Gerber Is Council President - John Adams High School Class Of


Gerber Is Council President - John Adams High School Class Of
Gerber Is Council President
Svenden Named Valedictorian
Daniel Ranks 2nd
In Senior Class
Elinor Svendsen was recently announced as valedictorian of the Class
of '58. Salutatorian is James Daniel.
Elinor, who is majoring in English,
Latin, and social studies at Adams,
plans to continue her liberal arts
pr ogram in college. She would like
to attend Swarthmore or Carleton
A t Adams Elinor has participated
in such activities as TOWER, Drama
Club, National Honor Society, Debate
Club, and Stamp Club.
Daniel Heads Council, NHS
Jim has also contributed a great
deal to Adams since he came to this
school from Indianapolis two years
ago. President of the Student Council and of National Honor Society,
Jim is a member of the Code of
Ethics Committee, Booster Club, and
Drama Club.
Jim is planning to attend Wabash
College wher e tie will major in
science or math. His high school
courses included math, social studies,
English, and Lat in .
Elinor and Jim will deliver the
v aledictor y and salutatory address
at commencement.
Crescendoes to Play for Juniors;
Princess Will Be Crowned Tonight
The student body elected Teny
Gerber as president of the Adams
Student Council for the 1 9 5 8 - 5 9
school year. Rodney Robison was
chosen vice-president; Eileen Schultz,
secretary; and Gail Levy, treasurer.
The new officers will be installed
by outgoing president Jim Daniel on
April 23.
The candidates for office were introduced on Friday, April 11, at a
Student Council assembly. Those
nominated for the office of president
spoke to Adams s t u dents about
scholarship, social activities, and extracurricular activities.
"Moonlight Magic" will glow for Adams juniors tonight, April 18, at
the annual Junior Prom. Mike Beaudway and the "Crescendoes" will provide the music for the semi- formal affair which will be held from 8:30 - 11:30
in the Little Theater.
General chairmen Brad Eichorst and Terry Gerber were appointed by
the Junior Cabinet to head all committees.
Prom Princess to Reign
Jan Conrey, Dorothy Nichols, Sbellie Feferman, Janet Rawles, Karen Keller, Carol Ensign, Marsha Hewitt, and Shirley Krug will serve as the court of
the Princess to be crowned at the dance. These eight girls received the highest
number of votes of the homeroom nominees. Jan Conrey was in charge of
making the crown.
Barbara Helkie and Larry Thompson headed the entertainment committee. Entertainment theme is the "Roarin' 20's."
Student Vote Recorded
Decorations chairman Judy Hughes planned the decor around the theme
Adamsites went to the polls on
of the prom. Her committee included Eileen Schultz, Marshail Nelson, Joyce
April 11 to vote for their choices. A
Resler, Beth Ryon, Pat Scott, Mary
turnout of 60% of the school was
Ann Haines, Judy Kelley, Melinda
Gaylor, Fred Kuemmerle, Mary MacMembers of the Student Council
Namara, and Ann Bennett.
Board for next year are Sidney Polk,
Stevens Heads Publicity
Tony Evans, Fritz Aichele, Joe DicGene Stevens served as publicity
key, Janace Conrey, Linda Hammes,
chairman with assistance from Beth
Judy Hughes, and Jo Dobecki.
Ryon and Judy Kelley. Barry Quimby is ticket chairman, and Junior April 18- Junior Class ''Moonlight
Cabinet members are selling the tickMagic"
April 19-State Band and Orchestra
Miss Betty Farner is the junior
class sponsor.
Track - Culver Military
Academy- There
Rodney Robison was elected presi"MOONLIGHT MAGIC" April 22-Baseball - Adams vs. St. · d ent of National Honor Society f or
Jae-Her a
the cvn•iHg .)ft::<a · . .rUSO cnose. 1 w
- TONIGHT Tr ack- Culver- There
serve were S ue Welber, vice-presiApril 23-Installation of Student dent; Janet Rawles, secretary; Eileen
8:30 -11 :30
Council Officer s
S chultz, treasurer.
The n ew officers wer e introduced
at the Honor Society's April 15 meeting .
The possibility of a National Honor Society schola r ship to be given to
a graduating senior was discussed
and a committee w as appointed t~
investigate the proposition.
