Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS REGISTRATION INFORMATION........................... 24 CLASS START DATES & HOLIDAYS................... 34 ENGLISH-AS-A-SECOND LANGUAGE ................ 4 ESL-Anaheim Campus ESL Classes................ 5 ESL-Cypress Campus ESL Classes................. 7 ESL-Wilshire Campus Classes at United Methodist Church of Fullerton ........................... 9 ESL-Hermosa Village...................................... 10 ESL-Anaheim City School District................... 11 ESL-Brea Olinda School District ..................... 12 ESL-Buena Park School District ..................... 12 ESL-Fullerton Union School District................ 12 ESL-La Habra School District ......................... 12 ESL-Magnolia School District.......................... 12 ESL-Off-Site Classes ...................................... 13 ESL-Placentia/Yorba Linda School................. 13 FOREIGN LANGUAGE......................................... 14 BASIC SKILLS...................................................... 14 HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA PROGRAM................ 15 OFFICIAL GED EXAM INFORMATION ............... 15 GED Test Preparation..................................... 15 SCE LABS............................................................. 16 ENGLISH & COMMUNICATION .......................... 16 MATH .................................................................... 16 CAREER PLANNING............................................ 17 BUSINESS EDUCATION...................................... 17 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT CERTIFICATE PROGRAM............................................................ 18 BUSINESS SKILLS .............................................. 19 FINANCIAL PLANNING & INVESTING ............... 20 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES.............................. 20 ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES CERTIFICATE PROGRAM............................................................ 21 Required Courses ........................................... 21 COMPUTERS........................................................ 21 DIGITAL MEDIA, WEB, & VIDEO ........................ 25 Graphic Arts Classes....................................... 25 Website Design Classes ................................. 25 Digital Video Classes ...................................... 26 Digital Media Workshops ................................ 27 3 Dimensional Design Class ........................... 27 DISABLED STUDENT PROGRAMS AND SERVICES............................................................. 30 DSP&S Off-Site Class Locations ................. 32 CULINARY ARTS ................................................. 32 Culinary Classes at the Anaheim Campus: September, October ........................................ 32 Culinary Classes at the Anaheim Campus: November........................................................ 33 Culinary Classes at the Anaheim Campus: December........................................................ 34 Culinary Classes at the ................................... 34 Yorba Linda Campus....................................... 34 HOME DECORATIVE ARTS ................................ 34 Clothing Design ............................................... 34 Quilting ............................................................ 35 Drawing & Painting.......................................... 35 Home Decor .................................................... 36 Photography .................................................... 36 Drama.............................................................. 37 PARENTING.......................................................... 37 Parenting Classes for Parents ........................ 38 CAREER TECHNICAL EDUCATION................... 38 Air Conditioning & Refrigeration...................... 38 Apprenticeship................................................. 38 Bartending....................................................... 38 Construction Education................................... 39 Early Childhood Education (ECE) Certificate Program........................................................... 39 ECE Required Courses.............................. 40 ECE Elective Courses................................ 40 Electronics....................................................... 41 Floral Design ................................................... 41 Medical ............................................................ 41 Pharmacy Technician Cert Program ............... 42 Woodshop ....................................................... 43 CYPRESS COLLEGE FALL TERM COURSES OFFERED THROUGH SCE! ................................ 43 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration .................. 43 Airline & Travel Careers.................................. 43 Auto Collision Repair....................................... 44 Auto Technology ............................................. 44 Aviation............................................................ 45 Communications ............................................. 45 Hotel, Restaurant, Culinary Arts Careers........ 45 Marine Service & Repair ................................. 47 Motorcycle Service.......................................... 47 Music and Theater .......................................... 47 PHYSICAL FITNESS ............................................ 47 Dance .............................................................. 48 Adult Martial Arts............................................. 48 MUSIC ................................................................... 49 DRIVER EDUCATION .......................................... 49 Mature Driver Classes..................................... 49 OLDER ADULTS PROGRAM .............................. 50 Emeritus Education Enrichment...................... 50 Communication ............................................... 50 Creative Arts Enrichment ................................ 51 Body & Mind.................................................... 53 Physical Fitness .............................................. 54 Senior Classes ................................................ 56 KIDS' COLLEGE & TEEN PROGRAM ................ 56 Arts & Crafts.................................................... 56 Computers....................................................... 58 Dance .............................................................. 59 Foreign Language ........................................... 60 Cheerleading & Gymnastics............................ 60 Martial Arts ...................................................... 61 Math ................................................................ 61 Math Tutorials.................................................. 62 Music & Drama................................................ 63 Violin - Suzuki Method .................................... 66 Personal Enrichment....................................... 66 Reading and Writing........................................ 67 Reading Tutorials ............................................ 69 Science............................................................ 70 Sports .............................................................. 70 GENERAL INFORMATION .................................. 72 NOCCCD BOARD OF TRUSTEES ...................... 74 NOCCCD ADMINISTRATION .............................. 74 CONTINUING EDUCATION LOCATIONS........... 75 OFF CAMPUS CONTINUING EDUCATION CAMPUS LOCATIONS......................................... 75 CLASS INDEX ...................................................... 77 Your classmates will miss you if you miss class Registration information SCE Fall Schedule 2007 Register Online at TERM DATES & HOLIDAYS Stay in class and learn more ENGLISH-AS-A-SECOND LANGUAGE ENGLISH-AS-A SECOND ENGLISH-AS-A-SECOND LANGUAGE LANGUAGE HOW TO REGISTER FOR FREE ESL CLASSES First Time Students Only: First Time students register on a first-come, first served basis, as space is available. Follow these easy steps: Step 1 Select which campus to attend - Anaheim, Cypress, or Wilshire (Fullerton) Step 2 Review the test locations, dates, and start times. Arrive at the campus you have selected at least 30 minutes before the scheduled test time. Bring $2.00 to purchase a temporary, one-day parking permit from the machines located in the parking lots. Seating in the testing rooms is limited; students who do not get in for their selected test time will need to wait for the next scheduled time. SCE Campus Anaheim: Wed, September 5, 1st Floor Entrance Start Times: 8:30 am, 9:30 am, 10:30 am, 5 pm, 6pm, 7pm Cypress: Thurs, September 6, CE-12; Parking Lot 4 Start Times: 8:30 am, 10 am, 5 pm, 6 pm Wilshire: Tues, September 4, First United Methodist Church, 114 N. Pomona Ave., Fullerton. For questions call ESL Office at (714) 808-4638. Start Times: 8:30 am, 9:30 am, 10:30 am, 5 pm, 6pm, 7pm Step 3 First Time students must be assessed (tested) to determine their English level. Allow approximately 2 hours for testing and registration processing. Children are NOT allowed in the testing rooms. Children may not be left unattended while on the SCE campuses. Step 4: Students who do not attend classes by September 20 will be dropped from the class and new students from the wait list will fill the vacated seats. Continuing Students Continuing students who attended Summer 2007 term regularly and complied with the exit testing and attendance regulations will be automatically enrolled for Fall 2007 term. Continuing students who have not attended ESL classes since Fall 2006 should come during 'On-going Registration' (see below). Continuing students will NOT be enrolled during September 4, 5, and 6 registration for First Time students. Cypress: Mon & Tues ONLY, (September 17, 18, October 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30, November 5, 6); ESL Lab CE 10-14, 8:30 am, 10:30 am, 5pm, 7pm Wilshire: Mon ONLY, First United Methodist Church, 114 N. Pomona Ave., Fullerton (September 24, October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Nov 5); 8:30 am; 10:30 am, 5pm, 7pm ESL Program Attendance Rules Students who do not attend classes during the first two weeks of a trimester without notifying their instructors, will be dropped from the attendance rosters and the new students, or students from the waiting list will fill the vacated spaces. If a student misses 50% of the class sessions in any given 4-week attendance collecting period (one attendance roster), that student will be dropped from the class attendance roster. The student dropped from a class attendance roster will be put at the bottom of the waiting list for that class and will not be allowed to register for the same class or class of an equal level until the following trimester. If you need more detailed information please call (714) 808-4638. ______________________________________________ COMO INSCRIBIRSE PARA CLASES DE INGLES GRATIS LAS Estudiantes que vienen por primera vez se inscribirán en el orden en que se presenten y si hay espacio en la clase. Siga los siguientes pasos. Paso 1: Seleccione a cual escuela desea atender: Anaheim, Cypress, o Wilshire (Fullerton). Paso 2: Revise las localidades, horas y días donde se ofrecen los exámenes. Llegue a la escuela de su selección por lo menos media hora antes de que comience el examen. Traiga dos dólares ($2.00) para comprar un permiso temporal de estacionamiento. El espacio en el salón de evaluación es limitado. Los estudiantes quienes no logren presentar la evaluación en el horario de su preferencia, deberán esperar hasta el siguiente horario. SCE Campus Anaheim: Solamente miércoles, septiembre 5 La entrada principal en el 1er piso, salón 121 Horario: 8:30 am, 9:30 am, 10:30 am, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm Cypress: Solamente jueves septiembre 5; salón CE1014, estacionamiento 4 Horario: 8:30 am, 10 am, 4 pm, 6pm Wilshire: Solamente lunes septiembre 4; First United Methodist Church, 114 N. Pomona Ave., Fullerton; Horario 8:30 am, 10:30 am, 5 pm, 6 pm, 7 pm On-Going Registration ESL classes do fill each term; however, if seats are available, students who miss the registration periods may register during the term after the term starts. Please allow approximately two hours for testing and registration processing. Register at the following: Paso 3: Los estudiantes que vienen por primera vez, deben de presentar un examen para determinar su nivel de ingles. El proceso de evaluación e inscripción dura aproximadamente dos horas. No se permiten niños dentro de los salones de evolución. No se permite dejar a los niños desatendidos en el centro escolar. Anaheim: Mon ONLY (September 17, October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Nov 5); ESL Lab Room 121; 8:30 am 10:30 am, 5pm, 7pm Paso 4: Los Estudiantes que no hayan asistido a clases hasta el 20 de septiembre, serán dados de baja de la clase y el espacio vacante será reemplazado por nuevos estudiantes. SCE Fall Schedule 2007 Register Online at ENGLISH-AS-A-SECOND LANGUAGE Estudiantes Continuos Los estudiantes que asistieron regularmente a clases durante el trimestre de verano del 2007, y cumplieron con los procedimientos del examen EXIT y las reglas de asistencia serán registrados automáticamente para el trimestre de otoño del 2006. Estudiantes previos que NO asistieron a clases desde otoño del 2006, y cuyos nombres no aparecen en las listas del verano 2006, deben de venir a las inscripciones continuas (más información en la parte inferior). Estudiantes previos NO serán registrados durante los días 4, 5, y 6 de septiembre, ya que estas fechas están asignadas únicamente para estudiantes nuevos. Inscripciones Continuas Las clases de inglés se llenan en su totalidad en cada término sin embargo, si hubiese espacios disponibles, los estudiantes que no se registraron durante la fecha estipulada podrán registrarse después de que el trimestre haya comenzado. Por favor regístrese en los siguientes días en las siguientes localidades: Anaheim Solamente miércoles, septiembre 5, salón 121, la entrada en el primer piso; Horario: 8:30 am, 10:30 am, 5 pm, 7pm Cypress Solamente jueves septiembre 5, salón CE-1014; estacionamiento 4; Wilshire Solamente martes septiembre 4; First United Methodist Church, 114 N. Pomona Ave., Fullerton; Horario: 8:30 am, 10:30 am, 5 pm, 7pm Reglas de Asistencia del Programa de ESL Los estudiantes que no asisten a clase durante las dos primeras semanas del trimestre sin notificarle al instructor, serán dados de baja de la lista de asistencia y los estudiantes nuevos llenaran los espacios vacantes. Si algún estudiante esta ausente 50% de las clases en un periodo de 4 semanas (registro de asistencia), el estudiante será dado de baja del registro. El estudiante dado de baja del registro será puesto al final de la lista de espera para esa clase y no podrá inscribirse en esa clase o uno clase de mismo nivel hasta el próximo trimestre. Anaheim Campus ESL Classes ESL LEARNING CENTER ESLA/001 The ESL Learning Center offers an opportunity to practice English through various instructional media. Students learn through ESL software and/or receive individual and group tutoring to improve their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Special interest areas such as Vocational ESL and EL Civics are also part of the instruction. Dates: Aug 20-Dec 20 CRN DAYS 11640 MTWTh/10:30a8:30p PLACE AN/121 INSTR Niyondagara AlvarezMorales BEGINNING LITERACY ESLA/100 Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS 11623 11956 11624 11664 11625 MTWTh/8a-10:30a MTWTh/8a-10:30a TTh/10:30a-1p MW/10:30a-1p MTWTh/5:30p7:30p 11626 WTh/7:30p-10p 11627 MT/7:30p-9:30p 11656 MW/7:30p-10p TTh/7:30p-10p PLACE INSTR AN/130 AN/128 AN/130 AN/130 AN/130 Khssassi Choi Paz-Garcia Khssassi Pregenzer AN/130 AN/130 AN/117 AN/119 Martinez Pregenzer Bond VOCATIONAL ESL: EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION ESLA/1020 This ESL course provides students with necessary language skills to succeed in early childhood education (ECE) programs, thereby bridging the gap between standard ESL coursework and ECE coursework. The course also focuses on preparing students to interact in the real world in ECE situations (e.g. parent-teacher conferences). Dates: Sep 10-Nov 26 CRN DAYS 11975 M/8:30a-11:30a PLACE AN/108 INSTR Tamondong Gain the Competitive Edge in the Pharmaceutical Industry Enroll in VOCATIONAL ENGLISH-AS-A-SECOND-LANGUAGE: PHARMACY TECHNICIAN (CRN# 11976) * Practice your English with pharmacy industry terminology * Experience real-world retail pharmacy situations * Gain the competitive edge in this fast growing, well respected industry VOCATIONAL ESL: PHARMACY TECHNICIAN ESLA/1025 This ESL course covers basic English communication skills in a pharmacy setting for students who are at an intermediate ESL level or higher. Students will practice typical in-person and phone conversations with pharmacy customers and co-workers. Dates: Sep 13-Nov 29 CRN DAYS 11976 Th/5:30p-7:30p PLACE AN/301 INSTR Santostefano BEGINNING LOW ESLA/200 Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS PLACE 11628 MTWTh/8a-10:30a AN/138 11669 MTWTh/8a-10:30a AN/116 11629 MWTh/5p-7:30p AN/TBA T/5p-7:30p AN/132 11915 MW/5p-7:30p AN/128 11916 TTh/5p-7:30p AN/128 11630 MW/7:30p-10p AN/TBA 11992 MTWTh/7:30p-10p AN/124 11641 TTh/7:30p-10p AN/TBA INSTR Howie Cagley Bystry Pyo Witt Pyo Landi Witt Quédese en clase y apreda más ENGLISH-AS-A-SECOND LANGUAGE BEGINNING HIGH ESLA/300 Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS 11631 11648 11949 11642 11665 11707 12021 11948 11632 11644 11645 MTWTh/8a-10:30a WTh/8a-10:30a MT/8a-10:30a MTWTh/10:30a-1p MTWTh/1:30p4:30p MW/5p-7:30p TTh/5p-7:30p MTWTh/5p-7:30p TTh/7:30p-10p MW/7:30p-10p TTh/7:30p-10p PLACE INSTR AN/106 AN/104 AN/104 AN/124 AN/124 Kahlon Ensch Robbins Robbins Carson AN/124 AN/124 AN/126 AN/126 AN/128 AN/128 Martinez Leishman Leishman Santostefano Robinson Serrano ESL SPECIALTY CLASSES Take a class to develop language skills in a specific area. No assessment is needed. Register in the ESL Learning Center on Monday - Friday. On Saturdays, students can register in class. COMPUTER SKILLS FOR ESL (BEGINNING) ESLA/801 The course introduces ESL students to hands-on exploration and use of current Microsoft Windows programs. Students will learn basic computer parts, keyboarding, and the basics of MS Word, PowerPoint, Print Shop, and Excel. Emphasis is on building confidence in computer use to improve English skills in grammar, vocabulary, writing, speaking, pronunciation, and reading. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 *Dates: Sep 15-Nov 24 CRN DAYS 11636 11643 11637* 11647 11742 Cultivating Change in our Students. INTERMEDIATE/LOW ESLA/400 Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 11633 11938 11649 11768 MTWTh/8a-10:30a MTWTh/10:30a-1p MW/5p-7:30p T/5p-7:30p Th/5p-7:30p 11650 MW/7:30p-10p 11769 T/7:30p-10p Th/7:30p-10p PLACE AN/124 AN/104 AN/105 AN/TBA AN/105 AN/105 AN/TBA AN/105 INSTR Niyondagara Ensch Mang Kelly Serrano Kelly ESL INTERMEDIATE HIGH ESLA/500 Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS 11634 MTWTh/8a10:30a 11911 MTWTh/8a10:30a 11661 MTWTh/5p7:30p 12020 MTWTh/5p7:30p 11671 MW/7:30p-10p 11826 TTh/7:30p-10p PLACE INSTR AN/126 Doherty AN/110 Kopydlowska AN/120 Motz AN/120 Vogt AN/120 AN/119 Vogt Martin ESL ADVANCED LOW ESLA/600 Dates: Sep 10-Nov 29 CRN DAYS 11912 MW/7:30p-10p T/7:30p-10p Th/7:30p-10p PLACE AN/116 AN/140 AN/120 SCE Fall Schedule 2007 PLACE AN/312 AN/121 AN/415 AN/312 AN/303 INSTR Kopydlowska Ramirez Staff Howie Carson ESL PRONUNCIATION / CONVERSATION SKILLS ESLA/802 SCE Faculty. CRN DAYS F/8:30a-11:30a F/8:30a-11:30a S/9a-12p TTh/11:30a-2p F/6p-9p INSTR Mang This course is designed for intermediate to advanced ESL learners to improve conversation and pronunciation skills in English. It is recommended that participants have English language skills at a Beginning High level. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS 11712 MW/10:30a-1p 11731 F/11a-1p 11732 F/7:30p-10p PLACE AN/106 AN/124 AN/104 INSTR Kahlon Cagley Scoble CITIZENSHIP PREPARATION ESLA/803 The course is designed to prepare prospective candidates for the US citizenship process. Students will learn how to complete all required immigration forms and practice the USCIS Citizenship Test by becoming familiar with US history. Students will acquire an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of being a US citizen. Dates: Sep 11-Nov 29 CRN DAYS 11635 T/7:30p-10p Th/7:30p-10p PLACE AN/132 AN/118 INSTR Bystry DRAMA FOR COMMUNICATION ESLA/805 This ESL course builds students' reading, speaking, and pronunciation skills in the context of theatrical performances. Students will examine human experiences and cultural norms through imagined roles and expand creative thinking. Students will learn history and terminology of the performing arts and build social skills and confidence necessary for public speaking. Dates: Sep 11-Nov 29 CRN DAYS 11662 TWTh/10:30a-1p PLACE AN/128 INSTR Ismail-Beigi Register Online at ENGLISH-AS-A-SECOND LANGUAGE ESL INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED WORK SKILLS ESLA/808 This ESL course covers basic job-search and workplace survival language skills while building necessary computer and critical thinking skills for students who are at an intermediate level or higher. Emphasis is on understanding basic principles of getting a job as well as wages, benefits and concepts of employee organizations. Students will practice workrelated safety standards and procedures and demonstrate effective use of common workplace technology and systems. Students will acquire skills of how to communicate effectively and manage workplace resources. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS 11995 MTWTh/10:30a1:30p 11977 T/7:30p-10p Th/7:30p-10p PLACE INSTR AN/312 Zdan AN/312 AN/301 Kis WRITING / READING ESLA/810 This ESL course emphasizes reading comprehension skills while building vocabulary and critical thinking skills for students who are at an intermediate level or high. In addition, the writing component is designed to acquaint students with writing skills required to develop college- level writing techniques by focusing on prewriting, outlining, drafting, revising and editing. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS 11890 F/9a-12p 11698 TTh/10:30a-1p 11693 F/5p-7:30p PLACE AN/130 AN/126 AN/126 VOCATIONAL ENGLISH-AS-ASECOND LANGUAGE: ELECTRICITY AND CONSTRUCTION ESLA/995 The course focuses on improving communicative competence within real-life situations related to working with electricity and general construction. Students will gain confidence as they improve their ability to communicate effectively while on the job. Dates: Sep 14-Nov 30 CRN DAYS 11876 F/6p-9p PLACE AN/312 INSTR Sutherland Cypress CypressCampus CampusESL ESLClasses Classes ESL LEARNING CENTER ESLA/001 The ESL Learning Center offers an opportunity to practice English through various instructional media. Students learn through ESL software and/or receive individual and group tutoring to improve their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Special interest areas such as Vocational ESL and EL Civics are also part of the instruction. Dates: Aug 20-Dec 20 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR 11621 MTWTh/10:30a-1p CC/CE10-14 Noor MW/1p-3:30p Smith MTWTh/5:30p-9p Morgan INSTR Niyondagara Doherty Scoble BEGINNING LITERACY ESLA/100 Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 INTERMEDIATE GRAMMAR REVIEW ESLA/813 Students will learn to understand grammar structures in various contexts and practice using them in both oral and written communication. this class supplements core ESL courses or works as a stand-alone course. This course is designed for the SL students placed in the Intermediate Low, Intermediate High, and Advanced levels. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS PLACE 11752 MW/10:30a-11:30a AN/110 11998 F/1p-3p AN/124 INSTR Kopydlowska Cagley ORAL INTERPRETATION (READING OUT LOUD) ESLA/990 Literature and communication are integrated in the art of oral interpretation. This course emphasizes the study and analysis of relevant printed materials. Students learn to select and communicate the material orally and effectively to an audience through public presentation/performance. Dates: Sep 14-Nov 30 CRN DAYS 11862 F/8a-10:30a PLACE AN/104 INSTR Ismail-Beigi CRN DAYS 11576 MTWTh/8:30a12:15p 11584 MTh/5p-7:30p 11588 TW/5p-7:30p 11743 MTWTh/7:30p-10p PLACE INSTR CC/CE12-11 Gulmesoff CC/CE10-15 Frank CC/CE10-15 Dostal CC/CE10-15 Frank BEGINNING LOW ESLA/200 Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS 11638 11579 11639 11585 11589 MTWTh/8a-10:30a TTh/10:30a-1p MW/10:30a-1p MTWTh/5p-7:30p MTWTh/7:30p-10p PLACE CC/CE12-10 CC/CE12-10 CC/CE12-10 CC/CE12-10 CC/CE12-10 INSTR Galvez Smith Galvez Kepler Chapman BEGINNING HIGH ESLA/300 Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS 11577 11580 11586 11646 11663 MTWTh/8a-10:30a MTWTh/10:30a-1p MTWTh/5p-7:30p MTh/7:30p-10p TW/7:30p-10p PLACE CC/CE12-12 CC/CE12-12 CC/CE12-12 CC/CE12-12 CC/CE12-12 INSTR Gilbert Szeto Staff Bruner Dostal Make class attendance your top priority ENGLISH-AS-A-SECOND LANGUAGE INTERMEDIATE/LOW ESLA/400 CITIZENSHIP PREPARATION ESLA/803 Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS 11578 11581 11582 11587 11590 MTWTh/8a-10:30a MW/10:30a-1p TTh/10:30a-1p MTWTh/5p-7:30p TTh/7:30p-10p PLACE CC/CE10-13 CC/CE10-15 CC/CE10-15 CC/CE10-13 CC/CE10-13 INSTR Noor Gilbert Rivers Senghor Briones Staff CRN DAYS ESL INTERMEDIATE HIGH ESLA/500 Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR 11618 MT/1p-3:30p 11733 TW/7:30p-10p PLACE INSTR CC/CE10-14 Noor CC/CE12-11 Kepler 11583 MTWTh/10:30a-1p CC/CE10-13 Wasby 11591 MW/7:30p-10p CC/CE10-13 Derose ESL INTERMEDIATE / ADVANCED WORK SKILLS ESLA/808 ESL ADVANCED LOW ESLA/600 This ESL course covers basic job-search and workplace survival language skills while building necessary computer and critical thinking skills for students who are at an intermediate level or higher. Emphasis is on understanding basic principles of getting a job as well as wages, benefits and concepts of employee organizations. Students will practice workrelated safety standards and procedures and demonstrate effective use of common workplace technology and systems. Students will acquire skills of how to communicate effectively and manage workplace resources. Dates: Sep 10-Nov 29 Dates: Sep 10-Nov 29 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR 11660 MTWTh/8a-10:30a CC/CE10-15 Rivers Senghor ESL SPECIALTY CLASSES Take a class to develop language skills in a specific area. No assessment is needed. Register in the ESL Learning Center on Monday - Friday. On Saturdays, students can register in class. CRN DAYS 11894 MTWTh/8a-11a PLACE CC/CE2-4 COMPUTER SKILLS FOR ESL (BEGINNING) ESLA/801 WRITING / READING ESLA/810 The course introduces ESL students to hands-on exploration and use of current Microsoft Windows programs. Students will learn basic computer parts, keyboarding, and the basics of MS Word, PowerPoint, Print Shop, and Excel. Emphasis is on building confidence in computer use to improve English skills in grammar, vocabulary, writing, speaking, pronunciation, and reading. Dates: Sep 14-Nov 30 CRN DAYS CRN DAYS 11617 F/8a-10:30a 11950 F/10:30a-1p PLACE CC/CE2-4 CC/CE2-1 INSTR Szeto Szeto This course is designed for intermediate to advanced ESL learners to improve conversation and pronunciation skills in English. It is recommended that participants have English language skills at a Beginning High level. Dates: Sep 15-Nov 24 *Dates: Sep 14-Nov 30 CRN DAYS 11615 S/9a-12p 11616* F/10:30a-1p PLACE INSTR CC/CE10-14 Miller CC/CE12-10 Sabha SCE Fall Schedule 2007 INSTR Glicker This ESL course emphasizes reading comprehension skills while building vocabulary and critical thinking skills for students who are at an intermediate level or high. In addition, the writing component is designed to acquaint students with writing skills required to develop college- level writing techniques by focusing on prewriting, outlining, drafting, revising and editing. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 11717 F/8:30a-10:30a 11719 MW/12:30p-2p PLACE INSTR CC/CE12-10 Sabha CC/CE12-10 Staff COMPUTER SKILLS FOR ESL, ADVANCED ESLA/815 ESL PRONUNCIATION / CONVERSATION SKILLS ESLA/802 The course is designed to prepare prospective candidates for the US citizenship process. Students will learn how to complete all required immigration forms and practice the USCIS Citizenship Test by becoming familiar with US history. Students will acquire an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of being a US citizen. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 Students will enhance their English language skills through challenging computer application tasks using MS Word, PowerPoint, Print Shop, Excel, the Internet, and MS Publisher. Emphasis is on building confidence in independent projects to improve English skills in grammar, vocabulary, writing, and reading. Students will be actively involved in computer projects linking the academic environment with their communities. Dates: Sep 14-Nov 30 CRN DAYS 11864 F/8a-10:30a PLACE CC/CE2-1 INSTR Dostal Register Online at ENGLISH-AS-A-SECOND LANGUAGE ESL-Wilshire Classes ESL-Wilshire Campus Campus Classes at at United United Methodist MethodistChurch ChurchofofFullerton Fullerton BEGINNING HIGH ESLA/300 Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: Most Wilshire Center Classes Held at First United Methodist Church This Fall Due to construction, most Wilshire Center classes during the Fall term will be held at the: First United Methodist Church of Fullerton 114 N. Pomona Avenue, Fullerton * The Wilshire Center is undergoing a complete remodel and will reopen for classes in April of 2008. * Students can continue to park in the same lots, using the usual parking permits. * Watch the website for more details. Please join us in our temporary “home.” * For information, call the Wilshire Center at (714) 992-7700. Please do not contact the Church. UMF = United Methodist Church of Fullerton; 114 N. Pomona Avenue ESL LEARNING CENTER ESLA/001 11658 11659 11596 11597 11605 11610 MW/8a-10:30a TTh/8a-10:30a TTh/10:30a-1p MW/10:30a-1p MTWTh/5p-7:30p MTWTh/7:30p-10p PLACE 11753 MTWTh/10:30a-1p UMF/139 MW/5p-8:30p TTh/5p-8:30p Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS 11749 11598 11607 11611 11750 MTWTh/8a-10:30a MTWTh/10:30a-1p MTWTh/5p-7:30p MW/7:30p-10p TTh/7:30p-10p PLACE UMF/236 UMF/236 UMF/251 UMF/251 UMF/236 INSTR Lynch-Thompson Skliar Lasher Choi Braam ESL INTERMEDIATE HIGH ESLA/500 Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS 12087 11599 11600 11606 11613 MTWTh/8a-10:30a MW/10:30a-1p TTh/10:30a-1p MTWTh/5p-7:30p MTWTh/7:30p-10p PLACE UMF/149 UMF/244 UMF/244 UMF/236 UMF/236 INSTR Pilafas Ozbolt Ulloa Braam Sersea SCE Staff. Cultivating Change in Our Students. INSTR LynchThompson Hernandez Brink INSTR Maske Ozbolt Gayley Pilafas Jimenez Guo INTERMEDIATE/LOW ESLA/400 The ESL Learning Center offers an opportunity to practice English through various instructional media. Students learn through ESL software and/or receive individual and group tutoring to improve their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Special interest areas such as Vocational ESL and EL Civics are also part of the instruction. Dates: Aug 20-Dec 20 CRN DAYS PLACE UMF/244 UMF/252 UMF/251 UMF/251 UMF/244 UMF/244 ADVANCED / HIGH ESLA/700 Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS BEGINNING LITERACY ESLA/100 Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS PLACE 11666 MW/8a-10:30a UMF/251 11774 TTh/8a-10:30a UMF/143 11593 MTWTh/10:30a- UMF/142 1p 11602 MT/5p-7:30p UMF/142 11603 WTh/5p-7:30p UMF/142 11612 WTh/7:30p-10p UMF/142 11614 MT/7:30p-10p UMF/142 INSTR Jalali Cole Jalali Makena Alaniz Alaniz Makena BEGINNING LOW ESLA/200 Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS 11592 11594 11595 11604 11608 11609 MTWTh/8a-10:30a MW/10:30a-1p TTh/10:30a-1p MTWTh/5p-7:30p MW/7:30p-10p TTh/7:30p-10p PLACE UMF/142 UMF/252 UMF/252 UMF/252 UMF/252 UMF/252 INSTR Ulloa Stehly Ozbolt Murphy Murphy Meister 11601 MW/8a-10:30a 11722 TTh/8a-10:30a PLACE UMF/252 UMF/252 INSTR Stehly Skliar ESL SPECIALTY CLASSES Take a class to develop language skills in a specific area. No assessment is needed. Register in the ESL Learning Center on Monday - Friday. On Saturdays, students can register in class. ESL PRONUNCIATION / CONVERSATION SKILLS ESLA/802 This course is designed for intermediate to advanced ESL learners to improve conversation and pronunciation skills in English. It is recommended that students have Beginning High English language skills. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS PLACE 11723 F/9a-10:30a UMF/244 11724 F/10:30a-12p UMF/244 11734 TTh/12:30p-2:30p UMF/244 INSTR Hall Hall Gayley Been away for a while? No problem...we want you back! ENGLISH-AS-A-SECOND LANGUAGE CITIZENSHIP PREPARATION ESLA/803 The course is designed to prepare prospective candidates for the US citizenship process. Students will learn how to complete all required immigration forms and practice the USCIS Citizenship Test by becoming familiar with US history. Students will acquire an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of being a US citizen. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS PLACE 11619 MTWTh/10:30a-1p UMF/149 12009 TTh/5p-7:30p UMF/149 11620 TTh/7:30p-10p UMF/149 INSTR Maske Fisher Fisher ESL AND THE ARTS ESLA/804 This course builds reading comprehension, writing, and speaking skills in the context of thematic and aesthetic exploration of the arts. Students will identify common artistic themes while comparing and contrasting a variety of aesthetic forms, styles, and periods. This interactive course includes visiting museums, watching performances, and listening to guest speakers. Dates: Sep 14-Nov 30 CRN DAYS 11622 F/12p-3p PLACE UMF/252 INSTR Ismail-Beigi AMERICAN IDIOMS ESLA/809 Students will become familiar with common American English idioms, their meanings, uses and demonstrate the application of idioms to everyday situations. In addition, students will learn the skills of deducing the meaning of the new vocabulary from context and become more comfortable sharing their opinions and experiences while practicing the target idioms. Dates: Sep 11-Nov 29 CRN DAYS 11692 TTh/8a-10:30a PLACE UMF/143 INSTR This ESL course emphasizes reading comprehension while building vocabulary and critical thinking skills for students who are at an Intermediate level or higher. The writing component is designed to start developing college-level writing skills by focusing on prewriting, outlining, drafting, revising and editing. Dates: Sep 10-Nov 28 11691 MW/8a-10:30a 12059 MW/8a-10:30a PLACE UMF/143 WIL/TBA INSTR Cole Cole INTERMEDIATE GRAMMAR REVIEW ESLA/813 Students will learn to understand grammar structures in various contexts and practice using them in both oral and written communication. This class supplements core ESL courses or works as a stand-alone course. This course is designed for Intermediate Low, Intermediate High, and Advanced level ESL students. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS 11716 F/10:30a-12p 11993 TTh/10:30a-1p 10 PLACE UMF/142 UMF/143 SCE Fall Schedule 2007 Most Wilshire Center Classes Held at First United Methodist Church This Fall Due to construction, most Wilshire Center classes during the Fall term will be held at the: First United Methodist Church of Fullerton 114 N. Pomona Avenue, Fullerton * The Wilshire Center is undergoing a complete remodel and will reopen for classes in April of 2008. * Students can continue to park in the same lots, using the usual parking permits. * Watch the website for more details. Please join us in our temporary “home.” * For information, call the Wilshire Center at (714) 992-7700. Please do not contact the Church. UMF = United Methodist Church of Fullerton; 114 N. Pomona Avenue INTERMEDIATE VOCABULARY REVIEW ESLA/814 Students will review, expand, and retain vocabulary words and phrases organized by commonly used topics. Students will work on using approximately twenty-five practical target words per class in oral and written exercises. This course is designed for the ESL students placed in the Intermediate Low, Intermediate High, and Advanced levels. Dates: Sep 14-Nov 30 CRN DAYS 11715 F/9a-10:30a PLACE UMF/143 INSTR Rubin Gayley WRITING / READING ESLA/810 CRN DAYS ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: INSTR Rubin Cole Clases de inglés gratis en su vecindario! Para el local más cercano. Por favor llame al: 714-808-4638 ESL-Hermosa Village Village ESL-Hermosa The Hermosa Village Center is a community center serving the Hermosa Village Apartment Community and nearby neighborhoods. The School of Continuing Education is proud to be a partner with the Hermosa Village Center providing family-oriented continuing education classes! Counseling services are also available. Free babysitting! BEGINNING LOW ESLA/200 Dates: Sep 4-Dec 20 CRN DAYS PLACE 11954 TThS/5:30p-8:30p Hermosa Village INSTR Huerta Register Online at ENGLISH-AS-A-SECOND LANGUAGE ESL-Anaheim City FAMILY LITERACY ESLA/120 ESL-Anaheim City School District School District Open Registration; Inscripciones Abiertas Free babysitting on selected days; ask your instructor for further information. The course focuses on incorporating reading and literacy as a fundamental component of a healthy, wellfunctioning family. The family-oriented assignments integrate school and home. Starts week of 9/3/2007, ends week of 12/17/2007 *Dates: Sep 10-Dec 18 ESL MULTILEVEL ESLA/110 CRN DAYS The course focuses on preparing students to use English to achieve tasks within a variety of real-life situations such as a doctor's office or a department store. Students are instructed to be able to listen, speak, read, and write in English in context-specific environments. Starts week of 9/3/2007, ends week of 12/17/2007 CRN DAYS PLACE 12023 WTh/5p-7:30p Abraham Lincoln Elementary 12024 W/5:30p-8:30p Adelaide Price Elementary 12066 W/5:30p-8:30p Adelaide Price Elementary 12025 WTh/8:30aAdelaide Price 10:30a Elementary 12026 WTh/6p-8p Benjamin Franklin Elementary 12027 WTh/8:30aBetsy Ross 11:30a Elementary 12067 WTh/8:30aBetsy Ross 11:30a Elementary 12030 WTh/6p-9p Horace Mann Elementary 12031 WTh/6p-9p Horace Mann Elementary 12032 MT/8a-11a Horace Mann Elementary 12033 WTh/8a-11a Paul Revere Elementary 12034 W/6p-9p Sunkist Elementary School 12036 W/7p-9p Sunkist Elementary School 12037 WTh/5p-8p Thomas Edison Elementary 12055 WTh/5p-8p Thomas Edison Elementary 12070 WTh/5p-8p Thomas Edison Elementary 12071 MW/5p-8p Thomas Edison Elementary 12065 WTh/6p-9p Thomas Edison Elementary 12069 WTh/5p-8p Theodore Roosevelt Elementary 11386 MT/6p-9p PLACE Abraham Lincoln Elementary/ 12022 WTh/5p-7:30p Abraham Lincoln Elementary 11383 MT/5:30p-8:30p Adelaide Price Elementary/ Library 11713 MT/8:30aAdelaide Price 10:30a Elementary 11387 MT/6p-9p Benjamin Franklin Elementary 11381 MT/8:30aBetsy Ross 11:30a Elemntary/ 11861 TTh/5:30pClara Barton 7:30p Elementary 11385* MT/6p-9p Horace Mann Elementary 11991 MT/6p-9p Horace Mann Elementary 12006 MT/8a-11a Horace Mann Elementary 11697 TTh/6p-9p John Marshall Elementary 11746 TTh/6p-9p Melbourne Gauer Elementary 11667 MW/5:30pPatrick Henry 8:30p Elementary 11714 MT/8a-11a Paul Revere Elementary 11779 MT/6p-9p Sunkist Elementary School 11922 MT/6p-9p Sunkist Elementary School 11382 MT/5p-8p Thomas Edison Elementary/ 11951 TTh/5p-8p Thomas Edison Elementary 11893 MT/5p-8p Thomas Edison Elementary 11427 MT/5p-8p Thomas Edison Elementary/ 11384 MW/5:30pThomas 8:30p Jefferson Elementary 11480 TW/6p-9p Theodore Roosevelt Elementary INSTR Lee Miranda Miranda Kis Lopez Staff Dahi Buford Ramirez Ly Hastings Pimienta Leija Staff Vanegas Truong Usary Lee Worthington INSTR Lee Staff Miranda Kis Lopez Dahi Luu Buford Ramirez Ly Morenni Ancheta Martin Hastings Pimienta Leija Staff Lopez Truong Vanegas Ramos Worthington Top Four Advantages to Learning English Las cinco razones más importantes para aprende inglés 1. 