WCDXB 14-79 - Northern California DX Club
WCDXB 14-79 - Northern California DX Club
~- ~ WISI COIBlB~ CJ y<£ :; ~ BUUIIIN CJ ~r + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 14-79 April 4, 1979 SPRATLY Last week the Spratly group were being heard from Brunei and advising when they were not being the assumption could be had that they were at sea enroute to the island group ·in the South China Sea. Last Friday it was the waiting game while mazzy were waiting for the dawn hours in the Spratlys where it would be Saturday and with the waiting was the hope that 1S1DX would .come barreling in on all bands. How things went you probably know yourself by now, ~ Apparently some problems were being worked out early in the week when expected shipments of gear did not show at the take-off spot in Brunei and they were scrambling to find replacements. N200, K4SMX and N4WW traveled together to Hong Kong and then on the doS"'leg run down to Brunei. They had a 24-hour flight from New York City and operated from VS6 before heading to VS5. KV4KV was traveling on another airline, John reported as planning to continue on a ~und-the=world tour after the Spratly operation. At Hong Kong those flying that route said that all their equipment was on hand. listed previously, ABU AIL There is no really new information on the plans of · .•. Q,SLs go to VK2BJL as OE6EEG planning for some Red Sea Activity ~t that there are a number of well known DXers who mS¥ be in on the action should all the plans jell. ,, Also included in the planning is DJ9~, F6BDS and J28AZ. They intend to explore the possibilities in a number of areas in the Red Sea countries, some of these on the rare side of things. Some of this may come in the next month or six weeks, It might be noted that 4W-Yemen and 70-South Yemen who have been engaging in military actions have declared a truce and after some discussions, they are reporting to have agreed that the best solution to their continuing problems would be to combine the two countries under a provisional government, Things are moving in the areas around the Red Sea and some DX types are looking to move with them. CHINA Felix Suter, HB7MQ, who has been the DX Editor for the Swiss Amateur Ma«azine, "OLD MAN" is repo~,ting that HB9APN, Lambert, is at the Swiss Embassy in Peking and was on the air with a signal in the phone · bands. · The call being Embassy to !1ay who noted that to some of the used was HB9APN/A/BY and was at 21155kHz from 1400Z. The station will be at the Swiss 20th and plans to be active. Some have indicated that the call was HB9APN/BY, Some the frequency was in the American novice sub-band were trying to get the station to move more routine SSB frequencies. ', I, ., ·J:~ HB9APN is Lambert Moos, CH-6288 Schongau, Switzerland. Because of the source of the report there is good reason to pay attention to this possibility, It may be that the fifteen meter frequency may not be kept but around that 1400Z time it may be advantageous to be alert. TANZANIA 5H3GK has been found on fifteen SSB and says he will be on c,w, soon, He is located 25kHm north of Dar es Salaam. He gives his name as Gary, says that he is on assignment from Radio Sweden to Radio Tanzania and will be there through April · He is running a TR4 to a vertical from a QTH in a hotel. Says to Q,SL to SM5AWO, Gerth Karlsson, Trollbecksv 47, 13500 Tyreso, Sweden. This probably is 5H3GK's home call, everything seems to fall into line to indicate this. ~ OK3TAB/D2A has been showing during March, the station being on twenty and ten meters. The operator said that he definitely was in Angola and to Q,SL to his home QTH. That was what he said on twenty, on ten meters he said to go via OK}ALE, The latter seems to be a more valid route. The station has been heard over a several day period. The program is to work 'em first. NEPAL 9N1BMK has been showing on ten meter c,w, and working a lot of the ·wjK types. -"'28o07kHz at 0300Z and said to QPL to JA8BMK. This one was at l Q!TAR EP2LI who is presently in the states will be going back to the Persian Gulf area and his next stop will be at A7X-Qatar. Mike says that he has assurances of getting a license when he shows up for a tour of work there. EP2LI left the last stop in a bit of a h~, leaving the station, household goods, clothing and the family omnibus as he hastened to catch the outbuund commute, Q,SL for his activities go to WA4PY.F , Ron Stange, 2760 Davidson Drive, Lithonia, Georgia 3665·8 and Ron has the loge for EP2LI from Jan 1st of 1978 to the last day of operation on February 11th, Also on hand are the loge for A7XAH. Any. ne wanting to help A7XAH get on the air fast might, when Q,SLing for the EP2LI or other operations, droi;n some small green stamps in with the Q,SLs. The aim is to take A7X-Q.ATAR off the semi-rare list with sustained schedules. ..~. ~ h ' I ! l _J ~POT """ G~t . '"' ,, ", \ ,, \ a'r'e . ·. W~st Co~t DX Bulle¥n 4 April 1979 1 0/ I ' \ ,about' '\.._ ~ '• LOUIE Now t hat the Days of DXing r eady for offi ci al certif icati on. ten is wide o~en ~d r;;any s canning SiX :for :j.ts pot ential, some ,J:ihO muaj; " '-IOrr'J a r e a sking how long it wil l l a s t . "FI:>;:;:eve r ?'),....._ they i n quire . Mayb e not quite tha t but ~~e g~ days sh0uld b e wi th us f or s ome t i me yet . - ,_ N 1/· / ~ · , ~~ In t he March R8GB ' Radio Cornmunication"...__G8KG t akes a l ook down the long day s of Cycle ~ and say s t hat i t "'ill be w.i. th us f or a l ong t i me y e t . .. ___ .. _ ___ _ _ ' · •. \ (~ The me thods of predicting peak s in the cycl es E freqoo ntly change s as new kn.Qwle·~~ oped , tha t or i.nterpre tation of statistics _ a s new t heories show. . The latest for.e~!rl from ~OAA bas e d on Cia t a up tQ...