tbUNCIL,OF EUROPE - Council of Europe


tbUNCIL,OF EUROPE - Council of Europe
CL/D~l/Co-:.cl(77) 2.65
Addcanduc ..
(Itet4 ~ai>
• ''>;;-
.'!o~ dis::ribudon. tO- Reads
of D::L:=sa-::ions· o::1ly
;, :.
Decision to
be t:alcar: u;der' A~ticte:: Z2
of- 'tiie Euro_p~a~
~-t::a.e· repori: of :.::1s T::uroo~an. C&-u;.tissiori..
on R•JL·.an Ri_ehr:s·on
. ·
-. : ,:, • .··:.: of I-!uran Ri_eht:.~ . · .·.. \ · • ::: -. ·~'·t:
· (Led:at""
02 .. 2
of .:n August 1976)
.. <~.·c>;:.,;0,Ci~;l,:i\·.1;;.,
"t ·... ; ,J
a:/Del/ Concl ( 7 7) 2 65
Addendi.rm -;.
- 2 -
T:1e C:-.aL.-rnan recalled tl:at the reoort o:~ t:le European Cor.lillission of
Eur.:.a~z~ on the t;Jo a;_Jpl icati~ns b~r t::.-= Government of CYPrtts against
t::s Govcrrnnent ·of 1"urtce7 ~;ad been fonmrded to t:1.e Committee of Einisters
in pursuance of Article 31 of t~1e Europ8an Convention on Human Rights,
ancl that the Committee of l~inisters \·Jas called on to e~camine this
report and to take a decision by virtue of Article 32 of the Convention.
T'ne Head of the Di-rectorate of Human RiEJ1..t.s. made the follo>-Ting statement:
1. 'l\10 applications :1.ave been lodged before the European Commission
of H'..T.lan: £tights b:,r tl:e J.eDu01 ic of C71:~r:.:s under Article 24 of the
European •Convention on :1dnan :li3~1ts •. " In its first application of
Sept2I:iber 1974 t~1e Governms:1t of G:;pn!s ::>tated that Turkey :1ad, on
20 Jul:,• 1974 invaded C:'I.Jrus, by 30 Jul~r oc:::~t?ied a sizeable area in
t:1e north of the island and on 14 August 197l~ t!:is occ.!patior: e:~tanded
to about 40% of the territor7 of t~e .Repu0lic. ~1.e Government of
C:rprus alleged violation of Articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, C, 13 and 17
of the Convention anci Article 1 ·of Protocol ·no. 1 a'nd of Article 14
of t::e Conv8ntion in conjunctio:1 uit:: t:-:.c a:=or2mentionad ·articles ..
In its second applicatio::: in l::arch 1<)7 5 t!-:e Oovernr;;.ant of C~rprus cont~nded
t>.at, b:l acts uncon7:3:::ted vlit::. any r::.ilitar:: operation, Turkey had,.
sL1ce tl~e introductio:1 ~f t~-.e first application, car..mitted, and contir.ued
to cou:;.it, further violations of the above A::t.icles in the occupied
Tlte Government of Turkey argued t:;.at t:1e. ap!Jl icatio~s -vrere inacluissible
because the applicants were not entitle(: to represent t~e Republic
of. c-;prus and accor.dingl7 :-~ad .no standins as applicants before
the CCCIIllf.tts!on; domc=tic .ran~d!e::; hac·not b.;;cn e::chau:;tcd; ·
t!13 Government of Tt.!rke:; ~~ad no juris::licti::m in the area of C"jprus
uhere uost o:C the alleged acts uer~ clai.-:8d to: :;.ave occurred ..
The two' applications uer:a jOitl~d: and declared,,a&iissibl;l- by the
Commission o~ 2G l.:ay 1975. ·.
purpose of carrying oct its double task under Article
28 of t:1e Convention~ 'of establishing t:-:2 facts of t~i.e case ancl ·:eing
at t::e :Parti;:;st dinp:Jsal >Jith a vi~'t-7 to nec~:::-in;; a f~iendly settlement,
t:-,::: Co::.r::ission set '-'? a D2l::::3ation >7:'-,ic:.-,, i:1. t:::·:; course of its investigation,
oZ ~.-Jit:1ess~3s at"l(~ o~Jtc:.i~::3:. . f~:::-t:l;3r e~,.ridsr~.c::;; ir.. C~:-prun
1t:;75 .
:-:>t~·~ t:12 Cou1.1issio:: 2.:.!.:..~. t~::~ Del~c;atio:1 also pt!t
~:·:;3.,,-:l-.?.. ~~·3aLin£;
at t:1e Fa;:ti:;s' cli.:;posal
to securing a
sattlGr.lent ..
../ ..
- 3.-
C1:/Del/ Concl (7 7) 2 05
'Z.:a Government o1 Turke:; did not :::articipata in t=.:2 proc::eclings
on the merits and W:!re not prepared t:> ~:-~tar into negotiations ',.·it:':-1
t..i-ta applicant Govarnm.ent i-Tit!::.. a view to reac:1ing a friendl:r s2ttleru.ent
of troe case.
Indeed, the Turkis:1 Governmcer.t declared it was unabl,e to r8cognise
t:~e Greek-C:,rpriot achinistration as being empowered to represent t!1e
:ilepublic of Cyprtis i!ll"one ti.nd was fi1'ml:' convinced that in t~;.e case
in question Turke:J could not be requireci. t':> acce!'t t!1e Greek-G:;~riot
administration as an applicant since t~1er<;; r,1as no authority "::hiC:1
could properly require the Turkish Govem::::mt to recognine, acainst
its >Till, the leg'iti.r.c:ac:r of a goverr.m::mt vhic:: had usurpeci. th2 :::-ouers
of ti1e State in violatio-:1. of tl1e Constitution of >rhic~1 l"..!rk::.:' vc.s
a gua.:antor.
TI<e Commission, noting the l"Jrkish Government's refusal to participata
in e1e proceedings provided for by Article 2C of the Convention, considered
t..~e p=ocedure to be followed in the circu=stances in the pr~sent case.
Heithar t:'1e Conventio:t ::or the Commission's J.ules o:Z Procedt1r2 ccmtc:i::
an c::press provision for t:1e case >1::-,cre a respondent Party fails to
co-op~rate -..:it:: t!1e Cor:.m.dssion 1 s :proc::;edinss under Article 2C.
In dealing •ritl• this sit1.:.ation, the Cor,.rv.ission therefore :1acl r::;:::;erd
to its practice in :?revious cases and in particular to t~e proc::;dure
folloued in ~•e first Greek CaSeo
It l'las of the opinion t:1at it do~s r..ot folloyr fr<X.'. any of- the provisior:.;;
of t~e Convention t~at a respondeny Party's failure to co-operate
in proceedings under Article 2C coulC. prevent the Commission fron:.
corr:~leting, as far as possible, its e~:ar.1ination of t:1e application
and fror1 making a r2port to t:.1e Cor.:raittee of :i:·linisters ender Articl2
31 of tha Convention, It therefore concluded, that it !lad t~1e task
of dra,'ling up ~ report under Articl.e 31 of th= Convention on the basis
, of the taaterial b'efore. it.
'1'11e Commission exaoined, on the merits, the allegations contained
in the two applications, in the follouing ord~r:
Di::>placcm..;nt of persons (Article· C. o:: t1e Conv:mtL:m).,
2}=at-ni:-~:c~ ~~:b.:3
follo\·:i:--..z c.s--:<::::t::
i. . r::.ovement of perso>J.S provoked by t::::; :nilitar:' actio.: oZ T~.:::~:;:r
in t..\e :;;>:'1ases of act,.:.al fighting and refusal to allou th2 retc:r,;. of
........... ............ ·.
- 4 -
ii. measures of displacement not directly connected with tr.o Turkish
militar7 action in t:!.:e p:1ases of actual fig::.ting~
of families.
Deprivation ·of liberty (Article 5 of t~~ Convention).
this h~ading t~e Commission con~idered the following aspects:
enclaved persons;
iii. prisoners and
Deprivation of life (Article 2 of t:1.s Convention).
Ill-treatment (Article 3 of the Convention).
Under this h::;ading t:1~ Ca..!!mission consid:;;rec: the following aspects:·
allegations of rapcz
conditions of
iii, other forms of p~7~ical aggression
persons not in de~ention,
Deprivation of possessions (Article 1 of Protocol No. 1).
Forced labour (Article 4 of the Convention).
The Corezuission also considered oth8r. i:Jsc,.::s concerning Articles 1,
13 and 14 of the Convention.
Jlagarding these allegations, the Commission found a certain number
of violations concerning various Articles of the Convention, witi~
t..1.e e::ception of certain allegations.. Ti.1e conclusions of the Coo::mission
era s~aarised on pages 153-167 of the re?ort of the Commission.
T:.>:: Corcr;:dssion also ,~;:amin·:::c1 the ap?:.ica0ilit:: of Article 15
o: t..:.:e ConvGntio-::. u::iC:~ ?rovici,.;s in pa::a0ra}~: 1, that in tW·3 of 1:ar
o~ otL1~r pu~lic dang3r t:1::3atcninz t:,3 li:':; o:: th"' nation, a :-Iig:1
~ontractinz Part:.' Ea;- ta~~~ r;~easu::ss ds::::)t;ati:J.<:; frcr..;. its obligations
uncbr t:"la Convention provided .th~t suC:1 m~asures are not inconsistent
vTit::• its ot!-..er oblic;ations under intar-.1.ational law.
(1;1/Del/Conct ( 77) 265
- 5 -
On this aspect the Cor;y.1ission adopted t:1e
As regards the northern area of ~rprus, it concluded, by 12 votes
against 3, taat it cannot, in the absence of same formal and public
act of derogation by 'furkey, apply Articl'e · :15· of the Convention t:o
~east:rcs taken b~r Turkey ~1ith regard to persons or property in the
nort:.1. of Cyprus ..
As to t:'le localiti3s in Turkey where Greek-Q::rpriots were detained,
the C~ission concluded by 14 votes and 1 abstention that it·canr.ot
in t:1.e present case applJ Article 15 of th::: Convention to the treatment
b:,r Turkey of Greek- C:t;.Jriot prisoners broug:1t to and detained in Turk3:7 •
T:1a report also contains separate opinions .. 11
Tl1.e Representative of C;)?ru,s mace the follouing statement:
"Following the military invasion by Turkey of the territory .of tha
Republic of ~~rus on 20 July 1974 and thereafter, the Gov3rnment
of t~e ~epublic of C:7rus, availing itself of the macl1inery set up
by the Convention on :{uman Righta, f4.13d t~1o applications against
t:.~e Government of t~e ~epublic of Turke7.
r:-.e Zirst application (lb. o7C0/74) filed on 19 September 1974 contai:1,::ad
allegations that the respondent Government l:ad coininitteed violations
of Articles 1, 2, 3, 4~ 5, 5, C, 13 and 17 of the Conv=ntion and Article
1 of t::e First Protocol and of Article 14 oZ the Convention in .conjunction
uit:t all the aforementioned Articles ..
The second applicatio:l (Ho. 6950/75) filed on 21' Earch 1975 cqntained
alle8ations of continued violations by t:1e respondent Governnant of
all t:-..e Articles· of the Convention mentioned in the.. first application.
Thereafter the applicant Government had on t~ro occasions submitted
further pe.r~icula.rc. co.1.ci the ~.;spo:•cknt Government had also submitted
on three occasions their observations~ ·
On 22 and 23 leay 1975 the. Commission I1eard t:te P.artiest oral" submissions
and on 26 :r-:ay 1975 ft declar:::d th~ case ad:nissible. ·
In its C:zcisi?n on aC;;,issi:"dlity t:1c. Cor:Ld5sion r.::bcted t!1'a respondent
Gover.::.1ont's ob~ectbns to admissibilit:r in t.:.1=o: follo;Ting order:
the objection concerning the locu:: standi of ·the applicant Gov3rnment;
II. the. objection concerning the Coo..:r.lission' s canpetenca _ratione
. /.
- G-
III. the objection
had not been
the objection that t:'le applications v7e'!'e. abusive.
Following its decision on the admissibilit7 of the applications, the
C~ission had a double task under ................
_. _.........._.
under paraeraph (a), vlit...~ a view to ascertaining the facts,. it
togather w-ith the rcprascntati~Je.s of the rartias
an e~=aoination of the petition(:;) anc., if ncei be., an im.r,::stigation,
for t~!:?. effective conduct of which the st.atcs concerned sl:all furnis:::
all n::cessary facilities, after an e~~c.:.--..ange. of vie·ws wit:l t~1e Conm:.ission11 ;
~-,acl to "undertak~
under paragraph (b) it had to "place itself- at tl1-e disposal of
t:1a parties concerned \iit:1. a view to securing a friendl;r settlement
of the Thatter on the basis of respect for Human Rights as defined
in t:lis Conventio.-t11 ..
As you all know the respondent Govcrnm2.nt in violation of Article
28 refused to co- operate >Ti~-. t11e Cor:.2lission because it had arg:.:ecl
C:1.:1t · co-op-:;ration •rit:.-~ t~1':: Cou.;:nission L:ig:1t impl:' r?:coznition o:!: th~
applicant Govzrnment. In this respect one cannot fail to note a contradiction
on t:1a part of the respondent Gov~rnment oecause it l1.ad co-operated
vlith t:l.e Cor£1mission at the aclmissibilit:r stag2.. It r.:ay also be said
t~at tha respondent Goverrm1ent could f~lfil its iLiportant obligation
under Article 2C by making a reservation oi t:l.air position regarding
e.e question of recognition.
t:.1~ respondent Gov::rrm1ent' s ref~sal to participa t 3
in th·:: proceedings provid~cl for by Article 2C of the Conv-;:ntion, considered
ti~e procedure to be followed in t~e circunstances of the present case.
