Yearbook - Tazewell County
Yearbook - Tazewell County
Tazewell County Y e a r b o o k 2015 Prepared by Christie A. Webb County Clerk/ Recorder REFERENCE GUIDE Tazewell County, Illinois Yearbook 2015 Containing a list of Illinois Executive and Judicial Officials, County Employees and Officials, Townships Officials, and other information pertinent to Tazewell County. Table of Contents State Officials County Board Members Rules of Order & Procedure Tazewell County Board Index General Functions & Responsibility of Committees Functions & Responsibilities of Specific Committees Committee Members County Offices: Animal Control Auditor's Office Bailiffs Building and Grounds Department Children's Advocacy Center Circuit Clerk Office Circuit Courts Community Development Coroner's Office County Board Office County Clerk/ Recorders Court Services Adult Probation Division Juvenile Probation Division Pre-Trail/ Intensive Probation Legal Service Emergency Management Agency Health Department Highway Department Jury Commission Public Defender Regional Superintendent of Schools Sheriff's Department Sheriff's Merit Commission State's Attorney's Office Supervisor of Assessments Treasure's Office Veteran's Assistance Commission Officers of Cities & Villages Township Officials Precinct Committee Persons: Democrat Republican Tazewell County Legislative Districts Population- Townships, Cities, Villages Tazewell County Valuations Dates to be Remembered County Index 3 4-5 6-14 14 14-20 21 22 23 24 48 25 28-29 26-27 49-51 30-31 32 33-36 37 38 38 38 39 40-44 45-46 47 52 53-55 56-59 59 60-61 62 63-64 65 66-69 70-73 74-75 76-77 78-79 80 81 82 83-87 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Index of Elected/ Appointed officials Elected Officials Office Phone Page Grashoff, Vicki (D) Auditor 477-2237 23 Zimmerman, David (R) Board Chairman 477-2272 32 Hobson, Lincoln (R) Circuit Clerk 477-2214 28 Baldi, James Jeff (R) Coroner 477-2240 30 Webb, Chrisite (D) County Clerk/ Recorder 477-2264 33 Owen, Gail (R) Regional Supt. Of Schools 477-2290 53 Huston, Robert (R) Sheriff 477-2245 56 Umholtz, Stewart (R) State's Attorney 477-2205 60 Burress, Mary (R) Treasurer 477-2284 63 Sanders, Ryan Animal Control Director 925-3370 22 Strauman, Michael Building & Grounds 477-2233 48 Deininger, Kristal Community Development 477-2235 49 Farril, Wendy County Administration 477-2272 32 Fink, Craig County Engineer 925-5532 45 Horan, John Court Services Director 477-2281 37 Holly, Mike Deferred Prosecution 477-2294 61 Cook, Dawn 477-2234 39 Fox, Amy Director of Emergency Management Director of Health 925-5514 40 Zimmerman, Emma Jury Commission Admin. 477-2763 47 Bernardi, Frederick A. Public Defender 477-2232 52 Twist, Gary Supervisor of Assessments 477-2275 62 Saal, Steven Veterans Assistance 477-2271 65 Appointed Officials ELECTED/APPOINTED OFFICIALS 2 State Officials United States Senators Mark Kirk (R ) Richard Durbin (D ) Chicago Chicago Representative in Congress Cheri Bustos (D) VACANT (R) Rock Island Peoria Governor Bruce Rauner (R) Springfield Lieutenant Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti (R) Springfield Secretary of State Jesse White (D) Springfield Attorney General Lisa Madigan (D) Springfield Comptroller Leslie Geissler (R) Munger Springfield State Treasurer Michael M. Frerichs (D) Springfield Clerk of the Appellate Court Gist Fleshman 44th District 46th District 87th District 88th District 91st District (R) (D) (R) (R) (R) Bill Brady David Koehler Tim Butler Keith Sommer Michael Unes Bloomington Pekin Springfield Morton Pekin STATE OFFICIALS 3 Tazewell County Board Directory David Zimmerman- 134 Maple Ridge, Morton, IL 61550 Chairman 309-370-0773 Monica Connett (D) District 1 - Term Expires 2018 203 5th St., PO Box 267 South Pekin, IL 61564 309-346-4961 Terry C. Hillegonds (R ) District 3- Term Expires 2016 1304 Oak Leaf Lane Washington, IL 61571 309-369-8696 [email protected] [email protected] Russ Crawford (R) District 3 - Term Expires 2016 204 District Court East Peoria, IL 61611 309-265-2468 [email protected] Mary Jo Holford (R ) District 3- Term Expires 2016 5 Primrose Lane Washington, IL 61571 309-444-2319 [email protected] Jim Donahue (R) District 2 - Term Expires 2016 506 Country Club Drive Pekin, IL 61554 309-347-3692 [email protected] Carroll Imig (R) District 2 - Term Expires 2016 329 NW Monroe, PO Box 493 Hopedale, IL 61747 309-267-8845 [email protected] Nick Graff (R) District 2 - Term Expires 2018 111 Stonecrop Road Morton, IL 61550 309-263-2560 [email protected] Darrell Meisinger (D) District 1 - Term Expires 2016 5331 Illinois Route 29 Green Valley, IL 61534 309-251-0550 [email protected] Brett Grimm (R) District 2 - Term Expires 2018 16495 Washington Road Seth Mingus ( R) District 3- Term Expires 2018 12 Fleur De Lis Drive Morton, IL 61550 East Peoria, IL 61611 309-360-2648 [email protected] 309-645-6584 [email protected] Dean Grimm (R) District 2 - Term Expires 2018 330 S. Main Street Morton, IL 61550 309-370-1490 [email protected] Timothy Neuhauser (R) District 2 - Term Expires 2016 5 Hawthorne Cove Morton, IL 61550 309-698-8071 [email protected] COUNTY BOARD DIRECTORY 4 Michael L. Harris (R) District 3 - Term Expires 2016 PO Box 245 Mackinaw, IL 61755 309-359-8969 Gary Sciortino ( D ) District 1-Term Expires 2016 7 St. Anne Pekin, IL 61554 309-3492671 [email protected] [email protected] Nancy Proehl (R) District 1 - Term Expires 2016 9776 Warner Rd. Manito, IL 61546 309-968-6780 [email protected] Greg Sinn (R) District 2 - Term Expires 2016 Box 808 Tremont, IL 61568 309-925-3093 [email protected] John Redlingshafer (R) District 3 - Term Expires 2018 114 Windsong Drive Washington, IL 61571 309-696-2961 [email protected] Sue Sundell (D) District 1 - Term Expires 2016 6250 Sky Ranch Rd. Manito, IL 61546 309-545-2221 [email protected] Andrew Rinehart (R) District 3 - Term Expires 2018 304 Victoria Drive Washington, IL 61571 309-444-5990 [email protected] Jerry Vanderheydt (D) District 1 - Term Expires 2018 1326 Hilltop Drive Pekin, IL 61554 309-241-2908 [email protected] Joe Wolfe(D) District 1 - Term Expires 2016 402 Insull Street Pekin, IL 61554 309-267-7750 [email protected] COUNTY BOARD DIRECTORY 5 Title 1- Chapter 4 Rules of Order and Procedure Tazewell County Board 1 TCC 4-1 1 TCC 4-2 1 TCC 4-3 1 TCC 4-4 1 TCC 4-5 1 TCC 4-6 1 TCC 4-7 1 TCC 4-8 1 TCC 4-9 1 TCC 4-10 1 TCC 4-11 1 TCC 4-12 1 TCC 4-13 1 TCC 4-14 1 TCC 4-1 Preamble Organization and Officers Board Staff County Board Meetings Order of Business Procedure at Board Meetings Committees Number, Designation and Membership Committees General Functions and Responsibilities Committee Rules Functions and Responsibilities of Specific Committees Amendment of Rules Expenditures Meetings Miscellaneous Provision Severability Preamble The members of the County Board of Tazewell County, Illinois express their expectations and intent that all Board members follow a high standard of ethical behavior in exercising their duties, responsibilities and judgement as a Board member. All members of the Tazewell County Board shall: a. Handle county affairs with a deep sense of responsibility, upholding the spirit as well as the letter of the law and constitution. b. Faithfully perform all duties as Board members by studying Board issues and be attending all sessions of the Board and assigned committees, unless prevented from doing by a compelling reason. c. Avoid participation in any action which would result in a conflict of personal interest with county responsibility. d. Refrain from obtaining improper personal benefit with regard to public funds, equipment, property, or the services of employees. e. Respect the confidentiality of priviledged information. f. Refrain from accepting gifts, favors or promises or future benefit which could tend to impair independence of judgement or action as a Board member. The following rules shall govern the County Board of Tazewell County, Illinois: TAZEWELL COUNTY BOARD 6 1 TCC 4-2 Organization and Officers a. Initial Meeting. In years of County Board elections the initial Meeting of the County Board (hereinafter called the "Board") shall be the first Monday in December. The Board Chairman shall call the meeting to order and preside. b. General Powers of Chairman. The Chairman shall: 1 Be responsible for administering the Board Office, including the supervision of staff and assignment of work. 2 Preside at all meetings of the Board and the Executive Committee; 3 Conduct the business of the Board meetings in order prescribed in these Rules with all necessary general power including: to recognize members entitled to the floor, to state and to put to a vote all questions which are regularly moved and seconded or which necessarily arise in the course of the proceedings, to announce the results thereof, to protect the Board from all frivolous or dilatory actions, to decide all questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Board. In case of disturbances, breach of decorum, or disorderly conduct, to take action pursuant to Section 1 TCC 4-6 (m); and to assist in expediting the business of the Board; 4 Have all the powers necessary to perform all other duties prescribed by law or by action of the Board; and 5 Vote only when the vote of the Board results in a tie. c. Appointment of Vice- Chairman of the Board and Standing Committees. 1 Vice Chairman.The Vice Chairman of the Board shall be nominated by the Chairman and elected by the members of the Board. The Vice Chairman must be a member of the Board and shall be a member of the Executive Committee and may also serve as Chairman of any committee or subcommittee. 2 Standing Committees. The Chairman shall appoint the Chairman, Vice Chairman and members of all Standing Committees not later then the initial December Board Meeting in each year in which Board elections are held, subject to approval of the Board. 3 Vacancies. In cas of a vacancy on the Board, the person named to fill the vacancy may also fill vacancies on standing or special committees except that such person shall not be designated as Chairman or Vice Chairman thereof. When a vacancy has been created on a Committee of the Board, the Chairman of the Board shall have the authority to fill the vacancy by shifting a Board Member from another Committee. d. Clerk of the Board. The County Clerk or a deputy selected by the County Clerk shall be the Clerk of the Board. There Clerk shall be the keeper of the records and minutes of the Board and its Committees and shall be in attendance at all meetings of the Board. e. Minutes of Closed Meetings. Minutes of any closed meeting held pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, 5ILCS 120/1.01 et. Seq. shall be made available to the members of the board which conducted such meeting at the next meeting of that body for approval. Upon approval of such closed session minutes all distributed copies shall be returned to the County Clerk and shall keep such minutes in a secure location and submit a copy to the State's Attorney. The State's Attorney shall preserve the copy in a TAZEWELL COUNTY BOARD 7 secure location. Such minutes shall be reviewed at least semi-annually by the Board for continued need for confidentiality in accordance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act. f. Parliamentarian. The Board Chairman shall designate a member as Parlimentarian subject to the approval of the full Board. Upon request of the Chairman or a member of the Board. The rule or parliamentary procedures as set forth in the latest published edition of "Roberts Rules of Order, Revised " shall govern the procedure of the Board in all cases applicable and to the extent not inconsistent with these rules. g. Appointments of officers and members to various Boards. Councils Commissions, Special Authorities, Special Districts, and other agencies shall be made by nomination by the Chairman and approval of the Board unless otherwise provided by law. h. Procedure for Filling Vacancies in Elective County Offices. When a vacancy in any county elective office occurs, the procedure for filing such vacancy shall be as follows, to the extents consistent with any laws (10 ILCD 5/2511) ( Note: Circuit Clerk vacancy is filled by Circuit Judges, 10 ILCS 5/2510): 1 When a vacancy occurs, the Chairman shall publicly announce the vacancy and shall provide at least 21 days notice of the date upon which the appointment to fill the vacancy shall be made. Said appointment is to be made at a regular Board meeting no later than sixty days after the vacancy occurs. 2 Written applications and resumes must be submitted to the Board office by noon of the Monday prior to the regularly scheduled Board meeting and signed by the applicant by the applicant. The Board Chairman or his designee shall screen all applicants for eligibility. All applications shall be made available to Board Members. 3 Any applicant must be otherwise qualified for the office in which the vacancy exists and must meet all the qualifications for holding public office. Each applicant must provide evidence of membership in the same political party as the person who the applicant proposes to succeed. 4 At a regular Board meeting, an appointment will then be made by the Chairman subject to the approval of the Board. All voting regarding the appointment shall be by a Roll Call Vote. 1 TCC 4-3 Board Staff a. The County Board shall be served by the Board Staff which is comprised of the County Administrator and the Chief Clerk. b. All work shall be assigned to the staff by the Board Chairman or the County Administrator, Any Board Member requiring services from the Board Staff shall make such request. 1 TCC 4-4 County Board Meetings a. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the full Board shall be last held in the Justice Center Community TAZEWELL COUNTY BOARD 8 Room on the last Wednesday of each month convening at 6:00p.m. except when other meeting dates/ times are designated. A monthly schedule of meetings shall be made available to all members and other interested persons. All meetings of the Board and its committees shall be open to the public, except for limited purposes as specified by law. b. Special Meetings, Special Meetings of the Board shall be held when requested by the Chairman or at least one-third of the members of the Board. The request shall be in writing, addressed to the Clerk and specify the time, place and nature of the matters to be considered. The Clerk shall immediately notify, in writing, each member of the time and place of such meeting and shall also cause notice of such meeting to be published in a newspaper published in Tazewell County. c. Agenda Preparation. The Chairman shall prepare an agenda for each regular meeting, listing the order of business in as much detail as is practical, and shall file the agenda with the Clerk for notification. The agenda shall include a "consent agenda" which shall include all matters that are to come before the Board that in the opinion of the Chairman will be of routine nature. d. Reports and Communications. Any Committee Chairman or any elected or appointed County official who desires to present any report or communication to the Board shall deliver a copy of the same to the Chairman by the fifth calendar day prior to the Board meeting. Failure to comply with this rule will not prohibit a report or communcation from being considered by the Board. e. Agenda Mailing. At least three business days before each regular meeting, the Clerk shall send to each member, the following documents: 1 Agenda for the next meeting 2 Minutes of the previous meeting 3 Resolutions, ordinances and written reports to come before the Board at the next meeting, which have been filed with the Board Office. 4 All Committee minutes filed with the Clerk since the previous meeting. 5 All other material that in the opinion of the Chairman will be of interest to Members. f. Resolution of Congratulations or Bereavement. Any Board Member who desires to have the Board adopt a Resolution of Congratulations or Bereavement, recognition to an individual, group achievement, and/or community special event shall forward the Resolution (or the information to be included in the Resolution) to the Chairman's Office six business days prior to the Board meeting (or as soon as possible for a Bereavement). In lieu of a formal Resolution of Congratulations, a Board member may move that the Board Chairman prepare a letter of congratulations in recognittion of any individual, group achievement and/or community special event. The Chairman shall include all such letters on the Consent Agenda of the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. g. Items for Final Action by the Board. Ordinance, resolutions (except those covered by TCC 4-4(f) and other agenda items requiring final action by the Board must be reported out of a Standing Committee to the Board to be placed on the agenda for a final vote. A copy of the motion to be presented to the TAZEWELL COUNTY BOARD 9 Board shall be given to the Chairman and the State's Attorney (unless prepared by the State's Attorney) at least six calendar days prior to the Board Meeting at which it is to be considered. Any motion made that does not comply with this frequently adopted by the Board in the same form except as to certain detail, such as Highway resolutions, need not to be so timely with the Chairman, or furnished to the State's Attorney. 1 TCC 4-5 The order of business before the Board shall be as follows, unless otherwise determined by action of the Board: a. Call of Roll ' b. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance c. Approval of Minutes d. Consent Agenda e. Communications from members of the public and County employees f. Communications from elected and appointed County Officials g. Appointments h. Unfinished Business i. New Business 1. Reports of Standing Committees. 2 Reports of Special Committees. j. Approval of Bills k. Approval of calendar of meetings for succeeding month. l. Recess 1 TCC 4-6 a. Quorum. A majority of the members of the Board, exclusive of the Chairman, shall constitute a quorum. b. General voting. Unless otherwise expressly provided, any actions taken by the Board or any Committees shal only require the affirmative vote of the majority of the members present and voting. c. Roll Call Vote 1 A roll call vote of the Board shall be taken by a "yes", "no", "abstain" (with reason) or "present" on the following matters: (i) All contacts relating to the sale or leasing of County property. (ii) Appropriation and tax levy ordinances. (iii) All expenditures of County funds. (iv) Any other matter required by law (v) Upon any other matters, when announced by the Chairman or requested by two members, providing such request is made before another item of business has been taken by the TAZEWELL COUNTY BOARD 10 Board. On a roll call vote the Clerk shall call the names of the Members of the Board in alphabetical order, with the first names called for each roll call being the second name called in the previous roll call. The Chairman shall only vote when the vote of the Board results ina tie. In any action requiring a roll call vote, if any member ask for and received unanimous consent of the members present for the Clerk to show all members present as voting in favor of such action, the Clerk shall show and record such vote accordingly. 