-Oetoner' ~f las t year i s a smoo t hed sun!;Jp otnumber at the t op~ of Cycle 21 of 150 (:!:34). __- w r _, .. \~ J" tha~C~l~1 may~ GBKG' s ar t icl e anti cipa t es show a :?harp ris e s t a rting this summer a.nd· 'pe akin~ with a monthly mean s~ spo t nuinber o;r ove;r 200 . / I 'l'pis may come a round the t u= i nto 1980, i t ma~be I a s l a te as mid,- 1980 . The peak i s anticipateq/to be above average and Cifcl e 21 very li~ely may have one of t he highe st peaks on r e cord. The runoothed monthly numb~ r, t his being the 12 mont~ running SSN / number and not t h e monthly mean, is e~~ct~d to be around 179 and the monthly me an s ql~r flux smoothed number around 215. \ j \. 5 I J i. ~6RQ \ 29 Mar 79 ' \ 1 \ 1634 \ 813° ' W39° 10 s pots 220 millionths What doe s i t all mean? All you have~to do is to f:,'"O back 1638 1 N¢7° W75° and read the predic tions , direful as they were, soiQe s i x years or mo r e back. Many were saying that the Great Days ' 1642 of DXing woul d never b e s een agaip in our lifetime or that 81 5° W52° of o~r descenden ts . Then, out of th~ barrancas above Portuguese Bend c~ e t he Palos Verdes Sundancers. If you 1643 did not belie ve then , what dQ you do now? The 4eignt of N23° W53° the Grand Je t Et was only an early indicator of t he he i ght 16 of Cycle 21. Re j o.ice. DX has b~en saved for the Deser ving ! o ~ o 828 16 s pot s 480 mil lionths And ~ quiqk look at N~XX' s predictions will have you looking 161~7 a t a string of HNs and AHs with only some LNs showing at t i mes , 8J0°W¢3° Keep in mi nd that all thing::; are r el a t i ve , i ncluding t h e LNs 1649 and HN s, you can l ook fo r ••• • N¢7° E18° 9 spots 1So mill ionths 6 Apr Lth 5th 6th 7t h 8th Abo ve/Hi gh Normal .Above/Hi gh Normal Low Normal I,ow J-Tounal High Nomal Apr 9t h 10th 11th 12th 13t h High Normal Above Normal High Normal High Nonnal Low Normal All of the ba ckground and help in making your own predi cti on s can be lea=ed e a sily i f you have a copy of THE SHOR'l' WAVE :PROPAGATI ON HANDBOOK. vie ' ve r tm t h e i nfo rmation on i t i n prcv~ ous i s sues. With the handbook you can fi n d how t o l!!<J.:i. nta in y our own r e co rds an d make you r own predic t ions, I t ca.n be i pteresti ng . ••• • 6 spots 20 mill i onths 1 spot 1E> millionths 1 s pot 120 millionths 10 su ots L70 mi llion t h s 819° ·16S6 w¢5° L! spots 30 millionths s21 ° 16S7 :846° 2 spots 10 millionths N27° 1658 E57° 5 spo t s 70 milliont hs Regi on 1638 flared on Mar 18th, the disturbance l as t i n g about one hour. Two l arge fl ares came Oil Har 27th . KH6BZJi' 26 Mar '79 Meamvhil e , K6EC k eeps the \Mv watch and though t he flux i s u p, it i s no t over the 200 mark 1vher e FJv woul d l ike to have it. But l ook ing ba ck a year or t ·w-o , in •Apri l 1977 the repo rt hiid al l the :?Obr flux figures i n the seventies . Ev s ays i t shows what believing will do and by now everyon e sho'tlld be a believer. And believe t h a t the charts shoul d show •• • • Solar FlUJl: Ap I ndex Ma:r 19 th 20th 21st 22n d 192 186 1 9~ 18 1 10 7 2 35 Solar Pl m: Mar 23r d · 24th 25 th 189 190 192 Ap Index 13 11 17 We st Coast DX :Bulletin 4 Apr il 1979 SHORTLY NOTED Fri day had us working in c ircl es \vBi ting for reali z ing that i t was hardly dawn there i!' tl:e Sou-,h China up the pri nting of this bullet in. K4SNX and t he c~~ew sent showing the Chinese side of t he border there in Hong Kong. much like this side. But i f the bulletin seems disjointed that we print t h e back page first , the f irst page last. a sign of the ·JS1DX but also Sea when we were finishing a pos tcard of :BY-China, they Actually, i t looks pretty more than usual , keep in mind KH6 I J continues in the hospital there in Honolulu, one side being affected and it does seem h e has had a cerebral hemorrhage. r¢IJ who handl ed the ~Ls fo r the first Abu Ai.l effort in 1971 by ETJZU/A and who was one of the operators on the second effort in September 1971, says he has the logs for both operations and can help anyone who, after a..Ll these years, thirsts f"or an Abu Ail ~I, •••• and ~>Tho is in the log books. Tony also SUS1Jects that some may believe .that the contact was not completed because of the QRM existing or did not realize that tlie station was on Abu Ail. If you worked an ET}-station in a roaring pileup you might direct a query to him at •• •• Tony Privitera , I f1IJ, 150, Via Tiburti na, 00185, Roma, Ital'y. Tony also is l ooking at some Mediterranean DX ••• • Rhodes, Crete and even Mt. Athos but there is no t hing f irm in t he plans as y et. :But there is hope •••• For those who l ike to k eep up with Slim and his operations, the boy has been busy and you can l i st these f or your Wo r ked-All-Sl im . HV5GH was Tyrrhenian Slim, the Pol ish ~1 r oute says t hat he knows no thing. SV5VJ and SV5UP from Crete are Mediterran Slims. 5R8EA s aid that OZ6MI was his QSL route. OZ6I1I says that that operator was unknown to him. W1JZ says he is not the QSL route for FM?AV, GU4EON says that he i s getting QSLs for GJ}MBS but any information i n di cating thi s is not ~rre ct , h e does not handle the cards. :BY1AA was on a couple of months back, QSLs sent to Peking for ~yng came back 'Unknown!'. W2KLW has been getting QSLs for some, says he knows not why and that he is the QSL Manager for no one. You can try FR7ZL/I' to N4NX ••••• N~:WX has been getting them and having to .trans-ship them to the right agent .... N~l~X. The 'new' Q.SL Nanager for TA 1M:B, that being Kadri in Is tanbul , is ~like, WB9ZKK. Se~d direct ••••• to ~~9ZZK. On the St :Barthe~my QSLs, we have some more reporting in. Fred Alden, W8JT.D, got hi s FG¢DWT/FS QSL from F6CTK a couple of weeks tack. W7TE says he has two QSLs •••• one from FG¢DXS/FS and another from FG¢DWT/FS. vl?TB got his cards from F6EXV. Hope still c ling s and the cards have come through. EA9GJ is usually found around 14280kHz from 2300Z on Wednesdays. This one QSLs to WD6:BI F. vlB6GFJ will again be in Tab,i ti this year and will sign FO¢F:B. 