T:::.e Cor.-:n:iss ion, no tins
\l11ere proceedings in an awitted application are not terminated by
a friendl~r settlen~cnt, or by a Con:rJ.ission decision under Article 29
of the Conv::mtion or Ih:.le l} 9 of its Rules of Procedure, the Corr:mission
unchr :\}"ticle 31 of tZ:.e Conv:mtion, has t·,) 11 clra>7 up a report on the
facts and stat2 its O?iaion as to -v1l1st:1er t:1·2. facts fouad disclose
a 0r.:;ac~-. b:7 t::..: State conc10:rn:;:C. of its obligations under the Convention".
t~·:2 p'.!r?o::;e of c;:;,:;:-:-~'i•l8 out its teG~<:s ·Gn(:cr Article 2C of t':-,-z:
Conv:.mtion the Comr..;.ission on 2G Lay 1975 set up a delegation coc1posaci
of the President, ix Fa~1cett, and five ot:::er members, :1:1-~ Znnacora,
Busuttil, FroVTein, Jorundsson and TreC:.•.s~el.
- 7 -
During its visit to C:r:,>rc:s ..:::-x.1 2 to .: :.;2?t~,:.~er 1975 t:~c Delegation
heard 14 of t~1.a 2 9 ·'"itn:::s::; :::s ;:::ropo!;<~,~·, "::!~' t::::; app 1 icar:.t Goverr:m2nt.
It also heard three furt:::::r •Titness;;s, '.i:~o >;2r2 refugees froo. the
K~"l:'enia area, and u..:;m0ars of t:1::: :J:ole::;cti.on interviewed eleven rei:ugees
in refusee camps.
The respondent Goverr.ruent, alti1ough invited to do so, did not propose
any witnesses or
other evidence.
One of the cha,ract8risti~s o~ t:'le :,:rr:::s.::::t ·:as.; is t2<2 sheer nur.:ber
of alle::;ed violations o!: t:1c Convc:nti:J::.
T::e Comrdssion thcrc::orc .'.2.<:: tJ r:;st::i.:'.: its inv;stir;ation of alL~g:;d
violations and ha<i to t2st 'Jnly a l i;::~i :.::::: n•..miJcr of cases selected
as representative.
In· the absence of any submissions b7 t2e respondant Govzrnm8nt tlia
Cor.:mission, for the reasons stated a';)o·r::, proceedeci wit::1 it5 establis:-nn;nt
of t~a facts 6n the basis o~ t~2 ~at:~~~~ b2~or2 it.
l1eve-rti1eless, t:1c evidc:nc3 b:!fore t::;2 ::7.::::.i:;sion, and t:18 facts ·esta~lished
o"'.1. t''l.·~
- ~':I:.;:..::_
c-- -~ ·_...~ ""~·"e,....
On t •..,,.,
~,.,; 'o"'Sl.'s
-• "
~ 1 ~-·-~,__.;.,,Cc'
1. as p rns·.,~tl.''"'g..,
'- ~.- •• u Vi"''l
o£ tl:o c·vcntG a:1d i::ci·~:.:.-:t: c~:.:~Jl2-i.::~--~ .:~: ;:.-.. ainl:l fr·Qt:l t:1.2 Grc2l< c:"p~i.:>t
side. The Con:mission obsc:rv..:;s in t~1is c.0nr.8ction that:
cc:tair. events and inciC:c:nts referr.:;c~ to in the applications are
in sr-eat part a matter of pe!blic kno•:l~::,_c~. In particular, the massiv8
movenK:nt of :~opulation frau:. t}:.e nort~·~c:::r-. to t:-:e sout.-,.e:;:-n part of C:,rprus
aft~r 20 July 197L~ is an ~'ldi,sputable Zact w:;.ic.~, as such~ cal~s for
no particular investiga<=;io~1;
the Commission has based its finci:1gs in part on r-3ports of oti<3r
international organisations, in partic,:lar th3 United Nations;
the witnesses ·heard by the Comission' s Delegation in Cyprus testified,
with little e:::{ception, uit~1. a restrain-: e.nd objectivit;7 t:1at gave
credibility to· thei::- t3stirc:ony; soc3 ~:~ t:i8I'!l confirmed a mm:ber of
statements in tl::.e Fartic~:l2.rs of t":~; L--:;'_icc:tio:13 about w:1iC:.1 t:·.<q
co~lC: n0t :_ave heel 2~1.~: c~i:_c.:. ct :<r-~c~.~·J...;-·1-::2
:~r:. ~.-i.~-:;; .:::.:::
.:-::-~-:l ~:.:. -~-:
i·::, tl:.e
~-~:.;: ~:act t:-.:.Llt
t:-~3 r::;~p'Jr-:r~9nt
Government, claspite evz:.r:-] opportunit:_.,· ·J2i:l~ oZfarecl to tl'l·.=u:, iailecl
to makz an; statements, or to propo.:;2 co·:nter-evidence, on ti•e applicent
Government's allecations.
./. -
Cli/Del I cOncl ( 7 7) 2 65
- 8 -
furtl~er o::~served in t::is conn"::ction t:.1at, as a full
of all t:v; factS ~1ad !",.:lt O~en ?OSSi~l·e, it, in itS CStc.blis:"JJIlent
of the facts, had to distinguish betuaen:
T1"'1e Corumission
L.:.atters of common knowl::dge;
to the satisfaction
o~'t~a C~ission;
e-,iclence which ranges frat:. bare incica tion,
a prm:a facie case to strong in0ications;
allecations for
TI-:e Comrilission examined
the follo>dng order:
establ isbment of
relsva~t 2vi~~~c:
displacement of persons
r s allegations in
·deprivation of 1 i:).~rt:r (Articl.:; .S)
cle?:::ivatior. of l i:::.:; (LrticL: 2)
ill-treat8ent (Article 3)
deprivation of possesnions (Articl::; 1 o·:: I'rotocol No. 1)
For the purposes of m:' presentation toC:a:r I ;:;~1all not go into the
COGmission' s cletailec1. investigations conc·erning t~e above alleeations,
I s!1all restrict m]sel::: to its Co:lc:'..!Sio·,-:s.
You l<rill notice from tiv; conclusions t::c:.t t::2 rcsul t of tha voting
on ciiffcrent alleged violations is not al-.1a:rs the same. Very often
it is 13 to 1 sorr.atimcs 14 to 1, sor.:-:;;t:L~tas 12 to 1 and sometimes different.
Ti"l~ reason is t!::at t!l.e nur..bar of r..:emb2rs 9::-<::s ~nt each. time when ·a
vote ~v-as taken >Tas -.~.ot ah1a;,rs th2 s2r..._e. I~: .:;.t:_,er vTords if you add
t:1e r.t!7.lb8rs, for 3::&:?13 !3 in fa•:'J'_!::- an~·. 1. ::>?-~inst, you arrive at
t::e numb2r of thos-; --,::~s2:1t e:2.d:. tL··.c. l, .. ::;t. .• ::tions are also recorded.
HAVllTG FOUND that Artid; 15 of d-,::; Co1-:·; ::o::!::i. T.: do<:=s not apply;
Cl·l/Del/ C:>ncl ( 77) 2 65
- 9 -
of oersons .
T:.:s Ccm1mission concl•..1c1es b] th.ir,t.:;,e~vote.s ag_ainst ona t~ae,
refusal to allo~.- t:~e return o:!: cor:; t:1.an 170.0C~ Greek C:;priot
to th:::;ir· hoc.es in the north of C:"Prtis, Turkey violate,cl, and
was continuing to violate, Article 8 of t~e Convention in all casas.
TI:c CorDmission concl:1cles by t·1elve votes against one that, by
t::e eviction of Greek C'i?I~ots from :!o'..!ses, includin3 t::.Bir own hcmes,
by tl:eir transportation to other placzs \-1i.t::in the nort-:1. of C";prus,
or by t~:eir deportation across t~1e d2n12rcation 1 ine, Turkey i1as equall~·
:!.i.2-1E-.tl!_U.~!~rt icl~
C o~ t::e Convention;
T:1e Cor.:.:mission. c~nch:.:las by t:·lirtse:-. -.rates against one that,
t:1e refusal to allo-v; t::.e return to t:J.eir homes in t!1c north of
G~'prus to s'-=:v-eral t~10USancl Greek c~·priots wl:o :1.ad been transferred
to t::e south '.mdcr inter- ccrr11nunal agreements, T'-trkey v,iolated, and
uas continuing to violat-3 Article C of t:1e Convention in all t::ese
!:1:3 Corrnission co:;.cl·.!des bJ fo"Jrt3e71 vot3s a3ainst one '"ith on3
a::.stention t::at, o:' ti!C .s-:;para'ti"on" of G"r-;cit*'c7':1Jriot families br:Ju8:1t
a'":::<J'...!t ~"J:~ ~:":.2cS.S~_rr2s ·.Jf dis;?J.aceL."1.ent in a s~bstantial· n~b·3r of cas·3s,
Turke7 :-.as again vio:!.atec: Article
1'1:3 Commissior., b~,- eigi.1t votes against fiv2 votes and v7ith two
nersons 11
conc:!.u<les that the ct.trfe~., i:"lliposad at nis:1t on enclave<i
Greek C~'priots in t:•~ r:6rt:1 of C:rprus, >lhil<;;. a restriction of 1 i~:::;rt~r,
is not a deprivation of liberty within the ~eaning of Article 5(1)
of the Convention.
Th.e C·:J~mission, by t•1elve votes 'uith uro abstentions, furt:-:.~r
coilcluc!es that the alleged restrictions of t;:ovement outsic!e tl1e builtup ar·-"a of villasc.s ir. t:-.'" nort~:. of C~'pr1s uould fali within t::.e GC01)e
of Article 2 of :::-rotocol l1o. l1., not rat.i~icC: ~y either C;prt:s or T·~r!<:e:',
::2-t~:·:::: t::an ".-lit~-:i:: t~:::; :co-p::.; of A=:ticl~ 5 of tl:.; Co:1v:~r:tion.
It is
t~~rc2or: ~~~jla to ~i~~ a violation of Lrticla 5 inso~ar a~ t~a rcstrictio~s
:.:~~--r:>J32~ Jr. C-:'--::.;;:_< C:.-::;ri:Jts ir.. ~rcl::r to ?r~~. .~:;-..:.t t:-:c'ta frO'c. -;. m:)·v·ins fr_38l~_,.
ou.tsicic villa~::;s in t::c nort.:1 o:C C:,;;>ru.c ar::: L"'rlputa7.Jle to Ttirke~' ~
. OOl~FIDEHTil..L .
O·i/Del/ Cone). ( 7 7) 2 65.
- 10 -
c~mtres 11
The Comissior., !?7 tl1,irteen vot,cs ~;::._eins,t on.e1 concludes that,
by the confinement of gore than two thousar.ci Greek fr;priots to detention
centres established in sc:1ools and ch:.1rc::es at Voni, G:,rpsou and Eorpbou,
Turkey has violated Ar_~~le 5(1) of t~e Convc~tion.
T:1e Cot:lillission, ::p tJ1.irteen votes aaa,i?§>.t one, further concludes
ti>at, b-:; the confinarr.ent o£ Greek C7p-.:iots to privnt-3 :1ouc~s in G7ps.ou
and Lor?hou, 'f.r::ere t:1e:7 vrcre kept under si:::ilar circumstanC·3S as in
t::~ dctentbn centr2s, Turk•ay ::ns ·equall3' y~i_o].p,t;,d.t.;cticle 5(1).
T..n ·Cocaaission, b7 t::m votes ar;ainst t'\JO >Jit:, two a~st::;ntio:1s,
concludes that, b:' tl1.e con£in.3mc::t oi Greek C]pri·~ts to the
K:rrcnia Dome Hotel af tcr ll~ Ausus t 197l:., T:trkey has a3a in y~._t:2._d_
~E_t_~JJl)_. '.'
"?risoncrs and
- -
-.- ·---
The Corrmissio·tl.,. ~z.._t::irtee-;1 votes 3:~a}2st ::m_2, concludes t:·.at
detention of Gr::=ek C:,;priot r,:il it.:.:::r ~,.::;rs:)·.lxt21 in Turk-~7 ~1as not
in confornit-.r ,:it~~ k:ticL~ 5(1) of t~:.e Conv::;r:tion.
-·---.. .x. ·-
~:3 c~~ission, b; t~irt38n votes a~einst.. _..........,.
one~ concludes t~at
the C.::tention oZ Greek C::priot civilians i:: Turkey t-:as equally .'P:ot
in confonnit:;• with ~E!-_i~12 5(1) ~
Considering tlwt it was unable to establish the Unputability
to Turkey under the Convention of' the dct.3ntion· of 146 Greek C:nriots
at Sara~· prison and ?avlidcs Garaee in t:1e Turkish sector of Nicosia,
the COL.mlission, b:7 te•t votes against ·::.•ro uit:: t\-IO abstentions, does
not consider itself called upon to eJcpresc an opinion as to tha conformity
~rith Article 5 of tl1e detention of Greek Cypriot prisoners in t:1e
nort}:. of Cyprus ..
'rite Ca;::mission; b:: 1l~ votes aeainst none, witl• tvro abstentions,
:1as not found it necessary to e:~mnin:::; t::e qu2stion of a braac!t of
Article 5 with r2garc to p2rsons accorC.e2 t~::; status of ?ris6ners
of ua::-.
Cor.unission, by !>even votes azainst si:~ ••ith t..'-lree abstentions,
decided not to consider as a separate issue t1e effect of detention
on t:1.e exercise of tl1e rieht to respect for one's private and family
lif~ a~d h~e (~rticlc 0 of t~~ Conv2~tion).
- 11 -
III. Dcnrivation of
Cor.u:aission; P.Y. .:Zot:,rt~e? votes ,a_aa.!_nst o.~ considers that t:1e
evide-nce befor~. it constit;;t·~s very s.t~z. ind,.i,cation~ 2f violatJ.o!'s
of Article 2(.1) of the Convention b:,' Tur~<c:,r 4l a suhs'""tantial nu:raber
o"( cases. T!'le Corilllission restricted t!:le .taking of .avidence t;:, a ::caring
of a lioited mn<~be:: of r~prcsentative >-ritnesses and the Delegation,·
ciu:::ing t:1e period fi=:ecl :for the :H3arin8 of "t-Titnesses, heard eye·•·litnesses
~mly conc~rning the incicicnt of Elia.