2. 3. 4. Higher Wages Employment Helping your Children Succeed in School Self-Pride 1. 2. 3. 4. Ganar un major salario Conseguir mejores trabajos Ayudar a sus hijos a que tengan éxito en la escuela Sentirse orgulloso de sus logros Enroll Today! Call 714-808-4638 for more information Ha estado fuera por un tiempo? No hay problema! Bienvenido de nuevo! 11 English-As-a-Second-Language ESL-Brea SchoolDistrict District ESL-Brea Olinda Olinda School ESL-La SchoolDistrict District ESL-LaHabra Habra School Open Registration; Inscripciones Abiertas Free babysitting on selected days; ask your instructor for further information. Open Registration; Inscripciones Abiertas Free babysitting on selected days; ask your instructor for further information. FAMILY LITERACY ESLA/120 FAMILY LITERACY ESLA/120 The course focuses on incorporating reading and literacy as a fundamental component of a healthy, wellfunctioning family. The family-oriented assignments integrate school and home. Dates: Sep 10-Dec 19 The course focuses on incorporating reading and literacy as a fundamental component of a healthy, wellfunctioning family. The family-oriented assignments integrate school and home. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 12/17/2007 12004 MW/6p-9p 11980 MTWF/8:30a11:30a 11981 MTWTh/9a-12p CRN DAYS PLACE Fanning Elementary School INSTR Joseph CRN DAYS PLACE Los Lomas Elementary Las Positas School Washington Middle School Washington Middle School 11982 MW/6p-9p ESL-Buena Park ESL-Buena Park School SchoolDistrict District Open Registration; Inscripciones Abiertas Free babysitting on selected days; ask your instructor for further information. This course provides English language instruction through the medium of English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) computer programs. The primary focus is situated vocabulary development through the use of the Oxford Picture Dictionary program and supplementary software. Dates: Sep 10-Dec 20 11892 MTWTh/6p-9p PLACE INSTR Gilbert Carstensen Elementary School 11891 MTWTh/8:15a-12p Messiah Arellano Lutheran Church ESL-Fullerton District ESL-FullertonUnion UnionSchool School District Open Registration; Inscripciones Abiertas Free babysitting on selected days; ask your instructor for further information. ESL MULTILEVEL ESLA/110 The course focuses on preparing students to use English to achieve tasks within a variety of real-life situations such as a doctor's office or a department store. Students are instructed to be able to listen, speak, read, and write in English in context-specific environments. Dates: Sep 10-Dec 19 CRN DAYS 12072 MTW/8a-11a 12 PLACE Townsend Staff Cole ESL-Magnolia School District ESL-Magnolia School District ESL AND COMPUTERS ESLA/130 CRN DAYS 11983 TTh/6p-9p INSTR Younger INSTR Richman Rau Community Center SCE Fall Schedule 2007 Open Registration; Inscripciones Abiertas Free babysitting on selected days; ask your instructor for further information. FAMILY LITERACY ESLA/120 The course focuses on incorporating reading and literacy as a fundamental component of a healthy, wellfunctioning family. The family-oriented assignments integrate school and home. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 12/3/2007 CRN DAYS 11828 TTh/8:30a11:30a 11390 MTTh/6p-9p PLACE Albert Schweitzer Elementary Esther L Walter Elementary/ Portable 11683 TWThF/8:30a- Esther L Walter 11:30a Elementary 11780 W/6p-9p Esther L Walter Elementary 11426 MTW/6p-9p Jonas Salk Elementary/ Portable 11882 MTWTh/8:30a- Jonas Salk 11:30a Elementary 11725 WTh/6p-9p M L Maxwell Elementary 11851 MF/8:30aM L Maxwell 11:30a Elementary 11388 TTh/8:30aRobert M Pyle 11:30a Elementary/ Portable 11825 MW/8:30aRobert M Pyle 11:30a Elementary 11389 TTh/6p-9p Robert M Pyle Elementary/ Portable INSTR Worthington Staff Poblet-Moreno Jackson Gueddi Staff Murillo Gueddi Manchanda Manchanda Dennard Register Online at English-As-a-Second-Language ESL-Off-SiteClasses Classes ESL-Off-Site Registration is open entry! You may register in any offsite class at any time. For more info, call (714) 808-4638. Free babysitting at selected locations. ESL MULTILEVEL ESLA/110 The course focuses on preparing students to use English to achieve tasks within a variety of real-life situations such as a doctor's office or a department store. Students are instructed to be able to listen, speak, read, and write in English in context-specific environments. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS PLACE 11378 MTWTh/8:30a- Anaheim 11:30a Community Center 11781 MTWTh/9a-12p Access California Services 11751 MW/8:30aBrea Comm Ctr 11:30a 11520 TTh/10a-11:30a Commonwealth Adlt Day HealthCt 11684 MW/2p-4p Casa Santa Maria 11376 MTWTh/8aFirst Christian 10:30a Church Anaheim 11379 TTh/10:30a-1p First Christian Church Anaheim 12008 MTWThF/12:30 Korean Bokji p-3:30p Wellness Center 11994 TTh/6p-8:30p Los Alamitos Elementary 11883 MTWTh/9a-12p Orange Cty Christian Charities 11952 TTh/12p-3p Or Co Korean US MWF/12:30p- Citizen League 3:30p 12063 TTh/12p-3p Or Co Korean US MWF/12:30p- Citizen League 3:30p 11377 MTWTh/8:30a- Ponderosa Park 12:15p 11380 MTW/6p-9p Stanton Cultural Arts Center 12010 MTWTh/9a-12p West Anaheim Youth Center INSTR Weatherspoon Hasan Anglin Pregenzer Edgington Edgington Kim Miller Hall Staff Staff PLACE Access California Services Enroll in the ESL Intermediate Work Skills class at Anaheim Campus (#11995 or #11977) Cypress Campus (#11894) x Improve your English skills x Improve your computer skills x Improve your critical thinking skills Gain the skills needed to get a job! SCE: Cultivating Change in our Students. ESL-Placentia/Yorba LindaSchool School ESL-Placentia/Yorba Linda Open Registration; Inscripciones Abiertas Free babysitting on selected days; ask your instructor for further information. ESL AND COMPUTERS ESLA/130 This course provides English language instruction through the medium of English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) computer programs. The primary focus is situated vocabulary development through the use of the Oxford Picture Dictionary program and supplementary software. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 12/17/2007 CRN DAYS Lim Whitaker Pena The course is designed to prepare prospective candidates for the US citizenship process. Students will learn how to complete all required immigration forms and practice the USCIS Citizenship Test by becoming familiar with US history. Students will acquire an understanding of the rights and responsibilities of being a US citizen. Dates: Sep 10-Nov 28 11996 MW/12p-1:30p Don’t be! Whitaker CITIZENSHIP PREPARATION ESLA/803 CRN DAYS Are you intimidated by your limited English? INSTR 11953 TTh/6p-8:30p 11877 MW/6p-8:30p 11878 MTWTh/6p8:30p 11959 MTWTh/6p8:30p 11657 MTWTh/8:30a12p 11735 MTWTh/8:30a12p 11879 MTWTh/8:30a12p 11880 TTh/6p-8:30p Hasan 11881 MTWTh/8:30a12p 11917 MTWTh/8a-11a PLACE Kraemer Elementary Melrose Elementary School Melrose Elementary School Melrose Elementary School Ruby Drive Elementary School Ruby Drive Elementary School Rio Vista Elementary School Rio Vista Elementary School Rio Vista Elementary School Topaz Elementary INSTR Briggs Garcia Martinez Chavoya Sanch ez-Silva Monroe Diaz Arellano Myers Kennedy Thank you for learning with SCE 13 Foreign Language - Basic Skills FOREIGN LANGUAGE FOREIGN LANGUAGE basic BASIC skills SKILLS If you need more detailed information please call (714) 808-4638. ARABIC - CONVERSATIONAL LANG/100 Beginning level class introduces students to the basic knowledge of Arabic. Dates: Sep 15-Dec 1 CRN DAYS PLACE 10257 S/9a-11:30a AN/TBA INSTR Nabulsi FEE $75 JAPANESE - CONVERSATIONAL LANG/160 Beginning level class introduces students to the culture and customs of Japan and to speak beginning level Japanese. Dates: Sep 15-Dec 1 CRN DAYS PLACE 10335 S/8a-10:30a UMF/149 INSTR Lyon FEE $75 JAPANESE CONVERSATIONAL II LANG/162 Low intermediate level class expands students' basic knowledge of spoken Japanese. Dates: Sep 15-Dec 1 CRN DAYS PLACE 10259 S/10:30a-1p UMF/149 INSTR Lyon FEE $75 Beginning level class introduces students to the culture and customs of the Russian speaking countries and addresses immediate needs of a traveler. The course will also give the language skills helpful to welcome adopted children to their new families. Dates: Sep 11-Nov 27 PLACE 10260 T/7p-9:30p YL/TBA INSTR Dollar FEE $75 SPANISH - CONVERSATION I LANG/190 Beginning level class introduces students to the culture and customs of Latin America and covers beginning level speaking skills. Dates: Sep 10-Dec 3 *Dates: Sep 11-Nov 27 CRN DAYS PLACE 10262 M/7p-9:30p YL/TBA 10331 M/7p-9:30p YL/305 10333* T/7p-9:30p CC/TBA INSTR Islas Islas Montero FEE $75 $75 $75 SPANISH - CONVERSATION II LANG/200 Low intermediate level class expands students' basic knowledge of spoken Spanish. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS PLACE 10256 T/7p-9:30p UMF/250 10334 Th/7p-9:30p YL/305 14 INSTR Aparicio Islas SCE Fall Schedule 2007 Enroll at any time. Review and study subjects commonly taught in elementary grades 1-8, including reading, grammar, punctuation, spelling and math. Specialized assistance available for the disabled at the Cypress Continuing Education Office: 714.484.7057 Dates: Sep 10-Dec 6 *Dates: Sep 10-Nov 29 x Anaheim Campus: Room 141 x Cypress Campus: Room CE1, park off of Holder Street x First United Methodist Church of Fullerton (114 N. Pomona, Fullerton): Room 41 M-Th: 8:30a-2:45p/6-9p THE LITERACY PROGRAM ABE/105 Designed for students from beginning levels of reading to those working toward a high school diploma. Through the use of small-group instruction, computeraided instruction, audio books and workbooks, students will learn to become better readers, writers and thinkers. The skills attained can be used for personal growth, job advancement or for entry into other educational programs. A specific learning plan is developed for each student based on student goals, needs and learning style. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 12/3/2007 CRN DAYS RUSSIAN - CONVERSATIONAL LANG/170 CRN DAYS ADULT BASIC EDUCATION ABE/100 FEE $75 $75 11699 MTWTh/8:30a2:45p 11817 MTWTh/8:30a2:45p 11816 MTWTh/9a-12:30p 11700 MTh/5p-8p TW/5p-8p 11818 MT/5p-8p PLACE INSTR UMF/41 La Morte AN/139 Barrett CC/CE1-1 UMF/41 Pewthers Martinez La Morte Staff AN/139 IMPROVING INDIVIDUAL SKILLS LAB ABE/120 For students interested in improving general and specific academic subjects at the secondary level (grades 9-12) experiencing difficulty in curriculum ranging from basic academics to college preparatory. Dates: Aug 20-Dec 20 *Dates: Sep 10-Dec 6 CRN DAYS 11783 MTWTh/7a-8:45p FS/7a-3p 11782 MTWTh/8a-9p F/8a-5p S/11:30a-3:30p 11784 MW/8a-3:30p TTh/8a-3p F/8a-12p MTWTh/5p-8p PLACE INSTR FC/800 Staff LLRC Staff LLRC/127 Clancy Clancy Nakayama Vanlaningham x Anaheim Campus: Room 141 x Cypress Campus: Room CE1, park off of Holder Street x First United Methodist Church of Fullerton (114 N. Pomona, Fullerton): Room 41 M-Th: 8:30a-2:45p/6-9p Register Online at High School Diploma Program - GED exam information HIGHHigh SCHOOL DIPLOMA School PROGRAM Diploma Program Improve your workplace skills, chances for promotion, increase production! Need a High School Diploma? You can start earning credits today! NOTICE TO EMPLOYERS: You can arrange for onsite instruction in ESL or any Basic Skills subjects. Call our Training and Development Institute at (714) 808-4615! This course is specifically designed for adult students who want to study at their own pace to complete the credits necessary for a High School Diploma. HOW CAN YOU ENROLL IN THE HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA PROGRAM? STEP 1: Before your orientation, contact your previous school(s) and obtain an officially-sealed transcript showing all previously completed high school work. STEP 2: If you are a FIRST TIME student, apply for a student ID on-line at or come in person to one of our campus locations. Appointments for orientation CANNOT be made until you have an SCE ID. STEP 3: Call a Counseling Office near you to schedule an appointment for your ORIENTATION (available weekly, day, or evening): ANAHEIM CAMPUS - (714) 808-4682 CYPRESS CAMPUS - (714) 484-7440 WILSHIRE CAMPUS - (714) 992-9916 STEP 4: Purchase a $2.00 one-day parking permit from the yellow parking lot machines before attending orientation. All diploma applicants must have their previous work reviewed by a SCE evaluator or counselor. Various experiences are recognized for credit including previous schooling, work experience. Competency tests in reading, language, writing and math are required of all high school graduate candidates. HIGH SCHOOL LAB LOCATION AND HOURS x x Anaheim Campus: Room 141 Cypress Campus: Room CE1, park off of Holder Street x First United Methodist Church of Fullerton (114 N. Pomona, Fullerton): Room 41 M-Th: 8:30a-2:45p/6-9p OFFICIAL GED GED EXAM Official Exam INFORMATION Information WILSHIRE CENTER- Building 300 September 15, October 20, November 17, December 15 REGISTRATION: The 2007 GED test is limited to the first 20 paid applicants. The official GED test fee of $110 is collected at the Wilshire Center. Bring a MONEY ORDER payable to: Orange County Dept. of Education to the Wilshire Center, 315 E. Wilshire, Fullerton. Fees are nonrefundable. A registration packet will be issued on the day that registration fees are paid. For registration questions please call the Wilshire Center at (714) 9927700. The new GED test is now in effect. Scores from the previous version of the GED cannot be combined with the new test scores. TEST FEES: $110 for complete official test (5 sections); $20 for a retake of Test 1: Language Arts/Writing; $20 for a retake of Tests 2 through 5. The test fee is applicable for 60 days from date of registration. Fees are subject to change without notice. DAY OF THE EXAM: Arrive at testing center by 8:00 am. You must have the following: a form of positive photo ID with birth date, signature and address, (such as CA Driver's license, Passport, Military ID, Residency/Alien Card, or Mexican Consulate Card). A parking permit is needed to park in the student lot. MINIMUM AGE REQUIREMENTS: You must be 18 years or older to take the GED exam. There are some special circumstances that would allow a 17 year old to take the GED. Please contact the number below for more information. GED testing is available for applicants with documented physical and learning disabilities. Requests for accommodations must be made at least four weeks in advance of the test date. Call RaeLynn Holguin at (714) 992-7767 for further information. GED Test Test Preparation Preparation GED GED TEST PREPARATION ABE/125 Individualized preparation for GED tests with programmed materials. All students register in the classroom. See instructor for GED test dates. Dates: Sep 10-Dec 6 *Dates: Sep 10-Nov 29 x Anaheim Campus: Room 141 x Cypress Campus: Room CE1, park off of Holder Street x First United Methodist Church of Fullerton (114 N. Pomona, Fullerton): Room 41 M-Th: 8:30a-2:45p/6-9p HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA COURSE REQUIREMENTS English…………………………………………40 credits Social Studies…………………………………30 credits Applied or Fine Arts…………………………..10 credits Math…………………………………………....20 credits Science………………………………………...20 credits Health…………………………………………....5 credits Electives…………………………...………… .60 credits TOTAL …………………………......……185 CREDITS Cultivate Change in Your Life. NOCCCD School of Continuing Education SCE...Where Learning Never Ends 15 SCE Labs - English & Communication - Math BE AN EFFECTIVE SPEAKER / PRESENTER ENCO/515 SCE LABS SCE LABS SUPERVISED TUTORING LABS/100 Students will use tutorial assistance to enhance problem solving skills, and increase comprehension of specific subject areas. Tutors and instructors are there to help you prepare for tests and to complete homework. Enrollment is by Instructor and Counselor referral only. Dates: Aug 20-Dec 20 CRN DAYS 11706 MTWTh/9a-7p F/10a-1p S/9:30a-1:30p PLACE FC/800 INSTR Effective communications skills lead to success yet many of us give or have given presentations and delivered speeches without the essential knowledge of effective speaking. You will learn how to organize your speech/presentation; minimize your ahs, ums and other filler words; refine your message to impact the audience; visualize your message through effective body language; and inspire and engage your audience with your voice. Dates: Oct 18-Nov 15 CRN DAYS 12038 Th/7p-9p Staff PLACE CC/CE4-2 INSTR Adamo FEE $50 MATH MATH ENGLISH COMMUNiCATION ENGLISH & & COMMUNICATION CREATIVE WRITING CNED/225 A practical hands-on course to help students polish their creative written work. Concepts of writing, grammar skills, spelling, punctuation, and selection of appropriate language will be covered. Works will be critiqued for introduction, plot structure and theme. Dates: Sep 12-Dec 3 CRN DAYS 10376 W/6:30p-9:30p PLACE YL/305 INSTR Wills COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAF (BEGINNING) ENCO/110 This course is suitable for beginners, beneficial for parents, teachers, instructional personnel and individuals interested in communicating with deaf or hard-of-hearing children and young adults. Dates: Sep 18-Nov 27 CRN DAYS 10181 T/6:30p-9:30p PLACE Raymond Temple School 10499 Th/7p-9p 16 PLACE CC/CE4-2 INSTR Adamo SCE Fall Schedule 2007 CRN DAYS 10513 Th/6p-9p 12116 M/6p-9p PLACE AN/310 AN/TBA INSTR Randhawa Randhawa ALGEBRA MAC/140 For those ready to study College Algebra, or anyone wanting to refresh their Algebra skills. This course also counts towards the math requirement for the SCE High School Diploma Program! Required textbook may be purchased at the Anaheim Campus bookstore. Dates: Sep 10-Dec 3 CRN DAYS 10090 W/6p-9p PLACE AN/TBA INSTR Stapleton Education Pays! Have you ever needed to speak in front of an audience but you didn't feel comfortable and you feared the outcome? Effective communications is essential for success; yet, the #1 fear for many is public speaking. You have the opportunity to minimize and even eliminate your fear of public speaking in a safe and positive growth environment. Learn how to master your fear by understanding the root causes of fear, realizing that fear is a positive emotion, and learning how to turn your fear into a world of excitement and enthusiasm. In fact, you may realize that public speaking can be enjoyable for both you and the audience. CRN DAYS The course is intended to cover arithmetic concepts beginning with basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percents. This course may be used for SCE High School Diploma credit. Required textbook may be purchased at the Anaheim Campus bookstore. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 INSTR Rorex DO YOU FEAR PUBLIC SPEAKING? ENCO/520 Dates: Sep 13-Oct 11 BASIC MATH SKILLS MAC/510 FEE $50 According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average weekly earnings for year-round, full-time workers are: Some high school/no diploma High School Diploma/GED Some College/no degree Associate’s degree (2-year) Bachelor’s degree (4-year) Master’s degree Professional degree Doctoral degree $396/week $554/week $622/week $672/week $900/week $1064/week $1307/week $1349/week Start your educational pathway with SCE and we’ll help you reach your destination! Earn your high school diploma or prepare for college. Call TODAY to make an appointment with our vocational counselor at 714-808-4681. Register Online at Career planning - Business Education CAREER CAREERPLANNING PLANNING Educational planning services are available to students currently enrolled in the following types of Continuing Education classes: English-as-aSecond-Language (ESL), Citizenship, Disabled Students Programs, Parenting, High School Subjects, Basic Skills, short-term vocational classes and certification programs. (Students enrolling in the High School Diploma Program see BASIC SKILLS PROGRAM). The Counseling Center at the SCE Anaheim Campus Students enrolled in SCE classes can take advantage of this state-of-the-art career library, including the on-line career computer lab. Find out about a new career direction, change careers, recareer, get ideas for your job search, work on a resume, research local college or job training opportunities. Make an appointment to ensure staff assistance. Visit our Career Library! Location: Anaheim Campus, Rm 215A M-Th: 9am-4pm; Tues eve until 7pm; Fri: 9am-1pm; Sat & Sun: Closed. Software available in our career lab: EUREKA: a comprehensive career information tool to use for career exploration and occupational identification. Includes information about colleges and schools, including vocational programs. Has Spanish occupational descriptions as well as assessment tools in Spanish. Career & Job Search Videos For good quick advice to create a resume, obtain interview tips, fill out a job application, learn how to find a job on the Internet, and more, make an appointment to view the following videos for FREEcall (714) 808-4682. (Students must obtain an SCE student ID prior to using videos or the Career Library). Video Topics include: -How to Find a Job on the Internet -The Complete Job Application -Quick Interview Video -You're Hired! Employers Give Tips for Successful Interviewing You're Fired! 10 quickest ways to loose a job and how to avoid them. Getting a job using nontraditional methods Getting a job using traditional methods -Make a Good First Impression -Quick Resume Video, Get a Resume Done-NOW! -Looking Sharp Dressing for Success -Eight Ways to Lose a Job...and How to Head in the Right Direction -Dialing for Jobs...Using the Phone on the Job Search -Putting the Bars Behind You The 50 Best Jobs for the 21st Century: -Getting Good Answers to Tough Interview Questions -Exploring Your Career Options -Good Pay, Most Openings, and Fastest Growth -Fastest-Growing Fields -Promising Careers with College Degrees -Promising Careers without College Degrees CAREER EXPLORATION CRPL/140 This class is for students who are undecided about their educational or career goals. Using a career planning process, students assess interests, skills, personality, values, life and work style choices. Students research potential educational and career goals and relate their self-assessment information to occupational possibilities and college majors. Starts week of 10/22/2007, ends week of 12/3/2007 *Dates: Sep 10-Oct 17 †Dates: Oct 22-Nov 28 CRN DAYS 10368 TTh/7:30a-8:50a PLACE CC/HUM101 10516* MW/10:30a-11:50a CC/BUS-319 10517† MW/10:30a-11:50a CC/BUS-319 10518 M/5p-7:50p CC/BUS-308 INSTR Easton Easton Easton Liken-McCann CAREER AND LIFE PLANNING CRPL/160 Includes an analysis of lifestyles, self-assessment, overcoming obstacles, career research, job search skills, resumes, interviewing and goal setting. Starts week of 8/20/2007, ends week of 12/10/2007 *Dates: Aug 22-Dec 19 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR 10519 TTh/8a-9:20a CC/BUS-308 Staff 10520 TTh/9:30a-10:50a CC/GYM 2- Nordee 204 10521 MW/9:30a-10:50a LLRC/245 Bedard 10367* W/6p-8:50p LLRC/245 Bedard Business BUSINESSEducation EDUCATION MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATE PROGRAM Certificate issued upon satisfactory completion of ten required courses and one elective computer course. Required courses include: Elements of Supervision, Management Skills I, Management Skills II, Finance for the Non-Financial Manager, Successful Negotiations, Written Communications, Effective Business Presentations, Introduction to Employment Law, Understanding Business Contracts, and Marketing Principles. Choose one 36-hour computer course from the following: Intro to Computers, Intro to Windows, Intro to Word, Intermediate Word, Intro to Excel, Intro to Access, Intermediate Access, Intro to Power Point, or MS Office-Overview. Please refer to the Computers section in this schedule for listing of computer courses. Learning is fun at SCE 17 Management Program - administrative assistant certificate program MANAGEMENT SKILLS I BMGR/412 This course provides an overview of the functions of the management process and its practical applications in a business environment. The course focuses on the planning process and organizing skills, including decision-making, strategic planning, delegating and staffing. Students will learn management principles that provide basic guidelines for supervisory decisions and actions. Dates: Sep 12-Oct 17 CRN DAYS 10183 W/6:30p-9:30p PLACE UMF/143 INSTR Baltazar FINANCE FOR THE NON-FINANCIAL MANAGER BMGR/431 This course introduces students to the basics of business finance for the non-financial manager. Financial statements will be covered along with discussions on sales and expenses, assets and liabilities, budgeting and planning, and financial analysis. Dates: Sep 14-Oct 19 CRN DAYS 10687 F/6:30p-9:30p PLACE AN/106 INSTR Baltazar MANAGEMENT SKILLS II BMGR/610 This course focuses on developing management skills in working with individuals and teams to promote productivity, quality and innovation. Topics include employee performance appraisal, performance management, work groups, and the control process for keeping people, plans and programs on track. Dates: Oct 24-Nov 28 CRN DAYS 10305 W/6:30p-9:30p PLACE UMF/143 INSTR Baltazar EFFECTIVE BUSINESS PRESENTATIONS BMGR/417 This course provides instruction and practice in business presentation skills. Students will learn techniques to enhance their ability to speak before any size group with more confidence and communicate their message effectively. Students are encouraged to participate in a video tape exercise for their own assessment of strengths and weaknesses. Dates: Oct 22-Dec 3 CRN DAYS 10688 M/6:30p-9:30p PLACE UMF/250 INSTR Smolen SUCCESSFUL NEGOTIATIONS BMGR/421 Participants will learn, practice, and perfect the skills required for achieving better outcomes in sale transactions, employment and promotion, purchasing, employee cooperation. Dates: Sep 10-Oct 15 CRN DAYS 10686 M/6:30p-9:30p PLACE UMF/250 INSTR Smolen ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Administrative Assistant CERTIFICATE PROGRAM Certificate Program The Administrative Assistant Certificate Program prepares students for a career as a secretary or an administrative assistant. Training includes keyboarding, introduction to computers, Windows XP, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, telephone techniques, filing, business mathematics, communication and problem solving, spelling, proofreading, Internet, e-mail, and employment skills. LENGTH OF PROGRAM: 264 hours of attendance is required. Students may choose a 12-week accelerated day-time program (Cypress CEC) with a 10 hour per week lab commitment or a 24-week evening program (Anaheim CEC) with a 5 hour per week lab commitment. WHEN TO REGISTER: should enroll during the Registration period (see registration information on page 1) Students must begin with Computer Applications 1, Office Skills 1. ORIENTATION: All NEW students to the Administrative Assistant Program are required to attend orientation. The orientation will consist of an overview of the program and course sequence. Follow these steps to schedule an appointment for Orientation. Step 1: Call (714) 808-4681 for orientation information. Step 2: Leave your name & phone number on the message to reserve your space for orientation on Tuesday, August 7, 6-8pm Board Room 1st Floor, Anaheim Campus There will be no need for us to call you back. Step 3: Arrive at Orientation ON TIME (late arrivers will NOT be able to attend). Bring $2 to purchase temporary, one-day parking permit from the yellow parking machines located in the parking lots. Children are NOT allowed in the Orientation room. FIRST NIGHT ATTENDANCE: Day classes are held at Cypress CEC in CE2, evening classes at Anaheim CEC. To secure your place in class, you must attend the first class. If you are not in class ONE HOUR after the scheduled starting time your spot could be reassigned to a student on the Wait List For additional information or to speak to a vocational counselor, please call 714 808-4681. COMPUTER APPLICATIONS FOR THE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT I BUSN/340 First in a series of two levels that prepares students for an entry-level position as an administrative assistant. Includes units on Keyboarding and Word. Textbook Required. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 10/15/2007 *Dates: Sep 10-Dec 3 CRN DAYS 10676 MW/8a-12p 10665 TTh/1p-5p 10670* MW/6:30p-8:30p 18 SCE Fall Schedule 2007 PLACE CC/CE2-1 AN/413 AN/413 INSTR Grane Staff Downer Register Online at Administrative Assistant Certificate Program - Business skills x x x x ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT BOOT CAMP! Earn your Administrative Assistant Career Certificate in as little as 12 weeks! Everything you need to get employed… Internship opportunities and job search assistance services are available upon completion Learn all of the essential office skills including Word, Excel, Outlook, keyboarding, telephone and organizational skills An orientation will be held on Tuesday, August 7, 6:00-8:00 pm. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about the program! For more information, please call us at (714) 808-4915 or visit *Additional lab hours required for Career Certificate COMPUTER APPLICATIONS FOR THE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT II BUSN/341 Second in a series of two levels that prepares students for an entry-level position as an administrative assistant. Includes units on Windows and Internet. Textbook Required. Starts week of 10/22/2007, ends week of 12/3/2007 *Dates: Sep 11-Dec 4 CRN DAYS 10677 MW/8a-12p 10666 TTh/1p-5p 10672* TTh/6:30p-8:30p PLACE CC/CE2-1 AN/413 AN/413 INSTR Grane Staff Casper OFFICE SKILLS I BUSN/320 First in a series of two levels that prepare students for an entry-level position as an administrative assistant. Includes units on the office environment, career opportunities, attitude, human relationships, and work ethics. Textbook Required. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 10/15/2007 *Dates: Sep 10-Dec 3 CRN DAYS 10667 W/1p-5p 10674 MW/1p-3p 10669* MW/8:30p-9:30p PLACE AN/413 CC/CE2-1 AN/413 INSTR Staff McClurkin Downer OFFICE SKILLS II BUSN/321 Second in a series of two levels that prepares students for an entry-level position as an administrative assistant. Includes units on telephone procedures, filing and managing records, processing business documents, sending and receiving mail, and managing office activities. Textbook Required. Starts week of 10/22/2007, ends week of 12/3/2007 *Dates: Sep 11-Dec 4 CRN DAYS 10668 W/1p-5p 10675 MW/1p-3p 10671* TTh/8:30p-9:30p PLACE AN/413 CC/CE2-1 AN/413 INSTR Staff McClurkin Casper BUSINESSSKILLS SKILLS BUSINESS NOTARY PUBLIC SEMINAR AND EXAM BMGR/429 Learn what it takes to become a California Notary Public and fulfill the State of California mandated educational requirements at this one-day seminar. The actual Notary Public Exam will be administered by Cooperative Personnel Services (CPS) in the last hour. Please bring valid, government issued picture I.D. (i.e. driver's license or U.S. passport) and a check or money order payable to the Secretary of State for $40 if you plan to take the exam. To request special testing accommodations, you may contact CPS at (916) 2633624 PLEASE NOTE: you must attend a State of California approved seminar prior to being commissioned as a notary. This seminar is approved by the State of California and you will be issued a Certificate of Completion at the conclusion of the seminar. Dates: Sep 15-Sep 15 *Dates: Oct 13-Oct 13 CRN DAYS 10091 S/8:30a-5p 10685* S/8:30a-5p PLACE INSTR CC/TE3-218 Zago UMF/244 Zago FEE $85 $85 ACCOUNTING (BEGINNING) FINC/301 Begin with the basic study of Accounting/Bookkeeping Theory, Procedures and Terminology. The Accounting cycle for a business is presented in a logical sequence demonstrating accounting activities that include analysis and recording of business transactions using general journal, general ledger, and financial statements. Dates: Sep 10-Nov 19 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR 10132 M/6:30p-9:30p UMF/143 Santos FEE $65 ACCOUNTING (INTERMEDIATE) FINC/302 Prerequisite: Completion of Accounting (Beginning) or equivalent. Continue with Intermediate Accounting/Bookkeeping Theory, Procedures and Terminology leading to specialized journals, general and subsidiary ledgers, and financial statements. Further study of accounting procedures includes Accounts Receivable/Payable, Payroll, Uncollectible Procedures, Plant Assets, Depreciation, Inventory, Notes and Interest. Dates: Sep 11-Nov 13 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR 10133 T/6:30p-9:30p UMF/143 Santos FEE $65 DID YOU KNOW? Administrative Assistants are the #1 occupation with the most employment opportunities in Orange County! At SCE, we get it done! 19 Financial Planning & Investing - Business Opportunities DELIVER EFFECTIVE BUSINESS PRESENTATIONS BUSN/350 SECRETS OF REAL ESTATE FINANCING FINC/333 With today's technology, it is easy to assemble a series of slides and deliver a speech and call it a business presentation - but are we getting the results we expect? Though we will use PowerPoint, THIS IS NOT A POWERPOINT workshop. Rather we will focus on identifying the key issues, organizing your presentation, preparing for your presentation, using visual aids to enhance (not to distract from) your presentation and, most importantly, effectively delivering your presentation with or without the use of PowerPoint or other visual aids. Dates: Sep 22-Sep 29 Learn about real estate loans, costs, loan processing, qualifications, appraisals, escrows and underwriting. Find out how "not" to be taken: when getting a loan, interest rates, junk fees, lock-ins, false quotes, choosing a lender. For consumers, new loan officers, loan processors or investors. Dates: Sep 11-Oct 16 CRN DAYS 12085 S/9a-12p PLACE AN/104 INSTR Adamo FEE $50 EFFECTIVE NETWORKING PERSONTO-PERSON BUSN/360 Networking can be the most efficient way to promote your business and find customers but you need to network effectively in order to find those prospects and turn them into customers. Learn what is networking and where, when and how to network by attending this interactive and thought provoking workshop. Dates: Oct 20-Oct 20 CRN DAYS 10329 S/9a-1p PLACE AN/104 INSTR Adamo FEE $40 CRN DAYS 10092 T/7p-10p PLACE Includes the basics of all major investment areas, including definition and description, suitability and proper use within a portfolio. Also mutual funds, understanding stocks, annuities, retirement and estate planning. Dates: Oct 10-Oct 24 PLACE 10484 W/6:30p-9p YL/405 INSTR Goffin FEE $38 RETIREMENT PLANNING TODAY FINC/338 Learn how to make your retirement comfortable and free of money worries through this information packed seminar. Learn about basic investment products and strategies which can maximize return, lower taxes and provide financial security. Topics: Retirement and Financial Planning, Tax Planning, Investments, Health, Life, Medicare and Long Term Care Insurance. Dates: Oct 13-Oct 20 *Dates: Oct 11-Oct 25 CRN DAYS 10478 S/9a-12p 10477* Th/7p-9p 20 PLACE AN/118 AN/TBA INSTR Bowman Bowman SCE Fall Schedule 2007 $50 APARTMENT MANAGEMENT I BMGR/422 For owners, managers of rental properties, this course covers economics of apartment management, qualities of a manager, owner/manager relations, manager/resident relations, community policies, resident selection and retention, marketing, and planning for service. This course is one of three in the Apartment Management series. Dates: Sep 13-Nov 29 CRN DAYS PLACE UMF/250 INSTR Schultz REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL… A “TOP 10” CAREER CHOICE! Recently, Money Magazine selected Real Estate Appraisal as one of the top ten career opportunities of this decade. INVESTMENT STRATEGIES TO PROTECT YOUR NEST EGG FINC/322 CRN DAYS FEE BUSINESS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Opportunities 10186 Th/6:30p-9:30p FINANCIAL PLANNING FINANCIAL PLANNING & INVESTING & INVESTING INSTR CC/TE3-315 Stiles FEE $59 $59 TIMING IS EVERYTHING! Now just might be one of the best times to explore career opportunities in this flexible and constantly-challenging profession. No prior experience or advanced degrees are required to enter. x Learn why real estate appraisers frequently do well regardless of market conditions. x Discover why recent appraisal industry changes will reduce competition in the short term and may increase earnings in the long term. x Get the career opportunity information you need to put you in the right place with the right skills at the right time! REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL BUSN/375 This course is an introduction to real estate appraisal as a career. It covers what it takes to become an appraiser; what an appraiser actually does, including details on completing an appraisal; how much income can be expected; and how to structure the business. Dates: Oct 10-Oct 10 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR 10457 W/6:30p-9:30p AN/TBA Willson FEE $20 Register Online at Antiques & Collectibles Certificate Program - Computers Antiques&&COLLECTIBLES collectibles ANTIQUES Certificate CERTIFICATE Program PROGRAM Certificate issued upon satisfactory completion of ten required courses and two elective courses, excluding one-day workshops. Course offerings vary by trimester. Required Courses Courses Required PLACE INSTR Aversa FEE $55 INTRODUCTION TO ANTIQUES CNED/115 This six-session course is an introduction to the world of antiques. Learn how to recognize what an antique is, where to find them and how to shop for antiques. You will also learn how to care for your antiques, what is their investment potential and when to sell your antiques. Dates: Oct 24-Nov 28 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR 10691 W/6:30p-9:30p YL/405 Aversa FEE $55 POTTERY I: ENGLISH & CONTINENTAL POTTERY CRAE/110 Study of English and Continental pottery. Study of clays, glazes, decoration, pattern, form and makers' marks to help students identify and date pottery and porcelain in order to evaluate their place and significance in the marketplace. Styles and techniques developed in England and Continental Europe in 1650 to 1950 and influences from the Orient. Dates: Sep 11-Oct 16 CRN DAYS 10689 T/6p-9p PLACE YL/405 INSTR Miller FEE $55 POTTERY II: AMERICAN POTTERY CRAE/130 Prerequisite: Pottery I. Study of American and Native American pottery. Study of clays, glazes, decoration, pattern, form and makers' marks. This helps students identify and date pottery and porcelain to evaluate their place and significance in the marketplace. Styles and techniques developed in America and influences from the Orient, English and Europe. Dates: Oct 23-Nov 27 CRN DAYS 10690 T/6p-9p PLACE YL/405 INSTR Miller SCE has the computer classes you need for today's fast paced lifestyle. Most computer courses are FREE! This course is the study of the history of modern furniture from the Industrial Revolution (1790's) to mid20th century. Course will cover furniture periods and styles, motifs, designers, and manufacturers. Woods used to manufacture furniture, furniture construction techniques, and furniture terms and nomenclature also will be reviewed. Dates: Oct 25-Nov 29 10692 Th/6p-9:30p YL/TBA GET AHEAD WITH COMPUTER SKILLS! SCE offers: High quality instructors State-of-the-art laboratories Convenient course offerings All of the latest software FURNITURE II: INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION TO MID-20TH CENTURY BUSN/255 CRN DAYS Computers COMPUTERS FEE $55 SCE has been a leader in computer instruction for 20 years. Certificates are available for all courses completed. We have the course for you whether you are a beginner or an expert looking to advance your skills. Introductory Courses Introduction to Computers Introduction to Microsoft Windows Discover the Internet Introduction to Word Introduction to Excel Introduction to PowerPoint Introduction to Access Microsoft Office Overview Introduction to FrontPage Digital Photo Albums for Beginners Adobe Photoshop Elements Advanced Courses Intermediate Access Windows Desktop Security and Internet Security Introduction to Unix Introduction to Cisco Network Design Windows Operating System for Technicians Unix II - Linux Desktop Installation Network Administration I Integrated Computer Projects En Español Introduccion a la Computacion Introduccion al Internet Introduccion al Microsoft Windows Introduccion a Adobe Photoshop Elements Microsoft Office - Bilingue VISIT US ONLINE (714) 808-4915 Note: School of Continuing Education non-credit computer courses are not transferable and will not be recognized for credit by other institutions, including Fullerton College and Cypress College. These are noncredit computer classes and cannot be considered equivalent to or prerequisites for computer classes at a community college. For example, CCTR 100 is NOT equivalent to CIS 100. What do you want to learn today? 