30th October.pub - Geelong Lutheran College


30th October.pub - Geelong Lutheran College
Term 4 Week 4
A: 2-38 Burvilles Rd, Armstrong Creek 3217
P: 5264-1038
30th October 2014
F: 5264-1734 E: offi[email protected] W: www.glc.vic.edu.au
On Friday, “World Teacher’s Day” will be celebrated in Australia. This annual event celebrates the teaching
profession and honours all teaching professionals. I reproduce below, the poem “I am not just a teacher:”
I am not just a teacher, I AM A GARDENER. Mine is to sow and water the seeds of greatness in the
future leaders entrusted in my care and to weed out all the ill habits that will hinder them from
achieving their full poten"als.
I am not just a teacher, I AM AN ARTIST. Mine is to paint beau"ful pictures of a great future on the
hearts of everyone that reports to me.
I am not just a teacher, I AM MENTOR. Mine is to give these great future leaders the keys to success and to shine the light on the pi(alls along their career paths to success.
I am not just a teacher, I AM A BUILDER. Mine is to build in them the principles, habits and lifestyle
of greatness daily, one day at a "me.
I am not just a teacher, I AM A ROLE MODEL. Mine is to be a shining example of what true
greatness can be.
I am not just a teacher, I AM A GREAT LEADER.
Thank you to our teachers for the splendid work they do.
This week our thoughts and prayers are with John Aras our Business Manager who is recovering from
some recent surgery. We pray for his speedy recovery and return to us.
This a(ernoon it was my pleasure to announce the Middle and Senior School captains for next year.
Congratula,ons to Lachlan Bray-Low and Caitlin Shiell in the Senior School, together with Ben Lunt and
Annalyse Palladini in the Middle School. We look forward to the contribu,ons they will make next year in
their roles and the support they will receive from the other excellent candidates.
Well done to our students. On Tuesday our year 3-6 students par,cipated in their interhouse swimming
carnival. The students par,cipated well in their events and Torquay emerged as the winning house. Yesterday our Year 9 students par,cipated in a school’s forum associated with the Great Ocean Road Coast
Commi7ee’s Coastal Guardians
Program. The presenta,ons by our students stood out and Ryan Emmerson received the Coastal Guardian
of the Year award. Well done.
Tomorrow our Middle and Senior School students will be involved in “Mar,n Luther Day”. This is an ini,a,ve of our student forum and it will involve middle and senior school students only. On October 31, 1517
Mar,n Luther nailed 95 theses (or points for discussion) onto the door of the Schlosskirche (Castle Church)
in Wi7enberg, which precipitated the protestant reforma,on. This is an important part of our heritage.
Barry Krueger
Head of School
One of my favourite toys when I was young was a remote-controlled Jeep. I would drive it around the house weaving
through chair legs and under tables. There are many wonderful remote control devices; quadcopters, spiders and
even the Mars rover Curiosity. Yet despite being so marvellous, these machines don’t have control over themselves.
They are slaves to their remotes and the master of those remotes.
In this week’s reading, Jesus tells the temple teachers that whoever sins is a “slave to sin”. They were taken aback.
They told him they’d never been slaves. Like us, they thought nothing was the master of them. We consider ourselves free to do what we want. But when we break God’s commandments with our sin, we come under sin’s
power. We gossip, lie, steal, dishonour our parents and ul,mately fail to put God first because we want to do our
own thing.
Just as a machine cannot break free from its remote by its own power, so sin enslaves us and makes us helpless.
There is only one way to freedom. Jesus says: “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will
know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Freedom begins with dwelling in God’s word. Only by doing this will
the truth reveal itself as Jesus, who both shows us the way and is himself the way.
In a postmodern world where people say, “That might be true for you, but it’s not true for me,” Jesus boldly stands
up and declares that he alone is the ul,mate truth in this world and beyond. To some people, it seems like
foolishness to hand Jesus the remote control for their lives. The Bible foreshadows their response: “For the message
of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”
(1 Corinthians 18:1)
In Jesus we find true freedom; his death destroys our remote and the sin that controls us. Then he brings us into
God’s family to enjoy all the freedoms and rights of a child of God.