'lhls will not be the usual FO¢-operation, Ross is intending to put OSCAR ox: from FC.y5 and will aim to use Modes, A,:B and J, both c.w. a."Yld SSB. He will try t o get OSC_I\....11. action organized on a more permanent basis from Tahiti and we will have more information for this summer operation. TR6RG Q,SLs do come tb,rough but the question has !ceer, as to what is the address for D.I\.1CZ, it not being in the c all books . N9DX has :persisted a.."ld has come up with the following: H. ft~ousque llAlC~ CH Rollerstr 2 7590 Achern, West Germa.YJ.y DA1CZ is also F2GA when home in France. Try it for ranging purposes. Strange as i t may 3ound, we a lso have another address i u reserve bc..t bel i eve that this one will work for you. r.....,.....,...AJ""'....,..~.I'..,.AP'" ~.4V~~~/~~u_,...l"'..,...l'"..l'..,...,. .l',~ ~ WEST COAS'r :nx BULLETIN Second Class emry a.>1d postage pai d at the San ~ ~ Rafael,California Po st Office. Published weekly by the Marin County DX Group at 77 Col eman Drive, San Rafael,Calif. 9490 1 (USPS 090 570) ~ ~ L Subscription rate s supplied on requc::t. Previously published rates ace not valid. Within the lower forty-eight, onJ.y second-class, (ne"YTspaper) new subscri ptions accepted. S s J ~ ~~.4!11YAI"41f111".1'1'"..411" AIIIIP'~.411'~~.A:P"Attr...6"'4?.LT.JIY.A'--1'.4IIIIJIY"".Jif1' ~.JIIIIY..IIA . ' West Coast DX Bull etin 4 April 1979 TEE KING OF SPAIN . . TRO~ Las t week we menti on ed thi s ~ontest, i t coming the last full week end in Apr i l and s t i ll a coupl e of weeks of f. They are going all out with the trophies and cer tifi cates. Reading the r ules as they were issued probabl y would be more i nformati ve than we. trJing t o extr act the pertinent points. We probably would fo rget a few . All of t his from Agrupacio Radioafi cicna ts Calella in Cal ella, that being close to Barcelona and s ent out by EAJAMD. If you want more informat ion, write the club s ecretary • • •• Jubara, 168 f r in Cal ella. BAS IES : -- (1 . ' ' First. - The t roph y w il l he open to all nations, between Spanish stations and world stations ca lli ng Spanish EAs st ations, i.e., to be accepted a OSO shou ld ope rate w it h at least one EA st ation . . ·' . .r;>a;··i·~.n,,~.i8ili1lJ~iB~Iuns~ ~·;"· "· ./ "',"'"·-···~ ' , .. ,,\.1li. ,• : ,{ ; - -·4<'· , - ,. , . _' ·~\,.. ..,. 'j ,. ~~ ~"''l';,~~ .. w~ , ,::~.jFr~~~ .i-~ :~7~'!'~. '"•~; , All Palomar Enoln..rs Pf'Oducta a re ~ '~ mftde ln U.S. A . Since 1965, manufacturers oqulpmen t only. ~Radio 1 Kw CW, 3 Kw PEP inp ut. For di po les, inverted Vees , t:>eams, q uads . Dependable. Takes tem porar y over loads in stri de. Specify 1: 1 or 4:1 ratio. M odel 1K $22.50 Second .- T he competition w ill be held the last complete week, end of April 1979. Th ird TYPES.- All types recognised by radio operators will be permitted. 2 Kw CW, 6 K w PEP input . Far more ru gged t han an y other bal un made for amateur use. Specify 1 :1 or 4: 1 ratio . Fou rth FRE QUENCIES.- All the frequencies auttiQ.ri sed )pr EAs radio operators . · · ·· Fifth Scoring.· One point per QSO. Sixth TI ME T AB LE .· From 20,00 hrs. G.M .T., Saturday to 20,00 hrs. G.M. T. Sunday , with one compu lsory rest of four consecutive hours. M odel 2K $42.50 Seventh QSOs.- On ly one QSO per station in each frequency and ty pe will be accepted . 15 consecutive minutes should be worked on each band or type. Eighth .· The EA sta tions w ill submit RS and matriculat ion of the province, f or example, a station in the province of Barcelona should submit 59 B. Stations in other parts of the world should submit the following informati on: RS, plus t he con t act nu mber begi nning w ith 001 . The time should not be submitted, but should be entered in the lists in G.M.T. Ninth MULTIPLICATION.- For t he EA stations the number of QSOs multiplied by t he countr ies obtained, taking into account that Spain and Calella coun t as multi pliers . Stations in t he rest of the world: number of QSOs multip lied by the nu mber of provinces obtained, takin·g- inl:o ·account that . stations in calella count as extra multipliers . Tenth CAL L SIGN.· C.O. CALELLA. COSTA DEL MARE6M E: TROFEO SU MAJESTA D EL REY DE ESPAI'iiA, to call stations in Calella, and the General Call Si!l_n of the contest will be "C.Q. PRIMER TROFEO S.M. EL REY DE ESPANA". Beam Balun $47.50 On ly Palomar Ba luns-Hall.e ~~I These Features • RF toroidal core fo~-h i g hest eff iciency :' • Teflon insulated w ire. Stainl ess steel hard ware . Won' t r ust. • Epoxy fill ed case. Waterproof. • Wideband 1 . 7 to 30 MHz. • White case to reflect the sun. • Lightning protection bu ilt in. Free brochu re sent on request How many lig htwe ight balu ns have you bu rn ed ou t already? Instal l t he balun t hat w il l stay up there working year after year. Eleventh Lists.- Should be submitted to "AGRUPACIO RADIOAFICIONATS CAL ELLA", Apartado 1B1, Cal ella (Barcelona) Espana. Closing date: Post mark 1st June 1979. Twelfth .· The station which obtain a total os 50 QSOs will receive morative diploma. 2 Kw CW , 6 Kw PEP input. Our heavy duty balun with mounting bracket for 2" mast or boom . Specify 1:1 or 4:1 rat io , a comme- Thirteenth.