Lenica - Ayrshire New Zealand
Lenica - Ayrshire New Zealand
Lenica Ayrshire Complete Dispersal Sale April 12th 2013, 11.30 am State Highway 3 TE KUITI Lenica Conn Libby V7-8 – 5 year old Goldstream Pearl Nell V7-8 – 8 year old Paul and Maryann Symonds 07 878 6865 www.facebook.com/#!/558459914166508/ Brian Robinson Livestock 07 858 3132 or 027 241 0051 Lenica Conn Libby V7-8 – Lot 47 Half-sister sells as Lot 48, daughter sells as Lot 97. Goldstream Pearl Nell V7-8 – Lot 39 Half sister sells as Lot 40, both have daughters Lots 91 and 102. Goldstream Deb Marise E8-9 – Lot 30 Lenica Limerick Pan S3A V7-7 – Lot 10 More family sells as Lot 9, 11 and 79. Lenica Pardners Ensign V7-8 – Lot 12 Daughter sells as Lot 99. ARB Lenica Troupers Pan V6-7 Dam of Lots 10 and 11. Lenica Ayrshires Complete Dispersal Sale Friday 12th April 2013 Sundries at 10.00 am – Livestock at 11.30 am Vendors: Paul and Maryann Symonds and family. Sale to be held on W.G. and R.J. Symonds property State Highway 3, Main Road North, Te Kuiti. Fonterra Supply No 74798 Comprises: Sundries (see list) 70 Pedigree Ayrshire Cows 12 Pedigree Ayrshire In-Calf Heifers 20 Pedigree Ayrshire Heifer Calves 39 Mixed age and breed In-Calf Cows 2 Unrecorded Calves 143HEAD T.B. Status - C1O, EBL FREE, LEPTO INOCULATED, SALMONELLA VACCINATED. Cows vet tested and dated in-calf at 6 weeks from bull out date. In-milk cows AB followed by Jersey bulls. 2011 born heifers synchronised 18th October to Ayrshire AB followed by Jersey bull. Bull out 1st January 2013. NAIT No. 285780 Plus range of Sundries at 10.00 am (see list at back and payment terms). Purchasers Please Note: To assist the electronic transfer of data we require your LIC herd / Participant codes and NAIT number on sale day. Conditions of Sale FEMALE GUARANTEES: 1. Every female shown as bred on a certain date, except any which may have been served within six weeks of sale, is guaranteed in-calf. This guarantee expires 28 days from the sale date. 2. Where a sale catalogue specifies a calving date and the resultant calf is not acceptable for registration by the MINDA service of the Livestock Improvement Corporation (LIC) or by the relevant Breed Society because the calf is born eleven days or more either side of the specified calving date and the paternity is not able to be verified the seller shall refund 25% of the purchase price plus GST direct to the buyer. This clause 2 does not apply if the sale catalogue states that a bull was pastured after AB ceased. 3. Where a veterinary certificate is supplied at the date of sale certifying the female as being in-calf, no further liability will fall on the seller subject to liability under the other clauses contained in the Conditions of Sale. The buyer has the right to retest at their own expense before delivery is made from the place of sale. 4. Where a female is offered for sale as being in-calf, without a supporting veterinary certificate and the female is subsequently proved to be empty, the buyer has the right to return the female or carry out such disposal as the seller may instruct and the seller will refund direct to the buyer the purchase price plus the return transport costs. 5. Cows sold as not in-calf at the time of sale, shall be sold with a guarantee to breed. The term breed shall constitute producing a calf, dead or alive. Should the cow fail to produce a calf by the 31 December 2014, the seller shall refund in full the purchase price direct to the buyer. 6. Yearling heifers sold as unmated are sold with the guarantee to breed. The term breed shall constitute producing a calf, dead or alive. Should the heifer fail to produce a calf by the 31 December 2014, the seller shall refund in full the purchase price direct to the buyer. 7. In the case of a cow or heifer being flushed for embryo transfer, either with or without success, all guarantees become null and void. 8. Where any female sold as being in-calf proves to be carrying a mummified calf, no liability will fall on the seller. 9. Any animal which is sold as in-calf but subsequently aborts the foetus after delivery is the responsibility of the buyer and no liability will fall on the seller. 10. Any claim to the auctioneers must be accompanied by a veterinary certificate. MALE GUARANTEES: The entry of any bull in this catalogue constitutes a guarantee by the seller that the purchase price without interest, expenses, costs or damages shall be refunded if a bull proves either totally incapable of service or totally infertile. If any bull does not possess reasonable fertility, although is not totally infertile, is the subject of dispute, then this shall be settled by an arbitrator appointed by the auctioneers. Any complaint must be lodged with the auctioneers by the 30 November 2013. The cost of taking delivery and returning the bull to the seller is to be borne by the buyer. A veterinary surgeon’s Certificate shall be produced by the buyer to support all claims and the costs associated with this shall be borne by the buyer. GENERAL CONDITIONS: DELIVERY: Each lot shall, immediately on the fall of the hammer, be at the risk of the buyer. INSURANCE: If transit or annual insurance is required, such cover can be arranged through the auctioneers. INSTRUCTIONS: Buyers must sign dockets before leaving the sale and leave full delivery instructions. TRANSFERS: Sellers are responsible for the completion of transfers. No buyers shall be entitled to withhold payments for stock pending delivery by the seller of the relevant breed society transfer certificate or LIC Animal Location Transfer Certificate. CATTLE FOR EXPORT: All stock sold for export are to be inspected by Official Inspectors of the Breed Society concerned prior to Export Certificates being granted for such stock. The seller is responsible for the 15% commission payable on all cattle sold for export. PAYMENT TERMS: See separate page re Payment Terms. Auctioneers: Enquiries to: Brian Robinson Ph 07 858 3132 027 241 0051 [email protected] DISCLAIMER: All details and descriptions as to stock referred to in this catalogue or otherwise provided by the auctioneer or any other employee or agent (“sales information”) have been supplied by the Seller and have not been independently verified by the auctioneers. The Auctioneers, its employees and agents make no representations or warranties or acknowledgement of any kind whatsoever in relation to any part of the sales information (including, but not limited to the accuracy or completeness of details and descriptions of stock and other contents). Buyers, advisers and all other persons viewing or dealing with the stock must make their own assessment and judgment on the stock and sales information. The Auctioneers, its employees and agents are not responsible or liable in any way whatsoever, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise, to any person for any loss or damage whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from any information or representation included in or omitted from. ATTENTION: Under the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992, we wish to bring to your attention your responsibilities while attending this on-farm sale. You are in a multi-hazard area and are requested to observe the following rules: • All children under the age of 16 must be accompanied and under the supervision of an adult • You are not to enter any yards, pens or races where stock are being moved or held • Keep to the walkways or within the flagged areas provided • Report any accident to the site office • If you see anything unsafe, report it to the site office The auctioneer has overall control of this site, and will ask you to leave if the above rules are not followed. AUCTIONEERS FOREWORD It is indeed a pity to see enthusiastic, energetic breeders such as Paul and Maryann decide to exit the dairy industry to pursue other endeavours. Having been brought up in an Ayrshire environment taught Maryann the art and need to follow strong cow families. Paul and Maryann have tried to continue in the same vain as the late Mr Len King. Paul and Maryann have bought judiciously into cow families they felt would enable them to breed cows that could compete with the Holstein-Friesians they also farmed on a property that includes flats and hills with wet and dry. The catalogue consists of the cows Paul and Maryann feel will enhance the Lenica name. Several cows which I encouraged them to offer have been sold out of the dairy industry but this is to the purchasers advantage. Consider the facts: these are well-bred, no nonsense cows milked under a very low input system so the production they do is a true reflection of their ability. Showing and participation in Ayrshire activities have always been supported. Maryann, along with the support of Paul is a true Ayrshire person and is renowned for having her strong opinions on Ayrshire matters. Always pushing the need for the betterment of the Ayrshire cow and breed association. Paul and Maryann’s contribution will be missed, but I am sure they will continue to support and follow the Ayrshire cow. You can be assured that the animals on offer are being sold with 100% soundness. These are well bred, well farmed cattle capable of excelling for intending purchasers. BRIAN ROBINSON BRIAN ROBINSON LIVESTOCK LIMITED PAYMENT TERMS Livestock n Payment for all livestock is to be made within 10 days after the sale date. n Payments must be made by direct credit to the trust account of de Lautours.co Chartered Accountants in Te Awamutu as follows: ASB Bank Limited de Lautours.co Trust Account Account number 12-3123-0016903-002 Reference “B Robinson” n Ownership of the livestock will not pass to the purchaser until payment in cleared funds is received. Sundries n Payment for all sundries is to be by bank cheque, cash or Eftpos on the day of the sale. GST of 15% will be added to the purchase price. n Ownership of the sundries will not pass to the purchaser until all payments have been cleared. All enquiries to Brian Robinson: Mobile: 027 241 0051 Phone: 07 858 3132 Email: [email protected] FOREWORD The Lenica Ayrshire stud was formed in 1996. The first Ayrshire animals to enter the property were two cows given to us by Maryann’s parents, Len and Monica King. The cows immediately appealed to us due to their quiet nature, hardiness and tremendous dairy character. These cows, although unrecorded due to Dad’s terminal illness, began the Len(Mon)ica herd from old bloodlines of Lenoch and Rivervale cows that have descendants that sell today. We decided we wanted more of this type of cow so we set about searching for and consequently breeding more of them. Our stud of 100 odd cows has been farmed alongside 200 Friesian cows. They have been sharemilked on 115 hectares in a no fuss manner through a 28 aside herringbone. The farm has a few challenging aspects. The property straddles SH3 and has two underpasses that connect it. The river that dissects the farm can be expected to flood a couple of times a year, disrupting normal farming practises. Although the appearance from the road suggests a nice flat farm, at least one third of the farm is rolling to step country. The cows are feed on grass and supplemented with maize silage, grass silage and hay at various times. All supplements are fed in the paddock. We came to realise very early on the importance of strong cow families. We have been extremely lucky to have been surrounded by many knowledgeable and helpful master breeders, who have offered valuable advice and guidance. To these great men our heartfelt thanks. The animals offered for sale today have been our focus and dream these past 16 years. To today’s purchasers, we hope these cows give you the joy and satisfaction they have given us. Paul and Maryann Symonds Len King with Rivervale Karmine over 50 years ago. P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 1 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Breeder : Paul & Maryann Symonds TAONUI JACKS JETHRO INGLECORNER PROGRESS HB No: A/32422/M (79104) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -30/98 Birth Ident: BTVK-86-5 (61347) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE LENICA BG ALPHA Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-10-22 No. 187 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 5/08/2010 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -137/46 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -3.5/38 Total Long BV (days): 102/39 Somatic Cell BV: -0.53/44 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: Avg 1887 3.84 D 0.15/49 26/3 Milk Protein Milkfat (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) 1887 3.84 72 4.58 86 D 2012 B7-7 0.24/33 Dairy Conformation: 0.32/43 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Age 2 yr 0 m 72 4.58 Days 181 86 Herd BW 16/47 LW -199 181 1 Lacts. PA A16 Traits other than production results : 0 0 0 Birth Ident: JCPD-99-1 (2012) 5 4 7 5 Due to Calve : 10/08/2013 Expected Calf 7 5 7 6 7 5 7 7 Bull : 512568 KITEROA BO PEPPERBRODY BW($): 25/21 Mating Date 1/11/2012 Bull 512568 6 11 yr 10 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr Age 0m 0m 1m 1m 1m 0m 1m 1m 1m D D D D 0 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation P001.50 0 0 -16/84 -4/44 -6.6/41 54/45 -0.31/52 (2005) 6 5 7 5 6 7 5 5 6 4 5 5 7 LOT 2 139/91 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.46 164 3.99 189 294 -36 3.50 205 4.17 244 273 137 3.69 248 4.55 305 274 152 3.58 238 4.19 278 289 97 3.72 249 4.18 280 268 Plus 6 unprinted lactations 6287 3.62 228 4.29 270 285 11 Lacts. NGARANGI IMPRESSARIO Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G1 -8/99 -8/99 4/99 -339/99 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: NGARANGI CELESTIAL Birth Ident: JGB-90-53 Breed: PA A16 4/98 -6.2/99 272/99 -0.18/99 BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5799 3.61 209 ARB DANVIDE ALPHA DROP Birth Ident: CJWW-92-22 Breed: SA A14F2 BW ($): GLENHOPE BRIGHTEST PW ($): -41/49 44/80 Milk (ltr) 3111 4707 3873 4043 2718 Age 9 yr 1 m 8 yr 0 m 6 yr 11 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m Avg Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.26 101 5.01 156 167 3.36 158 5.05 238 248 3.77 146 5.68 220 258 3.46 140 5.05 204 240 3.54 96 4.68 127 154 Plus 3 unprinted lactations 3546 3.48 123 5.10 181 204 LW 106 174 136 201 55 Oseas HB No: 000000811799/CAN (500545) Breed : No. 179 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -18/51 6/56 -1/56 372/59 27/32 119/78 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -10.5/41 Total Long BV (days): 147/44 Somatic Cell BV: -0.68/52 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.45/31 Dairy Conformation: 0.26/36 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : 14/3 Milk (ltr) 3302 4704 4214 4575 4767 2987 Milkfat (%) (kg) 4.19 138 4.13 194 4.22 178 4.27 195 4.91 234 3.95 118 Days 158 246 252 270 271 145 140 4.31 176 224 D 4091 3.42 D Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 0 0 6 5 7 6 Due to Calve : 06/08/2013 Expected Calf Bull 504534 2012 V7-7 -0.17/32 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 -2/48 39/48 33/45 86/44 LW 26 -36 20 142 235 330 6 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 7 6 Breed: WOODLAND VIEW PARDNER-ET Birth Ident: JCPD-05-63 Avg 7 6 7 5 6 7 7 Bull : 504534 CARMELGLEN BRODY BW($): 61/37 Mating Date 28/10/2012 ARC DANVIDE GUM DROP Birth Ident: CJWW-86-5 Breed: SA A12F4 BW ($): 4 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7 Lacts. 4352 3.55 154 S# 1/31 PW ($): 223/64 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.61 201 214 Internal Animal Key = P001.50 22501468 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 ST OURS CLASSIC BLACKADDAR ISLE MILKMAN Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 22/08/2005 D HB No: A/33915/M (61237) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -118/99 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 LENICA PARDNER FRIEND D -49/68 PW ($): 73/87 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.72 274 291 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE D -35/68 PW ($): -67/50 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.99 239 284 HB No: A/34439/M (61368) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 37/99 Oseas HB No: 000000063175/CAN Breed: PA A16 S# BW ($): -236/35 Oseas HB No: 000000693744/CAN D BW ($) : 12 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5979 3.43 215 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds D KITEROA BONNY GORGEOUS HB No: A/150794/F Breed : PA A16 VHC Birth Ident: JGB-93-60 (61551) Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Age 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 0 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 1 m HB No: A/30899/M (61171) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -74/97 NGARANGI HERCULES and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds Protein (%) (kg) 3.54 117 3.42 161 3.28 138 3.47 159 3.57 170 3.14 94 -109/48 PW ($): -83/16 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.11 251 305 KITEROA BONAPART PW ($): Milk (ltr) 4746 5850 6718 6633 6700 Age 1m 0m 1m 0m 1m NZAEL S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 BW ($): 4 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6106 EX5 13/76 Avg N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited Breeder : 14 yr 12 yr 10 yr 9 yr 8 yr Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO INGLECORNER N WISH HB No: A/155485/F Breed : PA A16 VHC 23/99 -7.9/99 -232/99 -0.46/99 PA A16 BW ($): Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 56 3.35 113 4.94 167 207 3.53 151 4.57 195 275 80 272 92 3.53 162 4.93 227 162 3.29 86 4.85 127 3.43 188 4.82 264 305 130 39 3.30 145 4.53 199 278 250 103 3.31 153 4.88 225 264 34 3.34 143 4.62 198 250 96 3.40 147 4.71 204 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 4134 3.40 141 4.75 196 251 10 Lacts. D Avg PW($): 2/7 Breed: Milk (ltr) 3371 4279 4601 2623 5487 4398 4613 4276 4324 D Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-86-7 PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -30/53 -6/57 6/58 -86/61 G1 -120/99 -4/99 -8/99 -42/99 KITEROA BONNY GRISELDA HC Breed: SA A15F1 S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 3/99 -8/99 -2/99 -276/99 -6/98 -1.1/99 159/99 -0.64/99 5 3.8 ARA LENICA HERCS ALPHA PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): AM ST MS OO Breed: KITEROA BONNY GOVERNOR Birth Ident: MVV-93-20 (61557) -27/45 -10/46 -3/46 -345/49 -6/51 27779261 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: G3,G1 -141/95 5/96 3/96 445/97 75/94 -17.6/90 29/92 -0.59/96 4.4 3.5 -294/71 -16/76 -33/76 -297/76 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 59/51 -8.1/64 -343/61 -0.13/69 WOODLAND VIEW PRUDENCE BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Age 12 yr 1 m 11 yr 1 m 10 yr 0 m 9 yr 0 m 8 yr 0 m 7 yr 1 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 0 m D Avg 19/52 -2/57 -18/58 135/60 Breed: PA A16 PW ($): Milk (ltr) Age HC PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 0 0 0 -48/82 -21/36 -5.2/43 187/46 -0.70/52 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.36 26 3.28 25 45 -60 36 3.44 126 3.72 137 234 266 32 3.27 141 3.65 157 241 15 3.25 130 3.90 156 67 3.28 155 3.92 185 250 3.42 148 3.64 158 230 36 100 3.28 190 4.09 237 284 254 -12 3.46 163 4.04 190 138 17 3.93 85 3.99 86 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 4022 3.36 135 230 10 Lacts. 3.82 154 Traits other than production results : 0 (2005) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 6 5 8 5 7 6 5 5 Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days DES PEUPLIERS REBEL BW ($): Milk (ltr) 765 3675 4302 4012 4726 4330 5802 4719 2160 AM ST MS OO BW ($): Oseas HB No: 000000734598/CAN Protein (%) (kg) Milkfat (%) (kg) Days LW 6 5 5 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 5 7 Oseas HB No: 000000658545/CAN (61335) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -299/98 WOODLAND VIEW STARBRITE Oseas HB No: 000000703335/CAN Breed : PA A16 BW ($) : NZAEL Birth Ident: FCTV-95-129 Breed: PA A16 BLACKADDAR MILKMAID Oseas HB No: 000000595881/CAN Breed : PA A16 Milk Milk KILBARCHAN MILKY FRIEND PW($): 39/13 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days INGLECORNER MILKY BOY GLENHOPE NIMROD HB No: A/34092/M (61377) HB No: A/29034/M (61077) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -24/98 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 25/99 0/99 -21/99 236/99 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -23/99 -5.5/99 206/99 -0.74/99 KILBARCHAN RAMBOS FRIEND Birth Ident: FCTV-91-121 Breed: VHC PA A16 BW ($): Age 9 yr 11 m 8 yr 11 m 7 yr 11 m 6 yr 11 m 5 yr 11 m Avg INGLECORNER ROSE BID HB No: A/131530/F Breed: PA A16 EX5 BW ($): 13 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5828 3.57 226 -51/59 PW ($): -62/20 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.96 231 288 TUIGLEN RAMBO -14/58 PW ($): 3/84 Milk (ltr) 3495 4118 4664 2165 3931 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.75 131 4.69 164 263 56 3.64 150 3.82 157 273 T -11 3.73 174 4.93 230 287 81 3.66 79 4.14 90 144 38 3.56 140 4.24 167 220 138 Plus 4 unprinted lactations 3874 3.71 144 4.49 174 241 9 Lacts. Birth Ident: PPT-85-300 (86108) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -33/99 KILBARCHAN FRIEND Birth Ident: FCTV-87-42 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4317 3.54 153 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -40/55 PW ($): 70/84 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.53 195 225 P001.50 LENICA ALIS PET, for sale as Lot 3. Thames Valley Ayrshire Club Champion. Dam of Lot 4 and half-sister to Lot 5. P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 3 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Breeder : Paul & Maryann Symonds ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT PLUM-BOTTOM TRIDENT'S LOT Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -245/94 Oseas HB No: 000000145520/USA (100854) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA ALIS PET S3A Birth Ident: MVV-02-39 (503564) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-06-62 No. 275 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -30/48 4/53 0/53 56/57 19/30 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): Total Long BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.35/28 Dairy Conformation: 0.24/30 Age 5 yr 1 m 3 yr 11 m 3 yr 0 m 1 yr 11 m Avg D D D D D Milk (ltr) 3931 3791 4244 1505 Protein (%) (kg) 3.40 134 3.67 139 3.59 152 3.52 53 3367 3.55 48/76 -7.0/39 -1/42 0.31/50 0.26/30 352/3 Milkfat (%) (kg) 4.31 169 3.51 133 4.81 204 5.35 81 Days 198 262 268 147 120 4.36 147 219 LW 75 -14 148 -80 Herd BW 10/48 -2/48 39/48 27/44 4 Lacts. Carry-over. Run with Angus bull 10th October 2012 to 1st January 2013. PA A16 Expected Calf Bull Bull : BW($): Mating Date & -121/92 -7/94 -17/94 -423/95 33/87 -11.2/84 -26/87 -0.25/93 4.9 3.9 ARB LENICA JOHDES PET Birth Ident: JCPD-01-32 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Age 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 0 m 2 yr 11 m 1 yr 11 m D D Breed: NZAEL 212/83 6/32 -6.0/43 13/46 0.22/54 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 210 4.99 244 3.83 236 266 3.99 216 271 3.96 201 273 279 4.26 183 5166 3.40 4.18 216 260 LW 407 260 246 233 207 5 Lacts. EMPTY PW($): Traits other than production results : 0 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 0 (2005) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 7 6 7 4 8 6 7 7 8 5 6 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 7 7 BW ($): Milk PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Protein (%) (kg) VHC PW ($): 210/84 Milk (ltr) 7448 6770 6332 4750 5671 Avg MORROW PREFERRED LOU 4TH Oseas HB No: 000000968232/USA Breed : A A16 KITEROA BO PEPPERONI 5/74 Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 2 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m Protein (%) (kg) 3.26 159 3.53 217 3.30 179 3.46 176 3.41 147 AM ST MS OO 59/93 -28.3/87 -120/90 -0.11/94 PA A16 BW ($): Milk (ltr) 4891 6151 5416 5073 4298 175 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-93-32 PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 29/53 10/57 10/58 343/61 -91/93 17/95 12/95 532/96 KITEROA CREAM ABLIGE VHC Breed: SA A14J2 G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: Avg Due to Calve : Breed: KITEROA CREAM ALI ET Breed: SA A15J1 Date of Birth: 21/08/2006 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : 23519939 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.64 271 4.51 336 305 3.68 249 4.60 311 305 3.65 231 4.53 287 264 3.71 176 4.82 229 250 3.54 201 5.08 288 262 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 6221 3.64 226 4.65 289 279 LW 353 324 213 142 211 6 Lacts. HB No: A/33968/M (61248) Breed : PA A16 S BW ($): 11/99 KITEROA CREAM ABILITY Birth Ident: MVV-90-14 Breed : PA A16 VHC BW ($) : 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6312 3.48 220 -8/67 PW ($): 134/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.89 246 276 RISTITIEN JOHDE MAUNULAN TUNNUS Oseas HB No: 000000040061/FIN (500592) Oseas HB No: 000000038393/FIN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -72/74 Breed: G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -36/97 11/97 13/97 361/98 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 49/96 -9.5/94 -94/95 -0.22/97 ARC LENICA CASSIES PET VALKE Oseas HB No: 000001061238/FIN Breed: A A16 BW ($): Milk Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Birth Ident: GLRN-96-39 Breed: SA A12J4 BW ($): Age 9 yr 0 m 8 yr 2 m 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 1 m 4 yr 11 m Avg -20/52 Milk (ltr) 2794 3476 3124 3531 4523 KINGSWAY CASANOVA ET PW ($): 51/83 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.66 102 4.73 132 197 3.43 119 4.89 170 201 3.89 121 5.57 174 236 3.81 135 5.10 180 222 3.61 163 5.78 262 249 Plus 3 unprinted lactations 3367 3.71 125 5.30 178 231 LW -8 108 35 84 241 Birth Ident: XQQ-88-30 (61381) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -70/99 DAM: Birth Ident: GLRN-93-33 Breed: AJ A8J8 BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 8 Lacts. 3518 3.61 127 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -25/51 PW ($): 57/84 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.49 158 208 P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 4 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Paul & Maryann Symonds NIEMEN VERNERI HIRVIVAINION JULLI Oseas HB No: 000000038824/FIN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -120/75 Oseas HB No: 000000040198/FIN (61702) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Birth Ident: FVDV-02-99 (503579) LENICA NIGEL PET Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-09-60 No. 338 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 24/08/2009 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): 35/45 13/49 16/49 353/53 15/32 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): Total Long BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.37/31 Dairy Conformation: 0.07/32 Age 2 yr 11 m 1 yr 11 m D Avg D 4288 3.38 188/60 -8.0/38 -17/38 0.12/49 0.31/31 Days 184 259 145 4.53 194 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 LW 260 127 222 PA A16 Birth Ident: JCPD-06-62 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): AM ST MS OO 0 0 0 Age 5 yr 1 m 3 yr 11 m 3 yr 0 m 1 yr 11 m (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 6 5 7 5 Due to Calve : 11/08/2013 Expected Calf 7 6 7 6 6 4 6 D D D Avg 7 D Milk (ltr) 3931 3791 4244 1505 Protein (%) (kg) 3.40 134 3.67 139 3.59 152 3.52 53 3367 3.55 120 12 yr 11 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 48/76 19/30 -7.0/39 -1/42 0.31/50 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 198 4.31 169 262 3.51 133 4.81 204 268 5.35 81 147 219 4.36 147 LW 75 -14 148 -80 4 Lacts. PW($): 95/12 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 5 186/91 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.37 98 4.46 129 193 199 3.41 153 4.35 195 288 182 3.71 212 4.73 271 305 202 3.54 159 4.86 219 237 174 3.50 163 4.56 213 239 212 Plus 6 unprinted lactations 4597 3.52 162 4.69 216 254 10 Lacts. PLUM-BOTTOM TRIDENT'S LOT Breed: G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -121/92 -7/94 -17/94 -423/95 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: KITEROA CREAM ABLIGE Birth Ident: MVV-93-32 Breed: PA A16 VHC 33/87 -11.2/84 -26/87 -0.25/93 ARB LENICA JOHDES PET Birth Ident: JCPD-01-32 Breed: VHC SA A14J2 BW ($): D D Milk (ltr) 4891 6151 5416 5073 4298 Protein (%) (kg) 3.26 159 3.53 217 3.30 179 3.46 176 3.41 147 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.99 244 210 3.83 236 266 3.99 216 271 3.96 201 273 4.26 183 279 5166 3.40 4.18 216 175 260 LW 407 260 246 233 207 ARC LENICA CASSIES PET Birth Ident: GLRN-96-39 Breed: SA A12J4 5 Lacts. Breed : No. 15 -37/50 11/54 -1/55 452/58 19/33 142/80 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -12.4/41 Total Long BV (days): -140/44 Somatic Cell BV: -0.11/50 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: -0.11/33 Dairy Conformation: -0.09/33 2012 V7-8 -0.05/33 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Avg D D 4429 3.49 D Days 122 282 252 243 280 197 263 155 3.99 177 0 0 0 7 6 8 4 Due to Calve : 08/09/2013 Bull 61574 504534 7 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 Expected Calf Herd BW 16/47 10/48 -2/48 39/48 33/45 86/44 79/46 LW 97 95 112 104 218 189 202 234 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 8 6 Breed: HB No: A/34550/M (85105) BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): D 7 7 7 -20/52 PW ($): 51/83 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.30 178 231 P001.50 21037681 Internal Animal Key = 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 SELWOOD ROYAL WELCOME 5 5 7 PA A16 G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -155/99 5/99 -16/99 404/99 33/99 -16.7/99 -383/99 -0.40/99 4 3.5 ARB LENICA JOHDES PET Birth Ident: JCPD-01-32 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Age 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 0 m 2 yr 11 m 1 yr 11 m 8 D Avg D Milk (ltr) 4891 6151 5416 5073 4298 5166 Protein (%) (kg) 3.26 159 3.53 217 3.30 179 3.46 176 3.41 147 3.40 175 Breed: 15 yr 13 yr 12 yr 11 yr 10 yr Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 210 4.99 244 3.83 236 266 3.99 216 271 273 3.96 201 279 4.26 183 4.18 216 260 LW 407 260 246 233 207 5 Lacts. Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 0 (2005) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 7 6 7 4 8 6 7 7 8 5 6 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 7 7 BURNSIDE LIBERAL BID Milk (ltr) 4361 3071 3018 3637 3939 Age 1m 1m 1m 2m 2m NZAEL 212/83 6/32 -6.0/43 13/46 0.22/54 VHC -62/50 Avg Traits other than production results : 0 10/87 -21.7/83 -669/92 -0.47/89 PA A16 BW ($): PW($): -71/12 AM ST MS OO Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: HB No: A/141099/F PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 29/53 10/57 10/58 343/61 D# -301/93 -15/95 -33/96 -223/96 Oseas HB No: 000000129931/USA Breed: PA A16 D# BW ($): -348/59 LOCHSIDE ANNIES BID VHC Breed: SA A14J2 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Bull : 61574 ALPINE JACQUERIE BW($): -115/35 Mating Date 30/11/2012 28/10/2012 BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3367 3.71 125 LOCHSIDE AMOS Sex: FEMALE Classification: D 5/74 PW ($): 210/84 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.65 289 279 Oseas HB No: 000000040061/FIN (500592) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -36/97 212/83 GRANBYENNE ROYAL COMMAND Breed: SA A15J1 Date of Birth: 30/07/2004 D BW ($): 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6221 3.64 226 RISTITIEN JOHDE PW ($): 29/53 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 Birth Ident: JCPD-04-7 D -29/62 PW ($): 50/85 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.09 233 263 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA AMOS PET S3A Milkfat (%) (kg) 3.52 102 4.10 227 4.20 191 4.06 191 3.90 225 3.83 135 4.14 165 BW ($) : 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5700 3.24 185 Oseas HB No: 000000145520/USA (100854) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -91/93 Oseas HB No: 000000138281/USA (61165) Protein (%) (kg) 3.20 93 3.58 199 3.41 156 3.50 164 3.55 205 3.45 122 3.61 144 MOSELEY FAME SNOWWHITE Birth Ident: MMT-85-12 Breed : PA A16 EXC = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds Milk (ltr) 2899 5551 4556 4694 5776 3531 3995 HB No: A/34493 /M (85101) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): 4/99 Birth Ident: MVV-02-39 (503564) Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Age 8 yr 2 m 7 yr 1 m 6 yr 1 m 5 yr 1 m 4 yr 0 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days KITEROA CREAM ALI ET and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Protein (%) (kg) GLENMARIE AGGIES JETHRO2 PW ($): Milk (ltr) 2899 4482 5724 4499 4663 Age 1m 2m 0m 0m 0m Avg P001.50 BW ($): VHC G1 62/72 Age 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 0 m 2 yr 11 m 1 yr 11 m Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation ALKU Oseas HB No: 000001089453/FIN Breed : PA A16 10/98 -5.6/98 -111/99 -0.16/99 Milk PA A16 BW ($): Bull : 504534 CARMELGLEN BRODY BW($): 87/36 Mating Date 2/11/2012 Bull 504534 6 D Breed: PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -30/48 4/53 0/53 56/57 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MMT-91-7 Avg Breed: SA A15J1 50/99 17/99 14/99 655/99 MOSELEY AJ NOLL NZAEL LENICA ALIS PET S3A 2 Lacts. Traits other than production results : 52/98 15/99 23/99 356/99 10/97 -11.2/97 -82/97 -0.22/99 4.9 3.8 G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: 2012 V6-7 43/3 Milk Protein Milkfat (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) 4108 3.51 144 4.54 186 4467 3.27 146 4.52 202 D Breed: PA HILL JULLI NIGEL ET Avg SCC at latest Lactation : 27039981 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree PW ($): -54/17 Protein (%) (kg) 3.42 149 3.47 107 3.45 104 3.74 136 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days LW 4.09 178 247 126 3.91 120 255 3.46 105 262 4.16 151 258 3.89 153 228 Plus 7 unprinted lactations 3771 3.52 124 4.13 156 253 12 Lacts. HB No: A/25921/M (5102) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -28/91 LOCHSIDE FAIR ANNIE HB No: A/107951/F Breed : PA A16 HC BW ($) : 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3763 PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.59 173 292 RISTITIEN JOHDE MAUNULAN TUNNUS Oseas HB No: 000000040061/FIN (500592) Oseas HB No: 000000038393/FIN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -72/74 Breed: G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -36/97 11/97 13/97 361/98 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 49/96 -9.5/94 -94/95 -0.22/97 ARC LENICA CASSIES PET VALKE Oseas HB No: 000001061238/FIN Breed: A A16 BW ($): Milk Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Birth Ident: GLRN-96-39 Breed: SA A12J4 BW ($): Age 9 yr 0 m 8 yr 2 m 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 1 m 4 yr 11 m Avg -20/52 KINGSWAY CASANOVA ET PW ($): 51/83 Milk (ltr) 2794 3476 3124 3531 4523 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.66 102 4.73 132 197 3.43 119 4.89 170 201 3.89 121 5.57 174 236 3.81 135 5.10 180 222 3.61 163 5.78 262 249 Plus 3 unprinted lactations 3367 3.71 125 5.30 178 231 LW -8 108 35 84 241 8 Lacts. Birth Ident: XQQ-88-30 (61381) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -70/99 DAM: Birth Ident: GLRN-93-33 Breed: AJ A8J8 BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3518 3.61 127 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -25/51 PW ($): 57/84 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.49 158 208 P001.50 LENICA WHISKEY PRECEDE VHC Dam of this cow sells as Lot 6. In-calf to Blue Silver at 15 years. Full sister to this cow sells as Lot 7 and her Shotgun calf Lot 100. Half-sister to this cow sells as Lot 8 and her Blue Silver calf of Lot 92. Bought from Kiteroa in 1998, directly descending from Wally Kite’s Royal Champion; Bonny Pet. Certainly one of the best and most consistent Ayrshire cow families I have seen. This famous family has been well documented in Ayrshire publications. P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 6 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Wally & Zane Kite Owner : Paul & Maryann Symonds Birth Ident: MVV-85-230 (61419) Breed : Birth Ident: MVV-97-43 No. 230 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -30/54 -3/59 -23/60 115/63 1/37 -53/83 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -1.3/42 Total Long BV (days): 120/46 Somatic Cell BV: -0.60/55 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.39/36 Dairy Conformation: 0.28/34 Avg D D D D D AM ST MS OO 0 0 0.13/36 234/3 Protein Milkfat Herd (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW BW 3.27 93 3.30 94 185 -289 16/47 3.38 124 3.59 132 240 -225 10/48 3.23 107 3.52 117 252 -151 -2/48 274 -174 3.37 120 3.43 122 39/48 273 -100 3.28 135 3.67 151 33/45 3.21 131 3.61 147 210 114 86/44 221 3.34 153 3.61 165 108 79/46 3.25 143 3.19 140 276 -59 80/47 250 3.21 146 3.46 157 -16 70/48 3.29 156 3.63 172 275 -43 82/49 3.48 172 3.43 169 273 14 84/49 249 3.44 148 3.82 164 52 70/48 Plus 2 unprinted lactations 4041 3.33 134 3.57 144 249 14 Lacts. Traits other than production results : 0 EBL2012 V6-7 Milk (ltr) 2856 3683 3315 3547 4108 4066 4578 4391 4538 4726 4938 4297 D (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 5 4 7 4 6 6 Due to Calve : 27/08/2013 Bull : 61671 KITEROA BONNY BLUE SILVER Expected Calf Bull 61671 504534 Breed: KITEROA BONNY GAYESPIRIT Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 10/08/1997 D 6 7 BW($): -41/38 Mating Date 18/11/2012 28/10/2012 6 Oseas HB No: 000000172183/GBR (61156) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -207/90 Oseas HB No: 000000176592/GBR (61192) KITEROA BONNY PRECEDE Age 14 yr 11 m 14 yr 0 m 13 yr 1 m 12 yr 0 m 11 yr 0 m 10 yr 0 m 9 yr 0 m 8 yr 0 m 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 0 m PANT BLUE LAGOON BROCKLEHILL HAPPY SPIRIT REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Avg SCC at latest Lactation : 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Breeder : 14429046 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree 5 7 6 7 PA A16 G3 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -58/96 -8/97 -32/97 -135/98 1/94 -0.6/93 81/95 -0.51/97 4.2 3.7 Breed: Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 10 m 6 yr 0 m 3 yr 11 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m Avg Milk (ltr) 4288 5783 6403 6750 5386 4504 Protein (%) (kg) 3.34 143 3.66 212 3.36 215 3.67 248 3.66 197 3.52 159 5519 3.54 196 30/84 1/55 -3.9/45 23/51 -0.57/55 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.43 190 198 4.63 268 283 284 4.69 300 303 4.38 296 296 4.41 237 4.39 198 289 276 4.50 248 LW 49 47 41 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 7 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 7 8 8 (1994) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 7 6 7 5 7 6 7 6 7 5 5 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 7 7 EX3 PW ($): -88/22 Protein (%) (kg) Milkfat (%) (kg) Days LW 3.81 256 305 4.33 279 284 4.33 287 294 4.27 249 289 4.31 298 305 Plus 9 unprinted lactations 5782 4.30 248 294 12 Lacts. HB No: A/28210/M (61079) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -139/65 KITEROA BONNY GIRL HB No: A/102183/F Breed : PA A16 EX3 BW ($) : 11 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5338 PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.31 230 296 LAKESIDE RANDALL HB No: A/30899/M (61171) HB No: A/29923/M Breed: PA A16 Breed: G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -74/97 -6/98 -12/98 -18/98 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: BW ($): -63/55 16/95 -7.5/93 144/95 -0.36/96 KITEROA BONNY PATRICIA HB No: A/138683/F EX2 PA A16 BW ($): PW($): -104/13 PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Protein (%) (kg) KITEROA BONAPART Breed: 6 Lacts. BW ($): BESSFIELD GUARDSMAN Milk (ltr) 6709 6443 6621 5834 6920 Avg PANT MADONA 9 Oseas HB No: 000000111382/GBR Breed : PA A16 Milk 14/65 Age 13 yr 11 m 13 yr 0 m 12 yr 0 m 11 yr 0 m 9 yr 0 m PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -55/58 -6/61 -14/62 31/64 -3/92 -12.1/90 -434/94 -0.74/95 PA A16 BW ($): VHC Breed: PA A16 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: HB No: A/116397/F NZAEL Birth Ident: MVV-88-19 -177/95 -8/97 -41/97 -50/97 KITEROA BONNY GAYE KITEROA BONNY PRESTIGE BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Age 17 yr 11 m 15 yr 11 m 15 yr 0 m 14 yr 0 m 12 yr 10 m Avg KITEROA BON WALES HB No: A/109383/F Breed: PA A16 EX3 BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5686 PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.26 299 269 CESTERIA KINGS RANSOM -73/59 PW ($): -94/20 Milk (ltr) 4025 3288 3805 3889 4163 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.61 145 3.75 151 256 -32 4.13 136 4.92 162 212 3.93 149 4.65 177 257 3.61 140 4.73 184 233 3.96 165 4.97 207 303 Plus 10 unprinted lactations 4560 3.89 163 4.71 215 279 14 Lacts. HB No: A/30690/M Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -120/72 KITEROA BONNY PET HB No: A/127678/F Breed: PA A16 EX2 BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5446 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -120/49 PW ($): -159/17 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.02 219 279 P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 7 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Breeder : Paul & Maryann Symonds TAONUI JACKS JETHRO INGLECORNER PROGRESS HB No: A/32422/M (79104) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -30/98 Birth Ident: BTVK-86-5 (61347) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Birth Ident: DVNJ-92-12 (61706) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-06-21 No. 106 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 9/08/2006 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -51/48 -2/52 -20/52 221/56 -7/31 12/73 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -5.7/36 Total Long BV (days): -22/43 Somatic Cell BV: -0.61/49 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.57/29 Dairy Conformation: 0.12/28 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : 32/3 Milk (ltr) 3748 3632 4295 3073 Milkfat (%) (kg) 3.39 127 3.76 137 4.01 172 3.81 117 Days 156 188 288 202 119 3.75 138 209 Avg D D D D Protein (%) (kg) 3.32 124 3.08 112 3.28 141 3.23 99 3687 3.23 D Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 0 0 2012 V7-7 0.13/30 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 39/48 33/45 LW 68 -29 72 64 4 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 5 4 7 6 7 7 Due to Calve : 04/09/2013 Bull : 61671 KITEROA BONNY BLUE SILVER Expected Calf 7 6 7 5 BW($): -53/36 Mating Date 26/11/2012 Bull 61671 6 7 7 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: KITEROA BONNY PRECEDE Birth Ident: MVV-97-43 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Age 14 yr 11 m 14 yr 0 m 13 yr 1 m 12 yr 0 m 11 yr 0 m 10 yr 0 m 9 yr 0 m 8 yr 0 m 7 yr 0 m D D D D D 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr Avg Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 -53/83 1/37 -1.3/42 120/46 -0.60/55 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 5 4 7 4 6 6 6 7 6 5 7 6 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 8 252/84 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.99 181 4.31 196 211 3.83 209 4.03 219 249 3.85 202 4.00 209 230 3.86 207 3.94 212 234 3.75 203 4.23 229 265 Plus 5 unprinted lactations 4859 3.82 186 4.12 200 239 LW 216 235 BROCKLEHILL HAPPY SPIRIT Birth Ident: MVV-85-230 (61419) Oseas HB No: 000000176592/GBR (61192) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -177/95 Breed: G3 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -58/96 -8/97 -32/97 -135/98 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 1/94 -0.6/93 81/95 -0.51/97 KITEROA BONNY PRESTIGE Birth Ident: MVV-88-19 Breed: VHC PA A16 BW ($): 30/84 Milk (ltr) 4288 5783 6403 6750 5386 Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 10 m 6 yr 0 m 3 yr 11 m 3 yr 0 m Avg Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.34 143 4.43 190 198 3.66 212 4.63 268 283 3.36 215 4.69 300 284 3.67 248 4.38 296 303 3.66 197 4.41 237 296 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 5519 3.54 196 4.50 248 276 LW 49 47 41 6 Lacts. Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-04-70 No. 74 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 2/09/2004 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -104/73 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): 0.1/35 Total Long BV (days): 169/36 Somatic Cell BV: -0.84/48 Avg D D D D D D Days 179 262 262 T 259 243 210 116 3.91 131 236 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 0 0 6 5 7 5 Due to Calve : 25/09/2013 Bull 61671 512568 0.16/33 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 -2/48 39/48 33/45 86/44 LW -111 -11 79 -125 -127 87 6 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 Expected Calf 2012 V6-7 0.29/33 Dairy Conformation: 0.25/33 3349 3.47 D Breed: HB No: A/34136/M (61409) 38/3 8 6 BW($): Mating Date 17/11/2012 & 25/10/2012 5 6 6 HB No: A/30899/M (61171) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -74/97 KITEROA BONNY PATRICIA HB No: A/138683/F Breed: PA A16 EX2 BW ($): 14 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4560 3.89 163 -73/59 PW ($): -94/20 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.71 215 279 P001.50 21565385 Internal Animal Key = 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 GLENELM SILVER COIN BESSFIELD HIGHLAND CHIEF LAKESIDE HIGH CHIEFTAIN Milkfat (%) (kg) 3.63 133 3.76 181 3.96 91 4.06 144 4.15 120 4.09 118 14/65 PW ($): -88/22 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.30 248 294 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 LENICA HIGH PRECEDE Protein (%) (kg) 3.28 120 3.45 166 3.59 83 3.49 123 3.48 100 3.59 103 BW ($): 12 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5782 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Milk (ltr) 3672 4819 2311 3536 2880 2873 KITEROA BONNY GAYE HB No: A/116397/F Breed: PA A16 EX3 KITEROA BONAPART PW ($): -55/58 HB No: A/25601/M Breed: PA A16 HB No: A/27698/M (61082) Age 7 yr 11 m 6 yr 11 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 0 m 2 yr 10 m -12/54 PW ($): 22/87 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.01 168 247 KITEROA BONNY GAYESPIRIT Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Avg SCC at latest Lactation : VALENDALE LAURELEEN HB No: A/174512/F Breed : PA A16 VHC = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: -109/48 PW ($): -83/16 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.11 251 305 HB No: A/32388/M (61321) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -13/92 BW ($) : 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 8 Lacts. 4197 3.76 158 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds -17/47 -9/53 -26/53 -154/56 -13/34 BW ($): 4 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6106 CARMELGLEN MISTY ROD PW ($): Milk (ltr) 4542 5449 5242 5378 5418 Age 1m 0m 0m 0m 0m INGLECORNER N WISH HB No: A/155485/F Breed : PA A16 VHC VHC 77/70 NZAEL Traits other than production results : 0 23/99 -7.9/99 -232/99 -0.46/99 PA A16 BW ($): Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 185 -289 3.27 93 3.30 94 240 -225 3.38 124 3.59 132 252 -151 3.23 107 3.52 117 3.37 120 3.43 122 274 -174 -100 3.28 135 3.67 151 273 210 114 3.21 131 3.61 147 221 108 3.34 153 3.61 165 -59 3.25 143 3.19 140 276 3.21 146 3.46 157 250 -16 Plus 5 unprinted lactations 4041 3.33 134 249 14 Lacts. 3.57 144 D Avg PW($): -96/12 Breed: Milk (ltr) 2856 3683 3315 3547 4108 4066 4578 4391 4538 D Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: FTB-87-28 PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -30/54 -3/59 -23/60 115/63 -120/99 -4/99 -8/99 -42/99 VALENDALE DALEE V6-7 Breed: PA A16 0 Breeder : -106/96 -6/97 -24/97 164/98 -14/85 -6.6/93 -197/95 -0.44/97 4.1 3.5 G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PA A16 AM ST MS OO P001.50 Breed: TE MATAI WHISKEY SEVEN LENICA WHISKEY PRELUDE Age 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 2 m 3 yr 1 m 2 yr 0 m 23517394 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree 5 5 6 Bull : 7 G3,G1 Birth Ident: MVV-97-43 Age 14 yr 11 m 14 yr 0 m 13 yr 1 m 12 yr 0 m 11 yr 0 m 10 yr 0 m 9 yr 0 m 8 yr 0 m 7 yr 0 m D D D D D D Avg D -30/54 -3/59 -23/60 115/63 Breed: 0 0 0 Avg PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -53/83 1/37 -1.3/42 120/46 -0.60/55 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 6 6 6 7 6 5 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 6 7 BW ($): 2 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6014 D# PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.75 286 295 INGLEDALE DAIRY BOY Milk (ltr) 5458 6397 5808 6545 6041 NZAEL BESSFIELD ARCTIC QUEEN HB No: A/88007/F Breed : PA A16 VHC EXC PW ($): -119/70 Age 11 yr 0 m 9 yr 10 m 8 yr 10 m 7 yr 11 m 6 yr 11 m Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 185 -289 3.27 93 3.30 94 240 -225 3.38 124 3.59 132 -151 3.23 107 3.52 117 252 3.37 120 3.43 122 274 -174 -100 3.28 135 3.67 151 273 210 114 3.21 131 3.61 147 108 3.34 153 3.61 165 221 -59 3.25 143 3.19 140 276 250 -16 3.21 146 3.46 157 Plus 5 unprinted lactations 4041 3.33 134 249 14 Lacts. 3.57 144 5 4 7 4 -6/95 -8.9/91 -168/95 0.01/95 PA A16 BW ($): Traits other than production results : 0 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: HB No: A/133002/F Milk (ltr) 2856 3683 3315 3547 4108 4066 4578 4391 4538 AM ST MS OO BW ($): -164/45 -110/96 -7/98 -13/98 -92/98 LAKESIDE HIGH NOON V6-7 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -13/99 -15/99 -25/99 -371/99 -27/98 1.7/98 219/99 -0.90/99 4.6 3.7 KITEROA BONNY PRECEDE PW($): Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: PA A16 -200/24 Protein (%) (kg) 3.35 183 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days LW 4.42 241 281 4.50 288 305 4.53 263 305 4.64 304 305 4.62 279 296 Plus 9 unprinted lactations 5667 3.35 183 4.48 254 298 10 Lacts. HB No: A/26407/M (61043) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -80/87 LAKESIDE HIGH STAR HB No: A/109693/F Breed : PA A16 EXC BW ($) : 13 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7371 3.40 222 -144/69 PW ($): -194/23 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.03 371 298 KITEROA BONNY GAYESPIRIT BROCKLEHILL HAPPY SPIRIT Birth Ident: MVV-85-230 (61419) Oseas HB No: 000000176592/GBR (61192) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -177/95 Breed: G3 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -58/96 -8/97 -32/97 -135/98 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 1/94 -0.6/93 81/95 -0.51/97 KITEROA BONNY PRESTIGE Birth Ident: MVV-88-19 Breed: VHC PA A16 BW ($): Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 10 m 6 yr 0 m 3 yr 11 m 3 yr 0 m Avg KITEROA BONNY GAYE HB No: A/116397/F Breed: PA A16 EX3 BW ($): 12 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5782 14/65 PW ($): -88/22 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.30 248 294 KITEROA BONAPART -55/58 PW ($): 30/84 Milk (ltr) 4288 5783 6403 6750 5386 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.34 143 4.43 190 198 3.66 212 4.63 268 283 3.36 215 4.69 300 284 3.67 248 4.38 296 303 3.66 197 4.41 237 296 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 5519 3.54 196 4.50 248 276 LW 49 47 41 6 Lacts. HB No: A/30899/M (61171) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -74/97 KITEROA BONNY PATRICIA HB No: A/138683/F Breed: PA A16 EX2 BW ($): 14 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4560 3.89 163 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -73/59 PW ($): -94/20 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.71 215 279 P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 9 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Paul & Maryann Symonds ST OURS CLASSIC BLACKADDAR ISLE MILKMAN Oseas HB No: 000000063175/CAN Breed: PA A16 S# BW ($): -236/35 Oseas HB No: 000000693744/CAN REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA PARDNER PAN S2A Oseas HB No: 000000811799/CAN (500545) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-05-14 No. 378 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -85/78 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -6.9/42 Total Long BV (days): 83/43 Somatic Cell BV: -0.48/51 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: Avg SCC at latest Lactation : 44/3 Milk (ltr) 3170 3712 3691 3363 3508 2698 Milkfat (%) (kg) 3.89 123 4.01 149 3.87 143 4.20 141 5.07 178 4.53 122 Days 183 246 262 232 215 210 115 4.25 143 225 Age 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m Avg D D D D D D 3357 3.43 D Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 0 0 2012 V6-7 0.32/30 Dairy Conformation: 0.12/35 Protein (%) (kg) 3.39 107 3.44 128 3.41 126 3.51 118 3.46 121 3.37 91 -0.24/31 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 -2/48 39/48 33/45 86/44 LW -155 -208 -86 -73 92 129 6 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 6 5 7 5 Due to Calve : 06/08/2013 Expected Calf 7 6 7 6 6 5 5 6 PA A16 G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -141/95 5/96 3/96 445/97 75/94 -17.6/90 29/92 -0.59/96 4.4 3.5 Birth Ident: JCPD-99-9 Breed: SA A12J4 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 7 Avg Milk (ltr) 1268 4231 4078 3816 3081 Protein (%) (kg) 3.35 42 3.54 150 3.70 151 3.79 144 3.68 113 3801 3.67 Breed: Milk (ltr) Age -41/82 -41/32 1.2/42 79/46 -0.41/54 269 4.84 184 LW 113 75 89 95 119 4 Lacts. PW($): 8/13 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 10 Protein (%) (kg) Milkfat (%) (kg) Days LW TUIGLEN RAMBO Birth Ident: PPT-85-300 (86108) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -33/99 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G2,G1 -78/98 -15/99 -33/99 -219/99 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -24/93 0.1/96 30/97 -0.62/98 ARD LENICA CASSIES PAN Birth Ident: GLRN-96-6 Breed: SA A8J8 BW ($): G3 S No. 336 17/45 4/52 3/52 69/56 4/27 157/73 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -4.9/31 Total Long BV (days): -44/33 Somatic Cell BV: -0.47/37 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: -0.15/3 Dairy Conformation: -0.05/3 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : 18/3 Milk (ltr) 4147 5389 4217 4164 3524 Milkfat (%) (kg) 4.16 173 4.96 267 5.07 214 4.28 178 4.87 172 Days 184 262 262 249 285 156 4.68 201 248 Avg D 4288 3.64 D Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 0 0 7 6 8 5 Due to Calve : 07/09/2013 Expected Calf Bull 61574 61671 -0.08/4 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 -2/48 39/48 33/45 LW 191 191 236 238 89 5 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 7 7 7 6 7 5 6 7 7 Bull : 61574 ALPINE JACQUERIE BW($): -89/34 Mating Date 29/11/2012 9/11/2012 BW ($): 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5020 3.43 172 -42/65 PW ($): 102/91 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.97 200 274 -5/83 Milk (ltr) 1356 3579 3579 3781 2938 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.86 52 4.52 61 127 3.85 138 4.41 158 278 3.92 140 4.88 175 273 3.95 149 5.82 220 281 3.91 115 4.86 143 243 Plus 4 unprinted lactations 3131 3.86 121 5.07 159 245 LW -118 63 1 35 -78 9 Lacts. Birth Ident: XQQ-88-30 (61381) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -70/99 ALCISTON PETER PAN Birth Ident: PTV-88-2 Breed: PJ J16 A BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 2782 4.18 116 -29/55 PW ($): -135/87 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 6.12 170 258 Breed: SANROSA IRISH LIMERICK Birth Ident: BNNL-99-93 (500538) Breed : BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): D LODORE AMOS LYNIE Birth Ident: CHDD-91-6 Breed: PA A16 VHC KINGSWAY CASANOVA ET PW ($): -33/52 Internal Animal Key = P001.50 22003893 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 4/03/2013 626 TRON KUUSIJOEN ETRONI Sex: FEMALE Classification: D PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Birth Ident: CHDD-93-38 (94162) Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 Birth Ident: JCPD-05-21 D Protein (%) (kg) (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Breed: SA A15J1 Date of Birth: 4/08/2005 D WOODLAND VIEW STARBRITE Oseas HB No: 000000703335/CAN Breed : PA A16 LODORE REGAL Oseas HB No: 000000086626/SWE Breed: O O16 BW ($): -216/70 Oseas HB No: 000000039534/FIN (61753) Age 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m 3 yr 0 m Oseas HB No: 000000658545/CAN (61335) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -299/98 Milk Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Protein (%) (kg) 3.59 149 3.52 190 3.76 159 3.68 153 3.67 129 PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA LIMERICK PAN S3A Protein (%) (kg) BW ($) : and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : BW ($): DES PEUPLIERS REBEL PW ($): Avg P001.50 BLACKADDAR MILKMAID Oseas HB No: 000000595881/CAN Breed : PA A16 Milk PA A16 BW ($): Age 10 yr 0 m 8 yr 11 m 7 yr 11 m 6 yr 11 m 6 yr 1 m Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 59/51 -8.1/64 -343/61 -0.13/69 Oseas HB No: 000000734598/CAN Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.32 67 75 271 5.00 211 281 4.78 195 4.62 176 276 4.98 154 249 140 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: WOODLAND VIEW PRUDENCE PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -35/52 -18/57 -20/58 -528/61 -294/71 -16/76 -33/76 -297/76 NZAEL ARC LENICA REGAL PAN BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Bull : 504534 CARMELGLEN BRODY BW($): 28/37 Mating Date 28/10/2012 Bull 504534 Breed: WOODLAND VIEW PARDNER-ET Breed: SA A14J2 Date of Birth: 2/08/2005 -85/50 -8/55 -11/55 -107/58 17/32 22003882 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree PA A16 G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: D S -29/98 8/99 -3/99 295/99 30/92 -7.5/97 -40/98 -0.41/99 4.4 3.7 -121/96 6/97 4/97 322/97 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 36/95 -17.6/93 -251/95 0.09/96 SANROSA IRISH LAUREEN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Avg NZAEL VHC S G1 PW ($): 9/59 Age 6 yr 1 m 4 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m 206/78 Milk (ltr) 5969 7258 5287 Protein (%) (kg) 4.10 245 3.89 282 3.85 204 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.36 260 262 4.49 326 290 4.67 247 284 6171 3.94 4.50 278 243 279 LW 256 286 227 Birth Ident: JCPD-01-26 V6-7 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Age 10 yr 11 m 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 11 m 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 0 m 3 yr 11 m 2 yr 11 m 2 yr 1 m D D D D D Avg D PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -29/45 -10/53 -11/54 -332/58 -93/78 -22/16 -2.3/27 -48/35 -0.53/48 Milk (ltr) 3419 3590 3975 4435 3168 3734 3103 2443 Protein (%) (kg) 3.51 120 3.63 130 3.78 150 3.74 166 3.62 115 3.64 136 3.85 119 3.62 88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 191 5.06 173 262 5.37 193 275 4.92 196 5.20 231 284 5.04 160 209 299 5.14 192 273 5.47 170 237 5.15 126 3483 3.68 5.17 180 128 254 LW 45 76 117 149 99 55 20 46 8 Lacts. Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 0 0 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 5 4 8 5 7 7 6 5 6 4 5 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 6 7 BW ($): Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days HULAN 6097 Oseas HB No: 000000086097/SWE (666050) Breed : O O16 BW ($): -128/98 SANROSA IRISH LOVER Birth Ident: BNNL-91-103 Breed : PA A16 VHC 3 Lacts. BW ($) : 5 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4284 3.98 170 ARB LENICA TROUPERS PAN Breed: SA A14J2 ULPU Oseas HB No: 000501027446/FIN Breed : PA A16 Milk Birth Ident: BNNL-95-93 PW($): -68/12 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -24/55 PW ($): -80/89 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.75 203 262 FERDON REWARDS TROUPER FERDON REWARD Birth Ident: CNKH-99-181 Birth Ident: CNKH-97-174 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -67/54 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -81/50 -6/56 -17/56 -224/59 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -3/32 -8.1/34 -189/42 -0.54/52 ARC LENICA REGAL PAN Birth Ident: JCPD-99-9 Breed: SA A12J4 BW ($): 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m Avg FERDON MOST TREASURED Birth Ident: CNKH-94-184 Breed: PA A16 EXC BW ($): 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6305 3.71 234 -115/56 PW ($): 278/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.18 263 263 LODORE REGAL PW ($): -35/52 -41/82 Milk (ltr) 1268 4231 4078 3816 3081 Protein (%) (kg) 3.35 42 3.54 150 3.70 151 3.79 144 3.68 113 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.32 67 75 5.00 211 271 4.78 195 281 4.62 176 276 4.98 154 249 3801 3.67 4.84 184 140 269 LW 113 75 89 95 119 4 Lacts. Birth Ident: CHDD-93-38 (94162) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -78/98 ARD LENICA CASSIES PAN Birth Ident: GLRN-96-6 Breed: SA A8J8 BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3131 3.86 121 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -33/52 PW ($): -5/83 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.07 159 245 P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 11 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Paul & Maryann Symonds NIEMEN VERNERI HIRVIVAINION JULLI Oseas HB No: 000000038824/FIN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -120/75 Oseas HB No: 000000040198/FIN (61702) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA NIGEL PAN S3A Birth Ident: FVDV-02-99 (503579) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-09-13 No. 71 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): 59/57 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -7.5/36 Total Long BV (days): -72/36 Somatic Cell BV: -0.47/48 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 2012 H5-7 0.17/27 Dairy Conformation: -0.09/28 0.14/28 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Age 3 yr 1 m 2 yr 0 m D Avg D Milk Protein Milkfat (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) 2237 3.49 78 4.56 102 3718 3.57 133 5.01 186 D 2977 3.54 Days 125 272 105 4.84 144 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 LW 114 23 199 2 Lacts. PA A16 Traits other than production results : 0 0 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 6 5 9 5 Due to Calve : 04/09/2013 Expected Calf 8 7 6 5 5 4 5 7 Bull : 503564 KITEROA CREAM ALI ET BW($): -54/34 Mating Date 26/11/2012 Bull 503564 5 Age 10 yr 11 m 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 11 m 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 0 m 3 yr 11 m 2 yr 11 m 2 yr 1 m D D D D D Avg D 12 yr 11 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr -93/78 -22/16 -2.3/27 -48/35 -0.53/48 Milk (ltr) 3419 3590 3975 4435 3168 3734 3103 2443 Protein (%) (kg) 3.51 120 3.63 130 3.78 150 3.74 166 3.62 115 3.64 136 3.85 119 3.62 88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 191 5.06 173 5.37 193 262 275 4.92 196 5.20 231 284 5.04 160 209 299 5.14 192 273 5.47 170 237 5.15 126 3483 3.68 5.17 180 254 LW 45 76 117 149 99 55 20 46 8 Lacts. Traits other than production results : Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 5 4 8 5 7 7 6 5 6 4 5 6 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 12 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.37 98 4.46 129 193 199 3.41 153 4.35 195 288 182 3.71 212 4.73 271 305 202 3.54 159 4.86 219 237 174 3.50 163 4.56 213 239 212 Plus 6 unprinted lactations 4597 3.52 162 4.69 216 254 10 Lacts. Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -81/50 -6/56 -17/56 -224/59 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -3/32 -8.1/34 -189/42 -0.54/52 ARC LENICA REGAL PAN Birth Ident: JCPD-99-9 Breed: SA A12J4 BW ($): 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m Avg Breed : No. 328 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -57/70 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -14.0/40 Total Long BV (days): -131/38 Somatic Cell BV: -0.67/50 2012 V7-8 0.45/29 Dairy Conformation: 0.32/34 3565 3.21 D 0.02/30 15/3 Milkfat (%) (kg) 4.04 133 4.10 160 4.28 150 Days 158 227 262 115 4.14 148 216 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 -2/48 LW -59 -48 -24 3 Lacts. Traits other than production results : 0 0 0 S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 7 6 8 5 Due to Calve : 16/08/2013 Expected Calf Bull 504534 (2012) 7 6 7 6 7 5 5 7 PA A16 -41/82 Milk (ltr) 1268 4231 4078 3816 3081 Protein (%) (kg) 3.35 42 3.54 150 3.70 151 3.79 144 3.68 113 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.32 67 75 5.00 211 271 4.78 195 281 4.62 176 276 4.98 154 249 3801 3.67 4.84 184 140 269 LW 113 75 89 95 119 4 Lacts. LENICA HIGH ENSIGN Birth Ident: JCPD-04-68 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Avg D D D -179/46 -11/51 -28/51 -209/55 Milk (ltr) 4391 2789 2952 Protein (%) (kg) 3.26 143 3.20 89 3.55 105 3377 3.33 112 -141/95 5/96 3/96 445/97 75/94 -17.6/90 29/92 -0.59/96 4.4 3.5 ARD LENICA CASSIES PAN Birth Ident: GLRN-96-6 Breed: SA A8J8 BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3131 3.86 121 -33/52 PW ($): -5/83 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.07 159 245 P001.50 25630318 ST OURS CLASSIC Oseas HB No: 000000063175/CAN Breed: PA A16 S# BW ($): -236/35 PA A16 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 59/51 -8.1/64 -343/61 -0.13/69 BW ($): Milk Breed: PA A16 Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days DES PEUPLIERS REBEL BW ($): PW ($): Milk (ltr) Age Protein (%) (kg) Milkfat (%) (kg) Days LW PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 272 4.51 198 165 4.27 119 4.97 147 277 238 -109/72 10/26 -9.8/34 -347/39 -0.46/49 LW -17 15 -98 3 Lacts. Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days HALMYRE URR HIGH REGARD PANT WIZARD Oseas HB No: 000000178031/GBR (61340) Oseas HB No: 000000170227/GBR (61217) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -113/86 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -262/89 -10/92 -53/92 -330/93 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 36/87 -10.9/77 -501/86 -0.24/88 ARA LENICA LUCKY ENSIGNS Breed: Avg D Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days GLENVALE REAL DEAL -110/43 D BW ($): VHC SA A15 Age 0m 1m 0m 0m 1m HALMYRE URR LADYBIRD 84 Oseas HB No: 000000297862/GBR Breed: PA A16 Milk Birth Ident: JCPD-00-60 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test WOODLAND VIEW STARBRITE Oseas HB No: 000000703335/CAN Breed : PA A16 Milk BW ($): 8 Oseas HB No: 000000658545/CAN (61335) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -299/98 BW ($) : NZAEL 4.58 155 BLACKADDAR MILKMAID Oseas HB No: 000000595881/CAN Breed : PA A16 Oseas HB No: 000000734598/CAN PW($): -4/12 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation -294/71 -16/76 -33/76 -297/76 WOODLAND VIEW PRUDENCE Bull : 504534 CARMELGLEN BRODY BW($): -2/37 Mating Date 7/11/2012 Birth Ident: CHDD-93-38 (94162) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -78/98 Internal Animal Key = BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: Age 3 yr 11 m 3 yr 0 m 1 yr 11 m AM ST MS OO -115/56 PW ($): 278/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.18 263 263 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Breed: Oseas HB No: 000000811799/CAN (500545) Sex: FEMALE Classification: Avg BW ($): 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6305 3.71 234 WOODLAND VIEW PARDNER-ET Birth Ident: JCPD-08-39 D FERDON MOST TREASURED Birth Ident: CNKH-94-184 Breed: PA A16 EXC LODORE REGAL PW ($): -35/52 BLACKADDAR ISLE MILKMAN Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 19/08/2008 D -29/62 PW ($): 50/85 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.09 233 263 FERDON REWARD Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 LENICA PARDNERS ENSIGN D BW ($) : 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5700 3.24 185 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Milk Protein (ltr) (%) (kg) 3293 3.27 108 3909 3.32 130 3495 3.05 107 MOSELEY FAME SNOWWHITE Birth Ident: MMT-85-12 Breed : PA A16 EXC Birth Ident: CNKH-97-174 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -67/54 Oseas HB No: 000000693744/CAN Age 4 yr 0 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m HB No: A/34493 /M (85101) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): 4/99 Birth Ident: CNKH-99-181 Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Avg SCC at latest Lactation : PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: Protein (%) (kg) GLENMARIE AGGIES JETHRO2 186/91 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds -144/47 -1/52 -9/52 254/55 42/30 BW ($): FERDON REWARDS TROUPER 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test PW ($): Milk (ltr) 2899 4482 5724 4499 4663 Age 1m 2m 0m 0m 0m ALKU Oseas HB No: 000001089453/FIN Breed : PA A16 VHC G1 62/72 Avg V6-7 128 10/98 -5.6/98 -111/99 -0.16/99 Milk PA A16 BW ($): PW($): -29/12 0 Breeder : Breed: PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -29/45 -10/53 -11/54 -332/58 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MMT-91-7 NZAEL Birth Ident: JCPD-01-26 Breed: SA A14J2 50/99 17/99 14/99 655/99 MOSELEY AJ NOLL ARB LENICA TROUPERS PAN AM ST MS OO P001.50 52/98 15/99 23/99 356/99 10/97 -11.2/97 -82/97 -0.22/99 4.9 3.8 G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): AM ST MS OO Breed: PA HILL JULLI NIGEL ET Breed: SA A15J1 Date of Birth: 1/08/2009 13/44 2/48 6/48 -18/52 -6/28 26999417 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree PW ($): Birth Ident: CMX-97-1 Breed: PA A16 -96/83 Milk (ltr) 3066 3602 3887 3488 3081 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.46 106 3.82 117 189 3.46 124 4.81 173 237 3.49 135 4.72 184 248 3.60 126 4.64 162 250 3.62 112 4.80 148 224 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 3359 3.53 119 4.64 156 237 LW 21 -8 75 -17 -6 6 Lacts. BW ($): -94/55 ARB LENICA ENSIGNS HONEY Birth Ident: DHWT-98-47 Breed: SA A14 BW ($): 2 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4255 3.30 140 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -96/45 PW ($): -1/75 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.46 190 250 P001.50 LENICA SUGAR GIRL VHC Daughter of Mellora Chelsea Great cow family. Chelsea was bought from Peter Mellow and descends from Sanrosa and back to the Ora Stud in Taranaki. MELLORA CHELSEA VHC Dam of Lot 13. P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 13 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Paul & Maryann Symonds TAONUI JACKS JETHRO KINGSWAY CASANOVA ET HB No: A/32422/M (79104) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -30/98 Birth Ident: XQQ-88-30 (61381) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE LENICA SILVER SUGAR Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-07-28 No. 52 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 12/08/2007 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -34/48 -4/51 -8/52 -39/55 22/37 -82/71 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -1.0/39 Total Long BV (days): 128/40 Somatic Cell BV: -0.74/50 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.25/36 Dairy Conformation: 0.43/35 Age 4 yr 0 m 2 yr 11 m 2 yr 1 m Avg D D D D Milk Protein (ltr) (%) (kg) 3495 3.57 125 3160 3.53 111 2206 3.44 76 2953 3.52 -0.02/36 20/4 Milkfat (%) (kg) 4.93 172 4.86 154 5.03 111 Days 228 262 238 104 4.93 146 243 LW -28 -25 -177 Herd BW 10/48 -2/48 39/48 3 Lacts. Carry-over. Run with Angus bull 10th October 2012 to 1st January 2013. Due to Calve : Expected Calf Bull Breed: KITEROA BONNY BLUE SILVER Birth Ident: MVV-95-40 (61671) Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Bull : BW($): Mating Date & 24027851 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree EMPTY PW($): Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: MELLORA CHELSEA Birth Ident: FMWT-95-16 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -26/57 5/60 -9/61 336/64 G3 -54/97 -12/98 -10/98 -301/98 19/95 1.8/95 239/96 -0.52/98 4.9 3.7 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -25/99 -12.8/99 -62/99 -0.25/99 Birth Ident: MVV-88-9 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 10 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr Age 0m 3m 0m 1m 0m NZAEL VHC -13/87 24/54 -5.7/44 -4/48 -0.74/56 -50/83 PW ($): Age 0m 0m 0m 1m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m D N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test LENOCH CANDY GIRL HB No: A/143590/F Breed : PA A16 EXC BW ($): 5 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7799 3.74 266 -90/50 PW ($): -69/17 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.68 365 257 EX3 G1 KITEROA GOLDEN STARBRIGHT Birth Ident: MVV-86-34 Breed : PA A16 201/89 Milk (ltr) 6726 7802 9900 8394 8016 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.32 223 4.02 270 257 3.70 288 4.06 317 305 3.50 347 3.93 389 301 3.68 309 4.22 355 278 3.78 303 4.26 342 300 Plus 3 unprinted lactations 7286 3.63 264 4.25 309 291 LW 267 123 355 8 Lacts. BW ($): -109/64 KITEROA BONNY BLUELOO Birth Ident: MVV-86-3 Breed : PA A16 EX2 BW ($) : 10 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5904 3.37 199 -77/71 PW ($): -34/90 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.16 246 273 LOCHSIDE AMOS GRANBYENNE ROYAL COMMAND HB No: A/34550/M (85105) Oseas HB No: 000000138281/USA (61165) Breed: PA A16 D# BW ($): -301/93 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -155/99 5/99 -16/99 404/99 G3,G1 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 33/99 -16.7/99 -383/99 -0.40/99 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 210 -8 3.45 100 4.07 119 MELLORA CANDY 271 -20 3.41 138 3.90 157 158 3.24 170 4.17 219 252 Birth Ident: FMWT-91-40 EXC 164 3.53 160 4.06 184 223 Breed: PA A16 260 118 3.43 190 3.85 213 245 85 3.40 162 4.22 202 BW ($): 62/58 PW ($): 53/88 73 3.40 151 4.09 182 245 65 3.55 158 4.42 197 258 Milk Protein Milkfat 2 3.42 157 4.15 190 261 Age (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW Plus 1 unprinted lactation 12 yr 11 m 3063 3.25 99 4.96 152 167 T 50 Avg D 4483 3.42 153 253 10 Lacts. 11 yr 11 m 4.13 185 4379 3.78 165 4.30 188 280 T 17 10 yr 11 m 2451 3.71 91 4.91 120 206 28 9 yr 11 m 3955 3.78 149 4.46 176 265 T 105 Traits other than production results : (1998) 8 yr 10 m 4799 3.64 175 4.80 231 287 157 AM ST MS OO S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC Plus 7 unprinted lactations 0 0 0 0 6 5 7 5 7 6 6 7 6 4 7 6 7 Avg 4000 3.67 147 4.29 172 240 12 Lacts. 12 yr 11 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr Milk (ltr) 2909 4035 5247 4529 5536 4772 4457 4450 4582 -70/99 -11/99 -13/99 -397/99 KITEROA BONNY BLUESTAR Avg PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): LOCHSIDE ANNIES BID HB No: A/141099/F Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 12 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3771 3.52 124 KITEROA BONNY GAYNELL Birth Ident: MVV-86-43 (61430) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 9/95 SANROSA CONTEST Birth Ident: BNNL-86-28 Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 5 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4516 3.75 169 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -62/50 PW ($): -54/17 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.13 156 253 14/52 PW ($): -15/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.02 182 247 P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 14 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Paul & Maryann Symonds DES PEUPLIERS REBEL ARRAN SURFERS PARADISE ET Oseas HB No: 000000658545/CAN (61335) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -299/98 Birth Ident: BYCF-90-12 (61457) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE LENICA PC SUGAR Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-07-8 No. 69 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 31/07/2007 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -136/76 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -12.4/36 Total Long BV (days): -156/38 Somatic Cell BV: -0.15/48 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 2012 V7-7 0.46/25 Dairy Conformation: 0.32/29 0.28/32 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Age 5 yr 1 m 4 yr 1 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m Avg Milk (ltr) 1901 2413 3386 2636 D D D D Protein (%) (kg) 3.71 70 4.01 97 3.60 122 3.85 101 2584 3.78 D Milkfat (%) (kg) 7.20 137 4.69 113 5.56 188 5.40 142 Days 125 227 262 275 98 5.62 145 222 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 0 0 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 -2/48 39/48 LW -79 -305 65 9 4 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 5 4 8 5 Due to Calve : 03/08/2013 Expected Calf 7 6 7 7 8 5 7 7 7 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 1m 1m 0m 0m 0m 1m 1m D D D Avg D -113/83 -2/34 -9.3/41 -121/45 -0.55/52 Milk (ltr) 3930 3881 3320 4436 3756 3364 2766 Protein (%) (kg) 3.39 133 3.37 131 3.47 115 3.44 153 3.38 127 3.45 116 3.45 96 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 305 3.96 155 237 4.40 171 210 4.46 148 4.73 210 264 4.28 161 263 246 4.55 153 230 4.52 125 3636 3.42 4.41 160 124 251 LW -149 -26 29 25 29 23 109 7 Lacts. Traits other than production results : Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 5 4 7 5 6 6 7 6 7 6 7 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 15 DALEMERE MALT PW ($): Birth Ident: FRM-88-93 Breed : PA A16 32/82 Milk (ltr) 7267 7622 6497 7424 4637 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.63 264 4.65 338 293 3.49 266 4.67 356 284 3.35 218 4.98 324 257 3.43 255 5.92 439 250 3.31 154 4.32 200 244 Plus 5 unprinted lactations 5757 3.46 199 4.77 274 261 LW 382 374 334 582 114 KINGSWAY CASANOVA ET Birth Ident: XQQ-88-30 (61381) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -70/99 Breed: G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -66/99 -6/99 -3/99 -111/99 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -17/98 -11.6/99 -163/99 -0.35/99 LENICA SWARVE SUGAR Birth Ident: JCPD-99-5 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Age 5 yr 0 m 3 yr 1 m 2 yr 0 m Avg -174/77 Milk (ltr) 4974 3609 3152 Protein (%) (kg) 3.14 156 3.30 119 3.28 103 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.89 194 273 3.74 135 229 4.17 131 249 3912 3.22 3.92 153 126 250 LW -1 -114 -76 Birth Ident: MVV-02-39 (503564) Breed : No. 209 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -82/45 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -11.3/33 Total Long BV (days): -85/34 Somatic Cell BV: -0.20/41 2012 B7-8 0.51/26 Dairy Conformation: 0.43/40 2346 3.80 0.45/46 66/3 Days 171 89 4.79 112 Herd BW 16/47 LW -56 171 1 Lacts. PA A16 Internal Animal Key = Traits other than production results : 0 0 0 6 5 8 5 Due to Calve : 30/07/2013 Expected Calf Bull 61574 (2012) 7 6 7 7 7 5 6 7 -121/92 -7/94 -17/94 -423/95 33/87 -11.2/84 -26/87 -0.25/93 4.9 3.9 Birth Ident: JCPD-07-8 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 1m 1m 0m 0m D D D D Avg 8 D Breed: BW ($): V7-7 -136/76 14/33 -12.4/36 -156/38 -0.15/48 Milk (ltr) 1901 2413 3386 2636 Protein (%) (kg) 3.71 70 4.01 97 3.60 122 3.85 101 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 125 7.20 137 227 4.69 113 5.56 188 262 5.40 142 275 2584 3.78 5.62 145 98 222 LW -79 -305 65 9 4 Lacts. PW($): -134/11 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 5 4 8 5 7 6 7 7 59/93 -28.3/87 -120/90 -0.11/94 8 5 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 7 7 MORROW PREFERRED LOU 4TH Oseas HB No: 000000968232/USA Breed : A A16 BW ($): Milk Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days VHC KITEROA BO PEPPERONI PW ($): 5/74 210/84 Milk (ltr) 7448 6770 6332 4750 5671 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.64 271 4.51 336 305 3.68 249 4.60 311 305 3.65 231 4.53 287 264 3.71 176 4.82 229 250 3.54 201 5.08 288 262 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 6221 3.64 226 4.65 289 279 Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 2 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -130/46 -7/51 -10/51 -201/55 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: PA A16 Avg Breed: PA A16 G3,G1 -91/93 17/95 12/95 532/96 Birth Ident: MVV-93-32 Bull : 61574 ALPINE JACQUERIE BW($): -158/33 Mating Date 21/10/2012 27993897 Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -245/94 KITEROA CREAM ABLIGE NZAEL LENICA PC SUGAR S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 P001.50 ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): AM ST MS OO -26/57 PW ($): -13/87 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.13 185 253 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Breed: KITEROA CREAM ALI ET Birth Ident: JCPD-10-51 D MELLORA CHELSEA Birth Ident: FMWT-95-16 Breed: PA A16 VHC 10 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4483 3.42 153 PLUM-BOTTOM TRIDENT'S LOT Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 20/08/2010 D Birth Ident: MVV-94-72 (61654) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -169/89 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 LENICA CREAM SUGAR Avg -35/80 PW ($): 197/89 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.42 192 264 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Age 2 yr 0 m BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4349 3.52 153 3 Lacts. BW ($): Oseas HB No: 000000145520/USA (100854) Milk Protein Milkfat (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) 2346 3.80 89 4.79 112 KITEROA MOVIE CHOC Birth Ident: MVV-93-12 Breed: PA A16 EX2 KITEROA BONNY BLUE SWARVE PW ($): -130/49 Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Avg SCC at latest Lactation : -88/60 PW ($): -2/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.57 186 260 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: BW ($): -249/79 LAMORNA CHOICE CHRISS Birth Ident: BHKR-88-172 Breed : PA A16 EXC BW ($) : 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 8 Lacts. 4068 3.67 149 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds -122/42 -7/43 -13/44 -320/47 27/48 PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days EX3 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Protein (%) (kg) Birth Ident: FBBM-95-16 (61626) (2005) 5 BW ($): BROOKVIEW CASANOVA S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 WOODLAND VIEW KARA MIA Oseas HB No: 000000659342/CAN Breed : PA A16 D# Milk -109/72 Age 11 yr 11 m 10 yr 11 m 9 yr 10 m 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 0 m PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -104/52 -10/56 -12/57 -164/60 31/88 -24.4/80 -536/88 0.38/91 PA A16 BW ($): PW($): -13/8 0 Breeder : Breed: VHC Breed: PA A16 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: FVFY-92-83 Avg Birth Ident: JCPD-01-8 -259/90 -1/93 -14/93 296/94 LAMORNA MALT CHRISTINE NZAEL LENICA BC SUGAR AM ST MS OO P001.50 -149/84 0/87 -10/88 150/89 26/79 -15.8/73 -244/79 0.10/86 4.4 3.6 G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: Bull : 512568 KITEROA BO PEPPERBRODY BW($): -26/22 Mating Date 25/10/2012 Bull 512568 Breed: TE AWHATA PARADISE CHUCKY Birth Ident: FVFY-02-3 (503623) -130/46 -7/51 -10/51 -201/55 14/33 23937636 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree LW 353 324 213 142 211 6 Lacts. HB No: A/33968/M (61248) Breed : PA A16 S BW ($): 11/99 KITEROA CREAM ABILITY Birth Ident: MVV-90-14 Breed : PA A16 VHC BW ($) : 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6312 3.48 220 -8/67 PW ($): 134/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.89 246 276 TE AWHATA PARADISE CHUCKY ARRAN SURFERS PARADISE ET Birth Ident: FVFY-02-3 (503623) Birth Ident: BYCF-90-12 (61457) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -259/90 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -149/84 0/87 -10/88 150/89 G1 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 26/79 -15.8/73 -244/79 0.10/86 LENICA BC SUGAR Birth Ident: JCPD-01-8 Breed: BW ($): 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr VHC PA A16 Age 1m 1m 0m 0m 0m Avg D D D BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5757 3.46 199 -109/72 PW ($): 32/82 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.77 274 261 BROOKVIEW CASANOVA -104/52 D LAMORNA MALT CHRISTINE Birth Ident: FVFY-92-83 Breed: PA A16 EX3 PW ($): -113/83 Milk (ltr) 3930 3881 3320 4436 3756 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.39 133 3.96 155 305 3.37 131 4.40 171 237 3.47 115 4.46 148 210 3.44 153 4.73 210 264 3.38 127 4.28 161 263 Plus 2 unprinted lactations 3636 3.42 124 4.41 160 251 LW -149 -26 29 25 29 7 Lacts. Birth Ident: FBBM-95-16 (61626) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -66/99 LENICA SWARVE SUGAR Birth Ident: JCPD-99-5 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 3 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3912 3.22 126 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -130/49 PW ($): -174/77 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.92 153 250 P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 16 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Paul & Maryann Symonds T-BRUNO B JURIST-ET Oseas HB No: 000000093907/SWE (666751) Breed: O O16 BW ($): -187/77 Oseas HB No: 000000091011/SWE (502623) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA RIST AMBITION S3A Oseas HB No: 000101501602/CAN (508560) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-09-29 No. 138 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -108/44 -9/50 -21/50 -451/52 15/26 -218/57 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -5.5/35 Total Long BV (days): -191/31 Somatic Cell BV: -0.61/49 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: -0.09/22 Dairy Conformation: 0.39/29 Age 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m D Avg D 2379 3.88 2012 V6-7 0.05/26 26/3 Milk Protein Milkfat (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) 1920 3.94 76 4.74 91 2838 3.83 109 4.84 137 D Herd BW 16/47 10/48 Days LW 188 T -314 260 -150 92 4.80 114 224 2 Lacts. PA A16 Traits other than production results : 0 0 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 8 7 7 5 Due to Calve : 31/07/2013 Expected Calf 7 6 6 6 5 5 6 7 Bull : 512568 KITEROA BO PEPPERBRODY BW($): -16/21 Mating Date 22/10/2012 Bull 512568 7 11 yr 10 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr Age 0m 1m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 60/79 -9.9/66 -232/68 -0.47/78 LAGACE TRIDENT MODULE 15/46 -5/52 -11/53 -359/58 Breed: D D D D D A A16 0 V6-8 PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 54/82 -20/21 -1.4/31 17/36 -0.27/47 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 6 5 8 5 7 6 6 5 6 5 7 6 8 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 17 Milk (ltr) Protein (%) (kg) Milkfat (%) (kg) Days LW Milk FERDON REWARD Birth Ident: CNKH-97-174 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -67/54 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -81/50 -6/56 -17/56 -224/59 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -3/32 -8.1/34 -189/42 -0.54/52 ARC LENICA JOELS HOPE Birth Ident: JCPD-99-47 Breed: SA A12J4 BW ($): D Avg D 231/83 Milk (ltr) 3855 5165 4251 4171 4989 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.71 143 3.63 140 201 3.86 199 4.78 247 276 3.85 164 4.80 204 263 3.97 166 5.12 213 256 3.71 185 4.84 241 256 Plus 2 unprinted lactations 4279 3.86 165 4.80 205 252 LW 117 246 190 192 312 7 Lacts. Oseas HB No: 000000811799/CAN (500545) Breed : No. 149 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -123/77 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -8.4/41 Total Long BV (days): 24/42 Somatic Cell BV: -0.37/52 Avg D D D D D D Days 177 265 T 259 T 275 T 285 T 204 120 4.48 140 244 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 0 0 5 4 8 5 Due to Calve : 02/08/2013 Bull 505524 505524 0.01/28 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 -2/48 39/48 33/45 86/44 LW -122 -248 14 -106 64 -86 6 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 Expected Calf 2012 V6-8 0.37/25 Dairy Conformation: 0.31/32 3122 3.86 D 7 6 6 7 6 5 6 6 8 Bull : 505524 KITEROA CREAM ALFIE ET BW($): -53/35 Mating Date 24/10/2012 20/10/2012 ARD LENICA CASSIES HOPE Birth Ident: GLRN-96-17 Breed: SA A8J8 BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3712 3.64 135 20/50 PW ($): 67/83 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.88 181 231 P001.50 22501471 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Breed: WOODLAND VIEW PARDNER-ET Sex: FEMALE Classification: Age 6 yr 11 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 3 yr 11 m 2 yr 11 m 1 yr 11 m Birth Ident: BCJW-93-36 (94163) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 68/98 Internal Animal Key = ST OURS CLASSIC BLACKADDAR ISLE MILKMAN Birth Ident: JCPD-05-66 45/3 -115/56 PW ($): 278/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.18 263 263 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 Breed: SA A15J1 Date of Birth: 25/08/2005 Milkfat (%) (kg) 4.40 127 3.86 131 5.39 182 3.67 113 5.11 184 4.26 101 BW ($): 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6305 3.71 234 CRESSLANDS BEMA JOEL PW ($): 84/51 Age 8 yr 0 m 6 yr 11 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 0 m FERDON MOST TREASURED Birth Ident: CNKH-94-184 Breed: PA A16 EXC (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA PARDNER HOPE S3A Protein (%) (kg) 3.88 112 3.74 127 3.72 126 4.09 126 4.07 146 3.58 85 PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Birth Ident: CNKH-99-181 Oseas HB No: 000000063175/CAN Breed: PA A16 S# BW ($): -236/35 Oseas HB No: 000000693744/CAN Milk (ltr) 2893 3403 3376 3081 3601 2378 Protein (%) (kg) FERDON REWARDS TROUPER Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Avg SCC at latest Lactation : LAGACE HELIGO MODE 7 Oseas HB No: 000000801372/CAN Breed : AF A8F8 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -245/94 BW ($) : and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds -67/51 -2/56 -9/56 -153/60 27/29 Protein (%) (kg) ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT PW ($): Age Traits other than production results : 0 BW ($): Milk BW ($): Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 161 66 3.86 110 4.87 138 232 90 3.86 146 5.80 219 262 239 3.98 169 5.36 228 3.94 149 4.78 180 275 96 206 3.91 193 4.19 206 281 202 334 3.63 151 4.50 187 277 154 3.99 178 4.82 215 138 3.79 143 4.55 171 263 3.93 144 4.88 178 273 126 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 3884 3.87 150 251 10 Lacts. 4.85 188 D 240 JUNIS Oseas HB No: 000000114468/SWE Breed : O O16 Oseas HB No: 000010024662/CAN Milk (ltr) 2836 3779 4253 3775 4929 4155 4460 3772 3657 D Avg 0 Breeder : Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: NZAEL Birth Ident: JCPD-01-14 Breed: SA A14J2 PW($): -18/7 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation -130/79 1/83 -16/84 -167/85 ARB LENICA TROUPERS HOPE AM ST MS OO P001.50 -202/85 -4/90 -18/90 -41/91 51/84 -12.7/74 -410/71 -0.76/88 4.4 3.7 G1 O O16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): AM ST MS OO Breed: LAGACE RISTOURN Breed: SA A15J1 Date of Birth: 5/08/2009 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : 26999522 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: G3,G1 -141/95 5/96 3/96 445/97 75/94 -17.6/90 29/92 -0.59/96 4.4 3.5 -294/71 -16/76 -33/76 -297/76 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 59/51 -8.1/64 -343/61 -0.13/69 WOODLAND VIEW PRUDENCE BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 11 yr 10 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr Age 0m 1m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m D D D D D D Avg D 15/46 -5/52 -11/53 -359/58 Breed: PA A16 PW ($): Milk (ltr) Age V6-8 PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 0 0 0 54/82 -20/21 -1.4/31 17/36 -0.27/47 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 161 66 3.86 110 4.87 138 90 3.86 146 5.80 219 232 3.98 169 5.36 228 262 239 96 3.94 149 4.78 180 275 281 206 3.91 193 4.19 206 334 3.63 151 4.50 187 202 154 3.99 178 4.82 215 277 3.79 143 4.55 171 263 138 273 126 3.93 144 4.88 178 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 3884 3.87 150 4.85 188 251 10 Lacts. Traits other than production results : 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 6 5 8 5 7 6 6 5 Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days DES PEUPLIERS REBEL BW ($): Milk (ltr) 2836 3779 4253 3775 4929 4155 4460 3772 3657 AM ST MS OO BW ($): Oseas HB No: 000000734598/CAN Protein (%) (kg) Milkfat (%) (kg) Days LW 6 5 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 6 8 Oseas HB No: 000000658545/CAN (61335) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -299/98 WOODLAND VIEW STARBRITE Oseas HB No: 000000703335/CAN Breed : PA A16 BW ($) : NZAEL Birth Ident: JCPD-01-14 Breed: SA A14J2 BLACKADDAR MILKMAID Oseas HB No: 000000595881/CAN Breed : PA A16 Milk Milk ARB LENICA TROUPERS HOPE PW($): 5/12 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation PA A16 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days FERDON REWARDS TROUPER FERDON REWARD Birth Ident: CNKH-99-181 Birth Ident: CNKH-97-174 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -67/54 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -81/50 -6/56 -17/56 -224/59 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -3/32 -8.1/34 -189/42 -0.54/52 ARC LENICA JOELS HOPE Birth Ident: JCPD-99-47 Breed: SA A12J4 BW ($): Age 8 yr 0 m 6 yr 11 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 0 m Avg 84/51 D D Milk (ltr) 3855 5165 4251 4171 4989 FERDON MOST TREASURED Birth Ident: CNKH-94-184 Breed: PA A16 EXC BW ($): 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6305 3.71 234 -115/56 PW ($): 278/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.18 263 263 CRESSLANDS BEMA JOEL PW ($): 231/83 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.71 143 3.63 140 201 3.86 199 4.78 247 276 3.85 164 4.80 204 263 3.97 166 5.12 213 256 3.71 185 4.84 241 256 Plus 2 unprinted lactations 4279 3.86 165 4.80 205 252 LW 117 246 190 192 312 Birth Ident: BCJW-93-36 (94163) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 68/98 ARD LENICA CASSIES HOPE Birth Ident: GLRN-96-17 Breed: SA A8J8 BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7 Lacts. 3712 3.64 135 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values 20/50 PW ($): 67/83 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.88 181 231 P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 18 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Paul & Maryann Symonds BLACKADDAR ISLE MILKMAN WOODLAND VIEW PARDNER-ET Oseas HB No: 000000693744/CAN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -294/71 Oseas HB No: 000000811799/CAN (500545) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA SHOTGUN HOPE S3A Birth Ident: FBBM-08-149 (509563) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-10-15 No. 13 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -14/37 -1/40 -4/40 -57/44 2/45 3/44 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -8.6/26 Total Long BV (days): 51/26 Somatic Cell BV: -0.56/36 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.29/17 Dairy Conformation: 0.46/36 Age 2 yr 1 m Avg 2267 3.43 D 2012 B7-7 0.01/43 25/3 Milk Protein Milkfat (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) 2267 3.43 78 4.73 107 D Days 155 78 4.73 107 Herd BW 16/47 LW 22 155 1 Lacts. PA A16 Traits other than production results : 0 0 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 5 4 7 5 Due to Calve : 03/09/2013 Expected Calf 6 6 7 7 6 4 7 7 Bull : 61574 ALPINE JACQUERIE BW($): -103/32 Mating Date 25/11/2012 Bull 61574 6 11 yr 10 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr Age 0m 1m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m D D D D D Traits other than production results : Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 54/82 -20/21 -1.4/31 17/36 -0.27/47 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 6 5 8 5 7 6 6 5 6 5 7 6 8 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 19 PW ($): Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.17 29 3.67 33 109 171 3.68 237 3.75 242 292 242 3.50 285 4.16 339 290 442 3.39 268 4.17 329 285 556 3.45 243 3.69 259 303 283 Plus 5 unprinted lactations 5470 3.48 190 4.08 223 270 10 Lacts. FERDON REWARD Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -81/50 -6/56 -17/56 -224/59 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -3/32 -8.1/34 -189/42 -0.54/52 ARC LENICA JOELS HOPE Birth Ident: JCPD-99-47 Breed: SA A12J4 BW ($): D Avg D Breed : No. 211 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -100/45 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -13.9/31 Total Long BV (days): -129/33 Somatic Cell BV: -0.32/40 2012 B7-7 0.34/24 Dairy Conformation: 0.36/39 0.20/45 34/3 77 3.81 Days 167 78 Herd BW 16/47 LW -72 167 1 Lacts. PA A16 231/83 Milk (ltr) 3855 5165 4251 4171 4989 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.71 143 3.63 140 201 3.86 199 4.78 247 276 3.85 164 4.80 204 263 3.97 166 5.12 213 256 3.71 185 4.84 241 256 Plus 2 unprinted lactations 4279 3.86 165 4.80 205 252 LW 117 246 190 192 312 7 Lacts. Traits other than production results : 0 0 0 5 4 7 5 Due to Calve : 25/09/2013 Expected Calf Bull 61574 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 6 6 BW($): Mating Date 26/11/2012 & 7 6 7 Birth Ident: BCJW-93-36 (94163) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 68/98 ARD LENICA CASSIES HOPE Birth Ident: GLRN-96-17 Breed: SA A8J8 BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3712 3.64 135 Internal Animal Key = 20/50 PW ($): 67/83 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.88 181 231 P001.50 27993903 ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -245/94 5 6 7 7 -121/92 -7/94 -17/94 -423/95 33/87 -11.2/84 -26/87 -0.25/93 4.9 3.9 LENICA INGLESIDE AALIYA Birth Ident: JCPD-05-51 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 0m 1m 0m 1m 0m 0m D D D D D D Avg Bull : D Breed: -65/79 4/25 -15.0/28 -231/32 -0.26/41 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 176 3.69 122 221 4.24 149 4.07 157 262 3.90 129 227 256 4.17 148 210 4.18 118 3395 3.55 4.04 137 225 LW -94 -63 14 -30 -16 69 6 Lacts. PW($): Traits other than production results : 0 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 5 4 7 5 6 7 5 5 5 5 6 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 5 7 Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days VHC PW ($): 210/84 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.64 271 4.51 336 305 3.68 249 4.60 311 305 3.65 231 4.53 287 264 3.71 176 4.82 229 250 3.54 201 5.08 288 262 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 6221 3.64 226 4.65 289 279 NZAEL BW ($): Milk Milk (ltr) 7448 6770 6332 4750 5671 Avg MORROW PREFERRED LOU 4TH Oseas HB No: 000000968232/USA Breed : A A16 KITEROA BO PEPPERONI 5/74 Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 2 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m Protein (%) (kg) 3.48 115 3.81 134 3.62 139 3.60 119 3.55 126 3.19 90 AM ST MS OO 59/93 -28.3/87 -120/90 -0.11/94 PA A16 BW ($): Milk (ltr) 3312 3507 3852 3309 3558 2832 121 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-93-32 PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -169/41 -10/47 -27/47 -221/52 -91/93 17/95 12/95 532/96 KITEROA CREAM ABLIGE H5-7 Breed: PA A16 G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): AM ST MS OO -115/56 PW ($): 278/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.18 263 263 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Breed: Birth Ident: MVV-02-39 (503564) 2033 3.78 BW ($): 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6305 3.71 234 CRESSLANDS BEMA JOEL PW ($): 84/51 Age 8 yr 0 m 6 yr 11 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 0 m FERDON MOST TREASURED Birth Ident: CNKH-94-184 Breed: PA A16 EXC KITEROA CREAM ALI ET Birth Ident: JCPD-10-61 D -20/72 PW ($): 171/90 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.46 191 254 Birth Ident: CNKH-97-174 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -67/54 PLUM-BOTTOM TRIDENT'S LOT Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 25/08/2010 D BW ($) : 11 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4285 3.53 151 Birth Ident: CNKH-99-181 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 LENICA ALI ALI Avg CRAIGMYLE GRAND SECRET Birth Ident: BLXH-92-16 Breed : PA A16 EX6 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Age 2 yr 0 m Birth Ident: MVV-95-40 (61671) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -54/97 FERDON REWARDS TROUPER Oseas HB No: 000000145520/USA (100854) Milk Protein Milkfat (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) 2033 3.78 77 3.81 78 PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days KITEROA BONNY BLUE SILVER 178/88 Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Protein (%) (kg) = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: BW ($): EX4 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds -138/41 -9/43 -24/43 -362/47 13/47 WOODLAND VIEW PRUDENCE Oseas HB No: 000000734598/CAN Breed : PA A16 Milk Milk (ltr) 912 6441 8160 7893 7026 Avg PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 15/46 -5/52 -11/53 -359/58 75/94 -17.6/90 29/92 -0.59/96 G3,G1 19/70 Age 13 yr 0 m 11 yr 1 m 10 yr 0 m 8 yr 11 m 7 yr 0 m Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 161 66 3.86 110 4.87 138 232 90 3.86 146 5.80 219 262 239 3.98 169 5.36 228 3.94 149 4.78 180 275 96 206 3.91 193 4.19 206 281 202 334 3.63 151 4.50 187 277 154 3.99 178 4.82 215 138 3.79 143 4.55 171 263 3.93 144 4.88 178 273 126 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 3884 3.87 150 251 10 Lacts. 4.85 188 D PA A16 BW ($): Milk (ltr) 2836 3779 4253 3775 4929 4155 4460 3772 3657 D Avg PW($): -90/11 0 Breeder : Breed: V6-8 Breed: SA A14J2 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: FBBM-98-25 NZAEL Birth Ident: JCPD-01-14 -141/95 5/96 3/96 445/97 BROOKVIEW BLUE SECRECY ARB LENICA TROUPERS HOPE AM ST MS OO P001.50 -42/68 4/71 1/72 285/75 31/76 -13.3/54 117/54 -0.82/66 4.5 3.6 G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): AM ST MS OO Breed: BROOKVIEW SHOTGUN Breed: SA A15J1 Date of Birth: 4/08/2010 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : 27777946 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree LW 353 324 213 142 211 6 Lacts. HB No: A/33968/M (61248) Breed : PA A16 S BW ($): 11/99 KITEROA CREAM ABILITY Birth Ident: MVV-90-14 Breed : PA A16 VHC BW ($) : 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6312 3.48 220 -8/67 PW ($): 134/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.89 246 276 INGLESIDE 03-9 ALPINE JACQUERIE Birth Ident: DWFK-03-9 Birth Ident: BLLX-89-6 (61574) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -193/90 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -244/42 -11/45 -30/46 -184/48 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 20/29 -17.3/34 -380/37 0.06/42 SENTINAL AALIYA Birth Ident: BHRG-03-48 Breed: C PA A16 BW ($): Age 6 yr 0 m 4 yr 11 m 4 yr 1 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m Avg D D D D BW ($): 5 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4578 3.63 166 -291/51 PW ($): -59/84 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.05 185 255 SENTINAL FUTURE STAR -119/51 D INGLESIDE LOVER REALTY ET Birth Ident: DWFK-00-41 Breed: PA A16 PW ($): -69/84 Milk (ltr) 3029 4363 2919 4637 3271 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.62 110 2.71 82 275 T -258 3.65 159 3.48 152 281 -34 3.43 100 4.76 139 162 59 3.40 158 4.31 200 305 78 3.37 110 4.44 145 272 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 3644 3.49 127 3.94 144 259 5 Lacts. Birth Ident: BHRG-97-33 (501589) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -221/94 FERNVILLE AALIYA Birth Ident: BLHG-98-24 Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4281 3.56 152 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -27/47 PW ($): -35/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.02 172 260 P001.50 LENICA CAPTAINS JADE VHC Dam of Lot 20. P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 20 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Paul & Maryann Symonds GLENELM SILVER COIN BESSFIELD HIGHLAND CHIEF HB No: A/25601/M Breed: PA A16 HB No: A/27698/M (61082) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE LENICA CHEIF JADE Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-04-13 No. 34 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 2/08/2004 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -35/79 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -5.0/40 Total Long BV (days): 66/43 Somatic Cell BV: -0.30/49 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 98/3 Milk (ltr) 3130 4024 3091 3630 3331 2874 3528 Milkfat (%) (kg) 4.25 133 4.07 164 3.68 114 5.17 188 4.94 165 4.72 136 4.78 169 Avg D D D D D D Protein (%) (kg) 3.64 114 3.77 152 3.65 113 3.88 141 3.64 121 3.46 100 3.51 124 3373 3.66 D Days 174 263 262 275 217 187 254 123 4.52 152 0 0 0 7 6 8 5 Due to Calve : 30/07/2013 Bull 61574 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 -2/48 39/48 33/45 86/44 79/46 7 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 Expected Calf 0.10/32 LW -14 -88 -167 12 17 107 140 233 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 2012 V6-8 0.19/32 Dairy Conformation: 0.12/31 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Age 8 yr 0 m 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 1 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 0 m 3 yr 1 m 2 yr 1 m Breed: LAKESIDE HIGH CHIEFTAIN HB No: A/34136/M (61409) -58/49 -8/54 -19/54 -240/57 -3/33 7 6 6 6 5 5 6 6 8 Bull : 61574 ALPINE JACQUERIE BW($): -125/35 Mating Date 21/10/2012 21058729 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree PA A16 -13/99 -15/99 -25/99 -371/99 -27/98 1.7/98 219/99 -0.90/99 4.6 3.7 LENICA CAPTAINS JADE Birth Ident: JCPD-99-4 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 12 yr 10 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr Age 0m 2m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m D D D D Avg D Breed: NZAEL Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.05 50 42 3.98 126 154 4.13 244 282 204 4.52 162 274 3.84 208 4.11 227 271 4.05 244 273 4.36 214 272 273 4.44 220 4725 3.63 4.17 197 248 Traits other than production results : 0 0 0 0 127/83 20/34 -10.4/37 -111/43 0.19/53 Protein (%) (kg) 3.18 39 3.80 120 3.66 216 3.62 130 3.65 197 3.55 196 3.52 212 3.71 182 3.69 183 AM ST MS OO Milk (ltr) 5458 6397 5808 6545 6041 Avg LW -38 125 313 145 133 239 254 206 224 9 Lacts. -200/24 Protein (%) (kg) 3.35 183 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days LW 4.42 241 281 4.50 288 305 4.53 263 305 4.64 304 305 4.62 279 296 Plus 9 unprinted lactations 5667 3.35 183 4.48 254 298 10 Lacts. 8 5 8 6 7 5 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 7 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.75 286 295 HB No: A/26407/M (61043) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -80/87 LAKESIDE HIGH STAR HB No: A/109693/F Breed : PA A16 EXC BW ($) : 13 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7371 3.40 222 -144/69 PW ($): -194/23 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.03 371 298 KINGSWAY CASANOVA ET Birth Ident: FMWT-96-16 (61709) Birth Ident: XQQ-88-30 (61381) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -70/99 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -138/81 0/85 -18/85 -169/87 14/77 -17.2/68 -334/77 0.26/82 MELLORA BONNY JADE Birth Ident: FMWT-96-44 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Age 2 yr 11 m Avg MELLORA BONNY JEMMA ET Birth Ident: FMWT-94-40 Breed: PA A16 EXC BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6410 3.46 221 -112/62 PW ($): 80/89 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.93 252 269 MELLORA BONNY JOBOY PW ($): -149/43 -335/51 Milk (ltr) 1767 Protein (%) (kg) 3.52 62 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.00 71 132 1767 3.52 4.00 62 71 132 LW -113 Birth Ident: FMWT-92-50 (61542) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -115/75 MELLORA BONNY JESSY ET Birth Ident: FMWT-94-6 PA A16 VHC 1 Lacts. Breed: (2005) 7 D# PW ($): MELLORA BONNY CAPTAIN BW ($): 5 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5072 3.27 166 S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 6 5 7 4 BW ($): 2 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6014 INGLEDALE DAIRY BOY PW ($): -119/70 Age 11 yr 0 m 9 yr 10 m 8 yr 10 m 7 yr 11 m 6 yr 11 m BESSFIELD ARCTIC QUEEN HB No: A/88007/F Breed : PA A16 VHC EXC PA A16 BW ($): Milk (ltr) 1231 3160 5899 3590 5400 5526 6025 4912 4952 171 -6/95 -8.9/91 -168/95 0.01/95 HB No: A/133002/F PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -109/52 -1/58 -16/59 -25/62 BW ($): -164/45 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -110/96 -7/98 -13/98 -92/98 LAKESIDE HIGH NOON VHC Breed: PA A16 PW($): -127/12 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 8 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -149/57 PW ($): -143/89 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.58 181 262 P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 21 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Owner : Paul & Maryann Symonds Birth Ident: FBBM-06-100 (507566) Breed : Birth Ident: FBBM-10-9 No. 4 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 30/07/2010 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -8/39 -1/42 -2/42 -32/46 11/49 -94/45 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -5.9/27 Total Long BV (days): 91/28 Somatic Cell BV: -0.70/39 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.50/25 Dairy Conformation: 0.22/40 D Avg 2648 3.42 D -0.02/47 Days 194 194 0 0 6 5 7 5 Due to Calve : 03/08/2013 Expected Calf 6 6 7 7 7 6 7 Bull : 512568 KITEROA BO PEPPERBRODY PW($): 16/7 LOT 22 Paul & Maryann Symonds Breed : No. 56 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -66/44 3/45 -3/45 84/48 15/53 -36/41 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -19.2/36 Total Long BV (days): -34/37 Somatic Cell BV: -0.35/43 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.62/35 Dairy Conformation: 0.53/48 1561 3.43 2012 B7-7 0.22/51 29/3 54 4.01 Days 125 63 Herd BW 16/47 LW -58 125 1 Lacts. PA A16 Traits other than production results : 0 0 0 5 4 7 5 Due to Calve : 04/09/2013 Expected Calf Bull 61574 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 7 6 7 6 7 11 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4285 3.53 151 -20/72 PW ($): 171/90 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.46 191 254 BROCKLEHILL HAPPY SPIRIT Birth Ident: MVV-85-230 (61419) Oseas HB No: 000000176592/GBR (61192) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -177/95 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3 -58/96 -8/97 -32/97 -135/98 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 1/94 -0.6/93 81/95 -0.51/97 KITEROA BONNY GAYE HB No: A/116397/F Breed: PA A16 EX3 BW ($): 12 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5782 14/65 PW ($): -88/22 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.30 248 294 COURTLEIGH NOBLE VICTORY HB No: A/33457/M Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -158/46 BROOKVIEW FAITHFULL LADY HB No: A/164332/F Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 2 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 1905 Internal Animal Key = 27/26 PW ($): -15/10 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.83 92 178 P001.50 28195451 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 ARDROSSAN H K EVANGALIST Oseas HB No: 000000139887/USA Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -267/38 5 6 7 7 Age 9 yr 1 m 8 yr 0 m 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 0 m 4 yr 10 m 4 yr 0 m 2 yr 2 m Avg 4130 3.64 Breed: 150 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 0 -25/83 -16/60 -9.2/43 59/49 -0.57/55 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.75 177 194 4.28 189 289 283 4.73 206 297 4.57 249 4.69 200 294 4.56 201 270 3.93 89 189 259 4.54 187 LW -178 -192 -90 -47 73 120 108 7 Lacts. (2007) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 6 5 8 5 7 6 7 7 BW ($): Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days VOLUNTEER PREFERRED PW ($): Milk (ltr) Age Traits other than production results : 0 ARDROSSAN R COM KATE TRYIT Oseas HB No: 000000923302/USA Breed : A A16 Milk A A16 BW ($): PW($): -93/11 AM ST MS OO 76/91 -31.2/89 -324/93 -0.07/95 Oseas HB No: 000000968232/USA EXC Protein (%) (kg) 3.34 125 3.58 158 3.78 165 3.76 205 3.84 164 3.65 161 3.29 75 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: MORROW PREFERRED LOU 4TH PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Milk (ltr) 3726 4421 4367 5453 4258 4416 2272 -245/94 5/96 -4/96 311/97 Protein (%) (kg) Milkfat (%) (kg) Days LW 8 5 6 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 7 8 Oseas HB No: 000000120363/USA Breed : A A16 S# D# BW ($): -174/7 MORROW R LOU Oseas HB No: 000000968231/USA Breed : A A16 S# D# BW ($) : NZAEL Birth Ident: FBBM-02-24 Breed: PA A16 -42/56 -8/59 -13/60 -166/62 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -91/93 17/95 12/95 532/96 59/93 -28.3/87 -120/90 -0.11/94 4.5 3.7 BROOKVIEW BVC IRISH Bull : 61574 ALPINE JACQUERIE BW($): -130/33 Mating Date 26/11/2012 3 Lacts. BW ($) : 258 KITEROA BONNY GAYESPIRIT Breed: G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): AM ST MS OO 4.51 218 171 CRAIGMYLE GRAND SECRET Birth Ident: BLXH-92-16 Breed : PA A16 EX6 Oseas HB No: 000000145520/USA (100854) Sex: FEMALE Classification: Avg 3.52 Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Birth Ident: FBBM-10-29 D 4842 LW 20 186 204 ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 6/08/2010 D Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.79 310 303 4.32 229 305 4.23 116 167 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values PLUM-BOTTOM TRIDENT'S LOT Milk Protein Milkfat (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) 1561 3.43 54 4.01 63 Protein (%) (kg) 3.61 234 3.48 184 3.41 94 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 BROOKVIEW LOTS IRISH Age 2 yr 1 m Milk (ltr) 6477 5292 2755 Oseas HB No: 000000145520/USA (100854) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -91/93 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Avg SCC at latest Lactation : 87/87 -23/59 -2.6/42 137/47 -0.71/57 99/82 Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Owner : NZAEL PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days PLUM-BOTTOM TRIDENT'S LOT PW ($): -8/59 Age 4 yr 9 m 2 yr 9 m 1 yr 11 m Protein (%) (kg) EXC and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds Vincent & Sheridan Steiner BW ($): Milk PA A16 BW ($): N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited Breeder : ALKU Oseas HB No: 000001089453/FIN Breed : PA A16 10/98 -5.6/98 -111/99 -0.16/99 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW -293 3.69 109 4.72 139 199 BROOKVIEW VICS LADY 109 -244 3.65 68 4.65 87 296 -113 3.84 143 4.88 182 HB No: A/176932/F VHC 64 3.81 162 4.44 189 277 Breed: PA A16 3.95 138 5.26 184 251 -4 57 3.94 137 4.85 168 280 T BW ($): -43/55 PW ($): -89/72 298 134 3.83 167 4.91 215 207 121 3.63 135 4.22 157 Milk Protein Milkfat 126 3.76 141 4.77 178 252 Age (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW Plus 3 unprinted lactations 18 yr 6 m 3569 3.11 111 4.55 162 235 78 Avg 3441 3.77 130 4.71 162 246 12 Lacts. 16 yr 11 m 2382 3.75 89 4.54 108 305 -70 15 yr 10 m 3090 3.53 109 4.36 135 305 -82 14 yr 11 m 3024 3.58 108 4.37 132 275 -19 Traits other than production results : (2007) 14 yr 0 m 2091 3.32 69 4.27 89 199 37 AM ST MS OO S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC Plus 10 unprinted lactations 0 0 0 0 5 4 7 5 6 7 6 6 6 5 6 6 7 Avg 3052 3.71 113 4.73 144 269 15 Lacts. 7 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation Breed: PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -6/59 -10/63 -19/64 -329/67 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: FBBM-03-106 Milk (ltr) 2956 1866 3736 4251 3493 3470 4374 3726 3735 Age 13 yr 0 m 12 yr 0 m 10 yr 11 m 10 yr 0 m 8 yr 11 m 7 yr 11 m 6 yr 11 m 5 yr 11 m 4 yr 11 m (2012) 5 BW($): 34/20 Mating Date 25/10/2012 Bull 512568 P001.50 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 50/99 17/99 14/99 655/99 BROOKVIEW SECRET LOT VHC Breed: PA A16 S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 33/67 12/71 18/72 412/75 28/68 -10.3/52 59/51 -0.70/69 4.7 3.7 Birth Ident: FBBM-99-22 1 Lacts. Traits other than production results : 0 G2 BROOKVIEW LADY SPIRIT Great opportunity given to us by Vince and Sheridan Steiner to develop two good cow families from Brookview. Her Blue Silver calf sells as Lot 83. AM ST MS OO PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Avg Herd BW 16/47 LW -150 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: 2012 B7-7 37/3 91 4.48 119 Breed: BROOKVIEW STITCH BROOKVIEW ITCHY LADY S Age 2 yr 0 m Oseas HB No: 000000038824/FIN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -120/75 Oseas HB No: 000000040198/FIN (61702) G3 Milk Protein Milkfat (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) 2648 3.42 91 4.48 119 NIEMEN VERNERI HIRVIVAINION JULLI REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Avg SCC at latest Lactation : 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Vincent & Sheridan Steiner 28195436 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree Milk Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days BROOKVIEW CASANOVA KINGSWAY CASANOVA ET Birth Ident: FBBM-95-16 (61626) Birth Ident: XQQ-88-30 (61381) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -70/99 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -66/99 -6/99 -3/99 -111/99 G3,G1 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -17/98 -11.6/99 -163/99 -0.35/99 BROOKVIEW IRISHMORE Birth Ident: FBBM-96-31 Breed: BW ($): 16 yr 15 yr 14 yr 13 yr 12 yr VHC PA A16 Age 0m 0m 0m 1m 0m Avg KITEROA MOVIE CHOC Birth Ident: MVV-93-12 Breed: PA A16 EX2 BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4349 3.52 153 -35/80 PW ($): 197/89 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.42 192 264 INGLECORNER MILKY BOY -9/63 PW ($): -124/82 Milk (ltr) 4057 4994 4526 3932 5416 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.23 131 3.70 150 173 -105 3.52 176 3.79 189 268 -175 3.33 151 3.58 162 267 -138 3.64 143 3.87 152 243 -68 3.42 185 3.75 203 290 -74 Plus 8 unprinted lactations 4258 3.44 147 3.67 156 254 13 Lacts. HB No: A/34092/M (61377) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 25/99 BROOKVIEW INGRIDS MORN Birth Ident: FBBM-87-6 Breed: PA A16 EXC BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4364 3.52 153 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -29/63 PW ($): 106/84 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.20 183 274 P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 23 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Breeder : Paul & Maryann Symonds BLACKADDAR ISLE MILKMAN WOODLAND VIEW PARDNER-ET Oseas HB No: 000000693744/CAN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -294/71 Oseas HB No: 000000811799/CAN (500545) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE G3 D LENICA SHOTGUN BELLE Birth Ident: JCPD-10-18 No. 9 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -55/39 0/41 -7/41 230/45 14/48 -27/44 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -7.1/28 Total Long BV (days): -1/28 Somatic Cell BV: -0.49/37 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.66/22 Dairy Conformation: 0.31/38 Age 2 yr 0 m Avg 2676 3.20 D -0.02/45 56/3 Milk Protein Milkfat (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) 2676 3.20 86 4.13 110 D 2012 B6-7 Days 172 86 4.13 110 Herd BW 16/47 LW 7 172 1 Lacts. Birth Ident: FBBM-08-149 (509563) PA A16 AM ST MS OO 0 0 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 5 4 7 5 Due to Calve : 02/09/2013 Expected Calf 7 6 7 6 6 5 6 7 Bull : 85105 LOCHSIDE AMOS BW($): -105/34 Mating Date 24/11/2012 3/11/2012 Bull 85105 503564 6 Age 9 yr 11 m 8 yr 11 m 8 yr 0 m 7 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m 3 yr 11 m 3 yr 0 m 1 yr 11 m D D D D Avg D VHC -65/83 8/38 -2.0/40 -98/44 -0.28/53 Protein (%) (kg) 3.11 85 3.31 172 3.20 176 3.08 150 3.09 164 3.38 164 3.33 152 3.33 124 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.52 96 121 275 T 3.97 206 262 3.40 187 2.84 139 208 3.27 173 273 3.67 178 273 272 3.93 179 276 4.21 157 4595 3.23 3.58 164 148 245 Traits other than production results : 0 0 LW 90 112 55 166 33 52 77 18 8 Lacts. (2005) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 5 4 7 5 6 7 6 6 7 5 6 6 LOT 24 PW ($): KITEROA BONNY BLUE SILVER 178/88 Milk (ltr) 912 6441 8160 7893 7026 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.17 29 3.67 33 109 171 3.68 237 3.75 242 292 242 3.50 285 4.16 339 290 442 3.39 268 4.17 329 285 556 3.45 243 3.69 259 303 283 Plus 5 unprinted lactations 5470 3.48 190 4.08 223 270 10 Lacts. Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -106/96 -6/97 -24/97 164/98 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -14/85 -6.6/93 -197/95 -0.44/97 MELLORA BESSIE Birth Ident: FMWT-96-54 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Breed : No. 238 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -82/49 -3/54 -10/55 9/58 11/30 206/79 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -6.7/35 Total Long BV (days): -53/41 Somatic Cell BV: -0.02/49 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.09/28 Dairy Conformation: 0.11/27 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : 84/4 Milk (ltr) 4155 4112 4503 4393 3975 3661 Milkfat (%) (kg) 4.63 192 4.55 187 4.26 192 4.19 184 4.53 180 4.81 176 Days 232 247 217 213 210 238 141 4.48 185 226 4133 3.42 0.06/29 LW 12 104 343 226 264 207 Herd BW 10/48 -2/48 39/48 33/45 86/44 79/46 6 Lacts. Classic dairyness from Alpine. Carry-over synchronised 21st October to AB. Followed by Jersey bull. Bull out 6th December 2012. Due to Calve : Expected Calf Bull 512568 61557 30/07/2013 Breed: Birth Ident: BLLX-89-6 (61574) Sex: FEMALE Classification: D Bull : 512568 KITEROA BO PEPPERBRODY BW($): -3/22 Mating Date 22/10/2012 26/10/2011 77/70 PW ($): 252/84 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.12 200 239 Birth Ident: FMWT-89-21 Breed: PA A16 -148/78 Milk (ltr) 3743 5072 4820 4368 4202 Avg BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4859 3.82 186 MELLORA BONNY GAYNELL PW ($): -93/49 Age 8 yr 0 m 6 yr 11 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 3 yr 10 m VALENDALE DALEE Birth Ident: FTB-87-28 Breed: PA A16 VHC Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.16 118 3.62 136 207 3.21 163 4.00 203 252 3.44 166 3.52 170 267 3.23 141 3.96 173 221 3.26 137 4.15 174 248 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 4307 3.30 142 3.90 168 242 LW -16 28 -30 -2 -28 6 Lacts. BW ($): -119/77 MELLORA STAR BESS Birth Ident: FMWT-91-1 Breed: PA A16 EX2 BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5094 3.40 173 -44/60 PW ($): 17/89 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.17 212 270 ALPINE JACQUERIE Birth Ident: JCPD-04-73 Avg -20/72 PW ($): 171/90 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.46 191 254 INGLECORNER PROGRESS P001.50 21565389 Internal Animal Key = 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 PANT BLUE LAGOON BROCKLEHILL HARVEST GOLD Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 6/09/2004 D BW ($) : 11 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4285 3.53 151 Birth Ident: BTVK-86-5 (61347) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -120/99 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 LENICA JACQUERIE CORDIA D CRAIGMYLE GRAND SECRET Birth Ident: BLXH-92-16 Breed : PA A16 EX6 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE D Birth Ident: MVV-95-40 (61671) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -54/97 Birth Ident: DVNJ-92-12 (61706) Oseas HB No: 000000172183/GBR (61156) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -207/90 Oseas HB No: 000000176593/GBR (61357) D PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days EX4 Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand D Protein (%) (kg) = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds Protein (%) (kg) 3.62 150 3.51 144 3.35 151 3.33 146 3.34 133 3.38 124 BW ($): Milk and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds Age 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 0 m 4 yr 11 m 4 yr 1 m 2 yr 11 m 2 yr 0 m WOODLAND VIEW PRUDENCE Oseas HB No: 000000734598/CAN Breed : PA A16 TE MATAI WHISKEY SEVEN 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited 75/94 -17.6/90 29/92 -0.59/96 G3,G1 19/70 Age 13 yr 0 m 11 yr 1 m 10 yr 0 m 8 yr 11 m 7 yr 0 m Milk (ltr) 2728 5191 5499 4885 5310 4852 4562 3734 AM ST MS OO PA A16 BW ($): PW($): -62/12 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation Breeder : Breed: G3 PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -84/52 -4/57 -18/58 146/61 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: FBBM-98-25 Avg Birth Ident: JCPD-00-49 G3,G1 -141/95 5/96 3/96 445/97 BROOKVIEW BLUE SECRECY NZAEL LENICA BESSIES GIRL 0 P001.50 -42/68 4/71 1/72 285/75 31/76 -13.3/54 117/54 -0.82/66 4.5 3.6 Breed: PA A16 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Traits other than production results : Breed: BROOKVIEW SHOTGUN Breed : Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 4/08/2010 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : 27779256 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Age 0m 1m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m D D D D D Avg D Breed: BW ($): 11 yr 10 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Milk (ltr) 3824 3369 4268 3893 3413 4490 3930 3927 3594 Protein (%) (kg) 3.31 127 3.12 105 3.22 137 3.30 128 3.30 113 3.33 150 3.26 128 3.28 129 3.21 115 3856 3.26 126 0 0 0 0 -67/83 3/31 -4.3/36 -33/43 -0.19/51 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 237 4.32 165 226 4.38 147 4.89 209 263 4.58 178 257 4.32 148 191 255 4.76 214 4.52 177 251 4.97 195 246 244 4.62 166 241 4.61 178 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO LW -161 -79 -78 -89 40 19 51 90 190 9 Lacts. (2005) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 6 5 7 5 6 6 6 6 2/83 -10.1/73 -449/80 -0.55/83 6 5 6 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 6 7 BW ($): Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days VHC LAMORNA GOOD LAD ET PW ($): -64/56 HB No: A/33632/M Breed : PA A16 212/82 Milk (ltr) 7289 7344 8014 7893 6561 Age 0m 0m 0m 1m 2m PANT BEVERLEY Oseas HB No: 000000097269/GBR Breed : PA A16 Milk PA A16 Avg -72/50 -6/56 -7/57 -41/60 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: HB No: A/178908/F VHC Breed: PA A16 -264/84 -21/87 -48/87 -421/88 ALPINE J'MEAU NZAEL Birth Ident: BLLX-01-16 PW($): -3/8 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation -193/90 -13/92 -35/93 -341/94 19/88 -10.2/80 -188/87 -0.17/91 4.3 3.7 ALPINE CHIRITTA 10 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: PA A16 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.72 271 5.32 388 294 3.74 275 5.08 373 284 3.66 293 5.05 405 288 3.76 297 5.03 397 269 3.74 246 4.72 310 243 Plus 4 unprinted lactations 6839 3.75 257 4.89 334 270 LW 351 BW ($): -97/38 ALPINE J'MIMA HB No: A/A588/F Breed : PA A16 BW ($) : 1 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 9 Lacts. 