grand re-opening! - Tammany Yacht Club
grand re-opening! - Tammany Yacht Club
PRSRT STD U.S. Postage Paid Permit no. 60 Slidell, LA A Monthly Publication of Tammany Yacht Club 1196 Harbor Drive Slidell, LA May, 2007 GRAND RE-OPENING! © Tammany Yacht Club, Slidell, LA May, 2007 TYC SpyGlass Page 2 May, 2007 Where does time go? TYC has certainly become a busy club. In the first week, we had a Bill Watson Series sailboat race, a First Mates Meeting, a superb Friday Night Steak & Salmon Dinner (thanks to Jim & J.B. Ilgenfritz) and a great Easter Breakfast (thanks to Charlie & Sue Purvis, Martin Smith, Ann Courrege, her Dad Charlie Hodges, Alan & Emile Coulter, Scott & June Collins and Brenda & Phil Fulkerson). Membership continues to grow. Please greet our newest members Jacques & Maurine Magne and Rae Ann & Al Normand. At least four more applications will be presented to the Board for approval at the next Board Meeting. The Race Committee continued to build on racing activities with a successful Spring Bill Watson Series (See the Bill Watson Series article). We are advertising the Wednesday Night races to the public to attract potential new members. If you have a friend who might want to enter his boat in the competition or who might like to crew on a sailboat, invite them to the join the fun. The Pot-Luck Party for South Shore Yacht Club was a great success! More than sixty persons,TYC & SSYC Members, enjoyed a terrific selection of food served-up by members from both sides of the lake. Special thanks goes to June Collins & Brenda Fulkerson for coordinating the efforts of the large cast of entrée providers and kitchen helpers. We had a scare with the failure of our double but Scott Collins found the problem and got the ovens back on line for the Grand Re-Opening Celebration On Friday, April 27th, our volunteer chefs provided a tasty selection of hors d’oeuvres for our Re-Opening Shower. Shower donations replaced some of the kitchen & bar equipment and supplies needed after the hurricane. See Dodie’s “TYC Needs your Help List” on the bulletin board and on the website for any remaining needs. Don’t forget, cash will be accepted toward some of the larger items. Our Grand Re-Opening Celebration on Saturday, April 28th, was a huge success! Our Celebration was highlighted by a Ribbon Cutting with Mayor Ben Morris and your Commodore. Danny Schaus led a delegation from the Greater Slidell Area Chamber of Commerce in presenting the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. The Boat Rides, which were open to the public, exposed nearly a dozen potential members to the adventure of sail boat racing and power boating. Delicious hors d’oeuvres from Chateau Bleu (and a surprise contribution from Phil’s Marina Café) delighted our palates as we celebrated into the evening, dancing to the excellent music of The Arrivals. Val Monahan led the traditional raffle for baskets of wine & other goodies with an added twist. Harold & Jan Pecunia donated hand carved rocking horse which brought some spirited bidding for the coveted stallion complete with a saddle blanket. There are still a lot of minor and not so minor jobs to be done. Check the THINGS TO DO list on the bulletin board, choose an item and mark it off when you’ve completed it. There is also a COMMITTEE SIGN UP SHEET on the Bulleting Board. All the committees can use some help, so sign up for a committee and make your contribution to TYC. The May Board Meeting will be at 1900 hours (7 pm), Monday, May 14, 2007, at TYC, 1196 Harbor Drive at Oak Harbor Marina. I will be out of town caring for my parents, so Jim Ilgenfritz will lead the Board Meeting. See you at Tammany Yacht Club. TYC SpyGlass HAPPY EASTER! Here are some great pictures of our Easter Breakfast. Bubba Groce and his family are pictured enjoying a great meal, Vicki, Tommy Thompson, Harley and Sandy McPeek, and Brenda Fulkerson got the coveted table by the window. Below, Ann Courrege and Sue Purvis