· The SWL stations which wish to participate will receive the commemorative diploma by obta ining 150 QSOs. The lists should be submitted to the same address as t hose of the broadcasters. To order, add $2 shipping/handling. California residents add sales tax. CA LE L LA (Costa d"l Maresme) November 1978. TEE QRPERS ARE RESTLESS A couple of weeks back we mentioned tha t s ome of the long docil e QRPers a re taking to swift action and hard words when t hey think they have been trampl ed upon. The recent 3Y1VC from Bouvet found a good many of them beating the drums of rebellion over further ac ceptance of t heir doormat s t a tus . Here i s what one said to the one who ran right over him on the QRM freeway ••••• Lrive Ann Ar bor , Mi chigan Fe brua ry 11, 1 979 4 81 05 Dear W5, I would like to exp ress my unhappi nes s ove r an 1nc1dent tha.t oc curred several da ys ap: o , an incident of:.. wh ich you no dou bt took littl e no tic e. It i s, unfortu natel y , t he ki nd of '1nc id•ent whi ch is t oo often r epeated on t he amE t e ur l:le.nds. I ' had call ed an African station whi ch I nee~e~ op 15 meter SSB , and he res-ponrl.ed by repea ti np: sever al tim'e's ;' "QRZ t he Wl sta t i on , you a r e not too s tronp: OM". As I ans wered again, you called hi m a nrl. compl etely covered me up wi th your very loud s itnuil. P'e ca me back t o you, What mad e me espe c ially a ngr y was y.our c ommen t t hat you had worked him a wee k or two before on thP. same band a nd 1t was " ni~ e to s ee him again". ·· I a m only r unn inp: low power to an indoor dipole. Larp:ely wi t h the indoor dipole a nd al s o a mobile whip , I have wo r ked 296 count ries in my eight years as a ham . Obviously , I hava had to depend on careful listening and sometimes the pat i ence a nd courtesey of other hams. I c ons i der mys e l f for tuna te , th erefore, tha t more of the "big s ignal s" on t he bands a re no t a s greedy and inc onsidera t e as yourself, or my DXCC t o tal would cert ainly be mu ch smaller . Ope r at ing practi ce s suc h as yours make me wonder if my efforts a r e worth it, S1nc ere ly, MADISON has t he Pal omar line . Ph<)ne on the DXers Hot Line for quick ser vice. Only for the Deserving. \olri te the number down •••••• (7·; 3) 658 0268 . Ask for Don! MA DISO r-; f.LEC.. r'HC.:!'. !CS S UP PLY . INC 15 0 8 McKINNE Y H o uSTON . TEX AS 77002 :11 ·~ West ELECTRONICS SUPPLY, INC. Master Charge - VISA ~ - - - - -~ - - - · NEW!EXC/T#NG! BREAKTHROUGH! YAESU FT7B ~ ~ ;, 1508-F McKINNEY • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77002 - ---- -- ---- Transceiver .g ,.. ., ~ 0 -< ~ :; Q ~ c. <f) sg iJ, ~ ~ ;: ~- $675.00 FT7B 100W Input, CW Filter I ·----- - ~-· -- · · - - CALL FOR QUOTES ON: Y AESU KENWOOD FT901 DM TS820S FT625 TS520S FT225 TR7400A ALDA, AMCOMM, ETO ALPHA TEMPO VHF ONE PLUS J ~ '-' J, C' ;,; ~ g [? ~ ~ (") 0 3 '"'' "' ~ ~ ':' ~ Q 5-QRM Enterprises SPRING . TEXAS 77373 T!"1e broad-band charac teri stiCS enab le you to cover the entire phone band with less than 2:1 VSWR. A d istin ctive advantage is the low-noise charac teri stics of t1"1 e antenna. especia ll y effective in reduc ing st atic noises since the antenna is D.C. Ground design. This antenna is constructed of ""higll-quality'" materials and many hou rs of pleas urable operation can be expec ted. -~ 1------- - - - -- - ' OMN I·J & heavy dul y magnet moun I complete TRI EX W 51 FT Self Support Tow er (Reg. $825.00) Your Cos t (F .O.B. Californra). Tonna F9FT Antennas 144/16el RIW 432/19el. KLITZING VHF-UHF Amplifiers 2M lOW In - 100W OUt 432 tOW In - 50 W Out BIRD 43 & Slugs. UPS Paid . Mrcrowave Modules 432·28S . UPS Pard . Tel rex TB5EM. In Stock s= GROUND ·-· ··- ---·-- --- - - - CALL FOR FAST QUOTES SPECIAL ORDERS WELCOME TERMS : All p r1ces FOB Hous10 n. Pnces subJect to c hange without noli ce All items Guar anteed . Som e •te1:'s su bJeCt to prio1 sale. Send le tterhead for Amateur dealers pnce li S\. Texas re~1dents add 6 % tax. Please add po stage e st imate W5GJ . W 5MBB. K5AA0. N5JJ. W51MJ. AG5K. W5VVM. WD5EDE. K5Z D. WD5ABR. WA5TGU. WD5BDX. WB5AYF. K5RC. K5BGB. WB5USV .. Have A N1ce Day' Buy our radios and you will never get static' $49.95 $725.00 $79.95 $59.95 $198.00 $ 198.00 .. Stock $329.00 . - $415.00 . $89.50 $49.95 Stock ETO 76 Amplifiers. $49.95 Lunar 6M·2M·220 In Line Preamps $198.00 Lunar 2M Amp 10-80 wrth Preamp . UPS Para $41.95 Janel QSA-5 . $249.00 CDE HAM ·3. $129.00; HAM· X . Stock VHF Engrs . blue line amps $29.50 Cetron 572B $7.95 Amperex 61468 . · . $0.29 ea Motorola HEP 170 ··$0.19 ea. Mall ory 2.5A/ 1000 PIV Epoxy Dr ode $1.95 AerO\"OX 1000PF/500V Feed thru $7.95 GE 6146B or 8950. Technrcal books: A¥ECO. A RRL. Sams. TAB. Rrder. Cal l Radro Pub .. Callbook . Cowan. many others NEW BELDEN 9405 (2#16) 16#18) 8 wrre Rotor Cable. $0.26/ft. heavy duty for long runs $0.16/ft. 8448. Std . 8-wrre Rotor $0.39/ft." 9888. doub le shield RG8 Foam $0.25/fl. 8214 RGH Foarn $0.21/ft. 8237. RG-8 $0.25/ft. 8267. RG-213 $0.59 Amphonol Silver Plate PL259 TIMES ', · Foarn Hardlrne $0.65/ft Con nec tors $15.00 ea. BE RKT EK RG -SX. 52 o hrn. KW $0 .16/ft. Co n;o l• clateu H D 18 Ga Galv. Tower. 