6104 -82/22 PW ($): -73/8 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.53 276 303 LAKESIDE MIGHTY MAN PIKKU-HANNUKSELAN EINARI Birth Ident: BQHX-99-2 (500569) Oseas HB No: 000000039494/FIN (61608) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -211/88 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G1 -108/85 -12/89 -16/89 -244/91 S Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -1/69 -5.7/73 -48/81 -0.15/86 ALPINE CORDIA Birth Ident: BLLX-98-8 Breed: VHC PA A16 BW ($): Age 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 0 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m Avg LAKESIDE MISTY MILK Birth Ident: BQHX-91-3 Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6012 3.88 233 -9/70 PW ($): 264/91 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.12 308 292 FERDON MJS GENERAL PW ($): -82/53 -110/91 Milk (ltr) 5376 4936 4758 4766 4075 Protein (%) (kg) 3.68 198 3.72 184 3.81 181 3.78 180 3.94 161 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.76 256 283 4.56 225 251 T 4.76 227 260 4.91 234 276 4.80 195 277 4782 3.78 4.76 227 181 269 LW -43 -96 36 161 187 5 Lacts. Birth Ident: CNKH-93-177 (61618) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -130/98 ALPINE CRYSTAL Birth Ident: BLLX-89-11 Breed: PA A16 HC BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5808 3.65 212 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -49/53 PW ($): 87/91 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.48 260 282 P001.50 LENICA SILVER VHC Dam of Lots 25 and 26. Descends from Lenoch Black Silver. P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 25 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Breeder : Paul & Maryann Symonds ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT PLUM-BOTTOM TRIDENT'S LOT Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -245/94 Oseas HB No: 000000145520/USA (100854) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE LENICA ALFIE SILVER Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-07-56 No. 60 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 22/08/2007 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -27/44 5/49 0/50 228/54 14/24 78/72 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -10.6/31 Total Long BV (days): 22/36 Somatic Cell BV: -0.06/47 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.27/22 Dairy Conformation: 0.09/24 Age 4 yr 11 m 3 yr 1 m 2 yr 1 m Avg Milk Protein (ltr) (%) (kg) 4052 3.36 136 3621 3.40 123 2772 3.43 95 D D D 3482 3.39 D 2012 V7-8 0.18/24 26/3 Milkfat (%) (kg) 4.04 164 4.36 158 4.49 124 Days 191 233 222 118 4.27 149 Herd BW 16/47 -2/48 39/48 LW 14 154 115 215 3 Lacts. One blind quarter. Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 0 0 6 5 8 4 Due to Calve : 13/08/2013 Expected Calf Bull 504534 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 Breed: KITEROA CREAM ALFIE ET Birth Ident: MVV-02-3 (505524) Avg SCC at latest Lactation : 7 6 8 7 7 5 6 7 8 PA A16 -39/91 17/94 8/94 434/95 39/86 -21.7/82 -73/85 0.37/93 4.5 3.8 Birth Ident: QHL-98-16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 10 yr 9 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 1m 0m 0m 1m 0m 0m 0m D D Avg D Breed: -97/82 -12/10 -0.2/27 69/33 -0.44/46 Milk (ltr) 2981 3655 4575 4621 5391 3990 2828 Protein (%) (kg) 3.27 97 3.09 113 3.18 145 3.15 146 3.27 176 3.29 131 3.11 88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 237 T 3.64 109 3.84 140 202 298 3.71 170 3.52 163 247 T 3.73 201 268 244 4.30 171 248 4.46 126 4006 3.20 3.85 154 249 LW -125 94 -78 0 87 90 -34 7 Lacts. PW($): 53/12 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 0 (2005) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 6 5 7 4 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 6 7 MORROW PREFERRED LOU 4TH Oseas HB No: 000000968232/USA Breed : A A16 BW ($): Milk PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Protein (%) (kg) VHC KITEROA BO PEPPERONI PW ($): 5/74 210/84 Milk (ltr) 7448 6770 6332 4750 5671 Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 2 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m VHC 128 59/93 -28.3/87 -120/90 -0.11/94 PA A16 BW ($): PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -56/43 -12/51 -15/52 -124/56 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-93-32 Avg Breed: PA A16 -91/93 17/95 12/95 532/96 KITEROA CREAM ABLIGE NZAEL LENICA SILVER G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: Bull : 504534 CARMELGLEN BRODY BW($): 56/36 Mating Date 4/11/2012 24135769 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.64 271 4.51 336 305 3.68 249 4.60 311 305 3.65 231 4.53 287 264 3.71 176 4.82 229 250 3.54 201 5.08 288 262 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 6221 3.64 226 4.65 289 279 LW 353 324 213 142 211 6 Lacts. HB No: A/33968/M (61248) Breed : PA A16 S BW ($): 11/99 KITEROA CREAM ABILITY Birth Ident: MVV-90-14 Breed : PA A16 VHC BW ($) : 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6312 3.48 220 -8/67 PW ($): 134/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.89 246 276 RIVERVALE HOWARD GLENHOPE BRIGHTEST Birth Ident: QHL-94-200 HB No: A/33915/M (61237) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -118/99 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -118/53 -11/58 -15/59 -226/62 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 4/33 -6.0/40 -94/46 -0.20/55 RIVERVALE PAMPAS SILVER Birth Ident: QHL-95-66 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 10 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr Age 0m 1m 0m 1m 0m Avg RIVERVALE KINDARRA Birth Ident: QHL-88-1 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3659 3.52 129 -56/49 PW ($): 203/70 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.83 177 224 RIVERVALE PAMPAS -8/37 PW ($): -35/80 Milk (ltr) 4197 3548 4589 2982 3612 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.42 144 4.88 205 287 T 57 3.41 121 5.29 188 258 -4 3.39 155 4.68 215 288 T 33 3.17 95 4.35 130 170 37 3.07 111 4.32 156 189 42 Plus 4 unprinted lactations 3553 3.28 117 4.63 165 235 9 Lacts. Birth Ident: QHL-86-12 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -65/16 RIVERVALE VAL SILVER Birth Ident: QHL-90-12 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Milk Protein (%) (kg) = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -15/16 PW ($): -77/6 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 26 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Breeder : Paul & Maryann Symonds KITEROA BONAPART KITEROA BO PEPPERONI HB No: A/30899/M (61171) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -74/97 HB No: A/33968/M (61248) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Birth Ident: MVV-95-23 (61665) LENICA PEPPER SILVER Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-02-43 No. 342 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 17/08/2002 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -34/51 -7/57 -19/57 -170/61 1/30 -171/82 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): 1.3/38 Total Long BV (days): 142/42 Somatic Cell BV: -0.18/52 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.07/25 Dairy Conformation: -0.03/28 40/3 Milk (ltr) 2530 3120 2770 3755 3488 3507 4233 3486 2934 Milkfat (%) (kg) 4.24 107 3.35 104 2.72 75 3.51 132 3.59 125 4.04 142 4.14 175 4.14 144 4.21 123 Age 10 yr 0 m 9 yr 1 m 8 yr 0 m 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 1 m 4 yr 11 m 4 yr 0 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m Avg D D D D D D Protein (%) (kg) 3.19 81 3.23 101 3.36 93 3.58 134 3.50 122 3.52 123 3.57 151 3.41 119 3.36 99 3314 3.43 D 0 0 0 2012 V6-7 Days 125 205 262 275 T 227 210 272 273 243 114 3.78 125 232 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0.15/30 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 -2/48 39/48 33/45 86/44 79/46 80/47 70/48 LW -67 -174 -328 -139 -103 31 -28 -47 -18 (2012) 7 6 7 5 Due to Calve : 11/08/2013 Expected Calf 7 6 6 5 6 4 6 7 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 10 yr 9 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 1m 0m 0m 1m 0m 0m 0m D D Avg D Protein (%) (kg) 3.27 97 3.09 113 3.18 145 3.15 146 3.27 176 3.29 131 3.11 88 4006 3.20 -97/82 -12/10 -0.2/27 69/33 -0.44/46 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 237 T 3.64 109 202 3.84 140 3.71 170 298 247 T 3.52 163 268 3.73 201 244 4.30 171 4.46 126 248 128 249 3.85 154 LW -125 94 -78 0 87 90 -34 7 Lacts. Traits other than production results : Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 (2005) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 6 5 7 4 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 27 258/88 Milk (ltr) 6862 7938 7835 7198 8014 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.53 242 3.86 265 261 3.55 282 4.62 367 295 3.77 296 4.43 347 296 3.60 259 4.20 302 280 3.69 296 4.07 326 291 Plus 3 unprinted lactations 7071 3.62 256 4.18 296 274 LW 282 336 276 174 GLENHOPE BRIGHTEST Birth Ident: QHL-94-200 HB No: A/33915/M (61237) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -118/99 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -118/53 -11/58 -15/59 -226/62 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 4/33 -6.0/40 -94/46 -0.20/55 RIVERVALE PAMPAS SILVER Birth Ident: QHL-95-66 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 10 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr -35/80 Milk (ltr) 4197 3548 4589 2982 3612 Age 0m 1m 0m 1m 0m Avg Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.42 144 4.88 205 287 T 57 3.41 121 5.29 188 258 -4 3.39 155 4.68 215 288 T 33 3.17 95 4.35 130 170 37 3.07 111 4.32 156 189 42 Plus 4 unprinted lactations 3553 3.28 117 4.63 165 235 9 Lacts. Birth Ident: BYBM-92-53 (61606) Breed : No. 146 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -63/73 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -3.8/28 Total Long BV (days): -46/30 Somatic Cell BV: -0.32/46 55/3 Milk (ltr) 3350 4494 4354 4587 4702 3143 Milkfat (%) (kg) 3.56 119 3.94 177 3.98 173 3.99 183 3.97 187 3.95 124 Days 151 233 262 275 281 208 138 3.91 161 235 Avg D 4105 3.37 D 2012 V7-8 -0.07/26 Dairy Conformation: -0.14/26 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : D 0.22/26 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 -2/48 39/48 33/45 86/44 LW 76 -6 70 18 29 45 6 Lacts. This cow is close to EXC and one of our favourites. Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 0 0 6 5 8 5 Due to Calve : 25/08/2013 Expected Calf Bull 61574 505524 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 Breed: TARARUA KNIGHTS STAR ET Birth Ident: JCPD-04-37 D 7 6 7 7 7 5 6 7 8 Bull : 61574 ALPINE JACQUERIE BW($): -142/34 Mating Date 16/11/2012 24/10/2012 BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3659 3.52 129 -56/49 PW ($): 203/70 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.83 177 224 Birth Ident: QHL-86-12 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -65/16 RIVERVALE VAL SILVER Birth Ident: QHL-90-12 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Milk Protein (%) (kg) -15/16 PW ($): -77/6 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Internal Animal Key = P001.50 21187235 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 SELWOOD BETTY'S COMMANDER MEREDITH STAR BRIGHT Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 8/08/2004 D RIVERVALE KINDARRA Birth Ident: QHL-88-1 Breed: PA A16 RIVERVALE PAMPAS PW ($): -8/37 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 LENICA STAR SEMENE D -122/54 PW ($): -28/81 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.98 204 270 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE D KITEROA BO PEPPERWELL HB No: A/174015/F Breed : PA A16 VHC RIVERVALE HOWARD Oseas HB No: 000000393145/CAN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -318/60 Oseas HB No: 000000134197/USA (61168) Age 8 yr 1 m 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 0 m 3 yr 0 m HB No: A/34515/M (61483) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -28/92 BW ($) : 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7 Lacts. 5120 3.54 183 Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Protein (%) (kg) 3.48 116 3.39 152 3.35 146 3.32 152 3.40 160 3.28 103 PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.01 257 277 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6414 KITEROA BONNY NATIONAL PW ($): and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds -92/45 -8/52 -22/52 -76/56 4/26 KITEROA BO PEPPY HB No: A/127673/F Breed : PA A16 EXC EX2 -5/73 Age 7 yr 11 m 6 yr 11 m 5 yr 11 m 4 yr 11 m 4 yr 0 m PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Milk (ltr) 2981 3655 4575 4621 5391 3990 2828 11/99 1.4/98 412/99 0.28/99 PA A16 BW ($): PW($): 10/13 0 Breeder : Breed: Avg -56/43 -12/51 -15/52 -124/56 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-90-40 VHC Breed: PA A16 11/99 -3/99 -11/99 -24/99 S KITEROA BO PEPPER NASH NZAEL Birth Ident: QHL-98-16 AM ST MS OO P001.50 -4/97 0/98 -19/98 -18/98 19/94 1.0/93 172/96 -0.33/97 4.4 3.7 G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G1 LENICA SILVER Bull : 504534 CARMELGLEN BRODY BW($): 53/37 Mating Date 2/11/2012 Bull 504534 5 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: 9 Lacts. S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 Breed: KITEROA BO PEPPERNIKE Avg SCC at latest Lactation : 19433829 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree PA A16 G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: LENICA LADY SEMENE Birth Ident: QHL-96-46 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Age 7 yr 10 m 6 yr 11 m 5 yr 10 m 4 yr 10 m 3 yr 10 m 2 yr 10 m Avg -75/37 -13/47 -22/48 -246/53 -146/99 -7/99 -30/99 -64/99 20/96 -5.7/97 -94/98 0.05/99 4.1 3.6 -190/96 -8/98 -21/98 68/98 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 1/95 -21.9/92 -126/96 0.24/95 TAONUI LADY KNIGHT ET Breed: NZAEL PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Protein (%) (kg) 3.67 158 3.47 136 3.65 153 3.49 130 3.50 121 3.43 122 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 303 4.53 195 252 4.16 163 4.21 176 276 4.26 159 249 248 4.44 154 258 4.39 156 3854 3.54 4.33 167 264 -176/76 -13/9 -1.8/14 13/17 -0.43/38 LW -4 -44 -40 -33 -43 14 6 Lacts. 75/83 Milk (ltr) 9240 7242 6315 5891 5397 Avg Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.79 351 4.94 456 305 3.75 272 5.42 393 282 4.03 255 4.83 305 278 3.84 226 4.33 255 286 3.85 208 4.78 258 302 Plus 8 unprinted lactations 6137 3.86 250 4.83 296 290 LW 7 Lacts. PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days HB No: A/29285/M (61103) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -48/93 INGLEDALE WHITE LADY HB No: A/112993/F Breed : PA A16 EX4 BW ($) : 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5423 PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.13 224 258 RIVERVALE HOWARD GLENHOPE BRIGHTEST Birth Ident: QHL-94-200 HB No: A/33915/M (61237) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -118/99 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -118/53 -11/58 -15/59 -226/62 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 4/33 -6.0/40 -94/46 -0.20/55 RIVERVALE LADY SEMENE Birth Ident: QHL-89-12 Breed: BW ($): Age PA A16 RIVERVALE KINDARRA Birth Ident: QHL-88-1 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3659 3.52 129 -56/49 PW ($): 203/70 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.83 177 224 LENOCH VALRAY -31/15 Milk (ltr) Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): HB No: A/31466/M Breed: PA A16 -89/6 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days BW ($): -5/23 LW LENOCH BLACK SILVER HB No: A/136124/F Breed: PA A16 PW($): -140/12 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation Protein (%) (kg) GLENMORE KNIGHTHOOD PW ($): -93/84 Age 7 yr 10 m 6 yr 11 m 5 yr 11 m 4 yr 10 m 3 yr 10 m BW ($): EX2 PA A16 BW ($): MEREDITH GREEN LILA Oseas HB No: 000000716933/USA Breed : PA A16 Milk HB No: A/173401/F Milk (ltr) 4293 3906 4176 3729 3468 3552 137 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): BW ($): 5 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4020 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -56/16 PW ($): -98/6 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.53 222 255 P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 28 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Breeder : Paul & Maryann Symonds ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT PLUM-BOTTOM TRIDENT'S LOT Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -245/94 Oseas HB No: 000000145520/USA (100854) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE LENICA ALI SILVER Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-10-66 No. 143 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 28/08/2010 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -77/46 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -4.8/34 Total Long BV (days): 56/35 Somatic Cell BV: -0.29/43 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: Avg 2764 3.37 D 0.25/46 23/3 Milk Protein Milkfat (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) 2764 3.37 93 4.15 115 D 2012 B6-7 0.31/26 Dairy Conformation: 0.16/40 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Age 1 yr 11 m Days 190 93 4.15 115 Herd BW 16/47 LW -50 190 1 Lacts. PA A16 Traits other than production results : 0 0 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 5 4 7 5 Due to Calve : 02/08/2013 Expected Calf 6 6 7 6 6 5 6 7 Bull : 512568 KITEROA BO PEPPERBRODY BW($): 5/21 Mating Date 24/10/2012 Bull 512568 7 LENICA PEPPER SILVER Birth Ident: JCPD-02-43 Age 10 yr 0 m 9 yr 1 m 8 yr 0 m 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 1 m 4 yr 11 m 4 yr 0 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m Milk (ltr) 2530 3120 2770 3755 3488 3507 4233 3486 2934 D D D D D D 0 0 0 -171/82 1/30 1.3/38 142/42 -0.18/52 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.24 107 125 205 3.35 104 262 2.72 75 3.51 132 275 T 3.59 125 227 4.04 142 210 272 4.14 175 273 4.14 144 4.21 123 243 LW -67 -174 -328 -139 -103 31 -28 -47 -18 7 6 7 5 7 6 6 5 6 4 5 6 7 LOT 29 210/84 LW 353 324 213 142 211 KITEROA BO PEPPERONI HB No: A/33968/M (61248) Breed: PA A16 S BW ($): 11/99 Breed: G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -4/97 0/98 -19/98 -18/98 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 19/94 1.0/93 172/96 -0.33/97 LENICA SILVER Birth Ident: QHL-98-16 Breed: VHC PA A16 BW ($): Age 1m 0m 0m 1m 0m D D D -97/82 Milk (ltr) 2981 3655 4575 4621 5391 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.27 97 3.64 109 237 T -125 3.09 113 3.84 140 202 94 3.18 145 3.71 170 298 -78 3.15 146 3.52 163 247 T 0 3.27 176 3.73 201 268 87 Plus 2 unprinted lactations 4006 3.20 128 3.85 154 249 7 Lacts. Birth Ident: FBBM-08-149 (509563) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-10-26 No. 145 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -87/38 -2/41 -13/41 35/45 44/49 -242/44 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -8.5/27 Total Long BV (days): 102/28 Somatic Cell BV: -0.71/37 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.41/25 Dairy Conformation: 0.45/40 2012 B7-7 0.24/47 22/3 Days 167 72 Herd BW 16/47 LW -390 167 1 Lacts. PA A16 Traits other than production results : 0 0 0 7 6 8 6 Due to Calve : 24/08/2013 Expected Calf Bull 61574 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 7 5 7 6 7 5 6 7 7 -42/68 4/71 1/72 285/75 31/76 -13.3/54 117/54 -0.82/66 4.5 3.6 -8/37 PW ($): -35/80 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.63 165 235 P001.50 27779262 BLACKADDAR ISLE MILKMAN Oseas HB No: 000000693744/CAN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -294/71 Birth Ident: JCPD-03-56 Age 8 yr 0 m 6 yr 11 m 4 yr 11 m 4 yr 0 m 3 yr 0 m 1 yr 11 m D D D D Avg D Breed: Protein (%) (kg) 3.34 159 3.30 178 3.21 115 3.18 122 3.31 160 3.29 112 4300 3.28 141 -2/81 31/50 -2.3/37 83/41 -0.49/52 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.10 195 228 3.70 199 262 143 T 3.29 118 193 3.50 134 3.93 190 260 4.36 149 278 227 3.82 164 Traits other than production results : 7 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 8 7 7 LW 73 162 25 110 163 33 6 Lacts. (2005) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 6 5 8 5 7 6 6 6 75/94 -17.6/90 29/92 -0.59/96 6 5 6 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 6 8 WOODLAND VIEW PRUDENCE Oseas HB No: 000000734598/CAN Breed : PA A16 BW ($): Milk PW ($): Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days EX4 G3,G1 19/70 KITEROA BONNY BLUE SILVER 178/88 Milk (ltr) 912 6441 8160 7893 7026 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.17 29 3.67 33 109 171 3.68 237 3.75 242 292 242 3.50 285 4.16 339 290 442 3.39 268 4.17 329 285 556 3.45 243 3.69 259 303 283 Plus 5 unprinted lactations 5470 3.48 190 4.08 223 270 10 Lacts. Age 13 yr 0 m 11 yr 1 m 10 yr 0 m 8 yr 11 m 7 yr 0 m PW($): -142/11 AM ST MS OO PA A16 BW ($): B Milk (ltr) 4762 5381 3588 3828 4830 3412 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: FBBM-98-25 PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -57/52 -1/56 -15/56 121/60 -141/95 5/96 3/96 445/97 BROOKVIEW BLUE SECRECY Avg Breed: PA A16 G3,G1 PA A16 NZAEL LENICA PEPPER HOPE Bull : 61574 ALPINE JACQUERIE BW($): -141/32 Mating Date 15/11/2012 BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3553 3.28 117 Internal Animal Key = BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): AM ST MS OO BW ($): -118/53 RIVERVALE PAMPAS SILVER Birth Ident: QHL-95-66 Breed: PA A16 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Breed: BROOKVIEW SHOTGUN 70 3.61 Birth Ident: QHL-94-200 Breed: PA A16 WOODLAND VIEW PARDNER-ET Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 6/08/2010 1998 3.48 -5/73 PW ($): 258/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.18 296 274 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 LENICA SHOTGUN HOPE D BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7071 3.62 256 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE D KITEROA BO PEPPER NASH Birth Ident: MVV-90-40 Breed: PA A16 EX2 RIVERVALE HOWARD PW ($): -56/43 Oseas HB No: 000000811799/CAN (500545) Avg -8/67 PW ($): 134/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.89 246 276 Birth Ident: MVV-95-23 (61665) Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Age 2 yr 0 m KITEROA CREAM ABILITY Birth Ident: MVV-90-14 Breed : PA A16 VHC KITEROA BO PEPPERNIKE Avg Paul & Maryann Symonds Milk Protein Milkfat (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) 1998 3.48 70 3.61 72 PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days HB No: A/33968/M (61248) Breed : PA A16 S BW ($): 11/99 BW ($) : 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6 Lacts. 6312 3.48 220 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Protein (%) (kg) KITEROA BO PEPPERONI PW ($): Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.64 271 4.51 336 305 3.68 249 4.60 311 305 3.65 231 4.53 287 264 3.71 176 4.82 229 250 3.54 201 5.08 288 262 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 6221 3.64 226 4.65 289 279 Avg BW ($): VHC Milk (ltr) 7448 6770 6332 4750 5671 NZAEL MORROW PREFERRED LOU 4TH Oseas HB No: 000000968232/USA Breed : A A16 Milk 5/74 Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 2 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 59/93 -28.3/87 -120/90 -0.11/94 PA A16 BW ($): N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited Breeder : Breed: 10 yr 232 9 Lacts. 9 yr Avg D 3314 3.43 114 3.78 125 6 yr 5 yr Traits other than production results : (2012) 4 yr AM ST MS OO P001.50 Protein (%) (kg) 3.19 81 3.23 101 3.36 93 3.58 134 3.50 122 3.52 123 3.57 151 3.41 119 3.36 99 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-93-32 PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -34/51 -7/57 -19/57 -170/61 -91/93 17/95 12/95 532/96 KITEROA CREAM ABLIGE V6-7 Breed: PA A16 PW($): -15/7 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation -121/92 -7/94 -17/94 -423/95 33/87 -11.2/84 -26/87 -0.25/93 4.9 3.9 G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): AM ST MS OO Breed: KITEROA CREAM ALI ET Birth Ident: MVV-02-39 (503564) -69/43 -7/45 -18/45 -266/48 11/48 27993909 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree Birth Ident: MVV-95-40 (61671) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -54/97 CRAIGMYLE GRAND SECRET Birth Ident: BLXH-92-16 Breed : PA A16 EX6 BW ($) : 11 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4285 3.53 151 -20/72 PW ($): 171/90 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.46 191 254 KITEROA BO PEPPERNIKE KITEROA BO PEPPERONI Birth Ident: MVV-95-23 (61665) HB No: A/33968/M (61248) Breed: PA A16 S BW ($): 11/99 Breed: G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -4/97 0/98 -19/98 -18/98 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 19/94 1.0/93 172/96 -0.33/97 LENICA GOLDEN HOPE Birth Ident: QHL-96-48 Breed: VHC PA A16 BW ($): Age 13 yr 11 m 12 yr 10 m 11 yr 10 m 9 yr 10 m 9 yr 0 m Avg D D D BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7071 3.62 256 -5/73 PW ($): 258/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.18 296 274 RIVERVALE HOWARD -130/42 D KITEROA BO PEPPER NASH Birth Ident: MVV-90-40 Breed: PA A16 EX2 PW ($): -100/77 Milk (ltr) 2035 3468 4490 4358 3679 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.31 67 3.69 75 118 -120 3.48 121 3.46 120 207 13 3.35 151 3.69 166 271 10 3.50 152 3.93 171 274 23 3.35 123 4.50 165 225 42 Plus 6 unprinted lactations 3977 3.43 137 4.19 167 238 11 Lacts. Birth Ident: QHL-94-200 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -118/53 RIVERVALE GOLDEN CARESS Birth Ident: QHL-91-100 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 2 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3186 3.46 110 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -115/31 PW ($): -122/67 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.01 128 227 P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 30 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Craig Rapley Owner : Paul & Maryann Symonds Birth Ident: BLXH-91-37 (500600) Breed : Birth Ident: DVLD-04-68 No. 168 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 13/09/2004 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -179/46 -4/52 -21/52 96/56 28/31 -33/73 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -12.5/32 Total Long BV (days): -307/34 Somatic Cell BV: -0.34/47 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: -0.08/29 Dairy Conformation: 0.24/30 26/3 Milkfat (%) (kg) 3.03 116 2.71 133 2.74 120 3.49 170 3.34 197 3.59 112 Avg D D D D D D Protein (%) (kg) 3.22 123 3.21 157 3.27 144 3.21 156 3.29 194 3.39 105 4497 3.26 D 2012 E8-9 0.20/30 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 -2/48 39/48 33/45 86/44 Days LW 188 -164 249 -152 247 -49 243 10 278 T 83 204 30 147 3.14 141 235 6 Lacts. Only empty cow for sale, stunning frame and stature. Would have been a show cow if I had trained her when young. Excellent breeding from Craig Rapley. Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 0 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 8 7 9 4 8 6 7 8 Due to Calve : 8 5 5 8 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: 8 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 0m 1m 1m 3m 2m 1m Protein (%) (kg) 3.50 206 3.29 161 3.32 172 3.43 150 3.40 133 3.29 102 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 305 3.98 235 201 3.47 170 240 4.07 210 4.11 181 203 4.94 193 246 265 4.19 130 4561 3.38 4.09 186 0 LOT 31 0 7 5 7 5 Wally & Zane Kite Owner : Paul & Maryann Symonds 7 -245/94 5/96 -4/96 311/97 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 76/91 -31.2/89 -324/93 -0.07/95 GOLDSTREAM AMOS MARISE ARDROSSAN R COM KATE TRYIT Oseas HB No: 000000923302/USA Breed: A A16 BW ($): Milk Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Birth Ident: DVLD-94-25 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): LOCHSIDE AMOS PW ($): -168/55 Age 6 yr 0 m 3 yr 11 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m Avg -124/80 Milk (ltr) 3537 4912 4495 3560 Protein (%) (kg) 3.12 110 3.38 166 3.48 157 3.59 128 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.54 161 167 4.26 209 278 4.52 203 262 4.49 160 267 4126 3.40 4.44 183 140 LW -82 71 79 -29 HB No: A/34550/M (85105) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -155/99 GOLDSTREAM MARISE Birth Ident: GBN-85-39 Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 4 Lacts. 13 Lacts. Protein 244 Milk 6012 (%) (kg) 3.30 198 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree Breed : No. 58 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -42/33 -1/37 -12/37 61/42 9/26 -68/41 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -5.2/23 Total Long BV (days): 30/24 Somatic Cell BV: -0.42/35 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.34/20 Dairy Conformation: 0.18/22 0.28/25 24/3 90 3.61 105 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Breed: Birth Ident: MVV-07-1 Milk Protein Milkfat (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) 2908 3.10 90 3.61 105 Breed: 6 KITEROA CREAM PRINCE ET Sex: FEMALE Classification: Days 205 205 LW -38 Herd BW 10/48 1 Lacts. Straight from Kiteroa, same family as Easter Boney EXC. One of the great cows of the breed. Carry-over. Run with Angus bull 10th October 2012 to 1st January 2013. PA A16 -143/61 PW ($): 56/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.93 236 274 P001.50 26246431 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 CRAIGMYLE BLUE MASTER HB No: A/33498/M (61205) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -116/94 Bull : -56/56 2/59 -3/60 128/63 23/56 -6.3/44 -51/46 -0.15/57 4.6 3.7 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Breed: 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 0m 1m 0m 0m 14 yr 13 yr 12 yr 11 yr 10 yr Protein (%) (kg) 3.49 192 3.58 208 3.46 198 3.58 168 5430 3.52 191 -86/89 -5/48 -2.0/34 160/35 -0.46/47 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 212 4.19 231 258 4.05 235 4.31 247 282 305 4.13 194 264 4.17 226 LW -78 33 -19 -22 4 Lacts. EMPTY PW($): Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 0 (2010) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 6 5 8 4 7 7 6 7 6 5 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 6 8 BW ($): 11 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7191 3.75 270 -23/79 PW ($): 362/90 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.56 328 296 KITEROA BONNY BLUE SILVER PW ($): -21/89 Milk (ltr) 5130 3933 5910 5709 5118 Age 1m 2m 0m 0m 0m CRAIGMYLE REGAL SECRECY Birth Ident: BLXH-90-58 Breed : PA A16 EX5 VHC 8/68 Avg V6-8 Milk (ltr) 5507 5799 5725 4690 36/96 -6.8/95 -276/96 -0.56/98 PA A16 BW ($): PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -13/47 -5/50 -15/52 -40/55 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-97-38 NZAEL Birth Ident: MVV-07-20 -102/97 4/98 -12/98 293/98 KITEROA CREAM PARADE KITEROA EASTER BOBBITO Breed: PA A16 G2,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: Avg Bull 6 -21/43 PW ($): -44/15 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.18 194 261 ARDROSSAN H K EVANGALIST Birth Ident: WGR-96-6 (500599) Birth Ident: MVV-09-11 BW($): Mating Date & (2001) 5 BW ($) : 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3741 3.86 139 Oseas HB No: 000000139887/USA Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -267/38 GOLDWYN FOLLY SULTAN Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 12/07/2009 Expected Calf 7 BW ($): -178/42 PITTENCRIEFF ZEBBIE HB No: A/132961/F Breed : PA A16 VHC Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 KITEROA EASTER BANBINO Due to Calve : 7 7 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.55 348 6.04 591 300 340 3.56 313 3.69 325 305 210 3.39 191 4.22 238 272 3.42 196 4.31 246 287 3.59 170 4.21 199 266 Plus 9 unprinted lactations 5693 3.56 207 4.49 256 271 11 Lacts. HB No: A/31916/M Breed : PA A16 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE 2908 3.10 6 6 -89/67 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. New Zealand Breeder : D 6 Lacts. -96/60 PW ($): -108/20 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.26 243 273 ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 Paul & Maryann Symonds D LW -36 37 16 79 90 -46 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited Avg 243 Traits other than production results : Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation Age 2 yr 2 m -120/84 41/32 -23.8/40 -314/43 -0.28/52 BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4614 3.65 153 CRAIGMYLE KING HENRY PW ($): Milk (ltr) 9792 8805 5641 5717 4729 Avg NGAKIWI MISS BOQUET HB No: A/131476/F Breed : PA A16 VHC EX3 6/67 Age 14 yr 11 m 13 yr 0 m 12 yr 0 m 11 yr 0 m 10 yr 0 m Milk (ltr) 5893 4902 5177 4388 3899 3110 154 5/91 6.4/88 -189/92 -0.07/93 PA A16 BW ($): PW($): 0 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Breed: PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -208/51 0/56 -15/57 252/60 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: HB No: A/160996/F VHC Breed: PA A16 -116/94 -16/95 -19/96 -475/96 CRAIGMYLE DEBBIE NZAEL Birth Ident: DVLD-98-11 AM ST MS OO P001.50 -177/94 -15/96 -25/96 -335/96 16/90 -1.2/88 -300/92 -0.33/95 4.5 3.7 GOLDSTREAM TRIDENT MARISE BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G2,G1 EMPTY BW($): Mating Date & Bull 9 PA A16 Avg Bull : Expected Calf Breed: CRAIGMYLE DEBONAIR Milk (ltr) 3819 4895 4395 4874 5889 3109 Oseas HB No: 000000172183/GBR (61156) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -207/90 HB No: A/33498/M (61205) GOLDSTREAM DEB MARISE Age 7 yr 10 m 6 yr 11 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m 3 yr 11 m 2 yr 11 m PANT BLUE LAGOON CRAIGMYLE BLUE MASTER REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Avg SCC at latest Lactation : 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Breeder : 21676072 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.78 194 4.44 228 251 -86 3.52 138 4.31 170 219 -223 3.66 216 4.45 263 299 -63 3.77 215 4.84 276 288 -2 3.60 184 4.42 226 234 206 Plus 7 unprinted lactations 5041 3.75 189 4.49 226 267 12 Lacts. Birth Ident: MVV-95-40 (61671) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -54/97 KITEROA CREAM PANACHE Birth Ident: MVV-93-55 Breed : PA A16 VHC BW ($) : 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6084 3.55 216 67/60 PW ($): 67/83 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.04 246 284 KITEROA BONNY BLUE VITO KITEROA BO PEPPERNITRO Birth Ident: MVV-05-24 (511560) Birth Ident: MVV-97-3 (61756) Breed: PA A16 S BW ($): -1/96 Breed: G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 5/70 -5/75 -23/76 -27/79 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -13/58 1.3/57 212/57 -0.24/73 KITEROA EASTER BOBBIJO Birth Ident: MVV-05-12 Breed: BW ($): 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 3 yr 2 yr VHC PA A16 Age 0m 1m 0m 2m 0m Avg KITEROA BONNY BLUEVIEW ET Birth Ident: MVV-98-11 Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 12 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6128 3.70 227 24/67 PW ($): 83/89 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.92 240 287 KITEROA BONNY GOVERNOR PW ($): -21/54 15/85 Milk (ltr) 4541 5640 6621 6508 4019 Protein (%) (kg) 3.54 161 3.65 206 3.55 235 3.59 233 3.60 145 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.28 194 191 4.54 256 253 4.78 316 305 4.57 298 305 4.67 188 257 5466 3.58 4.58 250 196 262 LW -177 -41 -60 208 178 5 Lacts. Birth Ident: MVV-93-20 (61557) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 3/99 KITEROA EASTER BARDOT Birth Ident: MVV-02-52 Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5690 3.38 192 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -30/58 PW ($): -63/89 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.84 218 275 P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 32 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Paul & Maryann Symonds ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT PLUM-BOTTOM TRIDENT'S LOT Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -245/94 Oseas HB No: 000000145520/USA (100854) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE LENICA ALI KARINDA Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-10-41 No. 53 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 13/08/2010 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -151/44 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -6.7/35 Total Long BV (days): -77/36 Somatic Cell BV: -0.11/42 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: Avg 1900 3.58 D 0.25/47 120/3 Milk Protein Milkfat (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) 1900 3.58 68 4.54 86 D 2012 B6-7 0.51/28 Dairy Conformation: 0.08/42 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Age 2 yr 0 m 68 4.54 Days 157 86 Herd BW 16/47 LW -198 157 1 Lacts. PA A16 Traits other than production results : 0 0 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 6 5 7 5 Due to Calve : 15/09/2013 Expected Calf 7 6 6 6 5 5 Breed: PA A16 6 7 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 0m 0m 0m 1m 2m 1m D D D D D D Avg D -47/51 0/55 -11/55 79/58 Breed: Milk (ltr) 1042 2291 3656 4115 3615 2026 Protein (%) (kg) 3.41 36 3.43 79 3.39 124 3.38 139 3.26 118 3.33 67 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 2.71 28 48 102 3.20 73 262 3.34 122 3.47 143 253 2.98 108 213 168 3.98 81 3141 3.36 3.35 105 200 -57/78 6/36 -3.4/42 -83/44 -0.18/51 LW -155 -75 -82 -10 63 60 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 33 210/84 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.64 271 4.51 336 305 3.68 249 4.60 311 305 3.65 231 4.53 287 264 3.71 176 4.82 229 250 3.54 201 5.08 288 262 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 6221 3.64 226 4.65 289 279 LW 353 324 213 142 211 NIEMEN VERNERI Oseas HB No: 000000038824/FIN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -120/75 Breed: G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 50/99 17/99 14/99 655/99 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 10/98 -5.6/98 -111/99 -0.16/99 RIVERVALE KANDINA Breed: PA A16 BW ($): GLENHOPE BRIGHTEST PW ($): -132/52 Age 0m 0m 0m 0m 1m D D -284/83 Milk (ltr) 1766 2870 2894 3165 3650 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.58 63 5.99 106 132 3.58 103 4.26 122 221 3.58 104 4.43 128 278 3.51 111 4.09 129 253 3.47 127 4.26 156 252 Plus 3 unprinted lactations 2813 3.52 99 4.39 123 226 LW -56 -244 -173 -155 -80 8 Lacts. Breed : No. 203 161/60 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -5.4/36 Total Long BV (days): 34/36 Somatic Cell BV: -0.33/48 D 2012 V7-6 0.33/28 Dairy Conformation: 0.29/29 4007 3.69 0.30/29 29/3 Days 190 270 148 5.22 209 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 LW 232 237 230 2 Lacts. PA A16 Traits other than production results : 0 0 0 6 5 7 5 Due to Calve : 13/08/2013 Expected Calf Bull 504534 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 7 6 7 6 7 5 6 7 6 -121/92 -7/94 -17/94 -423/95 33/87 -11.2/84 -26/87 -0.25/93 4.9 3.9 BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3659 3.52 129 -56/49 PW ($): 203/70 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.83 177 224 P001.50 26999532 ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -245/94 Avg D D D D D D Breed: 59/93 -28.3/87 -120/90 -0.11/94 210/84 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.64 271 4.51 336 305 3.68 249 4.60 311 305 3.65 231 4.53 287 264 3.71 176 4.82 229 250 3.54 201 5.08 288 262 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 6221 3.64 226 4.65 289 279 NZAEL 5/50 -3/55 3/55 -141/58 Milk (ltr) 4746 3908 3868 3957 2725 Protein (%) (kg) 3.54 168 3.58 140 3.90 151 3.71 147 3.21 87 3841 3.61 138 PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.44 211 253 5.10 199 238 6.08 235 275 285 4.63 183 4.55 124 196 4.96 190 249 58/78 2/32 -1.3/42 23/44 -0.45/52 LW 11 94 178 49 161 5 Lacts. PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): LW 353 324 213 142 211 6 Lacts. Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 30/92 -7.5/97 -40/98 -0.41/99 Birth Ident: JCPD-00-20 AJ A8J8 BW ($): 12 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr Age 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m Avg N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test G3,G1 -29/98 8/99 -3/99 295/99 D D D D KITEROA CREAM ABILITY Birth Ident: MVV-90-14 Breed : PA A16 VHC BW ($) : 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6312 3.48 220 -8/67 PW ($): 134/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.89 246 276 SANROSA IRISH LAUREEN Birth Ident: BNNL-95-93 Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 3 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6171 3.94 243 S 9/59 PW ($): 206/78 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.50 278 279 KITEROA BONNY GOVERNOR -34/54 D HB No: A/33968/M (61248) Breed : PA A16 S BW ($): 11/99 KUUSIJOEN ETRONI DAM: Breed: PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Oseas HB No: 000000039534/FIN (61753) Breed: PA A16 D S BW ($): -121/96 Birth Ident: BNNL-99-93 (500538) Breed: Protein (%) (kg) KITEROA BO PEPPERONI PW ($): Milk (ltr) 7448 6770 6332 4750 5671 Avg BW ($): VHC 5/74 Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 2 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m MORROW PREFERRED LOU 4TH Oseas HB No: 000000968232/USA Breed : A A16 Milk PA A16 BW ($): PW($): 52/12 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: SANROSA IRISH LIMERICK Breed: SA A12J4 Age 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 1 m 4 yr 0 m 2 yr 11 m 2 yr 0 m -91/93 17/95 12/95 532/96 Birth Ident: MVV-93-32 LENICA LIMERICK DAISY S1A Birth Ident: JCPD-05-44 G3,G1 PA A16 KITEROA CREAM ABLIGE Bull : 504534 CARMELGLEN BRODY BW($): 61/36 Mating Date 4/11/2012 RIVERVALE KINDARRA Birth Ident: QHL-88-1 Breed: PA A16 Internal Animal Key = BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): AM ST MS OO HB No: A/33915/M (61237) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -118/99 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Breed: Birth Ident: MVV-02-39 (503564) BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): D PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days KITEROA CREAM ALI ET Sex: FEMALE Classification: Avg Protein (%) (kg) Birth Ident: QHL-98-12 PLUM-BOTTOM TRIDENT'S LOT Birth Ident: JCPD-09-39 D BW ($): Milk Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 Breed: SA A14J2 Date of Birth: 9/08/2009 Age 2 yr 11 m 1 yr 11 m ALKU Oseas HB No: 000001089453/FIN Breed: PA A16 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA ALI DIANN S2A Milk Protein Milkfat (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) 3632 3.74 136 5.43 197 4381 3.64 160 5.04 221 -8/67 PW ($): 134/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.89 246 276 Oseas HB No: 000000040198/FIN (61702) Oseas HB No: 000000145520/USA (100854) Avg SCC at latest Lactation : KITEROA CREAM ABILITY Birth Ident: MVV-90-14 Breed : PA A16 VHC BW ($) : 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6 Lacts. 6312 3.48 220 Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: HB No: A/33968/M (61248) Breed : PA A16 S BW ($): 11/99 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds -17/44 -1/48 2/48 -157/52 17/30 PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days KITEROA BO PEPPERONI PW ($): and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Protein (%) (kg) VHC Milk (ltr) 7448 6770 6332 4750 5671 Avg N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test BW ($): HIRVIVAINION JULLI 5 Lacts. PW($): MORROW PREFERRED LOU 4TH Oseas HB No: 000000968232/USA Breed : A A16 Milk 5/74 Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 2 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 59/93 -28.3/87 -120/90 -0.11/94 PA A16 BW ($): PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 105 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-93-32 Avg Birth Ident: JCPD-05-26 -91/93 17/95 12/95 532/96 KITEROA CREAM ABLIGE NZAEL LENICA HJ KARINDA Bull : BW($): Mating Date 29/10/2012 & Bull 504534 6 -121/92 -7/94 -17/94 -423/95 33/87 -11.2/84 -26/87 -0.25/93 4.9 3.9 G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): AM ST MS OO Breed: KITEROA CREAM ALI ET Birth Ident: MVV-02-39 (503564) -104/43 -6/44 -16/45 -262/48 24/49 27779663 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree PW ($): -264/83 Milk (ltr) 3263 3465 3602 2869 3657 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.53 115 4.29 140 176 3.72 129 5.38 186 298 3.75 135 5.45 196 277 3.56 102 5.15 148 208 3.82 140 5.74 210 272 Plus 4 unprinted lactations 3137 3.69 116 5.36 168 254 LW -60 -11 -40 -2 33 9 Lacts. Birth Ident: MVV-93-20 (61557) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 3/99 DAM: Birth Ident: GNMV-94-1 Breed: J J16 BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3305 3.68 122 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -45/52 PW ($): -59/84 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.58 184 242 P001.50 SENTINAL SWAN STACIE VHC Her three daughters sell as Lot 34, 35 and 36. Same family as Ivan and Robyn Fredrickson’s lovely show cow; Sentinal Swanys Pet. P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 34 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Breeder : Paul & Maryann Symonds MAR RAL HI KICK ARDROSSAN H K EVANGALIST Oseas HB No: 000000128289/USA Breed: A A16 S# D# BW ($): -241/11 Oseas HB No: 000000139887/USA REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-03-64 No. 101 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 23/08/2003 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -168/82 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -21.5/41 Total Long BV (days): -193/44 Somatic Cell BV: -0.08/50 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: Avg SCC at latest Lactation : 32/4 Milk (ltr) 3588 3790 3922 3357 2461 3130 2715 Milkfat (%) (kg) 3.50 126 3.68 140 3.20 126 2.98 100 2.91 72 3.91 122 3.96 108 Age 8 yr 0 m 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 1 m 4 yr 2 m 3 yr 1 m 2 yr 0 m Avg D D D D D 3280 3.27 D 2005 C 0.62/44 Dairy Conformation: 0.19/45 Protein (%) (kg) 3.53 127 3.25 123 3.34 131 3.27 110 3.08 76 3.15 99 3.17 86 Days 221 252 249 213 141 209 201 107 3.45 113 0.11/48 Herd BW 10/48 -2/48 39/48 33/45 86/44 79/46 81/47 LW -204 -189 -204 -118 -102 21 48 212 7 Lacts. Carry-over. Synchronised 21st October to AB. Followed by Jersey bull. Bull out 6th December 2012. Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 7 7 7 6 5 6 6 Due to Calve : 02/08/2013 Expected Calf Bull 61574 (2005) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 8 6 7 Breed: ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT LENICA TRIDENT SWAN -207/52 -2/55 -19/55 141/58 45/50 6 4 6 5 6 5 6 Bull : 61574 ALPINE JACQUERIE BW($): -200/35 Mating Date 22/10/2012 20427286 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: Birth Ident: BHRG-00-7 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 10 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 0m 1m 0m 2m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m D D D D Milk (ltr) 2316 4721 4627 3103 5390 5057 4894 4476 3888 Breed: 0 0 0 6 6 BW ($): PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Protein (%) (kg) GRANBYENNE ROYAL COMMAND Milk (ltr) Age Protein (%) (kg) Milkfat (%) (kg) Days LW -72/84 8/42 -9.9/44 -80/47 0.04/56 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.25 98 121 3.38 159 256 271 2.77 128 155 2.96 92 3.43 185 269 3.48 176 278 3.58 175 259 262 3.67 164 276 3.77 147 LW -174 20 -54 11 86 61 76 85 37 7 5 6 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 7 7 Oseas HB No: 000000138281/USA (61165) Breed : PA A16 D# BW ($): -301/93 ARDROSSAN P VUE KATE MITE TRY Oseas HB No: 000000853672/USA Breed : A A16 S# D# BW ($) : NZAEL 7 6 ARDROSSAN EX EVANGELINE Oseas HB No: 000000812825/USA Breed : A A16 S# D# Milk PW ($): Milk PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Protein (%) (kg) SENTINAL FUTURE STAR KOTARE FUTURE JAZZ Birth Ident: BHRG-97-33 (501589) Birth Ident: CPGJ-91-9 (61487) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -65/99 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -221/94 -11/96 -22/96 -148/97 G1 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 10/87 -13.0/89 -378/93 0.27/95 SENTINAL SWAN ACE Birth Ident: BHRG-98-51 Breed: EXC PA A16 BW ($): S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 5 4 7 5 51/31 -25.2/37 -382/34 0.11/38 A A16 BW ($): Age 10 yr 0 m 239 9 Lacts. 8 yr 11 m Avg D 4275 3.28 140 3.44 147 8 yr 0 m 6 yr 11 m Traits other than production results : (2005) 5 yr 11 m AM ST MS OO 0 Protein (%) (kg) 2.89 67 3.29 155 3.27 151 3.35 104 3.35 181 3.21 162 3.29 161 3.38 151 3.27 127 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Oseas HB No: 000000923302/USA PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -150/56 -8/61 -28/61 11/64 -267/38 -3/40 -16/42 131/40 ARDROSSAN R COM KATE TRYIT VHC Breed: PA A16 PW($): -153/12 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation -245/94 5/96 -4/96 311/97 76/91 -31.2/89 -324/93 -0.07/95 4.4 3.6 SENTINAL SWAN STACIE PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Avg SENTINAL SWANYS PRIDE Birth Ident: BHRG-87-2 Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6652 3.66 244 -13/67 PW ($): 504/87 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.00 332 279 SENTINAL ZACHARY -32/55 PW ($): 131/89 Milk (ltr) 4383 4005 4220 4702 4847 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.53 155 3.78 166 249 50 3.67 147 3.64 146 256 36 3.78 160 3.67 155 254 T 10 3.64 171 3.86 181 267 99 3.67 178 4.05 196 264 129 Plus 4 unprinted lactations 4584 3.67 168 3.92 180 264 9 Lacts. Birth Ident: BHRG-96-8 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -102/58 SENTINAL SWANYS ACE Birth Ident: BHRG-96-33 Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4055 3.63 147 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -41/57 PW ($): -11/86 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.90 199 266 P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 35 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Breeder : Paul & Maryann Symonds TAONUI JACKS JETHRO INGLECORNER PROGRESS HB No: A/32422/M (79104) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -30/98 Birth Ident: BTVK-86-5 (61347) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE LENICA SWANNIE Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-10-34 No. 165 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 10/08/2010 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -156/45 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -4.8/38 Total Long BV (days): 44/39 Somatic Cell BV: -0.36/44 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: Avg 2358 3.24 D 0.31/49 27/3 Milk Protein Milkfat (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) 2358 3.24 76 3.76 89 D 2012 B6-7 0.48/32 Dairy Conformation: 0.19/43 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Age 2 yr 0 m 76 3.76 Days 162 89 Herd BW 16/47 LW -166 162 1 Lacts. PA A16 Traits other than production results : 0 0 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 6 5 7 5 Due to Calve : 20/10/2013 Expected Calf 7 7 7 6 6 5 6 7 Bull : BW($): Mating Date 6/11/2012 & Bull 504534 6 SENTINAL SWAN STACIE Birth Ident: BHRG-00-7 10 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 0m 1m 0m 2m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m Milk (ltr) 2316 4721 4627 3103 5390 5057 4894 4476 3888 D D D D P001.50 0 0 14 yr 12 yr 10 yr 9 yr 8 yr NZAEL Avg -72/84 8/42 -9.9/44 -80/47 0.04/56 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 121 4.25 98 256 3.38 159 271 2.77 128 2.96 92 155 3.43 185 269 278 3.48 176 259 3.58 175 3.67 164 262 3.77 147 276 LW -174 20 -54 11 86 61 76 85 37 5 4 7 5 6 6 7 6 7 5 6 7 7 LOT 36 139/91 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.46 164 3.99 189 294 -36 3.50 205 4.17 244 273 137 3.69 248 4.55 305 274 152 3.58 238 4.19 278 289 97 3.72 249 4.18 280 268 Plus 6 unprinted lactations 6287 3.62 228 4.29 270 285 11 Lacts. KOTARE FUTURE JAZZ Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G1 -221/94 -11/96 -22/96 -148/97 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 10/87 -13.0/89 -378/93 0.27/95 SENTINAL SWAN ACE Birth Ident: BHRG-98-51 Breed: EXC PA A16 BW ($): 131/89 Milk (ltr) 4383 4005 4220 4702 4847 Avg Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.53 155 3.78 166 249 50 3.67 147 3.64 146 256 36 3.78 160 3.67 155 254 T 10 3.64 171 3.86 181 267 99 3.67 178 4.05 196 264 129 Plus 4 unprinted lactations 4584 3.67 168 3.92 180 264 9 Lacts. Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-05-29 No. 366 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 8/08/2005 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -223/76 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -15.9/42 Total Long BV (days): -8/43 Somatic Cell BV: -0.26/50 Avg D D D D D D Days 157 270 247 T 75 175 204 102 3.41 112 211 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 0 0 6 5 7 6 Due to Calve : 09/08/2013 Bull 61574 0.03/34 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 -2/48 38/48 33/45 86/44 LW -173 -266 -198 -119 -203 38 5 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 Expected Calf 2012 V6-7 0.61/30 Dairy Conformation: 0.26/37 3286 3.10 D 7 6 7 5 7 5 6 6 7 Bull : 61574 ALPINE JACQUERIE BW($): -180/35 Mating Date 31/10/2012 -13/67 PW ($): 504/87 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.00 332 279 Birth Ident: BHRG-96-8 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -102/58 SENTINAL SWANYS ACE Birth Ident: BHRG-96-33 Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4055 3.63 147 -41/57 PW ($): -11/86 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.90 199 266 P001.50 22044945 Internal Animal Key = 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 4/03/2013 ST OURS CLASSIC BLACKADDAR ISLE MILKMAN Breed: Oseas HB No: 000000811799/CAN (500545) 28/3 BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6652 3.66 244 WOODLAND VIEW PARDNER-ET Milkfat (%) (kg) 3.30 108 3.12 143 3.71 123 3.79 52 3.58 82 3.48 103 SENTINAL SWANYS PRIDE Birth Ident: BHRG-87-2 Breed: PA A16 VHC SENTINAL ZACHARY PW ($): -32/55 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 LENICA PARDNER SWAN Protein (%) (kg) 3.29 108 3.10 143 3.04 100 3.58 49 3.05 70 3.01 89 -35/68 PW ($): -67/50 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.99 239 284 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Milk (ltr) 3271 4594 3300 1361 2298 2969 BW ($) : 12 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5979 3.43 215 Birth Ident: CPGJ-91-9 (61487) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -65/99 Oseas HB No: 000000063175/CAN Breed: PA A16 S# BW ($): -236/35 Oseas HB No: 000000693744/CAN Age 7 yr 0 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 1 m 4 yr 2 m 3 yr 1 m 2 yr 0 m KITEROA BONNY GORGEOUS HB No: A/150794/F Breed : PA A16 VHC Birth Ident: BHRG-97-33 (501589) Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Avg SCC at latest Lactation : HB No: A/30899/M (61171) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -74/97 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: -109/48 PW ($): -83/16 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.11 251 305 SENTINAL FUTURE STAR and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds -168/51 -4/55 -17/56 148/59 41/34 BW ($): 4 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6106 KITEROA BONAPART PW ($): Milk (ltr) 4746 5850 6718 6633 6700 Age 1m 0m 1m 0m 1m INGLECORNER N WISH HB No: A/155485/F Breed : PA A16 VHC EX5 13/76 S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 23/99 -7.9/99 -232/99 -0.46/99 PA A16 BW ($): N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited Breeder : Breed: Age 10 yr 0 m 239 9 Lacts. 8 yr 11 m Avg D 4275 3.28 140 3.44 147 8 yr 0 m 6 yr 11 m Traits other than production results : (2005) 5 yr 11 m AM ST MS OO 0 Protein (%) (kg) 2.89 67 3.29 155 3.27 151 3.35 104 3.35 181 3.21 162 3.29 161 3.38 151 3.27 127 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-86-7 PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -150/56 -8/61 -28/61 11/64 -120/99 -4/99 -8/99 -42/99 KITEROA BONNY GRISELDA VHC Breed: PA A16 PW($): Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 3/99 -8/99 -2/99 -276/99 -6/98 -1.1/99 159/99 -0.64/99 5 3.8 G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): AM ST MS OO Breed: KITEROA BONNY GOVERNOR Birth Ident: MVV-93-20 (61557) -87/45 -9/46 -17/47 -139/50 9/51 27779271 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree PA A16 -141/95 5/96 3/96 445/97 75/94 -17.6/90 29/92 -0.59/96 4.4 3.5 SENTINAL SWAN STACIE Birth Ident: BHRG-00-7 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 10 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 0m 1m 0m 2m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m D D D D Milk (ltr) 2316 4721 4627 3103 5390 5057 4894 4476 3888 Breed: 0 0 0 6 6 BW ($): Milk PW ($): Milk (ltr) Age Protein (%) (kg) Milkfat (%) (kg) Days LW PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Protein (%) (kg) -72/84 8/42 -9.9/44 -80/47 0.04/56 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 121 4.25 98 3.38 159 256 2.77 128 271 155 2.96 92 269 3.43 185 3.48 176 278 3.58 175 259 3.67 164 262 276 3.77 147 LW -174 20 -54 11 86 61 76 85 37 7 5 6 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 7 7 Oseas HB No: 000000658545/CAN (61335) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -299/98 WOODLAND VIEW STARBRITE Oseas HB No: 000000703335/CAN Breed : PA A16 BW ($) : NZAEL 7 6 BLACKADDAR MILKMAID Oseas HB No: 000000595881/CAN Breed : PA A16 DES PEUPLIERS REBEL BW ($): Milk PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Protein (%) (kg) SENTINAL FUTURE STAR KOTARE FUTURE JAZZ Birth Ident: BHRG-97-33 (501589) Birth Ident: CPGJ-91-9 (61487) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -65/99 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -221/94 -11/96 -22/96 -148/97 G1 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 10/87 -13.0/89 -378/93 0.27/95 SENTINAL SWAN ACE Birth Ident: BHRG-98-51 Breed: EXC PA A16 BW ($): S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 5 4 7 5 59/51 -8.1/64 -343/61 -0.13/69 PA A16 Age 10 yr 0 m Avg D 4275 3.28 140 3.44 147 239 9 Lacts. 