calypso party - Tammany Yacht Club
calypso party - Tammany Yacht Club
A Monthly Publication of Tammany Yacht Club 1196 Harbor Drive Slidell, LA September, 2007 CALYPSO PARTY by Kelley Richardt I really can't say what was the best part of the party, they were all good! Val Monahan got her Entertainment Committee together, and with their help, along with lots of help from all the club members we had a great party. On the Entertainment Committee we tried to split up our efforts to make sure that we got everything covered. Darnell Godwin created a great poster to encourage everyone to sign up, Sandy McPeek handled the details of creating and purchasing commemorative shirts, Pam Carpenter encouraged Rus to eat his vegetables so that we had plenty of cans on hand, and I dreamed up party decorations. (continued on page 3) © Tammany Yacht Club, Slidell, LA September, 2007 TYC SpyGlass Page 2 September, 2007 Our First Mates led by Nancy Ritzmann Started August off with a new weekly event—Game Night. Several tables were set up during happy hour on August 2nd for an introduction to Bourre. Subsequent Game Nights will include a variety of table games to entertain our members. The First Mates also initiated Saints Night, to provide nourishment for Saints fans who gather to watch the games. Val Monahan and her Entertainment Committee did a major makeover of the club for the 2007 Calypso Party on August 11th. More than 70 members and guests dined on delicious pot luck buffet and danced to the sounds of Dave Gutierrez (Bayou Self). A Lei Contest, won by Dottie David, and bright golf shirts added color to the event. A Limbo Contest brought several brave souls on the dance floor to try their skills. Our webmaster, Kevin Blank, & his lady friend, Becky Good, took the Limbo King & Queen honors. Darnell Godwin provided a Caribbean Cook Book to help our volunteer cooks in preparation of tropical delights. The surprise donation of a Tiki Bar by Larry & Carol Whited added a tropical flavor to the ambiance on the balcony. If you or your friends are looking for a place to have a party—wedding, birthday, anniversary, retirement or any other celebration check with Dodie for arrangements. TYC is also available for rentals to the public. Outside rentals provide additional resources for our Club. Check the Race Committee’s column for the latest results in TYC’s sailing competition. The last chance is nearing to add your photo to the Directory, you may send it to Sandy McPeek ([email protected]). The October Board Meeting will be at 1900 hours (7 pm), Monday, October 8, 2007, at TYC, 1196 Harbor Drive at Oak Harbor Marina. See you at Tammany Yacht Club. NEW MEMBERS Let’s all give a hearty welcome to our newest members, Mark & Gloria Poole, and returning members, Mike & Cindy Ducote and Bill Pleasants as they return to the TYC fold. Congratulations are also due to Karen Allen & Doris Burvant on their upgrade to Active Members. TYC SpyGlass Page 3 September, 2007 CALYPSO PARTY (continued from page 1) At right, Jean Roberts and JB Ilgenfritz along with the gorilla that greeted everyone as they came up the stairs. Lots of people had a hand in the decorations, I dreamed big this time! Harley McPeek drilled hundred of holes in all of the empty vegetable cans so that we could have that sparkly candlelight atmosphere. Darnell designed an “islandy” vase for her huge philodendron leaves, and JB Ilgenfritz, Rae Ann Normand and Margaret Russ helped us put them together the Friday night before the party. JB, Jean Roberts and Mary Brisbi worked together to stuff the gorilla and chicken before artfully placing them in their respective hammocks. Peggy Stone cut tablecloths before helping Val and Carol Whited hang ceiling decorations. June Collins and Mary Brisbi worked on the awning, and when Jim Richardt arrived with the supports we finished the creation. It took a group effort and lots of arms, but thankfully by then we had more help from Pam and Rus Carpenter, and we raised the