Europe for Citizens
Europe for Citizens
NGRA 2013 -09-24 KOMMUN Vänortskommitten 8ammanträdesprotokoll Datum: 2013-08-27 kl. 15:30 -17:40 Plats: Tingshuset, Christinarummet Närvarande Lena Vinnerås (8) , ordförande Eva Turesson (M) Barbro Hansen-Johansson (C) Camilla 8örman (8) Lena Bjärmark (NP) Fredrik Noren (8) Daniel Törnqvist, ungdomsledare Annelie Gustafson, sekreterare Val av justerare: Lena Bjärmark Underskrifter Sekreterare Ordförande · · ······· ~· · ..·:·.. I . , 6 ~ ii~· ·G ~ ~t ~~; ~~ ~-, ................~ ~ . Lena Vinnerås Justerande ~ ... . .. . ... . . ... . . .. . . Lena Bjärma] Postadress E-postadress Nora kommun Tingshuset [email protected] 713 80 Nora Internet ~.<~.~ ~ .. . Telefon Telefax Bankgiro Organisationsnr 203-2258 212000-2007 0587-81000 Kommunförvaltningen 0587-14688 2 §1 Uppföljning av vänortsträffen Nora var värdar under vänortsträffen 15-18 augusti 2013 . Under träffen deltog representanter från Höne i Italien, Köo i Estland, Köyliö i Finland och Fladungen i Tyskland. Programmet för träffen bifogas . Träffens huvudsakliga inriktning var "Sustainable development in different perspectives". Arbetet med detta ledde till en överenskommelse, den bifogas. I överenskommelsen framgår att kommunerna ska hitta goda exempel på miljövänliga förbättringar i de olika kommunerna och att dessa ska inspirera de andra kommunerna samt att detta projekt ska fortsätta under många år. I överenskommelse enas kommunerna även om att undersöka möjligheten för ungdomarna att arbeta som volontär i vänortskommunerna. En projektgrupp utsågs bestående av två vuxna och en ungdom från varje kommun . Representanter från Nora kommun är Lena Vinnerås, Eva Turesson och Anna Smothers Brink. Från Fladungen är det Diana Erb, Conny Schmuck och Laura Mann. Från Köo är det Katre Saar, Eda Piilmann och Marit Leis. Från Höne är det Stefano Borettaz, Gabriele Bastrentaz och Fabrizio Rossignod. Representanter för Köyliö meddelas senare För vidare arbete med detta ska Arne Tschentscher, stadsträdgårdsmästare BKT, kontaktas angående till exempel möjligheten att plantera ätbara träd i grönområden. Även Jan Forsmark ska kontaktas för vidare arbete enligt överenskommelsen mellan kommunerna. Ungdomarna från alla kommunerna hade delvis en egen planering där Daniel Törnqvist var ungdomsledaren. Detta upplägg fungerade bra. Ungdomarna deltog i seminariet och arbetade sen själva med hållbar utveckling ur sitt perspektiv under ledning av Kattis Folkesson. Detta redovisades under lördagen för alla deltagare. På Facebook finns sedan i våras en vänortsgrupp och denna skulle det vara bra att fortsätta med för att kunna hålla kontakten mellan alla deltagande kommuner. Daniel tittar på att göra en samlad grupp för alla träffar som värdkommunen varje år får ta över. Avseende budgeten ser det ok ut. Inget oväntat dök upp eller stack iväg . Under våren skickade vänortkommitten in en EU-ansökan till Europe for Citizens Programme 2007-2013. Nora kommun mottog tyvärr inget bidrag . Träffen var lyckad och från Nora var deltagandet bra. Det föreslås att ett tackkort ska skickas ut till de som ställt upp speciellt för att träffen kunde genomföras. 3 Alla gåvor som Nora kommun mottagit från de andra vänorterna har under sommaren ställts ut på biblioteket. Just nu är vänortskommitten i behov av att hitta ett förråd där allt detta kan bevaras eller gärna en permanent monter på till exempel biblioteket. Köo har bjudit in till nästa vänortsträff som kommer ske i Estland 24-27 juli 2014. Inbjudan bifogas. §2 Nästa möte Nästa möten med vänortskommitten är tisdagen den 1 oktober och tisdagen den 12 december. Båda mötena sker klockan 16.00 i Tingshuset, Christinarummet. Bilagor Program vänortsträff 15-18 augusti 2013 Överenskommelse från vänortsträff 15-18 augusti 2013 Deltagarlista vänortsträff 15-18 augusti 2013 Kontaktlista för vänorterna Ansökan till European for Citizens Programme 2007-2013 . Beslut avseende ansökan till European for Citizens Programme 2007-2013. Inbjudan till nästa vänortsträff NGRA KOMMUN PROGRAMME TOWN TWINNING MEETING 15-18 AUGUST 2013 in Nara Thursday, 15 Augu st 12.00-15.00 Arrival - accommodation in host families, youth accommodation in Karlsängskol an 18.00-20.00 Welcome reception & dinner (Församlingshemmet) Hast: Chair of the local government Ture Österberg Presentation of delegations from participating twin towns Friday, 16 August 9.00 Introduction and Meeting Agenda (Församlingshemmet) - Sustainable development in different perspectives Film: Transition 2.0 (sustainable development in a global perspective) Guests: Jan Forsmark, ca-ordinator of Transition Sweden Mats Brengdah/, municipality c1imate advisor Workshops Environment for the future (For all participants) 12.00 Lunch 14.00 -17.00 Workshops in groups (Adults - Församlingshemmet, Youth Karlsängskolan) • Environment • Future project and ca-operation Dinner in host famili es (Youths spend the evening tagether with common activities and dinner) 1 Saturday, 17 August 09.00 Conclusion of meeting (Församlingshemmet) • Presentation of ideas for a common future project. • Project leaders elected • Press conference 12.30 lunch 13.30-15.30 17.30 Common tour in the area of Bryggeriet (adults) youth have their own programme Dinner with outdoor activities (Hagby Ängar) For all participants including host families (German participants leave at 01.00) Sunday, 18 August 09.30 Guided tour of Nora town 11.30, 12.30 Departure Fl, EE Departure IT 2 Twin town meeting in Nora 2013 Nora - Köo - Köyliö - Fladungen - Hane We agreed on: • Forming