8 yr 11 m 8 yr 0 m 6 yr 11 m Traits other than production results : (2005) 5 yr 11 m AM ST MS OO 0 Protein (%) (kg) 2.89 67 3.29 155 3.27 151 3.35 104 3.35 181 3.21 162 3.29 161 3.38 151 3.27 127 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Oseas HB No: 000000734598/CAN PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -150/56 -8/61 -28/61 11/64 -294/71 -16/76 -33/76 -297/76 WOODLAND VIEW PRUDENCE VHC Breed: PA A16 PW($): -158/12 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Avg SENTINAL SWANYS PRIDE Birth Ident: BHRG-87-2 Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6652 3.66 244 -13/67 PW ($): 504/87 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.00 332 279 SENTINAL ZACHARY -32/55 PW ($): 131/89 Milk (ltr) 4383 4005 4220 4702 4847 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.53 155 3.78 166 249 50 3.67 147 3.64 146 256 36 3.78 160 3.67 155 254 T 10 3.64 171 3.86 181 267 99 3.67 178 4.05 196 264 129 Plus 4 unprinted lactations 4584 3.67 168 3.92 180 264 9 Lacts. Birth Ident: BHRG-96-8 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -102/58 SENTINAL SWANYS ACE Birth Ident: BHRG-96-33 Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4055 3.63 147 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -41/57 PW ($): -11/86 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.90 199 266 P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 37 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Breeder : Paul & Maryann Symonds BLACKADDAR ISLE MILKMAN WOODLAND VIEW PARDNER-ET Oseas HB No: 000000693744/CAN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -294/71 Oseas HB No: 000000811799/CAN (500545) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Birth Ident: FBBM-08-149 (509563) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-10-11 No. 201 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 31/07/2010 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -152/45 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -9.0/28 Total Long BV (days): 87/28 Somatic Cell BV: -0.82/37 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: Avg 2557 3.38 D -0.01/45 20/3 Milk Protein Milkfat (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) 2557 3.38 86 4.39 112 D 2012 B7-7 0.36/22 Dairy Conformation: 0.48/39 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Age 2 yr 0 m Days 194 86 4.39 112 Herd BW 16/47 LW -167 194 1 Lacts. PA A16 Traits other than production results : 0 0 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 6 5 7 6 Due to Calve : 27/09/2013 Expected Calf 7 6 7 6 7 5 7 7 Age 7 yr 11 m 6 yr 11 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 0 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m D D D D D D Avg D Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 176 3.39 104 259 3.68 132 3.71 85 207 4.55 151 275 4.46 150 228 176 4.40 85 5.01 141 244 2912 3.42 4.16 121 LW -152 -192 -199 -131 -81 -177 -23 224 7 Lacts. PW($): Traits other than production results : 0 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 5 4 8 5 6 6 7 6 7 5 7 7 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 38 PW ($): KITEROA BONNY BLUE SILVER 178/88 Milk (ltr) 912 6441 8160 7893 7026 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.17 29 3.67 33 109 171 3.68 237 3.75 242 292 242 3.50 285 4.16 339 290 442 3.39 268 4.17 329 285 556 3.45 243 3.69 259 303 283 Plus 5 unprinted lactations 5470 3.48 190 4.08 223 270 10 Lacts. BESSFIELD HIGHLAND CHIEF HB No: A/27698/M (61082) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -110/96 Breed: G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -13/99 -15/99 -25/99 -371/99 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -27/98 1.7/98 219/99 -0.90/99 ARB LENICA GOV LILY Birth Ident: QHL-00-5 Breed: BW ($): 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr VHC SA A16 Age 0m 0m 1m 2m Avg Breed : No. 166 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): 17/77 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -12.2/35 Total Long BV (days): -165/38 Somatic Cell BV: 0.08/48 2012 V7-7 0.03/19 Dairy Conformation: 0.32/26 -0.04/21 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Avg D D 3301 3.35 D Milkfat (%) (kg) 4.70 129 4.68 196 5.01 203 4.70 177 4.57 81 Days 119 225 261 261 106 111 4.76 157 194 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 0 0 7 6 7 5 Due to Calve : 20/09/2013 Expected Calf Bull 504534 504534 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 -2/48 39/48 27/44 LW 43 -17 47 -6 104 5 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 Breed: SHADY WALNUT CONN Birth Ident: JCPD-06-10 D 7 6 BW($): Mating Date 7/11/2012 & 6/11/2012 8 7 7 LAKESIDE HIGH NOON HB No: A/133002/F Breed: PA A16 EXC BW ($): 10 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5667 3.35 183 -119/70 PW ($): -200/24 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.48 254 298 KITEROA BONNY GOVERNOR PW ($): -96/49 -33/82 Milk (ltr) 4301 4304 4180 2699 Protein (%) (kg) 3.41 147 3.48 150 3.46 145 3.34 90 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.04 174 278 4.69 202 262 4.78 200 239 4.73 128 209 3871 3.43 4.54 176 133 247 LW 34 68 164 134 Birth Ident: MVV-93-20 (61557) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 3/99 BIANCA Test No: N074-729-900/2 31 Breed: A A16 BW ($): 4 Lacts. 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3072 3.38 104 S# D# -166/36 PW ($): -125/81 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.52 139 229 P001.50 23070372 Internal Animal Key = 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 BONNIE BRAE HELIGO WILHAVEN COREY Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 5/08/2006 D -20/72 PW ($): 171/90 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.46 191 254 HB No: A/34136/M (61409) Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 LENICA CONN ELVIRA D BW ($) : 11 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4285 3.53 151 Oseas HB No: 000010304939/CAN (504599) Protein (%) (kg) 3.15 86 3.47 145 3.32 135 3.38 127 3.37 60 CRAIGMYLE GRAND SECRET Birth Ident: BLXH-92-16 Breed : PA A16 EX6 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Milk (ltr) 2735 4180 4056 3767 1764 Birth Ident: MVV-95-40 (61671) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -54/97 LAKESIDE HIGH CHIEFTAIN Oseas HB No: 000000724153/CAN (61482) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -287/93 Oseas HB No: 000000790322/CAN Age 6 yr 2 m 5 yr 1 m 4 yr 0 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 1 m PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Protein (%) (kg) EX4 Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: BW ($): = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds -147/47 -5/53 -2/53 57/57 26/22 WOODLAND VIEW PRUDENCE Oseas HB No: 000000734598/CAN Breed : PA A16 Milk and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : -216/79 -13/35 -2.9/40 60/43 -0.65/50 Protein (%) (kg) 3.39 104 3.38 121 3.46 79 3.58 119 3.44 116 3.33 65 3.31 93 100 75/94 -17.6/90 29/92 -0.59/96 G3,G1 19/70 Age 13 yr 0 m 11 yr 1 m 10 yr 0 m 8 yr 11 m 7 yr 0 m PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -92/50 -18/54 -22/55 -472/58 PA A16 BW ($): Milk (ltr) 3084 3577 2281 3312 3372 1940 2820 AM ST MS OO P001.50 Breed: V7-7 Breed: SA A16 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: FBBM-98-25 Avg Birth Ident: JCPD-04-56 -141/95 5/96 3/96 445/97 BROOKVIEW BLUE SECRECY NZAEL LENICA CHEIF LILY S3A Bull : BW($): Mating Date 25/11/2012 & Bull 61574 6 -42/68 4/71 1/72 285/75 31/76 -13.3/54 117/54 -0.82/66 4.5 3.6 G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): AM ST MS OO Breed: BROOKVIEW SHOTGUN LENICA SHOTGUN LILY -84/38 -9/40 -12/40 -148/45 16/47 27777941 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree 5 6 7 PA A16 G2,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -232/77 -5/83 -4/84 29/85 39/55 -20.9/62 -383/65 0.15/78 4.6 3.6 -310/61 -14/68 -20/68 -107/69 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 34/34 -19.4/54 -508/43 -0.03/57 SHADY WALNUT CONSTANCE Breed: A A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PW ($): Milk (ltr) Age VHC 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr 7 Age 0m 0m 2m 0m 0m Avg PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -130/50 -11/55 -13/56 -93/58 Milk (ltr) 3100 3132 3338 3789 3542 Protein (%) (kg) 3.35 104 3.33 104 3.31 111 3.46 131 3.44 122 3380 3.38 114 -281/82 13/32 -6.7/38 -26/43 -0.16/51 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 143 3.65 113 278 4.16 130 4.20 140 217 T 4.41 167 281 277 5.00 177 239 4.31 146 LW -66 -190 -62 -33 -54 5 Lacts. PW($): Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 0 0 0 (2005) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 6 5 7 6 6 7 6 6 PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Protein (%) (kg) FOREVER SCHOON MM CORNELIUS BW ($): Protein (%) (kg) Milkfat (%) (kg) Days LW 5 5 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 6 7 Oseas HB No: 000000782514/CAN (61707) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -326/88 SHADY WALNUT CANELLE Oseas HB No: 000000749427/CAN Breed : A A16 BW ($) : NZAEL Birth Ident: DVLD-00-11 BW ($): Milk Milk GOLDSTREAM PARTY ELVIRA Breed: PA A16 WILHAVEN MILKMAIDS C Oseas HB No: 000000736485/CAN Breed : A A16 Oseas HB No: 000000810625/CAN Bull : Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation A A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Protein (%) (kg) KITEROA BONAPART LAKESIDE RANDALL HB No: A/30899/M (61171) HB No: A/29923/M Breed: PA A16 Breed: G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -74/97 -6/98 -12/98 -18/98 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: BW ($): -63/55 16/95 -7.5/93 144/95 -0.36/96 GOLDSTREAM BONNIE ELVIRA Birth Ident: DVLD-93-66 Breed: VHC PA A16 BW ($): Age 13 yr 11 m 13 yr 0 m 11 yr 2 m 10 yr 1 m 9 yr 0 m Avg KITEROA BON WALES HB No: A/109383/F Breed: PA A16 EX3 BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5686 PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.26 299 269 BONNIE BRAE HELIGO -164/51 PW ($): -94/79 Milk (ltr) 4394 5004 4283 6666 7125 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.14 138 3.98 175 192 164 3.40 170 4.36 218 285 5 3.08 132 3.71 159 178 93 3.26 217 3.90 260 262 178 3.32 237 4.02 286 281 149 Plus 6 unprinted lactations 5381 3.30 177 4.19 225 259 11 Lacts. Oseas HB No: 000000724153/CAN (61482) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -287/93 GOLDSTREAM ELVIRA Birth Ident: GBN-85-10 Breed: PA A16 HC BW ($): 12 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5296 3.80 201 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -65/42 PW ($): -4/87 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.93 261 282 P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 39 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Owner : Paul & Maryann Symonds Birth Ident: BLLX-02-13 Breed : Birth Ident: DVLD-04-64 No. 281 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 10/09/2004 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -45/67 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -13.9/18 Total Long BV (days): -75/20 Somatic Cell BV: -0.37/37 31/3 Milkfat (%) (kg) 4.40 88 4.54 186 4.58 183 4.41 152 3.94 86 Avg D D D D D Protein (%) (kg) 3.48 70 3.69 151 3.57 142 3.59 124 3.61 79 3142 3.60 D 2012 V8-7 0.19/15 Dairy Conformation: 0.12/20 Milk (ltr) 2001 4096 3981 3448 2183 Age 8 yr 0 m 6 yr 11 m 5 yr 10 m 4 yr 0 m 2 yr 10 m 0.33/21 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 -2/48 33/45 86/44 Days LW 125 -91 249 -52 262 T 46 227 -33 132 T 82 113 4.42 139 199 5 Lacts. Rare chance to buy close relatives to Ingleside Nelstar EXC, Breed and All Breeds champion. Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 0 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 7 6 8 4 Due to Calve : 08/09/2013 Expected Calf 7 7 8 8 8 5 7 8 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -92/35 -6/38 -12/39 -241/41 26/30 -7.0/23 -37/27 -0.46/34 4.7 3.8 Breed: PA A16 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 1m 2m 1m 2m 2m 7 Avg -144/55 3/60 -13/61 202/64 Milk (ltr) 3376 5915 4578 3695 3166 Protein (%) (kg) 3.32 112 3.70 219 3.40 156 3.38 125 3.31 105 4146 3.45 143 Breed: 13 yr 12 yr 10 yr 8 yr 7 yr Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.04 136 195 4.59 271 305 252 3.73 171 204 3.86 142 4.07 129 218 235 -132/83 41/36 -21.4/42 -121/49 -0.30/57 LW 6 55 22 6 11 5 Lacts. Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 40 ARDROSSAN H K EVANGALIST Oseas HB No: 000000139887/USA Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -267/38 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -245/94 5/96 -4/96 311/97 ARDROSSAN R COM KATE TRYIT Oseas HB No: 000000923302/USA Breed: A A16 76/91 -31.2/89 -324/93 -0.07/95 BW ($): INGLESIDE NELSTAR Milk Birth Ident: DWFK-94-16 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): PW ($): -20/69 Milk (ltr) 3667 10298 6463 6152 5268 Age 0m 0m 0m 1m 0m 7045 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.22 155 83 4.01 413 305 4.01 259 257 3.96 244 247 4.26 224 252 3.66 4.04 285 265 LW 597 658 261 220 316 4 Lacts. Breed : Birth Ident: DVLD-05-59 No. 258 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -321/74 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -15.6/33 Total Long BV (days): -151/41 Somatic Cell BV: -0.32/48 Avg D D D D 2871 3.35 D 96 3.17 Days 179 222 260 221 210 91 0 0 0 6 5 7 5 Due to Calve : 24/08/2013 Bull 61574 61574 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 -2/48 39/48 86/44 5 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 Expected Calf 0.22/31 LW -230 -284 -288 -227 -175 218 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 2012 V6-7 0.26/30 Dairy Conformation: 0.27/30 Milkfat (%) (kg) 2.84 102 3.33 100 3.03 96 3.41 89 3.45 68 D 7 6 Breed: Birth Ident: BLLX-89-6 (61574) Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 4/09/2005 Protein (%) (kg) 3.26 118 3.62 109 3.19 101 3.45 90 3.19 63 6 5 6 P001.50 22627589 PANT BLUE LAGOON Oseas HB No: 000000172183/GBR (61156) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -207/90 5 5 6 7 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -193/90 -13/92 -35/93 -341/94 19/88 -10.2/80 -188/87 -0.17/91 4.3 3.7 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 1m 2m 1m 2m 2m Avg -144/55 3/60 -13/61 202/64 Breed: 11 yr 10 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Protein (%) (kg) 3.32 112 3.70 219 3.40 156 3.38 125 3.31 105 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.04 136 195 4.59 271 305 252 3.73 171 204 3.86 142 4.07 129 218 4146 3.45 4.10 170 235 -132/83 41/36 -21.4/42 -121/49 -0.30/57 LW 6 55 22 6 11 5 Lacts. Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days LAMORNA GOOD LAD ET PW ($): HB No: A/33632/M Breed : PA A16 212/82 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.72 271 5.32 388 294 3.74 275 5.08 373 284 3.66 293 5.05 405 288 3.76 297 5.03 397 269 3.74 246 4.72 310 243 Plus 4 unprinted lactations 6839 3.75 257 4.89 334 270 LW 351 9 Lacts. BW ($): -97/38 ALPINE J'MIMA HB No: A/A588/F Breed : PA A16 BW ($) : 1 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6104 -82/22 PW ($): -73/8 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.53 276 303 ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT ARDROSSAN H K EVANGALIST Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Oseas HB No: 000000139887/USA Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -267/38 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -245/94 5/96 -4/96 311/97 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 76/91 -31.2/89 -324/93 -0.07/95 INGLESIDE NELSTAR Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Age 0m 0m 0m 1m 0m Avg PW ($): -20/69 7045 BW ($): PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days TARARUA KNIGHTS STAR ET 426/84 Protein (%) (kg) 3.74 137 3.70 381 3.50 226 3.58 220 3.89 205 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.22 155 83 4.01 413 305 4.01 259 257 3.96 244 247 4.26 224 252 3.66 4.04 285 258 Protein (%) (kg) EXC G1 Milk (ltr) 3667 10298 6463 6152 5268 ARDROSSAN R COM KATE TRYIT Oseas HB No: 000000923302/USA Breed: A A16 Milk Birth Ident: DWFK-94-16 7 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test BW ($): VHC Milk (ltr) 7289 7344 8014 7893 6561 Age 0m 0m 0m 1m 2m PANT BEVERLEY Oseas HB No: 000000097269/GBR Breed : PA A16 Milk -64/56 Avg PW($): -172/12 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 2/83 -10.1/73 -449/80 -0.55/83 PA A16 BW ($): Milk (ltr) 3376 5915 4578 3695 3166 143 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: HB No: A/178908/F NZAEL Birth Ident: DVLD-01-1 Breed: PA A16 -264/84 -21/87 -48/87 -421/88 ALPINE J'MEAU GOLDSTREAM TRIDENT NEL ET BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Bull : 61574 ALPINE JACQUERIE BW($): -195/34 Mating Date 15/11/2012 26/10/2012 -168/51 PW ($): -112/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.73 206 266 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 BROCKLEHILL HARVEST GOLD ALPINE JACQUERIE Milk (ltr) 3610 2999 3169 2600 1978 BW ($): 4 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4353 3.95 172 Internal Animal Key = Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 LENICA ALPINE NELSTAR Age 6 yr 11 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m 1 yr 10 m INGLESIDE NELONA Birth Ident: DWFK-92-10 Breed: PA A16 VHC (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE 19/3 Birth Ident: BYBM-92-53 (61606) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -146/99 Oseas HB No: 000000176593/GBR (61357) Avg SCC at latest Lactation : PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days TARARUA KNIGHTS STAR ET 426/84 Protein (%) (kg) 3.74 137 3.70 381 3.50 226 3.58 220 3.89 205 258 Protein (%) (kg) EXC G1 Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: -113/44 PW ($): -161/53 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.14 227 292 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds -198/47 -10/53 -33/53 -222/56 30/31 NGARANGI PINEY HB No: A/159039/F Breed : PA A16 BW ($) : 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 9 Lacts. 4420 3.80 180 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : LW 193 164 296 390 307 Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Avg P001.50 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.73 181 4.90 237 214 3.65 213 5.11 298 255 3.72 220 5.43 321 236 3.90 270 5.19 360 265 4.03 235 5.31 310 239 Plus 4 unprinted lactations 5500 3.95 217 5.34 293 256 Birth Ident: BLLX-89-6 (61574) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -193/90 ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT 7 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 129/86 Milk (ltr) 4843 5839 5910 6934 5836 Age 2m 0m 1m 0m 1m -153/56 PW ($): -208/91 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.96 239 267 ALPINE JACQUERIE PW ($): -84/56 Avg PW($): -124/11 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation BW ($): 12 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4820 3.58 172 EX3 PA A16 BW ($): PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 4.10 170 ARA ALPINE ARLENE Birth Ident: BLLX-93-13 Breed : SA A15J1 VHC 29/61 -2.9/47 -121/52 -0.44/60 Birth Ident: BLLX-92-18 NZAEL Birth Ident: DVLD-01-1 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -150/60 -14/63 -16/64 -388/66 ALPINE PEARL GOLDSTREAM TRIDENT NEL ET BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PA A16 Bull : 61574 ALPINE JACQUERIE BW($): -151/32 Mating Date 30/11/2012 Bull 61574 Breed: ALPINE PADRE GOLDSTREAM PEARL NELL Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Birth Ident: CNKH-93-177 (61618) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -130/98 Birth Ident: BLLX-97-10 G3 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: FERDON MJS GENERAL ALPINE ANTON REGISTERED AYRSHIRE -107/37 0/45 -11/44 -19/50 34/22 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Craig Rapley 21676068 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree 265 LW 597 658 261 220 316 Birth Ident: BYBM-92-53 (61606) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -146/99 INGLESIDE NELONA Birth Ident: DWFK-92-10 Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 4 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4 Lacts. 4353 3.95 172 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -168/51 PW ($): -112/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.73 206 266 P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 41 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Paul & Maryann Symonds BLACKADDAR ISLE MILKMAN BLACKADDAR M M PATRICK Oseas HB No: 000000693744/CAN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -294/71 Oseas HB No: 000000769262/CAN REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA ICE HOLLY S3A Oseas HB No: 000010021469/CAN (502577) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-03-31 No. 195 Breed: SA A16 Date of Birth: 8/08/2003 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -81/51 -4/56 -9/57 150/59 13/49 -16/81 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -6.8/37 Total Long BV (days): 23/38 Somatic Cell BV: -0.25/50 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.24/39 Dairy Conformation: 0.39/43 12/3 Milk (ltr) 4260 5670 4033 4640 5645 4755 2943 Milkfat (%) (kg) 3.68 157 4.05 230 3.97 160 4.16 193 4.32 244 4.16 198 4.35 128 Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 11 m 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 1 m 5 yr 0 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 1 m Avg D D D D D Protein (%) (kg) 3.04 129 3.26 185 3.13 126 3.13 145 3.16 178 3.16 150 3.15 93 4564 3.15 D 0 0 0 2012 V6-7 Days 179 278 262 238 266 272 248 144 4.10 187 0.18/46 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 -2/48 39/48 33/45 79/46 80/47 LW 7 32 -80 58 154 96 55 249 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 7 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 6 5 8 5 Due to Calve : 05/09/2013 Expected Calf 7 7 6 6 7 5 6 6 7 Birth Ident: DJFF-94-9 Breed: SA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr Age 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 2m 0m Avg Breed: Milk (ltr) Protein (%) (kg) Milkfat (%) (kg) Days LW -80/74 -14/30 -2.8/30 6/32 -0.41/46 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 212 4.21 156 276 4.10 168 249 4.42 174 4.23 157 248 4.27 159 188 4.30 40 69 202 4.05 111 3651 3.38 4.22 154 229 LW -23 -72 20 -18 81 98 44 6 Lacts. GLENHOPE NIMROD HB No: A/29034/M (61077) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -24/98 Breed: G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 25/99 0/99 -21/99 236/99 -23/99 -5.5/99 206/99 -0.74/99 TI RAUKAU Test No: N029-215-314/2 60 Breed: A A16 BW ($): Age 3 yr 11 m 2 yr 11 m 2 yr 0 m S Birth Ident: JCPD-10-58 No. 218 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 24/08/2010 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -68/42 -1/45 -2/45 -67/48 30/51 -30/45 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -9.0/30 Total Long BV (days): -2/31 Somatic Cell BV: -0.25/36 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.12/10 Dairy Conformation: 0.32/29 2012 B7-8 0.29/37 34/3 Days 165 Herd BW 16/47 LW 7 165 Traits other than production results : 0 0 0 1 Lacts. 6 5 8 5 Due to Calve : 23/08/2013 Expected Calf Bull 505524 512568 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 7 6 7 7 7 5 6 7 8 Breed: Birth Ident: MVV-02-39 (503564) PA A16 Milk (ltr) 1121 548 2134 Protein (%) (kg) 3.25 36 4.02 22 3.46 74 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.32 48 195 5.42 30 75 4.13 88 182 1627 3.39 4.19 55 68 189 LW -103 2 Lacts. Internal Animal Key = P001.50 27993902 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -245/94 -121/92 -7/94 -17/94 -423/95 33/87 -11.2/84 -26/87 -0.25/93 4.9 3.9 Birth Ident: JCPD-03-31 Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 11 m 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 1 m 5 yr 0 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 1 m D D D D D Avg D Breed: -16/81 13/49 -6.8/37 23/38 -0.25/50 Milk (ltr) 4260 5670 4033 4640 5645 4755 2943 Protein (%) (kg) 3.04 129 3.26 185 3.13 126 3.13 145 3.16 178 3.16 150 3.15 93 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 179 3.68 157 4.05 230 278 262 3.97 160 238 4.16 193 4.32 244 266 272 4.16 198 248 4.35 128 4564 3.15 4.10 187 249 LW 7 32 -80 58 154 96 55 7 Lacts. PW($): 8/12 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 6 5 8 5 7 7 6 6 7 5 6 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 6 7 MORROW PREFERRED LOU 4TH Oseas HB No: 000000968232/USA Breed : A A16 BW ($): Milk Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days VHC KITEROA BO PEPPERONI PW ($): 5/74 210/84 Milk (ltr) 7448 6770 6332 4750 5671 Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 2 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m V6-7 144 59/93 -28.3/87 -120/90 -0.11/94 PA A16 BW ($): PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -81/51 -4/56 -9/57 150/59 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-93-32 Avg Breed: SA A16 -91/93 17/95 12/95 532/96 KITEROA CREAM ABLIGE NZAEL LENICA ICE HOLLY S3A G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: Bull : 505524 KITEROA CREAM ALFIE ET BW($): -54/33 Mating Date 14/11/2012 22/10/2012 -51/59 PW ($): -62/20 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.96 231 288 KITEROA CREAM ALI ET BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): AM ST MS OO BW ($): 13 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5828 3.57 226 -211/64 Three Generation Pedigree Breed : 89 4.97 129 INGLECORNER ROSE BID HB No: A/131530/F Breed: PA A16 EX5 S# D# PW ($): -162/27 PLUM-BOTTOM TRIDENT'S LOT LENICA HOLLY 2603 3.40 PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days HB No: A/34092/M (61377) Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 G3 D Protein (%) (kg) (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE D KELLCREST MONA ET Oseas HB No: 000000750058/CAN Breed : PA A16 INGLECORNER MILKY BOY Oseas HB No: 000000145520/USA (100854) Avg Oseas HB No: 000000724153/CAN (61482) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -287/93 Milk and the NZ Ayrshire Association. New Zealand Age 2 yr 0 m PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds Milk Protein Milkfat (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) 2603 3.40 89 4.97 129 Protein (%) (kg) BW ($) : NZAEL Protein (%) (kg) 3.39 126 3.44 141 3.45 135 3.28 122 3.36 125 3.40 31 3.33 91 Paul & Maryann Symonds Avg SCC at latest Lactation : BW ($): BONNIE BRAE HELIGO PW ($): Age N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test LOT 42 BLACKADDAR PATIENCE Oseas HB No: 000000676698/CAN Breed : A A16 Milk A A16 BW ($): Milk (ltr) 3712 4091 3927 3719 3717 925 2738 123 42/54 -17.3/64 -125/64 -0.48/69 Oseas HB No: 000000803739/CAN PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -89/46 -13/53 -24/54 -162/57 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -156/71 -1/76 -17/76 130/76 KELLCREST HAPPY SPIRIT ET Avg Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited Breeder : -91/85 1/89 -9/89 220/90 36/77 -9.1/74 -1/74 -0.25/86 4.3 3.6 ARB LENICA MILKY HOLLY A A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G2,G1 PW($): -11/8 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation P001.50 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: Bull : 512568 KITEROA BO PEPPERBRODY BW($): -1/23 Mating Date 27/11/2012 31/10/2012 21/10/2012 Bull 512568 61574 61574 Breed: KELLCREST ICE MAN ET Avg SCC at latest Lactation : 20427249 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.64 271 4.51 336 305 3.68 249 4.60 311 305 3.65 231 4.53 287 264 3.71 176 4.82 229 250 3.54 201 5.08 288 262 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 6221 3.64 226 4.65 289 279 LW 353 324 213 142 211 6 Lacts. HB No: A/33968/M (61248) Breed : PA A16 S BW ($): 11/99 KITEROA CREAM ABILITY Birth Ident: MVV-90-14 Breed : PA A16 VHC BW ($) : 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6312 3.48 220 -8/67 PW ($): 134/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.89 246 276 KELLCREST ICE MAN ET BLACKADDAR M M PATRICK Oseas HB No: 000010021469/CAN (502577) Oseas HB No: 000000769262/CAN Breed: A A16 BW ($): -156/71 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G2,G1 -91/85 1/89 -9/89 220/90 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 36/77 -9.1/74 -1/74 -0.25/86 ARB LENICA MILKY HOLLY KELLCREST HAPPY SPIRIT ET Oseas HB No: 000000803739/CAN Breed: A A16 BW ($): Milk Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Birth Ident: DJFF-94-9 Breed: SA A16 BW ($): 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr Age 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m Avg INGLECORNER MILKY BOY -89/46 Milk (ltr) 3712 4091 3927 3719 3717 PW ($): -80/74 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.39 126 4.21 156 212 3.44 141 4.10 168 276 3.45 135 4.42 174 249 3.28 122 4.23 157 248 3.36 125 4.27 159 188 Plus 2 unprinted lactations 3651 3.38 123 4.22 154 229 LW -23 -72 20 -18 81 HB No: A/34092/M (61377) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 25/99 TI RAUKAU Test No: N029-215-314/2 60 Breed: A A16 S# D# -162/27 PW ($): -211/64 BW ($): Milkfat 2 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 6 Lacts. 1627 3.39 55 4.19 68 189 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 43 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Paul & Maryann Symonds ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT PLUM-BOTTOM TRIDENT'S LOT Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -245/94 Oseas HB No: 000000145520/USA (100854) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE LENICA ALI ALPHA Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-09-70 No. 360 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 30/08/2009 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -60/44 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -10.3/35 Total Long BV (days): -32/36 Somatic Cell BV: -0.31/45 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.19/27 Dairy Conformation: 0.11/29 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Age 1 yr 11 m Avg 3336 3.67 D 0.23/29 48/4 Milk Protein Milkfat (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) 3336 3.67 123 4.88 163 D Days 272 123 4.88 163 Herd BW 10/48 LW -43 272 1 Lacts. Carry-over. Run with Angus bull 10th October 2012 to 1st January 2013. Due to Calve : Bull : Expected Calf PA A16 9 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 0m 0m 1m 0m 1m 0m 0m D D D D Avg D Protein (%) (kg) 3.92 144 3.93 167 3.94 143 3.72 124 4.00 132 3.78 133 3.83 122 3556 3.88 21/82 6/30 -9.2/43 -8/46 -0.30/55 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.53 166 227 305 5.35 227 228 4.23 154 201 4.42 147 4.61 152 226 4.47 158 263 266 4.82 154 138 245 4.65 165 LW 10 81 67 119 86 140 134 7 Lacts. Traits other than production results : Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 (2005) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 5 4 7 5 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 44 KITEROA BO PEPPERONI PW ($): 210/84 Milk (ltr) 7448 6770 6332 4750 5671 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.64 271 4.51 336 305 3.68 249 4.60 311 305 3.65 231 4.53 287 264 3.71 176 4.82 229 250 3.54 201 5.08 288 262 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 6221 3.64 226 4.65 289 279 LW 353 324 213 142 211 6 Lacts. Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G1 -63/97 -8/98 -15/98 -140/98 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 6/89 -2.4/94 114/96 -0.02/98 ARA KILBARCHAN LA ALPHA Birth Ident: FCTV-91-2 Breed: SA A15X1 BW ($): 11 yr 10 yr 9 yr 7 yr 6 yr 80/83 Milk (ltr) 3865 4904 5750 3496 3876 Age 1m 0m 0m 0m 0m Avg Breed : No. 337 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): 24/50 12/54 2/55 414/58 8/32 131/79 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -9.5/42 Total Long BV (days): -36/44 Somatic Cell BV: -0.25/51 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.34/31 Dairy Conformation: -0.29/33 2012 V6-8 0.07/32 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : D 4114 3.31 D Milkfat (%) (kg) 3.13 95 3.39 192 3.55 155 3.82 183 3.12 103 4.01 142 Days 114 237 242 265 180 210 136 3.52 145 208 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 0 0 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 -2/48 39/48 33/45 86/44 LW 78 178 101 164 83 252 6 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 6 5 8 5 7 6 Due to Calve : 25/08/2013 Bull : 61671 KITEROA BONNY BLUE SILVER Expected Calf Bull 61671 Breed: Oseas HB No: 000000040198/FIN (61702) Sex: FEMALE Classification: Avg 6 6 BW($): -15/37 Mating Date 16/11/2012 7 BW ($): 5 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3696 3.48 129 -8/62 PW ($): -36/87 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.62 171 225 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.59 139 3.04 118 264 3.63 178 4.74 232 270 3.53 203 4.90 282 288 3.49 122 4.41 154 178 3.62 140 4.25 165 231 Plus 4 unprinted lactations 4164 3.67 153 4.49 187 233 LW -49 31 132 95 70 HB No: A/34550/M (85105) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -155/99 ARB WY-WORI ALPHA STAR Birth Ident: GJN-88-33 Breed: SA A14X2 BW ($): 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 9 Lacts. 3721 4.00 149 -32/53 PW ($): 51/84 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.02 187 234 HIRVIVAINION JULLI Birth Ident: JCPD-05-65 D CRESSLANDS WINDSONG Birth Ident: BCJW-91-36 Breed: PA A16 HC LOCHSIDE AMOS PW ($): -58/55 Internal Animal Key = P001.50 22501469 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 ANTTILAN MEHTARI NIEMEN VERNERI Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 25/08/2005 D -8/67 PW ($): 134/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.89 246 276 NGARANGI IMPRESSARIO Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 LENICA JULLI ALPHA D BW ($) : 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6312 3.48 220 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE D KITEROA CREAM ABILITY Birth Ident: MVV-90-14 Breed : PA A16 VHC HB No: A/34439/M (61368) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 37/99 Oseas HB No: 000000036460/FIN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -170/63 Oseas HB No: 000000038824/FIN D HB No: A/33968/M (61248) Breed : PA A16 S BW ($): 11/99 Birth Ident: BCJW-96-52 (61687) Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Protein (%) (kg) 2.95 89 3.45 196 3.25 142 3.45 165 3.39 112 3.22 114 PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds Milk (ltr) 3019 5672 4371 4784 3292 3545 Protein (%) (kg) VHC and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds Age 7 yr 1 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 0 m 3 yr 0 m 1 yr 11 m BW ($): CRESSLANDS IMP WHISTLER 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test MORROW PREFERRED LOU 4TH Oseas HB No: 000000968232/USA Breed : A A16 Milk 5/74 Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 2 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m HC Milk (ltr) 3673 4244 3626 3336 3298 3527 3187 59/93 -28.3/87 -120/90 -0.11/94 PA A16 BW ($): PW($): 0 Breeder : Breed: PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -32/53 0/58 -11/59 -125/62 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-93-32 NZAEL Birth Ident: JCPD-02-57 G3,G1 -91/93 17/95 12/95 532/96 KITEROA CREAM ABLIGE Avg Breed: PA A16 AM ST MS OO P001.50 -121/92 -7/94 -17/94 -423/95 33/87 -11.2/84 -26/87 -0.25/93 4.9 3.9 LENICA WH ALFA BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: EMPTY BW($): Mating Date & Bull Breed: KITEROA CREAM ALI ET Birth Ident: MVV-02-39 (503564) -77/42 -4/46 -13/46 -303/49 20/29 27040327 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree 5 5 6 8 PA A16 G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: 50/99 17/99 14/99 655/99 10/98 -5.6/98 -111/99 -0.16/99 4.4 3.6 Birth Ident: JCPD-02-57 Age 0m 0m 1m 0m 1m 0m 0m D D D D Avg D -32/53 0/58 -11/59 -125/62 Protein (%) (kg) 3.92 144 3.93 167 3.94 143 3.72 124 4.00 132 3.78 133 3.83 122 3556 3.88 138 Breed: 0 0 0 21/82 6/30 -9.2/43 -8/46 -0.30/55 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.53 166 227 5.35 227 305 228 4.23 154 201 4.42 147 4.61 152 226 4.47 158 263 4.82 154 266 245 4.65 165 LW 10 81 67 119 86 140 134 7 Lacts. (2005) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 5 4 7 5 PA A16 6 6 6 5 BW ($): Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days KUUSISTON MAINIO PW ($): Milk (ltr) Age Traits other than production results : 0 N.RISTA Oseas HB No: 000000934959/FIN Breed : PA A16 Milk BW ($): PW($): -33/13 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 22/64 -8.3/70 -674/68 -0.01/75 Oseas HB No: 000001089453/FIN PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Milk (ltr) 3673 4244 3626 3336 3298 3527 3187 AM ST MS OO Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: ALKU HC Breed: PA A16 9 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr -120/75 8/78 8/78 360/78 Protein (%) (kg) Milkfat (%) (kg) Days LW 5 5 5 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 5 7 Oseas HB No: 000000036455/FIN Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -41/70 VALKO Oseas HB No: 000001066883/FIN Breed : PA A16 BW ($) : NZAEL LENICA WH ALFA BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Milk Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days CRESSLANDS IMP WHISTLER NGARANGI IMPRESSARIO Birth Ident: BCJW-96-52 (61687) HB No: A/34439/M (61368) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 37/99 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -63/97 -8/98 -15/98 -140/98 G1 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 6/89 -2.4/94 114/96 -0.02/98 ARA KILBARCHAN LA ALPHA Birth Ident: FCTV-91-2 Breed: SA A15X1 BW ($): 11 yr 10 yr 9 yr 7 yr 6 yr Age 1m 0m 0m 0m 0m Avg -58/55 Milk (ltr) 3865 4904 5750 3496 3876 CRESSLANDS WINDSONG Birth Ident: BCJW-91-36 Breed: PA A16 HC BW ($): 5 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3696 3.48 129 -8/62 PW ($): -36/87 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.62 171 225 LOCHSIDE AMOS PW ($): 80/83 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.59 139 3.04 118 264 3.63 178 4.74 232 270 3.53 203 4.90 282 288 3.49 122 4.41 154 178 3.62 140 4.25 165 231 Plus 4 unprinted lactations 4164 3.67 153 4.49 187 233 LW -49 31 132 95 70 HB No: A/34550/M (85105) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -155/99 ARB WY-WORI ALPHA STAR Birth Ident: GJN-88-33 Breed: SA A14X2 BW ($): 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 9 Lacts. 3721 4.00 149 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -32/53 PW ($): 51/84 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.02 187 234 P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 45 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Paul & Maryann Symonds DES PEUPLIERS REBEL ARRAN SURFERS PARADISE ET Oseas HB No: 000000658545/CAN (61335) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -299/98 Birth Ident: BYCF-90-12 (61457) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Birth Ident: FVFY-02-3 (503623) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-07-41 No. 66 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 15/08/2007 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -72/45 6/50 -6/50 125/54 18/28 143/76 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -16.1/36 Total Long BV (days): -156/37 Somatic Cell BV: 0.05/48 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.34/25 Dairy Conformation: 0.13/27 2012 V7-8 0.05/28 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Avg Milk (ltr) 2697 3756 3477 3051 D D D D Protein (%) (kg) 3.24 87 3.91 147 3.88 135 3.72 113 3245 3.72 D Milkfat (%) (kg) 3.53 95 4.25 160 4.99 174 4.57 139 Days 111 223 262 243 121 4.37 142 210 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 0 0 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 -2/48 39/48 LW 142 126 196 161 4 Lacts. 7 6 8 5 Due to Calve : 10/10/2013 Expected Calf 7 6 7 8 6 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 7 D Avg 8 Protein (%) (kg) 3.51 62 3.86 123 3.54 121 3.55 138 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.00 88 74 4.40 141 220 3.94 134 246 273 4.34 169 3501 3.64 4.23 148 127 246 LW 189 32 100 161 3 Lacts. PW($): Traits other than production results : 0 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 (2005) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 6 5 7 5 6 7 5 5 6 5 5 5 LOT 46 Milk Birth Ident: FRM-88-93 Breed : PA A16 32/82 Milk (ltr) 7267 7622 6497 7424 4637 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.63 264 4.65 338 293 3.49 266 4.67 356 284 3.35 218 4.98 324 257 3.43 255 5.92 439 250 3.31 154 4.32 200 244 Plus 5 unprinted lactations 5757 3.46 199 4.77 274 261 LW 382 374 334 582 114 8 Lacts. CRAIGHAVEN ROYAL FUTURE Breed: G2,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -65/99 3/99 -8/99 113/99 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 3/99 -12.3/99 -123/99 0.34/99 LENICA ALPHA PET Birth Ident: FCTV-98-41 Breed: HC PA A16 BW ($): 1/84 Milk (ltr) 2585 4000 4227 3658 4477 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.90 101 3.61 93 170 T -46 4.00 160 4.58 183 305 2 4.07 172 4.24 179 275 71 4.07 149 4.30 157 249 53 3.73 167 4.67 209 276 184 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 3901 3.95 154 4.46 174 260 6 Lacts. Age 8 yr 1 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 0 m 2 yr 11 m Avg Birth Ident: FBBM-08-149 (509563) Breed : No. 128 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -51/37 0/39 -7/39 -7/44 10/47 -67/44 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -11.6/27 Total Long BV (days): 0/27 Somatic Cell BV: -0.14/37 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.43/21 Dairy Conformation: 0.44/39 2012 B7-7 0.01/45 61/3 Days 170 Herd BW 16/47 LW -117 170 1 Lacts. PA A16 Traits other than production results : 0 0 5 4 7 5 Due to Calve : 12/08/2013 Bull 503564 503564 6 6 7 6 7 BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4164 3.67 153 -58/55 PW ($): 80/83 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.49 187 233 P001.50 27779258 BLACKADDAR ISLE MILKMAN Birth Ident: JCPD-07-40 Breed: SA A12J4 Avg D D D -56/46 3/49 -11/49 -49/54 Breed: 5 6 7 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 75/94 -17.6/90 29/92 -0.59/96 PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Protein (%) (kg) 3.70 104 3.72 103 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 207 3.51 99 275 3.88 107 2788 3.71 3.70 103 241 15/59 2/34 -11.5/37 -125/38 0.53/49 LW 52 -47 2 Lacts. PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days KITEROA BONNY BLUE SILVER 178/88 Birth Ident: MVV-95-40 (61671) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -54/97 CRAIGMYLE GRAND SECRET Birth Ident: BLXH-92-16 Breed : PA A16 EX6 BW ($) : 11 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4285 3.53 151 -20/72 PW ($): 171/90 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.46 191 254 PLUM-BOTTOM TRIDENT'S LOT Birth Ident: MVV-02-3 (505524) Oseas HB No: 000000145520/USA (100854) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -91/93 Breed: G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -39/91 17/94 8/94 434/95 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 39/86 -21.7/82 -73/85 0.37/93 ARC LENICA JAZZ HOLLY Birth Ident: JCPD-00-24 Breed: 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 3 yr SA A8J8 Age 2m 0m 0m 0m 0m Avg N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Protein (%) (kg) KITEROA CREAM ALFIE ET BW ($): 7 PW ($): Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.17 29 3.67 33 109 171 3.68 237 3.75 242 292 242 3.50 285 4.16 339 290 442 3.39 268 4.17 329 285 556 3.45 243 3.69 259 303 283 Plus 5 unprinted lactations 5470 3.48 190 4.08 223 270 10 Lacts. NZAEL BW ($): EX4 Milk (ltr) 912 6441 8160 7893 7026 Avg WOODLAND VIEW PRUDENCE Oseas HB No: 000000734598/CAN Breed : PA A16 Milk G3,G1 19/70 Age 13 yr 0 m 11 yr 1 m 10 yr 0 m 8 yr 11 m 7 yr 0 m PW($): -58/11 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation -141/95 5/96 3/96 445/97 PA A16 BW ($): Milk (ltr) 2819 2756 103 G3,G1 PA A16 Birth Ident: FBBM-98-25 Bull : 503564 KITEROA CREAM ALI ET BW($): -86/32 Mating Date 3/11/2012 & 22/11/2012 ARA KILBARCHAN LA ALPHA Birth Ident: FCTV-91-2 Breed: SA A15X1 Oseas HB No: 000000693744/CAN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -294/71 BROOKVIEW BLUE SECRECY S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 Expected Calf (2012) -42/68 4/71 1/72 285/75 31/76 -13.3/54 117/54 -0.82/66 4.5 3.6 LENICA ALFIE HOLLY S1A Age 2 yr 11 m 2 yr 0 m 0 Oseas HB No: 000000093082/SWE (666708) Breed: O O16 BW ($): -60/97 Internal Animal Key = BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): AM ST MS OO 19/60 PW ($): 513/84 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.62 329 287 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Breed: BROOKVIEW SHOTGUN 81 4.54 106 BW ($): 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7109 3.70 263 WOODLAND VIEW PARDNER-ET Birth Ident: JCPD-10-16 2336 3.45 ARIZONA JENNY GIRL HB No: A/174245/F Breed: PA A16 VHC BACKGARD 3082 PW ($): -39/53 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 Breed: SA A14J2 Date of Birth: 4/08/2010 D -88/60 PW ($): -2/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.57 186 260 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA SHOT HOLLY S2A D BW ($) : 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4068 3.67 149 Birth Ident: DBW-86-48 (61354) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -179/98 Oseas HB No: 000000811799/CAN (500545) Avg BW ($): -249/79 LAMORNA CHOICE CHRISS Birth Ident: BHKR-88-172 Breed : PA A16 EXC Birth Ident: CPGJ-91-9 (61487) Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Age 2 yr 0 m PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds Milk Protein Milkfat (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) 2336 3.45 81 4.54 106 Protein (%) (kg) DALEMERE MALT PW ($): and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds Avg SCC at latest Lactation : BW ($): KOTARE FUTURE JAZZ 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited Breeder : HC -24/79 9/33 -11.6/43 -152/45 0.00/52 WOODLAND VIEW KARA MIA Oseas HB No: 000000659342/CAN Breed : PA A16 D# EX3 -109/72 Age 11 yr 11 m 10 yr 11 m 9 yr 10 m 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 0 m PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -53/50 4/54 -9/55 4/58 31/88 -24.4/80 -536/88 0.38/91 PA A16 BW ($): Milk (ltr) 1769 3200 3413 3889 AM ST MS OO P001.50 Breed: NZAEL Birth Ident: JCPD-02-70 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: FVFY-92-83 Avg Breed: PA A16 -259/90 -1/93 -14/93 296/94 LAMORNA MALT CHRISTINE Bull : BW($): Mating Date & Bull 6 -149/84 0/87 -10/88 150/89 26/79 -15.8/73 -244/79 0.10/86 4.4 3.6 G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G1 LENICA JAZZ ALPHA Age 4 yr 11 m 4 yr 1 m 3 yr 0 m 1 yr 11 m (2012) 5 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 Breed: TE AWHATA PARADISE CHUCKY LENICA CHUCKY ALPHA Age 5 yr 2 m 4 yr 1 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 1 m 24071167 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree D D BW ($): 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6221 3.64 226 5/74 PW ($): 210/84 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.65 289 279 KOTARE FUTURE JAZZ -45/52 D KITEROA CREAM ABLIGE Birth Ident: MVV-93-32 Breed: PA A16 VHC Milk (ltr) 2901 4712 4650 4327 4263 PW ($): 51/79 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.59 104 4.34 126 163 3.40 160 3.83 181 209 3.57 166 4.27 198 255 3.48 150 4.27 185 274 3.63 155 4.59 195 267 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 4135 3.53 146 4.32 179 241 LW 39 213 103 68 144 Birth Ident: CPGJ-91-9 (61487) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -65/99 DAM: Birth Ident: JCPD-97-2 Breed: J J16 BW ($): 3 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6 Lacts. 2367 3.96 94 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -34/50 PW ($): -163/75 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.15 122 209 P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 47 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Breeder : Paul & Maryann Symonds BONNIE BRAE HELIGO WILHAVEN COREY Oseas HB No: 000000724153/CAN (61482) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -287/93 Oseas HB No: 000000790322/CAN REGISTERED AYRSHIRE LENICA CONN LIBBY Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-07-77 No. 10 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 9/09/2007 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -49/70 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -12.3/31 Total Long BV (days): -96/36 Somatic Cell BV: -0.16/48 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 2012 V7-8 0.07/20 Dairy Conformation: 0.30/26 -0.04/22 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Age 4 yr 11 m 3 yr 10 m 2 yr 0 m Avg Milk Protein (ltr) (%) (kg) 2579 3.11 80 5375 3.15 169 2522 3.10 78 D D D 3492 3.13 D Milkfat (%) (kg) 3.98 103 4.29 231 4.23 107 Days 125 266 194 109 4.20 147 195 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 0 0 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 38/48 LW -3 3 -101 3 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 7 6 8 5 Due to Calve : 13/08/2013 Expected Calf 8 6 8 6 7 5 6 7 8 Bull : 504534 CARMELGLEN BRODY BW($): 3/36 Mating Date 4/11/2012 Bull 504534 PA A16 10 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 1m 0m 0m 1m 0m 0m 1m 1m 0m D Avg PW($): 3/12 D Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 Breed: -59/54 -11/59 -20/60 -73/63 Protein (%) (kg) 3.09 99 3.38 162 3.30 139 3.26 139 3.41 154 3.46 167 3.49 152 3.44 120 3.38 111 4104 3.36 -178/85 -10/37 -4.0/42 155/47 -0.59/55 258 4.28 176 LW 43 76 -18 -38 -34 -82 40 7 37 9 Lacts. (2001) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 LOT 48 Milk (ltr) Protein (%) (kg) Milkfat (%) (kg) Days LW Milk GLENHOPE NIMROD Breed: G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 25/99 0/99 -21/99 236/99 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -23/99 -5.5/99 206/99 -0.74/99 GOLDSTREAM REB LADY Birth Ident: GBN-91-9 Breed: B PA A16 BW ($): -171/88 Milk (ltr) 2728 3606 4544 5138 4509 Avg Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.31 90 3.96 108 215 3.54 128 5.05 182 295 3.62 164 4.81 218 297 3.66 188 5.23 269 298 3.68 166 5.46 246 284 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 4157 3.61 150 5.01 208 276 LW -235 -138 -57 41 6 Lacts. Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-04-59 No. 193 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 22/08/2004 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -77/79 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -7.4/37 Total Long BV (days): -15/41 Somatic Cell BV: -0.49/48 Avg D D D D D D 0.16/30 Dairy Conformation: 0.25/30 3502 3.38 119 4.29 150 0.11/31 Days LW 205 -4 244 0 270 57 184 -20 159 -35 257 T -42 220 Herd BW 10/48 -2/48 39/48 33/45 86/44 79/46 6 Lacts. Carry-over. Run with Angus bull 10th October 2012 to 1st January 2013. Due to Calve : Expected Calf Bull Bull : BW($): Mating Date & GOLDSTREAM SILVER LADY HB No: A/161290/F Breed: PA A16 EXC BW ($): 10 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4418 3.57 159 -206/45 PW ($): -309/64 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.33 191 279 P001.50 21196733 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 PANT BLUE LAGOON BROCKLEHILL HARVEST GOLD Breed: Birth Ident: BLLX-89-6 (61574) Milkfat (%) (kg) 4.34 151 4.24 180 4.66 208 4.11 141 3.95 92 4.24 130 Birth Ident: GBN-89-30 (61436) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -99/99 Internal Animal Key = Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 LENICA JACQUERIE LIBBY Protein (%) (kg) 3.37 117 3.34 142 3.42 153 3.30 113 3.43 80 3.47 106 -51/59 PW ($): -62/20 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.96 231 288 ALPINE JACQUERIE Milk (ltr) 3487 4244 4474 3426 2322 3058 BW ($): 13 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5828 3.57 226 GOLDSTREAM REBELLION PW ($): -140/55 Age 7 yr 0 m 5 yr 11 m 4 yr 11 m 3 yr 11 m 3 yr 0 m INGLECORNER ROSE BID HB No: A/131530/F Breed: PA A16 EX5 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Age 7 yr 1 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 0 m 3 yr 1 m 2 yr 0 m PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days HB No: A/29034/M (61077) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -24/98 Oseas HB No: 000000172183/GBR (61156) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -207/90 Oseas HB No: 000000176593/GBR (61357) 22/3 Protein (%) (kg) HB No: A/34092/M (61377) Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Avg SCC at latest Lactation : SHADY WALNUT CANELLE Oseas HB No: 000000749427/CAN Breed : A A16 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Oseas HB No: 000000782514/CAN (61707) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -326/88 BW ($) : and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds -112/48 -11/53 -24/53 -211/57 4/31 Protein (%) (kg) INGLECORNER MILKY BOY 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited BW ($): FOREVER SCHOON MM CORNELIUS PW ($): Age Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 184 4.01 128 277 4.21 202 270 4.20 177 4.12 175 261 4.29 194 281 279 4.37 211 270 4.25 185 4.39 154 263 4.74 155 237 138 WILHAVEN MILKMAIDS C Oseas HB No: 000000736485/CAN Breed : A A16 Milk A A16 BW ($): VHC 5 4 8 4 34/34 -19.4/54 -508/43 -0.03/57 Oseas HB No: 000000810625/CAN PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Milk (ltr) 3202 4785 4222 4249 4532 4826 4339 3505 3278 0 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: SHADY WALNUT CONSTANCE Traits other than production results : 0 -310/61 -14/68 -20/68 -107/69 NZAEL Birth Ident: DVLD-97-7 Breed: PA A16 0 Breeder : -232/77 -5/83 -4/84 29/85 39/55 -20.9/62 -383/65 0.15/78 4.6 3.6 GOLDSTREAM LIBBY BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): A A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G2,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: AM ST MS OO P001.50 Breed: SHADY WALNUT CONN Oseas HB No: 000010304939/CAN (504599) -133/46 -6/52 -9/52 65/56 14/23 24379414 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree EMPTY PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: 10 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 1m 0m 0m 1m 0m 0m 1m 1m 0m D Avg D Breed: 11 yr 10 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr VHC Milk (ltr) 3202 4785 4222 4249 4532 4826 4339 3505 3278 Protein (%) (kg) 3.09 99 3.38 162 3.30 139 3.26 139 3.41 154 3.46 167 3.49 152 3.44 120 3.38 111 4104 3.36 138 0 0 0 0 -178/85 -10/37 -4.0/42 155/47 -0.59/55 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 184 4.01 128 277 4.21 202 270 4.20 177 4.12 175 261 4.29 194 281 279 4.37 211 270 4.25 185 263 4.39 154 4.74 155 237 258 4.28 176 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO LW 43 76 -18 -38 -34 -82 40 7 37 9 Lacts. (2001) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 5 4 8 4 6 6 6 6 2/83 -10.1/73 -449/80 -0.55/83 6 5 6 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 6 7 BW ($): Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days VHC LAMORNA GOOD LAD ET PW ($): -64/56 HB No: A/33632/M Breed : PA A16 212/82 Milk (ltr) 7289 7344 8014 7893 6561 Age 0m 0m 0m 1m 2m PANT BEVERLEY Oseas HB No: 000000097269/GBR Breed : PA A16 Milk PA A16 BW ($): PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -59/54 -11/59 -20/60 -73/63 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: HB No: A/178908/F NZAEL Birth Ident: DVLD-97-7 -264/84 -21/87 -48/87 -421/88 ALPINE J'MEAU Avg Breed: PA A16 PW($): Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation -193/90 -13/92 -35/93 -341/94 19/88 -10.2/80 -188/87 -0.17/91 4.3 3.7 GOLDSTREAM LIBBY BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.72 271 5.32 388 294 3.74 275 5.08 373 284 3.66 293 5.05 405 288 3.76 297 5.03 397 269 3.74 246 4.72 310 243 Plus 4 unprinted lactations 6839 3.75 257 4.89 334 270 LW 351 9 Lacts. BW ($): -97/38 ALPINE J'MIMA HB No: A/A588/F Breed : PA A16 BW ($) : 1 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6104 -82/22 PW ($): -73/8 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.53 276 303 INGLECORNER MILKY BOY GLENHOPE NIMROD HB No: A/34092/M (61377) HB No: A/29034/M (61077) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -24/98 Breed: G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 25/99 0/99 -21/99 236/99 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -23/99 -5.5/99 206/99 -0.74/99 GOLDSTREAM REB LADY Birth Ident: GBN-91-9 Breed: B PA A16 BW ($): Age 7 yr 0 m 5 yr 11 m 4 yr 11 m 3 yr 11 m 3 yr 0 m Avg INGLECORNER ROSE BID HB No: A/131530/F Breed: PA A16 EX5 BW ($): 13 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5828 3.57 226 -51/59 PW ($): -62/20 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.96 231 288 GOLDSTREAM REBELLION -140/55 PW ($): -171/88 Milk (ltr) 2728 3606 4544 5138 4509 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.31 90 3.96 108 215 3.54 128 5.05 182 295 3.62 164 4.81 218 297 3.66 188 5.23 269 298 3.68 166 5.46 246 284 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 4157 3.61 150 5.01 208 276 LW -235 -138 -57 41 6 Lacts. Birth Ident: GBN-89-30 (61436) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -99/99 GOLDSTREAM SILVER LADY HB No: A/161290/F Breed: PA A16 EXC BW ($): 10 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4418 3.57 159 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -206/45 PW ($): -309/64 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.33 191 279 P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 49 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Paul & Maryann Symonds 626 TRON KUUSIJOEN ETRONI Oseas HB No: 000000086626/SWE Breed: O O16 BW ($): -216/70 Oseas HB No: 000000039534/FIN (61753) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA LIMERICK RUBY S2A Birth Ident: BNNL-99-93 (500538) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-05-25 No. 205 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -67/78 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -2.8/34 Total Long BV (days): -127/37 Somatic Cell BV: -0.56/46 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 16/3 Milk (ltr) 4193 5273 4206 4078 3636 2941 Milkfat (%) (kg) 3.15 132 3.60 190 3.16 133 3.61 147 3.71 135 3.62 106 Days 184 269 262 275 233 180 132 3.47 141 234 Avg D D D D D D Protein (%) (kg) 3.17 133 3.25 171 3.28 138 3.43 140 3.40 124 3.01 88 4054 3.26 D 2012 V7-7 -0.02/24 Dairy Conformation: -0.25/24 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Age 7 yr 0 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 3 yr 11 m 3 yr 1 m 2 yr 1 m -0.05/25 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 -2/48 39/48 33/45 86/44 LW -3 -39 -48 -13 8 83 6 Lacts. Lenica Ruby was an unrecorded cow given to us by Maryann’s late father; Len King, full of pure Lenoch bloodlines. Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 0 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 6 5 7 5 Due to Calve : 15/08/2013 Expected Calf 7 7 7 7 7 5 7 7 7 Bull : 504534 CARMELGLEN BRODY BW($): 36/36 Mating Date 6/11/2012 Bull 504534 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: D S -29/98 8/99 -3/99 295/99 30/92 -7.5/97 -40/98 -0.41/99 4.4 3.7 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Birth Ident: JCPD-93-3 Breed: SA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Breed: 11 yr 10 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 3 yr Age 2m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m Avg PW ($): 206/78 Milk (ltr) 5969 7258 5287 Protein (%) (kg) 4.10 245 3.89 282 3.85 204 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.36 260 262 4.49 326 290 4.67 247 284 6171 3.94 4.50 278 243 Protein (%) (kg) 3.38 129 3.44 190 3.37 158 3.38 149 3.30 151 3.48 149 3.43 127 3.44 120 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 220 3.81 145 275 T 3.82 211 258 3.81 178 3.45 152 249 3.44 158 248 258 3.50 150 242 3.83 142 3.74 131 269 LW 256 286 227 4310 3.40 3.67 158 252 Internal Animal Key = DES PEUPLIERS REBEL ARRAN SURFERS PARADISE ET Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-07-70 No. 185 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -25/73 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -9.8/32 Total Long BV (days): -180/36 Somatic Cell BV: -0.38/47 Avg D 0 0 0 Days 186 262 249 107 4.19 131 5 4 7 5 Due to Calve : 15/08/2013 Bull 504534 Herd BW 16/47 -2/48 39/48 LW -29 60 -9 232 3 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 Expected Calf 0.06/30 38/3 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 2012 V6-7 0.33/26 Dairy Conformation: 0.00/26 3128 3.44 D 7 6 7 7 6 5 5 6 7 PA A16 -149/84 0/87 -10/88 150/89 26/79 -15.8/73 -244/79 0.10/86 4.4 3.6 Oseas HB No: 000000658545/CAN (61335) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -299/98 Breed: 9 yr 8 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m D D D D D Avg D Protein (%) (kg) 3.48 81 3.28 155 3.38 122 3.29 147 3.14 101 3.42 147 3.21 95 3654 3.31 121 -103/84 -17/44 -3.1/33 -191/38 -0.59/48 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.03 94 156 244 3.71 175 256 4.22 152 258 3.72 166 3.40 110 193 3.96 170 275 278 4.21 124 237 3.87 141 LW -174 -12 -92 1 66 78 -22 7 Lacts. PW($): 15/12 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 5 4 8 4 6 7 6 7 7 5 5 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 7 7 BW ($): Milk Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days EX3 PW ($): Birth Ident: FRM-88-93 Breed : PA A16 32/82 Milk (ltr) 7267 7622 6497 7424 4637 Avg WOODLAND VIEW KARA MIA Oseas HB No: 000000659342/CAN Breed : PA A16 D# DALEMERE MALT -109/72 Age 11 yr 11 m 10 yr 11 m 9 yr 10 m 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 0 m V7-7 Milk (ltr) 2330 4731 3599 4459 3223 4288 2946 31/88 -24.4/80 -536/88 0.38/91 PA A16 BW ($): PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -96/48 -11/52 -25/53 -134/56 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: FVFY-92-83 NZAEL Birth Ident: JCPD-03-37 Breed: SA A16 G1 -259/90 -1/93 -14/93 296/94 LAMORNA MALT CHRISTINE LENICA GOLDMINE RUBY S2A BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: Bull : 504534 CARMELGLEN BRODY BW($): 17/36 Mating Date 6/11/2012 Breed: Birth Ident: FVFY-02-3 (503623) Breed: SA A16 Date of Birth: 31/08/2007 D 24259404 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 TE AWHATA PARADISE CHUCKY Milkfat (%) (kg) 3.77 129 4.56 153 4.25 111 P001.50 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA CHUCKY RUBY S3A D -24/55 PW ($): -80/89 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.75 203 262 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Birth Ident: BYCF-90-12 (61457) Milk Protein (ltr) (%) (kg) 3424 3.32 114 3352 3.49 117 2608 3.52 92 SANROSA IRISH LOVER Birth Ident: BNNL-91-103 Breed : PA A16 VHC 5 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4284 3.98 170 Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Age 4 yr 11 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m HULAN 6097 8 Lacts. Paul & Maryann Symonds Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Oseas HB No: 000000086097/SWE (666050) Breed : O O16 BW ($): -128/98 3 Lacts. BW ($) : 279 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Protein (%) (kg) LW 63 157 15 13 31 -33 -64 -40 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test LOT 50 -105/44 -4/49 -16/49 19/53 4/31 BW ($): S# D# -134/70 -16/9 0.4/10 -266/13 -0.51/33 Milk (ltr) 3812 5515 4690 4393 4583 4274 3714 3496 147 VHC S G1 9/59 Age 6 yr 1 m 4 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m ULPU Oseas HB No: 000501027446/FIN Breed : PA A16 Milk PA A16 BW ($): PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -132/33 -15/43 -33/44 -276/49 36/95 -17.6/93 -251/95 0.09/96 Birth Ident: BNNL-95-93 NZAEL ARC LENICA RUBY Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -121/96 6/97 4/97 322/97 SANROSA IRISH LAUREEN Avg Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited Breeder : G3,G1 G1 PA A16 PW($): 15/12 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation P001.50 Breed: SANROSA IRISH LIMERICK Breed: SA A16 Date of Birth: 7/08/2005 -67/46 -2/52 -18/52 92/56 7/25 22044943 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.63 264 4.65 338 293 3.49 266 4.67 356 284 3.35 218 4.98 324 257 3.43 255 5.92 439 250 3.31 154 4.32 200 244 Plus 5 unprinted lactations 5757 3.46 199 4.77 274 261 LW 382 374 334 582 114 8 Lacts. BW ($): -249/79 LAMORNA CHOICE CHRISS Birth Ident: BHKR-88-172 Breed : PA A16 EXC BW ($) : 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4068 3.67 149 -88/60 PW ($): -2/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.57 186 260 CLARABETT GOLDMINE TAHURANGI BERNSGOLDMINE Birth Ident: GVY-87-43 (61758) HB No: A/30486/M Breed: PA A16 Breed: G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -84/93 -5/96 -18/96 55/97 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: BW ($): -146/63 -6/81 -8.9/88 -150/92 -0.66/95 ARC LENICA RUBY Birth Ident: JCPD-93-3 Breed: SA A16 BW ($): 11 yr 10 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr Age 2m 0m 0m 0m 0m Avg CLARABETT BETH HB No: A/157127/F Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3422 3.48 130 -35/51 PW ($): 21/45 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.08 139 239 S# D# -132/33 PW ($): -134/70 Milk (ltr) 3812 5515 4690 4393 4583 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.38 129 3.81 145 220 63 3.44 190 3.82 211 275 T 157 3.37 158 3.81 178 258 15 3.38 149 3.45 152 249 13 3.30 151 3.44 158 248 31 Plus 4 unprinted lactations 4310 3.40 147 3.67 158 252 8 Lacts. = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values P001.50 KITEROA BONNY BLUESTAR EX3 Royal Show Champion. Lot 51 – Bought from Kiteroa in 2002. Line bred to Bonny Blueloo. Dam of the outstanding champion Bonny Bluestar Ex3, plus three strains of Bonapart, classic breeding here. P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 51 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Owner : Paul & Maryann Symonds Birth Ident: MVV-95-40 (61671) Breed : Birth Ident: MVV-02-65 No. 153 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -74/82 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): 1.7/43 Total Long BV (days): 230/47 Somatic Cell BV: -0.43/54 50/3 Milk (ltr) 3145 4230 3431 4164 4828 3646 4232 2794 4331 Milkfat (%) (kg) 4.08 128 3.90 165 4.13 142 4.19 175 4.38 211 4.02 147 4.19 177 4.12 115 4.53 196 Days 188 242 233 275 281 209 273 235 273 138 4.18 162 245 Avg D D D D D D 3867 3.58 D Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 0 0 5 4 7 5 Due to Calve : 01/08/2013 Bull 512568 0.05/38 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 -2/48 39/48 33/45 86/44 79/46 80/47 70/48 LW -114 -36 -70 -12 58 100 10 15 236 9 Lacts. (2005) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 Expected Calf 2005 VHC 0.44/37 Dairy Conformation: 0.46/36 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Protein (%) (kg) 3.60 113 3.58 151 3.51 121 3.54 147 3.53 171 3.59 131 3.69 156 3.63 102 3.56 154 6 7 Breed: KITEROA BONNY BLUE SILVER Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 25/07/2002 Age 10 yr 0 m 9 yr 1 m 8 yr 2 m 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 0 m 3 yr 1 m 2 yr 0 m 7 6 7 5 6 7 7 Bull : 512568 KITEROA BO PEPPERBRODY BW($): 14/23 Mating Date 23/10/2012 HB No: A/32422/M (79104) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -30/98 Birth Ident: XQQ-88-30 (61381) KITEROA BONNY BLUE PRUE Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: TAONUI JACKS JETHRO KINGSWAY CASANOVA ET REGISTERED AYRSHIRE -49/53 -11/58 -22/58 -206/61 5/38 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 4/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Zane Kite 19164393 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree PA A16 G3 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -54/97 -12/98 -10/98 -301/98 19/95 1.8/95 239/96 -0.52/98 4.9 3.7 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Breed: Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 11 m 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 0 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m Avg 10 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr Protein (%) (kg) 3.31 115 3.44 182 3.62 203 3.49 194 3.62 170 3.53 167 3.38 151 3.44 161 4817 3.49 168 -121/88 -9/58 1.7/46 184/51 -0.25/59 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 190 3.64 127 305 3.62 192 3.93 221 293 4.02 223 289 287 4.03 190 251 4.23 199 3.65 163 260 4.02 188 305 273 3.90 188 LW -84 -74 22 46 -62 14 -11 97 8 Lacts. PW($): -34/8 Traits other than production results : 8 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 8 8 8 (1998) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 6 5 7 5 6 5 5 6 -25/99 -12.8/99 -62/99 -0.25/99 6 5 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 6 7 PW ($): BW ($): 5 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7799 3.74 266 -90/50 PW ($): -69/17 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.68 365 257 KITEROA GOLDEN STARBRIGHT Birth Ident: MVV-86-34 Breed : PA A16 201/89 Milk (ltr) 6726 7802 9900 8394 8016 Age 0m 3m 0m 1m 0m LENOCH CANDY GIRL HB No: A/143590/F Breed : PA A16 EXC EX3 G1 -50/83 Avg PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Milk (ltr) 3486 5305 5619 5555 4701 4721 4464 4682 AM ST MS OO PA A16 BW ($): VHC -67/60 -13/63 -36/64 -218/67 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-88-9 NZAEL Birth Ident: MVV-95-16 -70/99 -11/99 -13/99 -397/99 KITEROA BONNY BLUESTAR KITEROA BONNY BLUE PROUD Breed: PA A16 G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.32 223 4.02 270 257 3.70 288 4.06 317 305 3.50 347 3.93 389 301 3.68 309 4.22 355 278 3.78 303 4.26 342 300 Plus 3 unprinted lactations 7286 3.63 264 4.25 309 291 LW 267 123 355 8 Lacts. BW ($): -109/64 KITEROA BONNY BLUELOO Birth Ident: MVV-86-3 Breed : PA A16 EX2 BW ($) : 10 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5904 3.37 199 -77/71 PW ($): -34/90 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.16 246 273 KITEROA BONNY GAYESPIRIT BROCKLEHILL HAPPY SPIRIT Birth Ident: MVV-85-230 (61419) Oseas HB No: 000000176592/GBR (61192) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -177/95 Breed: G3 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -58/96 -8/97 -32/97 -135/98 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 1/94 -0.6/93 81/95 -0.51/97 KITEROA BONNY BLUE PEPPY Birth Ident: MVV-92-55 Breed: VHC PA A16 BW ($): Age 8 yr 0 m 6 yr 11 m 5 yr 11 m 4 yr 11 m 4 yr 0 m Avg KITEROA BONNY GAYE HB No: A/116397/F Breed: PA A16 EX3 BW ($): 12 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5782 14/65 PW ($): -88/22 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.30 248 294 KITEROA BO PEPPERONI -26/60 PW ($): -130/88 Milk (ltr) 4276 5506 4502 4980 5065 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.39 145 3.65 156 251 3.40 187 4.04 223 252 3.48 156 3.98 179 245 3.58 178 4.02 200 289 3.57 181 4.35 220 257 Plus 2 unprinted lactations 4875 3.52 171 4.14 202 270 LW -117 7 -35 -23 28 7 Lacts. HB No: A/33968/M (61248) Breed: PA A16 S BW ($): 11/99 KITEROA BONNY BLUELOO Birth Ident: MVV-86-3 Breed: PA A16 EX2 BW ($): 10 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5904 3.37 199 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -77/71 PW ($): -34/90 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.16 246 273 P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 52 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Paul & Maryann Symonds ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT PLUM-BOTTOM TRIDENT'S LOT Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -245/94 Oseas HB No: 000000145520/USA (100854) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE LENICA CREAM PRUE Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-06-44 No. 169 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 14/08/2006 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -112/73 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -6.1/38 Total Long BV (days): 103/41 Somatic Cell BV: -0.38/49 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 28/3 Milk (ltr) 3968 3697 3291 2957 Milkfat (%) (kg) 3.00 119 3.42 126 3.85 127 4.36 129 Avg D D D D Protein (%) (kg) 3.41 135 3.41 126 3.44 113 3.75 111 3478 3.49 D 2012 V6-8 0.50/29 Dairy Conformation: 0.46/31 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Age 5 yr 11 m 4 yr 0 m 3 yr 1 m 1 yr 11 m 0.23/31 Herd BW 16/47 -2/48 39/48 33/45 Days LW 187 T -80 288 -157 243 -85 285 -48 121 3.60 125 251 4 Lacts. Extremely well balanced and stylish cow. Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 0 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 7 6 8 5 Due to Calve : 22/08/2013 Expected Calf 7 6 7 6 6 5 7 6 8 Bull : 512568 KITEROA BO PEPPERBRODY BW($): -5/22 Mating Date 13/11/2012 23/10/2012 Bull 512568 512568 PA A16 Breed: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 10 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 0m 1m 2m 0m 0m 0m 0m 1m 0m D D D D D D Avg D Milk (ltr) 3145 4230 3431 4164 4828 3646 4232 2794 4331 Protein (%) (kg) 3.60 113 3.58 151 3.51 121 3.54 147 3.53 171 3.59 131 3.69 156 3.63 102 3.56 154 3867 3.58 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 188 4.08 128 242 3.90 165 233 4.13 142 4.19 175 275 4.38 211 281 209 4.02 147 273 4.19 177 4.12 115 235 4.53 196 273 138 245 4.18 162 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 0 -74/82 5/38 1.7/43 230/47 -0.43/54 LW -114 -36 -70 -12 58 100 10 15 236 9 Lacts. (2005) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 5 4 7 5 6 7 7 6 7 5 6 7 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 53 210/84 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.64 271 4.51 336 305 3.68 249 4.60 311 305 3.65 231 4.53 287 264 3.71 176 4.82 229 250 3.54 201 5.08 288 262 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 6221 3.64 226 4.65 289 279 LW 353 324 213 142 211 KINGSWAY CASANOVA ET Birth Ident: MVV-95-40 (61671) Birth Ident: XQQ-88-30 (61381) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -70/99 Breed: G3 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -54/97 -12/98 -10/98 -301/98 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 19/95 1.8/95 239/96 -0.52/98 KITEROA BONNY BLUE PROUD Birth Ident: MVV-95-16 Breed: VHC PA A16 BW ($): -121/88 Milk (ltr) 3486 5305 5619 5555 4701 Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 11 m 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m Avg Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.31 115 3.64 127 190 3.44 182 3.62 192 305 3.62 203 3.93 221 293 3.49 194 4.02 223 289 3.62 170 4.03 190 287 Plus 3 unprinted lactations 4817 3.49 168 3.90 188 273 LW -84 -74 22 46 -62 8 Lacts. Birth Ident: MVV-02-3 (505524) Breed : No. 325 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -249/70 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -14.6/38 Total Long BV (days): -3/38 Somatic Cell BV: 0.25/49 Avg D 0 0 0 79 4.14 Days 125 224 262 94 6 5 8 5 Due to Calve : 25/09/2013 Bull 61574 504534 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 -2/48 LW -366 -249 -150 204 3 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 Expected Calf 0.31/32 72/3 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 2012 V6-8 0.45/30 Dairy Conformation: 0.24/31 2277 3.45 D 7 6 BW($): Mating Date 25/11/2012 & 5/11/2012 Breed: KITEROA CREAM ALFIE ET Birth Ident: JCPD-08-63 D 7 5 7 BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7286 3.63 264 -50/83 PW ($): 201/89 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.25 309 291 Birth Ident: MVV-85-230 (61419) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -58/96 KITEROA BONNY BLUE PEPPY Birth Ident: MVV-92-55 Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4875 3.52 171 -26/60 PW ($): -130/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.14 202 270 Internal Animal Key = P001.50 25630334 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT PLUM-BOTTOM TRIDENT'S LOT Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 4/09/2008 D KITEROA BONNY BLUESTAR Birth Ident: MVV-88-9 Breed: PA A16 EX3 KITEROA BONNY GAYESPIRIT PW ($): -67/60 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 LENICA ALFIES MOMENT Age 4 yr 0 m 3 yr 0 m 1 yr 11 m -8/67 PW ($): 134/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.89 246 276 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Milkfat (%) (kg) 3.10 43 3.69 107 5.23 133 KITEROA CREAM ABILITY Birth Ident: MVV-90-14 Breed : PA A16 VHC KITEROA BONNY BLUE SILVER Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -245/94 Oseas HB No: 000000145520/USA (100854) Milk Protein (ltr) (%) (kg) 1376 3.28 45 2915 3.54 103 2542 3.44 87 HB No: A/33968/M (61248) Breed : PA A16 S BW ($): 11/99 BW ($) : 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6 Lacts. 6312 3.48 220 Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Avg SCC at latest Lactation : PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: Protein (%) (kg) KITEROA BO PEPPERONI PW ($): and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds -107/46 -1/51 -11/51 -47/55 26/32 BW ($): VHC Milk (ltr) 7448 6770 6332 4750 5671 Avg MORROW PREFERRED LOU 4TH Oseas HB No: 000000968232/USA Breed : A A16 Milk 5/74 Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 2 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -49/53 -11/58 -22/58 -206/61 59/93 -28.3/87 -120/90 -0.11/94 PA A16 BW ($): VHC Breed: PA A16 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-93-32 NZAEL Birth Ident: MVV-02-65 -91/93 17/95 12/95 532/96 KITEROA CREAM ABLIGE KITEROA BONNY BLUE PRUE PW($): -29/8 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation Breeder : -121/92 -7/94 -17/94 -423/95 33/87 -11.2/84 -26/87 -0.25/93 4.9 3.9 G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: 0 P001.50 Breed: KITEROA CREAM ALI ET Birth Ident: MVV-02-39 (503564) -87/47 -8/51 -22/51 -253/55 19/31 23519922 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree 5 5 6 Bull : PW($): Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 8 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: G3,G1 -39/91 17/94 8/94 434/95 39/86 -21.7/82 -73/85 0.37/93 4.5 3.8 Birth Ident: DVLD-95-53 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -103/56 -7/60 -16/61 -85/64 Breed: 59/93 -28.3/87 -120/90 -0.11/94 Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 2 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m Avg -61/84 12/43 -9.1/44 93/48 0.07/55 D N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test BW ($): Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days VHC KITEROA BO PEPPERONI PW ($): 5/74 210/84 Milk (ltr) 7448 6770 6332 4750 5671 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.64 271 4.51 336 305 3.68 249 4.60 311 305 3.65 231 4.53 287 264 3.71 176 4.82 229 250 3.54 201 5.08 288 262 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 6221 3.64 226 4.65 289 279 LW 353 324 213 142 211 6 Lacts. HB No: A/33968/M (61248) Breed : PA A16 S BW ($): 11/99 KITEROA CREAM ABILITY Birth Ident: MVV-90-14 Breed : PA A16 VHC BW ($) : 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6312 3.48 220 -8/67 PW ($): 134/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.89 246 276 GOLDSTREAM REBELLION TAONUI JACKS JETHRO Birth Ident: GBN-89-30 (61436) HB No: A/32422/M (79104) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -30/98 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -99/99 -10/99 -14/99 -129/99 G3,G1 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 20/98 -3.3/99 125/99 -0.18/99 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 256 -138 3.51 122 2.77 96 D GLENHOPE STAR MOMENT 30 3.44 118 3.36 115 203 3.57 151 3.55 150 265 32 Birth Ident: FHL-85-12 VHC 50 3.44 138 3.65 146 246 Breed: PA A16 273 103 3.38 173 4.51 231 47 3.73 141 4.04 153 216 BW ($): -108/60 PW ($): 43/87 122 3.78 216 4.55 260 279 3.74 203 4.42 240 295 138 Milk Protein Milkfat 246 81 3.73 158 4.25 180 Age (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW Plus 3 unprinted lactations 16 yr 1 m 3889 3.49 136 4.69 182 282 -12 Avg D 4220 3.64 154 4.11 174 255 12 Lacts. 15 yr 1 m 4306 3.37 145 4.41 190 280 -9 14 yr 1 m 4312 3.40 146 4.47 193 223 92 13 yr 1 m 4558 3.40 155 4.58 209 255 111 Traits other than production results : (2001) 11 yr 11 m 5367 3.63 195 4.89 262 304 121 AM ST MS OO S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC Plus 10 unprinted lactations 0 0 0 0 7 6 7 5 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 5 7 Avg 5323 3.55 189 4.99 265 286 15 Lacts. Age 13 yr 0 m 12 yr 0 m 11 yr 0 m 10 yr 1 m 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 11 m 7 yr 0 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 1 m MORROW PREFERRED LOU 4TH Oseas HB No: 000000968232/USA Breed : A A16 Milk PA A16 BW ($): HC Milk (ltr) 3478 3431 4234 4003 5133 3783 5722 5433 4239 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-93-32 NZAEL PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -91/93 17/95 12/95 532/96 KITEROA CREAM ABLIGE GOLDSTREAM REB MOMENTUM Breed: PA A16 G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): GOLDSTREAM REBEL MAROON Birth Ident: GBN-87-1 Breed: PA A16 B BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7985 3.40 271 MEREDITH STAR BRIGHT Oseas HB No: 000000134197/USA (61168) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -190/96 GLENHOPE MOMENT HB No: A/151368/F Breed: PA A16 EXC BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6224 3.36 233 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -176/76 PW ($): 379/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.55 363 275 -75/58 PW ($): -67/47 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.30 268 286 P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 54 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 4/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Paul & Maryann Symonds ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT PLUM-BOTTOM TRIDENT'S LOT Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -245/94 Oseas HB No: 000000145520/USA (100854) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE LENICA ALI MOMENT Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-10-59 No. 92 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 25/08/2010 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -61/44 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -8.9/35 Total Long BV (days): 72/35 Somatic Cell BV: -0.41/41 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: Avg 2266 3.59 D 0.34/47 19/3 Milk Protein Milkfat (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) 2266 3.59 81 4.55 103 D 2012 B6-8 0.46/29 Dairy Conformation: 0.25/42 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Age 2 yr 0 m Days 152 81 4.55 103 Herd BW 16/47 LW -27 152 1 Lacts. PA A16 Breed: PA A16 0 0 0 (2012) 6 5 8 5 Due to Calve : 10/08/2013 Expected Calf 7 6 6 6 5 5 6 D -7/74 -3/39 -7.7/42 163/43 -0.33/51 Protein (%) (kg) 3.27 110 3.11 124 3.15 96 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 150 4.16 141 262 4.07 162 272 4.50 137 3470 3.17 4.22 147 228 LW 19 82 -53 3 Lacts. P001.50 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 55 KITEROA BO PEPPERONI PW ($): 210/84 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.64 271 4.51 336 305 3.68 249 4.60 311 305 3.65 231 4.53 287 264 3.71 176 4.82 229 250 3.54 201 5.08 288 262 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 6221 3.64 226 4.65 289 279 LW 353 324 213 142 211 GLENHOPE NIMROD Breed: G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 25/99 0/99 -21/99 236/99 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -23/99 -5.5/99 206/99 -0.74/99 GOLDSTREAM REB MOMENTUM Birth Ident: DVLD-95-53 Breed: HC PA A16 Age 0m 0m 0m 1m 0m D D D -61/84 Milk (ltr) 3478 3431 4234 4003 5133 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.51 122 2.77 96 256 -138 3.44 118 3.36 115 203 30 3.57 151 3.55 150 265 32 3.44 138 3.65 146 246 50 3.38 173 4.51 231 273 103 Plus 7 unprinted lactations 4220 3.64 154 4.11 174 255 12 Lacts. Birth Ident: BTVK-98-1 (61803) Breed : No. 133 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -14/78 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -9.8/37 Total Long BV (days): -128/41 Somatic Cell BV: -0.27/48 0.37/31 Dairy Conformation: 0.21/30 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : 36/4 Milk (ltr) 6040 3646 4829 3681 3251 Milkfat (%) (kg) 3.89 235 4.04 147 4.23 205 4.15 153 3.64 118 Days 253 233 273 217 209 137 4.00 172 237 Avg D D D 4290 3.20 0.07/32 LW 168 -103 128 13 118 Herd BW 10/48 -2/48 39/48 33/45 86/44 5 Lacts. Carry-over, synchronised 21st October. Followed by Jersey bull. Bull out 6th December 2012. Due to Calve : Expected Calf Bull 61574 509563 02/08/2013 Breed: INGLECORNER MERCURY Birth Ident: DVLD-05-51 D PA A16 GLENHOPE STAR MOMENT Birth Ident: FHL-85-12 Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 15 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5323 3.55 189 -108/60 PW ($): 43/87 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.99 265 286 P001.50 22242986 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 INGLECORNER PROGRESS Birth Ident: BTVK-86-5 (61347) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -120/99 -85/88 -13/91 -28/92 -201/93 -47/81 -5.8/75 -182/84 -0.23/89 4.3 3.6 Breed: 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 2m 0m 1m 1m 1m 2m Avg Protein (%) (kg) 3.40 162 3.35 154 3.11 119 3.19 147 3.37 162 3.18 85 4209 3.28 138 -213/87 31/55 -16.4/46 -170/50 0.08/55 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.83 182 273 3.40 156 264 196 3.77 144 204 3.83 176 4.09 197 249 4.16 112 222 235 3.83 161 LW -103 -91 -91 52 29 -101 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 8 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 8 8 8 (2001) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 7 6 7 5 7 6 7 6 7 5 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 6 7 38/45 PW ($): 151/75 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.37 230 303 157/82 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.05 22 4.18 30 35 3.69 236 4.40 281 305 4.03 228 3.82 217 305 3.66 261 4.25 304 281 3.67 211 4.47 257 222 Plus 4 unprinted lactations 5641 3.72 210 4.30 243 267 LW 233 177 136 8 Lacts. Oseas HB No: 000000176592/GBR (61192) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -177/95 ARRAN MARNIE HB No: A/116817/F Breed : PA A16 VHC BW ($) : 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4116 -138/41 PW ($): -123/14 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.21 173 252 MEREDITH STAR BRIGHT SELWOOD BETTY'S COMMANDER Oseas HB No: 000000134197/USA (61168) Oseas HB No: 000000393145/CAN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -318/60 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -190/96 -8/98 -21/98 68/98 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 1/95 -21.9/92 -126/96 0.24/95 GOLDSTREAM REBEL MAROON 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr Age 1m 0m 0m 0m 0m Avg BW ($): Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days B PA A16 BW ($): MEREDITH GREEN LILA Oseas HB No: 000000716933/USA Breed: PA A16 Milk Birth Ident: GBN-87-1 Breed: 6 Lacts. PW($): -126/12 BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5258 4.02 212 BROCKLEHILL HAPPY SPIRIT PW ($): Milk (ltr) 728 6384 5667 7148 5745 Avg INGLECORNER G RATA HB No: A/171813/F Breed : PA A16 HC VHC -145/58 Age 13 yr 3 m 11 yr 8 m 9 yr 11 m 8 yr 9 m 6 yr 11 m B Milk (ltr) 4752 4593 3815 4600 4814 2679 -20/66 -5.7/53 25/61 -0.19/68 PA A16 BW ($): PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -193/57 -4/60 -17/61 212/63 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: HB No: A/175950/F NZAEL Birth Ident: DVLD-99-26 Breed: PA A16 -26/69 -2/73 -21/73 100/75 CRAIGMYLE HAPPY MOMENT GOLDSTREAM STAR MERLA ET BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: Bull : 61574 ALPINE JACQUERIE BW($): -148/35 Mating Date 22/10/2012 25/10/2011 Birth Ident: GBN-89-30 (61436) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -99/99 Internal Animal Key = INGLECORNER PRO RATA Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 23/08/2005 D -51/59 PW ($): -62/20 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.96 231 288 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 GOLDSTREAM MERLE D BW ($): 13 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5828 3.57 226 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Age 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 1 m 4 yr 0 m 2 yr 11 m 1 yr 11 m INGLECORNER ROSE BID HB No: A/131530/F Breed: PA A16 EX5 GOLDSTREAM REBELLION PW ($): -103/56 Birth Ident: BTVK-94-7 Protein (%) (kg) 3.24 196 3.16 115 3.26 158 3.22 119 3.05 99 -8/67 PW ($): 134/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.89 246 276 HB No: A/29034/M (61077) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -24/98 Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: KITEROA CREAM ABILITY Birth Ident: MVV-90-14 Breed : PA A16 VHC = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Craig Rapley -103/48 -5/52 -17/52 126/56 -8/34 HB No: A/33968/M (61248) Breed : PA A16 S BW ($): 11/99 BW ($) : 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6 Lacts. 6312 3.48 220 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days HB No: A/34092/M (61377) Avg Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation Protein (%) (kg) INGLECORNER MILKY BOY 13 yr 12 yr 11 yr 10 yr 9 yr PW($): -10/7 BW ($): VHC Milk (ltr) 7448 6770 6332 4750 5671 BW ($): 8 MORROW PREFERRED LOU 4TH Oseas HB No: 000000968232/USA Breed : A A16 Milk 5/74 Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 2 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m Milk (ltr) 3376 3989 3046 110 59/93 -28.3/87 -120/90 -0.11/94 PA A16 BW ($): Bull : 512568 KITEROA BO PEPPERBRODY BW($): 3/21 Mating Date 1/11/2012 Bull 512568 5 D Avg S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 D Breed: PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -31/50 -2/53 -14/53 159/57 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-93-32 Avg Birth Ident: JCPD-07-55 -91/93 17/95 12/95 532/96 KITEROA CREAM ABLIGE NZAEL LENICA MILKY MOMENT Age 5 yr 0 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m Traits other than production results : -121/92 -7/94 -17/94 -423/95 33/87 -11.2/84 -26/87 -0.25/93 4.9 3.9 G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): AM ST MS OO Breed: KITEROA CREAM ALI ET Birth Ident: MVV-02-39 (503564) -71/42 -4/44 -13/44 -119/47 21/49 27993905 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree DES PEUPLIERS REBEL -176/76 Milk (ltr) 6286 7305 9447 8223 8257 PW ($): 379/88 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.32 209 3.54 223 247 3.38 247 4.56 333 290 3.24 306 4.90 463 297 3.60 296 4.92 405 289 3.57 295 4.42 365 275 Plus 2 unprinted lactations 7985 3.40 271 4.55 363 275 LW 174 Oseas HB No: 000000658545/CAN (61335) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -299/98 ARRAN BLUE MACAROON HB No: A/159423/F Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7 Lacts. 8635 3.23 291 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -132/66 PW ($): 177/55 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.31 372 301 P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 56 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Breeder : Paul & Maryann Symonds KITEROA BONAPART KITEROA BO PEPPERONI HB No: A/30899/M (61171) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -74/97 HB No: A/33968/M (61248) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA PEPS JODY S3A Birth Ident: YTF-99-22 (501641) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-09-31 No. 163 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -101/45 -14/48 -23/48 -453/52 13/32 -240/60 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): 0.1/38 Total Long BV (days): 51/37 Somatic Cell BV: -0.14/48 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.32/31 Dairy Conformation: -0.02/31 Age 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m D Avg D 2901 3.31 2012 V6-7 0.23/32 40/3 Milk Protein Milkfat (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) 2789 3.38 94 3.69 103 3013 3.24 97 4.03 121 D Days 188 265 96 3.87 112 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 LW -230 -249 227 2 Lacts. PA A16 Breed: SA A14F1 0 0 0 (2012) 5 4 7 5 Due to Calve : 08/08/2013 Expected Calf 7 7 6 5 7 5 6 D D D -365/68 15/31 -5.3/38 -113/40 -0.16/50 Protein (%) (kg) 3.87 84 3.93 103 3.58 58 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 212 3.72 81 5.03 131 285 T 210 T 4.64 75 2136 3.82 4.48 96 236 LW -330 -215 -144 3 Lacts. P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 57 LW 161 144 224 82 194 BROCKLEHILL HARVEST GOLD Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -193/90 -13/92 -35/93 -341/94 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 19/88 -10.2/80 -188/87 -0.17/91 ARC LENICA JODY Birth Ident: JCPD-02-68 Breed: VHC SA A12F2 D D D D D -13/81 Milk (ltr) 1813 3148 2642 3768 4416 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.66 66 3.65 66 207 -406 3.75 118 4.10 129 264 -191 3.61 95 2.92 77 213 -237 3.62 136 4.56 172 210 T 140 3.90 172 4.87 215 277 132 Plus 2 unprinted lactations 3247 3.73 121 4.53 147 246 7 Lacts. Birth Ident: MVV-02-39 (503564) Breed : No. 97 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -97/41 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -7.8/35 Total Long BV (days): 0/36 Somatic Cell BV: -0.31/42 2012 B7-7 0.42/28 Dairy Conformation: 0.31/42 0.28/47 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : 1414 3.31 47 5.35 Days 125 76 Herd BW 16/47 LW -103 125 1 Lacts. PA A16 Traits other than production results : 0 0 0 5 4 7 5 Due to Calve : 04/09/2013 Expected Calf Bull 61574 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 7 6 7 7 7 5 6 7 7 -121/92 -7/94 -17/94 -423/95 33/87 -11.2/84 -26/87 -0.25/93 4.9 3.9 8/52 PW ($): -31/84 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.88 165 236 P001.50 27993912 ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT Age 8 yr 0 m 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 1 m 4 yr 11 m 3 yr 11 m 2 yr 11 m 1 yr 11 m D D D D Avg D Breed: Milk (ltr) 1813 3148 2642 3768 4416 3671 3272 Protein (%) (kg) 3.66 66 3.75 118 3.61 95 3.62 136 3.90 172 3.75 138 3.71 121 3247 3.73 121 -13/81 11/36 -2.6/44 40/45 -0.23/55 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 207 3.65 66 264 4.10 129 2.92 77 213 210 T 4.56 172 277 4.87 215 278 5.03 185 5.66 185 273 246 4.53 147 LW -406 -191 -237 140 132 96 103 7 Lacts. PW($): -123/11 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 0 (2005) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 6 5 7 5 8 6 6 5 6 5 6 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 6 7 MORROW PREFERRED LOU 4TH Oseas HB No: 000000968232/USA Breed : A A16 BW ($): Milk PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Protein (%) (kg) VHC KITEROA BO PEPPERONI 5/74 PW ($): 210/84 Milk (ltr) 7448 6770 6332 4750 5671 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.64 271 4.51 336 305 3.68 249 4.60 311 305 3.65 231 4.53 287 264 3.71 176 4.82 229 250 3.54 201 5.08 288 262 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 6221 3.64 226 4.65 289 279 Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 2 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -47/54 -7/58 -6/59 -353/62 59/93 -28.3/87 -120/90 -0.11/94 PA A16 BW ($): VHC Breed: SA A12F2 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-93-32 Avg Birth Ident: JCPD-02-68 -91/93 17/95 12/95 532/96 KITEROA CREAM ABLIGE NZAEL ARC LENICA JODY Bull : 61574 ALPINE JACQUERIE BW($): -139/33 Mating Date 26/11/2012 BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3378 3.67 124 Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -245/94 G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): AM ST MS OO ARC LENICA GOVS BESS Birth Ident: JCPD-99-37 Breed: SA A8J4 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Breed: KITEROA CREAM ALI ET Sex: FEMALE Classification: Avg Oseas HB No: 000000040061/FIN (500592) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -36/97 Internal Animal Key = PLUM-BOTTOM TRIDENT'S LOT Birth Ident: JCPD-10-68 D -64/56 PW ($): 212/82 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.89 334 270 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 Breed: SA A14F1 Date of Birth: 31/08/2010 D BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6839 3.75 257 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA ALI JODY S2A Milk Protein Milkfat (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) 1414 3.31 47 5.35 76 ALPINE J'MEAU HB No: A/178908/F Breed: PA A16 VHC RISTITIEN JOHDE PW ($): -47/54 Oseas HB No: 000000145520/USA (100854) Age 2 yr 0 m -53/57 PW ($): -54/91 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.49 223 252 Oseas HB No: 000000176593/GBR (61357) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -264/84 Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: CRAIGMYLE LADY BELINDA Birth Ident: BLXH-87-22 Breed : PA A16 VHC = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds -85/43 -9/44 -12/44 -455/48 15/49 HB No: A/33498/M (61205) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -116/94 BW ($) : 11 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6 Lacts. 4059 3.86 157 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.01 257 277 Birth Ident: BLLX-89-6 (61574) Avg N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6414 ALPINE JACQUERIE Age 8 yr 0 m 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 1 m 4 yr 11 m 3 yr 11 m PW($): -17/12 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.54 128 5.31 191 226 3.70 125 4.97 167 177 3.46 134 5.16 200 205 3.78 139 5.06 186 251 3.67 155 5.18 219 235 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 3874 3.62 140 5.17 200 227 BW ($): 7 132/86 Milk (ltr) 3603 3369 3882 3678 4218 Avg KITEROA BO PEPPY HB No: A/127673/F Breed : PA A16 EXC CRAIGMYLE BLUE MASTER PW ($): -39/62 Age 6 yr 11 m 5 yr 11 m 4 yr 11 m 4 yr 0 m 2 yr 11 m Milk (ltr) 2183 2615 1611 82 11/99 1.4/98 412/99 0.28/99 PA A16 BW ($): Bull : 504534 CARMELGLEN BRODY BW($): 20/36 Mating Date 30/10/2012 Bull 504534 7 D Avg S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 Breed: PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -174/47 -18/51 -32/51 -636/56 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: BLXH-93-24 NZAEL Birth Ident: JCPD-05-15 11/99 -3/99 -11/99 -24/99 S CRAIGMYLE MISS BRITTANY LENICA JACQUERIE JODY S2A Age 4 yr 0 m 3 yr 0 m 1 yr 11 m Traits other than production results : 29/98 -3/99 -1/99 -164/99 11/96 6.4/97 229/97 -0.14/99 4.9 3.8 G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): AM ST MS OO Breed: ARDENVALE PEPS BOY Breed: SA A15F1 Date of Birth: 6/08/2009 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : 26999525 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree LW 353 324 213 142 211 HB No: A/33968/M (61248) Breed : PA A16 S BW ($): 11/99 KITEROA CREAM ABILITY Birth Ident: MVV-90-14 Breed : PA A16 VHC BW ($) : 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6 Lacts. 6312 3.48 220 -8/67 PW ($): 134/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.89 246 276 RISTITIEN JOHDE MAUNULAN TUNNUS Oseas HB No: 000000040061/FIN (500592) Oseas HB No: 000000038393/FIN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -72/74 Breed: G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -36/97 11/97 13/97 361/98 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 49/96 -9.5/94 -94/95 -0.22/97 ARC LENICA GOVS BESS VALKE Oseas HB No: 000001061238/FIN Breed: A A16 BW ($): Milk Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Birth Ident: JCPD-99-37 Breed: SA A8J4 BW ($): Age 7 yr 11 m 7 yr 1 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 1 m 4 yr 1 m Avg KITEROA BONNY GOVERNOR 8/52 D D PW ($): -31/84 Milk (ltr) 3089 3653 3403 2923 3582 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.61 112 4.96 153 210 3.58 131 4.48 164 242 3.47 118 4.86 166 251 3.68 108 5.28 154 219 3.68 132 4.79 172 227 Plus 2 unprinted lactations 3378 3.67 124 4.88 165 236 LW 19 -34 -52 -7 31 7 Lacts. Birth Ident: MVV-93-20 (61557) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 3/99 DAM: Birth Ident: GNMV-96-42 Breed: JF J8F6 BW ($): 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3846 3.76 145 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values 66/52 PW ($): 181/83 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.80 185 234 P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 58 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Paul & Maryann Symonds ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT PLUM-BOTTOM TRIDENT'S LOT Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -245/94 Oseas HB No: 000000145520/USA (100854) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA ALI STAR S3A Birth Ident: MVV-02-39 (503564) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-10-69 No. 172 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -45/44 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -9.8/34 Total Long BV (days): -58/36 Somatic Cell BV: -0.47/41 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: Age 2 yr 0 m Avg D 2163 3.76 D 0.25/47 94/3 Milk Protein Milkfat (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) 2163 3.76 81 4.36 94 81 4.36 Days 151 94 Herd BW 16/47 LW -39 151 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): AM ST MS OO 0 0 0 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 6 5 7 5 Due to Calve : 17/08/2013 Expected Calf 7 6 7 6 6 5 6 7 Bull : 504534 CARMELGLEN BRODY BW($): 33/35 Mating Date 8/11/2012 Bull 504534 5 Age 0m 1m 0m 0m 0m 1m 0m D D D D Avg D Breed: 87/82 -15/36 -9.5/42 -92/44 -0.57/51 Milk (ltr) 4559 4167 5198 4097 4741 3687 3852 Protein (%) (kg) 3.49 159 3.51 146 3.72 193 3.25 133 3.46 164 3.37 124 3.46 133 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 262 4.85 221 227 4.69 196 266 4.75 247 4.47 183 193 4.34 206 268 242 4.28 158 266 4.31 166 4329 3.48 4.54 197 150 246 LW 175 153 293 261 111 170 162 7 Lacts. PW($): 27/12 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 0 (2005) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 5 4 7 5 6 7 6 6 7 4 6 6 7 KINGSWAY CASANOVA ET Breed: G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -66/99 -6/99 -3/99 -111/99 Birth Ident: JCPD-98-34 Breed: BW ($): 9 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr Age 0m 0m 0m 1m 0m D D No. 57 2012 V6-7 No. 57 Breed: Sex:($): PA A16 FEMALE -36/84 BW ($): -64/52 PW Date of BV Birth: Classification: Protein (kg):28/07/2003 BV (%): 2012 V6-7 -6/57 Fertility -3.3/39 Fat BV (kg): -15/58 Total Long BV (days): 0/40 -36/84 BW BV ($): (ltr): PW ($): Cell BV: -64/52 Somatic Milk -117/61 -0.61/52 Protein BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): -6/57 -3.3/39 Lwt BV (kg): 14/45 Fat BVOpinion: (kg): TotalConformation: Long BV (days): 0.08/43 -15/58 Dairy 0/40 Overall 0.10/37 Milk BV (ltr): -117/61 -0.61/52 Udder Overall: 0.06/39 Somatic Cell BV: Lwt BV (kg): 14/45 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : 17/3 0.10/37 Dairy Conformation: Protein Milkfat 0.06/39 (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days Lactation 17/3 3.37 107 : 3.68 117 178 264 3.44 157 4.36 200 Protein Milkfat 262 3.53 132 4.31 161 (%) (kg) (%) (kg) DaysT 275 3.46 147 4.76 203 178 3.37 107 3.68 117 3.61 275 264 3.44 157 157 4.19 4.36 182 200 3.38 128 4.23 161 208 262 T 3.53 132 4.31 161 277 3.58 140 4.60 180 275 3.46 147 4.76 203 262 3.51 105 4.62 138 275 3.61 157 4.19 182 208 3.38 128 4.23 161 3.49 134 4.36 168 250 277 3.58 140 4.60 180 262 3.51 105 4.62 138 0.08/43 Herd LW BW -29 16/47 -65 10/48 Herd -2/48 -41 LW BW 35 39/48 -29 16/47 42 33/45 -65 10/48 185 -2/48 -41 86/44 50 35 79/46 39/48 103 80/47 42 33/45 185 86/44 8 Lacts. 50 79/46 103 80/47 Milk (ltr) 2376 4154 4367 4069 4528 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.41 81 4.56 108 153 3.57 148 4.76 198 305 3.67 160 4.59 201 263 3.49 142 4.45 181 240 3.59 163 4.35 197 274 Plus 3 unprinted lactations 3840 3.55 136 4.55 175 247 I. Guy was a Sale Avg Rene 3849 3.49 134 bought 4.36 168 from 250 8 Lacts. of Stars. Descends from the great Traits other than production results : (2012) Ingledale and Puketutu studs. AM ST MS OO S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC D 0 0 0 6 5 7 5 7 6 6 6 6 5 Traits other than production results : Due : AM to STCalve MS OO Expected 0 0 0Calf0 Bull Due to Calve : 504534 Expected Calf Bull 504534 6 6 7 (2012) 11/08/2013 : 504534 S W C RA RW L US Bull FU RU FT RT UO DC CARMELGLEN BRODY 6 5 7 5 7 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 7 BW($): 38/38 PW($): 8/13 Mating Date 11/08/2013 Bull : 504534 2/11/2012 CARMELGLEN BRODY BW($): 38/38 Mating Date 2/11/2012 PW($): 8/13 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation LW 161 23 91 52 73 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m Age 3 yr 11 m 7 yr 0 m 36 yr yr 00 m m 15 yr yr 110 m m D D D 3301 Milk 3710 (ltr) 3132 3080 2939 3301 2932 3710 3132 3182 2939 2932 3.48 115 Protein 3.64 135 (%) (kg) 3.49 109 3.64 112 3.61 115 3.48 106 3.63 135 3.64 106 ARD LENICA DEMI STAR Birth Ident: GNMV-93-18 Breed: SA A8J6 6 Lacts. Internal Animal Key = 20427231 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -294/71 BLACKADDAR ISLE MILKMAN A A16 42/54 -17.3/64 -125/64 42/54 -0.48/69 -17.3/64 -125/64 -0.48/69 KELLCREST HAPPY SPIRIT ET Oseas BW ($):HB No: 000000803739/CAN PW ($): Breed: A A16Milk Protein Milkfat Age (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days BW ($): PW ($): Age NZAEL NZAEL VHC -235/82 VHC -5/24 -0.5/30 -235/82 -27/36 -5/24 -0.52/47 -0.5/30 -27/36 LW -75 -0.52/47 31 -36 LW -70 -75 -57 31 -3 -36 Milk (ltr) Protein (%) (kg) LW Milkfat (%) (kg) Days LW BLACKADDAR PATIENCE BW ($): PW ($): Oseas HB No: 000000676698/CAN Protein Milkfat Breed A A16 Milk : (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days BW ($): PW ($): Protein Milkfat BONNIE HELIGO(%) (kg) Days Milk BRAE (%) (kg) Oseas HB No: 000000724153/CAN (61482) Breed : PA A16 BONNIE BRAE HELIGO BW ($): -287/93 Oseas HB No: 000000724153/CAN (61482) KELLCREST MONA ET Breed :HBPA Oseas No:A16 000000750058/CAN BW ($): -287/93 Breed : PA A16 KELLCREST MONA ET BW ($) : PW ($): Oseas HB No: 000000750058/CAN Protein Milkfat Breed PA A16 Milk : (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Birth Ident: CNKH-97-174 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -67/54 FERDON REWARD Birth Ident: CNKH-99-181 PA A16 FERDON REWARDS TROUPER Birth Ident: CNKH-99-181 BW ($): -81/50 Lwt BV (kg): Breed: BV (kg): PA A16 -6/56 Fertility BV (%): Protein TotL BV (days): Fat BV (kg): -17/56 BW BV ($): (ltr): -81/50 Lwt BV SCC BV:(kg): Milk -224/59 Fertility BV (%): Protein BV (kg): -6/56 INGLECORNER GUY RENE TotL BV (days): Fat BV (kg): -17/56 Birth Ident: BTVK-99-27 SCC BV: Milk BV (ltr): -224/59 Breed: PA A16 Oseas HB No: PATIENCE 000000693744/CAN BLACKADDAR Breed: HBPA Oseas No:A16 000000676698/CAN BW ($): -294/71 Breed : A A16 BW ($) : Protein Milk (%) (kg) FERDON REWARD FERDON REWARDS TROUPER Breed: P001.50 20427231 -3/32 -8.1/34 -189/42 -3/32 -0.54/52 -8.1/34 -189/42 VHC -0.54/52 INGLECORNER GUY RENE Birth Ident: CNKH-97-174 FERDON MOST TREASURED Breed: PA CNKH-94-184 A16 Birth Ident: Breed: PA A16 EXC BW ($): -67/54 FERDON MOST TREASURED -115/56 PW ($): 278/88 BW ($): Birth Ident: CNKH-94-184 Milkfat 6 Lacts. Protein Breed: PA A16 EXC (kg) Days Milk (%) (kg) (%) 6305 3.71 234 4.18 263 263 -115/56 PW ($): 278/88 BW ($): Milkfat 6 Lacts. Protein FERDON CASINOVS Milk (%) (kg) GUY (%) (kg) Days Birth Ident: 6305 3.71CNKH-96-165 234 4.18 (61741) 263 263 Breed: PA A16 FERDON CASINOVS GUY BW ($): -165/94 Birth Ident: BTVK-99-27 BW ($): -40/52 PW ($): -84/83 VHC Breed: PA A16 Milk Protein Milkfat Age (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW Birth Ident: CNKH-96-165 (61741) D 4124 INGLECORNER PROOF RATA 9 BW yr 4 m 3.39 140 4.12PW 170 ($): -40/52 ($): 213 -84/83 174 Breed: PA BTVK-93-62 A16 D 3105 Birth Ident: 3.44 107 3.74 116 161 52 250 6 Lacts. 8 yr 4 m Avg D 3182 3.58 114 4.84 154 Milk Protein Milkfat Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): -165/94 7 yr 2 m 4651 3.58 167 4.01 186 277 3 Age (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 69 yr 249 -32 D 3934 yr 34 m m 4124 3.48 3.39 137 140 3.70 4.12 145 170 213 174 INGLECORNER PROOF RATA Traits other than production results : (2005) 48/51 BW ($): PW ($): 17/83 58 yr 273 -48 D 4135 Birth Ident: BTVK-93-62 yr 24 m m 3105 3.38 3.44 140 107 3.92 3.74 162 116 161 52 11 Milkfat Lacts. Protein AM ST MS OO S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC Plus 3 unprinted lactations Breed: PA A16 VHC (kg) Days 7 yr 2 m D 4651 3.58 167 4.01 186 277 3 Milk (%) (kg) (%) 0 0 0 0 5 4 7 5 6 7 6 5 6 5 6 6 7 Avg 4049 3.51 142 3.95 160 245 8 Lacts. 6 yr 3 m 3934 3.48 137 3.70 145 249 -32 5517 3.55 196 4.11 227 275 Traits other than production results : (2005) 48/51 BW ($): PW ($): 17/83 5 yr 2 m 4135 3.38 140 3.92 162 273 -48 Milkfat Lacts. Protein AM ST MS OOT = SAt least W C1 RA RW LTest USinFU FT RT UO DC N = Induced Abnormal thisRU Lactation = GeneMark DNA Profiled Plus # =3 Parentage Uncertain by DNA unprinted lactationsD / S = Parentage11Confirmed Milk (%) (kg) (%) P001.50 (kg) Days D genomic 0 0 0details 0 include 5 4at least 7 5one6derived 7 6 test 5 6 5 6 6 7 4049 3.51 142 with 3.95 160 245 8 Lacts. D = Lactation Indices Avg exclude information the exception of some historical Herd BW values 3 yr 11 m Avg 3 yr 0 m 1 yr 11 m D 3.49 109 3.58 114 3.61 106 3.63 106 -70 6 Lacts. -57 -3 5517 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation -42/50 PW ($): 43/84 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.34 199 250 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD /4 LOCATION : N083-661-828 BLACKADDAR ISLE MILKMAN 1/03/2013 DATE : Oseas HB No: 000000693744/CAN Oseas HB No: 000000769262/CAN BW ($): -156/71 Lwt BV (kg): Breed: BV (kg): A A16 -1/76 Protein Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): Fat BV (kg): -17/76 BW BV ($): (ltr): -156/71 Lwt BV SCC BV:(kg): Milk 130/76 Protein BV (kg): -1/76 Fertility BV (%): KELLCREST HAPPY SPIRIT ET TotL BV (days): Fat BV (kg): -17/76 Oseas HB No: 000000803739/CAN SCC BV: Milk BV (ltr): 130/76 Breed: A A16 G2,G1 4.83 160 208 Milkfat 261 4.91 182 (%) (kg) Days 278 4.93 155 208 3.96 122 5.25 266 208 4.83 154 160 281 5.16 261 4.91 151 182 278 4.93 155 250 4.84 154 266 5.25 154 281 5.16 151 BW ($): 5 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3723 3.72 138 Internal Animal Key = BLACKADDAR M M PATRICK Oseas HB No: 000010021469/CAN (502577) BW ($): -91/85 Breed : BV (kg): PA A16 Protein 1/89G2,G1 Fat BV (kg): -9/89 BW ($): -91/85 Milk BV (ltr): 220/90 Protein BV (kg): 1/89 Liveweight BV (kg): 36/77 Fat BV (kg): -9/89 Fertility BV (%): -9.1/74 Milk BV (ltr): 220/90 Total Longevity BV (days): -1/74 Liveweight BV (kg): 36/77 Somatic Cell BV: -0.25/86 Fertility BV (%): -9.1/74 Fat %: 4.3 Total Longevity BV (days): -1/74 Protein %: 3.6 Somatic Cell BV: -0.25/86 Fat %: 4.3 Protein %:TROUPERS RATA 3.6 LENICA Birth Ident: JCPD-01-27 Birth Ident: CPGJ-91-9 (61487) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -65/99 -29/81 Breed: Breed: PATROUPERS A16 LENICA RATA PW ($): Birth Ident: JCPD-01-27 BW ($): Lwt BV (kg): -78/46 Breed: PA A16 Protein BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): -13/52 -24/53 PW ($): Fat BV (kg): TotL BV (days): BW BV ($): (ltr): Lwt BV -78/46 Milk SCC BV:(kg): -418/57 Protein BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): -13/52 Milk Protein Milkfat FatAge BV (kg): (ltr) -24/53 (days): (%) (kg) TotL (%)BV(kg) Days D 208 7 Milk yr 0BV m (ltr): 3080 -418/57 3.64 112 SCC 3.96 BV: 122 -35/80 PW ($): 197/89 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.42 192 264 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Oseas HB No: 000010021469/CAN (502577) Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4349 3.52 153 KOTARE FUTURE JAZZ PW ($): -38/52 Oseas HB No: 000000769262/CAN Breed : PA A16 KELLCREST ICE MAN ET 0 VHC SA A12J3 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 BLACKADDAR M M PATRICK Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 LENICA ICE RATA REGISTERED AYRSHIRE KITEROA MOVIE CHOC Birth Ident: MVV-93-12 Breed: PA A16 EX2 -17/98 -11.6/99 -163/99 -0.35/99 ARC LENICA FUTURE STAR Averages at exception 28/02/2013 (Excludes GenomicHerd Information withasthe of some historical Herd BW Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 KELLCREST ICE MAN ET Overall Opinion: Milk Udder Overall: Age (ltr) Avg latest 9 yr SCC 0 m Dat 3185 8 yr 0 m D 4577 Milk D 7 yr 0 m 3737 Age (ltr) 6 yr 0 m DD 4257 9 yr 0 m D 3185 58 yr yr 00 m m DD 4344 4577 47 yr yr 00 m m D 3794 3737 36 yr yr 00 m m D 3906 4257 2 yr 0 m D 2992 5 yr 0 m 4344 D 4 yr 0 m D 3794 Avg 3849 3 yr 0 m 3906 2 yr 0 m 2992 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Three Generation Pedigree REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Breeder : Paul & Maryann Symonds -8/67 PW ($): 134/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.89 246 276 Birth Ident: XQQ-88-30 (61381) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -70/99 Three Generation Pedigree Birth Ident: JCPD-03-9 BW ($) : 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6 Lacts. 6312 3.48 220 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. New Zealand KITEROA CREAM ABILITY Birth Ident: MVV-90-14 Breed : PA A16 VHC Birth Ident: FBBM-95-16 (61626) Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited and theGenomic NZ Ayrshire Association.with the exception of some historical Herd BW (Excludes Information LENICA ICE PA RATA Breed: A16 Date of Birth: 28/07/2003 Birth Ident: JCPD-03-9 LW 353 324 213 142 211 HB No: A/33968/M (61248) Breed : PA A16 S BW ($): 11/99 BROOKVIEW CASANOVA P001.50 Breeder : 210/84 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.64 271 4.51 336 305 3.68 249 4.60 311 305 3.65 231 4.53 287 264 3.71 176 4.82 229 250 3.54 201 5.08 288 262 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 6221 3.64 226 4.65 289 279 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited New Zealand Paul & Maryann Symonds Paul & Maryann Symonds PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days KITEROA BO PEPPERONI PW ($): P001.50 Paul & Maryann Symonds Protein (%) (kg) VHC Milk (ltr) 7448 6770 6332 4750 5671 Avg N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test LOT 59 BW ($): Milk 5/74 Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 2 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -25/51 -2/55 -1/56 -9/58 MORROW PREFERRED LOU 4TH Oseas HB No: 000000968232/USA Breed : A A16 59/93 -28.3/87 -120/90 -0.11/94 PA A16 BW ($): VHC Breed: SA A14J2 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-93-32 Avg Birth Ident: JCPD-02-25 -91/93 17/95 12/95 532/96 KITEROA CREAM ABLIGE NZAEL ARB LENICA BC STAR 1 Lacts. Traits other than production results : -121/92 -7/94 -17/94 -423/95 33/87 -11.2/84 -26/87 -0.25/93 4.9 3.9 G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: 2012 B6-7 0.38/28 Dairy Conformation: 0.17/41 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Breed: KITEROA CREAM ALI ET Breed: SA A15J1 Date of Birth: 2/09/2010 -73/42 -4/44 -9/44 -227/47 15/49 27993914 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 3.55 196 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values 4.11 227 275 P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 60 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Paul & Maryann Symonds NIEMEN VERNERI HIRVIVAINION JULLI Oseas HB No: 000000038824/FIN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -120/75 Oseas HB No: 000000040198/FIN (61702) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Birth Ident: FRQW-03-58 (504534) LENICA BRODY RATA Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-09-8 No. 33 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 28/07/2009 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): 32/44 5/47 1/47 195/50 14/36 -4/44 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -0.8/37 Total Long BV (days): 133/37 Somatic Cell BV: -0.37/46 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.61/33 Dairy Conformation: 0.12/34 Age 2 yr 0 m Avg 4199 3.34 D 0.11/35 44/4 Milk Protein Milkfat (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) 4199 3.34 140 4.31 181 D Days 265 140 4.31 181 Herd BW 10/48 LW 6 265 1 Lacts. PA A16 Carry-over, synchronised 21st October. Followed by Jersey bull. Bull out 6th December 2012. Bull : 509563 BROOKVIEW SHOTGUN 01/08/2013 Expected Calf BW($): -5/28 Mating Date 21/10/2012 31/10/2011 Bull 509563 85105 D D D D D D Avg D Protein (%) (kg) 3.37 107 3.44 157 3.53 132 3.46 147 3.61 157 3.38 128 3.58 140 3.51 105 3849 3.49 -36/84 14/45 -3.3/39 0/40 -0.61/52 250 4.36 168 Traits other than production results : 0 0 LW -29 -65 -41 35 42 185 50 103 8 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 6 5 7 5 7 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 LOT 61 EXC S G1 PW ($): 384/88 Milk (ltr) 3921 5663 4587 5804 6626 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.30 129 4.20 165 228 T -35 3.47 197 3.95 224 259 T 123 3.54 162 4.12 189 272 -48 3.60 209 4.10 238 274 282 3.43 227 4.14 275 250 344 Plus 5 unprinted lactations 5648 3.58 202 4.13 233 260 9 Lacts. Breed: G2,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -91/85 1/89 -9/89 220/90 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 36/77 -9.1/74 -1/74 -0.25/86 LENICA TROUPERS RATA Birth Ident: JCPD-01-27 Breed: BW ($): D D Avg D Breed : No. 139 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -129/75 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -15.4/37 Total Long BV (days): -184/41 Somatic Cell BV: -0.37/49 52/3 Milk (ltr) 4086 3830 4041 2534 2820 Milkfat (%) (kg) 4.69 192 4.25 163 4.48 181 3.54 90 5.30 150 Days 188 248 275 205 248 123 4.48 155 233 3462 3.57 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 0 0 7 6 7 5 Due to Calve : 05/08/2013 Bull 504534 0.10/32 Herd BW 16/47 -3/48 39/48 86/44 79/46 LW 6 -60 35 -99 21 5 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 Expected Calf 2012 V7-7 0.31/26 Dairy Conformation: 0.26/34 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : D 7 7 7 6 7 -235/82 Milk (ltr) 3080 3301 3710 3132 2939 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.64 112 3.96 122 208 3.48 115 4.83 160 208 3.64 135 4.91 182 261 3.49 109 4.93 155 278 3.61 106 5.25 154 266 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 3182 3.58 114 4.84 154 250 PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days LW -75 31 -36 -70 -57 6 Lacts. Birth Ident: CNKH-99-181 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -81/50 INGLECORNER GUY RENE Birth Ident: BTVK-99-27 Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4049 3.51 142 Internal Animal Key = -40/52 PW ($): -84/83 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.95 160 245 P001.50 21196725 MAR RAL HI KICK Oseas HB No: 000000128289/USA Breed: A A16 S# D# BW ($): -241/11 5 5 7 7 -245/94 5/96 -4/96 311/97 76/91 -31.2/89 -324/93 -0.07/95 4.4 3.6 LENICA TROUPERS RATA Birth Ident: JCPD-01-27 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Age 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m 3 yr 11 m 3 yr 0 m 1 yr 11 m D D Avg D Breed: -235/82 -5/24 -0.5/30 -27/36 -0.52/47 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 208 3.96 122 208 4.83 160 4.91 182 261 4.93 155 278 266 5.25 154 281 5.16 151 3182 3.58 4.84 154 250 Traits other than production results : Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 0 LW -75 31 -36 -70 -57 -3 6 7 6 5 Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Milk (ltr) Protein (%) (kg) Milkfat (%) (kg) Days LW 6 5 (2005) 6 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 6 7 Oseas HB No: 000000138281/USA (61165) Breed : PA A16 D# BW ($): -301/93 ARDROSSAN P VUE KATE MITE TRY Oseas HB No: 000000853672/USA Breed : A A16 S# D# BW ($) : Milk Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days FERDON REWARDS TROUPER FERDON REWARD Birth Ident: CNKH-99-181 Birth Ident: CNKH-97-174 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -67/54 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -81/50 -6/56 -17/56 -224/59 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -3/32 -8.1/34 -189/42 -0.54/52 INGLECORNER GUY RENE Birth Ident: BTVK-99-27 Breed: 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr VHC PA A16 BW ($): 6 Lacts. S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 5 4 7 5 BW ($): GRANBYENNE ROYAL COMMAND NZAEL PW($): -7/12 0 ARDROSSAN EX EVANGELINE Oseas HB No: 000000812825/USA Breed : A A16 S# D# Milk PW ($): Age Protein (%) (kg) 3.64 112 3.48 115 3.64 135 3.49 109 3.61 106 3.63 106 AM ST MS OO 51/31 -25.2/37 -382/34 0.11/38 A A16 BW ($): Milk (ltr) 3080 3301 3710 3132 2939 2932 114 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Oseas HB No: 000000923302/USA PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -78/46 -13/52 -24/53 -418/57 -267/38 -3/40 -16/42 131/40 ARDROSSAN R COM KATE TRYIT VHC Breed: PA A16 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: Bull : 504534 CARMELGLEN BRODY BW($): -12/37 Mating Date 27/10/2012 Protein (%) (kg) 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Breed: Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Sex: FEMALE Classification: Avg BW ($): FERDON REWARDS TROUPER PW ($): -78/46 Age 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m 3 yr 11 m 3 yr 0 m KELLCREST HAPPY SPIRIT ET Oseas HB No: 000000803739/CAN Breed: A A16 ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT Birth Ident: JCPD-04-51 D 86/70 PW ($): 2/87 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.14 205 278 VHC PA A16 ARDROSSAN H K EVANGALIST Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 17/08/2004 D BW ($) : 11 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4963 3.80 189 Milk Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 LENICA TRIDENT RATA D CARMELGLEN BRACELET Birth Ident: GGC-93-4 Breed : PA A16 EXC (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE D CARMELGLEN EDBERG Birth Ident: FRQW-95-51 (61628) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): 20/99 BLACKADDAR M M PATRICK Oseas HB No: 000000139887/USA Age 7 yr 11 m 6 yr 0 m 4 yr 11 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Oseas HB No: 000000769262/CAN Breed: A A16 BW ($): -156/71 Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Protein (%) (kg) 3.55 145 3.43 132 3.73 151 3.52 89 3.57 101 Protein (%) (kg) = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: BW ($): Oseas HB No: 000010021469/CAN (502577) and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds -164/48 -6/53 -17/53 -161/57 31/33 ALKU Oseas HB No: 000001089453/FIN Breed : PA A16 KELLCREST ICE MAN ET 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited 10/98 -5.6/98 -111/99 -0.16/99 Milk 192/69 Age 11 yr 11 m 10 yr 11 m 9 yr 8 m 6 yr 11 m 6 yr 0 m Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.68 117 178 4.36 200 264 4.31 161 262 T 275 4.76 203 275 4.19 182 4.23 161 208 4.60 180 277 262 4.62 138 134 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: PA A16 BW ($): PW($): -17/10 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation Breeder : Breed: PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -64/52 -6/57 -15/58 -117/61 50/99 17/99 14/99 655/99 Birth Ident: FRQW-00-47 Avg Milk (ltr) 3185 4577 3737 4257 4344 3794 3906 2992 AM ST MS OO BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 CARMELGLEN BRIGITTE V6-7 Breed: PA A16 Age 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m PA A16 NZAEL Birth Ident: JCPD-03-9 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr D S 140/99 16/99 17/99 493/99 15/98 1.9/98 331/97 -0.12/99 4.6 3.7 LENICA ICE RATA 0 P001.50 G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Due to Calve : Breed: CARMELGLEN BRODY Avg SCC at latest Lactation : 26999411 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree Age 4m 4m 2m 3m 2m Avg D D BW ($): 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6305 3.71 234 -115/56 PW ($): 278/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.18 263 263 FERDON CASINOVS GUY -40/52 D FERDON MOST TREASURED Birth Ident: CNKH-94-184 Breed: PA A16 EXC PW ($): -84/83 Milk (ltr) 4124 3105 4651 3934 4135 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.39 140 4.12 170 213 3.44 107 3.74 116 161 3.58 167 4.01 186 277 3.48 137 3.70 145 249 3.38 140 3.92 162 273 Plus 3 unprinted lactations 4049 3.51 142 3.95 160 245 LW 174 52 3 -32 -48 8 Lacts. Birth Ident: CNKH-96-165 (61741) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -165/94 INGLECORNER PROOF RATA Birth Ident: BTVK-93-62 Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 11 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5517 3.55 196 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values 48/51 PW ($): 17/83 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.11 227 275 P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 62 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Paul & Maryann Symonds ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT PLUM-BOTTOM TRIDENT'S LOT Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -245/94 Oseas HB No: 000000145520/USA (100854) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE LENICA CREAM RATA Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-10-71 No. 3 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 6/09/2010 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -166/45 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -14.6/33 Total Long BV (days): -147/35 Somatic Cell BV: -0.35/42 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: Avg 2140 3.67 D 0.23/46 34/3 Milk Protein Milkfat (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) 2140 3.67 79 3.91 84 D 2012 B6-7 0.43/26 Dairy Conformation: 0.29/41 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Age 1 yr 10 m 79 3.91 Days 188 84 Herd BW 16/47 LW -200 188 1 Lacts. PA A16 Traits other than production results : 0 0 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 5 4 7 5 Due to Calve : 03/09/2013 Expected Calf 7 6 7 6 6 5 6 7 D D D D Avg D Milk (ltr) 4086 3830 4041 2534 2820 Protein (%) (kg) 3.55 145 3.43 132 3.73 151 3.52 89 3.57 101 3462 3.57 123 LW 6 -60 35 -99 21 233 4.48 155 Traits other than production results : 0 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 5 Lacts. 