Si Hui CHEN Cruise CHONG Kenny Ken Li DONG Chen FUNG Pak Yin GU Jialin HAASIANI Nova HERIAWAN Jason HONG Juhee JIA Jingwei JIANG Yanbing PRASETIO Wisely Wiranata KOMARUDIN Benazir Maharani RUNGWATTANASOPHON Pongrut KYI HAY MAR LINN LINN WONG May Kwan LAU Rong Chian July Fast Track 2013 SEJATI Ajie LI Sicheng ADITYA Reynard Michael SENDJAJA Richie Adiputra LI Xiang ADJIPUTRO Reinaldo Christopher SETIAWAN Kwik Iwan Kurniadi LIAO Ke ALBERT Charles SETIAWAN Michelle Luise LIM Vivien Vun Yie ANG Gracia Yan Ting SIA Nathan Andrew Lasola LIN Shuling ANGELICA Lawrensia Jessy SONG Felicia Qian Yi NG Ronjo AUNG Sai Htin SUSANTO Jessica Natalia NGUYEN Minh Tran WIJAYA Ida Bagus Gde Gautama K ONG Harold Zhi Jian CHEN Shishen HAN Ziyi LI Wenxin PARK Eonji CHEN Jiaxin HAN Zong Heng LI Shulin PUTRI Carissa Dea Chandra CHEN Feifan HAO Jinbo LI Renjie REYNATA Clarisa Dhany CHEN Wanyu HE Lisong LI Lingzi ROMARIO Odwin CHEN Shangyu HE Huixiang LI Yuting RUSSELL Alexander CHEN Xinye HO Kei Chung LI Jieying SHI Weiqi CHEN Jipeng HOANG Ky Anh LI Yifang TAM Chun Kit CHENG Chen HOU Ting LI Mincong TAN Mark Tze Han CHENG Fangyuan HU Weixin LIANG Xiao TEOH Zhi Yee CHI Shanrong HU Tianbao LIANG Jingheng TOCK Minn CHOU Huiyi HU Yifan LIAO Siyong TRAN Kim Phuoc CHU Quynh Huong HU Mingyang LIM Mable Mei Bao VOO Zachary Sen Leong DAI Jiaxin HUANG Yingzi LIN Junming WAI WAI MAUNG Jill DING Xiaohan HUANG Rong LIN Jiayi WANG Yuchen DONG Ziyan HUANG Yujie LIN Wei WANG Yusheng DU Xuan HUANG Jingchun LIU Yue WIBOWO Yohanes Kristantio DU Zhuotong HUANG Yuhong LIU Ziye WILLA Jesslyn DU Changpeng HUANG Xi LIU Xiangzhi WONG Hartini Suseno DUAN Gengchi HUANG Yuqin LIU Yiyi WONG Sean Timothy DUAN Miaoran HUO Chao LIU Hao WU Mengqi FAN Shihao HUO Enlin LIU Zhijun YANZAGUANO BRAVO Camila Viviana FAN Yunhao JI Jinyang LIU Jiatong FANG Yitong JIAN Hantao LIU Boen ZHANG Xirui FENG Chong JIANG Yuchen LIU Xiaochen ZHANG Lichen FENG Jingyi JIANG Yihong LIU Hao August Comprehensive Extended 2013 FU Shu JIANG Wen LIU Danjie FU Shengxian JIANG Haosheng LIU Yu ALDHANHANI Omar Mohamed Mohamed Ali FU Xuanmin JIANG XiaoMin LIU Tingting GAO Chenghao JIN Tongxi LIU Honghao GAO Siyuan JUNUS Jasmine LONG Yue GAO Jin KAPI Fanny LU Bangguo GAO Yuzheng KHVOROV Arseniy LU Zhetao GE Hongfei KONATRA Jason GE Yuyan LAM Wing Shuen LUKITO MARIA Stefanie Hendrijanto GONG Yuanjian LAU Hiu Yi GU Ximeng LI Xue GU Meng LI YongChuang GU Jin’na LI Chao GU Siyu LI Hongzhe GUAN Tong LI Anke GUAN Erli LI Yongxia GUO Yu LI Peijing GUO Gan LI Yuxin GUO Siqi LI Xiaodan GUO Keruo LI Junyan GUO Bingxiao LI Wenqing GUO Dongyi LI Yi ALQASIMI Anwar Essa Y AN Da BAI Qinyu BI Mingze BIAN Yijie BONG William Wijaya CAO Yuan CAO Yurong CAO Yun CHANG Lu CHANG Xiyu CHEN Jiachen CHEN Yangdan CHEN Tianze CHEN Sijun CHEN Yizi CHEN Wenxiang CHEN Liang CHEN Peidong LUO Yin LUO Yuangeng LYU Zhen MA Xiaotian MA Yiwen MA Danni MA Yiwen MAO Yinglan MAO Zhiyao MENG Yu MULYONO