CATALOGUE 2016 Ambreed BETTER COWS | BETTER LIFE BREED THE HERD YOU LOV E TO MILK! Front Cover: 10, 11 and 12 year old daughters - Oliver & Sons, Umawera, Okaihau. PR O LON GE V Insight Y IT N O I T C DU in performance and genetic capacity CRV Ambreed has a strong belief about the cow needed in the future. She needs to be healthy, productive and efficient, live longer, and be easy to get in calf. This is reflected in our CRV Result Navigator. RESULT NAVIGATOR by applying solutions Plan progress in performance and genetic capacity HEA L T H CY N E I IC F EF CRV Improve BREEDING IS A HIGHLY VALUABLE, LONG-TERM ACTIVITY The CRV Ambreed average cow will produce 450kg milksolids on pasture-dominated diets. She’ll be an efficient converter of feed to milk, and more environmentally efficient. She will last longer, be strong and capacious and have great udders to produce high milk volumes. Your breeding decisions made today will be seen in three years when the progeny enters your milking herd. Gains made will accumulate each year over the lifetime of the cow. CRV progeny will return more profit annually and live longer. Our consultants will use the CRV Result Navigator when sitting down with you to select the right genetic solutions and herd services to meet your herd improvement goals. To build the value of your herd, talk to your local CRV Ambreed Consultant today! F E R TILIT Y INTRODUCING THE CRV AMBREED TOOLKIT: START HERE PLANNING WHAT GENETICS ARE RIGHT FOR MY HERD? WHAT SIRES ARE AVAILABLE? GENETIC SOLUTIONS HOLSTEIN FRIESIANS NEW ZEALAND SIRES ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION HOW DO I MAKE THE BEST MATING CHOICE FOR MY COW? WHAT DO I NEED FOR MY STRAWS ON FARM? AI UNIT BETTER LIFE HEALTH JERSEYS BETTER LIFE EFFICIENCY CROSSBRED BUY OR HIRE We do on-farm delivery A2 REDS TEST WEIGHT SERVICE FACIAL ECZEMA ONCE-A-DAY SIRYX SEXED SEMEN GLOBAL GENETICS SHORT GESTATION FERTABULL SIREMATCH IS MY COW ON HEAT? CRV ESTROTECTTM HEAT DECTECTORS GLOBAL SIRES HOLSTEIN FRIESIANS JERSEYS CROSSBRED LN2 REDS DAIRYBEEF / BEEF TO BEEF HOW DO I AI MY COWS? HOW CAN I ACCESS TOMORROWS GENETICS TODAY? CRV PROGENY TEST PROGRAMME INSIRE BULLS Look for the INSIRE icon on the bull pages HOW DO I CHOOSE MY BULL TEAM? CRV SELECT NOMINATED GENETICS SIREMATCH ü CRV AI TECHNICIAN CAN I LEARN TO AI? CRV AI TRAINING SCHOOLS DIY AI TECH TRAINING CONTINUED HERD IMPROVEMENT CONTENTS HERD MANAGEMENT HOW DO I RECORD MY AI MATINGS? WHAT ARE MY EAR TAG OPTIONS? PORTABULL BIRTH PACKS WHO ARE MY BEST COWS? HERD TESTING FARM MGMT BEEF REPLACEMENT TAGGERS READERS HOW DO I UNDERSTAND & MANAGE MY HERD INFO? CRV INSIGHT WHO’S THE DADDY? ? DNA PARENTAGE TESTING CALL US! 0800 262 733 BULL PACK OPTIONS 6 CRV SELECT NOMINATED GENETICS 6 8 GENETIC SOLUTIONS 9 BETTER LIFE HEALTH / BETTER LIFE EFFICIENCY A2 FACIAL ECZEMA ONCE-A-DAY SIRYX SEXED SEMEN GLOBAL GENETICS SHORT GESTATION FERTABULL BEEF 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 BREEDING PROGRAMMES 14 CRV PROGENY TEST PROGRAMME CRV JOINT VENTURE PROGRAMMES 14 15 NEW ZEALAND SIRES 16 UNDERSTANDING NEW ZEALAND GRAPHS 16 KEY TO BULL PAGES 18 HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN 19 HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN TRAIT LEADERS 20 JERSEY35 JERSEY TRAIT LEADERS 36 CROSSBRED45 CROSSBRED TRAIT LEADERS 46 AYRSHIRE & RED BREEDS 55 ADDITIONAL NEW ZEALAND SIRES 59 GLOBAL SIRES UNDERSTANDING GLOBAL GRAPHS ADDITIONAL GLOBAL SIRES PRODUCTS & SERVICES 61 78 80 81 CRV ESTROTECT™ HEAT DETECTORS 83 AI SERVICES - AI TECHNICIANS / AI TRAINING SCHOOLS84 AI UNITS 85 SIREMATCH86 CRV INSIGHT 87 PORTABULL88 HERD TESTING 89 GENOTYPING SERVICES 90 EAR TAGS 91 PRICING98 CONTACTS100 INDEX OF SIRES 101 6 BULL PACK OPTIONS - CRV SELECT FRIESIAN TEAM Breeding Indicators BW 240 201 BA 85 72 35 289 - 45 74 2 55 985 BA 39 791 24 3.7 30 3.6 16 4.4 266 250 30 - 115573 REMATCH* 257 257 30 115516 DAVID* 256 245 23 112559 SKYLARK 252 187 32 115541 PLAYWRITE* 250 222 29 68 109544 STRAVAGANZA 248 158 33 40 108818 MACCA 236 165 27 109500 DUMPLING 232 186 59 112564 REPO 229 214 31 Management & Health Fertility CRV SELECT CRV Select lets you choose eight or more sires (Friesian, Crossbred, Jersey or a combination of) from a team selected by CRV Ambreed for their complimentary traits. Choose the sires yourself or your local sales consultant can tailor a team to your herd improvement goals. # STRAWS 8-12 bulls 100-250 251-500 501-750 BCS NZMI BW PG# 115509 PULSAR* - 4.4 BULL 7 Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV CODE BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency Production With CRV Select, you will know which sires you will receive and how many doses of those sires you will be using before the mating season starts. It is the most simple, cost-effective way to achieve genetic gain in your herd. CRV AMBREED NZMI BV SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival 111508 THADIUS 224 167 33 BV 2.5 -0.01 0.09 2.5 -4.2 -38 111543 MEDAL 224 163 59 BA -1.6 -0.06 0.02 2.3 -2.0 -14 110508 IDAHO 209 201 26 *CRV calculated genomic BV’s from Jan 2016 Shed Traits BENEFITS Simple and cost effective -0.5 1001-1500 BA QUICKLY 0.09 0.05 LOVELY 0.06 0.04 FAST 0.15 0.01 WELL-LIKED 0.28 0.17 TALL 0.84 1.07 Conformation Stature Capacity Rump Angle CAPACIOUS 0.27 0.12 SLOPING 0.15 -0.02 WIDE 0.46 0.42 Legs CURVED -0.04 -0.05 Udder Support STRONG 0.52 0.40 Front Udder STRONG 0.45 0.25 Rear Udder STRONG 0.41 0.33 0.27 0.17 Rump Width 751-1000 BV Shed Temperament Overall Opinion Know how many doses of each sire you will receive up front 1.0 Adaptability Milking Milking Speed Teams of quality preselected bulls 0 1501 - 2000 2000 + Front Teat $15.75$14.50$13.25$12.25 $11.25 $10.50 $10.25 Rear Teat CLOSE CLOSE 0.47 0.39 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.59 0.43 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.41 0.30 NZAEL 13/02/2016 7 CROSSBRED TEAM Breeding Indicators Breeding Indicators NZMI BW BV 223 235 77 312 -54 5 10 BA 75 94 - 81 -62 - - BA 9 -584 -7 4.1 24 4.1 2 5.6 5.6 40 BV 315503 CONNACHT* 262 303 37 BA 306549 MURMUR 242 233 41 312510 IZZY 222 222 60 310507 SUPERSTITION 221 220 44 33 314503 VELOCITY* 216 262 60 BV -6 311536 PRESELY 212 225 43 BA 314500 POWERPLANT* 208 268 43 308583 DEGREE 204 243 37 311803 NEW LEADER 173 163 42 Management & Health Fertility BCS NZMI BW PG# 269 208 Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) -184 BULL 312501 KINGPIN Production BV CODE BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BV 1.6 0.03 -0.28 -2.2 -2.7 8 BA 1.5 -0.01 0.02 -2.4 -1.5 -11 *CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016 NZMI BW 247 250 127 BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 60 134 390 - -5 211 5 -12 52 11 3.9 26 326 318 53 - 273 281 50 515655 BOOMA F12J4* 271 291 49 512803 KEIRAN J11F3 265 245 54 515656 VIPER F11J5* 263 253 50 52 514664 STORM F9J7* 257 326 51 26 512801 MARSHALL F8J8 241 231 51 513663 MISSION F12J4* 237 228 48 515663 SARAJEVO F12J4* 233 231 49 512656 DONINGTON F13J2 216 191 47 511650 STARSKY J9F7 214 208 52 510673 MENDELSSOHN J9F7 170 194 52 - 3.9 15 4.7 5.1 Management & Health Fertility BCS NZMI BW PG# 515665 WARO F10J6* Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) 26 BULL 515813 VIKING J10F6* Production 449 CODE 9 SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BV 3.6 0.09 -0.09 -0.2 -2.4 8 BA 1.9 0.02 0.01 -0.8 -3.1 -3 *CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016 Shed Traits -0.5 0 1.0 BV BA Shed Traits -0.5 0 1.0 BV BA Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.21 0.24 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.12 0.01 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.24 0.07 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.12 0.02 FAST 0.15 0.07 Milking Speed FAST 0.13 0.05 WELL-LIKED 0.29 0.03 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.23 0.09 TALL -0.05 -0.20 Milking Speed Overall Opinion Conformation Stature Capacity Rump Angle Rump Width Legs Conformation TALL -0.91 -0.98 CAPACIOUS 0.42 0.01 SLOPING -0.03 -0.10 Rump Angle Rump Width Stature Capacity WIDE -0.05 -0.25 CURVED 0.11 0.11 Legs CAPACIOUS 0.41 0.18 SLOPING -0.08 -0.06 WIDE 0.15 0.03 CURVED 0.06 0.09 Udder Support STRONG 0.23 0.03 Udder Support STRONG 0.27 0.05 Front Udder STRONG 0.51 0.19 Front Udder STRONG 0.31 0.05 Rear Udder STRONG 0.48 0.22 Rear Udder STRONG 0.46 0.09 0.13 0.10 Front Teat 0.05 0.02 Rear Teat Front Teat CLOSE CLOSE -0.09 CLOSE 0.10 0.07 DESIRABLE 0.53 0.23 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.48 0.15 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.40 0.05 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.39 0.17 NZAEL 13/02/2016 NZAEL 13/02/2016 CRV AMBREED CLOSE -0.04 Udder Overall Rear Teat BULL PACK OPTIONS - CRV SELECT JERSEY TEAM 8 BULL PACK OPTIONS - NOMINATED GENETICS NOMINATED GENETICS Nominated genetics gives you unlimited choice from our best sires to meet your individual goals for your herd. CRV AMBREED CRV AMBREED HAS: • Diverse range of premium bulls • The right people to help you make effective breeding decisions • SireMatch to make the best bull choices per cow • Better Life indexes for different breeds Choose from our daughter proven sires and genomically selected InSires tailored to suit a range of environments and farming systems. • • • • • Are you looking for specific traits? Do your cows have individual needs? Would you like to try a different cross-breeding strategy? Do you need cows that will fit your environment? Do you want to change breeds? Purchase at least four domestic or overseas sires as a package to ensure you achieve top value. If you answered yes to any of the above then nominated genetics is the right choice for you. # STRAWS 100-250 251-500 501-750 751-1000 1001-1500 1501 - 2000 2000 + 4 bulls $19.70 $19.20 $18.65 $18.10 $17.60 $16.50 $16.00 5 bulls $18.65 $18.10 $17.60 $17.10 $16.50 $15.50 $15.00 6 bulls + $17.00 $16.50 $16.00 $15.50 $15.00 $14.00 $13.75 9 BETTER LIFE HEALTH BETTER LIFE EFFICIENCY The Better Life Health index (BLH), expressed as a percentage, indicates the bull’s progeny will have a lower rate of health incidents like mastitis, lameness, difficult births or reproductive problems. The Better Life Efficiency (BLE) index supports sustainable dairy farming by helping to reduce feed costs and increasing lifetime production, resulting in a lower environmental footprint. The traits that are factored into this index for New Zealand include fertility, calving difficulty, somatic cell count, residual survival, condition score and a number of TOP-values. Overall opinion, body condition score, longevity, capacity and udder overall, indirectly support an animal’s health and ease of management in the herd. BLH TOP BULLS HIGHLITE 312543 Jersey 11% DELUCA 109504 Friesian 9% DIESEL* 315526 Jersey 8% PRESELY 311536 Jersey 8% KEIRAN 512803 Cross 8% MURMUR 306549 Jersey 8% You can easily see the expected efficiency value of an individual sire. A higher percentage means the sire’s progeny are more efficient at converting feed to milk over the course of their productive life. The traits included in the BLE index for New Zealand are kilos of milk, fat, protein, liveweight, longevity, and fertility. BLE TOP BULLS KEIRAN 512803 Cross 11% LAZARUS 312538 Jersey 11% INGOT 312548 Jersey 11% KINGPIN 312501 Jersey 11% IZZY 312510 Jersey 11% PIONEER 307522 Jersey 11% STORM* 514664 Cross 11% STARS & STRIPES 508655 Cross 11% 515661 Cross 7% MAXWELL* 313526 Jersey 7% OVERDRIVE 106538 Friesian 7% REPLICA 112563 Friesian 11% VIKING* 515813 HIGHLITE 312543 7% * Indicates Insire bulls using Genomic Data % MORE EFFICIENT/HEALTHIER COMPARED TO POPULATION AVERAGE 1-4% = Improved performance Jersey 10% * Indicates Insire bulls using Genomic Data 5-9% = Excellent performance 10%+ = Superior performance CRV AMBREED PRETORIA* Cross GENETIC SOLUTIONS CRV is the only breeding company with a tool to help make it easier to improve the health and efficiency of your herd. We do this by using the Better Life Health and Better Life Efficiency indexes. 10 GENETIC SOLUTIONS A2 The demand for A2 milk is growing with investor enthusiasm for businesses in the infant formula and natural health products sectors. CRV Ambreed offers a range of A2 sires specifically for farmers who wish to enter this speciality market. We can also test your current herd for A2 status. A2 milk contains only the A2 type of betacasein protein rather than the more common A1 protein commonly found in regular cows’ milk. It usually takes two cow generations through tailored A2 genetics (about ten years) to convert a New Zealand herd to A2. CRV AMBREED Look for sires that have A2/A2 beneath their name when browsing through this catalogue. FACIAL ECZEMA BENEFITS A herd producing only A2 milk Access to a niche market Convert your herd in two generations Genetic tolerance offers the best protection against Facial Eczema (FE). Using CRV Ambreed’s FE tolerant sires in your breeding programme is an environmentally friendly and safe way to help increase your herd’s tolerance to FE challenges, resulting in healthier cows and improved production. FE costs the New Zealand dairy industry over $100 million a year in lost production, treatment costs and animal loss*, and the problem in New Zealand is worsening. AgResearch scientists have shown that the average New Zealand cow today is more susceptible to FE than her counterpart was 25 years ago. BENEFITS Greater tolerance against facial eczema Healthier cows Improved production * Sourced from (Feb 2015) 11 GENETIC SOLUTIONS ONCE-A-DAY The demands placed on a cow in the OnceA-Day (OAD) milking system vary to the more traditional twice daily system. Our OAD genetics are selected to support those demands. CRV Ambreed focuses on protein, somatic cells and udder support traits to help increase production and feed efficiency, increase the overall longevity of your herd, breed cows with a great udder and low somatic cells, and lower your replacement rates. The CRV Once-A-Day index ranks the sires on their suitability to be used as part of a OAD system. The higher the index, the more suitable they are (see Trait Leaders for our top sires). SIRYX SEXED SEMEN BENEFITS Higher milk production Improved protein, udder and somatics Improved longevity With SiryX sexed semen you can increase the number of heifers generated through your yearly mating programme. SiryX sexed semen goes through a sorting process where more than 90% of the sperm cells in the straw carry the female ‘X’ chromosome and only less than 10% of the sperm carry the male ‘Y’ chromosome*. This ratio carries through to produce on average 90% heifers from the doses of sexed semen used on the farm. More heifers Greater value replacements Easier calving * As outlined in the quality control threshold as provided by Sexing Technologies in their sorting labs. CRV AMBREED Conception rates with SiryX are around 10-15% lower than non-sexed semen. Using the correct semen handling and the right selection of animals on heat will help you get the best possible results using the SiryX sexed semen product. BENEFITS 12 GENETIC SOLUTIONS GLOBAL GENETICS Do you wish to achieve greater production, achieve greater genetic diversity, or you want to breed a larger animal? Our global experience combined with our local knowledge of grazing systems, will help you select the right overseas genetics to support your herd goals. CRV Ambreed has the following breeds available in it’s global products portfolio: CRV AMBREED • Holstein Friesian: USA, Europe • Jersey: USA, Australia, Denmark • Finnish Ayrshire, Swedish Red, Danish Red, MRI: Netherlands • Montebeliard: Germany, Czech Republic BENEFITS Greater genetic diversity SHORT GESTATION CRV Ambreed offers short gestation dairy and beef to create greater value offspring and to give your cows more days in milk. BENEFITS More days in milk BEEF Greater production Access to unique dairy breeds Breed beef-cross calves that you can sell to the beef market. The gestation length of beef breeds are on average four to five days longer than dairy sires. However Short Gestation Hereford and Angus bring the calving date in line with dairy sires. DAIRY Short Gestation Dairy is a good option if you need more replacements from your tail-end cows. Short Gestation Dairy is available in Holstein Friesian, Jersey and Crossbred. Tighter calving spread Replacements or saleable offspring 13 GENETIC SOLUTIONS FERTABULL CRV Ambreed’s Fertabull helps you maximise fertility at the end of mating and get your tailend cows back in calf. Fertabull contains the semen of three sires in each dose. You have a greater chance of getting your cow in calf with Fertabull as it increases the length of time viable semen is available to fertilise the egg. Fertabull is available in Angus and polled Hereford (selected for calving ease and good growth rates) or available in short gestation polled Hereford. BEEF BENEFITS More cows in calf Higher milk production Higher value offspring CRV Ambreed has a range of Dairy Beef and Beef to Beef options available to suit your farm needs. CRV Ambreed’s DairyBeef semen is ideal to use across the tail-end of your mating season, or if you want to on-sell calves to the beef industry. BENEFITS Higher value offspring Breed beef-cross offspring A large selection to choose from CRV Ambreed have a wide range of breeds available including (but not limited to): • Lowline • Murray Grey • Red Devon • Scottish Highland • Shorthorn (white only) • Simmental • Speckled Park • Wagyu CRV AMBREED • Angus • Belgian Blue • Belted Galloway • Charolais • Dexter • Galloway • Hereford Polled • Limousin 14 BREEDING PROGRAMMES CRV PROGENY TEST PROGRAMME By taking part in CRV Ambreed's progeny test programme you can develop and enhance your herd using tomorrow's elite genetics today. New Zealand dairy farmers have been working with CRV Ambreed for over 30 years to develop generations of daughter proven sires. The elite Holstein Friesian, Crossbred and Jersey bull calves selected for CRV Ambreed’s progeny test programme ultimately ensure dairy farmers’ herds are competitive and continue to be more productive and more profitable in the future. CRV AMBREED CRV Ambreed invites you to be part of a select group of farmers who are helping develop the next generation of elite dairy sires. BENEFITS First access to tomorrow's elite genetics The flexibility to nominate a percentage of your herd to bulls you choose Financial rewards for meeting agreed criteria 15 PUKETAWA KING CONNACHT JG BREEDING PROGRAMMES MIDDLEVALE MINTE BRAVE CRV JOINT VENTURE PROGRAMMES By pooling resource, CRV Ambreed and partners are helping to progress the Holstein Friesian and Jersey breeds in New Zealand for the greater good of the dairy industry. Our joint ventures combine modern day science in the form of genomic selection with the breeding skills of the breed society members and CRV Ambreed’s sire analyst team. The true success of the joint venture programmes can be seen in the high quality joint venture sires being marketed in this year’s catalogue, and the high number of sires that graduate on their genetic merit year-on-year. When you purchase joint venture sires, you are supporting the continued development of the breeds here in New Zealand and internationally. CRV AMBREED CRV Ambreed works with both Holstein Friesian New Zealand and Jersey NZ to source elite animals, and prove and sell high-merit bulls. UNDERSTANDING NEW ZEALAND GRAPHS BREEDING INDICATORS BREEDING VALUES New Zealand Animal Evaluation Limited (NZAEL) calculates Breeding Values (BV) and Breeding Worth (BW) using information from the sire's relatives (ancestry & progeny) and the sire's own records by comparing it to that of the Genetic Base Cow. The genetic base cow is the average of a group of well recorded New Zealand cows (across all breeds) and is updated every five years to reflect genetic progress. Breeding values are deviations above or below (-) the same genetic base cow (regardless of breed). Reference: Breeding Indicators NZMI BV 265 BW BW Rel 245 Long 85 LiveWt %Health 288 -55 %Efficiency 8 11 Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) -5 BV 12 Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) 4.0 21 5.2 33 Management & Health Fertility BCS SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival 7.3 0.24 0.13 BV -1.8 -2.9 -199 LOW -0.5 0 1.0 BV Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.18 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.23 Milking Speed Overall Opinion Capacity LOW HIGH The estimated liveweight of the animal. This is usually one score lower than stature, and will likewise vary considerably between breeds. BW % HEALTH LOW HIGH LOW HIGH Economic index that ranks bulls and cows on their expected ability to breed profitable and efficient replacements. The CRV Ambreed index known as Better Life Health helps you select animals that will have more or less incidences of health problems throughout their lifetime. TOTAL LONGEVITY % EFFICIENCY HIGH The total longevity breeding value is defined as the expected genetic merit of a cow to live for more (or fewer) days of herd life relative to the genetic base cows. LOW HIGH The CRV Ambreed index known as Better Life Efficiency helps you select animals that will more or less efficient at converting energy to production over the course of their lifetime. FAST 0.08 WELL-LIKED 0.25 Conformation Stature HIGH This is the CRV Ambreed desired gains index. It aims to breed a productive, long lasting cow that will typically produce about 450 kg MS a year by balancing production, management and type traits. LOW Shed Traits LIVEWEIGHT NZMI SAMPLE DATA TALL -1.21 PRODUCTION CAPACIOUS 0.94 Rump Angle SLOPING -0.19 Rump Width WIDE -0.25 Legs CURVED 0.27 Udder Support STRONG 0.11 Front Udder STRONG 0.34 Rear Udder STRONG 0.28 Front Teat CLOSE 0.00 Rear Teat CLOSE -0.04 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.42 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.54 CRV Ambreed calculates the New Zealand Merit Index (NZMI), %Health and %Efficiency on all sires as well as genomic information. MILK (LTS) LOW PROTEIN (KG) HIGH This trait measures the expected volume of milk produced by the individual and is of interest due to transport costs associated with moving milk from farms to processing plants around the country. This is why milk is valued negatively in both NZMI & BW. LOW HIGH Milk protein is a component of the milk produced by cows and is the most valued output (by processors) from NZ dairy farms. It is also the single most important trait for both NZMI & BW. FAT LOW HIGH Milk fat is the other component of milk which is paid for by milk processors in NZ and is used in producing lower value commodities such as butter. 17 FERTILITY CONFORMATION CALVING DIFFICULTY LOW HIGH EASY STATURE DIFFICULT SHORT RUMP WIDTH TALL The objective for herd reproductive performance in most New Zealand herds is to achieve high pregnancy rates in a short time period following the planned start of mating, and to maintain calving intervals very close to 365 days. Although the calving difficulty BV is expressed in terms of assisted births in first-calving heifers, the BV can also be used to identify bulls that are expected to increase rates of assisted calving for cows carrying the bull’s calves. The height at the shoulder of the animal. This trait is measured across all breeds, resulting in all Jerseys being negative on the breeding values bar graph, Ayrshires being intermediate and Friesians being mainly positive. BODY CONDITION SCORE (BCS) GESTATION LENGTH CAPACITY SHARP COVERED SHORTER LONGER FRAIL CAPACIOUS The number of days shorter or longer than the average gestation period of a dairy cow. Use this strategically to tighten your calving pattern. Combination of strength and depth of chest and body as viewed from side, rear and front in relation to the physical size of the cow. This is an important trait and reflects an animals ability to convert feed into milk and withstand the rigours of life. SOMATIC CELLS SCORE (SCS) RESIDUAL SURVIVAL RUMP ANGLE UNDESIRABLE Good udder health is typically reflected in low levels of somatic cell counts in milk. LESS MORE Residual survival is defined as “herd-life after accounting for the genetic effects of production, liveweight, milk, somatic cells and fertility on herd-life”. SHED TRAITS SLOWLY HIGH CURVED Measures the angulation or ‘set’ of the rear legs and is measured from an imaginary line between thurls and mid-hoof while the cow is walking. A low score indicates a straight leg, whilst a high score indicates a sickled or curved leg set. A score close to 5-6 is considered ideal. STRONG FAST REAR TEAT CLOSE The placement of the rear teats (at the point of attachment to the udder) relative to the centre of the quarters. A low score indicates wide rear teats whilst a high score is close and 5 is central. UDDER OVERALL REAR UDDER LOOSE STRONG This trait describes the strength of the suspensory ligament as viewed from the rear. It also includes the udder depth relative to the hocks . Udder support is a very important trait in determining the number of lactations a cow’s udder will survive. WIDE Measures the strength of attachment of the fore udder to the body wall. MILKING SPEED SLOW STRAIGHT WEAK SLOPING Describes the angle between the centre of the hip and the top of the pin bone. A low score indicates the cow has high pins and a high score indicates low pins. A score of 5-6 describes a flat rump to slightly sloping which is optimal. LOOSE QUICKLY Distance between the most posterior point of the pin bones relative to the size of the animal. This trait is a good predictor of the width a cow has throughout her body. UDDER SUPPORT FRONT UDDER ADAPTABILITY TO MILKING WIDE LEGS Body condition score is commonly used as a method to assess body energy reserves. DESIRABLE NARROW UNDESIRABLE DESIRABLE STRONG A description of how soon the animal settled into the milking routine after calving specifically taking into account how many milkings before let down was spontaneous and completed without extra attention. The length of time from putting on the cups to when the milk flow stops or cups are taken off. Those cows that have nice silky udders (in contrast to meaty, lumpy udders) tend to, nine out of ten times, be quicker milkers. Describes the height and width of the rear udder attachment as distinct from udder support. The inspector gives an overall score of the udder including any other udder traits not measured before. Udder overall score can be used to simply compare the overall udder standard of bull daughters. SHED TEMPERAMENT OVERALL OPINION FRONT TEAT DAIRY CONFORMATION LOVELY Measures the temperament of the animal in the shed while being handled and milked. It is a different trait to adaptability to milking as it is assessed once an animal has settled into the milking routine. POOR WELL-LIKED A farmers overall acceptance of the animal as a herd member. WIDE CLOSE The placement of the front teats (at the point of