3 A member who has voted on a roll call vote shall not be allowed to change that vote on the matter under consideration after the tally is announced. A member not voting when called upon by the Clerk will be presumed absent and will not be allowed to cast a vote on the matter under consideration. Recognition 1 Every member previous to speaking or making a motion shall first be recognized by the Chairman 2 When two or more members request recognition at the same time, the Chairman shall recognize the member who is to speak first. 3 No person shall speak more than twice nor more than five minutes on the same matter without permission from the Chairman. d. Motion to Adjourn or Recall. A motion to adjourn or recess shall always be in order and shall be decided without debate. e. Reconsideration. An action may be reconsidered at any time during the meeting or at the next meeting held thereafter. A motion to reconsider shall be made and seconded by members of the Board who voted on the prevailing side of the question to be reconsidered. f. Seconded Required. No motion shall be debated or put to a vote unless it is seconded. It shall then be stated by the Chairman before debate or vote and every motion shall be reduced to writing when requested by the Chairman or any member. g. Appearance by Non-Members. 1 Any member may request that a County Officer or employee, or other persons, be permitted to appear before the Board on matter of County business, and such request shall be granted by the Chairman unless there is objection by any member, in which even Board action will be required to overrule the Chairman. 2 All request by nonmembers of the Board for appearance before the Board shall be made to the Chairman, in writing with the subject matter stated, not less than six business days before the next scheduled Board meeting. Such appearance with regard to any particular topic shall be limited to a time not to exceed three minutes for each individual, five minutes for a representative spokesman of a group and fifteen minutes total. The Chairman may act to prevent repetition or digression, to maintain decorum and exclude discussion of matters which have had previous public hearing conducted according to law, discussion of matters where public comment would interfere with the due process of law or discussion of matters which would bein direct conflict with restrictions place upon the Board by other applicable law. h. Request of Legal Opinions. Requests to the State's Attorney on questions of law shall be submitted in writing by a Standing Committee or by the Chairman of the Board. The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board and Members of the Executive Committees shall receive copies of such requests. Said copies shall also be included in materials distributed to members of the Board as provided in Section 1 TCC 4-4 € of these rules prior to the next meeting of the Board unless such request originated after materials have been distributed, in which case such copies shall be distributed at the beginning of the meeting. Any member of the Board desiring 2 TAZEWELL COUNTY BOARD 11 an advisory opinion on a matter within the jurisdiction of a Standing Committee shall submit such request in the form of a motion at any meeting of the Board which shall be granted upon approval by a majority of the Members of the Board. i. Suspension of Rules. Any of these rules may be temporarily suspended by action of a two-thirds majority of Member's present and voting on the Board immediately upon the termination of the business arising out of the event for which the rules were suspended, these rules shall again be in effect without vote of the Board. j. Consent Agenda. All matters that are not removed will be voted on by one roll call vote. An item shall be removed from the Consent Agenda upon the oral request of any Member of the Board prior to the vote. Any matter taken off the Consent Agenda shall be considered at any time of the Standing Committee report to which it pertains. k. Closed Meeting or Session. Any closed meeting or closed session held by the Board shall be held in accordance with the provisions of the Illinois Open Meeting Act. Neither the news media nor the general public shall be allowed to record the proceedings of any said closed meeting or closed session. l. Decorum. During the proceedings of the County Board decorum shall be maintained at all times by Members, interested parties, the public and the media. The Chairman shall be authorized to take appropriate action to maintain said Decorum. m. Contracts. No Contracts shall be approved by the Board unless: 1 (i) All Board Members have been given the opportunity to obtain a copy of the contract at least 5 business days before the Board meeting by notice that the contract would be on the agenda by mailing of committee minutes or otherwise, and the contract was available at the Board Office; or (ii) The text of the contract was included in the Agenda mailing required by 1 TCC 4-4 €; and 2 It has been reviewed by the State's Attorney and his comments have been provided to the Board, or unless such approval is contingent upon review and approval of the State's Attorney. 1 TCC 4-7 Committees Number, Designation and Membership a. The Standing Committees 1 Standing Committees are: (i) The Executive Committee which consist of the Board Chairman, Vice Chairman of the Board and the Chairman of the other Standing Committees as well as any other Board Member designated by the Chairman. The Chairman of the Board shall have the same voting rights as designated in 1 TCC 4-2 (b). (ii) The Finance Committee, Human Resource Committee, and Risk Management Committees may have up to 11 members. Transportation Committee, Health Services Committee, Property Committee, Land Use and Development Committee, each may have up to 8 members, exclusive of the Committees Chairman and Board Chairman, at the discretion of the Chairman. 2 Each Board member shall serve on two or more Standing Committees. 3 The Chairman of the Board shall be an ex-officio member of all Standing Committees and Subcommittees. The Board Chairman shall have the same voting rights as provided in 1TCC 4-2 (b). 4 The Committees Chairman shall have the same voting rights as any member of the Committee. b. Quorum. A majority of the members of a Committee, Subcommittee or Ad Hoc Committee TAZEWELL COUNTY BOARD 12 c. d. e. f. shall constitute a quorum. The Board Chairman's attendance at a committee meeting (but not a subcommittee meeting) shall be counted when determining if a quorum is present; however, such attendance shall not increase the number of members constituting a quorum. Recording of Votes. Roll call votes shall be required in Committees as in Section 1 TCC 4-6 ©. Whenever a roll call vote is not taken, any Member may have their own vote recorder in the minutes by so requesting at the time the vote is taken. Alternate members and Attendance of Members at Committee Meeting other than those to which they are assigned. 1 An alternate Member may be appointed to each Standing Committee by the Chairman of the Board and such alternate shall attend meetings of such committee if required to constitue a quorum and shall have all the privilages and duties of a regular Member while so serving. 2 Board Members may attend and have access to minutes resulting from any open or closed meetings or sessions of Committees of which they are not members. At the discretion of the Committee Chairman during the meeting, the Board Member may participate in the meeting but without voting privledge or payment of per diem, mileage or expenses. 3 Any closed meeting or closed session held by any Committee of the Tazewell County Board shall be held in accordance with the provisions of the Illinois Meeting Act. Neither the news media nor the general public shall be allowed to record the closed session. 4 Decorum during the proceedings of all Committee meetings shall be maintained at all times by Members, interested parties, the public, and the media. The Committee Chairman shall be authorized to take appropriate action to maintain said decorum. Subcommittees of the Executive Committee. The Standing Subcommittees of Executive Committee are: Rules Subcommittee, Collective Bargaining Subcommittee, and Ethics Commission Subcommittee appointed by the Chairman. In addition, the Chairman may create and appoint up to 6 Members to such Subcommittees and advisory groups deemed necessary from time to time to more efficiently accomplish the business of the Committee. Membership of any Subcommittee of the Executive Committee shall consist of the Board Members but shall not be restricted to Members of the Executive Committee. Membership of any advisory group shall not be restricted to Board Members. Except as otherwise proved by statute or ordinance, such subcommittee shall report to the Executive Committee. Finance/Budget Insurance Review 1 Subcommittees of Other Standing Committees. The Chairman of any Standing Committee may create such Subcommittee of his committee as may be necessary from time to time to more efficiently accomplish the business of such Standing Committee. The Board Chairman shall be an ex officio member of any such Subcommittee with the same voting rights as provided in TAZEWELL COUNTY BOARD 13 1 TCC 4-2 (b). Appointment to such Subcommittee. Except as otherwise provided, such Subcommittee shall report to their Standing Committee. 1 TCC 4-8 Committees General Functions and Responsibilities The general function and responsibilities of each Committee are: a. With the aid of the Board Chairman, the State's Attorney, Auditor, Treasure, and Executive Committee, to keep informed concerning appropriations and the budget for activities under the purview of the Committee and to help keep expenditures within the budget. b. To keep written minutes and report regularlu to the Board the substance of all meetings. c. To file minutes of all Committee meetings with the Board Office, which shall then be filed with the County Clerk, prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting. d. To submit to the County Board for consideration all policies and procedures as recommended by the Committee. e. To act on all matters referred to by the Committee by the Chairman of the Board or by the Board itself. in addition to duties otherwise prescribed. f. To keep informed with regard to activities of any department which is under its general supervision or for which it serves as liaison with the Board in instances where such activities are concerned with another Committee. 1 TCC 4-9 Committee Rules a. Committees shall take final action only on those matters authorized herein or by ordinances, resolution, or policy adopted by the Board. b. A Committee shall allow nonmembers to appear before it when such appearance is appropriate and does not violate due process of law. A request for such appearance shall be directed to the Chairman in writing with the subject matter stated at least five working days in advance of the meeting. The Committee shall have the right to set reasonable time limits, prevent unruly conduct and require groups to be represented by one spokesman. c. The regular Committee meeting dates, location and times shall be set by the Committee Chairman after consultation with the Committee members. d. Each Committee Chairman shall require the County Clerk or such designated person to prepare and mail an agenda to all Committee Members in advance of a regularly scheduled meeting. e. Committees shall use the public address system when meeting in the Justice Center Community Room. 1 TCC 4-10 Functions and Responsibilites of Specific Committees In addition to the general duties otherwise prescribed, the individual Committees shall have the functions. responsibilities, and areas of jurisdiction and overview as a set forth in this section. a. Executive Committee (Immediately after the Rise Management Committee) 1 To provide general direction for all Board programs, business, planning and policy-making functions and to review the reports of Board Committees. 2 To exercise general supervision of the administration of all Board affairs, including coordination of all committees. 3 To act in an advisory capacity to the Chairman of the Board. 4 To review and make recommendations for changes in Committee organizations and scope and in rules as may be deemed necessary. 5 To be responsible for the general overview of, and coordination with all Ad Hoc Committees, task forces and other like organizations as their activities related to County business, unless specifically under the jurisdiction of another Standing Committee. 6 To be responsible for all matters concerning the employment and activities of all consultants, both paid and unpaid, unless specifically under the jurisdiction of another Standing Committee. 7 To be responsible for all relationships with other units of government and for intergovernmental agreements unless specifically under the jurisdiction of another Standing Committee. 8 To exercise general supervision over all matters relating to the codification of County ordinances and resolutions. 9 To exercise general supervision over any federal or state entitlement programs for which the Board has a responsibility. 10 To serve as liaison in the Board's relationship with external Boards and Commissions with TAZEWELL COUNTY BOARD 14 b. c. d. e. f. g. h. which the Board may have a working relationship. 11 To serve as the oversight Committee for all the local, state and federal economic development programs, including but not limited to the County's intergovernmental agreement with the Economic Development Council for Central, IL, Inc. and to exercise general supervision over all economic development grants. 12 To review matters related to supervision over all licensing activities including raffles and charitable games. 13 To exercise general supervision over all licensing activities including raffles and charitable games. Rules Subcommittee 1 To periodically review the rules of the Board and recommend revisions deemed necessary and appropriate. 2 To receive and consider proposals for changes in the rules of the Board and make appropriate recommendations. Collective Bargaining Subcommittee To exercise general supervision over all collective bargaining agreements, employee benefits and entitlement and make recommensations to the Board. Legislative Liaison Subcommittee Legal Services Reimbursement Subcommittee Ethics Commission Subcommittee Finance Committee (The third Tuesday of the month) 1 To exercise continuous review of the overall tax cycle from the initial assessment of property through the tax collection. 2 To exercise continuous review of the revenues and expenditures, and to identify new or alternative revenue sources of the County. 3 To review and make recommendations to the Board with respect to purchasing and contracting policies and procedures. 4 To exercise continuous review of financial management, accounting and fiscal operations. 5 To serve as the oversight Committee for the Office of Supervisor of Assessments. 6 To serve as the liaison Committee for all officials. 7 To be responsible for fiscal instruments. 8 To recomment to the Board a public accounting firm to conduct an annual audit of all funds and accounts of the County. 9 To make recommendation on all emergency appropriations, transfer ordinance, and any transfers from the Contingent Account in all funds. 10 To receive the proposed annual operating and annual capital improvements budget for each of the departments of County government as recommended by the respective oversight Committees ; and to study, review and adjust such department budget request in order to accommodate budgetary priorities and fiscal constraints. To review the Propsed Budget and Appropriation Ordinance and a Propsed Tax Levy Ordinance which shall be submitted to the Board , with the Executive Committee's recommendation, in accordance with the Statutes of the State of Illinois. 11 To review the outside auditor's management letter, request depatmental responses to same, and make recommendations to the Board and the various oversight Committees. Human Resources Committee (The third Tuesday of the month) 1 To prepare and make recommendation immediately after Finance Committee to the Board with respect to the personnell policies and procedures which are not subject to collective bargaining. 2 To consider all requests for compensation changes or reclassification and make recommendations to the Board. 3 To consider all request for staffing changes which require additional staff and make recommendaionts to the Board. 4 To exercise general supervision over the administration of the position classification schedules TAZEWELL COUNTY BOARD 15 and the salary schedules in coordination with the Collective Bargaining Subcommittee. To act as the oversight Committee for the County Health Care Program, Workers Compensation, and all nonliability insurance matters, including property claims and property insurance matters. 6 To review and make recommendations to the Board on salaries and compensation of elected and appointed officials; and to be responsible for the performance evaluation of the County Administrator in consultation with the County Board Chairman. i. Transportation Committee (The third Monday of the month at 8:00 a.m.-Tremont) 1 To serve as the oversight Committee for the County Highway Department 2 To exercise general supervision over all bridge, road and right-of-way matters under the jurisdiction of the County; over the acquisition and disposition of County Highway equipment and materials. 3 To recommend to the Board approval of contracts for all highway work and transportation programs for which the County is responsible. 4 To exercise general supervision over the letting of bids and right-of-way acuistions relating to County Highways or the County Highway Department. 5 To provide the Board with long range plans for the highways in the County, including those to be undertaken by the County and those planned jointly with other political units. 6 To exercise general supervision over matters which are assigned to this committee with regard to the buildings and grounds at the County Highway Complex and any departmental expenditures. j. Health Services Committee (The second Thursday of the month at 6:00p.m.) 1 To serve a liaison in the Board's relationship with the Board of Health and the Mentally Deficient Persons Fund Board, and any other County physical and mental service. 2 To exercise general supervision over the Animal Control Program. 