2016 Health and Psychology Catalogue
2016 Health and Psychology Catalogue
www.pearsonclinical.co.uk FREE COPY Health & Psychology Catalogue 2016 Welcome to our 2016 Health and Psychology Catalogue Focusing on individual needs in the home, the community and wider society Pearson has a long history of supporting health and psychology professionals working with clients of all ages. We take care to ensure that our tools are robust and reliable, bringing together ground-breaking theories, reliable practice and better outcome measures. This year there are a number of new titles, including the Wide Range family, and the comprehensive assessment family for behaviour – BASC-3 now on Q-global. Plus, you can expect the arrival of the new Test of Everyday Attention for Children, Second Edition (TEA-Ch2) and Vineland-3 in 2016 (see pages 29 and 48/106). Bringing together innovation and expertise in a digital world Our portfolio spans the fields of cognition, neuropsychology, rehabilitation, language, functional skills, autism spectrum disorders, and mental health. By bringing together experts in their clinical field we draw on the expertise and innovative practice of leading practitioners to develop gold-standard assessments including the Wechsler range; which along with other core tools are moving into a new digital home in Q-interactive and Q-global (see pages 2 to 6). Download your free App This year, remember to download your Assessment Assistant, a free app available for iOs and Android devices (see page 134). It’s a handy assistant, for when you are administering assessments or interventions. Can you help with our research? Research projects are being carried out to develop assessments of children’s thinking abilities, language & mathematical skills, and we are looking for examiners across the UK to help with standardising these new tests. Turn to page 104 for more information. Support and advice Trusted by professionals across the UK, we are available to help advise on your assessment needs, contact your Area Sales Consultant (details opposite) for a free product presentation. Don’t forget you can also now use Live Chat on our website, contact our Customer Services Team (see page 1) or message us through social media – @PsychCorpUK. Finally don’t forget to sign up to our e-newsletter (see page 52) for the latest information on webinars, events, product news and features. Kind regards Nicola Owens, Sales Manager Simone Lewendon, Marketing Communications Manager LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK Contents DIGITAL ASSESSMENTS PAGES 2 – 6 CHILD GENERAL DEVELOPMENT, ABILITY AND ACHIEVEMENT PAGES 7 – 20 COGNITION PAGES 21 – 30 SPEECH, LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION PAGES 31 – 46 LIFE SKILLS PAGES 47 – 52 MOTOR AND VISUO-PERCEPTUAL SKILLS PAGES 53 – 58 SENSORY SKILLS PAGES 59 – 62 HEALTH AND WELLBEING PAGES 63 – 84 ADULT GENERAL ABILITY PAGES 85 – 90 COGNITION PAGES 91 – 100 ATTENTION AND EXECUTIVE FUNCTION PAGES 101 – 104 LIFE SKILLS PAGES 105 – 108 SPEECH, LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION PAGES 109 – 112 SENSORY/MOTOR AND VISUO-PERCEPTUAL SKILLS PAGES 113 – 116 HEALTH AND WELLBEING PAGES 117 – 134 TRAINING, PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND INTERVENTIONS PAGES 135 – 141 REGISTRATION INFORMATION PAGE 142 REGISTRATION FORM PAGE 143 ORDER FORM PAGE 144 ORDERING INFORMATION PAGE 145 INTERNATIONAL OFFICES PAGE 146 AUTHOR INDEX PAGE 147 – 148 ACRONYM INDEX PAGE 149 PRODUCT INDEX PAGES 150 – 152 WHO SHOULD I CONTACT? GENERAL ENQUIRIES & ORDERS: Customer Services 0845 630 8888* * Calls cost 3p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge TECHNICAL ENQUIRIES: [email protected] FOR A FREE CATALOGUE OR PRODUCT DEMONSTRATION: 020 7010 2875 WEB: www.pearsonclinical.co.uk EMAIL: [email protected] FAX: 0845 630 5555* * Note please do not send credit card orders via fax. SEND ORDERS TO: Pearson Assessment Halley Court, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8EJ YOUR AREA SALES CONSULTANT Our Area Sales Consultants are available to offer advice on the appropriate assessments for your particular client group. They can provide product presentations, attend team meetings, in-service study days or regional conferences. DIGITAL CONSULTANT NORTH WEST, NORTH WALES, NORTHERN IRELAND, AND SCOTLAND Alison Winter Tel: 07734 744771 email: [email protected] Carolyn Hughes Tel: 07809 541525 Email: [email protected] WEST MIDLANDS, WARWICKSHIRE AND HOME COUNTIES EAST ANGLIA, EAST MIDLANDS, NORTH EAST AND YORKSHIRE SOUTHERN ENGLAND, MID AND SOUTH WALES Ellie Parkes Tel: 07717 895425 email: [email protected] Lloyd Smith Tel: 07725 600855 email: [email protected] Claire Parsons Tel: 07917 436457 email: [email protected] To enquire about our attendance at an exhibition or study day, please email us at [email protected] [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 1 ■ INTRODUCING Q-INTERACTIVE® DIGITAL ASSESSMENTS One System, Two Tablets, Tons of Power LEADING THE WAY IN DIGITAL ASSESSMENT Q-interactive™ brings together gold-standard assessments and tablet technology to create a new vision for digital assessment; one that enables real-time scoring and increased accuracy. Innovative and intuitive, Q-interactive supports the whole assessment process. Professionals can automatically manage the administration of tests - from digital stimuli - to response recording using stylus notes and audio. With Q-interactive, you can embrace the advantages of digital assessment: create client profiles, choose and customise test batteries, and review scored data through a secured web-portal. HOW DOES Q-INTERACTIVE WORK? Q-interactive consists of an assessment library offering an array of subtests for assessing domains such as ability, achievement, memory, executive function and language. Offering complete customisation, you can add additional subtests to create your own unique assessment battery that meets your client’s needs. OVERVIEW: A comprehensive digital assessment system that delivers the world’s most advanced assessment tools you can take with you anywhere. The test administration then takes place on two tablet devices that “talk” to each other via Bluetooth connection, no Internet access is required. You use one tablet to access the test administration instructions, record and score responses, and control visual stimuli. Your client uses the other tablet device to view and respond to stimuli. HOW Q-INTERACTIVE FREES YOU UP TO FOCUS ON THE ART OF PSYCHOLOGY AGE RANGE: Related to individual assessments Q-interactive is designed to streamline your assessment process with key features that: QUALIFICATION CODE: Related to individual assessments (See page 142) ■ On-the-fly scoring saves you time and helps ensure accuracy. ■ Real time scoring of subtests. ■ Improve accuracy Are customisable ■ Add additional subtests to your assessment on the fly during the testing session, even if it is from a different assessment. No internet required. Calculate scaled scores, composites and comparisons. ■ Create and save custom batteries from all available instruments on Q-interactive. ■ Recording of verbal responses. ■ Drop-down notifications when the reversal or discontinue rule is triggered. Say goodbye to client frustration and a lack of flexibility in your assessment batteries. Say goodbye to looking up norms tables, manually calculating or inputting scores into a computer and not knowing how the client is performing during a test session. Aid efficiency ■ Upon completion of a subtest a clinician can immediately review results, such as item level raw scores, scaled scores and (if enough subtests have been completed) Index and comparison scores. ■ Keep all your scores in one database accessible from any web-based computer. ■ Built-in timer/stopwatch on screen. ■ Take notes at the test, subtest, and item-level and easily incorporate into your reports. Are portable ■ Q-interactive makes everything you need accessible instantly. ■ Test manuals, technical manuals, stimulus manuals, record forms, stopwatch are all embedded within Q-interactive. Say goodbye to reordering record forms, lugging heavy test kits, upfront test kit costs, sharing kits and not having the test you need during a test session. Say goodbye to manual scoring and long assessment processes. 2 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK ■ DIGITAL ASSESSMENTS Visit www.HelloQ.co.uk/home to find out more An array of batteries and subtests at your fingertips. The assessment library within Q-interactive will continue to evolve as familiar Pearson assessments are added, along with subtests exclusively developed for Q-interactive™ which will be made available in the future. Today the following assessments and subtests are available: ■ WAIS–IV UK (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Fourth UK Edition) ■ ■ ■ WISC–IV UK (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Fourth UK Edition) D–KEFS (Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System) - Selected tests to complement your Q-interactive battery ■ (Wechsler Memory Scale NEW! WMS-IV Fourth UK Edition) KTEA-3 (Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement, Third Edition) ■ ■ CVLT–C (The California Verbal Learning Test Children’s Version) NEPSY–II (NEPSY-Second Edition) - Selected tests to complement your Q-interactive battery ■ ■ CVLT–II (The California Verbal Learning Test Second Edition) New! GFTA-3 and KLPA-3 (Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation-3 and Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis-3) ■ CMS (Children’s Memory Scale) - Selected tests to complement your Q-interactive battery ■ PPVT-4 (Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Fourth Edition) UK Q-interactive saves time and therefore cost. Pearson considers that testing time can be reduced by up to 30% (Pearson 2013). My average testing time has certainly been greatly reduced. Clearly this is a benefit for both test user and test taker. Safeguarding client confidentiality, securely backing up your data, and ensuring compliance with the Data Protection Act (DPA) are our highest priorities. Q-interactive® upholds the highest industry best practices for data security and encryption. Emma Turner CPsychol, HCPC Registered Occupational Psychologist Download our white paper on data security at www.HelloQ.co.uk/home FIND OUT MORE Visit www.HelloQ.co.uk/digital to watch a video of how Q-interactive works and register for a free webinar. E-mail our Digital Consultant (see page 1) to discuss your digital needs. Another massive benefit is especially salient if you travel around for testing (and in particular if you use multiple assessments with a single individual). The 2 iPads represent a huge saving on space & weight and are very transportable in comparison to a full WAIS kit. And you avoid all the rummaging and re-organising required between different stimulus booklets etc. on the WAIS and WISC. Ben Laskey, Consultant Clinical Psychologist [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 3 ■ Q-INTERACTIVE® DIGITAL ASSESSMENTS One System, Two Tablets, Tons of Power Let us count the ways Q-interactive will amaze. 1) It’s Holistic: Guides you through the entire assessment process, not just the test itself. 2) It’s Efficient: Consolidates all of your assessment tools. 3) It’s Customisable & Flexible: Select, tailor, and adjust batteries to fit your client’s specific needs, even on-the-fly. 4) It’s Portable: Put two lightweight tablets in your bag, and you’ve got just about everything you need. 5) It’s Familiar: Recognisable content and administration procedures, even in a cutting-edge digital package. MATERIALS AND PRICES Get the Q-interactive Package that’s Right for You, and Save With your Q-interactive Annual Licence, you will receive the following: As the test user – everything is there in front of you and is presented on your iPad screen. There is no need to flick through manuals for test instructions or scoring guidance, as it is all presented to you exactly when you need it. ■ Unlimited free usage for 30 days ■ Free access to new assessments for the first 30 days they are available on Q-interactive ■ Volume discounting on subtest administration ■ New system features like enhanced scoring, checklists etc. ■ Training, including webinars, videos and helpful tips Emma Turner CPsychol, HCPC Registered Occupational Psychologist ■ Unlimited access to technical support ■ Data storage within Pearson’s secure Q-interactive environment. Plus new University licence now available. Universities play an important role in ensuring future clinicians have the knowledge and experience required to be successful in their field. As you introduce students to new ideas and approaches, you may be interested in including Q-interactive in your course or program. Based on your unique needs, we have created a specific licence for university departments. The University Licence includes unlimited administrations of all appropriate Q-interactive content for the tutor and students. Terms and conditions apply, see website for details. Contact us for a customised quote and a free 30-day trial at www.HelloQ.co.uk/home 4 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK ■ Q-GLOBAL™ DIGITAL ASSESSMENTS Q-global™, Pearson’s web-based administration, scoring and report system brings you all of the trusted assessments you have come to love on Q-Local with the many benefits that come with a web-based delivery system. OVERVIEW: New web-based platform for test administration, scoring and reporting. It has been developed for psychologists, health professionals and educators who want the ease, reliability, and security of a cost-effective, common web-based platform for their administration, scoring and reporting needs. KEY FEATURES: KEY AREAS IN Q-GLOBAL ■ Access Q-global from any computer, tablet or mobile device with a modern internet browser ■ No need to worry about Java, Adobe Flash or other software requirements ■ Depending on the assessment, you can administer on your local computer or tablet ■ Deliver a link via email for a remote on-screen administration and have it returned to you ■ Record scores and access or generate reports from any computer (PC or MAC), tablet or mobile phone (iOS or Android) In addition, you also have the option of importing examinee demographics into the system or exporting examinee demographics, items/raw scores, and derived scores on assessments that have been previously reported on. ■ Benefit from online ordering through Pearson’s current e-Commerce site The Group Tab ■ On-demand, reliable scoring and expansive and comprehensive reporting solutions not available through hand scoring ■ Manage the group administration of many assessments Groups are designed to easily assign one or more assessments to a group of examinees. This offers users who administer assessments to larger populations an efficient means of managing assessments, scores, and reports. ■ Access to new and updated assessments as they are released and so much more. The Report Tab The Examineees Tab The first page displayed when you log in to the system is the Examinee List. From here you can view and manage Examinee records as well as assign an assessment and add or delete an examinee. From the Report tab you can search for a specific assessment record or records. If you do not want to narrow down the results, you can leave the field blank. Any field that does not contain a value will be ignored by the system when the search is executed. The results are returned in a table in the bottom portion of the page. ACCOUNT SET UP Creating your Q-global account is simple and easy to do. Simply visit pearsonclinical.co.uk/qglobalaccount and complete the online form. Our Customer Services Team will then contact you with your account details. Tutorial guides on how to use Q-global are available on the Q-global page to help you with set-up and administration. [email protected] Overall, the Q-global platform is easy to use with MCMI-III. In my opinion the MCMI-III profile generator is the best feature and is extremely useful for my clinical practice as it saves time and helps to reduce human error in scoring. Dr Ruth Tully, Assistant Professor in Forensic Psychology, University of Nottingham and Consultant Forensic Psychologist ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 5 ■ Q-GLOBAL™ DIGITAL ASSESSMENTS Content Availability Sensory, Motor and Visual Perceptional Below is a list of just some of our most popular assessments on Q-global. You can find a full list of assessments at www.pearsonclinical.co.uk/qglobal ■ Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, Second Edition (BOT™-2) ■ Bruininks Motor Ability Test (BMAT) ■ Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile ■ Sensory Profile 2 (SP2) General Ability ■ WPPSI-IV UK Score Reporting Health and Wellbeing Attention and Executive Function ■ ■ Beck range of assessments including BDI-II, BSS, BAI and BHS ■ Millon Family of assessments – MCMI-IV™, MACI™, M-PACI™, MCCI™, MBMD™ and MIPS® - Revised ■ Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Family – MMPI®-2, MMPI-2-RF® and MMPI®-A ■ Symptom Checklist 90 – Revised (SCL-90-R) ■ Validity Indicator Profile (VIP) ■ Pain Patient Profile 3 (P-3) ■ Brief Battery for Health Improvement 2 (BBHI™2 and BHI™2) ■ Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) and BSI 18 ■ Parenting Relationship Questionnaire (PRQ) Delis Rating of Executive Functions (D-REF) Education ■ Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests, Third Edition (WRMT™-III) ■ Behavior Assessment System for Children – Third Edition (BASC-3) ■ Gifted Rating Scales (GRS) MATERIALS AND PRICES Prices are charged per report usage. Report prices can be found on the individual product pages or by visiting pearsonclinical.co.uk/qglobal 6 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK ■ CHILD - GENERAL DEVELOPMENT, ABILITY AND ACHIEVEMENT CHILD - General Development, Ability and Achievement AVAILABLE ON Q-INTERACTIVE® Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement – Third Edition (KTEATM-3) [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 7 ■ BAYLEY SCALES OF INFANT AND TODDLER DEVELOPMENT – THIRD EDITION (BAYLEY-III) CHILD - GENERAL DEVELOPMENT UK VALIDATED Nancy Bayley, 2005 OVERVIEW: Examine all the facets of a young child’s development. AGE RANGE: 1 month to 42 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 30 to 90 minutes TRAINING Visit pearsonclinical.co.uk/bayley for details of forthcoming training sessions. Bayley-III is invaluable… no developmental clinic or expert should be without it. Betty Hutchon, Head Paediatric Occupational Therapist Royal Free Hospital. WARNING: NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN UNDER 36 MONTHS DUE TO SMALL PARTS. CHOKING HAZARD. The Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development (Bayley-III) are recognised internationally as one of the most comprehensive tools to assess children from as young as one month old. With Bayley-III it is possible to obtain detailed information on their functioning from both verbal and non-verbal children. Children are assessed in the five key developmental domains of cognition, language, social-emotional, motor and adaptive behaviour. Bayley-III identifies infant and toddler strengths and competencies, as well as their weaknesses. It also provides a valid and reliable measure of a child’s abilities, in addition to giving comparison data for children with high-incidence clinical diagnoses. Growth scores can be used to chart intervention progress, and it’s useful in programme evaluation, ongoing monitoring of progress and outcome measurement. Bayley-III UK Validation The Bayley-III UK and Ireland Supplement reports the results of the UK and Ireland validation study, general considerations for use of the Bayley-III in the UK and Ireland, and 8 case studies. A broadly representative sample of 221 children aged around 12 and 24 months in the UK and Ireland was included, taking into account geographic region, gender, age, ethnicity and parental education. The case studies present developmental history, assessment information, and interpretation of scores for eight children with one of the following conditions: birth asphyxia, prenatal exposure to substance abuse, seizures, speech and language difficulties, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome or Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD). MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes administration manual, technical manual, 25 cognitive, language and motor record forms, stimulus book, picture book, 3 manipulative sets, 25 social-emotional and adaptive behaviour questionnaires, 25 caregiver report forms and administration DVD in a rolling case 978 0 158027 24 1 £1,216.00 exc VAT Cognitive, language and motor record forms, pack of 25 978 0 158027 30 2 £125.50 exc VAT Social-emotional and adaptive behaviour questionnaires, pack of 25 978 0 158027 56 2 £98.00 exc VAT Caregiver report forms, pack of 25 978 0 158027 57 9 £70.50 exc VAT BAYLEY-III SCREENING TEST Nancy Bayley, 2005 OVERVIEW: Screen for cognitive, language and motor development delays. AGE RANGE: 1 month to 42 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 15 to 25 minutes With the Bayley-III Screening Test, professionals can quickly determine if a child is developing at the right pace or is in need of more comprehensive assessment. Key features and applications include: ■ Testing of cognitive, language and motor domains ■ Can be quickly administered in 15 to 25 minutes ■ Includes selected items from the full Bayley-III battery ■ Child-friendly, playful activities encourage participation ■ Cut scores according to age ■ Ideal for use in early intervention centres, Sure Start programmes, paediatric offices and day care centres ■ Screening of infants and toddlers at risk of developmental delays. WARNING: NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN UNDER 36 MONTHS DUE TO SMALL PARTS. CHOKING HAZARD. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual (technical & administration), stimulus book, 25 record forms and manipulative set 978 0 158027 25 8 Screener record forms, pack of 25 978 0 158027 38 8 8 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK £269.00 exc VAT £46.50 exc VAT ■ NEPSY – SECOND EDITION (NEPSY-II) Selected tests from NEPSY-II are now available digitally on Q-interactive®. An innovative, intuitive, and portable digital assessment system, Q-interactive makes it easy for clinicians to automatically manage the administration of tests - from digital stimuli - to response recording through stylus notes and audio, all the while enabling real-time scoring and increased accuracy. OVERVIEW: Assess neuropsychological development in children. Visit www.HelloQ.co.uk/nepsy2 to start your free trial. QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) Now available digitally on Q-interactive® AGE RANGE: 3 years to 4 years; 5 years to 16 years 11 months The NEPSY–II is the only single measure that allows the clinician to create a tailored assessment across six domains, specific to a child’s situation in order to answer referral questions or diagnostic concerns. The results provide information relating to typical childhood disorders, which can lead to accurate diagnosis and intervention planning for success in school and at home. The six domains are: ■ Social Perception, Executive Functioning/Attention, Language, Memory and Learning, Sensorimotor Functioning and Visuospatial Processing. Replacement of domain scores with more clinically useful subtest scores. ■ Improved psychometric properties (ceilings and floors, reliability, validity) and clinical sensitivity. With the integrated NEPSY-II you can: ■ Enhanced process scores within subtests. ■ Assess executive functioning ■ Vary the number and variety of subtests according to the needs of the child ■ Link results to education difficulties ■ Facilitate recommendations for mental health interventions ■ Obtain a comprehensive view of quantitative and qualitative patterns of neuropsychological performance. This scoring software can be used both before and after test administration. Based on the specific child and the referral/ clinical questions, the software can suggest specific subtests for administration to enhance the clinical utility and minimise testing time. Age range extended up to 16 years – record form formats for different age ranges. ■ Shortened administration time. ■ Recommended diagnostic grouping of subtests for use with clinical populations. ADMINISTRATION: Core Assessment: 45 minutes for preschool ages, 1 hour for school ages; Comprehensive Assessment: 90 minutes for preschool ages, 2 to 3 hours for school ages FIND OUT MORE NEPSY-II Scoring Assistant and Administration Planner Features of NEPSY-II ■ CHILD - GENERAL DEVELOPMENT AVAILABLE ON Q-INTERACTIVE® Marit Korkman, Ursula Kirk and Sally Kemp, 2007 Find out more about digital delivery on the new Q-interactive platform www.HelloQ.co.uk/home Book an appointment with our Digital Consultant, see page one. The NEPSY-II is an easily accessible, attractive test; I was able to gather specific information about aspects of neuropsychological function in a brief amount of time and the results proved to be useful in formulating a profile of cognitive strengths and difficulties and in developing specific recommendations. Dr Kathryn Bond, Principal Clinical Psychologist, Great Ormond Street Hospital. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes pack of 25 record forms (3-4 years), pack of 25 record forms (5-16 years), pack of 25 response booklets (3-4 years), pack of 25 response booklets (5-16 years), stimulus book 1, stimulus book 2, clinical and interpretive manual, administration manual, training CD with WAV files. 978 0 158234 27 4 £880.50 exc VAT Complete kit with scoring assistant 978 0 158234 33 5 £1,091.50 exc VAT Record forms (3-4 years), pack of 25 978 0 158234 28 1 £60.00 exc VAT Record forms (5-16 years), pack of 25 978 0 158234 29 8 £65.50 exc VAT Response booklets (3-4 years), pack of 25 978 0 158234 30 4 £60.00 exc VAT Response booklets (5-16 years), pack of 25 978 0 158234 31 1 £65.50 exc VAT NEPSY-II on Q-interactive The price of an annual licence comprises two components - access to Q-interactive and subtest usage. Contact us for a customised quote, or see pages 2 to 4. DOWNLOAD Visit pearsonclinical.co.uk/NEPSY-II to download a presentation on NEPSY-II, sample and technical reports, case studies and more. * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 9 ■ KAUFMAN ASSESSMENT BATTERY FOR CHILDREN, SECOND EDITION (KABC-II) CHILD - GENERAL ABILITY Alan S Kaufman and Nadeen L Kaufman, 2004 OVERVIEW: Measure cognitive ability and processing skills. AGE RANGE: 3 years to 18 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Core Assessment: Individual, Core battery, Luria model: 25 to 55 minutes; Core battery, CHC model: 35 to 70 minutes RELATED PRODUCT: NEW Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement - Third Edition (KTEA-3) – see page 19. Q-global - see page 5. FIND OUT MORE Find out more about Q-global, our new web-based platform for test administration, scoring and reporting on page 5. NOW AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Second Edition (KABC-II) provides an extensively updated version of one of the most well-respected tests of cognitive ability available. A test of exceptional cultural fairness, KABC-II subtests are designed to minimise verbal instructions and responses. This gives you in-depth data with less “filtering” due to language. Additionally, test items contain little cultural content, so children of diverse backgrounds are assessed more fairly. You can be confident you’re getting a true picture of a child’s abilities – even when language difficulties or cultural differences might affect test scores. Dual theoretical model gives you options With the KABC-II, you can choose the Cattell-HornCarroll model for children from a mainstream cultural and language background. Or if Crystallised Ability would not be a fair indicator of the child’s cognitive ability, you may choose the Luria model which excludes verbal ability. Administer the same subtests on four or five ability scales. Then, interpret the results based on your chosen model. Either approach gives you a global score that is highly valid and that shows small differences between ethnic groups in comparison with other comprehensive ability batteries. In addition, a non-verbal option allows you to assess a child whose verbal skills are significantly limited. Co-normed with the KTEA-II, the KABC-II approach provides insights into how a child receives and processes information, helping you pinpoint cognitive strengths and weaknesses. Scoring and Reporting KABC-ll is now available on Q-global, Pearson’s new online scoring and reporting platform. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, 4 stimulus books, 25 record forms and set of manipulables in a bag Record forms, pack of 25 Q-global KABC-ll Score Report, 1 year subscription 978 0 749153 14 4 978 0 749153 11 3 978 0 749168 93 3 £746.50 exc VAT £69.00 exc VAT £32.00 exc VAT * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. WARNING: NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN UNDER 36 MONTHS DUE TO SMALL PARTS. CHOKING HAZARD. 10 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK ■ KAUFMAN BRIEF INTELLIGENCE TEST, SECOND EDITION (KBIT-2) Alan S Kaufman and Nadeen L Kaufman, 2004 With KBIT-2, you can: KBIT-2 measures two distinct cognitive abilities through two scales – Crystallised and Fluid. ■ Obtain a quick estimate of intelligence ■ Estimate an individual’s verbal versus non-verbal intelligence ■ Crystallised (Verbal) Scale contains two item types: Verbal Knowledge and Riddles ■ Re-evaluate the intellectual status of a child or adult who previously received thorough cognitive assessment ■ Fluid (Non-verbal) Scale is a Matrices subtest. ■ ■ Identify high-risk children through large-scale screening who require a more comprehensive evaluation Obtain a quick estimate of the intellectual ability of adults in institutional settings, such as prisons, group homes, rehabilitation clinics or mental health centres. CHILD - GENERAL ABILITY SUITABLE FOR PROVIDING BACKGROUND INFORMATION FOR ACCESS ARRANGEMENT APPLICATIONS Like the original, KBIT-2 continues to provide: ■ High reliability and validity ■ Attractive, easy to use materials ■ Scores provided on a familiar scale where mean = 100 and standard deviation = 15. OVERVIEW: Measure of verbal and non-verbal cognitive ability. AGE RANGE: 4 years to 90 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 20 minutes MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, stimulus book, 25 record forms in a bag Record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749153 19 9 978 0 749153 20 5 £268.00 exc VAT £56.50 exc VAT FIND OUT MORE: For more information on KBIT-2 see page 88. WIDE RANGE INTELLIGENCE TEST (WRIT) Joseph Glutting, Wayne Adams and David Sheslow, 2000 SUITABLE FOR ACCESS ARRANGEMENT AND DSA APPLICATIONS ■ The WRIT provides a general measure of intelligence with user-friendly materials that make it easy to learn to administer. A highly reliable assessment of cognitive abilities, this measure can be used with individuals aged 4 years to 85 years. Taking less than 30 minutes to administer, the WRIT assesses both verbal and nonverbal abilities, yielding a Verbal IQ and a Visual IQ, which generate a combined General IQ. ■ Quick to administer – brief administration time averages less than 30 minutes. Covers an extended age range - one set of materials is needed to assess preschool children as young as 4 years to adults age 85 years. ■ Documents ability levels - provides an estimate of cognitive ability for educational, psychological or vocational rehabilitation evaluations. ■ Identify exceptionalities - help to identify learning disabilities, giftedness, and neuropsychological impairments. ■ Colourful, attractive, and engaging - subtests encourage participation by individuals of all ages. Test structure OVERVIEW: Provide a general measure of intelligence. AGE RANGE: 4 years to 85 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 20 to 30 minutes. Four subtests address specific abilities: ■ Verbal scale (crystallised): Vocabulary and Verbal Analogies subtests ■ Visual scale (fluid): Matrices and Diamonds subtests. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, 25 examiner forms, stimulus easel, diamond chips and black canvas bag. Examiner forms, pack of 25 Manual NEW TO PEARSON 978 0 749117 79 5 978 0 749117 94 8 978 0 749117 89 4 [email protected] £235.00 exc VAT £48.00 exc VAT £55.00 exc VAT FIND OUT MORE Download our free Assessment Assistant app which includes a stopwatch to help with test administration pearsonclinical. co.uk/assessmentapp ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 11 ■ WECHSLER PRESCHOOL AND PRIMARY SCALE OF INTELLIGENCE FOURTH UK EDITION (WPPSI-IVUK) CHILD - GENERAL ABILITY NOW AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL David Wechsler, 2013 OVERVIEW: An innovative, reliable and valid measure of cognitive development for young children. AGE RANGE: 2 years 6 months to 7 years 7 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, Ages 2 years 6 months to 3 years 11 months: 30 to 45 minutes, ages 4 years to 7 years 7 months: 45 to 60 minutes UK NORMS The WPPSI-IVUK is an innovative measure of cognitive development for preschool and young children that is rooted in contemporary theory and research. This new edition places a strong emphasis on child-friendly, developmentally appropriate features, with extensive enhancements that are targeted to benefit both children and examiners. Improved Developmental Appropriateness: ■ Simplified and shortened directions ■ Demonstration, sample and teaching items used wherever possible to ensure clarity of task demands. New Working Memory Subtests: ■ Picture Memory and Zoo Locations are two new working memory subtests for children as young as 2 years 6 months. Expanded and Updated Factor Structure: For both age bands the test structure includes three levels of interpretation: Full scale, Primary Index scale and Ancillary Index scale levels. More User-Friendly: ■ Testing time is maintained or reduced while construct coverage is increased ■ Examiner instructions are clear and concise. SCORING OPTIONS: Q-global or Hand-scored New Processing Speed Subtests: UK Standardisation: Three new game-like subtests use an ink dabber to indicate responses, which minimises fine motor demands. FIND OUT MORE ■ Watch an introductory video to the new WPPSI-IVUK at pearsonclinical.co.uk/wppsi4 Bug Search and Animal Coding are adaptations of WPPSI–IIIUK Symbol Search and Coding ■ Cancellation is a more developmentally appropriate adaptation of the WISC–IVUK version. The UK standardisation project has been carried out on 448 individuals between the ages of 2 years 6 months and 7 years 7 months. The census has been matched on age, gender, SES and ethnicity appropriateness. Improved Clinical Utility: FIND OUT MORE Find out more about Q-global, our new web-based platform for test administration, scoring and reporting on page 5. ■ Age range extended upwards to 7 years 7 months ■ Scoring approach expanded to include strengths and weaknesses analysis at the index level ■ Reduced expressive language requirements ■ Updated and new special group studies ■ Updated validity studies with other measures. Q-Global Scoring and Reporting. With online scoring and reporting available via Q-global™, you can save time and generate accurate WPPSI–IVUK results. Q-global is accessible from any computer connected to the Internet. Two types of reports are available: the WPPSI–IV Score Reports and the WPPSI-IV Interpretive Report. The Interpretive Report includes full scoring information with narrative interpretation of scores. See page 5 for more details. MATERIALS AND PRICES [A] worthy successor to the previous version with an interesting and engaging range of activities which will provide a wealth of data to assist the professional…. [Bug search] was hugely popular as the children use a bingo-style “dabber”... With a strict time limit children particularly enjoyed this challenge. Complete kit: includes response booklets 1 (pack of 25), response booklets 2 (pack of 25), response booklets 3 (pack of 25), record forms age 2-3 (pack of 25), record forms age 4-7 (pack of 25), scoring key animal coding, scoring key bug search, stimulus book 1, stimulus book 2, stimulus book 3, zoo location card set, zoo location layout set, block design set, cancellation scoring template, object assembly, administration manual, technical manual, ink dabber 978 0 749166 82 3 £1,077.00 exc VAT Record forms (Ages 2-3), pack of 25 978 0 749166 70 0 £67.00 exc VAT Record forms (Ages 4-7), pack of 25 978 0 749166 71 7 £89.00 exc VAT Response booklets 1 (bug search), pack of 25 978 0 749166 67 0 £27.00 exc VAT Response booklets 2 (cancellation), pack of 25 978 0 749166 68 7 £16.50 exc VAT Response booklets 3 (animal coding), pack of 25 978 0 749166 69 4 £27.00 exc VAT Q-global WPPSI-IV score report annual subscription (unlimited usage) 978 0 749168 32 2 £32.00 exc VAT Q-global WPPSI-IV interpretive and score report annual subscription (unlimited usage) 978 0 749166 72 4 £48.00 exc VAT * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. Richard Pierson, AfBPsS, C. Psychol 12 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK CHILD - GENERAL ABILITY UK NORMS David Wechsler, 2004 AVAILABLE ON Q-INTERACTIVE® ■ WECHSLER INTELLIGENCE SCALE FOR CHILDREN® – FOURTH UK EDITION (WISC-IVUK) BESTSELLER OVERVIEW: Measure a child’s intellectual ability. Now available digitally on Q-interactive® AGE RANGE: 6 years to 16 years 11 months The WISC-IVUK is now available digitally on Q-interactive®. An innovative, intuitive, and portable digital assessment system, Q-interactive makes it easy for clinicians to automatically manage the administration of tests - from digital stimuli - to response recording through stylus notes and audio, all the while enabling real-time scoring and increased accuracy. Visit www.HelloQ.co.uk/wisc4 to start your free trial. The WISC-IVUK builds on contemporary approaches in cognitive psychology and intellectual assessment, giving you a powerful and efficient tool to help develop and support your clinical judgements. Benefits of WISC–IV : UK Scoring QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, Varies by number of subtests administered FIND OUT MORE Four Composite Scores In order to make interpretation more clinically meaningful, the dual IQ and Index structure from WISC–IIIUK has been replaced with a single system of four composite scores (consistent with the Four Index Scores in WISC–IIIUK) and the Full Scale IQ. This new system helps you better understand a child’s needs in relation to contemporary theory and research in cognitive information processing. ■ Expanded and strengthened clinical utility to support your decision making ■ Developed the four Index Scores as the primary interpretive structure ■ Improved the assessment of fluid reasoning, working memory, and processing speed ■ Improved subtest reliabilities, floors and ceilings from WISC–IIIUK ■ Co-normed with the WIAT–IIUK New digital assessment system ■ Updated, colourful, child-friendly artwork ■ Instructions to both the examiner and the child are improved to make the WISC–IVUK even more user friendly. Q-interactive™ offers clinicians a variety of benefits, from saving them time, to freeing them up to focus on the intricacies and nuances of clients’ needs. The WISC-IVUK is available in the Q-interactive library, this gives you the flexibility to select subtests from the WISC-IVUK, along with other assessments to create tailored batteries that fit the specific needs of your clients. Learn more about Q-interactive at www.HelloQ.co.uk/wisc4 Scores: Scaled Scores by age, Index Scores and Full-Scale IQ. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes administration & technical manual, stimulus book, 25 record forms, 25 response booklets 1 & 25 response booklets 2, block design blocks, symbol search & coding scoring key and cancellation scoring templates in trolley backpack. 978 0 749169 08 4 £1,090.50 exc VAT Record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749128 80 7 £90.50 exc VAT Response booklet 1, pack of 25 978 0 749128 76 0 £60.00 exc VAT Response booklet 2, pack of 25 978 0 749128 81 4 £60.00 exc VAT WISC-IV – WIAT-IIUK Writer: Includes user’s guide and software (CD-ROM) 978 0 749128 72 2 £573.00 exc VAT WISC-IVUK on Q-interactive The price of an annual licence comprises two components - access to Q-interactive and subtest usage. Contact us for a customised quote, or see pages 2 to 4. Find out more about digital delivery on the new Q-interactive platform www.HelloQ.co.uk/home Book an appointment with our Digital Consultant, see page one. SUITABLE FOR ACCESS ARRANGEMENT AND DSA APPLICATIONS DOWNLOAD Download sample reports at pearsonclinical.co.uk/wechsler * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 13 ■ WECHSLER ABBREVIATED SCALE OF INTELLIGENCE® – SECOND EDITION (WASI-II®) CHILD - GENERAL ABILITY David Wechsler, 2011 OVERVIEW: Obtain a reliable brief measure of intelligence. AGE RANGE: 6 years to 90 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, Four Subtest Form: 30 minutes Two Subtest Form: 15 minutes FIND OUT MORE Read of review of the WASI-II by Dr Ruth Tully, Forensic Psychologist, recipient of the DFP 2013 Junior Award in Forensic Psychology. pearsonclinical.co.uk/WASI2 RELATED PRODUCT Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children® – Fourth UK Edition (WISC-IVUK) – see page 13. Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – Fourth UK Edition (WAIS-IVUK) – see page 86. SUITABLE FOR DSA APPLICATIONS The WASI–II, a revision of the WASI, provides a brief, reliable measure of cognitive ability for use in clinical, educational and research settings. This revision maintains the format and structure of the WASI while offering new content and improvements to provide greater clinical utility and efficiency. Psychologists and researchers can use this quick and reliable measure when screening for learning difficulties or intellectual giftedness, or for other purposes: ■ Screen to determine if in-depth intellectual assessment is needed ■ Reassess after a comprehensive evaluation ■ Estimate Full Scale IQ (FSIQ) scores in busy practice settings ■ Assess cognitive functioning of individuals referred for psychiatric evaluations ■ Provide FSIQ scores for vocational, rehabilitation, or research purposes. Updated Subtests ■ ■ The WASI-II subtests have been updated to provide a variety of improvements including shortened and streamlined instructions, better floors and ceilings, as well as item content that more closely mirrors that of the WISC–IV and the WAIS–IV. Flexible Administration Options The WASI–II provides flexible administration options. The four-subtest form can be administered in just 30 minutes and the two-subtest form can be given in about 15 minutes. Four-Subtest Form – Vocabulary, Similarities, Block Design, Matrix Reasoning provides: ■ FSIQ–4 score: Estimate of general cognitive ability ■ VCI score: Measure of crystallised abilities ■ PRI score: Measure of nonverbal fluid abilities and visuomotor/co-ordination skills Two-Subtest Form – Vocabulary and Matrix Reasoning provides: ■ FSIQ–2 score: Estimate of general cognitive ability. Strengthened Connections with the WISC–IV and WAIS–IV The strengthened connections between the WASI–II and the comprehensive Wechsler intelligence scales result in a stronger empirical foundation for using the instruments together, and offer practical benefits that help you save time. The WASI–II subtests and items have been revised to more closely parallel their counterparts in the WISC–IV and WAIS–IV. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, stimulus booklet, 25 record forms and set of 9 blocks in canvas Record forms, pack of 25 Manual Stimulus book 978 0 158981 56 7 978 0 158981 59 8 978 0 158981 57 4 978 0 158981 58 1 £323.50 exc VAT £68.00 exc VAT £168.00 exc VAT £168.00 exc VAT * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. One of the most noticeable benefits of the WASI-II is the level of research that has gone into the development and assessment of the tool. Equivalency between the WASI-II and WAIS-IV/WISC-IV has been explored and the psychometric properties of the tool have been improved and updated. In line with the WAIS-IV there have also been improvements in the floors and ceilings of sub-tests. Ruth Tully, Forensic Psychologist 14 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK ■ WECHSLER NONVERBAL SCALE OF ABILITY (WNV™) CHILD - GENERAL ABILITY David Wechsler and Jack A Naglieri, 2006 The WNVTM is ideal for psychologists who need a non-verbal measure of ability for individuals for whom English is not their first language, or have other language considerations. ■ Innovative pictorial directions make administration easy and effective ■ Ideal for low incidence disorders ■ Offers flexibility with the choice of full battery or brief version. Flexibility with the choice of Full Battery or Brief Version: Both versions are available within each WNV kit. Different sets of subtests are administered according to the examinee’s age – each measures general ability in a different way. OVERVIEW: Assess multiple dimensions of cognitive ability through non verbal means. AGE RANGE: 4 years to 21 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) Full battery subtests include: ■ Matrices ■ Recognition ■ Object Assembly ■ Spatial Span ■ Coding ■ Picture Arrangement Brief version: ■ Two subtests ■ Yields a single ability score ADMINISTRATION: Individual, Two Subtest battery: 10 to 20 minutes; Four subtest battery: 30 to 45 minutes MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes administration and scoring manual, technical and interpretative manual, stimulus book, 25 record forms, 25 response booklets, spatial span board, object assembly puzzles, picture arrangement cards in a large bag 978 0 158338 49 1 £736.00 exc VAT Record forms, pack of 25 978 0 158338 53 8 £50.50 exc VAT * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. Calling all UK nurseries, schools and colleges! Can you help with our research? Research projects involving UK nurseries, schools and colleges are being carried out to develop assessments of children’s thinking abilities, language & mathematical skills. Receive a £100 voucher! The resulting assessments will enable professionals to use the tests to help diagnose if a child has particular difficulties in these areas. We need your help! We are looking for nurseries, schools and colleges across the UK to take part in our projects. Your involvement would be greatly appreciated. Receive a £100 voucher for your setting for participating! To take part: For more information, or if you are interested in taking part, please contact Christine Carvalho at [email protected] or visit www.pearsonclinical.co.uk/callingallschools. [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 15 ■ RAVEN’S - EDUCATIONAL CHILD - GENERAL ABILITY John C Raven et al, 2008 OVERVIEW: Measure non-verbal and verbal aspects of general ability. AGE RANGE: CPM / CVS: 4 years to 11 years, SPM+ / MHV: 7 years to 18 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL3 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual or Group, SPM+/ MHV: 60 to 90 minutes Individual, CPM/CVS: 30 minutes FIND OUT MORE Visit www.pearsonclinical. co.uk/ravens to watch video demonstrations, read a case study and explore our FAQs. SUITABLE FOR PROVIDING ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE FOR ACCESS ARRANGEMENT APPLICATIONS UK NORMS Raven’s Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary Scales enjoys a long and famous history in the assessment of general cognitive abilities in children. The Progressive Matrices usefully provide an assessment of non-verbal ability, an important feature for our ethnically diverse population, and the Vocabulary Scales provide scores in the verbal domain. The re-standardisation means that you can confidently use the Raven’s to assess non-verbal and verbal aspect of general ability for children in the UK. This important instrument was re-standardised for the UK population. In this standardisation study 640 children aged between 4 and 11 years were administered the Coloured Progressive Matrices (CPM) and the Crichton Vocabulary Scale (CVS) and 960 children aged between 7 years and 18 years received the Standard Progressive Matrices – Plus version (SPM-Plus) and Mill Hill Vocabulary Scale (MHV). The data was collected in groups for the SPM+ and MHV and comparison studies against individual administration were completed. Equating studies on other forms of the Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary Scales (e.g. SPM-Classic, CPMparallel) were also carried out. The following kits are available for children: This standardisation represents the most significant development for the children’s version of the Raven’s Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary Scales since the 1979 and 1982 standardisations with children aged from 5 years to 16 years. Along with this standardisation, Raven’s – Educational has been extensively redesigned, simplified and updated. This makes the test more attractive and easier to use. ■ Raven’s – Educational CPM/CVS complete kit Individually administered test for children aged four to 11 years. ■ Raven’s – Educational SPM+/MHV complete kit Individually and Group administered test for children and adolescents aged seven to 18 years. NB: There is an overlap in the normative data for the CPM/CVS kit and SPM+/MHV kit for children aged between 7 years to 11 years. It is advised that the examiner uses their professional judgement as to which would be the most appropriate test for their use when they are seeing children within this age range. CPM/CVS is an individually administered test and has easier items than SPM+/MHV. The SPM+/MHV can be administered individually and in groups. MATERIALS AND PRICES CPM/CVS complete kit: Includes CPM/CVS manual, CPM stimulus booklet, 25 CPM record forms, 25 CVS record forms, CVS word card and CPM scoring acetate in a bag 978 0 749142 07 0 SPM+/MHV complete kit: Includes SPM+/MHV manual, SPM+ stimulus booklet, 25 SPM+ record forms, 25 MHV Form 1 record forms and SPM scoring acetate in a bag 978 0 749142 19 3 CPM record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749142 06 3 CVS record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749142 03 2 SPM+ record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749142 18 6 MHV (Form 1) record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749142 10 0 MHV (Form 2) record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749142 11 7 £294.00 exc VAT £294.00 exc VAT £30.00 exc VAT £30.00 exc VAT £30.00 exc VAT £30.00 exc VAT £30.00 exc VAT NAGLIERI NONVERBAL ABILITY TEST® – INDIVIDUAL ADMINISTRATION (NNAT® – INDIVIDUAL ADMINISTRATION) SUITABLE FOR ACCESS ARRANGEMENT APPLICATIONS Jack A Naglieri, 2003 OVERVIEW: Individually assess general non-verbal ability in children. AGE RANGE: 5 years to 17 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 30 to 45 minutes 16 Ideal for use with children who do not speak English as their first language, NNAT® – Individual Administration is language free and culture fair. No reading, writing or speaking is required of students; they merely point to the answers they feel are correct. The test uses progressive matrices, which are unbiased for minority students, hearing-impaired students and children with impaired colour vision. NNAT® – Individual Administration allows for a fair evaluation of students’ non-verbal reasoning and general problem-solving ability. NNAT® – Individual Administration includes four item types: Pattern Completion; Serial Reasoning; Reasoning by Analogy and Spatial Visualisation. Norms: Nonverbal Ability Indexes and Percentile Ranks. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, stimulus booklet, 50 record forms A and 50 record forms B 978 0 158706 00 9 Record form A, pack of 25 978 0 158706 02 3 Record form B, pack of 25 978 0 158706 03 0 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK £336.50 exc VAT £83.50 exc VAT £83.50 exc VAT SUITABLE FOR ACCESS ARRANGEMENT AND DSA APPLICATIONS WIAT-IIUK is a rich, reliable source of information about an individual’s achievement skills and it allows you to assess problem-solving abilities by evaluating the process as well as the product. The WIAT-IIUK is unique in that it is directly linked to the WISC-IVUK and so provides excellent comparisons of achievement and ability. Word reading ■ Reading comprehension ■ Pseudoword decoding. BESTSELLER OVERVIEW: Assess language, numerical and reading abilities. AGE RANGE: 4 years to 16 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) There are 3 measures of reading: ■ CHILD - ACHIEVEMENT UK NORMS David Wechsler, 2005 ■ WECHSLER INDIVIDUAL ACHIEVEMENT TEST – SECOND UK EDITION (WIAT-IIUK) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 45 to 90 minutes depending on the age of the examinee There are 2 measures of numerical attainment: ■ Numerical operations ■ Mathematical reasoning. ALSO AVAILABLE There are 2 measures of written language attainment: ■ Spelling ■ Written expression. There are 2 measures of oral language attainment: ■ Listening comprehension ■ Oral expression. In order to better assess both low and high-functioning individuals, WIAT-IIUK includes more comprehensive items that provide a lower floor and a higher ceiling. With WIAT-IIUK, you can choose the subtests you need to administer, engage examinees with interesting tasks that are instructionally relevant, and develop plans with detailed skills analysis information. WIAT-II for Teachers – see page 18 FIND OUT MORE Sample reports available at pearsonclinical.co.uk/wechsler WIAT-IIUK allows you to go beyond the correctness of a response and begin to examine how the individual solves problems and employs strategies and how this performance matches curricular expectations. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes examiner’s manual, UK scoring and normative supplement, stimulus book 1, stimulus book 2, pseudoword CD, 25 record forms, 25 response booklets, pseudoword card and word card in a bag 978 0 749128 01 2 Reading subtests record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749128 13 5 Language subtests record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749128 17 3 Numerical subtests record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749128 22 7 Combined record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749128 06 7 Response booklets, pack of 25 978 0 749128 11 1 Adult scoring and normative supplement (available separately, not part of complete kit) 978 0 749128 02 9 WISC-IV – WIAT-IIUK Writer: Includes user’s guide and software (CD ROM) 978 0 749128 72 2 £521.50 exc VAT £36.50 exc VAT £36.50 exc VAT £36.50 exc VAT £75.00 exc VAT £75.00 exc VAT £60.50 exc VAT £573.00 exc VAT * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 17 ■ WECHSLER INDIVIDUAL ACHIEVEMENT TEST – SECOND UK EDITION FOR TEACHERS (WIAT-IIUK-T) CHILD - ACHIEVEMENT SUITABLE FOR ACCESS ARRANGEMENT AND DSA APPLICATIONS David Wechsler, 2006 UK NORMS OVERVIEW: Assess single word reading, reading comprehension, reading speed and spelling in one assessment. AGE RANGE: 4 years to 85 years (17 years to 85 years are US Norms) QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 30 to 40 minutes FIND OUT MORE Read “WIAT-IIUK-T: a comprehensive assessment of literary skills” in Dyslexia Review, Vol 23, No 1, Spring 2012 online. The WIAT-IIUK-T is the most comprehensive UKnormed assessment package designed for access arrangements, statementing and general literacy levels. The WIAT-IIUK-T is the only test for specialist teachers currently offering subtests in the three key areas of reading: ■ Untimed Single Word Accuracy ■ Reading Comprehension ■ Reading Speed. Reading Rate – this is calculated from the Reading Comprehension subtest. The quartile scores identify the slow and accurate, slow and inaccurate, fast and accurate and fast and inaccurate reader. Single Word Spelling – includes letter-sound correspondence for vowels, consonants and consonant blends, regular and irregular words, contradictions and high-frequency homonyms. In addition to a full set of US norms for the adult population, WIAT-IIUK-T provides up-to-date UK norms for children and adolescents. It provides the following: Single Word Reading – includes letter identification, phonological awareness, letter-sound awareness, accuracy and automaticity of word recognition. Reading Comprehension – stories and sentences include literal, inferential and lexical comprehension, oral reading accuracy and fluency and word recognition in context. Reading Speed – for 6 to 16 years 11 months. Words per minute (WPM) can also be recorded for the full age range. Based on 800 children, across all geographic regions, the data accurately represents the current UK population aged 4 to 16 years 11 months according to the 2001 UK census data. They are stratified within each group according to the following variables: ■ Race/ethnicity ■ Education level of parents ■ Socio-economic status ■ Gender. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes examiner’s manual, stimulus book and a pack of 25 record forms in a bag Record forms, pack of 25 18 978 0 749128 04 3 978 0 749128 19 7 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK £308.00 exc VAT £56.50 exc VAT ■ KAUFMAN TEST OF EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT – THIRD EDITION (KTEATM-3) CHILD - ACHIEVEMENT AVAILABLE ON Q-INTERACTIVE® Alan S Kaufman and Nadeen L Kaufman, 2014 NEW OVERVIEW: An individually administered battery that provides indepth assessment of key academic skills. Now available digitally on Q-Interactive. The KTEATM-3 is now available digitally on Q-interactive®. An innovative, intuitive, and portable digital assessment system, Q-interactive makes it easy for clinicians to automatically manage the administration of tests - from digital stimuli - to response recording through stylus notes and audio, all the while enabling real-time scoring and increased accuracy. Visit www.HelloQ.co.uk/ktea3 to start your free trial. An individually administered measure of academic achievement, KTEA-3 is a comprehensive assessment that evaluates key reading, math, written language, and oral language skills. KTEA–3 has two independent, concurrently normed parallel forms (A and B) to help you accurately measure academic progress and minimise practice effects. ■ Intervention suggestions for parents and teachers ■ Easy to administer, score, and interpret ■ Behavioural checklist to look at how the child responds during testing ■ Alternate forms and Growth Scale Value (GSV) to easily measure progress. Features & Benefits Scoring and reporting is available on Q-global™ ■ Updated norms for ages 4:0 to 25:11 ■ Four new subtests ■ Revised subtests with new items and improved content coverage ■ ■ ■ ■ Q-global helps you quickly and efficiently organise information, generate scores, and produce accurate, comprehensive reports. Q-global reports will provide: ■ Updated artwork A summary of student performance by composite or subtest AGE RANGE: 4 years to 25 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual 15 to 85 minutes for ASB composite. SCORING OPTIONS: Q-interactive, Q-global or Hand scored Content & Administration Subtests ■ Phonological Processing (PP) ■ Math Concepts & Applications (MCA) ■ Letter & Word Recognition (LWR) Simplified administration procedures to enhance the usability of the test ■ Comparisons of skill areas or subtests ■ Achievement/ability comparisons Qualitative observations checklist for suggesting possible areas of processing weaknesses ■ Error analysis norms for all standard subtests ■ Best practice suggestions for designing IEP goals ■ Math Computation (MC) Lists of math problems or reading or spelling words similar to those that were difficult for the student. ■ Nonsense Word Decoding (NWD) ■ New! Writing Fluency (WF) ■ New! Silent Reading Fluency (SRF) ■ New! Math Fluency (MF) ■ Reading Comprehension (RC) ■ Written Expression (WE) ■ Associational Fluency (AF) ■ Spelling (SP) ■ Object Naming Facility (ONF) ■ New! Reading Vocabulary (RV) ■ Letter Naming Facility (LNF) ■ Listening Comprehension (LC) ■ Word Recognition Fluency (WRF) ■ Oral Expression (OE) ■ Decoding Fluency (DF) Lower age range to age 4 and preschool norms to identify issues earlier ■ MATERIALS AND PRICES Form A Kit: includes administration manual, scoring manual, 2 stimulus books, USB flash drive (contains technical manual, audio files, scoring keys, hand scoring forms, letter checklist, qualitative observations form, error analysis forms), 25 form A record forms, 25 form A response booklet, 3 form A written expression booklets (2 each), soft-sided carrying bag. 978 0 749168 54 4 £385.50 exc VAT Form B Kit: Includes administration manual, scoring manual, 2 stimulus books, USB flash drive (contains technical manual, audio files, scoring keys, hand scoring forms, letter checklist, qualitative observations form, error analysis forms), 25 form B record forms, 25 form B response booklet, 3 form B written expression booklets (2 each), soft-sided carrying bag. 978 0 749168 55 1 £385.50 exc VAT Comprehensive record form A, pack of 25 978 0 749168 50 6 £39.50 exc VAT Comprehensive response booklet form A, pack of 25 978 0 749168 52 0 £39.50 exc VAT KTEA-3 Q-global score and report (1 year subscription) 978 0 749168 63 6 £32.00 exc VAT Form B record forms and response booklets are also available, please see website for details. KTEA-3 on Q-interactive The price of an annual licence comprises two components - access to Q-interactive and subtest usage. Contact us for a customised quote, or see pages 2-4. [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 19 ■ KAUFMAN TEST OF EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT, THIRD EDITION BRIEF FORM (KTEA™-3 BRIEF) CHILD - ACHIEVEMENT NEW Alan S Kaufman and Nadeen L Kaufman, 2015 OVERVIEW: Individually administered battery that provides indepth assessment of key academic skills. AGE RANGE: 4 years to 25 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: 15 to 85 minutes for ASB Composite The KTEA-3 Brief is ideal as a stand-alone screener of basic academic skills. This easy-to-administer tool yields a truly valid and reliable assessment using six core subtests from the KTEA-3 Comprehensive Form B. From ages 4 years to 25 years, the KTEA-3 Brief offers two overall estimates of academic skills: a 3-subtest Brief Achievement composite (BA-3) and an Academic Skills Battery (ASB) composite. The ASB battery also yields core composites in Reading, Maths, and Written Language for evaluating academic strengths and weaknesses. For children aged 4 years to 6 years, the Brief offers a Reading composite and the ASB composite. Apply the KTEA-3 Brief results to the Comprehensive Form When KTEA-3 Brief results indicate that further evaluation is needed, you can incorporate the Brief standard scores when reporting results with the KTEA-3 Comprehensive Form A or Form B. No need to re-administer those subtests. Standard scores from the Brief may be used interchangeably with the subtest and composite standard scores from the Comprehensive Form. MATERIALS AND PRICES KTEA-3 Brief kit: Includes administration manual, stimulus book, USB Flash drive (contains technical manual, audio files), 25 record form, 25 response booklet, and form B written expression booklet (2 each of Levels 2-4) 978 0 749170 32 5 £239.00 exc VAT WIDE RANGE ACHIEVEMENT TEST, FOURTH EDITION (WRAT4) Gary J Robertson and Gary S Wilkinson, 2006 OVERVIEW: Measure the basic academic skills of word reading, sentence comprehension, spelling and maths computation. AGE RANGE: 5 years to 94 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual or Group, 15 to 35 minutes (depending on age) SUITABLE FOR ACCESS ARRANGEMENT AND DSA APPLICATIONS NEW TO PEARSON The WRAT4 accurately measures the basic academic skills of word reading, sentence comprehension, spelling, and maths computation. This quick, simple, psychometrically sound assessment of a student’s important fundamental academic skills serves as an excellent initial evaluation, re-evaluation, or progress measure for any student. Features and benefits ■ Evaluates reading comprehension with an added Sentence Comprehension subtest. ■ Age-based norms extend to age 94 years. ■ Parallel forms make retesting easy - the Blue and Green forms can be used interchangeably with comparable results. ■ Flexible - use with individuals, or use with small groups (selected math and spelling areas) to identify those who need a more comprehensive evaluation. Test structure The WRAT4 provides derived scores and interpretive information for four subtests: ■ Word Reading ■ Sentence Comprehension ■ Spelling Measures ■ Maths Computation A Reading Composite score is created by combining the Word Reading and Sentence Comprehension standard scores. MATERIALS AND PRICES: Complete kit: includes professional manual, 25 blue test forms, 25 green test forms, 25 blue response forms, 25 green response forms, 25 blue sentence comprehension test forms, 25 green sentence comprehension forms, 3 sentence comprehension cards, place marker, word reading card, spelling card, black canvas bag. 978 0 749170 25 7 £230.00 exc VAT Blue Sentence Comprehension Response Booklets, pack of 25 978 0 749127 81 7 £38.00 exc VAT Blue Test/Response Forms, pack of 25 978 0 749127 79 4 £38.00 exc VAT Green Test/Response Forms, pack of 25 978 0 749127 80 0 £38.00 exc VAT Green Sentence Comprehension Response Booklets, pack of 25 978 0 749127 82 4 £38.00 exc VAT 20 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK ■ CHILD - COGNITION CHILD - Cognition Test of Everyday Attention for Children, Second Edition (TEA-Ch2) [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 21 ■ AUTOMATED WORKING MEMORY ASSESSMENT (AWMA) CHILD - MEMORY Tracy Packiam Alloway, 2007 OVERVIEW: Effectively screen for working memory impairments. AGE RANGE: 4 years to 22 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL3 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual Screener: 5 to 7 minutes Short form: 10 to 15 minutes Long form: 45 minutes FIND OUT MORE View presentations, reports and FAQs at pearsonclinical.co.uk/awma SUITABLE FOR ACCESS ARRANGEMENT AND DSA APPLICATIONS UK NORMS The Automated Working Memory Assessment (AWMA) is a PC-based assessment of working memory skills, with a user friendly interface. This tool provides a practical and convenient way to screen for significant working memory problems from childhood through to early adulthood. This innovative tool requires minimal training as the administration and scoring is fully automated. The testing sequence is pre-set, test scores are calculated by the computer program and an interpretation of how their working memory scores will affect their learning is provided. Working memory abilities are closely associated with a wide range of measures of academic ability, including literacy and mathematics. The majority of those with recognised learning difficulties in these areas have working memory impairments. Poor working memory skills in the early years of education are also effective predictors of poor scholastic attainments over the subsequent school years. There are three levels of assessment within AWMA: 1. AWMA Screener This is made up of two tests and is suitable for screening individuals with suspected working memory difficulties. 2. AWMA: Short Form (AWMA-S) This consists of four tests and is recommended to screen individuals who are suspected to have memory difficulties, but the specific area of their difficulties is not known. 3. AWMA: Long Form (AWMA-L) This consists of all 12 tests and is recommended for confirmation of significant working memory problems. MATERIALS AND PRICES AWMA complete kit: includes manual, AWMA program, copy of Understanding Working Memory and scorebook 1 year licence renewal 978 0 749167 72 1 978 0 749141 60 8 WORKING MEMORY RATING SCALE (WMRS) UK NORMS Tracy Packiam Alloway, Susan Gathercole and Hannah Kirkwood, 2008 OVERVIEW: Checklist to identify children with poor working memory skills. AGE RANGE: 5 years to 11 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL3 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, Untimed 22 £214.00 exc VAT £195.00 exc VAT Teachers can rarely identify memory as a source of difficulty in children with working memory problems, despite their poor classroom functioning. Instead, children with memory problems are typically described as inattentive. The WMRS will increase the chances of the detection and subsequent effective support in school for children with deficits of working memory. The WMRS was developed on the basis of interviews with teachers and consists of 22 items. It provides a quick and efficient way for early identification of working memory problems that will impair learning. It has also been co-normed with the Automated Working Memory Assessment (AWMA) to provide a reliable tool for routine screening of memory difficulties. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual and 25 record forms Record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749151 00 3 978 0 749151 02 7 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK £50.00 exc VAT £31.00 exc VAT SUITABLE FOR ACCESS ARRANGEMENT AND DSA APPLICATIONS NEW TO PEARSON The WRAML2 is a standardised instrument that allows the user to evaluate an individual’s memory functioning. It provides evaluation of both immediate and delayed memory ability, as well as the acquisition of new learning. OVERVIEW: Evaluate an individual’s memory functioning. Features and benefits AGE RANGE: 5 years to 90 years ■ Updated for even more versatility and usability The WRAML2 includes standard scores, scaled scores, and percentiles. Age equivalents are provided for the child and pre-adolescent age groups. ■ Increased flexibility A Screening Battery, consisting of four subtests from the Core Battery, provides an overview of memory functioning. Several subtests supplement the Core Battery, allowing you to choose additional subtests and indexes to facilitate qualitative analyses. CHILD - MEMORY David Sheslow and Wayne Adams, 2003 ■ WIDE RANGE ASSESSMENT OF MEMORY AND LEARNING, SECOND EDITION (WRAML2) QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) Test structure ■ The WRAML2 Core Battery is composed of two Verbal, two Visual, and two Attention/ Concentration subtests, yielding a Verbal Memory Index, a Visual Memory Index, and an Attention/ Concentration Index, respectively. Together, these subtests yield a General Memory Index. ■ Added in this edition are the Working Memory Index, which comprises the Symbolic Working Memory and Verbal Working Memory subtests, and four recognition subtests: Design Recognition, Picture Recognition, Verbal Recognition, and Story Memory Recognition. ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 45 to 60; Screening section, 10 to 15 minutes MATERIALS AND PRICES: Complete kit: includes manual, sound symbol booklet, 25 examiner forms, 25 picture memory response forms, 25 picture memory recognition forms, 25 design memory response forms, 25 design memory recognition forms, 4 picture memory cards, 5 design memory cards, finger window card, 2 symbolic working memory card, 2 red grease pencil 978 0 749119 56 0 £530.00 exc VAT Examiner forms, pack of 25 978 0 749119 58 4 £75.00 exc VAT Picture memory response forms, pack of 25 978 0 749119 59 1 £55.00 exc VAT Design memory response forms, pack of 25 978 0 749119 62 1 £42.00 exc VAT Administration and scoring manual 978 0 749119 57 7 £100.00 exc VAT Other forms are also available, please see pearsonclinical.co.uk for details. TEST OF MEMORY AND LEARNING - SECOND EDITION (TOMAL-2) Cecil R Reynolds and Erin D Bigler, 2007 TOMAL-2 provides the most comprehensive coverage of memory assessment currently available in a standardised battery. This assessment permits a direct comparison across a variety of aspects of memory in a single battery. This allows the assessment of strengths and weaknesses, as well as potentially pathologic indicators of memory disturbances. This US nationally SUITABLE FOR ACCESS ARRANGEMENT AND DSA APPLICATIONS standardised test evaluates general specific memory functions using eight core subtests, six supplementary subtests and 2 delayed recall tasks. TOMAL-2 is useful for evaluating children or adults referred for learning disabilities, traumatic brain injury, neurological diseases, serious emotional disturbances and ADHD. AGE RANGE: 5 years to 59 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) MATERIALS AND PRICES: Complete kit: examiner’s manual, picture book A, picture book B (with easel), 25 profile/summary forms, 25 examiner record booklets, delayed recall cue cards, visual selective reminding test board and 15 chips in vinyl envelope, all in a sturdy storage box. 978 0 749137 55 7 £387.00 exc VAT Profile/Summary forms, pack of 25 978 0 749137 59 5 £43.50 exc VAT Examiner record booklets, pack of 25 978 0 749137 60 1 £65.00 exc VAT Manual 978 0 749137 56 4 £77.00 exc VAT [email protected] OVERVIEW: Comprehensive coverage of memory assessment. ADMINISTRATION: Individual: Core Battery 30 minutes; Core Battery plus Supplementary - 60 minutes ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 23 ■ COGMED WORKING MEMORY TRAINING™ CHILD - MEMORY NOW AVAILABLE ON TABLET DEVICES’ NEW SMALLER LICENCE OPTIONS NOW AVAILABLE OVERVIEW: An evidence-based intervention for improved working memory. AGE RANGE: 4 years and older QUALIFICATION CODE: CL3 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Adapt the training length to fit your timetable FIND OUT MORE There are now more ways in which you can find out more about Cogmed before purchasing. Look out for one of our webinars, or attend one of our Coach Training sessions. For more details visit www.cogmed.uk.com TRY COGMED FOR YOURSELF! Now you can try the program yourself. Simply visit www.mycogmed.com and click ‘See how it works’. Cogmed Working Memory Training™ is an online solution that helps people sustainably improve their attention by training their working memory. It combines cognitive neuroscience with innovative computer game design and close professional support to deliver substantial and lasting benefits. The evidence shows that people with poor working memory can struggle to hold and manipulate information for a brief period of time, making it difficult for them to succeed in life. Developed in partnership with thousands of professionals worldwide, the new tablet version gives you: ■ Anytime, Anywhere Access - All three training programs ( JM, RM and QM) and the Cogmed Coaching Centre are now available on tablet devices, making the program easier than ever to administer. ■ Greater Flexibility - New protocols let you decide on the right training programme for your students, based on their schedule and needs. Choose between: 25, 35 and 50 minutes and 3, 4 or 5 days per week*. *Shorter sessions are available for pre-school children. ■ Research-Based - Over 35 studies have been published proving the beneficial effects and what students can achieve with Cogmed. ■ A new user-friendly interface - Makes it easier to see your reports, set up new usernames and customise the colour to personalise Cogmed for you. ■ Big or Small - With more licence options you can select a package that suits your setting. But by training working memory, clients are able to stay focused, ignore distractions, plan next steps, start and finish tasks, and remember instructions more effectively. Working across the ages Cogmed is built around three easy-to-use, age-specific applications: ■ Cogmed JM (Pre-school) ■ Cogmed RM (School Age) ■ Cogmed QM (Adult). Each is designed to motivate and reward the user for training. The programs guide the user through multiple rotating exercises each day, whose level of complexity automatically adjusts in real-time; to a level that is challenging but not so difficult that it becomes intimidating. Personal Support Cogmed Coach Training is provided to all licence holders, giving you the skills and resources needed to support learners and track their progress. Further details can be found on page 137. The programs have been clinically proven to increase working memory capacity. The training can be completed online, at home or in school. All three Cogmed programs are available within your annual licence, regardless of the size selected. MATERIALS AND PRICES Annual Cogmed 5 Subscription (includes coach training and coach access for one person and 5 user IDs to be used within one year) 978 0 749168 77 3 £125.00 exc VAT Annual Cogmed 10 Subscription (includes coach training and coach access for one person and 10 user IDs to be used within one year) 978 0 749168 79 7 £225.00 exc VAT Annual Cogmed 20 Subscription (includes coach training and coach access for two staff and 20 user IDs to be used within one year) 978 0 749163 46 4 £400.00 exc VAT Annual Cogmed 40 Subscription (includes coach training and coach access for four staff and 40 user IDs to be used within one year) 978 0 749163 47 1 £600.00 exc VAT Annual Cogmed 60 Subscription (includes coach training and coach access for six staff and 60 user IDs to be used within one year) 978 0 749163 48 8 £800.00 exc VAT If you wish to renew your Cogmed licence please contact our Customer Services team. 24 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK AVAILABLE ON Q-INTERACTIVE® Selected subtests from CMS are now available digitally on Q-interactive®. An innovative, intuitive, and portable digital assessment system, Q-interactive makes it easy for clinicians to automatically manage the administration of tests, all the while enabling real-time scoring and increased accuracy. OVERVIEW: Assess children’s memory abilities. Visit www.HelloQ.co.uk/cms to start your free trial. AGE RANGE: 5 years to 16 years CMS comprehensively assesses the integrity of memory functions in children and enables comparison with measures of both ability and achievement. The CMS parallels the structure of the adult Wechsler Memory Scales. Its six core subtests (Dot Locations, Stories, Faces, Word Pairs, Numbers and Sequences) load onto scales tapping: ■ ■ Immediate Verbal Memory Immediate Visual Memory ■ Delayed Verbal Memory ■ Delayed Visual Memory ■ General Memory. CHILD - MEMORY Morris Cohen, 1997 ■ CHILDREN’S MEMORY SCALE™ (CMS) Now available digitally on Q-interactive® It features minimal item bias and extensive clinical validation studies, making it appropriate as a process skills screening instrument for children with learning difficulties or memory/attentional deficits resulting from traumatic brain injury, epilepsy, cancer, etc. Norms: 1,000 normally functioning children. Subtest scaled scored and index scored representing critical domains of learning, attention and memory. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, 2 stimulus booklets, chips, 25 record forms for both age levels, response grids and 5 family picture cards in bag 978 0 158038 08 7 £667.00 exc VAT Record forms (5 to 8 years), pack of 25 978 0 158038 01 8 £70.50 exc VAT Record forms (9 to 16 years), pack of 25 978 0 158038 02 5 £70.50 exc VAT Scoring Assistant, Windows Kit 978 0 158038 14 8 £259.50 exc VAT CMS on Q-interactive The price of an annual licence comprises two components - access to Q-interactive and subtest usage. Contact us for a customised quote, or see pages 2 to 4. QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 30 minutes FIND OUT MORE Find out more about digital delivery on the new Q-interactive platform www.HelloQ.co.uk/home Book an appointment with our Digital Consultant, see page one. ALSO AVAILABLE CMS Scoring Assistant, Windows Kit * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. CALIFORNIA VERBAL LEARNING TEST® – CHILDREN’S VERSION (CVLT-C) Dean C Delis, Joel H Kramer, Edith Kaplan and Beth A Ober, 1994 The CVLT-C is now available digitally on Q-interactive®. An innovative, intuitive, and portable digital assessment system, Q-interactive makes it easy for clinicians to automatically manage the administration of tests, all the while enabling real-time scoring and increased accuracy. Visit www.HelloQ.co.uk/cvltc to start your free trial. The CVLT-C assesses verbal learning through an everyday memory task in which the child is asked to recall a list. An interference task is given, followed by short-delay free recall and cued recall trials. Free recall, cued recall and a word recognition trial are also administered after a 20-minute delay. The CVLT-C generates measures of short- and long-term memory performance, including 8 recall and 4 recognition measures. Data on encoding strategies and errors is provided to give the clinician with a profile of learning characteristics. Norms: Normed age-based sample available on 27 key indices. * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual and 25 record forms 978 0 158033 95 2 £206.50 exc VAT CVLT-C on Q-interactive The price of an annual licence comprises two components - access to Q-interactive and subtest usage. Contact us for a customised quote, or see pages 2 to 4. [email protected] AVAILABLE ON Q-INTERACTIVE® OVERVIEW: Assess verbal learning and memory deficits. Now available digitally on Q-interactive® AGE RANGE: 5 years to 16 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 15 to 20 minutes ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 25 ■ CHILDREN’S TEST OF NONWORD REPETITION (CN REP) CHILD - MEMORY / ATTENTION AND EXECUTIVE FUNCTION Susan Gathercole and Alan Baddeley, 1996 OVERVIEW: Test short-term memory in children. AGE RANGE: 4 years to 8 years UK NORMS CN REP contains 40 non-words, each of which are presented on the accompanying CD. The child listens to each non-word and must then attempt to repeat it immediately in the silent interval that follows. The single score calculated at the end corresponds to the total number of correct repetitions. Easy to use tables convert this to standardised scores and central points for ages 4 to 8 years. QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 15 minutes MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, record forms and CD Record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749110 00 0 978 0 749110 02 4 DELIS-KAPLAN EXECUTIVE FUNCTION SYSTEM™ (D-KEFS™) Dean C Delis, Edith Kaplan and Joel H Kramer, 2001 OVERVIEW: Assess key components of executive functions. Now available digitally on Q-interactive® AGE RANGE: 8 years to 89 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 90 minutes FIND OUT MORE Find out more about digital delivery on the new Q-interactive platform www.HelloQ.co.uk/home Book an appointment with our Digital Consultant, see page one. 26 £107.50 exc VAT £43.50 exc VAT AVAILABLE ON Q-INTERACTIVE® Selected subtests from the D-KEFS™ are now available digitally on Q-interactive®. An innovative, intuitive, and portable digital assessment system, Q-interactive makes it easy for clinicians to automatically manage the administration of tests- from digital stimuli- to response recording through stylus notes and audio, all the while enabling real-time scoring and increased accuracy. Visit www.HelloQ.co.uk/dkefs to start your free trial. Comprehensively assess with nine tests the key components of executive functions believed to be mediated primarily by the frontal lobe. The D-KEFS™ is the first standardised set of tests to evaluate higherlevel cognitive functions in both children and adults from 8 to 89 years. The tests assess vital executive functions such as flexibility of thinking, inhibition, problem solving, planning, impulse control, concept formation, abstract thinking and creativity in both verbal and spatial modalities. deficits in abstract, creative thinking may impact an individual’s daily life; and to plan coping strategies and rehabilitation programs tailored to each patient’s profile of executive function strengths and weaknesses. Use D-KEFS™ results to assess the integrity of the frontal system of the brain to determine how Norms: Standardised on over 2,000 individuals. D-KEFS™ is individually administered, and its gamelike format is designed to be interesting and engaging for examinees, encouraging optimal performance without providing “right/wrong” feedback that can create frustration in some children and adults. * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, stimulus booklet, sorting cards (3 sets of 6 cards), 1 tower stand with 5 colour disks, 25 record forms, 25 design fluency response booklets, 25 trail making response booklet sets (each set contains 5 response booklets for the 5 trail making conditions) in a trolley bag 978 0 749167 99 8 £662.00 exc VAT Complete kit with Scoring Assistant: Includes all of the 978 0 749167 98 1 £844.00 exc VAT above and CD Rom for Windows® Standard record forms (All nine subtests combined), pack of 25 978 0 158091 15 0 £155.00 exc VAT Alternate record forms and separate record forms for each of the subtests are also available. For details visit www.pearsonclinical.co.uk D-KEFS™ on Q-interactive The price of an annual licence comprises two components - access to Q-interactive and subtest usage. Contact us for a customised quote, or see pages 2 to 4. LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK Delivered online, D-REF lets you quickly and easily administer, score, and report the frequency of observed behaviours that identify executive function problems in children and adolescents aged 5 to 19. This flexible, sensitive assessment includes parent, teacher, and self-ratings with 36 items that are answered as: Seldom/Never; Monthly; Weekly; or Daily. OVERVIEW: A measure of an individual’s behaviours related to executive function difficulties. AGE RANGE: 5 years to 19 years Psychologists working in a variety of settings can use this instrument to evaluate children with: ■ ADHD-Combined ■ ADHD-Inattentive ■ Traumatic brain injury ■ Autism/Asperger’s Syndrome ■ Neurological/psychiatric disorders ■ Learning disabilities. Applications ■ Enable the identification of patterns of clinically relevant symptoms QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Online, Individual, 5 to 10 minutes per form Four additional second level index scores are available to identify patterns of clinically relevant symptoms: ■ Attention/Working Memory Index ■ Identify symptoms that create the most stress for the parent, teacher, and child for intervention ■ Activity Level/Impulse Control Index ■ Abstract Thinking/Problem Solving Index ■ Identify symptoms relevant to diagnostic criteria (DSM-IV) ■ Compliance/Anger Management Index. ■ Track changes in behaviour after intervention. Content & Administration Three core indexes and a total composite score are provided via the D-REF online scoring and reporting site that are based on three manifestations of executive control problems: ■ Behavioural regulation ■ Emotional/social regulation ■ Cognitive functioning ■ Total index calculated from the three core indexes. NOW AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL CHILD - ATTENTION AND EXECUTIVE FUNCTION Dean C Delis, 2012 ■ DELIS RATING OF EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS (D-REF) FIND OUT MORE Find out more about Q-global, our new web-based platform for test administration, scoring and reporting on page 5. Scoring & Reporting ■ Delivered on Q-global, Pearson’s new online scoring and reporting platform. ■ All index scores are expressed in T score metric. Gender-adjusted T scores are also available ■ Multi-rater forms statistically compare teacherparent, teacher-self, or parent-self ratings ■ Progress monitoring report statistically evaluates change in symptoms between two administrations. MATERIALS AND PRICES D-REF Q-global Report Usage *Each Rater is considered one usage. One usage includes administration, scoring, and reporting 978 0 150011 88 0 [email protected] £2.00 exc VAT ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 27 ■ BEHAVIOURAL ASSESSMENT OF THE DYSEXECUTIVE SYNDROME IN CHILDREN (BADS-C) CHILD - ATTENTION AND EXECUTIVE FUNCTION Hazel Emslie, F Colin Wilson, Vivian Burden, Ian Nimmo-Smith and Barbara A Wilson, 2003 OVERVIEW: Assist in early identification of deficits in executive functioning in children. Now with normative data for 7 year olds The BADS-C examines a number of aspects of the dysexecutive syndrome (DES) such as: ■ Inflexibility and perseveration ■ Novel problem solving ■ Impulsivity QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) ■ Planning ■ Ability to utilise feedback and moderate one’s behaviour accordingly. ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 35 to 45 minutes BADS-C subtests are brief, varied, fun for the child, avoid feelings of failure and assess everyday life situations involving executive functioning. They capture a richness of data by looking at both the level of competence being demonstrated as well as how the task was attempted. AGE RANGE: 7 years to 16 years UK NORMS DEX-C Questionnaire The battery includes a 20-item questionnaire which reflects the range of problems usually associated with executive difficulties. This assesses four broad areas of possible difficulty: emotional/personality, motivational, behavioural and cognitive. MATERIALS AND PRICES: Complete kit: Includes manual, (including new downwards extension), 25 scoring sheets, stimulus cards, three-dimensional plastic materials, timer, 25 DEX-C independent rater questionnaires, beads, nuts, bolts and washers in a bag 978 0 749134 01 3 £520.00 exc VAT Scoring sheets, pack of 25 978 0 749129 45 3 £22.50 exc VAT DEX-C questionnaires, pack of 25 978 0 749133 32 0 £18.50 exc VAT * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. 28 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK UK NORMS The Tea-Ch 2 is the new edition of the gold-standard test for attention, which uniquely measures separable aspects of attention. TEA-Ch 2 has been updated to make the testing process more fun and engaging for the child. ■ ■ A shorter and more user-friendly tool using a unique combination of both paper-based and computerised tests Comic format for administration with certificate and stickers to engage children in shared fun activity with examiner Shorter, simpler age appropriate version for the youngest children (TEA-Ch 2J) and a longer version for the older children (TEA-Ch 2A) ■ General attention index and and selective and sustained attention indices capturing core abilities ■ Larger normative samples matched to UK demographics and improved psychometric properties ■ Extension down to 5-year olds. AGE RANGE: 5 years to 15 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) Test Structure Age 8 years to 15 years Everyday Attention Index Selective Attention Index Sustained Attention Index Hector Cancellation Vigil TEA-Ch 2 will be particularly useful for use with children who have known or suspected problems with attention; tell part different patterns of strengths and weaknesses in cognition; inform interventions and monitor outcomes. Hector B Cancellation Sustained Attention Response Hecuba Visual Search Simple Reaction Time New and Improved Psychometric Properties Troy Dual Task Cerberus UK standardisation carried out on: ■ 621 children aged 8 years to 15 years and ■ 394 children aged 5 years to 7 years. Standardisation sample matched to 2011 censis data for age, sex, SES and ethnicity to ensure the diverse population is represented. Interpretation ■ Studies on clinical samples (paediatric neurology referrals and ADHD Clinic) provide evidence to support validity. Test-retest studies and Inter-item correlation procedures provide evidence to support reliability. Reds, Blues, Bags and Shoes SCORING: Automated scoring including in the program Everyday Attention Index Selective Attention Index Sustained Attention Index Balloon Hunt Barking Ballon Hunt 5 SART Hide and Seek Visual SRT Hide and Seek Auditory New App-like Program for Administration and Scoring ■ Automatic scoring of computer subtests ■ Scorer automatically checks and calculated combined and total scores from examiner entered demographic data and results of comic subtests ■ Scorer automatically provides scaled scores and percentile ranks to aid interpretation ■ Scorer automatically converts subtest scores to indices and overall composite scaled ■ Program generates PDF output report of scores with percentiles, scaled scores and indices to print and/or place on file. Reliability and Validity ■ Attentional Switching ADMINISTRATION: Ages 5 years to 7 years, 35 to 40 minutes; Ages 8 years to 15 years, 40 to 55 minutes Age 5 years to 7 years General attention index and and selective and sustained attention indices. Regression based norms provide percentile ranks with scaled scores for subtests (M=10, SD=3) and percentile ranks with standard scores for indices (M=100, SD=15). COMING 2016 OVERVIEW: Gold-standard test of attention for children, which uniquely measures separable aspects of attention. New features and updated include: ■ CHILD - ATTENTION AND EXECUTIVE FUNCTION Tom Manly, Vicki Anderson, Ian H Robertson, Mette Underbjerg and Melanie George, 2016 ■ TEST OF EVERYDAY ATTENTION FOR CHILDREN, SECOND EDITION (TEA-CH2) MATERIALS AND PRICES: Complete Kit Includes manual, TEA-Ch J comic/record form (pack of 25), TEA-Ch A comic/record form (pack of 25), USB with computerised subtests and scoring for 1-year, acetates, red pens, star stickers, stopwatch, speakers in a bag. 978 0 749162 61 0 £675.00 exc VAT * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 29 ■ THE AWARENESS OF SOCIAL INFERENCE TEST (TASIT) CHILD - SOCIAL COGNITION Skye McDonald, Sharon Flanagan and Jennifer Rollins, 2002 OVERVIEW: Assess and treat deficits of social perception. AGE RANGE: 14 years to 60 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 30 to 45 minutes The Awareness of Social Inference Test (TASIT) provides a systematic examination of social perception. Poor social skills can be a disabling consequence of numerous neurological and psychiatric conditions. Left untreated, social skills deficits curtail social independence and quality of life. Conventional social skills programmes focus upon the training of appropriate social responses with less regard being paid to the possibility that poor social behaviour may reflect failure to read social cues accurately. TASIT uses recorded vignettes and standardised response probes based upon recent theoretical accounts of how social cues provide meaning. TASIT has three sections assessing different components of social perception. It has alternate forms that are statistically equivalent and a normative database of primarily young adults. The test has proven to be sensitive to social perception deficits in a group with severe traumatic brain injuries. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, 2 packs of 25 scoring sheets, and 2 DVDs 978 0 749132 05 7 Score sheets, 2 packs of 25 (A and B) 978 0 749132 10 1 Score sheets A, pack of 25 978 0 749132 11 8 Score sheets B, pack of 25 978 0 749132 12 5 £312.50 exc VAT £94.00 exc VAT £47.00 exc VAT £47.00 exc VAT ONLINE WORKING MEMORY WEEK LOOK OUT for details of Online Working Memory Week 2016. A week long series of webinars from experts in the field of working memory. Last year were delighted to welcome one of the forefathers of working memory, Professor Alan Baddeley as our keynote speaker along with a range of experts. Visit pearsonclinical.co.uk/wmlearn2015 to listen to the recordings. CALL FOR PAPERS If you want to share your knowledge of working memory, or maybe you use Cogmed and want to tell us about your work, look out for our call for papers in early 2016. REGISTER TO ATTEND All our talks are free attend, but you will need to register in advance. Details of how to register will be posted at pearsonclinical.co.uk/wmlearn2016 30 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK ■ CHILD - SPEECH, LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION CHILD - Speech, Language and Communication Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation – Third Edition (GFTA-3) [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 31 ■ TODDLER PHONOLOGY TEST (TPT) CHILD - SPEECH UK NORMS Beth McIntosh and Barbara Dodd, 2011 OVERVIEW: Assess phonological acquisition in young children and identify risk for phonological disorder. AGE RANGE: 2 years to 2 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, maximum 20 minutes The TPT is the only phonology test specifically designed for this age group. Thirty seven relevant target words from the phonology subtest of the Diagnostic Evaluation of Articulation and Phonology (DEAP) are used to identify and classify error patterns in a child’s speech as delayed or atypical. The assessment includes 105 consonants in syllable initial (including consonant clusters) and syllable final positions, and 56 vowels and dipthongs. Quantitative measures include percent consonants, vowels and phonemes correct. Normative data (standard scores and percentiles) is provided separately for UK and Australian children. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes examiner’s manual, stimulus book and a pack of 25 record forms in a carrying case 978 0 749155 90 2 Record form, pack of 25 978 0 749162 07 8 A DEAP/TPT Combination Kit is also available, see below. £137.00 exc VAT £28.00 exc VAT DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION OF ARTICULATION AND PHONOLOGY (DEAP) UK & IRISH NORMS Barbara Dodd, Zhu Hua, Sharon Crosbie, Alison Holm and Anne Ozanne, 2002 BESTSELLER OVERVIEW: Identify and establish the type and extent of delay and disorder. AGE RANGE: 3 years to 6 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 5 minute screen plus up to 4 specific assessments FIND OUT MORE A DEAP/TPT Combination Kit is also now available, providing you with a full battery from 2 years to 6 years 11 months. 32 It is important to be able to justify and direct intervention for children referred in this age group. Better outcomes following early intervention for phonological disorder indicate that it may be easier to shape a developing system than one which is well established. This unique assessment detects and differentiates between articulation problems, delayed phonology and consistent versus inconsistent phonological disorder. DEAP is time and cost effective. The 5 minute ‘Diagnostic Screen’ gives clear direction to specific areas which assess Articulation, Phonology, Oro-motor Ability and Inconsistency. Features include: ■ Diagnostic screen with 100% detection of disorder on clinical trials ■ Subset data on clinical group; children aged 2 years to 2 years 11 months and bilingual children speaking English and Punjabi languages ■ Illustrative case studies and suggested therapy approaches ■ Single sounds, words and connected speech including consonants and vowels ■ Comprehensive listing and definition of processes, phonemes and symbols. MATERIALS AND PRICES DEAP/TPT Combination Complete Kit: Includes DEAP complete kit (examiner’s manual, stimulus book and 5 sets of specific record forms (25 per pack) in a carrying case) and TPT complete kit (examiner’s manual, stimulus book and a pack of 25 record forms in a carrying case) 978 0 749165 74 1 £326.00 exc VAT Complete kit with Irish Norms: Includes examiner’s manual, stimulus book, 5 sets of specific record forms (25 per pack) and Irish norms booklet in a carrying case 978 0 749162 64 1 £310.00 exc VAT Summary sheet and diagnostic screen record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749119 33 1 £22.00 exc VAT Articulation and oro-motor assessment record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749119 34 8 £22.00 exc VAT Phonology assessment record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749119 35 5 £22.00 exc VAT Error pattern analysis record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749119 36 2 £22.00 exc VAT Inconsistency assessment record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749119 37 9 £22.00 exc VAT LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK AVAILABLE ON Q-INTERACTIVE® CHILD - SPEECH Ronald Goldman and Macalyne Fristoe, 2015 ■ GOLDMAN-FRISTOE TEST OF ARTICULATION, THIRD EDITION (GFTA-3) NEW OVERVIEW: Measure articulation of consonant sounds. Now available digitally on Q-interactive® AGE RANGE: 2 years to 21 years 11 months The GFTA-3 is now available digitally on Q-interactive®. An innovative, intuitive, and portable digital assessment system, Q-interactive makes it easy for clinicians to automatically manage the administration of tests - from digital stimuli - to response recording through stylus notes and audio, all the while enabling real-time scoring and increased accuracy. New print and digital options In addition to a paper kit, professionals can now choose to use Q-interactive to administer and score the GFTA-3 digitally. Using two iPads – one for the examiner; one for the child Q-interactive offers: ■ Interactive test administration guides you through the assessment process ■ Provides basal and ceiling rule notifications ■ Take digital notes that you can easily incorporate into reports ■ Score and review scores on-the-fly ■ Play back verbal responses directly from the iPad to confirm scores ■ No web access needed to administer and score test!* *Web access needed to download tests. Visit www.HelloQ.co.uk/gfta3 to start your free trial. With new print and digital editions, the updated GFTA™-3 and KLPA™-3 offer the best choices for assessing speech sound disorders. The updated GFTA-3 introduces exciting new features that make it easier than ever to obtain the accurate diagnostic information you need. New Features ■ Assess multiple occurrences of high frequency phonemes Use Q-global™ to display stimuli and score assessments using any device: ■ New criterion-referenced assessment of vowels ■ Access digital manuals and stimulus book ■ Two new art sets, one appropriate for very young children and one for older students with articulation and intelligibility concerns ■ Automated scoring and individual score reports available Based on over 40 years of research, with current normative data ■ ■ Web access 24/7 through any current browser. ■ Pair GFTA-3 with the new KLPA-3 to provide robust information about a child’s speech sound disorder and plan appropriate intervention. QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: 5 to 15 minutes for Soundsin-Words Section, varied for Sounds-In-Words, Intelligibility, and Stimulability sections RELATED PRODUCT Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis, Third Edition (KLPA-3) - see page 34. FIND OUT MORE Find out more about Q-global, our new web-based platform for test administration, scoring and reporting on page 5. MATERIALS AND PRICES: GFTA-3 Complete kit with case: Includes print manual, stimulus book, 25 record forms, and softcase 978 0 158012 80 3 £274.00 exc VAT GFTA-3 Q-global kit: Includes: Q-global Manual, Q-global Stimulus Book, Record Forms, pack of 25 978 0 749170 64 6 £275.00 exc VAT GFTA-3/KLPA-3 Combo kit: Includes print GFTA-3 Complete Kit [GFTA-3 Manual, Stimulus Book, 25 Record Forms, and softcase] and KLPA-3 Complete Kit [Manual, Sound Change Booklet, 25 Analysis Forms] 978 0 158012 85 8 £394.00 exc VAT GFTA-3/KLPA-3 UK Q-global Combo Kit: Includes GFTA-3 Q-global Complete Kit [GFTA-3 Q-global Manual, GFTA-3 Q-global Stimulus Book, 25 Print Record Forms] and KLPA-3 Q-global Complete Kit [KLPA-3 Q-global Manual, KLPA-3 Q-global Sound Change Booklet 25 Print Analysis Forms] 978 0 749170 65 3 £394.00 exc VAT Record Forms, pack of 25 978 0 158012 83 4 £36.00 exc VAT Q-global GFTA-3 Score Report 978 0 150015 27 7 £1.00 exc VAT* Q-global GFTA-3 with KLPA-3 Score Report 978 0 150015 28 4 £2.00 exc VAT* Q-global GFTA-3 Score Report 1 Year Subscription 978 0 749170 62 2 £32.00 exc VAT Q-global GFTA-3 with KLPA-3 Score Subscription 1 Year 978 0 749170 63 9 £42.00 exc VAT Other components and forms are available please see, pearsonclinical.co.uk for details. GFTA-3 on Q-interactive. The price of an annual licence comprises two components - across to Q-interactive and subtest usage. Contact us for a customised quote, or see pages 2 to 4. FIND OUT MORE Find out more about digital delivery on the new Q-interactive platform www.HelloQ.co.uk/home * Price per report [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 33 AVAILABLE ON Q-INTERACTIVE® ■ KHAN-LEWIS PHONOLOGICAL THIRD EDITION (KLPA-3) CHILD - LANGUAGE ANALYSIS, OVERVIEW: Measure phonological processes. Works with Goldman-Fristoe 3 for a more detailed diagnosis of speech. AGE RANGE: 2 years to 21 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 10 to 30 minutes (depending on age) GFTA-3/KLPA-3 COMBO KIT ALSO AVAILABLE - SEE PAGE 33. NEW NOW AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL Linda Khan and Nancy Lewis, 2015 The new KLPA-3 will work with Goldman-Fristoe 3 to provide you with information that will enable you to determine if use of phonological processes are contributing to the individual’s speech sound disorder. Features and Benefits ■ No need to conduct a second test administration - use the individual’s GFTA-3 responses to evaluate phonological processes ■ Updated normative information ■ Automated digital scoring and analysis ■ Provides guidelines for remediation planning ■ Easy to read Sound Change Booklet gives you information at a glance ■ Two ways to obtain KLPA-3 scores with the press of a button Purchase a KLPA-3 Score report when administering GFTA-3 on Q-interactive; or purchase a KLPA-3 score report on Q-global. MATERIALS AND PRICES: KLPA-3 Complete kit without case: includes print manual and Analysis forms (25) 978 0 158012 86 5 £164.00 exc VAT KLPA-3 Q-global kit: includes: the digital examiner’s manual on Q-global, the digital sound change map on Q-global, and paper analysis forms, pack of 25 978 0 749170 66 0 £164.00 exc VAT Analysis forms, pack of 25 978 0 158012 84 1 £54.00 exc VAT Q-global GFTA-3 with KLPA-3 score subscription 1 year 978 0 749170 63 9 £42.00 exc VAT Q-global GFTA-3 with KLPA-3 score report 978 0 150015 28 4 £2.00 exc VAT* Other components and forms are available please see, pearsonclinical.co.uk for details. KLPA-3 on Q-interactive. The price of an annual licence comprises two components - across to Q-interactive and subtest usage. Contact us for a customised quote, or see pages 2 to 4. * Price per report EARLY REPETITION BATTERY (ERB) UK NORMS Belinda Seeff-Gabriel, Shula Chiat and Penny Roy, 2008 OVERVIEW: Assess phonological and morphosyntactic processing abilities. AGE RANGE: 2 years to 6 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL3 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 10 to 15 minutes The ERB is a UK-developed and standardised test battery, based on a nationally stratified sample of children. It assesses phonological and morphosyntactic processing abilities in children aged 2 to 6 years. is awarded for each word correctly repeated, with a maximum of 36. Standard scores and percentiles are provided for total performance. Nonword and sentence repetition tasks have been identified as clinical markers of Specific Language Impairments (SLI) and children’s performance has been found to correlate with a variety of language measures in both typically and atypically developing children. SIT (Sentence Imitation Test) – children are required to repeat sentences, assessing for length and syntactic complexity. Standard scores and percentiles are provided for performance on whole sentences, content words, function words, and inflections. Additional optional analyses of errors are included. The tests consisting of two expressive tasks: Key features PSRep (Preschool Repetition Test) – assesses children’s recognition, recall and production of real words and made-up words. Children are introduced to a puppet, and are then asked to copy what the puppet says. After two practice items, the child is presented with 18 words and 18 phonologically matched non-words. One point ■ Identify children at risk of language difficulties who need to be referred ■ Help understand a child’s difficulties ■ Evaluate the age-appropriateness of their skills ■ Inform intervention targets ■ Monitor progress over time. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, puppet and 25 record forms in a bag Record forms, pack of 25 34 978 0 749149 15 4 978 0 749149 16 1 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK £124.50 exc VAT £44.50 exc VAT OVERVIEW: A comprehensive developmental language assessment. How different is PLS-5UK? ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ AGE RANGE: Birth to 7 years 11 months Streamlined Administration: Some tasks were combined in PLS-5UK to minimise switching between presentation of manipulables and the Picture Manual. Improvements to test items: PLS-5UK includes modifications that better elicit target responses and make the items easier to administer and score. Approximately 25% of the items on PLS-5UK are new; 50% have been modified based on clinician feedback and expert review; 25% are unchanged. QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) Areas Assessed Attention to Environment Attention to People Now to Age 7: Now you are able to assess language from emerging communication behaviours through emerging language and literacy skills to age 7:11. This will provide a single, standardised measure for children with significant deficits who are being tracked from a very young age. Gesture Updated articulation screener: You can now test multiple phonemes within words. PLS-5UK includes picture stimuli to elicit target words. The screener takes less than 2 minutes to administer. Play A new normative sample was collected which is representative of the UK population. Data were collected on a total of 515 children from 2:6 to 7:7 years. US norms are provided for ages 0:0 to 2:5 years. Expressive Communication ADMINISTRATION: 45 to 60 minutes ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Vocal Development Social Communication ✓ ✓ ✓ Semantics Vocabulary Qualitative Concepts Quantitive Concepts UK Standardisation Auditory Comprehension Attention Addition of growth scale values: PLS-5 now includes Growth Scale Values that were developed so that you can track progress for children from birth to age 7. UK CHILD - LANGUAGE NEW Irla Lee Zimmerman, Roberta Evatt Pond and Violette G Steiner, 2014 PLS-5UK offers you a comprehensive developmental language assessment, with items that range from pre-verbal, interaction-based skills to emerging language and early literacy. ■ UK NORMS PRESCHOOL LANGUAGE SCALE – FIFTH EDITION – UK (PLS-5UK) Spatial Concepts Time/Sequence Concepts Language Structure Morphology Syntax Integrative Language Skills Emergent Literacy Skills ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ MATERIALS AND PRICES Basic kit: includes examiner’s manual, picture manual, administration manual, 25 record forms and 25 home communication questionnaire 978 0 749168 68 1 £333.00 exc VAT Complete kit (with manipulables): includes examiner’s manual, picture manual, administration and scoring manual, 25 record forms, 25 home communication questionnaire and full manipulables set 978 0 749168 67 4 £420.50 exc VAT Upgrade manipulables set: for those already owning a 978 0 158658 99 5 £42.00 exc VAT PLS4UK manipulables kit 978 0 749164 29 4 £74.00 exc VAT PLS-5UK record forms, pack of 25 [email protected] WARNING: NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN UNDER 36 MONTHS DUE TO SMALL PARTS. CHOKING HAZARD. ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 35 ■ CELF® – PRESCHOOL 2UK CHILD - LANGUAGE UK NORMS Elisabeth H Wiig, Wayne A Secord and Eleanor Semel, 2006 OVERVIEW: Measure language skills in young children. AGE RANGE: 3 years to 6 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, Untimed, takes approximately 30 to 45 minutes Used by The Communication Trust in their ‘Talk of the Town’ project CELF® – Preschool 2UK provides a variety of subtests to comprehensively test the language skills of preschool aged children who will be in an academic oriented setting. ■ Includes a variety of subtests that provide in-depth assessment of a child’s language skills ■ Includes a pre-literacy scale and phonological awareness subtest ■ A pragmatics profile helps to describe the child’s language use at school or at home ■ Contains interesting, age appropriate, full-colour pictures to hold the child’s attention. Norms: 486 UK children. Scores: Scaled, standard, percentile, age equivalents, criterion. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes examiner’s manual, 2 stimulus manuals, pad of 25 pre-literacy forms and a pack of 25 records forms in a bag 978 0 749126 30 8 £429.00 exc VAT Record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749126 23 0 £79.00 exc VAT CLINICAL EVALUATION OF LANGUAGE FUNDAMENTALS® – FOURTH EDITION UK (CELF®-4UK) Eleanor Semel, Elisabeth H Wiig and Wayne A Secord, 2006 OVERVIEW: Quickly and accurately identify and diagnose language disorders. AGE RANGE: 5 years to 16 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 30 to 60 minutes The CELF-4UK and CELF-Preschool 2UK was used by The Communication Trust in their project ‘Talk of the Town’; a community approach to early identification of speech, language and communication needs (SLCN). UK NORMS BESTSELLER The Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals – Fourth EditionUK (CELF-4UK) features a new approach to assessment that enables you to accurately and reliably assess a child’s language difficulties in one-third less time. With improved diagnostic power, CELF-4UK uses a four-step assessment approach to identify students with language disorders quickly and with confidence. ■ Simple to administer and score, CELF-4UK has two new easy-to-use record forms that provide only the subtests you need based on the student’s age ■ Flexibility of subtest administration allows for shorter testing times while providing highly reliable, accurate results ■ New composite scores include Language Structure, Language Content, Language Content and Memory and Working Memory Scores ■ Culturally diverse contexts and visual stimuli make CELF-4UK appropriate and interesting for conditions and diagnosed language disorders ■ New subtests include Expressive Vocabulary, Word Definitions, Number Repetition 1 & 2, Familiar Sequences level 2, Phonological Awareness, Pragmatics Profile and the Observational Rating Scales. Norms: 871 UK children. Scores: Scaled, standard, percentiles, age equivalents, criterion. MATERIALS AND PRICES FIND OUT MORE Visit pearsonclinical.co.uk to download a Technical Report on CELF-4UK. 36 Complete kit: Includes examiner’s manual, 2 stimulus books, 25 each of record forms 1 and 2, and 25 ORS forms, in a trolley case 978 0 749168 06 3 ORS forms, pad of 25 978 0 749126 37 7 Record form 1 (ages 5-8), pack of 25 978 0 749126 32 2 Record form 2 (ages 9-16:11), pack of 25 978 0 749126 33 9 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK £642.00 exc VAT £29.50 exc VAT £79.00 exc VAT £79.00 exc VAT A revision of the Test of Language CompetenceExpanded, the CELF-5 Metalinguistics assessment includes four tests of higher-level language skills that are embedded in school curricula and are critical to classroom success. Use it to measure a student’s ability to think about and use language to make inferences, manipulate conversational speech given a context, use words in multiple ways, and use language in a non-literal manner. AGE RANGE: 9 years to 21 years 11 months ■ Ideal for students with subtle language disorders or those on the autistic spectrum Goes beyond assessment of syntax and semantics to assess student’s language strategies and language flexibility ■ Includes several tests that assess the student’s ability to interpret contextual and situational demands of conversation ■ Helps you evaluate delays in semantic, syntactic and pragmatic competence. Features and Benefits ■ NEW OVERVIEW: CELF-5 Metalinguistics provides a measure of higher-level language. Content and Administration Administer the four tests individually or as a battery to obtain information about an individual’s language skills in: Making Inferences; Conversation Skills; Multiple Meanings and Figurative Language. CHILD - LANGUAGE Elisabeth Wiig and Wayne A Secord, 2014 ■ CLINICAL EVALUATION OF LANGUAGE FUNDAMENTALS®, FIFTH EDITION METALINGUISTICS QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Approximately 45 minutes for the Total Metalinguistics Score. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit with case: Includes: examiner’s manual, stimulus manual, 25 record forms, soft case and luggage tag 978 0 158036 00 7 Record forms, pack of 25 978 0 158036 14 4 £384.50 exc VAT £72.50 exc VAT KAUFMAN SURVEY OF EARLY ACADEMIC AND LANGUAGE SKILLS (K-SEALS) Alan S Kaufman and Nadeen L Kaufman, 1993 K-SEALS is valuable in a variety of situations: testing school readiness, identifying gifted children, evaluating program effectiveness, and researching children’s early development. OVERVIEW: Measure of language skills (expressive and receptive vocabulary), numerical skills and articulation. K-SEALS features three separate subtests for a well-rounded profile: ■ Vocabulary Subtest – the child identifies, by gesture or name, pictures of objects or actions and points to or names objects based on verbal descriptions of their attributes. ■ Numbers, Letters & Words – the child selects or names numbers, letters, or words, counts, indicates knowledge of number concepts (“smallest,” “half ”), and solves number problems. ■ AGE RANGE: 3 years to 6 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 15 to 25 minutes Articulation Survey – the child pronounces the names of common objects or actions and is assessed for correctness of pronunciation. HANDSCORE MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, stimulus book, 25 record forms in a bag Record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749153 15 1 978 0 749153 16 8 [email protected] £323.00 exc VAT £46.00 exc VAT ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 37 ■ PEABODY PICTURE VOCABULARY TEST, FOURTH EDITION (PPVT-4) CHILD - LANGUAGE Lloyd M Dunn and Douglas M Dunn, 2007 EXPRESSIVE VOCABULARY TEST, SECOND EDITION (EVT-2) Kathleen Williams, 2007 PPVT-4 AVAILABLE ON Q-INTERACTIVE® OVERVIEW: Measure reception and expressive vocabulary with these two assessments. AGE RANGE: 2 years 6 months to 90 years and older QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 10 to 15 minutes SCORING OPTIONS: Hand or Software scored FIND OUT MORE Find out more about digital delivery on the new Q-interactive platform www.HelloQ.co.uk/home Book an appointment with our Digital Consultant, see page one. FIND OUT MORE For a complete listing of all available components, please visit pearsonclinical.co.uk 38 The PPVT-4 is now available digitally on Q-interactive®. An innovative, intuitive, and portable digital assessment system, Q-interactive makes it easy for clinicians to automatically manage the administration of tests- from digital stimuli- to response recording through stylus notes and audio, all the while enabling real-time scoring and increased accuracy. Visit www.HelloQ.co.uk/ppvt4 to start your free trial. Measure reception and expressive vocabulary with these two assessments The Expressive Vocabulary Test (EVT–2) and Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT-4) are often used in conjunction and offer an unbeatable system for comparing receptive and expressive vocabulary. The PPVT–4 and EVT–2 are normed on the same sample, making direct comparison of these two scales possible. Both instruments meet the needs of both general and special education professionals for vocabulary and language assessment and progress measurement. Key features of EVT-2 and PPVT-4 ■ Illustrations designed in full colour ■ More up-to-date, realistic art used, offering an exceptional balance of gender and race/ethnicity ■ More stimulus words included (now 228 per form), with better representation of word types across all levels of difficulty ■ Growth Scale Values (GSVs) added, a new metric for easily measuring progress over time ■ Larger stimulus material (8.5 x 11 inches) ■ Modernised core vocabulary ■ Enhanced technology options for faster administration, scoring and reporting. ■ Two parallel forms, each with 190 items ■ Digital stimulus books now available. HANDSCORE MATERIALS AND PRICES Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Fourth Edition (PPVT-4) PPVT-4 Form A kit: Includes stimulus book, manual, 25 record forms in a bag 978 0 749157 44 9 £246.00 exc VAT PPVT-4 Form B kit: Includes stimulus material, manual, 25 record forms in a bag 978 0 749157 45 6 £246.00 exc VAT PPVT-4 Form A and B kit 978 0 749157 62 3 £465.50 exc VAT PPVT-4 Record forms A, pack of 25 978 0 749157 05 0 £50.50 exc VAT PPVT-4 Record forms B, pack of 25 978 0 749157 47 0 £50.50 exc VAT PPVT-4 on Q-interactive The price of an annual licence comprises two components - access to Q-interactive and subtest usage. Contact us for a customised quote, or see pages 2 to 4. Expressive Vocabulary Test, Second Edition (EVT-2) EVT-2 Form A kit: Includes stimulus book A, manual and 25 record forms (A) in a bag. 978 0 749157 88 3 £246.00 exc VAT EVT-2 Form B kit: includes stimulus book B, manual and 25 record forms (B) in a bag. 978 0 749157 89 0 £246.00 exc VAT EVT-2 Complete kit A and B 978 0 749157 95 1 £472.50 exc VAT EVT-2 Record forms A, pack of 25 978 0 749157 91 3 £56.00 exc VAT EVT-2 Record forms B, pack of 25 978 0 749157 92 0 £56.00 exc VAT LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK ■ BRACKEN BASIC CONCEPT SCALE – THIRD EDITION: RECEPTIVE (BBCS-3:R) BRACKEN BASIC CONCEPT SCALE: EXPRESSIVE (BBCS:E) CHILD - LANGUAGE Bruce A Bracken, 2006 Basic concept knowledge is an integral part of a child’s cognitive development and provides the necessary fundamental framework for both a child’s overall communication development and academic success. OVERVIEW: Assess a child’s receptive and expressive knowledge of basic concepts. Used in conjunction or separately these two assessments can help gain a complete picture of a child’s expressive and receptive basic concept development. AGE RANGE: 3 years to 6 years 11 months Bracken Basic Concept Scale – Third Edition: Receptive (BBCS-3:R) QUALIFICATION CODE: CL3 (See page 142) A revision of the popular Bracken Basic Concept Scale – Revised (BBCS-R) this is a developmentally sensitive measure that evaluates concepts essential to early communication development and school readiness. ADMINISTRATION: Individual, BBCS-3:R 30 to 45 minutes, BBCS:E, 30 minutes Bracken Basic Concept Scale: Expressive (BBCS:E) Key Features: The Bracken Basic Concept Scale – Expressive (BBCS:E) can be used to evaluate a child’s acquisition of basic concepts expressively. ■ Normative sample included 750 children based on the US Census ■ Clinical studies on specific populations including language impairment and developmental delay FIND OUT MORE ■ An optional scoring assistant. Sample Parent and Teacher reports available at pearsonclinical.co.uk Both the BBCS-3:R and BBCS:E includes the following areas of assessment: ■ Colour ■ Direction/Position ■ Letters/Sounds ■ Self/Social Awareness ■ Numbers/Counting ■ Texture/Material ■ Sizes/Comparisons ■ Quantity ■ Shapes ■ Time/Sequence. BBCS-3:R and BBCE:E Scoring Assistant Now you can quickly and accurately score test results, maintain test records and create comprehensive graphical and narrative reports for both the BBCS-3:R and BBCS:E. It also guides you in determining appropriate intervention. MATERIALS AND PRICES BBCS-3:R complete kit: Includes examiner’s manual, stimulus manual and a pack 25 record forms in a bag BBCS-3:R record forms, pack of 25 BBCS:E complete kit: Includes examiner’s manual, stimulus manual and a pack of 25 record forms in a bag BBCS:E record forms, pack of 25 Scoring Assistant 978 0 158338 85 9 978 0 158338 88 0 £365.00 exc VAT £56.50 exc VAT 978 0 158338 92 7 978 0 158338 95 8 978 0 158339 05 4 £264.00 exc VAT £56.00 exc VAT £183.50 exc VAT [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 39 ■ TEST OF WORD KNOWLEDGE (TOWK) CHILD - LANGUAGE Elisabeth H Wiig and Wayne A Secord, 1992 OVERVIEW: Evaluate receptive and expressive language. AGE RANGE: Level 1: 5 years to 8 years; Level 2: 8 years to 17 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, Level 1: 25 minutes for core battery, 25 minutes for supplementary subtest; Level 2: 40 minutes for core battery, 25 minutes for supplementary subtest Designed for use as part of a total diagnostic language battery, the Test of Word Knowledge (TOWK) evaluates students’ ability to understand and use vocabulary. By probing for indications of a semantic language learning disability, TOWK is able to provide a detailed evaluation of semantic development and lexical knowledge. Level 1 includes the following core subtests – Expressive Vocabulary, Word Definitions, Receptive Vocabulary and Word Opposites. Synonyms, for use with 6 to 8 year olds, is a supplementary subtest. Level 2 includes the following core subtests – Word Definitions, Multiple Contexts, Synonyms and Figurative Usage. Word Opposites, Receptive Vocabulary and Conjunctions and Transition Words are supplementary subtests. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes stimulus manual, examiner’s manual and 12 record forms 978 0 158541 25 9 Record forms, pack of 12 978 0 158541 28 0 £251.50 exc VAT £49.00 exc VAT TEST FOR RECEPTION OF GRAMMAR – VERSION 2 (TROG-2) Dorothy Bishop, 2003 OVERVIEW: Measure understanding of grammatical contrasts. AGE RANGE: 4 years to adult QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 10 to 20 minutes UK NORMS The TROG-2 is a fully revised and nationally re-standardised version of the widely used TROG. TROG-2 tests understanding of 20 constructs four times each using different test stimuli. Each test stimuli is presented in a four picture multiple-choice format with lexical and grammatical foils. The difficulty range has been increased to effectively tap into the receptive grammar of secondary aged school children and young adults. TROG was originally developed from research material designed to investigate specific aspects of SLI in the mid seventies. The original standardised version included norms of over 2,000 children and was published in 1983 with slight modifications made in 1989. 792 children aged 4 to 16 years and 70 adults participated from 10 regions across the United Kingdom. The sample was stratified by age, gender, geographical distribution and SES using the 2001 census statistics. Narrower age bands at younger age groups were used to reflect rapid changes in grammatical understanding and reliability and validity studies were conducted. MATERIALS AND PRICES TROG-2 complete kit: Includes manual, stimulus book, 25 record forms in a bag Record forms, pack of 25 40 978 0 749121 30 3 978 0 749121 33 4 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK £217.50 exc VAT £50.50 exc VAT ■ PRESCHOOL AND PRIMARY INVENTORY OF PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS (PIPA) PIPA assesses the nature and extent of a child’s phonological awareness development. Six subtests (three for young children) assess ability to detect, isolate, manipulate and convert sound units at the syllable, onset-rime and phoneme levels. CHILD - LANGUAGE Barbara Dodd, Sharon Crosbie, Beth McIntosh, Tania Teitzel and Anne Ozanne, 2000 UK NORMS Features: ■ UK norms ■ Standard scores and percentile ranks ■ Profile graph Full colour stimulus material Case histories. ■ Syllable Segmentation ■ ■ Rhyme Awareness ■ ■ Alliteration Awareness ■ Phoneme Segmentation ■ Letter Knowledge ■ Phoneme Isolation. OVERVIEW: Identify children at risk of literacy problems. AGE RANGE: 3 years to 6 years 11 months I found this assessment easy to use and score…It is a useful resource for SLTs working in clinics or schools. Deborah Gibbard, Chief Speech and Language, Therapist, RCSLT Bulletin, 2001 QUALIFICATION CODE: CL3 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual or Group, 25 to 30 minutes (each subtest takes 4 to 5 minutes) MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes examiner’s manual, stimulus manual, record forms in a bag Record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749117 65 8 978 0 749117 68 9 £136.00 exc VAT £43.00 exc VAT COMPREHENSIVE TEST OF PHONOLOGICAL PROCESSING – SECOND EDITION (CTOPP-2) SUITABLE FOR ACCESS ARRANGEMENT AND DSA APPLICATIONS Richard K Wagner, Joseph K Torgesen, Carl A Rashotte and Nils A Pearson, 2013 The newly updated Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing, Second Edition (CTOPP-2) is designed to assess phonological awareness, phonological memory and rapid naming. OVERVIEW: Identify individuals who need help in developing phonological skills. Features of CTOPP-2 ■ New normative data collected for individuals aged 6 years to 24 years ■ A new phonological awareness subtest called Phoneme Isolation was added ■ Easier items have been added meaning the CTOPP-2 can be administered from 4 years. PRICE FREEZE AGE RANGE: 4 years to 24 years 11 months The CTOPP-2 has four principal uses to: 1. Identify individuals who are significantly below their peers in important phonological abilities 2. Determine strengths and weaknesses among developed phonological processes 3. Document individuals’ progress in phonological processing as a consequence of special intervention programs QUALIFICATION CODE: CL3 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 40 minutes 4. Serve as a measurement device in research studies investigating phonological processing. Scores Available The CTOPP-2 yields six types of normative scores: age and grade equivalents, percentile ranks, subtest scaled scores, composite indexes, and developmental scores. Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: examiner’s manual, 25 examiner record booklets for ages 4 through 6, 25 examiner record booklets for ages 7 through 24, picture book, and 2 CDs, all in a sturdy storage box. 978 0 749165 56 7 Record forms, ages 4 to 6, pack of 25 978 0 749165 58 1 Record forms, ages 7 to 24, pack of 25 978 0 749165 59 8 [email protected] £310.50 exc VAT £64.50 exc VAT £64.50 exc VAT ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 41 ■ SCAN-3:C TESTS FOR AUDITORY PROCESSING DISORDERS FOR CHILDREN CHILD - LANGUAGE Robert W Keith, 2009 OVERVIEW: Battery of test to identify auditory processing disorders in children. AGE RANGE: 5 years to 12 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, Screener: 10 to 15 minutes; Full: 30 to 45 minutes RELATED PRODUCT Also available SCAN-3: A Tests for Auditory Processing Disorders in Adolescents and Adults. – See page 111 for details. SCAN-3:C provides you with a valid and reliable test battery to help identify auditory processing disorders and describe their impact in daily life. Screen and diagnose auditory processing difficulties with one co-normed battery of tests. Diagnostic Tests ■ Filtered Words – Indicates ability to process speech when the signal is distorted or compromised by a poor acoustic environment ■ Competing Words (Directed Ear) – Dichotic listening task that indicates a child’s auditory maturation or developmental level ■ Competing Sentences – Provides information about the maturation of the auditory nervous system. The SCAN-3:C test battery includes: Screening Tests ■ Gap Detection – Indicates presence of a temporal processing problem which may influence the ability to comprehend running speech ■ Auditory Figure Ground (+8dB) – Tests ability to listen with background noise ■ Competing Words (Free Recall) – Dichotic listening task (poor performance may indicate lack of maturation or abnormality of the auditory nervous system). Supplementary Tests ■ Auditory Figure Ground (+0 dB and +12 dB) ■ Time Compressed Sentences. Updated norms and cut normative scores are provided across SCAN-3:C and SCAN-3:A so you can continue to monitor progress. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, CD and pack of 25 record forms Record forms, pack of 25 978 0 158910 20 8 978 0 158910 23 9 £271.00 exc VAT £65.00 exc VAT AUDITORY SKILLS ASSESSMENT (ASA) Donna Geffner and Ronald Goldman, 2010 OVERVIEW: Screen children as young as 3 years 6 months for early auditory and phonological skills. AGE RANGE: 3 years to 6 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Paper & pencil/CD-ROM – 5 minutes (ages 3:6 – 4:11); 15 minutes (ages 5:0 – 6:11) The ASA provides you with a tool for early identification of young children who might be at risk for auditory skill deficits and/or early literacy skill difficulties. This screener provides accurate, developmentally based results to help you determine which children may need follow-up, intervention or further evaluation. Uses and applications Early identification and intervention A child identified on the ASA as at risk for auditory skill-related deficits may be a good candidate for an in-depth evaluation and/or possible early intervention. Universal screening Progress monitoring The ASA can be used to screen children ages 3:6 to 6:11 as a preliminary assessment of their auditory skills. It is a perfect companion to routine hearing screenings within the given age range. Re-administration of the ASA can be used to check a child’s progress with auditory skills and to determine if an intervention is working, still required, or if an in-depth assessment of the child’s skills is needed. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes examiner’s manual, 25 record forms, stimulus book and stimulus CD-ROM 978 0 749160 23 4 Record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749160 22 7 42 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK £190.50 exc VAT £75.00 exc VAT With the CCC-2 you can screen for children who are likely to have language impairment and identify pragmatic impairment in children with communication problems. The test may also assist in identifying children who may merit from further assessment for an autistic spectrum disorder. AGE RANGE: 4 years to 16 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) 10 scales: A. speech, B. syntax, C. semantic, D. coherence, E. inappropriate initiation, F. stereotyped language, G. use of context, H. nonverbal communication, I. social relations, J. interests. ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 5 to 15 minutes Two composites are derived: The General Communication Composite (GCC) is used to identify children likely to have clinically significant communication problems ■ The Social Interaction Deviance Composite (SIDC) can assist in identifying children with a communicative profile characteristic of autism. BESTSELLER OVERVIEW: A screening tool for children with communication problems. Standard scores and percentiles are provided for each of the following ■ CHILD - COMMUNICATION UK NORMS Dorothy Bishop, 2003 ■ CHILDREN’S COMMUNICATION CHECKLIST – SECOND EDITION (CCC-2) RELATED PRODUCT Also available the Communication Checklist – Self Report (CC-SR) – see below and the Communication Checklist – Adult (CC-A) – see page 110. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, 25 checklists, 25 summary sheets, overlay keys for hand scoring, CD-ROM scorer in a bag 978 0 749126 10 0 Checklists, pack of 25 978 0 749126 01 8 Summary sheets, pack of 25 978 0 749126 02 5 £144.50 exc VAT £38.50 exc VAT £19.50 exc VAT COMMUNICATION CHECKLIST – SELF-REPORT (CC-SR) Dorothy Bishop, Andrew Whitehouse and Margo Sharp, 2009 UK NORMS The CC-SR is a 70-item questionnaire suitable for older children, adolescents or adults who speak in sentences and have a reading age of at least 10 years. 50 behavioural statements focus on communicative weaknesses and 20 on communicative strengths. OVERVIEW: A self-report instrument for older children and adults with communication problems. In order to circumvent lack of self-awareness, some items are rated on the feedback the informant has received from other people (e.g. “People tell me that I talk too much”). AGE RANGE: 10 years to 80 years Z-scores, scales scores and percentiles are provided for the following 3 composites: Language Structure, Pragmatic Skills, Social Engagement. QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) Scores can be calculated by hand or with the CD-ROM scorer included in the kit. ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 10 to 15 minutes MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: includes manual, 25 checklists, 25 summary sheets, overlay keys for hand scoring and CD-ROM scorer in a bag 978 0 749149 00 0 Checklists, pack of 25 978 0 749149 02 4 Summary sheets, pack of 25 978 0 749149 03 1 [email protected] BESTSELLER RELATED PRODUCT £144.50 exc VAT £38.50 exc VAT £19.50 exc VAT Also available the Communication Checklist – Adult (CC-A) – see page 110. ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 43 ■ EXPRESSION, RECEPTION AND RECALL OF NARRATIVE INSTRUMENT (ERRNI) CHILD - COMMUNICATION / LITERACY UK NORMS Dorothy Bishop, 2004 OVERVIEW: Assess the ability to relate, comprehend and remember a story after delay. AGE RANGE: 6 years to adult (norms available from 4 years) QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 8 to 10 minutes The ERRNI assesses the ability to relate, comprehend and remember a story after a delay. It provides a rich source of information about children’s narrative skills. Two parallel forms are each linked to a sequenced story of 15 scenes. Retell of The Beach Story or The Fish Story is recorded with and without visual cues and a series of comprehension questions are completed. Samples are then transcribed and analysed. The parallel forms allow for retesting while minimising practice effect. National UK norms are provided on the following measures: ■ Information indicating how much relevant story content is provided ■ Complexity of grammatical structure ■ Comprehension of the pictured narrative ■ Forgetting which reflects storage of information in long term memory. The sample provides useful material for qualitative analysis of syntactic structure, hesitation phenomena and cohesion. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, stimulus book, 25 Form A record forms, 25 Form B record forms in a bag 978 0 749126 05 6 Form A record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749126 08 7 Form B record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749126 09 4 DYSLEXIA EARLY SCREENING TEST – SECOND EDITION (DEST-2) Rod Nicolson and Angela Fawcett, 2004 OVERVIEW: Profile strengths and weaknesses often associated with dyslexia. AGE RANGE: 4 years 6 months to 6 years 5 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL3 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 30 minutes UK NORMS £158.00 exc VAT £40.00 exc VAT £40.00 exc VAT BESTSELLER The DEST-2 battery contains screening tests of attainment and ability. These determine whether a young child is experiencing difficulty in areas known to be affected in dyslexia. An ‘at risk’ score for dyslexia determines whether further in-depth testing should be undertaken. A profile of skills provides valuable information that can be used to guide inschool support. The DEST-2 consists of 12 subtests: Rapid Naming, Bead Threading, Phonological Discrimination, Postural Stability, Rhyme/Alliteration, Forwards Digit Span, Digit Naming, Letter Naming, Sound Order, Shape Copying, Corsi Frog, Vocabulary (group/individual). MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes examiner’s manual, envelope 1 (containing subtest cards and sample permission letter), envelope 2 (containing score keys), forward digit span CD, sound order CD, corsi frog, beads, cord, blindfold, balance tester, scoring software with manual and 50 score sheets in bag 978 0 749121 36 5 £181.50 exc VAT Record forms, pack of 50 978 0 749121 40 2 £56.00 exc VAT 44 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK ■ DYSLEXIA SCREENING TEST – JUNIOR (DST-J) The Dyslexia Screening Test covers primary and secondary school-aged children in two separate assessments. The division of the DST into two tests, DST–Junior and DST–Secondary include extra subtests which are particularly relevant to the age group. They reflect changes in theory and practice since the initial publication with additional subtests, validation studies and case histories and scoring software. CHILD - LITERACY UK NORMS Angela Fawcett and Rod Nicolson, 2004 BESTSELLER OVERVIEW: Identify children in infant/ junior school who are at risk of dyslexia. AGE RANGE: 6 years 6 months to 11 years 5 months New theoretical developments in dyslexia research suggest that it should be possible to identify both slow learners and potential dyslexic children at the age of 5 or 6 years, in time for greater reading support. The DST-J is designed for early identification of children who are at risk of reading failure so that they can be given extra support at school. QUALIFICATION CODE: CL3 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 30 minutes The DST-J consists of the following subtests: ■ Rapid Naming ■ Phonemic Segmentation ■ One Minute Writing ■ Bead Threading ■ Two Minute Spelling ■ Verbal Fluency ■ One Minute Reading ■ Backwards Digit Span ■ Rhyme ■ Postural Stability ■ Nonsense Passage Reading ■ Vocabulary. COMPLETE KIT INCLUDES SCORING SOFWARE MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes examiner’s manual, envelope 1 (containing 10 subtest cards, sample permission letter and acetates), envelope 2 (containing score keys), backward digit span CD, beads, cord, blindfold, balance tester, scoring software with manual and 50 score sheets in a bag 978 0 749121 35 8 £181.00 exc VAT Score sheets, pad of 50 978 0 749121 72 3 £56.00 exc VAT DYSLEXIA SCREENING TEST – SECONDARY (DST-S) Angela Fawcett and Rod Nicolson, 2004 SUITABLE FOR PROVIDING BACKGROUND INFORMATION FOR ACCESS ARRANGEMENT APPLICATIONS UK NORMS The DST-S is designed to identify those children who are still experiencing difficulties at secondary school and provides data which can be used in support of requesting extra time concessions in exams. OVERVIEW: Identify children in secondary school who are at risk of dyslexia. The DST-S consists of the following subtests: ■ Rapid Naming ■ Nonsense Passage Reading ■ Bead Threading ■ One Minute Reading ■ One Minute Reading ■ Verbal Fluency ■ Postural Stability ■ Semantic Fluency ■ Phonemic Segmentation ■ Spoonerisms ■ Two Minute Spelling ■ Non-verbal Reasoning. ■ Backwards Digit Span BESTSELLER AGE RANGE: 11 years 6 months to 16 years 5 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL3 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 30 minutes MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes examiner’s manual, envelope 1 (containing 10 subtest cards and sample permission letter), envelope 2 (containing score keys), backward digit span CD, beads, cord, blindfold, balance tester, scoring software with manual and 50 score sheets in a bag 978 0 749121 55 6 £181.00 exc VAT Score sheets, pad of 50 978 0 749121 62 4 £56.00 exc VAT [email protected] COMPLETE KIT INCLUDES SCORING SOFWARE ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 45 ■ WOODCOCK READING MASTERY TESTS, THIRD EDITION (WRMT-III™) CHILD - LITERACY SUITABLE FOR ACCESS ARRANGEMENT AND DSA APPLICATIONS Richard W Woodcock, 2011 OVERVIEW: An assessment of reading readiness and reading achievement. AGE RANGE: 4 years 6 months to 79 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: 15 to 45 minutes for complete battery NOW AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL Gain a sharper focus on reading difficulties The new WRMT-III offers you the latest revision of the WRMT, which set the standard for assessment of reading readiness and reading achievement. This significant revision retains the format and structure of the WRMT-R/NU, while expanding the test’s range to give you even greater diagnostic power. The WRMT-III helps: Features & Benefits ■ evaluate struggling readers The WRMT-III offers significant enhancements, including: ■ identify specific strengths and weaknesses in reading skills to plan targeted intervention ■ Comprehensive, contemporary reading coverage based on extensive research FIND OUT MORE ■ screen for reading readiness ■ Find out more about Q-global, our new web-based platform for test administration, scoring and reporting on page 5. ■ determine reading strategies for students with special needs New photorealistic stimulus art to more readily engage children ■ ■ guide educational selection and placement decisions. Two parallel forms that can be used to monitor reading growth ■ Four new subtests to help you target specific problem areas ■ Test items arranged in order of increasing difficulty ■ Basal and ceiling rules and age-specific start points to help you administer only those items within the examinee’s functional range ■ Item-level error analysis on Listening Comprehension, Passage Comprehension, and Phonological Awareness ■ Within-item-level error analysis on Word Attack, Word Identification, and Oral Reading Fluency ■ Simplified administration and scoring. The WRMT-III contains four new and five revised subtests: ■ FIND OUT MORE: Want to view the new WRMT-III call 0207 010 2875 to make an appointment with your area sales consultant. NEW Phonological Awareness First Sound Matching Last Sound Matching Rhyme Production Blending Deletion ■ NEW Listening Comprehension ■ Revised Letter Identification ■ Revised Word Identification NEW Rapid Automatic Naming Object & Colour Naming Number & Letter Naming ■ NEW Oral Reading Fluency ■ Revised Word Attack ■ ■ Revised Word Comprehension Antonyms Synonyms Analogies ■ Revised Passage Comprehension Scoring and Reporting With online scoring and reporting available via Q-global™, you can save time and generate accurate WRMT-lll results. Q-global is accessible from any computer connected to the Internet. With 24/7 access you can quickly and efficiently organise examinee information, generate scores, and produce accurate comprehensive reports. Norms A nationally (US) representative sample of 3,360 individuals aged 4 years 6 months to 79 years 11 months. MATERIALS AND PRICES Form A Complete kit: Includes administration manual, 25 Form A record form, 25 oral reading fluency Form A, Form A stimulus book, rapid automatic naming cards and audio CD 978 0 749163 17 4 Form B Complete kit: Includes administration manual, 25 Form B record form, 25 oral reading fluency Form B, Form B stimulus book, rapid automatic naming cards and audio CD 978 0 749163 20 4 Form A record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749163 19 8 Form B record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749163 22 8 Q-global WRMT-III Report Usage 978 0 749170 20 2 46 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK £409.00 exc VAT £409.00 exc VAT £62.50 exc VAT £62.50 exc VAT £2.00 exc VAT ■ CHILD - LIFE SKILLS CHILD Life Skills TM Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales - Third Edition (Vineland-3) [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 47 COMING 2016 ■ VINELAND ADAPTIVE BEHAVIOR SCALES THIRD EDITION (VINELAND-3) CHILD - LIFE SKILLS NOW AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL Sara S Sparrow, Domenic V Cicchetti, and Celine A Saulnier, 2016 OVERVIEW: Measure adaptive behaviour from birth to adulthood. AGE RANGE: Birth to 90 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Online using Q-global, and paper and pencil. Approximately 20 minutes interview forms, 10 minutes parents/caregiver and teacher forms. Enhancements ■ Updated item content and new norms ■ Separate Parent/Caregiver and Interview Forms - with simplified item wording on the Parent/ Caregiver Forms ■ Introduction of basal and ceiling rules to Parent/ Caregiver and Teacher Form administration ■ New domain-level versions of the Interview, Parent/Caregiver, and Teacher Forms will offer a reliable, valid assessment at the domain level only, allowing for reduced administration time ■ Comprehensive Forms also available for the Interview, Parent/Caregiver, and Teacher Forms for a more in-depth evaluation ■ Online administration available for all forms through Q-global. TM The standard for measuring self-sufficiency Since the beginning, Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales has been a leading measure of personal and social skills needed for everyday living. Psychologists and other professionals continue to depend on it to identify individuals who have learning disabilities, developmental delays, autism spectrum disorders, and other impairments. Not only does Vineland aid in diagnosis, but it gives you valuable information for developing educational and treatment plans. The scales are organized using three domains Communication, Daily Living Skills, and Socialization - that correspond to the three broad domains of adaptive functioning specified by the DSM-5. In addition, Vineland-3 offers optional Motor Skills and Maladaptive Behavior domains for situations in which these areas are of concern. With Vineland-3 you can measure adaptive behaviour of individuals with: ■ Learning difficulties ■ Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) ■ ADHD ■ Post-traumatic brain injury ■ Hearing impairment ■ Dementia/Alzheimer’s disease. Benefits ■ Updated with new norms, improved items, and online administration and scoring ■ Useful for diagnosis, qualification for special programs, progress reporting, program and treatment planning, and research ■ Offers both respected semi-structured interview format which focuses discussion and gathers in-depth information, and also offers convenient rating forms. Domains Subdomains Communication Receptive Expressive Written Daily Living Skills Personal Domestic Community Socialization Interpersonal Relationships Play and Leisure Coping Skills Motor Skills (Optional) Fine Motor Gross Motor Maladaptive Behaviour (Optional) Internalising Externalising Critical Items MATERIALS AND PRICES: Pricing details coming soon, please visit pearsonclinical.co.uk/vineland3 to register for updates. 48 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK PRICE FREEZE NEW The third edition of the Adaptive Behavior Assessment System gives you a complete picture of functional skills across the life span. Retaining all of the essential features, the ABAS-3 is even easier to administer and score. It is particularly useful for evaluating those with developmental delays, autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, learning disabilities, neuropsychological disorders, and sensory or physical impairments. OVERVIEW: Provides a complete assessment of adaptive skills across the life span. Key features: AGE RANGE: Birth to 89 years ■ New norms, updated item content, and improved ease of use ■ Covers individuals from birth to 89 years of age ■ Assesses 11 essential skill areas within 3 major adaptive domains: Conceptual, Social, and Practical ■ Identifies adaptive behavior strengths and weaknesses ■ Integrates assessment, intervention planning, and progress monitoring ■ Compatible with DSM-5. CHILD - LIFE SKILLS Patti Harrison and Thomas Oakland, 2015 ■ ADAPTIVE BEHAVIOR ASSESSMENT SYSTEM® – THIRD EDITION (ABAS-3) QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 15 to 20 minutes Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES Comprehensive Kit (Ages 0 to 89): includes 5 parent/primary caregiver forms, 5 teacher/daycare provider forms; 5 parent forms; 5 teacher forms; 5 adult forms; manual; intervention planner 978 0 749168 95 7 £284.00 exc VAT Infant and Preschool Kit (Ages 0 to 5): Includes 25 parent/primary caregiver forms; 25 teacher/daycare provider forms; manual and intervention planner. 978 0 749168 96 4 £344.00 exc VAT School Kit (Ages 5 to 21): Includes 25 parent forms; 25 teacher forms; manual and intervention planner. 978 0 749169 02 2 £344.00 exc VAT [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 49 ■ THE ROLL EVALUATION OF ACTIVITIES OF LIFE (THE REAL™) CHILD - LIFE SKILLS Kristin Roll and William Roll, 2013 OVERVIEW: Assessment of Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and Independent Activities of Daily Living (IADLs) in Children. AGE RANGE: 2 years to 18 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 15 to 20 minutes The REAL™ offers a useful screening instrument to help you assess children’s ability to care for themselves at home, at school, and in the community. This standardised rating scale provides you with information on the activities of daily living (ADLs) and independent activities of daily living (IADLs) most common among children ages 2 years to 18 years 11 months. The REAL may be used as a screening tool by occupational therapists, psychologists, mental health, medical and education professionals in a variety of settings, to: ■ Determine the need for skilled and supportive services ■ Develop Individual Educational Plans and choose intervention services ■ Make decisions on placement and living arrangements ■ Evaluate programs ■ Conduct research. Parents or caregivers rate their child’s demonstration of each skill on a scale of 0 to 3 - Unable to Frequently. The REAL comprises of two domains: ADL and IADL. To evaluate skills in the ADL domain, there are 78 statements that address six skill areas. The IADL domain consists of 58 statements that address six skill areas. Scores: Standard scores, Percentile ranks and Standard error of measure. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes 25 Rating Forms and User’s Guide Rating Forms, pack of 25 978 0 158008 13 4 978 0 158008 11 0 £90.00 exc VAT £29.50 exc VAT Learn from the comfort of your own home or office An online programme of engaging webinars Do you like the idea of learning about assessment tools available from Pearson from the comfort of your home or office? Throughout the year we will be hosting a series of free webinars on a range of our products. As well as getting to know some of our bestselling assessments without having to leave your home/office, there will also be an opportunity to ask the presenter any burning questions you may have. Look out for details of our popular week-long talks led by industry experts: ■ ■ Online Working Memory Week - November 2016 EducationLearn - October 2016 Plus, product specific webinars. Some of our most popular sessions include talks on: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Q-interactive KeyMaths3 UK Dyslexia Screening Tools Cogmed Working Memory Training Reading Ability Tests For dates and registration details, visit www.pearsonclinical.co.uk/webinars 50 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK ■ MILLER FUNCTION AND PARTICIPATION SCALES (MfunPS) CHILD - LIFE SKILLS Lucy J Miller, 2006 OVERVIEW: Assess a child’s function and participation skills. AGE RANGE: 2 years 6 months to 7 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 40 to 60 minutes; Questionnaire, 5 to 10 minutes Developed in line with the ICF framework, the Miller Function and Participation Scales is a developmental assessment tool to: Measures: RELATED PRODUCT Performance Goal-Oriented Assessment of Lifeskills (GOAL) - see page 52. ■ Assess functional motor skills in natural contexts ■ Visual motor ■ Measure performance and participation in 2.6 to 7.11 year olds ■ Fine motor ■ Gross motor. ■ Link performance of functional activities to neuromotor foundational abilities Scores available: scaled scores, percentiles and age equivalents. ■ Use as an outcome measure to monitor progress over time. Participation The assessment incorporates hands-on functional activities that appeal to children, with items that examine children’s development in fine, gross and visual motor skills. It is engaging for all children, including those with mild, moderate or severe motor impairment. Children with lower motor-function skills can also participate in test activities. Observational checklists in: ■ Test environment ■ Home environment ■ Classroom environment. A useful addition to the assessment toolkit of occupational therapists, in particular those working in school-based occupational therapy with young and very young children with mild to moderate movement difficulties. Scores available: average, below average and well below average. Andrea Hasselbusch, Phd candidate, MOccTh, Bc OT, PG Cert Ed, Dip OT Senior Practice Fellow Clinical utility: Key features: ■ Identify underlying neuromotor foundations through engaging, functional activities and occupations ■ Applicable to children with mild to severe motor delays ■ Provides standard and criterion-referenced scores ■ Strong reliability and validity evidence in both normative and clinical groups. ■ Outcome measure: track improvement with progress scores ■ Monitor growth in motor ability over time with multiple administrations ■ Includes a profile that enables you to examine the child’s ability in the areas of: ■ Hand function ■ Non-motor visual perceptual abilities ■ Postural abilities ■ Executive function and participation. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, 25 record forms for ages 2.6 - 3.11, 25 record forms for ages 4.0 - 7.11, 25 workbooks for ages 2.6 - 3.11, 25 workbooks for ages 4.0 - 7.11, 25 home observation checklists, 25 classroom observation checklists, origami pads and set of manipulatives. 978 0 158015 88 0 £430.50 exc VAT Record forms, pack of 25, for ages 2.6 to 3.11 978 0 158015 90 3 £42.50 exc VAT Record forms, pack of 25, for ages 4.0 to 7.11 978 0 158015 95 8 £42.50 exc VAT Record form package for ages 2.6 to 3.11: Includes 25 record forms, 25 workbooks, 25 parents questionnaires and 25 teacher questionnaires 978 0 158015 89 7 £135.50 exc VAT Record form package for ages 4.0 to 7.11: Includes 25 record forms, 25 workbooks, 25 parents questionnaires and 25 teacher questionnaires 978 0 158015 94 1 £135.50 exc VAT [email protected] WARNING: NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN UNDER 36 MONTHS DUE TO SMALL PARTS. CHOKING HAZARD. ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 51 ■ GOAL-ORIENTED ASSESSMENT OF LIFESKILLS (GOAL) CHILD - LIFE SKILLS Lucy J Miller, Thomas Oakland, David S Herzberg, 2013 OVERVIEW: Evaluation of functional motor abilities needed for daily living. AGE RANGE: 7 years to 17 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 45 to 60 minutes FIND OUT MORE: Watch a video on the GOAL at pearsonclinical.co.uk The Goal-Oriented Assessment of Lifeskills (GOAL) is an innovative new evaluation of functional motor abilities needed for daily living. Designed for children aged 7 to 17, the GOAL consists of seven activities; fun and motivating tasks based on real occupations of a child’s daily life. Each Activity is linked to Intervention Targets that help you turn assessment results into a specific, goal-oriented treatment plan. This standardised, psychometrically precise instrument offers an ecologically valid description of a child’s competencies and opportunities for growth in both fine and gross motor domains. The GOAL can help determine eligibility for special services and inform planning of occupational and/or physical therapy and adaptive physical education. Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: includes 1 set of test materials; 25 record forms; pad of 25 paper box sheets; stimulus easel; and manual; all in a backpack 978 0 749166 58 8 £323.00 exc VAT Manual 978 0 749166 59 5 £68.00 exc VAT Paper box sheets, pad of 25 978 0 749166 60 1 £19.50 exc VAT Record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749166 61 8 £50.00 exc VAT Stimulus easel 978 0 749166 62 5 £69.50 exc VAT Keeping up to date with Pearson Assessment’s developments has never been easier. Our bi-monthly newsletters for health and psychology, and education are a great way to keep up to date and feature: product and industry news, author interviews, event details and special offers. Sign up at www.pearsonclinical.co.uk/enewsletters Plus, you can now find us on the following social media channels. ■ Follow @PsychCorpUK on Twitter ■ ‘Like’ our Facebook group on www.facebook.com/psychcorpuk and take part in discussions ■ Subscribe to our YouTube channel for product tutorials and introductory videos www.youtube.com/PsychCorpUK ■ Read our team blog at http://psychcorpuk.wordpress.com for the latest conference news ■ Explore our Pinterest boards for inspiration www.pinterest.com/psychcorpuk Find PsychCorpUK on the following social media sites: 52 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK ■ CHILD - MOTOR AND VISUO-PERCEPTUAL SKILLS CHILD - Motor and Visuo-perceptual skills Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, Second Edition (BOT-2) [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 53 ■ MOVEMENT ASSESSMENT BATTERY FOR CHILDREN – SECOND EDITION (MOVEMENT ABC-2) CHILD - MOTOR SKILLS UK NORMS Shelia E Henderson, David Sugden and Anna Barnett, 2007 OVERVIEW: Identifies, describes and guides treatment of motor impairment. AGE RANGE: 3 years to 16 years 11 months (Test); 5 years to 12 years (Checklist) QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (Test), CL3 (Checklist and Intervention Manual) (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 20 to 40 minutes (Test) Group or Individual 10 minutes (Checklist) AUTHOR INFORMATION: Sheila Henderson, Anna Barnett and David Sugden are world experts in the field of typical and atypical motor development. Together, they have over 250 publications which include books, tests, book chapters, and articles in prestigious scientific journals. A major focus of their work has been on children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) where their research has strongly influenced UK, European and intercontinental policy on terminology, assessment and intervention. With other colleagues, they have conducted research which has advanced our understanding of motor difficulties in various populations, including children born prematurely, children with DCD and children with a sensory impairment. A special interest in handwriting difficulty has led Sheila Henderson and Anna Barnett to produce the DASH and DASH 17+. The Movement ABC (1 and 2), one of their most significant collaborative works, has now been translated into ten different languages, and is one of the most widely used assessments of motor competence in the field. 