attachment to the udder) relative to the centre of the quarters. A low score indicates wide front teats whilst a high score indicates close front teats. UNDESIRABLE DESIRABLE An overall conformation score combining all traits except udder traits. Dairy conformation is a useful trait for simply comparing animals for dairy type. CRV AMBREED GRUMPY UNDERSTANDING NEW ZEALAND GRAPHS MANAGEMENT & HEALTH 18 KEY TO BULL PAGES KEY TO BULL PAGES LOOK FOR THESE ICONS IN THE BULL PAGES Look for the CRV Result Navigator on each bull page to identify the key strengths of the sire HEALTH Easy to manage, trouble-free animals EFFICIENCY Optimal performance PRODUCTION More milk in the vat LONGEVITY More lactations, more years in milk FERTILITY CRV RESULT NAVIGATOR More cows in calf NZ FE CRV AMBREED PROVEN Semen sourced from domestically proven sires Elite young sire selected on a combination of parental and genomic data Breeding Worth (BW) and Breeding Values (BV) sourced from NZAEL Sires selected for increased Facial Eczema tolerance Joint venture bull between CRV Ambreed and Holstein-Friesian New Zealand Joint venture bull between CRV Ambreed and Jersey New Zealand Joint venture bull between CRV Ambreed and Liberty Genetics Joint venture bull between CRV Ambreed and Vision Genetics NED USA Semen imported from CRV Netherlands Semen imported from CRV USA AUS Semen imported from CRV Australia FIN SWE DEN Semen imported from Viking Genetics 19 XX HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN CRV AMBREED Maelstrom daughter: #449 Aljo Maelstrom Ronnie S0F, Megaw Farms, Tapanui CRV TRAIT LEADERS HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN BW NZMI PROTEIN UDDER OVERALL LIVEWEIGHT FULTON 112577 275 REMATCH* 115573 257 STRAVAGANZA 109544 50 SAHARA 110541 1.20 REPLICA 112563 -8 MAELSTROM 109502 267 PULSAR* 115509 250 RIVINGTON 112584 49 MACCA 108818 1.07 WYLD 112576 -6 PULSAR* 115509 266 DAVID* 115516 245 FEDERAL* 115575 47 BRAVE 111521 1.03 FULTON 112577 12 FEDERAL* 115575 266 REPLICA 112563 231 FRANKLIN 110550 46 WYLD 112576 0.91 DUMPLING 109500 16 REMATCH* 115573 257 MAELSTROM 109502 227 OAKLEY 110521 45 OAKLEY 110521 0.90 PULSAR* 115509 18 DAVID* 115516 256 PLAYWRITE* 115541 222 REMATCH* 115573 44 STRAVAGANZA 109544 0.84 AVALANCHE 112522 19 FERTILITY SOMATIC CELLS TOTAL LONGEVITY CALVING DIFFICULTY BODY CONDITION DELUCA 109504 7.9 REPLICA 112563 -0.60 OAKLEY 110521 503 RAMBLER 110536 -2.5 DELUCA 109504 0.27 MEDAL 111543 6.3 DUNSTAN 111555 -0.44 DELUCA 109504 502 DELUCA 109504 -2.3 SKYLARK 112559 0.26 REPO 112564 5.0 JAVA 111531 -0.41 DELUX 110583 472 FRANKLIN 110550 -1.7 OVERDRIVE 106538 0.24 DEVILLE 110528 4.5 RAMBLER 110536 -0.34 SKYLARK 112559 392 GLOWING 112557 -0.2 GLOWING 112557 0.23 GLOWING 112557 4.4 STRAVAGANZA 109544 -0.30 IDAHO 110508 391 PHONIC 112580 0.0 BRONX 110524 0.21 RICHIE 112569 4.3 IDAHO 110508 -0.28 GLOWING 112557 385 BRAVE 111521 0.1 DUNSTAN 111555 0.16 CAPACITY OVERALL OPINION CRV ONCE-A-DAY SHORT GESTATION FACIAL ECZEMA FE WILLOW 110580 1.15 AVALANCHE 112522 0.67 BRAVE 111521 119 GLOWING 112557 -9.4 BRIXTON* 115520 PASCAL 110577 0.83 SAHARA 110541 0.63 REPLICA 112563 108 THADIUS 111508 -9.0 CASSIDY 112554 SHADOW 108590 0.82 CELTIC 111558 0.57 DUNSTAN 111555 101 BRONX 110524 -8.7 TSUNAMI 111620 BRONX 110524 0.77 DUNSTAN 111555 0.55 GLOWING 112557 83 DANNY 109789 -8.5 SKYLARK 112559 DUNSTAN 111555 0.76 DAVINCI 108550 0.52 PHONIC 112580 77 UTU 105800 -8.3 ALADDIN 112503 WYNSOR 109790 0.70 SKYLARK 112559 0.50 FULTON 112577 76 MEDAL 111543 -7.8 GLOWING 112557 * Indicates InSire bulls using Genomic data Breeder: Taffy Ltd A1/A2 DOB: 21/08/2010 BW 236 179 BV BA 85 PROVEN 92 dtrs, 21 herds Breeding Indicators NZMI NZ From: $13.75 - $22.00 MURITAI FIRENZE MIDDLEVALE MINTE 35 252 - 19 74 3 55 A1/A2 DOB: 10/02/2010 NZMI BW BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency BV 219 126 85 258 60 4 5 - BA 85 35 - 74 55 - - Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV 555 29 3.9 30 4.8 59 BV 1179 38 3.6 21 4.1 59 BA 791 24 3.6 16 4.4 40 BA 791 24 3.6 16 4.4 40 Management & Health Fertility BCS PROVEN 106 dtrs, 34 herds Breeding Indicators Production NZ From: $13.75 - $22.00 8 - 111521 Breeder: D & J Dodds BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 78 WYNSOR BRAVE HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN 112522 21 TRALEE MINT AVALANCHE S3F Management & Health SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Daughter: #59 BA & TA Norris, Huntly Fertility BCS BV 1.4 -0.04 0.33 1.5 -4.1 -50 BV -0.4 -0.14 -0.26 0.1 -1.5 50 BA -1.6 -0.06 0.02 2.3 -2.0 -14 BA -1.6 -0.06 0.02 2.3 -2.0 -14 Shed Traits Daughter: #162 G & S Blackler Family Trust, Te Awamutu SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BA Shed Traits Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.52 0.05 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.03 0.05 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.49 0.04 Shed Temperament LOVELY -0.01 0.04 FAST 0.40 0.01 Milking Speed FAST 0.18 0.01 WELL-LIKED 0.67 0.17 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.17 0.17 -0.5 Milking Speed Overall Opinion 0 1.0 Conformation BV 61 dtrs TOP Stature CAPACIOUS 0.21 0.12 Capacity Rump Angle SLOPING -0.11 -0.02 Rump Angle Rump Width WIDE 0.33 0.42 Rump Width CURVED 0.00 -0.05 Udder Support STRONG 0.75 Front Udder STRONG 0.43 Rear Udder STRONG 0.81 Capacity Legs 0 BV 1.0 Conformation 1.07 Stature TALL 0.33 Daughter: #212 BA & TA Norris, Huntly -0.5 BA 77 dtrs TOP TALL 1.12 CAPACIOUS 0.39 0.12 0.01 -0.02 SLOPING WIDE 0.59 0.42 Legs CURVED -0.03 -0.05 0.40 Udder Support STRONG 0.94 0.40 0.25 Front Udder STRONG 0.56 0.25 0.33 Rear Udder STRONG 1.07 0.33 CLOSE -0.10 0.17 Front Teat CLOSE 0.26 0.17 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.44 0.39 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.56 0.39 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.82 0.43 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 1.03 0.43 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.42 0.30 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.73 0.30 NZAEL 13/02/2016 FAIRMONT MINT-EDITION VALDEN FLUKE AMBERLY S2F NZAEL 13/02/2016 TOP DECK KO PIERRE SRD FAIRMONT VP MINDY SRB NGAIO HUGO FLUKE VALDEN POSH AMBERLY-ET FAIRMONT MINT-EDITION MIDDLEVALE FAVOUR BEAUANN GP84 TOP DECK KO PIERRE SRD FAIRMONT VP MINDY AURORA DONOR FAVOUR SRD MIDDLEVALE SKEL BEAU GP84 Middlevale Minte Brave CRV AMBREED Front Teat Tralee Mint Avalanche S3F Daughter: #547 G & S Blackler Family Trust, Te Awamutu 1.07 22 RIDGETOP MINT CELTIC S3F HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN Breeder: Ridgetop Farms Ltd A2/A2 DOB: 07/08/2010 BW 190 184 BV BA 85 NZ From: $13.75 - $22.00 PROVEN 140 dtrs, 33 herds Breeding Indicators NZMI 111558 86 35 313 - 25 74 0 55 LIMITED STOCK 109789 Breeder: R & J Earl LTD A1/A2 DOB: 12/08/2008 NZMI BW 95 dtrs, 17 herds BV 211 156 85 332 55 4 6 - BA 85 35 - 74 55 - - Production Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV 295 26 4.0 36 5.2 62 BV 960 34 3.7 24 4.4 58 BA 791 24 3.6 16 4.4 40 BA 791 24 3.6 16 4.4 40 Fertility BCS PROVEN BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 7 - NZ From: $15.00 - $25.00 Breeding Indicators BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency Management & Health Management & Health Daughter: #496 R & C Sutherland, Hejlea Dairies Ltd, Balclutha SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Fertility BCS SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BV 2.1 -0.04 0.49 3.5 -2.3 5 BV 3.3 0.02 0.03 1.1 -8.5 15 BA -1.6 -0.06 0.02 2.3 -2.0 -14 BA -1.6 -0.06 0.02 2.3 -2.0 -14 Shed Traits Daughter: #50 PJ Groenendijk, Cambridge BA Shed Traits Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.39 0.05 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.14 0.05 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.36 0.04 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.13 0.04 Milking Speed FAST 0.28 0.01 Milking Speed FAST 0.34 0.01 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.57 0.17 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.36 0.17 -0.5 0 BV 1.0 Conformation 53 dtrs TOP -0.5 0 1.0 Conformation Stature CAPACIOUS 0.02 0.12 Capacity Rump Angle SLOPING -0.19 -0.02 Rump Angle Rump Width WIDE 0.52 0.42 Rump Width CURVED -0.03 -0.05 Udder Support STRONG 0.64 Front Udder STRONG 0.55 Rear Udder Capacity TALL 0.62 Daughter: #517 Hejlea Dairies, Balclutha 1.07 Stature BV BA 62 dtrs TOP TALL 1.02 CAPACIOUS 0.52 0.12 0.18 -0.02 SLOPING WIDE 0.34 0.42 CURVED -0.18 -0.05 0.40 Udder Support STRONG 0.30 0.40 0.25 Front Udder STRONG 0.37 0.25 STRONG 0.70 0.33 Rear Udder STRONG 0.17 0.33 Front Teat CLOSE -0.24 0.17 Front Teat CLOSE 0.42 0.17 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.01 0.39 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.02 0.39 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.63 0.43 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.36 0.43 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.25 0.30 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.43 0.30 NZAEL 13/02/2016 FAIRMONT MINT-EDITION RIDGETOP SKNIFE KARRA S2F VG86 7*ET SP Ridgetop Mint Celtic S3F NZAEL 13/02/2016 TOP DECK KO PIERRE SRD FAIRMONT VP MINDY SRC SHARPES SLICK KNIFE RIDGETOP 01-5-RR S1F O-BEE MANFRED JUSTICE-ET BUNGAY PIERRE DANETTE S2F GP84 Daughter: #258 SF & DM Wellman, Te Awamutu 1.07 Legs Legs CRV AMBREED BUNGAY OMAN DANNY S3F HA-HO CUBBY MANFRED-ET MEIER-MEADOWS EL JEZEBEL ET EX92 GMD DOM TOP DECK KO PIERRE BUNGAY DONOR DANA S1F VG85 Bungay Oman Danny S3F 115516 Breeder: Ash Farm Ltd A1/A2 DOB: 10/07/2014 From: $13.75 - $22.00 256 245 85 43 35 372 - 37 74 3 55 From: $13.75 - $22.00 0 dtrs, 0 herds Breeding Indicators gNZMI gBW gBW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency BA A2/A2 DOB: 18/02/2013 0 dtrs, 0 herds Breeding Indicators BV gNZMI gBW gBW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 8 BV 249 206 47 344 40 1 6 - BA 85 35 - 74 55 - - - Production Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV 1179 41 3.5 24 4.0 65 BV 986 40 3.7 16 4.0 56 BA 791 24 3.6 16 4.4 40 BA 791 24 3.6 16 4.4 40 Management & Health Fertility BCS 114538 HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN Breeder: Valden Stud LORNLACE EBO DRIFTWOOD Management & Health SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Valden Danny David-ET S3F Fertility BCS SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BV 2.3 -0.01 -0.20 2.2 -1.9 111 BV -1.1 -0.05 0.13 3.4 -1.0 158 BA -1.6 -0.06 0.02 2.3 -2.0 -14 BA -1.6 -0.06 0.02 2.3 -2.0 -14 Shed Traits 23 VALDEN DANNY DAVID -ET -ETS3F S3F Lornlace EBO Driftwood BA Shed Traits Adaptability Milking QUICKLY -0.02 0.05 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.09 0.05 Shed Temperament LOVELY -0.04 0.04 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.06 0.04 Milking Speed FAST 0.19 0.01 Milking Speed FAST 0.22 0.01 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.21 0.17 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.39 0.17 -0.5 0 1.0 Conformation BV 0 dtrs TOP TALL 0.78 1.07 Stature 0.12 Capacity Rump Angle SLOPING -0.02 -0.02 Rump Angle Rump Width WIDE 0.52 0.42 Rump Width CURVED -0.07 -0.05 Udder Support STRONG 0.41 Front Udder STRONG 0.41 Rear Udder STRONG 0.31 Capacity Legs 0 1.0 Conformation CAPACIOUS 0.26 Stature -0.5 BV BA 0 dtrs TOP TALL 0.84 1.07 CAPACIOUS 0.19 0.12 SLOPING -0.08 -0.02 WIDE 0.46 0.42 Legs CURVED 0.06 -0.05 0.40 Udder Support STRONG 0.62 0.40 0.25 Front Udder STRONG 0.36 0.25 0.33 Rear Udder STRONG 0.72 0.33 Front Teat CLOSE 0.41 0.17 Front Teat CLOSE 0.29 0.17 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.24 0.39 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.39 0.39 DESIRABLE 0.49 0.43 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.81 0.43 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.31 0.30 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.33 0.30 CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016 BUNGAY OMAN DANNY S3F VALDEN OVATION DIXIE S3F GP83 O-BEE MANFRED JUSTICE-ET BUNGAY PIERRE DANETTE S2F GP84 EDWARDS BANQ OVATION S3F VALDEN RUSH DIXIE-RR S2F GP83 CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016 EDWARDS BANQ OVATION S3F LORNLACE MINT DEVA-ET VG87 SRD JENERAYTIONS BANQUET EDWARDS H OLIVIA-RR S2F GP84 FAIRMONT MINT-EDITION LORNLACE EXTASY DIMPLE VG88 6*ET CRV AMBREED Udder Overall 24 HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN MURITAI FIRENZE LORNLACE RUPERT DUNSTAN WYNSOR 111555 Breeder: Ash Farm Ltd A2/A2 DOB: 15/03/2010 BW 196 98 BV BA 85 PROVEN 111 dtrs, 31 herds Breeding Indicators NZMI NZ From: $13.75 - $22.00 35 270 - 60 74 6 55 From: $13.75 - $22.00 0 dtrs, 0 herds gNZMI gBW gBW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency BV 266 219 42 181 42 1 6 - BA 85 35 - 74 55 - - Production Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV 1270 32 3.5 15 4.0 47 BV 1493 47 3.5 44 4.0 91 BA 791 24 3.6 16 4.4 40 BA 791 24 3.6 16 4.4 40 Management & Health Fertility BCS Management & Health SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Daughter: #420 V & J Ralph, Morrinsville Fertility BCS SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BV -0.5 0.16 -0.44 0.5 -6.9 16 BV -1.6 -0.07 0.04 2.8 -0.2 -140 BA -1.6 -0.06 0.02 2.3 -2.0 -14 BA -1.6 -0.06 0.02 2.3 -2.0 -14 Shed Traits Parkdale Hrs Federal S2F BA Shed Traits Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.40 0.05 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.17 0.05 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.40 0.04 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.16 0.04 Milking Speed FAST 0.23 0.01 Milking Speed FAST 0.10 0.01 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.55 0.17 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.27 0.17 -0.5 0 1.0 Conformation BV 61 dtrs TOP Daughter: #65 Stewart & Bilby, Morrinsville -0.5 0 1.0 BV Conformation TALL 0.90 1.07 Stature CAPACIOUS 0.76 0.12 Capacity Rump Angle SLOPING -0.15 -0.02 Rump Angle Rump Width WIDE 0.26 0.42 Rump Width Legs CURVED 0.06 -0.05 Udder Support STRONG 0.72 Front Udder STRONG 0.31 Rear Udder Stature Capacity CRV AMBREED A2/A2 DOB: 09/09/2014 5 - 115575 Breeder: Parkdale Ltd Breeding Indicators BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 84 PARKDALE HRS FEDERAL S2F BA 0 dtrs TOP TALL 0.73 1.07 CAPACIOUS 0.34 0.12 0.12 -0.02 SLOPING WIDE 0.48 0.42 Legs CURVED -0.18 -0.05 0.40 Udder Support STRONG 0.47 0.40 0.25 Front Udder STRONG 0.42 0.25 STRONG 0.71 0.33 Rear Udder STRONG 0.53 0.33 Front Teat CLOSE 0.25 0.17 Front Teat CLOSE 0.06 0.17 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.48 0.39 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.19 0.39 Lornlace Rupert Dunstan Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.74 0.43 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.58 0.43 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.74 0.30 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.48 0.30 NZAEL 13/02/2016 DOMINO JOCKO RUPERT S3F LORNLACE DLESS DEIRDRE GP82 CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016 JOCKO BESNE DOMINO HARDTAC RUBY S2F VG86 MACFARLANES DAUNTLESS LORNLACE EXTASY DIMPLE VG88 6*ET HSS R STRAVAGANZA S2F PARKDALE FIRE FLOWER S2F ROUMARE HALLS PIERRE SHARON S1F GP84 TELESIS EUON FIRENZE PARKDALE PIE FLOSSIE S1F Breeder: Maire Farm No2 A1/A2 DOB: 18/07/2009 BW 233 159 BV BA 85 PROVEN 99 dtrs, 45 herds Breeding Indicators NZMI NZ From: $13.75 - $22.00 AMBZED POWELLS FULTON S2F Breeder: MJ & C Powell Family Trust 35 335 - 64 74 3 55 From: $13.75 - $22.00 NZMI BW BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 7 BV 275 210 64 337 12 3 8 - BA 85 35 - 74 55 - - - Production Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV 1533 46 3.5 22 3.9 68 BV 935 35 3.7 22 4.3 57 BA 791 24 3.6 16 4.4 40 BA 791 24 3.6 16 4.4 40 Management & Health Fertility BCS Management & Health SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Daughter: Tronnoco Frank Reta S3F GP84, TJ & KA O'Connor, Timaru Fertility BCS SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BV 0.5 0.07 0.13 -1.7 0.7 13 BV 0.6 0.07 -0.12 3.6 -1.8 -25 BA -1.6 -0.06 0.02 2.3 -2.0 -14 BA -1.6 -0.06 0.02 2.3 -2.0 -14 Shed Traits Daughter: #105 Hamilton Lands, Taupiri BA Shed Traits Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.03 0.05 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.10 0.05 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.07 0.04 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.08 0.04 FAST -0.13 0.01 Milking Speed FAST 0.36 0.01 WELL-LIKED 0.17 0.17 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.32 0.17 -0.5 NZ PROVEN 34 dtrs, 10 herds Breeding Indicators BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 85 A1/A2 DOB: 20/07/2011 112577 HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN 110550 25 FRANKLIN WYNSOR MURITAI MAIRE OMAN FIRENZE 0 Milking Speed Overall Opinion Conformation 1.0 BV 38 dtrs TOP Conformation 1.07 Stature CAPACIOUS 0.41 0.12 Capacity Rump Angle SLOPING -0.05 -0.02 Rump Angle Rump Width WIDE 0.34 0.42 Rump Width CURVED -0.22 -0.05 Stature Capacity Legs TALL 1.14 Daughter: #352 TJ & KA O'Connor, Timaru -0.5 0 1.0 BV BA 31 dtrs TOP TALL 0.10 CAPACIOUS 0.61 0.12 SLOPING -0.23 -0.02 WIDE 0.28 0.42 Legs CURVED -0.01 -0.05 Udder Support STRONG 0.41 0.40 Udder Support STRONG 0.63 0.40 Front Udder STRONG -0.01 0.25 Front Udder STRONG 0.47 0.25 Rear Udder STRONG 0.17 0.33 Rear Udder STRONG 0.64 0.33 CLOSE 0.32 0.17 Front Teat CLOSE 0.15 0.17 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.48 0.39 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.41 0.39 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.28 0.43 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.79 0.43 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.48 0.30 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.59 0.30 NZAEL 13/02/2016 O-BEE MANFRED JUSTICE-ET MAIRE BANQ FAMOUS-ET S3F VG85 NZAEL 13/02/2016 HA-HO CUBBY MANFRED-ET MEIER-MEADOWS EL JEZEBEL-ET EX92 GMD DOM SRD JENERAYTIONS BANQUET SRD MAIRE PALADIUM FLIPS THOMPSONS GR FLAME-ET S2F JQVN-07-110 GLENMEAD FR RENEGADE THOMPSONS HUGO FLORET S1F VG85 VALDEN HI APPLAUSE-ET S2F JQVN-04-3 Ambzed Powells Fulton S2F CRV AMBREED Front Teat Maire Oman Franklin Daughter: #193 BA & TA Norris, Huntly 1.07 26 RANGEVIEW MPG GLOWING S2F HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN Breeder: LS & KA Phipps Glowing A1/A2 DOB: 06/08/2011 NZMI BW 219 179 BV BA 85 FE From: $13.75 - $22.00 62 dtrs, 16 herds Breeding Indicators NZ PROVEN DROMARD PROXY IDAHO S3F 73 35 385 - 57 74 5 55 A2/A2 DOB: 19/07/2009 BW BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency BV 209 201 90 391 27 1 7 - BA 85 35 - 74 55 - - Production Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV 1361 37 3.5 34 4.2 72 BV 889 35 3.8 14 4.2 49 BA 791 24 3.6 16 4.4 40 BA 791 24 3.6 16 4.4 40 Fertility BCS PROVEN 171 dtrs, 54 herds Breeding Indicators NZMI NZ From: $13.75 - $22.00 8 - 110508 Breeder: SO & KL Lannon BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency Management & Health Management & Health SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Rangeview MPG Glowing S2F Fertility BCS SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BV 4.4 0.23 -0.08 -0.2 -9.4 -90 BV 3.8 -0.06 -0.28 3.1 -5.2 71 BA -1.6 -0.06 0.02 2.3 -2.0 -14 BA -1.6 -0.06 0.02 2.3 -2.0 -14 Shed Traits Daughter: #340 D & P Parfitt, North Farms, Thames BA Shed Traits Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.15 0.05 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.02 0.05 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.17 0.04 Shed Temperament LOVELY -0.01 0.04 Milking Speed FAST 0.00 0.01 Milking Speed FAST 0.20 0.01 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.34 0.17 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.25 0.17 -0.5 0 Conformation 1.0 BV 46 dtrs TOP Stature CAPACIOUS 0.47 0.12 Capacity Rump Angle SLOPING -0.03 -0.02 Rump Angle Rump Width WIDE 0.87 0.42 Rump Width Legs CURVED 0.11 -0.05 Udder Support STRONG 0.39 Front Udder STRONG 0.44 Rear Udder Capacity TALL 0.97 -0.5 0 Conformation 1.07 Stature CRV AMBREED 112557 1.0 BV BA 82 dtrs TOP TALL 0.42 CAPACIOUS -0.12 0.12 SLOPING -0.47 -0.02 WIDE 0.68 0.42 Legs CURVED -0.13 -0.05 0.40 Udder Support STRONG 0.39 0.40 0.25 Front Udder STRONG 0.40 0.25 STRONG 0.62 0.33 Rear Udder STRONG 0.15 0.33 Front Teat CLOSE 0.06 0.17 Front Teat CLOSE 0.14 0.17 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.03 0.39 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.41 0.39 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.45 0.43 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.45 0.43 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.46 0.30 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.18 0.30 NZAEL 13/02/2016 MAIRE PIERRE GUARANTEE-ET RANGEVIEW OMAN GLOTA S1F VG85 NZAEL 13/02/2016 TOP DECK KO PIERRE SRD LAKESIDE PG GLORIA-ET VG85 O-BEE MANFRED JUSTICE-ET MEADOWLANDS WME GLOTA S0F GP84 BRKEL DAUNTLESS PROXY S3F DROMARD FIRENZE IREEN S2F GP83 MACFARLANES DAUNTLESS SRC RIVENDELL PAL AMANDA VG86 TELESIS EUON FIRENZE DROMARD URSINA-RR S1F GP84 Daughter: #129 SO & KL Lannon Ltd, Tokoroa 1.07 Dromard Proxy Idaho S3F Breeder: MS & MS Kane A1/A2 DOB: 24/08/2007 BW 236 165 BV BA 85 PROVEN 4,862 dtrs, 777 herds Breeding Indicators NZMI NZ From: $13.75 - $22.00 ALJO TEF MAELSTROM -ET S3FS3F Breeder: Megaw Farms Ltd 35 228 - 61 74 4 55 From: $13.75 - $22.00 NZMI BW BV 267 227 89 312 42 1 8 - BA 85 35 - 74 55 - - Production Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV 955 38 3.8 28 4.4 66 BV 997 42 3.8 31 4.5 73 BA 791 24 3.6 16 4.4 40 BA 791 24 3.6 16 4.4 40 Management & Health Fertility BCS PROVEN BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 5 - NZ 125 dtrs, 40 herds Breeding Indicators BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 99 A1/A1 DOB: 21/09/2008 109502 HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN 108818 27 MARCHEL FIRE MACCA -S2F OC S2F Management & Health SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Daughter: Marchel Macca Minx S3F GP83, MS & MS Kane, Thames Fertility BV 2.3 -0.05 -0.23 1.2 -2.5 -103 BV BA -1.6 -0.06 0.02 2.3 -2.0 -14 BA Shed Traits BCS 2.6 SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival 0.11 -0.03 3.3 -0.5 -141 -1.6 -0.06 0.02 2.3 -2.0 -14 Daughter: #449 Aljo Maelstrom Ronnie S0F, Megaw Farms, Tapanu BA Shed Traits Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.12 0.05 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.01 0.05 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.08 0.04 Shed Temperament LOVELY -0.02 0.04 Milking Speed FAST 0.00 0.01 Milking Speed FAST -0.02 0.01 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.18 0.17 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.13 0.17 -0.5 0 1.0 Conformation BV 205 dtrs TOP Stature CAPACIOUS 0.28 0.12 Capacity 0.21 -0.02 Rump Angle WIDE 0.64 0.42 Rump Width CURVED -0.16 -0.05 Udder Support STRONG 0.99 Front Udder STRONG 0.79 Rear Udder Capacity Rump Angle SLOPING 0 1.0 Conformation 1.07 Stature TALL 1.24 Daughter: Marchel Macca Eva 52f, MS & MS Kane, Thames -0.5 BV BA 87 dtrs TOP TALL 0.69 CAPACIOUS 0.36 0.12 0.00 -0.02 SLOPING 0.42 CURVED -0.20 -0.05 0.40 Udder Support STRONG 0.60 0.40 0.25 Front Udder STRONG 0.73 0.25 STRONG 1.06 0.33 Rear Udder STRONG 0.42 0.33 Front Teat CLOSE 0.30 0.17 Front Teat CLOSE 0.33 0.17 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.43 0.39 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.66 0.39 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 1.07 0.43 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.67 0.43 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.68 0.30 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.66 0.30 Legs NZAEL 13/02/2016 TELESIS EUON FIRENZE MARCHEL SKEL JORJA-OC S1F GP82 Marchel Fire Macca-OC S2F NZAEL 13/02/2016, small calf carrier HIBI FATAL EUON-ET TELESIS ELLIOT FAME GP83 SRC HIBI SECRET SKELTON MARCHEL KAI JEMMA S0F TELESIS EUON FIRENZE ALJO PIERRE MARILYN S2F VG89 HIBI FATAL EUON-ET TELESIS ELLIOT FAME GP83 TOP DECK KO PIERRE ALJO 00-88 S1F Aljo Tef Maelstrom-ET S3F CRV AMBREED WIDE 0.37 Legs Rump Width Daughter: #40 Megaw Farms, Tapanui 1.07 28 AMBZED BALLS OAKLEY S1F HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN Breeder: Dennley Farms Ltd A2/A2 DOB: 27/07/2009 BW 232 191 BV BA 85 PROVEN 529 dtrs, 150 herds HSS FORMAT PASCAL -ET -ET 94 35 503 - 85 74 4 55 110577 Breeder: HSS Genetics Ltd A1/A2 DOB: 12/02/2009 NZMI BW 379 dtrs, 102 herds BV 225 143 92 253 61 5 6 - BA 85 35 - 74 55 - - Production Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV 1415 45 3.6 36 4.2 81 BV 1230 36 3.6 25 4.2 61 BA 791 24 3.6 16 4.4 40 BA 791 24 3.6 16 4.4 40 Fertility BV BA BCS 3.5 0.05 PROVEN BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 7 - NZ From: $13.75 - $22.00 Breeding Indicators BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency Management & Health Management & Health SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Daughter: #54 SB & JA Bertling, Mercer Fertility BCS SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival 0.11 2.3 -0.5 100 BV 3.1 0.09 -0.28 2.1 -7.8 -108 -1.6 -0.06 0.02 2.3 -2.0 -14 BA -1.6 -0.06 0.02 2.3 -2.0 -14 Shed Traits Daughter: #187 SB & JA Bertling, Mercer BA Shed Traits Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.02 0.05 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.01 Shed Temperament LOVELY -0.08 0.04 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.00 0.04 Milking Speed FAST 0.31 0.01 Milking Speed FAST -0.04 0.01 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.25 0.17 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.32 0.17 -0.5 0 1.0 Conformation BV 70 dtrs TOP -0.5 0 1.0 Conformation Stature CAPACIOUS 0.26 0.12 Capacity Rump Angle SLOPING -0.18 -0.02 Rump Angle Rump Width WIDE 0.61 0.42 Rump Width Legs CURVED 0.01 -0.05 Udder Support STRONG 0.77 Front Udder STRONG 0.54 Rear Udder Capacity TALL 1.43 Daughter: #113 GJ Berry, Franz Josef 1.07 Stature CRV AMBREED 110521 NZ From: $15.00 - $25.00 Breeding Indicators NZMI LIMITED STOCK BV BA 0.05 77 dtrs TOP TALL 0.98 CAPACIOUS 0.83 0.12 0.17 -0.02 SLOPING WIDE 0.34 0.42 Legs CURVED 0.05 -0.05 0.40 Udder Support STRONG 0.46 0.40 0.25 Front Udder STRONG 0.23 0.25 STRONG 0.74 0.33 Rear Udder STRONG 0.23 0.33 Front Teat CLOSE 0.16 0.17 Front Teat CLOSE 0.57 0.17 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.27 0.39 Rear Teat CLOSE 1.03 0.39 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.90 0.43 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.47 0.43 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.52 0.30 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.73 0.30 NZAEL 13/02/2016 PUKETIRO FROSTMAN S1F BALLS PIERRE OLIVIA S0F Ambzed Balls Oakley S1F NZAEL 13/02/2016 HAZAEL EMINENCE DANO-ET PUKETIRO FRANCESCA S0F TOP DECK KO PIERRE HXDP-02-1 HIGGINS FORMAT HALLS JUSTICE PAM-ET GP84 Daughter: Mill-Ridge Format Zen