Student Formula Japan Student Formula Japan
Student Formula Japan Student Formula Japan
2014 SAT TUE 2014 9.2 -6 2014 Student Formula Japan Monozukuri Design Competition Since 2003 Organized by Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. Ogasayama Sports Park - ECOPA 目 次 Co nt e nt s Congratulatory Message/President's Message Outline of Events Entry Teams .......... 1 Competition Staff s ................................................ ...... 2 Team Information(Vehicle Specifications) .......... 10 ~ 19 3 Team Information(Members and Sponsors) ..... 20 ~ 43 ............................................................. ...... .................................................. 4 .................................................................... ...... 5 ......................................................................... ...... 7 Schedule of Events Sponsors Awards Organizer/Support/Committee Members ........ 8 ........................................ . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Team Information( Vehicle Specifications) Message of Congratulations/President s Message Celebrating the 2014 Student Formula Japan Competition I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations on the opening of the 2014 Student Formula Japan. Thanks to Abenomics, the Japanese economy is on the road to recovery, with positive indicators that the long period of deflation is coming to an end. Scientific and technological Hakubun Shimomura innovation, the source and power driving economic growth, will play a critical role in Minister of Education, Culture, ensuring that such growth continues. In the future, we will continue to intensely promote Sports, Science and Technology innovative scientific and technological progress to become the best country for innovation in the world. In addition, Tokyo will host the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2020, which will provide a perfect opportunity to present the fruits of Japanese scientific and technological innovation to the world. We intend to take the lead in resolving social issues and letting the world experience Japan as a prosperous, safe, and secure society. This competition, where students cultivate their overall monozukuri ability by competing not only in the areas of vehicle performance and manufacturing cost, but also in terms of the design and presentation skills required to market the vehicle they designed, represents an extremely worthwhile endeavor that contributes to training proficient engineers who will support the Japanese industry. For the students, planning, designing and making a racing car provides a concrete opportunity not only to experience the excellence and fascination of monozukuri, but also to learn the importance of management skills, leadership, as well as discovering and resolving problems through communication with other team members. This represents a high-level initiative that goes beyond the knowledge of engineering studied daily, and a rare and valuable experience toward playing an important role in the industry as future engineers. I am told that, including the ICV and EV classes, a total of 96 teams from both inside and outside Japan have registered for this 12th competition, with 21 of those teams coming from outside Japan. I am delighted by this development, which illustrates the broad recognition and esteem enjoyed by this competition internationally as well as inside Japan. Finally, I wish the best of luck to everyone in the participating teams, teachers, and university staff. At the same time, I would like to express my appreciation for the efforts of the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan and everyone who has supported the planning and running of this competition, and I extend my congratulations to all involved. Welcome to the 2014 Student Formula Japan A record-breaking 96 teams (75 from inside Japan and 21 from outside Japan) have registered to enter this year’s 12th Student Formula Japan competition. By region, we have 1 team from Hokkaido, 1 from Tohoku, 32 from Kanto-Koshin’etsu, 18 from Tokai, Chubu and Hokuriku, 18 from Kansai, Chugoku and Shikoku, and 5 from Kyushu. From outside Japan, we have 5 teams from India, 4 from Thailand, 4 from China, 3 from Indonesia and 1 each from Iran, Taiwan, Germany, Vietnam, and Malaysia, for a total of 21 teams, the highest number of international entries to date. This event is gradually turning into the Asian hub for student Mitsuhisa Kato formula competitions. President, Society of Automotive I hope that Japanese students will see this as a great opportunity to interact with students Engineers of Japan, Inc. from many countries and actively engage them in technological and personal exchanges. This competition was inaugurated in 2003 to provide training in practical monozukuri . Student teams compete over the full range of monozukuri proficiency, which encompasses conceptualizing and designing a vehicle, its performance in terms of acceleration, handling, and durability, its final concept and design, manufacturing, cost, and even presentation skills. Experiencing the hardships, fascination, and enjoyment of monozukuri allows the students to cultivate team management and communication skills. Over 12,000 students from the previous 11 competitions have benefited from that experience and are now active on the front lines of monozukuri . I fervently hope that in the future, society will come to recognize this competition as a springboard that brings talented people to the automotive industry. Finally, I wish the best of luck to everyone on the participating teams. I would also like to express my sincere thanks to the over 250 representatives from industry, academia and government for their support, collaboration and sponsorship, to the organizers in the host cities of Kakegawa and Fukuroi in Shizuoka Prefecture, to the corporations and universities who dispatched some 240 staff members to help run the competition and, last but not least, to each and every one of those staff members. 1 Outline of Events Outline of Events 1. Purpose of Competition To develop human resources that, through the support of government, industry, and academia, will contribute to the development and promotion of both automobile technology and industry by having the students play the main role in planning, designing, and constructing an automobile on their own in a competition of comprehensive monozukuri skills. 2. Fundamental Policies of the Competition As an engineering society, to provide students with an opportunity for monozukuri for the purpose of: 1 ) helping the students to independently develop their comprehensive monozukuri skills. 2 ) increasing the educational value of the experience by providing the students with an opportunity for the practical application of skills and knowledge that are connected to their classroom studies. 3. Operating Guidelines of the Competition 1 ) To be a place where monozukuri skills are verified while placing the highest priority on ensuring safety. 2 ) To conduct the competition in connection with representatives of industry, government, and academia. 3 ) To conduct the competition with a wide range of both individual and corporate volunteers. 4 ) To conduct the competition as a non-profit, public enterprise. 5 ) To build a network of student formula competition participants that will contribute to exchange between engineers that transcends corporate frameworks. 2 Entry Teams <ICV Class> Car No School Name Country Car No School Name Country 1 Kyoto University Japan 50 The University of Tokyo Japan 2 Osaka University Japan 51 Tokyo Denki University Japan 3 Doshisha University Japan 52 Sojo University Japan 4 Nagoya University Japan Kyoto Institute of Technology 53 Tokyo University of Science,Yamaguchi Japan 5 Japan 6 Yokohama National University Japan 54 Tottori University 7 Nihon Automobile College Japan 55 Universitas Gadjah Mada 8 Keio University Japan 56 Shizuoka University Japan 9 Tokyo University of Science Japan 57 Honda Technical College Kansai Japan 10 Toyohashi University of Technology Japan 58 Meisei University Japan 11 Tokai University Japan 59 College of Industrial Technology Nihon University Japan 12 University of Yamanashi Japan 60 Setsunan University Japan 13 Nagoya Institute of Technology Japan 62 Shizuoka Professional College of Automobile Technology Japan 14 Tokyo City University Japan 63 Okayama University of Science Japan 15 Utsunomiya University Japan 64 Aoyama Gakuin University 16 Osaka City University Japan 65 Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember India 17 Osaka Sangyo University Japan 18 Hiroshima University 19 Japan Indonesia Indonesia 66 VIT University Japan Japan 67 University of Toyama Japan Ritsumeikan University Japan 68 Hiroshima Institute of Technology Japan 20 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Japan 69 Tokyo Technical College Setagaya Campus Japan 21 Sophia University Japan 70 Fr Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering(Mumbai University) India 22 Kogakuin University Japan 71 Prince of Songkla University 23 Toyota Technical College Nagoya Japan 72 Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai China 24 Institute of Technologists Japan 73 Honda technical collage Kanto Japan 25 Ibaraki University Japan 74 National Institute of Technology - Jamshedpur India 26 Hokkaido University Japan Seikei University 75 Toyama Prefectural University Japan 27 Japan 28 Meijo University Japan 76 Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology Taiwan 29 King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi Thailand 77 M.H. Saboo Siddik College of Engineering India 30 Kurume Institute of Technology Japan 78 Kokushikan University Japan 31 Tongji University China 79 Chiba lnstitute of Technology Japan 32 Kobe University Japan 80 Institut Teknologi Bandung Japan 33 Shibaura Institute of Technology Japan 81 Shonan INstitute of Technology Japan 34 Kanazawa Institute of Technology Japan 82 Hubei University of Automotive Technology China 35 Aichi Institute of Technology Japan 83 Maejo University 36 Waseda University Japan 84 Acropolis Technical Campus India 37 Okayama University Japan 85 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Iran 38 Nippon Instutute of Technology Japan 86 Hanoi University of Science and Technology Malaysia 39 College of Science and Tecnology,Nihon University Japan 87 UAS Dortmund Germany 40 Kyushu Institute of Technology Japan 88 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 41 Osaka Institute of Technology Japan 42 Shizuoka Institute Science and Technology Japan E1 Shizuoka Institute Science and Technology Japan 43 Kinki University Japan E2 Tohoku University Japan 44 Gifu University Japan E3 Kanagawa Institute of Technology Japan 45 Chiba University Japan E4 Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai China 46 Niigata University Japan E5 Kanagawa University Japan 47 University of Fukui Japan E6 Toyota Technical College Nagoya Japan 48 Saitama Institute of Technology Japan E7 Kyushu Institute of Technology 49 Kanazawa University Japan E8 Chulalongkorn University Thailand Thailand <EV Class> Japan Thailand 3 Schedule of Events 2014 Student Formula Japan Schedule 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 Priority Team Registration 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 Team Registration Head Quarter Tech. Inspection Area Paddock Area Tech. Inspection ※Car No.1~35 9/ 2 Electric Inspection (Tue.) Day 1 Rain Paddock Area Tilt・Noise・Weight Tech. Inspection Area Presentation Judging Ecopa Stadium Cost/Design Judging Paddock Area Team Registration 9/ 3 (Wed.) Day 2 4 Day 3 Head Quarter Tech. Inspection Area Tech. Inspection Tilt・Noise・Weight・Brake Tech. Inspection Area Presentation Judging Ecopa Stadium Cost/Design Judging Paddock Area Tech. Inspection Electric Inspection ・Rain Tilt・Noise・Weight・Brake Acceleration/Skid-pad 9/ 5 Paddock Area Electric Inspection ・Rain Lunch Break 9/ (Thu.) Site Tech. Inspection Area Paddock Area Tech. Inspection Area Dynamic Events Area Autocross Tilt・Noise・Weight・Brake Tech. Inspection Area Endurance / Efficiency Dynamic Events Area (Fri.) Day 4 Design Final Judging Head Quarter Around Tech. Inspection(Rain) Tech. Inspection(Tilt) 9/ 6 Dynamic Events Area Endurance / Efficiency Tech. Inspection Area Commemorative Photo (Sat.) Day 5 Public Presentation Arena Opening hour for Public 9/2〈12:00~18:00〉 9/3〈7:00~17:30〉 9/4〈7:00~17:30〉 9/5〈7:00~19:00〉 9/6〈7:00~17:00(Awards Ceremony~19:00)〉 Head Quarter 9/2〈10:00~18:00〉 9/3〈7:00~17:30〉 9/4〈7:00~17:30〉 9/5〈7:00~19:00〉 9/6〈6:30~17:00〉 9/2〈11:30~18:00〉 9/3〈7:00~17:30〉 9/4〈7:00~17:30〉 9/5〈7:00~17:30〉 9/6〈7:00~17:00〉 9/2〈10:30~19:30〉 9/3〈6:30~19:30〉 9/4〈6:30~19:30〉 9/5〈6:30~20:00〉 9/6〈6:30~20:00〉 9/4〈7:30~17:30〉 9/5〈7:30~17:30〉 9/6〈7:30~15:00〉 9/4〈7:30~17:30〉 9/5〈7:30~17:00〉 9/6〈7:30~14:00〉 Tech. Inspection Area Opening hour Paddock Area Spectator Viewing Area Practice Track 4 Awards Ceremony 9/3〈9:30~17:30〉 Sponsors ■ S Class Toyota Motor Nissan Motor Honda Motor ■ A Class Mazda Motor Fuji Heavy Industries Kawasaki Heavy Industries Schaeffl er Japan SUZUKI MOTOR SolidWorks Japan Tamadic DENSO Hitachi Automotive Systems VSN Mitsubishi Motors Yamaha Motor ■ B Class Hino Motors UD Trucks AISIN AW AISIN SEIKI Altair Engineering ETAS Isuzu Motors AVL JAPAN EXEDY NOK NTN Autech Japan Calsonic Kansei KYGNUS SEKIYU Keihin JATCO Shin Nippon Tokki Sumitomo Wiring Systems ZF Japan Sensata Technologies Japan Tyco Electronics Japan Daihatsu Motor dSPACE Japan TBK Nissan Motor Light Truck Nifco ESI Japan NSK HOUSE FOODS GROUP Mitutoyo ■ C Class TAISEISHA Toyota Industries Mitsubishi Electric MEIDENSHA Aichi Machine Industry AZAPA ADVICS igus ISUZU ADVANCED ENGINEERING CENTER H-one NSK-Warner F.C.C. FTTechno OILES OKAYA OKITSURASEN ONO SOKKI SANGO SANNO TEC G-TEKT Siemens PLM Software JX Nippon Oil & Energy JTB CHUBU Corp. JTEKT SHINBA IRON WORKS SUMICO LUBRICANT Sumitomo Rubber Industries DYNATECH TS TECH TOKAIRIKA Toyo Tire & Rubber TOYODA GOSEI Toyota Motor East Japan TOYOTA AUTO BODY Toyota Central R&D Labs Toyota Technical Development Toyota Boshoku Nissan Shatai NISSAN TECHNO NISSIN KOGYO Nidec Elesys NHKSPRINGCO Nihon Michelin Tire HINO Hutech FUKAI MFG Bridgestone Bosch Honda Techno Fort Magna Powertrain Magna International Japan MITSUI KINZOKU ACT Mitsubishi Automotive Engineering Musashi Seimitsu Industry MOBITEC YANMAR Yutaka Giken UNIPRES The Yokohama Rubber YOROZU Romax Technology Japan ■ D Class FUKUROI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY AISAN INDUSTRY AISIN AI AISIN COMCRUISE AISIN TAKAOKA Akebono Brake Industry ASAHI TEC ASMO Ishikawa Gasket ISUZU ENGINEERING USUI KOKUSAI SANGYO KAISYA UCHIYAMA MANUFACTURING AW ENGINEERING A&D AutoTechnicJapan KIRIU KOMYO RIKAGAKU KOGYO JI Accident &Fire Insurance SHOWA Suzuyo& Sohshin Taikisha DAIDO METAL Pacific Industrial Taiho Kogyo TACHI-S DAD TSUCHIYA DEWE Japan DENSOTECHNO TOKYO R&D Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance TOKYO BOEKI TECNO-SYSTEM TOHNICHI Mfg Toyo Denso Toray Industries TOYOTA TECHNOCRAFT TOYODA IRON WORKS TOYOTA MODELLISTA INTERNATIONAL NISHIKAWA RUBBER Nishitetsu M-TECH NICHIRIN Nisshinbo Brake Japan Auto Parts Industries Association Nippon Seiki Delphi Automotive Systems Japan NGK SPARK PLUG NIPPON DONALDSON Virtual Mechanics PIOLAX HAMANAKODENSO Bando Chemical Industries PTC Japan Hitachi Industry & Control Solutions FUJI OOZX FUJITSU TEN Future Technology BRIDE PRESS KOGYO Vector Japan Magna Steyr Japan MathWorks Japan MARUBENI INFORMATION SYSTEMS MITSUBISHI STEEL MFG MITSUBOSHI BELTING YAMAHA MOTOR POWERED PRODUCTS UNIVANCE RECRUIT STAFFING ■ E Class Takada kogyo Tokyo-to Jidousha Jigyo Kyokai ANEMONE Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles Hattasan Meibutsu Dango HOTEL KANZE ■ Award Sponsors Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association DAIKIN Nicole Racing Japan MOTUL S.A. ■ Supplier Sponsors HORIBA Otsuka Pharmaceutical ■ Thanks to ECOPA Shizuoka Hospital Association Shizuoka Nursing Association Kakegawa International Center Nihon University Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology Shizuoka University of Art & Culture Bridgestone Honda Meister Club HORIBA Japan EV Club Japan Race Promotion ONO Sokki RAIMU Protrad Shizuoka Shizai Snap-on Tools Japan SOMOS Suzuki Motor Tohnichi Manufacturing Toyota Motor Higashi-Fuji Technical Center VIMO Yamaha Motor YAMATO GLOBAL LOGISTICS JAPAN YAZAKI ( As of August 1,2014) 5 Notices Notices We appreciate your cooperation for assuring a safe and pleasant event. 【Attention】 You must not enter the Dynamic Events Area ("Dynamic Events Area" on the map) (except team members and examiners in possession of a pass permitting entry to the area). Please watch the dynamic events and practices from the designated areas. To prevent accidents, do not use flash when taking pictures while vehicles are being driven. People without permission are not allowed to enter the Team Pit. Please smoke in the designated smoking areas only. It is prohibited to smoke anywhere other than the designated areas. Please sort and throw trash into the appropriate bins. In hot weather, please take sufficient liquids and pay attention to your physical condition. If you feel sick, contact event staff as soon as possible to receive treatment from the nurses and doctors on call at the First Aid Station. Do not approach hornets and snakes that live in the area around the site. If you are bitten or stung, please contact event staff nearby or the organizer's office. Please follow instructions given by competition staff members. 【Disclaimer Notice】 The organizers and sponsors, co-sponsors do not take any responsibility for damages or losses. The organizers are not liable for any changes made to the program. 38 6 Awards Awards Outstanding Performance Awards M i n i s t e r o f E c o n o m y, Trade and Industry Award Prizecash/goods Best overall in Dynamic & Static Events Sponsored by - This award recognizes the team who receives the best Minister of Land, Infrastructure, overall rating in safety, environmentally-friendly and advanced Transport and Tourism Award - technology This award recognizes the team who receives the best overall G overn o r of S hizu o ka rating in Static Events, Acceleration, Skid-pad, Autocross, Prefecture Award - Noise, Efficiency, Safety, and Weight Reduction JAMA Chairman Award This award recognizes all the teams who participated in all Static & Dynamic events, and who accomplished all the events ICV Spirit of Excellence Award This award recognizes the top 6 fi nishers overall of ICV class EV Spirit of Excellence Award This award recognizes the best overall of EV class Total 600,000yen JAMA ① 100,000yen ② 90,000yen ③ 80,000yen ④ 60,000yen ONO Sokki ⑤ 50,000yen ⑥ 40,000yen ① 50,000yen + Goods Daikin Industries/ Shizuoka Prefecture Categorised Awards Cost Award This award recognizes the top 3 teams who receive the ① 25,000yen ② 10,000yen ③ 5,000yen best score in Cost and Manufacturing Inspections Design Award Top 3 teams in Design ① 50,000yen ② 30,000yen ③ 20,000yen Autech Japan Presentation Award Top 3 teams in Presentation ① 40,000yen ② 30,000yen ③ 10,000yen Toyo Tire & Rubber Acceleration Award Top 3 teams in Acceleration ① 50,000yen ② 30,000yen ③ 20,000yen Sumitomo Rubber Industries Skid-pad Award Top 3 teams in Skid-pad ① 25,000yen ② 10,000yen ③ 5,000yen Autocross Award Top 3 teams in Autocross ① 40,000yen ② 30,000yen ③ 10,000yen Endurance Award Top 3 teams in Endurance Goods Efficiency Award Top 3 teams in Efficiency ① 50,000yen ② 30,000yen ③ 20,000yen Rookie Award This award recognizes the top rookie team of ICV class ICV Class ① 20,000yen participating in FSAE Competition in Japan for the first time EV Class ① 20,000yen CAE Award This award recognizes the most effective application of CAE Lightweight Engineering Award This award recognizes the lightest vehicle of ICV class in ② 20,000yen ③ 10,000yen the competition*1 FUKAI MFG Best Suspension Awards This award recognizes the team whose sprit of suspension ① 30,000yen ② 20,000yen ③ 10,000yen is deserving of great praise ZF Japan Best Improvement Award This award is intended to reward the team whose improvement Goods in score is most outstanding compared to the last competition*2 EV Autocross Award Top team in Autocross of EV Class Sportsmanship Award T his award recognizes the 3 team whose sprit of ① 25,000yen each sportsmanship is deserving of great praise Best 3 View Drawing Award This is given to the team, which provided the most effective information to the Design Judges through their 3 view drawing. *This "information" means the "team's consideration" in their design process. There is the ① 50,000yen document "Three View Drawing Excellence" on the FSAE website that SFJ Design Judges expect. TOKYO R&D Best Aero Award This is given to the team, which is considered to have made the best effective aerodynamics and hydrodynamics consideration for the racing car. The award will be totally judged through design report, design ① 50,000yen event, and result of dynamic event. Best Aero Award is a completely independent award, thus doesn't affect the design event score. Awarded team must finish at least the Autocross dynamic event. TOKYO R&D Powertrain Award Top 3 teams in Autocross out of top 10 teams of the ① 30,000yen ② 20,000yen ③ 10,000yen Powertrain section in Design ① 50,000yen ② 30,000yen ③ 20,000yen DEWE Japan The Yokohama Rubber Bridgestone MOTUL Nihon Michelin Tire JI Accident & Fire Insurance Altair Engineering ICV Class ① 30,000yen EV Class ① 20,000yen Special Awards *1 The team must participate in all events except Endurance. *2 The team must participate in all events. ① 15,000yen Nicole Racing Japan Association for the Promotion of Electric Vehicles Tamadic AZAPA 7 Organizer/Support/Committee Members 2014 Student Formula Japan is Organized by Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan (JSAE) Under the patronage of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology / Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry / Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport / Shizuoka Prefecture / Kakegawa City / Fukuroi City / Kakegawa City Board of Education / Fukuroi City Board of Education / Kakegawa Chamber of Commerce & Industry / Fukuroi Chamber of Commerce & Industry / Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association / NHK / Tokyo Broadcasting System / TV Asahi Corporation / The Shizuoka Shimbun / Shizuoka Broadcasting System / Shizuoka Asahi TV / K-mix / Asahi Shimbun Publishing / The Yomiuri Shimbun / The Mainichi Newspapers / Nihon Keizai Shimbun / Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun / Fuji Sankei Business i. / Nikkan Jidosha Shimbun / Shizuoka Daiich TV / Shizuoka Telecasting / FISITA In association with National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology / National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory / Japan Automobile Research Institute / Association of Private Universities of Japan / The Japan Association of Private Colleges and Universities / The Japan Association of Public Universities / Institute of National College of Technology, Japan / The Japan Federation of Engineering Societies / The Japan Rubber Manufacturers Association / The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers / Japan Lubricating Oil Society / The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers / Japanese Society for Engineering Education / Japan Machine Tool Builders' Association / The Society of Rubber Industry, Japan / The Society of Materials Science, Japan / Japan Automobile Tyre Manufacturers Association / Japan Society for Design Engineering / Japan Land Engine Manufacturers Association / The Japan Welding Society / Japan AutoBody Industries Association / Japan Automobile Service Promotion Association / Japan Automotive Machinery & Tool Manufacturers Association / Japan Auto Parts Industries Association / Japan Automobile Federation / Japan Automobile Dealers Association / Japan Society of Civil Engineers ■ Board of Student Formula Japan ■ Student Formula Japan Implementation Committee Chairman Hiroyoshi Yoshiki Toyota Motor Corporation Chairman Masatomo Kobayashi Honda R&D Co.,Ltd. Vice Chairman Takao Kubozuka Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan,Inc. Vice Chairman Hideto Arigaya Oiles Corporation Tomiji Sugimoto Honda Motor Co.,Ltd. Kiichiro Takai Chubu University Ichizo Aoyama Suzuki Motor Corporation Tadashi Tamashou Nissan Motor Co.,Ltd. Tohru Ueda Daihatsu Motor Co.,Ltd. Takashi Tsuchiya Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology Naoaki Uchino Hino Motors,Ltd. Hirotaka Nakazawa Honda R&D Co.,Ltd. Kenichirou Kamai DENSO Corporation Yasushi Matsumoto Toyota Motor Corporation Members Takaaki Kimura Yamaha Motor Co.,Ltd. Kiyoshi Ito Yamaha Motor Co.,Ltd. Hideaki Seki Hitachi Automotive Systems,Ltd. Hiroshi Enomoto Kanazawa University Takehide Takahashi Japan Auto Parts Industries Association Masakatsu Ohsugi Mazda Motor Corporation Jun Takemura Mitsubishi Motors Corporation Hideki Oka Suzuki Motor Corporation Hiroshi Nakahara Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Hideki Kaseyama Honda Motor Co.,Ltd. Mitsuo Hitomi Mazda Motor Corporation Masahiko Katayama DENSO Corporation Naofumi Fujie Aisin Seiki Co.,Ltd. Yoshio Kano Kanagawa Institute of Technology Naoya Fujimoto Nissan Motor Co.,Ltd. Koji Kumagai Nissan Motor Co.,Ltd. Hirohide Furutani National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Hirohiko Kuroda Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. Yasuhiro Honda Kokushikan University Makoto Zenno Daihatsu Motor Co.,Ltd. Satoshi Maeda Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. Hiroki Nagayama Nissan Motor Co.,Ltd. Kazutoshi Yoshida Japan Auto-Body Industries Association Inc. Tohru Nishiuchi Nissan Motor Co.,Ltd. Masahiko Hasegawa Aisin Seiki Co.,Ltd. ■ Student Formula Japan Rules Committee Mitsuhiro Fukuta Shizuoka University Chairman Kouichi Yamagishi Toyota Motor Corporation Atsushi Honda Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Vice Chairman Yasushi Matsumoto Toyota Motor Corporation Yasuhiro Honda Kokushikan University Members Tadashi Tamashou Nissan Motor Co.,Ltd. Yoshihiro Masuda SOMOS Co.,Ltd. Atsushi Honda Kawasaki Heavy Industries,Ltd Masaru Morikawa Honda R&D Co.,Ltd. Yasuhiro Honda Kokushikan University Masahiro Mori Toyota Motor Corporation Hiroshi Miyake UD Trucks Corporation Kouichi Yamagishi Toyota Motor Corporation Observers Masatomo Kobayashi Honda R&D Co.,Ltd. Ken Suzuki 8 (Volunteer) Members Competition Competition Staff Staffs Members ■ Student Formula Japan Competition Staff Members AISIN SEIKIAichi Machine Industry Co., Ltd. HORIBA Toyota Technical Development Corporation AICHIKIKAIAisin Seiki Co., Ltd. HondaTSC R&D Aichi Institute of Technology Autech Japan, Inc. HondaUD Motor Trucks Corporation Isuzu Motor Bridgestone Corporation NSK-WarnerBridgestone K.K. Plant Engineering Co., Ltd. HondaYamaha TechnoMotor Fort Co., Ltd. OILES Calsonic Kansei Corporation MAISTER CLUB Yorozu Corporation Mazda Motor AUTECH JAPAN Mitsubishi Motors ONO SOKKI Meidensha Calsonic kansei Corp. Yamaha Motor Kawasaki Heavy Industries UD Trucks KEIHIN Yokohama Rabbar Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd. Dandelion Ltd. DENSO Corporation Komatsu Dome Co., Ltd. Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. Aichi Institute of Technology Fukui University of Technology Kanagawa Institute of Technology Kanazawa University Kokushikan University YOROZU Nihon University Fuji Techno Service Co., Ltd. Kanagawa Institute of Universuty JATCO Hino Motors, Ltd. Kanazawa University Showa Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd. Kokushikan University Suzuki Honda Motor Co., Ltd. Sophia University Shizuoka University Sato Press Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology Shizuoka University Honda R&D Co., Ltd. SUZUKI MOTOR TheInstitute UniversityScience of Tokyoand Technology Shizuoka HORIBA, Ltd. Sumitomo Rubber Industries Metropolitan University Nihon Tokyo University ZF Japan Isuzu Motors Limited National FUKUIYokohama UNIVERSITY OFUniversity TECHNOLOGY SOMOS JATCO Ltd. Yokohama National University DAIKIN INDUSTRIES Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. Daihatsu Motor Komatsu Ltd. Chubu university Mazda Motor Corporation DENSO Meister Club, Honda Tokyo R&D Mitsubishi FUSO Truck and Bus Corporation Dome Mitsubishi Motors Corporation Toyo Tire & Rubber NHK Spring Co., Ltd. TOYO DENKI SEIZO Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. Toyota Motor Nissan Shatai Co., Ltd. Toyota Motor East Japan Nissan Techno Co., Ltd. Toyota Industries Nissin Kogyo Co., Ltd. TOYOTA AUTO BODY NSK Warner K.K Toyota Technical Development Oiles Corporation Nissan Motorsports International ONO Sokki Co., Ltd. Nissan Motor Press Kogyo Co., Ltd. Nissan Shatai Sato Press Kogyo Co., Ltd. NISSIN KOGYO SHOWA Corporation NHK SPRING HITACHI SOMOS Co., Ltd. Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd. Hitachi Automotive Systems Hino MotorsSuzuki Motor Corporation Fuji Heavy Industries The Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd. FUJITECNOTokyo R&D Co., Ltd. BridgestoneToyo Tire & Rubber Co., Ltd. BridgestoneToyota Plant Auto Engineering Body Co., Ltd. PRESS KOGYO Toyota Industries Corporation Protrad Toyota Motor Corporation 99 Team Information (Vehicle Specifications) Car School Name No 10 Color s Frame Body-work Suspension ① Front ② Rear ① Overall Length ② Overall Height ③ Wheelbase ④ Front Track ⑤ Rear Track ① Gross Vehicle Mass ② Fr.Rr Weight Dist. ③ Ground Clearance Aluminum spaceframe CFRP ① Double unequal length arm Push rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2908 mm ② 1230 mm ③ 1720 mm ④ 1250 mm ⑤ 1250 mm ① 185 kg ② 41:59 ③ 25 mm steel spaceframe with CFRP - Al. Honeycome Sandwich Panel GFRP ①,② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 3050 mm ② 1350 mm ③ 1590 mm ④ 1250 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 220kg ② 50:50 ③ 30 mm GFRP ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2737 mm ② 1149 mm ③ 1600 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 240kg ② 48:52 ③ 30 mm steel spaceframe CFRP ① Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 3000mm ② 1479mm ③ 1550 mm ④ 1250 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 240 kg ② 45:55 ③ 20 mm Blue steel spaceframe Fibercarbon and glass ① Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2570 mm ② 1180 mm ③ 1550 mm ④ 1180 mm ⑤ 1180 mm ① 165 kg ② 45:55 ③ 40 mm Yokohama National University black & Wine red steel spaceframe GFRP ① Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2926 mm ② 1194 mm ③ 1750 mm ④ 1275 mm ⑤ 1275 mm ① 205 kg ② 44:56 ③ 38 mm 7 Nihon Automobile College Yellow Steel spaceframe GFRP ① Double unequal length A-Arm Push rod ② Double unequal length A-Arm Push rod ① 2887 mm ② 1175 mm ③ 1650 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 255 kg ② 47:53 ③ 50 mm 8 Keio University black steel spaceframe Aluminium Fibreglass ① Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ① 2820 mm ② 1095 mm ③ 1530 mm ④ 1270 mm ⑤ 1270 mm ① 175 kg ② 50:50 ③ 40 mm 9 Tokyo University of Science Black & Pink steel spaceframe Fiberglass ① Double unequal length AarmPush rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2820 mm ② 1260 mm ③ 1610 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 225 kg ② 50:50 ③ 50 mm 10 Toyohashi University of Technology carbon black carbon fiber onepiece monocoque CFRP ① Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod with stabilize ② Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod with stabilize ① 2870 mm ② 1083 mm ③ 1700 mm ④ 1210 mm ⑤ 1210 mm ① 200 kg ② 45:55 ③ 30 mm 11 Tokai University Black CFRP Monocoque CFRP ① Double unequal length AarmPush rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ① 3160 mm ② 1530 mm ③ 1600 mm ④ 1250 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 190 kg ② 45:55 ③ 40 mm 12 University of Yamanashi electric blue steel spaceframe Fiberglass ① Double unequal length AarmPush rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 3200 mm ② 1302 mm ③ 1800 mm ④ 1320 mm ⑤ 1320 mm ① 230kg ② 50:50 ③ 50 mm 13 Nagoya Institute of Technology blue steel spaceframe Fiberglass ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2920 mm ② 1085 mm ③ 1600 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 160 kg ② 47:53 ③ 30 mm 14 Tokyo City University Blue steel spaceframe GFRP ① Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ① 2878mm ② 1148mm ③ 1560mm ④ 1200mm ⑤ 1200mm ① 235kg ② 47:53 ③ 40 mm 15 Utsunomiya University British Green steel spaceframe CFRP ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2931 mm ② 1160 mm ③ 1650 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 225 kg ② 46:54 ③ 30 mm 16 Osaka City University orange steel spaceframe GFRP ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Multi link unequal length Push rod ① 2700mm ② 1200mm ③ 1535mm ④ 1230mm ⑤ 1230mm ① 230kg ② 45:55 ③ 40 mm 17 OSAKA SANGYO UNIVERSITY White & Black & Red steel spaceframe CFRP ① Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2610 mm ② 1202 mm ③ 1540 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 225 kg ② 45:55 ③ 40 mm 18 Hiroshima University black & purple steel spaceframe Fiberglass ① Double unequal length AarmPush rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ① 2660 mm ② 1180 mm ③ 1560 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1180 mm ① 230kg ② 50:50 ③ 50 mm 19 Ritsumeikan University Black steel spaceframe Fiberglass ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2750mm ② 1135mm ③ 1670mm ④ 1200mm ⑤ 1200mm ① 240kg ② 49:51 ③ 45 mm 20 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology metalic blue and white steel spaceframe GFRP ① Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2770 mm ② 1143 mm ③ 1750 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 225 kg ② 43:57 ③ 30 mm 21 Sophia University Carbon monocoque CFRP ① Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ① 3040 mm ② 1635 mm ③ 1560 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 195 kg ② 49:51 ③ 15 mm 1 Kyoto University Pearl White & Dark Blue 2 Osaka University Black & Lime Green 3 DOSHISHA UNIVERSITY 4 Nagoya University Pearl White 5 Kyoto Institute of Technology 6 Bule/White/ Doshisha steel spaceframe Purple Red Wheels & Tires ① Engine ② Displacement ③ max. power ④ max.torque Induction type Shifter Fuel tanl Volume 10inch Douglas ATV Wheel18.0/6.0-10 Hoosier Bias ① YAMAHA WR450F ② 450cc ③ 48ps/9000rpm ④ 4.1kgf/8000rpm Naturally aspirated 3.0L 10 × 7.0 Keizer 18.0 × 7.5-10 R25B Hoosier ① ZX600R9F Kawasaki ZX-6R ② 599cc ③ 91ps/12500rpm ④ 6.9kgf/7200rpm 13inch RS Watanabe 180/510 20.5-7.0-13 Hoosier ① Kawasaki ZX600R-E40 ② 599cc ③ 76.2PS/9200rpm ④ 5.9kgf/8400rpm ① PC40E HONDA CBR600RR 13 inch O.Z Racing ② 599cc 205/510 R13 Continen③ 84ps/7500rpm tal ④ 5.6kgf/9400rpm Brakes ① Front ② Rear Unique Features & Notes Shaft Drive & Manual & CUSCO LSD for Pneumatic Shifter Cappuccino ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard with Frando Calipers Drive Train System with Shaft Drive & Full Adjustable LSD / Ball Joint integrated with Hub Unit Naturally aspirated 4.2L Belt Drive 3.3:1 Pneumatic Shifter Clutch-type Drexler L.S.D ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Nissin calipers ・Variable intake System ・Launch & Traction Conrol System ・Dry Sump ・Belt Drive ・Front Wing ・Rear Wig ・Drag Reduction system Naturally aspirated 4.1L Manual Chain Drive LSD ① 2outboard ② 2outboard Nissin calipers Naturally aspirated 4.5L Sequential Manual Chain Drive Carbon LSD (ATS) ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Nissin calipers Drivability ・Surface Treatment for cam sahft and tappet Drivability ・Smooth Torque・ Launch Control・Auto Control of Cooling ・Full Aero dynamics・Passive Yaw Control・Variable Intake ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Nissin calipers Standard Final Drive & Differential 10inchHoosier 18.0 × 6.0-10 ① SUZUKI LT-R450 K6 L404 ② 450cc ③ 40ps/9000rpm ④ 36Nm(3.7kgf)/7000rpm Naturally aspirated 3.4L Manual Differential Front 7 inch wide, 3pc Al, Rear 8 inch wide, 3pc Al, 18.0/7.5-10R25B Hoosier ① PC40E HONDA CBR600RR ② 599cc ③ 72.2PS/9100rpm ④ 5.44kgf/8900rpm Naturally aspirated 4.0L Electric shifter Shaft & bevel gear drive: ① 2 outboard 3.18(35/11) Cam type ② 2 outboard Nissin calipers Limited Slip Differential 13inch TWS 20.5 × 7.0-13 Hoosier ① PC40E HONDA CBR600RR ② 599 cc ③ 78.6 ps/9415 rpm ④ 5.6 kgf/9155 rpm Naturally aspirated 5.0L Electric Shifter Chain Drive & F.C.C. TRAC ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Wilwood calipers Long Wheelbase, and Safety 10inch Keizer ATV 6.0/18.0-10 Hoosier LC0 ① SUZUKI LT-R450 ② 450cc ③ 50ps/8000rpm ④ 4.1kgf/7000rpm Naturally aspirated 4.1L Manual Paddle shift Chain Drive LSD ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Nissin calipers Light Weight Variable Intake Paddle shift Barrel Throttle 13inch RS Watenabe 205/510 R13 Continental ① PC40E HONDA CBR600RR ② 599cc ③ 67ps/10500rpm ④ 4.7kgf/9000rpm Naturally aspirated Sequential Shift Chain Drive F.C.C TRAC ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Nissin calipers ・ABS surge tank ・Hand cluch 13inch Original designed carbon wheel R25B 20.5 x 7.0 - 13 Hoosier Bias ① PC40E HONDA CBR600RR ② 600cc ③ 69.1ps/10000rpm ④ 5.2kgf/9000rpm Naturally aspirated 4.8L Manual SUPERTRAC limited slip differential ① 2 outboard Carbon fiber monocoque, Original designed ② 2 outboard Brembo calicarbon wheels, Carbon brake rotor pers 13inch TWS Forged-Mg 20.0 × 7.0/13 Goodyear D2566 ① SUZUKI DL650 bore-down ② 605.9cc ③ 70ps/8000rpm ④ 6.6kgf/7000rpm Naturally aspirated 4L Manual Shaft FCCTRAC ① 2 outboard brembo calipers CFRP ② 2 outboard Wilwood calimonocoque Bore-down Longitudinal engine pers Full-aero device 13inch RAYS TE37 20.5/7.0-13 HoosierBias ①① N730 SUZUKI GSR600 ② 600cc ③ 72ps/9000rpm ④ 5.2kgf/7500rpm Naturally aspirated 5.6L Manual Chain LSD ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Nissin calipers CFRP surge tank 10inch KEIZER WHEEL Fr. 18.0 x 6.0-10 Rr. 18.0 x 6.0-10 R25B Hoosier ① YAMAHA WR450F J332E ② 450cc ③ 42.3PS/8000rpm ④ 4.10kgf/7100rpm Naturally aspirated 3.0L Manual Chain Drive & F.C.C Track ① 2 outboard Willwood calipers ② 1inboard Nissin caliper ・Light Weight Vehicle ・Aero Device 13inch Watanabe Mag EIGHT SPOKE20.5 × 7.0-13Hoosier ① PC40E HONDA CBR600RR ② 599cc ③ 75.7ps/10250rpm ④ 7.0kgf/8500rpm Naturally aspirated 3.5L Manual Chain Drive Mechanical ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Nissin calipers Mechanical LSD 13inch ENKEI 178/52013 Hoosier Bias ① PC40E HONDA CBR600RR ② 599cc ③ 94ps/12000rpm ④ 6.8kgf/7500rpm Naturally aspirated 4.5L Manual Chain Drive/ F.C.C. TRAC ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Nissin calipers ・DrySump ・Diffuser 13inch Hayashi street 20.5/6.0-13Hoosier ① Kawasaki ZX600R9F ② 599cc ③ 80.2ps/9800rpm ④ 6.1kgf/8900rpm Naturally aspirated 4.5L Manual Chain Drive F.C.C TRAC ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Nissin calipers Multi link Suspension Hayashi Street Low cost racing car 13inch RAYS VOLK TE37 20.5/7.0-13 Hoosier Bias ① KAWASAKI ZX600PE ② 599 cc ③ 67ps/11000rpm ④ 5.5kgf/7500rpm Naturally aspirated 5.0L Electric acuated shift ① 2 Outboard Disk Chain Drive &FCCTRAC limit- ② 2 Outborad Disk Nissin ed slip differential Calipers 13inch RS Watanabe 180/520-13 Hoosier ① Kawasaki / Ninja ZX-6R ② 599cc ③ 71ps/10000rpm ④ 5.1kgf/8000rpm Naturally aspirated 4.3L Manual Chain Drive F.C.C LSD ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Nissin calipers ① ZX600R9F Kawasaki ZX-6R 13 inch O.Z.Racing 20.5 ② 599cc × 7.0-13 Hoosier ③ 70ps/11000rpm ④ 6.5kgf/10000rpm Naturally aspirated 5.5L Manual Chain LSD ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard wilwood calipers 6 inch wide, 1pc Aluminium RAYS RAS 180/510-13 DR8 BRIDGESTONE Bias ① PC40E HONDA CBR600RR ② 600cc ③ 78ps/12000rpm ④ 5.8kg m/8000rpm Naturally aspirated 5L Electric semi automatic shifter Chain Drive F.C.C TRAC ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Nissin calipers 13inch original carbon wheel rim with Aluminium center Hoosier 20.5x7.0-13 R25B ① YAMAHA WR450F ② 450cc ③ 73.5ps/8500rpm ④ 60Nm/8500rpm Turbo charged 4.3L Pneumaic shifter Chain Drive F.C.C TRAC ① Outboard ② Outboard Wilwood calipers Unique design finaldrive unit Short Wheelbase Active aerodynamics system Front wing and Rear wing with DRS Traction control system LCD on steering wheel 車両スペックは、2011 年 6 月に提出されたデータに基づいているため、実際の大会車両と異なる場合があります。 11 Team Information (Vehicle Specifications) Car School Name No Color s Body-work Suspension ① Front ② Rear ① Overall Length ② Overall Height ③ Wheelbase ④ Front Track ⑤ Rear Track ① Gross Vehicle Mass ② Fr.Rr Weight Dist. ③ Ground Clearance steel spaceframe Fibercarbon ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ① 3080 mm ② 1200 mm ③ 1600 mm ④ 1260 mm ⑤ 1210 mm ① 230 kg ② 49:51 ③ 40 mm Toyota Technical College Nagoya Blue, steel spaceframe White, Red Fiberglass ① 2600 mm ② 1180 mm ① Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ③ 1680 mm ④ 1250 mm ② Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ⑤ 1230 mm ① 255 kg ② 40:60 ③ 30 mm 24 Institute of Technologists Navy Blue steel spaceframe Carbon FRP ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2511.9 mm ② 1285.4 mm ③ 1550 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1260 mm ① 230 kg ② 40:60 ③ 70 mm 25 Ibaraki University White / Red / Black steel spaceframe CFRP ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 3184 mm ② 1250mm ③ 1600 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1170 mm ① 230 kg ② 46:54 ③ 25 mm 26 Hokkaido University Green Pearl Steel Spaceframe CFRP ① Double unequal length A-arm Push rod with Stabilizer ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod with Stabilizer ① 3080 mm ② 1145 mm ③ 1700 mm ④ 1300 mm ⑤ 1250 mm ① 230 kg ② 47:53 ③ 45 mm 27 Seikei University Dark blue Gold steel spaceframe Fiberglass ① Double unequal length non parallel A-arm pull rod ② Double unequal length non parallel A-arm push rod ① 2600mm ② 1105mm ③ 1680mm ④ 1240mm ⑤ 1240mm ① 230kg ② 40:60 ③ 35 mm 28 Meijo University blue mica steel spaceframe Fiberglass ① 2810 mm ② 1123 mm ① Double unequal length A-armPush rod ③ 1590 mm ④ 1140 mm ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ⑤ 1120 mm ① 195 kg ② 49:51 ③ 50 mm steel spaceframe Fiber-glass and Carbon Fiber ① Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ① 2676 mm ② 1130 mm ③ 1550 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1180 mm ① 235 kg ② 47:53 ③ 38 mm 22 Kogakuin University 23 blue King Mongkut's University 29 of Technology Thonburi 12 Frame 30 Kurume Institute of Technology black and white steel spaceframe Fiberglass ① Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ① 2590mm ② 1255mm ③ 1540 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 195 kg ② 48:52 ③ 50 mm 31 Tongji University black and red steel spaceframe Carbon-fiber ① Double unequal length AarmPush rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 3159mm ② 1283mm ③ 1620 mm ④ 1220 mm ⑤ 1184 mm ① 227kg ② 45:55 ③ 35 mm 32 Kobe University Dark metalic blue steel spaceframe GFRP ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2980 mm ② 1331.9 mm ③ 1590 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 220 kg ② 50:50 ③ 30 mm 33 Shibaura Institute of Technology yellow & black steel spaceframe GFRP ① Double unequal length A-Arm Pull rod ② Double unequal length A-Arm Push rod ① 2889 mm ② 1198 mm ③ 1620 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 255 kg ② 48:52 ③ 30 mm 34 Kanazawa Institute of Technology red steel spaceframe GFRP ① Aluminum alloy Double unequal length A-armPull rod ② Aluminum alloy Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2850 mm ② 1055 mm ③ 1550 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 215 kg ② 48:52 ③ 45 mm 35 Aichi Institute of Technology Red Steel Spaceframe GFRP ① Double unequal length AarmPush rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2750mm ② 1246mm ③ 1562mm ④ 1232mm ⑤ 1232mm ① 240kg ② 45:55 ③ 50 mm 36 Waseda University dark red steel spaceframe GFRP ① Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 3090 mm ② 1140 mm ③ 1680 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 270kg ② 49:51 ③ 40 mm 37 Okayama University black and green steel spaceframe GFRP ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2668 mm ② 1059 mm ③ 1550 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 200 kg ② 50:50 ③ 30 mm 38 Nippon Institute of Techonology gold steel spaceframe CFRP ① Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ① 2550mm ② 1200mm ③ 1540mm ④ 1250mm ⑤ 1250mm ① 185 kg ② 48:52 ③ 25 mm 39 College of Science & Technology,Nihon University tricolour steel spaceframe GFRP ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2714mm ② 1184mm ③ 1550mm ④ 1180mm ⑤ 1190mm ① 240kg ② 40:60 ③ 57 mm 40 Kyushu Institute of Technology Red steel spaceframe GFRP ① Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ① 2850 mm ② 1145 mm ③ 1600 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 230 kg ② 48:52 ③ 43 mm 41 Osaka Institute of Technology Yellow & Red steel spaceframe Fiberglass ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2883 mm ② 1198 mm ③ 1600 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 247 kg ② 40:60 ③ 45.2 mm 42 Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technolog leyton blue Steel spaceframe CFRP ① Double wishbone with direct damper ② Double wishbone with direct damper ① 2350 mm ② 1250 mm ③ 1600 mm ④ 1180 mm ⑤ 1160 mm ① 205㎏ ② 48:52 ③ 60 mm Wheels & Tires ① Engine ② Displacement ③ max. power ④ max.torque Induction type Fuel tanl Volume Shifter Final Drive & Differential Brakes ① Front ② Rear 13inch RAYS 20.5/7.0-13 Hoosier Bias ① PC40EHONDA CBR600RR ② 600cc ③ 80ps/11659rpm ④ 5.4kgf/7500rpm Naturally aspirated 4.5L Manual Chain Drive & FCCTRAC ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Brembo cali- Front & Rear Wing pers Wheels: 13-6.5J + 14.5 Tires: Goodyear EAGLE RS 20 × 7.0-13 Slick ① 13ST YAMAHA YZF-R6 ② 599cc ③ 60ps/10000rpm ④ 5.0kgf/7000rpm Naturally aspirated 5.5L Manual Chain Drive F.C.C LSD ① 2 outboard Advics calipers Torsion Bar spring Suspension ② 2 outboard Nissin calipers un-unite suspension 13inch RAYS TE37 20.5/6.0-13 Hoosier Bias ① PC40E HONDA CBR600RR ② 599cc ③ 69ps/11500rpm ④ 5.2kgf/7000rpm Naturally aspirated 6.0L Manual Electric Shifter ① 2 outboard Chain Drive ② 2 outboard Willwood F.C.C TRAC LSD calipers 13inchi TWS Al Wheel 20.5 × 7.0 Hoosier R25B ① SUZUKI GSX-R600 L3 ② 599cc ③ 78ps/11000rpm ④ 6.1kgf/rpm Naturally aspirated 4.5L Electric shifter Chain Drive & DREXLER ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Nissin calipers 10inch RS Watanabe 18.0/6.0-1.0 Hoosier Bias ① PC40E HONDA CBR600RR ② 599cc ③ 85ps/10500rpm ④ 6.0kgf/8000rpm Naturally aspirated 5.5L Manual Chain Drive F.C.C. LSD ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Nissin calipers 13inch Watanabe Mg 180/510-13 BRIDGESTON Hoosier ① PC40E HONDA CBR600RR ② 599cc ③ 61.2ps/10000rpm ④ 5.8kgf/7000rpm Naturally aspirated 6.5L Manual Chain Drive& Mechanicd LSD ① outboard Nissin calipers ② outboard Nissin calipers 13inch RS WATANABE Mag 8 spokes 20.5 × 70-13 Hoosier ① YAMAHA WR450FW J332E ② 450cc ③ 29.1kw/8000rpm ④ 37.7Nm7000rpm Naturally aspirated 3.8L Manual Chain Drive LSD ① 2 outboard Brembo calipers CFRP FloorPanel ② 2 outboard Nissin calipers 13 inchs Lenso,Hoosier 20.5*6-13 front tire , Hoosier 20.5*7-13 rear tire ① YAMAHA YZF R6 2012 ② 600cc ③ 70ps/11000rpm ④ 5kgf/7500rpm Naturally aspirated 5L Power shifter Friction plate ① 2 outboard brembo calipers ② 2 outboard brembo calipers Undertray 10inch F:LT-R 450 R:Watanabe Hoosier 19.5 × 6.5-10 ① L404 SUZUKI LT-R450 ② 450cc ③ 55ps/8500rpm ④ 5.0kgf/6500rpm Turbocharged 4L Manual Chain Drive Mechanical LSD ① 2 outboard ② 1inboard brembo calipers Turbocharger Single Cylinder Engine 13inch WANFENG Aluminium Wheel 205/510,R13 Continental ① SUZUKI GSX-R-600 ② 600cc ③ 55kW/13000rpm ④ 50N.m/9595rpm Naturally aspirated 5.2L Pedal & Manual Torsen T1 LSD ① 2 outboard floating ② 2 outboard floating Wilwood calipers Self-designed ECU, Pedal Shifting, Aerodynamic Package 13inch Braid Alminium Wheel 20.5 × 7.0-13 Hoosier ① ZX600P9F Kawasaki ZX-6R ② 599cc ③ 75ps/10000rpm ④ 5.1kgf/8000rpm Naturally aspirated 4.0L Manual Chain Drive FCC TRAC ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Nissin calipers Variable Intake System Front & Rear Wing Hand clutch & 2Pedals 13 inch RAYS TE37 20.5 x 7.0-13 Hoosier ① PC40E HONDA CBR600RR ② 599cc ③ 72ps/11000rpm ④ 5.8kgf/5900rpm Naturally aspirated 6.0L Manual Chain Drive Mechanical LSD ① 2 outboard Wilwood calipers ② 2 outboard Nissin calipers Hand clutch, Ignition cut system, Front & Rear wing, Undertray, Adjustable anti roll bar 13inch Magnesium alloy wheel 6.0J offset ± 0 20.5 x 6.0-13 Hoosier ① N735 SUZUKI GSX-R600 K9 ② 599cc ③ 74ps/8400rpm ④ 7.3kgf/7300rpm Naturally aspirated 4.5L Electoric actuated shifter / Manual ① 2 outboard Chain Drive ② 2 outboard Nissin caliF.C.C TRAC LSD pers 13inch OZ OZ Racing 7J of22 Dunlop SLICK Radial 190/505R13 ① 8GR YAMAHA Venture ② 499cc ③ 80ps/11250rpm ④ 5.2kgf/9000rpm Naturally aspirated 4.0L CVT Chain Daihatsu LSD ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Nissin calipers Natural aspirated 7.0L Electric shifter Chain Drive & F.C.C. TRAC ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Brembo cali- Low mount rear wing Long wheelbase pers ① SUZUKI GSX-R 600 K8 13 inch RAYS 20.5x7.0- ② 599cc 13 Hoosier R25B ③ 66ps/11500rpm ④ 6.8kgf/10500rpm Unique Features & Notes aerodynamic wings Aluminum alloy A-arm / Original Magnesium alloy wheel CVT 10inch RAYS 20.5 × 7.0-13 Hoosier Bias ① Kawasaki KLX450R ② 449cc ③ 40ps/9000rpm ④ 4.0kgf/7000rpm Naturally aspirated 3.0 L Electric shifter Chain Drive Mechanical LSD ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Nissin calipers Front:10inch Keizer &19.5 × 6.5 Hoosier Rear:10inch RS Watanabe &19.5 × 6.5 Hoosier ① 8GR YAMAHA Venture Multi-purpose ② 500cc ③ 80ps/11250rpm ④ 5.2kgf/9000rpm Naturally aspirated 3L CVT, Automatic Chain Drive& F.C.C TRAC ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Nissin calipers CVT 13inch watanabe 8spoke Mg20.5 × 7.0 R25B ① 2008 YAMAHA YZF-R6 ② 599cc ③ 80ps/10000rpm ④ 5.5kgf/9000rpm Naturally aspirated 4.6L Manual Chain Drive LSD ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Electric