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 7 6 7 5 7 7 7 6 7 5 5 7 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 63 210/84 Milk (ltr) 7448 6770 6332 4750 5671 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.64 271 4.51 336 305 3.68 249 4.60 311 305 3.65 231 4.53 287 264 3.71 176 4.82 229 250 3.54 201 5.08 288 262 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 6221 3.64 226 4.65 289 279 LW 353 324 213 142 211 ARDROSSAN H K EVANGALIST Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Oseas HB No: 000000139887/USA Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -267/38 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -245/94 5/96 -4/96 311/97 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 76/91 -31.2/89 -324/93 -0.07/95 LENICA TROUPERS RATA Birth Ident: JCPD-01-27 Breed: D D Avg D Breed : No. 1 -77/40 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -9.0/34 Total Long BV (days): -57/35 Somatic Cell BV: -0.19/40 2012 B7-8 0.26/28 Dairy Conformation: 0.29/41 0.46/47 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : 55 4.14 Days 121 71 Herd BW 16/47 LW -13 121 1 Lacts. PA A16 -235/82 Milk (ltr) 3080 3301 3710 3132 2939 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.64 112 3.96 122 208 3.48 115 4.83 160 208 3.64 135 4.91 182 261 3.49 109 4.93 155 278 3.61 106 5.25 154 266 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 3182 3.58 114 4.84 154 250 LW -75 31 -36 -70 -57 6 Lacts. Traits other than production results : 0 0 0 5 4 8 5 Due to Calve : 14/08/2013 Expected Calf Bull 504534 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 7 6 7 7 7 5 6 7 8 Bull : 504534 CARMELGLEN BRODY BW($): 12/35 Mating Date 5/11/2012 Birth Ident: CNKH-99-181 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -81/50 INGLECORNER GUY RENE Birth Ident: BTVK-99-27 Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4049 3.51 142 Internal Animal Key = -40/52 PW ($): -84/83 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.95 160 245 P001.50 27993899 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -245/94 Birth Ident: JCPD-02-24 Age 10 yr 0 m 9 yr 1 m 8 yr 0 m 6 yr 11 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m D D D D D D Avg D Breed: V6-7 Protein (%) (kg) 3.41 112 3.65 139 3.27 124 3.50 143 3.49 173 3.32 101 3.59 123 3.52 115 3.67 116 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.83 125 165 3.51 133 222 262 3.43 130 275 3.73 152 285 T 3.26 161 2.55 78 210 3.91 135 229 259 4.34 141 273 4.36 138 3646 3.49 3.64 133 242 Traits other than production results : 0 0 0 0 -180/82 -8/36 -7.9/41 -100/43 0.00/50 LW -20 -34 -131 -43 31 -192 -22 8 11 9 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 6 5 7 5 7 6 6 6 7 5 5 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 6 7 MORROW PREFERRED LOU 4TH Oseas HB No: 000000968232/USA Breed : A A16 BW ($): Milk Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days VHC KITEROA BO PEPPERONI PW ($): 5/74 210/84 Milk (ltr) 7448 6770 6332 4750 5671 Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 2 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m Milk (ltr) 3278 3804 3794 4083 4944 3050 3438 3256 3163 AM ST MS OO 59/93 -28.3/87 -120/90 -0.11/94 PA A16 BW ($): PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 127 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-93-32 Avg Breed: SA A14J2 G3,G1 -91/93 17/95 12/95 532/96 KITEROA CREAM ABLIGE NZAEL ARB LENICA STAR GIRL PW($): 1/12 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation -121/92 -7/94 -17/94 -423/95 33/87 -11.2/84 -26/87 -0.25/93 4.9 3.9 -141/50 -14/54 -31/55 -341/58 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): AM ST MS OO Breed: Birth Ident: MVV-02-39 (503564) BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): 1722 3.20 PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days KITEROA CREAM ALI ET Sex: FEMALE Classification: D Protein (%) (kg) FERDON REWARDS TROUPER PW ($): -78/46 Age 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m 3 yr 11 m 3 yr 0 m BW ($): VHC PA A16 BW ($): ARDROSSAN R COM KATE TRYIT Oseas HB No: 000000923302/USA Breed: A A16 Milk PLUM-BOTTOM TRIDENT'S LOT Birth Ident: JCPD-10-56 D -8/67 PW ($): 134/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.89 246 276 ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 Breed: SA A15J1 Date of Birth: 22/08/2010 Avg KITEROA CREAM ABILITY Birth Ident: MVV-90-14 Breed : PA A16 VHC (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA CA GIRL S3A Milk Protein Milkfat (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) 1722 3.20 55 4.14 71 HB No: A/33968/M (61248) Breed : PA A16 S BW ($): 11/99 BW ($) : 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6 Lacts. 6312 3.48 220 Oseas HB No: 000000145520/USA (100854) Age 2 yr 1 m PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days KITEROA BO PEPPERONI PW ($): Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: Protein (%) (kg) = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds -117/42 -10/43 -23/43 -354/46 7/49 BW ($): VHC and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 188 4.69 192 248 4.25 163 275 4.48 181 3.54 90 205 5.30 150 248 PW($): -146/11 AM ST MS OO P001.50 -129/75 31/33 -15.4/37 -184/41 -0.37/49 MORROW PREFERRED LOU 4TH Oseas HB No: 000000968232/USA Breed : A A16 Milk 5/74 Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 2 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -164/48 -6/53 -17/53 -161/57 59/93 -28.3/87 -120/90 -0.11/94 PA A16 BW ($): V7-7 Breed: PA A16 Age 7 yr 11 m 6 yr 0 m 4 yr 11 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m Breed: Avg Birth Ident: JCPD-04-51 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-93-32 NZAEL LENICA TRIDENT RATA -91/93 17/95 12/95 532/96 KITEROA CREAM ABLIGE Bull : 61574 ALPINE JACQUERIE BW($): -173/33 Mating Date 25/11/2012 Bull 61574 6 -121/92 -7/94 -17/94 -423/95 33/87 -11.2/84 -26/87 -0.25/93 4.9 3.9 G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): AM ST MS OO Breed: KITEROA CREAM ALI ET Birth Ident: MVV-02-39 (503564) -153/42 -9/44 -21/44 -400/48 24/48 28209250 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.64 271 4.51 336 305 3.68 249 4.60 311 305 3.65 231 4.53 287 264 3.71 176 4.82 229 250 3.54 201 5.08 288 262 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 6221 3.64 226 4.65 289 279 LW 353 324 213 142 211 6 Lacts. HB No: A/33968/M (61248) Breed : PA A16 S BW ($): 11/99 KITEROA CREAM ABILITY Birth Ident: MVV-90-14 Breed : PA A16 VHC BW ($) : 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6312 3.48 220 -8/67 PW ($): 134/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.89 246 276 TARARUA KNIGHTS STAR ET MEREDITH STAR BRIGHT Birth Ident: BYBM-92-53 (61606) Oseas HB No: 000000134197/USA (61168) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -190/96 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -146/99 -7/99 -30/99 -64/99 G1 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 20/96 -5.7/97 -94/98 0.05/99 ARC LENICA CASSIES GIRL Birth Ident: GLRN-96-34 Breed: SA A12J4 BW ($): Age 7 yr 11 m 7 yr 0 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 0 m Avg -123/50 Milk (ltr) 3145 3479 4078 3907 2840 TAONUI LADY KNIGHT ET HB No: A/173401/F Breed: PA A16 EX2 BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6137 3.86 250 -93/84 PW ($): 75/83 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.83 296 290 KINGSWAY CASANOVA ET PW ($): -120/79 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.81 120 4.39 138 273 3.73 130 3.53 123 266 3.75 153 5.02 205 275 3.53 138 5.16 201 249 3.73 106 5.34 152 225 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 3368 3.69 124 4.82 162 263 LW -139 -112 -9 27 23 Birth Ident: XQQ-88-30 (61381) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -70/99 DAM: Birth Ident: GLRN-92-53 Breed: AJ A8J8 BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6 Lacts. 3300 3.59 119 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -136/48 PW ($): -90/82 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.84 160 208 P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 64 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Breeder : Paul & Maryann Symonds NIEMEN VERNERI HIRVIVAINION JULLI Oseas HB No: 000000038824/FIN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -120/75 Oseas HB No: 000000040198/FIN (61702) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA NIGEL DEB S2A Birth Ident: FVDV-02-99 (503579) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-09-16 No. 90 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -17/41 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -5.2/38 Total Long BV (days): -93/39 Somatic Cell BV: -0.19/45 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: Age 2 yr 0 m Avg 2664 4.10 D 0.31/36 74/7 Milk Protein Milkfat (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) 2664 4.10 109 5.85 156 D 2012 V6-8 0.44/35 Dairy Conformation: -0.03/35 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Herd BW 10/48 Days LW 274 T -127 109 5.85 156 274 1 Lacts. PA A16 Traits other than production results : 0 0 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 7 6 8 5 Due to Calve : 30/09/2013 Expected Calf 7 6 7 6 5 5 6 8 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr D D D D Avg D Milk (ltr) 4090 4602 3438 3848 4293 3469 Protein (%) (kg) 3.89 159 4.14 190 4.07 140 3.77 145 4.07 175 3.65 127 3957 3.94 195/84 3/50 -0.2/44 -26/46 -0.33/53 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 262 5.64 231 6.02 277 275 279 5.25 181 5.75 221 210 5.43 233 271 261 5.43 188 156 260 5.61 222 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 6 LW 215 379 27 367 322 299 6 (2005) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 7 6 5 7 5 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 6 LOT 65 186/91 Milk (ltr) 2899 4482 5724 4499 4663 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.37 98 4.46 129 193 199 3.41 153 4.35 195 288 182 3.71 212 4.73 271 305 202 3.54 159 4.86 219 237 174 3.50 163 4.56 213 239 212 Plus 6 unprinted lactations 4597 3.52 162 4.69 216 254 10 Lacts. Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 50/99 17/99 14/99 655/99 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 10/98 -5.6/98 -111/99 -0.16/99 DAM: Breed: AJ A8J8 BW ($): 12 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr KITEROA BONNY GOVERNOR PW ($): -34/54 Age 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m D D D D Avg D -264/83 Milk (ltr) 3263 3465 3602 2869 3657 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.53 115 4.29 140 176 3.72 129 5.38 186 298 3.75 135 5.45 196 277 3.56 102 5.15 148 208 3.82 140 5.74 210 272 Plus 4 unprinted lactations 3137 3.69 116 5.36 168 254 LW -60 -11 -40 -2 33 9 Lacts. Breed : No. 104 -12/47 -6/50 -3/50 -202/54 -4/32 -16/69 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -3.7/40 Total Long BV (days): 86/39 Somatic Cell BV: -0.44/48 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.18/31 Dairy Conformation: -0.22/31 2956 3.66 Days 183 225 241 0 0 0 6 5 7 5 Due to Calve : 19/08/2013 Bull 61574 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 -2/48 3 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 Expected Calf 0.04/32 LW 55 -42 2 216 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 2012 V6-7 22/3 108 5.04 149 7 6 7 6 6 Breed: 5 7 6 7 PA A16 DAM: Birth Ident: GNMV-94-1 Breed: J J16 BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3305 3.68 122 -45/52 PW ($): -59/84 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.58 184 242 P001.50 25630278 Internal Animal Key = 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 KITEROA BONAPART 29/98 -3/99 -1/99 -164/99 11/96 6.4/97 229/97 -0.14/99 4.9 3.8 ARC LENICA FUTURE STAR Birth Ident: JCPD-98-34 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 9 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 0m 0m 0m 1m 0m 0m 0m D Avg D Milk (ltr) 2376 4154 4367 4069 4528 3549 780 Protein (%) (kg) 3.41 81 3.57 148 3.67 160 3.49 142 3.59 163 3.48 123 3.15 25 3840 3.55 136 Breed: NZAEL -29/81 -18/32 -7.6/43 -67/45 -0.53/53 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.56 108 153 4.76 198 305 263 4.59 201 240 4.45 181 4.35 197 274 4.61 164 244 4.77 37 75 247 4.55 175 LW 161 23 91 52 73 88 234 6 Lacts. Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 0 (2005) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 6 5 7 5 7 7 6 6 7 5 6 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 6 7 132/86 Milk (ltr) 3603 3369 3882 3678 4218 Avg HB No: A/30899/M (61171) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -74/97 KITEROA BO PEPPY HB No: A/127673/F Breed : PA A16 EXC BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6414 PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.01 257 277 CRAIGMYLE BLUE MASTER PW ($): -39/62 Age 6 yr 11 m 5 yr 11 m 4 yr 11 m 4 yr 0 m 2 yr 11 m Traits other than production results : 0 11/99 1.4/98 412/99 0.28/99 PA A16 BW ($): PW($): -95/12 AM ST MS OO S Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: BLXH-93-24 PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -38/52 -7/57 -7/58 -158/61 G3,G1 11/99 -3/99 -11/99 -24/99 CRAIGMYLE MISS BRITTANY VHC Breed: SA A12J3 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: Bull : 61574 ALPINE JACQUERIE BW($): -103/34 Mating Date 10/11/2012 Birth Ident: MVV-93-20 (61557) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 3/99 Birth Ident: YTF-99-22 (501641) BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): Avg PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Protein (%) (kg) = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values ARDENVALE PEPS BOY Sex: FEMALE Classification: D BW ($): Birth Ident: JCPD-00-20 KITEROA BO PEPPERONI Birth Ident: JCPD-08-5 D ALKU Oseas HB No: 000001089453/FIN Breed: PA A16 Milk Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 Breed: SA A14J2 Date of Birth: 30/07/2008 D -29/62 PW ($): 50/85 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.09 233 263 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA PB BOSS S2A D BW ($) : 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5700 3.24 185 NIEMEN VERNERI HB No: A/33968/M (61248) Age 4 yr 0 m 3 yr 1 m 2 yr 0 m MOSELEY FAME SNOWWHITE Birth Ident: MMT-85-12 Breed : PA A16 EXC Oseas HB No: 000000038824/FIN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -120/75 Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Milkfat (%) (kg) 5.21 167 4.83 151 5.08 129 HB No: A/34493 /M (85101) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): 4/99 Oseas HB No: 000000040198/FIN (61702) 7 Paul & Maryann Symonds Milk Protein (ltr) (%) (kg) 3201 3.68 118 3119 3.71 116 2548 3.56 91 PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Protein (%) (kg) GLENMARIE AGGIES JETHRO2 PW ($): and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds Avg SCC at latest Lactation : BW ($): VHC G1 62/72 Age 1m 2m 0m 0m 0m ALKU Oseas HB No: 000001089453/FIN Breed : PA A16 HIRVIVAINION JULLI 6 Lacts. N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited Breeder : 12 yr 11 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 35/54 2/57 12/57 -72/60 10/98 -5.6/98 -111/99 -0.16/99 Milk PA A16 BW ($): PW($): 6 P001.50 Age 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 1m Breed: B Breed: SA A12J4 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MMT-91-7 Avg Birth Ident: JCPD-03-7 50/99 17/99 14/99 655/99 MOSELEY AJ NOLL NZAEL LENICA 03-7 S1A Bull : BW($): Mating Date 15/11/2012 & 27/10/2012 30/10/2011 Bull 61574 61671 511594 7 52/98 15/99 23/99 356/99 10/97 -11.2/97 -82/97 -0.22/99 4.9 3.8 G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): AM ST MS OO Breed: PA HILL JULLI NIGEL ET Breed: SA A14J2 Date of Birth: 1/08/2009 20/44 4/46 13/46 -88/49 7/37 26999418 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.54 128 5.31 191 226 3.70 125 4.97 167 177 3.46 134 5.16 200 205 3.78 139 5.06 186 251 3.67 155 5.18 219 235 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 3874 3.62 140 5.17 200 227 LW 161 144 224 82 194 6 Lacts. HB No: A/33498/M (61205) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -116/94 CRAIGMYLE LADY BELINDA Birth Ident: BLXH-87-22 Breed : PA A16 VHC BW ($) : 11 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4059 3.86 157 -53/57 PW ($): -54/91 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.49 223 252 KOTARE FUTURE JAZZ CRAIGHAVEN ROYAL FUTURE Birth Ident: CPGJ-91-9 (61487) Birth Ident: DBW-86-48 (61354) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -179/98 Breed: G2,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -65/99 3/99 -8/99 113/99 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 3/99 -12.3/99 -123/99 0.34/99 ARD LENICA DEMI STAR Birth Ident: GNMV-93-18 Breed: SA A8J6 BW ($): 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m Avg ARIZONA JENNY GIRL HB No: A/174245/F Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7109 3.70 263 19/60 PW ($): 513/84 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.62 329 287 COROGLEN DEMI PIERRE PW ($): -42/50 43/84 Milk (ltr) 4289 3762 3884 3458 3222 Protein (%) (kg) 3.72 160 3.69 139 3.67 143 4.10 142 3.40 110 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.48 235 244 5.27 198 250 5.26 204 247 5.55 192 242 5.10 164 265 3723 3.72 5.34 199 138 250 LW 145 98 64 102 56 Birth Ident: BJTG-86-1 (87103) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -142/99 DAM: Birth Ident: GNMV-88-18 Breed: JF J12F4 BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5 Lacts. 3217 3.92 126 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values S# D# 10/37 PW ($): 59/80 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.76 185 230 P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 66 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Paul & Maryann Symonds BONNIE BRAE HELIGO PALMYRA LOVER'S HELIGO'S Oseas HB No: 000000724153/CAN (61482) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -287/93 Oseas HB No: 000000145622/USA REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Oseas HB No: 000100156614/USA (502584) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-03-1 No. 43 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 11/07/2003 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -90/83 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -16.4/42 Total Long BV (days): -222/44 Somatic Cell BV: -0.47/51 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 20/3 Milk (ltr) 2980 3756 3823 3617 3806 2580 4036 2578 Milkfat (%) (kg) 3.91 117 4.23 159 4.84 185 3.90 141 3.79 144 3.70 95 4.09 165 3.91 101 Avg D D D D D D Protein (%) (kg) 3.36 100 3.45 129 3.16 121 3.40 123 3.26 124 3.16 81 3.30 133 3.39 87 3397 3.31 D 112 4.07 138 217 0 0 0 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 -2/48 39/48 33/45 86/44 79/46 81/47 Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 11 m 6 yr 11 m 6 yr 0 m 4 yr 11 m 3 yr 11 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m (2012) 7 6 7 5 Due to Calve : 10/08/2013 Expected Calf 7 7 6 6 6 5 6 7 Bull : 505524 KITEROA CREAM ALFIE ET BW($): -84/36 Mating Date 1/11/2012 & 14/11/2012 20/10/2012 Bull 505524 505524 505524 6 Avg 0 0 4030 3.88 4.59 185 157 LW 55 4 8 71 92 133 -51 83 264 8 Lacts. 7 7 LOT 67 Milk (ltr) Protein (%) (kg) Milkfat (%) (kg) Days LW 6 6 8 (2001) 5 7 7 Milk GLENHOPE NIMROD Breed: G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 25/99 0/99 -21/99 236/99 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: INGLECORNER ROSE BID HB No: A/131530/F Breed: PA A16 EX5 -23/99 -5.5/99 206/99 -0.74/99 GOLDSTREAM REB DREAM Birth Ident: GBN-91-22 Breed: B PA A16 BW ($): Age 4 yr 11 m 4 yr 0 m 3 yr 1 m 2 yr 0 m Avg -91/86 Milk (ltr) 5210 5473 3807 4713 Protein (%) (kg) 3.81 198 3.69 202 3.76 143 3.80 179 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.82 251 291 4.90 268 287 5.66 215 230 4.39 207 273 4801 3.76 4.90 235 181 270 LW 17 60 BW ($): Milk 3804 Breed : No. 206 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -50/47 -2/51 -6/51 146/56 21/35 19/76 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -7.3/38 Total Long BV (days): 120/40 Somatic Cell BV: -0.64/49 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.40/30 Dairy Conformation: 0.44/32 3728 3.24 D 0 0 0 Days 157 198 262 275 121 4.07 152 223 6 5 7 5 Due to Calve : 04/09/2013 Bull 503564 504534 0.05/34 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 -2/48 39/48 LW 11 67 51 73 4 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 Expected Calf 2012 V7-7 152/3 Milkfat (%) (kg) 3.90 148 3.96 159 4.28 152 4.15 148 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 7 6 7 6 7 5 6 7 7 Bull : 503564 KITEROA CREAM ALI ET BW($): -86/35 Mating Date 26/11/2012 4/11/2012 (%) (kg) 3.59 137 -196/57 PW ($): -321/85 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.15 158 249 Breed: Birth Ident: MVV-95-40 (61671) Sex: FEMALE Classification: Avg GOLDSTREAM HIGH DREAM Birth Ident: GBN-89-26 Breed: PA A16 VHC = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values KITEROA BONNY BLUE SILVER Birth Ident: JCPD-07-59 D -51/59 PW ($): -62/20 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.96 231 288 Birth Ident: GBN-89-30 (61436) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -99/99 4 Lacts. 10 Lacts. Protein P001.50 24135773 Internal Animal Key = 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 TAONUI JACKS JETHRO KINGSWAY CASANOVA ET Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 23/08/2007 D BW ($): 13 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5828 3.57 226 GOLDSTREAM REBELLION PW ($): -125/57 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 LENICA SILVER LUCENT D PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE D Protein (%) (kg) HB No: A/29034/M (61077) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -24/98 HB No: A/32422/M (79104) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -30/98 Birth Ident: XQQ-88-30 (61381) Protein (%) (kg) 3.22 122 3.07 124 3.34 118 3.35 119 COVEY-FARMS VIT. REVIEW-ET Oseas HB No: 000000953640/USA Breed : PA A16 HB No: A/34092/M (61377) 7 Paul & Maryann Symonds Milk (ltr) 3788 4025 3542 3557 Oseas HB No: 000000139887/USA Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -267/38 BW ($) : Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Age 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m 2 yr 11 m 1 yr 11 m PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days ARDROSSAN H K EVANGALIST PW ($): and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Protein (%) (kg) INGLECORNER MILKY BOY S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited Breeder : VHC -68/85 -8/44 -5.5/43 136/47 -0.55/54 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 298 4.16 181 281 3.93 165 286 4.69 226 4.71 203 257 4.80 237 289 234 4.86 209 255 4.99 117 4.74 142 213 6 5 8 5 PA A16 Age Protein (%) (kg) 3.81 166 3.86 162 3.98 192 3.82 165 3.83 189 3.89 168 4.23 99 3.76 112 0 BW ($): Milk BW ($): Traits other than production results : Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation P001.50 Breed: PW($): -3/12 0 SYCAMORE-MEADE R C LOVER Oseas HB No: 000000918774/USA Breed : A A16 31/38 -18.6/56 -471/46 -0.76/59 Oseas HB No: 000000968249/USA Milk (ltr) 4357 4191 4823 4306 4924 4308 2339 2992 AM ST MS OO Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: COVEY-FARMS A E REALITY PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -17/54 -5/58 -20/59 -106/62 -203/61 -2/67 -10/67 266/67 NZAEL Birth Ident: DVLD-95-44 S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 -280/88 -4/92 -18/92 226/93 22/81 -22.3/78 -704/83 0.01/90 4.2 3.4 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): A A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G1 GOLDSTREAM DREAMY 8 Lacts. Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0.21/47 Days LW 167 -112 240 -132 252 T 40 232 -73 213 33 186 -82 254 T 66 188 158 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: 2012 V6-7 0.14/44 Dairy Conformation: 0.48/43 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Age 9 yr 1 m 8 yr 1 m 7 yr 2 m 6 yr 2 m 5 yr 3 m 4 yr 1 m 3 yr 1 m 2 yr 1 m Breed: COVEY FARMS RESTLESS HEART LENICA RESTLESS DREAM -128/52 -3/56 -16/57 85/59 7/49 20427223 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree G3 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -54/97 -12/98 -10/98 -301/98 19/95 1.8/95 239/96 -0.52/98 4.9 3.7 Birth Ident: MVV-97-44 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Age 10 yr 0 m 9 yr 0 m 8 yr 0 m 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 0 m 2 yr 11 m 1 yr 11 m D Avg D Breed: 10 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr VHC Protein (%) (kg) 3.22 117 3.28 180 3.32 147 3.25 166 3.40 176 3.39 180 3.30 151 3.23 52 3.55 98 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.21 116 201 264 3.85 211 276 4.28 189 3.78 193 261 3.73 193 266 4.00 212 266 T 240 4.07 185 129 4.11 65 4.43 122 258 4227 3.33 3.91 165 141 240 Traits other than production results : 0 0 0 0 -56/81 19/28 -12.5/32 -99/37 -0.49/47 Milk (ltr) 3626 5492 4413 5122 5178 5309 4558 1594 2754 AM ST MS OO PA A16 BW ($): PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -97/46 1/51 -13/52 317/56 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -25/99 -12.8/99 -62/99 -0.25/99 Birth Ident: MVV-88-9 LW -31 93 -28 30 38 89 55 162 -33 PW ($): 7 7 7 6 7 5 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.32 223 4.02 270 257 3.70 288 4.06 317 305 3.50 347 3.93 389 301 3.68 309 4.22 355 278 3.78 303 4.26 342 300 Plus 3 unprinted lactations 7286 3.63 264 4.25 309 291 LW 267 123 355 8 Lacts. N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test BW ($) : 10 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5904 3.37 199 -77/71 PW ($): -34/90 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.16 246 273 LOCHSIDE AMOS Birth Ident: FMWT-94-3 HB No: A/34550/M (85105) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -155/99 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -150/62 6/67 -11/67 428/70 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 37/47 -19.1/50 -287/56 -0.30/64 KITEROA BO LULLABY Birth Ident: MVV-94-68 Breed: BW ($): Age PA A16 MELLORA BONNY JEWEL Birth Ident: FMWT-90-31 Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 1 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5754 3.44 198 -131/65 PW ($): 241/70 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.88 223 305 KITEROA BONAPART -77/41 Milk (ltr) Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): -94/14 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days LW HB No: A/30899/M (61171) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -74/97 KITEROA BO LUCIFER Birth Ident: MVV-88-42 Breed: PA A16 VHC 9 Lacts. 7 BW ($): -109/64 KITEROA BONNY BLUELOO Birth Ident: MVV-86-3 Breed : PA A16 EX2 MELLORA BONNY JAMES ET (2005) 6 -90/50 PW ($): -69/17 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.68 365 257 KITEROA GOLDEN STARBRIGHT BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4715 3.66 173 S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 6 5 8 5 BW ($): 5 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7799 3.74 266 Birth Ident: MVV-86-34 Breed : PA A16 201/89 Milk (ltr) 6726 7802 9900 8394 8016 Age 0m 3m 0m 1m 0m LENOCH CANDY GIRL HB No: A/143590/F Breed : PA A16 EXC EX3 G1 -50/83 Avg Breed: PA A16 G1 -70/99 -11/99 -13/99 -397/99 KITEROA BONNY BLUESTAR NZAEL KITEROA BO LUCENT PW($): -89/12 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation PA A16 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 7 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -97/56 PW ($): -153/89 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.19 198 275 P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 68 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 5/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Paul & Maryann Symonds BLACKADDAR ISLE MILKMAN WOODLAND VIEW PARDNER-ET Oseas HB No: 000000693744/CAN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -294/71 Oseas HB No: 000000811799/CAN (500545) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Birth Ident: FBBM-08-149 (509563) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-10-31 No. 228 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 9/08/2010 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -41/37 2/40 -1/40 218/44 29/47 -23/44 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -11.5/27 Total Long BV (days): 131/27 Somatic Cell BV: -0.83/36 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.49/22 Dairy Conformation: 0.59/38 Age 2 yr 0 m Avg 2611 3.51 D 2012 B7-6 -0.16/45 18/3 Milk Protein Milkfat (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) 2611 3.51 92 4.31 112 D Days 160 92 4.31 112 Herd BW 16/47 LW -3 160 1 Lacts. PA A16 Traits other than production results : Birth Ident: JCPD-07-59 0 0 0 S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 6 5 6 6 6 6 Due to Calve : 25/08/2013 Bull : 61671 KITEROA BONNY BLUE SILVER Expected Calf 8 7 7 5 BW($): -48/34 Mating Date 16/11/2012 Bull 61671 6 7 D D D D Avg 6 D 19/76 21/35 -7.3/38 120/40 -0.64/49 Protein (%) (kg) 3.22 122 3.07 124 3.34 118 3.35 119 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.90 148 157 3.96 159 198 4.28 152 262 275 4.15 148 3728 3.24 4.07 152 223 Traits other than production results : 0 LW 11 67 51 73 4 Lacts. 0 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 6 5 7 5 7 6 7 6 7 5 6 7 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 69 PW ($): Milk (ltr) 912 6441 8160 7893 7026 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.17 29 3.67 33 109 171 3.68 237 3.75 242 292 242 3.50 285 4.16 339 290 442 3.39 268 4.17 329 285 556 3.45 243 3.69 259 303 283 Plus 5 unprinted lactations 5470 3.48 190 4.08 223 270 10 Lacts. KINGSWAY CASANOVA ET Birth Ident: XQQ-88-30 (61381) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -70/99 Breed: G3 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -54/97 -12/98 -10/98 -301/98 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 19/95 1.8/95 239/96 -0.52/98 KITEROA BO LUCENT Birth Ident: MVV-97-44 Breed: BW ($): 10 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr VHC PA A16 Age 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m D Avg D Breed : No. 55 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -73/47 -1/53 -23/53 192/56 10/33 28/73 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -5.8/35 Total Long BV (days): 6/36 Somatic Cell BV: -0.22/47 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.16/32 Dairy Conformation: 0.05/32 0.35/32 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Avg D 4654 3.24 Milkfat (%) (kg) 3.16 76 2.83 130 3.19 162 3.64 206 3.72 123 Days 95 231 261 272 196 151 3.33 155 240 LW -1 81 13 106 137 Herd BW 6/46 -2/48 39/48 33/45 86/44 4 Lacts. PA A16 Expected Calf Bull 61671 16/08/2012 -146/99 -7/99 -30/99 -64/99 20/96 -5.7/97 -94/98 0.05/99 4.1 3.6 GOLDSTREAM REB GWEN Birth Ident: DVLD-96-37 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.22 117 3.21 116 201 3.28 180 3.85 211 264 3.32 147 4.28 189 276 3.25 166 3.78 193 261 3.40 176 3.73 193 266 Plus 4 unprinted lactations 4227 3.33 141 3.91 165 240 LW -31 93 -28 30 38 9 Lacts. -50/83 PW ($): 201/89 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.25 309 291 BW ($): -150/62 KITEROA BO LULLABY Birth Ident: MVV-94-68 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Milk Protein (%) (kg) Internal Animal Key = -77/41 PW ($): -94/14 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days P001.50 21251241 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 SELWOOD BETTY'S COMMANDER Oseas HB No: 000000393145/CAN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -318/60 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Avg Milk (ltr) 4946 6685 5501 3665 2692 3002 Protein (%) (kg) 3.37 166 3.47 232 3.52 194 3.34 122 3.21 86 3.63 109 4415 3.44 152 Breed: 0 0 0 NZAEL -71/84 1/34 -5.9/40 108/43 -0.47/51 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.79 187 247 4.36 291 290 288 4.21 232 244 4.37 160 4.81 130 169 4.35 131 242 247 4.27 188 LW 117 136 109 -35 60 16 6 Lacts. (2001) 6 7 8 7 8 5 5 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 8 6 MEREDITH GREEN LILA Oseas HB No: 000000716933/USA Breed : PA A16 BW ($): Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days EX2 GLENMORE KNIGHTHOOD PW ($): 75/83 Milk (ltr) 9240 7242 6315 5891 5397 Avg S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 7 6 7 5 1/95 -21.9/92 -126/96 0.24/95 Milk -93/84 Age 7 yr 10 m 6 yr 11 m 5 yr 11 m 4 yr 10 m 3 yr 10 m Traits other than production results : 0 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: PA A16 BW ($): PW($): -104/12 AM ST MS OO -190/96 -8/98 -21/98 68/98 HB No: A/173401/F PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -49/51 -4/56 -21/57 93/60 PA A16 TAONUI LADY KNIGHT ET VHC Breed: PA A16 Bull : 61671 KITEROA BONNY BLUE SILVER BW($): -63/36 Mating Date 5/11/2011 BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7286 3.63 264 Birth Ident: FMWT-94-3 Breed: PA A16 -56/81 Milk (ltr) 3626 5492 4413 5122 5178 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: Age 7 yr 1 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m 3 yr 1 m 2 yr 0 m Due to Calve : KITEROA BONNY BLUESTAR Birth Ident: MVV-88-9 Breed: PA A16 EX3 MELLORA BONNY JAMES ET PW ($): -97/46 Breed: Birth Ident: BYBM-92-53 (61606) Sex: FEMALE Classification: D -20/72 PW ($): 171/90 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.46 191 254 TARARUA KNIGHTS STAR ET Birth Ident: JCPD-04-67 D BW ($) : 11 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4285 3.53 151 Birth Ident: MVV-95-40 (61671) MEREDITH STAR BRIGHT Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 27/08/2004 D CRAIGMYLE GRAND SECRET Birth Ident: BLXH-92-16 Breed : PA A16 EX6 KITEROA BONNY BLUE SILVER Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 LENICA STAR GWEN D Birth Ident: MVV-95-40 (61671) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -54/97 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE D PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days KITEROA BONNY BLUE SILVER 178/88 Oseas HB No: 000000134197/USA (61168) Protein (%) (kg) 3.41 83 3.25 149 3.22 163 3.26 184 3.22 107 Protein (%) (kg) = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds Milk (ltr) 2422 4582 5069 5652 3312 BW ($): EX4 Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Age 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 1 m 5 yr 0 m 3 yr 11 m 3 yr 0 m WOODLAND VIEW PRUDENCE Oseas HB No: 000000734598/CAN Breed : PA A16 Milk and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : V7-7 121 75/94 -17.6/90 29/92 -0.59/96 G3,G1 19/70 Age 13 yr 0 m 11 yr 1 m 10 yr 0 m 8 yr 11 m 7 yr 0 m PW($): -88/11 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation PA A16 BW ($): Milk (ltr) 3788 4025 3542 3557 AM ST MS OO P001.50 Breed: PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -50/47 -2/51 -6/51 146/56 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: FBBM-98-25 Avg Breed: PA A16 -141/95 5/96 3/96 445/97 BROOKVIEW BLUE SECRECY NZAEL LENICA SILVER LUCENT Age 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m 2 yr 11 m 1 yr 11 m (2012) -42/68 4/71 1/72 285/75 31/76 -13.3/54 117/54 -0.82/66 4.5 3.6 G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): AM ST MS OO Breed: BROOKVIEW SHOTGUN LENICA SHOTGUN LUCENT Avg SCC at latest Lactation : 27779270 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.79 351 4.94 456 305 3.75 272 5.42 393 282 4.03 255 4.83 305 278 3.84 226 4.33 255 286 3.85 208 4.78 258 302 Plus 8 unprinted lactations 6137 3.86 250 4.83 296 290 LW 7 Lacts. HB No: A/29285/M (61103) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -48/93 INGLEDALE WHITE LADY HB No: A/112993/F Breed : PA A16 EX4 BW ($) : 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5423 PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.13 224 258 GOLDSTREAM REBELLION TAONUI JACKS JETHRO Birth Ident: GBN-89-30 (61436) HB No: A/32422/M (79104) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -30/98 Breed: G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -99/99 -10/99 -14/99 -129/99 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 20/98 -3.3/99 125/99 -0.18/99 GOLDSTREAM GWENDOLYN Birth Ident: DVLD-93-26 Breed: VHC PA A16 BW ($): Age 10 yr 0 m 9 yr 1 m 8 yr 1 m 7 yr 0 m 5 yr 11 m Avg GOLDSTREAM REBEL MAROON Birth Ident: GBN-87-1 Breed: PA A16 B BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7985 3.40 271 -176/76 PW ($): 379/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.55 363 275 INGLECORNER MILKY BOY -18/53 Milk (ltr) 5306 5103 4851 5671 5242 PW ($): -56/85 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.60 191 3.96 210 270 3.73 190 3.93 201 252 3.52 171 4.08 198 252 3.64 206 3.90 221 288 3.64 191 4.02 211 236 Plus 4 unprinted lactations 4955 3.65 181 4.03 199 270 LW 51 75 111 113 85 HB No: A/34092/M (61377) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 25/99 GOLDSTREAM MAGGIE GOLD Birth Ident: GBN-87-27 Breed: PA A16 HC BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 9 Lacts. 5240 3.66 192 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -122/50 PW ($): -112/87 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.01 210 285 P001.50 P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 70 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 4/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Paul & Maryann Symonds ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT PLUM-BOTTOM TRIDENT'S LOT Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -245/94 Oseas HB No: 000000145520/USA (100854) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE LENICA ALI SUE Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-08-33 No. 296 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 12/08/2008 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -201/70 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -6.5/36 Total Long BV (days): 52/37 Somatic Cell BV: -0.24/48 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: Avg Milk Protein (ltr) (%) (kg) 2267 3.87 88 2519 3.64 92 2636 3.71 98 D D D 2474 3.73 D 0 0 0 7 6 8 5 Due to Calve : 08/08/2013 Bull 503579 Herd BW 16/47 10/48 -2/48 Days LW 151 -92 254 T -387 262 -27 92 4.16 103 222 3 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 Expected Calf 0.27/29 141/3 Milkfat (%) (kg) 4.37 99 2.94 74 5.12 135 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 2012 V6-7 0.37/27 Dairy Conformation: 0.35/29 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Age 4 yr 0 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m Breed: KITEROA CREAM ALI ET Birth Ident: MVV-02-39 (503564) -94/45 -10/50 -26/50 -345/54 11/29 7 6 7 6 6 5 6 6 7 Bull : 503579 PA HILL JULLI NIGEL ET BW($): -22/36 Mating Date 30/10/2012 25630303 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -121/92 -7/94 -17/94 -423/95 33/87 -11.2/84 -26/87 -0.25/93 4.9 3.9 Age 10 yr 0 m 9 yr 0 m 8 yr 0 m 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m D D D D D D Avg D Breed: -116/77 -12/30 -2.9/36 76/42 -0.46/52 Milk (ltr) 3265 4919 3719 4324 4976 4067 4741 4063 Protein (%) (kg) 3.11 102 3.21 158 3.18 118 3.24 140 3.33 166 3.03 123 3.31 157 3.14 128 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 188 3.04 99 246 3.19 157 207 3.44 128 3.30 143 263 3.38 168 279 210 2.86 116 265 3.48 165 3.72 151 300 4259 3.20 3.31 141 136 245 LW -239 -46 18 -114 16 16 15 13 8 Lacts. PW($): 3/12 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 5 4 7 4 5 6 6 6 6 5 6 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 6 MORROW PREFERRED LOU 4TH Oseas HB No: 000000968232/USA Breed : A A16 BW ($): Milk Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days VHC KITEROA BO PEPPERONI PW ($): 5/74 210/84 Milk (ltr) 7448 6770 6332 4750 5671 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.64 271 4.51 336 305 3.68 249 4.60 311 305 3.65 231 4.53 287 264 3.71 176 4.82 229 250 3.54 201 5.08 288 262 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 6221 3.64 226 4.65 289 279 Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 2 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -40/50 -6/56 -24/56 -9/60 59/93 -28.3/87 -120/90 -0.11/94 PA A16 BW ($): V6-7 Breed: PA A16 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-93-32 Avg Birth Ident: JCPD-02-13 -91/93 17/95 12/95 532/96 KITEROA CREAM ABLIGE NZAEL LENICA LAURIE SUE BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 G3,G1 PA A16 LW 353 324 213 142 211 HB No: A/33968/M (61248) Breed : PA A16 S BW ($): 11/99 KITEROA CREAM ABILITY Birth Ident: MVV-90-14 Breed : PA A16 VHC BW ($) : 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6 Lacts. 6312 3.48 220 -8/67 PW ($): 134/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.89 246 276 GLENMARIE IMPRESS LAURIE NGARANGI IMPRESSARIO Birth Ident: DGHT-95-14 (61636) HB No: A/34439/M (61368) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 37/99 Breed: G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 38/99 1/99 -8/99 165/99 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -15/98 -4.1/99 202/99 -0.49/99 KITEROA SUZIE BLUE Birth Ident: MVV-99-27 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Age 4 yr 0 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m Avg GLENMARIE MILKY LAUREL Birth Ident: DGHT-92-55 Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 12 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4819 3.55 171 ROSEBUD ONSLO PW ($): -128/44 Milk (ltr) 3122 3177 2736 Protein (%) (kg) 3.62 113 3.52 112 3.48 95 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.66 114 276 3.77 120 276 3.95 108 249 3012 3.54 3.79 114 107 Birth Ident: FKKQ-96-18 Breed: PA A16 -361/75 267 LW -197 -124 -103 BW ($): -105/58 CARMELGLEN SUZIE BLUE Birth Ident: FRQW-97-74 Breed: PA A16 VHC 3 Lacts. BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5047 3.66 185 7 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values CARMELGLEN SUSSANAH Exc Same female family as Lot 70. S 132/77 PW ($): 220/89 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.38 211 248 -77/53 PW ($): -64/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.33 218 273 P001.50 IN-CALF HEIFERS P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 71 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Breeder : Paul & Maryann Symonds PANT MASTERCARD FERDON MASTER JIMMY Oseas HB No: 000000178277/GBR (61358) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -238/79 Birth Ident: CNKH-91-183 (61536) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Birth Ident: CNKH-93-177 (61618) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-11-1 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 22/07/2011 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -107/12 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -3.1/33 Total Long BV (days): -79/34 Somatic Cell BV: -0.29/37 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.05/33 Dairy Conformation: 0.21/34 0.29/35 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Milk (ltr) Age Breed: FERDON MJS GENERAL LENICA GENERAL HOLLY -105/38 -3/39 -16/39 101/40 32/36 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW Herd BW PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -130/98 -2/98 -23/98 53/99 51/96 0.4/95 -182/97 -0.33/98 4.2 3.6 Capacious heifer to start. Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 11 m 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 1 m 5 yr 0 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 1 m 28/07/2013 Expected Calf Bull : 509563 BROOKVIEW SHOTGUN BW($): -73/26 Mating Date 17/10/2012 Bull 509563 D D D D D Avg D Protein (%) (kg) 3.04 129 3.26 185 3.13 126 3.13 145 3.16 178 3.16 150 3.15 93 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 179 3.68 157 278 4.05 230 262 3.97 160 4.16 193 238 4.32 244 266 272 4.16 198 248 4.35 128 4564 3.15 4.10 187 249 Traits other than production results : Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 LW 7 32 -80 58 154 96 55 7 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 6 5 8 5 7 7 6 6 7 5 6 6 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 72 336/83 Milk (ltr) 7911 10067 10056 8192 8482 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.48 276 4.44 351 296 329 3.60 362 4.21 424 287 509 3.69 371 4.35 438 305 4.03 330 4.82 395 273 3.94 334 5.03 427 305 Plus 6 unprinted lactations 8631 3.79 342 4.49 387 296 11 Lacts. BLACKADDAR M M PATRICK Oseas HB No: 000000769262/CAN Breed: A A16 BW ($): -156/71 Breed: G2,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -91/85 1/89 -9/89 220/90 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: KELLCREST HAPPY SPIRIT ET Oseas HB No: 000000803739/CAN Breed: A A16 36/77 -9.1/74 -1/74 -0.25/86 BW ($): ARB LENICA MILKY HOLLY Milk Breed: SA A16 BW ($): 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr INGLECORNER MILKY BOY PW ($): -89/46 Milk (ltr) 3712 4091 3927 3719 3717 Age 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m Avg -80/74 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.39 126 4.21 156 212 3.44 141 4.10 168 276 3.45 135 4.42 174 249 3.28 122 4.23 157 248 3.36 125 4.27 159 188 Plus 2 unprinted lactations 3651 3.38 123 4.22 154 229 LW -23 -72 20 -18 81 Breed: Birth Ident: CNKH-93-177 (61618) Breed : BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -105/12 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -1.1/32 Total Long BV (days): -155/33 Somatic Cell BV: -0.45/36 -0.08/29 Dairy Conformation: -0.11/29 0.17/30 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Days LW Herd BW PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -130/98 -2/98 -23/98 53/99 51/96 0.4/95 -182/97 -0.33/98 4.2 3.6 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Nice body length and stature. Age 7 yr 0 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 3 yr 11 m 3 yr 1 m 2 yr 1 m D D D D D D Avg Bull : 509563 BROOKVIEW SHOTGUN BW($): -70/26 Mating Date 17/10/2012 P001.50 29718644 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 PANT MASTERCARD Oseas HB No: 000000178277/GBR (61358) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -238/79 D Breed: BW ($): V7-7 -67/78 7/25 -2.8/34 -127/37 -0.56/46 Protein (%) (kg) 3.17 133 3.25 171 3.28 138 3.43 140 3.40 124 3.01 88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 184 3.15 132 269 3.60 190 3.16 133 262 3.61 147 275 233 3.71 135 180 3.62 106 4054 3.26 3.47 141 234 LW -3 -39 -48 -13 8 83 6 Lacts. Traits other than production results : Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 6 5 7 5 7 7 7 7 7 5 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 7 7 336/83 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.48 276 4.44 351 296 329 3.60 362 4.21 424 287 509 3.69 371 4.35 438 305 4.03 330 4.82 395 273 3.94 334 5.03 427 305 Plus 6 unprinted lactations 8631 3.79 342 4.49 387 296 11 Lacts. Birth Ident: BNNL-99-93 (500538) PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 -29/98 8/99 -3/99 295/99 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 30/92 -7.5/97 -40/98 -0.41/99 Birth Ident: JCPD-93-3 SA A16 BW ($): Age 11 yr 2 m 10 yr 0 m 9 yr 0 m 8 yr 0 m 7 yr 0 m Avg -52/71 PW ($): 224/87 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.48 326 279 HB No: A/33125/M Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -102/56 STRATHAVON ROSE GLOW HB No: A/169225/F Breed : PA A16 EX2 BW ($) : 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4673 3.79 177 -30/49 PW ($): -104/58 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.54 212 266 Oseas HB No: 000000039534/FIN (61753) Breed: PA A16 D S BW ($): -121/96 ARC LENICA RUBY Breed: BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7273 3.64 264 KUUSIJOEN ETRONI SANROSA IRISH LIMERICK Breed: FERDON SENSATIONS GLOSS Birth Ident: CNKH-87-66 Breed : PA A16 EX3 TAONUI WHITE GOLD PW ($): Milk (ltr) 7911 10067 10056 8192 8482 Avg PW($): -73/9 0 35/82 -5.9/74 -548/82 -0.35/87 EX4 18/70 Age 12 yr 8 m 11 yr 8 m 9 yr 11 m 8 yr 10 m 7 yr 10 m PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 132 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: PA A16 NZAEL -67/46 -2/52 -18/52 92/56 -231/86 -8/89 -32/89 -94/90 HB No: A/175427/F Milk (ltr) 4193 5273 4206 4078 3636 2941 AM ST MS OO PA A16 STRATHAVON ROSE GLOSS LENICA LIMERICK RUBY S2A Birth Ident: JCPD-05-25 Expected Calf S# D# -162/27 PW ($): -211/64 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.19 68 189 Internal Animal Key = BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 Breed: SA A16 Bull 509563 TI RAUKAU Test No: N029-215-314/2 60 Breed: A A16 FERDON MJS GENERAL Sex: FEMALE Classification: 28/07/2013 HB No: A/34092/M (61377) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 25/99 BW ($): 2 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6 Lacts. 1627 3.39 55 FERDON MASTER JIMMY Birth Ident: JCPD-11-5 Due to Calve : PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Protein (%) (kg) Birth Ident: DJFF-94-9 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 Breed: SA A16 Date of Birth: 31/07/2011 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) -30/49 PW ($): -104/58 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.54 212 266 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA GENERAL RUBY S3A Milk (ltr) BW ($) : 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4673 3.79 177 Oseas HB No: 000010021469/CAN (502577) Birth Ident: CNKH-91-183 (61536) Age BW ($): -102/56 STRATHAVON ROSE GLOW HB No: A/169225/F Breed : PA A16 EX2 KELLCREST ICE MAN ET Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: HB No: A/33125/M Breed : PA A16 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds -98/36 -2/38 -21/38 72/39 29/30 -52/71 PW ($): 224/87 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.48 326 279 TAONUI WHITE GOLD PW ($): and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : -16/81 13/49 -6.8/37 23/38 -0.25/50 PW($): -75/9 0 BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7273 3.64 264 EX4 18/70 Age 12 yr 8 m 11 yr 8 m 9 yr 11 m 8 yr 10 m 7 yr 10 m PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 144 FERDON SENSATIONS GLOSS Birth Ident: CNKH-87-66 Breed : PA A16 EX3 35/82 -5.9/74 -548/82 -0.35/87 PA A16 BW ($): Milk (ltr) 4260 5670 4033 4640 5645 4755 2943 AM ST MS OO P001.50 Breed: V6-7 -81/51 -4/56 -9/57 150/59 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: HB No: A/175427/F Avg Birth Ident: JCPD-03-31 -231/86 -8/89 -32/89 -94/90 STRATHAVON ROSE GLOSS NZAEL LENICA ICE HOLLY S3A BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 Breed: SA A16 Due to Calve : 29717654 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree SANROSA IRISH LAUREEN Birth Ident: BNNL-95-93 Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 3 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6171 3.94 243 S 9/59 PW ($): 206/78 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.50 278 279 S# D# -132/33 PW ($): -134/70 Milk (ltr) 3812 5515 4690 4393 4583 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.38 129 3.81 145 220 63 3.44 190 3.82 211 275 T 157 3.37 158 3.81 178 258 15 3.38 149 3.45 152 249 13 3.30 151 3.44 158 248 31 Plus 4 unprinted lactations 4310 3.40 147 3.67 158 252 8 Lacts. = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values P001.50 IN-CALF HEIFERS P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 73 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Breeder : Paul & Maryann Symonds PANT MASTERCARD FERDON MASTER JIMMY Oseas HB No: 000000178277/GBR (61358) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -238/79 Birth Ident: CNKH-91-183 (61536) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA GENERAL DAISY S2A Birth Ident: CNKH-93-177 (61618) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-11-15 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -57/12 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -0.4/34 Total Long BV (days): -79/35 Somatic Cell BV: -0.39/38 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: -0.02/31 Dairy Conformation: 0.07/31 0.29/32 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Milk (ltr) Age Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Breed: FERDON MJS GENERAL Breed: SA A14J2 Date of Birth: 6/08/2011 -63/37 -2/38 -10/38 -44/39 26/32 Days LW Herd BW PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -130/98 -2/98 -23/98 53/99 51/96 0.4/95 -182/97 -0.33/98 4.2 3.6 Age 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 1 m 4 yr 0 m 2 yr 11 m 2 yr 0 m D D D D D Avg BW($): -53/26 Mating Date 17/10/2012 Bull 509563 Breed: 5/50 -3/55 3/55 -141/58 Milk (ltr) 4746 3908 3868 3957 2725 Protein (%) (kg) 3.54 168 3.58 140 3.90 151 3.71 147 3.21 87 3841 3.61 58/78 2/32 -1.3/42 23/44 -0.45/52 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 253 4.44 211 238 5.10 199 275 6.08 235 4.63 183 285 4.55 124 196 138 LW 11 94 178 49 161 249 4.96 190 5 Lacts. Breed: N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test LOT 74 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 30/92 -7.5/97 -40/98 -0.41/99 Birth Ident: JCPD-00-20 Breed: AJ A8J8 Age 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m D D D D D -264/83 Milk (ltr) 3263 3465 3602 2869 3657 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.53 115 4.29 140 176 3.72 129 5.38 186 298 3.75 135 5.45 196 277 3.56 102 5.15 148 208 3.82 140 5.74 210 272 Plus 4 unprinted lactations 3137 3.69 116 5.36 168 254 LW -60 -11 -40 -2 33 9 Lacts. Breed: Birth Ident: CNKH-93-177 (61618) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-11-18 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 5/08/2011 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -111/12 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -1.4/34 Total Long BV (days): -91/34 Somatic Cell BV: -0.47/38 -0.02/33 Dairy Conformation: 0.04/33 0.24/34 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Days LW Herd BW PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -130/98 -2/98 -23/98 53/99 51/96 0.4/95 -182/97 -0.33/98 4.2 3.6 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Bull 509563 Bull : 509563 BROOKVIEW SHOTGUN BW($): -70/26 Mating Date 17/10/2012 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m D D D D D D Avg D Breed: BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3305 3.68 122 -45/52 PW ($): -59/84 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.58 184 242 P001.50 29774522 V6-7 -36/84 14/45 -3.3/39 0/40 -0.61/52 Protein (%) (kg) 3.37 107 3.44 157 3.53 132 3.46 147 3.61 157 3.38 128 3.58 140 3.51 105 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.68 117 178 4.36 200 264 262 T 4.31 161 275 4.76 203 275 4.19 182 4.23 161 208 4.60 180 277 262 4.62 138 3849 3.49 4.36 168 250 LW -29 -65 -41 35 42 185 50 103 8 Lacts. PW($): -77/9 Traits other than production results : 0 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 6 5 7 5 7 6 6 6 6 5 6 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 6 7 FERDON SENSATIONS GLOSS Birth Ident: CNKH-87-66 Breed : PA A16 EX3 BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7273 3.64 264 -52/71 PW ($): 224/87 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.48 326 279 EX4 TAONUI WHITE GOLD 18/70 PW ($): 336/83 Milk (ltr) 7911 10067 10056 8192 8482 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.48 276 4.44 351 296 329 3.60 362 4.21 424 287 509 3.69 371 4.35 438 305 4.03 330 4.82 395 273 3.94 334 5.03 427 305 Plus 6 unprinted lactations 8631 3.79 342 4.49 387 296 11 Lacts. Age 12 yr 8 m 11 yr 8 m 9 yr 11 m 8 yr 10 m 7 yr 10 m Milk (ltr) 3185 4577 3737 4257 4344 3794 3906 2992 AM ST MS OO 35/82 -5.9/74 -548/82 -0.35/87 PA A16 BW ($): PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 134 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: HB No: A/175427/F Avg -64/52 -6/57 -15/58 -117/61 -231/86 -8/89 -32/89 -94/90 STRATHAVON ROSE GLOSS NZAEL LENICA ICE RATA Birth Ident: JCPD-03-9 28/07/2013 DAM: Birth Ident: GNMV-94-1 Breed: J J16 Oseas HB No: 000000178277/GBR (61358) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -238/79 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 Breed: PA A16 Expected Calf Birth Ident: MVV-93-20 (61557) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 3/99 PANT MASTERCARD FERDON MASTER JIMMY LENICA GENERAL RATA Due to Calve : S 9/59 PW ($): 206/78 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.50 278 279 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 FERDON MJS GENERAL Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) BW ($): 3 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6171 3.94 243 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Milk (ltr) SANROSA IRISH LAUREEN Birth Ident: BNNL-95-93 Breed: PA A16 VHC Internal Animal Key = Birth Ident: CNKH-91-183 (61536) Age -30/49 PW ($): -104/58 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.54 212 266 Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: BW ($) : 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4673 3.79 177 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds -97/38 -4/40 -19/40 -32/40 32/35 BW ($): -102/56 STRATHAVON ROSE GLOW HB No: A/169225/F Breed : PA A16 EX2 KITEROA BONNY GOVERNOR PW ($): -34/54 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : G3,G1 -29/98 8/99 -3/99 295/99 HB No: A/33125/M Breed : PA A16 Oseas HB No: 000000039534/FIN (61753) Breed: PA A16 D S BW ($): -121/96 DAM: BW ($): -52/71 PW ($): 224/87 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.48 326 279 KUUSIJOEN ETRONI PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 12 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.48 276 4.44 351 296 329 3.60 362 4.21 424 287 509 3.69 371 4.35 438 305 4.03 330 4.82 395 273 3.94 334 5.03 427 305 Plus 6 unprinted lactations 8631 3.79 342 4.49 387 296 11 Lacts. Birth Ident: BNNL-99-93 (500538) Avg P001.50 336/83 SANROSA IRISH LIMERICK PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7273 3.64 264 TAONUI WHITE GOLD PW ($): Milk (ltr) 7911 10067 10056 8192 8482 Avg FERDON SENSATIONS GLOSS Birth Ident: CNKH-87-66 Breed : PA A16 EX3 EX4 18/70 Age 12 yr 8 m 11 yr 8 m 9 yr 11 m 8 yr 10 m 7 yr 10 m PW($): -49/9 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 35/82 -5.9/74 -548/82 -0.35/87 PA A16 BW ($): Bull : 509563 BROOKVIEW SHOTGUN 28/07/2013 Expected Calf D Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: HB No: A/175427/F NZAEL Birth Ident: JCPD-05-44 -231/86 -8/89 -32/89 -94/90 STRATHAVON ROSE GLOSS LENICA LIMERICK DAISY S1A BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 Breed: SA A12J4 Due to Calve : 29774523 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree HB No: A/33125/M Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -102/56 STRATHAVON ROSE GLOW HB No: A/169225/F Breed : PA A16 EX2 BW ($) : 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4673 3.79 177 -30/49 PW ($): -104/58 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.54 212 266 KELLCREST ICE MAN ET BLACKADDAR M M PATRICK Oseas HB No: 000010021469/CAN (502577) Oseas HB No: 000000769262/CAN Breed: A A16 BW ($): -156/71 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G2,G1 -91/85 1/89 -9/89 220/90 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 36/77 -9.1/74 -1/74 -0.25/86 LENICA TROUPERS RATA Age 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m 3 yr 11 m 3 yr 0 m Avg D D PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days FERDON REWARDS TROUPER -78/46 D Protein (%) (kg) VHC PA A16 BW ($): BW ($): Milk Birth Ident: JCPD-01-27 Breed: KELLCREST HAPPY SPIRIT ET Oseas HB No: 000000803739/CAN Breed: A A16 Milk (ltr) 3080 3301 3710 3132 2939 PW ($): -235/82 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.64 112 3.96 122 208 3.48 115 4.83 160 208 3.64 135 4.91 182 261 3.49 109 4.93 155 278 3.61 106 5.25 154 266 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 3182 3.58 114 4.84 154 250 LW -75 31 -36 -70 -57 Birth Ident: CNKH-99-181 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -81/50 INGLECORNER GUY RENE Birth Ident: BTVK-99-27 Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6 Lacts. 4049 3.51 142 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -40/52 PW ($): -84/83 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.95 160 245 P001.50 IN-CALF HEIFERS P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 75 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Breeder : Paul & Maryann Symonds KITEROA BONAPART KITEROA BO PEPPERONI HB No: A/30899/M (61171) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -74/97 HB No: A/33968/M (61248) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE LENICA NIKE LILY Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-11-22 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 10/08/2011 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -98/12 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -0.9/33 Total Long BV (days): 116/35 Somatic Cell BV: -0.49/37 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.18/31 Dairy Conformation: 0.14/31 0.28/32 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Milk (ltr) Age Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW Herd BW PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -4/97 0/98 -19/98 -18/98 19/94 1.0/93 172/96 -0.33/97 4.4 3.7 Age 7 yr 11 m 6 yr 11 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 0 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m 28/07/2013 Expected Calf Bull : 509563 BROOKVIEW SHOTGUN BW($): -45/26 Mating Date 17/10/2012 Bull 509563 D D D D D D Avg D Protein (%) (kg) 3.39 104 3.38 121 3.46 79 3.58 119 3.44 116 3.33 65 3.31 93 2912 3.42 LW -152 -192 -199 -131 -81 -177 -23 224 4.16 121 7 Lacts. PW($): -69/9 Traits other than production results : 0 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 (2012) 5 4 8 5 6 6 7 6 7 5 7 7 LOT 76 258/88 Milk (ltr) 6862 7938 7835 7198 8014 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.53 242 3.86 265 261 3.55 282 4.62 367 295 3.77 296 4.43 347 296 3.60 259 4.20 302 280 3.69 296 4.07 326 291 Plus 3 unprinted lactations 7071 3.62 256 4.18 296 274 LW 282 336 276 174 7 Lacts. Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 -13/99 -15/99 -25/99 -371/99 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -27/98 1.7/98 219/99 -0.90/99 ARB LENICA GOV LILY Birth Ident: QHL-00-5 Breed: BW ($): 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr VHC SA A16 Age 0m 0m 1m 2m Avg -33/82 Milk (ltr) 4301 4304 4180 2699 Protein (%) (kg) 3.41 147 3.48 150 3.46 145 3.34 90 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.04 174 278 4.69 202 262 4.78 200 239 4.73 128 209 3871 3.43 4.54 176 133 LW 34 68 164 134 Breed : -118/12 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -2.3/33 Total Long BV (days): -39/35 Somatic Cell BV: -0.47/37 0.01/30 Dairy Conformation: 0.11/30 0.30/31 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Days LW Herd BW PA A16 BIANCA Test No: N074-729-900/2 31 Breed: A A16 247 S# D# -166/36 PW ($): -125/81 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.52 139 229 P001.50 29774532 Internal Animal Key = 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Breed: PANT MASTERCARD Oseas HB No: 000000178277/GBR (61358) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -238/79 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -130/98 -2/98 -23/98 53/99 51/96 0.4/95 -182/97 -0.33/98 4.2 3.6 LENICA HIGH ROSE S2A Birth Ident: JCPD-04-72 Tidy rear udder developing. BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Age 6 yr 11 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m 3 yr 11 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m Bull : 509563 BROOKVIEW SHOTGUN Avg D D D D D D Breed: 35/82 -5.9/74 -548/82 -0.35/87 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.48 276 4.44 351 296 329 3.60 362 4.21 424 287 509 3.69 371 4.35 438 305 4.03 330 4.82 395 273 3.94 334 5.03 427 305 Plus 6 unprinted lactations 8631 3.79 342 4.49 387 296 11 Lacts. NZAEL -264/78 -20/30 -5.2/38 104/41 -0.62/48 Protein (%) (kg) 3.49 113 3.38 105 3.62 73 3.63 98 3.46 88 3.54 106 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 257 T 2.76 89 3.63 113 242 T 226 T 5.11 103 271 T 4.83 130 3.28 83 179 250 4.14 124 2766 3.51 3.88 107 238 LW -255 -140 -324 -293 -78 -16 -52/71 PW ($): 224/87 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.48 326 279 HB No: A/33125/M Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -102/56 STRATHAVON ROSE GLOW HB No: A/169225/F Breed : PA A16 EX2 BW ($) : 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4673 3.79 177 -30/49 PW ($): -104/58 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.54 212 266 LAKESIDE HIGH CHIEFTAIN BESSFIELD HIGHLAND CHIEF HB No: A/34136/M (61409) HB No: A/27698/M (61082) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -110/96 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -13/99 -15/99 -25/99 -371/99 G3,G1 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -27/98 1.7/98 219/99 -0.90/99 ARC LENICA TROUPERS ROSE Birth Ident: JCPD-01-15 Breed: 6 Lacts. V6-7 SA A13J3 BW ($): 11 yr 10 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr Age 1m 1m 1m 0m 1m Avg N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 336/83 Milk (ltr) 7911 10067 10056 8192 8482 Avg BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7273 3.64 264 TAONUI WHITE GOLD PW ($): 18/70 Age 12 yr 8 m 11 yr 8 m 9 yr 11 m 8 yr 10 m 7 yr 10 m FERDON SENSATIONS GLOSS Birth Ident: CNKH-87-66 Breed : PA A16 EX3 EX4 PA A16 BW ($): PW($): -81/9 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: HB No: A/175427/F Milk (ltr) 3228 3107 2024 2696 2540 3000 97 -231/86 -8/89 -32/89 -94/90 STRATHAVON ROSE GLOSS PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -58/48 -14/53 -31/53 -474/56 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 Breed: SA A15J1 Bull 509563 Birth Ident: MVV-93-20 (61557) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 3/99 Birth Ident: CNKH-93-177 (61618) BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): BW($): -68/26 Mating Date 17/10/2012 -119/70 PW ($): -200/24 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.48 254 298 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values FERDON MJS GENERAL Sex: FEMALE Classification: 28/07/2013 BW ($): 10 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5667 3.35 183 BW ($): 4 Lacts. 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3072 3.38 104 FERDON MASTER JIMMY Birth Ident: JCPD-11-25 Expected Calf LAKESIDE HIGH NOON HB No: A/133002/F Breed: PA A16 EXC KITEROA BONNY GOVERNOR PW ($): -96/49 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 Breed: SA A16 Date of Birth: 12/08/2011 Due to Calve : -122/54 PW ($): -28/81 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.98 204 270 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA GENERAL ROSE S3A Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) BW ($) : 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5120 3.54 183 BESSFIELD HIGHLAND CHIEF Birth Ident: CNKH-91-183 (61536) Milk (ltr) KITEROA BO PEPPERWELL HB No: A/174015/F Breed : PA A16 VHC HB No: A/27698/M (61082) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -110/96 Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Age HB No: A/34515/M (61483) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -28/92 HB No: A/34136/M (61409) 7 Paul & Maryann Symonds Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.01 257 277 KITEROA BONNY NATIONAL PW ($): and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds -93/36 -8/38 -27/38 -210/39 16/31 BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6414 LAKESIDE HIGH CHIEFTAIN S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited Breeder : -216/79 -13/35 -2.9/40 60/43 -0.65/50 KITEROA BO PEPPY HB No: A/127673/F Breed : PA A16 EXC EX2 -5/73 Age 7 yr 11 m 6 yr 11 m 5 yr 11 m 4 yr 11 m 4 yr 0 m Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.39 104 176 3.68 132 259 207 3.71 85 275 4.55 151 4.46 150 228 4.40 85 176 5.01 141 244 100 11/99 1.4/98 412/99 0.28/99 PA A16 BW ($): V7-7 Milk (ltr) 3084 3577 2281 3312 3372 1940 2820 AM ST MS OO P001.50 Breed: PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -92/50 -18/54 -22/55 -472/58 S Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-90-40 Avg Birth Ident: JCPD-04-56 G3,G1 11/99 -3/99 -11/99 -24/99 KITEROA BO PEPPER NASH NZAEL LENICA CHEIF LILY S3A BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G1 Breed: SA A16 Due to Calve : Breed: KITEROA BO PEPPERNIKE Birth Ident: MVV-95-23 (61665) -47/37 -9/38 -21/38 -245/39 3/32 29774529 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree -27/45 D D D D D D Milk (ltr) 3284 4067 3873 3969 4716 LAKESIDE HIGH NOON HB No: A/133002/F Breed: PA A16 EXC BW ($): 10 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5667 3.35 183 -119/70 PW ($): -200/24 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.48 254 298 FERDON REWARDS TROUPER PW ($): 34/79 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.56 117 3.56 117 153 3.58 145 3.38 137 233 3.33 129 3.75 145 238 3.60 143 3.23 128 259 3.56 168 3.42 161 247 Plus 4 unprinted lactations 4109 3.51 144 3.52 145 236 LW 35 -43 6 -76 101 Birth Ident: CNKH-99-181 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -81/50 ARC LENICA GOVS ROSE Birth Ident: JCPD-99-44 Breed: SA A10J5 VHC BW ($): 5 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 9 Lacts. 4131 3.72 154 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values 51/52 PW ($): 184/79 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.26 176 231 P001.50 IN-CALF HEIFERS P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 77 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Breeder : Paul & Maryann Symonds KITEROA BONAPART KITEROA BO PEPPERONI HB No: A/30899/M (61171) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -74/97 HB No: A/33968/M (61248) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Birth Ident: MVV-95-23 (61665) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-11-29 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 16/08/2011 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -53/36 -3/37 -18/38 54/39 5/32 -68/12 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -4.3/33 Total Long BV (days): 21/34 Somatic Cell BV: -0.30/36 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.28/31 Dairy Conformation: 0.15/30 0.25/31 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Milk (ltr) Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days Herd BW LW PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: GOLDSTREAM MERLE Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Age 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 1 m 4 yr 0 m 2 yr 11 m 1 yr 11 m Avg 28/07/2013 Expected Calf D D D D D Breed: NZAEL Avg PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Protein (%) (kg) 3.24 196 3.16 115 3.26 158 3.22 119 3.05 99 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 253 3.89 235 233 4.04 147 4.23 205 273 217 4.15 153 209 3.64 118 4290 3.20 4.00 172 237 -14/78 -8/34 -9.8/37 -128/41 -0.27/48 LW 168 -103 128 13 118 5 Lacts. Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 78 258/88 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.53 242 3.86 265 261 3.55 282 4.62 367 295 3.77 296 4.43 347 296 3.60 259 4.20 302 280 3.69 296 4.07 326 291 Plus 3 unprinted lactations 7071 3.62 256 4.18 296 274 LW 282 336 276 174 INGLECORNER PRO RATA Birth Ident: BTVK-94-7 Breed: PA A16 Breed: G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -85/88 -13/91 -28/92 -201/93 BW ($): -26/69 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -47/81 -5.8/75 -182/84 -0.23/89 GOLDSTREAM STAR MERLA ET Birth Ident: DVLD-99-26 Breed: B PA A16 BW ($): -213/87 Milk (ltr) 4752 4593 3815 4600 4814 Age 2m 0m 1m 1m 1m Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.40 162 3.83 182 273 3.35 154 3.40 156 264 3.11 119 3.77 144 196 3.19 147 3.83 176 204 3.37 162 4.09 197 249 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 4209 3.28 138 3.83 161 235 LW -103 -91 -91 52 29 6 Lacts. Birth Ident: CNKH-93-177 (61618) Breed : BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -48/37 -4/39 -10/39 -191/40 11/30 -15/13 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): 0.2/33 Total Long BV (days): -94/35 Somatic Cell BV: -0.31/38 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: -0.20/29 Dairy Conformation: -0.24/29 0.10/30 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Days LW Herd BW PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: ARC LENICA PAMELDA Birth Ident: JCPD-01-1 -176/76 PW ($): 379/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.55 363 275 BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7985 3.40 271 P001.50 29811288 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 PANT MASTERCARD Oseas HB No: 000000178277/GBR (61358) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -238/79 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Bull : 509563 BROOKVIEW SHOTGUN PW($): -27/9 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation Age 11 yr 0 m 10 yr 0 m 9 yr 1 m 8 yr 0 m 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m 3 yr 1 m Avg D D D D D D D PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 -130/98 -2/98 -23/98 53/99 51/96 0.4/95 -182/97 -0.33/98 4.2 3.6 -231/86 -8/89 -32/89 -94/90 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 35/82 -5.9/74 -548/82 -0.35/87 STRATHAVON ROSE GLOSS HB No: A/175427/F Breed: BW ($): Age 12 yr 8 m 11 yr 8 m 9 yr 11 m 8 yr 10 m 7 yr 10 m NZAEL Avg 33/51 -7/57 3/58 -435/61 PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Milk (ltr) 2840 4041 3710 3797 4505 3590 4165 3359 3137 87/83 -29/25 0.0/38 -6/43 -0.28/53 336/83 Milk (ltr) 7911 10067 10056 8192 8482 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.48 276 4.44 351 296 329 3.60 362 4.21 424 287 509 3.69 371 4.35 438 305 4.03 330 4.82 395 273 3.94 334 5.03 427 305 Plus 6 unprinted lactations 8631 3.79 342 4.49 387 296 11 Lacts. HB No: A/33125/M Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -102/56 STRATHAVON ROSE GLOW HB No: A/169225/F Breed : PA A16 EX2 BW ($) : 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4673 3.79 177 -30/49 PW ($): -104/58 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.54 212 266 G1 45/86 -12/91 -5/91 -819/92 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: CLRL-91-7 (92412) Breed: PJ J16 D S BW ($): 61/99 -34/69 4.2/76 57/82 -0.04/88 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 187 74 4.17 118 5.84 166 ARD TUMEKE AMOROUS 172 4.13 167 5.72 231 253 189 3.99 148 6.02 223 262 Birth Ident: HBYV-94-29 275 218 4.36 165 5.80 220 Breed: SA A8F6 282 259 4.07 183 6.03 272 335 3.93 141 5.63 202 207 BW ($): -41/53 PW ($): 76/80 4.17 174 5.48 228 277 164 130 4.02 135 5.14 173 254 Milk Protein Milkfat 238 175 4.11 129 5.43 170 Age (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW Plus 1 unprinted lactation 11 yr 0 m 1470 3.16 46 4.58 67 71 146 3621 4.11 149 5.73 207 252 10 Lacts. 10 yr 0 m 4389 3.38 148 4.96 218 269 100 9 yr 0 m 4209 3.42 144 5.08 214 259 73 7 yr 11 m 5108 3.48 178 4.85 248 276 114 6 yr 11 m 4524 3.49 158 4.72 213 249 154 Plus 5 unprinted lactations Avg 3838 3.40 131 4.84 186 221 9 Lacts. N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test -52/71 PW ($): 224/87 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.48 326 279 WILLIAMS LORD NORMAN J J16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7273 3.64 264 TAONUI WHITE GOLD PW ($): 18/70 Birth Ident: DTRM-98-50 (664214) Breed: FERDON SENSATIONS GLOSS Birth Ident: CNKH-87-66 Breed : PA A16 EX3 EX4 PA A16 KINGS TOBY Breed: SA J9A4 Bull 509563 Breed: FERDON MJS GENERAL Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW($): -46/26 Mating Date 17/10/2012 GOLDSTREAM REBEL MAROON Birth Ident: GBN-87-1 Breed: PA A16 B Internal Animal Key = FERDON MASTER JIMMY Birth Ident: JCPD-11-30 28/07/2013 Oseas HB No: 000000134197/USA (61168) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -190/96 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 Breed: SA A10J5 Date of Birth: 16/08/2011 Expected Calf -145/58 PW ($): 157/82 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.30 243 267 BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5641 3.72 210 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA GENERAL PAM S1A Due to Calve : CRAIGMYLE HAPPY MOMENT HB No: A/175950/F Breed: PA A16 VHC MEREDITH STAR BRIGHT PW ($): -193/57 Birth Ident: CNKH-91-183 (61536) Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) -122/54 PW ($): -28/81 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.98 204 270 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds Milk (ltr) KITEROA BO PEPPERWELL HB No: A/174015/F Breed : PA A16 VHC Birth Ident: BTVK-98-1 (61803) Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Age HB No: A/34515/M (61483) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -28/92 BW ($) : 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7 Lacts. 5120 3.54 183 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.01 257 277 INGLECORNER MERCURY 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6414 KITEROA BONNY NATIONAL PW ($): Milk (ltr) 6862 7938 7835 7198 8014 Age 7 yr 11 m 6 yr 11 m 5 yr 11 m 4 yr 11 m 4 yr 0 m KITEROA BO PEPPY HB No: A/127673/F Breed : PA A16 EXC EX2 -5/73 Avg P001.50 11/99 1.4/98 412/99 0.28/99 PA A16 BW ($): PW($): -54/9 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-90-40 Milk (ltr) 6040 3646 4829 3681 3251 137 11/99 -3/99 -11/99 -24/99 S KITEROA BO PEPPER NASH Bull : 509563 BROOKVIEW SHOTGUN BW($): -48/26 Mating Date 17/10/2012 Bull 509563 D -103/48 -5/52 -17/52 126/56 -4/97 0/98 -19/98 -18/98 19/94 1.0/93 172/96 -0.33/97 4.4 3.7 G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G1 Birth Ident: DVLD-05-51 Due to Calve : Breed: KITEROA BO PEPPERNIKE LENICA NIKE MERLE Age 29811287 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree DAM: Birth Ident: DTRM-94-11 Breed: J J16 BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3072 4.62 142 COROGLEN DEMI PIERRE Birth Ident: BJTG-86-1 (87103) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -142/99 GORGEOUS Birth Ident: FMPT-89-38 Breed: FJ F12J4 BW ($): 4 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4202 3.50 147 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values S 93/62 PW ($): 231/84 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 6.20 191 241 -15/48 PW ($): 161/83 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.23 178 241 P001.50 IN-CALF HEIFERS P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 79 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Breeder : Paul & Maryann Symonds KITEROA BONAPART KITEROA BO PEPPERONI HB No: A/30899/M (61171) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -74/97 HB No: A/33968/M (61248) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA NIKE PAN S3A Birth Ident: MVV-95-23 (61665) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-11-39 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -44/37 -4/38 -15/39 -63/39 18/31 -73/12 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -2.9/34 Total Long BV (days): 128/35 Somatic Cell BV: -0.40/37 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.26/31 Dairy Conformation: 0.10/31 0.10/31 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Milk (ltr) Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW Herd BW PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -4/97 0/98 -19/98 -18/98 19/94 1.0/93 172/96 -0.33/97 4.4 3.7 LENICA PARDNER PAN S2A BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr 28/07/2013 Expected Calf D D D D D D Avg Bull : 509563 BROOKVIEW SHOTGUN BW($): -43/26 Mating Date 17/10/2012 Bull 509563 Age 0m 0m 0m 1m 0m 0m D Milk (ltr) 3170 3712 3691 3363 3508 2698 Protein (%) (kg) 3.39 107 3.44 128 3.41 126 3.51 118 3.46 121 3.37 91 3357 3.43 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 225 4.25 143 LW -155 -208 -86 -73 92 129 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 6 5 7 5 7 6 7 6 6 5 5 6 LOT 80 LW 282 336 276 174 BLACKADDAR ISLE MILKMAN Breed: G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -141/95 5/96 3/96 445/97 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 75/94 -17.6/90 29/92 -0.59/96 ARC LENICA REGAL PAN Breed: SA A12J4 BW ($): 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr LODORE REGAL PW ($): -35/52 Age 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m Avg -41/82 Milk (ltr) 1268 4231 4078 3816 3081 Protein (%) (kg) 3.35 42 3.54 150 3.70 151 3.79 144 3.68 113 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.32 67 75 5.00 211 271 4.78 195 281 4.62 176 276 4.98 154 249 3801 3.67 4.84 184 140 269 LW 113 75 89 95 119 4 Lacts. ARD LENICA CASSIES PAN Birth Ident: GLRN-96-6 Breed: SA A8J8 BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3131 3.86 121 -33/52 PW ($): -5/83 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.07 159 245 P001.50 29811302 Internal Animal Key = 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Breed: FERDON MJS GENERAL Birth Ident: CNKH-93-177 (61618) Breed : Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -86/36 -5/38 -12/38 -76/39 29/33 -105/12 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -1.8/34 Total Long BV (days): -17/34 Somatic Cell BV: -0.40/37 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.07/32 Dairy Conformation: 0.21/31 0.19/32 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Days LW Herd BW PA A16 PANT MASTERCARD Oseas HB No: 000000178277/GBR (61358) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -238/79 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -130/98 -2/98 -23/98 53/99 51/96 0.4/95 -182/97 -0.33/98 4.2 3.6 Age 4 yr 10 m 3 yr 11 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m D D D D Avg D Breed: -64/78 8/35 -4.1/40 148/41 -0.47/50 Milk (ltr) 3940 3882 2934 2579 Protein (%) (kg) 3.42 135 3.48 135 3.33 98 3.31 85 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 188 4.89 193 4.65 181 242 4.97 146 256 4.80 124 249 3334 3.40 4.82 161 234 LW 57 -41 -119 -111 4 Lacts. Bull : 509563 BROOKVIEW SHOTGUN PW($): -73/9 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 5 4 7 5 6 6 7 6 7 5 6 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 7 7 FERDON SENSATIONS GLOSS Birth Ident: CNKH-87-66 Breed : PA A16 EX3 BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7273 3.64 264 -52/71 PW ($): 224/87 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.48 326 279 EX4 TAONUI WHITE GOLD PW ($): 18/70 336/83 Milk (ltr) 7911 10067 10056 8192 8482 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.48 276 4.44 351 296 329 3.60 362 4.21 424 287 509 3.69 371 4.35 438 305 4.03 330 4.82 395 273 3.94 334 5.03 427 305 Plus 6 unprinted lactations 8631 3.79 342 4.49 387 296 11 Lacts. Age 12 yr 8 m 11 yr 8 m 9 yr 11 m 8 yr 10 m 7 yr 10 m V7-7 113 35/82 -5.9/74 -548/82 -0.35/87 PA A16 BW ($): PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -43/48 -9/52 -1/52 -206/56 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: HB No: A/175427/F Avg Birth Ident: JCPD-07-76 -231/86 -8/89 -32/89 -94/90 STRATHAVON ROSE GLOSS NZAEL LENICA SILVER ALPHA BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 Breed: PA A16 BW($): -65/26 Mating Date 17/10/2012 Birth Ident: CHDD-93-38 (94162) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -78/98 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values FERDON MASTER JIMMY Birth Ident: JCPD-11-42 Bull 509563 PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Protein (%) (kg) Birth Ident: JCPD-99-9 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 Breed: SA A16 Date of Birth: 27/08/2011 28/07/2013 BW ($): (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA GENERAL ALPHA S3A Expected Calf WOODLAND VIEW PRUDENCE Oseas HB No: 000000734598/CAN Breed: PA A16 Milk Birth Ident: CNKH-91-183 (61536) Due to Calve : -122/54 PW ($): -28/81 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.98 204 270 Oseas HB No: 000000693744/CAN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -294/71 Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) KITEROA BO PEPPERWELL HB No: A/174015/F Breed : PA A16 VHC Oseas HB No: 000000811799/CAN (500545) 7 Paul & Maryann Symonds Milk (ltr) HB No: A/34515/M (61483) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -28/92 BW ($) : 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7 Lacts. 5120 3.54 183 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds Age PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.01 257 277 WOODLAND VIEW PARDNER-ET 6 Lacts. N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited Breeder : -85/78 17/32 -6.9/42 83/43 -0.48/51 258/88 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.53 242 3.86 265 261 3.55 282 4.62 367 295 3.77 296 4.43 347 296 3.60 259 4.20 302 280 3.69 296 4.07 326 291 Plus 3 unprinted lactations 7071 3.62 256 4.18 296 274 Avg BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6414 KITEROA BONNY NATIONAL PW ($): Milk (ltr) 6862 7938 7835 7198 8014 NZAEL KITEROA BO PEPPY HB No: A/127673/F Breed : PA A16 EXC EX2 -5/73 Age 7 yr 11 m 6 yr 11 m 5 yr 11 m 4 yr 11 m 4 yr 0 m Traits other than production results : 0 11/99 1.4/98 412/99 0.28/99 PA A16 BW ($): PW($): -57/9 AM ST MS OO P001.50 Breed: Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.89 123 183 246 4.01 149 262 3.87 143 232 4.20 141 5.07 178 215 4.53 122 210 115 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-90-40 PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -85/50 -8/55 -11/55 -107/58 11/99 -3/99 -11/99 -24/99 S KITEROA BO PEPPER NASH V6-7 Breed: SA A14J2 G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G1 Birth Ident: JCPD-05-14 Due to Calve : Breed: KITEROA BO PEPPERNIKE Breed: SA A15J1 Date of Birth: 23/08/2011 Age 29811296 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree HB No: A/33125/M Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -102/56 STRATHAVON ROSE GLOW HB No: A/169225/F Breed : PA A16 EX2 BW ($) : 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4673 3.79 177 -30/49 PW ($): -104/58 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.54 212 266 KITEROA BONNY BLUE SILVER KINGSWAY CASANOVA ET Birth Ident: MVV-95-40 (61671) Birth Ident: XQQ-88-30 (61381) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -70/99 Breed: G3 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -54/97 -12/98 -10/98 -301/98 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 19/95 1.8/95 239/96 -0.52/98 ARA LENICA HERCS ALPHA Birth Ident: JCPD-99-1 Breed: BW ($): 11 yr 10 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr HC SA A15F1 Age 0m 0m 1m 1m 1m Avg -30/53 D D D D D D KITEROA BONNY BLUESTAR Birth Ident: MVV-88-9 Breed: PA A16 EX3 BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7286 3.63 264 -50/83 PW ($): 201/89 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.25 309 291 NGARANGI HERCULES PW ($): -16/84 Milk (ltr) 3371 4279 4601 2623 5487 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.35 113 4.94 167 207 56 3.53 151 4.57 195 275 80 3.53 162 4.93 227 272 92 3.29 86 4.85 127 162 3.43 188 4.82 264 305 130 Plus 5 unprinted lactations 4134 3.40 141 4.75 196 251 10 Lacts. Birth Ident: JGB-93-60 (61551) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -8/99 ARB DANVIDE ALPHA DROP Birth Ident: CJWW-92-22 Breed: SA A14F2 BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3546 3.48 123 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -41/49 PW ($): 44/80 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.10 181 204 P001.50 IN-CALF HEIFERS P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 81 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Breeder : Paul & Maryann Symonds ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT PLUM-BOTTOM TRIDENT'S LOT Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -245/94 Oseas HB No: 000000145520/USA (100854) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Birth Ident: MVV-02-3 (505524) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-11-45 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 1/09/2011 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -55/35 5/38 1/38 196/39 21/29 -1/12 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -13.0/29 Total Long BV (days): -53/32 Somatic Cell BV: 0.08/36 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.34/27 Dairy Conformation: 0.11/28 0.22/28 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Milk (ltr) Breed: KITEROA CREAM ALFIE ET LENICA CREAM CORDIA Age Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW Herd BW PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -39/91 17/94 8/94 434/95 39/86 -21.7/82 -73/85 0.37/93 4.5 3.8 Classy heifer, 2nd in her class at Waikato. BW($): -49/26 Mating Date 21/10/2012 Bull 509563 10 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Bull : 509563 BROOKVIEW SHOTGUN 01/08/2013 Expected Calf BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Age 0m 1m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m D D D D D Avg PW($): -21/9 D Protein (%) (kg) 3.31 127 3.12 105 3.22 137 3.30 128 3.30 113 3.33 150 3.26 128 3.28 129 3.21 115 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 237 4.32 165 4.38 147 226 4.89 209 263 4.58 178 257 191 4.32 148 4.76 214 255 4.52 177 251 246 4.97 195 244 4.62 166 3856 3.26 4.61 178 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 LW -161 -79 -78 -89 40 19 51 90 190 9 Lacts. (2005) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 6 5 7 5 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 82 KITEROA BO PEPPERONI PW ($): 210/84 Milk (ltr) 7448 6770 6332 4750 5671 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.64 271 4.51 336 305 3.68 249 4.60 311 305 3.65 231 4.53 287 264 3.71 176 4.82 229 250 3.54 201 5.08 288 262 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 6221 3.64 226 4.65 289 279 LW 353 324 213 142 211 PIKKU-HANNUKSELAN EINARI Birth Ident: BQHX-99-2 (500569) Oseas HB No: 000000039494/FIN (61608) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -211/88 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G1 -108/85 -12/89 -16/89 -244/91 S Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -1/69 -5.7/73 -48/81 -0.15/86 ALPINE CORDIA Birth Ident: BLLX-98-8 Breed: VHC PA A16 BW ($): Avg -110/91 Milk (ltr) 5376 4936 4758 4766 4075 Protein (%) (kg) 3.68 198 3.72 184 3.81 181 3.78 180 3.94 161 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.76 256 283 4.56 225 251 T 4.76 227 260 4.91 234 276 4.80 195 277 4782 3.78 4.76 227 181 269 LW -43 -96 36 161 187 5 Lacts. Breed : BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -2/12 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -4.3/33 Total Long BV (days): 2/35 Somatic Cell BV: -0.31/37 -0.01/31 Dairy Conformation: -0.01/30 0.14/31 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Days LW Herd BW PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -4/97 0/98 -19/98 -18/98 19/94 1.0/93 172/96 -0.33/97 4.4 3.7 LENICA AMOS HOPE S1A Birth Ident: JCPD-04-32 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 1m 0m 0m 2m 2m 0m D D D D D Avg Bull : 509563 BROOKVIEW SHOTGUN BW($): -28/26 Mating Date 17/10/2012 ALPINE CRYSTAL Birth Ident: BLLX-89-11 Breed: PA A16 HC BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5808 3.65 212 -49/53 PW ($): 87/91 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.48 260 282 P001.50 29774528 KITEROA BONAPART D Protein (%) (kg) 3.54 79 3.67 193 3.63 175 3.72 150 3.17 79 3.70 148 3804 3.61 137 Breed: NZAEL 232/75 -5/31 -9.7/39 -166/43 -0.29/49 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.04 91 125 259 4.29 226 262 5.48 264 4.73 191 213 3.98 99 141 5.32 213 265 211 4.74 180 LW -32 145 296 366 119 263 6 Lacts. Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 7 6 8 5 7 6 6 6 6 5 6 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 6 8 KITEROA BO PEPPY HB No: A/127673/F Breed : PA A16 EXC BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6414 PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.01 257 277 KITEROA BONNY NATIONAL PW ($): 258/88 Milk (ltr) 6862 7938 7835 7198 8014 Avg HB No: A/30899/M (61171) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -74/97 EX2 -5/73 Age 7 yr 11 m 6 yr 11 m 5 yr 11 m 4 yr 11 m 4 yr 0 m Traits other than production results : 0 11/99 1.4/98 412/99 0.28/99 PA A16 BW ($): PW($): -21/9 AM ST MS OO Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-90-40 V6-8 Milk (ltr) 2241 5256 4811 4033 2486 3998 11/99 -3/99 -11/99 -24/99 S KITEROA BO PEPPER NASH PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -26/49 3/53 0/54 87/57 G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G1 Breed: SA A12J4 Bull 509563 Breed: Birth Ident: MVV-95-23 (61665) Sex: FEMALE Classification: 28/07/2013 Birth Ident: CNKH-93-177 (61618) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -130/98 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 1/03/2013 KITEROA BO PEPPERONI Birth Ident: JCPD-11-24 Expected Calf -9/70 PW ($): 264/91 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.12 308 292 Internal Animal Key = Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 Breed: SA A14J2 Date of Birth: 10/08/2011 Due to Calve : BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6012 3.88 233 FERDON MJS GENERAL PW ($): -82/53 Age 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 0 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m LAKESIDE MISTY MILK Birth Ident: BQHX-91-3 Breed: PA A16 VHC KITEROA BO PEPPERNIKE Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) -8/67 PW ($): 134/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.89 246 276 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA NIKE HOPE S2A Milk (ltr) KITEROA CREAM ABILITY Birth Ident: MVV-90-14 Breed : PA A16 VHC LAKESIDE MIGHTY MAN HB No: A/33968/M (61248) Age HB No: A/33968/M (61248) Breed : PA A16 S BW ($): 11/99 BW ($) : 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6 Lacts. 6312 3.48 220 Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Protein (%) (kg) = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds -15/36 2/38 -9/38 34/39 7/31 BW ($): VHC and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : 241 Traits other than production results : 0 -67/83 3/31 -4.3/36 -33/43 -0.19/51 MORROW PREFERRED LOU 4TH Oseas HB No: 000000968232/USA Breed : A A16 Milk 5/74 Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 2 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 126 59/93 -28.3/87 -120/90 -0.11/94 PA A16 BW ($): Milk (ltr) 3824 3369 4268 3893 3413 4490 3930 3927 3594 AM ST MS OO P001.50 Breed: Avg -72/50 -6/56 -7/57 -41/60 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-93-32 VHC Breed: PA A16 -91/93 17/95 12/95 532/96 KITEROA CREAM ABLIGE NZAEL ALPINE CHIRITTA G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 Birth Ident: BLLX-01-16 Due to Calve : 29811304 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.53 242 3.86 265 261 3.55 282 4.62 367 295 3.77 296 4.43 347 296 3.60 259 4.20 302 280 3.69 296 4.07 326 291 Plus 3 unprinted lactations 7071 3.62 256 4.18 296 274 LW 282 336 276 174 7 Lacts. HB No: A/34515/M (61483) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -28/92 KITEROA BO PEPPERWELL HB No: A/174015/F Breed : PA A16 VHC BW ($) : 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5120 3.54 183 -122/54 PW ($): -28/81 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.98 204 270 LOCHSIDE AMOS GRANBYENNE ROYAL COMMAND HB No: A/34550/M (85105) Oseas HB No: 000000138281/USA (61165) Breed: PA A16 D# BW ($): -301/93 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -155/99 5/99 -16/99 404/99 G3,G1 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 33/99 -16.7/99 -383/99 -0.40/99 ARD LENICA CASSIES HOPE Birth Ident: GLRN-96-17 Breed: SA A8J8 BW ($): Age 7 yr 11 m 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 1 m 4 yr 0 m Avg LOCHSIDE ANNIES BID HB No: A/141099/F Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 12 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3771 3.52 124 -62/50 PW ($): -54/17 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.13 156 253 KINGSWAY CASANOVA ET 20/50 Milk (ltr) 2580 4612 4360 3824 3945 PW ($): 67/83 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.61 93 5.24 135 138 3.86 178 4.86 224 270 3.72 162 4.72 206 249 3.59 137 4.74 181 226 3.49 138 4.55 179 241 Plus 2 unprinted lactations 3712 3.64 135 4.88 181 231 LW 154 143 111 94 147 Birth Ident: XQQ-88-30 (61381) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -70/99 DAM: Birth Ident: FTXJ-87-11 Breed: J J16 BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7 Lacts. 3105 3.94 122 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values S# D# 14/37 PW ($): -73/82 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.46 169 236 P001.50 YEARLING HEIFERS P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 83 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 4/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Breeder : Paul & Maryann Symonds TAONUI JACKS JETHRO KINGSWAY CASANOVA ET HB No: A/32422/M (79104) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -30/98 Birth Ident: XQQ-88-30 (61381) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE G3 D S LENICA SILVER LADY Birth Ident: JCPD-12-8 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -76/13 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -2.1/31 Total Long BV (days): 165/31 Somatic Cell BV: -0.61/34 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.25/6 Dairy Conformation: 0.15/10 -0.01/12 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Age Milk (ltr) Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW Herd BW Breed: KITEROA BONNY BLUE SILVER Birth Ident: MVV-95-40 (61671) Breed : Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 26/07/2012 -31/34 -7/35 -6/35 -167/36 15/36 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -54/97 -12/98 -10/98 -301/98 19/95 1.8/95 239/96 -0.52/98 4.9 3.7 BROOKVIEW ITCHY LADY S Birth Ident: FBBM-10-9 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Age 2 yr 0 m D Avg D Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 10 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr B7-7 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.48 119 194 2648 3.42 4.48 119 194 LW -150 1 Lacts. 0 0 0 0 6 5 7 5 6 6 7 7 7 5 6 7 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited KITEROA GOLDEN STARBRIGHT LW 267 123 355 8 Lacts. HIRVIVAINION JULLI Breed: G2 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 33/67 12/71 18/72 412/75 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 28/68 -10.3/52 59/51 -0.70/69 BROOKVIEW LADY SPIRIT Birth Ident: FBBM-99-22 VHC PA A16 87/87 Milk (ltr) 2956 1866 3736 4251 3493 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.69 109 4.72 139 199 -293 3.65 68 4.65 87 109 -244 3.84 143 4.88 182 296 -113 3.81 162 4.44 189 277 64 3.95 138 5.26 184 251 -4 Plus 7 unprinted lactations 3441 3.77 130 4.71 162 246 12 Lacts. Age 13 yr 0 m 12 yr 0 m 10 yr 11 m 10 yr 0 m 8 yr 11 m Avg BW ($): 3 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4842 3.52 171 -8/59 PW ($): 99/82 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.51 218 258 Birth Ident: MVV-85-230 (61419) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -58/96 BROOKVIEW VICS LADY HB No: A/176932/F Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 15 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3052 3.71 113 -43/55 PW ($): -89/72 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.73 144 269 P001.50 30699403 Internal Animal Key = (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 4/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 BLACKADDAR ISLE MILKMAN WOODLAND VIEW PARDNER-ET Oseas HB No: 000000693744/CAN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -294/71 Oseas HB No: 000000811799/CAN (500545) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Breed: BROOKVIEW SHOTGUN Birth Ident: FBBM-08-149 (509563) LENICA GUN MACAROON Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-12-9 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 28/07/2012 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -22/29 1/31 -1/32 156/33 23/27 -40/10 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -6.2/24 Total Long BV (days): 130/24 Somatic Cell BV: -0.57/29 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.49/22 Dairy Conformation: 0.39/26 0.07/27 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Days BROOKVIEW SECRET LOT Birth Ident: FBBM-03-106 Breed: PA A16 EXC KITEROA BONNY GAYESPIRIT PW ($): -6/59 Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) -77/71 PW ($): -34/90 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.16 246 273 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds Milk (ltr) BW ($) : 10 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5904 3.37 199 Oseas HB No: 000000040198/FIN (61702) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 50/99 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds Age BW ($): -109/64 KITEROA BONNY BLUELOO Birth Ident: MVV-86-3 Breed : PA A16 EX2 Birth Ident: FBBM-06-100 (507566) 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test LOT 84 Breeder : (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC -90/50 PW ($): -69/17 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.68 365 257 BROOKVIEW STITCH BW ($): Traits other than production results : BW ($): 5 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7799 3.74 266 Birth Ident: MVV-86-34 Breed : PA A16 201/89 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.32 223 4.02 270 257 3.70 288 4.06 317 305 3.50 347 3.93 389 301 3.68 309 4.22 355 278 3.78 303 4.26 342 300 Plus 3 unprinted lactations 7286 3.63 264 4.25 309 291 NZAEL -94/45 11/49 -5.9/27 91/28 -0.70/39 PW ($): LENOCH CANDY GIRL HB No: A/143590/F Breed : PA A16 EXC EX3 Milk (ltr) 6726 7802 9900 8394 8016 Age 0m 3m 0m 1m 0m Breed: Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation -25/99 -12.8/99 -62/99 -0.25/99 G1 -50/83 Avg Protein (%) (kg) 3.42 91 AM ST MS OO Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-88-9 Milk (ltr) 2648 91 -70/99 -11/99 -13/99 -397/99 KITEROA BONNY BLUESTAR G3 PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -8/39 -1/42 -2/42 -32/46 G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3 Breed: PA A16 P001.50 30723631 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree LW Herd BW PA A16 G3 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -42/68 4/71 1/72 285/75 31/76 -13.3/54 117/54 -0.82/66 4.5 3.6 Birth Ident: JCPD-08-16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Age 3 yr 11 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m D D D Avg D Breed: 11/69 14/31 0.7/39 143/39 -0.32/49 Milk (ltr) 3420 4210 2564 Protein (%) (kg) 3.49 119 3.62 152 3.63 93 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 192 4.43 151 4.68 197 245 262 5.10 131 3398 3.58 4.70 160 233 LW 1 140 -71 3 Lacts. Traits other than production results : 0 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 6 5 7 5 6 6 6 5 7 5 6 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 6 7 PW ($): BW ($): PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Protein (%) (kg) KITEROA BONNY BLUE SILVER 178/88 Milk (ltr) 912 6441 8160 7893 7026 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.17 29 3.67 33 109 171 3.68 237 3.75 242 292 242 3.50 285 4.16 339 290 442 3.39 268 4.17 329 285 556 3.45 243 3.69 259 303 283 Plus 5 unprinted lactations 5470 3.48 190 4.08 223 270 10 Lacts. Birth Ident: MVV-95-40 (61671) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -54/97 CRAIGMYLE GRAND SECRET Birth Ident: BLXH-92-16 Breed : PA A16 EX6 BW ($) : 11 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4285 3.53 151 -20/72 PW ($): 171/90 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.46 191 254 ARDENVALE PEPS BOY KITEROA BO PEPPERONI Birth Ident: YTF-99-22 (501641) HB No: A/33968/M (61248) Breed: PA A16 S BW ($): 11/99 Breed: G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 29/98 -3/99 -1/99 -164/99 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 11/96 6.4/97 229/97 -0.14/99 GOLDSTREAM PARTY MACAROON Birth Ident: DVLD-00-23 Breed: 8 yr 7 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr VHC PA A16 BW ($): AM ST MS OO WOODLAND VIEW PRUDENCE Oseas HB No: 000000734598/CAN Breed : PA A16 EX4 G3,G1 19/70 Age 13 yr 0 m 11 yr 1 m 10 yr 0 m 8 yr 11 m 7 yr 0 m V6-7 122 75/94 -17.6/90 29/92 -0.59/96 Milk PA A16 BW ($): PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -2/46 -1/50 -3/50 27/54 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: FBBM-98-25 Avg Breed: PA A16 -141/95 5/96 3/96 445/97 BROOKVIEW BLUE SECRECY NZAEL LENICA PB MACAROON G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Age 0m 0m 0m 1m 0m Avg D D BW ($): 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3874 3.62 140 -39/62 PW ($): 132/86 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.17 200 227 KITEROA BONAPART -56/50 D CRAIGMYLE MISS BRITTANY Birth Ident: BLXH-93-24 Breed: PA A16 PW ($): -86/83 Milk (ltr) 4871 4048 3947 4243 4873 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.43 167 3.86 188 285 3.30 133 3.87 156 205 3.54 140 4.31 170 305 3.38 144 4.09 174 232 3.35 163 3.87 188 276 Plus 2 unprinted lactations 4181 3.42 143 4.07 170 255 LW -7 76 -33 71 118 6 Lacts. HB No: A/30899/M (61171) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -74/97 GOLDSTREAM GUS MACAROON Birth Ident: DVLD-96-46 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 4 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4238 3.49 148 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -75/44 PW ($): -73/81 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.30 182 254 P001.50 YEARLING HEIFERS P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 85 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 4/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Breeder : Paul & Maryann Symonds TAONUI JACKS JETHRO KINGSWAY CASANOVA ET HB No: A/32422/M (79104) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -30/98 Birth Ident: XQQ-88-30 (61381) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Birth Ident: MVV-95-40 (61671) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-12-11 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 29/07/2012 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -41/35 -4/37 -5/37 -36/38 16/30 -62/12 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -4.4/31 Total Long BV (days): 130/33 Somatic Cell BV: -0.29/36 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.40/29 Dairy Conformation: 0.40/29 0.13/30 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Milk (ltr) Breed: KITEROA BONNY BLUE SILVER LENICA BLUE SILVER Age Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW Herd BW PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -54/97 -12/98 -10/98 -301/98 19/95 1.8/95 239/96 -0.52/98 4.9 3.7 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Age 4 yr 11 m 3 yr 1 m 2 yr 1 m D D D Avg D Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 10 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr V7-8 PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -27/44 5/49 0/50 228/54 78/72 14/24 -10.6/31 22/36 -0.06/47 Milk (ltr) 4052 3621 2772 Protein (%) (kg) 3.36 136 3.40 123 3.43 95 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.04 164 191 4.36 158 233 222 4.49 124 3482 3.39 4.27 149 118 215 Traits other than production results : 0 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 LW 14 154 115 3 Lacts. 6 5 8 4 7 6 8 7 7 5 6 7 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited Birth Ident: MVV-86-34 Breed : PA A16 201/89 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.32 223 4.02 270 257 3.70 288 4.06 317 305 3.50 347 3.93 389 301 3.68 309 4.22 355 278 3.78 303 4.26 342 300 Plus 3 unprinted lactations 7286 3.63 264 4.25 309 291 LW 267 123 355 8 Lacts. PLUM-BOTTOM TRIDENT'S LOT Oseas HB No: 000000145520/USA (100854) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -91/93 Breed: G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -39/91 17/94 8/94 434/95 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 39/86 -21.7/82 -73/85 0.37/93 LENICA SILVER Birth Ident: QHL-98-16 Breed: 10 yr 9 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr VHC PA A16 Age 1m 0m 0m 1m 0m D D Avg D BW ($): 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6221 3.64 226 5/74 PW ($): 210/84 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.65 289 279 -97/82 Milk (ltr) 2981 3655 4575 4621 5391 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.27 97 3.64 109 237 T -125 3.09 113 3.84 140 202 94 3.18 145 3.71 170 298 -78 3.15 146 3.52 163 247 T 0 3.27 176 3.73 201 268 87 Plus 2 unprinted lactations 4006 3.20 128 3.85 154 249 7 Lacts. Birth Ident: QHL-94-200 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -118/53 RIVERVALE PAMPAS SILVER Birth Ident: QHL-95-66 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3553 3.28 117 -8/37 PW ($): -35/80 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.63 165 235 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree P001.50 30699407 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 4/03/2013 TAONUI JACKS JETHRO KINGSWAY CASANOVA ET Breed: KITEROA BONNY BLUE SILVER Birth Ident: MVV-95-40 (61671) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-12-12 Breed: SA A15J1 Date of Birth: 30/07/2012 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -63/12 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -1.8/33 Total Long BV (days): 137/33 Somatic Cell BV: -0.43/36 0.44/30 Dairy Conformation: 0.50/30 0.19/31 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Days KITEROA CREAM ABLIGE Birth Ident: MVV-93-32 Breed: PA A16 VHC RIVERVALE HOWARD PW ($): -56/43 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA SILVER DIANN S3A Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) -77/71 PW ($): -34/90 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.16 246 273 Birth Ident: MVV-02-3 (505524) HB No: A/32422/M (79104) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -30/98 Birth Ident: XQQ-88-30 (61381) Milk (ltr) BW ($) : 10 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5904 3.37 199 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW New Zealand Age BW ($): -109/64 KITEROA BONNY BLUELOO Birth Ident: MVV-86-3 Breed : PA A16 EX2 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: -90/50 PW ($): -69/17 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.68 365 257 KITEROA GOLDEN STARBRIGHT PW ($): and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds -35/35 -6/37 -4/37 -229/38 18/31 BW ($): 5 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7799 3.74 266 EX3 Milk (ltr) 6726 7802 9900 8394 8016 Age 0m 3m 0m 1m 0m LENOCH CANDY GIRL HB No: A/143590/F Breed : PA A16 EXC KITEROA CREAM ALFIE ET 8 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test LOT 86 Breeder : (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 -25/99 -12.8/99 -62/99 -0.25/99 G1 -50/83 BW ($): AM ST MS OO Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-88-9 Avg Birth Ident: JCPD-07-56 -70/99 -11/99 -13/99 -397/99 KITEROA BONNY BLUESTAR NZAEL LENICA ALFIE SILVER G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3 Breed: PA A16 P001.50 30699404 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree LW Herd BW PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -54/97 -12/98 -10/98 -301/98 19/95 1.8/95 239/96 -0.52/98 4.9 3.7 Age 2 yr 11 m 1 yr 11 m D D Avg D Breed: 10 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -17/44 -1/48 2/48 -157/52 PA A16 BW ($): V7-6 Breed: SA A14J2 161/60 17/30 -5.4/36 34/36 -0.33/48 Milk (ltr) 3632 4381 Protein (%) (kg) 3.74 136 3.64 160 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 190 5.43 197 270 5.04 221 4007 3.69 5.22 209 148 230 Traits other than production results : 0 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 0 LW 232 237 2 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 6 5 7 5 7 6 7 6 -25/99 -12.8/99 -62/99 -0.25/99 7 5 6 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 7 6 BW ($): 5 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7799 3.74 266 -90/50 PW ($): -69/17 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.68 365 257 KITEROA GOLDEN STARBRIGHT PW ($): Birth Ident: MVV-86-34 Breed : PA A16 201/89 Milk (ltr) 6726 7802 9900 8394 8016 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.32 223 4.02 270 257 3.70 288 4.06 317 305 3.50 347 3.93 389 301 3.68 309 4.22 355 278 3.78 303 4.26 342 300 Plus 3 unprinted lactations 7286 3.63 264 4.25 309 291 Age 0m 3m 0m 1m 0m LENOCH CANDY GIRL HB No: A/143590/F Breed : PA A16 EXC EX3 G1 -50/83 LW 267 123 355 BW ($): -109/64 KITEROA BONNY BLUELOO Birth Ident: MVV-86-3 Breed : PA A16 EX2 BW ($) : 10 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 8 Lacts. 5904 3.37 199 -77/71 PW ($): -34/90 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.16 246 273 KITEROA CREAM ALI ET PLUM-BOTTOM TRIDENT'S LOT Birth Ident: MVV-02-39 (503564) Oseas HB No: 000000145520/USA (100854) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -91/93 Breed: G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -121/92 -7/94 -17/94 -423/95 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 33/87 -11.2/84 -26/87 -0.25/93 LENICA LIMERICK DAISY S1A Birth Ident: JCPD-05-44 Breed: SA A12J4 BW ($): AM ST MS OO Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-88-9 Avg Birth Ident: JCPD-09-39 -70/99 -11/99 -13/99 -397/99 KITEROA BONNY BLUESTAR NZAEL LENICA ALI DIANN S2A BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3 G1 PA A16 Age 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 1 m 4 yr 0 m 2 yr 11 m 2 yr 0 m Avg D D D D D BW ($): 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6221 3.64 226 5/74 PW ($): 210/84 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.65 289 279 SANROSA IRISH LIMERICK PW ($): 5/50 D KITEROA CREAM ABLIGE Birth Ident: MVV-93-32 Breed: PA A16 VHC 58/78 Milk (ltr) 4746 3908 3868 3957 2725 Protein (%) (kg) 3.54 168 3.58 140 3.90 151 3.71 147 3.21 87 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.44 211 253 5.10 199 238 6.08 235 275 4.63 183 285 4.55 124 196 3841 3.61 4.96 190 138 249 LW 11 94 178 49 161 5 Lacts. Birth Ident: BNNL-99-93 (500538) D Breed: PA A16 S BW ($): -29/98 DAM: Birth Ident: JCPD-00-20 Breed: AJ A8J8 BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3137 3.69 116 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -34/54 PW ($): -264/83 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.36 168 254 P001.50 YEARLING HEIFERS P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 87 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 4/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Paul & Maryann Symonds BLACKADDAR ISLE MILKMAN WOODLAND VIEW PARDNER-ET Oseas HB No: 000000693744/CAN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -294/71 Oseas HB No: 000000811799/CAN (500545) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA GUN PAMELDA S1A Birth Ident: FBBM-08-149 (509563) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-12-20 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -4/30 -2/33 2/33 -74/35 1/25 34/10 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -6.6/24 Total Long BV (days): 55/25 Somatic Cell BV: -0.55/30 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.15/20 Dairy Conformation: 0.11/24 -0.17/25 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Milk (ltr) Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Breed: BROOKVIEW SHOTGUN Breed: SA A10J5 Date of Birth: 2/08/2012 Age Days LW Herd BW PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -42/68 4/71 1/72 285/75 31/76 -13.3/54 117/54 -0.82/66 4.5 3.6 Age 11 yr 0 m 10 yr 0 m 9 yr 1 m 8 yr 0 m 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m 3 yr 1 m Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited 75/94 -17.6/90 29/92 -0.59/96 PW ($): Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.17 29 3.67 33 109 171 3.68 237 3.75 242 292 242 3.50 285 4.16 339 290 442 3.39 268 4.17 329 285 556 3.45 243 3.69 259 303 283 Plus 5 unprinted lactations 5470 3.48 190 4.08 223 270 10 Lacts. 33/51 -7/57 3/58 -435/61 87/83 -29/25 0.0/38 -6/43 -0.28/53 J J16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G1 45/86 -12/91 -5/91 -819/92 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -34/69 4.2/76 57/82 -0.04/88 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 187 74 4.17 118 5.84 166 ARD TUMEKE AMOROUS 253 172 4.13 167 5.72 231 189 3.99 148 6.02 223 262 Birth Ident: HBYV-94-29 275 218 4.36 165 5.80 220 Breed: SA A8F6 282 259 4.07 183 6.03 272 207 335 3.93 141 5.63 202 BW ($): -41/53 PW ($): 76/80 4.17 174 5.48 228 277 164 130 4.02 135 5.14 173 254 Milk Protein Milkfat 238 175 4.11 129 5.43 170 Age (ltr) (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW Plus 1 unprinted lactation 11 yr 0 m 1470 3.16 46 4.58 67 71 146 3621 4.11 149 252 10 Lacts. 10 yr 0 m 5.73 207 4389 3.38 148 4.96 218 269 100 9 yr 0 m 4209 3.42 144 5.08 214 259 73 7 yr 11 m 5108 3.48 178 4.85 248 276 114 6 yr 11 m 4524 3.49 158 4.72 213 249 154 Plus 5 unprinted lactations Avg 3838 3.40 131 4.84 186 221 9 Lacts. D D D D D D COROGLEN DEMI PIERRE Birth Ident: BJTG-86-1 (87103) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -142/99 GORGEOUS Birth Ident: FMPT-89-38 Breed: FJ F12J4 BW ($): 4 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4202 3.50 147 -15/48 PW ($): 161/83 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.23 178 241 P001.50 30699416 TAONUI JACKS JETHRO KINGSWAY CASANOVA ET Breed: KITEROA BONNY BLUE SILVER Birth Ident: MVV-95-40 (61671) LENICA SILVER RUBY Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-12-22 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 3/08/2012 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -100/12 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -4.0/32 Total Long BV (days): 29/33 Somatic Cell BV: -0.45/36 0.44/30 Dairy Conformation: 0.36/30 0.07/31 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Days S 93/62 PW ($): 231/84 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 6.20 191 241 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 4/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3072 4.62 142 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW HB No: A/32422/M (79104) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -30/98 Birth Ident: XQQ-88-30 (61381) Milk (ltr) -20/72 PW ($): 171/90 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.46 191 254 DAM: Birth Ident: DTRM-94-11 Breed: J J16 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Age BW ($) : 11 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4285 3.53 151 Paul & Maryann Symonds Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: CRAIGMYLE GRAND SECRET Birth Ident: BLXH-92-16 Breed : PA A16 EX6 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds -80/35 -8/37 -13/37 -141/38 12/31 Birth Ident: MVV-95-40 (61671) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -54/97 Birth Ident: CLRL-91-7 (92412) Breed: PJ J16 D S BW ($): 61/99 Birth Ident: DTRM-98-50 (664214) Breed: PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days WILLIAMS LORD NORMAN KINGS TOBY PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Protein (%) (kg) KITEROA BONNY BLUE SILVER 178/88 Milk (ltr) 912 6441 8160 7893 7026 Age 13 yr 0 m 11 yr 1 m 10 yr 0 m 8 yr 11 m 7 yr 0 m BW ($): EX4 G3,G1 19/70 WOODLAND VIEW PRUDENCE Oseas HB No: 000000734598/CAN Breed : PA A16 Milk PA A16 BW ($): N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test LOT 88 Breeder : Breed: Milk (ltr) 2840 4041 3710 3797 4505 3590 4165 3359 3137 D Avg Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: FBBM-98-25 Avg Breed: SA J9A4 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -141/95 5/96 3/96 445/97 BROOKVIEW BLUE SECRECY NZAEL ARC LENICA PAMELDA G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3 Birth Ident: JCPD-01-1 P001.50 30699413 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree LW Herd BW PA A16 G3 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -54/97 -12/98 -10/98 -301/98 19/95 1.8/95 239/96 -0.52/98 4.9 3.7 LENICA CHUCKY RUBY S3A Birth Ident: JCPD-07-70 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Age 4 yr 11 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m D D D Avg D Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 10 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr -25/73 4/31 -9.8/32 -180/36 -0.38/47 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.77 129 186 262 4.56 153 249 4.25 111 3128 3.44 4.19 131 232 LW -29 60 -9 3 Lacts. 0 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 0 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 5 4 7 5 7 6 7 7 6 5 5 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 6 7 BW ($): 5 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7799 3.74 266 -90/50 PW ($): -69/17 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.68 365 257 KITEROA GOLDEN STARBRIGHT Birth Ident: MVV-86-34 Breed : PA A16 201/89 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.32 223 4.02 270 257 3.70 288 4.06 317 305 3.50 347 3.93 389 301 3.68 309 4.22 355 278 3.78 303 4.26 342 300 Plus 3 unprinted lactations 7286 3.63 264 4.25 309 291 LW 267 123 355 8 Lacts. BW ($): -109/64 KITEROA BONNY BLUELOO Birth Ident: MVV-86-3 Breed : PA A16 EX2 BW ($) : 10 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5904 3.37 199 -77/71 PW ($): -34/90 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.16 246 273 TE AWHATA PARADISE CHUCKY ARRAN SURFERS PARADISE ET Birth Ident: FVFY-02-3 (503623) Birth Ident: BYCF-90-12 (61457) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -259/90 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -149/84 0/87 -10/88 150/89 G1 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 26/79 -15.8/73 -244/79 0.10/86 LENICA GOLDMINE RUBY S2A Birth Ident: JCPD-03-37 Breed: 9 yr 8 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr V7-7 SA A16 BW ($): Traits other than production results : PW ($): LENOCH CANDY GIRL HB No: A/143590/F Breed : PA A16 EXC EX3 Milk (ltr) 6726 7802 9900 8394 8016 Age 0m 3m 0m 1m 0m NZAEL Protein (%) (kg) 3.32 114 3.49 117 3.52 92 AM ST MS OO -25/99 -12.8/99 -62/99 -0.25/99 G1 -50/83 Avg Milk (ltr) 3424 3352 2608 107 G1 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-88-9 PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -105/44 -4/49 -16/49 19/53 -70/99 -11/99 -13/99 -397/99 KITEROA BONNY BLUESTAR V6-7 Breed: SA A16 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Age 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m Avg D D D D D BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5757 3.46 199 -109/72 PW ($): 32/82 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.77 274 261 CLARABETT GOLDMINE -96/48 D LAMORNA MALT CHRISTINE Birth Ident: FVFY-92-83 Breed: PA A16 EX3 Milk (ltr) 2330 4731 3599 4459 3223 PW ($): -103/84 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.48 81 4.03 94 156 3.28 155 3.71 175 244 3.38 122 4.22 152 256 3.29 147 3.72 166 258 3.14 101 3.40 110 193 Plus 2 unprinted lactations 3654 3.31 121 3.87 141 237 LW -174 -12 -92 1 66 Birth Ident: GVY-87-43 (61758) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -84/93 ARC LENICA RUBY Birth Ident: JCPD-93-3 Breed: SA A16 BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7 Lacts. 