S0F, B Fullerton, Ohaupo 1.07 WHINLEA MAGLEY EXTASY HIGGINS PAL HEAVEN VG86 O-BEE MANFRED JUSTICE-ET HOLIM NLD KNOCKOUT PAM-ET VG85 Hss Format Pascal-ET 112580 A2/A2 DOB: 12/08/2011 BW 240 210 BV BA 85 PROVEN 46 dtrs, 16 herds Breeding Indicators NZMI NZ From: $13.75 - $22.00 35 375 - 28 74 6 55 A1/A2 From: $13.75 - $22.00 0 dtrs, 0 herds Breeding Indicators BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 68 Breeder: Ridgetop Farms Ltd DOB: 03/09/2014 gNZMI gBW gBW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 8 BV 250 222 43 275 43 3 6 - BA 85 35 - 74 55 - - - Production Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV 886 32 3.7 32 4.6 64 BV 903 38 3.7 26 4.1 65 BA 791 24 3.6 16 4.4 40 BA 791 24 3.6 16 4.4 40 Management & Health Fertility BCS Management & Health SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Daughter: #366 EE & KL Lambert, Whakatane Fertility BCS SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BV 3.5 0.05 -0.28 0.0 -0.6 -45 BV 1.3 0.06 -0.09 3.1 -2.1 40 BA -1.6 -0.06 0.02 2.3 -2.0 -14 BA -1.6 -0.06 0.02 2.3 -2.0 -14 Shed Traits Ridgetop Wynsor Playwrite BA Shed Traits Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.00 0.05 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.08 0.05 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.01 0.04 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.07 0.04 Milking Speed FAST 0.14 0.01 Milking Speed FAST 0.08 0.01 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.14 0.17 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.26 0.17 -0.5 115541 HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN Breeder: Royson Farms Ltd RIDGETOP WYNSOR PLAYWRITE 29 ROYSON JUSTICE PHONIC S2F 0 1.0 Conformation BV 31 dtrs TOP Royson Justice Phonic S2F TALL 0.60 1.07 Stature 0.12 Capacity 0.03 -0.02 Rump Angle WIDE 0.51 0.42 Rump Width CURVED 0.12 -0.05 Udder Support STRONG 0.69 Front Udder STRONG 0.43 Rear Udder STRONG 0.44 Capacity Rump Angle Rump Width Legs SLOPING 0 1.0 Conformation CAPACIOUS 0.39 Stature -0.5 BV BA 0 dtrs TOP TALL 0.86 1.07 CAPACIOUS 0.40 0.12 0.26 -0.02 SLOPING WIDE 0.44 0.42 Legs CURVED -0.12 -0.05 0.40 Udder Support STRONG 0.62 0.40 0.25 Front Udder STRONG 0.51 0.25 0.33 Rear Udder STRONG 0.57 0.33 Front Teat CLOSE 0.37 0.17 Front Teat CLOSE 0.10 0.17 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.33 0.39 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.32 0.39 DESIRABLE 0.74 0.43 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.57 0.43 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.47 0.30 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.47 0.30 NZAEL 13/02/2016, small calf carrier ARONAMEE JB JUSTICE ROYSON FROST PEONY-ET S1F VG85 CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016 SRD JENERAYTIONS BANQUET ARONAMEE B T JENNA PUKETIRO FROSTMAN S1F ROYSON HSS PRISCILLA S1F EX MURITAI FIRENZE WYNSOR RIDGETOP MINT PACEY GP84 TELESIS EUON FIRENZE MURITAI DESTINY WILLOW VG86 FAIRMONT MINT-EDITION RIDGETOP 03-22-RR S3F CRV AMBREED Udder Overall 30 HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN HILLSVIEW LAD PULSAR -ET -ET 115509 A1/A2 250 44 264 18 1 9 BA 85 35 - 74 55 - - 257 257 45 269 49 0 8 BA 85 35 - 74 55 - - Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV 975 40 3.7 27 4.2 67 BA 791 24 3.6 16 4.4 40 BV 1.3 -0.02 0.36 2.8 -5.7 24 BA -1.6 -0.06 0.02 2.3 -2.0 -14 -0.5 1087 44 3.6 54 4.5 98 BA 791 24 3.6 16 4.4 40 Fertility SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Shed Traits BV Management & Health Management & Health 0 1.0 Hillsview Lad Pulsar-ET BV BA Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.24 0.05 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.22 0.04 FAST 0.22 0.01 WELL-LIKED 0.43 0.17 Milking Speed Overall Opinion Conformation 0 dtrs TOP TALL 0.31 1.07 CAPACIOUS 0.24 0.12 Rump Angle SLOPING -0.05 -0.02 Rump Width WIDE 0.21 0.42 Legs CURVED 0.08 -0.05 Udder Support STRONG 0.35 0.40 Front Udder STRONG 0.26 0.25 Rear Udder STRONG 0.27 0.33 Front Teat CLOSE 0.37 0.17 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.74 0.39 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.38 0.43 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.31 0.30 Stature Capacity CRV AMBREED BV Production Production BCS 0 dtrs, 0 herds gNZMI gBW gBW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency gNZMI gBW gBW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 266 From: $13.75 - $22.00 Breeding Indicators 0 dtrs, 0 herds BV A1/A1 DOB: 06/08/2014 From: $13.75 - $22.00 Breeding Indicators Fertility 115573 Breeder: Meander Holsteins Breeder: GE & KM Coxon DOB: 07/07/2014 MEANDER MAX REMATCH S2F BCS SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BV -0.3 -0.15 0.12 2.6 -1.9 -62 BA -1.6 -0.06 0.02 2.3 -2.0 -14 Shed Traits -0.5 0 1.0 Meander Max Rematch S2F BV BA Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.02 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.01 0.04 FAST -0.04 0.01 WELL-LIKED 0.23 0.17 Milking Speed Overall Opinion Conformation 0.05 0 dtrs TOP TALL 1.07 Stature Capacity 0.12 0.23 -0.02 SLOPING Rump Angle 1.07 CAPACIOUS 0.24 WIDE 0.62 0.42 Legs CURVED -0.12 -0.05 Udder Support STRONG 0.33 0.40 Front Udder STRONG 0.31 0.25 Rear Udder STRONG 0.25 0.33 Front Teat CLOSE 0.21 0.17 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.31 0.39 Rump Width Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.55 0.43 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.43 0.30 CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016 CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016 LORNLACE VHA DUMPLING S3F HILLSVIEW MINT PIE GP83 VALDEN HI APPLAUSE-ET S2F LORNLACE EXTASY DIMPLE VG88 6*ET FAIRMONT MINT-EDITION HILLSVIEW FIRE PURE GP83 WOODCOTE TF MAXIMISER MEANDER FMI APRIL S1F TELESIS EUON FIRENZE WOODCOTE DAVE MEL GP84 19*ET FARSIDE M ILLUSTRIOUS S3F MEANDER 08-153 S0F VG88 Breeder: Taffy Ltd A1/A2 DOB: 19/09/2009 BW 213 231 BV BA 85 PROVEN 62 dtrs, 19 herds Breeding Indicators NZMI NZ From: $13.75 - $22.00 BUSY BROOK ME REPO -ET S3FS3F 35 382 - -8 74 2 55 A2/A2 DOB: 03/05/2011 From: $13.75 - $22.00 NZMI BW BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency BV 229 214 78 335 35 3 7 - BA 85 35 - 74 55 - - Production Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV 914 30 3.7 33 4.6 63 BV 860 35 3.8 30 4.6 65 BA 791 24 3.6 16 4.4 40 BA 791 24 3.6 16 4.4 40 Management & Health Fertility BCS PROVEN 81 dtrs, 20 herds Breeding Indicators 11 - NZ Breeder: Henley Farming Farming Company Ltd BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 74 112564 HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN 112563 31 TRALEE BE REPLICA S2F Management & Health SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Daughter: #404 MJ & VL Tillemnans, Atiamuri Fertility BCS BV 0.7 -0.04 -0.60 0.4 0.5 -22 BV 5.0 0.16 0.09 1.9 -3.9 -130 BA -1.6 -0.06 0.02 2.3 -2.0 -14 BA -1.6 -0.06 0.02 2.3 -2.0 -14 Shed Traits Daughter: #197 Mcnaull Farming Co, Rotorua SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BA Shed Traits Adaptability Milking QUICKLY -0.03 0.05 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.13 0.05 Shed Temperament LOVELY -0.04 0.04 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.07 0.04 Milking Speed FAST 0.19 0.01 Milking Speed FAST 0.28 0.01 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.16 0.17 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.26 0.17 -0.5 0 Conformation 1.0 BV 30 dtrs TOP Stature CAPACIOUS -0.25 0.12 Capacity Rump Angle SLOPING -0.54 -0.02 Rump Angle Rump Width WIDE -0.15 0.42 Rump Width CURVED 0.01 -0.05 Udder Support STRONG 0.40 Front Udder STRONG 0.32 Rear Udder STRONG 0.25 Capacity Legs 0 BV 1.0 Conformation 1.07 Stature TALL 0.02 Daughter: #95 TH & SM Brophy, New Plymouth -0.5 BA 68 dtrs TOP TALL 0.59 CAPACIOUS 0.08 0.12 0.03 -0.02 SLOPING WIDE 0.09 0.42 Legs CURVED 0.14 -0.05 0.40 Udder Support STRONG 0.49 0.40 0.25 Front Udder STRONG 0.55 0.25 0.33 Rear Udder STRONG 0.33 0.33 CLOSE -0.06 0.17 Front Teat CLOSE -0.05 0.17 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.08 0.39 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.14 0.39 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.58 0.43 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.59 0.43 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE -0.22 0.30 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.21 0.30 NZAEL 13/02/2016 BUCHANANS EARLYTIME S2F BUSY BROOK H RAVA-ET S3F VG86 7*ET SP NZAEL 13/02/2016 WHINLEA MAGLEY EXTASY KILBARCHAN ALDO ELLE S1F GLENMEAD R E HOLIDAY-ET BUSY BROOK GERIS RAVE S2F VG85 7*ET FAIRMONT MINT-EDITION BUSY BROOK F RAVE-ET S2F TOP DECK KO PIERRE SRD FAIRMONT VP MINDY THOMPSONS GR FAITH-ET S2F BUSY BROOK GERIS RAVE S2F VG85 7*ET Busy Brook Me Repo-ET S3F CRV AMBREED Front Teat Tralee Be Replica S2F Daughter: #414 M & D Polyblank, Reporoa 1.07 32 HSS MINT RIVINGTON HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN Breeder: HSS Genetics Ltd A1/A2 DOB: 29/07/2011 BW 251 170 BV BA 85 NZ From: $13.75 - $22.00 PROVEN 71 dtrs, 26 herds Breeding Indicators NZMI 112584 75 35 218 - 69 74 0 55 A1/A2 DOB: 06/08/2011 BW 252 187 75 392 44 4 5 - BA 85 35 - 74 55 - - Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV 1454 49 3.6 38 4.2 87 BV 614 33 3.9 15 4.5 49 BA 791 24 3.6 16 4.4 40 BA 791 24 3.6 16 4.4 40 Fertility BCS PROVEN BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency BV Production NZ 75 dtrs, 28 herds Breeding Indicators NZMI FE From: $13.75 - $22.00 6 - 112559 Breeder: TM Schroder BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency Management & Health Management & Health SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Daughter: #94 Thurus Limited, Opunake Fertility BCS SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BV -3.4 -0.06 -0.24 2.7 -5.5 -108 BV 3.5 0.26 0.60 2.4 -3.7 41 BA -1.6 -0.06 0.02 2.3 -2.0 -14 BA -1.6 -0.06 0.02 2.3 -2.0 -14 Shed Traits Daughter: #409 McNaull Farming Co, Rotorua BA Shed Traits Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.00 0.05 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.28 0.05 Shed Temperament LOVELY -0.02 0.04 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.27 0.04 FAST -0.21 0.01 Milking Speed FAST 0.35 0.01 WELL-LIKED 0.21 0.17 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.50 0.17 -0.5 Milking Speed Overall Opinion 0 1.0 Conformation BV 60 dtrs TOP -0.5 0 1.0 Conformation Stature CAPACIOUS 0.56 0.12 Capacity Rump Angle SLOPING -0.43 -0.02 Rump Angle Rump Width WIDE 0.60 0.42 Rump Width Legs CURVED -0.04 -0.05 Udder Support STRONG 0.69 Front Udder STRONG 0.29 Rear Udder Capacity TALL 1.30 Daughter: #124 Thurus Limited, Opunake 1.07 Stature CRV AMBREED SUMMERHAYS WJ SKYLARK S2F BV BA 47 dtrs TOP TALL 0.75 CAPACIOUS 0.45 0.12 0.53 -0.02 SLOPING WIDE 0.26 0.42 Legs CURVED -0.13 -0.05 0.40 Udder Support STRONG 0.67 0.40 0.25 Front Udder STRONG 0.82 0.25 STRONG 0.89 0.33 Rear Udder STRONG 0.23 0.33 Front Teat CLOSE 0.15 0.17 Front Teat CLOSE 0.55 0.17 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.41 0.39 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.66 0.39 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.70 0.43 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.70 0.43 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.69 0.30 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.50 0.30 NZAEL 13/02/2016 FAIRMONT MINT-EDITION HALLS FAVOUR RUTH VG88 HSS Mint Rivington NZAEL 13/02/2016 TOP DECK KO PIERRE SRD FAIRMONT VP MINDY AURORA DONOR FAVOUR HALLS KIAN RUTH GP82 WESTLAND CL JASPER-ET S1F SUMMERHAYS FIREN SHANN GP84 Daughter: #98 M & D Polyblank, Reporoa (flipped) 1.07 SRB CORBOYS LIGHTENING WESTLAND HORATO JEMMA S2F GP84 TELESIS EUON FIRENZE SUMMERHAYS EX SHANTY S3F GP84 Summerhays WJ Skylark S2F 109544 A2/A2 DOB: 21/09/2008 From: $13.75 - $22.00 NZMI BW 248 158 BA 85 PROVEN 84 35 131 - 82 74 2 55 BA NZMI BW 224 167 85 227 55 2 6 - BA 85 35 - 74 55 - - Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) 24 3.6 40 3.6 16 4.2 4.4 89 BV 887 36 3.8 34 4.6 70 40 BA 791 24 3.6 16 4.4 40 Management & Health Management & Health Fertility BCS BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency Production 50 791 PROVEN 116 dtrs, 42 herds BV - NZ From: $13.75 - $22.00 6 Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) 1588 A1/A2 DOB: 20/07/2010 BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency Production BV Breeder: Waiau Trust Breeding Indicators 91 dtrs, 44 herds Breeding Indicators BV NZ 111508 HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN Breeder: HSS Genetics Ltd WAIAU MINT THADIUS -ET S3FS3F 33 HSS R STRAVAGANZA S2F SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Daughter: #223 TH & SM Brophy, Brophy Family Trust, New Plymouth Fertility BCS BV 2.1 -0.13 -0.30 2.0 0.2 -259 BV BA -1.6 -0.06 0.02 2.3 -2.0 -14 BA -1.6 -0.06 0.02 Shed Traits -0.5 0 1.0 BV 0.04 FAST 0.10 0.01 WELL-LIKED 0.10 0.17 Shed Temperament Milking Speed WELL-LIKED 0.09 0.17 Overall Opinion 53 dtrs TOP Legs Daughter: Awaroa Farms, Morrinsville -0.5 0 BV 1.0 Conformation TALL 1.62 1.07 Stature CAPACIOUS 0.28 0.12 Capacity 0.31 -0.02 WIDE 0.56 0.42 CURVED -0.24 -0.05 SLOPING Rump Width -14 LOVELY -0.16 0.04 0.01 Rump Angle -2.0 0.05 FAST -0.01 Capacity 2.3 QUICKLY -0.12 LOVELY -0.07 Stature -131 Adaptability Milking Shed Temperament Conformation -9.0 Shed Traits QUICKLY -0.05 Milking Speed 2.9 BA Adaptability Milking Overall Opinion Daughter: J & S Webster, Waiau Trust, Waitara SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival 2.8 -0.01 0.07 BA 0.05 71 dtrs TOP TALL 0.85 CAPACIOUS 0.60 0.12 Rump Angle SLOPING 0.14 -0.02 Rump Width WIDE 0.88 0.42 Legs CURVED 0.06 -0.05 STRONG 0.57 0.40 STRONG 0.75 0.40 Front Udder STRONG 0.55 0.25 Front Udder STRONG 0.35 0.25 Rear Udder STRONG 0.75 0.33 Rear Udder STRONG 0.61 0.33 Front Teat CLOSE 0.18 0.17 CLOSE 0.51 0.39 DESIRABLE 0.69 0.43 0.61 0.30 CLOSE 0.34 0.17 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.41 0.39 Rear Teat DESIRABLE 0.84 0.43 Udder Overall 0.30 Dairy Conformation Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.52 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE NZAEL 13/02/2016 NZAEL 13/02/2016 ROUMARE HALLS PIERRE SHARON S1F GP84 HSS R Stravaganza S2F JOCKO BESNE ODESSA 1270 TOP DECK KO PIERRE HALLS SKELTON DUSTY S0F FAIRMONT MINT-EDITION WAIAU MEADOWS TENISE S2F TOP DECK KO PIERRE SRD FAIRMONT VP MINDY LAKESIDE S D MEADOWS SRB BALLOCHMYLE HUGO TILI Waiau Mint Thadius-ET S3F CRV AMBREED Udder Support Udder Support Front Teat Daughter: #139 Naki Farms, Inglewood 1.07 34 AMBZED GREENHALGH WYLD HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN Breeder: S & D Greenhalgh A2/A2 DOB: 19/08/2011 BW 249 197 BV BA 85 NZ From: $15.00 - $25.00 PROVEN 32 dtrs, 16 herds Breeding Indicators NZMI LIMITED STOCK 112576 65 35 260 - -6 74 1 55 109790 Breeder: WA & LG Taylor A1/A1 DOB: 20/07/2008 NZMI BW 121 dtrs, 23 herds BV 239 157 87 291 70 3 4 - BA 85 35 - 74 55 - - Production Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV 873 34 3.7 23 4.4 57 BV 906 38 3.8 19 4.3 57 BA 791 24 3.6 16 4.4 40 BA 791 24 3.6 16 4.4 40 Fertility BCS PROVEN BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 10 - NZ From: $13.75 - $22.00 Breeding Indicators BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency Management & Health Management & Health SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Daughter: #33 B & L Liggett, Te Kopuru Fertility BCS SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BV 0.4 -0.18 0.10 1.1 0.1 -14 BV 2.4 0.16 0.18 4.3 -2.7 -36 BA -1.6 -0.06 0.02 2.3 -2.0 -14 BA -1.6 -0.06 0.02 2.3 -2.0 -14 Shed Traits Daughter: #112 PJ Groenendijk, Cambridge BA Shed Traits Adaptability Milking QUICKLY -0.01 0.05 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.20 Shed Temperament LOVELY -0.06 0.04 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.19 0.04 Milking Speed FAST 0.19 0.01 Milking Speed FAST -0.01 0.01 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.21 0.17 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.33 0.17 -0.5 0 1.0 Conformation BV 21 dtrs TOP CAPACIOUS -0.29 0.12 Capacity 0.20 -0.02 Rump Angle WIDE 0.25 0.42 Rump Width Legs CURVED 0.08 -0.05 Udder Support STRONG 0.62 Front Udder STRONG 0.53 Rear Udder Rump Angle SLOPING -0.5 0 1.0 Conformation Stature Capacity TALL 0.05 Daughter: #25 B & L Liggett, Te Kopuru 1.07 Stature BV BA 0.05 72 dtrs TOP TALL 1.28 CAPACIOUS 0.70 0.12 0.37 -0.02 SLOPING WIDE 0.87 0.42 CURVED -0.26 -0.05 0.40 Udder Support STRONG 0.70 0.40 0.25 Front Udder STRONG 0.64 0.25 STRONG 0.75 0.33 Rear Udder STRONG 0.65 0.33 Front Teat CLOSE 0.16 0.17 Front Teat CLOSE 0.29 0.17 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.24 0.39 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.57 0.39 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.91 0.43 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.70 0.43 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE -0.12 0.30 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.64 0.30 NZAEL 13/02/2016 EDWARDS BANQ OVATION S3F MURITAI PIERRE WHISPER-ET VG88 Ambzed Greenhalgh Wyld NZAEL 13/02/2016 SRD JENERAYTIONS BANQUET EDWARDS H OLIVIA-RR S2F GP84 TOP DECK KO PIERRE MURITAI DALTON WATTLE EX 17*ET SP TELESIS EUON FIRENZE MURITAI DESTINY WILLOW VG86 Daughter: #134 PJ Groenendijk, Cambridge 1.07 Legs Rump Width CRV AMBREED MURITAI FIRENZE WYNSOR HIBI FATAL EUON-ET TELESIS ELLIOT FAME GP83 KLASSIC LANCE DESTINY-ET MURITAI LEADER WILLOW EX5 4*SP Muritai Firenze Wynsor 35 XX JERSEY CRV AMBREED Kingpin daughter: #156 Thornwood Farms Ltd, Te Awamutu CRV TRAIT LEADERS JERSEY BW NZMI PROTEIN UDDER OVERALL LIVEWEIGHT HIGHLITE 312543 277 CONNACHT* 315503 303 IZZY 312510 16 DIESEL* 315526 0.97 HUXLEY 311519 -25 DIESEL* 315526 273 DIESEL* 315526 284 CONNACHT* 315503 15 TYSON 310742 0.94 KNOCKDOWN 309507 -39 LAZARUS 312538 271 POWERPLANT* 314500 268 KINGPIN 312501 15 TESTMONIAL 309817 0.91 GUN OF A SUN 309727 -41 KINGPIN 312501 269 VELOCITY* 314503 262 DOMINIC 307514 14 ELICIT 308500 0.87 ZEALOT 305536 -44 CONNACHT* 315503 262 DOMINIC 307514 245 INGOT 312548 14 KINGPIN 312501 0.86 IZZY 312510 -44 INGOT 312548 244 DEGREE 308583 243 LAZARUS 312538 14 MAXWELL* 313526 0.85 MAXWELL* 313526 -46 FERTILITY SOMATIC CELLS TOTAL LONGEVITY CALVING DIFFICULTY BODY CONDITION DIESEL* 315526 5.9 PRESELY 311536 -0.52 DEGREE 308583 431 HIGHLITE 312543 -5.6 DIESEL* 315526 0.25 LAVALAVA 310517 5.4 MURMUR 306549 -0.46 PRESELY 311536 417 MAXWELL* 313526 -3.4 HIGHLITE 312543 0.18 SENTINEL 309523 5.1 IZZY 312510 -0.45 DIESEL* 315526 400 ZEALOT 305536 -3.4 TESTMONIAL 309817 0.18 POWERPLANT* 314500 5.0 TYSON 310742 -0.43 HIGHLITE 312543 392 PRESELY 311536 -3.3 DEGREE 308583 0.17 MURMUR 306549 5.0 INGOT 312548 -0.42 ELICIT 308500 356 WENTWORTH 311528 -3.3 DOMINIC 307514 0.16 TYSON 310742 4.3 POWERPLANT* 314500 -0.41 VELOCITY* 314503 350 POWERPLANT* 314500 -3.1 MURMUR 306549 0.13 CAPACITY OVERALL OPINION CRV ONCE-A-DAY SHORT GESTATION FACIAL ECZEMA FE INGOT 312548 0.73 SUPERSTITION 310507 0.60 LAZARUS 312538 130 SENTINEL 309523 -8.8 DINO* 315522 HIGHLITE 312543 0.72 KINGPIN 312501 0.56 KINGPIN 312501 128 KNOCKDOWN 309507 -7.2 MAIMAI 310503 LAZARUS 312538 0.68 MAXWELL* 313526 0.53 PRESELY 311536 114 SUPERSTITION 310507 -6.5 FURLONG* 314522 MURMUR 306549 0.65 HIGHLITE 312543 0.46 HIGHLITE 312543 111 POWERPLANT** 314500 -6.3 JAMISON* 314535 EXCELL 308588 0.64 CONNACHT* 315503 0.43 TYSON 310742 104 MAXWELL** 313526 -6.0 JESTER* 314507 DIESEL* 315526 0.59 WENTWORTH 311528 0.42 MURMUR 306549 101 DOMINIC 307514 -5.9 DEXTER 311513 * Indicates InSire bulls using Genomic data ** Indicates InSire bulls using NZAEL data From: $13.75 - $22.00 262 303 75 42 94 323 - -47 81 5 -62 NZMI BW 2,779 dtrs, 516 herds BV 204 243 98 431 -52 5 10 - BA 75 94 - 81 -62 - - - Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV -90 15 4.1 36 5.7 51 BV -409 7 4.3 27 5.9 33 BA -584 -7 4.1 2 5.6 -6 BA -584 -7 4.1 2 5.6 -6 Management & Health BCS PROVEN BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 10 Production Fertility NZ From: $13.75 - $22.00 Breeding Indicators gNZMI gBW gBW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency BA A2/A2 DOB: 26/06/2007 0 dtrs, 0 herds Breeding Indicators BV 308583 Breeder: JK & TE Bailey A2/A2 DOB: 15/08/2014 ARRIETA NN DEGREE ET JERSEY Breeder: JA & CP McBride 315503 37 PUKETAWA KING CONNACHT JG Management & Health SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Puketawa King Connacht JG Fertility BCS BV 2.5 0.03 -0.10 -1.8 -2.1 46 BV 2.6 0.17 0.06 -1.9 -1.8 51 BA 1.5 -0.01 0.02 -2.4 -1.5 -11 BA 1.5 -0.01 0.02 -2.4 -1.5 -11 Shed Traits Daughter: Canaan Degree Anthea, Canaan Farming, Haupiri, Westland SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BA Shed Traits Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.49 0.03 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.02 0.03 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.51 0.07 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.03 0.07 Milking Speed FAST 0.02 0.07 Milking Speed FAST 0.25 0.07 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.43 0.03 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.23 0.03 -0.5 0 1.0 Conformation BV 0 dtrs TOP TALL -0.80 Stature -0.98 Stature 0.01 0.05 -0.10 Rump Angle WIDE -0.13 -0.25 Rump Width Legs CURVED 0.08 0.11 Legs SLOPING Rump Angle Rump Width 0 Capacity BV 1.0 Conformation CAPACIOUS 0.38 Capacity -0.5 BA 298 dtrs TOP TALL -0.94 CAPACIOUS 0.32 0.01 SLOPING -0.14 -0.10 WIDE 0.15 -0.25 CURVED 0.18 0.11 Udder Support STRONG 0.37 0.03 Udder Support STRONG 0.25 0.03 Front Udder STRONG 0.59 0.19 Front Udder STRONG 0.47 0.19 Rear Udder STRONG 0.56 0.22 Rear Udder STRONG 0.38 0.22 CLOSE 0.20 0.10 Front Teat CLOSE 0.33 0.10 CLOSE 0.26 -0.09 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.02 -0.09 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.64 0.23 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.55 0.23 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.37 0.05 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.26 0.05 ROMA MURMUR KINGPIN S3J PUKETAWA MAU CORONA OKURA LIKA MURMUR S3J ROMA MANHATTEN KATE 2 S3J MARSDEN SN MAUMAU PUKETAWA BLAKES CORUBA NZAEL 13/02/2016 NOAKES NEVVY S3J ARRIETA SAMUAL DESI WILLIAMS ROBS NORMAN NOAKES PC JEWEL SJ2 WILLAND ADS SAMUAL ARRIETA CASPER DESI Arrieta Nn Degree ET CRV AMBREED Front Teat Rear Teat CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016 Daughter: #235 SR & L McGinty, Feilding -0.98 38 RUANUI TERIFIC DIESEL S3J JERSEY Breeder: RJ & SM Trainor From: $15.00 - $22.00 273 284 75 44 94 400 - -60 81 8 -62 0 dtrs, 0 herds 9 BV 177 217 43 190 -61 2 6 - BA 75 94 - 81 -62 - - - Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV -189 10 4.0 22 5.5 32 BV -205 8 4.1 14 5.3 22 BA -584 -7 4.1 2 5.6 -6 BA -584 -7 4.1 2 5.6 -6 Management & Health Fertility BCS FE gNZMI gBW gBW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency Production Management & Health Ruanui Terific Diesel S3J SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Fertility BCS SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BV 5.9 0.25 0.06 -2.0 -3.7 47 BV 2.9 -0.03 0.04 -1.0 -2.1 -79 BA 1.5 -0.01 0.02 -2.4 -1.5 -11 BA 1.5 -0.01 0.02 -2.4 -1.5 -11 Shed Traits Ruanui Valentino Dino ET BA Shed Traits Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.20 0.03 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY -0.14 0.03 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.23 0.07 Shed Temperament LOVELY -0.08 0.07 Milking Speed FAST 0.12 0.07 Milking Speed FAST 0.15 0.07 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.29 0.03 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED -0.06 0.03 -0.5 0 1.0 BV Conformation 0 dtrs TOP TALL -1.13 -0.98 0.01 0.03 -0.10 Rump Angle WIDE -0.02 -0.25 Rump Width Legs CURVED 0.18 0.11 Legs Capacity SLOPING Rump Angle Rump Width -0.5 0 1.0 BV Conformation CAPACIOUS 0.59 Stature CRV AMBREED 315522 From: $13.75 - $22.00 Breeding Indicators gNZMI gBW gBW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency BA A2/A2 DOB: 21/07/2014 0 dtrs, 0 herds Breeding Indicators BV RUANUI VALENTINO DINO ET Breeder: RJ & SM Trainor A2/A2 DOB: 16/08/2014 315526 BA 0 dtrs TOP TALL -0.65 Stature Capacity -0.98 CAPACIOUS -0.20 0.01 0.12 -0.10 WIDE -0.12 -0.25 CURVED 0.08 0.11 SLOPING Udder Support STRONG 0.67 0.03 Udder Support STRONG 0.19 0.03 Front Udder STRONG 0.67 0.19 Front Udder STRONG 0.32 0.19 Rear Udder STRONG 1.02 0.22 Rear Udder STRONG 0.50 0.22 Front Teat CLOSE 0.09 0.10 Front Teat CLOSE 0.28 0.10 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.07 -0.09 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.24 -0.09 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.97 0.23 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.69 0.23 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.47 0.05 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE -0.17 0.05 CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016 LYNBROOK TERRIFIC ET S3J RUANUI MMUR DIXIE ET S3J FERNAIG ADMIRAL SJ3 LYNBROOK OM TRICK ET S3J OKURA LIKA MURMUR S3J RUANUI NEVVY DIXIE S3J CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016 ALL LYNNS LOUIE VALENTINO-ET RUANUI NEVVY DIXIE S3J BHF-SSF PARADE LOUIE ET D & E PARAMOUNT VIOLET NOAKES NEVVY S3J RUANUI BLAKE DIXIE S3J Breeder: AR & MM Luckin A1/A2 DOB: 30/08/2008 BW 131 135 BV BA 75 PROVEN 110 dtrs, 31 herds Breeding Indicators NZMI NZ From: $13.75 - $22.00 ASHVALE OLM HIGHLITE ET 94 272 - -41 81 3 -62 A2/A2 DOB: 03/08/2011 From: $13.75 - $22.00 NZMI BW BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency BV 277 235 73 392 -67 11 10 - BA 75 94 - 81 -62 - - Production Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV -409 1 4.1 10 5.5 11 BV -37 11 4.0 11 5.1 22 BA -584 -7 4.1 2 5.6 -6 BA -584 -7 4.1 2 5.6 -6 Management & Health Fertility BCS PROVEN 65 dtrs, 24 herds Breeding Indicators 6 - NZ Breeder: RA & J Dobson BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 87 312543 JERSEY 309727 39 PUKETAWAGUN LEITHLEA AD SUPERSTITION OF A SUN Management & Health SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Daughter: Thornlea Goas Tansy EX2, Thornlea Jerseys, Waverley Fertility BCS SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BV 1.8 0.01 0.29 -0.3 -3.3 124 BV 0.0 0.18 -0.38 -5.6 2.0 60 BA 1.5 -0.01 0.02 -2.4 -1.5 -11 BA 1.5 -0.01 0.02 -2.4 -1.5 -11 Shed Traits Daughter: #134 Ridgetop Farms Ltd, Inglewood BA Shed Traits Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.08 0.03 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.35 0.03 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.18 0.07 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.44 0.07 Milking Speed FAST 0.33 0.07 Milking Speed FAST 0.21 0.07 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.30 0.03 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.46 0.03 -0.5 Conformation Stature 0 1.0 BV 42 dtrs TOP TALL -0.58 Daughter: Thornlea Jerseys, Waverley -0.98 Conformation Stature CAPACIOUS 0.07 