Robison Wins Honor
Thespians to Give
Red Peppers1
Vol. 18, No. 25
Seniors Giv e Service To
Community by 'A dams Hours'
Adams seniors h ave donated about
200 Adams Hours dur ing t he past
year to local organizations.
Under th e chairmansh ip of Jim
M essick, seniors continued the community service p rogram started by
last year 's senior class presiden t,
Pete Sherman .
Ch arles H. Gesslein, director of
L ogan School for R etarded Children ,
wrote, "We feel th at th e 'Adams
Hours' idea is extrem el y worthwhile,
and provides an excellent opport unity for students to practice com m unity
respon sibilit y. This type of beh avior
reflects the quality of inst ruction a nd
guidance in which the fa culty of Adam s H igh Sc h oo l may well t ake
Seniors Give Service
J im Messick, Peppy H irou , D . J .
West, Joh n Thompson, Dave Getzinger, John Bock, and Nikki Thomp sett helped insta ll storm w indows
and acoustical tile, and painted walls
at L ogan School.
The foll ow ing senior gir ls donated
time t o th e Can cer Societ y: J udy
Ma tteson, Cynth ia Wendzon ka, Barbara Hor k a, W endy Fisch grund ,
P h yllis P lotkin, Marilyn Rain ier, and
Beverly Th ompkins.
Several boys did odd j obs a t the
Children's Aid S ociet y . They were
T er ry Cat es, Patll G oo d w i n , J oel
R oot, J ohn Davis, Bob Oler, D ave
Jansen, J im T oepp, Bill Esterline,
Gar y MacClaren, Tom· K aiser, John
Camblin , Bob Wilson, Da ve Bytner,
Bob Petzke, and Dave Brownell.
April 18, 1958
Pins and Directories
To Go On Sale Soon
Student directories and Ad ams pins
will be on sa le at the a uditorium
entr ance on Ap ril 21 and 22 at 8 a. m.
T he dir ectories w ill go fast at th eir
new low p rice of 20 cents, so hurry
t o get you rs! Th e pins are 25 cents
each .
at the
" Red P epper s," Noel Coward's
va udeville com edy, is being revived
by Adams Thespian Trou p 1464. It
will be the featured entertainment
at the S chool Mens Wi ves' annual
dinner dance on April 25.
T h e one-act play, under the direction of M r. William Brady, concerns the temp e r s and t rials of
George and L ily Pepper, British
vaud eville t eam .
Drama Club Program
The cast includes:
L ily Pepper _____ ______ _Sue Stoner
Geor ge P epp er ____ Larry Thompson
Mr. Edwar ds ____ ___ ___ __B ar r y Liss
Bert Bentley __ __ __ _Dave Mickelsen
Terry Lehr
Ma bel Grace ______ ____ A ndrea Dea n
Janet Lovelace
Callboy ___ __ ____ ___ Dave Mick elsen
Terr y L ehr
"Red Peppers" w ill a lso be the
progra m at a forthcom ing Dram a
Club meeting.
Beth R yon is student director. Judy
H u ghes is in ch arge of costumes and
m ake-up, and props chairmen are
Virginia Davis, Gail G ebhardt, and
Judy Matteson.
Page Two
A Definition
"What is youth?" you say?
Let me tell you what the poets
Youth is
Youth is
Loving life
Youth is
Having fun.
Youth is
An explosive feeling
Way down
Deep inside.
Youth is
Sparkling eyes
Rosy cheeks
A laughing tinkling voice.
This is what the poets think.
And now, let me tell you what
Youth is.
Youth is
Do they like me?
Youth is
People jump to conclusions about
Youth is
·wanting to have fun,
But not always having it.
Youth is
Big balloons of ambitions
That never get blown up completely
Or get popped before they have a
chance to.
Youth is
The Big ChangeNot a child, yet still not a man.
Youth is
What older people wish they had
And what youths wish they were
through with.
True, Youth is
A little exuberance
Rosy cheeks,
But mostly
Youth is
- Janice Weiss.
