WWW.HIFINEWS.CO.U . PIUS18pagesof musicreviews, Thelatest18Og releases UK f4.00 US$9.99Aus $9.95 newsandfeatures.VINYIFRONTIER . VINYIRE-RELEASE JBLL1O0loudspeaker BeastieBoys'Paul'sBoutiqueLPoAUDIOMIIESTONE rStlOWgtOGWe Hi-fibargainsgalore 9 u771472',256226', 20lloREADERS'CIASSIFIEDS Mountain reportfromRocky rfir "llIflilLlfllil ////////////////////////////////Z ////////////////////////////////ry ,/l ,/ TI'RNTABTE / ,/2,,/r4t, zz/fu /////////////// . "" ///// Belt-driven, two-motor turntable withelectronic speed controlandflattonearm *" j - '" - "*_" ,///// prasue Madeby:EuroAudioream, "" . suppliedby:AbsolutesoundsLtd *" "U . ,.?+ '1////,, EATE-Flat(r4roo) EATrevives an old ideafrom NADin the 1 9 8 0 s,b u t with a m o d e r ne xe cu tio n . Welcomethe E-Flat belt-drive turntablewith its,er,flat carbonfibretonearm Review:'Ken KesslerLab:PaulMiller he wife of Pro-Ject'sCEOHeinz Lichtenegger,Jozefina,is one of the gutsiestindividualsin hi-fi today. Not only does she insist that the turntablesunder her EATFort6 bannerare high-end,while hubby'sPro-Ject concentrate5on the affprdable.she'shad' the sheerguts to revivea much reviled form. Flattonearms are as old as hi-fi itself, the E-Flat's arm following Connoisseur's CS1,the wooden CraceC-714, an early Crado,the back half of the 'hinged' DynavectorDV-507and many others. Jozefinaand the team at Pro-jecthave re-openedthe flat arm's coffin. E-Flat'sinterpretation,though, owes more to the ultra-flatarm of the NAD 51 20 t urnta ble ,la un ch e. din lat e 1983, than to the above 'flat-sos'of the 1950s1970s.The main differenceis the material. The E-FlatusesKevlar.aramidsand other carbon-fibretypes that had found their way into myriad arms going backto Infinity's BlackWidow of the 1970s.The E-Flatarm, though, is a slab rather than a tube. KEVIJARAND UNIPTVOTDESIGN It'sworth dlsmissing anyflashbacks if you'reold enoughto remember1983 - to the fracasthat ensuedwhen NAD introduced itsflat arm [seeboxout].The useof Kevlarcanchangethe rules,asany who havetriedto benda WilsonBenesch armtubewill tell you.Equally, thanks to full accessto Pro-ject's20-years-plus of experience, the E-Flat isthe product of a maturemanufacturer despiteEAT's youthof arounda *cade. comparative Theanticipated virtuesof the armshould be attributable to, in EAT's words:'no hollowtubeto sufferthe inevitable echo effectsor ringing;greaterstiffness... the E-Flat tonearm'sperformance istrulyquiet andincredibly fast.' gutsiness Anotherexampleof Jozefina's is optingfor a unipivot,whichremainsa RIGIIT: Unlikeits siblings,the E-Flathidesits two motomandbelt,visible onlywithouter platterremoved.Assembly isstraightforward, but careisneededwith the tonearm ,- 26 | JANUARY 2012 contentiousbearingtyp€. I would venture to say that amongst hq,r(_coreanalogueists, it's as divisivea topic as vafvesversus transistorsare for amplifierpurists.But those who love such classicsas the various Deccasand Ultracraftswill need no convincingof the merits of unipivots.The flatness,well, that's another story entirely. It's not just the unusualtonearm, though, that distinguishes the E-Flat from the Fort6 and Fort6 S.Arm notwithstanding,this turntable is very much of the possesses an over-sized,33cm, criticallydamped platter, a highly-polishedrectangularwooden plinth, soft-touchcontrols,damped feet, plenty of Sorbothanedamping in critical areasand a massiverecord clamp, like its dearersiblings.Crucialto the family gene pool is the signaturecombinationof two motors with, on this occasion,one belt. Where the