54 Movement ABC-2 provides you with the tools you need to assist in identifying children who have motor function impairment. The kit includes the full assessment battery for children ages 3-16 and a checklist for those ages 5–12. Also provided is an ecological intervention manual to support you in developing intervention programs targeted at improving movement competence in children, allowing them to participate fully in activities of daily living with success and confidence. Use the Movement ABC-2 to: ■ Identify delay or impairment in motor development ■ Plan intervention programs ■ Measure change as a result of intervention ■ Research involving motor development Features & Benefits and motivational difficulties the child may have in relation to motor tasks. The Movement ABC-2 checklist The checklist provides a means for assessing movement in everyday situations in which the child participates. Use the checklist to: ■ UK Normative data ■ Assess groups of children in classroom situations. ■ Comprehensive normative and clinical studies ■ ■ Simple scoring and interpretation system Obtain parents’ or teachers’ views on a child’s movement in everyday settings ■ Separate intervention manual ■ ■ Extensive international research built over the previous version of the assessment and this version - featuring in over 500 studies. Measure the extent to which a child’s attitudes and feelings about motor tasks are situation specific or more generalized ■ Extensive translations worldwide. Test Content and Structure The test contains 8 tasks for each of 3 age ranges: 3 – 6 years; 7 – 10 years and 11 – 16 years. The tasks cover the following 3 areas: ■ Manual Dexterity ■ Ball Skills ■ Static and Dynamic Balance. Total standard scores and percentiles are provided. A profile of a child’s performance over the different sections of the test can be examined. The assessment is paralleled by an observational approach to perceptual-motor aspects and emotional Ecological Intervention for Children with Movement Difficulties The intervention manual provides a complete guide to helping children with movement difficulties, based on research. Beginning with a description of the theoretical basis of the ecological approach, the practitioner is guided through a discussion of organisational issues at one end of the process to a detailed step-by-step guide on how to teach an individual child a new skill. UK Standardisation The Movement ABC-2 test and checklist were normed on a nationally stratified sample in 2006. The test is normed on over 1000 children and the checklist on 400 children. Excellent reliability and validity data plus studies with clinical populations are included. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes examiner’s manual, intervention manual, full set of manipulables, 25 each of Age Band 1, 2 and 3 record forms and 50 checklists with instructions 978 0 749168 01 8 £868.50 exc VAT Record forms, packs of 25 – Age Band 1 (3 to 6 years) 978 0 749136 04 8 £69.00 exc VAT Record forms, packs of 25 – Age Band 2 (7 to 10 years) 978 0 749136 06 2 £69.00 exc VAT Record forms, packs of 25 – Age Band 3 (11 to 16 years) 978 0 749136 07 9 £69.00 exc VAT Checklists, pack of 50 978 0 749136 02 4 £28.00 exc VAT Intervention manual 978 0 749136 03 1 £68.50 exc VAT Other components, can be ordered. Please see website pearsonclinical.co.uk WARNING: NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN UNDER 36 MONTHS DUE TO SMALL PARTS. CHOKING HAZARD. FIND OUT MORE Visit pearsonclinical.co.uk/PIA to access a video and presentations on the Movement ABC-2. LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK PEARSON I N F O R M AT I O N A S S I S TA N T Provides a comprehensive picture of motor development This edition delivers significant enhancements including new test activities, improved equipment, and streamlined computer scoring and reporting. BOT–2 provides composite scores in four motor areas and one comprehensive measure of overall motor proficiency: ■ ■ ■ Fine Manual Control – control and coordination of the distal musculature of the hands and fingers, especially for grasping, writing and drawing Manual Coordination – control and coordination of the arms and hands, especially for object manipulation Body Coordination – control and coordination of the large musculature that aids maintaining posture and balance Strength and Agility – control and coordination of the large musculature involved in locomotion, especially in recreational and competitive sports. AGE RANGE: 4 years to 21 years Recommended uses BOT–2 is especially well-suited for physical therapists and occupational therapists who need a reliable motor skills assessment. The BOT–2 can help: ■ support diagnoses of motor impairments ■ as a screener to identify those who may benefit from further testing ■ making placement decisions ■ develop and evaluate the outcomes of motor training programmes. ■ Also included in the full kit is the Short Version – ideal as a quick screening tool for motor impairment. Scoring and Reporting The Total Motor Composite – comprising the motor area composites provides a reliable measure of overall motor proficiency. With online scoring and reporting available via Q-global™, you can save time and generate accurate BOT-2 results. Q-global is accessible from any computer connected to the Internet. With 24/7 access you can quickly and efficiently organise examinee information, generate scores, and produce accurate comprehensive reports. The instrument comprises eight subtests: Also available the BOT-2 Brief ■ ■ Fine Motor Precision (e.g. connecting dots) ■ Fine Motor Integration (e.g. copying a star) ■ Manual Dexterity (e.g. sorting cards) ■ Bilateral Coordination (e.g. tapping foot and finger) ■ Balance (e.g. standing on one leg on a balance beam) ■ Running Speed and Agility (e.g. one-legged side hop) ■ Upper-Limb Coordination (e.g. throwing a ball at a target) ■ Strength (e.g. sit-ups). NOW AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL OVERVIEW: Assess gross and fine motor skills. BOT-2 is a widely used, individually administered assessment of motor proficiency. It can be used with all individuals, ranging from those who are developing normally to those with moderate motor-skill deficits. It can also be used for developing and evaluating the outcomes of motor training programmes. New administration manual makes testing more efficient CHILD - MOTOR SKILLS Robert H Bruininks and Brett D Bruininks, 2005, 2010 ■ BRUININKS-OSERETSKY TEST OF MOTOR PROFICIENCY, SECOND EDITION (BOT-2) AND BOT-2 BRIEF FORM Developed to address the need for a brief version of the BOT-2 that requires fewer manipulatives. The BOT-2 Brief Form contains 12 items, consisting of at least one item from each BOT-2 subtest. The Brief Form is quick and easy to administer and yields a single score of overall motor proficiency, making it possible to determine the need for further assessment. QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (BOT-2), CL2R (BOT Brief ) (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, Complete form, 45 to 60 minutes; Brief form, 15 to 20 minutes FIND OUT MORE Visit pearsonclinical.co.uk to find out how the popular Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, Second Edition (BOT-2) is compatible with the Movement ABC-2. FIND OUT MORE Find out more about Q-global, our new web-based platform for test administration, scoring and reporting on page 5. RELATED PRODUCT BOT-2 Comprehensive Training DVD - see website for details. MATERIALS AND PRICES BOT-2 complete kit: includes manual, administration easel, stimulus book, 25 record forms, 25 examinee booklets, scoring transparency, training DVD, full set of manipulables in bag 978 0 749152 11 6 £898.00 exc VAT Record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749152 12 3 £50.50 exc VAT Examinee booklets, pack of 25 978 0 749152 13 0 £50.50 exc VAT Q-global BOT-2 short form report usage 978 0 749170 09 7 £2.00 exc VAT Q-global BOT-2 complete report usage 978 0 749170 08 0 £2.00 exc VAT BOT-2 brief form kit: includes manual/administration easel, 25 record forms, 25 examinee booklets, red pencil, blocks with string, knee pad & tennis ball 978 0 749160 39 5 £199.00 exc VAT Other components are also available. For details, visit us at pearsonclinical.co.uk [email protected] WARNING: NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN UNDER 36 MONTHS DUE TO SMALL PARTS. CHOKING HAZARD. ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 55 ■ PEABODY DEVELOPMENTAL MOTOR SCALES, SECOND EDITION (PDMS-2) CHILD - MOTOR SKILLS M Rhonda Folio and Rebecca R Fewell, 2000 OVERVIEW: Assess motor skills of children. AGE RANGE: Birth to 6 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 20 to 30 minutes for each motor-related subtest or 45 to 60 minutes for entire assessment WARNING: NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN UNDER 36 MONTHS DUE TO SMALL PARTS. CHOKING HAZARD. The PDMS-2 is an early childhood motor development program that provides both in-depth assessment and training or remediation of gross and fine motor skills. The assessment is composed of six subtests that measure interrelated motor abilities that develop early in life: ■ Reflexes ■ Stationary ■ Locomotion ■ Object Manipulation ■ Grasping ■ Visual-Motor Integration. Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes examiner’s manual, 25 profile/summary forms, 25 examiner/record booklets, guide to administering and scoring, Peabody Motor Activities Programme manual, Peabody Motor Development chart and manipulatives, all in a sturdy storage box 978 0 761618 21 8 £479.50 exc VAT Examiner record booklets, pack of 25 978 0 761618 23 2 £80.00 exc VAT Profile/Summary forms, pack of 25 978 0 749120 79 5 £35.00 exc VAT DETAILED ASSESSMENT OF SPEED OF HANDWRITING (DASH) Anna Barnett, Sheila E Henderson, Beverly Scheib and Joerg Schulz, 2007 OVERVIEW: Assess handwriting speed. AGE RANGE: 9 years to 16 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL3 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual or Group, Complete battery: Maximum 30 minutes BESTSELLER SUITABLE FOR ACCESS ARRANGEMENT APPLICATIONS UK NORMS BESTSELLER The Detailed Assessment of Speed of Handwriting (DASH) is ideal for providing evidence for Access Arrangements Applications. It can also play a role in identifying children with handwriting difficulties and provides information relevant for intervention planning. The assessment includes five subtests, each testing a different aspect of handwriting speed. The subtests examine fine motor and precision skills, the speed of producing well known symbolic material and the ability to alter speed of performance on two tasks with identical content as well as free writing competency. Standardised subtest and composite scores are provided, based on a nationally stratified normative sample of over 500 children collected across the UK in 2006. MATERIALS AND PRICES RELATED PRODUCT DASH 17+ See page opposite. Complete kit: Includes examiner’s manual, laminated reproducible test cards, a timer, 25 record forms in a bag 978 0 749136 40 6 Record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749136 42 0 FIND OUT MORE Visit pearsonclinical.co.uk/DASH to read case studies and frequently-asked questions. 56 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK £115.50 exc VAT £32.50 exc VAT ■ SUITABLE FOR ACCESS ARRANGEMENT AND DSA APPLICATIONS Anna Barnett, Sheila E Henderson, Beverly Scheib and Joerg Schulz, 2010 CHILD - MOTOR / VISUO-PERCEPTUAL SKILLS DETAILED ASSESSMENT OF SPEED OF HANDWRITING (DASH 17+) UK NORMS The DASH 17+ provides a reliable, age-appropriate measure of handwriting speed for students aged 17 to 25 years in further and higher education. This upwards extension of the DASH can identify students with slow handwriting and may assist in providing evidence for extra support, such as Access Arrangements in examinations or the Disabled Students’ Allowance. Information from the DASH 17+ also provides relevant information for planning intervention. OVERVIEW: Assess handwriting speed in FE and HE students. AGE RANGE: 17 years to 25 years The assessment includes five subtests, each testing a different aspect of handwriting speed. The subtests examine fine motor and precision skills, the speed of producing well known symbolic material, the ability to alter speed of performance on two tasks with identical content and free writing competency. QUALIFICATION CODE: CL3 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual or Group, Complete battery: Maximum 30 minutes Standardised subtest and composite scores are provided, based on data collected from a sample of 400 students in further and higher education across the UK in 2009. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes examiner’s manual, laminated reproducible test cards, a timer, 25 record forms in a bag 978 0 749149 25 3 Record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749160 72 2 £115.50 exc VAT £32.50 exc VAT DEVELOPMENTAL TEST OF VISUAL PERCEPTION, THIRD EDITION (DTVP-3) Donald D Hammill, Nils A Pearson, Judith K Voress, 2013 The updated DTVP-3 is suitable for children aged 4 years to 12 years 11 months and measures both visual perception and visual-motor integration skills. It can be administered in 30 minutes and has five subtests: ■ Eye-Hand Coordination ■ Copying ■ Figure-Ground ■ Visual Closure ■ Form Constancy. PRICE FREEZE OVERVIEW: Assess visual perception and visual-motor integration skills in children. AGE RANGE: 4 years to 12 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) The DTVP-3 is unique in that its scores are reliable at the .80 level or above for all subtests and .90 or above for the composites for all age groups; its scores are validated by many studies; its norms are based on a large (N = 1.035), representative sample; it yields scores for both visual perception (no motor response) and visual-motor integration ability; and it is shown to be unbiased relative to race, gender and handedness. Scores: Three composites: Motor-reduced Visual Perception, Visual-Motor Integration, and General Visual Perception. ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 30 minutes Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: includes: examiner’s manual, picture book, 25 response booklets, 25 examiner record booklets, and a copying scoring template, all in a sturdy storage box. 978 0 749166 48 9 £242.00 exc VAT Examiner record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749166 50 2 £37.00 exc VAT Picture book 978 0 749166 49 6 £65.00 exc VAT Response booklets, pack of 25 978 0 749166 53 3 £76.50 exc VAT Scoring template 978 0 749166 51 9 £8.50 exc VAT [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 57 ■ BEERY-BUKTENICA DEVELOPMENTAL TEST OF VISUAL-MOTOR INTEGRATION, SIXTH EDITION (BEERY™ VMI) CHILD - VISUO-PERCEPTUAL SKILLS Keith E Beery, Norman A Buktenica and Natasha A Beery, 2010 OVERVIEW: Assess visual-motor skills in children and adults. AGE RANGE: 2 years to 100 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual and Group - Short and Full Format tests: 10 to 15 minutes each; Visual and Motor tests: 5 minutes each Internationally respected and backed by decades of research and clinical use, the Beery VMI, Sixth Edition, offers a convenient and economical way to screen for visual-motor deficits that can lead to learning, neuropsychological and behavioural problems. It can be used by psychologists, occupational therapists, learning disability specialists, specialist teachers and other professionals. Early Childhood Focus The sixth edition of the Beery VMI remains strongly focused upon early childhood education. It includes updated norms for ages 2 years to 18 years; making it one of the few psychological assessments that provide standard scores as low as 2 years. Full and Short Forms RELATED PRODUCT Visit pearsonclinical.co.uk/beery to find out more about the Beery VMI and Teaching Materials. The manual and forms are easy to understand and it is fascinating to observe the different ways in which children respond to the test. Mary Mountstephen, Associate Editor, SEN Magazine The Short Format and Full Format tests present drawings of geometric forms arranged in order of increasing difficulty that the individual is asked to copy; helping to assess the extent to which individuals can integrate their visual and motor abilities. This culture-free and non-verbal assessment means that the Beery VMI is useful with individuals of diverse environmental, educational, and linguistic backgrounds. SUITABLE FOR ACCESS ARRANGEMENT AND DSA APPLICATIONS The Short and Full Format tests can be administered individually or to groups. (Individual administration is recommended for the supplemental tests.) The Short Format is often used with children ages 2 to 8 years. The Beery VMI series also provides supplemental Visual Perception and Motor Co-ordination tests, which use the same stimulus forms as the Short Format and Full Format tests. These optional assessments are designed to be administered after results from the Short Format or Full Format test show the need for further testing. A statistical comparison of results from all three tests can be quickly and easily made on the graphic profile. Norms The Beery VMI was standardised on a national sample of 1,737 individuals age 2 to 18 years (2010) and 1,021 adults ages 19-100 (2006), and has proven reliability and validity. The Manual also provides approximately 600 age-specific norms from birth to 6 years. MATERIALS AND PRICES Beery VMI Sixth Edition Starter Kit: Includes manual, 10 full forms, 10 short forms, 10 visual perception forms and 10 motor co-ordination forms 978 0 749160 27 2 £138.50 exc VAT Beery VMI Sixth Edition manual 978 0 749160 25 8 £68.00 exc VAT Beery VMI Sixth Edition Full Forms, pack of 25 978 0 749160 24 1 £107.00 exc VAT Beery VMI Sixth Edition Motor Co-ordination Forms, pack of 25 978 0 749160 26 5 £18.50 exc VAT Beery VMI Sixth Edition Visual Perception Forms, pack of 25 978 0 749160 28 9 £18.00 exc VAT Beery VMI Sixth Edition Short Forms, pack of 25 978 0 749160 29 6 £80.00 exc VAT WIDE RANGE ASSESSMENT OF VISUAL MOTOR ABILITIES (WRAVMA) OVERVIEW: Evaluate visual-motor skills. Assess and compare visual spatial, fine motor skills, and integrated visual motor skills in children aged 3 to 17 years using norms from a single sample. AGE RANGE: 3 years to 17 years The WRAVMA assesses three areas using three tests: the Drawing (Visual Motor) Test, the Matching (VisualSpatial) Test, and the Pegboard (Fine Motor) Test. QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: 4 to 10 minutes per subtest 58 NEW TO PEARSON Wayne Adams and David Sheslow, 1995 It provides a reliable, accurate evaluation of visualmotor skills of children and adolescents. A scaled score, standard score, an age-equivalency score, and percentile may be obtained for each subtest. MATERIALS AND PRICES: Complete Kit: includes administration & scoring manual, 25 drawing forms, 25 visual matching forms, 25 examiner record forms, pegboard and pegs, pencils, markers, and sharpener, black canvas bag 978 0 749170 43 1 Drawing Forms, packs of 25 978 0 749170 44 8 Record Forms, packs of 25 978 0 749170 45 5 Matching Forms, packs of 25 978 0 749170 47 9 Manual 978 0 749170 46 2 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK £330.00 exc VAT £68.00 exc VAT £68.00 exc VAT £68.00 exc VAT £68.00 exc VAT ■ CHILD - SENSORY SKILLS CHILD - Sensory skills Sensory Profile 2™ [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 59 ■ SENSORY PROFILE 2™ CHILD - SENSORY SKILLS NOW AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL Winnie Dunn, 2014 OVERVIEW: Standardised tools to help evaluate a child’s sensory processing patterns in the context of home, school and communitybased activities. AGE RANGE: Birth to 14 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Pen and paper, online, 5 to 20 minutes SCORING OPTIONS: Q-global or manual scoring FIND OUT MORE Visit pearsonclinical.co.uk/ Sensorypodcast for a series of broadcasts presented by Sensory Profile™ 2 author Dr. Winnie Dunn. They provide detailed information on the development and utility of each of the Sensory Profile 2 forms. FIND OUT MORE Find out more about Q-global, our new web-based platform for test administration, scoring and reporting on page 5. The Sensory Profile™ 2 family of assessments provides you with standardised tools to help evaluate a child’s sensory processing patterns in the context of home, school and community-based activities. These significantly revised questionnaires evaluate a child’s unique sensory processing patterns from a position of strengths, providing deeper insight to help you customise the next steps of intervention. The forms are completed by caregivers and teachers, who are in the strongest position to observe the child’s response to sensory interactions that occur throughout the day. Recommended Uses Features and benefits ■ Combined questionnaire and score forms, no need to purchase separate forms ■ Expanded age range in one kit—The Child, Short, and School Companion forms age increased to 14:11, giving you more flexibility in assessing preteens and younger teens ■ Shorter questionnaires — The Infant, Child, School Companion, and Short form caregiver and teacher questionnaires are briefer. The Toddler questionnaire increased by just a few items, reflecting increased understanding of sensory processing at this age The Sensory Profile 2 helps you: ■ Identify and document how sensory processing may be contributing to or interfering with a child’s participation at home, school, and the community ■ Contribute valuable information to a comprehensive assessment of the child’s sensory strengths and challenges in context ■ Develop effective treatment plans, interventions, and everyday remediation strategies. ■ Updated content and greater item consistency between forms Using paper and pencil or online administration with Q-global, caregivers and teachers report on the child’s response to sensory events throughout the day using the relevant forms. ■ No need to purchase separate kits with Infant, Toddler, Child, Short, and School Companion forms combined in to one manual ■ Provides cuts scores with optional percentiles for an additional level of analysis ■ Online or paper-and-pencil administration and scoring to fit with your workflow ■ Wide range of studies between children with and without disabilities to ensure discrimination with vulnerable populations ■ Enables theory-based decision-making because principles of neuroscience, sensory processing, strengths-based approaches, and ecological models are imbedded in the items and scoring structure ■ School Companion Sensory Profile 2: Teacher questionnaire for students ages 3–14 years. Presents a comprehensive view of a child’s responses across settings, which helps facilitate discussion between families and professionals about strategies that support the child’s participation in all contexts ■ Each form includes some combination of Sensory System, Behavioural, and Sensory Pattern scores: Enhanced reporting options to link findings from the questionnaires to participation at home, in school, and the community ■ Offers you an evidence-based tool that is built on extensive evidence from the first editions of the Sensory Profile™, including international research demonstrating the usefulness of data ■ Enhanced reporting options to link findings from the questionnaires to participation at home, in school, and the community. Content and administration ■ Infant Sensory Profile 2: Caregiver questionnaire for babies from Birth–6 months ■ Toddler Sensory Profile 2: Caregiver questionnaire for toddlers ages 7–35 months ■ Child Sensory Profile 2: Caregiver questionnaire for children ages 3–14 years ■ Short Sensory Profile 2: Caregiver questionnaire for children ages 3–14 years. Items on this questionnaire, which are drawn from the Child Sensory Profile 2, are highly discriminating and provide quick information for screening and research programs ■ 60 NEW ■ Sensory System scores: Auditory, Visual, Touch, Movement, Body Position, Oral. ■ Behaviour scores: Conduct, Social-Emotional, Attentional. ■ Sensory Pattern scores: Seeking, Avoiding, Sensitivity, Registration. ■ School Factor scores: School Factor 1 (Supports), School Factor 2 (Awareness), School Factor 3 (Tolerance), School Factor 4 (Availability) (School Companion Sensory Profile 2 only). LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK ■ Psychometric Information: The Sensory Profile 2 is now available on Q-Global. ■ Enhanced online scoring and reporting options include: Data was collected on a nationally representative US sample of 1791 children from 2012 to 2013 ■ 774 children with disabilities participated in clinical validity studies including Autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) ■ Validation studies with gold standard measures of behaviour, adaptive behaviour and participation. ■ Assessment and Planning Report: To link the findings from the questionnaires to participation at home, in school, and in the community. ■ Multi-rater Report: Facilitating sensory processing assessment in context. ■ Manual entry: Option to use paper forms to administer the questionnaires, then use the Q-global system to score and generate reports. * Note: Sensory Profile 2 has been developed with US normative data. Users should interpret assessment finding’s accordingly. FIND OUT MORE Visit pearsonclinical.co.uk/ sensoryprofile for webinars, podcasts and sample reports. RELATED PRODUCTS Q-global - see page 5. Adolescent / Adult Sensory Profile - see page 62 and 114. FIND OUT MORE MATERIALS AND PRICES Sensory Profile 2 starter kit: includes: manual and 1 pack of each form for Sensory Profile 2 (infant, toddler, child, school companion short form) 978 0 158700 00 7 £252.00 exc VAT Sensory Profile 2 administration manual 978 0 158700 02 1 £68.00 exc VAT Sensory Profile 2 record forms (0-6 months), pack of 25 978 0 158700 03 8 £48.00 exc VAT Sensory Profile 2 record forms (7-35 months), pack of 25 978 0 158700 04 5 £48.00 exc VAT Sensory Profile 2 record forms (3:0-14:11), pack of 25 978 0 158700 05 2 £48.00 exc VAT Sensory Profile 2 school companion record forms, pack of 25 978 0 158700 06 9 £48.00 exc VAT Sensory Profile 2 short form (3:0-14:11), pack of 25 978 0 158700 07 6 £34.00 exc VAT Q-global Sensory Profile 2 summary report (a usage includes the administration, scoring and reporting of any Sensory Profile 2 form or adolescent/adult sensory profile form.) 978 0 150017 00 4 £2.00 exc VAT [email protected] CHILD - SENSORY SKILLS Scoring & Reporting Have you, ever read a researchbased report and thought, “I don’t recognise this person, are you sure you wrote about the right person?” - Read Shelley Hughes, SROT, Senior Product Manager, blog post on ‘Simple Steps to Unleash Strengths’ at www.psychcorpuk. wordpress.com ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 61 ■ ADOLESCENT / ADULT SENSORY PROFILE™ CHILD - SENSORY SKILLS NOW AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL Catana Brown and Winnie Dunn, 2002 OVERVIEW: Identify sensory processing patterns and effects on functional performance. AGE RANGE: 11 years and older QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, Untimed DOWNLOAD Download a Q-global Sample Report for the Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile from our website. The Adolescent / Adult Sensory Profile brings greater understanding about why individuals engage in particular behaviours and why they prefer certain environments and experiences. The results provide an increased awareness and understanding of sensory processing preferences not only for the client but also for the therapist, team members, family members, and others who are close to the individual. It enables clients to evaluate themselves through the use of a self-questionnaire and is designed as a trait measure of sensory processing. An individual answers questions regarding how he or she generally responds to sensations, as opposed to how he or she responds at any given time. This enables the instrument to capture the more stable and enduring sensory processing preferences of an individual: ■ Evaluate the possible contributions of sensory processing to the client’s daily performance patterns ■ Obtain information about everyday sensory experiences and the impact on behaviour in different settings ■ Use for identifying and developing client awareness and strategies to optimise the desired sensory environment ■ Enables more informed intervention planning, which takes into account an individual’s particular preferences. Generates an individualised profile of sensory processing across four quadrants: ■ Low registration ■ Sensory sensitivity ■ Sensation seeking ■ Sensation avoiding. Reproducible charts provide an intervention matrix across the quadrants and six sensory processing categories: ■ Taste/smell processing ■ Touch processing ■ Movement processing ■ Activity level ■ Visual processing ■ Auditory processing. Administration, Scoring and Reporting Options Q-GlobalTM The Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile is now available on Q-global: Pearson’s web-based administration, scoring, and reporting platform. It enables you to quickly assess and efficiently organise examinee information, generate scores, and produce accurate, comprehensive reports—anywhere, anytime, on any internetconnected device. Choice of on-screen administration (a secure link is sent to the rater to complete the questionnaire on any internet enabled device) or manual entry (use paper forms to administer the questionnaires, then use the Q-global system to score and generate reports). MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes user’s manual and 25 self-questionnaire/summary reports Self-questionnaire/summary reports, pack of 25 Q-global Adolescent/Adult Summary report 978 0 761649 70 0 978 0 761649 73 1 978 0 150017 00 4 * Price per report 62 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK £137.00 exc VAT £40.00 exc VAT £2.00 exc VAT* ■ CHILD - HEALTH AND WELLBEING CHILD - Health and Wellbeing Behavorial Assessment System for Children - Third Edition (BASC-3) [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 63 ■ BECK YOUTH INVENTORIES™ – SECOND EDITION FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS (BYI-II) CHILD - MENTAL HEALTH Judith S Beck, Aaron T Beck, John B Jolly and Robert Steer, 2005 OVERVIEW: Evaluate child and adolescent emotional and social impairment. AGE RANGE: 7 years to 18 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual or Group, 5 to 10 minutes per inventory RECOMMENDED Recommended in ‘A framework of outcomes for young people’ by The Young Foundation. BESTSELLER Now assess your clients to age 18 assuring confidence in your clinical decision-making, while helping you plan effective intervention. Five self-report inventories can be used separately or in combination to assess symptoms of depression, anxiety, anger, disruptive behaviour and self-concept. The Beck Youth Inventories™ – Second Edition use the same principles as the widely used Beck Scales of Depression, Anxiety, Hopelessness and Suicide Ideation. Each inventory contains 20 statements about thoughts, feelings and behaviours associated with emotional and social impairment in youth. Children and adolescents describe how frequently the statement has been true for them. The instruments measure emotional and social impairment in five specific areas: ■ Beck Depression Inventory for Youth ■ Beck Anxiety Inventory for Youth ■ Beck Anger Inventory for Youth ■ Beck Disruptive Behaviour Inventory for Youth ■ Beck Self-Concept Inventory for Youth. BYI-II bridges the gap between the Beck Depression Inventory for Adults and the BYI. Norms: Standardised on children and adolescents aged 7 to 18 years in the US. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual and 25 combination inventory booklets Depression inventory, pad of 25 Anxiety inventory, pad of 25 Anger inventory, pad of 25 Disruptive behavior inventory, pad of 25 Self-concept inventory, pad of 25 Combination inventory, pack of 25 booklets 978 0 158014 19 7 978 0 158014 32 6 978 0 158014 34 0 978 0 158014 36 4 978 0 158014 38 8 978 0 158014 40 1 978 0 158014 23 4 £193.00 exc VAT £52.50 exc VAT £52.50 exc VAT £52.50 exc VAT £52.50 exc VAT £52.50 exc VAT £113.50 exc VAT CHILDREN’S DEPRESSION INVENTORY, SECOND EDITION (CDI 2™) Maria Kovacs, 2010 OVERVIEW: Measures cognitive, affective, and behavioural signs of depression. AGE RANGE: 7 years to 17 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 5 to 15 minutes; 5 to 10 minutes for Short Form The Children’s Depression Inventory 2 (CDI 2™) is a comprehensive multirater assessment of depressive symptoms in children aged 7 to 17 years. Depressive symptomatology is quantified by the CDI 2 based on reports from children/adolescents, teachers and parents. Based on the original CDI, the CDI 2 retains many of the essential features of its predecessor and introduces a number of important refinements. The updated version includes new items that focus on the core aspects of childhood depression, revised scales that are more reliable and valid, as well as new norms that are representative of the US population. Also updated and enhanced are the normative samples of the Parent and Teacher forms. Together, the inventories are a family of tools that accurately assess the presence and the severity of depressive symptoms. Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES Handscored kit: Includes manual, 25 self report QuikScore forms, 25 self report short QuikScore forms, 25 parent QuikScore forms, 25 teacher QuikScore forms 978 0 749162 00 9 £315.00 exc VAT 64 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK ■ RESILIENCY SCALES FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS™ Why do some children and adolescents adjust or recover and others do not? Now, you have a brief tool to profile personal strengths, as well as vulnerability that is theoretically based and psychometrically sound. OVERVIEW: Profile child and adolescent personal strengths as well as vulnerability. Resiliency Scales for Adolescents contains: AGE RANGE: 9 years to 18 years ■ Sense of Mastery Scale: Optimism, Self-Efficacy, Adaptivity ■ Sense of Relatedness Scale: Trust, Support, Comfort, Tolerance ■ Emotional Reactivity Scale: Sensitivity, Recovery, Impairment. QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual and 25 combination scales booklets Combination scales booklets, pack of 25 Emotional reactivity scale, pad of 25 Sense of mastery scale, pad of 25 Sense of relatedness scale, pad of 25 CHILD - MENTAL HEALTH BESTSELLER Sandra Prince-Embury, 2006 978 0 158234 63 2 978 0 158234 64 9 978 0 158007 62 5 978 0 158006 23 9 978 0 158006 24 6 £110.50 exc VAT £63.00 exc VAT £34.00 exc VAT £34.00 exc VAT £34.00 exc VAT ADMINISTRATION: Individual or Group, 5 minutes per scale RELATED PRODUCT Normed with the Beck Youth Inventories - see page 64. These scales provide a framework for understanding processes within a youth’s thinking, that interact with immediate family and extended community to offset the negative increasing the probability of positive development. Sam Goldstein, Ph.D., Neurology, Learning and Behavior Center, University of Utah SELF IMAGE PROFILES (SIP) UK NORMS Richard J Butler, 2001 The Self Image Profiles (SIP) are brief self-report measures that tap the individual’s self-concept. There are 2 forms; the SIP-C for children aged 7 to 11 years and the SIP-A for adolescents aged 12 to 16 years. The SIP provide a visual display of Self Image, enabling the child/young person to reveal to him/herself, as well as to the clinician, the way in which they construe themselves as they complete it. The SIP also provide a measure of Self Esteem, which is calculated by the discrepancy between ratings of ‘How I am’ and ‘How I would like to be’. The SIP is child friendly and easy to administer and score. It is useful as a screening instrument where a quick assessment of self-concept is required. OVERVIEW: Quickly assess self image and self esteem in children and adolescents. AGE RANGE: 7 years to 16 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) Norms: SIP-C: 513 children in primary schools in the UK. SIP-A: 341 young people in secondary schools in the UK. See page 121 for Self Image Profile for Adults (SIP-Adult). ADMINISTRATION: Individual or Group, SIP-C: 12 to 15 minutes; SIP-A: 9 to 17 minutes MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, 25 SIP-C record forms and 25 SIP-A record forms in a bag 978 0 749120 48 1 SIP-C record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749120 47 4 SIP-A record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749120 46 7 [email protected] £109.00 exc VAT £55.50 exc VAT £55.50 exc VAT ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 65 ■ MILLON™ PRE-ADOLESCENT CLINICAL INVENTORY (M-PACI™) CHILD - MENTAL HEALTH Theodore Millon, Robert Tringone, Carrie Millon and Seth Grossman, 2005 OVERVIEW: Identify psychological problems in pre-adolescent children. AGE RANGE: 9 years to 12 years Unlike instruments that focus on a single clinical area such as anxiety or depression, the M-PACI assessment provides an integrated view that synthesises the child’s emerging personality styles and clinical syndromes, helping clinicians detect early signs of Axis I and Axis II disorders. Key features: ■ Contains fewer than 100 questions and takes most pre-adolescents only 15 to 20 minutes to complete QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) ■ Uses age-appropriate language and requires minimal reading level ■ Validated against expert clinician judgments and other leading self-report inventories for this age group ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 15 to 20 minutes ■ A summary of potential treatment strategies, tailored to each patient, is provided in the M-PACI interpretive report SCORING OPTIONS: Q-global or Hand-scored Q-GLOBAL REPORT OPTIONS: Profile, Interpretive NOW AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL Scoring and Reporting With online scoring and reporting available via Q-global™, you can save time and generate accurate M-PACI results. Q-global is accessible from any computer connected to the Internet. With 24/7 access you can quickly and efficiently organise examinee information, generate scores, and produce accurate comprehensive reports. * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. FIND OUT MORE Find out more about Q-global, our new web-based platform for test administration, scoring and reporting on page 5. MATERIALS AND PRICES Handscore starter kit: Includes manual, 50 answer sheets, 50 profile forms and answer keys Answer sheets, pack of 25 Q-global M-PACI Interpretive Report Q-global M-PACI Profile Report 978 0 749154 19 6 978 0 749154 18 9 978 0 749166 39 7 978 0 749166 40 3 MILLON™ ADOLESCENT CLINICAL INVENTORY (MACI) Theodore Millon, Carrie Millon, Roger Davis and Seth Grossman, 1993 £260.50 exc VAT £33.00 exc VAT £29.00 exc VAT £22.00 exc VAT NOW AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL This versatile instrument is essential in helping to: OVERVIEW: Brief adolescent personality inventory. AGE RANGE: 13 years to 19 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) conduct detailed evaluations to confirm diagnostic hypotheses ■ create individualised treatment planning ■ measure progress before, during and after treatment. To help you formulate more precise treatment plans, the Grossman Facet Scales identify personality processes (e.g., self-image, mood temperament) that underlie overall scale elevations on the Personality Pattern scales. Each personality scale now has three facet scales, for which results are presented in the automated reports. ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 25 to 30 minutes Using an age-appropriate format, the MACI test helps measure a number of factors closely associated with adolescents, including Sexual Discomfort, Substance Abuse Proneness, Suicidal Tendency and Eating Dysfunctions. SCORING OPTIONS: Q-global or Hand-scored * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. Q-GLOBAL REPORT OPTIONS: Profile, Interpretive 66 ■ MATERIALS AND PRICES Handscore starter kit: Includes manual, 10 test booklets, 50 answer sheets, 50 worksheets, 50 profile forms and answer keys 978 0 749153 48 9 £415.50 exc VAT Answer sheets, pack of 25 978 0 749153 47 2 £32.50 exc VAT Q-global MACI Profile Report 978 0 749166 14 4 £27.50 exc VAT Q-global MACI Interpretive Report 978 0 749166 13 7 £40.00 exc VAT LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK ■ MINNESOTA MULTIPHASIC PERSONALITY INVENTORY®-ADOLESCENT (MMPI®-A) CHILD - MENTAL HEALTH Manual: James N Butcher, Ph.D., Carolyn L Williams, Ph.D., John R Graham, Ph.D., Robert P Archer, Ph.D., Auke Tellegen, Ph.D., Yossef S Ben-Porath, Ph.D., and Beverly Kaemmer, NOW 1992. Manual Supplement: John R Graham, Ph.D., Robert P Archer, Ph.D.,AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL Auke Tellegen, Ph.D., Yossef S Ben-Porath, Ph.D., and Beverly Kaemmer, 2006 An empirically-based measure of adolescent psychopathology, the MMPI-A test contains adolescent specific scales, and other unique features designed to make the instrument especially appropriate for today’s youth. OVERVIEW: Measure adolescent psychopathology. Use this self-report inventory to help: ■ support diagnosis and treatment planning in a variety of settings. ■ identify the root causes of potential problems early on. ■ provide easy-to-understand information to share with parents, teachers, and others in the adolescent’s support network. ■ guide professionals in making appropriate referrals. AGE RANGE: 14 years to 18 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, approximately 60 minutes Key features: ■ Item content and language are relevant for adolescents ■ At the psychologist’s discretion, the clinical scales and three of the validity scales can be scored from the first 350 items, a significant savings in administration time SCORING OPTIONS: Q-global or Hand-scored ■ Norms are adolescent-specific ■ Scales help address problems clinicians are more likely to see with adolescents, including family issues, eating disorders and chemical dependency. Q-GLOBAL REPORT OPTIONS: Basic, Interpretive, Extended * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. HANDSCORE MATERIALS AND PRICES Handscore starter kit: Includes all the materials necessary to administer and score 50 protocols with 10 test booklets 978 0 749154 03 5 Q-global MMPI-A Basic Service Report 978 0 749166 36 6 Q-global MMPI-A Adolescent Interpretive System Report 978 0 749166 38 0 Q-global MMPI-A Extended Score Report 978 0 749166 37 3 RELATED PRODUCT £699.50 exc VAT £15.00 exc VAT £37.50 exc VAT £17.50 exc VAT Also available the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 and RF – See page 128 for more details. MINNESOTA MULTIPHASIC PERSONALITY INVENTORY-ADOLESCENT RESTRUCTURED FORM™ (MMPI-A-RF™) Robert P Archer, Richard W Handel, Yossef S Ben-Porath and Auke Tellegen, 2016 The MMPI-A-RF is the most up-to-date, empirically based personality assessment for use with adolescents. The test mirrors the structure of the MMPI-2-RF, the most recent version for use with adults, and includes several adolescent-specific scales. The MMPI-A-RF is composed of 241 items, is linked to current models of psychopathology and personality, NOW AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL and features 48 empirically validated scales relevant for use with adolescents in a variety of clinical, forensic, and school settings. The MMPI-A-RF provides relevant information to aid clinicians in problem identification, diagnosis, and treatment planning for adolescents’ age 14 years to 18 years. MATERIALS AND PRICES Please see pearsonclinical.co.uk for pricing details. * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. NEW OVERVIEW: Aid clinicians in problem identification, diagnosis, and treatment planning for adolescents. AGE RANGE: 14 years to 18 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: 25 to 30 minutes computeradministered; 30-45 minutes paper and pencil [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 67 ■ HARE PSYCHOPATHY CHECKLIST: YOUTH VERSION (PCL:YV™) CHILD - MENTAL HEALTH Adelle E Forth, David S Kosson and Robert D Hare, 2003 OVERVIEW: Assess antisocial traits in youth. AGE RANGE: 12 years to 18 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 90 to 120 minutes Based on the widely-used PCL-R™ for assessing adult psychopathy, the PCL:YV™ helps identify potential patterns of cheating, fighting, bullying and other antisocial acts in adolescents and teenagers. Early identification of these traits is critical to the development of these individuals as they move into adulthood. Results from the PCL:YV™ provide a strong basis for interventions and treatment. Key areas measured: ■ Interpersonal ■ Behaviour ■ Affective ■ Antisocial. Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES RELATED PRODUCT Complete kit: Includes PCL:YV technical manual, rating booklet, 25 QuikScore forms and 25 interview guides 978 0 749140 48 9 QuikScore forms, pack of 25 978 0 749140 51 9 Interview guides, pack of 25 978 0 749140 52 6 Hare Psychopathy ChecklistRevised: (PCL-R) 2nd Edition. – See page 131 for more details. £375.00 exc VAT £79.00 exc VAT £129.50 exc VAT * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. NOVACO ANGER SCALE AND PROVOCATION INVENTORY (NAS-PI) Raymond W Novaco, 2003 OVERVIEW: Tells you how individuals experience anger and what kind of situations provoke it. AGE RANGE: 9 years to 84 years Brief and easy-to-administer, this self-report questionnaire is an excellent way to assess anger in clinical, community and correctional settings. The NAS-PI is composed of two parts: ■ The Novaco Anger Scale (60 items), which tells you how an individual experiences anger ■ The Provocation Inventory (25 items), which identifies the kind of situations that induce anger in particular individuals. QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) It can also be administered to students who have learning difficulties and developmental delays. ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 25 minutes The entire questionnaire can be completed in just 25 minutes by anyone with a reading age of 8 or above. (It can also be administered to clients who are mentally disordered or developmentally delayed, though items may have to be read to these individuals.) Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual and 25 record forms Record forms, pack of 25 68 978 0 749140 97 7 978 0 749140 98 4 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK £105.50 exc VAT £48.00 exc VAT ■ AGGRESSION QUESTIONNAIRE (AQ) CHILD - MENTAL HEALTH Arnold H Buss and W L Warren, 2000 Screen child and adults for aggressive tendencies with this routine self-report inventory. The Aggression Questionnaire (AQ) measures an individual’s aggressive responses and his or her ability to channel those responses in a safe, constructive manner. The selfreport consisting of 34 items on which individuals rate themselves on a 5-point scale ranging from “Not at all like me” to “Completely like me.”: ■ OVERVIEW: Offers a quick, practical way to screen large groups or individuals for aggressive tendencies. AGE RANGE: 9 years to 88 years Physical Aggression ■ Hostility ■ Verbal Aggression ■ Indirect Aggression ■ Anger QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) Standardisation is based on a US sample of 2,138 individuals, ages 9 to 88. In addition, norms for the Verbal Aggression and Physical Aggression scales are separated by sex. Scores can be used in treatment planning and outcome measurement. The AQ is ideal for use in correctional settings, schools, military installations, and geriatric or convalescent hospitals for both screening and program evaluation. ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 10 minutes Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes 25 AutoScore answer forms and manual 978 0 749160 88 3 £106.00 exc VAT REVISED CHILDREN’S MANIFEST ANXIETY SCALE: SECOND EDITION (RCMAS-2) Cecil R Reynolds and Bert O Richmond, 2008 The new RCMAS-2 is a brief self-report inventory, with a simple yes/no format that measures the level and nature of anxiety in 6 to 19 year olds. The test brings into focus the often invisible worry, stress, and fear that can lead to academic difficulties, social withdrawal and other problems. OVERVIEW: Measures the level and nature of anxiety, as experienced by children today, using a simple yes-orno response format. Composed of 49 items, the test covers the following scales: ■ Physiological Anxiety ■ Defensiveness ■ Worry ■ ■ Social Anxiety Inconsistent Responding Index. AGE RANGE: 6 years to 19 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) A Convenient Short Form Ideal for Routine Screening Test administration is quick and easy, the Full Form can be completed in just 10 to 15 minutes, whilst the new Short Form requires less than 5 minutes. The test generates a Total Anxiety score plus scale scores. Administered regularly, the scale allows you to identify anxiety in individual children, assess levels of anxiety in the classroom as a whole, and help students handle anxiety-producing situations. ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 10 to 15 minutes; less than 5 minutes for Short Form Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: includes 25 autoscore forms, audio CD and manual 978 0 749163 24 2 [email protected] £117.00 exc VAT ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 69 ■ CHILDREN’S MEASURE OF OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE SYMPTOMS (CMOCS) CHILD - MENTAL HEALTH Cecil R Reynolds and Ronald B Livingston, 2010 OVERVIEW: Provides a psychometrically sound measure of obsessions, compulsions, and their impact on daily functioning. AGE RANGE: 8 years to 19 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 10 to 15 minutes A self-report measure that’s brief, easy to use, and well normed Now there’s a new option for evaluating OCD, a brief, easy-to-administer, self-report inventory that offers both detailed and summary scores, all referenced to a large, representative norm sample. The CMOCS is composed of 56 items covering six Problem Areas: ■ Fear of Contamination ■ Rituals ■ Intrusive Thoughts ■ Checking ■ Fear of Mistakes and Harm Norms: Based on a US nationally representative sample of 1,644 children and adolescents. ■ Picking/Slowing. Distributed Product These scales address obsessions and compulsions and their impact on daily functioning. In addition, two validity scales alert you to inconsistent responding or defensiveness on the examinee’s part. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes 25 AutoScore forms and manual 978 0 749160 89 0 £110.00 exc VAT CHILDHOOD TRAUMA QUESTIONNAIRE (CTQ) David P Bernstein and Laura Fink, 1997 OVERVIEW: A retrospective self-report to assess history of trauma. AGE RANGE: 12 years and older QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 5 minutes The CTQ is a 28 item self-report inventory that can be administered to adolescents and adults to provide reliable, valid screening for a history of abuse and neglect in order to establish whether traumatic childhood conditions are a factor in your client’s personal history. It is an effective, clinical tool, which can be administered in five minutes with five scales measuring: ■ Physical abuse ■ Sexual abuse ■ Emotional abuse ■ Physical neglect ■ Emotional neglect. It includes a minimisation denial scale for detecting individuals who may be under reporting traumatic events and interpretative guidelines which allow for identification of three levels of severity of abuse and neglect (low, moderate, severe). MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual and pack of 25 ready score® answer documents Ready Score® answer documents, pack of 25 70 978 0 158102 33 7 978 0 158102 28 3 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK £160.50 exc VAT £58.50 exc VAT ■ BRIEF SYMPTOM INVENTORY (BSI) Leonard R Derogatis, 1993 The efficient Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) instrument provides patient reported data to help support clinical decision-making at intake and during the course of treatment in multiple settings. ■ Assess patients at intake for psychological problems ■ Objectively support care management decisions ■ Measure patient progress during and after treatment to monitor change ■ Provide outcomes measurement for treatment programs and providers through aggregated patient information. OVERVIEW: Quickly measure psychological symptoms. AGE RANGE: 13 years and older QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 8 to 10 minutes Norm Groups ■ CHILD - MENTAL HEALTH NOW AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL Adolescent Nonpatient The adolescent norms are based on 2,408 individuals –1,601 males and 807 females. The data were gathered in six separate schools in two states. Approximately 58% of the sample was white, and the mean age was 15.8. HANDSCORE MATERIALS AND PRICES Handscore nonpatient adolescent starter kit: Includes manual, 50 answer sheets with test items, 50 profile forms and 2 worksheets 978 0 749154 40 0 £126.50 exc VAT Q-global BSI Profile Report 978 0 749166 09 0 £6.50 exc VAT Q-global BSI Interpretive Report 978 0 749166 08 3 £14.00 exc VAT SCORING OPTIONS: Q-global or Hand-scored Q-GLOBAL REPORT OPTIONS: Profile, Interpretive RELATED PRODUCT Brief Symptom Inventory 18 see page 120. FIND OUT MORE Find out more about Q-global, our new web-based platform for test administration, scoring and reporting on page 5. SYMPTOM CHECKLIST-90-REVISED (SCL-90-R) Leonard R Derogatis, 1994 The SCL-90-R test contains only 90 items and helps measure nine primary symptom dimensions. It is designed to provide an overview of a patient’s symptoms and their intensity at a specific point in time. By providing an index of symptom severity, the assessment helps facilitate treatment decisions and identify patients before problems become acute. NOW AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL OVERVIEW: Evaluate psychological problems and symptoms of psychopathology. AGE RANGE: 13 years and older QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 12 to 15 minutes SCORING OPTIONS: Q-global or Hand-scored MATERIALS AND PRICES: Handscore nonpatient adolescent starter kit: Includes manual, 50 answer sheets, 50 profile forms, 2 worksheets and answer keys 978 0 749154 26 4 Q-global SCL-90-R Customer Medical Report 978 0 749166 42 7 Q-global SCL-90-R Interpretive Report 978 0 749166 43 4 Q-global SCL-90-R Profile Report 978 0 749166 44 1 [email protected] £126.50 exc VAT £7.50 exc VAT £15.00 exc VAT £9.50 exc VAT Q-GLOBAL REPORT OPTIONS: Profile, Interpretive, Customer medical ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 71 ■ BEHAVORIAL ASSESSMENT SYSTEM FOR CHILDREN THIRD EDITION (BASC-3) CHILD - BEHAVIOUR AND SOCIAL SKILLS NOW AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL Cecil R Reynolds and R W Kamphaus, 2015 OVERVIEW: Understand the emotions and behaviours of children and adolescents. AGE RANGE: 2 years to 21 years 11 months (TRS and PRS); 6 years to college age (SRP) Children and young adults with emotional and behavioural issues need the help of professionals like you to help them thrive at home and in school. The new Behavior Assessment System for Children, Third Edition is the gold-standard for identifying and managing behavioural and emotional strengths and weaknesses. QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) Assessing the behavioural and emotional functioning of children and adolescents can be an effective tool in promoting student success. The BASC holds an exceptional track record for providing a complete picture of a child’s behaviour by applying a triangulation method for gathering information. ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 10 to 20 minutes (TRS and PRS), 30 minutes (SRP) Analyse the child’s behaviour from three perspectives – Self, Teacher, and Parent using a comprehensive set of rating scales and forms to help you understand the behaviours and emotions of children and adolescents. New features: ■ New content scale items for Teacher Rating Scales and Parent Rating Scales include: Developmental Social Disorders, Anger Control, Resiliency and Executive Functioning. ■ New content scale items for Self-Report of Personality include: Test Anxiety, Mania, Ego Strength and Anger Control. ■ Choice of end-to-end digital assessment via Q-global. Reports available include Profile, Interpretive, Intervention, Clinical and a new Intergrated Report option. ■ The Student Observation System (SOS) is now available digitally via tablet and phone devices enabling on-the-fly administration. ■ The Structured Developmental History can now be administered via tablet or laptop devices. This digital component integrates qualitative data with Rating Scale results, allowing faster access to important diagnostic information. There are three main forms available at three age levels: RELATED PRODUCT ■ Teacher Rating Scales – Measure adaptive and problem behaviours in the preschool or school setting in 10 to 20 minutes. ■ Parent Rating Scales – Measure both adaptive and problem behaviours in the community and home setting in 10 to 20 minutes. ■ Self-Report of Personality – Gain insight into a child’s or adult’s thoughts and feelings. Completion time 30 minutes. BASC-3 Intervention Guide and Materials – see page 139 for details. FIND OUT MORE Find out more about Q-global, our new web-based platform for test administration, scoring and reporting on page 5. NEW MATERIALS AND PRICES: BASC-3 Hand Scored Starter Set Includes Manual, 25 of each record forms of TRS, PRS, SRP, SDH and SOS and 25 of each hand-score worksheet of TRS, PRS and SRP 978 0 749169 66 4 £560.00 exc VAT BASC-3 Manual 978 0 749169 23 7 £95.50 exc VAT Q-global BASC-3 Digital administration and intepretative summary report 978 0 749169 68 8 £2.75 exc VAT* Q-global BASC-3 Digital administration and interpretative summary report with intervention 978 0 749169 67 1 £3.25 exc VAT* For details and prices of record forms and workbooks please visit www.pearsonclinical.co.uk/BASC3 * Price per report 72 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK Available on Q-global with individual and group level reports. AGE RANGE: 2 years to 18 years 11 months (Teacher and Parent); 8 years to 18 years 11 months (Self-Report) This comprehensive screening system consists of brief forms that can be completed by teachers, parents, or students, providing one of the most comprehensive and efficient tools available today. ■ Teacher form with two levels: Preschool (for ages 3 years to 5 years) and Child/Adolescent (for ages 5 to 18 years). ■ Student self-report form with one level: Child/ Adolescent (for ages 8 years to 18 years). ■ Parent form with two levels: Preschool (for ages years to 5 years) and Child/Adolescent (for ages 5 years to 18 years). NEW OVERVIEW: Brief, universal screening system for measuring behavioural and emotional strengths and weaknesses in children and adolescents. The BASC-3 BESS can be used in school or clinical settings to provide a snapshot of a child’s behavioural and emotional functioning; quickly identifying children and adolescents aged 3 years to 18 years who might be in need of additional support; or evaluation for underlying problems that could be impacting success in school or in forming interpersonal relationships. The BASC-3 BESS is designed for use by schools, mental health clinics, paediatric clinics, communities, and researchers to screen for a variety of behavioural and emotional disorders that can lead to adjustment problems. The system includes three forms, which can be used individually or in any combination: CHILD - BEHAVIOUR AND SOCIAL SKILLS NOW AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL Cecil R Reynolds and R W Kamphaus, 2015 ■ BASC-3 BESS BEHAVIORAL AND EMOTIONAL SCREENING SYSTEM (BASC-3 BESS) QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) Features: ■ Assesses a wide array of behaviours that represent both behavioural problems and strengths, including internalising problems, externalising problems, school problems, and adaptive skills. ■ Comprehensive and efficient, the forms can be completed by the Teacher, Student and Parent in approximately five minutes or less. ■ Reliable and accurate, a single Total Score on the report is a predictor of a broad range of behavioural, emotional and academic problems. ■ Validity indexes that identify responses that may be overly negative or inconsistent. ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 5 to 10 minutes Each form ranges from 25 to 30 items, requires no formal training for the raters, and is easy to complete, taking only 5 to 10 minutes of administration time. Parents or students who have difficulty reading may complete the forms by listening to audio recordings on compact disc. MATERIALS AND PRICES: BASC-3 BESS Hand Scored Kit: Includes BESS Manual, 25 of each of Teacher, Parent and Student Record Forms and Hand Scored Worksheets (Preschool and Child/Adolescent) 978 0 749169 64 0 BASC-3 BESS Teacher Preschool Record Form, pack of 25 978 0 749169 87 9 BASC-3 BESS Teacher Form Child/Adolescent Record Form, pack of 25 978 0 749169 84 8 BASC-3 BESS Parent Form Child/Adolescent Record Form, pack of 25 978 0 749169 79 4 BASC-3 BESS Parent Form Preschool Record Form, pack of 25 978 0 749169 81 7 BASC-3 BESS Student Form Child/Adolescent Record Form, pack of 25 978 0 749169 82 4 BASC-3 BESS Manual 978 0 749169 77 0 Q-global BASC-3 BESS Screening report 978 0 749169 65 7 For details and prices of workbooks please visit pearsonclinical.co.uk/BASC3 £227.00 exc VAT £30.00 exc VAT £30.00 exc VAT £30.00 exc VAT £30.00 exc VAT £30.00 exc VAT £64.00 exc VAT £1.25 exc VAT * * Price per report [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 73 ■ BASC-3 PARENTING RELATIONSHIP QUESTIONNAIRE (BASC-3 PRQ) CHILD - BEHAVIOUR AND SOCIAL SKILLS NOW AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL Cecil R Reynolds and R W Kamphaus, 2015 OVERVIEW: Captures a parent’s perspective on the parentchild relationship. AGE RANGE: 2 years to 18 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 10 to 15 minutes Capturing a parent’s perspective on the parent-child relationship (or the perspective of a person serving a similar role) is an important step in helping professionals to guide appropriate and effective intervention plans. The PRQ assesses traditional parent–child dimensions such as attachment and involvement and provides information on parenting style, confidence, stress, and satisfaction with the child’s school. This comprehensive tool offers a quick and reliable means of gathering valuable information and can be used in school, clinical, paediatric, counselling, and other settings. It should be administered to mothers and/or fathers (or caregivers) of children aged 2 years to 18 years and includes the following features: ■ FIND OUT MORE Find out more about Q-global, our new web-based platform for test administration, scoring and reporting on page 5. Two levels: preschool (ages 2 years to 5 years; 60 items) and child/adolescent (ages 6 years to 18 years; 87 items). ■ Multiple dimensions that are relevant to the development of strong and healthy parent-child relationships and that are particularly relevant for use in school, clinical, and therapeutic settings. ■ Highly interpretable scales that were developed with a balance of theory and empirical data. MATERIALS AND PRICES: BASC-3 PRQ Hand Scored Examination Set: Includes PRQ manual, pack of 25 of each Preschool and Child/Adolescent record forms and pack of 25 of each Preschool and Child/Adolescent hand-score worksheet. 978 0 749169 72 5 £140.00 exc VAT Preschool (2-5 years) Record Forms, pack of 25 978 0 749169 74 9 £69.00 exc VAT Child and Adolescent Record Forms, pack of 25 978 0 749169 71 8 £36.00 exc VAT COMING 2016 BASC-3 FLEX MONITOR OVERVIEW: A computer-based collection, scoring, and reporting system that will enable users to track behavioural progress over time. AGE RANGE: 2 years to 18 years 11 months (Teacher and Parent); 8 years to 18 years 11 months (Self-Report) QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: 5 to 10 minutes 74 NEW The Flex Monitor is an exciting addition to the BASC-3 family, which enables psychologists and professionals in a school or clinical environment to monitor and tack the effects of a behavioural intervention. An Internet-based tool, the Flex Monitor provides a bank of behaviourallyor emotionally-based items which can be selected to create a customised monitoring form. The form will enable score comparisons to a nationally representative population sample; and allow users to calculate reliability estimates, based on a normative sample. Existing forms can also be selected to measure behavioural performance across a variety of common behavioural areas (e.g., hyperactivity, attention, etc.). Behavioural performance can be measured and displayed over a period of time, helping to establish the effectiveness of an intervention strategy. MATERIALS AND PRICES: Please visit pearsonclinical.co.uk/BASC3Flex for more details. LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK The Social Skills Improvement System addresses the need for an evidence-based, multi-tiered assessment and intervention system to help students develop, improve and maintain important social skills. Designed by experienced scientist-practitioners Stephen Elliott, PhD and Frank Gresham, PhD, this family of tools can be used early in the school year to facilitate the universal screening of students at risk for academic or social behaviour difficulties, help plan interventions for improving these behaviours, and evaluate progress on targeted skills after intervention. SSIS RATING SCALES The Rating Scales enables targeted assessment of individuals and small groups to help evaluate social skills, problem behaviours and academic competence. Teacher, parent and student forms help provide a comprehensive picture across school, home and community settings. The multi-rater SSIS Rating Scales helps measure: Social Skills: Communication, Co-operation, Assertion, Responsibility, Empathy, Engagement, Self-Control. Competing Problem Behaviours: Externalising, Bullying, Hyperactivity/Inattention, Internalising, Autism Spectrum. Academic Competence: Reading Achievement, Maths Achievement, Motivation to Learn. The SSIS Rating Scales may be hand-scored. For added convenience, use the ASSIST software which provides computer scoring and reporting, including individual, progress and multi-rater reports – and a direct link to suggested interventions with the SSIS Intervention Guide. SSIS PERFORMANCE SCREENING GUIDE The SSIS Performance Screening Guide provides a time-efficient, technically sound tool for classwide screening of key social, motivational and academic skills. For use with students in preschool through to secondary school, this universal screening instrument helps assess and document the performance level of all students, not just those in greatest need of intervention. CHILD - BEHAVIOUR AND SOCIAL SKILLS Stephen N Elliott and Frank M Gresham, 2008 USEFUL FOR ASPECTS OF SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL LEARNING (SEL) ■ SOCIAL SKILLS IMPROVEMENT SYSTEM (SSIS) OVERVIEW: An evidence-based assessment and intervention system to help develop key social skills. AGE RANGE: 3 years to 18 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (Rating Scales, Intervention Guide and Screening Guides); UNAS (Classwide Intervention Program) (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION Rating Scales, 10 to 25 minutes The SSIS Performance Screening Guide focuses on observable behaviours in four skill areas: ■ Pro-social Behaviours ■ Motivation to Learn ■ Reading Skills ■ Maths Skills. Educators identify the level of performance for the student using criterion-referenced performance rating for each of these areas to measure the student’s skills against age-level expectations. MATERIALS AND PRICES SSIS Rating Scales Hand-Scored Starter Kit: Includes manual and 25 of each form: Teacher, Parent, Student ages 8-12, Student ages 13-18 978 0 749157 17 3 ASSIST Starter Set – Computer-Entry 978 0 749157 08 1 Hand-Scored English Forms – Parent – ages 3-18, pack of 25 978 0 749157 14 2 Hand-Scored English Forms – Student – ages 8-12, pack of 25 978 0 749157 15 9 Hand-Scored English Forms – Student – ages 13-18, pack of 25 978 0 749157 16 6 Hand-Scored English Forms – Teacher – ages 3-18, pack of 25 978 0 749157 13 5 Manual 978 0 749157 06 7 For a full list of scoring options and forms please see our website Performance Screening Guide Preschool, pack of 4 Elementary, pack of 10 Secondary, pack of 10 £274.00 exc VAT £572.00 exc VAT £48.50 exc VAT £48.50 exc VAT £47.00 exc VAT £48.50 exc VAT £115.50 exc VAT FIND OUT MORE 978 0 749159 29 0 978 0 749159 30 6 978 0 749159 31 3 £18.50 exc VAT £46.50 exc VAT £46.50 exc VAT For further details visit our website or contact your Area Sales Consultant to request a free product presentation. RELATED PRODUCTS SSiS Interventions - page 76. [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 75 ■ SSIS INTERVENTION TOOLS CHILD - BEHAVIOUR AND SOCIAL SKILLS Stephen N Elliott and Frank M Gresham, 2008 OVERVIEW: An evidence-based intervention system to help develop social skills. AGE RANGE: 3 years to 18 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (Rating Scales, Intervention Guide and Screening Guides); UNAS (Classwide Intervention Program) (See page 142) SSIS INTERVENTION GUIDE The Intervention Guide is designed to help you plan and implement remediation strategies. It offers in-depth interventions for 20 keystone social skills linked directly to results from the SSIS Rating Scales, and enables you to conduct meaningful pre- and postintervention assessments ensuring confidence that your decisions are reliable and your documentation of changes is accurate. The guide provides units that follow a stepby-step teaching model addressing: ■ Communication (2 units) ■ Empathy (2 units) ■ Engagement (3 units) Co-operation (3 units) ■ Self-control (4 units) ■ Assertion (3 units) ■ Administration ■ Responsibility (3 units) Materials. ■ In addition to the 20 instructional units, the SSIS Intervention Guide provides many optional intervention strategies, resources that support instruction, and tools to monitor program effectiveness and student progress. SSIS CLASSWIDE INTERVENTION PROGRAM The Classwide Intervention Program provides a structured, yet flexible and efficient way to teach 10 of the most important social skills to students from preschool to early adolescence. The program has been designed in conjunction with the SSIS Performance Screening Guide to provide a co-ordinated system for improving social skills. Program units focus on 10 social skills that consistently earned the highest importance ratings. Each of the 10 skill units is divided into three 20 to 25-minute lessons organised around the six phases. Features & Benefits: ■ Includes ongoing monitoring and feedback components ■ Offers materials that support home-school communications and student self-monitoring – critical elements in generalising social skills to environments beyond the classroom. MATERIALS AND PRICES Intervention Guide with Resource Disc 978 0 749159 41 2 Classwide Intervention Program Preschool starter set (3 to 5 years): includes teacher’s manual, performance screening guide (4) and student booklets (pack of 25 of each booklet) 978 0 749159 36 8 Kindergarten starter set (5 to 6 years): includes teacher’s manual, performance screening guide (10), student booklets (pack of 25 of each booklet) 978 0 749159 37 5 Lower elementary starter set (5 to 8 years): includes teacher’s manual, performance screening guide (10) and student booklets (pack of 25 of each booklet) 978 0 749159 38 2 Upper elementary starter set (8 to 12 years): includes teacher’s manual, performance screening guide (10) and student booklets (pack of 25 of each booklet) 978 0 749159 39 9 Secondary Starter Set: includes teacher’s guide with resource CDs and the performance screening guide (secondary, 7 years to 12 years) (10) 978 0 749160 86 9 Teacher’s guide with resource disc 978 0 749163 68 6 The SSIS is an innovative and practical package of assessment and intervention which addresses a need for a standardised assessment of social skills development. The Rating Scales are not only easy to administer, but the corresponding intervention programme is self-explanatory and practical. Pearl Barnes MA, BSc(Hons), PGCE, PGCertEEd, Training and Assessment Consultant 76 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK £126.50 exc VAT £392.50 exc VAT £417.00 exc VAT £417.00 exc VAT £417.00 exc VAT £119.50 exc VAT £84.00 exc VAT DSM-V UPDATES The Conners 3rd Edition™ (Conners 3™) is the result of five years of extensive product development and research. The Conners 3™ now addresses co-morbid disorders such as oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder. Each parent, teacher and self-report form is available in full-length and short versions. OVERVIEW: Assess ADHD. AGE RANGE: Teacher/parent forms: 6 years to 18 years; Self-report forms: 8 years to 18 years Professionals in the psychological field will benefit from the following enhancements: ■ A large representative normative sample based on the latest U.S. census data ■ A refined focus on ADHD in school-age children with a new age range (6–18 for parent and teacher scales and 8–18 for self-report scales) ■ Clear applications in education settings that help identify children with clinical symptoms ■ A manual that provides step-by-step guidance on how to use the tool in intervention planning and monitoring. Scales and Forms ■ General Psychopathology ■ Hyperactivity/Impulsivity ■ Executive Functioning ■ Learning Problems BESTSELLER CHILD - BEHAVIOUR C Keith Conners, 2008 ■ CONNERS 3RD EDITION™ (CONNERS 3™) QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 20 minutes FIND OUT MORE Conners 3 ADHD Index The Conners 3rd Edition™ offers a 10-item Conners 3 ADHD Index (Conners 3AI™). The items are taken from the Conners 3 full-length form and are the perfect tool when time is limited. ■ Aggression DSM-V™ Updates ■ Peer Relations ■ Family Relations ■ ADHD Hyperactive/Impulsive ■ ADHD Inattentive ■ ADHD Combined With the release of the DSM-V™, revisions have been made to the symptom criteria for ADHD, Conduct Disorder (CD) and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). In line with this updates have been made to the Conners 3™ manual (detailed in supplement), full length hand-scored forms and scoring software. ■ Oppositional Defiant Disorder ■ Conduct Disorder Conners 3 Global Index The Conners 3 Global Index (Conners 3GI™) is a fast and effective measure of general psychopathology. It includes the 10 best predictive items from the, Conners’ Rating Scales–Revised (CRS–R™), parent and teacher rating scales. Updated DSM-V Hand-scored Forms Updated DSM-V™ hand-scored forms for the Conners 3 Full-length Parent, Teacher, and Self-Report QuikScore™ Forms are now available. Please note that the Short QuikScore™ Forms are not affected. For further details visit pearsonclinical.co.uk/connersdsm5 Distributed Product PEARSON I N F O R M AT I O N A S S I S TA N T Visit pearsonclinical.co.uk/PIA to learn more about the Conners family of assessments including presentations and an introductory video. RELATED PRODUCT NEW: Conners Continuous Auditory Test of Attention (Conners CATA) NEW: Conners Continuous Performance Test 3rd Edition (Conners CPT 3) Conners’ Adult ADHD Rating Scales (CAARS). See pearsonclinical.co.uk for more details. MATERIALS AND PRICES Conners 3 Handscored Kit with DSM-V Update: Includes manual, 25 parent quikscore forms, 25 teacher quikscore forms, 25 self-report quikscore forms, 25 parent short quikscore forms, 25 teacher short quikscore forms and 25 self-report short quikscore forms 978 0 749168 25 4 £489.50 exc VAT Conners 3 Reorder Kit with DSM-V Update: Includes 25 parent quikscore forms, 25 teacher quikscore forms, 25 self-report quikscore forms, 25 parent short quikscore forms, 25 teacher short quikscore forms and 25 self-report short quikscore forms 978 0 749168 29 2 £380.50 exc VAT Conners 3 Parent and Teacher User’s Package with DSM-V Update: Includes manual, 25 parent quikscore forms, 25 teacher quikscore forms, 25 parent short quikscore forms and 25 teacher quikscore short forms 978 0 749168 28 5 £359.00 exc VAT Conners 3 Full Form User’s Package with DSM-V Update: Includes manual, 25 parent quikscore forms, 25 teacher quikscore forms and 25 self-report quikscore forms 978 0 749168 26 1 £304.00 exc VAT Conners 3 DSM-V Supplement 978 0 749168 24 7 £14.00 exc VAT Please visit pearsonclinical.co.uk for a full list of components and prices. [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 77 ■ CONNERS COMPREHENSIVE BEHAVIOR RATING SCALES™ (CONNERS CBRS™) CHILD - BEHAVIOUR DSM-V UPDATES C Keith Conners, 2008 OVERVIEW: Assesses behaviours, emotions and academic problems. AGE RANGE: Teacher/parent forms: 6 years to 18 years; Self-report forms: 8 years to 18 years The Conners CBRS™ is an instrument designed to provide a complete overview of child and adolescent disorders and concerns. Those working in the field of child and youth psychology can now use the Conners CBRS to assess a wide spectrum of behaviours, emotions, and academic problems in today’s youth. The Conners CBRS™ includes the following scales: ■ Empirical ■ Validity ■ Rational ■ Clinical Indicators ■ DSM-IV TR™ Symptom ■ Impairment. QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) DSM-V™ Updates ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 20 minutes With the release of the DSM-V™, revisions have been made to the diagnostic criteria on which the DSM symptom scales are scored. In line with this updates have been made to the scoring option for Conners CBRS. FIND OUT MORE For further information visit pearsonclinical.co.uk/cbrsdsm5 Distributed Product PEARSON I N F O R M AT I O N A S S I S TA N T Watch a video and learn more about Conners CBRSTM at pearsonclinical.co.uk/PIA MATERIALS AND PRICES Conners CBRS software kit: Includes Conners CBRS manual, scoring software, 25 parent response booklets, 25 teacher response booklets and 25 self-report response booklets 978 0 749148 39 3 Conners Clinical Index User’s Package: Includes Conners CBRS manual, 25 parent QuikScore forms, 25 teacher QuikScore forms and 25 self-report QuikScore forms 978 0 749148 41 6 Conners CBRS DSM-5 Supplement 978 0 749168 94 0 Please visit pearsonclinical.co.uk for a full list of components and prices. £751.00 exc VAT £278.50 exc VAT £14.00 exc VAT CONNERS EARLY CHILDHOOD™ (CONNERS EC™) C Keith Conners, 2009 OVERVIEW: Monitor early childhood behaviour in a preschool setting. AGE RANGE: 2 years to 6 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 25 minutes The Conners Early ChildhoodTM is an innovative psychological instrument designed to assess the concerns of parents and teachers/ childcare providers of preschool children. This instrument aids in the early identification of behavioural, social and emotional problems. The Conners EC™ also assists in measuring whether or not the child is appropriately meeting major developmental milestones (Adaptive Skills, Communication, Motor Skills, Play and Pre-Academic/Cognitive). ■ Multi-informant (parent and teacher/childcare provider) assessment allows for easy comparison across raters ■ Full-length, Short, Behaviour, Developmental Milestones and Global Index forms ■ Validity scales ■ Excellent reliability and validity ■ Easy administration, scoring and results interpretation. Distributed Product FIND OUT MORE Visit pearsonclinical.co.uk/PIA to learn more about the Conners family of assessments including presentations and an introductory video. 78 MATERIALS AND PRICES Conners Early Childhood Behaviour kit: Includes manual, scoring software and 25 parent/teacher response booklets 978 0 749140 63 2 £468.50 exc VAT Conners Early Childhood Global Index handscore kit: Includes manual, 25 Global Index parent QuikScore forms and 25 Global Index teacher QuikScore forms 978 0 749140 75 5 £211.00 exc VAT Please visit pearsonclinical.co.uk for a full list of components and prices. LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK ■ BROWN ATTENTION-DEFICIT DISORDER SCALES® (BROWN ADD SCALES) CHILD - BEHAVIOUR Thomas E Brown, 2001, 1996 Based on Thomas Brown’s cutting-edge model of cognitive impairment in ADD, the Brown ADD Scales explore the executive cognitive functioning aspects of cognition associated with ADHD (ADD). OVERVIEW: Screen for reliable indications of ADD in all ages. Clusters of Executive Functions AGE RANGE: 3 years to 7 years; 8 years to 12 years; 12 years to 18 years; Adult (18+) The Brown ADD Scales go beyond measures that address only hyperactivity to assess for less apparent impairments of executive functioning. The manuals explain the new understanding of ADD as complex impairments of executive functions that impact academic, social, emotional and behavioural functioning. As with the adolescent and adult version, the children’s edition features five clusters frequently associated with ADD – plus a sixth one, Monitoring and Self-Regulating Action that encompasses problems in appropriately controlling behaviour: QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 10 to 20 minutes ■ Organising, Prioritising and Activating to Work Flexible Scoring ■ Focusing, Sustaining and Shifting Attention to Tasks ■ Regulating Alertness, Sustaining Effort and Processing Speed ■ Managing Frustration and Modulating Emotions ■ Utilising Working Memory and Accessing Recall ■ Monitoring and Self-Regulating Action. The convenient Ready Score® form gives you immediate cluster scores and a total score indicating overall impairment from a broad range of ADD symptoms. T scores give you an indication of how much impairment the examinee is showing on each of the clusters, relative to a normative population. Results indicate whether the individual appears to have ADD and would benefit from a full evaluation for the disorder. Comprehensive Diagnostic Form The Brown ADD Diagnostic Form allows you to gather and integrate important diagnostic information about an individual, with cluster and total scores arriving at a diagnostic decision. The Diagnostic Form helps you conduct a comprehensive evaluation, with a set of procedures for integrating a clinical history, a comorbidity screener, and a worksheet for integrating data from the Brown ADD Scales with standardised scores from other tests. FIND OUT MORE For a complete listing of all available components, including the Brown ADD Scales’ Adult Version, please visit pearsonclinical.co.uk Norms: Clinically validated Cut Score. AUTHOR INFORMATION: Dr Thomas E Brown is a clinical psychologist who received his PhD from Yale University and maintains a private practice in Hamden, CT. He received an award of honour by the National Attention Deficit Disorder Association for his research and teaching about ADHD. He has been inducted into the Children and Adults with ADHD (CHADD) Hall of Fame for outstanding contributions to research and professional education about ADHD in children and adults. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit for children and adolescents: Includes manual for children and adolescents, 5 Ready Score® parent and teacher forms for ages 3 to 7, 5 Ready Score® parent, teacher and self-report forms for ages 8 to 12, 5 Ready Score® answer documents for ages 12 to 18, and diagnostic forms (10 each, children and adolescents) 978 0 158029 33 7 £249.50 exc VAT 978 0 158029 34 4 £58.50 exc VAT Ready Score® parent forms, pack of 25: Ages 3 to 7 978 0 158029 37 5 £58.50 exc VAT Ready Score® parent forms, pack of 25: Ages 8 to 12 978 0 158029 35 1 £58.50 exc VAT Ready Score® teacher forms, pack of 25: Ages 3 to 7 978 0 158029 36 8 £58.50 exc VAT Ready Score® teacher forms, pack of 25: Ages 8 to 12 Ready Score® self-report forms/answer documents, pack of 25: Ages 8 to 12 (Child) 978 0 158029 38 2 £58.50 exc VAT Ready Score® self-report forms/answer documents, pack of 25: Ages 12 to 18 (Adolescent) 978 0 158029 45 0 £58.50 exc VAT [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 79 ■ AUTISM DIAGNOSTIC OBSERVATION SCHEDULE, SECOND EDITION (ADOS-2) CHILD - BEHAVIOUR Catherine Lord, Michael Rutter, Pamela C DiLavore, Susan Risi, Katherine Gotham, Somer L Bishop, Rhiannon J Luyster, Whitney Guthrie, 2012 OVERVIEW: Use the ADOS-2 to accurately assess and diagnose autism spectrum disorders across age, developmental level and language skills. AGE RANGE: 12 months to Adult QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 40 to 60 minutes The revised edition of ADOS, the ADOS-2 is a semistructured, standardised assessment of communication, social interaction, play, and restricted and repetitive behaviours. By observing and coding these behaviours, you can obtain information that informs diagnosis, treatment planning, and educational placement. With updated protocols, revised algorithms, a new Comparison Score, and a Toddler Module, the ADOS-2 provides a highly accurate picture of current ADS symptoms, unaffected by language. Five Modules The ADOS-2 includes five modules, each requiring just 40 to 60 minutes to administer. The individual being evaluated is given only one module, selected on the basis of his or her expressive language level and chronological age. ■ FIND OUT MORE New dates available for ADOS-2 clinical workshops. See page 138. ■ NEW Toddler Module - for children between 12 and 30 months of age who do not consistently use phrase speech. Engages the child with loosely structured activities involving highly motivating materials designed to show if the child demonstrates behaviours associated with ASD. Module 1 - for children 31 months and older who do not consistently use phrase speech. ■ Module 2 - for children of any age who use phrase speech but are not verbally fluent. ■ Module 3 - for verbally fluent children and young adolescents. ■ Module 4 - for verbally fluent older adolescents and adults. Revised Features Standardised Administration, Coding, and Scoring: ■ Updated Protocol Booklets structures the administration and guides you through coding and scoring. ■ In Modules 1 to 4, algorithm scores are compared with cutoff scores to yield one of three classifications: Autism, Autism Spectrum, and Non-spectrum. ■ New Toddler Module algorithms yield “ranges of concern” rather than classification scores. ■ Provides a highly accurate picture of current ASD-related symptoms, based on real-time observations. Improved Protocol Booklets, Revised Algorithms, and a New Comparison Score ■ Protocol booklets provide clearer, more explicit administration and coding instructions. ■ Algorithms for Modules 1 to 3 have been revised to achieve more accurate and useful results, and provide a more uniform basis for comparing results. ■ New Comparison Score for Modules 1 to 3 allows you to compare a child’s overall level of autism spectrum-related symptoms to that of children diagnosed with ASD who are the same age and have similar language skills. ■ New scoring program helps you choose the correct algorithm, converts item codes to algorithm scores, adds up the algorithm, calculates the Comparison Score, and quickly arrives at an ADOS-2 classification or “range of concern.” TRAINING OPTIONS ADOS-2 administration and coding are highly standardised. Therefore, valid assessment requires training. Three training options are available: ADOS-2 Clinical Workshops 2 Days ADOS-2 DVD Training Package ■ ADOS-2 DVD Training Upgrade Package ■ ■ For further details see page 138. Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES WARNING: NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN UNDER 36 MONTHS DUE TO SMALL PARTS. CHOKING HAZARD. 80 Complete Handscore Kit: Includes: ADOS-2 manual; 50 protocol booklets (10 per module); test materials (100+ stimulus items); all in a durable plastic container with handles and wheels. 978 0 749164 02 7 £1,800.00 exc VAT Complete Software Kit: Includes: ADOS-2 manual; 50 protocol booklets (10 per module); test materials (100+ stimulus items); Unlimited-Use Computer Scoring CD; all in a durable plastic container with handles and wheels. 978 0 749164 04 1 £1,900.00 exc VAT DVD Training Kit: Complete training on all five ADOS-2 Modules. 978 0 749164 07 2 £962.00 exc VAT Upgrade kits are also available, see pearsonclinical.co.uk/ados2 for details. LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK ■ AUTISM DIAGNOSTIC INTERVIEW – REVISED (ADI-R) CHILD - BEHAVIOUR Michael Rutter, Ann LeCouteur and Catherine Lord, 2003 Used in research for decades, this comprehensive interview provides a thorough assessment of individuals suspected of having autism or other autism spectrum disorders. The ADI-R has proven highly useful for formal diagnosis as well as treatment and educational planning. OVERVIEW: Diagnose autism, plan treatment and distinguish autism from other developmental disorders. To administer the ADI-R, an experienced clinical interviewer questions a parent or carer who is familiar with the developmental history and current behaviour of the individual being evaluated. The interview can be used to assess both children and adults, as long as their mental age is above 2 years. AGE RANGE: 2 years and older QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 1 hour 30 minutes to 2 hours 30 minutes including scoring Composed of 93 items, the ADI-R focuses on three functional domains: ■ Language/Communication ■ Reciprocal Social Interactions ■ Restricted, Repetitive and Stereotyped Behaviours and Interests. FIND OUT MORE Visit our product page online to read a copy of the NICE - Autism Diagnosis in Children and Young People (April 2013) Report. Following highly standardised procedures, the interviewer records and codes the informant’s responses. Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, 10 interview booklets and 10 comprehensive algorithm forms 978 0 749140 85 4 Comprehensive algorithm forms, pack of 10 978 0 749140 87 8 Scoring CD 978 0 749165 50 5 DVD training package: Includes training program on DVD, guidebook with behaviour coding instructions and examples, interview booklets and comprehensive algorithm forms 978 0 749140 90 8 £233.50 exc VAT £16.00 exc VAT £214.00 exc VAT £945.00 exc VAT CHILDHOOD AUTISM RATING SCALE™ – SECOND EDITION (CARS2™) Eric Schopler, Mary E Van Bourgondien, Gilenna Janette Wellman and Steven R Love, 2010 Since its original publication, the CARS™ has become one of the most widely used and empirically validated autism assessments. Now the revised Second Edition expands the test’s clinical value, making it more responsive to individuals on the ‘high functioning’ end of the autism spectrum – those with average or higher IQ scores, better verbal skills, and more subtle social and behavioural deficits. While retaining the simplicity, brevity and clarity of the original test, the CARS2™ adds forms and features that help you integrate diagnostic information, determine functional capabilities, provide feedback to parents and design targeted intervention. OVERVIEW: Covers the entire autism spectrum, including Asperger’s Syndrome. AGE RANGE: 2 years and older The CARS2™ includes three forms: ■ Standard Version Rating Booklet ■ High Functioning Individuals Rating Booklet ■ Questionnaire for Parents or Caregivers. QUALIFICATION CODE: CL3 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, Untimed Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, 25 standard version rating forms, 25 high functioning rating forms, 25 caregiver forms 978 0 749144 83 8 High functioning individuals rating booklets, pack of 25 978 0 749144 88 3 Parent/Caregiver questionnaires, pack of 25 978 0 749144 89 0 Standard version rating booklets, pack of 25 978 0 749144 84 5 [email protected] £175.00 exc VAT £41.00 exc VAT £29.00 exc VAT £41.00 exc VAT ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 81 ■ AUTISM SPECTRUM RATING SCALES™ (ASRS™) PRICE FREEZE CHILD - BEHAVIOUR UPDATES TO SCORING TO REFLECT DSM-V™ Sam Goldstein and Jack A Naglieri, 2010 OVERVIEW: Measure behaviours associated with the Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). AGE RANGE: 2 years to 18 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 20 minutes; Short form: 5 minutes FIND OUT MORE Download a product overview of ASRS at pearsonclinical.co.uk/asrs A standardised, norm-referenced tool, ASRS™ is highly valid, brief and easy to administer in approximately 20 minutes (5 minutes for the short form). It can help guide diagnostic decisions, treatment planning, and ongoing monitoring of response to intervention and program evaluation. Using a five-point likert rating scale, parents and teachers evaluate how often they observe specific behaviours in areas including: ■ Peer Socialisation ■ Adult Socialisation ■ Social/Emotional Reciprocity ■ Atypical Language ■ Stereotypical Behaviour ■ Behavioural Rigidity ■ Sensory Sensitivity ■ Attention/Self-regulation (ASRS [2–5 Years] only) ■ Attention (ASRS [6–18 Years] only). The assessment has two versions available: ■ ASRS (2–5 Years) - comprises of 70 items ■ ASRS (6–18 Years) - comprises of 71 items. There are separate parent and teacher rating forms for each age group. There is also a 15-item ASRS short form available, to screen large numbers of children in order determine which are most likely to require additional evaluation or services for an ASD and related issues. DSM-V™ Updates With the release of the DSM-V™, revisions have been made to the Symptom Scales. In line with this updates have been made to the scoring software and Full-length Parent and Teacher hand-scored forms. For further details visit pearsonclinical.co.uk/asrsdsm5 Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES DSM-5 Complete Kit (2-5 years): Includes manual, 25 ASRS (2-5 Years) Parent/Teacher/Short QuikScore forms. 978 0 749168 84 1 DSM-5 Complete Kit (6-18 years): Includes manual, 25 ASRS (6-18 Years) Parent/Teacher/Short QuikScore forms. 978 0 749168 85 8 DSM-5 Complete Kit: Includes manual, 25 ASRS (2-5 Years) Parent/Teacher/Short QuikScore forms & 25 ASRS (6-18 Years) Parent/Teacher/Short QuikScore forms. 978 0 749168 86 5 For a complete list of all available record forms please contact pearsonclinical.co.uk SOCIAL RESPONSIVENESS SCALE, SECOND EDITION (SRS-2) Compare Symptoms to DSM-5 Criteria for ASD AGE RANGE: 2 years 6 months to Adult QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: 15 to 20 minutes 82 £219.50 exc VAT £435.00 exc VAT REFLECTS DSM-V DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR ASD John N Constantino, 2012 OVERVIEW: Identifies the presence and severity of social impairment within the autism spectrum and differentiates if from that which occurs in other disorders. £219.50 exc VAT The second edition of this highly regarded autism assessment offers the convenience of a screener and the power of a diagnostic tool. Completed in just 15 to 20 minutes, the SRS-2 identifies social impairment associated with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) and quantifies its severity. It’s sensitive enough to detect even subtle symptoms, yet specific enough to differentiate clinical groups, both within the autism spectrum and between ASD and other disorders. With an expanded age range, the SRS-2 can be used to monitor symptoms throughout the lifespan. Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES Handscored kit (School age to Adult): includes 25 school-age autoscore forms; 25 preschool autoscore forms; 25 adult (relative/other report) autoscore forms; 25 adult (self-report) autoscore forms; manual 978 0 749167 33 2 Software Kit: includes 25 school-age autoscore forms; 25 preschool autoscore forms; 25 adult (relative/other report) autoscore forms; 25 adult (self-report) autoscore forms; manual and unlimited use scoring CD 978 0 749167 28 8 Child/Adolescent Handscored Kit: includes 25 school-age autoscore forms; 25 preschool autoscore forms; manual 978 0 749167 31 8 Child/Adolescent Software Kit: Includes 25 school-age autoscore forms; 25 preschool autoscore forms; manual and unlimited use scoring CD 978 0 749167 32 5 For a complete list of all available record forms please contact pearsonclinical.co.uk LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK £246.00 exc VAT £350.00 exc VAT £165.00 exc VAT £270.00 exc VAT GILLIAM AUTISM RATING SCALE™ – THIRD EDITION (GARS-3™) CHILD - BEHAVIOUR REFLECTS DSM-V DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR ASD James E Gilliam, 2013 The GARS™, now in its third edition, is one of the most widely used instruments for the assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder in the world. New Features ■ Items and subscales reflect DSM-V diagnostic criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder The instrument consists of 56 clearly stated items describing the characteristic behaviours of persons with autism. ■ Forty-four new items added ■ All six subscales have been empirically determined to be valid and sensitive for identification of children with ASD ■ Normative data (N = 1859) were collected in 2010 and 2011. The items are grouped into six subscales: Restrictive, Repetitive Behaviours, Social Interaction, Social Communication, Emotional Responses, Cognitive Style and Maladaptive Speech. ■ PRICE FREEZE OVERVIEW: Assists teachers, parents and clinicians in identifying autism in individuals and estimating its severity. AGE RANGE: 3 years to 22 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL3 (See page 142) Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: includes examiner’s manual, 50 summary/response forms, and the instructional objectives manual, all in a sturdy storage box 978 0 749166 54 0 £154.00 exc VAT Instructional objectives for individuals who have autism 978 0 749166 57 1 £33.00 exc VAT Summary/response forms, pack of 50 978 0 749166 56 4 £55.50 exc VAT ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 5 to 10 minutes GILLIAM ASPERGER’S DISORDER SCALE™ (GADS™) PRICE FREEZE James E Gilliam, 2000 ■ ■ Evaluate children with unique behavioural problems who may have Asperger’s Disorder and differentiate from those who have autism or other related pervasive developmental disabilities ■ Use to document behavioural progress, target goals for IEPs, and for research purposes ■ A parent or professional who knows the child provides documentation about the essential behaviour characteristics of Asperger’s Disorder necessary for diagnosis OVERVIEW: Identify children who might have Asperger’s Disorder. Thirty-two clearly stated items divided into four subscales describe specific, observable and measurable behaviours. AGE RANGE: 3 years to 22 years Distributed Product QUALIFICATION CODE: CL3 (See page 142) MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes examiner’s manual, 25 summary/response forms in storage box 978 0 749120 98 6 Summary/response forms, pack of 25 978 0 749120 99 3 £114.00 exc VAT £53.00 exc VAT ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 5 to 10 minutes ASPERGER SYNDROME DIAGNOSTIC SCALE (ASDS) PRICE FREEZE Brenda Myles, Stacey Jones-Bock and Richard Simpson, 2000 The Asperger Syndrome Diagnostic Scale (ASDS) is a quick, easy-to-use rating scale that can help you determine whether a child has Asperger Syndrome. Designed to identify Asperger Syndrome in children aged 5 years to 18 years, the 50 items that comprise the ASDS were drawn from five specific areas of behaviour: ■ Cognitive ■ Social ■ Maladaptive ■ Sensorimotor. ■ Language ■ Obtain an AS Quotient that indicates the likelihood that an individual has Asperger Syndrome ■ The five subtest scores provide comparative information ■ The total score identifies individuals with Asperger's Syndrome. Distributed Product AGE RANGE: 5 years to 18 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL3 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 10 to 15 minutes MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes examiner’s manual, 50 summary/response forms and storage box 978 0 761618 38 6 Summary/response forms, pack of 50 978 0 761618 39 3 [email protected] OVERVIEW: Identify children who might have Asperger Syndrome. £114.00 exc VAT £58.50 exc VAT ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 83 Start your digital assessment Start your digital assessment journey beginning journeyfrom from the the beginning Introducing students future psychology Introducing studentsto to the the future of of psychology Start your digital assessment journey from the beginning Introducing students to the future of psychology Universities play an important role in ensuring future clinicians have the knowledge and experience required to succeed in their field. Be part of your students’ journey, by introducing them to Q-interactive™, Pearson’s new digital assessment tool. With a library of subsets from flagship assessments including: WAIS®-IVUK, WMS-IVUK, WISC®-IVUK, CVLT®-C/CVLT®-ll, DKEFS™, NEPSY-ll, CMS, PPVT-4, KTEA™-3, GFTA-3 and KLPA-3 students can become familiar with gold-standard tools and learn to create customised and flexible batteries. playworks an important role intablet ensuring future Q-interactive™ via two in linked devices; one to UniversitiesUniversities play an important role ensuring future clinicians have the knowledge and experience required serve as an administration manual, stimulus book, record clinicians have the knowledge and experience required toto succeed in their field. Be part of your students’ journey, forms, note pad, stop-watch & scoring assistant; whilst the succeed in their field. Be the part your students’ journey, by introducing to of Q-interactive™, Pearson’s new other is used bythem client to view and respond to stimuli. by introducing them to Q-interactive™, Pearson’s new digital assessment tool. digital assessment tool. With of subsets fromofflagship assessments Make part your with assessments our including: unique WithaQ-interactive™ alibrary library of subsets fromcourse flagship including ® UK UK ® UK ® ® WAIS -IV , WMS-IV , WISC -IV , CVLT -C/CVLT -ll, university The annual ® licence. UK UK charge includes ® UK unlimited ® WAIS -IV , WMS-IV , WISC -IV , CVLT -C/CVLT®-ll, DKEFS™, NEPSY-ll, CMS, PPVT-4, KTEA™-3, GFTA-3 and administrations of all appropriate Q-interactive™ content.* DKEFS™, NEPSY-ll, CMS, PPVT-4, KTEA™-3, GFTA-3 and KLPA-3 students can become familiar with gold-standard KLPA-3 students become familiar with gold-standard tools and learn to createcan customised and flexible batteries. forms, note pad, stop-watch & scoring assistant; whilst the other is used by the client to view and respond to stimuli. administrations of all appropriate Q-interactive™ content.* tools and learn to create customised and flexible batteries. Q-interactive™ works via two linked tablet devices; one to Make Q-interactive™ part of your course with our unique www.HelloQ.co.uk/university serve as an administration manual, stimulus book, record university licence. The annual charge includes unlimited Find outvia more Q-interactive™ and ourto free 30 day Q-interactive™ trials for clinicians part at www.HelloQ.co.uk Q-interactive™ twoabout linked tablet assistant; devices; one Make of your course with our unique forms,works note pad, stop-watch & scoring whilst the administrations of all appropriate Q-interactive™ content.* *T&C apply see website for details. Prices correct at time of printing. serve as an other administration stimulus book,torecord is used by themanual, client to view and respond stimuli. university licence. The annual charge includes unlimited www.HelloQ.co.uk/university Find out more about Q-interactive™ and our free 30 day trials for clinicians at www.HelloQ.co.uk *T&C apply see website for details. Prices correct at time of printing. www.HelloQ.co.uk/university Find out more about Q-interactive™ and our free 30 day trials for clinicians at www.HelloQ.co.uk 84 *T&C apply see website for details. Prices correct at time of printing. LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK ■ ADULT - GENERAL ABILITY ADULT - General Ability AVAILABLE ON Q-INTERACTIVE® Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale® – Fourth UK Edition (WAIS-IVUK) [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 85 ■ WECHSLER ADULT INTELLIGENCE SCALE® FOURTH UK EDITION (WAIS®-IVUK) ADULT - GENERAL ABILITY David Wechsler, 2010 –AVAILABLE ON UK NORMS SUITABLE FOR ACCESS ARRANGEMENT AND DSA APPLICATIONS Q-INTERACTIVE® BESTSELLER OVERVIEW: Measure adult intellectual ability. Now available digitally on Q-interactive® AGE RANGE: 16 years to 90 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 75 minutes COMPLETE KIT INCLUDES ONLINE TRAINING A timely and crucial development in continuing to examine general cognitive ability. It is a user-friendly, robust and well developed tool. In my opinion it really is top of its class. Dr Carol A Ireland, School of Psychology, University of Central Lancashire The WAIS-IVUK is now available digitally on Q-interactive®. An innovative, intuitive, and portable digital assessment system, Q-interactive makes it easy for clinicians to automatically manage the administration of tests - from digital stimuli - to response recording through stylus notes and audio, all the while enabling real-time scoring and increased accuracy. Visit www.HelloQ.co.uk/wais4uk to start your free trial. In recognition of emerging demographic and clinical trends, the WAIS-IVUK was developed to provide you with the most advanced measure of cognitive ability and results you can trust when addressing the changing clinical landscape. Changing Demographics ■ Updated normative data for ages 16-90 years ■ Enhanced utility for older adults. Emerging Clinical Needs ■ Additional tasks for improved clinical utility ■ New clinical and validity studies. New Research in the Field ■ New subtests and items ■ Improved measures of Working Memory, Processing Speed, and Fluid Reasoning. Increase Caseload ■ Reduced administration time to obtain composite scores ■ Improved scoring rules ■ Enhanced scoring software to assist in generating customisable reports. New digital assessment system Q-interactive™ offers clinicians a variety of benefits, from saving them time, to freeing them up to focus on the intricacies and nuances of clients’ needs. The WAIS-IVUK is now available in the Q-interactive library, this gives you the flexibility to select subtests from the WAIS-IVUK, along with other assessments to create tailored batteries that fit the specific needs of your clients. Learn more about Q-interactive at www.HelloQ.co.uk/wais4uk FIND OUT MORE Find out more about digital delivery on the new Q-interactive platform www.HelloQ.co.uk/home Book an appointment with our Digital Consultant, see page one. RELATED PRODUCT Test of Premorbid Functioning – UK Version (TOPFUK) – See page 92. Co-normed with Wechsler Memory Scale-Fourth UK Edition (WMS-IVUK) - See page 95. 86 MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes administration manual, stimulus books 1 and 2, response books 1 and 2, pack of 25 record forms, symbol search key in envelope, coding search key in envelope, cancel scoring template in envelope, WAIS-IV/WMS-IV online training, WAIS-IVUS technical manual and block design set trolly backpack 978 0 749169 17 6 £1,338.50 exc VAT 978 0 749150 24 2 £633.00 exc VAT WAIS-IV/WMS-IVUK Scoring software & report writer Record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749150 06 8 £130.50 exc VAT Response book 1, pack of 25 978 0 749150 04 4 £82.00 exc VAT Response book 2, pack of 25 978 0 749150 05 1 £49.00 exc VAT WAIS-IVUK on Q-interactive The price of an annual licence comprises two components - access to Q-interactive and subtest usage. Contact us for a customised quote, or see pages 2 to 4. * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK The WASI–II®, a revision of the WASI, provides a brief, reliable measure of cognitive ability for use in clinical, educational and research settings. This revision maintains the format and structure of the WASI while offering new content and improvements to provide greater clinical utility and efficiency. Screen to determine if in-depth intellectual assessment is needed ■ Reassess after a comprehensive evaluation ■ Estimate Full Scale IQ (FSIQ) scores in busy practice settings ■ Assess cognitive functioning of individuals referred for psychiatric evaluations ■ Provide FSIQ scores for vocational, rehabilitation, or research purposes. Updated Subtests The WASI-II® subtests have been updated to provide a variety of improvements including shortened and streamlined instructions, better floors and ceilings, as well as item content that more closely mirrors that of the WISC–IV and the WAIS–IV. AGE RANGE: 6 years to 90 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) Flexible Administration Options The WASI–II® provides flexible administration options. The four-subtest form can be administered in just 30 minutes and the two-subtest form can be given in about 15 minutes. Strengthened Connections with the WISC–IV and WAIS–IV The WASI–II® subtests and items have been revised to more closely parallel their counterparts in the WISC–IV and WAIS–IV. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, stimulus booklet, 25 record forms and set of 9 blocks in canvas Record forms, pack of 25 Manual Stimulus book SUITABLE FOR DSA APPLICATIONS OVERVIEW: Obtain a reliable brief measure of intelligence. Psychologists and researchers can use this quick and reliable measure when screening for learning difficulties or intellectual giftedness, or for other purposes: ■ ADULT - GENERAL ABILITY David Wechsler, 2011 ■ WECHSLER ABBREVIATED SCALE OF INTELLIGENCE® – SECOND EDITION (WASI-II®) 978 0 158981 56 7 978 0 158981 59 8 978 0 158981 57 4 978 0 158981 58 1 £323.50 exc VAT £68.00 exc VAT £168.00 exc VAT £168.00 exc VAT ADMINISTRATION: Individual Four Subtest Form: 30 minutes Two Subtest Form: 15 minutes RELATED PRODUCT Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children® – Fourth UK Edition (WISC-IVUK) – see page 13. Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – Fourth UK Edition (WAIS-IVUK) – see page 86. FIND OUT MORE Read of review of the WASI-II by Dr Ruth Tully, Forensic Psychologist, recipient of the DFP 2013 Junior Award in Forensic Psychology. pearsonclinical.co.uk/WASI2 * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. WECHSLER NONVERBAL SCALE OF ABILITY (WNV™) David Wechsler and Jack A Naglieri, 2006 The WNV™ is ideal for psychologists who need a nonverbal measure of ability for individuals for whom English is not their first language, or have other language considerations. ■ Innovative pictorial directions make administration easy and effective ■ Ideal for low incidence disorders ■ Offers flexibility with the choice of full battery or brief version. OVERVIEW: Assess multiple dimensions of cognitive ability through nonverbal means. AGE RANGE: 4 years to 21 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes administration and scoring manual, technical and interpretative manual, stimulus book, 25 record forms, 25 response booklets, spatial span board, object assembly puzzles, picture arrangement cards in a bag 978 0 158338 49 1 £736.00 exc VAT ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 2 subtest battery: 10 to 20 minutes; 4 subtest battery: 30 to 45 minutes * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 87 ■ KAUFMAN BRIEF INTELLIGENCE TEST, SECOND EDITION (KBIT-2) ADULT - GENERAL ABILITY SUITABLE FOR PROVIDING BACKGROUND INFORMATION FOR ACCESS ARRANGEMENT AND DSA APPLICATIONS Alan S Kaufman and Nadeen L Kaufman, 2004 OVERVIEW: Measure of verbal and nonverbal cognitive ability. AGE RANGE: 4 years to 90 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 20 minutes The Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test, Second Edition is a highly reliable and well-normed assessment of intelligence. Developed by leading cognitive ability experts Alan and Nadeen Kaufman, the test provides a measure of both verbal (crystallised) and nonverbal (fluid) abilities. You can use KBIT-2 to: ■ Estimate an individual’s verbal versus non-verbal intelligence ■ Obtain a quick estimate of intelligence ■ ■ Re-evaluate the intellectual status of a student who previously received thorough cognitive assessment Crystallised (Verbal) Scale contains two item types: Verbal Knowledge and Riddles ■ Fluid (Non-verbal) Scale is a Matrices subtest. ■ Identify high-risk younger students, who require a more comprehensive evaluation, through large-scale screening ■ Obtain a quick estimate of the intellectual ability of adults in institutional settings, such as prisons, group homes, rehabilitation clinics or mental health centres. RELATED PRODUCT Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement - Third Edition (KTEA-3) – see page 19 KBIT-2 measures two distinct cognitive abilities through two scales – Crystallised and Fluid. All Matrices items contain full colour pictures and abstract designs that are specially intended to appeal to children and reluctant examinees. This allows non-verbal ability to be assessed even when language skills are limited. Like the original, KBIT-2 continues to provide: ■ High reliability and validity ■ Attractive, easy to use materials. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, stimulus book, 25 record forms in a bag Record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749153 19 9 978 0 749153 20 5 WIDE RANGE INTELLIGENCE TEST (WRIT) SUITABLE FOR ACCESS ARRANGEMENT AND DSA APPLICATIONS Joseph Glutting, Wayne Adams and David Sheslow, 2000 OVERVIEW: Provide a general measure of intelligence. AGE RANGE: 4 years to 85 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (see page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 20 to 30 minutes FIND OUT MORE Download our free Assessment Assistant app which includes a stopwatch to help with test administration at pearsonclinical. co.uk/assessmentapp 88 £268.00 exc VAT £56.50 exc VAT The WRIT provides a general measure of intelligence with user-friendly materials that make it easy to learn to administer. A highly reliable assessment of cognitive abilities, this measure can be used with individuals aged 4 years to 85 years. Taking less than 30 minutes to administer, the WRIT assesses both verbal and nonverbal abilities, yielding a Verbal IQ and a Visual IQ, which generate a combined General IQ. ■ Quick to administer – brief administration times average less than 30 minutes. ■ Covers an extended age range - one set of materials is needed to assess preschool children as young as 4 years to adults age 85 years. ■ Documents ability levels - provides an estimate of cognitive ability for educational, psychological or vocational rehabilitation evaluations. ■ Helps to identify exceptionalities - helping to identify learning disabilities, giftedness, and neuropsychological impairments. ■ Colourful, attractive, and engaging - subtests encourage participation by individuals of all ages. Test structure Four subtests address specific abilities: ■ Verbal scale (crystallised): Vocabulary and Verbal Analogies subtests ■ Visual scale (fluid): Matrices and Diamonds subtests MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, 25 examiner forms, stimulus easel, diamond chips, black canvas bag Examiner forms, pack of 25 Manual 978 0 749117 79 5 978 0 749117 94 8 978 0 749117 89 4 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK £235.00 exc VAT £48.00 exc VAT £55.00 exc VAT ■ BETA-4 Beta-4 is easy to administer and score and is useful for screening large numbers of people for whom administering comprehensive test batteries would be time-consuming and costly. It is especially useful when assessing low-functioning or low-skilled individuals. Beta-4 can be administered by group or individually. OVERVIEW: A nonverbal measure of cognitive abilities in adults. AGE RANGE: 16 years to 90 years Beta-4 is the latest revision of an instrument with a long and distinguished history. QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) Features & Benefits ■ New norms ■ Updated and contemporary artwork ■ New items Areas of Assessment ■ Extended (upward) age range The five subtests are: ■ Low floors for individuals with average and lower cognitive abilities ■ Coding Higher ceiling with more challenging items ■ ■ Picture Completion ■ Clerical Checking ■ Picture Absurdities ■ Matrix Reasoning. ■ Simplified and streamlined instructions to make it easier for individual administration or proctoring in group settings. ADULT - GENERAL ABILITY COMING 2016 C E Kellogg and N W Morton, 2016 ADMINISTRATION: Paper and pencil, 30 minutes MATERIALS AND PRICES: Please see pearsonclinical.co.uk for pricing details. [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 89 Web-based administration, scoring, and reporting Better insights. Anytime. Anywhere. Introducing Q-global™ - Pearson’s new web-based platform for test administration, scoring, and reporting. It is designed to house the industry’s gold standard in assessment tools and is accessible from any computer connected to the Internet. Secure and affordable, this helps you quickly and automatically organise examinee information, generate scores, and produce accurate, comprehensive reports. Current assessments available on Q-global • Bruininks Motor Ability Test (BMAT) • Beck Depression Inventory - Second Edition (BDI-II) and Beck Family of Assessments • Delis Rating of Executive Functions (D-REF) • Millon® Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-IV (MCMI-IV) and the Millon Family of Assessments • Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2 (MMPI-2) • Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory - Adolescent (MMPI-A) • Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2 Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF) and new PCRI • Sympton Checklist 90 - Revised (SCL-90-R) • Validity Indicator Profile (VIP) For more details about Q-global, visit pearsonclinical.co.uk/qglobal Overall, the Q-global platform is easy to use with MCMI-III. In my opinion the MCMI-III profile generator is the best feature and is extremely useful for my clinical practice as it saves time and helps to reduce human error in scoring. Dr Ruth Tully, Assistant Professor in Forensic Psychology, University of Nottingham and Consultant Forensic Psychologist 90 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK ■ ADULT - COGNITION ADULT Cognition AVAILABLE ON Q-INTERACTIVE® Wechsler Memory Scale – Fourth UK Edition (WMS-IVUK) [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 91 ■ TEST OF PREMORBID FUNCTIONING - UK VERSION (TOPFUK) ADULT - COGNITION UK NORMS David Wechsler, 2011 OVERVIEW: An effective test for predicting a person’s pre-injury IQ & memory abilities. AGE RANGE: 16 years to 89 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Less than 10 minutes RELATED PRODUCTS Spot the Word -Second Edition (STW 2), see page 94. Wechsler Memory Scale, Fourth UK Edition (WMS-IVUK), see page 95. The estimation of premorbid functioning is useful in a number of contexts, including evaluating the loss of intellectual functioning after brain injury, evaluating suspected loss of cognitive functioning and diagnosing dementia. The Test of Premorbid Functioning – UK Edition (TOPFUK) is a revised and updated version of the Wechsler Test of Adult Reading that enables clinicians to estimate an individual’s level of intellectual functioning before the onset of injury or illness. This new assessment tool is: ■ An effective method for predicting full-scale IQ and memory performance ■ For use by clinicians who wish to develop appropriate treatment plans ■ An initial estimation of premorbid intellectual and memory abilities ■ Composed of a list of 70 words that have atypical grapheme to phoneme translations ■ Time-effective, taking less than 10 minutes to complete. UK Project The data collection of the TOPFUK formed part of the UK validation study of the WAIS-IVUK and WMS-IVUK. The TOPFUK standardisation sample for the WAIS-IVUK consisted of 248 people (132 females and 116 males) ranging in age from 16 to 90 years. Scoring Scoring can be completed via the Scorer CD, it estimates premorbid Index scores on the WAIS-IVUK and/or WMS-IVUK from either the TOPFUK alone, or from the combination of TOPFUK plus demographic variables. MATERIALS AND PRICES: Complete kit: Includes manual, 25 record forms, scorer, pronunciation CD, word cards in a bag 978 0 749160 13 5 Record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749160 10 4 £214.50 exc VAT £59.50 exc VAT * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. BRIEF COGNITIVE STATUS EXAM (BCSE) COMPLIMENTS THE TFLS UK David Wechsler, 2011 OVERVIEW: Assess cognitive abilities quickly and reliably. AGE RANGE: 16 years and older QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 15 to 20 minutes RELATED PRODUCTS The Functional Living Scale, UK Version (TFLSUK), see page 107 Wechsler Memory Scale, Fourth UK Edition (WMS-IVUK), see page 95. 92 For a quick evaluation of cognitive functioning turn to the new BCSE The Brief Cognitive Status Exam (BCSE), part of the internationally respected Wechsler family, is a brief and reliable screening tool for use by Psychologists and Allied Health Professionals. It evaluates global cognitive functioning in patients with suspected memory deficits or those who are diagnosed with a wide range of neurological, psychiatric and developmental disorders. Due to its brevity it is particularly useful for those with limited attention span, mild learning difficulties or dementia. Quick and easy to administer, the BCSE consists of 12 items across 7 content areas, and takes only 15 to 20 minutes to administer. In contrast to other similar assessments, it has a wide age range, and can be used with patients from 16 to 90 years. Ideal for use in clinical and rehabilitation settings e.g., hospitals, mental health facilities and assisted living facilities, a patient’s performance in simple tasks is used to obtain an overall picture of cognitive functioning, including a level of impairment. Uniquely, it is most useful in repeat evaluations, enabling you to monitor across time and providing a useful evidencebased outcome measure. Raw scores can be converted to provide a classification level, based on 4 board age categories and 5 education levels. Weighted scores allow for an increased sensitivity measure. ■ UK adaptation with notes for scoring and interpretation ■ Data collected as part of the new WAIS-IV/WMS-IV project ■ Compliments the new TFLSUK. Together they provide a extensive coverage helping you to assess cognition and activities of daily living in under 35 minutes. FIND OUT MORE MATERIALS AND PRICES Download a factsheet on the BCSE at pearsonclinical.co.uk/BCSE Complete kit: Includes 25 UK record forms, notes for UK user, manual and WMS-IV scoring template 978 0 749162 24 5 Record Forms, pack of 25 978 0 749162 20 7 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK £147.50 exc VAT £45.00 exc VAT OVERVIEW: Screen for cognitive ability in adults. AGE RANGE: 20 years to 89 years The battery comprises 24 subtests that focus on these major areas of cognition: ■ Attention/Concentration ■ Reasoning/Conceptual Shift ■ Verbal Fluency ■ Language ■ Praxis ■ Spatial Processing ■ Immediate Memory Recall ■ Delayed Memory Recall ■ Delayed Memory Recognition ■ Expression of Emotion. ADULT - COGNITION UK NORMS Larry Leach, Edith Kaplan, Dmytro Rewilak, Brian Richards and Guy B Proulx, 2000 This comprehensive screening tool combines behavioural neurology and traditional neuropsychological approaches to assessment. The KBNAUK provides important information that can be used for a general overview, in-depth diagnosis or treatment planning and monitoring. ■ KAPLAN BAYCREST NEUROCOGNITIVE ASSESSMENT (KBNAUK) QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 60 minutes The KBNAUK is correlated with the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASITM) and so the effects of general intellectual ability on KBNAUK subtests can be disentangled. It is also correlated with a variety of other commonly used neuropsychological instruments, including the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT), the California Verbal Learning Test – 2nd Edition (CVLT-II) and the Boston Naming Test. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, stimulus booklet, pack of 25 response booklets, pack of 25 record forms, response grid, set of 8 response chips in a box 978 0 749118 65 5 £376.00 exc VAT Record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749118 60 0 £65.00 exc VAT Response booklets, pack of 25 978 0 158170 03 9 £65.00 exc VAT * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. REPEATABLE BATTERY FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL STATUS UPDATE (RBANS™ UPDATE) NEW UK UPDATE RECORD FORMS Christopher Randolph, 1998 with update in 2012 Offering valuable enhancements, the RBANS Update is a brief, individually administered test that helps you measure cognitive decline in adolescents and adults who have neurologic injury or disease such as dementia, head injury or stroke. Significant improvements, including: ■ Downward age extension to 12:0 years ■ Subtest scores now available in addition to index scores ■ You can administer the 12 subtests to obtain a quick sampling of five important cognitive areas: Immediate memory, Visuospatial/constructional, Attention, Language and Delayed memory. Manual updates, including new information on adolescents and review of RBANS-specific research conducted since original publication (1998) ■ Equating studies for Forms C and D. Ideal for measuring change over time, RBANS Update offers four parallel forms. Form A offers a single set of norms based on age, gender, race, education, and geographic region with equating studies and adjustments for Form B to D. The UK adaptation was developed to assist UK clinicians with administering the RBANS Update, it consists of substitute words for UK administration. The UK adapted materials consist of updated UK record forms for forms A and B, UK scoring templates for forms A and B, and notes for UK users to supplement administration. RBANS UK Adaptation OVERVIEW: A brief measure that helps you detect and characterise cognitive decline. AGE RANGE: 12 years to 89 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 30 minutes MATERIALS AND PRICES UK Update Form A Kit: Includes manual, stimulus book A, 25 record forms A, score template A and update notes for UK users 978 0 749169 39 8 UK Update Form B A Kit: includes stimulus book B, 25 record forms B, score template B 978 0 749139 40 7 For a complete listing of all record forms, please visit pearsonclinical.co.uk [email protected] £323.00 exc VAT £236.00 exc VAT ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 93 ■ SPOT THE WORD, SECOND EDITION (STW 2) ADULT - COGNITION UK STANDARDISED Alan Baddeley and John Crawford, 2012 OVERVIEW: Rapidly assess premorbid cognitive abilities. AGE RANGE: 16 years to 90 years STW 2 allows you to assess premorbid verbal abilities, using a robust lexical decision task. The test involves presenting an individual with pairs of items comprising one word and one non-word, for example, ‘flonty – xylophone’, the individual is required to point to the real word in the pair. QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) This format allows lexical decisions to be made through multiple methods including; meaning, familiarity, appearance and sound of words. ADMINISTRATION: Individual, Untimed It is brief and easy to administer, and is particularly useful for clinical psychologists, neurologists and geriatricians. RELATED PRODUCTS Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Fourth UK Edition (WAIS-IVUK) and The Test of Premorbid Functioning, UK Edition (TOPFUK). See pearsonclinical.co.uk for more details. This will prove a very useful assessment tool for most neuropsychologists. It is easy to administer, to score and weighs almost nothing, something those of us who carry out home visits or do bedside testing, welcome. Features and Benefits STW 2 excels in the way it: ■ does not require individuals to make a verbal response. ■ requires familiarity, but not necessarily the capacity to pronounce correctly. ■ is resistant to the effects of stress or brain damage. ■ Has been standardised on approximately 250 UK adults between the ages of 16 and 90. ■ Has been normed alongside the new WAIS-IVUK, TOPFUK and TFLSUK. ■ Is sensitive to the effects of closed head injury, normal ageing, Alzheimer’s disease, Schizophrenia, and to a wide range of drugs and stressors. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: includes manual, 25 record forms, reading card and bag Record forms pack of 25 978 0 749162 40 5 978 0 749162 38 2 £109.00 exc VAT £27.00 exc VAT * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. Professor Barbara A Wilson OBE, Ph.D, D.Sc., CPsychol, FBPsS, FmedSC, AcS THE AWARENESS OF SOCIAL INFERENCE TEST (TASIT) Skye McDonald, Sharon Flanagan and Jennifer Rollins, 2002 OVERVIEW: Assess and treat deficits of social perception. AGE RANGE: 14 years to 60 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 30 to 45 minutes The Awareness of Social Inference Test (TASIT) provides a systematic examination of social perception. TASIT uses recorded vignettes and standardised response probes based upon recent theoretical accounts of how social cues provide meaning. The test has three sections assessing different components of social perception and alternate forms that are statistically equivalent, along with a normative database of primarily young adults. The test has proven to be sensitive to social perception deficits in a group with severe traumatic brain injuries. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, 2 packs of 25 scoring sheets, 2 DVDs 978 0 749132 05 7 Score sheets, 2 packs of 25 (A and B) 978 0 749132 10 1 Score sheets A, pack of 25 978 0 749132 11 8 Score sheets B, pack of 25 978 0 749132 12 5 94 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK £312.50 exc VAT £94.00 exc VAT £47.00 exc VAT £47.00 exc VAT UK NORMS David Wechsler, 2010 AVAILABLE ON Q-INTERACTIVE® ADULT - MEMORY WECHSLER MEMORY SCALE – FOURTH UK EDITION (WMS-IVUK) ■ SUITABLE FOR ACCESS ARRANGEMENT AND DSA APPLICATIONS BESTSELLER OVERVIEW: Assess verbal and non-verbal memory abilities in adults. AGE RANGE: 16 years to 90 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) The WMS-IVUK is now available digitally on Q-interactive® - an innovative, intuitive, and portable digital assessment system, Q-interactive makes it easy for clinicians to automatically manage the administration of tests - from digital stimuli - to response recording through stylus notes and audio, all the while enabling real-time scoring and increased accuracy. Visit www.helloQ.co.uk/wms4uk to start your free trial. In recognition of emerging demographic and clinical trends, the WMS-IVUK was developed to provide you with the most advanced measure of memory and results you can trust when addressing the changing clinical landscape. Changing Demographics ■ Updated normative data for ages 16-90 years ■ Enhanced utility for older adults. Emerging Clinical Needs ■ New clinical studies. New Research in the Field ■ Newly developed subtests and items. Increase Caseload ■ Reduced administration time to obtain composite scores ■ Improved scoring rules. ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 75 minutes FIND OUT MORE Four Revision Goals ■ Expanded clinical utility ■ Enhanced user-friendliness ■ Improved psychometric properties ■ Updated test structure. Find out more about digital delivery on the new Q-interactive platform www.HelloQ.co.uk/home Book an appointment with our Digital Consultant, see page 1. New digital assessment system Q-interactive™ offers clinicians a variety of benefits, from saving them time, to freeing them up to focus on the intricacies and nuances of clients’ needs. The WMS-IVUK is now available in the Q-interactive library, this gives you the flexibility to select subtests from the WMS-IVUK, along with other assessments to create tailored batteries that fit the specific needs of your clients. Learn more about Q-interactive at www.HelloQ.co.uk/wms4uk FIND OUT MORE Download a sample report at pearsonclincial.co.uk/wechsler RELATED PRODUCT WAIS-IVUK – see page 86. COMPLETE KIT INCLUDES ONLINE TRAINING MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, stimulus books 1 and 2, 25 adult battery record forms, 25 older adult battery record forms, 25 response booklets, memory grid, scoring template in envelope, designs and spatial addition cards, WAIS-IV/WMS-IV online training and 978 0 749169 18 3 £916.00 exc VAT WMS-IVUS technical manual in a trolley backpack Adult battery record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749150 34 1 £84.50 exc VAT Older adult battery record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749150 35 8 £65.00 exc VAT Response booklets, pack of 25 978 0 749150 39 6 £47.00 exc VAT 978 0 749150 24 2 £633.00 exc VAT WAIS-IV/WMS-IVUK Scoring Software & Report Writer * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. I warmly recommend the WMS-IV to any practitioner or researcher who has a keen interest in understanding the complexities of memory... It should provide an invaluable further tool in the repertoire of clinical and research assessments available. Professor Jane L Ireland, School of Psychology, University of Central Lancashire [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 95 ■ COGMED WORKING MEMORY TRAINING™ ADULT - MEMORY NOW AVAILABLE ON TABLET DEVICES’ NEW SMALLER LICENCE OPTIONS NOW AVAILABLE OVERVIEW: An evidence-based intervention for improved working memory. AGE RANGE: 4 years and older QUALIFICATION CODE: CL3 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Adapt the training length to fit your timetable FIND OUT MORE There are now more ways in which you can find out more about Cogmed before purchasing. Look out for an introductory webinar, or attend one of our Coach Training Sessions. www.cogmed.uk.com TRY COGMED FOR YOURSELF! Now you can try the program yourself. Simply visit www.mycogmed.com and click ‘See how it works’. QUICK LINKS ■ New features of Cogmed on tablet: pearsonclinical.co.uk/ cogmedv4 ■ Latest research, and Claims and Evidence documents: www.cogmed.com/research ■ Listen to experts talk about Cogmed and working memory at pearsonclinical.co.uk/ workingmemoryweek Cogmed Working Memory Training™ is an online solution that helps people sustainably improve their attention by training their working memory. It combines cognitive neuroscience with innovative computer game design and close professional support to deliver substantial and lasting benefits. The evidence shows that people with poor working memory can struggle to hold and manipulate information for a brief period of time, making it difficult for them to succeed in life. But by training working memory, individuals are able to stay focused, ignore distractions, plan next steps, start and finish tasks, and remember instructions more effectively. completed online, at home or in school. All three Cogmed programs are available within your annual licence, regardless of the size selected. Developed in partnership with thousands of professionals worldwide, the new tablet version gives you: ■ Anytime, Anywhere Access - All three training programs ( JM, RM and QM) and the Cogmed Coaching Centre are now available on tablet devices, making the program easier than ever to administer. ■ Greater Flexibility - New protocols let you decide on the right training programme for your students, based on their schedule and needs. Choose between: 25, 35 and 50 minutes and 3, 4 or 5 days per week*. * Shorter sessions are available for preschool children. ■ Research-Based - Over 35 studies have been published proving the beneficial effects and what students can achieve with Cogmed. ■ A new user-friendly interface - Makes it easier to see your reports, set up new usernames and customise the colour to personalise Cogmed for you. ■ Big or Small - With more licence options you can select a package that suits your setting. Working across the ages Cogmed is built around three easy-to-use, age-specific applications: ■ Cogmed JM (Pre-school) ■ Cogmed RM (School Age) ■ Cogmed QM (Adult). Each is designed to motivate and reward the user for training. The programs guide the user through multiple rotating exercises each day, whose level of complexity automatically adjusts in real-time; to a level that is challenging but not so difficult that it becomes intimidating. The programs have been clinically proven to increase working memory capacity. The training can be Personal Support Cogmed Coach Training is provided to all licence holders, giving you the skills and resources needed to support learners and track their progress. Further details can be found on page 137. MATERIALS AND PRICES Annual Cogmed 5 Subscription (includes coach training and coach access for one person and 5 user IDs to be used within one year) 978 0 749168 77 3 £125.00 exc VAT Annual Cogmed 10 Subscription (includes coach training and coach access for one person and 10 user IDs to be used within one year) 978 0 749168 79 7 £225.00 exc VAT Annual Cogmed 20 Subscription (includes coach training and coach access for two staff and 20 user IDs to be used within one year) 978 0 749163 46 4 £400.00 exc VAT Annual Cogmed 40 Subscription (includes coach training and coach access for four staff and 40 user IDs to be used within one year) 978 0 749163 47 1 £600.00 exc VAT Annual Cogmed 60 Subscription (includes coach training and coach access for six staff and 60 user IDs to be used within one year) 978 0 749163 48 8 £800.00 exc VAT If you wish to renew your Cogmed licence please contact our Customer Services team. 96 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK This innovative tool requires minimal training as the administration and scoring is fully automated. The testing sequence is pre-set, test scores are calculated by the computer program and an interpretation of how their working memory scores will affect their learning is provided. Working memory abilities are closely associated with a wide range of measures of academic ability, including literacy and mathematics. The majority of those with recognised learning difficulties in these areas have working memory impairments. There are three levels of assessment within AWMA: 1. AWMA Screener This is made up of two tests and is suitable for screening individuals with suspected working memory difficulties. 2. AWMA: Short Form (AWMA-S) This consists of four tests and is recommended to screen individuals who are suspected to have memory difficulties, but the specific area of their difficulties is not known. 3. AWMA: Long Form (AWMA-L) This consists of all 12 tests and is recommended for confirmation of significant working memory problems. MATERIALS AND PRICES OVERVIEW: Effectively screen for working memory impairments. AGE RANGE: 4 years to 22 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL3 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual Screener: 5 to 7 minutes Short form: 10 to 15 minutes Long form: 45 minutes FIND OUT MORE AWMA complete kit: includes manual, AWMA program, copy of Understanding Working Memory and scorebook 1 year licence renewal 978 0 749167 72 1 978 0 749141 60 8 £214.00 exc VAT £195.00 exc VAT View presentations, reports and FAQs at pearsonclinical.co.uk/awma WIDE RANGE ASSESSMENT OF MEMORY AND LEARNING, SECOND EDITION (WRAML2) David Sheslow and Wayne Adams, 2003 The WRAML2 is a standardised instrument that allows the user to evaluate an individual’s memory functioning. It provides evaluation of both immediate and delayed memory ability, as well as the acquisition of new learning. ■ Updated for even more versatility and usability. The WRAML2 includes standard scores, scaled scores, and percentiles. Age equivalents are provided for the child and pre-adolescent age groups. Increased flexibility. A Screening Battery, consisting of four subtests from the Core Battery, provides an overview of memory functioning. Several subtests supplement the Core Battery, allowing SUITABLE FOR ACCESS ARRANGEMENT AND DSA APPLICATIONS you to choose additional subtests and indexes to facilitate qualitative analyses. Test structure ■ Features and benefits ■ ADULT - MEMORY UK NORMS Tracy Packiam Alloway, 2007 The Automated Working Memory Assessment (AWMA) is a PC-based assessment of working memory skills, with a user friendly interface. This tool provides a practical and convenient way to screen for significant working memory problems from childhood through to early adulthood. ■ SUITABLE FOR ACCESS ARRANGEMENT AND DSA APPLICATIONS AUTOMATED WORKING MEMORY ASSESSMENT (AWMA) ■ The WRAML2 Core Battery is composed of two Verbal, two Visual, and two Attention/ Concentration subtests, yielding a Verbal Memory Index, a Visual Memory Index, and an Attention/ Concentration Index, respectively. Together, these subtests yield a General Memory Index. Added in this edition are the Working Memory Index, which comprises the Symbolic Working Memory and Verbal Working Memory subtests, and four recognition subtests: Design Recognition, Picture Recognition, Verbal Recognition, and Story Memory Recognition. NEW TO PEARSON OVERVIEW: Evaluate an individual’s memory functioning. AGE RANGE: 5 years to 90 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 45 to 60; Screening section, 10 to 15 minutes MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: includes manual, sound symbol booklet, examiner forms (25), picture memory response forms (25), picture memory recognition forms (25), design memory response forms (25), design memory recognition forms (25), picture memory cards (4), design memory cards (5), finger window card, symbolic working memory card (2), red grease pencil (2) 978 0 749119 56 0 £530.00 exc VAT Examiner Forms, pack of 25 978 0 749119 58 4 £75.00 exc VAT Picture Memory Response Forms, pack of 25 978 0 749119 59 1 £55.00 exc VAT Design Memory Response Forms, pack of 25 978 0 749119 62 1 £42.00 exc VAT Other forms are available, please visit pearsonclinical.co.uk for details. [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 97 ■ RIVERMEAD BEHAVIOURAL MEMORY TEST – THIRD EDITION (RBMT-3) ADULT - MEMORY Barbara A Wilson, Eve Greenfield, Linda Clare, Alan Baddeley, Janet Cockburn, Peter Watson, Robyn Tate, Sara Sopena, Rory Nannery and John Crawford, 2008 OVERVIEW: Assess everyday memory. AGE RANGE: Adult QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) The RBMT-3 was developed with the goal of updating the clinical applicability and utility of previous versions. A number of changes were made to meet this goal. ■ A larger normative sample has been collected than previous versions of the test. ■ It was thought by the authors that some of the subtests in the currently used versions can prove to be a little too difficult (RBMT-E) or a little too easy (RBMT) for certain patients. The RBMT-3 sought to make adjustments in item difficulty to meet this need. ■ On the Face Recognition subtests of the original RBMT the ethnic diversity of the local population was not adequately represented. Therefore, the new version includes more pictures of people of African-Caribbean and Asian origin to ensure the test is appropriate for a multi-racial society such as the United Kingdom. ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 30 minutes FIND OUT MORE Visit pearsonclinical.co.uk/rbmt3 to download a presentation on the RBMT-3, find out more about the subtests, read case studies and hear an interview with Barbara Wilson, recipient of the British Psychological Society’s Lifetime Achievement Award for 2008. UK NORMS ■ The stories used to assess a person’s ability to absorb verbal information have also been updated. ■ A new subtest – the Novel Task has been added. This Novel Task assesses the ability of a person to learn a new skill, an accomplishment critical for everyday functioning. ■ An intervention chapter has been added to improve the clinical utility of the tool. ■ Finally, given that the RMBT-E was published in 1999, a revision of the normative data was required. Whilst the original structure of the RBMT has been maintained, as this has proved both valid and sensitive to everyday memory problems. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, 25 record forms, 2 stimulus books, novel task stimulus material, storycard, message envelope and timer 978 0 749134 76 1 £451.50 exc VAT Record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749134 62 4 £67.00 exc VAT TEST OF MEMORY MALINGERING (TOMM™) Tom N Tombaugh, 1996 OVERVIEW: A test that distinguishes between malingered and true memory impairments. AGE RANGE: 16 years to 84 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 15 to 20 minutes The TOMM™ is a visual recognition test that helps you distinguish between malingered and true memory impairments. Research has found the TOMM to be sensitive to malingering and insensitive to a wide variety of neurological impairments, which makes it very reliable. The TOMM consists of two learning trials and an optional retention trial. It uses two cut off scores: 1) below chance and 2) criteria based on head injured and cognitively impaired clients. The TOMM is not transparent as a malingering test. TOMM Research Monograph: Summary Application in Clinical and Research Settings. The TOMM Research Monograph includes recent research on the sensitivity of the TOMM, including research that addresses the use of the TOMM with specific populations, such as children and elderly adults, and those with psychotic disorders, psychiatric illness, affective disorders, temporal lobe dysfunction and chronic toxic encephalopathy. Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes user’s manual, 1 set of stimulus booklets and 25 record forms 978 0 749125 42 4 Record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749125 45 5 £256.50 exc VAT £54.50 exc VAT * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. 98 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK ■ DOORS AND PEOPLE Doors and People is a test of long-term memory. It yields a single age-scaled overall score which can be ‘unpacked’ to give separate measures of visual and verbal memory, recall and recognition, and forgetting. It is designed for use both as a clinical tool and as a research instrument. OVERVIEW: Assess long-term memory. AGE RANGE: 5 years 1 month to Adult The test comprises four subcomponents: ■ Visual Recognition ■ Visual Recall ■ Verbal Recognition ■ Verbal Recall. ADULT - MEMORY UK NORMS Alan Baddeley, Hazel Emslie and Ian Nimmo-Smith, 2006 QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 35 to 40 minutes Studies indicate that the test is sensitive across a wide range of abilities, from elderly patients with Alzheimer’s disease, of low educational level, to young graduate students. Patients studied following temporal lobectomy show the predicted association between side of lesion and visual or verbal memory deficit. RELATED PRODUCT *Cognitive Assessment Training Online (CAT-O) endorsed by the College of Occupational Thearpists. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, 25 scoring sheets and 3 stimulus books in a bag Scoring sheets, pack of 25 978 0 749133 34 4 978 0 749129 61 3 £356.50 exc VAT £23.00 exc VAT Certain CL1 tests are available to professionals other than psychologists, however further training will be required. See page 100 and 137 for further details. * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. CALIFORNIA VERBAL LEARNING TEST® – SECOND UK EDITION (CVLT®-IIUK) AVAILABLE ON Q-INTERACTIVE® ADAPTED FOR UK USE Dean C Delis, Edith Kaplan, Joel H Kramer and Beth A Ober, 2000 The CVLT-ll is now available digitally on Q-interactive®. An innovative, intuitive, and portable digital assessment system, Q-interactive makes it easy for clinicians to automatically manage the administration of tests - from digital stimuli - to response recording through stylus notes and audio, all the while enabling real-time scoring and increased accuracy. Visit www.HelloQ.co.uk/cvlt2 to start your free trial. The California Verbal Learning Test includes: ■ More comprehensive information provided by new items ■ In addition to recall and recognition scores, the CVLT®-IIUK measures encoding strategies, learning rates, error types and other process data ■ Flexible administration, with parallel forms and a new short form ■ ■ ■ Expanded age range for broader usage, now appropriate for individuals aged 16 to 89 years Correlation with the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI™), so providing valuable comparison information about the effects of intellectual ability on verbal learning and memory Computerised scoring option. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes CD-ROM software, manual, 25 standard record forms, 25 alternate record forms, 25 short record forms in bag 978 0 749118 80 8 £728.50 exc VAT Standard UK record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749118 75 4 £67.50 exc VAT Short UK record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749118 90 7 £50.50 exc VAT Alternative UK record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749118 85 3 £67.50 exc VAT CVLT-ll on Q-interactive The price of an annual licence comprises two components - access to Q-interactive and subtest usage. Contact us for a customised quote, or see pages 2 to 4. * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. [email protected] OVERVIEW: Assess verbal learning and memory. Now available digitally on Q-interactive® AGE RANGE: 16 years to 89 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, Standard form: 30 minutes testing plus 30 minutes delay; Short form: 15 minutes testing plus 15 minutes delay FIND OUT MORE Find out more about digital delivery on the new Q-interactive platform www.HelloQ.co.uk/home ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 99 ■ COGNITIVE ASSESSMENT TRAINING – ONLINE (CAT-ONLINE) ADULT - MEMORY CAT-Online is endorsed by the College of Occupational Therapists (COT) OVERVIEW: An online training package which enables professional therapists to use certain neuropsychological assessments usually restricted to psychologists. QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) This online training package enables professional therapists to use certain neuropsychological assessments usually restricted to psychologists. Training for: ■ Doors and People – page 99 ■ Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome (BADS) – page 103 ■ ■ Test of Everyday Attention (TEA) – page 104 Features: Includes: ■ FIND OUT MORE Visit pearsonclinical.co.uk/ cognitivetraining for more information. ■ ■ In-depth background on statistical concepts important for test administration and scoring Information on theoretical aspects of the tests and practical guidance on administration, scoring and interpretative issues in the tests Multiple choice questions to assess a candidate’s understanding of statistical concepts and the tests involved in the training Certification on completion to use BADS, Doors and People and TEA. ■ The program enables you to learn at your own pace in the convenience of your home or office ■ Access to online tutor ■ Discussion forums ■ Library of relevant resources. The training gives you access to online training for any or all of the three products. You will also need to be able to access hard copies of the products you wish to train on. MATERIALS AND PRICES CAT-Online Training 978 0 749134 94 5 Recognising the Importance of Continuing Professional Development and Training We are dedicated to helping you maintain your CPD throughout your career with a range of training tools, programs and unique award sponsorship, visit our website to learn more about: 100 ■ Psychometrics Training Online & Psychometric Assessment, Statistics and Report Writing - Two new products designed to provide an introduction (or refresher), to the statistical concepts that underpin standardised tests. ■ Cognitive Assessment Training - Online (CAT Online) - Endorsed by the College of Occupational Therapists, CAT-Online gives you access to certain neuropsychological tests usually restricted to psychologists. ■ Training for the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule - Second Edition (ADOS-2) is now available and is endorsed by the College of Occupational Therapists. ■ COT Pearson Award for education, research or continuing professional development - Congratulations to Julie Osborne whose award supported her course attendance at Working with Autism Spectrum Disorder. ■ Shine a Light Awards - Designed to recognise excellence and best practise in supporting children and young people with speech, language and communication needs. www.shinealightawards.co.uk LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK £186.00 exc VAT ■ ADULT - ATTENTION AND EXECUTIVE FUNCTION ADULT - Attention and Executive Function Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome (BADS) [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 101 ■ DELIS-KAPLAN EXECUTIVE FUNCTION SYSTEM™ (D-KEFS™) ADULT - ATTENTION AND EXECUTIVE FUNCTION Dean C Delis, Edith Kaplan and Joel H Kramer, 2001 AVAILABLE ON Q-INTERACTIVE® OVERVIEW: Assess key components of executive functions. Now available digitally on Q-interactive® AGE RANGE: 8 years to 89 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 90 minutes DOWNLOAD Sample report available at pearsonclinical.co.uk FIND OUT MORE Find out more about digital delivery on the new Q-interactive platform www.HelloQ.co.uk Book an appointment with our Digital Consultant, see page 1. Selected subtests from the D-KEFS are now available digitally on Q-interactive®. An innovative, intuitive, and portable digital assessment system, Q-interactive makes it easy for clinicians to automatically manage the administration of tests - from digital stimuli - to response recording through stylus notes and audio, all the while enabling real-time scoring and increased accuracy. Visit www.HelloQ.co.uk/dkefs to start your free trial. Comprehensively assess with nine tests the key components of executive functions believed to be mediated primarily by the frontal lobe. The Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System™ (D-KEFS™) is the first standardised set of tests to evaluate higher-level cognitive functions in both children and adults from 8 to 89 years. The tests assess vital executive functions such as flexibility of thinking, inhibition, problem solving, planning, impulse control, concept formation, abstract thinking and creativity in both verbal and spatial modalities. Use D-KEFS™ results to assess the integrity of the frontal system of the brain to determine how deficits in abstract, creative thinking may impact an individual’s daily life; and to plan coping strategies and rehabilitation programs tailored to each patient’s profile of executive-function strengths and weaknesses. This unique instrument incorporates principles from cognitive science to evaluate the component processes of tasks thought to be especially sensitive to frontal-lobe dysfunction. For example, the Trail Making Test has five testing conditions that allow the examiner to quantify and derive normative data for several critical component processes needed to perform the task. D-KEFS™ is individually administered, and its gamelike format is designed to be interesting and engaging for examinees, encouraging optimal performance without providing “right/wrong” feedback that can create frustration in some children and adults. Norms: Standardised on over 2,000 individuals. New digital assessment system Q-interactive™ offers clinicians a variety of benefits, from saving them time, to freeing them up to focus on the intricacies and nuances of clients’ needs. The D-KEFSTM is now available in the Q-interactive library, this gives you the flexibility to select subtests from the D-KEFSTM, along with other assessments to create tailored batteries that fit the specific needs of your clients. Learn more about Q-interactive at www.HelloQ.co.uk/dkefs MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, stimulus booklet, sorting cards (3 sets of 6 cards), 1 tower stand with 5 colour disks, 25 record forms, 25 design fluency response booklets, 25 trail making response booklet sets (each set contains 5 response booklets for the 5 trail making conditions) in a trolley bag. 978 0 749167 99 8 £662.00 exc VAT Complete kit with Scoring Assistant: Includes all of the above 978 0 749167 98 1 £844.00 exc VAT and CD ROM for Windows® 978 0 158984 18 6 £235.50 exc VAT Scoring Assistant: CD ROM for Windows® Standard record forms (All nine subtests combined), pack of 25 978 0 158091 15 0 £155.00 exc VAT Alternate record forms and separate record forms for each of the subtests are also available. For details, contact Customer Services or visit us at pearsonclinical.co.uk D-KEFS™ on Q-interactive The price of an annual licence comprises two components - access to Q-interactive and subtest usage. Contact us for a customised quote, or see pages 2 to 4. * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. 102 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK UK NORMS The term ‘Dysexecutive Syndrome’ includes disorders of planning, organisation, problem solving, setting priorities, and attention. This is one of the major areas of cognitive deficit that can impede functional recovery and the ability to respond to rehabilitation programmes. Temporal judgement ■ Cognitive flexibility and inhibition of response ■ Practical problem solving ■ Strategy formation ■ Ability to plan ■ Task scheduling. BESTSELLER OVERVIEW: Predict everyday problems associated with the dysexecutive syndrome. BADS specifically assesses the skills and demands involved in everyday life. It is sensitive to the capacities affected by frontal lobe damage, emphasising those usually exercised in everyday situations: ■ ADULT - ATTENTION AND EXECUTIVE FUNCTION Barbara A Wilson, Nick Alderman, Paul W Burgess, Hazel Emslie and Jonathan J Evans, 1996 ■ BEHAVIOURAL ASSESSMENT OF THE DYSEXECUTIVE SYNDROME (BADS) AGE RANGE: 16 years to 87 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) The battery includes a 20 item Dysexecutive Questionnaire (DEX) that samples the range of problems in four broad areas of likely change: emotional or personality changes, motivational changes, behavioural changes, and cognitive changes. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, 25 scoring sheets, 5 stimulus books, stimulus cards, three-dimensional plastic materials, timer, 25 self rater DEX questionnaires and 25 independent rater questionnaires in a bag 978 0 749134 00 6 Scoring sheets, pack of 25 978 0 749129 25 5 DEX Questionnaires, 2 packs of 25 (self rater and independent rater) 978 0 749129 16 3 £455.00 exc VAT £36.50 exc VAT £37.50 exc VAT ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 40 minutes RELATED PRODUCT *Cognitive Assessment Training Online (CAT-O) Endorsed by the College of Occupational Thearpists. Certain CL1 tests are available to professionals other than psychologists, however further training will be required. See page 100 and 137 for further details. * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. HAYLING AND BRIXTON TESTS UK NORMS Paul W Burgess and Tim Shallice, 1997 The Hayling Sentence Completion Test is entirely spoken and is thus suitable for people with a wide range of problems such as those involving reading, visual perception or movement. It yields three different measures of executive functioning which can be considered separately or combined into an overall score. OVERVIEW: Clinical assessment of executive functioning. AGE RANGE: 18 years to 80 years The Brixton Spatial Anticipation Test measures the ability to detect rules in sequences of stimuli, probably the most well-known situation in which dysexecutive patients have problems. This is in a format that is easy to administer and is designed to be pleasant for the subject. The Brixton Test is perceptually simple and, as it does not require a verbal response, is appropriate for those suffering from a wide range of deficits such as those involving speech production or reading. QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 15 minutes MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, stimulus book and a pack of 25 scoring sheets in a bag 978 0 749133 80 1 Scoring sheets, pack of 25 978 0 749130 31 2 [email protected] £194.00 exc VAT £28.00 exc VAT ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 103 ■ TEST OF EVERYDAY ATTENTION (TEA) ADULT - ATTENTION AND EXECUTIVE FUNCTION Ian H Robertson, Tony Ward, Valerie Ridgeway and Ian Nimmo-Smith, 1994 OVERVIEW: Measure selective attention, sustained attention and attentional switching. AGE RANGE: 18 years to 80 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 45 to 60 minutes The Test of Everyday Attention (TEA) gives a broadbased measure of important clinical and theoretical aspects of attention. It is also the only test of attention based largely on everyday materials; the real-life scenario means that patients enjoy the test and find it relevant to the problems faced in life. This test can be used to identify different patterns of attentional breakdown and has been validated successfully with closed head-injured patients, stroke patients and patients with Alzheimer’s disease, including those of low educational level. The subtests use everyday skills to examine aspects of attention: ■ Map Search (selective attention) RELATED PRODUCT ■ *Cognitive Assessment Training Online (CAT-O) endorsed by the College of Occupational Thearpists. Elevator Counting and Elevator Counting with Distraction (sustained attention) ■ Elevator Counting using Visual or Auditory stimulus (attentional switching) Certain CL1 tests are available to professionals other than psychologists, however further training will be required. See page 100 and 137 for further details. UK NORMS ■ Telephone Directory (divided attention) ■ Lottery (sustained attention). MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, pack of 25 scoring sheets, cue book, stimulus cards and maps, 3 CDs and 1 DVD in a bag 978 0 749133 65 8 £391.50 exc VAT Scoring sheets, pack of 25 978 0 749132 40 8 £31.00 exc VAT * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. Would you be interested in earning extra money by helping to standardise new tests for use in the UK? Your involvement would require carrying out a small number of assessments with children and adults from the general population in your local area. Your contribution would be extremely valuable as these tests will equip health professionals with up-to-date assessment and diagnostic tools. For more information, please contact Christine Carvalho at [email protected] 104 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK ■ ADULT - LIFE SKILLS ADULT Life Skills TM Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales Third Edition (Vineland-3) [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 105 AVAILABLE ■ VINELAND ADAPTIVE BEHAVIOR SCALES THIRD EDITION (VINELAND-3) ADULT - LIFE SKILLS -ON Q-GLOBAL COMING 2016 Sara S. Sparrow, Domenic V. Cicchetti, and Celine A. Saulnier, 2016 OVERVIEW: Measure adaptive behaviour from birth to adulthood. AGE RANGE: Birth to 90 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Online using Q-global, and paper and pencil FIND OUT MORE Find out more about Q-global, our new web-based platform for test administration, scoring and reporting on page 5. Benefits ■ Updated with new norms, improved items, and online administration and scoring ■ Useful for diagnosis, qualification for special programs, progress reporting, program and treatment planning, and research ■ Offers both respected semi-structured interview format which focuses discussion and gathers in-depth information, and also offers convenient rating forms TM The standard for measuring self-sufficiency Since the beginning, Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales has been a leading measure of personal and social skills needed for everyday living. Psychologists and other professionals continue to depend on it to identify individuals who have learning disabilities, developmental delays, autism spectrum disorders, and other impairments. Not only does Vineland aid in diagnosis, but it gives you valuable information for developing educational and treatment plans. With Vineland-3 you can measure adaptive behaviour of individuals with: ■ Learning difficulties ■ Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) ■ ADHD ■ Post-traumatic brain injury ■ Hearing impairment ■ Dementia/Alzheimer’s disease Enhancements ■ Updated item content and new norms ■ Separate Parent/Caregiver and Interview Forms - with simplified item wording on the Parent/ Caregiver Forms ■ Introduction of basal and ceiling rules to Parent/ Caregiver and Teacher Form administration ■ New domain-level versions of the Interview, Parent/Caregiver, and Teacher Forms will offer a reliable, valid assessment at the domain level only, allowing for reduced administration time ■ Comprehensive Forms also available for the Interview, Parent/Caregiver, and Teacher Forms for a more in-depth evaluation ■ Online administration available for all forms through Q-global. MATERIALS AND PRICES: Pricing details coming soon, please visit pearsonclinical.co.uk/vineland3 to register for updates ADAPTIVE BEHAVIOR ASSESSMENT SYSTEM® – THIRD EDITION (ABAS-3) Patti Harrison and Thomas Oakland, 2015 OVERVIEW: Provides a complete assessment of adaptive skills across the life span. AGE RANGE: Birth to 89 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 15 to 20 minutes PRICE FREEZE NEW The third edition of the Adaptive Behavior Assessment System gives you a complete picture of functional skills across the life span. Retaining all of the essential features, the ABAS-3 is even easier to administer and score. It is particularly useful for evaluating those with developmental delays, autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, learning disabilities, neuropsychological disorders, and sensory or physical impairments. Key features: ■ New norms, updated item content, and improved ease of use ■ Covers individuals from birth to 89 years of age ■ Assesses 11 essential skill areas within 3 major adaptive domains: Conceptual, Social, and Practical ■ Identifies adaptive behavior strengths and weaknesses ■ Integrates assessment, intervention planning, and progress monitoring ■ Compatible with DSM-5. MATERIALS AND PRICES ABAS-3 Comprehensive Kit (Ages 0 to 89): Includes 5 Parent/Primary Caregiver Forms; 5 Teacher/Daycare Provider Forms; 5 Parent Forms; 5 Teacher Forms; 5 Adult Forms; Manual; Intervention Planner 978 0 749168 95 7 £284.00 exc VAT Adult Kit (ages 16-89): Includes 25 Adult Forms; Manual; Intervention Planner 978 0 749169 05 3 £284.00 exc VAT Adult forms, pack of 25 978 0 749169 01 5 £69.00 exc VAT 106 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK The Functional Living Scale – UK Version (TFLSUK) is an ecologically valid, performance based measure of functional abilities with an emphasis on instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) skills. Brief and easy to use, TFLSUK assesses an individual’s ability to perform a variety of tasks related to independent living that are thought to be more susceptible to cognitive decline than basic activities of daily living. Additionally, the measure is especially well suited to other clinical populations including learning disability, mental health and traumatic brain injury. OVERVIEW: Brief performance-based measure of activities necessary for daily living. AGE RANGE: 16 years to 90 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL3 (See page 142) Uses and Applications ■ TFLS can be used in comprehensive assessments, to support placement decisions, aid treatment planning, evaluate treatment outcomes, and monitor disease progression. Subscale cumulative percentages and an overall T-Score can be used to help determine the examinee’s ability to function independently. UK Memory – Assesses the ability to remember simple information and to take medications Assesses functional abilities quickly and easily ■ Screens for dementia with a tool focused on skills likely to be affected by cognitive decline ■ Monitors functional decline and disease progression ■ Monitors treatment/drug efficacy ■ Determines level of care required to adapt treatment plans The TFLSUK covers four functional domains: ■ Time – Assesses the ability to use clocks and calendars Linked with key tools including the WAIS-IV , TOPFUK, WMS-IVUK and the BCSE ■ Compliments the new BCSE to provide a cognitive and performance based assessment. Clinical Psychologists and Occupational Therapists working with all age ranges, to determine appropriate level of care ■ Health and Social Care Professionals to evaluate changes in level of care for individuals ■ Researchers in pharmaceuticals companies, to help conduct Alzheimer/dementia drug efficacy trials. ■ ■ Money and Calculation – Assesses the ability to count money and write cheques ■ Communication – Assesses the ability to prepare a snack, use a phone and phone books ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 15 minutes RELATED PRODUCTS Benefits ■ ■ ADULT - LIFE SKILLS UK NORMS C Munro Cullum, Myron F Weiner and Kathleen C Saine, 2012 It can be administered by a variety of professionals including: ■ THE FUNCTIONAL LIVING SCALE – UK VERSION (TFLSUK) UK The UK Project A validation study of TFLSUK was conducted on 250 UK adults between the ages of 16 and 90. New Brief Cognitive Status Exam (BCSE) and Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Fourth UK Edition (WAIS-IVUK). See pearsonclinical.co.uk/wechsler for more details. FIND OUT MORE Read ‘Point and Interval Estimates of Percentile Ranks for scores on the Texas Functional Living Scale’ by John R. Crawford, C. Munro Cullum, Paul H. Garthwaite, Emma Lycett, and Kate J. Allsopp in The Clinical Neuropsychologist, Volume 26, Issue 7, 2012 pearsonclinical.co.uk/tfls MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, record forms (25), response sheets (25), stimulus cards, phone book (5) in a bag. 978 0 749162 72 6 Record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749162 69 6 Response sheets, pack of 25 978 0 749162 68 9 £204.50 exc VAT £57.00 exc VAT £28.00 exc VAT FIND OUT MORE Read a review published in the British Journal of Forensic Psychology by Dr. Carol A. Ireland, CPsychol, MBA, Forensic Psychologist, Chartered Scientist, University of Central Lancashire and CCATS, on our blog at www.psychcorpuk.wordpress.com The assessment itself is very comprehensive to administer… user friendly and consistent… It has become a very regular tool and an effective one at that to be able to demonstrate how some cognitive deficits practically translate into functional performance of skills that may be difficult to replicate in hospital environments. Natalie Brown, Occupational Therapist, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 107 ■ ROOKWOOD DRIVING BATTERY (RDB) ADULT - LIFE SKILLS UK NORMS Patricia McKenna, 2009 OVERVIEW: Assess basic cognitive functions essential for safe driving. AGE RANGE: Adult QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 30 to 40 minutes The Rookwood Driving Battery consists of simple neuropsychological tests tuned to assess basic cognitive functions essential for safe driving. These are the perceptual analysis of the visual world, praxis skills to move a car in space and executive function to act appropriately on-road in traffic. Performance on the battery can give a good indication of individual cognitive fitness to drive and help decide whether an on-road test is appropriate. The test is for use with clients with any neurological condition which affects brain functioning (e.g. stroke, acquired brain injury, dementia etc). The battery takes about 30 to 40 minutes to administer and the tests are simple and not IQ related. They do not require fine manual dexterity so can be carried out easily by people who are physically frail or disabled. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, stimulus book, 3 stimulus cards, scoring key, story CD, 25 record forms and set of manipulatives 978 0 749144 39 5 Record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749144 35 7 £347.50 exc VAT £60.50 exc VAT INDEPENDENT LIVING SCALES® (ILS®) Patricia Anderten Loeb, 1996 OVERVIEW: Assess competency in instrumental activities of daily living. AGE RANGE: Adult QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 45 minutes Determine to what degree adults are capable of caring for themselves and their property. Use this reliable standardised tool to identify areas of competence in forensic cases and to determine the most appropriate living setting for adults who are experiencing a decline in cognitive functioning. Get performance-based results from older adults and those who have brain injuries, emotional disturbances, dementia, or mild intellectual disability. Assess abilities in five areas: ■ Memory and orientation ■ Managing money ■ Managing home and transportation ■ Health and safety ■ Social adjustment. With item scoring, differentiate between individuals who are not capable of understanding the issue, who understand the issue but need help in resolving it, and who can independently address it. Clients’ adaptations to challenging situations are given partial credit. Administer the 68 ILS® items in about 45 minutes, and score the test in about 10 minutes. Screen clients before testing, for their ability to see, hear, speak, read, write, and sign their names. Use the screening test to determine whether to administer the test orally or in written form, and as an aid in interpreting performance on the five scales. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, stimulus booklet, 25 record forms, and facsimile driver’s licence, credit card, and key in a storage pouch 978 0 158147 07 9 £352.50 exc VAT Record forms, pack of 25 978 0 158147 09 3 £53.50 exc VAT 108 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK ■ ADULT - SPEECH, LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION ADULT - Speech, Language and Communication Communication Checklist – Adult (CC-A) [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 109 ■ COMMUNICATION CHECKLIST – ADULT (CC-A) ADULT - LANGUAGE UK NORMS Andrew Whitehouse and Dorothy Bishop, 2009 OVERVIEW: Screens adults for communication impairments. AGE RANGE: 17 years to 79 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 5 to 15 minutes RELATED PRODUCT Also available for ages 10 to 89 years, Communication Checklist – Self Report (CC-SR). – See page 43 for details. Children’s Communication Checklist (CCC-2). – See page 43 for details. The 70-item questionnaire is completed by a respondent who has regular contact (3-4 days per week) with the individual and knows them well (partner, parent, friend or carer). 50 behavioural statements focus on communicative weaknesses and 20 on communicative strengths. The CC-A is suitable for use with adults who have a developmental disorder such as Specific Language Impairment, an Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down’s Syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, learning difficulties and for adults with an acquired disorder, such as head injury. It also helps to identify subtle communicative difficulties indicative of the broader autism phenotype in individuals who are related to people with heritable disorders such as an ASD. Z scores, scaled scores and percentiles are provided for the following 3 composites: Language Structure, Pragmatic Skills, Social Engagement, in addition to a total Z score. Scores can be calculated by hand or with the CD-ROM scorer included in the kit. Special groups: Adults with Specific Language Impairment, Autism Spectrum Disorders, traumatic brain injury. Also available is the CC-SR, a self-report instrument for individuals aged 10 years to 89 years. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, 25 checklists, 25 summary sheets, overlay keys for hand scoring and CD-ROM scorer in a bag 978 0 749149 05 5 Checklists, pack of 25 978 0 749149 09 3 Summary sheets, pack of 25 978 0 749149 10 9 £141.00 exc VAT £37.50 exc VAT £19.00 exc VAT WESTERN APHASIA BATTERY – REVISED (WAB-R) Andrew Kertesz, 2006 OVERVIEW: Two tools in one – a complete battery and a bedside instrument to quickly diagnose moderate to severe aphasia. AGE RANGE: 18 years to 89 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, Full battery: 30 to 45 minutes; Bedside WAB-R: 15 minutes 110 The Western Aphasia Battery – Revised (WAB-R) is the updated version of the highly respected and widely used instrument for assessing adult patients with aphasia. It is an individually administered assessment for adults with acquired neurological disorders (e.g. as a result of stroke, head injury, dementia). Like the previous edition, WAB-R assesses the linguistic skills most frequently affected by aphasia, in addition to key non-linguistic skills and provides differential diagnosis information. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes examiner’s manual, stimulus book, 25 record forms, 25 bedside record forms, Raven’s Coloured Progressive Matrices test booklet and manipulative set (includes 4 kohs blocks) in a bag 978 0 158440 86 6 £353.00 exc VAT LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK ■ SCAN-3: A TESTS FOR AUDITORY PROCESSING DISORDERS IN ADOLESCENTS AND ADULTS ADULT - LANGUAGE / LITERACY Robert W Keith, 2009 SCAN-3 helps you identify specific auditory processing difficulties in adolescents and adults. Based on the pattern of an individual’s test results, this tool can help you plan intervention to minimise the impact of the auditory processing disorder at school, work, home and in the community. OVERVIEW: Detect auditory processing disorders in adolescents and adults. AGE RANGE: 13 years to 50 years 11 months SCAN-3 provides the following tests to help you evaluate key indicators of auditory processing ability in adolescents and adults: QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) Screening Tests Competing Words (Directed Ear) – Dichotic listening task that indicates a child’s auditory maturation or developmental level Gap Detection – Indicates presence of a temporal processing problem which may influence the ability to comprehend running speech ■ ■ Auditory Figure Ground (+0 dB) – Tests ability to listen with background noise ■ ■ Competing Words (Free Recall) – Dichotic listening task (poor performance may indicate lack of maturation or abnormality of the auditory nervous system). Supplementary Tests ■ Competing Sentences – Provides information about the maturation of the nervous system. ■ Auditory Figure Ground (+8 dB and +12 dB) ■ Time Compressed Sentences. RELATED PRODUCT SCAN-3:C Tests for Auditory Processing Disorders for Children, see page 42. Norms Diagnostic Tests ■ ADMINISTRATION: Individual, Screener: 10 to 15 minutes; Full: 30 to 40 minutes Filtered Words – Indicates ability to process speech when the signal is distorted or compromised by a poor acoustic environment SCAN-3 features updated norms and continuous normative scores across SCAN-3 Child and Adolescent/Adult editions so that you can continue to monitor progress as the child ages out of the SCAN-3 for children. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, CD and pack of 25 record forms Record forms, pack of 25 978 0 158910 16 1 978 0 158910 19 2 £271.00 exc VAT £65.00 exc VAT SUITABLE FOR PROVIDING BACKGROUND INFORMATION FOR ACCESS ARRANGEMENT APPLICATIONS DYSLEXIA ADULT SCREENING TEST (DAST) UK NORMS Angela Fawcett and Rod Nicolson, 1998 BESTSELLER The DAST sees the culmination of several years of research and testing by the authors of the well-established Dyslexia Screening Test (DST) and Dyslexia Early Screening Test (DEST), now widely used with younger aged candidates. It has been designed as a screening instrument for adults with dyslexia and other learning difficulties, and can be used routinely within further education establishments and the commercial workplace. OVERVIEW: Screen for dyslexia and other learning difficulties. AGE RANGE: 16 years 5 months and older QUALIFICATION CODE: CL3 (See page 142) MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes examiner’s manual, envelope (containing score keys, rapid naming card, one minute reading cards, nonsense passage cards and one minute writing passage cards), 50 record forms, blindfold, balance tester and CD in a bag 978 0 749113 21 6 £204.00 exc VAT ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 30 minutes RELATED PRODUCTS Dyslexia Screening Test Range, see page 44-45 for further details. [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 111 ■ WOODCOCK READING MASTERY TESTS, THIRD EDITION (WRMT-III™) SUITABLE FOR ACCESS ARRANGEMENT NOW AVAILABLE ADULT - LITERACY Richard W Woodcock, 2011 OVERVIEW: An assessment of reading readiness and reading achievement. AGE RANGE: 4 years 6 months to 79 years 11 months AND DSA APPLICATIONS ON Q-GLOBAL The WRMT-III enables you to obtain a sharper focus on reading difficulties experienced by individuals. This latest revision will enable you to evaluate struggling readers and identify specific strengths and weaknesses in reading skills to plan targeted intervention. The WRMT-III contains four new and five revised subtests. QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: 15 to 45 minutes for complete battery MATERIALS AND PRICES Form A Complete kit: Includes administration manual, 25 Form A record form, 25 oral reading fluency Form A, Form A stimulus book, rapid automatic naming cards and audio CD 978 0 749163 17 4 £409.00 exc VAT FIND OUT MORE Find out more about Q-global, our new web-based platform for test administration, scoring and reporting on page 5-6. ADULT READING TEST, SECOND EDITION (ART-2) Peter Brooks, John Everatt, Rob Fidler, 2016 UK NORMS Features and benefits: OVERVIEW: Assess adult reading skills. AGE RANGE: 16 years and older QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, Untimed The Adult Reading Test, Second Edition (ART-2) includes 8 passages, four read silently, four aloud. The two parallel tests use four passages each, increase in difficulty and are suitable to assess students in both the further and higher education context. A new standardisation has been undertaken involving three FE Colleges and four HEIs. The test can be used in a variety of ways; to assess oral reading, silent reading or compare the two. There is also a two minute writing task to assess writing speed. Most passages are new, with some retained from the original ART. The first passage is aimed at basic literacy skills, progressing to an advanced passage for highly competent readers. Scores are available for reading accuracy, reading comprehension, reading speed and writing speed, as centiles and as standard scores. It is anticipated that the new test will meet all criteria for HE and JCQ assessments. Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES Please see pearsonclinical.co.uk for pricing details. 112 COMING 2016 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK ■ ADULT - SENSORY / MOTOR AND VISUO-PERCEPTUAL SKILLS ADULT - Sensory/Motor and Visuo-perceptual Skills Bruininks Motor Ability Test (BMAT) [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 113 ■ ADOLESCENT / ADULT SENSORY PROFILE™ ADULT - SENSORY / MOTOR SKILLS NOW AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL Catana Brown and Winnie Dunn, 2002 OVERVIEW: Identify sensory processing patterns and effects on functional performance. AGE RANGE: 11 years and older QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, Untimed RELATED PRODUCT Sensory Profile range for children – see page 60-61. FIND OUT MORE Find out more about Q-global, our new web-based platform for test administration, scoring and reporting on page 5. The Adolescent / Adult Sensory Profile™ brings greater understanding about why individuals engage in particular behaviours and why they prefer certain environments and experiences. The results provide an increased awareness and understanding of sensory processing preferences not only for the client but also for the therapist, team members, family members, and others who are close to the individual. It enables clients to evaluate themselves through the use of a self-questionnaire and is designed as a trait measure of sensory processing. An individual answers questions regarding how he or she generally responds to sensations, as opposed to how he or she responds at any given time. Applicable for adolescents and adults with or without disability related issues. It is compatible for use in a variety of settings including education, mental health, rehabilitation clinics, community based programmes and long term care facilities. Clinical validity studies are included on individuals with Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder. Q-globalTM Administration, Scoring and Reporting Options The Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile is now available on Q-global®, Pearson’s web-based administration, scoring, and reporting platform. It enables you to quickly assess and efficiently organise examinee information, generate scores, and produce accurate, comprehensive reports— anywhere, anytime, on any internet-connected device. Choice of on-screen administration (a secure link is sent to the rater to complete the questionnaire on any internet enabled device) or manual entry (use paper forms to administer the questionnaires, then use the Q-global system to score and generate reports). MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes user’s manual and 25 self-questionnaire/summary reports Self-questionnaire/summary reports, pack of 25 Q-global Adolescent/Adult Summary report 978 0 761649 70 0 978 0 761649 73 1 978 0 150017 00 4 £137.00 exc VAT £40.00 exc VAT £2.00 exc VAT* *Price per report DETAILED ASSESSMENT OF SPEED OF HANDWRITING (DASH 17+) Anna Barnett, Sheila E Henderson, Beverly Scheib and Joerg Schulz, 2010 OVERVIEW: Assess handwriting speed in FE and HE students. AGE RANGE: 17 years to 25 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL3 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual or Group, Complete battery: Maximum 30 minutes SUITABLE FOR ACCESS ARRANGEMENT AND DSA APPLICATIONS The DASH 17+ provides a reliable, age-appropriate measure of handwriting speed for students aged 17-25 years in further and higher education. This upwards extension of the DASH can identify students with slow handwriting and may assist in providing evidence for extra support, such as Access Arrangements in examinations or the Disabled Students’ Allowance. Information from the DASH 17+ also provides relevant information for planning intervention. The assessment includes five subtests, each testing a different aspect of handwriting speed. The subtests examine fine motor and precision skills, the speed of producing well known symbolic material, the ability to alter speed of performance on two tasks with identical content and free writing competency. Standardised subtest and composite scores are provided, based on data collected from a sample of 400 students in further and higher education across the UK in 2009. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes examiner’s manual, laminated reproducible test cards, a timer, 25 record forms in a bag 978 0 749149 25 3 Record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749160 72 2 114 UK NORMS LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK £115.50 exc VAT £32.50 exc VAT ■ BRUININKS MOTOR ABILITY TEST (BMAT) Brett D Bruininks & Robert H Bruininks, 2013 An adult motor assessment adapted from a test you trust areas. That’s because each subtest has the content, reliability, validity, and sensitivity to stand on its own. BMAT is an individually administered, standardised test of gross and fine motor skills for adults 40 and older. It’s an adaptation of the trusted BOT™-2. The BMAT is ideal for professionals in occupational and physical therapies, nursing, human performance, and physical rehabilitation to determine if clients’ motor function issues need to be addressed before they can live independently. Subtests include: The BMAT also helps you set treatment goals and monitor progress. What’s more, you can repeat administrations over the course of treatment and adjust goals as needed. Comprehensive, stand-alone subtests For maximum flexibility, you can administer all the subtests or focus on one or two specific motor skill ■ Fine Motor Integration ■ Balance and Mobility ■ Manual Dexterity ■ Coordination ■ Strength and Flexibility Each subtest can be administered in as little as 15 minutes and you receive three score composites Fine Motor, Gross Motor, and Total Motor. Also included is the Short Form that offers a quick measure of overall motor ability in just 20 minutes. Scoring that provides better insight anytime, anywhere BMAT is now available on Q-global™ our new web-based platform for scoring and reporting. Complete kit: includes manual, administration easel, 25 comprehensive record form, 25 comprehensive form examinee booklet, 25 short form, 25 short form examinee booklet, scoring transparency, blocks with string, penny pad, penny box, 50 plastic pennies, elbow pad, tennis ball, stopwatch, red pen, black marker, adult scissors, hand gripper – blue, hand gripper – green, envelope, 4 numbered half cones, sewing board with string. 978 0 749165 66 6 £527.00 exc VAT For a complete listing of all available components visit pearsonclinical.co.uk Full and Short Forms The Short Format and Full Format tests, which can be administered individually or to groups, present drawings of geometric forms arranged in order of increasing difficulty that the individual is asked to copy; helping to assess the extent to which individuals can integrate their visual and motor abilities. This culture-free and non-verbal assessment means that the Beery VMI AGE RANGE: 40 years and older QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Short Form and Individual Subtests: 15 to 20 minutes, Complete Battery; 60 to 75 minutes FIND OUT MORE Find out more about Q-global, our new web-based platform for test administration, scoring and reporting on page 5. SUITABLE FOR ACCESS ARRANGEMENT AND DSA APPLICATIONS Keith E Beery, Norman A Buktenica and Natasha A Beery, 2010 Internationally respected and backed by decades of research and clinical use, the Beery VMI, now in its sixth edition, offers a convenient and economical way to screen for visual-motor deficits that can lead to learning, neuropsychological and behaviour problems. OVERVIEW: Standardised test of gross and fine motor skills for adults. SCORING OPTIONS: Q-global or hand-scoring MATERIALS AND PRICES BEERY-BUKTENICA DEVELOPMENTAL TEST OF VISUAL-MOTOR INTEGRATION, SIXTH EDITION (BEERY VMI) ADULT - MOTOR / VISUO-PERCEPTUAL SKILLS NOW AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL is useful with individuals of diverse environmental, educational, and linguistic backgrounds. The Beery VMI series also provides supplemental Visual Perception and Motor Co-ordination tests, which use the same stimulus forms as the Short Format and Full Format tests. These optional assessments are designed to be administered after results from the Short Format or Full Format test show the need for further testing. A statistical comparison of results from all three tests can be quickly and easily made on the graphic profile. Adult Norms: Unlike other tests of visual motor integration that can be too intimidating, inconsistent or insensitive to many adults, the Beery VMI has been found to be both comfortable and effective for this population. MATERIALS AND PRICES UK NORMS OVERVIEW: Assess visual-motor skills in children and adults. AGE RANGE: 2 years to 100 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual or Group, Short and Full Format tests: 10 to 15 minutes each; Visual and Motor tests: 5 minutes each Beery VMI Sixth Edition Starter Kit: Includes manual, 10 full forms, 10 short forms, 10 visual perception forms and 10 motor co-ordination forms 978 0 749160 27 2 £138.50 exc VAT Beery VMI Sixth Edition manual 978 0 749160 25 8 £68.00 exc VAT Beery VMI Sixth Edition Full Forms, pack of 25 978 0 749160 24 1 £107.00 exc VAT Beery VMI Sixth Edition Motor Co-ordination Forms, pack of 25 978 0 749160 26 5 £18.50 exc VAT Beery VMI Sixth Edition Visual Perception Forms, pack of 25 978 0 749160 28 9 £18.00 exc VAT Beery VMI Sixth Edition Short Forms, pack of 25 978 0 749160 29 6 £80.00 exc VAT [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 115 ■ DEVELOPMENTAL TEST OF VISUAL PERCEPTION – ADOLESCENT AND ADULT (DTVP-A) ADULT - VISUO-PERCEPTUAL SKILLS Cecil R Reynolds, Nils A Pearson and Judith K Voress, 2002 OVERVIEW: Measure visual-perceptual and visual-motor abilities. AGE RANGE: 11 years to 74 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 25 minutes RELATED PRODUCT The DTVP-A is a battery of six subtests that measure different but interrelated visual-perceptual and visualmotor abilities. The subtests include: ■ Copying ■ Figure-Ground ■ Visual-Motor Search ■ Visual Closure ■ Visual-Motor Speed ■ Form Constancy. PRICE FREEZE SUITABLE FOR DSA APPLICATIONS The reliability of the various subtests and index scores indicates that the DTVP-A will be sensitive to improvement over the course of treatment. The subtests and indexes also will suggest areas of emphasis in cognitive and fine motor rehabilitation. The DTVP-A is particularly useful in distinguishing true visual-perceptual deficits from problems solely with complex eye-hand or perceptual-motor actions. Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes examiner’s manual, picture book, 25 profile/examiner record forms, 25 response booklets in a box 978 0 749122 89 8 £225.00 exc VAT Profile/examiner record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749122 92 8 £35.00 exc VAT Developmental Test of Visual Perception, Third Edition (DTVP-3) - See page 57 VISUAL OBJECT AND SPACE PERCEPTION BATTERY (VOSP) UK NORMS Elizabeth K Warrington and Merle James, 1991 OVERVIEW: Assess object and space perception. AGE RANGE: Adult QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual or Group, Untimed Studies have established that highly specific impairments of cognitive function can occur following brain damage. A comprehensive assessment must reflect this specificity and include tasks that focus on specific cognitive functions in addition to complex cognitive skills. In this context no individual’s profile would be complete without an assessment of object and space perception. The Visual Object and Space Perception Battery (VOSP) consists of eight tests each designed to assess a particular aspect of object or space perception, while minimising the involvement of other cognitive skills. The VOSP will enable the clinician to compare the scores of a subject with those of a normal control sample and those obtained by patients with rightand left-cerebral lesions. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, pack of 25 scoring sheets and 3 stimulus books in a bag 978 0 749134 02 0 Scoring sheets, pack of 25 978 0 749133 02 3 116 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK £235.00 exc VAT £22.50 exc VAT ■ ADULT - HEALTH AND WELLBEING ADULT - Health and Wellbeing Millon® Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-IV (MCMI®-IV) [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 117 ■ NOW AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL ADULT - MENTAL HEALTH BECK FAMILY OF ASSESSMENTS BESTSELLER Aaron T Beck, Robert A Steer, Gregory K Brown and David Clark OVERVIEW: Screen or assess severity of depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and suicide ideation. AGE RANGE: 13 years to 80 years (see individual tests) QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 5 to 10 minutes (see individual tests) SCORING OPTIONS: Q-global or Hand-scored Q-GLOBAL REPORT OPTIONS: Interpretive RELATED PRODUCT Beck Youth Inventories™ Second Edition For Children and Adolescents (BYI-II) - See page 64. With online scoring and reporting available via Q-global™, you can save time and generate accurate results for key assessments from the Beck range. Q-global is accessible from any computer connected to the Internet. With 24/7 access you can quickly and efficiently organise examinee information, generate scores, and produce accurate comprehensive reports. Learn more at www.HelloQ.co.uk or see page 5. Brief tools to help you screen or assess severity of depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and suicide ideation. The Beck Scales are among the most trusted psychological instruments in the world. These measures offer you fast administration and items that align with DSM-IV® criteria. BECK DEPRESSION INVENTORY® – FASTSCREEN (BDI®- FASTSCREEN) Aaron T Beck, Robert A Steer and Gregory K Brown, 2000 This is a seven item self report instrument that screens for depression in adolescents and adults. Because BDI®-FastScreen reflects the cognitive and affective symptoms of depression, while excluding somatic and performance symptoms that might be attributable to other conditions, it is a quick and effective way to assess depression in populations with biological, medical, alcohol and/or substance abuse. The report can be completed in under 5 minutes. BECK DEPRESSION INVENTORY®-II (BDI®-II) Aaron T Beck, Robert A Steer and Gregory K Brown, 1996 This edition of the Beck Depression Inventory, the world’s most widely used instrument for detecting depression, features items based on depression criteria of the DSM-IV. It consists of 21 items to assess the intensity of depression in clinical and normal populations. Each item is a list of four statements arranged in increasing severity about a particular symptom of depression. Suitable for ages 13 to 80 years old the test can be completed in approximately 5 minutes. Norms: Standardised on clinical and non-clinical samples. 118 BECK ANXIETY INVENTORY® (BAI®) BECK HOPELESSNESS SCALE® (BHS®) Aaron T Beck and Robert A Steer, 1993 Aaron T Beck and Robert A Steer, 1993 The Beck Anxiety Inventory® (BAI®) measures the severity of anxiety in adults and adolescents, aged 17 years and older, giving professionals a firm basis upon which to make confident diagnostic decisions. The BAI® evaluates both physiological and cognitive symptoms of anxiety and consists of 21 items; each item is descriptive of a symptom of anxiety and is rated on a scale of 0 to 3. It can be administered in 5 to 10 minutes, verbally by a trained interviewer or can be self-administered. The Beck Hopelessness Scale® (BHS®) is a questionnaire designed to measure an individual’s expectations for their long range future. It consists of 20 statements requiring a true or false response. Each response is scored for indications of pessimism. Three major aspects of hopelessness are reflected in the total score which lies on a scale between 0 and 20. These are concerned with feelings about the future, loss of motivation and expectations. The test can be completed with individuals aged 17 years and older in 10 minutes. LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK ■ ADULT - MENTAL HEALTH BECK SCALE FOR SUICIDE IDEATION® (BSS™) AUTHOR INFORMATION: Aaron Temkin Beck, M.D. (Yale University, 1946) is University Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania and the Director of the Center for the Treatment and Prevention of Suicide and the Psychopathology Research Unit. He currently serves as the Principal Investigator of several research projects at the Center, including Community-Based Cognitive Therapy for Suicide Attempters, Cognitive Therapy for Suicidal Patients with Drug Dependence, and Cognitive Therapy for Suicidal Older Men. In 2014 he was awarded the Changing Minds award, honouring an individual who has had a dramatic impact on the field of mental health. Aaron T Beck and Robert A Steer, 1991 The Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation (BSS™) is a valuable tool that can be completed in 5 to 10 minutes, by clinicians to examine suicidal intent in patients. Developed for use with patients of 17 years and over, the scale provides a good starting point for a clinician’s more detailed examination of a patient’s suicidal intent. The scale is made up of 21 items. Five screening items reduce the length and intrusiveness of the questionnaire for patients who are non-suicidal. CLARK-BECK OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE INVENTORY (CBOCI) David Clark and Aaron T Beck, 2002 Use a reliable measure of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) modelled after the widely used Beck Depression Inventory® – Second Edition (BDI®-II). The 25-item CBOCI was developed to provide you with an efficient yet comprehensive and precise self-report screening instrument for OCD. The CBOCI can be used in conjunction with the Beck Scales for depression, anxiety, hopelessness and suicide ideation for a more comprehensive measure of psychopathology. It is suitable for use with individuals aged 17 years and older. MATERIALS AND PRICES BDI-II Complete kit: Includes manual and 25 record forms BDI-II Record forms, pack of 25 BDI Fastscreen Complete kit: Includes manual and pad of 50 record forms BDI Fastscreen Record forms, pad of 50 BAI Complete kit: Includes manual and 25 record forms BAI Record forms, pack of 25 BHS Complete kit: Includes manual and 25 record forms BHS Record forms, pack of 25 BSS Complete kit: Includes manual and 25 record forms BSS Record forms, pack of 25 CBOCI Complete kit: Includes manual and 25 record forms CBOCI Record forms, pack of 25 Q-global BDI-II Interpretive Report Q-global BSS Interpretive Report Q-global BHS Interpretive Report Q-global BAI Interpretive Report 978 0 158018 37 9 978 0 158018 39 3 £104.00 exc VAT £54.50 exc VAT 978 0 158019 41 3 978 0 158019 43 7 978 0 158018 40 9 978 0 158018 42 3 978 0 158133 60 7 978 0 158133 62 1 978 0 158018 44 7 978 0 158018 46 1 978 0 158177 46 5 978 0 158177 49 6 978 0 749166 12 0 978 0 749166 10 6 978 0 749166 06 9 978 0 749166 00 7 £98.50 exc VAT £56.50 exc VAT £104.00 exc VAT £54.50 exc VAT £104.00 exc VAT £54.50 exc VAT £104.00 exc VAT £54.50 exc VAT £121.50 exc VAT £53.50 exc VAT £6.00 exc VAT £6.00 exc VAT £6.00 exc VAT £6.00 exc VAT [email protected] With online scoring and reporting available via Q-global™, you can save time and generate accurate results for key assessments from the Beck range. Q-global is accessible from any computer connected to the Internet. With 24/7 access you can quickly and efficiently organise examinee information, generate scores, and produce accurate comprehensive reports. Learn more at www.HelloQ.co.uk or see page 5. ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 119 ■ BRIEF SYMPTOM INVENTORY (BSI) & BRIEF SYMPTOM INVENTORY 18 (BSI 18) ADULT - MENTAL HEALTH Leonard R Derogatis, 1993 & 2000 OVERVIEW: Quickly measure psychological symptoms. AGE RANGE: 13 years and older (BSI); 18 years and older (BSI 18) QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 8 to 10 minutes (BSI); 4 minutes (BSI 18) SCORING OPTIONS: Q-global or Hand-scored Q-GLOBAL REPORT OPTIONS: Profile, Interpretive COMING SOON With online scoring and reporting available via Q-global™, you can save time and generate accurate BSI and BSI 18 results. Find out more on page 5. The efficient BSI and BSI 18 instruments provide patient-reported data to help support clinical decision-making at intake and during the course of treatment in multiple settings. ■ Assess patients at intake for psychological problems ■ Objectively support care management decisions ■ Measure patient progress during and after treatment to monitor change ■ Provide outcomes measurement for treatment programs and providers through aggregated patient information. HANDSCORE MATERIALS AND PRICES BSI handscore starter kits: Includes manual, 50 answer sheets with test items, 50 profile forms and 2 worksheets: BSI Nonpatient adult handscore starter kit 978 0 749154 39 4 BSI Nonpatient adolescent handscore starter kit 978 0 749154 40 0 BSI Outpatient psychiatric handscore starter kit 978 0 749154 41 7 BSI Inpatient psychiatric handscore starter kit 978 0 749154 42 4 BSI 18 handscore starter kit with community norms 978 0 749154 50 9 BSI 18 handscore starter kit with oncology norms 978 0 749154 54 7 Q-global BSI Interpretive Report 978 0 749166 08 3 Q-global BSI Profile Report 978 0 749166 09 0 Q-global BSI 18 Profile Report 978 0 749166 07 6 SYMPTOM CHECKLIST-90-REVISED (SCL-90-R) Leonard R Derogatis, 1994 OVERVIEW: Evaluate psychological problems and symptoms of psychopathology. AGE RANGE: 13 years and older NOW AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL £126.50 exc VAT £126.50 exc VAT £126.50 exc VAT £126.50 exc VAT £126.50 exc VAT £126.50 exc VAT £14.00 exc VAT £6.50 exc VAT £6.50 exc VAT NOW AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL The SCL-90-R test contains only 90 items and helps measure nine primary symptom dimensions. It is designed to provide an overview of a patient’s symptoms and their intensity at a specific point in time. By providing an index of symptom severity, the assessment helps facilitate treatment decisions and identify patients before problems become acute. COMING SOON QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 12 to 15 minutes SCORING OPTIONS: Q-global or Hand-scored SOFTWARE REPORT OPTIONS: Profile, Interpretive, Medical 120 With online scoring and reporting available via Q-global™, you can save time and generate accurate SCL-90-R results. Find out more on page 5. MATERIALS AND PRICES: Handscore nonpatient adult starter kit: Includes manual, 50 answer sheets, 50 profile forms, 2 worksheets and answer keys 978 0 749154 25 7 Q-global SCL-90-R Profile Report 978 0 749166 44 1 Q-global SCL-90-R Interpretive Report 978 0 749166 43 4 Q-global SCL-90-R Customer Medical Report 978 0 749166 42 7 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK £126.50 exc VAT £9.50 exc VAT £15.00 exc VAT £7.50 exc VAT ■ SELF IMAGE PROFILE FOR ADULTS (SIP-ADULT) The Self Image Profile for Adults (SIP-Adult) is a brief self report measure that taps the individual’s theory of self. It provides an extension to the child (SIP-C: 7-11 years) and adolescent (SIP-A: 12-16 years) profiles, having a similar structure and format. The SIP-Adult consists of 32 items rated by the respondent in terms of both how they think of themselves and how they would like to be. OVERVIEW: Quickly assess self image and self esteem in adults. The SIP-Adult provide a visual display of self image, enabling the individual, as they complete it, to reveal to him/ herself, as well as to the clinician, ways they construe themselves. The SIP-Adult also provide a measure of Self Esteem, which is calculated by the discrepancy between ratings of ‘How I am’ and ‘How I would like to be’. QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) AGE RANGE: 17 years to 65 years ADMINISTRATION: Individual or Group, 7 to 15 minutes Features ■ Identifies both self image and self esteem ■ British norms, based on samples drawn from across the UK ■ May be used as a screening instrument where a quick assessment of self is required ■ Identifies where people wish to change and therefore offers therapeutic avenues. ADULT - MENTAL HEALTH UK NORMS Richard J Butler and Sarah L Gasson, 2004 RELATED PRODUCT Self Image Profiles for children and adolescents is also available. – See page 65 for further details. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual and pack of 25 record forms Record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749134 95 2 978 0 749134 97 6 £90.50 exc VAT £55.50 exc VAT Use Live Chat to talk online with one of our representatives Got a question about one of our products? Or price/ISBN query? Need some technical assistance with one of our digital services? Then Live Chat is for you. Live Chat, which can be accessed via the button on the left hand side of the website, allows you to chat online with one of our representatives so you can get quick answers to your questions. There’s now no need to wait for a response to an email, or to have to queue on the phone for an answer to your question - just click Live Chat, enter your name, email and question, and you will be connected to one of the team. Live Chat availability At the end of the conversation, you will be given the opportunity to rate the chat and email yourself the transcript for reference. [email protected] Live Chat will be available 8am-5pm most working days. If there is no one available to accept your chat request, you will be directed to an email form to submit your query. ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 121 ■ CHILDHOOD TRAUMA QUESTIONNAIRE (CTQ) ADULT - MENTAL HEALTH David P Bernstein and Laura Fink, 1997 OVERVIEW: A retrospective self report to assess history of trauma. AGE RANGE: 12 years and older QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 5 minutes The CTQ is a 28 item self-report inventory that can be administered to adolescents and adults to provide reliable, valid screening for a history of abuse and neglect in order to establish whether traumatic childhood conditions are a factor in your client’s personal history. It is an effective clinical tool which can be administered in five minutes with five scales measuring: ■ Physical abuse ■ Physical neglect ■ Sexual abuse ■ Emotional neglect. ■ Emotional abuse It includes a minimisation denial scale for detecting individuals who may be under reporting traumatic events and interpretative guidelines which allow for identification of three levels of severity of abuse and neglect (low, moderate, severe). MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual and pack of 25 Ready Score® answer documents Ready Score® answer documents, pack of 25 978 0 158102 33 7 978 0 158102 28 3 £160.50 exc VAT £58.50 exc VAT NOVACO ANGER SCALE AND PROVOCATION INVENTORY (NAS-PI) Raymond W Novaco, 2003 OVERVIEW: Tells you how individuals experience anger and what kind of situations provoke it. AGE RANGE: 9 years to 84 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 25 minutes Brief and easy-to-administer, this self-report questionnaire is an excellent way to assess anger in clinical, community and correctional settings. The NAS-PI is composed of two parts: ■ The Novaco Anger Scale (60 items), which tells you how an individual experiences anger ■ The Provocation Inventory (25 items), which identifies the kind of situations that induce anger in particular individuals. The entire questionnaire can be completed in just 25 minutes by anyone with a reading age of 8 or above. (It can also be administered to clients who are mentally disordered or developmentally delayed, though items may have to be read to these individuals.) Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual and 25 record forms Record forms, pack of 25 122 978 0 749140 97 7 978 0 749140 98 4 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK £105.50 exc VAT £48.00 exc VAT ■ AGGRESSION QUESTIONNAIRE (AQ) ADULT - MENTAL HEALTH Arnold H Buss and W L Warren, 2000 Screen children and adults for aggressive tendencies with this routine self-report inventory. The Aggression Questionnaire (AQ) measures an individual’s aggressive responses and his or her ability to channel those responses in a safe, constructive manner. The selfreport consisting of 34 items on which individuals rate themselves on a 5-point scale ranging from “Not at all like me” to “Completely like me.”: ■ Physical Aggression ■ Hostility ■ Verbal Aggression ■ Indirect Aggression ■ Anger. OVERVIEW: Offers a quick, practical way to screen large groups or individuals for aggressive tendencies. AGE RANGE: 9 years to 88 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (see page 142) Standardisation is based on a US sample of 2,138 individuals, ages 9 to 88. In addition, norms for the Verbal Aggression and Physical Aggression scales are separated by gender. Scores can be used in treatment planning and outcome measurement. The AQ is ideal for use in correctional settings, schools, military installations, and geriatric or convalescent hospitals for both screening and program evaluation. ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 10 minutes Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes 25 AutoScore answer forms and manual 978 0 749160 88 3 £106.00 exc VAT COPING INVENTORY FOR STRESSFUL SITUATIONS (CISS™) Norman Endler and James D A Parker, 1999 The CISS™ assessment allows you to effectively measure three major types of coping styles: Task-Orientated, Emotion-Orientated and Avoidance Coping. It also identifies two types of avoidance patterns: Distraction and Social Diversion. OVERVIEW: Assess three major types of coping styles. This 48-item inventory is available in versions for adolescents and adults. Gender-specific norms are available for adults, college students, adolescents, correctional populations, psychiatric patients and various occupational groups. AGE RANGE: Adolescent (13 years to 18 years); and Adult (18 years +) CISS: Situation Specific Version: QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) The CISS:SSC form is a 21-item measure for adults. The instructions are modified such that responses are given with a designated stressful situation in mind. ADMINISTRATION: Self Report, 10 minutes Norms are given for situations involving social evaluation, change in social situation, relationship or interpersonal conflict and general stress. Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit (Adult): Includes manual, 25 adult forms and 25 SSC forms Adult forms, pack of 25 SSC forms, pack of 25 978 0 749148 05 8 978 0 749148 08 9 978 0 749148 10 2 [email protected] £147.00 exc VAT £60.00 exc VAT £60.00 exc VAT ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 123 ■ BASC-3 PARENTING RELATIONSHIP QUESTIONNAIRE (BASC-3 PRQ) ADULT - MENTAL HEALTH Cecil R Reynolds and R W Kamphaus, 2015 OVERVIEW: Captures a parent’s perspective on the parentchild relationship. AGE RANGE: 2 years to 18 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 10 to 15 minutes NEW Capturing a parent’s perspective on the parentchild relationship (or the perspective of a person serving a similar role) is an important step in helping professionals to guide appropriate and effective intervention plans. The PRQ assesses traditional parent–child dimensions such as attachment and involvement and provides information on parenting style, confidence, stress, and satisfaction with the child’s school. This comprehensive tool offers a quick and reliable means of gathering valuable information and can be used in school, clinical, paediatric, counselling, and other settings. It should be administered to mothers and/or fathers (or caregivers) of children aged 2 years to 18 years and includes the following features: ■ Two levels: preschool (ages 2 years to 5 years; 60 items) and child/adolescent (ages 6 years to 18 years; 87 items). ■ Multiple dimensions that are relevant to the development of strong and healthy parent-child relationships and that are particularly relevant for use in school, clinical, and therapeutic settings. ■ Highly interpretable scales that were developed with a balance of theory and empirical data. MATERIALS AND PRICES: BASC-3 PRQ Hand Scored Examination Set: Includes PRQ manual, pack of 25 of each Preschool and Child/Adolescent record forms and pack of 25 of each Preschool and Child/Adolescent hand-score worksheet. 978 0 749169 72 5 BASC-3 PRQ Preschool (2-5 years) record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749169 74 9 BASC-3 PRQ Child and Adolescent record forms, pack of 25 978 0 749169 71 8 £140.00 exc VAT £69.00 exc VAT £36.00 exc VAT PARENT-CHILD RELATIONSHIP INVENTORY (PCRI) Anthony B Gerard, 1994 OVERVIEW: Provides a clear picture of how parents feel about their children and the task of parenting. Use the PCRI to evaluate: AGE RANGE: For parents of children between 3 and 15 years of age ■ Parenting skills and attitudes ■ Child custody arrangements ■ Family interaction QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ■ Physical or sexual abuse of children. ADMINISTRATION: Self-report, 15 minutes 124 This unique self-report inventory tells you how parents view the task of parenting and how they feel about their children. Designed for use with mothers or fathers of 3- to 15-year-old children, the PCRI gives you a clear, quantified description of the parent-child relationship, and it identifies specific areas in which problems may occur. Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes 25 AutoScore answer sheets and manual Autoscore Answer Sheets, pack of 25 978 0 749163 25 9 978 0 749165 54 3 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK £112.00 exc VAT £53.00 exc VAT ■ BROWN ATTENTION-DEFICIT DISORDER SCALES® (BROWN ADD SCALES) ADULT - MENTAL HEALTH Thomas E Brown, 2001, 1996 Based on Thomas Brown’s cutting-edge model of cognitive impairment in ADD, the Brown ADD Scales explore the executive cognitive functioning aspects of cognition associated with AD/HD (ADD). OVERVIEW: Screen for reliable indications of ADD in all ages. Clusters of Executive Functions AGE RANGE: 3 years to 7 years; 8 years to 12 years; 12 years to 18 years; Adult (18+) The Brown ADD Scales go beyond measures that address only hyperactivity to assess for less apparent impairments of executive functioning. The manuals explain the new understanding of ADD as complex impairments of executive functions that impact academic, social, emotional and behavioural functioning. As with the children’s version, the adult and adolescents edition features five clusters frequently associated with ADD: ■ Organising, Prioritising and Activating to Work ■ Focusing, Sustaining and Shifting Attention to Tasks ■ Regulating Alertness, Sustaining Effort and Processing Speed ■ Managing Frustration and Modulating Emotions ■ Utilising Working Memory and Accessing Recall. Comprehensive Diagnostic Form The Brown ADD Diagnostic Form allows you to gather and integrate important diagnostic information about an individual, with cluster and total scores arriving at a diagnostic decision. The Diagnostic Form helps you conduct a comprehensive evaluation, with a set of procedures for integrating a clinical history, a comorbidity screener, and a worksheet for integrating data from the Brown ADD Scales with standardised scores from other tests. QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 10 to 20 minutes Flexible Scoring The convenient Ready Score® form gives you immediate cluster scores and a total score indicating overall impairment from a broad range of ADD symptoms. T scores give you an indication of how much impairment the examinee is showing on each of the clusters, relative to a normative population. Results indicate whether the individual appears to have ADD and would benefit from a full evaluation for the disorder. FIND OUT MORE For a complete listing of all available components, please visit pearsonclinical.co.uk Norms: Clinically validated cut score. MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit for adolescents and adults: includes manual, treatment monitoring worksheet, 50 Ready Score answer documents (25 each for ages 12 to 18 and 18+) and diagnostic forms (10 each, for ages 12 to 18 and 18+) 978 0 158029 24 5 £269.50 exc VAT Diagnostic form, adult, pack of 10 978 0 158029 44 3 £29.50 exc VAT 978 0 158029 46 7 £58.50 exc VAT Ready Score® answer documents, adult, pack of 25 Manual for adolescents and adults 978 0 158029 41 2 £173.00 exc VAT [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 125 ■ AUTISM DIAGNOSTIC OBSERVATION SCHEDULE, SECOND EDITION (ADOS-2) ADULT - MENTAL HEALTH Catherine Lord, Michael Rutter, Pamela C DiLavore, Susan Risi, Katherine Gotham, Somer L Bishop, Rhiannon J Luyster, Whitney Guthrie, 2012 OVERVIEW: Accurately assess and diagnose autism spectrum disorders across age, developmental level and language skills. AGE RANGE: 12 months to adult QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 40 to 60 minutes ADOS-2 is a semi-structured, standardised assessment of communication, social interaction, play, and restricted and repetitive behaviours. With updated protocols, revised algorithms, a new Comparison Score, and a toddler module, the ADOS-2 provides a highly accurate picture of current ASD symptoms, unaffected by language. The ADOS-2 includes five modules, each requiring just 40 to 60 minutes to administer. One module is selected on the basis of the individual’s expressive language level and chronological age. ■ ■ Module 1 - for children 31 months and older who do not consistently use phrase speech ■ Module 2 - for children of any age who use phrase speech but are not verbally fluent FIND OUT MORE Visit page 138 to find out about ADOS-2 training options. Toddler module - for children between 12 and 30 months of age who do not consistently use phrase speech ■ Module 3 - for verbally fluent children and young adolescents ■ Module 4 - for verbally fluent older adolescents and adults. Revised features ■ Updated Protocol booklets provide clearer, more explicit administration and coding instructions ■ In modules 1 to 4, algorithm scores are compared with cut-off scores to yield one of three classifications ■ Real-time observations provide a highly accurate picture of current ASD-related symptoms ■ New scoring program helps you quickly arrive at an ADOS-2 classification or “range of concern.” TRAINING OPTIONS ADOS-2 administration and coding are highly standardised. Therefore, valid assessment requires training. Three training options are available: ADOS-2 Clinical Workshops ADOS-2 DVD Training Package ■ ADOS-2 DVD Training Upgrade Package ■ ■ For further details see page 138. Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES WARNING: NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN UNDER 36 MONTHS DUE TO SMALL PARTS. CHOKING HAZARD. Complete Handscore Kit: Includes: ADOS-2 Manual; 50 Protocol Booklets (10 per Module); Test Materials (100+ stimulus items); all in a durable plastic container with handles and wheels. 978 0 749164 02 7 £1,800.00 exc VAT Complete Software Kit: Includes: ADOS-2 Manual; 50 Protocol Booklets (10 per Module); Test Materials (100+ stimulus items); Unlimited-Use Computer Scoring CD; all in a durable plastic container with handles and wheels. 978 0 749164 04 1 £1,900.00 exc VAT DVD Training Kit: Complete training on all five ADOS-2 Modules. 978 0 749164 07 2 £962.00 exc VAT SOCIAL RESPONSIVENESS SCALE, SECOND EDITION (SRS-2) John N Constantino, 2012 OVERVIEW: Identifies the presence and severity of social impairment within the autism spectrum and differentiates it from that which occurs in other disorders. AGE RANGE: 2 years 6 months to adult QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: 15 to 20 minutes 126 The second edition of this highly regarded autism assessment offers the convenience of a screener and the power of a diagnostic tool. Completed in just 15 to 20 minutes, the SRS-2 identifies social impairment associated with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and quantifies its severity. It’s sensitive enough to detect even subtle symptoms, yet specific enough to differentiate clinical groups, both within the autism spectrum and between ASD and other disorders. With an expanded age range, the SRS-2 can be used to monitor symptoms throughout the lifespan. Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES Handscored kit (school age to adult): includes 25 school-age autoscore forms; 25 preschool autoscore forms; 25 adult (relative/other report) autoscore forms; 25 adult (self-report) autoscore forms; manual 978 0 749167 33 2 Software kit: includes 25 school-age autoscore forms; 25 preschool autoscore forms; 25 adult (relative/other report) autoscore forms; 25 adult (self-report) autoscore forms; manual and unlimited use scoring CD 978 0 749167 28 8 Adult handscored kit: includes 25 adult autoscore forms; 25 adult self-report autoscore forms; manual 978 0 749167 29 5 Scoring CD, unlimited use 978 0 749167 46 2 For details of other kits and components, please visit pearsonclinical.co.uk LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK £246.00 exc VAT £350.00 exc VAT £165.00 exc VAT £135.00 exc VAT ■ MILLON® CLINICAL MULTIAXIAL INVENTORY-IV (MCMI®-IV) Theodore Millon, Seth Grossman and Carrie Millon, 2015 The Millon® Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-IV (MCMI®-IV) provides helpful clinical insights into a patient’s personality that allow clinicians to make reliable diagnostic and treatment decisions. ADULT - PERSONALITY NEW NOW AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL OVERVIEW: Assessment of DSM-5®related personality disorders and clinical syndromes The MCMI-IV offers updated norms that are based on a clinical adult population, a new scale, DSM-5® and ICD-10-CM alignment, updated narrative content and a new and deeper therapeutic focus. The brevity of the MCMI-IV allows clinicians to maintain an efficient and productive clinical practice. AGE RANGE: 18 years and older New Features QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) ■ Full normative update, more closely representing the current clinical adult population ■ New Turbulent scale, providing deeper understanding of those patients presenting with this unbridled personality type ■ New and updated test items characterising the evolution of Dr. Millon’s personality theory, refreshed to increase clarity and clinical relevance ■ New and improved narrative content that better integrates results with therapeutic practice and links to personalised treatment ■ Updated Grossman Facet Scales ■ New digital end-to-end workflow with the introduction of a digital manual option via Q-global, Pearson’s web-based scoring and reporting platform. ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 25 to 30 minutes FIND OUT MORE Find out more about Q-global, our new web-based platform for test administration, scoring and reporting on page 5. MATERIALS AND PRICES: Manual Step down answer sheets with test items included, pack of 25 Q Global Interpretive Report Q Global Profile Report Q Local Interpretive Report Q Local Profile Report 978 0 749170 51 6 978 0 749170 52 3 978 0 749170 55 4 978 0 749170 56 1 978 0 749170 53 0 978 0 749170 54 7 £61.00 exc VAT £26.00 exc VAT £40.00 exc VAT £21.00 exc VAT £41.00 exc VAT £22.00 exc VAT * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. MILLON™ INDEX OF PERSONALITY STYLES REVISED (MIPS® REVISED) Theodore Millon, 2003 While brief to administer, this test provides a comprehensive, up-to-date evaluation that surpasses the scope of many other normal personality assessments. The MIPS® Revised instrument addresses three key dimensions of normal personalities: Motivating Styles, Thinking Styles and Behaving Styles. OVERVIEW: Assess normal personality styles for adults. This widely useful test offers a convenient tool to help professionals assist ostensibly normally functioning adults who may be experiencing difficulties in work, family or social relationships. In addition, the test’s Clinical Index is useful in helping to screen for the possible presence of mental disorders in persons who present as normal. AGE RANGE: 18 years and older QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 30 minutes HANDSCORE MATERIALS AND PRICES Handscore starter kit: Includes MIPS Revised manual, 10 test booklets, 50 answer sheets and answer keys 978 0 749157 60 9 Q-global MIPS Revised Interpretive Report 978 0 749166 25 0 Q-global MIPS Revised Profile Report 978 0 749166 26 7 £252.00 exc VAT £25.00 exc VAT £12.00 exc VAT With online scoring and reporting available via Q-global™, you can save time and generate accurate MIPS Revised results. Find out more on page 5. [email protected] NOW AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL SCORING OPTIONS: Q-global or Hand-scored SOFTWARE REPORT OPTIONS: Interpretive, Profile ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 127 ■ MINNESOTA MULTIPHASIC PERSONALITY INVENTORY®-2 (MMPI®-2) ADULT - PERSONALITY James N Butcher, John R Graham, Yossef S Ben-Porath, Auke Tellegen, W Grant Dahlstrom, Beverly Kaemmer, John L McNulty and Paul A Arbisi, 1989, 2001 (revised), updated 2003 and 2009 MINNESOTA MULTIPHASIC PERSONALITY INVENTORY-2 RESTRUCTURED FORM® (MMPI-2-RF®) Yossef S Ben-Porath and Auke Tellegen, 2008 OVERVIEW: Test of adult psychopathology. AGE RANGE: 18 years and older QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual - 60 to 90 minutes (MMPI-2); Individual, 35 to 50 minutes (MMPI-2-RF); SCORING OPTIONS: Q-global or Hand-scored Q-GLOBAL REPORT OPTIONS: Interpretive, Score, Corrections The MMPI®-2 is the most widely used and widely researched test of adult psychopathology. The MMPI®-2 test’s normative sample and extensive research base help make it the gold standard in assessment for a wide variety of settings. ■ Assess major symptoms of social and personal maladjustment. ■ Identify suitable candidates for high-risk public safety positions. ■ Support classification, treatment, and management decisions in criminal justice and correctional settings. ■ Give a strong empirical foundation for a clinician’s expert testimony. ■ Assess medical patients and design effective treatment strategies, including chronic pain management. ■ Evaluate participants in substance abuse programmes and select appropriate treatment approaches. ■ Support college and career counselling recommendations. ■ Provide valuable insight for marriage and family counselling. FIND OUT MORE Find out more about Q-global, our new web-based platform for test administration, scoring and reporting on page 5. NOW AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL Key Features ■ Tailored reports present descriptive and diagnostic information relevant to today’s clients ■ US nationally representative normative sample. ■ Flexible administration and scoring ■ Abbreviated format. The first 370 items of the test can be administered to obtain scores for validity indicators L, F, and K and the 10 clinical scales. MMPI-2-RF® The MMPI-2-RF® is linked to current models of psychopathology and personality. A comprehensive technical manual reports empirical correlates of the scales in a range of settings. Composed of 338 items, with the RC (Restructured Clinical) Scales at its core, the MMPI-2-RF® builds on the strengths of the MMPI®-2 test to create a new standard. Scoring and Reporting The MMPI-2 and MMPI-2-RF can now be scored in Q-global, Pearson’s web based soring and reporting platform. Find out more on page 5. Also available on Q-global is the MMPI-2-RF® Police Candidate Interpretive Report. Developed by internationally recognized police psychologist David M. Corey and MMPI-2-RF expert Yossef S. Ben-Porath, this new report will help you identify behavioural and personality characteristics that are inconsistent with effective police officer performance. MATERIALS AND PRICES MMPI-2 Handscored introductory kit: Includes manual and all the materials necessary to administer and score 50 MMPI-2 protocols and 10 test booklets 978 0 749153 68 7 £858.50 exc VAT MMPI-2-RF Handscore starter kits: Includes manual, technical manual, 25 answer sheets, all 5 sets of profile forms, all 5 sets of answer sheets and 5 test booklets 978 0 749154 59 2 £450.50 exc VAT MMPI-2 Handscore answer sheets, pack of 50 978 0 749159 03 0 £65.00 exc VAT MMPI-2-RF Handscore answer sheets, pack of 25 978 0 749154 60 8 £36.50 exc VAT Q-global MMPI-2 Reports for Forensic Settings 978 0 749166 28 1 £55.00 exc VAT Q-global MMPI-2 Adult Clinical System Interpretive Report 978 0 749166 29 8 £40.00 exc VAT Q-global MMPI-2-RF Interpretive Report Clinical Settings 978 0 749166 34 2 £45.50 exc VAT Q-global MMPI-2-RF Score Report 978 0 749166 35 9 £17.50 exc VAT Q-global MMPI-2-RF Police Candidate Interpretive Report 978 0 749169 33 6 £27.50 exc VAT For a complete listing of all available components and Q-global reports, please contact Customer Services or visit pearsonclinical.co.uk * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. 128 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK ■ MMPI®-2 THE MINNESOTA REPORT™: REVISED PERSONNEL SYSTEM, 3RD EDITION James N Butcher To help you confidently evaluate candidates for critical jobs, the MMPI®-2 The Minnesota Report™: Reports for Personnel Settings presents in-depth, occupation-specific information - with tailored reports for six public safety fields. Based on the most widely researched self-report instrument for employee selection, these MMPI®-2 reports have been revised to provide information that is even more focused on your needs. New Features Enable More Specific Comparisons ■ Mean Profiles. Both the Personnel Interpretive and Adjustment Rating Reports have been updated with two sets of mean profiles on the validity, clinical, content, and supplementary scales. ■ Contemporary Personnel Base Rate Information. Only available in the expanded Interpretive Report, the Contemporary Personnel Base Rate narrative section complements the new mean profiles and helps support further analysis. Occupation-Specific Reports Provide Enhanced Perspective Tailored reports are available for each of these six public safety areas: ■ Law Enforcement ■ Firefighters and Paramedics ■ Medical and Psychology Students ■ Nuclear Power Facilities ■ Airline Pilots ■ Seminary Students. ADULT - PERSONALITY NOW AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL OVERVIEW: Assessment of validity, physical symptoms, psychological, character, environment, and social factors that can impact medical treatment. AGE RANGE: Adult QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Online, paper and pencil. MATERIALS AND PRICES: Test booklets, pack of 10 Manual Q-global MMPI-2 Personnel Adjustment Rating Report Q-global MMPI-2 Personnel Interpretive Report 978 0 749153 66 3 978 0 749153 65 6 978 0 749166 32 8 978 0 749166 33 5 £44.50 exc VAT £63.00 exc VAT £31.50 exc VAT £50.00 exc VAT * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE SYNDROME SCALE (PANSS™) Lewis A Opler, Stanley R Kay and Abraham Fiszbein, 2000 The PANSS™ is based on findings that schizophrenia comprises at least two distinct syndromes. The positive syndrome, consisting of productive symptoms, and the negative syndrome, consisting of deficit features. This distinction is useful when developing treatment plans because you can focus on the type of symptoms the patient is experiencing. It is also useful when studying the effects of medication (e.g. in clinical drug trials) because it allows you to determine which types of symptoms are being affected. You have the option of using the standard Dimensional scoring or the new Pentagonal method of scoring. The Pentagonal model is the result of recent research. It uses 25 PANSS items organised into five scales. AGE RANGE: 18 years and older ■ Negative ■ Positive ■ Dysphoric Mood ■ Activation ■ Autistic Preoccupation. QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Observer-completed, 30 to 40 minutes Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: includes technical manual, 25 QuikScore forms, 25 SCI-PANSS forms and 25 IQ-PANSS forms 978 0 749140 37 3 IQ-PANSS forms, pack of 25 978 0 749140 38 0 QuikScore forms, pack of 25 978 0 749140 40 3 SCI-PANSS forms, pack of 25 978 0 749140 39 7 Technical manual 978 0 749140 41 0 [email protected] OVERVIEW: An assessment of schizophrenia. £319.00 exc VAT £105.00 exc VAT £60.00 exc VAT £115.50 exc VAT £70.00 exc VAT ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 129 ■ PAULHUS DECEPTION SCALES (PDS™) ADULT - FORENSICS Delroy L Paulhus, 1998 OVERVIEW: Measure the accuracy of an individual’s responses to tests. The PDS is a self-report instrument that identifies individuals who, when responding to assessments and rating scales, distort their responses. It is designed to be administered concurrently with other instruments to indicate the validity of the results of the other instruments. It contains 40 items that use contemporary, gender-neutral language. AGE RANGE: 16 years and older Key areas measured: ■ Impression Management QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ■ Self-Deceptive Enhancement. ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 5 to 7 minutes Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes user’s manual and 25 QuikScore forms 978 0 749146 03 0 QuikScore forms, pack of 25 978 0 749146 05 4 VALIDITY INDICATOR PROFILE (VIP) NOW AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL Richard I Frederick, 2003 OVERVIEW: A tool to help support forensic or neuropsychological evaluations. AGE RANGE: 18 years to 69 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Verbal subtest: 20 minutes (78 items); Non-verbal subtest: 30 minutes (100 items) SCORING OPTIONS: Q-global or Hand-scored Q-GLOBAL REPORT OPTIONS: Interpretive, Profile FIND OUT MORE With online scoring and reporting available via Q-global™, you can save time and generate accurate VIP results. Find out on page 5. £98.50 exc VAT £60.00 exc VAT Designed to help meet the increasing need for a well-validated, psychometrically sound test that can provide empirical support in courtrooms and other legal institutions, the VIP test provides a broad spectrum of information about an individual’s performance on an assessment battery. As a measure of response styles, test results help assess whether the results of cognitive, neuropsychological or other types of testing should be considered representative of an individual’s overall capacities. The VIP test is intended to provide support for conclusions that may impact the awarding of large sums of money or the determination of competence or culpability. As a result, the test is potentially useful to neuropsychologists, forensic and clinical psychologists in a variety of situations, including: ■ Civil and criminal trials ■ Competency-to-stand-trial evaluations ■ Medical insurance examinations ■ Welfare benefit reviews ■ Rehabilitative treatment assessments. Key Features: ■ The VIP test contains verbal and nonverbal subtests, each of which can be administered independently. ■ As a self-administered forced-choice validity indicator, the VIP test provides more information than a yes/no decision regarding malingering. ■ The test helps assess the relationship between the individual’s intention and the effort in completing the test. Based on this information, the report categorises the individual’s style as Compliant, Inconsistent, Irrelevant or Suppressed. ■ A graph of results helps make it easy to explain the results in hearing or court proceedings. ■ When used as part of a battery of tests, it complements most personality assessments. ■ When used as a screening tool, the VIP test can help indicate who may not benefit from further, more extensive neuropsychological testing. MATERIALS AND PRICES Answer sheets Test booklets - one booklet per subtest Q-global VIP Interpretive Report Q-global VIP Profile Report 978 0 749159 58 0 978 0 749159 57 3 978 0 749166 45 8 978 0 749166 46 5 £26.00 exc VAT £51.50 exc VAT £23.50 exc VAT £17.50 exc VAT * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. 130 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK ■ HARE PSYCHOPATHY CHECKLIST – REVISED: 2ND EDITION (PCL-R™ 2ND EDITION) ADULT - FORENSICS Robert D Hare, 2003 HARE PSYCHOPATHY CHECKLIST: SCREENING VERSION (PCL:SV™) Stephen Hart, David N Cox and Robert D Hare, 1999 This second edition of the PCL-R supplants its predecessor as the accepted standard for conducting forensic assessments of psychopathy. Revisions are based on the large numbers of articles, reports, presentations and dissertations that have appeared since the original instrument was published in 1991. OVERVIEW: Assess psychopathic (antisocial) personality disorder. AGE RANGE: 18 years and older The Hare PCL-R, 2nd Edition is a 20-item symptomconstruct rating scale designed to assess psychopathic (antisocial) personality disorders in forensic populations. The PCL-R Rating Booklet facilitates rating the 20-item scale; the QuikScore™ form is used to record the ratings, obtain the scores, and profile the results. The ratings are based on responses to the semi-structured interview and on a review of collateral information. As in the original version, the PCL-R: 2nd Edition provides a total score that is important for the overall assessment of psychopathy. The total score can be interpreted dimensionally in terms of degree of match to the prototypical psychopath, or it can be used categorically to help identify or diagnose psychopaths. This new edition retains the original two factors that reflect the two major facets of psychopathy: the callous, selfish, remorseless use of others (Factor 1), and a chronically unstable and antisocial lifestyle (Factor 2). The interpretive power of the PCL-R has been enriched through the evolution of four subfactors. Factor 1 and Factor 2 have been divided into two empirically derived and validated subfactors: Factor 1a, Interpersonal (4 items); Factor 1b, Affective (4 items); Factor 2a, Impulsive Lifestyle (5 items); and Factor 2b, Antisocial Behaviour (5 items). The Hare PCL-R: 2nd Edition is highly reliable and has impressive concurrent, predictive and construct validity. Ratings are made using a semistructured interview and a review of collateral information. Scoring is based on the degree to which a person’s QUALIFICATION CODE: CL1* (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: PCL-2: Individual, Interview: 1 hour 30 minutes to 2 hours. Collateral review: 1 hour PCL: SV: Individual, Untimed RELATED PRODUCT personality/behaviour matches the Rating Booklet items. The manual provides item descriptions, scoring procedures, extensive reliability and validity information, and normative data. New large-sample descriptive and validation data are provided for use of PCL-R with male and female offenders, substanceabusers, sex offenders, African-American offenders and forensic psychiatric clients. Hare Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version (PCL:YV). – See page 68 for further details. The 12-item Hare Psychopathy Checklist: Screening Version (PCL-SV) is an abbreviated form of the PCL-R and acts as an efficient and cost-effective tool that screens for the possible presence of psychopathy in both forensic and non-forensic populations. Cut-off scores indicate when to follow-up with the more comprehensive instrument. Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES PCL-R Complete kit 2nd Edition: Includes manual, hardback rating booklet, 25 QuikScore forms and 25 interview guides 978 0 749125 20 2 QuikScore forms, pack of 25 978 0 749125 23 3 Interview guides, pack of 25 978 0 749125 24 0 PCL:SV Screening Version complete kit: Includes manual, 25 interview guides and 25 QuikScore forms 978 0 158122 79 3 QuikScore forms, pack of 25 978 0 158122 90 8 Interview guides, pack of 25 978 0 158122 89 2 £400.00 exc VAT £83.50 exc VAT £135.00 exc VAT £201.00 exc VAT £72.50 exc VAT £137.00 exc VAT * Please note that CL1 tests require professional post-graduate qualification and training in Clinical, Educational, Forensic or Counselling Psychology. [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 131 ■ CONFLICT TACTICS SCALES (CTS) ADULT - FORENSICS Murray A Straus, Sherry L Hamby, Sue Boney-McCoy, David B Sugarman, David Finkelhor, David W Moore and Desmond K Runyan, 2010 OVERVIEW: A quick, practical, targeted, and widely accepted assessment of domestic violence. AGE RANGE: Adult The Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS) have been used for decades to evaluate violence within families and intimate relationships. This handbook clarifies the situation by compiling and organising the large body of information about the CTS. In addition, it presents two updated versions of the instrument that serve as standard forms: ■ Revised Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS 2), which brings the instrument up-to-date by correcting the psychometric shortcomings of the original. It is the recommended form for assessing partner violence. ■ Conflict Tactics Scales: Parent-Child Version (CTS PC), is the recommended form for evaluating child maltreatment and parent-to-child violence. QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 10 minutes The Standard Survey Tool for Assessing Domestic Violence In addition to providing useful information, the CTS 2 and CTS PC meet the practical needs of family therapists, social workers, and other mental health professionals. First, they take only a few minutes to administer (in a self-report or interview format) and can be easily added to standard intake procedures. Second, they target specific actions and therefore do not require that respondents recognise their own behaviour as violent in order to answer questions about it. Third, they can be completed by one partner or by both partners separately. Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes handbook, 10 CTS 2 AutoScore forms and 10 CTS PC AutoScore forms 978 0 749160 90 6 £94.00 exc VAT SPOUSAL ASSAULT RISK ASSESSMENT GUIDE (SARA™) P Randall Kropp, Stephen D Hart, Christopher D Webster and Derek Eaves, 1999 OVERVIEW: An assessment of the likelihood of domestic violence. AGE RANGE: 18 years and older QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) ADMINISTRATION: Professional-completed 60 to 90 minutes The Spousal Assault Risk Assessment Guide (SARA™) helps criminal justice professionals predict the likelihood of domestic violence. The tool is a quality-control checklist that determines the extent to which a professional has assessed risk factors of crucial predictive importance according to clinical and empirical literature. SARA Checklist of Information Sources With 20 items, the SARA assessment screens for risk factors in individuals suspected of or being treated for spousal or family-related assault. The SARA can help determine the degree to which an individual poses a threat to his/her spouse, children, family members, or other people involved. The clinician-completed QuikScore™ form is a selfscoring form designed to screen for risk factors of spousal or family-related assault. The instrument can be used by members of various boards or tribunals (e.g., parole and review boards, professional ethics committees, etc.), lawyers, victims’ rights advocates, and prisoners’ rights advocates. The SARA Checklist of Information Sources is a checklist designed to ensure that all possible information resources have been tapped. SARA QuikScore™ Form Scales ■ Spousal Assault History ■ Criminal History ■ Alleged/Most Recent Offence ■ Psychosocial Adjustment. Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES Complete kit: Includes manual, 25 checklist forms and 25 QuikScore forms QuikScore forms, pack of 25 Checklist forms, pack of 25 132 978 0 749140 33 5 978 0 749140 35 9 978 0 749140 36 6 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK £110.50 exc VAT £39.00 exc VAT £29.50 exc VAT ■ BRIEF BATTERY FOR HEALTH IMPROVEMENT 2 (BBHI™ 2) AND BATTERY FOR HEALTH IMPROVEMENT 2 (BHI™ 2) ADULT - FORENSICS NOW AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL Daniel Bruns and John Mark Disorbio, 2003 The BBHI™ 2 test was developed to help medical professionals assess the important mind/body connection for their patients. Derived from the well-researched, widely used BHI™ test, the shorter BBHI™2 helps practitioners quickly evaluate for a number of psychomedical factors commonly seen in medical patients. The information can help practitioners obtain a quick and comprehensive overview of the patient, which will help in treatment planning and in determining whether a more in-depth evaluation is required. OVERVIEW: Brief and full diagnostic tools well-suited for initial intake and outcomes measurement. AGE RANGE: 18 years to 65 years QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) The BHI™ 2 is designed to present a concise, coordinated assessment of the biopsychosocial issues and can help caregivers shape an appropriate treatment plan, reduce treatment time and improve a patient’s quality of life. Requiring only 30 to 45 minutes to administer, the BHI™ 2 helps measure numerous outcomes, including reduction of pain, improvement in function, and satisfaction with care. ADMINISTRATION: BBHI 2: Individual, 7 to 10 minutes BHI 2: Individual, 30 to 45 minutes FIND OUT MORE MATERIALS AND PRICES Q-global BBHI 2 Report 978 0 749166 11 3 Q-global BHI 2 Profile Report 978 0 749166 05 2 Q-global BHI 2 Interpretive Report 978 0 749166 03 8 Q-global BHI 2 Enhanced Interpretive Report 978 0 749166 04 5 For a complete listing of all Q-global reports visit pearsonclinical.co.uk [email protected] £13.00 exc VAT £14.00 exc VAT £25.50 exc VAT £30.00 exc VAT With online scoring and reporting available via Q-global™, you can save time and generate accurate BHI-2 and BBHI-2 results. Find out more on page 5. ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 133 ■ MILLON™ BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE DIAGNOSTIC (MBMD) ADULT - FORENSICS Theodore Millon, Michael Antoni, Carrie Millon, Sarah Minor and Seth Grossman, 2001 A world of information in one test OVERVIEW: Assess psychosocial factors that may support or interfere with a chronically ill patient’s course of medical treatment. AGE RANGE: 18 years and older ■ Identify patients who may have significant psychiatric problems and recommend specific interventions ■ Pinpoint personal and social assets that may facilitate adjustment to physical limitations or lifestyle changes ■ Determine whether patients need more communication and support in order to comply with prescribed medical regimens ■ QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) With online scoring and reporting available via Q-global™, you can save time and generate accurate MBMD results. Find out more on page 5. ADMINISTRATION: Individual, 20 to 25 minutes SCORING OPTIONS: Q-global or Hand-scored Q-GLOBAL REPORT OPTIONS: Profile, Interpretive Structure post-treatment plans and self-care responsibilities in the context of the patient’s social network. Key Features ■ The MBMD’s bariatric norms can help determine a candidate’s psychological suitability for surgery, assist patients in making significant lifestyle changes and prepare medical staff to respond to patients’ likely reactions following surgery ■ Produce an Interpretive Report which includes a one-page, tear-off Healthcare Provider ■ Summary written in language medical professionals can readily understand, helping to facilitate communication between the psychologist and medical staff ■ The test’s 165 items require only 20 to 25 minutes to complete, helping to reduce patient resistance and fatigue. HANDSCORE MATERIALS AND PRICES Handscore starter kit: Includes manual, user’s guide, 10 test booklets, 50 answer sheets, 50 worksheets, 50 profile forms and answer keys 978 0 749153 55 7 Answer sheets, pack of 25 978 0 749153 54 0 For a complete listing of all Q-global reports visit pearsonclinical.co.uk PEARSON UK ASSESSMENT ASSISTANT Now available as a FREE download for Apple and Android devices. The Assessment Assistant is your little helper for when you’re administering assessments or interventions. This free app has a number of handy functions so you can concentrate on what matters most – assessing your client. www.pearsonclinical.co.uk/assessmentapp ■ Age to Grade Converter – Convert an age to a UK school year or US grade equivalent. ■ Age Calculator – Quickly work out a client’s exact chronological age when you’re due to administer a test. ■ Calculator – To assist with adding up raw scores. ■ Interactive Normal Curve – Compare percentiles and standard scores on the normal distribution curve. ■ Registration Number Reminder and Catalogue Request function ■ Stopwatch/Timer – Count down or up, set an alarm, or use the lap timer. What a great little time saver this is – the Assessment Assistant is easy to download and very user friendly. I particularly like the chronological age calculator – no more trying to work out the student’s age and puzzling over the years and months! Caroline Read, Communicate-ed Among the other functions, you will also be able to keep an eye on the events you can meet us at, see our newest products and interact with our social media sites. 134 NOW AVAILABLE ON Q-GLOBAL LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK £398.50 exc VAT £32.50 exc VAT FR EE AP P ■ TRAINING, PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND INTERVENTIONS Training, Professional Development and Interventions Psychometric Assessment, Statistics and Report Writing [email protected] ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 135 ■ PSYCHOMETRIC ASSESSMENT, STATISTICS AND REPORT WRITING TRAINING AND PROFESSSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AN INTRODUCTION FOR PSYCHOLOGISTS, TEACHERS AND HEALTH PROFESSIONALS Barry Johnson and Gareth Hagger-Johnson, 2013 OVERVIEW: A practical reference book on basic statistical methods to support users of psychometric tests. QUALIFICATION CODE: UNAS (See page 142) The content is divided into three sections: 1. Statistical terms and equations (14 chapters) ■ Increases understanding and demonstrates efficient application in the assessment process of a range of statistical concepts. 2. Report writing (3 chapters) ■ Introduces excel formulae and table creations. ■ Illustrates data merging and insertion of charts into reports using excel. 3. Future trends (1 chapter) ■ Highlights future trends in assessment. Features and outcomes: ■ Uses scenarios and step-by-step worked examples for illustration ■ Aids in diagnostic interpretation of psychometric scores and addresses common misunderstandings ■ Increases confidence that diagnostic conclusions reflect sound principles of statistical interpretation and hypothesis-testing. Psychometric Assessment, Statistics and Report Writing will be of benefit to all professionals involved in assessing young people and adults with special educational needs and specific learning difficulties, including: The ideas, practices, knowledge and skills clearly outlined... constitute excellent training and development tools. Patrick Shortt, CEO, ETC Consult ■ Teachers training for a practicing certificate in special education or specialist teachers who are renewing certificates ■ Assessors who provide reports for Access Arrangements, the Disabled Students’ Allowance, or for tribunals ■ Health professionals and psychologists as an aid to induction into fieldwork assessment practices ■ Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Note: This book is available separately or as part of the online package below. MATERIALS AND PRICES Paperback, 192 pages 978 0 749163 77 8 PSYCHOMETRICS TRAINING ONLINE ENDORSED BY THE COLLEGE OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTS (COT) Alan Macgregor, 2013 OVERVIEW: An online training package developed to support those using standardised assessments in both health and education settings. QUALIFICATION CODE: UNAS (See page 142) £33.00 exc VAT An Introductory Course for Education and Healthcare Professionals An online training package developed to support those using standardised assessments in both health and education settings. Content is aimed at providing an introduction (or refresher for those who have already completed formal psychometric training), to the statistical concepts that underpin standardised tests. As an introductory course it will signpost the user to further training such as the Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing (CCET) where appropriate. Key features include: ■ Easily navigable online program accessible at your convenience for one year ■ Approximately 5 hours of content: a combination of online and self directed learning ■ Introductory step to BPS minimum standards for psychometric testing NB: Your online training course must be completed within a year of purchase. MATERIALS AND PRICES Psychometrics Training Online consists of access to the online training and a book: Psychometric Assessment Statistics and Report Writing. Both items will need to be purchased in order to access the training. Psychometrics Training Online 978 0 749163 76 1 £93.50 exc VAT Psychometric Assessment, Statistics and Report Writing 978 0 749163 77 8 £33.00 exc VAT 136 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK ■ COGMED WORKING MEMORY TRAINING™ TRAINING AND PROFESSSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COGMED COACH TRAINING OVERVIEW: Coach Training designed to provide you with the skills and resources needed to support clients and students. QUALIFICATION CODE: CL3 (See page 142) Cogmed Coach Training is essential part of the Cogmed Working Memory Training™ process and provides you with the skills and resources needed to support clients and students. To ensure maximum success with Cogmed the annual licence includes Cogmed Coach Training for named coaches up to the amount covered by your subscription. The named coaches can attend training at any time within the subscription year at a central location or online. This training covers areas such as ■ What is working memory ■ The effects of training working memory ■ Demonstration of the training programmes ■ Cogmed Coaching Centre ■ Working as a coach ■ The Cogmed Coaching Method By the end of the training you will understand: ■ The importance of working memory ■ The methodology of Cogmed ■ Strategies for implementing Cogmed. We also ensure that you are provided with the latest research and development about working memory training and experiences from our work. Our support will help you with both technical and practical questions related to using Cogmed. Within your Coaching Centre you will also find a Training Manual and a series of videos and examples to help you ensure Cogmed works for your students. For further details and dates visit www.cogmed.uk.com COGNITIVE ASSESSMENT TRAINING – ONLINE (CAT-ONLINE) CAT-Online is endorsed by the College of Occupational Therapists (COT) This online training package enables professional therapists to use certain neuropsychological assessments usually restricted to psychologists. OVERVIEW: An online training package which enables professional therapists to use certain neuropsychological assessments usually restricted to psychologists. Training for: ■ Doors and People – page 99 ■ Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome (BADS) – page 103 ■ Test of Everyday Attention (TEA) – page 104 Includes: ■ ■ ■ In-depth background on statistical concepts important for test administration and scoring ■ Information on theoretical aspects of the tests and practical guidance on administration, scoring and interpretative issues in the tests Multiple choice questions to assess a candidate’s understanding of statistical concepts and the tests involved in the training QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) Certification on completion to use BADS, Doors and People and TEA. The training gives you access to online training for any or all of the three products. You will also need to be able to access hard copies of the products you wish to train on. MATERIALS AND PRICES CAT-Online Training 978 0 749134 94 5 [email protected] £186.00 exc VAT ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 137 ■ AUTISM DIAGNOSTIC OBSERVATION SCHEDULE, SECOND EDITION: ADOS-2 TRAINING TRAINING AND PROFESSSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Catherine Lord, Michael Rutter, Pamela C DiLavore, Susan Risi, Katherine Gotham, Somer L Bishop, Rhiannon J Luyster, Whitney Guthrie, 2012 OVERVIEW Three training options for clinicians wishing to use the ADOS-2. QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2 (See page 142) It was enormously useful to have the course facilitated by such a competent & knowledgeable trainer who is simultaneously engaged in clinical practice, research, development & training. Lead Clinical Psychologist, Feb 2014 Attended Clinical Workshop David Reiser Speech and Language Therapist, July 2013 Attended Clinical Workshop OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTS (COT) course to further facilitate their learning. ADOS-2 administration and coding are highly standardised. Therefore, valid assessment requires training. Three training options are available: 1) ADOS-2 Clinical Workshops Pearson offers 2-day clinical workshops run by experienced professionals. These workshops are aimed at professionals unfamiliar with the ADOS-2 and will provide an introduction and guidance on the use of the ADOS-2 for the purposes of clinical assessment. 2) DVD Training Package Our experienced trainer will describe the ADOS-2 and demonstrate administration and scoring, operationalising diagnostic criteria for ASD. Attendees will have the opportunity to practice scoring with guidance from the trainer on the nuances of administration and coding the ADOS-2. The workshop focuses primarily on Modules 1 to 4; materials are provided in order to complete training in the Toddler Module following the workshop. ■ Training DVDs featuring case examples for all ADOS-2 modules. ■ Updated and expanded Training Guidebook. ■ A CD containing PDFs of all Training Protocol Booklets. Pre and Post Course Materials 3) DVD Training Upgrade Package An important component of the workshop is the Pre and Post Course Materials which are included in the cost of the workshop. The Pre and Post Course Materials amount to approximately 10 hours of required self-directed learning. For individuals already trained in ADOS Modules 1 through 4 (via live workshops or the ADOS DVD Training Package). This includes: New course dates for 2016 are available at pearsonclinical.co.uk/ADSO2 For clinicians with no previous ADOS-2 training ■ The Toddler Training DVD ■ Updated and expanded Training Guidebook ■ A CD containing PDFs of all Training Protocol Booklets. ■ 13th to 14th April 2016, London ■ 8th to 9th June, London Reliability Workshops ■ 20th to 21st Sept 2016, North of England ■ 9th to 10th November 2016, London ■ 30th November to 1st December, North of England. Researchers who plan to use the ADOS-2 in research need to attend in-person research reliability training. It is also recommended that at least one person from each setting/organisation using ADOS-2 has attended a research reliability training. Please see pearsonclinical.co.uk/ADOS2 for further details. Endorsed by the College of Occupational Therapists 1st class excellent course and everything you always wanted to know about the ADOS-2 that wasn’t in the manual and then some! CLINICAL WORKSHOPS ENDORSED BY THE COLLEGE OF We are proud that our ADOS-2 Clinical Workshops have been endorsed by the College of Occupational Therapists who made several commendations: ■ Excellent learning material including workshops and DVDs. ■ Well-structured with pre-course work and post course work to help consolidate the learning. ■ Well supported, as learners have the opportunity to seek support following completion of the MATERIALS AND PRICES 2-day Clinical Workshop: includes all course materials (including pre and post course materials, and protocols for use during the workshop), 10% discount on all ADOS-2 products, lunch and refreshments. 978 0 749166 27 4 £500.00 exc VAT ADOS-2 DVD Training Kit: complete training on all five ADOS-2 Modules. 978 0 749164 07 2 £962.00 exc VAT ADOS-2 DVD Training Upgrade Kit: Training on the ADOS-2 Toddler Module. 978 0 749164 08 9 £300.00 exc VAT 138 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK ■ BASC-3 INTERVENTION GUIDE AND MATERIALS INTERVENTIONS NEW Kimberly Vannest, Cecil R Reynolds and R W Kamphaus, 2015 BASC-3 Intervention Guide OVERVIEW: A step-by-step guide to select and implement evidence-based interventions The BASC-3 Behavior Intervention Guide provides a collection of evidence-based interventions designed to help remediate emotional and behavioural problems experienced by children and adolescents. Comprehensive, how-to content is organised around some of the most common problem behaviours seen by teachers and parents and reported by children themselves. To support this Guide, Parent Tip Sheets are available for a number of behavioural and emotional problems. These sheets enable parents to work more effectively with professionals to become an active part of their child’s success. The information is designed to help parents learn about the problems being experienced and offer different strategies which can be used at home to help address these problems or concerns. These resources are available in pen and paper, and/ or digital formats. Behaviour and emotional categories ■ Academic Problems ■ Adaptability ■ Aggression ■ Anxiety ■ Attention Problems ■ Conduct Problems ■ Depression ■ Functional Communication ■ Hyperactivity ■ Leadership/Social Skills ■ Somatisation ■ Parent Tip Sheets. AGE RANGE: 2 years to 18 years 11 months QUALIFICATION CODE: CL2R (See page 142) Documentation Checklist A separate Documentation Checklist for professionals to assist with reporting requirements is also available. RELATED PRODUCTS BASC-3 - See page 72 BASC-BESS - See page 73 Behavioral and Emotional Skill Building Guide – For use in the classroom The new Behavioral and Emotional Skill-Building Guide, is an easy-to-use workbook, for use by teachers, counsellors, social workers, or other professionals who work in a school or similar setting. The Guide provides activities, small-group or classroom-based lessons that promote and develop a number of core behavioural and emotional skills, such as communicating, problem solving, listening effectively, and relaxation strategies. When used in conjunction with the BASC-3 BESS, this Guide can be used to enhance the skills of the students and promote behaviours that lead to school-wide success. MATERIALS AND PRICES: BASC-3 Intervention Starter Set: Includes Behavior Intervention Guide, 1 Documentation Checklist, Behavioral and Emotional Skill Building Guide and pack of 25 of each Parent Tip Sheets 978 0 749169 69 5 BASC-3 Behaviour Intervention Guide 978 0 749169 97 8 BASC-3 Behaviour Intervention Guide Documentation Checklist 978 0 749169 98 5 Behavioral and Emotional Skill Building Guide 978 0 749169 96 1 For a list of individual Parent Tips Forms, please visit pearsonclinical.co.uk/BASC3 [email protected] £453.00 exc VAT £90.00 exc VAT £30.00 exc VAT £70.50 exc VAT ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 139 ■ THE BRIDGE OF VOCABULARY: EVIDENCE – BASED ACTIVITIES FOR ACADEMIC SUCCESS INTERVENTIONS BESTSELLER Judy K. Montgomery, 2007 OVERVIEW: Addressing the need for research-based vocabulary intervention. AGE RANGE: Preschool to 21 years QUALIFICATION CODE: UNAS (See page 142) The Bridge of Vocabulary offers the only explicit vocabulary intervention programme tied to evidencebased research and curriculum standards and is developed for both general and special educators. This highly relevant resource directly links specific vocabulary intervention with a research-based strategy and presents a systematic, intensive approach to help you foster vocabulary and language growth. Written for multiple professional disciplines, The Bridge of Vocabulary facilitates collaboration among SLTs, classroom teachers, reading teachers, and other education professionals. The Bridge of Vocabulary is designed to supply educators with the resources they need to create linguistic environments that will allow all students to succeed as listeners, speakers, readers, and writers. The program can be used with: ■ Students for whom English is an Additional Language (EAL) ■ Students with language and learning difficulties ■ Students with complex communication difficulties ■ Typical elementary and secondary students, including low and high achievers. This easy-to-use tool employs strategies grounded in solid research, such as activities that: ■ Help specialists, teachers, and parents systematically plan explicit word encounters ■ Encourage fast mapping ■ Provide slow mappers with extended exposure to vocabulary ■ Demonstrate phonotactic probability and neighbourhood density, two important factors in vocabulary growth ■ Incorporate student-friendly definitions that use spoken vocabulary words instead of reading vocabulary words. The book and CD offer over 100 activities, guided practice, independent practice, word cards, and pictures cards. MATERIALS AND PRICES Book and CD 978 0 749160 99 9 UNDERSTANDING THE NATURE OF SENSORY INTEGRATION WITH DIVERSE POPULATIONS Susanne Smith Roley, Erna Imperatore Blanche and Roseann C Schaaf, 2001 OVERVIEW: Reference title looking at the clinical application of SI principles. QUALIFICATION CODE: UNAS (See page 142) £58.50 exc VAT BESTSELLER The first half of this compendium includes chapters by leading researchers in sensory integration (SI) based on the theory and research by Dr A Jean Ayres. The second half is devoted to clinical application of SI principles in treatment with diverse populations and case studies. The organisation of this book makes it an ideal reference for occupational therapists and physiotherapists working with a variety of clients. This publication promises to be a popular textbook for university programmes. Topics include: ■ SI Theory ■ SI and Visual Deficits ■ Proprioception ■ SI and Cerebral Palsy ■ Praxis and Motor Planning ■ Fragile X ■ Autism and ADHD. Each chapter contains a bibliography and reference list. Distributed Product MATERIALS AND PRICES 464 pages, paperback manual 140 978 0 761615 15 6 LIKE, FOLLOW, SUBSCRIBE. PSYCHCORPUK £72.00 exc VAT ■ SENSORY MODULATION & ENVIRONMENT INTERVENTIONS Tina Champagne, 2011 The newly revised third edition of the Sensory Modulation & Environment handbook is an excellent resource full of practical information created primarily for use with adolescent, adult and geriatric populations in mental health services. It explores the entirety of sensory modulation applications: theory through practice. OVERVIEW: Explore sensory modulation applications and theory through practice with Sensory Modulation & Environment. Included in this edition are sensory modulation assessment tools, worksheets and information on: ■ The Sensory Modulation Program ■ Trauma-informed care ■ The restraint reduction initiative ■ Diagnostic considerations ■ Self-injurious behaviour ■ Creating “sensory diets” ■ The use of weighted modalities ■ The creation and use of sensory rooms ■ Self-rating tools ■ Individual and group treatment ideas ■ Policy and procedure examples ■ Quality improvement study samples ■ Staff training handouts ■ Assorted handouts, worksheets and much more! AGE RANGE: Adolescent to Adult QUALIFICATION CODE: UNAS (See page 142) MATERIALS AND PRICES Sensory Modulation and Environment Third Edition Revised 978 0 749162 01 6 £107.00 exc VAT SI: APPLYING CLINICAL REASONING TO PRACTICE WITH DIVERSE POPULATIONS Roseann Schaaf, 2006 This book presents specific assessment tools and strategies, interventions and detailed case studies, grounded in solid clinical reasoning framework. ■ Case study application of this material is systematic and detailed ■ Utilise a sensory integrative approach with your clients OVERVIEW: Assessment tools, strategies, interventions, & detailed case studies supporting sensory integration. Part I: Set the foundation for assessment and intervention using a Sensory Integration approach QUALIFICATION CODE: UNAS (See page 142) Part II: Apply Sensory Integration Principles in the following areas: ■ High risk infants ■ Children with visual defects ■ Children with cerebral palsy ■ Children with autism and autistic spectrum disorder ■ Children with Fragile X ■ Children with intellectual disability. MATERIALS AND PRICES 300 pages, paperback manual 978 0 761644 20 0 [email protected] £47.00 exc VAT ORDER ONLINE WWW.PEARSONCLINICAL.CO.UK 141 ■ REGISTRATION INFORMATION Registration Important – You must be registered with Pearson Assessment before you can order. The materials in this catalogue are intended for use by professionally qualified practitioners. To ensure that our materials are used with professional care and in appropriate situations, sales of materials are restricted. Our materials are not available through bookshops or other third parties. 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PSYCHCORPUK ■ D Adams, Wayne H Page 11, 23, 58, 88, 97 Dahlstrom, W Grant Page 128 Hagger-Johnson, Gareth Davis, Roger Page 66 Hamby, Sherry L Page 132 Alderman, Nick Page 103 Delis, Dean C Hammill, Donald D Page 57 Alloway, Tracy Packiam Page 22, 97 Page 25, 26, 27, 99, 102 Handel, Richard W Page 67 Anderson, Vicki Page 29 Derogatis, Leonard R Page 71, 120 Hare, Robert D Page 68, 131 Antoni, Michael Page 134 DiLavore, Pamela C Page 80, 126, 138 Harrison, Patti Page 49, 106 Arbisi, Paul A Page 128 Disorbio, John Mark Page 133 Hart, Stephen D Page 131, 132 Archer, Robert P Page 67 Dodd, Barbara Page 32, 41 Henderson, Sheila E Page 54, 56, 57,114 Dunn, Douglas M Page 38 Herzberg, David S Page 52 Dunn, Lloyd M Page 38 Holm, Alison Page 32 Dunn, Winnie Page 60, 61, 62, 114 Hua, Zhu Page 32 B Page 136 Baddeley, Alan Page 26, 94, 98, 99 Barnett, Anna Page 54, 56, 57, 114 Bayley, Nancy Page 8 E Beck, Aaron T Page 64, 118, 119 Eaves, Derek Page 132 James, Merle Page 116 Beck, Judith S Page 64 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