a contact group, two adults and one youth from each town The towns Nora, Fladungen, Köo and Köyliö will: • Inventory and inform of "good examples" in environmental improvements that are done in each town. These examples inspire the other towns and be a start to a project running for several years. • Look for the possibility to organize youth apprentice exchange between the towns The contact group should try to find funds for financing these projects. PARTICIPANTS 15-18 AUGUST 2013 FLADUNGEN Diana Erb Silvia Leutbecher-Schmuck Klas Leutbecher Melanie Link-Sebold Conny Sch muck Marc-Lucas Leutbecher Felix Erb Fabian Erb Jonas Link Michael Mann youth vouth vouth youth Youth leader KÖa Katre Saar Eda Piilmann Mihkel Roosileht Liina Nikonorova Aire Ojalill Aleksander Pukman Kärt Seil Katherine Meinbero Marit Leis Syret Kärt youth vouth youth youth youth leader HONE Stefano Borettaz Marisa Gonfaloni Sonia Vaser Flavio Bonetti Gabriele Bastrentaz Valerio Bordet Guendalina Rossignod Sara Von Fabrizio Rossignod youth Youth Youth Youth youth leader KOYLlO Seppo Saarinen Riitta Sianoia Sirpa Lahti Aliina Hitlanen Liina Kuvaja Merja Juntunen Riikka Jalonen Juha Karvonen Youth Youth Youth Assistant youth leader Youth leader NORA Olle Lindheden Daniel Ånnman Jennifer Malki Wilma Overgaard Daniel Törnkvist youth leader Lena Vinnerås Camilla Sörman Eva Turesson Barbro Hansen J-son Lena Biärmark Thursday -- Saturday Fredrik Noren Thursday -- Friday Nora Twin Nora Twin Nora Twin Nora Twin Nora Twin Nora Twin Town Town Town Town Town Town Mases Naselbadyan Friday -- Sunday Sandra Appelqren Friday pm -- Sunday Emelie Appelqren Kattis Folkesson Friday -- Saturday Thursday -- Saturday Laura Mann Anna Smothers Brink Oscar Löthgren Friday -- Saturday Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant ex. youth member ex. youth member ex. youth member ex. youth member ex. youth member ex. youth member ex. youth member Jan Forsmark, Mats Brengdahl, Ture Österberg, Solveig Oscarsson Per Andreasson, Jan Noriund Friday Friday Thursday evening Thursday, Saturday Friday, Saturday Thursdayevening committee committee committee committee committee committee Lecturer Lecturer Chair of district council Chair of municipal executive board Chair of child and education board Municipal director Höne, Italy Name Telephone (+39 .....) Address Via Emilio Chanoux Marisa Gonfaloni 92, Hane Valle D'Aosta Via Fratello Alfano Stefano Borettaz 1, Hane Valle D'Aosta Via Cougnin 2, Hane Bonetti Flavio Valle D'Aosta Via Aosta 43, Hane Gabriele Valle D'Aosta Bastrentaz Via Guia 25, Hane Sara Von Valle D'Aosta Via Ruina 20, Hane Guendalina Valle D'Aosta Rossignod Via Morio Collord 85, Hane Valle Vale rio Bordet D'Aosta Fabrizio RossignodjSonia Vaser E-mail 333 -868 7041 [email protected] 349-2553671 [email protected] 346-69910 76 [email protected] 349-7057999 [email protected] 340-8403240 [email protected] 348-256922 7 [email protected] [email protected] 349-2996262 [email protected] Köo, Estonia Name Telephone E-mail Katre Saar +37253012279 [email protected] Mihkel Roosileht +372524 74 22 [email protected] Eda Piilmann +37 25347 4948 [email protected] Aire Ojalill +37 2521 0366 [email protected] 1 Liina Nikonorova +37253479714 liina.nikonorova@[email protected] Syret Kärt +37256818689 [email protected] Katherine Meinberg +37256908422 [email protected] Kärt Seil +37253586225 [email protected] Aleksander Pukman +37256721546 [email protected] Marit Leis +37259048618 [email protected] Köyliö, Finland Name Telephone E-mail Seppo Saarinen +358503427080 seppo.saarinen@koylioJi [uha Karvonen +358500864668 juha.karvonen@koylioJi Riitta Sianoja +358503556731 [email protected] Riikka [alonen +358451338465 [email protected] Sirpa Lahti +358407221572 [email protected] Aliina Hiljanen +358504039341 [email protected] Merja [untunen +358465910826 [email protected] Liina Kuvaja +358443085848 [email protected] 2 Fladungen, Germany Name Telephone +4997787105 Diana Erb E-mail [email protected] Felix Erb [email protected] Jonas Link j [email protected] Melanie Link +499 778 17488 22 [email protected] [email protected] Fabian Erb Marc -Lucas Leutbecher Klaus & Silvia Leutbecher Conny Schmuck [email protected] [email protected] +4997 7891913 4 [email protected] Michael Mann Laura Mann Nora, Sweden Name E-mail Jennifer Malki [email protected] Wilma Overgaard [email protected] Daniel Ångman [email protected] Olle Lindheden [email protected] Oskar Löthgren ocketheman 3 Anna Smothers Brinck [email protected] Eva Turesson [email protected] Lena Vinnerås [email protected] Daniel "Töka" Törnqvist [email protected] Katarina "Kattis" Folkeson [email protected] Camilla Sörman [email protected] Emelie Appelgren [email protected] Sandra Appelgren sossa Lena Bjärmark [email protected] Fredrik Noren [email protected] Barbro Hansen-Johansson [email protected] 4 *** * * * * * *** * Europe for Citizens Form version: 2.1 EN Adobe Reader version: 8 Application Form Europe For Citizens Actions: 1 (Measure 1 and 2), 2 (Measure 3) and 4 Before you begin complet ing thi s eform: - Try the test eForm. This is a very brief eForm to help you become familiar wi th how the fields and tab les work and to test that your software and internet connection allow an application to be submitted . - Check that you have the latest available version of the eForm. In the event of a significant eForm problem arising, the Agency may decide to publish an updated i.e. corrected version of the eForm. Please check to see if a later version is available and to see detai ls of any