21 Computers BUSINESS/COMPUTER SKILLS LAB CCTR/100 DISCOVER THE INTERNET COMP/105 Enjoy free, flexible scheduling for a variety of courses: Office Keyboarding, Data Entry, 10-Key, Typing/Keyboarding for Speed and Accuracy, Windows XP, MS Office (Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, PowerPoint), FrontPage, Project, Intro to Internet and World Wide Web, A+ Certification Training, Oracle, Programming (C/C++/Java/Enterprise), internet access and free email! Dates: Aug 20-Dec 20 *Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 A hands-on overview of Internet concepts, Web browsing using Internet Explorer; email, newsgroups, FTP, netiquette, security issues, research, and more. Hands-on including on-line browsing. Recommended proficiency in: Introduction to Computers or equivalent. Dates: Sep 11-Nov 27 *Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 12/3/2007 CRN DAYS 11819 MTWTh/8a-10p FS/9a-3:45p 11859* F/8a-12p MTWTh/8:30a-4p 11785* S/9a-12p MTWTh/9:30a-3p F/10:30a-1:30p MTWTh/6p-9p PLACE INSTR FC/500 Staff CC/CE2-4 Staff AN/304 Staff Staff INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS COMP/100 Designed for those who know nothing or very little about computers. Builds computer technology understanding, makes one a better consumer of computers and products, and explores operation systems, software and hardware. Provides foundation for other SCE computer classes. Bilingual sections taught primarily in Spanish are highlighted.Las seccíones bilingües que son impartidas principalmente en español están resaltadas. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 12/3/2007 *Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS 10628 10683* 10605 10603 10656* 10607 10673* 10657* 10651* 10596 10608 10609* 10623* PLACE INSTR M/8:30a-11:30a AN/415 Rocha W/9a-12p AN/413 Kretschmar F/10a-1p AN/413 Kretschmar M/12p-3p AN/303 Kretschmar T/12p-3p YL/406 Huffman S/12p-3p AN/312 Esparza CLASS IS BILINGUAL/BILINGUE (10607) T/1p-4p CC/CE2-1 McClurkin W/3p-6p YL/406 Huffman T/6p-9p YL/406 Garmon W/6:30p-9:30p AN/415 Heasley CRN 10596 No class held 11/21. M/6:30p-9:30p AN/302 Esparza CLASS IS BILINGUAL/BILINGUE (10608) W/6:30p-9:30p AN/307 Esparza CLASS IS BILINGUAL/BILINGUE (10609) W/6:30p-9:30p CC/CE2-1 Daniel INTRODUCTION TO MICROSOFT WINDOWS MS/104 Learn the newest Windows operating system; includes desktop and file management, security, adding hardware and software, personalizing Windows XP, making connections and communicating with other people. Recommended proficiency in: Introduction to Computers or equivalent. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 *Dates: Sep 14-Dec 7 CRN DAYS 10630 10648 10661* 10624 22 W/8:30a-11:30a T/9a-12p F/1p-4p T/6:30p-9:30p PLACE AN/415 AN/302 AN/313 CC/CE2-1 SCE Fall Schedule 2007 INSTR Rocha Yee Eggers Daniel CRN DAYS 10629 T/8:30a-11:30a 10646* Th/9a-12p 10680* M/6:30p-9:30p PLACE AN/415 AN/302 AN/415 INSTR Rocha Yee Nunez DIGITAL PHOTO ALBUMS FOR BEGINNERS COMP/121 Learn how to import photos from various sources; organize and manage photos; perform basic editing functions of photos and share albums; create slide shows and video CDs; and create cards, calendars, albums, and a photo book using Adobe Photoshop Album and other methods. Windows knowledge is recommended. Textbook may be required. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 12/3/2007 *Dates: Sep 12-Nov 28 CRN DAYS 10637 10639 10633* 10635 S/8:30a-10:30a Th/1p-3p W/5p-7p Th/5p-7p PLACE AN/303 AN/303 AN/303 CC/CE2-1 INSTR Alvarado Nelson Craft Craft DID YOU KNOW?... You don’t have to be a perfect photographer to have great pictures! Adobe Photoshop Elements can help you fix common flaws. ENROLL TODAY to transform your photos into picture-perfect memories. ADOBE PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS COMP/119 Utilize photo editing software to enhance graphic design capabilities. This class introduces tools used by professional designers in an easy to use, powerful, digital- image editing program. Windows knowledge is recommended. Textbook may be required. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 12/3/2007 *Dates: Sep 12-Nov 28 CRN DAYS 10638 10636 10616* 10632* 10634 Th/9a-11a S/10:30a-12:30p W/1p-3p W/7p-9p Th/7p-9p PLACE AN/303 AN/303 AN/303 AN/303 CC/CE2-1 INSTR Nelson Alvarado Lewerenz Craft Craft INTRODUCTION TO FRONTPAGE MS/137 Learn how to create, develop and post your own website. Take advantage of cheap web space and make your presence known. Recommended proficiency in: Introduction to Computers, Introduction to Windows, Introduction to Word, Discover the Internet or equivalent. Dates: Sep 14-Dec 7 *Dates: Sep 11-Nov 27 CRN DAYS 10619 F/1p-4p 10618* T/6p-9p PLACE AN/302 AN/303 INSTR Esparza Esparza Register Online at Computers DIGITAL SCRAPBOOKING COMP/675 Scrapbooking is a 2.5 billion dollar industry in the United States. Computerized graphic design is dramatically transforming the industry. Digital scrapbooking skills are important for anyone working in the graphic design field. Learn the design essentials of professional digital scrapbooks, hardware and software requirements, and the creation of graphic elements. Dates: Sep 12-Nov 28 CRN DAYS 10615 W/9a-12p PLACE AN/303 INSTR Lewerenz MS OFFICE - OVERVIEW MS/160 Learn the basics of Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access in one class. Topics include document formatting, working with graphics, basic formulas, queries and reports. This class serves as a foundation for other MS Office Courses. Bilingual sections taught primarily in Spanish are highlighted. Las seccíones bilingües que son impartidas principalmente en español están resaltadas. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 12/3/2007 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR 10611 S/8:30a-11:30a AN/312 Esparza CLASS IS BILINGUAL/BILINGUE (10611) 10604 M/9a-12p AN/303 Kretschmar 10655 S/9a-12p AN/413 Garmon 10654 M/6p-9p YL/406 Garmon 10599 Th/6:30p-9:30p AN/415 Moran INTRODUCTION TO WORD MS/144 Provides a basic working knowledge of Word. Covers topics such as formatting with fonts, paragraph alignment, indents, margins, inserting clip art bullets and numbering, columns and tables. Recommended proficiency in: Introduction to Computers, Introduction to Windows or equivalent. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 12/3/2007 *Dates: Sep 12-Nov 28 CRN DAYS PLACE 10650 W/9a-12p AN/302 CRN 10650 No class held 11/21. 10631 S/12p-3p AN/413 10659* W/12p-3p YL/406 10653 Th/6p-9p YL/406 INSTR Yee Lau Huffman Garmon INTRODUCTION TO POWERPOINT MS/119 Learn how to create on-screen presentations using text, graphics, sound effects and movies. Recommended proficiency in: Introduction to Computers, Introduction to Windows or equivalent. Dates: Sep 11-Nov 27 *Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 12/3/2007 CRN DAYS 10594 T/9a-12p 10617* S/12p-3p 10622* M/6:30p-9:30p PLACE AN/413 AN/302 CC/CE2-1 INSTR Canas Esparza Douglas NOCCCD School of Continuing Education. Change. Cultivated. Most SCE Computer Courses are FREE! For more information, visit us at or at 714-808-4614 (Se Habla Español). INTRODUCTION TO EXCEL MS/105 Provides a basic working knowledge of this popular spreadsheet program. Covers topics such as formulas, functions, and charting. Recommended proficiency in: Introduction to Computers, Introduction to Windows or equivalent. Bilingual sections taught primarily in Spanish are highlighted. Las seccíones bilingües que son impartidas principalmente en español están resaltadas. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 12/3/2007 *Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS 10592 10649 10598 10658* 10652* 10601* 10610 PLACE INSTR F/9a-12p AN/415 Canas M/9a-12p AN/302 Yee Th/1p-4p AN/415 Moran T/3p-6p YL/406 Huffman W/6p-9p YL/406 Garmon T/6:30p-9:30p AN/415 Lau Th/6:30p-9:30p AN/303 Esparza CLASS IS BILINGUAL/BILINGUE (10610) MS EXCEL - POWER-USER SKILLS MS/165 This course is for people who are comfortable using MS Excel and who want to develop "power skills". Topics include computational techniques (defining names, nested IF functions, summarizing data), using Excel's database tools (tables, database operations, lookup functions), and expert skills (conditional formatting, macros). Also covered are advanced formatting techniques and shortcuts for accelerating productivity. Dates: Sep 10-Dec 3 *Dates: Sep 20-Dec 13 CRN DAYS 10679 M/9a-12p 10613* Th/6p-9p PLACE AN/413 AN/302 INSTR Canas Fiske INTRODUCTION TO PUBLISHER MS/143 Provides a basic working knowledge of this popular desktop publishing program. Covers topics such as flyers, newsletters, business cards. Recommended proficiency in: Introduction to Computers, Introduction to Windows or equivalent. Dates: Sep 11-Nov 27 CRN DAYS 10620 T/2p-5p PLACE AN/303 INSTR Esparza INTRODUCTION TO ACCESS MS/106 Design databases using this popular software package. Includes creating tables, forms, reports and labels. Recommended proficiency in: Introduction to Computers, Introduction to Windows or equivalent. Dates: Sep 11-Nov 27 CRN DAYS 10612 T/6p-9p PLACE AN/302 INSTR Fiske Build a better future for you and your family at SCE! 23 Computers QUICKBOOKS FUNDAMENTALS FOR THE FINANCIAL OFFICE APPLICATIONS COMP/650 Teaches QuickBooks software basics to develop customized financial applications for business. The course covers techniques for reducing data entry time, eliminating errors, and getting consistent results. Upon completion, students will understand the basics of QuickBooks to simplify financial tasks. Dates: Sep 13-Dec 6 *Dates: Sep 19-Dec 5 CRN DAYS 10597 Th/9a-12p 10614* W/6p-9p PLACE AN/415 AN/302 INSTR Moran Fiske CREATE PDF'S WITH ADOBE ACROBAT COMP/670 Learn the standard for sharing documents online! Create PDF files using Adobe Acrobat. Protect documents, create forms, and combine multiple files with Adobe Acrobat. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 12/3/2007 CRN DAYS 10621 S/9a-12p 10678 Th/9a-12p PLACE AN/302 AN/413 INSTR Esparza Canas WINDOWS XP-ADVANCED COMP/610 A second course in Windows XP covering advanced skills. This course will help you learn to communicate over the Internet more effectively, share information between programs, basic network skills, sharing files, Windows Media projects, managing hardware, backup files, and using Windows XP administration tools. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 12/3/2007 CRN DAYS 10647 F/9a-12p 10643 Th/7p-10p PLACE AN/302 AN/307 INSTR Yee Ghanim WINDOWS 2000 SERVER COMP/310 Prerequisite: Previous experience using Windows operating systems and understanding of basic networking concepts. The purpose of this class is to give students a solid understanding of the Windows 2000 Server. The course will cover the installation and configuration of the most popular services available in Windows 2000 Server. This class will focus on many of the software aspects of networking. Dates: Sep 11-Nov 27 CRN DAYS 10642 T/5:30p-7p Enroll today in CRN#10600 Windows Desktop Security & Internet Security WINDOWS DESKTOP SECURITY & INTERNET SECURITY COMP/640 NEW! Course provides hands-on experience managing Windows desktop security and Internet security including how to install, configure and manage Windows Service Packs, Windows, firewall, antivirus programs, pop-ups, spyware, and adware. Learn to configure a computer to be secure and to protect personal information from spyware, pop-ups, adware and computer viruses. Dates: Sep 11-Nov 27 CRN DAYS 10600 T/3:30p-6:30p CRN DAYS 10641 T/7p-10p 24 PLACE AN/307 SCE Fall Schedule 2007 INSTR Ghanim PLACE AN/415 INSTR Lau NETWORK ADMINISTRATION I COMP/304 Prerequisite: Intro to Basic Networking Techniques or equivalent experience. This hands-on course teaches the fundamentals of networking from a new user's point of view and lays the foundation for all future Network Administration courses. Students will learn network software/hardware architecture concepts, components and jargon. Ample lab demos and hands-on exercises provide an excellent complement to the lecture material. Dates: Sep 14-Dec 7 10645 F/4:30p-7:30p Prerequisite: Previous experience using Windows operating system and Internet Explorer. This class is designed for students who need to know diagnostic and configuration applications necessary to troubleshoot Windows-based PCs. The focus will be on applications that come with the various versions of Windows, as well as free programs available on the Internet. Dates: Sep 11-Nov 27 INSTR Ghanim Ever had a computer virus? Or a fear of someone stealing your identity? Learn how to protect your computer and personal information. CRN DAYS WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEM FOR TECHNICIANS COMP/306 PLACE AN/307 PLACE AN/302 INSTR Ghanim INTRO TO CISCO NETWORK COMP/302 Prerequisite: Intro to Basic Networking Techniques or equivalent experience. This course is designed for the entry-level network professional who is looking for a beginning foundation on network design principles relating to LAN/WAN installation, implementation and construction. Through lectures, discussions and demonstrations, the course will provide information on Cisco IOS, network hardware, cabling, topology design, network physical requirements and security. Dates: Sep 13-Dec 6 CRN DAYS 10640 Th/3:30p-6:30p PLACE AN/303 INSTR Ghanim Register Online at Digital media, Web & Video INTRODUCTION TO UNIX COMP/300 Prerequisite: Previous Windows operating system and internet experience. This hands-on course teaches the fundamentals of the UNIX operating system from a new user's point of view, and lays the foundation for a future UNIX course. Students will learn several stand alone and network UNIX commands, the structure of the operating system, the file system and the jargon. Students will also get a strong feel for UNIX's powerful features and will learn where to turn for help by using UNIX's rich electronic help utility. Ample lab exercises provide an excellent complement to the lecture material. Dates: Sep 13-Oct 18 CRN DAYS 10663 Th/12p-2:30p PLACE AN/302 INSTR Eggers UNIX II - LINUX DESKTOP INSTALLATION COMP/630 10664 Th/12p-2:30p PLACE AN/302 Graphic Classes Graphic Arts Arts Classes ADOBE PHOTOSHOP (BEGINNING) DIG/102 Prerequisite: Computer literacy. Topics include basic interface, file formats, color models, scanning, resolution, image size, actions, selections, layers, masks, paths, typography, enhancing photos, painting, filters, special effects and web graphics. Bring ZIP disk/CD/Flash Drive. PC lab only. Textbooks required. Dates: Sep 11-Oct 30 CRN DAYS PLACE 10095 T/6p-9:45p AN/313 This hands-on course will guide the student through the installation and configuration of Linux as an alternate desktop to Microsoft Windows. You will learn about the numerous free software packages available for Linux and keeping your system software up-to-date. Ample lab exercises provide an excellent compliment to the lecture material. Dates: Oct 25-Dec 6 CRN DAYS All courses must be completed with the School of Continuing Education. See the individual course listings for complete course descriptions or at Cost is $165.00 each; prices subject to change. For more information call (714) 808-4617 or E-mail: [email protected] INSTR Eggers Courses taught in SCE's Digital Media Training Center at the Anaheim Campus are equipped with PC's. For course outlines go to WEBSITE DESIGN CERTIFICATE Complete all of the courses required for this Certificate and receive the last class FREE! You must present copies of the certificates from the six prior classes to the registration desk at least 2 days before the class begins to receive the last class for FREE. Courses in the Web Design Certificate Program provide a thorough grounding in this highdemand field. Students will develop superior design skills for the Web, learn critical issues in structure and design for the Web environment, and learn to use the latest professional Web Design software programs: Step 1: Complete these three courses: Adobe Photoshop CS2 (Beginning) Adobe Illustrator CS2 (Beginning) Web Site Design (HTML) Step 2: Enroll in either Beginning series, or both, then enroll in both Intermediate series: Dreamweaver 8 and Fireworks 8 (Beginning) Dreamweaver 8 with ASP.NET (Intermediate) Flash PRO 8 (Beginning) Flash PRO 8 (Intermediate) FEE $150 Prerequisite: Computer literacy. Create stunning graphics which add depth and excitement to any layout. Start with the basics of object-oriented rendering and coloring and continue with custom type and text features, templates, layers, blends and filters. Bring ZIP disk/CD/Flash Drive. PC lab only. Textbooks required. Dates: Sep 13-Nov 1 PLACE 10096 Th/6p-9:45p AN/313 Digital Media, Web, Burger ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR (BEGINNING) DIG/103 CRN DAYS DIGITAL MEDIA, WEB, & VIDEO & Video INSTR INSTR Burger FEE $150 ADOBE INDESIGN DIG/151 Prerequisite: Computer Literacy. Hands-on exercises to develop page layout and design skills. Course designed for those who have no prior knowledge or experience with InDesign. Projects include ads, brochures, catalog pages, newsletters and web page application. Create a portfolio for use in the Commercial Art/Advertising industry. Bring ZIP disk/CD/Flash Drive. PC lab only. Textbooks required. Quark and InDesign in the same class. Dates: Sep 13-Nov 1 CRN DAYS PLACE 10222 Th/6p-9:45p AN//102C INSTR Pak FEE $150 Website Classes Website Design Design Classes WEBSITE DESIGN HTML DIG/112 Prerequisite: Knowledge of Internet, operating system navigation, basic computer skills, opening/saving documents. Learn the basic principles of web page construction, edit and format HTML documents. Make Hyperlinks to other pages, make tables, build forms, embed and optimize images. Learn about JPG, GIF formats, create frames; learn to use Java and JavaScript, review professional web-authoring tools like Dreamweaver and Fireworks. Bring ZIP disk/CD/Flash Drive. PC lab only. Textbook Required. Dates: Sep 14-Nov 2 CRN DAYS PLACE 10094 F/6p-9:45p AN/307 INSTR Herrera FEE $165 Desarroye un mejor futuro para Usted y su familia en SCE 25 Digital media, Web & Video DREAMWEAVER (BEGINNING) DIG/105 Digital Video Video Classes Digital Classes Prerequisite: Knowledge of internet, operating system navigation, basic computer skills, opening/saving documents. Learn the principles of web design and how to edit HTML documents. Integrate web graphics find resources on the Web and survey advanced techniques related to E-commerce websites. Create your own site and demo your work in last class. Bring Flash Drive. PC lab only. Textbook Required. Dates: Sep 10-Oct 29 CRN DAYS PLACE 10097 M/6p-9:45p AN/313 INSTR Herrera FEE $150 ADOBE / MACROMEDIA DREAMWEAVER (INTERMEDIATE) DIG/162 12079 F/6p9:45p PLACE AN/313 INSTR Shah FEE $150 ADOBE / MACROMEDIA FLASH PRO (BEGINNING) DIG/106 Prerequisite: Knowledge of internet, operating system navigation, basic computer skills, opening/saving documents. Students will learn how to use Flash to do web animations, interactivity and will build complete websites using only Flash. Learn basic animation, key frames, tweening, movie clips, basic action script, preparing images for web/multimedia and more! Bring ZIP disk/CD/Flash Drive. PC lab only. Dates: Sep 15-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10223 S/7:45a11:30a PLACE AN/313 INSTR Herrera FEE $150 ADOBE / MACROMEDIA FLASH PRO (INTERMEDIATE) DIG/135 Prerequisite: Beginning Flash. Students must have a complete understanding of Flash basics: tweening, motion paths, the library, movie clips and basic action script. Learn to use Flash for complex web animations, special effects, and sophisticated interactivity. Learn intermediate action scripting which includes working with objects, classes, methods, properties, functions and event handlers. Controlling multiple timelines, sound effects and text will be taught as well as adding dynamic interactivity to the movie and clip. Bring ZIP disk/CD/Flash Drive. PC lab only. Dates: Sep 13-Nov 1 CRN DAYS PLACE 12078 Th/6p-9:45p AN/313 26 Seating is LIMITED…Only 12 Students per class Learn to use the programs the pros use… * Adobe Premiere Pro: learn to edit in real time (CRN# 10224) * Adobe Encore & Adobe Audition: Learn to author DVDs (CRN# 12081) * Adobe After Effects: learn motion graphics (CRN# 12080) Required Fee of $150 for an 8-week class Prerequisite: Beginning Dreamweaver. Students will build upon their beginning Dreamweaver and/or HTML skills to learn how to develop more interactive and sophisticated websites. Special emphasis will be placed on developing and linking to databases using Dreamweaver. Bring Flash Drive. PC lab only. Textbook Required. Dates: Sep 14-Nov 2 CRN DAYS Do you Want your chance to be On the Lot? Make your own Movies! INSTR Herrera SCE Fall Schedule 2007 FEE Courses run week of Sept 10 – week of Oct 29 @ the Anaheim Campus Call for info: 714-808-4617 ADOBE PREMIERE PRO DIG/101 Prerequisite: Computer literacy. Edit in real-time and enjoy an elegant interface. Create productions that stand-out using new professional tools such as color correction, multiple nestable timelines, keyframable effects and much more. Work with your tools of choice thanks to tight integration with leading video hardware and software. Bring DVD/Flash Drive. PC lab only. Dates: Sep 10-Oct 29 CRN DAYS PLACE 10224 M/6p-9:45p AN/102C INSTR Nord FEE $150 ADOBE ENCORE AND ADOBE AUDITION DIG/166 Prerequisite: Computer literacy and knowledge of Photoshop and/or Premiere Pro. Learn to author DVDs and output your project to all recordable DVD formats with Adobe Encore file editing software and Adobe Audition software for mixing and editing audio. Use Adobe Photoshop to create and edit menus. Output your project to all recordable DVD formats. Bring DVD/Flash Drive. PC lab only. Dates: Sep 12-Oct 31 CRN DAYS PLACE 12081 W/6p-9:45p AN/102C INSTR Nord FEE $150 ADOBE AFTER EFFECTS DIG/114 Prerequisite: Adobe Photoshop and Premiere skills. Learn the Adobe After Effects work area; integrating video and graphic motion, creative mattes, animation, filtering, and multimedia animation. Bring DVD/Flash Drive. PC lab only. Dates: Sep 11-Oct 30 CRN DAYS PLACE 12080 T/6p-9:45p AN/102C INSTR Nord FEE $150 $150 Register Online at Training & Development Institute Digital Media Digital MediaWorkshops Workshops DIGITAL CAMERA WORKSHOP DIG/167 This one-day, three-hour workshop will teach you the basic operation of your digital camera and how to transfer the images to your computer. Date: Sep 15 *Date: Oct 6 †Date: Oct 20 ‡Date: Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10461 12075* 12076† 12077‡ S/12p-3p S/12p-3p S/12p-3p S/12p-3p PLACE AN/313 AN/313 AN/313 AN/313 INSTR Burger Burger Burger Burger $30 $30 $30 $30 This one-day, three-hour workshop will teach you how to use a scanner to copy photos, slides, negatives or drawings and store them on your computer or a disc. Date: Sep 22 *Date: Oct 13 †Date: Oct 27 10462 S/12p-3p 12082* S/12p-3p 12083† S/12p-3p PLACE AN/313 AN/313 AN/313 INSTR Burger Burger Burger FEE $30 $30 $30 COMPUTER MONITORING WITH SPECTOR PRO FOR HOME OR OFFICE DIG/170 This one-day, three hour workshop will teach you how how to easily monitor your children's or employees' computer activities with the highly ranked sleuth software program Spector Pro 5.0 by Spectorsoft. See what they are doing on MySpace, the Internet or e-mail correspondence. The most impressive feature is the "Play" function. Perform a fast slide show of the previous activities on their computer. Keystrokes are also recorded so you can learn their passwords. Date: Sep 29 CRN DAYS 10509 S/12p-3p PLACE AN/313 INSTR Herrera FEE $30 3 Dimensional Design Class Website Design Classes SOLIDWORKS FOR THE DESIGNER (BEGINNING) DIG/164 Prerequisite: Computer Literacy. Class will consist of hands-on exercises to develop 3D CAD design skills with state-of-the-art intuitive, parametric 3D CAD system. This course is designed for students with no prior knowledge of 2D or 3D CAD. The beginning course will focus on an introduction to SolidWorks and learning the basic tools to perform product design exercises for manufacturing. Bring ZIP disc/CD/Flash Drive. PC lab only. Dates: Sep 10-Oct 29 CRN DAYS PLACE 10316 M/6p-9:45p AN/303 INSTR Anderson Upgrade Job Skills! Train for New Career Opportunities! Enhance Career Opportunities! x Free and low cost classes x Classes run six weeks to one year depending on program x Day and evening classes to fit your schedule x Apply what you‘ve learned in class to your current job FEE SCANNER WORKSHOP DIG/168 CRN DAYS Career Technical Education FEE $150 SCE’s career training programs and continuing education opportunities include: x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Activity Leader for Health Care Administrative Assistant Apartment Management Automotive Repair Bartending Computers: Office Applications Computers: Graphics, Design and Web Skills Computers: Operating Systems Specialist Computers: Network Technician Preparation Commercial Refrigeration Construction: Electrical Construction: General Contracting Early Childhood Education Electronics Floral Design Management Medical Assisting: Front Office Physical Therapy Aide Pharmacy Technician Retail Meat Cutting Enroll Today! For more information, call (714) 808-4673 Do what you love! Turn your hobby into a career at SCE! 27 Online Learning 28 SCE Fall Schedule 2007 Register Online at Training and Development SCE can help you transition to college 29 Disabled Student Programs DISABLED STUDENT Disabled Student PROGRAMS AND SERVICES Programs FREE! ENROLL AT ANY TIME! DSP&S services (interpreter services, tutors, note takers, etc.) are offered for those students with disabilities who enroll in general SCE classes. Special classes are offered for those students who would not benefit from general SCE offerings. Students are expected to maintain good attendance in their classes. Excessive absences may result in a student being dropped from a DSPS special class. For more information, please call (714) 4847057. Those with disabilities are encouraged to request support services prior to established registration dates (please make arrangements at least four weeks prior to start of class). The TTY number is (714) 761-8165. RELATIONSHIPS AND SEXUALITY TRAINING DSPS/114 A class geared for students with developmental or learning disabilities that is designed to provide a comprehensive and meaningful overview. The course strives to build healthy, safe sexual attitudes, behaviors, and relationships consistent with personal values. Dates: Sep 10-Nov 28 CRN DAYS 10550 MW/12:30p-3p 10555 MW/12:30p-3p PLACE AN/310 CC/CE4-3 INSTR Moore Cunningham COMMUNICATION ON THE JOB DSPS/138 A class designed for students with developmental or learning disabilities who want to learn how to improve their communication skills in relationship to employment. Course will include activities to enhance written and verbal skills. Dates: Sep 10-Nov 28 CRN DAYS 10542 MW/9a-11:30a PLACE AN/132 INSTR Moore BEGINNING MONEY DSPS/135 10565 TTh/9a-11:30a 10547 MW/12:30p-3p 10564 TTh/12:30p-3p PLACE CC/CE4-3 AN/132 AN/132 Designed for students with developmental or learning disabilities to help recognize and achieve potential as independent members of the community. Lecture, lab, and field experience are combined to provide the student with a comprehensive and meaningful educational experience. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS 10559 10561 10545 10556 MW/9a-11:30a F/9a-2:30p MW/12:30p-3p TTh/12:30p-3p INSTR Brown Hill Pietrzak PLACE YL/406 YL/408 AN/414 CC/CE4-3 INSTR Stephens Stephens Pietrzak Brown LIVING MORE INDEPENDENTLY DSPS/136 A class geared for students with developmental or learning disabilities that is designed to provide a comprehensive and meaningful overview of a variety of options for living more independently (i.e. group home, own apartment), how to achieve those options, and what is needed to be successful in your choice. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS 10562 MW/12p-2:30p 10546 TTh/12:30p-3p PLACE YL/408 AN/414 INSTR Stephens Moore BASIC COOKING DSPS/131 Designed for students with developmental or learning disabilities to have them acquire skill in safely preparing and storing foods for independent living. Also includes nutrition, appropriate manners and kitchen organization. Dates: Sep 11-Nov 29 CRN DAYS 10541 TTh/9a-11:30a PLACE AN/414 INSTR Bennett COMPUTER-ASSISTED INSTRUCTIONAL LAB DSPS/121 Designed for students with disabilities to provide instruction in computer operation, word processing and the use of adaptive computer equipment. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 *Starts week of 8/20/2007, ends week of 12/24/2007 CRN DAYS A course designed for students with developmental or learning disabilities to enhance the skills necessary for performing accurate money exchanges. Students will learn coin identification, values of coins, and basic coin counting. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS JOB SKILLS DSPS/137 10553 MTWTh/8:30a-3p 11555* TTh/8:30a-3p 11556* MW/8:30a-2p 10549 10552 10560 10558 10548 F/9a-3p TTh/9a-11:30a TTh/9a-11:30a F/9a-3p TTh/12:30p-3p PLACE CC/CE5-2 Westview Vocational Ctr Westview Vocational Ctr AN/303 AN/313 YL/406 CC/CE5-2 AN/313 INSTR Day Draffan Hoggatt Barrett Barrett Stephens Cunningham Barrett Cultivate Change…Achieve Greatness Through Independence. SCE’s Disabled Student Programs and Services focuses on transitioning students into college, jobs and independent living! Contact a DSPS counselor at 714-484-7057 for more information. 30 SCE Fall Schedule 2007 Register Online at Disabled Student Programs COMMUNITY RESOURCES DSPS/129 WHEELCHAIR ATHLETICS DSPS/170 A class geared for students with developmental or learning disabilities designed to teach skills necessary to independently take part in typical community activities by traveling to various locations in the area. Lessons learned in the classroom will be practiced in the community. Dates: Sep 14-Nov 30 This course includes instruction and participation in the fundamentals of the spectrum of wheelchair athletics. Dates: Aug 21-Dec 20 CRN DAYS PLACE 10557 F/9a-3p CC/CE4-3 INSTR Instruction designed for students with developmental or learning disabilities to enhance advocating for self in everyday life situations. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 10543 MW/9a-11:30a 10563 TTh/12p-2:30p PLACE AN/414 YL/408 A comprehensive program for adults with developmental disabilities to improve the social, academic, personal, prevocational and avocational capabilities. Dates: Aug 20-Dec 28 11559 MTWThF/8:45a2:15p PLACE CC/CE4-1 INSTR Anderson Crawford NUTRITION & EXERCISE DSPS/116 Geared for students with developmental or learning disabilities that is designed to teach the benefits of healthy eating and proper exercise. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS 10551 F/9a-3p 10554 MW/9a-11:30a PLACE AN/132 CC/CE4-3 INSTR Kloeppel Cunningham ADAPTIVE PE WEIGHT TRAINING DSPS/122 Increases physical endurance, stresses body condition/muscle development. Prerequisite: entry into this class based on physician's release. Dates: Aug 21-Dec 20 CRN DAYS PLACE 10084 TTh/12p-12:50p CC/GYM 1102 INSTR FEE Pinkham $26 ADAPTIVE PE ACTIVITY DSPS/160 This course is designed for the disabled student. The class modified individual and team sport activities. Dates: Aug 21-Dec 20 CRN DAYS 10371 TTh/11a11:50a PLACE CC/GYM 1101 INSTR Pinkham PLACE CC/GYM 1101 INSTR FEE Silgailis $52 A course designed for students with visual impairments, which provides experience using various art media. Dates: Aug 21-Dec 18 CRN DAYS 11568 T/9:30a-11:30a INSTR November Stephens INDEPENDENT LIVING SKILLS DSPS/124 CRN DAYS 10372 TTh/7p-8:50p EXPLORATORY ARTS FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED DSPS/111 Brown SELF-ADVOCACY DSPS/133 CRN DAYS CRN DAYS FEE $26 PLACE Braille Institute INSTR Tebo KINESTHETIC PE FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED DSPS/119 A class designed for students with visual impairments to improve body awareness, stamina, cardiovascular fitness and muscle tone. Instruction will be characterized by specialized techniques relying on tactile input to the students. Starts week of 8/20/2007, ends week of 12/24/2007 *Dates: Aug 21-Dec 18 CRN DAYS 11563 11564 11565 11566* 11961 W/9:30a-11:30a Th/9:30a-11:30a Th/12:30p-2:30p T/12:30p-2:30p W/12:30p-2:30p PLACE Braille Institute Braille Institute Braille Institute Braille Institute Braille Institute INSTR Tebo Tebo Tebo Tebo Tebo SOCIAL SKILLS DSPS/140 A class geared for students with developmental or learning disabilities to provide instruction on appropriate social behaviors in the community and at home. Students will actively participate in role playing how to make and keep friends to distinguish the difference between strangers and acquaintances. Dates: Sep 11-Nov 29 CRN DAYS 10544 TTh/9a-11:30a PLACE AN/132 INSTR Pietrzak BANKING FOR APARTMENT LIVING DSPS/134 A class designed for students with developmental or learning disabilities who want to learn how to budget their money, pay bills, make purchases, grocery shop, rent an apartment, and interview roommates. The class simulates living in an apartment and the responsibilities of being independent. Students must have prior banking experience in writing checks, making deposits, and ATM transactions. Students will be required to use the Quicken software program for balancing their checking account. Dates: Sep 10-Nov 28 CRN DAYS 10540 MW/9a-11:30a PLACE AN/313 INSTR Bennett SCE has job training for the real world 31 Disabled Student Programs - Culinary ARts BRAILLE TRANSCRIBING DSPS/106 This course is designed to familiarize the student with the Braille system and its usage. Students will be expected to learn to read, write and proofread Braille and submit a manuscript to the Library of Congress for certification in Braille Transcription. Dates: Aug 22-Dec 26 CRN DAYS 11868 W/6:30p-9:30p PLACE Braille Institute INSTR Burkhardt DSPS Locations DSPSOff-Site off-Site Class Class Locations CRN 11943 11962 11557 11558 11681 11682 11704 11770 11560 11841 11561 11562 11567 11855 LOCATION Empower Community Day Program Enriching-DSPS Or Cty Assoc Retrded Citizens Or Cty Assoc Retrded Citizens West Anaheim Therapeutic Res West Anaheim Therapeutic Res West Anaheim Therapeutic Res West Anaheim Therapeutic Res Westminster Therapeutic Ctr Westminster Therapeutic Ctr Westview Vocational Ctr Westview Vocational Ctr Westview Vocational Ctr Westview Vocational Ctr Culinary at the the Anaheim Anaheim Culinary Classes Classes at Campus: September September CLASSIC SAUCES AND MORE FN/652 NEW! Chef Rigo, Four Seasons Beverly Hills, will introduce you to the art of making classic sauces that will perk your menu. Bring to your table the likes of Chicken Chassuer with a Hunter's Sauce, Brandy Mustard, Cream Sauce, Port Wine Sauce and Bernaise. Join us for a classical evening. Bring your apron, hat and containers for your sauces. Dates: Sep 27-Sep 27 CRN DAYS 12041 Th/6p-9p Located on the first floor of the Anaheim Campus The Hot Food Line: Gourmet meals prepared by Cypress College Culinary Chefs-in-training. Weekly menus are posted on the door of the Café. .Open: Monday – Thursday from 12n –1p Café Bistro: Gourmet meals prepared by Cypress College Chefs-in-training in a restaurant-style setting. Open: Monday – Thursday from 12n –1p Cafeteria: Delicious meals prepared to order including breakfast burritos, oven-baked pizza, sandwiches, salads, and more by Cypress College Culinary Chefs-in-training Open: Monday - Thursday from 9a – 1p For more information or to ORDER AHEAD BY PHONE, call 714-808-4641 FEE $50 NEW! PLACE AN/175 INSTR Hoang CAKE DECORATING FN/654 FEE $50 NEW! Novice? Homemaker? Or just need a refresher? Chef Cruz will teach you the fundamentals of making decorators Buttercream, color theory, icing, piping and borders. Each student will complete a cake to take home. Cake and Icing are provided. Decorating kits are available for purchase. Bring your hat and your passion for artistry. Dates: Oct 4-Oct 4 CRN DAYS 12043 Th/6p-10p PLACE AN/175 INSTR Staff FEE $50 CONTEMPORARY CAKE DECORATING: ROLLED FONDANT FN/655 NEW! Fondant is a pliable sugar paste icing that can be shaped and molded. Its versatility is endless. Chef Cruz will introduce you to the basic uses and techniques. At the completion of this class, each student will decorate their own 3-D lady bug and form flowers. Cake and icing are provided. Decorating kits are available for purchase. Bring apron, hat, and a rolling pin and have! Dates: Oct 6-Oct 6 12044 S/9a-1p SCE Fall Schedule 2007 Salas Culinary Classes Classes at at the theAnaheim Anaheim Campus: Campus:October October CRN DAYS 32 INSTR Try something special such as the taste of the ever popular Vietnamese cuisine. Chef Linh Hoang will demonstrate the popular Crab and White Asparagus Soup, Stir Fried Lemongrass Chicken with Chilis, Vietnamese Dipping Sauce, Crispy Spring Rolls and the Sizzling Savory Shrimp Crepes. Bring your hat, apron and storage containers for your extra yummies. Join us for some international learning and fun. Dates: Sep 29-Sep 29 12042 S/9a-1p Come Join Us for Lunch at Café Cypress! AN/175 VIETNAMESE CUISINE FN/653 CRN DAYS culinary Arts CULINARY ARTS PLACE PLACE AN/175 INSTR Staff FEE $50 Register Online at Culinary ARts CAJUN CREOLE CUISINE FN/656 NEW! THE NEW DECORATED CUPCAKE FN/660 NEW! Need the HOT, the SPICY, and rich AROMAS? Get ready for the style of cooking that melds Incan Indians and Spanish culinary components. Chef Scott Mancino will introduce you to Chicken Gumbo, Seafood Jambalaya, Muffuletta Sandwich and the yummy Banana Foster. Bring your apron, hat, and storage containers for your delicious extras. Dates: Oct 11-Oct 11 Cupcakes are the new craze! For the novice or experienced cake decorator. Using Buttercream, Fondant and Chocolate, students will create beautiful cupcakes for special occasions. Students will learn how to make flowers, edible pearls, pipe baby safety pins, utilize store bought ingredients, and more. Bring an apron, hat and your creative juices. Dates: Nov 3-Nov 3 12045 Th/6p-10p 12049 S/9a-1p CRN DAYS PLACE AN/175 INSTR Staff EASY EXOTIC SAUCES FN/657 FEE $50 CRN DAYS PLACE AN/175 INSTR Staff FEE $50 NEW! MEDITERRANEAN TAPAS BAR FN/661 NEW! Chef Rigo, Four Seasons Beverly Hills, will introduce you to the art of making exotic sauces that will perk up your menu. Bring to your table the likes of Tamarind Sauce, Grilled Pineapple Sauce with Coconut Foam, and Crab Meat Salad tossed in Preserved Lemon Vin on a Mango Sauce. Join us for an exotic evening. Bring your apron, hat and containers for your sauces. Dates: Oct 13-Oct 13 Tapas are appetizers eaten throughout Spain in bars and restaurants and have become very popular in the U.S. Chef Rigo of the Four Seasons in Beverly Hills will demonstrate some of the popular tapas such as: Babaganush, Humus, Tatziki, and Tabule with Grilled Pita Bread. Join us for a night of tasty tapas. Bring your apron, hat and containers for leftovers. Dates: Nov 8-Nov 8 12046 S/9a-1p 12050 Th/6p-10p CRN DAYS PLACE AN/175 INSTR Salas SUSHI, SASHIMI AND MORE FN/658 FEE $50 NEW! Chef Rigo, Four Seasons Beverly Hills, will introduce you to the basics of sushi making and the art of sashimi: Rainbow Rolls, Chirashi Sushi, Nigiri Sushi, etc. Sushi makes great appetizers or even a main entree and the talk of your party. Join us for this wonderful culture adventure. Bring your apron, hat and containers for leftovers. Dates: Oct 18-Oct 18 CRN DAYS 12047 Th/6p-10p PLACE AN/175 INSTR Salas FEE $50 CRN DAYS Culinary Classes at the Anaheim CHIC TINY CAKES FN/659 NEW! More ideas for decorating cakes! Each student will decorate two tiny cakes. This class will emphasize the use of Fondant as a decorating art form. Cake and icing are provided. Decorating kits are available for purchase. We will be creative in this class! Learn how to slant a cake. Make an edible bow and flowers using Buttercream and Fondant. Bring an apron, hat and rolling pin. Dates: Nov 1-Nov 1 CRN DAYS 12048 Th/6p-10p PLACE AN/175 INSTR Staff FEE $50 AN/175 INSTR Salas FEE $50 SOUPS, BISQUES AND CHOWDERS FN/662 NEW! Few dishes give more all-around pleasure than a good homemade soup. Soups feature in every cuisine around the world-whether they are called gumbos, potages, bisques, chowders or consommes. Chef Scott Mancino will demonstrate how to make a basic good vegetable stock, Wild Mushroom Soup, New England Clam Chowder and Roasted Butternut Curry Soup. Join us and make soups for all occasions. Bring your apron, hat, towel, and containers for leftovers. Dates: Nov 15-Nov 15 CRN DAYS 12051 Th/6p-10p Culinary Classes at the Anaheim Campus: November Campus: November PLACE PLACE AN/175 INSTR Staff FEE $50 HOLIDAY COOKIES WITH FLAIR FN/663 NEW! Decorated cookies make great gifts. In this class, Chef Irene will demonstrate how to decorate cut out sugar cookies using Royal Icing. Have fun and be creative. All supplies provided. Bring tray to take home your decorated cookies. Join us and bring your hat, apron and get creative. Dates: Nov 17-Nov 17 CRN DAYS 12052 S/9a-1p PLACE AN/175 INSTR Staff FEE $50 TAMALES FN/590 Chef Rigo, Four Seasons Beverly Hills, will introduce you to basics of tamale making: masa fillings such as, pollo (chicken), carne de res (beef) port, camarones (shrimp), etc. Learn more about the foundation of Mexican cuisine, the influence of the Mayans and Aztecs. Join us in this cultural experience and increase your knowledge of fine cuisine. Bring your apron, hat and containers for leftovers. Dates: Nov 29-Nov 29 CRN DAYS 12053 Th/6p-10p PLACE AN/175 INSTR Salas FEE $50 Kids’ College inspires creativity 33 Culinary Arts - Home Decorative ARts CulinaryClasses Classesat atthe theAnaheim Anaheim Culinary Campus: December Campus: December MORE TASTES OF THAILAND FN/664 NEW! Love Asian Foods? Try the taste of Thai. Thai food is described as layers of flavors that marry together to create a sensational taste. Chef Hoang will introduce to you MORE of her favorite Thai dishes: Fiery Thai Beef Salad, Chicken and Beef Satay, Peanut Dipping Sauce, Minty Stir Fried Beef and Chiang Mai Curried Noodles. Bring your hat, apron, storage containers. Dates: Dec 1-Dec 1 CRN DAYS 12054 S/9a-12p PLACE AN/175 INSTR Hoang FEE $50 Culinary Classes at the Culinary Classes at the Yorba Linda Campus Yorba Linda Campus YIN & YANG OF CHINESE COOKING FN/665 NEW! Learn the Yin and Yang of Chinese Cooking by blending special sauces with spices and aromatics to prepare Cashew Nut Chicken, Oyster Sauce Beef, Honey Garlic Shrimp, steamed Dumplings, Singapore Noodles, Hot and Sour Soup and much more. Better than fast food and twice as much fun! Bring a healthy appetite and a friend and learn how to "Wok" together. Dates: Sep 17-Nov 5 CRN DAYS 12084 M/6p-10p PLACE YL/402 INSTR Louie FEE $65 Home Decorative ARTS arts HOME DECORATIVE INDIVIDUAL CLOTHING INSTRUCTION CC/111 Learn how to sew! Individual instruction allows you to sew what you wish. Lessons on alterations, following pattern directions and simplified techniques will be reinforced through demonstrations on small household and personal projects. Dates: Sep 12-Nov 14 10211 W/1p-6p PLACE INSTR CC/HUM-303 Eggan FEE $5 SEWING FOR BEGINNERS CC/112 Learn to sew with easy, new methods. Covers any project that has to do with any fabric for home or family. Know your machine, consumer purchasing; understand patterns and alterations. Make what you like! Dates: Sep 10-Nov 19 *Dates: Sep 13-Nov 15 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR 10522 M/9a-12:30p CC/HUM-303 Caverly 10143* Th/6p-9:30p AN/403 Caverly 10155 M/6p-9:30p YL/307 Martinez 34 SCE Fall Schedule 2007 Create today's fashions with styles that precisely fit and enhance your body image. Textile properties, faster techniques, proper interfacings, fool-proof pockets, lining and pressing will result in garments costing far less than designer outfits. Computer analysis/drafting, industrial/regular machines use, ready-to-wear alterations and accessory items will be covered. May include men's tailoring. All levels welcome! Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/12/2007 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR FEE 10116 W/8:30a-12:30p CC/HUM-303 Eggan $5 10118 F/9a-12:30p AN/403 Martinez $5 10117 T/5:30p-10p CC/HUM-303 Eggan $5 DRESSMAKING CC/116 Learn how to make the newest fashions, dresses, skirts, blouses, jackets and pants. Emphasizes couture techniques, pattern adjustment, developing speed, wardrobe planning, intro to tailoring. Inter/Adv students only! Please bring your own sewing machine or use one of ours. Dates: Sep 13-Nov 15 CRN DAYS 10120 Th/9a-12:30p PLACE INSTR FEE CC/HUM-303 Martinez $5 FLAT PATTERN METHOD CC/120 Create individualized basic patterns using your measurements and conventional drafting methods. Some computer-aided drafting. Some "draping" offered. Design garment details for bodices, necklines, collars, sleeves, skirts, dresses, jackets and pants. Dates: Sep 11-Nov 13 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR 10126 T/9a-12:30p CC/HUM-303 Martinez FEE $5 CARE AND USE OF OVERLOCK MACHINE CC/126 Clothing Design Clothing Design CRN DAYS WOMEN'S TAILORING CC/115 FEE $5 $5 $5 Designed for the individual with little or no knowledge of how to use an overlock/serger machine. This course covers basic operation of the machine, how the stitches are formed, how to adjust the tensions according to the thread, fabric, and desired type of stitch. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/12/2007 CRN DAYS 10115 Th/12:30p-4p 10119 W/6p-9:30p PLACE INSTR FEE YL/307 Silvers $5 CC/HUM-303 Martinez $5 HAND KNIT AND CROCHET GARMENTS CC/124 Learn the basic stitches of knitting and crocheting. Advance to making designer garments and accessories for all members of the family. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/12/2007 CRN DAYS PLACE 10105 T/9a-12:30p AN/403 10121 Th/12pCC/CE12-11 3:30p 10123 W/6p-9:30p Tall MouseYorba Linda 10125 Th/6p-9:30p CC/CE12-11 INSTR FEE Brainard $5 Brainard $5 Brainard $5 Brainard $5 Register Online at Home Decorative ARts EXPLORING NEEDLEWORK CC/400 Drawing&& Painting Painting Drawing Each term, one or two needlework techniques will be explored in depth. Additional smaller projects will be selected from: trapunto, Brazilian and ribbon embroidery, applique, beadwork, embroidery or other needlework categories. No previous needlework experience is required! Dates: Sep 12-Nov 14 CRN DAYS PLACE 10175 W/12:30p-4p YL/307 INSTR Silvers FEE $5 MACHINE EMBROIDERY CC/131 PLACE INSTR 10306 M/9a-12:30p Tall Mouse- Magnuson Yorba Linda FEE $5 HOME ARTS SEWING CC/145 Create decorative items for the home with simple sewing skills. Projects will include seasonal items. Focus will be on stimulating creativity and enhancing sewing skills. Patterns, verbal and written instructions, demonstrations and samples will be a part of each class. Bring sewing supplies to the first session. Dates: Sep 14-Nov 2 CRN DAYS 10369 F/9a-1p PLACE INSTR FEE Tall Mouse- O'Brien $5 Yorba Linda Class dates: Sept 14, Oct 2, Nov 2, 2007 Introduction to patchwork with a foolproof method for assembling patchwork squares. May cover tying, quilting, frames and finishing. *Includes related projects. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/12/2007 *Dates: Sep 10-Nov 19 PLACE INSTR FEE O'Brien $5 O'Brien $5 Silvers Silvers Caverly O'Brien $5 $5 $5 $5 Gordon $5 Gordon $5 PLACE YL/402 YL/402 INSTR FEE McLaughlin $74 McLaughlin $74 PAINTING ARTC/160 Discover the wonderful possibilities of expressing yourself with various painting mediums. All skill levels are welcome. A lecture/demonstration on materials, techniques, color, and composition is followed by a guided lab session. Voluntary supportive critiques held at the end of each class. Some drawing skills are suggested. Dates: Sep 11-Dec 3 CRN DAYS 10325 T/1p-4p PLACE YL/402 INSTR Innes FEE $75 DRAWING: BASICS AND BEYOND ARTC/165 NEW! Drawing is the foundation of all visual arts. Learn fundamentals of drawing in this exciting hands-on class. Acquire technical and perceptual skills while exploring properties of line, shape, value, perspective, and composition. Draw on a variety of papers with different drawing media. All levels welcome. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 12/3/2007 12039 T/9a-12p 12040 Th/9a-12p PATCHWORK, QUILTING AND APPLIQUE CC/130 10108 W/9a-12:30p Tall MouseYorba Linda 10110* M/12p-3:30p Calico HousePlacentia 10111 T/12:30p-4p YL/307 10113 T/6p-9:30p YL/307 10523 T/6p-9:30p AN/140 10146* M/6p-9:30p Tall MouseYorba Linda 10114 Th/6:30p- CC/HUM-303 10p 10127 W/6:30pYL/307 10p 10134 M/11a-3p 10135 W/12:30p4:30p CRN DAYS Quilting Quilting CRN DAYS Watermedia/watercolor. All levels are welcome, course covers beginning, intermediate and advanced instructions. Includes color theory, composition, and intro to watercolor pencils, watercolor crayons, acrylic watercolor, watercolor printmaking. Innovative techniques and daily constructive critiques. No previous art experience needed. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 12/3/2007 CRN DAYS Learn creative, free-motion and computerized sewing machine stitching techniques. Includes satin and stagger stitch, fabric embellishments, cutwork, applique, proper tension, thread and stabilizer selections. Bring your machine or use ours (bring Bernina bobbins, 1008 or Artista). Dates: Sep 10-Nov 19 CRN DAYS WATERCOLOR/WATERMEDIA CRAE/206 PLACE YL/305 YL/305 INSTR Innes Innes FEE $75 $75 CARTOONING & CARICATURING MADE EASY ARTC/136 Learn the step-by-step procedures of cartooning & caricaturing from a professional cartoonist with over 45 years experience in the field. Learn how to create people, small bodies for caricaturing, animals, backgrounds, and more including inking, lettering, use of pens, brushes, perspective, and creating professional comic strips. Let us show you how! Taught by Mel Schoenberger national & international cartoonist & caricaturist. Class is for all levels of experience. Please bring an 11x14 pad of tracing paper to the first class. A supply list will be provided. Class is for those 15 years and older. Come join the fun! Dates: Sep 13-Nov 15 CRN DAYS 10317 Th/7p-9p PLACE YL/306 INSTR FEE Schoenberger $85 Learn something new at SCE! 35 Home Decorative ARts Cultivate Change. Discover Your New Passion at SCE. Painting * Photography * Quilting * Sewing ...and more! Cultivate Change. Achieve Greatness. DRAWING WITH THE RIGHT SIDE OF YOUR BRAIN ARTC/800 If you have practiced drawing in the past but feel stuck, or want to draw beyond stick figures, come enjoy learning how to draw using the right side of your brain! This technique is fun and successful regardless of your art background. Materials will be provided. Dates: Oct 2-Nov 20 CRN DAYS 10184 T/6p-7p PLACE UMF/250 INSTR Fowler INSTR 10443 Th/1p-2:30p CC/HUM-303 Bae FEE $60 Advanced level of Fashion Illustration. Learn to complete group figures with a theme. Illustate different textures of fabric. Also create accessory and shoe illustrations and flats of garments. Recommend Fashion Illustration I prior to this class. Dates: Oct 4-Nov 8 PLACE INSTR 12094 Th/2:30p-4p CC/HUM-303 Bae FEE $60 COSTUME ILLUSTRATION AND HISTORY OF FASHION FOR ADULTS I ARTC/145 Learn the history of fashion then illustrate costumes and accessories using watercolors, markers, colored pencils and more. (same supplies as Fashion I and II) Dates: Oct 3-Nov 7 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR 12097 W/1:30p-3p CC/CE12-11 Bae FEE $60 TOLE & DECORATIVE ARTS (BEGINNING - INTERMEDIATE) HD/100 PLACE INSTR UMF/250 Daun AN/402 Reynolds FEE $5 $5 Home Decor Home Decor Design a layout plan that meets your needs; choose construction, plant materials and appropriate installation method. Scaled plans can be put out to bid or you can do it yourself. Covers grading, drainage, irrigation and basic design principles with emphasis on planting techniques and planning ideas for perennial and annual gardens. Dates: Sep 10-Oct 30 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR 10153 T/6:30p-9:30p YL/305 Murphy FEE $15 Photography Photography BASIC PHOTOGRAPHY THE MECHANICS OF DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY FOTO/101 Strengthen your photographic skills. Become familiar with current equipment for digital cameras. Instruction includes composition, digital formats, lenses, f-stops and shutter speeds, electronic flash, and night photography. Discussion will include how Photoshop software impacts photography. Dave Rosenberger has taught photography for over 30 years. He has worked for Canon USA in both technical and sales capacities. He teaches photography with the North Orange County College District. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 12/3/2007 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR 10171 T/6:30p-9:30p AN/301 10187 W/6:30p-9:30p YL/306 FEE Rosenberger $70 Rosenberger $70 PHOTOGRAPHY (INTERMEDIATE) FOTO/102 Learn to paint a variety of projects from beginning to an intermediate level. Dates: Sep 12-Nov 14 Sharpen your photographic skills. Become familiar with current day equipment and express your creative talents. Covers portrait photography, special effects, night-time digital photography. Field trip with instruction included. Dates: Sep 13-Dec 3 10370 W/6p-9:30p UMF/250 10136 Th/6:30p-9:30p YL/304 CRN DAYS 36 10106 W/9a-12:30p 10286 Th/10a-1:30p LANDSCAPING FOR HOMEOWNERS HD/122 FASHION ILLUSTRATION II FOR ADULTS ARTC/141 NEW! CRN DAYS CRN DAYS FEE In this class, you will learn how to draw proportional figures, faces, gesture drawings, and flats of garments. Along with how to draw collars, blouses, skits, pants, hats, and accessories. Students will learn to illustrate fashion figures using watercolors, colored pencils, markers, pen, etc. Dates: Oct 4-Nov 8 PLACE Student will build on the basic skills learned in basic Tole and Decorative classes. Using acrylic paint students will use a variety of strokes and techniques to decorate a variety of surfaces such as: tin, wood, porcelain and furniture. Some painting experience is necessary for this class. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/12/2007 $35 FASHION ILLUSTRATION FOR ADULTS ARTC/140 CRN DAYS TOLE AND DECORATIVE ARTS (INTERMEDIATE) HD/111 PLACE INSTR Daun SCE Fall Schedule 2007 FEE $5 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR FEE Rosenberger $70 Register Online at Parenting KIDS LOVE MUSIC (AGES 1-2) PARN/148 Drama Drama ACTING FOR COMMERCIALS (AGES 16 TO ADULT) FOTO/104 Beginning and intermediate actors will learn how to break into commercials, television and film. Using actual commercial and TV scripts, learn the basics of working in front of a camera, including script analysis, vocal technique and physical presentation. Gain exposure to the business side of acting, including resumes, photos and getting an agent. Dates: Oct 13-Oct 13 CRN DAYS 12106 S/10a-3p PLACE INSTR CC/TE3-316 Conrad FEE $50 Parenting PARENTING Cypress classes will meet at the Boys and Girls Club, 10161 Moody St., Cypress, CA. Fullerton classes will meet at the United Methodist Church, 114 N. Pomona, Fullerton, CA. Music listening and music activities provide an excellent foundation for your baby's cognitive and social development. Mix together: One part thunder on a large gathering drum. Add small hand drums. Sprinkle liberally with rhythm band instruments, singing and puppets. Top it off with guitar, harmonica, and recorded music. MMM...mmm... good! Enrollment limited to 14. Dates: Oct 23-Nov 13 UMF/150 Greeno YL/408 Greeno PLACE FEE $20 $20 INSTR FEE PLACE INSTR FEE UMF/150 Greeno $20 KIDS LOVE MUSIC (AGES 1-4) PARN/150 10268 T/12p-1p 10293 T/2:30p-3:30p 10294 T/4:30p-5:30p UMF/150 Greeno YL/408 Greeno YL/408 Greeno $20 $20 $20 KIDS LOVE MUSIC (AGES 2-4) PARN/149 Dates: Oct 23-Nov 13 CRN DAYS 10266 T/9a-10a PLACE UMF/150 INSTR Greeno FEE $20 KINDERGYM - TODDLER FITNESS PARN/104A Parents and children enjoy exercise, movement and music together. Emphasis on developing large motor skills, coordination and self-esteem. Class provides an opportunity for parents to observe and interact with child. All activities introduced can be done by parents with child at home. Dates: Sep 17-Nov 26 *Starts week of 9/17/2007, ends week of 11/19/2007 CRN DAYS BABIES LOVE MUSIC (AGES 4-14 MONTHS) PARN/147 10248 T/11a-12p 10249 T/3:30p-4:30p 10252 T/10a-11a CRN DAYS Children must attend classes with a registered adult. The adult registering for the class can be the parent, grandparent, neighbor or guardian. PLACE INSTR CRN DAYS Dates: Oct 23-Nov 13 Parenting classes provide a wonderful opportunity to bond with your child. Share in activities with your child that will stimulate social, emotional, physical and intellectual growth. Recent studies are showing that a pre-school experience better prepares your child for success in school and beyond. Many of these parenting classes provide that type of experience for the child and positive parenting techniques and other skills to reinforce at home what is learned in the classroom. CRN DAYS Music activities provide an excellent foundation for your preschooler's cognitive and social development. Mix together: One part thunder on Indian tom toms. Add glockenspiels and xylophones for rain. Sprinkle liberally with rhythm band instruments, singing and puppets. Top it off with guitar, harmonica, and recorded music. MMM...mmm...good... Enrollment limited to 14. Dates: Oct 23-Nov 13 PLACE INSTR FEE YL/408 AN/134 UMF/150 Dodson Dodson Dodson $15 $15 $15 UMF/150 YL/408 AN/134 YL/408 Dodson Dodson Dodson Dodson $15 $15 $15 $15 AGES 3-4.5 10425* W/11a-12p UMF/150 10429 M/11a-12p YL/408 10430* T/11a-12p AN/134 Dodson Dodson Dodson $15 $15 $15 AGES 1-2 10160 M/9a-10a 10291* T/9a-10a 10415* W/9a-10a 10420* 10421 10422* 10452 AGES 2-3 W/10a-11a M/10a-11a T/10a-11a M/12p-1p Cultivating Positive Change in Our Children. Cultivate a positive experience with your child in one of our SCE Parenting Classes. Filled with quality activities, bonding, nurturing, and creativity, SCE’s Parenting classes are held at four locations: * Anaheim Campus * First United Methodist Church of Fullerton * Yorba Linda Campus * Boys and Girls Club of Cypress Your classmates will miss you if you miss class 37 Parenting - Career Technical Education JOYFUL PARENTING - CREATIVE ART/MUSIC PARN/101 Parent and child will enjoy self-esteem building activities together; songs and music; easel and finger painting; band and blocks; school readiness; crafts and Playdoh. Includes activity ideas to do at home. (Please bring a snack). Starts week of 9/17/2007, ends week of 11/19/2007 *Starts week of 9/17/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CAREER technical TECHNICAL career EDUCATION education Air Conditioning Conditioning &&Refrigeration Air Refrigeration CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR FEE BASIC COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION ACAR/102 10423 10424 10426* 10445* 10448* 10474* 10589* 10475* 10473* 10446* 10427* YL/408 YL/408 YL/408 BGCLB BGCLB AN/134 AN/134 UMF/150 UMF/150 UMF/150 AN/134 Stearns Stearns Washburn Thompson Wahhab Wahhab Le Washburn Thompson Le Washburn Thompson Dodson Stearns $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 CRN DAYS BGCLB Le $15 YL/408 YL/408 UMF/150 AN/134 Stearns Stearns Dodson Stearns $15 $15 $15 $15 UMF/150 Dodson $15 AGES 1.5-2.5 W/9a-11a T/9a-11a Th/9a-11a M/9a-11a F/9a-11a M/9a-11a F/9a-11a F/9a-11a M/9a-11a Th/9:30a-11a Th/9:30a11:30a AGES 2 - 3 10428 W/9a-11a AGES 2.5-4 W/11a-1p T/11a-1p Th/11a-12:30p Th/11:30a1:30p 10450* Th/12:30p-2p 10432 10433 10447* 10435* 10431* 10434 10590* 10505* 10451* 10449* AGES 2.5 - 5 M/11a-1p Th/11a-1p F/11a-1p M/11a-1p M/11a-1p F/11a-1p AGES 3-5 10588 W/11a-1p 10506* F/11a-1p UMF/150 YL/408 AN/134 AN/134 BGCLB BGCLB Washburn Thompson Washburn Thompson Washburn Thompson Le Wahhab Wahhab BGCLB Le UMF/150 Le $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 Lecture with practical demonstration and hands-on lab projects. Course includes basic concepts/topics of heat transfer principles, refrigeration cycle, refrigeration principles, compressors, evaporator coils, condenser coils, metering devices, ice machines, refrigerants, system piping techniques, brazing, system dehydration and charging, refrigerant recovery equipment and use of the manifold gauge set. Text required. Students must attend both lab and lecture sessions. Dates: Sep 11-Nov 15 10287 TTh/7p-10p Course provides expectant mother and coach(es) with knowledge, tools and support to have a positive birth experience. Anatomy and physiology of the birth process, relaxation, paced breathing and comfort techniques are covered. Mother should bring two pillows, sack lunch, wear comfortable pants or shorts and can have two coaches. Dates: Oct 13-Oct 13 *Dates: Nov 3-Nov 3 †Dates: Dec 8-Dec 8 ‡Dates: Sep 8-Sep 8 CRN DAYS 10694 S/9a-4:30p 10695* S/9a-4:30p 10696† S/9a-4:30p 10698‡ S/9a-4:30p 38 PLACE CC/CE4-2 CC/CE4-2 CC/CE4-2 CC/CE4-2 SCE Fall Schedule 2007 INSTR Miller Miller Miller Miller INSTR Apprenticeship Apprenticeship This class is for students legally indentured and registered with the California Division of Apprenticeship Standards RETAIL MEAT CUTTING APR/100 Class designed to provide the required related and supplemental instruction for meatcutter apprentices. Open to all students regardless of employment status. Students may enroll at any time throughout the school year and complete workbook-type testing at their own pace. Lecture, field trips, and classroom activities are to expose students to real-world application of the retail meat industry. Free-No credit. Enroll in classroom only. Starts week of 8/20/2007, ends week of 12/17/2007 CRN DAYS 10173 T/6p-9:50p 10174 W/6p-9:50p PLACE INSTR CC/TE3-316 Lowe CC/TE3-316 Lowe Bartending Bartending Parenting Classes Parenting Classes for forParents Parents PREPARATION FOR CHILDBIRTH HLTH/400 PLACE CC/TE3-107 Stuart BARTENDING WORKSHOPS HOSM/101 Covers bartending and cocktail skills (Flair Bartending Techniques). This is a SMALL GROUP, short term, fast paced course. Learn basic and current popular drinks, ABC laws, and RBS (responsible beverage service). Employment assistance available. Certificate issued upon completion of course. Fee includes: Recipe Cards and new DVD. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 10/8/2007 *Starts week of 10/15/2007, ends week of 11/12/2007 CRN DAYS 10122 10138* 10124 10141* 10219 10220 10221* 10288* S/8:30a-1p S/8:30a-1p S/1p-5:30p S/1p-5:30p T/5p-9:30p Th/5p-9:30p T/5p-9:30p Th/5p-9:30p PLACE CC/CE3 CC/CE3 CC/CE3 CC/CE3 CC/CE3 CC/CE3 CC/CE3 CC/CE3 INSTR Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury Salisbury FEE $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 Register Online at Career Technical Education - Early Childhood Education Certificate program Construction Education Construction Education Early CHILDHOOD Childhood EARLY Education (ECE) Certificate EDUCATION (ECE) CERTIFICATE Program PROGRAM SCE Faculty Member Phil Famolaro. Cultivating Personal and Professional Change in our Students. BASIC ELECTRICITY ELET/102 Course starts with basic electricity and progresses into residential wiring in accordance with the National Electrical Code. Students learn how to obtain an electrical contractor's license. Supplies purchase required as specified by instructor. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS 10107 F/6p-10p 10405 W/6p-10p PLACE FC/-715 AN/403 INSTR Famolaro Famolaro GENERAL CONTRACTING CONS/121 This course is for those interested in exploring career opportunities in general contracting, current contractors interested in enhancing their general contracting skills, and students who want to prepare for the General Building (B) License Examination by the Contractors State License Board (CSLB). Dates: Sep 15-Dec 1 CRN DAYS 10102 S/9a-12p PLACE AN/119 INSTR Famolaro ROOM ADDITION FUNDAMENTALS CONS/138 This course covers the fundamentals of residential construction and the sequence of events that take place for a room addition. This includes preparing the required plans, obtaining city building permits and communicating with city building inspectors. The course will also cover project management and legal considerations. Dates: Sep 11-Nov 27 CRN DAYS 10207 T/6p-10p PLACE AN/114 INSTR Famolaro ELECTRICAL WIRING AND SAFETY I CONS/100 Covers basic electrical theory, terms, residential wiring techniques, grounding, basic switching circuits, residential load calculations and services. Based on current National Electrical Code (NEC). Dates: Sep 12-Nov 28 CRN DAYS 10208 W/6:30p-9:30p PLACE AN/106 The SCE Early Childhood Education program is designed to train individuals for teacher and caregiver positions in licensed, proprietary infant/toddler/preschool/child daycare centers. Our curriculum is approved by the State Department of Community Care Licensing. This ECE program is a non-credit program based upon instructional hours rather than college units. The required and elective ECE courses within the certificate program are equivalent to two units of ECE in compliance with State licensing requirements for private facilities only. A certificate is issued upon completion of six ECE required courses and three ECE electives, plus Pediatric First Aid & CPR training. Classes taken at accredited institutions may be substituted partially for required and/or elective courses toward the certificate. WHEN to register: NEW students should enroll during the Registration period. It is recommended that students begin with Early Childhood Development, or Program Principles I. FIRST NIGHT ATTENDANCE: To secure your place in class, you must attend the class the first night. If you are not in class ONE HOUR after the scheduled starting time your spot could be reassigned to a student on the Wait List, but classes may be petitioned the second night of class. No enrollments after the second class session. ORIENTATION: All NEW students beginning the Early Childhood Education (ECE) certificate program are required to attend the ECE Orientation. Orientation will provide students with an overview of the ECE programs, job opportunities in the field, sequence and course requirements. An educational self-survey will be done for the purpose of advising students and providing support learning services where necessary. Follow these steps to schedule an appointment for Orientation: STEP 1: Call (714) 808-4681 for orientation information. STEP 2: Leave your name & phone number to make the required appointment for this date and timeMonday, August 6, 6 -8 pm Board Room, 1st Floor, Anaheim Campus There will be no need for us to call you back. STEP 3: Arrive at Orientation ON TIME - Late arrivals will not be able to attend. Bring $2.00 to purchase a temporary, one-day parking permit from the yellow parking machines located in the parking lots. Children are NOT allowed in the Orientation. INSTR Faessel Stay in class and learn more 39 Early Childhood Education Certificate Program PROGRAM PRINCIPLES II ECE/110 Prerequisite: Program Principles I; bring original certificate to first class! Students explore major contributors in early childhood education and the development of their personal growth in the field of teaching. Dates: Sep 13-Nov 29 CRN DAYS 10101 Th/6:30p-9:30p SCE Student Success Story: Judy Senglaub. Change. Cultivated. Judy Senglaub, a mother of three grown children and grandmother of five, worked in elementary education as an instructional aide for 16 years before becoming a nanny and then a care provider for her older parents. At the urging of her 92-year-old mother, Judy decided to go back to school and complete her certificate in early childhood education (ECE). After completing her program of study this past Spring, including the ECE supervisory course, Judy graduated in June 2007 and served as the SCE certificate graduate student speaker. Judy was hired as a preschool teacher by a local private preschool. Her academic strengths are shown time and again through her participation and course work. According to her instructor Susan Sueng, Judy is an outstanding student with an optimistic personality and a big heart. SCE student Judy Senglaub. Change. Cultivated. EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT ECE/140 Intro to age-related child growth, development, learning characteristics, self-concept, mechanics and techniques of positive learning. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS 10397 T/8:30a-11:30a 10098 M/6:30p-9:30p PLACE AN/108 AN/104 INSTR Sueng Hedges Prerequisite: Program Principles I; bring original certificate to first class. For teachers and directors of pre-schools, this course will focus on the skills and knowledge needed for developing emergency plans and responding to health and safety issues in the classroom. Dates: Sep 10-Nov 26 CRN DAYS 10103 M/6:30p-9:30p CRN DAYS 10398 W/8:30a-11:30a 10099 T/6:30p-9:30p PLACE AN/108 AN/104 INSTR Sueng Dumas PROGRAM PRINCIPLES I ECE/108 Examines basic principles of preschool program, history, objectives, philosophy, facilities and curriculum. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS 10399 Th/8:30a-11:30a 10100 W/6:30p-9:30p 40 PLACE AN/108 AN/104 SCE Fall Schedule 2007 INSTR Sueng Sueng INSTR Tanouye Prerequisite: Early Childhood Development; bring original certificate to first class! Explore how children learn. Develop the ability to plan developmentallyappropriate activities to ensure children's success. Learn how to detect and prevent learning difficulties. Dates: Sep 10-Nov 26 10412 M/6:30p-9:30p PLACE AN/112 INSTR Allen ECE Courses ECE Elective Elective Courses PROGRAM LITERATURE ECE/112 History and current trends in children's literature. Hands-on use of books, poetry, storytelling and visual aids to enhance language development. Dates: Sep 11-Nov 27 10400 T/6:30p-9:30p Examination of the sociological relationships between family and society; institutional, racial, social, and economic factors affecting the family and the child. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 PLACE AN/108 DEVELOPMENTAL READINESS: PRESCHOOL ECE/134 CRN DAYS FAMILY COMMUNITY RELATIONSHIPS ECE/136 INSTR Sueng CHILD HEALTH AND SAFETY ECE/100 CRN DAYS ECE Required Required Courses ECE Courses PLACE AN/104 PLACE AN/110 INSTR McLeod PROGRAM MUSIC & MOVEMENT ECE/116 Explores areas of music and movement appropriate to child's development through participating and experimenting. Dates: Sep 12-Nov 28 CRN DAYS 10104 W/6:30p-9:30p PLACE AN/140 INSTR Hedges INFANT CARE I ECE/124 Methods of sanitation, illness and Title 22 regulations will be discussed. Dates: Sep 13-Nov 29 CRN DAYS 10206 Th/6:30p-9:30p PLACE AN/110 INSTR Pagalidis Register Online at Electronics - medical Electronics Electronics Medical Medical BASIC ELECTRONICS FOR VIDEO, AUDIO AND COMPUTER ELET/100 CALIFORNIA CHILD CARE: CPR AND FIRST AID MEDO/118 This course offers the fundamentals of basic electronics, including electronics theory with a focus on analog electronics. Students receive practical lab experience to understand and troubleshoot circuits. This course is a starting point for students preparing for a career as an electronic technician. Dates: Sep 14-Nov 30 This 8-hour course teaches individuals to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies, pediatric first aid and injury prevention. Upon successful completion, students will receive an Adult, Infant, Child CPR certificate valid for 1 year and a CA Child Care First Aid certificate valid for 2 years. This class meets CA EMSA requirements of daycare providers. $75 fee includes class textbooks and 2 laminated skills cards. Dates: Oct 6-Oct 6 CRN DAYS 10203 F/6p-10p PLACE FC/-713 INSTR Ulloa FEE $10 10156 S/8a-5p PERSONAL COMPUTER REPAIR (BEGINNING) ELET/116 Covers the fundamentals of computer repair and maintenance through the study of theory, terminology, troubleshooting of IBM compatible Personal Computers and hands-on training. Dates: Sep 15-Dec 1 CRN DAYS 10454 S/8a-12p PLACE FC/-713 INSTR Ulloa FEE $10 This course is designed to instill an appreciation for the art of floral arranging, and to develop basic skills in recognized principles of floral arrangements including selection and care of materials, selection and use of containers, mechanics, cultural style, and non-typical presentations such as wreaths. Dates: Sep 11-Dec 11 PLACE INSTR Patterson Patterson FEE $178 $178 10129 W/9:30a12:30p 10130 Th/9:30a12:30p 10131 Th/6:30p9:30p PLACE INSTR FEE YL/402 Patterson $193 YL/402 Patterson $193 YL/402 Patterson $193 American Red Cross PLACE INSTR FEE $75 Pasqual FEE $10 MEDICAL INSURANCE BILLING - A PRACTICAL APPROACH TO MEDICAL BILLING MEOC/112 An overview of outpatient medical insurance billing in preparing students for entry-level positions. Students review theory and practice data entry for private, Blue Cross/BlueShield, Medicare, Medicaid/Medi-Cal, TRICARE/CHAMPUS and workers' compensation billing. CPT and ICD-9 coding covered. Medical billing software utilized in computer lab. Keyboarding experience advised. Dates: Sep 11-Nov 29 10112 TTh/6:30p-9:30p Designed for students interested in floral shop employment. Covers advanced floral design styles and techniques, arrangements for a variety of specific events, and shop procedures including ordering and securing products from wholesalers. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 12/10/2007 INSTR This course introduces students to medical office procedures in preparation for entry-level positions in the front office or reception area of a medical facility. These include medical data entry. Students review reception techniques, patient records and insurance forms. Keyboarding experience advised. Dates: Sep 12-Nov 28 CRN DAYS FLORIST TECHNIQUES (INTERMEDIATE) FLOR/101 CRN DAYS AN/104 10109 W/6:30p-9:30p AN/312 FLORIST TECHNIQUES (BEGINNING) FLOR/100 10245 T/9:30a-12:30p YL/402 10128 T/6:30p-9:30p YL/402 PLACE MEDICAL ASSISTING: FRONT OFFICE PROCEDURES MEDO/115 CRN DAYS Floral Design Floral Design CRN DAYS CRN DAYS PLACE AN/312 INSTR FEE Pasqual $10 PHYSICAL THERAPY AIDE MEDO/166 Equips the motivated student to function safely and efficiently as a Physical Therapy Aide or Restorative Aide in a hospital, convalescent hospital or home setting. Certificate of Completion given to those meeting requirements. Dates: Sep 10-Dec 3 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR 10140 3wks CC/TE3-302 Macalalad MW/7p-10p Landgreen 9wks St. Jude MW/7p-10p Hospital FEE $10 ¡El más usted asiste a la clase, el más usted aprenderiá! 41 medical - Pharmacy Technician Training Certificate Program ACTIVITY LEADER HEALTH CARE MEDO/202 Provides basic training in planning and directing activity programs (fieldwork arranged). Dates: Sep 10-Nov 19 *Dates: Sep 12-Nov 14 CRN DAYS PLACE 10139 M/6p-10p AN/138 10264* W/6p-10p CC/TE3-315 INSTR FEE Kjar, Berger $10 Allen, Berger $10 PHARMACY TECHNICIAN Pharmacy Technician TRAINING CERTIFICATE Training Certificate PROGRAM Program The Pharmacy Technician Certificate program prepares students for an entry-level position as a pharmacy technician at a community or institutional pharmacy. The certificate program exceeds the State Board of Pharmacy's registration requirements, therefore, upon successful completion, the student will be eligible to apply for REGISTRATION with the State of California. The program consists of 9 courses and 2 externships, and is ASHP-accredited. REGISTRATION: NEW students should enroll during the Registration period (see registration information on page 1). It is recommended that students begin with Introduction to Pharmacy Technician and Medical Terminology. A certificate is issued upon completion of the 9 required courses plus 320 hours of externship. To secure your place in class, you must attend the class the first night. If you are not in class ONE HOUR after the scheduled starting time, your spot could be reassigned to a student on the Wait List. ORIENTATION: All NEW students to the Pharmacy Technician Program are required to attend an orientation. This orientation will provide students with an overview of the Pharmacy Technician Certificate requirements, course sequence, employment opportunities available, process for becoming registered with the State Board of Pharmacy. Follow these steps to schedule an appointment for Orientation: STEP 1: Call (714) 808-4681 for orientation information. STEP 2: Leave your name & phone number to make the required appointment for this date and timeMonday, August 13, 6 - 8 pm Board Room, 1st floor, Anaheim Campus There will be no need for us to call you back. STEP 3: Arrive at Orientation ON TIME - Late arrivers WILL NOT be able to attend. Bring $2.00 to purchase a temporary, one-day parking permit from the yellow parking machines located in the parking lots. Children are NOT allowed in the Orientation room. INTRODUCTION TO PHARMACY TECHNICIAN MEOC/130 Highlights the practice and role of a pharmacy technician. Includes educational requirements, credentialing, the pharmacist's role, an overview of pharmacy law, and the assessment of necessary abilities and skills for a successful career as a pharmacy technician. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS 12088 T/9a-12p 10056 M/6p-9p Required course for Pharmacy Technician Certificate program but also welcomes all students preparing for a variety of professional/paraprofessional careers in the medical field. Learn medical terms or strengthen prior knowledge. Offers basics of terminology, anatomy and diagnostics. Dates: Sep 15-Dec 8 *Dates: Sep 12-Nov 28 CRN DAYS 10393 S/9a-1p 12089* W/9a-1p 10067* W/6p-10p PLACE AN/106 AN/114 AN/112 INSTR Smith Wahba Wahba PHARMACOLOGY I MEOC/121 Prerequisite: Medical Terminology; bring original certificate to first class. Equips students with the beginning theoretical knowledge. Includes categorizing, differentiating between drug classifications and inventorying. Provides a basic knowledge and understanding of drug effects on the body. Dates: Sep 11-Nov 27 CRN DAYS 10151 T/6:30p-9:30p PLACE AN/106 INSTR Staff PHARMACOLOGY II MEOC/122 Prerequisite: Medical Terminology; bring original certificate to first class. Provides a continuation of theoretical knowledge acquired in Pharmacology I. Includes categorizing, inventorying and differentiating between drug classifications. Equips students with an advanced knowledge and understanding of drug effects on the body. Dates: Sep 13-Nov 29 CRN DAYS 10158 Th/6:30p-9:30p PLACE AN/106 INSTR Staff PHARMACEUTICAL MATHEMATICS MEOC/140 A review of basic mathematics focusing on its application to common pharmaceutical calculations, abbreviations and units; how to interpret pharmaceutical documents using acquired pharmaceutical math knowledge. Dates: Sep 15-Dec 8 *Dates: Sep 13-Nov 29 10064 S/9a-12p 12090* Th/9a-12p SCE Fall Schedule 2007 INSTR Dunne Gonzalez MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY MEOC/104 CRN DAYS 42 PLACE AN/114 AN/106 PLACE AN/112 AN/114 INSTR Breegle Wahba Register Online at Pharmacy Technician Training Certificate Program Cypress College Fall term courses offered through SCE PHARMACY OPERATIONS LAB MEDO/230 Prerequisite: Introduction to Pharmacy and keyboarding proficiency at 30 wpm. This course introduces students to the operations of a pharmacy. It provides them with a working knowledge of the structural, functional, business and inter-relational aspect of pharmacy as part of the health care system. Through hands-on instruction, students develop the entry-level skills needed to assist in a pharmacy operation. Dates: Sep 14-Nov 30 CRN DAYS 10455 F/6:30p-9:30p PLACE AN/418 INSTR Hua 10152 M/6:30p-9:30p AN/110 INSTR Padilla OUT-PATIENT LAB FOR THE PHARMACY TECHNICIAN MEDO/220 Prerequisite: Completion of the didactic portion of the Pharmacy Technician program. The practical lab class is designed to prepare the student for an externship at neighboring pharmacies. Upon completion of the lab classes, the student should be able to step into an outpatient pharmacy and begin working with minimal additional training. Dates: Sep 11-Nov 27 CRN DAYS PLACE 10204 T/6p-10p AN/418 INSTR Hua Prerequisite: Completion of the didactic portion of the Pharmacy Technician program. The practical lab class is designed to prepare the student for an externship at neighboring pharmacies. Upon completion of the lab classes, the student should be able to step into an inpatient pharmacy and begin working with minimal additional training. Dates: Sep 13-Nov 29 PLACE 10205 Th/6p-10p AN/418 INSTR Hua PLACE PNEUMATIC CONTROLS ACAR/108 Designed to instruct students in the application of air conditioning pneumatic control as used in commercial building systems. Skills and theories are applied in lab situations. Dates: Aug 20-Dec 18 CRN DAYS 10229 MT/7p-9:50p PLACE INSTR CC/TE3-111 Freiman Airline & & Travel Travel Careers Airline Careers JOB SKILLS COMMUNICATION TRVL/105 CRN DAYS 10180 W/9a-12:10p PLACE INSTR CC/TE1-200 Staff PROFESSIONAL IMAGE TRVL/106 Students will learn how to present a persuasive professional image, using appropriate business etiquette and the key elements of dressing for career success. Dates: Sep 5-Oct 24 PLACE INSTR CC/TE1-200 Jepson AIRLINE RESERVATIONS: APOLLO TRVL/114 Learn vocational skills in cabinet-making, millwork and furniture products. Starts week of 8/20/2007, ends week of 12/17/2007 FC/-703 FC/-703 AirAirConditioning Refrigeration Conditioning and and Refrigeration 10179 W/9a-12:10p CABINET & MILLWORK SHOP/100 10182 TTh/8a-11:30a 10280 MW/8a-12p These courses are not transferable and will not be recognized for credit by other institutions including Fullerton College and Cypress College. CRN DAYS Woodshop Woodshop CRN DAYS Walk-in registration for these classes begins August 15, 2007. Students will prepare a career portfolio and will practice mock-interviews on video to maximize their interviewing skills. Dates: Oct 31-Dec 19 IN-PATIENT LAB FOR THE PHARMACY TECHNICIAN MEDO/221 CRN DAYS View these classes in the SCE Fall Class Schedule or online at 17-Week Non-Credit Courses Emphasises health care communication. Includes nonverbal communication, group communication, ethics in health communication, conflict resolution, elements of intercultural communication, resume writing, job application and interviewing techniques. Dates: Sep 10-Nov 26 PLACE Cypress College Fall Term is August 20 - December 20, 2007 Register at any SCE Office! HUMAN RELATIONS FOR HEALTHCARE WORKERS MEOC/135 CRN DAYS CYPRESS COLLEGE FALL TERM Cypress College Fall Term COURSES OFFERED THROUGH Courses Offered through SCE! SCE! INSTR Cristiano Cristiano Students will learn how to book reservations, quote fares, and calculate prices with United Airlines' APOLLO system through hands-on application. Dates: Sep 12-Dec 19 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR 10535 W/4p-9:50p CC/TE1-214 Palicz FEE $4 Make class attendance your top priority 43 Cypress College Fall term courses offered through SCE AIRLINE RESERVATIONS: SABRE TRVL/121 AUTO PAINTING AND REFINISHING ACRT/150 Students will learn how to book reservations, quote fares, and calculate prices with American Airlines' SABRE system through hands-on application. Dates: Sep 10-Dec 17 Covers basic auto prep and refinishing techniques. Starts week of 8/20/2007, ends week of 12/17/2007 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR FEE 10381 M/4p-9:50p CC/TE1-214 Palicz PLACE INSTR CC/TE1-200 Matsui DESTINATIONS: AFRICA/PACIFIC TRVL/113 Students will learn about top international travel destinations throughout Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and the Pacific Islands, concentrating on travel considerations. Dates: Sep 5-Dec 19 CRN DAYS 10537 W/12:30p-3:40p PLACE INSTR CC/TE1-200 Kaimikaua MULTICULTURAL HOSPITALITY TRVL/125 Students will learn the rules and taboos of international service and multicultural hospitality while considering the historical/social contexts that contribute to these customs. Dates: Sep 10-Dec 17 CRN DAYS 10380 M/12:30p-3:50p PLACE NEW! For students interested in airline customer services. Students will learn terminology, city codes, the 24-hour clock, airline operations, and industry hiring standards. Dates: Sep 4-Dec 18 10536 T/12:30p-3:40p PLACE INSTR CC/TE1-200 Staff Auto Collision Collision Repair Auto Repair AUTOMOTIVE COLLISON REPAIR ACRT/148 Covers automotive collision repair with emphasis on tools of the trade and their proper use and metal working characteristics, including auto body sheet metal welding. Starts week of 8/20/2007, ends week of 12/17/2007 CRN DAYS 10002 TWTh/8a-11:50a 10001 MTW/6p-9:50p 44 PLACE INSTR CC/TE1-110 Snook CC/TE1-110 Staff SCE Fall Schedule 2007 INSTR Learn to identify paint conditions, use of car care chemicals, maintenance of the paint surface, and more! Dates: Aug 23-Dec 20 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR FEE 10004 Th/6p-9:50p CC/TE1-110 Terwilliger $90 AUTOMOTIVE DAMAGE APPRAISAL ACRT/132 Designed to prepare students to enter the field of automotive collision appraisal. Students learn how to make repair estimates on damaged vehicles. Starts week of 8/20/2007, ends week of 12/17/2007 CRN DAYS 10003 Th/7p-9:50p 10157 T/7p-9:50p PLACE INSTR CC/TE3-316 Day CC/TE3-107 Day AUTO COLLISION SPECIAL ACRT/159 This course is designed to offer students a supervised independent program to continue and broaden their studies in automotive collision repair. Enrollment is limited. Dates: Aug 23-Dec 20 CRN DAYS 10145 Th/12p12:50p PLACE INSTR CC/TE1-110 Snook FEE $90 INSTR CC/TE1-200 Reiland AIRLINE OPERATIONS TRVL/120 CRN DAYS PLACE CC/TE1-110 Snook CC/TE1-110 Staff AUTO DETAILING & CAR CARE (BEGINNING) ACRT/156 Learn about travel sales and tour operations, including trends, itinerary planning, and the technologies available to consultants in the leisure, recreational, and corporate markets. Dates: Sep 6-Dec 13 10240 Th/6p-9:35p 10005 MW/1p-4:50p 10170 TTh/1p-4:50p $4 TRAVEL SALES & TOUR OPERATIONS TRVL/112 CRN DAYS CRN DAYS AUTO DETAILING & CAR CARE (ADVANCED) ACRT/157 This is course includes: starting a detailing business, location determination, customer service and advanced detailing techniques. Dates: Aug 23-Dec 20 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR FEE 10356 Th/6p-9:50p CC/TE1-110 Terwilliger $90 Auto Auto Technology Technology SURVEY OF THE AUTOMOBILE ACRT/162 Learn about the automobile, including engines, power trains, suspension and brakes, electrical and fuel systems. Use of Tools and equipment will also be covered. Dates: Aug 24-Dec 14 CRN DAYS 10357 F/9a-11:50a 10358 F/6p-8:50p PLACE INSTR CC/TE3-115 Sherard CC/TE1-105 Rentie Register Online at Cypress College Fall term courses offered through SCE BASIC AREA CLEAN AIR CAR ACRT/164 AIRCRAFT AND ENGINES AVI/120 Prepares students for the State of California Licensed Smog Check Mechanic Test. Modern diagnostic equipment including infra-red analyzer and chassis dynamometer will be used. Dates: Aug 21-Dec 20 This course is a study of the theory of flight, aircraft design, construction, operation limitations, repair and maintenance, maintenance records and aircraft accessories. Engine study includes principles of internal combustion engines, engine design and construction, fuel lubrication and cooling systems, propellers, trouble shooting and preventive maintenance. This course meets partial fulfillment of the requirements of the FAA for ground instruction. Dates: Sep 6-Dec 13 CRN DAYS PLACE 10007 T/6:30p9:20p Th/6:30p8:19p INSTR FEE CC/TE3-107 Rojas Staff $150 CRN DAYS 10230 Th/6p-9:35p ADVANCED CLEAN AIR CAR ACRT/165 This course covers operating procedures, diagnostic strategies and repair procedures for loaded mode emissions testing. Course meets BAR smog check licensing requirements. Dates: Aug 23-Dec 20 CRN DAYS PLACE 10360 Th/8:20p10:10p CC/TE3-107 INSTR FEE Rojas $60 Prepares or re-qualifies a student in instrument flight procedures and techniques. Review knowledge required to pass FAA Instrument Pilot, and other written exams. Dates: Sep 10-Dec 17 10177 M/6p-9:20p Intro to basic principles of aviation and Federal Aviation Regulations to qualify for the FAA written exam for Private Pilot certificate. Meets FAA requirement for ground instruction. Starts week of 9/3/2007, ends week of 12/17/2007 10281 TTh/12:30p3:50p 10185 MW/6p-9:15p PLACE CC/TE1216 CC/TE1216 INSTR FEE Wotring $120 Ennis $120 GROUND TRAINER LABORATORY INSTRUMENT FLIGHT AVI/108 Offers students the opportunity to develop and maintain instrument flight skills. Lab time will be divided between instrument ground trainer and audio visual aids. Dates: Sep 5-Dec 19 CRN DAYS 10008 W/6p-7:55p PLACE CC/TE1-218 This is a course of study of weather recognition, icing, fog, fronts, clouds, weather maps and symbols, forecasting pressure patterns, wind systems and much more. The course meets the meteorology requirements of the FAA for ground instruction. Enrollment limited. Dates: Sep 4-Dec 18 10361 T/6p-9:10p PLACE INSTR CC/TE1-216 COMMUNICATION WITH THE DEAF (BEGINNING) ENCO/111 This course gives an overview of the philosophy of Signing Exact English (S.E.E.), its structure, technique, and rationale. Over the course of the semester, a 700 word working vocabulary will be introduced to the students. Competency will be evaluated on the basis of exams, Quizzes, essays assigned readings, and signed classroom presentations. Dates: Aug 20-Dec 17 CRN DAYS PLACE 10494 M/6:30p-9:20p CC/HUM-104 INSTR Zawolkow Hotel, Hotel, Restaurant, Culinary Arts Restaurant, Careers Culinary Arts Careers INSTR Acebo METEOROLOGY AVI/114 CRN DAYS PLACE CC/TE1-218 Staff Communications Communications PRIVATE PILOT AVI/105 CRN DAYS INSTR INSTRUMENT RATING AVI/106 CRN DAYS Aviation Aviation PLACE CC/TE1-218 Wilcox INSTR Staff All HOSM classes require a textbook for an additional fee. Hands-on culinary classes also require that students wear a culinary uniform and bring appropriate knifes. Texts, uniforms and knifes are available for purchase at the NOCCCD Anaheim Campus bookstore. It is also strongly recommended completion of or concurrent enrollment in HOSM 135 - SERVSAFE FOOD SAFETY. For additional pricing information, please call 714-808-4675. NUTRITION HOSM/104 A practical application of nutritional information to the individual diet and the recognition of nutrition misinformation. This course is a study of the interactions between food and a living organism. Dates: Aug 23-Dec 20 CRN DAYS 10362 Th/3p-5:50p PLACE AN/176 INSTR Messick Been away for a while? No problem...we want you back! 45 Cypress College Fall term courses offered through SCE SANITATION & SAFETY HOSM/114 BAKING AND PASTRY HOSM/143 This course is designed to acquaint students with principles of sanitation and safety in any hospitality management facility. Dates: Aug 22-Dec 19 This course is designed to develop skills in baking and pastry. Proficiency in measuring, baking, yeast and non-yeast products, fillings, meringues, icings, toppings are explored. Dates: Aug 21-Dec 18 *Dates: Aug 23-Dec 13 CRN DAYS 10526 W/6p-8:50p PLACE AN/177 INSTR Staff CRN DAYS SERVSAFE FOOD SAFETY HOSM/135 An overview of food safety principles to prepare employees to take the ServSafe Food Safety Exam. A certified food handler is required in all California restaurants, and all California restaurants. Dates: Oct 9-Oct 23 CRN DAYS 10231 T/6p-8:50p PLACE AN/176 INSTR Clark PLACE 10527 Th/9a-1:50p AN/176 INSTR Clark FEE $25 This course explores hotel housekeeping and property operations, includes management strategies, reports, budgets and technical details. Dates: Aug 22-Dec 19 10528 W/6p-8:50p PLACE AN/176 INSTR Staff This course provides an overview of hotel management including rooms division, food and beverage, engineering, security, marketing, sales, accounting, information management and human resources. Dates: Aug 20-Dec 17 10538 M/12p-2:50p PLACE AN/176 INSTR Clark Through lecture, demonstration and hands-on practice, this course introduces the student to basic cooking skills that can be applied in any level or type of food service operation. Starts week of 8/20/2007, ends week of 12/17/2007 *Dates: Aug 24-Dec 14 PLACE 10232 W/8a-1:50p AN/177 10529 M/8a-1:50p AN/177 10530* F/8a-1:50p AN/177 46 INSTR Staff Staff Staff SCE Fall Schedule 2007 PLACE AN/176 INSTR Staff HOSPITALITY LAW HOSM/140 This course is a comprehensive study of the legal aspects of the hospitality industry with an emphasis on compliance and prevention of liabilities. Dates: Aug 22-Dec 19 CRN DAYS 10363 W/3p-5:50p PLACE AN/176 INSTR Marweg This is a course designed to develop the specialized skills of garde manger personnel in fine dining restaurants and hotels. Dates: Aug 20-Dec 17 CRN DAYS PLACE 10532 M/4p-9:50p AN/175 INSTR Lucas FEE $50 This course, using internet research, provides an overview of operations and career opportunities for travel agents, hotel management, culinary arts, food service management, meeting and event planning and airline customer service. Starts week of 8/20/2007, ends week of 12/17/2007 CRN DAYS 10525 T/9a-11:50a 10178 M/6p-8:50p BASIC COOKING TECHNIQUES HOSM/130 CRN DAYS $50 $50 INTRO TO HOSPITALITY CAREERS HOSM/120 HOTEL MANAGEMENT HOSM/116 CRN DAYS FEE THE ART OF GARDE MANGER HOSM/150 HOUSEKEEPING & PROPERTY OPERATIONS HOSM/124 CRN DAYS Klemek Staff This course provides students with experience in designing restaurant menus. Students will also analyze and develop solutions to the layout and design of hotel and restaurant kitchen facilities. Dates: Aug 23-Dec 13 10241 Th/3p-5:50p Students operate a restaurant dining room; emphasis is placed on providing excellent guest service, using a point of sale system computer system, staffing, mise en place and those leadership skills required to effectively manage restaurant and banquet operation. Dates: Aug 23-Dec 20 INSTR MENU / KITCHEN LAYOUT & DESIGN HOSM/161 CRN DAYS RESTAURANT / BANQUET OPERATIONS HOSM/127 CRN DAYS PLACE 10144 T/4p-9:50p AN/177 10533* Th/4p-9:50p AN/177 FEE $50 $50 $50 PLACE AN/176 AN/176 INSTR Clark Clark CATERING & EVENT MANAGEMENT HOSM/108 Marketing and management of catering on and off premises, including special functions. Planning, financing, organizing, marketing and operating a catering service will be emphasized. Dates: Aug 23-Dec 20 CRN DAYS 10531 Th/6p-8:50p PLACE AN/176 INSTR Haronis Register Online at Cypress College Fall term courses offered through SCE - Physical Fitness Marine Service Service &&Repair Marine Repair Physical PHYSICAL Fitness FITNESS OUTBOARD ENGINE REPAIR/SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MOER/100 This course will cover the complete operating principle, theory and design features of outboard engines. Course will cover the repair, service, maintenance, overhaul and diagnosis of outboard engine such as Mercury, Johnson and Evinrude. Dates: Aug 21-Dec 19 CRN DAYS PLACE 10364 TWTh/6p-9:50p INSTR CC/TE3-118 Staff Motorcycle Service Service Motorcyle MOTORCYCLE TUNE-UP & SERVICE ACRT/134 For those planning a vocational career in cycle repair. For owners who wish to perform their own maintenance/repair. Includes engine tune-up, electrical transmission systems and more. Dates: Aug 25-Dec 15 CRN DAYS PLACE 10093 S/8a-12:50p INSTR CC/TE1-105 Staff Musicand andTheater Theater Music CYPRESS MASTERWORKS MUSC/302 SCE Student Success Story: Katherine Rinos. Change. Cultivated. Before taking aerobics classes with SCE, Katherine Rinos was unable to walk without pain or total exhaustion, due to severe rheumatoid arthritis. She has had to utilize a wheelchair, leg braces, custom arm splints, and neck collar, and oftentimes could not leave her bed. Katherine was taking 62 pills a day and had 52 injections in her heels, fingers and back. Her spine was laden with degenerative discs and the state classified her as “unemployable.” Katherine’s dedication to physical exercise through SCE’s fitness classes has strengthened her joints, bones and muscles. Her endurance has increased so much that today she can walk, work and function normally. Her recent bone density tests showed no signs of osteoporosis, which, according to her rheumatologist, could have only occurred through her commitment to physical exercise with her aerobics classes. “Katherine’s determination despite pain and disease serves as a positive example to others in class and in life,” says her instructor, Gale Beanblossom. Katherine often shares her story with the class and praises them for their hard work. SCE student Katherine Rinos. Change. Cultivated. This is a large ensemble (70-100) singers who perform major masterworks for choir and orchestra in addition to a variety concert repertoire. The Chorale presents four major concerts in the campus theater, participates in regional music festivals, and tours Internationally. Dates: Aug 21-Dec 18 AEROBICS FITN/206 10062 T/7p-9:50p CC/FA-304 CRN DAYS CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR Ball FEE $30 BEGINNING VOICE MUSC/315 Students will study basic vocal techniques including tone production, breath control, and diction. Songs will be drawn from popular and traditional songs. Starts week of 8/20/2007, ends week of 12/17/2007 CRN DAYS PLACE 10238 T/4p-5:50p CC/FA-213 10436 M/6:30p-8:20p CC/FA-213 INSTR FEE Decoro $30 Decoro $30 BEGINNING PIANO MUSC/320 Beginning with the abc's at middle C, the student learns to read music using familiar songs and pieces in folk and classical styles. Basic chords also help with rock and jazz. The student learns rhythm as the heartbeat of music. Starts week of 8/20/2007, ends week of 12/17/2007 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR 10237 M/4p-5:50p CC/FA-214D Decoro 10524 W/6p-7:50p CC/FA-214D Bardin FEE $30 $30 Low-impact, high intensity, coed class. Bring a mat; weights optional. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 *Dates: Sep 29-Dec 1 10077 10079* 10078 10159 10076 S/10a-11:30a S/10a-11a MW/6p-7p TTh/6p-7:30p MW/6:30p-8p PLACE AN/134 CC/GYM 1 CC/GYM 1 YL/408 YL/408 INSTR Beanblossom Weaver Humphries Beanblossom Beanblossom IMPROVING YOUR CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH FITN/310 Improve your cardiovascular and muscular fitness while incorporating physical activity as part of lifestyle changes to improve health. Course focuses on a cardiovascular workout designed to safely raise the heart rate beginning with stretching and fast walking. Class teaches cardiovascular conditioning through aerobic exercise, including kicks, lunges, squats and punch movements. The heart rate is gradually raised through this vigorous workout then safely brought down through a cool down and stretch. Learn the health benefits of physical activity. Please bring a towel and a bottle of water. Starts week of 9/24/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS 10212 S/11a-12p 10213 TTh/8p-9p PLACE CC/GYM 1 CC/GYM 2 INSTR Weaver Weaver ¿Ha estado fuera por un tiempo? ¡No hay problema! ¡Bienvenido de nuevo! 47 Physical Fitness TENNIS-BEGINNING (COED) FITN/210 FOX TROT AND TANGO DANCING DAN/118 Students will learn forehand, backhand, approach shot, serve and volley, plus some footwork. Bring racquet and one can of new tennis balls. Dates: Sep 28-Nov 2 Experience both the Fox Trot and American and Argentine styles of Tango dancing. Both dance styles are very popular. Learn the basics and techniques of both. Join us for some fun. Last class meeting arranged for night out dancing (nominal fee). Dates: Sep 16-Nov 4 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR FEE 10235 F/6p-7:30p CC/Tennis Court Noor $55 10297 Sun/4p-6p TENNIS - INTERMEDIATE/ ADVANCED (COED) FITN/209 Dates: Sep 28-Nov 2 CRN DAYS PLACE PLACE CC/GYM 2-125 INSTR FEE Kyselka $55 SALSA DANCE DAN/104 INSTR FEE 10168 F/7:30p-9p CC/Tennis Court Noor $55 FITNESS LAB FITN/202 Go Latin - Do Salsa! Easy to learn and fun to do. Includes basic salsa plus variations. You must wear soft soled shoes. Last class meeting arranged for night out dancing (nominal fee). Dates: Sep 16-Nov 4 *Dates: Sep 18-Nov 6 This course is an open-entry, self-paced lab. Equipment and routines provide cardiovascular, fitness, strength, and conditioning training to improve or maintain health for the non-athlete. Participants will develop an individual fitness plan. Dates: Aug 20-Dec 21 *Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS 10289 10082* 10080* 10081* Exercise while exploring the dance and rhythms of the Near and Middle East through Belly Dancing. Learn arm, hand, and body movements including belly rolls as well as techniques for finger cymbals and veil work. Class taught to accommodate beginners as well as those with experience. Bring finger cymbals or learn how to make them with bottle caps and three yards of flowing fabric approximately 45 inches wide for the veil session. Dates: Sep 21-Oct 26 CRN DAYS MTWThF/6a-8:50a S/12p-4p MW/9p-11p TTh/9p-11p PLACE FC/Wellness Ctr CC/GYM 1 CC/GYM 1 CC/GYM 1 INSTR Farmer Shue Kiernan Shue Dance Dance BALLROOM / LATIN / SWING DANCE DAN/102 PLACE INSTR FEE 10074 Sun/12p-2p CC/GYM 2-125 Kyselka $55 10073* T/8p-10p CC/GYM 2 Kyselka $55 Gym 2 Upstairs in the lobby THE ART OF BELLY DANCING DAN/119 CRN DAYS PLACE 10255 F/3p-5p 10071 F/6p-8p 10072 F/8p-10p KARATE (BEGINNING, INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED) FITN/103 PLACE CC/GYM 1 CC/GYM 1 INSTR Kyselka Kyselka FEE $55 $55 WALTZ AND CHA CHA DANCE DAN/117 Learn to dance fun patterns of the popular Waltz and Cha Cha. Join us for some fun. Last class meeting arranged for night out dancing (nominal fee). Dates: Sep 16-Nov 4 CRN DAYS 10296 Sun/2p-4p PLACE CC/GYM 2-125 INSTR FEE Kyselka $55 WEST COAST SWING DANCE DAN/103 Learn to dance West Coast Swing – the official state dance of CA! Dance it fast or slow to your favorite music. A partner is not required. Wear soft soled shoes. Last class will be night out dancing (nominal fee). Dates: Sep 18-Nov 6 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR 10075 T/6p-8p CC/GYM 2 Kyselka Gym 2 Upstairs in the lobby SCE Fall Schedule 2007 CC/GYM 2-123 INSTR FEE Learn popular, traditional dances: cha cha, waltz, foxtrot, tango, East and West Coast swing, samba, rumba, and country western. Have fun, make friends! A partner is not required; you must wear soft-soled shoes. Last class will be night out dancing (nominal fee). Dates: Sep 14-Nov 2 CRN DAYS 48 CRN DAYS Chianis $60 Adult Martial Martial Arts Adult Arts Includes basic self-defense techniques, kicking, striking, blocking and fighting stances; Theory of techniques, including principles of power and body alignment to enhance student's understanding. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR Kenpo Karate Beginning Level 10063 S/11:30a-1p UMF/150 Leonard 12086 M/7:30p-10p AN/134 Leonard 10277 TTh/7:30p-10p YL/408 Leonard Kenpo Karate Intermediate Level 10410 S/10a-11:30a UMF/150 Leonard Kenpo Karate Advanced Level 10411 S/8a-10a UMF/150 Leonard FEE $55 Register Online at Music - Driver Education KUNG FU SAN SOO (BEGINNING, INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED) FITN/105 Intro to the marital art of San Soo (Tsoi-Li-Hoi-Fut) Kung Fu. Covers defensive techniques and principles of leverage, throws, kicks, holds and more. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 *Dates: Sep 10-Dec 3 CRN 10065 10066 10244* DAYS PLACE Kung Fu San Soo All Levels S/2p-4p CC/GYM 2-123 F/7p-9p CC/GYM 2-123 M/7:30pCC/GYM 2 9:30p Gym 2 Upstairs in the lobby INSTR Staff Staff Staff SELF-DEFENSE (BEGINNING, INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED) FITN/109 Designed to teach students to defend themselves. They will encounter simulated real life situations. Vital and non-vital points of the anatomy will be discussed. Correct execution of kicks, punches, blocks, knee strikes, and elbow strikes will be covered. Safety and proper utilization of body posture will be emphasized as well as awareness of the environment and how it can be helpful in self-protection. Starts week of 9/10/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR Jujitsu And Self Defense Beginning Level 10413 MW/6:30p-8:30p UMF/150 Gallegos Jujitsu And Self Defense Intermediate Level 10414 TTh/6p-9p UMF/150 Gallegos Self Defense All Levels 10576 F/6p-7p CC/GYM 2123 INSTR FEE Metzidis $50 ADULT KEYBOARDING (BEGINNING II) MUSC/335 Comprehensive music course in reading, playing and listening to music. Lessons include learning chords, sight-reading and understanding basic harmony. Dates: Sep 11-Oct 16 CRN DAYS PLACE 12114 T/5:30p-6:30p CC/CE4-2 10199 S/8a-9a 10304* M/7p-8p 10218† Th/8p-9p PLACE UMF/252 AN/414 UMF/143 INSTR Parent Hernandez Parent FEE $50 $55 $50 GUITAR FOR ADULTS LEVEL 1 MUSC/345 NEW! Learn basic chords, strumming, picking and the classical rest stroke. Develop the confidence and coordination to play along to a handful of oldies and classic rock songs. Bring your nylon-string or acoustic steel-string guitar and medium guitar pick to class. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 12098 S/9a-10a PLACE CC/CE4-3 INSTR Austin FEE $50 ADULT GUITAR (INTERMEDIATE / ADVANCED) MUSC/109 Students learn music theory, notes on the guitar, major and minor keys, how to use a capo, how to play two-bar chord forms, and more. Play two songs by the end of class. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 *Dates: Oct 4-Nov 8 10233 S/9a-10a 10290* Th/9p-10p PLACE UMF/252 UMF/143 INSTR Parent Parent FEE $50 $50 Mature DriverClasses Classes Mature Driver This course will introduce adults to reading notes, rhythm, music symbols, sight-reading and keyboard activities to develop technique and listening. Book required. Bring your own keyboard (40 key minimum) every week! Dates: Sep 11-Oct 16 PLACE CRN DAYS Driver Education DRIVER EDUCATION BEGINNING ADULT PIANO/KEYBOARD MUSC/321 10391 T/4:30p-5:30p CC/CE4-2 Learn to play the guitar! Students will learn chords, strum pattern styles, new songs, simple ear training and rhythm training. Students will also learn a I, IV, V blues progression and how to read the tablature for guitar. Bring a nylon-string or acoustic steel-string guitar and a medium pick. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 *Dates: Oct 1-Nov 26 †Dates: Oct 4-Nov 8 CRN DAYS Staff Music MUSIC CRN DAYS GUITAR FOR ADULTS MUSC/108 INSTR FEE Metzidis $50 Improvement classes for licensed drivers age 55 and older who wish to qualify for a reduced insurance premium as well as brush up on traffic laws, safety techniques for a driver's license exam. A Certificate of Completion is given as evidence of attendance to obtain up to three years of reduced insurance rates from participating insurance companies. Please contact the facility directly for dates and registration information: Anaheim Community Ctr. 250 E. Center St., Anaheim; (714) 765-4511 Brea Sr. Ctr. 500 South Sievers Ave., Brea; (714) 990-7750 Cypress Sr. Ctr. 9031 Grindlay, Cypress; (714) 229-2005 Fullerton Sr. Multi-Serv Ctr. 340 W. Commonwealth Ave., Fullerton, (714) 738-6305 La Habra Sr. Ctr. 101 W. La Habra, La Habra; (562) 905-9746 W. Anaheim Brookhurst Sr. Prog. 2271 W. Crescent Ave., Anaheim; (714) 765-3415 Yorba Linda Sr. Ctr. 4501 Casa Loma Dr., Yorba Linda; (714) 961-7181 Thank you for learning with SCE 49 Older Adults Program Older ADULTS Adults PROGRAM Program OLDER Emeritus Education Emeritus Education Enrichment Enrichment The Emeritus section allows the selection of courses designed to enhance life-long learning, develop and explore personal interests and/or aptitudes in order to develop mental activity, motor skills, creativity, and an appreciation for the Arts. Unless otherwise indicated, the classes are offered on a year round basis. You may register in class at any time provided that space is available. INTERGENERATIONAL: CREATIVE ARTS EXCHANGE FOR OLDER ADULTS CRAE/310 Older adults along with participants of multiple generations create artistic legacy keepsakes that reflect the individual histories of older adults, lifetime memories, and personal creative expression. Class projects are designed to encourage mutual appreciation and connections among older adults students and participants of varying age groups. Dates: Aug 20-Dec 1 CRN DAYS 11738 T/3p-5p PLACE INSTR Park Vista at Morningside Martin Communication Communication BOOKS COME ALIVE FOR OLDER ADULTS ENCO/180 "Books Come Alive" is an intellectually and socially rewarding activity designed for older adults in which outstanding works of fiction/non-fiction are read and discussed. Through the method of shared inquiry, along with thought- provoking questions, older adult students are offered exciting opportunities for self-discovery and personal growth. Dates: Aug 20-Dec 1 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR 11132 F/10:30a-12:30p Buena Park Johnson Senior Ctr 11837 W/2:30p-4:30p Katella Sr Living Johnson Community GREAT LITERATURE FOR SENIORS ENCO/183 "Great Literature for Seniors" is an intellectually and socially rewarding class designed for older adults in which outstanding short stories are read and discussed. Through the method of shared inquiry, along with thought- provoking questions, students are offered exciting opportunities for self-discovery and personal growth. Dates: Aug 20-Dec 1 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR 11147 Th/9:15a-11:15a Fullerton Sr Bryden Multi-Serv Ctr 50 SCE Fall Schedule 2007 * Do you have stories to tell? * Have you always wanted to write? * Write for fun, to relieve stress or to share your legacy for future generations. Archive your memories. Personal Journal Writing for Older Adults CRN#12131 or CRN# 12058 PERSONAL JOURNAL WRITING FOR OLDER ADULTS CNED/114 Personal journal writing is a literary art form and a skill that facilitates creativity and self discovery which results in a written record of the older adult student's life journey. Older Adults students will learn techniques for releasing the inner writer and developing the art of storytelling through concepts of myth, images and metaphors using the viewpoint and experience of older adults. Dates: Sep 11-Nov 27 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR 12131 T/9:30a-11:30a Yorba Linda Sr Courtright Ctr 12058 T/3:30p-5:30p St Paul's Barth Lutheran Church CREATIVE WRITING FOR SENIORS ABE/240 This course for older adults teaches both beginning and experienced writers how to create shape autobiographies, fiction and non-fiction writing, and poetry into readable and publishable forms. Dates: Aug 20-Dec 1 CRN DAYS 11362 W/12:30p3:30p 11424 T/1p-4p 11923 W/6:30p8:30p PLACE INSTR W Anah Brookhurst French Sr Prog Cypress Sr Citizen French Ctr Morningside of Liken-McCann Fullerton JOURNEY BACK INTO TIME FOR OLDER ADULTS ENCO/501 This class offers older adults students the opportunity to explore and share their personal histories, cultures, and values among older adult students through group discussion. Shared experiences, memories and linking the past with the present, encourages self awareness, positive self-esteem, stimulation, and enjoyment. Dates: Aug 20-Dec 1 CRN DAYS 11711 F/9:30a11:30a 11813 T/10a-12p PLACE Katella Sr Living Community Summerville at Casa Whittier 11537 M/1p-3p Morningside of Fullerton 11539 W/3p-4:30p Summerville at Fairwood 11538 Th/3:30p-5p La Habra Villa INSTR Small Silva Small Small Small Register Online at Older Adults Program SENIOR TOPICS FOR OLDER ADULTS EDEN/100 3:30p 11854 W/2p-4p 11865 T/2p-4p This course presents older adults with various topics for discussion and class activities based on the students' individual interest, backgrounds, physical and mental abilities. Older adults are encouraged to share and compare life experiences, and learn about international, national and local events and issues from a current and historical viewpoint. Dates: Aug 20-Dec 1 CRN DAYS 11029 T/8:45a10:15a 11243 Th/9a-11a PLACE Bradford Square Knott Ave Res Manor 11680 Th/9a-11a Fullerton Rosewood 11432 W/9a-10:30a Cambridge Court 11028 T/9:30a-11a Atria de Palma 11048 F/9:30aSummerville at Casa 11:30a Whittier 11161 F/9:30a-11a Tuscany Villas 11160 W/9:30aAcacia Villas 11:30a 11827 W/9:30aSummerville at 11:30a Fairwood 11967 W/9:30aLa Habra Villa 11:30a 11934 M/9:30aCypress Gardens of 11:30a Brea 11909 M/9:30aAnaheim Village 11:30a 11907 T/9:30aEmerald Court 11:30a 11572 M/9:30a-11a Sunny Crest Chalet 11401 T/9:30aCypress Gardens of 11:30a Brea 11184 W/9:30aPark Regency Ret 11:30a Res 11021 M/10a-12p Anaheim Care Cottages 11678 M/10a-12p Sunrise Assisted Living @ YL 11027 F/10a-12p Anaheim Care Cottages 11924 W/10a-12p Park Vista Assisted Living 11010 W/10:30a- Cambridge Court 12p 11178 F/10:30aMorningside of 12:30p Fullerton 11188 T/10:30aPark Vista Assisted 12:30p Living 11133 W/12:30p- Buena Park Senior 2:30p Ctr 11519 T/12:30p-2p Seasons of La Habra 11180 M/12:30p- New Horizon Lodge 2:30p 11026 M/1p-3p Atria de Palma 11171 F/1p-3p Summerville at Fairwood 11193 T/1p-2:30p Sunny Crest Chalet 11367 M/1p-3p Bradford Square 11395 Th/1p-3p Atria de Palma 11987 T/1p-3p Arcaciawood Village 11687 T/1p-3p Sunrise Asst Living La Palma 11192 S/1p-3p Cypress Gardens of Brea 11046 T/1p-3p Fullerton Rosewood 11172 T/1:30pFullerton Res Manor 3:30p 11541 Th/1:30pSeasons of La 3:30p Habra 11542 T/1:30pBradford Square INSTR Dorman Liberio Belknap Dorman Liberio Gomes Liberio Moore Jenkins Orr Fukushima Gunderson Moore Tuscany Villas Seasons of La Habra 11394 Th/2:30pWells House 3:30p Residential 11416 M/2:30p-4p Wells House Residential 11936 T/3p-5p Katella Sr Living Community 11008 W/3:30p-5p W Anah Royale 11686 T/3:30p-5p Sunrise Senior Living 11754 F/3:30p-5p La Habra Villa 11674 F/5p-6:30p New Horizon Lodge 11174 T/6p-8p La Habra Villa Burg Moore Levy Levy Gomes Dorman Small Staff Levy Gable HEARING IMPAIRED FOR OLDER ADULTS HLTH/126 This course for older adults explains hearing loss and includes a discussion of how the ear works, what can go wrong with it, and what can be done to improve hearing problems. An analysis of the speech-reading process is included with emphasis on the general principles in the major exercises. Dates: Sep 10-Nov 26 CRN DAYS 12135 M/10a-12p PLACE INSTR Fullerton Sr Steckler Multi-Serv Ctr Elton Kittelsen Gomes Liberio Creative Arts Arts Enrichment Creative Enrichment Cultivate Change in Your Creativity. Harris Silva Harris Enroll in the new Ceramics for Older Adults Gutierrez Thursdays: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm Muckenthaler Cultural Center Dorman 1201 W. Malvern Avenue, Fullerton, 92833 Gable Dorman Nielsen Kittelsen Levy Silva Gomes Liberio Fennell Belknap Elton Fischer Gable Hertogh Dorman Jenkins Orr CERAMICS FOR OLDER ADULTS CRAE/101 This course in basic ceramics for older adults includes lecture, demonstration and application of ceramic artwork. Student will learn mold selection, glazing, decorating techniques, and proper firing procedures. Individual artistic creativity is encouraged and completed art projects of the older adult student are often displayed publically. Dates: Aug 20-Dec 1 *Dates: Sep 13-Nov 29 CRN DAYS PLACE 11130 T/8:30a-11:30a Buena Park Senior Ctr 11131 Th/8:30a-11:30a Buena Park Senior Ctr 11361 Th/9:30a-12:30p Morningside of Fullerton 12117* Th/10a-1p Muckenthaler Cultural Ctr 11422 T/1p-4p Cypress Sr Citizen Ctr INSTR Zaccherio Zaccherio Bacon Kim Reynolds Jenkins Orr SCE...Where Learning Never Ends 51 Older Adults Program CREATIVE ARTS FOR OLDER ADULTS CRAE/100 This class for older adults encourages art appreciation, self expression, and creativity through a variety of art media. Projects are designed to expose older adult students to artistic design, and to give experience with different artistic methods, techniques, tools, and materials. Starts week of 8/20/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS PLACE 11168 M/9a-12p Yorba Linda Sr Ctr 11545 Th/9a-11a Bradford Square 11035 Th/9:30aAtria de Palma 11:30a 11191 F/9:30aCypress Gardens 11:30a of Brea 11543 T/9:30aNew Horizon 11:30a Lodge 11790 Th/9:30aSummerville at 11:30a Casa Whittier 11884 M/9:30aBrighton Gardens 11:30a 11830 T/10a-12:30p Muckenthaler Cultural Center 11531 Th/1p-3p Bradford Square 11569 T/1p-3p Katella Sr Living Community 11933 M/1p-3p Brighton Gardens 11972 Th/1p-3p Anaheim Village 11571 T/1p-3p Park Vista Assisted Living 11730 S/1p-3p Park Regency Ret Res 11985 M/3p-5p Brighton Gardens INSTR Hyatt Solomina Mills Staff Osinga Staff Martin England Bunnell Osinga Martin Osinga Martin 11138 T/9a-12p 11419 W/9a-12p 11958 Th/12:30p3:30p 11145 T/1p-4p PLACE La Habra Senior Ctr Buena Park Senior Ctr Cypress Sr Citizen Ctr Yorba Linda Sr Ctr Sr Citizens Ctr Anaheim Fullerton Sr MultiServ Ctr PLACE 52 SCE Fall Schedule 2007 PLACE INSTR Cypress Sr Citizen Ctr Brown Yorba Linda Sr Ctr Brown AN/402 Brown Buena Park Senior Ctr Brown Muckenthaler Cultural Brown Center NEEDLECRAFTS, KNITTING, CROCHET FOR OLDER ADULTS CRAE/104 Older adult students will learn the practical application, knowledge, and skills required to create knitted, crocheted, needlepoint, and cross-stitched hand-made items. A wide variety of items are created, by older adult students, including decorations for the home and clothing for babies, children and adults. Starts week of 8/20/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS Martin 11942 M/12p-3p INSTR Kortz Bacon Bacon Bacon Hyatt Solomina PLACE INSTR Victoria Woods Carlson Fullerton Sr Multi- Carlson Serv Ctr Yorba Linda Sr Ctr Hyatt Solomina SENIOR CHORUS MUSC/303 This course introduces older adult students to a broad spectrum of choral music including its cultural and historical aspects. Older adult students will gain knowledge of correct posture, breath control, enunciation, harmony, rhythm and basic music concepts appropriate for the older adult. Dates: Aug 20-Dec 1 CRN DAYS 11139 F/9:30a11:30a 11169 M/10a-12p 11363 T/1p-3p 11369 M/7p-9p PLACE INSTR Cypress Sr Citizen Lassetter Ctr W Anah Brookhurst Kubiak Sr Prog Yorba Linda Sr Ctr Hamilton St Paul's Kubiak Lutheran Church Kortz Older adults will learn the fundamentals of of china painting as presented to older adults students through demonstration and individual instruction. The older adult students will learn techniques such as brush strokes, blending, shading, grounding, and masking. Final class projects are heirloom quality artworks that may be displayed in a community art exhibit. exhibit. Dates: Aug 20-Dec 1 11423 W/12:30p-3:30p Cypress Sr Citizen Ctr 11163 M/9a-12p 11242 F/9a-12p 11486 W/12:30p3:30p 11370 T/1p-4p 11875 M/1p-4p 11023 W/9a-12p 11146 Th/9a-12p CHINA PAINTING FOR OLDER ADULTS CRAE/103 CRN DAYS CRN DAYS Barraza This class offers older adults an individualized approach to learning painting and artistic expression at their own pace and within their interest and style. Older adult will learn techniques in drawing, brush strokes, and color mixing and application. Dates: Aug 20-Dec 1 11152 W/8:30a11:30a 11129 M/9a-12p This course offers the essentials of quilting, for older adults students, which includes fabric selection, cutting, and sewing methods along with the history and vocabulary of the craft. Special techniques for older adults are covered such as patchwork, applique, hand and machine methods, and finishing techniques. Dates: Aug 20-Dec 1 Mills PAINTING FOR OLDER ADULTS CRAE/105 CRN DAYS QUILTING FOR OLDER ADULTS CRAE/106 INSTR TONE CHIME CHOIR FOR OLDER ADULTS MUSC/304 This course provides instruction to older adults on handbell performance skills using chime instruments made by Suzuki. The music will be beginning level handbell music, level 1 and 2, as defined by the American Guild of English Hand Bell Ringers. The class will share their music by performing to the community