awning up and out. What a sight! (continued on page 4) Above, Kelley Richardt and her crew start assembly of the awning. At right, Peggy Stone, Carol Whited, June Collins and JB Ilgenfritz get ready to raise the awning for attachment to the ceiling. TYC SpyGlass Page 4 September, 2007 CALYPSO PARTY (continued from page 3) Kelley Richardt, Carol Whited, JB Ilgenfritz, Pam Carpenter, and Harley McPeek guide Rus Carpenter as he adjusts the hooks that hold the awning up. Above, Rus Carpenter and Kyle Bowser lay the dance floor while at right, Harley McPeek, Glenn O’Rourke, Carol Whited and Martin Smith put the tiki bar together. Larry and Carol Whited topped off everything with numerous decorative items, and a TIKI BAR! Wow, what a great addition to the party, and to our balcony. Our thanks to everyone who helped move it from their house, Glenn and Mary O'Rourke helped immensely by picking it up in their truck and bringing it upstairs. We'll all enjoy it, along with the lights that Sandy and Harley strung up out there. (continued on page 5) TYC SpyGlass Page 5 September, 2007 CALYPSO PARTY (continued from page 4) I don't know if we could ever remember everyone that brought food, but we’ll try! Thanks to Jeff and Kathy Hebert, JB Ilgenfritz, Al Normand, Hetty Barnes, Darnell Godwin, Shannon Williams, Margaret Russ, June Collins, Dodie Jones, Harriet Toups, NOYC members Janet Kelly and Laura Beverly, Peggy Stone and her neighbor Jeannine Adam, Tom and Debbie Smith, Jean Almos, Ann Courrege, Sandy McPeek, Barry Statia and Jean Roberts, Kelley Richardt, and Val Monahan. As usual, we had more than could be eaten and were able to freeze some to save for future events. We had chicken wings, bacon wrapped shrimp, ham, pork, rice dishes, casseroles, pasta, beans and desserts galore. Dodie and Frank whipped up a special batch of drinks for the party, and busted tail behind the bar for most of the night. Bayou Self did his usual good job of entertaining the crowd, and even played a special song for Frank. We broke up the dancing with the raffles. Our special thanks to Ann Courrege for doing a super duper job selling raffle tickets. We had a variety of wine and liquor baskets and racks that had been donated by our members. The winners were Mark Konos, Al Normand, JB Ilgenfritz, and Jean Almos. Mark and Lisa Palermo donated a wonderful basket full of all of the latest hair care products, you'll just need to take one look at my hair to know who the big winner was! (continued on page 6) TYC SpyGlass Page 6 September, 2007 CALYPSO PARTY (continued from page 5) And we can't forget the "Best Lei" contest. Now that we all saw the super prize, a great beach towel embroidered with "Best Lei at TYC 2007", Dottie David may have even more competition next time. I only wish that we had had a prize for best Calypso outfit, we all know that Bubba Groce would have been the sure fire winner. (continued on page 7) Above, all who wore a lei were inspected by judges JB Ilgenfritz and Mary Brisbi. As you can see at right, Dottie David won the prize. Bubba Groce in his unofficial “Best Calypso Outfit”. TYC SpyGlass Page 7 September, 2007 CALYPSO PARTY (continued from page 6) Last but not least, the LIMBO CONTEST. First of all, thanks to Kyle Bowser for the last minute limbo pole, we used all of our wood pieces for the awning. We had lots of participants in the contest, but at the end, the clear winners were Becky Good and Kevin Blank. Harley crowned them the new Limbo King and Limbo Queen for 2007. I join Val and her entertainment committee in thanking all of you for making this a really fun event. Darnell Godwin, Kyle Bowser, Kevin Blank, and Becky Good go under the limbo stick. Even Mark Konos, although in a little unconventional way, got in on the fun. In the end, the clear winners were Kevin Blank and Becky Good. THANK YOU!! Thank you to Larry and Carol Whited for donating the fabulous tiki bar that is on the balcony. It is a great addition to our club. As the party