E-Flatchangesdirection is in hiding them under the platter.With the flagshipFort6,the motors residein an outboard chassis.The lesscostly Fort6 S usesa single-pieceplinth, but the pulleys and beltsarestillexposed. Bypositioning looks them underthe platter,the E-Flat cleaner- both moremodernandyet resolutely couldpassfor a mid1970sDenonor Micro-Seiki direct-drive. EATdescribes the new arm as'Ultra-flat, ultra-light andultra-rigid'-all desirable qualitiesif realised [seeLabReport,p28]. It measures 10in,and issupportedby the aforementioned unipivotbearing, terminating with a fullyadjustable counterweight decoupled by Sorbothane. The unipivotsystemis producedfrom hardmetal components with 'especially surfaces', whileanyfearof instability or unwantedmotionshouldbe assuaged by the highmassof the unipivothousingand the presence of two metalguides. II{TERCIIANGE FACILflY fanatics- thosewho keep Cartridge a multitudefor variousrecord.labels. gen,res or originalcuttingheadtypes- will appreciate that the carbon-fibre arm can be changedby the userto suitspecific requirements, with lighteror heavier % / versionsavailableto ensurethe correct setting of dlfferent arm/cartridge resonant frequencies.Another benefit is that the arm'sflatnessand shallowside-viewmake levellingit a breeze.The arm alsofeatures easy-to-adjust anti-skating,and its cueing lever is nicelydamped. Although offered with a dedicated moving-coilcartridgefor another f 1000, we looked at the E-Flatstrictly as an arm/turntablecombination.I tried it with Koets+and Air-Tight MCs,feeding the Audio ResearchPH5 phono stage, REF5preamplifierand Quad ll-eighty monoblocks,drivingWilion Audio Sophia 3s. All wiring was YTER. Havingplayedwith and/or heard so many Fort6s over the past two years, I had no doubt that the deck itselfwould be the least'new' of the elementsto assess.I alreadyknew,for example,that the singlemaintained chassisFort6 S had successfully Fort6's a good 95% of the double-chassis performance.Merelypositioningthe belt, pulleysand motors under the platter would hardly upsetthe trickle-downpath. The main challengewould be the arm's effect. It must be stated here - and I hope that other reviewerswill be as forthcoming about their own biases- that I have no issueswith unipivots.My standardremains the SMESeriesV but I have livedwith so many unipivotsthat it would be deceitful not to state one's position.5o, I have,in this case,no axe to grind, etc. iA, u/ swEETTREBLE Asidefromthe initiallydauntingset-upof that arrivesin pieces, an arm/turntable to hearnothing I wasdeeplyrelieved MrsLichtenegger's that couldundermine in her newtonearm.No ringing, confidence assailed my ears.lf or smearing microphony anything,I washearinga sweettreblethat gaveup onlythe tiniest in tracesof hyper-detail liquid its pathto luscious, highs.A boutwith a few earlyByrdsLPs,alljangly andthose Rickenbacker Crosby/Clark/McGuinn harmonies sealedit. Bystartingwith 'The barwasraised BellsOf Rhymney'the so highthat it couldonlygo downhill fromthere- or so I'sclassic, openingwith the undilutedByrds, janglychords,supported aforementioned tambourineand McCuinnby CeneClark's fromthe openingbars.The led harmonies E-Flat tracedeverygrooveto perfection, marrinqthe not a hint of sibilance ABOVE: Likethe other Forteq the E-Flat is gorgeousin a 1980s mannerand hasa substantial fee[ the interface mat is made from recycledvirryl LB performance.Equallydeliciouswas the crisp,staccatodrumming from Michael Clarke,one of rock'smore under-rated wizards.Though slightlyburied in the mix of All I