Joshua Bryan Dharma MURTHI Ryan Stanis NGUYEN Ha Nhi 35 36 NI Tianlong WANG Yun ZHANG Runze LIN Yitang PAN Qi WANG Jiani ZHANG Zechun LIU Dacheng PAN Yixuan WANG Chuyue ZHANG Yushan MEESANUN Thanaporn PENG Xinyi WANG Xinran ZHANG Kexin NIU Qingrui PI Mengli WANG Xiaoran ZHAO Shouyu PAN Honglang PIAO Zhejun WANG Chen ZHAO Xujing PRAJONO Vito De Niro QI Weijie WANG Yi Rui ZHAO Ziyi RAN Lingdan QIAN Yanrong WANG Xin ZHENG Yutao SHEN Yikun QIAN Jin WANG Jia Bo ZHENG Miao Miao SHI Zhou Xin QIAN Zhen WANG Ningxiao ZHENG Qing THONG Kok Kong QU Yiyi WANG Zixin ZHI Jingze WANG Yumeng RADEN MUHAMMAD FAJRI TRIANSYAH WANG Jing ZHONG Shen WANG Jingyang WANG Hande ZHOU Tianyi WANG Shimeng RAO Chunlu WANG Lu ZHOU Zirao WONG Man Kit RONG Yu WEN Xinyue ZHOU Xuan XU Ang SANG Xiao WU Tong ZHOU Jiayu XU Meng SETIADI Kent Rayner WU Haomin ZHOU Yuhang ZHAN Keng SHAN Ying WU Yi ZHOU Ruolan ZHANG Yumeng SHEN Yu Hang WU Xiaoyu ZHOU Zhiwei ZHANG Tongxin SHI Weiwei XING Ying ZHOU Xin ZHENG Minmin SHI Yuxin XING Wen Jing ZHOU Luying ZHU Yixuan SHI Yu XU Chaofan ZHU Shulin SHI Fanghui October Fast Track 2013 XU Yizhou ZHU Fengxuan SHI Lanfeng AGGARWAL Yash XU Zhuoer ZHU Wenyi SHI Kexin AKBAR Erick Diantoni XU Qingyun ZHU Zhiyi SHU Xiyue CHAN Hei Tung XUE Ziqi ZHU Jiayi SHU Yiyang CHAN Ka Man Carrie YAN Xiaoxi ZHU Yanjun SHUAI Du CHEN Yifei YANG Luhan ZHU Yisong SONG Ziyang CHEN Yuyan YANG Fujia ZHU Guanying SONG Wenfeng CHENG Ngai Sang YANG Congwei ZHU Lizhe SU Xialan CHUI Michael Jonathan YANG Dian ZHUANG Ruiliang SU Jixuan CHUNG Tsz Yan YANG Wenjing SU Zihan FAN Lai YANG Xinyu August Specialised Extended 2013 SUGIANTO Dicky Saputra YIN Yue AOMNOI Thanaporn SUN Shuai FANG Yue YU Dongjie BAI Zerun SUN Yanxin GAO Ai YU Yanqi CHEN Yanming SUN Ziyang GAO Wangzihui YU HongHao CHO Yoonjae SUN Renyi GOH Sebastian Qing Wei YU Dan DAI Weida SUN Jingsi GUNTORO Jessica YUAN Anyi DING Xi TAN Shiyin HAN Yiting YUAN Di GE Kangning TEDJAKUSUMA Joshua HON Chun Hin YUE Jiaqi GU Jiayi THANA Chadaporn HUANG Jingbo ZENG Yunfeng GUNAWAN Kevin TIAN Jia Hao KWOK Ka Wai ZHAI Lili HAO Junyu TIORENTINA Tina KWOK Ying ZHANG Jing JEHWAE Ruslina TSOI Wing Hung KWONG Pok Naam ZHANG Tianshu KRIKUL Kunkamol WAN Yuqing LAM Chung Man ZHANG Jiamei LEI Kang WANG Tianli LAM Kwai Hin ZHANG Jiaxi LI Hancong WANG Tian Kang LAYADI Angeline Gloria ZHANG Luyao LIN Hengyi LEUNG Tsz Chun FANG Shiyu LEW Jonathan Lian Xin NI Sarah Jiaqi GUNAWAN Amelia Putri Jeremy Chang-Jie HU LI Junfeng WU Wen Hsin HUANG Szu-En Joshua JUANDY April Accelerated 2012 OKOKO Sherryl Angus Robert LAWRENCE POEDJI Cindy Harianto Angus Edward LEIGHTON PORNSIRIANANT Anantaya Gregory MACNAMARA TIRTANA Theodore Fraser John MCCALLUM TO Tran Chan Nhu Erin Faith MCKELLAR WIBISONO Arief Nugroho Matthew Frederick NICHOLLS YU Ping Matthew Vincent O’BRIEN July Fast Track 2013 Kathleen Louise O’REILLY LIU Jiayu NEKRASOVA Marianna PAULINA Flory Anggi PERERA Amesh Wilhelm Hayden