was in full swing inside, a Ring Toss Game competition was going on outside. Shown with Darnell Godwin is her guest, the ring toss champion Jed Carter. Also, thank you to Brad Carey and Steve and Dodie Jones for their contributions towards the patio tables and chairs. What an improvement! TYC SpyGlass CALYPSO PARTY SITINGS……. Page 8 September, 2007 TYC SpyGlass Page 9 September, 2007 WANTED!!! SPYGLASS EDITOR Kelley Richardt has been the SpyGlass editor for almost three years. Now, her work load is such that she cannot continue to be our editor. She has done an amazing job of making our newsletter informative and interesting. Thank you Kelley for your time and efforts! Now it is someone else’s turn to be of service to your club. Please consider taking on this very essential job. All you need is a computer and working knowledge of Microsoft Word. The format is already laid out for printing. It’s actually fun to move things around to create a unique publication each month. I will continue to fill in the gap until the end of 2007 OR until someone volunteers. I would prefer it to be sooner than later though as my plate is pretty full. Please contact me at 985-6496681 or [email protected] if you are willing to serve. Sandy McPeek TYC BURGEE EXCHANGES Over the last few months, TYC burgees have been requested by other yacht clubs. In June, Dick & Jean Almos initiated an exchange with the Charleston (SC) Yacht Club. This month, we sent a TYC burgee to the Yacht Club of Sea Isle City (NJ) in response to their request and are awaiting receipt of their burgee. Most recently, the Buccaneer Yacht Club, in Mobile, AL, requested a TYC burgee to replace the one that was destroyed by Katrina. As you travel, consider being a TYC Ambassador, take along a burgee for exchange. Maybe we can get enough to finish circling the dining room with burgees. TYC SpyGlass Page 10 September, 2007 TYC SpyGlass Page 11 September, 2007 First Aid (and more) Afloat Let’s look at what every boater should have on board both for local boating as well as voyaging coastwise and beyond. Even before preparation, we should consider prevention. Proper clothing and headgear and potions to avoid sunburn and heat-related illness to start. Tidy decks and a neat, secure belowdecks is also a must. All gear should be secured and/or stowed before getting underway. Any lines should be stowed taut, especially those on deck and underfoot. An empty water bottle stepped on can result in a simple ankle sprain or a fracture or even a fatal head wound. Survey your vessel and get it together. For a first aid kit, one can start with a basic commercial kit and add to it as needed for local travel and day trips. Weekenders within a short time of land need more items especially for wound care. Offshore venues should prompt one to get some medical training and include a variety of Rx meds and supplies such as IV fluids. A basic kit should include bandages – BandAids ®, butterfly strips or Steri-strips®, simple sterile gauze pads and tape. Silk tape, 1” wide is good as a single choice – it’s secure and easily torn to size. Antibiotic ointment, Betadine®, some type of irrigating solution (get a bottle of contact lens solution that can be used directly in the eye; it can double as a wound irrigant) will suffice for wound goop and cleaning. A decent pair of iris (pointed) scissors, quality pick-ups or tweezers for foreign body removal. A few sterile 18 ga. needles can also help here – the sharp bevel can act as a mini scalpel to unroof skin overlying a foreign body. Some Tylenol and aspirin would round out the basic kit – Tylenol for hangovers and aspirin for those pesky MI’s. Commercial cold packs are helpful for acute injuries but you can substitute two cold six-packs – apply one to the affected area and drink the other! Ziplocs of ice work well; just protect the skin with a layer of cloth. Beyond basics, add an ACE wrap or two for sprain/strains. They work well also to hold an ice pack in place. Remember