water pump 13inch RS Watanabe Hoosier 20.5/7.0-13 R25B ① Kawasaki ZX600PE ② 599cc ③ 70ps/11000rpm ④ 5.3kgf/9000rpm Naturally aspirated 4.8L Manual Chain Drive & FCC TRAC ① 2 outboard brembo calipers ・Shallow Oil Pan ② 2 outboard brembo calipers 13inch OZ-Racing 20.5x7.0-13 Hoosier R25B ① 2008SUZUKI GSX-R600 ② 599cc ③ 70ps/13000rpm ④ 5.0kgf/11500rpm Naturally aspirated 4.5L Pneumatic Shifter Chain Drive F.C.C TRAC ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Nissin calipers 13inch RAYS TE37 20.5/6.0-13 Hoosier ① SUZUKI LT-R450 ② 450㏄ ③ 40ps/7500rpm ④ 3.8kgf/6000rpm Super Charger 3.5L Manual Chain Drive LSD ① 2 outboard ② 1inboard brembo calipers ① Super Charger Plastic Gear Drive ② MR Damper ③ Common Frame 13 Team Information (Vehicle Specifications) Car School Name No Frame Body-work Suspension ① Front ② Rear ① Overall Length ② Overall Height ③ Wheelbase ④ Front Track ⑤ Rear Track ① Gross Vehicle Mass ② Fr.Rr Weight Dist. ③ Ground Clearance 43 Kinki University black steel spaceframe GFRP ① Double wishbone unequal length A-arm Pushrod ② Double wishbone unequal length A-arm Pushrod ① 2780 mm ② 1135 mm ③ 1600 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 240kg ② 43:57 ③ 30 mm 44 Gifu University black steel spaceframe CFRP ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2700 mm ② 1135 mm ③ 1610 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 220kg ② 45:55 ③ 40 mm 45 Chiba University black & blue steel spaceframe Fiberglass ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ① 2800 mm ② 1195mm ③ 1600 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 300 kg ② 50:50 ③ 42.7 mm 46 Niigata University Deep green Steel spaceframe GFRP ① Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2670 mm ② 1200 mm ③ 1550 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 260kg ② 45:55 ③ 40 mm 47 University of Fukui Orange/ Black steel spaceframe Fiberglass ① Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ① 2526.7 mm ② 1167.7 mm ③ 1570 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 250 kg ② 50:50 ③ 62.3 mm 48 Saitama Institute of Technology white steel spaceframe FRP ① Double wishbone ② Double wishbone ① 2565 mm ② 1085 mm ③ 1600 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 225 kg ② 48:52 ③ 25 mm 49 Kanazawa University CFRP ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2770 mm ② 1046 mm ③ 1600 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 180kg ② 45:55 ③ 35 mm The University 50 of Tokyo 14 Color s Black,Blue steel spaceframe metalic blue steel spaceframe Fiberglass ① Double unequal length AarmPush rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2780 mm ② 1100 mm ③ 1525 mm ④ 1250 mm ⑤ 1250 mm ① 200 kg ② 48:52 ③ 30 mm TDU Original Blue Steel tubular spaceframe CFRP ① Double A-arms, Pull rod actuated Original spring/damper unit ② Double A-arms, Push rod actuated Original spring/damper unit ① 2472 mm ② 1074 mm ③ 1530 mm ④ 1180 mm ⑤ 1120 mm ① 165kg ② 48:52 ③ 35 mm 51 Tokyo Denki University 52 Sojo University Red & Black steel spaceframe GFRP ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ① 2515 mm ② 1018 mm ③ 1600 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 260 kg ② 50:50 ③ 50 mm 53 Tokyo University of Science,Yamaguchi orange steel spaceframe Glass Fiber Reinfoced Plastics ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2700 mm ② 1200 mm ③ 1550 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 225 kg ② 50:50 ③ 59 mm 54 Tottori University Black steel spaceframe Fiberglass ① Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2760 mm ② 1220 mm ③ 1600 mm ④ 1100 mm ⑤ 1100 mm ① 250kg ② 45:55 ③ 110 mm 55 Universitas Gadjah Mada Red steel spaceframe FiberGlass ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2846 mm ② 1255 mm ③ 1550 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1150 mm ① 230 kg ② 40:60 ③ 45 mm 56 Shizuoka University orange steel spaceframe Fibercarbon ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2850 mm ② 1165 mm ③ 1590 mm ④ 1210 mm ⑤ 1180 mm ① 225 kg ② 48:52 ③ 40 mm 57 Honda Technical College Kansai white aluminium spaceframe paper nylon ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ① 2650 mm ② 1130 mm ③ 1530 mm ④ 1230 mm ⑤ 1230 mm ① 149kg ② 40:60 ③ 30 mm 58 Meisei University Black & Red steel spaceframe Duralumin ① Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 3004 mm ② 1395 mm ③ 1800 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1150 mm ① 204 kg ② 45:55 ③ 80 mm 59 College of Industrial Technology. Nihon University deep blue steel spaceframe GFRP ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2247 mm ② 1255 mm ③ 1540 mm ④ 1140 mm ⑤ 1180 mm ① 190kg ② 49:51 ③ 40 mm 60 Setsunan University White steel spaceframe Fiberglass ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2800 mm ② 1200 mm ③ 1550 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 260kg ② 40:60 ③ 50 mm 61 Shizuoka Professional College of Automobile Technology Yellow multi tubular frame FRP ① Wishbone Suspension ② Wishbone Suspension ① 2230 mm ② 1350 mm ③ 1531 mm ④ 1127 mm ⑤ 1127 mm ① 180 kg ② 40:60 ③ 50 mm 62 Okayama University of Science green & white steel spaceframe Fiberglass ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2630 mm ② 1267 mm ③ 1558 mm ④ 1127 mm ⑤ 1113 mm ① 240kg ② 45:55 ③ 70 mm 63 Aoyama Gakuin University green & black steel spaceframe GFRP ① 2600 mm ② 1250 mm ① Double unequal length A-armPush rod ③ 1600 mm ④ 1200 mm ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ⑤ 1200 mm ① 190kg ② 40:50 ③ 40 mm Wheels & Tires ① Engine ② Displacement ③ max. power ④ max.torque Induction type Shifter Fuel tanl Volume Final Drive & Differential 13inch RAYS 20.5x7.013 Hoosier R25B ① Kawasaki ZX600PE ② 599cc ③ 97ps/10000rpm ④ 7.2kg-m/8000rpm Mechanical super Manual Electric cherged 6L Shifter ① 2 outboard Chain Drive ② 2 outboard Nissin caliF.C.C TRAC LSD pers 13inch RAYS TE37 180/510-13 BRIDGESTONE Bias ① SUZUKI GSR600K6 ② 599cc ③ 90ps/11000rpm ④ 6.0kgf/10000rpm Naturally aspirated 5.5L 3-speed sequential paddle shift Chain Drive F.C.C TRAC ① 2 outboard ② 1 outboard 13inch RAYS TE37 20.5x7.0-13 R25A Hoosier ① YZF-R6 ② 599cc ③ 77ps/11400rpm ④ 5.3kgf/9200rpm Naturally aspirated 5.0L Manual Chain Drive FCCTRAC ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Nissin calipers 13inch RS Watanabe Magnesium 190/505_13 DUNLOP ① SUZUKI GSX-R600(K8) ② 599cc ③ 83.5ps/12,000rpm ④ 5.8kgf/10,500rpm Naturally aspirated 5.0L Manual, Paddle Shifter Chain Drive & F.C.C TRAC ① 2 outbord ② 2 outbord Nissin calipers 13inch RAYS 160/50VR13 YOKOHAMA radial ① SUZUKI GSX-R600 ② 599cc ③ 60.8kW/11,000rpm ④ 58.2Nm/7,300rpm Naturally aspirated 6.5L Manual Chain Drive F.C.C.TRAC ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Nissin calipers 13inch Watanabe Mg 20.5 × 6.0-13inch R25B Hoosier Bias ① SUZUKI GSX-R600 K9 ② 600cc ③ 75ps/11500rpm ④ 5.4kgf/7000rpm Naturally aspirated 6.0L Manual Chain Drive F.C.C TRAC ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Nissin calipers 10inch keizer6J 2.0 slick 18.0 x 6.0-10 Hoosier Bias rain 19.5 x 6.5-10 Hoosier Bias ① SUZUKI LT-R450 ② 450cc ③ 40.5ps/9000rpm ④ 50N・m/6500rpm Naturally aspirated 4.2L Manual Chain Drive, Mechanical LSD ① 2 outboard ② 2outboard AP calipers 10inch YAMAHA ATV 18.0 x 6.0-10 R25B Hoosier ① P515SUZUKI DL650 ② 600cc ③ 50ps/8500rpm ④ 4.5kgf/6500rpm Naturally aspirated 4.0L Manual Shaft &FCCTRAC ① 2 outboard Nissin calipers ② 2 outboard Nissin calipers V-twin Engine Shaft drive 10inch KEISER Rim with Original Dish 6.0/18.0-10 Hoosier Bias ① PE06E HONDA CRF450X ② 450cc ③ 48ps/7500rpm ④ 4.8kgf/7000rpm Naturally aspirated 3.8L Manual Chain Drive DREXLER 2010 Formula STUDENT LSD ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard TDU original calipers simple 13inch RAYS TE37 20.5/6.0-13 Hoosier Bias ① PC40E HONDA CBR600RR ② 599cc ③ N/A ④ N/A Naturally aspirated 7.0L Manual Electric Shifter Chain Drive & F.C.C TRAC ・Magnesium oilpan ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Brembo cali- ・2-stage reduction Chain drive pers ・Paddle Shift ・Diffuser 13inchi RAYS TE37 20.5 × 7.0-13inchi R25B Hoosier ① PC40HONDA CBR600RR ② 600cc ③ 75ps/11500rpm ④ 5.4kgf/7000rpm Naturally aspirated 6.3L Manual SURETRAC Limited Slip Defferential Gear ① Dual opposing piston Nissin calipers ② Dual opposing piston Nissin calipers Hoosier4316 20.5 × 7.0-13(C2500) KOSEI JAPAN TSversion 1360FT ① KAWASAKI ZX-6R (09Model) Naturally ② 599cc ③ No data aspirated 6.0L ④ No data Manual Chain F.C.C TRAC ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Nissin calipers Naturally aspirated 5L Electric Shifter Chain Drive 3.92:1 limited slip differential ① 4 outboard TOKICO calipers ② 2outboard BREMBO calipers Diffuser ① HONDA CBR600 13inch OzRacing Fr. & Racing② 600cc Forg Rr. 20.5x7-13 HOOSIER ③ 75ps/11500rpm TIRE ④ 5.4kgf/7000rpm Brakes ① Front ② Rear Unique Features & Notes Electorical Shift, Electorical Water Pump, Carbon Suspension arm, Variable Intake System Electric Shifter Launch& Traction Control Machine's balance weight and appreciably lowered its center of gravity 13inch O.Z Racing Wheel Hoosier ① K4 SUZUKI GSX-R600 ② 600cc ③ 75ps/12000rpm ④ 6.1kgf/7750rpm Naturally aspirated 5.0L SemiManual Suretrac ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard AP calipers Side Engine Layout 10inch RS WATANABE Mg 18.0 × 6.0-10 Hoosier Bias ① PE06E HONDA CRF450X ② 450cc ③ 36.0ps/8300rpm ④ 36.8N・m/6000rpm Naturally aspirated 3.8L Manual Chain Drive F.C.C TRAC ① 2 outboard ② 1 inboard Nissin calipers japanese paper cowl 13inch RAYS TE37 155/65R13 YOKOHAMA ADVAN A038 ① PE06E HONDA CRF450X ② 449cc ③ 45.1ps / 7,500 rpm ④ 4.4kgf / 7,000 rpm Naturally aspirated 6.2L Manual Chain Drive F.C.C. TRAC ① 2 outboard ② 1 inboard Brembo calipers ・Carburetor ・Square Pipe Frame ・Front & Rear Mono shock 13inch RAYS VOLK 175/60-13 DUNLOP DIREZZA03G ① PE06E HONDA CRF450X ② 449cc ③ 49ps/9000rpm ④ 4.2kgf/5500rpm Naturally aspirated 3.6L Manual Chain Drive F.C.C. LSD ① 2 outborad ② 1outboard Nissin calipers Carburetor 13inch RAYS 180/52013 HOOSIER ① SUZUKI GSX-R600 ② 599cc ③ 126ps/13500rpm ④ 7.09kg-m/11500rpm Naturally aspirated 6.0L Manual Chain Drive F.C.C LSD ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Nissin calipers 12inch YOKOHAMA ADVAN 165/55R12 72V ① SUZUKI LT-R450 K6 L404 ② 450cc ③ 16.2kw/8000rpm ④ 28N.m/6000rpm Naturally aspirated 4.5L Manual SUZUKI LTA500F F.Differential ① Outboard LT-R450 ② Outboard LT-R450 ADVAN A050 175/60R13 YOKOHAMA ① KLX450R ② 449cc ③ 25ps/7000rpm ④ 3.5kgf/5000rpm Naturally aspirated 3.5L Manual ShaftTorsen ① 2 outboard ② 1inboard Nissin calipers 10 inch RS Watanabe Aluminum EIGHT SPOKE 165/70R10 YOKOHAMA ADVAN A032R ① YAMAHA WR450F J326E ② 449cc ③ 60ps/9000rpm ④ 5.4kgf/6500rpm Naturally aspirated 7.5L Manual Shaft Drive & FC- ① 2 outboard CTRAC limited ②2 outboard Brembo calislip differential pers 15 Team Information (Vehicle Specifications) Car School Name No Frame Suspension ① Front ② Rear ① Overall Length ② Overall Height ③ Wheelbase ④ Front Track ⑤ Rear Track ① Gross Vehicle Mass ② Fr.Rr Weight Dist. ③ Ground Clearance ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ① 2932 mm ② 1267 mm ③ 1600 mm ④ 1300 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 181.5 kg ② 40:60 ③ 30 mm ① Double unequal length A-arm Fiber-glass Push rod with ARB ② Double unequal length A-arm (FRP) Push rod ① 2900 mm ② 1135 mm ③ 1675 mm ④ 1335 mm ⑤ 1300 mm ① 300 kg(including driver of 67kg) ② 45:55 ③ 65 mm Body-work 64 Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember turquoise blue steal spaceframe 65 VIT UNIVERSITY,INDIA Black base with golden stripes Steel spaceframe 66 The University Of Kitakyusyu Green and White steel spaceframe GFRP ① Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ① 2700 mm ② 1205 mm ③ 1600 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 220kg ② 40:60 ③ 115 mm 67 University of Toyama black and yellow steel spaceframe GFRP ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2700 mm ② 1260 mm ③ 1600 mm ④ 1150 mm ⑤ 1150 mm ① 260 kg ② 47:53 ③ 50 mm 68 Hiroshima Institute of tecnology EmperorGreen steaj space pipe frame aliminium alloy plate ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod with tosionbar ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod with torsionbar ① 2400 mm ② 1130 mm ③ 1530 mm ④ 1100 mm ⑤ 1050 mm ① 185kg ② 52:48 ③ 26 mm 69 Tokyo Technical Collage Setagaya Formula Team Navy Blue steel spaceframe FRP ① Double unequal length A-arm Wishbone ② Double unequal length A-arm Wishbone ① 2415 mm ② 1203 mm ③ 1525 mm ④ 1095 mm ⑤ 1230mm ① 250kg ② 47:53 ③ 50 mm 70 Fr. CONCEICAO RODRIGUES COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING BLACK STEEL SPACEFRAME FIBER REINFORCED PLASTIC ① DOUBLE UNEQUAL LENGTH PUSH ROD SUSPENSION ② DOUBLE UNEQUAL LENGTH PUSH ROD SUSPENSION ① 2700 mm ② 1200 mm ③ 1640 mm ④ 1480 mm ⑤ 1420 mm ① 290 Kg ② 40:60 ③ 89 mm Fiberglass ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Double unequal length AarmPull rod ① 2320 mm ② 1350 mm ③ 1540 mm ④ 1140 mm ⑤ 1240 mm ① 225 kg ② 48:64.5 ③ 60 mm CFRP ① Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ① 2955 mm ② 1350 mm ③ 1530 mm ④ 1160 mm ⑤ 1120 mm ① 158 kg ② 47:53 ③ 40 mm Plastic Pet ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2065 mm ② 1089 mm ③ 1540 mm ④ 1213 mm ⑤ 1187 mm ① 165 kg ② 40:60 ③ 44 mm Fiberglass ① Double SLA A-arm Push rod ② Double SLA A-arm Push rod ① 2944 mm ② 1242 mm ③ 1800 mm ④ 1340 mm ⑤ 1280 mm ① 300 kg ② 40:60 ③ 80 mm Prince of Songkla 71 University 16 Color s Blue Tubular spaceframe Fibercarbon 72 Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai 73 Honda Technical Collage Kanto 74 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, JAMSHEDPUR 75 Toyama Prefectural University red steel spaceframe Fiberglass ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2400 mm ② 1060 mm ③ 1600 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 250kg ② 50:50 ③ 35 mm 76 Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology Black & Yellow steel space frame CarbonFiber ① Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2706 mm ② 1278mm ③ 1550 mm ④ 1100 mm ⑤ 1100 mm ① 190 kg ② 45:55 ③ 52.3 mm 77 M.H. Saboo Siddik College Of Engineering Fiber-glass n Carbon fiber. ① Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2900 mm ② 1300 mm ③ 1600 mm ④ 1270 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 280 kg ② 40:60 ③ 70 mm 78 Kokushikan University FRP ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2502 mm ② 1048 mm ③ 1600 mm ④ 1240 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 225 kg ② 47:53 ③ 30 mm 79 Chiba Institute of Technology Blue & Black & Tubular Frame Lime green Glass fiber reinforced plastics ① Double wishbone suspension Puull rod ② Double wishbone suspension Puull rod ① 2900 mm ② 1200 mm ③ 1600 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 200 kg ② 50:50 ③ 30 mm 80 Institut Teknologi Bandung not determined steel spaceframe yet Fiberglass ① Double unequal length A-arm with pushrod and bellcrank ② Double unequal length A-arm with pushrod and bellcrank ① 2730 mm ② 1333 mm ③ 1600 mm ④ 1465 mm ⑤ 1430 mm ① 300 kg ② 46:54 ③ 70 mm" 82 HuBei University of Automotive Technology white and black steal space frame Carbonfiber ① Double unequal length A-arm push rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ① 3050 mm ② 1320 mm ③ 1550 mm ④ 1200 mm ⑤ 1170 mm ① 230kg ② 45:55 ③ 35 mm 83 Maejo University Black/ Green Steel Spaceframe Fiberglass ① Double unequal length A-arm ② Double unequal length A-arm ① 2450 mm ② 1160 mm ③ 1540 mm ④ 1100 mm ⑤ 1080 mm ① 185 kg ② 48:52 ③ 60 mm 84 Acropolis Technical Campus, Indore Red & Black Mild Steel SAE 1018 ABS & FRP Double Wishbone Unequal Length A-Arm ① 2667.8 mm ② 1253.2 mm ③ 1549.4 mm ④ 1162.05 mm ⑤ 1162.05 mm ① 300 kg ② 35:65 ③ 88 mm 85 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad N/A Steal Spaceframe Fiberglass ① Double unequal length AarmPush rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2760 mm ② 1200 mm ③ 1630 mm ④ 1220 mm ⑤ 1160 mm ① 240 kg ② 48:52 ③ 50 mm charming black/light CFRP Monocoque blue Tricolor steel spaceframe Grey Black steel spaceframe Black, Green White, steal spaceframe Orange, Blue. White steel spaceframe Wheels & Tires ① Engine ② Displacement ③ max. power ④ max.torque Induction type Fuel tanl Volume Shifter Final Drive & Differential Brakes ① Front ② Rear 15 inch Achilles ① Husaberg ② 450cc ③ 41hp/7000rpm ④ 52Nm/5200rpm Naturally aspirated 7 Manual ShaftTorsen ① 2 outboard ② 1inboard Nissin calipers ① Royal Enfield Classic ② 499cc ③ 27.2 bhp/5250rpm ④ 41.3 Nm/4000rpm Naturally aspirated 8.1L Sequential Ford Ikon shafts & ① 2 outboard ②2 outboard Wilwood QUAIFE Limited Calipers Slip Differential 13inch RAYS TE37 DUNLOP 175/60-R13 ① kawasaki ZX-6R ② 599cc ③ 60ps/12000pm ④ 4.0kgf/11500rpm Naturally aspirated 5.5L Manual Chain Drive F.C.C TRAC ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard 13inch TWS Al Wheel 20.5/7.0-13 R25B Hoosier ① PC40EHONDA CBR600RR ② 599cc ③ 75ps/11500rpm ④ 5.4kgf/7000rpm Naturally aspirated 7.0L Manual Chain Drive F.C.C. LSD ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Tokico calipers 13inch alminium wheel onepeace 180/510-13 BRIDGESTONE Bias ① LX450AEOOSS35 KLX450R ② 449cc ③ 25ps/7000rpm ④ 3.5kgf/5000rpm Naturally aspirated 3.7L Manual Chain Drive No Diff ① 2 outboard discbrake ② 1 inboard discbrake Nissin Caliper 10inch Watanabe Al Wheel 18.0/6.0-10 Hoosier ① ER400BE ② 399cc ③ 44ps/9500rpm ④ 3.8kgf/7500rpm Naturally aspirated 5.6L Manual Chain Drive & FCC TRAC ① 2 outboard ② 1inboard calipers 13 Inch JK Tyres 165/65-13 ① SUZUKI GSX-R 600 ② 600 cc ③ 105.5 hp/13000 rpm ④ 59.53 N-m/11,300 rpm Naturally aspirated 8L MANUAL / AUTOMATIC SHAFT CUSTOM MADE DIFFERENTIAL ① 2 OUTBOARD ②2 OUTBOARD (HONDA XTREME BIKE) 10 inch DWT Alumalite, Aluminum Model 01105 Tire, Hoosier, R25B, 10-18.0 x 7.5 ① Yamaha FZ6R , 4 Cylinder ② 600 cc ③ 64 hp/9000 rpm ④ 50Nm/9000 rpm Naturally aspirated 4.6 liter Electric Shaft Torsen ① 2 outboard ② outboard Brembo caliper cyclone intake manifold system variable wing 10inch 18.0 X 6.0-10 Hoosier ① ASIAWING LD196MR ② 449cc ③ 29kW/7000rpm ④ 36Nm/6000rpm Naturally aspirated 3.2L Pneumatic Chain Drive, CFRP shaft, Cusco LSD ① 4-piston ② 2-piston ISR Calipers aero packages, monocoque and CFRP suspension,one piece CFRP rim,CFRP half shaft, DRS, TC/LC 10intch Hoosier 18.0x6.0-10 ① PE06E HONDA CRF450F ② 450cc ③ N/A ④ N/A Naturally aspirated 3.5L Paddle Shift/Cable and mechanical systems attach to the steering shaft Belt Drive 3.0:1 F.C.C.TRAC ① 2 outboard Belt Drive Mechanical Paddle Shift ② 2 outboard AJP calipers Naturally aspirated 12 L Limited slip Manual Button torsen shaft and actauted pneumatic Gear shifter differential ① 2 outboard ② 1inboard Wilwood calipers ) 13inch, 6J HRS wheels with 185/60-R13 JK TYRES ① HONDA CBR600 RR 13"Inner 6" Wide ② 600cc Aluminium Wheels, JK ③ 86.178ps/6000rpm TYRE 200/540-13 Bias ④ 7.138Kgf-m/9900rpm Unique Features & Notes Air cooled, single cylinder, twin spark, 500cc engine with optimized cockpit and reduced frame weight Cool design, Electric water pump, Small intake manifold ・Torsionbar Suspension ・Aluminium Cowl 1.Ram Tuned engine 2 High Torsion Rigidity 3. Stiff suspension 4 Wide range power band 5.Multi port Fuel Injection 13inch Unknown 180/505-R13 DUNLOP ① PC40EHONDA CBR600RR ② 599cc ③ 78ps/12,000rpm ④ 5.3kgf/10,000rpm Naturally aspirated 7.02L Manual ShaftTorsen ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard 10inch HOOSIER LC0 6.0/18.0-10 ① HUSQVANA TC449 ② 449cc ③ 59hp/9300rpm ④ 5.6kgf/7300rpm Naturally aspirated 4.5L Manual ShaftTorsen ① 2 outboard ② 2outboard Frando calipers 13inch Hoosier R25B 20.5x 7- 13 ① Suzuki GSXR600 K5 ② 600cc ③ 80bhp/8000rpm ④ 46Nm/4200rpm Naturally aspirated 6.5L Manual/Paddle Shift Being a first year team, we have incorporated a standard approach of keeping the design Chain Drive with ① 2 Outboard Single piston Both Side AJ calipers as simple as possible and that the ultimate goal of the ream is to design and manufacture Half Shaft Torsen ② 2 Outboard Single piston Both Side AJ calipers a car which is reliable enough to compete in an international standard competition. 13inch Watanabe RS 20.5x6.0-13 R25A Hoosier ① PC37EHONDA CBR600RR ② 600cc ③ 84.52ps/7500rpm ④ 8.2kgf/5000rpm Turbocharger 6.0L Electric shifter Chain Torsen ① 2 outboard ② 1inboard Tokico calipers Dual injection System. Turdo charged RS Watanabe 13 inch &Hoosier 20.5 × 7.0 R13 ① 8GC2 YAMAHA PHAZER ② 499.2cc ③ 80ps/11250rpm ④ 5.2kgf/9000rpm Naturally aspirated 7.2L Continuously Variable Transmission FCC TRAC ① 2outboard ② 2outboard CVT Edge Racing Flik Fork 15" on Achilles 123 195/50R15 front and rear ① PC40E HONDA CBR600RR ② 600cc ③ 88 HP (est.) ④ 48 Nm (est.) Naturally aspirated 6L Manual mechanical Shaft Torsen ① 2 outboard Nissin calipers, 4 pot fully costumizable engine mapping, light② 2 outboard KTC calipers, 2 pot weight impact attenuator 10inch Keizer HooseirR25B 18*7.5-10 ① HONDA CBR600 RR ② 599cc ③ 81.5ps/10500rpm ④ 5.5kgf/9000rpm Naturally aspirated 5L Manual and Electronic Drexler ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard willwood calipers 10 inch DWT 18.0 x 7.5-10 Hoosier ① Suzuki LTR 450 ② 450cc ③ 45ps/9500rpm ④ 4.8 kgf/8000rpm Naturally aspirated 4.5L Manual Chian Drive & Spool Type Locked ① 2 outboard ② 1 inboard Nissin calipers Manual Half Shaft ① 2 outboard Driver Seat Ergonomics ② 1inboard Nissin calipers Manual 3..25/ Torsen ① 2 inboard ② 2 inboard Honda CBR 600 F4i,Max Power Naturally 13 Inches Rim, 155/65/ 97.68@12500 RPM, Max R/13 YOKOHAMA aspirated 6L Torque 43.1Nm@10000rpm 13inch / 20" x 7.5" 13, R25B Hoosier ① HONDA CBR600RR ② 600cc ③ 78ps/9500rpm ④ 4.2kgf/8500rpm Naturally aspirated 5.5L ① Turbocharger system Electronic shifter and gear change ignition cut N/A 17 Team Information (Vehicle Specifications) Car School Name No 18 Color s Frame Body-work Suspension ① Front ② Rear ① Overall Length ② Overall Height ③ Wheelbase ④ Front Track ⑤ Rear Track ① Gross Vehicle Mass ② Fr.Rr Weight Dist. ③ Ground Clearance 86 Hanoi Univesity of Science and Technology Red steel spaceframe Fiberglass ① Double unequal length AarmPull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 3090 mm ② 1230 mm ③ 1850 mm ④ 1400 mm ⑤ 1350 mm ① 250 kg ② 45:55 ③ 60 mm 88 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Yellow steal spaceframe Fiberglass ① Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 1676 mm ② 1099 mm ③ 1600 mm ④ 1229 mm ⑤ 1229 mm ① 250 kg ② 40:60 ③ 80 mm E1 Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology Leyton Blue steel spaceframe CFRP ① Double wishbone with direct damper ② Double wishbone with direct damper ① 2350 mm ② 1250 mm ③ 1600 mm ④ 1180 mm ⑤ 1160 mm ① 275㎏ ② 50:50 ③ 60 mm E2 Tohoku University black steel spaceframe Fiberglass ① Doible unequal length A-armPull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ① 2830 mm ② 1390 mm ③ 1600 mm ④ 1325 mm ⑤ 1325 mm ① 200kg ② 45:55 ③ 65 mm E3 Kanagawa institute of Technology Championship White/WR Steel Spaceframe Blue mica Fiberglass ① 3120 mm ② 1160 mm サスペンション ③ 1700 mm ④ 1220 mm ① Double equal length A-armPull rod ② Double equal length A-arm Push rod ⑤ 1200 mm ① 320kg ② 47:53 ③ 40 mm E4 Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai Carbon black, emerald, ivory Monocoque white Carbon fiber ① Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ① 2731 mm ② 1121 mm ③ 1530 mm ④ 1160 mm ⑤ 1120 mm ① 215 kg ② 45:55 ③ 40 mm ① 2800 ③ 1700 ⑤ 1200 ③ 1720 ⑤ 1280 ① 450 kg ② 30:70 ③ 60 mm mm ② 1200 mm ④ 1200 mm ② 1260 mm ④ 1280 mm mm mm mm mm zindaiblue steel spaceframe Fiberglass ① Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod Toyota Technical College Nagoya - steel spaceframe Fiberglass ① Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ① 2600 mm ② 1180 mm ③ 1630 mm ④ 1250 mm ⑤ 1230 mm ① 300kg ② 35:65 ③ 30 mm E7 Kyushu Institute of Technology white and blue steel spaceframe Fiberglass ① Double unequal length A-arm Pull rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 2816 mm ② 1262 mm ③ 1600 mm ④ 1400 mm ⑤ 1200 mm ① 330kg ② 40:60 ③ 50 mm E8 Chulalongkorn University Black & Blue Steel Spaceframe CFRP ① Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ② Double unequal length A-arm Push rod ① 3013 mm ② 1188 mm ③ 1550 mm ④ 1340 mm ⑤ 1290 mm ① 360 kg ② 45:55 ③ 100 mm E5 Kanagawa university E6 Wheels & Tires ① Engine ② Displacement ③ max. power ④ max.torque Induction type Fuel tanl Volume Shifter Final Drive & Differential Brakes ① Front ② Rear Unique Features & Notes 15inch KIA MORNING 175/50-R15 MAXXIS ① HONDA CBR600RR 2006 ② 599cc ③ 105.6HP / 13250rpm ④ 44.8lb.ft / 10750rpm Using fuel pump (electric fuel injection system) 5L Chain & Planetary differential ① 2 outboard ② 1 outboard No unique features 13inch Kancil Wheels20.5 x 7.0-13 Hoosier Slick ① Yamaha YZF-R6 600cc Engine ② 600cc ③ 120HP/13000rpm ④ 6.9kgf/11500rpm Naturally aspirated Manual 7.5L 1.5 way LSD ① 2 outboard ② 2 outoard Racing Boy calipers Custom Pneumatic Paddle Shifter 13inch RAYS TE37 20.5/6.0-13 Hoosier ①永久磁石型同期モータ,ダイキン工業製オリジナルモータ ① Li-ion ② 32[kW] ② 337V/383V ③ 37.6[kW] ③ 4.38kwh/13Ah ④ 143[Nm] 1st gear fixing Chain Drive LSD ① 2 outboard ② 1inboard brembo calipers ① Common Frame ② MR Damper Student-built 1 speed Gear Box Chain, Suretrack LSD(FCC) ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Nissin