arnold swarz


arnold swarz
INCOSE Foundation
The INCOSE Foundation is dedicated to making a difference in people’s lives by advancing the development
of systems engineering practice throughout the world. The Directors of the INCOSE Foundation are
committed to the substantive role we play in developing and rewarding skills through the scholarships
we bestow.
Five scholarships are now awarded through the INCOSE Foundation
• ISEF, the International Science and Engineering Fair INCOSE Award to a pre-college student
• The Chesapeake Chapter Award for undergraduates (Three $500 awards)
• The JHU Alexander Kossiakoff Award to a student in a Masters or Doctoral program
• The Stevens Doctoral Award for Promising Research in Systems Engineering to a Ph.D Candidate
• The James E. Long Award for Post Doctoral work.
We are grateful to our donors who have allowed the INCOSE Foundation to maintain its commitment
to providing scholarship assistance.
INCOSE Foundation
Dear Colleagues,
The INCOSE Foundation is proud to present our annual report, which
summarizes the activities and accomplishments for 2014.
We begin this report with news about our dear friend, William Ewald, who leads
the INCOSE Foundation as its Chief Executive Officer. In early February 2015,
Bill suffered a stroke and is working hard at recovery. He brings the spirit of
doing the best job possible to everything he touches and we know he is doing the
same right now. We wish him well and look forward to welcoming him back to
We are pleased to report that, through the generosity of our Systems Engineering friends and supporting
organizations, our financial position is solid.
Stevens Institute gave the INCOSE Foundation a 70,000 USD gift which, when added to the existing amount,
brought the scholarship fund up to 100,000 USD. An annual 5000 USD scholarship is awarded from this
fund. This ensures several years in which the Foundation will continue to support scholars.
Johns Hopkins University also made a significant 25,000 USD gift to support the Alexander Kossiakoff
Award. Again, thanks to their generosity, the Foundation will be supporting scholars for many years.
The financial situation showed additional growth of our assets to 302,611.04 USD at the close of 2014
after awarding almost 25,000 USD in scholarships. Generous contributions of almost 47,000 USD were
made to the general fund, 70,000 USD to the Stevens Doctoral Fund, over 25,000 USD to the Kossiakoff
SE Scholarship Fund, 6,000 USD to the Chesapeake Fund, over 7,000 USD to the James Long Fund, and
over 2,500 USD to the David Wright Memorial Fund. During 2014, we had over 157,000 USD in total
The Foundation stock portfolio gained over 11,000 USD in value; our fixed-income accounts and dividends
earned us approximately 3,000 USD. These earnings reduce what is used from donations to the general fund
for operating expenses, allowing us to provide more scholarships and grants.
You will find a more detailed analysis later in this Annual Report, prepared by INCOSE Foundation treasurer
Jim Armstrong.
We continue to be grateful to you, our supporters, whose generosity makes everything possible. It is our goal
to support programs that help the INCOSE Foundation fulfill its place in making this a better world to live
in and that we will continue to earn the confidence that our flagship donors have placed in us to promote the
best practices of systems engineering.
The future is extraordinary and challenging – and, with your help, we will continue to meet the challenge.
– John Snoderly PhD
Chairman, INCOSE Foundation
Annual Report 2014
Stevens Doctoral Award
for Promising Research in Systems Engineering
“Stevens is proud to be the sponsor of a doctoral award for promising research in systems
engineering. Our planet’s future depends on the work being done today by many young
researchers, including the people recognized by this award over the years. Giving them a
chance to showcase their research towards becoming a leader in systems engineering is so very
– Dr. Dinesh Verma, Dean of the School of Systems and Enterprises at Stevens
The INCOSE Foundation gratefully acknowledges a milestone: A gift of 70,000 USD made in 2014
from Stevens Institute to support the Stevens Doctoral Award for Promising Research in Systems
Engineering and Integration brings the award fund to 100,000 USD enabling INCOSE to grant 5000
USD scholarships for many years. We look forward to working with Stevens in supporting deserving
graduate students who are making significant advances in Systems Engineering and Integration.