REN Chunjia REN Minglin SALFA Halida Nabilla SANTANA LIZANO Genesis Belen SEE Emmeline Mei Yi ZHONG Tong October Fast Track 2012 EVELYN Cindy LAU Sum Yi TENGGARA Melissa ZHANG You COMMERCE FACULTY SCHOLARSHIPS OO Zaw Ba Michelle PRATAMA YAO Liyang Emily SCHNALL HAK Bunthaneth STUDENT COMMITTEES HUYNH My Hong July Main 2012 Social Committee Dominic John Rui STITT KULAPVIRAT Sirinthra HO Xing Yi KAI Jie Lim Daniel Nicholas Avouris TAUBER NADINE Danielle Siy Lee NGUYEN Tran Nicolaas TJOELKER TURBOLD Turmunkh PHAM Nguyen Hoang Yen Gianni VECCHIO WANG Xiangchun QI Zhu James Alexander VINCENT RATTANATANYAPON Juthathip February Main 2013 Yearbook Committee Thomas Stephen VOSS VO Tran Bich Tram CHUA Chun Li Kevin WICKRAMANAYAKE Poornima Holly Greeta WINTER KONG Karmen Jia Wen Benjamin Davis WOOD ZHAO Zhenyi July Main 2012 ILSA Ameera Mohamed Harun ZHOU Yangfan DJAJAWI Indra YAO Xiaojun ZHU Fangzheng FLORENCIA Jessica GOKIANLUY Elaine Audrey TRINITY INSTITUTE Andrej ALEKSOV ZHU Yunjia Juilliard Winter Jazz School Pathorn ANURUGVONGSRI Trevor ADELSON Nathan Aziz BADDAWI Briana BARKER Purikan BAMROONGSUK Tess Rose-Marie BARNES Riddh BEDI Eric Alan BOESTEN Aditya BENYAMIN Flora Walker CARBO Tariro Thando BHEBE Theo Walker CARBO Raier BLAKENEY Sophie Ellen CATSOULIS Uea-Aree BOONBANGYANG Joshua DUNNE Brittany Louise BROOKING Lucien FINCH Kayla BROWN KHIN Zarchi Aung Minh Duong BUI YU Ping Benjamin Edward Stephen FINNIS SIRICHALERMRAK Warissara LIU Jiajun David Michael Adam FLYNN WU Mengiie Bella CHAMBERS NGO Hoang Nam Phuong Amelia FRENCH XUE Qimeng Sonny GERRARD-BROWN Paweepong CHAROENKITCHAIKARN October Fast Track 2012 David GOODWIN Ho Yuen Michael CHAU HUANG William Oscar GROSS Chiao Hsuan CHIU TENGGARA Melissa Daniel HANDSWORTH Ciara CHOOKOON February Main 2013 Nikos HAROPOULOS-SMALLMAN Gorn CHULOUYSRI Tom HEWETT Isabelle May CLOUGH Samuel Ronald HOLDEN Rebekah COLE TAM Ka Kit TRAN Thanh Tam VO Cong Dinh WANG Modan WEI Yi WIN Aung Myat WONG Lok Ching WONG Siu Hang WU Jiacheng YEOH Darren Cheang Leng ZENG Yiwen ZHAI Haoyu DUXES July Main 2012 DJAJAWI Indra October Fast Track 2012 February Main 2012 LU Shan NGUYEN Huynh Phuong Thoa OSMENA Sheen Abigail PANPITAKPAN Korndanai SIRIPATTANANUN Kanin EVELYN Cindy TRUONG Tuan Huy LAU Sum Yi TURMUNKH Turbold LI Jiawei TENGGARA Melissa ZHANG You February Main 2013 July Fast Track 2013 Yao Liyang UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE SCHOLARSHIPS February Main 2012 GAO Yidan July Fast Track 2012 AMORNCHAITIKUN Phattharaphon CHEANG Kin Ieng DARMAWIJAYA Alvin Susanto Max John SLORACH Sarah Elizabeth Hei Yin SU Bella Kali WINTER Young Leaders July Program Gabriella ADIPRAWIRA Jessica Lee CANTY Lori CLEVENS 37 Joshua Alan COLLINS Alicia MARGONO Yanawut TANTIVACHYANON Rachel PONTER Zac COLLINS-WIDDERS Chloe Maree MARSHALL-KREIN Zoe Lauren THOMAS Abby RICHARDS Nari Kaitlyn CREVATIN Breanna Jill MILTHORPE Anei THOU Jeri SAM