This week as the church celebrates the reforma,on almost 500 years ago, take a moment to dwell in God’s word and
prayerfully consider who and what is in control of your life.
Jonny Hedt – Pastoral Care
Happy birthday to the following students who will be celebra,ng a
birthday in the coming week:
30th Ruby (10 F)
30th Evan (1/2D)
31st Rhian (1/2W)
30th Adrian (3/4H)
31st Seth (8B)
Jed (7B)
Brooklyn (7B)
Adam (9A)
News from the
Parents & Friends Group
The next mee,ng of the P & F Group is
Tuesday 11th November at 7.00pm in the
Admin Building Staff room. All welcome.
Don’t forget to join us on our
Facebook page too.
2nd Lily (3/4B)
4th Eamon (10 F)
From the Art Room
The art room has a good supply of
meat trays (thank you to those who
have donated) and would now love
to receive CDs, ribbons, bu7ons and
anything that is useful for art room.
Ms Chris,ne Fearnside
Friday’s “Mar,n Luther Day” ac,vi,es and food stalls are for the
Middle and Senior School students only. Primary School students will
be required to bring their snack and lunch as usual.
Thursday 30th
Friday 31st
VCE Exams commence
Reforma,on Day
Mar,n Luther Day ac,vi,es (for Middle & Senior school students only)
World Teachers Day
Leadership Day (Year 5/6)
Tuesday 11th
Wednesday 12th
Thursday 13th
Friday 14th
Tuesday 18th
Wednesday 19th
Friday 21st
Tuesday 25th
GORCC excursion (Year 9A)
Prep 2015 Orienta,on Session 1
Peer Support Finale/Excursion (Year 10 & 7 students)
Drama Excursion (Year 9/10 students)
GORCC Excursion (Year 9B)
Leadership Day (Year 5/6)
Official Opening of Stages 5B/C Buildings
Gradua,on & Valedictory Ceremony (Year 12)
Report Wri,ng Day (no school for students)
Prep 2015 Orienta,on Session 2
Tuesday 9th
Thursday 11th
Prep 2015 Orienta,on Session 3
Year 1—7 new students for 2015 Orienta,on Day
GLC Closing Service 7pm at Costa Hall (note change of date)
last day of Term 4
School and Sport Shoe Requirements
Please take the following into account when planning for your child at GLC next year.
Footwear needs to complement the uniform and allow students to safely par,cipate in school ac,vi,es.
The following requirements need to be followed when purchasing new shoes to wear at Geelong
Lutheran College. School shoes need to lace up, able to be polished and enclosed beyond Year 4.
No zipper or Velcro shoes are permi7ed. T-Bar styles are permi7ed for girls up to the end of Year 4.
RegulaAon Shoes
Non RegulaAon Shoes
Sports shoes need to be predominately white, grey or black in colour. So( canvas shoes, sports shoes
without laces, skate style shoes and ankle boots are not suitable for spor,ng ac,vi,es. Sports shoes
must have arch support and be suitable for vigorous physical ac,vity.
RegulaAon Sports Shoes
Non RegulaAon footwear
“About You” Surveys
Our school, together with many other Victorian schools is par,cipa,ng in the Department of Educa,on
and Early Childhood Development “About You” surveys. These surveys are part of the child and
adolescent monitoring systems they have in place. The informa,on enables them to detect and track
trends in health development, learning, safety and the well-being of young people. Students’ responses
on these surveys are confiden,al.
Students from Years 11, 8B and 5 (from 5/6E) will be involved in these surveys, which will take place on
Monday 3 November.
A le7er went home this week to parents of these students providing further informa,on about the
surveys and how they are conducted. These le7ers also contained a provision for parents to opt their son
or daughter out of these surveys. These opt out forms need to be returned to class teachers by Friday.
Please contact me should you require any further informa,on about these surveys.