take a break from their work. Bottom right, Charlie Purvis and Ann’s father, Charlie Hodges, the cooks, are busy in the kitchen! Happy Easter to everyone, sure is great to be celebrating it at TYC! Page 3 May, 2007 TYC SpyGlass Page 4 May, 2007 WEDNESDAY NIGHT RACING What a beautiful evening out on the water! Pictured here are Harley McPeek and Bill Jobst on the committee boat for Wednesday night racing, and Susan Jobst at the helm. Looks like the Jobst’s have their boat back in great shape again! Check out this website for a really great video of Wednesday racing: For the rest of our club members, come on out on Wednesday for our racing. Or, even if you’re not into racing, come early and watch the boats gather, they cast off around 6pm. Enjoy the sunset from our great balcony, along with the great camaraderie at the bar. Brenda is usually cooking burgers, and they are available for a nominal charge. Wednesday night at the club is a great way to start easing toward the weekend! TYC SpyGlass Page 5 May, 2007 TYC completes Bill Watson Spring 2007 Series One Tammany Yacht Club enjoyed 6 weeks of good sailing weather and stiff competition between competing crews. Eight boats participated in the first Bill Watson Spring 2007 Series which concluded on April 25th. Crews competed in 2 classes: 4 spinnakers and 4 non-spinnakers. Kyle Bowser in Kokopelli edged out Kenny LaNata in Weather Witch for the lead in the spinnaker class while Sandy Stone in Bali Hi out paced Bill Jobst in Windsome for the trophy in the non-spinnaker class. Thanks go to the Race Committee, Steve Jones, Bobby Tassin, Wayne Russ, Bill Jobst and all the crews who made it a fun & safe series. TYC SpyGlass MORE SUCCESS FOR SAPPHIRE! Mark has been trying to keep me up to date on his latest racing news, there is more to the story now as they have racked up even more successes since the last article. Here is a compilation of various news stories and Mark’s comments. The sailing crew of Team Paul Mitchell from Slidell spent February and March basking in the warm weather of the Caribbean - and capturing trophies from three sailing regattas. Skipper Mark Palermo, the owner of Vanguard Salon Systems, and the Paul Mitchell School in Slidell and Baton Rouge, said the experience was "awesome." Team Paul Mitchell placed fifth in the Heineken Regatta on St. Maartens, finished second at the U.S. Virgin Islands Rolex Regatta and won the Bitter Cup Race for the British Virgin Islands Spring Festival Regatta. On Feb. 9, Palermo and his eight-man crew left Pensacola, Fla., on the 40-foot racing yacht, Sapphire. Palermo said the Sapphire is a 40.7 Benetau that is known as a racer-cruiser sailing yacht. Bruce Farr, who has designed racing yachts for most of the winners in the America's Cup races, designed the Sapphire, Palermo said. The Sapphire made its way to the Bahamas, then to the U.S. Virgin Islands, and then to the island of St. Maartens for the Heineken Regatta. The regatta is a series of four races. Palermo said that it was exciting to race against world-class sailing crews that had been in the Olympics and the America's Cup. The crew of the Sapphire team was made up of members of the Gulf Yachting Association who hail from up and down the Gulf Coast. TYC represented a majority of the crew for the BVI Spring Regatta in which they placed third: Mark Palermo Skipper/Helmsman, Kyle Bowser - Bowman, Steve Jones - Genoa Trimmer, David Bolyard - Tactician, Genoa Trimmer, and Spinnaker Trimmer, Julie Bolyard - controls, and Karl Boehm - Main Sail Trimmer. Dodie Jones and Val Monahan were great land based support crew. The International Rolex Regatta team included the all of the above with the exception of Kyle and Steve, but included Mark Page 6 May, 2007 Itinyre, Bowman (also a TYC member). The teams biggest victory - The Bitter End Cup ironically had the smallest crew - 7! Indeed, a small but mighty crew! The majority were TYC members. Mark P., David B., Julie