Page 1 Editor __ ____ _______ ____Sue Welber
Page 2 Editor -· ___ __ __________ Gayle Heyn
Page 3 Editor _________ Wendy Fischgrund
Page 4 Editor ______ _________ Julie Ebeling
Art Editor ________ ________ John Thompson
.Circulation_Manager....,~---- -JUC!Y Jacobson
Advertising Manager ____Trul!y Thompson
Exchange Manager _______ Marilyn Rainier
Principal - --· __ _______ ...Russell F..othermel
Asst. Principal -------.... J. Gordon Nelson
Adviser -----------------------Mary Walsh
Published every Friday from September
to June except during holiday season by
the students of John Adams High School,
BOB South Twyckenham Drive, South Bend
15, Indiana. Publications office, room 205,
telephone. AT B-4635. Price: 10 cents per
copy, $1.00 p er semester; $1.75 per year.
Bears for A Day
"The high school exchange program is, I feel, a forward step in the improvement of relationships among high schools," says Mr. Russell Rothermel.
In accordance with the expressed opinion of the Student Councils of the
high schools in South Bend, the Student Council High School Exchange Day
was organized. Last Thursday, April 9th, Marti Brannan, Fred Stave, Rona
Belek, Pat Bezeredy, and Kent Bedman visited Central as part of this
program. They attended classes similar to their schedule at Adams and
became part of Central-for one day.
Marti Brannan: "The classes on
my schedule were: English VIII, Soci,
Spanish IV, and art. Although I
Because we feel that all Americans
could only get a very brief idea of
a right to know the truth, we
the classes, I feel that the classes at
are publishing this expose of Paul
Adams are far more interesting. I
can also appreciate our cafeteria and Shore. In order that the world may
food after eating at Central; our at- know the honest-to-gosh facts-the
mosphere is much more pleasant. I truth-the real truth-ab out this evil
believe the student body of Adams is person that has masqueraded for so
more friendly than that of Central. long as a normal human being, we
On the whole, I find myself apreci- are telling this factual story.
ating Adams much more after having
To most people, Paul Shore apvisited Central."
pears to be a normal, everyday type
Fred Stave: "I fo und Central t o person. He eats three meals a day,
be a very friendly school. In the sleeps 8 hours a night, etc. But Wow!
classes I attended (English VIII, W hat they don't know about him!
physics, algebra IV, a nd soci) the
If you are reading this expose, Paul
students were anxious to make me
Shore, you'll know that at last the
feel at home. The Adams student
people are getting the facts ! No more
body should be more appreciative of
will you be able to masquerade as
the excellent building, facilities, and
a law abiding, decent, respectable
faculty t."ey have, I feel."
Rona Belek: "I was glad to have
Pin Mad
had the chance to v isit another high
school in South Bend. The visit has
What about those long pins that
given me a broader picture of the you keep buying, Paul. The clerk at
American youth. I believe they are a 5c & 10c store noticed you were
quite the same--at least in this city. buying up all the long, sharp pins
The Central students were very you could get your hands on. Our
friendly towards me in the classes I investigators followed you home one
visited-English VIII, soci, art, and day and discovered what you did
history. I went to lunch at the local with those pins! Peeping through the
'hangout,' and made t he mistake of keyhole, they were shocked with
saying to the students as I walked in, what they saw!
'Is this the place where you kids
Sitting on a table in your room
were not one, not a dozen, but fortyPat Bezeredy and Kent Hedman
seven cloth voodoo dolls, each with
seemed to agree with their impresnames written on them, and most
sions of Central. They both found
with long, sharp pins sticking out of
the students to be very friendly, the
them. Our fearless investigators were
classes to be behind ours in the maeven more astonished to read the
terial covered, classroom discipline
names on the dolls - Mr. Ralston,
to be low, and facilities (swimming, Doug Gill, Mike Badger, Bev Tompyearbook, newspaper) to be good. kins, Mr. Krider, Manny Silverman,
They felt that the Student Council and Tom Price, etc- all your friends,
elections were somewhat more spiritor so we thought!
ed than those of Adams.
Poor Jerry
And you, Paul, know how well this
worked. You poured hot wax on the
doll labeled "Jerry Rose," and on that
day Jerry had a fever of 110". You
stuck a pin in the doll l abeded "Bob
Sweet" and Bob had a stomach-ache
all day. You stomped on the " Miss
Why should anyone want to ana- Moberg" doll, and the n ext day, th e
l yze the word teenager'? Maybe there r eal Miss Moberg came to school on
are some people between the ages of crutches. Countless other victims be12 and 20 who want to know what fell your evil deeds. And we never
they are, what this means, and who knew why they suffered until our
or what started it. Confused? Then fearless investigators discovered the
r ead it again, you domkoff!