T!.-.-e evidence obtained f o;: t:1is
i>1cir~en·:: establisl:es t:,c killing of t>lelv;; ci-Jilians near Elia by
~..trlds:-.. sol cliers coo.1£.r:.dccl by an officer contrar-y to Article 2( lJ..
I:;. vieu oZ the vcr~· detailed material b;;;:::ore it on o6er killings
alleged by t:<c applicant Government t:-::; Cm::wission, by !._oll.rteen vo~s_.
!3-Z.a,ins,t one, concludes from t:1e ,,:iole aviC.:cnce that killings happan:::<i
,o?. a. lar.a:er scale t:·..an in El ia.
'L.1cre is
to s:1o';r t:1at an:? of t::.ece chprivations
under pnragrapi:s (1) or (2) or !.rticle 2.
1 if a
The Co-:.D.:Iission, bz .tucl vc vote.s agait"!.s_!:_o~.J f incls that the incidents
1 •
. .
1 • .,.
o:.. rnpe:. c.escr1.JCCi. 1-::-. t;.:e cases rc:i:errcct to a:-. regarc:ec. a1.> _estao ... J..s."tea
con5titute 11 irL<UL.1an treatr.1cntn anc! thas y_iola_tions of Article· 3, for
l·r:1ich T--2rkey is rcsponsiiJle under the Conve:-1tion.
The Cor:.:.nission, by tvrel~_votcs aaai?.s.t on.e, concludes that prisoners
v1crc i:: a m.lill"'ucr of ca~es physically ill-treated b'r Turkish soldiers.
T:1cse acts of !.11.:_t.E.c.a_1:f-1_:.pE_ caused co;sfci"Gr70-le inJuri.c;s and at least
in o:1c case the death of: t~1c victi.n.. D:' t~wir severit7 thay constit'-!te
"ia;.uman treatment" anC: tlms violations of Article 3, ·for -.;!tic~1 1".1rke7
is responsible uncer tile. Conv'C;tion.
·~~~ • • '
T:1.c Corw:nission, b7
tual_y..£._~.s ag_ai_:':_.~t__pne_, concludes that the "t·Tith:1olding
~oocl and clrink:i.ne ·uater and of adequate medical
of an adequate suppl:,r of
anrl....:.. ci<>tai.n"-'eS
t ~"~h··c"'"'t .-fr·;-,:_,·
V:LU G··">-:.'r
.. ..,
V ..,J....J-.-.._,'- p-1·,-.o·~.,,...s
14 - •
_.._,_._ C at !dana
i:: t:-c:; nort:.12rn ar:;c:: o~ C~'?rus, Hith t~::; r.;:~c-:=:;ti0n of Pavlides Garacc
priso·::, z..sai~.J. c0nsti~t:..t2s, ir_ t_-.:.e cas~·J C·:)nsicL;;rc.d e.s est<!blis~1-3C:
a:1C. i:-: t:.1c c:->nditio-_~s Gc.;:;c~ibcd, ni:-.~".t:rJ.Zn t::::e.b3nt'' ar1d. t~·1.us c. violeti~n
o:2 i,rticl:2 3, ior \J:1i~J. ~~rk2:.r is r2:;p:1::.SiCl~ un~2r t:12 Coi1V'2r:tiolL •
a:-J.~]. 3c..~a}
Q.;{Dcl/Conel (77) 2~5
- 12 -
Cot:n:nissio:>, by_ twe~ V3 v_ptes against one;, concludes t!1at t:::-.e -;,;ritt--=n
statzments submitted by t~e applicant Govcrr.oent constitute 1neications
of ill-tr~at:me.nt .. py !r..trkish soldiers of persons not in detention •
T.J.3 dor,iaission, .bi t•:.,.~~e. votes ag_ainst, one, finds it establb:-:::::d
t11at there has baen deprivation of possessions of Greek C:rpriots m;
a larec scale, tha e::act extent of 't'lhic~~ could not be d::terr~i.-,::;c~.
Tl:i::; UG;?rivation r.:.Jst '.JG i:::?uted to ~..:rlc~:; tm::br th:; Conventi -::::. 2 :'1.-2
it :·.as not b2en s:·;o>m t::at a:17 of t:~cs~ interferences ;;ere n2cs3:2.::·:,;
for a~7 of ti.:z purpo::;~s :::entionad in Article 1 of Protocol t1o. 1.
T:'1e Cor.:rdssion concludes t:-:at tl-lis provisio:1 ~:as been violated ~P
T:1a Cvri:mission, b~,r cic~~t votes B.ga.inst t:~rca votes and 't1ith on~ e'-~<;tG::tion,
finc~s '::~at t::c incm:1pl:~te:.css of the investization >rit:"l re;:::.::rc tJ
t:::; ~!.lc:eations on forcsd labour does not all-:m a41y concL:sio:-~.:; tJ
b3 ~ada on _this issue.
Corr.mission, b:! t-;relv~o votes aeainst ·ona vote and 't'lith three a)ste:1tior...:::;,
considers that no further issue arises under Article 1 of t~e Conventio:1.
.-. - .
'n1e Car.nnissio_n, by thirteen votes against one vote and -wid: t"7o al:ster..ti:::r:-,::; 1
:1aS [ouncl no evidence t::at effective remedies, as required. :J; Article.
13 of the Cony:mtion, ~rere in fact ava:!.la'ole.
Havine; fo'.lnd violations of a nur.:oer of ArtiCles of tl1e Convanti~n,
tlp Ccr.:w:dssion not;::s t:1at t..l,.e acts vio~atins the Convention 't'l:;re e:~clusivel:'
dirdct;ed · ag~inst rr.en:bers ·of one of t::.e t:v1o corr:m.unities in C'yprus,
n~ael~· the Greek C:?riot cOi::munit:,•.
It concludes b-,r eleven V":)t:..:_::::_ ·
to h',.-,.,.,. t~at T1,rk"'·i ~""S t''"" ~aJ."l
""'C''T'"' tha ri.~.·-~1ts· and .'::::-::e·-:.0'"':
l..... -r..d
..... ~::_-_.__
J.• -.:::J:
s~t. ~o=·~h-"in ·tl:~S3 L~:cticl~s ~iit:-:out
..... ._.
disc-;:-L.L..i:.:.atio:l o·.t
ti~c z~·:J~::-_·~3
T::~a Corcruission, b:r tu.o:lve -,otcs ~·lith :=our abstentions, consiccr::; t::at
Ai:."ticles 17 and 18 of t:::?. Conv,mtion do not raisa scpa;c-ate; iss-.:-::.s
in t:.!e present cas:;.
.• 13 -
I conclude I ':.lO'..l11 !. ika t'.l refer particularly to the Cor;:x::dssion' s
conclusion regardir.s t:cc displacaraant of p.:rsons where it \-Ias stated
t:'.et t::.asa violatior.:;.~ u~rz ca:;.tinuecl. Furt:1..::n."wote the Cor.:mission
had stated that, as t!>.ese cli::>placcm·~nts are common knowledge, no specific
corroboratins evidence is needed.
It is cOOitllon kno~vlede;a t.::at even at this ve.:y r.oment when we are discussing
t..~is. :f.r.lportant case e:c:;>u 1.sions of Gree~< C:,rpriots from the nort..~ of
Cyprus arc taking ;_Jlace.
In addition to t::is violation there is
anot:1er >;~·dch follm;s au~ omaticall::,' ia deprivation of possessions.
1:::.3 people that ar3 cay after da:r beir:.s e palled are allov-:!d to take
'\Jit:: t::::m o::ly vT~1.a t t~:~:7 ca:·. p:::rs icall ~7 carr:r.
:But ther.a is anot::er tra,3ic problera, i·3 ·;:l:-:: 2,197 m_issing_persor-.s.
T:1e Cori'.Inission in paragr.ap~ls 330 - :A 7 o:Z t::e Report cl~als with t::is
!t i~ to be resrctteC: ti~.at the responC:ent Govert'lffient refused access
to t1e Cor:nissi:Jn' s i.~'?.:~3ntion to nort:-:3rr. G"~'?r"'I.!S or to places in
'I".;rkc:r w:-..8r~ Greek C:?riot prisoners ':Ic::rc. o:= :-:.acl been detai:1ed.. T:1is
.,;as t:J.e reason \-/h"/ t~::: Ca:.r.nission uas not 'JJ-.::r categorical o-:~. t::.is
Paragrap~ 351 ~~ t~2 ~cport r2a!J:
Coc:mission con~ict~::s t.~1at tl1arc is G. ?r::!Sl.!I:lpti-:>n of T'..!rkis:1. responsibility
for t:1a i:ata of p~rso::s s:·.::>un to :have 0ce:;. in Turkish custody. I-!oH::ver,
on t::.e oasis of t:1e LatGrial b2fora it, t1'3 Comnission has beer:. unabl~
to ascertain 't>Jhether, anC: '.lndsr "t>J~at ci:rc~stances, Greek C;,rpriot
- prison::::rs C.eclared to b~ missing ~l.ave ace;;:. deprived of their life."
li7 Gov~rnmer.t does :1-ot •rish to r.1ake a uritten subnission. Uhatever
hac: to ~Je subr.:tittec'i :-:as oGen st~amitte<:~ to t:.1a Comnission in tl--.e course
o£ its 1-:~.vastigat:i.on.
I shall conclude b:· sa:•ing that this is b7 far t:"le most serious case
of Ruman Rights violations whicl1 has been before the Committee of
Linisters. Let es not forget for a mcrt~'~nt t:1at tha Council is founded
on :-..1..!1.:.tan rights and ~:hat the Council's ::;rea test achievetnent is t:1e
Cor.v3r"tion of ~:'.rr.:.a~-: :'..i.:;:~ts ''::"ic:1 ue ar:; c~ll:.ld ~pon to appl:,•."
;; '
- 14 -
T.:e J.epresentative of Turl<:ey made t:1.e follo•ling statement:
"Lr Chairman, I have 1 istcned with great care to the statements made
by l.Lr l:~uller and Er Pilavachi. I will Canr.!unicate thsm to my government
so that it can take vmatever action it deems fit, if any.
For its mm political and legal reasons, the Turkisi: Govermnent vtas
una~le to co-operate t7it~ the C~ission o£ Ruman Rigcts ciuring the
ir:.vestig<J.tion of the Greek C:"?riot application, whic:1 in its viev7
wa:J inadr:.i::>si::·lc, and the preparation of t:;e report.
At t:·"is stD.:;::, it :1opes to ::.;.."Plain its attitucla full:' to tl13 Cor;rrnitt'~C
of ~.:inist~rs at Deputy level and to t:.:is end propos<!S to submit a
written memorial to ·~:ou.
Ue uould therefore ask you to grant us a period of four, or. of a min:lrJ.um
of t:1ree, r:-.onths for ti1e preparation of t~·lis t-tritten memorial uhose
L:::~ortanc:; and lecal and. political COii!?le~:itz :;ou L1lly appreciate,
I am ·sure. 11
':L::;::= __ c::-::i:::.:an :-ecalled
Rule 0 of t::e n2.ules adopted b:,· the Cor.a-:'litt..;e
o.:.: l'-~n~sc~:;;::s E-Jr tl'1e l\pplication of A:cticl:~ :2 of tl:::: 3~rcp3an Conv2::tion
on :ri.ur.!an Ili8l1ts 11 providacl t'i1at the Chail.""ruan of the Cocmitt~e of 1anisters
s:1o•.1lcl obtain the opinion of the representatives of t:1e State Party
or Gtat3s Parties to the dispute in regard to t~·3 procedure to be
follov1ccl, and the Corr.mittee should specif~r, i:= necessary, in what
order and within w:1at tir.1.e-limits any uritten submissions or other
documents were to b ~ deposited.
Ti:e Repr2ser.tativ.::: of .~!rka.z said the:t a peri.od of t~:rae to four months
w·as necessar7 for the submission of the v1:ritten r.cemorial in vie-v1 of
its canplexity. n1.e ~3morial would bear on ~olitical and legal aspects
of the case.. In similar cases, far less important than the present
one, e~:amim:d by the CoriGittze of Linist3rs in t:1e past, far longer
periods had been granted. His gove~ent \lould be unable, in any
.:::vent, to s~~it the r.:emorial before 17 l£y 1 ?77.
.-..!... • .:!
c-rprus rae.de
•I •
11 Allmr: ~ ·:.o reply a~:d ·:.:o cor::t.~ent on
. in order ~o subr,-.i t a :;:,er,1orial..
a i:ti":::ude of Turkey so far Lakes
t~·.e '.2~;r~·::.s:1 r::L·u~:;;:
for =:ir.:0.
e:ctr<::..:.:;ly sceptical.
At the ad:dssibility stage, Turkey had L.a.de <tn:iti:er. . and oral
on a rn.m:.~·zr of occa&ic::s •. :O•Jt. or.cs t.:-.e COL:!l"'.ission ~ad rejected Turl:ey' s
objec·::io:1s, Turkey in 'Tioladon of Article 2.C of t~•e Comren.tio:t refused
to co-o<:>e::-a::e uitl: ::::.e Cor.:r.nissiorl or. ::::~ sro:1-r"d ·::~!a!: Tur~~ey did r.o-::
recog!"d.:::e the Go7err.:r;,ent of :::·1e Republic o~ Cy:;:>rus ..
sur~ =:::.at ·::::.e \7::-~olz Cc.. r.1it':ee v!Ottld be r.os·::
in·::eres::ed in ~~no'\-:'ine ::o\7 -.::n Tur~cinl-: clel;;::.;a::io:-, •~ould e~:plain ::::e
follo•:ir.. 3 contraclic::io·.-: i;:: ·:.:::e Turkish a:::titude: a:: ::~:e ad..-dssi~ilit.y
stage Turkey had co-opera··:ed, at ::he i::-:.res::iga:::ion stage Turkey ::.ad ·
refuseci ·:o co .. operate beca~s:= sucl-: co-op~ra =:ion rc:ig:~;: in:ply recogni~io:t
of ~:.e Republic of Cyprus. Ho\7 Lr c:1air.t.an, T-o.!rkay declares soletunly
::,a: sc:~ ~:is:1ed ::o su:.bit a r.:er.!.orial.