B., Karl B., Dewayne Crochet, Lake Charles Yacht Club, Lee Crona, and Mark Oswald, PontYC. "Our crew was from everywhere," Palermo said "Everybody from auto mechanics to affluent guys." The Sapphire got a lot of press because it was one of the few racing yachts in Lake Pontchartrain that survived Hurricane Katrina. "We were called the Sea Biscuit of sailing by the press," Palermo said. The "Sea Biscuit" angle emerged in part by the fact that we were sponsored by one of the smallest yacht clubs in all of GYA and the USA. The media really got a kick out of that! What a great success story for our humble but proud yacht club (I guess that's contradictory but you get the point). Despite the label, the Sapphire showed the big boys of sailing that they had come to the Caribbean to win. In the first race of the Heineken Regatta, the Sapphire didn't do so well, coming in eighth. We were just like the Saints in the Bears' playoff game," Palermo recalled. "One step forward, two steps back." But after Palermo gave his crew a pep talk, they went out and won the second race, despite a collision with another boat and an injured first mate. Palermo said the Sapphire was in the lead and in the process of turning, when a competing yacht smashed into them, causing the Sapphire's boom to swing over and hit First Mate Mark Oswald in the head. Oswald was knocked unconscious, but with the help of the other crew members the Sapphire went on to victory. It seems their competitor had committed a foul and had to do a penalty lap, and Palermo and Team Paul Mitchell were able to cross the finish line first. Oswald suffered a concussion, but after a short stay in the St. Maartens hospital, he was able to continue crewing on the Sapphire. Team Paul Mitchell placed fifth overall in the Heineken Regatta. From St. Maartens, the Sapphire sailed back to the U.S. Virgin Islands, docked at the marina in Red Hook on St. Thomas Island and prepared to compete in the Rolex Regatta. TYC SpyGlass Page 7 Their performance on St. Thomas was much improved, and they placed second overall in the competition, which made the Sapphire a hot topic in the local press, Palermo said. May, 2007 HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRANK!!! From the U.S. Virgin Islands, Team Paul Mitchell made the short journey to the British Virgin Islands to compete in the BVI Spring Festival Regatta. In that race, Palermo and his crew surprised everybody by winning the Bitter End Cup, coming across the finish line four minutes ahead of the competition. Still it wasn't an easy win, Palermo said. As the boats approached the finish line, the Sapphire was behind the yachts Dark and Steamy and Yeoman XXXII but managed to catch up and out pace the two other racers to finish first. "The Bitter End Cup was tight right down to the end," Palermo said. Palermo has been sailing since he was 13 when his family moved to Slidell from New Orleans. For him, sailing is a real passion, and competing in the prestigious Caribbean races was icing on the cake. "The Caribbean circuit is where everyday guys like us can compete against world-class sailors," Palermo said. "This was a life-long dream come true for me." Frank, one of our beloved bartenders, celebrated his birthday while working the Grand Re-Opening Party. Above, he sports his new sunglasses, while below, Frank and several partners dance to the music. TYC SpyGlass Page 8 May, 2007 WELCOME ABOARD SSYC! TYC hosted South Shore Yacht Club at a party in their honor. A great time was had by all as evidenced in the above photos. TYC SpyGlass Page 9 May, 2007 GRAND RE-OPENING PARTY Boat rides were available to the public. At left, both power and sail boats are ready. Above, Bill Jobst aboard Windsome, leaves the pier with passengers. Below, Tommy Thompson gets ready to set sail. Above, a representative from the Gulf Yachting Association makes a presentation to Commodore McPeek . TYC SpyGlass Page 10 SCENES AS THE CELEBRATION