Spring Break Ski Trip 2016 February 28th to March 4th


Spring Break Ski Trip 2016 February 28th to March 4th
Spring Break Ski Trip 2016
February 28th to March 4th
Skiing Locations: Mont Habitant and Belle-neige
Ages: 8 and up
Fee: $680 (includes accomodations,food,and ski lift fee)
Registration dates: LAST WEEK!!! (FEB 15th to 21st). Register NOW before offer
Call us: 438-885-0769 (FR), 514-929-7552 (EN)
Where do you stay?
Chalet Jardins de la Gare 1790 7e avenue ValMorin, Québec. J0T 2R0. Just 10 minutes
away from Mont Habitant, and 2 minuntes from Belle-Neige.