0.01 Rump Angle SLOPING -0.09 -0.10 Rump Angle Rump Width WIDE 0.04 -0.25 Rump Width Legs CURVED 0.07 0.11 Legs Capacity -0.5 Capacity 0 1.0 BV BA 37 dtrs TOP TALL -1.05 CAPACIOUS 0.72 0.01 SLOPING -0.04 -0.10 WIDE -0.10 -0.25 CURVED 0.19 0.11 Udder Support STRONG 0.61 0.03 Udder Support STRONG 0.31 0.03 Front Udder STRONG 0.37 0.19 Front Udder STRONG 0.46 0.19 Rear Udder STRONG 0.72 0.22 Rear Udder STRONG 0.70 0.22 CLOSE 0.65 0.10 CLOSE 0.27 -0.09 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.74 0.23 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.32 0.05 NZAEL 13/02/2016 KAARMONA VALERIAN LINAL EXPOS SUN Leithlea Gun Of A Sun Front Teat CLOSE 0.21 0.10 Rear Teat CLOSE -0.07 -0.09 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.71 0.23 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.53 0.05 NZAEL 13/02/2016 ROCK ELLA PERIMETER-ET ECALLAW ADMIRAL VIOLET ET TAHAU NORTHERN EXPOSURE DENSON DALE ERNIES SUNNY OKURA LIKA MURMUR S3J ASHVALE KGB HOMESICK MITCHELLS LIKABULL SJ3 OKURA CASPERS MERMAID SJ3 KONUI GLEN ELMOS BOWIE ASHVALE WILLS HELVENA Ashvale OLM Highlite ET CRV AMBREED Front Teat Rear Teat Daughter: #136 Ridgetop Farms Ltd, Inglewood -0.98 40 PATERANGI MURMUR INGOT ET JERSEY Breeder: R & M Shaw A1/A2 DOB: 19/07/2011 BW 244 233 BV BA 75 NZ From: $13.75 - $22.00 PROVEN 74 dtrs, 28 herds Breeding Indicators NZMI 312548 77 94 318 - -52 81 6 -62 A2/A2 DOB: 16/07/2011 BW BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency BV 269 208 91 230 -62 5 11 - BA 75 94 - 81 -62 - - Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV 62 14 4.0 24 5.2 38 BV 134 15 3.9 21 5.1 37 BA -584 -7 4.1 2 5.6 -6 BA -584 -7 4.1 2 5.6 -6 Management & Health Fertility BCS PROVEN 346 dtrs, 97 herds Breeding Indicators NZMI NZ From: $13.75 - $22.00 11 - 312501 Breeder: RJ & MJ Morris BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency Production Management & Health SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Daughter: #465 McGiven Ventures, Te Aroha Fertility BCS SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BV 0.1 0.12 -0.42 -2.4 1.1 -56 BV -1.7 -0.12 -0.31 -0.5 -2.4 -24 BA 1.5 -0.01 0.02 -2.4 -1.5 -11 BA 1.5 -0.01 0.02 -2.4 -1.5 -11 Shed Traits Daughter: Roma Kingpin Flavour, Roma Farm Company Ltd, Morrinsville BA Shed Traits Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.09 0.03 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.68 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.12 0.07 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.73 0.07 Milking Speed FAST 0.21 0.07 Milking Speed FAST -0.09 0.07 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.20 0.03 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.56 0.03 -0.5 0 1.0 Conformation Stature BV 46 dtrs TOP TALL -0.97 Daughter: #72 W & S Pepper Ltd, Hikurangi -0.98 -0.5 0 1.0 Conformation Stature BV BA 0.03 118 dtrs TOP TALL -0.96 0.01 0.06 -0.10 Rump Angle WIDE -0.05 -0.25 Rump Width Legs CURVED 0.13 0.11 Legs Udder Support STRONG -0.27 0.03 Udder Support STRONG 0.44 0.03 Front Udder STRONG 0.09 0.19 Front Udder STRONG 0.79 0.19 Rear Udder STRONG 0.19 0.22 Rear Udder STRONG 0.63 0.22 Rump Angle Rump Width SLOPING Front Teat CLOSE -0.26 0.10 Rear Teat CLOSE -0.49 -0.09 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.21 0.23 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.48 0.05 NZAEL 13/02/2016 OKURA LIKA MURMUR S3J PATERANGI MANS IMPISH Capacity Paterangi Murmur Ingot ET CAPACIOUS 0.36 0.01 0.21 -0.10 WIDE -0.30 -0.25 CURVED 0.07 0.11 SLOPING Front Teat CLOSE 0.13 0.10 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.09 -0.09 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.86 0.23 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.38 0.05 NZAEL 13/02/2016 MITCHELLS LIKABULL SJ3 OKURA CASPERS MERMAID SJ3 OKURA MANHATTEN ET SJ3 MARSDEN FOREVER IMPISH OKURA LIKA MURMUR S3J ROMA MANHATTEN KATE 2 S3J MITCHELLS LIKABULL SJ3 OKURA CASPERS MERMAID SJ3 OKURA MANHATTEN ET SJ3 ROMA FABULOUS KATE SJ2 Daughter: #84 Roma Farm Company Ltd, Morrinsville -0.98 CAPACIOUS 0.73 Capacity CRV AMBREED ROMA MURMUR KINGPIN S3J Roma Murmur Kingpin S3J Breeder: D & C Hickey A2/A2 DOB: 19/08/2011 BW 271 239 BV BA 75 PROVEN 36 dtrs, 12 herds Breeding Indicators NZMI NZ From: $13.75 - $22.00 OKURA LIKA MURMUR S3J Breeder: Kowhai Properties Ltd 94 292 - -62 81 6 -62 From: $13.75 - $22.00 NZMI BW BV 242 233 99 313 -66 8 10 - BA 75 94 - 81 -62 - - Production Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV -13 14 4.0 25 5.3 38 BV -162 8 4.0 11 5.2 18 BA -584 -7 4.1 2 5.6 -6 BA -584 -7 4.1 2 5.6 -6 Management & Health Fertility BCS PROVEN BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 11 - NZ 21,858 dtrs, 2,183 herds Breeding Indicators BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 67 A2/A2 DOB: 20/07/2005 306549 JERSEY 312538 41 KAITAKA MURMUR LAZARUS ET Management & Health SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Daughter: #46 DB Hickey, Ohinewai Fertility BCS BV 1.2 -0.10 -0.39 -1.9 -2.9 -38 BV 5.0 0.13 -0.46 -2.4 -1.1 -71 BA 1.5 -0.01 0.02 -2.4 -1.5 -11 BA 1.5 -0.01 0.02 -2.4 -1.5 -11 Shed Traits Daughter: #26 Paterangi Murmur Val EX2, AJ & L Shaw, Te Awamutu SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BA Shed Traits Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.28 0.03 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.02 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.34 0.07 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.15 0.07 Milking Speed FAST 0.12 0.07 Milking Speed FAST -0.18 0.07 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.26 0.03 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.07 0.03 -0.5 Conformation Stature 0 1.0 BV 32 dtrs TOP TALL -0.92 Daughter: #219 S & H McDonald, Te Kauwhata -0.98 Conformation Stature CAPACIOUS 0.68 0.01 Rump Angle SLOPING -0.15 -0.10 Rump Angle Rump Width WIDE 0.13 -0.25 Rump Width Legs CURVED 0.09 0.11 Legs Capacity -0.5 Capacity 0 1.0 BV BA 0.03 2470 dtrs TOP TALL -1.11 CAPACIOUS 0.65 0.01 SLOPING -0.04 -0.10 WIDE -0.18 -0.25 CURVED 0.16 0.11 Udder Support STRONG 0.40 0.03 Udder Support STRONG 0.21 0.03 Front Udder STRONG 0.82 0.19 Front Udder STRONG 0.62 0.19 Rear Udder STRONG 0.70 0.22 Rear Udder STRONG 0.65 0.22 CLOSE 0.23 0.10 CLOSE 0.05 -0.09 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.70 0.23 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.64 0.05 NZAEL 13/02/2016 OKURA LIKA MURMUR S3J KAITAKA TGM LEONIE Kaitaka Murmur Lazarus ET Front Teat CLOSE 0.04 0.10 Rear Teat CLOSE -0.11 -0.09 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.63 0.23 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.50 0.05 NZAEL 13/02/2016 MITCHELLS LIKABULL SJ3 OKURA CASPERS MERMAID SJ3 TAWA GROVE MAUNGA ET SJ3 KAITAKA WAS LEONIE GR MITCHELLS LIKABULL SJ3 OKURA CASPERS MERMAID SJ3 SILVER FALLS QUICK FAME MITCHELLS ADS COLLEEN SJ2 PARKWOOD CASPER KAIPARA MOONSHINE SJ2 Okura Lika Murmur S3J CRV AMBREED Front Teat Rear Teat Daughter: Canaan Farming Ltd, Haupiri, Westland -0.98 42 SHEPHERDS NEW JERSEY Breeder: R M Farms Ltd A2/A2 DOB: 21/07/2010 LEADER S1J BW 173 163 BV BA 75 NZ From: $13.75 - $22.00 PROVEN 359 dtrs, 95 herds Breeding Indicators NZMI 311803 92 94 191 - -61 81 3 -62 A2/A2 DOB: 17/08/2006 BW BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency BV 206 222 99 327 -63 4 11 - BA 75 94 - 81 -62 - - Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV -248 4 4.1 25 5.7 30 BV -192 9 4.1 24 5.6 33 BA -584 -7 4.1 2 5.6 -6 BA -584 -7 4.1 2 5.6 -6 Management & Health Fertility BCS PROVEN 6,832 dtrs, 1,094 herds Breeding Indicators NZMI NZ From: $13.75 - $22.00 9 - 307522 Breeder: J & J Ben-Canaan BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency Production Management & Health SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Daughter: #95 JS & S Franklin, Franklin Farms, Tokoroa (flipped) Fertility BCS Daughter: #195 P & C Bishop, Hawera SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BV -3.5 -0.06 -0.23 -2.3 4.5 3 BV 2.8 -0.09 0.16 -2.4 -0.3 32 BA 1.5 -0.01 0.02 -2.4 -1.5 -11 BA 1.5 -0.01 0.02 -2.4 -1.5 -11 Shed Traits BA Shed Traits Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.02 0.03 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.25 0.03 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.04 0.07 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.39 0.07 Milking Speed FAST 0.25 0.07 Milking Speed FAST 0.28 0.07 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.13 0.03 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.37 0.03 -0.5 0 1.0 Conformation Stature BV 37 dtrs TOP TALL -0.94 -0.98 Shepherds New Leader S1J -0.5 0 Conformation Stature BV 1.0 BA 797 dtrs TOP TALL -0.94 0.01 0.21 -0.10 Rump Angle WIDE -0.06 -0.25 Rump Width Legs CURVED 0.04 0.11 Legs Udder Support STRONG 0.25 0.03 Udder Support STRONG 0.42 0.03 Front Udder STRONG 0.23 0.19 Front Udder STRONG 0.25 0.19 Rear Udder STRONG 0.69 0.22 Rear Udder STRONG 0.69 0.22 Rump Angle Rump Width SLOPING Capacity CAPACIOUS -0.23 0.01 0.11 -0.10 WIDE -0.68 -0.25 CURVED 0.13 0.11 SLOPING Front Teat CLOSE 0.26 0.10 Front Teat CLOSE 0.13 0.10 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.26 -0.09 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.15 -0.09 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.30 0.23 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.57 0.23 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.41 0.05 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE -0.15 0.05 NZAEL 13/02/2016 PHILSAN PIONER NEWMAN S3J SHEPHERDS 07-3 S1J NZAEL 13/02/2016 CANAAN NEVVY PIONEER S3J PHILSAN MAUNGA NOREEN S3J KINVARRA ELMO PATRICK ET CGPX-05-21 NOAKES NEVVY S3J CARDRONA MAN PEACE ET S3J WILLIAMS ROBS NORMAN NOAKES PC JEWEL SJ2 OKURA MANHATTEN ET SJ3 CARDRONA ERN PIP ET SJ3 Daughter: #136 R Beer, Opunake -0.98 CAPACIOUS 0.53 Capacity CRV AMBREED CANAAN NEVVY PIONEER S3J Canaan Nevvy Pioneer S3J From: $13.75 - $22.00 208 268 75 44 94 330 - -51 81 4 -62 NZMI BW 137 dtrs, 44 herds BV 212 225 87 417 -54 8 10 - BA 75 94 - 81 -62 - - - Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV -193 9 4.0 25 5.6 34 BV -200 6 4.0 21 5.5 27 BA -584 -7 4.1 2 5.6 -6 BA -584 -7 4.1 2 5.6 -6 Management & Health BCS PROVEN BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 9 Production Fertility NZ From: $13.75 - $22.00 Breeding Indicators gNZMI gBW gBW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency BA A2/A2 DOB: 09/07/2010 0 dtrs, 0 herds Breeding Indicators BV 311536 Breeder: DJ & FJ Lynch A2/A2 DOB: 20/06/2013 FREYDAN GOLDIE PRESELY JERSEY Breeder: DJ & FJ Lynch 314500 43 FREYDAN IZY POWERPLANT ET Management & Health Freydan Izy Powerplant ET SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Fertility BCS SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BV 5.0 -0.02 -0.41 -3.1 -6.3 1 BV 2.9 0.03 -0.52 -3.3 -4.8 82 BA 1.5 -0.01 0.02 -2.4 -1.5 -11 BA 1.5 -0.01 0.02 -2.4 -1.5 -11 Shed Traits Daughter: #97 S Harrison, Whangarei BA Shed Traits Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.22 0.03 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY -0.02 0.03 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.22 0.07 Shed Temperament LOVELY -0.02 0.07 Milking Speed FAST 0.21 0.07 Milking Speed FAST 0.20 0.07 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.27 0.03 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.18 0.03 -0.5 0 1.0 BV Conformation 0 dtrs TOP TALL -0.84 Stature -0.98 0 1.0 Conformation Stature CAPACIOUS 0.11 0.01 Rump Angle SLOPING -0.05 -0.10 Rump Angle Rump Width WIDE -0.13 -0.25 Rump Width Legs CURVED 0.08 0.11 Legs Capacity -0.5 Capacity BV BA 77 dtrs TOP TALL -1.04 CAPACIOUS 0.43 0.01 0.06 -0.10 WIDE -0.17 -0.25 CURVED 0.08 0.11 SLOPING Udder Support STRONG 0.17 0.03 Udder Support STRONG 0.32 0.03 Front Udder STRONG 0.54 0.19 Front Udder STRONG 0.65 0.19 Rear Udder STRONG 0.39 0.22 Rear Udder STRONG 0.44 0.22 CLOSE 0.22 0.10 Front Teat CLOSE 0.10 0.10 CLOSE 0.01 -0.09 Rear Teat CLOSE -0.24 -0.09 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.45 0.23 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.62 0.23 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.24 0.05 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.36 0.05 AMBZED SMITHS OLM IZZY ET APONGA PAIR ET OKURA LIKA MURMUR S3J PATERANGI MANS IMPISH TAWA GROVE MAUNGA ET SJ3 APONGA ERECT JUGGLE NZAEL 13/02/2016 PUHIPUHI CAPS GOLDIE S3J APONGA PAIR ET SOUTH LAND CAPSTAN SJ3 PUHIPUHI WM GOLD TAWA GROVE MAUNGA ET SJ3 APONGA ERECT JUGGLE Freydan Goldie Presely CRV AMBREED Front Teat Rear Teat CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016 Daughter: #111 A & K Stockholmes, Pukeatua -0.98 44 DEVON HMJ SENTINEL S3J JERSEY Breeder: PD & JM Bish A2/A2 DOB: 12/07/2008 BW 170 190 BV BA 75 NZ From: $13.75 - $22.00 PROVEN 220 dtrs, 66 herds Breeding Indicators NZMI 309523 93 94 297 - -51 81 4 -62 A2/A2 DOB: 15/08/2009 BW BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency BV 221 220 97 216 -50 6 8 - BA 75 94 - 81 -62 - - Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV -414 4 4.2 11 5.5 15 BV -473 7 4.3 26 6.0 32 BA -584 -7 4.1 2 5.6 -6 BA -584 -7 4.1 2 5.6 -6 Management & Health Fertility BCS PROVEN 1,195 dtrs, 254 herds Breeding Indicators NZMI NZ From: $13.75 - $22.00 8 - 310507 Breeder: JA & CP McBride BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency Production Management & Health SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Daughter: #98 W & G Brewster, Dilligaf Enterprises Ltd, Te Aroha Fertility BCS SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BV 5.1 -0.10 0.05 -1.5 -8.8 65 BV 2.9 0.02 -0.32 -2.7 -6.5 -136 BA 1.5 -0.01 0.02 -2.4 -1.5 -11 BA 1.5 -0.01 0.02 -2.4 -1.5 -11 Shed Traits Daughter: #253 TH & RA Little, Lily Vale Farms Ltd, Hokitika BA Shed Traits Adaptability Milking QUICKLY -0.07 0.03 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.53 0.03 Shed Temperament LOVELY -0.10 0.07 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.53 0.07 Milking Speed FAST 0.49 0.07 Milking Speed FAST 0.41 0.07 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.02 0.03 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.60 0.03 -0.5 0 1.0 Conformation Stature BV 99 dtrs TOP TALL -0.83 Daughter: #330 J & G Rauber, Invercargill -0.98 -0.5 Conformation Stature 0 1.0 BV BA 163 dtrs TOP TALL -0.80 0.01 0.02 -0.10 Rump Angle WIDE -0.09 -0.25 Rump Width Legs CURVED 0.05 0.11 Legs Udder Support STRONG 0.39 0.03 Udder Support STRONG 0.27 0.03 Front Udder STRONG 0.47 0.19 Front Udder STRONG 0.51 0.19 Rear Udder STRONG 0.58 0.22 Rear Udder STRONG 0.57 0.22 Rump Angle Rump Width SLOPING Front Teat CLOSE -0.07 0.10 Rear Teat CLOSE -0.13 -0.09 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.56 0.23 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.20 0.05 NZAEL 13/02/2016 HILLSTAR MAUNGAS JONO DEVON MAN OZZY S2J Capacity Devon Hmj Sentinel S3J CAPACIOUS 0.49 0.01 SLOPING -0.47 -0.10 WIDE 0.34 -0.25 CURVED 0.10 0.11 Front Teat CLOSE -0.13 0.10 Rear Teat CLOSE -0.32 -0.09 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.60 0.23 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.58 0.05 NZAEL 13/02/2016 TAWA GROVE MAUNGA ET SJ3 HILLSTAR SAMS JOYGIRL OKURA MANHATTEN ET SJ3 DEVON PC IZZY SJ2 ARRIETA TGM DIABLO ET PUKETAWA OM SERENITY TAWA GROVE MAUNGA ET SJ3 ARRIETA SAMUAL DESI OKURA MANHATTEN ET SJ3 PUKETAWA GLO SIOUX GR Dam: #81 Puketawa OM Serenity, Jim McBride, Taranaki -0.98 CAPACIOUS 0.02 Capacity CRV AMBREED PUKETAWA AD SUPERSTITION Puketawa Ad Superstition CROSSBRED Keiran daughter: #247 B & M Davies, Putaruru CRV TRAIT LEADERS CROSSBRED BW NZMI PROTEIN UDDER OVERALL LIVEWEIGHT VIKING* 515813 326 STORM* 514664 326 M&M* 514665 38 MISSION* 513663 1.00 VIPER* 515656 39 WARO* 515665 273 VIKING* 515813 318 CHRUNCHIE* 514670 37 SARAJEVO* 515663 0.99 MISSION* 513663 27 CHRUNCHIE* 514670 271 CHRUNCHIE* 514670 303 BOOMA* 515655 36 VIKING* 515813 0.95 BOOMA* 515655 19 BOOMA* 515655 271 BOOMA* 515655 291 VIPER* 515656 36 MACK 507651 0.62 M&M* 514665 18 KEIRAN 512803 265 WARO* 515665 281 WINEGUM* 514669 34 VIPER* 515656 0.45 SENNA* 513671 13 WINEGUM* 514669 264 PRETORIA* 515661 275 MISSION* 513663 31 IMOLA 512659 0.43 CHRUNCHIE* 514670 9 FERTILITY SOMATIC CELLS TOTAL LONGEVITY CALVING DIFFICULTY BODY CONDITION KEIRAN 512803 7.3 STARSKY 511650 -0.78 BOOMA* 515655 544 PRETORIA* 515661 -2.1 STARSKY 511650 0.33 BOOMA* 515655 6.2 ZEN 512651 -0.59 VIKING* 515813 508 MENDELSSOHN 510673 -2.0 KEIRAN 512803 0.24 PRETORIA* 515661 5.8 SARAJEVO* 515663 -0.50 PRETORIA* 515661 507 STORM* 514664 -1.9 PRETORIA* 515661 0.14 MACK 507651 5.5 BATHURST 512657 -0.47 VIPER* 515656 491 SENNA* 513671 -1.9 SENNA* 513671 0.13 WARO* 515665 4.9 SELWYN 509657 -0.47 WARO* 515665 486 KEIRAN 512803 -1.8 VIPER* 515656 0.13 BATHURST 512657 4.8 CHRUNCHIE* 514670 -0.24 MISSION* 513663 357 IMOLA 512659 -1.2 BATHURST 512657 0.12 CAPACITY OVERALL OPINION CRV ONCE-A-DAY SHORT GESTATION FACIAL ECZEMA FE STARSKY 511650 1.07 MACK 507651 0.48 VIKING* 515813 150 WINEGUM** 514669 -6.5 MAINE* 515651 KEIRAN 512803 0.94 BOOMA* 515655 0.42 SARAJEVO* 515663 137 MACK 507651 -5.8 MISSION* 513663 PRETORIA* 515661 0.69 VIKING* 515813 0.41 MISSION* 513663 136 BATHURST 512657 -3.7 SENNA* 513671 VIPER* 515656 0.67 M&M* 514665 0.41 CHRUNCHIE* 514670 104 M&M** 514665 -3.5 M&M'S* 514665 BATHURST 512657 0.58 DONINGTON 512656 0.36 BOOMA* 515655 88 MISSION** 513663 -3.0 RICCARTON* 513664 VIKING* 515813 0.58 MISSION* 513663 0.31 STARSKY 511650 81 KEIRAN 512803 -2.9 ZEN 512651 * Indicates InSire bulls using Genomic data ** Indicates InSire bulls using NZAEL data Breeder: SR & KI Anderson Breeder: LG & JM Morris A2/A2 DOB: 10/07/2013 DONINGTON F13J2 From: $13.75 - $22.00 0 dtrs, 0 herds Breeding Indicators BA 264 273 127 47 134 239 - -11 211 2 -12 From: $13.75 - $22.00 NZMI BW BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 9 BV 216 191 67 287 3 3 6 - BA 127 134 - 211 -12 - - - Production Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV 680 34 3.9 24 4.4 59 BV 597 29 3.9 12 4.4 40 BA 52 11 3.9 15 5.1 26 BA 52 11 3.9 15 5.1 26 Management & Health Fertility BCS Management & Health SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Arkan Winegum ET F13J3 Fertility BCS SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BV -0.1 -0.01 -0.03 0.0 -6.5 -18 BV 3.1 0.01 0.01 1.8 -2.7 -15 BA 1.9 0.02 0.01 -0.8 -3.1 -3 BA 1.9 0.02 0.01 -0.8 -3.1 -3 Shed Traits Daughter: #10 K & G Black, Opotiki BA Shed Traits Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.07 0.01 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.24 0.01 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.08 0.02 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.23 0.02 FAST -0.03 0.05 Milking Speed FAST 0.06 0.05 WELL-LIKED 0.17 0.09 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.36 0.09 -0.5 0 1.0 Milking Speed Overall Opinion Conformation BV 0 dtrs TOP TALL -0.20 Stature -0.20 -0.5 0 1.0 Conformation Stature BV BA 0 dtrs TOP TALL 0.11 0.18 Rump Angle SLOPING -0.06 -0.06 Rump Angle Rump Width WIDE 0.07 0.03 Rump Width WIDE 0.24 0.03 CURVED -0.02 0.09 Legs CURVED -0.03 0.09 Udder Support STRONG -0.01 0.05 Udder Support STRONG 0.24 0.05 Front Udder STRONG -0.11 0.05 Front Udder STRONG 0.21 0.05 Rear Udder STRONG 0.09 0.09 Rear Udder STRONG 0.47 0.09 Legs Capacity CAPACIOUS -0.04 0.18 SLOPING -0.12 -0.06 CLOSE -0.02 0.02 Front Teat CLOSE -0.02 0.02 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.53 0.07 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.00 0.07 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.12 0.15 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.38 0.15 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.41 0.17 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.11 0.17 GREENWELL TF BLITZ-ET S3F NTHC ---- SUNDAY TELESIS EUON FIRENZE CPR-03-34 SCOTTS NORTHSEA ALCAMENO OM WEDNESDAY NZAEL 13/02/2016 EDWARDS BANQ OVATION S3F FMCG-08-111 SRD JENERAYTIONS BANQUET EDWARDS H OLIVIA-RR S2F TELESIS EUON FIRENZE FMCG-05-70 Donington F13J2 CRV AMBREED Front Teat CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016 Dam: L & J Morris, Balclutha -0.20 CAPACIOUS 0.29 Capacity NZ PROVEN 58 dtrs, 12 herds Breeding Indicators gNZMI gBW gBW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency BV A2/A2 DOB: 01/09/2011 512656 CROSSBRED - FRIESIAN CROSS 514669 47 ARKAN WINEGUM ET F13J3 48 GLENMEAD MISSION F12J4 CROSSBRED - FRIESIAN CROSS Breeder: KW & FA Clark A1/A2 DOB: 25/07/2012 513663 0 dtrs, 0 herds Breeding Indicators BV BA 237 228 127 46 134 357 - 27 211 3 -12 A2/A2 DOB: 18/07/2013 From: $13.75 - $22.00 0 dtrs, 0 herds gNZMI gBW gBW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 8 BV 271 303 46 315 9 2 8 - BA 127 134 - 211 -12 - - - Production Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV 549 31 3.9 31 4.7 62 BV 634 37 4.0 28 4.5 66 BA 52 11 3.9 15 5.1 26 BA 52 11 3.9 15 5.1 26 Management & Health Fertility BCS 514670 Breeder: SR & KI Anderson Breeding Indicators gNZMI gBW gBW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency Management & Health Glenmead Mission F12J4 SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Fertility BCS SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BV 3.2 -0.09 0.06 0.1 -3.0 -46 BV 3.1 0.07 -0.24 0.0 -2.5 -60 BA 1.9 0.02 0.01 -0.8 -3.1 -3 BA 1.9 0.02 0.01 -0.8 -3.1 -3 Shed Traits Arkan Chrunchie F12J4 BA Shed Traits Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.20 0.01 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.07 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.17 0.02 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.09 0.02 Milking Speed FAST 0.30 0.05 Milking Speed FAST -0.01 0.05 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.31 0.09 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.16 0.09 -0.5 0 BV 1.0 Conformation 0 dtrs TOP TALL 0.62 -0.20 0.18 Rump Angle SLOPING -0.31 -0.06 Rump Angle Rump Width WIDE 0.43 0.03 Rump Width Legs CURVED 0.18 0.09 Legs Capacity -0.5 0 1.0 Conformation CAPACIOUS 0.13 Stature CRV AMBREED FE From: $13.75 - $22.00 ARKAN CHRUNCHIE F12J4 BV BA 0.01 0 dtrs TOP TALL -0.09 Stature Capacity -0.20 CAPACIOUS 0.20 0.18 SLOPING -0.13 -0.06 WIDE 0.12 0.03 CURVED 0.01 0.09 Udder Support STRONG 0.85 0.05 Udder Support STRONG 0.02 0.05 Front Udder STRONG 0.77 0.05 Front Udder STRONG -0.32 0.05 Rear Udder STRONG 0.87 0.09 Rear Udder STRONG 0.09 0.09 Front Teat CLOSE 0.27 0.02 Front Teat CLOSE 0.11 0.02 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.58 0.07 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.47 0.07 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 1.00 0.15 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.08 0.15 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.54 0.17 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.36 0.17 CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016 FAIRMONT MINT-EDITION K & F CLARK TOP DECK KO PIERRE SRD FAIRMONT VP MINDY LYNBROOK OPIUM TRAIL GLENMEAD 07-11-ET S2F CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016 GREENWELL TF BLITZ-ET S3F ALCAMENO OM RACHANA TELESIS EUON FIRENZE CPR-03-34 OKURA MANHATTEN ET SJ3 ALCAMENO PRE RAYLYN S2F 515655 Breeder: SP Coombe A1/A2 DOB: 27/07/2014 From: $13.75 - $22.00 271 291 127 42 134 544 - 19 211 6 -12 From: $13.75 - $22.00 0 dtrs, 0 herds Breeding Indicators gNZMI gBW gBW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency BA A2/A2 DOB: 27/07/2014 0 dtrs, 0 herds Breeding Indicators BV 515663 gNZMI gBW gBW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 10 BV 233 231 44 350 -1 6 8 - BA 127 134 - 211 -12 - - - Production Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV 933 36 3.7 31 4.3 67 BV 474 23 3.8 24 4.6 47 BA 52 11 3.9 15 5.1 26 BA 52 11 3.9 15 5.1 26 Management & Health Fertility BCS Management & Health Booma F12J4 SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Fertility BCS BV 6.2 0.12 0.07 0.7 -5.2 140 BV 2.8 0.07 -0.50 0.2 -1.2 33 BA 1.9 0.02 0.01 -0.8 -3.1 -3 BA 1.9 0.02 0.01 -0.8 -3.1 -3 Shed Traits Sarajevo F12J4 SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BA Shed Traits Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.22 0.01 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.05 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.23 0.02 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.03 0.02 Milking Speed FAST 0.38 0.05 Milking Speed FAST -0.01 0.05 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.42 0.09 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.11 0.09 -0.5 0 1.0 BV Conformation 0 dtrs TOP -0.5 0 1.0 BV Conformation BA 0.01 0 dtrs TOP TALL 0.50 -0.20 CAPACIOUS 0.28 0.18 Rump Angle SLOPING -0.20 -0.06 Rump Angle Rump Width WIDE 0.22 0.03 Rump Width CURVED -0.06 0.09 Legs Udder Support STRONG 0.22 0.05 Udder Support STRONG 0.55 0.05 Front Udder STRONG 0.21 0.05 Front Udder STRONG 0.74 0.05 Rear Udder STRONG 0.18 0.09 Rear Udder STRONG 0.77 0.09 Stature Capacity Legs TALL 0.19 Stature Capacity -0.20 CAPACIOUS 0.31 0.18 0.10 -0.06 WIDE 0.10 0.03 CURVED 0.02 0.09 SLOPING Front Teat CLOSE 0.07 0.02 Front Teat CLOSE 0.10 0.02 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.18 0.07 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.02 0.07 DESIRABLE 0.30 0.15 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.99 0.15 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.27 0.17 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.46 0.17 BUNGAY OMAN DANNY S3F BOOMA O-BEE MANFRED JUSTICE-ET BUNGAY PIERRE DANETTE S2F FAIRMONT MINT-EDITION WHITIMORE MANS BOOMA CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016 MARCHEL FIRE MACCA-OC S2F LYNP-11-11 TELESIS EUON FIRENZE MARCHEL SKEL JORJA-OC S1F OKURA LIKA MURMUR S3J DTRJ-09-68 CRV AMBREED Udder Overall CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016 CROSSBRED - FRIESIAN CROSS Breeder: JR & DA Gloyn SARAJEVO F12J4 49 BOOMA F12J4 50 BURGESS VIPER -ET -ETF11J5 F11J5 CROSSBRED - FRIESIAN CROSS Breeder: WG & ML Burgess From: $13.75 - $22.00 263 253 127 44 134 491 - 39 211 5 -12 0 dtrs, 0 herds gNZMI gBW gBW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 6 BV 273 281 42 486 -1 6 8 - BA 127 134 - 211 -12 - - - Production Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV 705 36 3.9 33 4.6 69 BV 453 30 3.8 18 4.5 48 BA 52 11 3.9 15 5.1 26 BA 52 11 3.9 15 5.1 26 Management & Health Fertility BCS Management & Health Burgess Viper-ET F11J5 SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Fertility BCS SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BV 3.7 0.13 0.25 2.8 -2.5 123 BV 4.9 0.10 0.05 -0.5 -4.3 113 BA 1.9 0.02 0.01 -0.8 -3.1 -3 BA 1.9 0.02 0.01 -0.8 -3.1 -3 Shed Traits Perivale Waro F10J6 BA Shed Traits Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.14 0.01 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.08 0.01 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.13 0.02 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.09 0.02 FAST -0.02 0.05 Milking Speed FAST 0.27 0.05 WELL-LIKED 0.19 0.09 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.25 