calipers ブレーキ ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard brembo calipers 13inch RAYS A-LAP 20.5x7.0-13 Hoosier ①永久磁石型同期モーター (ブラシレス),Motenergy ME0913,1 個 Permanent magnet synchronous(Non brush), Motenergy ME0913, 1unit ② 12[kW] ③ 30[kW] ④ 90[Nm] ① Li-ion ② 90V/99.6V ③ 5.8kwh/65Ah AESC cells Manual 13inch WatanabeMagnesium 20.5 × 6.0-13 ① Nidec SR Motor、1 個 ② 21[kW] ③ 75[kW] ④ 119[Nm] ① Li-ion Manganese ② 355[V] / 403[V](← 組電池の状態で) none ③ 8.5kwh20Ah/[kwh / Ah](←組電池の状態で。) Chain Drive Quaife Helical LSD A homemade carbon fiber rims & Hoosier 10inch 18.0 X 6.0-10 ① Permanent magnet synchronous motor,Emrax 228,1unit ② 45[kW] ③ 80[kW] ④ 200[Nm] ① Li-ion ② 400/454V No ③ 6.39kwh/16Ah Chain Drive, conical ① Full floating disc brake friction disc limited② Full floating disc brake slip differential Monocoque, a carbon fiber rims, carbon fiber suspension 13inch RAYS TE13 20.5 × 7.0-13 1R25A Hoosier ① PMAC motenegy DLC-28 ② 15[kW] ③ 38[kW] ④ 100[Nm] ① LiFePO4 ② 70.4[V] / 85.8[V] non ③ 5.1[kwh]/100[Ah] Thain drive&QUAIFE conpact EV ① Li-Po ② 155.4V/176.4V Non Shift ③ 6.216kwh/40Ah Chain Drive F.C.C LSD ① 2 Outboard calipers ② 2 Outboard calipers ①鉛蓄電池 ② 72V/84V ③ 3.6kwh/50Ah Chain Drive & LSD ① 2 outboard ② 2outboard AJP calipers 2 Stage - Chain Drive LSD ① 2 outboard ② 2 outboard Brembo Calipers ① Hi Performance 社 AC35RS watanabe 13-6.5J + 26.25 1 個 14.5 Goodyear EAGLE ② 33[kW] RS 20 × 6.5-13 ③ 61.85[kW] ④ 128[Nm] 14inch SUZUKI ATV 130/430-10 DUNLOP Bias ①永久磁石型同期モーター(ブ ラシレス),ME0913,1 個 ② 12[kW] ③ 30[kW] ④ 90[Nm] 13x7.5 Lenso VPD 180/60 R13 TOYO PROXES R888 ① AC Induction, HPEVS AC-35, 1 ① LiFePO4 ② 34[kW] ② 153.6V/175.2V None ③ 62[kW] ③ 6.144kwh/40Ah ④ 128[Nm] Nothing Original Battery Torsion Bar Spring Suspension (Ununite Suspension) CFPR Body-work Regenerative Brake 19 Team Information(Members 1 and Sponsors) CP Team Captain FA Faculty Advisor MBR Team Member: As of June 1, 2014 Kyoto University ● Members CP Junichi Izawa FA1 Iwao Yamaji MBR Takaomi Ogawa,Shigeyoshi Okunishi,Kazuki Ohashi,Atsuki Matsuoka,Kazuki Sono,Yuki Tanaka,Kaira Yuasa,Taito Matsumoto Shop 3 P, Iwasaki Auto,Sanwa - p, Enterprize Y,Tohnichi Mfg,Wheelie,neis,Matsumoto Metal Mfg,Keiki-Kai,Kyoto Univ Mechanical Factory ● Car Features and Team Aspirations KZ-RR12, which is avant-garde vehicle, was born by reforming a frame and drivetrain completely. Successive victories are aimed at with the vehicles of completely different approach from the former. ● Team sponsors M O R I S E I K I ,Ya m a h a M oto r,OX I S O, S u mito m o Ele ct ric H a rd m et al , J T E K T, UAC J , S olid Wo rks J a p a n , N T N , S u mito m o Wirin g S yste m , M OT U L , Ko b e S te el,Ya m a gis hi - H o n p o , I o - S S ,TA N A K A FACTORY,Komatsu,Ishida-seisakusho,Mazda-Aoi-Kai,DOW,Tire Box Evolve,Umihira,ATTRACTIVE SMILE CENTER,VI-grade Japan,Yanmar,MEDICAL KEISHINKAI,Biwako Sports Land,Meihan Sports Land,Plus-myu,Techserfu,KAFEEL,Contec Labo,MISUMI,WORKS BELL,ANSYS,Cybernet,T-Sol,Print 2 Osaka University ● Members CP Makoto Suminaka FA1 Kenji Yoshida FA2 Humiteru Akamatsu FA3 J u n H ayashi FA4 Daigo Izumi MBR Toshiaki S ato, Ka name Tatani,Kenta Tabuchi,Takumi Tokinoya,Daisuke Tatani,Sing Kouu,Ryuichi Hotta,Toshiyuki Aoki,Takuto Ishida,Daichi Oura,Naoya Kaya,Tatsuto Takeda,Ryo Osaka,Syogo Kajii,Taichi Yano,Hiroyuki Inoue,Hisashi K a t o , R y o s u k e N a r i m o t o , S y u h e i I k e d a ,Yo s u k e G u j i ,Yo s h i h i r o Shinya,Tetsuya Nakanishi,Sena Harada,Yui Mitsuhashi,Keitaro Mori ● Car Features and Team Aspirations We think ideal vehicle dynamics in the development fast vehicle, and we develop the vehicle for becoing reality the ideal vehicle dynamics. We follow up essence of things in not only a vehicle developments, but also project operation. Our goal is to be the winner in design and endurance events. And we will win the competiton. 3 IDAJ,Altair Engineering,Altechno,RS Components,Ibaraki Kogyo,Ueda,NTN,F.C.C,Osaka University,FRC,Oxiso,OZ Japan,Keizer,Kanae,KHI,Kita Kobe Circuit,KINOKUNI Enterprise,Kyowa UJ,Kubota,Komatsu,Software Cradle, Dretec,Keihin,KOBELCO,Kokuyo Aluminum,Cybernet Systems,Sanyo Chemical Industries,Signal,Showa Aircraft Industry,Sumitomo Metal Industries,Sumitomo Electric Hardmetal,Sumitomo Wiring Systems,Sumitomo 3 M , S o li d wo r ks J a p a n ,T ig e r S eis a k u syo , D a ito Radiator,Daihatsu Motor,TAKEUCHI DENKA,THK,Tenhiko industrial,Tohnichi,Tohgenkyo,Tokyo R&D,Nikkal,Nissin Kogyo,Nippon Welding Rod,VI -grade Japan,NHK Spring,Nippon Oil Pump,NGK SPARK PLUG,BNL Japan,FARO Japan,Fuji Seimitsu,Bridgestone,Blenny, HOPEC,Magna International Japan,MISUMI,Mitsuyasu seisakusho,Minebea,MNB,Mitate Kobo,Mitsubishi Rayon,Minatogawa,MUTOH ENGINEERING,MORISHIN INDUSTRIES,Yokogawa Electric,Rays,WAKO Chemical Doshisha University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP I keshita Yoshihito FA1 Fujii Toru FA2 Tanaka Tatsuya FA3 Ookubo Kazuya FA4 Senda Jiro MBR Ito Kousei,Tanaka Ryuta,Kubo Chihiro,Nishida Shinya,Nakazawa Yu,Hayashi Yutaka,Shinno Hiroto,Aso Kai,Saito Akinobu,Kanbe Naoki,Osamura Koichi,Fukushima Yudai,Omoto Yunosuke,Nita Masaya,Iwamoto Seiya,Yamagishi Tatsuaki,Motokawa Yuya,Morishita Tasuku,Udaka Nozomu,JIN YUKA,Ando Ryosuke,Miura I c h i r o , M o r i J y u p e i , O k a d a To m o h i r o , O k a d a Yu t a r o ,Yo s h i n a g a D a i k i , K i t a b a t a k e M a k o t o , Ta n a k a Ta t s u y a , A s e A y u m i , K i d o Sakino,Tsukimoto Keita,Nishiwaki Yuta Kawasaki H eavy I ndustries , H O R I BA , Kitoh ● Car Features and Team Aspirations "The car which is fast and has a nice drivability." This is the consept that we raise; so we tried to improve the drivability and exercise performance compatibal.We are aiming the overall victory that is our earnest wish. 4 G e a r , N i s s i n K o g y o , W A K O C H E M I C A L , S o l i d W o r k s J a p a n ,YA N M E R , E X E DY, S u n sta r E n g i n e e r i n g , M i s u m i , N T N ,YA M AT O I N D UST R I A L ,T H K , F.C.C, H I R O M ITSU, RSWatanabe,T R A D, Len ovo J a p a n , P LOT,G S yu as a , FA R O JAPAN,Amon,Sumitomo Wiring Systems, Marusan, AN DA R E , K YOWA K O G Y O , K i n o k u n i E n t e r p r i s e ,T 2 R a c i n g , THE DOW CHEMICAL,Sanwa Plating Industry ,VI-grade,Fukai,Altair Engineering,RAC,SportsLand I KOM A , KEIHIN , ANSYS・JAPAN , Daihatsu Motor, Kyoto Thunderbolt, FUJ I SEI M ITSU, Mynavi,T's factory,RS TAICHI,RS Components,XAM・Japan,ENUMA CHAIN,JETKT,Daito Radiator,Nippon Steel & Sumikin Welding,NOK,MathWorks,Doshisha Enterprize Nagoya University ● Members CP Goichi Kobayashi FA1 Tatsuya Suzuki MBR Hiroki Yamanouchi,Kentaro Goto, Kenta Miyanokoshi,koichi takashima ,Yusuke Nishiumi, Kenta Yamaguchi,Yoshiaki Inadome,Yohei Yamada,Yasuo Kosugi,Naohiro Kusunoki, Arata Takaki,Tomohiro Miyauchi,Souma Nakagami,Shota H a m a d a ,C hie Fujikawa , H a r u n a Ta ki , M a s ato s hi K a n aya m a ,Yu t a M aekawa , N aoko Mishima , S h u nsu ke Nishio,Yu u ki Aya mu ra ,Yu u ki N a k a d a , R yo u s u ke Ku n o ,To m oya Ta n a k a ,Yu ki Yo s hid a , S h u s u ke N umata , J umpei Mitsushita ,Yuto Uchida ,Satoru Nakayasu ,Tetsuro K o b a y a s h i , H i r o n o r i N a g a t a , N a o k i S e n b a , A k i r a M i k u b o ,Te r u k i Shibayama,Yoshinori Kobayashi,Yuto Washizu,Masaharu Miyajima,Yuta S a n u ki, Ku mi Yo s hin o , M oto m u A s a h a ra ,Yu s u ke M iya z a ki, R yo m a Mizuno,Kazunori Yoneda,Yuma Aoki,Keisuke Nishioka,Koki Maeno ● Car Features and Team Aspirations 20 ● Team sponsors A ll t h e n ew F E M -11 e n b o d y in machine concept, “Formula Entertainment Machine”. True value of the machine lead to win. ● Team sponsors AISIN AW,ACTIVE,ASAHI KASEI CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS CORPORATION,AZAPA,ASAHI CHIYODA INDUSTRY,ISOWA CORPORATION,IWAKURA WELDING INDUSTRY,WEST RACING CARS,UMEOKA,VI-grade,AW ENGINEERING,ATS,Amon Industry,SS Mold,NSwelding,NTN,ENUMA CHAIN MFG,FC Design,Okajima Pipe,OZ S.p.A,CarveK,AUTOBACS SEVEN CORPORATION,Kato Cam Giken,Kato Gear Seisakusyo,Kawamurakoki Seisakusho,Gamagori Seisakusho,Kimura Industry,CAST,CALIO,KYOSEI KOTSU DAIGAKU,KYOWA,KYOWA KOGYO,KYOWA ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTS,KURE Engineering,KOKEN,KOTA CIRCUIT YRP KIRIYAMA,KOWA INDUSTRY,KOBELCO,Continental AG,Cybernet Systems,Sasano Shoten,CCI,CTS Trading,SHOWA, ZEAL,Swing,Sumitomo Wiring Systems,Sumitomo Light Metal Industries,ThreeBond,SolidWorks Japan,DAIICHI SOKUHAN WORKS CORPORATION,TAKATA Service,Chuo Spring,Technoil Japon,DENSO,THONICHI Mtg.,TOHO TENAX,nakazawa foundry,NEXCO Engineering Kansai,Nissin Kogyo,NIHON KENSHI,Nippon Light Metal,NIPPON THOMPSON,NHK Spring,NEXT CORPORATION,HI-LEX,HIBIKI SEIKI,Fashion Mishimaya,Fuji Seimitsu,Fujita Rashi,Fujimoto Service,Furuto Industrial,Blenny Giken,Honda Motor,Honda Dream Nagoya Nishi,PRO-TECTA CORPORATION,Polyplastics,Makita,MISUMI,Minoru INTERNATIONAL,MUTOH Engineering,Moriwaki Engineering,RAMPF Group Japan,World Walk 5 Kyoto Institute of Technology ● Members CP C hika ra Kawa bata FA1 Min o ru O ota FA2 Daisu ke I ba FA3 Ya s h u m a s a Ko m a ki MBR Ats u s hi Nis hid a ,Yo u A ra m a ki, M a s a a ki Shimizu,Yasuhiro Takada ,Shuntarou Imanishi,Tetsu Shirai, Kenichi Ya n a gid a , Kota ro N a kats uji, A kio A h a s hi,Yu ta ro N a gai, S h u n s u ke Akahori,Hikaru Matsuyama,Kazuya Tokunaga,Nobuyuki Miyaoka,Yuki Inagaki,Kaoru Takehama,Koichi Hasegawa,Takashi Miyake,Kenichi M orita , Kazuya O kamoto, Hiroyuki I noue, R yuta D eno, N obuaki Ikeda,Ryo Itani,Hitoshi Kishimoto,Yasuhiro Hiraki,Yuya Maeda,Tomoki Nakagawa,Yuma Ishihara,Yoshiaki Isobe, Masahiro Ueda, Masahiro Ta n a ka , Keis u ke To mii,Yu s u ke N a kat a , S h o h ei N o b u c hi, R yo s u ke Minami,Kohei Yoshioka,Masahiro Itatani ● Car Features and Team Aspirations The racing car is characterized by "compact and light." It has a singlecylinder engine and fi ber technology with which our university is familiar. 6 The most significant change is weight reduction. We completed shakedown test in April 1st to go for test-driving more frequently and to realize all potential of the vehicle. The 1st place overall. It s where we need to go again. Especially, we re going to win Endurance. ● Team sponsors IT W PP&F JAPAN,Umihira, AVO/MoTeC Japan,E XEDY,NTN,F.C.C,OXISO,Kato Gear,KINOKUNI Enterprise,Kinoshita-shoten,KYOTO TEISAN,KYOWA KOGYO,Kinki rental car service,KIK Engineering,CYBERNET SYSTEMS,Global Active Technology,JFE Steel,SUZUKI, Sumitomo Wiring Systems,TAKATA,Dassault Systèmes,Tamadic,tango-tc,Tango Giken,D.I.D,THK,DESIGN APPLE,Tohnichi Mfg,DU PONT-TORAY,Nissho Seisakusho,Nissin Kogyo,NUTEC-JAPAN,HI-LEX CORPORATION,HILLTOP,BIWAKO SPORTS LAND,PHOENIX's POWER Kyoto,Fuji Seimitsu,plusμ,projectμ,Matsuda Seiko,Matsumoto Kinzoku KogyoMaruhachi,MISUMI Yokohama National University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Takuya Kinami FA1 Yasukazu Sato FA2 Suguru Matsuzawa FA3 Koichiro Ito FA4 Taishi Wada MBR Tomohiro Kano,Yoshimi Kinoshita,Akihiro Kasahara,Ryuji Kainuma,Kyosuke Nagabuchi,Naoki A kiya m a ,To m o a ki I h at a ,Taih ei N a ka z a ki , S h o go H a n awa , Ko u h ei Takakura,Hitoshi Matsuyama,Moeko Koichi,Toshiaki Uemura,Hiroki Suzuki,Masaki Kikuchi,Kohei Yamamoto,Masataka Hori,Rei Mitsui,Ryoyu Uematsu,Okamoto Yu,Yutaro Suzuki,Aki Nakata,Aiko Watabe,Keishi Mieda ,Susumu H onda , Keiichi M atsushima , R yousei H oshino,Sato Shunki,Yushi Murai,Junya Kamei,Kaito Nakagawa,Tomoki Tamura Igus, INAZUMA SHOKAI,Ibrida Cell, Amon Kogyo, Minebea, Autodesk, Ishii Seiki, Kaimei Mfg, Kinokuni Enterprise, KOIWAI, Komatsu Mfg, SHOWA, SYNCFOR, DYNATECH, Tashiro, Tohnichi Mfg, Toho Tsushin Systems, NAKANISHI GEAR, Fuji Seimitsu, Makita,MAGNA, MISUMI Group, Mitutoyo, IDAJ, Cummins, KANTO Industrial College, Kikuchi Sheet, Kitadai Mfg, K YOWA KOGYO, KURE Engineering, Cybernet Systems, SANRIZ KAKO, SANWA PLATING INDUSTRY, Shisaku-kobo Den, Junior Motor Park Quick Hanyu, SHINSEIKIKO, Sumitomo Wiring Systems, SUPER AUTOBACS YOKOHAMA MINATO MIRAI, ZF Japan, SolidWorks Japan, Tabata Radiator, Toyo Dengyo,TRUMPF, Niigata, Nikken Mfg, Nissin Kogyo, Nisshinbo Chemical,NIHON AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, NSK, Nippon Dry-Chemical, NHK SPRING, Honda Motor, Mitsui Kinzoku Act, Musashi Holt, Kanagawa Atsuita, Kobayashi Giken Kogyo, Shinko, MECTEC,YANASE, Yasuhisa-KOKI, Yamasaki Giken Kogyo, Yokohama Koshuha Kogyo, Yokohama National University Fuculty of enngineering Graduate's Association,AZAPA, FC Design, MOTUL, NTN, S-GRID ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Having spent a regrettable year as we failed to get last year's YNFP-13 into shape,we have created this year's YNFP-14 to show the real potential and the capability to claim victory. We have taken over the main characteristics of the previous car: We are ready to claim our first, long-cherished win. 7 Nihon Automobile College ● Members CP Motoki Waki FA1 Yuichi Uwai FA2 Mitsunori Yabe FA3 Makoto Kanai FA4 Hidenobu Hayashi FA5 Yuichi Yamazaki FA6 Hiroshi K A D O N O FA7 S hinichi A zu ma FA8 Hiro ki O o kawa MBR Yuta ro Urakawa, Hikaru Ainoya,Shinpei Oikawa,Takaki Kashiwazaki, Naoki Nakazato,Takuya Kawai,Yuya Matayoshi,Nao Ueda,Takanori Yui,Masato Takiguchi,Takayuki Nagayama,Hiroki Kaneko,Hayato Nonaka,Yuichi Gyoda,Kazuma Kurokawa,Yuki Sato,Naoya Kiuchi,Ryota Watanabe,Yuki Yamanaka,Tomoaki Akutsu,Masahito Kinoshita,Shunya Tanaka,Ryosuke Mizoguchi,Yusuke Niwano,Ryunosuke Itayama,Taiki Kamiyama,Masaya Sakamoto,Hiromu Yamazaki,Noa Satomi,Yuu Yamashita would be able to concentrate on the comfortable driving. We, Formula Factory NATS, verify our advantage to aim for the fi rst time overall victory, our long-cherished wish. ● Team sponsors H o n d a M o t o r, T M C , WA KO C H E M I C A L , NISSAN PARTS CHIBA SALES, WFN, Software Cradle, FUKAI MFG, MAC MECHANICS TOOLS, R-A, F.C.C., Oetiker japan, Moriwaki Engineering, WEST RACING CARS, AVO / MoTeC JAPAN, KINOKUNI Enterprise, IRS, TAN-EI-SYA WHEEL SUPPLY, RAC ● Car Features and Team Aspirations The FFN-05 has been developed in order to realize higher reliability and drivability by improving some defects in the previous machine to achieve excellent durability while being light weight, so that the driver 8 Keio University ● Members CP Hiromu Fukamachi FA1 Norimasa Iida MBR Ayaka Yoshida,Yuhei Aihara,Takashi Suzuki,Akihiro Kita,Sena Kurachi,Takahiro Akutsu,Shota H at a n o , Ats u s hi O t a ,Yo s u ke K awa s a ki,To m o hiro I s hikawa , D aigo Noguchi,Tomoaki Ishikawa ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Our team has focused on "light weight and low center of gravity" from KF-05, and has made a lot of eff orts to sophisticate the packaging of "single-cylinder engine and 10inch tires".In this year, too, we have a goal of getting a podium. I MOTOR,Sumitomo Wiring Systems,SolidWorks Japan K.K.,DAIHEN Welding and Mechatronics System ,T H K ,Teike,Toyoko Kagaku ,Takahashi kouki,TO PL I N E PR O D U CTS , N agase Tool Matex, Nissin Kogyo,NHK MEC Corporation,nobe,First Molding,FUKAI MFG,blenny,PLOT,Fuji Seimitsu,POSH,NIPPON POP RIVETS AND FASTENERS,Honda Motor,MATSUI MEASURE M F G , M I S U M I G ro u p , M it s u bis hi M ate rials , M itoloy, M u s a s hi H olt ,YA S H I M A ,Ya s u his a KOKI,Yamato-industrial,YAMAWA MFG,UD TRUCKS,Yutaka Giken,UNI Flex,YOSHIMUR A JA PA N , L a Strada , R I K E N O P T ECH CO R PO R AT I O N , Racing Garage E N O M OTO,Works Bell,WAKO CHEMICAL,Machine system common laboratory,Practical room ,KEIO UNIV.S.A.E OLD BOYS CLUB ● Team sponsors RK JAPAN,icom, Amon Industry,NTN,AUTOBACS SEVEN,Keizer Aluminum Wheels,KINOKUNI Enterprise,KYOWA KOGYO, KUWAHARA BIKE WORKS,Keihin,KOKUSAN,Gosho work s,KHK Kohara Gear Industry,X.A.M Japan,SIVAX,JFE,QUICKHANYUU,JOUNANKEY,SUZUK 21 Team Information(Members 9 Tokyo University of Science ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Takeshi Kawai FA1 Yasuo Kawaguchi MBR Misa Ishimura,Seiya Kawabe,Humihito Kimura,Yutaro Tukamoto,Kosuke Yoshiyama,Toru M o riya m a , H ito s h i n a g a s a w a ,Yu k i A keti , E ri ko K o z a k i ,Yo s h i h i r o Sakoh,Asuka Sawada,Ikuto Zinno,Zin You M F- Matsumoto, KEIHIN, SANKEI Giken Kogyo, HONDA, Shoritsu Factory, SAKAE KO U K A N , N T N , F. C . C , G O O D R I D G E J A PA N , T O K YO R & D , N I S S I N Ko g yo , YUTA K A Giken, NSK , KOVA X , Hakeya, KO H S H I N C H E M I CA L , D OW Ka ko h , SHOW UP SIGNAL BODY PRO, SHOW U P A S A H I , CY B E R N E T S ystem , S olid Works Japan, Techno Auto Service, quick Hanyu, NISSAN, Sumitomo Wiring Systems, Sugaichi, INOUE SPECIAL STEEL, MITOLOY, ZF Japan, FUKAI Factory, Future Technology, City Kart, Shinnsei Kiko, Minebea, Nippatsu kiko, Nihon Hatsujo, NICOLE RACING JAPAN, DENSO, FUJI SEIMITSU, TOPLINE PRODUCTS, NIPPON VALQUA INDUSTRIES, KINOKUNI Enterprise, Gruppe M, Minaro, NPS, THK, MISUMI, Tokyo University of Science Kikai Kousakusitsu, Tokyo University of Science Kouyoukai,Continental Automotive,max net,TOHNITHI Factory,LOBTEX ● Car Features and Team Aspirations I felt that turning characteristics had a weak point from a result of last year. Therefore I produced it with the goal of a turning performance gain this 10 Toyohashi University of Technology ● Members CP Keisuke Taka hashi FA1 Hideki Ya nada FA2 Toshiaki Yasui FA3 Akihiko Mitsuishi MBR Shohei Shiraki,Shinri Yamada,Satoru K a w a k a m i ,Yu s h i A r a k i , K o u h e i N i s h i n o , K e i s u ke Ya m a d a , D a i k i I t o k a z u , S h o t a Yo n e m a r u , K o h e i Yo s h i d a , S h o m a C h o j i , G e n k i Tomoda,Tatsuya Fujii,Yuya Fujisawa,Ryo Machiki,Kota Yamamoto,Ryuji Yo n e kawa ,Ts uyos hi Ta ni, D aiki S a d a ,Ta d a m as a Ku ros awa , N a oto Izumi,Toshiki Isaka,Tatsuya Yamaguchi,Yuutarou Yokote,Yoshikazu Yamazaki, Kenta Ta naka ,Tsuyoshi Miyazaki, S hion Tachiba na ,Yuji Sano,Yoshinobu Ebisuno, Naoto Inoue, Masaki Takamizawa, Ryuhei Kobayashi,Takeru Sato,Yuya Sugawara,Takeru Okano,Takahiro Miyachi ● Car Features and Team Aspirations In this fiscal year, we reconsidered the basic layout including monocoque shapes and suspension geometories for the concept of "improvement of 11 corner escape velocity". We aim to become Top 10 at Endurance event with our brand new car "TG09". ● Team sponsors A XSON JAPAN , WIN KS, NTN , ENU MA CHAIN MFG, OSG, AUTO STUDIO SKILL, Ofa, Gamagori Seisakusho, Garage Takahashi , KINOKUNI Enterprise, KyorituSangyo, KYOWA DEVELOPING & MATERIALS, KOTA CIRCUIT YRP KIRIYAMA, Cybernet Systems, SAIMA, SATO VAC, Sankyo Radiator, Sunrise, CDS, SHOWA AIRCRAFT INDUSTRY, SolidWorks Japan, Daido Die & Mold Steel Solutions , Takagi Kigata, TAMATSUURA PATTERN, Tsuge Purasesu, Topy Industries, JAPAN INSULATION, NEXT, Fuji Seimitsu, Henkel Japan, HOEI Industry, NIPPON POP RIVETS AND FASTENERS, Honda Motor, MISUMI Group, MITSUI KINZOKU ACT, Mitsubishi Materials, MITSUBISHI RAYON, MIYAGAWA KOKI, Musashi Seimitsu Industry, YURAKU CONFECTIONERY, Rent, Works Bell, YSP Toyohashi Minami, WAKO CHEMICAL, TUT Cooperative Research Facility Center, TUT Information and Media Center, TUT Research Center for Future Vehicle City Tokai University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Shotaro Nara FA1 Masashi Yoshinaga FA2 Kato Hideaki MBR Yoshiki Nojima,Masayuki Nomura,Taiki Nakaichi,Takanori Okado,Toshiki Saito,Kojima Takumi,Masahiro Kida,Tomoki Sato,Satoru Mano,Kyohei Sato,Naoki Ishida,Akiho Futatsugi,Takahiro Miyamoto,Yuki Matsuda,Leona Furuichi Suzuki,VIE W TEC Japan,N. A .C.T,Oikawa works,Federal-Mogul,Solidworks Japan,Total L u b r i c a n t s J a p a n , F . P. J a p a n , I n o u e B o r i n g , S u z u m u r a W o r k s , G o o d Ye a r J a p a n , N E ,CYA N , M a ruya m a R a d i a t o r W o r k s h o p , K o y o , N T N , F. C.C.,NISSIN,ANSYS Cybernet S yste m ,G O O D R I D G E , KO I WA I , AVO/ M oTe C J a p a n , I D A J , R E N T, S U M I C O L U B R I C A N T, H u r ri c a n e , K ot a k i , B rig h t L o gic,Nakayama Lining Industries,Dynatech,MISUMI,Toka Seiki,Tokai Spring Indusrtries,Keio Travel Agency,Tokai Univ.KIYUK AI,OOI-MA ZDA Kart Land,West Racing Cars,TAN-EI-SHA W H E E L S U PP LY, M I KU N I , D E N SO, Fukuoka G um Tire S ervice, Dasai, F.C. D esign , S anwa Plating Industries,Marubeni Information Systems,CD-adapco,Shin Nippon Feather Core,Dow Chemical,Fukai MFG,Hiratsuka Itoh Bolt,BJD,Takasago Industries,Suzuki Seiki ● Car Features and Team Aspirations This year it is listed as a concept of "pursuit-of convinced of the ultimateoriginality", it is possible to ensure sufficient reliability, still gave the development of a machine which adopts the innovative technology and. Redesign of the piston, and the use of full carbon monocoque, we have adopted a new technology for both engine-chassis. Also, take the time to test run and the engine matching, we fi nished it to the "ultimate machine" to the machine. I aim to Japan tournament overall victory of Tokai University's fi rst year. 12 University of Yamanashi ● Members ● Team sponsors CP K a z u k i N a k a m u r a FA1 H i r o y u k i Ts u n o d a FA2 Tu t o m u Tanzawa MBR Rikiya Matsuno,Takashi Utiyama,Keita Katsumata,Naoto S a s a k i , H i r o k i h a t i s u k a ,Ta d a h i k o I n o u e , M u n e h i r o H u j i t a , M i y u Watanabe,Takahiro Aikawa ,Shou Iwabuti, Kazuma Kiryuu, Kousuke I keda , Daiti S ekiguti, Kengo N onomura , N anaho saigou , M asuyama Kenntarou,Miku Wakabayashi S U Z U K I , M it u i K i n zo k u A ct , R I n d u s t r y Maki,WEST RACING CARS,EIKO,NTN,F. C . C . , K in o k u ni E nte r p ris e , K L I F, Ko ko k u I n t e c h , S A N K I N , S H I N B A I R O N W O R K S , S o l i d w o r k s J a p a n ,T R A D , N A K A M U R A M F G , B i g MACHINE Divison,Nittetsu Steel Pipe, Ja pa n S u n Oil, H I L E X , Futures Craft,Fujikawa industry,Bridgestone,Tiyakan Y a m a n a s h i , M I S U M I , , T . M .WOR KS, MOTORism,UNIVERSIT Y OF YAMANASHI Monodukuri Center ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Shingen14 was aimed at turning performance further and tried to aero package.I will aim for top fi nishers in this year's machine was a signifi cant advance. 22 and Sponsors) 13 Nagoya Institute of Technology ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Yusuke Sawaki FA1 Kazuhiko Kitamura FA2 Youzirou Ishino FA3 S hinya H aya kawa MBR A kiyo s hi E n d o ,O o mi S a kai,Ya s u ra Dodo,Toshihiko Mishima,Ryohei Kanamori,Ritsuka Nakagawa,Kimihiro Nagase,Yutaka Nakamura,Shingo Maeda,Yoshiki Matumoto,Masato Ku m a n o ,Yu u d ai Ko b aya s hi, E rin a S a h a s hi, Kyo h ei Ta kai, M a d o ka Tabata,Takashi Tomida,Daichi Matsuyama,Taku Watanabe,Takeshi Watanabe,Dai Ikeda,Yuu Otsuka,Hayato Demura,Tatsuya Toyama,Takumi N a ka g awa , S eizi H a t to ri ,Ta ke r u H ikic hi , M a s a t a ka H ira n o , Ko u t a Yamamoto,Kouichirou Yoshioka Aoyama Seisakusho Co., Ltd.,Aluminium Craft of Celerity,ASPROS INC.,enable Inc.,ALTECH Co., Ltd.,Ishikawa Co., Ltd.,Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd.,Ibrida Cell Co.,Ltd.,Iwakura Radiator Syokai, N T N Corporation ,fc - design Co. , Ltd . , F.C.C. C o. , Ltd . ,O htsu ka S eis a kus h o C o. , Ltd . , ,O kajima Pip e C o. , Ltd . , Kato G e a r S eis a ku syo C o . , Ltd . ,CA R V E K C o . , Ltd ,Carrera Clinic, Kikuchi S heet C o. , Ltd., K YOWA KOGYO Co., Ltd., Kyowaseiko Corporation.,Kyowa Electronic Instruments Co., Ltd. , Kunimi Commerce, inc,KURE Engineering L t d . , Z E A L b y T S - S U M I YA M A , KO TA CIRCUIT YRP KIRIYAMA,Sakura Industries Co., Ltd.,Shinano inc,Single Heart,SHINBORI,SUZUKI MOTOR CORPOR ATION,Sumitomo Wiring Systems LTD,SEKISUI PL ASTICS CO.,LTD,Software Cradle Co.,Ltd,Dassault Systems Solidworks Corp.,DAIDO METAL CO.,LTD,Daihen Welding and Mechatoronics Systems Co., Ltd.,The Dow Chemical Company.,Chuo Spring Co., Ltd.,THK Co., Ltd.,Tsuge Bender,Daytona Corp. ,TOHNICHI Mfg. Co., Ltd.,Tomoe Meeting, NAGOYA KOUGYOUKAI.,Nagoya Jushi Industry Co., Ltd.,NARITA MFG.,LTD.,NISSHIN Kokan Co., Ltd.,Nissin Kogyo Co., Ltd.,Nitto Boseki Co., Ltd.,NIPPON SEIKI Co., Ltd.,Nekonojitensyayasan,FIBEX Co., Ltd.,Blenny Giken Ltd.,PLOT. Inc,Makita Corporation,MIKUNI CORP.,MISUMI Corporation,Mihama Circuit Kunimoto Japan Corporation.,Meito Gear Co., Ltd.,Yamaha Motor Co.,UACJ Corporation. ● Car Features and Team Aspirations N.I.T.-12 is the cornering machine based on the lightweight packaging by the single cylinder engine and 10-inch wheels. It was regrettable that troubles occurred at competition in last year, so we will do our best and aim at the podium of the earnest desire. 