One might ask what right I have
We now know the truth, Paul
to analyze the word teenager. I Shore. If we hadn't learned the real
haven't the right to do this, and I facts, heaven only knows how far
shall not try. I merely w ish to put your evil work might have gone.
certain questions to you and to re- You might have even att empted to
ceive a n swers-straight ones.
do away with one or more of th e
Stuggle On, Gang
dolls . Of course, you will tell us
For those of you who managed to ''Oh, no! Not m e!" We know th~
struggle thru the first two paragraphs truth, however, and we know you
I shall make a little poem (or a would. If our fearless investigators
reasonable facimile)hadn't discovered the TRUTH about
The Truth About
Paul Shore
Analysis Of
A Teenager
grinning sat the big brown pot
when 12 we formed a
(Continued >n Page 3)
you, you might have been able to
continue to pretend to be a common
everyday human being. But now that
April 18, 1958
Ill the
Did you know that there are only
28 more school days until the end of
school for the seniors-28 school days
until the Senior Punch and Assembly,
44 days until Baccalaureate, and 45
days left before Commencement!
Some people go to Florida for
spring vacation, Brad Eichorst prefers the roof!
The female portion of bioi ogy
classes seem to find concentration a
mite difficult these days.
May we recommend "The Bridge
on the River Kwai." If you havn't
seen i t - do!
Tonight's the big night for the
juniors. Barb Helkie has cooked up
some terrific entertainment. Judy
Hughs assures us that the decorations
will be "magical."
* *
Use your h eadIt's the little things that count.
Katie May and Susie Nelson had a
big party for their sixtheenth birthday . Attending were: Katie May and
John Davis, Susie Nelson and Mike
Lochman, Sue Anderson and Greg
Gates, Sue Gobdel and Terry Gerber,
Mary Reber and Joe Root, Ka.r en
Davidson and Bill Esterline, Donna
Davidson and Mike Camblyn, Carol
Ritter and Bill Wray, Mary Lynn
Lysk and John Carpenter, Mary Horn
and Dave Hoyt, Dorothy Nichols and
Bob Howerton, Sandy Schock and
Ray McKibben, Kathie Kerner and
Tom Kaiser, Marcia McCall and Bob
Magnuson, Lucy Thibos and Joe Dickey, John Bock and Nancy Rolff.
Pertinent fact: Mike Badger has
nightmares about Paul Shore.
Those high school exchange days
must really be something. Our spies
tell us that Rona Belek wound up in
a room for boys only!
Some couples to be seen at the
Prom tonight will be: Kent Hedman
and Jo Ann Dobecki, Gary Wallman
and Lynne Palmer, Shirley Krug and
Bob Fischer, Judy Hughes and Dave
Brownell, Carol Ensign and Phil McCullough, Andrea Dean and Tom
Stahley, Barb Helkie and Ken Marvel. (More dates next week.)
Bill Atherton was the Easter bunny
who brought Norma Easery a dozen
Nancy Hile, Judy Matteson, Gail
Gebhardt, Pat Rantz, Becky Wetter,
Sharon Wickizer, Nancy Wilson and
M argo Weaver entertained at an informal party over vacation.
''Deposit $1.40 please." "What!"
This deposit was for a long distance
telephone call received by Brenda
Barritt from Dick Devine who went
home to New York when the fighting
Irish retreated.
(Cont'd on page 3, coL 2)
the public knows the facts, we feel
sure action will be taken.
(Next week: the inside story about
that fun- loving playboy, Tony Evans,
and what our fearless investigators
discovered about Norman Moyer's
secret activities at the Science Tal ent
Search meeting in Indianapolis.)