The INCOSE Foundation awarded this year’s INCOSE Foundation/Stevens Institute Doctoral Award for
Promising Research in Systems Engineering and Integration to Siddhartha Agarwal at the 2014 International
Symposium. Mr. Agarwal is the fourteenth recipient of this 5,000 USD award. A panel of INCOSE Fellows
reviewed the applications from a pool of highly qualified applicants from universities around the world and
evaluated the applications against three criteria:
1. The doctoral research advances the state of
knowledge in systems engineering and integration.
2. The doctoral research provides potential for the
advancement of the state of the practice of systems
engineering and integration within the next five to
ten years.
3. The doctoral research is highly rigorous.
The doctoral research is highly rigorous. Siddhartha
Agarwal, pictured here between Academic Council
Director Dr. Art Pyster and Dr. John Snoderly,
Foundation Chair, is a PhD candidate in Systems
Engineering at the Missouri University of Science and Technology, where he is conducting research in the
formulation of a domain independent framework for generating meta-architectures for System of Systems.
In addition, he is devising a methodology for implementation of a related meta-architecture through a
behavior dependent adaptive strategy for negotiating effectively with participating systems. The model
involves computational intelligence and deep learning techniques. He received his MS degree in Mining
Engineering from the University of Alaska, Fairbanks in 2010 and the B.Tech. in Mining Engineering from
the Indian Institute of Technology-Banares Hindu University, India in 2006. His work experiences include
Iron & Steel industry, Alaska Department of Natural Resources in a mining software engineer role. His
research interests include optimization, modeling and simulation, machine learning, and computational
INCOSE Foundation
The Foundation proudly recognizes its first twelve Stevens Award winners:
2002 – Wassilis Agouridas, University of Leeds, UK
2003 – Th
omas Hearld, Jr., Lockheed Martin and Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
2004 – James Benjamin, Stanford University
2005 – Gnana Bharathy, University of Pennsylvania
2006 – Susan Vandiver, Southern Methodist University
2007 – J o Ann Lane, Viterbi School of Engineering at University of Southern California
2008 – Jonathan Liscouet, Institut National des Sciences Applicquées de Toulouse
2008 – Renzhong Wang, Missouri University of Science and Technology
2009 – Ana Luisa Ramos, University of Aveiro, Portugal
2010 – Jason Dauby, Missouri University of Science and Technology
2011 – William Johnstone, University of British Columbia
2012 – Clement Smartt, University of Texas at Arlington
2013 – Louis E. Pape II, Missouri University of Science and Technology
2014 Annual Wine Event & International Workshop
Chair Max Berthold
Co-chair Bob Swarz
The Corporate Advisory Board, as it has each year, generously hosted the evening, for which we thank every
CAB member, Chair Max Berthold, pictured above, and co-chair, Bob Swarz. Wines from all across the
INCOSE global footprint were donated by generous chapters and individuals, with ASK International and
UMS also underwriting portions of the evening. Beautifully prepared and presented foods were provided
in abundance, selected to complement the wines; and, stylish people gathered for good conversation and to
celebrate the Foundation. All of these elements added up to a major success.
Annual Report 2014
“The Johns Hopkins University considers it important to recognize and encourage students to engage
in applied systems engineering research that extends the state-of-the-art of the discipline.”
– Dr. Larry Strawser, Vice Chair, Systems Engineering Program,
Whiting School of Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
The INCOSE Foundation and Johns Hopkins University awarded the 2014 Alexander Kossiakoff Systems
Engineering Scholarship at the Annual Foundation Wine Soiree to Mr. Chi Huang “Micah” Sun.
Having worked previously as a US Air Force intelligence analyst on
systems studies about foreign unmanned aerial vehicles as well as
US unmanned aircraft systems, Micah has a strong interest in drone
technology and would like to focus on unmanned aviation through
the systems engineering discipline. For the Master of Engineering
project in Cornell’s Systems Engineering program, he is tackling the
research and policy analysis of the national energy infrastructure
reform and National Guard applications.