problems that have arisen and the ir impact . Click on the following link to go to t he webpage to try the test eForm and to check for the latest versio n of the eForm : rms/index_en.php Progra m m e : CITIZENSHIP EACEA Sub-programme * : citz-eacea-action 1 Programme Guide / Call for Prop osals : Programme Guide Action *: citz-eacea-action 1-m 1 Sub-action * : citz-eacea-action 1-rn 1-rn11 Round * : 398 Deadli ne fo r submis sio n : 01/0212013 Project title * : Citizen Environmental Transition Project acronym * : CET Language used to complete t he form * : Eng lish 12:00 midday (Brussels t ime) YOU MUST COMPLETE ALLFIELOS ON THIS FIRST PAGE BEFORE COMPLETING ANY OTHER PARTS OF THE FORM. SELECTlONS YOU MAKEON THIS FIRST PAGE, OICTATETHE APPEARANCE AND BEHAVIOUR OF THE REST OF THE FORM . Submission number: , Validate form 000000000 ht tp:// Page 70f32 * ** *** * * *** * Europe for Citizens Form version: 2.1 EN Adobe Readerversion : 8 Part A. /dentification of the app/icant and if app/icab/e other organisation(s) participating in the project Parts A and B must be completed separately for each organisation participating in the project A.l Organisation Partn er number : P1 Rol e in the application : Applicant Organisation Full name of the organisation * : Nora Municipality Full name of the orga nisation in Latin characters (if applicable) : Acronym: Departm ent (if app licable) : Registered address Street * : Num ber : Tingshuset Post code * : Town *: 71380 Nora Country * : Region * : SE SE12 Intern et address: Telephone l *: Telephon e 2: Fax : 004658781000 Submission number: Validate form 000000000 Page 2 of32 *** * * * * * *** * Europe for Citizens Form version : 2.1 EN Adobe Reader version : 8 A.2 Person responsible for the management of the application (contact person) Title *: Family name * : First name * : Mr Noriund Jan Role in the organisation * : E-mail address * : Director [email protected] D Check this box if the address is different from the addressprovided in sectio n A. l Address Street * : Number : Tingshuset Post code * : Town * : 71380 Nora Country * : Region * : SE SE12 Telephone 1 * : Telephone 2: Fax : 0046 587 81000 D Check this box if the legal representative is different from the person respon sible for the management A.3 Person authorised to represent the organisation in legally binding agreements (legal representative) Title * : Family nam e * : First name * : Mr NorIund Jan E-mail * : [email protected] Submission number: Validate form 000000000 Page 3 of32 *** * * * * * *** * Europe for Citizens Form version : 2.1 EN Adobe Reader version : 8 Role in t he organisation * : Director D Check this box if th e addressis different from th e address provided in section A.l Address: Street *: Number : Tingshuset - - Post code * : Tow n *: 71380 Nora Country * : Region * : SE SE12 - - -- Submission number: Validate form 000000000 hrrp:// Page 4 of32 *** * * * * * *** * Europe for Citizens Form version: 2.1 EN Adobe Readerversion : 8 - - -- - -- - - - -- - Part 8. Organisation and activities 8.1 Structure Status * : Public Type of organisation * : PUB-LOC 8.2 Aims and activities of the organisation* Pleaseprovide a short presentation ofyour organisation (key actlvities. affiliations etc.) relating to the domain covered by th e project. (Max. 7000 charaeters) Nora Municipality is located in the region of Örebro in the Heart of Sweden.ln a total area of 691km2 Nora inhabits 10 365 citizens. We are working actively in engaging citizens inta political processesand environmental concerns. Nora Municipality has agreements with all involved partners in this application, which states that we shall support common friendship and understanding as weil as promote networking between the citizens. Pleasedescribe the role of the organisation in the project. (Max. 7000 charaeters) Nora Municipality is the project leader of the project. We will arrange the meeting and be responsible for coordination of the project asweil as initiate future cooperation. Nora Municipality will host the meeting. 8.3 Other EU grants Please list the projects for which the organisation, or the department responsible for the management of this application, has received financial support from the EU Programme during the last three years. Add a project - - - - Submis sion number: - :::====== Va/idate form 000000000 Page S of32 * *** * * * * *** * Europe for Citizens Form version: 2.1 EN Adobe Readerversion: 8 Please list other grant applications submitted by your organisation, or the department responsible, for this project proposal. For each grant application, please mention the EV Programme concerned and the amount requested. Programme conc~ned* - -- - I --- - --- r Amount requested* Add a programme Submission number: Validate form 000000000 Page6of32 *** * * ** * * *** Europe for Citizens Form version : 2.1 EN Adobe Readerversion: 8 Part A. Identification of the applicant and if applicable other organisation(s) participating in the project Parts A and B must be completed separately for each organisation participating in the project A.l Organisation Partner nu m ber : P2 Role in the application : Partner Full name of the organisation * : Fladungen Municipality Full name of the organisation in Latin cha racters (if applicable) : Acronym : Departm ent (if appli cable) : Registered addre ss Street * : Number: Markplatz Post code * : Town *: 97650 Fladungen Country * : Region * : DE DE21 Internet address: Telephone 1 * : Telephon e 2: Fax: 00499778919142 Submission number: Validate form 000000000 