Missionary Gospel Fellowship
Missionary Gospel Fellowship
nO L M INIS T R Y IN A IC MGF Welcomes New Missionaries In This Issue: Jose & Arcelia Moreno 2 Don & Joyce Townsend 3 Elizabeth Peinado 3 Shawn & Karen Coleman 4 In Memory of Karen Pietsch 4 Daniel & Christy Hilson 5 Yunas Masih Jerry & Barbara Johnson Rose Waltner Juanito & Minda Tay Carolynn Shearn Heather Rix BULLETIN 6 6 7 7 What a joy it is to welcome three missionary families to MGF. It is exciting to be a part of what God is doing! As He directs and leads, will you partner with these missionaries through prayer, giving or serving? Sal & Joyce Sarkis It is our pleasure and honor to be part of the MGF family. Since it is our first time, allow us to introduce ourselves to you. We came to know Christ as our Savior in the 70’s as young teenagers, and have since been members of a Baptist Church. Through the years, our calling became clearer as the Lord put a vision before us to reach out to the needy with love and then lead them to Christ’s love and salvation. In 2007 we were asked to come serve the Lord by reaching the Arabic-speaking communities in the States, in San Diego, CA. specifically. We did so after much prayer and fasting. God’s love reached over 500 families during this period as we launched our ministry into three different phases: 1) Starting a relationship by providing social and material needs, 2) Building trust with those families through social visits and fellowships, 3) Reaching them with the Gospel, leading them to take a positive step toward a personal 7 8 Sal & Joyce Sarkis Missionary Gospel Fellowship PO Box 1535, relationship with Christ, trying to build a bridge between each person and the Lord, and building it through Christ’s love. That is why our ministry is called “Bridging with Love.” ~Sal Sarkis Sudha & Monica Peethala We are delighted to be a part of this God-ordained partnership with MGF. We are very excited and are looking forward to the journey God has paved for us. God has blessed my wife Monica and me photo courtesy of S. Peethala RA H RT Vol. 65 No. 1 Missionary Gospel Fellowship photo courtesy of S. Sarkis I- C TU F ER LT L Est. 1939 M MU U A Mission M G Winter 2011 h ows ip ll a G o sp el F e ry Sudha & Monica Peethala, with their daughter Alena with a beautiful daughter, Alena, who is three years old. My spiritual gifts are teaching, leadership and serving. I desire to use all these gifts to the fullest to radiate the light of Christ into the life of others who have not experienced Him. We will be working among the East Indian community with a focus on teenagers and young adults. continued on page 2 Turlock CA 95381 (209) 634-8575 www.mg- The Fellowship Bulletin is a quarterly publication of Missionary Gospel Fellowship. photo MGF files I’ve recently been reading China Hans, Hans Wilhelm’s memoir of mission life. He recounts how he chafed under menial work assignments until he recalled the admonition from Ephesians 6:7 “... doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men.” This really touched my heart because I often feel my duty turning to drudgery. I really Jay Hyatt, want to serve “as General Director, MGF to the Lord,” but I find myself caught up in how people receive my service, or how inconvenient the timing of various demands are, or the stress of different people wanting me to do different things. When I looked back at what Paul was writing to the Ephesians, I noticed something that was helpful to me in keeping my focus on Jesus. Ephesians 6:6 (NKJV) “...not with eye-service, as men-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart.” When I get focused on myself, it doesn’t take long before I’m evaluating my performance by how other people react to me. That is an impossible game to win. Someone will always be unhappy. Jesus loved people, but He didn’t worry about what they thought of Him. His primary motivation was to do the will of the Father. If I am committed to doing the will of God, I will spend time with Him to understand what His will is. This can still be scary because sometimes He may want me to do things that are beyond me. If He does, it means that He has already planned how He’s going to help me do it. I just have to be willing to obey. Suddenly, Jesus’ instruction to take His yoke upon me becomes a relief and refreshment. His yoke is easy because it fits me just right, and His burden on me is light, because He’s doing the heavy lifting. Is there something—maybe many things— pressing upon you right now? I hope you’ll join me at Jesus’ feet, and that whatever burdens you bear will be left at the foot of the Cross today. 