April 18, 1958
James Daniel
Barry Liss
Barry Liss
Ann MacLean
4A's - 1B
Carolyn Carpenter
Tony Evans
Arthur Hobbs
Jerry Hobbs
Dave Michelson
Bonnie Jo Nemeth
Sidney Polk
Elinor Svendsen
Daphne Thompson
3A's - 2B's
Barbara Allison
Beverly Harris
Linda Harvey
Carol Hegg
Diane Hess
Karl King
Phil Mikesell
Sheryl Peterson
Jim Weir
Carol Wilcox
2A's - 3B's
Donna Davidson
Terry Gerber
Barbara Helkie
Lorraine Kesler
Nancy Olshewsky
Ronald Shapero
Arthur Shapero
Patricia Arehart
Carolyn Bird
Jane Bolenbaugh
James Bunyan
Charlane Colip
Lynn Ehlers
Cathy Fischgrund
Lynda Gumz
Michael Holstein
Alan Burwick
Kay Kenady
Gail Levy
David Martin
James Mueller
Debbie Opperman
Vicki Ostrander
Tom Price
Linda Rainer
Marijane Ritter
Howard Rosenbaum
Beth Ryon
Sandy Schock
Janice Shoemaker
Dave Spence
Sue Valentine
Victor Vargo
Janice Weiss
Sue Welber
3A's - 1B
Sue Adams
Barbara Anderson
Sue Anderson
Sandra Baker
Sherry Clarke
Judy Carlson
Alvin From
Douglas Gill
Dave Gilman
Judy Hehl
Cynthia Heritage
Sharon Heyde
Gayle Heyn
Elizabeth Hull
Robert Ingalls
Linda Jarvis
Scott King
Sam Kulp
Paul Levy
Mary Lisk
Sandra Marrs
Jeanne Martin
Kathryn !>4ay
Craig McLemore
Karen Michelson
S usie Nelson
Katherine Ostrander
Sharon Preston
Ann Price
Joyce Resler
Carol Schiller
Barbara Shafer
Robert Sheets
Thomas Stahly
Sharon Stewart
Peter Trescott
Mary Jane Zellers
2A's - 2B's
Barbara Arens
Jane Aronson
Pat Biddle
Mark Camblin
Anita Clayton
Anne Cordtz
Brent Coy
J o Ann Dobecki
Judy Enyart
Wendy Fischgrund
Terry Gibson
Bob Grant
Mary Ann Haines
Lois Hertel
Mary Horn
Douglas Hostrawser
Judy Hughes
Irene Ingalls
Caroline Jones
Richard Jordan
Kurt Juroff
Karen Keller
Ann Kluessner
Linda Landy
Larry Laughrun
Janet Lovelace
Janet McGann
Caron Moore
Linda Mow
Marshall Nelson
Paul Niemeyer
Alan Olson
Sanford Opperman
Marilyn Rainier
Rod Reber
Rodney Robison
Jo Schelle
Eileen Schultz
Suzanne Schwanz
Judy Singler
Ray Snorec
Fred Stave
Eugene Stevens
Joseph Stonerock
Paulette Strombeck
Cecilia Tanner
Alice Taylor
Suellen Topping
Cynthia Wendzonka
Nancy Whitcomb
Sue Stoner is a sixteen year old
junior who has been dancing for the
last twelve years-since she was four.
Included with her activities in the
dance are three years of voice lessons
and five years of dramatic lessons.
Sue has appeared on television on
numerous programs and has been in
every play presented at Adams since
she entered here. In the recent allcity high school musical "Good
News" Sue had a dancing lead for the
famous Varsity Drag.
She belongs to the National Dancing Teachers Association and teaches
dancing after school and on Saturdays.
Needless to say, Sue plans to make
dancing her profession. In addition
to studing in Chicago for two months
in the summer, as she has done in
the past few years, Sue plans to attend the University of California in
Los Angeles.
Analysis Of A Teenager
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At it Again
Johnnie Thompson, ladies man was
loitering at the polls last Friday entertaining Barb Jones with his clever
jokes (?) .
Pat Wozniak enjoyed vacation since
Kenny Reimer was home from school
in Texas.
I have to go now. Here comes
Emily Tipp, she'll want my ladder.
Next week I shall return via this
newspaper and I shall try to print
everything reasonable you have said
about this anaylsis and the article.
Don't send me anything that you
don't feel sincerely.
By the way, my name is none of
your business but call me Max.
The Lucky Ones
Sandy Weldy was the pr oud recipient of a green orchid over the
Easter holiday. The gay Hawaiian
was Jim Hula. Hula Fricke.