Gub-a~ission of a r.;:ex••orial b)?
Tur!~ey is of co•.lrse a :':orr~ oZ cc-opara::ion.
I2 co-opera::ion by Tur!:ey
a': the la·rel of ::'he Cor.rr~s;:;io:-: ;:_:ig~:': ir:.ply ::-ccceni-::ion by T~rl~ey of
~-..~r so-.,~~~ent, ·;:llet-: Turi::eyt s desire ::o co- op~ra ·;:e a-~ ::~2 l:i&.1es !:_ level,
i e ;:~-1a ·::: v Z -:::'1e C cr:.rd.:.: .::,~~ ~f ~.-:..::~ 3 ·::.'=r s :::~·-~?1 i ~ s e '1?.0::.. ·:.:_ or~ f OI'L~:all;r
recogl;.i ::ic:·! of -.:.:..y Go-:::::::.-r:~e~-~:::.
t:y dcleza·::ion and I a::..:
If I r::en-::ion this, it is ~us:: because I a::_ afraid ::ha:: :'urkey is.s!.r.:tply
tr)~'-C to delay the proc~edinGS•
Rule 0 of t:1a Rules of Procedure concerr:.inr; 1:J.1e application of Article
22 of :.:~-:a Convention prc·:.rides for tir~~e liuits for trritten submissions ..
The Cor::r:!jttee will have ·::o decide or, u:1a·:: tiue lin:its i t considers
reasonable.. I subrdt wit:: respect t:·.:a·:: m-:e -.:.o:;.tl: ~culd be ~mougi::
for <:ha sub!dssion of d1e ·::.:er.:1orial.
Bu··:, i:1. short, allow ~:e t.o j ~sti:Cy
why the time limit of one r•:ont:h is suffici,2r..t.
Turkey had let 23 months go without takir.g action. ?urthe~ore ~he
report of the Gocr.::.issio~ uas circua-r::ed lant Augus·;:. Six r.:onths :-~a·Te
elapsed since the!'.. F::.a·;: has Turkey dor.e all ::l'lis ti-c.e? nothing.
They could ~:ave used ::::i::> ::ir,·.e Zor preparir:g .::·.air r.. 2!,:oriaL :a•.1t
ir:Jt-:acl you all ~c::o'~>r, ar:G ;.-;.o~~ I a::. cor:i:~.2: ·-:c :.::-:e :.os:: Lipor~a~t ars·...~r:.e•-:::,
'I\!rl'<e;t co:-..::ir:.u~C. ·.:c •,riola:.:-= !:.r·.:ic.l-~ i c~ ·:>;.e Ccr.:.·7.s1-:;.:i.or.. 2.:-.. d Ar;:icl-s
1 of i·:::; Pro·::ocol by e:{;_x~llircs day ac:::er <l::::; G::ee~: C7prio:.:s fror.:. :::.s
~or~h of Cyprus occupied by t~e ~~rkis~ ~orces.
T~ese ?iola~ic~s
continue ':oday and if :he Cc::ven:::ion for t::.e p:=otec ::ion of :::~ar: ::?.i&-1::s
is ':o serve its purpose., ~;e vrill have ::o ass·Jr~e o~r responsibili·ty
seriously and urgently, ot:lennse I ar::;. afraid 1Jy gi7ing Tur~ey an
unre~:tscnable leng::h of ·::i~e, ·::1ere vill be no Greek Cypriots left
in t::e occ~pied areas.
CE/Del/Conci(77) 265
- 16 -
Lr CI1ain:.:an, I ~1ould like to asl-: i:r.a:.: before ·.:::e Cor:cittee decides
on the ·:.:i:me to be gi-Je:: to Turl.:ey, ::he Turldsl1 deleeadon S~1ould t;iv-a
the Co:I!nittee a comrnit:c.ent to reply. nearing in rdnd .:he a ::titud-e
of ·Turkey before t:1e C01.zr.is::::ion, I could ::ot. e:.:clude :hat it r. ight
let the ::ir:.e go \Jithou·:: : ..at:i'ng any wri::::en sub:::issic:,s. And by -::::a::
:::ir.:.e :-_obody can t;uaJ:ar:;:ee ::l:at :~1ere 1:-ill b~ any Gr2e~c Cypriots lGf::
i~ the north of Cypruc.
c~o~ld ~ot
£crset ::~a~ 1~ is our oblisa~ic~ to apply ::~e Conventio~
in order :::o r8;:,:-::dy 'Jiolador:s c-J: ::•.r:..a:: riz;:1-cs ar-.d r2stor2.
European public order. T:-:is is our collscd7-'2 and ir:·ii·1idual respor:sibi.li-::y
as par::ies ::o ::l1e Co:-.7e:-::::ion for tbe :?ro:.:-:::c::io;_: of ll:.tr.:.ar. :lig::ts.
T}le ..-:uestion of ::ir:1e-lii.::.i ~s si1ould no:: be a ::easo:: to cocpromise our
obligations under i.:!:e Convention.
Le;: ',JS 0e c:_ui te fra . Ll(.
~:::::a:;: is ·.:::1.e 'L .. er~·~8rial eoir~c -~o co:: Cain -~·.i'la.··~
2-3 r:·.on·::::s are ·nec~s::ar7 ::o pr~:_:lareo I do :-_o:.:. ~:-:inl~ ::-.a:: I lwulc
be gxascsra~ine if I said .:~at Tur~ey coulc dra~~ t~eir paper i~ a
fa-;; day:~
There is a:wther poi~-::.:: c:1a·: ::::e Cor.ruit::C:eo s~-,ould bear in rd.r.d bef:ors
tlecidine Or'- i.:he ti1.:e lirdt, ie .::~1e .:our Feek rule. Therefore, I sub-...:i·::
<:hat. the CO"u:r.:i t.tee should dacidB o•~ c:1e da::c or: >:/:uc:1 c:1e :leper·:: of
cne Cor.;ri!ission 'tvill be or: :.:he Accncz. of ::i.:e l:ir..isters' Depu::ies.
By tr.a!: date, and I c1o ~:ope as early as pos0ible, the Turkish delecatio:-.
will have subr:.itted ;_:::eir r.. emorial. Ti-:e Co:,-:u:it~:::ae is free ':o dispose
of i:l'"lc 4 \:1ee:: rul2 as it \.:isl:es.
1.:y last remark l-:ill deal 't7'l.\:~1 t:ne qu~s::ion o~ precedents. I do r.ot
consider that this can be a valid ar·gur.le.-.t. 'F.7ary case is differet:t,
tl1e iu;.portance and urger:cy of every case is r;ot the sama. The criteria
in each case are different and, as I Lave rLer:.·tioned already, the critzrion
of ::ha co;:1tinued viola::ions is of course oi: ':I1e ut::-.ost. ir;:portance. 11
.. 17 ..
'r.1e :leoresentativc of Grzece said that the discussions between E.:
Dcrl<ta~:1 and Arc~bisl:op Lalc:arios ref 3rrcd to by the Representative
of Turlc~:: had been ~1i3:1l:• interestin3 fror.:r the standpoint of a political
solutio'Z'l to t1te C:t"Prus case. These political aspzct:; should, however,
be dissociated fran the legal aspects. He feared that ~~e memorial
to be presented by tl:e Turkis~1 Govermn!:!nt woutd refer to questions
"Thiel-:. uere outside the facts established by_ t~? European Commission
of R~,mn Rights in ti1e rc?ort submitted by it to the Cocmittce of
l~inist·:::rs. :-te f'3arcd also t::1at in 1:ia~· the ·'I'.!rkish delegation Hould
ma~~::! ot~:er procecural pr·::>posals ul1ich ~Tot:lcl ::old up the discussion
on t>.c r:_,Jrits. Tl:c Go-.r2r..-::r,:;nt o2 Greece dcsi::ed, ~aturall7, a political
set!:l::m.ent :J·:;tueen T",trke: and. tl1c Rep·..1.blic of C"/prus; !:ouever; t:.:,.e
probl:;m pos:::d in t!:c Cor:r..:icsion 1 s repar:.: coul~: ~ot be sir:cply wis::ed
ava:;, as it touchcc~ o.-, Eu::o?ean "orC:r~ pa::,lic" anc a qe2stion.of justice
remained to '.:>e sati:>:':ie<i.. T'n'::!re was solida:;:it;,• bet\·leen all t~1e Contracting
Parti<:!s to tl1e European Convention on Human ;:>,ights uith rcr;ard to
the protection of :~uman rights in ::::u:::-o?c•
T:-1-:; 1.c.:>::eser-.tati-J2 of /:..u3tria ~1ondcreC 't7~::~t::cr, in t:'1:: ':)resent case,
t:~2 :Zo~::-yicel~ rul2 for-ti.:-c··::;'";-br~1issioL: oi: Goc:..:-c.cnts t~ ti1e Corrr..1itt2e
of Linist:::rs for stc:c·,~· of this ~1ig:1l:,' cx.:;:::lc:= report b:• national aut:1orities
s~o~l~ not be ap;:::li2d.
T:1~ Jlepresentative
r:dg~:t be asreecl to
of ~2.!Ei~ suzzcste~..;. that t:1e period of three nont.:1.s
:Zor t~:;:; re-ex2minatio!l o:l: t::is item. T:.1e Turkisl:
c:klccation r.:igi1t per::aps distrioute its n:;r-..".orial in Apr-il 1977 so
tl,at it could be cisc·..!ssed at t::a Dc:petiesf'i..:Zy meeting vlhich lJould
proba',)ly be held. froc: 23 t-:> 27 Ea:r ..
In anS\18r to a question b:r t!"le :leprese~tative of France, the ~<.:_
int t''~
:& -. D-f,•nctOr"'t"
..a..L _..
.""... l ._........
.:.\..+ ;.2"-! .~
· c:o.
- ._: t'-."'t
..::. ... a
.._ o<=
..... t•,e
... ...
3.1 East African Asiens asai:-.st tl1e. Unit::d Ki::lJdon, a p::::riod of t·Ho
uontlls had been granted to the Unitec:!. ICinccom for the submission of
the :nGmorial. In Januarr 1975, the De"Jt.!ties l1ad decided to oostoone
considerntion of this ca;c' to 1:-.:arc:1 to" ::;n..able th~~ Unit~d Kingdor.:· ::lepresentativeto
su:X·lit a t:-.GI!!orial at t:~at tme. In Fei::rt!ar~' 1975, considzration of
t:;:: cass :1acl been po~tponed to th:: A:;ril r"!.cetin::; during t7hich t::-'.:!
t:-:is :~c.C.
~a~ t~~n t~~::::n
t:~0 u~::.it-:!C. I.Zi1t;3dor~:. ~:aG.
ci4c,..1lat~C.: s~..:~~;:;cqu,.~ntl~~~
?lac2 in
pr8S2nt2d. l!iS !n.·Zf:.lOrinl r)~all::-r
T..:c discussion on t:12 L:erits
J~n2 1~75.
• I.
0:1/De 1/ Concl (7 7) 2 65
- 13 -
T:1e I"..epr3sentative ·of Greece said t:1at t::.~ situation in regard to
the case of the 31 East African Asians ~1as not anal:Jgous to t:l.e present
case. From the outset o£ the e~:amination of the Asinn casa, the Goverrment
of the United Kingdom ~ad expressed its intention of redressing the
situation and measures to that effect had in fact been taken. n,e
present case t1as the first where a Contracting Party to the European
Convention on }II.l!lan :lishts ~1ad not co-operated in pro7eedings before
the o::-gans S:3t up o:· t:l.e: Conv:::ntion, 3ven at t::e stage of an att~1pt
to reach a fri8ndl7 settl'2IIlent under t .. rticle 20.
conc:..!r:-cd i:'l t3::e victls e:{uressed 'yr
I"..cpres;~tativc o~ Gree~~--r~e situation in L~e present case wa; of
an ursent nature if the violations already Cor£rrnitted vi ere to be a toned
for and to cease for~~Jith. In his opinion, the Cou.mittee s~oulcl
not in this r:..atter a;?ply t:le four->Jeet<. rule, and if the question t:as
to be placed on tl'le agcnca for E2y, priorit:' s:-10uld 0e given to the
trans'!.ation o£ t::e TJ:-ckis:: G::>v::;rrr.:::;nt's .-.~cnorial. Recalling th2t tlv~
Turkish Goverr:r!lent ::ad not t2ksn part in the ~:eari:-tc;s b·efore tl:e C01::;:dssion
on t:-::; rc.erits,
or6.3r not to recogr.isc t::.e Cyprus Govsrm2nt, ::e
stat::;cl t~at th:; pres0::tation of a r.~~oria! to th-3 Cor.:.mittce of l:inisters
0:" t::..~ Turk.is:1 Govcrnnc~-t'~ cor:stitut::G an G·v::n 1:1.0r2 official form of
recogni'::.ion of the C;priot G-overnment. If t:::; Turkis2 governr:~ent
t:1oug:1t that co-op:;ratio:~. uit:!:-" the ~l~.mlan :-lights Cov-L!ission r.-:it;ht be
int-Jrpr;:;ted as constituting recognition o5: t:1e C-yprus Government,
it could easily have n:ad:; a :::-:cs<;rvation to that 8fz:,:::ct.
T"ne :?..cpresz,ntativa o£ T'..lrkez said that t1.is question tJOuld b,e dealtwit.'! in ~1is govc:::-ment's in'8morial, but t21at the it31D. on t.he agenda
~1ould be debated by t:1e Cor.unittee of Lini.st-:;rs at Deput7 level i:1
the same \Jay as under t:1e itet;l "Situation in C;•prus" \.-1:1ich v7as resumed
at eacit xu~eting of the Dz?utics. Hence t~1ere could not b~ any question
of Turkeyts recognising tha Greek C;~riot a~inistration as a lcgit~ate
and constitutional goverr..:aent. Such .-.:zcognition lilO~ld take place
on the da·y when a goverr:oe:-,t representing both corrtm•.mitics of the
islanc':, on the same footiag of equalit:r, came into b;;ing at the conclusion
of t~:·3 int3rcur. a.it:.nal tal~s,
"" ... :....:.