Page lof32 * * *** * *** * * * Europe for Citizens Form version: 2.1 EN Adobe Readerversion: 8 A.2 Person responsible for the management of the application (contact person) Title * : Family name * : First name * : Mr Muller Robert Role in the organisation * : E-ma il address* : Burgermeister mail@fladungen .de D Check this box if the address is different from the address provided in seetion A. I Address Street * : Number : Markplatz Post code *: Town * : 97650 Fladungen Country *: Region * : DE DE21 Telephone 1 * : Teleph on e 2: Fax: 00499778919142 Submission number: Validate form 000000000 httpi/ Page 8 of32 * * *** * * * *** * Europe for Citizens Form version: 2.1 EN Adobe Reader version : 8 Part 8. Organisation and activities s.t Structure Status * : Type of organisation Public *: PUB-LOC B.2 Aims and activities of the organisation* Pleaseprovide a short presentation of your organisation (keyactivities, affiliations etc.) relating to the domain covered by the project. (Max. 7000 cbaracters) Fladungen is a town in the district Rhön-Grabfeld, in Bavaria, Germany. It is situated in the middle of Germanys and lies at the southern edge of the Rhön Mountains, and the Rhön Biosphere Reserve begins a few kilometres outside of town. It is at the head of the river Streu, which flows southeast to join the Franconian Saale near Bad Neustadt. The population is estimated at just over 2,100. Pleasedescribe the role of the organisation in the project. (Max. 7000 characters) Fladungen and Nora have close connections due to a long-term cooperation and exchange of commitment between citizens. Fladungen is one of four partners in the project and will actively participate in the event. B.3 Other EU grants Please list the projects for which the organisation, or the department responsible for the management of this application, has received financial support from the EUProgramme during the last three years. - -II Programme or initiative* Beneficiary Organisation* , ~ Refe~ence number* 'I Title of the Project* " EFC - Town Twinning 515387EFC-1-2011-1-DEEFC-CM Municipality of Fladungen Submission number: Städtepartnerschaftstreffen X Va/idate form 000000000 http.// Page 90f32 *** * * * * * *** * Europe for Citizens Form version : 2.1 EN Adob e Readerversion : 8 Please list oth er grant applications submitted by your organisation, or the department responsible, for this project proposal. For each grant application, please mention th e EU Programme concerned and the am oun t requ ested. - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - Submission number: 000000000 hnp:// Page 100f32 - -- - --== = = = = = = Validate form * *** * * * * * *** Europe for Citizens Form version : 2.1 EN Adobe Reader version: 8 Part A. Identification of the applicant and if applicable other organisation(s) participating in the project Parts A and B must be completed separately for each organisation participating in the project A.l Organisation Partner num ber : P3 Role in the app lication : Partner Full nam e of the organisation * : Köo Municipality Full name of the organisation in Latin characters (if applicable) : Acronym : Department (if applicable) : Registered address Number: Street * : Köo valla Post code * : Tow n * : 70501 Viljandi Maakond Country * : Region * : EE EEOO Internet address: Telephone 1 * : Telephone 2 : Fax: 00372 4378530 Submission number: Validate form 000000000 hrrp:// Page 11 of32 *** * * * * * *** * Europe for Citizens Form version: 2.1 EN Adobe Reader version: 8 A.2 Person responsible for the management of the application (contact person) Title * : Family name * : First name * : Ms Saar Katre Role in the organ isation *: E-mail address * : mail Kultuuritöötaja D Check this box if the address is different from the address p rovide d in section A.I Address Street * : Num ber: Köo valla Post code * : Town *: 70501 Viljandi Maakond Coun try * : Region * : EE EEOO Telephone 1 * : Teleph one 2: Fax: 00372 43 78553 Submissian number: I 000000000 I Validate form hnp:l/ Page 12af32 *** * * ** ** *** Europe for Citizens Form version : 2.1 EN Adobe Readerversion : 8 Part B. Organisation and activities B.1 Structure Status * : Public Type of organisation * : PUB-LOC B.2 Aims and activities of the organisation * Pleaseprovide a short presentation ofyour organisation (keyactivities, affiliations etc.) rekuinq to the domain covered by the project. (Max. 1000 characters) Köo is situated in the middle of Estonia, about 140 kilometres from Tallinn. Köo has 1200 inhabitants and has been a town-twinning partner of Nora since 1991. Pleasedescribe the role of the organisation in th e project. (Max. 1000 characters) Nora and Köo have been working actively together on topics such as exchange of experiences between local politicians and youth exchanges. This town-twinning project aims at further strengthen the friendship and understanding between citizens in participating partners. B.3 Other EU grants Pleaselist the projects for which the organisation, or the department responsible for the management of this application, has received financial support from the EV Programme during the last three years. Submission number: Validate form 000000000 I Page 13 of32 * *** * * * * *** * Europe for Citizens Form version: 2.1 EN Adobe Reader version: 8 Please list other grant applications submitted by your organisation, or the department responsible, for this project proposal. For each grant application, please mention the EUProgramme concerned and the amount requested. I Programme concerned* ' Amount requested* Add