Barry Krueger
Arthur Reed Photos - School Group Photos
Some students at GLC were photographed in various group photos and are now
available for purchase directly from the Arthur Reed Photos website. If you would
like to view a group photo prior to purchase, please go to the Admin Office.
Each photo is $10.00.
The groups are: Combined Preps, Primary School Captains, Primary School House
Captains, Middle School Captains, Middle School House Captains, Senior School
Captains, Senior School House Captains, Student Forum, Year 10-11-12 Fairhaven home group, Year 10-11
-12 Breamlea home group, Year 10-11-12 Torquay home group and Year 10-11-12 Anglesea home group.
Book club orders and money
are due by tomorrow
Helen Thompson
From the Primary School
VICSWIM Summer Kidz program
The Victorian Government has commi7ed to fund the 2015 VCSWIM Summer Kidz program to Victorian children for $25.00 each. This is a great way for children to learn to
swim and build on their skills so they can stay safe in and around the water. There are 3
programs which will be running this January. Mon 5th to Fri 9th, Mon 12th to Fri 16th as
well as Mon 19th to Fri 23rd January. For loca,ons and ,mes visit www.vicswim.com.au.
Please check the flyer on the no,ce board in the school foyer.
Swimming Carnival
On Tuesday the students from Years 3 to 6 par,cipated in the Primary Swimming Carnival at The Geelong College pool. The results were:
⇒Torquay 614
⇒Anglesea 556
⇒Breamlea 532
⇒Fairhaven 422
Congratula,ons to Torquay for winning the Carnival and to all Primary students for their excellent behaviour and
sportsmanship on the day. Thank you to those parents who assisted with the events.
Jane Holle7
Primary School
From the Primary School cont.
AMT Australian MathemaAcs CompeAAon 2014
Our College par,cipated in the 37th annual Australian MathemaAcs CompeAAon held on 7th August. The
compe,,on tests everything from basic numeracy skills through to advanced mathema,cal problem solving.
Last week's newsle7er listed students and their achievements.
Congratula,ons also to the following students who were missing from last week's newsle7er.
Cerficate of Credit
(top 50% of their year and region).
Jake (Gr 5)
Owen (Gr 5)
Well done to all the students who entered the compe,,on.
Ms Andrea Somerville
German Exchange Students
The last three weeks, Pascal Ochs and Thomas Nikisch from our sister
schools near Marburg in Germany have a7ended GLC. They were hosted
by Eamon Flynn’s and Albert Brown’s families. I interviewed Thomas
about his stay in Geelong.
F.H: What do you think of GLC?
Thomas: It is really beau"ful and the students and teachers are
really nice and friendly.
F.H: What is the biggest difference between GLC and your school?
Thomas: The language!!! Also, we don’t have the subjects
Humani"es and Science. Instead of Humani"es we have History,
Poli"cs and Economics and instead of Science we have Biology,
Chemistry and Physics.
F.H: What was the highlight of the trip?
Thomas: Definitely, surfing at the Great Ocean Road.
F.H: Can you recommend the exchange?
Thomas: Absolutely. It is so great to get to know new people and to
see a new, different country. Also, it is such an opportunity to improve your English, especially the understanding. I am not sure yet if
my wri"ng has improved.
Frauke Hoffmann
Run Geelong
Geelong Lutheran College will again be suppor,ng “Run Geelong”, a fun-run event to be held in the Geelong CBD on
Sunday 23rd of November. Your whole family is encouraged to par,cipate to raise funds for the Special Care Nursery
at Geelong Hospital.
We ask that if you are registering you nominate Geelong Lutheran College as the ‘Group’ that you are represen,ng.
This is how it works:
1.Visit the website www.runaustralia.com.au
2.Click ‘register now’
3.Then select ‘Run Geelong’ as your event
4.Click that you are registering as a ‘TEAM’
5.Select ‘Public/School’
6.Click ‘Join exisAng team’
7.Then search Geelong Lutheran College
Mr Josh Baker
Middle School MaIers
Year 9 Coastal Guardians Forum –
Congratula,ons to Ryan on being awarded the ‘Coastal Guardians Champion 2014’ for
his enthusias,c par,cipa,on and contribu,on to this community service project. He
was presented this award at the forum yesterday in the presence of 3 other schools
who also par,cipated in this year long program. Our students made presenta,ons to
member of the community in many mul,media forms. They demonstrated an apprecia,on of the coastal environment in which they live and shared their learning about the
environment and conserva,on with others. Congratula,ons to the Year 9 students on
their commitment shown to GORCC throughout the year and the Forum yesterday.