GOES ON May, 2007 TYC SpyGlass Page 11 May, 2007 At left, Commodore Harley McPeek, Pontchartrain Yacht Club Commodore Kelvin Troughton, and Vice Commodore Jim Ilgenfritz pause for a photo. Above, TYC merchandise is ready for purchase. Above, at left, Dick & Jean Almos and Dave & Hetty Barnes cut a rug. As the day progressed and the band started to play, the dance floor was never empty. TYC SpyGlass Page 11-A May, 2007 MORE GRAND RE-OPENING PHOTOS Many thanks to Dick & Jean Almos for submitting these three pages of great photos. TYC SpyGlass Page 11-B May, 2007 TYC SpyGlass Page 11-C May, 2007 TYC SpyGlass Page 12 May, 2007 RAFFLE PRIZE WINNERS J.B. Ilgenfritz was the first wine & chocolate basket winner. Nancy Ritzmann crows over the wine, chocolate, and liquor basket she and Carl won. Ann Courrege needed help from Val Monahan to carry her prize: a large basket containing wine, liquor, chocolates, and other things. The final raffle prize of the evening was won by Kelley Richardt. Kelley was out of town, but before the party she said if she won it she would auction it off, which is what was done. The wooden wonder brought a nice amount for TYC. This man is shown riding his prize. TYC SpyGlass Page 13 May, 2007 FIRST MATES GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING The First Mates held their first General Membership meeting since Katrina in the TYC clubhouse. It’s great to be back. FIRST STEAK NIGHT SINCE HURRICANE KATRINA! Above, Jim and J.B. Ilgenfritz pause from grill duty as TYC members (right) anticipate the fabulous food. TYC SpyGlass THURSDAY NIGHT MUSIC A number of TYC members have asked “when are we are going to have another Thursday night music jam”. Well, since the Thursday night jams have never been directly paid for by the Yacht Club I guess it will happen again when the club members can put enough money together to pay for the musicians. I don’t want the same eight or so people to pay for the whole thing by themselves anymore. So far this year and in years past we have not asked all the club members if they even would like to have a monthly jam. In order to pull it off each member would have to pay $5 per month to cover the cost. I hate to ask a good musician coming from New Orleans, Metairie, Kenner and across the river to play for less than $100. It takes at least four players to get the job done and I can usually get a couple of extra players to set in on some tunes. Page 14 May, 2007 SPOT LIGHT ON MUSIC! In the last Spyglass, we somehow missed the biographical information we had about one of our favorite musicians, Dr. Jazz. So, here it is! Jim Harris, known as Dr. Jazz, has been a musician since the age of 6. He has studied music theory and piano at the University of Alabama, University of Jacksonville and at the Universario Straneri in Florence, Italy. Jim has had a diverse career including: Director of Creative Services for recording of commercials, films and stage shows. Supervisor of musical requirements for national commercials for clients such as Shoney’s, Delta Airlines, Arby’s, C&S Bank and Day’s Inn. Musical director of regional production of Jesus Christ Superstar and contributed musical services to Coca-Cola’s 25th anniversary film. So, let me know by email or send me a note if you are interested in supporting the $5 per month for the music and I will post it on the bulletin board and we will see where it takes us. My email address and home is: [email protected]. Jim has performed with nationally known artists such as Lesley Gore, Roy Hamilton, Rodney Dangerfield and Bill Cosby. Jim quickly became one of the most in-demand pianists in the United States and Europe, playing at venues including showboats, receptions, formal dinners and casual gatherings. Walt Groce 1189 Clipper Drive Slidell, La. 70458 Jim is proficient in all technical aspects of electronic music, including MIDI, Digital Sequencers and Notation Software. Jim’s professional affiliations include the