... ·__.~
_ .... __ ..;_
...... L!.
.., .,;;
\...-~ -_,
.L _.._.
..... .LJ ~,
_ .. -.~i!.J..J
~~-·, p-"''" ··-1.-,-·t"tl.',-,-,
U ...
- ._.-
~;7 t'or,
- - - ,....,,..,.,~c'·
.1. - - ....
·..1 '•
•• L -.·--· ...... '-•'-
t'1r::::a·-:. -r""·'"""'t"--s
co··_.._1 c·,
.. ~-·-"'""~
... 4.
2cc-~p·:.:2d :;:;rJ·vid~Q t:-_c.t t~-~-~ Cor.mitt:~e Cs?nrt-i~~ f::-or~~ t:12 f0ur-wee~c rul;:;
ancl t:1at th.:; casa uas i::cluclecl in t::.::; ae:;::;;.~a for t~:.:: D·2.puti2.s' l.i'..y
session. I-b e pressed t:1e hope t:1at t~-:c c,:mt::nts of the Tu::-kis:1 Government's
memorial "'ould refer above all to t::c report of th8 European Cor.-.1nissio:"l
of I-Ium.an :tights.
__ _____.. _
TI:..:; ~~-:;;r::S2ntc.tiv~.:s .Jf i1aniC! . . 7 and t::Q l:·:t::s::lanC:s stnt:!d t::at t:~8::r
COel:~l 2CC:2pt t:·:s I:lOi:lt~: r):': i-.:2.:7 for t:··:? f.·:-:.c~·J~iJn -.J.Z tl:c CCS2 i:1 t~::;
Cl33:"'~C:a, ,::c.p::a:;isir~s t~'lct t~;.:2:r 'W'2re essc~::ti2ll:r co::.c0rn~d t:> -21"1Gl.!r2
rG.Sp:!ct for t~t.e 2uro:::=a:1 C0nv:2rrtio:1
of the Council of Zu~o?e•
a~:. I~·. :'.r:-.c:1.
=:ti2)1ts, t:12 carne:c-star-!.:3
19 -
T:1a Representative of 0~..-rr:-_zr~-<:: 3aid t·_,c:::. <::-.:- vi::>lation or allaeed violation
of 1-:'..X:.an ·:1ights was a l:!:att::r of cor..c-:e::-:-. t::> th2 Danish Gov<;rnrn,-::nt whic11
'tlas t1•2r2for~ of t..'lz opini:>::1 t:;.at t~12 ::-·::?:rt of the Ccmnission 0f
!i•.JIUan .lights should be ~halt ::.1ith witl:Jt!t u:1cue delay. In -order to
obtain proper and responsible consid~ration of this matter it was
obvious that- the parties to th<~ disp\!te s:1ould be given reasonable
tin'e · t'J get acquainted witl• th ~ report and to prepare their response.
A• a delay of one mor.th s 2er.12d insuf£ici2nt in the circtimstances
the Danish delegation wou::.d b: prepc.r.:cl t) 3::> aL:mg with a postron-=m=nt
of up t:> three mont:1:3 as .:;·.:.g;: :st2d o:' t::::: ·::.epresentative of Lm::=inb::>urg
and supported by ssveral c-c:ls;c.tion::>, s:--,0:..1ld such a postponement be
generally acceptabls to t~::: c~~itt_:,
The Representative of 3"it3:::rland su3g ~st :,•;.: that ths Turkish Gover!lm=nt ·
should deposit its memorial by 16 i:-~a:; a;:C: t::at the Representative
of Turkey should introcluc~ it or all:,·. at t::~ Deputies' n:aeting to ba
held from 23 to 27 Layo Dal"gations u::1c:1 so 'desi:r;ed could submit :..
obs::rvations.~ For its part, tl1'" S:;c:-::;tc:-:-:.:!t shoulc · g!v2 a.n-·unc'?:rtaking
t:J.at a translation of the Tur\:\.ish L .:r:.x:i.:::.:. ~;:)ulC: b-3 produced in t:1e
shortest possible t~s.
Tn·: Represc'ntative 'lf Jelr.;it:Y,' '?Jint::. Lt. C:let th;; 4-week rule appli:::cl
to statutor:r m:2etings of t~1.2 i .. i<,ist ~rs 1 Jep:.:ties;, In dL: pr2s::nt
cas·a, -on rhe other :,and, the procecdi·ns:; b2£ore the Coomittee of Linist-ers
uera governed QY the I-ll.JT:.a:1 :lights Co~vention and by th.:: "~ules adopted
by the Committee of Ein:lsters for the ap?lic&tion
Article )2 of
the European Conv-antbn :Jf Human Rig:.ts 1 ; . These rules, ~•ow2ver, specifi-Jd
that the periods :.mder co:-.sideration >lera arrangod by th= ·Committe~
on each individ\,l;al. occasion and th37 b7 no n:.:;ans imposed 'the 4-week
period mentioned.in the discussion~
- 20 -
't.1~ J.epr:;s'"ntativ~ of th:; pnited King<-~ said t!1at, whether the East
African Asians' case could or could not bs regard~d as a precedent,
for his part he would find it difficult to oppose the grant of a reasonable
period for the preparation o~ the Tm:kiG~ m8Illorial when the Cor::mittec
had granted his own government a reasonable period for the preparation
of th.::ir tr..9ruorial in t£1e East African case~ .lie was inclined to support
tb.e vievT of the Representative of Lux ubour3 t!1.at the rr.atter night
! appropriately be plac·2d o:-. the aecnda £or tl12 Dc:puties' Ea~T meeting.
3ut he c.grc;;ed "Tith the 'lcnresentativ2 0.C 0e1Gium that the four-week
r·..1l2 \cJould not appl~r in s~c_l,. cases. ':: 3 ::v::ures :mtativ::: of--Turk2:'l
~;G;td 1.ntroduc~ his 8'YJS1:r:ra·:;nt 1 s n.2r::o:iel o~ell;,' at t!.Fc: Le;,' n:ssting,
and he aSSt.tt::'c•2d that t.De te~~t v1ould b 3 tJ:a:'s~at;;d and circulatecl to
cblcgations as quickl:T as possibl2 as soon as it was available.
'C'le Dir2ctor of Lesal Affairs said it uas clear that, in questions
deal.t vTith under Article: 32 of the Convantion, tha rules for the application
of t:-.at article had priority ovc.r all ot~:c=;: at:1sr proc,:;dural rules
of t~1a Cou~ittee of L:inist.:!rs actine in acco:::clanc~ with the Statute
::>f t~:2 Co·J.ncil of Zurope.
!:1~ ~c?r.:;szr:.tati'1!: 0~ G-r.:;2cc
\-las ast'Jt\iS~J.·2C;_ 2.t :-:is coll2a2,~.!8S' r·2actiJn
to the time requested by the ::lepresz:ntati•n <Jf Turk·ay.. No on:; se~,:ecl
to !<ave listened to thG a?peal fran t:w J.ep;:::;sentativ:: of Cyprus for
urgent consideration of the question, In t:-:e Greek Representativel s
•Ji,aw, a period of three r,:onths represante<i delaying tactics on the
part of the Turki.;~,. Government. He e.sked. th2m to rdlect seriously
on this question with a view to cutting down the delay.. Tha resulting
iwprovanent in the procedure. would then sorvc the interests of the
Greek c-;priots who vJ.ere suffer ine in C:•pr:.:s; it would 1 ikevris~ serve
the int:;;rests of the Turkis:1. Gov-::,rr.m::o::::t.
Summing up the discussion, the Chairman found there was sorr.e agreement
emong the majority of the Deputies to take note of the Turkish Government's
intantion to submit a n~1orial not latsr tian 17 May 1977, and to
resum.; consideration of this itGm at t~1air r.:.eeting in l~ay 1977, during
~..;:~ic:1. t~3 12?r2scntativ-~ of Tur!<e; w;:,:_1l~ n:a:(2 a:-t oral stat·3m2nt about
t:h:o L21i1Qrial. T'.:::3 S2crctil:::-iat 'dO'.llc ::,a'!::: to b::; ir..structo:~d. to e;iva
::;:ci:J::ity tJ th: trar..slc.tion c:nd ;:,:.;pr:.c'-:c'::io~-:. o£ th" latts:c t::::.~L
16 vot35 in fe.vour and 2 vot:;s against.
./ .
- 21 -
T11z Ilaprascntativc of Turka-, askad to b2 all·:>vrad to ~xplnin his vote
anti saicl that h2 ~res not satisfbd wit:1 t~-.2 drafting of paragrapl1.
1 of t:1e decision aC:optacia I-::c; i1ad req-J::!Sted a period of three rr.:mths
for t:1..:. preparation of a mEmorial .vlit:1out raf:=rring to the Rules of
Procedure for the Application of Article 32 of the Convention, but
it was the Cor.cmittea of I:inisters whiC:-. had granted the delay,· in
accordance vlith No. C of those Rules.
th ~n r.:ade the follo:Jing statcx;;J.ant:
"I wi:;:-t to b-zgin b:r tha:1king tha Committee of Linistars for tlv~ ah::ost
unanimous cl2cision it :1as ~ust tak:;n t::J g::a:-,t us a p~riod of t!~r::.;e
r.:-.onths uithin which to prapar2 a count:::r-:::2Illorial w1J.ic:1 I will andaavour
to submit to ou on 17 L::.y n;.:xt.
Lay I take this opportunity of drawing the attention of the. Committee
of Linisters fortlwitl1. t::> an unfor2s:::er.. er:d
of t}tis case,
regrettable aapcct
Lr C:.1c:.irman, I i.1ope ~iO:.l -.;,;ill forgiv:.; L:::: if I bc;gin n:y statc:r"'-<::nt b7
quoting t~'12 provisi-J:-ts o:: .hrticlos(31)?., 22(?.. and 3) and 33 of t~e
Zu~·.)D~ai1 Cvnv2ntio;1 Oi-: ::~~an lig~;.ts:
Article 3}(2).
th~ C'X<!I.J.ittce of Hinistars.
s:<all also b.:: transL1ittai to th·e $tat8s co'nccrned, \vho shall not ha
at liberty to publish it •
T!1.e Report :chall b2 tran:?mittcd to
32( 2)
In the affirmatiV·2 casa the Committee of Linistars shall prescribea period during which t~1~ Contracting Party concerned must taka the
m~asures required by the decision of the Committee of Einist~rs.
Article 32_(,.3.)
If tha High
Party conccrn2d ~as not tak~n satisf~ctory
p ,3r i.)C~., t _L:; C:rc_rr:i t t 2:2 'Jf £~i:l i s t 2r 5
b~/ t:.:.e -~-l~r:.~ J:cit~' proviC.:;t-=. E)::' i·~.·~ :?aracrap:1 1 a~ov·= :-.r~1at
b.:; giv2~ t~ it3 origin2: ~2cisio~ an~ 3~all ?~blis~ ths
ti-: 2
~; !:' 2 3 CJ:' i ·y~c!-,
Articla 33
Qtl/Dcl/ Conc.l (77);2.9.5 ..
- 22 -
In his introduction to the booklet cm:,oc:ring th.: text of the Conv:mtion
on l·h::man Rights, t~c ·Secretary General ztatzs that·:
The Convention specified-only ona form of sanction:
of the COOJmission's report".
the publication
In t..~e same spirit, ''l.,.he-.. it e:-ccrcises the· powers conferred on it ·
by Article 32 of the: Conv3ntion on Human ::liehts, the Cor-..anittee of
Einist8rs does not turn into a judicial b?d:,.:. It remains the Council
of Europe's e~cecutive body. TI1is does not mean, in our vie-v1, that
it i1> absolv::d fror:. th•3 obligation to catZply wit~:. the contractual
provisions by w!:lic~-L it is gov;;rnsd anci w:·J.ic~: la")' down thz criteria
for its judgen1ent.
'"iia consider that the Committee of liinist::=rs is not compelled to follow
the C~mnission's opinion: it may confirn1 it, quash it or amend it~
"To t?::.is it rdg!:1t no dot!bt b·3 object3d t~J.at if th,3 c~,'Illittee of 12inisters
\"Terc empow:::red to re:1cler a decision in("bp,.mdentl~r of the Commission's
opinion, it would be l:.ard to '...lnd3rstand vr1-:~r ;:>aragraph 3 of Articl~
32 pr:>vides for th;; publication of t:c:: 'rcp:nt' of t!:1e Cor:.:mission
a:1.d :10t of the 'orieinal cleci3i<m' ;.rhic:1 n~ig:'::.t lead to solutions otb:r
t!1<:m t!1ose of th·o re-p:>rt.
"It fr!.ay nevertheless be justifiably thoug::.t t~1at paragraph 3 'of· Articl3
32 refers only to cases in ~>~hich the Cor::mittee of Einistzrs .confirms
by its decision th<;; opinion of the Ccm;n1ission and the existence of
a violation. On t!1is aspect~ the v1ording of the Convention v1ould
seem to be inc~u.pleta or unclear. The onlission or lack of clarity
should not, however, affect tl·.e principl·3 >Jhercby the opinion of an
~camining body cannot be binding on a !:::od:;: u::ic~ a~cercisos its ·0\'tn
power of decision." (1)
Tr.is is not my oun opinion but we approve it entirely.' It
~1at ·
of Ambassador Polys Nodinos form~r Deputy Secretary General of the
Council of Europe, former Judge in the l!d}::;;c tribunals of Egypt, . taken
fro1:.1 :·lis study on t!12 power of decision conf::.rrec. on tho Corunittae · ·
of 1dnisters of th<:: C.J·.mcil of Zur0p8 8': l.rticle 32 of the European
Conv~ntion on HL~:c~ ?-i3~ts.
(pp ';and 11.).
Unofficial translati::m.
- 23 -
'Hr C!1.airrnan, as :•ou al:i:eaC.:r know, t:1e rcp:~::t -:~f the Con:missi-:~n of
Heman Rights was corr:municat~d to th~ ;::;arti~s ccmcern~d and to the
other P~rman.:;nt Repras;:mtativcs on 20 A'..~g:..1st 197 6. 'rna strictly c-:~nfi:::.::ntial
natura of the report >TaS respected in practica for three rc.onthS follm.ri:1g
this date.