3 To exercise general supervision over matters which are assigned by the Property Committee to this committee with regard to County buildings and grounds. 4 To act as members of the Tazewell County Regional Pollution Control Site Hearing Committee and to hold public hearings and to make recommendations to the Board on all matters pursuant to that authority. 5 To act as the oversight Committee for the County Solid Waste Management Plan. However, the sitting of a new or expansion of existing landfills, incinerator facilities and transfer stations shall be as required in the Site Approval Ordinance, 6 TCC 8. 6 To review all matters related to environmental concerns. K. Property Committee (The third Tuesday of the month) 5 TAZEWELL COUNTY BOARD 16 1 To serve as the oversight Committee for and exercise supervision over all County real property and to prepare plans and policies for County participation in recreational facilities and programs and make appropriate recommendations to the Board. 2 To coordinate with appropriate Standing Committees in planning for any remodeling and expansion of any real property and the acquisition of any equipments or services. 3 To exercise general supervision over matters which are assigned to other Committees regarding County buildings and grounds. 4 To direct the Buildings & Grounds Supervisor to prepare, recommend and submit to the appropriate oversight Committees each year a five year capital improvement program. The five year capital improvement program shall be updated annually as a part of the budget process. l. Land Use and Development Committee (Second Tuesday of the month at 5:00p.m.) 1 To serve as the oversight Committee for the Department of Community Development and to handle all matters upon which the Tazewell County Zoning Ordinance requires action by a Committee of the Board. 2 To exercise general supervision over matters concerning maps, plats and subdivions and to conduct public hearings and handle all other matters upon which the Land Subdivision Ordinance of Tazewell County, Illinois requires action by Committee of the Board. 3 In cooperation with the Director of Community Development, to review and recommend environment, zoning, building, subdivision, mobile home and nuisance ordinances and resolutions and recommend any necessary changes to the Board. 4 To act as oversight Committee between the Board and the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, soil conservation and cooperative extension services and with other agricultural organizations. 5 In cooperation with the appropriate agencies to recommend for adoption of long-range comprehensive plan or portion thereof for the use of land, for protection of the environment and to coordinate economic development. m. Risk Management Policy Committee (Third Wednesday of the month at 4:00p.m.) Together with the Treasure, Auditor, and State's Attorney to act as the governing Committee for the Selffunded Risk Management and Liability Insurance Plan originally effective on December 1, 1998 as amended, 1 TCC 5. 1 TCC 4-11 Amendment of Rules Amendment of these rules shall require the approval of the Rules Subcommittee and the affirmation vote of a majority of the Members of the Board. Any proposed amendment shall be voted upon only if it is distributed in writing to the Members at least one month before the meeting at which the amendment is presented to the Board for adoption. 1 TCC 4-12 Expenditures a. Compensation and Reimbursement of Board Members 1 Submitting Claim Vouchers. Claim vouchers for per diem compensation and reimbursement of expenses shall be submitted to the Auditor by the 10th day of the month for presentation to the TAZEWELL COUNTY BOARD 17 2 3 4 5 Finance Committee. Per Diem requests must be accompanied by the written approval of the Chairman of the Board. Request for reimbursement of expenses shall include description of the expenses incurred for the benefit of the County. Additionally. Mileage reimbursement request shall not be paid unless the voucher states (1) Date, origin and destination of travel; and (2) Purposes and number of miles. Per Diem Compensation (i) In addition to an annual salary of $2,400 which is to be paid in 12 equal monthly installments each year, Board Members shall receive a per diem for each day spent on authorized Board business beyond regular meetings of the County Board and Standing other than Executive Committee. "Authorized Board Business" is limited to activities approved by the Board Chairman including but not limited to the following: 1 Attendance at special meetings of the full Board or special meetings of Standing Committees to which a Member has been appointed. 2 Attendance at a formal meeting of another governing or advisory body as the officially appointed representative of the Board to such body (e.g. Helath Department, TriCounty Regional Planning Commission and its Executive Board, PPUATS Policy and Technical Committees.) 3 Attendance at any meeting of a Board, Commission, or agency to which they have been appointed as a liaison (e.g. Veteran's Assistance Commission, Persons with Developmental Disabilities Board, Board of Health, We-Care Board, Community Services Board, Youth Services Board, Heartland Water Resources Boars, Prairie Rivers RC & D Board, Tazewell County Farm Bureau, Pekin Visitor's Bureau) 4 Attendance at the Tazewell County Board Executive Committee; 5 Attendance at the Tazewell County Zoning Board of Appeals by Members appointed to the Land Use Committee and by other Members approved by the Board Chairman; 6 County Board Chairman, approved attendance at education seminars and other training, meetings with our governmental agencies, and attendance to perform work connected with the official business of Tazewell County. (iii) The per diem amount shall be $60.00. Mileage Reimbursement (i) Mileage shall be reimbursed at the rate in effect under regulations promulgated pursuant to the internal Revenue Code (5U.S.C. 5707 (b)(2). All other expenses (fuel, lubriscnats, insurance, towing, etc) are the sole responsibility of the Board Member. (ii) Mileage shall be reimbursed for travel to: 1 Any activity which would qualify as "officially recognized Board business" for per diem compensation; and 2 Any site which is the subject of a zoning decision or transportation project before the Board and for which the Member determines that a personal inspection is desirable before casting a vote. (iii) The number of miles reimbursed shall be limited to the lesser of: 1 The round trip route from the Member's residence to the activity or site; or 2 The actual route traveled to and from the activity/site. Miscellaneous Reimbursement. a. Reimbursement for all other expenses shall be in accordance with the policy for all County employees. Payment of Bills. TAZEWELL COUNTY BOARD 18 a. Unless otherwise designated under Functions and Responsibiliteis of Specific Committees, 1TCC 4-10, all bills shall be submitted to the Finance Committee for recommendation to the Board for payment. Payment of per diems for Members of the Tazewell County Board, the Zoning Board of Appeals, and the Merit Commission shall be eligible for the Direct Deposit through the Payroll Department with any amendments to per diems occuring in the next payroll. 1TCC 4-13 Miscellaneous Provisions a. Emergency Procedure. In the case of an emergency, the Chairman of the Board shall be given the power to act on behalf of the Board. A letter setting forth the circumstances constituting the emergency shall be filed with the County Clerk (and with the Auditor, if any expenditure's are involved). At the next meeting of the Board, by roll call vote, a resolution shall be considered considering the emergency, stating therein the circumstances consituting the emergency and the Board's concurence. b. Records of the Board. Any appropriate documents shall be placed on file amoung the records of the Board or a Committee, as the case may be, by direction of the Chairman. Minutes of the Board or a Committee shall be approved at the direction of the Chairman after opportunity is given for correction, addition or delegation. Such action shall be reflected in the minutes of that meeting. c. Smoking Policy. There shall not be any smoking allowed in any convened meeting of the Board or at any Committee meeting of the Board or in any County Building. d. Conflict of Interest. No Board Members shall vote on their own appointment to a position that includes compensation in excess of the per diem provided by these rules. e. Sale of Real Property. (1) Public Hearing shall be held on the question of the sale of real property before the Property Committee with public notice of ht hearing. (2) Public Notice of the sale of real property shall be made. Such notice shall include publication in a newspaper of general circulation within the County at least fifteen (15) days prior to the holding of the public hearing on the sale of the real property The notice shall provide a legal description of the real property to be sold and an address or location description of the property; size of the property; the current zoning of the property; and the current use, if any of the property. (3) Finding and Declaration Following public notice and hearing on the sale of the real property to be sold, the Property Committee shall determine whether the real property at issue shall be sold. Prior to a recommendation that said real property should be sold, the Property Committee must find and expressly declare that said real property should be sold. The Property Committee must find and expressly declare that said property or interest therein is no longer needed for governmental or public purposes and that the interest of the public would be best served by selling said real property. (4) Recommendation upon finding a declaration as described in (3), the Property Committee shall recommend to the County Board that real property should be sold. (5) Resolution if the County Board determins that real property of an interest therein should be sold, such determination shall be made by resolution with approval of a majority of the County Board. (6) Method of Sale The resolution shall indicate TAZEWELL COUNTY BOARD 19 whether the sale of the real property or interest therein shall be conducted by public auction or by listing with license real estate agencies. If the resolution indicates sale to be made through listing with a real estate agencies. If the resolution indicates sale to be made through listing with a real estate agency, the terms of any agreement with the realtor shall also be included in the resolution. The selection of the services of the real estate agency shall be subject to all applicable competitive bidding requirements. This method of sale does not apply where the Board has made a specific finding that the proposed sale to a particulat person, organization or governmental entity will benefit the citizens of Tazewell County and addresses a public need or valid governmental interest. A finding that a particular sale benefits the public shall be included in the resolution recommending sale of property. (7) Appraisal Prior to the sale of any real property or interest therein, said real property must be appraised by a professional real estate appraiser registered with the State of Illinois Department of Professional Regulations pursuant to Illinois State Statutes. (8) Advertising Prior to the sale of any real property or interest therein the property to be sold must be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation within the County at least once each week for a period not less than three weeks.The advertisement must include a legal description of the real property to be sold and an address or location description of the property; size of the property; the currenct zoning of the property; and the current use, if any of the property. (9) Sale Upon completion of the requirements set forth in (1)-(8), sale of real property of an interest therein may be negotiated with an interested buyer for an amount not less than eighty percenct (80%) of the appraised value of the real property of interest therein. f. Sale of Other Property:(1) Authorization, Property, other than real property, shall only be sold after a finding by the Property Committee that such property has no historic value or that the value is outweighed by the best interest of the citizens of the County in selling the property. All proposed sales of such property shall be first approved by the Property Committee. (2) Property with estimated value of less than $1000. The property Committee may authorize the sale of any property which the committee estimates the value to be less than $1000 provided that such property is first advertised for sale of the County website for at least 30 days. (3) Property with estimated value of $1000 or more. The County Board may authorize the sale of any property with estimated value of $1000 or more provided that such property must first be advertised for sale on the County website or other means determined to best attract offers to purchase (by resolution of the Board) and an offer to purchase is accepted by a majority of the Board. TAZEWELL COUNTY BOARD 20 Standing Committees Q= Quorum # Finance/Human Resources(Q=7) Neuhauser- Chairman Finance Graff- Vice Chair Finance Harris- Chairman Human Resources Meisinger- Vice Chair Human Resources Connett Donahue Legislative Liaison Grimm, B. Rinehart Hillegonds Donahue Imig Meisinger Mingus Redlingshafer Redlingshafer Executive/Risk Manag.(Q=7) Zimmerman- Chairman Neuhauser- Vice Chair Connett Crawford Donahue Grimm, B. Grimm, D. Harris Hillegonds Imig Meisinger Sinn Transportation (Q=5) Sinn- Chairman Proehl- Vice Chair Crawford Grimm, D. Holford Rinehart Sciortino Wolfe Health Services (Q=5) Imig- Chairman Sundell- Vice Chair Graff Harris Holford Mingus Sinn Vanderheydt Risk Management County Auditor County Treasurer State's Attorney Property (Q=5) Grimm, D.- Chairman Grimm, B.- Vice Chairman Donahue Meisinger Neuhauser Proehl Vanderheydt Wolfe Land Use (Q=5) Hillegonds- Chairman Rinehart- Vice Chair Connett Crawford Mingus Redlingshafer Sciortino Sundell Zoning Board of Appeals (Q=4) Lessen- Chairman Baum Connett Crawford Hillegonds May Redlingshafer Rinehart Sundell Toevs Webb Vaughn Zimmerman, K. Linsley- 1st Alternate Hahn- 2nd Alternate County Board David Zimmerman- Chairman Tim Neuhauser- Vice Chair John Redlingshafer- Parliamentarian STANDING COMMITTEES 21 County Offices Animal Control The Animal Control department is responsible for providing animal control services to Tazewell County and most municipalities within the county. These services include investigating animal running at large, animal attacks on humans, and claims of dangerous animals. The department is also responsible for animal protection services, which include sheltering impounded animals. increasing the adoption/transfer rate of animals in the shelter, and enhancing community awareness about animal welfare issues. The department also licenses and registers all dogs and cats four months or older in Tazewell County. Additionally, the department strives to reduce the threat of rabies in the community as well as end pet overpopulation. Director - Ryan Sanders Administrative Assistant- Kathy Mortimer Administrative Specialist- Dale Moss Animal Control Officer- Jaymee Harms Animal Control Officer- Pam Lohnes Kennel Services Manager- Char Homerin Kennel Technician- Jeff Williams Part TimeKennel Technician- Jeromy Homerin Address: 21314 Illinois Route 9 PO Box 158 Tremont, IL 61568 Phone: 309-925-3370 Phone: 309-925-3633 COUNTY OFFICES 22 Auditor Service Areas Audit Division: Audit all claims against the county, and recommend to the county board the payment or rejection of all claims presented. Report quarterly to the county board the entire financial operations of the county including revenues anticipated and received, expenditures estimated and paid. Property Audit, inventory of all property owned by the county. Auction of property, oversee the disposal of County assets at the County Auction. Audit and disbursement of county payroll checks bi-weekly. A. B. C. D. Department Audit Property Audit External Audit Payroll Audit Budget Division: Compile Annual budget after all department requests have been submitted. Monitor county budget throughout the year. Prepare final appropriation after final budget is adopted. A. B. C. Annual Budget Budget Analysis Appropriation Report Accounting Division: Prepare expenditure reports. Enter and disburse all accounts payable for all county departments. Keeper of all contracts enterd into by the County. A. B. C. D. Accounts Payable Claims Audit Receipts Audit Expenditure Report Purchasing Division: Prepare bid documents and opening of all bids. Issue purchase orders. Purchase and storage of supplies for County General departments. A. B. C. D. Centralized Procurement Bidding and Specifications Purchase orders and titles Contracts County Auditor- Vicki Grashoff Chief Deputy Auditor/Purchasing Manager-Terry Short Assistant Deputy Auditor/Accounting Manager-Sherri Hoyle Address: McKenzie Building 11 S. 4th St., Suite 120 Pekin, IL 61554 Phone: 477-2237 Fax: 477-3095 COUNTY OFFICES 23 Bailiffs I. Courts A. B. C. D. E. II. Juries A. B. C. D. Officially opens each Court and checks heat ventilations, water pitchers, lights, and fans, etc. Assist clerks, reporters, attorney, witnesses and litigants. Direct Litigants to proper Courtoom and checks them in on Court calendar. Maintain order during Court sessions and is responsible for Court Maintains order in corridors at all times with the help of Security Deputies. Escorts all new Petit and Grand Jurors to Courtrooms from the Jury Commission room in the McKenzie Building. Escorts Jury to and from the Courtroom. Secures Jury in deliberation room and makes arrangements for meals while deliberating. Make overnight accomodation and transportation arrangements for sequested Juries. Chief Bailiff- Jim McMullin Assistant Chief Bailiff- Kenneth Petri Bailiff- John Adkins Bailiff- Sherri nichols Bailiff- Ron Garber Bailiff- Nancy Moessner Bailiff- Rex Hough Bailiff- Valerie Harris Bailiff- Ronald Ritchason Bailiff-Jack Barfield Bailiff-Linda Maas Bailiff-Lois Post Bailiff-George Richardson Bailiff-Harry Ruark Bailiff- Steve Meyer Address: Tazewell County Courthouse Room 102 Pekin, IL 61554 Phone: 477-2201 COUNTY OFFICES 24 Children's Advocacy Center To provide a coordinated approach to the investigation, prosecution and treatment of child sexual abuse and serious physical abuse cases, which is sensitive to the child victim's needs and holds offenders accountable. Services Provided ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Child friendly facilities in each county Specially trained child interviewers Advocacy for child victims and their non offending family members Case Management including court preparation for child victims Free on site crisis counseling Referrals for medical examinations