2012 Kossiakoff award Winner
The award includes a 5000 USD scholarship and an optional
Douglas Orellana
internship opportunity at the JHU. Its purpose is to recognize
Presentation of the 2014 Alexander
and encourage promising students in applied systems engineering
Kossiakoff SE Scholarship. Pictured left
research and to promote the field of systems engineering.
to right, Micah Sun, Dr. John Snoderly,
Dr. Larry Strawser
This award, established in 2009, is named in honor of Alexander
Kossiakoff who was a former Director and Chief Scientist of the John
Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory. He also initiated the development of the Systems Engineering Program
at the master’s degree level at the Whiting School of Engineering where he served as Chair of the Systems
Engineering Programs for many years. Dr. Kossiakoff was awarded the Department of Defense Medal for
Distinguished Public Service in 1981 - the highest award that may be granted by the Department of Defense
to an individual who is not an employee of the government. He also received the Navy Distinguished Public
Service Award in 1958 - the highest honor the Navy can bestow upon a civilian, the Presidential Certificate
of Merit (1948), and the Bureau of Naval Ordnance Development Award (1945). In 2004, he was awarded
the prestigious Johns Hopkins University President’s Medal.
The INCOSE Foundation gratefully acknowledges a Johns Hopkins University gift of 25,000 USD to secure
the funding for this important scholarship for the next five years.
2009 – Andrew Pollard, Johns Hopkins University
2010 – Collin Mullery, George Mason University
2011 – Gabriel Lewis, George Mason University
2012 – Douglas Orellana, University of Southern California
2013 – Thuc Tran, George Washington University
INCOSE Foundation
The Foundation’s assets increased from 194,032.15 USD at the close of 2013 to 302,611.04 USD at the
close of 2014 after awarding almost 25,000 USD in scholarships. Generous contributions of almost 47,000
USD were made to the general fund, 70,000 USD to the Stevens Doctoral Fund, over 25,000 USD to the
Kossiakoff SE Scholarship Fund, 6,000 USD to the Chesapeake Fund, over 7,000 USD to the James Long
Fund, and over 2,500 USD to the David Wright Memorial Fund. During 2014, we had over 157,000 USD in
total contributions.
The stock portfolio gained over 11,000 USD in value; meanwhile, our fixed-income accounts and dividends
earned us approximately 3,000 USD. These earnings reduce what is used from donations to the general fund
for operating expenses, allowing us to provide more scholarships and grants.
– Jim Armstrong
2014 Income and Expenses
(all amounts are USD)
Change in Fund Value
Interest and Dividends
Total Income
Fundraising Expense
Grant Expenses
Shipping & Postage
Legal Fees
Management Services
Scholarship Expense
Accounting Services
Bank Charges
Misc Expense
Total Expense
Net Income
Annual Report 2014
2014 Fund Balances
General Fund
Stevens Doctoral Fund
Chesapeake Fund
James E. Long
David Wright
You are the reason anything is possible
924 donors have contributed...................... 328,395
2005 – 18 donations totaled................................ 33,400
2006 – 28 donations totaled ............................... 34,118
2007 – 77 donations totaled ............................... 63,888
2008 – 84 donations totaled................................ 53,174
2009 – 104 donations totaled............................. 29,896
Lynda Allen
Werner J. Altmann