0.09 -0.5 0 BV 1.0 Milking Speed Overall Opinion Conformation 0 dtrs TOP -0.5 0 1.0 Conformation BV BA 0 dtrs TOP TALL 0.71 -0.20 CAPACIOUS 0.67 0.18 0.28 -0.06 Rump Angle WIDE 0.35 0.03 Rump Width WIDE 0.10 0.03 CURVED -0.10 0.09 Legs CURVED -0.01 0.09 Udder Support STRONG 0.30 0.05 Udder Support STRONG 0.19 0.05 Front Udder STRONG 0.33 0.05 Front Udder STRONG 0.27 0.05 Rear Udder STRONG 0.55 0.09 Rear Udder STRONG 0.39 0.09 Front Teat CLOSE 0.23 0.02 Front Teat CLOSE 0.09 0.02 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.25 0.07 Rear Teat CLOSE -0.01 0.07 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.45 0.15 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.39 0.15 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.44 0.17 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.30 0.17 Stature Capacity SLOPING Rump Angle Rump Width Legs CRV AMBREED 515665 From: $13.75 - $22.00 Breeding Indicators gNZMI gBW gBW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency BA A2/A2 DOB: 24/08/2014 0 dtrs, 0 herds Breeding Indicators BV PERIVALE WARO F10J6 Breeder: G Berry A1/A2 DOB: 28/03/2014 515656 CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016 MURITAI FIRENZE WYNSOR BURGESS VS VENUS S0J TELESIS EUON FIRENZE MURITAI DESTINY WILLOW MITCHELLS LIKABULL SJ3 HNC-01-43 TALL 0.17 Stature Capacity 0.18 0.01 -0.06 SLOPING CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016 BUNGAY OMAN DANNY S3F PERIVALE WARO S0J -0.20 CAPACIOUS 0.37 O-BEE MANFRED JUSTICE-ET BUNGAY PIERRE DANETTE S2F OKURA MANHATTEN ET SJ3 LWKQ-06-41 Breeder: R Riley CLARKS MARSHALL F8J8 From: $13.75 - $22.00 326 127 46 134 351 - -18 211 2 -12 From: $13.75 - $22.00 NZMI BW BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 11 BV 241 231 80 351 -22 2 9 - BA 127 134 - 211 -12 - - - Production Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV 418 30 3.9 52 5.1 82 BV 475 27 3.9 23 4.8 49 BA 52 11 3.9 15 5.1 26 BA 52 11 3.9 15 5.1 26 Management & Health Fertility BCS PROVEN 144 dtrs, 20 herds Breeding Indicators gNZMI gBW gBW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 257 A2A2 DOB: 12/07/2011 0 dtrs, 0 herds Breeding Indicators BA NZ Breeder: KW & FA Clark A2/A2 DOB: 30/08/2013 BV 512801 CROSSBRED - CROSS 514664 51 BERRYDOWNS STORM ET F9J7 F9J7 Management & Health SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Berrydowns Storm ET F9J7 Fertility BCS SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BV 0.8 -0.04 -0.03 -1.9 -2.5 -40 BV 0.4 -0.03 -0.22 -0.1 -2.3 16 BA 1.9 0.02 0.01 -0.8 -3.1 -3 BA 1.9 0.02 0.01 -0.8 -3.1 -3 Shed Traits Daughter: # 427 KW & FA Clark, Whakatane BA Shed Traits Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.01 0.01 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY -0.02 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.02 0.02 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.00 0.02 Milking Speed FAST 0.13 0.05 Milking Speed FAST -0.07 0.05 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.09 0.09 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.11 0.09 -0.5 0 1.0 Conformation BV 0 dtrs TOP TALL -0.19 Stature Capacity Rump Width Legs Conformation Stature CAPACIOUS 0.08 0.18 0.05 -0.06 Rump Angle WIDE -0.07 0.03 Rump Width CURVED 0.14 0.09 Legs SLOPING Rump Angle -0.20 -0.5 Capacity 0 1.0 BV BA 0.01 14 dtrs TOP TALL -0.23 CAPACIOUS 0.27 0.18 SLOPING -0.25 -0.06 WIDE 0.32 0.03 CURVED 0.01 0.09 Udder Support STRONG 0.12 0.05 Udder Support STRONG 0.11 0.05 Front Udder STRONG -0.01 0.05 Front Udder STRONG 0.17 0.05 Rear Udder STRONG 0.30 0.09 Rear Udder STRONG 0.43 0.09 CLOSE -0.03 0.02 Front Teat CLOSE -0.06 0.02 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.38 0.07 Rear Teat CLOSE -0.04 0.07 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.29 0.15 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.39 0.15 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.08 0.17 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.41 0.17 HOWIES CHECKPOINT JKYX-07-44 SHALENDY AMOROUS-ET HHTT-05-88 OKURA MANHATTEN ET SJ3 JKYX-96-134 NZAEL 13/02/2016 OKURA LIKA MURMUR S3J GLENMEAD 09-38 S3F MITCHELLS LIKABULL SJ3 OKURA CASPERS MERMAID SJ3 VALDEN HI APPLAUSE-ET S2F GLENMEAD DANO MAY Clarks Marshall F8J8 (flipped) CRV AMBREED Front Teat CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016 Daughter: #31 KW & FA Clark, Whakatane -0.20 52 TIROHANGA PRETORIA MENDELSSOHN J9F7 J12F4 CROSSBRED - JERSEY CROSS Breeder: MJ & VL Tillemans A2/A2 DOB: 12/08/2009 BW 170 194 BV BA 127 PROVEN 506 dtrs, 83 herds STARSKY J9F7 92 134 320 - -41 211 4 -12 511650 Breeder: MP & D Bourke A2/A2 DOB: 22/07/2009 NZMI BW 166 dtrs, 24 herds BV 214 208 85 344 7 7 7 - BA 127 134 - 211 -12 - - Production Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV -42 9 4.0 19 5.2 28 BV 362 21 3.9 17 4.8 38 BA 52 11 3.9 15 5.1 26 BA 52 11 3.9 15 5.1 26 Management & Health Fertility BCS PROVEN BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 9 - NZ From: $13.75 - $22.00 Breeding Indicators BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency Management & Health SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Daughter: B & B Campbell, Norwood Farm Partnership, Eltham Fertility BCS SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BV 3.9 0.09 -0.01 -2.0 -2 -6 BV 2.2 0.33 -0.78 -1.0 3.1 -89 BA 1.9 0.02 0.01 -0.8 -3.1 -3 BA 1.9 0.02 0.01 -0.8 -3.1 -3 Shed Traits Starsky J9F7 BA Shed Traits Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.09 0.01 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.00 0.01 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.06 0.02 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.00 0.02 Milking Speed FAST 0.14 0.05 Milking Speed FAST 0.05 0.05 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.11 0.09 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.10 0.09 -0.5 0 1.0 Conformation Capacity Rump Angle Rump Width Legs BV 7 dtrs TOP Mendelssohn J9F7 TALL -0.84 -0.20 0.18 0.01 -0.06 Rump Angle WIDE -0.10 0.03 Rump Width CURVED 0.05 0.09 Legs SLOPING -0.5 0 1.0 Conformation CAPACIOUS 0.24 Stature CRV AMBREED NZ From: $13.75 - $22.00 Breeding Indicators NZMI 510673 BA 8 dtrs TOP TALL -0.03 Stature Capacity BV -0.20 CAPACIOUS 1.07 0.18 SLOPING -0.33 -0.06 WIDE 0.09 0.03 CURVED 0.00 0.09 Udder Support STRONG -0.17 0.05 Udder Support STRONG -0.21 0.05 Front Udder STRONG -0.04 0.05 Front Udder STRONG -0.08 0.05 Rear Udder STRONG 0.21 0.09 Rear Udder STRONG -0.02 0.09 Front Teat CLOSE -0.02 0.02 Front Teat CLOSE -0.16 0.02 Rear Teat CLOSE -0.22 0.07 Rear Teat CLOSE -0.38 0.07 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.10 0.15 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.09 0.15 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.15 0.17 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.88 0.17 NZAEL 13/02/2016 HOWIES EASYRIDER JVLH-05-99 NZAEL 13/02/2016 INGRAMS RAMROD HHTT-03-8 TAWA GROVE MAUNGA ET SJ3 RUKUHIA 00-21-RR S3F PRIESTS SOLARIS-ET DXWK-06-40 INGRAMS RAMROD JQXQ-02-11 WHINLEA PALADIUM ELSTO-ET BOURKES ADS RENA S3J 512659 A2/A2 DOB: 02/08/2011 BW 213 175 BV BA 127 PROVEN 46 dtrs, 14 herds Breeding Indicators NZMI NZ From: $13.75 - $22.00 64 134 273 - 1 211 6 -12 Breeder: S & N Ireland A2/A2 DOB: 11/08/2014 From: $13.75 - $22.00 0 dtrs, 0 herds Breeding Indicators BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 515813 gNZMI gBW gBW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 5 BV 326 318 43 508 -18 7 10 - BA 127 134 - 211 -12 - - - Production Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV 420 23 3.9 15 4.7 38 BV 465 29 3.8 30 4.4 59 BA 52 11 3.9 15 5.1 26 BA 52 11 3.9 15 5.1 26 Management & Health Fertility BCS Management & Health SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Daughter: #95 Yeroc Farm Trust, Waitara Fertility BCS BV 2.2 0.01 -0.21 -1.2 0.6 -10 BV 4.6 0.09 -0.06 -0.4 -3.1 63 BA 1.9 0.02 0.01 -0.8 -3.1 -3 BA 1.9 0.02 0.01 -0.8 -3.1 -3 Shed Traits Lynbrook LT Viking J10F6 (flipped) SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BA Shed Traits Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.05 0.01 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.27 0.01 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.10 0.02 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.28 0.02 FAST -0.04 0.05 Milking Speed FAST 0.21 0.05 WELL-LIKED 0.15 0.09 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.41 0.09 -0.5 0 1.0 Milking Speed Overall Opinion Conformation BV 1 dtrs TOP TALL 0.12 Stature -0.20 Imola J9F7 -0.5 0 BV 1.0 Conformation BA 0 dtrs TOP TALL -0.41 Stature 0.18 Rump Angle SLOPING -0.03 -0.06 Rump Angle Rump Width WIDE 0.20 0.03 Rump Width CURVED 0.08 0.09 Legs Udder Support STRONG 0.25 0.05 Udder Support STRONG 0.94 0.05 Front Udder STRONG 0.32 0.05 Front Udder STRONG 0.77 0.05 Rear Udder STRONG 0.51 0.09 Rear Udder STRONG 1.05 0.09 Legs Capacity CAPACIOUS 0.58 0.18 0.00 -0.06 WIDE 0.34 0.03 CURVED 0.27 0.09 SLOPING Front Teat CLOSE 0.19 0.02 Front Teat CLOSE 0.12 0.02 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.14 0.07 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.47 0.07 DESIRABLE 0.43 0.15 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.95 0.15 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.48 0.17 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.52 0.17 OKURA LIKA MURMUR S3J BPRK-09-16 CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016 MITCHELLS LIKABULL SJ3 OKURA CASPERS MERMAID SJ3 MAIRE EX PRESSO BPRK-02-2 LYNBROOK TERRIFIC ET S3J LYNBROOK FME VANESSA FERNAIG ADMIRAL SJ3 LYNBROOK OM TRICK ET S3J FAIRMONT MINT-EDITION LYNBROOK SEA VANESSA CRV AMBREED Udder Overall NZAEL 13/02/2016 Daughter: #344 S & N Ireland, Lynbrook Farms, Temuka -0.20 CAPACIOUS 0.52 Capacity CROSSBRED - JERSEY CROSS Breeder: AJ & JE Moore LYNBROOK LT VIKING J10F6 53 IMOLA J9F7 54 LYNBROOK OLM KEIRAN -ET -ETJ11F3 J11F3 CROSSBRED - JERSEY CROSS Breeder: S & N Ireland A2A2 DOB: 28/07/2011 BW 265 245 BV BA 127 PROVEN 214 dtrs, 28 herds 85 134 288 - -55 211 8 -12 TIROHANGA PRETORIA J12F4 A1/A2 DOB: 10/08/2014 From: $13.75 - $22.00 0 dtrs, 0 herds gNZMI gBW gBW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 11 BV 243 275 45 507 -31 7 10 - BA 127 134 - 211 -12 - - - Production Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV -5 12 4.0 21 5.2 33 BV -7 14 3.9 22 5.1 36 BA 52 11 3.9 15 5.1 26 BA 52 11 3.9 15 5.1 26 Management & Health Fertility BCS 515661 Breeder: B & J Moore Breeding Indicators BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency Management & Health Daughter: #247 B & M Davies, Putaruru SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Fertility BCS BV -1.8 -2.9 -199 BV 5.8 0.14 -0.19 -2.1 -5.3 140 BA 1.9 0.02 0.01 -0.8 -3.1 -3 BA 1.9 0.02 0.01 -0.8 -3.1 -3 -0.5 0 BV 1.0 BA Shed Traits Tirohanga Pretoria J12F4 SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival 7.3 0.24 0.13 Shed Traits -0.5 0 1.0 BV BA Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.18 0.01 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.11 0.01 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.23 0.02 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.09 0.02 FAST 0.08 0.05 Milking Speed FAST 0.14 0.05 WELL-LIKED 0.25 0.09 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.19 0.09 Milking Speed Overall Opinion Conformation 37 dtrs TOP Lynbrook Olm Keiran-ET J11F3 Conformation TALL -1.21 -0.20 CAPACIOUS 0.94 0.18 Rump Angle SLOPING -0.19 -0.06 Rump Angle Rump Width WIDE -0.25 0.03 Rump Width CURVED 0.27 0.09 Legs Stature Capacity Legs CRV AMBREED NZ From: $15.00 - $25.00 Breeding Indicators NZMI 512803 0 dtrs TOP TALL -0.71 Stature Capacity -0.20 CAPACIOUS 0.69 0.18 SLOPING -0.14 -0.06 WIDE 0.16 0.03 CURVED 0.11 0.09 Udder Support STRONG 0.11 0.05 Udder Support STRONG 0.15 0.05 Front Udder STRONG 0.34 0.05 Front Udder STRONG 0.34 0.05 Rear Udder STRONG 0.28 0.09 Rear Udder STRONG 0.47 0.09 Front Teat CLOSE 0.00 0.02 Front Teat CLOSE -0.06 0.02 Rear Teat CLOSE -0.04 0.07 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.16 0.07 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.42 0.15 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.42 0.15 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.54 0.17 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.37 0.17 NZAEL 13/02/2016 OKURA LIKA MURMUR S3J LYNBROOK NSEA KAREN CRV calculated genomic BV’s from January 2016 MITCHELLS LIKABULL SJ3 OKURA CASPERS MERMAID SJ3 SCOTTS NORTHSEA LYNBROOK CHALL KAREN PUKEROA TGM MANZELLO TIROHANGA 08-8 S0F TAWA GROVE MAUNGA ET SJ3 PUKEROA MANS BRACELET INGRAMS RAMROD TIROHANGA NADIA-ET S0F AYRSHIRE & RED BREEDS Snazzy daughter: CR & S Pope, Ryeland Farm Co Ltd, Hawera Breeder: DG & GM Macky A1/A2 DOB: 11/08/2011 BW 128 79 BV BA 14 PROVEN 62 dtrs, 12 herds Breeding Indicators NZMI NZ From: $13.75 - $20.00 LODORE HUGHIE ROYAL ET Breeder: Lodore Farms Ltd -42 85 - -10 -53 2 4 From: $13.75 - $20.00 NZMI BW BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 5 BV 128 70 39 232 13 6 4 - BA 14 -42 - -53 4 - - - Production Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV 206 11 3.8 18 4.9 29 BV 279 10 3.7 11 4.7 20 BA 75 0 3.7 -6 4.5 -6 BA 75 0 3.7 -6 4.5 -6 Management & Health Fertility BCS Management & Health SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival Daughter: #137 DG & GN Macky, Te Awamutu Fertility BCS SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BV -4.8 -0.02 -0.19 -0.5 -2.5 -12 BV 1.5 -0.06 0.01 -1.5 -2.3 133 BA -4.8 -0.06 -0.20 -0.6 -0.5 80 BA -4.8 -0.06 -0.20 -0.6 -0.5 80 Shed Traits Lodore Hughie Royal ET BA Shed Traits Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.61 0.20 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.70 0.20 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.59 0.20 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.68 0.20 Milking Speed FAST 0.37 0.01 Milking Speed FAST 0.43 0.01 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.63 0.19 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.75 0.19 -0.5 0 1.0 Conformation Stature Capacity Rump Angle Rump Width Legs BV 34 dtrs TOP Daughter: #43 DG & GN Macky, Te Awamutu -0.5 0 1.0 Conformation BV BA 0 dtrs TOP TALL -0.30 -0.17 CAPACIOUS 0.15 0.32 0.65 0.34 Rump Angle WIDE -0.43 -0.20 Rump Width CURVED 0.12 0.04 Legs 0.02 SLOPING Stature Capacity TALL -0.11 -0.17 CAPACIOUS 0.49 0.32 0.49 0.34 WIDE -0.11 -0.20 CURVED 0.08 0.04 SLOPING Udder Support STRONG -0.07 0.02 Udder Support STRONG 0.02 Front Udder STRONG 0.21 0.07 Front Udder STRONG 0.21 0.07 Rear Udder STRONG -0.24 -0.12 Rear Udder STRONG -0.26 -0.12 Front Teat CLOSE 0.15 0.12 Front Teat CLOSE 0.29 0.12 Rear Teat CLOSE -0.09 0.10 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.08 0.10 Ngarangi Brody Nevada DESIRABLE 0.18 0.04 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.05 0.04 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE -0.12 0.10 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.25 0.10 NZAEL 13/02/2016 NZAEL 13/02/2016 HIRVIVAINION JULLI CARMELGLEN BRIGITTE SANROSA ROYAL PHILLIP NGARANGI HEP NITA HOLYROOD PRINCE HUGHIE LODORE BRODY ROYAL ET SANROSA ROYAL PHILLIP ARA AYRLEA WILLOW CARMELGLEN BRODY LODORE NANS ROYALLE CRV AMBREED Udder Overall CARMELGLEN BRODY NGARANGI PIP NICOLETTE NZ PROVEN - dtrs, - herds Breeding Indicators BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 71 A1/A1 DOB: 15/07/2013 514654 AYRSHIRE & REDS 512666 57 NGARANGI BRODY NEVADA 58 LODORE SRP SNAZZY ET AYRSHIRE & REDS Breeder: Lodore Farms Ltd A1/A2 DOB: 05/03/2009 BW 115 106 BV BA 14 NZ From: $13.75 - $20.00 PROVEN 189 dtrs, 51 herds Breeding Indicators NZMI 510663 91 -42 274 - -18 -53 4 4 511669 Breeder: GJ Travers A2/A2 DOB: 26/11/2009 NZMI BW 100 dtrs, 24 herds BV 120 21 83 -82 -20 0 2 - BA 14 -42 - -53 4 - - Production Production Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) BV -63 5 3.9 5 5.0 10 BV 320 12 3.7 5 4.5 17 BA 75 0 3.7 -6 4.5 -6 BA 75 0 3.7 -6 4.5 -6 Management & Health Fertility BCS PROVEN BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency 5 - NZ From: $13.75 - $20.00 Breeding Indicators BW Rel Long LiveWt %Health %Efficiency Milk (lts) Prot (kg) Prot (%) Fat (kg) Fat (%) Fat & Prot (kg) Management & Health SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BV 0.3 0.00 -0.18 -1.3 -2.2 164 BA -4.8 -0.06 -0.20 -0.6 -0.5 80 Shed Traits Daughter: CR & S Pope, Ryeland Farm Co Ltd, Hawera Fertility BCS SCS Calving Diff Gest Length Res Survival BV -11.3 -0.03 -0.26 -0.4 -2.7 -14 -4.8 -0.06 -0.20 -0.6 -0.5 80 BA Daughter: #153 C Boyd, Mile Square Farms Ltd, Inglewood BA Shed Traits Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.14 0.20 Adaptability Milking QUICKLY 0.28 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.05 0.20 Shed Temperament LOVELY 0.23 0.20 Milking Speed FAST 0.34 0.01 Milking Speed FAST -0.48 0.01 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.34 0.19 Overall Opinion WELL-LIKED 0.16 0.19 -0.5 0 1.0 Conformation Stature Capacity Rump Angle BV 75 dtrs TOP Lodore Srp Snazzy ET 0 1.0 Conformation TALL -0.60 -0.17 CAPACIOUS 0.10 0.32 0.47 0.34 Rump Angle Rump Width SLOPING -0.5 Stature Capacity BV BA 0.20 62 dtrs TOP TALL -0.82 -0.17 CAPACIOUS 0.87 0.32 0.44 0.34 SLOPING WIDE -0.53 -0.20 WIDE -0.30 -0.20 Legs CURVED 0.04 0.04 Legs CURVED 0.33 0.04 Udder Support STRONG 0.02 0.02 Udder Support STRONG -0.21 0.02 Front Udder STRONG 0.25 0.07 Front Udder STRONG -0.04 0.07 Rear Udder STRONG -0.09 -0.12 Rear Udder STRONG -0.01 -0.12 Front Teat CLOSE 0.03 0.12 Front Teat CLOSE -0.11 0.12 Rear Teat CLOSE -0.30 0.10 Rear Teat CLOSE 0.01 0.10 Udder Overall DESIRABLE 0.19 0.04 Udder Overall DESIRABLE -0.01 0.04 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE -0.19 0.10 Dairy Conformation DESIRABLE 0.43 0.10 Rump Width CRV AMBREED PA HILL KINGS VOLTAGE NZAEL 13/02/2016 SANROSA ROYAL PHILLIP LODORE JULLI SNOWIE S3A NZAEL 13/02/2016 KUUSIJOEN ETRONI SANROSA ROYAL POISE HIRVIVAINION JULLI ARB ALCOLMDALE SNOWQUEEN INGLECORNER MILKY KING PA HILL NIGEL VANITY INGLECORNER MILKY BOY ARA INGLECORNER BUT TAM PA HILL JULLI NIGEL ET PA HILL LEVI VANITY Pa Hill Kings Voltage 59 70 1.8 -0.03 -35 261 0.7 0.13 -0.5 -0.02 -0.01 -0.11 0.12 1.07 0.46 -0.14 0.49 -0.21 0.44 0.68 0.28 0.30 0.00 0.73 0.67 4.5 739 25 0.0 -0.06 -70 227 5.7 0.00 -0.2 0.37 0.35 0.17 0.52 0.63 0.39 0.05 0.26 -0.04 0.43 0.44 0.55 0.09 0.35 0.64 0.45 MONOWAI HOM DELUCA-ET SIF 109504 A1/A2 112 95 87 9 2 88 25 23 3.6 11 4.2 817 95 7.9 0.01 209 502 -2.3 0.27 -4.0 0.13 0.11 -0.18 0.10 1.56 0.48 -0.05 0.07 -0.25 0.73 0.73 0.16 0.24 0.44 0.68 0.56 SCOTTS FROSTMAN DELUX S1F 110583 A2/A2 197 160 85 4 7 96 43 29 3.6 19 4.3 960 39 2.0 0.00 142 472 3.3 0.22 -4.4 0.14 0.12 0.23 0.33 0.44 0.45 -0.28 0.35 0.00 0.74 0.79 0.68 0.26 0.28 0.93 0.25 SCOTTS FROST DEVILLE S1F 110528 A2/A2 183 178 85 4 6 104 47 26 3.8 23 4.6 641 37 4.5 -0.17 LORNLACE VHA DUMPLING S3F** 109500 A1/A2 232 186 96 -1 9 699 161 37 3.8 24 4.4 939 16 -0.5 0.68 LORNLACE PF DUNLOP S2F 111533 A2/A2 204 184 84 3 8 108 33 31 3.7 24 4.4 894 31 2.4 0.27 135 475 1.9 0.13 -0.9 -0.08 -0.09 0.00 0.15 0.26 0.65 -0.27 0.22 0.19 0.08 -0.14 0.25 0.14 0.05 0.25 0.52 MAIRE PRESSO FELIX-ET* 110862 A2/A2 198 148 81 0 6 73 19 42 3.7 23 4.2 1146 62 0.1 0.24 123 321 2.3 -0.21 1.0 0.08 0.09 0.16 0.28 1.44 0.03 0.13 0.50 -0.03 0.21 -0.01 0.15 0.42 0.88 0.15 0.17 AMBZED LEOP HOLLER-ET S3F 106551 A2/A2 173 115 99 -1 8 6455 886 33 3.5 37 4.3 1295 28 0.0 0.39 -130 147 2.4 -0.08 -6.8 0.07 0.12 -0.10 0.22 0.52 0.13 0.04 0.30 -0.17 0.50 0.35 0.49 0.41 0.89 0.50 0.34 MARCHEL DAVIN JAVA-OC S2F 111531 A1/A2 167 158 81 2 4 87 29 28 4.0 25 4.8 463 53 1.7 -0.41 DALMORE TEF LIMA 108562 A1/A2 188 128 94 1 3 541 121 30 3.9 23 4.7 522 58 0.2 0.54 -6 247 2.8 0.16 -2.2 0.15 0.13 0.24 0.39 1.02 0.72 -0.40 0.89 -0.28 0.69 0.55 0.57 0.30 0.49 0.75 0.84 ALJO DP MAGNETRON-ET S3F 109524 A1/A2 174 72 85 1 4 91 28 38 3.5 23 4.1 1340 73 -2.8 0.17 47 193 1.5 -0.07 -2.2 0.37 0.39 0.20 0.50 1.38 0.04 0.08 0.49 -0.15 1.03 0.80 1.06 0.43 0.75 1.04 0.36 WOODCOTE MINT MEDAL 111543 A1/A2 224 163 85 4 6 134 42 36 3.7 42 4.7 946 71 6.3 0.21 -155 233 2.4 -0.12 -7.8 0.21 0.18 0.18 0.48 1.23 0.39 0.32 0.41 0.06 0.57 0.35 0.54 0.13 0.59 0.65 0.64 METALLICA F14J2 109600 A1/A2 188 135 95 2 5 595 156 25 3.8 24 4.7 602 28 -0.5 0.04 -49 221 2.8 0.12 -4.8 0.29 0.31 0.11 0.37 0.42 0.71 0.20 0.51 -0.04 0.39 0.30 0.33 0.12 0.47 0.31 0.61 BUSY BROOK FROS MONTY S1F** 110533 A1/A2 156 136 93 3 5 589 138 33 3.7 24 4.3 979 62 1.0 -0.47 -20 276 0.4 0.04 -4.5 -0.06 -0.09 -0.21 -0.09 0.99 0.31 -0.22 0.41 0.15 0.37 0.41 0.42 0.20 -0.33 0.47 0.42 HSS MD OLLIE S3F 108571 A2/A2 114 146 96 1 4 1009 171 21 4.0 22 5.0 277 41 3.4 -0.07 94 331 2.3 -0.07 0.5 0.02 -0.03 0.52 0.29 0.99 -0.04 -0.77 0.08 0.06 0.20 0.15 -0.10 0.27 0.14 0.32 0.09 OAKURA OMAN OVERDRIVE 106538 A2/A2 152 57 99 7 1 13034 1542 35 3.5 GLENMEAD NHF PATER-ET S2F 108648 A1/A2 148 94 96 4 2 1078 202 26 3.7 22 4.5 772 76 4.1 -0.15 -109 202 3.2 0.19 -4.8 -0.10 -0.17 0.11 0.18 1.17 0.73 -0.02 0.78 -0.03 1.12 0.59 0.86 0.26 0.86 0.84 1.04 BUSY BROOK FL RAID-ET S1F* 108806 A1/A2 133 126 98 1 6 1433 312 21 3.7 17 4.5 620 17 2.9 -0.23 ROS MHOR OMJ RAMBLER 110536 A1/A2 195 142 85 5 7 93 40 39 3.5 35 4.2 1404 66 3.1 -0.34 -136 235 -2.5 -0.04 -6.1 0.00 -0.02 0.08 0.30 1.35 0.32 -0.17 0.40 -0.29 0.23 0.12 0.09 0.40 0.02 0.36 0.53 MAIRE MINT RICHIE** 112569 A1/A2 227 156 74 1 5 77 21 43 3.6 35 4.3 1313 78 4.3 DOMINO JOCKO RUPERT S3F 105548 A1/A2 138 41 99 2 2 6871 931 30 3.5 3.9 1168 56 -1.9 -0.03 HSS TALENT SAHARA-ET S2F 110541 A2/A2 173 42 83 3 1 88 26 41 3.5 27 4.1 1417 115 -0.3 -0.21 -107 ROS MHOR TEF SHADOW S1F 108590 A1/A2 225 166 98 3 5 4081 598 40 3.8 32 4.5 1009 HSS ADF SIROCCO S2F 108588 A1/A2 161 56 96 -1 1 1011 187 37 3.6 33 4.4 1122 91 0.3 0.24 -235 VALDEN PIE THEOREM-ET S3F 107555 A2/A2 193 146 97 0 8 1093 201 28 3.7 32 4.7 738 16 1.0 0.42 VALDEN P TURBO-ET S3F* 107804 A2/A2 207 171 99 0 8 4556 761 29 3.8 32 4.7 713 8 2.3 0.29 -199 141 2.4 -0.05 0.4 0.23 0.22 0.23 0.34 0.26 0.06 0.34 0.14 0.03 0.36 0.11 0.10 0.32 0.85 0.24 0.22 BUCKLIN PIERRES UTU S2F* 105800 A2/A2 171 171 98 1 8 2018 407 23 3.8 27 4.9 478 9 2.2 0.18 AMBZED GRAPHITE WILLOW-ET 110580 A1/A1 227 138 90 1 5 4.5 813 42 1.5 Total Longevity Udder Overall BV 4.4 844 33 3.8 23 Rear Teat BV 35 3.8 19 1143 234 Front Teat BV 117 15 6 Rear Udder BV 3 0 Fore Udder BV 3 235 173 96 Udder Support BV 190 137 79 108550 A1/A1 Legs BV 112554 A2/A2 KOTUKU TEF DAVINCI Rump Width BV AMBZED MORRIS CASSIDY S2F Rump Angle BV 53 -1.0 Capacity BV 4.5 694 Stature BV 32 3.9 21 Overall Opinion BV 531 130 Milking Speed BV 5 Temperament BV 1 Adaptability BV 175 156 94 Body Condition BV 110555 A2/A2 Calving Difficulty BV RIDGETOP FORMAT CAPRI S3F Residual Survival BV 61 2.7 -0.27 Somatic Cell BV 32 1.4 4.4 1203 Fertility BV 3.9 1005 41 3.7 36 Liveweight BV 34 3.6 16 124 51 Milk BV 0 8 Fat % BV 6 2 Fat BV Protein BV 1 227 209 87 Protein % BV Production Herds 212 177 45 Herd tested dtrs Better Life Efficiency 115520 A2A2 110524 A2/A2 Breeding Worth CULGLEN VAD BRIXTON S3F ★ BRKEL APPLAUSE BRONX S3F NZMI Better Life Health Dairy Conformation BV SHED & TYPE TRAITS Gestation Length BV MANAGEMENT TRAITS Breeding Worth Rel PRODUCTION TRAITS Sires are available individually or as part of Nominated Genetics Packs. Contact your local sales consultant for pricing as sire pricing varies. HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN - 69 8 32 3.8 25 3.8 1366 116 4.8 71 3.3 -96 391 2.9 0.21 -8.7 -0.02 -0.05 0.18 0.16 0.69 0.77 -0.51 0.26 -0.14 0.21 0.22 -0.17 0.07 0.01 0.22 0.65 0.06 135 383 2.1 0.09 -1.4 0.06 0.01 0.13 0.27 0.97 0.27 -0.04 0.24 0.07 0.34 0.36 0.16 0.26 0.85 0.27 0.27 0.05 7 385 2.2 0.16 -2.9 0.10 0.07 -0.02 0.23 0.43 0.44 -0.32 0.25 0.09 0.34 0.55 0.30 0.35 0.06 0.49 0.32 93 350 2.8 -0.06 -7.1 0.12 0.10 0.26 0.37 0.32 0.12 0.30 0.18 0.16 0.15 0.04 -0.15 0.56 0.84 0.04 0.08 47 296 3.6 -0.13 0.0 0.25 0.21 0.09 0.39 1.12 0.05 0.10 0.41 0.05 0.25 -0.05 0.39 -0.01 0.29 0.38 0.20 65 316 1.0 0.24 -4.6 0.15 0.15 -0.07 0.40 1.93 0.61 -0.14 0.47 -0.40 0.78 0.75 0.71 0.32 -0.17 1.01 0.67 -17 229 1.9 -0.03 -1.4 -0.19 -0.26 -0.04 -0.03 0.47 0.09 -0.33 -0.05 0.08 0.41 0.55 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.24 0.14 -168 232 5.1 0.03 -0.4 -0.01 -0.02 0.12 0.26 1.44 0.52 0.10 0.62 -0.08 0.88 0.54 0.72 0.31 0.81 0.74 0.77 5 115 -0.2 0.04 -4.3 0.23 0.27 -0.08 0.27 1.07 0.52 0.00 0.40 -0.19 0.32 -0.18 0.55 0.11 0.42 0.36 0.57 67 3.7 -0.11 0.0 0.43 0.41 0.32 0.63 2.33 0.41 0.12 1.01 -0.04 1.08 1.03 1.06 0.07 0.27 1.20 0.75 0.55 -104 285 0.7 0.16 -5.2 0.08 0.13 -0.06 0.26 1.02 0.82 0.23 0.36 -0.05 -0.04 0.02 -0.28 -0.23 -0.14 0.04 0.89 -30 5.4 -0.11 -5.6 0.24 0.21 0.05 0.33 1.65 0.51 0.23 0.77 -0.08 0.71 0.53 0.66 0.61 0.56 0.79 0.77 -44 212 2.7 -0.12 -5.2 0.34 0.34 0.54 0.50 0.57 0.05 0.03 0.15 -0.07 0.58 0.37 0.52 0.14 0.56 0.62 0.29 30 324 2.7 -0.01 -8.3 0.11 0.08 0.18 0.17 0.18 -0.07 -0.09 0.18 0.11 0.76 0.52 0.87 -0.01 0.47 0.72 0.02 0.39 -206 132 4.7 0.19 -4.7 0.35 0.32 0.02 0.47 0.43 1.15 -0.19 0.55 0.06 0.42 0.42 0.40 0.27 1.13 0.35 1.00 ★ InSire bull *Liberty Genetics joint venture sire **Holstein Friesian New Zealand joint venture sire CRV AMBREED 257 9 0.28 144 403 2.0 0.07 -1.5 0.26 0.25 0.16 0.44 0.59 0.34 -0.17 0.28 0.05 0.29 0.14 0.04 0.42 0.51 0.24 0.41 ADDITIONAL NEW ZEALAND SIRES ADDITIONAL NEW ZEALAND SIRES SHED & TYPE TRAITS 314522 A2A2 171 221 45 4 6 - CANAAN JAZZ GABRIEL ET*** 310550 A1/A2 156 160 95 2 8 502 152 7 4.1 27 5.7 -283 -49 -4.0 0.00 61 221 -2.9 -0.09 -2.3 0.22 0.21 0.13 0.28 -0.80 0.39 -0.16 0.10 0.17 0.09 0.29 0.11 0.39 0.92 0.12 0.40 ALEXIS SHAWNEE HUXLEY 311519 A2/A2 151 172 87 5 6 147 51 7 4.2 18 5.6 -349 -25 -1.3 -0.23 98 325 -3.1 0.11 -2.1 0.13 0.13 0.50 0.37 -0.45 0.32 0.01 -0.07 0.20 0.03 -0.11 0.17 -0.04 0.03 0.10 0.28 OKURA KRC ICEBERG ET 309520 A1/A2 143 178 89 3 8 121 39 3 4.1 11 5.5 -364 -58 0.9 0.04 114 325 -1.6 0.05 -3.3 0.06 0.13 -0.31 0.14 -1.06 0.22 -0.35 -0.18 0.07 0.04 -0.16 0.14 0.10 0.24 0.12 0.24 AMBZED SMITHS OLM IZZY ET 90 Herd tested dtrs Udder Overall BV -50 -1.9 -0.08 147 348 -2.3 0.12 3.2 -0.30 -0.28 0.34 -0.04 -0.82 0.64 -0.25 0.08 0.10 0.28 0.66 0.40 0.13 -0.24 0.66 0.51 MOEHAU EXCELL FURLONG ★ Rear Teat BV -78 1.8 0.02 111 356 -2.3 0.09 3.4 -0.09 -0.14 0.27 0.09 -1.23 -0.04 -0.25 -0.14 0.16 0.52 0.93 0.46 0.62 0.13 0.87 0.02 0 4.4 17 6.1 -715 Front Teat BV -4 4.3 13 6.0 -716 325 Rear Udder BV 541 7 1561 Fore Udder BV 9 2904 5 Udder Support BV 4 98 Legs BV 98 157 182 Rump Width BV 156 201 308588 A2/A2 Rump Angle BV 308500 A1/A2 MARSDEN NN EXCELL ET Capacity BV MARSDEN NN ELICIT ET Stature BV -64 302 -2.2 0.16 -5.9 -0.07 0.00 0.22 0.01 -0.83 0.36 0.01 -0.19 0.18 -0.10 -0.05 0.03 0.04 -0.04 0.08 0.28 Overall Opinion BV -54 1.7 0.10 Milking Speed BV 857 14 4.3 18 5.5 -238 Temperament BV 9 4616 Adaptability BV 3 Body Condition BV 99 Calving Difficulty BV 224 245 Total Longevity 307514 A2/A2 Residual Survival BV -63 262 -1.7 0.02 -6.1 0.20 0.21 -0.1 0.14 -1.33 0.48 CRESCENT MAN DOMINIC ET Somatic Cell BV -23 288 -2.5 0.03 -0.1 0.11 0.18 0.36 0.12 -0.96 0.27 0.25 -0.46 