Linkage to other community resources Coordinating multidisciplinary team School prevention and community education Executive Director - Sarah Smith Case Manager……………………………………………………………………. Tara Crady Family Advocate………………………………………………………………… Trina Sparks Prevention Educator…………………………………………………………… Deanna Butler Family Advocate………………………………………………………………… Louise Milam Address: 341 Buena Vista Pekin, IL 61554 Phone: 347-6001 Fax: 347-6189 E-Mail: [email protected] COUNTY OFFICES 25 Circuit Courts I. Felony Court (Courtroom 104) A. Felony Cases B. Post-conviction Petitions C. In-custodies everyday (1:15PM) at Justice Center II. Criminal Court (Courtroom 104) III. A. Juvenile cases B. Ordinance Violation cases excluding Traffic & Parking cases C. Conservation violation cases D. Criminal Misdemeanor cases E. MR-Extradition cases Civil Court (Courtroom 202) A. LM cases from $10,000.01 to $50,000.00 B. Probate cases C. Small claims cases ($0.00 to $10,000.00) D. Tax cases which are Petitions for Tax Deeds E. MR-Name changes F. Guardianship (adult or minor) G. Forcible Detainer H. F cases-Paternity I. Adoption J. Public Aid child Support in F cases & D cases K. Backup for Domestic Relations Court L. OP cases on Monday and Thursday IV. Traffic Court (Courtroom 207) A. Traffic cases including Felony Traffic cases B. Ordinance Violation cases which are traffic or Parking cases C. OP cases on Tuesday V. Domestic Relations Court (Courtroom 302) A. Dissoulution of Marriage cases including post-judgement relief B. Orders of Protection in Divorce cases whether pending or notThursday C. MR-Foreign divorces COUNTY OFFICES 26 VI. Law and Equity Division (Courtroom 308) A. Law cases over $50,000.00 B. Chancery cases including Foreclosure Sales C. Eminent Domain Cases D. Miscellaneous Remedy (MR) cases excluding foreign divorces, name changes and extraditions E. Tax cases excluding Petitions for Tax Deeds F. L and LM and SC Jury Trials G. OP cases on Wednesday and Friday Felony, Court 101- Honorable Paul P. Gilfillan Presiding Judge Criminal Court 104- Honorable Richard D. McCoy Civil, Court 202- Honorable Michael D. Risinger Traffic, Court 207- Honorable Jerelyn D. Maher Domestic Relations. Court 302- Honorable Kim L. Kelley Law & Equity, Court 308- Honorable David J. Dubicki Court Reporter. Asst. Supervisor, Room 306A- Donna Lee Court Reporter, Room 303- Julia Shane Court Reporter, Room 307C- Scott Harris Court/Admin. Room 102- Courtney Eeten Law Library P/T- Daniel Ames Address: Tazewell County Courthouse 342 Court St. Room 102 Pekin, IL 61554 Phone: 477-2201 Fax: 347-3979 COUNTY OFFICES 27 Circuit Clerk - Linc Hobson 477-2214 Chief Deputy Clerk………………………………………………………………………. Julie Young Courtroom Clerks Deputy Clerk- Courtroom……………………………………………………………….. Lee Ann Abts Deputy Clerk- Courtroom……………………………………………………………….. Becky Jones Deputy Clerk- Courtroom……………………………………………………………….. Tracey Juchems Deputy Clerk- Courtroom……………………………………………………………….. Carla Gibbs Deputy Clerk- Courtroom……………………………………………………………….. Renee Gregory Deputy Clerk- Courtroom………………………………………………………………… Lisa Wubben Civil Division 477-2214 Civil Division Manager……………………………………………………………………. Gina Eisfelder Deputy Clerk…………………………………………………………………………… Sarah Keyes Deputy Clerk……………………………………………………………………………….. Dion Fresquez Deputy Clerk……………………………………………………………………………….. Lori Shelton Deputy Clerk…………………………………………………………………………… Diane Veerman Deputy Clerk……………………………………………………………………………. Kim Wheat Deputy Clerk P/T…………………………………………………………………………….. Karen Biggs Support Division 477-2220 Deputy Clerk-Support……………………………………………………………… Vickie Pickerill Deputy Clerk-Support……………………………………………………………... Julie Shedigar Deputy Clerk P/T- Support…………………………………………………….. Heidi Shutt Criminal Division 477-2275 Criminal Division Manager……………………………………………………….. Julie Young Deputy Clerk………………………………………………………………………….... Mary Arms Deputy Clerk……………………………………………………………………………….. Brenda Johnson Deputy Clerk………………………………………………………………………………….. Sherry Simpson Deputy Clerk………………………………………………………………………………….. Sharon Munge COUNTY OFFICES 28 Traffic Division 477-2218 Traffic Division Manager……………………………………………………... Denise Duffin Deputy Clerk……………………………………………………………………………….. Jennifer Boyle Deputy Clerk……………………………………………………………………………. Tiffany Bruen Deputy Clerk………………………………………………………………………………… Angel Figurski Deputy Clerk………………………………………………………………………………………… Tori Sutter Deputy Clerk………………………………………………………………………………….. Rita Taylor Data Processing/Microfilm Division 477-2217 Data Processing/Microfilm Manager…………………………………… Cyndi Bundy Deputy Clerk………………………………………………………………………………… Julie Hibberd Deputy Clerk……………………………………………………………………………… Kim Steinborn Deputy Clerk………………………………………………………………………………….. Peggy King Deputy Clerk……………………………………………………………………………………. Kelley Nagel Accounting and Collections Division Accounting and Collections Division Manager…………….. Toni Weber Bookkeeper………………………………………………………………………………... Cheryl Sutter Compliance Division 478-5699 Compiance Division Manager…………………………………………………. Jennifer Shallenberger Deputy Clerk-Compliance………………………………………………………. Adrienne Handlen Deputy Clerk-Compliance………………………………………………………….. Tonia Slater Deputy Clerk-Compliance……………………………………………………………. Cathi Tandy COUNTY OFFICES 29 Coroner The Tazewell County Coroner is mandated by Statue to investigate the cause and manner of death of any dead body within the borders of the county when the circumstances of the death indicate any of the following: A. A sudden of violent death, whether apparently suicidal, homicidal, or accidental. B. Any death due to a sex crime or a crime against nature including criminal or self-induced abortions and stillborn infancts where there is a suspicion of illegal interference. C. A death where the circumstances are suspicious, obscure, mysterious or otherwise unexplained. D. A death where addiction to alcohol or to any drug may have been a contributory cause. E. A death where the decendant was not attended by a licensed physician within the past 72-hours of death occurs within 24 hours of admission to a hospital (unless the patient has been under continuous care of a physician for a natural disease which is responsible for death). F. A death on the operating table or prior to recovery from anesthesia. G. All deaths in any State institution. H. All deaths of wards of the State in a private care facility or in programs funded by the Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities, the Illinois Department of Alcoholism and Substances Abuse, or the Department of children and Family Services. I. All deaths arising from employment including industrial poisonings from custody of any law enforcement agency. J. Any death of a fireman who dies within 30 days of working a fire. K. All deaths arising from employment including industrial poisonings from absorption L. M. and / or inhalation. All hospice deaths. All human skeletal reamins including bones and decomposed fleshy parts of a deceased human body including grave artifacts. During a death investigation, it may be the duty and responsibility of the Coroner to cause an autopsy to be performed, including the taking of X-rays and the performance of other medical tests, toxicology tests, and positive body identification as the Coroner deems appropriate. Special attention is given by the Coroner's office to the family of the deceased in keeping them informed during their grieving process. This care, concern, and compassion is also exhibited by the Coroner in providing the option of tissue, organ, or body donation (in those deaths meeting the donation criteria) and in providing special reports in all Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) cases. COUNTY OFFICES 30 The Coroner takes charge of any valuable personal property, money, or papers found upon or near the body which is the subject of a Coroner's investigation and delivers the same to these entitled to its care or possession. After the inquisition, the Coroner releases the body to family or friends for burial. If no next of kin or friends exist, the Coroner shall cause the body to be decently buried or cremated, the expenses paid by the County. All cases coming under investigation prio to the filling of a permanent Death Certificate must be resolved as to the manner of death. This may occur in two ways. First by holding an Inquest a jury of six individual would hear testimony and form a verdict according to the evidence presented. This takes place in a public venue. This system has several shortcomings. The public access allows the family of the victim to suffer the reliving of the event. In cases such as suicide this becomes overwhelming. Also the verdicts so reached can never be overturned regardless of any new evidence that may appear because of new scientific techniques. The second approach made law in 2007 provides that the Coroner after investigating all evidence can reach a verdict on the manner of death without inquest. This can be kept Private for the families and is reversible should anything new develop in the case. The vast majority of all cases in Tazewell County are resolved this way. In any death where the remains are to be cremated, it shall be the duty of the funeral director to obtain from the Coroner a permit to cremate a body. The Coroner, prior to the issuing of the permit, shall complete his investigation of the cause and circumstances of the death. No crematory shall cremate a dead human body unless a Coroner's permit to cremate has been furnished to authorize the cremation. Coroner- Dr. James J. Baldi Chief Deputy-Rodney E. Wamsley Administrative Assistant- Glenda S. Grashoff Deputy- Scott A. Price Deputy- Richard C. Von Rohr Deputy-Eliza Dickerson Deputy- Shawn L. Naylor Deputy- Melissa Mallory Deputy- Bruce Shultz Deputy- Danny Bonnette Address: McKenzie Building Room 228 11 South 4th Street Pekin, IL 61554-4201 24- Hour Phone: (309) 346-1222 Fax: 346-4415 COUNTY OFFICES 31 County Board Office I. Personnel Department A. Distributes application forms for employment to Department Heads B. Administration salary administration program 1. Job Classification 2. Salary Schedules 3. Personnel Policies 4. Affirmative Action Policy II. Insurance A. Administers Worker's Compensation program and processes claims B. Processes accident insurance claims C. Administers property, casualty insurance program D. Investigates insurance laws and policies and researches current Coverage as compated to other available programs III. Legislative Review A. Assist in monitoring all legislation in Springfield and Washington, D.C. IV. General Administration of all County Board Operations A. Maintains all records pertaining to County Board Operations B. Liaison to television and print media C. Liaison to all County Offices D. Record keeper of all County Board Committee Meetings E. Preparation of agenda for County Board meetings and Resolutions therein. V. Review of all State and Federal Grants which are available VI. County Annual budget A. Preparation and projections of annual budget B. Review of County expenditures VII. Long-Range Planning A. Resear and recommendation on budgetary matters County Board Chairman- David Zimmerman County Administrator- Wendy K. Ferrill Chief Clerk/Secretary to County Board Network Administrator I. T. Support Technician HR Generalist, Benefits & Employee Services HR Generalist, Health & Risk Address: McKenzie Building 11 South 4th Street, Suite 432 Pekin, IL 61554 - Sue Beeney Scott Hizey Jeff Young Roger Workheiser Melissa Sweeney Phone: 477-2272 Fax: 477-2273 COUNTY OFFICES 32 County Clerk/Recorder Recorder Division Warranty Deeds Quit Claims Deeds - Vital Statistics Division Death Certificates - Birth Certificates-Legitimating Papers Marriage License Civil Union License- Starting June 01, 2011 Civil Union Conversions County Board Minutes Notary Applications and Certificates Assumed Name Certificates-Business County Liquor License County Raffle License Payroll Division Employee Payroll Processing Employee Payroll Deductions Reporting IMRF Contributions Quarterly & Annually Federal & State Reporting Deed in Trust, Judicial Deeds, Trustees Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages, Trust Deeds Plats, Subdivisions, Surveys Release of Deeds Contract Deeds Monument Records Liens Online access to land records at Uniform Commercial Code( Chattel Mortgages) Financing Statements Continuations Amendments Assignments Terminations Searches Tax Extensions Levy Filing - Corporation Papers Foreign Birth Certificates (Service) Farm Names Cemetary Power of Attorney Bill of Sale Election Division Voter Registration - Economic Interest Statements - Miscellaneous Veteran's Discharges (Restricted Access) - Tax Rate Computations Delinquent Tax Payments - - - Any assorted miscellaneous papers people want recorded - County Printing Division COUNTY OFFICES 33 County Clerk/Recorder County Clerk/Recorder- Christie A. Webb Vital Statistics Division Chief Deputy-Tina Rudd Tax Consultant-Angie Gandy Vital Statistics Bookkeeper-Vicki Hubert Vital Statistics Clerk- Tammy Woodard Vital Statistics Clerk- Daylyn Storey Vital Stats/Election Clerk- Kendra Evans Payroll Administrative Clerk- Teresa Melvin Printer-Gayle Williams Elections Division Elections Supervisor- Moira Hartley Elections Clerk- Judy Lacey Elections Clerk-Rhonda Waddill Recorders Division Recorder Supervisor-Susan Manuel Deputy Recorder-Pam Seward Deputy Recorder-Lisa Dunnigan Deputy Recorder- Carla Sellers Deputy Recorder-Vacant Deputy Recorder P/T-Sharon Sciortino Office Hours: 8:30 AM- 5:00 PM Monday- Friday Vital Statistics Divison McKenzie Building 11 South 4th St., Suite 203 Pekin, IL 61554 Recorder Division McKenzie Building 11 South 4th St., Suite 124 Pekin, IL 61554 Vital Stats/Taxes: 477-2264 Elections: 477-2267 Payroll: 477-2269 Fax: 477-2244 Recorder: 477-2210 Fax: 477-2321 COUNTY OFFICES 34 Birth, Death, Marriage and Civil Union Records As of February 1, 2013 when mailing a check for a record request or delinquent taxes the check must be for the exact amount. If it is not the exact amount the check will be returned to the sender. Certified copies of birth records can be obtained from the office of the County Clerk's for a fee of $14.00 for the first copy and $11.00 for each additional copy. Certified copies of death records can be obtained for a fee of $18.00 for the first copy and $15.00 for each additional copy. Certified copies of marriage or civil union records can be obtained for a fee of $14.00 for the first copy and $11.00 for each additional copy. The above fee included a $2.00 fee for the County Clerk Automation Fund to help defray costs of Vital Statistic Records. Marriage or Civil Union License Information ( Civil Union License can be obtained stating June 1, 2011) Age Requirments: The legal age to obtain a license without consent is 18. Persons 16 or 17 years of age may contract a legal marriage or civil union if BOTH parents or legal guardians of such person sign an affidavit stating that he or she is the parent or legal guardian of such minor and gives consent to the marriage or civil union. Proof of age of the minor must be furnished by presenting a birth certificate. Marriage or Civil Union services must be performed in the same county in which the license is issued and said license is good for 60 days from effective date. The license becomes effective in the county where it is issued, one day after date of issuance. Fee for a marriage license is $49.00. Couples, who wish to have a marriage or civil union performed in Tazewell County must apply for their license in the Tazewell County Clerk's Office, McKenzie Building, 11 S. 4th St., Suite 203 (located next to the Courthouse in Pekin). For further information, please contact the County Clerk's Office at 309-477-2264. COUNTY OFFICES 35 Facts to be Remembered Permanent Registration of Electors Tazewell County, Illinois The County Clerk is the Ex-Officio Registration Officer of the County and each person before he or she is qualified to vot in any election must register in accordance with State and Federal laws. Anyone voting in an election must be registered. Voter Registration ends 28 days prior to an election. During the period of 27 through the close of the polls on election day, a resident may change an address, name or first time register and vote grace period in that location. No person shall be entitled to be registered in and from any precinct unless such person shall by the date of the election next following have resided in the precinct 30 days and be otherwise qualified to vote at such election. Every applicant who shall be 18 years of age or over on the day of the next general election, shall be permitted to register, at the age of 17 years and vote in the general primary except for special elections. To constitute residence under this Act, a permanent abode and dwelling place within the precinct is necessary. ELECTIONS Effective December 1, 1980 all elections will be governed by the probisions of the general election law of the State of Illinois (Chapter 46, et al). The legislatively mandated program is commonly referred to as Election Consolidation (ELCO). The County Clerk will supervise all elections; however, the local election official will still be an integral part of the electoral system. County, State, and Federal elections will be held in even numbered years. Townships, Schools, Libraries, Parks, Cities, Fire Districts and Village elections will be held in off numbered years. Referenda can be held on any election day. VOTE BY MAIL BALLOT Any qualified voter may, by making application to the County Clerk not more than thirty and not less than five days prior to election, receive an application; and when properly filled out and returned to the County Clerk, said qualified voter will be mailed a ballot with instructions how to vote. Any voter may apple, in person, at the County Clerk's Office, from approximately four weeks prior to the election until the day prior to the election, for a ballot. EARLY VOTING During a period from the 40th day proceding an election through the day before an election, a registered voter may come to the office of the County Clerk or designated location to vote with no stipulation. COUNTY OFFICES 36 TAZEWELL COUNTY COURT SERVICES Court Services Director…………………………………………..John Horan ADULT PROBATION OFFICE 334 Elizabeth St., Suite 100 Pekin, IL 61554 (309) 477-2281 Chief Adult Probation Officer………………………………………………….. Jamie Cates Adult Officer (Armed)………………………………………………………….... Jerry Vanderheydt Adult Probation Officer…………………………………………………………… VACANT Adult Probation Officer……………………………………………………………. Moriah Turner Adult Probation Officer………………………………………………………….. Jennifer Kelly Adult Officer (Armed)………………………………………………………….… Mic Seward Adult Probation Officer………………………………………………………….. Joyce Ricci Chief Adult Probation Officer………………………………………… Susan Walker Adult Officer (Armed)……………………………………………………….