John: An eight legged purple people eater.
If any of you wish to say something to me concerning the question
of what (if anything) people between
12 and 20 are, then place a note in
Mr. Krider's room-105 by way of a
red box found there. If you just wish
to call me a dirty name for disturbing your peace of mind, then wash
your mouth out.
Yawn, Yawn~ Many of us seniors
are glad to get back to school for a
lighter schedule. Working every day
and going out every night does not
constitute a vacation. Remember
seniors, only six more weeks until
the Kentucky Derby. (Seems like
graduation is around there somewhere t oo. Hope you all can make
it back in time from Kentucky. )
Barb: Sign here and get in line to
vote please.
Are we one? Are we a dirty brown
mess? Are we, we?
4 CORNERS (Omt'd)
Senior Snitches
John: Do you know what has eight
legs, is purple, and eats people?
(Continued from Page 2)
line in front of it
giggling we ran to dip
our hands in it
and we spread its
contents upon our
cute pudgy faces
proclaiming to the world
now we are one
(one dirty brown mess)
Carol Ensign, Freya Finch, Mary
McNamara, and Port Laderer are all
giving parties before the prom.
Remember, the Little Five Hundred
is coming up soon. Better start practieing up, men!
\Vhere Friends
Page Three
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Page Four
Thursday, April 10, the John Adams golf team won over LaPorte
while Mishawaka beat Adams in a
triangular golf match. This was an
Eastern N.I.H.S.C. game played at
the Eberhart-Petro Park under cold
and raining conditions.
The final scores were: Adams 8,
LaPorte 7; Mishawaka 13, Adams 2.
Maroon Bob Daniels walked off
with medalist honors shooting a one
under par 71 for the 18 holes. Adams' Ron Milliken took second honors w ith a 72.
Other Eagles and their scores were:
J im Stonebrook _________ _42-38-80
Ron Shapero ______ _______ 48-45-93
Dave Stout __ ___________ _43- 41-84
Bob Swanson __________ __44- 48- 92
Pete Trescott ____________ _43- 40-83
Moundsmen Shut Out
Liberty for Second Win
The John Adams Eagles walked off
with their second baseball victory of
the year by dealing the North Liberty
Shamrocks a 4-0 defeat on the Adams
diamond on Monday, April 14. The
Eagles w ith s uperb pitching and a
solid defense held the Shamrocks to
only two hits, both by their leadoff
man, Smith.
Adams broke a 0-0 deadlock with
a run in the bottom of the second.
After John Thompson singled and advanced to second on an error, he was
driven in by Bob Sheets' single.
The ·Eagles added two more r uns
in the fourth and an insurance run in
the sixth . In the fourth, singles by
Thompson and Sheets again started
it off. A sacrifice fiy by Denny Murphy scored Thompson while Sheets
scored on a single by J im Rea. In the
sixth the Eagles scored an unearned
run on a triple by Gary Wallman and
an error on Jim Fett's grounder.
Moundsmen Win 7-4
Over Mishawaka
Adams won its second dual meet
of the year by downing Goshen, 7435, behind the school Friday. G ene
Phillips was the only double winner
scoring in the 100- yar d dash and the
shot put. Other results were:
120 high hurdles-1. (G), 2. (G),
3. Cogdell. Time :17.
100-yd. dash-1. Phillips, 2. (G),
3. McK night. Time :10.3.
Mile run-1. (G), 2. Badger, 3.
Kaiser. Time 4:59.8.
440- yd. run-1. (G), 2. Wilson, 3.
Olander. Time :56.3.
180 lew hurdles-1. Cogdell, 2.
Waxman, 3. (G) . Time :23.9.
880- yd. run-1. R. Fischer, 2. (G)
and Cox tie. Time 2:17.2.
220-yd. dash-1. (G), 2. Davis, 3.
Barton. Time :24.3.
Mile relay-!. Adams (Ka iser,
Fischer, Hall, Wilson. Time 3:52.9.
880-yd. relay-1. Goshen. (Adams
Shot put-1. Phillips, 2. Christman,
3. Endres. Distance 44' 4".
Pole vault-1. (G), 2. Alford, 3.
(G). Height 10' 9".
