Volumne 93 Julyl 2011
Volumne 93 Julyl 2011
Volume 93 ~ July 2011 The Inside Edge MSC General Meeting & Summer BBQ Potluck The Home of Bill & Marsha Silviera 1116 Princeton Ave.~ Modesto Marsha or Bill @ (209) 521-7646 No Host Bar begins @ 6:15 Meeting @ 6:45 & Dinner @ 7:00pm (Tri Tip and Salmon are on the Menu) RSVP Number of guests and your side dish (BYB) to: or email @ W W M D W . O E W WW .M ODE ST OS KI C L U B.C OM Tuesday—July 12, 2011 Summer BBQ / Meeting Schedule August 9, 2011 Curtis & Joanne Hennings September 13, 2011 Angela Bogetti September 27, 2011 Dave Garcez & Cheryl Bonani Questions: Contact Jack McDermott 209-629-1465 VO L UM E 9 3 ~ J UL Y 20 11 Page2 Dear MSC Members: Summer is finally here. We went from mild weather to very hot weather in record time. Just a few reminders for those of you still skiing up on the hills, remember the sun is out, so use lots of sun block and prevent burning. We had our first BBQ General Meeting at Steve and My home. I want to say it was a great turn out. We had a head count of around 50 people. Thanks to all of you who brought food and drinks for the cause. There is still one unclaimed bag , brown in Color. Call me if you are missing it. This months letter brings great sadness. As we many of you know by now, Jerry Shelton, a long time member passed away last week suddenly. His funeral will be this Friday, 7/8/2011 @ Big Valley Church, 4:00pm. Please show your support for his wife Pam who is also a member. Upcoming events on page 3, Calendar. Also visit our website at modestoskiclub.com for more information. NEW LETTER Editor: We are in need of someone to take over the newsletter. Our News Letter person has new obligations preventing her from facilitating the letter. Please contact me or Jack McDermott if you can help. All of you are club members, and without a full board of directors, which includes the New Letter Position, we are not running in full gear. Please consider helping with the position. Those of us on the Board will help with distribution on ideas. Debra Clover President Help Wanted Modesto Ski Club ~ New Letter Editor Board Position Be that Person to Contribute to the Club We are a member Club All Members Should Serve on The Board At some Time in Some Way 11 18 25 Aug 1 17 24 31 th of July 4 Mon 10 3 Sun 2 26 19 12 5 Tue 3 27 20 13 6 Wed 4 28 21 14 7 Thu July 2011 5 Water Ski Weekend 29 22 15 8 1 Fri w 6 30 23 16 9 2 Sat Dec 8: Xmas Dinner & Dance Nov: 8: General Meeting Oct 25: General Meeting Oct 15: Fall Camping Trip (M onterey) Oct 11: General Meeting & M embership Gathering Sept: Fall Clean Up, Dates TBA Sept 27: General Meeting & BBQ at the home of Dave Garcez & Cheryl Bonani Sept: Bicyle Ride in Lodi Wine Country. Date TBA Sept 13: General Meeting & BBQ at the home of Angela Bogetti Aug 9: General Meeting & BBQ at the home of Curtis & Joann Hennings July 29-31- Water S ki Weekend July 12: General Meeting at the Home of Bill & M arsha Silveria 209.521.7646 Calendar of Events VO L UM E 9 3 ~ J UL Y 20 11 Page3 VO L UM E 9 3 ~ J UL Y 20 11 Page 4 Water Ski Weekend Lake Don Pedro Blue Oaks Campground July 29– July 31, 2011 Campsite w/Full Hook-Ups $64.00 Group Pot Luck Sat. Night 7/30 TO RESERVE A CAMPSITE or SIGN UP: Call or Email Michelle Nightengale 209-571-8125 [email protected] Modesto Ski Club Camping in Monterey or Big Trees Friday October 14th –15th I need to know preference ASAP. All reservations will be made by each member. Because of the cost and time frame, we are planning this as more of lets get together and camp. Please let me know which you prefer. Debby If you have any Questions Debra Clover 209.613.3410, [email protected] VO L UM E 9 3 ~ J UL Y 20 11 Page5 2010-2011 BOARD MEMBERS President- Debra Clover-Slagle First VP/Program - Jack McDermott Second VP/Activities ~ Victor Vandenburg Secretary.– Donna Lee Treasurer - Jim Ambrosavage Lodge - Michelle Nightengale Membership - Lisa Swatman Newsletter - Vacant Race Director– Pete Camarena Lodge Trustee - Doug Ball Ski Chairperson/BAC Rep.– Chuck Hennings Web Master/Public Relations –Murray Breeze Historian - Rob Orr Past President - Rien Doornenbal 656-0801 629-1465 652-6071 524-1084 572-2238 571-8125 549-9398 324-9181 481-2642 538-3590 524-3306 577-4790 838-7108 Modesto Ski Club Cycling in the Lodi Wine Country September 2011 Contact Victor Vandenberg @ [email protected] Or (209) 601-3219 VO L UM E 9 3 ~ J UL Y 20 11 Page 6 Lodge News Modesto Ski Club Hello! Michelle Nightengale Modesto Ski Club Lodge Chairperson 209-571-8125 or [email protected] VO L UM E 9 3 ~ J UL Y 20 11 Cache Creek 2011 River Rafting and Modesto Ski Club Family Group with Steve’s help they made it both days. Although the kids did loose both adults at the same time on one rapid, I heard the decision was to go after Steve and worry about Dad Later. Loyalty Right We didn't so look so good the 2nd day, we were neither one in the boat. Who is having Fun Who is working Looks like Doug’s Son is having all Play and no Work, nothings changed since Childhood. Who is in the Water and Who is the Boat Can you Guess I thought this was an event for two, Looks like only one made it.
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