Frank C. Alvidrez
Jonas C. Andersson
James R. Armstrong
Stevens Institute of
Eileen P. Arnold
Georgia Artery
Alexander Kossiakoff
Romanas Ascila
Systems Engineering
Gerard Auvray
Gennaro J. Avvento
Johns Hopkins University
James D. Baker
Engineering for
William A. Bearden
Eric C. Belle
Zhoujun Wei
Jeffery Bergenthal
Carlee A. Bishop
James E. Long
Barclay Brown
Memorial Fund
Alan R. Brown
David D. Walden
Mike Brownsword
Eileen P. Arnold
Roger M. Burkhart
William M. Ewald
Martine Callot
Terje Fossnes
Allan P. Campbell
Alan D. Harding
Greg Campeau
Cecilia Haskins
Mike J. Celentano
David A. Long
INCOSE Washington Metro Stephanie S. Chiesi
John O. Clark
Area Chapter
Mary L. Compton
David Wright INCOSE
Mary L. Compton
Leadership Award
Paul F. Cudney
William M. Ewald
Cihan H. Dagli
Steven H. Dam
David A. Long
John F. Damstra
Andrew C. Pickard
Quoc Do
David D. Walden
William M. Donaldson
Rick K. Dove
San Diego Chapter
Harald Eisenmann
Engineering Night
Mohamed Elghefari
Richard F. Emerson
Cubic Corporation
Jeff Estefan
John Filose
Wolter J. Fabrycky
James W. Gottfried
Cody Farinacci
Mark W. Halverson
International Test Evaluation Amit Fisher
Gerard H. Fisher
Adriana Mendoza
Terje Fossnes
Phuonganh X
INCOSE San Diego Chapter Michael D. Gehringer
Anthony P. Gigioli
Chesapeake Chapter
Christopher Giudice
Scholarship Fund
Gregory W. Gorman
William M. Ewald
Regina M. Griego
INCOSE Chespeake Chapter
Patrick C. Hale
James M. Hansen
Wine Soiree
Ralf Hartmann
Sascha Ackva
Stevens Institute
Doctoral Award for
Promising Research in
Systems Engineering
& Integration
Cecilia Haskins
Matthew C. Hause
Sebastian J. Herzig
Christopher Hess
Thomas J. Humpton
Mark R. Jean
Kiran Jotwani
Rudiger Kaffenberger
David Kaslow
Bob Kenley
Craig C. Klocke
Kenneth Konwin
Alain J. Kouassi
Christine Kowalski
Michael LaLande
Jorg R. Largent
Rachel LeBlanc
David Lempia
Alejandro G. Levi
Paul W. Logan
David A. Long
John MacCarthy
Robert J. Malins
David Mason
Maik Maurer
Dorothy McKinney
Curt Mcnamara
William D. Miller
Karin Moens
Ryan A. Mortimer
Padman Nagenthiram
John F. Nallon
Jennifer M. Narkevicius
Michael Nolan
Elizabeth L. O’Donnell
Josef Oehmen
Rollie G. Olson
Anne O’Neil
Rene Oosthuizen
Bohdan W. Oppenheim
Asmus Pandikow
YoungWon Park
Ian G. Presland
Axel Reichwein
Michael J. Riccio
Angela D. Robinson
Paul Robitaille
Samantha F. Robitaille
Jean-Claude Roussel
Frank J. Salvatore
Saumya K. Sanyal
Warren M. Scheinin
2010 – 271 donations totaled............................. 46,810
2011 – 342 donations totaled............................. 67,109
2012 – 284 donations totaled............................. 61,375
2013 – 145 donations totaled............................. 53,002
2014 – 250 donations totaled...........................157,579
* Many donors make multiple gifts. All amounts are given in USD
Paul J. Schreinemakers
Sven-Olaf Schulze
Zane B. Scott
Bruce R. Shelton
Thomas M. Shortell
Warren B. Smith
John Snoderly
Michelle Specht
Dan Stege
Heinz Stoewer
Tom Strandberg
Larry D. Strawser
Suk-Hwan Suh
Stephen J. Sutton
John A. Thomas
Donald P. Tolle
Len R. Troncale
Stephan B. Vanhorn
Lonnie VanZandt
Eric D. Villhauer
Shamsnaz Virani
David D. Walden
Loren M. Walker
Michael E. Wallace
Steven E. Wallis
Dean S. White
Michael K. Wilkinson
Shaun A. Wilson
Mark A. Wilson
Scott E. Workinger
Courtney E. Wright
Kenneth M. Zemrowski
Philomena M. Zimmerman
INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter
INCOSE Enchantment Chapter
INCOSE Washington