a programme Submission number: Va/idate form 000000000 Page 74 of32 *** * * * * * *** * Europe for Citizens Form version : 2.1 EN Adobe Reader version : 8 Part A. Identification of the applicant and if applicable other organisation(s) participating in the project Parts A and B must be completed separately for each organisation participating in the project A.l Organisation Partner number : P4 Role in the app lication : Partner Full name of the organisation *: Köyliö Municipality Full nam e of the organ isation in Latin charaeters (if applica ble) : Acro nym : Departm ent (if app licable) : Registered address Street *: Number: Köyliöntie 9 Post code *: Town *: 27710 Köyliö Country *: Region * : Fl Fl18 In tern et add ress: Telephone 1 * : Telepho ne 2 : Fax : 00358 2 83786602 Subm ission number: Va/idate form 000000000 Page 15 of 32 I * *** * * * * *** * Europe for Citizens Form version : 2.1 EN Adobe Reader version : 8 - - -- - - - -- -- -- - - - - - - -- A.2 Person responsib/e for the management of the app/ication (contact person) Title * : Family name * : First name * : Mr Siltala Reijo Role in the organ isation * : E-mail address * : Administrative director [email protected] D Check this box if the addr ess is different from the address prov ided in seetio n A. l Address Street * : Number : Köyliöntie 9 Post code * : Town * : 27710 Köyliö Country *: Region * : Fl FI18 Telephone 1 * : Teleph on e 2 : Fax : 00358283786600 Sub m ission number: - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - --== = = = = = = Validate form 000000000 Page 16 of32 *** * * * * * *** * Europe for Citizens Form version : 2.1 EN Adobe Reader version: 8 Part 8. Organisation and activities 8.1 Structure Status * : Public Type of organisation * : PUB-LQC 8.2 Aims and activities of the organisation * Pleaseprovide a short presentation ofyour organisation (keyaetivities, affiliations etc.) relating to the domain covered by the project. (Max. 1000 characters) The town-twinning partner of Nora since 1944 has about 3300 inhabitants and is situated 90 kilometres north of Åbo, in the province of Western Finland. Pleasedescribe the role of the organisation in the project. (Max. 1000 characters) As one of four equal partners in the project, the aim of Köyliö is to promote networking between the participating citizens with special emphasis on youth exchange. 8.3 Other EU grants Please list the projeets for which the organisation, or the department responsible for the management of this application, has received financial support from the EV Programme during the last three years. Programme or initiative* II Reference number* I Beneficiary Orqanisaticn" ! Title of the Project* Add a project Submission number: Validate form 000000000 hrrp:// Page 170(32 * * *** * *** * * * Europe for Citizens Form version: 2.1 EN Adobe Reader version: 8 Please list other grant applications submitted by your organisation, or the department responsible, for this projeet proposal. For each grant application, please mention the EUProgramme concerned and the amount requested. I II p rogramme concerne d* Amount requested * I I Add a programme Submission number: Va/idate form 000000000 hrrp:// Page 780(32 *** * * * * * *** * Europe for Citizens Form version : 2.1 EN Adobe Reader version: 8 Part A. Identification of the applicant and if applicable other organisation(s) participating in the project Parts A and B must be completed separately for each organisation participating in the project A.l Organisation Partner number : PS Role in the app lication : Partn er Full name of th e organisation * : Hane Municipality Full name of the organisation in Latin characters (if applicableJ : Acro nym: Department (if applicable) : Registered address Number: Street *: Piazza Mun icipale Post code *: Town * : 11020 Hone Count ry *: Region *: IT ITC2 In ternet address: Telephone 1 * : Telephone 2 : Fax : 00391 25803132 Subm ission number: Va/idate form 000000000 Page 790f32 * * *** * * * *** * Europe for Citizens Form version: 2.1 EN Adobe Reader version: 8 A.2 Person responsib/e for the management of the application (contact person) Title * : Family name * : First name * : Mr Ross ignod Fabrizio Role in th e organ isation * : E-mail add ress * : twin town comrnlttee member [email protected] D Check this box if the address is di ffere nt from the addressprovided in sectio n A. 7 Address Street *: Number : Piazza Municipale Post code * : Tow n * : 11020 Hone Country * : Region * : IT ITC2 Telephone 1 * : Teleph on e 2: Fax: 0039 125803132 Submission number: Va/ida te form 000000000 .eu Page 20 of32 * * *** * * * *** * Europe for Citizens Form version: 2.1 EN Adobe Readerversion : 8 - - - - - -- - - Part B. Organisation and activities B.1 Structure Status * : Public Type of organisation * : PUB-LOC B.2 Aims and activities of the organisation * Pleasepro vide a short presentation of your organisation (key activities, affiliations etc.) relating to the domain covered by the project. (Max. 7000 characters) Is a very old municipality, although it is on ly 1200 inhabitants, the history of the municipality is very old. Hane is situated in the northern part of Italy. Pleasedescribe the role of the organisation in the projeet. (Max. 7000 charaeters) As part in this project, Hane aims at increasing the knowledge amongst its citizens regarding culture and international understanding in the EU, and particularly amongst the town-twinning partners Nora, Köo and Köyliö. B.3 Other EU grants Please list the projects for which the organisation, or