2 ~Jay Hyatt, General Director, MGF We envision young people living lives that transform others toward a love relationship with Christ. Our prayer and dream is to radiate the light of Christ to the people in and around us in the Portland area and everywhere we go. ~Sudha Peethala Terry & Caroline Harbaugh We have a heart for international students attending the University of Missouri and other colleges in the Kansas City metro area. Caroline knows how overwhelming it can be for new students arriving in the US; she was one of those students herself many years ago. We provide the new international students with information on where to find groceries, the post office and other important needs. We invite students to our home so they can learn about our culture. We believe that by building friendships with international Terry & Caroline Harbaugh students we can show Christ’s love through our actions, words and lifestyle. photo courtesy of T. Harbaugh As To The Lord Continued from page 1 We also have a heart for young children in orphanages and students in Central India. We have supported several students attending school for the past seven years, and are currently expanding our work to include working with young children at an orphanage, starting new ladies’ Bible study groups and working with young adults. Our mission is to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to Indians. ~Terry Harbaugh Our Romance Jose: I would like to share the story of my relationship with Arcelia Galanza. Arcelia and I had known each other for a long time, but I did not have her address. She had called me several months before and I called her just to greet her. I invited her to visit me because I didn’t want to go to the cold in Plainfield, IL. She accepted, so I saw that the Lord was bringing her into my life. I fell in love with her and she with me. In a special way, the will of God was marvelously manifested to unite us in the Lord. Arcelia: I met Jose in 1972 when he was laboring in the Lord’s work, and we attended the same church. We all participated in different capacities in the service of the Lord. I was a Sunday School teacher, a member of the Women’s Society Committee and serving in other ways. Jose was in the leadership of the church, and his wife Gladys was the treasurer. Our families were great friends. I became a widow many years ago when my husband, Nestor Camacho, and the father of my seven children, died. God’s will sent Jose and me in different directions, and for many years I knew nothing about Jose. That was until, through common friends, we began to communicate. Then the flame of love sprang forth between us resulting in the union of our lives. ~Jose & Arcelia Moreno photo courtesy of Joyce Townsend General Director’s Column MGF Welcomes New Missionaries Jose & Arcelia with Don & Joyce MGF Missionaries’ Legacy photo courtesy of J. Townsend As Missionary Care Directors for MGF, we have the privilege of seeing God working in and through the lives of the missionaries. Recently we visited MGF missionaries in Idaho and Montana. One of the blessings on this trip was visiting churches where MGF missionaries have served for many years. For example, Jack and Dollie Harvey pastored the Jack & Dollie Harvey with Don & Joyce Teton Valley Community Bible Church located in Driggs, ID, from 1977 to 1985. At their first service there were only a few worshippers, but later 70 were baptized. While the Harveys were on deputation, John and Pat Milloway filled in for them and invited Joe and Alice Bair to lead worship through music. In 1981, Bill Farley was ordained at the church. Today, the church continues to grow and also includes a Christian Academy. photo courtesy of J. Townsend Bill and Virginia Farley previously served at the Ririe Chapel in Ririe, ID, a small community of predominately Mormons. However, for the past several years, the church has reached out to the community under the dedicated leadership of John and Pat Milloway. In Montana, Paul and Cyndi Peck have seen their congregation grow and were given a furnished church building when a group disbanded. They have found favor among the leadership in John Milloway teaching at Ririe Chapel Dillon as a church that cares and loves people. In each of these churches, there is such a warm fellowship. Praise God for their faithfulness as they serve the Lord in challenging environments. ~Don & Joyce Townsend An Anchor for the Soul photo courtesy of J. Townsend I started going back to the labor camp over a month ago. Another woman and I go around the camp reminding children of Sunday School. I am now 88-years old and don’t know when I’ll no longer be able to teach. With the McIntosh family’s Child Evangelism Fellowship connection, I know that somebody will carry on in the labor camp. Unfortunately, the work in some labor camps had ended when the missionaries are no longer there. Pray that more children will come and for their salvation. Elizabeth Peinado It was good to be able to visit at the jail again. My pastor’s wife and I hadn’t been able to go for almost five months after I broke my hip. The women who were there when we went before had gone to prison or home. Unfortunately, some former inmates were back. One woman asked me if I'd had a Bible club in a church in Woodville 30 years ago. She went there when she was eight years old. She said that she pretty much raised herself, so I don’t know what her home life was like. She said that I had taught her John 3:16 and she was able to quote it. I don’t know why she was in prison again, as we don’t ask. One Bible correspondence student wrote: My life as a heroin addict was going very bad. When I came to jail for the sixth time in three years, I wanted to die. I had given up. Jesus knew this. I prayed to God to end my sufferings. I read a prayer from the book “An Anchor for the Soul.” I’m pretty sure that prayer with meaning brought Jesus into my heart. I was saved in November of 2008. I know that God loves me and always has. I was blind exactly like the hymn, “Amazing Grace.” ~Elizabeth Peinado MGF Changes Accrediting Membership MGF has just been accepted for membership in the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). Formerly a member of ANAM, the Association of North American Missions, the MGF membership voted this past year to seek membership in ECFA, as it is much more widely known. We hope that this affiliation will give you and the rest of our supporting family growing confidence that we are fully committed to transparency and integrity in all of our financial operations. The requirements for membership in ANAM and ECFA are quite similar, so MGF has not had to make any changes in our operations. Still, the ECFA staff has been very helpful in assisting us to make sure that we are not only doing things right, but also demonstrating that integrity through documentation and communication. I personally have enjoyed the camaraderie we shared with the other members and leadership of ANAM and wish them all great satisfaction in serving God in their respective areas. Now, MGF looks forward to our cooperative relationship with the leadership of ECFA in assuring the highest standards of accountability for MGF’s financial practices and communications. 3 Missionary Gospel Fellowship PO Box 1535, Turlock CA 95381 (209) 634-8575 www.mgfhq.org Just In Time photo courtesy of S. Coleman Shawn & Karen with the city of Ensenada in the background phase of building the second women’s dorm to house up to 12 more women. Our current women’s dorm is over-subscribed for the Spring Semester 2011. All construction is done on a cash basis. We do not take out loans or borrow to build, so the construction time line is defined by the Lord. God continues to prove His faithfulness, and we have learned He is a “just in time” God. He provides what we need when we need it. CCBC Mexico is truly a team effort. We work with an amazing staff of six other missionaries. Our purpose and the purpose of the school is to be a place for believers to be rooted in God’s Word and raised up by Him to reach the world for Christ. We both feel privileged to see God working in the lives of everyone here (including us)! The vision for the school is to build a campus to house 800 students and to have at least one affiliate campus in every state photo courtesy of S. Coleman This year we have truly been blessed. We saw the first seven graduates of CCBC Mexico graduate in May, and now two more in December. December will also mark the end of our fifth semester. The students have spent four semesters -- over a two-year span of their lives -working and studying God’s word. All along they put into practice what they have learned on mission trips to Tijuana, San Vicente, San Quintin, Hermosillo, Bahia Kino, Rosarito and Mexicali. The school is growing and is in the beginning Leadership and graduates in Mexico; all 31 states of Mexico. This past September, an affiliate opened in Mexico City, and next February, a second one will start in Rosarito, Baja California. As the students graduate, some will become pastors and some missionaries; others will return to their hometown and work in other occupations. Our prayer is for all of them to have a firm foundation on which to build their future. Our dear Mother, Karen Helene Pedersen Pietsch, passed away September 18, 2010. She had Alzheimers/dementia for over a year, and she was having more and more signs of frailty, weakness, apraxia, all the signs of worsening dementia, and general decline, including falls. I went up to see Mom on Sept. 5th and, on the 8th, I took her to her doctor. I told Mom that morning I was going to take her to the doctor. She said to me, “I think I will do what you decide.” (It was so clear and so unusual considering she could rarely form a complete sentence or thought!) It was so helpful that Mom and Dad had been very clear about their wishes for the end. Within about two to three days of my visit to the doctor, Mom started refusing all her medicines. Within about 10 days of the doctor visit, she took her last breath and entered Heaven. 4 We are so glad that we were able to keep Mom in her home and in her own comfortable bed until after she passed away. All three of her children were with her the last day. She went from us in a quiet and peaceful way in our care and just the way we wanted for her. I have to tell you a funny story that I have shared with others. On Sept. 7th, I was lying on the bed beside my Mom. She couldn’t quite see me, but she put her hand over near me and asked, “Have I met you yet?” I responded, “Yes, I am your daughter. You are my mother.” She said, “That’s amazing!” A moment later, I could tell she didn’t understand, so I added, “Yes Mom, you gave birth to me 53 years ago in Northern Pakistan.” [I thought it might be too much to remind her that she gave birth to me on a dining room table in Northern Pakistan, so I left that out!] She said, “That’s amazing!” A little bit later, I took her into the dining room. She sat on her chair at the table and I went to the kitchen sink. She had her back to me. She said, out of the blue,“Did you meet that lady who was born -m a n y , many years ago?!” I said, “Yes, Bill & Karen Pietsch Mom, that was me, and one “MANY” would have been enough, but “MANY, MANY” was too many!” It was so amazing and special to have that as one of my last conversations with her. photo from MGF files The Fellowship Bulletin is a quarterly publication of Missionary Gospel Fellowship. In Memory of Karen Pietsch There is much more that could be said. We were blessed with a very precious Mother and have many memories and her love to sustain us. ~ Susie Pietsch Escueta Missionary Gospel Fellowship PO Box 1535, Turlock CA 95381 (209) 634-8575 www.mgfhq.org The Transformation That’s what’s been happening in the last few decades. Millions of people all around the world who practice other religions have been coming into North America, into our neighborhoods. Not only are they coming but also bringing with them idols of their gurus, gods and goddesses. They are building their temples, Gurdwaras and Mosques next to our churches in our communities. Often we don’t know how to respond. Recently a new church was started among former Hindus and Sikhs in Sunnyvale, CA. The day we started the Punjabi/Hindi Community Church at Geeta and Herjinder ’s house, the house had an idol altar to Hindus gods, and pictures of the Hindu gods and Sikh gurus Yunas & Daniel serving in the new church were hanging in the living room. For many weeks we met at their home, prayed and preached about only worshiping the true living God, Jesus Christ! We began to see the transformation in their lives. Herjinder and Geeta got married. As the Lord, the Holy Spirit, began to work in their lives, they came under the conviction of having idols and pictures of gurus. Today, by the grace of God, the altar is gone and there are no more pictures of gods and gurus. Instead there are Bible verses hanging in the living room. Herjinder & Geeta are expecting their first child! Please pray for them! photo courtesy of D. Hilson Often we are good at sending missionaries to a mission field far away, but how do we cope with a mission field when it comes to us? The face of North America has changed and is changing every day, every month, and every year. Have you noticed that the names of people around you are changing? While there are still some Smiths, Taylors, and Joneses, these common English names are no longer the norm. Every year, there are about 200,000 people from virtually every nation, culture, and ethnic group of the world coming to our shores. Our communities are becoming more of a “tossed salad” rather than a “melting pot.” The North American population has become a multi-cultural mosaic. In fact, the US and Canada are the most culturally diverse nations on the earth. Our vision is to evangelize Sikhs and Hindus in Northern CA, and from that harvest, plant indigenous bilingual Punjabi/Hindi speaking churches. We plan to develop prayer groups and cell groups and bring them together to become self-supporting, selfgoverning, self-proclaiming and sending Punjabi/ Hindi churches. photo courtesy of D. Hilson ~ Daniel & Christy Hilson, and Yunas Masih photo courtesy of Daniel Hilson Yunas Masih & Christy Hilson with church members Yunas is ministering to Hindu and Sikh communities throughout the Central Valley of California. Yunas uses his music and singing ministry as an inroad to open doors to share the love of God. nd Yu nas Masih Christy & Daniel Hilson Congratulations to Daniel & Christy on the birth of their grandson. Xavi was born on December 5, 2010 to their son, Ben and his wife Nicole. photo courtesy of B. Hilson Together Yunas and the Hilsons are working in planting the Punjabi/ Hindi Community Church. o Courtesy of M P h ot ark Fr ie After serving for 17 years in Canada, planting a church among the Sikhs/Hindus and raising up leaders there, Daniel and Christy Hilson are now called to reach Punjabi/ Hindi-speaking Sikhs and Hindus in Northern CA. Xavi Hilson 5 But God... Since then, GOD has started to open up some doors for us. GOD has given us an opportunity here in Mariposa to help many come to know Him as their Lord and Savior. We are working daily with the lost men and women that are still in their addiction of drugs and alcohol. Even though it seems that we are not having any impact, we look back and can see that GOD has been there each and every step of the way. Please pray that GOD will continue to open doors to the teens, as well as the adults, lost in their addiction. ~Jerry & Barbara Johnson photo courtesy of Rose Waltner I have had many trials in my life since I have become a Christian. From the time GOD called us to missions, we have been bombarded with trials. It seems that for every step forward we take, the world tries to knock us back two steps. For a long time we could not see any growth. We were trying to stay afloat. Doors were closed, and it did not seem they are going to open. It was barely noticeable, but we were losing that fire for doing GOD’s work. Then these verses came to me, and I realized that it is not about how fast things happen or where I want to work. It is about what GOD wants us to do. My whole attitude of working with the addicted changed. My dad, Ed, mom, Flossie, and I are currently ministering by way of a sing along, devotional, and prayer in three different nursing home and assisted Rose with her parents, Ed & Flossie living facilities. Because of the folks’ advanced years (Dad is 89 and Mom 86), we have had to curtail our ministry to three facilities and to every other week. One week we go to a facility on Tuesday and another facility on Saturday. The next week we go to a facility on Thursday. I am also an on-call chaplain and secretary of the Pastoral Care Ministries, which entails going to the hospital three mornings a week—Monday, Wednesday and Friday—to handle secretarial work. On Friday, my on-call day, I also visit patients. There is a very active Catholic ministry in the hospital and I have many opportunities to interact with the clerks and Eucharistic ministers. I am the secretary and a nursery worker at our independent Baptist church. Rose visiting friends photo courtesy of Rose Waltner “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.” James 1:2-3 Visitation photo courtesy of Jerry Johnson Living in a senior mobile home community, I visit within the community helping some out with various things such as providing transportation for shopping. My mom and I have a greeting card ministry. We recycle greeting cards. Mom crochets around the front and I do the insides on my computer. We anticipate the coming of our Lord for us in the air very soon. Our prayer request is, as God brings us to your mind, for God’s enabling to continue to be used as a team in the ministries He has given us here in Las Cruces, NM. ~Rose Waltner Jerry & Barbara Johnson with sons Tim & Joshua 6 Missionary Gospel Fellowship PO Box 1535, Turlock CA 95381 (209) 634-8575 www.mgfhq.org From the Front Desk Partners In Prayer Minda, Johnelle & JT In June 1996, my husband and I moved to Oregon. As an answer to my prayers, I was invited to PIP; a fellowship and gathering ministering to Filipino women, their families and other cultures. I continued attending PIP gatherings faithfully, which later became my strong support group and lifeline. In November 1998, I was privileged to serve on the Leaders Council for PIP (PIP-LC). During this time, my husband was not consistently walking with the Lord. This situation put a very difficult strain on our marriage, but I kept my walk with the Lord, my fellowship and ministry association with PIP. PIP-LC supported me with their prayers and words of encouragement. I took a temporary leave of absence from being a member of the PIP-LC, until my situation was under the control of the Holy Spirit. The Lord healed us and restored our relationship with Him, with one another, and our families. I have been back as an active member of PIP-LC since 2002. My husband also has been actively involved with PIP and our congregation, and is a strong spiritual leader in our home. I praise and thank YHVH [Yahweh] for the PIP Leaders Council, especially my friends and partners Juanito and Minda Tay for standing with me in prayer. It was also through PIP’s answered prayers that He blessed us