American Federation of Musicians as a member & the Governor of Georgia’s Council to Promote Georgia Music as a consultant. TYC SpyGlass FROM THE EDITOR . . . As you read this Jim and I are in sunny Sanibel, soaking up the beach and the sunshine! Sandy McPeek had to put together the tail end of this newsletter as we left town before the Grand Opening. I know that the Grand Opening was a huge success, when our members decide to do something it is always appreciated. We sure had a great time in April, I particularly enjoyed hosting South Shore Yacht Club and hope to see them all at the club many times in the future. One of their members was telling me that they are hoping to be able to use the building on the point at South Shore for their new clubhouse. Jim and I went there years ago when it was a restaurant and it was a fabulous place. It would be a great cruise destination! Page 15 May, 2007 THE CAPTAIN SCHOOL HELPING MARINERS THROUGH THE MAZE USCG APPROVED - WE GIVE THE TEST! GET YOUR CHARTER BOAT CAPTAIN’S LICENSE OR JUST COME TO LEARN TO BE A BETTER AND SAFER BOATER. RECENTLY IS WAS REPORTED THAT LOUISIANA HAS ONE OF THE HIGHEST FATALITY RATES, ONE OF THE MAIN REASONS, LACK OF EDUCATION. OUPV (aka six – pack) MASTERS – TOWING ASSISTANCE – SAIL AUXILIARY CALL FOR COURSE SCHEDULES TERRY FITZGERALD (985) 290-5696 or (877) 435-3187 Also in this issue, Bubba is hard at work trying to get more of his great music up at the club. Please give some thought to his suggestion, and let him know what you think. If you have an alternative idea for funding music, I’m sure he’d be happy to hear that too. Bottom line is, it sure is fun to have live music at the club. Have a great May, Kelley Richardt Club Rental 269 Atalin Street David Bolyard Mandeville, LA 70448 (985)626-5638 [email protected] (985) 626-9173 POSTAL PLUS 3401 PONTCHARTRAIN DRIVE SUITE 2 SLIDELL, LA 70458 PHONE 985-649-4020 FAX 649-9518 $1 off any order of $5 or more Your Shipping & Business Services Headquarters MON - FRI 8:30AM-5:30PM SAT 10-2 Need a place for a special Event? Wedding Reception? Birthday or Office Party? We may have what you need, we offer a fully stocked bar, dance floor, dining room and kitchen. Not to mention a great view and more! We’ll design a package to suit your event and budget. It’ll include good food and drink from a friendly staff. Call Tammany Yacht Club at 6495222. Ask for Dodie. If no one is in, leave a message! TYC SpyGlass Page 16 May, 2007 Thank You TYC Contributors!!! Among the gifts bestowed upon TYC are a beautiful Brass Ship for the wall, Grill and Kitchen Utensils, Tea Light Candles, Dirty Martini Mix, Candles, Pictures and Accessories for the Ladies Room, a Weather Station, $ for Bar Stools, and $2,750 in cash. Of the money donated, 4 Crock Pots, 2 Telephones, a Vacuum Cleaner, Wastebaskets, and 3 Stainless Steel Shelving Units have been purchased. Thank you to the following people who have already contributed: Karen Allen Wayne & Beth Jablonowski Dick & Jean Almos Bill & Susan Jobst Dave & Hetty Barnes Silas & Sally McKinley Karl & Jackie Boehm Harley & Sandy McPeek Kyle Bowser & Val Monahan Rae Ann & Al Normand Mary Brisbi Glenn & Mary O’Rourke Matt & Deanna Chapman Harold & Jan Pecunia Alan & Emilie Coulter Anil & Sheri Raj Steve Forrest & Darnell Godwin Wayne & Margaret Russ Jeff & Kathy Hebert Martin Smith & Ann Courrege It’s not too late for you to make a contribution to help restore our club to its full potential as there are many more items needed. Please take a look at Dodie’s list that is posted on the bulletin board and select something to purchase or make a cash donation. Many items need to be purchased as a set or at the same time so they will match. Equestrian Therapy Center of Slidell 32599 CC Road Slidell, LA 70460 Phone: 985-643-5145 Specializing in emotionally disturbed children and adults. Jambalaya & Co A PASSIONATE EX PERIENCE OF HOME STYLE LOUISIANA BAYOU COOKING Slidell, Louisiana Ph 