Georgia Quirk Middle School Coordinator
From the Senior School
We said farewell to our Year 12 students on Thursday 23rd October.
‘Heroes and Villains’ was selected as the dress-up theme for the day by
the students. A(er arriving at 7.30am in their weird and wonderful
costumes, they enjoyed a breakie a7ended by both students and staff.
Staff had the opportunity to share some memories of the Year 12 group,
while students had the opportunity to reflect on some funny moments
and habits of their teachers.
Mrs Dunstan also presented a humorous poem of well wishes. Thank
you to Ms Fiona Copley and our Year 11 students for preparing and
serving the lovely breakfast on this morning and to Mr Baker for his humour in MCing the event.
The final assembly which began at 9.00am was a7ended by Year 7-12
students. This provided an opportunity to reflect on the journey of the Year
12s, many of whom a7ended GLC on its very first day as Year 7 students back
in 2009. Two Year 11s representa,ves, Kasenya and Lachlan reflected on the
Year 12s as a group and then two of our founda,on students Year 12, Josh
and Anna overviewed their journey at GLC.
The Year 12s took a walk down
memory lane and performed a
dance for us from their Year 10 PE
days. Some unique awards were presented to the students on behalf of
staff that represented, both seriously and humorously, some character
traits that they had become known for during their ,me at GLC. The
students presented a gi( to the school of a small tree to symbolise the
beginning of our growth as a school with our first graduates, and the
nurturing and development that will con,nue as subsequent year levels
graduate. This will be planted in a loca,on yet to be determined. The
students also gi(ed individually engraved bricks with their name and gradua,ng year that will surround the tree; this
layering of names and years will also grow with the school. Following an address from
Barry Krueger (Head of School), students were presented with a key ring as a gi( from
the College.
One of the highlights of the day was the guard of honour which involved Prep- Year 11.
Our Year 12 students exited the Chapel to the ‘Arthur’ cartoon theme song and said
their goodbyes to the students lining the
pathway to the buses. Their goodbye to
formal secondary school classes forever!
For their final day ac,vity, our Year 12s
chose to head to Time Zone for some
Laser Quest and gaming. A(er enjoying the
‘shoot me up’, students and accompanying staff went to the Groove
Train for their last lunch together.
There were tears from many throughout the day, representa,ve of the
close connec,ons developed among staff and students alike, and the
sadness in saying goodbye. We feel honoured and privileged to have
journeyed with this wonderful group of young men women and look
forward to sharing their Gradua,on and Valedictory Dinner on Wed 19th
November where we will further reflect on their journey.
It was lovely to see most of the students return throughout this week to
con,nue to prepare for exams, with tutoring assistance from their
teachers. They will con,nue with these casual visits un,l their last exam
on Monday 17th November.
Most students had their first exam yesterday (English) and we wish
them well as they con,nue and complete all of their examina,ons.
From the Senior School
Our Senior School College Captain speeches were held on Tuesday this week. My congratula,ons go to all applicants
for the outstanding quality of the applica,on and speeches presented. I would like to thank them for the obvious
,me and effort that they all put into their prepara,on. These students were: Ben, Reife, Lachlan, Montanna, Felicity,
Evangeline and Caitlin . It is with excitement that we can look forward to 2015 with such great support and commitment from our Senior School students.
As announced on the front page, our Senior School Captains for 2015 are Lachlan and Caitlin. I am very much looking forward to working with these two students as we head into next year.