14 Tokyo City University ● Members CP Hiroaki Kubota FA1 Yuji Mihara FA2 Miura Kouta FA3 Kenji Nakagawa MBR Kouji Ishikawa,Takuya Kanazawa,Hiroaki Kubota,Shun Ko n d o, Ka zu ki S himoyama , N aoko Ta gawa , S houta N akajima , I ssei Nomura,Saya Mukai,Tubasa Amano, Daijiro Ishii,Takumi Ito,Shingo O n o , A r a n S e s h i t a , S a t o s h i Ta k a h a s h i , A k i h i r o N a k a d a , K a z u y a Matunaga ,Yukihide Matumoto, Kohei Aoyama , Keisuke Arai,Tomoki Nakayama,Daisuke Hara,Aomi Miyazaki,Takazumi Ishimatu,Toshihiro Inuduka,Kouki Ota,Tatuya Kawahara,Yuji Kobayashi,Jun Shiina,Ryuta Sekiguchi,Shunpei Hisamitu,Takaki Morimoto,Shun Yokoyama,Shigeki K a w a c h i ,Yo s h i h i r o S a k a i , A k i r a S o s h i ,Yu u s u k e N a g a n o , D a i g o Kobayashi,Shun Satou,Hiroki Hukumitsu,Shouhei Yamagata, Kenta Tomizawa,Shintarou Aizawa,Yuuya Ishikawa,Ryouichi Moriyama,Kaho Tanaka,Ryousuke Inami,Yuuki Okamura,Ei Sugahara,Takeru Shinohara ● Car Features and Team Aspirations 15 In this year 2014,we've designed our new machine M2014 with the concept "Quickness in motion". We are aiming at the top of the 1st prize in dynamic events. ● Team sponsors AVO/ M oTeC Japan , I DA J , M SC S o f t w a r e , N T N , U D Tr u c k s , I S H I K A W A I N K , I W A M O T O , F. C . C . , A m o n I n d u s t r y, O S C O I n d u s t r i e s , K I TA M U R A K O G Y O , K I N O K U N I E nterprise, K YOWA , K YOWA KOGYO, KU WA H A R A I N T E R N AT I O N A L , Keiyo Bend , Kohara G ear I n d u s t r y, K o y a m a g a r a g e , C Y B E R N E T S Y S T E M S , Q u i c k H A N Y U , S U Z U K I M O T O R , S u m i ko L u b ric a nt , S u mito m o Wiring S yste ms , nis s a n screw, S olid Wo rks J a p a n , D aimyo u Kog yoT E I TO RUBBER ,TER ADA MFG,Tokyo R&D,TOHNICHI Mfg, TOYO DENGYO,Nikkeikin Aluminium Core Technology,NIKKEN Manufacturing,NISSAN,Nissin Kogyo,Nippon Light Metal,NHK Spring,JAPAN U-PICA,PIOLAX,HI-LEX CORPORATION,HIRAYAMA Auto industry,FUKAI MFG,Fuji Manufacturing,Fuji Seimitsu,FURUK AWA BAT TERY,BE AR Racing Service,Honda Motor,Meister Club, MARUBENI INFORMATION SYSTEMS,MISUMI,Minoru INTERNATIONAL,RACHING SERVICE Watanabe Utsunomiya University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Keita Tsuchiya FA1 Hitoshi Sugiyama FA2 Naoto Kato MBR N aoya U eshiro, Atsushi Hirayama , S hinya Ozeki, S hoya Ito,Takaya Saito,Eiji Kida,Syunsuke Watanabe,Kazuki Iida,Junichiro Chiba,Masayuki Okabe,Yuto Muroi,Yuki Ono,Fauzanil Azmy Iska,yanagi naoto,Yuya Yamashita,sinozaki ryunosuke,Kaho Miura ASAHI K ASEI CONSTRU|CTION MA T E R I A LS , A L I N CO, Altechno, A NSYS , I G A S H I R A M OTO R PA R K , I S H I K AWA INK,inFecUESAWA WORKS,ACM Tochigi,AVO/MoTeC Japan,AMON,NTN,F. C.C.,ENKEI,Autodesk,ONOSOKKI Utsunomiya , K AWA DA IN DUST R I ES, K i n o k u ni e n te r p ris e , K YO WA KO GYO , K U WA H A R A B I K E WO R KS JA PA N , COCKPIT TATEBAYASHI,KHK, CYBERNET SYSTEMS,SATO SEIKI, SHOWA,Sumitomo Wiring Systems, DAIZO,THK,Tochigi-it, TOKO RADIATOR, TONICHI,TRIBO JAPAN,NANOTEC/TS Japan,NBK, Nissin Kogyo, NHK,NIPPON PAPER CRECIA,Japan U-PiCA,HI-LEX Corporation,Featherfield,Fuji Seimitsu,BLenny,PLOT, Honda Motor,Honda Lock ,MISUMI, Mitsubishi Fuso Track & Bus, Murata Spring,Yachiyo Industry,Yamada Manufacturing,YAMAWA,Yutaka Giken,Yuhara Seisakujyo,cyprium japan,M o t ozen,TAKATA ● Car Features and Team Aspirations In the current fiscal year, vehicles UF-12 makes a concept "high performance which is easy to treat", tends to treat a driver, and aims at the car which can pull out marginal performance.A convention aims at comprehensive 800pt. 16 Osaka City University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Tomohiro Minami FA1 Tadao Kawai MBR Tomoaki Mitsuhashi,Hiroki Ta n a ka ,Ta t s u ya yo s hikawa , K a z u hiro I wai , R y uji O z awa ,Yu ic hiro Hashimoto,Naoya Kumagai,Daisuke Shimizu,Yasuhiro Mitsuyama Kawasaki H eav y I ndustries , SAT S U M A PRECISION, Musashi Holt, ABC Trading, NTN, F.C.C, TIGER SEISAKUSHO, WAKO CHEMICAL, HAYASHI RACING, shigemi, kitaco, TOHNICHI Mfg, KYOSEI, Keihin, Sunstar Enjineering, GS Yuasa Corporation, Fuji S eimit u , I D J A , K E E P E R , S H O WA D E N KO , S U E K A G E T O O L , N I P P O N STEEL & SUMITOMO METAL, Sumitomo W i r i g n S y s t e m s , S o li d W o r k s J a p a n n , DAIDO KOGYO, Daihen OSAK A JAPAN, TUNGALOY, Toktyo Sokki Kenkyujo, TOYOTA RENT A LEASE OSAKA, Nakamichi kousakusho, Nissin Kogyo, Nitto Bouseki, BEET JAPAN INDUSTRAY, Neriki Gas, Noguchi-shokai, SPEED SHOP JIRO, Daito Radiator, KINOKUNI Enterprise, PLOT, RS TAICHI, Bosch, Yamawaki Sangyo, Lenobo Japan, ACTIVE, EXEDY, Shift Up ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Vehicle concept for this year is fast vehicle who can ride it. We aim for top 10 overall in this competition. 23 Team Information(Members 17 Osaka Sangyo University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Akira Tomogane FA1 Hiroyuki Ueda FA2 Takashi Maruyama MBR Kaoru Ohta, Kouki Furukawa, Koki Sibahara,Takuya Matuoto, Naoki Yokoyama , Daima Nisida ,Tomoyosi H ayasi,Takafumi U emura ,Yuta N a miki, M a s a a ki M o rita , Keiji Ts u ts u mi,Yo s hika zu M oto n e ,Yuic hi Tamura,Haruka Fujiki,Mamoru Kageyama K a w a s a k i ,Ta n i i r o n w o r k s , S p o r t s l a n d i ko ● Car Features and Team Aspirations ustrial, Matsuda, Misumi, Megatech, Moriyasu In order to increase the turning performance of our vehicle through a reduction of the yawing moment of inertia, we have completely redesigned the vehicle packaging. We aim to achieve a good result at the static events, which we were not good at in the past, and reach the top ten of the overall ranking. 18 m a , S o li d W o r ks , R S TA I C H I , U e d a , N T N , F. C.C,Kuni chemical,Dow kakoh,Sanwa plating ind ustr y, S u nayama pla nt, S umitomo wiring s y s t e m s , D a i z o N i c h i m o l y, D a i t o R a d i a t o r industries,Daihatsu Motor,Takata,Nissin ind iron works,RAYS,Wako chemical,Maruhachi,A ltechno,Altair Engineering,MathWorks,Blenny gi ke n , Kyo u wa i n d u s t r y, O s a k a S a n g yo University Hiroshima University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Ryutaro Matsuda FA1 Keiya Nishida FA2 Tsuneo Morioka FA3 H i r o s h i H a m a s a k i MBR K o j i O h a m a , H i r o k i F u k u n a g a ,Ta k u r u Yoneoka,Syunsuke Takaya,Fumiaki Tamashiro,Keiji Masuda,Takuya Kokabu , Kouta M atsuda , R yosuke Miyazaki, Asuka H ayashi, Kazuki Kawamoto,Kanji Tamai,Ryutaro Nakamura,Naoya Takemoto,Kai Tomita Kawasaki Heavy Industries, SolidWorks Japan, ● Car Features and Team Aspirations CO., CCI Corporation., KURE Engineering, This year,we held up the concept of "weight saving and concentration of mass" and developed PF-5R . We conpleted the machine that has high performance and light weight.We will bring out machine performance and aim to be ranked in the top 10 prize. 19 O ku d aira Pip e C o . , F. C . C . C o . , R AC I N G SERVICE Watanabe, Nissin Kogyo Co., THK CO., KYOWA KOGYO CO., NTN Corporation, ENUMA CHAIN MFG. CO., Ishihara Radiator Co. , Altechno Co. , W EST R ACI N G CA R S KINOKUNI Enterprise co,UACJ, Cool Nuts. co., Nikami Co, TSUDA Co., Nippon RentA - Car Service, First M olding co,tech serfu co,Marusan Car Company,ANDARE co,RAC co,VI-grade,Scootech JAPAN Ritsumeikan University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Shota Miyake FA1 Keiko Watanabe MBR Taishi Asano,Kyohei Emoto,Naoto Miyawaki,tanaka masahiro,Takuma Abe,Keisuke Arai,Tohru O h nishi, Kohei U ematsu , Kotaro Yasu hira , M asataka Fujita , A kihiro H ig a s h iya m a ,Yu u to A k a b a , S h i nya F u jii , M i kiya K a wa s a ki , Kyot a N a ka gawa , Fu ma Ozawa , Kou ki Kawa ka mi,Yos himasa J o dai, Keita Motoyama,Motoki Maruno,Takahiro Yamamoto,Daiki Yamamoto,Kazuki Minato,Takuma Yamauchi,Makoto Chudo K a w a s a k i H e a v y I n d u s t ri e s , S o li d W o r k s ● Car Features and Team Aspirations design,F.C.C,KODERA SEITETUZYO,Kinokuni Last year, it is possible to leap to # 19 from # 56, we were able to win the jump-up prize. I did in March the shakedown this year. I will refi ne the machine to the limit by September tournament will be held. I aim to fi rst place in the dynamic event by our beautiful and fast machine. Nakajima,SuperAUTOBACS Konan,Techno oil Japon K.K 20 J a p a n , D a i h a t s u M o t o r , N T N ,Ts u k i n o w a Driving School, AR AYA INDUSTRIAL,WAKO C H E M I CA L , B iwa ko S p o r ts L a n d , I s hih a ra radiator Industries, Matsumoto metal industry,Sankin,Yamazaki of the screw,Bike workshop Iwaki,XAM JAPAN,WEST RACING CA R S , N EOS , K YOWA KO GYO, M I SU M I , FC E n t e r p r i s e ,V B O X J A PA N , K o b e S t e e l , D A I T O S Y O K A I , K E M I T E C , O . Z . J A PA N , B o d y S h o p Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology ● Members ● Team sponsors CP S h u h e i I t a k u r a FA1 Ta k a y o s h i K a m a d a MBR S h u n g o A o ki ,Ta kats u g u S ato ,Ta ku mi N ato ri , N a o hiro Wat a n a b e , S hin h o u Wang,Tatsuya Muto,Yuta Shirayama,Ogino Makoto,Ren kitagawa,Kai S aito, N agayasu M aruyama ,Yuto S awama , M asasi Iida , J u n nosu ke Miyoshi, Ippo Hashimoto, Ayaka Kamiyama ,Yuma Yukishita ,Yusuke Kume,Zur Izzati Binti Zainalkefli,Riku Koyama,Ena Watanabe R S - Components , Aoki motors , W EST R A C I N G C A R S , N O K , N T N , F・C・C , F C d e sig n , O S C O I n d u st rie s , K YO WA Industries, K E I YO B EN D, KO N DO K A G A K U , C I T Y C A R T, S Y N C F O R , Sumitomo Wiring Systems, Solid Works Japan, Times Mobility Networks, T.R AD, N A K A I I N T E R C I R C U I T, Niita ka ge a r, Nissin Kogyo, Nihon Automobile College, N I C H I R I N , Pro nt hi -10 0 0 .c o m , F U K A I MFG, Honda Motor, Yutaka Giken, RAYS, WA KO C H E M I C A L , T UAT M e c h a nic al Systems Engineering, TUAT Kiyukai ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Our machine concept in this year is "Improvement of reliability and productivity". We improved the problem of our last year machine and designed our machine to suppress the trouble that we could assume. We want to face the competition this year in a state to be able to say the driver and the machine is complete and want to leave more exellent results than last year. 24 and Sponsors) 21 Sophia University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Yuhta Aishima FA1 Takashi Suzuki MBR Kazuki Tokita,Misaki Itou,Koki Okamoto,Masato Kawaguchi,Gen Kimizuka,Yuto Nitta,Nako Wata na b e,Ta keru Wata na b e, N aoya Kimata ,C hihiro Ta kei, Mis a ko S him a d a ,Yos hin o ri I s hikawa ,Tets uya Fujim oto,Yu s u ke A rai, S h u n I c h i k a w a ,Ta k u m a S a k a k i b a r a ,Yu j i M u r a t a , M o e M a t s u i , N a o k i Ta k a m u r a , R e o S a i t o u , A s a t o Yo k o y a m a ,Yu s a k u O t s u , H i r o n o r i Sasai,Arisa Sugisaki,Ikurou Tanaka,Rio Doshida,Yujiro Fujita,Nagayama M iya bi, Ku ro n u m a Ay u mi, Ku roiwa N a oto , Fu ku d a M oto ki, H aya s hi Takeru,Kaku Uhann,Mizushina Tomoki Islas,Yang Changlong,Duan Chaoran,Wang Jipeng,Inayoshi Taro,Yoshiki Fukuhara,Yuki Ito YA M A H A M o r t o r s . K A Z A K H S . V a n t e c . Ta gu chi Pat tern Wo rks . P TC JA PA N . U D TRUCKS. OKITSURASEN. Sports Gain. City K a r t . H I R AG A K I S E I S A K U J O . AO S H I M A G E A R . I WA K U R A W E L D I N G I N D U S T R Y. O etike rJ a p a n . FA R O J a p a n . M a r u b e n i Information Systems. J R M . ANSYS Japan. G AT. N T N . WA KO S . AC M . YO S H I H A R A SEIKOU. VI-GRADE. Tanaka Industry. WPC. FUKAI MFG. Tokyo Sokki Kenkyujo. BESTEX. Research Center of Computational Mechanics. MITOKOGYO. RK JAPAN. MIYACO HYDR AULIC BR AKE MFG. MSC Software. Nissin Kogyo. IHI Turbo. F.C.C..Force Engine Labo. AVO/MoteC Japan. Sanyo Chemical Industries. The Dow Chemical Company. Car Care Japan. CYBERNET SYSTEMS. The mathWorks. MISUMI Group. MOBARA TWIN CIRCUIT. ASAHI. Magna International Japan. Kondo Kagaku. RS Compornents K.K. Custom Airbrush Paint I;goW.TOKYO TANSO KOGYO. WORLD IMPORT TOOLS. Quick Hanyu. Koyo Seiki. OkugiSeisakusyo. daiichionkyo. RACING SERVICE Watanabe.Tire Test Consortium. CYAN, OKUNO GLOBALTEC. DOME, OGURA CLUTCH. RAMPF Japan. NIHON AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. AVASYS CORPORATION. NICOLE MARKETING. ASICS Corporation. Musashisakai Driving School. ● Car Features and Team Aspirations We followed the concept of the former year, 'In order to increase average speed, we improve bottom speed and keep top speed.' Moreover, we blushed up uncomplications for the greater conpetitiveness. 22 Kogakuin University ● Members CP Ta k e s h i H a n z a k a FA1 H i r o m i c h i N o z a k i MBR H a j i m e TA K E U C H I , S eiji O kita , S h u n nya Kits u kawa , Kim b a ra K a o ru , Koyo N ozaki, N aoki Kawabayashi, Kenta M ori, A kihiro O kura , Hiroto Uchiyama,Uehara Chiori,ono akine,Akira Mano,Shintaro Yoshimura,Risako Koike,Fumitaka Ando,Daichi Hashimoto,Yumi Miyake,Yuta hayakawa,Yuta Oshino,Yuki Kobayashi,Yu Nishihama,Yushi Yashim a,TAKAGI tomonori,yoshitake yamaura,Yuma Sakamoto,Tetsuo Kobori,Hiromune Miyazaki, Doki Yuichi, Nakashima Ryohei, Katsuhiro Nagumo, Ryota Toya m a , F u m iya M a g a ra ,Yu ji H a m a z a ki , D a ig o N ii n u m a ,Ta t s u ya K a n e n o ,O ku ya m a To m o ki ,C his h u n t s uji ,Yu Ya m a m oto ,Yo s hite r u Yamada,Yukimoto Chihaya ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Our KRT14 has designed for obtainment both of power and cornering Ability, especially cornering ability. So KRT14 equips Aerodynamic wings 23 for the first time ever for us so that gain a cornering power. We aim at within 10 place. ● Team sponsors H o n d a , F.C .C, N T N , I s hikawa I n d u strie s , Igarashi pliers, Enuma Chain MFG, Kanae, Kaneko M FG , K YOWA E L ECT R O N I C INSTRUM ENTS, KUR E Engineering, Kobe S t e e l , K O D E R A M F G , S AT O , S A N K Y O RADIATOR, GH Craft, Scootech Japan, SUSA Seisakusho, Stainless shoji, Sports Land YAMANASHI, THREE PEAKS GIKEN, ELEPHANT CHAIN BLOCK, Dow Chemical, THK, Tokyo R&D,TOHOKU Rubber, TOOLs INT'N, Tokushu Giken Industries, TOKUNI Industries, TOP KOGYO, Nabeya Bi-tech, NICOLE RACING JAPAN, NISSIN KOGYO, HI-LEX CORPORATION, HAMMER CASTER, Pisco, Fukai MFG, Fuji Seimitsu, VSN, MATSUI MEASURE MFG, MARUTO HASEGAWA KOSAKUJO, MISUMI, Minoru INTERNATIONAL,RAYS, TAKATA, SoShio, Kogakuin University Machine System Association Toyota Technical College Nagoya ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Taira Ito FA1 Tetsuya Hayakawa MBR Masayuki Utsunomiya,Hiroki Obokata,Ryota Hori,Kazuki Imaeda,Daiki Yoshimura,Sosuke Ueno,Yuya Jin nai,To ru Mizus hima ,Yusu ke I s him oto,Ta kuya Kawa m u ra , Ko h ei Tabayashi,Taku Uru,Yoshihiro Ishida,Hiroaki Yoshida,Ken Kawase,Tsubasa S a t o , S y o g o Ta ke d a , M o t o h i r o K a w a b a t a ,Yo s u ke To ri n o , M i n o r u Sakamoto,Shunsuke Kitamura,Keita Shinkoshi,Itsuki Miyanaga Aichi, West R a cing Ca rs , A m o n I n d ustr y, ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Yazaki corporation, Yamaha Motor, Racing Our vehicle's main concept is "Easy driving, and easy maintenance", because our situation is student in the technical college. We think "easy to maintain" is important as well as the speed, in designing vehicle. We aim at the further better than the results of our senior who got a "Jumpup Prize" in last year. 24 NTN, FCC, Kyoyuu, Kyowa Industry, Shinmei Industry, Sekiya Brewerly, SolidWorksJapan, DAISENSANGYO, The Dow Chemical, TACTI, TOYOTA C O R O L L A Aichi, Toyo d a G osei, DAD, Tanaka Tekko Hanbai, Nisshin Industry, G O O DY E A R J a pa n , Fukai ma nufacturing , Service Watanabe, WAKO Chemical Institute of Technologists ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Akihiko Oyoshi FA1 Kaoru Hara FA2 Minoru Mitsui MBR Kenta Ya m a m oto ,To s hin o ri A rai , E ic hi M u ra m at s u , S yo go U ra n o , Ke n g o Ta k a g i ,Yu s u k e To m i t a , R y o N e m o t o , N a o k i H a s e g a w a ,Ta d a s h i M atsumoto, Hiroya Miyazima ,Sugiura Takuya , Kasai Daigo, Kaneko H a r u k i , K a m a d a R u r i , S a t o Yo s h i m i t i , S a i t o Ta k e s h i , N i s h i m u r a Tomoaki,Shimamoto Yohei,Wada Yuki,Yamabayashi Takuma,Yamada Dai,Ino Kazuya,Iwana Yuto,Hashimoto Takuya Altair Engineering, NTN, Ehara Oxigen, F.C.C, Okada Motors, Quick Hanyu, SACLAM, Studio 37, Sumitomo Wiring Systems, Solid Woks, Japan Tire Select Fukiage, Toyota Rent-A-Car Saitama, Bike Staff ARIE, Honda Motor Co., Guesthouse Imai, Misumi. ● Car Features and Team Aspirations This year's car concept is "a machine with good maintainability", and we have corrected last year's problems. Our team also aims to improve the amount of self-suffi cient production, pay close attention to quality, and fi nish in the top ten. We will give our best. 25 Team Information(Members 25 Ibaraki University ● Members CP Tatsuya Yamazaki FA1 Soitiro Nishino MBR Yuhei Tamura,Yuno K it a g awa , D aiki kit a zim a ,Yo s u ke N a g ai ,Ta ka s hi H a t u mi ,Tu t s u ya Hotta , Hiroaki M oriya , Akitoshi Watanabe, Akihiro Maeda,Chae Hui Jun,Tomo Masutani,Naoto Shibata,Yuto Eguchi,Tatsuya Ebato,Taku Kikuchi, Masahiko Konno, Kazuki M urata , Ryouzi Odanaka , Nobuaki Ts u b oi, R yo I s hikawa , M eg u mi N a ga s awa , M io ri Ko b aya s hi, Hiroto TAnaka,Liu Yingxuan,Nozomi Mori,Akiko Kuroda,Wataru Sugiyama ● Car Features and Team Aspirations We decided concept "Pursuit of cornering performance - at the bidding of driver -",and produced a new vehicle IUTY10. He wipes out the disgrace in the last year in the new team organization which a new member also joined. ● Team sponsors 26 and Sponsors) S uzu ki, S olid Wo rks J a p a n , Fu kai F a c t o r y,To p r e , N T N , R a c i n g S e r v i c e W a t a n a b e , W E S T R AC I N G C A R S , Ko min e Fa cto r y, M ito To o l M F G ,T O H O , M u r a t a I n d u s t r i e s , H i t a c h i Industrial Equipment Systems,SUMICO L U B R I C A N T, A R T S c i e n c e , K o u r y o u z y u h a n , M i n amikouya Clinic, JWAY,, PLUS μ , I BA R A K I T O Y O TA , K I N O K U N I E n t e r p r i s e , U n i c a s t ,TA I Y O KO GYO ,T O H N I C H I M fg , N is si n Ko g yo ,T. M.WORKS,Tohoku Radiator,Asahi Kasei Construction Sanoh Industrial,Imageom, Asano, ASIDA C O R P O R AT I O N , I B R I D A C E L L , I M A H A S H I SEISAKUSYO,Towa Parts,Nikkoukougyousho,Shouei M anufacturing,UGO,TAKATA,Ibaraki Seisakuzyo,COCO FACTORY,SHIGEMATSU WORKS,Something Corpo ration,Onofudousan,MISUMI,NUTEC Japan,NICOLE RACING JAPAN,Marubeni Information Systems,Aiwa Seimitsu Seisakusho,HOTTA ELECTRIC,Kamine Seiki,GALLOP,Shinei Seisakusyo,Soutetsu,Toyo Associates,Fuji Seimitsu,Okawa Screw Manufacturing,Wit,Mito Seiko,,DAIJI,UACJ,FLOWER AUTO,Advanced CAE Solutions,IIDA ELECTRONICS,OETIKER Japan,Hiroki Seiki Seisakusyo,TEAM AMG,HITACHIKOH HOSPITAL,Mimori Seisakusyo,Kyowa Electronic Instruments,TAN - EI -SYA WHEEL SUPPLY, Panduit Corporation,TOYOUR A ,Sakae System,Sawahata M oto rs , S a nwa S eiki, S a nwa Ke nzai, S c h a ef fle r J a p a n ,Ya m aya Kigata S eis a ku syo,T E C H N O S A N S H O, S o uwa Seiki,Taiseiplas,IWAKI SEIKI,Technoforce,TiES,TAMADIC,SANEI Manufacturing,KIKUCHI GEAR,OARAI Circuit,Dow Chemical,Tsurumachi Seisakusyo,KIKUCHI SEIKI,TECH,Syuei Special Steel,OHTSUKA Hokkaido University ● Members CP Mitsuhiko Kondo FA1 Takemi Chikahisa FA2 Yutaka Tabe FA3 Hideyuki Ogawa FA4 Gen Shibata MBR Shuichi Miyashita,Keisuke Ku ro da , Ka zu omi Ya ha gi,Tsukasa Mizukoshi, Fumiya Nishioka , Kai Ya m a d a , R yo h ei Ku ku ts u ,Ta kuya K ain u m a , D aiki N a gata , S u s u m u Kobayashi,Seiji Saito,Tokimasa Shimada, Kinoshita Ryoma,Shuhei Yo k o y a m a ,Y u m a K o n , H i s a y o s h i S a s a k i ,Ta k u y a K u n i , S h o t a Watanabe,Masaki Yasuda,Toshiaki Kondo ● Car Features and Team Aspirations M O R I S E I K I , D E N S O, DY N A X , F.C .C . , F U J I OOZ X ,Fuji Seimitsu,FUK AI,GAINER ,GoPro NIPPON,Hokkaido Polytechnic College,HOKK AIDO SHE AR ING , Hokkaido U nive rsit y Fa cult y of E ngin e e ring , H o ku ai Vets,HONDA ,IDAJ,INTERCEPTOR ,Ishikawa Kinzoku Seisakusho,ISS HOKKAIDO,KYOWA,MARUNAKA YOKO,Lasermax Hokkaido,Minebea,MiSUMi,M OTUL,New Chitose Motor Land,NISSIN,Nippon Light Metal,Oxeon AB,RS Watanabe,SHINBA This year's our design concept is "speeding in low-speed corners". The machine has the advantage in engine response and chassis stiff ness. We aim victory at this competition with this machine. I R O N W O R KS , S hira oi C a r L a n d , S O DA' S ● Team sponsors Bell,Workshop of Hokkaido University,YUTAKA,ZF Japan F A C T O R Y, S o l i d W o r k s J a p a n , S u g i m o t o Kinzoku,Taiheiyo Ferry,Taiho Kogyo,Tennen Seikatsu,TOKACHI SPEEDWAY,TOKYO R&D,TONE,TOYOTA Rent a Car SAPPORO,VI-grade,Works A LTA I R E N G I N E E R I N G , A PP, Arakawa Radiator Works, AS PECT, AS S IST, Auto Works K 2 , B UG 27 Seikei University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Masatoshi Izu FA1 Horiguchi Junji FA2 Michinori Sato MBR yuta sasaoka,Taiki Arai,Riho Yoshida,Shouhei Fujita,ryota sato,Motoki Asari,Miko Niita,kiyoshi iijima,Shinji Nakano,Sara Nishikawa,Soichiro Yu a s a , Ko u ta S uzu m u ra , S h u s u ke O kita ,Taiga K awa g u c hi, M in o ru O o m o r i , S e i r y u C y o u , K e n t a Ta k a h a s h i , R y o u g a M a e d a ,Y u j i Akimoto,Takahiro Yano,Rei Kitano,Makoto Mitarai,Takako Kai,Shiori Kusano,Makoto Matsuda Nissin, Kogyo Yutaka Giken, Dow Chemical, ● Car Features and Team Aspirations school Musashisakai Works, RPM, KINOKUNI In this year,We do our's best hard static examination,raise total score. So,we share trend of our team,go straight to our victory with thinking a great deal of dairy accumulation. Maekawa Testing Machine Mfg, Murakami Mfg,Kobayashikiko, azuma steel pipe 28 Wiring Systems, Auto Parts Servise, Kyowa Kogyo, Niitaka gear, H onda M otor, Mismi, Faculty of Engineering Alumni Association S E I K E I K A I , S eikei U nive rsit y, Fa c ult y of Science and Technology, Kazuma Sports, Honpo connection, THK, Formuland RA, driving Enterprise, M O R ISH I N I N DUST R I ES, Meijo University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP A y u m i W a k e b e FA1 H i d e t o s h i H a y a f u j i MBR T a k u y a N o g u c h i , R y o s u k e H i r a s a w a ,Ya s u h i r o I w a t a ,Y u i c h i I n d a , R i e K a s u g a i ,Ya s u a ki K a to ,Ta k a f u m i S a k u m a , J u k a i N a g a n u m a ,Yu ki Mori,Yoshiyuki Wataya,Takato Tsukamoto,Ryo Kato,Yuki Sugiyama,Hiroki Miyagawa,Rina Aikyo,Takuya Watanabe Amaki ● Car Features and Team Aspirations KOGYO,NTN,RACING T his year, our vehicle s concept is ‘ High Performance’.We are building high-quality vehicles by utilizing as last year's experience and knowledge, to do a review for improvement of manufacturing accuracy and components. We will aiming all event fi nishers, together as a team. 26 Nifco, Tohoku Radiator, NTN, F.C.C, Sumitomo Machine Works,ANSYS J a p a n , C A S T, C H U O S P R I N G , C y b e r n e t Systems, DAD, D. I . D, FC design,iNOU E BORING ,K YOWA KOGYO, MAKINO JIDOSHA ,Minaro,MiSUMi,Mr. T I R E M A N , N E X T , N I S S I N SERVICE Watanabe, R AI N BOW S PO RTS, R A M PF G r o u p J a p a n , S A N G O , S A N W A P L AT I N G INDUSTRY,SOFTPREN INDUSTRY,Solid Works Japan,Sumitomo Wiring Systems,TERADA, Teshima Printing,TOTEC frontier,UNIVANCE,WADA WELDING,WAKO CHEMICAL,Yamaha Motor,YAMATO INDUSTRIAL,YOSHIMURA JAPAN 29 King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi ● Members CP Saran Thammasirikul FA1 Surachate Chutima MBR Thanawat Wo n g p a t t a n a n u k u l , P e e ra n a t S a ic hi n , N o rawit S o m c hit ,Ta n a ko n Rugjit,Suparak Paksontipong,Chonravit Nuya,Terasak Panna,Krongpop Laimangkorn, Jamroen Wannasiri, Kullawat Yingrukcharoen, Nakarin Juntara,Tanic Leunanonchai thai marine, Thanapol engineering , Danily Fireis , Auto rich premiu m ca r, N T S , Aero c o a t i n g , Va v o li n e , K h u n S u c h a r t , K h u n Surachet Chainapalert, The Viriyah Insurance, Mae Klong Garage, Yommatod Garage, Hung Modify, Henkel, Khun Vichittra,Vision next m&a ● Car Features and Team Aspirations “BP VI”, the ninth generation of KMUTT Formula Student cars . This year we design our car base on the core concept of maximum power per weight ratio so we have improve the power with the new engine and also reduce our car s weight. we aiming to get higher overall place and get some podium in SFJ 2014 ● Team sponsors Exeedy, Oxiso, Cobra International, SKF, Naspa Asia, Delcam, Toyota, Corcare, KMUTT, KMAC, Ital 30 Kurume Institute of Technology ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Takuya Haraguchi FA1 Daisuke Azuma FA2 Shigeru Ikeda FA3 K o u i c h i K a j i y a m a MBR Te p p e i A s a n o , M o t o k i I n e n a g a ,Ta r o u Sugino, Kazuki Takayanagi,Takuya E guchi, Ryota Yamashita , Ryota Iwashita ,Shohei O hkusa , R yota Kuniyuki, Naoya Yoshimura , Hiroya Taguchi,Ryota Matsuo,Takao Tanaka,Naoto Mori,Keita Hisamatsu,Akinari Sato,Atsushi Naito,Masaki Fujimoto,Fredericksaito Benkert,Yuichirou M o r i , H i r o k a d o K o k i , S o n o d a N a o t o , H i r o m a s a I r y o ,Ta k a y o s h i Hirokado,Takahiro Itayama S U Z U K I , N T N ,V S N , W a ko c h e m i c a l , B - ● Car Features and Team Aspirations automotive industry,Morita Holdings,Motor technology,Yasunaga,KUWAHARA BIKE WORKS,Racing Our team's car has a turbocharger with single cylinder engine. In the next competition, of course we aim our car will pass all dynamic events and gets more points in the static events. Association 31 F a c t o r y , G . R . C R A F T, O s a k a m o t o r c y c l e supplies industry,Kamitsu Car Rental,Kyowa Industrial,Kurume Driving School,SolidWorks Japan,Tatamiya,Tahara Body Works,Tsurusaki W o r k s ,Te c h n i c a l m o t o r c y c l e s h o p TANSYAYA,Nakajima fi eld Iron Works,Nishijima Iron Works, H I - LE X Corporation, Fuji S eiki , F u c hig a mi weldin g , M I S U M I , M iya ko Service Watanabe,Kurume National College of Technology,Kurume Institute of Technology,kit-fpOB Tongji University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Dai Lin FA1 Duan Fei MBR Fu Wangliang, Zhang Guangyu,Li Z haoyi, Li Z aoyang , S u n Zongheng , Z hang Zitong ,Wang Ku n ,Chen Jiaxi,Huang Zeyu,Li Shipeng,Lin Weikang,Lu Qianrong,Lin Yeting,Du Xiyang,Yu Hao JTEKT Co.; Continental AG; the MathWorks ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Cell Vehicle Powertrain Co., Ltd.; Shanghai This year, TJU Racing has fi rst equipped its race car with aerodynamic packages, together with a well- designed suspension system. The engine is tuned to respond fast and furiously; the careful optimization of structures has reduced weight without compromising stiffness. But beyond all this, it s our determination to touch all our limits and push it further. 