10 Sec $29.95 Robot ··stow Sca n·· Now In Stoc k Ca ll Al l ran ee HD 73 Rotor $109.95 Teletower ·sell support · 55 ft/w brea k over .. . $499.00 THIS MONTH 'S SPECIAL ICOM IC280 - $385.00 BELDEN 8000 #14 Ga. Stranded 6¢/Ft. We cut any length up to 1000 ft. - ~ ~ ~~onna' · 73's Mike WBSUZC • 75 880 - $59.95 • 40 BBD $49.95 GROUND Bulletin April 1979 SPRING b'PECIALS ! MADISON 7131658·0268 Coast~ 4 You've been hearing about 144/146 MHz SWR 1.2: "1 50 ohms Horiz./Vert. length 6.4 m . Wt. 4.4 kg. Side lobe attenuation -- Superb Horizontal aperture 2 x 16 ° (- 3 dB) Vertical aperture 2 X 1r( -- 3 dB) $79.95 9 Element 144-146 . , ..... . . _. . ... .... $39.95 4 Element 144·146 .... . . .. . .... . . .. . . $32.95 MADISON ELECTRONICS SUPPLY, INC. 1508·f' McKINNEY • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77002 713/658·0268 Master Charge- VISA West Coast DX Bulletin 4 April 1979 • FCC MONITORING STATIONS Some months back one close to the Washington scene advised that he considered amateurs as possibly lax in defending their .frequencies by .failing to both report and protest incursions by outsiders into the amateur .frequencies, Citing the well-know Russian Woodpecker as an example, he noted that complaints to the FCC on this violation of the ITO allocations have dwindled and that it is quite possible to have an assertation made at WARC 79 that the interference itself is about nil because the amat~xrs themselves do not pro t est very loudly. When this is pointed out to some amateurs, the often spoken reply is that they figur.e that you-know-who is out manning the barricades to protect the amateil.r · frequencies. To thi-S belief we have often heard a disparaging 'HA! ". Apparently there are some who do not believe. Not only the woodpecker but other incursions bother the amateurs. The Afrikaner Net had to slip down a couple of kcs from their usual frequency because of what they believe to be interference .from commercial sources, The interference has alw~s been a problem in Europe and Africa, now it is bothering the states as well. The following are the full list of the FCC Monitoring Stations and their telephone numbers. If you hear something on the amateur frequencies and are irate enough,' grab your telephone and get their attention, Not once, every time, And if your neighbor does it, that does not mean that two complaints are not better than one, The letters in parentheses are the FCC's two-letter designators for that station, (AL) (AN) (BE) (DS) Allegan ~chigan (616) 673 2063 Anchorage Alaska (907) 344 1011 Belfast, Maine (207) 338 4088 Douglas, Arizon~ (602) 364 2133 (FE) (FL) (KI) (LR) (LV) Ferndale, Wash (206) 354 4892 Fort Lauderdale, Florida (305) 472 5511 Grand Island, Nebraska (308) 382 4296 Kingsville, Texas (512) 592 2531 Laurel, Mary-land (301) 725 3474 L~vermore, Calif, (415) 447 3614 (PS) (SS) (WA) Powder Springe, Georgia (404) 943 4794 Sabana Seca, Puerto Rico (809) 784 3772 Watch Officer, FCC Washington Of.fice (202) 632 6975 (WP) Waipahu, Hawaii (GI) (808) 677 3954 If you want relief •••• permanent type relief • ••• from the problems on the amateur bands, you might as well face the fact that a lot of it is a do-it-yourself task • 0 0 0 0 0 I l l l l l l l l l l f f f f fl l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ______ M A G I C 0 M _ _ _____ TS-520/TS-820 OPERATORS! UPDATE YOUR KENWOOD/TRIO TO INCLUDE RF CLIPPING BY • Increase Power Output M A G I c0 • Improve Speech Quality M • Reduce Background Pick-Up 18-520/5208 T8·820/8208 MAGICOM RF SPEECH PROCESSOR MAGICOM RF PROCESSOR MODULE This M A G I C 0 M replaces the fact ory aud;o processor with an RF clipper This M .A. G I C 0 M modifies the factory RF compressor to an RF clipper. $40 P.P. USA $43 Air Mail Elsewhere $25 P.P. USA $28 Air Mail Elsewhere MAGICOM P.O. BOX 85&2A BELLEVUE, WA 88007 \<les-t Coast IlX :Bulletin 4 _.ill5PORTS FROM E&."'U April 1979 :l.'he glo:rions DX that fooled me in my youth, :t'he sw·eet mirage th~.t lured me on i t s t r ack, Is i'olmd again . Ten meters is back ••••• EYJ~_l&.!!IEL 2!N2.11'l~-'f!:l~..}Ib.1t'~.l AP2TN C5.AllJi CN2AQ. CB8AE :tt1li.6A1J 28040/0205/\1ar 2il0 36/2205/l'Ja.r 25037/1915/Mar 2800fJ/OJ05/Nru: 28036/2205/Na:c 22w 20e 24w 26w 20m 25m 21w J.J."""Z'i·~~. ;~(;6 ~ '!/)1!.05/Ha.r ~-i ~-.r -~~';5. 22/0315/r4ar 20\11 J6wrr :)135o5/20JO;'Mar 20m E~.J)FZ .FC2CH 28051/1lJ05f1a.r .TF1 COEj.JJJ1 280)!2/ 0010 ~:·> LX1BJ 28027/1900/Mar 26.·!'"! LX1!•1L 28025/1455/Ma.r :20e OX3AY 280'15/0216/Ma.r '_:5Ci.':~/ i·' 7 2.S/v;-,;;,.:J..· ~.~-:· l{'B)tTFE 28;)7C:/1620/.Mar AP2XS llX6N.t7;Y. 2'3:)J+3/0l,J0/1•1ax CJ;'JV 28')11/1650/r.lar OKJTAB/D2A 28615/2110 DU9RG 28573/0JhO/Max EA9Y.D 2855Lv'1!+05/Nar 1'Gyo!DYN/FS7 2fl55ol1615 dNHJ 28505/0030/Nar H~1LA 28505/2305/Ma.r :;t!'l~!i;[~ 28')67/1615/Ma.r 22e J6LC-L 28550/2005(Mar 22m 1 JG1IVI/JD1 28538/00.35 22e JTyjDJT 2850':'/0040/Mar 20w .Ji9DI 28650/1.300/Mar 22e KG6G:P 285" 16/2210/Ma.r 21e KJ:I6JHJ/Kfll.~ 28':)8?/0025 20e KX6P~c 28 1)10/0200/0ften KZ50J 28505/2030/Ma.r 20m O.D5EP 28563/1650/Ma.r 19w OK2Biffi 28509/1545/r-!ar 20w 22w 19w 16m 23w 2010' 13··• 2'1e 20e 18w UK7FAS VP1KG VR6HI VRJAH VD2GO VS5PM 28046/15 15/Mar 28021/2235/Mar 28007/ 2040/ Mar 2800 .3/ 1920/Mar 28038/1325/Ma.r 28020/0 300/Mar 20e 21m 25w 20m 21 e 2611' YA1AH ZB2CJ 6W8AAD 9H1 CH 9N1BMK 9V1RS 28033/1 655/Mar 28026/21 00/Mar 28060/1540/Ma.r 28020/ 1445/11a.r 28007/ 0 300/Mar 2802LV0400/Mar 8w?? 20e 21 e 26w 22m 25w U~.JBD 28582/01 15/Mar UA¢:F\;D 28523/0305/Mar UD6DIF 28518/ 0400/Ma.r UI80AA 28577/0.355/r-la:r UI8ZAC 28516/1830/Mar UJ'8XCW 28568/0!,.20/l'lar \JK¢FAJ 28508/ 0415/Ma.r U17NAN 28535/0JOO/Mar UK2RDA 28525/1 430/Mar UJ,7NAF 28525/ 0330/Mar VP2SK 28507/034.5/Mar 19e 20w 20w 22w 21w 22vl 20w 2·1w 1,5w 21w 23w VQ9KK 28550/ 1625/Ma.r 19w VQ9MR 28570/ 1620/Mar 18m VR1AW 28')10/0 145/Mar 20e VU2DK 28583/1605/Ma.r 18e VK2DCA/VK9N 28595/0040 23m YB,0ACN 2855Lv'0120/Mar 22e JD2UP 28505/2030/Mar 20m ZS3JJ 2858lv'1 905/Mar 20m ZSJE 285g2/20 35/Max 20m 5B4-!JF 28543/1 .3'1 0/Ma.r 19e 9M2IJ:'! 28609/0055/Mar 22e six/FORTY .... i:&1IGHTY ,~ ;...:;.t.