THE APRÉ - Double Diamond Ski Club
THE APRÉ - Double Diamond Ski Club
FRIDAY 04.29.16 7-11PM $40 Members $65 Outsiders PRESENTS... THE APRÉ 04.29.16 @ PEPPERCORNS APRÉ SKI PARTY EVENT INFO PEPPERCORNS | 7:00PM - 11:00PM | PEPPERCORNSNY.COM 25 E Marie St, Hicksville, NY 11801 | (516) 931-4002 Includes buffet dinner & dessert, beer, wine, soda & D.J. For more info contact Christine DeFina (516.250.9307 | [email protected]) or Terri Messina Frobey (516.496.2175) APRÈ SKI PARTY | MUST RSVP BY APRIL 1, 2016 Please mark cost appropriately to define members verses non-members. Make checks payable to Double Diamond Ski Club and mail to Christine Defina at 121 Dartmouth Drive | Hicksville, NY 11801 Name:_______________________________ Cost:_______Name: __________________________________Cost:________ Name:_______________________________ Cost:_______Name: __________________________________Cost:________ Total amount enclosed:________________ The Double Diamond Ski Club assumes no responsibility or liability for any accidents or injuries incurred in connection with any club event or activity, nor do the Double Diamond Ski Club officers assume any responsibility or liability for any accidents or injuries incurred in connection with any club event or activity.