32 Inc.; ZF Friedrichshafen AG; BorgWarner Inc.; NSK-Warner K.K.; KSPG AG; Magneti Marelli S.p. A .; CUSCO Japan Co., Ltd.; Shanghai Q u nye M aterial C o. , Ltd . ; S ha nghai FuelXinan Co., Ltd.; ANSYS Inc.; MSC Software Co.;Altair Engineering, Inc.; Shanghai Auto M useum; Sunshine 3 D Printing; Shanghai K a r t wo rld Circ u it ; M ot u l S . A . ; J u m ot a n g Extreme Sports; Ningbo Imake Industry & Trade Co., Ltd.; Kobe University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Ryota Nakao FA1 Keiichi Shirase MBR Hyato Funhashi,Masaru M i y a z a k i , K i y o h i t o A i b a ,To m o k i M a e d a , K e n j i N o n a k a ,Yu s u k e Ya m a z a k i ,Y u d a i N a k a m u r a , D J - Y u k i , K a n a k o Ta k e b e , K e n t a Fujibayashi,KIM GANWOO,X,Takuya Takagi,Hiroki Kuribayashi,Shinichiro Nagai,Kazuki Kobayashi,Takaya Nakamura,Tomoe Okawa,Aya Sato I DA J , Alteair E ngeneering , A I R L I Q U I D E ● Car Features and Team Aspirations SUM ITOMO CAR BIIDE- CBN - DIAMOND, Last year, we retired in endurance. This year, we design the new vehicle to achieve high level "run, turn, stop" ,it is basic element of the car, and the driver easy to treat. We aim 780pt and 3rd position or more of total score KOGYO GAS, NMB, NTN,enable-APG, FCC, Kinokuni- enterprise, K ,M ECS, KOBELCO, CompassLab, SOFT99, DAIHEN, TSURUGA, DIC, TOHNICHI, NICHIRIN, Hi-LEX, MISUMI, K a w a s a k i , W A KO ' S , K Y O W A , S U M I C O , Sumitomo Wiring Systems, SolidWorks,DaitoRadiator, NSSMC, TOTANI, Nagase ChemteX, NBK ,NISSIN, FUKAI, FujikaseiKogyo, Yamato 27 Team Information(Members 33 Shibaura Institute of Technology ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Yuta Osawa FA1 Hiroyasu Saito MBR Yuta Shimizu, Atsushi W a t a n a b e ,Y u O i s h i ,Ta k a h i r o To m i m a s u ,Y u y a O i k a w a , A k i r a Yamauchi,Kenta Horie,Hiroyuki Hayashi,Kyosuke Kobayashi,Yusuke Okawara,Tatsuhiro Nogami,Sato Yuya,Yohei Kokubo,Yuki Takami,Akihisa Yo s hin o , S h o g o Yo s hid a , M a s ay u ki N o g u c hi ,Tai I s hikawa , M izu ki K a n a z awa ,Ts u k a s a I s h io k a , S h ot a I n o u e ,Yu to E n o m oto , M a s aya K u r o k i ,Y u n a S u z u k i , A t s u s h i Ta k a y a m a , K e n M a t s u m o t o , K e i Yamaguchi,Satoshi Tsuchiya RAC,RS-Components,RK Japan,ASPECT, U L V A C ,A R R O W R A C I N G S E R V I C E , U M E O K A ,H K S ,N M B h a n b a i ,N O K , N K N ,N T N ,E n d o k i g a t a ,O y a g i z y u t u d e n syo u z y u ku ,K a nto I n d u s t rial C olle g e , Carrosser,Kyoei Sangyo,KYOWA KOGYO, KUR OSA K A PL AT ING ,Keihin ,Kobayashi kiko,K H K Ko ha ra G ea r In dustr y,SA N KO S E IS A KUSHO,QUICK H A N Y U,Sumitomo Wiring Systems,Software Cradle,DAISHIN S E I K I ,TA I YO S t ainle s s S p rin g ,TA J I M A M OTO R C O R P O R AT I O N ,Ts u r u s a ki G e a r MFG,TeXtreme,DENSO,Tokyo R&D,TOYO SOKKI,TOKOROZAWA KEIGOKIN,NISSHIN Kokan,NISSIN KOGYO,Nifco,NHK Spring,HI-LEX CORPORATION,FACTORY I.T.O,PHIARO CORPORATION,FUKAI MFG,Future Technology,PLUS-MYU,Honda Motors,Honda R&D,Honda Mister Club,MISUMI Group,MITOKOGYO,Minoru INTERNATIONAL,UD Trucks,Yutaka Giken, Yokogawa Construction,RAYS,Works Bell,WAKO CHEMICAL ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Our new competition vehicle S011 concept is“Cornering Machine”. S011 has new suspension geometry, aero devices and 4 cylinders engine PC40E lighter than old one. We aim the top six of the competition with S011. 34 Kanazawa Institute of Technology ● Members CP Yusu ke S higeyos hi FA1 Yos hika zu Tsu ka m oto MBR S yo d ai O t s u k a , S y o t a K a t a d a ,Ta k u m a C h a d a n i ,Yu k i K a k i n u m a , K o h t a K o m u r o ,Ts u y o s h i K o n n o , H i r o t o S a k a i , A y a S h i n t a n i ,To m o h i r o S u z u k i , K e i t o Ta k e u c h i , S h i n t a r o Ta n a k a , R y o Ta m a d a ,Ta k u y a Nitta,Ryo Hasegawa,Akinori Iino,Takaya Kojima,Yuya Hanamura,Yuki S u g i m o t o ,To s h i y a S u g a n u m a , S a y a k a A r a k a w a , S h i n n o s u k e Noda,Takayoshi Matsumoto,Kohta Kimura, Atsushi Hayashi,Masashi K a n o , A k i r a N i g o r i s a w a , S h o O g u c h i , K e i A n d o h ,Ta k e f u m i A m a ri , R y o s u ke A ri m o t o ,Yu t o I g u c h i , K o s u ke K a w a n o , M a s a h i r o Kitamura,Tatsuya Shimasaki,Takuya Suzuki, Arata Higashiura,Takeru Maeda,Eita Mochizuki,Takuya Mori,Hiroki Morita,Kazuki Sato,Hideki N is hikawa , H iro s hi N is hid e ,Yu t a N ojim a ,Yo s u ke M its uis hi, H iro ki Nishioka,Takahiro Matsusaka,Kyoichi Yamasaki,Shiori Morimatsu,Kennya Nishiaki 35 ●Car Features and Team Aspirations T he main concept of "pursuit of reliability" in K I T-14model, We aimed a vehicle that ca n withstand long- distance race. Because We retired endurance over the past three consecutive tournaments, is totally complete, finished the competition in the tournament, with the aim of 6 ranked within overall. ● Team sponsors A K I R A X , U E D A , A V O / M oTe C J a p a n , S - G R I D , N T N , F. C . C , K i n o k u n i E n t e r p r i s e , K u s a j i m a Radiator Works,SUZU K I ,Sumitomo Wiring Systems,TA K A M A Z Machinery,TA N - EI - SYA , DA I DO KOGYO,TOLAP,NAOX,Nissin Kogyo,FUKAI MFG,MISUMI,MOTUL,La Strada Aichi Institute of Technology ● Members ● Team sponsors CP M o t o k i S e r i z a w a FA1 To s h i o F u j i m u r a MBR Ta k a h i r o M izu n o,Tais u ke Fu ta ga mi,Yu ki M o rikawa , D ais u ke Ya m a d a , D aiki Uemura,Yuhi Ohno, Masaya Suzuura, Kazuyoshi Tanikawa,Shuuhei Tomita,Yuta Hieda,Kei Nagaya,Masato Yamasaki,Naoki Kurita,Mizuki Ko b aya s hi , N a o h u mi Ta ki, R yo u s u ke M in a mi, R yo u N o b a ra , Ke nt a K u d o h , K e n y i C h i g u a l a , d a i k i A o y a m a ,Y u t a k a O s h i m a , S i n y a Nakamura,Tomohide Ide YA M A H A M o t o r, F T T E C H N O , M A E D A ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Kogyo,Nakada Craft,SolidWorks We improved as based on vehicle of last year and succeeded in weight saving and reconsidering of drive system. We aim to run the whole distance. R AC I N G CA R S , N agoya DA I H AT U, Nikaido 36 SHELL SERVICE,MAEDA GIKEN,A. I .T E C H , M a r u h i r o K o z a i , O S G , S u m i t o m o W i ri n g S y s te m s , U A C J , S u m ito m o R u b b e r I n d u s t ri e s , D o w C h e m i c a l , e n a b l e ,To u y o u Kousyuuha I n d ustrial, S A R D, F. C.C,NKN,NTN,O. Z. Japam,Watanabe Industrial,Okajima Pipe,ACCEL,RAYS,Nissin Japan,THK,Kyouwa Kougyo,Mitutoyo,WEST Body Works,Sasano Shoten,Eishindou Shoten,CAST,Aichi Institute of Technology Challenge Project Waseda University ● Members CP Hirotaka Sasaki FA1 Izumi Ishii FA2 Masayoshi Obata MBR K o d a i U s u k i , A k i ko M i t s u h a s h i ,Yu O k u y a m a , D a i S a s a k i , H i r o t o Toyooka,Yuka Hishinuma,Tsuyoshi Hibino,Hirofumi Morooka,Takafumi Imano,Takuto Ueda,Hiroki Kasuga,Keita Kamiirisa,Fumiaki Saito,Marina Suezawa,Takamasa Tabe, Ai Todo,Risa Igarashi,Seitaro Itoh,Synthe M a r u y a m a ,Ta k u y a W a s h i o ,Ta k a h i r o S u z u k i , Z h a n g P e i z h i , M a o Yifeng,Ryoya Inoue ● Car Features and Team Aspirations W F P 2 014 is the 3 rd car built by W F P, which targets improved fundamental performance and higher drivability, and is characterized by introducing aero devices. WFP has been through the ealry stage since the establishment of the team in 2009, and now has to creat more conpetitive car aiming to win the competition. This year WFP sets a goal 28 and Sponsors) of placing top 15 overall and top 10 in dynamic events. ● Team sponsors SUZUKI, West Racing Cars, Amon Industry, N T N , F. C . C . , E N V I R O V I S I O N , O・T E C S U Z U K A , K I N O K U N I E nte rp rise , K YO - E I Industrial Corporation, KYOWA KOGYO, Class 4, Quick Hanyu, CENT Graphic, SolidWorks J a p a n , T h e D ow C h e mic al C o m p a ny, TAMACHI INDUSTRIES, Nissin Kogyo, FUKAI MFG, Cars hatano, Minebea, UD trucks 37 Okayama University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Takayuki Kusumi FA1 Nobuyuki Kawahara FA2 Hiroshi Kinoshita FA3 Koji Tabuchi FA4 Yoshihiko Tamura FA5 Isao Yamane MBR Kouki Kawai,Yuta Ogino,Yusuke Kitamura,Hiroki Tani,Hirotaka Masuda,Mayu Mizoguchi,Bunta Mori,Masanobu Watanabe,Kazuki Deguchi,Yasutaka To m o m atsu ,Tos hiki K awai, M as atos hi O chi, J u n M otojim a , H ayato Matsumura,Yuta Konishi,Ryota Wakabayashi,Tomoya Miyamoto,Shori Sako,Shota Hashimoto a nt lio n , I s hiha ra ra dia o r,U chiya ma ● Car Features and Team Aspirations We aim at "completing all competition" which we haven't achieved in recent years and to take within 20th of total score. Therefore, we reconsidered fundamentally and designed "OUFP-10" by fundamental theory. Consequently we designed very simple machine. M a n u f a c t u r i n g C o r p , A V O / M oTe C J a p a n, NTN , FCC, Fcdesign,amon,OSG ,OK A YA M A I N S T I T U T E O F S C I E N C E A N D T E C H N O L O F Y, O k a y a m a I n t e r n a t i o n a l Circuit,Okudaira pipe, Kawasaki Heavy I n d u st rie s , Kyowa , Ku ra s hiki K a ko , KM A X S P E E D , S a nyo R e s i n I n d u s t ri e s , J X Nip po n Oil & E nerg y, S uzu ki M otor Corporation,SUMICO LUBRICANT CO,Sumitomo Wiring Systems,Solid Works Japan, Daihatsu Motor,Take Off,T ECH NOI L JAPON K .K .,DENSO,TOHNICHI Mfg,TOYO CORK MANUFACTURING,Toda racing,nissin kikai,NISSIN KOGYO,Nippon Rent-A-Car,fukushima kako,PLUS-MYU,PLOT,MIKUNI INDUSTRY,MISUMI,MITSUBISHI MOTORS,Ride on Okayama,La Strada , R AYS ,WO R KS B E L L , Altair Engineering ,Vi-grade Japn, Faclty of engineering Okayama University,Center for engineering innovation faclty of engineering Okayama University, 38 Nippon Instutute of Technology ● Members CP inage motohiro FA1 nakano mitio FA2 Yasuhara Toshiyuki MBR Kuwabara Kou,Tsutiya Shunichi, Arai Yuki,Sakai Tatsuya,Takazawa Satoru,Fukuda Masanori,Horiguchi Seiya,Miyauchi Takanori,Watanabe Masanori,Sekiguchi Yuki,Taguchi Naoki, Murata Akihiro,Tadenuma Minami,Yusa Ryota,Noguchi Syuhei,Fuse Takuma,Sato Koki,Matsumoto Ta i g a ,Te d u k a Ta i s e i , F u n a k o s h i M u n e h i r a , R y o To m a t a , K o u t a Morimoto,Shunta Wada aim to finish all events of the competition. ● Team sponsors N i p p o n I n s t i t u t e o f Te c h n o l o g y,Ya m a h a Motor,,BODY SHOP MASUDA ,Junior motor p a rk Q uick H a nyu , H a ra p a rk Miyasiro, R S Watanabe, Dow kakou, N IT E Saitama U niversit y- I nd ustry E xcha nge Associatio n ● Car Features and Team Aspirations (S e creta riat) , Nis sin Kog yo, S olid Wo rks The concept of our machine in this year is normal evolution. The machine was designed based on our machine for last competition, so we were able to shorten the production period compared with last year. That the machine was completed early led to performing suffi cient test run, and, as a result, we were able to improve the reliability of our machine. We Japan,West Racing Cars,Fuji seimitsu,Wako Chemical,SEKI,R AYS,NTN,F・C・C,Silk master,Doc 39 J a p a n ,Ta k a y a m a S h o j i , AV O / M oTe C style,Kyouei sangyo,Sakae koukan,Nikko techno,IRS,Grobale energy,Farst molding,Kuriyama,Shinobu kiko,G a ru d a ,O te c S uzu ka ,Tera d a , S u d o S h uichi,Ta ka d a d e ntal, Ito A nimal H ospital, H a giwa ra construction,Abe giken,Tuzura Kazuo,Nakamura construction College of Science and Tecnology,Nihon University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP M asayuki Utsunomiya FA1 Michihiko H oshino MBR Kazuya Kitabayashi, A nju Komaki,SUgaya Takahiro,Shuhei Takahata ,Yota Otsuka,Izuru Ohtake,Yuto Imaizumi,hiroki ohara,Takaaki Ookubo,Hiroki Uda,Takamichi Shirataki,Nanami Komine,Ryuichi Suka,Hiroki Kondo,Ryo Ochiai,Tatsuya Ikeda,Naoto Ito,Masahiro Oda,Taiki Kiyoshiro,Hayato S u g a t a , S h u n t a r o Ta k a n o , M a s a s h i O n o ,Yu s u ke Ta k iz a w a ,Yu t a Hayashi,Keisuke Habu Rsangyomaki,RS-Watanabe,IRS,SPS UNBR ● Car Features and Team Aspirations SPRING,VSN,Future Technology ,plus μ,PLOT, Vehicle NU-CST/012 Place the "challenge and evolution" concept this year, We did the design and manufacture in mind a new attempt and knowledge accumulated in the respective group. We aim to overall victory and to fi nish all events which could not be achieved last year. 40 AKO, NTN , FCC, K LK , KH K ,koukendenka,san kyo material,SANWA PL ATING INDUSTRY I N C O R P O R AT E D C O M PA N Y, J O N A N K E Y, S U Z U K I , S E V E N T H N I G H T, S of t wa re C r a d l e , S o l i d W o r k s J a p a n ,TA I Y O P I P E B E N D E R , Daido M etal,devil thechnica , D E C K , n a k a n o k a g a k u , N I S S A N , M E C S T, N H K HONDA,MiSUMi,Minebea,YAMAHA,WAKO'S Kyushu Institute of Technology ● Members ● Team sponsors CP G aryu Kimura FA1 Toru Kawabe FA2 N aoki M ori MBR Koji Sasayama,Masanori Nakamura,Naoto Yamaguchi,Yuki Nagai,Atsushi Matsuda,Yoshiyuki Cho,Tomoya Nakagawa,Takahiro Haraguchi,Masanori Matsui,Yukitaka Goto,Fumiki Ono,Satoshi Kozuka,Shosei Sakata,Yuya Jinno,Mitsunori Miyazaki,Hibiki Saigyo,Yusaku Morii, Ayu Ago,Rika I natsu , Daisuke Iwabuchi, Keita S onoda , Hironori M agarifuchi,Yuki Ueno,Shinsuke Ohtomo,Takumi Okamoto,Kyoshiro Kawano,Masanobu K i n o , K u n p e N a k a o ,Yu r i k a N a k a n o , H i r o y a s u M u r a k a m i , H i r o y a Saito,Hirofumi Nakane,Shunsuke Yamaguchi R AC, Ishihara Radiator, Air Gases Kitakyushu,NTN,F.C.C,Kawasaki,Kinokuni,K YOWA , SYA N , Sasakikog yo, S I W,TA K A DA , D OW,TH K , FU K A I , PLOT,TON E , M ACH FC, Mi SUMi,minebea,Meisenkai,yamato,Yamanaka Eng,Watanabe,WAKO'S ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Our team philosophy is“All for Speed- Challenge to speed -”. We suffered from a machine trouble two years ago and last year. We develop a machine in a concept with "high reliability" this year. 29 Team Information(Members 41 and Sponsors) Osaka Institute of Technology ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Satoshi Ueno FA1 Kazunari Kuwahara FA2 Seiji Tsurimoto MBR Toru Ueno,Syutaro Yamada , Hiroshi Hukutuka , Naoshi Imakita ,Yuji Mizutani, Masayuki Nagao, Kenta Takai, Hirohumi Sugimoto, Hiroaki Tu k a h a r a ,Yo h e i M a e d a , A k i r a S a t o , N a o k i N i s h i m u r a ,Ta k a h i r o Kato,Shinitirou Oka,Katuya Kouno,Takumi Sawada,Issei Nagase,Hiroki Ya m as hita , Hiros hi Koya m a , R yota M o rim u ra , H a ru ka Ku ro ki, R e n a Sueto,Sanja Hyon,Masaki Tori,Hiroki Taguchi,Hitoshi Imae,Takuya H i r a o , K a t u ya K u b o t a ,Ta k m i K a n e ko , E i t a r o u K a t a ya m a , H i t o s h i Torisu,Yusuke Yamaguchi SUZUKI, SolidWorks Japan, RAYS, NISSIN ● Car Features and Team Aspirations KO GYO, M I SU M I , B U R I A L S E RV I C E , N i t t o D e n ko , Ta k a t a , R A C , N A N I W AYA , F.C .C . , U ko u b o u , N T N , K YO WA KO GYO, OsakaForming, The Dow Chemical Company, F U K A I M F G , D E N S O, N ip p o n O il P u m p , Sumitomo Wiring Systems, Maisima Infinity Circuit, OSG , GENE TEC, YAMAWA , MCS, O kano - Blast, CAST, Osaka B ane, KO K E N , Works Bell, North Hillz Welding Industry, X.A.M Japan, GruppeM, SiGNAL, seido-ya, NISSO KOGYO, O.Z JAPAN, VI-grade Japan We have set the concept commonTarget, we focused on weight reduction in this year. Last year, we had a frustrating thought in retirement. howevre,the target of our team in this year is 6th place in overall ranking. 42 Shizuoka Institute Science and Technology ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Kumiko Miyano FA1 Shinji Takabayashi MBR Yuto Chizuwa,Yusuke Toyama,Kouji Mihara,Haruka Ishii,Takashi Kawai,Naoya Sugiyama,Kazuki S uzu ki, K a zu ki S uzu ki, Kyo usu ke S uzu ki,Yu m a Ta keu chi,Ta ka hiro Horie,Kazuya Matsumoto,Takumi Yamamoto,Shungo Kimura,Kyohei O t s u b o , S h u n M a k i n o , R y o s u k e Ta k a h a s h i , R y u y a I k k i , K a z u y a Sakamoto,Yusuke Sasaki,Eiga Mizushima,Keisuke Watanabe,Yoshio Sugimoto,Motoaki Matsushima,Shoma Hakamata,Kenya Omori,Shimon Furukawa,Moe Unno,Yukihiro Maeda,Yuki Umeta RS-components,IRS,IGUSU,E&E,NTN,NSK- ● Car Features and Team Aspirations INDUSTRIES,DAIDO KOGYO,THK,TOSHIBA ,ToRii BODY SHOP,TOYODENKI,FUK AI MFG,Fuji- This year's machine concept is“Simple”. We designed the machine with an emphasis on productivity and operability. Machine equipped with single cylinder-engine and supercharger. This package unit is good effect for“easy to drive”and“easy to make”. Then our goal is fi nish in podium. 43 JA PA N ,O G U S U,Q uick H a ma na , K YO EI,KYOWA,KOITO MANUFACTURING,SHINBA IRON WORKS,Sumitomo Wiring Systems,SUZUKI,Suzuyo System Technology,Suzuyo shoji,SEKI MONOTSUKURI L a b o r a t o r y, S e n s a t a Te c h n o l o g i e s J a p a n , S H O E I , S o li d W o r ks J a p a n , D A I K I N Communications,PROTRAD,FUJI Xerox,Belle Carriere,Roland DG,YUTAKA,UNIVANCE, Kinki University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP A t s u s h i H o r i y a m a FA1 S h i n j i K a j i w a r a MBR Ta d a m a s a Fukuoka, Naohiro Kuchitsuka, Hongo Yuya, Kazuki Fujimoto,Shuhei Tanaka,Miyagawa Takashi,murata keisuke,Soshiro Hanaki,Yoshinori Yamazaki I s h iz u e ,W E S T R A C I N G C A R S , N T N , AV O ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Land IKOMA ,CR ADLE,Solid Works Last year the machine on which you achieve the goal of improving the traction and output increase adoption of SC, due to optimization of the dry sump to (KFR-10), suspension suitable for tournament course, more competition, such as by the use of electromagnetic shift this year I fi nished it on the same machine where you win. Complete machine of this fiscal year (KFR-11) is high, I'm going to win with the aim higher greedily Sometimes teamwork is also improving. 44 MoTeC Japn,Amon, MSC Softwere,Office Three Works,Kawasaki,Kinokuni Enterprise,Kuwahara I n t e r n a t i o n a l , S u n s t a r, S u m i t o m o W i r i n g Systems , S u nayama Factory, S por ts Japan,Daito Corporation,Daito Radiator,Daihatsu,DAIHEN,D. I . D ,To k y o R & D ,T O H N I C H I ,T R I A L , N i k k o yozai,Nisshin,Nippori kako,Hikari Slotter,VSN,Misumi,Miyake kogyo,Meihan Sports Land,Yamato kogyo,Yamamoto Kinzoku,Yutaka giken,Wako Chemica Gifu University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Takafumi Tsutsumi FA1 Tadayoshi Ihara FA1 Satoshi Kikuchi MBR Shoki Kumagai,Kaoru Terashima,Tatsuya Banno,Takato Kawada,Masaoki Ya g i , A i r i K u n o ,Ta k e a k i O y a ,Yu k i M o r i , K a z u k i O k a d a , M a s a k i Omokawa,Masato Mori,Kunii Shota,Huruhashi Miyu,Isaji Noriyuki,Kuroda Ts u yo s hi , S h ot a O k u ya m a ,Taic hi S himiz u , Ke nto A n d o , M a s a n a ri Kurata,Kanako Sakakibara,Ryota Nakazawa SUZUKI,SHINBA IRON WORKS,MiSUMi,Solid ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Body,FUKAI MFG,NOGUCHI SOUBI ,ALTAIR GFR014 is developed with the concept of "reliability". We accomplish making the engine lighter than before by decreasing unused the first, fifth, sixth gears in the gear box, integrating solid drive shafts and carbon suspension arms in order to complete the endurance run. With GFR014, we eagerly desire to getting 615 points and the position within the top 10. 30 Warner,Minebea,AVO/MoTeCJAPAN,OETIKER Works,Sumitomo Wiring Systems,NTN,OGUMA M F G , M I S U M I , I W ATA M F G , D A I D O D M solution ,T R I N I T Y, tsuge - purasesu , N a beya Bi-tech,CCI, FURUK AWA BAT TERY,Hattori yousetu, M AKITA , Pacific Industrial, KONDO KAGAKU,HIKARI MANUFACTURE,Gifu Auto ENGINEERING,KINOKUNI Enterprise 45 Chiba University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Yuki Katsura FA1 Yasuo Moriyoshi FA2 Kazuyoshi Kouno MBR Yu Kanegae,Masao Ida,Ryo Ueno,Ryoma Okura,Yuto Kawagoe,Satoru Kirii,Yu Tsunoda,Norimitsu Wakui,Yoshiyuki Ishimoto,Kazuya Ogawa,Yuri Inagaki,Mizuki Asakawa,Tetsuya Abe,Yuya Ishiduka,Naoya Kusaka,Sakito Koizumi,Takhfumi Sugai, Ryota Sugaya,Takumi Nagashima,Sayaka Mori,Yusuke Yahagi,Naoto Yoshida,Hikari Wataguti Altrack,IDEMITSU KOSAN,NMB,NTN,Nihon Automobile College,IHI,IMAMUR A ,FCC, Kinoku niE nterprise, K U S A K A , J O N A N KE Y,DENSO,TOKIN,TOHNICHI,TOYOTA Chiba Rental and Lease,HI-LEX ,Corporatio n,FUKAI,MISUMI,MetalWorks,YUTAKA,Ray s,WorksBell,KYOWA,KEIYOBend,CYBERN ETSystems,SHINJUKU Radiator,SuperAuto backsICHIKAWA,SUMICO,Sumitomo Wiring Systems,SolidWorksJapan,DOW,TAKATA,Ch ibaUniversityTheDepartmentOfTechnologyDOSOKAI,TOHOKURadiator,TopLineProduct,NISIN,NS K,NHK Spring,BuildDamage,MarubeniInformationSystems,YamahaMotor,AOI,MOBARATwinCircuit, RAYCRAFTracingservice【SpecialThanks】ChibaUniversityTheDepartmentOfTechnology,ChibaUni versityTheDepartmentOfTechnologyZISSYUKOZYO,ChibaUniversityAutomobileClub,ChibaUniversi tyFormulaProjectOBOG,HONDAmasterclubs,RacingGarageENOMOTO ● Car Features and Team Aspirations "Car×Fun -Attraction to participate in motor sports for more people- " is our product concept of this year's car. We have exploited our car based on the concept towards the competition. We achive an reliability and maintainability, and challenge the competition united our team. 46 Niigata University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Hiroto S uzuki FA1 Takeo Tamura FA2 Takuzi H aneda MBR Masato Ikeura,Yuuki Ogura,Takesi Yamasuge,Akinori Hosaka,Tatuya Yo s i d a , S y u n n p e i I t o u , M a s a t o I s i m o t o , R y o u t a O g a w a , R y o u Tomita,Tomohiro Nakamata,Yosiki Maeda,Tomoyuki Matuzawa,Kouhei M o r i , K a z u n o r i Ya h a t a ,Ta i s u k e Ya m a d a , M a s a h u m i A b e , M i s a O sid a ,Ta keyu ki O kuta ,Yu u s u ke I n a ga ki,Ta kuya I n a m u ra , Hiroyu ki Endo,Ryohei Komatu,Ryo Sigeyama,Rikuya Takakura,Yuuki Hirakue,Hiro Fukusima,Teruyuki Watanabe,Jun Kidou SUZUKI,NIIGATA LOADING SYSTEMS,NISSIN KOGYO,SU M I TO M O R U B B E R I N D US T R I ES , N T N ,WA KO'S , M ISU M I , R ACI N G S E R V I C E Wata na b e , F.C.C. , S olid Wo rks J a p a n , A V O / M oTe C J a p a n , K U W A H A R A B I K E WO R KS JA PA N , KO H A R A G E A R INDUSTRY,Shin Nippon Feather Core,SHOWA D E N K O , B L E N N Y, A l t e c h n o , K I N O K U N I E nterprise, S akamoto - engineering ,Works B ell, Nikkei Niigata , M A R U TO H AS EG AWA KO S A K U J O ,YA M AWA M F G . ,WATA N A B E I n d u s t r i a l ,T h e D o w C h e m i c a l , R A C , S . T- Link , N A N B A S eisakujo, N I P P O N TA LC,Ta bata R adiator, TO P KO GYO, K I J I M A , S U N AYA M A SEISAKUSYO,SUNTECH,VSN,KYOSEI INTERNATIONAL,HUEKI WELDING,WEST RACING CARS, Tec Nagasawa,KITACO,Daines,KURIYAMA,The Furukawa Battery,ISIKAWA INK,Kyoei Sangyo,KANEKO Commercial Establishment,Cool Nuts,MG Corporation,OSG,KYOWA KOGYO,Naniwa iron works,DAIDO KOGYO,FUKAI Seisakujo,Speed Park Niigata,Nihonnkai Maze Circuit,Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering Niigata University,Alumni association of Niigata University ● Car Features and Team Aspirations T h e ca r this yea r miniatu rize d th e wh ole ve hicles a n d ta rgete d "autocross." As a team, it aims at the results more than the last fi scal year, and by extension, higher rank winning a prize that the results depression for the past several years should be wiped away. 47 University of Fukui ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Ryo Takakura FA1 Masanori Shintani FA2 Takatoshi Kawasaki MBR Ryo Mukai,Shougo Fujii,Kazuhiro Oida,Kazuya Yamaguchi,Shungo Yoshimura,Kinshiro Sakamoto,Akiyoshi Takami,Odake Masataka,Masaki N a n b u ,C hihiro K a m ata , M o m o Ku s a ka b e , S hinji Ts u ka d a ,Tats u ya Imai,Ryuichi Sato,Takuya Yamamoto,Reo Obara WEST RACING CARS , UNO GEAR ● Car Features and Team Aspirations SolidWorks Japan K.K. , TIRE GARDEN Fukui, The concept for this year is "Pleasure". I elaborated the machine of three elements economy, comfort, and beauty. In addition, the outright ran the whole event, we aim to top fi nishers is what this year. INDUSTRY , A&M Trading , AVO/MoTeC JAPAN , NTN , Enuma chain mfg , F.C.C , KINOKUNI Enterprise , KYOWA KOGYO , Quick Art , Kusajima Radiator Works , KUWAHARA BIKEWORKS JAPAN , Kobe Steel , SUZUKI , TAKASU CIRCUIT , TECHNOIL Japon K.K, Nissin Kogyo , VSN , HI-LEX CORPORATION, University of Fukui Faculty of Engineering Center for Innovative Research and Creative Leading Education , Blenny Giken , Marugo Rubber Industries ,Misumi , YOSHIOKA.KOH , RAYS , S-GRID , AKIRAX , Sumitomo Wiring Systems, Fukui Chamber of Commerce and Industry , Fukai MFG. 48 Saitama Institute of Technology ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Takuya Okamoto FA1 Ryuji Mukai FA2 Ryuji Mukai MBR Hiroki Hunayama,Kaito Suzuki,Hiroki Mukai,Yukihiro Masaki,Souta Sano,Sougo Yoshida,Hidetomo Kaji,Seiya Sakuma,Hiroaki Maiya,Kazuki Imai,Tomoya Senba SUZU K I , N T N , N I S S I N KOGYO, DA I D O ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Precision,Noritake,OKDA,Saitama