0.19 0.07 0.33 0.46 0.19 -0.02 0.39 0.04 -68 4.5 -0.47 Fertility BV -54 3.7 -0.24 Liveweight BV 1 4.2 22 5.9 -472 39 -0.6 4.2 3.9 5.5 -498 Milk BV 44 132 Fat % BV 168 7 Fat BV 9 5 Protein % BV 6 86 Protein BV 90 188 199 Production Herds Better Life Efficiency 169 198 311513 A2A2 Breeding Worth Rel 310538 A2/A2 CRESCENT MURMUR DEXTER Breeding Worth CANAAN EDIFY BOAZ ET NZMI Better Life Health Dairy Conformation BV MANAGEMENT TRAITS Gestation Length BV 60 ADDITIONAL NEW ZEALAND SIRES PRODUCTION TRAITS JERSEY 0 4.5 4.3 14 5.7 -522 -53.9 0.5 -0.13 30 16 4.0 25 5.2 135 -44 -0.4 -0.45 0.1 -0.28 0.16 0.13 0.35 0.26 -0.04 -0.13 0.44 0.41 86 266 -2.2 0.07 -1.4 -0.17 -0.15 0.23 -0.02 -0.93 0.37 -0.17 -0.15 0.09 0.15 0.41 0.24 -0.04 -0.32 0.35 0.29 312510 A1/A2 222 222 80 5 11 HAWTHORN GROVE JAMISON*** ★ 314535 A2A2 171 218 44 5 8 - 0 0.2 4.1 18 5.7 -460 -61.6 2.1 -0.12 133 331 -2.8 0.00 -5.6 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.34 -1.00 0.25 0.01 -0.12 0.11 LYNBROOK KINGS JESTER S3J ★ 314507 A2A2 235 225 44 5 8 - 0 8.3 PHILSAN KRC KNOCKDOWN 309507 A2/A2 154 152 89 3 6 139 51 7 4.2 GREENMILE MM LAVALAVA ET 310517 A2/A2 151 195 92 6 7 242 88 -1 4.3 18 6.0 -590 -47 5.4 -0.29 -52 281 -2.6 0.11 -3.8 -0.08 -0.10 0.35 0.03 -0.73 0.43 0.04 -0.38 0.19 -0.06 0.06 -0.10 0.14 -0.08 0.19 0.22 GREENMILE MM MAIMAI ET 310503 A2/A2 156 217 92 2 9 264 65 5 4.3 25 6.0 -499 -60 -0.2 -0.19 39 324 -2.5 0.03 -2.8 -0.06 -0.07 0.35 0.14 -0.97 -0.10 -0.06 -0.42 0.18 -0.05 0.03 0.19 0.01 -0.21 0.15 -0.06 WAITEITEI SUPER MAXWELL*** ★ 313526 A2/A2 197 212 44 7 7 - 0 4 4.1 19 5.6 -345 -46 1.5 -0.16 124 328 -3.4 0.02 -6.0 0.49 0.52 0.36 0.53 -0.74 0.41 -0.35 0.05 0.09 0.49 0.78 0.79 0.21 -0.03 0.85 0.50 LYNBROOK TESTMONIAL ET S3J* 309817 A2/A2 192 160 93 6 7 238 79 -1 4.2 6 5.5 -500 -65 1.8 0.07 -48 188 -2.5 0.18 -3.7 0.36 0.38 0.44 0.39 -1.08 0.41 0.17 -0.29 0.21 0.72 0.54 0.88 0.09 0.10 0.91 0.28 BRAEDENE LTE TYSON ET 310742 A2/A2 128 120 78 7 7 53 19 -5 3.8 -2 4.9 -168 -65 4.3 -0.43 24 211 -3.0 0.06 0.8 0.10 0.15 0.28 0.15 -1.02 -0.07 0.11 -0.51 0.05 0.68 0.88 0.66 0.44 0.26 0.94 0.06 CHERRYLANE MNE VELOCITY ★ 314503 A2/A2 216 262 44 5 7 - 0 8 4.1 21 5.7 -334 -56 1.1 -0.07 145 350 -2.5 0.08 -3.2 -0.16 -0.12 0.14 0.00 -0.96 0.58 -0.12 -0.07 0.12 0.11 0.49 0.30 0.17 -0.12 0.52 0.47 HAWTHORN GROVE WENTWORTH*** 311528 A2/A2 165 150 76 4 7 60 29 3 4.2 17 5.7 -409 -53 -1.8 -0.08 16 174 -3.3 -0.05 3.6 0.44 0.45 0.33 0.42 -0.89 0.34 -0.21 -0.18 0.10 0.33 0.65 0.62 0.31 -0.07 0.53 0.34 WHITIMORE MAN ZEALOT ET 305536 A2/A2 147 107 99 1 6 6333 1107 9 4.0 8 5.0 -74 -44 -0.8 0.70 -19 BATHURST F8J8 512657 A2/A2 195 157 73 5 6 17 20 3.7 9 4.4 551 GLENMEAD M&M'S F11J5 ★ 514665 A2/A2 238 220 46 0 7 - MACK J8F8 507651 A2/A2 202 158 96 4 7 625 GREENMILE MAINE F12J4 ★ 515651 A1A2 253 203 43 2 5 ARKAN RICCARTON ET J11F5 ★ 513664 A2A2 255 274 48 5 10 SELWYN F11J5 509657 A2/A2 160 181 86 4 8 4 9.6 5.2 -184 -58.2 1.4 -0.12 8 5.3 -330 -15 314 -1.6 0.00 -3.3 0.31 0.31 0.32 0.40 -0.67 0.34 -0.05 0.04 0.14 -0.14 0.17 0.21 -0.03 -0.22 0.13 0.47 0.1 0.38 0.4 0.09 -0.29 0.44 0.25 91 268 -0.2 -0.01 -1.6 0.63 0.69 0.15 0.57 -1.02 0.34 0.11 -0.22 0.13 0.55 0.75 0.73 0.21 0.08 0.89 0.35 -39 -0.3 0.18 115 254 -2.6 -0.02 -7.2 0.07 0.09 0.10 0.06 -0.74 0.32 -0.06 -0.43 0.12 0.16 0.22 0.43 -0.21 -0.05 0.25 0.23 68 -3.4 -0.08 5.2 0.03 0.24 0.23 0.30 -0.59 0.12 -0.31 -0.19 -0.05 0.31 0.26 0.52 -0.18 -0.27 0.33 0.30 CRV AMBREED CROSSBREEDS 75 75 0.9 -0.09 -4.0 0.29 0.31 0.14 0.41 0.40 0.28 -0.07 0.40 0.23 0.01 -0.22 0.26 -0.18 0.32 0.15 0.35 -1 250 0.0 0.00 -6.0 0.46 0.49 0.01 0.48 -0.36 0.06 -0.19 0.07 0.10 0.46 0.55 0.60 -0.05 -0.43 0.62 0.19 - 0 38 3.9 25 4.4 767 40.8 -2.7 0.09 110 258 1.4 -0.04 -3.9 0.29 0.27 0.27 0.44 0.76 0.46 0.04 0.58 0.05 0.61 0.53 0.79 0.04 0.32 0.78 0.45 - 0 19 3.8 23 4.8 354 148 0 38 3.8 32 4.4 795 3 4.8 -0.47 -126 207 -0.7 0.12 -4.0 -0.06 0.00 -0.19 0.02 -0.08 0.58 0.15 0.02 0.00 0.08 0.39 0.26 0.05 -0.16 0.33 0.49 121 19 3.8 44 HAURAKI CHECK SENNA F9J7 ★ 513671 A2/A2 206 230 45 1 7 - HAURAKI STARS & STRIPES J9F7 508655 A2/A2 174 213 93 2 11 282 MCBRIDES ZEN F9J7 512651 A1/A2 174 203 68 3 9 52 ZZTOP F9J7 509659 A2/A2 140 176 88 1 6 154 55 93 1 1 5 4.5 394 9 3.9 20 5.2 35 0 26 4.0 29 5.0 125 88 8 4.0 12 5.2 -163 16 23 3.8 30 4.8 540 7 4.3 12 5.5 -388 18 -3.9 0.09 -16 5.5 0.34 -48 1 -0.45 -33 3.2 -0.47 -75 63 389 -0.7 0.08 -1.8 -0.08 -0.03 -0.07 -0.01 -0.58 0.52 0.05 0.08 0.07 0.24 0.61 0.4 0.25 0.35 0.59 0.29 -18 286 -1.1 0.00 2.0 0.01 0.04 -0.13 0.07 -0.50 0.18 -0.01 0.07 0.13 0.27 0.15 0.34 -0.17 0.24 0.34 0.12 13 1.6 0.60 93 348 -1.9 0.13 -2.0 0.04 0.04 0.10 0.14 0.49 0.41 -0.15 0.11 0.02 0.01 -0.12 0.13 -0.01 0.31 0.10 0.14 -73 3.4 -0.22 16 283 -0.6 -0.12 -1.0 0.11 0.09 -0.06 0.11 -1.25 -0.08 -0.23 0.13 0.24 -0.15 -0.22 0.05 -0.17 -0.16 -0.05 -0.06 3 1.9 -0.59 -60 324 -0.1 0.04 -2.0 0.06 0.05 -0.09 0.08 -0.08 0.05 -0.13 0.12 0.18 -0.01 -0.06 0.15 -0.10 -0.06 0.13 0.08 -35 0.0 -0.09 117 317 0.9 0.04 2.0 0.05 0.08 0.21 0.19 -0.64 0.23 -0.41 0.15 0.08 0.00 0.05 0.08 -0.16 -0.16 0.17 0.14 AYRSHIRE & REDS WAERENGA BLAZE ASTUTE 507656 A1/A2 78 1 354 100 7 3.7 5 4.6 233 -7 -8.6 -0.23 PA HILL BRODY JEOPARDY 506544 A2/A2 85 -15 98 -1 0 1127 257 7 3.7 -9 4.3 225 -28 -8.1 0.13 INGLECORNER MILKY KING 504586 A2/A2 80 13 96 0 4 566 129 2 3.6 -8 4.4 183 -49 -8.4 -0.48 167 LODORE NATHAN SCRIBE ET ★ 514655 A1/A2 94 81 44 4 5 0 0 3 3.8 -16 -2.1 -0.13 252 309 -0.6 0.03 0.0 0.44 0.38 0.06 0.40 -0.72 0.34 0.38 -0.54 0.01 0.03 0.02 -0.16 0.17 0.11 0.04 -0.01 6 4.9 -18 27 -36 -1.4 0.00 0.3 0.30 0.23 -0.17 0.23 -0.50 0.75 0.13 -0.34 -0.01 0.10 0.18 0.13 0.24 0.26 0.11 0.43 -15 -136 26 0.0 -0.01 4.0 0.21 0.12 0.55 0.28 -0.65 0.52 0.15 -0.34 0.02 -0.05 0.20 -0.13 0.18 0.14 0.14 0.15 1.0 -0.16 0.2 0.46 0.41 0.16 0.42 -1.05 0.22 0.36 -0.50 0.17 -0.10 0.04 -0.05 0.01 0.07 0.05 -0.06 ★ InSire bull *Liberty Genetics joint venture sire ***Jersey New Zealand joint venture sire GLOBAL Atlantic daughters: CRV Delta 111644 A2/A2 DOB: 30/01/11 NED From: $10.00 - $20.00 Breeding Indicators NVI 429 177 Production Breeder: CRV Delta A1/A2 DOB: 30/06/2008 Reliability: 98% %Health %Efficiency Feed Intake Longevity 9 3 Production 0 dtrs, 0 herds, reliability: 69% 0.95 NVI 515 240 7280 dtrs, 2419 herds, reliability: 99% Milk (kg) Prot (kg) Prot % Fat (kg) Fat % INET Milk (kg) Prot (kg) Prot % Fat (kg) Fat % INET 268 19 0.12 14 0.03 111 193 23 0.19 3 -0.06 100 Conformation 96 0 dtrs, 0 herds, reliability: 49% 100 108 BV Conformation 96 4016 dtrs, 1358 herds, reliability: 99% 100 108 BV Frame DESIRABLE 102 Frame DESIRABLE 106 Dairy Strength DESIRABLE 103 Dairy Strength DESIRABLE 107 Udder DESIRABLE 104 Udder DESIRABLE 106 Feet & Legs DESIRABLE 105 Feet & Legs DESIRABLE 109 Total Score DESIRABLE 106 Total Score DESIRABLE 111 Dam: Delta Anika VG85, Netherlands (flipped) Management 96 100 NED From: $25.00 - $40.00 Breeding Indicators Reliability: 69% %Health %Efficiency Feed Intake Longevity 111641 Daughter: Roosje 178, L & R Hof-Dekker, Balkbrug, Netherlands (flipped) Management 108 BV HEALTHIER 105 Stature TALLER 109 Udder Health LOWER 107 Chest Width WIDER 106 SCC HIGHER 102 Body Depth DEEPER 104 Daughter Fertility HEALTHIER 105 Angularity DAIRIER 106 Hoof Health LESS - MORE 103 Ketosis 96 100 108 BV HEALTHIER 107 TALLER 103 Udder Health Chest Width WIDER 101 SCC Body Depth DEEPER 102 Daughter Fertility Angularity DAIRIER 103 Hoof Health MORE 100 Ketosis Rump Angle SLOPES 101 Milking Speed QUICKER 98 Rump Angle SLOPES 102 Milking Speed QUICKER 96 Rump Width WIDER 100 Temperament LOVELY 105 Rump Width WIDER 102 Temperament LOVELY 103 STRAIGHTER 106 Dtr Calving Ease EASIER 102 Rear Legs, Rear View STRAIGHTER 112 Dtr Calving Ease EASIER 106 Rear Legs, Side View SICKLED 102 Body Weight HEAVIER 104 Rear Legs, Side View SICKLED 102 Body Weight Foot Angle STEEPER 99 EASIER 105 Foot Angle STEEPER 99 Locomotion DESIRABLE 105 LOWER 103 Locomotion DESIRABLE 108 Fore Udder Attach. STRONGER 101 Fore Udder Attach. STRONGER 101 Front Teat Placement CLOSER 103 Front Teat Placement CLOSER 101 LONGER 102 Teat Length LONGER 102 SHALLOWER 104 Udder Depth SHALLOWER 107 HIGHER 105 Rear Udder Height HIGHER 107 CLOSER 104 Rear Teat Placement CLOSER 101 STRONGER 105 Central Ligament STRONGER 101 Rear Legs, Rear View Teat Length Udder Depth Rear Udder Height Rear Teat Placement Central Ligament NLD 14/12/15 DELTA ATLANTIC DELTA ANIKA Sire Calving Ease Sire Calf Vitality Condition Score PICSTON SHOTTLE PI-E DELTA ANNICK RAMOS ETAZON RENATE 110 HIGHER 104 HEALTHIER 109 LESS 104 HEAVIER 107 Sire Calving Ease EASIER 103 Sire Calf Vitality LOWER 106 NLD 14/12/15 RAMOS ETAZON RENATE LOWER STARTMORE RUDOLPH HELDINE 47 O-BEE MANFRED JUSTICE ET REMARLINDA CRV AMBREED Stature Condition Score GLOBAL - HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN Breeder: CRV Delta DELTA ATLANTIC 63 DELTA ALONSO 64 GLOBAL - HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN PEN COL SS BOBBY DOB: 20/01/2014 DELTA BOOKEM DANNO USA From: $25.00 - $35.00 Breeding Indicators 5 8 2.66 808 822 A2/A2 DOB: 20/03/2012 TPI 772 2606 8 Reliability: 76% Milk (lbs) Prot (lbs) 1746 Prot % Fat (lbs) Fat % Fat&Pro (lbs) 60 0.03 85 0.07 Reliability: 74% 7 2.56 PL (mo) DPR 6.2 2.0 0 dtrs, 0 herds, reliability: 78% Prot % Fat (kg) Fat % INET 1242 49 0.06 43 -0.1 311 -1 0 103 SCS Dairy Strength DESIRABLE 107 2.94 Udder DESIRABLE 107 Feet & Legs DESIRABLE 105 Total Score DESIRABLE 108 Reliability: 76% 2 BV Management 96 100 108 BV HEALTHIER 103 DESIRABLE 1.44 Udder Health Udder Comp DESIRABLE 1.28 SCC LOWER 103 Legs & Feet Comp DESIRABLE 1.02 Daughter Fertility HIGHER 103 HEALTHIER 101 LESS 104 Hoof Health TALLER 0.50 Ketosis STRONGER -0.01 Milking Speed QUICKER 104 Dairy Form DAIRIER 1.33 Temperament LOVELY 103 Rump Angle SLOPES 0.79 Dtr Calving Ease EASIER 105 Rump Width 0.88 HEAVIER 103 Strength WIDER Body Weight Rear Legs Side SICKLED 0.57 Sire Calving Ease EASIER 104 Foot Angle STEEPER 0.55 Sire Calf Vitality LOWER 100 Fore Udder Attach. STRONGER 1.30 Rear Udder Height HIGHER 2.41 Rear Udder Width WIDER 2.22 Udder Cleft STRONGER 1.09 Udder Depth SHALLOWER 0.89 Front Teat Placem. CLOSER 0.37 Teat Length LONGER 0.36 USDA-CDCB 14/12/15 SEAGULL BAY SUPERSIRE PEN COL GRAFETTI BEL 0 dtrs, 0 herds, reliability: 79% 100 108 BV DESIRABLE PTAT Stature 96 Frame Pen Col SS Bobby Conformation 289 Prot (kg) Conformation Sire CE NVI 456 Milk (kg) 145 Management & Health CRV Delta Bookem Danno Management Stature TALLER 104 Udder Health Chest Width WIDER 103 SCC Body Depth DEEPER 101 Daughter Fertility Angularity DAIRIER 103 Hoof Health MORE 102 Ketosis Condition Score LADYS MANOR RD GRAFEETI VISION GEN SUPER BONNIE 96 100 108 BV HEALTHIER 108 LOWER 109 HIGHER 103 HEALTHIER 107 LESS 103 Rump Angle SLOPES 98 Milking Speed QUICKER 95 Rump Width WIDER 107 Temperament LOVELY 105 STRAIGHTER 106 Dtr Calving Ease EASIER 107 Rear Legs, Side View SICKLED 100 Body Weight HEAVIER 105 Foot Angle STEEPER 102 Sire Calving Ease EASIER 101 Locomotion DESIRABLE 105 Sire Calf Vitality LOWER 105 Fore Udder Attach. STRONGER 106 Front Teat Placement CLOSER 105 Teat Length LONGER 99 SHALLOWER 104 HIGHER 108 CLOSER 108 STRONGER 108 Rear Legs, Rear View Udder Depth Rear Udder Height Rear Teat Placement Central Ligament NLD 14/12/15 ROYLANE SOCRA ROBUST AMMONPEACHEY SHAUNA NED From: $25.00 - $35.00 %Health %Efficiency Feed Intake Longevity Production Production 8 CRV AMBREED Breeder: CRV Delta Breeding Indicators %Health %Efficiency Feed Intake NM$ CM$ FM$ 114590 SU 521 BOOKEM WALRICH DELTA RIANT ENSENADA TABOO PLANET-ET CLEAR ECHO 822 RAMO 1199-ET SANDY VALLEY BOLTON-ET ELTAZON RENATE DELTA FRODO DOB: 12/06/2014 Breeding Indicators 11 1.68 Production NVI 692 Breeder: CRV Delta DOB: 02/06/2014 Reliability: 62% %Health %Efficiency Feed Intake Longevity 270 7 3 2.78 Production 0 dtrs, 0 herds, reliability: 74% NVI 461 264 0 dtrs, 0 herds, reliability: 63% Milk (kg) Prot (kg) Prot % Fat (kg) Fat % INET Milk (kg) Prot (kg) Prot % Fat (kg) Fat % INET 997 27 -0.08 48 0.06 227 594 32 0.13 48 0.25 240 Conformation 96 0 dtrs, 0 herds, reliability: 67% 100 108 BV Frame DESIRABLE 98 Dairy Strength DESIRABLE Udder DESIRABLE Feet & Legs DESIRABLE 105 Total Score DESIRABLE 105 Conformation 0 dtrs, 0 herds, reliability: 67% 100 108 BV DESIRABLE 103 103 Dairy Strength DESIRABLE 108 105 Udder DESIRABLE 108 Feet & Legs DESIRABLE 106 Total Score DESIRABLE 110 Management Stature TALLER 101 Chest Width WIDER 98 SCC Body Depth DEEPER 98 Daughter Fertility Angularity DAIRIER 102 Hoof Health MORE 100 Ketosis Condition Score 96 Frame Dam: HS Sudan Exclusive, Nico Captein, Hazerswoude Dorp Udder Health 96 100 NED From: $13.75 - $25.00 Breeding Indicators Reliability: 68% %Health %Efficiency Feed Intake Longevity 6 NED From: $13.75 - $25.00 Dam: J. Bouw, Putten Management 108 BV HEALTHIER 112 Stature TALLER 106 Udder Health LOWER 112 Chest Width WIDER 105 SCC HIGHER 100 Body Depth DEEPER 105 Daughter Fertility HEALTHIER 102 Angularity DAIRIER 107 Hoof Health LESS 101 Condition Score MORE 102 Ketosis 96 100 108 BV HEALTHIER 107 LOWER 107 HIGHER 102 HEALTHIER 105 LESS 106 SLOPES 97 Milking Speed QUICKER 98 Rump Angle SLOPES 95 Milking Speed QUICKER 99 Rump Width WIDER 102 Temperament LOVELY 100 Rump Width WIDER 106 Temperament LOVELY 105 STRAIGHTER 106 Dtr Calving Ease EASIER 104 Rear Legs, Rear View STRAIGHTER 108 Dtr Calving Ease EASIER 104 Rear Legs, Side View SICKLED 99 Body Weight HEAVIER 99 Rear Legs, Side View SICKLED 94 HEAVIER 107 Foot Angle STEEPER 97 Sire Calving Ease EASIER 109 Foot Angle STEEPER 107 Sire Calving Ease EASIER 101 Locomotion DESIRABLE 105 LOWER 102 Locomotion DESIRABLE 106 Sire Calf Vitality LOWER 103 Fore Udder Attach. STRONGER 105 Fore Udder Attach. STRONGER 107 Front Teat Placement CLOSER 99 Front Teat Placement CLOSER 105 LONGER 99 Teat Length LONGER 98 SHALLOWER 106 Udder Depth SHALLOWER 107 HIGHER 102 Rear Udder Height HIGHER 107 CLOSER 104 STRONGER 105 Teat Length Udder Depth Rear Udder Height Rear Teat Placement Central Ligament CLOSER 99 STRONGER 101 Sire Calf Vitality NLD 14/12/15 PINE TREE OHARE P HS SUDAN EXCLUS Rear Teat Placement Central Ligament Body Weight NLD 14/12/15 C0 OP O STYLE OMAN JUST HICKORYMEA SIGNIF OHIO P VA EARLY DAWN SUDAN CRI EVA DELTA BOOKEM DANNO STERKSEL DELTA FELIEN DE SU 521 BOOKEM WALRICH DELTA RIANT LARS ACRES SHOT TRIGGER M.O.M. FELINE CRV AMBREED Rump Angle Rear Legs, Rear View GLOBAL - HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN Breeder: 65 CAPNATION ELATE P 66 DELTA GALORE GLOBAL - HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN Breeder: CRV Delta DELTA G DOB: 17/07/2014 Breeding Indicators 12 1.9 Production NVI 744 A1/A2 DOB: 09/04/2010 303 5 Reliability: 94% 10 Production 0 dtrs, 0 herds, reliability: 63% 1.38 NVI 446 230 4727 dtrs, 1534 herds, reliability: 96% Milk (kg) Prot (kg) Prot % Fat (kg) Fat % INET Milk (kg) Prot (kg) Prot % Fat (kg) Fat % INET 1508 49 -0.03 39 -0.25 304 707 39 0.16 48 0.19 270 Conformation 96 0 dtrs, 0 herds, reliability: 67% 100 108 BV Frame DESIRABLE 97 Dairy Strength DESIRABLE Udder DESIRABLE Feet & Legs DESIRABLE 105 Total Score DESIRABLE 107 Conformation 2528 dtrs, 920 herds, reliability: 99% 100 108 BV DESIRABLE 98 102 Dairy Strength DESIRABLE 100 110 Udder DESIRABLE 106 Feet & Legs DESIRABLE 108 Total Score DESIRABLE 107 Stature TALLER 101 Udder Health Chest Width WIDER 100 SCC Body Depth DEEPER 99 Angularity DAIRIER 101 MORE 99 Ketosis Condition Score 96 Frame Dam: Delta Gabriel, Mts E.J.H en A.J.E. Vernooij, Schalkwijk Daughter Fertility Hoof Health 96 100 NED From: $25.00 - $35.00 %Health %Efficiency Feed Intake Longevity Management Daughter: Edith #50 J & P & A van Erp, Midwolda, Netherlands Management 108 BV HEALTHIER 107 Stature TALLER 112 LOWER 107 Chest Width WIDER 94 HIGHER 101 Body Depth DEEPER 102 Daughter Fertility HEALTHIER 102 Angularity DAIRIER 105 Hoof Health LESS 100 Condition Score MORE 95 Ketosis Udder Health SCC 96 100 108 BV HEALTHIER 101 LOWER 108 HIGHER 101 HEALTHIER 106 LESS 104 Rump Angle SLOPES 94 Milking Speed QUICKER 98 Rump Angle SLOPES 99 Milking Speed QUICKER 99 Rump Width WIDER 102 Temperament LOVELY 100 Rump Width WIDER 101 Temperament LOVELY 101 STRAIGHTER 105 Dtr Calving Ease EASIER 103 Rear Legs, Rear View STRAIGHTER 106 Dtr Calving Ease EASIER 101 Rear Legs, Side View SICKLED 102 Body Weight HEAVIER 100 Rear Legs, Side View SICKLED 101 Body Weight HEAVIER 100 Foot Angle STEEPER 102 Sire Calving Ease EASIER 106 Foot Angle STEEPER 102 Sire Calving Ease EASIER 106 Locomotion DESIRABLE 105 Sire Calf Vitality LOWER 102 Locomotion DESIRABLE 108 Sire Calf Vitality LOWER 96 Fore Udder Attach. STRONGER 109 Fore Udder Attach. STRONGER 103 Front Teat Placement CLOSER 100 Front Teat Placement CLOSER 106 LONGER 105 Teat Length LONGER 107 SHALLOWER 107 Udder Depth SHALLOWER 105 HIGHER 108 Rear Udder Height HIGHER 109 CLOSER 105 STRONGER 105 Rear Legs, Rear View Teat Length Udder Depth Rear Udder Height CRV AMBREED 111645 Breeder: CRV Delta Breeding Indicators Reliability: 62% %Health %Efficiency Feed Intake Longevity 4 NED From: $25.00 - $35.00 FORCE Rear Teat Placement Central Ligament CLOSER 98 STRONGER 103 NLD 14/12/15 SU 11236 BALISTO DELTA GABRIEL Rear Teat Placement Central Ligament NLD 14/12/15 SU 521 BOOKEM SU 199 DELTA GRAVITY GEM LONG-LANGS OMAN OMAN DELTA GEM O-BEE MANFRED JUSTICE ET WINNIN-WAY MARCI-ET RIETHIL SWAMO DELTA JORDAN WIZA 197 111636 A1/A2 DOB: 08/02/05 Breeding Indicators 11 Production 0.45 NVI 643 Breeder: DOB: 29/10/2014 USA From: $13.75 - $25.00 Breeding Indicators Reliability: 99% %Health %Efficiency Feed Intake Longevity 4 NED From: $13.75 - $25.00 %Health %Efficiency Feed Intake NM$ CM$ FM$ 136 4 7 1.85 650 652 TPI 644 2523 17256 dtrs, 4496 herds, reliability: 99% Milk (kg) Prot (kg) Prot % Fat (kg) Fat % INET 492 20 0.03 32 0.12 160 Conformation 96 Production Reliability: 75% Milk (lbs) Prot (lbs) 1911 7902 dtrs, 2239 herds, reliability: 99% 100 108 BV Prot % Fat (lbs) Fat % Fat&Pro (lbs) 57 0.00 64 -0.03 121 Frame DESIRABLE 93 Dairy Strength DESIRABLE 99 Sire CE PL (mo) DPR SCS Udder DESIRABLE 102 6 2.8 1.4 2.91 Feet & Legs DESIRABLE 98 Total Score DESIRABLE 98 Management & Health Kodak Fredrika, Netherlands Management Stature Chest Width Body Depth Angularity Condition Score Rump Angle Rump Width Rear Legs, Rear View Rear Legs, Side View Foot Angle TALLER WIDER DEEPER DAIRIER 94 97 99 99 MORE 100 SLOPES 97 WIDER 96 STRAIGHTER 96 SICKLED 106 STEEPER 94 DESIRABLE 101 Fore Udder Attach. STRONGER 106 CLOSER 99 LONGER 111 SHALLOWER 99 Rear Udder Height HIGHER 104 Rear Teat Placement CLOSER 102 STRONGER 100 Front Teat Placement Teat Length Udder Depth Central Ligament NLD 14/12/15 KEVIN TOPSP JANTJE 135 SCC Daughter Fertility Hoof Health Ketosis Milking Speed Temperament Dtr Calving Ease Body Weight Sire Calving Ease Sire Calf Vitality Dam: Wesselcrest Grafet Lakin, USA 100 108 HEALTHIER LOWER HIGHER HEALTHIER BV 104 106 99 97 QUICKER 101 106 EASIER 100 HEAVIER 97 EASIER LOWER -1 0 107 104 Reliability: 74% 2 BV 2.22 Management PTAT DESIRABLE Udder Comp DESIRABLE 1.79 SCC Legs & Feet Comp DESIRABLE 1.89 Daughter Fertility Udder Health Hoof Health 105 LESS LOVELY Conformation Stature TALLER 0.67 Ketosis STADEL RED JANNTJE 119 100 108 BV HEALTHIER 102 LOWER 105 HIGHER 103 HEALTHIER 101 LESS 100 STRONGER 0.68 Milking Speed QUICKER 101 Dairy Form DAIRIER 1.11 Temperament LOVELY 103 Rump Angle SLOPES 0.09 Dtr Calving Ease EASIER 103 Rump Width 0.80 Strength WIDER HEAVIER 102 Rear Legs Side SICKLED -1.27 Sire Calving Ease EASIER 103 Foot Angle STEEPER 2.14 Sire Calf Vitality LOWER 105 Fore Udder Attach. Body Weight STRONGER 2.22 Rear Udder Height HIGHER 3.69 Rear Udder Width WIDER 3.39 Udder Cleft STRONGER 1.04 Udder Depth SHALLOWER 1.07 Front Teat Placem. CLOSER 0.30 Teat Length LONGER 0.55 USDA-CDCB 14/12/15 POWER GRIET 386 96 BACON HILL MONTROSS WESSELCREST GRAFET LAKIN-ET MOUNTFIELD SSI DCY MOGUL UNIQUE STYLE BOLTON MONEY LADYS MANOR RD GRAFEETI WESSELCREST MAN O LEGACY ET CRV AMBREED Locomotion Udder Health 96 GLOBAL - HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN Breeder: CRV Delta WESSELCREST LANDON 67 TOPSPEED KODAK 68 DELTA LEVATOR GLOBAL - HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN Breeder: CRV Delta DOB: 21/07/2014 CAUDUMER POWERPLAY PP Breeding Indicators 9 1.34 Production NVI 545 A2/A2 DOB: 27/05/2013 271 6 Reliability: 69% 7 0.31 Production 0 dtrs, 0 herds, reliability: 63% NVI 245 154 0 dtrs, 0 herds, reliability: 75% Milk (kg) Prot (kg) Prot % Fat (kg) Fat % INET Milk (kg) Prot (kg) Prot % Fat (kg) Fat % INET 561 34 0.16 37 0.15 225 281 16 0.07 23 0.13 121 Conformation 96 0 dtrs, 0 herds, reliability: 68% 100 108 BV Frame DESIRABLE 96 Dairy Strength DESIRABLE Udder DESIRABLE Feet & Legs DESIRABLE 104 Total Score DESIRABLE 105 Conformation 96 0 dtrs, 0 herds, reliability: 68% 100 108 BV Frame DESIRABLE 94 103 Dairy Strength DESIRABLE 100 107 Udder DESIRABLE 105 Feet & Legs DESIRABLE 102 Total Score DESIRABLE 102 Dam: Delta Lady, Peeters Groep LV, Geel (Belgie) (flipped) 96 100 Management BV HEALTHIER 109 Stature TALLER 101 LOWER 108 Chest Width WIDER 99 SCC HIGHER 105 Body Depth DEEPER 99 Daughter Fertility HEALTHIER 103 Angularity DAIRIER 99 Hoof Health LESS 102 Condition Score MORE 101 TALLER 100 Udder Health Chest Width WIDER 100 SCC Body Depth DEEPER 98 Angularity DAIRIER 102 Hoof Health MORE 101 Ketosis Rump Angle SLOPES 97 Milking Speed QUICKER 98 Rump Angle SLOPES 97 Rump Width WIDER 99 Temperament LOVELY 102 Rump Width WIDER 96 STRAIGHTER 103 Dtr Calving Ease EASIER 103 Rear Legs, Rear View STRAIGHTER 102 Condition Score Rear Legs, Rear View Dam: Caudumer Lol 305, SH Haytema, Koudum 108 Stature Daughter Fertility NED From: $13.75 - $25.00 %Health %Efficiency Feed Intake Longevity Management Udder Health 96 100 108 BV HEALTHIER 106 LOWER 107 HIGHER 104 HEALTHIER 103 LESS 106 Milking Speed QUICKER 100 Temperament LOVELY 102 Dtr Calving Ease EASIER 105 Ketosis Rear Legs, Side View SICKLED 99 HEAVIER 100 Rear Legs, Side View SICKLED 99 Body Weight HEAVIER 99 Foot Angle STEEPER 101 Sire Calving Ease EASIER 105 Foot Angle STEEPER 99 Sire Calving Ease EASIER 110 Locomotion DESIRABLE 105 Sire Calf Vitality LOWER 104 Locomotion DESIRABLE 102 Sire Calf Vitality LOWER 93 Fore Udder Attach. STRONGER 103 Fore Udder Attach. STRONGER 104 Front Teat Placement CLOSER 103 Front Teat Placement CLOSER 101 LONGER 98 Teat Length LONGER 94 SHALLOWER 105 Udder Depth SHALLOWER 105 HIGHER 110 Rear Udder Height HIGHER 105 CLOSER 99 Rear Teat Placement CLOSER 98 STRONGER 99 Central Ligament STRONGER 99 Teat Length Udder Depth Rear Udder Height CRV AMBREED Breeder: Caudumer Holsteins Breeding Indicators Reliability: 63% %Health %Efficiency Feed Intake Longevity 8 NED From: $13.75 - $25.00 115582 Rear Teat Placement Central Ligament Body Weight NLD 14/12/15 VDS METALLIC DELTA LADY NLD 14/12/15 DELTA ATLANTIC VDS MILOU 18 BATENBURG G. STELLANDO DELTA LINDSAY HICKORYMEA PARKER P CAUDUMER LOL 305 SCHILLVIEW GARRET HICKORYMEA GOLDWYN OUGHT P AARON DOON WESTPORT MAGNA P CAUDUMER LOL 292 A H VITESSE DOB: 29/09/14 Breeding Indicators - - - Production 498 NVI Management 215 Udder Health 104 SCC LOWER 105 Daughter Fertility HIGHER 104 HEALTHIER 105 LESS - Milking Speed QUICKER 98 106 Temperament LOVELY 100 Frame DESIRABLE 98 EASIER 103 Dairy Strength DESIRABLE 103 HEAVIER 108 Udder DESIRABLE 108 Prot % Fat (kg) Fat % INET 1016 32 -0.05 6 -0.45 157 0 dtrs, 0 herds, reliability: 67% 100 108 BV DESIRABLE Hoof Health Ketosis 100 Reliability: 66% HEALTHIER Prot (kg) 96 %Health %Efficiency Feed Intake Longevity 4 10 1.72 Production NVI 392 226 0 dtrs, 0 herds, reliability: 67% Milk (kg) Prot (kg) Prot % Fat (kg) Fat % INET 989 33 -0.01 51 0.09 251 Conformation 96 0 dtrs, 0 herds, reliability: 70% 100 108 BV Dairy Strength DESIRABLE 106 Dtr Calving Ease Udder DESIRABLE 108 Body Weight EASIER 104 Feet & Legs DESIRABLE 104 LOWER 99 Total Score DESIRABLE 106 Feet & Legs DESIRABLE 105 Sire Calving Ease Total Score DESIRABLE 110 Sire Calf Vitality NED From: $13.75 - $25.00 BV Milk (kg) Frame A2/A2 DOB: 11/09/2012 108 0 dtrs, 0 herds, reliability: 63% 96 Breeder: Anker Holsteins Breeding Indicators Reliability: 61% %Health %Efficiency Feed Intake Longevity Conformation NED From: $13.75 - $25.00 Dam: Delta Rosanne, W & C van den Anker-Kuppens, Netherlands Management 96 100 108 BV HEALTHIER 106 Stature TALLER 107 Stature TALLER 98 Chest Width WIDER 105 Chest Width WIDER 100 Body Depth DEEPER 100 Body Depth DEEPER 98 Daughter Fertility Angularity DAIRIER 100 Angularity DAIRIER 99 Hoof Health MORE 106 Condition Score MORE 104 Rump Angle SLOPES 102 Rump Angle SLOPES 99 Milking Speed QUICKER 99 Rump Width WIDER 104 Rump Width WIDER 99 Temperament LOVELY 100 STRAIGHTER 106 Rear Legs, Rear View STRAIGHTER 104 Dtr Calving Ease EASIER 103 Condition Score Rear Legs, Rear View Udder Health SCC Ketosis LOWER 105 HIGHER 100 HEALTHIER 104 LESS 103 SICKLED 96 Rear Legs, Side View SICKLED 99 HEAVIER 100 Foot Angle STEEPER 103 Foot Angle STEEPER 100 Sire Calving Ease EASIER 102 Locomotion DESIRABLE 105 Locomotion DESIRABLE 104 Sire Calf Vitality LOWER 98 Fore Udder Attach. STRONGER 107 Fore Udder Attach. STRONGER 103 Front Teat Placement CLOSER 99 Front Teat Placement CLOSER 105 LONGER 105 Teat Length LONGER 100 SHALLOWER 109 Udder Depth SHALLOWER 105 HIGHER 106 Rear Udder Height HIGHER 109 CLOSER 96 Rear Teat Placement CLOSER 104 STRONGER 98 Central Ligament STRONGER 109 Udder Depth Rear Udder Height Rear Teat Placement Central Ligament NLD 14/12/15 TEXEL BEAUTY DEBUTANT 718 LIESJE NLD 14/12/15 KINGS RANSOM O DAKKER TEXEL BEAUTY DESIRE DELTA ATLANTIC DELTA GRAVITY DELTA ROSANNE GIBOR DELTA HEIDY JARDIN ETAZON RENATE Body Weight CRV AMBREED Rear Legs, Side View Teat Length GLOBAL - HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN Breeder: CRV Delta 114599 69 DELTA TRIBUTANT 70 GLOBAL - JERSEY PANNOO BRAX LIMITED STOCK 314552 Breeder: Pannoo Partners A2/A2 DOB: 05/07/2012 From: $16.00 -$25.00 Breeding Indicators AUS MERSEYBANK CLAIRVOYANT Breeder: G & A Heazlewood A2/A2 DOB: 04/09/2013 From: $13.75 - $22.00 Breeding Indicators 0 dtrs, reliability: 62% 0 dtrs, reliability: 47% BPI ASI Survival Liveweight BPI ASI Survival Liveweight 298 182 109 105 252 190 105 101 Production Production Milk (lbs) Prot (kg) 836 29 Prot % Fat (kg) Fat % Fat&Pro (kg) 0.01 36 -0.17 65 Management & Health Milk (lbs) Prot (kg) 1239 32 Prot % Fat (kg) Fat % Fat&Pro (kg) -0.21 45 -0.42 77 Management & Health Fertility Cell Count Calving Ease Fertility Cell Count Calving Ease 99 102 0 102 118 - Dam: Panoo Larfalot Vanessa EX 91, Australia Shed Traits 108 BV Shed Traits 108 BV Milking Speed FAST 103 Milking Speed FAST 102 Temperament CALM 107 Temperament CALM 102 HIGH 106 Likability HIGH 103 96 100 Likability Confirmation 0 dtrs classified Confirmation TALLER 102 Stature Body Depth STRONGER 108 Chest Width WIDER 105 Rump Angle SLOPES Rump Width WIDER Stature Foot Angle Rear Leg Rear View Udder Depth Fore Attachment 0 dtrs classified Body Depth STRONGER 101 Chest Width WIDER 101 106 Rump Angle SLOPES 108 101 Rump Width WIDER 