the department responsible for the management of this application, has received financial support from the EUProgramme during the last three years. - -- - - - - , - - - - . , - - -- Submission number: -- Validate form 000000000 Page21 0( 32 *** Europe for Citizens * * ** ** *** Form version: 2.1 EN Adobe Reader version: 8 Please listothergrant applications submitted by your organisation, or the department responsible, for thisprojeet proposal. For each grant application, please mention the EV Programme concernedand the amount requested. I ~ Programme concerned* Amount requested* ' Add a programme Partner Controls o Number of organisations to add : Add organisation(s) List of partner organisations Partner no ~ R~le il Orqanisation Name 'I City II Country - Submission number: Validate form 000000000 http:// Page 22 of32 *** I Europe for Citizens * * * * * *** * Form version : 2.1 EN Adob e Reader version: 8 - - -- -- Part C. Description of the project C 1 Timetable of the project Arrival date : * : Departure date: * : 15/08/2013 18/08/2013 C2 Venue(s) of the activities* Nora Town * : Country *: I:E _ C3 Participants (Please complete for all the organisations involved both applicant and partners) Participant by target group (number) Name of the organisation C ountry Partner I __ ._~ -/ - __ '._~ _ number municipality Distribution byage !;jroup' _'Qisadval1!<lge.d ! < 30* 30 - 65* > 65* participants* Women * J _ Total number of Men* participants I P1 Nora Municipalit SWEDEN 5 10 2 o 14 3 17 P2 Fladungen Muni GERMANY 5 5 O o 5 5 10 P3 Köo Municipalit} ESTONIA 5 5 O o 5 5 10 P4 Köyliö Municipal FINLAND 4 6 O o 5 5 10 PS Hane Municipali ITALY 4 6 O o 6 4 10 23 32 2 O 35 22 57 Total C4 Short description of the project, including its aims in English, in French or in German (Max. 2000 characters). * : In order to maintain permanent connections between participative municipalities, citizens and regions, we aim at fostering dialogue and exchange experience in environmental transition in order to achieve common development. The aim of the event is to raise awareness of environmental work in the different locations with primarily focus on citizen impact and EU policy. How do we transfer EU policy into citizen actions? Youth has always been a prioritized target - -- - -- - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - --- Submission number: - - - - -- - - === Validate form 000000000 Page 23 of32 *** * * * * * *** * Europe for Citizens Form version : 2.1 EN Adobe Readerversion : 8 group, but is increasingly important for discussing the future as this event tends to. The project will arrange an event in Nora Municipality between the 15th and 18th of August 2013. Submission number: Va/idate form 000000000 hrrp:// Page24of32 *** * * * * * *** * Europe for Citizens Form version: 2.1 EN Adobe Readerversion: 8 C.S Budget Only the number of INVITED participants is relevant for the calculation are international participants sent by the eligible partner/s Total number of international participants 25/40 of the grant. INVITED PARTIClPANTS l, Number of days <=10 AMOUNT-€ 5000,00 € Submission number: Eligible for evaluatian Validate form 000000000 hrrp:// Page 25 0(32 *** * * * * * *** * Europe for Citizens Form version : 2.1 EN Adobe Reader version : 8 Part D. Technical Capacity 0.1 Experience of the project organisers in the field concerned. (Max. 2000 characters) * : The municipality of Nora has arranged similar meetings and town t w inning events w ith the persons involved in 1996, 2000,2004 as weil as 2009. In 2009 a separate youth meeting was conducted . Submission number: I 000000000 I Validate form Page26of32 *** * * * * * *** * Europe for Citizens Form version : 2.1 EN Adobe Readerversion : 8 Part E. Project implementation / Award criteria This section providesapplicants with an opportunity to provide experts with statements in support of their application, as describedin the other sections of this form, according to the award criteria against which they will bejudged. More details on these criteria can be found in the Call for Proposals or Programme Guide on the Agency website. E.1 Relevance to the objectives and priorities of the Programme Please tick relevant box(es) General objectives of the Programme targeted by your project: [X Giving citizen the opportunity to interactand participatein constructing a tighter-knitEurope, which is demoeratic and >5J world-oriented, united and enrichedby its cuituraidiversity, thus developing citizenship of the European Union. I I Oeveloping a sense of European identity, based on common values,historyand culture. lXi Fostering a sense of ownership of the European Union among its citizens. r Enhancing toleranceand mutual understanding between European citizens, respecting and promoting cuituraiand I ~ linguistic diversity, whilecontributing to intercultural dialogue. Specific aims of the action targeted by your project: I I Commitment to European Integration ~ Activeparticipation at locallevel l8'J Activeparticipationat European level Permanent and annual priorities of the Programme targeted by your project: Citizens and the EV: values, rights andopportunities for Citizens [XI Raising awareness,reflection and debate on the relevanceand implications of EU policies on citizens'dailylives [XJIncreasing awareness, understanding and enjoyment of the values, rightsand opportunities created by the EU I ] Fostering reflection on the cost of non - Europe [5<1Supporting the preservation of the European memory Citizens'participatian in thedemoeratic