Institute of We aimed weight and high rigidity of each place with reference to the machine in the previous year. shorten front bulkhead for space saving and Review of the power train around, realize the improvement in drivability and maneuverability. KO G YO ,T OYO D E N G YO , D E N S O ,T O K YO R & D , F. C . C , C y b e r n et S ys te m s , M it s u b is hi Materials,ROVAL,NACHI, Fuji S eimitsu , S H I G E M AT S U, Koshu ha Technology 31 Team Information(Members 49 Kanazawa University ● Members CP Sasao Masahiro FA1 Hieda Noboru MBR Yoneda Shinnosuke,Yasui Kiichiro,Kobayashi Masaya,Kumanotani Maho,Shima Yusuke,Hoshino Kyo ko , H i rot a k a N oz u e , m a s a s hi h o s hi n o , Ku nio U e nis hi , At s u s h i Okamura,terasawa yusuke,Saitou Ryuya, Fumihiro Hanazato, Hiroki Tajiri,yuusuke yamamoto,Kazuki Saito ● Car Features and Team Aspirations The vehicle this year planned a run performance gain in a concept in "Born to Run". I largely lightweighted it by changing the tire from 13 inches of last year to 10 inches, and having reviewed the weight of each part. ● Team sponsors ALTECHNO,RS.SANSAI, ISHIHARA-METAL MANUFACTYRING, Uno Sanso, NTN, ENUMA CHAIN MFG,MSC Software, SP TADAO, OKAJIMA PIPE, Oura kaitai, Kanazawa Kogyokai, Kanazawa University 50 and Sponsors) Technical Support Center, KINOKUNI ENTE RPRISE,KINOSHITAMANUFACTORY,KYOW A KOGYO,KusajimaRadiatorWorks,Granzella, Growth, KOMATSU, NTC, KOMATSU KOKI, SAWAMUR A DENKI INDUSTRIAL, SANYO KASEI, SUZUKI AKITA AUTO PARTS MFG, S UZ U K I , S uzu na ga Kougeisya , 3 M , S E K I , CENTR AL GL ASS, SolidWorks Japan, The DOW Chemical Company, TAKASU CIRCUIT, TAKAMAZ MACHINERY, CHADANI TEKKO, Te c h n o m a x , i S i D , T O D O R O K I S A N GYO , TOHNICHI,NAOX, NAGAYAMA JIBI INKOUKA I I N , N ISH I M U R A J IG U, Kistler Japan, Nitigura,NSK,NIPPON PAINT, NISSIN RESIN, Neorium Technology, HAGA KIGATA KANAGATA SEISAKUSHO, Honeywell, BABA KAGAKU KOUGYO, HANSHIN NEJI, NISSIN,HYUGA SEISAKUSHO, HIGASHIYAMA, Blenny Giken, PROTO, FUJI SHAFT, PFU, FUJIKOSHI, UACJ, THE HOKKOKU SHIMBUN,Hosoda Toryo, mitokogyo, MISUMI, MORITA KOGYO, Yamaha Motor, LOCK FASTENER, VI-grade, WAKO CHEMICAL, Yamamoto The University of Tokyo ● Members CP Yuuki Shimomura FA1 Kohei Kusaka MBR Satoshi Yorita,Shota Horiguchi,Takeuchi Yu,Ito Akira,Keita Kanno,Tomotsugu Kono,Tennin Ya n , H a y a t o K o b a y a s h i , A k i f u m i F u k u d a , Ky o s u ke O m a t a , I c h i r o Harada,Naoki Kimura,Daiju Murata,Arisa Okumura,Panigrahi Abhishek ● Car Features and Team Aspirations S U P P L Y , C H I N O , T H K , D K K TOA ,TOKO,NIPPON STEEL & SUMITOMO CH EM ICA L ,TOYO S O K K I ,To ho Te n a x , N A OX , N is si n Ko g yo , N it to B o s e k i ,V I E W T E C J A PA N , E u t e c t i c o f Japan, NATS, HIOKI E . E ., BASF Japan, First Molding,Fuji WPC,Fujikura,FUCHINO,Future T e c h n o l o g y , B R I T Z , B l e n n y Our new model UTFF15 is 2nd car in our team featuring 10inch wheels, V-twin engine and shaft drive system. We improve reliability to accomplish dynamic events and make our car fundamentally completed. G i ke n , U A C J , B O S C H , M A R U I C H I S T E E L ● Team sponsors Motor,UD TRUCKS,YOSHIMURA JAPAN,Yodarallying,LOCK FASTENER,WAKO CHEMICAL,AVO R K JA PA N , I DA J , I H I , A LT E C H N O, I s hikawa To kus h u To kkyu S eih o n ,iN O U E B O R I N G , N T N , F. C . C . , N O K , E N G I N E E R , ofa , K ato C a m G ike n , K in o ku ni E nte r p ris e , Kyowa Ko g yo ,G R A Z , Ko b e T U B E , MiSU Mi, M I TO KOGYO, Mimiu , M U T O H E n g i n e e r i n g , M E I R A ,YA M AT E I n d u s t r y,YA M AT O I N D U S T R I A L ,Ya m a h a MoTeC Japan,Original Box,KANTO-KODAI,Technical Pro Shop Tanshaya, the University of Tokyo Insutitute of industrial Science Central Workshop Steel,CYBERNE T,Sankin,Sankei Kougyou,Sankyo,Showa Aircraft,Silicon Sensing,Suzuki,Suzuki S p o r t s , Z F J a p a n , D o w C h e m i c a l , D i a m o n d E n g i n e e r i n g ,TA K ATA ,TA N - E I - S H A W H E E L 51 Tokyo Denki University ● Members CP M a t s u s h i t a G e n t o FA1 K a z u n o r i K o d a i r a MBR H i r o s h i Mizuno,Yuchi Kawagoe,Kato Takeshi,Tsubasa Marukawa,Mitsutaka Matsuzawa,Tomoharu Hosaka,Takuya Nagamine,Yamaguchi Junpei,yushi nishio ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Commerce, Maruichi Rubber Industry, MISUMI, MITSUBA, MIYAKI, MORIWAKI Engineering, N a b et e c h , N A G A S E E L E X , N A G ATA Industry, NAK AJIMA KOGYO, NAK AMURA , NAKAZATO Gear, NC-Seimitsu, NDK-kakoucenter, Nihon Parkerizing, Nippon Carbon, NIPPON EXPRESS, NIPPON POP RIVETS AND FASTENERS, OGK K ABUTO,Ohmura To win the other machines in the turning performance,we thoroughly"small size,light weight,low center of gravity"and the newly deveroped many parts,frame,intake system,fuel tank,etc..We win by taking advantage of team force a few elite type. Seisakusyo, O K A J I M A PI PE , PH IA RO ● Team sponsors TACHIBANA Screw, TAIHO KOHZAI, Taiyo Engineering, TERADA, Three-K, TOHNICH, TOHOKOKI, ACM, AMINEX, ATOCK, CAM brain, CYAN, DASSAULT SYSTEMES, Fuji Electric, Fuji Electric FA Components & Systems, Hayashi, HIRANO SEISAKUSHO PLC, Honda, Honda Cars Saitama, INOUE C O R P O R AT I O N , P R O J E C T I O N , Q U I C KHANYU, RACING PLAZA MECCA, Rainbow M oto r S c h o ol, R K E XC E L , S E I KO S H A , SHINSEIKIKO, SINTOKOGIO, SOFTPREN INDUSTRY, SOURIAU JAPAN, SPS TECHNOLOGIES, TOKAI GIKEN, Uchino-Seisakusho, WAKO CHEMICAL, YAGISHITAGIKEN, YAGUCHI, YK Translation, ZENERAL SEIKO BORING, K ANTO Machinetech, K ATSUKI WORKS, KEIHIN, KOKEN, KOGANEI SEIKI, Kunimi 52 Sojo University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP masaki kotani FA1 Hironori Saitoh FA2 Kouji Uchida FA3 Yukinori Ikuta MBR Yuta Kubo,Yoshinori Takeshita,Kazuma Deguchi, Akihiro Umeno,Tsubasa Furukawa , Kenshirou N agamoto, A kira Wada , Rina S ata ke , Hiroyu ki Ta n a ka , Hiro a ki Ku b o,Yos hiki H u ru sim a , Mikihiro Masuda,Masashi Miyamura H o n d a , N T N , , S o li d W o r k s J a p a n , F. ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Trouble was frequently last year. The concept for this year is "improved reliability". Our goal is All competitors fi nish. I will achieve what this year. 32 C . C , K YO WA ,V S N , R AYS , H o k u s hin e l e c t r o n i c s e r v i c e ,T i m e s C a r R E N TA L Ku ma m oto C hika mi, su p e rAU TO B AC S KumamotoHigashi bypass,SAK AI BODY,Fuji Lightmetal,Tobata seisakusho 53 Tokyo University of Science,Yamaguchi ● Members CP Kazukiyo Ishimoto FA1 Takao Kijima FA2 Atuyosi Takayama MBR Osamu Haraga,Masaya Sono,Masaharu Tanoue,Yosiaki Satou,Takanori Kakihara , H umiya Koga ,Yuuki M etorima , Naoki Yamasita ,Takahumi Ike,Yohei Nagatomi,Syouta Nomura,Naohiro Akisada,Yuki Akiyosi,Yuki Abe,Taiga Uemori,Fumiya Kitou,Ryosuke Sakai,Kenta Takayama,Ryoya Ta n a k a , Ke n t a To k u n o , Ko u h ei H ig u c h i , H i ro ki F u k u n a g a , Ko u s ei Maniwa,Mao Yamagata,Naoto Kokura ● Car Features and Team Aspirations higher per forma nce ratio a nd significantly better results than previously achievend. ● Team sponsors N I S S I N , N T N , R AY S , S o l i d W o e k s , M I S U M I , M A S AYA , H AT S U TA , S U N R I G H T, A s i a Manufacturing,The Dow Chemical,WAKO CHEMICAL,KINOKUNI Enterprise,HONDA,F. C.C.,IRS,Auto Exe We,the TUSY formula team,hope to bring a successful conclusion to every screening and our ultimate ambition is to make at least 35th place while accomplishing a complete run of the whole cource. To realize rhis goal,we thoroughly adjusted our machine's balance weight and appreciably lowered its center of gravity. We therefore,anticipate a considerably 54 Tottori University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Daiki Takeuchi FA1 Naoki Kawamura MBR Kouki nakatsukasa,Yuki Ishii,Kenta Ninai,Kosuke Nakamura,Yuhei Iwamoto,Kouya Yahiro,Tsukasa Nakamura,Ryuichi Tsuruta K AWASAKI, F.C.C,NTN ,NISSIN ,SolidWorks ● Car Features and Team Aspirations m a r t , I n n ova ti o n C e n te r fo r E n gi n e e ri n g We aimed at improvement in turning characteristics, and improvement in driveability based on vehicles last year. This year I will fi nished all the events of desire. 55 J a p a n ,T H K , M I S U M I ,T I R E S H O P T 2 , L i m p a r t s , M 4 H , H E A R T I LY , K O S E I , W A K O CHEMICAL,KYOWA,MIKUNI,HARA KOBO,SEducation of Tottori University Universitas Gadjah Mada ● Members MALIOBORO INN. CP Rifqi Bustanul Faozan FA1 Fauzun FA1 I Gede Bagus Budi Dharma, S.T.,M.Eng., Dr., Ph.D MBR Faishal Abdurrohman,Muhammad Reza Arifin,Miftah Nur Rais,Gisneo Pratala Putra,Dyah Yunitasari,Yusuf Abdillah,Yodha Bima W,Bagus Avianto Putra Perdana,Fadhlillah Aldi,Ogi Budiana,Redo Maulana,Muhamad Luthfy Kusnadi,Arif Kurniawan ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Formula student bounds to be a place with unlimited level of ideas and hardworks. It gives us practical insights into designing and building a car. And so to live under those circumstances, we developed our car with many improvements in order to get better performances. Our goal is to join all the events and bring at least one throphy home. ● Team sponsors PT. PERTAMINA, TOYOTA, EMCO, ISTW, PT. PENI JAYA HARIBAJA, BANK JATENG, DOMAINESIA, 56 Shizuoka University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Yuta Takenaka FA1 Hukuta Mituhiro MBR Megumi Anzai,Shinji Sano,Motohiro Kawamori,Shouhei Takahashi,Masahiro Iwao,Takuma Tsuchimoto,taiki uchiyama,Ryo Nkanishi,Kazuki Nkamura,Ryunosuke N i s h i , K o u j i N o m a t a ,Ya s u m i t s u B a b a , I t s u k i F u k u t a , M s a f u m i Fujioka,Yusuke Watanabe,Tomoko Kanbara Suzuki,Shizuoka University Faculty ● Car Features and Team Aspirations N i p p o n To k ki , M i n e b e a , U m e z a wa Since our team was established in 2003, we have employed unique side engine layout for our machines. Our machine has characterized technologies such as 4 cylinders 600cc engine, longitudinal engine layout, shaft drive and so on caused by side engine layout. In the 12th Competition, we aspire to get good results to complete the competition. o f E n g i n e e r i n g , W a ko' s , Av o M oTe c Japan,IDAJ,NRS,R's acing Service,Shimizu M a te ri a l C o r p o r a ti o n ,Ta k a ya n a g i , S h ito r o E nterp rises , S hin ba I ro n Wo rks , Ka n eko G ear, Kato Cam Giken , Kyowa , S hin C y u k o , R a y s , N i c o l e M a r k e t i n g ,To h o Tenax,Mooncraft,Showa Hikoki,Cybernet,Dow Chemical,ANSYS,Solid Works Japan,Hmamatu D a i i c h i To s o , M i s u m i , M a r u i c h i ,To y o S okki,To nichi,O M R O N , H enkel J a p a n , C y a n , F u k a i , Q u i c k Hmana,Daytona,Hamamatsu Active Machine Industry Organization,Nihon Lock,Sumitomo Wiring Systems,Mistubishi Automobile Engineerring 33 Team Information(Members 57 and Sponsors) Honda Technical College Kansai ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Okuda Taito FA1 Nakamura Tadayoshi FA2 Kunihiko Jintsu MBR Kohei Hamada,Masanori Wada,Yoshiki Tsutsui,masashi asano,Tomoaki Sakaguchi,Koji Sakaguchi,Kota Kurihara,shirahama makoto,Shoma Kawakami,Taira Ninomiya,Chuya Suda,Kodai Inoue,Ryota Kibi,Tadaaki Saigo,Yuki Nishimura,Kenjiro Kurose H o n d a M oto r, Nis sin Kog yo , F U K A I M a nufactua ring , H I - L E X C O R P O R AT I O N , F.C.C., SANNO TEC ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Our machine concept is「HIGH SPEED TURNING BOOME"RUN"」This combines "Boomerang" and "Run". Our machine aims to be the fastest turning at corners. Our objectives are skidpad time at 5 seconds and completing all dynamic events. And we will do our best together with one heart! 58 Meisei University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Taiga Iwamoto FA1 takahito kawahara FA2 Nobuaki Kamei FA3 Tomoyuki Ishii FA4 Tuneo E gawa FA5 Hiroaki Ishida MBR Yuuki Ka na zawa ,To m oyo ri Kim u ra ,Ta ka hiro Ogino,Ta ku ma Z a ma , Hiroto I c h i k a wa , Ke i A m a n o , ko u ji H o s o b u c h i , Ko u s u ke A k iya m a , H i ro k i A r a k a w a , R y o Ta n a k a ,Y u k i O k u y a m a ,Ta k u y a I k e m o t o ,Ta k u r o Hagiwara,Gennosuke Tani,Yuuta Nakamura,Muneki Nomura,Hajime Amemiya,Kenya Endo E arth Engineering , Altechno, Ishikawas ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Mechanical Engineering eisakusyo,West Racing Cars,Sakanishi S ei ki , S a s a ki ko g yo , S h i n ko M e c h a t ro n ic s , Dassault Systemes,DriverstandFuchu2rinka n,Fukai MFG ,Blenny Giken,Honda Motor,F. C.C., MYZ,NTN,RAC,RAYZ,woodfamily,YOKO HAMA, Meisei University Alumni Association Meiseikai, Ikuseikai, Meisei University We designed and produced it in the following concepts. 1. To achieve weight saving by replacing lighter materials like an aluminum. 2. To improve maintenance quality by redesigning the overall length and the interval of each part, and changing assembly method. Our aim is pass the dynamic examination and try to be a top30. 59 College of Industrial Technology Nihon University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Taisei Tatara FA1 Susumu Takahashi MBR Sho Makino,Asuka Naoi,Kazuki Ito,Kentaro Iida,Norihide Akatsu,Takayuki Matsumoto,Takuma Maruyama,Meiko Matsuda,Takuya Motoyoshi,Masanori Sawahata,Naoki Taguchi, Miki Ishiwata , M asato Watanabe,Tatsuya Nogami, Masaya N u n o kawa ,Yo uta ro Ta ka d ate , Ko hta K awaai, Ke ns u ke Hirata ,Yuto Kobayashi,Masato Somemiya,Shoya Minagawa,Yuya Funai,Shoumu Tsutida,Ryo Matsumoto,Gota Yamaguchi,Yasumasa Ueda,Toru Otsubo Honda Motor,NTN,Solid Works J a p a n , F. C . C . , J u n i o r M o t o r P a r k Q u i c k Hanyu, AUTOL AND TECHNO,NISSIN KOGYO,Axel Sports,NOK ● Car Features and Team Aspirations It was made to be easy to ride even in faithful who in the basic concept of "run, turn, stop" for our machine. As I do not leave the result of a single-cylinder engine last year and two years ago, leaving the result as anything this year, I want to the competition that leads to rank-up team of the year after next and next year. 60 Setsunan University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Taiga Bamba FA1 Masaaki Horie FA2 Toshiki Kuwata MBR Syouta Sato,Yuta Tokumasu,Soshi Takahashi,Masaki Iio,Yugo Kitagi,Masaru Ta ke u c h i ,Yu Te n ji n b a ya s h i , S y u h e i M iz u n o ,Yu t a Ya s u d a , S y u n ji Ariyoshi,Yuya Ohira,Xiaoyu Huang,Yuta Tsukamoto,satoru shota,Shinsuke Takehara,Naoki Okuda S u z u ki , N T N , S o li d Wo r ks J a p a n , R AY S , F. ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Our formula machine aimed at Simplifi cation last year. Because in order to shorten the machining time. We have overcome refl ection points.Because we have produced a better performance.We purpose to complete race in this year. 34 C.C,VSN,NISSIN,Setsunan University support group, Kisetsukai, Fukai M FG ,OSG , Komatsu Yukinaga store 61 Shizuoka Professional College of Automobile Technology ● Members CP To m o n a g a S h i r a i FA1 W a r a b e S u g i m o t o MBR H i r o t a k a Wata na b e , S h ota S him u ra ,Ta ku mi U e d a ,Yu ki Wata na b e , Ka zu n o ri Suzuki,Taiga Matsuda,Shinya Ohishi,Yuma Suzuki,Yusuke Serizawa,Ryota Nagatani ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Our goal is endurance finish. I did to make with an emphasis on development of the school only to train mechanic. In addition a signifi cant improvement, we aim to fi nish in the stable run than last year. ● Team sponsors SUZUKI,Maruyama Kogyo,unform-center,UNIVANCE,NTN,Shizuoka Professional College of Automobile Technology 62 Okayama University of Science ● Members CP Shinpei Kawano FA1 Tosiaki Kaneeda MBR Ryousuke Mihara,Kinya To y a o , H i r o k u n i K o ji m a , A k i t o Ta n i g u c h i , R y u u i c h i W a d a , H i r o k i Nagai,Ryouta Kobayashi,Zui Syuu,Akiyoshi Hara,Satoshi Hatuda,Satoshi H a r a , S e i y a H i r a o k a ,Yu u t a r o u M a t u d a , R y o u M u r o y a m a , S h i n i t i Yasuda,Syouma Watanabe,Kouki Nakagawa ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Vehicle of this year has designed the concept of "simple is best".This year which is the challenge of the fourth year.So we aim to fi nish all the competition to participate in the dynamic event. ● Team sponsors K a w a s a k i , N I S I N ,T H K , S o li d W o k s , S H I N , N T N , M i S U M i , D A I H AT S U , O k a y a m a I n t e r n a t i o n a l Circuit,NIPPON Rent-A-Car,Nissin Kikai,F.C.C,Fuchimoto Heavy Industry,Shirakami Zyuko,RAYS 63 Aoyama Gakuin University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Taiki Fujimori FA1 Hiroshi Sakuta MBR Kazushi Nogami,Kubo Tetsuhiro,Yuuki Kitazawa Yamaha Motor,nDENSO,NTN,PTCJapan, Al ● Car Features and Team Aspirations ANYSYS,Cybernet, Systems,TAK ATA,Kutida In this year, we have a basic concept "to run, stop and turn", and designed machine for the purpose of getting stable running and knowhow of making basic vehicle. We will do our best with the aim of participation to dynamic examination with uniting team. 64 uteck,INTERCAST,SAK AE KOUK AN ,Quick Hanyuu, F.C.C,Murata,WESTRACINGCARS, Gear Ring, SakaeKoukan,NagaseToolMatex,Ib araki Magnesium Industry Society,Upshift,GAR UDA,Shigemats Works Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember ● Members ● Team sponsors CP M u h a m m a d Fa dlil Ad him FA1 I r. Wita nt yo, M . E ng . S c MBR T j a h y a d i R i z k y,T i t o A r i f i a n t o P r a b o w o , H e r i L u t h f i a n t o S a t r i o Wibowo, Achmadi, A khmad It tang A nwarsyah , K hosmin , H endra I rawa n , M u h a m m a d I r va n A n h a r,G u stie a u fa r D h af fi S u ro s o, R eza Maulana Sani,Wahyu Nugroho,Elsa Yovita Anggrianty, Ahmad Anas Arifin,Rizaldy Hakim A.S.,Eka Arisma Setyo Nugroho,Eduard Wahyu Ramadhan,Achmad Maulana Yasin GMF AeroAsia, ITS, Pertamina Lubricants, Fastron, TDU, Sucofindo, GAS, IKOMA ITS, Rekayasa Industri, ISTW, Citilink ● Car Features and Team Aspirations In This year of competition, we try to improve our car manuverability and reliability so it will have great performance especially on cornering speed. And we hope in this year of competition we get the best improvement award. 35 Team Information(Members 65 and Sponsors) VIT UNIVERSITY ● Members CP Hardik Nasit FA1 Dr. Saleel Ismail MBR Pranav Kopargaonkar,Shantanu Chauhan,Jay Pravinbhai Sorathia,Dharmik Kamdar,Bhargav Dadhaniya,Vaibhav Chaurasia,Nikhar Jajoo,Harsh J Patel,P.V.R.ROHIT KUMAR,Prahlad Singh Rao,Nikunj Patel,Kanna Dheepankar,Ameer Khan,Ajay Madappat,Aakash Bhanushali,Amol Mathur,Ramcharan Kakileti,Suhas Somu,Harsh Patel,Sarang Rajendra Sur ve,Shaunak Handa,Vempati Sandeep,Harshal Alkesh Shah,Prateeksha Ramanathan,Aditya Aryan,Sreevenkatateja Kethineni,Sanchit Chhabra,Samarth Shah,Farvez Farook and a double wish bone with p u s h b a r s u s p e n sio n syste m integrated with front anti roll bar. ● Team sponsors A.M. DESIGNS PVT. LTD.,J.K.TYRES,ZENITH TECHNOTRADES,SIDDHANT METALS,VIRAT A L U M I N U M , M A G O D L A S E R S ,O P T I M U M BALANCE MOTORSPORTS,3DS SOLIDWORKS ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Zuura Formula Racing is a team which is having an elegant designing and great performance in all aspects. Our goal is to establish an identity for our self as a globally reputated FSAE team. The main feature of our car is that we are using a naturally aspirated Royal Enfi eld 500cc engine 66 The University of Kitakyusyu ● Members KOUGYO,FUK AI MFG,NTN Corporation,The CP Kazuki Uchiyama FA1 Sadami Yoshiyama FA2 Ryoichi Matsunaga FA3 Hiroki Cho MBR Chiaki Tsutsui,Takashi A kamatsu , R yosuke Ohori,Yuki Takase, Mihiro Yoshida ,Yoji Nishimi,Yusuke Shimizu,Yu Fukuda,Keisuke Matsuo,Yusuke Awata,Tomoyuki Inoue ● Car Features and Team Aspirations University of Kitakyushu Faculty of E nvironmental E ngineering ,T he U niversit y of Kitakushu Faculty of Environmental E ngineering , Kitakyusyu Foundation for the Adavacement of Industry Science and Technology We are working with the goal of participation to the dynamic events passed the inspection. Design a frame based on the weight and size reduction compared to last year's machine, in each component, it is designed to faithfully basic. ● Team sponsors Kawasaki Heavy Industries,F.C.C,SolidWorks Japan,SUMITOMO RUBBER INDUSTRIES,Software Cradle,DIGITAL STAGE,The Dow Chemical,THK,WEST RACING CARS,Kinokuni PERFORMANCE P R O D U C T S ,T O Y O TA F U K U O K A R E N N TA L & L E A S I N G K Y O U R I T S U D A I M A E , K Y O W A 67 University of Toyama ● Members ● Team sponsors CP K a z u k i K u m a FA1 Te t s u o A i d a MBR R y o H o s i n o , A t u m i Ta t s u k i , K a z u y u k i Ta k a t a , K o y a F u ji t a , K e n t a N a k a z i m a ,Yo u h e i N omura ,Syuuta Takeuti,Shino Mikawa , Katsuya Yatsukura ,Sayaka Wada,Mika Ashikawa,Takahashi yoshinao I siga n eseiki, F.C.C, N T N , Fcd esign ,O kajima pipe,Tan‐ei-sha, Nachi, HON DA ,SolidWorks Japan ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Our machine concept is "You go!!”On the goal of the participation for the fi rst time and the running the whole race that we hope to come true for a long time, we aim for making the machine that harmonize the performance with the original design and manipulate safely. 68 Hiroshima Institute of Technology ● Members CP R i k i A o n o FA1 A k i o O c h i MBR Kubo,Ryousyke Kaji,Keigo Kii,Ena Yokota Hidetoshi Goto,Shinya ● Car Features and Team Aspirations I have revised the idea of manufacturing miss from last year. The vehicle concept is "reliability". I aimed the vehicle that could stand the confi dence to participate before that improve the reliability and to fi nish with certainty. ● Team sponsors FC-design,SolidWorks,Kawasaki,abebesyokudou,Leaf Garden,VSN,TAMADA SPORTS LAND,shindaiwa 36 69 Tokyo Technical College Setagaya Campus ● Members CP Hiroki Hirayama FA1 Motohiro Matuda FA2 Takeshi Shibuya MBR Yoichi Baba,Ryuya Kamogawa,Noritaka Nagase,Masato Kase,Hayato Inoue,Syouhei Konno,Sinsuke Tomita,Kazuki Nakabayashi M o t o r s ,To k y o M a z d a s a l e s , N e t s To y o t a Yokohama, Bike O & Co.,Yanase,Yanokuchi A u to W o r ks , R a ci n g S e r vi c e Watanabe, FCC, Miyazono imported car sales,Jun Tanigawa ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Our machine concept is "Conpact" because, We are looking for turning performance and fuel effi cient vehicles. We coud't entry into "Endurance Cup", last year. So our goal is entry into "Endurance Cup" this year. ● Team sponsors Isuzu Motors metropolitan area,Kanagawa Mitsubishi Fuso,Kanto Mazda,Tokyo Toyopet, Tokyo Hino 70 Fr Conceicao Rodrigues College Of Engineering(Mumbai University) ● Members CP ASHISH MENKUDALE FA1 D S S Sudhakar MBR PRATHAMESH SUHAS PONKSHE,TEJAS VINAYAK SHINDE,AKSHAY ADHIR GAVANDI,PRACHITESH RAJESH JADHAV,PRANAV HEMANT BANDEKAR,ISHAN SUNIL ACHREKAR,NARENDRA KRISHNA DHONI,KARTIK CHANDRASHEKHAR TRIPATHI,HARDIK SHARADKUMAR PANCHAL,ANIRUDH VASUDEVAN NAIR,KAUSTUBH DEEPAK CHITNIS,NANDU SUDHAKAR SAGARE,NISHANT RAJAN SALVI,PRATIKSHA VILAS GANGAWNE,ROUNAK DEVANAND MANGHNANI,SHUBHANGI BHASKAR MATEY,SWAPNIL DHANDE,VINAY VITHOBA RANE,VIPASHA LAIJAWALA given due consideration. Improving on the last year's performance in many aspects, the team has prepared considering eventoriented point of view. ● Team sponsors VISHWAKARMA ENGINEERING WORKS, STATE BANK OF PATIAL A , AMERICAN NUTS AND BOLTS, PEN WORKERS,St. XAVIER PILLER'S CHARITTABLE TRUST, SHRADDHA ENGINEERING WORKS, JAIPAN INDUSTRIES, ● Car Features and Team Aspirations The design of the car has been made well competent to competition standards. Good engineering practises are adopted in using a good combination of custom made and standard components/assemblies. Reliability, safety, high acceleration and responsive suspension system were 71 Prince of Songkla University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP I s a r a p h o n g T a v a t o FA1 W a c h a r i n K a e w a p i c h a i FA2 Cha roenyut D echwayu kul FA3 Chayut N u ntad usit MBR Teerajet C h a m r u nwo ra kia t ,Ta n a ko r n S u k kato ,C h e h a n afe e C h e m u , P h u p a Ta n a p ala ,Ta n atc h a S uwa nwip a ko rn , A m m a r M u d m a rn , N awa p o n g S u k n i r u n k u l ,T h a m m a s a n B u n r u e n g , I t t i c h a d S a n g s r i , K r a i s o n Ueaprasert,Petdanai Junpet,Tanawat Satjakul,Sadis Buangmas,Supira Insuwan,Hasawi abdulloh,Narongsuk chunaca,Surapon Songkram,Panya Sangworn,Thanawat Worasarn,Nitipong Kongrangub,Antika Yoisertsut ENG. PSU ALUMNI TOZZHIN SKF NEO GROUP BOSCH ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Car Features : The small car include a variable aerodynamic parts , semi electric shifter ,and cyclone intake manifold . Our car was designed for suitable at all conditions and make a good performance. 