985-960-2897 Fax 985-641-9856 [email protected] [email protected] TYC SpyGlass TYC Board of Directors Commodore Harley McPeek Vice Commodore Jim Ilgenfritz Rear Commodore Charlie Purvis Secretary Kenny LaNata Treasurer Steve Jones Member at Large Pam Carpenter Member at Large John Harkins Member at Large Tommy Thompson Past Commodore Barry Statia TYC Committee Chairpersons Membership Barry Statia Entertainment Val Monahan Finance Kyle Bowser First Mates (President) Brenda Fulkerson House Scott Collins Race Committee Steve Jones GYA Offshore Council Karl Boehm GYA One Design Kevin Blank GYA PHRF Mark Palermo Juniors & Flying Scot Steve Jones Long Range Planning Jim Ilgenfritz LPRC Regatta Reps Kyle Bowser, Steve Jones, Kenny LaNata LPRC (TYC Activities) Tommy Thompson Club Merchandise Nominating Jim Richardt Cruising Bill and Susan Jobst Member Photo Susan Jobst, Sandy McPeek Rules Committee Martin Smith Telephone Dodie Jones SpyGlass Editor K. Richardt Spyglass Distribution Sandy McPeek Webmaster Kevin Blank Chaplain Rev. Dick Almos Fleet Surgeon Dr. Bobby Tassin TYC Contact Info: Phone 985-649-5222 Fax 646-2612 E-Mail [email protected] Web Site Club Manager and Rental Dodie Jones Deadline for submission to the SpyGlass is the 24th of each month Please Send your articles via email to [email protected] or Phone 985-646-0766 SpyGlass Advertising Rates Business Card $10/mo Quarter Page $20/mo Half Page $40/mo Full Page $80/mo Page 17 May, 2007 BIRTHDAY NIGHT Pictured here are Bubba Groce and Jim Ilgenfritz enjoying their birthday night! Come up to the club on the first Friday of the month to help cheer on our members celebrating a birthday during that month. As may be obvious to anyone who has been there on the first Friday of the month, you don’t have to be a great singer to join in on singing Happy Birthday! (Or as Bubba would always say when he had a group performing at the club, the more you drink the better we sound! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! IN MAY 1 6 11 13 15 25 26 28 29 30 30 31 JEAN ALMOS DANNY GREEN DAVID BOLYARD MARK PALERMO MARGARET RUSS CHARLES LEMARCHE JEAN ROBERTS KEVIN BLANK BRAD CAREY JULIE BOLYARD JAN PECUNIA NIGEL BEALE TYC SpyGlass Page 18 May, 2007 Tammany Yacht Club hours Monday & Tuesday Closed Wednesday & Thursday 5-10 PM Friday 5-11 PM Saturday 2-11 PM Sunday 1-9 PM Club hours may be extended at the discretion of the Club Manager or the ranking Board Member. Don’t forget that on Thursdays, your second drink is free and either a light supper or hors d’oeuvres are frequently served. Also, be sure to sign up for Friday night dinners by Thursday evening and cancel if you can’t make it to avoid a penalty. Manager: Dodie Jones TYC Phone: 985-649-5222 May, 2007 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7:00pm Bill Watson Race Series 7 8 9 7:00pm Bill Watson Race Series 7:00pm Coast Guard Auxillary Flotilla Mtg. 14 15 6:30pm Long Range Planning Committee 7:00pm TYC Board Meeting 21 16 7:00pm Bill Watson Race Series 22 23 7:00pm Bill Watson Race Series 28 4 29 5 30 6:30pm Happy Hour 10 6:30pmHappy Hour 7:00-9:00pm First Mates Board Meeting 17 6:30pm Happy Hour 24 6:30pm Happy Hour 31 7:00-7:30pm Cornish Hen Dinner and Birthday Night 11 May Day Regatta Postponed 12 7:30 am- 5:00 pm USCG Opening Day Regatta Make Up Postponed 13 7:00 pm Friday Night Dinner 18 7:00 pm Surf & Turf Dinner 25 Club Rental June 1 7:00pm Bill Watson Race Series 6 6:30pm Happy Hour 7 7:00 pm Friday Night Dinner(Catfish Fry), Birthday Night and Hurricane Party 8 7:00pm Bill Watson Race Series 6:30pm Happy Hour 7:00-9:00pm First Mates Board Meeting 7:00 pm Friday Night Dinner 19 20 10:00am Leen Polderman Regatta TBD Membership Event . 3:00pm First Mates Blessing of the Fleet and 4:00pmCrawfish Boil & Race 26 27 Club Rental 2 10:00 am Charter Day Invitational Regatta 9 3 10 TYC SpyGlass Page 19 May, 2007 TYC SpyGlass Page 20 May, 2007
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