~----~-- YJ8PD 50,.110/0825/l1ar 22kh C5A:BX 700Lv'OS15/Ma.r 21m J"28AG 7004/0325/Mar 19m SP5BLI 7022/0 100/Mar 23e DL7CAD 7003/0100/Ma.r 19m VR6HI 701 0/0500/Mar 25w 4Z4DX 700 1/0210/Ma.r 15m VQ9KK AH2C J 80Lv'1400/Mar 22w K¢AX/DU2 3790/1230/Mar 24w VP1KG 379W0450/Mar 23w '~2MEe 3502/041 0/Mar 26w VK6AS 3685/1050j:lrJar VR6HI 350LV0630/Mar YN1Z 3502/0220/Mar WA6VNR/6W8 3505/0415 YN1 S 3787/0.515/Ma.r 2Jw VP2MOC 379W041 5/Mar 24w J A1PIG/PZ 3785/0455 22w !..l<'RI CA 19-.r eb1< 26w 26w 7007/1415/Ma.r 26w CW C5A.BZ FH8CL FR7BN FR7BW FR7BP 21026/0130/Ma r 20e 14022/1 520/llia.r 24l< 14040/0405/Max 22e 14023/1255/Mar 23e 21045/9335/Ma.r 24e FRTJP 1LuYI2/1455/I%.r 25vr FP7ZL/~' 140 10/1450/Mar25w J28AG 1lo~032/03!6/Mar 25e J28AG SU1NI }B8CF 5H3GK 21017/0500/Ma.r 14032/0345/I'lar 14029/14J5/Mar 21012/2105/Mar 6vi8AA.D 14076/0100/Ma.r 6W8EX 21009/0140/Mar WA6~~6W8 21028/0150 WA6VNR/6vJ8 14025/0055 22m 25e 26w 2)w 21w 21w 8G1LK 21061 /0400~r 9J2BO 14005/0500/~ 9J2JN 14048/1525/Ma.r ON4VL/9Q5 21026/0255 9X50M 14022/2040/Mar 22w 2Jw 25w# 25e 20e 25e 23e ~&.§.ll A2CBW 1)-1218/1515/Mar CTJBZ 142'10/0405/Mar OKJTA:B/D2A 21}10/00 15 OK3TA:B/ D2A 14207/2115 EA9FD 21282,12.-·20/Mar EA9GJ 14280/00'15/Mar EL2PN 21348/17 30/Mar ASIA 25w# 26m 26m 21 ,, 20m 22l< 27m FB8XV 11~252/1440/Mar 24H VQ9RO FH80N 11.!209/1415/I•lax 23m VQ9TC S8AA!1 14225/1505/Ma.r 24w# VQ9KK ST2SA 1h212/140C/l'ia7: 23m VQ.?~J? S'I)iRK 14225/1525/Har 2.5w# V\l.''RT.. TJ1BE 14220/1950;i~r 20m '{'.'2AV TU2GA 1~220/08?5/l·lar 25w jlA1BS GW JT1KAA A4XHI 21009/1816/Mar 21m TA2BAV A5 1PN 14065/1310/Mar 24e U.Ay1wA1!' AP2TN 14022/1425/Mar 25w A9XCE 14012/ 1435/Mar 25w# U~YT U~AAK BV2A 14026/141.5/Mar 25w tr.D6DLJ CR9AJ 14039/15.30/Mar 22w UF6F.DB JR1 EBE/ JD1 21028/0425 29w UF6FAG JR1EBE/JD1 14029/1450/0h ASIA SS~ A9XCS BV2B CR9AJ CR9AJ A9XBD 14252/1340/~~ 14220/1335/Mar 14.331/1530/Mar 1320/0000/Mar 14202/1510/l'lar 14221/1235/Mar 213.33/01'15/Mar 1l!2'll</'rO)J;;'/Ma.r 1!.!220/1 400/Mar 14275/2150/Mar HL9KE HL9DN HL91TX HZ1TA .Ji1 14245/1440/VJ.a.r 1422lV1610/Mar 14202/1300fl1ax 21305/2215/Mar 14308/1500/Mar 21280/2005/Ma:r14225/1530/Mar 22e 2om 20·~ 27m 21v;# 20e 22m 20m 21m 22e JYjZH .rr5us -T1)2l1i J"i5A.4Ji .Ji9:DT JT1AN OD5FB OD5MR UF6RB D.'6HE 'i4045/12l,~/t'iar 23e 1405W03JC/Mar 14017/0045/Mar 2101W0325/I'1a.r 21031/1655/Nar 14015/0055/M.a.r 14035/2155/Mar 24w 23e 22e 2~e 25e 21e i)..003/00L~5/Har 23e 21308/2015/Mar 14204/1530/Mar 14225/0530/.Ma.r 14225/1630/Mar 'li.J,212/054.5/Ma.r 21320/0110/Mar 14190/0310/Mar 21279/2000/Mar 1/.!267/04'15/Mar 1421 i/0335/Mar 22m 22m 22w 2hr 21w 20m 23e 2Jw 20e 21 w UF6.FN UG6LT UH8HBR UH8EU 21080/1950,/Mro.· 2'1080/18JO/.Ma.r 2o08 3/1540/1-1ar 14016/0310/Mar JH8F~ 14020/2110/Max -~TI8ACJ, 21022/05.30/!•'!ar UI8AG!i '!I.;D12/01}~0/Nar !JI8Amf '!J+\!02/0505/Ma.r 22m 5HJKS 14236/1500/Mar 25w 5H3GK 21260/2030/Mar 20m# 5T5ZR 14220/0825/Mar 24w 7X2BK 14220/2150/Mar 20w 9G1KB 142 1lV0710/Mar 22m 9G1 JV 21358/1940/ Max 2~'4# 9X5PP 14275/211 5/Mar 23w 22m 25w 2Je 21w 20m 20e 22e UI8AAF 21040/1720/r.lar 23w 23w · UJ 8AE 14001/0 205/V~r 20e 23w UK'{NAR 14006/0 125/Mar 23e 23e UK8FAA 21022/0530/Mar 22e 22e UM8MBA 21038/1310/Mar 21e 22e TA2BAV 1405W0330/Mar 24w 25e VS6.AK 14020/1 215/Mar 23e 23w UI8AEW 21290/0200ft!a.r 20e U'i:8JAA 1421~8/0)20/·fu.:r 22w UL7LA 14228/12.35/.Max 23m T.JM8Fz 14206/1250/Ma.r 22m# VS6AK 1421 1/1225/l·la:r 21e VS6DA 21.330/00 15/Mar 20e YK1AN 14225/1330/M.a.r 21m# YU2FJ)D/YI 14203/2300 22m 4S7JL 14215/1 230/Mar 23m 4S7EA 1),.211/0030/Ma.r 22m 5B4EP 9K2DX ')J.l2PV 9l'l2KN 9V1TE 14252/ 0450/Mar 14215/1420/Mar 14216/1240/Mar 1421J/ 15LIO/Mar 14225/1 740/}lar 23m 22m 2Jm 22m 24w West Coast DX Bulletin 4 April 1979 Oh, And Not Can MIRE RED EYED LOUIE EUROPE GW 14062/0720j)Ia.r 14028/04JOhJar 21017/1855/Mar 21045/1650/Mar 22w 21w 21w 23w 21e 20e 20e 22w 21w 22w 14214/0010,/Ma.r 21310/2350,/Ma.r 2128)/1715/Ma.r 14223/0455/Ma.r OK21lJli 21335/2030/Mar SP5EJV 14223/0515/Ma.r 25w 26m 26m 21w 20m 20w TA1MB UA6JAD UR2FA UW1CX Y02BM YT2D 14207/0400/Ma.r 14223/0450j)Ia.r 14204/0335/Mar 14224/0400j)Ia.r 14206/0620/Ma.r 14229/0520/Ma.r 24w 25w 21e 23e OX3RA P~9BL PJ8VL VR6HI 14007/0200/Ma.r 14024/1510/Mar 21026/01)0/Mar 21007/06)0,/Ma.r 24w 24w 20e 25w VR6HI VS5:FM VS5SW 14007/0335/Ma.r 25e 14036/1530/Mar 20e 14029/1440/Ma.r 26w 25w 20w 24w 20w 20w 23w 20w FWBAD 14210/1130/Mar AC4Y/KH2 14227/1225 KX6BU 14338/12~ WA4CFOjKx6 14209 1230 OX)BA 14235/2345/Mar P29BL 14201/1230/.I'!'!.r P29PN 14252/1300/Mar 20e 23m 23m 23m 21w 20e 20e VK6RU VK9XI VP1KG VP8SO VP8SM VP8S.U VR3AH 14211/1250/Ma.r 21e .14201/1340/Ma.r 21m 21286/2315/Mar 21m 14275/2115/Ma.r 20e 14275/2120/Mar 20e 14240/0230/0ften · 14211/1105/Mar 24m DK6AX/LX 14028/0700 . , .22w DK6AX/LX 21014/1)00 20e OK1KHI 14048/o6ooj)Ia.r 21w OY9K 14001/2300/Mar 23m EUROPE C!I'2BB EA6DX GD4HOO GJ2LU GUiJEON Is¢oRJ I have roamed o'er many lands many f:ciends I've met; one fair word or kindly emile this DXer forget • • ••• .UA6PBA UN1AU U050GV ZB2CJ SSB 14245/2140j)Ia.r 21358/1940,/Ma.r 21358/1940/Mar 14247/0620/Ma.r 21353/1830hJar 14209/0720/Mar ELSEWEERES 20e 20w 24m 24m 21w 21w ZB2CJ ZB2DV 9H1FN 9H4L 14263/2255/Ma.r 21358/1940/Mar 21351/2000/Mar 21355/2030/Mar 14214/0740/Mar 22e 20e 20m 20m 22w VS5TX YJ8FS 3D2UP 3D2BM 8P6JD H44TP 14204/1530/Ma.r 14235/1025/Mar 14216/1340/Mar 14291j111 ojMar 14220/2345/Mar 14248/1030/Mar 21m 20w 20e 24m 26m 20w 9H4H GW DU10R 14027/1500/Mar FG¢DYM/FS 14002/0110 KJ6BZ 21039/0455/Mar KL7JEF 14004/0305/Mar ELSEWEERES IP7VCA IT9AZS IB$CJA LZ1FF SSB ~'.AE 14181/1420/Ma.r DU6FG 14210/1045/Ma.r DU9RG 14244/1525 WA1~DU2 14275 1035 K)FSS U2 1420 1045 F01ZS 14225/17~ FG¢DYM/FS7 14225 1015 (e =eastern states m =middle states w =western reaches kh = hawaii, . etc. all times in ~t) _(#=long path ??? = Slim ••••• again! Usually found on c.w ... a good operator .... a horrj..