T'.aen, suddenly, there \'Tare leakages in the press and -official statemcr..ts
began to be made in international fora.
A first example of sticl: indiscretions is t:12 statement made by Lr
Christophidcs on 15 D<2cewbar 197:) at t~:e S•:!ssion of th-::: United Hatio:-.s
Sac'..trity Council on t~12 :.:aport of tl:e Euro;::>::an Cor.mission of :!'..!l:~an
Rigi1t:> ..
Kr C::1ristophides said, on that occasion, that responsibility for the
crimes perpetrated in Cyprus rested vlholl:• on the armed forc<~s of
Ankara. But if the Penr.anr.mt :.leprescntativa of Turkey wishcd to refresh
~•is n:emory, he could refer to th:; official r~port of the C()'U;Dissicm
of Rurnan Riehts of the Council of Europe, to '1hich the Govcrnnent
of Cyprus l1ad had reco~.1rse, accusing Turk::;: of continuing its crir.~es
and in:1'...11r.an acts in G-Jprus. Th-3 report T,ras availabl-2 to all n::1nb:.ers
of ti-"1~3 Council of S't:ropc - ariel C:vprt13 and T~.!~k8}r t-Icre both r.::.2IJC2r:1
~f the Council of Europe.
Rm·Tevcr, Lr · C1.-n:istophicks said h:~ was not
at libc;rty to reveal t:w content of tl:-.e rep:::>rt at tllat stage ..
A little· later, th'3 Greek- Cypriat
n'~v7spaper 11 Apcyovmatini"
of 20 Decar. bc2r
1976 pu~lishe:d the foll::ming article:
TI1e report of the C::m:Jmission of Hw..an :lights of the Council of Et:rop2,
which struck a hea~J blow at Turkey, cas creat~d a serious pro~lem
for several m~ubers of the EEC. The report is ~onfidential for ti12
time being and sorna circles are trying to prevent its publicati:m.
As is already knO"tm, the repo:.:t conc~rns Cyprus and more especially.
the violation of human rights in Cyprus by T:~_rkey. · ·
'r:lis question has rsac~1ed great p=opo::tions and c::mstitutes t:·l':; c2:-.trc:l
t:::.-21!:3 of activities bs:-.irld t:1e sc2n2s. ·To e.void a crisis, n'an~· c:>..:-c:tri:3
ar2 CDdeavouring ~o prsv2nt the publicatio~ of this r2port and t3
?btain tl:a postp::l:'.::f!le·~--.t c)f it:; c:msir.:.:::ratio:;. b:r t:1:; C0r.·r,.itt.:::2 :J'= ::i::i t: -:.::of th:~ C·Juncil of Europ.:::.
./ .
- 24 -
Accorcil'lg to well- L;.-.£ormec! sources, t:~a greatest efforts to defer
the discussion are being made by the EEC countries and they have already
succeeded in having it postponad to Februa:r·:/. However, this postponem:mt
does not change the situation in any T,·ray and will not cause the report
to be aruended.
If cbvelopments followed their normal cou;:se, Turkey could be e::q>elled
frorll t!'le C?uncil of 3uro: e and its way t::> EEC accession would also
bJ definitivcl7 blcckscl. To pr8cluae sucl-. a situati:m, Turkey is
C')rr.pzll;;d t(J tak.:~ !:.::~s·.:::- ;s to :!1 ir:linc.t.2 tL} ca:J.sas of the C-yprus c·::x::<pleints,
whic:-. are accepted as ve:.id by the CO".:.rnissb':l. o£ i{uman Rights of
Council of Europa.
Tl'!e salient part~ of t!'le report in question ·could be s\nmed up in
four points:
"!iolation of t:•o ::-:~g:J.t to lif~ in C:rpr::.s
of prisoners, etc.);
Violation of the rigl-,t t:J r::;spact for t:18 family (forced emigration
of hrdlies, etc.) j ·
and lo'Jtir.g of propert7.
The report establishes constant vioiation·of the right·to·respect- · ·
for tl:e family and r;:ak3s cl·:oer the conti::1uing invasion which does
not allou refugees to return I:or.1e.
Despite the· act·ivities carried out ba1:ind the scenes and the efforts
made to prevent publication of t..'te report and its ·consideration by
t..'te Committee of Einistcrs, some Cocncil of ~urope n:ember countries
insist on the proced:.1rc provided for being follouad and urge that
tb.c n:~cessary measu:;:ss be talc~n, what2v2:: tl:.e political consequences
and. c";ra-;;backs.
t:l:.: i·.~i:1i3t2r far ~.:Jr:i·--:::.;. "\~faiTS Jf c~/0::'.:·._:5 .. L.:: a:1rist,:,Dhid3s, r3c~ntl7
..,.., ~,..,u-ft;oti'>...·--·:. -·--· -e>n"""'~''"'t"'~iT'~
,,f t:·:-. C0,;1Cil of i<':•r'J'"'':!
...... --- c;;..,
.......... _ .L_.i:"' ..... ._.::;,_. .. _ _ ._
anrl EEC and urg~d t~1.au to speed up t::3 pr::>c.=:c~ure for t:'le ~iscussion
of this question.
- 25 -
As uill be rcm2mb:::red, tl1is repcn:t - w:11c:-" struck a heavy blow at
Turkey - was adopt-~rl b:.r tnG Con:r.dssbn ::>f I-:-.::rr,an Rig~ts of tl1e Council
of Et:rope in Jul:t 197S. Ti.13 T'c1rks ar.c S?D3 -:,)f thdr allies had don::
their utmost to Gt-?p t~"12. report, but uit::)ut success. A little later,
in August, the report v1as transmitted to t!:e Committee of .Einisters
in accordance t-tith tl1e established procedure and the COmmittee of
l~inisters should have· considered it witi1in a period of three months.
Tl•e Cor.'.ra.ittee of i:iilist:;rs ~.:t in December but resolved to postpone
discussion of this it,:;m of th~ agenda to its 2ebruary eeeting to '~roble
t!-le Linistors to c:;::amir-.e it tl1oroughl7. I£ after these dcliberatioils,
th:=: Co:..=uitt:;e of Linisters were to finC: T'..!rl<2l guilty, it woulc! ask
Tt:rks'r to toke u,eas'.!rcs vTithin a stiDPlatcd ry.}riod to -3li;:.1inate t:-.:::
ca:.;s3s Jf t:12 c':J!'~plai':lts and if Ttlrk;::..!~.r C:iG. n:)t taka the r::casf..1r2s asl<~d
for, sanctions woulc: t:'!sn be applied~ 'l:,es-; · sanctionG cauld cor.pris:;
t:1c expulsion of Turkey from t}le Council of Europe or even furt~-:er
But as the report has been adopted by the Cvunission of-auman Rig~ts,
I~ the circuostances, it
TL.::l<2.j" is alr2acl::r rcgard~d as c~nvict·Gd,
will not be easy f :>r an:r European co~ntr:.; to object to the report."
T-.:::n t::.:: jourr.z.list J:J~~::. :i2m.:m, corr:::sponde:1t of the 33C and of
t:-,.3 ttG"Jarclic.nn of L·J:-:dor: cau1,::! to Stre.;~.~o:.:.rt, i~ Jcnuar~l v;::·:~r.a :'":3 !f~~c~.-:;
a filn:ed rc.partage on tl:-:; report of tl:a E~.:.r·::>p8an Ccx:ll'J.ission of Ht.!rJ.an
Rights. This reportag2, wllic:t was transmitt-ed t·:> t~1c BBC and t!1e
"Guardian", contair.ccl inf:>1.-me.tion and in~i3C:L2tions ~Thic!:l, at first
sig!1t, would s2em to l~av~ been supplL:d to ::.:L-c. in Strasbourg itself.
He t:1:::n visited tl::. Greek sector of C:·prus.
The filru shot by Bieni.1an -vrith the Cou:1.cil of Surope building in 'Strasbourg
as background, toget1-2r Hith the rc::;>ortage 1 were broadcast by th:}
BBC on t:::levision and radio in the eve;.:ii.'13 of 17 January 1977. T-1e.
"Guardian", in its turn, pub:5.sl:.ed t::.e sar~1e information in its. issue..
of 1G January.
In th.e reportage broadcast by the BBC~ it 1;as stated that, th;.8 COmm.issi.on
ha~ r3c~gniscd the validity of th3 acc~sations made by the Greek ~JPriot
..'..G:r.-.inistration agair~::;·;: 1\.!r~;:e~/ regardL:c assassinations, rape, lo~tin£; 1
ir-..:.:·..:r..:nn tr-2e.tr.:2nt, r2,:::'.:i:oiti0ns and ciestr'_;cti:)n of propert:.' ancl c:x:p~Jlsion~
s2i:·~ tJ ~12..V·2 b£:2!";. c:n:=~·:~'"tt::d b~l" thG T~_:r~:.is~:- c:..:..-rJ.~d f::)~C2S and tl::.~t i~
itJ r-~?)rt t:12 Cor;..n:i.3si:;rl _}:!d[Z:sd T·:..!r~(.~:!:.- c~--~~il t::r of ·viole.tin3 sevc;::.e.l
articl'3S o£. t:~~..; Euro::>~2..LL C:J-{.i.V.3ntior: o~: ·~::..::_--.z.:-: -""~ig:1ts 4.
Q:.!/Del/ Concl ( 77) 2 65,
- 26 -
T:1e article publis:i3cl in t:1e "Guardian" under tho title: ·"Turks accused
of mass murders in C:?rus", repeated the terr..1s of the :SBC broadcast
but gava r.1ore detailed :;xplanations and repr::lduccd uhole passages
from th3 application submitted to the Cm'~~ission by the Greek ct~riot
A&:inistration. ·
On 18 Jan".Jary 1977, tl:.c "International
folloHing despatch:
T".cibune" published. tl13
LOi100H, January 17 (J.cut·ar) ~- T:.'1e European Cor.:mission of H1..1can Rig::ts
11as found that l\1rkey 1:!as consistentl:,• violated human rigr..ts in northern
Cyprus, the Britis!1 Br:~adcasting CorporatLm said todaj•.
L" a rc;>ort fror.: Strasoour3~ the 3:JC said t!12 Cor:nissLm :;acl up!-:cld
charges by the C':.'prus gov:~rnr.:..3nt tl1at T•..1rkis:-: soldi2rs w:::.re guilty
of •·1idespread murC::;;r, rape, lootinc ancl va::t:)n destruction of propert7.
Cor:Dis:;i:m r:,cm:)~;:s visit.ec C~'prus i:;. S:;?'c2!:',~e::, 1975~ t')
t::.e C71>rus gov:err.ment's corc:plaints, issued in 197l; aft8r the
invasion and occupation of the norther:1 part of the island .. "
On 18 January 1977, Lr Triantafyll ides, Fr3sident of t!1e Greek G:,rpriot
:Ugh Court of Justice and a m2mbcr of t~:.e }~~an ::ug::.ts CoLmission,
stated, in an int~rvie~1 granted to Nicosia :ladio, inter alia as follo"t;TS:
'r:'it!.:.in the Pe.rliClli:entar:;~ f.ssembl7 of t:1e Co·2ncil of Euro?e, all t!:-,~
political forces of t:1e rilZL1b~r countries are repr~sentcd. T'.ne parliamentarians:-:ave
the rig:1t to ask the Committee of Einist:·3rs t:> speed up e~{amination
of the report of the ~{ur;,an Rights COt!:;.,.issi:m end to publish it without
loss of time. They are also entitled to open a clebate on any decisions
vrhich the Corcmittee of liinisters r,!ay take on this subject. That is
as far as they can go uit:1 re;::;ard t·:> t:l.e rep:>rt of the Cor:mission. 11
Trinntaf~1llides~ a s-;;Jorr.. Ler:tb::=.r of tl..,_e Hurc:an
C::..-;.::~iss:!.·.J::., i : ~-:i;s~:l::" siz.;~ific2·.::t a~11C: . .::~(?lair~.3 ~;::~:" a nu:El~~-,2::
'Jf i_:;:s - ~-;:1=' ::aC j·-:st. visit-~cl C::rpr~..!S ~t t~l·~ invit2.ti<J~ ~:>f t~:s G::-2::l.c
C~·~riJt aut:L.Jriti:.:J - t.:;::.l< s:.n .1,2 v"':::.r:/ =-~···_2.:ac:r:)it c.::G. tactl2ss st:;?s,
statem-:;nt of Er
eitl".er in t~1.e Parli2.mentar:,'
January 1977.
or at
on 2G
- 27 -
Finally, t:1~ most serious leak was that ravealcd by t!:le "Sunday Tmes"
of 23 January 1977. Here is wl~at t::.e London paper •1rote:
1':1e St:nday Tilr.es has ob~aincd a copy o:: a c :.!cret Council of Europe
report whicl1 finds Turkey guilty of violating seven a~ticles of t~e
European Convention on 2uroan Ris~ts.
The politically explosive report by leading jurists on the European
Cocmis:;ion of 'Human .lights is r::gard;:;c: as s~ confidential that only
on;:: copy has been loclgcc uitl1 .::;ach of t~1e Council of Europe's 19 r.2mber
States. Its fupact could result in t:."le Hit:.1drawal or expulsion of
Tt.:.::-l~e~r from the Council.
Last night a senior o::ficial of the Turkis:~ ?or::ign Linistry saic!
it ~·;as 'a scandal t t:lat 'L.!3 Sunday Tir:cCS rlad obtained a cop:,• of the
Cor:mission's reporto 11
T:l.e Ankara C·::>rrespondent of the "Sunday Tin1es 11 did indeed present
at the Eir:.istr-:,r :,~r Foreign Affairs a few da:•s before the
puLlication of t:-:.is itc:!!'!!' in orcbr to in£ O::!"c'. t:.1':: Director of the relevant
departllient that ~is paper had obtained a ?~0tostat of t~a report,
and t~:.::; 11 Sunday Tir.ws", en::ious to s::::e fair play, "ant::;d the vi::;,.,s
of t::~ Turkish siC:2 ::>::1 t~1is r2port4 T:12 cru;·:isr Has a cat.:;gorical
n2gativs ancl the pap·2:r v78nt 0:1 to print t:-<2 entire te:{t of the report's
11 Conclusions", buttressed b7 e1:tracts fror;: t::~ different parts of
t!<.e report itself.