101 STEEPER 96 Foot Angle STEEPER 100 STRONGER 100 Rear Leg Rear View STRONGER 101 HIGHER 100 Udder Depth HIGHER 100 WIDER 106 Fore Attachment WIDER 103 108 Rear Attach. Height 106 Central Ligament Overall Type CLOSER 112 Mammary System LONGER 112 AUS 08/2015 PANNOO ABE VANAHLEM 1 PANNOO LARFALOT VANESSA EX91 100 104 STRONGER Central Ligament 96 TALLER SHALLOWER Rear Attach. Height CRV AMBREED Dam: Merseybank Eltons Claire EX93, Tasmania STRONGER 102 SHALLOWER 106 Overall Type CLOSER 106 Mammary System LONGER 105 AUS 08/2015 AHLEM LEMVIG ABE DARAWAY FLOWERPOWER VANESSA VG88 LIGHTWOOD LUCRATIVE PANNOO VALERIAN VANESSA 87 EX91 BHF-SSF PARADE LOUIE D&E PARAMOUNT VIOLET ALL LYNNS LOUIE VALENTINO MERSEYBANK ELTONS CLAIRE STP6 EX93 CAIRNBRAE JACES ELTON MERSEYBANK BERETTA CLOVER STP9 90 314561 AUS GREG 310570 A2/A2 DOB: 13/08/2009 From: $13.75 - $22.00 Breeding Indicators AUS Breeder: Hans Chr Halmø, Skårup Fyn DOB: 03/01/2015 A2/A2 Breeding Indicators 140 dtrs, reliability: 89% DEN From: $13.75 - $20.00 0 dtrs, reliability: 0% BPI ASI Survival Liveweight NTM Longevity Growth 280 251 100 105 +25 112 - Production Production Milk (lbs) Prot (kg) 623 34 Milk (kg) Prot (kg) Prot % Fat (kg) Fat % 106 113 110 119 107 Prot % Fat (kg) Fat % Fat&Pro (kg) 0.27 46 0.23 80 Mgmt & Health Cell Count 104 BV HIGHER 101 EASY - 0 Udder Health HEALTHIER 111 Hoof Health HEALTHIER - Milking Speed QUICKER 103 Temperament LOVELY 102 108 BV Milking Speed FAST 103 Temperament CALM 102 Conformation Likability HIGH 105 Frame DESIREABLE Feet and legs DESIREABLE 92 Udder DESIREABLE 103 111 Confirmation 100 120 Calving Ease 97 96 100 Calvings, Sire Dam: White Star 4916 VHC90 Shed Traits 90 Daughter Fertility Management & Health Fertility 53 dtrs classified 118 TALLER Body Depth STRONGER 104 Chest Width WIDER 105 Stature TALLER 99 Chest WIDER 111 WIDER 99 Body Depth DEEPER 108 STEEPER 93 Rump Angle SLOPES 100 STRONGER 106 Rump Width WIDER 117 HIGHER 86 Legs Side View SICKLED 105 WIDER 87 Legs Rear View STRAIGHTER 101 STRONGER 89 Suspensory Ligament STRONGER 99 SHALLOWER 96 Udder Depth Rump Angle Rump Width Foot Angle Rear Leg Rear View Udder Depth Fore Attachment Rear Attach. Height Central Ligament SLOPES SHALLOWER 108 Rear Udder Height HIGHER 107 WIDER 121 CLOSER 98 Mammary System LONGER 94 Front Teat CLOSER 116 Rear Teat CLOSER 106 NAV 03/02/2015 KAARMONA VALERIAN WHITESTAR 4916 ROCK ELLA PERIMITER ECALLAW ADMIRAL VIOLET KONUI GLEN ELMOS BOWIE WHITESTAR 4471 DJ HULK VJ HUSKY DJ HOLMER CRV AMBREED Overall Type Rear Udder Width AUS 08/2015 Dam of VJ Haley 0 dtrs classified 103 Stature GLOBAL - JERSEY Breeder: C Glennen & Co VJ HALEY 71 WHITE STAR 72 VJ HILARIO GLOBAL - JERSEY Breeder: Espe - Holm Landbrug I/S, Ronæs, Nørre Aaby DOB: 09/10/2009 315543 A2/A2 Breeding Indicators Breeder: Max Hansen, Søby Ærø DOB: 25/09/2014 A2/A2 Breeding Indicators 365 dtrs, reliability: 97% 0 dtrs, reliability: 0% Longevity Growth NTM Longevity Growth +17 116 111 +25 114 - Production Production Milk (kg) Prot (kg) Prot % Fat (kg) Fat % Milk (kg) Prot (kg) Prot % Fat (kg) Fat % 114 116 95 106 89 99 109 118 106 106 90 100 120 BV HIGHER 117 Calvings, Sire EASY - Udder Health HEALTHIER 102 Hoof Health Daughter Fertility Mgmt & Health 90 100 Daughter Fertility Daughter: 36483-4463, Michael Bak Hansen, Hjørring 120 BV HIGHER 106 Calvings, Sire EASY - Udder Health HEALTHIER 118 HEALTHIER 84 Hoof Health HEALTHIER - Milking Speed QUICKER 90 Milking Speed QUICKER 112 Temperament LOVELY 95 Temperament LOVELY 105 Conformation 272 dtrs classified Frame DESIREABLE 128 Frame DESIREABLE Feet and legs DESIREABLE 101 Feet and legs DESIREABLE 89 Udder DESIREABLE 88 Udder DESIREABLE 103 Conformation 0 dtrs classified 103 Stature TALLER 117 Stature TALLER 105 Chest WIDER 104 Chest WIDER 109 Body Depth DEEPER 104 Body Depth DEEPER 103 Rump Angle SLOPES 95 Rump Angle SLOPES 110 Rump Width WIDER 117 Rump Width WIDER 101 107 VJ Hilaro Legs Side View SICKLED 92 Legs Side View SICKLED Legs Rear View STRAIGHTER 103 Legs Rear View STRAIGHTER 92 STRONGER 105 Suspensory Ligament STRONGER 101 SHALLOWER 106 Udder Depth SHALLOWER 115 HIGHER 111 Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width Suspensory Ligament Udder Depth Rear Udder Height HIGHER 98 WIDER 116 WIDER 109 Front Teat CLOSER 93 Front Teat CLOSER 108 Rear Teat CLOSER 94 Rear Teat CLOSER 101 Rear Udder Width NAV 03/02/2015 NAV 03/02/2015 HIBISCUS Q HIRSE 19903-03295 DEN From: $13.75 - $20.00 NTM Mgmt & Health CRV AMBREED DEN From: $13.75 - $20.00 VJ HIZZI VJ HILDE VJ HILLUM Q IMPULS DJ IZZY VJ Hizzi A2/A2 DOB: 09/02/2013 From: $13.75 - $25.00 Breeding Indicators %Health %Efficiency -6 2 Breeder: L & M Wallace A1/A2 DOB: 03/03/2010 From: $13.75 - $22.00 Breeding Indicators 34 dtrs, reliability: 76% FM$ JPI BPI ASI Survival Liveweight 429 455 368 120 255 172 105 104 Production Prot % Fat (lbs) Fat % Fat&Pro (lbs) 24 311583 CM$ Reliability: 73% 487 MARVARIE NM$ Production Milk (lbs) Prot (lbs) USA WALLACEDALE 0.03 47 0.12 71 Management & Health Milk (lbs) Prot (kg) 516 22 AUS GLOBAL - JERSEY Breeder: Wilsonview Dairy LIMITED STOCK 73 WILSONVIEW PERFORM MACH ETE-ET Prot % Fat (kg) Fat % Fat&Pro (kg) 0.09 41 0.25 63 Management & Health PL (mo) DPR SCS Fertility Cell Count Calving Ease 2.0 -1.0 2.99 102 102 0 Dam: Wilsonview McKayla-ET Conformation BV Shed Traits 108 BV PTAT DESIRABLE 0.9 Milking Speed FAST 103 Udder Comp DESIRABLE - Temperament CALM 104 DESIRABLE - Likability HIGH 103 -1 0 Legs & Feet Comp 2 100 Confirmation dtrs, herds, reliability: 72% Stature 96 TALLER 1.2 Stature 21 dtrs classified TALLER 105 STRONGER 103 STRONGER 0.2 Body Depth Dairy Form DAIRIER 1.3 Chest Width Rump Angle SLOPES 0.4 Rump Angle SLOPES 102 Rump Width WIDER 0.5 Rump Width WIDER 109 SICKLED 0.4 Foot Angle STEEPER 94 STRONGER 101 Strength Rear Legs Side Wilsonview Perform Machete STEEPER 0.3 STRONGER 0.8 Udder Depth Rear Udder Height HIGHER 1.7 Fore Attachment Rear Udder Width WIDER 1.3 Rear Attach. Height STRONGER 0.7 Central Ligament Foot Angle Fore Udder Attach. Udder Cleft Rear Leg Rear View 99 HIGHER 99 WIDER 103 STRONGER 105 SHALLOWER 115 Front Teat Placem. CLOSER 0.9 Overall Type CLOSER 115 Teat Length LONGER 0.4 Mammary System LONGER 113 Udder Depth USDA-CDCB 02/2016 WAUNAKEE LEGAL PERFORM WILSONVIEW N MCKAYLA-ET EX AUS 08/2015 TOLLENAARS IMPULS LEGAL 233-ET WAUNAKEE JACE PEGGY-ET ISAU DARAWAY FLOWERPOWER NAVARA-ET IMPULSIVE MOMENT AT WILSONVIEW-ET DARAWAY FLOWERPOWER NAVARA PARADE MARIE CLAYDON PARK FLOWER POWER TARANAK VANESSA BW PARADE ET LOVES MARIE CRV AMBREED SHALLOWER 1.0 74 GLOBAL - JERSEY WHITE STAR MUMFORD Breeder: C Glennen & Co A1/A2 DOB: 05/05/2014 From: $13.75 - $22.00 Breeding Indicators SUNSET CANYON MUSKET -ET clay 0 dtrs, reliability: 62% BPI ASI Survival Liveweight 275 232 103 106 Production AUS Breeder: Sunset Canyon Farms A2/A2 DOB: 23/01/2012 From: $13.75 - $25.00 Breeding Indicators %Health %Efficiency -1 4 NM$ CM$ FM$ JPI 403 427 344 137 Production Milk (lbs) Prot (kg) 295 26 Prot % Fat (kg) Fat % Fat&Pro (kg) 0.35 44 0.54 70 Management & Health Reliability: 74% Milk (lbs) Prot (lbs) 414 Prot % Fat (lbs) Fat % Fat&Pro (lbs) 28 0.07 52 0.16 80 Management & Health Fertility Cell Count Calving Ease PL (mo) DPR SCS 100 92 0 4.5 -1.5 3.08 Dam: Sunset Canyon Lemvig Maid 4 Shed Traits 108 BV Conformation FAST 102 PTAT DESIRABLE Temperament CALM 103 Udder Comp DESIRABLE Likability HIGH 105 Legs & Feet Comp 96 100 Milking Speed Confirmation 0 2 BV 1.6 DESIRABLE 0 dtrs, 0 herds, reliability: 73% TALLER 104 Stature Body Depth STRONGER 109 Strength Chest Width WIDER 101 Dairy Form Rump Angle SLOPES 98 Rump Width WIDER 103 STEEPER 100 STRONGER 106 HIGHER 94 Fore Udder Attach. WIDER 99 Rear Udder Height STRONGER 107 Rear Udder Width WIDER 1.2 SHALLOWER 104 Udder Cleft STRONGER -0.3 Udder Depth SHALLOWER 1.2 Stature Foot Angle Rear Leg Rear View Udder Depth Fore Attachment Rear Attach. Height Central Ligament CRV AMBREED 21 dtrs classified -1 TALLER 1.7 STRONGER 0.8 DAIRIER 1.0 Rump Angle SLOPES 1.0 Rump Width WIDER 0.4 Rear Legs Side SICKLED -0.2 Foot Angle STEEPER 0.6 STRONGER 1.1 HIGHER 1.5 Overall Type CLOSER 104 Front Teat Placem. CLOSER -0.9 Mammary System LONGER 106 Teat Length LONGER 0.8 AUS 08/2015 ABERDEEN VALERIAN SANDOWN 8070074134916 Sunset Canyon Musket-ET USDA-CDCB 02/2016 KAARMONA VALERIAN FP SANDY KONUI GLEN ELMOS BOWIE 8030418484471 ALL LYNNS LOUIE VALENTINO-ET SUNSET CANYON IMPULS L MAID 4-ET BHF-SSF PARADE LOUIE-ET D&E PARAMOUNT VIOLET ISDK Q IMPULS SUNSET CANYON LEMVIG MAID 4-ET LIMITED STOCK USA From: $13.75 - $25.00 Breeding Indicators %Health %Efficiency 3 5 CM$ FM$ JPI 474 485 446 189 -1 From: $13.75 - $25.00 -0.01 65 0.02 3 NM$ CM$ FM$ JPI 429 455 368 151 Production Prot % Fat (lbs) Fat % Fat&Pro (lbs) 43 A1/A2 DOB: 14/12/2012 %Health %Efficiency Reliability: 95% 1267 Breeder: Wilsonview Dairy Breeding Indicators NM$ Production Milk (lbs) Prot (lbs) USA Reliability: 70% Milk (lbs) Prot (lbs) 108 454 Management & Health Prot % Fat (lbs) Fat % Fat&Pro (lbs) 26 0.05 41 0.10 67 Management & Health PL (mo) DPR SCS PL (mo) DPR SCS 3.2 -1.3 2.87 5.6 -1.3 2.87 PR Faria Brothers Rawls Conformation -1 USA GLOBAL - JERSEY A1/A2 DOB: 02/05/2011 WILSONVIEW M/Z STORMY -ET 75 PR FARIA BROTHERS RAWLS 0 BV Conformation DESIRABLE 0.9 PTAT DESIRABLE 1.6 DESIRABLE - Udder Comp DESIRABLE - DESIRABLE - Legs & Feet Comp DESIRABLE - 2 PTAT Udder Comp Legs & Feet Comp Dam: Wilsonview Garden Sunday 4 dtrs, 1 herds, reliability: 61% Stature -1 0 2 BV dtrs, herds, reliability: 68% TALLER 2.2 Stature TALLER 0.8 STRONGER 0.8 Strength STRONGER 0.4 Dairy Form DAIRIER 0.6 Dairy Form DAIRIER 0.5 Rump Angle SLOPES 1.0 Rump Angle SLOPES -0.8 Rump Width WIDER 0.8 Rump Width WIDER 0.3 Rear Legs Side SICKLED 0.0 Rear Legs Side SICKLED -0.4 Foot Angle STEEPER 0.5 Foot Angle STEEPER 0.4 STRONGER 0.6 Fore Udder Attach. STRONGER 1.3 HIGHER 1.0 Rear Udder Height HIGHER 1.4 Rear Udder Width Strength Fore Udder Attach. Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width Udder Cleft Udder Depth 0.8 WIDER 1.1 -0.3 Udder Cleft STRONGER 0.2 SHALLOWER 0.7 Udder Depth SHALLOWER 1.8 Front Teat Placem. CLOSER 0.0 Teat Length LONGER -0.2 Front Teat Placem. CLOSER 0.0 Teat Length LONGER -0.3 USDA-CDCB 02/2016 ALL LYNNS LOUIE VALENTINO-ET PR FARIA BROTHERS MATINEE AUERBACH USDA-CDCB 02/2016 BHF-SSF PARADE LOUIE-ET D&E PARAMOUNT VIOLET EX-90% SUNSEY CANYON MATINEE-ET OA FARIA BROTHERS 21498 ALL LYNNS VALENTINO MARVEL GR WILSONVIEW GARDEN SUNDAY-ET ALL LYNNS LOUIE VALENTINO-ET IMPULS MONICAS MARVEL-ET PR OOMSDALE JACE GRATIT GARDEN-ET WILSONVIEW IMPULSE SHAUNA CRV AMBREED WIDER STRONGER Wilsonview M/Z Stormy-ET 76 VR HAKALAN BRICK BORAT GLOBAL - AYRSHIRE & RED Breeder: Hakala Matti DOB: 25/08/2014 FIN From: $13.75 - $20.00 Breeding Indicators Breeder: Søren Røndbjerg, Filsk Nr Mk, Grindsted DOB: 23/05/2014 A1/A2 Breeding Indicators 0 dtrs, reliability: 65% 0 dtrs, reliability: 0% Longevity Growth NTM Longevity Growth +28 118 - +31 117 - Production Production Milk (kg) Prot (kg) Prot % Fat (kg) Fat % Milk (kg) Prot (kg) Prot % Fat (kg) Fat % 101 110 118 112 118 112 122 117 116 104 Mgmt & Health 90 100 120 BV HIGHER 116 Calvings, Sire EASY - Udder Health HEALTHIER Hoof Health Daughter Fertility Mgmt & Health 90 100 Daughter Fertility 120 BV HIGHER 107 Calvings, Sire EASY - 114 Udder Health HEALTHIER 103 VR Hakalan Brick Borat HEALTHIER 109 Hoof Health HEALTHIER 96 Milking Speed QUICKER 103 Milking Speed QUICKER 114 Temperament LOVELY 98 Temperament LOVELY 107 0 dtrs classified Conformation 0 dtrs classified Frame DESIREABLE 103 Frame DESIREABLE Feet and legs DESIREABLE 105 Feet and legs DESIREABLE 93 Udder DESIREABLE 96 Udder DESIREABLE 102 Stature TALLER 103 Stature TALLER 122 Chest WIDER 111 Chest WIDER 114 Body Depth DEEPER 103 Body Depth DEEPER 109 Rump Angle SLOPES 107 Rump Angle SLOPES 105 Rump Width WIDER 97 Rump Width WIDER 117 Legs Side View SICKLED 108 Legs Side View SICKLED 97 Legs Rear View STRAIGHTER 109 Legs Rear View STRAIGHTER 109 STRONGER 103 Suspensory Ligament STRONGER 101 SHALLOWER 105 Udder Depth SHALLOWER 112 HIGHER 94 Rear Udder Height HIGHER 112 WIDER 94 Rear Udder Width WIDER 111 Front Teat CLOSER 103 Front Teat CLOSER 101 Rear Teat CLOSER 105 Rear Teat CLOSER 99 Suspensory Ligament Udder Depth Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width NAV 03/02/2015 VR BRICK JAFFA DEN From: $13.75 - $20.00 NTM Conformation CRV AMBREED VR FONSECA NAV 03/02/2015 BUCKARBY 20209-01693 VR ALAVIRE 20209-01693 V FÖSKE VR FAVRE A LINNÉ 115 VR Fonseca SAARELAN TURANDOT DOB: 24/06/2014 SWE From: $13.75 - $20.00 Breeding Indicators Breeder: Keränen Antti Ja Katri DOB: 25/03/2004 Breeding Indicators 0 dtrs, reliability: 0% 2793 dtrs, reliability: 99% NTM Longevity Growth NTM Longevity Growth +33 109 - +12 106 0 Production FIN From: $13.75 - $20.00 Production Milk (kg) Prot (kg) Prot % Fat (kg) Fat % Milk (kg) Prot (kg) Prot % Fat (kg) Fat % 103 114 121 114 115 106 108 103 101 94 Mgmt & Health 90 100 120 BV HIGHER 101 Calvings, Sire EASY - Udder Health HEALTHIER Hoof Health Daughter Fertility Mgmt & Health 90 100 120 BV HIGHER 104 Calvings, Sire EASY 109 112 Udder Health HEALTHIER 96 Daughter Fertility VR Hjusticia HEALTHIER 102 Hoof Health HEALTHIER 110 Milking Speed QUICKER 115 Milking Speed QUICKER 96 Temperament LOVELY 110 Temperament LOVELY 79 Conformation 0 dtrs classified Frame DESIREABLE 98 Feet and legs DESIREABLE Udder DESIREABLE Stature Chest Conformation DESIREABLE 91 116 Feet and legs DESIREABLE 113 114 Udder DESIREABLE 94 TALLER 100 Stature TALLER 94 WIDER 94 Chest WIDER 110 Body Depth DEEPER 89 Body Depth DEEPER 105 Rump Angle SLOPES 94 Rump Angle SLOPES 106 Rump Width WIDER 96 Rump Width WIDER 74 Legs Side View SICKLED 107 Legs Side View SICKLED 111 Legs Rear View STRAIGHTER 108 Legs Rear View STRAIGHTER 103 STRONGER 119 Suspensory Ligament STRONGER 118 116 Udder Depth SHALLOWER 97 HIGHER 108 Rear Udder Height HIGHER 113 Rear Udder Width WIDER 105 Rear Udder Width WIDER 117 Front Teat CLOSER 116 Front Teat CLOSER 108 Rear Teat CLOSER 117 Rear Teat CLOSER 119 NAV 03/02/2015 NAV 03/02/2015 R HASLEV VR HAMMER VRET L-K.LUIRO NOHEVA K.AIRO IHME V.AKILLES IHME Saarelan Turandot CRV AMBREED SHALLOWER Rear Udder Height Udder Depth Daughter: EG1306085 Asmo Horsma, MTT Asmo 1209 dtrs classified Frame Suspensory Ligament GLOBAL - AYRSHIRE & RED Breeder: Viking Genetics, 532 21 Skara 515689 77 VR HJUSTICIA UNDERSTANDING GLOBAL GRAPHS The sire data of the overseas sires is presented using home country information. All overseas sire data is based around a standardised bell curve. The average of the trait sits in the middle at 0 or 100 respectively. Below is a visual explanation of this bell curve. mean -1 standard deviation NORDIC (VIKING) FIN SWE DEN Breeding Indicators NTM Longevity Growth +17 116 111 Production Milk (kg) Prot (kg) Prot % Fat (kg) Fat % 114 116 95 106 89 1 standard deviation Mgmt & Health Daughter Fertility 90 100 110 120 NORDIC 92 96 100 104 108 DUTCH -2 -1 0 1 2 USA To be elite at a given trait a bull needs to be two standard deviations above the mean, therefor to be in the top 2% of the population for that trait a bull needs to score: 120 - Viking 108 - Netherlands 2 - USA Look for these figures in the right hand column of the graph under Management and Confirmation sections to see how the bull stacks up. Note: USA uses a combination of USA & Dutch data to give you additional trait information for making your genetic decisions. 117 Udder Health HEALTHIER Hoof Health HEALTHIER 84 QUICKER 90 LOVELY 95 Conformation 272 dtrs classified Frame DESIREABLE 128 Feet and legs DESIREABLE 101 Udder DESIREABLE 88 Stature TALLER 117 Chest WIDER 104 Body Depth DEEPER 104 Rump Angle SLOPES 95 WIDER 117 Rump Width HOW GOOD IS A BULL? BV HIGHER - Temperament 80 120 102 Milking Speed 2 standard deviations 100 EASY Calvings, Sire -2 standard deviations 90 Legs Side View SICKLED 92 Legs Rear View STRAIGHTER 103 STRONGER 105 SHALLOWER 106 HIGHER 111 Suspensory Ligament Udder Depth Rear Udder Height WIDER 116 Front Teat CLOSER 93 Rear Teat CLOSER 94 Rear Udder Width 79 Breeding Indicators %Health %Efficiency Feed Intake Longevity - - - 498 NVI Management 215 Udder Health Production Milk (kg) Prot (kg) Prot % Fat (kg) Fat % INET 1016 32 -0.05 6 -0.45 157 Conformation 96 100 108 NED HEALTHIER 104 SCC LOWER 105 SCC LOWER 105 Daughter Fertility HIGHER 104 Daughter Fertility HIGHER 103 HEALTHIER 105 HEALTHIER 101 650 652 644 2523 Production Milk (lbs) Prot (lbs) Prot % Fat (lbs) Fat % Fat&Pro (lbs) 100 Hoof Health 108 BV HEALTHIER 102 - LESS 100 BV Milking Speed QUICKER 101 LOVELY 100 Temperament LOVELY 103 Dtr Calving Ease DESIRABLE Body Weight Feet & Legs DESIRABLE 105 Sire Calving Ease Total Score DESIRABLE 110 Sire Calf Vitality 107 Chest Width WIDER 105 Body Depth DEEPER 100 Angularity DAIRIER 100 MORE 106 SLOPES 102 WIDER 104 Rear Legs, Rear View STRAIGHTER 106 Rear Legs, Side View SICKLED 96 STEEPER 103 DESIRABLE 105 Fore Udder Attach. STRONGER 107 Front Teat Placement CLOSER 99 Teat Length LONGER 105 SHALLOWER 109 Rear Udder Height HIGHER 106 Rear Teat Placement CLOSER 96 STRONGER 98 EASIER 103 HEAVIER 108 EASIER 104 LOWER 99 1911 57 26% Production 44% Management and Health 30% Conformation 64 -0.03 121 Management & Health Sire CE PL (mo) 6 Conformation NVI The NVI is the total merit index that is used in the Netherlands and Flanders for ranking bulls with the aim of putting those bulls at the top that are able to produce daughters that come closest to the national breeding goal. NVI is one of the best tools to help with that quest. 0.00 DPR 2.8 -1 SCS 1.4 0 2.91 2 DESIRABLE 2.22 Udder Comp DESIRABLE 1.79 Legs & Feet Comp DESIRABLE 1.89 Strength TALLER 0.67 STRONGER 0.68 Dairy Form DAIRIER 1.11 Rump Angle SLOPES 0.09 Rump Width Rear Legs Side Foot Angle Fore Udder Attach. WIDER 0.80 SICKLED -1.27 STEEPER EASIER 103 HEAVIER 102 Sire Calving Ease EASIER 103 Sire Calf Vitality LOWER 105 Dtr Calving Ease Body Weight BV PTAT Stature Ketosis 2.14 STRONGER 2.22 Rear Udder Height HIGHER 3.69 Rear Udder Width WIDER 3.39 Udder Cleft STRONGER 1.04 Udder Depth SHALLOWER 1.07 Front Teat Placem. CLOSER 0.30 Teat Length LONGER 0.55 TPI This is the total merit index from the USA that ranks bulls in line with the Holstein USA breeding goal. Emphasis is placed on the following: 46% Production 28% Management and Health 26% Conformation USA Holstein Friesian graphs have additional management traits pulled from the Dutch (bar graph on the right). CRV AMBREED TALLER Central Ligament 1.85 96 Udder Health 98 108 Udder Depth 7 Management LESS 106 Locomotion 4 TPI QUICKER DESIRABLE Foot Angle %Health %Efficiency Feed Intake NM$ CM$ FM$ Milking Speed Dairy Strength Rump Width 100 Ketosis 106 Rump Angle 96 Hoof Health DESIRABLE Condition Score Breeding Indicators BV Frame Stature USA 108 Temperament Udder USA XX GLOBAL - UNDERSTANDING GLOBAL GRAPHS DUTCH (THE NETHERLANDS) Teat length Rear teat placement Front teat placement Udder depth Udder cleft Rear udder width Rear udder height Fore udder attach. Feet & legs score Foot angle Rear legs rear Rear legs side Rump width Rump angle Dairy form Body depth Stature 109 1.50 106 107 Body weight Daughter calving ease 98 Temperament 47 2.99 Feet & leg comp Protein % Milking speed Fat % Daughter fertility Fat (lbs) 55 SCS Protein % 0 Sires are available individually or as part of Nominated Genetics Packs. Contact your local sales consultant for pricing as sire pricing varies. Protein (lbs) Fat % 0 0.89 1538 -0.01 Milk (lbs) Production Daughters Feed intake % Efficiency 0 Production Herds % Health 10 Production Rel % 115581 A1/A1 2432 77 3 TPI USA LOWLANDS FRANKLIN (RED) 113594 A1/A2 130 96 4 4 Teat length 5 42326 Angularity 99 -4 Front teat placement 96 108 Udder depth 139 110602 A1/A2 Central ligament 115580 A2/A2 DELTA FIDELITY (RED) Rear teat placement DELTA BOMBAY Rear udder height 0 Fore udder attach. 77 5 12 Feet & legs 215 Foot angle 114592 A2/A2 Rear legs side view VEKIS CHEVROLET Rear legs rear view 103 103 Rump width 110 102 102 109 104 102 104 104 366 0.02 0.01 17 14 102 102 Frame 606 0.16 0.05 40 26 108 102 903 0.50 Stature 0 1.90 1324 Udder 0 8 Rump angle Body depth Body weight Daughter calving ease Temperament Milking speed Daughter fertility 6 98 5 SCC 77 6 140 Protein (kg) 264 112611 A1/A2 Fat (kg) 114591 A1/A1 SLOTBOOM'S PILOT Milk (kgs) BOUW ROCKY NVI % Efficiency Feed intake Production Herds 99 1.29 0.56 2.18 1.27 0.41 -0.43 1.90 1.27 1.62 2.36 3.56 3.28 1.02 1.46 1.46 1.23 -1.03 % Health BARNKAMPER MONROVIA Production Daughters HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN Production Rel % 80 ADDITIONAL GLOBAL SIRES ADDITIONAL GLOBAL SIRES THE NETHERLANDS HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN 97 102 103 100 93 101 106 102 105 110 110 104 113 104 98 96 106 111 104 102 105 103 100 105 100 96 Hoof health 91 106 Udder balance 93 110 99 118 110 96 106 101 Rear teat placement 108 Front teat placement 96 99 101 Rear udder height 98 118 121 101 100 99 Longevity 103 87 115 Mastitis 116 122 102 99 111 100 101 Calving difficulty sire 120 0 107 124 97 103 104 100 106 Body 0 78 97 82 121 92 99 105 100 103 105 95 102 112 Temperament 189 91 82 93 99 100 107 Milking speed 95 Udder depth +8 +21 Suspensory ligament 97 Legs side 101 Rump angle 113 98 102 106 105 101 Growth 99 93 105 100 105 108 106 104 105 105 Feet and legs 96 101 101 101 Rump width 110 116 118 Chest width 101 102 Body depth 118 129 105 197 Stature 88 428 Protein % 503 97 Production Rel % 99 4639 +14 NTM 99 103 104 110 107 100 103 108 106 105 97 102 105 106 105 106 104 100 104 Protein (kg) 98 Fat (kg) 102 99 97 103 111 102 100 104 102 102 105 106 Fat % 20 -0.01 42 19 104 105 105 Milk (kg) 554 92 Production herds 118 1.39 2 11 100 105 462 0.12 0.20 31 33 101 Rear udder width 114 -0.03 0.08 Production Daughters 144 135 8272 0.84 105 103 103 106 101 103 100 Legs rear view 170 0 1.92 1712 -0.32 -0.20 40 39 104 101 97 104 103 96 107 100 101 105 105 105 100 105 106 CRV AMBREED VIKING JERSEY DJ LIX DENMARK 312560 VJ LURE DENMARK 313565 A1/A2 +3 ASMO ANDREI FINLAND 513677 A1/A2 VIKING RED DAVID DONATO SWEDEN 515566 89 108 101 86 109 106 94 89 101 84 0 100 96 110 108 93 104 88 0 96 110 113 115 117 87 99 107 104 107 121 112 86 0 90 93 109 95 HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN RED 94 98 120 104 118 104 95 93 84 90 87 97 96 102 97 106 83 98 113 87 101 102 0 110 102 102 108 111 97 108 111 111 PRODUCTS & SERVICES 83 PRODUCTS & SERVICES - HEAT DETECTION CRV ESTROTECT™ HEAT DETECTORS Accurate heat detection is critical to the success of artificial insemination (AI). CRV Estrotect™ Heat Detectors provide the most accurate way to detect a cow on heat. They are a business card sized patch that sticks onto the cow’s rump. With each mount, the surface will gradually turn from silver to a bright colour alerting the farmer she is ready for AI. Use CRV Estrotect™ Heat Detectors to help teach farm staff to identify when a cow is on heat. EASY TO USE AND ACCURATE! • Only one patch per cycle is required compared with alternative tail paints and paint sticks, which must be applied or touched up daily. • While other detectors are activated by one mount (sometimes for as little as three seconds) CRV Estrotect™ Heat Detectors work gradually exposing the indicator colour. 1. WARM Heat activates the adhesive. Store at or above human body temperature (37ºC) when about to apply. 2. SITE Ideal location for placement is between hip and tail head, perpendicular to the spine. 3. BRUSH Brush with the grain of the hair to remove dirt, dust and shedding or moulting hair. It’s recommended to only use the ESTROTECTTM Rubber Brush. 4. CLEAN Clean the area with an ESTROTECTTM Cleaning Cloth to completely remove any remaining dirt, dust or sand. 5. APPLY Place detector across spine of cow, press down firmly and rub into hair with bare fingers. EXCLUSIVE NEW ZEALAND DISTRIBUTORS CRV AMBREED To purchase CRV Estrotect™ Heat Detectors and accessories refer to page 98 for a full list of products and pricing. INSTRUCTIONS: 84 PRODUCTS & SERVICES - AI SERVICES service is good, the technicians are “The clean and tidy and do the job properly, which is the most important thing to me” Colin van der Geest CRV customer AI TECHNICIAN SERVICE CRV AI TRAINING SCHOOLS CRV Ambreed’s trained and certified AI technicians inseminate close to half a million cows across the country each year. Our technicians are very skilled and knowledgeable to ensure you get the best insemination results for your herd. CRV Ambreed offers AI Training Schools throughout New Zealand. Our trainers are experienced in all aspects of AI and provide training for both the DIY client as well as anyone who may be interested in joining our team of professional AI technicians*. All CRV Ambreed approved technicians are monitored by experienced supervisors to ensure you receive first-rate service and results. They are re-assessed annually on their semen handling and thawing practices and their insemination techniques. BENEFITS OF AI TRAINING To arrange for our AI technician service to assist on your farm, talk to your local sales consultant or phone 0800 262 733. PORTABULL All of our AI technicians are equipped with PortaBULL in order to: 1. Electronically transfer your mating information directly into your herd recording programme 2. Identify inbreeding conflicts and short returns at the time of insemination For more information about PortaBULL see page 88. CRV AMBREED AI EQUIPMENT AI equipment can be purchased from CRV Ambreed. Refer to page 98 for a full list of products and prices. DIY Being a DIY farmer means you will not only save money on technician fees, but also have the choice and flexibility to inseminate at times that suit your farming practice, with your own choice of sires supplied to you frozen on-farm in your LN2 unit. After attending a DIY training school, our experienced support staff are available to help guide you through your first season of DIY AI. CRV AMBREED AI TECHNICIAN TRAINING Due to the demand for our AI technician service, CRV Ambreed now offers specialised AI technician training. The course covers all aspects of artificial insemination plus LN2 and frozen semen handling, basic reproductive biology and PortaBULL app training. The course consists of two five-day blocks of training (not necessarily concurrent). Trainees must achieve a pass rate in week one of training (high placement and accuracy) to continue through to the second week. Only those who have passed both weeks of training will be considered for employment as a CRV Ambreed AI Technician. *Positions subject to availability. 