4310 3.40 147 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values S# D# -132/33 PW ($): -134/70 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.67 158 252 P001.50 YEARLING HEIFERS P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 89 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 4/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Paul & Maryann Symonds SELWOOD ROYAL WELCOME GRANBYENNE ROYAL COMMAND Oseas HB No: 000000138281/USA (61165) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA AMOS BOSS S3A HB No: A/34550/M (85105) Breed : Breed: SA A15J1 Date of Birth: 6/08/2012 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -84/37 0/38 -9/38 100/39 15/33 -43/12 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -10.2/35 Total Long BV (days): -148/35 Somatic Cell BV: -0.42/37 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: -0.09/33 Dairy Conformation: -0.21/33 -0.09/33 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Milk (ltr) Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Breed: LOCHSIDE AMOS Birth Ident: JCPD-12-29 Age Days LW Herd BW PA A16 -155/99 5/99 -16/99 404/99 33/99 -16.7/99 -383/99 -0.40/99 4 3.5 Age 4 yr 0 m 3 yr 1 m 2 yr 0 m D D D Avg D Breed: 15 yr 13 yr 12 yr 11 yr 10 yr V6-7 Milk (ltr) 3201 3119 2548 Protein (%) (kg) 3.68 118 3.71 116 3.56 91 2956 3.66 -16/69 -4/32 -3.7/40 86/39 -0.44/48 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 183 5.21 167 4.83 151 225 5.08 129 241 108 216 5.04 149 LW 55 -42 2 3 Lacts. Traits other than production results : 0 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 6 5 7 5 7 6 7 6 6 5 7 6 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited BURNSIDE LIBERAL BID PW ($): Milk (ltr) 4361 3071 3018 3637 3939 -54/17 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days LW 4.09 178 247 126 3.91 120 255 3.46 105 262 4.16 151 258 3.89 153 228 Plus 7 unprinted lactations 3771 3.52 124 4.13 156 253 12 Lacts. Age 1m 1m 1m 2m 2m Protein (%) (kg) 3.42 149 3.47 107 3.45 104 3.74 136 KITEROA BO PEPPERONI Breed: G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 29/98 -3/99 -1/99 -164/99 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 11/96 6.4/97 229/97 -0.14/99 ARC LENICA FUTURE STAR Birth Ident: JCPD-98-34 Breed: 9 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr VHC SA A12J3 Age 0m 0m 0m 1m 0m D Avg D CRAIGMYLE MISS BRITTANY Birth Ident: BLXH-93-24 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3874 3.62 140 -39/62 PW ($): 132/86 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.17 200 227 KOTARE FUTURE JAZZ PW ($): -38/52 -29/81 Milk (ltr) 2376 4154 4367 4069 4528 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.41 81 4.56 108 153 3.57 148 4.76 198 305 3.67 160 4.59 201 263 3.49 142 4.45 181 240 3.59 163 4.35 197 274 Plus 3 unprinted lactations 3840 3.55 136 4.55 175 247 LW 161 23 91 52 73 6 Lacts. Birth Ident: CPGJ-91-9 (61487) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -65/99 ARD LENICA DEMI STAR Birth Ident: GNMV-93-18 Breed: SA A8J6 BW ($): 5 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3723 3.72 138 -42/50 PW ($): 43/84 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.34 199 250 Internal Animal Key = P001.50 30699429 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 4/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 WOODLAND VIEW PARDNER-ET LAGACE MODEM Oseas HB No: 000000811799/CAN (500545) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -141/95 Oseas HB No: 000008389304/CAN (502617) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA BOM KARINDA S1A Oseas HB No: 000A00020023/AUS (511594) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-12-38 Breed: SA A16 Date of Birth: 8/08/2012 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -42/13 1/14 -7/14 38/15 1/9 -8/4 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -0.4/11 Total Long BV (days): -268/11 Somatic Cell BV: -0.07/13 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.31/8 Dairy Conformation: -0.15/9 0.06/9 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : LW Breed: GEELUNGA MODEM BOM S# Days PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.59 173 292 HB No: A/33968/M (61248) Breed: PA A16 S BW ($): 11/99 Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) BW ($) : 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3763 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds Milk (ltr) LOCHSIDE FAIR ANNIE HB No: A/107951/F Breed : PA A16 HC Birth Ident: YTF-99-22 (501641) and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds Age HB No: A/25921/M (5102) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -28/91 ARDENVALE PEPS BOY 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test LOT 90 Breeder : (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 VHC -62/50 BW ($): AM ST MS OO 10/87 -21.7/83 -669/92 -0.47/89 PA A16 BW ($): PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -12/47 -6/50 -3/50 -202/54 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: HB No: A/141099/F Avg Birth Ident: JCPD-08-5 D# -301/93 -15/95 -33/96 -223/96 Oseas HB No: 000000129931/USA Breed: PA A16 D# BW ($): -348/59 LOCHSIDE ANNIES BID NZAEL LENICA PB BOSS S2A BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: Breed: SA A14J2 P001.50 30699421 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree Herd BW PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: LENICA HJ KARINDA Birth Ident: JCPD-05-26 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 0m 0m 0m 1m 2m 1m Avg D D D D D D D -47/51 0/55 -11/55 79/58 Milk (ltr) 1042 2291 3656 4115 3615 2026 Protein (%) (kg) 3.41 36 3.43 79 3.39 124 3.38 139 3.26 118 3.33 67 3141 3.36 105 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -275/31 -6/35 -17/36 10/29 68/22 -18.9/28 -370/23 -0.26/31 4.4 3.6 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 79/80 -19.9/75 -335/73 -0.66/87 BLACKADDAR OLYMPIC MODEL BW ($): Milk Breed: A A16 Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days WOODLAND VIEW PRU OLYMPIC 2 BW ($): PW ($): Milk (ltr) Age Protein (%) (kg) Milkfat (%) (kg) Days LW PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 2.71 28 48 3.20 73 102 262 3.34 122 253 3.47 143 2.98 108 213 3.98 81 168 200 -57/78 6/36 -3.4/42 -83/44 -0.18/51 LW -155 -75 -82 -10 63 60 BLACKADDAR KELLYS MO Oseas HB No: 000010014826/USA Breed : A A16 Milk Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days HIRVIVAINION JULLI NIEMEN VERNERI Oseas HB No: 000000040198/FIN (61702) Oseas HB No: 000000038824/FIN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -120/75 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 50/99 17/99 14/99 655/99 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 10/98 -5.6/98 -111/99 -0.16/99 RIVERVALE KANDINA ALKU Oseas HB No: 000001089453/FIN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Milk Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Birth Ident: QHL-98-12 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 5 Lacts. Age 0m 0m 0m 0m 1m Avg N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Oseas HB No: 000000145313/CAN Breed : A A16 BW ($): -398/58 BW ($) : NZAEL 3.35 105 LAGACE TRIDENT MODALINE ET Oseas HB No: 000010024664/CAN Breed : A A16 Oseas HB No: 000010314575/USA 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation G3 -230/85 -1/89 -11/89 66/89 GLENHOPE BRIGHTEST -132/52 D D Milk (ltr) 1766 2870 2894 3165 3650 PW ($): -284/83 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.58 63 5.99 106 132 3.58 103 4.26 122 221 3.58 104 4.43 128 278 3.51 111 4.09 129 253 3.47 127 4.26 156 252 Plus 3 unprinted lactations 2813 3.52 99 4.39 123 226 LW -56 -244 -173 -155 -80 HB No: A/33915/M (61237) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -118/99 RIVERVALE KINDARRA Birth Ident: QHL-88-1 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 8 Lacts. 3659 3.52 129 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -56/49 PW ($): 203/70 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.83 177 224 P001.50 YEARLING HEIFERS P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 91 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 4/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Breeder : Paul & Maryann Symonds PANT MASTERCARD FERDON MASTER JIMMY Oseas HB No: 000000178277/GBR (61358) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -238/79 Birth Ident: CNKH-91-183 (61536) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE LENICA GEN NELSTAR Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-12-42 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 10/08/2012 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -153/12 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -7.5/32 Total Long BV (days): -167/35 Somatic Cell BV: -0.33/37 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.06/31 Dairy Conformation: 0.15/31 0.31/31 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Age Milk (ltr) Breed: FERDON MJS GENERAL Birth Ident: CNKH-93-177 (61618) -164/36 -6/38 -28/38 -84/39 40/32 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW Herd BW PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -130/98 -2/98 -23/98 53/99 51/96 0.4/95 -182/97 -0.33/98 4.2 3.6 Age 6 yr 11 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m 1 yr 10 m D D D D D Avg D Breed: V6-7 Milk (ltr) 3610 2999 3169 2600 1978 Protein (%) (kg) 3.26 118 3.62 109 3.19 101 3.45 90 3.19 63 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 2.84 102 179 3.33 100 222 260 3.03 96 221 3.41 89 3.45 68 210 2871 3.35 3.17 96 91 0 0 0 5 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 6 5 7 5 7 6 6 5 6 5 5 6 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited 336/83 Milk (ltr) 7911 10067 10056 8192 8482 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.48 276 4.44 351 296 329 3.60 362 4.21 424 287 509 3.69 371 4.35 438 305 4.03 330 4.82 395 273 3.94 334 5.03 427 305 Plus 6 unprinted lactations 8631 3.79 342 4.49 387 296 11 Lacts. Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -193/90 -13/92 -35/93 -341/94 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 19/88 -10.2/80 -188/87 -0.17/91 GOLDSTREAM TRIDENT NEL ET Birth Ident: DVLD-01-1 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Avg -64/56 PW ($): 212/82 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.89 334 270 -132/83 Milk (ltr) 3376 5915 4578 3695 3166 Protein (%) (kg) 3.32 112 3.70 219 3.40 156 3.38 125 3.31 105 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.04 136 195 4.59 271 305 3.73 171 252 3.86 142 204 4.07 129 218 4146 3.45 4.10 170 143 235 LW 6 55 22 6 11 Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -245/94 INGLESIDE NELSTAR Birth Ident: DWFK-94-16 Breed: PA A16 EXC BW ($): 4 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5 Lacts. 7045 3.66 258 -20/69 PW ($): 426/84 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.04 285 265 Internal Animal Key = P001.50 30699437 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 4/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 TAONUI JACKS JETHRO KINGSWAY CASANOVA ET Breed: KITEROA BONNY BLUE SILVER Birth Ident: MVV-95-40 (61671) LENICA SILVER PRECEDE Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-12-44 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 10/08/2012 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -109/12 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): 0.9/32 Total Long BV (days): 204/33 Somatic Cell BV: -0.68/36 0.42/32 Dairy Conformation: 0.48/31 0.12/32 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Days BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6839 3.75 257 ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT PW ($): -144/55 Age 1m 2m 1m 2m 2m ALPINE J'MEAU HB No: A/178908/F Breed: PA A16 VHC (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) -30/49 PW ($): -104/58 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.54 212 266 BROCKLEHILL HARVEST GOLD HB No: A/32422/M (79104) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -30/98 Birth Ident: XQQ-88-30 (61381) Milk (ltr) BW ($) : 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4673 3.79 177 Oseas HB No: 000000176593/GBR (61357) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -264/84 Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Age BW ($): -102/56 STRATHAVON ROSE GLOW HB No: A/169225/F Breed : PA A16 EX2 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: HB No: A/33125/M Breed : PA A16 Birth Ident: BLLX-89-6 (61574) and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds -35/36 -11/38 -18/38 -228/39 3/32 -52/71 PW ($): 224/87 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.48 326 279 ALPINE JACQUERIE 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test LOT 92 Breeder : LW -230 -284 -288 -227 -175 218 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation -321/74 30/31 -15.6/33 -151/41 -0.32/48 BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7273 3.64 264 TAONUI WHITE GOLD PW ($): 18/70 Age 12 yr 8 m 11 yr 8 m 9 yr 11 m 8 yr 10 m 7 yr 10 m FERDON SENSATIONS GLOSS Birth Ident: CNKH-87-66 Breed : PA A16 EX3 EX4 PA A16 BW ($): PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -198/47 -10/53 -33/53 -222/56 35/82 -5.9/74 -548/82 -0.35/87 HB No: A/175427/F Avg Birth Ident: DVLD-05-59 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -231/86 -8/89 -32/89 -94/90 STRATHAVON ROSE GLOSS NZAEL LENICA ALPINE NELSTAR BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 Breed: PA A16 P001.50 30699435 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree LW Herd BW PA A16 G3 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -54/97 -12/98 -10/98 -301/98 19/95 1.8/95 239/96 -0.52/98 4.9 3.7 Birth Ident: JCPD-04-70 Shown twice. 2nd in class at Waikato and 3rd in class at Morrinsville. Age 7 yr 11 m 6 yr 11 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 0 m 2 yr 10 m D D D D D D Avg D Breed: 10 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr V6-7 Milk (ltr) 3672 4819 2311 3536 2880 2873 Protein (%) (kg) 3.28 120 3.45 166 3.59 83 3.49 123 3.48 100 3.59 103 3349 3.47 116 0 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 0 -104/73 -13/34 0.1/35 169/36 -0.84/48 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.63 133 179 262 3.76 181 262 T 3.96 91 4.06 144 259 4.15 120 243 4.09 118 210 236 3.91 131 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO LW -111 -11 79 -125 -127 87 6 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 6 5 7 5 PA A16 BW ($): PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -17/47 -9/53 -26/53 -154/56 8 6 5 6 G1 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -25/99 -12.8/99 -62/99 -0.25/99 Birth Ident: MVV-88-9 6 5 5 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 6 7 PW ($): BW ($): 5 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7799 3.74 266 -90/50 PW ($): -69/17 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.68 365 257 KITEROA GOLDEN STARBRIGHT Birth Ident: MVV-86-34 Breed : PA A16 201/89 Milk (ltr) 6726 7802 9900 8394 8016 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.32 223 4.02 270 257 3.70 288 4.06 317 305 3.50 347 3.93 389 301 3.68 309 4.22 355 278 3.78 303 4.26 342 300 Plus 3 unprinted lactations 7286 3.63 264 4.25 309 291 Age 0m 3m 0m 1m 0m LENOCH CANDY GIRL HB No: A/143590/F Breed : PA A16 EXC EX3 G1 -50/83 Avg Breed: PA A16 -70/99 -11/99 -13/99 -397/99 KITEROA BONNY BLUESTAR NZAEL LENICA HIGH PRECEDE BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): LW 267 123 355 8 Lacts. BW ($): -109/64 KITEROA BONNY BLUELOO Birth Ident: MVV-86-3 Breed : PA A16 EX2 BW ($) : 10 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5904 3.37 199 -77/71 PW ($): -34/90 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.16 246 273 LAKESIDE HIGH CHIEFTAIN BESSFIELD HIGHLAND CHIEF HB No: A/34136/M (61409) HB No: A/27698/M (61082) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -110/96 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -13/99 -15/99 -25/99 -371/99 G3,G1 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -27/98 1.7/98 219/99 -0.90/99 KITEROA BONNY PRECEDE Birth Ident: MVV-97-43 Breed: V6-7 PA A16 BW ($): Age 14 yr 11 m 14 yr 0 m 13 yr 1 m 12 yr 0 m 11 yr 0 m Avg D D D D D BW ($): 10 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5667 3.35 183 -119/70 PW ($): -200/24 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.48 254 298 KITEROA BONNY GAYESPIRIT -30/54 D LAKESIDE HIGH NOON HB No: A/133002/F Breed: PA A16 EXC PW ($): -53/83 Milk (ltr) 2856 3683 3315 3547 4108 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.27 93 3.30 94 185 -289 3.38 124 3.59 132 240 -225 3.23 107 3.52 117 252 -151 3.37 120 3.43 122 274 -174 3.28 135 3.67 151 273 -100 Plus 9 unprinted lactations 4041 3.33 134 3.57 144 249 14 Lacts. Birth Ident: MVV-85-230 (61419) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -58/96 KITEROA BONNY PRESTIGE Birth Ident: MVV-88-19 Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5519 3.54 196 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -55/58 PW ($): 30/84 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.50 248 276 P001.50 YEARLING HEIFERS P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 93 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 4/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Breeder : Paul & Maryann Symonds PANT MASTERCARD FERDON MASTER JIMMY Oseas HB No: 000000178277/GBR (61358) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -238/79 Birth Ident: CNKH-91-183 (61536) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Birth Ident: CNKH-93-177 (61618) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-12-45 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 10/08/2012 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -107/12 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -3.1/33 Total Long BV (days): -79/34 Somatic Cell BV: -0.29/37 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.05/33 Dairy Conformation: 0.21/34 0.29/35 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Age Milk (ltr) Breed: FERDON MJS GENERAL LENICA GEN HOLLY -105/38 -3/39 -16/39 101/40 32/36 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW Herd BW PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -130/98 -2/98 -23/98 53/99 51/96 0.4/95 -182/97 -0.33/98 4.2 3.6 Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 11 m 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 1 m 5 yr 0 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 1 m D D D D D Avg D Breed: Protein (%) (kg) 3.04 129 3.26 185 3.13 126 3.13 145 3.16 178 3.16 150 3.15 93 4564 3.15 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.68 157 179 4.05 230 278 262 3.97 160 238 4.16 193 4.32 244 266 4.16 198 272 4.35 128 248 144 0 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 7 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 6 5 8 5 7 7 6 6 7 5 6 6 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 94 336/83 Milk (ltr) 7911 10067 10056 8192 8482 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.48 276 4.44 351 296 329 3.60 362 4.21 424 287 509 3.69 371 4.35 438 305 4.03 330 4.82 395 273 3.94 334 5.03 427 305 Plus 6 unprinted lactations 8631 3.79 342 4.49 387 296 11 Lacts. BW ($) : 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4673 3.79 177 -30/49 PW ($): -104/58 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.54 212 266 BLACKADDAR M M PATRICK Oseas HB No: 000000769262/CAN Breed: A A16 BW ($): -156/71 Breed: G2,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -91/85 1/89 -9/89 220/90 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 36/77 -9.1/74 -1/74 -0.25/86 ARB LENICA MILKY HOLLY KELLCREST HAPPY SPIRIT ET Oseas HB No: 000000803739/CAN Breed: A A16 BW ($): Milk Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Birth Ident: DJFF-94-9 Breed: SA A16 BW ($): 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr INGLECORNER MILKY BOY PW ($): -89/46 -80/74 Milk (ltr) 3712 4091 3927 3719 3717 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.39 126 4.21 156 212 3.44 141 4.10 168 276 3.45 135 4.42 174 249 3.28 122 4.23 157 248 3.36 125 4.27 159 188 Plus 2 unprinted lactations 3651 3.38 123 4.22 154 229 Age 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m Avg LW -23 -72 20 -18 81 HB No: A/34092/M (61377) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 25/99 TI RAUKAU Test No: N029-215-314/2 60 Breed: A A16 S# D# -162/27 PW ($): -211/64 BW ($): Milkfat 2 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 6 Lacts. 1627 3.39 55 4.19 68 189 Internal Animal Key = P001.50 30699439 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 4/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 BLACKADDAR ISLE MILKMAN WOODLAND VIEW PARDNER-ET REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Breed: BROOKVIEW SHOTGUN Birth Ident: FBBM-08-149 (509563) LENICA GUN RATA Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-12-46 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 11/08/2012 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -53/32 -1/34 -7/34 84/36 23/30 -62/10 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -8.3/24 Total Long BV (days): 58/24 Somatic Cell BV: -0.72/31 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.33/24 Dairy Conformation: 0.39/29 -0.03/29 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Days BW ($): -102/56 STRATHAVON ROSE GLOW HB No: A/169225/F Breed : PA A16 EX2 Oseas HB No: 000010021469/CAN (502577) Oseas HB No: 000000693744/CAN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -294/71 Oseas HB No: 000000811799/CAN (500545) Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) HB No: A/33125/M Breed : PA A16 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds Milk (ltr) -52/71 PW ($): 224/87 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.48 326 279 KELLCREST ICE MAN ET Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Age BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7273 3.64 264 TAONUI WHITE GOLD PW ($): and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : LW 7 32 -80 58 154 96 55 249 4.10 187 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO -16/81 13/49 -6.8/37 23/38 -0.25/50 FERDON SENSATIONS GLOSS Birth Ident: CNKH-87-66 Breed : PA A16 EX3 EX4 18/70 Age 12 yr 8 m 11 yr 8 m 9 yr 11 m 8 yr 10 m 7 yr 10 m V6-7 Milk (ltr) 4260 5670 4033 4640 5645 4755 2943 35/82 -5.9/74 -548/82 -0.35/87 PA A16 BW ($): PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -81/51 -4/56 -9/57 150/59 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: HB No: A/175427/F Avg Birth Ident: JCPD-03-31 -231/86 -8/89 -32/89 -94/90 STRATHAVON ROSE GLOSS NZAEL LENICA ICE HOLLY S3A BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 Breed: SA A16 P001.50 30699436 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree LW Herd BW PA A16 G3 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -42/68 4/71 1/72 285/75 31/76 -13.3/54 117/54 -0.82/66 4.5 3.6 Birth Ident: JCPD-03-9 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m D D D D D D Avg D Breed: V6-7 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 178 3.68 117 4.36 200 264 262 T 4.31 161 4.76 203 275 4.19 182 275 208 4.23 161 277 4.60 180 262 4.62 138 3849 3.49 4.36 168 250 Traits other than production results : 0 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 0 -36/84 14/45 -3.3/39 0/40 -0.61/52 Protein (%) (kg) 3.37 107 3.44 157 3.53 132 3.46 147 3.61 157 3.38 128 3.58 140 3.51 105 134 LW -29 -65 -41 35 42 185 50 103 8 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 6 5 7 5 7 6 6 6 75/94 -17.6/90 29/92 -0.59/96 6 5 6 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 6 7 WOODLAND VIEW PRUDENCE Oseas HB No: 000000734598/CAN Breed : PA A16 BW ($): Milk PW ($): Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days EX4 G3,G1 19/70 KITEROA BONNY BLUE SILVER 178/88 Milk (ltr) 912 6441 8160 7893 7026 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.17 29 3.67 33 109 171 3.68 237 3.75 242 292 242 3.50 285 4.16 339 290 442 3.39 268 4.17 329 285 556 3.45 243 3.69 259 303 283 Plus 5 unprinted lactations 5470 3.48 190 4.08 223 270 10 Lacts. Age 13 yr 0 m 11 yr 1 m 10 yr 0 m 8 yr 11 m 7 yr 0 m Milk (ltr) 3185 4577 3737 4257 4344 3794 3906 2992 AM ST MS OO PA A16 BW ($): PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -64/52 -6/57 -15/58 -117/61 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: FBBM-98-25 Avg Breed: PA A16 -141/95 5/96 3/96 445/97 BROOKVIEW BLUE SECRECY NZAEL LENICA ICE RATA G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Birth Ident: MVV-95-40 (61671) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -54/97 CRAIGMYLE GRAND SECRET Birth Ident: BLXH-92-16 Breed : PA A16 EX6 BW ($) : 11 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4285 3.53 151 -20/72 PW ($): 171/90 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.46 191 254 KELLCREST ICE MAN ET BLACKADDAR M M PATRICK Oseas HB No: 000010021469/CAN (502577) Oseas HB No: 000000769262/CAN Breed: A A16 BW ($): -156/71 Breed: G2,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -91/85 1/89 -9/89 220/90 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 36/77 -9.1/74 -1/74 -0.25/86 LENICA TROUPERS RATA Age 7 yr 0 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m 3 yr 11 m 3 yr 0 m Avg D D PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days FERDON REWARDS TROUPER -78/46 D Protein (%) (kg) VHC PA A16 BW ($): BW ($): Milk Birth Ident: JCPD-01-27 Breed: KELLCREST HAPPY SPIRIT ET Oseas HB No: 000000803739/CAN Breed: A A16 PW ($): -235/82 Milk (ltr) 3080 3301 3710 3132 2939 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.64 112 3.96 122 208 3.48 115 4.83 160 208 3.64 135 4.91 182 261 3.49 109 4.93 155 278 3.61 106 5.25 154 266 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 3182 3.58 114 4.84 154 250 LW -75 31 -36 -70 -57 6 Lacts. Birth Ident: CNKH-99-181 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -81/50 INGLECORNER GUY RENE Birth Ident: BTVK-99-27 Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4049 3.51 142 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -40/52 PW ($): -84/83 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.95 160 245 P001.50 YEARLING HEIFERS P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 95 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 4/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Paul & Maryann Symonds BARGOWER ST PADDY AYRGOWER SUNNYS PADDY Oseas HB No: 000000150756/GBR (61010) Breed: PA A16 S# D# BW ($): -284/33 HB No: A/29503/M (61222) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE HB No: A/31923/M (61228) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-12-52 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 13/08/2012 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -158/10 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -7.0/16 Total Long BV (days): -331/23 Somatic Cell BV: -0.27/22 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.39/16 Dairy Conformation: 0.04/16 0.03/19 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Age Milk (ltr) Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Breed: LAKESIDE CHERRYS LAST LENICA CHERRY AALIYA -188/27 -18/31 -31/31 -477/33 -9/19 Days LW Herd BW BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -205/67 -26/76 -35/77 -734/79 -21/52 0.9/34 -430/60 -0.29/47 4.8 3.7 LENICA INGLESIDE AALIYA Birth Ident: JCPD-05-51 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 0m 1m 0m 1m 0m 0m D D D D D D Avg D Breed: Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.69 122 176 4.24 149 221 4.07 157 262 227 3.90 129 256 4.17 148 4.18 118 210 3395 3.55 4.04 137 LW -94 -63 14 -30 -16 69 225 6 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 5 4 7 5 6 7 5 5 5 5 6 5 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited Protein (%) (kg) LW 6 Lacts. Milkfat (%) (kg) Days ALPINE JACQUERIE Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -244/42 -11/45 -30/46 -184/48 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 20/29 -17.3/34 -380/37 0.06/42 SENTINAL AALIYA Birth Ident: BHRG-03-48 Breed: C PA A16 BW ($): D D D D Avg D BW ($): 5 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4578 3.63 166 -291/51 PW ($): -59/84 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.05 185 255 SENTINAL FUTURE STAR PW ($): -119/51 Age 6 yr 0 m 4 yr 11 m 4 yr 1 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m INGLESIDE LOVER REALTY ET Birth Ident: DWFK-00-41 Breed: PA A16 -69/84 Milk (ltr) 3029 4363 2919 4637 3271 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.62 110 2.71 82 275 T -258 3.65 159 3.48 152 281 -34 3.43 100 4.76 139 162 59 3.40 158 4.31 200 305 78 3.37 110 4.44 145 272 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 3644 3.49 127 3.94 144 259 5 Lacts. Birth Ident: BHRG-97-33 (501589) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -221/94 FERNVILLE AALIYA Birth Ident: BLHG-98-24 Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4281 3.56 152 -27/47 PW ($): -35/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.02 172 260 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree P001.50 30699450 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 4/03/2013 TAONUI JACKS JETHRO KINGSWAY CASANOVA ET Breed: KITEROA BONNY BLUE SILVER Birth Ident: MVV-95-40 (61671) LENICA SILVER DREAM Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-12-56 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 22/08/2012 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -99/12 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -7.2/34 Total Long BV (days): 8/35 Somatic Cell BV: -0.50/37 0.34/34 Dairy Conformation: 0.60/34 0.15/35 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Days Protein (%) (kg) Birth Ident: BLLX-89-6 (61574) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -193/90 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Milk PW ($): Birth Ident: DWFK-03-9 HB No: A/32422/M (79104) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -30/98 Birth Ident: XQQ-88-30 (61381) Milk (ltr) D# BW ($) : (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW New Zealand Age BW ($): -159/49 LAKESIDE HYACINTH HB No: A/77059/F Breed : PA A16 VHC = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.21 194 283 HB No: A/26885/M Breed : PA A16 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds -91/38 -8/39 -13/39 -107/40 13/36 D# PW ($): INGLESIDE 03-9 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test LOT 96 Breeder : -65/79 4/25 -15.0/28 -231/32 -0.26/41 Protein (%) (kg) 3.48 115 3.81 134 3.62 139 3.60 119 3.55 126 3.19 90 0 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.33 300 287 5.37 318 296 5.01 256 279 4.63 244 296 5.15 253 298 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 5331 4.86 259 291 NZAEL BW ($): 2 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4599 INGLEDALE SCOTTISH STAR Milk (ltr) 6927 5925 5114 5269 4910 Avg AYRDALE SUNNYS RENA HB No: A/94180/F Breed : PA A16 EXC VHC PW ($): Age 8 yr 0 m 6 yr 11 m 6 yr 0 m 4 yr 11 m 3 yr 11 m Traits other than production results : 0 -5/71 -6.8/58 -240/75 -0.20/70 PA A16 BW ($): Milk (ltr) 3312 3507 3852 3309 3558 2832 AM ST MS OO Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: HB No: A/106317/F PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 121 -162/80 -14/86 -21/87 -153/88 LAKESIDE CHERRY STAR H5-7 -169/41 -10/47 -27/47 -221/52 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PA A16 Breed: PA A16 P001.50 30699445 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree LW Herd BW PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -54/97 -12/98 -10/98 -301/98 19/95 1.8/95 239/96 -0.52/98 4.9 3.7 LENICA RESTLESS DREAM Birth Ident: JCPD-03-1 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 1m 1m 2m 2m 3m 1m 1m 1m D D D D D D Avg D Breed: 10 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 0 -90/83 7/49 -16.4/42 -222/44 -0.47/51 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 167 3.91 117 240 4.23 159 252 T 4.84 185 3.90 141 232 3.79 144 213 186 3.70 95 254 T 4.09 165 3.91 101 188 3397 3.31 4.07 138 217 LW -112 -132 40 -73 33 -82 66 158 8 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 7 6 7 5 7 7 6 6 6 5 6 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 6 7 PW ($): LENOCH CANDY GIRL HB No: A/143590/F Breed : PA A16 EXC BW ($): 5 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7799 3.74 266 -90/50 PW ($): -69/17 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.68 365 257 EX3 KITEROA GOLDEN STARBRIGHT Birth Ident: MVV-86-34 Breed : PA A16 201/89 Milk (ltr) 6726 7802 9900 8394 8016 Age 0m 3m 0m 1m 0m Avg Traits other than production results : 0 -25/99 -12.8/99 -62/99 -0.25/99 G1 -50/83 NZAEL Protein (%) (kg) 3.36 100 3.45 129 3.16 121 3.40 123 3.26 124 3.16 81 3.30 133 3.39 87 AM ST MS OO PA A16 BW ($): Milk (ltr) 2980 3756 3823 3617 3806 2580 4036 2578 112 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-88-9 PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -128/52 -3/56 -16/57 85/59 -70/99 -11/99 -13/99 -397/99 KITEROA BONNY BLUESTAR V6-7 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3 G1 PA A16 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.32 223 4.02 270 257 3.70 288 4.06 317 305 3.50 347 3.93 389 301 3.68 309 4.22 355 278 3.78 303 4.26 342 300 Plus 3 unprinted lactations 7286 3.63 264 4.25 309 291 LW 267 123 355 BW ($): -109/64 KITEROA BONNY BLUELOO Birth Ident: MVV-86-3 Breed : PA A16 EX2 BW ($) : 10 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 8 Lacts. 5904 3.37 199 -77/71 PW ($): -34/90 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.16 246 273 COVEY FARMS RESTLESS HEART PALMYRA LOVER'S HELIGO'S Oseas HB No: 000100156614/USA (502584) Oseas HB No: 000000145622/USA Breed: A A16 BW ($): -203/61 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -280/88 -4/92 -18/92 226/93 G1 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 22/81 -22.3/78 -704/83 0.01/90 GOLDSTREAM DREAMY Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 11 m 6 yr 11 m 6 yr 0 m 4 yr 11 m Avg Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days VHC PA A16 BW ($): BW ($): Milk Birth Ident: DVLD-95-44 Breed: COVEY-FARMS A E REALITY Oseas HB No: 000000968249/USA Breed: PA A16 INGLECORNER MILKY BOY -17/54 PW ($): -68/85 Milk (ltr) 4357 4191 4823 4306 4924 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.81 166 4.16 181 298 3.86 162 3.93 165 281 3.98 192 4.69 226 286 3.82 165 4.71 203 257 3.83 189 4.80 237 289 Plus 3 unprinted lactations 4030 3.88 157 4.59 185 264 LW 55 4 8 71 92 8 Lacts. HB No: A/34092/M (61377) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 25/99 GOLDSTREAM REB DREAM Birth Ident: GBN-91-22 Breed: PA A16 B BW ($): 4 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4801 3.76 181 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -125/57 PW ($): -91/86 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.90 235 270 P001.50 YEARLING HEIFERS P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 97 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 4/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Paul & Maryann Symonds WOODLAND VIEW PARDNER-ET LAGACE MODEM Oseas HB No: 000000811799/CAN (500545) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -141/95 Oseas HB No: 000008389304/CAN (502617) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE LENICA BOM LIBBY Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-12-60 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 23/08/2012 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -142/6 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -15.6/16 Total Long BV (days): -233/15 Somatic Cell BV: -0.21/21 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.18/10 Dairy Conformation: 0.48/15 -0.07/11 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Age Milk (ltr) Breed: GEELUNGA MODEM BOM Oseas HB No: 000A00020023/AUS (511594) -204/21 -6/24 -13/24 37/23 41/11 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW Herd BW BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -275/31 -6/35 -17/36 10/29 68/22 -18.9/28 -370/23 -0.26/31 4.4 3.6 Birth Ident: JCPD-07-77 Age 4 yr 11 m 3 yr 10 m 2 yr 0 m D D D Avg D Breed: Protein (%) (kg) 3.11 80 3.15 169 3.10 78 3492 3.13 -49/70 14/23 -12.3/31 -96/36 -0.16/48 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.98 103 125 4.29 231 266 4.23 107 194 109 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 195 4.20 147 LW -3 3 -101 3 Lacts. 7 6 8 5 8 6 8 6 7 5 6 7 8 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 98 Milk (ltr) Protein (%) (kg) Milkfat (%) (kg) Days LW PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days WILHAVEN COREY Oseas HB No: 000010304939/CAN (504599) Oseas HB No: 000000790322/CAN Breed: A A16 BW ($): -310/61 Breed: G2,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -232/77 -5/83 -4/84 29/85 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 39/55 -20.9/62 -383/65 0.15/78 GOLDSTREAM LIBBY 10 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr Avg D PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days INGLECORNER MILKY BOY PW ($): -59/54 D Protein (%) (kg) VHC PA A16 Age 1m 0m 0m 1m 0m BW ($): Milk Birth Ident: DVLD-97-7 Breed: SHADY WALNUT CONSTANCE Oseas HB No: 000000810625/CAN Breed: A A16 -178/85 Milk (ltr) 3202 4785 4222 4249 4532 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.09 99 4.01 128 184 3.38 162 4.21 202 277 3.30 139 4.20 177 270 3.26 139 4.12 175 261 3.41 154 4.29 194 281 Plus 4 unprinted lactations 4104 3.36 138 4.28 176 258 LW 43 76 -18 -38 -34 9 Lacts. HB No: A/34092/M (61377) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 25/99 GOLDSTREAM REB LADY Birth Ident: GBN-91-9 Breed: PA A16 B BW ($): 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4157 3.61 150 -140/55 PW ($): -171/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.01 208 276 Internal Animal Key = P001.50 30699461 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 4/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 BLACKADDAR ISLE MILKMAN WOODLAND VIEW PARDNER-ET REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA GUN HOPE S3A Breed: BROOKVIEW SHOTGUN Birth Ident: FBBM-08-149 (509563) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-12-70 Breed: SA A15J1 Date of Birth: 28/08/2012 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -13/29 -1/32 -5/32 -36/34 6/24 -12/10 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -7.3/22 Total Long BV (days): 67/23 Somatic Cell BV: -0.54/29 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.29/17 Dairy Conformation: 0.44/23 0.01/24 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Days Protein (%) (kg) SHADY WALNUT CONN Oseas HB No: 000000693744/CAN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -294/71 Oseas HB No: 000000811799/CAN (500545) Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) BLACKADDAR KELLYS MO Oseas HB No: 000010014826/USA Breed : A A16 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds Milk (ltr) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Oseas HB No: 000000145313/CAN Breed : A A16 BW ($): -398/58 Milk Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Age Protein (%) (kg) BW ($) : and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 BW ($): WOODLAND VIEW PRU OLYMPIC 2 PW ($): Age PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -133/46 -6/52 -9/52 65/56 LAGACE TRIDENT MODALINE ET Oseas HB No: 000010024664/CAN Breed : A A16 Milk A A16 BW ($): Traits other than production results : 0 79/80 -19.9/75 -335/73 -0.66/87 Oseas HB No: 000010314575/USA BW ($): 0 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: BLACKADDAR OLYMPIC MODEL V7-8 Milk (ltr) 2579 5375 2522 AM ST MS OO G3 -230/85 -1/89 -11/89 66/89 NZAEL LENICA CONN LIBBY BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PA A16 Breed: PA A16 P001.50 30699453 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree LW Herd BW PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: G3 -42/68 4/71 1/72 285/75 31/76 -13.3/54 117/54 -0.82/66 4.5 3.6 11 yr 10 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr Age 0m 1m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m D D D D D D Avg D 15/46 -5/52 -11/53 -359/58 Breed: 0 0 0 0 V6-8 PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 54/82 -20/21 -1.4/31 17/36 -0.27/47 (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 7 6 6 5 6 5 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 6 8 WOODLAND VIEW PRUDENCE Oseas HB No: 000000734598/CAN Breed : PA A16 BW ($): Milk PW ($): Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days EX4 KITEROA BONNY BLUE SILVER 178/88 Milk (ltr) 912 6441 8160 7893 7026 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.17 29 3.67 33 109 171 3.68 237 3.75 242 292 242 3.50 285 4.16 339 290 442 3.39 268 4.17 329 285 556 3.45 243 3.69 259 303 283 Plus 5 unprinted lactations 5470 3.48 190 4.08 223 270 10 Lacts. Avg Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.86 110 4.87 138 161 66 90 3.86 146 5.80 219 232 262 239 3.98 169 5.36 228 275 96 3.94 149 4.78 180 281 206 3.91 193 4.19 206 3.63 151 4.50 187 202 334 154 3.99 178 4.82 215 277 263 138 3.79 143 4.55 171 273 126 3.93 144 4.88 178 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 3884 3.87 150 4.85 188 251 10 Lacts. 6 5 8 5 75/94 -17.6/90 29/92 -0.59/96 G3,G1 19/70 Age 13 yr 0 m 11 yr 1 m 10 yr 0 m 8 yr 11 m 7 yr 0 m Traits other than production results : Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation PA A16 BW ($): Milk (ltr) 2836 3779 4253 3775 4929 4155 4460 3772 3657 AM ST MS OO G3,G1 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: FBBM-98-25 NZAEL Birth Ident: JCPD-01-14 Breed: SA A14J2 -141/95 5/96 3/96 445/97 BROOKVIEW BLUE SECRECY ARB LENICA TROUPERS HOPE BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Birth Ident: MVV-95-40 (61671) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -54/97 CRAIGMYLE GRAND SECRET Birth Ident: BLXH-92-16 Breed : PA A16 EX6 BW ($) : 11 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4285 3.53 151 -20/72 PW ($): 171/90 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.46 191 254 FERDON REWARDS TROUPER FERDON REWARD Birth Ident: CNKH-99-181 Birth Ident: CNKH-97-174 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -67/54 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -81/50 -6/56 -17/56 -224/59 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -3/32 -8.1/34 -189/42 -0.54/52 ARC LENICA JOELS HOPE Birth Ident: JCPD-99-47 Breed: SA A12J4 BW ($): Age 8 yr 0 m 6 yr 11 m 6 yr 0 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 0 m Avg 84/51 D D Milk (ltr) 3855 5165 4251 4171 4989 FERDON MOST TREASURED Birth Ident: CNKH-94-184 Breed: PA A16 EXC BW ($): 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6305 3.71 234 -115/56 PW ($): 278/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.18 263 263 CRESSLANDS BEMA JOEL PW ($): 231/83 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.71 143 3.63 140 201 3.86 199 4.78 247 276 3.85 164 4.80 204 263 3.97 166 5.12 213 256 3.71 185 4.84 241 256 Plus 2 unprinted lactations 4279 3.86 165 4.80 205 252 LW 117 246 190 192 312 Birth Ident: BCJW-93-36 (94163) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 68/98 ARD LENICA CASSIES HOPE Birth Ident: GLRN-96-17 Breed: SA A8J8 BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7 Lacts. 3712 3.64 135 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values 20/50 PW ($): 67/83 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.88 181 231 P001.50 YEARLING HEIFERS P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited LOT 99 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 4/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Paul & Maryann Symonds ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT PLUM-BOTTOM TRIDENT'S LOT Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -245/94 Oseas HB No: 000000145520/USA (100854) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Birth Ident: MVV-02-3 (505524) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-12-74 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 31/08/2012 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -91/35 8/37 0/37 344/38 41/29 -22/12 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -17.8/31 Total Long BV (days): -102/31 Somatic Cell BV: -0.15/36 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.52/28 Dairy Conformation: 0.29/30 0.24/29 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Milk (ltr) Breed: KITEROA CREAM ALFIE ET LENICA ALFIE ENSIGN Age Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW Herd BW PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -39/91 17/94 8/94 434/95 39/86 -21.7/82 -73/85 0.37/93 4.5 3.8 Breed: Age 4 yr 0 m 3 yr 0 m 2 yr 0 m D D D Avg D -57/70 42/30 -14.0/40 -131/38 -0.67/50 Milk (ltr) 3293 3909 3495 Protein (%) (kg) 3.27 108 3.32 130 3.05 107 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.04 133 158 4.10 160 227 262 4.28 150 3565 3.21 4.14 148 216 LW -59 -48 -24 3 Lacts. 0 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 0 7 6 8 5 7 6 7 6 7 5 5 7 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited 210/84 LW 353 324 213 142 211 6 Lacts. BLACKADDAR ISLE MILKMAN Breed: G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -141/95 5/96 3/96 445/97 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 75/94 -17.6/90 29/92 -0.59/96 LENICA HIGH ENSIGN WOODLAND VIEW PRUDENCE Oseas HB No: 000000734598/CAN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Milk Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days Birth Ident: JCPD-04-68 Breed: PA A16 HALMYRE URR HIGH REGARD PW ($): -179/46 D D Avg D -109/72 Milk (ltr) 4391 2789 2952 Protein (%) (kg) 3.26 143 3.20 89 3.55 105 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.51 198 272 4.27 119 165 4.97 147 277 3377 3.33 4.58 155 112 238 LW -17 15 -98 Oseas HB No: 000000178031/GBR (61340) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -262/89 ARA LENICA LUCKY ENSIGNS Birth Ident: JCPD-00-60 Breed: SA A15 VHC 3 Lacts. BW ($): 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3359 3.53 119 -110/43 PW ($): -96/83 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.64 156 237 Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree P001.50 30699469 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 4/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 BLACKADDAR ISLE MILKMAN WOODLAND VIEW PARDNER-ET Oseas HB No: 000000693744/CAN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -294/71 Oseas HB No: 000000811799/CAN (500545) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Breed: BROOKVIEW SHOTGUN Birth Ident: FBBM-08-149 (509563) LENICA GUN PRELUDE Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-12-75 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 2/09/2012 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -46/30 1/32 -10/32 253/34 12/27 -53/10 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -9.5/23 Total Long BV (days): 47/24 Somatic Cell BV: -0.72/29 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.57/22 Dairy Conformation: 0.42/26 -0.01/26 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Days -8/67 PW ($): 134/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.89 246 276 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW New Zealand Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) BW ($) : 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6312 3.48 220 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds Milk (ltr) KITEROA CREAM ABILITY Birth Ident: MVV-90-14 Breed : PA A16 VHC Oseas HB No: 000000693744/CAN Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -294/71 and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds Age HB No: A/33968/M (61248) Breed : PA A16 S BW ($): 11/99 Oseas HB No: 000000811799/CAN (500545) 8 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test LOT 100 Breeder : (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days WOODLAND VIEW PARDNER-ET Age 3 yr 11 m 3 yr 0 m 1 yr 11 m Traits other than production results : Protein (%) (kg) KITEROA BO PEPPERONI PW ($): Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.64 271 4.51 336 305 3.68 249 4.60 311 305 3.65 231 4.53 287 264 3.71 176 4.82 229 250 3.54 201 5.08 288 262 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 6221 3.64 226 4.65 289 279 BW ($): AM ST MS OO BW ($): VHC Milk (ltr) 7448 6770 6332 4750 5671 Avg MORROW PREFERRED LOU 4TH Oseas HB No: 000000968232/USA Breed : A A16 Milk 5/74 Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 2 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m V7-8 115 59/93 -28.3/87 -120/90 -0.11/94 PA A16 BW ($): PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -144/47 -1/52 -9/52 254/55 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-93-32 NZAEL Birth Ident: JCPD-08-39 G3,G1 -91/93 17/95 12/95 532/96 KITEROA CREAM ABLIGE LENICA PARDNERS ENSIGN BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 Breed: PA A16 P001.50 30699467 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW Paul & Maryann Symonds Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree LW Herd BW PA A16 G3 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -42/68 4/71 1/72 285/75 31/76 -13.3/54 117/54 -0.82/66 4.5 3.6 Breed: 6 yr 5 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 0m 2m 1m 0m D D D D Avg D Protein (%) (kg) 3.32 124 3.08 112 3.28 141 3.23 99 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.39 127 156 3.76 137 188 288 4.01 172 202 3.81 117 3687 3.23 3.75 138 209 Traits other than production results : 0 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 0 12/73 -7/31 -5.7/36 -22/43 -0.61/49 LW 68 -29 72 64 4 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 5 4 7 6 7 7 7 6 7 5 6 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 7 7 WOODLAND VIEW PRUDENCE Oseas HB No: 000000734598/CAN Breed : PA A16 BW ($): Milk PW ($): Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days EX4 KITEROA BONNY BLUE SILVER 178/88 Milk (ltr) 912 6441 8160 7893 7026 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.17 29 3.67 33 109 171 3.68 237 3.75 242 292 242 3.50 285 4.16 339 290 442 3.39 268 4.17 329 285 556 3.45 243 3.69 259 303 283 Plus 5 unprinted lactations 5470 3.48 190 4.08 223 270 10 Lacts. Avg V7-7 119 75/94 -17.6/90 29/92 -0.59/96 G3,G1 19/70 Age 13 yr 0 m 11 yr 1 m 10 yr 0 m 8 yr 11 m 7 yr 0 m Milk (ltr) 3748 3632 4295 3073 AM ST MS OO PA A16 BW ($): PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -51/48 -2/52 -20/52 221/56 G3,G1 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: FBBM-98-25 NZAEL Birth Ident: JCPD-06-21 Breed: PA A16 -141/95 5/96 3/96 445/97 BROOKVIEW BLUE SECRECY LENICA WHISKEY PRELUDE BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Birth Ident: MVV-95-40 (61671) Breed : PA A16 BW ($): -54/97 CRAIGMYLE GRAND SECRET Birth Ident: BLXH-92-16 Breed : PA A16 EX6 BW ($) : 11 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4285 3.53 151 -20/72 PW ($): 171/90 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.46 191 254 TE MATAI WHISKEY SEVEN INGLECORNER PROGRESS Birth Ident: DVNJ-92-12 (61706) Birth Ident: BTVK-86-5 (61347) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -120/99 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -106/96 -6/97 -24/97 164/98 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -14/85 -6.6/93 -197/95 -0.44/97 KITEROA BONNY PRECEDE Birth Ident: MVV-97-43 Breed: V6-7 PA A16 BW ($): Age 14 yr 11 m 14 yr 0 m 13 yr 1 m 12 yr 0 m 11 yr 0 m Avg D D D D D BW ($): 8 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 4859 3.82 186 77/70 PW ($): 252/84 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.12 200 239 KITEROA BONNY GAYESPIRIT -30/54 D VALENDALE DALEE Birth Ident: FTB-87-28 Breed: PA A16 VHC PW ($): -53/83 Milk (ltr) 2856 3683 3315 3547 4108 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.27 93 3.30 94 185 -289 3.38 124 3.59 132 240 -225 3.23 107 3.52 117 252 -151 3.37 120 3.43 122 274 -174 3.28 135 3.67 151 273 -100 Plus 9 unprinted lactations 4041 3.33 134 3.57 144 249 14 Lacts. Birth Ident: MVV-85-230 (61419) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -58/96 KITEROA BONNY PRESTIGE Birth Ident: MVV-88-19 Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 6 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5519 3.54 196 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -55/58 PW ($): 30/84 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.50 248 276 P001.50 YEARLING HEIFERS P001.50 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 4/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 New Zealand Paul & Maryann Symonds ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT PLUM-BOTTOM TRIDENT'S LOT Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -245/94 Oseas HB No: 000000145520/USA (100854) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE SUPPLEMENTARY LENICA ALFIE RUBY S3A Birth Ident: MVV-02-3 (505524) Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-12-76 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -68/35 3/37 -9/37 149/38 11/32 -17/12 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -12.4/29 Total Long BV (days): -132/31 Somatic Cell BV: -0.10/35 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.31/30 Dairy Conformation: -0.04/30 0.17/31 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Milk (ltr) Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Breed: KITEROA CREAM ALFIE ET Breed: SA A16 Date of Birth: 2/09/2012 Age Days LW Herd BW PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -39/91 17/94 8/94 434/95 39/86 -21.7/82 -73/85 0.37/93 4.5 3.8 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): 9 yr 8 yr 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m 0m D D D D D Avg D Breed: PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Protein (%) (kg) 3.48 81 3.28 155 3.38 122 3.29 147 3.14 101 3.42 147 3.21 95 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.03 94 156 244 3.71 175 256 4.22 152 258 3.72 166 3.40 110 193 3.96 170 275 278 4.21 124 3654 3.31 3.87 141 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 7 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 0 5 4 8 4 6 7 6 7 7 5 5 7 Official Publication of Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited 210/84 Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.64 271 4.51 336 305 3.68 249 4.60 311 305 3.65 231 4.53 287 264 3.71 176 4.82 229 250 3.54 201 5.08 288 262 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 6221 3.64 226 4.65 289 279 LW 353 324 213 142 211 -8/67 PW ($): 134/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.89 246 276 TAHURANGI BERNSGOLDMINE Birth Ident: GVY-87-43 (61758) HB No: A/30486/M Breed: PA A16 Breed: G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): -84/93 -5/96 -18/96 55/97 BW ($): -146/63 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -6/81 -8.9/88 -150/92 -0.66/95 ARC LENICA RUBY Birth Ident: JCPD-93-3 Breed: SA A16 BW ($): 11 yr 10 yr 9 yr 8 yr 7 yr CLARABETT BETH HB No: A/157127/F Breed: PA A16 VHC BW ($): 7 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 3422 3.48 130 -35/51 PW ($): 21/45 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.08 139 239 S# D# PW ($): -132/33 -134/70 Milk (ltr) 3812 5515 4690 4393 4583 Age 2m 0m 0m 0m 0m Avg Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days LW 3.38 129 3.81 145 220 63 3.44 190 3.82 211 275 T 157 3.37 158 3.81 178 258 15 3.38 149 3.45 152 249 13 3.30 151 3.44 158 248 31 Plus 4 unprinted lactations 4310 3.40 147 3.67 158 252 8 Lacts. Internal Animal Key = P001.50 31127185 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW 2 / 23234 PTPT / HERDCODE : JCPD LOCATION : N083-661-828 / 4 DATE : 4/03/2013 Herd Averages as at 28/02/2013 Ancestry : 93% BW : 9/45 PW : 35/64 ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT PLUM-BOTTOM TRIDENT'S LOT Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -245/94 Oseas HB No: 000000145520/USA (100854) REGISTERED AYRSHIRE Breed: KITEROA CREAM ALFIE ET Birth Ident: MVV-02-3 (505524) LENICA ALFIE NELL Breed : Birth Ident: JCPD-12-77 Breed: PA A16 Date of Birth: 9/09/2012 Sex: FEMALE Classification: BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Lwt BV (kg): -73/32 8/35 -1/35 207/36 37/27 -4/11 PW ($): Fertility BV (%): -17.8/25 Total Long BV (days): -74/26 Somatic Cell BV: 0.00/33 Overall Opinion: Udder Overall: 0.38/24 Dairy Conformation: 0.19/26 0.40/27 Avg SCC at latest Lactation : Days KITEROA CREAM ABILITY Birth Ident: MVV-90-14 Breed : PA A16 VHC BW ($) : 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6 Lacts. 6312 3.48 220 Three Generation Pedigree New Zealand Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) HB No: A/33968/M (61248) Breed : PA A16 S BW ($): 11/99 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values Paul & Maryann Symonds Milk (ltr) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days KITEROA BO PEPPERONI PW ($): and the NZ Ayrshire Association. Paul & Maryann Symonds Age Protein (%) (kg) CLARABETT GOLDMINE 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test LOT 102 Breeder : LW -174 -12 -92 1 66 78 -22 237 Traits other than production results : 0 -103/84 -17/44 -3.1/33 -191/38 -0.59/48 BW ($): VHC Milk (ltr) 7448 6770 6332 4750 5671 Avg MORROW PREFERRED LOU 4TH Oseas HB No: 000000968232/USA Breed : A A16 Milk 5/74 Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 2 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m Milk (ltr) 2330 4731 3599 4459 3223 4288 2946 AM ST MS OO 59/93 -28.3/87 -120/90 -0.11/94 PA A16 BW ($): V7-7 121 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-93-32 NZAEL -96/48 -11/52 -25/53 -134/56 -91/93 17/95 12/95 532/96 KITEROA CREAM ABLIGE LENICA GOLDMINE RUBY S2A Breed: SA A16 G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): G3,G1 Birth Ident: JCPD-03-37 P001.50 30699468 (Excludes Genomic Information with the exception of some historical Herd BW LOT 101 Breeder : Internal Animal Key = Three Generation Pedigree LW Herd BW PA A16 G3,G1 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Liveweight BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): Total Longevity BV (days): Somatic Cell BV: Fat %: Protein %: -39/91 17/94 8/94 434/95 39/86 -21.7/82 -73/85 0.37/93 4.5 3.8 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Breed: Age 8 yr 0 m 6 yr 11 m 5 yr 10 m 4 yr 0 m 2 yr 10 m D D D D D Avg D Protein (%) (kg) 3.48 70 3.69 151 3.57 142 3.59 124 3.61 79 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.40 88 125 4.54 186 249 4.58 183 262 T 227 4.41 152 132 T 3.94 86 3142 3.60 4.42 139 199 Traits other than production results : AM ST MS OO 0 Copyright 2013 - Livestock Improvement Corporation 0 0 0 V8-7 -45/67 34/22 -13.9/18 -75/20 -0.37/37 LW -91 -52 46 -33 82 5 Lacts. (2012) S W C RA RW L US FU RU FT RT UO DC 7 6 8 4 7 7 8 8 8 5 7 N = Induced T = At least 1 Abnormal Test in this Lactation D = Lactation details include at least one derived test 8 7 BW ($): Protein (%) (kg) PW ($): Milkfat (%) (kg) Days VHC KITEROA BO PEPPERONI PW ($): 210/84 Milk (ltr) 7448 6770 6332 4750 5671 Avg MORROW PREFERRED LOU 4TH Oseas HB No: 000000968232/USA Breed : A A16 Milk 5/74 Age 9 yr 0 m 7 yr 2 m 5 yr 11 m 5 yr 0 m 4 yr 1 m Milk (ltr) 2001 4096 3981 3448 2183 113 59/93 -28.3/87 -120/90 -0.11/94 PA A16 BW ($): G3 PW ($): Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: -107/37 0/45 -11/44 -19/50 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: Birth Ident: MVV-93-32 NZAEL Birth Ident: DVLD-04-64 -91/93 17/95 12/95 532/96 KITEROA CREAM ABLIGE GOLDSTREAM PEARL NELL Breed: PA A16 G3,G1 PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): Protein Milkfat (%) (kg) (%) (kg) Days 3.64 271 4.51 336 305 3.68 249 4.60 311 305 3.65 231 4.53 287 264 3.71 176 4.82 229 250 3.54 201 5.08 288 262 Plus 1 unprinted lactation 6221 3.64 226 4.65 289 279 LW 353 324 213 142 211 6 Lacts. HB No: A/33968/M (61248) Breed : PA A16 S BW ($): 11/99 KITEROA CREAM ABILITY Birth Ident: MVV-90-14 Breed : PA A16 VHC BW ($) : 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 6312 3.48 220 -8/67 PW ($): 134/88 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 3.89 246 276 ALPINE PADRE ALPINE ANTON Birth Ident: BLLX-02-13 Birth Ident: BLLX-97-10 Breed: PA A16 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): Protein BV (kg): Fat BV (kg): Milk BV (ltr): BW ($): -150/60 -92/35 -6/38 -12/39 -241/41 Lwt BV (kg): Fertility BV (%): TotL BV (days): SCC BV: 26/30 -7.0/23 -37/27 -0.46/34 GOLDSTREAM TRIDENT NEL ET Birth Ident: DVLD-01-1 Breed: PA A16 BW ($): 6 yr 5 yr 4 yr 3 yr 2 yr Age 1m 2m 1m 2m 2m Avg ALPINE PEARL Birth Ident: BLLX-92-18 Breed: PA A16 EX3 BW ($): 9 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 5500 3.95 217 -84/56 PW ($): 129/86 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 5.34 293 256 ARDROSSAN EV KATES TRIDENT PW ($): -144/55 -132/83 Milk (ltr) 3376 5915 4578 3695 3166 Protein (%) (kg) 3.32 112 3.70 219 3.40 156 3.38 125 3.31 105 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.04 136 195 4.59 271 305 3.73 171 252 3.86 142 204 4.07 129 218 4146 3.45 4.10 170 143 235 LW 6 55 22 6 11 5 Lacts. Oseas HB No: 000000144136/USA (61569) Breed: PA A16 BW ($): -245/94 INGLESIDE NELSTAR Birth Ident: DWFK-94-16 Breed: PA A16 EXC BW ($): 4 Lacts. Protein Milk (%) (kg) 7045 3.66 258 = GeneMark DNA Profiled # = Parentage Uncertain = Parentage Confirmed by DNA D/S Indices exclude genomic information with the exception of some historical Herd BW values -20/69 PW ($): 426/84 Milkfat (%) (kg) Days 4.04 285 265 P001.50 SUNDRIES 1974 Holden Kingswood HQ – Very tidy, straight. Excellent running order. Giltrap Silage Wagon MSX80 – side feeding (delivery date 1st June 2013). 1984 Fiat 80-66 Tractor Kawasaki 300 4WD motorbike 40 teat trailer calf feeder 2 Milkbar 10 teat stationary calf feeder Kea motorbike trailer with calf crate Motorbike urea spreader Drench system Teat spray system (delivery date 1st June 2013) Plus other miscellaneous items PAYMENT TERMS FOR SUNDRIES • Terms are strictly cash, bank cheque or Eftpos. • All items sold exclusive of GST. 15% will be added to the purchase price. • Delivery will not be given until payment is completed. NOTES NOTES Lenica PC Sugar V7-7 – Lot 14 Daughter sells as Lot 15. Aunty sells as Lot 13. Lenica Ali Diann S2A V7-6 – Lot 33 Daughter sells as Lot 86. Lenica BG Alpha B7-7 – Lot 1 Niece sells as Lot 80. Lenica Ali Karinda B6-7 – Lot 32 Sister sells as Lot 90. Lenica Limerick Ruby S2A V6-7 – Lot 49 More family sells as Lots 50, 72, 88 and 101. Lenica Silver Lucent V7-7 – Lot 67 Daughter sells as Lot 68.
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