ReatlyWant To Do', it lendssupport if in an almost invisiblemanner.You don't focus on it. lt's simplythere. The EATkept it in perfect proportion, at the sametime allowing the voicesto meshwith the weaveof 300-thread Egyptiancottonsheets, andthe guitarsto soarwith a claritythat defiesanyaccusations one migfitlevelat a flat arm if conditioned I wasrevelling to thinkit mustresonate. piano in the barrelhouse/honky'tonk guitaron the laterByrds' and bottleneck 'You'reStillOn My Mind',whenit occurred to me that I neededto hearsomething 'bigger',silkier. Andwhat betterthanthe one DorisDay?Easily fashionable-again of the greatestwarblerseverto covera herlushtakeof'Let'sFaceThe standard, MusicAnd Dance'providedan orchestra mood.Thevoice restrained in a deliciously so subtlethat hastextureand breathiness anyinferiorsystemcanmaskthem.Not so MsDaywasso closeyou throughthe E-Flat. couldimaginethe warmthof...well,let's showour own form of restrainthere.' Mutedbrass,a delicatepianostageleft - onecannotavoidthe term 'silky'.Andthe rhythmicflow!A slightchangein temPo qatches you 2m 15sintothis masterpiece the shifthandledwith aplomb. unaware, Andit workedin mono,with the hoaryold fave,BobbyDarin's'Beside advertiser's TheSea',showinga depthandsolidityg 'Thosebottom God octaves! blessoversized platters' Unlikethe rigid Kevlarof the E-Flat'stonearm, NAD'ssuPer'thinflat arm was cut from circuit board material,and was the subiect of much documentation from designerJili Jandaat the TeslaResearchInstitute in Pragueand NAD's then-Directorof Research, was devilishlyclever,one neat detail being that the tonearm's wires were circuit tracks.The technology purported to neutraliseresonanceby meansof a reversewave,a product of the arm's flexibility,fluid damping and a sPrungweight. Unfortunately- and this is an indictment of audiophilicprejudice- the arm didn't stand a chance:it was quickly pooh-pooh'das 'the floppy tonearm'. Regardlessof how the 512O sounded(manythought it was a fine packagefor the price|, NADsoon replaced the flat arm with a conventionaltube, suchwas the venom treapedupon it. 2012 | IANUARY i 27 EATE-FLAT(r41oo) ' ABO\IE; No challenge to those wfio know unipivots, but read the instructions when setting it up; exposedwires, though, tend to detract from the look ofthe arm that makesyou forgetforgiveits single-channel status.Thecrashing, smashing drumattacksfrom 1m 29s onwardreveala punch,powerand forcethat will jolt youfrom any reveriethe firstminutecreated. Drumlustled me to Warren Zevon's'Werewolves Of London' (thoughit's hardnot to pictureTom Cruiseand hisColorOf Moneypool cueacrobatics whenhearingthis song).Theopening,courtesyof Mick Fleetwood andJohnMcVie.let the diminutive Sophia3s struttheirstuff, comingoff likethe audioequivalent of JamesCagney- a bantamthat performs wayaboveitsweight, the clamourof the keyboards, the solidrhythmsectioncoalescing into a gloriouswhole,yet actingasa platformfor Zevon's slyvocals. ANOTHER KIND OF POOIJ Andso it went,LPto LBJoe Wa l sh 's' Lif e' B seenG oodc' h u rn i n g with a forcethat elicitsthe most embarrassing moves. of air-guitar Hisvoice,fed throughwhatever oddballprocessing wasusedbackdn 1978,is recognised for the weary, jadedrock-star bleatthat suitsthe lyricalcontent.Underscoring it isa quasi-reggae beat,flashes of electricity tanglingwith synthetic notesso richin theirartificethat it's asif 'unplugged' neverarrivedtwo decadeslater, Aah.thosebottomoctaves!Cod platters, blessoversized big,fat feet andwhateverstewcomorises Sorbothane. Rich,dark,liquid,with plentyof