in different public venues. Dates: Aug 20-Dec 1 CRN DAYS 11126 W/12p-2p PLACE Sr Citizens Ctr Anaheim INSTR Lassetter Bacon Register Online at Older Adults Program MUSIC ARTS FOR OLDER ADULTS MUSC/200 This course provides stimulating interaction for older adults through musical reminiscence, discussions, and listening to music from different time periods and genres. Older Adult students will participate in sing-alongs and rhythmic activities. Older adult students will learn to appreciate and understand different varieties of music. Starts week of 8/20/2007, ends week of 11/26/2007 CRN DAYS PLACE 11842 T/8:30a-10a Bradford Square 11978 Th/9a-11a Cypress Gardens of Brea 12000 T/9a-11a Fullerton Res Manor 11709 M/9:15aSunrise Asst Living 11:15a La Palma 11194 T/9:30aSunny Crest Chalet 11:30a 11415 M/9:30aBradford Square 11:30a 11481 F/9:30aSeasons of La 11:30a Habra 11762 F/9:30aAtria de Palma 11:30a 12003 M/9:30aSummerville at 11:30a Fairwood 12057 Th/9:30aAnaheim Village 11:30a 12007 T/9:30aKnott Ave Res 11:30a Manor 11863 Th/9:30aSeasons of La 11:30a Habra 11971 T/9:30aBrighton Gardens 11:30a 11822 M/9:30aTuscany Villas 11:30a 11807 T/9:30aAnaheim Care 11:30a Cottages 11019 Th/10a-12p Brighton Gardens 11708 W/10a-12p Katella Sr Living Community 11022 W/10a-12p Anaheim Care Cottages 11034 W/10a-12p Bradford Square 11843 Th/10a-12p Bradford Square 11033 W/1p-3p Atria de Palma 11551 W/1p-3p Park Regency Ret Res 11420 M/1p-3p Park Regency Ret Res 11418 T/1p-3p New Horizon Lodge 11858 Th/1p-3p Summerville at Fairwood 11175 Th/1:30pLa Habra Villa 3:30p 11186 Th/1:30p-3p Park Vista Assisted Living 11979 W/1:30pBrighton Gardens 3:30p 11767 Th/1:30pEmerald Court 3:30p 11392 S/2p-4p W Anah Royale 11824 W/2:30pSummerville @ 4:30p Garden Manor 11965 F/2:30pPark Regency Ret 4:30p Res 11763 M/3p-5p Sunrise Assisted Living @ YL INSTR Doss Hamilton Staff Edwards Behrbaum Behrbaum Behrbaum Baesler Ediger Sawyer Martin Baker Body & Body & Mind Mind SENIOR CHOIR: SIGNS OF THE HOLIDAYS ENCO/125 This class for older adults provides training in American Sign Language vocabulary and grammatical expression as it applies to seasonal music. Students will engage in community performances of tradition and ceremony for their community, both Deaf and Hearing. Dates: Aug 20-Dec 21 CRN DAYS PLACE 10456 S/1p-2:50p WIL/216 INSTR Linen STAYING MENTALLY SHARP FOR OLDER ADULTS HLTH/167 This course provides older adults with the tools to reach their optimum levels of brainpower through skill-building with memory techniques. Also covered are decisionmaking, problem-solving, planning, and determining opportunities for cognitive growth. Dates: Sep 12-Nov 14 *Dates: Aug 20-Dec 1 CRN DAYS 10418 W/9:45a-11:45a Rivera 11866* F/1p-3p Martin 11899* Th/1:30p-3:30p Haynes PLACE INSTR Fullerton Sr Stricklen Multi-Serv Ctr Buena Park Stricklen Senior Ctr Tuscany Stricklen Villas Dunn Edwards HATHA YOGA FOR OLDER ADULTS FITN/201 Behrbaum Yoga practice enhances health and well-being. This class includes active and passive movements which are specially adapted to older adults. Movements include relaxation while stretching, strengthening by holding weight-bearing poses when applicable, breathing awareness, working together in rhythm, repetition to promote skill building, fitness, strength, and relaxation beneficial to older adults. Dates: Aug 20-Dec 1 Dunn Doss Dunn Hamilton Clegg Glasser Hamilton Edwards Gustafson Martin Baesler Lank Edwards Rivera CRN DAYS 11761 S/9:30a-11:30a 11935 T/9:30a-11:30a 11740 F/10a-12p 11937 T/10a-12p 11157 M/11:30a-1:30p 11741 W/12:30p-2:30p 11141 F/1p-3p Baesler 11845 M/1p-3p 11164 M/1:30p-3:30p 11869 Th/3p-5p PLACE La Habra Senior Ctr Brea Senior Ctr Cypress Sr Citizen Ctr Sr Citizens Ctr Anaheim Yorba Linda Sr Ctr Fullerton Sr Multi-Serv Ctr Fullerton Sr Multi-Serv Ctr Cypress Sr Citizen Ctr Yorba Linda Sr Ctr Buena Park Senior Ctr INSTR Haque Haque Haque Michele Fischermilitaru Haque Michele Haque Fischermilitaru Haque Learning is fun at SCE 53 Older Adults Program BALANCE & MOBILITY FOR OLDER ADULTS FITN/301 HISTORY OF COMEDY AND HUMOR FOR OLDER ADULTS HLTH/161 This class is designed for older adults identified as lowto low-to-moderate risk for falls. Class activities will target specific balance problems in a challenging, but safe training environment through a multidimensional approach. Dates: Aug 20-Dec 1 Talmage This class offers to older adults an informative look at past and present forms of comedy and humor, as it relates to their life experiences and what make them laugh. Older adult students become aware of the influences, various mediums, elements and forms of comedy and humor that has influences people throughout history. Dates: Aug 20-Dec 1 Yu 11815 M/9:30a-11:30a CRN DAYS 11872 TTh/8:30a-10a 11757 M/9a-10:30a 11901 W/9a-10:30a 11154 TTh/9:30a-11a 11873 TTh/10a-11:30a 11148 Th/10:30a-12p 11756 Th/10:30a-12p 11149 M/10:30a-12p 11744 WF/11a-12:30p 11124 TTh/12:30p-2p 11140 WF/1p-2:30p 11941 MW/1:30p-3p 11947 F/3p-4:30p PLACE St Jude Villa - YL Cypress Sr Citizen Ctr Brea Senior Ctr Backs Community Building St Jude Villa - YL La Habra Senior Ctr Buena Park Senior Ctr La Habra Senior Ctr St Jude Villa - YL Sr Citizens Ctr Anaheim Fullerton Sr Multi-Serv Ctr Sr Citizens Ctr Anaheim Cypress Sr Citizen Ctr INSTR Talmage 11928 T/10:30a-12:30p Ferrara 11406 W/1p-3p Talmage Pile Pile Yu 11677 F/9:30a-11:30a 11871 Th/9:30a-11:30a 11921 M/9:30a-11:30a 11932 T/9:30a-11:30a 11997 F/9:30a-11:30a 11187 M/1:30p-3:30p 11989 T/1:30p-3:30p 11903 T/2p-4p 11931 Th/2p-4p PLACE Park Regency Ret Res Bradford Square W Anah Royale New Horizon Lodge Brighton Gardens Summerville at Fairwood Park Vista Assisted Living Brighton Gardens Anaheim Village La Palma Nurs Ctr 11408 F/1p-2:30p 11536 M/1p-3p 11553 M/3:30p-5p Fitz pa tr ick Talmage SCE Fall Schedule 2007 INSTR Gilbert Linen Linen Linen Linen Gilbert Gilbert Yu INSTR Wyckhouse Pang Armenta Armenta NOCCCD School of Continuing Education. Cultivating Healthy Changes in our Students. Physical Physical Fitness Fitness TAI-CHI CHUAN FOR OLDER ADULTS FITN/107 This course introduces older adults to a Chinese health exercise which is neither vigorous nor strenuous. It is suitable for older adults who want to exercise to gain or maintain good health. It will strengthen the muscles and organs, relax the mind and body, improve blood circulation, and increase memory and concentration. Dates: Sep 10-Dec 3 *Dates: Aug 20-Dec 1 CRN DAYS 10070 S/8a-10a 11829* Th/8:30a-10a 11736* M/9:30a-11:30a Armenta Armenta 11372* M/10a-12p Wyckhouse 11739* T/10:30a-12p 11839* Th/10:30a-12p Armenta Johnston Armenta 11366* M/1p-2:30p 11737* T/1p-3p 11838* Th/1p-3p 10069 Th/7p-9p 54 PLACE Seasons of La Habra Morningside of Fullerton Bradford Square Katella Sr Living Community Park Regency Ret Res Summerville at Fairwood Park Vista Assisted Living Yu This course offers a wide range of food preparation topics as they relate to the health and well-being of older adults. The course explores topics of interest for older adults in the areas of nutrition, consumerism, cultural traditions, entertaining, health, and safety. Various foods will be prepared, tasted, and discussed. Dates: Aug 20-Dec 1 11185 Th/9:30a-11:30a 11407 M/1p-2:30p Yu FOOD PREPARATION AND GOOD NUTRITION FOR OLDER ADULTS HLTH/109 CRN DAYS CRN DAYS PLACE AN/134 Muckenthaler Cultural Center W Anah Brookhurst Sr Prog Sr Citizens Ctr - Placentia Yorba Linda Sr Ctr Yorba Linda Sr Ctr Brea Senior Ctr St Jude Villa YL Cypress Sr Citizen Ctr AN/134 INSTR Lem Layne Layne Gallegos Layne Layne Gallegos Layne Layne Lem Register Online at Older ADults Program PHYSICAL FITNESS FOR OLDER ADULTS IN RESIDENTIAL MANORS FITN/300A PHYSICAL FITNESS FOR OLDER ADULTS IN SENIOR CENTERS FITN/300B Use exercise to maintain and increase fitness. Enroll anytime in class! Dates: Aug 20-Dec 1 Use exercise to maintain and increase fitness. Enroll anytime in class! Dates: Aug 20-Dec 1 11176 T/8a-10a 11166 W/8:30a-10:30a CRN DAYS 11179 11162 11365 11177 11758 11974 11759 11047 11016 11173 11183 11776 11986 11850 11702 11014 11030 11673 11552 11400 11374 11248 11018 11189 11011 11037 11430 11908 11748 11747 11696 11575 11025 11031 11190 11896 11745 11358 11421 11181 11015 11676 PLACE Morningside of Fullerton F/8:15a-10:15a Morningside of Fullerton Th/8:30a-10a Summerville at Fairwood Th/8:30a-10a Senior Friends Association W/9a-11a Morningside of Fullerton T/9a-11a Emerald Isle Senior Apartments S/9a-11a Atria de Palma Th/9a-11a Emerald Isle Senior Apartments W/9:15a-11:15a Summerville at Casa Whittier W/9:30a-11a Brighton Gardens Th/9:30a-11:30a Katella Sr Living Community T/9:30a-11a Park Regency Ret Res T/9:30a-11:30a Katella Sr Living Community W/9:30a-11:30a Brighton Gardens Th/9:30a-11a Tuscany Villas W/9:30a-11:30a Bradford Square M/10a-11:30a Emerald Court T/10a-11:30a Bradford Square T/10a-11:30a Brighton Gardens M/10a-12p Park Vista Assisted Living S/10a-11:30a Acacia Villas T/10a-12p La Habra Villa Th/10a-12p La Habra Villa Th/10a-11:30a Emerald Court Th/10:30a-12p Park Vista Assisted Living T/1p-2:30p W Anah Royale F/1p-3p Atria de Palma To Staff 6/28/07 - Clary ADP M/1p-3p Seasons of La Habra M/1p-3p Sunny Crest Chalet Th/1p-3p Sunny Crest Chalet W/1p-3p Bradford Square Th/1p-3p Park Regency Ret Res Th/1p-3p W Anah Royale Th/1p-3p Anaheim Care Cottages T/1p-2:30p Atria de Palma F/1:30p-3:30p Cypress Gardens of Brea Th/1:30p-3:30p Sunrise Assisted Living @ YL W/1:30p-3:30p Anaheim Village M/1:30p-3p Tuscany Villas M/1:30p-3:30p Summerville at Casa Whittier W/2p-4p New Horizon Lodge W/3p-4:30p Emerald Court T/3p-4:30p Summerville at Fairwood INSTR Franze Ferrara Feinstein Pile Yedor Yu Mercado Hernandez De Jong Randeria Rothery Randeria Rothery Alcala Silva Rothery Magruder Fitzpatrick Blabe Smith Carter-Rosenbloom Nolasco Nolasco Magruder Feinstein Feinstein Staff Kimura Blabe Kimura Kimura Mastin Adams Randeria Pile Ferrara Ferrara De Jong Magruder Hubert Randeria CRN DAYS PLACE Yorba Linda Sr Ctr 11127 Th/9a-11a Brea Senior Ctr 11143 T/9a-11a Fullerton Sr Multi-Serv Ctr 11170 T/9a-11a W Anah Brookhurst Sr Prog 11703 W/9a-11a Lakepark Mobile Home Pk La Hab 11689 Th/9a-11a Sr Citizens Ctr Anaheim 11429 T/9a-10:30a Lakepark Mobile Home Pk Brea 11167 F/9a-11a Yorba Linda Sr Ctr 11128 MWF/9:30a-11:30a Buena Park Senior Ctr 11433 M/9:30a-11:30a Stanton Comm Ctr 11142 M/9:30a-11:30a Fullerton Sr Multi-Serv Ctr 11136 W/9:30a-11:30a Cypress Sr Citizen Ctr 11165 M/9:30a-11:30a Yorba Linda Sr Ctr 11134 M/10a-12p Cypress Sr Citizen Ctr 11151 F/10a-12p La Habra Senior Ctr 11155 W/10a-11:30a Sr Citizens Ctr Placentia 11156 F/10a-11:30a Sr Citizens Ctr Placentia 11150 T/10a-12p La Habra Senior Ctr 11137 Th/10a-12p Cypress Sr Citizen Ctr 11144 Th/10a-12p Fullerton Sr Multi-Serv Ctr 11158 T/10:30a-12:30p Lake Park Mob Hm - YL 11247 M/10:30a-12p Independenc ia Sr Cr La Coloni 11159 F/11a-12:30p Lake Park Mob Hm - YL 11153 Th/12:30p-2p Fullerton Sr Multi-Serv Ctr 11795 T/12:30p-2p Buena Park Senior Ctr 11895 M/1p-2:30p Buena Park Senior Ctr 11125 T/2p-3:30p Sr Citizens Ctr Anaheim 11135 M/2p-4p Cypress Sr Citizen Ctr INSTR Fitz pa tr ick De Jong Carter-Rosenbloom Hernandez Kimura Knox Yedor Yedor Knox Kimura De Jong Bowers Yedor Fitz pa tr ick De Jong Magruder Magruder De Jong Fitz pa tr ick Bowers Franze Matson Ferrara Sellens Knox Yu Fitz pa tr ick Mastin Feinstein Feinstein At SCE, we get it done! 55 Older Adults Program - Kids’ college & teen program KIDS' COLLEGE & TEEN PROGRAM KIDS’ COLLEGE & TEEN PROGRAM Balance and Mobility Classes for Older Adults. School of Continuing Education: Cultivating Strength in Our Students. Senior Classes Senior Classes Year round course, register in class at any time provided space is available. A variety of classes are available to the general public and are designed to improve the quality of daily living by providing nonthreatening, educational experiences, social interaction, and adaptive physical activity. Call facility for class schedule. 11003 11006 11775 11032 11009 11112 11001 11115 11049 11051 11054 11056 11397 11477 11069 11116 11057 11058 11688 11071 11123 11068 11059 11063 11076 11081 11082 11364 11050 11106 11090 11110 11092 11099 11103 11039 11038 11121 56 Anaheim Crest Nurs Ctr 827-2440 Anaheim Health Care Ctr 816-0540 Acacia Northwest Adlt Day 527-3686 Care Artesia Gardens 991-3243 Anaheim Terrace Conv 816-0540 Anaheim VIP Ctr 220-2114 Alamitos West Conv Hosp 821-8580 Buena Park Sr Day Care 826-3163 Ctr Buena Park Nurs Ctr 828-8222 Buena Vista Care Ctr 535-7264 Coventry Court 636-2800 Windsor Gardens of 871-6020 Fullerton Harbor Villa Care Center 635-8131 DaVita - Brea Dialysis Ctr 990-0110 Evergreen Health & Rehab 992-5701 Ctr Easter Seals Sr Day Care 672-0343 Fullerton Gardens 441-2636 Gordon Lane Conv Hosp 879-7301 Happy Brea Adult Day Hth 990-0333 Care Knott Ave Care Ctr 826-2330 Karlton Residential Care 236-1170 Ctr Leisure Court 772-1353 La Habra Conv Hospital (562) 691-0781 La Palma Nurs Ctr 772-7480 Park Anah Health Care Ctr 827-5880 Park Regency Care Ctr (562) 691-3765 Park Vista at Morningside 256-1000 Rehab Institute So Ca 680-6060 Sr Living Communities, LLC 738-8323 St. Elizabeth Healthcare 871-9202 Greenfield Care Center 879-4511 Sun-Mar Nurs Ctr 776-1720 Terrace View Care Ctr 870-0060 W Anah Care Ctr 827-7007 Windsor Gardens of 826-8950 Anaheim Whittier Hills Hlth Care Ctr (562) 947-7817 Walnut Manor Care Ctr 776-7150 Windsong Sr Activity Ctr 956-4190 SCE Fall Schedule 2007 Classes are held at our four campuses: Anaheim, Cypress College, Wilshire* (Fullerton) and Yorba Linda. Enrollment is limited. For more information, call 714.484-7038. Parents are responsible for their own children. Please arrive 10 minutes before class lets out to pick up your child! Each child should be accompanied by an adult to the first class to check exact classroom location and future drop-off and pick-up points. Construction is continuing at our campuses. Please walk any young child to and from classes. Check to make sure classroom has not relocated before dropping off your child! Any classes scheduled in CC/CE 2, 4, 5, (Cypress) are accessed using Holder Street. Please complete an emergency form for each child registering for Kids' College and the Teen Program. REFUNDS: Refund petition must be filled out 48 hours before a class starts. A $10.00 processing fee will be deducted from ALL refunds issued (except classes cancelled by the District). Choose classes wisely, no refunds if parent enrolls child in the wrong grade or level. Classes are subject to cancellation for low enrollment. (Full refund for cancelled classes.) Classes begin September 29, 2007. All SCE offices will be closed and there will be no classes on November 10, 12, 22, 23. *Please check at office for supply lists for specific classes.* Classes may be added - for a complete Kids' College Class Schedule log onto ATTENTION STUDENTS: *Wilshire (Fullerton) classes will meet at the United Methodist Church of Fullerton, 114 N. Pomona, Fullerton, CA. Arts & & Crafts Arts Crafts PENCILS & PAINTBRUSHES (AGES 5-6) KIDS/415 An art class that will encourage your child's imagination to soar! Designed to build self-esteem through individual expression while interacting creatively with other students. Children will learn basic drawing skills and the application of colors using pencils and watercolors. Instruction at age and ability appropriate levels. Repeat students experience different projects. Pick up material list when you register. Dates: Oct 1-Nov 5 CRN DAYS 10375 M/4p-5p PLACE CC/CE4-3 INSTR FEE TeGantvoort $45 PENCILS & PAINTBRUSHES (AGES 7+) KIDS/415A Dates: Oct 1-Nov 5 CRN DAYS 10374 M/5p-6p PLACE CC/CE4-3 INSTR FEE TeGantvoort $45 Register Online at Kids’ college & teen program DRAWING & SKETCHING (AGES 5-7) KIDS/903 THE "ARTS" EXTRAVAGANZA (AGES 7+) KIDS/412 Designed to heighten your child's self-esteem through individual expression while interacting creatively with others. Basic drawing skills and the application of colors using colored pencils and watercolors will be used. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 Children are encouraged to express themselves, emphasizing creativity and experimentation through age-appropriate art projects. Classes will include a variety of art media. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 *Dates: Oct 2-Nov 6 10444 S/9a-10a 12127 S/10a-12p AN/402 Mafnas $60 Please accompany and pick up your child at the classroom located on the 4th floor. 12121 S/1p-3p CC/CE12-12 Cardoza $60 12128* T/4p-6p AN/402 Mafnas $60 Please accompany and pick up your child at the classroom located on the 4th floor. CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR CC/CE12-11 Bae FEE $45 ART IS FOR YOU (AGES 5-8) KIDS/414 Calling young artists bold and shy! Come use different art materials each day to learn how to "draw what you see" and what you imagine. Materials list given at first class. Starts week of 10/1/2007, ends week of 11/5/2007 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR FEE 10440 T/3:30pYL/TBA Bae $45 4:30p 10441 M/3:30pAN/402 Bae $45 4:30p Please accompany and pick up your child at the classroom located on the 4th floor. 10275 Th/4p-5p UMF/250 Fowler $45 Introduces drawing/thinking techniques. Offers in-class drills and drawings with demonstrations and reviews; receive supplemental handout to help support a longterm interest. Instructor was an artist/designer for a major cartoon corporation. Parents and adults may enroll. Dates: Sep 29-Oct 13 *Dates: Oct 20-Nov 3 12107 S/9a-12p 12108* S/9a-12p PLACE INSTR CC/TE3-203 Gagne CC/TE3-203 Gagne FEE $50 $50 DRAWING & SKETCHING (AGES 8+) KIDS/903A Designed to heighten your child's self-esteem through individual expression while interacting creatively with others. Basic drawing skills using colored pencils and watercolors. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10508 S/8a-9a PLACE INSTR CC/CE12-11 Bae FEE $45 WONDERFUL WATERCOLORS (AGES 8+) KIDS/408 Come have fun learning basic watercolor painting techniques. No experience is necessary! Please bring a "set of 8" dry watercolor paints, a pad of inexpensive watercolor paper and two watercolor brushes: one 1/4" round and one 1/4" flat. Dates: Oct 4-Nov 8 CRN DAYS 10574 Th/5p-6p PLACE UMF/250 INSTR Fowler FEE $45 PLACE INSTR FEE DRAW AND PAINT ANIMALS (AGES 5+) KIDS/980 In this class, you will learn how to draw and paint different animals. You will be using watercolors, colored pencils, markers, crayons to capture textures of animals. Dates: Oct 2-Nov 6 CRN DAYS 10330 T/4:30p5:30p CARTOON DRAWING (AGES 8+) KIDS/403 CRN DAYS CRN DAYS PLACE YL/TBA INSTR Bae FEE $45 YOUNG ARTIST WORKSHOP (AGES 7+) KIDS/410 Learn to draw animals, natural objects, landscapes, and people. Covers basic theory of color, value, perspective and spatial relationships. Your child will learn to draw better! Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR FEE 10514 S/9a-10a AN/402 Mafnas $45 Please accompany and pick up your child at the classroom located on the 4th floor. CREATING SMALL SCULPTURES (AGES 6+) KIDS/976 Students will learn to make cups, teapots, coffee pots, whimsical animals, vases, mosaics, candleholders using various clays such as modeling and fimo clay, clay hardener. Dates: Oct 1-Nov 5 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR FEE 10480 M/4:30p-6p AN/402 Bae $50 Please accompany and pick up your child at the classroom located on the 4th floor. CREATING SMALL SCULPTURES (AGE 8+) KIDS/975 Students will learn to make cups, teapots, coffee pots, whimsical animals, vases, mosaics, candleholders using various clays such as modeling and fimo clay, clay hardener. Dates: Oct 3-Nov 7 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR 10321 W/3:30p-5p CC/CE12-11 Bae FEE $50 What do you want to learn today? 57 Kids’ college & teen program FASHION ILLUSTRATION I (AGES 12+) KIDS/445 SEASONAL ARTS AND CRAFTS WORKSHOP (AGES 8+) KIDS/1042 NEW! Calling all aspiring fashion illustrators. In this class you will complete a fashion figure with collars, blouses, skirts, pants, hats and accessories by the end of the course. Students will learn how to draw proportional figures and faces, as well as gesture drawings. Fashion figures will be created using watercolors, colored pencils, markers, and pens. Special supplies required, pick up list in office. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 Dates: Dec 1-Dec 1 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR 10442 S/12p-1:30p CC/CE12-11 Bae FEE $50 FASHION ILLUSTRATION II (AGES 12+) KIDS/453 Advanced level of Fashion Illustration. Learn to complete group figures (3-5) with a theme. Illustrate different textures of fabrics. Also create accessory and shoe illustrations and flats of garments. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS PLACE 12102 S/1:30p- CC/CE12-11 3p INSTR Bae FEE $50 COSTUME ILLUSTRATION & HISTORY OF FASHION (AGES 12+) KIDS/454 12100 S/10a11:30a PLACE INSTR CC/CE12-11 Bae FEE $50 A wonderful opportunity for the parent and child to work together creating a seasonal craft project using variety of materials. Children will be encouraged to use their imagination. Dates: Dec 1-Dec 1 12119 S/9a-11a PLACE INSTR CC/CE12-12 Bae FEE $20 SEASONAL ARTS AND CRAFTS WORKSHOP (AGES 5-7) KIDS/1041 NEW! Create a seasonal craft project using a variety of materials. Children will be encouraged to use their imagination. Dates: Dec 1-Dec 1 CRN DAYS 12118 S/11:30a1:30p PLACE INSTR CC/CE12-12 Bae FEE $20 SCE Fall Schedule 2007 INSTR FEE $20 Computers Computers An Acceptable Use Policy Form for the Business/Computer Skills Lab is required. Parents may pick up a form at the time of registration. Some classes may require a free Yahoo user account. For these classes, the instructor will supply the information. It is required that students bring a USB Flash Drive minimum 256 MB to all Kids' College Computer classes. COMPUTER KEYBOARDING FOR KIDS (AGES 8+) KIDS/900 Multimedia software teaches the layout of the computer keyboard. Integrated music and puzzle activities make learning keyboard fun! Enrollment is limited! Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 PLACE CC/CE2-1 INSTR Kabir FEE $60 MICROSOFT WORD FOR KIDS (AGES 8+) KIDS/913 Learn to create, save and print documents (letters, reports, tables, memos, flyers, etc.). Check spelling and grammar. Edit, change format, font and style. Create tables, print labels and envelopes, insert pictures and use mail merge. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10274 S/10a-11:30a PLACE CC/CE2-1 INSTR FEE Kabir $60 INTRODUCTION TO POWERPOINT (AGES 9+) KIDS/932 Students will have fun creating a simple slideshow presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint. Learn how to use text, animation, sound effects and graphics to complete a short, in-class slideshow. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS PLACE 10210 S/11:30a-1p CC/CE2-1 INSTR Kabir FEE $60 CREATE YOUR OWN WEB PAGE WITH FRONTPAGE (AGES 9+) KIDS/936 Using Microsoft FrontPage, students will design their own Web pages. They will learn how to add text and pictures to the Web page. They will also learn how to upload and post their Web page on the Internet for free! Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10487 S/1p-2:30p 58 PLACE CC/CE12-12 Bae 10486 S/9a-10a SEASONAL ARTS AND CRAFTS WORKSHOP (AGES 3-4) KIDS/1040 NEW! CRN DAYS 12120 S/2p-4p CRN DAYS Students will learn about the History of Fashion. Then students will illustrate various costumes and accessories using watercolors, markers, colored pencils and more. (Same supply list as Fashion I & II Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS CRN DAYS PLACE CC/CE2-1 INSTR Kabir FEE $60 Register Online at Kids’ college & teen program JAZZ HIP-HOP DANCE (AGES 5-6) KIDS/516 Dance Dance CREATIVE DANCE AND EXERCISE (AGE 3-4) KIDS/550 Introduces children to basic dance techniques combined with exercise. Focus is on rhythm, movement and coordination to develop self-confidence in a creative environment. Dates: Oct 1-Nov 5 CRN DAYS 10016 M/1:30p2:30p PLACE YL/408 INSTR FEE Abrahamson $45 INTRODUCTION TO DANCE FOR THE YOUNG (AGES 3-4) KIDS/500 Come and learn the fundamentals of movement and beginning dance steps to various dances and fun music! Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS PLACE 10041 S/10:30aCC/GYM 2 11:30a Gym 2 Upstairs in Lobby INSTR FEE Abrahamson $45 This is a beginning class that incorporates basic ballet technique with fun motor skill exercises that focus on rhythm and strength building. Parents not allowed in the dance studio during class. The children will perform a dance learned throughout the session on the last day of class, during the fall, winter and spring sessions only. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 10052 S/11a-12p PLACE CC/GYM 2125 CRN DAYS PLACE 10042 S/11:30a- CC/GYM 2 12:30p Gym 2 Upstairs in Lobby 10504* M/2:30pYL/408 3:30p INSTR FEE Abrahamson $45 Abrahamson $45 JAZZ HIP-HOP DANCE (AGES 7+) KIDS/516A Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 *Dates: Oct 1-Nov 5 CRN DAYS PLACE 10043 S/1p-2p CC/GYM 2 Gym 2 Upstairs in Lobby 10017* M/4:30pYL/408 5:30p INSTR FEE Abrahamson $45 Abrahamson $45 JAZZ HIP-HOP DANCE (AGES 8+) KIDS/523 Dates: Oct 4-Nov 8 CRN DAYS 12099 Th/5p-6p PLACE AN/134 INSTR Vest FEE $45 CHILDREN'S TAP DANCE (AGES 7+) KIDS/501 YOUTH BALLET (AGE 3) KIDS/510 CRN DAYS Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 *Dates: Oct 1-Nov 5 INSTR Weidman FEE $45 Children will learn tap techniques, rhythm exercises and simple dance combinations at beginning level. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS PLACE 10587 S/3p-4p CC/GYM 2 Gym 2 Upstairs in Lobby INSTR FEE Abrahamson $45 CHILDREN'S BALLET AND TAP DANCE (AGES 5+) KIDS/502 At the beginning level, children will learn ballet and tap techniques, simple dance combos and rhythm exercises. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 *Dates: Oct 1-Nov 5 YOUTH BALLET (AGES 4-5) KIDS/510A CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR FEE Beginning class that teaches basic ballet technique and coordination skills in a fun environment. There will be a performance on the last day of class during the fall, winter, and spring sessions only. Parents are not allowed in the dance studio during class. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 10591 S/2p-3p 10053 S/12p-1p This is a beginning class that introduces the young dancer to the structure of a true classical ballet class. The students will do barre, center and across the floor work to help develop strength, coordination and balance. There will be a performance on the last day of class during the fall, winter, and spring sessions only. Parents are not allowed in the dance studio during class. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS PLACE CC/GYM 2125 INSTR Weidman FEE $45 JAZZ HIP HOP DANCE (AGES 4-7) KIDS/522 Jazz dance techniques with a hip hop flair, style and rhythm emphasized. Students will gain self-esteem and confidence in an upbeat atmosphere. Wear comfortable clothing and bring water. Dates: Oct 4-Nov 8 CRN DAYS 12101 Th/4p-5p PLACE AN/134 INSTR Vest CC/GYM Weidman $45 2-125 10015* M/3:30p-4:30p YL/TBA Abrahamson $45 YOUTH BALLET (AGES 6+) KIDS/510B CRN DAYS 10054 S/1p-2p PLACE INSTR CC/GYM 2-125 Weidman FEE $45 FEE $45 Build a better future for you and your family at SCE 59 Kids’ college & teen program MUSICAL THEATRE (AGES 7+) KIDS/315 A TOUCH OF SPANISH (AGES 8-12) KIDS/108B Enjoy the exciting world of dance in musical theatre. You'll learn a musical theatre song and acting. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 This class offers an introductory program that makes Spanish acquisition a natural, personalized, enjoyable and rewarding experience. Students will learn to read and write basic Spanish and will be introduced to speaking first level Spanish. Starts week of 10/1/2007, ends week of 11/5/2007 CRN DAYS PLACE 10047 S/2p-3p CC/GYM 2 Gym 2 Upstairs in Lobby INSTR FEE Abrahamson $45 CRN DAYS 10493 T/5p-6p PLACE INSTR CC/CE4-3 Islas FEE $45 ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: Most Wilshire Center Classes Held at First United Methodist Church This Fall Due to construction, most Wilshire Center classes during the Fall term will be held at the: First United Methodist Church of Fullerton 114 N. Pomona Avenue, Fullerton * The Wilshire Center is undergoing a complete remodel and will reopen for classes in April of 2008. * Students can continue to park in the same lots, using the usual parking permits. * Watch the website for more details. Please join us in our temporary “home.” * For information, call the Wilshire Center at (714) 992-7700. Please do not contact the Church. UMF = United Methodist Church of Fullerton; 114 N. Pomona Avenue Cheerleading & Gymnastics Gymnastics Cheerleading & GYMNASTICS - BEGINNING (AGES 5-7) KIDS/575 Introduces basic gymnastic tumbling skills, safety and stretching. Bridges, tripods and, a variety of rolls and jumps will be some of the skills taught for boys and girls. Pick up instruction sheet at registration! Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10568 S/12p-1p Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 10038 S/1p-2p ROCK 'N LEARN SPANISH (AGES 5-7) KIDS/108A This course is a fun way to learn beginning Spanish. Students with little or no previous Spanish will experience the thrill of learning a second language. Children will learn pronunciation, greetings, colors and other basic concepts through songs, games, dances and other activities. Starts week of 10/1/2007, ends week of 11/5/2007 Th/4p-5p M/4p-5p T/4p-5p T/4p-5p PLACE YL/305 UMF/143 CC/CE4-3 AN/114 $45 $45 $45 $45 Children have fun with Spanish by doing activities, playing games and singing songs. Introduces basic communication about school, family, food, clothing, the body and a cultural holiday. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 10032 S/10a-11a 60 PLACE Warner FEE $50 PLACE CC/GYM 1102 INSTR Warner FEE $50 For continuing gymnasts; more advanced stretching and tumbling skills, including headstands, handstands, bridge kick-overs, cartwheels and tumbling combinations will be taught. Boys and girls are welcome. Must have beginning gymnastics pass certificate. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10566 S/2p-3p PLACE CC/GYM 1102 INSTR Warner FEE $50 INSTR FEE Mory Mory Islas Mory SPANISH FOR KIDS (AGES 7+) KIDS/108 CRN DAYS INSTR GYMNASTICS - ADVANCED BEGINNING KIDS/579 Foreign Language Foreign Language 10022 10164 10492 12132 CC/GYM 1102 GYMNASTICS - BEGINNING (AGES 8+) KIDS/576 CRN DAYS CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR CC/TE3-222 Andrews SCE Fall Schedule 2007 GYMNASTICS - INTERMEDIATE KIDS/578 Safety and stretching included while teaching tumbling skills such as handstands, backbends, back walkovers, back limbers, front limbers, front walkovers, one arm cartwheels, aerial cartwheels, roundoffs and back handsprings. Boys and girls are welcome. Must have advanced beginning gymnastics pass certificate. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10567 S/3p-4p PLACE CC/GYM 1102 INSTR Warner FEE $50 FEE $45 Register Online at Kids’ college & teen program Martial Arts Martial Arts ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: Most Wilshire Center Classes Held at First United Methodist Church This Fall KENPO KARATE FOR KIDS (AGES 5-7) KIDS/625 No previous experience required! Teaches children to respect others, builds self-confidence and selfawareness. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10021 S/1p-2p PLACE UMF/150 INSTR Baker FEE $45 KENPO KARATE FOR KIDS (8+) KIDS/625A Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10137 S/2p-3p PLACE UMF/150 INSTR Baker FEE $45 CRN DAYS 10502 S/9a-10a PLACE CC/GYM 2123 INSTR Baker FEE $45 KENPO KARATE YELLOW BELT PREPARATION (AGES 5-17) KIDS/624 This course is for students with one or more semesters of Kenpo Karate who want to advance to the Yellow Belt Rank. It is designed to prepare students for the official test and will cover all requirements for the Yellow Belt advancement including techniques, sparring and kata. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10501 S/10a-11a PLACE CC/GYM 2123 INSTR Baker JUDO/JUJITSU FOR KIDS (AGES 6-13) KIDS/654 This program is designed for children, with a focus on improving coordination, quick reflexes, stamina, speed, strength and sportsmanship. The three main categories of Judo are taught, which include throwing techniques, striking techniques, and grappling techniques on the mat. Techniques for free practice are used, and children may participate in competition. Dates: Oct 1-Nov 7 CRN DAYS PLACE 10265 MW/5:30p- UMF/150 6:30p FEE INSTR Firestone FEE $50 Math Math MASTER MATH - 1ST GRADE KIDS/239 The ancient Chinese art of San Soo. Instruction and practice in the fundamentals of San Soo's basic defensive techniques that will help students develop physical ability as well as increase confidence. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 *Dates: Oct 1-Nov 5 PLACE * The Wilshire Center is undergoing a complete remodel and will reopen for classes in April of 2008. * Students can continue to park in the same lots, using the usual parking permits. * Watch the website for more details. Please join us in our temporary “home.” * For information, call the Wilshire Center at (714) 992-7700. Please do not contact the Church. $45 KUNG FU FOR KIDS (AGES 5-17) KIDS/655 CRN DAYS First United Methodist Church of Fullerton 114 N. Pomona Avenue, Fullerton UMF = United Methodist Church of Fullerton; 114 N. Pomona Avenue KARATE AS SELF DEFENSE (AGES 7+) KIDS/650B Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 Due to construction, most Wilshire Center classes during the Fall term will be held at the: INSTR 10045 S/11aCC/GYM 2- Kalar 12:30p 123 10046 S/12:30p-2p CC/GYM 2- Kalar 123 10044* M/6p-7:30p CC/GYM 2 Kalar Gym 2 Upstairs in Lobby Students will review counting to 100, learn and practice basic math skills including addition and subtraction. Also included are time and fractions. Students will learn to use reasoning when solving problems. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10172 S/12p-1p PLACE INSTR CC/CE12-10 Nevarez FEE $45 FEE $50 $50 $50 MASTER MATH - 2ND GRADE KIDS/240 Students will learn and practice basic math skills in fun and exciting sessions. Includes addition, subtraction, telling time, graphs, word problems, money, fractions and beginning multiplication. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10585 S/10a-11a PLACE INSTR CC/TE3-218 Alicea FEE $45 Desarroye un mejor futuro para Usted y su familia en SCE 61 Kids’ college & teen program MASTER MATH - 3RD GRADE KIDS/241 Includes addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, graphs, fractions, word problems and geometric concepts. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10586 S/9a-10a PLACE INSTR CC/TE3-218 Alicea FEE $45 ALGEBRA (GRADES 7+) KIDS/217 Learn how to solve equations, multiplying polynomials, work word problems, graph functions, solve inequalities without stress. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10142 S/1p-2p MASTER MATH - 4TH GRADE KIDS/242 Students will learn and practice basic math skills in fun and enriching sessions. Includes adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing, as well as using graphs and charts, place values and fractions. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10154 S/11a-12p PLACE INSTR CC/CE12-10 Nevarez FEE $45 IMPROVE YOUR MATH AND STUDY SKILLS (GRADES 3-4) KIDS/213 Personalized math; children will learn how to improve basic math skills in a fun, relaxed and enjoyable manner through the use of games and worksheets. Tutors student by grade level. Reviews addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Includes fractions, decimals and story problems. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10024 S/11a-12p PLACE INSTR CC/TE3-218 Bray FEE $45 IMPROVE YOUR MATH AND STUDY SKILLS (GRADES 5-6) KIDS/213A Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10387 S/12p-1p PLACE INSTR CC/TE3-218 Bray FEE $45 EASE INTO PRE-ALGEBRA (GRADES 5-6) KIDS/202 Increase your skills in pre-algebra through calculating activities. Also, fractions, decimals, integers and solving equations. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10011 S/12p-1p PLACE INSTR CC/TE3-222 Felix FEE $45 PRE-ALGEBRA II (GRADES 5-6) KIDS/219 Students will learn properties of real numbers, conversions, slope, graphs, operations with positive and negative numbers (absolute value equations), scientific notation, graphing inequalities, and solving equations involving inequalities! Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10378 S/2p-3p 62 PLACE INSTR CC/TE3-222 Felix SCE Fall Schedule 2007 FEE $45 PLACE INSTR CC/TE3-222 Felix FEE $45 Math Tutorials Tutorials Math Get more for less! Tutorials with small class sizes allow students more one-on-one time with the instructor so less class time is needed. Tutorials begin in October. Cultivate Confidence in Your Child. Kids’ College Tutorials…Sign Up Today! TUTORIAL: MATH MANIA (GRADES 1-2) KIDS/211 Students will review and enhance basic math skills such as, addition, subtraction, fractions, place value, money and telling time according to their grade level. Students will use games, worksheets and story problems to enrich their skills. Limited to 8 students. Dates: Oct 6-Nov 3 *Dates: Oct 15-Nov 19 †Dates: Oct 17-Nov 14 CRN DAYS 10575 S/9a-10a 12016* M/3:30p-4:30p 12017† W/4:30p-5:30p PLACE INSTR FEE UMF/251 Felix $50 UMF/250 Vanherk $50 CC/CE4-3 Vanherk $50 TUTORIAL: MATH EXPLOSION (GRADES 1-2) KIDS/210 Students will reinforce school math through exercises and math puzzles, games. When ready, students will make their own multiplication tables and be taught its usage to solve simple problems. All materials are provided. Additional take-home exercises are provided. Dates: Oct 15-Nov 19 CRN DAYS 10581 M/5p-6p PLACE YL/305 INSTR FEE McLaughlin $50 TUTORIAL: MATH MANIA (GRADES 3-4) KIDS/211A Students will review and enhance basic math skills such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, charts, graphs, and telling time according to their grade level. Students will use games, worksheets and story problems to enrich their skills. Limited to 8 students. Dates: Oct 6-Nov 3 *Dates: Oct 15-Nov 19 †Dates: Oct 17-Nov 14 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR 10377 S/10a-11a UMF/251 Felix 12018* M/4:30p-5:30p UMF/250 Vanherk 12019† W/5:30p-6:30p CC/CE4-3 Vanherk FEE $50 $50 $50 Register Online at Kids’ college & teen program TUTORIAL: PRE-GEOMETRY (GRADES 4-6) KIDS/220 TUTORIAL: ALGEBRA 1 (GRADES 7+) KIDS/226 Students will learn basic ideas of geometry such as line and angle relationships, transversals, area and perimeter of various polygons, and area and circumference of circles in a fun environment. Dates: Oct 15-Nov 19 This course is designed to enhance equation solving skills. It will also cover integers, rational numbers, square roots, fractions, decimals, percents, and solving equations with variables on both sides. Educational materials provided. Class limited to 8 students. Dates: Oct 6-Nov 3 *Starts week of 10/15/2007, ends week of 11/12/2007 CRN DAYS 10582 M/6p-7p PLACE YL/305 INSTR FEE McLaughlin $50 ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: Most Wilshire Center Classes Held at First United Methodist Church This Fall Due to construction, most Wilshire Center classes during the Fall term will be held at the: First United Methodist Church of Fullerton 114 N. Pomona Avenue, Fullerton * Students can continue to park in the same lots, using the usual parking permits. * For information, call the Wilshire Center at (714) 992-7700. Please do not contact the Church. UMF = United Methodist Church of Fullerton; 114 N. Pomona Avenue This course reinforces school curriculum using strong math skills. Large multiplication, division, integers (addition subtraction of positive and negative integers), exponents, decimals, fractions, percents (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), order of operation and simple variables and equations. Educational materials provided. Class limited to 8 students. Dates: Oct 6-Nov 3 *Starts week of 10/15/2007, ends week of 11/12/2007 10149 10626 10498* 10583* S/9a-10a S/1p-2p W/4p-5p T/4p-5p PLACE AN/114 UMF/251 AN/138 YL/305 INSTR Sonn Emperado McLaughlin McLaughlin FEE $60 $60 $60 $60 TUTORIAL: PRE-ALGEBRA (GRADES 6+) KIDS/224 This class will prepare the student for Algebra. Topics include: Order of operation, integers, rational numbers, GCF, LCM, exponents, fractions, decimals, variables, simple one or two step equations, and functions. Educational materials provided. Class limited to 8 students. Dates: Oct 6-Nov 3 *Starts week of 10/15/2007, ends week of 11/12/2007 CRN DAYS 10150 10627 10577* 10579* S/10a-11a S/2p-3p W/5p-6p T/5p-6p PLACE AN/138 UMF/251 AN/138 YL/305 INSTR Emperado Emperado McLaughlin McLaughlin 10322 10239 10578* 10580* S/11a-12p S/3p-4p W/6p-7p T/6p-7p PLACE AN/138 UMF/251 AN/138 YL/305 INSTR Emperado Emperado McLaughlin McLaughlin FEE $60 $60 $60 $60 TUTORIAL: ALGEBRA 2 (GRADE 8+) KIDS/244 This course is designed to further strengthen and develop a student's Algebra skills. It will quickly review basic Algebra knowledge, and subsequently delve into more complex Algebra materials, such as: 2nd and 3rd degree polynomials, radicals, exponents, logarithms, intermediate geometry, and analyzing and graphing various functions. Dates: Oct 6-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10625 S/9a-10a PLACE AN/138 INSTR Emperado FEE $60 Music Music&& Drama Drama TUTORIAL: MATH SKILLS (GRADES 5-6) KIDS/222 CRN DAYS CRN DAYS FEE $60 $60 $60 $60 PIANO KEYBOARDING – BEGINNING I (AGES 7+) KIDS/368 Students will learn the basics of the keyboard and music theory. Students: bring your own keyboard (40key minimum) every week. A recital will be held on the last day. Books will be suggested to buy at first class. Starts week of 10/1/2007, ends week of 11/5/2007 CRN DAYS 10261 T/3:30p4:30p 10481 T/3:30p4:30p 10482 Th/3:30p4:30p PLACE INSTR FEE UMF/143 Mattoon $50 AN/110 Mattoon $50 CC/CE12-11 C o s t a n t i n o $50 PIANO KEYBOARDING – BEGINNING II (AGES 7+) KIDS/376 For students who have completed Beginning I; pick up book list at registration. Starts week of 10/1/2007, ends week of 11/5/2007 CRN DAYS 10263 T/4:30p5:30p 10272 T/4:30p5:30p 10495 Th/4:30p5:30p PLACE INSTR FEE UMF/143 Mattoon $50 AN/110 Mattoon $50 CC/CE12-11 Costantino $50 Do what you love! Turn your hobby into a career at SCE! 63 Kids’ college & teen program PIANO KEYBOARDING INTERMEDIATE (AGES 7+) KIDS/369 GUITAR FOR KIDS - LEVEL 1 (AGES 9+) KIDS/1120 For students who have completed Beginning II; or have at least 6 months keyboard/piano experience. Pick up book list at registration. Dates: Oct 2-Nov 6 CRN DAYS 10163 T/5:30p6:30p PLACE INSTR FEE CC/CE12-11 Costantino $50 Learn to play the guitar in a fun way! Play simple chords, read chord bar charts, and strumming patterns. Bring your nylon-string or acoustic steel-string guitar and medium guitar pick to class. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 *Dates: Oct 1-Nov 26 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR FEE 10018 S/10a-11a UMF/252 Parent $50 10302* M/4p-5p AN/414 Hernandez $55 Please accompany and pick up your child at the classroom located on the 4th floor. GUITAR FOR KIDS - LEVEL 1 (AGES 6-8) KIDS/1115 12091 S/10a-11a 12095 S/1:30p-2:30p PLACE CC/CE4-3 CC/CE4-3 NEW! INSTR FEE Austin Austin GUITAR FOR KIDS - LEVEL 2 (AGES 6-8) KIDS/1118 $50 $50 NEW! Continue building on the fun progress of the level 1 class with more chords, strumming, melodies and singing Bring your nylon-string or acoustic steel-string guitar and medium guitar pick to class. Parents, please accompany children. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 12093 S/12:30p1:30p PLACE CC/CE4-3 INSTR Austin FEE $50 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR SCE Fall Schedule 2007 INSTR FEE Austin $50 NEW! Continue building on the experience gained in the level 1 class! Learn new techniques, exercises and songs with more advanced picking, chords and strumming. Bring your nylon-string or acoustic steel-string guitar and medium guitar pick to class. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 12096 S/2:30p3:30p PLACE CC/CE4-3 INSTR FEE Austin $50 Most Wilshire Center Classes Held at First United Methodist Church This Fall Due to construction, most Wilshire Center classes during the Fall term will be held at the: First United Methodist Church of Fullerton 114 N. Pomona Avenue, Fullerton * Students can continue to park in the same lots, using the usual parking permits. * For information, call the Wilshire Center at (714) 992-7700. Please do not contact the Church. UMF = United Methodist Church of Fullerton; 114 N. Pomona Avenue GUITAR FOR KIDS - INTERMEDIATE (AGES 9+) KIDS/371 Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 *Dates: Oct 1-Nov 26 PLACE INSTR FEE 10020 S/12p-1p UMF/252 Parent $50 12115* M/6p-7p AN/414 Hernandez $55 Please accompany and pick up your child at the classroom located on the 4th floor. FEE 10019 S/11a-12p UMF/252 Parent $50 10303* M/5p-6p AN/414 Hernandez $55 Please accompany and pick up your child at the classroom located on the 4th floor. 10234† Th/7p-8p UMF/143 Parent $50 64 CC/CE4-3 GUITAR FOR KIDS - LEVEL 2 (AGES 9+) KIDS/1123 CRN DAYS GUITAR FOR KIDS - BEGINNING (AGES 9+) KIDS/370A Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 *Dates: Oct 1-Nov 26 †Dates: Oct 4-Nov 8 PLACE ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: Young beginners develop confidence and enjoyment for music. Learn parts of the guitar, strokes and strumming, chords and melodies in order to play FUN exercises and songs! Bring your nylon-string or acoustic steel-string guitar and medium guitar pick to class. Parents, please accompany children. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS CRN DAYS 12092 S/11a-12p GUITAR FOR KIDS - BEGINNING (AGES 6-8) KIDS/370 NEW! Kids learn basic chords, strumming, picking and the classical rest stroke as they begin developing musical interests of their own. In addition to techniques and exercises, students learn to strum and sing traditional and modern songs. Bring your nylon-string or acoustic steel-string guitar and medium guitar pick to class. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 GUITAR FOR KIDS - ADVANCED (AGES 9+) KIDS/372 Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10148 S/1:30p2:30p PLACE UMF/252 INSTR FEE Parent $50 Register Online at Kids’ college & teen program BASS GUITAR FOR KIDS (AGES 10+) KIDS/373 PLAYING THE CELLO - BEGINNER II (AGES 7+) KIDS/375A Students will learn basic notes on the bass guitar, major and minor keys & scales (basic music theory), root notes of chords, how to reach a lead sheet, play with a pick and with fingers. Bring a bass guitar, a heavy pick and if possible (optional) a small bass amplifier. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 Prerequisite: Must have completed Beginner I or have instructor's approval. Learn to play and read simple one position songs. Chamber music for Cello ensemble. Dates: Oct 4-Nov 8 CRN DAYS PLACE 10373 S/2:30p-3:30p UMF/252 INSTR FEE Parent $50 INSTRUCTOR SPOTLIGHT: Kihae Kim-DeFazio Instructor Kihae Kim-DeFazio began her musical education at the age of four with daily lessons on the piano. After four years of study, she was introduced to the cello. Over the years, Kihae emerged as a child prodigy and at age 13 she became the youngest cello soloist selected to perform with the Seoul National Symphony Orchestra. Prior to her departure for the United States she was awarded Korea's highest prize for musical performance, the coveted Nan-Pa Award. Kihae continued her American music education at Meadowmount School of Music in New York, and has studied under great cello master musicians such as Janos Starker, Gregor Piatigorsky, Gabor Rejto. Kihae has appeared in a variety of venues including the Hollywood Bowl, the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, the Wilshire Ebell Theatre, the Pasadena Auditorium, and the Crystal Cathedral. Her audiences have ranged from school children to the Emperor and Empress of Japan. Kihae has more than 30 years of teaching experience, has served as a jury member for a variety of competitions and auditions, and is a coach for a variety of orchestras. She is currently a member of the Musical Arts Club, the Music Teachers Association of California, and teaches cello at Cypress College as well as the School of Continuing Education Kids’ College. Kihae teaches beginning and intermediate level cello in our Kids’ College Program to children ages seven and older. She and her students perform throughout Orange County; visit her website at for more information. CRN DAYS 10202 Th/6p-7p CRN DAYS 10201 Th/5p-6p PLACE AN/132 INSTR DeFazio FEE $75 INSTR DeFazio FEE $75 Learn higher level of sound productions and first – fourth positions. Chamber music for Cello ensemble. Dates: Oct 4-Nov 8 CRN DAYS 10278 Th/7p-8p PLACE AN/132 INSTR DeFazio FEE $75 PLAYING THE CELLO (INTERMEDIATE II) KIDS/384 Learn higher level of sound and bow techniques including vibratos. Chamber music for cello ensemble. Dates: Oct 4-Nov 8 CRN DAYS 10347 Th/8p-9p PLACE AN/132 INSTR DeFazio FEE $75 VOCAL FOR KIDS (AGES 7-10) KIDS/325 Group instruction emphasizing principles of vocal technique and production, along with diction, breath control and correct posture for singing and shaping tone quality. Unison and part singing, along with sightreading skills. Varied repertoire. Sheet music included. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 12073 S/9a-10a PLACE INSTR CC/TE3-315 Mattoon FEE $60 VOCAL FOR KIDS (AGES 11+) KIDS/326 Group instruction emphasizing principles of vocal technique and production, along with diction, breath control and correct posture for singing and shaping tone quality. Unison and part singing, along with sightreading skills. Varied repertoire. Sheet music included. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 12074 S/10a-11a Learn to play the cello! Develop good technique, musicality, and have fun at the same time. Develop self-confidence, good listening and motor skills, memory, and concentration. Prior playing experience is not required. Teacher will assist with instrument rental. Class is limited to 6 students. Dates: Oct 4-Nov 8 AN/132 PLAYING THE CELLO (INTERMEDIATE I) KIDS/383 CRN DAYS PLAYING THE CELLO - BEGINNER I (AGE 7+) KIDS/375 PLACE PLACE INSTR CC/TE3-315 Mattoon FEE $60 ORANGE COUNTY JUNIOR ORCHESTRA KIDS/333 This classroom component of the Orange County Junior Orchestra provides an opportunity for advanced musical training. Ensemble experiences are available in the Junior Orchestra for Grades 7-10 and the Chamber Strings for Grades 5-7. Auditions are required and are by appointment. Pick up an information sheet in any School of Continuing Education Registration Office. Dates: Sep 29-Dec 1 CRN DAYS 10209 S/9a-1p PLACE TBA INSTR Frelly FEE $30 SCE can help you transition to college 65 Kids’ college & teen program Violin -- Suzuki Suzuki Method Violin Method The Suzuki method requires parents to learn and play Violin with their child. Violin rental information available in class. VIOLIN I (AGES4+) KIDS/351 Prerequisite: Must have completed Violin I - V or have instructor's approval. Technique and reading including I, III, and V position. Dates: Sep 28-Nov 2 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR FEE 10061 F/5:30p-6:15p CC/CE10-15 Chan Learn the violin using the successful Suzuki method. Develop your child's concentration, motor skills, memory powers and self-confidence. Students learn to play easily and musically. Class is limited to 6 students. Beginners: Pick up handout at registration. NOTE: Parents are required to learn and play along with their child! Dates: Oct 1-Nov 5 *Dates: Sep 28-Nov 2 VIOLIN: PERFORMANCE I (AGES 4+) KIDS/364 10057 M/4p-4:45p CC/CE4-2 Chan 10058* F/4p-4:45p CC/CE10-15 Chan VIOLIN: PERFORMANCE II (AGES 4+) KIDS/357 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR $75 $75 Prerequisite: Must have completed Violin I. Learn songs using beginner finger and melodic patterns. Dates: Sep 28-Nov 2 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR FEE 10059 F/4:45p-5:30p CC/CE10-15 Chan $75 Prerequisite: Must be enrolled in Violin IV. Chamber music for violin ensemble. Dates: Oct 1-Nov 5 CRN DAYS PLACE 10345 M/6:15p-7p CC/CE4-2 INSTR Chan FEE $75 FEE VIOLIN II (AGES 4+) KIDS/352 $75 Prerequisite: Must be enrolled in Violin V. Chamber music for violin ensemble including string and piano trios. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR FEE 10344 S/9:45a-10:30a CC/GYM 2 Chan $75 This class will be held upstairs in the lobby area of Gym 2 VIOLIN: PERFORMANCE III (AGES 4+) KIDS/356 VIOLIN III (AGES 4+) KIDS/355 Prerequisite: Must have completed Violin I and II or have instructor's approval. Develop technique for playing primary level songs. Dates: Oct 1-Nov 5 Prerequisite: Must be enrolled in Violin VI. Chamber music for violin ensemble including string and piano trios, quartets and string orchestra. Dates: Sep 28-Nov 2 10341 M/4:45p-5:30p CC/CE4-2 10060 F/6:15p-7:15p CC/CE10-15 Chan CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR FEE Chan $75 VIOLIN IV (AGES 4+) KIDS/353 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR FEE $75 Personal Enrichment Enrichment Personal Prerequisite: Must have completed Violin I - III or have instructor's approval. Develop for playing primary level songs on all 4 strings and begin reading music. Dates: Oct 1-Nov 5 DESIGNING YOUR OWN NEWSPAPER (GRADES 4-6) KIDS/1050 10343 M/5:30p6:15p Students will have fun designing their own newspaper. Writing assignments will include interviews, movie reviews, sports features and editorials. Dates: Oct 2-Nov 6 CRN DAYS PLACE CC/CE4-2 INSTR Chan FEE $75 CRN DAYS VIOLIN V (AGES 4+) KIDS/358 12110 T/3:30p-4:30p Prerequisite: Must have completed Violin I - IV or instructor's approval. Technique and reading in one position. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR FEE 10342 S/8:45a-9:45a CC/GYM 2 Chan $75 This class will be held upstairs in the lobby area of Gym 2 66 VIOLIN VI (AGES 4+) KIDS/359 SCE Fall Schedule 2007 PLACE YL/TBA INSTR FEE Strauss $45 POEMS AND PLAYS (GRADES 4-6) KIDS/1060 Students will learn how to write short plays and present them to the class. Dates: Oct 4-Nov 8 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR 12111 Th/3:30p-4:30p YL/TBA Strauss FEE $45 Register Online at Kids’ college & teen program PHONICS (AGES 5-6) KIDS/116 Readingand and Writing Writing Reading FUN WITH STORYTELLING (AGES 3-5) KIDS/104 For children just learning to read or having difficulty reading. Teaches sounds in a fun but learning atmosphere through stories, plays and writing. Dates: Oct 2-Nov 6 Stories are told through dramatization, puppetry, finger plays and songs. Sparks the imagination! Dates: Oct 3-Nov 7 10030 T/3:30p-4:30p CRN DAYS 10025 W/3p-4p PLACE YL/305 INSTR Bray CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR FEE YL/408 Bray $45 FEE $45 FROLIC IN THE LAND OF STORYTELLING (AGES 4-7) KIDS/105 Children help a dynamic storyteller perform stories related to a weekly theme by portraying characters, contributing dialog and doing pantomime. Interaction with story props and play with rhythm instruments and puppets. Singing, a craft project and finger plays will stretch their imagination. Parents welcome. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10012 S/9a-10a PLACE INSTR CC/TE3-222 Andrews FEE $45 READINESS FOR KINDERGARTEN (AGES 4-5) KIDS/101 Only for children entering kindergarten within the next year; children will be exposed to math, reading readiness and other school experiences. Each term uses different work. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 *Dates: Oct 1-Nov 5 CRN DAYS 10031 S/11a-12p 10300 S/11a-12p 10503 S/12:30p1:30p 12123* M/1p-2p Elementary, My Dear Watson… Do your children lack the motivation to read a book cover to cover? Then get these reluctant readers a mystery book stat! A good “whodunit,” full of crime and suspense, is nearly impossible to put down. Not only that, but as children follow a fictional detective's investigation, they are developing complex mathematical (deductive reasoning) and scientific skills (forming and proving a hypothesis). Enroll your child in a KIDS COLLEGE Reading Class today and spark their imagination forever! Also, check out the Reading is Fundamental non-profit organization website for more inspiring tips at PLACE INSTR FEE READINESS FOR FIRST GRADE KIDS/102 YL/TBA Narahara $45 CRN DAYS CC/CE10-15 TeGantvoort $45 UMF/142 Kuruppu $45 CC/CE10-15 TeGantvoort $45 For children who will be entering first grade within this year. Children will learn phonics, touch math, reading, and other school-related activities. Dates: Oct 3-Nov 7 10276 W/4p-5p PRE-READING SKILLS (AGES 4.5-5) KIDS/194 Children must be able to hear and manipulate oral sound patterns before they can learn to read. This class offers a new technique called "Phonemic Awareness", where children practice manipulating words with fun songs and activities. An information packet for parents will be given to continue practicing at home. Limited to 15 students. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10197 S/10a-11a PLACE AN/116 INSTR Ortega FEE $45 BASIC PHONICS (AGES 5-6) KIDS/118 PLACE YL/408 INSTR Bray FEE $45 BEGINNING PHONICS AND PRINTING (AGES 5-6) KIDS/234 This hands-on course introduces proper letter formation while teaching the students how to blend sounds. It includes fun games and activities designed to motivate children to express themselves with writing. Each student will have a response board to demonstrate understanding. Limited to 15 students. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10198 S/9a-10a 10571 S/11a-12p PLACE AN/116 AN/116 INSTR Ortega Ortega FEE $45 $45 FUN WITH PHONICS (GRADES 1-3) KIDS/115 For the young reader needing help in phonics. Children will be encouraged to be creative using sounds and simple writing and reading drills. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 For children just learning to read or having difficulty reading. Sounds are taught in a fun but learning atmosphere through stories and writing. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 12011 S/9a-10a 10013 S/9a-10a CC/CE10-15 T eGa n tvoo r t $45 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR FEE CC/CE12-10 Nevarez $45 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR FEE SCE offers job training for the real world 67 Kids’ college & teen program BRINGING READING ALIVE (GRADES 1-2) KIDS/161B READING & COMPREHENSION (GRADES 5-6) KIDS/151 Students have fun learning basic comprehension strategies and develop an understanding of basic story elements through arts and crafts projects, writing, and critical thinking. Basic art vocabulary will be introduced through the projects. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 Students will learn to read more effectively, enhance their reading, comprehension, interpretation and vocabulary skills. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 12012 S/1p2:30p PLACE CC/CE12-10 INSTR Nevarez FEE PLACE INSTR FEE CC/CE10-15 TeGantvoort $45 UMF/142 Kuruppu $45 IMPROVE YOUR HANDWRITING (GRADES 3+) KIDS/121 Learn and practice writing in the cursive context and strengthen your handwriting skills. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 12122 S/9a-10a PLACE INSTR CC/CE10-13 Jones FEE $45 CREATIVE WRITING (GRADES 3-5) KIDS/138 Children will learn how to write creative stories using their imagination. Students will also learn correct grammar, punctuation and develop vocabulary skills. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10010 S/10a-11a 10497 S/12p-1p PLACE INSTR CC/CE12-10 Nevarez UMF/142 Kuruppu FEE $45 $45 READING & COMPREHENSION (GRADES 3-4) KIDS/117A Students will enhance their reading comprehension, learn to read more effectively, and improve interpretation and vocabulary skills. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10023 S/10a-11a 10388 S/11a-12p PLACE PLACE INSTR CC/CE10-13 Jones AN/114 Sonn Get more for less! FEE $45 $45 Tutorials with small class sizes allow students more one-on-one time with the instructor so less class time is needed. Tutorials begin in October. Cultivate Confidence in Your Child. Kids’ College Tutorials…Sign Up Today! FEE $45 $45 Learn to select important material, organize your thoughts, rewrite creatively in your own words in order to write good papers and reports. Face your fears and feel confident by giving oral reports with visual aids! Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10033 S/12p-1p PLACE SCE Fall Schedule 2007 INSTR CC/CE12-12 Duran FEE $45 USING RESEARCH RESOURCES (GRADES 4-5) KIDS/1070 Learn how to use resources such as a dictionary, encyclopedia, almanac and atlas to help create an outstanding research paper. Dates: Oct 2-Nov 6 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR 12112 T/4:30p-5:30p YL/TBA Strauss FEE $45 HOW TO STUDY, TAKE TESTS AND ORGANIZE YOURSELF (GRADES 3-6) KIDS/130 Children will learn how to set up school work for home study and practice good study techniques. See how much better organized your children become with increased improvement in their school grades. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10298 S/11a-12p PLACE INSTR CC/CE10-13 Jones FEE $45 MEMORY POWER FOR KIDS (AGES 7-10) KIDS/126 Help your child be more productive and open new doors to learning - they will receive many different opportunities to increase the capability to remember. You'll see grades go up and self-confidence will grow too. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10029 S/12p-1p PLACE INSTR CC/CE10-13 Jones FEE $45 DIAGRAMMING SENTENCES (GRADES 4-6) KIDS/119 Learn parts of speech such as adjectives, adverbs, verbs, nouns, prepositions and how to diagram sentences. Dates: Oct 4-Nov 8 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR 12113 Th/4:30p-5:30p YL/TBA 68 INSTR AN/114 Sonn CC/TE3-218 Sonn WRITING REPORTS AND PAPERS (AGES 8+) KIDS/124 Your child will love to read while learning basic phonics and spelling skills in a fun and creative way to ensure confident and successful readers. Includes phonics games, letter and word bingo, story charts and word searches. Bring your favorite book to class to share. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 10026 S/10a-11a 10662 S/1p-2p 10270 S/10a-11a 10389 S/1p-2p $55 CELEBRATE READING (GRADES 1-3) KIDS/153 CRN DAYS CRN DAYS Strauss FEE $45 Register Online at Kids’ college & teen program HOW TO WRITE A RESEARCH PAPER (GRADES 4 TO 6) KIDS/1105 NEW! In this class students will learn the process for writing a research paper. Topics include finding resources, taking notes, writing an outline, writing and revising a draft, and writing a bibliography. Dates: Oct 2-Nov 6 CRN DAYS PLACE INSTR 12029 T/5:30p-6:30p YL/TBA Strauss IMPROVE YOUR WRITING (GRADES 5 & 6) KIDS/1110 FEE $45 12028 Th/5:30p6:30p PLACE YL/TBA INSTR Strauss FEE $45 Most Wilshire Center Classes Held at First United Methodist Church This Fall Due to construction, most Wilshire Center classes during the Fall term will be held at the: First United Methodist Church of Fullerton 114 N. Pomona Avenue, Fullerton * Students can continue to park in the same lots, using the usual parking permits. * For information, call the Wilshire Center at (714) 992-7700. Please do not contact the Church. UMF = United Methodist Church of Fullerton; 114 N. Pomona Avenue WRITING WORKSHOP (GRADES 7+) KIDS/947 This writing workshop will expose students to a wide range of writing styles, familiarize students with the writing process, and enhance both the reading and writing skills of the student. Students will share their work and critique each other in a cooperative, nurturing environment. Whether the student is a struggling writer or a highly skilled writer this workshop will benefit them. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 12109 S/12p-2p PLACE UMF/236 INSTR Kraus CRN DAYS PLACE AN/117 UMF/236 INSTR Kraus Kraus FEE $45 $45 NEW! ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: CRN DAYS Students will become more effective readers by learning strategies to read different types of writing. By responding in writing to what they read, students will increase comprehension and improve written communication skills. Techniques such as analyzing, summarizing, comparing, critiquing, and interpreting will be applied to in-class reading and writing projects. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 10193 S/9a-10a 10483 S/11a-12p In this class students will sharpen their writing and critical thinking skills. They will edit short articles, review grammar and punctuation rules, and learn skills used to write paragraphs about a variety of topics. Dates: Oct 4-Nov 8 CRN DAYS IMPROVE YOUR READING AND WRITING (GRADES 7-10) KIDS/191 FEE $65 Reading Reading Tutorials Tutorials TUTORIAL: READY, SET, READ! (GRADES 1-2) KIDS/214 This is a tutorial-based class that is developed to assist the emergent reader. There will be a strong focus on phonics and mastery of basic sight words. Limited to 8 students. Starts week of 10/15/2007, ends week of 11/12/2007 CRN DAYS 10314 T/4p-5p 12125 W/4p-5p PLACE AN/110 YL/TBA INSTR Alicea Narahara FEE $50 $50 TUTORIAL: THE JOY OF READING (GRADES 1-2) KIDS/136 Your child will read while learning basic phonics and spelling skills in a fun and creative way to ensure confident and successful readers. Includes phonics games, letter and word bingo. Limited to 8 students. Dates: Oct 16-Nov 13 CRN DAYS PLACE 12124 T/4:30p-5:30p YL/TBA INSTR FEE Bray $50 TUTORIAL: READING AND WRITING REVIEW (GRADES 1-2) KIDS/148 Students will enrich reading and writing skills by practicing language arts through writing, capitalization, using proper punctuation, spelling, correcting sentences, reading, and more through the use of ability leveled study packets. Each term uses different work. Limited to 8 students. Dates: Oct 6-Nov 3 *Dates: Oct 17-Nov 14 CRN DAYS 10496 S/9a-10a 12104* W/3:30p4:30p 12015* W/4p-5p PLACE INSTR CC/CE4-2 TeGantvoort $50 UMF/143 UMF/147 Kuruppu Cowing FEE $50 $50 ATTENTION MOM & DAD: You TOO Can Take a Class! Are you looking for something to do while your kids are attending classes? Check out these FREE classes: Fitness Classes: Aerobics, Cardio Kickboxing, Fitness Center/Weightlifting, Tai Chi Chuan, Martial Arts Computer Internet Center: Internet Access, Free e-mail, Learn a new software program! Check out this class schedule for more information on class locations and times or visit Kids’ College inspires creativity 69 Kids’ college & teen program TUTORIAL: READING AND WRITING REVIEW (GRADES 3-4) KIDS/148A Dates: Oct 6-Nov 3 *Dates: Oct 17-Nov 14 CRN DAYS 10660 S/10a-11a 12105* W/4:30p5:30p 10572* W/5p-6p PLACE INSTR FEE UMF/143 UMF/147 Kuruppu Cowing $50 $50 CC/CE4-2 TeGantvoort $50 ALL ABOUT SCIENCE FAIR PROJECTS (GRADES 3-5) KIDS/1100 CRN DAYS 10682 Th/4p-6p TUTORIAL: READING AND COMPREHENSION (GRADES 3-4) KIDS/117 10584 T/5p-6p 12126 W/5p-6p PLACE INSTR AN/110 YL/TBA Alicea Narahara FEE $50 $50 Science Science PLACE INSTR CC/CE12-12 Duran FEE $45 A mad scientist helps students discover how and why our world works. Learn crazy things such as crime solving techniques. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 10570 S/9a-10a PLACE INSTR CC/CE12- Duran 12 FEE $45 Young scientists will use their imagination, observation and hands-on techniques to explore various fields of science. Students will experiment with electricity, polymers, gravity and much more. They will learn the ooey-gooey secret of "Jammin' Jelly Slime." Materials included. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 10055 S/10a-11a 70 PLACE INSTR CC/CE12-12 Duran SCE Fall Schedule 2007 FEE $65 BASKETBALL CLINIC (AGES 4-6) KIDS/601 10035 S/12p-1p PLACE CC/GYM 1 INSTR FEE INSTR FEE INSTR FEE Davenport Nesheiwat $45 BASKETBALL CLINIC (AGES 7-9) KIDS/601A Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS PLACE CC/GYM 1 Davenport Nesheiwat $45 BASKETBALL CLINIC (AGES 10+) KIDS/601B Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10037 S/2p-3p PLACE CC/GYM 1 Davenport Nesheiwat $45 PEE WEE BASEBALL (AGES 4-5) KIDS/607A CHEMISTRY AND SCIENCE WONDERS (AGES 9+) KIDS/710 CRN DAYS Khan Please bring water and a towel when participating in a sport or outdoor class. 10036 S/1p-2p WILD AND WACKY SCIENCE (AGES 7+) KIDS/703 CRN DAYS INSTR STUDENT ATHLETES: CRN DAYS Children will interact with the world of science using hand-on techniques and observation. They will probe life science, physical science and chemistry. They will formulate slime; master the wizardry of ice cream, plus much more! Materials included. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 10034 S/11a-12p CC/CE2-1 Learn the fundamentals of basketball through instruction and practice. Includes these basic skills: footwork, passing, dribbling, shooting and running. Kids improve their knowledge of the game and coordination. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CHEMISTRY FOR WEE WIZARDS (AGES 6-8) KIDS/705 CRN DAYS PLACE Sports Sports Students will learn to read more effectively, enhance their reading comprehension, interpretation and vocabulary skills. Starts week of 10/15/2007, ends week of 11/12/2007 CRN DAYS NEW! Students will be exposed to the content and meaning of a Science Fair Project. Students will have a hands-on experience with experiments, data charts, and results. Students will have a better understanding about each section of the science fair project, and be better prepared for the actual event. Dates: Oct 4-Nov 8 FEE $45 Students learn the fundamentals of batting, throwing, catching, and running bases in a non-competitive environment. Bring baseball mitts to class. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10147 S/10a-11a PLACE CC/Field Lawn by CC Bookstore 10301 S/11a-12p CC/Field Lawn by CC Bookstore INSTR FEE Vazquez Mims $45 Vazquez Mims $45 Register Online at Kids’ college & teen program PEE WEE BASEBALL (AGES 6+) KIDS/607 Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10048 S/9a-10a PLACE CC/Field Lawn by CC Bookstore INSTR Vazquez Mims FEE $45 10214 F/5p-6p Designed to teach children the basic beginning skills of soccer. Children will excel in both confidence and team playing abilities. #4 soccer ball is required. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 PLACE 10049 S/9a-10a CC/Field 10050 S/11a-12p CC/Field INSTR Eidlhuber Miller Eidlhuber Miller FEE $45 $45 PEE WEE SOCCER (AGES 6-8) KIDS/610A Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10051 S/10a-11a PLACE CC/Field INSTR Eidlhuber Miller FEE $45 For children who have learned the fundamentals of soccer, and want to improve skills before entering league play. Class will concentrate on all aspects of the game of soccer. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 10308 S/12p-1p PLACE CC/Field INSTR Eidlhuber Miller FEE $45 TENNIS FOR KIDS - BEGINNING (AGES 6-9) KIDS/626 Instruction in basic skills. Students will learn forehand, backhand, serve, volley, approach shot and footwork. Bring racquet and one can of new tennis balls. Makeup classes in case of rain. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 PLACE INSTR FEE CC/Tennis Court Noor CC/Tennis Court Noor The emphasis of this class is on teaching and learning football fundamentals and terminology. This class teaches young people football fundamentals like throwing and catching the ball, running pass routes, proper tackling form and other basic defensive principles. This is NOT a contact or tackle football class. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10348 S/10a-11a PLACE CC/Field Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS 10349 S/11a-12p $50 $50 PLACE CC/Field TENNIS FOR KIDS - BEGINNING (AGES 10+) KIDS/626A CRN DAYS 10165 S/10a-11a 10166 S/11a-12p PLACE INSTR FEE CC/Tennis Court Noor CC/Tennis Court Noor INSTR Wright FEE $45 $50 $50 INSTR Wright FEE $45 YOUTH TOUCH FOOTBALL (AGES 12+) KIDS/1003 10573 S/12p-1p PLACE CC/Field INSTR Wright FEE $45 WATER POLO FOR KIDS – BEGINNING (AGES 9-14) KIDS/669 This class is designed to provide basic instruction in the Olympic sport of Water Polo to students ages 9-14. Boys and girls will learn passing, dribbling, shooting, alternating frog kick, rules of the sport and aspects of team play. Class sessions will be in the pool. Practice games will occur after skills are learned. Must wear a suit and have some basic swimming skills. Goggles are encouraged. For additional information please read chapters found at Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 CRN DAYS PLACE 10242 S/8:30a-10a FC-POOL Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 $50 YOUTH TOUCH FOOTBALL (AGES 6-8) KIDS/1001 CRN DAYS 10167 S/12p-1p 10169 S/1p-2p INSTR FEE CC/Tennis Court Noor PLEASE NOTE: The YOUTH TOUCH FOOTBALL CLASSES are not contact or tackle classes. They are fundamental classes only. Dates: Sep 29-Nov 3 For TENNIS CLASSES, students need to bring a tennis racket and a can of balls. Tennis shoes must be worn on the court. CRN DAYS PLACE YOUTH TOUCH FOOTBALL (AGES 9-11) KIDS/1002 PEE WEE SOCCER LEVEL II (AGES 4+) KIDS/618 CRN DAYS Permission needed from Instructor! Dates: Sep 28-Nov 2 CRN DAYS PEE WEE SOCCER BEGINNING (AGES 4-6) KIDS/610 CRN DAYS TENNIS FOR KIDS - ADVANCED BEGINNING KIDS/627 INSTR Snyder O'Toole FEE $50 The above WATER POLO CLASS is held at the Fullerton College Pool. Class is held rain or shine with the exception of lightning strikes. Learn something new at SCE 71 General Information General information GENERAL INFORMATION SCE SCHEDULE SYMBOL KEY AN = Anaheim Campus CC = Cypress College Campus CRN = Course Registration Number NC = No class will be held on that date FC = Fullerton College UMF = United Methodist Church of Fullerton WIL = Wilshire Campus (Fullerton) YL = Yorba Linda Campus By district policy, "every course, course section or class shall be open to enrollment and participation by any person who has been admitted to the School of Continuing Education (SCE)". CLASSES ADMISSION TO CLASSES: Students are admitted on a first come, first served basis. Students are not permitted to attend classes in which they are not officially enrolled. This means NO petitioning or auditing in a SCE class (ECE classes are an exception). Classes 'filled' may have a 'waiting list' already established for students wanting to attend. Non-Tuition Classes: You must attend first day of class or you may lose your spot! CLASS CANCELLATIONS: If class attendance drops, classes may be cancelled. CLASS SCHEDULE SUBJECT TO CHANGE: SCE has made every reasonable effort to determine that this class schedule is accurate; however, changes may occur after press time. CLASS ATTENDANCE: Students are expected to attend all classes, or the class may be cancelled. Non-tuition classes may be discontinued during the trimester if attendance drops. Tuition classes, however, will continue according to schedule once they have started. WEEKEND POLICY: It is a practice that SCE classes do not normally meet on a weekend following a Friday District Holiday or preceding a Monday District Holiday. Instructors should discuss this practice with their students. In the event it appears necessary for a class to be held on such a weekend, this would constitute an exception to the general practice. At that time, the instructor must discuss this need with the program coordinator or dean to ensure site and classroom availability. If approval is obtained from the coordinator or dean, this special arrangement for that weekend class will be communicated, notifying students, instructor, office staff and security. It is intended this procedure will meet program standards and be of direct benefit to students. BOOKSTORES: The bookstore can be reached for the following locations: Anaheim Campus (714) 808-4675 Cypress Campus (714) 484-7336 Wilshire Campus (714) 992-7557 CHILDREN IN CLASS: No children are to attend adult classes. IN-CLASS REGISTRATION: You must be present at the first meeting of any class where in-class registration takes place or you may lose your spot to someone else. A minimum number of students must attend the first class meeting. Non-tuition classes may be discontinued during the trimester if attendance drops. Tuition classes, however, will continue according to schedule once they have started. NOTE: In-class registration is on a "first come, first served" basis, so arrive on time! WHERE DO YOU REGISTER? No matter where the class is held, students can register at any of the four SCE campuses: Anaheim (Second Floor), Cypress (Pkg Lot 4: Bldg CE11-8), Wilshire (Bldg 100), Yorba LInda (Bldg 100). You may also register on-line at by following the WebStar Registration Instructions on the web. MINOR STUDENTS: SCE classes are open to those 18- years or older who have been admitted to SCE and are not attending school. Students under 18 who have not graduated from high school may infrequently be permitted to attend under special circumstances. It is advisable to contact the administrator (Dean or Provost) at the site where the class is offered prior to obtaining the required permission letter from the school the minor student is currently attending. If permission to enroll is granted by the Dean or Provost, the minor student may enroll only after the regular registration period so that priority is given to adult students. Children of any age may take Kids' College classes as indicated in the course descriptions. NAME CHANGE: Students are encouraged to visit one of the SCE campuses to request a name change prior to registration. Students must provide a picture ID when requesting a name change. No name changes will be made during the three days of registration. PARKING PARKING FEES: Permit parking spaces are limited. Remember a parking permit does not always guarantee a parking space. IF YOU DON'T HAVE A PERMIT YOU WILL GET A TICKET! An exception to this policy - DMV disabled person placard holders are allowed to park free in metered parking spots. Parking in any other spots requires a paid permit. Parking permits are refundable prior to first class meetings only and must be returned to receive a refund. Park head in only. Parking at the Anaheim and Wilshire Campuses: Parking is by permit only. Vehicle permits: $35, motorcycle permits: $20; both are available at the SCE Front Counter. Daily passes are available for $2 throughout parking areas. Students taking classes at the United Methodist Church in Fullerton can continue to park in the Wilshire Center parking utilizing the SCE parking pass. Parking at the Cypress Campus: Parking is by permit only. Vehicle permits: $35; motorcycle permits: $20 both are available at the Cypress Continuing Education Office, in CE11-8 (off of parking lot 4). Daily passes are available for $2 throughout campus and parking areas. Parking at the Yorba Linda Campus: Free parking! 