…… Michelle Stealy Adult Probation Officer……………………………………………………….... Shannon Ummel Adult Probation Officer-Transfer………………………………………... Daymon Aeilts Adult Probation Administrative Officer…………………………...Melissa Barnett Adult Intake Officer……………………………………………………………….... Schad Martin Adult Intake Officer……………………………………………………………….. Raegan Zevnik Adult Probation Officer…………………………………………………….… Karen Bean Chief Adult Probation Officer/Operations Division………………………….. Kimberly Olar Officer Manager………………………………………………………………………... Barbara Lamberson Specialized Caseload Clerk………………………………………………….… Patte Shields Specialized Caseload Clerk…………………………………………………. Ann Potter Secretary……………………………………………………………………………………. Jamie Fallert Secretary……………………………………………………………………………………… VACANT COUNTY OFFICES 37 JUVENILE PROBATION OFFICE 334 Elizabeth St., Suite 54 Pekin, IL 61554 (309) 477-2278 Chief Juvenile Probation Officer…………………………………….. Justin Stump Juvenile/ Adult Probation Officer (Armed)…………………………….. Tom Embry Juvenile Intake Officer……………………………………………………………. Brian Long Juvenile Probation Officer………………………………………………………… Robert Stockham Juvenile Probation Officer……………………………………………………… VACANT Juvenile Probation Officer………………………………………………….... Liz McPherson Secretary & Public Service Coordinator……………………………………………………………………………. Michelle Eeten PRETRIAL SERVICES AND INTENSIVE PROBATION 334 Elizabeth St., Suite 100 Pekin, IL 61554 (309) 477-2395 Chief Intensive Services Officer…………………………………………………… Joe Howe Adult Officer (Armed)………………………………………………………………….. Scott Moon Adult Officer (Armed)………………………………………………………………… Kim Atkins Adult Probation Officer……………………………………………………………… Quentin Workman Adult I.P.S. Offer (Armed)…………………………………………………………. Kelly McConkey Adult Probation Officer…………………………………………………………. Shawn Oetzel Adult Probation Officer…………………………………………………………………. Eric Quiram LEGAL SERVICES Tazewell County Courthouse Room 305 Pekin, IL 61554 (309) 477-2298 Administrator of Legal & Financial Services……………………………….. Lisa Knight Bookkeeper……………………………………………………………………………… Trish Richmond Secretary………………………………………………………………………………………… Teresa Powell COUNTY OFFICES 38 Emergency Management Agency (EMA) I. Coordinate all activities at natural or manmade disasters or hazardous spills. II. Provide communications during any emergency. III. Provide personnel and equipment for all types of search and rescue. IV. Maintaining and filing accurate reports to State and Federal Emergency Agencies on a periodic basis. V. Maintain County Emergency Operations Plan. VI. Coordinate and train volunteers for proper responses to Emergencies within the area. VII. Coordinate NIMS Adherence Countywide. VIII. Equipment A. 40' Illinois Terrorism Task Force Command & Control vehicle for Region 10 B. Communications van C. Rapid response panel truck with complete communications Equipment D. Portable generators 5kw, 7kw, 8kw, 60kw. E. 16' John boat w/25 motor, search lights radio, and other equipment for water search and rescue. Director- Dawn Cook Deputy Director…………………………………………………………………………. Jerry Zuercher Program Assistant………………………………………………………………………… Debra Collett Communications Team Leader…………………………………………. Mark Allen Disaster Assessment Team Leader…………………………………… Rose Bortolussi Search & Rescue Team Leader…………………………………………… Bryan Collett UCP Team Leader……………………………………………………………….. Bill Schock Address: Emergency Operations Center 21304 Illinois Route 9 Tremont, IL 61568 Dawn Cook Mobile: 620-3125 Pekin Office: 478-5948 Phone: 925-2271 Fax: 925-3631 24 Hour Hotline: 477-2234 Jerry Zuercher Mobile: 397-1203 [email protected] [email protected] Debra Collett Tremont Office: 925-2271 M-F: 8am- Noon [email protected] COUNTY OFFICES 39 Health Department I. Board of Health A. Eleven-member voluntary governing board responsible for policy-making for the department II. Office of Planning A. Workforce Development B. Quality Improvement/Assurance C. Public Information 1. News Releases 2. Public Service Announcements 3. Media Contacts 4. Liaison with Community Groups D. Tazewell Public Health Foundation 501C3 E. Epidemiology F. Emergency Prepardness & Disaster Planning 1. Drills, Exercises & Trainings. 2. County & Community Coordinations G. Accreditation H. Professional Development I. Grant Development III. Business Operations Division A. Overall administration & department direction in accordance with the Board of Health Policy, Illinois Department of Public Health Rules & Regulations & Illinois Department of Human Services Rules & Regulations. B. Administration 1. Reception 2. Financial/Grant Administration 3. Accounting 4. Data/Word Processing 5. Record Maintenance 6. Human Resources 7. Insurance 8. Inventory 9. Internet Technology 10.Facility Maintenance 11.Security IV. Environmental Health Division A. Private Sewage Systems 1. New Installations 2 Repairs 3 Operational Inspections B. Solid Waste Management 1 Landfill Inspection Program 2 Solid Waste Complaint Inspection 3 Solid Waste Management Planning 4 Recycling Education C. Water Supplies-Water Samples/Lab Testing 1. Private 2. Non-Community D. Inspections Programs 1. Food Establishments/Events 2. Swimming Pools 3. Bathing Beaches 4. Tanning Booths COUNTY OFFICES 40 E. Investigations 1. Nuisance 2. Human Habitation F. Vector Control and Surveillance G. Indoor Air Quality-Radon H. Tattoo & Body Art I. Green Programs J. Air Quality V. Community Division A. Illinois Tobacco Free Communities B. Drug Free Communities C. Tazewell Teens Unlimited D. Tazewell Teen Initiative Coalition E. Affordable Care Act, In-Person Counselors F. Tazewell County Youth Board G. Breadt and Cervical Cancer Prevention Education, Mammogram and Pap Test Assistance H. Fairs, Festivals and Expos I. Workplace Wellness VI. School Division A. 21st Century Schools 1. Extended Day 2. Enrichment 3. Tutoring 4. Summer Camp 5. SMASH/STEAM B. Coordinated School Health Education C. Adolescent Health-Teen Pregnancy Prevention D. 1. Bullying Prevention Program 2. Signs of Suicide-Educator Training. VII. Birth to 5 Division A. Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Program: Nutrition & health education food & formula vouchers, & breast feeding promotion/peer counseling. B. Maternal & Child Health- Family Case Management Program, Case Management of Pregnant Women, Infants, & At-Risk Children. 1. Multi-problem Families 2. Single Parent Families 3. Infant High-risk Follow-up 4. Maternal High-risk Follow-up 5. Prenatal Classes 6. Parents as Students 7. Genetics Screening and Referral 8. Prenatal and Postpartum Depression Screenings C. Prenatal Programs-Services for low income pregnant women. 1. Case Management 2. Better Birth Outcomes- For High Risk Pregnacies D. Child Passenger Safety E. All Our Kids Birth-Five Network F. Baby & Me Tobacco Free COUNTY OFFICES 41 VIII. Clinical Division A. Clinics 1. Immunizations 2. STD Testing and Treatment 3. TB Testing and Treatment 4. Childhood Lead Screening and Testing 5. Bright Smiles From Birth 6. Pregnancy Testing 7. Hearing and Vision Screening and Referrals 8. Well Child Exams B. Dental Health Clinic-Financially eligible individuals 1 year & older 1. Restorative Services 2. Preventive Services 3. Dental Sealants 4. School Exams 5. Dental Health Education C. Communicable Disease Investigation D. Nursing & Health Occupation Student Mentoring/Clinicals E. Employee Health F. HIPAA Compliance G. Laboratory Administrator- Amy Fox B.S. Address: Tazewell County Health Department 21306 Illinois Route 9 Tremont, IL 61568-9252 Phone: 925-5511 477-2223 Fax: 925-4381 Address: Tazewell County Dental Center 135 Radio City Drive North Pekin, IL 61554 Phone: 925-5511 Fax: 382-1155 Board of Health Gary Burton, President Mike Godar, Vice President Debra Stark, PhD. RN, Secretary Peggy Flannigan, PhD. RN Sabrina Stone D.V.M. Steve Dickey, D.D.S. Carroll Imig Rich Karneboge Christina Nulty, M.D. Patricia O'Neal COUNTY OFFICES 42 Assistant Administrator Director of Planning and Development Communications Manager/PIO Emergency Preparedness Program Lead Epidemiologist Director of Business Operations Division Business Operations Supervisor/Grants Manager Billing Coordinator Accounts Payables Processor/Admin Assistant (FT) Accounts Payables Processor/Admin Assistant (PT) Administrative Assistance (PT) Payroll/Accounting Manager Program Accounting Manager Program Accounting Assistant (PT) Program Accounting Assistant (PT) Information & Technology Lead/Health Educator Maintenance Lead Maintenance Director of Environmental Health Division Supervisor of EH Services/Solid Waste & Code Enforcement Supervisor of EH Services/Food Programs Environmental Health Specialist Environmental Health Specialist Environmental Health Specialist Evironmental Health Specialist/Recycling Education Environmental Health Specialist Environmental Health Specialist P/T Solid Waste Inspector Solid Waste Inspector EH Administrative Assistant EH Administrative Assistant P/T Karla Burress, B.S. Erica Mutchler, B.S. Sara Sparkman, B.S. Nick Maggioncalda, B.S. Eric Bakota, M.S. Janet Johnson, B.S. Yoko Kato, B.A. Shannon Risch Deana Smith, C.T. Pam Lockwood Carly Woerner Tamra Flynn Vicki Tyler Patrica McClister Sharon Antonini James Golianis, B.A. Eric VanDyke Lori Brown Evelyn Neavear, B.S. L.E.H.P. Melissa Goetze, B.S., R.s., L.E.H.P. Karen Irons, B.S., L.E.H.P. Yetunde Agbesola, M.P.H. Tammy Clark, B.S. Kim Sams, B.S. Clara Garner, B.S. Katie Traenkenschuh, B.S. Jacque Jeckel, B.S. Russ Burcham, B.S. Jeffrey Robison, B.S. Kay Miars Ashley Tittle Director of Community Division Health Educator Public Health Nurse Public Health Nurse Community Programs Assistant Project Manager/Payroll Manager In Person Counselor Kim Gudzinskas, R.N. Kerri Viets, B.A. Jane Ladendorf, R.N. Shelly Lerch, RN, CLC Michele Scharping, C.T. Shanita Blackmore Saritha Murugan Director of School Division Health Educator-Teen Pregnancy Prevention Health Educator-School Health 21st Century Schools Admin. Programs Coordinator(PT) 21st Century Schools Program Coordinator 21st Century Schools Program Coordinator 21st Century Schools Program Coordinator 21st Century Schools Program Coordinator (PT) Stacie Ealey, B.S. Erica Husser, B.S. Andrea Ingwersen, B.S. Amanda Brown Julie Angle, A.D. Cynthia Long Morgan Bennett Imogene Green, C.T. COUNTY OFFICES 43 Director of Birth to 5 Division Supervisor of Birth to 5/WIC-Breastfeeding Coordinator Health Educator-All Our Kids Birth-Five Network Public Health Nurse Public Health Nurse Public Health Nurse Public Health Nurse Public Health Nurse Public Health Nurse Public Health Nurse Public Health Nurse Public Health Nurse (PT) Public Health Nurse (PT) Public Health Nurse (PT) Breast Feeding Peer Counselor/Program Assistant Breast Feeding Peer Counselor/Program Assistant Breast Feeding Peer Counselor (PT) Nutritionist Nutritionist Nutritionist Program Assistant Program Assistant Program Assistant Program Assistant Director of Clinical Division Supervisor of Clinical Services/ Infectious Disease Public Health Nurse (PT) Public Health Nurse (PT) Program Assistant/Hearing & Vision Technician Dentist Dentist Dental Hygienist Dental Services/ Office Manager Dental Assistant-Lead Dental Assistant Dental Assistant Dental Assistant Dental Assistant/Receptionist Elizabeth Beachy, B.A., CLC Sarah Williams, R.N., B.S.N., CLC Julie Herzog A.D. Sandy Barry, R.N., CLC Lisa Glueck, R.N., B.S.N. Joanie Falcon, R.N., CLC Lori Graber, R.N.,B.S.N., CLC Fran Lane, R.N., B.S.N., CLC Keri Roberts, R.N., B.S.N. MaryJo Strader, R.N., B.S.N. Kris Wertz, R.N., B.S.N. Inge Flinn, R.N.,B.S.N., CLC Teresa Wickman, R.N. B.S.N., CLC Michelle Dunker, R.N., B.S.N. Carrie Peplow, CLC Danette Eubank, CLC Sarah Buhl, CLC Crindie Hopping, B.S., CLC Rickie Coleman, B.S Camila Pierson, B.S. LuAnn Rowell Wendy Snoke, C.T. Pat Watson Karen Girdler Sarah Buller Fenton, M.S., R.N., B.C. Julie St.Clair, R.N., BSN Yvonne Smith, R.N., BSN Anna Taylor, R.N. Christine Worlow, C.T. Brian Glesne, D.M.D. Renee Dietz, D.M.D. Dora Potts, R.D.H. Cheryl Gray Sheila Lemons Bonnie Dodd Brenda Floyd Kimberly Guthrie Elly Cole COUNTY OFFICES 44 Highway I. II. III. Administration A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Planning Yearly Program Bid Lettings Federal & State Liaison Complaints PPUATS Technical Committee Supervision of all Divisions Investment of Funds Assist Township Road Commissioners I. Hold Hearings on formal complaints General Services A. Reception B. Bookkeeping 1. Township Bridge Fund 2. County Highway Tax 3. County Motor Fuel Tax 4. Township Motor Fuel Tax 5. County Bridge Tax 6. Federal Matching Tax C. Correspondence D. Committee Minutes E. F. Federal reports State Contracts G. H. Contracts Bonds I. Overweight Truck Permits Engineering A. Design 1. Surveying 2. Draft Plans 3. Figure Quantities 4. Prepare Estimates & Approval B. Right of Way 1. Prepare Plats 2. Research Ownership 3. Acquire Property 4. Record Deeds 5. Prepare Permanent File C. Construction 1. Pre-Construction Meeting with Contractor 2. Field Staking & Surveying 3. Bituminous Proportioning 4. Concrete Proportioning 5. Material Inspection 6. Construction Inspection 7. Daily Record of Progress 8. Daily Record of Materials 9. Final Quantities Certified 10. Documentation Papers to State or Federal Highway 11. Final Inspection with State or Federal Highway 12. Prepare Permanent Record File. COUNTY OFFICES 45 D. E. IV. Permits 1. Utility-Public 2. Utility-Private 3. Entrance 4. Overweight & Oversize Records 1. Road Inventory 2. Bridge Inspections Inventory 3. Bridge Ratings Maintenance A. Snow Removal B. Striping-Centerline & Edges C. Mowing D. Patching E. Signs F. Ditch & Shoulder Maintenance G. Equipment Repair & Maintenance County Engineer-Craig Fink Assistant County Engineer……………………………………………………………….. Daniel Parr Engineer……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Paul Augspurger Technician……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. John D. Replogle Technician…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Rusty Albers Technician…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. David Scheuermann Office Manager……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Jesi Sciortino Supervisor………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Randall Evelsizer Mechanic…………………………………………………………………………………………………….... Dennis Woll Maintenance Worker………………………………………………………………………………… Charles Maas Maintenance Worker…………………………………………………………………………….... Edward E. Kisner Maintenance Worker………………………………………………………………………………... Chris Moldenhauer Maintenance Worker………………………………………………………………………….... Brian Martin Maintenance Worker………………………………………………………………………….... Harlan E. Baker Maintenance Worker…………………………………………………………………………………….. Steve A. Gray Maintenance Worker……………………………………………………………………………….... Charles Severns Maintenance Worker………………………………………………………………………………….. Scott Williams Maintenance Worker…………………………………………………………………………….. Joe Silotto Maintenance Worker………………………………………………………………………………………... Michael Counterman Address: 21308 Illinois Route 9 Tremont, IL 61568 Phone: 925-5532 Fax: 925-5533 COUNTY OFFICES 46 Jury Commission I. Qualifying/ summoning residents of Tazewell County to serve as prospective jurors in all branches of the Circuit Court and Coroner's Inquest II. Perform other duties for jury service as follows: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Jury orientation Jury attendance Jury proof of service (affidavits) Jury Payroll Jury Parking tickets Provide all necessary reports and information to the Circuit Court for jury trials Work with Chief Bailiff in regards to all jury trials and escorting of prospective jurors from the McKenzie building to the Courthouse H. Excuses I. Deferrals J. K. Telephone inquires All necessary reports and information on all jurors summoned for inquest to the Coroner. L. Reserve jury room when not in use by the Courts for other department heads as requested. M. Upon request from Attorney's, provide listings of potential jurors as needed. N. Reserve Jury Room for Attorney's holding Depositions. Administrator- Emma J. Zimmerman Deputy Clerk P/T-David Garcia Deputy Clerk P/T-Lee Owens Commissioner-Emma J. Zimmerman Commissioner-Sandra K. Kopp Commissioner-Courtney Eeten Address: Jury Commission of Tazewell County 3rd Floor McKenzie Building-Room 306 11 South 4th Street Pekin, IL 61554 Phone: 477-2763 Phone: 477-2213 Fax: 477-2308 COUNTY OFFICES 47 Buildings and Grounds Department Justice Center Address: 101 S. Capitol Street Pekin, IL 61554 Buildings and Grounds Superintendent- Mike Strauman Maintenance Coordinator - Ryan Avery Maintenance Personnel - Tom Shryock Maintenance Personnel - Mike Turner Maintenance Personnel P/T - Seth Cassidy Maintenance Personnel P/T - Walter Loberg Maintenance Personnel P/T - VACANT Justice Center Shop: 478-5662 Justice Center Office: 478-5663 Courthouse Shop: 478-5827 Fax: 478-5664 COUNTY OFFICES 48 Community Development I. Enforcement of Title 7, Chapter 1, Zoning of the Tazewell County Code in the Unicorporated areas of Tazewell County. II. Enforcement of Title 7, Chapter 2, Adult Use Ordinance III. Enforcement of Title 7, Chapter 3, Wind Farm Ordinance. IV. Enforcement of Title 7, Chapter 4, Small Wind Energy Systems. V. Enforcement of Title 7, Chapter 5, Building and Property Maintenance Code. VI. Enforcement of Title 7, Chapter 6, Agricultural Areas, Conservations & Protections. VII. Enforcement of Title 8, Chapter 1, Inoperable Motor Vehicles of the Tazewell County Code. VIII. Enforcement of Title 8, Chapter 2, Subdivision Regulations. IX. Enforcement of Title 8, Chapter 3, Tazewell County Erosion, Sediment and Storm Water Control Ordinance. X. Enforcement of Title 8, Chapter 4, Regulating Development in Flood Plain Areas. XI. Enforcement of Tazewell County Groundwater Protection Ordinance. XII. Issue building permits, inspect construction, issue certificate of occupancy, and maintain permanent records for the Unincorporated areas of Tazewell County. COUNTY OFFICES 49 XIII. Receive and prepare Variance, Special Use and Rezoning petitions for Public Hearings by the Tazewell County Zoning Board of Appeals, and also publish petitions in local newspapers as required by State Law prior to the Zoning Board of Appeals Hearing. XIV. Present Variance, Special Use and Rezoning Petitions to the Land Use Committee for their Consideration and recommendation to the County Board. XV. Present Variance, Special Use and Rezoning Petitions to the County Board for their consideration for approval or denial. XVI. Maintain the Official Tazewell County Zoning Maps for public information. XVII. Display the Official U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development National Flood Insurance Maps of the flood Boundary and floodways in the unincorporated areas of Tazewell County. XVIII. Coordinate all Local, Regional, State and Federal environmental and other land development permitting process affecting development in Tazewell County. Community Development Administrator- Kristal Deininger Inspections Coordinator……………………………………………………………………………. Jaclynn Workman Administrative