~le QSLer ) SPRATLY A co·irple weeks back the NEUE ZURCHER ZEITUNG, a newspaper published in Switzerland, had an article titled: "Contested Islands in the South China Sea". As they talk of the Spratly and Paraoel groups, the article might be interesting to DXers. It was translated by Ed Richmond, W4MGN, During the middle ct: Se!ltember 1974, eight and a half months before the end of the Indochina War, Peking sent ,~arships and naval marines to the Paracel Islands locared in the South China Sea. 'Ihe South Vietnamese troops who had seized the islands back in the 1950s were forced to capitulate. By this action Peking obviously intended to s teal a march on Hanoi which had already sent a sharp protest note to the Chinese government. Todalf, a Soviet flotilla cruises the area of the paracels on which the Chinese maintain a garrison of 1000 men. For the Soviet Union, an attack on the small archipelago would be an: operation which would cost relatively little and would scarcely brong on international complications. Along with the Paraoels, the Spratly Islands are part of the dispute between Peking and Hanoi. Both Island groups extend over a giant area in the South China Sea and consist of hundreds of atolls and reefs which are again and again visited by typhoons and heavy storms. 'Ihe Paraoels extend over 200 kilometers from west to east and over 130 kilometers from north to south. 'Ihe most western islands of this group are 270 kilometers from the Chinese Island of Hainan and 300 kilmeters from the coast of central Vietnam. The Vietnamese base their claim to both island groups on the groupds that they had already been occupied and developed by the then kingdom of Annam under King Gia Long in 1802. On the islands seaweed, bird-nesting, and bird eggs were being harvested. 'Ihe French colonial government scarecly bothered about the islands which fell into Japanese hands at the beginning of World War II. At that time support bases were set up for the Imperial Japanese fleet. After the Japanese capitulated, Nationalist Chinese troops occupied Itu Aba, the main island in the Spratly group, and on which Taiwan still maintains a garrison of 600 men. Not until the beginning of 1974 did South Vietnamese troops occupy seven islands in the Spratly group, from which they were driven shortly before the end of the VietNam War by the armed forces of Hanoi, Since the 1960s the Philippine government has also expressed an interest in the Spratly islands and appropriated six of them on which they have stationed 1000 mari~s~ On the island of Pagasa the Philippines have also built a landing strip for airplanes. Along with ,China, and Vietnam Taiwan and the ::W.lippines also lalf claim to the Spratlys. 'Ihe Philippine claim is purely geograph!n~and geol~gical, since the ~slands lay very near Palawan, the most westerly island in the Phillippine group and the Spratlys are allegedly a part of the shelf of the Philippine island group. Peking claims sovereignity over all the islands in the South China Sea and supports their claims on arguments that reach far back into history. As ' proof ', archeologial finds have been located, these which are without a doubt, Chinese in origin and go back to the Han Dynasty of the second century B.C. Under the Ming Dynasty the islands were a part of the Chinese kingdom and were colonized by Chinese from Hainan and can be found on ~cient maps . Todalf, with the exception of the soldiers and personnel in weather stations, scarcely anyone lives on the inhospitable islands, Through their position in the middle of the South China Sea, the Paracel and Spratly Islands are of certain str~tegic importance , From them the s ea routes from the Indian to the Pacific Ocean can be partly controlled. Pek~ng seems to fe ar that one day the Russians will attempt to occupy the islands, seven of which are still held by the Vietnamese. Both island groups are rich in phosphate deposits and their waters are among the richest fish· J: g waters in As i a., so rich that even the fishermen from Hong Kong will dare to enter. It i.a also guessed the , . ;era of the shel fs of both island groups ID8lf be rich in oil deposits. West Coast DOC Bulletin 4 April 1979 CALENDAR 1S1DX should be on now if everything fell into place VR6HI currently doing big c.w. business PY¢APS and PY)6MAG in May YV¢AA about April 28th Reports persist •••• something may show in April K7ISX from VP2M late this month Wiesbaden Radio Club aiming for late May ZL1ADI may make a Manihiki effort in May •••• OE6EEG scouting for some Red Sea Activity OK3TAB/DC2A being heard on several bands April 7/8th April 11/12th April 18/19th April 28/29th May 12/13th May 26/27th This Weekend!! Downtown Fresno at the Hilton. April 7/8th SPRATLY PITCAIRN FERNANDO DE NORONHA AVES FRANZ JOSEF MONTSERRAT LIECHENSTEIN MANIHIKI ABU AIL ANGOLA ARCI QRP PARTY DX-IL to VEjw...YL-CW DX-YL to vE/1Jl-YL-PHONE PACC DUTCH CONTEST USSR CQ:-M TEST CQ WW wPX CW TEST FRESNO INTERNAT~ONAL ,rff, ~~ ~'1#1/i'Iyr, ~'# p, f#lf ~'#p,~'11'11'I I¥1'14'1 r; ;;, , 1 1 1 r, ,,,, 1 r;, n rrr1 ' r;;;,;; ; rrrvh'rrrrrrl r1 ' rrr ~rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr , IY!Jll I~,ri,lf~!l/ , Ii'IVV4, V I~~ ,V I~~~'A'~~~~ I I I I~'h' Ii'J/ Yi';VA',VA kkA; I I I I ' I I , I I I I I I I I I , "' I I II I I M-TRON New Gear Sea led Cartons D X'er Prices P.o. Box 833 Altaville, Califomia 95221 (209) 736 2612 Doug ~a.Y W6HVN I ! A'rL.~s: HY-G,\IN: rtX-:!.10 S0-10M RECEivER ..••••.. • $199. TX-llOL 80-lOM TFAH5MITTER ••••• $139. TX-llOH BC-10~ TRANaMITTER ••••• $219. PS-110 AC PI)WE;:: 3UPPLY •••••••. , $ 79. 210X 80-10:.1 SSB TTI.!.NSCEIVER ••.• $649. 215X 160-15M SSB TRANSCEIVER ..• $649. 220C8 iiC PO',JEH SUPPLY CONSOL E .. $129. DMK DELUXE MOBILE MOUNT .. . . ... . $ 45. l4AV~7~B 10-40M TRAP VERTICAL •• $ 55. li3AVT/\I'B 10-SOU TRz~P V<;ETIC:!