72 Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai ● Members CP Z h a o Jing h ui FA1 Wa ng Jia nfe ng MBR Z h a o Jing h ui, Z h a o Wentao,Yu Chunliang, Zhang Qi,Wang Sirui, Zhao Pengcheng,Duan Wenjie,Zhang Shan,Gao Mingyuan,Gong Weixi,Li Kun,Wang Yongtai,He Zhongqing,Deng Yuxiang,Wang Lei,Jiang Jian,Yang Yaran,Liu Ya'nan,Hu Tao,Chen Chen,Zhang Jinxin,Cui Guanfeng,Yang Wenfei,Li Ying,Peng Pe n g , Jia n g L a n g , Z h o u T ia n p e n g , Z h a o L ulu , Z h a n g H u a qi, Lia n g Yuhan,Wang Shuangjian,Wang Tianyang,Liu Huiyuan,Wu Lian,Jiao Yifan ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Season 2014,design to win, compete for victory! ● Team sponsors Weihai G uangwei G roup Co., Ltd. , Weihai Wanfeng Magnesium Industry Science and Te c h n o l o g y D e v e l o p C o . , L t d . , F E S T O , M a g n e t i M a r e lli , S e n s a t a , C u s c o , I M K , metastar, WizNote, ISR, igus, LOCTITE, Ansys, MSC,Calspan,TIRF Harbin Institute of Technology Racing Team (HRT) was founded on HIT WeiHai Campus in 2009. HRT attended Formula Student China annually, Student Formula Japan 2012 and Formula Student Germany 2013. HRT builds both combustion car and electric car since 2013. HRT got a 2nd place overall,1st place on design event in Formula Student China 2013. 37 Team Information(Members 73 and Sponsors) Honda Technical College Kanto ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Kyohei Sunaoshi FA1 Atsushi Norihara MBR Yusaku Suto,Hideyuki I s h i k a w a ,Y u i c h i To d o r o k i , M a r i e H o n d a , N a o t o F u j i s a w a ,Y u k i K i k u c h i , H i r o s u k e O k a m o t o , K a i S a t o ,Ta k u y a W a t a n a b e ,Y u y a S h i b a t a , K a z u k i M a k it a ,Yo ko Ta ke s a w a , B r u n o W a t a n a b e , K e i t a Shibasaki,Takuro Seki FUKAI MFG. ,TAKATA,NISSIN KOGYO,F.C.C., THK,DAITO METAL,Yuasa Battery Service, Solid Works,QuickHANYU,Rainbow Motor School ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Our previous vehicle had a problem in reliability. Because we sticked too much to weight saving. Our latest model, strengthened in many parts of it and improved its reliability while minimized weight gain, is well developed. We aim at "The Skid Pad fastest" making the most of lightness of the vehicle. 74 National Institute of Technology - Jamshedpur ● Members ● Team sponsors CP R a j n i s h K u m a r FA1 D r . R . K P r a s a d MBR G A U R A V GUPTA ,Navendra Jha, Ashish Kumar, Abhishek Kumar,OBILISE T T Y KIRAN KUMAR,ANKIT KUMAR,ASHUTOSH KUMAR SINGH,RAUSHAN PARASHAR,DEEPAK KUMAR SINGH,KUMAR ABHISHEK,SHASHANK K U M A R , A R U N K U M A R S I N G H ,C H A N DA N S A H O O, S H AS H A N K SHEKHAR N I T J A M S H E D P U R , TATA S T E E L , TATA MOTORS, AFS Logistics, RSB Transmissions, D rif t Adva nced D esigns , R ace Dynamics , H IG H CO Engineering , JA M SH ED PU R SPRINGS ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Our car has a HONDA CBR600 RR engine with a self designed Intake manifold and exhaust and has multiport fuel injection. The ECU is completely self made.With tuning we have achieved torque and power at our desired engine RPM. We have a SLA double wishbone suspension system and self deisgned components with the desired high ride height and high stiff ness. We have used pneumatic button actuated gear shifter for easy gear shifting. 75 Toyama Prefectural University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Ken Ishiyama FA1 Haruki Yashiro MBR Motohiro Yatsuo,Tatsuya Iino,Ryota Watanabe,Tatsuki Nisida,Atsushi Shijima,Kasai minoru,Daisei Uchikoshi To y a m a P r e f e c t u r a l U n i v e r s i t y, To y a m a Prefectural University Pastel, Honda Motor Co., Ltd., SolidWorks Corp. ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Our team has been making formula car with concept of "Simple". We aim to accomplish all events at the competition in our vehicle that doesn't require a complicated structure :"Simple". 76 Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Chun - Kai Wang FA1 Cho -Yu Lee FA2 wei- Chin Chang MBR Yu-hao Zeng,Han-Teck Khoo,Yi- Min Hong,Yi- Fu Cheng,Meng- Chu Kuo,Lien-Wen Lin,Yi-Jun Lin,Hsu-Chou Chang,Ping-Yu Wu,Wei-Gang Chen,Chung-Yu KAO,Chin-Ya Chiu,Yu-Ting Tsai,Sen-Tien Wu,Sheng-Wen Huang,Ming-Yueh Chang,Tsung-Ying Liu,Wei-Chih Chen H u s q v a r n a 、K Y M C O 、M a x x i s 、P r o s k i t 、 ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Battery、 Founder Land Co.Ltd.、 MagnetiMarelli Our team using a single-cylinder engine by Husqvana with turbocharge system controls by MotecECU m400. Those devices make engine works on the high performance. Steering wheel integrates an electronic control system which includes pneumatic shifter, shift light and LCD which shows the data that we can monitor easily. We also have a data logging system which help us know the information of the car when racing on the track. 38 Tanko、Koso、YAC、Tei composites、Guang Hong Precision Engineering 、 N S K、 CH I H K A N G 、 S K F 、A s a z w a I n d u s t r i a l 、K S 、 R a e m c o 、F C C Ta i w a n 、P T R S R a c i n g 、 Function Electric、Shuenn Yue Industry、RCE Motosport、 Frando-Brake System 77 M.H. Saboo Siddik College of Engineering ● Members CP Kunal Soni FA1 Dr. Sanjay Kumar MBR Karan Jinadra,Jaydeep Kashikar,Pauras Sawant,Harsh Pitroda,Mohammed Bigodi,Anees Raza Khatib,Pratit Harer,Pratik Khandelwal,Abdul Aziz Fakih,Mohtashim Sayyed,Saif Surve,Kesha Patel,M. Ozair Khatri,Nilesh Warade,Sachin Solanki,Siddhant Sakhare,Mihir Patil,Nitin Patel,Amey Hande,Zainulabdin Pathan,Mustafa Bandukwala,Anand Kharade,Mubeen Shaikh,Abbas Saylawala,Nihit Vohra,Sagar Kamat,Atharva Joshi,Mustafa Hathiyari are currently waiting for the arrival of the torssen differential and the hoosier slicks. ● Team sponsors Currently the team has no sponsors as such but talks are on with a few companies and we shall update it when the approval comes in. ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Being a First year team, special attention has been given to keep the design as simple as possible and team looks forward to representing the university and our country at the land of the rising sun. Car is powered by a Suzuki Gsxr engine and the prototype of the car has been manufactured successfully.The car clocks in an impressive 3.8 secs for 0-100kmph and 78 Kokushikan University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP T o s h i k i Y a m a s h i t a FA1 T o m o a k i K o d a m a MBR N a o h i r o Nojoma,Tomoya Kanda,Bairyu Son,Shougo Hayase,Yuya Kasai,Masaru Matsui,Shinya Ichikawa,Ayuka Hirano,Munetaka Ito,Shuhei Ichikawa,Yuya Hoshi,Isamu Kimura,Terutaka Suzuki,Ken Watanabe,Yuki Shirakura,Shogo Wada,Yujin Momiyama,Tatsuya Futatsuki,Hiroki Yasukawa,Haruki Kuriyama,Shin Ryu,Hayato Hurumidou,Yujiro Morioka H O N D A , A N S Y S , R I V E R ● Car Features and Team Aspirations D,DAYTONA,GOODRIDGE(JAPAN),KEIHIN,AV Our vehicie concept is "Easy to drive".We manufactured the Vehicle with the driving ability for your best driving skill. Morever,it is designed so that any person have can this best performance. We will do our best to finish all the euents this year. 79 ST E E L ,YAG IS H I TA ,CA LSO N IC K A N S E I , B R I D G E S T O N E ,V S N , H i t a c h i A u t o m o t i v e S y s t e m s ,T O Y O E L E M E N T INDUSTRY,M'S FACTORY,RACING SERVICE W a t a n a b e ,Tu r b o Te c h n o S e r v i c e , M S C Software,SolidWorks Japan,NHKprecision,T.RA O/MoTeC Japan,CITY KART,WM,SARD,WAKO C h e mic al, M I S U M I , M I TO KO GYO,Ta ke u c hi Chemical,YAMATO INDUSTRIAL,Minoru INTERNATIONAL,RK Excel,CHUO SPPING Chiba lnstitute of Technology ● Members ● Team sponsors CP To m o h a r u A z e n o FA1 S h i g e r u M u r a k o s h i MBR A s a t o C h i b a , S h i n n o s u ke K u r i h a r a , A m i S e k i ,Yu u k i M u r a k a m i , A k i h i t o Watanabe, Junichi Wada ,Tomoharu Oba , Nobuyuki Sohmiya , Hiroki Yamazaki,Takuto Ito,Takuma Komatsu,Daichi Furutsu,Ryo Kanbara,Hayato Ono YAMAHA,Yatsushoji,TET'S RV CENTER,RSW ATA N A B E , H o s o b u c h i r a d i a t o r, K E I Y O B E N D , N I S S I N KO G YO , M i n e b e a , F. C.C.,SUZUKI,KYOWA,FUKAI,PMC ● Car Features and Team Aspirations I achieved revival from the team dismantling of 2011 and was able to participate this year. All items become the team bullet so that I am made to run the whole distance and try the vehicle which I produced by a new team of meeting experienced person zero hard. 80 Institut Teknologi Bandung ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Randianto Susilo FA1 Toto Hardianto MBR Balthasar Sebastian Lumbantobing,George Pradipta,Hanif Satyo Prabowo,Daniel Andhika Putra Subeng,Arief Budi Sanjaya,Chandra Wijaya Sentosa,Stephanus Billy Kohar,Joko Wisnugroho,Galih Gibrani Saman,Antonius Irwan,Ars-Vita Islamia Alamsyah,I Nyoman Wira,Stefan Valiant,Auliya Wicaksono,Andika Mahendra,Roland Dimas Winata,Paripurna Bawonoputro,Akbar Januari Fadlih PT Dirgantara Indonesia,Solidworks ● Car Features and Team Aspirations fully costumizable engine mapping.lightweight impact attenuator 39 Team Information(Members 81 and Sponsors) Shonan Institute of Technology ● Members CP Seiya Moriyama FA1 Hiroyuki Sato MBR ● Car Features and Team Aspirations ● Team sponsors 82 Hubei University of Automotive Technology ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Yu Xiaowei FA1 Deng Zhaowen MBR Jiajun Li,Shuai Zhang,Chao Wu,Yuhui Mao,Yiqing Luo,Qingming Li,Heng Zhang,Pengfei Jia,Lingqi Kong,Lupeng Cui,Peng Li,Meibing Chen,Zhaoyang Zang,Haijie Wang,Wang zhiyong DONG FENG COM M ERCIA L V EHICLE CO LTD ,YATO-China, GiTi ,TORCO ,IMK, MSC, ANYSY, Mathworks, FSAE China Union ,Kunlun Lubricant , Ning Bo BEI LUN KE MEI ● Car Features and Team Aspirations The HUAT Racing team of Hubei University of Automotive Technology located at the foot of Mountain Wudang.The cultural of Wudang is integrated into the team Hardened: The car chassis is hardened with a sports style and equipped with a powerful engine. Morbidezza:The car has been pursuitting to the top but not reach the limit. Team s belief:Struggling to the top, Engineering for the future. 83 Maejo University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP MARUT VISETSING FA1 THANASIT WONGSIRIAMNUAY MBR T E E R AW U T K U M VA N S E E ,T I R AWAT WO N G S AT I A M , P I T TAY U T S R I K H W E R ,C H ATC H ATO R N K H A N K H A M ,G A E I T I S A K U T TA M AT I N G , M A R U T V I S E T S I N G , S ATAWAT T H A I S O M , A niru d S u kprakho n , Pairat S u bsaw wong , N opparat S eebkaew,T ha n pitcha B o o n b a n g , S A L I N E E PA E N G JA I , A m p h o e p h o n u a n , P rawit Ouchosolakar,Yanwit Taja,Kittisak Mittissa TSAE, Maejo University, Tozzhin, Bosch, Supthawee Mini Cnc, Red Bull ● Car Features and Team Aspirations In this year, we use 1 cylinder engine instead of 4 cylinder engines because it can made light weight of car and the better efficiency of driving. Moreover, our car has installed spoiler for increasing air pressure (down force) .It can made the better capability of driving and curving. 84 Acropolis Technical Campus ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Harsh Agrawal FA1 Hemant Marmat MBR Sachin Patel,Vishvas Soner,Harshit Dubey,Vivek Kumar Yadav,Akhilesh Kushwaha,Deepesh Mishra,Ashish Patel,Arpit Dubey,Abhilash Sohani,Ankur Mehta,Mohit Kumawat,Pankaj Panchal,Ankush Khandelwal,Vinamra Ramawat,Sahil Raza,Ravi Gujrati,Karthik Sathyan Nambiar,Kartik Patel,Deep Daftary PTC,Wrike,Techinfini Solutions Pvt,Sanatan ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Team Acro-Racerz is the Official Motor Sports team from Acropolis Technical Campus, Indore. The team of Passionate Enginnering students who actively involved in building the Race Cars fro the year 2012. The Acro-Racerz Formula Car is strictly designed on the basis of FSAE Rules. The team had actively worked in the Driver's Ergonomics, to fabricate the car in a cheaspest way. 40 Bus Body Builders, Asia Biotech,Make My Trip 85 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad ● Members ● Team sponsors CP R e z a M o k h t a r i FA1 H a m i d M o e e n F a r d FA2 H a d i M a d h Farimani MBR Alireza Hojatkhah,Reza SharifMoghadam,Farhad Baghyari,Ali Khosroabadi,Amin Farzanehnia,Meysam Khatibi,Mojtaba Edalatpour,Kiumasr Aryana,Majid Zarif Sabbagh Nia,Moein Amini,Ali Salari Nejad Ferdowsi U niversity of M ashhad , M ashhad Sadra Shargh,Team Members ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Caspian car as the third Iranian FSAE car, manufactured in FUM, Iran. All major parts such as chassis, body, suspension, steering system, power transmission and impact attenuator have been exclusively designed and manufactured by Caspian team.We decide to take part in SFJ competetion not only to compete with some of the best universities in engineering, but also to represent the great existing capacity and capabalities in Iranian students. 86 Hanoi University of Science and Technology ● Members CP Nguyễn Văn Thưởng FA1 Hoàng Thăng Bình MBR Phạm Văn Hội,Nguyễn Đức Cường,Nguyễn Văn Tâm,Bùi Thanh Thủy,Trần Thế Anh,Nguyễn Phương Duy,Nguyễn Văn Rô,Trần Duy Diễn,Nguyễn Hồng Ngọc,Đinh Tiến thao,Nguyễn Văn Nam ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Car features: Our car is made of avaiable materials with the lowest price. It is very strong and has highly safe target. Team Aspiration: We hope to become the first Vietnamese students joining into this competition and become the winner. Besides, we want to improve the team work skill more and make a car ourselves with professional monozukuri skill. ● Team sponsors We are looking for sponsors. However, we haven't formal partner yet because of some diffi culties. 87 UAS Dortmund ● Members CP Fabian Hauptmann FA1 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Hesterberg MBR Matti Kaupenjohann,Daniel Langner,Hanno Arp,Kristin Trüb,Florian Ranft,Sebastian Meier,Oliver Seifert,Andre Töller,Matthias Krause,Marcel H of fm a n n , Fa bia n G u th , Diete r B e n d e r,C h ristia n B ro m m e r, R u d olf M u sin , H a ns S c h midt , Alexej Dika rew, S e b astia n R öth el, Sin a h S c h n a b e l , A n d r e a s M a u r e r, B u r k h a r d P i e p e r, M i k e G r o s s , M a x Borkenfeld,Jens Beyer,Philipp Wurm,Jan Mader,Sven Schönfeld,Johannes Nie d e rh a u s , J a n - Niklas R ü dige r, Fa bia n Kö nig , K ai H e ßlin g , Kevin Falk,Christopher Nathaus,David Jägermann,Viktor Druganov,Yannik Lattner,Pascal Fischer,Lasse Schulte Farwig,Jonathan Kleiner,Rick Raf felt, Benjamin Küssner, Adem A kay, Birgit Weißbacher, M aureen Pickering,Tobias Störmerr ● Team sponsors ● Car Features and Team Aspirations 88 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Kuala Lumpur ● Members CP Muhammad Taufiq b. Mohd Zin FA1 Dr. Shamsul bin Sarip MBR Ahmad Hafiz bin Mohd Rozi,Nor Azlin Nazira binti Abd Rahman,Azrul Izzudin bin Jumat,Khairun Nasuha binti Abdul Jamil,Mohammad Zahwan bin Adam,Muhammad Kharilhelmi bin Rosseli,Muhammad Nur Syafiee bin Jamiran,Muhammad Shadzmir bin Kamalrulzaman,Nik Ahmad Faisal bin Mohd Kamarolzaman,Nur Amiera binti Norazmi,Shahdan bin Azman,Tay Kian Yoon,Ahmad Saif Abidullah bin Shahrin,Hateem Amin Azhar,Amir Hijaz Imran bin Abd Rahman,Muhammad Zahir bin Mohd Azman,Wan Mohammad Azmin bin Wan Ruslan,Ahmad Nabeh bin Mansor,Mohammed Jeffri bin Jamaluddin,Muhammad Afiq bin Shatri,Muhammad Fathi Mohamad Nadzir,Muhammad Fitri bin Shamsul Bahri,Muhammad Haziq bin Zainal Abiddin,Nasuha bin Ibrahim,Raja Muhamad Syaiful Azri bin Raja Razman,Hafidz Afiq bin Hamdan,Amirul Faisal bin Mohd Yusoff ●Car Features and Team Aspirations Car features: 600 cc Yamah R6 Engine with naturaly inspirated intake. Custom aluminium rear upright. Front mild steel upright. Pneumatic paddle shifter with manual foot clutch. Our team aspirations are want to be in top 5 0 best teams and win these following award: ● スポンサー Racing Boy,Malaysia Automotive Motorsports 41 Team Information(Members E1 and Sponsors) Shizuoka Institute Science and Technology ● Members CP K u m i k o M i y a n o FA1 S h i n j i Ta k a b a y a s h i FA2 A t s u s h i Nakata MBR Yuto Chizuwa ,Yusuke Toyama , Kouji Mihara , Haruka I s h ii ,Ta k a s h i K a w a i , N a o ya S u g iya m a , K a z u k i S u z u k i , K a z u f u m i S u zu ki, Kyo u s u ke S uzu ki,Yu m a Ta ke u c hi,Ta ka hiro H o rie , K a zu ya Matsumoto,Takumi Yamamoto,Shungo Kimura,Kyohei Otsubo,Shun M a kin o, R yos u ke Ta ka h as h , R yuya I k ki, K a zuya S a ka m oto,Yu s u ke Sasaki,Eiga Mizushima,Keisuke Watanabe,Yoshio Sugimoto,Motoaki Matsushima,Shoma Hakamata,Kenya Omori,Shimon Furukawa,Moe Unno,Yukihiro Maeda,Yuki Umeta ● Car Features and Team Aspirations s e c o n d c o n s e c u tive ove rall victory. ● Team sponsors RS-components,IRS,IGUSU,E&E,NTN,NSKWarner,Minebea,AVO/MoTeCJAPAN,OETIKER JA PA N ,O G U S U,Q uick H a ma na , K YO EI,KYOWA,KOITO MANUFACTURING,SHINBA IRON WORKS,Sumitomo Wiring Systems,SUZUKI,Suzuyo System Technology,Suzuyo shoji,SEKI M O N OT S U K U R I L a b o rato r y, S ensata Te ch nologies J a pa n , S H O E I , S olid Wo rks J a pa n , DA I K I N INDUSTRIES,DAIDO KOGYO,THK,TOSHIBA ,ToRii BODY SHOP,TOYODENKI,FUK AI MFG,FujiCommunications,PROTRAD,FUJI Xerox,Belle Carriere,Roland DG,YUTAKA,UNIVANCE, This year's machine concept is "Simple". We designed the machine with an emphasis on productivity and operability. We increased the reliability of the entire vehicle. We will chieve all competition. We will aim for E2 Tohoku University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Kenta Muranaka FA1 Kenji Nakamura FA2 Hiroki Goto MBR Hiro A be, M asaki Tsukuda ,Shu H oshino,Teruki Nakakura ,Takanori Yamada, Akihisa Harada,Shota Hayakawa,Takumi Watarai, Kensuke Sumomozawa,Yosuke Baba,Takafumi Suda,Kazaumasa Fuse,Kento Shinji,Hiroki Suzuki,Hajime ISHII,Risa Nakane,Yoshie Yabuta,Yuka Yokoi,Akari Sawase,Tomoyuki Honda,Kana Takakeyama,Muhamad Arif Ihsan Bin Mohd Noor Sam,Wan Noruddin Rasol,Naoya Sogo Ichinokura Laboratory, Department of Electrical ● Car Features and Team Aspirations a Car Sendai, Netz Toyota Sendai, KADAN, With the reflection of the mistake at the car inspection in last year's competion we paricipated for the first time, we would fight at all item completion, and overthrow ICV. In TF-14, we aimed at the rotational improvement by packaging concentration and the wide tread, and the maintenance-related securing of the electric equipment modularization trout. Technologies, IZUMI Tech, BOEING , THK, E3 Engineering, Tohoku University, New Industry Creation Hatchery Center, Tohoku University, M oto G a ra g e W I N D S , A u to m otive E n e rg y Supply, ElecTrike Japan, Miyagi Toyota Motor, Toyota R ent a Car Miyagi, Toyota Corolla Miya gi, Micro S yste m I nteg ratio n C e nte r, MODI, Nifco, Sendai Toyopet, Toyota Rent ONODERA IRON WORKS, NHK SPRING, GV F・C・C, KYOWA, Netz Toyota Miyagi, Toyota L&F Miyagi, NISSIN, Miyagi Hino Motors, Toyota Home Tohoku, Twinkle Pochet, NTN, KEIHIN, Astro Machine Works, Tohsei Kokan, Toyota Miyagi Parts Distributor, OMRON, NOK, Sensata Technologies, FUKAI, YAZAKI, PROTRAD, TOYOTA MOTOR EAST JAPAN Kanagawa Institute of Technology ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Shohei Yamada FA1 Shuji Kato MBR Takashi Sekiguchi,Shunsuke K a m eya m a ,Yu d ai N a ka n o, A kin o ri Nis hiya m a ,Yu h ei Wa d a , Hiro mi Arisaka,Subaru Mori,Shingo Matsumoto,Hiroaki Muraoka,Mitsunori I shibashi,Yasu hiro Ya na gidaira ,Yu kiya N a kai,Yu ri Kaya no, Ka zu ki Shimoyama,Katsuya Kibe,Satoru Hnyuda,Daisuke Ishikawa, Akihiro Ooshima,Takuya Takayama,Tetsu Shinmura, Akihiro Takasu,Toutarou Ishizuka,Hirokazu Hirano T homas & B et ts J a pa n , rockpaint, S ensata ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Seimitsu,AVL JAPAN,TOEI DENKA Te c h n o l o g i e s j a p a n , n i p p a k i n z o k u , M atex,dowkakoh ,it tcannon ,dS PAC E J a p a n , i k u y o ,T E C o n n e c t i v i t y, S u m i t o m o Wiring Systems,Racecar Parts,SyTe c h , Q u a i f e E n g i n e e r i n g , N i c o l e G r o u p of C o m p a n ie s , N K N ,T OYO TA Z AT T I T O P CL ASS,TOYOTA MOTORSPORT Gmbh,Fuji In order to produce a vehicle that can demonstrate the performance of the motor 100% , our team has produced a battery module of its own. The team aim finishes running all the dynamic events by winning the overall victory in EV class. E4 Harbin Institute of Technology at Weihai ● Members CP Li Jiaming FA1 Wang Jianfeng MBR Cui Guanfeng,Zhang Jinxin,Hu Tao,Peng Peng,Li Jiaming,Gong Weixi,Li Kun,He Zhongqing, Jiang Jian,Yang Wenfei,Wang Lei,Zhao Wentao,Yu Chunliang,Zhang Qi,Wang Sirui,Zhao Pengcheng,Duan Wenjie,ZhangHuaQi,Yang Yaran,Wang Zijie ● Car Features and Team Aspirations high reliability, high power, high innovation, hight safty, light weight ● Team sponsors 万 丰 镁 业(Weihai Wanfeng Magnesium Industry Science and Technology Develop Co.,Ltd),光 威(Weihai Guangwei Group Co.,Ltd),豪 鹏 国 际(Highpower International Inc.),Magneti Marelli,BENDER,Sensata, cusco, IMK, metastar, 为知笔记(wiz), ISR, igus, LOCTITE, Ansys, MSC,Calspan,TIRF 42 E5 Kanagawa University ● Members CP Omata Nobuaki FA1 Hiroki Nakamura MBR Keita Watanabe,Harada Syouta,Masayuki Urushizaki,Takahiko Maruyama,Yuuki Nagai,Hirokazu Hiyoshi,Michiteru Ohshima,Ryuya Nakajima ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Fun to ride, fun to watch, it is EV racing vehicle that can not be to experience the gasoline vehicles. It aims to finish all events, I want to leave the name of Kanagawa University. ● Team sponsors E6 Toyota Technical College Nagoya ● Members CP Yuma Tokushige FA1 Tetsuya Hayakawa FA2 Hidenobu Miwa MBR Yasuyuki Nagai,Tomofumi Ozawa,Tatsuya Kono,Seiya Tomita,Hiroaki Niinomi,Daiki Suzuki,Yuta Inaba,Masahiro Ikeda,Takuya Koizumi,Yusuke Ochiai,Shunsuke Okamoto,Kazumasa Ando,Tsuyoshi Mizutani,Norihito Urashima,Masaki Murata,Kiyokuni Isobe,Yuki Omura,Tomoki Iida,Masafumi Nishino,Mitsuru Kono C H E M I C A L , D a i s e n S a n g y o ,Ta n a k a Te k ko , A m o n , S H I N M E I I N D U S T R Y, N is sin Kogyo,Fukai Factory,Kyowa industry,FCC,The Dow Chemical,DAD,AICHI,Kyoyu,West Racing Cars ● Car Features and Team Aspirations We first challenge EV section this year. We were made control-circuit by the analog circuit. Maintainability has been improvement by it. We do our best aiming at a higher rank in a conpetition. ● Team sponsors EV Aichi,YAMAHA MOTOR,GOODYEAR Japan,RS-WATANABE,PROTRAD,SolidWorks Japan,Toyoda G osei, S ekiya brewerly, L E M , N T N Corporation ,TACT I Corporation ,Toyota Corolla Aichi,WA KO E7 Kyushu Institute of Technology ● Members ● Team sponsors CP Yasutaka Yoshihara FA1 Masahiro Oya FA2 Hidetaka ohta MBR Hisashi Shimota ,Shu E guchi, Kubo Yutaro, Hiroshi Minato, Keisuke Inomata,Takanobu Matsuura,Pengcheng Zhu,Keita Yamamoto,Daiki Ya m a m o t o ,Y u t a K i n o s h i t a , H a r a S h i n t a , S h u n y a U k e d a , K o k i Matsushita,Taisuke Yunoki,Atsushi Matsuda,Ryo Hasegawa,Yasuhiro Ohta,Mitutaka Ogura,Syota Goto,Yusei Uezono F . C . C , A B C , a u t u m n technology,onamba, K YOWA ,SUN AREA,Sensata Technologies,SOLID WORKS ● Car Features and Team Aspirations We try to design the machine with simplicity and good maintainability. Our team aims at the participation in this convention and to run the whole race at endurance as the fi rst EV team in western part of Japan, although this is the fi rst time to register. E8 Chulalongkorn University ● Members ● Team sponsors CP R a t a p o n V i r i y a p h a n t FA1 D r . N u k s i t N o o m w o n g s MBR T ha m m o ngkol S a ngma na cha ro e n ,G rid hayos S aiwilai, Ks hitiz Daga,Chayuthpong Vongpattanasin,Kasidis Srinkapaibulaya, Arisara I m a u r b ,T h a n a w a t T h e r d w i k r a n t ,T i t i n a n t P o n g d u m b u n , S a n t i Vajanapanich,Phongphakkan Danwibun,Supavat Suralertrungsun,Wasin Tocharoen,Sunithi Vongpitak Siam Cement G roup, Singha Corporation , Cobra International, International School of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Y.S.S (Thailand), Great Foam Products, Kow Inter Business, Lenso, SKF (Thailand) ● Car Features and Team Aspirations Simple design and manufacturing, is the main idea ruling our car, as reflected - spaceframe chassis and single motored RWD ‒ powertrain system. As a team we are entering the Student Formula event for the fi rst time. Our main priority is that we want to start clean, without penalties and make our way up successfully, fi nishing the Endurance event. 43 2014 C ompetition Site Shuttle Bus To Tomei EXPWY Kakegawa I.C. Head Quarter ∼ East2 Parking ∼ Ecopa Arena ∼ West1 Parking EV Charge Area Head Quarter Registration To Route1 Team Parking Bus Stop Toilet Bus Stop First Aid To JR Aino Station d cke Blo d a Ro East2 Parking Stairs Road Blocked Except Appointment Car Paddock Area Tilt Weight Tech Inspection Spectator Viewing Area Pedes tr Team Pit Road B locked Shuttle Bus Cost Design Practice Track Fuel Station Dynamic Events Area Acceleration Skid-pad Autocross Endurance Presentation E COPA East 4 Parking Head Quarter ian Wa y Ecopa Stadium (Conference Room) Road Blocked Except Appointment Car Spectator Viewing Area Noise Brake Staff Parking Off Limits Area Enlargement To Tomei EXPWY Kakegawa I.C. Guide Map Kakegawa Gate Road Blocked Except Appointment Car To Route1 Team Parking East2 Parking Bus Stop Road Blocked Except Appointment Car Competition Site ECOPA Entrance Staff Parking Awards To JR Aino Station Fukuroi Gate Ceremony Site Pedestrian Gate By Car Bus Stop Ecopa Arena OSAKA FUKUROI I.C. NAGOYA Bus Stop 14min. West1 Parking Ecopa Stadium (Conference Room) ECOPA SHIZUOKA TOKYO SHIZUOKA TOKYO 8min. By Train JR Tokaido Shinkansen Guest Parking OSAKA Presentation Site NAGOYA HAMAMATSU (Hamamatsu ∼ Kakegawa) 12min. (Hamamatsu ∼ Fukuroi) 14min. (Fukuroi ∼ Aino) 3min. Web Site To Route150 KAKEGAWA I.C. 9min. FUKUROI AINO ECOPA KAKEGAWA JR Tokaido Honsen (Kakegawa ∼ Aino)5min. 15min. By Walk
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