Incidentally, OG~er 3ritis~ journalists later confirmed to-us in London
~1at not only the Britis~ press had obtaineC: a photocopy of the report,
but also certain ~cr:.lbGrs of the American Congrass, headed by Congressman
BredCr>..B.s, t:1e flag- bearer of the Gree!-c 1 obc;.
\·That action did the Council of E4rope Secretariat take in the face
of t:-.esa publications? Did it deny t~1::.ril7 'No. It remained silent.
In this case, sile·nce is only a confessioi1, a confirmation·~ ·'It could
not iss~e a dementi, because it was indeed the contents of the confidential
rr:port that had 1)een revealed.
i.i:' :::-;.~is top:~id2s, l~ir:ist~= for ~~,:>r:;ign ~\£:~irs in
.t.. C:.~inistraticm, b::;for: l::;c::vin::; for
G:cccl< C:f'Pri:>t
to atL:nd t::e r,:.:;eting
of the COC'.ndttee of Linist.;rs of t~1e Cour:.cil of Europe, n:ad3 t:1e: follouin:;
stat:.;ment to the p~css in Hicos ia on
January 1977:
- 28 -·
nrt is possible to say that the report of t:-.o HUI::an .!li::;hts Cot:mission
on Cypr...ts precisely reflects the cru1es cor.-mitted by the Turkis£: governm:!nt
and by the military forces whicl~ it sent to ~~e island.
11 ~1e
general picture traced by t!:le re )Or.t is not one of which t..~e
T'..!rkish government can be proud.
"I b ~lieve that the ?oreign ranis tars of t:-t::: Council of Europe will
taka effective sanctions against this ,·::::2m:Y~r ?f t:1e Council whic~1.
::as violat'3d E:rr.:an ~ig>.ts, the corr.:;r·· st:;n~ :J::: t:1.;> Council of Eu:o:opoc"
Ho>Jevar, l:ir Christop:1idas l'laS as goo.:: as s;old during the Colloqu~r,.
on 20 January 1977 in Strasbourg, \Jh-::;·;1 ::.c :>tat8d that the report "1as
a purely legal doc~cnt and there was no call to make this qu~stion
a political issue.
Lr Chairman,·
I should also lilc·3 t:> refor bri·o:fl:r tJ a stranc;e inciC:.e-::1t t:::.at occurred
i:1 t~:e Parli2.r.1~nter:t J.\.sscmOl~/· Jn :T2clr:.;sC:a:,- 2S JanuCJ.ry 1977, tlh.an a
Socialist r.1embcr r.::ad:3 t~-:c follo\Jing u:-.e;~p.:.ct::;d r.::;oarks:
'1:r P~IDIER (France) (Translation).- Er President, if you had waiteci
to :1ear the end of my question, you -v1ould :1ave observed that it was
not at all my intention to discuss t:-;_c .re:_?ort (of the European Cor;nission
of F..~an Rights).
"I r.:;.erely wish to ask the Ch.ainc,an- in-Oi:fic,:! of tb~ Corr,mittee· of l~ini.sters
he docs not consider that, ir.. tl1e int3rests of all the: countries
concerned, it would be desirable to give instructions for the publication
of t~;.is rcport.o . It is therefore not my intontion to discuss ·the report
itself - incidentally I do not know >·7:-.:.at is in it - but merely to
request that it be published."
'L.:c 1:nnsn::1 (int::rpretation) acid t!.1at h-::! could not repl; to a question
relating to a doccrJ.ent t~-:.at was to iJ,.:: <.:iso.:ssed b7 t:-.:.c CJ.:m;.ittee )f
L:i:--!isters 1 bat ~. a t:~::>t![:~!t :1-~ rE':l~··;r:..~~·:;r :;d. ~:2.-:~·i::z s2cr~ t...'-:2 r2port in
~:-;.'3 ~ress; if :1.~ s2arc~::~~ car::;~~Jll~,. , :.·:: ::8::-idi2r '/J'-2-ld n.:J datt::.t b.:=
:::.::1"2 t) find t!:e n~-.1o::paper u:.1icl': :"'.C1d ?"-:~~l:!.s~:2d it (;,S2CW.-23, Fr:.mc:1
The Office of the Clerk, uhose attention -,;as drawn to the foregoing
e;:C:1ange by the Secretariat, found itself o~lig~d to delete thG Kinister' s
r:pl;' from t:-.e rec~rd, for the si.-::.pl::: renner. that by that reply he
:::;nfi::z:;.ed tl1·3 fact that t:1e c:;,r..i:iC:;:;ntic:l r:::"::>rt l:acl b;:;en pu\)lis::eC:.,
- 29 -
Cl(/D~l/ Concl ( 77) 2 65
In :1is reply to Lr Peridic~':; •{uesti~n ab~c:t t:1e procecc~ngs on C:.rprus
C'.lrr;;ntly being c~nductcd in t:l18 C·~Er::itt;;e oi: i·~inisters ui_t:1in tl12
framework of the Euro:~ean :-i.crr.,an ::U0b.ts C:J:-.:nntion~ th2 spoi~esman of
t:1.c Cornoittee of l~inisters stated in fi:-1:::
"I remember having seen t::.is report scree\-lhere, and if you search carefully,
you uill find it in c::rtain newspapers".
'r:1is statement by tl:e ~:ait'man of th·2 Ccr;::r.:ittee of 1:inist0rs confirmed.
t::'2 aut:1enticit~r of t::e press articles pu0lis:·1.ins larg2 extracts fror:.:
tl1e report subrdtted b:,r t:12 Eur-op;:;an i·I-:.:r.:a;1. ~i;::;hts Con:1:d::;sion to t::.1e
Ccr..""mit-:.·2e of
witl: current usaJ;-2 for
Sue:.: e stat::=r..:c:tt \:ras 't·Tl-Lolly· i:.Lcor...!patible
f-:Jll.:Jwin:::; reasons:
under the ~{uman Rig!1.ts Conv~ntion, a';'l:.' rcport drawn up by t::.-:; Ht.:raan
:.ug:1ts Con:mission in accordance with Artie!.:: 31 (as in the <i'Jprus
case) u-.ust r2111ain secret, unless t:1~ Cor::mittoe of Linist~rs decides
on its publ icati::m as a :E oru1 of sanctbn (Article 32, paragraph 3
oft~~ Conv2nti:::>n)p
Conscq_uentl:r, t::> c::>n£i-..-r::, as cli0 t::8 Lini::>t::!r; <!CtinG as S!_)okesr..-.en
fer t:-..~ C:)r.:r,litt:::e of Lhd;;t~rs or as on::; o:: its r;;..:::r::b::rs, ti:e a:1t':.1::nticity
of a-..1. unauthoris;:;C. total :Jr par-tial puol icetion of t::,e report, \va!;
ta:1tamount to ille::;all7 a:>.tici!_)ating t~1.e possible publication of t:1at
docunent as a form. of sc.ncti-:m ..
In order to preserve t:le prop.2r applicatio:1 of the rules embodied·
in the Convention, the above-mentioned sentence thus had to be dcletec
froro. t:-:.c official recorc, since it -;ms, l::;gally speaking, cont~ary
to the regulations in force •
..\nd yet the Linister hecl spoker! .":Jnly t~:e trut~1,. with spontaneous and
e;~31!.plary political cou:tag2. But the Secretariat made l~aste to dra\'l
a veil over this public uttera1;.ce and to tr:', in vain, to hide t:1e
tl:is pr::.ss ca:::::nisrt and t::.is a'Jalanc:·.-2 :::>f political cQI.:crnsnt
3 r ;;:act i'-J:-:s o~ t ..-~ 2 p21:' t J f T1Jrki s::
?:1blfc opinion and t~~:; T·...!::::~ds~c press ..
~;.a "tJ'·:.
?:': O'l~k.c;C b. i3::.1 ~- ~-1:::'.: a -vr'J·~;:,::. "1 l
In it.s issu•e of 29 Januar7 1977, th2 Turkis:;. daily, 11:-rurriy-:!t" (Circulation
bJ its c:::>rrespondent in Geroany
ancl special envoy in 3trasbourg, l:ir Garbi~ K::.;si;;;0zlu, under tlv~ I;.eadlin~:
710,0GC), carried art articl8, signed
'·"' ~ . , --.-.. • '7 7 ) 2 ....,_;
-=. r:
~ . . ; . _.e~. JO~ ..... .:. ·.
3 :::rasoourg (1-Iurriye:.:) - T~:e reporc. of ·:::-,e :Z:tropean Co..a..:.i3sion of
H.u.::ar" Ri ::;:1 :s o~ Cyprus is i::cOt.c!)le ·::~ a::c Li.aCc'.lra :.:e"
T~1c ~::~~] i . s~·.
'Suric!a:l 'I':::.: __ r.;s' deli~~ra ~.::.17 :.:ail2d ·~o ?rin.·:: t~:c
cf ·..... ::-3por·.: of --~~~8 ~:.u:.-:;pca:."1 Cor.-::.:::i:;:·.:io:: c·'= I·:tr::~:.al."'. . Rig:::t.s.
c~=·.lrriJ-2 . :) - ~<>:: ~-a··~.t~ ~~lj.J:: 19a::::-2<l -~:~!a
:::·~e r:;por:: 0~ ·;.:::~
EurcpcaL Cc:..:::i::>3io;:: of :::n..'"::' J.i::;~.i.::s :;::zla::L:;::; ::o ::::,:: Gr:oslc-Cypriot
cor::-.pla.i:.:.;.~ c~sai-:-1..s·:.: T~J-r~::~:,t, :::8leasecl ~-·.o :.::1-~ p::G.s: b:,r Gr~e~~ j.ourr~lis·=:.s,
also contained a dis::;e~ti•<~ opi:.LiC'l":., t~e 't:·or:c of Prof. J'Jlent Da7er,
t2e Tu::lc.is~1 -::'..e:t:.0er of ·::I:e ~'..tropean. CorrLis~ioLM: of I{·~Ja·.:: ?..ie~1ts.
' 1
T:!r~::. s~-..
sc . 7·~rr:.:~·_,~r:. ·::.
~-.. ;~ ·:=:r-c: 3bo·..1rc for c:1.e :: ~e ·ti r:c~
n:t:.i ·::::.a Cc:-~:-.:i·::·.::.e:.:; o£ l."i::tis-::2:::-s, r~f'.:.s2cl
'C: i : . .:: ~:-_ ·:=.:. :-:::; c- pi ::.i :J::' , ? o:. ::: ::i :-lg .Ju ·;: ·.:::a ~ -:.:~:is, 1 i ::c
~~J.Y o~: 22.·:: C c·~·::.·.:i S ::i r.J:.-~ C::: ~_.~:.~._a:.: :~i ~:::·~ S, ~-2. S C. on::id ~::-:.·:.:ia 1
:: :::?= ~ s :.~·~ ·:c:. :=i·=)'·: s, i
t~:2 I-2~lia:·.:z:.-~~:ar:,r A:.!:~:.:::Oly
!:. o·:::.,·:-::~-- -~.:
~-= ~:s
:.~~~ 1:" 2 ~ ")~ ·: 0 ~
-~: ~
This !JU0licuLio:"l, ;:oo, is ~:i0~:ly .:-esr2 :·::a0le, a::d
i:csita~io~ in coj,-~d2:_-r::.!::s it,.
::o ::he sit1.12.::io;.1 u::ic~"!. I ha7e jus:.: ~ri2fly SU1'lr'..arised, T-...1rkey
last two r.1o~-ct:1s, been su0jec:.:::d ~:o unceasing propaga:1da
and pra~sure, all ~:1c v:a:t t..!p ·::o ·~::G Ca!.o.~it~3 i ...:~o ofEic~ of Pr~sic1ent
Carter, :::~e r~ee·::ings of -·:::::3 Cor,:r~~i ·i:.::e~ of t.:i:J.is;:zrs and ~:1~ Parliar:~"Z"":.·::a=;r
Asszr:;.:,l:r in c::rasbours, 2!.!<i ::I:e Sl..t:".'J:::J.ii.: Lee::i::s in Cy!)rus be::'l;;eei! Lr
22 1.lf Dc:-:~-:·c.an~~ ai-~C!. !4rc~:bis::'JD :-.~a~:.a~:i.os~
:1as, it:
c:-~c r-::..:; --.; ~~ ·J :"' 2.
.!.. :·~::: 1..;..~~-~c-e G;: i :.l~ i . _:-i C:.:a l ~
:'.t:::z- zroups or f frie~;_ds~·,ip f
sroups, ~~~·3 ZO"'.rcrm:.eL"'l":..:. t::; i:::.:~l'.lt::::G: 0~ ::or·3iS:":. ;:ro~ps and r:-~ili~u:: a::C,
:Cinall:c, :..::.flue:-,ce e::c::::c:.s:;:;c.'. ::.l:ro:tz:-:. ::::.3 :-:a ·::.o~l.al a·c:d, abov2. all,
::!:e i:·:::er7:a::.ional !)res:;,
o .._,·:: ':_-~--~-- :~:-~ ~:
cr. for::::_ z:. £0-!Sr:-:r.:s:::·i:::;,
,~ ~J ::ca(:,
-~·i.:.l ~c\? .:
. -Jf :-:.a ·:i m:~ 1
.. 31 ...
a t·::~:·.-:pi:. -=o i:L~lL1-8:."'.C3 "-.i."'lot:·u~r t:.o::s::! ~.::!::·3S pr~s:ure. B'.l~::. dire.~::
pres.:mre on public cp:!.r:io:'l, ot:1.erw-ise !-c~cm: a:; propaganda, i:. a p:1e~a.;.;e:10:1
of capi::al iti:.por::a-:tc::!r.:.. T::es.a ar~ t~:c ideas of :::12 Greek :.istorian,
Dixdtri.. Iat:silds, e::pour_chd in ids book, 11 Propaganda a11.d Pres:::ure
in Ir.·ccr;::.a :iomri Poli ticc'_r (pacz 9) ..
