SCC Presentation - FireWise of Southwest Colorado


SCC Presentation - FireWise of Southwest Colorado
SCC has operated 1998-2015
Kevin Heiner (2008-­‐present) Regional Director, Four Corners Office (970) 403-­‐0145 [email protected]
•  Southwest Youth Corps founded in Durango as 501C3 Nonprofit organizaGon •  Primary mission to serve local youth via conservaGon work experience on public lands-­‐”Tools for Life” Where we serve How we serve
Corps Roots-­‐the CCC!
The Southwest Conserva:on Corps is now a program of which supports exis:ng local and regional Corps programs,
as well new ini:a:ves.
Empowering individuals to posi3vely impact their lives, their c ommuni3es and the environment. Forestry/Saw Crews SCC’s Saw Crew Programs
•  Sustainable Forestry Teams (SFT) •  Veterans Fire Corps (VFC) •  Dolores River RestoraGon Crews (DRRC) •  All crew leaders on all crews are saw cerGfied •  95 chainsaws in our cache (in Durango alone)! Veterans Fire Corps crew graduates from CO Fire Camp red card and saw ready 2014 Fuels Mi7ga7on Accomplishments: 747 acres treated 21,802 service hours 31 river miles treated 27 Veterans served 40 Young adults served 67 sawyers trained 60 miles of fire break maintained or created How we partner and make it happen
•  Fee for service cooperator •  Bring $ to table & share costs •  Help generate revenue •  Grants (Corps pros/cons) •  PoliGcal organizaGon/lobbying •  CYCA/Corps Network/21CSCC •  Community collaboraGon/
catalyst: •  ID new partners/projects •  Flexibility •  Size of crews/type of programs/
interns •  Our primary fuels partners: •  USFS-­‐SJNF and others •  DSNGRR (The Train)* •  BLM •  NPS •  Fire Wise* •  Land Trusts & Conservancies* •  CounGes •  City/Towns (Dalla, for example) •  CO State FS *New partnerships 2014 NEW Saw Project of the Year
DSNGRR ROW Fuels thinning •  New partnership: SCC, DSNGRR, La Plata County •  County wrote SB 269 DNR grant which doubled DSNGRR $ for project (hard match) •  Accomplishments: 3452hours, 57 acres, 13 miles, 16 young adults & 8 veterans served-­‐24 jobs created & sawyers trained SCC’s goal is to create meaningful conservaGon service opportuniGes, regardless of land ownership The formula for success! (Things that SCC needs from our partners)
•  Funding for meaningful conservaGon projects •  Project PARTNERS wanted!! •  SCC will help ID funding in some cases •  SuggesGons to improve efficiency welcome •  We’re training & working w/ new sawyers (Mission) •  Partnership with trainings/cer7fica7ons •  Strong and competent leadership •  Direc7on & feedback from partners •  Mentorship from staff and partners •  We offer flexibility to meet partners’ needs: •  Crew size can be tailored •  Interns •  Varied cost structure per crew type The Corps are making a difference
QuesGons? Contact: Kevin Heiner Regional Director, Four Corners Office (970) 403-­‐0145 [email protected] 701 Camino del Rio Suite 101 Durango, CO 81301 According to a 2013 Public Lands Service Coali7on survey of in which data was collected from 1384 corps par7cipants and compared with 984 control (non corps peer aged par7cipants), corps par7cipants were/had: •  12.7% more interested in obtaining addi3onal educa3on •  18.3% more confident in their ability to get a job •  566% higher growth in teamwork •  7842% higher growth in grit (perhaps my favorite!) •  408% higher growth in communica3on skills •  336% higher growth in cri3cal thinking •  368% higher growth in community engagement •  386% higher growth in environmental engagement •  569% higher growth in leadership •  248% higher growth in self-­‐responsibility