The next phase of the nomina,on and selec,on process for Captains involves applica,ons for House Sports and
House Arts Captains. Applica,ons for this role in the Senior School are due to me (Mrs Ta7ersall) by Friday 7th November. There will be an extended HG on Wednesday 12th for these nominees to present their speeches to their
house groups.
Monday 17th November
English: 9.00-11.45am
12.30 – varying
finish ,mes
Tuesday 18th November
Maths: 9.00-11.45am
Wednesday 19th November
Psychology: 9.00-11.45am
Physics: 9.00-11.45am
Drama: 12.30-2.15pm
IT: 12.30-2.45pm
Outdoor Ed: 12.302.45pm
Food Tech: 12.30-2.15pm
VCAL Business: 12.30-2.15pm
German: 12.30-2.45pm
History: 12.30-2.45pm
Systems: 12.30-3.00pm
Biology: 12.30-3.00pm
Studio Art: 12.30-2.15pm
Media: 12.30-2.45pm
HHD: 12.30-2.45pm
Chemistry: 12.30-3.00pm
Sharlene Ta7ersall
Senior School Coordinator
Middle & Senior students only: tomorrow is
An initiative of the GLC Student Forum
Extend OSHC at Geelong Lutheran College
Our weekly recap – We did lots of science experiments last week, ranging from
slime, volcanoes and bubbles. We even made our own tornadoes in a jar which
looked so cool! Harrison C and Grady chose the recipe for the week, chocolate
chip cookies of course! And we got stuck into making christmas cards for the Extend Share
Christmas Project, they are looking very fes,ve!
Our Extend Superstar is...
Bede for all his great program ideas! We're ending the term with lots of
fun and games, themed ac,vi,es and special treats. Thanks to Bede we
can look forward to many interes,ng and entertaining a(ernoons :)
Next week’s acAviAes:
Monday 3 November:
Tuesday 4 November:
Wednesday 5 November:
Thursday 6 November:
Friday 7 November:
Drama Queens and Kings & Half School Hunt
Fashions on the Field & Race Day Fever
Floam & 3-legged Soccer
Cute-as-a-bu7on Bracelets & Balloon Bop
OSHC Chefs & Minty Geyser
Bede making lots of Bouncing Bubbles
ONLINE BOOKINGS: extend.com.au
Head of St John’s Lutheran School
October 31st is remembered in Lutheran Churches throughout the world as Reforma,on Day. On this day in 1517 Mar,n
Luther nailed his 95 theses to the Church door at Wi7enberg. Luther was hoping to bring about scholarly debate on abuses that he felt were occurring in the Church at that ,me. This act started what is known as the ‘Reforma,on’ that set
about re-forming the church’s teaching to highlight that we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. This message
is s,ll proclaimed in Lutheran Churches and Schools throughout Australia and the world.
Staffing changes for 2015: We are very excited to announce some staff changes for 2015. As previously announced, due
to reduced student numbers in Year 5, there will be two Years 5 and 6 classes in 2015, with an an,cipated return to three
classes at this level in 2016.
Charlene Grieger will move into the Prep area to work with Naomi Gibbons as the two Prep teachers. Carrie Veith will
move from the 5/6 area into Years 3 and 4 and will take on the role of Level Leader in that area. Jeane7e Pelchen will
work as the Numeracy Interven,on teacher for 2015 as well as assist in the Years 5 and 6 area to create three classes for
Spelling Mastery and Mathema,cs. She will also spend ,me working on Curriculum as we con,nue to implement the Australian Curriculum into our School.
Due to the re,rement of Carmel Schulze, we will be adver,sing for a Music Teacher for 2015 in this Saturday’s Geelong
We are looking forward to another exci,ng year of Teaching and Learning at St John’s in 2015 as students build on their
skills, knowledge and understanding of God’s wonderful world in which they live.
As part of the Years 5 and 6 Leadership Program we invite guest speakers to our School to share their stories, experience
and aspects of leadership. This week, Mr Tim Edwards, Geelong College School Chaplain and past parent of our School, and
Mr Keith Fagg spoke to our students. The students appreciated the experience and opportunity to hear and learn more
about leadership and the many quali,es involved. Over the years, many of our past students have taken on varying leadership opportuni,es throughout our community and I’m certain our Year 6 students this year will take these experiences and
develop their own leadership quali,es next year and beyond.