T::er~ a.::e sou~ l~~1o rc:3ard a:1y ::.ca::-.s o£ cJ:ercis!ng political pres:::urz.
o:: ar: ac'b:=rsa:-y a:; leGi ti:.:a ::e, and ~::1o are pr~parccl_, £or :his pur?ose,
opcnl:r ·:o ·,;iola::~ a·:, i.n·::c::::a·:ional Con 173r:·::io::-~ 'tr:1ile. brazc;,;ly setti::c
~:-:.c.r:~s~l··-"35 up a~ ·2:~:..:: '..li~T.m-,erin.g c::a1z;.pions of ·~::1is ·l·ery Co::lv~n-~ior!..
li1 co:~~l:!sio~, i..r C~:ai::-:.:.•a::, I feel sure, i:1 :::1.: lis::t of ~-;::.St. I :1au":
::;aid, ::~:a:: t:<c Depud~s are ;.:ow fully e-v;a-r.z :.:::a·;: l!S are dealing Lere
a r~sre::table series 0~ leaks, cons::ituting a flasrar..:t breach
A... ··-.:,..1"'"'
"? a·~d ~,-:._ o·'=
,.,.,. .u...
__·--~~- ...,. r.on•J·"'·-.·:·io-~ 3.L·
!. ...
-~·•• "t.••••.'-!!',·a-:--_.
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and :.~a-re ·::a!cen clue ~:o::c o:: :::1e fac·:.:.
O -r-
_ , _ __
'~o-::::;s~ s::rvi.:cl~r e~ainst ~l1eJ~ ~-·ilZ~Jl a:.:d s:,rs·:::c:a.. . ..a·.:ic lea!.:s,
C..-:.sit;n3d ·::c ·.:_a::.: pcl-i·t:ical capital c:= thz Cor.:Zlission's re!Jor·~~J
oe::o-.:-e i:: :~as_b<;;~n ::;·::·.l~:t~cl b:· t:le Dapud?.S a:·.d·Hi::::.cut a dedsim'l
..... and ._·-o ..\,.;,~.;:::.
oeing ::a!-:~:1 or. ]..,_.,
;_ ~ r..,.,·.1;,..~-·--ro
._._~ .... -a.""":- .... ,
._.;...:.c ........
.. .:. ~ 4 - a~. ~~·c.;.
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the Co-.::l:::. s zi o:"! a:1c :.:::e Cor:n1ittec o::: Eir:isters es ins::rur.'.ents of poli;;ical
propaca:1cla and pra::o::::.1r·; azainst ~.y country;
2. - ::o as!< th'2.' Secre:.:a::ia·:: ~1I1.ether it int:~nds to. open an enquiry,
vit:;, e. vi--:!~.: <:o establiz:::l.ns ::::I.-1e so'..lrcc o!:, and responsibilit.:y for,
:::1::::;z.lza:-:::; a:'ld ':o ro·~'..les·.: -=~'l.e 3e.cre;:aria::, i£ i t is ;.'lOt already doing
so, to L:.i ::ia te sue:. an ~~:.~:ui-.:-y wi thou·:; .d::;lay and rcpo:r;: bac!~ to .ti~c
Cor:cl ttee .' 1
c;_::/J~l/~~~-~1 (77~ ~:. _·
The Representa·::ive of Q7yrun said ::ha:: ::is
au:::1~rities r....uc:. :!:"egr(!::-::ad
lealcs, i:1 pardcula.:- b-;causc cl1c7 uculd co;.-.::ri'xttc ::o~mrds rsd•..!cir:.c
i::-,pac·: of ::::.~ rep(:r::: 1 s p·J'olica~:io;1 u~:e::. it o;;as deci0.2d upa~1. by
t:J:3 CO"!·!~:it~~z o2 l~i11is.~:~rs4 E"'J'idGt1Ce o£ ·.:~:c z:.. .zc:·:: P'...lblic inter'3s;:
i:1. t:1·~ ca~e ~:a.3 ·::1~ ~:!.de co-·,rc~aee ~·!::is.~.: ::.ad 0cc-:! gi~v.. cl: i:."l 'i.:~:s ~urcpGn.i:.
pr3s::; and :::"!e s t:a··:er..::;~.-:.5 :~·.ac~3 by a 41m.: . b~r of 3~_1ropea:-:. poli ::.icic.r..G
prcssir!.G for a;-. early d:;cision and C.~1~ pu~licatio:-: of t::c repor':.
T::is Has 01-:.c of ::::.e rea cons w~1.y ::e, i:-t ::is ~01:.:!!l.ents or:. c::c Leri ts
of t~c case, ~ad stresced ~~s inte~t ceed for an ~arly decision by
tl:.e Cor.::rri~::ee of i.~inis'.:er3 because ~:e oelieoreci SUC~1. an (;'.arl7 decisio~·~
~:ould ·s~r-vc as a de ::crrer.:: :· o ::h~ co::til:~Jir-.g viola tio::.s b7 Tu.rkey
in Cypr'wts. As ·::a ·::::.e :;~:a·::.c~~:.er~t b·y t~-:z T·..1~l~is:: ~cp~eC·-:~:::a:~i--Tc aJo~t.
-~:~1G C~/priot
?oreiul i.~i:-;.:.s·:::;r, r._·r c:-:.ris·::o?~:.id;s,
of Cypru:J i::.::cr:T:.2d ·::::s COLT1.1i·~t.:3c of ~-.;:-.a-~_L.i..
i ~~ ;::~2 ~c-:. uri t:;:- C c; u:-:.ci 1, i c ·::::c:.: as r2 cai:"C :3
-~~-,e Re.pres-Gn~~-~i-:is
:-:ac1 seic1
:.-2 par·:: o.;: t.:~~c CoL·:..r:li s 8i o:::
of :~tr.:c::: ::ic~:cs ::,~ CQulC. :::~.ot. S2.J"' cny-i:~-:i:.--8 ~)~cc..:Is:. i ~ \.:as u~:cl:::: e::::a::.:.i~a.··:~·--::-:
by ·::-_(! CoL:rd t;:ec of L.~::is··:~:cs cf ··:::.c Cou:1cil o:= ::Z JropG e..::-.. C -~~:a·:.: i ~
1iJa~ not ::is intcntio:-!. ·::o polil:icis~ -:~he issue.
T~~-2 !'3m~·~.a .s-~a·~e:.:en~:
-.:;a~ :.~adc by Lr c:-,ris:~cp~:ides i:1 ::~-:.c coursz cf c:I-.z Coll:JC:UY en 28 Jc:.~-n.!ar:.'
:::e poi:~:ted ou·:: ·::::a:: ·;:he Cypriot :-.. er..:b<:!.:- of d!:=. Cor,cic:ion,
Lr Tria:-:tafyllid~s, L-!. ~:is in·:::2r·vic~,.r~ ::e.cl spo~:::!<1 o;::l~/ of spc.2<:inc
U? ·:::1G ?=oc~d:Jr~ be~Oj:"e. ~~:e Cor.x~Li·~·:.:e;:: o~ :.:ir:~:;·.:,~rs. ·."~~:..:--:all:-7 ~-e S1Jppcr·::ecl
~ha p:cpcsal by ~~e Tur~in~ ~epres~~ta:it~ ~~at ~te 3ec=e~ary G~nar~l
oE t~l.3 ~:o~J11Cil of !Z'Jrop:; ~:~011ld cp.:~:: a:.. .~ :.::-!.-_'".!i::-y o~""l .·::1s s~.Jbjcc:: o2
1 ce.!:s.
P.~prcsentativc o:: ~re_~ said ::~:a;: :::c:: lca.:-:s i::-. ~~:-:3 pr2s.: or-_
co:t.l.clu::.ia:."2S o~ ·~!1c Cor~~..:..iscio:'l';J rc:_Jor-;: \7e~c a c1is.~~'..!r~)inz elz:.:.:.~:.:.t"
··:1a··-- '!''..,.,...
~.,a,..1 a~lrr>a,..l·r
~',,;__, ...,
... ,._;..; ,....,l,li
:..J ·-:-> - ..,_J.t.;.t...:.
:~. ·-.!...
..... w
•-CO~::::=iC~~.. ·::ial r~ports of ·~:l1e. Cor.'!r'"issio:: it1 ·::~1.8 G::ee~: cas~ i~L 1969 a:1..d
in ::he case of Ir:3land a[:a.ir:s<: <::!e U::.L':2d :ZL!t;::.laL. in 1. 976.
.A. ...
-.....• •
• - ....
.. .....,
The Dire·:.:::or of PolL:ical Affairs said ::~"at ·:::e 3ccn:.::ary G~n~ral
v~O'llcf uillinel;' acr22 :c·~;:--;;.73-aspczec!y c<1.cuiry concluctzc! ir,r.:.o :::12
:-:.3 poL::.cec! ot::: t~:e.:: T;;ry :::;:ric:: sccu=i::7 ·'"·easura: ::ad b~e~-:.
tales:: \:i.:::-'lin. --::1e ::Jecreta::ia::.: to ~1-1.arcl ar:;aii:"'!S:: e..~17 sucl1 lea~<.s~. I-:c obs-2r--'·.~d
howe-.r2r ·::::.a·:: t:1.e Zecrc ·:ary General's en:::uiry could relate onl7 to
action ·::aken by t:·.e Secre::aria~: c:: ::~1.e Cou:-,cil of :Surope, w;.:id:. in
·::!.1.~ pres-:.:::.-t cas-a \·Jas ;.::1-e o::~ly :Zield t:rb.er9 ·:::"!~ Je·:::-:2tar:,' General e:c-3rcised
::is au-::::ori ty a::J :::-.::.ce could ascur.:.e any rsspo:.:dbili ty :::·~a:: Li[):t
__ _
____ ..,...._
~~p=es~~~a::i7e o .:: C~"'o::·J::;
c·.-: <_:.::
C.C·:-.. r:l·J.J:_~-~-.S
i;.·: ::.9.::9, ::.:1 ::~--.?case ·"Jf A:.1.s:ria ·re:rsus I::aly L-.
e::. C: ~-.'1 ·:::~ c2.s:: c·Z Jc::r..·_-_ar,~, -~""::-::.Cs:::., ::c~:..\'72~,. a~-l.~~~ ·--~.~::: :-~ :~:-~rla~'lC:G
-~·z::-~·~'"-~ G::--:-::::.'2. ~-_..._ ..t. . :::::il :..970,
:~. :.3 J:=~?~.J·.:i·::::-:3 ~-.?..·:~. :l--: -::.-::.-.-=-~ ·c ry·J~)liG~: c
:;::-~:: ·:cr:::·~:..L~.. :. --:..t8 c::.l:' 2.~~_:.:::- :c·_-__ ,1;. ::!.~--: -·.::.~~ci.r -::-·J:r:: -:;-_~ ~ -·~ ~2.3-:.:. r:c·L·>::.-:::-:-:~-=- ..
·:~- 2 ?-==:::: ;~ c. u~."':"-~~..!:~:. :-·.~1e -: i ~-:
~.!--:::; ~~ .:-:~·- _·__ a-2 ~-· c ~.:: ~-~- ·::: ::: .:;:~::.- 1 i~ :;.. ~- :.c: _c. ~- .: :·_ :::. ::~:i ·.-:z
:::e Sl. ..::u:. :io:: 2~( T~.:z:.e:::"_:.-1[; ·::c 2.:1 2.~):_)<;:-:Ci:: Z"~?i.:'OC~,..lc::.:-_z ·:..::-:-:: ~~·=.solt.!':i.c~~s
adoptGc '-:;7 ':h<?. CoE:rr..i::::~~ o!: l~inis::ers i:. cl:.si:1c :::lz proceedi:1.::;s.
:. ~.~<:.
"U:1ic::d !CL:r;dor::
3everal deleca::ions staf:c·-:1 ·::ha'-~ t:.1~y uerc :-..ot in :cavo:Jr of publis:~i::··s
a pras;j -::.ot.rnu:.:.!.-:_ue or. ::he c!.~cisions b:.· :.:~·:c Co;::rdtt<:;e of Linis :ers
.J.j -
___ _
Cl:/Del/Concl.(77) ~65
took not~ o:Z ::-:.2 i:.-"::.:mtion of ::~::.:: zc-_•3nr.:znt of T'...!rkey to
submit, L"l accordar:.cc nic~: ::-·-1la 2 of ':he 11 I!.:1l~s adopted by th~ Con::;i~:~oa
o£ l:inis-::~rs for :::~s A::>;,Jlica·':ion of Ar·':icl::: ;)~ :Jf '::19 E~tropean Cc::nrf:r~"i:io::.
o:C Et.n·,:e:"'t I!.ig::.ts", a :--~Lorie.l b:r 17 l~ay 1977 a·.: ::h:; la::csq
Lls·:ruc"::.( · -~ ::::cc:c~ :aria:: .:o gi7:: pricrit:-,r to "'::i•·~ -:::ra'.:.sla::ion
and reproductior:. ci: :·::::: Tu;:~dsl"l. z-;:c;.;:ori;:l ~~'e:-.tio::~~d t:p.dcr (i) abo•Js;
dzcided '.:o re::n.t..e discus cion of ·i:his i":.:ar~ a'.: t:1eir r·_eedr.g
in I.:ay 1977, a: uhic~l t::c dzlegation oZ 'i\lrk~y in·::a:.ds :.:o r. aks an
oral s ::a ·:::::_1en·:: on i.:!"lc L~:orial rcEGrrcd ::o i:: (i) abc-,e;
agrcGd :.::Lat c:-.ly ~::18 foll.)'t1L13 :::sply ca::. be gic.ren to any .""'u~s ::ions
frO'::, journali~·::s:
nt:~z Co:~..:~_'it·~:cc
co:1sidcra::ion of
~~i~-.. is·:.:~rs,
.~a·:=i::-~e a·;:
D-:::JTi:y lcv~l, :-.as s :-ar2:Ad
Cyprus v T:tr!cey ca1e c:1d ~1as t~ccided ::o resur..::;: