0pening Statement from Each lS0M Video Session Christian Ministries from around the world have come together to create the lnternational School of Ministry" (lSOM").These teachings have been developed to help the Church in many nations, enabling Christian believers to understand their faith and become servants of Jesus Christ. Missioloqical Barriers overcome with the lS1M 1. Language barriers are overcome. 2. Unlimited numbers can be trained simultaneously. INTNODUCTION The lnternational School of Ministry' (|SOM") is a discipleship and leadershiptraining tool produced by Good Shepherd Ministries lnternational. Over the past decade, ISOM has become the world's largest video Bible school. lt is designed with Jhe primary objective of enabling local pastors around the globe to turn their local churches into ministry training centers. lt is estimated that over 1 3,000 pastors are training at least 250,000 students in more than 140 nations. lndividual training, through iPod", online and other technologies, is also growing part of the ISOM vision. :l t; a The strength of ISOM is its faculty. A few of the better known names who teach on the 3. The training can take place anywhere in any country. 4. The cost factor is are removed, as training can easily go underground. 6. No foreigners are needed on site to conduct the training. Training can be done by the national leaders alone. 7. There is control over the content, doctrine Bevere, T.L. Osborn, Reinhard Bonnke, A.R. Bernard, Ray Comfort, Marilyn Hickey, Willie George and Brian Houston (see page 5). The ISOM consists of high-quality video teachings recorded specifically'for the ISOM project.These were captured from dynamic, wisdom-filled ministers, who impart their life message's from a pos¡tion of understanding and experience. minimal. 5. Political hindrances ISOM include Jack Hayford, Joyce Meyeç John Some of the world's most respected teachers were chosen to participate.The main criteria used for requesting a teacher's involvement were integrity, passion, anointing, sound doctrine, ministry fruitfulness and global vision. '160 sessions of video The ISOM is an international tool. lt currently consists of curriculum and student workbooks that match the video lessons are available. A key aim of ISOM is to provide training in the mother tongue of each nation. Because of the unique bilingualformat of the |SOM recordings (English and the live interpreted language), the material is able to be easily translated and is now available in over 60 of the world's major languages. From Mandarin Chinese to Peruvian Quechua, |SOM can span the globe with uniformity and cultural sensitivitY. ISOM isn't just bilingual. An edited Express version for English speaking countries has also been developed.The Express format removes the original live transla- tion and cuts in half the class time needed to run the program.These language options enable great flex¡bility of use. Locations of ISOM schools span the spectrum from U$-based mega-churches to refugee camps in Africa. ISOM is truly a globalequipping tool. maximum P0 Box 11909.San Bernardino ( A92423. isom.org. [email protected]. (fl)!)) 478-3330. (866)for l50M ffi:=-i: ;1.r .1 ; '^. r'r NTRODUCTION : t :.3 ..3 great exploits' But, the people who know their God shatt be strong, ond carry out 11:32b-33a (NKJ) Daniel mony. shallinstruct And those of the PeoPle who understand as being just The lnternational School of Ministry (lsoM) is often mistakenly seen to be created' another helpful product. What many miss is the vision that drove it working with German lSoM',s founders, Berin and Lisa Gilfillan, were originally in television and evangeli st Reinhard Bonnke. Using their training and background journalism, their tasks were 1o document the salvations, miracles and healings at Bonnke that they Bonnke's gia nt crusade events. lt was during their time with & Lisa outside discipled became heavilY burdened to see those vast numbers of new converts Seminary' During two years of study under Dr. C. Peter Wagner at Fuller Theological them, through Berin and Lisa learned a strategic missions truth. Wagner convinced heaven was to plant research, that the most effective evangelistic strategy under a local church in new churches. lt was also during the Fuller season that Berin studied that had sent out over 1,000 of its members, in teams, to plant new churches' Alaska center Their strategy was simple: . turn the local church into a ministry training . turn the local church into a church planting center The lSoM is more than a product. lt is a pract¡cal vehicle to help the Church fulfill an end-time strategy and vision for the Kingdom of God! work in Following Fuller, Berin and his family headed for a season of missionary put together from a number Nigeria, West Africa. Using an Enqlish video curriculum approach in of respected ministries, they experimented with a unique training They registered students and helped pastors start church-based training Nigeria. expectation' During centers inside local congregations.The results were beyond all over an 1B-month period, amidst political and economic turmoil, they reqistered significant 4,000 students and started 140 training schools. what was even more produced in the lives of the was the powerful transformation that the Word of God the teachings came through video, a powerful anointing was students. Although to the believers transferred from the veteran ministers who taught the curriculum who sat under their instruction' the world'They While in Nigeria, Berin and Lisa's hearts turned to other nations of in Latin America' knew if the program worked in West Africa, it would also function Europe and China, Russia, lndia and even in developed regions like North America, a project that has ofAustralia. ln 1994,they returned to California to create the ISOM, the material ten been called the training equivalent of the Jesus film.This is because on earth' The was created with the ability to easily be translated into any language of dollars. initial recordings took 20 months and cost hundreds of thousands local church Today the ISOM still maintains its original two goals of turning every planting center'The on earth into a ministry training center and then into a church for people at ISOM believe that God wants to bring about a mass training of laborers vision every day Christ to use in His end-time harvest.This conviction drives the lsoM and has inspired the ministry's slogan Equipping Locally on a GlobalScale' p0 Box 11909.San Bemardino C Ag2423. isom.org. info@¡som.org. (909)478-3330' (866)for l50M n ;.{ HOW TO INrunwAnoNAL Scnoor 'r MnvIsrRY" Welcome to the world's largest video Bible school.The goalof the |SOM is to make quality training available and affordable to every believer on earth.The easiest way to do this is to start a quality video Bible school; and the best place to do that is in your local church. That may seem like a daunting task, but using ISOM and the checklist below, you wíll be amazed at how easy it is. Following thousands of others, now / ust O is START A Series of Firsts . The initial ISOM course recorded was Foundations of the Falth with Rev. Bayless Conley on January Brh, 1 995. . the best time to begin. The original ISOM recordings used 1 4 live interpreters simultaneously Starting an ISOM School lf you are the pastor of your church, challenge your members to ú. t,tinud. Yort promotion 0f the school is critical to its success. Also appoint a respected facilitator w¡th administrative gifting. O lf you are not the pastor of your church, show and submit all materials to your local pastor for approval and support, O Pray and seek God about your personal involvement with the 150M. Remember that this is . O Upon approval from your local pastor, begin t0 promote the l50M to people in your church, or t0 those who you know will be interested. . Guidelines for the Facilitator O O O The first graduation was in Kathmandu, Nepalin 1999.The school used the English only version with a live Nepali translator. Secure a location and time for the classes, as well as all necessary equipment' Set a date to begin the school (Remember to allow at least 2 weeks for order processing The Quechua language was the first language translated from Spanish instead of English. more than a program; it ¡s diripleship, and consequently must be directed by His Spirit. with l50M). . The first |SOM language com- pleted was Hebrew. A couple of courses were done live in Arabic and were put in Spanish only after Ask potential students to sign up, and pay the student registration costs directly to you (then you will make one payment to our office for the student materialt. Hebrew had been finished. O Catt ISQM with your school order and payment information (all major credit cards accepted). O Expec a - 2 week delivery time after your order has been placed. O Upon receipt, verify yout order by checking videos, workbooks, etc. 1 Making ISOM Your Own O Develop your own style and schedule for your classes. A dress code and punctual starting times are recommended. Attendance for each class session needs to be recorded' O O Look over the Facilitator's Guide (included with school materials) for further instruct¡ons. . Bathe everything in prayer as you begin your classes, and trust God to accomplish His purposes helped plant a church in Pittsburgh, Pa. in 1956 and is still helPing her son pastor the congregation in 2008, when she graduated. and plans throughout the lessons. Trimester Completion O O Catl and order the next trimester at least 2 weeks before your start date. Track students and grades using the with the Facilitator's Guide formatted spreadsheet on the Facilitatort Disk included (a "SFD" CD is generally put in the inside front pocket of this binder). O Report student information to'150M after 3rd and 5th Trimesters. O Visit ¡som.org/transfer for those students interested in gening a degree 0r transfer of credit. The oldest student to graduate ISOM was 91 years old. She . The largest |SOM graduation was in a persecuted country in Asia. ln one ceremony 9,141 students were graduated but for safety reasons only 200 could attend. 3 INTTnNATIONAI Scttool Please contact our office for advice on how or MINISTRY" cuRRrcr.rLUM ov¡RVI to use ISOM materials in the most advantageous way possible for your school or personal TRtptgsTER Foundations ofthe Supernatural Fear Survey Wonhip ofthe Lord TnIMESTER tonley (Pastor/Cottonwood Chrlçian [enter) Bayless Dr. A.t. Gill (Gill Ministries) A4 (5) A5 (1) Dr. LaMar Boschman (lnternationalWonhip lnçitute) Dr. John Amfutz (Founquare Missions lnternational) John Bevere (Messenger lnternational) I (32sessions) Power of Prayer B1 (s) Dr. Dick Eastman (Every Home for Ministry of Helps (s) Buddy Bell (Minif ry of Helps, lnternational) ofthe Gospel 82 83 84 (s) Terry Law (World Compassion) 0ur HealerToday Bs (5) Bayless Conley (Pastor/[0tt0nwood 86 (2) Bill Old Testament Survey Essence , 7 A2 (10) A3 (10) 2 Jesus, Living by Faith TRIMESTER [hrist) (10) Christopher Gornold-Smlth (Teache/ltl University) 3 Christian Center) Winçon (P¿çor/Living Word [hrilian Center) I (33sessions) lntroduction t1 (1) Ihurch-Based Training (3) Power Evangelism 12 13 14 Leade/s lntegrity (:roups Berin Gilfillan (Good Shepherd Ministries, lntl.) Dr. Stan DeKoven La (s) Dr. Reinhard Bonnke rs (2) Dr. Jack Leadenhip Vision c6 (s) Dr David Shibley (Global Advance) (hurch Planting in Teams (7 (5) Dr. Being Led by the Spirit 18 (s) Bayless Conley (Pastor/Cottonwood Christian Promise Keeper re (1) Dr. Ed Cole (Christian Men's Network) Altar Call clo (1) lim tobrae (Paçor/The TRI MESTE R 4 Hayford (Pastor/Church 0n theWay) Jim Feeney (Pastor/Medford [hristian [enter) [enter) Ihurch &World 0utreach Center) l0 (32 sessions) Wilderness Menulities Dl (/) Developing Leaders D2 (5) Brian Houçon (Pasto/Hillsong Church, Australia) Cell Group Leaden D3 (1) Bllly Hornsby (Pasto/BethanyWorld Prayer Center) Reconciliation D4 (4) Dr. A.R. Personal Evangelism D5 (s) Ray SpiritualWarfare D6 (5) Dean 5herman (Youth With A Auihority & Forgivenes D8 (2) John Bevere (Messenger lnternatlonal) De (3) Dr. Spiritual Breakthrough Dr. TnttvtfSTER 5 Christ [onnection E1 (7) Give Bernard (Pastor/thristian Llfe [enter; NewYork) tomfort (Evangeliç/Livinq Waters Publications) Mision) Marilyn Hickey (Marilyn Hickey Miniçries) German Greek Gujarati HaitianCreole Hebrew Hindi Hungarian ll Italian Japanese Kannada Karen Korean Go Dr. T.L. E2 isom.org . [email protected] . (909) 478-1330 ' (866) for l50M P0 $ox 11909 . San Bernardino ( ^92423. Portuguese Punjabi Quechua Romanian Russian Ukrainian Urdu Vietnamese Yoruba Zulu Io ß0m.lrg/lnng u age for an updated list. 0sborn (0sborn Ministries lnt'|.) (5) Wayne Myen (Great Commission Evangelistic Assoc.) Biblical Eldenhip E5 (5) Dick Benjamin (Apostle/Abbott Loop [ommunity thurch) Reaching a New Generatio n E7 (7) Willie George (Paçor/Church 0n The Move) Managing forTomorrow E8 (4) Jim Wideman (Children's Pastor/[hurch 0n The Move) Ministering to Youth E9 (4) Blaine Bartel (Youth Paçor/[hurch 0n The Move) Living to Ewe Serbian Shona Sinhala Slovak Spanish Sunda Swahili Tagalog Tamil Telugu Thai Tswana Turkish Twi lbo lllocano lndonesian lnuktitut loyce Meyer (Joyce Meyer Ministries) (32sessions) Lingala Luganda Maithili Malayalam Mandarin Mongolian Nepali Oriya Pashto Pidgin Polish French ([hrist for all Naions) Rock Afrikaans Akha Albanian Amharic Arabic Armenian Bengali Bhojpuri Bulgarian Burmese Cambodian cantonese Cebuano Croatian Czech English Farsi (Vision Iniernational Univenity) rry Stocksti ll (Pastor/Bethany World Prayer [enter) (s) tell Available Languages ptge ß2sessions) Faith A1 (6) Living NewTestament Praise and 1, study. EW ln the US, the ISOM does not function as an accredited training school. lt supplies curriculum materials for churches and other ministries S to run their own programs. MINISTRY MODULE Nrw CURRICULUM Dynamic Preaching (1) Dr, Berin Gilfillan (Good Shepherd Ministries,lntl.) (2) John Bevere (Messenger lnternational) (2) Dr: John Burns (Pastor/Victory [hrifian Centre/Relate Church) (4) Dr Gilbert Bilezikian (Professor/Wheaton College) (5) Brick Cliff (Nation 2 Nation) Prophetic Foundations (10) Dr Keith & Jeremy Haæl (Antioch lntl.) Conquering the Sin Nature The Heart of Ministry Renewed Like the Eagles Community & Gender lS0M Formatted for the Deaf (4) (4) Practical Points for MinistrY Hearing God's Voice Authority ofthe Dr. MarkVirkler (Christian Leadenhip Univenity) ODULE Believer (8) Healing (8) God's Provision for New Creation lmage PraiseandWonhip Prayer: Bringing Heaven to Becoming a A new language group has opened up!After much effort, the ISOM has been Sign Language (ASL). This version is designed and Mother/Mentor (2) (33 sesions) 14 Lisa Bevere (Messenger lntern¿tional) Dr. John & Helen Burns (Paston/Victory Christlan [entre/Relate [hurch) Dr. Ma¡ilyn l.lickey (Marilyn Hickey Minifries) [hristíne Caine (Equip and Empowen Ministry) Deborah Cobrae (Pasto/The Rock Church and World 0utreach [enter) (1) Janet Conley (Pastor/Cononwood Chrif ian [enter) Healing (3) Dr. Gloria Copeland (Kenneth OvercomingDisappointment (3) Lisa Gilfillan (Good Shepherd Ministries, lntl.) [hurch-BasedWomen's Ministry Spirit (3) TheValueof aWoman (3) Ministry of the Holy A|DS Education Deaf and hard of hearing. Women Leadership PafortWife Overcoming Grief inWorship fopeland Ministries) Dr. Pat Hanison (Faith Christian Fellowship, lntl.) Bobby Houston (Pasto/Hillsong [hurch, Australìa) [arolyn Klaus, MD (Hope in View) (1) Dr. (2) Dr. Joyce Meyer (Joyce Meyer (1) Dt Betty Price (Ever lncreasing Faith Min¡stries) (2) [heryl Salem (Salem Family Ministries) (4) Darlene Zschech (Hillsong (hurch, Australia) Ministries) ts (33 sesions) WOW: VOLUME 2 Become a Minister (2) Judy Bauer (Kingdom Advancement Ministries) HolySpirit other side is in ASL, making The it much easier for Deaf to Finding Your The Calling EstherMessaqe A) Sue Bryan (thildren's Pasto/The Rock Church and World 0utreach (enter) (2) Shoddy thase (Alabang New Life [hristian tentet Philippines) (2) Dr. Berin & Lisa Gilfillan (Good Shepherd Ministries, lntl.) see the translation. English 0vercoming Anorexia & Bulimi¿ (1) Danica Goward-Birrns (Victory subtitles are also included Communicating with Teens (2) Dawna flguera (Pasto/The Rock [hurch ofCoachella Valley) so that nothing is missed. Please contact us for further information about this vital new translation. The Making of a Miracle The Nine Principles Mercy ofWar Ministries Self-Eçeem 0vercoming Sexual Abuse WomenofWisdom Female lsom.orglasl Friendships n o Ihristian [entre/Relate Ihurch) |-lealing the Hurts of Abortion (2) Sonia Freeman (Lay Leade/Cottonwood ó .r ////t- (2) Being a ISOM recording, and the c,¡åStt¡rtt: 1 (2) SecretWeapon God's Difficulties in screen. Half is the original 'l (5) Blessings God's Plan forYour Family (2) Rising toYour Potential (2) formatted specially for the It comes formatted split Gill (Gill Ministries) Earth (5) Generational Divine translated into American Dr. A.L. (32 sesions) (6) WOW: VOLUME 12 Dr. PG. Varqis (lndian EvangelicalTeam) IRACLE L IVING lmorlcan $lgn LanguruG pagc (32 sessions) 3. = @ [hurch) o ! (1) Barbie Meyer (Lay Leade/(ononwood Church) (3) Barbara Peten (Pafor/Special 0ps thurch) i I (1) Blair Pietrini (Directol Grateful Hearts) (2\ Denise Renner (Rick Renner Ministries) (2) Margaret Stunt (Mercy Ministries, (1) Joyce Villalobos (Paço/0ak Val Aufralia) ley Ihurch) t = @ ."$S'*? fuo --r ¿¿ ////t ct (3) HollyWagner (Pastor/Oasis Ihristian [enter) BecomingSuperwoman (2) Keni Weems (Pastor/Celebration Church, Jacksonvil le, Florida) (Ð Gaby Wentland (Pastor/Freie Gemeinde Neugraben, Hamburg, Germany) Miracles Beinq Single and Happy (3) Lindsay Willis (Principal/The L'ndtuy Willll,*G,t0*X1J,,,,, before offri¿l l¿unrh in .t j som. org/ tL TTuTSTER 1 32 Sessions The original core ISOM recordings took place over a five year period between 1995 - 2000. The bios are at least accurate from the time of each recording. Some ministries have changed and some have since grown significantly. Some ministers have also gone on to be with the Lord. Most photos are also from the original recordings. WOW the Ministerial Module, and the Miracle Living Module are our most recent recordings as of thjs printing. Õ FOUNDATIONS OF THE Rev. Conley is senior pastor FAITH ofthe 5,000-member church where the curriculum recordings were initially d0ne. This clas. is an AI ISOM The Authority of the Bible & the Doctrine of the Trinity The Deity ond Mßsion of Jesus . S0lv0t¡0n, Heoven & Hell, ond outstanding New Believers Basic foundational, doctrìnal tniths are clearly taught. , lhe Person & (hrßt\ Return Wwk of the Holy Spirit . Divine Healinq . (hurch )rdinances (onlelr SuprRNnrURAL Dr. Gill and his wife, Joyce, are reF,ffim . . LIVINC A2 internationally-known evangelists and top- . fhe Holy Spirit . The Gifts of the Holy Spirit .lheVoølGifts selllng authors with 20 books and teaching manuals (with aaompanying . The Revelotion Gifts videos) in print. One of thes ebooks,6od's Promßes for Your Every Næd,has . The Power 6ifts sold over seven million copies. Their dynamic ministr¡ accompanied with dra- . lhe 6ifts of Heoling matic siqns, wonders and healing miracles has taken them to over 60 nations. . Healing ond the 6reat Conmission . The Heoling Power of 6od . Spuking Words of Heoling . lmportotion Through Laying on of Honds Nrw TrsrR¡¡trNT Dr. SURVEY Ag Amstutz, in his ten+esion series, covers Matthew through Revelation. After 27 years ofteaching this subject, he is . lntroduoion to the New Testoment . Monhew, Mark, Luke: lhree Portroits . lohn: A Fourth Portrait of Jesus highly proficient in illuminating . Acts: The [xponsion . Romons: [he Gospel of 6rorc ofthe Foursquare . 1 Jesus Christ ofthe Gospel the Scriptures. John has been a key figure in the worldwide missions program Gospel Church. of (hrßt & 2 hrinthions, Golotions: Living the 1ospel of Groce . Ephuions, Philippions, ûlossions & Philemon: Letters from Prßon . 1 & 2 Thusalonians: lhe Lord\ Return; 1 & 2 limuhy, litus: Leodushþ . Hebrews - Jude: Generol Letters to Believerc . Revelation:lhe Ønsummotion of All lhings PRAISE AND WORSHIP A4 . lhe Role of lvlusk Ìn the Kingdom . lhe Signifrunce of the New Song author offour best-selling books on worship, including Dr. Boschman is the lhe Rebirth of Music, A Possion for Hß Presence ond future Worchip. worship on several lntegrity Music praise CDs. He is also a . Priority, Purpose & Portroyal of Worship He has led songwriter and has of 6od . )ur Responsibility as Worshippers , How to Becone a Worshippu been a trainer ofworshippers and worship leaden. FEAR oF THE Lono * As . feor ofthe Lord Rev. Bevere is reaching thousands ofpeople each year by ministering at churches, Bible schools and conferences around the world. His vision is to strengthen believen, awaken the lost and captive in ihe church and proclaim the knowledge of God's glory to the nations. Supplemental, limited availability, no exams I¡nrnn¡noNAt Scnoor "r MTIsTRY" P0 Box 1 1909 . San Bemardino CA 92423 å . 478-3130. forlS0M 7 TruMESTER 2 'isom. 12 Sessions POWER OF Dr Eastman is PRAYER BI . Its Threefold the president of Every Home for Christ, a mini*ry commltted to org/ t2 Potential . Whot Proyer ß . The Praoice of Prayer PAR'I bringing the Gospel message t0 erlery home in the world. ln this series, . The Praoke of Proyu PARI 2 Dr. Eastman teaches how prayer (an unlock every closed door and open the , lhe Purpose of Proyer . lourney of a Servont 1 way for the Gospel to be proclaimed. E2 MINISTRY OF HELPS Many refer to aYols beç friend' He teaches believen how to Rev. Bell as the p The .6od Uses Both Stors ond Candles . Feor Not Leadership, )rganization & Structure PARI I function as the disciples of Jesus did-in the mini stry of helps. A muf-see for . lay leadership in the church. . Beconing a Servont of fire Olo 83 TESTAMENT SURVEY From the UK, Rev. Gornold-Smith has worked for years as an Asemblies of God missionary and served in educational media development w¡th Univenity in Brussels. He is one of teachen. ln recenl yean he has l[l feor Not Leodership,1rganization & . Approaching the . The 1rder . The of )ld Struoure PART 2 lestoment Books ond Creotion Imoge of 6od and the foll . Bobel ond Abrahom: the Concepß of Covenont lhe world's foremost OldTestament Survey joined ihe team of lnternational Media Minis- . Abraham, ßrael, loseph, ond lvloses . The Tobernacle Worship . Joshuo, tries and now is a key producer in their Bible Stories Video Project. ludgu, ond Ruth . The . Wßdom Literoture, Divßion, and fxile Kings, David, Psolms, ond Hebrew Poetry . Bobylonion Captivity, Ruurn from Exile, and the F Ah ESSENCE OF THE GOSPEL i Terry Law's ministry, World Compassion, is focused 0n penetraling nations I with literature, teaching and humanitarian ¡ Rev. 'i \. oUR HrRl¡R aid. Teny is well known for his TODAY The .'the . books on music and angels. He coven his finest material in this series. ]ESUS .Lhe Divine fxchonge PARI I . Divine Exchange PARI 2 Triumph of Proße What Aoivates Angeß . How to Make Your Foith Work Bs . God\ Will and Heoling . Heoling in the Atonement (onley returns in thls Trimester to impart clear Biblical understanding . full Salvotion 0n the subject of healing. Ihis series examines healing from many different . Moses, the Supent ond Healing angles and will convince any sincere believer that healing is part ofthe atone- . The Ì ïìlE?l ''ií.,#41 Mercy of Healing ment ¿nd that God still wants to heal people today. Conley LIVING BY FAITH . * Bô . Livrng by toith .L¡v¡ng\to¡th PART 1 PARI2 BillWinston is pastor of a 15,000 member church nearChicago. l.Ie has an lnternationalTV broadcaf and his church owns a shopping mall. Rev Winston is in great demand as a conference speaker. iupplemental, limited availabilit¡ no exams The entire l50M', the Modules and WOW'" are formatted for the iPod' or computer in both Express and English/Spanish. Take your studies with you wherever you go or review them E online. lsom'org/onllne p0 Box ¡909 as low as 525 ' t-rrltigiht ritss 510 onrno per trimester for cunently enrolled students * I . San Bemardino (A 92423 . isom.org . [email protected] . (909) 478-3330' (866) for lS0M heE "r1:,, i som. org/ t3 Trupt¡STER 3 33 Sessions INTRoDUCTION Dr Gilfillan is CI . Mobilizeto Multiply the one God used to create the lS0M, ln this session, he shares UIqIOCTNG THE the core of hls bookUnlocking the Abrohon Promrse and shows how the l50M ABRAHAM PNOUISI can motle believers into multiplication qrowth, Dr. Berin shows seven strategic areas of CHURCH.BASED Dr. DeKoven is the Abrohom PromLse taught in are Those understa multiplication growth that God vvants t0 release into the local church through the lS0M. TR¡.ININC C2 - book included with all US . Model for Minßtry'[raining . lhe 6ool ond )bjective the founder and president ofVision lnternational Educational nish schools. of fducotionol Minßtry . Planning Your lnst¡tute Network and Vision lnternational University. His instilute specializes in encouraging, assisting and aarediting church-based Bible schools. Crll Gnoups Rev. Stockstill c3 pafoß a 1 0,000-membér, cell-based church. Lany . [vonqelizing the Lost has studied . Roßing Up Leodus different models ofsmall qroups around the world. He is passionate about the .'the Principles of Mult¡plklt¡ln discipleship and leadership training that cell structures give to a local church. . 6reot Leoders in the Church PowER EvRNctt-ts¡¡t Millions have been saved, delivered and healed through Signs and wonders c4 Dr:. Bonnkq's ministry. follow his preaching ofthe Gospel. Learn rhe secrets of LEADERS Dr, Hayford is known INTTCruTY the founding pastor of [hurch 0n as a pcslo r of pastors. He is .The Power of the Holy Spirit . lntegrity 6reat Commission . fire of the Holy Spirit C5 . lntegrity of Heort . A forgivinq Spirit The Way in California and is internationally respected . tire Brond Evongelßts . lhe evangelism from one ofthe most frultful evangelists in the world today. Dr. . Purposes of QllGroups as an aulhor, songwriter and teacher, LEADERSHIP VISION Di Shibley heads up Global Advance Ministries. Eô He has written . Quolities of o Vßionary numerOus . focusing Your Vßion books that challenge the Church to fulfill the Greal Commision. He is focused . 6od\ Vßìon and Your Vision on resourcing front-line shepherds and imparting vision to leaders. . tunding the Vßion CHURCH Pt-RNlNc c7 planting. Leaden and potential church planters discover how to practically recruit, prepare, and send teams from a local church to start healthy conqregations, BIINc Lro . l.-\ ir { I gY THE Rev. Conley shares practical ¡nsights SPIRIT with leaden on how to C8 . Spirit Direaed & Sp¡r¡t Power . How God Leods Us"[hrough be led by God's - Direction in Difficult seeking direction. Family issues and tips 0n preparlnq mesages are also covered. * . ldentifyÌ ng (hurch- Planti ng Teoms - Preparing & Sendirry the (hurch-Plant¡ng Telm 5pirit. This is a very practical series that also deals with pOtential pitfalls when PRoMISE KTTPNR . An )verview of Church Plantìng . lhe Local Church 0s 0 M¡nßtry lroining Center . VocotÌonol Minßters in the Loøl Church Dr Feeney teaches from an academic and experiential peßpect¡tle 0n chttrch ,à . fmbrocing the Vßion CA )ur Spirits lines . Prioritiu ofLife . Pitfolß & Dangus When Seeking for 1uidance . Promße Keeper Dr (ole was the founder and president of the Christian Men's Network. This ..-l message inspired the formation of the Promise Keeper movement, We were i gratefully able to capture this messaqe before Dr Cole died. ArrRR CRt_l_ Rev. Cobrae pastors a ìr * ,l5,000-member ClO . How to 6ive an Altor Coll church calledThe Rock in California. Every service closes with a powerful altar call which Rev. Cobrae never chanqes. Jim Cobrae The fruit is that about 250 new conrlerts are won every week at the Rock. \upplemental, limited availabilit¡ no exams I .RIMESTER 4 i som. org/ 14 32 Sessions Ol WILDERNESS MENTALITIES and her Enloying Evuydoy Joyce Meyer is known for her many books l, þ . Mindsets, Vßion and Responsibility . Responsibility ond Triaß Life'I\l . 6runbling and lmPotience in a practìcal and relevant way nóaocasis. she shares the truth 0fGgd,swgrd . lmpotience and the V¡(t¡m Mental¡ty . lnthisseries,JoyceshowshowrhewrongthinkingofChristians'notjufthe and thetr inheritance' tactics 0fthe devil, can keep them from victory . D2 DEVELOPING LEADERS Hillsong church in Sydney, AusBrian l.louston paston the 20,000 member series, Brian shares powerful tralia. HisTV ministry airs in 180 nations' ln this principles and shows how the heart of a leader determines their leadenhip The Vkt¡n Men[llity and Self-pity .SellWorth hnporßon, Stubbornness ond Rebellion .TheHeartofoLeoder , Your Heort Determines . Your Heort Determines Your Sucress in Life the Course of Your Life . Leaders or tollowers . Pitfolß of Vtsionariu uhimate effecti\/eness. D4 RECONCILIATION . lntrodurtion .1rtgins ond (ity's largest church with 21'000 the pastor of New York of recpeople are as qualified as he to speak on the subject DestrnY Dr, A.R. Bernard is . fear: The Strategy of the EnenY members, Few . Living a Rercnciled Life ethnicity; it also deals with 0nciliati0n. Thltc0uße g0es deeper than race and destiny' natural and spiritual ortgins, as well as divine DS PERSONAL E,VANGELISM . Hell\ But KePt Seuet per- 'Athe¡sm more Ìha n 40 books. He is . tvt|¡tnont nong¿¡sm From New Zealand, Rev. Comfort has written (epl Seøer' The videos in this series are a . True ond Folse Converston Bes¡ Hel/3 for known best haps get his message acros. . How to Get on tire for 6od to aids visual amusing many as Rev. Comfort employs must i oó SPIRITURL WARFARE Rev. Sherman is an f1' I å ts . The Biblkal Foundotion . Ltndustonding Spirituol Warfare taught on internatonally-respected Bible teacher' He has . Wafore Proyu ond the Gotes of Hell spiritualwarfareformorethan20yearsinminifersconferences,YouthWith . úashing the 6otes of Hell 40 countrles and in all 50 slates' You A Mission schools, and churches in over approach 0n this crucial t0pi(. will appreciate Dean',s downto,earth and solid . txercßing AuthorttY ¡n Soc¡etY AUTHORITY 6L FORGIVEN ESS O8 . The Bait of Soton . Undu Cover year through books, live meetings Rev. Bevere reaches millìons of people each to frengthen believen, awaken andThe MessengerTV broadcasts. His vision is the knowledge of His glory proclaim the lost and captive in the Church, and to the nations. S PI ruTU¡.1 Dl Hickey B REAKTHROUG H a is seen rs . Bible Memorization - Port 1 . Bible Memorizotion - Port 2 leaden and heads of has been the invited guest of government state from natlOns all Over the w0rld. she with D9 . Breoking Generationol Curses ffiB I a pioneer teacher of God'sword lodoy with Marily n ond Soroh uge heart for missions. Her TV program messages globally. ln this series she shares some of her slgnature .i,B\ h íi. l crll Gnou P LEADERS Rev. Hornsby has been recordings, ñe headed - 03 l . Effectiveness I in minisiry for over 20 yean' At the time of these movement up the Bethany Cell Church Network' This I I worldwide' was focused on helping hundreds of Cell Churches l \upplemental, limited availability, no exams to I l Þ isom. orglt5 l2 Cnrusr Dr. Osborn is CoNNtcloN Trum¡STER Sessions El . lesus . lesus known worldwide for his enormous contribution to evangelism. .1ur 5 î )ur Model )ur lnspirotion Response He has preached to millions of people in 78 nations. His personal comment on . Action this senes is'.These teochings will unlock truths flt ylu 0f hlw t0 move in God's . )ur Credibility MIRACLEBEST, .)ur Legolity . Expuience , Ê2 LIVING TO GIVE to Mexico and has ministered in more than Rev. Myers is a veteran missionary [he Moximum Lifestyle . How to lnitiote o L¡festyle 0f G¡v¡ng 70 nations, He has probably given away more (ars t0 paston and helped put . Exchanging [orthly Possessions . Living ond Giving Beyond the Posibk more roofs on more churches in Mexico than any other missionary. He chal- . Can 6od/ 6od Con! lenges belrevers t0 live t0 give, like Jesus did. Rev. BISLICRI- EIOTRSHIP . Whot ß a Biblical EIder? . The funoion of ilders ES Rev. Benjamin is presently the apostolic covering for over 60 churches, most . Quolifrcotions for ilders of which were planted under his leadership. lt was his church in Alaska that . [he fivefold Minßuy . lhe Fivefold Minßtry sent Out 1,000 memben to plant new churches. Rev. Benjamin teaches on the PART I PARI 2 calling and conduci ofa Biblical elder, RIRcHING A NEW GENERATION . What The Bible Soys About Children\ Minßtry . The Lows of Hospitolity . lhe Last Doys Horvut E7 [hurch 0nThe Move, one ofAmerica's larqest churches. Rev. Georqe pastors With Pastor George's passion to reach a new qeneration, he has set an internat¡onal standard for minifry to klds and teens. ln this . Preoching to Children series, he sh¿res the . Pastor-Dr¡ven Youth Minßtry heart of his insights on gearing local churches to reach the next generation. . How to Hold a Child's Attention . How to be on fxcellent Storyteller E8 MANAG ING FOR TOITZTORROW Rev. Wideman was . lJsing Puppus Ìn Chitdren\ Minßrry . How to be o Problem Solver the brilliant administrative coordinator of (hurch 0nThe .)rgonizing (hildren\ Minßvy Move. ln this practical series, Rev. Widem¿n shares the principles that helped . How to Get )theß for Growth to Help You build this church and ìts incredible children's program, This series will help with inq and other areas of nization. MtirltSff RING TO Rev. Bartelheaded Eg YOUTH church0nThe uptherapidlyqrowingyouth minifry0f Move More than 2,500 young and *{ areas such as time and people management, goalsetting, problem solv- próplr,ute out ra,n *rrt to, minifry under his leadenhip. Ihe 0ne-Eighty'concept 'settingtheVisionforYouthlvtinßtry 'LeadingLeadustoPeokPerformonce out,ru,n '.:{;iii/::'!#:!;':i):f,f;;i:lr**' " 1' now been has adopted by hundreds of other churches. ln this series, he shares the practical principles that made this mtnislry so effective. NOTE Trimester 5 was mgdified. (ounes E7, E8 and 89, which are still being translated into many languages, have replaced courses E3 (Supunatural fo¡th),E4 (Ch¡ldren & Youth Minßtry),andE6 (DßcþÞship).The Upon Completion W- original counes may still be used with full l50M acceptance. hristian Leadershi p After finishing the 5 Trimesten, lS0M counework can transfer to a UN¡\,ERSITY nturing ttu tù¿ olcd þ vt b.ñ4ñ. number of institutions. Each institution has its own fee structure and each also determines the amount of credit l50M is awarded for one of its non-government accred,ited degree programs. Our partner institutions shown generally recognize the training to be equal to their respective Associates-level awards. @ COVENANT I'baolo¡4i c ul Se n i n ur.t' P0 Box 1 1909. San Bernardino C M WAGNER LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE A92423. isom.orgltransfer. (909) 478-3330 n vTINISTRY MOOUIT ì som. org/mm 32 Sessions This recently compiled module is for studenr interested in further minifry training. Designed to add extra module onto the l50M Trimesters, this module can also be run as a stand alone an program, if need be practical sessions. You Learn from veteran ministers and missionaries as they pour their he¿rts tnto these will be presented with practicalwisdom and Spirit-led insight ranging from how to prepare a sermon t0 how to miniçer in a relevanÌ and godly way. . Conquering the Sin Noture CONQIERING THE SIN NATURE It was in Rev. Gilfillan's heart that the Lord put the vision for the ISOM. ln this session, he shares how he gained penonal victory over the ihoughts 0fthe carnal mind. This revelation took him 1 3 yean to discover. . Øpturing the Heort of 6od THE HEART OF MINISTRY . fultivoting on fxcellent Spirit Rev. Bevere reaches millions of peoþie each year through books, live meet¡ngs and his Mesenger IV broadcasts, ln these sessions, John opens his heart t0 tell how he mainlains his penonalwalk with God. Rrsrwro Ltrc rHE Elclrs Dr. Burns pastors Victory Chrifian . Live Like on foqle . (anada. He also hosts Cenlre in Vancouver, What Moku on Eagle Moystkl an international television pr0gram called Family Success' ln these sessions, John shares leadership principles from the lives of eagles. ø!33 CoMMUNITY 6¡. Cr¡lorn . Conmunity in Creotion .6od's lntent through Hrstory known for his role in mentoringWillow Creek's professor atWheaton (ollege, he has been a profound pa$or, Bill Hybels. As a Dr. Bileziki¿n is perhaps best .lhe Cross ond bnmunity . Relationships in hmmun¡tY force in advocating true community in the local church . lhe Næd for Dynamic Prearhing DYNAMIC PREACHING Rev. . Character and Anointing Cliffis an Elimtrained miniferand misionarywho has powerfully used . . )rganizing ond Writing o Dynomic Sermon to a demand from developing nations for material on preaching and teaching . Altor . lypu Keith and Jeremy Hazell lead a prophetic teach- ' in many different lands and operate Antloch , . local churches in prophetic ministry. Keith and Jeremy taught this course t0 provide balance - t church planten the lndian EvangelicalTeam. He . Stepping is one of the most prolific in lndia. ln these sesstons, he shares many ofthe leadership HEARING GOD'S VOICE ' Virkler is the founder and president ofChrisÌian Leadenhip Universit¡ which has a strong relationship with the 150M. He has authored more than 60 books and teaches in these sessions how to hear God's voice in a practical way. 2 the LocolÚurch . Prophuk 1othuings in the Locol Church , )ut Vßion ond Senings [orgets . Leoding by Exomple , Leoduship Principlesfor 1rowth . A Minßter\ Morrioge and personal principles that govern and guide his life. Dr. in , foße Revelotion PRACTICAL POINTS FOR MINISTRY Dr. Vargis leads Ireleosing Prophetii Minrstry . Heoring the Voice of 6od . Receiving ond Responding to the Prophetic - ¡¡G, ministry found in many parts of the world. I . , Judging ProphukWuds to weird teachtngs and abuses ¿bout prophetic fi"' $ of Prophetk Minrstry . New Testoment Pronhets ing and acttvating team. They have prophesled lnternational. This minifry serves t0 activate hlß ond )utlines . lmportonre ond Volue of Prophetic Minßvy PROPHETIC FOUNDATIONS .1' I li lllustrotions ond Sermon lopks the l50M visron to impact many nations wlth training. This coune is tn response . lntroduction . nour Keys to Heoring 6od . Tuning to 6od\ Flow . Two-woy Journaling om. Dr. A.L. Elll MrnRclr LtvtNc MOnUls 32 Sessions orglm1 Dr. A.L. 6ill is a has taken top-selling author with close to twenty million books in print. His international apostolic ministry His Word with healing signs and him to over B0 natigns, preaching to crowds of over 200 thousand with God confirming wonders. He teaches Supern otural Living and HeolinginTrinesrer 1. This module builds on that foundation and provides These are the same practical application. Enjoy these courses where Pap¿ Gill shares his life mesages and imparts his heart. courses he teaches around the world, equipping the Body of ftrist. Now, iÎ is available for you to further your calling. . Know Your Eneny AUTHORITY OF THE BELIEVER Beginning with the f¿ll of Lucifer in elernity past, you'll díscover God's eternal . Authority on Earth . lesus purpose for mankind. When He created Adam and Eve,Hesaid,Let them rule! . The Church ond lts Authority you Discover God's provision for victory and dominion over Satan' Know who . 5 otonS St rotegies Todoy are in Jesus, and how you can stop losing, and slart winning, in the everyday . Keys to the Kingdon )ur Exonple .The Nome ofJesus battles of life, . Vktorio us Spi r ituol Wor fore . God's View of GOD'S PROVISION FOR HEALING Skkness and l¿iseose This powerfulteaching provides a solid Biblicalfoundaion for healing. lt . . establishes a basis to receive your healing and releases your faith to minister . healing boldly to others. These sessions were recorded live in a church, with . lhe real examples and testimonies. Watch as Papa Gill shows how simple healing , Minßtering in Power ß 1ur Heoler lesus ksus ß )ur fxomple The Holy Spirit ond Hß Powu Holy Spirit for All Believers . Minßtering through Aoion ond Proyer is and how much God desires to heal all! . Proakol Help for MinßtrY This Course is also Designed as a Comqlete Seminar 6od\ Provßion for Heolingis a vital teaching. We encour- age everyone t0 go through this coune. lt can be used as a seminar in your church, small group, or for your own personal growth. NEW CNTRTION IMAGE This study brings a revelation of who we are in Christ' lt brings freedom from .?eoted in Hßlmoge . 1ur Imoge ofthe Fother . New Creotion Imoge feelings ofguilç condemnation, inadequacy, and inferiority. h releases us inlo , fxchonging )ur )ldSelf lmoge an exciting, life-changing revelation of what it means to be one with Jesus. . )ur lnoge Ìn (hrßt Discover what God intended us to be through His great redemptive workl - New Creotion Benefrts PRAISE . God\ Pottern for Proße ond Worship AND WORSHIP ln this study ofpraise and wonhip, discoverthejoy ofmoving into God's presence and releasing the powerful, Biblical expresions of high praise and worship. The truths revealed in this study will help believen become .Why, Wha When, and Where .6od\ Eternol Purpose . Expressions of Proße ond WorshiP . Vktory lhrough Proße ond WorshiP ofGod, /''\ RINGING HEAVEN TO EARTH Telch ustl prAy, From this you will learn a whole new way to release 6od's power, authority, Kingdom,andwilltobe in h erlven.Ihrough intercesion a nd prayin g the Word with faith . Lord Teach Us to Proy . Essentiols of Surcssful Proyu . Kingdon Advoncing Pmyers . Proyer -The Voke of foith . Foith tilled Pmyers to change your life, your family, and the world. P0 Box 1 Bernardino 92423. . [email protected]. (909) 478-3330 l3 VOLUME Ji 1 'ilomen som. orglwow OvEnCOMING DISRPPOI NTMENT (hurch, Women ln response to the need to frengthen over 6070 of the global of the World (W0W) w¿s produced. The teachings are done by women and 'l for women. WOW Volume has 33 sessions and is designed t0 en(otlraqe, of l\4inistry and WOW Lisa's WOW vision came empower and equip God's ladies to become effective in their lives for Chrìst out ofa burden l0 see women healed, both Lisa and Berin founded Lisa is a best-selling authot MINISTRY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT husband, John, host a weekly television show, Rev. Lisa Bevere i lseiøns The Messenqerwhich broadcasts in 214 natlons. Pat leads Faith Christian Fellowship,lntl., which Here, she teaches powerfully on sexual purity and works in 42 nations. Her endeavon include evan- beinq a mother/mentor ln the Body ofChrist. gelism, church planting, Bible traininq centers, & TH Vancouve¡ Canada. They also host an lnternational television program called Family Sessions Suaes. and Helen speak all over the world on marriage, Hillsong Church in Sydney, Australia. In these family and relatlonships. sessions, Bobbìe shares how their church places a of Sessìons I zusrNc VALUE OF A WOMAN Bobbie and Brian Houfon are the pastors of hverinq v¿lue on women. She outlìnes how women can Rev, Bobbie Houston embrace their potentìal in God. 3 Sessions Marìlyn has been fulfilling her God-given vision i2 E John GoD,S PI-RN rO R YOUR F¡.¡¡tII-Y Dr. Marilyn Hickey with passìon on the Holy Splrit. 3 Sessions John and l-lelen pastor Vìctory Chrifian Centre in 2 vocational and humanitanatt services. 5he speaß Dr. Pat Hanison G¡Ne nnlIONAL Bt-tssttrtcs Dr. John & Helen Burns be set free from disappointment and depression. 3 Sessions She and her the lnternatlonal School emotronally and physically. She shares on how to Rev. Lisa Gilfillan BICOMING A MOTHER/MENTOR i ''i wörb Sessions AIDS the eorth with the Word for ouer 30 EOUCRTION yean. She m¡n¡ste6 practically from the Scrip- Dr. Klaus founded Hope ln View, a minìstry tures, but also from her experience as a molher, addresing the AlD5 crìsis in a Biblicaland on God's plan for your family. compassionate way. This is an informative and life-changing overview on HIV and Dr. (arolyn Klaus, MD ro YouR PorENrtAL every 1 Session [hriftan AIDS that should know. Christine is a pastor at Hillsong Church and DITTTCULTIES directs tquip and Empower [4lnistries. She travels worldwide minlsterinq. Her vision is Joyce Meyer heads up one of the most successful to help ministries in the world.5he is a best-selling them to their full potential. author and Dr. Joyce Meyer i2 Deborah and Jlm (obrae pastorThe Rock Church in California where mof 2 Sessions praclical adrli(e on how to orlercome the daily wrrs Betty Price has stood by her husband, Dr. Fredrick Price, pastor of Crenshaw Chrlstian Center; for weapons t0 reach and change our world. over 50 years. ln this session, she shares how she of Cottonwood minifry 1 Sess¡o-n TV host. ln these sessions, she gives WOW. She explains how women are God\ secret Janet and Bayless [onley are lhe sentor ¡ Sess¡ons is ¿n advocate for Dr. Betty Pri(e CHuncH-Bnsr D WOMEN'S MINISTRY Rev. lanet Conley a difficultles that leaden face. BEING A PASTO ns of theWomen of the World (W0W) was frlmed. She I LEADERSHIP people overcome the challenges of lìfe, raisinq GoD,S STCR¡T WEAPON Rev. Deborah (obrae IN i 1 Session pafon Ov¡ncoMrNG [hurch in (aliforni¿.TheirTV ,100 reaches over otlercame can(er and explains the key strengths you need to be a pastorl wife. GRIEF Cheryl was Miss America, but did not get there nations weekly. Janet speaks practically on how to e*¿blish an excel- withOut O\/er(0ming tri¿ls. ln this ìntimale series, lent, church-based women's ministry. she shares about the "' I DIVINE HIRTINC Rev. Cheryl Salem one of hope and reforation. i ? Sess¡ons Gloria and Kenneth Copeland are the founden of los of her dauqhter and her subsequent battle with cancel Her lesttmony is Kenneth Copeland Ministrìes. TheirTV programs, Dr. Gloria Copeland i 3 Sessions l i' 1:ì- Australia. She is also part of Hillsong's worship to divine healing that God has given all Christians. albums enjoyed worldwide. As a songwriter, separately throuqh a chu rch's women's t-..;Y" '::, Darlene is the worship leader of Hillsong Church, believers worldwide. Gloria preaches on the keys WOW may be implemented along with an lS0M schoolor l*"Þ* id : 4'.\-' ' practical teaching and generous giving encourage l .,t Rev. Darlene Zschech t minifty. -:" ir. 4 Sasnqs ' 'ú:. Darlene teaches on living life from a position of wonhiP. a¿,L j minifer and mother, i \)/o ludy develops tools to help equip [hristians t0 Vot-utrut¡ 2 n share theìr faith and to disciple othen. She has *tourses been ministering since 1973. Her programs help offcial ¿re sübje(r t0 launch in february MrRcy MrNrsrrue s individuals grow congreqations expand, and new BIarr has served as a youth pastor and a churches get pl¿nted. Sessions tñtfì ?ñmlññ B¡cour R MrrursrrR counselor for young people with major life THE HOLY SpIrur challenqes. Her compassionate heart led to the Sue is a gifted children's pastor and Bible college development of a storehouse with food, cloth- teacher. 5ue is used especially ln helping new ing, and the necesrties of life for those in need. believers get grounded in God's Word and develop SELF-ESTEEM an understandinq ofthe Holy Spirit. Denise is a gifted minister in song. She and her husband, Rick, have been working as mlssionar- FINnINc YoUR CRI-I-INC ies to Russia for nearly three decades. Denise Shoddy has been a mlssionary to the Phìlìppines since 1980. She and her husband, P¿ul, ovenee a church-planting movement throughout whole nation. Shoddy Denise Renner is an encourager and fãith builder Marqaret THE ESTHER MESSAGE the Wotd (W)W). Their desire Rev. Margaret Stunt so t, empowered. This messaqe Ov¡RcoMING ANoR¡xIA lays tlTt' 'I &. BULIMIA Danica battled eatinq disorden for years, but wife, mother, help to those who Rev. JoyceVillalobos are struqgling, TIINS 2 I Holly is a pastor, teacher, author, conference ' speaker, and a good friend t0 many. As a Rev. HollyWagner HTRIINc THE HURTS OF ASORTION Sonia is a lay leader in women's I merly a person who haed being around other Her wit l L gufo, loving God, l-lis people, His fhurch, and the world. Kerri also is a remarkRev. Keni Weems able writer with a popular blog. 2 Sessions Mt nnc lrs lSusion Gaby was on the mislon field for 16 yean Barbie has been a childrent teacher ¿nd small with the ministry of Reinhard Bonnke. Now group leader for nearly two decades. She is used a ofthe Lord in the gifts of physical and emolional Rev. GabyWentland pafor in Germany, 6aby travels around the world, sharing about faith and the miracles God performs. heal ing. BrINC SINCII AND HRPPY THE NINE PRINCIPLES oF WAR Barbara is a gifted pastor; teacher, and singer. Lindsay is a gifted speaker and anointed minister She has the ability to make complex subjects ofthe e¿s¡erto undentand. 5he and her husband, Bill, Lindsay combines her considerable business ex- lead a church-planting movement. LindsayWillis | )'t power ERWOMAN proaches life wlth minifry. For- l\ and mentor t0 many ladies, sharing the love of v Lord's sustaining Kerri is a pastor and a gifted teacher. She ap- females, today 5onia is a compasslonate friend ffi witnesed the and humor reveal her zest for life. S Sessiqns B¡COITZII¡¡G SUP I breaf cancer survivor, Holly has known challenges and a speciality ìn THT MITING oF A MIRACLE a to understand the Lordt will and His ways. i Sessions l, Freeman pafor and teacher ofthe Word of God. She minifers from the Bible in F¡vt¡,t-¡ FRrcNosHtps homiletics, the art of preaching. -¿ Joyce is an anointed l in organizinq large-scale Christian events. 5he +. -ì! Jesus can bring. 5he currently Session Dawna is a pastor and teacher who also is gifted rnfru(t0r with the restoration that gracious, yet powerful manneç enabling others ': is a and an imaqe consultant with her own line of COIT'TMUNICATING WITH l used by the Lord in brinq- WomTN oF WISDoM out this strategy found triumph throuqh the Lord. 5he now Dawna Elguera minifer serves at Mercy Ministries, Australia. 2 Susions that people can be encouraged, equipped and is a Bible c0llege a who overcame childhood abuse, Marqaret knows is t0 see men and women work together, srde by side, Daniea Goward-Burns rs ing emotional healing to olhers. As someone of Berin and Lisa are the found ers of Women Rèv. Lisa Gilfillan ulk show and the founder of a humanitarian aid ministry. l,lles;ions tha also is the host of a weekly 3;Sasions Lord's grace. A market research consultant, ; pertise with herf¿ith in the God of the imposible, making for a remarkable combination. l5 # STRATEG IC PARTN E RS H I PS DISTRIBUTING ISOM WOW DeveloPing World Track comlng sPring 2OlO Schools Around the World '140 countries and in over Looking across the globe, our hearts are touched with There are ISOM schools in more than the plight of women, especially those in the Developing World. After much 65 languages. Of the 13,000 plus locations where ISOM is belng used around the world, only about 5o/o are in the Western World' prayer and perseverance, and close Women of the World reaching out to helP com- nations. lSoM's ease of implementation enables rapid multiplication growth, but that is only a part of the picture, lSoM',s prolifera- munities, both sPirituallY tion worldwide has been mostly accomplished through strategic and physicallY. God loves alliances with others. Good shepherd Ministries lnternational (GSMI), ISOM's parent organization, partners with numerous lìke- is people, and He desires to save their natural lives and Dr. Doniel fountoin, o their eternal souls. We want to help restore people in every area of life. velerln rur1l m¡ss¡\nory doctor, teoching the bosics of pregnoncy ond From this persPective, the Com- childbhth. created as a tool to helP with basic human needs. Just like ISOM, we drew on instructors' areas of expertise. What has been caPtured is practical, life-skill knowledge from a professional perspectìve. ToPics i ncl ude: . obtaining clean water . subsistence farming . basic dental care . pregnancy and childbirth . malaria preparedness . caring for the sick from Guyono insÍructs on child development from o culturolly+elevont perspedive. feminine hygiene. those who have a missions vision, it is possible to obtain a license allowing the duplication of certain lsoM materials.These perare granted at the dlscretion of the leadership of GSMI and mission is renewed each year based on faithful representat¡on of program.The one-time license cost is $'1,900 USD per the ISOM language and pertains to a designated geographical region/nation of the world (/SOM Video and related materials are not included tn the $1900 licensing cost). This enables a ministry to integrate lsoM into their ministry's vision. As a result, some mlnistries have started more than 1,000 |SOM schools under a single license' multiple lsoM schools in a certain nation or region. Note: License agreements are available mostly for developing nations and are not plus many other courses typically available for Western countries. New Language Translation lf you have a heart to see |SOM translated into a new language, would love to partner with you to complete that language' this training in local lan- GSMI guages. Most of the mate- It costs about deliver it will need to be to get each new language translated' Depending on the leading of God and the need for a part¡cular language, GSMI may step out in faith with a partnering minìstry sponsored. Right now You if at least 55,000 can be initially raised. Since lsoM was designed can donaie to this Project to train and reach unreached peoples, new languages are the foundation for progress and vision, Please contact us if you are interested in helping rial and the technologY of Licensing and Regional Distribution Centers ters and is committed to serve and expand these partnerships' Pìease contact GSMI if your ministry is interested in starting those reaching into Poor communities and Provide exploins the importonte hearted ministries/individuals who are passionate about reaching and teaching spiritually-hungry people in distant lands' refer local contacts from different natlons to these Regional Cen- Our goal is to Partner with Dr. Vonesso Reynolds of these schools are in religiously-persecuted Those holding valid lsoM licenses are called Regional Centers '100 of these exist worldwide. GSMI is able to and more than (including HIV/AIDS) . 600/0 For munity Develo7ment in a Boxwas Dr. Mirhelle Schwinondon ïo to at isom.org/donøúe. More deta¡ ls on'how you can Partner with this project or use the materials will be released in FebruarY of 2010. $ 1 5,000 develoP a new language' [email protected] . isom.org/partnership ' (909) 47S-3330 ' (866) for l50M LEADERS IN1gCRITY sgss/ory t: tntesrity of Heart Ihese are the notes from the session. You may use them to follow along with the sample DVD or online. 2. INTRODUCTION Here we come to Integrity of heart as it is first mentioned in the Bible. There are different qualities that constitute a good leader. Some of us possess some of those traits and abilities such as: 1. 3. This story (Genesis 20:1-6) introduces these ideas: Special creative skills 2. lntellectual grasp 3. Managerialability 4. Prophetic vision 5. Magneticpersonality 6. Spiritualzeal 7. Supernatural gifts 4. a. Honesty from the tongue b. Truthfulness in the mind c. Honesty with yourself d. A heart that will not violate trust All of these undergird a leader that can be trusted, . 5. None of us possesses all of those gifts. But almost always, when people look at great abilities for leaders, they look for things that can be seen. I want to talk about the things that cannot be seen, and no degree of skills or dynamics can substitute for these things. lntegrity of heart is the phrase that wraps allof them in one package. lt is interesting that in this story we are taught integrity in a setting where a man of faith has violated honesty. a. But a pagan King responded with ¡ntegrity. I am regularly asked by leaders,"What is the secret to success in leadership ministry?" The supposition is that the hours totaled in Scripture and prayer may be the key. Of course, these are important, but I am persuaded that nothing exceeds the importance of cultivating 6. with the heart from which prayers are spoken and theWord of God is preached. a heart of integrity. A heart of integrity has to do of integrity of heart. LESSON OUTLINE l. THE FOUNDATIONAL PRINCIPLE (GENESIS 20:1-6) A. Some scholars have called this principle: B. The first time an idea appears in the c. may not be a person of great ' revelation or insight, but I can still be a person of integrity if I respond to the things God does show me. I God shows us th¡ngs in various ways. God's confrontation with Abimelech and his response (Genesis 20:3-5) 1. The first time in the Bible integrity is mentioned as pertains to the heart, God is coming to speak to a man on the basis of what he doesn't understand. The Law of First Usage. 1. The lesson here is clear. a. ln HisWord b. By circumstance c. By His Spirit dealing privately within us d. He convicts us. e. He corrects us. The most important thing for any leader is the matter The text introduces us to an idea that recurs several times in the Old Testament. b. 2. lntegrity of heart has to do with two things. Bible, it unveils the way that idea applies throughout the whole of the Word. tó t7 LENOTroS INTTCRITY NOTTS a. 5. There are always things I don't know or understand. God will help me in the face of those things I don't know or leader's life than integrity of heart. understand. b. There are things I do understand. lf violate those things, God won't come and correct me for those things' I . A DYNAMICWORD (PSALM 25:20-21) A, A word study on integrity unfolds ideas which can help us recognize how integrity is to be maintained. this reveals (Genesls 20:6) 1. ll. This is a frightening truth. C. The Lord's reply and the principle B. Old Testa ment "thom": idea of wholeness or completeness God patiently understands when our ignorance produces innocent failure for lack of wisdom. 2. This story makes it dramatically clear that there is possibly no more essential trait or value to be sought and maintained in a 1. lllustration: ln mathematics whole numbers 2. God said,"The reason l'm here to stop you is because I know you are acting without knowledge or without compromise of your a. This is done through rationalìzing: providing an excuse to mYself for lssue:The inverse/opposite of this is contained within this concePt. 1. God holds us responsible to walk in the light of the understanding/revelation we have' 2. lllustrations a. Leader who was Pursuing error b. Another who was pursing financial c. comPromise. b. C. Practical examPles honesty Another who was pursing an immoral . relationshiP d. Each one expressed something of a his case. WhY? Answer:When integrity has been violated from the outset, God will not intervene until judgment eventually accrues' God only warns, instructs, or corrects where His intervention is allowed by reason of the honest quest of the individualto walk in His way. 4. 'Ping' 2. lnner correction of the Holy Spirit:"grieve not" (EPhesians 4:30) 3. Ephesians 4:17-32 sense of divine tolerance or except¡on to 3. This is also done through selfjustification: arguing that my ca5è is an excePt¡on and that"God doesn't take seriously (He accepts) my compromise'' 1. Engaged in a conversation: a violation of full irresponsibilitY a. Full range of verbal purity, attitudinal constancy, refusal to flavor the truth, refusal of sexual indulgences of any kind, refusal to give place to anger or unforgiveness b. Neither give Place to the devil (EPhesians 4:27) to respond immediately whenever the Lord deals with you and you have not The key is recognized what You were doing. l8 lntegrity of heart describes that attitude of heart that disallows the slicing away of full honesty with God or with oneself through supposedlY minor deviations. own understandinql' D. we speak of with fractions' as contrasted LEADERS INTTCRITY NOTES III. DYNAMICOBEDIENCETO PRINC¡PLE A. David, a man after God's heart (of integrity) 1. 2. . David's words:"Teach meYour way, O Lord' will walk in Your truth; unite my heart to fear I Your Name" (Psalm 86:1 1 ). 3. 2. Two steps: I (Psalm 25:20-21). 4. V. THE PATHWAYTO OBEDIENCE A. The pluralform of inteqrity (thom):Thummim . David's leadership, the boundaries of lsrael lncapable to patrol its boundaries, the question arises,"How can I preserve my B. 1. No one knows exactly what that was made of but we know how and when the Ulim and Thummim was consulted. 2. Exodus 2B:30a:'And you shall put in the breastplate of judgment (decision-making unto a divinely guided verdict), the Urim and theThummim, and they shall be over PRINCIPLE Remember Solomon's original prayer. Aaron's heartl' "Therefore, Lord God of lsrael, now keep what You promised Your servant David my father" 3. (1 Kings B:25). 2. God's response (1 Kings 9:3-5):"1 have heard your prayer. . . I have consecrated this house which you have built to put My name there forever, and My eyes and My heart will be there perpetually. Now if you walk before Me as your father David walked, in integrity of heart and uprightness .. . then I will establish a The high priest's breastplate: Urim and He makes the above prayer (Psalm 25:20-21): "You, Lord must preserve mel' IV. TRAGEDY FOLLOWING DISOBEDIENCE TO 1. God has given a picture of our maintaining heart of integrity. Thummim. kingdom?' 2. The key to a home, a church, or a ministry that lasts (that God will perpetuate) is a heart of integrity. were extended to their widest limits. 1. We are building families, congregations, wrapped up in our will to perpetually sustain "Keep my soul, and deliver me;let me not be ashamed (embarrassed) for I put my trust in You. Let integrity and uprightness preserve me, for I wait on You (listen for your voice)" B. Under Jerusalem became filled with the idols brought by these treaties that were designed to assure personal and professional secu rity. ministries. in one piecel' 3. seal Concept:All of us are house builders. . a. will to be teachable. b. I will commit to walk in what You show' c. Result:"Thus, Lord,You can keep my heart A. With each treaty came a new princess to the political bond. Example:Quest for a pure priesthood:"Wait untila high priest stands up with the Urim and the Thummim" (Nehemiah 7:65; Êzra2:63). C. How it was done 1. Rabbinical literature suggests an answer. 2. They would go up before the veil and say, "God, show us what lsrael shall do.' yourthrone...J' B. There was a stark contrast between Solomon's and David's pathway to solving the problem of defending boundaries. 1. Solomont choice was diplomatic solutions: alliances. P0 Box 11909 . San Bernardino C A92423 ' isom.org info6isom.org. (909) 478-3330. (866) for |SOM lo -f rI r ISOM IS LMNERS INTTCRITY NOTES CONCLUSION .. the world's largest video Bible school, training over 250,000 students at more than 13,000 training sites in over 140 nations. Whatever the case, a clear picture is given us of the importance of a leader's maintenance of a heart of integrity. ... a church-based video training program. lf we will letthatThummim of the heart abide faithfully, we will walk in obedience. Kingdom boundaries can be ... a complete training curriculum, including a facilitator's guide, workbooks, group discussions, homework assignments and extended, ministries become effective, boundaries are preserved with blessings, and ministries stand strong through the integrity of the heart. tests. GROUP DISCUSSION ... a bilingual program that is available in over 60 languages. A non-bilingual Express version for English only students now cuts in half the time required to take 1. determining a good leader in the ministry. ISOM lectures. ... a school where English- and non-Englishspeaking students can learn side-by-side. a program 2. How do these good qualities relate to integrity of heart? 3, How can we respond with integrity when we are confronted with the following two instances? that res ects pastoral leader- ship and a _ < .¡,1*l -. "{t r a powe rfulm Discuss various qualities that we look for in 4. I a. Facing things we don't know or understand b. Violating those things we do know and understand Pray forone another, as well as the Christian leaders in your country, that the Holy Spirit rng pe r50n ln an opportunity for every the Church to be trained for ministry. would guard your hearts with integrity. ... a professionally-recorded curriculum. SELF.STUDY ... a curriculum with well-known teachers that impart life messages in their areas of expertise. 1. the Bible? 2. What ideas does the phrase "integrity of heart" .. a cost-effective program that is easyto implement. convey? 3. How does God reveal His willto us? 4. What does God expect from you as He reveals schoolwhere knowledge, character, and spiritual gifts are equally taught. a .a What lessons can you learn from the first occurrence of the phrase "integrity of heart" in His a. program with no denominationalties. willto you? Explain how this is illustrated in David's life (Psalm 25:20-21) p ro gram through which the powe the Hol y Spirit is manifested 4Á # b. Explain how this is illustrated in the high priest's breastplate (Exodus 2B:30; Nehemiah 7:65; Ezekiel 2:63) P0 Box 11909.San Eernardino CA92423. isom.org 20 o [email protected] . (909)478-3330. (866)for l50M t-* T fD trf ur:: kr, \\ ?/.rlk ú rfu- ,,',t¡nl- i ì lf1.:L r!.rlii ir' :ir.' -l^:ri'i! r|.Iì. .ì,ì \¡rt..rk lt/rrrrlr r,l Lift Cleansing Stream Youth f:-tË { äîd" < ,ã --\ tt r,O(t *, t,r'rittiÌ Lir:r rllltnq 1,;,irrl I rlifc , sptt YOUTH BYTES.. 6$ 1+^ '-!{ rfi lh! ú1,.¡l L*\ lrrr, Ìlr,¡, 1;'.';¡' ;ì.ì I ir..llll Pi'rss Tol,r¡rd lhe Go¿l - lnto the Deep toqether providing a year of teen discipleship material --T"t ø /z^ml r -'rþí . t'l p Make Passionate Disciples! 5itr i\nnounrinrj ¡ ne\,i/ {l)nrilìic dìscìpleship \b ð lr^. ¡ \\..\\l tit;' r",*\. lì\ I ilte !etlt.lt I 5nakeB i1¡,rrcliur r,rls chirllenge teens and yoLrng adLrlts lrr (ii, (ii:eprr \'/rth G0d, YouthBytes,,-,/i rì i¡rari ìs ihe yte ' Fool's GoJd lthrr 5 ,..tt¡ ,'ir¿ DVDs (,10 episodt's; i,,rÌìi,-( \,,v;llì ittrnti,rous, i,ist pater-l '.'ìdeo , ijiÌìirrlI\ 1,rrr,;Ìllttr ,rr'ìri iÈ.irli'r's qLritìes, Toqether thrs ø^\r-* E /-.. 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L í1t* / t_ l- ..¡! .t I I t'l l--' v.s, / l-=-l nations ÉltI x .t I¡ , t 'P ¡T j -d- a Largest graduation - 9,141 students FO 8ox 11904 San Bernardino tA 42423. USA InTEnNATIoNIAL Scuool nr MwtsTRy" lrrç¡est';ideo based Bible school opens each session rvith this statenrûnt: (hristian l,linistries froni ¿round the l'rorld harie conre t0gether to cre¿te the lntern¿tional5chool of i,linistr;' .l50l,l i. These terchrnqs h¿ve been developed to help the (hurch in many nations, Tire r','orld s 800.901.8175 90q.478.3330 rsoM.teD info(r,isom.org en:ltling (nristran belreiers to Llnderstand their f¿ith and beconre serv¿nts ofJesus Ihr¡st.