Broad jump-1. Alford, 2. Endres,
3. M cK night. Distance 19' 4".
High jump-1. McKnight and Davis
tie. 3. (G). Height 5' 6".
The John Adams baseball team
pranced off with a victory in their
first game of the year by trouncin g
the Mishawaka Cavemen 7- 3, in a
gamed played on the Adams diamond. The Eagles mixed good hitting with solid pitching while making an excellent showing against the
Mishawak a started out by taking
aa 1- 0 lead in the top of the first on
a walk, a stolen base, and a single,
only to have Adams erase the lead
in th e bottom half of the inning. J im
Fett's double on the first pitch delivered by Mishawaka's Sowers started the uprising. Brad Eichorst singled Fett home on the very next pitch
and was sacrificed a ll the way to
third by Bob Howerton. John Thompson then delivered the clinching blow
a single which scored Eichorst and
gave Adams a 2- 1 advantage.
The Eagles iced the game with
three runs in the third. Bob Sheets'
single was followed by Denny Murphy's double. Jim Rea then came
through with a two-run single, one
of h is three hits for the afternoon.
A single by Ed Carlson then scored
The Eagles scored two insurance
runs in the sixth off Bill Edgerton
only to have them matched by two
Mishawaka runs in t h e seventh. The
Cavemen runs were mostly the fault
of two Adams errors.
D. J. West started the ball game
for the Eagles going four innings
while giving up only one run and one
hit and striking out seven. Gary
Wallman gave up only one hit in his
two inning stint, striking out four.
Ken Marvel who pit ched only the
final inning gave up two unearned
runs, one hit, and struck out one.
with three singles. Brad Eichorst,
Thompson, and Rea had two hits
apiece. The other Adams' hit was
Wallman's triple. Sheets, Rea, and
Wallman had perfect days at t h e
Ken Marvel pitched superbly in his
four-inning stint. He gave up only
the two hits to Smith, an infield hit,
and struck out eleven. Wallman and
D. J. West pitched perfect ball the
rest of the way. Wallman fanned
fo ur in his two innings on the mound
and West one in a single inning.
Marvel, who did not walk a man,
was t' 'e winning pitcher, while Hummer, who went all the way for Liberty, was the loser.
Schiffer Drug Store
Sheets Leads Attack
Sheets led a ten-hit Eagle attack
Compliments of
329 S. Lafayette Blvd.
(Near Western)
r,:>Oc:=>Oc:=:> 0 c=>Oc=>Oc=>Oc:=>Oe=:>Oc::=.\)
Across from John Adams
School Supplies - Stationery
Greeting Cards
ij Tops in Pops ~
- See ~
ij ~copp ~
Photo Supplies
Sat. 19- Culver Relays
Tues. 22-Baseball, St. Joe Here
Track, Culver There
Golf, Riley at Adams
Thurs. 24- Golf, Adams, Mishawaka
at LaPorte
Trackmen Down Clay
Adams swept four events and won
both relays in defeating th e Wash ington- Clay t r ackmen 78-31 on t he
Colonial track. The results are as
H igh hurdles-1. (W- C), 2. (W-C) ,
3. Cogdell. Time ' 17.3.
1_00- yd. dash-1. Phillips, 2. McK mght, 3. B arton. Time :10.4.
Mil~1. Badger, 2. (W-C), 3. (WC). Time 5:12.5.
440-yd. run-1. Olander, 2. Cox, 3.
Hall. Time '59.6.
Broad jump-1. A lford, 2 E ndres
3. McKnight. Distance 19' .6 ".
Low hurdles-1. (W-C), 2. Waxman, 3. (W- C ). Time :24.0.
High jump-1. (W -C), 2. McK night, 3. Davis. Time 5' 8".
Shot put-1. (W-C), 2. Phillips. 3.
Christman. Distance 42' 11".
880-yd_ run-1. Fischer, 2. Kaiser
3. Balasa. Time 2:19.6.
220- yd. dash- 1. Davis, 2. Barton
3. Hill. Time :25.0.
Pole vault-1. Alford, 2. Tice (WC) and F isch er (tie). Height 10'.
Mile relay-!. Adams (Kaiser
Fischer, Cox, Wilson). Time 4:02.5. '
880-yd. relay-1. Adams (Barton
Alford, Davis, Phillips). Time 1:39.8:
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