Sanije DARDOVSKI Anh Tuan NGUYEN Ricky Joshua Toh Wen Xian TOH Toby SAUNDERS Laura Jessie DAVIS Anna Uyen NGUYEN Kirsten TOWNSHEND Buddy STANLEY Kalsang DECKYI Fiona NGUYEN Bao Loi TRAN Grace STANLEY Jenny Thao Van DINH Mai Quynh Nhu NGUYEN Demi TRAN Jordan SWAN Quynh Tran DOAN LE Vivian NGUYEN Dinh Tiffini TRAN Casey TAYLOR Nattarat DOLSETTAWAT Kamolluck NIAMKONGKIT Victor TRAN Caleb WESTON Carroll-Jade DORAN Kamolpat NIAMKONGKIT Thien Thanh TRINH Gary WILKINSON Dianna DUONG Suchaya NUNTNARUMIT Wendy TRUONG Larissa WOOSUP Sammie DUONG Caroline OELKERS Hsin-Te TSAI Talisha WRIGHT Ana ELEFTERESCU Jacob Samuel PAPUGA Zongyi WANG Finlay YEEDA Zan Alexander FAIRWEATHER Nutvara PATITUS Ashley Kate WHITEHEAD Young Leaders Summer School Glenn Michael FALZON Sharmila PAUL Imogen WHITTAKER Alysya ABDUL HAZIS Ruilin FENG Peeraya PERNGMARK Laurentia Michelle WIDJAJA Keshya AMARASINGHE Lauren GEORGE Hoang-Son PHAM Laurentia Michelle WIDJAJA Shaum ARORA Tara GLANVILL Ngoc Chau PHAM Maria Stella Olivia Ari WONGSO Michelle AU Dionnie Louise GRASSO Jenny PHAM VO Leah Eileen XUEREB Siew Hwee BAY Chloe Margaret HARPLEY Thanh Ha Thy PHAN Ryoko Jyuri YAMADA Amy BROOKS Nikola Emily HIGGINS Thanon PHATTHARAKIJTANAKORN Vanessa S YU Rachel CHEE Tash PIGOT Yalari Year 10 Orientation Program Sheng Yu CHIA Rhianna Janine PITT Brooke ALLEN Supasita PITTAYATHIKHUN Harry CHOI Obby BEDFORD Pechkla POKAEW Melissa CHONG Abbey BRAITHWAITE Yada PONPITTAYALERT Joey CHUA Lara BRIGGS Michelle PRATAMA Tahlia COX Tarrena BUCKLE Kulyarat RAKSANTIPHAB Peter DENG Rachyl CAMERON Pattiya RANGSISINGPIPAT Tyrrel FREEMAN-MAFI Jadalyn DE BUSCH Poom RANGSISNGPAPAT Bernice GOH Jazleen DE BUSCH Charlotte REINNOLDT Naomi GOH Shazzaray DODD Jamie Morgan Maddison ROUBIN Pei Zhi GOH Shanii FLEMMING Dulyapad RUANGTHAMMAKIT Danika GREEN Jabreeni FOGARTY Taylor Gabrielle RUSSELL Mira Ida Karlina HAJI SANI Jackson HANBIDGE Chihiro SAKAI Shereen Nur Tasha HAJI SANI Jayden HARRADINE Tanawan SATHIRABOOT Yi Xuan HANG Lorrae KENNEDY Pat SAWANGWATHNAHIS Hana HASSAN Kelsie MAHON Yossamon SETKIT Jon HTIN Kaite MCADAM Siuli Hemas Saraswat SIBURIAN Ash HUDSON Tileah MCGRADY Nicholas SINCLAIR Jasmin Jie Min IYO Rueben MONGOO Trin SIRIVADHANAKUL Adlin JAYA ANSOR Alan MUMMERY Emily Jade SPIERS Shaya JAYADEV Jacob NICHALOFF Elga Karina SUBIAKTO Harindi JAYAKODY Jayden OAKLEY Chih-Kang TAN Taiga KANDA Chelsea OLIVER Tia, Jia Jia TAN Balqis KHODZIQ Mahlia PEACHEY Celine TANG Elisa LAU Sindu PETTERSON Uyen LE KHUC Abby Jean HODGES Wei-Jung HUANG Faraaz Shabbir HUSSAIN Bich Ngoc Thi HUYNH Samuel IBRAHIM Jason JUDIHARDJO Moakh KIENGSIRI Grace-Marie KIMPTON Liam James KREBS Varit KUHAPREMKIJ Elisha Deen KURUPPU Kevin Purwadinata KUSNADI Lydia LAI Sirada LAOSIRICHON Yasmin Dwi LARASATI Li Ming LAW Phuong Linh LE Hadrian Vincent LE GOFF Tenzing LHADEN Joe Sin LIM Marvin LIMARGA Kuan-Fu LIN Kit Ieng LO Chih-Wei LU Hai-Viet LUU Bonyit Akec MABOR 38 Kai Jun