Assistant…………………………………………………………………. Melissa Kreiter Community Development Assistant……………………………………………………. Judy Searle Building Inspector……………………………………………………………………………. Christopher McNeil COUNTY OFFICES 50 Tazewell County Zoning Board of Appeals Members Chairman……………………………………………………………………………………… Duane Lessen Members……………………………………………………………………………………… JoAn Baum John P. Webb Donald Vaughn Ken Zimmerman Sandy May Cheryl Linsley Vacant Alternate Members………………………………………………………… 1st Alternate Paul Hahn 2nd Alternate CSR…………………………………………………………………………………………. Arlene Nauman Address: McKenzie Building Phone: 477-2235 11 S. 4th Street, Room 400 Fax: 477-2358 Pekin, IL 61554 Email: [email protected] COUNTY OFFICES 51 Public Defender The Public Defender's Office was formally created by statue of the Illinois General Assembly to satisfy a constitutional right. That constitutional right is set forth within the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution under the Sixth Amendment. The Amendment, as interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court and the Courts of Illinois, provides that any person charged with a criminal offense for which incarceration is a possibility is entitled to the services of an attorney to represent him or her. If he or she cannot afford to employ an attorney, the State has a legal duty to provide an attorney to the indigent person. Chief Publid Defender- Frederick A. Bernardi Assistant Public Defender………………………………………………………………………………… Joseph J. Bembenek Assistant Public Defender……………………………………………………………… James Bradshaw Assistant Public Defender……………………………………………………………… Aimee Dluski Assistant Public Defender……………………………………………………………… Matthew Hoppock Assistant Public Defender………………………………………………………………. Julie Keller Assistant Public Defender………………………………………………………………. John Longergan Assistant Public Defender………………………………………………………………. Peter J. Lynch Assistant Public Defender……………………………………………………………… Angela P. Madison Assistant Public Defender………………………………………………………………. Larry G. Paluska Assistant Public Defender……………………………………………………………… Luke Taylor Assistant Public Defender……………………………………………………………… Dale Thomas Assistant Public Defender………………………………………………………………. Mark Wetz Legal Secretary………………………………………………………………………….. Vacant Address: McKenzie Building 11 S. 4th Street, 3rd Floor Pekin, IL 61554 Phone: 477-2232 COUNTY OFFICES 52 Regional Office of Education Duties of Superintendent and Staff I. Educational Administration A. Approve school calendats, in service days, workshop, and institutes B. Official advisor to school officers and teachers. C. Conduct professional growth activities. D. Issue, register and renew teacher administrator, substitue, parapro, certificates. E. Administer Regional Office of Education Safe and Alternative Schools F. Administer G.E.D. Testing program. G. Disseminate information on scholarships and teachers vacancies. H. Conduct hearings for formation of unit school district and the consolidation of existing ones. I. Maintain John R. Oberle film, video and CD Library for all schools in Tazewell County. J. II. Conduct truancy hearings. Cooperative Management A. Assist with cooperatives, special education and vocational programs B. Serve as ex-officio member of Regional Board of School Trustees. C. Administer grant programs involving multiple districts. D. Monitor public schools during strikes E. Remove any member of a school board for failure to perform official duties F. Work with Illinois State Board of Education, Department of School Approval on evaluation and recognition of public schools, as well as private and parochial schools who ask to be recognized. III. G. Appoint School Board position not filled within 45 days after vacancy occurs. H. Maintain maps of all school boundaries. Financial A. Audit district claims for General State Aid, categorical funds, Federal & State grants. B. C. D. E. Review budgets, audits, evidence of indebtedness and annual financial reports. Oversee bonding of school treasurers. Disburse State and Federal funds. Act as administrative and fiscal agent for Mid-Illini Educational Cooperative and Tazewell County Area Education For Employment COUNTY OFFICES 53 IV. Health and Safety A. B. C. D. E. F. G. V. Visit and inspect each public school annually Supervise buildings for health and safety, condemning buildings, if necessary. Provide initial and annual refresher courses in safety and first aid for schools bus drivers. Provide truant officer for districts that do not have their own truant officer. Provide services to homeless children and provide resources to schools. Provide finger printing services for school employees. Approve and issue school building and occupancy permits. Public Relations A. B. C. Promote and support educational programs and achievements of the schools in the county. Serve as educational representative on countywide task force, boards and Committees. Respond to questions and complaints including legal questions from parents, teachers, administrator boards of education and other citizens of the county. Regional Office of Education Tazewell Building, Suite 100 414 Court Street Pekin, IL 61554 Gail Owen-Superintendent Phone: 477-2290 Fax: (309) 347-3735 Regional Supt. Asst Supt. Alternative Ed Coordinator Bookkeeper [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Gail Owen Patrick Durley Lorna Sherwood Aimee Grant Licensure Clerical Homeless Coord. Truancy PT Clerk [email protected] Laura Verichak Justin Reeg Justin Reeg Angela Chism [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Board of School Trustees President………………………………………………………………………………….. Mr. Carl Schmitt Member……………………………………………………………………………………. Mrs. Cathy Durflinger Member……………………………………………………………………………………. Mrs. Diane Orr Member……………………………………………………………………………………. Mr. Jay Wendelin Member……………………………………………………………………………………. Mr. J. Michael Fuoss Member……………………………………………………………………………………. Mr. Dan Magarity Member……………………………………………………………………………………. Mr. Stephan Yarnall Secretary……………………………………….…………………………………….. Mrs. Gail Owen COUNTY OFFICES 54 Mid-Illini Educational Cooperative Tazewell Building, Suite 100 414 Court St. (309) 477-2290 Fax: (309) 347-2294 Coordinator…………………………………………………………………………… Louise Bassett Tazewell County/Area Education for Employment 200 S. 2nd Street, Suite 12 Phone: Pekin, IL 61554-0489 Fax: (309) 353-5011 (309) 353-1350 Director……………………………………………………………………………………. Francine Bolin-Ghitalla Bookkeeper……………………………………………………………………………….. Debbie Crabtree Special Populations Coordinator……………………………………………………….. Cindy Gierich COUNTY OFFICES 55 Sheriff The Sheriif's Office consists of several different divisions. These include; Patrol, Investigations, Crime Prevention, Canine, Court Security, Civil Process and Corrections. One of the department's major responsibilities is the operation of the County Jail. The average daily population is approximately 170 to 175 males and 17 to 20 females. The Jail is staffed by 48 Correctional Officers, 10 Control Room Technicians and 10 Jail Clerks. This Sheriff's Office is currently staffed with 40 Deputies. The patrol division is assigned to cover duties on three shifts and provide service 24 hours a day. They patrol county highways and rural areas for the purpos of preventing or detecting criminal activity and enforcing traffic laws. Patrol officers also serve civil process, execute arrest warrents, and respond to service and emergency calls as well as investigate traffic accidents. The department currently has 5 officers certified in traffic accident reconstruction. The Detective Division is staffed by 6 officers and 1 secretary. These officers are responsible for investigation, a range of crimes from minor incidents to murder. Two Deputies currently staff the Crime Prevention division. They are responsible for a number of programs which are currently in place or being developed. Their duties include providing public safety and crime prevention education programs, school security, TRIAD and Neighborhood Watch programs and are also the department's DARE instructors. The Sheriff's Office currently has one Deputy assigned full time to the Multi-County Enforcement Group. His duties consist of covert investigation of drug related crimes. The Canine Unit of the Sheriff's Office consist of Deputy Kevin Keen and his partner Deputy Kees. Kees is a Belgium Melinois and has proven to be an outstanding performer. This team has been very effective in the field and is often requested for public demonstrations. Three Deputies are assigned to Courthouse Security. In the position they monitor the public as they enter the Courthouse, provide security to the Courts and to everyone working or conducting business in the building. COUNTY OFFICES 56 Administration Sheriff Chief Deputy Jail Superintendent Administrative Assistant I.T. Coordinator Robert Huston Jeff Lower Kurt Ulrich Jane Stauffer Phillip Emery Deputies Captains Det. Tim Gillespie Craig Catton Hal Harper Sergeants Det. Gerlad Kempf Tracy Dickson Kyle Klein Brad Potts Eric Goeken Joshua Stringer Deputies Steve Anthony Jeff Bass James Brown Steve Dault Randy Davis Brad Eccles Dan Glover Paul Helmig II Jacob Hibbert Irvin Johnson Trent Johnson Jason Kedzior Kevin Keen Chuck Linton Randy Mahr Ricardo Mancha Christopher McKinney Chris Petsas Mark Peterson Marc Rabb Shawn Robison Jeff Rogers Mark Trygar Craig Whisenand COUNTY OFFICES 57 Detectives Cy Taylor Todd Mutchler Ryan Tarby Larry Steele Secretary, Sheri Cleaver Crime Prevention/ DARE Officers John Shallenberger Richard Brock Corrections Asst. Jail Superintendent William Roth Jail Operations Supervisors Michael Harper Aaron Hoffman Cheryl Potts Jennifer Stanton Rolando Jimenez David Harper Correctional Officers Christopher Barnhill Sara Beckman Joel Brown Nick Carlton Timothy Carney Justin Gall Mark Godar Matthew Grube Tyler Hoog Dawn Hostetler Marissa Hutton Richard Johnston Curtis King Michael Kirk Courtney Koontz Lisa Linton Paul Malavolti Charles May Angela McCool Ashley Mehrzad Rebecca Melloy Michelle Moretto Rhonda Randolph Amber Robertson Darrell Slaven Jeff Stocke Ryan Stocke Trent Strunk Joe Szadkowski Mike Taylor Steven VanDusen Kelly Vansaghi Larry Vicary Sara Vonderheide Mark Wells Jonathan Young COUNTY OFFICES 58 Control Room - Full Time Eric Fobar Jake Tucker Renee Glisson Michelle Foshaar Amanda Hunt Control Room-Part Time Trevor Taylor Michael Ashby Theresa Bechtel Jenna Frazier Jackson Kober Clerical Staff Civil Process/Records Jail Clerks - Full Time Jail Clerk- Part Time Lead Clerk, Patricia Davis Theresa Fardel Kathy Tibbs Part-Time Courtney Jackson Supervisor, Shelly Hagen Kayla Allison Kelsey Cooper Sherry Fulk Julie Hamm Leslie Nell Tiffany Steele Mary Woodworth Carole Delahunt Randi Teuerle Merit Commission The Merit Commission was created in 1969, pursuant to Illinois law, by resolution of the Tazewell County Board. The Merit Commission is composed of 5 people appointed by the Tazewell County Sheriff. The duties of the Merit Commission are primarily creating an eligibility list of applicants for the position of Deputy who have successfully completed the designated tests administered by this Commission. Members: Chairman, Peter Ault Vice Chairman, Terry Zeigenbein Commission Secretary, Rick Swan Donald Gronewold Jeff Peterson Recording Secretary, Jane Stauffer COUNTY OFFICES 59 State's Attorney The primary duty of the Tazewell County State's Attorney is to prosecute violations of state law which occur within Tazewell County. Amoung several additional duties, the most important is advising all branches of county government on legal matters which arise and representing them in State and Federal court when necessary. The criminal prosecution function is accomplished by the State's Attorney and fifteen Assistant State's Attorneys who handle matters in Felony, Misdemeanor, Traffic and Juvenile courts. The Community Services Division administers several community oriented programs, including Deferred Prosecution, a diversionary program for non-violent first-time offenders and has a highly regarded success rate in recovering restitution and reducing recidivism. State's Attorney- Stewart J. Umholtz Chief Assistant……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Kevin E. Johnson Civil Division Chief Civil Assistant………………………………………………………………………………………… Mike Holly Civil Assistant…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Matt Drake Criminal Division Deputy Chief Assistant…………………………………………………………………………………….. Larry Evans Deputy Chief Assistant………………………………………………………………………………….. Mike Green Felony/ Controlled Substances…………………………………………………………………... Caelyn Deeb-Diver Felony/ Juvenile Delinquency…………………………………………………………………………….. Matt Drake Felony/ Abuse and Neglect…………………………………………………………………………….. Anna Peters Felony………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Jon Giraudo Felony………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Sarah Schryer Felony/Domestic Violence……………………………………………………………………………… Patty Roberts Felony/Traffic…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Kate Legge Misdemeanor/ Traffic………………………………………………………………………………………. Paige Theobald Misdemeanor…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Cassie Mullikin Traffic/ Felony……………………………………………………………………………………………………. Alesandra Friend Criminal Investigator…………………………………………………………………………………………… Tim Gillespie Criminal Investigator……………………………………………………………………………………….. Bobby Henderson Criminal Investigator……………………………………………………………………………………….. Steve Deatherage Victim Services Coordinator…………………………………………………………………………. Deanna Gray Office Manager…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Dawn Burson Legal Assistant…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Ivy Henderson Legal Assistant/ Traffic………………………………………………………………………………… Julie Barbee Legal Assistant/Juvenile……………………………………………………………………………………… Jenny Hancock Legal Assistant/Traffic………………………………………………………………………………………….. Melissa Ivey Legal Assistant………………………………………………………………………….…………………………….. Julie Berardi COUNTY OFFICES 60 Community Services Deferred Prosecution Administrator- Mike Holly Counselor/Investigator-Jessica Holmes Chief Clerk- Leslie Hauk Community Services/Deferred Prosecution Old Post Office Building 334 Elizabeth St., Ste. 200 Pekin, IL 61554 Phone: 309-477-2294 Fax: 309-477-3194 COUNTY OFFICES 61 Supervisor of Assessments I. Land Record Maintenance A. B. C. D. E. F. II. Property record cards GIS/ Assessments Maps Name and address changes Exemptions Ratio Studies Equalization Board of Review A. Assessment Appeal B. Valuation Review C. Omitted Property D. E. Equalization Exemptions Supervisor of Assessments - Gary Twist Chief Deputy Supervisor of Assessments……………………………………………………….. Rita Schmidt GIS Coordinator…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Janna Baker Sales Analyst/ Officer Manager……………………………………………………………………….. Floyd Crouch Appraiser/ Analyst………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Becky Devine BOR Deputy Admin Clerk……………………………………………………………………………………….. Peggy Stimpert Supervisor of GIS & Mapping……………………………………………………………………………………. Nicole Jones GIS/ Mapping Technician…………………………………………………………………………………….. Shelly Farmer GIS Tech/Legal Desc. Clerk……………………………………………………………………………….... Melissa Lard Senior Transaction Clerk………………………………………………………………………………………… Carol Greenhalgh Transaction Clerk……………………………………………………………………………………………………. Kim Hoyland Part-time Appraiser……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Gail Thompson Part-time Clerk…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Kayla Smith Board of Review Member………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….... Don Edie Member……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... Robert Kieser Member…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….... Mary Marshall Supervisor of Assessments Address: McKenzie Building 11 S. 4th St. 4th Fl. Pekin, IL 61554 Phone: 477-2275 [email protected] Board of Review Address: McKenzie Building 11 S. 4th St., 4th Fl. Pekin, IL 61554 Phone: 477-2227 [email protected] COUNTY OFFICES 62 Treasurer The County Treasurer holds a key position trust in the financial affairs of local Government. Acting as the bank for the county, the Treasurer's office receipts, disburses, invest, and accounts for all county funds. The major responsibilities of the County Treasurer can be summarized in the following areas: ● ● ● ● Receipting and accounting of all county revenue Cash Management Investments Debt Management ● Collection of property taxes ● Mobile Home Taxes ● Management of property tax records ● Annual Audit ● Unclaimed Money ● County Mail Receipting and Accounting of Revenue As the depository for all funds, fees collected by other offices are forwarded to the Treasurer for custody. State and federal monies allocated to local governments are transmitted to or collected by the Treasurer and are deposited to the proper funds for management. Monthly reports are prepared to show the accounting transactions by fund. Cash Management/ Investments The County Treasurer manages the cash flow of all county funds, revenue budget, and investment of funds not needed for immediate expenditures for the County. All investments are secured pursuant to State Statue. Debt Management The Treasurer administers debt financing for bonds. A detailed record is kept of every bond and an entry on the bond register shows each bond payment. Collection/ Disbursement of Property Taxes Property taxes are billed and collected by the County Treasurer/Collector and disbursed to the taxing districts as levied under State Statue. The County Treasurer is also responsible of the collection and disbursement of all Mobile Home taxes. The office manages all tax records/payments. COUNTY OFFICES 63 Annual Audit For protection of your tax dollars, Tazewell County has an external annual audit which is hosted in the Treasure's Office. The Treasurer maintains and enters all Journal Entries from the audit to the County's General Ledger. The Treasurer is also responsible for the management of accounts receivable from funds received from the State of Illinois and or all State and Federal Grants. Unclaimed Money/Mail Unclaimed money is collected by the County Treasurer to be later turned over to the State Treasurer's Office, County mail processing for all county offices. County Treasurer- Mary J. Burress Chief Deputy Treasurer……………………………………………………………………… Christine Joesting Chief Accounting Officer…………………………………………………………………….. Elicia Snyder Deputy Collector…………………………………………………………………………………. Hannah Milburn Accounting Technician II……………………………………………………………………. Nicole Kraus Accounting Technician I……………………………………………………………………….. Susan Rasmussen Accounting Technician/Courier…………………………………………………………… Bonnie Shipp Seasonal Part/Time……………………………………………………………………………… Mary Ann Godby Seasonal Part/Time……………………………………………………………………………… Marilyn Harris Seasonal Part/Time……………………………………………………………………………… Joanne Merchenthaler Address: McKenzie Building 11 S. 4th St., 3rd