with two beautiful daughters, Abigail and Tiffany (Johnelle Tay became their big sister). photo courtesy of M. Tay I believe that the Lord used PIP’s intercessory prayers, ministry, partnership, friendship, and encouragement to help me walk strongly with Him and be able to live victoriously. Through PIP ministry I have tasted and am still experiencing His way, His truth, and His life becoming alive like never before. I give all the glory, honor, and thanks to our Sovereign God for Partners In Prayer (PIP) ministry. Blessings & Shalom! Jonathan & Emma Perry with daughters Abigail & Tiffany ~Juanito & Minda Tay photo courtesy of C. Shearn Here is a brief testimony from Emma Perry, one of our PIP Leaders Council members: photo courtesy of Mark Friend We are excited - the Lord continues to enlarge our territories. Our strength is in the power of the Living Word for “He who began a good work in (us) will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6). Carolynn Shearn with her grandchildren This year has slipped by so quickly it takes my breath away. It has been a full and exciting year here at MGF. Nine people have been accepted to missionary status and four more applications are pending. It is amazing to see how God works in wondrous ways in the lives of the missionaries and their ministries. Our Annual Conference, in August, was a true highlight; it was well attended and enjoyed by everyone. It is very fulfilling to be a part of the conference plans and preparation; and ultimately enjoy the fellowship of the missionaries when they arrive. I thank God that I can be a part of MGF; to experience the growth of MGF and to see the Gospel of Christ being shared with people who need the Savior. The picture above is of me with my six grandchildren; ages 6-20. They and their parents are my personal mission field, and all are dearly loved. I pray daily for their salvation, God’s guidance and protection in their lives. I have been blessed with a supportive and loving family. Many thanks to all of you who support the MGF missionaries, and for your faithful prayers for those of us working here at Headquarters. ~ Carolynn Shearn While it is the goal of MGF to respect your giving preference, all contributions are received with the understanding that Missionary Gospel Fellowship has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. 7 I- C TU Est. 1939 RA nO L M INIS T R Y IN A IC F ER LT L PAID NON-PROFIT ORG. PERMIT #732 TURLOCK, CA 95381 M MU U US POSTAGE A M G Mission a G o sp el F e h ows ip ll ry RT H Missionary Gospel Fellowship PO Box 1535 Turlock, CA 95381-1535 Return Service Requested “He’s Got This!” To be honest, in daily life here in San Carlos, I often forget the violent realities of the drug trade which make people wary of coming to Mexico. In November, our team of MGF missionaries in Sonora hosted a courageous group from Canada who prayed, chose to trust God, and came to the border town of Nogales for a week-long work project, despite a multitude of warnings along the way. The team slogan “He’s Got This” became so real to all of us in many areas, including an amazing peace – not only a peace of mind, knowing God is in control, but an actual peace in the city. Pastor Jesus noted that they (Mexico) report 4-6 deaths in the city each day, but during our time there we only heard of two all week! We had so much prayer coverage, evil didn’t have a chance! Our work team was extremely busy, but no one missed a chance to connect with the Mexican people. What a joy to see Mexican and Canadian believers working side by side! As I spent most of my days in the kitchen, my highlight was the community outreach day we planned with a kids club, hotdogs for everyone, food hampers for moms, and then out to the street for penny carnival-type games with prizes galore. Time with the kids was a blast, but chatting with a mom of nine reminded me how God’s love, through this little church with a heart for kids, is so important in this community. Why did a group of 17 Canadians travel to a Mexican-border town known for drug related violence? The same reason I’m here. Maybe the same reason you live, work, and minister where you do – because God wanted them there. HE’S GOT THIS! That was on the team t-shirts and in their hearts. It doesn’t just reflect this one courageous STM trip, it’s an everyday, everywhere assurance as we seek to do God’s will. ~Heather Rix photo courtesy of Heather Rix While relationships and daily ministry with the church here in San Carlos is truly a blessing, I’d like to share with you something from my recent experience hosting a Short Term Missions (STM) team: Heather with kids from the community Missionary Gospel Fellowship PO Box 1535, Turlock CA 95381 (209) 634-8575 www.mgfhq.org
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