Metro Area
General Fund
James R. Armstrong
Georgia Artery
Elliot I. Axelband
Michael M. Ayres
Thomas C. Bagg
Rudolf M. Balciunas
Alan I. Bartlett
Steven J. Battel
William A. Bearden
James D. Bell
Eric C. Belle
John C. Bowers
Don S. Boyer
Ruth Buys
William T. Carlson
Giuseppe Chiappini
John O. Clark
Dr. Randall J. Clendening
John R. Clymer
Mary L. Compton
Bruce A. Conway
William Crossley
Cihan H. Dagli
Carl Dalzell
Alvaro De Andres Gonzalez
Erik R. Devito
Muhammad A. Dhanidina
Larry J. Earnest
Roger L. Embry
Deniz Z. Eralp
Wolter J. Fabrycky
Pauline C. Frain
Kevin W. Fuhrmann
Donald J. Gantzer
Donald E. Goddard
Elizabeth J. Green
David L. Griffith
Stephen K. Guine
Marvin L. Hammond
Dwayne Harris
Dennis Hartley
Harry E. Herchert
Keith W. Hipel
Braulio M. Horta
INCOSE Board of Directors
INCOSE Central
INCOSE Colorado
Front Range Chapter
INCOSE Los Angeles Chapter
INCOSE North Star Chapter
INCOSE Washington
Metro Area
Vernard E. Jackson
Brenda Jacobs Cockson
Debra L. Kelley
Pavel V. Konokhov
Edouard Kujawski
John B. Kustura
Anthony LiCausi
Daniel M. Littley
Joseph C. Maggiore
Douglas R. Marshall
Every effort is made to be accurate in the annual listing of donors.
Please contact the INCOSE Foundation should a correction be needed.
Richard A. Martin
Joseph Marvin
Robert Matigan
Timmie S. Mcarthur
Paul J. McGoey
James M. McMath
Arsenio K. Menendez
Chandru Mirchandani
James C. Morelli
Julian Munoz
Susan F. Murdoch
Padman Nagenthiram
David W. Newbern
Yoshiaki Ohkami
Rene Oosthuizen
Bohdan W. Oppenheim
Michael E. Pafford
John A. Palmer
Louis E. Pape
Chris Paredis
David Paul
Russell Peak
Daniel C. Preska
Angela D. Robinson
Nancy J. Roseberry
Thom Schoeffling
David M. Shifflett
John S. Shoffner
Clyde S. Smithson
John Snoderly
Harvey M. Soldan
Robert Stow
Perry M. Stufflebeam
Krister Sutinen
Stephen J. Sutton
Meng Seng Toh
Len R. Troncale
Arthur W. Van Nostrand
Alejandro Vasquez-Molina
Garrick M. Villaume
Loren M. Walker
John B. Walker
Charles S. Wasson
Eileen B. Watson
Stanley I. Weiss
Karl A. Wilkerson
Mehmet S. Zaim
Kenneth M. Zemrowski
Jeffrey V. Zweber
INCOSE Foundation
John Ross Snoderly, PhD
President INCOSE 2002-2004
Defense Acquisition University
Learning Capabilities Integration
Ira M. Blatstein, PhD
Assistant Professor Division of Public Safety
Leadership School of Education Johns Hopkins
Stephen Cook, PhD
INCOSE Fellow, Technical Director Systems
Engineering, DSIC University of South Australia
William Ewald, PhD
Assistant Professor
Johns Hopkins University
Mary E. Lacey
Volunteer Emeritus
Naval Surface Warfare Center
William Miller
Executive Principal Analyst
Innovative Decisions
Pat Hale
Director SDM, Fellow
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jim Armstrong
Industry Professor
Stevens Institute of Technology
Paul Schreinemakers
Independent Consultant
SEPIAdvies BV / How2SE
Robert Stow
BAE Systems, Inc., Retired Chief Technology
Officer & Senior VP of Engineering
C. Robert Kenley, PhD
Associate Professor of Engineering Practice
Purdue University
Holly Witte
Christine Kowalski
The INCOSE Foundation is a 501 © 3 nonprofit organization.
Established 2005
Contributions to the INCOSE Foundation are tax-deductible to
the extent allowed by laws of the donor’s country. The INCOSE
Foundation does not offer financial advice. Please consult your
personal financial advisor. Credit card donations accepted.
Annual Report 2014
The INCOSE Foundation
7670 Opportunity Road, Ste. 220
San Diego CA 92111-2222
[email protected]