CHIANG Jazleen LEO Jeremy TEO LOANS TO THE ARCHIVES Danielle LEONG Day Nyar THA SHEE Rachel LEONG Caleb THNG John Carre-Riddell Photograph album ca 1912–1913 Jan LIM Jocelin TJANDRA Luann LIM Nhi TRAN Alina LIN Tonniel VILA Chao LOH Robin WAGNER GIFTS TO THE LIBRARY Kean Chin LOKE Selena WANG Gillian LOY Yu Xuan WEE Athony LUAL CHIGOK Elesha WILLIAMS Barbara Cargill and Miles Nicholls Phaidon, Le Corbusier Le Grand Abil MADHOL Ethan WONG Liyana MAHADI Hui Kun YEO Anita MANSBRIDGE Claire YEOH Cecilia MENDES Yasmine YEOH Marnie MILLER Chun Fai YIP Katrina MILLINER Ruby ZHU Daina MINCHENKO Kasshif MOHAMED RIAZ Amir MUHAMMAD Arif MUHAMMAD Fiston MWENDA Aiswarya NAIR Ze Weng NG Stephanie NGUYEN Katharine NIKOLIC Brodie OAKFORD Richard OLENIK Jowyn OOI William OOI Gloria OU Ajie PERMANA AJIE Irwan PRASETYO Sharon RARIMA Jeri SAM Putri Nur Fadiyah SAMBODA Jasmin SAVANNAH Soe Herry Thein SEIN Vanessa SWEE Brandon TAN Cheryl TAN David TAN Hannah TAN Jerry TAN Max TAN Wilbert TAN Megan TANG Calvin TCHOU GIFTS TO THE ART COLLECTION Barbara Keissing Three coloured lithographic prints Paul Gerber Two paintings by Ji Wye To Robin Sharwood Watercolour by Rick Amor, 1976 Bukudal community, North-East Arnhem Land Bark painting by Beyamarr Miningurr GIFTS TO THE ARCHIVES Barbara Keissing Memorabilia of Vaughan Keissing (TC 1951) Trish Parker Two pairs of bookends with Trinity crests, belonging to Robert Brook Lewis (TC 1937) Richard Gardner Two copies of DVD entitled ‘Mark Gardner: A Most Eminent Ophthalmologist’ Angie Miller Two photographic albums of student events ca 1997 John McDonagh Series of formal photographs from 1952 with McDonagh as Senior Student Ms La Nauze Trinity College blazer belonging to Eric Black (TC 1979) Anna Traill Trinity College blazer belonging to Bill Traill, ca 1953 College House, Christchurch NZ Gil Docking, ed., Two Hundred and Forty Years of New Zealand Painting Sally Dalton-Brown Joanna Bourke, An Intimate History of Killing Sigmund Freud, Freud on Psychopathology Vol. 10 Svetlana Boym, The Future of Nostalgia Andrew Jenks, Russia in a Box Oleg Tarasov, Icon and Devotion David Johnson, ed., The Popular and the Canonical Sandra Free, Three Remarkable Women: Three Plays Elena Govor, Australia in the Russian Mirror: Changing Perceptions 1770-1919 Julia Voznesenskaya, The Star Chernobyl Wendell Steavenson, Stories I Stole: From Georgia Julia Politkovskaya, A Russian Diary Julia Voznesenskaya, Letters of Love: Women Political Prisoners in Exile and the Camps Paul Richardson, ed., Life Stories: Original Works by Russian Writers Eric Schmidt, et al., Nanotechnology L Chamberlain, Lenin’s Private War: The Voyage of the Philosophy Steamer and the Exile of the Intelligentsia Norman Gray From Parish to Prison Dorothy Lee Andreas Kostenberger, John: Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament Bible Andreas Loewe Katharine Thornton, The Messages of Its