give it forward get it back - United Way of Greater Portland
give it forward get it back - United Way of Greater Portland
T IT BAC K GIV GE ARD FORW T I E For more than 86 years, UNITED WAY OF GREATER PORTLAND has improved lives and built stronger communities by focusing on education, financial stability, and health —the building blocks of a quality life. We unite individuals, businesses, and organizations to create long-lasting, measurable change — making Greater Portland even greater. JOIN US. T IT BAC K GIV GE FORW ARD E IT better EDUCATED youth more FINANCIALLY STABLE neighbors a HEALTHY community EDUCATION WHY WE GIVE IT FORWARD Children who start kindergarten behind often stay behind. Those not reading at grade level by the end of third grade are more likely to not finish high school. - The Annie E. Casey Foundation 4x Maine’s socio-economic gap in reading skills has widened significantly in the past decade. - Maine KIDS COUNT Data Book 2/3 of Maine 4th graders do not read at grade level - Maine KIDS COUNT Data Book Low grades and absenteeism rates up to 3rd grade are strong predictors of not finishing high school. - Attendance Works and the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS $1 per week provides one week of after-school activities that help improve social skills and academic achievement. WHAT WE GET BACK 17,465 Children participated in United Way-funded programs that help them stay on track 60% 597 83% Improvement in letter recognition after 5-week Kindergarten Jump Start Children mentored through United Wayfunded programs Westbrook High School Class of 2014 graduation rate (79% in 2010-11) High school graduation is the most powerful predictor of whether someone can break the cycle of generational poverty. FINANCIAL STABILITY WHY WE GIVE IT FORWARD Child poverty costs the United States $500 billion per year in lost productivity, and extra health and criminal justice costs. - Poverty and Education, Finding the Way Forward 15.7% of children in Cumberland County live below the U.S. poverty level Poverty is defined as a person earning less than $11,700 or a family of four earning less than $24,000. 50% of single-parent households in Cumberland County with children under the age of 5 live below the U.S. poverty level - American Fact Finder EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS $5 per week supports initiatives that save households an average of $200 in tax preparation and filing fees, and helps them claim tax credits like Earned Income Tax Credit. WHAT WE GET BACK 544,369 1,006 Emergency meals served by United Way-funded programs Households warmed through Keep ME Warm 3,856 Referrals to housing services in Greater Portland through 2-1-1 Maine $1.2M Federal and state income tax refunds returned to the community with CA$H Greater Portland HEALTH WHY WE GIVE IT FORWARD One in five adults has a mental illness. Serious mental illness costs America $193 billion in lost earnings every year. - The American Journal of Psychiatry 64,000 adults and children in Maine live with a serious mental health condition 2/3 of Mainers with a mental illness do not receive treatment 26% of homeless adults25%in shelters live with a serious mental illness - National Institute of Mental Health EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS $25 per week provides a year of mental health counseling to support the well-being of someone in need. WHAT WE GET BACK 31,586 19,000 People received help for mental illness and substance abuse issues through United Way-funded programs Youths participated in sexual assault and domestic violence prevention education through United Way-funded programs 118 359 $1.5M Seniors and people with disabilities remained independent at home Saved monthly because the 359 people above are not in assisted living Let’s Go! sites in Greater Portland working to help children and families make healthy choices and be active STRENGTH IN NUMBERS Join the 14,333 donors, 1,500 leadership donors, 2,500 volunteers, 100+ community partners, and 416 companies making Greater Portland even greater. With United Way, your dollars are invested strategically and effectively in programs and initiatives that are proven to make lasting change. DOUBLE IMPACT This year’s gift to United Way of Greater Portland goes even further, helping more individuals and families. Thanks to the generosity of the John T. Gorman Foundation, all new and increased gifts to United Way will be matched 100% up to $250,000. WILL YOU Make a donation • Give a little (or give a lot) • Share your time • Use your muscle • Connect with us online • Share your talents • Use your voice • Spread the word • Help our youth and our seniors • Make Greater Portland even greater. JOIN US? great things happen when we LIVE UNITED
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