\L •• $ '19. TH:.;r.;r:3 3EL 10-15-20M BEA'1!. ••••• $175. TH0DXX GEL 1G-b-20M BfNrl •.•••• $199. l05B,~ ,;r·:L 1 01! MONO BAND BEz".M ••• $ 95. l5:>0A :>EL i.5M ;.IONO BAND BEAM ••• $ 59. :W·1BA ·~r~L 20!! MOKO BAND BEAM ••• $169. CUR'!' IS: lC-211 2~" l''!d/SSB VHF TRA~SCEIV. $729. !COM: EK-430 EL~CTRO~IC KEYER •••• • • • • $110. Nrc: R.L. DRAKE: 104R 4PJ,rP REGULATED 13. 6\'DC PS. $ 35. lOC.H 8AMP REGUUTED 13.6VDC PS.$ 45. 'if~-7 Alr:"IENNA TUNER 160-lOM 25GW WITH B-100(1 BALU~'i (4: 1) .•••.•. • .• •• • $165. SHURE: 404CPTT HI-Z HAND mKE •.••..•• $ 25. 4<'14 PTT/VCX :n-z DESK MIKE •• • •• $ 35. !B-7 SPEAKSR (Tfc-7) •• • ..•..•••• $ ?9. V:J-i •• ';' I''AT'TI.:ZT.t:R/SWR 1. 8-5-!:.mz ••• $ 73. 15~:·;:, :1 TOUCHTo:;;E MICROPHONE • • •• $ 45. * * ·* * I Ttl. I-E;·; TOWERS: iJIG"""".:DI~>CDGN'!'S ON .E..L i•!ODELS - ASK f·on QUOTE WHEN VOLi: P.EADY TO BUY! California. residents only ••• a.dd 6% sales tax. All prices FOB Altaville, California. MASTERCHARGE - VISAj:B.A.C okay! Price and availability subject to change without notice ••• SEND SASE FOR 5096 OFF ON CLOSEOU'l' ITEMS -- ~ The FCC has extended the grace period for renewal of Amateur Radio licenses to five years. Any person who has let his amateur radio q>erator's license to expire, m~cy regain his operator privileges without reexamination i f it has been five years or less since the date of expiration. You can get all the details on this in the Maur QST. MARION ISLAND Sid Coosner, ZSW'!G, has passed the word along to K50VC that ZS6BEE will be going out to Marion Island to relieve the present operator there, ZS1TD. Marion Island is on the air from time to time but never enough to satisfy all the demand. Much of the operation there depending on the inclination of the operators at the weather station. St. BARTHELEMY We got a fast response on this one, W6RGQ forwarding a copy of the QSL for FGjil'DWT/FS received back in the first part of the year from F6CTK. Apparently the cards are out •••• for some. Also the queries still come in. FGjil'DXS/FS and FGjil'EUU/FS were the other stations active with this group. TNX to W1AB, W1AM, W1JZ, W1MV, K1RHt' K1UO, W1VV, WA1YTC, W1YY, W2AG, W2FP, W2HAZ, W2NC, K20F, WB2RLK/VE1, W)ODJ, WB4EDD, W4JID, W4J{A, W4LCL, AA4T, W4UF, N4WX, N4XJC, K5DUT, K50VC, W5YH, N6AIT, WA6BJS, K6EC, WA6FIT, WB6GJF, W6JD, K6JG, N6Jlo!, W6KPC, K6LAEA AJ6M, W6MUS, W6PT, W6RGQ, K6RV, WB6RSE, K6SX, WA6TLA, WA6TOO, W6TSQ, K6UFT, W6VD, WB6VTE, K6VR, WB6ZUC, K7ABV, W7BCT, W7LR, N7MW, K7NO, WA70BH, W7QJC, W7ULC, N7UT, W8II, K8MN, K8NA, W8QWI, K8RD, W8UVZ, KBW, W9BG, W9DH, N9DX, K9JS, W9SC, W9SS, W9TC, WJ,1BW, WA¢KDI, WJ,1PT, WJ,1UQD, KH6BZFf f f f f KH6JWK, KV4FZ, DJ8CF. f f f WEST COAST DX BULLETIN Published every week by the Marin County DX Group. Last week a QRPer came trotting up the hill, excitement bubbling all around him, "Heard the news?" he asked and for a moment we thought we might have missed the true-blue BY station. "It's the Fresno International," the QRPer said, drawing up back on track, "they are going to have this. big debate on lists, Regular debate rules and everything, One fellow will defend lists, the other one will tear them apart. Some are anticipating that the massacre might be ' worst than the Little Big Horn. It's going to be big!" We had to f'u=ow our brow. at this for though the years are marked with disputes over lists, they are always with us. We had to know more and our questions had the QRPer shaking his head. "Some are pushing the idea that contacts made via a list operation should not be accepted for DXCC credit. And there are some even s~cying that m~cybe they should take a poll of the DXers at the Fresno International and tell the DXAC Committee what to do, Two, possibly even more, of the DXAC will be there, ~ sure will be interesting," We were hearing the words but the plot was eluding us . "How do they figure to control things i f the DX stations wants a list operation," we asked, figuring to get this one out of the w~cy before asking the next one. The QRPer waved his hands airily. "Oh, some s~cy they just pass along the idea to the DXAC and let them work out the details. Maurbe something like a 'banned list' or some thing like that. With all the new help back at the nxcc desk, they should ee able to figure something out." We were still groping but we lalew that the answer might be near though we could not yet recognize it. "And what happens i f the DX station says that he does not care about what the DXAC, the DXCC, the Fresno International or anyone else s~cys? That he will work anyone any w~cy he likes. What happens then?" Maybe we should not have asked that question for immediately the QRPer started to smile. "Mau'be they will just disqualify any W/K for working· a list station or a banned station and i f they cannot work the W/Ks, who can they work? Have you thought about that?" Son of a Gun! At this point we figured that we had the picture, we had heard the tune but was not understanding the words. And we recalled the words of one who had said them a decade or so back, "Heck, there's nothing I like better than to smash my way through a pile-up and work the station, And the bigger the pile-up, the more I enjoy it!" And though we may seek to have things restructured in our own images, these are sometimes difficult to achieve. We may not have all the answers but we have an unlimited variety of questions and a few answers that maybe do not match, But ask us the moveable subscription rates and we have a form prepared for every question, •••• within our list, of course. Ask,, , , • i f you must! JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ USPS 090 570 West Coast DX Bulletin 77 Coleman Drive San Rafael, Calif. 94901 ~...t ,~, • t\ts:S (i\tl