85 PRODUCTS & SERVICES - AI UNITS AI UNITS CRV Ambreed has AI units (banks) available to buy or rent. Whether you are looking for a new AI unit or you have outgrown your old one, use the table below to find the AI unit that is right for your farming needs. DR-17 SUPER 2 low low 17.4 ltrs (14.2 kg) 24.5 ltrs (20 kg) Number of working days 59 180 Number of static days 95 288 Bank capacity: loose packed straws 180 1560 Bank capacity: straws packed in goblets of 25 750 1050 LIGHT & COMPACT Liquid nitrogen consumption LN2 capacity LARGE CAPACITY If you are concerned about the current state of your AI unit, we can test weigh it for you to establish an accurate LN2 evaporation rate. Test weighing your unit reduces the risk of losing valuable product and can help reduce the health and safety risks associated with carrying faulty LN2 units. To test weigh your unit simply request the service through your local CRV Ambreed sales consultant or call 0800 262 733. Your unit will be tested and a label attached with the outcome and date of the test weigh. CRV AMBREED *Evaporation rate and static holding time are nominal. Actual rate may be affected by the nature of the contents, atmospheric conditions, container history and manufacturing tolerances. Work time/duration is an arbitrary, referenceonly value to estimate container performance under the actual operating conditions. TEST WEIGH SERVICE 86 PRODUCTS & SERVICES - SIREMATCH SIREMATCH SireMatch is a breeding advice tool which recommends the three best sires to use per cow, based on your preferences and your herd improvement goals. A report is provided to help you to prevent inbreeding and genetic defects using your cow’s pedigree information. Cows with BLAD, CVM, Small Calf Syndrome and other genetic defects are excluded from your mating options. CHOOSE THE SIREMATCH RIGHT FOR YOU: Integrates with PortaBULL Prevents inbreeding and genetic defects Selects the three best bulls per cow CRV AMBREED “ Using SireMatch gives me confidence and allows me to have a good plan before mating starts. ” Beamo Farms Ltd SireMatch customer Provides information per mating on the genetic breeding values included PROTECT SELECT PRO ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü 87 information on my cows with just a few clicks. ” Sarah Elliot CRV Insight customer CRV INSIGHT CRV Insight is a herd management specialised tool to help you understand and manage your herd information. PRODUCTS & SERVICES - CRV INSIGHT Insight is easy to navigate. “CRV It is great to be able to find all The app gives you the freedom to enter data on the go even when there is no cell phone service. The web component has all the great features of the app with added capability to generate in-depth reports to help you make those important herd decisions. Web: Go to then click on the CRV Insight tab App: Download CRV Insight app from Google Play or Apple store FEATURES: DEMO AVAILABLE AT: Username: Demo Password: Insight CRV AMBREED • NAIT compliant • Provides vital information on animal's health and production (where herd testing has occurred) • Generates reports to manage herd testing, matings, due to calve and culling • Ability to record important herd recording events • Clear layout with easy to navigate screens/tabs • Bulk data entry capabilities • Support from our CRV customer support team 88 PRODUCTS & SERVICES - PORTABULL PORTABULL PortaBULL is a CRV Ambreed mobile application that helps you record matings to prevent inbreeding during mating season. PortaBULL is available FREE to all DIY inseminators. BENEFITS OF PORTABULL • You can enter matings on the spot. They will be automatically sent to your herd recording provider. • PortaBULL keeps records of previous matings and will alert you of inbreeding risk or when a cow is returning. • It integrates with SireMatch, notifying you if there is a risk of inbreeding and recommends three bulls which are best suited for the cow. All CRV Ambreed AI technicians use PortaBULL as part of our quality service. DOWNLOAD PORTABULL TODAY: Go to on your mobile device Click on resources from the grey drop down menu Scroll to the bottom the apps section Click on PortaBULL Select either Apple or Android to download Once downloaded, start the application and follow the installation instructions After you have finished these quick steps, contact the team at CRV to help you getting started with PortaBULL. • • • • • • Note: PortaBULL will run on Android devices running Android 5 or higher and Apple devices running iOS 8 and higher. CRV AMBREED taken lots of paperwork off my hands, the information syncs well with “PortaBULL has our existing records and it’s an easy hassle-free app to use.” Willowgrow Farms Ltd PortaBULL customer 89 PRODUCTS & SERVICES - HERD TESTING HERD TEST OPTIONS: FULL HERD TEST A full herd test is carried out during afternoon and morning milkings within a 24-hour period. All cows in-milk must be tested and must be fully identified and recorded. CONTEMPORARY GROUP TEST This allows you to herd test all lactating animals within a contemporary group, for example a group of cows of similar age and season of calving that are managed in the same herd. ONCE-A-DAY This option is for herds that are being milked once in a 24-hour period. BVD TEST As part of our herd testing service we can now test both bulk and individual samples for BVD and Johnes individual samples. HERD TESTING TEST DAY MODEL Herd testing is a valuable way of identifying the high and low performers in your herd to get the best return on your investment. This is a single-sample option for a herd milking twicea-day. The herd is tested at either the morning or afternoon milking and the sample is then calculated into a 24-hour test result. SOMATIC CELL COUNT (SCC) TEST A SCC test can be performed over the whole herd or selected cows at either morning or afternoon milkings. No volumes are recorded. Results will be received within 48 hours of the samples being tested. 16-HOUR MILKING Overall picture of production Every test attended by a CRV herd test technician Technican takes care of all aspects of the herd testing; including all setup, recording and sampling For the herd, herd testing information is used to gain an overall picture of production and monitor mastitis status. EXTRA ASSIST For very large sheds or herds an extra herd tester may be required. This will depend on the shed size, but generally 26-28 cups is the maximum for one herd tester. CRV AMBREED This option is for herds milking three times in a 48-hour period. A single sample is taken and a standard formula is then applied to convert the 16-hour milking into a 24-hour result. For individual cows, herd testing information can recognise: • Low producers • High producers • Mastitis • Somatic Cell Count • Animals requiring veterinary treatment BENEFITS 90 PRODUCTS & SERVICES - GENOTYPING SERVICES GENOTYPING SERVICES SAMPLE COLLECTION CRV Ambreed's DNA parentage testing service can help you with both parentage identification and identification of recessive gene carriers by utilising the latest genotyping technology. Three sampling options are available for animals requiring DNA testing. In all instances when wishing to verify a calf against a dam and natural sire, the sire needs to have been profiled at our service provider or a sample provided. CRV Ambreed has a database of a large percentage of AB sires to test against. Parentage verification can be a full verification test against the dam and the sire or a test to verify the dam or sire individually. The dam or sire must have a genotype within the CRV database to get a DNA match. A single gene analysis can identify A2, BLAD, CVM and other recessive genes. CRV Ambreed sends all samples for analysis to an independent laboratory. Allow four to six weeks for the processing, submission and reporting of results. CRV AMBREED No matter who your herd recording provider is your information can be recorded onto the national database. 1. TAIL HAIRS This involves pulling 30 tail hairs from the very end (switch) of the tail. Store each animal’s hairs individually in a paper envelope clearly marked with the animal’s birth ID. DO NOT store hair samples in plastic bags as condensation can occur. Correctly stored samples can be sent for analysis at any time. 2. BLOOD SAMPLES This will involve organising your vet to take a blood sample from the animal to be tested. Ensure the purple top blood tube is clearly labeled with the animal’s details. It is preferred that a lifetime ID is used rather than herd test number. 91 PREMIUM BIRTH PACK NAIT PRIMARY • Use birth tags for any animal born on your farm • Can be ordered without a visual tag ALLFLEX NAIT, COW & CALF COMPLIANCE EID CALF COMPLIANCE REPLACEMENT TAG (UNLINKED) EID NAIT PRIMARY ONLY Recommended for direct to slaughter and simple cow compliance $3.90 BIRTH HDX SEBES LL T ER SECONDARY • Double medium • Large LaserPlus number on female and male tags • Colour choice on both tags OPTION 5: High performance $3.00 BIRTH FDX OPTION 6: Low cost $0.85 BRASS OPTION 13 $3.90 REPLACEMENT HDX OPTION 7: High performance PURCHASE 40 OR MORE ALLFLEX BIRTH PACKS AND RECEIVE A FREE LED HEAD LAMP * OPTION 2: Low cost $6.85 ADD BRASS OPTION 1A $6.00 ADD BRASS OPTION 2A ECONOMY BIRTH PACK CALF REARERS PACK OPTION 9: Low cost Double Button secondary • Recommended option for rearing dairy beef calves • Free marking on secondary button Recommended for dairy automation including all recording systems. Recommended for direct to slaughter or animals not likely to ever use diary automation. Also recommended for beef calves sold. LO COWE ST R SECONDARY • Medium female • Button male (blank) • Large LaserPlus number on female • Colour choice on both tags $5.00 ECONOMY HDX $4.15 ECONOMY FDX OPTION 3: High performance OPTION 4: Low cost $5.85 ADD BRASS OPTION 3A $5.00 ADD BRASS OPTION 4A CRV AMBREED HDX FDX OPTION 8: Low cost $5.15 BIRTH FDX NAIT PRIMARY • Use birth tags for any animal born on your farm • Can be ordered without a visual tag $3.72 BEST ADVICE: REPLACEMENT FDX CALF REARERS PACK NAIT FDX low cost primary *While stocks last. Terms and conditions apply. $3.00 $6.00 BIRTH HDX OPTION 1: High performance PRODUCTS & SERVICES - EAR TAGS ALLFLEX BIRTH PACKS 92 PRODUCTS & SERVICES - EAR TAGS ALLFLEX MANAGEMENT TAGS FEATURES LASERPLUS MARKING - Proven LaserPlus 100mm 100mm 75mm 75mm 75mm 75mm 75mm 57mm 57mm 57mm DOUBLE MAXI MAXI/LARGE DOUBLE LARGE MAXI FEMALE | MAXI MALE MAXI FEMALE | LARGE MALE LARGE FEMALE | LARGE MALE OPTION 10 $3.27 OPTION 11 $3.06 OPTION 12 $2.85 Please note: All Management Tags are marked with LaserPlus. Laser text is also available above the number on request (as above) ALLFLEX RS 420 READER CRV AMBREED HIGH PERFORMANCE. EASY TO USE. TOUGH, INDUSTRIAL PEDIGREE. $1,980.00 RS420–90cm $2,150.00 RS420–60cm • Bluetooth communication • Reads both HDX and FDX • Rechargeable long life batteries • Electronic fast charge • Large back lit screen • Audible and vibration read alerts • Apple compatible • Apple app free! Allflex RS420 App • IPhone, IPad and IPad Mini compatible • Allows you to create files, add animal notes and email them from the field EASY TEST TAG • Allows you to remove the birth tag, apply a management tag while retaining the Birth ID • Available in: Double Maxi, Maxi Female/Large Male • Double Large option DOUBLE MAXI OPTION 10A MAXI/LARGE OPTION 1 1 A DOUBLE LARGE OPTION 12A $3.27 $3.06 $2.85 93 $2.75 OPTION 14A Identiplier spare pins • Applies all Allflex panel tags • EID compatible • Dramatically reduces the chance of ripped ears • Applies all Allflex panel tags • EID compatible Convenient application of Brass tags in one simple action $76.10 OPTION 18 $50.30 $34.90 $2.75 OPTION 14 OPTION 15 OPTION 15A Identiplier Universal Applicator Universal spare pins One-shot Applicator PRODUCTS & SERVICES - EAR TAGS ALLFLEX ACCESSORIES Fast, safe removal of any unwanted plastic tags $10.25 OPTION 19 Removal knife • Retractable pin action • For race tagging (from behind the cow) • Holds tag sets and applicators • Worn around waist or secured to bike/rail $108.20 $108.20 $38.20 $7.00 OPTION 16 OPTION 17 OPTION 21 OPTION 20 EID Lazamatic Lazamatic Applicator Tag Pouch Tag pen CRV AMBREED • Retractable pin action • EID conversion kits available 94 PRODUCTS & SERVICES - EAR TAGS ZEE TAGS BIRTH PACKS PREMIUM CALF PACKS ECONOMY CALF PACKS ONE PIECE CALF PACKS TAGS • Female medium - tamperproof • Male medium • Birth ID (FDX or HDX NAIT) TAGS • Female medium - tamperproof • Male button - blank • Birth ID (FDX or HDX NAIT) TAGS • One piece medium • Birth ID (FDX or HDX NAIT) SPECS • Printing in LaserBlack SPECS • Printing in LaserBlack • Blank button $4.80 FDX $5.60 HDX $4.10 FDX SPECS • Printing in LaserBlack $4.85 HDX $3.70 FDX ZEE TAGS NAIT AND PEDIGREE TAGS NAIT BIRTH ID REPLACEMENT PEDIGREE TAG Can be used instead of brass tag CRV AMBREED • Printing in LaserBlack $2.80 FDX $3.70 HDX $2.80 FDX $3.70 HDX $0.60 $4.60 HDX 95 BLANK TAGS FARM MANAGEMENT Z1 NO SNAG TAGSTM ONE PIECE TAGS Z2 NO TEAR TAGSTM TWO PIECE TAGS *Additional charge for printing $2.60 $2.80 DOUBLE MAXI DOUBLE MAXI LASERBLACK DURAMARK (SHOWN) COLOUR OPTIONS Yellow Light Blue Dark Blue Salmon Orange Red Light Purple Dark Purple Light Green Dark Green Light Pink White $1.00 MEDIUM $1.30 LARGE $1.50 MAXI *Additional charge for printing $0.50 BUTTON $0.60 MEDIUM $0.80 LARGE PRODUCTS & SERVICES - EAR TAGS ZEE TAGS MANAGEMENT TAGS & TAGGERS $1.00 MAXI TAGGERS Z1 NO SNAG TAGGERTM ONE PIECE TAGGER Z2 NO TEAR TAGGERTM TWO PIECE TAGGER For the application of Zee Tags - One Piece tags only. For use with Zee Tags - NAIT, Two Piece and Pedigree tags only. $27.00 $50.00 Dark Pink Black Duramark: 40¢ per each additional line of text (available on maxi & large only) CRV AMBREED LaserBlack (default): 30¢ per each additional line of text (available on all sizes) 96 PRODUCTS & SERVICES - EAR TAGS LEADER BIRTH PACKS LN2 BUDGET SET LN3 ECONOMY SET TAGS • Medium female • Button male - blank • NAIT tag (Leadertronic or Enviro) TAGS • Double medium • NAIT tag (Leadertronic or Enviro) SPECS • Large laser number on both tags • Colour choice on both visual tags • Hot foil printing available for 40¢ extra SPECS • Large laser number on female • Colour choice on both visual tags • Hot foil printing available for 40¢ extra $4.20 $3.70 $4.90 $4.40 LN2 (LEADERTRONIC) LN2E (ENVIRO) LN3 (LEADERTRONIC) LN3E (ENVIRO) LN6 ECONOMY SET LN10 CALF REARER SET TAGS • Double Large • NAIT tag (Leadertronic or Enviro) TAGS • Double button • Male tag - blank • NAIT tag (Leadertronic or Enviro) CRV AMBREED SPECS • Large laser number on both tags • Colour choice on both visual tags • Hot foil printing available for 40¢ extra SPECS • Colour choice on both visual tags • Delivered packed in sets $5.40 $4.90 $3.80 $3.30 LN6 (LEADERTRONIC) LN6E (ENVIRO) LN10 (LEADERTRONIC) LN10E (ENVIRO) 97 SINGLE BLANK MANAGEMENT TAGS 97mm *Additional charge for printing 73mm $2.60 LN1E ENVIRO - UNLINKED (can be linked) (can be linked) 28mm LEADERTRONIC - UNLINKED 54mm $3.10 LN1 Flexible tags have reinforced necks preventing curling or breaking. 120mm 105mm LN1 HDX HIGH PERFORMANCE 75mm COLOUR OPTIONS Minimum order fee may apply. $1.20 ONE PIECE MAXXI 76mm $1.20 76mm $1.20 MAXXI MAXXI-SHORT 58mm $1.20 LARGE 48mm $1.00 MEDIUM 28mm $0.50 PRODUCTS & SERVICES - EAR TAGS LEADER MANAGEMENT TAGS & TAGGERS LEADER NAIT TAGS BUTTON FARM MANAGEMENT Yellow Purple Orange Red Pink $2.80 $1.60 BIG BOSS - DBL MAXXI FLEXI ONE PIECE (available in yellow only) (double sided print) Blue LEADER PRO TAGGER Green Black White Hot foil printing: 40¢ per each additional line of text (available on all sizes excl. Big Boss and buttons) $78.00 CRV AMBREED Bright colours (laser printed): available on all sizes excl. Big Boss Laser Printing: 20¢ per each additional line of text (default) • No fuss design gives user maximum adaptation to tagging requirements • No pin spring tension at release for trouble-free applicator withdrawal • Application restriction makes EID tagging easier • Applies most two piece tags (check before use) • Quick release slider ensures positive tag release 98 PRICING PRICING GENETICS See bull pages for individual straw pricing. NOMINATED GENETICS 100-250 251-500 501-750 751-1000 1001-1500 1501-2000 2000+ #STRAWS 4 bull pack $19.70 $19.20 $18.65 $18.10 $17.60 $16.50 $16.00 per straw 5 bull pack $18.65 $18.10 $17.60 $17.10 $16.50 $15.50 $15.00 per straw 6+ bull pack $17.00 $16.50 $16.00 $15.50 $15.00 $14.00 $13.75 per straw CRV SELECT (8-12 Bulls) $15.75 $14.50 $13.25 $12.25 $11.25 $10.50 $10.25 per straw ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION END OF MATING PRODUCTS Fertabull Angus / Hereford $10 per straw TRAINING Short gestation Angus / Hereford $10 per straw CRV Ambreed client $695 Short gestation dairy $9 per straw Non client $895 Beef breeds $8 per straw DIY refresher course $139 PortaBULL FREE TECHNICIAN SERVICE 1-300 301-600 601+ #COWS CRV reserves the right to increase/decrease any prices depending on availability and other conditions beyond our control. The products and services provided in this catalogue are done so in accordance with CRV’s standard terms and conditions a copy of which can be found on our website: CRV takes every care to ensure the accuracy of information and pricing contained within this catalogue. We expressly disclaim all liability for errors or omissions of any kind whatsoever or for any loss, damage or other consequence which may arise from any person relying on information contained in this catalogue. Unless otherwise specified, all prices are exclusive of GST. CRV AMBREED Unless otherwise specified, genetic pricing is per straw. An additional fee may be incurred for products delivered to third parties. * An additional dispatch and handling fee may apply to order changes and late fee’s may also apply ** The on-charge dispatch fee and order delivery fee is for customers ordering genetics from CRV Ambreed and delivering the product to LIC Spring mating ( 1 Sept-24 Dec) $6.00 $5.75 $5.50 per animal Autumn mating ( 25 Dec-31 Aug) $6.50 $6.50 $6.50 per animal An additional charge of $0.75 per insemination charge will apply for farms outside of a scheduled run. AI UNITS DR-17 unit $1,550 Super 2 unit $1,800 Liquid nitrogen (LN2) $0.82 per 100g Unit hire $175 per season Unit hire $5 per day Test weigh service $30 Bank cleaning penalty fee $100 99 TESTING EQUIPMENT INSIGHT HERD TESTING ITEM Insight web $280 per herd, per year Visit fee $350 AI starter kit $478 Insight mobile $180 per herd, per year Extra assist $300 AI case $269 Per cow fee $2.70 Freight $42 Paper wipes (100 pack) $5.75 Young stock fee $1.50 per animal Meter fee $3.25 per meter Lubricant (1 litre) $11 BW download $0.50 per animal, per season Full test $1.90 per animal Lubricant (2 litre) $17 Repeat BW download $0.10 per animal, per season OAD/TDM $1.90 per animal Gloves (100 pack) $36 SCC test $1.80 per animal Pistolette (flexia) $55 SIREMATCH per animal PROTECT SELECT PRO SCC text service FREE per animal Pistolette (quicklock) $60 CRV herd recording clients $0.25 $0.75 $1.00 Johnes $6.70 per animal Pistolette (mini) $55 Non-CRV herd recording clients $0.75 $1.75 $2.00 BVD tests - individual <200 201-500 $14.00 $13.50 OTHER HERD RECORDING FEES #TESTS Pistolette (med) $55 $13.00 per sample Sheaths (50 pack) $8 BVD tests - whole herd $13.00 per sample (default) Tweezers $22 Bulk BVD tests $175 Scissors $8 Straw thaw unit 12V $229 Straw thaw unit 240V $284 Straw thaw cutter $10 NAIT registration FREE Customised herd report (PDF) $15 Data entry & remedial work $50 per hour OTHER TESTING Shed sheet register $80 per book BLAD (per animal) $40 CVM (per animal) $85 A2 testing (per animal) $22.50 DISPATCH AND HANDLING FEES 501+ PRICING INFORMATION PRODUCTS ESTROTECT Semen dispatch and handling fee* $30 Urgent AI unit delivery fee $60 DNA PARENTAGE TESTING 1-50 51-100 101-500 501+ #TESTS Patches (50 pack) $112.50 Equipment handling fee $10 DNA parentage tests $28 $26 $24 per sample Brush $9.50 Storage transfer fee $30 Add results to national database $2 per sample Cloth $1.50 Storage facility annual fee $60 Handling and courier fee $10 Chilly bin $8.50 Storage fee $0.45 Cancellation fee $150 TO ORDER LIC delivery fee on-charge** $90 Call your local sales consultant or our friendly customer support team on 0800 262 733 LIC late fee on-charge** $50 To view CRV Ambreed’s payment options visit $22 per straw All prices are exclusive of GST unless otherwise specified. CRV AMBREED Other third party charges may apply. 100 CONTACTS MEET OUR TEAM MATHEW MACFIE MARK DUFFY PATSY BOOTH CARA O’CONNOR GRANT BACK WESTERN NORTH ISLAND NATIONAL MATHEW MACFIE National Sales and Marketing Manager 021 803 412 MARK DUFFY South Island Sales Manager 027 492 8200 [email protected] PATSY BOOTH Herd Testing Manager 027 494 2582 [email protected] 027 541 7106 [email protected] CARA O’CONNOR AI Services Development Manager [email protected] REGIONAL SALES AND SERVICES MANAGERS BILL MCLEAN North Island - Upper, Eastern, Western 027 290 4748 [email protected] GRANT BACK North Island - Lower 027 473 2869 [email protected] SUE DUFFY South Island 027 305 3320 [email protected] 0800 262 733 [email protected] CUSTOMER SUPPORT UPPER NORTH ISLAND BILL MCLEAN SUE DUFFY BILL MCLEAN ANDREA MCSWEENEY Te Awamutu / Roto-o-rangi 027 664 5745 [email protected] BRETT ANDREWS Tokoroa/Putaruru 027 676 8819 BRUCE HILLS Cambridge 027 484 5214 DEBBIE YOUNG Te Awamutu / Te Pahu 021 801 753 KAY BENIONI Te Awamutu / Arapuni 027 531 3865 ROSS WILSON Hamilton / Taupiri 027 477 8703 [email protected] TINA THOMAS Otorohanga / Te Kuiti 021 741 911 [email protected] LOWER NORTH ISLAND [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] GRANT BACK MARGARET KEMP Regional Services Coordinator 027 355 2208 [email protected] DENNIS KOWALEWSKI Stratford / Midhurst 021 257 9641 [email protected] JOHN PREECE North Taranaki / Tariki 021 741 381 JOHN RITCHIE Wairarapa / Hawkes Bay 021 848 297 [email protected] JUDY JENSEN Waverly 027 450 4870 [email protected] [email protected] KELSEY BROOKS Hawera / Kaponga 021 190 3799 [email protected] ELAINE NIMMO Regional Services Coordinator 027 690 0841 [email protected] MAREE PEARCE Manawatu / Horowhenua 027 248 1224 [email protected] ALASTAIR CULLEN Te Kauwhata 027 488 9894 [email protected] MELISSA BARNES Coastal Taranaki / Manaia 027 499 0162 [email protected] BRYCE SHUKER Pokeno 027 494 2586 [email protected] RAY LAWRENCE Stratford / Eltham 027 442 8012 [email protected] BRITTANY HARTSTONE Warkworth 021 848 056 JOHN KIMBERLEY Hikurangi 027 240 6388 [email protected] PAULA GRAY Ngatea / Paeroa / Waihi 021 178 7455 [email protected] CARMEN STEELE Regional Services Coordinator ROGER PERRY Dargaville 021 439 512 [email protected] EASTERN NORTH ISLAND CRV AMBREED BILL MCLEAN [email protected] BILL MCLEAN SOUTH ISLAND SUE DUFFY 021 613 005 [email protected] AMANDA SKEGGS South Grey Valley / Hokitika / Westland 021 741 611 [email protected] BRENDA GERKEN North & East Southland / West Otago 021 741 983 [email protected] IRENE SAUL Central & North Southland 027 479 3361 JACKIE CRAIG Taieri / South Otago 021 848 061 NEIL GAMBLE South Otago / Tasman / Marlborough 027 473 3035 [email protected] ROSE O’CONNOR-NEILSEN North Grey Valley / Buller / Murchison 027 442 8016 [email protected] [email protected] DIANE WILSON Regional Services Coordinator 027 677 6012 [email protected] BUTCH COOMBE Te Aroha / Morrinsville 027 275 2506 [email protected] ESMAE RAYNEL Te Puke / Edgecumbe 027 661 0487 [email protected] PAM MCLEAN Matamata / Okoroire 021 137 1500 [email protected] SHANE TIFFEN South Canterbury / North Otago 021 741 077 PAULINE ISAAC Opotiki / Taneatua / Awakeri / Galatea 027 271 6616 [email protected] TBC Central-Western Southland 0800 262 733 [email protected] SEAMUS LANNON Rotorua / Atiamuri 021 741 173 [email protected] TBC Central & North Canterbury 0800 262 733 [email protected] TBC Taupo, Reporoa 0800 262 733 TBC Southern Southland 0800 262 733 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 101 JERSEY HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN GLOBAL pg 37 HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN 308583 pg 37 DELTA ALONSO 111644 63 315526 pg 38 DELTA ATLANTIC 111641 63 RUANUI VALENTINO DINO ET 315522 pg 38 PEN COL SS BOBBY pg 23 LEITHLEA GUN OF A SUN 309727 pg 39 DELTA BOOKEM DANNO pg 23 ASHVALE OLM HIGHLITE ET 312543 pg 39 CAPNATION ELATE P 111555 pg 24 PATERANGI MURMUR INGOT ET 312548 pg 40 DELTA FRODO 65 115575 pg 24 ROMA MURMUR KINGPIN S3J 312501 pg 40 DELTA GALORE 66 MAIRE OMAN FRANKLIN 110550 pg 25 KAITAKA MURMUR LAZARUS ET 312538 pg 41 DELTA G FORCE 111654 66 AMBZED POWELLS FULTON S2F 112577 pg 25 OKURA LIKA MURMUR S3J 306549 pg 41 TOPSPEED KODAK 111636 67 RANGEVIEW MPG GLOWING S2F 112557 pg 26 SHEPHERDS NEW LEADER S1J 311803 pg 42 WESSELCREST LANDON 67 DROMARD PROXY IDAHO S3F 110508 pg 26 CANAAN NEVVY PIONEER S3J 307522 pg 42 DELTA LEVATOR 68 MARCHEL FIRE MACCA-OC S2F 108818 pg 27 FREYDAN IZY POWERPLANT ET 314500 pg 43 CAUDUMER POWERPLAY PP ALJO TEF MAELSTROM-ET S3F 109502 pg 27 FREYDAN GOLDIE PRESELY 311536 pg 43 DELTA TRIBUTANT AMBZED BALLS OAKLEY S1F 110521 pg 28 DEVON HMJ SENTINEL S3J 309523 pg 44 A H VITESSE HSS FORMAT PASCAL-ET 110577 pg 28 PUKETAWA AD SUPERSTITION 310507 pg 44 JERSEY ROYSON JUSTICE PHONIC S2F 112580 pg 29 RIDGETOP WYNSOR PLAYWRITE 115541 pg 29 ARKAN WINEGUM ET F13J3 514669 HILLSVIEW LAD PULSAR-ET 115509 pg 30 DONINGTON F13J2 512656 MEANDER MAX REMATCH S2F 115573 pg 30 GLENMEAD MISSION F12J4 513663 TRALEE BE REPLICA S2F 112563 pg 31 ARKAN CHRUNCHIE F12J4 BUSY BROOK ME REPO-ET S3F 112564 pg 31 BOOMA F12J4 HSS MINT RIVINGTON 112584 pg 32 SARAJEVO F12J4 SUMMERHAYS WJ SKYLARK S2F 112559 pg 32 BURGESS VIPER-ET F11J5 HSS R STRAVAGANZA S2F 109544 pg 33 PERIVALE WARO WAIAU MINT THADIUS-ET S3F 111508 pg 33 AMBZED GREENHALGH WYLD 112576 pg 34 MURITAI FIRENZE WYNSOR 109790 pg 34 TRALEE MINT AVALANCHE S3F 112522 pg 21 PUKETAWA KING CONNACHT JG 315503 MIDDLEVALE MINTE BRAVE RIDGETOP MINT CELTIC S3F 111521 pg 21 ARRIETA NN DEGREE ET 111558 pg 22 RUANUI TERIFIC DIESEL S3J BUNGAY OMAN DANNY S3F 109789 pg 22 VALDEN DANNY DAVID-ET S3F 115516 LORNLACE EBO DRIFTWOOD 114538 LORNLACE RUPERT DUNSTAN PARKDALE HRS FEDERAL S2F 64 114590 64 65 115582 68 69 114599 69 PANNOO BRAX 314552 70 pg 47 MERSEYBANK CLAIRVOYANT 314561 70 pg 47 WHITE STAR GREG 310570 71 pg 48 VJ HALEY 514670 pg 48 VJ HILARIO 315543 72 515655 pg 49 VJ HIZZI 515663 pg 49 WILSONVIEW PERFORM MACHETE-ET 515656 pg 50 WALLACEDALE MARVARIE F10J6 515665 pg 50 WHITE STAR MUMFORD BERRYDOWNS STORM ET F9J7 514664 pg 51 SUNSET CANYON MUSKET-ET 74 CLARKS MARSHALL F8J8 512801 pg 51 PR FARIA BROTHERS RAWLS 75 MENDELSSOHN J9F7 510673 pg 52 WILSONVIEW M/Z STORMY-ET 75 STARSKY J9F7 511650 pg 52 AYRSHIRE & RED pg 57 IMOLA J9F7 512659 pg 53 VR HAKALAN BRICK BORAT 76 71 72 73 311583 73 74 NGARANGI BRODY NEVADA 512666 LODORE HUGHIE ROYAL ET 514654 pg 57 LYNBROOK LT VIKING J10F6 515813 pg 53 VR FONSECA 76 LODORE SRP SNAZZY ET 510663 pg 58 LYNBROOK OLM KEIRAN-ET J11F3 512803 pg 54 VR HJUSTICIA 77 PA HILL KINGS VOLTAGE 511669 pg 58 TIROHANGA PRETORIA J12F4 515661 pg 54 SAARELAN TURANDOT 77 CRV AMBREED AYRSHIRE & RED BREEDS CROSSBRED INDEX OF SIRES INDEX OF SIRES CRV HEAD OFFICE PH +64 (0)7 856 7500 | FAX +64 (0)7 859 3513 | 0800 262 733 | WWW.CRV4ALL.CO.NZ POSTAL ADDRESS PO Box 176, Hamilton 3240, New Zealand BETTER COWS | BETTER LIFE Ambreed
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