Tomorrow we celebrate World Teachers Day Australia. This is the day that the community pay tribute to the state's
90,000 teachers who work in Government, Catholic and Independent Schools in metropolitan and regional Victoria. Celebrated in over 100 countries, World Teachers' Day acknowledges the efforts of teachers in an increasingly complex, mul,cultural and technological society. It is a day when students, parents and community members can demonstrate their apprecia,on for the contribu,ons that teachers have made to their community. We are blessed at St John’s to have such
talented and caring teachers on our Staff.
As men,oned last week, our School has been selected to par,cipate in a research project oganised by student Meaghan
Danby from the School of Psychology at Deakin University in Burwood. All students from Prep to Year Three will have received a Plain Language Statement and Consent Form. Ac,vi,es will begin November 3rd. Thanks to those parents who
have returned the interview consent forms to the School Office. There is s,ll ,me to return these forms. I encourage all
families to get behind this research opportunity.
With God’s blessings
Brian Schultz
St John’s Lutheran Church, 165 Yarra Street, Geelong. Rev Mark Blackwell. Sunday worship with Holy
Communion 9am. Sunday school every week during school term. Office: 5221 5121. Playgroup meets
9am-11am every Tuesday of school term at Tyne Co7age adjacent to the church. All welcome.
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Mollers Lane, Leopold. Rev Mark Blackwell. Sunday worship 11am.
St Paul’s Lutheran Church, 307 Torquay Rd, Grovedale. Rev Thomas Pietsch. Sunday worship with Holy
Communion 9.30am. Sunday School 10.00am during term ,me. Office: 5241 5141.
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, 60 Ballarat Rd, North Geelong. Rev Lester Priebbenow. Office: 5278
2443. Sunday worship with Holy Communion 9.30am. Youth group meets fortnightly on Friday nights.
The 2014 Surf Coast Relay For Life Commi7ee would
like to invite you to par,cipate in the 2014 Surf Coast
Relay For Life to be held at the Banyul- Warri Fields
Merrijig Drive Torquay on Saturday 8th and Sunday
9th November 2014.
This event is an opportunity for everyone in the
community to get involved through family, friends,
workmates, clubs and groups and helps raise
important funds to fight cancer, to celebrate the lives
of cancer survivors, remember loved ones lost to
cancer and support those ba7ling the disease.
Relay For Life is an event where teams ‘camp out’ and
walk/run in a challenge to keep their team baton
moving around a track. The event is suitable for all
ages and par,cipants enjoy a fun, fes,ve atmosphere
created through entertainment, bands, ac,vi,es and
team fundraising. There are special ceremonies that
honour people’s experiences with cancer, team prizes
and awards.
YOUTH GROUP: St Paul’s Youth
meets this Friday, October 31 for a
“Sweet Tooth” – games and fun around a sweets
and chocolate theme. All youth aged 10-16 are
welcome. Gold coin dona,on. Parents sign in at St
Paul’s Community Centre, corner Heyer’s Road and
Torquay Road at 6.45pm. Pickup at 8.30pm. RSVP to
Lee Smith 52417182 or text 0425870136, or email
Jonny Hedt [email protected]
St Paul’s Youth will also meet on November 14 and
December 5 – ac,vi,es to be advised.
For more informa,on, registra,on or par,cipa,on
details visit www.relayforlife.org.au or call the Relay
For Life Supporters Hotline on 1300 65 65 85.
Community Notices
Checkout the notice board in the school office :
Armstrong ROCKS THE GREEN STREET - November 9, free live concert
with Harrison Craig, Michael Stangel, Cam Henderson + more!
Connewarre Kyokushin Karate - Tuesdays from 6.30pm, ages 6 to adult
Regional Parenting Forum - Wednesday 19th November
(International Men’s Day)
White Ribbon Day - Tuesday 25th November, 5pm at Cosy Corner Beach,