Fl., Ste 308 Pekin, IL 61554 Phone: 477-2284 Fax: 347-4621 COUNTY OFFICES 64 Veterans Assistance Commission I. The Veterans Assistance Commission is an agency that is operated by and for veterans. The Commission provides aid to those indigent veterans and their families that reside in Tazewell County that may qualify for assistance. II. The Veterans Assistance Commission can provide assistance in filing claims to the Veterans Administration for such benefits as: III. A. B. C. D. Service Connected Compensation Education Benefits Insurance Conversion V.A. Home Loans E. Widows Pension Benefits F. Non Service Connected Pensions G. Burial Information and Forms. The Veterans Assistance Commission also provides services to the veteran and his family in applying to the proper State or Federal agencies for the purpose of obtaining benefits for: IV. A. Employment B. Human Services C. Food Stamps D. Social Security E. Hospitalization F. Counseling G. Food Pantry The Veterans Assistance works closely with all Veterans Organizations, local, state and federal agencies to insure the rights that each veteran is entitled to has been granted. Superintendant-Steven A. Saal Administrative Assistant- Les Avery Address: 11 S. 4th St., Suite 114 Pekin, IL 61554 Phone:477-2271 Fax: 478-5855 COUNTY OFFICES 65 Officers of Cities and Villages of Tazewell County ARMINGTON President Clerk Treasurer Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee JoAnn Williams Catherine Ingram Catherine Ingram Ryan Sweeney Louise Miller Garry Tucker Glenna McCauley James Kisner Edward Kisner Address: Village Hall P.O. Box 31 103 N. Main Armington, IL 61721 Phone: 392-3154 Fax: 392-3236 Email: [email protected] CREVE COEUR Mayor Fred Lang Village Clerk Kimberly Peak Address: Village Hall 101 N. Thorncrest Treasurer Walt Greenleaf Trustee Frank Thatcher Creve Coeur, IL 61610 Trustee Brad Gill Trustee Terry Keogel Trustee Gene Talbot Trustee Jerry Daughters Trustee Norma Dison Phone: 699-6714 DEER CREEK President James Hackney Address: Village Hall Clerk Lori C. Lewis P.O. Box 38 Treasurer Lynn Langenbach Deer Creek, IL 61733 Trustee Karl Eschelbach Trustee Anthony Berardi Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Mike Wallace Grant Hackney Mark Rich Phil Calhoun DELAVAN Mayor Elizabeth Skinner Clerk Penny L. Bright Treasurer Gail Mitchell Alderman Jere Braden Alderman Robert Hall Alderman George Mitchell Alderman James Horath Alderman Sharon Hultquist Alderman J. Mark Williams Phone: 447-6749 Website: Address: City Hall/Administrative Office 100 South Main Street East Peoria, IL 61611 Phone: Fax: Email: Website: 244-7146 244-8437 [email protected] CITIES AND VILLAGES 66 EAST PEORIA Mayor David W. Mingus Administrator J. Thomas Brimberry City Clerk Morgan R. Cadwalader Treasurer Theresa L. Gualandi Commissioner Benjamin C. Joos Commissioner Daniel S. Decker Commissioner Gary R. Densberger Commissioner Timothy J. Jeffers GREEN President Clerk Treasurer Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee VALLEY Keith Beal Geraldine Shay Janice E. Runyon Vivian Gerrietts Tim Phelps Scott Terrill Eric Terrill Renee Coile Ken Gregory HOPEDALE President August C. Eilts Clerk Rebecca Lippmann Treasurer Ken Oldham Trustee Kevin Litwiller Trustee Kevin Mohr Trustee Brian Schmidgall Trustee Jay Wittrig Trustee Joe Springer Trustee Chad Myers MACKINAW Mayor Craig Friend Clerk Lisa Spencer Collector Lisa Spencer Deputy Clerk Amanda Schmidgall Dep. Collector Amanda Schmidgall Treasurer Scott Eidenmiller Trustee Jerry Peterson Trustee Carolyn Elmore Trustee Kimberlie Elkins Trustee Candy Haynes Trustee Mark Morman Police Chief Gary Hartzell Dep. Police Chief Bob Davies ESDA Coord. Bob Davies Public Works Manager Mike School Maintenance Supervisor Brian Lang Address: City Hall Administrative Office 100 S. Main Street East Peoria, IL 61611 Phone: 698-4715 Fax: 698-4747 Website: Email: [email protected] Address: Village Hall 109 E. Main Street Green Valley, IL 61534 Phone: 352-3590 Website: Email: [email protected] Address: Village Hall P.O. Box 387 Hopedale, IL 61747 Phone: 449-3353 Fax: 449-5510 Email: [email protected] Address: Municipal Building 100 E. Fast Avenue P.O. Box 500 Mackinaw, IL 61755 Phone: 359-5821 Fax: 359-8704 Email: [email protected] CITIES AND VILLAGES 67 MARQUETTE HEIGHTS Mayor Dana Dearborn Clerk Rick Worent Treasurer Ronald Babb Alderman Bob Neuhaus Alderman Larry Bradford Alderman Mary Bumbalough Alderman Vikki Steele Alderman Dale Little Alderman Justin Neuman MINIER President Neill Keneipp Clerk Sandy Lancaster Treasurer Karen Smith Assist. Treasurer Julie Darnall Trustee Cindy Nystrom Trustee Gary Burt Trustee Mark Beccue Trustee John Needles Trustee Allan Devine Trustee Keith Crawford MORTON President Ronald Rainson Clerk Joseph A. Nohl Administrator Julie Smick Treasurer Julie Smick Trustee Ginger Hermann Trustee Samuel Heer Trustee Jeff L. Kaufman Trustee Stephen Newhouse Trustee Thomas Daab Trustee Randy Belsley NORTH PEKIN President Steve Flowers Clerk Deborah Landrith Treasurer Gloria Arrington Trustee Suzan Tisdale Trustee Alex Lambie Trustee Frank Shanklin Trustee Eugene Wamsley Trustee Kathleen Curless Trustee Russ Blumenstock Address: City Hall 715 Lincoln Road Marquette Heights, IL 61554 Phone: 382-3455 Website: Email: [email protected] Address: Village Hall 110 W. Central Box 350 Minier, IL 61759 Phone: 392-2442 Fax: 392-2906 Email: [email protected] Address: Village Hall 120 N. Main Street, PO Box 28 Morton, IL 61550 Phone: 266-5361 Fax: 266-5508 Website: Address: Village Hall 318 N. Main Street North Pekin, IL 61554 Phone: Fax: Website: Email: 382-3464 382-2697 [email protected] CITIES AND VILLAGES 68 PEKIN City Manager Darin W. Girdler Mayor John Mccabe Admin. Secretary Paula Gensel Clerk Sue McMillan Treasurer James Wolf Council Member Tim Golden Council Member Lloyd Orrick Council Member Mark Luft Council Member Michael Ritchason Council Member John Abel Council Member Rusty L. Dunn SOUTH PEKIN President Richard Huse Clerk Angie Cobb Treasurer Corey Justus Trustee William Trumpy Trustee Terry Reed Trustee Marsha Hoelzel Trustee Theresa Walters Trustee Randy Martin Trustee Cheryl Revelle TREMONT President Todd Bong Clerk Gerald B. Madsen Treasurer Jeanine M. Oyer Trustee Drew Scranton Trustee Nathan Zuercher Trustee Ken Harding Trustee Mark Scott Trustee Scott Getz Trustee John Replogle Attorney Richard P. Wherry WASHINGTON Mayor Gary W. Manier City Admin. Vacant Clerk Patricia Brown Treasurer Ellen Dingledine Alderman Carol Moss Alderman Brian Butler Alderman Tyler Gee Alderman Robert Brucks Alderman Michael Brownfield Alderman David Dingledine Alderman James L. Gee Alderman Gene Schneider Address: City Hall 111 S. Capitol Street Pekin, IL 61554 Phone (Mayor): Phone (Clerk): Website: Email: 477-2300 478-5357 [email protected] Address: Village Hall 209 W. Main P.O. Box 10 South Pekin, IL 61564 Phone: 348-3589 Fax: 348-2419 Email: [email protected] Address: Village Hall 211 S. Sampson P.O. Box 144 Tremont, IL 61568 Phone: 925-5711 Website: Email: [email protected] Address: City Hall 301 Walnut Street Washington, IL 61571 Phone: 444-3196 CITIES AND VILLAGES 69 Township Officials BOYNTON Supervisor Clerk Highway Comm. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Emails: Robert Betzelberger, 1749 Townhall Rd., Delavan Doris Klockenga, 24183 Litwiller Rd., Delavan Brian Eeten, 25747 Armington Rd., Delavan Peter Faulkner, 26400 Boynton Rd., Delavan Mark Birky, 3815 Prairie Rd., Hopedale David Diekhoff, 23860 Litwiller Rd., Delavan Milo Shepard, 1402 Brownwood Rd., Delavan [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 231-6376 840-0731 202-2572 696-6112 449-6676 275-4522 202-1625 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] CINCINNATI Office: 206 E. Main St., P.O. Box 507, South Pekin 348-2200 Supervisor Larry Mayberry, 2106 Vista Del Rio Ct., Pekin 347-2441 Clerk Dorothy Duncanson, 1606 Deppert Dr., Pekin 353-6844 Highway Comm. Assessor Ronald Hawkins, P.O. Box 305, S. Pekin Robert Burress, 713 Deerfield Dr., Pekin 348-2223 347-3363 Trustee Ann Bacon, 2 Oakwood Ct., Pekin 347-4908 Trustee Joe Weghorst, 11635 Fuelberth Rd., Pekin 348-3569 Trustee Robert Lutz, 1515 Glendale Ave., Pekin 347-3250 Trustee Jay Hall 115 Apple Rd., Pekin Emails: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 348-3778 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] DEER CREEK Supervisor Corey Wiegand, 32063 County Line Rd., Deer Creek 447-6946 Clerk Gary DeBolt, P.O. Box 44, Deer Creek 447-6459 Highway Comm. Thomas Wallace, 17998 Wiegand Rd., Deer Creek 965-2377 Assessor Richard Brehmer, 304 Main St., PO Box 53 Deer Creek 965-2377 Trustee Nate Joos, 17526 Dee Mack Rd., Mackinaw 447-6480 Trustee Clayton Wiegand, 32715 Cty Line Rd., Deer Creek 447-6526 Trustee Russell Egolf, 18152 Wiegand Rd., Deer Creek 965-2499 Trustee G. Allen Rich Jr., 18163 Dee Mack Rd., Mackinaw 447-6341 DELAVAN Supervisor Clerk Highway Comm. Assessor Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Richard Bottenberg, 512 E. 3rd St., Delavan Brad Donley, 120 W. 4th St., Delavan John Larimore, 110 W., Delavan VACANT Leroy Lusher, 610 E. 3rd St., Delavan Glenn Holmes, 21724 IL RT 122, Delavan Richard Temple, 204 Cedar St., Delavan Larry Pomrenke, 304 E. 10th St., Delavan 244-7638 244-8528 244-8664 000-0000 244-8408 244-8693 244-7352 244-8352 TOWNSHIPS 70 DILLON Supervisor Clerk Road Comm. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Ron Uselton, 8510 Morris Mill Rd., Green Valley Tonya Uselton, 8510 Morris Mill Rd., Green Valley Ken Siegrist, 8590 Locust Rd., Delavan Lori Smith, 21961 San Sabastian Dr., Delavan Belinda Boddy, 10603 Springfield Rd., Tremont Dan Troyer, 7321 Springfield Rd., Delavan Carol Baker, 20639 Peach St., Tremont 241-0005 241-0007 244-7344 244-8832 925-7560 202-7577 241-0007 ELM GROVE Supervisor Clerk Highway Comm. Assessor Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Galen Koch, 11703 Springfield Rd., Tremont John Moser, P.O. Box 382, Tremont Jerome Brown, 13400 Oak Lk, Tremont Matt Gossmeyer, 24730 E. Lake Whindemere,Tremont Alan Bliss, 14157 Watson Rd., Pekin James Miller, 17958 Illinois Rt. 9, Pekin Scott Largent, P.O. Box 1520, Tremont Curt Hochstetler, 3103 Allentown Rd., Pekin 925-5378 925-5447 241-1366 202-4377 925-3554 353-8222 925-5692 267-1460 FONDULAC Supervisor Clerk Road Comm. Assessor Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Office: 1985 E. Washington, East Peoria Rick Swan, 129 Rue Vue Du Lac, East Peoria Ralph "Punkie" Staley, 311 Woodrow Dr., East Peoria Paul Whittington, 321 Oakbrook Dr., East Peoria Richard Schwab, 49 Country Lane, East Peoria Steven Flinn, 100 White Oak Ln., East Peoria Cole Smith, 22462 Farmdale Rd., East Peoria Craig Hrdicka, 129 LaSalle Drive, East Peoria Roger Cramer, 151 Brookview Rd., East Peoria 699-5621 256-8299 694-1964 699-1099 694-1224 698-0412 251-1543 699-0057 839-0834 GROVELAND Supervisor Office Manager G.A. Case Worker Road Comm. Office:173 Washington, P.O. Box 217, Groveland Dan McCormick, 507 Whispering Oaks, Groveland Stephanie Stecken, 173 Washington, Groveland Stephanie Stecken, 173 Washington, Groveland Jim McCool, 225 West Street, Groveland 387-6812 387-6568 387-6812 387-6812 303-0772 Assessor Assessor Assist. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Website: Email: Rae Lyn McCormick, P.O. Box 66, Groveland John McClain, P.O. Box 217, Groveland Tony Feger, 105 Douglas Rd., Marquette Heights John Shallenberger, 413 S. Stewart St., Creve Coeur Shelly Hranka, 4701 Edgewater Dr., Groveland Vacant [email protected] 387-6568 387-6812 382-6222 694-1321 256-2613 000-0000 HITTLE Supervisor Clerk Highway Comm. Assessor Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Emai: Office: 207 N Maple, Armington Bruce Lindenfelser, 32986 Armington Road, Armington Nancy Lindenfelser, 32986 Armington Road, Armington Jeff Schneider, 2273 Dale Road, Armington Wayne Cremeens, 26863 E. Wildlife, Hopedale Donald L. Miller, 203 S. Washington St., Armington Al Horner, 30835 Armington Road, Armington John Boudeman, 221 Route 136 Spur, Armington Elliott Rogers, 1991 Mason Road, Armington [email protected] 392-3315 392-2151 392-2151 392-2827 449-5571 392-2789 392-2930 392-2455 232-1721 TOWNSHIPS 71 HOPEDALE Supervisor Clerk Highway Comm. Assessor Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Jesse Slager, 5687 Orendorff Road, Hopedale Sheila D. Nafziger, P.O. Box 437, Hopedale Trent Willis, Stringtown Road, Minier Wayne Cremeens, 26863 E. Wildlife Road, Hopedale Daryl W. Birkey, 27993 Townline Road, Mackinaw Donald Cremeens, 8663 Velma Court, Hopedale Dale Oldham, 914 Illinois Route 122w, Hopedale Arlan White, 9745 Concord Road, Mackinaw 253-3838 449-6637 000-0000 449-5571 224-8780 449-3212 449-5776 000-0000 LITTLE MACKINAW Supervisor Clerk Highway Comm. Assessor Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Robert Dietrich, 33807 Townline Road, Mackinaw Joseph Schaefer, 30353 Shiloh Road, Minier Greg Troyer, 8172 Minier Rd. Minier Wayne Cremeens, 26863 Wildlife, Hopedale David Haning, 34246 Lagoon Road, Minier Ralph Timan, P.O. Box 107 Minier Glen Schmidgall, 8308 Lauster Road, Minier Paul White, 34487 Legion Road, Minier 392-2619 392-2023 392-2866 449-5571 392-3177 530-6706 392-2056 392-2398 MACKINAW Supervisor Clerk Highway Comm. Assessor Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee David J. Haensel, 109 Giles Drive, Mackinaw Ethel Fesler, 602 E. Fast Ave., Mackinaw Mike Rankin, 15050 King Road, Danvers Jon Thetard, 107 W. Fast Ave., Mackinaw Keith Cornwell, 29817 Woodfield Dr., Mackinaw Chris Nunley, 31367 Fast Ave., Mackinaw H. Michael Gresham, 18 Wilshire Wood Dr., Mackinaw Joseph Warrick, 705 W. Fast Ave., Mackinaw 359-3221 359-4431 963-4261 824-0149 359-8762 359-3193 359-8270 359-8696 MALONE Supervisor Clerk Road Comm. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Susan Kemper, 11737 Nichols Road, Green Valley Lori Stadsholt, 3439 Wagonseller Road, Green Valley David Shay, 12116 Nichols Road, Green Valley Patricia Martin, 13789 Nichols Road, Green Valley Gary Hilst, 15310 Nichols Road, Green Valley Julie Hopkins, 2340 Shay Road, Green Valley Miles Allen, 1294 N. Allen Road, Green Valley 352-2117 202-4918 657-9372 352-4480 244-8559 352-2073 267-2744 MORTON Supervisor Clerk Highway Comm. Assessor Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Website Office:300 W. Jefferson, Morton Gene E. Smith, 600 S. 1st Ave., Morton Nancy Stephens, 125 N. Missouri, Morton Greg Menold, 932 Dunne Street, Morton Vivian Hagaman, 228 Westshore Drive, Morton James Degeeter, 1014 E. Marshall Ave., Morton Lynn Zimmerman, 22173 Woodlane Ct., Morton Eric Ackerman, 235 S. Oklahoma, Morton Donette Walter 355 E. Hazelwood St Morton 266-6445 266-6445 266-6445 266-5724 266-6445 266-6906 266-6445 263-8608 266-0720 TOWNSHIPS 72 PEKIN Supervisor Clerk Assessor Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Office: 420 Elizabeth Street, Pekin Kevin Cone, 1009 Summer St., Pekin Janet Homerin, 1403 S. 8th Street, Pekin Sharon Saal, 1914 Liberty Ct., Pekin Darrell Shallenberger, 719 S. 8th, Pekin Sarah Tracy, 2025 Windsor, Pekin Lonnie Michaelson, 2109 Susan Hope Drive, Pekin Dennis Urish, 1413 Anna Road, Pekin 346-3194 346-3194 347-2222 347-3989 347-9051 342-6776 346-6736 353-8044 SAND PRAIRIE Supervisor Clerk Highway Comm. Multi-Twp. Asses. Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Plondiena Flairty, 5525 Chapel Rd., Green Valley Geraldine Shay, P.O. Box 272, Green Valley Wylie Coriell, 301 N. Church, Green Valley Jim Whisler, 202 Linden Lane, Green Valley Terry Runyon, 107 S. Maple, Green Valley Mary Nannen, 6200 Illinois Route 29, Green Valley Scott Friedrich, 10209 N. Deppert, Green Valley Luke Coriell, 301 N. Church St., Green Valley 352-4711 352-2072 352-2131 352-5350 352-6780 352-4190 348-3567 352-2913 SPRINGLAKE Supervisor Clerk Highway Comm. Assessor Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Angie Crum, 7839 Warner Road, Manito Judith Ann Herrman, 11174 Herrman Rd., Manito Darel Knaak, 13538 Cedar Street, Manito Wayne Cremeens, 26863 Wildlife Dr., Hopedale Neal Shelabarger, 7937 Warner Road, Manito Kenneth Becker, 8479 Townline Road, Manito Michael Neulinger, 10674 Sky Ranch Road, Mantio James A. Herrman, 8745 Townline Road, Manito 269-2360 241-1464 241-2392 256-1411 241-2306 613-0575 264-5701 613-6012 TREMONT Supervisor Clerk Highway Comm. Assessor Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Kimberly M. Marron, P.O. Box 284, Tremont Gerald Madsen, P.O. Box 511, Tremont Larry Bolliger, 13406 Ropp Road, Tremont Matthew Gossmeyer, 24730 E. Lake Windermere, Tremont Victor C. Imig, 209 E. Tazewell, Tremont Ronald Koch, 2691 SE Windermere Drive, Tremont Robert Uhlman, 26525 Allentown Road, Tremont Alan Johnston, 700 E. South St., Tremont 472-6181 925-5097 925-5791 925-5310 925-3897 925-3879 925-3642 925-3375 WASHINGTON Supervisor Clerk Highway Comm. Assessor Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Office: 58 Valley Forge Road, Washington Kenneth G. Holford, 5 Primrose, Washington Marnie L. Grove, 27059 Tazewood Road, Washington David E. Weaver, 410 N. Main Street, Washington Kip Koehl, 1964 Deer Ln, Washington Ty Slonneger, 28558 Irish Lane, Washington Ada Nofsinger, 105 Comfort Way, Washington Ted Pittenger, 2337 Centennial Drive, Washington Robert Ziemba, 1944 Nofsinger Rd., Washington 444-2987 444-2391 360-5404 444-3912 444-8685 444-5200 444-3407 698-0246 444-9011 TOWNSHIPS 73 Democrat Precinct Committee Persons CINCINNATI 1 Ronald C. Hawkins, Sr. 2 Ronald C. Hawkins, Jr. 3 Jane R. Evans 5 Monica Connett 7 James L. Fairchild 806 Allen, P.O. Box 305, South Pekin 100 Elm St., South Pekin 13742 First Street, Pekin 203 5th St., South Pekin 2009 Alhambra Court, Pekin 348-2223 267-7700 348-2292 346-4961 347-6520 DEER CREEK DELAVAN 2 Ernest C. Garber 123 Heritage Lane, Delavan 244-7300 3 Scott Van Hoorn 106 Weber Lane, Delavan 244-7892 ELM GROVE 1 Jerome F. Brown 13400 Oak Lake Court, Tremont 346-5817 2 Bruce A. Knoll 17171 Red Shale Hill Road, Pekin 348-4463 3 Robert Kieser 104 Thrust Street, Pekin 346-8477 FONDULAC 8 Thomas Shrier 10 Jacob D. Moody 13 Stanley J. Valentine 117 Harmony, East Peoria 712 Arnold Road, East Peoria 116 Mackinac Drive, East Peoria 657-4221 303-2626 698-4831 GROVELAND 3 Lori Weiss 6 Judy Venegonia 7 Bernard J. Swan 11 Amy Lynne Obrien 12 Robert W. Frietsch 14 Daniel L. Dolan 18 Dan E. McCormick 19 Mary Tosi 410 Lilac Lane, East Peoria 3080 Zion Oak Road, Pekin 432 Carola Street, Creve Coeur 2900 Meadow Ave, East Peoria 319 Ritchie Street, East Peoria 160 Cracklewood Lane, East Peoria 507 Whispering Oaks Dr., Groveland 2803 Sheridan Rd., Pekin 000-0000 387-6487 699-8620 360-0706 222-4533 370-9106 387-6568 347-1469 HOPEDALE 1 Larry L. Noreuil 2 Donald Cremeens 910 Lincoln, Hopedale 8663 Velma Court, Hopedale 455-5057 449-3212 PRECINCT COMMITTEE PERSONS 74 LITTLE MACKINAW 1 Ralph J. Timan 211 N. Minier Ave, Minier 530-6206 MACKINAW 1 Mark J. Mcarthy 2 David J. Haensel 806 Park Trail