life of theEV [X PromotingCitizens' engagement and participation in issues which constitute the European Union's politicalpriorities >5 1(including the upcoming European parliament election) Submission numb er: 000000000 Validate form Page 27 of 32 * *** * * * * *** * Europe for Citizens Form version : 2.1 EN Adobe Reader version: 8 jgJ Ena bling citizens to further inf/uence and participate in the development of a susta inable and in c/usive economy jgJ Encourag ing citizens to fur th er contribu te to develop ing a European Area for Freedom, Security and Justice J~" Exchanging views with and presenting results to the appropriate decisio n makers on ongoing European policies and their impact on loeal situations as weil as on loeal issues with an European dimension C EUROPEAN YEAR ofVolunteering IV o EUROPEAN YEA R for Active Agein g and Intergenera tio nal Solida rit y (2012) IX' EUROPEAN YEAR of Citizens State how your project fits in with the objectives (genera l and specific), theme s and features you have selected (Max. 3500 characters) .. The event aims at creating a structured cooperation in environmental transition, combining EU policy and citizen engagement. The priority is to increase the knowledge of the necessaryenvironmental transition as weil as provide the meeting between citi zens in order to promote friendship and common understa nding of mu tual participation in t he EU. All involved partners and Municipalities have active actions for a sustainable environment. Struc tural differences provides diffe rent approaches to how to t ackle environmental challenges. EU enables us t o work cross-boa rder in th is important issue. This event, makes it possible fo r us to exchange knowledge and work for common strateg ies in order to further work structu ral with EU environmental aims. E.2 Per tinence of the project and m ethods proposed Please describe: - the project's fram ework: involvem en t of th e partn ers in th e project, definition of the programm e and cooperatian wi th other organisations (if any). - the project's con tent and methodology: them es relevant to the group of participa nts, work methods app lied, involvement of p ar tners and participants and in the project and the European dimension. " : The partners presented above will part icipate with you ng adul ts and you th .ln order to promote an act ive European citizenship, we prioritize the futu re generation in order to early introduce interest for participation in actively establishing a Europe for citi zens. All adults will be hosted in host-families in order to increase the network to as many citizens as possible. Youngsters lives together as a result of earlier cooperation and wish from themselves. It provides an unique possibility to create friendship cross-boarder and demands consideration, tolerance and solidarity between t he youngsters. The dose habitation between cit izens from differen t EU countries with diffe rent cultural , economical and Iinguistical condit ions creates an important informallearni ng providing a valuab le competence hard to reach in other way. Young peop le also prov ide s, t hrough part icipation in seminar s and wo rkshop, a valuable lesson in democracy. All seminars and workshops will be conducted in English. Since t his is not t he native language for any participant county we think t hat the feeling of coope ration is increased in the sense that everybody needs to put effort in to be understood. E.3 Expected impact of the project (Max. 3500 characters) Subm ission number: Va/idate form 000000000 hnp.l/ Page28of32 * *** * * * * * *** Europe for Citizens Form version : 2.1 EN Adobe Reader version: 8 - Please indicate the expected impact on the ta rget groups and the possible future develop ment ofsustainable coop eration networks. ". The expeeted impaet is a better understanding of EU environmental aims as weil as how citizens praetieally may work with the issue. We will as weil deepening the eooperation and put the platform for a long lasting sustainable plan fort future eooperation between the municipalities, its citi zens and the issues eoneerned. E.4 Visibility and follow-up of the project(Max. 3500 characters} - Please indicate any measures you have envisaged for raising awareness of the project among the general public and at different politicallevels and concrete future actions plans - Please indica te ho w the project foresees to reach the indirect public, i.e. public not directly in vol ved in the project activities - Please describe how the results of the proje ct will be dissemin ated. - Please describe ho w the results of the project and its im mediate impa ct will be evalu ated. ": The Municipality of Nora will inform their partners and eontaets about the support. Information of the event w ill be published in loeal newspaper, on the website of all involved partners, press releases as weil as in the newsletter from the municipalities. The results of the event will be published in a doeumentation, possible to disseminate to all interested aetors, organization or body. We will submi t a summery of aetivities, findings and results. The findings may be used for establishing a po licy doeument for EU environmental aims and citizens toois. If one or more of the three types of eommunieation tools are to be used in the projeet, please indieate how eaeh one is to be produeed, describing content, format, the amount to be produced and how they will be distributed: IX Publicatio ns The results of the event will be published in a doeumentation, possible to disseminate to all interested aetors, organization or body. We will submit a summery of aetivities, findings and results. l" DVD/CD-ROM IX WebSite We will market the event on t he part icipated municipalities websites. The results will be published on all participated municipality websites. Submission number: Validate form 000000000 Page 29 of32 *** * * * * * *** * Europe for Citizens Form version: 2.1 EN Adobe Readerversion: 8 Part F. Work programme (timetable) Event Number : * : Conference Expected results* Better un erstan ing o EU environmenta aims aswe as ow citizens practica y may wor wit t e issue. Documentation for dissemination will be produced . Deepened cooperation for a long lasting sustainable plan for future ooperation between the municipalities, its citizens and the issues concerned. Add a work programme Submission number: Validate form 000000000 bttp.r/ Page 30 of32 * *** * * * * *** * Europe for Citizens Form version: 2.1 EN Adobe Readerversion: 8 Attachments Declaration of Honour. PDF document only (pdf) *: attachmentreierence : a_1359560589C Financialldentification Form. PDF document only (pdf) *: Document: FinanciaLNora.pdf Document: Leg_EnCNora.pdf attachmentreiereru:e: a_1359560606:; Legal Entity form. PDF document only (pdf) *: attactimentreierence: a_1359560614E Submission number: Validate form 000000000 http :// Page31of32 * *** * * * * *** * I Europe for Citizens Form version: 2.1 EN Adobe Readerversion: 8 Submission number: IS3118118-EFC-7-2073-7-SE-EFC-CM I Errors list Submission number: Va/idate form 000000000 Page 32 of32 'Bf la00 ta Education, Audiovisual and Cultur e Executive Agency Citizenship The Deputy Head of Unit l 7. 05. 2013 Brussels. EACEA/P7/AP NIP/ 13(D)539898 .Jan Noriund Nora Municipality Tingshuset, Nara SE-7 13S0 Subject: NORA KOMMUN E u rope for Citizens Programme 2007-2 013 Action l "Acti ve Citizcns for E urope" Mensure 1.1 "Town twi n n ir.g Citizcns' Mectings ' - 2013 Round 1 You r application No 539898-EFC-1-2013 -1-SE- E FC -C M Deal' Sir, Thank you for your interest in the "Europe for Citizens" progranune and for the proposal you have submitred within this framework with the rcfercnce nurnbcr mentioned abovc. For this selcction, out of a total of 747 applications rcceived, ]46 or 20°1.. werc awarded a grant. The awarding of grants by the EACEA is subject to the principles of transparency, equal trcatmcnt and no n-d iscrim ination. T hroughout this selection proccd ure, applica tio ns were assessed against specific sets ofcriie ria: eligibility and award criteria. Proposals were first assessed to ensure that they fully complied with thc eligibility criteria. As a seeond step. each eligible application was a double evaluatlon by independent experts who have been se lected on the basis of an open call for cx prcss ion of interest . As a result, a list of 64 2 experts has been set up. Proposals were ranked according to the qualitative and quantitative award criteria clearly stared in the Call for Proposals. Taking inta consideration the available budget in relation to the nurnbcr of applications subr ni tted, only the most highly ranked proposals could be retained for funding. In this case those which scorcd equal to or higher than 75 points. You r proposal scored 50 out of 100. Therefore we regrct to infann you that your application could not be considered for a grant under the present selcction pliase. EUlIcntioll. Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EI\ CE/\ ) Avenue du 8 011r~c t. I, Citizcnship Unit (1'7) BOUR 01/4/1 - BE- I 140 I l rll ~s cl s - Belgium Phonc numbcr: (3 2 - ~ ) 29 :; .4 S .4 3 Fax: (32·2)296.2.\:-;9 E"lail: cacca- J17 :'!.~<: . c uro l)a .e ll 111\p:// The breakdown of the scores given to your applieation for each awar d e riterion is the following: Relevance to the objectives and p rioritics of the P r ogr am m c scored 15 out of 25; Quality of the project and mcthods proposed scored 7,5 out of 25; I m pact seere d 6,75 out of 15; Visibility and fullow-up scored 6,75 out of 15; Gcographical impact scored 10 out of 10; Target Group seored 4 out of 10. This decision is in no way a negative reflection on the value and importance of you r prop osal, and I can assure you that wc appreciatc the efforts of thos e like you who eontribute to the European debate on act ive citizenship. / ) ! Yours faithfully, Amaya Perez de Albeniz NORAKOMMUN Ink. 2013-09- O9 Dnr ............................... xoo VALLAVA LITSU S City ofNora Municipality of Köyliö City of Fladungen September s" 2013 nr 19-1.2/K272 Invitation to twin town meeting It is with great pleasure that we write to invite you to take part in the meeting in Estonia. The meeting will be held from July 24 to July 27 2014. Köa municipality extends a warm welcome to all delegates from Fladungen. Nara, Köyliö and Höne. We expect you to send 5 youngsters and 5 adults who are abl e to sing, dance or play same instrument etc. At the end of the meeting we are planning to give a concert , all participants are going to take part of this event. We are also going to discuss different topies conceming the environment and we will examine Köa bio sewage cleaner. We hope you are able to accept this invitation and we look forward to hearing from you. y ours faithfully Ko ommt administration, Tarmo Riisk Köa municipal ity mayor Katre Saar Köa cultural worker Tel: +372 5301 2279; e-mail : [email protected] Köo Köo vald 70501 VILJANDI MAAKOND Registrikood 75021971 Telefon 4378530 Faks 437 8533 E-post koo.vv@ne Arvelduskonto 10302005450000 SES