72 SCE Fall Schedule 2007 Register Online at General Information BUS SERVICE: OCTD provides service to each of our four SCE campuses. For more information, call (714) 636-7433. FEES APPORTIONMENT CLASSES: These classes appear as free but are actually funded by the State. Funding is received for each hour of student attendance. The cost of offering the class is covered by these funds. The class may be cancelled if the attendance falls below the level needed to cover the costs of the class. The State has mandated that apportionment classes be offered in the following nine areas: 1. English-as-a-Second Language 2. Citizenship for Immigrants 3. Elementary and Secondary Basic Skills 4. Health and Safety 5. Course for those with Substantial Disabilities 6. Parenting 7. Home Economics 8. Courses for Older Adults 9. Short-Term Vocational Release of Records In accordance with the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, SCE may release or publish, without the student's prior consent, items in the category of public (directory) information which includes name, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities in sports, weight and height (if a member of an athletic team), dates of attendance, and degrees and awards received, and recent educational institutions or agencies. Students who wish to have this information restricted must submit a written request to the Registrar's Office at the Wilshire Center. Requests must be filed within fifteen calendar days from the beginning of each trimester a student is in attendance. For some apportionment classes, a nominal fee is charged. This fee covers the cost of materials consumed or provided during the course of the class. TUITION CLASSES: Students pay a fee for these classes. Students must cover the entire cost of offering the class. These classes will not be cancelled if attendance falls low during the term. HOW MAY I PAY FOR CLASSES? Full payment is required at the time of registration. Cash, checks, money orders, and credit cards (MasterCard and VISA) are accepted. $25 will be charged to any students' account where a check is returned for non-sufficient funds. TUITION FEES: Classes NOT funded by State legislature are supported by student tuition. For instructional materials or supplies required for certain classes, you will have to pay these fees. While late registration is permissible in most classes, full payment of tuition fees is always required. HOLDS School of Continuing Education will withhold transcripts, registration privileges or any combination hereof from any student or former student who has failed to pay all outstanding fees (from current or previous terms) or for other administrative reasons. REFUNDS: A Refund Petition must be filled out 48 hours before the class starts. A $10 processing fee will be deducted from ALL refunds issued (except classes canceled by the District). Term refunds will be processed two weeks after the term begins. No refunds on books or bus tours. RECORDS STUDENT RECORDS: California Administrative Code, Title V, and District policy states that you can review your student records at any time. All student records are located at the SCE Wilshire Campus. Transcript requests are accepted by mail (the form may be printed off of the SCE web site) or in person. Please allow 10 business days for processing. What do you want to learn today? 73 General information - Administration OPEN ENROLLMENT It is the policy of the North Orange County Community College District (NOCCCD) that, unless specifically exempted by statue, every course section or class, the full-time equivalent students (FTES) attendance of which is to be reported for state aid, wherever offered and maintained by NOCCCD, shall be fully open to enrollment and participation by any person who has been admitted to the college(s) or School of Continuing Education and who meets such prerequisites as may be established pursuant to Chapter II, Division 2, part VI, Title 5 of the California Administrative Code, commencing with Section 51820. NON-DISCRIMINATION STATEMENT The North Orange County Community College District (NOCCCD) in compliance with all applicable Federal and State laws, does not discriminate on the basis or race, color, national origin, ancestry, marital status, age, religion, disability, sex, or sexual orientation in any of its policies, procedures, or practices. Consistent with State and Federal law and District policy, the NOCCCD forbids sexual harassment at any of its locations. The District will take preventive, corrective, and disciplinary action for any act that violates this policy or the rights and privileges it is designed to protect. The District does not discriminate against any employees or applicants for employment on the basis of their age, or because of their medical condition; nor does the District discriminate on the basis of citizenship or sexual orientation, within the limits imposed by law or District policy. This non-discrimination statement covers admission, access, and service in District programs, activities, and application for and treatment in District employment. NOCCCDNocccd Board of Trustees NOCCCD BOARD OF TRUSTEES Board of Trustees Jeffrey P. Brown Barbara Dunsheath Leonard Lahtinen Michael B. Matsuda Molly McClanahan Donna Miller Manny Ontiveros Sabrina Tinsay Student Trustee--Cypress College David Adame Student Trustee--Fullerton College Nocccd administration NOCCCD Administration NOCCCD ADMINISTRATION Dr. Jerome Hunter, Chancellor Fred Williams, Vice Chancellor Jeffrey Horsley, Vice Chancellor Deborah Ludford, Director, Information Services Christie Wallace Noring, Director, Public Affairs Dr. W. Gary McGuire, Provost, School of Continuing Education Dr. Michael Kasler, President Cypress College Dr. Kathleen Hodge, President, Fullerton College Class Schedule Design: Rebecca Guillen, & Vinh Van Dang, Mary Jo Marvulli. SEXUAL HARASSMENT, DRUG-FREE AND ALCOHOL-FREE DISTRICT POLICIES For a copy of these policies, please refer to the SCE website at DISABLED STUDENT PROGRAMS & SERVICES SCE provides support services to enable persons with disabilities to participate in classes and programs. Such support may include tutors, interpreter service, note takers, or other assistance. In addition, special classes are offered for those who are not yet ready to benefit from general continuing education offerings. See the Disabled Student Programs and Services section in this schedule for class listings or call (714) 484-7057. WE'RE LOOKING FOR NEW INSTRUCTORS! Do You Want To Teach For The School Of Continuing Education? We are looking for new instructors for the following programs: x Older Adult Classes x Kids’ College x VESL/ESL x Computer Classes You must meet minimum qualifications set by the State of California Chancellor's Office. For more info, call (714) 484-7038. If qualified, please send a resume to: Thomas J. Parisi - Dean of Instruction School of Continuing Education 9200 Valley View - Cypress, California 90630 74 SCE Fall Schedule 2007 Register Online at Continuing Education campus Locations Off-Campus Continuing Education locations Continuing Education CONTINUING EDUCATION Campus CAMPUS Locations LOCATIONS Your instructor will advise you if a book is needed for your class. All books sales are final! ANAHEIM CAMPUS 1830 W. Romneya Drive - Anaheim 92801 (714) 808-4999 Greg Schulz (Dean of Instruction) M-Th (8a-8p); Fri (8a-5p); Sat (8-11:30a) COMPUTER CENTER (714) 808-4712: HOURS: M-F (8:30a-4p); M-Th (5-8p) DISABLED STUDENT PROGRAM AND SERVICES (714) 808-4558 TTY: (714) 761-8165; HOURS: M-F (8a-5p) ENGLISH-AS-A-SECOND LANGUAGE (714) 808-4638; HOURS: M-F (8a-5p) HIGH SCHOOL LAB (714) 808-4582; HOURS: M-Th (8:30a-2:45p/6-9) OLDER ADULTS PROGRAM (714) 808-4909; HOURS: M-F (8a-5p) TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE 1-800-662-2322 CYPRESS CAMPUS 9200 Valley View, Cypress 90630 CE11-8, Parking Lots #4, #5 (714) 484-7038 Tom Parisi (Dean of Instruction) M -Th (8a-7:30p); Fri (8a-4p); Sat (8a-2p) COMPUTER CENTER (714) 484-7437; HOURS: M-Th (8a-4p) F (8a-12n) HIGH SCHOOL LAB (714) 484-7438; HOURS: M-Th (8:30a-2:45p/6-9) DISABLED STUDENT PROGRAM AND SERVICES (714) 484-7057 TTY: (714) 761-8165 HOURS: M-F (8a-5p) WILSHIRE CAMPUS 315 E. Wilshire, Fullerton 92832; (714) 992-7700 Christine Terry (Dean of Instruction) M-Th (8a-9:30p); F (8a-4p) Sat (9a-2p) Most Wilshire Center classes will be temporarily held at United Methodist Church of Fullerton 114 N. Pomona, Fullerton 92832 Do not call the church; for info, call 714-992-7700 Registration still held at the Wilshire Campus Park at the Wilshire Campus with SCE pass HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM – UMF, Room 41 (714) 992-9918; HOURS: M-Th (8:30a-2:45p/6-9) YORBA LINDA CAMPUS 4175 Fairmont Blvd. - Yorba Linda 92886 (714) 779-8279 Greg Schulz (Dean of Instruction) M-Th (8a-7:30p); Fridays/Saturdays (Closed) Off-Campus continuing OFF-CAMPUS CONTINUING education EDUCATION locations LOCATIONS Register in Class! Do not call location unless noted. Abraham Lincoln Elem Acacia Villas 1413 E Broadway Anah 1620 E Chapman Full Ave Access California 2180 W Crescent Anah Services Ave., Suite C Adelaide Price 1516 W North St Anah Elem Los Alam Alamitos West 3902 W Katellla Ave Conv Hosp Albert Schweitzer 229 S Dale Ave Anah Elem Anaheim Care 9622 W Katella Anah Cottages Ave Anaheim 250 E Center St. Anah Community Ctr Anaheim Crest 3067 W Orange Anah Nurs Ctr Ave 501 S Beach Blvd Anah Anaheim Health Care Ctr Anaheim Sr Ctr 250 E Center Anah Street Anaheim Terrace 141 S Knott Ave Anah Conv Anaheim VIP Ctr 1158 N Knollwood Anah Cir Anaheim Village 3411 W Ball Rd Anah Arcaciawood 1415 W Ball Rd Anah Village Benjamin Franklin 521 W Water St Anah Elem 535 S Walnut St Anah Betsy Ross Elemntary Bradford Square 1180 N Bradford Placnta Ave Braille Institute 527 N Dale Anah Brea Comm Ctr 695 E. Madison Brea Way Brea Sr Ctr 500 Sievers Ave. Brea Brighton Gardens 17803 Imperial YL Hwy Boys & Girls Club 10161 Moody St. Cypress Buena Pk Nurs Ctr 8520 S Western Buena Ave Pk Buena Pk Sr Ctr 8150 S Knott Ave Buena Pk Buena Pk Sr Day 8150 S Knott Ave Buena Care Ctr Pk Buena Vista Care 1440 S Euclid Ave Anah Ctr Calico House1279 E Imperial Placnta Placentia Hwy Cambridge Court 1621 E Full Commonwealth Ave Casa Santa Maria 7551 Buena Orangethorpe Pk Clara Barton Elem 1926 Clearbrook Anah Ln Commonwealth 7811 Buena Adlt Day HealthCt Commonwealth Pk Avenue Coventry Court 2040 S Euclid Ave Anah Cypress Gardens 285 W Central Ave Brea of Brea Cypress Sr Citizen 9031 Grindlay St Cypress Ctr SCE has job training for the real world 75 Off-Campus Continuing Education locations DaVita - Brea Dialysis Ctr Easter Seals Sr Day Care Emerald Court Empower Community Day Program Enriching-DSPS Esther L Walter Elem Evergreen Health & Rehab Ctr Fanning Elementary First Christian Church Anaheim First United Methodist Full Fullerton Gardens 595 Tamarak Ave Suite A 500 W Central Avenue Suite A 1731 Medical Center Dr 8381 Katella Anah Stanton 2222 N Harbor Blvd 650 N. Apricot Brea 520 W South St Anah 114 N. Pomona Full Fulllerton Full Full Full Full GG Full Full Anah Anah Anah Anah Anah Anah Anah Los Alam Full Buena Pk 9011 S Knott Ave Buena Pk 645 N Angelina Dr Placnta 1233 W La Habra Blvd 101 W La Habra Blvd La Habra Villa 1100 E Whittier Blvd La Palma Nurs Ctr 1130 W La Palma Ave Lake Park Mob Hm 3700 N Rose Dr - YL Lake Park Mobile 625 N Puente Home Pk Brea 76 Brea 12843 Beach Blvd Stanton 10802 Rustic Ln Anah 1510 E Commonwealth St Fullerton Res 2441 W Manor Orangethorpe Avenue 411 E Fullerton Rosewood Commonwealth Ave Fullerton Sr Multi- 340 W Serv Ctr Commonwealth Ave Gilbert Elem 9551 Orangewood Avenue Gordon Lane Conv 1821 E Chapman Hosp Ave 330 W. Greenfield Care Ctr Bastanchury Rd Harbor Villa Care 861 S Harbor Blvd Ctr Hermosa Village 1515 S Michelle Drive Horace Mann Elem 600 W La Palma Ave Indepencia Comm 10841 Garza St Ctr 2066 Falmouth John Marshall Elem Ave Jonas Salk Elem 1411 S Gilbert St Karlton Residential 3615 W Ball Rd Care Ctr Katella Sr Living 3952 W Katella Community Ave Korean Bokji Well 1050 Brookhurst Ctr Rd Knott Ave Care Ctr 9021 S Knott Ave Knott Ave Res Manor Kraemer Middle School La Habra Conv Hospital La Habra Sr Ctr Brea SCE Fall Schedule 2007 La Habra La Habra La Habra Anah YL Brea Lake Park Mobile Home Pk La Hab Las Lomas Elem Las Positas Elem 2181 Lakeside La Habra Drive 301 Las Lomas Dr La Habra 1400 Schoolwood La Habra Rd Laurel Elem 200 S. Flower Ave Brea Leisure Court 1135 Leisure Ct Anah Los Alamitos Elem 10682 Bloomfield Los Alam M L Maxwell Elem 2613 W Orange Anah Ave Melbourne Gauer 810 N Gilbert St Anah Elem Melrose Elem 974 S Melrose St Placnta Messiah Lutheran 6695 Dale St Buena Church Pk Morningside of 800 E Bastanchury Full Fullerton Rd New Horizon 8541 W Cerritos Stanton Ave Lodge OC Assoc Retrded 225 W Carl Anah Citizens Karcher Way Orange Cty 530 North Dale Anah Christian Charities Park Anah Health 3435 W Ball Rd Anah Care Ctr GG OC Korean US Cit 9636 Garden League Grove Blvd. #17 1770 W La Habra La Habra Park Regency Care Ctr Blvd Park Regency Ret 1750 W La Habra La Habra Res Blvd Park Vista 2527 N Brea Blvd Full Assisted Living Park Vista, 2525 N Brea Blvd Full Morningside Patrick Henry Elem 1123 W Romneya Anah Dr Paul Revere Elem 131 W Midway Dr Anah Ponderosa Park 2100 S Haster St Anah Quaker Gardens 12151 Dale St Stanton Raymond Temple 7800 Holder Buena School Pk Rehab Institute So 130 Laguna Rd Full Ca Full Richman Comm 320 Elm St Ctr Rio Vista Elem 310 N Rio Vista Anah Ave Robert M Pyle 10411 Dale Ave Stanton Elem Ruby Dr Elem 601 Ruby Dr Placnta Sr Friends 3033 W Orange Anah Association Ave Sr Citizens Ctr 143 S Bradford Placnta Placentia Ave Sr Citizens Ctr 250 E Center St Anah Anaheim Sr Living 312 N. Roosevelt Full Communities, LLC Ave St Jude Villa - YL 17451 YL Bastanchury Road St Paul's Lutheran 111 West Las Full Church Palmas Dr St. Elizabeth 2800 N. Harbor Full Healthcare Blvd Stanton Comm Ctr 7800 Katella Ave Stanton Stanton Cultural 7800 Katella Ave Stanton Arts Ctr Summerville, Casa 10615 Jordan Rd Whittier Whittier Summerville, 200 N. Dale Ave Anah Fairwood Register Online at Off-Campus Continuing Education locations - Class index Sun Mar Nurs Ctr 1720 W. Orange Anah Ave Sunkist Elem 500 N Sunkist St Anah Sunnycrest Chalet 1925 Sunnycrest Full Dr Sunrise Assisted 4792 Lakeview YL Living @ YL Avenue Sunrise Sr Living 3850 Lampson Seal Ave. Beach Tall Mouse-Yorba 17506 Yorba Linda YL Linda Blvd Terrace View Care 201 E Bastanchury Full Ctr Rd Theodore 1600 E Vermont Anah Roosevelt Elem Ave Thomas Edison 1526 E Romneya Anah Elem Dr Thomas Jefferson 504 E South St Anah Elem Topaz Elem 3232 Topaz Ln Placnta Tuscany Villas 525 W LaPalma Anah Ave United Methodist 114 N. Pomona Full Church (UMF) Ave. Victoria Woods 5303 Stonehaven Y L Dr W Anah 2271 W Crescent Anah Brookhurst Sr Prog Ave W Anah Care Ctr 645 S Beach Blvd Anah W Anah Royale 641 S Beach Blvd Anah W Anah Youth Ctr 320 S Beach Blvd Anah Walnut Elem 625 N Walnut St La Habra Walnut Manor 891S Walnut St Anah Care Ctr Wells House 8792 W Cerritos Anah Residential Ave West Anaheim 645 South Beach Anah Therapeutic Res Blvd Westminster 206 Hospital Circle Westmns Therapeutic Ctr tr Westview 9776 Katella Anah Vocational Ctr Avenue Whittier Hills Hlth 10426 Bogardis Whittier Care Ctr Ave Windsong Sr 1701 S. Euclid Ave Anah Activity Ctr Windsor Gardens 3415 W Ball Rd Anah of Anaheim Windsor Gardens 245 E Wilshire Ave Full of Fullerton Yorba Linda Sr Ctr 4501 Casa Loma Y L Dr Class CLASS Index INDEX A Touch of Spanish ...........................................60 Accounting.........................................................19 Acting for Commercials .....................................37 Activity Leader Health Care...............................41 Adaptive PE Activity ..........................................31 Adaptive PE Weight Training ............................31 Adobe After Effects............................................27 Adobe Encore and Adobe Audition ...................26 Adobe Illustrator ................................................25 Adobe Indesign..................................................26 Adobe Photoshop..............................................25 Adobe Photoshop Elements..............................22 Adobe Premiere Pro..........................................26 Adobe/Macromedia Dreamweaver....................26 Adobe/Macromedia Flash Pro...........................26 Adult Basic Education........................................14 Adult Guitar........................................................49 Adult Keyboarding .............................................49 Advanced Clean Air Car....................................45 Advanced/High ....................................................9 Aerobics.............................................................47 Aircraft and Engines ..........................................45 Airline Operations ..............................................44 Airline Reservations - Apollo ............................43 Airline Reservations - SABRE ..........................44 Algebra ....................................................... 16, 62 All About Science Fair Projects .........................70 American Idioms................................................10 Apartment Management I..................................20 Arabic - Conversational .....................................14 Art is for You......................................................57 Auto Collision Special........................................44 Auto Detailing & Car Care .................................44 Auto Painting and Refinishing ...........................44 Automotive Collison Repair ...............................44 Automotive Damage Appraisal..........................44 Babies Love Music ............................................37 Baking and Pastry .............................................46 Balance & Mobility for Older Adults...................54 Ballroom/Latin/Swing Dance .............................48 Banking for Apartment Living ............................31 Bartending Workshops ......................................38 Basic Area Clean Air Car ..................................45 Basic Commercial Refrigeration........................38 Basic Cooking....................................................30 Basic Cooking Techniques................................46 Basic Electricity .................................................39 Basic Electronics for Video, Audio and Computer .....................................................................40 Basic Math Skills ...............................................16 Basic Phonics ....................................................67 Basic Photography the Mechanics of Digital Photography ................................................36 Basketball Clinic ................................................70 Bass Guitar for Kids...........................................65 Be an Effective Speaker/Presenter ...................16 Beginning Adult Piano/Keyboard.......................49 Beginning High ........................................... 6, 7, 9 Your classmates will miss you if you miss class 77 Class index Beginning Literacy ...................................... 5, 7, 9 Beginning Low ...................................... 5, 7, 9, 10 Beginning Money.............................................. 30 Beginning Phonics and Printing ....................... 67 Beginning Piano ............................................... 47 Beginning Voice................................................ 47 Books Come Alive for Older Adults .................. 50 Braille Transcribing........................................... 32 Bringing Reading Alive ..................................... 68 Business/Computer Skills Lab.......................... 22 Cabinet & Millwork............................................ 43 Cajun Creole Cuisine........................................ 33 Cake Decorating............................................... 32 California Child Care - CPR and First Aid ....... 41 Care and Use of Overlock Machine ................. 34 Career and Life Planning.................................. 17 Career Exploration............................................ 17 Cartoon Drawing............................................... 57 Cartooning & Caricaturing Made Easy ............. 35 Catering & Event Management ........................ 46 Celebrate Reading............................................ 68 Ceramics for Older Adults ................................ 51 Chemistry And Science Wonders..................... 70 Chemistry For Wee Wizards............................. 70 Chic Tiny Cakes ............................................... 33 Child Health and Safety.................................... 40 Children's Ballet and Tap Dance ...................... 59 Children's Tap Dance ....................................... 59 China Painting for Older Adults ........................ 52 Citizenship Preparation ...................... 6, 8, 10, 13 Classic Sauces and More................................. 32 Communication on the Job............................... 30 Communication With The Deaf .................. 16, 45 Community Resources ..................................... 31 Computer Applications for the Administrative Assistant I ................................................... 18 Computer Applications for the Administrative Assistant II .................................................. 19 Computer Keyboarding For Kids ...................... 58 Computer Monitoring with Spector Pro for Home Or Office ..................................................... 27 Computer Skills for ESL ................................. 6, 8 Computer Skills for ESL, Advanced ................... 8 Computer-Assisted Instructional Lab ............... 30 Contemporary Cake Decorating - Rolled Fondant....................................................... 32 Costume Illustration & History of Fashion ........ 58 Costume Illustration and History of Fashion for Adults I........................................................ 36 Create PDF's with Adobe Acrobat.................... 24 Create Your Own Web Page with FrontPage... 58 Creating Small Sculptures ................................ 57 Creative Arts for Older Adults........................... 52 Creative Dance and Exercise........................... 59 Creative Writing .......................................... 16, 68 Creative Writing for Seniors.............................. 50 Cypress Masterworks ....................................... 47 Deliver Effective Business Presentations......... 20 Designing Your Own Newspaper ..................... 66 Destinations - Africa/Pacific............................ 44 Developmental Readiness - Preschool ........... 40 Diagramming Sentences .................................. 68 78 SCE Fall Schedule 2007 Digital Camera Workshop .................................27 Digital Photo Albums for Beginners...................22 Digital Scrapbooking..........................................23 Discover the Internet .........................................22 Drama for Communication ..................................6 Draw and Paint Animals ....................................57 Drawing - Basics and Beyond ..........................35 Drawing & Sketching .........................................57 Drawing With The Right Side Of Your Brain .....36 Dreamweaver ....................................................26 Dressmaking......................................................34 Early Childhood Development...........................40 Ease Into Pre-Algebra .......................................62 Easy Exotic Sauces...........................................33 Effective Business Presentations ......................18 Effective Networking Person-to-Person ............20 Electrical Wiring and Safety I ............................39 ESL Advanced Low .........................................6, 8 ESL and Computers ................................... 12, 13 ESL and the Arts ...............................................10 ESL Intermediate High ............................... 6, 8, 9 ESL Intermediate/Advanced Work Skills.........7, 8 ESL Learning Center.................................. 5, 7, 9 ESL Multilevel....................................... 11, 12, 13 ESL Pronunciation/Conversation Skills...... 6, 8, 9 Exploratory Arts for Visually Impaired ...............31 Exploring Needlework .......................................35 Family Community Relationships ......................40 Family Literacy ........................................... 11, 12 Fashion Illustration for Adults ............................36 Fashion Illustration I ..........................................58 Fashion Illustration II .........................................58 Fashion Illustration II for Adults .........................36 Fear Public Speaking? ......................................16 Finance for the Non-Financial Manager............18 Fitness Lab ........................................................48 Flat Pattern Method...........................................34 Florist Techniques .............................................41 Food Preparation and Good Nutrition for Older Adults...........................................................54 Fox Trot and Tango Dancing.............................48 Frolic In The Land Of Storytelling......................67 Fun With Phonics ..............................................67 Fun with Storytelling ..........................................67 Furniture II - Industrial Revolution to mid-20th Century ........................................................21 GED Test Preparation .......................................15 General Contracting ..........................................39 Great Literature for Seniors...............................50 Ground Trainer Laboratory - Instrument Flight..45 Guitar for Adults.................................................49 Guitar for Adults Level 1....................................49 Guitar For Kids - Advanced ...............................64 Guitar For Kids - Beginning ...............................64 Guitar For Kids - Intermediate ...........................64 Guitar for Kids - Level 1.....................................64 Guitar for Kids - Level 2.....................................64 Gymnastics - Advanced Beginning ...................60 Gymnastics - Beginning ....................................60 Gymnastics - Intermediate ................................60 Hand Knit and Crochet Garments .....................34 Hatha Yoga for Older Adults .............................53 Register Online at Class Index Hearing Impaired for Older Adults.................... 50 History of Comedy and Humor for Older Adults54 Holiday Cookies with Flair ................................ 33 Home Arts Sewing............................................ 35 Hospitality Law ................................................. 46 Hotel Management ........................................... 46 Housekeeping & Property Operations.............. 46 How To Study, Take Tests and Organize Yourself....................................................... 68 How to Write a Research Paper....................... 69 Human Relations For Healthcare Workers....... 43 Improve Your Handwriting................................ 68 Improve Your Math and Study Skills ................ 62 Improve Your Reading and Writing .................. 69 Improve Your Writing........................................ 69 Improving Individual Skills Lab ......................... 14 Improving Your Cardiovascular Health............. 47 Independent Living Skills.................................. 31 Individual Clothing Instruction .......................... 34 Infant Care I...................................................... 40 In-Patient Lab for the Pharmacy Technician .... 43 Instrument Rating ............................................. 45 Intergenerational - Creative Arts Exchange for Older Adults ................................................ 50 Intermediate Grammar Review .................... 7, 10 Intermediate Vocabulary Review...................... 10 Intermediate/Low ........................................ 6, 8, 9 Intro to CISCO Network.................................... 24 Intro to Hospitality Careers............................... 46 Introduction to Access ...................................... 23 Introduction to Antiques.................................... 21 Introduction to Computers ................................ 22 Introduction To Dance For The Young ............. 59 Introduction to Excel ......................................... 23 Introduction to FrontPage................................. 22 Introduction to Microsoft Windows ................... 22 Introduction to Pharmacy Technician ............... 42 Introduction to PowerPoint ......................... 23, 58 Introduction to Publisher................................... 23 Introduction to Unix........................................... 25 Introduction to Word ......................................... 23 Investment Strategies To Protect Your Nest Egg .................................................................... 20 Japanese - Conversational............................... 14 Japanese Conversational II.............................. 14 Jazz Hip Hop Dance......................................... 59 Jazz Hip-Hop Dance......................................... 59 Job Skills .......................................................... 30 Job Skills Communication ................................ 43 Journey Back Into Time for Older Adults.......... 50 Joyful Parenting - Creative Art/Music ............... 38 Judo/Jujitsu for Kids ......................................... 61 Karate ............................................................... 48 Karate as Self Defense..................................... 61 Kenpo Karate for Kids ...................................... 61 Kenpo Karate For Kids ..................................... 61 Kenpo Karate Yellow Belt Preparation ............. 61 Kids Love Music ............................................... 37 Kindergym - Toddler Fitness ............................ 37 Kinesthetic PE For Visually Impaired ............... 31 Kung Fu for Kids............................................... 61 Kung Fu San Soo ............................................. 48 Landscaping for Homeowners...........................36 Living More Independently ................................30 Machine Embroidery..........................................35 Management Skills I ..........................................18 Management Skills II .........................................18 Master Math - 1st Grade ...................................61 Master Math - 2nd Grade ..................................61 Master Math - 3rd Grade ...................................62 Master Math - 4th Grade ...................................62 Medical Assisting - Front Office Procedures ....41 Medical Insurance Billing - A Practical Approach to Medical Billing..........................................41 Medical Terminology .........................................42 Mediterranean Tapas Bar..................................33 Memory Power For Kids....................................68 Menu/Kitchen Layout & Design .........................46 Meteorology.......................................................45 Microsoft Word for Kids .....................................58 More Tastes of Thailand....................................34 Motorcycle Tune-up & Service ..........................47 MS Excel - Power-User Skills............................23 MS Office - Overview........................................23 Multicultural Hospitality......................................44 Music Arts for Older Adults................................53 Musical Theatre .................................................60 Needlecrafts, Knitting, Crochet for Older Adults52 Network Administration I ...................................24 Notary Public Seminar and Exam .....................19 Nutrition .............................................................45 Nutrition & Exercise...........................................31 Office Skills I......................................................19 Office Skills II.....................................................19 Oral Interpretation................................................7 Orange County Junior Orchestra ......................65 Outboard Engine Repair/Service and Maintenance ................................................47 Out-Patient Lab for the Pharmacy Technician ..43 Painting..............................................................35 Painting for Older Adults ...................................52 Patchwork, Quilting and Applique .....................35 Pee Wee Baseball...................................... 70, 71 Pee Wee Soccer................................................71 Pee Wee Soccer Beginning ..............................71 Pee Wee Soccer Level II...................................71 Pencils & Paintbrushes .....................................56 Personal Computer Repair................................41 Personal Journal Writing for Older Adults .........51 Pharmaceutical Mathematics ............................42 Pharmacology I..................................................42 Pharmacology II.................................................42 Pharmacy Operations Lab.................................42 Phonics..............................................................67 Photography ......................................................36 Physical Fitness for Older Adults in Residential Manors.........................................................55 Physical Fitness for Older Adults in Senior Centers ........................................................55 Physical Therapy Aide.......................................41 Piano Keyboarding - Beginning I.......................63 Piano Keyboarding - Beginning II......................63 Piano Keyboarding - Intermediate.....................64 Playing the Cello................................................65 Stay in class and learn more 79 Class Index Playing the Cello - Beginner I........................... 65 Playing the Cello - Beginner II.......................... 65 Pneumatic Controls .......................................... 43 Poems and Plays.............................................. 66 Pottery I - English & Continental Pottery ......... 21 Pottery II - American Pottery ........................... 21 Pre-Algebra II ................................................... 62 Preparation for Childbirth.................................. 38 Pre-Reading Skills ............................................ 67 Private Pilot ...................................................... 45 Professional Image........................................... 43 Program Literature............................................ 40 Program Music & Movement ............................ 40 Program Principles I ........................................ 40 Program Principles II ........................................ 40 QuickBooks Fundamentals for the Financial Office Applications...................................... 24 Quilting for Older Adults ................................... 52 Readiness for First Grade ................................ 67 Readiness for Kindergarten.............................. 67 Reading & Comprehension .............................. 68 Real Estate Appraisal ....................................... 20 Relationships and Sexuality Training ............... 30 Restaurant/Banquet Operations....................... 46 Retail Meat Cutting ........................................... 38 Retirement Planning Today.............................. 20 Rock 'N Learn Spanish..................................... 60 Room Addition Fundamentals .......................... 39 Russian - Conversational ................................. 14 Salsa Dance ..................................................... 48 Sanitation & Safety ........................................... 46 Scanner Workshop ........................................... 27 Seasonal Arts and Crafts Workshop ................ 58 Secrets of Real Estate Financing ..................... 20 Self-Advocacy................................................... 31 Self-Defense..................................................... 49 Senior Choir - Signs of the Holidays ............... 53 Senior Chorus................................................... 52 Senior Topics For Older Adults ........................ 51 Servsafe Food Safety ....................................... 46 Sewing for Beginners ....................................... 34 Social Skills ...................................................... 31 SolidWorks for the Designer............................. 27 Soups, Bisques and Chowders ........................ 33 Spanish - Conversation I .................................. 14 Spanish - Conversation II ................................. 14 Spanish for Kids ............................................... 60 Staying Mentally Sharp for Older Adults .......... 53 Successful Negotiations ................................... 18 Supervised Tutoring ......................................... 16 Survey of the Automobile ................................. 44 Sushi, Sashimi and More.................................. 33 Tai-Chi Chuan for Older Adults ........................ 54 Tamales............................................................ 33 Tennis - Intermediate/ Advanced ..................... 47 Tennis for Kids - Advanced Beginning ............. 71 Tennis For Kids - Beginning ............................. 71 Tennis-Beginning.............................................. 47 The "Arts" Extravaganza .................................. 57 The Art of Belly Dancing................................... 48 The Art of Garde Manger.................................. 46 The Literacy Program ....................................... 14 80 SCE Fall Schedule 2007 The New Decorated Cupcake ...........................33 Tole & Decorative Arts ......................................36 Tole and Decorative Arts...................................36 Tone Chime Choir for Older Adults ...................52 Travel Sales & Tour Operations ........................44 Tutorial - Algebra 1...........................................63 Tutorial - Algebra 2...........................................63 Tutorial - Math Explosion..................................62 Tutorial - Math Mania .......................................62 Tutorial - Math Skills.........................................63 Tutorial - Pre-Algebra .......................................63 Tutorial - Pre-Geometry....................................63 Tutorial - Reading and Comprehension ...........70 Tutorial - Reading and Writing Review...... 69, 70 Tutorial - Ready, Set, Read!.............................69 Tutorial - The Joy of Reading ...........................69 UNIX II - Linux Desktop Installation...................25 Using Research Resources...............................68 Vietnamese Cuisine.................................... 32, 34 Violin - Performance I.......................................66 Violin - Performance II......................................66 Violin - Performance III.....................................66 Violin I................................................................66 Violin II...............................................................66 Violin III..............................................................66 Violin IV .............................................................66 Violin V ..............................................................66 Violin VI .............................................................66 Vocal for Kids ....................................................65 Vocational Engish-as-a-Second Language Electricity and Construction ...........................7 Vocational English-as-a-Second-Language Early Childhood Education ............................5 Vocational ESL - Pharmacy Technician.............5 Waltz and Cha Cha Dance................................48 Water Polo For Kids - Beginning .......................71 Watercolor/Watermedia.....................................35 Website Design HTML.......................................26 West Coast Swing Dance..................................48 Wheelchair Athletics..........................................31 Wild and Wacky Science...................................70 Windows 2000 Server .......................................24 Windows Desktop Security & Internet Security.24 Windows Operating System for Technicians.....24 Windows XP-Advanced.....................................24 Women's Tailoring.............................................34 Wonderful Watercolors......................................57 Writing Reports And Papers..............................68 Writing Workshop ..............................................69 Writing/Reading ........................................ 7, 8, 10 Young Artist Workshop......................................57 Youth Ballet .......................................................59 Youth Touch Football ........................................71 Register Online at
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