Walls and Fields: a History of St. Peter’s College, 1847 to 2009 Don Markwell Philip Ziegler, Legacy: Cecil Rhodes, the Rhodes Trust and Rhodes Scholarships Don Markwell, Instincts to Lead: on Leadership, Peace and Education Elizabeth Rushen Bishopscourt Melbourne: Official Residence and Family Home Robin Sharwood Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo, Picturesque Ideas on the Flight into Egypt Stephanie Claire and Anna Waldmann, Salvatore Zofrea J Faigan, Paul Sandby Drawings Patrick Conner, Michael Angelo Rooker 1746-1801 C M Kauffmann, John Varley 1778-1842 Marcia Pointon, Bonington, Francia & Wyld Andrew Hemingway, The Norwich School of Painters 1803-1833 Ralph Edwards and L G G Ramsey, eds, The Connoisseur’s Complete Period Guides to Houses, Decoration, Furnishing and Chattels of the Classic Periods Estate of the late A.G.L. Shaw A G L Shaw, The Economic Development of Australia A G L Shaw, The Story of Australia A G L Shaw, Convicts and Colonies: A Study of Penal Transportation from Great Britain and Ireland to Australia and other Parts of the British Empire A G L Shaw, The Australian Coal Industry John McManners, Church and Society in Eighteenth Century France: The Clerical Establishment and its Social Ramifications A G L Shaw, Warrior Race: a History of the British at War from Roman Times to the Present A G L Shaw, Great Britain and the Colonies 1815-1865 39 A G L Shaw and H D Nicolson, Growth and Development in Australia: an Introduction to Australian History Student Management Services Matthews, Time and the Leprosy Mission, The Hidden People of Leprosy (DVD) National Markets Religious Focolare Movement Other Academic/Education Australian and New Zealand Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference Australian Anglican-Roman Catholic Dialogue (AUSTARC) Melbourne University Overseas Christian Fellowship (MUOCF) European Molecular Biology Laboratory – EMBL Australia City on a Hill Church (Anglican) A G L Shaw and H D Nicolson, Emergence and Expansion: A Modern World History CONFERENCE GROUPS & EVENTS A G L Shaw and H D Nicolson, An Introduction to Australian History Study Abroad University of Delaware (English) A G L Shaw, Sir George Arthur, Bart., Superintendent of British Honduras, Lieutenant-Governor of Van Diemen’s Land and of Upper Canada, Governor of the Bombay Presidency University of Delaware (Chemical Engineers) A G L Shaw and H D Nicolson, Australia in the Twentieth Century: an Introduction to Modern Society A G L Shaw, Modern World History: Social, Political and Economic Development, 1780-1955 (Book 1) A G L Shaw, Modern World History: Social, Political and Economic Development, 1780-1955 (Book 2) A G L Shaw, Modern World History: Social, Political and Economic Development, 1780-1950 (in one volume) A G L Shaw, A History of the Port Phillip Bay District: Victoria before 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