mass- you felt as if you werelistening fromthe bottomof the swimmingpoolimmortalised on the sleeve. Theexponential decayof the notes,the sizzleof the cymbals, the tinkleof the pianocombined to painta sonicpictureworthyof Walsh's storytelling skills. A differentemotionmotivated LynyrdSkynyrd's'Sweet Home patriotica Alabama', as(regionally) songasrockeveryielded,showing what thismuch-mourned Southern bandfelt abouttheirhomestate. Somehow, I can'timaginea song like'SweetHomeHuddersfield' or somesuch delivering the same majesty... Thepowerof the percussive attacks, the massed guitarassault vocals,the relentless possessed everyelementof sheer energyneededto conveywhat is as a n th e m i a c s o n ga sonecoul dw ant to hear- if an Alabamian. cD 28 | JANUARY 2012 Guiltyadmission: I was not expectingto fall in lovewith the E-Flat, eventhoughI find its siblingsso enjoyable. Thearm concernedme, but I was proven wrong:this deckis magnificent, representingfar better value than somethingsellingfor f4100 deserves to do. Thesound,the looks,the buildqualityandfinish - the onlything I canfault is the thin Styrofoampacking!With its E-Flat,EAThastruly come of age. Sound 0uatity: 85% ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiEffiffi'* Comparisons with EATScostlierFort65 design[HF / Dec '1 O] are instructivebecausethe 'shape'of the E-Flat's wow and flutter spectrum[Craph1, below]is verysimilaralbeita mere 0.01%furtheradrift in both low and high-ratespeedvariations. Theabsolutespeedof the E"Flatis betteradjusted,however, with our samplerunningimperceptibly-0.1%slow.EATknows how to designa decentlyover-sized bearingand the E-Flatis no exception,the deckboastinga low -70.7d8 rumble,a mere 0,7d8 behindthe Fort6S but exhibitingsomeunusualmodesat 40HZand 80Hz- a featureof the twin Virtual 24-Dole'motors perhaps?Eitherwa)4this is a beautifullyappointeddeck. EAfsflat Kevlartonearmis not as rigid in everyplaneas the material'sreputationmight suggestand asthe breaksat 125Hz,29OHzand 510H2on the cumulativedecaywaterfall spectrum [Craph2, below]clearlyindicate.Thischaracteristic was returnedfrom the arm whetherthe impulsewas appliedto the top or sideof the Kelvarsheetor, indeed,the alloyunipivot doesexhibitbending bearinghousing.Clearlythis 'springboard' (flexing)and higherfrequencytorsional(twisting)modes,but they areevidentlyhigh-Qand rapidlydamped.Thefreedom Finally, from clutterabovei kHzis certainlyvery impressive. asthe tonearmwiring is exfernal(stuckto its underbellywith to hum Scotchtape),the ensembleis potentiallysusceptible and noisealthough,as here,figuresas low as-62.2d8 can be achieved(re.5cm/sec)thanksto the huge platterscreeningthe two motorsbeneath.Readersmayview a full QC Suitereport for the EATE-Flat turntableand tonearmby navigatingto vrww, hifinews.comand clickingon the red'download'button. PM E] ABOVE:Wow and flutter re. 3 150Hz tone at 5cm / sec (plottedt150Hz, 5Hz per minor division).Wow is very low and flutter, though complex, is also low El * B ABOVE:Cumulativetonearm resonantdecav 'o' spectrum,illustratingvariousbearing,pillar and 'tubr vibration modesspanning100H2-10kHz over 4omsec Turntable speed error at 33.33rpm Rumble (silentgroove,DINB wtd| R um bl e( thr oughbear i ng.D INB w td) Hum & Noise (unwtd, 5cmisec)
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HIFi News January 2012
frequencies. Another benelit is that the
arm's flatness and shallow side-view make
levelling it a breeze. The arm also features
easy-to-adjust anti-skating. and its cueing
lever is nicely damped.