thunderbowl lanes detroit open
thunderbowl lanes detroit open
DETROIT OPEN Detroit Open : Schedule & Ticket Pricing Presented by noon - 1 p.m. $10 2 p.m. – 3 p.m. $10 6 p.m., 8 p.m. $15 SATURDAY, march 10, 2012 A Squad Qualifying (9 Games) Spectator Pass B Squad Qualifying (9 Games) 9 a.m. – 2 P.m. $20 4 P.m. – 9 p.m. CUT TO THE TOP 24 Spectator Pass All Day Pass $20 $30 SUNDAY, march 11, 2012 Match Play Round 1 (6 Games) Spectator Pass Match Play Round 2(7 Games) Spectator Pass xtra frame stepladder finals Spectator Pass All Day Pass 9 A.m. – Noon $20 1:30 p.m. – 5 P.m. $20 6 p.m. – 7:30 P.m. $30 $50 To Purchase Tickets: Pro-am entries & event tickets: thunderbowl lanes THUNDERBOWL LANES Allen Park, MI 313.928.4688 FRIDAY, MARCH 9 SUNDAY, MARCH 11 PRO-AM FRIDAY MARCH 9 6 PM & 8:30 PM Thunderbowl Lanes 4200 Allen Road Allen Park, MI 48101 313.928.4688 FRIDAY, march 9, 2012 Practice (A Squad) Spectator Pass Practice (B Squad) Spectator Pass pro-am All Day Pass TOM SMALLWOOD MIKA KOIVUNIEMI 2009 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP WINNER 2011 TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS WINNER Thunderbowl Lanes 4200 Allen Road Allen Park, MI 48101 313.928.4688 HOW DO YOU EARN IT? Pro-Am Entry & Ticket Orders PRO-AM PACKAGES base PackageS: Adult $75 | SENIOR $65* | JUNIOR $35 1. Complete the Following NAME:D.O.B.(MM/YY): / ADDRESS: CITY: STATE:ZIP:USBC Card #: EMAIL:PHONE: Let us enhance your experience by maintaining a customer file for you and keeping you up to date about specials, programs and discounts. (PBA takes its obligations under privacy laws seriously, so it is asking up front for the following consent.) By including my email I authorize PBA and its agents to collect this information and use it to maintain its relationship with me and to contact me regarding offers, programs and discounts. I authorize PBA to send me discounts and other communications by e-mail. I am 13 years of age or older. 2010-11 AVERAGE: (Min. 21 games. If N/A use 2009-10 average) 2011 highest book average: (Min. 21 games. if none highest current 2010-11 season sheet average min. 21 games. If none enter at 220) FRIENDS / AMATEURS I’D LIKE TO BOWL WITH: *senior must be 50 years of age or older • $1,000 first place guaranteed based on 200 adult/senior entries in adult division only • Autographed PBA Professional pin for Junior Division finalist (20 years of age or younger) • Bowl three (3) games of 9 pin no-tap with six (6) PBA Tour Professionals • Coaching by the world’s best bowlers • PBA Yearbook • PBA Photograph & Photo Holder • One (1) Free Spectator Pass to Pro-Am DISCLAIMER / WAIVER: I understand and agree that neither the PBA nor the host center shall be liable, in any way, for any personal injury suffered by me and /or any other participant before, during or after the event. BALL UPGRADE: 503C series Track ball $100 | 811A series Track ball $130 2. Select Day & Time q q thunderbowl lanesfriday, March 9, 2011 3. Select Your Package: q $75 ADULT BASE PACKAGE q $65 SENIOR BASE PACKAGE q $35 JUNIOR BASE PACKAGE 6 p.m. 8:30 p.m. • Core: Packman • Differential (Inter): .003 • Veneer: MP GEN 4C Reactive Pearl • Surface: 800, 1000, 2000, 4000 Polished • Lane Condition: Medium to Dry SELECT BOWLING BALL WEIGHT q 14lb q 15lb q 16lb q q $130 Track 800 Series BALL UPGRADE q $100 Track 500 Series BALL UPGRADE q Track 503C Series Track 503C Series $ Pro-Am Details & Rules 4. Select Your passes Spectator Pass Spectator Pass All Day Pass $10 $10 $15 SATURDAY, march 10, 2012 Spectator Pass Spectator Pass All Day Pass $20 $20 $30 X____=____ Qty X____=____ Qty X____=____ Qty Qty X____=____ X____=____ X____=____ SUNDAY, march 11, 2012 Spectator Pass Spectator Pass Spectator Pass All Day Pass 5. Week Pass Event Pass Qty $20 $20 $20 $50 X____=____ X____=____ X____=____ X____=____ $75X X____=____ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $ Qty 6. Select Your Payment METHOD OF PAYMENT: q CASH CARD NUMBER: q CHECK q MASTERCARD EXP: q VISA q AMERICAN EXPRESS q DISCOVER SIGNATURE: NAME AS IT APPEARS ON CARD: Make checks payable to Thunderbowl Lanes and send entry form to Attn: Thunderbowl Lanes. No checks accepted after 3/1/2012. Track 811A series Track 811A Series pro-am entry total FRIDAY, march 9, 2012 • Core: “Legion 2 Turbo” • Core Type: Asymmertrical • Differential (Inter): .011 • Veneer: “SE8” GEN1 with Crystalline Mica • Surface: 500, 1000, 2000 Polished • Lane Condition: Medium-Heavy to Medium CODE NUMBER • Aggregate prize fund payout based on all Saturday Adult Pro-Am Entries (Payout: 1 in 10) • Bowl three (3) games of 9 pin no-tap with six (6) PBA Tour Professionals (Saturday Pro-Am) • PBA Tour Professionals move every five (5) frames • Amateur’s three (3) game total pinfall (including handicap based on 90% of 220) will determine his/her final score • PBA Tour Professionals’ scores do not count towards amateur’s final score • All amateurs without an approved average will bowl scratch • Please contact center for lane assignments • Please arrive one (1) hour before scheduled squad time for prompt check-in • All Pro-Am prizes subject to average verification • PBA Tour Professionals are subject to change without notice
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