the R.I.C.E. pneumonic – Rest, Ice, Compress and Elevate sprains and contusions. Silvadene burn cream is Rx but a good to have on board. For quick splints, consider tongue blades for fingers and toes, paint stirrers or rolled up papers for larger splints. A couple different widths of roll gauze can be used to either pad any extremity before applying a splint and ACE wrap or to dress larger wounds. In terms of meds, seasickness can be treated with OTC’s or Rx ‘s - Meclizine, Transderm Scop patches, Phenergan Suppositories and/or Zofran ODT should be on board. Some studies show ginger to be effective for prevention of seasickness. You can get capsules, powder or use pickled ginger. Perhaps gingerale as a mixer might help? If you have any old farts in the crew, consider Nitro spray for acute chest pain. For offshore or prolonged coastal trips, consider more meds and more equipment. IV fluids, tubing and catheters, a suture kit or stapler and/or Dermabond (skin glue) and even some rolls of plaster for more robust splinting come to mind. However, training to use most of these toys is recommended. Local anesthetics, injectable anti-nausea and pain meds and assorted oral pain meds should also be on board. Work with your physician to get prescriptions of suitable meds in these categories. Of course an ample supply of any routine prescription meds that the crew needs is a given. Consider a couple types of broad spectrum antibiotics as well as an anti-diarrhea drug such as Lomotil. Whether it’s tourista or mal-de-mar that causes nausea and vomiting, one can use oral rehydration even in moderately severe cases in lieu of IV fluids. You can get packets of electrolyte replacement to mix with water or simply use water in combo with a sports drink. Even if one is actively vomiting, try to give oral fluid between episodes. Start with very small amounts fairly frequently and if tolerated, gradually increase the amount and interval. Unfortunately, beer does not qualify as a clear liquid in this case. However, some doctors have been known to work for Heineken. If all else fails, there are worse fates than burial at sea……… May you have Fair Winds and Following Seas. Robert Tassin, MD TYC Fleet Surgeon TYC SpyGlass Page 12 September, 2007 TYC Directory Update This is your last opportunity to get your photo in the printed directory. If you want to be included, and haven’t had your photo taken at the club or provided one already, please either email one to Sandy McPeek at [email protected] or put it in the SpyGlass mail folder across from the merchandise display case at the club. Your photo will be returned to you. If you don’t have a picture you would like to use, please contact Sandy to schedule a time to have your picture taken. Many of you have expressed a desire to have a color copy of the directory, so we are looking for advertisers to help pay for professional printing. If you know someone who would like to place an ad, please contact Sandy McPeek immediately. Yes, the coveted back page is available ---- and will host the ad of the advertiser willing to financially support it the most (full page ad has precedence over other ads). Prices for ads will be as follows: Other than Back page or Inside Back page: Business card $60, Quarter page $120, Half page $240, Full page $480 Inside Back page: Full Page $600, Half page $300, Quarter page $150. Back page: Full Page $720, Half page $360. All ads must be submitted in electronic format (jpg, psd, or bmp) or ready to scan. Club Rental The TYC Nominating Committee had their first meeting on August 2. Commodore Harley McPeek convened the first meeting as in accordance with the TYC By-Laws and turned the meeting over to the newly elected Chairman Scott Collins. Pictured here are Past Commodore Jeff Hebert, Past Commodore Kyle Bowser, Commodore Harley McPeek, Dave Barnes, Past Commodore Dick Almos, and Past Commodore Scott Collins. Need a place for a special Event? Wedding Reception? Birthday or Office Party? We