Neighbours Fall 2015 - Shalom Counselling Centre
Neighbours Fall 2015 - Shalom Counselling Centre
Helping Our Neighbours Client Feedback Find Peace “I find I am more positive and proactive in facing adversity and challenge. I will not allow my dependencies or infirmities to influence or control my relationship. I will give deeper thought to the cost of my decisions. “ The Red Deer Sewing Centre has been “faithfully serving Red Deer and Central Alberta since 1979 and believe in the golden rule of treating people the way we would like to be treated.” could work. Depression free, relaxation, happy & healthy marriage.” “I am more hopeful of the future.” IN THIS ISSUE DID YOU KNOW? “Hope, I believe this “I am truly wanting to quit the cycle and want to be myself again. Being able to be in a relationship, healthy, without fears from the past.” Fall 2015 Shalom Counselling Centre of Alberta is a non-profit registered charity incorporated under the Alberta Societies Act, Charitable Organization # 317905. Donations received are used for the purpose of subsidizing counselling for Central Alberta families in need. Shalom hopes to raise $338,832 at a cost of $18,570 in the current year. Shalom will, to the best of our ability, ensure that contributions are used in accordance with donors’ intentions. Shalom will obtain consent of a donor or the donor’s representative before altering conditions of a gift. (Alberta Government Services Standards of Practice: The Charitable Fundraising Act.) For more information or to request a copy of Shalom’s past year’s financial statement and current budget, please call Shalom’s Executive Director Lisa Smith at 403.342.0339. ~THANK YOU FOR CARING~ With a grateful heart, Shalom would like to thank and acknowledge our friends at the Red Deer Sewing Centre who have partnered with us to provide an entire year of radio advertising with 90.5 Shine FM at no cost to Shalom! When you hear our ads on the radio, know that this is possible thanks to Red Deer Sewing Centre owners Karen and Rolly! Funded by: Shalom Counselling Centre of Alberta wishes to acknowledge and thank our funders. Westerner Days Fundraiser.….…...1 Celebration Time!............................2 Missed Making Your Gift?...............3 Coming This Fall…………....….......3 Client Feedback..……………....…...4 Annual Fall Friendraiser……….......4 Westerner Days Fundraiser! With the help of 90.5 Shine FM and morning announcer Ali Kat, Shalom held its first ever fundraiser during Westerner Days. On opening day, Ali Kat took to the ferris wheel and rode throughout the day to assist 50 families with their first counselling appointment. The fundraiser also included an interview with Ali Kat and Shalom’s very own Counsellor Benton live on location at Cora’s Breakfast and Lunch on July 6th and a BBQ courtesy of ABC Family Restaurant at Gord Scott Nissan on July 31st. There were several business along with individual donors who participated together in order to meet our $5,000 goal. We are grateful for the ongoing support from our community! Special thanks to Ali Kat and John Oostra at 90.5 Shine FM for their ongoing support to Shalom! By reaching our fundraising goals on an ongoing basis, the need for subsidized counselling can be met. Shalom places a high value on each individual, couple and family as well as on marriage and family values, serving all who walk through our doors without judgement, offering respect and hope. How to Connect With Us! LOOK FOR US! On September 13th Shalom will be participating in the Walk ion on how for Wellness and to Suicide Prevention at the Lacombe Memorial Centre with Lacombe Neighborhood Place from 3-8pm. th On September 19 g Shalom will be a guest speaker at the Davenport Church of Christ Ladies Day of Inspiration from 10am to 2pm. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased by calling 403.347.3986. Everyone is welcome. Celebration Time! Missed Making Your Gift? The angry winds were raging and the storms were all around Red Deer; however, this did not hinder our plans to hold the ANNUAL APPRECIATION BBQ outdoors at the McKenzie Trails Recreation Area. Despite the threatening weather, approximately 50 people gathered in the picnic shelter on June 11th to enjoy a country picnic and celebrate their involvement with Shalom Counselling Centre. JOIN OUR MONTHLY SUSTAINERS CLUB and you won’t have to worry again about getting your gift in on time. By making a monthly donation, you are ensuring that Shalom has adequate financial resources each month to meet the demand for our services. Gifts can be made using a pre-authorized debit or credit card, or with post-dated cheques. It takes a team of people to help Shalom meet our vision of Helping Our Neighbours Find Peace. We are very thankful for the many who contribute time and dollars toward helping us serve those who come to find hope and peace in their lives. The Appreciation BBQ is one way that our volunteers, community funders and corporate supporters can connect and feel part of the bigger team, as well as find out more about what we do and the impact their involvement is making on people. Contact Sharon Demaray at 403.342.0339 or [email protected] for more information to become a monthly sustainer. become a Monthly Sustainer. Coming This Fall… Stress Busting Counselling Program We would like to acknowledge Firemaster Oilfield Services for the loan of their barbecue and to Don Edwards for transporting it. Thanks also to everyone who helped with set up, cooking and clean up. You were AWESOME and got us out of the park on time, just before the rains began falling.......perhaps next year we can stay a bit longer to enjoy the lawn games! He is our shelter in the time of storm, just as Shalom strives to be for our clients. The Stress Busting Counselling Program provides an opportunity to address and overcome the impact of stress and anxiety in your life in a safe and supportive environment. You’ll be provided with useful information and strategies to “fill your toolbox”, and you’ll have an opportunity to learn with others who experience similar difficulties and can “get it”. We look forward to celebrating our entire team of supporters at our Annual Fall Friendraiser on Saturday, October 3rd. Look for details in this newsletter. Thank you, Team, for caring! When: Tues. Oct 6th – Dec 1st 6:00-8:00pm ~ Bonnie Joyes, Community Relations Coordinator Location: Satellite office in Olds! Shalom now provides counselling in Olds one day a week at the Central Alberta Pregnancy Care Centre. If you or someone you know lives in the Mountain View County area and would like more information on counselling services contact us at 403.342.0339 Shalom Counselling Centre 5515 – 27 Ave Red Deer, AB. GRATITUDE Course Fee: Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos onto order, confusion into clarity. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow. ~ Melodie Beattie~ We are located at: 551527 Avenue Red Deer, AB. 403.342.0339 $299 (includes resource book) Subsidy may be available based on household income. Visit our New Website: and watch for new counselling programs coming this fall. Fall Clean Up Our annual garden and fall clean up will take place on Saturday, October 24th from 10am-3pm(lunch provided) We are looking for volunteers who can help with preparing our gardens for the winter season. Please call us at 403.342.0339 if you plan to attend. If you would like to receive our Newsletter and/or Prayer Partner Letter by mail or electronically, email us at: info@shalomcounselling. Com Volunteer Committee Members Wanted With the recent purchase of a piece of property, Shalom is seeking community support to establish two new committees to assist with our future Counselling Centre. If you have a background in construction, architecture and/or landscaping please consider joining our Building Committee. If you have experience with fund development and capital campaigns, we need your expertise on our Capital Campaign Committee. We’ll be happy to add you to our contact list. You can also read Newsletters and Prayer Partner Letters on our website. Keep in touch with us on Facebook! To register or for more information, contact us at: 403.342.0339 Shalom Counselling Centre