Rd., Mackinaw 109 Giles Dr., Mackinaw 253-3460 359-8537 MORTON 4 Shirley Houghton 8 Todd A. Holzinger 17 Scott M. Crawford 216 S. Mississippi Ave., Morton 109 Giles Dr., Mackinaw 127 Cedar Ave., Morton 266-6319 263-0568 000-0000 SAND PRAIRIE 1 Darrell G. Meisinger 5331 IL. Rte. 29, Green Valley 346-1357 SPRINGLAKE 1 Rosemary Palmer 2 Perry Sundell 6404 Bass Road, Manito 6250 Sky Ranch Road, Manito 545-2423 545-2221 331 Caroline Street, Pekin 912 Willow St., Pekin 1819 Highwood Ave., Pekin 1019 S. 12th Street, Pekin 699 Oxford St., Pekin 609 Bacon Street, Pekin 1914 Libery Ct., Pekin 1009 Summer Street, Pekin 1002 Prince Street, Pekin 110 Twin Lake Dr., North Pekin 309 Delshire Ave., Pekin 1105 N 16th St., Pekin 1413 Anna Road, Pekin 1403 S. 8th Street, Pekin 1024 Bacon St., Pekin 1419 N. 9th Street, Pekin 1326 Hilltop Drive, Pekin 740 East Shore Dr., Pekin 42 Rainbow Dr., Pekin 346-0224 000-0000 267-4700 353-6982 346-3543 353-3854 347-3989 346-4551 000-0000 000-0000 346-3904 347-6428 353-8044 347-2222 346-9359 620-8220 241-2908 346-9703 353-2383 MALONE WASHINGTON PEKIN 1 Sharon S. Beetschen 4 Thomas C. Shryock 5 Joyce M. Antonini 6 Elaine M. Richey 8 Lloyd Orrick 9 Moira Hartley 10 George A. Saal, Jr. 13 Kevin Cone 14 Greg W. Maloney 15 Robert L. Saal 16 Leo E. Berardi 17 Joan A Vonboeckman 18 Dennis L. Urish 19 Janet Homerin 20 Robert I. Paullin Jr. 22 Vicki Grashoff 23 Jerry Vanderheydt 29 John F. Kennedy 34 Shannon M. Saal-Evans PRECINCT COMMITTEE PERSONS 75 Republican Precinct Committee Persons CINCINNATI 2 Robert G. Burress 5 Cody Hendricks 6 Demetra Demonte 713 Deerfield Drive, Pekin 1711 St. Clair Dr., Pekin 1931 St. Clair Dr., Pekin 000-0000 000-0000 347-4397 DEER CREEK 1 Floyd Robert Hofmann Jr. 120 Willow Oak Dr., Morton 447-6275 DELAVAN 2 Kathryn A. Yontz 121 Heritage Lane, Delavan 244-7685 DILLON 1 Dean M. Kaisner 19458 Cedar Bluff Rd., Delavan 208-4791 ELM GROVE 1 H. Wayne Sutherland 712 S. Hancock Street, Tremont 925-3619 FONDULAC 1 Michael D. Unes 3 Russ Crawford 13 Brian C. Hibbert 1706 Highview Road, East Peoria 204 District Court, East Peoria 112 Cherbourg Ct., East Peoria 699-2834 694-2827 698-1665 GROVELAND 1 Jerome J. Hranka 2 Mildred Bury Brooksbank 3 Tim D. Neuhauser 5 Shelly I. Hranka 11 Richard Jake Marks 15 Frederick W. Meyer 18 Corey J. Campbell 19 Virgil F. Cihla 4701 Edgewater Dr., Groveland 111 Jefferson Court, East Peoria 5 Hawthorne Cove, Morton 4701 Edgewater Dr., Groveland 100 Turnron Pl., East Peoria 1 Pine Hurst Court, Pekin 504 Northern Oaks Dr., Groveland 3601 Eagle Bend, Pekin 387-2777 699-6681 698-8071 387-2777 231-6155 347-5677 000-0000 202-7266 28301 Lynn Road, Minier 329 Monroe Street, Hopedale 449-5421 267-8845 HITTLE HOPEDALE 1 David L. Snider 2 Carroll Imig LITTLE MACKINAW PRECINCT COMMITTEE PERSONS 76 MACKINAW 1 Michael L. Harris 808 Park Trail Rd., Mackinaw 359-8645 MORTON 1 James J. Rule 4 Ginger F. Hermann 5 Gregory E. Albrecht 10 Vivian E. Hagaman 12 Lincoln C. Hobson 13 Lowell Schroeder 14 Jeremiah Anders 16 J. David Zimmerman 17 James Jeff Baldi 339 Magnolia Ave., Morton 10 Lincoln Court, Morton 901 Queenwood, Morton 228 Westshore Dr., Morton 1234 Waterford Dr., Morton 1318 S. 2nd Ave., Morton 1803 Greenfield Dr., Morton 101 Forestview Road, Morton 2400 Veterans, Morton 266-8675 266-7384 253-6559 263-0766 263-1431 696-7181 263-1472 266-5821 263-2748 SAND PRAIRIE 1 Elmer C. Franks 8707 Morris Mill Rd., Green Valley 244-8863 TREMONT 2 John S. Webb 309 N. Sampson, P.O. Box 741, Tremont 925-5077 PEKIN 1 Brad Kobischka 4 Dennis W. Conover 16 Robert R. Ehrich 18 Mary Burress 20 Jody K. Baker 23 Rick Hochstetler 26 Duane A. Gray 231 Charlotte Street, Pekin 900 Caroline Street, Pekin 1400 N. 4th St., Pekin 713 Deerfield Dr., Pekin 1407 S. 4th St., Pekin 2213 Crestview Drive, Pekin 307 Delshire Ave., Pekin 346-4500 353-9531 347-4394 347-3363 620-6000 000-0000 349-3114 WASHINGTON 1 Tyler James Gee 2 Micahel Godar 3 J. Brian Heller 7 Andrew S. Rinehart 8 Robert M. Huston 10 Gary W. Manier 11 David L. Hullinger 14 James L. Gee 15 Mark P. Riggio 16 John Redlingshafer 18 Donald R. Gronewold 21 Malcolm Kinsinger 810 Hilldale St., Washington 1005 Lawndale Lane, Washington 109 N. Pine Street, Washington 304 Victoria Dr., Washington 105 Camelin Drive, Washington 601 Firethorn, Washington 1310 Westminster St., Washington 9 Browning Court, Washington 306 Meadowlark Ln., Washington 114 Windsong Dr., Washington 1006 Kingsbury Rd., Washington 417 Gillman Street, Washington 657-7441 657-2541 444-7700 657-6702 699-1226 444-8864 444-9730 444-8780 000-0000 000-0000 444-3743 444-3170 MALONE SPRINGLAKE PRECINCT COMMITTEE PERSONS 77 Senate Districts by Township Township Precinct Cong. District Rep. District Senate District County Board District Boynton 1 18 87 44 3 Cincinnati 1-7 17 91 46 1 Deer Creek 18 88 44 3 Delavan 1-3 18 87 44 1 Dillon 18 87 44 2 Elm Grove 1 & 2 18 87 44 2 Elm Grove 3 17 87 44 2 Fondulac 1 18 91 46 3 Fondulac 2 17 81 46 3 Fondulac 3 18 Fondulac 4-10 18 91 46 3 Fondulac 11 18 88 44 3 Fondulac 12 18 Fondulac 13 & 14 18 91 46 3 Fondulac 15 18 88 44 3 Groveland 1 18 88 44 2 Groveland 2 18 91 46 2 Groveland 3 18 88 44 2 Groveland 4 17 91 46 2 Groveland 5 18 91 46 2 Groveland 6 88 & 91 44 & 46 88 & 91 44 & 46 17 & 18 88 & 91 44 & 46 3 3 2 Groveland 7 17 91 46 2 Groveland 8 17& 18 91 46 2 Groveland 9 & 10 17 91 46 2 Groveland 11 18 88 & 91 44 & 46 2 Groveland 12 & 13 18 88 & 91 44 & 46 2 Groveland 14 18 91 46 2 REPRESENTATIVES AND SENATE DISTRICTS 78 Groveland 15 18 87 44 2 Groveland 16 17 91 46 2 Groveland 17 18 Groveland 18 & 19 18 88 44 2 Hittle 18 87 44 3 Hopedale 1 & 2 18 87 44 2 Little Mackinaw 1 & 2 18 87 44 3 Mackinaw 1 & 2 18 87 & 88 44 3 Mackinaw 3 18 88 44 3 Malone 18 88 44 1 Morton 1-16 18 88 44 2 Sand Prairie 1 & 2 18 87 44 1 Spring Lake 1 18 91 46 1 Spring Lake 2 17 91 46 1 Tremont 1 & 2 18 87 44 2 Tremont 3 18 87 & 88 44 2 Washington 1-4 18 88 44 3 Washington 5 18 91 46 3 Washington 6 & 7 18 88 44 3 Washington 8 18 91 46 3 Washington 9-11 18 88 44 3 Washington 12 18 91 46 3 Washington 13 18 Washington 14-18 18 88 44 3 Pekin 1-35 17 91 46 1 88& 91 44 & 46 88 & 91 44 & 46 2 3 There are 5 precinct as shown which are split between Representative & Senate Districts. For further information on which streets are in what Representative & Senate District. Contact the County Clerk's Office, Election Division. 477-2267. 44th Legislative District- 87th & 88th Representative District 46th Legislative District- 91st Representative District REPRESENTATIVES AND SENATE DISTRICTS 79 Population Tazewell County 1900 33,221 1990 123,692 2000 128,485 2010 135,394 Townships Boynton Township Cincinnati Township Deer Creek Delavan Township Dillon Township Elm Grove Township 752 2,312 988 1,153 266 6,722 1,098 2,019 916 2,675 265 8,862 1,156 2,206 962 3,007 275 9,506 1,383 2,061 1,000 3,093 Fondulac Township 1,460 12,821 13,138 13,381 Groveland Township 1,656 19,608 18,376 19,526 900 650 658 591 Hopedale Township Little Mackinaw Township 1,492 1,570 1,679 1,483 1,921 1,590 1,913 1,575 Mackinaw Township Hittle Township 1,485 2,772 3,769 4,454 Malone Township 704 285 297 220 Morton Township 1,759 14,975 16,335 17,036 Pekin Township 8,645 31,135 30,600 29,807 Sand Prairie Township 1,157 1,515 1,477 1,441 Spring Lake Township - - - 1,887 Tremont Township 1,591 2,421 2,428 2,641 Washington Township 2,928 18,907 19,427 23,604 Armington Village - 348 368 343 Creve Coeur Village - 5,938 5,448 5,451 Delavan City Deer Creek Village East Peoria City Green Valley Village Hopedale Village Mackinaw Village Marquette Heights Minier Village Morton Village North Pekin Village Pekin City South Pekin Village Tremont Village Washington City 1,304 298 899 600 859 746 894 8,420 768 1,459 1,642 630 21,378 745 801 1,331 3,077 1,155 13,799 1,556 32,254 1,184 2,088 10,099 1,825 605 22,638 728 929 1,452 2,794 1,244 15,198 1,574 33,857 1,162 2,029 10,841 1,689 682 23,402 709 865 1,950 2,824 1,252 16,267 1,573 34,094 1,146 2,236 15,134 11,430,602 12,419,293 Incorporated Cities and Villages State of Illinois 4,821,550 12,830,632 POPULATION 80 Tazewell County Valuations Townships Boynton Cincinnati Deer Creek Delavan Dillon Elm Grove Fondulac 2014 19,694,270 155,265,874 29,675,130 34,223,773 24,045,479 91,824,915 280,719,187 Groveland 302,259,197 Hittle 14,934,799 Hopedale 41,511,365 Little Mackinaw Mackinaw 34,604,285 75,424,656 Malone 8,030,716 Morton 474,439,367 Pekin 328,213,729 Sand Prairie 24,579,727 Spring Lake 31,806,428 Tremont 56,886,306 Washington 445,590,620 Total Tazewell County 2,473,729,823 VALUATIONSOF INCORPORATED CITIES AND VILLAGES Armington Creve Coeur Deer Creek Delavan East Peoria Goodfield Green Valley Hopedale Mackinaw Marquette Heights Minier Morton North Pekin Pekin South Pekin Tremont Washington 3,053,890 48,019,301 5,581,725 16,912,918 435,034,919 7,583,450 6,816,331 13,535,962 26,020,243 27,890,551 18,770,769 446,094,180 23,702,051 432,324,402 7,847,849 38,365,536 292,078,141 VALUATIONS 81 Dates to be Remembered Board of Review Meeting to Organize-on or before the first Monday in June. Final adjournment- on or before December 31st. Tax Levies SCHOOL DIRECTIONS should file their school tax levy with the County Clerk on or before the last Tuesday in December. HIGHWAY COMMISSIONERS shall file with the County Clerk, on or before the last Tuesday in December, the amount necessary to be raised for roads and bridge purposes. A copy is also filed with the Town Clerk. CORPORATION TAX LEVY should be made on or before the last Tuesday in December and a certified copy filed with the County Clerk. TOWN TAXES should be voted for at the annual town meeting, and the levy, so made, should be certified to the County Clerk by the Town Clerk on or before the last Tuesday in December. PARK, FIRE AND LIBRARY DISTRICT levies are to be filed with the County Clerk on or before the last Tuesday in December. DATES TO BE REMEMBERED 82 Index Abts,Lee Ann Adkins, John Aeilts, Daymon Agbesola, Yetunde Albers, Rusty Allen, Mark Allison, Kayla Ames, Daniel Angle, Julie Anthony, Steve Antonini, Sharon 28 24 37 43 46 39 59 27 43 57 43 Brown, Amanda Brown, James Brown, Joel Brown, Lori Bruen, Tiffany Buhl, Sarah Bundy, Cyndi Burcham, Russ Burress, Karla Burress, Mary Burson, Dawn 43 57 58 43 29 44 29 43 43 2,21,64 60 Arms, Mary 28 Butler, Deanna 25 Ashby, Michael 59 Atkins, Kim 38 Carlton, Nick 58 Augspurger, Paul Ault, Peter 46 58 Carney, Timothy Cassidy, Seth 58 48 Avery, Les 65 Cates, Jamie 37 Avery, Ryan 48 Catton, Craig 57 Chism, Angela 54 Baker, Harlan 46 Clark, Tammy 43 Baker, Janna 62 Cleaver, Sheri 58 Bakota, Eric 43 Cole, Elly 44 Coleman, Rickie 44 39 Baldi, James J. 2,31 Barbee, Julie 60 Collett, Bryan Barfield,Jack 24 Collett, Debra Barnett, Melissa 37 Connett, Monica 4,21 Barnhill, Christopher 58 Cook, Dawn 2, 39 Barry, Sandy 44 Cooper, Kelsey 59 Bass, Jeff 57 Counterman, Michael 46 Bassett, Louise 54 Crabtree, Debbie 54 Beachy, Elizabeth Bean, Karen Bechtel, Theresa Beckman, Sara Beeney, Sue Bembenek, Joseph Bennett, Morgan Berardi, Julie Bernardi, Frederick A. Biggs, Karen Blackmore, Shanita Bolin-Ghitalla, Francine Bonnette, Danny Bortolussi, Rose Boyle, Jennifer Bradshaw, James Brock, Richard 44 37 59 58 32 52 43 60 2, 52 28 43 54 31 39 29 52 58 39 Crady, Tara Crawford, Russ Crouch, Floyd 25 4,21 62 Dault, Steve Davis, Patricia Davis, Randy Deatherage, Steve Deeb-Diver, Caelyn Deininger, Kristal Delahunt, Carole Devine, Becky Dickerson, Eliza Dickson, Tracy Dietz, Renee Dluski, Aimee Dodd, Bonnie 57 59 57 60 60 2, 50 59 62 31 57 44 52 44 INDEX 83 Donahue, Jim Drake, Matt Dubicki, David Duffin,Denise Dunker, Michelle Dunnigan, Lisa Durflinger, Cathy Durley, Patrick 4,21 60 27 29 44 34 54 54 Ealey, Stacie Eccles, Brad Edie, Don Eeten, Courtney Eeten, Michelle Eisfelder, Gina Embry, Tom Emery, Phillip Eubank, Danette Evans, Kendra Evans, Larry Evelsizer, Randall 43 57 61 27, 47 38 28 38 57 44 34 60 46 Falcon, Joanie Fallert, Jamie Fardel, Theresa Farmer, Shelly Farril, Wendy Fenton, Sarah Figurski, Angel Fink,Craig Flinn, Inge Floyd, Brenda Flynn, Tamra Fobar, Eric Foshaar, Michelle Fox, Amy Frazier, Jenna Fresquez, Dion Friend, Alesandra Fulk, Sherry Fuoss, J. Michael 44 37 59 62 2,32 44 29 2,46 44 44 43 59 59 2,40 59 28 60 59 54 Gall, Justin Gandy, Angie Garber, Ron Garcia, David Garner, Clara Gibbs, Carla Gierich, Cindy Gilfillan, Paul Gillespie, Tim Gillespie, Tim Giraudo, Jon Girdler, Karen Glesne, Brian Glisson, Renee Glover, Dan Glueck, Lisa Godar, Mark Godby, Mary Ann Goeken, Eric 58 34 24 47 43 28 54 27 57 60 60 44 44 59 57 44 58 64 57 Goetze, Melissa Golianis, James Graber, Lori Graff, Nick Grant, Aimee Grashoff, Glenda Grashoff, Vicki Gray, Cheryl Gray, Deanna Gray, Steve Green, Imogene Green, Mike Greenhalgh, Carol Gregory, Renee Grimm, Brett Grimm, Dean Gronewold, Donald Grube, Matthew Gudzinskas, Kim Guthrie, Kimberly 43 43 44 4,21 54 31 2,21,23 44 60 46 43 60 62 28 4,21 4,21 58 58 43 44 Hagen, Shelly Hamm, Julie Hancock, Jenny Handlen, Adrienne Harms, Jaymee Harper, David Harper, Hal Harper, Michael Harris, Marilyn Harris, Michael Harris, Scott Harris, Valerie Hartley, Moira Hauk, Leslie Helmig, Paul II Henderson, Bobby Henderson, Ivy Herzog, Julie Hibberd, Julie Hibbert, Jacob Hillegonds, Terry Hizey, Scott Hobson, Lincoln Hoffman, Aaron Holford, Mary Jo Holly, Mike Holmes, Jessica Homerin, Char Homerin, Jeromy Hoog, Tyler Hopping, Crindie Hoppock, Matthew Horan, John Hostetler, Dawn Hough Rex Howe, Joe Hoyland, Kim Hoyle, Sherri Hubert, Vicki Hunt, Amanda Husser, Erica 59 59 60 29 22 58 57 58 64 5,21 27 24 34 61 57 60 60 44 29 57 4,21 32 2,28 58 4,21 60, 61 61 22 22 58 44 52 2,37 58 24 38 62 23 34 59 43 INDEX 84 Huston, Robert Hutton, Marissa 2, 56 58 Imig, Carrol Ingwersen, Andrea Irons, Karen Ivey, Melissa 4,21 43 43 60 Jackson, Courtney Jeckel, Jacque Jimenez, Rolando Joesting, Christine Johnson, Brenda Johnson, Irvin Johnson, Janet Johnson, Kevin Johnson, Trent Johnston, Richard Jones, Becky Jones, Nicole Juchems, Tracey 59 43 58 64 28 57 43 60 57 58 28 62 28 Kato, Yoko Kedzior, Jason Keen, Kevin Keller, Julie Kelley, Kim Kelly, Jennifer Kempf, Gerald Keys, Sarah Kieser, Robert King, Curtis King, Peggy Kirk, Michael Kisner, Edward Klein, Kyle Knight, Lisa Kober, Jackson Koontz, Courtney Kopp, Sandra Kraus, Nicole Kreiter, Melissa 43 57 57 52 27 37 57 28 61 58 29 58 46 57 38 59 58 47 64 50 Lacey, Judy Ladendorf, Jane Lamberson, Barbara Lane, Fran Lard, Melissa Lee, Donna Legge, Kate Lemons, Sheila Lerch, Shelly Linton, Chuck Linton, Lisa Loberg, Walter Lockwood, Pam Lohnes, Pam Long, Brian Long, Cynthia Longergan, John 34 43 37 44 62 27 60 44 43 57 58 48 43 22 38 43 52 Lourgos, Jan Lower, Jeff Lynch, Peter 2 57 52 Maas, Charles Maas, Linda Madison, Angela Magarity, Dan Maggioncalda, Nick Maher, Jerelyn Mahr, Randy Malavolti, Paul Mallory, Melissa Mancha, Ricardo Manuel, Susan Marshall, Mary Martin, Brian Martin, Schad May, Charles McClister, Patrica McConkey, Kelly McCool, Angela McCoy, Richard McKinney, Christopher McMullin Jim McNeil, Christopher McPherson, Liz Mehrzad, Ashley Meisinger, Darrell Melloy, Rebecca Melvin, Teresa Merchenthaler, Joanne Meyer, Steve Miars, Kay Milam, Louise Milburn, Hannah Mingus, Seth Moessner, Nancy Moldenhauer, Chris Moon, Scott Moretto, Michelle Mortimer, Kathy Moss, Dale Mullikin, Cassie Munge, Sharon Murugan, Saritha Mutchler, Erica Mutchler, Todd 46 24 52 54 43 27 57 58 31 57 34 61 46 37 58 43 38 58 27 57 24 50 38 58 4,21 58 34 64 24 43 25 64 4,21 24 46 38 58 22 22 60 28 43 43 58 Nagel, Kelley Naylor, Shawn Neavear, Evelyn Nell, Leslie Neuhauser,Timothy Nichols, Sherri 29 31 43 59 4,21 24 Oetzel, Shawn Olar, Kimberly Orr, Diane Owen, Gail 38 37 54 2, 54 INDEX 85 Owens, Lee Paluska, Larry Parr, Daniel Peplow, Carrie Peters, Anna Peterson, Jeff Peterson, Mark Petri, Kenneth Petsas, Chris Pickerill, Vickie Pierson, Camila Post, Lois Potter, Ann Potts, Brad Potts, Cheryl Potts, Dora Powell, Teresa Price, Scott Proehl,Nancy Quiram, Eric 47 52 46 44 60 58 57 24 57 28 44 24 37 57 58 44 38 31 5,21 38 Rabb,Marc Randolph, Rhonda Rasmussen, Susan Redlingshafer, John Reeg, Justin Replogle, John Ricci, Joyce Richardson, George Richmond, Trish Rinehart, Andrew Risch, Shannon Risinger, Michael Ritchason, Ronald Roberts, Keri Roberts, Patty Robertson, Amber Robison, Jeffrey Robison, Shawn Rogers, Jeff Roth, William Rowell, LuAnn Ruark, Harry Rudd, Tina 57 58 64 5,21 54 46 37 24 38 5,21 43 27 24 44 60 58 43 57 57 58 44 24 34 Saal, Steven Sams, Kim Sanders, Ryan Scharping, Michele Scheuermann, David Schmidt, Rita Schmitt,Carl Schock, Bill Schryer, Sarah Sciortino, Gary Sciortino, Jesi Sciortino, Sharon Searle, Judy 2, 65 43 2,22 43 46 62 54 39 60 5,21 46 34 50 Sellers, Carla Severns, Charles Seward, Mic Seward, Pam Shallenberger, Jennifer Shallenberger, John Shane, Julia Shedigar, Julie Shields, Patte Shelton, Lori Sherwood, Lorna Shipp, Bonnie Short, Terry Shryock, Tom Shultz, Bruce Shutt, Heidi Silotto, Joe Simpson, Sherry Sinn,Greg Slater,Tonia Slaven, Darrell Smith Yvonne Smith, Deana Smith, Kayla Smith, Sarah Snoke, Wendy Snyder, Elicia Sparkman, Sara Sparks, Trina St. Clair, Julie Stanton, Jennifer Stauffer, Jane Stealy Michelle Steele, Larry Steele, Tiffany Steinborn, Kim Stimpert, Peggy Stocke, Jeff Stocke, Ryan Stockham, Robert Storey, Daylyn Strader, MaryJo Strauman, Michael Stringer, Joshua Strunk, Trent Stump, Justin Sundell, Sue Sutter, Cheryl Sutter, Tori Swan, Rick Sweeney, Melissa Szadkowski, Joe Tandy, Cathi Tarby, Ryan Taylor, Anna Taylor, Cy Taylor, Luke Taylor, Mike Taylor, Rita Taylor, Trevor 34 46 37 34 29 58 27 28 37 28 54 64 23 48 31 28 46 28 5,21 29 58 44 43 62 25 44 64 43 25 44 58 57 37 58 59 29 62 58 58 38 34 44 2,48 57 58 38 5,21 29 29 58 32 58 29 58 44 58 52 58 29 59 INDEX 86 Teuerle, Randi Theobald, Paige Thomas, Dale Thompson, Gail Tibbs, Kathy Tittle, Ashley Traenkenschuh, Katie Trygar, Mark Tucker, Jake Turner, Mike Turner, Moriah Twist, Gary Tyler, Vicki Ulrich, Kurt Umholtz, Stewart Ummel, Shannon 59 60 52 62 59 43 43 57 59 48 37 2,62 43 Zeigenbein, Terry Zevnik, Raegan Zimmerman, David Zimmerman, Emma Zuercher, Jerry 28 58 37 2,4,32 2,47 39 57 2,21,60 37 Vanderheydt, Jerry Vanderheydt, Jerry VanDusen, Steven VanDyke, Eric Vansaghi, Kelly Veerman, Diane Verichak, Laura Vicary, Larry Viets, Kerri Von Rohr, Richard Vonderheide, Sara 5,21 37 58 43 58 28 54 58 43 31 58 Waddill, Rhonda Walker, Susan Wamsley, Rodney Watson, Pat Webb,Christie Weber, Toni Wells, Mark Wendelin, Jay Wertz, Kris Wetz, Mark Wheat,Kim Whisenand, Craig Wickman, Teresa Williams, Gayle Williams, Jeff Williams, Sarah Williams, Scott Woerner Carly Wolfe, Joe Woll, Dennis Woodard, Tammy Woodworth, Mary Workheiser, Roger Workman, Jaclynn Workman, Quentin Worlow, Christine Wubben, Lisa 34 37 31 44 2,34 29 58 54 44 52 28 57 44 34 22 44 46 43 5,21 46 34 59 32 50 38 44 28 Yarnall, Stephan Young, Jeff Young, Jonathan Young, Julie 54 32 58 INDEX 87 Tazewell County Clerk's Office McKenzie Building 11 S. 4th Street Pekin, Il 61554 309-477-2264
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