may have what you need, we offer a fully stocked bar, dance floor, dining room and kitchen. Not to mention a great view and more! We’ll design a package to suit your event and budget. It’ll include good food and drink from a friendly staff. Call Tammany Yacht Club at 649-5222. Ask for Dodie. If no one is in, leave a message! TYC SpyGlass Page 13 September, 2007 GAME NIGHT AT TYC On a relatively quiet Sunday afternoon/evening (is there such a thing at TYC ?), a number of folks kicked around some ideas on how to entice more of our members to come up and enjoy the camaraderie that Tammany has to offer. We talked of movie nights, trivia contests, bingo, bunko and other things. The First Mates fearless leader, Nancy Ritzmann - a definite shy and retiring person, had enough of just talking about things to do and said - "Let's do it" (or words to that effect). What happened? Well on Thursday, August 2nd, fourteen members enjoyed being taught some of the finer points of Bourré (Booray). There are a few people, obviously NOT from around here, who hadn't even heard of the game. What fun we had. There was instructions on how to play, techniques, and not just a few questions on turning tricks - OK, that has a number of connotations so let's be clear about the meaning of "tricks". In this case it had to deal with the card game. We had so much fun, we're going to try to make it a weekly or semi-monthly activity. It may even be expanded into a "Game Night". There was talk of other card games that might get up a table or two. We will try to keep it on a Wednesday or Thursday evening - depending on what else is going on. Y'all come out on the next one and see for yourselves. If you have a favorite game you would like to play, whether it be cards, board game, dominoes, or dice, let Nancy Ritzmann know. I’m sure she will arrange a night we can all try it! TYC SpyGlass Page 14 September, 2007 September, 2007 TUESDAY MONDAY 27 28 WEDNESDAY 29 THURSDAY 30 SATURDAY FRIDAY 31 1 SUNDAY 2 GYA SemiAnnual Meeting @ BYC 3 Rental 10 6:30pm Long Range Planning Committee 7:00pm TYC Board Meeting 17 24 8:30pm Saints Football Party 1 OCTOBER 4 11 18 25 2 7:00pm Steak or 7:00pm Coulter Rental Tuna Dinner 7 8 9 7:00pm Bill Watson Fall Series Registration 12 6:30pm Happy Hour 7:00pm Game Night 7:00pm Nominating Comm 7:00pm First Mates Board Meeting 8:30pm Saints Football Party 13 7:00pm Lobster Dinner, corn on the cob, new potatoes, salad & dessert and Birthday Night 14 15 16 7:00pm Bill Watson Fall Series 7:00pm USCG Auxiliary 19 6:30pm Happy Hour 7:00pm Wine Tasting & Music - Guitarist Adam Bock $12.00 20 Single Handed 7:00pm Bar Race around Food (cheese the Lake tray, pigs in a blanket, veggie tray) - No Charge Rental - until food is Moorings gone 21 22 1:00pm Saints Football Party 23 6:30pm Happy Hour 7:00pm Game NIght. 27 7:00pm Friday Night Dinner Grilled Chicken, angel hair pasta w/olive oil & herbs, steamed broccoli, salad & TBD Raft Up at TYC dessert 28 29 30 5 7:00pm Bill Watson Fall Series 26 6 7:00pm Steak Night Dinner 6:30pm Happy Ribeye or Tuna, Hour 7:00pm Bill potato, salad, 7:00pm Game bread and Warson Fall dessert Series NIght. OCTOBER 3 OCTOBER 4 OCTOBER 5 OCTOBER 7:00pm Bill Watson Fall Series 6:30pm Happy Hour 7:00pm First Mates Board Meeting 7:00pm Game Night 11:30am First Mates Pool Party and General Membership Meeting at Landry home 6 OCTOBER 7:00pm Friday Night Dinner and TBD Closing Birthday Night Regatta 7 OCTOBER 1:00pm Saints Football Party TYC SpyGlass Page 15 September, 2007 Ahoy TYC and First Mates. First Mates had their regular board meeting on 9 August, 2007. Discussions surrounded our upcoming “Annual Pool Party & General First Mates Meeting” to be held on 29 September, 2007 at the home of Mary Pat Landry – please see the invitation enclosed in this month’s Spy Glass. I would like to thank fellow First Mates for stepping in to ensure that our “Game Night” continued for everyone wishing to participate. We had several successful evenings learning to play “Bourré (Booray)”. We will continue to have “Game Night” on Thursday evenings in conjunction with our “Happy Hoursssssssss”. Looks like we will have a good “Football Season” this year, TYC is a great place to meet and bring some of your friends to enjoy the games and our spectacular view. See you at the Club. Nancy Ritzmann – 985-641-8618 or [email protected]. FOOTBALL SEASON IS HERE AGAIN! TYC First Mates are hosting Football Night at the club. Whenever the Saints play, there is either food or snacks of some kind and plenty of great company to cheer on our team. So, when there is a Saints game televised, come on out and bring a snack to share. Its great fun and exciting to hear everyone clapping and cheering when something good happens. We hope to see you for Football Night. RACE COMMITTEE REPORT Saturday, August 25, we held the make-up races for the club series. Kyle Bowser in Kokopelli, Kenny LaNata in Weather Witch and Tommy Thompson in John Winston came out for a day of racing. Wayne Jablonowski graciously provided power boat support for the Committee Boat. Wayne and Beth set a nice windward leeward course. Kokopelli needed to win only one race to take the series. Tommy came out for a casual race and kept the other two crews honest. This could be the first or second race on his own boat. Weather Witch suffered a couple of bad shifts and Kokopelli had a nice lead at the first mark. While Kenny was able to close the gap he was unable to catch Kyle. The second race was the Lean Polderman make-up. Again Kokopelli was first at the mark but on the last leeward leg Weather Witch caught a favorable puff and roared down on Kokopelli like a freight train. Positioning herself with Kokopelli in her wind shadow forced a jibe and Kokopelli suffered a tangled jib sheet downhaul casualty that allowed Weather Witch a passing lane. Weather Witch crossed the line first and won on corrected time by mere seconds. Congratulations to all the sailors. We will award the traditional Lean Polderman trophies at Friday Night dinner. Don’t forget the Wednesday night Bill Watson Fall Series signup is September 5th, with races starting the following Wednesday. And of course the TYC Single Handed Race Around the Lake is September 15th. We always need volunteers to help with Committee Boat so please get in touch with Steve Jones if you are looking for a good excuse to use your boat, whether you want to compete or support the Race Committee. TYC Race Committee TYC SpyGlass Page 16 September, 2007 HAPPY SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS! 8 9 9 10 11 12 20 22 26 KENNY GIBBS BILL JOBST LISA PALERMO ANIL RAJ MARTIN SMITH JEAN ROBISON GUY GELLER RUS CARPENTER CARL RITZMANN There were a lot of August birthdays at TYC. Shown above are Eddie Reith, Gilda Green, June Collins, Dave Barnes, and Burt Kemp. DON’T FORGET……. POSTAL PLUS 3401 PONTCHARTRAIN DRIVE SUITE 2 SLIDELL, LA 70458 PHONE 985-649-4020 FAX 649-9518 $1 off any order of $5 or more Your Shipping & Business Services Headquarters MON - FRI 8:30AM-5:30PM SAT 10-2 The first Friday night of each month is Birthday Night. If you have a birthday during the month, come on out and let us help you celebrate it. If you have a birthday this month and you are not on the list, please let Sandy McPeek know. TYC SpyGlass Page 17 September, 2007 FROM OUR CLUB MANAGER……. Well TYC Members! Here we are two years after Katrina and I think we have come through pretty well! I want to give many thanks to so many of you for your participation in your club! Without you, our members, coming up to patron the events and dinners at TYC we would not have made it through the re-opening as well, or where we are today! We are coming into 2008 pretty fast and I hope that we have your support this coming year as well. Tammany Yacht Club is a small club and I know many are thinking that we may not have enough sailing involvement to fit their needs, but my hat is off to the group who did keep it together even after the devastation Katrina left us in. A devoted group did manage to organize the "Two Against the Lake Race" in 2006, then in 2007 when TYC opened, the same devoted group pulled off the Bill Watson Series, with generous donations for t-shirts and trophies from some of our members, some members who participated in the Gulfport to Pensacola and many other races that may not have started from Tammany, but still we had Tammany faces who kept active in these races representing our club. Without their devoted participation some of these races would not have taken place! For those of you who were not able to make the Calypso Party!! Well I can only say you missed a great event! Many thanks to Val Monahan, Kelley Richardt, Darnell Godwin, Sandy McPeek and so many others for making it a great success! As time flies by us so fast sometimes we forget that we can find our friends at TYC so see you at the club! Your Club Manager, Dodie Jones NEW MEMBER RECRUITMENT There were fourteen guests at the Calypso Party. Kyle and Val invited Rick and Trish Blocker who have visited TYC one other time. They indicated that they would like to join. Alan and Emilie Coulter brought their neighbors Robert and Thursday Juneau who are prospective members. Peggy Stone had her friend Jeannine Adam with her. If there had been a prize for the most guests at the party, Darnell Godwin certainly would have won! She had nine of her friends there. They were Dave, Lori, Jon, Tom, Karen, Butch, Jed, Shelley, and Jan. TYC SpyGlass Page 18 17 September, 2007 TYC Board of Directors Commodore Harley McPeek Vice Commodore Jim Ilgenfritz Rear Commodore Tommy Thompson Secretary Kenny LaNata Treasurer Steve Jones Member at Large Pam Carpenter Member at Large Danny Green Member at Large Wayne Russ Past Commodore Barry Statia TYC Committee Chairpersons Membership Barry Statia Entertainment Val Monahan Finance Kyle Bowser First Mates (President) Nancy Ritzmann House Scott Collins Race Committee Steve Jones GYA Offshore Council Karl Boehm GYA One Design Kevin Blank GYA PHRF Mark Palermo Juniors & Flying Scot Steve Jones Long Range Planning Jim Ilgenfritz LPRC Regatta Reps Kyle Bowser, Steve Jones, Kenny LaNata LPRC (TYC Activities) Tommy Thompson Club Merchandise Jeff Hebert / Sandy McPeek Nominating Jim Richardt Cruising Bill and Susan Jobst Member Photo Susan Jobst, Sandy McPeek Rules Committee Martin Smith Telephone Dodie Jones SpyGlass Editor Spyglass Distribution Sandy McPeek Webmaster Kevin Blank Chaplain Rev. Dick Almos Fleet Surgeon Dr. Bobby Tassin TYC Contact Info: Phone 985-649-5222 Fax 646-2612 E-Mail [email protected] Web Site Club Manager and Rental Dodie Jones Deadline for submission to the SpyGlass is the 24th of each month Please Send your articles via email to [email protected] or Phone 985-646-0766 SpyGlass Advertising Rates Business Card $10/mo Quarter Page $20/mo Half Page $40/mo Full Page $80/mo Tammany Yacht Club Hours Monday & Tuesday Closed Wednesday & Thursday 5-10 PM Friday 5-11 PM Saturday 2-11 PM Sunday 1-9 PM Club hours may be extended at the discretion of the Club Manager or the ranking Board Member. Don’t forget that on Thursdays, your second drink is free and either a light supper or hors d’oeuvres are frequently served. Also, be sure to sign up for Friday night dinners by Thursday evening and cancel if you can’t make it to avoid a penalty. Manager: Dodie Jones TYC Phone: 985-649-522 THE CAPTAIN SCHOOL HELPING MARINERS THROUGH THE MAZE USCG APPROVED - WE GIVE THE TEST! GET YOUR CHARTER BOAT CAPTAIN’S LICENSE OR JUST COME TO LEARN TO BE A BETTER AND SAFER BOATER. RECENTLY IS WAS REPORTED THAT LOUISIANA HAS ONE OF THE HIGHEST FATALITY RATES, ONE OF THE MAIN REASONS, LACK OF EDUCATION. OUPV (aka six – pack) MASTERS – TOWING ASSISTANCE – SAIL AUXILIARY CALL FOR COURSE SCHEDULES TERRY FITZGERALD (985) 290-5696 or (877) 435-3187 TYC SpyGlass Page 19 September, 2007 TYC SpyGlass Page 20 September, 2007
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